On 6/25/09 9:08 AM, Jens W. Klein wrote:
> Am Thu, 25 Jun 2009 03:54:23 -0400 schrieb Chris McDonough:
>> On 6/25/09 3:38 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>>> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>>>> I'm not very familiar with pip, but I don't think that's an issue for
>>>> Buildout.  Buildout also has the ability to pin the version of all
>>>> packages, but I don't think that's what Jens and I want in this case.
>>> yep, the only thing buildout is missing is a command to dump the
>>> versions.cfg based on what's in the current buildout...
>>>> We want an authority to provide a regularly updated list of Repoze
>>>> package versions known to probably work together.  Thankfully, the BFG
>>>> index is serving that purpose, except that it's not easy to combine
>>>> that list with the rest of PyPI.  I think the problem would be solved
>>>> if that index took the form of a versions.cfg (auto-generated would be
>>>> fine).
>>> Yep, I wonder if Chris could be tickled to put your auto-generator up
>>> somewhere on dist.repoze.org?
>> I think it's a good idea.
>> It's also an eminently doable-by-someone-else job (wget + the script).
>> I don't really use version.cfg files, so I'd be an unlikely candidate to
>> keep it running properly.  I'd forget about its existence and it would
>> just stop working.
>> OTOH, if someone else wanted to keep an index mirror up and generate a
>> versions.cfg, and wget-against-the-index wasn't sufficient for some
>> reason, I'd do the necessary sysadmin stuff to get them rsync access to
>> the files (or really whatever was necessary).
> What about just publishing everything additional at pypi? I can provide a
> version.txt file at my servers for each release using Shanes script. This
> would be enough. Also then every pypi mirror could be used, no additional
> infrastructure needed.

Sorry, I think I miunsderstood how Shane's script works.  It generates a 
versions.cfg for every package in an index using HTTP.  It doesn't require 
access to the actual files themselves; I thought it did.

We already publish almost everything except the actual "repoze.bfg" package 
PyPI.  I've been considering publishing that package to PyPI once we get to BFG 
1.0.  At which point, generating a versions.cfg from the "local" index and 
applying it to a buildout which used PyPI as an index would be reasonable.

You can also get what you wanted today if you generated a buildout in the form:

index = http://pypi.python.org/simple
find-links =
    .. and so on for each package needed by BFG ...

All *that* said, it's so blindingly easy to create an index for any given 
project, that just making one with what you need in it for that project 
(including the BFG stuff) seems like the best solution to me.

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