[CTRL] [2b] Mount Hope

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Mount Hope
George Howe©1958,1959
The Viking Press
New York, NY
LCCN 59-5643
312 pps. – First edition – Out-of-print


Barring shipwreck, confiscation, and disease, which were covered by
insurance,* the operation of the deWolf partnership was almost foolproof.
There was a deWolf at each corner and on every leg of the triangle. Molasses
from the deWolf plantations in Cuba reached Bristol in deWolf bottoms, was
turned into rum at the deWolf distillery, and exported with other trade
goods, again in deWolf ships, to the slave coast of Africa. There the cargoes
were exchanged for slaves, and the new freight brought back for sale at the
starting point in Cuba. Captain Jim's distillery on Thames Street converted
300 gal-lons of molasses every day into 250 gallons of rum. The cost of
distillation was 10 cents a gallon. He paid the Treasury an import duty of 5
cents, but received a rebate Of 3 cents, called a drawback, when he exported
it as rum. The casks, stamped with his mark, J/DW, would unload from his own
ship at his own wharf, pass Bosworth's inspection, and be hauled by his own
oxen. As long as they stood on the wharf they were surrounded by boys of the
town, clustered like flies about the oozing sweetness and dipping slivers of
shingle into the bunghole or scraping the leaky rims.

(This operation was called "labbing lasses"; Bosworth did not molest it. From
the name came a rhyme the boys sang on Babbitt's wharf next door:

Mister Babbitt,
Lemme labbit.)

 [* Modern businessmen would welcome the simplicity of the policies. Here is
one which Major Williarn deWolf of the Bristol Insurance Company issued to
his brother Charles:

"Q. What premium will the Cy. ask for a Risk of $9000 on ship Constantia and
her cargo from this port to, in and from Mozambique or any other port or
ports of Africa, to the Havanna or Rio de la Plata in So. America, or both,
including natural mortality exceeding 20 pr. Centum and Illicit Trade, and
also every other kind of Risk, whether contemplated at the time of this
insurance or not? On ship and outfits $5000; on Cargo, valued at $140 each,
$4000. Chas. deWolf.

:'A. The Company will take this Risque @ 15 pr. Cent. William deWolf.

'Agreed. Charles deWolf."]

After the rum was distilled, it was stowed in hogsheads, along with other
trade goods, aboard the same vessel or another of the deWolf fleet. It
retailed at 35 cents a gallon, but had cost Captain Jim much less. It was
stowed in the bilge. The six-foot space below the main deck was packed with
the more perishable cargo. On one African voyage the three-hundred-ton ship An
n took aboard:

184 hogsheads, 26 tierces   28 doz. silk hats
and 33 barrels new rum  2043 Ibs. ham

16 boxes claret 80 hogsheads salt
6 pipes molasses5 chaldrons coal
2 pipes gin 3 casks porter
8 pipes brandy  6 cases India goods
1 case cambries 2 boxes calicoes
10 hogsheads tobacco17000 staves
620 hogsheads codfish   1200 pieces nankeens
20 firkins butter   1 bale muslins
110 bars iron   30M boards
100 " American steelShips stores for the voyage
20 pots and kettles

The Sukey, on a voyage of 1802, carried such items as twenty bolts of scarlet
broadcloth; a case of lute-strings; two gross of men's hats in red, green,
and white, embroidered with tinsel lace; three thousand yellow-handled
knives; and miscellaneous necklaces, rings, muskets, snuff, and segars. There
was little demand for specie on the Slave Coast, and none for paper money.
Except for the rum, most of the outward cargoes for the slave-trade were
bought from wholesalers like Samuel Parkman of Boston—a grandfather of the
great historian.

Any boy in town with a heart for the sea and a strong stomach could get a job
aboard. Each was allowed a "venture" of his own—a few bunches of red Bristol
onions, or a dozen knives from Pardon Handy's ship chandlery. He would trade
them in Africa or Havana for whatever trifles might please his wife or his
girl. The ship would return with such souvenirs as parrots, birds of
paradise, ring-tailed monkeys, cases of oranges and bananas-or if a sailor
had no girl, he might turn his venture into Havana segars for himself.
Captain Walter Dalton of the brig Olive Branch brought back a leopard. It was
just a playful kitten when it landed, and almost white; as it grew older its
coat blossomed with beautiful black spots on a tawny ground. On shore, Dalton
kept it in a cage next to the fireplace. But once it broke out, and Mrs.
Dalton found it with its paws on the edge of her baby's cradle, its pink
tongue lolling out between sharp white teeth. That was the end of leopards
for her. But the captain was a thrifty man; instead of executing his pet, he
sold it to the circus

[CTRL] [1] Mount Hope

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Mount Hope
George Howe©1958,1959
The Viking Press
New York, NY
LCCN 59-5643
312 pps. – First edition – Out-of-print

Home Town

FRom Stamford, Connecticut, to Machias, Maine, the coast of New England is
studded with former seaports that have turned their backs to the sea. Some
earn their livelihood from textile mills, some from truck farms, and others
from summer boarders; those which are nearest to the old way of life, like
Gloucester, Massachusetts, from codfishing and lobster-trapping. Some are
almost deserted, like Machias; some have become suburbs of the spreading
cities, like Salem, Massachusetts, and some, museums, like Mystic,
Connecticut; some, like Stamford, are cities themselves. Some, like Norwich
and Hartford, are far inland on rivers that once were navigable; others, like
Newport, Rhode Island, lie open to the ocean. Their founders were Englishmen,
almost without exception. Their populations now are the happy mixture called
American. Though to the tourist one may look just like another, the mailboxes
and shop signs carry names which are French or Polish in one town and
Portuguese or Italian in the next. Similar though they may be now, they
differed sharply in the days when they were cut off from one another by
forests or impassable roads, and their only highway to the rest of the world
was the sea. New York itself was isolated then. Some of the seaports were
actually islands, like Nantucket; others, though on the mainland, were so
remote as almost to be islands too.

Speaking of his home town in Rhode Island, Bishop Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe
(1808-1895) said:

The villagers of Bristol, having little intercourse with the outside world,
became in many respects a peculiar people, and of these, the few who differed
from their neighbors were decidedly eccentric.

All were queer, he meant, but some were queerer.* When he delivered this
opinion, his home town was two hundred years old already, and had a
population of five thousand. Now it is three-quarters of a century older and
two and a half times as crowded. Even now, people are always going through
Bristol, not to it. If they drive down Hope Street, they see the lacy
architecture of a slave trader's mansion and the massive stonework of the
Town Hall, and the end of an archway of elms which vaults the length of High
Street. If they take the Back Road from Providence they see a radar station
on the hilltop where an Indian king was slain, and a Nike battery on the site
of General Ambrose E. Burnside's banquet hall, and catch the reflection of a
thousand mill windows in Fall River, over Mount Hope Bay in Massachusetts,
before they cross the Mount Hope Bridge toward Newport. The twenty thousand
tourists who watch Bristol's famous Fourth of July parade get only a day's
glimpse of its history in the Continental uniforms of the Train of Artillery,
and only a hint of its seaborne commerce in the Star boats of the Yacht Club
regatta. [* Lunacy, in the strict sense of aberration induced by a full moon,
is not recorded in Bristol. But Mrs. Thurber, in the Bungtown quarter of the
rival town of Warren, would once a month refuse to take more than a dime a
dozen for her eggs, and, if she found a stick of kindling with a knot in it,
would chuck it over the fence to get rid of the Devil. The waning of the
moon, however, always brought her around.]

The seal of Rhode Island is the word HOPE, surmounted by an anchor. The state
is the smallest in the Union, and Bristol is the seat of its smallest county,
but there is no town in New England with a prettier setting or a more lurid
history. It lies halfway between Newport at the mouth of Narragansett Bay and
Providence at the head, on a two-pronged peninsula, shaped on the map like a
lobster claw half ajar. On the cast, Mount Hope Bay divides Rhode Island from
Massachusetts; on the south, the mile-wide channel still called the Ferry
(though there have been no ferryboats for thirty years) divides it from the
island which gives the state its name; on the west, the main waters of
Narragansett Bay lead up to Providence.

Bristol harbor lies between the two jaws of the lobster claw. The bigger jaw
is the town itself, with its wharves, like teeth, jutting into the salt
water. The smaller is the peninsula of Poppasquash. Between the two, like the
lobster's bait, lies Hog Island. Mount Hope, like the knuckle, rises two
hundred feet into the sky behind the claw. Bristol is earthbound on the north
alone, where the rival town of Warren, like the lobster's wrist, joins it to
the body of the USA.

The origin of all these names is uncertain. On the stony beach at the north
side of Mount Hope, by the water's edge, is a boulder of the soft, enduring
rock which geologists call graywacke. It is seaweed-brown below tidemark and
weather-gray above. Its slanted top, broken off in some unnoticed disaster of
the past, is carved with a crude boat and a line of

[CTRL] [2a] Mount Hope

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Mount Hope
George Howe©1958,1959
The Viking Press
New York, NY
LCCN 59-5643
312 pps. – First edition – Out-of-print

The Slave Trade

AT THE end of the Revolution, American shipping revived quickly. The richest
years of the New England seaports lasted from the peace treaty of 1784 to the
election of Jackson in 1828. For half a century any port with adventurous
merchants and a channel of twenty feet could harvest all the oceans of the
world. During these years the fortunes of Boston and Providence were made in
the China trade, those of Salem in the East Indies, and those of New Bedford
and Nantucket in the whale fishery. Bristol, almost alone among the seaports,
owed its wealth in this golden age to the slave trade and privateering—which
is only a politer name for piracy—and soon became poor again when the two
professions were at last outlawed.

Simeon Potter had dabbled in both, but what wealth he left was in farmland.
Mark Antony deWolf, the clerk whom he married to his sister Abigail, never
made a fortune himself, but he sired a generation which did. Although "Wolf"
is a translation of the French loup, his curious name has nothing to do with
the islands of Guadeloupe where his brother-in-law found him. There is record
of an Abraham deWolf who in 1661 cornered the market for salt in New
Amsterdam, before it became New York, and of a Balthasar deWolf who, at the
end of the seventeenth century, was haled to court in Lyme, Connecticut, for
smoking in public. As soon as he had paid his fine he lit up his pipe again,
right in the courtroom. Some historians think the family is Swedish, some
Russian, some German, and some Jewish. Another school, pointing to Abraham,
claims it is Dutch, and that the "de" is not the French prefix of nobility at
all but the Dutch word for "the"; so that the surname properly means "the
wolf." It suits more than one of the family.

Some of its members have signed themselves Dwolf and even Dolph. The earliest
spelling was d'Wolf. The actor deWolf Hopper stabilized the present
orthography because, he said, it looked impressive on a billboard. In the
presidency of Hayes, Bishop Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe—the present writer's gran
dfather—added the capital D and the final "e" for tone. In Benjamin
Harrison's, the poetess Theodora Coujaud deWolf Colt hired heraldic experts
to trace the origin of the name, and their fee was small for the delight they
gave her. They reported that in 1369 King Charles "the Wise" of France, while
hunting in the forest, was attacked by a she-wolf. One of his courtiers, at
the risk of his own life, killed the beast. Charles ennobled him on the spot,
with the title of deWolf, though it isn't clear why he didn't give the
critter her French name. For good measure, the experts threw in a coat of
arms with this impressive legend:

Or, three wolves' heads erased sable, borne on the crest of an im-perial
double-headed eagle, sable-beaked. Or, a coronet of Baron of the Empire.
Crest: out of a ducal coronet a demi-wolf gules, holding in dexter paw a
fleur-de-lys or. Motto: Vincit Qui Patitur-He Conquers Who Endures.

No one could ask for more.

Even the non-deWolfs of Bristol are proud of the family. The old lady who did
their sewing told me proudly, "They was handsome, dashing and reckless, but
for morals something fierce."

And an aged Negress, so long ago that she may herself have been a slave,
peeked through the counting-room window when two of Mark Antony's sons
divided the profits of a voyage to the Slave Coast, weighing out gold dust,
Spanish doubloons, and Portuguese joes on a green baize table.

"Them was famous times," she sighed. "I looked through the window and seen
them heap it up."

In 1956 a hundred and forty-six of Mark Antony's descendants gathered at the
family's remaining mansion on the Fourth of July. The old seamstress was
right: they was handsome—most of them dark and slim, with Roman noses and
periwinkle eyes, but a few fairhaired. Their morals were invisible. Their
other great houses have vanished, but no one was ashamed, and some hardly
knew, that they had all been built from the profits of the slave trade, of
privateering, smuggling, and piracy. The deWolfs had even outlived their
arrogance. Only lately a Portuguese laundress was overheard to say of her
employer, "She's sweet. Her name is deWolf, but she speaks to me."

The face of Abigail Potter deWolf, potato-brown and wise with many
motherhoods, gazes down the centuries beneath her mob-cap. Mark Antony's nose
almost meets his chin; he suggests a benevolent Mr. Punch. But he was a hard
man, as sea-captains had to be: when one of his crew failed to answer the
muster on sailing day, he had him bound in chains and carried aboard by the
Bristol constable. Mark Antony stayed with the sea long after Simeon Potter
had left it-had to, for he was perpetually in debt to support his growing
family. On his voyages he carri

[CTRL] FBI's team leader at Waco a 'problem,' agency papers say: Insisted on using tear gas (fwd)

2000-03-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

FBI's team leader at Waco a 'problem,' agency papers say Insisted
on using tear gas: Commander also led deadly standoff with
supremacist in '92

Tuesday, February 29, 2000

The Associated Press

DALLAS - Documents obtained by a Dallas newspaper show the
Federal Bureau of Investigation was concerned about its on-scene
commander at the 1993 Waco siege, which turned into a fiery
disaster in which dozens died.

The Dallas Morning News obtained documents that show senior FBI
officials at first were skeptical of the insistence by Richard
Rogers, the hostage rescue-team commander, that tear gas was the
only safe way to end the siege.

A March, 1993, memo from the FBI's most experienced tactical
expert said Mr.  Rogers had prompted similar concerns in the
deadly 1992 standoff at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. In that incident, an
FBI sniper, under the command of Mr.  Rogers, killed the wife of
white supremacist Randy Weaver after Mr. Rogers relaxed bureau
rules of engagement and pushed for an all-out tank and tear-gas
assault on the Weavers' cabin.

"A lot of pressure is coming from Rogers," Danny Coulson, deputy
assistant FBI director, wrote in an internal FBI memo during the
Waco siege on March 23, 1993.

"We had similar problems in Idaho with him and he argued and
convinced the SACs [local FBI special agents in charge of the
incident] that Weaver would not come out. That proved to be
wrong. I believe he is a significant part of the problem here."

He added that he feared bureau officials were lobbying to gas the
Branch Davidians who were barricaded at Waco because the
officials were tired, frustrated and under pressure from Mr.

Congressional officials said the memo is particularly disturbing
because they have never seen it or other internal FBI records
detailing the contentious decision-making process that led to the
tear-gassing of the Branch Davidian compound.

"We've had a subpoena out there for all relevant documents -- all
documents -- since Sept. 7, 1999," said Mark Corallo, spokesman
for the House Government Reform Committee.

"Is the Department of Justice withholding only embarrassing
documents from us? It makes you wonder."

Mr. Coulson did not comment yesterday, while Mr. Rogers and
Jeffrey Jamar, the FBI's special agent in charge of the Waco
operation, have declined interview requests.

The memo and other records obtained by the Dallas paper provide
new details of the FBI's internal struggles as Waco commanders
pushed to use gas against the embattled sect after a 51-day

Janet Reno, the U.S. attorney-general, approved a plan to gas the
compound on April 19, 1993.

The action began with a gradual tear-gas insertion, but escalated
immediately to an all-out tear-gas assault after the Davidians
started to shoot at FBI tanks.

Six hours later, after agents increased pressure by sending tanks
deep into the building, the compound burned with sect leader
David Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.

Some died from fire, others from gunshots.

The government has maintained the Davidians were responsible for
their own deaths. But several of the religious group's survivors
and their relatives have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against
the government, claiming members of the FBI and the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms fired into the compound.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-




An explosive new book by House impeachment counsel David
Schippers has angered and blindsided Justice Department
officials, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, months before its
planned publication.

Schippers has been quietly polishing a manuscript which includes
details kept far from public view of alleged White House and
Justice Department corruption -- details Schippers learned while
preparing the Lewinsky impeachment case against President

"The release of this information will have the direct effect of
compromising ongoing sensitive investigations," a Justice
Department official warned last week in Washington. "It is
irresponsible at best."

And the upcoming book, tentatively set for release in June by
REGNERY, may have been the catalyst behind this weekend's leak of
a confidential report by the Justice Department's former chief
campaign finance investigator Charles LaBella.


Insiders familiar with the book's content say Schippers is
preparing to shed new light on a mysterious warning he delivered
during impeachment hearings.

Schippers warned Congress that he had "received and reviewed
additional information and evidence from the independent counsel"
and had "developed additional information from diverse other

He told the Judiciary Committee: "Unfortunately, because of the
extremely strict time limits placed upon us, a number of very
promising leads had to be abandoned. We just ran out of time. In
addition, other allegations of possible serious wrongdoing cannot
be presented publicly at this time by virtue of circumstances
totally beyond our control.

Schippers said he "uncovered more incidents involving probable
direct and deliberate obstructions of justice, witness tampering,
perjury and abuse of power."


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Transdimensional Forces?

2000-03-12 Thread br wahl

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

--Original Message--
From: br wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 13, 2000 5:04:24 AM GMT
Subject: Transdimensional Forces?

CORRECTION: read "remain" rather than "remains"

- Forwarded message --
From: br wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 23:49:10 -0500
Subject: Transdimensional Forces?


...This is an approximate abstract of a piece written for and
published by MERCURY HOUR (Lynchburg, Virginia, editor and publisher
Edith Custer). Originally written in November 1996.
...The spontaneous human combustion cases mentioned here are discussed
at length in material which may be accessed by search using entry:
combustion spontaneous human.
...One of the most famous cases of spontaneous human combustion (SHC)
is the mysterious combustion of Mrs. Mary Reeser in St. Petersburg,
Florida, before dawn, 2 July 1951.
...An earlier case involved an unnamed woman witnessed burning in a
wooded area by Dr. B.H. Hartwell as he drove near Ayer, Massachusetts, 12
May 1890. The event was reported in the journal of a Massachusetts
medical society.
...The mystery is compounded when the place names on the map at the
point midway between the two events are examined carefully. The St.
Pete/Ayer geographic midpoint is near New Bern, Craven Co., North
Carolina -- the site of a National Military Cemetery. New Bern is on the
south side of the Neuse River. To the east of New Bern is a town named
...The Hiroshima bomber had an enormous letter "R" painted upon its
vertical stabilizer or "rudder." Maps usually print Neuse R. rather than
River. This somehow brings to mind Pierre Curie who died on a rainy day
in Paris -- his skull crushed under a heavy horse-drawn wagon piled high
with an enormous load of French military uniforms. (Later, Marie Curie
died of radiation sickness on the 4th of July.)
...In another case of SHC, five men seated in a car parked at night on
a back country road near Pikeville in eastern Kentucky combusted yet made
no effort to escape the car. The exact date and time remains obscure but
the event probably occurred on the night of 19/20 November 1960. The
place names near Pikeville, Kentucky, include McVeigh, Freeburn, and
...Who can say that SHC will never occur while the victim is seated
above the center fuel tank on a large aircraft in flight? SHC is a
serious problem.
...The horoscopes of SHC cases carry a distinctive "signature." This
is a technical detail which requires considerable study. The Arabic Part
of Fortune or Fortuna almost always figures very prominently.
...Ayer, Mass  42N34, 71W34
...St. Pete,Fla  27N45, 82W40
...Pikeville, Kentucky  37N28, 82W32
...Sometimes it almost seems as though everything has already happened
in one simultaneous moment.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reno abuses children to further her career

2000-03-12 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


The following letter was written by the father of Bobby Fijnje, a 14 year-old
boy who met up with Janet Reno's style of "child protection." This "Open Letter
to the American People" documents his family's reaction when they heard with
disbelief that Janet Reno had been nominated to head the Justice Department. For
more info about this case, see: Armbrister, T., JUSTICE GONE CRAZY, Reader's
Digest, Jan. 1994, p. 33-40.

To the American people and their government:

It is with surprise, shock, dismay, and anger that the Fijnje family learned of
the nomination of Janet Reno as Attorney General of the United States of
America. After reading this letter I hope you will understand why our family
feels that way. I would like to describe how Ms. Reno persecuted our family.

After serving the government in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, for almost 25
years, we decided that it would be a good experience for our children Nanette
and Bobby, Jr., to settle in Miami, Florida.

We bought a house there and the children entered school. We wanted to make our
new home our fatherland. When we arrived in Miami, Nanette was 8 and Bobby was
5. In late 1981 we joined Old Cutler Presbyterian Church, in which the whole
family participated in almost all church activities. I was honored to serve the
church for three years as deacon and three more years as an elder. For eight
years I sang in the choir, while my wife Vivian joined the bible classes, worked
in the kitchen, and helped in other ways. The kids went to Sunday-school
classes, and when the time came, they became members of the congregation.
Neither Vivian nor I was ever called to school or church because of any
misbehavior of either of the children. Nanette graduated from high school and
entered Dade Community College. Bobby was given an award as the best all-around
student of his class when he graduated from 6th grade. But in the fall of 1988
dark clouds began to gather.

We did not know what accusations were being made or who the accusers were.
Imagine our shock when, on the morning of 28 August 1989, I opened the door and
four policemen identified themselves and told me that they would like to talk to
Bobby. One of the four, Detective Martinez, told me that although they had no
search warrant, they wanted to search Bobby's room for pornography. I told them
there was no need to get a warrant and that they could go ahead and search the
room. We later learned that Detective Martinez had obtained an arrest warrant
for Bobby three days previously, but he told us that he had only come to "talk
to him." Two policemen turned Bobby's room upside down and of course found no
pornography because we have no such trash in our home.

I rode with Bobby, Detective Martinez, and Lieutenant Forster to the police
station where Bobby was interrogated from noon until dinner time. I was with him
for the first two hours, but I was then told that I must leave the room because
Detective Martinez wanted to talk to him alone.

On the evening of 28 August 1989, two months after his 14th birthday, Bobby was
taken to the Dade Juvenile Detention Center. He remained there until 4 May 1991
when he was released. During the frequent recesses which occurred throughout the
preliminary hearings and trial, Bobby was held in solitary confinement in a
holding cell at the courthouse. During Bobby's imprisonment, we twice asked for
him to be released on bond, the second time in the care of his aunt and uncle (a
retired Connecticut State Supreme Court judge), but this was refused because
"Bobby was a threat to the community" and because it was said that our family
would flee the country. Bobby pleaded not guilty, and was tried as an adult on
the motion of the Dade County prosecutor's office, headed by Ms. Reno.

The pre-trial hearings finally began in early August 1990 with Judge Norman
Gerstein presiding. Pre-trial hearings lasted until the middle of January 1991,
at which time a jury was selected. Before and during the trial, we were
repeatedly urged to accept a plea-bargain and warned of the dangers Bobby faced
in prison. We were told that he would have AIDS within a week after entering
prison. We were told what a horrible time he would have in prison, where the
jailers are mere administrators and the prison is actually ruled by the
prisoners. But we knew Bobby was innocent, and we refused to accept a plea

During the trial, not a single witness ever testified that he or she had seen
anything improper. Over 800 members of the church stepped forward and offered to
testify on Bobby's behalf. At least 14 motions for mis-trial were filed by
Bobby's lawyers, Mr. Mel Black and Mr. Peter Miller. Over 500 sidebar
conferences were held in this case, which cost the taxpayers well over $3
million, money that could have been used to feed the poor, improve public
health, or shelter the many homeless 

[CTRL] the child terror - Fijnje Jury Letter to Reno

2000-03-12 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


May 9, 1991

Honorable Janet Reno
State Attorney
1351 NW 12 Street
Miami, Florida 33125

Dear State Attorney Reno,
We, being the jurors of the Bobby
Fijnje case, are writing this letter
in an attempt to clarify and
explain our verdict. In order to
understand the reasoning of our
verdict one must appreciate the
enormous stress and pressure we
experienced from being placed in
such a position. Listening to and
absorbing the hundreds of hours
of testimony over the fifteen
extensive weeks of this trial, only
magnified this stressful and
pressure built situation.

One must understand that it was
not our desire nor our wish to be
jurors in this trial. However, as
concerned citizens we acted
accordingly by our acceptance of
this duty. A duty that, regardless
of what verdict we rendered,
would be without appreciation
and from which extensive
criticism would result.

His Honor's instructions as we
began to deliberate, clearly
stated that we are to presumed
[sic] the defendant's innocence
up to and until the State has
proved otherwise beyond and to
the exclusion of a reasonable
doubt. It was our keeping with
these instructions that led us to
our verdict.

A number of factors that were
raised throughout this trial
provided the defense with a
window of opportunity through
which they passed a measurable
cloud of reasonable doubt. Some
of these factors include, but are
not limited to, the failure of the
police to video tape the
questioning of the defendant on
the day he was arrested. The
failure to have a stenographer
record and have the defendant
sign a written confession. The
clearly leading and suggestive
questioning on the part of the
both child psychologist [sic]
while interviewing the two
children involved. The rape
treatment center's handling of
the two children and having
those findings disputed by a
defense expert.

Furthermore, the contradictory
testimony on the part of the
children themselves also raised
reasonable doubt. There was a
high degree of improbability of
certain allegations raised against
the defendant. For instance,
alleging that he drove a child to
the American Foreign Legion
Hall, when no representative of
that facility saw the defendant
on the premises. And the fact
that no adult ever saw the
defendant drive a car, a task that
he claims he has yet to attempt.

Other allegations have the
defendant taking children were
[sic] there were witches and in
which he dressed as a clown.
Again, no one ever saw anyone
dressed as a witch nor the
defendant as a clown. Further
allegations of have a baby being
killed [sic] and a cat's neck being
broken were unfounded.

It is important here to note that
though we believed something
did happen to the two children in
question, what and by whom
was not certain beyond and to
the exclusion of a reasonable
doubt. And since, as stated
earlier, our task was not to prove
the defendant's innocence but
rather his guilt beyond such a
doubt, we had no choice, in
following the instructions of his
Honor, but to return with a
verdict of not guilty.

Furthermore, we subscribed to
the notion that there may have
been more to this case than we
were allowed to see and hear.
However, no other charges, to
our knowledge and at the time of
our deliberations, had been filed.
As such, our verdict could not be
based upon our suspicions but
solely upon the facts and
evidence as we were allowed to
review. However, we encourage
the State's Attorney's Office to
pursue with an appropriate
investigation and file additional
charges as deemed appropriate.

We further would like to express
our sincere empathy towards the
parents of the two children
involved in this case. As beings
understandably disappointed
with the verdict, we can only
hope that if they are to blame
anyone they blame the faulty
system currently in place in the
handling of [such cases] and not
with we the jury.

It is our hope that this case will
lay the foundation upon which a
set of policies and guidelines are
built. So that when cases of
abuse, especially child abuse, are
alleged, the programs in place
will allow for appropriate
questioning and investigation by
the police, physicians and child
psychologist so as to drastically
reduce the chance[s] of
conflicting testimony and
charges of contamination that
can and will raise reasonable

We understand that a portion of
the general public views our
verdict as wrong. Understand
that we were not privies [sic] to
all information concerning this
case. Furthermore, the general
public received its' [sic]
information from the press in the
form of a one minute
opinionated nightly news
segment. We, on the other hand,
based our verdict on the law, and
after listening to and reviewing
the hours upon hours of
testimony on a daily basis for
almost four months.
Consequently, our verdict


We The Jurors
State of Florida vs. Bobby Fijnje

[CTRL] Attorney Says Reno Blackmailed by Sex Tapes

2000-03-12 Thread Richard Sampson

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 -Cui Bono?-


Attorney Says Reno Blackmailed by Sex Tapes

ConservativeNews.com August 12, 1998 By Dean Arnold

In Monday’s Wall Street Journal, a Florida attorney writes on the editorial page
that Janet Reno is “unfit to practice law, let alone serve as this country’s top

Now, for the rest of the story.

