I surfed th web, the main result on which it seems that other websites
are plainly quoting is thhe Daily Star Egypt, Magazine.

I hope this could be helpful.
If you can reach this "Mona Zaki".... please, send us

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 13:41:44 -0700 (PDT)
Ankhiema'Djehuty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Nofri Lilianna! I did not see the original posting
about Mona zaki, what is the news about her and her
family?! Many thanks! Oujai, PetiOusiri
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The families of Alexandria mentioned above acquired
> the coptic language in 
> the 19 th century. Historians do not consider them
> as original speakers who got 
> the language, the case of Mona Zaki is different.
> her family continued to 
> speak the Coptic language without interruption from
> their ancestor making it 
> an authentic Egyptian Language . The people who
> started to speak the Egyptian 
> language did not receive it from their ancestors
> like Mona Zaki.
> Lilian Nawar
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