Re: [Biofuel] Local to Global

2005-12-06 Thread tanuki
I agree with being local.  That is the way to change things.  One little
block at a time.  Of course, how big your local is, is dependent on how
extensive your resources are.

Here in the Philippines, I am up against two or three big giants trying to
push biofuels in a big way but unfortunately, their efforts are short.  We
are also up against government, as government seems to want to get the
biggest bang out of the littlest buck.

I am trying to do this from a finance and investment banking point of view.
What I am trying to do is to get some local businessmen interested in the
project so that I get funding.  I have also learned, especially in the
Philippine scenario, that unless something can be economically or
financially demonstratable, there will be very little support.  Of course,
we know that biofuels are an economically feasible option.  But it does take
some work and effort to educate people, to tell them the story and to ask
them to put their money where it counts.

In another vein, I am in a small power generation company that generates
power for a small island here in the Philippines.  What I have learned is
that we have to fit the local conditions to what suits them.  The group
could have taken great big hydro-electric projects, big wind projects or the
like and just plunk it in.  Unfortunately, when you do that, the longevity
of the project suffers.  When you have a white elephant, it doesn't become a
good rallying point.

What we have done is to take an existing small diesel power plant that was
running diesel fuel and convert it to run heavy oil.  Not only does it lower
the cost of power (diesel is 55% more expensive than heavy oil) but it make
the economic scale manageable.  Next thing for us now is to
start out a biodiesel blend for the heavy fuel oil.  The economic side for
my investors is that this lowers the cost of environmental compliance (I'd
have to put in a great big scrubber instead if not biodiesel), it ought to
lower my maintenance cost and it will prod development in the area with an
increase in demand for vegetable oil.  Then it increase demand for power.

I guess, my "local" way of thinking is a little off-beat, but to you its
local.  my two cents worth.

- Original Message -
To: "BIO" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:38 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Local to Global

> I Quote Keith Addition's reply to Mike here as I think this needs some
> more discussion,
> Keith says  "Sure, if you want to play the game their way. Losing game
> though, that's not how biofuels wins. Three rules: local, local and local.
> I think that statement is really key to more than Biofuels, No single
> person changes a world that is not ready to change or vulnerable to a
> fear of a worse evil.  So change only happens when people are ready for
> it or when they change directions due to the fear of an unknown. We are
> all afraid of the unknown.  When  we hear of  something  that  is being
> done in the outside or the big out yonder we have an interest but little
> more than that. I heard about Biodiesel and it was interesting but I
> feared it was beyond me and what would the community say about it and
> thats where I stayed until fuel prices went to 3 bucks then I was ready
> to change.  I found JtF and played around in secret and found out my
> fears were unfounded. Now as a result of that my little community has
> changed I have been asked to teach and have formed a small Coop with
> others.  We are getting stronger every day and in a small town that can
> happen real fast.  Now consider if we just learn that if we want change-
> then change ourselves first.  Keep in mind this is just not for
> Biofuels, If you want to be discouraged try to get the world to change
> to your way of thinking by joining every group you can and give your
> bucks in support. If you want to be happy decide what you want to be and
> be it -despite what others think.  It is easy to give that 50 bucks if
> you have it and think you have done something good but try to give that
> speech or help do a demonstration to help others with your interests
> that are your peers.  I didn't say it first- but if you believe in it
> show it - don't be ashamed of it.
> Wisdom to all,
> Jim
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
But the flu also struck in many other parts of the world that didn't get 

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

>> E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>> Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>> Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 
>> nation-wide
>> vaccine campaign. ..
>> If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>> suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>> returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
>> known
>> vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 
>> drugs
>> and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>> widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the 
>> common talk
>> of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
>> than by
>> enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>> hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>> death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
>> higher
>> than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>> promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>> doggedly."
>> *
>> from my research
>> Vaccines in use during WWI
>> Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>> vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>> # 1885 Rabies
>> # 1897 Plague
>> 8.htm
>> 1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>> 1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>> died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>> were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a 
>> fatality rate
>> of 6%.
>> 1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>> But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 
>> vaccinated.
>> A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified 
>> these
>> deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>> hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>> months of the war.
>> That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>> Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
>> the US
>> Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 
>> vaccinal
>> diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>> After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>> vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>> The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>> hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>> been practised for years.
>> The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>> there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>> anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>> **
>> Tetanus
>> from the medicine, history of article
>> The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World 
>> War I
>> was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>> antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>> bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, 
>> and
>> the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its 
>> efficacy. ...
>> In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>> prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>> Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>> typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>> the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
>> inadequately
>> ***
>> ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
>> South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links
>> 'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination movement.
>> Greenberg SB.
>> Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor College of
>> Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.
>> Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
>> dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a 
>> lengthy
>> foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
>> period, a concerted effort to limit the use of smallpox vaccine grew 
>> at the

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
 From what I've read the risk to profit ratio is is so low that big 
pharma is not interested.  Vaccines apparently aren't very profitable.

Quote towards the end.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
>threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
>released with insufficient testing?
>On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I'm only interested in using a mix in the Petromax to heat BD.  I heat 
my house with wood anyway.  I don't plan to mix gasoline with BD or HHO 
and use it inside - besides my furnace is gas, not that I run it if I 
can help it.

I would like to take apart a Beckett or Riello or similar to see how it 
works.  I'm familiar with altfurnace.  You have to be very careful what 
you say or it really sets them off.

David Miller wrote:

>Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
>>later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
>>can do.
>>If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
>>would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
>>I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 
>I'm not clear on whether you want to cut the BD for use in a backpacking 
>stove for heating your reactor or in a modified furnace.  There's a big 
>differnce.  With the camp stove you have a fairly open system, and one 
>where the fuel is supposed to vaporize.  Cutting with something fairly 
>volatile will probably thin out the BD and make ignition much easier.  
>Gasoline should work, as would mineral spirits, acetone, alcohol, etc.
>You really really don't want to mix volatiles into a closed system like 
>a boiler or furnace.  It's common when having problems with them for 
>some fuel to puddle in the burner; something like gasoline could easily 
>result in an explosive condition.
>That's my take on it at least.  Check out the altfuelfurnace list at 
>yahoo if you want more info, but know that they won't entertain any 
>discussion of cutting with volatile liquids there at all.
>--- David
>>Zeke Yewdall wrote:
>>>What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
>>>directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
>>>furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
>>>in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
>>>10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor.
>>> something like this may be able to be modified. 
>>>Not cheap though.
>>>On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Local to Global

2005-12-06 Thread JJJN

I Quote Keith Addition's reply to Mike here as I think this needs some 
more discussion,

Keith says  "Sure, if you want to play the game their way. Losing game 
though, that's not how biofuels wins. Three rules: local, local and local. "

I think that statement is really key to more than Biofuels, No single 
person changes a world that is not ready to change or vulnerable to a 
fear of a worse evil.  So change only happens when people are ready for 
it or when they change directions due to the fear of an unknown. We are 
all afraid of the unknown.  When  we hear of  something  that  is being 
done in the outside or the big out yonder we have an interest but little 
more than that. I heard about Biodiesel and it was interesting but I 
feared it was beyond me and what would the community say about it and 
thats where I stayed until fuel prices went to 3 bucks then I was ready 
to change.  I found JtF and played around in secret and found out my 
fears were unfounded. Now as a result of that my little community has 
changed I have been asked to teach and have formed a small Coop with 
others.  We are getting stronger every day and in a small town that can 
happen real fast.  Now consider if we just learn that if we want change- 
then change ourselves first.  Keep in mind this is just not for 
Biofuels, If you want to be discouraged try to get the world to change 
to your way of thinking by joining every group you can and give your 
bucks in support. If you want to be happy decide what you want to be and 
be it -despite what others think.  It is easy to give that 50 bucks if 
you have it and think you have done something good but try to give that 
speech or help do a demonstration to help others with your interests 
that are your peers.  I didn't say it first- but if you believe in it 
show it - don't be ashamed of it.

Wisdom to all,

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

I don't know if it's higher ..

but there is Federal Funding that is being paid out to vaccine damaged and 
the damage generally happens while they are infants up to young children (a 
few in their teens but that's more unusual)

while other drugs such as vioxx are taken by older people and tend to fall 
into law suits, either group action or individually.

so really, it's coming out of different pockets and I've never heard of any 
actual comparison.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel

The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 

Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 20:07:37 -0700

Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
released with insufficient testing?

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> >If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
> >does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
> >the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
> >them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
> >and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
> >over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
> >made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
> >flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
> >them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
> >
> >
> >On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >>>
> >>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, 
> >>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 

> >>>vaccine campaign. ..
> >>>
> >>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that 
> >>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers 
> >>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
> >>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 

> >>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the 
common talk
> >>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
than by

> >>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. 
> >>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
> >>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the 
> >>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was 

> >>>doggedly."
> >>>*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>from my research
> >>
> >>
> >>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >>>
> >>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, 

> >>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>># 1885   Rabies
> >>># 1897   Plague
> >>>

> >>>8.htm
> >>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting 
> >>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 
> >>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 
> >>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a 
fatality rate

> >>>of 6%.
> >>>
> >>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >>>vaccinated.
> >>>
> >>>A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified 
> >>>deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases 
> >>>hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only 

> >>>months of the war.
> >>>
> >>>That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >>>
> >>>Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
the US
> >>>Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 

> >>>diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >>>
> >>>After America entered the war in 1917, the death r

Re: [Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
The point was that the focus of the magazine is on how to make money - 
not what is neccessarily the best for the patient.  I said point blank 
the headlines were made up.  They are not real stories - merely an 
imperfect imitation for the purpose of illustration.  I'm not a vet, and 
don't pretend to a credible source on what is best for animal care.  I 
am relating that I have noticed that vet's magazines seem to be very 
focussed on billing and how to make more money.

Appal Energy wrote:

>Making things up doesn't lend well to credibility.
>In the immortal words of John Billings, "I honestly believe it iz better 
>tew know nothing than tew know what ain't so."
>Todd Swearingen
>>Or just try reading a Veterinary Practice Magazine.  I have two friends 
>>who are vets.  Both are quite level-headed, but I do sometime browse 
>>through their professional magazines.  They have stories such as 
>>"Increase you billing by 40% with the PetVaxx program" and "Ten tests 
>>your practice should do routinely"  I'm making these up as I don't have 
>>the magazine in front of me but the gist is the same.
>>-Mike Weaver
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] new subject line!!! was ... Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
This needs to be highlighted

If being vaccinated protected the individual it really wouldn't matter if 
others were vaccinated at all .. or even sick.

telling us that .. well .. maybe no .. maybe it's about something else.

"Forced for the common good" is such a grandiose concept in the mind of 
those who utter loudly from the rooftops that they have the ABSOLUTE ONLY 
VIEW POINT THAT MATTERS and they are SO RIGHT they are willing to enforce 
that view point by threat of martial law and/or gun point.

sort of like .. well the rest of them simply don't have the ability to 
understand so I must decide for them!!

New England Journal of Science has had to reduce it's standards because they 
can no longer get an unbiased peer review on any subject because 
Corporations have funded through grants that affect the pocketbook of those 
individuals who would and/or could give a peer review.

If there is an independent individual out there capable of giving an 
unbiased peer review one of the leading Journals of Science hasn't been able 
to find them.

Our military was taken to court for using our troops as unknowing test 
subjects on experimental drugs .. the military lost.

This was proven .. this was admitted ..

Now Bush has requested the courts to resend their decision and allow forced 
vaccinations on military personal.

I guess if the draft ever comes back into play, the decision to take the 
shot(s) or spend time in jail will become a real choice .. let's see .. take 
the shot and maybe spend the rest of my life in a institution having my 
diapers changed .. or a couple of years in jail ..