This high-profile lawyer, Jack Thompson (who has appeared on such shows as
Nightline, Crossfire and Good Morning America exposing obscene rap groups like
2LiveCrew), tells ConservativeNews.com that blackmail is the likely
reason that attorney General Reno has unlawfully failed to appoint an
independent counsel in the fundraising probe, even in the face of contempt and
impeachment charges.

Thompson made similar charges against Reno in an interview with radio talkshow
host Oliver North:

North: Reno should want to step up and...request an independent counsel. Why
doesn’t she do it? Thompson: Because she fears something more than the wrath of
Bill Clinton. North: Which is? Thompson: What would be released through a
back-channel about her personal life that he is aware of. Here is a president
who likes to read raw FBI files. Here is a president who has undoubtedly seen
what’s in her raw FBI files and it includes some of the stuff I’ve told you
about — the mafia connections, about her drunk driving, and about her use of
call girls. North: Janet Reno uses call girls? Thompson: Ollie, let me tell you
something. I’ve welcomed Janet Reno to sue me for the last decade while I’ve
said these things, and more importantly, the Florida Bar — which is filled with
politically correct [people], some of them her campaign contributors in the race
she ran against me. The Florida Bar has every reason to disbar me if I am not
telling the truth. I’ve put my law career on the line by making these
allegations. But I have the proof. And I have people independent of me that can
prove this.”

Thompson’s allegation were originally printed in Chronicles in 1993, a
publication by the Rockford Institute. Thompson claimed Reno’s closeted
lesbianism alone was enough to keep her compromised. He quoted Richard Gerstein,
Reno’s predecessor as Miami District Attorney, a life-long Democrat: “No
[closeted] homosexual can be a prosecutor because it gives
every defendant the blackmail option.”

When Thompson ran against Reno for Miami D.A. in 1988 (and was endorsed by the
Fraternal Order of Police), she categorically denied being a lesbian. But after
her nomination for attorney general, her response to the question was less
emphatic. “Mr. Thompson is preoccupied with my sexual orientation,” she told the
media. “I am an old maid who has a strong affection for men.”

Days later Queer Nation “outed” Reno and a spokesman said, “Many homosexuals in
Miami have contacted us and told us that Reno’s lesbianism is common knowledge
among the gay community.” NOW’s Patricia Ireland responded to the outing by
saying, “Ms. Reno should not be judged on the basis of her sexual orientation.”

Thompson says Reno’s sexual preference, per se, is not the core issue. “The
issue has always been Reno’s blackmailability because of her closeted
proclivities,” he said.

In an interview with ConservativeNews.com, Thompson named one call girl he spoke
to named Crystal Kazim, who claimed to have received money for sex from Reno at
Reno’s home. Thompson said these services were confirmed to him by Ms. Kazim’s
escort provider Jay Goldstein, brother of Screw magazine publisher Al Goldstein.

Thompson passed both of these names on to the FBI before Reno’s appointment to
Justice, and the allegations are likely in her FBI file now.

Thompson told ConservativeNews.com he shared the details of his concerns
with Clinton aide Lanny Davis, who was responsible for examining Reno before the

Thompson says his law school buddy Sam Jones, a law partner with Clinton
confidante Bruce Lindsey, also warned the Clintons of Reno’s problems. But
Thompson now says he is convinced the administration wanted a “dirty cop” for
their attorney general.

Thompson, who says Reno is a “predatory lesbian” with a penchant for “aggressive
sex,” also claims that organized crime is in possession of videotapes of Reno.
He told ConservativeNews.com that several associates of Miami’s premiere call
girl operation told him they have “video of Reno in a sex orgy.”

In the Chronicles article, Thompson cites apprehension of Reno “by a Broward
County police officer in a shopping-mall parking lot in the back seat of a car
with a disrobed girl, as related by a homosexual Ft. Lauderdale talk-show host.”

Thompson has been in touch with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly recently and
with the show’s producer, which may explain’s O’Reilly’s veiled comments
last week. In an attempt to explain the failure to name an Independent Counsel,
O’Reilly stated that “Washington tonight is swirling with rumors about Janet
Reno's personal h


2000-03-12 Thread Richard Sampson

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 -Cui Bono?-



As Congress warms up the hot seat for Ms. Reno, I thought a quick look at her
political past might serve to illustrate the kind of person she really is, and
by extension, the kind of Person Bill Clinton likes to keep around.

Janet Reno first came to national prominence during her 1984 campaign to be
re-elected Prosecutor of Dade County, Florida. This was at the height of the
"Satanic Ritual Abuse" craze that swept the nation, generating tons of daytime
TV talk show guests, lots of book sales and speaking tours, but according to the
FBI's special SRA task force, not a single allegation that didn't turn out to be
a hoax by some attention seeking people.

Despite the dismal reality of the Satanic Ritual Abuse issue, a popular cause is
a popular cause and Janet used it well.

Following the McMartin case in Los Angeles, a Miami day care center operated by
Frank and Ileana Fuster came under suspicion. That there was no actual evidence
of any wrongdoing did not prove a major impediment to Janet Reno. Ileana, a
young Honduren woman, was separated from her husband. What followed is probably
best described as outright brainwashing. Indeed, the two psychiatrists hired by
Janet Reno operated under the trade name, "Behavior Changers", and eventually
sat with her in the court, coaching her statements in front of the judge, while
Janet Reno held her hand! Among the other claims that Ileana made under such
prodding was that her husband had put snakes inside her genitals while the
children watched.

Real snakes.

Frank was convicted and sent to jail. Janet, riding high on the publicity of the
trial won her re-election. Ileana returned to Honduras and from there issued a
61 page statement describing her year of solitary confinement and coercion by
"Behavior Changers".

In 1989, Reno again used psychological manipulations to extort a confession from
a 14 year old boy. Bobby Fijnje was accused of sadistically assaulting other
children by the same group of people who had accused Frank and Ileana Fuster.
Bobby was a diabetic, and Reno had him held in jail without food, which put him
into insulin shock. When Bobby finally confessed, he was fed. When he came out
of the insulin shock, he recanted. He was then starved again triggering another
insulin shock episode. While this was going on, Janet Reno refused to allow
Bobby's parents to see him, claiming that they were Satanist Pornographers, and
likely to try to prevent the boy from confessing his crime. Bobby spent an
entire year in prison, isolated from his parents, then was acquitted.

It is a shocking indictment that in the haste to confirm the first woman
Attorney General, neither of these two events were ever brought up during her
confirmation hearings.

It is shocking because no sooner had Janet Reno taken over the control of the
Department of Justice than she resorted to her old behavior patterns. Seizing on
unfounded rumors that the children in the Waco compound were being abused, Reno
ordered in the tanks and the gassing of those same children with CS gas, a gas
that's illegal to use on enemy troops. The autopsy on the remains of the bodies
showed no sign of smoke inhalation in their lungs, proof that the intense
concentrations of gas had been the cause of death.

During the hearings into the largest Federal armed entry ever conducted against
as American home, Janet Reno again fell back on her old tactics, producing a
single witness named Kiri Jewell who poured forth with unsubstantiated claims of
Koresch as sexual deviate. Less than two weeks following the hearings, it became
publicly known that Jewell had not been at the Waco compound during the time she
claimed the molestations took place, but had been with her father in California,
the result of a successful ploy by the father to use allegations of sexual abuse
to gain custody of Kiri from her Branch Davidian mother.

Despite the discrediting of Kiri's testimony, her statements became the
mandatory screenplay for several movies about Waco, all designed to demonize
Koresch and his followers and to justify the gassing of the compound.

As David Kopel of the Denver Independence Institute noted, "Not since the
Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 had so many Americans been killed as a result of a
conflict with the Federal Government. And the initial government response
indicated almost equivalent lack of remorse."

In yet another example, Janet Reno is still pursuing the "LA 8" case, the forced
deportation of 7 Palestinian men and 1 Palestinian woman, even though former FBI
Director William Sessions told the Congress that the eight had "not been found
to engage themselves in terrorist activity". But as the case of Bobby Fijnje
showed, innocence is simply not a factor in Ms. Reno's decisions. Ms. Reno still
persists in trying to deport the 8 Palestinians, despite a stern rebuff from

[CTRL] New Look Urged on Gulf Syndrome *was* Doctor says WTO gassing led to health problems

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

in reply to:
>Subject: [CTRL] Doctor says WTO gassing led to health problems<
> Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 00:25:23 -0500<
> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><

The man that they quote in this article
recieved a Nobel Prize in the late 1950's
for finding out that (some) bacteria
reproduce by sexual means.


 1996 Washington Correspondence
 Philip Shenon

Gulf War Syndrome
New Look Urged on Gulf Syndrome

December 10, 1996, Page A1

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 2nd Species Of PFIESTERIA Identified

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
Reply to:
Subject:   [CTRL] 2nd Species Of PFIESTERIA Identified
 Date:   Sun, 12 Mar 2000 17:29:48 EST
 From:  William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a web page that I did on
the algae blooms and reprocussions
of the antibiotics from factory
farms getting into the water.

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] child pronography Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Janet Reno would curb press free.

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Check newspapers expressly Florida
this has been posted to the list
previously.  Reno has a liking for
young prostitutes and is not nice to them.
She also gets drunk and drives fast.
this seems to be Clinton's favorite,
a potential security leak that has the potential
of being blackmailed.
Like puppet Clinton does she have a life of her
own or is someone else always pulling the strings?
Makes you wonder: do they still have someone change
their diapers or did they ever learn to do that.
Could be why he made that joke that Monica was just
helping him with his zipper, maybe he really never
was able to learn how to dress himself.

nessie wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >Reno is an alcoholic, depraved pedophile herself.
> And the proof of this is?

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Doctor says WTO gassing led to health problems

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

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 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

Doctor says WTO gassing led to health problems

March 6, 2000

By Brian Hansen
Colorado Daily
U. Colorado

(U-WIRE) EUGENE, Ore. -- The chemical weapons that were used against
civilians during the tumultuous World Trade Organization conference in
Seattle three months ago have given rise to a number of mysterious and
potentially serious long-term health afflictions, says a medical doctor
who is studying the matter.

 Dr. Kirk Murphy, an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA Medical
School and a representative of the group Physicians for Social
Responsibility, discussed the health-related consequences of the
gas-choked WTO meetings last weekend at the Public Interest Environmental
Law Conference in Eugene, Ore.

 "What we saw happening in Seattle was the largest single application of
chemical weapons against civilians in the northern hemisphere," Murphy
said.  "We've seen a range of symptoms arising from the Seattle
experience, including a subset of symptoms that are atypical for the
chemical agents that we've been able to confirm were used."

 Law-enforcement officials maintain that four types of chemical agents
were used in the streets of Seattle during the WTO conference: OC, or
"pepper spray," as well as three varieties of gaseous irritants -- CN, CS,
and CX.

 According to Murphy, people exposed to OC "normally" suffer from intense
burning sensations of their skin and/or eyes, and sometimes from rashes
and minor vision changes in the minutes and hours after exposure. And the
"normal" reactions to the three types of "tear gas" agents reportedly used
in Seattle, Murphy explained, commonly include eye, nasal and throat
irritation, and sometimes respiratory and digestive system problems.

 Teams of street medics treated thousands of people exhibiting these types
of symptoms on Nov. 30, the first big day of protests against the WTO,
Murphy noted. But the following day -- after martial law had essentially
been imposed throughout downtown Seattle --the symptomatic effects of the
chemical weapons changed significantly, Murphy said.

 "Starting on December 1st, we saw a set of symptoms that went beyond the
usual 'irritation' symptoms," Murphy said. "These came to be called the
neurotoxic set of symptoms."

 People who were gassed on Dec. 1, when police stormed Seattle's Pike
Place Market and Capitol Hill neighborhood, suffered then -- and continue
to report now -- a mysterious and troubling set of afflictions, Murphy

 "We've collected several dozen reports of (women) who had an immediate
on-set of menstruation, and there's at least one report of a spontaneous
abortion," Murphy said. "One person who came in (to a street clinic) was
technically delirious ... and had symptoms consistent with shock. So, we
started asking questions that night about what additional agents could be
responsible for what we were seeing."

 Law-enforcement agencies have denied allegations that "nerve gas" or
other military-grade chemical agents were used against WTO protestors and
other civilians in downtown Seattle, and Murphy acknowledged that there
is, at this point, no molecular evidence to support that charge.

 But based on a symptomatic assessment of a host of medical reports -- as
well as a laboratory analysis of several spent chemical weapons containers
-- Murphy and his colleagues at the Los Angeles Office of Physicians for
Social Responsibility have come up with a hypothesis.

 "Broadly speaking, we've raised a few different possible means or methods
by which the atypical symptoms might have come about," Murphy said.

 One explanation, Murphy said, is that the atypical symptoms exhibited in
Seattle were in fact completely consistent with OC and the various tear
gasses -- but that no one -- including the manufacturers of the chemicals
and the police -- know that yet.

 "A lot of the information that was developed (on chemical weapons) came
from the armed forces, where most of the people in the uniforms tended to
have male genitals," Murphy said. "So, we don't have a lot of information
from when thousands of women are exposed to these agents."

 Another possibility, Murphy said, is that age or temperature had caused
some of the chemicals to break down during storage.

 "There's a (spent) canister chasing around Eugene that was manufactured
in 1980," Murphy said. "There are a number of chemical reactions that one
could envision taking place over time in a stored sample."

 A third possibility is that the so-called inert ingredients that are
present in the chemical weapons containers -- which are frequently toxic
and carcinogenic solvents -- independently caused the atypical symptoms
exhibited in Seattle, Murphy said.

 "What we do know is that the solvents that are found to be present in CN
include something calle

[CTRL] FW: Bloody Sunday - revelation in secret memo

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

GUARDIAN (London)  Monday March 13, 2000
 John Mullin, Ireland Correspondent

 Shoot to kill - army general's plan before Bloody Sunday
Secret memo weeks before killings called for targeting

The officer in day-to-day command of troops in Northern Ireland
recommended to his superior that the army adopt a policy of shooting
rioters three weeks before Bloody Sunday, it can be revealed today.

Major General Robert Ford wrote in a secret memo that rubber bullets and
CS gas no longer deterred rioters in no-go Catholic enclaves such as the
Bogside. The army dubbed them Derry's Young Hooligans.

Major General Ford recommended: "The minimum force necessary to achieve a
restoration of law and order is to shoot selected ringleaders among the
DYH, after clear warnings have been given."

His secret report to his boss in Northern Ireland, Lieutenant General
Harry Tuzo, includes recommendations on what bullets to use. It also may
throw light on the mysterious destruction two months ago of three army
rifles used at Bloody Sunday.

The memo's contents are certain to spark renewed controversy ahead of the
much-delayed start of Lord Saville of Newdigate's inquiry, which has so
far cost 13m. It is scheduled to begin taking evidence in Derry's
Guildhall on March 27.

Peter Pringle and Philip Jacobsen, authors of the forthcoming Bloody
Sunday chronicle "Those are real bullets, aren't they?", reveal Major
General Ford's memo in The Guardian today.

The Parachute Regiment shot dead 13 unarmed Catholics at an illegal civil
rights demonstration in Derry in disputed circumstances on January 30
1972. A man who was wounded died five months later.

Tony Blair announced Lord Saville's probe in January 1998, much to the
dismay of prominent figures in the armed forces. They had supported the
findings of Lord Chief Justice Lord Widgery's 1972 tribunal, which
effectively exonerated the army.

Lord Widgery's report enraged relatives of the deceased, sparking an
enduring campaign to re-examine the evidence. They believed they have had
to suffer a Ministry of Defence-inspired whispering campaign against those
who died for almost 30 years.

Lord Saville's inquiry has been dogged by controversy throughout,
particularly when it tried and failed to ensure soldiers were named when
they appeared to give evi dence. The House of Lords ruled they should be
entitled to anonymity.

Lawyers for the 14 people killed are due to return to the High Court in
Belfast today. They are seeking a judicial re view of Lord Saville's
decision to deny them a postponement.

They have each so far received 60,000 pages of evidence. But there is
still significant material outstanding, and they doubt whether they could
digest it in time if it were passed to them immediately.

As well as providing an insight into military attitudes towards rioters 30
years ago, lawyers for the victims hope that it may resolve the mystery of
two missing rifles. The Ministry of Defence admitted last month three had
been destroyed three months after it gave an undertaking to Lord Saville
to preserve them.

There were 29 rifles available to Lord Widgery's tribunal. But 14 were
later destroyed and 10 sold to private companies. There were five left
when Lord Saville demanded they be kept safe.

In his memo Major General Ford said they were entitled to use the
high-velocity, large-calibre bullets that their rifles took to deal with
rioters. But he was worried about possible collateral damage, with the
bullets able to kill one person and pass through into another.

He suggested modifying some of the rifles to take smaller bullets "to
enable ringleaders to be engaged with less lethal ammunition". Just before
Bloody Sunday Major General Ford had sent 30 of the altered weapons to
Derry for training purposes.

Lawyers confirmed they were determined to probe Major General Ford's memo.
Pringle and Jacobsen suggest one victim, Kevin McElhinney, 17, may have
been shot with one of the smaller bullets.

Peter Madden, whose firm Madden and Finucane represents nine of the 14
bereaved families, said: "We need to know if the modified rifles were
used. This is a very serious area, and you can rest assured it is a key
issue. We are all determined fully to explore it."

Michael McKinney, 49, whose elder brother Willie, then 27, was killed,
said: "They were all innocent victims. My brother was not in the IRA; he
was not a gunman; he did not throw nail-bombs. We are determined that the
full truth comes out this time."

A statement published yesterday suggested soldiers started shooting
believing they were under fire after a sergeant was apparently shot. He
had instead been hit by the empty cartridge from one of his men's rifles
after he accidentally shot himself in the foot.

A retired colonel, then a captain in the Parachute Regiment, said in his
statement to the inquiry some soldiers were "animals"

[CTRL] NYT: The Justice Department Memos (fwd)

2000-03-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



The New York Times
March 11, 2000

The Justice Department Memos

Any hope the Democrats may have had that their past finance scandals
would fade in importance as an issue in this year's presidential
campaign probably vanished yesterday. Several extraordinary and
heretofore secret documents were disclosed that suggested the lengths to
which Janet Reno and her top aides went to protect Vice President Al
Gore and other senior officials from a thorough, independent
investigation into their fund-raising activities in the 1996 campaign.

The documents are further evidence of Ms. Reno's politicized handling of
the campaign fund-raising issue and of her dedication to protecting
Democratic Party interests from start to finish. Given her record, it is
unlikely that these revelations will now shame her into appointing
another strong prosecutor to reinvigorate her department's languishing
campaign finance investigation. But she owes the public an explanation
of her behavior, and Congress will need to explore ways to force action
from attorneys general who protect their cronies while ignoring the
recommendations of professional investigators.

One document is a memo to Ms. Reno written in July 1998 by Charles G. La
Bella, her hand-picked chief of the department's campaign finance task
force. The memo, parts of which appeared in yesterday's Los Angeles
Times, accuses senior officials of "gamesmanship" and legal
"contortions" to avoid an independent inquiry, and faults them as well
for "intellectually dishonest" double standards that allowed Ms. Reno to
investigate lesser figures but not President Clinton, Vice President
Gore, Hillary Rodham Clinton or Harold Ickes, a key White House
political operative.

The document does not accuse any of these Democrats of illegal
activities. What it does say is that the department's failure to appoint
an independent counsel, and its insistence on using its own lawyers, was
"a recipe for disaster" guaranteeing that the public would never learn
the truth. In many respects the La Bella memo echoed the views of Louis
J. Freeh, the F.B.I. director, who also told Ms. Reno that under the
independent counsel law she was legally obliged to appoint an outside
investigator who would not be troubled, as Ms. Reno inevitably would be,
by the conflicts of interest inherent in investigating her boss and the
vice president.

The second damaging document, disclosed in today's New York Times, is a
letter from a senior Justice Department official ordering a federal
prosecutor in Los Angeles, Stephen Mansfield, to stop his investigation
of the now-famous fund-raising luncheon that Mr. Gore attended in April
1996 at a Buddhist retreat in California. With presumably unintended
irony, the official, Lee J. Radek, informed Mr. Mansfield that he should
cease and desist because the matter could have "independent counsel
ramifications" -- even though Ms. Reno never had any real appetite for
such a counsel.

Mr. Mansfield halted his investigation, and in the following months
several figures involved in the temple fund-raising scheme fled the
country. The department's own internal inquiry exonerated Mr. Gore. So
far the only person nailed in the affair has been Maria Hsia, a
California immigration consultant and fund-raiser for Mr. Gore who was
convicted by a federal jury in Washington last week.

Ms. Reno's spokesman insisted yesterday, as Ms. Reno herself has
insisted all along, that she had fully evaluated every allegation
against Mr. Gore, never found sufficient reason to merit the appointment
of an independent counsel and never acted from political motives. These
latest documents, however, cast further doubt on her wisdom and add to
the evidence that she has run a Justice Department that often puts
politics ahead of impartial law enforcement.

Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] ABCNews: E-Mail Storm Brews (fwd)

2000-03-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

E-Mail Storm Brews

  Judge Says He’ll ‘Hang’ Staffers if Files Are Erased

 By Josh Gerstein

 W A S H I N G T O N, March 10 — A
 simmering controversy over allegedly
 missing White House e-mails moved
 closer to a boil today, as a new
 witness emerged charging that she
  was threatened with firing or jail if she discussed
  the matter with anyone.

   In an affidavit unsealed today in federal court, Betty
  Lambuth, who was assigned to work at the White House
  by contractor Northrop Grumman, said she brought the
  e-mail problem to the attention of Clinton aides in
  mid-1998. Lambuth alleges that a technical problem
  caused 100,000 incoming e-mails at the White House to
  escape being recorded on a server searched in response
  to subpoenas and document requests from Independent
  Counsel Ken Starr, congressional committees and others.

   Lambuth claims that after she disclosed the problem to
  her supervisors, including White House Office of
  Administration Director Mark Lindsay, they threatened
  her. “Lindsay said that if I or any of my team who knew
  about the e-mail problem told anyone else about it we
  would loose (sic) our jobs, be arrested and put in jail,”
  Lambuth’s affidavit states. She says the effort to rectify
  the problem was slow moving and was dubbed “Project
  X” to preserve its secrecy. Lindsay declined to respond to
  Lambuth’s allegations, as did a White House spokesman.

   In a pair of hearings today, U.S. District Court Judge
  Royce Lamberth heard arguments from lawyers involved
  in the dispute. Attorneys representing Republican
  appointees whose FBI files were improperly requested by
  the White House several years ago have asked the judge
  to allow them to investigate the e-mail problem and the
  possibility that other White House computer records were
  lost. A lawyer representing the government asked that the
  White House have more time respond to the allegations.

  White House Acknowledges ‘Glitch’

  Lamberth did not rule today on whether the White House
  had engaged in any wrongdoing, but he did seek firm
  assurances that all computer records that still exist will be
  preserved. At a hearing this morning, the judge, who has
  clashed repeatedly with the Clinton Administration, said
  he wanted the names of White House officials who could
  be held responsible if data tapes or servers were erased.

   Justice Department lawyer James Gilligan returned to
  court this afternoon with the names of two White House
  officials who had agreed to safeguard the records.
  Lamberth made clear that he would take harsh action if
  any records were destroyed.

   “The White House has had enough experience with me
  to know what the consequences of that would be,”
  Lamberth said. The judge said he has the “names of the
  people that will be hung and they know I will hang them.”

   For nearly a month, White House officials have
  rebuffed requests to discuss the e-mail problem and how
  it was handled. In response to a reporter’s question last
  month, President Clinton declared, “I believe that we have
  complied with every request.”

   In this morning’s hearing, Gilligan acknowledged that
  there had been some kind of problem with e-mail storage.
  “From 1996 to 1998, due to a programming error, an
  e-mail server was not forwarding certain e-mail,” he said.
  Gilligan did not say how, or if, the error was fixed. Gilligan
  suggested that the email involved was not germane to the
  so-called Filegate dispute. “The problem did not effect
  any internal e-mail,” he said.

   Gilligan maintained that the White House had made no
  effort to keep the problem quiet and noted that a White
  House spokesman acknowledged the glitch in a news
  story in 1998. However, the lawyer also said that the
  administration has had little time to figure out what
  happened. “The White House’s investigation into the
  entire matter is very preliminary,” he said.


[CTRL] Wear Lead Underwear

2000-03-12 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


NEWSMAX: At six major airports around the country the federal government is
currently using highly sensitive X-ray machines that can view a person naked
- including revealing private body parts. The Customs Service claims they
are using the X-ray devices to help root out suspected drug smugglers.
Customs Service officials said they use the "Peeping Tom" machines only with
travelers they consider possible drug smugglers. Not all suspects are
examined by the machine - only suspects who don't want to be frisked.
Frisking typically includes a hands-on "pat down" of the person, a "strip
search" - removal of a person's clothing for inspection - or a more
intrusive body cavity search . . .
"It's an electronic strip search, and its extremely graphic," Barry
Steinhardt told the Wall Street Journal. Steinhardt is associate director of
the American Civil Liberties Union . . . BodySearch creates a permanent
image that can be transferred from the X-ray machine, prompting fears that
some employees may save the images of naked people - including celebrities -
and hawk them to magazines or publish them over the Internet.

NEWSMAX http://www.newsmax.com/articles/?a=2000/3/8/175020

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NRA Selling-Out Gun Rights?

2000-03-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NRA Selling-Out Gun Rights?
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 4:39 AM

- Original Message -
From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:57 PM
Subject: NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre gives 2nd amendment rights

NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre gives 2nd amendment rights
By Chris W. Stark - Director Gun Owners Alliance
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-281-787-4111  Fax 1-281-328-7505
04 March 2000
Copyright © 2000 by http://www.NealKnox.com
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.

Just more hard proof of how we desperately need to elect
staunch pro-gun NRA Board of Directors that will not
compromise our 2nd amendment rights away. LaPierre &
Heston need to be given their walking papers too. To voice
your disgust with NRA policies, first of all, VOTE the
compromisers out by going to
http://www.goa-texas.org/BoD-1.htm (see list below)
then call the NRA and voice your disgust at:

1-800-NRA-3888  or  1-703-267-1000
or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Editor's Note:  Wayne LaPierre & Charlton Heston 703-267-
1020 fax 703-267-3909)

Additional NRA abuses can be found at

Time to light up Congressional switchboards and apply the
heat! For a list of phone numbers for U.S. House of
Representatives and Senators, go to:



With Respect,

Gun Owners Alliance
Chris W. Stark - Director

#  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #


March 4 Neal Knox Update - President Clinton has called a
meeting for Tuesday with Congressional leaders to demand
passage of his package of gun laws.

On Wednesday, he was on the NBC Today show and CBS
Dan Rather declaring that NRA has a stranglehold on
Congress and is opposed to all gun laws.

On Thursday, NRA E.V.P. Wayne LaPierre was on NBC
Today detailing what all new gun proposals NRA supported.
He listed last June's House-approved gun package which
included a requirement that dealers sell trigger locks with
each handgun, requiring NICS checks on pawn shop
redemption's, banning importation of over-10-round
magazines not included in the 1994 ban, prohibiting
"unsupervised" access by juveniles to "assault weapons" and
high-cap magazines, a lifetime ban on gun ownership for
juveniles convicted of violent offenses, and mandatory
background checks on buyers from gun shows table

While show host Katie Couric wasn't impressed by the list of
gun laws NRA supports,  NRA members lit up NRA's phones
and the Internet, insisting that many of those provisions
violated the Second Amendment.

