On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Jan Koprowski <jan.koprow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Please try use Your data "exactly" in some other tool. I prefere
> Apache Directory Studio (http://directory.apache.org/studio/). Just
> use this same informations to connect with Your LDAP server
> 2) Maybe LDAP base dn need more specific place to start searching. Try
> to be more specific e.g. ou=OrgUnit,dc=example,dc=com
> 3) User mask: I use sAMAccountName as You said. If I remember well I
> also don't have (&()()) just &()() (but for now I'm not sure). I know
> outer bracket is necessery but not in that case. Another thing. Isn't
> LDAP case sensitive? Should be "objectClass" ?
> 4) Try use this filter (replacing %s by Your username) and use as
> filter search in Apache Directory Studio
> 5) Try change format of UserMask to j...@orgunit.example.com

Thanks a lot, 1) is actually what made it work for me, with some
python debugging in reviewboard.

So basically, it boils down to confusing naming (or maybe that's just
LDAP) + UI tweaks I think:
  * Instead of anon user/pass, I needed to simply put our admin info
(something that can be used to query ldap in the first place). Also, I
don't see anon user mask being a mask at all in the code ?
  * Apache Directory Studio does something good in the connection
panel, with a button to check the LDAP server connection. I think we
could add this (to test the URI itself) + maybe a check for the actual
creditentials, so that people know better what's going on. If the user
get that far, the error possibilities are significantly narrowed down
I think.

If that sounds like a reasonable idea, I can spend a couple of hours
to see if I can get something working (I have no experience in django,
so if it takes more than a few hours, please let me know).



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