In England the military has already been ordered to pay war time medical 
benefits to service men and women stricken with the "so called" Gulf War 
Syndrome even though some were never deployed .. they just received the 

In England at least 1 parent who was jailed after trial for killing their 
baby by shaking (Shaken Baby Syndrome) has been released from prison with no 
chance of a re-trial because it was discovered that the prosecution had 
withheld medical evidence that vaccination death and Shaken Baby death could 
not be determined.

Other parents convicted of these same charges are having their cases studied 
with good prospects of having their convictions overturned.

But in America the story is still very different.

I would ask who were you planning on being the individual(s) who will be 
deciding these important matters for the rest of us?

>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] new subject line!!! was ... Overvaccinating Pets 
>Kills and Injures
>Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 19:42:32 -0600
>good evening Todd,

Yes, risk assessment is in the end is a subjective determination, 
decided by society, but
hopefully guided by valid statistics.  Society has to determine how much 
risk to force on an
individuals and their pets and for how much protection to the common good.  
Generally I think we
(society) have done a pretty decent job of it.  In terms of public health 
care, there is no better
bang for the buck than vaccinations.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations

2005-12-06 Thread Appal Energy

Making things up doesn't lend well to credibility.

In the immortal words of John Billings, "I honestly believe it iz better 
tew know nothing than tew know what ain't so."

Todd Swearingen

>Or just try reading a Veterinary Practice Magazine.  I have two friends 
>who are vets.  Both are quite level-headed, but I do sometime browse 
>through their professional magazines.  They have stories such as 
>"Increase you billing by 40% with the PetVaxx program" and "Ten tests 
>your practice should do routinely"  I'm making these up as I don't have 
>the magazine in front of me but the gist is the same.
>-Mike Weaver

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
released with insufficient testing?

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> >If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
> >does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
> >the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
> >them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
> >and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
> >over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
> >made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
> >flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
> >them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
> >
> >
> >On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >>>
> >>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
> >>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
> >>>vaccine campaign. ..
> >>>
> >>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
> >>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
> >>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
> >>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
> >>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
> >>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
> >>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
> >>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
> >>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
> >>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
> >>>doggedly."
> >>>*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>from my research
> >>
> >>
> >>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >>>
> >>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
> >>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>># 1885   Rabies
> >>># 1897   Plague
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>8.htm
> >>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
> >>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
> >>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
> >>>of 6%.
> >>>
> >>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >>>vaccinated.
> >>>
> >>>A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
> >>>deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
> >>>hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
> >>>months of the war.
> >>>
> >>>That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >>>
> >>>Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
> >>>Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
> >>>diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >>>
> >>>After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >>>vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >>>
> >>>The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >>>hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
> >>>been practised for years.
> >>>
> >>>The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
> >>>there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
> >>>anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
> >>>
> >>>**
> >>>
> >>>  Tetanus
> >>>   from the medicine, history of article
> >>>The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
> >>>was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
> >>>antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
> >>>bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
> >>>the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
> >>>...
> >>>
> >>>In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth W

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
>does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
>the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
>them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
>and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
>over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
>made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
>flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
>them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
>On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
>>>vaccine campaign. ..
>>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
>>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
>>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
>>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
>>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
>>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>>>from my research
>>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
>>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>>># 1885   Rabies
>>># 1897   Plague
>>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
>>>of 6%.
>>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>>>But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
>>>A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
>>>deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>>>hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>>>months of the war.
>>>That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>>>Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
>>>Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
>>>diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>>>After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>>>vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>>>The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>>>hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>>>been practised for years.
>>>The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>>>there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>>>anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>>>  Tetanus
>>>   from the medicine, history of article
>>>The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
>>>was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>>>antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>>>bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
>>>the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
>>>In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>>>prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>>>Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>>>typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>>>the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was

Re: [Biofuel] new subject line!!! was ... Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread Appal Energy
Salute Bob,

 > I don't think the way court proceeding are conducted is a
 > good analogy for how science is done.

I wasn't thinking of court precedings when I made mention of 
"testimonials." If you'll note, a great number of medical studies rely 
in part upon personal testament. Take aspirin for instance. Range of 
motion may be one thing. But level of pain subsidence is all together 
another. All rather personal and, of course, subjective.

The same would have to hold true for persons who have a close existence 
with their pets. As the pets can't talk, at least not in the Queen's 
English, much reliance is made upon  an owner's 
interaction/interpretation/understanding - transcribed as "testimonial."

> similarly I think that requiring rabies
> inoculations is sound social policy.

It's a speed bump at best, as are all vaccines. Some are more effective than 
others. We certainly haven't eradicated any maladies, despite many 
proclamations to the contrary over the decades.

> Yes, risk assessment is in the end is a subjective
> determination, decided by society, but hopefully
> guided by valid statistics.

Actually, decided by a select few within the greater hall of society, rather 
than society in general, and all too often predicated upon politics rather than 
sound social benefit for the greater good. With the Bush admin being but one 
indicator, valid statistics is often the least of all qualifiers in the 
development of policy.

> the one word "could" leaves enough wiggle room for
> anything to be possible, hence casting a cloud
> over all other material therein.

That "cloud" is more a consequence of intentional manipulation/semantics than 
it is a modest or moderate application of the word. Perhaps you would sense 
greater accuracy if the headline read "creates a small percentage..." rather 
than "could?" Just a wee tad curious as to where you might think the "could" 
actually came from? Thin air or documented occurances, boiled down to an 
editor's headline "sound bite?"

Going the next step using your interpretational method, the same application 
would necessarily have to be made relative to humans who "could" suffer ill 
effects from a vaccine. Whilst such is documented fact in numerous instances 
with all vaccinations, the very second a physician or attendant included the 
word "could" in a "disclaimer," everything would be instantly clouded - 
apparently enough so that all previous data ("all other material therein") 
becomes candidate for the round file as well.

If it would help Bob, I'll put in a personal word with Santa Claus this year. I 
could let him know that you're not such a bad chap and that you're in need of a 
strainer rather than a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking this year. At 
least that way you "MIGHT" avoid throwing the baby out along with the bath 
water next time..

Todd Swearingen


>good evening Todd,
>Appal Energy wrote:
>> > as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling
>> > used cars and various and sundry nostrums, but it does
>> > little or nothing to advance your point.
>>U, it's collective "testimonials" that are oft sought out in 
>>trials. If they can be accepted en masse as evidentiary, then they 
>>shouldn't be pooh poohed as readily as you would care to.
>I don't think the way court proceeding are conducted is a good analogy for how 
>science is done.
>When it comes to vaccinations the issue is one of cost/benefit, which 
>ultimately will be decided by 
>society. Just what the costs and benefits are I believe are best determined by 
>the scientific 
>method, rather than the squeaky wheel.
>  the costs of vaccination, other than monetary costs for production, are harm 
> to individuals, where 
>as the benefits accrue to society. Individuals have died from small pox 
>vaccinations, but small pox 
>is no longer a global scourge due to the vaccinations. Should we as a global 
>society not have 
>vaccinated?   I submit that many many more would have died, and would still be 
>dying had not the 
>small pox vaccine been deployed.  Individuals have died from polio 
>vaccinations, but I am proud to 
>have participated as a "polio pioneer" and now a bunch of people alive don't 
>know what an iron lung 
>is, again due the blocking of transmission of a viral infection.
>similarly I think that requiring rabies inoculations is sound social policy.
>>Besides, it's rather difficult to get a dog to tell you that his joint 
>>and muscle tissue feels like mush for weeks after a vaccination.
>that doesn't negate the need for sound data, free of preconceptions, observer 
>bias, placebo effects 
>  Short
>>of an entire herd of animals being on death's door shortly after a 
>>vaccination, there's a high probability that "testimonials" play a far 
>>more significant role in this venue than in "selling used cars and 
>>various and sundry nostrums."
>> > note the operati

Re: [Biofuel] Rabies Vaccine frequency. was: Bob Allen

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Nuts.  Bob Allen.  And just a day or so it was all about me.  Sigh.
Andy Warhol was right.


Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>Quit screwing up the JTF archives by putting irrelevant subject titles
>on your emails.  This one is about rabies vaccines, not Bob Allen.
>On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>To answer your question about the rabies shots.
>>Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.
>>In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law
>>changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7
>>I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my
>>.. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.
>>One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace
>>directly to her early rabies shots.
>>These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of
>>harming her any more.
>>One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law
>>suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit
>>against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges)
>>.. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate
>>information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their
>>pet ..
>>.. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for
>>Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.
>>Mary Lynn
>>Mary Lynn Schmidt
>>TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
>>Minister .
>>Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
>>Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
>>The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Or just try reading a Veterinary Practice Magazine.  I have two friends 
who are vets.  Both are quite level-headed, but I do sometime browse 
through their professional magazines.  They have stories such as 
"Increase you billing by 40% with the PetVaxx program" and "Ten tests 
your practice should do routinely"  I'm making these up as I don't have 
the magazine in front of me but the gist is the same.

-Mike Weaver

bob allen wrote:

>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>To answer your question about the rabies shots.
>>Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.
>>In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law 
>>changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7 
>if they last 7 years does that means that they work? That is, reduce the risk 
>of transmission of a 
>lethal disease?
>>I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my 
>>.. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.
>so you don't vaccinate your animals as required by law?  And by so doing you 
>don't feel that you are 
>putting your animals, and other animals including people at risk of a lethal 
>disease? transmission 
>of which can be blocked by vaccinations.
>>One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace 
>>directly to her early rabies shots.
>>These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of 
>>harming her any more.
>>One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law 
>>suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit 
>>against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges) 
>>.. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate 
>>information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their 
>>pet ..
>anybody can sue anybody else for any reason under the sun.  Maybe you didn't 
>find anything because 
>the suit was thrown out of court.
>>.. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for 
>>Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.
>here you are a letter ready to go:
>seems he does vaccinations himself.
>"In addition to our many cutting-edge services, we offer the following:
> * Low Cost Vaccinations..."
>>Mary Lynn
>>Mary Lynn Schmidt
>>TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
>>Minister .
>>Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
>>Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
>>The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] new subject line!!! was ... Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
good evening Todd,

Appal Energy wrote:
> Bob,
>  > as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling
>  > used cars and various and sundry nostrums, but it does
>  > little or nothing to advance your point.
> U, it's collective "testimonials" that are oft sought out in 
> trials. If they can be accepted en masse as evidentiary, then they 
> shouldn't be pooh poohed as readily as you would care to.

I don't think the way court proceeding are conducted is a good analogy for how 
science is done.

When it comes to vaccinations the issue is one of cost/benefit, which 
ultimately will be decided by 
society. Just what the costs and benefits are I believe are best determined by 
the scientific 
method, rather than the squeaky wheel.

  the costs of vaccination, other than monetary costs for production, are harm 
to individuals, where 
as the benefits accrue to society. Individuals have died from small pox 
vaccinations, but small pox 
is no longer a global scourge due to the vaccinations. Should we as a global 
society not have 
vaccinated?   I submit that many many more would have died, and would still be 
dying had not the 
small pox vaccine been deployed.  Individuals have died from polio 
vaccinations, but I am proud to 
have participated as a "polio pioneer" and now a bunch of people alive don't 
know what an iron lung 
is, again due the blocking of transmission of a viral infection.

similarly I think that requiring rabies inoculations is sound social policy.

> Besides, it's rather difficult to get a dog to tell you that his joint 
> and muscle tissue feels like mush for weeks after a vaccination.

that doesn't negate the need for sound data, free of preconceptions, observer 
bias, placebo effects 

> of an entire herd of animals being on death's door shortly after a 
> vaccination, there's a high probability that "testimonials" play a far 
> more significant role in this venue than in "selling used cars and 
> various and sundry nostrums."
>  > note the operative word could. I could be hit by a meteorite,
>  > and a tin foil hat might help...
> You could indeed be. But nobody is aiming a meteorite at you or 
> introducing one into your vacinity in the same manner or frequency as 
> vaccinations are upon living creatures - four legged or other. As for 
> the tin hat? A bit doubtful that it would help. At least not unless the 
> last of the mass had been expended to the point of a dust spec within 
> the last few inches of your noggin.

granted that was a rather flippant example. I'll leave it alone.