LaPierre informed Couric that it was the House Democrats,
with White House backing, who killed the entire gun package
because it didn't have Sen. Lautenberg's draconian gun show
background check bill -- which could kill gun shows due to its
almost impossible-to-meet requirements on show sponsors.

Sen. Lautenberg, during a press conferences with Sens.
Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer this week, stated that
his intent was to eliminate gun shows entirely.  His
amendment would go a long ways toward that goal.

With Clinton declaring that his trigger lock package would
have saved the First Grader killed in Michigan -- which is
patently ludicrous since the murder gun was stolen and found
in a crack house -- most of the focus of Tuesday's meeting is
likely to be directed toward trigger locks.

Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, chairman of the Republican House
reelection effort, sponsored the amendment requiring
handguns to be sold with trigger locks or other security
devices last June.  With NRA's blessing, it passed 311-115.

Gov. George Bush said Wednesday that if such a bill came to
his desk he would sign it, but he felt use of such devices
should be up to the homeowner.  He asked if advocates of
requiring trigger locks to be kept installed wanted Federal
"trigger lock police" to assure compliance.

The sticking point in Clinton's package is, as it was last
June, the NRA-backed gun show amendment by Rep. John
Dingell, which would impose workable requirements on gun
show promoters and allow an "Instant Check" to take no
more than 24 hours instead of Lautenberg's five business

Clinton is again unlikely to allow the NRA-backed package to
pass unless it has the NRA-opposed Lautenberg's gun show
amendment, for he wants to keep the gun issue alive,
particularly "trigger locks."

However, if the press begins to report the political game-
playing over trigger locks, Clinton and t

[CTRL] Fw: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash

2000-03-12 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

What US papers, if any, reported on this? Are journalists targets in the
Wild West Russia? Is this a conspiracy?

Chechnya and USSR fighting over oil = death?

US and Middle east fighting over oil = damn capitalism?


--Original Message -
From: Fran Casal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 08:42 AM
Subject: RV: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash

> -Mensaje original-
> De: Tim Fuell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: viernes, 10 de marzo de 2000 12:27
> Asunto: [aij] Russian IJ dies in air crash
> From: Tim Fuell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Moscow air crash kills reporter
> ---
> A Russian investigative journalist and a Chechen oil baron were killed
> with seven other passengers when their plane crashed in Moscow
> yesterday. The Yak-40, scheduled to fly to Kiev, the Ukranian capital,
> rose briefly after take-off then crashed.
> There were suspicions that the crash was caused deliberately by someone
> wanting to silence Artyom Borovik, 38, an investigative journalist who
> was behind the Top Secret television programme. A colleague, Dmitri
> Dibov, said: ''This was a terrorist act.'' He said he had joked to Mr
> Borovik that it would only take the deaths of him and a couple of other
> journalists to wipe out the Russian opposition.
> The death of Ziya Bazheyev, Chechen president of the oil company
> Neftenoialians, also provoked speculation. The company is linked to an
> oil pipeline between the Caspian and Black Seas via Chechnya. The
> pro-Moscow Chechen had survived two previous air crashes.
> Source:
l -
> The Times

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Sins of the Fathers

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an exerpt from:
Sins of the Fathers
James Pope Hennessy©1967
All rights reseved
Capricorn Books
New York, NY
LCCN 67-11141
286 pps – 1969 pbk – Out-of-print
-- Up in Boston, and despite clear evidence to the contrary, people will deny
that Bostonians ever had anything to do with the slave trade, and the
Massachusetts Historical Society has even gone to the pains of publishing
documents to show that the New England slave trade was centred on Newport,
Rhode Island. In Newport itself the clapboard town's complicity in the trade
cannot be ignored, but emphasis is laid on the leading part played in it by
immigrant Portuguese Jews like Aaron Lopez, who lie buried there in the calm
and shady little graveyard of the first American synagogue. In
Charlottesville, Virginia, you get embarrassed replies if you ask how it came
about that the venerated Thomas Jefferson who wrote against slavery still
owned slaves and constructed Monticello with slave labour. When you get down
into the Carolinas some of the descendants of the planters and merchants,
some members of the old and charming aristocracy of Charleston and elsewhere,
can scarcely understand why one thinks the old days of slavery were bad at
all. They will refer to Roman slaves, to Saxon slaves, even to the building
of the Egyptian pyramids, as well as, of course, to slavery as mentioned in
the Bible. 1 got the uneasy feeling that I recall having had many years ago
in Montgomery, Alabama — that to certain nostalgic Southerners it is the
abolition of slavery, rather than its original existence, that constitutes
the real crime.--
-- The slave trade was, of course, only one section of the widespread
shipping interests of the Rhode Island merchants, who also dealt in whale and
sperm oil, in spermaceti candles, and in and import-export business with the
ports of Europe. Most of these firms were family concerns — there were
Christopher, George and Robert Champlin, the four Brown brothers of
Providence Plantation, a large family named Wanton, as well as individuals
like Philip Wilkinson and Stephen d'Ayrault, junior. From 1790 on the slave
trade was chiefly in the hands of the brothers de Wolf, the youngest of whom,
Levi, is said to have 'retired in disgust after making one voyage to
-- But though the Jews of Rhode Island remained as unmoved by African misery
as the planters of the South or as the merchants of Liverpool and Bristol,
there flourished in New England one body of noble-minded persons to whom the
slave trade and slavery itself had always been anathema: the Quakers. In 1773
the Rhode Island Quakers, in particular, received powerful and expert support
for their views from a new recruit to their ranks in the person of Moses
Brown, youngest of the four slave-trading brothers of Providence Plantation.
Converted to Quakerism, Moses Brown gave up slaving to devote the remainder
of his life to fighting the trade, and to trying to persuade his immediate
family and other prominent Rhode Island merchants to desist from it as well.
The zeal of the convert is frequently derided, yet Moses Brown in America,
like John Newton in England, was specifically equipped by experience to
preach the abolition of an evil trade in which he had himself for so long
taken part.--

Chapter 13
The Great Column of Blood


CALABAR because of its deep water anchorage and efficient and obliging native
traders might be popular with European ships' masters, but the actual export
product of this eerie region — Calabari Negroes — were not always in demand
on the other side of the Atlantic. In the West Indies, planters could not on
the whole afford to be choosy, and would accept Calabaris or anything else
reasonably young and healthy that they could get. On the great rice and
indigo plantations of South Carolina, however, Calabaris were not wanted.
'There must not be a Calabar amongst them,' the eminent Charleston slave
trader Henry Laurens wrote to the St Kitts merchants, Smith and Clifton, when
indenting for a fresh stock of slaves in 1755. 'Prime negro men of any
country except Calabar bring great prices with us, £40 stg. and upwards,'
Laurens wrote in September of the same year to another St Kitts middle-man.
Apart from the fact that the chief demand in and around Charleston was for
Gambians and other tall races, and that he refused to handle what he termed
'a scabby flock' of new slaves from the Delta, Laurens gave an interesting
reason for the prejudice against the natives of Calabar: 'Stout healthy
fellows sell to most advantage with us,' he wrote to Peter Furnell, of
Jamaica; 'the country not material if they are not from Calabar which slaves
are quite out of repute from numbers in every cargo that have been sold with
us destroying themselves.' The Calabaris, in fact, carried with them over the
sea their inborn contempt for the value of human life, and their longing for
the African nether-world the gate to which was

[CTRL] [2] Behind The Throne

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an  excerpt from:
Behind The Throne
Paul H Emden 1934
Hodder & Stoughton
320 pages – First Edition – Out-of-print
--A man like Esher, who behind the Throne saw, experienced, and brought about
many things, should be in a position to tell posterity much; from Esher's
numerous notes and papers it should be possible for historians to fill in
many territories which up to now appear as blanks on the map of the Edwardian
age. But Lord Esher was not only a mysterious but also a cautious and tactful
man, and in his will he appointed that his most intimate documents should be
scaled up and not opened till 1981. A future generation alone will receive an
explanation from Lord Esher's papers of many things which to-day are dark,
and perhaps it will also get many a surprise.--



ALL men, even of strong and considerable individuality, are the product of
their time, are advanced or retarded by it. Only very rarely has a great and
outstanding personality succeeded, not merely in not being subject to the
period in which he lived, but also in being able to shape his age, to impress
his stamp upon it. The effect of such an individuality can become so strong
and so general that its influence affects the outlook of a whole nation.
Later on, then, History gives to the age in which such a personality arose,
his name.

If it is possible to a creative genius, possessed of no other means of
expression than language or his art, to exercise such an influence on his
times, how much more numerous and strong are the means at the disposal of a
Monarch. The Constitution of this country in particular grants to the Ruler a
many-sided position which rises into symbolism and borders on to mysticism.
In the name of the King of England it is decided what is right and what
wrong, the law is administered, rewards and penalties are given, and, so far
as concerns his personal conduct and his way of looking at everyday matters,
he is the pattern on which millions model themselves. The sphere of his
influence, however, is not based on the Constitution alone; tradition also
has its share. Thus the King is the Head of the State, of the Church, and, in
addition, the Leader of Society. Owing to this many-sidedness, the Monarch
can influence from the most varied points of view the inner growth of the
country, not only its administrative Government; he can promote or delay its
development, can adapt himself to the spirit of the age, but can also harden
himself against it. The stronger the personality on the Throne, the stronger
is this impression. The sphere of influence of a Monarch ready to shoulder
responsibility became extensive and outstanding in the life of the nation
when for six decades — that is, for two complete generations — it placed on
the country the stamp of his individuality.

Apart from a few intervals of inner weariness, Victoria, both in her youth
and her old age, held with untiring energy and indefatigable zeal the post
appointed to her at the head of the State which, towards the end of the
century, was face_ to face with problems, both at home and abroad, very
different from those which had to be solved sixteen years after the death of
Napoleon.[1] But even the ageing Queen always knew, although sometimes
complaining and often hindering rather than assisting, how to adapt herself
to the changed political outlook. Apart from her Constitutional duties,
however, in her traditional tasks the Queen was, from her earliest years,
except the very first time perhaps, inclined to fall short. Stockmar and the
Prince Consort, the strongest and in effect her most far-reaching advisers,
had changed the merry, cheerful English disposition of the young Princess;
thus the foundations were laid in the Queen of those stern views, that hard
outlook on life, which with the years developed into the most regrettable
intolerance. These two counsellors had made the Queen one-sided in her
conception of her Royal calling — had, so to say, bureaucratised her; ever
prejudiced, they saw in all proposals and measures submitted by Whitehall to
the Sovereign nothing but opportunities for a one-sided fight with the
Constitution, to violate which her Ministers never — or at any rate very
rarely — had the slightest intention. In addition to this, they took no
notice of the claims of tradition, and this for the reason that they knew
nothing of it, were not and could not be familiar with it. After the death of
both the Consort and Stockmar, the Queen for forty years stood almost alone,
for none of the successive personal advisers was allowed to exercise any deep
and far-reaching influence, and she believed herself compelled to renounce
that of her son; thus the Queen, who clung more and more strongly to the
past, gradually became so estranged from the present, refusing to make any
compromise, that in the end she believed that she could put a stop to any
natural developm

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

2000-03-12 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000312b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* NEW! Yesterday's news: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/11_03_2000.html
* No robotic spacecraft were sexually exploited to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SATAN! http://news.excite.com/photo/img/ap/bruins/sabres/2309/bfx101
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# More UFO Sightings, Some Recorded On Video. NEW JERSEY HOVERING UFO; MARY
  SPOT - UK BLACK TRIANGLES: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/filers31200.htm

@ MKULTRA Docs; may be triggering:
# Recent BC And Yukon UFO Sightings: http://www.ufobc.org/recent.htm
# Firefighters And UFOs: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/fire.htm

@ It's A Great, Big, Wonderful World We Live On... And Some ETs Are Trying
  To Help. We live on one of the great jewels in the universe and that is
  one of the main reason we are being visited. The visitors have been giving
  us a message, but many cannot see it or understand it. The blind fools...
  But they'll learn. THEY'LL learn!! http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/big.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Robot reduces spinal surgery risk. Scientists are developing a robot that
  can reduce the risks associated with extremely delicate surgery on the
  spine. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_672000/672815.stm

@ Links - Spinal Injuries Association: http://www.spinal.co.uk/
@ Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center: http://www.spinalinjury.net/
@ National Spinal Cord Injury Association: http://www.spinalcord.org/

: Are your favorite surgeons human, alien, robotic, spiritual, mental? Are
your paralyzing injuries divine will? Should surgeons be allowed to muck
around with you? Do surgeons conspire against you? Have they chopped you up?

# Are you smarter than a robot? The world's largest experiment on
  artificial intelligence starts today. Test yourself and see, hu-man.
# New Law for Quantum Computers Disclosed - stricter enforcement urged:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pope In Historic Plea To Pardon Church Sins. VATICAN CITY (Reuters) In one
  of the most significant acts of his papacy, Pope John Paul asked forgive-
  ness for the *many* past sins of his Church, including its treatment of
  Jews, heretics, women and native peoples. But apology for fish on Friday.
  Ewww. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2312/ts/pope_forgiveness_4.html

# The Inquisition - Catholic Church's 700 Years Of Mass Murder. VATICAN CITY
  (AFP) - The Roman Catholic Inquisition, for which Pope John Paul II sought
  forgiveness Sunday, was a 700-year campaign of persecution of heretics in
  which hundreds of thousands of people were tortured and killed. Suppressed
  many dissidents, reformers: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/inquiz.htm

: Have you apologized lately? Should you have? Did you go far enough? D'your
operatives smile grimly and continue towards their goal? D'ya prefer child
molestation, mind-control, dissident-incineration, granting indulgences??

# Giordano Bruno - Philosopher & Scientist Burnt At The Stake 400 Years Ago.
  (Sun) "I cleave to the heavens,  and soar to the infinite. What others see
  from afar, I leave far behind me." http://sightings.com/politics6/gio.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Einstein Experiment Faces Crucial Test This Summer. Gravity Probe B (GPB),
  a half billion-dollar space mission designed to prove Einstein right or
  wrong, is struggling with technical difficulties, rising costs and a
  receding launch date. http://space.com/science/grav_probe_b_000310.html

# Also: Gravitational Waves: Einstein's Elusive Children:
# The World's Largest Gravitational-Wave Observatory Goes Online:
# How Gravitational Waves Lead to Space-Time Ripples:

: Have you probed gravity lately? Has gravity probed you? Have you struggled
with gravity? Who won? Have you detected/generated/manipulated any gravity
waves lately? Was it difficult? Should you change your diet? Should we all?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Failed rocket plunges into ocean - British hopes dashed. (BBC) A rocket
  takes its telecoms satellite payload to a watery

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-03-12 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>@ "Guy (Note1), a skilled telegrapher, arranged for his father, a retired
>  railroad telegrapher, to operate a key, each closure and  opening of
>  resulted in a pulse of microwave energy. By directing the radiations at
>  his own head, complex messages via the Continental Morse Code were
>  readily received by Guy." http://www.raven1.net/v2succes.htm:

So what became of Guy? Is he alive today? If not, what did he die from?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] child pronography Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Janet Reno would curb press free.

2000-03-12 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Reno is an alcoholic, depraved pedophile herself.

And the proof of this is?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] W. Virginia to Ban Gay [homo] Marriages

2000-03-12 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

W. Virginia to Ban Gay Marriages

 From Associated Press

West Virginia Legislature voted Saturday to ban
 homosexual marriages and 
prohibit the state from recognizing such marriages performed
 in other states.
  On the last day of the 
60-day legislative session, the House approved the measure,
 96-to-3, and sent it to the 
governor for his signature. The Senate previously passed it
 unanimously. Gov. Cecil 
Underwood introduced the ban, so his agreement is expected.
  Underwood was not 
immediately available for comment. But his spokesman, Dan
 Page, said the bill is "an 
opportunity for the legislative and executive branches to
 develop a law rather than 
have the judiciary develop the law. In some other states the
 courts have addressed the 
  The bill would allow 
marriage licenses to be issued only to couples consisting of a
 man and a woman.
  It would insert onto 
marriage license applications the phrase, "Marriage is designed
 to be a loving and lifelong 
union between a woman and a man."
  Chuck Smith, co-chairman 
of the West Virginia Lesbian and Gay Coalition, said: "I
 think this is a really sad 
day. The main purpose of the bill is to say, once again, that
 people who are gay and 
lesbian are second-class citizens."
  On Tuesday, Californians 
approved a ballot measure that prohibits the state from
 recognizing same-sex 
marriages legally performed in any other state.
  Thirty states and the 
federal government passed laws denying recognition of
 same-sex marriages.



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NRA Says [rapist/algore] Uses Violence for Political Gain

2000-03-12 Thread Bard


NRA Says Clinton Uses Violence for Political Gain


I always knew the femmes and homos would
stop at nothing to further their Agenda;
looks like the California Voters voted
for common sense re. homo marriage.
Title: NRA


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Sunday March 12  5:08 PM ET
NRA Says Clinton Uses Violence for Political Gain
NRA Says Clinton Uses Violence for Political Gain

Reuters Photo

By Arshad MohammedWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leading U.S. gun lobby group
accused President Clinton on Sunday of deliberately failing to
enforce existing gun control laws and of exploiting the
resulting violence for political gain.The comments by a top National Rifle Association official
drew a rebuke from the White House, which said the NRA had a
long history of rejecting gun control and that its views should
not be taken seriously in the current debate over new measures,
including a three-day waiting period for gun show purchases.``I've come to believe he needs a certain level of violence
in this country,'' NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre
told ABC's ``This Week'' program.``He's willing to accept a certain level of killing to
further his political agenda -- and the vice president too, I
mean, how else can you explain this dishonesty we get out of the
administration,'' LaPierre said.``You can't care about stopping crimes with guns and give
the country a complete lack of enforcement of the gun laws on
the books, which is what this president has done,'' he added.White House spokesman Joe Lockhart shot back by referring to
a string of earlier gun control measures opposed by the NRA. The
White House has also long denied it has failed to enforce
existing gun laws.``These are the same people that opposed the Brady Bill ...
restrictions on assault weapons and cop killer bullets,''
Lockhart said. ``Just ask a cop on the street who is on their
side. The NRA should not be taken seriously. They have
eliminated themselves from any role in this debate.''The harsh rhetoric shows how high the stakes are as Clinton
seeks to push gun control legislation after a string of school
shootings, including a Feb. 29 incident in which a six-year-old
Michigan boy killed a girl the same age with a stolen handgun.In a television interview and a rare Sunday speech, Clinton
called on the Republican-led Congress to mandate a three-day
waiting period for gun show purchases, child-safety trigger
locks and a ban on importing high-capacity ammunition clips
through legislation approved by the U.S. Senate last year.A less stringent version of the bill passed in the House of
Representatives and Clinton said the two have yet to hammer out
a compromise because of pressure from the gun lobby.``Knee-Jerk Nra Reaction''``I just think their knee-jerk reaction to any gun safety
measure is wrong,'' Clinton told ABC's ``This Week'' program in
an interview taped on Friday in which he also accused the NRA of
being ``ruthlessly brutal'' to gun control advocates.The president last week asked the Republican leaders of
Congress to find a compromise on the gun control legislation by
April 20, the anniversary of the 1999 killings at Littleton,
Colorado's Columbine High School, where two teen-agers killed 12
fellow students, a teacher and themselves.''The NRA has fought hard against elements of the legislation
and has begun running television advertisements featuring its
president, actor Charlton Heston, in which he all but accuses
Clinton of being a liar.``All this sort of wounded rhetoric by the NRA, given how
ruthlessly brutal they were to members who were brave enough to
vote for the Brady Bill and the assault weapons ban ... these
crocodile tears, I don't think it will wash with the voters.
Even with Moses reading the script,'' Clinton said, referring to
Heston's famous portrayal of Moses in ``The Ten Commandments.''The Brady Bill, passed in 1994, required a five-day waiting
period for handgun purchasers until it expired in November 1998
and was replaced by a computerized checking system requiring a
three-day delay in the purchase if a red-flag warning appeared.Clinton later suggested the conference committee named to
work out differences between the House and Senate versions of
last year's gun control bills had not met because legislators
feared a backlash from voters if they killed the legislation.``Those who don't want any legislation don't want to get
caught killing it,'' Clinton told several thousand officials
gathered for a conference organized by the Na

[CTRL] The Black Book

2000-03-12 Thread Bard


 far and wide!!

by Ralph Reiland
[December 21, 1999]
As we turn to a new century next week, the good news is that the most
100 years in history is over, a prime reason to raise a glass of spirits
at midnight.


Related Site:



 The Black Book 

  by Ralph Reiland

[December 21, 1999]

As we turn to a new century next week, the good news is that the most
murderous 100 years in history is over, a prime reason to raise a glass of
spirits at midnight.

Topping the list of the century's worst butchers are the Russians and
Chinese, along with their assorted statist cousins. Collectively, since the
time of the Bolsheviks' coup in 1917, the Communist bosses have slaughtered 100
million people.

 In grave detail, The Black Book of Communism (Harvard
University Press, 1999) provides a tally of the "politically correct" mass
murders, the deaths from firing squads, man-made famines, gassing, hanging,
concentration camps: China, 65 million deaths; USSR, 20 million; Vietnam,
North Korea and Cambodia, 5 million; Africa, 1.7 million; Afghanistan, 1.5
million; Eastern Europe, 1 million; Latin America, 150,000 deaths.

>From day one, the extreme centralism imposed by Communist regimes was a
highly deadly enterprise. In just two months in 1918 the Bolsheviks executed
more than twice as many political opponents as the czars had in the previous
century. Starting on the day they shot their way to power, the Bolsheviks put
their lust for violence on full display, dragging tens of thousands of their
fellow citizens to the firing squads--prisoners captured in the civil war,
clergy, nobles, military officers, policemen, the "bourgeois intelligensia,"
rich peasants, capitalists, and, finally, the rebellious workers and poor
peasants and anyone else who dared to protest in the streets.

purification drive of the collectivist mind, the messianic re-making of human
nature, the suppression of private property, profit and freedom, and, most of
all, the choking of individualism, required that they all be shot like dogs.
They became "enemies of the people," or "noxious insects," as Lenin said
early on, inaugurating Communism's animalization of its opponents.

This bloody orgy was a pure exercise in "class genocide," asserts Stephane
Courtois, the ex-Trotskyite editor of  "The Black Book" and historian of the
French Communist party, a reign of political carnage of planetary dimensions,
a massacre designed to create a moral society through the extermination of
the impure, through the silencing of any who stood in the path of a
classless, propertyless and egalitarian utopia.

In his book Hungry Ghosts, Jasper Becker describes how Mao's so-called
Great Leap Forward in China killed 30 million peasants:

"On a muddy path
leading from the village, dozens of corpses lay unburied. Among the dead, the
survivors crawled slowly on their hands and knees searching for wild grass
seeds to eat. In the ponds and ditches people squatted in the mud hunting for
frogs and trying to gather weeds. The dead were left where they died because
no one had the strength to bury them. The dogs had been eaten and the
chickens and ducks had long ago been confiscated by the Communist Party in
lieu of grain taxes. There were no birds in the trees, and the trees
themselves had been stripped of their leaves and bark. There was no longer
even the scratching of rats and mice, for they too had been eaten or had
starved to death. At night, peasants went into the fields to cut the flesh
from corpses and eat it."

Under Mao's collectivist decrees, peasants had been stripped of all private
possessions. The Communist Party had forbidden them even to cook food at
home, and private fires had been outlawed. "Their iron griddles and woks and
pans had been taken away to be melted down into steel," explains Becker. 

"There was only one place in the village from which smoke was allowed to
rise. This was the collective kitchen. Villagers would queue up with their
bowls to receive their rations of food." The harvests had been seized by the
state, so the collective soup was nothing more than a "thin gruel into which
the cooks had thrown the leaves of sweet potatoes and turnips, ground corn
stalks, wild grasses, and anything else the peasants could gather." The first
to die were those who had been labeled as rich peasants, the ones given the
lowest rations.

During the harvest, state inspectors had "searched the peasants as they left
the fields and had beaten anyone they caught trying to eat the wheat
kernels." A woman interviewed by Becker tells of how she had been forced to
spit out some kernels when she was spotted chewing while laboring in a field.
Those who dared to question Mao's bizarre way to achieve a Great Leap Forward--higher food outputs by way 

[CTRL] The Income Inequality Hoax

2000-03-12 Thread Bard

 far and wide!!

by William Anderson

  [Posted March 10, 2000]

  A pestilence stalks the land. It threatens to
undo the
  current economic expansion. It may undo any
social good
  that has been accomplished this past decade
and may
  even result in blood in the streets.

Open the Word Document to read the Truth.

On the other-hand if you've not suffered
enough Pain, your Conscience may not be
prepared for the Truth.
(It's like allowing your Child to digest
psychotropic drugs;  their immature
Soul is unprepared to deal with the
reality of their environment.)

 Income Inequality Hoax.doc

[CTRL] NWO In East Europe...

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

E. Europe Leaders Vow United Region

By Magdalena Kulig
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, March 12, 2000; 12:30 PM

GNIEZNO, Poland –– On the 1,000th anniversary of a meeting that affirmed the
first independent Polish state, presidents from central and eastern Europe
expressed their desire to build a united Europe without xenophobia or

The leaders of Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Lithuania attended at the
invitation of Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and the country's
influential Roman Catholic Church.

"We, the presidents of the five states, solemnly confirm our deep attachment
to the common roots of European civilization," they said in a joint statement
Kwasniewski read in front of hundreds of people outside the Gothic
double-towered Gniezno Cathedral.

Czech President Vaclav Havel was forced to stay home, suffering from
bronchitis. Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma also canceled because of a
weekend coal mine explosion that killed 81 miners.

The leaders attending the event pledged respect for "tolerance, peace and
international solidarity," and appealed "to the nations of Europe to
consistently and adamantly oppose all manifestations of hatred, xenophobia,
racism, aggressive nationalism and extremism."

They also stressed that the present good relations among their nations proved
that "bad and tragic pages of our common history can be overcome if there
exists a will to act in the spirit of reconciliation, partnership and good

Later Sunday, during a one-hour television debate, they shared their concern
about the growing skepticism toward European integration that has replaced
early enthusiasm on both sides of the vanished Iron Curtain.

Part of the debate focused on the inclusion of a far-right party in Austria's

"The European Union is a community of values, it is not only a common
market," said German President Johannes Rau, explaining the EU's decision to
impose sanctions on Austria's new government.

Hungarian President Arpad Goencz said all European nations have to be able to
face their past, because "what happened in Austria can be repeated elsewhere"
without honest reflection about history.

Earlier, the presidents, along with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal
Angelo Sodano and regional church leaders, took part in an ecumenical service.

The meeting commemorates the Gniezno Congress of the year 1000, which brought
together Germany's emperor, papal envoys and their host, King Boleslaw I
Chrobry – the man who first united a group of Slavonic tribes into the Polish

The European leaders gathered at the grave of St. Adalbert, an early advocate
of European unity who traveled through the region as a missionary.

St. Adalbert, who is also known by his Polish name, St. Wojciech, was killed
by pagans in Gdansk and buried by King Boleslaw in Gniezno, Poland's first

In 1000, German Emperor Otto III came to Gniezno to pray at the shrine and
meet with Boleslaw. Under Otto's agreement, an independent Polish church was
set up and given the right to turn directly to Rome for protection, shielding
it from German influence.

In 1997, presidents of the seven central and eastern European nations joined
Polish-born Pope John Paul II in Gniezno to commemorate the 1,000th
anniversary of St. Adalbert's death.

