Re: IPFW acting weird OR invalid ruleset?

2004-06-29 Thread whizkid

> Ok, I jumped earlier, but actually re-RTF ruleset, I've got a couple
> questions:
> - Is it only one pc that can't get through?
> - Do other services work from behind NAT? (http etc)
> It looks like rule 4109 should be BEFORE 4090, as 4090 denies all traffic
> and stops, and internal traffic can't go anywhere (or so it appears).
> Steve


 Yes everything else seems to work fine.  There are currently 2 PCs
with this issue.  1 is XP the other is Win2k.  This ruleset worked
fine on FreeBSD 5.1, but I reformatted the box, and install 5.2.1
uploaded the rc.firewall.rules and natd.conf files, since the network
interfaces where the same I didn't really have to change anything.

I found these rules on this website:

here is the sample I used from the website:

# be quiet and flush all rules on start
-q flush

# allow local traffic, deny RFC 1918 addresses on the outside
add 00100 allow ip from any to any via lo0
add 00110 deny ip from any to
add 00120 deny ip from any to any not verrevpath in
add 00301 deny ip from to any in via ep0
add 00302 deny ip from to any in via ep0
add 00303 deny ip from to any in via ep0

# check if incoming packets belong to a natted session, allow through
if yes
add 01000 divert natd ip from any to me in via ep0
add 01001 check-state

# allow some traffic from the local net to the router
add 04000 allow tcp from to me dst-port 22 in via ep1
setup keep-state
add 04001 allow icmp from to me in via ep1
add 04002 allow tcp from to me dst-port 123 in via ep1
setup keep-state
add 04003 allow udp from to me dst-port 123 in via ep1
add 04006 allow udp from to me dst-port 53 in via ep1

# drop everything else
add 04009 deny ip from to me

# pass outgoing packets (to be natted) on to a special NAT rule
add 04109 skipto 61000 ip from to any in via ep1

# allow all outgoing traffic from the router (maybe you should be more
add 05010 allow ip from me to any out keep-state

# drop everything that has come so far. This means it doesn't belong
to an
established connection, don't log the most noisy scans.
add 59998 deny icmp from any to me
add 5 deny ip from any to me dst-port 135,137-139,445,4665
add 6 deny log tcp from any to any established
add 6 deny log ip from any to any

# this is the NAT rule. Only outgoing packets from the local net will
come here.
# First, nat them, then pass them on (again, you may choose to be more
add 61000 divert natd ip from to any out via ep0
add 61001 allow ip from any to any
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IPFW acting weird OR invalid ruleset?

2004-06-29 Thread whizkid
Hey everyone.  Below is my natd.conf file and my rc.firewall.rule file. I
cannot figure it out, but if one of my machines that is behind my
Masqurading Firewall tries to d/l a file that is on a FTP site, it fails
to connect.

FreeBSD 5.2.1 machine with 2 nics.

xl0 outside Nic
fxp0 inside Nic


# enable firewall
# set path to custom firewall config
# be non-verbose? set to YES after testing
# enable natd, the NAT daemon
# which is the interface to the internet that we hide behind?
# flags for natd
natd_flags="-f /etc/fw/natd.conf"


interface xl0
# dyamically open fw for ftp, irc
punch_fw 2000:50


# be quiet and flush all rules on start
-q flush

# allow local traffic, deny RFC 1918 addresses on the outside
add 00100 allow ip from any to any via lo0
add 00110 deny ip from any to
add 00120 deny ip from any to any not verrevpath in
add 00301 deny ip from to any in via xl0
add 00302 deny ip from to any in via xl0
add 00303 deny ip from to any in via xl0

# check if incoming packets belong to a natted session, allow through if yes
add 01000 divert natd ip from any to me in via xl0
add 01001 check-state

# allow some traffic from the local net to the router
add 02000 allow tcp from any to any 25 setup keep-state

add 04000 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 22 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04001 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 22 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04010 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 143 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04011 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 143 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04020 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 123 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04021 allow udp from any to me dst-port 123 in via fxp0 keep-state
add 04020 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 123 in via xl0 setup keep-state
add 04021 allow udp from any to me dst-port 123 in via xl0 keep-state

add 04030 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 1 in via fxp0 setup
add 04031 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 1 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04040 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04041 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04050 allow udp from any to me dst-port 53 in via fxp0
add 04051 allow udp from any to me dst-port 53 in via xl0
add 04052 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 53 in via fxp0
add 04053 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 53 in via xl0

add 04060 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 110 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04061 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 110 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04070 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 443 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04071 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 443 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04080 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 993 in via fxp0 setup keep-state
add 04081 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 993 in via xl0 setup keep-state

# drop everything else
add 04090 deny ip from any to me

# pass outgoing packets (to be natted) on to a special NAT rule
add 04109 skipto 61000 ip from to any in via fxp0 keep-state

# allow all outgoing traffic from the router
add 05010 allow ip from me to any out keep-state

# drop everything that has come so far. This means it doesn't belong to an
# established connection, don't log the most noisy scans.
add 59998 deny icmp from any to me
add 5 deny ip from any to me dst-port 135,137-139,445,4665
add 6 deny log tcp from any to any established
add 60001 deny log ip from any to any

