Re: [whatwg] redux

2013-11-20 Thread Markus Ernst
Something that just came to my mind: Unlike srcset and src-N,  
has the power to support MQs beyond viewport width:


The UA will have to download both sources, or printing will be delayed. 
Is this a problem?

Re: [whatwg] redux

2013-11-20 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 20.11.2013 22:27 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Tab Atkins Jr.  wrote:

Simon Pieters wrote up Kornel's earlier approach to a saner, more
palatable source selection algorithm for  (rather than
copying /).  This approach also has a new wrinkle:
 *requires* an  child, and it's the  that still
actually displays the image.  The  element is just a wrapper
for the + elements, and provides a context for the source
selection algorithm.  This makes testing substantially easier, as we
can limit ourselves to testing the source selection algorithm, and
probably makes implementation easier as well.

Adam Barth brings up a wrinkle on blink-dev, based on an older
objection he had to .

At that time, Blink was considering moving its preload scanner
off-main-thread, and Adam wanted to make sure that the design of
 didn't preclude that from happening.  Now, our preload
scanner *is* on a separate thread, so we're definitely constrained in
what we can do there.

His basic concern is that MQs are too complex to be done
off-main-thread, so it's hard/impossible to do MQs in the preload

My response is that *some* MQs are perfectly fine to do off-thread, as
they're basically just static properties of the display.  John Mellor,
who's done some preliminary work around this in Blink, supports this.
We can just hand the relevant data to the preload scanner and do
simple MQ parsing.

We don't need to actually limit the MQs which are allowed in
.  The preloader is just an optimization in the first place;
we *want* the image to be preloaded, but if it isn't, the image will
still work, just slower.  We can provide a note about which types of
MQs are likely to be recognized by the preloader.  Unrecognized MQs
can just cause the preloader to ignore that , and if that
means an incorrect source is selected, that's just a wasted download,
but back on the main thread, the source selection algorithm will pick
the right picture a little bit later.

Regardless of how we do this, though, *some* form of MQ or MQ-like
functionality is part of *every* proposal that has been brought
forward, as it's necessary for resolving several of the use-cases.

I am still very much concerned about centralizing MQs, and - without 
knowledge about the preload scanner - I just wondered whether 
centralization could be beneficial for the preload scanner, too. If we 
had some kind of CSS constants available, this could look somehow like 
(adapting the constant syntax suggested by fantasai years ago, just for 
the sake of illustration):

@define mediaqueries {
  small: (max-width:479.99px);
  medium: (min-width:480px) and (max-width:999.99px);
  large: (min-width:1000px)



Like this, MQs could be evaluated before the preload scanner is started, 
I assume?

I am aware of the facts that the CSS aspects will have to be suggested 
in the CSS WG list, and that no CSS constants are available so far. But 
it would be nice if the respImg spec would be the way that it will 
support centralized MQs, once they will be possible from the CSS side.

Thus my suggestion for the spec of the @media attribute in : "It 
must contain a media query, or a value that represents the result of an 
evaluated media query."

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-20 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 20.11.2013 06:24 schrieb Bruno Racineux:

On 11/19/13 12:12 PM, "Ian Hickson"  wrote:

On Tue, 19 Nov 2013, Markus Ernst wrote:

I can't recall the reasons why Florian's proposal of combining

and @srcset fell out of the discussion. To me it still looks like the
most useable draft so far.

I responsed to proposals along those lines last year:

Search for "multi-element" for the specific response to proposals that
involve multiple elements.

There are other concerns against any non-centralized approaches like


Any author used to the flexibility of css shouldn't have the burden to
deal with hard-coded unalterable stuff like that. It's as bad as an inline
css-style to deal with.

I do totally agree with you. AFAICS, all proposals with a significant 
amount of support (picture, srcset, src-N) share this problem. I don't 
have the impression that adding centralization has much support right 
now. Anyway, once there is a consent about the respImg syntax, it may be 
easier to propose a centralisation mechanism at the CSS side, e.g. some 
variable or constant useable in the MQ.

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-19 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 19.11.2013 12:13 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Am 19.11.2013 08:49 schrieb Yoav Weiss:

If you'd like to further discuss that concern, can you please open up
a new
thread? This one discusses solutions to the responsive images problem
use-cases (e.g. src-N, picture, srcset, etc)

My personal conclusion of this part of the thread is: The (negative)
bandwidth effect caused by the verbosity of the respImg syntax is
minimal compared to the (positive) bandwith effect achieved by the
actual use of respImgs. Thus, the final solution should be most
understandable and easily applicable by average authors (as I am),
because otherwise authors will either hesitate to use it, or (even
worse) use it incorrectly.

This would IMHO speak against both srcset and src-N approaches, and be
in favor of some -like approach (again), because it is
human-understandable and DOM-ready HTML.

I am sorry I am not capable of fully understanding all related threads,
but as far as I can get it, all technical issues of this approach seem
to have been stated to be solveable so far.

May I humbly point back to

I can't recall the reasons why Florian's proposal of combining  
and @srcset fell out of the discussion. To me it still looks like the 
most useable draft so far.

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-19 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 19.11.2013 08:49 schrieb Yoav Weiss:

If you'd like to further discuss that concern, can you please open up a new
thread? This one discusses solutions to the responsive images problem
use-cases (e.g. src-N, picture, srcset, etc)

My personal conclusion of this part of the thread is: The (negative) 
bandwidth effect caused by the verbosity of the respImg syntax is 
minimal compared to the (positive) bandwith effect achieved by the 
actual use of respImgs. Thus, the final solution should be most 
understandable and easily applicable by average authors (as I am), 
because otherwise authors will either hesitate to use it, or (even 
worse) use it incorrectly.

This would IMHO speak against both srcset and src-N approaches, and be 
in favor of some -like approach (again), because it is 
human-understandable and DOM-ready HTML.

I am sorry I am not capable of fully understanding all related threads, 
but as far as I can get it, all technical issues of this approach seem 
to have been stated to be solveable so far.

Re: [whatwg] responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-13 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.11.2013 14:52 schrieb John Mellor:

@media (max-width: 19.99em) {
 .artdirected { content: replaced image-set(128px; attr(srcs-smallicon));
@media (min-width: 20em) {
 .artdirected { content: replaced image-set(100% (30em) 50% (50em) 33%;
attr(srcs-flexwidth)); }


(note that the above is a maximally complex example, incorporating art
direction, viewport-switching and dpr-switching; most normal cases would be
simpler than this)

Looks great to me. Just verbose enough to be understood by average 
authors (as I am one), perfectly maintainable, and as powerful as src-N.

Re: [whatwg] responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-12 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.11.2013 18:50 schrieb Adam Barth:

We might even be able to make this work without inventing anything:

@media (min-width: 480px) {
   .artdirected {
 width: 30px;
 height: 30px;
 background-image: image-set(url(small.png) 1x, url(small-hires.png) 2x);
@media (min-width: 600px) {
   .artdirected {
 width: 60px;
 height: 60px;
 background-image: image-set(url(large.png) 1x, url(large-hires.png) 2x);

All the information is there.  We just need to teach the preload
scanner to parse a subset of CSS and match a subset of selectors.  If
you stay within the "preloadable" subset, then your images will be
loaded by the preload scanner.  Otherwise, they'll just be loaded

What's most attractive to me about this approach is that it doesn't
require inventing anything new, which means the compatibility story
for older user agents is solid.  You don't need a polyfill or anything
like that.

What I don't like about CSS approaches is the fact that changing the 
source of an image is fundamentally different from changing a dimension 
or color of an element. This is not "presentational" in the same way. 
Having to reference content images in the CSS in order to change their 
sources is an authoring nightmare.

If inventing new elements or attributes is bad, I assume the whole 
discussion on responsive images is actually obsolete, as what you 
suggest can be done already in principle.

Re: [whatwg] responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-12 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.11.2013 17:48 schrieb Markus Lanthaler:

On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:04 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

We could define some ways to list set of images that could be

replaced for a given img element in HTML and then let CSS pick which
one to use for example.

@media (min-width: 480px) {
img.artdirected {
  use-src: 1;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
img.artdirected {
  use-src: 2;


This may be technically incorrect or incomplete; it's just a sketch of
the idea, based on my conviction that sources belong into the 
element, while MQs should be kept centralised.

Using URL templates this could be simplified even further. For example by
extending the meta element to allow it to set some form of global
configuration variables it would be possible to define images using a simple
naming convention:



If a variable is set multiple times as in the case above, the latest
assignment wins. As soon as the closing head tag is encountered, the value
of all variables is known and they effectively become constants that can be
used to fill the URL templates of the images in the document's body.

That looks really cool to me. Is there any reason why this kind of 
approach is not part of the discussion?

Re: [whatwg] responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-12 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.11.2013 14:33 schrieb Ryosuke Niwa:

On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 12:08 AM, Jukka K. Korpela  wrote:

2013-11-12 9:58, Adam Barth wrote:

Unfortunately, we can't add new tags to head.  If the parser sees a
tag it doesn't recognize in the head, it creates a fake body tag and
pushes the tag down into the body.

But you could use ..., with a suitable value
for foobar, like x-imgset. This could even be handled with a polyfill in old
browsers (JavaScript code that reads such elements and interprets their

Maybe there's a CSS solution to this problem?  Do we just need to make
the preload scanner smarter about interpreting CSS?

In fact, I’d argue that CSS will be a better fit to address art direction use 
case since it’s purely presentational.

We could define some ways to list set of images that could be replaced for a 
given img element in HTML and then let CSS pick which one to use for example.

@media (min-width: 480px) {
  img.artdirected {
use-src: 1;
@media (min-width: 600px) {
  img.artdirected {
use-src: 2;

I assume that in order to allow preloading, some mechanism would have to 
be added to tell the UA that this part of the CSS has to be evaluated 
before downloading starts.

(I personnally would prefer author-defined keywords instead of numbers 
for the identification of sources.)

This may be technically incorrect or incomplete; it's just a sketch of 
the idea, based on my conviction that sources belong into the  
element, while MQs should be kept centralised.

Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 18:36 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Moving the distinction of viewing situations to the head would have some
advantages IMO:
- Verbosity is centralized, thus has not to be repeated in every 
- The UA does not need to evaluate the same MQs again for every  in
the content
- In order to achieve a consistent handling of "responsivity", the
situation variables may be reused in other content elements, such as
, and also in the  element as an alternative to todays
@media attribute
- Easier handling of redesigns when breakpoints change; no modifications
needed in the page content

While writing answers to Yucca's and Tab's messages, I got aware of one 
more interesting point:

Many websites are maintained by editors who have no deep knowledge of 
HTML. They use CMS systems that provide more or less intuitive UIs for 
content editing. Now, every respImg solution that uses MQs inside the 
 element will be quite hard to create an useable UI for. In the 
image selection dialog, it would need to handle an unknown number of 
sources with the respective MQs. And the editors will need to consult a 
manual each time they insert an image, to know the values they have to 
enter for the MQ.

OTOH, handling a predefined set of viewing situations could be easily 
implemented in the image picker of a CMS. Once the system knows the 
situation variables (by parsing the template's head, or configured in 
the preferences), it can show a dialog that asks for the exact set of 
required sources.

Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 18:53 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

This proposal does not address Variable-Sized Images; handling the
difficulty and verbosity of that is indeed centralized to the
 element, but that doesn't make it much better.

I omitted variable-sized images indeed. The syntax you propose is very 
lean and elegant and powerful, but it looks rather unintuitive to me. 
Many websites are built by highly-skilled professionals, and later 
maintained by editors with less technical knowledge. They can learn how 
to export an image in 3 or 5 different sizes, but you can't expect them 
to apply the correct syntax (nor figure out which values to insert into 
any future CMS UI to generate the img tag).

Also, I am afraid that this shortcut syntax can be quite harmful if 
applied incorrectly, e.g. by copy-pasting authors.

This is why I'd prefer verbosity in this case.

Re: [whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.11.2013 19:48 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

2013-11-10 19:36, Markus Ernst wrote:

Having a look at the proposal, and reading the thread especially with
regard to complexity and verbosity, I got the impression that @src-n
shares a main objection with @srcset and , that it mixes up
content and design to some extent.

That would be my main concern, too. But I would rather say that it
really mixes up content and presentation, moving to HTML something that
belongs to the scope of styling and can currently be handled in CSS.

That is what I wanted to say - sorry my English is poor sometimes.

Thus I suggest a modified approach which moves the distinction of
viewing situations, or breakpoints, to the head of the document,
creating some variable-like references to be used instead of numbers.
Some kind of src-var instead of src-N. Therefore, a new element for the
head would be necessary; I call it , it could also be
 or whatever is considered more appropriate:

Adding new elements is questionable, especially if they have content
(which would be rendered as-is by current user agents).

I see. So let's use an existing, void element :-)


This, too, would mix content and presentation. Admittedly, the line
between them isn't always crystal clear, even if most of HTML5 pretends
that it is. But here the approach should let an author specify an img
element in markup and separately specify, in a style sheet language,
that in some cases the src attribute value is to be overridden.

If people think that current CSS media queries are inadequate for the
purpose (and I'm not convinced that they are), then the first question
should be whether CSS can be suitably enhanced. Failing that, it would
seem natural to define a new, restricted style language. Something like

@media(max-width: 400px) { #pic { src: url(pic-small.jpg); } }


That would mean to maintain one or several style declarations per 
content image, separated in the style element; looks horrible to me.

The topic we are discussing involves both content and presentation, as 
we try to serve different content (image files) when the presentation 
changes. As an author, I'd favorite a solution that keeps the content 
section as clean, simple and intuitive as possible.

I think that my approach does provide the most simple and intuitive 
syntax for the image element, and take all the complicated stuff out 
into the head section. This may not be pure separation of content and 
presentation, but it sure goes further in that direction than the other 
approaches discussed at the time, and it makes maintaining and updating 
the content easier than other approaches.

[whatwg] Viewing situations - Re: The src-N proposal

2013-11-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 08.11.2013 16:47 schrieb Yoav Weiss:


Having a look at the proposal, and reading the thread especially with 
regard to complexity and verbosity, I got the impression that @src-n 
shares a main objection with @srcset and , that it mixes up 
content and design to some extent.