© 2000 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: IRS To Register Handguns.

2000-03-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

---Begin forwarded message---

The following are three posts from different lists. Talk about trying
to do an end run around the 2nd Amendment! I don't see any
bill that it's more critical to defeat.
- Original Message -
From: Karl Kleinpaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Folkshere is a copy of this proposed law...which is the end
of the 2nd Amendment.  Once the IRS has permission to enforce
registration...there will be NO recourse.  You MUST try and stop
bill now, or kiss your 2nd Amendment rights goodbye ! Please, use
power of the internet to raise such an outcry that these spineless
whimps in Washington CANNOT refuse to hear and obey !  GO
here and see
it for yourself.
 Or go to http://thomas.loc.gov/  and in By Bill Number, enter

and swat Search.
 If this passes both houses, I figure we've got 1 year until the
shooting starts, because that's the deadline for compliance with this
bill's intended requirements.


S 2099 IS
   106th CONGRESS
 2d Session
  S. 2099

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the
of handguns, and for other purposes.

 February 24, 2000

 Mr. REED introduced the following bill; which was read twice
referred to the Committee on Finance.


 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the
registration of handguns, and for other purposes.
 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

 This Act may be cited as the `Handgun Safety and
Registration Act of 2000'.

 1.  IN GENERAL- Section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
  of 1986 (defining firearm) is amended by striking `and (8) a
  destructive device' and inserting `(8) a handgun; and (9) a
  destructive device'.
 2.  DEFINITION OF HANDGUN- Section 5845 of the Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to definitions) is amended by
  adding at the end the following: n.  HANDGUN-
   1.  IN GENERAL- The term `handgun' means any weapon
(including a starter gun) which--
A.  is designed to or may be readily converted to
 a projectile by the action of an explosive,

B.  has a short stock and is designed to be held

 fired by the use of a single hand.
shall also
include the frame or receiver of any such weapon,

any combination of parts from which a handgun can

assembled if such parts are in the possession or
the control of a person.
   3.  EXCLUSION- Such term shall not include a firearm
classified as `any other weapon' under subsection

of the
  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to rate) is amended by
  inserting 'or as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8)' after


 5821(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to rate)
 is amended by inserting ', except, the tax on any firearm

 a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) shall be at the rate of $50
 for each such firearm made' after `firearm made'.

 1.  IN GENERAL- Section 5844 of the Internal Revenue Code of
  1986 (relating to importation) is amended by adding at the

  the following:  "This section shall not apply to any firearm
  classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8).'.
 2.  CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 925(d)(3) of title 18,
  States Code, is amended by inserting `(without regard to
  paragraph (8) thereof)' after `section 5845(a)'.

 1.  IN GENERAL- Section 6103(o) of the Internal Revenue Code
  1986 (relating to disclosure of returns and return

  with respect to certain taxes) is amended by adding at the


Re: [CTRL] government documents

2000-03-12 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find a URL which leads to a variety of documents.

Sincerely, Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse, especially ritual abuse

MKULTRA Documents

Here's one of the documents available :

"1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing

In June 1977, a rare cache of MKULTRA documents were discovered, which had
escaped destruction by the CIA. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
held a hearing on August 3, 1977, to question CIA officials on the
newly-discovered documents. The complete 171-page record is included here,
including testimony and dozens of MKULTRA documents on various subprojects."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] 2nd Species Of PFIESTERIA Identified

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

March 10, 2000

NC State Scientists Confirm Second Toxic Pfiesteria Species

This image of Pfiesteria shumwayae in its zoospore stage is available by
e-mail from NC State News Services, 919/515-3470, or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scientists at North Carolina State University have confirmed the existence of
a second species of Pfiesteria, a toxic microbe linked to fish kills -- and,
in some cases, to human health problems -- along the mid-Atlantic coast.
Researchers from NC State’s Aquatic Botany Laboratory will present their
findings, including a description of the new species, Pfiesteria shumwayae,
on Saturday, March 11, at the Southeastern Estuarine Research Society (SEERS)
conference in Wilmington, N.C.

Dr. JoAnn M. Burkholder, NC State professor of aquatic botany and marine
sciences, says P. shumwayae is the second species identified from "the toxic
Pfiesteria complex," a group of closely related dinoflagellate marine
organisms believed responsible for killing millions of fish from the
Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico.

"As our knowledge of these organisms grows and improved techniques become
available to detect them, we’ll probably identify a dozen separate species,"
said Burkholder, the world’s leading Pfiesteria expert. "We’re still just
knocking on the door with this discovery."

Burkholder co-discovered the first Pfiesteria species, Pfiesteria piscicida,
in 1989. "Piscicida" in Latin means "fish killer."

Research under Burkholder’s direction at the NC State Aquatic Botany Lab
found that P. shumwayae -- pronounced "shum-way-eye" -- is genetically and
structurally different from its better-known cousin, P. piscicida.
Additionally, the two species appear to respond somewhat differently to the
enrichment of nutrients that are often overabundant in coastal waters: P.
shumwayae appears to thrive best in waters with high levels of nitrogen,
while P. piscicida seems to prefer increased phosphorus levels, although both
nitrogen and phosphorus can stimulate it to grow.

Scientists first detected P. shumwayae -- which they suspected to be a new
species -- during a 1995 fish kill in North Carolina’s New River estuary,
following a major spill of effluent from a hog waste lagoon. During two years
of testing by Burkholder and associate Howard Glasgow Jr.’s lab, as well as
by an independent lab for careful corroboration, all the tests confirmed that
the organism is toxic.

Researchers have discovered other Pfiesteria "lookalike" organisms, but P.
shumwayae is the first truly Pfiesteria-like organism -- besides P. piscicida
-- to be found harmful to fish.

Burkholder said that the life cycle and behavior of P. shumwayae are
identical to those of P. piscicida. Like P. piscicida, the newly described
species has a complex series of life stages, most of which are nontoxic. "So
far, we’ve confirmed that 19 of its stages are similar to those of piscicida,
and we believe that it’s only a matter of time before we verify that the
other stages are also the same," she said.

Most of those stages are nontoxic in both species. In the presence of live
fish, however, several stages of both species generate toxins that stun the
fish and cause open sores on their skin; the microbes then feed on the fish
tissue and blood. Both also prefer to prey on the same kinds of algae when
fish are not available, and can "steal" plant-like organelles from algae to
masquerade as microscopic plants.

NC State researchers, however, found dissimilarities in the structure and the
genetic makeup of the two species. Molecular probes identified a 3 percent
difference between the two species’ DNA.

Glasgow spent 200 hours over two years mapping the surface of hundreds of
Pfiesteria zoospores using a scanning electron microscope. In so doing, he
found that many specimens had a different "fingerprint" -- they had a
four-sided structural plate on the outside of the cells where P. piscicida
had a three-sided plate.

"The difference between these species is the difference between a diamond and
a triangle," Burkholder explained.

Thus far, P. shumwayae has been found to overlap the geographic distribution
of P. piscicida: The single-celled organisms inhabit the brackish waters of
estuaries from the Chesapeake Bay and Pamlico Sound south to the Gulf Coast
of Florida and Alabama.

Burkholder named the new species in honor of Dr. Sandra E. Shumway, professor
of biology and marine science at Southampton College in New York. "Dr.
Shumway is a premier scientist studying harmful algal blooms," she said.
"She’s done some of the most significant pioneering research on how toxic
algal blooms impact wild and cultured shellfish populations."

-- potter --
EDITOR’S NOTE: In the days before the SEERS meeting, Burkholder and Glasgow
will be at a conference in Baltimore, where they can be reached at
The abstract of the Pfiesteria presentation at the SEERS meeting follows.

"A second,

[CTRL] COOLIE SHIPS AND OIL SAILERS - A Glimpse of the Slave Trade.

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Coolie Ships and Oil Sailors
Basil Lubbock
Brown, Son & Ferguson
180 pages – 1955 reprint – out-of-print




Beware! Oh, beware!
Of the Bight of Benin
Few come out, though many go in.

Kautch-per-wanee, good-ee time coming;
Sing Britannia rulee waves.
Jolly good-e-fellow, go home in the morning,
Baboo how he can make slaves.

--(The Bengalee Baboo.)

A Glimpse of the Slave Trade.

HERE is probably no greater proof of progress in the history of mankind than
that which is shown by a comparison of the slave trade with the coolie trade.
Yet this progress was not gradual but sudden, the longstanding horror of
human slavery being replaced by a humane, strictly regulated, indenture

Until recent years the weak have always been enslaved by the strong: indeed,
it is only since the Great War that the strong man has bound his weak and
ignorant brother upon his shoulder and attempted to carry him along with all
his other burdens.

Before describing the coolie trade, it is necessary to realise the horrors of
the slave trade which it succeeded. These horrors were, as we shall see,
still at their height as late as the middle of the nineteenth century.

Slavery was not so bad in classical times, when it may be compared to the old
feudal system of the middle ages; the master recognised his duties towards
the man and in return for his service fed, clothed and protected him.

The Elizabethan Slavers.

The overseas slave trade began with the conquest of the New World, when the
Spaniards compelled their Indian captives to work in the fabulously rich
mines of Mexico and Peru. But under the ruthless spur of their cruel
taskmasters, these wretched Indians soon began to die like flies, until at
last it was seen that the treasure galleons would want for cargo unless
labour could be imported.

It was for this reason that the King of Spain granted licences to his
favourites to import negro slaves as far back as 1516. A patent to supply
4000 negroes annually to the plantations of Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, and Porto
Rico, granted to one of Charles's Flemish favourites, was sold to Genoese
merchants for 25,000 ducats. This was really the beginning of the slave trade
between Africa and America, which flourished for the next 350 years.

The first English slave traders were private adventurers. In 1553 Captain
Thomas Windham made the  first British voyage to the Guinea coast; he brought
back white ivory and not black, but in 1554 Captain John Lok returned with
"five Blackamoor slaves" in addition to the usual cargo of elephants' teeth
and palm oil. Captain John Hawkins, a seaman of iron resolution with a keen
business head and few scruples, went one better; by slicer force of arms he
raised a cargo of black cattle, and by slim and delicate negotiation actually
sold it in Hispaniola in spite of all the King of Spain's monopolies,
licences and patents.

On hearing of this adventure Queen Elizabeth was horrified, and declared that
"if the negroes were carried off by force it would be detestable and call
down the vengeance of heaven upon the undertakers." Hawkins, however, was a
difficult man to handle, even for Queen Elizabeth. He at once promised to
respect her scruples and straightway went off for another cargo of black

In 1588, the year of the Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth granted a patent to
the African Company of Merchant Adventurers. This monopoly was for trade only
and disallowed all traffic in slaves. Nevertheless, in a very short time the
English were as deeply dyed in the blood of the West African negro as the
Spanish, Portuguese, French and Dutch; and in less than fifty years the
London and Bristol merchants had got the lion's share of the abominable

In 1662 the Royal Assiento Company with a patent to supply slaves to the
whole of the West Indies, both Spanish, English, French and Dutch, received
the blessing of Charles 11. In 1689 the South Sea House for the reception of
slaves was. built at Jamaica. From 1680 to 1700, 140,000 slaves were landed
in the West Indies by the company and 160,000 by private merchants.

The London, Bristol and Liverpool Traders.

In 1698 the monopoly was stopped by the Bill of Rights and the whole vile
trade was thrown open. For the first ten years of free trade in slaves London
and Bristol provided the slave ships; Bristol averaging about 57 ships per
annum, and the London merchants gradually lessening their interest from 104
ships in 1701 to 30 ships in 1707. By 1730 Bristol merchants, who paid for
their slaves with French, German and Scottish osnaburgs, considered that they
had got the trade safely into their own hands and gave small attention to the
swift snows which had began to run from the Mersey to the West Coast. In 1730
there were 15 of these snows, average 75 tons apiece, and they were the first
of the Liverpool Guineam

[CTRL] Stanford Research Institute-CIA Mind Control Experiments

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control
Alex Constantine is the author of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. (Feral
House, 1995), an exploration of electromagnetic mind control, cults formed by
the CIA, collaboration with old guard Nazis, media disinformation and other
outrageous acts of federal malfeasance. The Constantine Report originated on
KAZU-FM as a regular feature on the Lighthouse Report. His contributions to
the Lighthouse Report were first broadcast in 1989. He has written for Z
Magazine, Hustler, Prevailing Winds, Coast Weekly and MindNet, among other
publications. The following selection is from the upcoming Virtual
Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, scheduled for release in
the spring of 1997.

Concrete evidence that electronic mind control was the true object of study
at SRI was exposed by the Washington Post in 1977. When the Navy awarded a
contract to the Institute, "the scientific assistant to the Secretary of the
Navy, Dr. Sam Koslov, received a routine briefing on various research
projects, including SRI's. As the briefer flashed his chart onto the screen
and began to speak, Koslov stormily interrupted,"What the hell is that
about?" Among the glowing words on the projected chart, the section
describing SRI's work was labeled "ELF and Mind Control."

ELF stands for extremely long frequency electromagnetic waves, from the very
slow brain frequencies up to about 100 cycles per second. But the Mind
Control label really upset Koslov. He ordered the SRI investigations for the
Navy stopped, and canceled another $35,000 in Navy funds slated for more
remote viewing work. Contrary to Koslov's attempt to kill the research, the
Navy quietly continued to fork out $100,000 for a two-year project directed
by a bionics specialist.

The "remote viewing" team at SRI was, in fact, engaged in projecting words
and images directly to the cranium. It is not a humanitarian pastime: the
project was military and test subjects are often subjected to a lifetime of
EM torture plied with the same thorough disregard for human rights as the
radiation tests conducted at the height of the Cold War. To be sure, the
treatment subjects have received at the hands of their own government would
be considered atrocities if practiced in wartime.

Mind control was also used in domestic covert operations designed to further
the CIA's heady ambitions, and during the Vietnam War period SRI was a hive
of covert political subterfuge. The Symbionese Liberation Army, like the
People's Temple, was a creation of the CIA. The SLA had at its core a clique
of black ex-convicts from Vacaville Prison. Donald DeFreeze, otherwise known
as "Cinque," led the SLA. He was formerly an informant for the LAPD's
Criminal Conspiracy Section and the director of Vacaville's Black Cultural
Association (BCA), a covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA
channeled through SRI. The Menlo Park behavior modification specialists
experimented with psychoactive drugs administered to members of the BCA.
Black prisoners were programmed to murder selected black leaders once on the
outside. The CIA/SRI zombie killer hit list included Oakland school
superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster, and Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale,
among others. DeFreeze stated that at Vacaville in 1971-72 he was the subject
of a CIA mind control experiment. He described his incarceration on the
prison's third floor, where he was corralled by CIA agents who drugged him
and said he would become the leader of a radical movement and kidnap a
wealthy person. After his escape from Vacaville (an exit door was left
unlocked for him), that's exactly what he did.

EM mind control machines were championed at SRI by Dr. Karl Pribram, director
of the Neurophychology Research Laboratory: "I certainly could educate a
child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalmus and then selecting
the situations at which I stimulate it. In this was I can grossly change his
behavior." Psychology Today touted Pribram as "The Magellan of Brain
Science." He obtained his B.S. and M.D. degrees at the University of Chicago,
and at SRI studied how the brain processes and stores sensory imagery. He is
credited with discovering that mental imaging bears a close resemblance to
hologram projection (the basis for transmitting images to the brains of test
subjects under the misnomer "remote viewing"?).

The SRI/SAIC psi experiments were supervised at Langley by John McMahon,
second in command under William Casey, succeeding Bobby Ray Inman, the SAIC
director. McMahon has, according to Philip Agee, the CIA whistle-blowing
exile, an affinity for "technological exotics for CIA covert actions." He was
recruited by the Agency after his graduation from Holy Cross College. He is a
former director of the Technical Services Division, deputy director for
Operations, and in 1

[CTRL] Vaccines - New `Tuskegee-Like Experiment' Planned

2000-03-12 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Forwarded message 
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ahu Smith)
 Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000
 Subj: New `Tuskegee-Like Experiment' Planned

 This was sent to me and I am helping spread the word.

 If you want to stop the following experiment please contact
 Congressman Dan Burton's staffer named Beth Clay at
 202-225-5074 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Please forward this to your friends.

 New `Tuskegee-Like Experiment' Planned with Pneumococcal
 Pneumonia Vaccine, Reported by Classen Immunotherapies

 BALTIMORE, Feb. 18 /PRNewswire/

 The following was released today by Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.:

 The FDA cleared yesterday a controversial new pneumococcal
 pneumonia vaccine with questionable safety and a US government
 advisory panel is planning to selectively target black children
 and Native American children for immunization.

 This plan is being criticized for making children of certain
 racial minorities ``human guinea pigs''. It is possible that
 1% or more of the children who receive the vaccine may develop
 insulin dependent diabetes or another autoimmune disease from
 the vaccine.

 This week the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's
 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended that
 children under 2 receive the new pneumococcal vaccine but that
 black and Native American children age 2-5 be selectively
 targeted for immunization. This policy has come under criticism
 because the vaccine has never been properly tested for safety
 and the FDA has been told by an expert that the vaccine is
 expected to cause an epidemic of autoimmune disease.

 The controversial vaccine is the conjugated 7-valent
 pneumococcal vaccine which is really a combination of 7
 different vaccines, each to a separate strain of pneumococcal
 pneumonia bacteria. The vaccine is similar in structure to
 the already marketed hemophilus meningitis vaccine, a vaccine
 linked to large epidemics of insulin dependent diabetes.

 Dr. J. Bart Classen, an immunologist at Classen
 Immunotherapies, published data in the British Medical Journal
 (BMJ 1999; 319:1133) supporting a causal relationship between
 the hemophilus vaccine and the development of insulin dependent
 diabetes. The vaccine has been incriminated in causing over
 58 cases of insulin dependent diabetes per 100,000 children
 immunized in Finland. Dr. Classen told the FDA at a recent
 meeting that the 7 valent pneumococcal vaccine may be 7 times
 as toxic as the hemophilus vaccine, possibly causing an
 estimated 400 to 700 children to develop insulin dependent
 diabetes/100,000 children immunized. These cases of diabetes
 may not occur until 3.5 to 10 years following immunization.

 The government's plan to selectively target black and Native
 Americans is likely to have the effect of genocide, 0.5% of
 children who receive this vaccine may develop insulin dependent
 diabetes from the vaccine and diabetes is just one of many life
 threatening autoimmune disease, states Classen. I believe the
 vaccine clearly should not have been approved by the FDA
 because it does not meet the criteria for approval based on
 US law.

 Dr. Classen's research has been published in numerous journals
 and featured in national news reports. For the latest
 information on the effects of vaccines on insulin dependent
 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases visit the Vaccine Safety
 Website (http://vaccines.net)

 Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.
 6517 Montrose Avenue
 Baltimore, MD 21212 U.S.A.

 Tel: 410-377-4549  /  Fax: 410-377-8526
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://vaccines.net


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon


Please send this far and wide---

One day YOU might be a political prisoner-- When that jail door slams behind
you, you will need someone who is free, who cares enough to keep your name in
the headlines.  While you are free and able to help the political prisoners
who are locked up in jails and prisons --- please take the time to do so.

We must help NOW while we can --

If you live near Lexington and  can attend the trial, please do so. ... and
take friends with you. Les and his family need to know that he is being


Dateline: March 12 ,2000


By Rayelan Allan --  RMNews Agency

LEXINGTON, KY   The long awaited trial of Les Coleman, begins
tomorrow in Lexington, Kentucky. Coleman is  the
author of The Trail of the Octopus, the book that exposes the
DEA's involvement in the bombing of Pan Am 103. Coleman is one of a long list
of government whistle blowers who have been silenced by incarceration.

The trial is expected to last two to three days.

What are the charges?

Mr. Coleman is being charged with fraud due to a check in the
amount $1200.00

I wonder how much money the state of Kentucky will spend on
this trial?

The $1200.00 check was sent to Mr. Coleman so he could attend the Pan Am 103
trial in the Hague. It came through people who have
connections to the Intelligence community. It was given to
Coleman's landlady to pay the rent. It is now said to have been
fraudulent   Whether or not it is or was   has not been proved
beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Back in 1989, when I married Gunther Russbacher, he was thrown
in jail for one year due to "fraud". The two checks in question had
already been paid by the bank. But he was held for one year due to
this charge. He finally was forced to plead guilty and agree to a
probation. When the CIA caused him to violate the terms of his
probation, he was thrown in jail for 28 years. It took us four long
and agonizing years to get him out of prison.

What happened to Les Coleman is a typical way that the United
States Government sidelines whistle blowers.

If you live near Lexington and  can attend the trial, please do so.

It will be held at the Fayette County Court House
215 W. Main Room 2B
Lexington, KY

The presiding judge is Thomas Clark

Les Coleman has a new lawyer who tells him that the State doesn't
have a case. Gunther and I were told this also. However, if the
court is a kangaroo court, it doesn't matter if the State doesn't have
a case.

Your prayers are needed. Les Coleman told the truth when he
wrote the book, The Trail of the Octopus. He is being punished for
being a whistle blower.

Please do what you can to help. Just remember


Television station WKYT CHANNEL 27 says they will cover the
trial. In Gunther's case, all the television stations in St Louis were
set to cover the trial, but at the last moment, they all backed out.

These televisions stations need to know that this trial is important.

Please contact them either by phone or by looking up their


There are also newspapers that need to be contacted:

If Les is lucky and the verdict is NOT GUILTY   then he is going
to need a job.

Before he was arrested, he was working as a Radio Talk Show host
on WLXC 1300 in Lexington. His program was the Mid-
Day Town Forum. It was the most popular show in the area.

Les Coleman has a wife and children to support once he gets out.
If you know a radio station that is brave enough to have Les Coleman as
a radio host, please contact them.

Lexington Contact:

Bill Harrison
102 Lakawana Rd.
Lexington, KY 40503

Or call:
A. Ernest Fitzgerald
703.356. 7270

Les' Current Address:

Lester K. Coleman 4B
200 Clark St
Lexington, KY 40507

 If you don't know who Les Coleman is, here are some articles and websites
that will bring you up to speed:

(This page appears to have vanished)

 http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5260/news.html">Pan Am 103
News from Les Coleman


 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=1778">TRAIL OF

 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=1783">TRAIL OF

 http://rumormillnews.com/cole.htm">RMNews - A Please For Help From
Lester Coleman

 http://rumormillnews.com/prisoner.htm">RMNews - Political
Prisoner's Children Are Missing Christmas - Please Help

 http://rumormillnews.com/pam1.htm">RMNews - C

[CTRL] Tavistock Institute

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD.--

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent
not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine research in the
social sciences with professional practice. Problems of
institution-building and organizational design and change are being
tackled in all sectors - government, industry and commerce, health
and welfare, education, etc. - nationally and internationally, and
clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A growth
area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of
new and experimental programs, particularly in health, education and
community development. This has also produced new training events
alongside the regular program of group relations conferences. The
Institute owns and edits the monthly journal Human Relations
(published by Plenum Press) which is now in its 48th year, and has
recently launched (in conjunction with Sage Publications) a new
journal Evaluation.

Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique:
it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no
subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research
orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and
consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology,
economics, organizational behavior, political science,
psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock
Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford,
Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the
Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who
survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the "breaking
point" of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army
Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond
Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was
given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock's pioneer work in
behavioral science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans
established it as the world center of foundation ideology. Its
network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through
the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Hudson Institute,
Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at
Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force
Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of
the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or
more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret
groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley
Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the
Tavistock network.

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which
were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea.
Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the
American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault
on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical
psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of
Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a "refugee", the
first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic,
which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public
against Germany and involve us in World War II. In 1938, Roosevelt
executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S.
sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations
Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement,
Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before
setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire
OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set
up by the Tavistock Institute.

Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids
carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical
experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they
watched the "guinea pigs" reacting under "controlled laboratory
conditions". All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a
single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the
individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the
World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit,
and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and
sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of
crowd control. The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent
mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing
their character. The victim is then advised to "establish new rituals
of personal interaction", that is, to indulge in b


2000-03-12 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hello Joshua2:
A few questions:
Do you think it is pure coincidence that
gasoline prices (energy prices) declined for 7 months
leading up to the the Impeachment and Senate trial
of Bill Clinton?
Is it pure coincidence that the lowest gasoline prices
ever recorded by the Dept. of Energy came at
exactly the same time as the Senate trial?
Is it pure coincidence that gas prices started
increasing just 2 weeks after the Senate trial?

Remember that interest rates, which are controlled
by the Federal Reserve, were also at 30 year lows
at this same time.

The two most important variables which greatly
affect our national economy are:
Interest Rates and Energy Prices.

So both of these were at historic lows and
the economy was booming as never before
during Clinton's impeachment.
A large percentage of Americans did not
want to see Clinton removed from Office,
fearing it might disturb "the good times".
So it was easy for Congress to let Clinton
off the hook with so many voters making
money in a great stock market.

Was all of this just Clinton's "good fortune"?
Maybe so.
Maybe so.

Regards to All

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Oil Drilling poll ignites digital dogfight]

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Original Message 
Subject: Oil Drilling poll ignites digital dogfight
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 21:19:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

   Copyright © 2000 Scripps McClatchy Western Service

   BY DAVID WHITNEY, Nando Washington Bureau

   WASHINGTON (March 11, 2000 1:09 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com)
   It means nothing - just some zeros and ones zinging their way over
   fiber-optic cable somewhere to MSNBC's web site at the other end.

   But on Friday the kilobytes were adding up to a megabyte battle
   oil development in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

   The Internet news site posted a survey on whether its visitors
   protected areas should be opened to oil drilling. The question
   appeared on a web page containing news stories on the revived
   controversy over opening the refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal
   to drilling.

   The issue arose in the Senate this week when Alaska Sen. Frank
   Murkowski seized upon the skyrocketing price of gasoline to
   a bill that would permit drilling in what the oil industry regards
   one of the most promising unexplored corners of the continent.

   When word of the MSNBC survey began to spread, interest groups
   sending out mass e-mail alerts to their followers urging them to
   onto the web site and cast their vote for or against.

   "Yes, we need to end our dependency on foreign oil," was one
   Slightly more than half of the respondents were clicking on that.
   we can end our oil dependency by investing in alternative energy,"
   the second choice, and slightly half of the respondents were
   on it.

   Those who couldn't make up their minds clicked on "can't decide,"
   2 percent of the respondents made that choice.

   Joan Connell, executive producer for opinions at MSNBC in Redmond,
   Wash., said the results have absolutely no value to anyone for

   "This is a self-selecting, non-scientific survey," she said. "These
   are not scientific polls."

   Still, Connell said she was amazed that the question was drawing
   volume of responses, roughly three times what questions on most of
   other 400 or so interactive story pages on the web site might
   She said it may be because the broader issue, the high price of
   gasoline, was stirring a veritable digital storm of activity.

   "What this means more than anything is enthusiasm, or depth of
   feeling," Connell said.

   Frenzy is another word for it.

   Pro-development forces that until two weeks ago thought they'd be
   sitting out another year without legislation in Congress suddenly
   only had a bill, they had a digital dogfight.

   "I sent out e-mails to my board telling them what's on the web
   confessed Cam Toohey, executive director of Arctic Power, the
   pro-development lobbying organization.

   E-mails spread throughout the land as recipients re-transmitted the
   message to others. Mike Heatwole, who works for the public
   firm of Reid/Bradley in Anchorage, said anyone who was anything
   probably knew about the MSNBC survey. He helped spread the message.

   Toohey said they learned last year that a little get-out-the-vote
   elbow grease can turn the corner on a tough Internet vote. When a
   question popped up last year on whether the Interior Department
   open the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to leasing, a digital
   was going down until the pro-drillers fired up their PCs and Macs.

