I was really hoping someone else would chime in on this...

I loaded up drag_reorder, a fork of bright4's that I did a while ago,
and sure enough get a gazillion test errors when I migrate. So, I'm
thinking, by looking at one of the errors, that it has to do with the
extension of a model's find method. So if tests use that, the
condition is different now- no longer by published_at date, but now by
position. I'm not sure why that's an issue, or how to fix it. feeling
kind of overwhelmed with the wordpress-migrator thing, otherwise I'd
jump in. anyone else have a workaround for this?

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Arlen Walker <arlen.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 7:55 PM, banane wrote:
>> This reminds me I should really go back to TDD (ducks). Ha, these
>> errors you're having are familiar, but I can't remember the silver
>> bullet- if there was any-that solved it. Part of me wants to say, the
>> extension developers wrote their tests with one gem version, whereas
>> radiant wrote theirs with another, hence the discrepancy you're
>> seeing.
> This has been my biggest frustration. It's very much like the Windows "DLL 
> Hell" phenomenon. I'm really going to have to dig in to why a new version of 
> RSpec (fer cryin out loud) gets in the way of a db migration!! I just get the 
> feeling that if I tweak one little thing, the whole house is going to come 
> down, something I thought testing was supposed to help us get away from.
> Anyway, enough with the venting. I'm in the process of creating some 
> extensions (one of the reasons for doing this was to figure out how to get 
> started at that -- I've done a little of it but it's more "cargo cult" stuff 
> than real development and I wanted to take apart a working extension to see 
> how it ticks). The real question is how to go about setting up a development 
> environment that I can use for this.
> Right now my impression is that edge is better than 0.8.1, so I'm probably 
> going to start moving in that direction, hoping to land on 0.9 when it's 
> ready. But I keep running into dependencies on really old testing gems.
> ah, well. off to bed.
> Have Fun,
> Arlen
> ------------------------------
> In God we trust, all others must supply data
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