Thus I suggest a modified approach which moves the distinction of 
viewing situations, or breakpoints, to the head of the document, 
creating some variable-like references to be used instead of numbers. 
Some kind of src-var instead of src-N. Therefore, a new element for the 
head would be necessary; I call it , it could also be 
 or whatever is considered more appropriate:

  small: (max-width: 400px);
  small2x: (max-width: 400px) 2x;
  medium: (max-width: 1000px);
  medium2x: (max-width: 1000px) 2x;
  large2x: (min-width: 1000.01px) 2x;


The variable names are free, instead of "small", "small2x" etc. the 
author could also use "1", "2" etc. or "foo", "bar" etc. or whatever. 
Beyond that, it would work the same as src-N, using the resource in @src 
when none of the defined situations apply.


Moving the distinction of viewing situations to the head would have some 
advantages IMO:
- Verbosity is centralized, thus has not to be repeated in every  
- The UA does not need to evaluate the same MQs again for every  in 
the content
- In order to achieve a consistent handling of "responsivity", the 
situation variables may be reused in other content elements, such as 
, and also in the  element as an alternative to todays 
@media attribute
- Easier handling of redesigns when breakpoints change; no modifications 
needed in the page content

This proposal is not thoroughly thought-through, but I hope it shows the 

Best regards
Markus Ernst

Re: [whatwg] Background audio channels

2013-04-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.04.2013 21:14 schrieb Wesley Johnston:

Finally, apps can already solve this problem today - they know when they go into the 
background (for different permutations of "background", as Jer mentioned), and 
they can pretty trivially mute or pause their playing audio. Most of them don't.

Yes err... isn't this my point? Most of them (that I've encountered) aren't 
not muting themselves because they think what they're playing is so important 
that it shouldn't be stopped.

Well I as a user expect to have control on what is playing and what is 
muted. If I want to stop the audio or video, I actually hit the stop 
button or close the tab. If I focus an other tab or window or 
application without hitting stop or pause, I usually wish to continue 
listening, while working on something else.

To address your issue, UAs might provide a User setting such as "Stop 
audio and video playback when the page/tab is in the background", which 
may be eventually overridden by hitting "play" again.

What I consider really annoying about user control is, that video 
players usually have no "stop" button, but only a "pause" one, so the 
user can't stop the download process without closing or reloading the 
page. But this is another topic.


Re: [whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-21 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 21.03.2013 12:10 schrieb James Ross:

Just as an added data-point (that I only noticed today) - Windows 7's 
placeholder implementation in the Start menu and Explorer's search box:
  - Focusing the input box with tab/Control-E or autofocus when opening the 
Start menu does *not* hide the placeholder.
  - Control-A or clicking in the textbox hides the placeholder.

I was not aware of the possibility to distinguish between clicking in a 
textbox and other ways to focus it. This behaviour seems to be very 
user-friendly to me.

Re: [whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-20 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 20.03.2013 02:20 schrieb Kit Grose:

In almost every case the placeholder remains visible until the user has begun 
typing, as I strongly believe it ought to be remain in the specification, since 
it provides the contextual hint for as long as possible.
Do you refer to author implementations via scripting? As in Opera and IE 
10, the placeholder gets hidden when the field is focused; thus, 
regarding browser implementations, the "almost every case" refers to 
Firefox, Chrome, and some versions of Safari.

That it has historically been implemented in a way that implies selectable content is, I 
believe, chiefly due to the lack of support for a "right" way to do this (which 
has led many developers to implement the placeholder text simply by setting the field's 
value to the placeholder text as the simplest implementation).
The current implementations of Firefox and Chrome seem to imply 
selectable content at least to some users, as Tim and myself reported in 
this thread. Both show the placeholder in a lighter color than the input 
text; this does not seem to fully solve the issue, maybe because many 
web designers color text in form fields anyway.

The problem is that some users do not even start to type when they see 
text in the field they focused. Thus I strongly believe that some 
visible hint at the _focusing_ moment would be helpful for these users. 
If the Opera and IE behaviour of totally hiding the placeholder is 
considered as suboptimal, the placeholder could be blurred, made 
semi-transparent or whatever; but I am sure that something should happen 
when the control gets focus, and not only when the user starts typing.

Re: [whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-19 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 19.03.2013 00:44 schrieb Glenn Maynard:

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

A reason for the behaviour of Firefox and Chrome may be that some user may
not have read the placeholder text before focusing the control. Anyway, if
this behavior lets some users think they can't even fill in the form, there
must be something wrong about it.

I've seen browsers (or maybe pages emulating placeholder in script) that
hide the placeholder text while the input field is focused.  When the
placeholders are labels for the inputs, it's incredibly annoying to have to
focus something else in order to see the placeholder text.  If placeholders
are meant to be useful and not just eyecandy, they need to remain visible
until the user enters something.

The spec does clearly say: "The placeholder attribute should not be used 
as an alternative to a label."

Thus, the use case you mention is an authoring mistake. I am sure that 
the spec should weigh possible confusion of unexperienced users higher 
than problems caused by authoring mistakes. (Also, misusing the 
placeholder as a label is potentially annoying once the value of the 
control is not the empty string anymore: As you can't even focus 
someting else in order to see the placeholder text, you will have to 
delete whatever you have typed before.)

Anyway, both your and my use cases may be worked around by an obvious 
visual distinction of the placeholder in focused fields. E.g. the 
placeholder text may be rendered almost transparent when the control has 
focus. There must be something that indicates an unexperienced user that 
(s)he can enter text now, which is not the case in the current 
implementations of Firefox and Chrome.

(I must admit I am surprised about this discussion. Huge efforts are 
made in HTML development to enhance accessibility by removing obstacles 
for various groups of users. I am reporting an obstacle. Of course the 
problem will lose weight once placeholders are commonly known, but it is 
still a source of confusion.)

Re: [whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 18.03.2013 13:27 schrieb Boris Zbarsky:

On 3/18/13 5:31 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:

- Opera and Safari hide it when the field gets focus

The behavior of Safari here is platform-dependent or possibly
version-dependent.  Safari 6 on Mac doesn't hide the placeholder until
you start typing.

...when the element's value is the empty string _and_ the control is not
focused, e.g. by displaying ...

I believe the spec used to say this and got changed.  Certainly the
Gecko implementation did this and got changed.  It's worth looking into
why the changes were made before simply trying to revert them.

I had searched the list archives for "placeholder" before posting, but 
of course I may have missed the relevant discussion. I did not search 
Firefox bugs, though.

A reason for the behaviour of Firefox and Chrome may be that some user 
may not have read the placeholder text before focusing the control. 
Anyway, if this behavior lets some users think they can't even fill in 
the form, there must be something wrong about it. Maybe some implementer 
may want to include this case in their usability tests; I do not insist 
in discussing it at spec level.

Am 18.03.2013 17:47 schrieb Tim Streater:
> I for one find this to be extremely irritating. Workaround I was 
given by some kind person:

> [placeholder]:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder
>   {
>   color: transparent;
>   }

Yes, from an author's POV  I could also imagine scripting solutions to 
this case. Anyway it looks like a more general UI question to me.

[whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Hello Whatwg

On several occasions I encountered that users got confused by the 
placeholders on input fields. In a survey last week, 2 out of 
5 people answered me via e-mail that they were not able to fill in their 
names in the "name" field, because they tried to highlight and delete 
the placeholder saying "Your name".

Also, some months ago I had phone calls from clients who were desperate 
because they thought they weren't able to log into their Hotmail 
accounts anymore, for the same reason (I think Hotmail has made the 
placeholder highlightable since then).

It seems that a relevant number of users do not even try to start typing 
as long as the placeholder text remains visible.

A short browser comparison shows:
- Firefox and Chrome hide the placeholder when the user starts typing
- Opera and Safari hide it when the field gets focus
- IE I can't test because I haven't IE 10

The Opera and Safari behaviour seems to make sense to me, while the 
behaviour of Firefox and Chrome causes this kind of annoying confusion.

Thus I'd suggest to modify the following sentence in

User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped 
line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string or the 
control is not focused (or both), e.g. by displaying it inside a blank 
unfocused control and hiding it otherwise.


...when the element's value is the empty string _and_ the control is not 
focused, e.g. by displaying ...

Best Regards
Markus Ernst

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless feedback

2013-01-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 18.01.2013 14:40 schrieb Anne van Kesteren:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

The allow-seamless mechanism is to be triggered at the side of the embedded
resource, which would also be the one affected by possible security risks
(if I get this right). The developer of this resource will have to be aware
of these risks, and avoid to expose critical stuff in pages that allow
seamless embedding.

So, would it be possible to generally treat resources that allow seamless
embedding as same-origin from the security POV?

No. And "AllowSameOrigin" would not work either. Because of scripting
one resource granting such access means exposing the entire origin to

I did not mean to merge origins, but to completely detach the included 
resource from its origin, and allocate it to the origin of the including 

- Document from A includes resource B from
- Resource B has set AllowSameOrigin=""
-> Document A and resource B can access each other as same-origin

- Now Resource B tries to access resource C from
- Resource C does not have AllowSameOrigin specified for
-> Resource B cannot access resource C, as it would violate the 
same-origin policy. Resource B is treated as of origin

I don't know whether this is possible, but I think if yes, it would be 
an elegant solution to this topic.

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless feedback

2013-01-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 15.01.2013 00:39 schrieb Nasko Oskov:

Hi whatwg,
I recently became aware of the proposal to add AllowSeamless attribute that
will permit cross-origin seamless iframes ( We are currently working on a
new security policy in Chrome, which will separate each site into its own
renderer process. More information can be found at

Re-reading this Chromium document, I had the idea that AllowSeamless may 
be a special case of something which should rather be like 

A document that allows to be treated as same-origin by the including 
document would then be removed from the "siteInstance" (or security 
context) of its own origin, and added to the one of the including document.

I think that per-origin control would be necessary in this case, so it 
would look somehow like:


I see the following advantages compared to an AllowSeamless solution:
- New spec is only needed for the mechanism itself. All issues that 
derive from the mechanism are already covered by the same-origin policy.
- Authors who decide to use AllowSameOrigin in a resource are more 
likely to be aware of security risks than they were about an 
AllowSeamless solution (which actually sounds like something purely 

(Excuse me in case this is a silly idea - I am a web author with zero 
knowledge on browser implementation.)

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless feedback

2013-01-15 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 15.01.2013 01:36 schrieb Nasko Oskov:

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 12:39 AM, Nasko Oskov  wrote:

Based on the existing security concerns listed in the proposal and the


that it might prevent a useful new security architecture in browsers, I
would suggest this not be added to the web platform.

FWIW, I think that "limitation" is known. (At least I cannot remember
the last time someone actually proposed new API surface requiring
synchronous access between two cross-origin Window objects.)  could still be useful however cross-origin, even without
cross-boundary events.

The input events was just one example. There are other cases where having
an asynchronous boundary can lead to unexpected behavior for developers.


It's not clear whether implementing these asynchronously will lead to a
good experience.

The allow-seamless mechanism is to be triggered at the side of the 
embedded resource, which would also be the one affected by possible 
security risks (if I get this right). The developer of this resource 
will have to be aware of these risks, and avoid to expose critical stuff 
in pages that allow seamless embedding.

So, would it be possible to generally treat resources that allow 
seamless embedding as same-origin from the security POV?

(It would be a real pity if a useful security architecture would prevent 
a useful inclusion mechanism, and vice versa.)

Re: [whatwg] Sortable Tables

2012-12-28 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 28.12.2012 03:04 schrieb Ian Hickson:

I've added a feature to HTML to enable users (and authors) to sort tables.

The basic design of the feature is that if a column's  has a sorted=""
attribute, the UA will sort the table every time the mutation observers
would fire (before they fire). A table can have a sortable="" attribute,
which lets the user tell the user agent to add sorted="" attributes to
columns to sort them.

This spec is great work! Anyway I have some thoughts on user sorting and 
the sort() method - if they are silly, please feel free to ignore them.

I believe that "asc" and "desc" would be more intuitive to handle than 
"" and "reverse", and I think that some kind of th.sortedState attribute 
would be handy, to question the actual state of the table.

Given a basic table such as:


  Last name
  First name





1. If the user clicks on the header "Age" (or does a respective 
interaction provided by the UAs sorting UI), the table should be sorted 
by the age column. If ist is already sorted by this column, the sort 
direction should be reversed.

2. Authors should be able to provide external links or buttons that can:
- Sort by a column as described in 1.
- Sort by a column, force ascending
- Sort by a column, force descending

I believe that this could be achieved with the following additions:
- a th.sortedstate attribute to question if the table is currently 
sorted by this column, and if yes in which direction
- th.sort() method would take an optional argument to indicate the 
desired sort direction

The algorithm for th.sort([String direction]) could then be extended 
somehow like the following (to be simple I just write "th" for the 
column header element that the method is applied to):

- Temporarily set the column key ordinality of th to 0
- If the direction argument is provided (and valid), temporarily set the 
column sort direction to direction

- Else if the sortedstate attribute of th is not null
  - if it is "asc", temporarily set the column sort direction to "desc"
  - else temporarily set the column sort direction to "asc"
- Perform the table sorting steps
- Set the sortedstate attributes of all column headers to null
- Set the sortetstate attribute of th to the column sort direction
- Reset the column sort direction and the column key ordinality of th to 
their initial values

Furthermore, a table.sort() method would be handy. It could take a comma 
separated string as an argument, with each token being the ID of a th, 
and optional the direction, such as:

  Order pirates by age, women first. Click again for descending age.

Re: [whatwg] Making cross-origin (partly) usable

2012-12-05 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 05.12.2012 10:45 schrieb Jonas Sicking:

I hear no end of people arguing that HTTP headers are too hard for
people to use. Could we make these settable through  elements as
well as, or instead of, using headers.