# this is the NAT rule. Only outgoing packets from the local net will come
# First, nat them, then pass them on (again, you may choose to be more
add 61000 divert natd ip from to any out via xl0
add 61001 allow ip from any to any
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Re: Boot Loader Config

2004-06-22 Thread whizkid
>> What can I modify to make
>> the machine Automatically select option # 2 during the boot process?
> Check out your /boot/loader.conf file.
> Comment out the hint.acpi.0.disabled="1" if it's in there.
> I don't know for sure that this will work, but I'd try it.

my /boot/loader.conf file is empty.
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Boot Loader Config

2004-06-22 Thread whizkid
Hey all,
 I have a rather stupid question...  I currently have an old Compaq
DP6000 6266mmx box running as one of my test servers.  The default
boot option is Non-ACPI (running FreeBSD 5.1).  If I just let the
loader screen come up (The one with the little ascii devil) and not
do anything, the machine will hang at boot.  Somewhere around
Mounting the / filesystem...  If I select option # 2 ACPI enabled,
then the machine boots with no problem.  What can I modify to make
the machine Automatically select option # 2 during the boot process? 
It gets a tad bit annoying to have to stand in front of the box
everytime I want to reboot it.


PS. I already have ACPI_ENABLE="YES" in my rc.conf file.  Yes this is a
ACPI compliant Machine.
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F-Prot update errors

2004-06-08 Thread whizkid
I install F-Prot from the ports.  If I run from the
console I get a sucessful update everytime (or a nothing updates found
message) but if I added the script into the crontab (via crontab -e as
root) I get the following Email:

* F-Prot Antivirus Updater*

There's a new version of:
"Document/Office/Macro viruses" signatures on the web.
Starting to download...
Download completed.

Preparing to install Document/Office/Macro viruses signatures.
unzip: not found
Error trying to unzip:
Make sure unzip is installed and it's location is within your PATH variable
Fatal error.Exiting...

if I do a echo $path I get:

/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin
/usr/X11R6/bin /root/bin

if I do a which unzip I get:


so unzip is clearly in the path...  Anyone have any ideas?  Here is my
crontab string:

27 4,16 * * * /usr/local/f-prot/tools/ -cron

ns1# uname -a
FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Thu Mar 11
09:35:27 PST 2004
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Imap Proxy server?

2004-05-25 Thread whizkid
Hey all,
I have looked into this before but never really found too much info on
it.  On one of my FreeBSD boxes I run Squirrelmail.  I was told that
there is a Imap Proxy server that can be ran on the local box to help
with some slowness with accessing email.  I have installed the Imap
Proxy server from the ports but there doesn't seem to be any decent
documentation.  Also the link to the project site is no longer valid:

Has anyone installed / configured this and gotten it to work correctly?
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named Configuration issue

2004-05-21 Thread whizkid
I am running bind 9.x on my primary and secondary servers.  Since both are
on the same C class subnet I have used a free DNS hosting to be a
secondary for my site..  I am trying to added NS and A name records to the
2 name servers but I recieve errors when I restart/reload bind.  Here is
my zone file.

; The full zone file
@   IN  SOA (
2004052003  ; serial, todays date + todays
serial #
1H  ; refresh, seconds
2H  ; retry, seconds
4W  ; expire, seconds
1H ); minimum, seconds
MX  10

localhost   A

@   A
MX  10

ns1 A
MX  10

ns2 A
MX  10

MX  10 A A

here is the error is /var/log/messages:

May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: ignoring
out-of-zone data (
May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: ignoring
out-of-zone data (

if I comment out the and then I don't get the
error.  BUT then if you query my NS there is no A record for the xname NS.
 So I was told that they were "Not Glued" but if you query
there are A records for and  How can I create
A records for the 2 DNS servers that are my secondaries from another
domain?  If I just leave it, then any DNS test I run shows that my DNS
servers do not contain the same zone information.  Because the NS0
secondary has A records for NS0 but NS1 does not..  :-(
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Missing Port

2004-04-22 Thread whizkid
I am tring to install mrtg on my test FreeBSD 5.1 box.  I change into my
/usr/ports/net/mrtg directory and find that there is only a README.html 
How can I get this port back?  I tried to cvsup it with ports-all but the
files are not there.  What would be a quick solution to get the files? 
Without downloading the ports.tar.gz file and extracting it
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2004-04-22 Thread whizkid
Hey all I am new to SNMP.  I have installed mrtg and net-snmp but I am
having some issues.  I found a few web sites that explain how to query for
memory usage from snmp.  But it doesn't work I get a Unknown object error.
 So I verify that all the MIB files are in /usr/local/share//snmp/mibs
which they are.  I then did a  cat HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.txt | grep
hrStorageSize and found references to the hrStorageSize.  BUT if I do a
snmpwalk -v 1 -Cc -c public localhost | grep hrStorageSize I get nothing. 
There are hrStorageDesc.1, hrStorageDesc.2, hrStorageDesc.3,
hrStorageDesc.4, hrStorageDesc.5 but nothing to do with size.  Am I doing
something wrong?