>>I don't doubt that there are occasional allergic
>>reactions to vaccinations among animals just as
>>among humans, but but these are idiosyncratic.
> You state this as if it were an absolute and as if the "idiosyncra[cies]" are 
> not germane. All a bit subjective on your part, albeit espoused as a 
> definitive. I suppose this is where the "discussion" over what is 
> "significant" and "insignificant" begins? Clinically or statistically 
> significant? How many sig figs would you care to include or discount?
   Yes, risk assessment is in the end is a subjective determination, decided by 
society, but 
hopefully guided by valid statistics.  Society has to determine how much risk 
to force on an 
individuals and their pets and for how much protection to the common good.  
Generally I think we 
(society) have done a pretty decent job of it.  In terms of public health care, 
there is no better 
bang for the buck than vaccinations.

>>which is just what I am saying.
> But you didn't comment on what they were saying after you found your place of 
> agreement. Much like reading half the book, discounting the rest and making 
> up your own ending.
> Sound science (and/or wise observation) includes everything, not just what is 
> cherry picked.

the one word "could" leaves enough wiggle room for anything to be possible, 
hence casting a cloud 
over all other material therein.


> Todd Swearingen 
>>cripes, what is it that folks seem to want to put my name in the subject 
>>line?  please stop- it adds 
>>nothing to the conversation and makes searches in the archives difficult.
>>as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling used cars and various 
>>and sundry nostrums, 
>>but it does little or nothing to advance your point.

>>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100

If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
this not be true for humans?

Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
May 4, 2005

>>note the opera

Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread David Miller
Mike Weaver wrote:

>I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
>later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
>can do.
>If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
>would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
>I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 

I'm not clear on whether you want to cut the BD for use in a backpacking 
stove for heating your reactor or in a modified furnace.  There's a big 
differnce.  With the camp stove you have a fairly open system, and one 
where the fuel is supposed to vaporize.  Cutting with something fairly 
volatile will probably thin out the BD and make ignition much easier.  
Gasoline should work, as would mineral spirits, acetone, alcohol, etc.

You really really don't want to mix volatiles into a closed system like 
a boiler or furnace.  It's common when having problems with them for 
some fuel to puddle in the burner; something like gasoline could easily 
result in an explosive condition.

That's my take on it at least.  Check out the altfuelfurnace list at 
yahoo if you want more info, but know that they won't entertain any 
discussion of cutting with volatile liquids there at all.

--- David

>Zeke Yewdall wrote:
>>What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
>>directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
>>furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
>>in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
>>10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor.
>> something like this may be able to be modified. 
>>Not cheap though.
>>On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Limited vaccinations.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations
>Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 17:25:01 -0600
>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> > To answer your question about the rabies shots.
> >
> > Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.
> >
> > In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law
> > changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7
> > years.
>if they last 7 years does that means that they work? That is, reduce the 
>risk of transmission of a
>lethal disease?
> >
> > I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my
> > town.
> >
> > .. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.
>so you don't vaccinate your animals as required by law?  And by so doing 
>you don't feel that you are
>putting your animals, and other animals including people at risk of a 
>lethal disease? transmission
>of which can be blocked by vaccinations.
> >
> > One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace
> > directly to her early rabies shots.
> > These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no 
>intention of
> > harming her any more.
> >
> > One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law
> > suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit
> > against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other 
> > .. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and 
> > information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to 
> > pet ..
>anybody can sue anybody else for any reason under the sun.  Maybe you 
>didn't find anything because
>the suit was thrown out of court.
> >
> > .. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search 
> > Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.
>here you are a letter ready to go:
>seems he does vaccinations himself.
>"In addition to our many cutting-edge services, we offer the following:
>  * Low Cost Vaccinations..."
> >
> > Mary Lynn
> > Mary Lynn Schmidt
> > TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
> > Minister .
> > Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy 
> > Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> > 
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
>Bob Allen
>"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
>from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

No insurance company will insure their products.

That's the big reason behind the push to pass these laws that will hold them 

No a bad deal.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel

The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 

Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 15:49:42 -0700

If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...

On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >
> >Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, 
> >Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 

> >vaccine campaign. ..
> >
> >If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that 
> >suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers 
> >returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
> >vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 

> >and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common 
> >of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
than by

> >enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. 
> >death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
> >than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the 
> >promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was 

> >doggedly."
> >*
> >from my research
> >
> >Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >
> >Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, 

> >vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ># 1885   Rabies
> ># 1897   Plague
> >

> >8.htm
> >1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting 
> >1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 

> >died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality 

> >of 6%.
> >
> >1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >
> >
> >But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >vaccinated.
> >
> >A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified 
> >deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases 
> >hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only 

> >months of the war.
> >
> >That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >
> >Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
the US
> >Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 

> >diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >
> >After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >
> >The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation 

> >been practised for years.
> >
> >The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
> >there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
> >anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
> >
> >**
> >
> >   Tetanus
> >from the medicine, history of article
> >The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World 
War I

> >was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
> >antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum

Re: [Biofuel] new subject line!!! was ... Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread Appal Energy

 > as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling
 > used cars and various and sundry nostrums, but it does
 > little or nothing to advance your point.

U, it's collective "testimonials" that are oft sought out in 
trials. If they can be accepted en masse as evidentiary, then they 
shouldn't be pooh poohed as readily as you would care to.

Besides, it's rather difficult to get a dog to tell you that his joint 
and muscle tissue feels like mush for weeks after a vaccination. Short 
of an entire herd of animals being on death's door shortly after a 
vaccination, there's a high probability that "testimonials" play a far 
more significant role in this venue than in "selling used cars and 
various and sundry nostrums."

 > note the operative word could. I could be hit by a meteorite,
 > and a tin foil hat might help...

You could indeed be. But nobody is aiming a meteorite at you or 
introducing one into your vacinity in the same manner or frequency as 
vaccinations are upon living creatures - four legged or other. As for 
the tin hat? A bit doubtful that it would help. At least not unless the 
last of the mass had been expended to the point of a dust spec within 
the last few inches of your noggin.

> I don't doubt that there are occasional allergic
> reactions to vaccinations among animals just as
> among humans, but but these are idiosyncratic.

You state this as if it were an absolute and as if the "idiosyncra[cies]" are 
not germane. All a bit subjective on your part, albeit espoused as a 
definitive. I suppose this is where the "discussion" over what is "significant" 
and "insignificant" begins? Clinically or statistically significant? How many 
sig figs would you care to include or discount?

> which is just what I am saying.

But you didn't comment on what they were saying after you found your place of 
agreement. Much like reading half the book, discounting the rest and making up 
your own ending.

Sound science (and/or wise observation) includes everything, not just what is 
cherry picked.

Todd Swearingen 

>cripes, what is it that folks seem to want to put my name in the subject line? 
> please stop- it adds 
>nothing to the conversation and makes searches in the archives difficult.
>as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling used cars and various 
>and sundry nostrums, 
>but it does little or nothing to advance your point.
>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>>>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>>>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>>>this not be true for humans?
>>>NBC4.TV, CA
>>>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>>>May 4, 2005
>note the operative word could. I could be hit by a meteorite, and a tin foil 
>hat might help...
>I don't doubt that there are occasional allergic reactions to vaccinations 
>among animals just as 
>among humans, but but these are idiosyncratic.
>>>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>>>and protection.
>>>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>>>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>>>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>>>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>>>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>>>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>>>up. She would hardly eat."
>>>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>>>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>>>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>>>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>>>system," said Molly's owner.
>>>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>>>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>>>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>>>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>>>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.
>which is just what I am saying.
>>>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>>>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>>>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>>>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>>>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>>>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>>>without booster shots.
>>>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>>>distemper and p

[Biofuel] Ashcroft's Legacy Revealed: US jury acquits Arab-American professor

2005-12-06 Thread Michael Redler
  Ashcroft's Legacy Revealed     After losing to a dead rival in a US Senate election (Ashcroft being the incumbent), the religious extremist rises to become the US attorney general and falsely arrest hundreds in the name of "national security". His "work" is still showing up in the headlines.     Before:,2933,79073,00.html     "University of South Florida computer engineering professor Sami Al-Arian is the North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Attorney General John Ashcroft said in announcing the federal indictment."     [more]     After:     "MIAMI (AFP) - A US jury acquitted Arab-American Sami Al-Arian on terrorism charges..."     [more]___
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] concerning rabies vaccinations

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> To answer your question about the rabies shots.
> Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.
> In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law 
> changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7 
> years.

if they last 7 years does that means that they work? That is, reduce the risk 
of transmission of a 
lethal disease?

> I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my 
> town.
> .. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.

so you don't vaccinate your animals as required by law?  And by so doing you 
don't feel that you are 
putting your animals, and other animals including people at risk of a lethal 
disease? transmission 
of which can be blocked by vaccinations.
> One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace 
> directly to her early rabies shots.

> These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of 
> harming her any more.
> One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law 
> suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit 
> against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges) 
> .. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate 
> information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their 
> pet ..

anybody can sue anybody else for any reason under the sun.  Maybe you didn't 
find anything because 
the suit was thrown out of court.

> .. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for 
> Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.

here you are a letter ready to go:

seems he does vaccinations himself.

"In addition to our many cutting-edge services, we offer the following:

 * Low Cost Vaccinations..."

> Mary Lynn
> Mary Lynn Schmidt
> TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
> Minister .
> Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
> Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the 
subject, as much as you may 
want it to be.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>> E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>> Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>> Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
>> vaccine campaign. ..
>> If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>> suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>> returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
>> known
>> vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 
>> drugs
>> and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>> widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common 
>> talk
>> of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
>> than by
>> enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>> hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>> death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
>> higher
>> than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>> promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>> doggedly."
>> *
>> from my research
>> Vaccines in  use during WWI
>> Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>> vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>> # 1885   Rabies
>> # 1897   Plague
>> 8.htm
>> 1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>> 1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>> died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>> were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality 
>> rate
>> of 6%.
>> 1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>> But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 
>> vaccinated.
>> A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
>> deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>> hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>> months of the war.
>> That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>> Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
>> the US
>> Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 
>> vaccinal
>> diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>> After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>> vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>> The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>> hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>> been practised for years.
>> The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>> there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>> anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>> **
>> Tetanus
>>from the medicine, history of article
>> The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World 
>> War I
>> was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>> antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>> bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
>> the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its 
>> efficacy. ...
>> In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>> prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>> Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>> typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>> the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
>> inadequately
>> ***
>> ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
>>  South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links
>> 'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination 
>> movement.
>> Greenberg SB.
>> Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor 
>> College of
>> Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.
>> Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
>> dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a 
>> lengthy
>> foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
>> period, a concerte

[Biofuel] Rabies Vaccine frequency. was: Bob Allen

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall

Quit screwing up the JTF archives by putting irrelevant subject titles
on your emails.  This one is about rabies vaccines, not Bob Allen.

