At 8:16 AM -0700 28/6/00, Andrew Philipoff wrote:
>>so I should uncheck this pref in Remote Access? or will that cause some
>>other internet problems?
>>   >
>>>   It is probably also set to allow TCP/IP applications to initiate a
>>>   connection in:
>>   > Remote Access control panel:Options:Protocol:Connect Automatically
>>   > when starting TCP/IP applications
>Unchecking "Connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications" 
>will force the user to initiate a PPP/ARAP connection by selecting 
>"Connect" in the Remote Access control panel. What will be lost is 
>the ability to connect by simply launching a web browser, email 
>client, etc. I have disabled this on all our laptops and no one has 
>complained or for that matter even noticed. This may require 
>educating your users to connect via the RA control panel but will 
>spare them the frustration of their laptops constantly dialing out. 
>This will have no effect on TCP/IP connectivity via ethernet.

This seems to be curing the symptom, not the route cause of the 
problem. Why are they trying to dial out, there must be a reason? 
This is not normal Mac behaviour, WiNT maybe, but not Mac. Find out 
what is causing them to attempt the connection.


Ken  G i l l e t t

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