Here is the output from:
snmpwalk -v 1 -Cc -c public localhost | grep hrStorage

HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.1 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.3 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.4 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.5 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.6 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.7 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.8 = OID:
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.1 = STRING: Memory Buffers
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.2 = STRING: Real Memory
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.3 = STRING: Swap Space
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.4 = STRING: /
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.5 = STRING: /dev
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.6 = STRING: /tmp
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.7 = STRING: /usr
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.8 = STRING: /var
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.1 = INTEGER: 256 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.2 = INTEGER: 4096 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.3 = INTEGER: 4096 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.4 = INTEGER: 2048 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.5 = INTEGER: 512 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.6 = INTEGER: 2048 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.7 = INTEGER: 2048 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationUnits.8 = INTEGER: 2048 Bytes
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageAllocationFailures.1 = Counter32: 0
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunParameters.18077 = STRING: "hrStorage"

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FreeBSD Firewall as a Transparent Proxy?

2004-03-27 Thread whizkid
I have seen lots of pages on google on how to setup Squid as a Transparent
Proxy server on FreeBSD.  However most of these refer to 4.9 stable, using
IPTables.  I am currently using natd and ipfw.  Here are my Firewall rules


proxy# cat rc.firewall.rules
# be quiet and flush all rules on start
-q flush

# allow local traffic, deny RFC 1918 addresses on the outside
add 00100 allow ip from any to any via lo0
add 00110 deny ip from any to
add 00120 deny ip from any to any not verrevpath in
add 00301 deny ip from to any in via fxp0
add 00302 deny ip from to any in via fxp0
add 00303 deny ip from to any in via fxp0

# check if incoming packets belong to a natted session, allow through if yes
add 01000 divert natd ip from any to me in via fxp0
add 01001 check-state

# allow some traffic from the local net to the router
add 04000 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 22 setup keep-state
add 04001 allow icmp from to me in via xl0
add 04002 allow tcp from to me dst-port 123 in via xl0
setup keep-state
add 04003 allow udp from to me dst-port 123 in via xl0
add 04006 allow udp from to me dst-port 53 in via xl0

# drop everything else
add 04009 deny ip from to me

# pass outgoing packets (to be natted) on to a special NAT rule
add 04109 skipto 61000 ip from to any in via xl0 keep-state

# allow all outgoing traffic from the router (maybe you should be more
add 05010 allow ip from me to any out keep-state

# drop everything that has come so far. This means it doesn't belong to an
# established connection, don't log the most noisy scans.
add 59998 deny icmp from any to me
add 5 deny ip from any to me dst-port 135,137-139,445,4665
add 6 deny log tcp from any to any established
add 6 deny log ip from any to any

# this is the NAT rule. Only outgoing packets from the local net will come
# First, nat them, then pass them on (again, you may choose to be more
add 61000 divert natd ip from to any out via fxp0
add 61001 allow ip from any to any


proxy# cat natd.conf
interface fxp0
# dyamically open fw for ftp, irc
punch_fw 2000:50

proxy# uname -a
FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0: Fri Mar
26 19:14:17 PST 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL  i386

how would I set it so all incoming packets from xl0 would get redirected
to port 8080 for the proxy server.  I want to setup DansGuardian for
content filtering and I don't want the people who will be using my network
to find a way around disabling the Proxy in the browser.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks for your help
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Re: ipfw question...

2004-03-19 Thread whizkid
> Hi list, I've this network configuration:
> router (
> server1 ( running bind (named), tacacs+, exim, and a pop3
> server
> server2 ( running squid, apache2, mysql, proftpd (is
> acting
> as a GATEWAY)
> I've a LAN ( and a breaking apart "LAN" (,
>,, my question is: I want to protect my LAN,
> "LAN" and servers from the outside, I want to use ipfw, I have compiled a
> kernel in server2 (FreeBSD-4.8 on both servers) and I'm blocked (in &
> out),
> I've some doubts about adding rules 'cause I've been seeing so many
> samples
> on the net and I'm a little bit confused...any suggestion about
> configuration ???

one thing that I learned was to make sure when you start opening ports (IE
you have DENY ALL as default) that you start with the lowest port number..
 I for the life of me could not get SMTP working, so I moved it from the
bottom of my IPFW rules to the top, and walla it worked.  If you would
like I can post my IPFW rules.  They are extemly simple for my SSH, POP3,
SMTP, NTP, IMAP, BIND8 setup...
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Re: Top posting

2004-03-19 Thread whizkid
> Wow, almost every single reply to the list today was top posted.
> People, please know (and you must, you have to read them, too)
> that posting replies to the top of an email is, well, counter-
> intuitive, hard to follow, and goes against the general grain of
> RFC 1855.  Please, it has been requested from many users of this
> list, do not top post replies, but don't stop sending them ;)
> Thanks, folks.

