Re: My statements related to terminating my SAoC relationship

2018-10-16 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 October 2018 at 21:26:52 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
I have done two mistakes: I underestimated the scope of the 
project and overestimated my capabilities. This caused a chain 
reaction, which in turn made the first milestone unreachable.

You've done the right thing by facing the situation and 
addressing it. Forget your coding commitments for now and get 
yourself sorted out. Hungary certainly has taken a horrible turn 
for the worst, I hope it does not affect you too badly.

Re: Forums intermittently going down?

2018-09-25 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 21:20:29 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

Sometimes the database (SQLite)

SQLite was designed initially to be single local process, one 
connection. You should get much better results with postgres 
though of course it has some maintenance overhead (mainly 

Re: Updating D beyond Unicode 2.0

2018-09-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 08:52:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

Honestly, I was horrified to find out that emojis were even in 
Unicode. It makes no sense whatsover. Emojis are supposed to be 
sequences of characters that can be interepreted as images. 
Treating them like Unicode symbols is like treating entire 
words like Unicode symbols. It's just plain stupid and a clear 
sign that Unicode has gone completely off the rails (if it was 
ever on them). Unfortunately, it's the best tool that we have 
for the job.

According to the Unicode website,,

Support of Unicode forms the foundation for the representation of 
languages and symbols in all major operating systems, search 
engines, browsers, laptops, and smart phones—plus the Internet 
and World Wide Web (URLs, HTML, XML, CSS, JSON, etc.)"""

Note, unicode supports symbols, not just characters.

The smiley face symbol predates its ':-)' usage in ascii text, It's fundamentally a symbol, not a sequence of characters. Therefore it is not unreasonable for it to be encoded with a unicode number. I do agree though, of course, that it would seem bizarre to use an emoji as a D identifier.

The early history of computer science is completely dominated by 
cultures who use latin script based characters, and hence, quiet 
reasonably, text encoding and its automated visual representation 
by compute based devices is dominated by the requirements of 
latin script languages. However, the world keeps turning and, 
despite DT's best efforts, China et al. look to become dominant. 
Even if not China, the chances are that eventually a non-latin 
script based language will become very important. Parochial views 
like "all open source code should be in ASCII" will look silly.

However, until that time D developers have to spend their time 
where it can be most useful. Hence the condition of whether to 
apply Neia's patch / ideas or not mainly depends on how much 
effort the donwstream effort will be (debuggers etc. as Walter 
pointed out), and how much the gain is. As unicode 2.0 is already 
supported I would take a guess that the vast majority of people 
with access to a computer can already enter identifiers in D that 
are rich enough for them. As Adam said though, it would be a good 
idea to at least ask!

Re: D is dead

2018-08-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 10:41:03 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

D does have a problem in general of having a lot of great 
features that work really well in isolation but don't 
necessarily work well in concert (and it doesn't help that some 
features have really never been properly finished). And 
frequently, the answer that folks go with is to simply not use 
sections of the language (e.g. it's _very_ common for folks to 
just give up on a lot of attributes like pure, nothrow, or 
@safe). A number of the issues do get worked out over time, but 
not all of them do, and sometimes the solutions cause a lot of 
problems. For instance, DIP 1000 may end up being great for 
@safe and will help solve certain issues, but it results in yet 
another attribute that has to be pasted all over your code and 
which most folks simply won't use. So, it's helping to fix a 
real problem, but is it making things better overall? I don't 

And while I definitely think that D is easier to understand 
than C++ (in spite of the increase in D's complexity over 
time), it's also very much true that D continues to get more 
and more complicated as we add more stuff. Generally, each 
solution is solving a real problem, and at least some of time, 
the solution actually interacts quite well with the rest of the 
language, but it all adds up. And honestly, I don't think that 
there's a real solution to that. Languages pretty much always 
get more complicated over time, and unless we're willing to get 
rid of more stuff, it's guaranteed to just become more 
complicated over time rather than less.

D definitely improves over time, but certain classes of issues 
just never seem to be fixed for some reason (e.g. the issue 
with RAII and destructors really should have been fixed ages 
ago), and some of the major design decisions don't get fully 
sorted out for years, because they're not a high enough 
priority (e.g. shared). I don't really agree that D is in much 
danger of dying at this point, but I completely agree that we 
as a group are not doing a good enough job getting some of the 
key things done (much of which comes down to an issue of 
manpower, though some of it is also likely due to 
organizational issues).

- Jonathan M Davis

This is a great summary of the situation, thanks for such a good 
and honest appraisal. From a technical POV I'd say it could 
replace the whole thread.

But there is a social/psychological aspect to the whole thing. 
Sachar's comment is obviously the cry of pain of someone whose 
back has just been broken by a last straw. He is being told, 'the 
straw you are complaining about is nothing'.

There is a class of developers who expect things to Just Work TM, 
especially if they are told that it Just Works. Each time that 
they discover some combination of features that doesn't work they 
have to refactor their code and remember not to try that again. 
Ultimately the developer painfully learns the things that they 
should not attempt to use, or they give up before the process is 
complete and leave. I expect the pain caused by this is much more 
acute in a commercial environment where the pressure is on.

Long term D developers have learnt not to bother with certain 
features or combinations of features and forget all the pain they 
went through to get that knowledge. They are ones saying, come in 
the water's lovely.

For anyone considering using D for a commercial project the 
situation you describe is cause for concern. The issues can be 
fixed but it will take some brave and ruthless decisions, I 

Re: Dicebot on leaving D: It is anarchy driven development in all its glory.

2018-08-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 09:51:43 UTC, rikki cattermole 
Good luck getting W&A to agree to it, especially when there is 
yet another "critical D opportunity" on the table ;)

No. They have power for as long as we the community say that 
they do.
We are at the point where they need a check and balance to keep 
everybody going smoothly. And I do hope that they listen to us 
before somebody decides its forkin' time.

No fork of D can be successful, it won't have the manpower, 
skills or willpower to draw on. Even with W and A it's already 

'Threatening' W and A with a fork is an empty threat that just 
p***es them off. Bad move on your part.

Re: [OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-08-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 22:55:08 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Dpp doesn't work with STL yet.  I asked Atila how long to 
#include vector and he thought maybe two months of full-time 
work.  That's not out of the question in time, but we have too 
much else to do right now.  I'm not sure if recent mangling 
improvements help and how much that changes things.  But DPP 
keeps improving as does extern (C++) and probably one way and 
another it will work for quite a lot.  Calypso makes cpp 
classes work as both value and reference types.  I don't know 
the limit of what's possible without such changes - seems like 
C++ mangling is improving by leaps and bounds but I don't know 
when it will be dependable for templates.

Yes OK, thanks.

It's not that relevant what Andrei or Walter might think 
because it's a community-led project and we will make progress 
if somebody decides to spend their time working on it, or a 
company lends a resource for the same purpose.  I'm sure they 
are all in favour of greater cpp interoperability, but I don't 
think the binding constraint is will from the top, but rather 
people willing and able to do the work.

I think the DIP system has greatly improved the situation, but 
for anyone thinking of embarking on a lot of work for something 
like e.g. the GC, you do need to feel that there will be a good 
chance of it being adopted - otherwise all that work could go to 

And if one wants to see it go faster then one can logically 
find a way to help with the work or contribute financially.  I 
don't think anything else will make a difference.

Agreed entirely.

Same thing with Calypso.  It's not ready yet to be integrated 
in a production compiler so it's an academic question as to the 
leadership's view about it.

Where I'm coming from is that writing and maintaining something 
as large and complex as Calypso requires a whole heap both of 
motivation and also of encouragement from the sidelines - and 
especially from Walter and/or Andrei. If someone starts to feel 
that the backing is not there then it's very very hard to 
maintain motivation, particularly on infrastructure related code 
that if not integrated by Walter will always be hard for people 
to use and therefore not be widely adopted.

To be fair to Walter though, this is a really intractable problem 
for him. He could adopt something like Calypso, and then find the 
original maintainer loses interest. That would leave Walter 
either needing to maintain someone else's complex code, or try to 
extricate himself from code having already integrated it. Also, 
there is no guarantee, in this particular case, that as C++ 
evolves it will still be possible to use Calypso's strategy. Of 
course there are other very good reasons for why adopting it is 
problematic. Still, it leaves the developer struggling, I expect, 
to maintain motivation.

Considering the above, then knowing the general direction that 
Walter/Andrei want to take D, would be a great help in deciding 
what larger projects are worth undertaking. It seems to me, 
anyway (big caveat).

Re: [OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-29 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 14:45:19 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

I forgot the link... here it is:

An interesting article. I found that Dennet's Consciousness 
Explained, which is presumably debunked old hat by now, is full 
of interesting experiments and speculation about how we model 
things in our mind and how our perceptions feed into that. It's a 
long time since I read it but if I remember correctly he shows 
how we seem to have a kind of mental theatre which has an 
expectation of what will come next from the senses, leading to 
interesting mistakes in perception. It's a useful model of how 
the mind works.

That website often carries good articles about new maths as well.

Me and my colleague are pretty different, in the approach to 
that kind of stuff...

Maybe I'll post on the Forum a 'Request for D Advocacy', a-la 
PostgreSQL, so the community can try to address some of his 
concerns about modern D, and lower his discomfort!


If you can explain to me what is the _direction_ of D in terms of 
interfacing with large C++ libraries it would be very much 
appreciated! I'd love to be using D for some of my projects but I 
have a perception that using e.g. VTK is still a difficult thing 
to do from D. Is that still true? What is the long term plan for 
D, is it extern(C++), a binding technology? Is there any interest 
in Calypso from the upper echelons? I want to know where D is 
trying to go, not just where it is now. I want to know if anyone 
has got their heart in it.

My CV says my main languages are Java, Python and D. That last 
one is mainly wishful thinking at the moment. I wish it wasn't! 
Make me believe, Paulo!

Re: [OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 21:27:12 UTC, bpr wrote:

I hear you. You're looking (roughly) for a better 
Java/Go/Scala, and I'm looking for a better C/C++/Rust, at 
least for what I work on now. I don't think D can be both right 
now, and that the language which can satisfy both of us doesn't 
exist yet, though D is close.

Yes, this. In the light of D's experience, is it even possible to 
have a language that satisfies both?