On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To answer your question about the rabies shots.
> Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.
> In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law
> changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7
> years.
> I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my
> town.
> .. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.
> One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace
> directly to her early rabies shots.
> These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of
> harming her any more.
> One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law
> suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit
> against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges)
> .. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate
> information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their
> pet ..
> .. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for
> Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.
> Mary Lynn
> Mary Lynn Schmidt
> TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
> Minister .
> Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
> Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen - Vaccination Protocol and titer hype

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> cross posted from rose, moderator of blacksalveandpetswithcancer
>>From: rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [blacksalveandpetswithcancer] Re: Vaccination Protocol and 
>>titer hype
>>Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:44:27 -0500
>>Don't get fooled by the voodoo science of titer testing. I sceptically 
>>believe it to be a procedure relied upon by vets who don't know their 
>>science and/or who need some income replacement for the lack of 
>>Read this article, and be aware that 
>>the vet who does ALL the canine vaccine testing for the drug companies in 
>>the U.S. (read that "the world") -- Ronald Schultz, chairman of 
>>pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of 
>>Veterinary Medicine at Madison -- vaccinates his dogs, his children's dogs, 
>>and his grandchildren's dogs exactly once, at 14 weeks, after the first 
>>twelve weeks when mother's immunity (which can be duplicated with colostrum 
>>if it isn't there) destroys the vaccines and their efficacy. And he 
>>vaccinates ONLY for rabies, distemper, and parvo, and not for ANYTHING 
>>else. He doesn't do any titer testing, because it is scientific malarkey. 
>>Immunity is determined by memory cells (which can't be measured), and which 
>>last a lifetime, or at least as long as the dog has the physical strength 
>>to mount an immune defense. If the dog is so sick that it can no longer 
>>mount an immune defense, no amount of vaccinating will help. Dr. Robert 
>>Schultz does NOT do titer testing to determining if he will revaccinate.
>>This from a friend who has been to one of his seminars and spoken to him 
>>Okay, I have been resisting entering this conversation b/c people REALLY 
>>need to do the research on this and make their own decisions, for their own 
>>dogs, in their own part of the country/world. Titers are tests that 
>>supposedly measure a dog's immune response to a particular disease to 
>>evaluate vaccination success.
>>I have attended several seminars in the past 3 months by Dr. Ronald 
>>Schultz, the leading canine immunologist in this country if not the world. 
>>He has been studying canine immunology at UW Madison for the past 30 yrs 
>>and was previously at Cornell. He is also the primary consultant to all the 
>>major drug companies that manufacture the vaccines. His diplomacy is 
>>something I could never aspire to but his studies are THE SINGULAR REASON 
>>the 27 vet schools in North America have changed their core vaccination 
>>protocol to 3 years. He is the only immunologist who has studies that run 
>>up to 14 years. To ever condense what I've learned in his lectures into an 
>>email would be impossible. But here's a summary to address the concerns in 
>>this thread:
>>1. In the vaccination debate you should be thinking only about core 
>>vaccines: Parvo, Distemper, Rabies. The others (Lyme, Giardia, Lepto, 
>>Corona, Bordatella) you are looking at very reactogenic vaccines, short 
>>immune duration and extremely limited efface for the wide range of strains 
>>these diseases have.
>>2. All dogs should be vaccinated for parvo/distemper/rabies at 12-14 weeks. 
>>This is at the stage where mom's immunity factors are lessening and could 
>>interfere with the vaccine. He does a "challenged" titer one week after to 
>>be sure the vaccine "took". (Long conversation here about when it's safe to 
>>expose puppies to anything from the outside world.)
>>3. There are also dogs who are "non-responders". They just don't receive 
>>any immunity from vaccinations. Their numbers are limited but my sister has 
>>one...challenged titers are the only way to ascertain this. "Challenged 
>>titers" mean a dog has been exposed to a disease and the immune response 
>>measured low or zilch. They are not protected.
>>4. Most vets will just take a blood sample and that titer reading is really 
>>insignificant. Titers only measure an exposed immune response, not memory 
>>cells. If the dog has never come in contact with the disease, the titer 
>>will be low but that does not mean the dog has not gained immunity.
>>5. I asked Dr. Schultz what vaccination protocol he follows with his own 
>>dogs. He responded that for his 7 dogs, his children's dogs and his 
>>grandchildren's dogs, all are vaccinated between the ages of 12 - 14 weeks 
>>for core vaccines and never again. My dogs, ages 2, 6 and 16 will never 
>>receive another vaccination of any sort. I'll fly under the radar on the 
>>Rabies since my dogs would never bite anyone.
>>My interest in this was sparked by a friend losing her dog to Autoimmune 
>>Hemolytic Anemia. There is no hard science to support the relationship btwn 
>>this and autoimmu

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>>this not be true for humans?
>>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>>May 4, 2005
>>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>>and protection.
>>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>>up. She would hardly eat."
>>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>>system," said Molly's owner.
>>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.
>>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>>without booster shots.
>>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>>distemper and parvovirus. In every case, those who were tested and did not
>>get boosters have remained healthy.
>>Overvaccination has been suspected in causing tumors in some cats and 
>>problems in dogs.
>>One family said their Yorkshire Terrier, Nicky, nearly died after an annual
>>series of booster shots.
>>"She couldn't breathe well, she was weak, limp," a family member said. "She
>>was going to die. They said she probably wouldn't pull through it."
>>After $6,000 in medical fees and a week in intensive care, Nicky pulled
>>through. Doctors suspect an adverse vaccine reaction.
>>"You bring your dog in because you're trying to keep her healthy, and a 
>>later you find out you almost killed her," the family member said.
>>One doctor told NBC4 that if you're getting your pet vaccinated, here's a
>>simple plan: Start with the basics, rabies, distemper and parvovirus, then
>>consult with your vet.
>>The doctor said German shepherds, rottweilers and poodles are at higher 
>>for adverse vaccine reactions, as are older pets.
>>Concerned pet owners with questions are encouraged to consult with their
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...

On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >
> >Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
> >Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
> >vaccine campaign. ..
> >
> >If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
> >suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
> >returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
> >vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
> >and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
> >of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
> >enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
> >death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
> >than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
> >promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
> >doggedly."
> >*
> >from my research
> >
> >Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >
> >Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
> >vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ># 1885   Rabies
> ># 1897   Plague
> >
> >
> >8.htm
> >1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
> >1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
> >died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
> >of 6%.
> >
> >1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >
> >
> >But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >vaccinated.
> >
> >A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
> >deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
> >hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
> >months of the war.
> >
> >That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >
> >Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
> >Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
> >diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >
> >After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >
> >The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
> >been practised for years.
> >
> >The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
> >there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
> >anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
> >
> >**
> >
> >   Tetanus
> >from the medicine, history of article
> >The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
> >was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
> >antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
> >bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
> >the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
> >...
> >
> >In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
> >prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
> >Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
> >typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
> >the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
> >inadequately
> >
> >***
> >
> >ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
> >  South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7.   Related Articles, Links

[Biofuel] Bob Allen

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
To answer your question about the rabies shots.

Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.

In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law 
changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7 

I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my 

.. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.

One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace 
directly to her early rabies shots.

These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of 
harming her any more.

One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law 
suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit 
against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges) 
.. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate 
information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their 
pet ..

.. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for 
Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- PET VACCINATION An Institutionalised Crime by Catherine O'Driscoll

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> FYI Catherine O'Driscoll is a very well known and respected researcher in 
> the field of animal health.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>>This information has been taught by Dr. Jean Dodds for  about a decade.  
>>Search the archives for vaccination,  and you will find that many people 
>>have been aware of  the side affects of Vaccinosis for years.
>>Crossposted with permission.
>>NEW!!! Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>>All of the 27 Vet Universities in the US have followed  the immunization 
>>protocol as suggested by Dr. Dodds  for years. All of the Hospitals will be 
>>changing their  Vaccination Programs apparently. This is welcomed news
>>and you should print this out and take it with you to  your Vet should you 
>>need reinforcement against over- vaccination.
>>RE: J. Dodds,DVM, vaccine protocol
>>I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in North 
>>America are in the process of changing  their protocols for vaccinating 
>>dogs and cats. Some of
>>this information will present an ethical and economic  challenge to Vets, 
>>and there will be skeptics.
>>Some organizations have come up with a political compromise  suggesting 
>>vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss of income vs. 
>>those concerned about potential
>>side effects. Politics, traditions or the doctors economic  well being 
>>should not be a factor in a medical decision.
>>Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months.   If a modified live 
>>virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it produces immunity which 
>>is good for the life
>>of the pet (i.e.: canine distemper, parvo, feline  distemper) If another 
>>MLV vaccine is given a year later,  the antibodies from the first vaccine 
>>neutralize the  antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or
>>no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory  cells induced. 
>>Not only are annual boosters for parvo and  distemper unnecessary, they 
>>subject the pet to potential  risks of allergic reactions and 
>>immune-mediated hemolytic  anemia. There is no scientific documentation to 
>>back up  label claims for annual administration of mlv vaccines.
>>Puppies receive antibodies through their mother's milk.  This natural 
>>protection can last 9-14 weeks. Puppies  and kittens should NOT be 
>>vaccinated at LESS than 8
>>weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine  and little protection 
>>(0-38%) will be produced.
>>Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, DELAY the  timing of the first highly 
>>effective vaccine.   Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart SUPPRESS rather  than 
>>stimulate the immune system.
>>A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks  and given 3-4 weeks 
>>apart up to 16 weeks of age.   Another vaccination given sometime after 6 
>>months of age
>>(usually at 1 year 4 mo.) will provide LIFETIME IMMUNITY!!!
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] new subject line!!!

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
cripes, what is it that folks seem to want to put my name in the subject line?  
please stop- it adds 
nothing to the conversation and makes searches in the archives difficult.

as to your post, testimonials might be good for selling used cars and various 
and sundry nostrums, 
but it does little or nothing to advance your point.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>>this not be true for humans?
>>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>>May 4, 2005

note the operative word could. I could be hit by a meteorite, and a tin foil 
hat might help...

I don't doubt that there are occasional allergic reactions to vaccinations 
among animals just as 
among humans, but but these are idiosyncratic.

>>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>>and protection.
>>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>>up. She would hardly eat."
>>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>>system," said Molly's owner.
>>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.

which is just what I am saying.

>>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>>without booster shots.
>>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>>distemper and parvovirus. In every case, those who were tested and did not
>>get boosters have remained healthy.
>>Overvaccination has been suspected in causing tumors in some cats and 
>>problems in dogs.
>>One family said their Yorkshire Terrier, Nicky, nearly died after an annual
>>series of booster shots.
>>"She couldn't breathe well, she was weak, limp," a family member said. "She
>>was going to die. They said she probably wouldn't pull through it."
>>After $6,000 in medical fees and a week in intensive care, Nicky pulled
>>through. Doctors suspect an adverse vaccine reaction.
>>"You bring your dog in because you're trying to keep her healthy, and a 
>>later you find out you almost killed her," the family member said.
>>One doctor told NBC4 that if you're getting your pet vaccinated, here's a
>>simple plan: Start with the basics, rabies, distemper and parvovirus, then
>>consult with your vet.
>>The doctor said German shepherds, rottweilers and poodles are at higher 
>>for adverse vaccine reactions, as are older pets.
>>Concerned pet owners with questions are encouraged to consult with their
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
>Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>This information has been taught by Dr. Jean Dodds for  about a decade.  
>Search the archives for vaccination,  and you will find that many people 
>have been aware of  the side affects of Vaccinosis for years.
>Crossposted with permission.
>NEW!!! Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>All of the 27 Vet Universities in the US have followed  the immunization 
>protocol as suggested by Dr. Dodds  for years. All of the Hospitals will be 
>changing their  Vaccination Programs apparently. This is welcomed news
>and you should print this out and take it with you to  your Vet should you 
>need reinforcement against over- vaccination.
>RE: J. Dodds,DVM, vaccine protocol
>I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in North 
>America are in the process of changing  their protocols for vaccinating 
>dogs and cats. Some of
>this information will present an ethical and economic  challenge to Vets, 
>and there will be skeptics.
>Some organizations have come up with a political compromise  suggesting 
>vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss of income vs. 
>those concerned about potential
>side effects. Politics, traditions or the doctors economic  well being 
>should not be a factor in a medical decision.
>Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months.   If a modified live 
>virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it produces immunity which 
>is good for the life
>of the pet (i.e.: canine distemper, parvo, feline  distemper) If another 
>MLV vaccine is given a year later,  the antibodies from the first vaccine 
>neutralize the  antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or
>no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory  cells induced. 
>Not only are annual boosters for parvo and  distemper unnecessary, they 
>subject the pet to potential  risks of allergic reactions and 
>immune-mediated hemolytic  anemia. There is no scientific documentation to 
>back up  label claims for annual administration of mlv vaccines.
>Puppies receive antibodies through their mother's milk.  This natural 
>protection can last 9-14 weeks. Puppies  and kittens should NOT be 
>vaccinated at LESS than 8
>weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine  and little protection 
>(0-38%) will be produced.
>Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, DELAY the  timing of the first highly 
>effective vaccine.   Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart SUPPRESS rather  than 
>stimulate the immune system.
>A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks  and given 3-4 weeks 
>apart up to 16 weeks of age.   Another vaccination given sometime after 6 
>months of age
>(usually at 1 year 4 mo.) will provide LIFETIME IMMUNITY!!!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen - Vaccination Protocol and titer hype