I am one of those authors with limited technical background. IMHO the 
crucial point is that the solution works in shared hosting environments, 
without access to server configuration and hopefully without .htaccess 
hacks. Thus, everything that can be done via PHP or other server-side 
scripting should be ok.

A  element would be handy, but  is 
reasonable, too. Meta elements may have the downside that copy-paste 
authors who don't understand them may leave them in the code where they 
may be unnecessary or even harmful.

Re: [whatwg] Checkboxes that control other checkboxes

2012-11-22 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 22.11.2012 01:51 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011, Timo Beermann wrote:

It should be able to implemet checkboxes, where by only
activating/deactivating this single checkbox you can active/deactivate
multiple other checkboxes. That is possible with scripting today, but it
should be possible without scripting, only with HTML/CSS. Because some
users deactivate Scripting (for security or whatever other reason) and
on other computers (school, university, work,...) you are not able to
change the settings, even if you want to. E.g. I use NoScript and only
allow scripting on very few trusted sites, that really need it.

I haven't added this yet, but it is already logged as a possible future
extension, so it's possible it may be added in the future.

What would be helpful though is examples of sites that do this kind of
thing, so that we can study how necessary it is, and how to implement it.
For instance, are the dependent fields always in a ? Are they
always other checkboxes? Is there more complex logic than just "check box
A is checked so those controls are enabled"?

This seems to be a special case of a larger problem to me. In order to 
make forms behave intelligently without scripting, there are more 
similar tasks:
- Check/uncheck check and radio boxes based on the selected value of a 
select element (or even on the values of other input elements)
- Enable/disable or make readonly any kinds of controls based on the 
state or value of an other element
- Or even show/hide a set of elements based on the state or value of an 
other element

Maybe, instead of adding that kind of functionalities to form elements, 
it might be worth thinking of a different way. E.g., define a set of 
scripting actions that are considered as very useful for UIs, and have 
no security issues, and let UAs execute that kind of scripts even if 
scripting is actually disabled, or let UAs offer a user setting such as 
"Allow only useful form actions" or whatever.

Re: [whatwg] A plea to Hixie to adopt

2012-11-07 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 07.11.2012 15:48 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

I suppose that the heuristics would include recognizing a  element
to which class "main" has been assigned. Then one could argue that
 is not needed, as authors can keep using , as
millions of pages use.

I doubt that this is useable for that kind of heuristics anyway - as 
there is no standard for this, "main" as a class name may indicate the 
main contents, but also a main container to center the whole page. Also, 
non-english speaking coders may use their own language words as id or 
class names.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-10-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 11.10.2012 18:36 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Thu, 11 Oct 2012, Markus Ernst wrote:

IMHO as an author, the "bandwidth" use case is not solved in a future
proof manner

It's not solved at all. I didn't attempt to solve it. Before we can solve
it, we need to figure out how to do so, as discussed here (search for
"bandwidth one"):

It looks like my English is not perfectly understandable, I am sorry I 
am not a native English speaker. I did not try to state the use case was 
solved. I have been following the discussion in this list quite closely.

My point is, that any device-specific notation, such as "2x", forces the 
author to make decisions that the browser should actually make. The 
author does not know if in a few years the image will be viewed with 
1.5x or 3x or 7x or whatever devices.

This is why I'd humbly suggest to put information on the image in 
@srcset rather than info on the device and media. Such as:

srcset="low.jpg 200w, hi.jpg 400w, huge.jpg 800w"

Where "200w" is the actual image width and not the viewport width. Like 
that every browser can decide which source to load based on the display, 
and available bandwidth or user setting or whatever.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-10-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.10.2012 20:36 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Wed, 10 Oct 2012, Tim Kadlec wrote:

That's actually exactly why it's better _not_ to plan for it. We can't
design features for problems we don't understand. It's better to wait
until we have real problems before fixing them.

You may not be able to predict every future problem, but surely you need
to keep it in mind as you create solutions for today, right?

Sure, that's why for example the srcset="" syntax is extensible and
already supports arbitrary densities, not just 1x and 2x.

Tim's objection does not only apply to the spec, but also to the code 
that can be written according to that spec.

IMHO as an author, the "bandwidth" use case is not solved in a future 
proof manner, if I have to indicate pixel densities (or other device 
properties) that I serve images for, because I have no idea what devices 
will be available in a few years. I would have to change my code when 
new devices with other characteristics occur.

I'd rather indicate some properties of the image files, such as pixel 
width or heigth, and/or KB size, and let the device resp. browser decide 
which one of the set it considers most appropriate for the browsing 

Re: [whatwg] Submitting contentEditable Content In A Form

2012-09-14 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.09.2012 23:06 schrieb Ojan Vafai:

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Alain Couthures <> wrote:

Le 07/09/2012 12:32, Mikko Rantalainen a écrit :

  2012-09-07 11:57 Europe/Helsinki: Hugh Guiney:

JavaScript into, say, a hidden form field. I think that there should
be some mechanism to associate contentEditable elements with
forms—maybe the combination of contentEditable="true" and the presence
of @name creates an implicit form control? The value sent to the
server could be equivalent to that element's innerHTML. Thoughts?

The contenteditable attribute is meant for low level wysiwyg-editor like
behavior framework and it is not meant to work standalone without

I'd suggest supporting  with a built-in HTML
wysiwyg editor if any UA wants to support HTML editing without
JavaScript. In that case, the UA should provide a scriptable method for
detecting for native support of type="text/html". As a result, a CMS
system could fallback to e.g. TinyMCE or CKeditor to emulate the missing

  @type should only contain a type name, such as "date" or "number", and

"text/html" is a media type so "html" would be more appropriate from my
point of view.

I can mention that XForms has the same problematic and I implemented a
wysiwyg editor support in my own XForms implementation with TinyMCE for
XForms textarea control. In XForms, the type associated to the target node
is used to automatically adapt the control rendering.

BTW, I even consider that "textarea" would be useless if only a
"multilined" type could be supported for the input field. A select field
would be an input field for an enumeration... So input tag would cover
every possibility!

I think this is a problem that we need to address more generally. I'm not
sure what the API should look like, but it's not specific to
contentEditable. I should be able to make a Web Component that submits
specific values with forms based off it's content. If we solve that problem
right, it'll be possible to make contentEditable elements submit with forms
without extra JS code.

We have the @form attribute in form controls, as described in 
If @form was made a global attribute, every element could be associated 
with a form.

If an element contains a @name attribute and a @form attribute, and 
there is a form with the name specified in the @form attribute, then the 
inner HTML of the element will be submitted with this form.

(As the submitted value is a string, I believe this would not even be a 
problem if the element is the form itself or one of its ancestor elements.)

Re: [whatwg] srcset isn't future-friendly to screen size differences

2012-09-07 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 07.09.2012 03:36 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

This email is an extension of the thread started at

by John Mellor, distilling the core problem he has into a more
easily-understood and digested form.

The srcset attribute, as currently written, is not friendly to large
screen-size differences that don't trigger different "art direction".

Consider the following example:

For a screen that's somewhere near 800px wide, this works just fine.
However, a 1x screen 1600px wide (not too uncommon - I think a 19"
monitor is roughly that width) will get served the 800.jpg image,
which then gets blown up to an unattractive level.  The 1600.jpg file
should be identical to the 800.jpg file, just higher resolution, so
delivering it instead would be ideal, but the current syntax doesn't
allow that, nor does it allow any reasonably reliable way for a
browser to detect that it would be okay to serve the 1600.jpg image

I'm not sure how best to solve this, but John Mellor suggested
allowing the specification of the image's native dimensions somehow.
That way, the browser could know that the 1600.jpg image is
appropriate to serve as an 800px wide high-dpi image, or a 1600px wide
low-dpi image.

With respect to the threads on responsive images of the last few months, 
IMHO it is not possible to solve both "art direction" and "bandwidth" 
use cases  with the same syntax in a satisfactory manner:

- Art direction use case: Should be controlled by the author, which is 
possible via some kind of MQ.

- Bandwidth use case: As you state above, this use case should be better 
controlled by the UA. The UA does not need MQs to make a good selection, 
but rather information on the image files available.

The problem of @srcset is that on one hand it can't convey image 
dimensions, and on the other hand it's MQ possibilities are very limited 
and not extensible if things evolve in the future. This has been 
discussed in several places of the related threads in the last few weeks.

I'd like to revive Florian Rivoal's (and my) suggestion of using 
 for the art direction and @srcset for the bandwidth use case, 
so you can optimize bandwidth inside art-directed images. *But with the 
modification, that @srcset takes image dimensions rather than page 


Note that with this change there is no more "1x" default for the 
 element, thus a src attribute does not seem to make sense there.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-08-13 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.08.2012 18:39 schrieb Henri Sivonen:

Ignoring implementation issues for a moment, I think it would be
conceptually easier it to disentangle these axes like this:

Non-art directed:

Art directed:

I like this hisrc approach for its simplicity; it depends on the 
question whether a limit of 2 sources for the bandwidth use case is 
considered to be okay.

Anyway, I think it is an important question, as there may be future use 
cases that require more than 2 sources, such as providing an extra 
source for printing (which may be a 3x or 4x pixel format or a vector 
format), or progressive loading of sources as I described here:

Anyway both these cases are hypothetic, and the print use case may also 
be solved via  and media="print". From an author's POV, hisrc 
looks quite intuitive and easy to use to me.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-08-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.08.2012 12:06 schrieb Odin Hørthe Omdal:

On Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:54:10 +0200, Kornel Lesiński

One stylesheet can be easily reused for   pixel-perfect 1x/2x layout,
but pixel-perfect 1.5x requires its own sizes incompatible with 1x/2x.

Apart from it possibly being a self-fulfilling prophecy – isn't this
too much premature “optimization” ?

I think we can safely assume that authors will always want to prepare
as few assets and stylesheets as they can, and will prefer integer
units to fractional ones (1px line vs 1.px line).

I don't see the big problem, I think the spec is fine here. Yes it
allows for putting a float there, but authors won't use it, so what's
the problem? The spec already say you should use the number to calculate
the correct intrinsic size, and the implementation will know what to do
with a float number there if someone finds an actual use for it.

This isn't limiting it for the sake of making anything easier, it's not
like "the x is an integer" is any easier than "the x is a float". And if
you *do* somehow find a good use for it down the line (and I believe
there might be, maybe 0.5x) it'll be there and work. No harm. :)

One hypothetic use case for 0.5x could be: Future UAs may want to 
progressively load sources in order to display a lowres image very 
quickly, and increase quality if there is enough bandwidth to do so, 
similarly to what we know from interlaced GIFs. Authors then might want 
to provide 0.5x and even 0.25x sources for this purpose.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-08-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 07.08.2012 21:09 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Tue, 22 May 2012, Markus Ernst wrote:

Am 18.05.2012 23:19 schrieb Kornel Lesiński:

If you'd like to see  proposal succeed, then please help
fixing its drawbacks. Make selection and embedding of 2x images
easier. Give UA freedom to use cached higher-quality images when it
can. Give UA freedom to choose images to minimize bandwidth or
maximize quality. Reduce verbosity of most common cases.

Maybe the use cases should be solved independent from each other:
- Use  for the art direction use case.
- Remove the MQ except the pixel density from @srcset, and make @srcset
available in both  and :


I don't understand why this is better than:

It seems to me that srcset as specified does exactly the same thing, but
more succintly.


On Thu, 24 May 2012, Florian Rivoal wrote:


I don't understand why this is better than:

...which as far as I can tell does exactly the same thing.

It is better because art direction and bandwidth use cases can be solved 
differently in an appropriate manner:
- For the bandwidth use case, no MQ is needed, but only some information 
on the sources available to let the UA decide which source to load.
- For the art direction use case OTOH, the  element is more 
intuitive to handle and also easier to script, as sources can be added 
or removed via DOM.

Anyway, with your proposal, would this be valid, to address the 
bandwidth-only use case?:

Re: [whatwg] Can we make checkboxes readonly?

2012-07-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 11.07.2012 00:59 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Fri, 4 May 2012, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:

On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

An app may dynamically set inputs or groups of inputs to readonly
based on app state.  When you submit, though, it's impossible to
tell (without hacks) whether a checkbox was checked-but-disabled or
just unchecked. Handling the form data is *much* easier if you just
get all the data, regardless of whether, as a UI convenience, your
app temporarily set some of the inputs to readonly.

That's a use case for submitting disabled check boxes, not for
read-only checkboxes, IMHO. (The same could be said for disabled text

That's more-or-less what @readonly does - the input becomes "disabled"
but still submits.

That's part of what it does, but not the main thing it does. It's mainly a
UI affordance, which doesn't apply to check boxes.

Given that there are valid use cases for submitting values of elements 
that have a disabled resp. readonly behaviour in the UI: Would it do any 
_harm_ to allow @readonly to checkboxes and radio buttons? I assume this 
would be easy and possible without breaking existing content. Submitting 
disabled elements, OTOH, looks to me like an impossible change, as it 
would likely break existing content.

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-06-06 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 06.06.2012 14:36 schrieb Henri Sivonen:

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Florian Rivoal  wrote:

1) simplyfy srcset to only accept the *x qualifier

Is there a good reason to believe that * will be something other than
a power of two?

That is, could we just optimize the *x syntax away and specify that
the first option is 1x, the second is 2x, the third is 4x, etc.?

Explicitly specifying the * in *x allows more flexibility in the future 
for cases such as:
- If sometime most displays will have 2x or higher resolutions, authors 
might want to set 1x versions aside.
- If 3x or whatever displays should occur, the spec should be suitable 
for them, too.
- Some UAs might decide to progressively load sources in order to 
emulate what we know from interlaced GIFs. Authors could for this 
purpose add 0.5x and even 0.25x versions.

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless

2012-05-27 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 27.05.2012 12:19 schrieb Adam Barth:

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 3:00 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

Am 27.05.2012 02:16 schrieb Adam Barth:

I've added a proposal to the wiki
<>about letting a document
indicate that it is willing to be displayed seamlessly with a
cross-origin parent.  This proposal is a refinement of the approach
previously discussed in this thread:

Let me know if you have any feedback.