It is amazing how people just do not care.  I was reading a few postings
on Yahoo's Finance pages (looking at people talking about the company I
work for) and there is this one character who has been told many many many
times, be he still insists on top posting and POSTING IN ALL CAPS... 
Someone should create a script that will bounce the message if all the
words are in CAPS and if the message is top posted, with a reply on proper
posting etiquette..  ;)
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Re: make install error with gd

2004-03-17 Thread whizkid
> Read /usr/ports/CHANGES -- you need to update the print/freetype2 port
> before you update graphics/gd.  Also a good thing to do if you
> experience problems with compiling ports is to try cvsup(1)ing again,
> and see if the error persists.
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew

Thanks Matthew, After i cvsup again this afternoon, that seemed to fix the
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make install error with gd

2004-03-17 Thread whizkid
trying to install gd and I get this error:

/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h:20:2: #error
"`ft2build.h' hasn't been included yet!"
/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h:21:2: #error "Please
always use macros to include FreeType header files."
/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h:22:2: #error "Example:"
/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h:23:2: #error "  #include
/usr/local/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h:24:2: #error "  #include

Anyone have any ideas?
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2004-03-16 Thread whizkid
This is probably a stupid question.  I have been having problems correctly
installing qmail-scanner-1.21 on my test webmail servers.  I get this

Testing suid nature of /usr/bin/perl...
Whoa - broken perl install found.
Cannot even run a simple script setuid

Installation of Qmail-Scanner FAILED

Error was:
Checking for setuid nature of perl install

What follows should be the UID of the qscand acount...


See FAQ for further details

if I look in /usr/bin I see:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel23 Nov  6 11:49 suidperl ->

if I do a ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep suidperl I get nothing.  So the
SymLink is pointing to nothing?

I did:
cd /usr/ports/lang/perl5.8
make install clean
use.perl port

Should I not use perl 5.8?  did they remove the suidperl in 5.8?  If you
are wondering yes I cvsup my ports to the current.

uname -a:
FreeBSD [HIDDEN] 5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Thu Jun  5 02:55:42
GMT 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Thanks in advance
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RE: Building new kernel help

2004-03-12 Thread whizkid
> The thing that's throwing me is in 5.1-release, it
> brings up a character menu of choices when booting
> (complete with ascii art of the mascot).  What option
> do I choose so I can do:
> boot kernel.old ?
> thanks,
> Darrl

Darrl, the prompt is just before the Ascii art.  If you look REALLY
carefully you will see that right after the memory count on your machine
is completed, the screen is cleared and you should see something like

F1 FreeBSD


it will sit at this screen for like 3 seconds.  Just press enter and type
in the "boot /boot/kernel.old" (without the quotes).  This is part of the
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Re: IPFW problems connecting to port 25!

2004-03-11 Thread whizkid
> Aye, there's the rub.  Last rule is usually
> "deny ip from any to any"; somewhere above
> that, but after the setup rules is "allow ip from
> any to my.ip.add.ress established"* ... it does
> no good to allow the setup packets but no
> further data
> Kevin Kinsey
> DaleCo S.P.
> *instead of "allow ip" this could conceivably
> be protocol specific, e.g. if you only have tcp
> services available, "allow tcp from any to {me} established"

ok I figured out the problem.  I moved the SMTP line from 04010 to 03001
top of the list.  Rebooted the machine, and it now works.  Thanks to all
who pitched in with comments...
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Re: IPFW problems connecting to port 25!

2004-03-11 Thread whizkid
> Aye, there's the rub.  Last rule is usually
> "deny ip from any to any"; somewhere above
> that, but after the setup rules is "allow ip from
> any to my.ip.add.ress established"* ... it does
> no good to allow the setup packets but no
> further data
> Kevin Kinsey
> DaleCo S.P.
> *instead of "allow ip" this could conceivably
> be protocol specific, e.g. if you only have tcp
> services available, "allow tcp from any to {me} established"

Below is the rc.firewall.rules file.  I found this on a How To website, I
just removed most of the NAT stuff because this is just a VERY SMALL
web/email/test server.  I have added what you had mentioned above, but it
still does not connect to port 25.  What do I have wronge?  Thanks for all
your help...

# be quiet and flush all rules on start
-q flush

# allow local traffic, deny RFC 1918 addresses on the outside
add 00100 allow ip from any to any via lo0
add 00110 deny ip from any to
add 00120 deny ip from any to any not verrevpath in
add 00301 deny ip from to any in via xl0
add 00302 deny ip from to any in via xl0
add 00303 deny ip from to any in via xl0

# allow some traffic from the local net to the router

add 04000 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 22 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04001 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 143 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04002 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 123 in via xl0 setup keep-state
add 04003 allow udp from any to me dst-port 123 in via xl0 keep-state

add 04004 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 1 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04005 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04006 allow udp from any to me dst-port 53 in via xl0

add 04007 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 110 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04008 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 443 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04009 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 993 in via xl0 setup keep-state

add 04010 allow tcp from any to me smtp in via xl0 setup

add 04011 allow tcp from any to me established
add 04012 allow udp from any to me established

# drop everything else
add 04020 deny ip from any to me

# allow all outgoing traffic from the router
add 05010 allow ip from me to any out keep-state

# drop everything that has come so far. This means it doesn't belong to an
# established connection, don't log the most noisy scans.
add 59998 deny icmp from any to me
add 5 deny ip from any to me dst-port 135,137-139,445,4665
add 6 deny log tcp from any to any established
add 60001 deny log ip from any to any

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Re: IPFW problems connecting to port 25!

2004-03-11 Thread whizkid
> You do have a rule for established connections?
> Kevin Kinsey
> DaleCo S.P.
you know the only rule i have for that is

add 6 deny log tcp from any to any established

I am assuming this is incorrect?
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IPFW problems connecting to port 25!

