On Oct 8, 2008, at 24:56 , Adam van den Hoven wrote:

I have never really grokked Capistrano. Casper's tutorial had too many "Log into your shell account and run this rake task" for my liking too, which seems to negate the value of Capistrano. In addition, most installations are fundamentally just creating the radiant app, configuring the database connections and installing extensions. It seems to me that you can just install that directly into your DH account.

Yeah... but I think Casper's tutorial is pretty much based on (or the other way around) http://wiki.radiantcms.org/How_To_Deploy_on_Dreamhost (to which he has linked at the bottom of his blog post). There they say: "You can either deploy using Capistrano, which is highly recommended if you plan to add extensions and make changes to the default Radiant code, or you can deploy using SFTP, if you just want to upload and use Radiant without touching any Ruby code."

From that I kind of got the picture that you were recommended to use Capistrano if you wanted to add extensions... but maybe I should pay more attention to the "AND make changes to the default Radiant code". :) However, I'm pretty likely to write my own extensions once I get more into using Radiant.

Another thing that struck me while trying to get capistrano work was:
Basically what "cap deploy" does for me is
cd path/to/app
svn up
rake something
touch tmp/restart.txt

And for that alone, with a single server to do it on, Capistrano seems like a bit of an overkill. Sometimes we Rails folks seem to try and be just too clever and find ourselves getting all caught up with nifty tools. :)

  cheers, Simon

I am thinking of putting together a "the bare minimum installation for DreamHost using Phusion" for the wiki but real work always seems to take precedence.

On 7-Oct-08, at 2:47 PM, Simon Rönnqvist wrote:

On Oct 8, 2008, at 24:34 , Bill Barnard wrote:

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 12:29:04AM +0300, Simon Rönnqvist wrote:

I'm actually looking the very same thing. I found this howto
, but I got stuck trying to get Capistrano at different stages of the
process (didn't succeed nor give in yet). Anyhow, Capistrano isn't
needed at all... so I might as well try doing without it... it's just
that the howto involved it, and I was curious about trying it. :)

cheers, Simon

I've used the same howto. It looks as though Capistrano is not available
on Dreamhost any longer, though you can install it as a local gem. I
think it's probably a good tool and want to learn about it but I try not
to learn *too* many new things on any one project...


Aha... so does Capistrano need to be installed on the server? I thought it just had to run on my computer. Even though I've had several issues with it, it has indeed done at least some stuff on the server for me.

cheers, Simon_______________________________________________
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