I have a strong feeling that per-origin control should be made easy for
authors. I must admit that I am not familiar with the mechanisms you name,
Frame-Options and ancestor-origins - and both are quite hard to google for.
 From what I found I assume both are about HTTP headers.

If they are solutions that can be used easily with server-side languages
such as PHP, I think we can live with it. But anyway it is a complication;
I'd personnally prefer something like
allowseemles=", *,"

Or maybe space separated, and separate inherit-style with comma:
allowseemles=" *, inherit-style"

(Regardless of whether it is in the HTML element or in a META element.)

I had difficulty coming up with use cases that weren't better served
with frame-ancestors and/or Frame-Options.  Do you have a specific use
case in mind to explain your feelings?

My use case is a content provider, who provides e.g. a Sudoku 
application or a weather forecast for wind surfers. Paying customers are 
allowed to embed the content seamlessly in their web sites. The content 
can also be embedded for free, but not seamlessly.

The content provider includes some corporate info, such as his/her own 
logo, and a "provided by XY" notice and link to his/her own page. The 
paying customers then can apply their own styling, and set the corporate 
info to "display:none" in the style sheet of the top document, via 
seamless embedding.

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless

2012-05-27 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 27.05.2012 12:00 schrieb Markus Ernst:

allowseemles=" *,

It seams I made a typo here.

Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless

2012-05-27 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 27.05.2012 02:16 schrieb Adam Barth:

Hi whatwg,

I've added a proposal to the wiki
  about letting a document
indicate that it is willing to be displayed seamlessly with a
cross-origin parent.  This proposal is a refinement of the approach
previously discussed in this thread:

Let me know if you have any feedback.

I have a strong feeling that per-origin control should be made easy for 
authors. I must admit that I am not familiar with the mechanisms you 
name, Frame-Options and ancestor-origins - and both are quite hard to 
google for. From what I found I assume both are about HTTP headers.

If they are solutions that can be used easily with server-side languages 
such as PHP, I think we can live with it. But anyway it is a 
complication; I'd personnally prefer something like

allowseemles=", *,"

Or maybe space separated, and separate inherit-style with comma:
allowseemles=" *, inherit-style"

(Regardless of whether it is in the HTML element or in a META element.)


Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-24 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 24.05.2012 11:13 schrieb Matthew Wilcox:

I agree, the problem is that... it's still a problem. It's not always
a cropped version, it's sometimes a different image entirely - but we
can only sense the viewport rather than the space into which an image
is sitting. Because we can only sense the viewport we are actually
hooking into the design itself rather than being able to automate
things based on "how much room is there for this image?". However it's
cut, future maintenance is going to be a problem.

- New designs usually require other image dimensions, meaning that images
have to be recreated anyway.

That's true, but the problem isn't so much that as it is that there
will be different breakpoints. It's unlikely we'd be working with the
same breakpoints, so the one's in the mark-up are all wrong. Leading
to incorrect image selection. It's not trivial to revisit all mark-up
to correct this.

Once CSS variables are available, would it be possible to reference them 
from the @media attribute? Given a variable "breakpoint1" is defined in 
the CSS file:

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-24 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 24.05.2012 10:27 schrieb Matthew Wilcox:

Excellent, sorry I was not clear on that; this is looking good!

I would like to re-iterate that this solution is another which puts
design properties into mark-up directly, and just like old
and srcset, this means that when it's time to re-design a site an
author is going to have to trawl through all  elements
throughout the site to adjust them to fit the new design.

This is to my mind a major problem which stops any such solution from
being a general-purpose solution. I'd be ok for one-off special uses,
but I can't write website's that I know to be future un-friendly -
that's just storing up problems for the future.

This is true only for the art-direction use case, as MQs are removed 
from the optimization use case.

Unless a new proposal comes up that solves this issue, too, I think this 
is something we can live with, for two reasons:
- The art direction use case is somehow at the edge between content and 
design. Serving a cropped version of an image is actually dealing with 
content, even if it is about the design situation.
- New designs usually require other image dimensions, meaning that 
images have to be recreated anyway. In my practice I have seen several 
redesigns of websites; none of them was restricted to CSS, in all cases, 
the whole websites were rebuilt, or at least the content was entirely 
reviewed. (My experience is very much focused on corporate situations, 
so this may be different in other fields such as academic.)

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-23 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 23.05.2012 17:21 schrieb Florian Rivoal:

Here's what I think we should do:

1) simplyfy srcset to only accept the *x qualifier

2) add support for srcset as an attribute of the  sub-element of
the  element (in addition to src, or instead of it? I am not

Then you could do stuff like this:

Yesterday I made a similar proposal in an other thread:

I'd like to suggest that @srcset in this form would also be suitable for 
the  element, to address the optimization use case (without art 
direction) without the verbosity of .

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-05-22 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 18.05.2012 23:19 schrieb Kornel Lesiński:

If you'd like to see  proposal succeed, then please help fixing
its drawbacks. Make selection and embedding of 2x images easier. Give UA
freedom to use cached higher-quality images when it can. Give UA freedom
to choose images to minimize bandwidth or maximize quality. Reduce
verbosity of most common cases.

Maybe the use cases should be solved independent from each other:
- Use  for the art direction use case.
- Remove the MQ except the pixel density from @srcset, and make @srcset 
available in both  and :


This leaves the whole design choice to the author, and gives the UA the 
full choice on what resource to use. Instead of coping with various 
kinds of MQs, the author can just specify the sources available, and the 
UA will make the choice based on the situation.

The 0.5px version in my example would be intended for use with very low 
bandwidth, or for a UA that may progressively load sources as we know it 
from old progressive GIFs.

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-22 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 22.05.2012 12:46 schrieb Andy Davies:

On 22 May 2012 10:43, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

I am somehow surprised that there are no reactions to this proposal. To me
as a humble author it looks like it would address the main issue of both
  and @srcset, as it leaves the MQ to CSS, and thus separates design
from content.

1. It does not address the pixel density use case. 2. A pattern-based
approach was actually mentioned in Ian Hickson's email when he
announced the srcset attribute.

It doesn't address the "art-direction" use case either -

You can do art direction by setting the width in the style sheet:

@media all and (max-width: 500px) {
  .contentimg {
width: 100px;
@media all and (min-width: 501px) and (max-width: 800px) {
  .contentimg {
width: 300px;
@media all and (min-width: 801px) {
  .contentimg {
width: 500px;

You supply a cropped image with 100x67 and 200x134 versions, and the 
full image with the bigger versions, which serves the art direction use 
case. Retina displays that match the first MQ will likely use the 
200x134 version rather than the 100x67 one, which serves the pixel 
density use case.

I admit that it is not entirely intuitive, and does not give the author 
full control. There may be conflicts between a cropped 200px wide image 
intended to use in 2x displays, and a full 200px wide image for bigger 
but 1x displays. Or a future 3x display may use the 300x200 version, 
where the visual situation would require the cropped image.

I am far away from insisting in this solution; I am aware of the fact 
that there have been long discussions by people who have far more 
understanding on the topic than myself.

It looks to me like the pixel density use case is better addressed by 
leaving the choice on the appropriate resource to the UA, and providing 
it information on the resources rather than a MQ. While the art 
direction use case is better addressed with a MQ undoubtedly.

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-22 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 21.05.2012 07:49 schrieb Mike Gossmann:

I am somehow surprised that there are no reactions to this proposal. To 
me as a humble author it looks like it would address the main issue of 
both  and @srcset, as it leaves the MQ to CSS, and thus 
separates design from content.

Re: [whatwg] Media queries, viewport dimensions, srcset and picture

2012-05-21 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 21.05.2012 07:49 schrieb Mike Gossmann:

When all the picture vs srcset started showing up on twitter, I was initially 
behind picture. I'm sure you all know the arguments for it, and I liked those 
arguments. Today though, I was reading an article about the two, and there was 
a misunderstanding about how srcset was working in the comments, and it made me 
realize that something closer to srcset would be ideal.

The big thing I realized is that as a developer, I do not want to write more 
media queries - or anything that works at all like them - into image elements. 
It's redundant. There's a good chance there's already a bunch of CSS in place 
controlling the shape and size of the image element itself, why should I have 
to write a bunch more, somewhere else, to control the src of the image too?

Why can't it work so that in the html I say here's an image, there's a version 
of it at 150x150, and a version at 48x48, and then in the CSS I say that the 
image is 25% of the width of the article it's in, which works out to 100px 
wide, and then the browser can just decide that the 150x150 would be best, and 
scale it down. If I change the CSS, I don't have to change the html too, the 
images I provided are still only available at those sizes. With image/picture 
sources set by viewport dimensions, even something as simple as adding more 
padding around articles on a site could involve going through all the HTML and 
adjusting the breakpoints in the tags. This way layout, units, and screen dpi, 
don't matter when writing the HTML,

I've seen people get confused and think srcset work this way, instead of by 
viewport size (unless I'm the confused one), and if they were right then srcset 
would work well for this. It would be even nicer if there was something even 
more CMS friendly, like:

So src would be the fallback, then sizes would say which dimensions are available, in a fairly 
common format, using spaces to separate options like class does. pattern (probably a bad name) 
would be a template for the URL the browser can request the image from, replacing {w} and {h} with 
the requested dimensions. There wouldn't need to be a token for the dpi/resoultion/whatever, the 
browser could just request an image twice or three times or whatever the size. There's no point in 
having sizes="100x100@1 100x100@2 200x200@1" when you can just have sizes="100x100 

This gives the designer/developer full control over the shape and size of the 
image element (through CSS), while still allowing the browser to make decisions 
based on bandwidth and whatnot.

I was actually writing a similar proposal and like the approach very 
much. I have 3 inputs on the pattern syntax:

1. @pattern needs some more variables so authors can use it without a 
server side handler, using distinct file names or directories or 
whatever, such as:

- directory path
- file name
- file name without suffix
- suffix

So patterns for use with src="/img/people.jpg" could also be e.g. 
(variable names are subject to optimisation...):

- /img/{filenameWithoutSuffix}_{w}x{h}.{suffix}
- /{dirname}/{w}x{h}/{filename}

2. It would be nice if @pattern defaulted to something that authors do 
all the time anyway. From my practice I suggest:

- /{dirname}/{filenameWithoutSuffix}_{w}x{h}.{suffix}

It is very easy to tell authors or even CMS page admins to use image 
file names such as people.jpg and people_200x300.jpg.

3. Variable syntax: Curly brackets are also used for variables by some 
server side template engines, such as PEAR HTML_Template_IT and 
HTML_Template_Sigma. These would replace or remove the @pattern 
variables. Thus, some other kind of variable delimiter might be more 

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-05-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 18.05.2012 13:09 schrieb James Graham:

On 05/18/2012 12:16 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

2. Have there been thoughts on the scriptability of @srcset? While
sources can be added to resp. removed from  easily with
standard DOM methods, it looks to me like this would require complex
string operations for @srcset.

Are there any use cases that benefit from scripting here? I wouldn't be
surprised if there are, but whoever thinks they will have such use cases
should state them clearly so that the design takes them into account.

One use case is manipulating content in a contenteditable area, e.g. in 
a Rich text editor. A JS-based online editor such as TinyMCE or KTML may 
want to offer some kind of GUI for alternative sources.

I am not sure whether this is a very important use case, as authors of 
online editors are usually JS experts and capable of writing complex 
string operations, too; but I assume the use case is at least valid.

Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

2012-05-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 15.05.2012 09:28 schrieb Ian Hickson:

Re-reading most parts of the last day's discussions, 2 questions come to 
my mind that I have the impression have not been pointed out very 
clearly so far:

1. Are there other cases in HTML where an attribute value contains more 
than one URI?

2. Have there been thoughts on the scriptability of @srcset? While 
sources can be added to resp. removed from  easily with 
standard DOM methods, it looks to me like this would require complex 
string operations for @srcset.

Re: [whatwg] Problems with width/height descriptors in srcset

2012-05-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 17.05.2012 19:48 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Jeremy Keith  wrote:

Tab wrote:

Absolutely agreed.  Like several others have suggested, I think we
should just go with a "min-width:100px" approach, which is much
clearer.  It also lets us add "max-width", though that may complicate
the resource choosing algorithm a bit.

Just to be clear, do you mean changing the syntax so that Nw is replaced with 



Yes, you got it.

Those two examples would then be functionally equivalent (give or take a single pixel) but allow 
developers to take a "Mobile First" or "Desktop First" approach according to 
their preference.

Related question: do we still want to keep this unit-less i.e. ditch the "px" 
from the examples above? Or, if we're going to use this CSS-like syntax anyway, allow 
other units of measurement (e.g. ems).

No, if we're aping the CSS syntax more closely, we should just use CSS units.

Is em different in these 2 elements, or is it actually rem? And whatever 
answer, is it a problem or a feature?

[whatwg] Responsive images and printing/zooming

2012-05-16 Thread Markus Ernst


I try to follow the actual discussion with much interest and, I admit, 
not full understanding. If my inputs are inappropriate, please feel free 
to ignore this message.

I read the current spec and huge parts of today's discussions to find 
out how images with multiple sources are intended to behave when 
printed, or when the page is zoomed, but I found no hints. I think some 
words on this might be useful in the spec, regardless of what the final 
syntax will be.

1. Print
When a page is printed (or also converted to PDF or whatever), both 
"viewport" width and pixel ratio change. Are UAs expected to load the 
appropriate sources then? This could result in increased bandwidth, 
delayed printing, and IMHO a disturbed user experience, as the image may 
differ from the one seen on screen. Thus, I suggest to always use the 
resource actually shown on screen for printing.

2. Zoom
On mobile devices, web pages are often zoomed out to fit the viewport 
width by default, the user is supposed to manually zoom in and scroll in 
order to read parts of pages. I understand that the whole thing about 
responsive design is to make this kind of zooming unnecessary, but in 
practice there will be all kinds of partly responsive designs using 
responsive images.
Specially in cases where separate sources are given to match device 
pixel densities, zooming might matter, as for a zoomed-out page the low 
res image might be more than sufficient, but after zooming in the higher 
resolution might be appropriate. Which OTOH can disturb the user 
experience, when the images differ.