2004-03-11 Thread whizkid
I have IPFW setup, and in my ruleset i have the following line

add 04009 allot tcp from any to me dst port 80 in via x10 setup
add 04010 allow tcp from any to me dst port 25 in via xl0 setup

however if I enable the firewall and try to telnet into port 25, it cannot
connect..  BUT if I disable the firewall I have NO problems.  With the
firewall enabled I can browse my webserver with no problem, but I cannot
connect to port 25..  Any suggestions?

FreeBSD 5.1-Current

ipfw disable firewall I can access port 25 remotely
ipfw enable firewall it cannot connect to port 25 remotely
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IDE cd-burner, Can it be done???

2004-03-10 Thread whizkid
I have a IDE cd-burner in my FreeBSD 5.1 box.  I have installed cdrecord
from the ports but this looks like it needs a SCSI drive.  Is there a CMD
line cd-record package that works with a IDE cd-burner.  Here is a line
from dmesg:

acd0: CD-RW  at ata1-master PIO4

uname -a:
5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Thu Jun  5 02:55:42
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Unable to Install FreeBSD 5.2.1

2004-03-04 Thread whizkid
This is a question for anyone running 5.2.1..

I currently have 5.1 running on a "Test server", I decieded to try ver
5.2.1.  However after I did the

Make Buildworld
Make Buildkernel
Make installkernel

commands, the machine would no longer boot up to a login prompt.  It would
get as far as

Setting Freqency to 28xxhz at 800mhz
Time ticks every 10.00 msecond

and the machine would just hang.  No keyboard controll nothing.  So I D/L
the 5.2.1 ISO, and booted from Disc1 cd, and the same thing happens at the
same point.  Mind you this machine has been running 5.1 Just fine.

The machine is a AMD Athlon XP 2800+ with a DCI NFII-400LA Motherboard. 
512 megs of DDR 2600 ram, 60gig ATA 100 Maxtor drive, and a 24x CD-ROM
Drive.  Not sure if it matters but the FSB on the board is 333mhz, not
sure where the 800mhz is coming from.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Installing Squirrel Mail from the Ports

2004-03-03 Thread whizkid
> "make clean" is the most thorough procedure-- it will also clean
> dependencies of the current port-- or you could simply delete the work
> subdirectory...
> --
> -Chuck

After running a make clean and removing the file from /usr/ports/distfiles
It still downloads the file and shows it as being corrupt.  Is there any
way that i can specify a different server for it to download the bz2 from?
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Re: Installing Squirrel Mail from the Ports

2004-03-03 Thread whizkid

> Delete /usr/ports/distfiles/squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2, and try again.
> The file you have by that name has been corrupted somehow and the ports
system is not happy with it. I just checked, and the tarball I
downloaded from sourceforge is identical to the one I used the last time
I updated squirrelmail.  You should end up with:
> % ls -la squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1888703 Oct  1 20:42
> squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> % md5 squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> MD5 (squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2) = 8d8271c704a9f23d53138a4ceea38fb4
> but the ports system will check that automatically for you.
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
>   Savill Way
> PGP: Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

after deleting the file, I run make and get

# make
===>  Patching for squirrelmail-1.4.2_1
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for squirrelmail-1.4.2_1
patch:  can't cd to
/usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail/work/squirrelmail-1.4.2: No such file or
>> Patch patch-config-config_default.php failed to apply cleanly.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail.

what I can do to get the port downloaded again?  or how can I clean up
after a failed install?

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Re: Installing Squirrel Mail from the Ports

2004-03-03 Thread whizkid

> Delete /usr/ports/distfiles/squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2, and try again.
> The file you have by that name has been corrupted somehow and the
> ports system is not happy with it. I just checked, and the tarball I
> downloaded from sourceforge is identical to the one I used the last
> time I updated squirrelmail.  You should end up with:
> % ls -la squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1888703 Oct  1 20:42
> squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> % md5 squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
> MD5 (squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2) = 8d8271c704a9f23d53138a4ceea38fb4
> but the ports system will check that automatically for you.
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
>   Savill Way
> PGP: Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

after deleting the file, I run make and get

# make
===>  Patching for squirrelmail-1.4.2_1
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for squirrelmail-1.4.2_1
patch:  can't cd to
/usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail/work/squirrelmail-1.4.2: No such file or
>> Patch patch-config-config_default.php failed to apply cleanly.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail.

what I can do to get the port downloaded again?  or how can I clean up
after a failed install?
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Installing Squirrel Mail from the Ports

2004-03-03 Thread whizkid
Running FreeBSD 5.1, I Just ran CVSUP on my ports to bring them current. 
When I try to install Squirrelmail from /usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail I get
the following error:

SquirrelMail is installed into /usr/local/www/squirrelmail
To use the old location /usr/local/squirrelmail define
WITHOUT_WWWDIR when patching or installing

===>  Vulnerability check disabled
===>  Extracting for squirrelmail-1.4.2_1
>> Checksum mismatch for squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2.
===>  Refetch for 1 more times files: squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
SquirrelMail is installed into /usr/local/www/squirrelmail
To use the old location /usr/local/squirrelmail define
WITHOUT_WWWDIR when patching or installing