Re: [OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 19:55:56 UTC, bpr wrote:

On Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 15:36:43 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
I think that I no longer fall into the category of developer 
that D is after. D is targeting pedal-to-the-metal 
requirements, and I don't need that. TBH I think 99% of 
developers don't need it.

I'm 99% sure you just made that number up ;-)

Sure, I plucked it out of thin air. But I do think of the 
software development world as an inverted pyramid in terms of 
performance demands and headcount. At the bottom of my inverted 
pyramid I have Linux and Windows. This code needs to be as 
performant as possible and bug free as possible. C/C++/D shine at 
this stuff. However, I number those particular developers in the 

Then we have driver writers. Performance is important here but as 
I user I feel that I wish they would concentrate on the 
'bug-free' part a bit more. Especially   those cowboys who 
develop printer and bluetooth drivers. Of course, according to 
them it's the hardware that stinks. These guys and galls number 
in the tens of thousands. Yes I made that up.

Then we have a layer up, Libc developers and co. Then platform 
developers. Unity, Lumberyard for games. Apache.

I think a great bulk of developers, though, sit at the 
application development layer. They are pumping out great swathes 
of Java etc. Users of Spring and dozens of other frameworks. C++ 
is usually the wrong choice for this type of work, but can be 
adopted in a mistaken bid for performance.

Any how many are churning out all that javascript and PHP code?

Hence I think that the number of developers who really need top 
performance is much smaller than the number who don't.

For you, perhaps. I currently work mostly at a pretty low level 
and I'm pretty sure it's not just self delusion that causes us 
to use C++ at that low level. Perhaps you've noticed the rise 
of Rust lately? Are the Mozilla engineers behind it deluded in 
that they eschew GC and exceptions? I doubt it. I mostly prefer 
higher level languages with GCs, but nothing in life is free, 
and GC has significant costs.

If I had to write CFD code, and I'd love to have a crack, then 
I'd really be wanting to use D for its expressiveness and 
performance. But because of the domain that I do work in, I feel 
that I am no longer in D's target demographic.

I remember the subject of write barriers coming up in order (I 
think?) to improve the GC. Around that time Walter said he would 
not change D in any way that would reduce performance by even 1%. 
Hence I feel that D is ruling itself out of the application 
developer market. That's totally cool with me, but it me a long 
time to realise that it was the case and that therefore it was 
less promising to me than it had seemed before.

Re: [OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 28 July 2018 at 12:43:55 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

It's tough when dealing with genuine - Knightian uncertainty or 
even more radical versions.  When one doesn't even know the 
structure of the problem then maximising expected utility 
doesn't work.  One can look at capacities - Choquet and the 
like - but then its harder to say something useful about what 
you should do.

Sounds interesting, I'll look into it.

But it's a loop and one never takes a final decision to master 
D. Also habits, routines and structures _do_ shape perception.

In truth I avoid discussions that are really just arguing 
about definitions of words, but you made a couple of sweeping 
bumper-stickery comments

That's entertaining.  I've not been accused of that before!  
Bear in mind also I tend to write on my phone.

I think I was just in need of a decent conversation. I didn't 
mean it in an accusatory manner :-). TBH I read those comments as 
coming from a D advocate who was in a motivational mood. They 
triggered a debate in me that has been wanting to come out, but I 
rarely contribute to forums these days.

Yes I read Kahneman et al papers for the first time in 92 in 
the university library.  I speed-read his book, and I thought 
it was a bad book.  I work with a specialist in making 
decisions under uncertainty - she was the only person able to 
articulate to George Soros how he made money because he 
certainly couldn't, and she is mentioned in the preface to the 
revised version of Alchemy.  She has the same view as me - 
behavioural finance is largely a dead end.  One learns much 
more by going straight to the neuroeconomics and incorporating 
also the work of Dr Iain Macgilchrist.

Kahneman makes a mistake in his choice of dimension.  There's 
analytic and intuitive/gestalt and in my experience people 
making high stakes decisions are much less purely analytical 
than a believer in the popular Kahneman might suggest.

What I said about prediction being overrated isn't 
controversial amongst a good number of the best traders and 
business people in finance.  You might read Nassim Taleb also.

You're way ahead of me here, obviously. I didn't read any Taleb 
until he made an appearance at the local bookshop. It was Black 
Swan and it didn't say anything that hadn't independently 
occurred to me already. However, for some reason it seemed to be 
a revelation to a lot of people.

Well it's a pity the D Android ecosystem isn't yet mature.  
Still I remain in awe of the stubborn accomplishment of the man 
(with help) who got LDC to run on Android.

It's not that bad calling D from Java.  Some day I will see if 
I can help automate that - Kai started working on it already I 

D as a programming language has numerous benefits over Java, but 
trying to analyse why I would nevertheless choose Kotlin/Java for 
Android development:

* The Android work I do largely does not need high low level 
performance. The important thinking that is done is the user 
interface, how communication with the servers should look for 
good performance, caching etc. Designing good algorithms.

* Having done the above, I want a low friction way of getting 
that into code. That requires a decent expressive language with a 
quality build system that can churn out an APK without me having 
to think too hard about it. Kotlin/JDK8 are good enough and 
Android Studio helps a lot.

* Given the above, choosing D to implement some of the code would 
just be a cognitive and time overhead. It's no reflection on D in 
any way, it's just that all the tooling is for Java and the 
platform API/ABI is totally designed to host Java.

* "The man who (with help) got LDC to run on Android". The team, 
with the best will in the world, is too small to answer all the 
questions that the world of pain known as Android can throw up. 
Why doesn't this build for me? Gradle is killing me... Dub 
doesn't seem to be working right after the upgrade to X.Y... it 
works on my LG but not my Samsung... I've upgraded this but now 
that doesn't work anymore...

* Will there be a functioning team in 5 years time? Will they 
support older versions of Android? Can I develop on Windows? Or 
Linux? Why not?., etc., etc.

Since you already know D you need to answer a different 
 What's the chance the compiler will die on the relevant 
horizon, and how bad will it be for me if that happens.  
Personally I'm not worried.   If D should disappear in a few 
years, it wouldn't be the end of the world to port things.  I 
just don't think that's very likely.

I answered the Android question already, as for engineering 
/scientific work (I design/develop engineering frameworks/tools 
for wing designers) python has bindings to numpy, Qt, CAD 
kernels, data visualisation tools. Python is fast enough to 
string those things together and run the overarching algorithms, 
GUIs, launch trade studies, scipy optimisations. It has even more 

[OT] Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 27 July 2018 at 23:42:47 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

For me, I think that managing money is about choosing to expose 
your capital intelligently to the market, balancing the risk of 
loss against the prospective gain and considering this in a 
portfolio sense.

Prediction doesn't really come into that

I think this apparent difference of opinion is down to different 
definitions of the word prediction. When I say prediction I mean 
the assessment of what are the possible futures for a scenario 
and how likely each one is. It can be conscious or unconscious. I 
think my understanding of the word is not an uncommon one.

By my definition, when you balance the risk of loss (i.e. predict 
how likely you are to lose money) against the prospective gain 
(i.e. multiply the probability of each possible outcome by its 
reward and sum the total to get a prospective value) then you 
are, by my definition and therefore, for me, by definition, 
making predictions.

It's not the prediction that matters but what you do.  It's 
habits, routines, perception, adaptation and actions that 

I agree they are integral to our behaviour and habits and 
routines do not involve the element of prediction. Perceptions 
come before and actions take place after the decision process is 
made (conscious or not) and so don't factor into this discussion 
for me.

In truth I avoid discussions that are really just arguing about 
definitions of words, but you made a couple of sweeping 
bumper-stickery comments that trying to predict things was 
usually a waste of time and as an alternative we should 'be the 
change...'. I wholeheartedly agree we should 'be the change...' 
but it's not an alternative to making predictions, it goes hand 
in hand with it. I'm sure you've read Kahneman's Thinking, Fast 
and Slow. You made a generalisation that applies to the 'fast' 
part. I'm saying your universal rule is wrong because of the slow 

I learnt D many years ago just after Andrei's book came out. I 
love it but it's on the shelf at the moment for me. I rarely get 
time for side projects these days but when I do I want them to 
run on Android with easy access to all the APIs and without too 
much ado in the build setup. They must continue to work and be 
supported with future versions of Android. At work, on Windows, 
JDK8/JavaFX/Eclipse/maven and python/numpy/Qt/OpenCascade/VTK hit 
the spot. Each project I start I give some very hard thought 
about which development environment I'm going to use, and D is 
often one of those options. The likely future of D on the 
different platforms is an important part of that assessment, 
hence 'predicting' the future of D, hard and very unreliable 
though that is, is an important element in some of my less 
trivial decisions.

Re: C's Biggest Mistake on Hacker News

2018-07-27 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 23:27:45 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

But making predictions is a tricky thing and mostly of not much 

I'm really surprised to hear you say this - so much money in the 
financial services is poured into making predictions, lots of 
them and as fast as possible. Isn't that one of the promises of D 
in that market?

Whatever the reality about that, in the life of all humans the 
ability to make good predictions is fundamental to survival - if 
I cross the road now, will I be run over? If I build a chair to 
make money, will anyone buy it?

Likewise, if I am investing time in developing my skills to 
further my career, will learning D be a net benefit? This 
important question depends heavily on predicting the future of D 
(among many other things). If I use D for my startup, will it be 
the secret sauce that will propel us to the top, or will I be 
better off with JDK8 or modern C++?

 I think it's more interesting to be the change you wish to see 
in the world.

This has a lovely ring but it doesn't mean not to assess / 
predict if what you do will provide a net benefit.

Re: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?((((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*)([^?#]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/, [your code here]

2018-04-06 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 6 April 2018 at 13:10:07 UTC, jason wrote:

what is this?

It's a perl program that converts D code into APL

Re: Am I reading this wrong, or is std.getopt *really* this stupid?

2018-03-25 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 March 2018 at 14:46:23 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Saturday, 24 March 2018 at 21:24:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

That'd be great. I'm thinking something like an option 
std.getopt.config.commandLineOrder. Must be first option 
specified right after arguments. Sounds good?

I thought this was a clever joke, but everyone is taking it 
seriously ?!

