Lilian, do you have a link to an article about this?  Or the name(s) of the 
family members?

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 02:26:57 
-0500Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Re: A family speaks the coptic language

This case has been reported by major news agency. I hope that we start 
recording this rare case before we loose our last chance. If anyone here is in 
a position to help in preserving the tongue of the egyptian language, please do 
your bes to help our language come backwith authentic pronounciation. The 
encouraging news is that one of the largest institutes for languagesand 
specially those who are in a process of extintion has confirmed this case. I am 
hoping that this great institute ( I do not remember its name but I saved it in 
favorites) will start this process. This was my dream, I always had hopes that 
we did not loose it totally, we hope our dreams will come true when we revive 
our Egyptian language.
Lilian Nawar

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