I would also enable garbage collection logging (-Xloggc:<filename>) to see
if your application is running slow because the JVM is spending a lot of
time doing garbage collection.

If you are running SUN Java 6, you can use the jmap command to do a heap
dump also.  Jmap is available in Java 5 but it doesn't always produce a
consistent heap dump.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Ronan Lucio <lis...@tiper.com.br> wrote:

> Scott,
> Scott Ferguson escreveu:
> > The /resin-admin has a heap dump which will give you a general idea of
> > what's taking the memory (you will need to add a -agentlib:resin to
> > enable it.
> >
> > That heap information is very important because it will very quickly
> > let you focus on the real issue.  Otherwise, it's almost impossible to
> > guess what the underlying problem is.
> >
> Thank you for the answer,
> I'll do that.
> Ronan
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