"When running mygreatprog.exe, always run with 
--command-line-order CommandLine as the first command line 
option, otherwise mygreatprog.exe may misinterpret the command 

Oops sorry to reply to myself, I realise my mistake now :-)

Re: Am I reading this wrong, or is std.getopt *really* this stupid?

2018-03-25 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 24 March 2018 at 21:24:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

That'd be great. I'm thinking something like an option 
std.getopt.config.commandLineOrder. Must be first option 
specified right after arguments. Sounds good?

I thought this was a clever joke, but everyone is taking it 
seriously ?!

"When running mygreatprog.exe, always run with 
--command-line-order CommandLine as the first command line 
option, otherwise mygreatprog.exe may misinterpret the command 

Re: D course material

2018-03-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 21:12:16 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

On 3/13/18 2:08 PM, aberba wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 17:20:57 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 12:39:24 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 


Honestly I'd recommend TDPL. It's got a lot of good 
real-world examples, including some OOP ones, but more 
importantly examples that demonstrate concurrent programming, 
generic programming, procedural, and I think a few functional 
examples as well. Basically, it covers a very broad area in 
one book while also teaching you D.

Boring stuff IMO.

Interesting that you found it boring--I found it to be the 
opposite. It is one of the few programming books that I can 
read for enjoyment.

The book is excellent but I did find the examples boring.

Re: State of D: The survey is killing man, way too much

2018-03-04 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 3 March 2018 at 19:46:38 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:

On Saturday, 3 March 2018 at 17:42:25 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

On 3/3/18 8:08 AM, 0x wrote:

The D survey is killing maan!
Those are lots of questions in there
If I ever get hold of the people behind it...

Is it a coincidence that your user handle is "negative one"? ;)

He's obviously unsigned and therefore cannot be "negative".  In 
his mind he was just overflowed :)

Ha, good one. Somehow I find this description as applying to 21st 
Century men in general.

Re: Being Positive

2018-02-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 11:36:35 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 08:08:28 UTC, bauss wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 01:32:29 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

Personally, I found that youtube video (Life is better with 
Rust's community automation - YouTube) rather disturbing.

Psychotic rabbit disturbed by programming related video. In other 

Re: Dub, Cargo, Go, Gradle, Maven

2018-02-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 10:06:43 UTC, welkam wrote:

ADG? Google doesnt find anything relevant

Acyclic directed graph

Re: Which language futures make D overcompicated?

2018-02-09 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 9 February 2018 at 07:54:49 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I like D, but sometimes it's look like for me too complicated. 
Go have a lot of fans even it not simple, but primitive. But 
some D futures make it very hard to learning.

Small list by me:
1. mixins
2. inout
3. too many attributes like: @safe @system @nogc etc

Which language futures by your opinion make D harder?

This is a great question. The hard part of good language design 
is making things simple.

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-18 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 08:59:53 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 01:31:09 UTC, Indigo wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at 17:32:50 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

as the title says, I'm looking for a job opportunity in the 
USA (H1B visa sponsorship required).

I'm experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history 
of working in the security and investigations industry. 
Skilled in C, C++, D, C#, SQL, Object-Oriented Programming, 
Software Development and Electrical Engineering. Strong 
engineering professional with willingness to further 

Actually I work as a full stack ASP.NET developer for 
SolarWinds in Brno (Czechia).

There are couple of my open source projects what I have done 
in past.

If you are interested or you know someone who could hire me, 
please let me know!


What is your reasoning for coming to the US? You might want to 
rethink this as America is collapsing. America will be vastly 
different in 10 years and not a great a place to be. The 
amount of corruption in the government and the amount of 
vitriol that people have for each other are astonishing... and 
it is only getting worse.
Actually, Slovakia (SK) and Czechia (CZ) are two most corrupted 
countries in the EU. We are paying huge taxes and getting 
nothing in back.

If you are moving to settle down that it would be a bad 
decision IMO. If it is just temporary thing for a few years 
thing it might be ok depending on you end up.
I wanna try to live in the US for a few years and then decide 
if I should leave or settle down.

Do you mind me asking why you are leaving Czech? I hear there 
are a lot of pretty females there ;) Is it simply business or 
is it the country itself? To be honest, I couldn't imagine it 
being as bad as the US but I do not know much about it. To be 
honest, I'm curious as to what it is like over there because I 
plan on moving out of the US at some point and I'm looking for 
countries that are a bit more stable and not on the decline.
Actually, CZ is rising up and getting better, but in business 
area and salaries it's still worse than in the US.

Some places in EU are not safe yet. A lot of immigrants are 
going there from war zones. They are like groups of anarchists 
destroying everything, stealing, raping and not respecting the 

Salary... In US you get $100,000/year as a senior developer or 
something like that, right?
There it's only like $30,000/year. But the price of stuff like 
cars, grocery and everything what you can buy on amazon, e-bay, 
etc. is the same.

The concept of a money in US seems to be different than in SK. 
There it's more about survive than enjoying life.

People in US seems to be little more opened to strangers than 

That's the reasons why I want to leave.

BTW: What's wrong with the US?

Don't worry you'll fit right in...

Re: Rename 'D' to 'D++'

2017-03-10 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 March 2017 at 11:25:11 UTC, Traktor TOni wrote:
I think the name is just misleading, the D developers should at 
least be honest with themselves.

well the tractor derives from the shire horse and Toni comes from 
Antonius so you should be honest too and rename yourself to 
Shirehorse++ Antonius--.

Re: Taking D to GDC Europe - let's make this tight

2016-07-12 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 11:27:18 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:

My proposal for a talk has been accepted, and I'll be in 
Cologne next month presenting to industry peers.

Congratulations and it sounds good, however I would say that it's 
something of a truism in sales not to criticize the competition - 
it doesn't have the effect that you think it will. The 
expressiveness of D code next to the (long winded etc.) 
equivalents in the other languages will be clear, so it's more 
effective to praise those languages for their historical 
strengths and let D talk for itself as a good improvement and 
worthy of investigation. IMHO.

Re: D mentioned and criticized

2016-05-19 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 13:53:46 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 21:45:16 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 12:02:02 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 12:00:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
Nim is much more interesting as a D alternative, in the 
sense that it is a.

I give up, kept pressing ENTER while typing a message.

Please finish, I have to know what follows "a" :-)

Nim is much more interesting as a D alternative, in the sense 
that it is a more radical departure from C++. Be it in syntax, 
meta-programming, and experimental features. It certainly said 
no to variable-sized integers, while Loci stays with them.

Thanks :-) - interesting.

Re: D mentioned and criticized

2016-05-18 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 12:02:02 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 12:00:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
Nim is much more interesting as a D alternative, in the sense 
that it is a.

I give up, kept pressing ENTER while typing a message.

Please finish, I have to know what follows "a" :-)

Re: Researcher question – what's the point of semicolons and curly braces?

2016-05-14 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 14 May 2016 at 03:19:51 UTC, Joe Duarte wrote:

I've been going through a lot of Unicode, icon fonts, and the 
Noun Project, looking for clean and concise representations for 
program logic. One of the ideas I've been working with is to 
leverage Unicode arrows. In most cases it's trivial aesthetic 
clean-up, like → instead of ->, and a lot of it could be simple 
autoreplace/autocomplete in tools. For if logic, you can an 
example of bent arrows, and how I'd express the alternatives 
for your example here:

there's a keyboard for those types of programs ;-)

(APL keyboard)

Re: Follow-up post explaining research rationale

2016-05-10 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 19:09:35 UTC, Joe Duarte wrote:

Hi all,

As I mentioned on the other thread where I asked about D 
syntax, I'm a social scientist about to launch some studies of 
the effects of PL syntax on learnability, motivation to pursue 
programming, and differential gender effects on these factors. 
This is a long post – some of you wanted to know more about my 
research goals and rationale, and I also said I would post 
separately on the gender issue, so here we go...

One (over-)simplified aspect to this, I think, is that men are 
more prone to the sort of monomania required to become expert 
programmers. Our life goals are also different such as Andrei and 
Walter being prepared to spend huge efforts (despite the real 
risk of failure) making their baby, D, successful. Women have a 
different emotional / life-goals setup, and are not inclined to 
such endeavours (massive generalisation I know, but we are 
necessarily talking in generalisations).

Of course all men and women sit on spectra of male/female 
behaviours, and we observers of those spectra each have our own 
unique life experiences of such, leading to different opinions. 
This is just my take on it.

Re: Some questions on latest work

2016-05-04 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 02:42:40 UTC, Bill Hicks wrote:
On Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 19:05:03 UTC, ShamShime Azelkraft 

On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 at 21:49:33 UTC, Bill Hicks wrote:
I suggest you smoke some DMT (and have a breakthrough), or 
have a few Ayahuasca sessions.  If that doesn't set you off 
on a path to the greatest positive impact, then nothing ever 
will.  Everything you've desired to achieve with D is a 
construct of your ego, and nothing more.


DMT: The Spirit Molecule (2010) HD

Sorry Bill but reading a few wikipedia articles about the Beats 
and Carlos Castenada doesn't a spiritual guru make... even if you 
did get as far as a couple of youtube videos as well.

Re: Some questions on latest work

2016-04-27 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 17:57:55 UTC, Bill Hicks wrote:

If I get up on a stage with a grin splitting my face and talk 
about how great D is, I'm considered a hero.  But if I 
criticize D for it's flaws, then I'm a troll or someone who is 
just ranting.  Anybody has the right to criticize D, just as 
people have the right to praise it.  If D is part of your 
identity to the point where you can't stand hearing people 
criticize it and then get offended, then you have issues.  Grow 

If you want to be taken seriously then you'll need to furnish us 
with a real name and stop hiding behind a pseudonym. You've also 
obviously got plenty of 'issues' that greatly subtract from any 
useful comment you might otherwise have made, so before investing 
too much time in unloading here you might care to reflect on the 
fact that no one can possibly take you seriously.

Re: Females in the community.

2016-03-24 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
I have to say I agree that, for better or for worse, this thread 
alone demonstrates an occasional aggressiveness that puts me off, 
never mind women who are, generally speaking, less likely to 
weather the tone of voice often used here.

Karabuta seems to be a non-native English speaker and got laid 
into for using the wrong word for women. He took the lashing in 
good spirits but it doesn't bode well for the thinner skinned who 
might otherwise have a valuable contribution to make.