   "We sent out alerts, and the results turned around favorably,"
   said. "We've got a lot of computers."

   Environmentalists scoffed at all the excitement Friday.

   "This is who can turn out more of their troops," sniffed Adam
   of the Alaska Wilderness League. "We've done real polls, and they
   overwhelming support for protecting the refuge."

   Recent polls done for The Wilderness Society by the polling firm of
   Lake, Snell and Perry in Florida, New Hampshire and Texas showed
   about 70 percent of the respondents somewhat or strongly opposed
   federal government allowing private companies to drill for oil in
   refuge, said Rindy O'Brien, vice president of the environmental

   That's not to say environmentalists would be above trying to
   manipulate the turnout in the MSNBC survey.

   In some instances, they just didn't know about it.

   The Wilderness Society's Alaska representative, Allen Smith, was in
   position to know. He was stuck at the computer repair shop Friday,
   broken down on the information highway just when the speed was

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not

[CTRL] [Fwd: [EMMAS] (Fwd) Burson Marsteller report on anti-corporate activists]

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 Original Message 
Subject: [EMMAS] (Fwd) Burson Marsteller report on anti-corporate
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 20:58:06 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shawn Ewald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

>From and activist friend in DC...

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 09 Mar 2000 10:18:59 -0500
From:   Chuck0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Burson Marsteller report on anti-corporate activists

First of all, I'd like to thank the elves which dropped this in my
box this morning.

I'm not sure if this is legit or not, since the section on
a website I work on with others, is pretty inaccurate. Still, we do
appreciate the positive review and hope to be moving up in the
very soon.

Burson Marsteller, for those of you who don't know, is a powerful K
Street PR firm.

There is a reference in the 50 Years is Enough section which provides
evidence that corporate spies were present at last December's
at UDC.

Apparently, this was scanned in from a paper version, so there may be
few typos.

Mid-Atlantic Infoshop

Black * Kelly * Scruggs & Healy
A Burson * Marsteller Company
1801 K Street, N.W. * Suite 901-L * Washington, D.C. 20006-1201
202.530.0500 * 202.530.4800

January 14, 2OOO

Dear [Corporate Client]:

Enclosed is our "Guide to the Seattle Meltdown: A Compendium of
Activists at the WTO Ministerial". The "Guide" is a comprehensive
listing of the activist groups which protested against the WTO
Ministerial in Seattle this past November. It lists the groups and
leaders we were able to identify, descriptions of their ethos (largely
in their own words), as well as web site addresses and other useful
information. We wanted to share this "Guide" with you, not so much as
retrospective on the past, but as an alarming window on the future.

The spectacle created in Seattle during the WTO Ministerial meeting by
diverse collection of activists may have significant short-term
ramifications for the business community. The perceived success of
groups in disrupting Seattle and in contributing to the failure of the
WTO meeting will be a dramatic boon to them in several ways. First,
their victory and heightened visibility will lead to substantially
enhanced fundraising capability. Second, the smell of victory will
to a deepening of already existing coalitions and will strengthen the
recognition that broadening such coalitions to include non-traditional
allies exponentially increases effectiveness. Third, the Presidential
election campaign and several likely trade votes in Congress this year
will give activists golden opportunities to seek wider recognition and
gain additional strength. These high profile battles will allow
activists to further institutionalize and consolidate their gains,
increase coordination, gamier greater media attention and expand their
targeting of business interests.

What is less understood -- but perhaps more significant -- is the
potential ability of the emerging coalition of these groups to
impact broader, longer-term corporate interests. Seattle was not an
anomaly and the consistent anti-corporate message of virtually all the
groups who participated there in November is not a temporary
Many have traditionally highlighted alleged corporate misconduct in
mail fund raising campaigns. More recently, some environmental groups
have resorted to targeting corporations for contributions in return
suspending their public ire.

At Black, Kelly, Scruggs & Healey, we have developed a capability
direction of these groups, as well as to defend clients against their
attacks. I hope you find the enclosed "Guide" useful and if you have
questions, please call me at: (202)530-4805.


Gardner G. Peckham
Managing Director

Guide to the Seattle Meltdown: A Compendium of Activists at the WTO

"Many of the groups that helped organize the anti-WTO victories in
Seattle are already preparing for days of protest, education,
and direct action during the week of April 9-16 in Washington. The
begins on Sunday, April 9th with a Jubilee 2000/USA mobilization for
cancellation of the debts of African, Latin American, Asia-Pacific,
Caribbean countries, and continuing with teach-ins and trainings on
global economy. It will culminate with a massive rally at IMF
Headquarters on Sunday, April 16th
- 50 Years is Enough web site

"Leaders of the peaceful demonstrations have lashed out at the
anarchists, accusing them of undermining their anti-globalism message
breaking windows and destroying property. The anarchists in turn
the Seattle protesters of protecting the same privat

Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Jeff Sandlin wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> J2, you said "the Jews are who they say they are. It`s genetically
> undisputable." Does becoming a Christian change their genetic make up?
> Do you ever let logic intrude into your thought process?

I can only handle one idiot at a time. If Poley is done with our
I'll be glad to teach you how to read.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

"[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Just 13 months ago, we had the lowest gasoline
> prices in history. According to U.S. Dept. of Energy
> figures, the National Average Price for a gallon of
> Unleaded Regular was 90.7 cents. (When adjusted
> for inflation, this is the lowest gas price the DOE
> has recorded since reporting began in 1949.
> Here's the point.
> The U.S. Senate acquitted Bill Clinton of the Impeachment
> charges on February 12, 1999.  This is the very same time
> that gas prices hit the all-time low!
> Within 2 weeks after Clinton was acquitted, gas prices
> started climbing...and they have continued to climb to
> where they are today.  The latest DOE Reports gives
> the National Average Price for Unleaded Regular as
> $1.50 per gallon.
> Bill Clinton was acquitted 60 cents ago!
> 6 months before Clinton's impeachment, the average
> price per gallon was $1.07.
> The price decreased 17 cents per gallon leading up to
> the impeachment vote in the Senate.
> The price was 90.7 cents when the Senate acquitted him.
> It has gone up 60 cents a gallon since then.
> Cheap energy prices were one of the main reasons our
> National Economy has been so good.
> A lot of people in this country did not want to see Clinton
> removed from Office because of the good economy.
> U.S. Dept. of Energy Reports:
> RETAIL GASOLINE (Self Service Prices per Gallon, Including Taxes)
> National Price - Regular Grade Average - 1998 -99
>   06/08/981.075   (6 months before Impeachment voted in the House of Rep)
>   12/14/980.945   (House of Representatives votes to Impeach)
>   12/28/980.937
>   02/01/990.929
>   02/22/990.907   (Senate acquits Clinton on Feb. 12, 2000)
>   03/08/990.921
>   03/15/990.977
>   03/29/991.082
>   04/12/991.140
>   08/16/991.236
>   11/29/991.274
>   01/24/001.315   (National Price - Regular Grade Average - 2000)
>   02/28/001.421
>   03/06/001.50   (Latest DOE Figures available)
> Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
> For additional information please contact the Energy Information
> Administration's
> National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.
>   Regards to All,
>  Nakano

I don't see any conection between the impeachment and price hikes.
This is a very strained theory.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] TV Meets PC

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.cmptv.com/computerchronicles/shows/99-00/1725tv/1725-summary.

TV Meets PC
Will the TV and PC ever become one appliance in your living room? The
convergence has begun. There are TV tuner cards for your PC, computer
appliances that can be used to record television programs, and net surfing
boxes for your TV. We'll review the latest products and developments.
[Episode #1725, Broadcast Week of 10/26/99]

The personal television server.

Intertainer is a video-on-demand service currently in a few small trials of
service. In the future, Intertainer plans to offer some 700 hours of movies,
music, games, and other content that can be accessed for a fee from a PC or
TV that is linked to a high speed network.
The Pseudo Online Network
Pseudo Programs is the premier provider of online Net-Television
entertainment. Each week, Pseudo produces and netcasts over forty different
interactive Net-TV shows, representing almost 200 original programming hours
per month. Pseudo shows attract devoted audiences who are seeking
alternatives to the offerings of mainstream media.
MGI Software
MGI's Pure Diva is a one-of-a-kind, Digital Interactive Video and Audio
software suite that turns a PC into a digital VCRTM and DVD-based home
entertainment center. It is designed to work with keyboard controls for the
den or office as well as in the family room with an optional programmable
remote control and an infrared receiver that can easily be attached to the PC.
Liberate Technologies
Liberate is one of the leaders in devoloping the "information appliance";
devices such as televisions, cell phones, game consoles, and others enhanced
by an Internet connection. Liberate's goal is to expand outlets for the
Internet, as well as act as the standard-bearer in the movement to create and
support information appliances with a platform based on open standards.

More on TV Meets PC:
Radio Free World
@Home Cable
Broadcasters Learn Convergence Game
Video-Production Program is Versatile, Elegant
Surf's Up
TV on the Web
Video-on-Demand Comes of Age
Show Tapes
Get a video of the full show for $19.95. Call 1-888-310-7850, please have the
show number and episode title ready.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Saga of Shlomo Poley, was Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> > > > These Jews for Jesus are
> > > > Pro-Christ Jews by their self-description but they are rejected by the
> > > > Anti-Christ Jews.
> > >
> > > Jews for Jesus ARE NOT JEWS. They are Christians by definition. They
> > > believe that Jesus is god. This is ONLY a Christian belief.

"Judaism is one, denominations are many" (Jewish Almanac, 1980, p. 504).
Now there are at least two denominations claiming to be REAL JEWS. As a
matter of fact I was talking to a very semitic-looking Jew at Missions
Fest 2000 this year in Vancouver. He had a display booth. He said he
wasn't from "Jews For Jesus" but he too believed he was 100% Jewish and
100% Christian so I suppose he was another denomination again. Judging
from the phenotype I would say genetically he would be as much a
"semite" as Barak, Khadaffy or Hussein. So let's put biology aside
here. Which denomination has the papal infallibility to excommunicate the
others? Tell us, Rabbi J2.
   Now, Bob Cohen tells me there are "Jewish" Poleys. (They descend from
great, great, great grandpa Shlomo Poley who wrote the Protocols of the
Learned Elder of Zion, founded Khazar University and invented the bagel).
Now if Jesus Christ is King of the Jews, which Poleys should be entitled
to park their asses (and camels) on a patch of sand and fight a perpetual
war against 100 million Arabs? "The stupid ones" is the correct answer.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:

> > Markers of what? What three markers? So what? How do they link back to the
> > priesthood of Moses and Aaron?
> > FWP.
> Bravo Poley. Well said. Your a tough hombre to philosophize with.
> J2

Thanks J2. I didn't get that Phud in "Psycho-genetics" for nothing. The
constancy of the Cohen Y chromosome proves NOTHING re descent from the
ancient priesthood. Others surmise that the variations on the name Cohen
come from the multitudinous harem brats of the Khans. One speculation is
as logical as the other.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Switzerland has changed it's voting
for it's citizens
Switzerland is the home of the Geneva
Austria is the home of the UN atomic
energy commission
Belgium home of NATO
US home of the Military division of NATO

the forces behind this go at least
back to the Hapsburg late 1800's era
when the major imbalance started.

Dave wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Dave Hartley
> http://www.asheville-computer.com/dave
> -Original Message-
> From: David Crockett Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 2:10 PM
> To: CIA-Drugs List; Activist Mailing List
> Cc: Yugoslavia Discussion List
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link
> From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG!  (Please forward)
> Date: Sunday, March 12, 2000 10:37 AM
> www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]
> London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link Goes Way Back  - Times article
> follows our Introduction:
> In HUMANITARIAN SPIES we charged that the OSCE (Organization for Security
> and
> Cooperation in Europe) Verification mission in Kosovo that was in place from
> fall, 1998 until NATO started bombing in March, 1999 - that this was a cover
> for a) spies and b) establishment of liason between US covert agencies and
> the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
> Here's an excerpt from HUMANITARIAN SPIES:
> "'Negotiated' (that is, 'coerced') under threat of NATO bombing last
> October,
> the Verification agreement let the OSCE send unarmed mediators into Kosovo,
> supposedly to help defuse tensions. However everything about the
> Verification
> mission suggests military intelligence, not mediation.
> "It was run by William Walker. Walker had no background as a mediator. He
> wasn't even an expert in Balkans history or current politics. What he did
> know about was counter-insurgency and black ops. His role in Iran-Contra and
> his achievements in apologizing for the murderous El Salvador death squads
> all but prove he is a high-placed intelligence operative. (See "MEET MR.
> MASSACRE at http://www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/meetmr.htm
> "The U.S. verification team was composed of employees of Dyncorp, a Virginia
> company that has grown rich off Government work. At the 1992 Senate hearings
> on R. James Woolsey's appointment as head of the CIA, Woolsey commented: "I
> own less than one-quarter of one percent of the -- diluted shares of a
> company named Dyncorp here in the Washington, D.C. area. And the corporation
> has, from time to time, had a handful of very small contracts with the
> Central Intelligence Agency." Ahh, sweet understatement. Dyncorp's "very
> small contracts" have included covert work for the Company in Columbia and
> Peru.
> "...Given this command structure, doesn't it stand to reason that the U.S.
> goal was a) to gather military intelligence and b) to establish
> command-relations with the Kosovo Liberation Army? The goal was to bond with
> the KLA which killed and is still killing ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanian
> "collaborators" Serbian State policemen, power line repairmen, school
> officials, Yugoslav troops, even state-employed wood gatherers - just like
> the Latin American death squads Walker "observed" during previous CIA
> assignemnts. " (END OF EXCERPT from Humanitarian Spies at
> www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/humanita.htm )
> Now the (London) Sunday Times has confirmed our charges. The OSCE
> Verification Mission in Kosovo for 6 months prior to the bombing of
> Yugoslavia was indeed a phony, a cover for the CIA to set up liason with the
> KLA and spy on Yugoslavia. Walker was indeed creating another death squad
> operation - just as he did in El Salvador. Dyncorps, which supplied the
> 'verifiers', is indeed a 'Company' company. The US horror-show government
> has
> made fools of the 'honest broker' Euro leaders - that is, if there are any
> honest Euro leaders.
> Here's the SUNDAY TIMES:
> CIA aided Kosovo guerrilla army
> Tom Walker and Aidan Laverty (posted 3-12-00)
> >From the Sunday Times (London)
> AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo
> Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered
> some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political
> solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians. Central Intelligence
> Agency officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999,
> developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals
> and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police.
> When the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which
> co-ordinated th

Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Jeff Sandlin wrote:

> J2, you said "the Jews are who they say they are. It`s genetically
> undisputable." Does becoming a Christian change their genetic make up?
> Do you ever let logic intrude into your thought process?

Hell, no! But J2 himself is a study in "psycho-genetics". Now look at the
stats on the present conversion rate (into Antichrist Judaism and out of
it) and project that back a few hundred years and you see why none of
these "Jewish" family trees can be traced back more than a few centuries
while the "King of the Jews", Jesus Christ, has a family tree that can be
traced back generation-by-generation all the way to King David...from
And to get the proof of that you have to read [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or
just take "Rabbi" J2's word that those in New Khazaria today are the real
McCoy descendents of the Tribes of Judah and Israel. But would you buy a
used camel from J2?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Prince Bernard-Bilderberger/Nazi and The WWF

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The World Wildlife Fund

An unnatural History by Kevin Dowling

Part 4

Bernhard – white knight or black prince?

BACK IN 1961, AT THE DUKE OF Edinburgh's suggestion, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands was appointed President and spokesman of the World Wildlife Fund.
There was much that was unaccountable and mysterious about the choice.

When he became the public voice of the new environmental consciousness,
Bernhard was Commander in Chief of the Dutch armed forces and - secretly an
arms salesman for US defence contractors, Lockheed (although fifteen years
would pass before some of the unflattering details would become public

Some people did vaguely recall that the German-born prince, who married the
crown princess of the Netherlands in 1937, was once alleged to have been a
Nazi. Fortuitously, at about the time of his nomination for the WWF
leadership, an authorised biography titled HRH Bernhard, Prince of the
Netherlands, appeared in bookshops all over the English-speaking world, which
addressed just that issue.

In Chapter Four - boldly titled The Prince and the Nazis - Bernhard and his
biographer instantly adopted a refreshingly forthright tone: 'In order to
finish his education quickly,' the chapter began 'Bernhard had to make some
compromises with the monstrous political system that was fastening its grip
on Germany. The story that the Prince of the Netherlands once wore the black
uniform of Hitler’s SS is quite true.' The author and his subject were,
however, not being nearly as frank as they obviously meant us to believe. In
Chapter One it is what is omitted, rather than what is said, that is
significant. His Serene Highness Prince Bernhard


Leopold zur Lippe-Biesterfeld was born at Jena in 1911. His father's elder
brother was the Regent of Lippe-Detmold, part of a small but ancient royal
principality between Hanover and Westphalia. Here the family led a quaintly
feudal life, living in castles, hunting deer on their forested estates and
riding handsome arab steeds dressed in the flash uniforms of officers of
Kaiser Wilhelm's army.

The authorised biography does tell us that Bernhard's mother, Armgard, had
briefly been married to another of the boys next door, Graf Bodo von
Öyenhausen of Driburg, before marrying Bernhard von Lippe Snr, Bernhard's
father. Armgard re-married close to the von Öyenhausens: she and her children
spent a significant part of the World War I sheltering in Count Öyenhausen's
castle at Driburg.

Bernhard clearly did not anticipate (in 1961) that, in 1978, some dedicated
American historians would dish the dirt on this quaint feudal scene. In their
remarkable book, Who Financed Hitler, James and Suzanne Pool would reveal
that Lippe's royals had a very special place in Nazi history.

The Pools would reveal that the very first German prince to join the Nazis
was Bernhard’s cousin, Friedrich Furst zu Schaumburg-Lippe, the reigning
Prince of Lippe. He became a Nazi stormtrooper in 1929, frequently addressing
Nazi rallies dressed in his brown SA uniform.

Hitler and Prince Friedrich became close personal friends.

The next prince to join the Nazis and Hitler’s inner circle, was the Duke of
Mecklenburg - whose brother was married to Queen Wilhelmina of the
Netherlands. Before the decade was out, Bernhard would be married to her

The Duke saw Hitler as Germany's only salvation against communism and
regularly travelled abroad, propagating Hitler’s ideas. While several of
Hitler's more extreme ideas, including his anti-Semitism, found favour with
the Duke, he always maintained a cool, polite manner in the presence of Jews.
Not everyone was fooled. "The Duke's sleek courtesy always gives me the
creeps," society columnist Bella Fromm recorded at the time. Needless to say,
these interesting bits of family history do not appear in the fairytale
biography published in 1961.

Neither is any mention made of the events of 1993, which really earned Lippe
its place in Nazi history: Negotiations with the aged President Hindenberg to
have Hitler installed as Chancellor of Germany were on a knife-edge. The
Nazis had suffered a serious setback in elections held in late 1932. To get
the best possible deal with Hindenberg, it was necessary to remove the
impression that support for the Nazis was declining. Now there was another
election due - in the small state of Lippe. Hitler saw his opportunity to
reverse the tide. He did, after all, have some very influential friends
there. The Fuhrer crisscrossed Lippe for ten days addressing village
meetings. Each night he would return to his campaign headquarters at Schloss
Vinsebeck, a beautiful medieval castle, built in the middle of a lake. Here,
in the romantic surroundings of ancestral paintings, and an old executioner's
sword hanging over the fireplace, the Fuhrer enjoyed relaxing conversations
with his host and hostess - none other than Baron and Baroness von

[CTRL] MKULTRA Hypnotist Dies -- Martin Orne

2000-03-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MKULTRA Hypnotist Dies -- Martin Orne
Date: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 10:22 PM

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 2:51 PM
Subject: Comments, regarding "Martin Orne" posting to "MC" list 3/6/00

Comment by Dick Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> precedes fwd: "Martin Orne."

The ongoing discussion about "consciousness" and "Cosmic Mind" must be
filtered at least through the manipulations of "belief systems" before
settling down into any of the more transcendant modalities. "Global Mind
Change" was a political campaign Who is or was behind it, "what gods they
worship" or "what E.T.'s they thought they were obeying," are less important
than their targeting of  innocent U.S. citizens! A considerable amount of the
"consciousness change" movements of the '60s & '70s were thoroughly permeated
by various factions, primarily to exercise "control" and to prevent
mass-culture from spiraling out from under the extant "consensus doctrine."

Regarding this item, pulled from the "Mind Control" list online,  first a
couple of facts from CloudRider, sources as cited.

1.  The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, referenced in the
following letter, received its initial and ongoing funding from the
Rockefeller family, according to "Journey Into Madness," by Gordon Thomas,
(Bantam Books 1989; 1990), which details a Canadian court case in which CIA
eventually settled with "patients" of Dr. Ewen Cameron. Hence legitimate
concerns about Rockefeller funding of so-called "UFO" research (advocating
"belief in E.T.s") and of "alien abduction" phenomena, which some suspect to
be at least in part more cover operations for hypnosis and psychiatric
experiments on unwitting subjects, not necessarily by the United States
government or its agencies, but by former government or government-funded
folks now working outside of government or any of its legitimate
"intelligence charters." (If so, the funding philanthropists may be liable
for damages from "alien abduction" or "UFO related" trauma, once it can be
shown that the "extra-terrestrial hypothesis" was considered and advocated
despite less exotic potential explanations, as this.

2. Author John Marks, whose "In Search for the Manchurian Candidate" is
referenced in the following, reportedly has told interviewers and other
researchers that he "will not touch the UFO issue," vis-a-vis its potential
for overlap in at least some cases of so-called "UFO experiences" and "alien
abduction" recollections (of which not all had to be recalled under hypnosis
for remembrance by experiencers, researchers say). Marks' reluctance to
address the "UFO issues" in this manner was noted by Martin Cannon, in his
research paper and bibliography, "The Controllers," among others. It is also
known that researchers sponsored by CIA and subsequently by non-profits or
foundation money (i.e., the Institute for Noetic Science, directed by a
retired navy officer and former astronaut, Capt. Edgar Mitchell; the
Institute for the Advancement of New Science, in which former "astronaut
wanna-be" and Princeton physicist, Dr. Brian O'Leary, plays a key role, are
two examples of supposed "research groups" having as their public face an
interest in so-called "non-human intelligence" contact and its purported
trafficking with human beings; and several so-called "UFO groups" are also
closely connected to government personell in classified jobs, yet who deal
with purported "alien abductions" and advocate the reality of an
"extra-terrestrial" visitation of our planet, to a public curious about
unexplained flying objects, etc.)

3.  In the "Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White
House," which took place in 1993 through 1994, agents for Rockefeller
explicitly prohibited "mind influence" references from being presented to the
President for his consideration of the "UFO declassification" considerations
presented by Laurance S. Rockefeller, in spite of published reports and other
evidence of direct Rockefeller involvements in and funding of these types of
activities; in the past for CIA; but more recently out of government through
various academic and philanthropic initiatives and "non-profits," including
several high-profile "UFO organizations" and "alien abduction" information.
(References in "UFOs and Mental Health," by Bob Teets. Headline Books, Inc.,
P. O. Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 26764. 1-800-589-5951, or see Directory
Assistance in Area Code 304. Also online and at various postings across the
Internet, 1995-pres.)

4.  In her article "Microwave Harrassment," (Dec. 1992), anti-mind-control
activist Julianne McKinney alleged that Dr. John E. Mack had some connect

Re: [CTRL] Vince Foster book ...

2000-03-12 Thread Foxter

Been trying to download the 
exhibits, I get timed out.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  
Thanks.   Terry

  - Original Message - 
  Gavin Phillips 
  Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 10:10 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Vince Foster book 
  -Caveat Lector-    -Cui Bono?-<< 
  >From: Larry Becraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: 
  Vince Foster book > >To whom it may 
  concern, > >  Remember Patrick Knowlton, one of 
  the first people to come into Fort > Marcy Park just after Vince 
  Foster was murdered? He was put thru hell and > back by the 
  federales because of his unfortunate visit to the park just > 
  because of a "call of nature" (to relieve himself). He and his 
  lawyer > have published a book entitled Failure of the Public 
  Trust and it is > posted to his webpage 
  at: > >   http://www.fbicover-up.com/ > >Here 
  is the introduction to that page: > >The federal 
  investigative records on this Web site prove the existence of >an 
  FBI cover-up into the apparent murder of deputy White House 
  counsel >Vincent Foster.  Given the scrutiny we are told our 
  government has given >the case, this proof challenges the 
  assumptions that many of us have about >our government and our 
  news media.  This evidence is profoundly >disturbing.  
  We urge you to help us get this proof out to the American >people, 
  so that we can improve the quality of our government and 
  news >media, and the integrity of our 
  republic. > >Pat Shannan of Media Bypass will have an 
  article about this book in a >forthcoming issue of that popular 
  patriot periodical. > > 
  Larry  >>www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & 
  DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange 
  list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are not allowed. Substance-not 
  soap-boxing!  These are sordid mattersand 'conspiracy theory'-with 
  its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds-is used politically 
  by different groups with major and minor effectsspread throughout the 
  spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to 
  the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;be wary of what you 
  read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial andnazi's need not 
  apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
  Available at:http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.htmlhttp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/To 
  subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SUBSCRIBE 
  UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SIGNOFF 

[CTRL] London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: David Crockett Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 2:10 PM
To: CIA-Drugs List; Activist Mailing List
Cc: Yugoslavia Discussion List
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link

From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG!  (Please forward)
Date: Sunday, March 12, 2000 10:37 AM

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]

London Times confirms that the KLA-CIA Link Goes Way Back  - Times article
follows our Introduction:

In HUMANITARIAN SPIES we charged that the OSCE (Organization for Security
Cooperation in Europe) Verification mission in Kosovo that was in place from
fall, 1998 until NATO started bombing in March, 1999 - that this was a cover
for a) spies and b) establishment of liason between US covert agencies and
the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Here's an excerpt from HUMANITARIAN SPIES:

"'Negotiated' (that is, 'coerced') under threat of NATO bombing last
the Verification agreement let the OSCE send unarmed mediators into Kosovo,
supposedly to help defuse tensions. However everything about the
mission suggests military intelligence, not mediation.

"It was run by William Walker. Walker had no background as a mediator. He
wasn't even an expert in Balkans history or current politics. What he did
know about was counter-insurgency and black ops. His role in Iran-Contra and
his achievements in apologizing for the murderous El Salvador death squads
all but prove he is a high-placed intelligence operative. (See "MEET MR.
MASSACRE at http://www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/meetmr.htm

"The U.S. verification team was composed of employees of Dyncorp, a Virginia
company that has grown rich off Government work. At the 1992 Senate hearings
on R. James Woolsey's appointment as head of the CIA, Woolsey commented: "I
own less than one-quarter of one percent of the -- diluted shares of a
company named Dyncorp here in the Washington, D.C. area. And the corporation
has, from time to time, had a handful of very small contracts with the
Central Intelligence Agency." Ahh, sweet understatement. Dyncorp's "very
small contracts" have included covert work for the Company in Columbia and

"...Given this command structure, doesn't it stand to reason that the U.S.
goal was a) to gather military intelligence and b) to establish
command-relations with the Kosovo Liberation Army? The goal was to bond with
the KLA which killed and is still killing ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanian
"collaborators" Serbian State policemen, power line repairmen, school
officials, Yugoslav troops, even state-employed wood gatherers - just like
the Latin American death squads Walker "observed" during previous CIA
assignemnts. " (END OF EXCERPT from Humanitarian Spies at
www.emperors-clothes.com/analysis/humanita.htm )

Now the (London) Sunday Times has confirmed our charges. The OSCE
Verification Mission in Kosovo for 6 months prior to the bombing of
Yugoslavia was indeed a phony, a cover for the CIA to set up liason with the
KLA and spy on Yugoslavia. Walker was indeed creating another death squad
operation - just as he did in El Salvador. Dyncorps, which supplied the
'verifiers', is indeed a 'Company' company. The US horror-show government
made fools of the 'honest broker' Euro leaders - that is, if there are any
honest Euro leaders.