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
cross posted from rose, moderator of blacksalveandpetswithcancer

>From: rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [blacksalveandpetswithcancer] Re: Vaccination Protocol and 
>titer hype
>Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:44:27 -0500
>Don't get fooled by the voodoo science of titer testing. I sceptically 
>believe it to be a procedure relied upon by vets who don't know their 
>science and/or who need some income replacement for the lack of 
>Read this article, and be aware that 
>the vet who does ALL the canine vaccine testing for the drug companies in 
>the U.S. (read that "the world") -- Ronald Schultz, chairman of 
>pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of 
>Veterinary Medicine at Madison -- vaccinates his dogs, his children's dogs, 
>and his grandchildren's dogs exactly once, at 14 weeks, after the first 
>twelve weeks when mother's immunity (which can be duplicated with colostrum 
>if it isn't there) destroys the vaccines and their efficacy. And he 
>vaccinates ONLY for rabies, distemper, and parvo, and not for ANYTHING 
>else. He doesn't do any titer testing, because it is scientific malarkey. 
>Immunity is determined by memory cells (which can't be measured), and which 
>last a lifetime, or at least as long as the dog has the physical strength 
>to mount an immune defense. If the dog is so sick that it can no longer 
>mount an immune defense, no amount of vaccinating will help. Dr. Robert 
>Schultz does NOT do titer testing to determining if he will revaccinate.
>This from a friend who has been to one of his seminars and spoken to him 
>Okay, I have been resisting entering this conversation b/c people REALLY 
>need to do the research on this and make their own decisions, for their own 
>dogs, in their own part of the country/world. Titers are tests that 
>supposedly measure a dog's immune response to a particular disease to 
>evaluate vaccination success.
>I have attended several seminars in the past 3 months by Dr. Ronald 
>Schultz, the leading canine immunologist in this country if not the world. 
>He has been studying canine immunology at UW Madison for the past 30 yrs 
>and was previously at Cornell. He is also the primary consultant to all the 
>major drug companies that manufacture the vaccines. His diplomacy is 
>something I could never aspire to but his studies are THE SINGULAR REASON 
>the 27 vet schools in North America have changed their core vaccination 
>protocol to 3 years. He is the only immunologist who has studies that run 
>up to 14 years. To ever condense what I've learned in his lectures into an 
>email would be impossible. But here's a summary to address the concerns in 
>this thread:
>1. In the vaccination debate you should be thinking only about core 
>vaccines: Parvo, Distemper, Rabies. The others (Lyme, Giardia, Lepto, 
>Corona, Bordatella) you are looking at very reactogenic vaccines, short 
>immune duration and extremely limited efface for the wide range of strains 
>these diseases have.
>2. All dogs should be vaccinated for parvo/distemper/rabies at 12-14 weeks. 
>This is at the stage where mom's immunity factors are lessening and could 
>interfere with the vaccine. He does a "challenged" titer one week after to 
>be sure the vaccine "took". (Long conversation here about when it's safe to 
>expose puppies to anything from the outside world.)
>3. There are also dogs who are "non-responders". They just don't receive 
>any immunity from vaccinations. Their numbers are limited but my sister has 
>one...challenged titers are the only way to ascertain this. "Challenged 
>titers" mean a dog has been exposed to a disease and the immune response 
>measured low or zilch. They are not protected.
>4. Most vets will just take a blood sample and that titer reading is really 
>insignificant. Titers only measure an exposed immune response, not memory 
>cells. If the dog has never come in contact with the disease, the titer 
>will be low but that does not mean the dog has not gained immunity.
>5. I asked Dr. Schultz what vaccination protocol he follows with his own 
>dogs. He responded that for his 7 dogs, his children's dogs and his 
>grandchildren's dogs, all are vaccinated between the ages of 12 - 14 weeks 
>for core vaccines and never again. My dogs, ages 2, 6 and 16 will never 
>receive another vaccination of any sort. I'll fly under the radar on the 
>Rabies since my dogs would never bite anyone.
>My interest in this was sparked by a friend losing her dog to Autoimmune 
>Hemolytic Anemia. There is no hard science to support the relationship btwn 
>this and autoimmune disease but it's kind of a no-brainer. If your dog is 
>having a bad reaction to vaccines, that's a good clue.
>For the sake of your dogs, please educate yourself on the science of their 
>immune system,and t

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- PET VACCINATION An Institutionalised Crime by Catherine O'Driscoll

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
FYI Catherine O'Driscoll is a very well known and respected researcher in 
the field of animal health.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)

Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
vaccine campaign. ..

If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
from my research

Vaccines in  use during WWI

Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
# 1885   Rabies
# 1897   Plague
1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
of 6%.

1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 

A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
months of the war.

That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.

Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
diseases increased at an alarming rate.

After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.

The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
been practised for years.

The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.

   from the medicine, history of article
The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy. 

In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was

 South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links

'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination movement.

Greenberg SB.

Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.

Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a lengthy
foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
period, a concerted effort to limit the use of smallpox vaccine grew at the
very time typhoid vaccines were being developed and advocated for
widespread prevention. As a long time advocate for widespread smallpox
vaccination and a supporter of the newly tested typhoid vaccine, Sir
William Osler entered the public debate at the beginning of World War I.
Osler was asked to address the officers and men in the British army on the
need for typhoid vaccination. His speech entitled "Bacilli and Bulle

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Rabies Challenge Fund!!!

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

From: horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: silverpets 

Subject: [SilverPets] FW: [VacCease] Rabies Challenge Fund!!!
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 08:01:03 -0400

From: "Peter & Kris Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 04:39:12 -0400
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;">
Subject: [VacCease] Rabies Challenge Fund!!!

Greetings All!!!

   Important news for companion animal owners and lovers (see below and
Denise Flaim's 9/19/05 story Challenging the Rabies Vaccine in Newsday,0,1274963.column ) --
permission is granted to post and cross-post this message.  Please help to
spread the word so we can get these studies underway as soon as possible.

Regards,  Kris Christine

The Rabies Challenge Fund

   World-renown vaccine research scientist and practicing 

Dr. W. Jean Dodds of California, and pet vaccine disclosure advocate, Kris
L. Christine of Maine, have established The Rabies Challenge Fund to raise
money to fund a 7 year rabies vaccine challenge study in the United States.

In addition to the challenge study, the fund will finance a study of the
adjuvants used in veterinary rabies vaccines and establish a rabies vaccine
adverse reaction reporting system.

 Rabies vaccination is the one immunization required by law across
the country for domestic dogs and cats.  Researchers believe this vaccine
causes the most and worst adverse reactions in animals.  The Rabies
Challenge Fund has been founded to improve the safety of rabies vaccines 

to determine, by challenge, if they confer immunity for 5, 6, or 7 years.

 The Rabies Challenge Fund’s first official sponsors are Deb Odom
(Florida) and Dawn Turner (Arizona), who have committed to donating a
portion of the proceeds from the sale of their pet vaccine informed consent
posters and informational flyers.

 Donations can be sent to THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND, c/o Hemopet,
11330 Markon Drive, Garden Grove, CA  92841.

Rabies Challenge Fund poster designed by fund sponsor Deb Odom is 



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>this not be true for humans?
>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>May 4, 2005
>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>and protection.
>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>up. She would hardly eat."
>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>system," said Molly's owner.
>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.
>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>without booster shots.
>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>distemper and parvovirus. In every case, those who were tested and did not
>get boosters have remained healthy.
>Overvaccination has been suspected in causing tumors in some cats and 
>problems in dogs.
>One family said their Yorkshire Terrier, Nicky, nearly died after an annual
>series of booster shots.
>"She couldn't breathe well, she was weak, limp," a family member said. "She
>was going to die. They said she probably wouldn't pull through it."
>After $6,000 in medical fees and a week in intensive care, Nicky pulled
>through. Doctors suspect an adverse vaccine reaction.
>"You bring your dog in because you're trying to keep her healthy, and a 
>later you find out you almost killed her," the family member said.
>One doctor told NBC4 that if you're getting your pet vaccinated, here's a
>simple plan: Start with the basics, rabies, distemper and parvovirus, then
>consult with your vet.
>The doctor said German shepherds, rottweilers and poodles are at higher 
>for adverse vaccine reactions, as are older pets.
>Concerned pet owners with questions are encouraged to consult with their

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

But if you do this those light molecules will eventually get jostled to
the top and then hop into the air space in the container above the
surface of the liquid eventually building up pressure in the closed
container until it reaches the vapour pressure of the more volatile
liquid (at that temperature) where it will stabilize with an equal
number of molecules evaporating and dissolving back into the liquid. 
When you open the container you will hear a little hiss and you will
release a puff of explosive vapor into the local area.  Or if the
container is open eventually the gas will all evaporate out of your
BD.  If you cut it with kerosene which still has a vapor pressure that
is low at room temperature you will have to use more but it will tend
to stay as mixed and will not be as hazardous. If you spill some, you
will not have to worry about a static discharge in your sweater blowing
you to kingdom come as you scrub it off the floor.


bob allen wrote:

  Howdy Mike,

Mike Weaver wrote:
I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
can do.
If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 

The vapor pressure of a mixture of liquids is the weighted average, by 
mole fraction, of the vapor pressures of the contributing liquids.  (the 
vapor pressure is the tendency of a liquid to turn in to a gas- the 
boiling point of a liquid is defined as the point when the vapor 
pressure of a liquid equals atmospheric pressure) Hence one would want 
to mix the most volatile, flammable liquid you can that is miscible with 
the biodiesel.

If I were doing it I would start my mixing small amounts of white gas or 
gasoline with the biodiesel until I got the minimum proportion which 
supported combustion under the desired conditions.

  Isopropyl alcohol would work, but I think it has a higher vapor 
pressure and lower heat of combustion than gasoline so it would take a 
higher proportion to achieve the same effect.


Zeke Yewdall wrote:

  What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor. something like this may be able to be modified. 
Not cheap though.

On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[


Mike Weaver wrote:

What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:

What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to

Take care,

Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

I would say try kerosene or heating oil.  Gasoline is too volatile and
can create explosive atmospheres.  Keep the IPA for titrations!! it is
one of the more difficult items to get.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
can do.
If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 


Zeke Yewdall wrote:

What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor. something like this may be able to be modified. 
Not cheap though.