On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 08:39:01 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 04:05:53 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 10:46:22 UTC, QAston wrote:
I could point to the building you're sitting in. Most likely 
made almost exclusively by males.

LOL. I happened to spend most the day today with a group of 
women... building something. (I was there too, of course, but 
I'm practically one of the sisters myself and they all did 
more work than me anyway. The other five are all 
non-controversially women.)

I read this message out loud to them. We all got a good laugh.

Yes, it was funny to me as my mother worked as an industrial 
designer in the 1960s and designed a top-of-the-line radio 
(within a group of men) called Tandberg Huldra 9. She spent a 
lot of time on the backlight, and came up with acrylic 
backlight as a novel solution (at that point in time). She 
wanted the front to be all black, but the head of the company 
didn't want that, so it was all aluminium coloured like the top 

After she quit Tandberg released the version with only the 
bottom half in black...  Which looks a bit silly. But guess 
what, some decades later audiophile equipment was black 
aluminium and acrylic backlights was standard... I am pretty 
sure that there are many "invisible" women involved with the 
products we use, but maybe men are spending more effort at 
getting their name published. Incidentally, she had to correct 
a newspaper earlier this year that wrongly attributed her 
design to a male designer (he was hired after she quit)...

Later when she was teaching furniture design/interior 
architects, most students were female, so they tried to get 
some men in as well in order to get a more mixed group. Most 
educators know that having some diversity in a group is good 
for the social dynamics. The interaction in mixed groups are 
usually more interesting than all-male or all-female groups.

Y'all should stick to arguing about the color of the bikeshed.

Maybe or maybe not, but meta discussions are important for 
changing norms within a forum. If a given tone means that some 
women hesitate to join in, it probably also means that a group 
of men also hestitate to join in. Adjusting the tone might mean 
that more people will participate which would be better for all.

Re: Clojure vs. D in creating immutable lists that are almost the same.

2016-02-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 27 February 2016 at 22:31:28 UTC, Brother Bill wrote:

That is, how to create one-off changes to an immutable data 
structure, while keeping the original immutable, as well as the 
one-off change, and maintain good performance.

Clojure uses bit-partitioned hash tries.

I recommend this video (Clojure Concurrency)

slides here:
 (slide 21 about bit-partitioned hash tries)

Re: OT: 'conduct unbecoming of a hacker'

2016-02-12 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 12 February 2016 at 03:19:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On 02/11/2016 04:54 PM, w0rp wrote:
His article is way too long. It seems like an article about 

about how people whine too much.

It's metawhine! :)

These meta whines get on my nerves, everything was much better in 
Usenet days.

Re: C++17

2016-01-27 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 27 January 2016 at 18:09:50 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 January 2016 at 15:14:07 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
And ironically, in this very thread, a C++ programmer has 
called D a toy language.

D is incomplete, unfinished, unspecified and unstable. C++14 is 
an ISO standard and has several independent implementations 
that are polished and stable compiler releases.

That makes D a toy language and C++ an industry standard.

Not very difficult to grok, I would think.

It make its immature but come on, it's not a toy.

Re: Proposal: Database Engine for D

2016-01-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 17:14:55 UTC, Piotrek wrote:
The goal of this post is to measure the craziness of an idea to 
embed a database engine into the D language ;)

I think about a database engine which would meet my three main 

  - integrated with D (ranges)
  - ACID
  - fast

Since the days when I was working on financing data SW I become 
allergic to SQL. I though that NoSQL databases would fill the 
bill. Unfortunately they didn't. And I want to have an ability 
to write a code like this without too much effort:

  struct Person
   string name;
   string surname;
   ubyte age;
   Address address;

 DataBase db = new DataBase("file.db");
 auto coll = db.collection!Person("NSA.Registry");
 auto visitationList = coll.filter!(p => == "James");
 writeln (visitationList);

And other things like updating and deleting from db. I think 
you get my point.

So I started a PoC project based on SQLite design:

The PoC code:

Can you please share your thoughts and experience on the topic? 
Has anyone tried similar things?


My two pence, if you want it to be fast then it must have a good 
implementation of indices. Your filter functions should not 
actually start collecting real records, but instead should simply 
change the way that the cursor traverses the underlying data 
store. You will need good query 'compilation' like the big boys 
do, which work out which tables and indices to use and in which 
order, based on stats of the data / indices.

If you want ACID then SQL seems like a good approach to me, 
certainly I wouldn't want anything ORM-like for updating / 
inserting data.

There a number of good libraries out there already, SQLite 
obviously springs to mind.

It would be a fun project but perhaps a lot more work than you 
realised if you really want isolation levels, speed etc.

Re: D could catch this wave: web assembly

2015-12-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 23 December 2015 at 10:06:20 UTC, Suliman wrote:
For example I do not know JS. And only C++. How would look like 
my web-app with WASM?

First have a look at this, qt-emscripten:

WASM will allow programming languages and libraries to be 
compiled down to WASM code and then run in the browser, rather 
like is happening with qt-emscripten (C++ is converted to 
javascript). As regards how it is rendered, DOM, OpenGL etc., I 
guess that will be an implementation choice.

Re: RFC in Comparison between Rust, D and Go

2015-11-10 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 21:01:29 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/09/2015 09:13 AM, Nordlöw wrote:
Yet another shallow language comparison that needs to be 

My response: -- Andrei

This is a very strong and honest summary of the situation IMHO, 
and the straight talking and pinpoint accuracy of the problems 
gives me extra hope for the future of D at the same time.

C++ compiler vs D compiler

2015-10-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
Perhaps the answer to this is obvious, but what's harder to write 
from scratch - a C++ compiler or a D compiler? :-)

We know Walter wrote a C++ compiler single handedly, does anyone 
else recall the C++ Grandmaster qualification, the free course 
where participants get to write a complete C++ compiler from 
scratch? I think it's dead now but I can't find any real info 
about that despite a serious google. What's the chances of anyone 
single-handedly writing a D compiler from scratch in the future? 
I know deadalnix is writing SDC in D - sounds interesting. Is the 
D language well enough documented / specified for a complete D 
implementation to be even possible (as things stand now)?

Re: Anyone working on updated Qt bindings?

2015-10-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 3 October 2015 at 01:58:01 UTC, Jeremy DeHaan wrote:
I know a lot of people wish they had new bindings for Qt, so I 
was going to give it a go soon. Is anyone currently working on 
such a thing? I'd rather help someone than compete with them.

I got quite far for Qt4 with and . It's based on the sip 
bindings used for PyQt and for various reasons doesn't use 
externC++ etc (though that's easily changed) (I stuck to extern 
C). It handles virtual functions, namespaces etc.

I based it on PyQt4/sip because it means that a lot of work has 
already been done, and it's a Qt wrapping technology that I've 
had a lot of experience with and know that it works very well.

The code is well tested and I think isn't too far from covering 
most of Qt4. Only tested on Linux 64bit.

I stopped development due to lack of time and a concern that Qt4 
was on its way out and Android / iOS / Java / Web were the 
realistic future (somewhat unfortunately).

Re: Looking for GC intensive D programs

2015-06-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 01:41:53 UTC, rsw0x wrote:
Does anyone know of any GC intensive D programs that can 
preferably be ran with little to no setup?

I remember Maxime said that the Higgs compiler was gc intensive

Re: D could catch this wave: web assembly

2015-06-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 at 11:09:31 UTC, Joakim wrote:

As for a GC, why would webasm need to provide one?  I'd think 
the languages would just be able to compile their own GC to 
webasm, which seems low-level enough.

From the docs:

 Even before GC support is added to WebAssembly, it is possible 
to compile a language's VM to WebAssembly (assuming it's written 
in portable C/C++) and this has already been demonstrated (1, 2, 
3). However, "compile the VM" strategies increase the size of 
distributed code, lose browser devtools integration, can have 
cross-language cycle-collection problems and miss optimizations 
that require integration with the browser.

Re: We simply must implement this for D to stay competitive

2015-06-21 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 20 June 2015 at 22:38:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I had a Video Genie in my youth too, I loved it :-)

Re: D could catch this wave: web assembly

2015-06-18 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 10:36:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Why can't they just admit that the core architecture of the web 
is horrific, ie an antiquated document format based on some 
shitty 50-year old IBM markup language 
(, a programming runtime that was cranked out in 10 days in the middle of the browser wars and certainly shows it (, and a stylesheet language hacked on top to eliminate some redundancy, _by adding yet another language_?!

Of course this is exactly true and it drives me mad too, but you 
can't just jettison it in favour of a better architecture. Given 
that it must be supported else it will break the interweb, what 
else is there to do but do but to build the new stuff on the 
side. With a canvas, OpenGL backing and a half-decent 'assembly 
language' to compile down to, it could be made into (ultimately) 
a satisfactory development platform. You would only need to use 
DOM and CSS for the top canvas/OpenGL node and from there down 
it's all however you want to roll it.

As for performance then granted it seems bizarre to require all 
these layers below, but I remember watching a very interesting 
video about how running on the OS is subject to large overheads 
in the kernel, while running in the browser can bypass that and 
hence is not such a performance drop as you might expect - 
unfortunatel I can't dig up the link.

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 16:16:09 UTC, berlin wrote:
well, read something to your world situation. take it from an 
old kufr that dos not want to live under islamic law:

you might also want to take a closer look at "taqiyya" - that 
is why nobody can trust a muslim.

It's your anger and hate you need to take a hard look at, it's 
taking you to a dark place. Whatever it is that's really eating 
you, I doubt it's the muslims that caused it. BTW if you want to 
learn about Islam, learn it from a muslim and not hate 
propagation sites.

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 13:55:14 UTC, Etienne wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 13:48:50 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 13:26:57 UTC, Etienne wrote:

The likely explanation for people being out of touch for a 
few days is not muderous muslim immigrants. When you start 
to think that it is, you need look at the state of your 
mind, not the immigrants.

Was he even serious? Sounded ironic to me, people who think 
like that around here in Canada are laughed at because we all 
immigrated 200-300 years ago :)

It was a throwaway comment, no doubt, but the situation is too 
dangerous to let silly comments slide by without a mention - 
these things snowball. I'm sure there are plenty of problems 
with immigrants but blaming them for everything leads to an 
exaggerated xenophobia and the real problems are pushed to one 

Maybe one day Muslims will have their Martin Luther King, 
although I doubt the situation is so dire

I don't think you understand the worldwide situation but this 
forum is not the place to discuss it. I will say that I doubt 
that MLK could have saved Grozny, Baghdad or Aleppo for instance.

