We're rather small, about 200 machines total for 3 backup servers. 
One of the backup servers does only 10 clients and a ASIP server.

I use Retrospect and swear by it.  We've used ArcServe and it's a 
piece of junk compared to Retrospect on the same number of clients. 
Backups are happening reliably and as fast, if not faster.  Laptops 
are not a problem as you can have a backup server script to just do 
laptops when-ever they are available or when the users request it. 
I've had that setup on mine for a while and my users love the fact 
that they can tell it to backup their laptop just before they travel 
(Piece of mind thing).

The real key to large scale is setting up a plan.  How often, how 
long, how much, and how many.

The server that does 10 machines does a full backup over the weekend 
and incrementals through the week.  The amount of data ranges from 
25GB to 35GB.

Dealing with ArcServe, you probably have a good idea of how you want 
the backups to go.  Retrospect is a lot easier to set up to do what 
you want it to do.


>I've used Retrospect on my home network (two PCs and a Mac) for nearly a
>year and it is exactly right for my needs.
>I am also responsible for  my company's IT environment. We use ArcServe
>for the backup software - the server running on a Windows NT server, a
>Dell PowerVault twin-drive 30-tape library and the ArcServe agent
>running on each of a dozen or so NT servers. I don't find ArcServe
>particularly usable or flexible, so I am thinking of looking at
>alternatives. I would also like to (although we don't do this now) have
>an arrangement to back up the laptop users (about 30 or so) who tend to
>store a lot of data on local machines.
>Data volumes are around 250 GB for personal data and another 35 GB or so
>for Notes databases. Due to the way Notes mail works, a fair proportion
>of that 35 GB turns over each day.
>So... the question is, since I am planning to look at the market for
>backup software for bigger systems, would it be reasonable for me to
>include Retrospect in the candidate list? Is anyone on the list backing
>up systems on this scale?
>Any advice welcome.

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