Here's the SUNDAY TIMES:

CIA aided Kosovo guerrilla army
Tom Walker and Aidan Laverty (posted 3-12-00)

>From the Sunday Times (London)

AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo
Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered
some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political
solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians. Central Intelligence
Agency officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999,
developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals
and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police.

When the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which
co-ordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week before airstrikes began a
year ago, many of its satellite telephones and global positioning systems
were secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that guerrilla commanders could
stay in touch with Nato and Washington. Several KLA leaders had the mobile
phone number of General Wesley Clark, the Nato commander.

European diplomats then working for the OSCE claim it was betrayed by an
American policy that made airstrikes inevitable. Some have questioned the
motives and loyalties of William Walker, the American OSCE head of mission.

"The American agenda consisted

[CTRL] [14] Treason's Peace

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print

Again, Espionage and Sabotage

A" . . . STRUCTURE of espionage," which made "weekly and monthly
reports to Germany . . . They were soldiers in the army of Germany."

So said Francis P. Garvan, Alien Property Custodian, in 1919, when denouncing
certain American agents of I.G. Dyes.

An  instrument so aptly devised for espionage pur-poses. Persons were
carried on the payroll of the General Aniline and Film Corporation who were
unknown in the company. There was a constant traffic in German agents who
would be employed by General Aniline and Film Corporation for a few months
and then moved on to other fields.

So said Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, in 1942, when
denouncing certain of the successors of I.G. Dyes (including some of the same
individuals who had been involved in Mr. Garvan's charges).

The part played by Bayer's Schweitzer and other I.G. Dyes agents as saboteurs
in World War I need not be repeated. Over two decades later another
Government official, who like Garvan, had spent months digging beneath the
surface of the activities of the dye trust agents in this country before and
during World War II made precisely the same charges which Garvan, in his
attempts to induce senatorial action, had first made years previously.

This later official indictment of Farben's espionage and saboteurs in a
Treasury report of investigations made in 1941 and 1942, said in part:

In the twenty-year period between 1919 and 1939 German interests succeeded in
organizing within the United States another industrial and commercial network
centered in the chemical field . . . It is unnecessary to point out that
these business enterprises constituted a base of operations to carry out Axis
plans to control production, to hold markets in this Hemisphere, to support
fifth column movements, and to mold our postwar economy according to Axis
plans . . . This problem with which we are now faced is more difficult than,
although somewhat similar to, the problem faced by us in 1917. The background
is vastly different from that which
existed in 1917.

The report went on to say that:

Certain individuals who occupied a dominant place in business enterprises
owed all of their success to their business contacts in the past with . . .
I.G. Farben.

Also that it was regarded as "nave in the fight of Axis practices" to believe
that Farben relied only upon the services of those who were actually citizens
of Axis countries.

This Treasury report, in discussing the Farben practice of sending spies and
agents to become citizens of this country (see Chapter v) stated that it had
been found necessary to dismiss one hundred American citizens from General
Aniline and Film Corp., including five key executives, three of whom received
salaries in excess of $50,000 a year; also that it had been necessary to
liquidate the General Aniline patent law firm, composed of W. H. Hutz, son of
the only original Bayer's Rudolph Hutz (bobbing up again), and another
attorney named H. M. Joslin.

The Secretary of the Treasury, according to the report, had the power to
define as a national of Germany any person determined to have acted directly
or indirectly for the benefit of, or under the direction of, Germany. To the
reader of this story it may appear that this power has not been utilized as
fully as might be.

The report described how the payroll of this American front for the German
dye trust in World War II, as in World War I, was being utilized by Farben's
spy bureaus. Under these conditions any past connection with Farben by a
General Aniline employe appeared to be considered, by the Treasury, as cause
for immediate dismissal.

Among the pre-war activities of the Agfa-Ansco Division of General Aniline &
Film are reported (by others, not this Treasury document) to have been
demonstrations of its photographic and blueprint apparatus and materials,
conducted ostensibly for the edification of our army and navy authorities. It
is said that these tests included the taking of stills and moving pictures,
and the reproduction of drawings and documents, of what may have been
regarded as "top secrets" of the limited national defense preparations which
were permitted by a stupid Congress prior to the outbreak of combat war in

Complacent Government officials who permitted these generous tokens of
Agfa-Ansco patriotism may have felt suitably compensated with copies of the
films and photoprints thus supplied, gratis, for their use. And we may safely
assume that Max llgner, in Berlin, was also gratified to see such movies and
pictures of American defense plans as may have reached him through these

When it came to weeding out the undesirables in Sterling the Treasury firing
squad was unable

[CTRL] [13] Treason's Peace

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print

Good Neighbors, and Bad

GEHEIMRAT SCHMITZ, Director von Schnitzler and Professor Herlein, who send
their best regards to Mr. Diebold and you, are very happy over the valuable
support and assistance that you have extended to us.

With this expression of gratitude Dr. William E. Weiss, of Sterling received
the thanks of Farben's top leaders for defeating the British blockade by
supplying Sterling-made drugs to Farben's outlets in Latin America where they
could be sold as German products.

The letter was written to Dr. Weiss by Dr. Wilhelm R. Mann, the Farben
director in charge of Bayer, on February 8, 1940, in Florence, Italy, after
an extended conference with Earl McClintock, head of Sterling's Latin
American affairs, who had gone to Italy to meet the Farben leaders to make a
deal which would protect their joint business dealings from injury by the
war, and from certain seizure as soon as the United States should enter it.

Other excerpts from these Farben war-time greetings to Sterling's Fuehrer are
as follows:

Our conferences were held in the spirit of trust and friendship that you,
dear Dr. Weiss, strove in such an understanding manner to create already in
times of peace . . .

Your and our power will lead us to a solution which will not mean
relinquishing our pre-war position.

I view the future with calm, confidence and trust, which will be influenced
by you and our work, by our experience, by the strength of the knowledge of
our collaboration . . . we are living today only to fulfill our duty to serve
our Fatherland.

Mac (McClintock) will tell you the rest; he was, and is, a splendid
interpreter of your thoughts and wishes, but also a true friend of our common
interests . . .

May the time soon come when we can emerge from the darkness of these months
into the light, and continue our activities!

Dear Dr. Weiss, my revered friend, I clasp your hand! In true and devoted

Always yours,

Wilh. R. Mann.

Several years previously when America was still being lulled to sleep by
assurances that we could deal profitably with Hitler, and that war was an
impossibility, Sterling's management had begun conferences with Farben's
leaders about the dangers to their Latin American partnership that would
arise when war began. In 1938, McClintock went to Europe to ask Farben to
sign a document in blank by which, if need be, a transfer to Sterling of the
Latin American inventories and machinery could be recorded. Negotiations
continued at conferences in Europe and in New York, but when the war began
the assets of Sterling and Farben were still hopelessly scrambled in various
Latin American countries. Sterling's requests for a blanket assignment were
refused, and Farben countered with proposals that new outlets be formed which
ostensibly would be owned by Sterling but actually would be operated by
Farben agents.

The most active and influential of the Farben pre-war agencies in Latin
America were those which handled Bayer aspirin and similar drugs; where, as
in the United States, with customers in every hamlet, and advertising before
every eye, they created a huge machine, and an effective screen, for
espionage and propaganda.

So, when the British blockade cut off Farben's exports to Latin America late
in 1939, Sterling rushed into the breach and began shipping quantities of
aspirin, Winthrop specialties and other drugs, in bulk, or in cartons and
packages which closely resembled Farben's. The Farben agents frequently were
not required to pay Sterling for this merchandise. When it was sold, the
proceeds were retained—for Gestapo purposes.

Late in 1940 it became evident that the situation might lead to trouble
because of Sterling's too direct dealing with German agents. So what appeared
to be an entirely new set of branch houses, owned and operated exclusively by
Sterling, was organized. The plan was to continue taking care of the Latin
American business in Bayer aspirin and other Farben-Sterling preparations
under cover of these new houses.

These Sterling storm cellars, known as Farma companies, were actually erected
in seven Latin American countries during the first half of 1941, some of them
after President Roosevelt's freezing orders of June 18, 1941, which tied up
all German assets in this country. This order of course covered all such
partnership arrangements as Sterling had with Farben. This was also the
period of the justice Department dragnet investigation into the relations of
Sterling's executives with Farben (referred to in Chapter IX) which was
halted by Attorney General Biddle.

Even up to the last moment, William E. Weiss apparently never gave up hope of
inducing Farben to turn over the Latin American aspirin business (worth a
million a year in profits) 

[CTRL] The Real Alan Keyes?

2000-03-12 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Devvy Kidd

September 21, 1999

Alan Keyes was the Ambassador to the Communist controlled United Nations. He
fully supported and endorsed their agenda. He probably still does but you can
write and ask him yourself. Each individual has to make up their own mind
about which political candidate or incumbent represents the ideas and ideals
they would most like to see serve in public office. The UN is a big promoter
of abortion and "women's reproductive rights." I'm not sure how Mr. Keyes
could be so pro-life and yet be the Ambassador to an organization that is so
pro-abortion. I don't like people who talk out of both sides of their mouth.
It reminds me of politicians who stick a wet finger up in the air to see
which way the poll winds blow.

The information in the piece below is historically accurate and you can check
it out yourself by doing the same research. I had this piece posted last
month but inadvertently gave credit to the wrong person for its authorship. I
apologize. This particular piece can be attributed to:

A radio producer, from Knoxville, TN compiled the piece entitled Will The
Real Alan Keyes Please Stand Up from information provided in the 2nd edition
of Pastor James Patrick's "America 2000/Goals 2000 Research Manual" at the
request of radio host, Dr. Norm Resnick who read it on the air in a AFN Radio
Network broadcast approximately 2 years ago.

Will The Real Alan Keyes Please Stand Up

(Authorship above)

Good old Alan Keyes, he captured the attention of the conservative people
with his dynamic speech against abortion years ago. He was heralded as a
"voice crying in the wilderness," and immediately his speech hit the
Christian talk radio programs and he was vaulted into the presidential race a
few years ago. Let's take a good look at Alan Keyes.

Alan was William Kristol's (a Bilderberger) roommate at Harvard. Kristol's
father, Irving Kristol, joined the Young People's Socialist League in the
'30's. In 1953, Irving Kristol founded the magazine "Encounter" in England
which was secretly being supported by the CIA. It, for example, ran puff
pieces for Fabian Socialist and Bilderberger Huge Gaitskill, head of the
Labor Party.

In 1965, together with Daniel Bell, Kristol founded the "Public Interest."
This was a publication of "Freedom House." Bell belonged to the Young
Socialist League and the League for Industrial Democracy which had been named
the Intercollegiate Socialist Party. Like Kristol, Bell was subsidized by the
CIA through an organization called The Congress for Cultural Freedom of which
Bell was a leader.

Irving Kristol's partner, Daniel Bell, has suggested that we do away with
state boundaries and most local governments. This is not surprising since he
was a member of the Institute for American Democracy, an offshoot of the ADL.
Daniel Bell is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). For ten
years Bell had worked for Brotherhood of Death member (Skull and Bones & CFR)
Henry Luce at one of his magazines, Fortune, 1969, Irving Kristol was made
the Henry Luce professor at NY University.

George Field ran the Freedom House which published Kristol and Bell's, The
Public Interest. Field was chairman of the Rand School for Social Science
which was owned by the American Socialist Society. It was financed by the
Garland Fund which keeps many Communist projects going. Freedom House's
Bookshelf Program was run by Rex Stout who previously published New Masses, a
Communist weekly. Nelson Rockefeller directly gave Irving Kristol $100,000
through his Commission on Critical Choices for just 15 short essays.

Irving's son, William Kristol did make it big time, he is a member of the
Bilderberger group. William Kristol is being promoted by Newsweek as one of
the top three strategists of the GOP. He launched a weekly magazine called
the Standard and is backed financially by Rupert Murdock. Kristol is
assembling the next generation of socialists on behalf of the NWO. The
Kristol's have plotted for two decades under the disarming word "neo
conservative." William Kristol ran Alan Keyes' 1988 senate campaign in

Alan Keyes was part of Ronald Reagan's National Security Team. Reagan's
Nation Security was made up of CFR George P. Schulz, CFR & Tri-Lateralist,
Henry Kissinger, William Casey, CFR, Casper (Cap) Weinberger (1), CFR &
Tri-Lateralist and General David Jones, CFR. David Rockefeller was an
unofficial advisor; Rockefeller is also CFR/Tri-Lateralist.

Alan Keyes was promoted by Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Jeanne Kirkpatrick is a member
of the Tri- Lateral Commission and the CFR. In fact, as recently as the
1980's, Kirkpatrick was still on the letterhead of the League for Industrial
Democracy. She believes in abortion, East-West trade, business with the
Communist Chinese and that the Monroe Doctrine is no longer valid. Her
American Enterprise Institute is supported by NY banks and big oil, CF

[CTRL] Internet government regulations

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

check this out

>NOTE: In accordance with government regulations
regarding use of the Internet, links to
external commercial vendors have been removed.<

Does anyone know about this government regulation?
The Pied Piper 12March2000
Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Rockefeller and Armand Hammer

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Eustace Mullins
Murder by Injection
Chapter 10

The Rockefeller Syndicate

Many American conservatives believe as a matter of faith that the
Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations exercise absolute control
over the government and the people of United States .  This thesis can be
accepted as a working formula if one remains conscious of the larger issues
.  Two writers for whom the present writer has great respect, Dr. Emanuel
Josephson and Morris Bealle, insisted on focusing on the Rockefellers and
excluding all other aspects of the World Order .  This severely limited the
effect of their otherwise ground breaking work on the Medical Monopoly.

This writer advanced a contrary view in "The World Order," fixing upon the
Rothschild monetary power, which reached a point of world control by 1885,
and its London policy group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a
the policy makers for what has essentially been since 1900, re-established
colonial government in the United States The colonial, or occupation,
government, functions primarily through the Council on Foreign Relations,
but only as the subsidiary of RIIA and through the Rockefeller Foundation
which controls government functions, the educational establishments, the
media, the religions and the state legislatures.

It is true that the American colonials have "free elections", in which they
have the absolute right to vote for one of two opposing candidates, both of
whom have been handpicked and financed by the Rockefeller syndicate .  This
touching evidence of "democracy" serves to convince most Americana that we
are indeed a free people .  We even have a cracked Liberty Bell in
Philadelphia to prove it .  American youth have been free since 1900 to be
marched off to die in Hegelian wars in which both combatants received their
instructions from the World Order .  We are free to invest in a stock market
 which the daily quantity, price and value of the monetary unit is
manipulated and controlled by a Federal Reserve System which is answerable
only to the Bank of England .  It has maintained its vaunted "independence"
from our government’s control, but this is the only independence it has ever
had .

The realization that we do indeed live under the dictate of the
";Rockefeller Syndicate" can well be the starting point of the long road
back of a genuine struggle for American independence .  In exposing "the
Rockefellers" as agents of a foreign power, which is not merely a foreign
power, but a genuine world government, we must realize that this is not
merely a group dedicated to making money, but a group which committed to
maintaining the power of a colonial form of government over the American
people .  Thus the ancient calumny of John D. Rockefeller as a man obsessed
by greed (a category in which he has plenty of company) obscures the act
that from the day the Rothschilds began to finance his march towards a total
oil monopoly in the United States from their coffers at the National City
Bank of Cleveland, Rockefeller was never an independent power, nor does any
department of the Rockefeller Syndicate operate as an independent power .
We know that the Cosa Nostra, or Mafia, with which the Syndicate is closely
allied has somewhat autonomous power in the regions which have been assigned
to that particular ";family" by the national directors, but this always
implies that that family remains under total control and answerable for
everything which occurs in its territory .

Similarly, the Rockefeller Syndicate operates under clearly defined spheres
of influence .  The "charitable" organizations, the business companies, and
the policy groups always meld into a working operation, nor can any
department of the Syndicate strike out on its own or formulate an
independent policy, no matter what may be its justification.

The Rockefeller Syndicate operates under the control of the world financial
structure, which means that on any given day, all of its assets could be
rendered close to worthless by adroit financial manipulation .&nubs; This is
the final control, which insures that no one can quit the organization .
Not only would he be stripped of all assets, but he would be under contract
for immediate assassination .  Our Department of Justice is well aware that
the only "terrorists" operating in the United States are the agents of the
World Order, but they prudently avoid any mention of this fact .

The world financial structure, far from being an unknown or hidden
organization, is actually well known and well defined .  It consists of the
major Swiss Banks ;  the survivors of the old Venetian-Genoese banking axis
;  the Big Five of the world grain trade ;  the British combine, centered in
the Bank of England and its chartered merchant banks, functioning trough the
Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers and having absolute 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore's Vulnerabilities

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The essence of political blackmail and chess playing is to find a
non-collateralizing issue that cannot backfire.

I have read perhaps twenty books on the subject of CIA and drugs and four
about Mena. I have spoken to many of the people who looked into Mena and to
some real experts like Dan Hopsicker.

I am not aware of any evidence that puts any Iran-Contra dirt on Al Gore.
Therefore, it is a beautiful issue for Gore to beat "W" over the head with.
Apparently there's no CIA coke dirt that flies back at Gore from Volume II.
Since we know things like "W" flies around in Barry Seal's King Air 200 and,
of course "W" was perhaps closer to ol Jack Stephens than Gore was "W's" got
some serious problems because his "Poppy's" totally exposed.

I would hope to hear what Odom's got on Gore - if anything. We know about
the fund raising in Gore's background and I, apparently, have written the
most damaging piece on Gore's connections to CIA drugs in From The

Tell you what I'm going to be looking at. Anybody that wants to, feel free
to join.

These same questions apply to both Gore and to McCain, who is being held
back by the powers that be as a back-up to Bush if CIA coke blows up on him.
Remember, McCain's handlers include Kissinger, Eagleburger, McFarlane and
Kirkpatrick. Armitage and Powell are right there with him too.

So let's answer these questions for both of them:

Committee assignments 1980 - 1988?
Stated support for Contras?
Connections to S&L looting?
Connections to Insurance Fraud?
Connections to the Reagan HUD scandals?

What were these boys doing when the coke was pouring in?

Those that want to change the world so that others can study it - jump right
in. It's your children's futures at stake.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent:   Saturday, March 11, 2000 9:32 PM
Subject:Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore's Vulnerabilities


I would try the following web site:


Washington Weekly usually has just about any good dirt you can imagine on
the DNC.

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[CTRL] FW: [RuMills] Digest Number 143

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:




Message: 1
   Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 14:31:37 EST


Rumor Mill News Forum

Date: Saturday, 11 March 2000, at 1:17 p.m.



"The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African
scientists during the apartheid era and revealed in testimony before the
truth and reconciliation commission."

(RMNews—this is the reference that is of particular interest in light of
biologicals found in the backyard of the “suicided” doctor.)

"The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or
putting them in water supplies."

(RMNews—I wonder if they would use the same types of airplanes that are
used to spray the chemtrails?)


>From an article in the archives of Rumor Mill News:



In the September, 1996 issue of Rumor Mill News, we ran story which was
leaked to us by one of our high ranking Navy Intelligence Sources. The story
he leaked was about a project called "Operation Rain Dance".

>From Rumor Mill News, September, 1996 issue:


"This project was set into motion by the Department of the U.S. Army, an Air
Force Special Research Unit, and Bio Medics from the U.S. Navy.

It was officially born in/during the first quarter of 1989, and held one
purpose in common; how to eradicate one special race of people. (Through
manipulation of genes, any race of people could be the target group.)

The project was called LVNM Special Labs Division. It was located at an
insane asylum in Las Vegas, New Mexico. (That's where the LVNM come form).

It also bore the code signal SB-17.

SB-17 was a virus they were working on to target and kill only native

Desert rats were used to carry the virus into towns and municipalities.
the virus was transmitted, via fecal matter, into the local water supply,
broken down bacteriologically, it was able to enter the food chain.

Do you remember the 7-9 Navajo Indians who died of mysterious circumstances.
The coroner's report was "death induced by unknown virus". The experiment
a success. Only America Indians died of the virus which we now mistakenly
call, the Hanta virus."


According to the source who supplied this information the E-Coli bacteria is
also out of government labs... specifically Ft. Meade. It also kills.

All the government would have to do is alter its strain, and many, many
people could die of it. The Source went on to say that there are 65 of these
"animals" ready to set loose up mankind.

Will El Nino be blamed for the coming plagues that will eliminate half the
world's population?

Once when I sat at a table of high ranking Navy Intelligence types, they
me the story about, "The Great Dying". They said that the old plagues like
cholera and malaria would soon break out in South America and Central
and millions of dying people would be crawling northward, desperately trying
to escape the death that awaited them in the muddy waters of their

The men who told me this tale said that the "official" story of "The Great
Dying" had already been written and made into a Fantasia type cartoon,
complete with a classical score from "Night on Bald Mountain" and other
classical works.

I was told that the survivors of "The Great Dying" would be too ignorant and
unschooled to read books or appreciate a newsreel type program, so it was
decided that a Disney type animated film would be the way to teach these

As the men who worked on the project described the millions of men, women
children who were stretched out on the muddy ground, crawling their way to
salvation in the United States, I could actually hear the str

[CTRL] Ken Welch on ChemTrails

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

Source: http://www.sightings.com


Chemtrails & Disinformation

by Ken Welch


March 10, 2000

Spring comes early to the Texas Gulf Coast and since we’ve had very little
winter to speak of this year, the main indicator in the Houston area has
an unusual amount of overcast skies. Since January, we’ve seen exhausted
fronts periodically push down from the north, only to be pushed back again
warm moist air from the Gulf and lots of clouds. After more than a year of
chemtrail spraying, truly cloudless blue skies have become so rare that they
really stand out. One such day was Sunday before last, February 26th.
I’ve been involved in a photo project to better identify spray planes, I was
delighted to awaken to perfect "seeing" weather. Our local spraying group
been busy for many days, with spray plumes often visible through breaks in
the clouds, and the occasional taste of Ethylene Dibromide drifting through
the city. While the day before had seen some rain, there was no sign of it
this morning. Yet, for some reason, the spray crews seemed to be
I was disappointed because clear weather would give me some great photos and
a chance to try out a new lens, yet the planes were nowhere to be seen. I
would just have to keep an eye on the sky to see if they showed up later in
the day.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but a wonderful mood seemed to be sweeping
over the whole area and it seemed everyone wanted to be outside. I was
quickly caught up in spur of the moment plans to visit several open-air
markets in a search of great bargains in outdoor furniture and the like, and
discovered that twice the usual number of people were engaged in the same
pastime. The beautiful weather held for the whole day, with warm Texas
sunshine and a delightfully cool breeze from the north that made it a joy to
be outside. And not a chemtrail in sight the whole day.

Not even one!

In fact, the breeze became cooler and a bit stronger as the day progressed,
and when we got home I finally checked the weather situation to see what was
actually happening. The previous day’s rain had signaled the arrival of cool
air from the north, which had continued during the day on Sunday. In fact,
Sunday night actually got a little cool for people who’d spent the day in

The following day, warm moist air from the Gulf would flow northward again,
obliterating all traces of the exhausted cold front but reforming the cloud
cover that masked current spraying operations so well. Still, from our point
of view, the weather picture was quite significant. After fifteen months of
near continuous chemical spraying activity over Houston and so many other
major cities as well, why was there not a single white line in the sky on
that beautiful, cloudless Sunday?

Most readers will know that early last year I concluded that the chemical
spraying of civilian populations heralded a major event in the near future.
assume that this event will be marked by the heavy use of biologicals
decreased resistance to airborne infection is the only known result of
Ethylene Dibromide which seems relevant.

(Decreased fertility is gaining in significance as the program stretches out
over time.)

Others have more hopeful interpretations but I cannot see any reason for
other than wishful thinking. Since spraying operations have cost billions of
dollars at this point, I think it is safe to assume that we are looking at
event designed to create geopolitical and economic change of incredible
magnitude. As this "event" gets closer, we are seeing a sharp increase in
what I can only call disinformation.

I think that the expected curve of public awareness was carefully
with the conclusion that not enough people would wake up to what is
before it was too late. However, with the explosive growth of the Internet
chemtrail awareness is reaching "critical mass" much too soon. There are now
too many people who can say, "We know what you are doing, and when this is
all over you will pay."

At the same time a significant disinformation campaign is underway here and
in Europe to prevent this, and keep as many people as possible confused
what is really happening. To understand the logic, lets go back to that
beautiful Sunday. I’m up at the ranch today, and can see a nice spray
to the north over the city of Huntsville. Wind is from the west, so the
planes working Houston will be west of the city this morning, beyond my
horizon. If it shifts northward this afternoon they’ll be up here and I’ll
get out the camera. But on that particular, beautiful Sunday all spray
operations stopped, and there was not a single white line in the sky.


Cooler air was moving in that day so, according to the disinformation


2000-03-12 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Just 13 months ago, we had the lowest gasoline
prices in history. According to U.S. Dept. of Energy
figures, the National Average Price for a gallon of
Unleaded Regular was 90.7 cents. (When adjusted
for inflation, this is the lowest gas price the DOE
has recorded since reporting began in 1949.

Here's the point.
The U.S. Senate acquitted Bill Clinton of the Impeachment
charges on February 12, 1999.  This is the very same time
that gas prices hit the all-time low!
Within 2 weeks after Clinton was acquitted, gas prices
started climbing...and they have continued to climb to
where they are today.  The latest DOE Reports gives
the National Average Price for Unleaded Regular as
$1.50 per gallon.
Bill Clinton was acquitted 60 cents ago!

6 months before Clinton's impeachment, the average
price per gallon was $1.07.
The price decreased 17 cents per gallon leading up to
the impeachment vote in the Senate.
The price was 90.7 cents when the Senate acquitted him.
It has gone up 60 cents a gallon since then.


Cheap energy prices were one of the main reasons our
National Economy has been so good.
A lot of people in this country did not want to see Clinton
removed from Office because of the good economy.

U.S. Dept. of Energy Reports:
RETAIL GASOLINE (Self Service Prices per Gallon, Including Taxes)
National Price - Regular Grade Average - 1998 -99

  06/08/981.075   (6 months before Impeachment voted in the House of Rep)
  12/14/980.945   (House of Representatives votes to Impeach)
  02/22/990.907   (Senate acquits Clinton on Feb. 12, 2000)
  01/24/001.315   (National Price - Regular Grade Average - 2000)
  03/06/001.50   (Latest DOE Figures available)

Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
For additional information please contact the Energy Information
National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.

  Regards to All,

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Waco: Disappeared Door

2000-03-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

At 12:41 PM 3/12/00 -0500, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  "Keys also says that he saw something as big as a
>  door being loaded into a U-Haul truck.

I like a good conspiracy as well as the next person, but to
be scrupulously honest, Keys didn't say he saw "the door";
he said he saw something "as big as a door".

Things that are "as big as a door"  includes an awful lot of the
known universe.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Waco: Disappeared Door

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

  Who fired first when the ATF attacked Mount Carmel?
  That's a question the front doors, through which the
  first shots traveled, could answer, but alas, one of
  the two metal front doors disappeared after the fire.
  Now a Texas state trooper gives some testimony that
  may be relevant to the disappearance of that door:


  Feds Spirited Body, Door Away at Waco, Trooper Says

  Friday, March 10, 2000

  In startling testimony, a Texas state trooper told
  lawyers that what appeared to be a body and a missing
  door were spirited away from the Waco scene just before
  troopers took over the Mt. Carmel site from the FBI.