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 13:26:57 UTC, Etienne wrote:

The likely explanation for people being out of touch for a few 
days is not muderous muslim immigrants. When you start to 
think that it is, you need look at the state of your mind, not 
the immigrants.

Was he even serious? Sounded ironic to me, people who think 
like that around here in Canada are laughed at because we all 
immigrated 200-300 years ago :)

It was a throwaway comment, no doubt, but the situation is too 
dangerous to let silly comments slide by without a mention - 
these things snowball. I'm sure there are plenty of problems with 
immigrants but blaming them for everything leads to an 
exaggerated xenophobia and the real problems are pushed to one 

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 12:14:05 UTC, berlin wrote:

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 at 11:51:30 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
maybe one of the brain surgeons from africa (comming by boat) 
or some muslim (turkish, arabic or otherwise) got him at 
after 16:00?

I know, don't feed the trolls, but:

Your primary problem is not the immigrants.

it the muslim immigrants with knives.
not a troll, but a berliner experiences of multi-kulti knives.

The likely explanation for people being out of touch for a few 
days is not muderous muslim immigrants. When you start to think 
that it is, you need look at the state of your mind, not the 

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
maybe one of the brain surgeons from africa (comming by boat) 
or some muslim (turkish, arabic or otherwise) got him at after 

I know, don't feed the trolls, but:

Your primary problem is not the immigrants.

Re: PHP verses C#.NET verses D.

2015-06-16 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
First off I would stress that architecture and process are more 
important than which of those 3 languages you choose, i.e. good 
testing (I prefer test driven), continuous integration, and a 
solid architecture that you are confident will provide the 
reliability, correctness  and uptime that you require.

Having said that I would then personally be conservative and 
choose to standardise on C# for its maturity, expressiveness and 
great tooling. It also has a good ecosystem (libraries etc.) 
which will prove very useful in business related tasks.

D has better expressiveness and probably would run faster but 
given all the other factors I would be concerned right now about 
its slight lack of maturity and under-developed ecosystem.

Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-11 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
D is really unique in the sense that it's open enough for 
people not to feel that they have to role their own. D also has 
enough features to satisfy many different users, although - and 
this is often forgotten - you don't _have_ to use them all. 
People like Go and Rust, because it tells them exactly what to 
do. D doesn't, they have to think for themselves, and a lot of 
people hate that, which is sad, because having loads of things 
to choose from makes you think more about your code and 
software design in general and it makes you a better 

Thinking like that is fine when you work on your own, but when 
you're in a large team and working on a large code base the 
prospect of trying to grok a dozen different coding approaches 
using different feature sets of some uber language is entirely 
unappealing and best avoided.

Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-11 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 12:11:49 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

As a norwegian I can't make up my mind as to whether I should 
write "color" or "colour". I suspect it will be taken as some 
kind of political statement. Hey, I am neutral! I use "color" 
in source code and "colour" in writing. :)

As an Englishman I used to rail against the USA-ification of the 
language but now I've learnt to bite the bullet and actually 
follow the same rule as yourself. Saves a lot of indigestion :-)

Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-11 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

I really wish people would stop complaining about other 
languages having the same features as D without giving credit. 
It is impossible to figure out exactly where ideas from 
features come from, but most features predate even C++ if being 
first is the main point.

Hear, hear, is it so unlikely that one footstep should fall in 
the footprint of another?

The hard part about designing an imperative language is not the 
individual features, the palette is given. The hard part is 
turning it into beautiful whole that is greater than the sum of 
the parts. And that is important, but difficult (or impossible) 
to achieve.

This is it. Great languages (IMO) have condensed their features 
down to the smallest set of orthogonal features that they could 
manage. This makes the language easier to reason about, to share 
code, to maintain code, to learn, to read code, even writing it 
is often easier!

Right now I feel that D is growing in 'features' and corner cases 
beyond the point where I want to explore it's depths. It's gone 
from a swim in the bay into crossing the Channel. I always think 
about Herb Sutters Guru of the Week column and how it made me 
think "ugh - too many oddities to learn". I could be wrong and I 
hope I am.

It's quite a nice twist that the thread discussing which language 
is better branched into what version of English is the right one 
- as if such a thing is meaningful. Arguing about definitions and 
terminology is surely such a useless diversion.

Re: How does D improve on C++17?

2015-04-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 21:56:56 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 20:56:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/27/15 2:13 AM, Idan Arye wrote:

On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 01:28:01 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Now on the front page of Hacker News!

Because tomorrow it won't be on the front page

Soon as you post a direct link -> all votes go to spam. 
Basically any direct link to a HN article compromises the 
article. -- Andrei

Too late, it's already dropped to 142. Between this ridiculous 
ranking system, shadow banning, the faux intellectualism, and 
the cult of Paul Graham, HN probably has to be one of the worst 
tech communities on the internet.

I thought I was the only one who hated the 'hn comments are 
written in stone ready for Britannica' ethos so you made me laugh 
but I have to say its a good place to find articles.

Re: Interrogative: What's a good blog title?

2015-04-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 22:54:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I don't have a blog, and was thinking of starting one. E.g. the 
article on tracing allocations needs a home!

I was wondering if you have any good ideas of what's a good 
blog name. I'd avoid branding my blog with my longish name, so 
I was thinking of something simple and easy to use in 
conversation (e.g. my current draft title at, the metareferential "You Are Reading 
This Blog's Title" is perhaps intriguing but difficult to talk 
about). Any thoughts?

My only candidate right now is "Greasemonkey Philosopher". I'm 
shooting for a title that reflects the contrast between my 
low-level and high-level aspirations. Sadly enough, 
"greasemonkey" is a popular browser extension package, so it 
comes up in searches etc.

Generally I'm looking for a phrase that's catchy but doesn't 
remind one of something else. Something contradictory, funny, 

Please let me know of any thoughts you might have!



If it's about D and language development then how about 

Re: Today's programming challenge - How's your Range-Fu ?

2015-04-19 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

MiOn Sunday, 19 April 2015 at 02:20:01 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

On 18/04/15 21:40, Walter Bright wrote:

I'm not arguing against the existence of the Unicode standard, 
saying I can't figure any justification for standardizing 

encodings of the same thing.

A lot of areas in Unicode are due to pre-Unicode legacy.

I'm guessing here, but looking at the code points, é (U00e9 - 
Latin small letter E with acute), which comes from Latin-1, 
which is designed to follow ISO-8859-1. U0301 (Combining acute 
accent) comes from "Combining diacritical marks".

The way I understand things, Unicode would really prefer to use 
U0065+U0301 rather than U00e9. Because of legacy systems, and 
because they would rather have the ISO-8509 code pages be 1:1 
mappings, rather than 1:n mappings, they introduced code points 
they really would rather do without.

This also explains the "presentation forms" code pages (e.g. These were 
intended to be glyphs, rather than code points. Due to legacy 
reasons, it was not possible to simply discard them. They 
received code points, with a warning not to use these code 
points directly.

Also, notice that some letters can only be achieved using 
multiple code points. Hebrew diacritics, for example, do not, 
typically, have a composite form. My name fully spelled (which 
you rarely would do), שַׁחַר, cannot be represented with less 
than 6 code points, despite having only three letters.

The last paragraph isn't strictly true. You can use UFB2C + 
U05B7 for the first letter instead of U05E9 + U05C2 + U05B7. 
You would be using the presentation form which, as pointed 
above, is only there for legacy.

or shall I say

Yes Arabic is similar too

Re: Why I'm Excited about D

2015-04-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 16:43:00 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
Thinking about it, this is probably the right thing to do, but 
the range interface makes it non obvious and confusing.

Some time ago there was a long thread about formalising the 
interface for ranges, i.e. a clear and precise definition of what 
each method should do. Was a consensus reached and documented?

Re: I came up with a new logo for the D language

2015-04-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 15:12:18 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 12:49:19 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
I'd suggest a fresh look be introduced when the ref counting 
and GC work has been done,

Believe it or not i'm not opposed to this.

and personally I'd suggest just a simple clean 2D metro-ish 
"D" as the "logo",

No. This is fashion. Hire a professional to do it and make long 
term usability a requirement. The 2d flat look will feel very 
old when the big boys (Microsoft, Apple) move on.

Yep it's certainly a fashion but is there really any escape from 
that? I agree that professionals will do a much better job than 
an amateur will.

At the end of the day it's Walter's and Andrei's decision and 
it's not a decision to take lightly. Sometimes a new logo (and 
associated re-brand) can give you an energetic new direction on 
the other hand it can cause more issues with recognisability 
and market confusion.


Re: I came up with a new logo for the D language

2015-04-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 10:31:06 UTC, ixid wrote:

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 07:12:29 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
It does not matter if one knows this is planets or not (these 
aren't planet technically, but phobos and deimos, mars's 

What does matter is that the logo is recognized and associated 
with D. Any logo change goes against that goal, so that's 
probably won't happen.

Do you think anyone outside a tiny number of forum users would 
recognize the logo at this stage?

C and D share a great feature - their entire ecosystem, ethos, is 
expressed entirely in a single letter. On reddit or hacker news 
one need merely write the letter D and everyone knows what you 
are talking about. Only a small fraction of those people 
associate D with its current logo - a white D on a red "shiny" 
background, the white D having some sort of blob attached to it. 
To me the logo looks far too busy. I find it clunky, forced 
(because it's trying to squash in two moons and a planet) and 

On the subject of the D media "brand", I don't believe there 
really is one. For instance, take a look at the D on the cover of 
Andrei's book: - no blobs in sight.

I'd suggest a fresh look be introduced when the ref counting and 
GC work has been done, and personally I'd suggest just a simple 
clean 2D metro-ish "D" as the "logo", but I do realise that I am 
just one tiny voice of many. I think the homage to Digital Mars 
is just confusing in the website logo but should be retained in 
related product names such as phobos.

To compound the heresy and further stir the Wrath of Gary :-) I'd 
even change the colour to blue.

I hasten to add that all the above thinking is pure meaningless 
bikeshedding and getting a better GC is where it's all at for me 

Re: I came up with a new logo for the D language

2015-04-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 08:26:32 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Monday, 13 April 2015 at 08:14:05 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 22:02:01 UTC, Barry Smith wrote:
It's simple, but clean. Somewhat similar to the old one. Hope 
you like it.

