;n]meui an je ouon ou/i sop efcaji ;n]mr, icjen ni;ehoou ;n;apac alla
]meui je pounoj ;niwt af[i;cbw ;e]mr, ouoh afer;,racye ;mmoc ouoh
pefs/ri afer;klronomin ;n];acpi nem pefs/ri on .. ouoh ;vm/ini ;ejen pai
je cecaji ;n]mr, qen ni;cm/ ;noueinin

--- In RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This case has been reported by major news agency. I hope that we start
> recording this rare case before we loose our last chance. If anyone
here is in a
> position to help in preserving the tongue of the egyptian language,
please do
> your bes to help our language come backwith authentic pronounciation.
> encouraging news is that one of the largest institutes for
> specially those who are in a process of extintion has confirmed this
case. I am
> hoping that this great institute ( I do not remember its name but I
saved it in
> favorites) will start this process. This was my dream, I always had
hopes that
> we did not loose it totally, we hope our dreams will come true when we
> our Egyptian language.
> Lilian Nawar
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