On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[


Mike Weaver wrote:

What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:

What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to

Take care,

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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
Howdy Mike,

Mike Weaver wrote:
> I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
> later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
> can do.
> If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
> would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
> I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 

The vapor pressure of a mixture of liquids is the weighted average, by 
mole fraction, of the vapor pressures of the contributing liquids.  (the 
vapor pressure is the tendency of a liquid to turn in to a gas- the 
boiling point of a liquid is defined as the point when the vapor 
pressure of a liquid equals atmospheric pressure) Hence one would want 
to mix the most volatile, flammable liquid you can that is miscible with 
the biodiesel.

If I were doing it I would start my mixing small amounts of white gas or 
gasoline with the biodiesel until I got the minimum proportion which 
supported combustion under the desired conditions.

  Isopropyl alcohol would work, but I think it has a higher vapor 
pressure and lower heat of combustion than gasoline so it would take a 
higher proportion to achieve the same effect.

> -Mike
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
>> What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
>> directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
>> furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
>> in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
>> 10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor.
>> something like this may be able to be modified. 
>> Not cheap though.
>> On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[
>>> J
>>> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>> What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
>>> few sputters but no flame.
>>> Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
>>> Joe Street wrote:
>>> Hi Mike
>>> For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
>>> BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
>>> to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
>>> beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
>>> roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
>>> need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
>>> to the jet.
>>> Joe
>>> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>> So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
>>> that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
>>> Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
>>> the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
>>> again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
>>> you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
>>> smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
>>> the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
>>> I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
>>> by BD.
>>> I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
>>> and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
>>> store said the thinner distillates works best.
>>> We'll see,
>>> Mike
>>> Ken Dunn wrote:
>>> Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
>>> Take care,
>>> On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
>>> but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
>>> if I get it going.
>>> Ken Dunn wrote:
>>> What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
>>> about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
>>> purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to
>>> comment?
>>> Take care,
>>> Ken
>>> ___
>>> Biofuel mailing list
>>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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>>> messages):
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Maybe I could just throw the BD into the reactor tank and warm it up 
first.  I do that sometimes anyway to clear cloudy BD.

I would NOT count on a camping stove to light on BD the trail, unless 
you are in Arizona in July!

Joe Street wrote:

> Hi Ken;
> It's not a matter of re-jetting as I said the fuel has to be boiling 
> in the generator tube so that it is vapour which reaches the jet not 
> liquid.  As long as there is enough heat it works great.  Given enough 
> time a sterno flame can no doubt heat things enough but the problem is 
> generally the preheat fuel (sterno or whatever) burns itself out 
> before everything is hot enough.  You could probably just re-prime it 
> maybe twice or three times before trying to light??
> Joe
> Ken Dunn wrote:
>>Well that's bummer-style news there, Joe.  I was hoping to use a
>>multi-fuel stove on the trail as well as for preheating my biodiesel
>>process.  Of course, I suppose it would still be an improvement to use
>>the stove for preheating wvo to make biodiesel even with the propane
>>used from the torch to preheat the stove.  Better than electricity or
>>another petro based liquid fuel through out the whole process.  Have
>>you made any attempts to change the jet size on the stove?  Would that
>>be a worthwhile endeavor?  How about adding acetone? (just kidding).
>>On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I use jellied alcohol (like sterno but runny) for pre heating my stove on
>>>the trail.  It wasn't enough heat for the biodiesel though. Even with
>>>kerosene it takes a prolonged period of preheat with sterno to light the
>>>stove.  If you turn the fuel valve on prematurely you get liquid coming out
>>>the jet rather than vapor and then the liquid just burns with an awful sooty
>>>yellow flame.  With naptha (white gas) starting is a snap.  With kerosene it
>>>takes careful preparation, a wind screen and enough sterno.  With BD it
>>>takes a torch!
>>> Joe
>>> Ken Dunn wrote:
>>> Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
>>>pre-preheat it with a Sterno.
>>>On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
>>>few sputters but no flame.
>>>Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
>>>Joe Street wrote:
>>> Hi Mike
>>>For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
>>>BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
>>>to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
>>>beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
>>>roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
>>>need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
>>>to the jet.
>>>Mike Weaver wrote:
>>> So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
>>>that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
>>>Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
>>>the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
>>>again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
>>>you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
>>>smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
>>>the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
>>>I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
>>>by BD.
>>>I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
>>>and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
>>>store said the thinner distillates works best.
>>>We'll see,
>>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>>> Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
>>>Take care,
>>>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
>>>but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
>>>if I get it going.
>>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>>> What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
>>>about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
>>>purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to
>>>Take care,
>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
>>> ___
>>>Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I've done some initial research but haven't delved into one.  Sooner or 
later I'll find an oil furnace someone is throwing away and see what I 
can do.
If I had to cut the BD with another agent to make it easier to use I 
would do that.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Gasoline?
I have 55 gallons of 99% Isopropyl alcohol - is that suitable? 


Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
>directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
>furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
>in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
>10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor.
> something like this may be able to be modified. 
>Not cheap though.
>On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[
>> J
>> Mike Weaver wrote:
>> What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
>>few sputters but no flame.
>>Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
>>Joe Street wrote:
>> Hi Mike
>>For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
>>BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
>>to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
>>beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
>>roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
>>need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
>>to the jet.
>>Mike Weaver wrote:
>> So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
>>that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
>>Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
>>the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
>>again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
>>you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
>>smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
>>the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
>>I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
>>by BD.
>>I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
>>and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
>>store said the thinner distillates works best.
>>We'll see,
>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>> Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
>>Take care,
>>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
>>but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
>>if I get it going.
>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>> What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
>>about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
>>purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to
>>Take care,
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
What about the type of burners that are designed to use a liquid fuel
directly rather than volatilize a liquid fuel?   Like fuel oil
furnaces, and waste engine oil burners.  All of these I have seen are
in the 100,000 Btu/hr range though -- if you could find one more like
10 or 20 kBtu, it might work well for heating the reactor. something like this may be able to be modified. 
Not cheap though.

On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[
>  J
>  Mike Weaver wrote:
>  What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
> few sputters but no flame.
> Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
> Joe Street wrote:
>  Hi Mike
> For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
> BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
> to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
> beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
> roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
> need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
> to the jet.
> Joe
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>  So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
> that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
> Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
> the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
> again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
> you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
> smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
> the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
> I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
> by BD.
> I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
> and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
> store said the thinner distillates works best.
> We'll see,
> Mike
> Ken Dunn wrote:
>  Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
> Take care,
> On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
> but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
> if I get it going.
> Ken Dunn wrote:
>  What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
> about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
> purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to
> comment?
> Take care,
> Ken
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

Hi Ken;

It's not a matter of re-jetting as I said the fuel has to be boiling in
the generator tube so that it is vapour which reaches the jet not
liquid.  As long as there is enough heat it works great.  Given enough
time a sterno flame can no doubt heat things enough but the problem is
generally the preheat fuel (sterno or whatever) burns itself out before
everything is hot enough.  You could probably just re-prime it maybe
twice or three times before trying to light??


Ken Dunn wrote:

  Well that's bummer-style news there, Joe.  I was hoping to use a
multi-fuel stove on the trail as well as for preheating my biodiesel
process.  Of course, I suppose it would still be an improvement to use
the stove for preheating wvo to make biodiesel even with the propane
used from the torch to preheat the stove.  Better than electricity or
another petro based liquid fuel through out the whole process.  Have
you made any attempts to change the jet size on the stove?  Would that
be a worthwhile endeavor?  How about adding acetone? (just kidding).

On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I use jellied alcohol (like sterno but runny) for pre heating my stove on
the trail.  It wasn't enough heat for the biodiesel though. Even with
kerosene it takes a prolonged period of preheat with sterno to light the
stove.  If you turn the fuel valve on prematurely you get liquid coming out
the jet rather than vapor and then the liquid just burns with an awful sooty
yellow flame.  With naptha (white gas) starting is a snap.  With kerosene it
takes careful preparation, a wind screen and enough sterno.  With BD it
takes a torch!


 Ken Dunn wrote:

 Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
pre-preheat it with a Sterno.

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

 Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

 So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

 Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:

 What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to

Take care,

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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

Uh...outdoors?? I dunno but it was warm in my basement. :-[ 


Mike Weaver wrote:

  What was the temperature outside?  I tried that with a torch and got a 
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on 
BD.  I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch 
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD.  Once lit though it had a 
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons 
roughly the same heat as kerosene.  Esters have a high flash point and 
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor 
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and 
that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of 
Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on 
the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it 
again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says 
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came 
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW 
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled 
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive 
and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping 
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:


Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:



What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to

Take care,

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[Biofuel] Marula (Scelerocarya birrea) was Jatropha Curcas

2005-12-06 Thread Duncan Mills

I had an interesting meeting this morning with someone who is extracting
oil from the marula nut (Scelerocarya birrea).  Have a look at for more information on this - google it and you'll
find a whole lot of other really good info.  Apparently you can get 10
trees/ha, 2000tpa/ha of fruit, 30% of which is nut and 25% of nut is
oil, this is hearsay and needs to be confirmed (anyone got a
reference?).  They are indigenous and all over the Limpopo Province, the
fruit pulp (used for brewing a form of beer, gives me a headache) is
prized above the nut, although there is a market for the oil. It may be
a better option compared with Jatropha - you could probably get the oil
by tomorrow.  I'm going to get some and make a few test batches.  



> Hello Doug, Isabel,
> Edible provenances of Jatropha curcas from Veracruz and Quintana Roo
> States of Mexico were investigated by Makkar, Becker and Schmook of
> University of Hohenheim and found to be non toxic to humans after
> roasting. Phorbol esters, the major toxic constituents of Jatropha,
> altogether absent in three of the seed samples and the contents of
> inhibitors, phorbol esters, phytate were all lower in the roasted
> which tasted like roasted peanuts. However, lectin activity was not
> reduced by roasting. They concluded that this non-toxic variety could
> cultivated in developing countries for their edible oil, and seedcake
> fodder.
> The presence of a new tumor promoter in the seed oil of Jatropha
curcas L
> has been reported in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research  by
Hirota M,
> M Suttajit et al from Thailand but there is not much else besides this
> singular study. A debate is now on in the new state of Chattisgarh in
> India about the advisability of cultivating Jatropha because of this.
> Those interested in Jatropha would do well to visit
run by
> the redoubtable Reinhard Henning (who incidentally, used to post to
> list- please see archives) and The Centre for Jatropha Promotion
> The former site provides links to Jatropha developments in Egypt,
> Ethiopia, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Malawi, Namibia, Republique de Cote
> Ivoire, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda
> other countries.
> Regards
> balaji

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[Biofuel] Coydog was Cat question

2005-12-06 Thread Garth & Kim Travis
Yes, my coydog is my constant companion.  She is the most lovable dog I 
have ever had, but I would not do it again.  The amount of time she takes 
is high.  She is a wild animal, and if you treat her as such, you get a 
very loving animal.  Forget the rules for a short period of time, you have 
a wild animal that can not be tamed again.  How long this takes depends on 
how old the dog is.  The first 3 years of Dusty's life, I did not go on 
vacation.  I can leave for a couple weeks now, no problem.  There are days 
that she demands to be in my lap for hours, and I hold her until she feels 
comfortable again.  Dusty is 60 lbs. so this is a challenge.  Our cat is 
half feral as well, according to the vet.  He too requires a huge cuddle 
investment.  As far as I can figure them out, the wild and the tame get 
into a war and it takes hours of cuddles to give the tame side 
dominance.  The hard part was teaching her not to help herself to 
dinner.  Feeding raw has really help with this issue, but guilt 
manipulation does have a use.  Last time she killed something she was not 
suppose to, I didn't yell at her, I picked up the dead animal and cried 
like she had killed my first born child.  This method worked where nothing 
else would.  Coydogs do make wonderful companion animals but only if you do 
not work outside the home, can devote endless hours to loving on them and 
have the patience to pay very close attention to them.