Email me at if you want the SVG 

This idea improves on the current one in that it is much 
clearer that the two 'blobs' are different objects to the D 
itself. I like it.

It's terrible and looks like a student project. Please stop 
trying to destroy the D brand.

You're making silly accusations. My skin is fairly thick so no 
offence taken but when it comes to 'destroying D' the sometimes 
toxic atmosphere here is far more effective.

Re: I came up with a new logo for the D language

2015-04-13 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 22:02:01 UTC, Barry Smith wrote:
It's simple, but clean. Somewhat similar to the old one. Hope 
you like it.

Email me at if you want the SVG 

This idea improves on the current one in that it is much clearer 
that the two 'blobs' are different objects to the D itself. I 
like it.

Re: DIP76: Autodecode Should Not Throw

2015-04-07 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 at 03:17:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

The DIP lists the benefits but does not mention any cons.

A con that I can see is that it is violating the 'fail fast' 
principle. By silently replacing data the developer will be 
presented with a probably-hard-to-debug problem later down the 
application lifecyle (probably in an unrelated area), wasting 
developer time.

Re: [Semi OT] The programming language wars

2015-03-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 18:49:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 21:17:26 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:27:51 UTC, Joakim wrote:

would suffice.

When you said "I think rodent-based UIs will go the way of 
the dinosaur," you seemed to be talking about more than just 

I'm still waiting for The Last One (from Feb 1981) to reach 

Once finished, there will be no more need to write any 

Heh, that article is pretty funny. :) In the comments for the 
second link, the lead programmer supposedly said, "For me TLO 
remains the 1st ever programming wizard. Wrongly advertised and 
promoted, but inherentlyt a 'good idea'."  Considering how 
widespread wizards are in Windows these days, the idea has 
certainly done well.

I do think that that concept of non-technical users providing 
constraints and answering questions is the future of building 
software, it just can't be built by one isolated guy.  The 
configuration and glue code can be auto-generated, but there 
will likely always need to be core libraries written in a 
programming language by programmers.  But the same automation 
that has put most travel agents out of work will one day be 
applied to most programmers too.

It was such an exciting time back then, but most of us who had a 
clue knew that it certainly couldn't be done (at that time, 
anyway). Around about the same time there was another article in 
PCW (a great magazine by the way) about a data compression tool 
that you could rerun over and over again to make files smaller 
and smaller ;-). I wish we could read the back issues like we can 
with Byte (on archive,org). Even the adverts are great to read 
for us old hands.

As to whether we'll ever do it, I agree with previous comments 
that it's related to understanding language - context is 
everything, and that takes an understanding of life and its 

Re: [Semi OT] The programming language wars

2015-03-29 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:27:51 UTC, Joakim wrote:

would suffice.

When you said "I think rodent-based UIs will go the way of the 
dinosaur," you seemed to be talking about more than just 

I'm still waiting for The Last One (from Feb 1981) to reach 

Once finished, there will be no more need to write any programs.

Re: Calypso and the future of D

2015-01-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 23 January 2015 at 11:26:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/23/2015 3:22 AM, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Friday, 23 January 2015 at 10:53:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
Yes, it's tied to clang++. It may not even work on all the 
platforms we

support. But that's no matter for now.

When you say "for now", does that imply that at some time in 
the future it may
matter, in which case isn't it better to get these issues 
thrashed out now? Is

this a potential dead end?

We don't need a perfect solution immediately. We do need a 
solution that's better than nothing, we can build on that as 

I actually agree (though I am nowhere near as well informed as 
most others on this forum) that Calypso is the way to go, however 
ISTM there are large implications that go with that decision. The 
infrastructure that Calyspo depends on is not something, IMO, 
that you "can build on as required" to address missing platforms, 
for instance. Gazing into my crystal ball I'd say that 5 years 
down the road there will be many D libraries with significant 
dependencies on C++ (Calypso bound) to the extent that the great 
unwashed will view D as a language that is only practicable on 
platforms supported by clang++. For me that is fine, but I 
suspect not fine for others. For instance, I would view Qt and 
VTK as key bindings. Others will want numeric libraries etc. etc..

I should also point out that D doesn't have 'nothing' in terms of 
alternatives, there exist other more traditional binding-based 
technologies that could flourish with 'official' support. Since I 
have a hand in one of those I should point out that I think 
Calypso, if it does what I think it does, will work better in 
terms of integration, speed etc. and from my personal perspective 
is therefore better. My goal is to have Qt, VTK, linear algebra, 
matrices etc., available for D (linux and Windows) and I'm not 
fussed exactly how it is done.

Re: Calypso and the future of D

2015-01-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 23 January 2015 at 10:53:47 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 1/23/2015 2:42 AM, Abdulhaq wrote:
Calypso sounds fantastic but seems very tied to one compiler - 
we all need to
know if yourself and Walter are content with that, for 

Yes, it's tied to clang++. It may not even work on all the 
platforms we support. But that's no matter for now.

When you say "for now", does that imply that at some time in the 
future it may matter, in which case isn't it better to get these 
issues thrashed out now? Is this a potential dead end?

Re: Calypso and the future of D

2015-01-23 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 23 January 2015 at 00:24:45 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I think it's important that we enable Calypso 
( and related tooling that 
interfaces D with other languages, notably C++.

A key topic in 2015 for D is playing well with C++. A good C++ 
interface will give access to a host of mature C++ libraries, 
starting of course with the C++ standard library. More 
importantly, it will provide a smooth migration path for 
organizations that want to do development in D whilst taking 
advantage of their legacy code.

I'm very glad to see this coment from you so that we can get a 
more fully fleshed out vision for where D is heading with C++ 
interop. I for instance have developed Smidgen 
( which was to wrap Qt. 
However, I halted development (having made very good progress, I 
believe) due to feeling that it could easily be superceded by a 
more direct interface to C++ such as Calypso seems to be.

These efforts do amount to a lot of work and need commitment (to 
their architecture) at the top level too. For instance, I needed 
weak references which I have had to work around, without any 
feeling that the workaround would continue to work with future 
changes to the GC. I forget the details but I also had concerns 
relating to GCed objects being relocated.

Calypso sounds fantastic but seems very tied to one compiler - we 
all need to know if yourself and Walter are content with that, 
for instance.

Getting a plan out there so that everyone can pull in one 
direction would be great.

Re: D and Nim

2015-01-05 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 11:01:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:

I don't remember having such bug in my life.

Perhaps you are very good, but a language like D must be 
designed for more common programmers like Kenji Hara, Andrei 
Alexandrescu, or Raymond Hettinger.


Re: GBAiD (GameBoy Advance in D)

2014-12-25 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 December 2014 at 09:22:48 UTC, JN wrote:

On Thursday, 25 December 2014 at 01:59:48 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Thursday, 25 December 2014 at 00:05:06 UTC, MattCoder wrote:


Not mine, just sharing:




That's really neat. The author's coding style suggests that 
he's new to D and coming from Java, as I was in a similar 
place when I started with D and his code looks very similar to 
some that I wrote back then.

I write the code in a same way, even though I first learned and 
used C++ before switching to Java. Is it really that bad? I 
know OOP isn't trendy nowadays and functional programming is 
cool, but it's a very simple way to write software. I don't 
think the fact you're not using "advanced" features makes the 
code less cool.

OOP encourages use of inheritance (prefer composition over 
inheritance) and the overuse of state, increasing the likelihood 
of bugs. If you avoid those traps then it's a good paradigm.

Re: Why is `scope` planned for deprecation?

2014-11-21 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

Just like the OOP introductory books that still insist in 
talking about Cars and Vehicles, Managers and Employees, 
Animals and Bees, always using inheritance as code reuse.

Barely talking about is-a and has-a, and all the issues about 
fragile base classes.


Hear, hear. One of the problems with many introductions to 
OOP-paradigmed languages such as C++ is that by having to spend a 
lot of time explaining how to implement inheritance, the novice 
reader thinks that OOP is the 'right' approach to solving many 
problems when in fact other techniques ('prefer composition over 
inheritance' springs to mind) are far more appropriate. This is 
one of the primary problems I find in code of even more 
experienced programmers.

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-05 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 12:39:16 UTC, albatroz wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 20:32:34 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

You might find my project Smidgen
( useful, It's not 

but you might consider extending it rather than starting

The first time I see this project mentioned.
You may consider publishing this in the announcement forum, it 
will give it more visibility, it looks very promising.

And now to play with it...

Thank you

Please ask me any questions direct to, I'll 
do my best to help you. You might be interested in my progress in 
wrapping Qt which can be seen at . The example Qt wrapped 
program simply wraps a QLineEdit and overrides various virtual 
methods, however most of the *.sip format is implemented for D 
and I could probably wrap a fair amout of Qt now, but again it's 
on hold ATM.

Please do let me know how you get on, even if it doesn't work for 

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 20:32:34 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:12 UTC, Shriramana Sharma 

Digitalmars-d wrote:

It was recommended that I discuss this on this list rather than
d.learn... (I didn't think I'd graduate out of d.learn *that*

-- Forwarded message --

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with 
a C++
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to 
further invest

time into D.

You might find my project Smidgen
( useful, It's not 

but you might consider extending it rather than starting
elsewhere. The build systems works on Linux 64 using cmake so 

should be able to get started fairly easily, and there is a
sample mini set of C++ classes used for testing which you can
look at.  It was created to wrap Qt, using the same *.sip file
definitions as are used by PyQt. The FEATURE list TODO and DONE
list is as follows:

BTW one of the reasons that I have not yet completed this project 
is that I don't have a handle on where the current C++ 
interfacing work is going and don't want to work on something 
only to have it made redundant. Also, it has to use a hack to 
work around the lack of weak references and if the GC is changed 
to relocate objects then it will break this aspect of the code.

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:12 UTC, Shriramana Sharma via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

It was recommended that I discuss this on this list rather than
d.learn... (I didn't think I'd graduate out of d.learn *that*

-- Forwarded message --

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with a 
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to further 

time into D.