===>  Vulnerability check disabled
>> squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
>> Attempting to fetch from
Requested Range Not Satisfiable
>> Attempting to fetch from
Requested Range Not Satisfiable
>> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2: local modification time does not match
>> Attempting to fetch from
SquirrelMail is installed into /usr/local/www/squirrelmail
To use the old location /usr/local/squirrelmail define
WITHOUT_WWWDIR when patching or installing

===>  Vulnerability check disabled
>> Checksum mismatch for squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2.
===>  Giving up on fetching files: squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.bz2
Make sure the Makefile and distinfo file
are up to date.  If you are absolutely sure you want to override this
check, type "make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]".
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/squirrelmail.

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RIMPS on FreeBSD 5.1

2004-02-03 Thread whizkid
Has anyone gotten RIMPS 3b3 working on FreeBSD 5.1, running APACHE2, PHP4,
MYSQL4, Perl 5.8?  If you have, can you stream audio to a machine running
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pkgdb -F and a few other questions

2003-11-06 Thread whizkid
Hey All,
By now I have posted alot of questions and you are probably getting
tired of seeing my name in your inbox...  But I have yet another for
you.  I am currently running FreeBSD 5.1-Current, I have SquirrelMail
1.4.2 and Courier Imap installed.  I installed a plugin for
SquirrelMail that required Perl 5.8 or above.  Look to find out I have
5.6.1 installed.  I ran CVSup -x -L 2 sup-ports and then a portupgrade
-Rra and wala, still Perl 5.6.1.  So I de-installed 5.6.1 and make
install on perl 5.8.1, ran the pkgdb -Fa and all these errors poped
up.  Some of the app's were dependent on Perl 5.6.1, so I had it point
to the Perl 5.8.1 and all is well, and ran a use.perl port command. 
For what ever reason I had to re-install SpamAssassin, and the
razor-agents ports too.
Now if i run pkgdb -F I get what you see below:

---> Checking the package registry database
Missing origin: bsdpan-CPAN-1.7.6
-> Ignored. (the package is held; specify -f to force)
Missing origin: bsdpan-Data-Dumper-2.121
-> Ignored. (the package is held; specify -f to force)
Missing origin: bsdpan-ReadLine-Perl-1.0203
-> Ignored. (the package is held; specify -f to force)
Missing origin: bsdpan-TermReadKey-2.21
-> Ignored. (the package is held; specify -f to force)
Missing origin: bsdpan-Text-Aspell-0.04
-> Ignored. (the package is held; specify -f to force)

obviously I have updated the perl incorrectly.

1) what would of been the correct way to update the perl from version
5.6.1 to 5.8.1 without causing package db problems?

2) how do i fix the above Missing origin errors?
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2003-11-05 Thread whizkid
I cannot seem to get SpamAssassin working with MySQL 4  I have setup
the MySQL database, have given a saconfig user full access to this
database.  But SA does not seem to Query the SQL database.  I have a
SquirrelMail plugin that connects to the DataBase just fine, and writes
data to it, but SA doesn't seem to grab the data.  I have setup a
file with the following:

user_scores_dsn DBI:mysql:sa_config:localhost
user_scores_sql_table   userpref

but when I run SPAMD -D and Cat out a sample spam file, I see no SQL
lookup info, nor do I see any errors.  I searched on Spamassassins website
(the archives) have seen alot of people with this error, but not any
fixes.  I can only assume that it is with the DBI connector or the
Mysql-Mysql perl module.  I have verified that both are installed.

p5-DBD-mysql-2.9002 MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBI-1.38 The perl5 Database Interface.  Required for DBD::*
mysql-client-4.0.16 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-server-4.0.16 Multithreaded SQL database (server)

looking at the above do I need to set the user_scores_dsn to use DBD or is
DBI correct?  Do I need to install the p5-DBIWrapper from the ports?

I am currently running FreeBSD 5.1 Current.  Thanks for any help you can

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[Fwd: Re: APC Smart-UPS 620VA]

2003-11-04 Thread whizkid
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: APC Smart-UPS 620VA
Date:Mon, November 3, 2003 11:04 pm
To:  "Matthew Seaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A Great port I use is APCUPSD.  I have a APC 1400XL RackMount UPS (got it
on ebay for around $130... I use the serial cable that came with it and
installed the APCUPSD port.  This allows me to monitor the UPS, send
myself an email at work when the power goes out and come back up, as well
as other power draw, battery life, time left on batteries, etc...