Bright Blessings,

At 11:23 PM 12/5/2005, you wrote:
>You house a coydog? All the coydogs ive met have been ill tempered
>untrustworthy beasts. Is it due to upbringing, or lack of that makes them
>so? from what i understand about animal personalities is they are similar to
>humans in how they react to their emotional environment.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Garth & Kim Travis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cat question was Re: Lay low in the high grass
> > Greetings,
> > Actually 20 to 25 is closer to normal for a cat to live except in case of
> > accident.  I have a friend whose old cat is now 28, but he is old.
> >
> > Animals that live in the wild and dine on the sick and diseased prey, do
> > sometimes die from what made their prey sick.  One of my dogs is half
> > coyote and I almost lost her due to her hunting before I started to feed
> > her raw.  Now, she no longer eats what she kills, she brings it to Mom to
> > make sure it is okay before chowing down.
> >
> > On a sustainable farm, trying to establish a sustainable way of life, I
> > feel that the animal feeds should be home grown.  I love the change for
> > better this has caused in my fur family, especially my 10 year old black
> > lab, who is also a rescue.
> >
> > Bright Blessings,
> > Kim
> > At 12:57 PM 12/5/2005, you wrote:
> > 
> > > I've heard similar stories.  Large dogs tend to have a longer
> > >span than small cats, do they not?  Seventeen years is a LONG time for
> > >an outdoor cat to live.
> > >
> > >
> > > Am I understanding correctly, based upon the outline of your
> > >argument, that this constitutes evidence that factory food production
> > >for our pets is responsible for the decline in pet longevity?
> > >
> > >
> > >robert luis rabello
> > >"The Edge of Justice"
> > >Adventure for Your Mind
> > >
> > >
> > >Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
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> >
> >
> > ---
> > [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]
> >
> >
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[Biofuel] Dallas Area Demo

2005-12-06 Thread Tony Quinn

Anyone in the Dallas area that has a working small scale biofuel
production site.  I'm interested in showing some of my school kids a
home engineered biofuel setup?  


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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Ken Dunn
Well that's bummer-style news there, Joe.  I was hoping to use a
multi-fuel stove on the trail as well as for preheating my biodiesel
process.  Of course, I suppose it would still be an improvement to use
the stove for preheating wvo to make biodiesel even with the propane
used from the torch to preheat the stove.  Better than electricity or
another petro based liquid fuel through out the whole process.  Have
you made any attempts to change the jet size on the stove?  Would that
be a worthwhile endeavor?  How about adding acetone? (just kidding).

On 12/6/06, Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I use jellied alcohol (like sterno but runny) for pre heating my stove on
> the trail.  It wasn't enough heat for the biodiesel though. Even with
> kerosene it takes a prolonged period of preheat with sterno to light the
> stove.  If you turn the fuel valve on prematurely you get liquid coming out
> the jet rather than vapor and then the liquid just burns with an awful sooty
> yellow flame.  With naptha (white gas) starting is a snap.  With kerosene it
> takes careful preparation, a wind screen and enough sterno.  With BD it
> takes a torch!
>  Joe
>  Ken Dunn wrote:
>  Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
> pre-preheat it with a Sterno.
> On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What was the temperature outside? I tried that with a torch and got a
> few sputters but no flame.
> Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
> Joe Street wrote:
>  Hi Mike
> For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
> BD. I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
> to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD. Once lit though it had a
> beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
> roughly the same heat as kerosene. Esters have a high flash point and
> need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
> to the jet.
> Joe
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>  So far all attempts to light it have failed. It's 30 degrees here and
> that may have something to do with it. I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
> Dino diesel and still no go. I got the preheater going but no flame on
> the ring. I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
> again. If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene. The booklet says
> you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit. It came
> smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it. FWIW
> the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
> I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
> by BD.
> I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
> and designed to be as light weight as possible. The guy at the camping
> store said the thinner distillates works best.
> We'll see,
> Mike
> Ken Dunn wrote:
>  Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
> Take care,
> On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Just got a Britelyt today. Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
> but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold. Will report back
> if I get it going.
> Ken Dunn wrote:
>  What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating? I'm thinking
> about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF. I could use it for other
> purposes as well which would be nice. Anyone test it? Care to
> comment?
> Take care,
> Ken
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

I use jellied alcohol (like sterno but runny) for pre heating my stove
on the trail.  It wasn't enough heat for the biodiesel though. Even
with kerosene it takes a prolonged period of preheat with sterno to
light the stove.  If you turn the fuel valve on prematurely you get
liquid coming out the jet rather than vapor and then the liquid just
burns with an awful sooty yellow flame.  With naptha (white gas)
starting is a snap.  With kerosene it takes careful preparation, a wind
screen and enough sterno.  With BD it takes a torch!


Ken Dunn wrote:

  Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
pre-preheat it with a Sterno.

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What was the temperature outside?  I tried that with a torch and got a
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

  Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
BD.  I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD.  Once lit though it had a
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
roughly the same heat as kerosene.  Esters have a high flash point and
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and
that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on
the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

  Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:

  What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to

Take care,

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[Biofuel] 9 volt rechargeable in 20 seconds

2005-12-06 Thread Kirk McLoren           9V batteries are often found in devices that aren’t used very often. If you use a NiCd rechargeable battery you may find it completely discharged by the time you need it. Capacitors on the other hand can maintain their charge for years. This circuit uses a 1F cap with a switching voltage regulator to increase the voltage from 2.3V to 9V. With a light load the cap will last up to 3 hours and once discharged it can be recharged in less than 20 seconds. 
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I tried heating the vaporizing ring with a propane torch

Ken Dunn wrote:

>Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
>pre-preheat it with a Sterno.

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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Ken Dunn
Just selfishly thinking outloud...I wonder if it would be possible to
pre-preheat it with a Sterno.

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What was the temperature outside?  I tried that with a torch and got a
> few sputters but no flame.
> Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?
> Joe Street wrote:
> > Hi Mike
> >
> > For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
> > BD.  I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
> > to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD.  Once lit though it had a
> > beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
> > roughly the same heat as kerosene.  Esters have a high flash point and
> > need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
> > to the jet.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > Mike Weaver wrote:
> >
> >>So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and
> >>that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
> >>Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on
> >>the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
> >>again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says
> >>you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came
> >>smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW
> >>the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
> >>
> >>I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
> >>by BD.
> >>
> >>I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
> >>and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping
> >>store said the thinner distillates works best.
> >>
> >>We'll see,
> >>
> >>Mike
> >>
> >>Ken Dunn wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
> >>>
> >>>Take care,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
> but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
> if I get it going.
> Ken Dunn wrote:
> >What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
> >about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
> >purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to
> >comment?
> >
> >Take care,
> >Ken
> >
> >___
> >Biofuel mailing list
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> >
> >
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Re: [Biofuel] Cat question was Re: Lay low in the high grass

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
On the vaccination issue, I think that there are other issues that
could also be causing the increase in athsma, etc.  When I was little,
I ate dirt, played with the dogs and cats and didn't wash my hands,
ate wild berries without washing them, ate ants (I don't remember this
but my parents say I did).  I also got all of the recommended
vaccinations back in the 80's.  I think that a certain amount of
exposure to stuff like this is necessary to exercise the immune
system.  Nowadays parents treat everything with triclosan containing
dishsoap, handsoap, etc., and god forbid their children ever actually
eat a vegetable from the garden without steam cleaning it first.  It
doesn't suprise me that the incidences of immune system related
diseases (like athsma and allergies) are up -- we've left nothing for
our immune system to do, so it starts attacking harmless pollen.  I
never developed allergies to pollen till I moved away from the farm,
and lived in the city for a few years.  I wonder if the high levels of
ground level smog there in the winter had anything to do with it?  or
just not having pollen around all the time?

I've also been in third world countries, where half the children die
before the age of five, so there is obviously a too dirty of life too.
 But I don't think living in a completely antiseptic world is any
better for our immune systems that developed over thousands of years
to deal with dirt and microbes that we used to live in.

As for ADHD -- it sounds like the typical difinition of how a 2 year
old acts -- most grow out of it.  If they are still acting that way at
6, then it is a problem, but I can't see how you can diagnose a 2 year
old.  Perhaps it's just that most american children are drugged up on
white sugar all the time from drinking soda and eating candy?  I was
never allowed to eat sugar or drink soda growing up, and even back
then, I always wondered why other kids were so hyperkenetic.

And then there is the increase in man made chemicals -- pesticides,
plastics and plasticizers, fragrances, synthetic estrogens, etc -- in
the environemnt, that our bodies have not had time to adjust too.

I'm not arguing that we're screwing our bodies up with our current
lifestyle, but I am not so sure that vaccinations are the sole cause.


On 12/6/05, bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy Marylynn,
> Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> > First I need to explain something very important to me.
> >
> > I read a variety of publications from a variety of different lists covering
> > a variety of different fields .. these fields, naturally are the fields that
> > are of interest to me.
> >
> > My own personal opinion is that when I see and hear different subjects
> > concerning animal welfare, animal abuse, animal "unwellness", environmental
> > disasters, medical disaster, mercury in vaccinations and the "unexplained"
> > autism epidemic that is rampant in the western countries, pharma companies
> > trying to pass laws allowing the same drugs, the same vaccinations to be
> > cross prescribed from people to animals .. and quite a few of these
> > publications begin touching on adjacent co-joined subjects I tend to sit up
> > and listen.
> >
> > I read the surveys about disorders showing up in animals who have
> > vaccination compared to disorders not showing up in animals who do not get
> > vaccinated  (There was a world wide survey taken by CDC (I think) that took
> > over 5 years and covered most countries) ..
>   I would surely like to see a reference to this.  I can't seem to find
> anything but the beneficial effects of vaccinating animals for the
> prevention of the spread of disease to humans, ie, rabies.  You seem to
> be taking a very strong anti- vaccination stance.  Just curious, do you
> vaccinate your pets for rabies?
>   and can compare those surveys to
> > surveys about shaken baby syndrome occurring within 3 to 4 weeks after their
> > first vaccinations ..
> again I would like to see a reference. When I googled the terms I get
> (among others)
> Opposition to mass childhood vaccination is a world-wide phenomenon,
> particularly in industrialised countries. Unfounded claims about
> vaccination are perpetuated by parental lobby groups and individual
> spokespeople, some of whom have a medical or scientific background.
> This article focuses on one such spokesperson who has achieved
> particular notoriety. Dr. Viera Scheibner is a retired
> micropalaeontologist, without any formal training in health-related
> sciences, who tours the world claiming that vaccines are ineffective and
> dangerous and lead to a host of ills such as cancer and asthma.
> Professionals in public health or the clinical arena are from time to
> time called upon to publicly respond to her, or similar, claims
> disseminated during tours of Europe, North America or Australasia and in
> books and articles.  Health professionals have exp

Re: [Biofuel] Cat question was Re: Lay low in the high grass

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
Howdy Marylynn,

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> First I need to explain something very important to me.
> I read a variety of publications from a variety of different lists covering 
> a variety of different fields .. these fields, naturally are the fields that 
> are of interest to me.
> My own personal opinion is that when I see and hear different subjects 
> concerning animal welfare, animal abuse, animal "unwellness", environmental 
> disasters, medical disaster, mercury in vaccinations and the "unexplained" 
> autism epidemic that is rampant in the western countries, pharma companies 
> trying to pass laws allowing the same drugs, the same vaccinations to be 
> cross prescribed from people to animals .. and quite a few of these 
> publications begin touching on adjacent co-joined subjects I tend to sit up 
> and listen.
> I read the surveys about disorders showing up in animals who have 
> vaccination compared to disorders not showing up in animals who do not get 
> vaccinated  (There was a world wide survey taken by CDC (I think) that took 
> over 5 years and covered most countries) ..