  Sgt. David Keys also stunned lawyers and government
  attorneys in the wrongful death case filed by survivors
  of the Branch Davidian sect when he testified that he
  overheard FBI agents talking about a "fire fight"
  taking place in the rear of the compound. The government
  has insisted there had been no gunfire in that area
  despite infrared evidence indicating there had been.

  Keys, a 17-year veteran of the Texas Department of
  Public Safety, said that about 4 p.m. on April 19,
  over an hour before Texas Rangers took possession of
  the Mt. Carmel site, his superiors ordered him to
  permit a white van to enter the area "to pick up a
  body," according to James Brannon, an attorney for
  the plaintiffs. The trooper said he saw an empty body
  bag inside the van.

  When the white van left the compound, Keys said he
  saw the body bag containing what looked like the shape
  of a corpse, Brannon said.

  "The van that Keys saw could only have been kept
  secret, at that level, by the military," Brannon
  told reporters. "If somebody was killed, they could
  just say that he was killed in a training accident.
  It's a mystery who it was and we're waiting for
  somebody in the government to tell us."

  "Keys also says that he saw something as big as a
  door being loaded into a U-Haul truck. One of the
  doors from Mount Carmel has been missing since the
  day of the fire -- the door that might prove that
  during the Feb. 28 raid, the ATF fired first,"
  Brannon added.

  Keys also testified that earlier on April 19, 1993,
  while he was at the DPS Waco commando center, he
  overheard an FBI agent say that a "firefight" was
  under way at the back of the Mount Carmel compound,
  Brannon said.

  It has been alleged that the feds fired upon the
  rear of the Mount Carmel site in the final moments
  of the tank-and-tear-gas assault of April 19, in
  what may have been an effort to prevent any of the
  Davidians from leaving the inferno alive.


WACO PROTEST: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/waco-1.htm

   "There are times when you cannot keep your job and
  put alternative explanations for data on the table."
   Former FBI Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-03-12 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000312a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* NEW! Yesterday's news: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/11_03_2000.html
* No cross-pollinators were sexually exploited to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Devil! http://news.excite.com/photo/img/r/bolivia/carnival/19991230/oru03
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# HOME INTRUDER INSISTS: ALIENS PUT ME HERE! [via http://obscurestore.com/ ]
  Mike Roberts came home to find blood on his floor and a stranger on his
  couch. "He acted like he belonged there," says Roberts. "I grabbed him and
  threw him on the floor and screamed at him. He said, 'Don't hurt me, don't
  hurt me.'" The man had a good explanation: Aliens abducted him and put him
  in the home. http://www.dmregister.com/news/stories/c4788993/10719354.html

# The Other Dead Media. (Wired) Magazines, books, newspapers, and other
  traditional forms of expression aren't the only things headed for the
  dustbin. So is "Humanity," as we currently know it. "It's only a matter
  of time before your Aunt Susie is cross-pollinated with a parrot." Is
  that so wrong? http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,34905,00.html

: Would you rather be abducted by aliens/angels, hoodlums, cybernauts, govt
agents, robots, deities/demons, me? Have they cross-pollinated you with a
parrot/poodle/paramecium yet? How many abductees have morphed into chimerae?

# ALIEN ENCOUNTERS: Relax! You haven't been abducted. Yet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Unheeded warnings - Predictions of floods in Mozambique were ignored -
  unnecessary deaths: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news_222924.html

: Have you predicted any disasters lately? Were you ignored? Were you right?

# Low CO2 Levels in Atmosphere During Glacial Periods May Be Caused by Ant-
  arctic Sea Ice. Conclusion: Global warming, further melting icecaps, may
  raise atmospheric CO2 levels, triggering catastrophic "greenhouse effect"
  !! www.sio.ucsd.edu/supp_groups/siocomm/pressreleases/RkeelingNature.html

# Melting of Earth's Ice Cover Reaches New High - faster than at any time
  since record keeping began: http://www.worldwatch.org/alerts/000306.html
# Driving Ice-Age Cycles: http://www.nature.com/nature/fow/000302.html

: What's your favorite climate event? Have you modified climate lately? Are
you working real hard to trigger an unstoppable greenhouse-effect event? Do
your Venusian masters compensate you adequately for Venuforming the earth??

# Live Climate Data: http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/fbin/climate_server
@ Global Change Data and Information: http://www.gcdis.usgcrp.gov/
@ Climatic Extremes and Weather Events (NOAA/NCDC):
@ CLIMATOLOGY! http://www.scicentral.com/S-meteor.html#articles
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Film Your Own Blockbuster - Making Animation Child's Play. (Wired) Enter-
  prising filmmakers are using sophisticated rendering engines of computer
  games to create movies full of dazzling effects without buying expensive
  software. Cheapos: http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,34871,00.html
# IMAC DV: http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/03/10/imacdv/index.html
# MS Pushes XBox Gaming: http://CNN.com/cnnfn/2000/03/10/technology/xbox/

: Are you an enterprising, budget-conscious propagandist? D'ya need to make
your mind-control videos, filled with subliminal suggestion & posthypnotic
controls, for a fraction of your competitors' costs? When you get more bang
for the buck, do you: pocket the difference; make more propaganda; research
more effective mind-control techniques; bribe/suborn more co-conspirators?

@ Clueless in Seattle. The WTO street protestors wanted to halt technology,
  save jobs, and save the environment. Their agenda would produce the exact
  opposite: http://www.hudson.org/American_Outlook/articles_wn00/avery1.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# BASH'O'RAMA: They're Doing It To Us. A Catholic group in New York monitors
  and publishes nationwide alerts. But they don't bother detailing injustice
  to Muslims  [who
  issue their own reports]. Neither Catholics or Muslims have much to say on
  Jewish  rights. And
  Protestants  aren't
  bashed - unless you listen to Pat Robertson. Are Scientology & Catholicism
  cults? See http://detnews.com/2000/religion/0003/10/03110015.htm

@ Jesus Christ: http://members.aol.com/Jesus316/index.htm
@ Only Sheep Need A Shepherd: http://195.11.16

[CTRL] "In Praise of Chaos, by J. Orlin Grabbe"

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.11/praise_of_chaos.htm">In
Praise of Chaos, by J. Orlin Grabbe
In Praise of Chaos

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Introduction: The Intrusion of Eris

Chaos has a bad name in some parts. It was chaos that brought us the Trojan
War (Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, chapter 159).

Eris, goddess of chaos, upset at not being invited to the wedding of Peleus
and Thetis, showed up anyway and rolled a golden apple marked "kalliste"
("for the prettiest one") among the guests. Each of the goddesses Hera,
Athena, and Aphrodite claimed the golden apple as her own. Zeus, no fool,
appointed Paris, son of Priam, king of Troy, judge of the beauty contest.
Hermes brought the goddesses to the mountain Ida, where Paris first tried to
divide the apple among the goddesses, then made them swear they wouldn't hold
the decision against them. Hermes asked Paris if he needed the goddesses to
undress to make his judgment, and he replied, Of course. Athena insisted
Aphrodite remove her magic girdle, the sexy underwear that made everyone fall
in love with her, and Aphrodite retorted Athena would have to remove her
battle helmet, since she would look hideous without it.

As Paris examined the goddesses individually, Hera promised to make Paris the
lord of Asia and the richest man alive, if she got the apple. Paris said he
couldn't be bribed. Athena promised to make Paris victorious in all his
battles, and the wisest man alive. Paris said there was peace in these parts.
Aphrodite stood so close to Paris he blushed, and not only urged him not to
miss a detail of her lovely body, but said also that he was the handsomest
man she had seen lately, and he deserved a woman as beautiful as she was. Had
he heard about Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta? The goddess promised
Paris she would make Helen fall in love with him. Naturally Paris gave the
apple to Aphrodite, and Hera and Athena went off fuming to plot the
destruction of Troy.

That is, Aphrodite got the apple, and Paris got screwed.

While the Greeks had a specific goddess dedicated to Chaos, early religions
gave chaos an even more fundamental role. In the Babylonian New Year
festival, Marduk separated Tiamat, the dragon of chaos, from the forces of
law and order. This primal division is seen in all early religions. Yearly
homage was paid to the threat of chaos's return. Traditional New Year
festivals returned symbolically to primordial chaos through a deliberate
disruption of civilized life. One shut down the temples, extinguished fires,
had orgies and otherwise broke social norms. The dead mingled with the
living; afterward you purified yourself, re-enacted the creation myth whereby
the dragon of chaos was overthrown, and went back to normal. Everyone had
fun, but afterward order was restored, and the implication was it was a good
thing we had civilization, because otherwise people would always be putting
out the fires and having orgies.

Around us in the world today we see the age-old battle between order and
chaos. In the international sphere, the old order of communism has collapsed.
In its place is a chaotic matrix of competing, breakaway states, wanting not
only political freedom and at least a semi-market economy, but also their own
money supplies and nuclear weapons, and in some cases a society with a single
race, religion, or culture. Is this alarming or reassuring? We also have
proclamations of a New World Order, on one hand, accompanied by the outbreak
of sporadic wars and US bombing raids in Africa, Europe, and Asia, on the

In the domestic sphere we have grass roots political movements, such as the
populist followers of H. Ross Perot challenging the old order imposed by the
single-party Democratic-Republican monolith. We have a President who is
making a mockery out of the office, and a Vice President who tells us we
should not listen to any dissenting opinions with respect to global warming.
Is this reassuring or alarming?

In the corporate-statist world of Japan we see the current demolition of the
mythic pillars of Japanese society: the myth of high-growth, the myth of
endless trust between the US and Japan, the myth of full employment, the myth
that land and stock prices will always rise, and the myth that the Liberal
Democratic Party will always remain in power. Is the shattering of these
myths reassuring or alarming?

In fact, wherever we look, central command is losing control. Even in the
sphere of the human mind we have increasing attention paid to cases of
multiple personality. The most recent theories see human identity and the
human ego as a network of cooperative subsystems, rather than a single
entity. (Examples of viewpoint are found in Robert Ornstein, Multimind, and
Michael Gazzanaga, The Social Brain.) If, as Carl Jung claimed, "our true
religion is a monotheism of consciousness, a possession by it

[CTRL] OEN 3/12/00

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

China vs. Taiwan

China Threatens War If Taiwan Elects Wrong Candidate

And if Barry Goldwater is elected, there'll be war in Vietnam.

CHINA is threatening Taiwan with war if it chooses a pro-independence
candidate in this week's presidential election.

President Jiang Zemin last week led senior figures in Beijing in saying that
a declaration of Taiwanese independence after the election would result in a
fratricidal war between the Chinese people. "It will be a case of brother
fighting brother," he said. The annual gathering of China's rubber-stamp
parliament was turned into a platform for top ranks of the Communist Party to
try to intimidate the 22 million voters on the island, which Beijing claims
is a renegade province. Generals Zhang Wannian and Chi Haotian, repeatedly
told delegates: "Taiwan independence means war."

Gen Zhang singled out the leading candidate, Chen Shui-bian, as a
pro-independence troublemaker whose election would trigger a Chinese
invasion. The last polls of the campaign, showed the race to be a tight,
three-way battle between Mr Chen, Vice-President Lien Chan and the
independent James Soong.

Western military analysts doubt that the People's Liberation Army has the
capability to invade Taiwan, which would require an operation similar in
scale to the D-Day landings of 1944. Taiwanese refer to a Chinese invasion as
the "million man swim" because the PLA lacks landing craft and logistical
support vessels to cross the 100-mile strait between them.

Beijing's bluster in advance of Saturday's vote is a milder form of the
interference it tried in the last presidential election. Four years ago when
President Lee Teng-hui was campaigning for election, Beijing tried to ensure
his defeat by test-firing missiles across the Taiwan Strait.

There are fears, however, that Mr Chen's election could trigger a crisis
which would draw the United States into a confrontation with the PLA. A poll
for the TVBS network last week showed him leading the field with 26 per cent
support. Western analysts suspect that Beijing could perceive America's
presidential election as an opportunity to catch Washington off guard,
without an adequate response to an international crisis.

Mr Chen, who says that Taiwan is already independent and therefore does not
need to make a formal declaration, rejects Beijing's demands that Taipei
adhere to a "one China"policy. "What happens if Chen as president says that
Taiwan is already independent? The question we face is how the Chinese would
react to that after the election," said one Western diplomat in Beijing. The
Kuomintang party, which has ruled Taiwan since the Chinese civil war, is
relying on undecided voters turning away from Mr Chen at the last minute to
support Mr Lien as a safe pair of hands who will not confront Beijing.

Taiwan will continue to reject Beijing's demands for negotiations on
reunification with the Chinese mainland whoever wins the elections. Support
for reunification is negligible in Taiwan. The island has one of the most
dynamic economies in Asia, with an annual per capita income of £7,800 - 20
times higher than in China.

Beijing's promises of autonomy, along the lines of that introduced in Hong
Kong and Macau, are distrusted by the Taiwanese who have witnessed constant
political manipulation by the Communist leadership in its former colonies.
Chen Chien-jen, Taiwan's foreign minister, said: "It's a precondition that
the people of China enjoy the rule of law, freedom, democracy and a free
market before reunification can take place."

Even businessmen from the island, who are among the most enthusiastic
investors in China, are repelled by its oppressive political system. While
opportunities to make money are good and many enjoy the wider aspects of
Chinese life, most cannot stomach its lack of freedom. "I come to Beijing to
do business. We talk business, sing karaoke, have some drinks, but I would
not want to live here. It's not the same. Taiwan is very different now," said
David Lin, an advertising executive.

The other big issue of the election is political corruption. Scandal has
crippled the campaign of the charismatic Mr Soong. An early front-runner, Mr
Soong suffered a severe blow when the Kuomintang - widely acknowledged as the
richest political organisation in the world - alleged that he had stolen £20
million from party funds while serving as secretary general a decade ago.

In the wake of the allegations, Mr Soong's support slumped from one-third to
one-quarter in the polls and has not recovered. The role of secret slush
funds in Taiwanese elections is often crucial. The island's streets have
taken on a carnival atmosphere in advance of the vote as each of the main
campaigns spends tens of millions of pounds to ensure that their candidate

Cash plays a vital 

Re: [CTRL] Scientists justify Clinton's treatment of women

2000-03-12 Thread Jeff Sandlin

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

If someone isn`t thinking about killing you, you could be trying harder
to do the right thing.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Half of Arctic ice cover has melted since 1960s

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

PLEASE add the url (next time) so I can add these to
my data base without having to look them up!
thank you
The Pied Piper

DIG alfred webre wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> UK Independent
> Half of Arctic ice cover has melted since 1960s
> By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Correspondent
> 12 March 2000
> Nearly half the ice covering the Arctic has melted, warns an authoritative
> report to be published in May. An alarming disappearance of ice is occurring
> at both poles and from glaciers worldwide as global warming proceeds, and in
> decades there could be none left at all on the Arctic ocean.
> The report, from the Worldwatch Institute, in Washington, describes how
> entire ice shelves have already disintegrated in the Antarctic and how a
> fifth of the glaciers in the eastern Himalayas have vanished.
> "Earth's ice cover is melting at an astonishing rate," it says. The melting
> had "accelerated rapidly" over the past decade as more and more polluting
> "greenhouse gases" contaminated the atmosphere, increasing global warming and
> preparing the way for raisedsea levels and more flooding.
> Last week, the Government announced a radical programme to cut Britain's
> emissions of the gases to a level that goes beyond what is legally required,
> in an attempt to breathe new life into faltering international negotiations
> over combating climate change.
> John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, warned ofmore disasters, like the
> recent floods in Mozambique, as global warming increases. The Worldwatch
> report says that every two years an area the size of Denmark vanishes from
> the ice sheet that covers the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole.
> Meanwhile, the remaining ice has lost nearly half its thickness. The overall
> volume of the ice has shrunk by 40 per cent over the past 30 years, and it
> could all be gone "in a matter of decades". Three Antarctic ice sheets have
> "fully disintegrated" and two more are "expected to break up soon".
> The World Glacier Monitoring Service has also reported "extreme" losses of
> ice from the world's mountains over the past few years.
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:



2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Seems more as if they are going to use
the UN as a scape goat but it will actually
be NATO that does things.

[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Do you suppose Gee Dubya Bush
> thinks this way too?
> Nakano
> "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the
> United Nations charter to which the American people
> will henceforth pledge their allegiance."
> President George Bush addressing the U.N.General Assembly
> February 1,1992.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Scientists justify Clinton's treatment of women

2000-03-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Depends on who they are and when they do it-
after Sonny Bono found out about Goals 2000
and wrote a letter protesting he died
after John Denver changed to Microbiotic eating,
had a child and started returning to music
he died
after Vince Foster apparently protested cover ups
he died
after Kennedy started publishing things in his
magizine George, he died.
the other thing is how many fingers you have
in how many pies as well as who you get in touch with.

Hillary showed her incompetancy during Nixon's impeachment
when she was one of the staff of legal researchers
trying to impeach him.
BillI wonder if since he was adopted if he is suppose
to be one of Hitler's sons and if Hillary is
suppose to have Hitler's brain?
RenoA lesbian that likes young prositutes, the younger the
Hitler  An imcompetant dictator proped up by buisness and it's
money so buisness can have control.
Bush Sr.Lost a large amount of money and also lost his businesses
in the Soviet Union that supported Hitler.  They would
not release his Yale transcript when he was president
but it the gossip was that it was not anything to write
home about.
Bush Jr.Born the same year as Bill and raised as another imcompetant
a puppet - so who is pulling the strings of these people?

These people are apparently murderous but they are also imcompetant
puppets so who backs them?

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> In a message dated 03/11/2000 8:41:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> << I believe Klinton is guilty of much worse things than rape. However,
>  saying bad things about him is obviouly dangerous. Welcome to Amerika. >>
> Good Lord, if saying bad things about Clinton was dangerous, there wouldn't
> be anybody left in the "liberal"??? media or the Republican Party.  I think
> saying bad things about Clinton is the road to prosperity.   Look at Fred
> Barnes.  The first time I heard him on television, even the library couldn't
> find his address.  A few months later he was top man on his own magazine, and
> his suits were perfectly tailored.  A lot of second-rate journalists have
> made it big saying bad things about Clinton.  Prudy
Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Scientists justify Clinton's treatment of women

2000-03-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/12/2000 10:21:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 When you have a tyrannical government as corrupt as Clintons is, and the top
 cop is  equally corrupted and sabotages and stonewalls any and all
 investigation's into his litany of crimes, you are never going to get a
 conviction. Stalin and Hitler never faced any official charges and yet they
 were responsible for tens of millions of deaths, as are many dictators.

 << When refering to the president of the U.S.A. or anyone else, it would be
  grossly unfair to say they were guilty if they were not convicted in
  court. >>

They're going to try a possible rape case in the Justice Department?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Jeff Sandlin

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

J2, you said "the Jews are who they say they are. It`s genetically
undisputable." Does becoming a Christian change their genetic make up?
Do you ever let logic intrude into your thought process?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bits & Pieces

2000-03-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

National Alliance of Families
For The Return of America's Missing Servicemem
World War II - Korea - Cold War - Vietnam

Dolores Alfond - 425-881-1499
Lynn O'Shea --- 718-846-4350
Web Site http://www.nationalalliance.org

Bits N Pieces  March 11th, 2000

Holding Our Own - Our POW/MIA's and their families never have great
Good days are few and far between.  This week, we had a good day.

"2004, Is Not In The Cards For Bill" -  We received an e-mail from
Christensen, wife of POW/MIA William Christensen, that reads as
follows:  "I
just received yesterday a letter from Robert Jones, (POW/Missing
Affairs) stating that they were no longer going to look for William M.
Christensen. He says "that further pursuit of this case could be
So 2004, is not in the cards for Bill.  Did a lot of people get these
letters?  Thanks.  Sandra

If any family members have received such a letter, or you know of a
member who has received such a letter, please let us know.

The Clock Is Ticking

A 9th South Korean POW Returns From North Korea -  March 3rd, 2000 -
Associated Press - SEOUL, South Korea  -  "A South Korean prisoner of
has returned home after nearly half a century of captivity in North
Seoul's  main intelligence agency said Friday."

"Suh Byong-ryol, 70, arrived in Seoul from a third country where he had
living in hiding since escaping the hunger-stricken North in  December
the National Intelligence Service said.  Suh arrived with three North
Koreans, including a 65-year-old mother and 38-year-old daughter, it
The agency said Suh was captured by Chinese troops in 1953, shortly
the three-year Korean War ended in a truce. He had been forced to  work
coal mines and on collective farms in North Korea until he fled, it

"...Suh was the ninth South Korean prisoner of war to escape North Korea
return home."

Russian Memoirs - By now, everyone has heard of the document simply
"Russian Memoirs."Best described as a diary, the memoirs detail
information obtained through various sources of American POWs from World
II, Korea and the Cold War transferred to the former Soviet Union.

According to a February 26, 2000 Associated Press article by By Robert
"The assertions, while not confirmed, appear to support, and in some
important  respects strengthen, a case the Pentagon has been building
several years: U.S. servicemen in the 1940s and 1950s were silently
swallowed up in the U.S.S.R.'s brutal Gulag system of forced labor,
never to
be heard from again."

"There has to be something to this,'' said Norman Kass, who helped
the unpublished personal memoir from Russian and interviewed the author
behalf of the Pentagon agency in charge of prisoner of war and missing
personnel affairs "

"...The memoir is exceptional because it provides names of individual
servicemen. For example, it identifies by name 22 men said to have been
in late 1951  at the Kirovskij mining camp near the Kamenka River in the
-Arctic pine  forests of the Krasnoyarsk region. The memoir's author
secondhand  accounts of area residents seeing the prisoners, ``wearing
threads and  half-frozen,'' being led from the Kirovskij camp along a
to an  undetermined destination - ``a dead-end''

"...Kass said that although the events described by the author have not
independently verified, he believes the man is credible...  there is no
question that he spent many years in the Gulag network of forced labor
. The man, now in his late 70s, was exiled to Siberia and worked as a
permafrost engineer in the early 1950s near the Kirovskij mining camp
the 22 Americans were said to have been held."

"In the translation from Russian, only one of the 22 names can be
with  a missing American servicemen. He is listed in Army casualty
as Chan  Jay Park Kim, a Hawaiian of Korean descent.   Kim was a private
first class in the 24th Infantry Division's 34th Infantry  Regiment,
captured by North Korean forces on July 8, 1950. On that day, the  34th
Infantry collapsed in its defense of the town of Ch'onan south of Seoul,
giving the advancing North Korean army entry to most of the rest of

"According to Pentagon records, fellow members of the 34th Infantry who
survived captivity in Korea told Army debriefers that once he became a
Kim tried to mask his ethnic background by using the name George Leon.
It is
 that name which appears among the 22 on the list from the Soviet labor
. "

"Army casualty records list Kim as having died in Korea in January 1951,
 his body was not recovered "

"...Another section of the memoir describes the fate of 10 member

[CTRL] News & Views - March 7, 2000

2000-03-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

Subject: News & Views - March 7, 2000
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 11:23 PM

to Unsubscribe send "leave nevadagop" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit 
reply with "REMOVE" in subject

Clinton Countdown

Today is March 7 - “Super Tuesday” - 2000.  Still 319 days remaining in the
Clinton presidency.

Activists Swarm Anchors

The major television networks have disconnected their anchors’ e-mail
accounts - and Peter Jennings’ secretary is hanging up on callers - after
Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson gave out their phone
numbers and e-mail addresses to protest the networks’ non-coverage of the
conviction of Al Gore fundraiser Maria Hsia.  Some activists told the RNC
that their first e-mails to the network anchors - Jennings, Brokaw and Rather
- early Monday morning went through, but when they tried later in the
afternoon, they all bounced back.  “I expected they would be mildly annoyed
by the calls, faxes and e-mails, but I never thought they’d hang up on their
own viewers,” said Nicholson.  “I have some advice for them - courage.  True,
viewers are being empowered to express themselves directly to the anchors,
but that’s the way it is.”

Media Blackout of Hsia Conviction

“Asking the media to report negative things on Al Gore, is akin to expecting
Pope John Paul II to say something derogatory about Mother Theresa.”

- News & Views reader Chris Marcoux, 3/6/00

A Very Bad Sign

“The election campaign is going to be brutal, incredibly negative, nasty,
dirty, slimy, sleazy, and one of the worst in history.”

- Unnamed Gore adviser, U.S. News & World Report, 2/13/00

A Very Good Sign

“Despite the personal rancor of the past few days, McCain promised to support
Bush if he is the Republican nominee.  Bush also pledged to support whoever
is nominated.”

- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3/6/00

Killer Coddlers Heckle Gov. Bush

“At a rally in Oakland, California, a group of anti-death penalty protesters
interrupted Bush shouting:  ‘Stop the ex-e-cutions.  Mor-a-torium now!’ ...
Mullings gave them a perfect 10 points for coming up with a chant which did
not start with the words:  ‘Hey, Hey.  Ho, Ho’ as in ‘Hey, Hey.  Ho, Ho.
Executions got to go.’  Mullings was then forced to take away those points
when a leader of the group admitted to reporters that he was a member of the
Socialist Workers' Party.”

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 3/6/00

Bush/Dole 2000:  Playing the Gender Card

“’Sensing that Gov. George W. Bush is having trouble proving he is as much of
a hotshot reformer as slumping foe Sen. John McCain, advisers are again
looking to Elizabeth Dole as the savior,’ Paul Bedard writes in U.S. News &
World Report.  ‘If Bush gets the nomination, he'll need McCain's supporters
to beat Vice President Al Gore. And that's why friends of Dole are pushing
her as Bush's running mate. Bush allies agree that Dole could sell the reform
banner more easily and cherry-pick McCain's maverick backers simply because
she's a woman,’ Mr. Bedard said.”

- Greg Pierce, “Inside Politics,” 3/6/00

OK, Class ... Please Turn to Page...

"That every GOP 'debate' has been nothing more than an extra-credit offering
in the Alan Keyes civics-class campaign, with ‘Huh?’ written full across the
faces of George W. Bush, John McCain, and TV talking heads from sea to
shining sea, should be sufficient evidence of just how high over his
opponents Keyes towers."

- Columnist Erik Jay, "What Next?", 3/10/00

Gay Marriage Causing Separation in CA GOP

“Republicans may be divided nationally between Texas Gov. George W. Bush and
Arizona Sen. John McCain, but that split doesn't approach the depth of the
divide within the California Republican Party over tomorrow's vote on
Proposition 22.  The ballot initiative would forbid California from
recognizing same-sex ‘marriages,’ no matter where they're performed.  ...Rep.
Tom Campbell, the party's almost certain candidate for the U.S. Senate,
opposes the measure fervently. So does University of California Regent Ward
Connerly, the most visible leader of the national fight against affirmative
action. ... But the Republican state leadership firmly supports the
initiative.  State Chairman John McGraw and all current party officers
applauded loudly at a prayer breakfast during a recent state party
convention, when Bill Bright, co-founder of the Campus Crusade for Christ,
equated homosexual lifestyles to Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.
... Meanwh


2000-03-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/12/2000 1:50:21 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Do you suppose Gee Dubya Bush
 thinks this way too?

 "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the
 United Nations charter to which the American people
 will henceforth pledge their allegiance."
 President George Bush addressing the U.N.General Assembly
 February 1,1992. >>

I don't really believe Dubya "thinks" at all.   He's just a twig off the old
bush.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] America's 'war' with China

2000-03-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

America's 'war' with China


The war begins at dawn as over 100,000 invasion troops, in three massive
waves, surge across narrow waters to find a morning beachhead on the
Taiwanese shores. The first wave of 100,000 red troops is soon followed by up
to seven more waves of 100,000 Chinese soldiers, for a total of eight Chinese
armies hurled into a terrific assault. As part of the pre-invasion attack,
huge numbers of People's Liberation Army Air Force jets streak across the
waters to bomb Taiwanese air bases. In the skies, hundreds of missiles, and
thousands of MiGs overwhelm the small Taiwanese Air Force. One or two of the
bases continue to function but are soon swept aside by the tide of red MiGs.