[whatwg] Allow empty string for input type=color

2012-05-03 Thread Markus Ernst
I apologize in case this has been discussed before - the list archive 
search seems to be broken right now, as it does not find any matches 
when searching for "color".

I just noticed a note in the spec of input type=color

"Note: In this state, there is always a color picked, and there is no 
way to set the value to the empty string."

If I understand the spec correctly, entering no value defaults to 
#00, thus the required attribute does not apply. What are the 
reasons for this? I am sure there were good reasons to specify it this 
way, anyway I don't see them right now. "Not selected" is actually very 
different from "black".

I see the following reasons for allowing the empty string:

1. An application might want to give the user the choice of not 
selecting a color. Not specifying a color is the easiest way to state 
that the default color should be used, be it black or other.

2. An application might want to force the user to make an explicit 
selection. It may not be able to distinguish whether "black" was 
explicitly selected, or the user forgot to specify a color.

3. Applications need to deal with the empty string anyway, as legacy 
browsers show a text field.

Re: [whatwg] restricted palette for input type=color

2012-05-03 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 03.05.2012 00:50 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Mon, 7 Mar 2011, Markus Ernst wrote:

A content management or blog system for a corporate website allows to
set font and background colors. The designers define allowed color sets
the way that the corporate design guidelines are respected, and that the
text is always readable - e.g. three light color shades for backgrounds,
and two corporate colors and black for text.

You don't really need a colour picker for that... it's more a
than a colour picker. Or a series of radio buttons. If the presentation is
more the concern, then we should probably rely on Web Components to solve
the problem (styling a  with a new presentation, e.g.).

It is actually an input field that requires a valid color to be entered; 
whether it is presented as a color picker or a select box may be up to 
the UA. I don't see any consistency in having to use different HTML 
elements whether the selection of colors is defined by the UA (e.g. 
showing a picker with all colors of the web palette) or by the author.

Anyway, of the spec states in the bookkeeping details that 
the @list content and IDL attributes apply to input type=color - if I 
understand this correctly, it addresses my proposal.


- The fact that most CMS do not have restricted color sets so far, does
not mean there is no demand for it, but rather shows the difficulty of
customizing tools such as TinyMCE. It is a hassle for CMS implementors
(who are often not highly skilled JS programmers), if they are expected
to respect corporate design guidelines.

I don't follow. Right now (before type=color is widely implemented) it's
easier to provide a limited set of colours than all colours. Surely then
we should see more CMSes have restricted colour sets if it's a matter of

The CMS I know are shipped with TinyMCE or KHTML or whatever rich text 
editors. They usually provide a color picker with a predefined set of 
colors (iirc it is mostly the web palette) by default, which is 
non-trivial to override or customize; IMHO this is the reason why 
customized color pickers are not widely used. There are definitely use 
cases for them.

Re: [whatwg] crossorigin property on iframe

2012-04-13 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.04.2012 22:35 schrieb Ojan Vafai:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:

On 4/12/12 3:49 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

The seamless part might be workable, since that leaks information only
from the document in question.  It's possible that there's a better
mechanism than CORS for a child frame to opt into being seamless with
its parent.

Yes, I agree that having a way for a child to opt into being seamless is
desirable.  That doesn't have the problems direct DOM access does.

OK, I'm convinced that direct DOM access is a bad idea. seamless was the
use-case I most cared about anyways. In theory, if we use seamless + CORS
for the @src load and any navigations of the frame (including via
Location), then this should be feasible, yes?

Alternately, we could add a special http header and/or meta tag for this,
like x-frame-options, but for the child frame to define it's relationship
to the parent frame.

The reason we have the crossorigin attribute for  and

Re: [whatwg] seamless iframes

2012-04-05 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 05.04.2012 03:59 schrieb Ojan Vafai:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

1.  We should add iframe[seamless] { display:block; }. already
expects iframe:not([seamless]) { border: 2px inset; }. In 90% percent of
uses, seamless iframes will not want a border and will want to fill their
container. This way, seamless iframes behave roughly like sandboxable divs,
which is what web developers want.

2. "In
visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent should set the
intrinsic width of the iframe to the width that the element would have if
it was a non-replaced block-level element with 'width: auto'."

This doesn't get the behavior you'd want with cases that need
shrink-wrapped behavior. Some cases that need handling:

3. The default margin on the body element inside a seamless iframe should
be 0. Again, this is what 90%+ of uses will expect. We shouldn't require
everyone using seamless iframes to have to set the body's margin to 0.

As a developer, I am very happy about this suggestion. Please note there 
was a discussion on parts of this topic, starting here:

(I am sorry the examples I linked to are not online anymore.)

Re: [whatwg] add html-attribute for "responsive images"

2012-01-26 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 25.01.2012 16:39 schrieb Matthew Wilcox:

It's also worth noting another use case for this being in mark-up and not
just server-negotiated rescaling of a single image:

Imagine a profile photo on an About page. At large sizes you want to use a
full body shot, at smaller sizes you need to retain what's important but no
longer clear at small scales: a recognisable face - so you substiture a
head and shoulders shot.

That's a strong use case where the semantic meaning of the content is the
same but requires a different resource to be properly conveyed at differing

This use case shows some kind of consistency issue: The printed version 
of a page might match a different media query, and thus use a different 
image. If the images have different contents, this can result in a 
confusing user experience.

In order to work around this, UAs might want to keep the first image 
loaded, when the content is used for a different type of media, such as 
print or PDF output. (That could also be the case for changes of window 

There was some more discussion on this type of use case:

Am 25.01.2012 14:42 schrieb David Goss:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 23:26, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> What's the use case for doing it for images in  elements? Typically
>>   elements are for content images, where you don't usually want to
>> adapt anything.
>> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Karl Dubost wrote:
>>> And as I explained elsewhere it is not a question of 

>>> only, but about interaction contexts. Different images for different
>>> surface sizes.
>>> Desktop: Show a full photo of Anne van Kesteren riding on a plane
>> 1024*250 px
>>> Tablet: Show the photo a closer shot of the plane (cowboy frame)
>>   400*150 px
>>> Mobile: Show a portrait of Anne with his leather pilot helmet 
100x100 px

>> I don't understand the use case. For something like a user profile icon
>> surely it would be rather bad UI to use a different icon on different
>> devices. I presume you don't mean a profile icon though, since 
1024x250 is
>> a bit excessive for an icon these days, and I'm not aware of any 
site that

>> lets users pick different icons for different size contexts.
> The use case is that you want to serve the same image (same content) 
to all
> users, but you want to serve it in different resolutions depending on 

> context to avoid wasting bandwidth and killing performance (especially on
> mobile devices where performance is key - you don't want to download a
> 1000px-wide image when you're scaling it down to 320px wide to 
display it).

> Karl's example is on dangerous ground, IMO. The different sizes of the
> image could be slightly cropped/zoomed as appropriate, but should still
> clearly represent the same thing - in other words, the same alt text 

> correctly describe all of them.

Re: [whatwg] add html-attribute for "responsive images"

2012-01-25 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 25.01.2012 15:07 schrieb Matthew Wilcox:

In fact, please just read the blog post Bruce Lawson (Opera Software)
made summarising the last few months of effort on this, and his proposal
for a mark-up level solution (which I'm in broad support of, though there
are a lot of knotty issues with any potential solution - as can be seen by
the volume of blog-posts, comments, and articles on the topic):

I would like to propose a use case different from the ones in this 
blog-post: Scaled images.

The more physical screen densities improve, the less image pixels 
actually correspond to device pixels, and thus scaling images will be 
less a problem. E.g., designers might want to define an image size in em 
units rather than in px, so it keeps its relation to the text size.

This use case requires a negotiation based on the dimensions of the 
image element rather than the dimensions of the media. It would be nice 
if a solution to the responsive images problem would address this use 
case, too. AFAICS this would require a more general syntax for the 

On 25 January 2012 13:42, David Goss  wrote:

I'm proposing this (adapted from Bruce Lawson's  idea, and similar
to how the  element works):

If the introduction of a new element is an option, it could also be the 
other way around, as image maps work:


To address my above use case, I replaced the media attribute with a more 
general cond attibute, which can take a condition with a selector and a 
rule. The selector can be the keyword "media" or a CSS selector, and the 
rule either a min-width and/or max-width declaration, or some statement 
about network speed or whatever, such as:




Re: [whatwg] Localisation of form fields

2012-01-23 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 21.01.2012 15:19 schrieb Cameron Heavon-Jones:

On 20/01/2012, at 6:58 PM, Bronislav Klučka wrote:


There are two recent threads on localisation of form fields, one on input 
type=date, the other on the Decimal comma in numeric input. Both are about the 
question whether the form field value should be displayed according to the 
element's language, or rather based on the user's preferred locale. This looks 
like a basically interesting question to me; I see use cases for both:

Use case for using User's preferred locale:
- The user is viewing a website in a foreign language, using his/her own 

Use case for using the element's language:
- The user is viewing a website in his/her own language, but using a computer 
in an internet café in a foreign country (where (s)he might not even be able to 
change the language settings of the browser).

As some formats may be very different, both situations can lead to 
misunderstanding of the values displayed in the form, and thus wrong 
submissions. It was pointed out, that the comma may be a 1000 or a decimal 
separator. Or, dates are arranged differently, e.g. M/D/Y in English, but D.M.Y 
in German.

This makes me think, if UAs could be encouraged to invent some kind of UI for 
per-session overriding the localisation settings of both UA and website content.

I think translation is the word here and accurately identifies the potentially 
inaccurate process taking place.

Cameron Jones

No, localization is, localization goes beyond simple translation


Yes, but my point is that what is really desired here is translation, not 
localization. If the representation is within a specific language\locale and 
the user desires a different language\locale then that process is one of 
translation including transformation of localization.

I see that point. Reading the Decimal comma discussion, I am sure a 
simple per-session method to translate form input formats into other 
locales (without translating text) would be a handy thing, but I admit 
this list may not be the appropriate place to discuss it.

[whatwg] Localisation of form fields

2012-01-20 Thread Markus Ernst


There are two recent threads on localisation of form fields, one on 
input type=date, the other on the Decimal comma in numeric input. Both 
are about the question whether the form field value should be displayed 
according to the element's language, or rather based on the user's 
preferred locale. This looks like a basically interesting question to 
me; I see use cases for both:

Use case for using User's preferred locale:
- The user is viewing a website in a foreign language, using his/her own 

Use case for using the element's language:
- The user is viewing a website in his/her own language, but using a 
computer in an internet café in a foreign country (where (s)he might not 
even be able to change the language settings of the browser).

As some formats may be very different, both situations can lead to 
misunderstanding of the values displayed in the form, and thus wrong 
submissions. It was pointed out, that the comma may be a 1000 or a 
decimal separator. Or, dates are arranged differently, e.g. M/D/Y in 
English, but D.M.Y in German.

This makes me think, if UAs could be encouraged to invent some kind of 
UI for per-session overriding the localisation settings of both UA and 
website content.

[whatwg] Proposal: Exclude robots on a per-link basis

2011-11-26 Thread Markus Ernst


Viewing the logs of applications I wrote, I noticed that a considerable 
number of requests are from robots following links of types such as "Add 
to shopping cart" or "Remember this item" - links that typically point 
to the same page they are clicked on, with some GET variable that 
triggers an action on the server.

Trying to find a solution to tell robots not to follow these links, I 
came across microformat Robots Exclusion Profile and the @rel=nofollow 
attribute. While the latter does not look robot-specific to me (it 
actually states that the author wants to discourage from following the 
link), I must admit that I don't fully understand the Robots Exclusion 
Profile approach. If this approach is serving the purpose, please feel 
free to ignore this proposal. It might then be helpful to add some hint 
on this somewhere in 4.12 of the HTML spec.

I propose to add either a new attribute, or a new link type, or a 
keyword for @rel, whichever is most consistent in the HTML structure:

Add to cart
Add to cart
Add to cart


Re: [whatwg] Handling of collapsed whitespace in contenteditable

2011-06-21 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 21.06.2011 02:16 schrieb Ojan Vafai:

It is certainly the case that some large subset of users use spaces to align
content, not to mention really care about things like two spaces after
periods, etc. One way or another, contentEditable needs to support this.

If we were starting with a clean slate, the editing behavior we want is
likely whitespace:pre-wrap + some logic about what to do when you put extra
spaces at the end of a line*. We should make sure the pre-wrap editing works
as well as possible (e.g. doesn't do any of these NBSP shenanigans), but we
have to support non-pre-wrap even if it's not the default. So, one way or
another, we need to spec this behavior.

I agree. I personnally would appreciate a "use NBSPs for consecutive 
spaces" setting that can be turned on or off. For BC reasons it will 
have to be on by default.

An author who is aware of this and able to turn this setting off, will 
also be aware of the possibility to apply white-space:pre-wrap to the 
contenteditable element. Therefore I suggest to leave this up to the 
author. It does not look consistent to me to apply different default 
values for the white-space property based on the "contenteditableness" 
of an element.

(At least, I would find it easier to answer the question "Why do my 
spaces disappear while typing?" than the question "Why does my content 
look different though I use the same CSS for the editor and the target 
page of the edited text?".)

Re: [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can be used for "extended paragraphs"?

2011-06-15 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 14.06.2011 18:06 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 2:04 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

Am 14.06.2011 09:32 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Markus Ernst wrote:

Consider this markup of Andy's use case:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Stilton, and
  Red Lester,

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers,
  rye crackers,

and some chutney.

stands for "inline list",for "inline list item" (it's a pity
we can't reusefor BC reasons). Conforming UAs would be required to
ignore any content in anelement, except it is in anelement.
Like that, the above example would be perfectly readable in legacy UAs,
but make sense in HTML5-capable UAs.

It would even be easy to stlye the output for legacy UAs supporting
display:list-item, as this example illustrates:

What problem does this solve?

It solves the first use case Jukka mentioned in his original post:

Am 10.03.2011 09:20 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

The  element (ever since it became an element) has always allowed
inline (text-level) content only, and no change is planned to this in
HTML5. Under these circumstances, what should we say to people to
need to use paragraphs that contain lists, for example?

