On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 02:50:15PM -0700, Adam van den Hoven wrote:
> I think that Simon has your solution. Instead of mangling .htaccess
> simply point all your domains (from the DH Panel) to the same place.
> I've never used the multi site extension but I believe that will be
> enough to do what you want.

That did not work for me when I tried it yesterday, but it may be
related to the DH support request I was waiting on at the time. I don't
attempt to create rewrite rules for this... <shudder>

> On 7-Oct-08, at 2:44 PM, Simon Rönnqvist wrote:
>> On Oct 8, 2008, at 24:31 , Bill Barnard wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 04:50:33PM -0400, Jay Levitt wrote:
>>>> Bill Barnard wrote:
>>>>> I'm working on a pair of sites for a client that will be on two
>>>>> subdomains and hosted on a shared host (Dreamhost).


>>> I have rewrite working, DH enabled it in httpd.conf.


>>> I tried the simpleminded approach of pointing both my subdomains at
>>> the
>>> same public dir and enabling Passenger for each subdomain. I created
>>> one
>>> test page for each subdomain. Once Passenger is spawned by accessing
>>> one
>>> of the two subdomains the page delivered is the same for each
>>> subdomain,
>>> and is determined by which subdomain was first accessed.

Just above is what occurred when I had two (sub)domains pointing to the
same public dir.

>>> Actually, as I was writing this I figured out how to do it. I made my
>>> new subdomain point to a public that is a symlink to the original app
>>> public and it works fine. (I think I tried this yesterday but it did
>>> not
>>> work at that time for reasons not relevant here.) Anyway it turns out
>>> that a simpleminded approach *does* work!
>> Why are you using a symlink? You *can* actually point several domains
>> to the very same directory at Dreamhost. (I've been doing that when
>> hosting multiple sites with Drupal.) I actually also tried pointing a
>> domain towards a symlink once, and that again didn't work.
>> Maybe I just misunderstood what you were doing?

I believe that would work under PHP, but it did not work for me while
using Passenger. I have a domain currently pointed at a symlink under
Passenger and it is working properly. (tested using the <r:if_dev> tag)

Thanks for all the ideas!

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