You might find my project Smidgen
( useful, It's not finished
but you might consider extending it rather than starting
elsewhere. The build systems works on Linux 64 using cmake so you
should be able to get started fairly easily, and there is a
sample mini set of C++ classes used for testing which you can
look at.  It was created to wrap Qt, using the same *.sip file
definitions as are used by PyQt. The FEATURE list TODO and DONE
list is as follows:


* All D
* Understandable, maintainable code
* Wraps protected and virtual methods, allows virtual methods to
be overridden in D
* Mixin classes in target C++ library supported
* Allows custom type conversions between C++ and D types
* C++ enums mapped to D enums and are type checked in D
* Wraps nested C++ classes
* Tested
* Based on the sip format. This is well proven and allows
simplified maintenance of wrappers for multiple versions of the
target library. (All larger target libraries will need some
ongoing maintenance of the wrapper regardless of the wrapping


* Currently works with wrapped method arguments/return types of
X, X* and X&
but not implemented are X*& etc.
* Wrapped types which are returned by value must have a copy
constructor (could be changed later)
* DO NOT capture references to (stack-based) arguments when
overriding wrapped
virtual methods. They are destroyed by the wrapper when the
virtual method ends.
* (Qt only) When emitting signals, must use emit! notation, not
just call signal.

* An invalid getClassNameC can cause segfaults when compiling the
target application because it is used in template instantiation
* If getClassName does not work for a subclass (QMoveEvent) when
we are expecting T = the base class (QEvent),
and it was created as the base class (QEvent) (because
getClassName did not work) then it casts
to the sub class (QMOveEvent) on a later lookup (because it is
defined on the
other method as the return type) and crashes.


* Static methods
* Default values
* Enums
* Multiple packages / modules
* Nested classes e.g. QMetaObject::Connection
* Transfer, TransferThis and TransferBack for arguments
* Destructors - and deregister instance from createdInD
* Multiple inheritance => multiple pointers
* Conversion functions in package_wrapper.cpp should have ability
to add #include directives
at the top of package_wrapper.cpp
* Virtual functions
* Protected functions
* Sip If clauses for features, platforms


* non-primitive Typedefs
* Primitive types C -> D conversion
- *.conf file
%CToDType long = long
%CToDType unsigned char = ubyte
* Sip If clauses for timelines
%Timeline {Qt_5_0_0 Qt_5_0_1 Qt_5_0_2}
* KeepReference for arguments + tests for Transfer etc. - Easy,
in class with KeepRef
e.g. View.setModel(model /KeepReference/) it has an extra
- void* setModel_SMIKeepRef
then in setModel() {
setModel_SMIKeepRef = model;
This will make D keep a reference to the model as long as the
View instance is alive.
Each view will have its own reference so the total can go above 1
for a given model.
* getCastPointerForInterface can be easily improved by not
switching on a name but instead
each class has a separate variable for each base class pointer,
that is populated in
the constructor
- each class has one extra pointer per interface implemented
- override virtual void*[] getExtraPointers() {
void*[] extraPointers = super.getExtraPointers();
extraPointers ~= wrappedObject_Calculator;
return extraPointers;
- in constructor this() {
wrappedObject_Calculator = castRectAsCalculator(wrappedObject);
- in destructor ~this() {
* instance_wrapper et al., need to also register base class
* getWrappedObject / getClassName - how to handle this in a
x-module fashion.
* Add support for wrapping members
* Add QTest support
* int arguments that take a default enum value & enum defaults
* char** -> Use this _idea_
this(string[] args)
// if (m_instance != null)
// throw new RuntimeException("QCoreApplication can only be
initialized once");
argc = cast(int)args.length;
argv = toStringzArray(args);
this(&argc, argv);
// m_instance.aboutToQuit.connect(m_instance,
* Threading? - wrappedObjects[] should be shared as with CPP
instance tracker. Use signal.d's
WeakRef and InvisibleAddress
* qRegisterMetaType??
* Add %UsesConverter to package.sip,

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 12:02:40 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 11:36:51 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

So, (does anyone know) has this technique been discarded for D 
or is it 'just' a matter of the resources to do it?

From the literature on this topic I remember attempts for 
automatic region inference mostly failed: it lead to some small 
regions here and there that didn't affect anything much and 
then one huge region where most of the data landed, requiring a 
full-blown GC inside that big region. Making it work in D, 
where everything can be mutated by anything and any type system 
wall is a cast() away from breaking, seems virtually impossible.

Mmm yes I can imagine that being the case... oh well!

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-29 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 09:45:38 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 07:03:29 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 20:20:29 UTC, David Nadlinger 

On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 16:29:45 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
I got the idea after thinking that it should be fairly 
simple for the compiler to detect straightforward cases of 
when a variable can be declared as going on the stack - i.e. 
no references to it are retained after its enclosing 
function returns.

LDC does the "fairly simple" part of this already in a custom 
LLVM optimizer pass. The issue is that escape analysis is 
fairly hard in general, and currently even more limited 
because we only do it on the LLVM IR level (i.e. don't 
leverage any additional attributes like scope, pure, … that 
might be present in the D source code).


That's interesting, yes I guessed that the escape analysis 
would present the harder part, but I'm hoping that the 
algorithm can be built up incrementally, identifying the easy 
wins first and then over time extending it to cover harder 

One way that I see it working it is to conduct a form of 
lowering where the new operator has some information added to 
it to indicate the 'band' that the GC should place the 
non-root objects into (root objects go on the stack). Using 
the syntax of C++'s placement new (but totally different 
semantics) code could be lowered to e.g.

External externalObj = new(0) External(); // 0 means use the 
default heap
Foo foo = new(0x1234) Foo(); // 0x1234 is the heap/band id for 
this set of objects

Bar bar = new (0x1234) Bar();

When the GC allocates memory it does so in the indicated 
band/heap, and then when foo (the root object of the object 
graph) goes out of scope the relevant band/heap is destroyed 
en bloc. The benefit of the idea is that when scanning for 
that can be deleted the GC does not need to consider those 
objects in the non default bands/heaps. For some classes of 
programs such as compilers (it was Higgs that gave me the 
stimulus), and with good static analysis (aye there's the rub 
cap'n) this could represent a very substantial time saving on 
ech GC sweep.

Sounds a little like


Ah thanks for the link yes there are definite similarities, 
Walter identifies sets of objects to go in his region through 
having a boundary on the pure function. My set is determined by 
static analysis and does not require the function to be pure. 
However, thedeemon has pointed out that this technique is in fact 
well known - I'm left to wonder if I should have a go at an 
implementation, but my wife would not be too chuffed about that.

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-29 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 11:02:12 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 16:29:45 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote...

Congratulations on inventing
and "Region inference" in particular.

Ah yes - it's identical isn't it - I don't know whether to be 
happy or sad about that :). They explain it much better too...

So, (does anyone know) has this technique been discarded for D or 
is it 'just' a matter of the resources to do it?

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-29 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 20:20:29 UTC, David Nadlinger 

On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 16:29:45 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
I got the idea after thinking that it should be fairly simple 
for the compiler to detect straightforward cases of when a 
variable can be declared as going on the stack - i.e. no 
references to it are retained after its enclosing function 

LDC does the "fairly simple" part of this already in a custom 
LLVM optimizer pass. The issue is that escape analysis is 
fairly hard in general, and currently even more limited because 
we only do it on the LLVM IR level (i.e. don't leverage any 
additional attributes like scope, pure, … that might be present 
in the D source code).


That's interesting, yes I guessed that the escape analysis would 
present the harder part, but I'm hoping that the algorithm can be 
built up incrementally, identifying the easy wins first and then 
over time extending it to cover harder cases.

One way that I see it working it is to conduct a form of lowering 
where the new operator has some information added to it to 
indicate the 'band' that the GC should place the non-root objects 
into (root objects go on the stack). Using the syntax of C++'s 
placement new (but totally different semantics) code could be 
lowered to e.g.

External externalObj = new(0) External(); // 0 means use the 
default heap
Foo foo = new(0x1234) Foo(); // 0x1234 is the heap/band id for 
this set of objects

Bar bar = new (0x1234) Bar();

When the GC allocates memory it does so in the indicated 
band/heap, and then when foo (the root object of the object 
graph) goes out of scope the relevant band/heap is destroyed en 
bloc. The benefit of the idea is that when scanning for objects  
that can be deleted the GC does not need to consider those 
objects in the non default bands/heaps. For some classes of 
programs such as compilers (it was Higgs that gave me the 
stimulus), and with good static analysis (aye there's the rub 
cap'n) this could represent a very substantial time saving on ech 
GC sweep.

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

You mean this?

Of course my proposal uses the techique of escape analysis as 
part of its methodology, but the essence of the idea is to 
greatly cut down on the work that the GC has to do on each sweep 
when dealing with objects that have been found to belong to a 
particular set. The objects in each set are in an object graph 
that has no incoming references from objects external to the set 
and which can therefore be allocated in their own heap that is 
destroyed when the root object goes out of scope.

The saving takes place because the GC does not need to scan the 
default heap for pointers found in the new heaps (bands). For 
certain type of programs such as compilers / lexers / parsers 
where many temporary objects are allocated and shortly after 
deallocated this can result in a substantial time saving in 
execution. In terms of memory usage we would see multiple 
potentially large but short-lived spikes.

Re: Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

Here's a code snippet which mopefully makes things a bit clearer:

* In this example the variable foo can be statically analysed as 
safe to go on the stack.
* The new instance of Bar allocated in funcLevelB is only 
referred to by foo. foo can
* be considered a root 'scoped' variable and the GC can delete 
both foo and the new Bar()
* when foo goes out of scope. There is no need (except when under 
memory pressure) for
* the GC to scan the band created for foo and it's related child 


import std.stdio;

class Bar {
int x;

this(int x) {
this.x = x;

class Foo {
Bar bar;

void funcLevelA() {
	Foo foo = new Foo(); // static analysis could detect this as 
able to go on the stack


void funcLevelB(Foo foo) { = new Bar(12); // this allocated memory is only referred 
to by foo, which

   // static analysis has 
established can go on the stack   

void main() {

Possible quick win in GC?

2014-09-28 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
Perhaps I've too had much caffeine today but I've had an idea 
which might give a fairly quick win on the GC speed situation. 
It's a simple idea at heart so it's very possible/likely that 
this is a well known idea that has already been discarded but 
anyway here goes.