So does Hixie's answer of "Tell them to use twos and a".  His
answer has the benefit of not requiring any changes to HTML, and not
introducing a fourth type of list that is only very subtly different

Am 15.06.2011 09:09 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:
> This is text, which may be just list header (introduction to
> the list) or a longer presentation.
> an item
> another item
> Here we may have text that logically continues the discussion
> of the topic.
> * * *
> I know this suggestion is long and raw, but I hope its basic content
> is something we can agree on. And I have no big problem with using
> div markup here, even though it somewhat goes against the spirit of
> modern HTML.

This results in:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Stilton, and
  Red Lester,

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers,
  rye crackers,

and some chutney.

I don't like this, because it is a hackish workaround for a quite basic 
problem. Lots of HTML is actually authored by non-programmers using 
online rich text editors - both the editor softwares and their users 
will be quite hard to teach about using such constructs. I strongly 
assume that the following kind of solution is more likely to occur:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Stilton, and
  Red Lester,

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers,
  rye crackers,

and some chutney.

The main issue here is the fact that you can't just apply styling to the 
list element, but have to apply it to the surrounding s, too. Inline 
lists would make this kind of things definitely easier and better.

Of course I understand the benefit of not requiring any changes to HTML, 
but actually the HTML5 process is about making changes to HTML. I don't 
have a big problem with using this kind of markup either, but the same 
applies for using s instead of s and s.

Re: [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can be used for "extended paragraphs"?

2011-06-14 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 14.06.2011 09:32 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Markus Ernst wrote:

Instead of a new paragraph concept, there could also be a new concept
for inline (resp. Phrasing Content) lists. The concept is actually not
too new - for quotes, e.g., we've had both block level  and
an inline level  elements for long. Why not the same for lists?
Consider this markup of Andy's use case:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Stilton, and
  Red Lester,

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers,
  rye crackers,

and some chutney.

  stands for "inline list",  for "inline list item" (it's a pity
we can't reuse  for BC reasons). Conforming UAs would be required to
ignore any content in an  element, except it is in an  element.
Like that, the above example would be perfectly readable in legacy UAs,
but make sense in HTML5-capable UAs.

It would even be easy to stlye the output for legacy UAs supporting
display:list-item, as this example illustrates:

What problem does this solve?

It solves the first use case Jukka mentioned in his original post:

Am 10.03.2011 09:20 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:
> The  element (ever since it became an element) has always allowed
> inline (text-level) content only, and no change is planned to this in
> HTML5. Under these circumstances, what should we say to people to
> need to use paragraphs that contain lists, for example?

[whatwg] Generalized execCommand() alternatives, or standardized selection and range handling

2011-05-31 Thread Markus Ernst
While following the discussions about Aryeh Gregor's great work on 
execCommand(), I get the impression that this method is very limited to 
some basic formatting actions. It provides shortcuts for a limited set 
of DOM actions, but is not really extendable or generalizable.

Some of the discussions were about adding support for new elements, such 
as  and , or for distinctive  and  resp.  and 
 elements. I doubt that extending execCommand() with specific 
new commands for more elements would be the direction to go.

With the focus on HTML editing rather than WYSIWYG editing, some kind of 
generalized wrapping/unwrapping mechanism would be helpful. This could 
be handled with a new method that offers shortcuts for 
wrapping/unwrapping selections; some kind of addWrapper(elementName) and 

Anyway, everything we need is actually available in the DOM, except a 
standardized and simple handling of selections and ranges. (Well, I 
might be wrong - but looking at the Gecko DOM reference and the MSDN 
DHTML reference, they show very different approaches to the range and 
selection objects, and the code of TinyMCE shows lots of browser 
sniffing.) I'd find it very helpful as an addition to Aryeh's work, to 
get standardized methods for actions like:

- creating a range out of a selection
- block-extending the range
- accessing all child elements of the range
- accessing all parent elements of the range
- memorizing start and end points in order to reset the selection after 

(This list may not be complete.)

I'd be happy about some thoughts on this.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: content-style attribute for contenteditable elements

2011-05-19 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 19.05.2011 20:39 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

While discussing about contenteditable elements, the WYSIWYG aspect was
mentioned. For real WYSIWYG in a text editor of a CMS, Blog, Forum or
whatever, it would be necessary for the contents of the contenteditable
element to:
- Disable the styles of the surrounding page
- Enable the styles of the target page

Commonly these are the same, or close to it.

If the contenteditable region is part of the UI of a content management 
system, they are likely to be completely different.

In the
cases where the styles are really different, it should be fine to
require authors to use an iframe.

Ok, I see this point.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?

2011-05-19 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 19.05.2011 01:48 schrieb Hallvord R. M. Steen:

On Thu, 19 May 2011 03:09:39 +0900, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

The tricky bit here is what to do when the user copy-pastes. I think
we should convert P to DIV or vice versa as per whatever the
defaultblock value is. We should also give an execCommand to allow the
website to disable this behavior.

With better and more cross-browser consistent access to HTML from the
paste event I guess script authors will have this use case covered, so I
don't think we need any execCommand. I agree with converting to the
default block as a standard behaviour if scripts do not intercept the
paste - presumably if a script handles it, it will do the work that will
make sure the new content is consistent with the old one.

I don't think we should convert anything on paste by default. Some 
contentEditable applications are designed as full-page editors; full 
pages are likely to break if s are converted to s or vice versa. 
I don't think any algorithm can reliably figure out whether a  is 
part of the page structure, or part of a series of paragraphs in every 
case (this is also why I vote for using s). Cleaning up the code is 
good and necessary, but it should be left to authors, and I agree that 
access to the paste event is crucial here.

[whatwg] Editor types [Was: Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?]

2011-05-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 17.05.2011 22:28 schrieb Ryosuke Niwa:

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Aryeh Gregorwrote:

  On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

I completely disagree. As a user, I want semantics when I write my blog
entry on WordPress so that I can tweak presentation afterwards.  e.g. I


frequently used em {font-style: normal; font-weight:bold;} strong
{text-decoration:underline; font-weight: normal;} in the past.

Then the commands will completely break no matter what you do, because
they're tied to the CSS, not the HTML element.  For instance, in this
test case:

No, I apply those CSS styles only on readonly published pages so my editor
isn't affected by those rules.

Re-reading the discussions I get the impression that we have actually 
two different basic concepts of online rich-text editors:

1. A WYSIWYG editor. It offers all kinds of formatting options, allowing 
users to apply their preferred fonts, colors, sizes, table column widths 
and whatever. In this case I want to generate a code that preserves the 
visuals in all kinds of situations. In this case, it may be a good idea 
to generate style attributes whereever possible. It might even be a good 
idea to use s for paragraph separation, I don't know.

2. An HTML editor. Authors possibly want to restrict the formatting 
options. The code generated should be as basic HTML as possible, so the 
output adapts to the styles of the target page - even if they are 
changed due to a redesign. In this case I want to avoid style attributes 
whereever possible, and I definitely want to generate s and s. I 
might even want to make a distinction between  and . I assume 
this is what Ryosuke (and myself) talk about.

With this distinction in mind, I think some of Aryeh's questions on what 
markup we want to generate have two different answers by nature. I read 
about the styleWithCSS option erlier in this list. Maybe it would be 
helpful to have a more generic option to set the editor into a WYSIWYG 
or HTML state. This would of course cause more speccing and 
implementation work, but could allow to define two different and 
consistent sets of standard behaviors.

[whatwg] Proposal: content-style attribute for contenteditable elements

2011-05-17 Thread Markus Ernst


While discussing about contenteditable elements, the WYSIWYG aspect was 
mentioned. For real WYSIWYG in a text editor of a CMS, Blog, Forum or 
whatever, it would be necessary for the contents of the contenteditable 
element to:

- Disable the styles of the surrounding page
- Enable the styles of the target page

This could be solved with a @content-style attribute which takes a URL 
pointing to an external stylesheet document. If the attribute is 
present, all styles of the surrounding page are ignored, and the styles 
of the linked CSS document are applied to the content of the element.

Special cases:
- If the linked CSS document contains declarations for the body element, 
they are applied to the contenteditable element itself. (This could be 
necessary in case of light text on dark backgrounds, where you want to 
apply the background to the contenteditable area.)
- If there are conflicts between body element styles in the linked 
stylesheet and the styles of the contenteditable element in the 
surrounding page, the latter win. (This is necessary to keep the 
dimensions of the input UI, if an author links the whole CSS of the 
target page.)

- In today's iframe-based online rich text editors, it is common to 
apply the styles of the target page of the edited text to the source 
document of the iframe. This is not possible in a .
- For many use cases, such as forum and blog entries, or non-fullpage 
oriented web content management systems,  is easier 
to implement than iframe-based editors. The only downside is the WYSIWYG 

I'd be happy to read some comments on this idea!

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?

2011-05-17 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.05.2011 12:00 schrieb Michael A. Puls II:

On Thu, 12 May 2011 16:28:47 -0400, Aryeh Gregor

Another problem with  is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it. I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside  that will break out of the ,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

I think the browser/editor just shouldn't allow that in this case. (Not
saying that it's easy to enforce it though.)

As an author or CMS implementor I'd be happy to see UAs solve this for 
me, creating a valid sequence of paragraphs.

OTOH, if you use s in order to keep the output serializable, this 
might lead to kind of messy code.

Imagine a content of the contenteditable element like:


The user puts the caret to the end of the first line and clicks Enter. 
With a strict / behavior, this is a well-defined action, adding a 
new paragraph resp. inserting a newline. But if you go with s, this 
will possibly mess up the code in a way that is hard to fix (though it 
is valid and serializable HTML).

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?

2011-05-17 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.05.2011 21:20 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

I have seen content management systems where text editors tweak the enter
key to behave the same also in non-IE UAs (e.g. if you use Contenido with
TinyMCE, Firefox produces the same output as IE when you hit enter).

I mentioned one forum (vBulletin) which used to set margin to 0 on
paragraphs so that IE looked the same as non-IE browsers.  So it's an
argument for giving authors an option, maybe, but it doesn't help us
decide what the default should be.

This is very presentational thinking.

Correct.  This API was designed and is used presentationally, not
semantically.  Both authors and users want presentational formatting
here.  That's why it's called "What You *See* Is What You Get".

Right, but this does not answer the question about the best standard 
behavior for the enter key. For real WYSIYWYG, it would be necessary to 
introduce a mechanism to apply some CSS separate from the surrounding 
page to the contenteditable element, so CMS or forum authors can provide 
the styles of the output page in the input element. (This is actually 
the case in iframe-based RTEs such as Kevin Roth's Cross-Browser RTE or 

I assume there are use cases for both generating s and s. The 
IE/Opera approach has the advantage of allowing both, which is perfect 
for text and basic HTML editing. From a WYSIWYG POV it might be best to 
offer both options, so authors are not encouraged to add server-side 
processing to change the output, which would break WYSIWYG.

If the behavior is settable, it might even be a good idea to leave the 
choice of the standard behavior to the UAs. Authors who have a reason to 
care can set their preferred behavior, while other authors might prefer 
to leave it as it was, so there is no change for their existing users.

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?

2011-05-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.05.2011 15:33 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Am 12.05.2011 22:28 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

A problem with is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break. One
real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translates and
 to line breaks on the server side. The usual convention in text
editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

I am sorry I overread this last sentence when writing my previous 
message. I have a swiss-german installation of Word 2007, I did not 
change the settings. Hitting enter produces paragraphs here, and applies 
the spaces above and/or below that are specified in the paragraph style. 
This is the behaviour I have known from Word for years. Maybe there are 
regional differences in the defaults of Word.

This is very presentational thinking.

Re-reading my message I am afraid this sentence could be read as an 
offense. There was absolutely no offense intended (I am sorry I had to 
go pick up my daughter and sent too quickly). I wanted to state that 
what CSS people apply should not matter to the question of creating , 
 or .

The vBulletin example shows that there is a use case for applying . 
I state that there is a use case for applying  for enter and  for 

IMO an ideal solution would provide both (or, if there are use cases for 
, all three) possibilities, settable with a flag or an attribute. 
The standard should be what office users expect from their everyday 

Re: [whatwg] Pressing Enter in contenteditable: or or ?

2011-05-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 12.05.2011 22:28 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
as follows:

* IE9 wraps all lines in  (including if you start typing in an
empty text box).  If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
s.  Shift-Enter inserts.

This is what people know from MS Word, too, and thus it should be 
considered as a de-facto standard. I don't have current versions of 
other office text editors installed right now, but I assume they will 
behave the same, or at least provide a setting to make them behave like 

I have seen content management systems where text editors tweak the 
enter key to behave the same also in non-IE UAs (e.g. if you use 
Contenido with TinyMCE, Firefox produces the same output as IE when you 
hit enter).

I'd strongly suggest to spec this behaviour, or at least provide some 
kind of setting to force it.

* Firefox 4.0 just uses  for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
* Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a.  Hitting Enter
multiple times outputs, and Shift-Enter always inserts
* Opera 11.10 wraps in  like IE, but for blank lines it uses
  instead of just  (they render the same).

What behavior do we want?

A problem with  is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break.  One
real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translates  and
  to line breaks on the server side.  The usual convention in text
editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

This is very presentational thinking. If you write a text, it should be 
possible to produce paragraphs by default. If you use  instead of 
, there would be extra coding needed to make paragraphs available.

Another problem with  is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it.  I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside  that will break out of the,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

The same applies e.g. for list items, UAs have to solve this problem 
anyway. One approach that I could imagine is to close and re-open the 
paragraph (resp. list item) at the boundaries of the element which is 
put inside it.

Re: [whatwg] Form input element for value-unit pairs

2011-03-15 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 15.03.2011 17:36 schrieb Christoph Päper:

Jukka K. Korpela:

Christoph Päper wrote:


Or do you mean that the presence of the unit="..." attribute would trigger a 
special implementation of numeric input, so that the user is expected to enter both a 
number and a unit, with the latter defaulted according to the unit attribute?