  I would surely like to see a reference to this.  I can't seem to find 
anything but the beneficial effects of vaccinating animals for the 
prevention of the spread of disease to humans, ie, rabies.  You seem to 
be taking a very strong anti- vaccination stance.  Just curious, do you 
vaccinate your pets for rabies?

  and can compare those surveys to
> surveys about shaken baby syndrome occurring within 3 to 4 weeks after their 
> first vaccinations ..

again I would like to see a reference. When I googled the terms I get 
(among others)

Opposition to mass childhood vaccination is a world-wide phenomenon, 
particularly in industrialised countries. Unfounded claims about
vaccination are perpetuated by parental lobby groups and individual 
spokespeople, some of whom have a medical or scientific background.
This article focuses on one such spokesperson who has achieved 
particular notoriety. Dr. Viera Scheibner is a retired 
micropalaeontologist, without any formal training in health-related 
sciences, who tours the world claiming that vaccines are ineffective and 
dangerous and lead to a host of ills such as cancer and asthma. 
Professionals in public health or the clinical arena are from time to 
time called upon to publicly respond to her, or similar, claims 
disseminated during tours of Europe, North America or Australasia and in 
books and articles.  Health professionals have expressed at how such 
spokespersons misrepresent the evidence on vaccine safety, resulting in 
the potential to undermine public confidence in immunisation. Media 
coverage, or proposed coverage, particularly of her more extreme claims, 
often makes health professionals engaged in immunisation feel obliged to 
respond. This paper describes Viera Scheibner’s approach, which
follows a repetitious path and is representative of that taken by other 
public opponents of immunisation. We conclude by suggesting how
health professionals might respond in the public arena.
© 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  about children developing normally until given a
> series of vaccinations around 18 months and then reversing in what they had 
> gained until somewhere around 2 to 3 years old parents are faced to a 
> diagnosis of autism

I have tried to follow as closely as time permits this issue of the 
correlation of autism and vaccinations.  There does seem to be a 
correlation in time of of the completion of a series of vaccinations and 
the appearance in time of the diagnosis of autism.  what I can't find is 
  convincing evidence of causation.

for example here is an FAQ on autism and vaccinations from the CDC.

At a glance: The weight of currently available scientific evidence does 
not support the hypothesis that MMR vaccine causes autism. CDC 
recognizes there is considerable public interest in this issue, and 
therefore supports additional research regarding this hypothesis. CDC is 
committed to maintaining the safest, most effective vaccine supply in 

> I feel I have the ability to begin to connect the points.
> When I see, what I perceive as a connection .. I mentally take note of it 
> and begin to formulate a personal decision to go there .. or not go there.
> There has never been a moment of time in my life that I've ever felt the 
> overpowering need to convince anyone to believe anything because I tend to 
> believe it.
> If you want to feed Science Diet please feel free to do so .. but in my own 
> personal household that's not on the menu .. and bagel and cream cheese 
> sometimes is.
> Because of my active mailbox and duties calling me elsewhere, this is my 
> last response on this subject.
> If you wish further information on longevity, environmental pollution, 29

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - was Re: US Guvmint to tax alternate fuel vehicles?

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I withdraw the notion and will not discuss it further on the Biofuels 
list.  I apologize for any discord I've caused.
If anyone has any questions feel free to email me off list, but I think 
Keith's position is clear and let's honor it.

-Mike Weaver

Joe Street wrote:

>Hi Keith;
>I just read your post after I sent my latest message on this thread.  I 
>filter your posts to a separate folder and didn't check it till after 
>reading the regular biofuels folder.  I feel the subject line of the 
>thread is still relevant, though I understand your refereeing of the 
>argument that seemed to be brewing.  I'm not sure if your post meant 
>that we should start a new thread with a new subject line ( which seems 
>counterproductive from the perspective of archiving) or just no further 
>discussion on paid member advocacy.
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>The branch of this thread concerning Mike Weaver's proposal to start 
>>a paid-membership advocacy group is now closed, see my previous 
>>message. No further discussion on this please.
>>Keith Addison
>>Journey to Forever
>>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>>Biofuel list owner
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
What was the temperature outside?  I tried that with a torch and got a 
few sputters but no flame.
Is kerosene the most logical agent to cut the BD with?

Joe Street wrote:

> Hi Mike
> For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on 
> BD.  I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch 
> to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD.  Once lit though it had a 
> beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons 
> roughly the same heat as kerosene.  Esters have a high flash point and 
> need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor 
> to the jet.
> Joe
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and 
>>that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of 
>>Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on 
>>the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it 
>>again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says 
>>you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came 
>>smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW 
>>the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
>>I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled 
>>by BD.
>>I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive 
>>and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping 
>>store said the thinner distillates works best.
>>We'll see,
>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>>>Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
>>>Take care,
>>>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:



>What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
>about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
>purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to
>Take care,
>Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

Hi Mike

For what it's worth I tried running my multifuel backpacking stove on
BD.  I had to warm the preheater / vaporizer tube with a propane torch
to get it hot enough to vaporize the BD.  Once lit though it had a
beautiful and stable blue flame and judging by boil time comparisons
roughly the same heat as kerosene.  Esters have a high flash point and
need a lot of heat to use in a stove that is designed to supply vapor
to the jet.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and 
that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of 
Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on 
the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it 
again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says 
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came 
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW 
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled 
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive 
and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping 
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
if I get it going.

Ken Dunn wrote:


What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to

Take care,

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Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - was Re: US Guvmint to tax alternate fuel vehicles?

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street
Hi Keith;

I just read your post after I sent my latest message on this thread.  I 
filter your posts to a separate folder and didn't check it till after 
reading the regular biofuels folder.  I feel the subject line of the 
thread is still relevant, though I understand your refereeing of the 
argument that seemed to be brewing.  I'm not sure if your post meant 
that we should start a new thread with a new subject line ( which seems 
counterproductive from the perspective of archiving) or just no further 
discussion on paid member advocacy.


Keith Addison wrote:

>The branch of this thread concerning Mike Weaver's proposal to start 
>a paid-membership advocacy group is now closed, see my previous 
>message. No further discussion on this please.
>Keith Addison
>Journey to Forever
>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>Biofuel list owner

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Re: [Biofuel] US Guvmint to tax alternate fuel vehicles?

2005-12-06 Thread Joe Street

No absolutely not.  Researchers here at the university colaborate with
others all over the world.  I am no different.  I'll wait till Darryl
returns and take his input and advice on how to set up the registry and
I'll take input from anyone else who cares to contribute ideas as well. :-) 
I want it to be an international thing.  BTW I agree totally with Keith
on this issue of lying low.  I already feel like I am sticking my neck
out driving around town with a car that has a license plate that says
"BIOFUEL" , the URL of my site and bold text that says "powered by
vegetable oil"  One of my neighbors is a fireman but so far the fire
marshall has not asked to visit.  There is an old Chinese proverb that
says 'walk softly when treading on the tail of a tiger' Quietly growing
our numbers, building a mass of evidence on how much better this is for
the environment, building a track record of safety, looking for chinks
in the armour of the powerful and preparing plans to deal with the knee
jerk reactions that will manifest from the fear they have of losing
control, are all things we are and should be doing on the quiet while
we can. Even now they are lurking and monitoring this list and know
what we are up to.  The thing is, to take action they have to deal with
the bureaucracy.  We don't.  We are already on the move.  We are
gaining momentum, and once we have a critical mass there will be no
stopping it. What we need to do is find ways to use the loopholes they
have left for thier own benefit, against them.  The research angle is
definitely a case in point. Now that my reactor is working well and
very reliably, I am ready to take the coop to the next stage.  I am
really good with the technical crap but the administration of it all
will be a chore for me.  Oh well.  Winters are long here and it is
worth doing.  I have a list of contacts who have seen my car this
summer and are waiting for an update on the project.  I hope I can get
enough support in terms of people who are willing to invest time,
effort and even some money to take it to the next level.

PS sorry for having my PC clock set wrong for the past little while. 

Thomas Kelly wrote:

   Thanks for the offer. Would the
car registration be limited to Canadian residents?
Original Message - 
Joe Street 

Saturday, January 07, 2006 9:29 AM
Re: [Biofuel] US Guvmint to tax alternate fuel vehicles?

I think I lit the fuse on this thread but I'm just glad it is still
burning! :-)    I
would also volunteer to run a similar thing here in Canada.  Originally
my idea was just a kind of registry on my website which is sponsored by
the university I work for.  My idea was that cars registered on my site
could be claimed to be part of a fleet of research vehicles.  That may
be a valuable claim when the time comes that the powers try to put the
screws to home brewers.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I'm very serious.  I would be willing to start it - my real business is 
to provide consulting to non-profits - I know how they work and I know 
how Capital Hill works.
The primarly goal is to keep biodiesel-brewing legal and safe.
I envision a DC-based non-profit that would keep tabs on legal issues, 
what big oil and big bd are up to, and lobby federal, state and local 
governments on behalf of BD. users.
I also think classes and training would be a good idea.
Names?  More ideas?


Kurt Nolte wrote:

On 12/2/05, *Mike Weaver* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

All kidding aside, do the members of this list think the idea of an
advocacy group to defend BD has merit, and more importantly
would anyone pay to be a member?

I'd pay. If only to "stick it to the man" who's trying to pull the 
strings of the world, IE corporations.


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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt? Petromax

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and 
that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of 
Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on 
the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it 
again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says 
you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came 
smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW 
the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.

I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled 
by BD.

I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive 
and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping 
store said the thinner distillates works best.

We'll see,


Ken Dunn wrote:

>Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
>Take care,
>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
>>but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
>>if I get it going.
>>Ken Dunn wrote:
>>>What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
>>>about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
>>>purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to
>>>Take care,
>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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>>Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] Cat question was Re: Lay low in the high grass

2005-12-06 Thread Jason and Katie
You house a coydog? All the coydogs ive met have been ill tempered
untrustworthy beasts. Is it due to upbringing, or lack of that makes them
so? from what i understand about animal personalities is they are similar to
humans in how they react to their emotional environment.

- Original Message -
From: "Garth & Kim Travis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cat question was Re: Lay low in the high grass

> Greetings,
> Actually 20 to 25 is closer to normal for a cat to live except in case of
> accident.  I have a friend whose old cat is now 28, but he is old.
> Animals that live in the wild and dine on the sick and diseased prey, do
> sometimes die from what made their prey sick.  One of my dogs is half
> coyote and I almost lost her due to her hunting before I started to feed
> her raw.  Now, she no longer eats what she kills, she brings it to Mom to
> make sure it is okay before chowing down.
> On a sustainable farm, trying to establish a sustainable way of life, I
> feel that the animal feeds should be home grown.  I love the change for
> better this has caused in my fur family, especially my 10 year old black
> lab, who is also a rescue.
> Bright Blessings,
> Kim
> At 12:57 PM 12/5/2005, you wrote:
> > I've heard similar stories.  Large dogs tend to have a longer
> >span than small cats, do they not?  Seventeen years is a LONG time for
> >an outdoor cat to live.
> >
> >
> > Am I understanding correctly, based upon the outline of your
> >argument, that this constitutes evidence that factory food production
> >for our pets is responsible for the decline in pet longevity?
> >
> >
> >robert luis rabello
> >"The Edge of Justice"
> >Adventure for Your Mind
> >
> >
> >Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> >
> >
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

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Re: [Biofuel] Preheating heat source - BriteLyt?

2005-12-06 Thread Ken Dunn
Please, let us know how it does, Mike.

Take care,

On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
> but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
> if I get it going.
> Ken Dunn wrote:
> >What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
> >about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
> >purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to
> >comment?
> >
> >Take care,
> >Ken
> >
> >___
> >Biofuel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> >Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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