Jason Stewart wrote on 12/14/18 12:40 PM:
Probably counterproductive.  I've still got a bad taste about Rust from all of their people bombing the C and embedded threads--everywhere.

The name is actually adapted affectionately from what I heard called the "Rust Evangelism Strike Force". :)  (I'm not criticizing Rust; it has a special appeal to me personally, and there's a lot of great work in Rust.)

I agree wholeheartedly that RACKET EVANGELISM STRIKE FORCE needs to have a sense of decorum, though I'm not the best person to ask about the subtleties of that. :)  Some suggestions...

If an HN thread is itemizing tools for DSLs, and Racket isn't mentioned, or whomever mentioned it missed the biggest selling points, maybe you should speak up.  Similarly, if someone is talking about trying to add syntax extension to a language, you can mention what Racket has learned about that.

If the topic is an unusual neat feature from some language, and there's a neat Racket package for that, or you can post an interesting small `syntax-parse` implementation ("this is one way it can be reduced to more traditional code"), maybe without the riskiness of showing off your Redex formal semantics skillz, *maybe* that's helpful and good PR.

But you don't want to be "Racket, too, is a computer programming language".  And, if an HN thread is talking about something someone did in Foobar Scheme, you probably don't want to say "Racket can run that code, and we are more popular and better-looking".  Maybe avoid religious battles, especially ones that have been done to death decades ago (e.g., hygienic macros).  Don't pick fights about type theory, because most of us who are not named Matthias would get our butts kicked if certain other language gangs showed up.

And countless tactical judgment calls you have to make, based on your RACKET EVANGELISM STRIKE FORCE boots-on-the-ground situational awareness.

Despite the tongue-in-cheek name, you're a fellow enthusiastic and thoughtful practitioner, who wants to learn what others have to share, and who wants to share stuff you've already learned.

Hard to top HN itself for Racket evangelism.  It's written in Arc, which is written in Racket.

I think Racket also deserves additional, newer HN claims to fame. :)

(As always, should you or any of your RACKET EVANGELISM STRIKE FORCE be discovered behaving boorishly, the Professors will disavow any knowledge of your actions.)

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