I got the idea after thinking that it should be fairly simple for 
the compiler to detect straightforward cases of when a variable 
can be declared as going on the stack - i.e. no references to it 
are retained after its enclosing function returns. At the moment 
AIUI it is necessary for a class instance to be declared by the 
programmer as 'scoped' for this to take place.

Further, I was considering the type of ownership and boundary 
considerations that could be used to improve memory management - 
e.g. using the notion of an owner instance which, upon 
destruction, destroys all owned objects.

Afer some consideration it seems to me that by using only static 
analysis a tree of references could be constructed of references 
from a root 'scoped' object to all referred to objects that are 
allocated after the allocation of the root object. When the root 
object goes out of scope it is destroyed and all the descendent 
objects from the root object (as identified by the static 
analysis) could also be destroyed in one simple shot. The static 
analysis of course constructs the tree by analysing the capturing 
of references from one object to another. It could be the case 
that even a simple static analysis at first (e.g. discard the 
technique in difficult situations) could cover a lot of use cases 

Of course, if one of the descendent objects is referred to by an 
object which is not in the object tree, then this technique 
cannot be used. However, I envisage that there are many 
situations where upon the destruction of a root object all 
related post-allocated objects can also be destroyed.

In terms of implementation I see this being done by what I am 
calling 'bands' within the GC. With the allocation of any 
identified root object, a new band (heap) is created in the GC. 
Child objects of the root object (i.e. only referred to by the 
root object and other child objects in its tree) are placed in 
the same band. When the root object goes out of scope the entire 
band is freed. This by definition is safe because the static 
analysis has ensured that there are no 'out-of-tree' references 
between child objects in the tree and out-of-tree (out-of-band) 
objects. This property also means that normal GC runs do not need 
to add the scoped root object as a GC root object - this memory 
will normally only be freed when the scoped root object at the 
top of the tree goes out of scope. If memory becomes constrained 
then the bands can be added as root objects to the GC and memory 
incrementally freed just as with regularly allocated objects.

Sorry if this idea is daft and I've wasted your time!

Re: GCs in the news

2014-07-17 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 16:56:56 UTC, Vic wrote:

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 13:29:18 UTC, John wrote:

If D came without GC, it would have replaced C++ a long time 

Agree +1000.

If GC is so good, why not make it an option, have a base lib 
w/o GC.

If I want GC, I got me JRE. It seems that some in D want to 
write a better JRE, and that just won't happen ever.


I can't think of anyone posting here, to be honest, who wants to 
write a better JRE. The JRE is a virtual machine, and java 
compiles to bytecode that is run on the JVM. On the contrary, and 
in accordance with the core principle that D is a systems 
programming language, D compiles to native and (hopefully) highly 
optimised native machine code. There does exist something of a 
'culture clash' where, by the very nature of GCs, there can be 
not-insignificant pauses in the running of the program that would 
be inimicable to real-time software such as high res complex 
games, operating systems, drivers etc.

The response to this in the forums is either to improve the GC so 
that it doesn't ever pause for more than a certain amount of time 
(e.g. concurrent GCs, remove the global lock so other threads can 
continue to run), or to offer alternative memory management 
approaches such as ARC, which can also have pauses, but at other 
inflections as the program runs.

Personally I'm a bit disappointed that the good work that has 
been done on GCs so far doesn't seem to be being picked up and 
run with, and nor do I see any reasons given as to why that is 
the case. Adnrei was threatening to start another GC an one point 
but unfortunately I haven't seen any more of that and we all know 
how short of time every one seems to be these days.

Also on a personal note, I see some slightly snarky comments 
about D targeting C# and Java. Well from my perspective I'm 
extremely happy with the fact that D is a better C# and a better 
Java. I just wish it had Qt (I must finish my bindings for Qt) 
and/or ran on Android! The GC issues are irrelevant for me.

Re: Need Feedback for a new book - "D Cookbook"

2014-07-11 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

Hi Paushali

I'm interested in reviewing the book, you can contact me at I'd put the review on Amazon.

Re: A Perspective on D from game industry

2014-06-15 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 15 June 2014 at 20:10:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/15/2014 9:20 AM, Xinok wrote:
Given that he lives in Italy, it's safe to assume that English 
is not his first
language. But rather than consider what he has to say or 
dispute his arguments,
you completely dismissed his point of view because his level 
of writing doesn't

meet your standards.

Xinok does have a point that we all should be aware of.

I've found a very strong correlation between poor writing 
skills and disorganized thinking.

(Your point about non-native English speakers is well taken, 
one must not confuse unfamiliarity with English with 
disorganized thinking.)

I'm hardly the only one. If one wants their views to be taken 
seriously, pay attention to spelling, grammar, paragraphs, 
organized writing, etc. There's an awful lot of stuff to read 
on the internet, and poor writing often elicits a "meh, I'll 
skip this one and move on" reaction.

True but if I'm going to judge a comment by the way it's written 
I'll take a second language piece over a foul and insulting rant 
any day of the week.

Re: A Perspective on D from game industry

2014-06-15 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 15 June 2014 at 13:19:12 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, 2014-06-15 at 12:30 +, Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d 

learning the Android API - after all, JDK8 + tooling is 
bearable now.

On the other hand Android API is Apache Harmony which is Java 6.

Yes I keep forgetting that - wishful thinking maybe.

Of note: Groovy finally works on Android, so you can use what 
Java 8
brings, on Java 6 and Java 7 using Groovy. And note Groovy may 
be a

dynamic language, but it is also a static language.

I'll look into it. Perhaps this question is just too broad, but 
if you wanted to develop an application on the Android platform 
right now, what approach would you take? Java, Groovy, web-based?

Re: A Perspective on D from game industry

2014-06-15 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 15 June 2014 at 11:28:12 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

The arguments against D are pretty weak if I'm honest, but I 
think it's important we understand what people think of D. I 
can confirm this sentiment is fairly common in the industry.

Watch out for the little jab at Andrei :-P

Reading his summary of the alternatives I felt D came out clearly 
on top, it's just that he didn't have the motivation to switch.

Towards the end he mentions the web, for me (as an application 
developer rather than systems level guy) Android/iOS is the fly 
in the ointment - I'm torn as to whether to invest my energies in 
following D through its explorations or knuckling down and 
learning the Android API - after all, JDK8 + tooling is bearable 

Re: SurveyMonkey for D users OS - Results

2014-05-31 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 31 May 2014 at 13:52:46 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 1/06/2014 1:45 a.m., Abdulhaq wrote:

On Saturday, 31 May 2014 at 13:37:26 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

There's been 100 votes and the results are:

Linux 64 bits:  53
Linux 32 bits:   4
Windows 64 bits:27
Windows 32 bits: 3
Mac: 7
Other:   6:
"Centos 6"
"MAC OSX, LINUX 64, Windows 64, FreeBSD 64"

One 'other' vote was spoiled. It turns out that the free 
account only allows 100 votes max, but the profile has been 
much the

same since 50 votes so I think the ratios are clear.

If anyone has an OS other than the ones mentioned above then 

they could mention it in this thread.

See the graph at

I'm personally not surprised by these results. But they will be 
skewed because of time zones and the limited number of 
participants. Which is a shame.

Not to mention all those who use D plus don't read the NG.

Shame it didn't make 24 hrs as all time zones would have been 
covered, still I think it's probably a pretty fair picture of the 
whole thing.

I'm wondering what's the Linux 32 bit usages - embedded I guess. 
64 bits seems to dominate in general. A couple of linux users 
seem not to know if they are 32 or 64 bit?

Re: SurveyMonkey for D users OS - Results

2014-05-31 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 31 May 2014 at 13:37:26 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

There's been 100 votes and the results are:

Linux 64 bits:  53
Linux 32 bits:   4
Windows 64 bits:27
Windows 32 bits: 3
Mac: 7
Other:   6:
 "Centos 6"
 "MAC OSX, LINUX 64, Windows 64, FreeBSD 64"

One 'other' vote was spoiled. It turns out that the free 
SurveyMonkey account only allows 100 votes max, but the profile 
has been much the same since 50 votes so I think the ratios are 

If anyone has an OS other than the ones mentioned above then 
perhaps they could mention it in this thread.

See the graph at

SurveyMonkey for D users OS - Results

2014-05-31 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

There's been 100 votes and the results are:

Linux 64 bits:  53
Linux 32 bits:   4
Windows 64 bits:27
Windows 32 bits: 3
Mac: 7
Other:   6:
 "Centos 6"
 "MAC OSX, LINUX 64, Windows 64, FreeBSD 64"

One 'other' vote was spoiled. It turns out that the free 
SurveyMonkey account only allows 100 votes max, but the profile 
has been much the same since 50 votes so I think the ratios are 

If anyone has an OS other than the ones mentioned above then 
perhaps they could mention it in this thread.

Re: SurveyMonkey for D users OS

2014-05-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 18:56:49 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 17:39:00 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:

I won't skew the results by spilling the beans just yet.

Do you think, users will migrate to another OS just for this 
survey if they see the results?

No I don't think that. What can happen is that people see that 
'their team is falling behind' and therefore vote when they 
otherwise would not be inclined. It can lead to more evenly 
balanced (and incorrect) results than a blind survey would see 
(it seems to me).

Re: SurveyMonkey for D users OS

2014-05-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 18:20:21 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

Abdulhaq wrote:

I've created a SurveyMonkey survey to gather stats on D users 

usage. It only takes a few seconds to answer:

We can leave it running for a week or so, I'll keep you updated
on results.


No offense, but for one question survey you could easily ask 
here instead of


No offense taken. IMO threads tend to go off topic too easily to 
make them a good tool for surveys. This way makes it very easy to 
keep focus and gather results. It only took me a few minutes to 
set it up.

Re: SurveyMonkey for D users OS

2014-05-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 17:24:51 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
I've created a SurveyMonkey survey to gather stats on D users 
OS usage. It only takes a few seconds to answer:

We can leave it running for a week or so, I'll keep you updated 
on results.


12 responses in 12 minutes, keep voting folks it's interesting :-)

I won't skew the results by spilling the beans just yet.

SurveyMonkey for D users OS

2014-05-30 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d
I've created a SurveyMonkey survey to gather stats on D users OS 
usage. It only takes a few seconds to answer:

We can leave it running for a week or so, I'll keep you updated 
on results.