>> is the APC Smart-UPS 620VA supported in freebsd?
>> i searched the lists, but didnt find anything on that.
>> anyways, if you can recommend any other APC UPS for freebsd, i'd like
to hear your experiences. if i understand correctly i need a smart UPS
to make freebsd shutdown in case battery gets empty? the UPS i need
should be around 250euros.
> FreeBSD itself doesn't have any specific support for UPSes -- so long as
you feed AC into the power supply, FreeBSD will be happy.
> In order to interface with a UPS, check out the sysutils/nut port
( -- this will let you monitor UPSes
attached to a serial port or attached by USB: pretty much all APC
hardware should be supported, but you may need to use a specific cable.
> You don't need a 'smart' UPS per-se but less fancy boxes won't let you
monitor the state of the UPS is such detail.  Generally if the UPS can
indicate it's on battery vs. on mains power then NUT can probably work
with it.
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
>   Savill Way
> PGP: Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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Re: Adaptec 29160N errors

2003-10-31 Thread whizkid
here are the errors from the messages log.  This ONLY happened when A) a
device was connected to the Adaptec 29160N and B) when the device was
being used by dump.  According the the replies I am afraid the problem may
be related to the MB..  And ideas on how to trouble shoot it?  For some
reason this error no longer occurs with the AHA-2940.  Could it be some
IRQ conflict?  I know that the SCSI controller used IRQ 11, as do alot of
the other devices on the system..

ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x16b
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x16b
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x8
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x9
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x82
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI error Interrupt at seqaddr = 0x16b
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Data Parity Error Detected during address or write data
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Too many PCI parity errors observed as a target.
ns1 kernel: ahc0: Some device on this bus is generating bad parity.
ns1 kernel: ahc0: This is an error *observed by*, not *generated by*, this
ns1 kernel: ahc0: PCI parity error checking has been disabled.
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Re: Adaptec 29160N errors

2003-10-31 Thread whizkid
> The controller is complaining that some device in your system is
> generating
> PCI transactions that cannot be safely decoded because they contain parity
> errors.  Just moving the 160 card won't make this situation go away.  You
> need to find the source of these errors.  Otherwise, you might as well
> live with the message in your dmesg log and go on with life.

At the time of the errors there was and still is only 1 device on the
controller.  I have tried 2 different devices 1 internal 1 external as
well as a handful of different cables.

> Again, this has nothing to do with the SCSI controller, the devices
> attached to it, or anything SCSI specific.  Some other PCI device is
> causing the problem.

the only other PCI device in the machine is the NIC.

> The BIOS for this card may be configuring it to ignore PCI parity
> errors.

That was my guess as well.  The 29160N has parity set to Auto, the
AHA-2940 has no such option.  But I have read about this issue and the
29160N cards with any NIX system, or some BSD system.  Most of the issues
were resolved by moving the card from one PCI slot to another.  My MAIN
concern is that the card controlls my Tape Backup Drive sa0... The last
thing I want to have happen is all my data on the tapes be corrupt and/or
un-Readable due to the parity errors
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Adaptec 29160N errors

2003-10-31 Thread whizkid
Hi all,
I have a AMD ThunderBird 1 gig machine on a Abit KT7A-Raid MB.  When I
install my Adaptec 29160N Ultra 160 scsi card, and try to do any
writing to a DDS2 tape drive, I get a screen full of Ahc0 - Parity
error then I get another error stating that the card is *Reporting*
the errors and not *Generating* the errors, and that parity checking
will be disabled.
I have tried 2 different cards in 3 PCI slots, and a hand full of
different internal and external SCSI cables and terminators.  The
cards have the latest Bios and the MB also has the latest and
greatest bios. I have also tried a few different scsi backup drives.
Finally I installed a Adaptec AHA-2940 card, and no errors. I am
currently running freeBSD 5.1-Current.

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide me.
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Re: SNMP help

2003-10-30 Thread whizkid
> In the last episode (Oct 30), Ronnie Clark said:
>> Thanks all for the suggestions. I have the port installed, but how
>> I configure this beast to work with OpenView? I have looked at the
>> online docs for the port, but it is all jibberish to this newbie.
>> Anyone have a simple to follow doc or set of guidelines to setup
>> net-snmp to be monitored by Openview?
> There shouldn't be any configuration needed.  By default, net-snmp will
> output stats for network interfaces, disk usage, CPU load, memory/swap
> usage, and active processes.  How to get all that stuff monitored by
> OpenView I have no idea.

If it is anything like Compaq's Inside Manager, you should only need to
set the SNMP community string in the FreeBSD SMNP Deamon.  How this is
done I am not sure.  There should be a way for you to set the read only
and full controll community strings.  Then just add the server like you
would any other server in Open View.
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Re: PostFix error

2003-10-29 Thread whizkid
>> > daily_clean_hoststat_enable="NO"
>> > daily_status_mail_rejects_enable="NO"
>> > daily_status_include_submit_mailq="NO"
>> > daily_submit_queuerun="NO"
>> > [in periodic.conf(5), of course]

I have added the above lines to my newly created /etc/periodic.conf file. 
Thanks for all the help.
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Re: PostFix error

2003-10-28 Thread whizkid
> You forgot to disable the log generation in the daily periodic(8)
> script.  There are some other daily operations you should probably
> disable, too.  Try:
> daily_clean_hoststat_enable="NO"
> daily_status_mail_rejects_enable="NO"
> daily_status_include_submit_mailq="NO"
> daily_submit_queuerun="NO"
> [in periodic.conf(5), of course]

I see a periodic folder off of /etc but no periodic.conf file.  Should I
just create one with the above settings?  Also it seems that there are
only 2 errors, not 4.

