
On Monday 10 November 2014 21:23:24 meik michalke wrote:
> Am Montag, 10. November 2014, 19:37:09 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> >   g...@git.kde.org:scratch/tfry/rkward-svn-import.git
> how would i get my pubkey up there? shall i send it to you?

As Nicolás wrote, you manage that through identity.kde.org, and you also need 
to apply to be added to the "developer" group. That said, the repo is not 
ready for pushing to it, yet, only for checking the conversion from svn to 
git. Anything you push will probably be overwritten.

As Nicolás says the repo looks mostly ok, modulo a few minor adjustments, 
expect the repo to "get real" very soon. Of course I'll let you know, then. 
But for another short while, continue to commit to SVN.
> > The second repository is for external plugins. It is much easier, since
> > this only ever was a single branch, and never had any tags. It's
> > temporary place is https://github.com/tfry-git/rkward-external-plugins .
> > Questions regarding this one:
> > - Where exactly should this end up? I think it should be group-owned,
> > somehow.
> i could simply fork it and send you pull requests all the time ;-)

Well, jokes aside, the general theme is in fact that external plugins could be 
developed anywhere. And that's not just due to the distributed nature of git, 
but because the plugins are - well - external. But the semi-official external 
plugins repo could offer some goodies in the long run that make it worth 
pushing to (or sending pull requests for). E.g. automatic extraction of 
messages and merging of translations. Automatic package building would be 
another cool feature of course.

Well that's mostly a separate discussion, though. I have now added a new 
"organization" on github: rkward-community. Tell me your account names, there, 
and I'll add you, then move over the external plugins repo.

> which brings me to: how/where will we host the package repository
> (http://rkward.sourceforge.net/R/)?

Well, good question. I guess we'll have to ask the KDE sysadmins about this 
(could be http://rkward.kde.org/R/, somewhere on downloads.kde.org, or pretty 
much anything else. In fact, why not CRAN? Would the plugin packages fail the 
CRAN checks for containing inst, only?). Until we have a good long term plan, 
I'd say not to change this, though. It's bad enough that 
http://rkward.sourceforge.net/R/ will have to stick around some time for 
backwards compatibility. We don't want to add more legacy locations on top of 


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