UIs may autoconvert the value if the unit changes or keep it. I’m not sure 
which solution is better.

Although the need for number&  unit input is relatively common, I think it can 
quite satisfactorily be handled using a number input field and e.g. a dropdown menu of 
units accepted by an application (or maybe a textfield). After all, processing of the 
form data would most probably want to split a combined number&  unit data item into 
its components, so why put them together in the first place?


Maybe it would work better with ‘datalist’:


I like this approach because it is author configurable and extensible 
beyond the rich text editor use case. A billing application might apply 
a list of currencies with appropriate exchange rates for the day.

What I do not yet understand is, in what point does this proposal 
enhance usability compared to a dropdown box with the units, and some 
client side script that does the conversion?

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-13 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 13.03.2011 21:46 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

2) How much work should we go to to produce nice-looking markup?
E.g., if the user unbolds "baz" in

Bar baz

should we produce something like


like WebKit does, or would it be okay to do


to avoid the complexity, given that this sort of markup shouldn't be
too common?  I think it's clear that something like "Foo baz
bar" should become"Foobaz  bar" and not"Foo
baz  bar", but how far
should we go?

IMO, from the moment you decide to use  and not style="bold" (be it 
due to a user selectable mode or not), style="bold" should actually be 
totally avoided. Thus, the CSS bolding in your example should be 
replaced by  tags:

Bar baz

I think that the code generated should be homogeneous, independent from 
the original markup (which may be copy-/pasted from various sources). 
That means, the bolding in your example would be changed to  already 
when the contenteditable element is built, or when the fragment is 
pasted in.

[whatwg] Inline list proposal [was: Interpretation issue: can be used for "extended paragraphs"?]

2011-03-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.03.2011 19:18 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

Markus Ernst wrote:

Would it cause serious issues to add the Phrasing Content category to
these three elements [ol, ul, dl] thus allowing them inside the p

I'm afraid it would, and I think that's the reason why the content model
hasn't been extended in HTML5.


Introducing a new paragraph concept, say  element, would not have
this problem, but it would have problems of its own. And the good old
 element might feel rather lonely and rejected - and oddly named.

I know it is late in the HTML5 process to propose new elements, but 
please consider this:

Instead of a new paragraph concept, there could also be a new concept 
for inline (resp. Phrasing Content) lists. The concept is actually not 
too new - for quotes, e.g., we've had both block level  and 
an inline level  elements for long. Why not the same for lists? 
Consider this markup of Andy's use case:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

 Stilton, and
 Red Lester,

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

 wheat crackers,
 rye crackers,

and some chutney.

 stands for "inline list",  for "inline list item" (it's a pity 
we can't reuse  for BC reasons). Conforming UAs would be required to 
ignore any content in an  element, except it is in an  element. 
Like that, the above example would be perfectly readable in legacy UAs, 
but make sense in HTML5-capable UAs.

It would even be easy to stlye the output for legacy UAs supporting 
display:list-item, as this example illustrates:

I tested this example in FF 3.6, IE 8, Opera 11 and Chrome 9. The 
unstyled block degrades nicely in all 4 browsers, the styled one is 
rendered as expected except in IE 8, where it also degrades nicely.

I'd be happy to read any thoughts on this.

Re: [whatwg] Interpretation issue: can be used for "extended paragraphs"?

2011-03-10 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 10.03.2011 17:58 schrieb Andy Mabbett:

On 10 March 2011 08:20, Jukka K. Korpela  wrote:

what should we say to people to need to use paragraphs
that contain lists, for example?

This has concerned me for some time.

Consider a more complex scenario:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Red Lester

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers
  rye crackers

and some chutney.

What I would like to be able to do is:

I always like to eat these cheeses:

  Red Lester

but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:

  wheat crackers
  rye crackers

and some chutney.

I was annoyed by the exact same issue several times, too. Anyway it 
looks to me that this problem raised by Jukka Korpela applies mainly to 
the three list-type elements ol, ul and dl.

Would it cause serious issues to add the Phrasing Content category to 
these three elements, thus allowing them inside the p element?

In I don't find anything on the expected rendering of Phrasing 
Content, so I assume UAs would not have to change the default rendering 
to be conforming. The content model of the li element would have to be 
added something like "only Phrasing Content, if the element is in a 
context where Phrasing Content is expected".

I also don't see serious backwards compatibility breaks, except that the 
lists of Andy's example would be rendered with top and bottom margins in 
legacy UAs.

(I apologize if this is a silly suggestion for any reason - I can see 
things only from the author perspective.)

Re: [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color]

2011-03-09 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 09.03.2011 12:19 schrieb Diogo Resende:

On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 16:51:25 -0800, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

Am 08.03.2011 19:02 schrieb Anne van Kesteren:

On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:26:56 +0100, Jukka K. Korpela

For example, consider a date picker. Quite often, whether trying to
make dates or selling flights, there is a known set of
(non-consecutive) days that are possible, so we would like to
write, say,


/ Jonas

I was thinking.. what about allowing big time spans, like: from April
1st to June 30th? Giving that the date has "-" as date element
separators we could not use 1-MM1-DD1-2-MM2-DD2. Couldn't this
be useful? Even more common might the usecase where a date must be from
some date onward (or until some date). How is this addressed?

I assume that this is only a problem if you need to allow/disallow 
several periods in the same date picker. For one single period, or 
allowing dates only from or up to some date, you can use "min" and "max" 
attributes in the input type=date element.

Re: [whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color]

2011-03-09 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 09.03.2011 06:51 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

I'm having a little bit hard of a time figuring out what a good UI
would look like in the general case. I.e. what should the UI look like

Do you allow flipping between only the months which have any available
dates in them using the next/previous month buttons in the date

That would be the idea, I guess, but there are two alternatives
regarding months that have no applicable days: either skip them or gray
them out. So in your example, when in April 2011, "Next month" button
could take you to June 2012, or it might take you to to May 2011 with
all days grayed out

It should definitely be the latter, as "Next month" taking you to 
somewhere else than the next month is confusing. IIRC I have seen JS 
date pickers behave like that, but I am sorry I don't remember where it was.

Even in a rare use case where several months are totally grayed out, the 
user needs the information that no dates are available there - else 
(s)he will assume a technical error or somewhat.

[whatwg] datalist @exclusive [was: Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color]

2011-03-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 08.03.2011 19:02 schrieb Anne van Kesteren:

On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:26:56 +0100, Jukka K. Korpela

For example, consider a date picker. Quite often, whether trying to
make dates or selling flights, there is a known set of
(non-consecutive) days that are possible, so we would like to write, say,

This is currently conforming, though no browser seems to make use of
the datalist. A good implementation would open up a calendar for
April, with only days 1, 8, 9 selectable and day 1 highlighted. Many
existing applications use such interfaces, so there is apparent need
for them.

Agreed that we should fix this, but note that  is for
additional or pre-suggested options. The idea is that the user still has
choice so the other days should be selectable too.

Which means in the mentioned use case, that the user can select a date 
when no flight is actually available. We can of course validate the 
input and ask the user to select another date, but still this results in 
sub-optimal user experience (and extra JS code).

The "exclusive" attribute suggested by Jukka K. Korpela for the datalist 
element would change this behaviour, making unavailable options 

I hope very much that this proposal will make it into the standard. 
Except for date/time and color input elements, I can also imagine use 
cases regarding the range element (if a part of the range is not available).

Re: [whatwg] Option label, textContent and value

2011-03-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 08.03.2011 15:22 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:

Markus Ernst wrote:


- IE 8, Opera 11 and Chrome 9 display "Label1" and "Label2"
- Firefox 3.6 displays "TextContent1" and "TextContent2"

Firefox's behavour seems to be contradictory to the spec, which gives
the label attribute precedence.

This is a bug in Firefox. The label attribute is defined for 
even in HTML 4.01, though its use has been limited - it was mainly
introduced for use in nested menus, where an  is inside 

Furthermore, as I understand the above definitions, the spec does
allow to specify label and value in one step in a select element:

This is value and label

Yes, that has been the case since HTML 2.

But not in a datalist, as the label is taken from the textContent
rather than from the value of the option element:

I'm not sure I follow you here... The idea is that a  element
has no text content, i.e. all information is in the attributes of its
children. If you had some content in the  element, then it would
be visible on browsers that do not understand the  markup.

Yes... all I meant was actually that I would consider it consistent if both



work the same regarding the label. According to the current spec, the 
option in the select element has a label "foo", while the one in the 
datalist element has none. With the change I proposed, both would have 
the label "foo".

[whatwg] Option label, textContent and value

2011-03-08 Thread Markus Ernst

In 4.10.12 on the Option element, the spec states:

The label attribute provides a label for element. The label of an option 
element is the value of the label attribute, if there is one, or the 
textContent of the element, if there isn't.

The value attribute provides a value for element. The value of an option 
element is the value of the value attribute, if there is one, or the 
textContent of the element, if there isn't.


It looks like this needs clarification for the case both label attribute 
and text content are present, as UAs do not implement this consistently:


- IE 8, Opera 11 and Chrome 9 display "Label1" and "Label2"
- Firefox 3.6 displays "TextContent1" and "TextContent2"

Firefox's behavour seems to be contradictory to the spec, which gives 
the label attribute precedence.

Furthermore, as I understand the above definitions, the spec does allow 
to specify label and value in one step in a select element:

  This is value and label

But not in a datalist, as the label is taken from the textContent rather 
than from the value of the option element:


I'd propose to slightly change the specification to treat the value the 
same, regardless whether it is given in the value attribute or in the 
text content, and to get the label, where the label attribute is 
missing, from the value rather than from the text content:

The value attribute provides a value for element. The value of an option 
element is the value of the value attribute, if there is one, or the 
textContent of the element, if there isn't.

The label attribute provides a label for element. The label of an option 
element is the value of the label attribute, if there is one, or the 
value of the element, if there isn't.


Re: [whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 07.03.2011 18:27 schrieb Markus Ernst:

Reading on the "Color" state of the input element, I miss a
possibility how to define a set of allowed colors. For other states of
the input element there are such possibilities, such as setting min, max
and step attributes for input type=date.

As UAs are encouraged to provide a user interface, such as a color
picker, there should be a way to define a limited set of colors to be
included in the picker.

Use case:
A content management or blog system for a corporate website allows to
set font and background colors. The designers define allowed color sets
the way that the corporate design guidelines are respected, and that the
text is always readable - e.g. three light color shades for backgrounds,
and two corporate colors and black for text.

Possible solution:
Slightly strengthen the impact of the list attribute for this input
type. If there is a suggestion source element with one or more valid
colors, color pickers are required to only display the colors specified

Searching for implementations of input type=color, I found that Opera 
actually implemented the color picker quite similar to my suggestion. If 
there is a suggestion source element, Opera displays a color palette 
with the colors listed there, and an "Other..." button that leads to the 
detailled color picker.

I personnally would like a possibility to hide the "Other..." button, 
but this is not really a need. Opera's behaviour makes it possible to 
provide a consistent validation message, saying something like: "Please 
choose one of the suggested colors. Sorry, other colors are not allowed 

Is it possible to spec Opera's behaviour as a standard for color picking 

[whatwg] Please reconsider: Set restricted palette for input type=color

2011-03-07 Thread Markus Ernst
Reading on the "Color" state of the input element, I miss a 
possibility how to define a set of allowed colors. For other states of 
the input element there are such possibilities, such as setting min, max 
and step attributes for input type=date.

As UAs are encouraged to provide a user interface, such as a color 
picker, there should be a way to define a limited set of colors to be 
included in the picker.

Use case:
A content management or blog system for a corporate website allows to 
set font and background colors. The designers define allowed color sets 
the way that the corporate design guidelines are respected, and that the 
text is always readable - e.g. three light color shades for backgrounds, 
and two corporate colors and black for text.

Possible solution:
Slightly strengthen the impact of the list attribute for this input 
type. If there is a suggestion source element with one or more valid 
colors, color pickers are required to only display the colors specified 

While searching the list archives, I found a message from Ian Hickson:
He suggested to use a select element for the purpose of a restricted 
color set. Here's why I think it would be worth to reconsider this position:
- A select element would display color names or values instead of 
showing the colors, which does not make it a suitable UI for choosing 
- Restricting the color palette is actually almost as common a task, as 
defining start and end dates of a date picker, and for sure more common 
than defining a step in a date picker. Now we have the benefit of this 
specialized color input element, it is a pity if it lacks customization 
- The fact that most CMS do not have restricted color sets so far, does 
not mean there is no demand for it, but rather shows the difficulty of 
customizing tools such as TinyMCE. It is a hassle for CMS implementors 
(who are often not highly skilled JS programmers), if they are expected 
to respect corporate design guidelines.
- I assume that restricting a color set in an existing color picker is 
not too hard to implement (of course I have no evidence for this 

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-04 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 04.03.2011 19:58 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

2) In CSS mode, use CSS where the tag isn't conforming (, etc.)
or there is no tag (like hiliteColor).

3) In non-CSS mode, use tags where available even if not conforming
(, etc.), and only use CSS if there's no tag for the feature
(like hiliteColor).

May I propose to call the modes something like "standards mode" and 
"legacy mode" - as an author unaware of the backgrounds, I would not 
expect a "non-CSS mode" output  tags - it would drive me crazy.

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-04 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 03.03.2011 20:53 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

I get the hand-editing argument.  is much nicer to hand-edit than
, and also fewer bytes.  But why would
anyone want?

Text is even fewer bytes and more readable than style="font-weight:bold">Text. So if you don't want to leave the 
choice to RTE authors I'd vote for element formatting where available.

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-04 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 01.03.2011 19:36 schrieb Aryeh Gregor:

Two or three weeks ago I began writing a specification for
execCommand() and related functions.  I don't have anything
implementable yet -- it's very incomplete and there are known issues
with the existing stuff.  But I thought I'd post it for any early
review comments on the direction I'm taking, particularly from
implementers but also from anyone else familiar with the APIs (e.g.,
someone who's used them in practice):;a=blob_plain;f=editcommands.html;hb=HEAD

The plan is that this should be merged into the main HTML spec, with a
full test suite, by the end of August.  Feedback appreciated.