Ahhh I see the error now  In the periodic folder, under daily there is
a script called 150.clean-hoststat

this file contains the following lines:

if [ -z "$(sendmail -bh 2>&1)" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Removing stale entries from sendmail host status cache:"
sendmail -bH || rc=1

this is the source of the bh errors.  I will disable this command and see
if I get any more errors.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. 
Is there a way to do this is PostFix or is this done automatically?
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PostFix error

2003-10-28 Thread whizkid
For some reason I get these errors on occasion.  Mail is flowing, but I
want to make sure this error goes away...

Oct 28 03:01:00 ns1 postfix/sendmail[1523]: fatal: unsupported: -bh
Oct 28 03:01:01 ns1 postfix/sendmail[1524]: fatal: unsupported: -bH

Currently I am running FreeBSD 5.1, Postfix, Courier-Imap, SquirrelMail 1.4.2

They have all been install from the Ports, upgraded with PortUprage and

rc.conf has:


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System Backup help.

2003-10-26 Thread whizkid
I have been running BSD for a week or so now.  I have everything setup
just right, Webmail, DNS, IMAP, Webserver, etc

I just install a DDS-2 tape drive, I have been reading about using dump
for backing up filesystems.  How can I use dump to backup the entire
drive?  If I try using:

dump 0 -A ad0

it fails.. do I have to run dump on each slice?  I plan on setting up a
chron job that runs every night to do a incremental backup, then a full
backup at the end of the week.
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Re: Trying to see website from the Internet

2003-10-21 Thread whizkid
> I opened the port on my (hardware) router box, not the
> FreeBSD firewall. Internet -> ISP -> Modem -> Router
> -> FreeBSD box. Hopefully that's all I need to do to
> forward the port 8080 packets. Do I need to configure
> the FreeBSD firewall settings as well to reflect the
> port?

no, if you can get to the website from inside your hardware firewall (a
machine other then your freeBSD box) then the problem ly's with either
your hardware firewall, or your ISP.  What Brand firewall do you have? 
Remeber that just opening port 8080 will not work, you have to go into the
"Port Forwarding" section of your firewall and forward the 8080 port to
your inside box

> This sounds right. And I'm glad to have a name for the
> problem. There are two firewalls then, the router's
> and FreeBSD's. I've only given attention to the former...

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Re: Noob FreeBSD 5.1 install question

2003-10-21 Thread whizkid
> Well, there's no law that says you *have* to use the ports system, but
> it's pretty strange not to take advantage of something so good...
> There are pre-compiled packages available, but these generally don't
> track the latest upstream updates to the ported software very
> efficiently.  The ports tree does: updates to popular packages like
> apache generally go into the ports tree within a day or so of them
> being published.
> Rather than installing the ports and system sources by downloading
> tarballs from the FTP sites, there are arguments in favour of
> installing by running cvsup(1) to populate an empty directory.

Sorry, what i was saying is that instead of installing the PORTS from the
cd I was downloading the latest and greatest ports Tarball from the site.  Not the fact that I don't use them..  But
thank you for the valuable info.  I will put it in my book so I can
remember to use it tonight.
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Re: Trying to see website from the Internet

2003-10-21 Thread whizkid
> Hi,
> I'm having all kinds of trouble trying to get things
> set up to see my website on the Internet. I know
> people like to claim to be newbies, but I actually am.
> :-)
> My machine (ethernet card) IP is and
> I'm serving on port 8080. I can bring up the site no
> problem on my LAN-, but
> not outside.
> My ISP is earthlink and it's a dynamic IP account.
> Right now the WAN IP is: Trying
> doesn't work. I've opened
> the port, 8080, on the router.

When you say you have opened the port on your firewall, are you speaking
of the firewall on your FreeBSD box or a Hardware firewall?  For example,
if you have a linksys router you would have to Forward your TCP port 8080
to the box.

> What should I look at to solve this? I have
> unsuccessfully scoured the complete freebsd book,
> handbook, and archives. But haven't found anything to
> address this specific problem yet, although it seems
> straightforward. If you think I don't understand
> networks exactly, you are correct; but it's not for
> lack of trying.

if you can get to the website from inside your firewall then it is a
routing issue.  Just check above and make sure your firewall is routing to
the correct box.

> Thanks for help,
> Micke

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Noob FreeBSD 5.1 install question

2003-10-20 Thread whizkid
Hi All,
I am new to this list and new to freeBSD.  I run a Mandrake 9.1 server and
wish to convert to FreeBSD.  Here are 2 questions that I have.

A) I have reinstall freeBSD many times over and over.  I work with W2k
machine at work and do a Unattended install when I don't want to select
the same options over and over again on multiple machines.  Is there a way
I can create a install Config file to select all my options for me?  Is
there a way I can take a snapshot of the way the OS is currently
configured and make a Install Config File?  Maybe something that will auto
set my TimeZone, Partition / Slice sizes, just to get the Base OS
installed without any ports (except for maybe Lynx Text Web Browser)

B) after installing Various ports on the system, do I have to do a Make
Clean after each install or can I run Make Clean after installing all of
my required Ports?

Just as FYI I am running FreeBSD 5.1, I have downloaded and Burned the 2
ISO's (Full Install and Repair / Fix It) I run the install from the cd,
then I choose to NOT install the ports, download the 19.x meg file from and un Tar it into the /usr folder.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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