Taiwanese cities are seen on global television taking direct hits from
missile after missile, launched by the 2nd Artillery Corps from inside the
Chinese mainland. One or two of the Asian cities disappear in a blinding
flash, as nuclear-tipped missiles take out strategic ports and critical
military facilities.

In and around the skies of Taiwan, U.S., Japanese and Asian ally fighter jets
frantically hurl themselves in fruitless attacks to stem the tide. F-117A
Stealth bombers fly bold and effective strikes from Okinawa until a direct
hit from a Chinese ballistic missile closes the base and kills thousands.

At sea, a massive force of U.S. carriers converges from two different
directions; one from the Indian Ocean and another from across the Pacific.
The forces are soon spotted by Chinese satellites using purchased American
technology and are targeted.

Each group is attacked by waves of Chinese bombers and missiles one thousand
miles from Taiwan, with each wave growing larger as they approach.

In the end, the Chinese sink two nuclear aircraft carriers and a major
portion of the U.S. fleet in a grinding assault of suicide planes. All is
lost. Taiwan falls and begins a dark period of subject occupation by the
communist forces. America enters a protracted war with China.

This scenario has been played out at the highest levels inside the Pentagon,
using advanced war game systems. It does not end well for America. However,
one other war game recently played inside the defense establishment had a
very different result.

There are many Chinese military weaknesses, but there is one critical weak
link in its plan to take Taiwan, that of submarine warfare. The leader in
submarine war is America, and despite the years of Clinton neglect, the U.S.
Navy silent service still rules supreme over the world's oceans.

There is one and only one hope that can stem the tide -- sink the landing
ships full of PLA troopers and save Taiwan. The American Pacific nuclear
submarine force responds with a single order, "Sink 'em!"

No Chinese vessel on or below the surface survives for very long. The seas
around Taiwan are filled with torpedoes, sea mines, the dying and the dead.
The Chinese Army invasion of Taiwan drowns within sight of the mainland as
the first wave is sunk in a fruitless attempt to cross the open waters. The
Chinese Navy disappears without firing a shot.

Without its warships and landing craft, the Chinese Army cannot swim. Before
the hapless generals in Beijing can react to the disaster at sea, a second
attack begins deep inland, behind their lines.

Suddenly, and without warning, Tomahawk missiles rise from the sea surface,
flying over the mainland, destroying air bases, missile sites and Chinese
command posts.

Operating closely with B-2 bombers, the silent service attacks the Chinese
mainland in repeated blows aimed at the Chinese military command. Several
Chinese warlords die in the precision strikes. Chinese air power tries to
respond but the futile effort has no effect on an unseen foe able to fire at
will into almost any Chinese city.

U.S. strike aircraft flying from untouched bases move forward to clear the
skies as jubilant Taiwanese citizens greet the first American paratroopers
and Patriot missile batteries. American carriers arrive safely to reinforce
Taiwan, unhindered by the crippled Chinese Army Air Force. Finally, Aegis
cruisers escorting the carriers do battle with the remaining Chinese missile
forces and defeat them in a first-ever duel outside the Earth's atmosphere.

The swift force of U.S. Navy Los Angeles attack boats, led by the first Sea
Wolf class submarine, sweep the seas clean between China and Taiwan. The red
invasion force disappears beneath the straits and into history next to the
Spanish Armada.

The game ends with U.S. Navy attack subs returning home with broomsticks tied
to their masts. Taiwan buries its dead and begins to rebuild.

Yet, can we stop the coming war before it happens?

The world now stands at the brink. The so-called "strategic partner" of
America is preparing to declare war on tiny Taiwan. T

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Sir, I really do not know what he situation is, BUT There really is no reason
to argue a case with personal attacks.
Please be civil in your discourse.
List Owner
In a message dated 3/11/00 5:30:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>J2, in your case I`ll give up being polite. Your too stupid to respond

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What's up with Bill Cooper?

2000-03-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I was just reading "The Early History of Mankind" & when I got to the
end of Part 1 I discovered that I had downloaded part 1 twice and part
2 not at all. Since I don't have the link anymore, I did a web search
on Bill Cooper to see if I could find it. Well, not only did I not find
The Early History of Mankind, but all the other links to Cooper were
dead or frozen. Is something going on here that the list should know


P.S. If someone has part 2, could they please send it offlist? Thanks
in advance.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pakistani women fight growing scandal of wife burnings

2000-03-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/11/2000 10:20:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<<   HUNDREDS of Pakistani women are being burnt to death every year by their
 husbands or in-laws in an upsurge of so-called "stove-burst" attacks.
 "It's the easiest way for a husband to get rid of a wife he no longer wants,"
 said Shahnaz Bukhari, the head of the Progressive Women's Association (PWA),
 an organisation striving to help survivors and alert the public. "There are
 no gunshots; no fingerprints. All the husband has to say is that the wife was
 cooking in the kitchen when the edge of her dupatta [scarf] fell in the stove
 and caught fire." >>

I have spoken of a cure to be taken in this matter for some years now.  The
women of Pakistan must be willing to take the risk of sacrificing themselves
for the common good of all Pakistani women.  Since almost every bride burning
is engineered by members of the husband's family (with or without his
consent), the woman who finds herself on fire must jump up and rush to
embrace her mother-in-law.  If the mother-in-law is not present, her
sister-in-law will do.  After all if she is condemned to die anyway, she
should make sure that she has company in the after life.  Her female inlaws
will be wearing the same easy to kindle garments that are the cause of her
own conflagration.  It's very simple, a Pakistani woman who finds herself on
fire must show her deep affection for her husband's female relatives by
rushing to give them the benefit of her last loving thoughts.  This should
become a tradition.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan


Rumor Mill News Forum

 http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=2073">AP SLANTS

Date: Saturday, 11 March 2000, at 4:22 p.m.

RMNews-- The following are the highlights from an AP story about the doctor
(Ford) whose backyard contained buried weapons of biological warfare.

Please see the link on the RMNews Forum that is to the original story from
the LA Times.


It is our belief that the LA Times story is probably closer to the truth...
Please also notice the deceptive headline that the AP runs with this story.

* from AP wire service

"Ford's attorney said the doctor worked for the CIA for 20 years, and the Los
Angeles Times reported that he had expertise in chemical and biological

Lawyer Bryan Card said Friday night that police told him the doctor may have
had enough bacteria at his disposal ''to wipe out a country.'' He declined to
elaborate. A police spokesman could not be reached for comment Friday night.

Forty-nine homes and a school near Ford's home were evacuated before digging
started Thursday.

Investigators believe Ford held answers to the attack on his partner at
Biofem Pharmaceutical Inc., James Patrick Riley. A masked gunman shot and
wounded Riley two weeks ago.

Almost immediately, police focused on Ford. But before police could question
Ford, he committed suicide.

Police have arrested a friend of Ford's and accused him of being the getaway
driver in the botched hit. They were searching for the shooter."


(Pay attention to the headline)

Hidden Ammo Probed in Murder Case

By CHELSEA J. CARTER, Associated Press Writer

IRVINE, Calif. (AP) -- Investigators said Friday they found thousands of
rounds of ammunition hidden under a false floor in the home of a doctor who
committed suicide before police could question him about a failed plot to
kill his partner.

On Thursday, police and FBI agents found 21 canisters filled with bullets,
including machine gun rounds, hidden in the home of Dr. Larry C. Ford, police
Lt. Sam Allevato said. Investigators also found six drums planted 7 feet deep
in Ford's yard that contained ''military-grade'' plastic explosives, Allevato

Ford's attorney said the doctor worked for the CIA for 20 years, and the Los
Angeles Times reported that he had expertise in chemical and biological

Lawyer Bryan Card said Friday night that police told him the doctor may have
had enough bacteria at his disposal ''to wipe out a country.'' He declined to
elaborate. A police spokesman could not be reached for comment Friday night.

Forty-nine homes and a school near Ford's home were evacuated before digging
started Thursday.

Investigators believe Ford held answers to the attack on his partner at
Biofem Pharmaceutical Inc., James Patrick Riley. A masked gunman shot and
wounded Riley two weeks ago.

Almost immediately, police focused on Ford. The two men were trying to market
a vaginal suppository to combat AIDS transmission and believed the product
would make millions of dollars.

But before police could question Ford, he committed suicide.

Police have arrested a friend of Ford's and accused him of being the getaway
driver in the botched hit. They were searching for the shooter.

Ford once worked for the federal government on chemical weapons and advised
the South African Defense Force on how to protect military personnel against
biological attacks, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.



 http://www.newsday.com/ap/national/ap67.htm">Hidden Ammo Probed in
Murder Case

GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates as low as 0.0%
Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.  Apply NOW!

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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Mae Brussell interview

2000-03-12 Thread Kris Millegan

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>You mean Mae Brussell

>knew all this, a not so ordinary housewife, she would have
>apparently let me into her home for tea and cookies and a REAL

>history lesson.  What a gal!

As the death threats and break-ins piled up she became more selective
about who she let in. Apparently she wasn't quite selective enough.

I never met Mae in person. We spoke on the phone a number of times,
especially during the period in '87-'88 when some friends and I  were
organizing the Fourth Reich in America Conference. She was too sick to
participate but gave a lot of advice. The name, for instance, was her

I came to know her work through hearing it repeated by her disciple Dave
Emory whose radio broadcasts can be heard in the Bay Area. Mae's could not
be heard north of about Santa Cruz. I never would have even heard OF Mae
if it weren't for Dave.

It was through my relationship with John Judge that my partner and I came
to be packing up, moving and then guarding her archives after she died.

Some people believe Mae lasted as long as she did because her broadcasts
covered such a remote area of the Central Coast. Shortly before her demise
her show was syndicated in LA. Suddenly she was reaching millions. Some
folks believe this is why she was killed. Personally, I think she pissed
off Army Intelligence. She was working on two cases at the end, Aquino and
Kramer, both of which tied into Army Intelligence deeply.

But of course we'll never know.

I heard recently that her archives are now in the hands of Virginia
McCullough, but I haven't confirmed that yet. It would be nice if someday
they became available to the public. It was her last wish. John was
attempting to set this up in Santa Cruz but he and Dave fell out and the
project crumbled. Oh well.

There will never be another Mae, but her work goes on. "Divide it up," she
told us, "Take one aspect that interests you and just study the hell out
of it."

That's what I'm doing here and on [EMAIL PROTECTED], studying the hell out
of a tiny part of Mae's field.

Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List info: 
Want to find the best email lists? Check out the Topica 20!

Re: [CTRL] Scientists justify Clinton's treatment of women

2000-03-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/11/2000 8:41:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< I believe Klinton is guilty of much worse things than rape. However,
 saying bad things about him is obviouly dangerous. Welcome to Amerika. >>

Good Lord, if saying bad things about Clinton was dangerous, there wouldn't
be anybody left in the "liberal"??? media or the Republican Party.  I think
saying bad things about Clinton is the road to prosperity.   Look at Fred
Barnes.  The first time I heard him on television, even the library couldn't
find his address.  A few months later he was top man on his own magazine, and
his suits were perfectly tailored.  A lot of second-rate journalists have
made it big saying bad things about Clinton.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] child pronography Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Janet Reno would curb press free...

2000-03-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Reno is an alcoholic, depraved pedophile herself. That is how she got the
job. Gavin

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tim McVeigh on 60 minutes tonight

2000-03-12 Thread Mary K. Gemmato

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Jeff Sandlin wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> J2, in your case I`ll give up being polite. Your too stupid to respond
> too.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Scientists justify Clinton's treatment of women

2000-03-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

When you have a tyrannical government as corrupt as Clintons is, and the top
cop is  equally corrupted and sabotages and stonewalls any and all
investigation's into his litany of crimes, you are never going to get a
conviction. Stalin and Hitler never faced any official charges and yet they
were responsible for tens of millions of deaths, as are many dictators. Gavin.

<< When refering to the president of the U.S.A. or anyone else, it would be
 grossly unfair to say they were guilty if they were not convicted in

 http://community.webtv.net/oldschool2/JeffSandlins >>

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, William Shannon wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> >  -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > In a message dated 3/10/00 7:37:36 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > writes:
> >
> > << DNA testing on Cohanim has established three clear markers. >>
> >
> > Do tell Nessie!
> >
> Markers of what? What three markers? So what? How do they link back to the
> priesthood of Moses and Aaron?
> FWP.

Bravo Poley. Well said. Your a tough hombre to philosophize with.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Khazars

2000-03-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> >  -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> > >
> > > -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > >  -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > > Maybe we should ask Khazar University (It has a web site). The "Law of
> > > Return" is one of the Constitutional documents of Israel. If I remember
> > > correctly it emphasizes (Anti-Christ) Jewish religion and not biological
> > > race. I think it says if you have a Jewish mother you are considered to be
> > > a Jew (one criterion) but only if you haven't converted to another
> > > religion.
> >
> > This is right. So far so good Poley.
> >
> > > I suppose some world religions are exempt in practice but not
> > > Christianity.
> >
> > Ah, this is the Poley I know and love. WRONG.
> I SUPPOSED that one could, for example be a Taoist and a Jew. But I am
> asking and since you are the expert what is the answer?

The answer is...how does the Taoist Jew raise his/her children? Taoist
or Jew. Do they study Taoism or Judaism? How do they identify

> > > Thus the Cohen written up in the local BC Christian News
> > > recently as a convert to Christianity is now excommunicated and does not
> > > have aliyeh rights. His biology hasn't changed.
> >
> > But he is no longer a Jew is he ?
> Jews for Jesus said on Larry King recently that they were 100% Jewish and

No it doesn't. The answer is ridiculous. They are Christians BY
If you believe that Christ is Lord then you are a Christian. No Jew
that Christ is Lord. No Muslim believes that Christ is Lord. No Hindu
Only Christians believe that Christ is Lord. What is so complicated
this? Jews for Jesus is a lie. I am a Jew for Jesus. They are jewish
to Christianity.

> Or are the
> rabbis of New Khazaria (Israel) saying they have papal infallibility with
> respect to their ecommunications?

Cut the Khazaria shit Poley. It's over. It was a stupid ploy to begin

>  The right of return is only for Jews
> > in the Jewish State. This isn't too difficult to comprehend is it?
> It is very clear as long as there is no controversy as to which
> self-professed Jews are the REAL McCOYS, so to speak.

Cut the REAL McCOYS shit Poley. It's over. The Jews are who they say
they are
and it is now genetically indisputable. Deal with it.

> > > These Jews for Jesus are
> > > Pro-Christ Jews by their self-description but they are rejected by the
> > > Anti-Christ Jews.
> >
> > Jews for Jesus ARE NOT JEWS. They are Christians by definition. They
> > believe that Jesus is god. This is ONLY a Christian belief.
> But THEIR definition does not prevent them from also being Christians. Why
> is your definition the only right one?

What are you talking about? They ARE Christians. If they also claim to
purple toads, that doesn't make them so. There is still reality to
with. No Jew on the planet considers Jews for Jesus to be Jews. Who
should make that determination? You?

> > > This is because the teachings of Christ are regarded
> > > as BLASPHEMY by the Israeli Establishment.
> >
> > Ah, now we get into Poleyisms. Fasten your seat belts we are leaving
> > reality.
> Why do you think the Sanhedrin was party to the crucifixion of Christ
> 2,000 years ago? The crime was BLASPHEMY...that man could say that God
> spoke through him.

That gospel story is phony. All of the details are unhistorical.

> > The Israeli Establishment is non religious and doesn't give a shit
> > about the teachings of Christ.
> If that were true they would have no difficuly with "Jews for Jesus".

What difficulty do they have with JfJ? None. They are no problem at

>  They do however fund and execute many
> > archaeological projects and studies which focus on first century
> > Jewish history in Judea and especially around Jerusalem. They are
> > particularly interested in a group of revolutionary Jews known as The
> > Poor. This group was headed by a devout Jewish leader named Yeshua who
> > was crucified by the Romans for insurrection.
> >
> And the Sanhedrin had no part in this?

No one knows because there is no historical reference to Jesus.

> > After his death, the movement was led by his brother James, and his
> > chief disciple " Peter " who was a known revolutionary.
> >
> > > "God CANNOT be manifested in a
> > > human being" is the succint explanation I think.
> >
> > That is correct. It's called idolatry and is forbidden by Jewish and
> > Muslim law.
> Now you agree with my reasoning which you disagreed with above. Praise da
> lo'd! You have seen da' light!
> > > However, I have yet to
> > > encounter a rabbi on the Internet who could defend such a theology.
> >
> > It is what it is and doe

Re: [CTRL] Vince Foster book ...

2000-03-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

<< >From: Larry Becraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: Vince Foster book
 >To whom it may concern,
 >  Remember Patrick Knowlton, one of the first people to come into Fort
 > Marcy Park just after Vince Foster was murdered? He was put thru hell and
 > back by the federales because of his unfortunate visit to the park just
 > because of a "call of nature" (to relieve himself). He and his lawyer
 > have published a book entitled Failure of the Public Trust and it is
 > posted to his webpage at:
 >   http://www.fbicover-up.com/
 >Here is the introduction to that page:
 >The federal investigative records on this Web site prove the existence of
 >an FBI cover-up into the apparent murder of deputy White House counsel
 >Vincent Foster.  Given the scrutiny we are told our government has given
 >the case, this proof challenges the assumptions that many of us have about
 >our government and our news media.  This evidence is profoundly
 >disturbing.  We urge you to help us get this proof out to the American
 >people, so that we can improve the quality of our government and news
 >media, and the integrity of our republic.
 >Pat Shannan of Media Bypass will have an article about this book in a
 >forthcoming issue of that popular patriot periodical.
 > Larry


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No warning on new Lyme disease vaccine downside

2000-03-12 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

No warning on new Lyme disease vaccine downside

Thursday, 9 March 2000 16:25 (ET)

NEW YORK, March 9 (UPI) -- The new vaccine for Lyme disease has
caused 298 adverse reactions, including chronic arthritis, according to
reports obtained by Newsday, but there's no warning on the drug's label
that this could happen.

Newsday said Thursday it obtained the reports from the Food and Drug
Administration under the Freedom of Information Act.

Some 600,000 people took the drug, produce by SmithKline Beecham
Pharmaceuticals of Philadelphia as LYMErix, the newspaper said, so the
number of adverse reactions is small. However, the reports said apart from
the arthritis, which is similar to rheumatoid arthritis, most reactions were
allergic reactions. About one-third of the patients taking the drug who
experienced the bad reactions ended up in the emergency room.

Spokespeople for the FDA and SmithKline say the reports did not reliably
link the drug to subsequent complications.

However, lawsuits have been filed against the drug maker, including a
class action suit in Philadelphia, charging that SmithKline failed to warn
doctors and the public that the vaccine puts certain people with specific
genetic traits "to the risk of a chronic, degenerative and incurable
autoimmune disease which is much greater than the risk posed to these
individuals by an ordinary Lyme-carrier tick bite."

The suits are asking that the company re-label its warning on the vaccine,
that it advise doctors to screen patients for potential risk and pay for blood
screening for those who have taken the drug, to see if they are still at risk.

LYMErix causes the immune system to produce antibodies to a protein on
the surface of the Lyme disease bacterium B. burgdorferi, but researchers
found that part of surface protein called OspA, could possibly cause a
reaction in certain individuals with a specific gene, the HLA-DR4 gene.

Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner, chairwoman of the board of directors of the
nonprofit Lyme Disease Foundation in Hartford, Conn., told Newsday: "I'm
stunned. Looking at these data, I'm highly concerned by the number of the
reactions and the severity of the reactions. ... This is a voluntary reporting
system, so this is probably the tip of the iceberg. How is the public
supposed to evaluate this data?" -- Copyright 2000 by United Press
International. All rights reserved.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] FW: "Most Dangerous Woman" --- Hilda Clark

2000-03-12 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 3:50 AM
Subject: "Most Dangerous Woman" --- Hilda Clark

PRESS RELEASE -  "Most Dangerous Woman"  feted in Toronto

 > >Contact - Tim & Jan Bolen - JuriMed - (949) 728-0838,
 > >
 > >“Most Dangerous Woman in America” feted in Toronto...
 > >Opinion by Tim Bolen
 > >
 > >Chemotherapy and radiation industry CEOs can’t sleep at night worrying
about the research of Doctor Hulda
 > >Regher Clark, Phd, N.D..  North American Oncologists
 > >hesitate to buy that new yacht.  Cancer hospital
 > >administrators are counting the number of cars in the
 > >parking lot, and wondering if they’re going to be able
 > >to make the lease payments on the Mercedes, next
 > >month... Their so-called “conventional medicine” has
 > >lost the War on Cancer, and the American public is
 > >turning away from them in droves.  That public is
 > >going where they get results, and they don’t give a
 > >damn about industry protective “scientific study”
 > >procedures, that take eleven years to get a new
 > >protocol through the pharmaceutical industry
 > >controlled U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
 > >
 > >Frankly, It’s over for the conventional, and blatantly
 > >ineffectual, mega-billion dollar, 55 year old cancer
 > >industry - and industry critics say that one of the
 > >big reasons is 71 year old medical researcher Hulda
 > >Clark, the author of four blockbuster books, The “Cure
 > >For All Cancers,” The Cure For HIV/AIDS,” The Cure For
 > >All Diseases,” and “The Cure For Advanced Cancer.”
 > >
 > >Hulda Clark, “The Most Dangerous Woman in America - to
 > >the medical establishment,” is the featured speaker at
 > > “Total Health 2000" at the Metro Toronto Convention
 > >Centre, North Building Upper Level, Saturday and
 > >Sunday, March 18th, and 19th, 2000.  Clark’s speech
 > >will begin at 3:00pm on Saturday.   She will conduct a
 > >seminar on Sunday.  Forty-one other top North American
 > >health humanitarians join her there.
 > >
 > >Don’t miss this event.
 > >
 > >Clark’s basic theories embrace the simple common sense
 > >idea that the human body heals itself if it is kept in
 > >good condition.  She believes, and proves in her
 > >books, that virtually all diseases rampant in our
 > >society today can be beaten one-on-one, and prevented,
 > >by removing viruses, bacteria, toxins and parasites
 > >from our bodies - and keeping them out.  Thousands of
 > >supporters, and success stories, world-wide, bear out
 > >her theories.
 > >
 > >Clark has been a researcher for over fifty years, most
 > >in the United States University system.  She retired
 > >seven years ago from the University of Indiana, and
 > >began her own research projects.   She now operates a
 > >research facility in Tijuana, Mexico directly across
 > >the border from San Diego, CA.  Her books are best
 > >sellers in the health world - in the top 3% of books
 > >sold on amazon.com.
 > >
 > >Clark’s  worldwide popularity  accelerated since she
 > >was arrested September 20, 1999 in San Diego, CA by
 > >the FBI on a fugitive warrant from Brown County,
 > >Indiana.  The arrest has become an amusing scandal in
 > >Indiana after it was discovered that the prosecutor,
 > >James Oliver, who issued the 1999 warrant, had
 > >recently married the woman who investigated the case
 > >seven years earlier, - and had failed to get earlier
 > >elected prosecutors to pursue Clark.  Oliver has since
 > >been removed from the case - and the judge has
 > >resigned.  The investigator, Amy Hoffman Oliver, has
 > >not yet been disciplined.
 > >
 > >A dubious self-proclaimed consumer organization,
 > >billing itself as The National Council Against Health
 > >Fraud (NCAHF), and egotistically nick-naming  itself
 > >“The Quackbusters,” is believed to have a major
 > >influence in the harassment of health humanitarian
 > >Clark, and others.  The NCAHF, current operation seems
 > >to be run by one Stephan Barrett, a de-licensed M.D.,
 > >out of his basement in Allentown, PA. The
 > >“quackbusters” have long positioned itself as an
 > >authority, without substantiation, on “health fraud.”
 > >They are known to accuse, virtually, every well known
 > >non-drug leading-edge health practitioner in America,
 > >including two-time Nobel prize winning Linus Pauling,
 > >of “quackery.”
 > >
 > >Although leading-edge health professionals scoff at
 > >the opinions of the NCAHF, Barrett, and his minions,
 > >falsely give the impression to law-enforcement
 > >agencies that they have some standing in the medical
 > >community.  They neglect to mention, for instance,
 > >that they, as an organization, were evicted from Loma
 > >Linda University in California, and ordered to no
 > >l

[CTRL] [NA] Hammered! -- Al Gore

2000-03-12 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Hammered!  -- Al Gore
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 4:28 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
March 7, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Hammered!  -- Al Gore

Computer-generated Super Tuesday, as one of our original e-wires
predicted, cleared the decks of all challengers to Bush and Gore. We
later waffled as we thought we saw a Media push to sink Bush and boost
McCain. But as we shall cover tomorrow, we may still come out to be
right on both counts – but missed the fact that the Big Media was
boosting McCain as a prelude to a third party run.

Today’s title is stolen from Michael Hoffman’s pamphlet of the same name
(Hammered!). You can order that pamphlet from Hoffman at
www.hoffman-info.com --- and it’s well worth the effort to get it. The
pamphlet proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Al Gore is a creature of
the Permanent Revolution.

For new readers, The Permanent Revolution was Communist Leon Trotzky’s
(1879-1940) word for that high level New York and London-based Financial
elite which funded Communism and all revolution, as well as their street
level operatives, such as Trotzky himself. (Trotzky was the Ruling
Elite’s choice to succeed Lenin as dictator of Communist Russia in 1922,
but when a sudden illness incapacitated Trotzky at that time for months,
Stalin seized the initiative and consolidated his power.)

Anyway, Al Gore’s dad, Senator Albert Gore Sr. (Tennessee), was a
creature of Armand Hammer, the legendary “Capitalist” who had heavy duty
trade relations with Communist Russia since 1917. (Remember, FDR didn’t
even recognize the Communist regime until 1933, but Hammer was on great
terms with Lenin and Stalin right from the gitgo in 1917. Why? Because
Hammer was in that Financial Elite which funded Lenin in the first
place, that Financial Internationale based in London in New York. To ask
if Hammer was communist is the wrong question, he was above communism.
See our earlier e-wires, “Motive, Opportunity, VoteFraud”, and “One
Party Politics” by following the instructions at the end of this

Hammer died circa 1990, but needless to say, the phony, plastic, and
hyper-annoying Al Gore Jr. is a lifelong creature of the Permanent
Revolution, and is being now undoubtedly handled by Hammer’s survivors
in the Ruling Elite. Remember Gore’s recent statement that he has been
educated on how to look at the world through the eyes of those on Wall
Street. By the way, the COMPLETE corruption of the leadership of those
labor unions backing Gore, is spotlighted by this type of statement and
Gore’s wholesale support of NAFTA, GATT, and the World Trade
Organization (WTO) – anything and everything that is selling out the
American worker. How the rank and file union members are putting up with
this state of affairs is beyond comprehension.

Bradley was Hammered!!! on Super Tuesday. Will Bush, the third party
candidates, and the rest of us be Hammered!!! on election day come
November, 2000? As long as we allow our county Boards of Election to
keep using the computerized vote-counting systems which are beyond our
purview as citizens, -- it’s not up to us. It’s up to those who program
the computers what to do on election day.

For my money, Gore is an out and out Bolshevik, Communist, Socialist, --
or, better said, he is a foremost tool of the Permanent Revolution which
is above all these movement – and which is trying to make the USA a mere
province in their hoped-for New World Order. Gore’s every word and move
on the public stage is a continuing insult to every decent American, and
the fact that such a man could be even seriously in contention for the
Presidency of the USA underlines how sorely are needed prayer and
sacrifice for the rescue of our nation.
Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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