I am very interested in your work because I work with content management 
systems a lot. Some months ago I started to write a simple rich text 
editor trying to use DOM methods instead of execCommand(), because I 
don't like the the code some UAs produce, and wanted a slim and easily 
configurable editor. If execCommand() gets standardized and enhanced, I 
might be happy to abandon the project. Here are a few comments from my 
point of view:

- I assume that the list of commands is not complete, as some commands 
given in the HTML spec are missing, such as "formatBlock" or 
"insertHTML" - or is it your intention to drop these commands? For 
better understanding, it might be worth to clarify this.

- Please consider adding a generic "formatInline" command for applying 
all kinds of inline elements. A sophisticated RTE might e.g. want to 
provide separate "bold" and "strong" options for authors caring about 
this distinction.

- I'd like a "className" command to be added. Corporate websites usually 
use a restricted set of formattings; in a CMS for such a website it 
should be possible to provide a select box with the respective CSS 
classes rather than font and color menus.

- In the opposite case, where everything is allowed, users might want to 
apply CSS properties not covered by the command list, such as borders, 
or future fancy stuff such as shadows. For these cases, an "applyCSS" 
command could be helpful.

- Some CMS systems use different doctypes than the pages where the 
edited text is finally published. Content edited in an HTML5 page might 
be published in an XHTML page. While it is not too complicated to solve 
this in practice with server-side string editing - would it be possible 
to specify the desired HTML style for the output? (Which could result in 
different HTML styles in a contenteditable area and the surrounding 

These are just some thoughts out of my everyday work, of course I have 
no idea about implementation cost and whatever issues. Generally, I 
think that a future-proof execCommand() specification should rather 
provide generic commands for inline and CSS formatting, and support 
specific commands such as "bold" or "backColor" only for backwards 
compatibility reasons. (This would also make a discussion on the 
preference of element or CSS formatting obsolete, as RTE authors would 
have the choice to use either.)

Re: [whatwg] wrapper element

2011-03-01 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 01.03.2011 23:50 schrieb Jordan Dobson:

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Markus Ernst  wrote:

Am 28.02.2011 19:56 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

I believe you're arguing that the "wrapper" semantic, being similarly
ubiquitous, thus needs its own new element as well.  What you're
missing is that the "wrapper" semantic is precisely what   already

I do understand usuario's  proposal slightly different from:
Section 4.5.13 of the spec generally states that the  element is
conveying structure, but not semantics.

Usuario's  is not structural, but purely presentational. It should
actually not be there at all from an HTML point of view, but is necessary
for CSS reasons.

Isn't that what the section::outside{ ... } is for? Presentational pseudo
elements in CSS?

Granted it's not available as far as I know... but it seems like it meets
usario's needs.

::outside covers only a part of the use cases for wrapping elements - 
wrapper containing more than one child elements cannot be replaced by 
::outside - consider the very common case of a centered page:



#container { margin:0 auto; width:50em; position:relative }
#contents  { margin-left:10em }
nav{ position:absolute; top:50px; left:0; width:9em }

This case would require some kind of body::inside pseudo element, which 
I cannot find in the CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module spec 
right now. (Well, sorry if I get too much off-topic now.)

Re: [whatwg] wrapper element

2011-03-01 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 28.02.2011 19:56 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

I believe you're arguing that the "wrapper" semantic, being similarly
ubiquitous, thus needs its own new element as well.  What you're
missing is that the "wrapper" semantic is precisely what  already

I do understand usuario's  proposal slightly different from 
: Section 4.5.13 of the spec generally states that the  
element is conveying structure, but not semantics.

Usuario's  is not structural, but purely presentational. It 
should actually not be there at all from an HTML point of view, but is 
necessary for CSS reasons.

I agree with Bjartur Thorlacius' point that it makes more sense to 
enhance CSS the way that presentational markup gets totally obsolete in 
the future - but the idea of an element that is explicitly 
non-structural does not look that odd to me.

[whatwg] Stop control for video [was: Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video]

2011-01-18 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 18.01.2011 18:11 schrieb Zachary Ozer:

Currently, there's no way to stop / limit the browser from buffering -
once you hit play, you start downloading and don't stop until the
resource is completely loaded. This is largely the same as Flash, save
the fact that some browsers don't respect the preload attribute. (Side
note: I also haven't found a browser that stops loading the resource
even if you destroy the video tag.)

There has been a version of JWplayer with a stop control (as I suggested 
earlier in this thread for the user aspect of the topic). I set up a 
demo page:

If you click the stop button, playback is stopped, and the status bar 
disappears. If you click the play button again, playback is started from 
the beginning, and the status bar shows download being continued from 
the point where the stop button has been clicked. So this player seems 
to interrupt the download and resume it, when playback is restarted.

This looks like an intuitive and sensible behaviour to me, which could 
both improve user experience and save server bandwidth. It could be 
implemented independent from, and additionnally to the points discussed 
in the original thread.

Re: [whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

2011-01-17 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 17.01.2011 17:41 schrieb Jeroen Wijering:

Hello all,

We are getting some questions from JW Player users that HTML5 video is quite 
wasteful on bandwidth for longer videos (think 10min+). This because browsers 
download the entire movie once playback starts, regardless of whether a user 
pauses the player. If throttling is used, it seems very conservative, which 
means a lot of unwatched video is in the buffer when a user unloads a video.

I did a simple test with a 10 minute video: playing it; pausing after 30 
seconds and checking download progress after another 30 seconds. With all 
browsers (Firefox 4, Safari 5, Chrome 8, Opera 11, iOS 4.2), the video would 
indeed be fully downloaded after 60 seconds. Some throttling seems to be 
applied by Safari / iOS, but this could also be bandwidth fluctuations on my 
side. Either way, all browsers downloaded the 10min video while only 30 seconds 
were being watched.

The HTML5 spec is a bit generic on this topic, allowing mechanisms such as 
stalling and throttling but not requiring them, or prescribing a scripting 

Are there people working on ways to trim down the amount of not-watched data 
for video playback? Any ideas on this, anything in the pipeline?


A suggestion would be to implement / expose a property called 
"downloadBufferTarget". It would be the amount of video in seconds the browser 
tries to keep in the download buffer.

When a user starts (or seeks in) a video, the browser would try to download 
"downloadBufferTarget" amount in seconds of video. When "downloaded>  currentTime + 
downloadBufferTarget", downloading would get stalled, until a certain lower treshold is reached 
(e.g. 50%) and the browser would start downloading additional data.

A good default value for "downloadBufferTarget" would be 60 seconds. Webdevelopers who have short clips / do 
not care about downloads can set "downloadBufferTarget" to a higher value (e.g. 300). Webdevelopers who have 
long videos (15min+) / want to keep their bandwidth bill low can set "downloadBufferTarget" to a lower value 
(e.g. 15). Webdevelopers might even change the value of "downloadBufferTarget" per visitor; visitors with 
little bandwidth get a sizeable buffer (to prevent stuttering) and visitors with a big pipe get a small download buffer 
(they don't need it).

Could this be done at the user side, e.g. with some browser setting? Or 
even by a "stop downloading" control in the player? An intuitive user 
control would be separate stop and pause buttons, as we know them from 
tape and CD players. Pause would then behave as it does now, while stop 
would cancel downloading.

This would be helpful, as there are various viewing situations, that are 
not under control of the web developer:

1. Start playback, pause, do something else and wait until the movie is 
downloaded (the case Boris Zbarski mentioned)

2. On a page with multiple movies, such as a Myspace profile of a 
musician, you start playback of a movie, pause it to see the next one, 
pause it to see the third one... and soon you have several movies 
downloading, instead of only the last one you really want to see at the 

While in situation 1 the download buffer would be a hassle, it would be 
helpful in situation 2. Separate pause and stop controls would help in 
both cases.

Re: [whatwg] sic element, was: Re: Exposing spelling/grammar suggestions in contentEditable

2011-01-03 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 31.12.2010 17:30 schrieb Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis:

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Martin Janecke  wrote:


Apart from informing human readers about the correct reproduction of a
misspelled word, a HTML  would indicate the same to web applications.
Think of a search engine, which, as one factor of their ranking algorithm,
considers orthography and grammar in a page as quality factor. The search
engine could be made to ignore (reasonably few)-marked errors in such
an algorithm; i.e. not let-marked errors rank the page lower.

Would search engines benefit from markup for this?

They could actually benefit, if the correct spelling would be added in 
an attribute, so they could match the misspelled word with a correctly 
spelled search term; somehow like:


This would probably lead to abuse by seo trickers:
buy my product!

Also, I assume that this search engine benefit can already be achieved 
with existing markup:


Re: [whatwg] Proposal for a tab visibility API

2010-12-09 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 09.12.2010 07:12 schrieb Boris Zbarsky:

2) There is some potential for abuse (e.g. putting up dialogs to make
yourself the active tab if you determine that you aren't, though
perhaps this is a quality of implementation issue). I can
particularly see things like ads doing this so you don't just
switch to a different tab while they're running.

I'd really appreciate some comment on this. I'm pretty worried about
adding features that we then have to start working around people abusing
almost immediately...

I assume that the abuse potential here is about the same as for onunload.

Regarding ads, I assume that providing some kind of visibility API could 
also lead to "better" ads. Ad authors could make their ads stop 
executing when invisible. One main annoyance about ads is their resource 
consumption, thus ad blockers could provide a setting "Block content 
from ad providers who don't stop the execution of hidden ads". Which 
would allow their users to block annoying resource consumers, while not 
blocking "good" ads, which their favorite websites might depend on.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for a tab visibility API

2010-12-09 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 09.12.2010 00:12 schrieb Boris Zbarsky:

On 12/8/10 5:29 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

Thus, I'd consider an api for detecting the visibility state of every
HTML element useful (totally visible, partially visible, hidden - or a
percentage value).

This is pretty hard to implement, in general. For example, if I put
another window over the browser window then whether the content in the
browser is visible depends on the exact app running in that window, and
on the parts of it overlapping the browser content, right?

Sure. Some applications might even be partially transparent, like some 
fancy-skinned media players.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for a tab visibility API

2010-12-08 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 08.12.2010 21:40 schrieb Bjartur Thorlacius:

On Wed, 08 Dec 2010 19:47:34 -, Alex Komoroske

In particular, there is currently no good way for a web page to detect
it is a background tab and is thus completely invisible to the user,

Minor semantic nitpick: please use the term /does not have focus/ rather
/is a background tab/, as the latter is misleading in window managers
that don't
use tabs to represent (all) windows. [Ninja'd]

I am not too much familiar with the terminology here, but I humbly think 
that not having focus does not necessarily mean a window is not visible. 
I often have more than one visible window; maybe one where I am 
currently working, and another one at the side with a football game 
streamed or whatever. I wouldn't like the football stream to be stopped 
when this window looses focus. But when the stream gets totally hidden, 
be it that I open a new tab in the same window, or place some other 
window in front of it, the streaming application might want to save 
bandwidth by pausing the streaming of the visuals, while streaming on 
the audio.

Thus, I'd consider an api for detecting the visibility state of every 
HTML element useful (totally visible, partially visible, hidden - or a 
percentage value).

Re: [whatwg] Exposing spelling/grammar suggestions in contentEditable

2010-11-29 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 28.11.2010 17:27 schrieb Adrian Sutton:

On 28 Nov 2010, at 15:52, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Adrian Sutton>> wrote:

User's expect a rich text editor
to override the browser default context menu to provide things like
properties for images, lists, tables etc and the other stuff usually
in a rich text editor's context menu. However, once that is done, the
browser's built-in spelling suggestions are no longer available,
losing support for inline spell checking.

"The user agent may also provide access to its default context menu,
if any, with the context menu shown. For example, it could merge the
menu items from the two menus together, or provide the page's context
menu as a submenu of the default menu."

It could, but it doesn't. Any browser that tried doing that would likely
just run into compatibility complaints and have to revert it.

More importantly, there's no way to instruct or even suggest that the
browser should which leaves users without functioning spell checking and
rich text authors with no way to meet the demands of users.

This looks like a context menu problem to me, not a spell-checking problem.

There are more occasions where an overridden context menu in 
script-driven parts of a webpage is annoying, e.g. it is impossible to 
use "print preview" or "back" on a google map. So, solving the 
context-menu issue might be a boost for a browser vendor.

Re: [whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ?

2010-11-25 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 25.11.2010 17:12 schrieb Nikita Popov:

On 25.11.2010 15:55, Biju wrote:

The request I put is NOT about whether you can make it PRETTY looking
or not.

Sorry, that was how I understood point 1 your initial message.

The question is about why we are allowing website have something which
(ie, both window modal and tab modal
In my opinion a no website should have that much control over user

Well, you just said it: Bug 59314!
That alert()s, prompt()s and confirm()s are window-modal is only an
implementation issue: Some years ago browsers implemented these prompts
the most convenient way: By opening a native modal dialog. But right now
broswer vendors realize that this isn't really the best solution -
because of DOS attacks and simply because it doesn't make any sense.
And as you already mentioned: Firefox landed tab-modal dialogs a few
days ago. Opera already had them.

Opera even provided a "Stop executing scripts" checkbox in the alert() 
dialog for years already, which made it my preferred browser for 
debugging my scripts (handy if you have forgotten an i++ in a loop, and 
placed an alert() inside).

Re: [whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ?

2010-11-25 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 25.11.2010 13:21 schrieb Biju:

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 3:41 AM,

Modal dialogues have a very special purpose, which works consistently across
various browsers in that we can program in with javascript some very
specific responses. What would happen if someone came to your site with a
speech/Braille browser? How would they know your pretty js lib built

That is a valid point. But how many good sites use
alert/confirm/prompt for every thing. So all those case speech/Braille
browser have problem to deal with.
If we want use that feature the web site need to code their site for
speech/Braille browser. If that is the case we could achieve same
thing with HTML.

Maybe, instead of your original suggestion, it might be worth thinking 
about making alert()/confirm()/prompt() dialogs styleable via CSS? Then 
those fancy JS lib dialogs would get obsolete, and we had the favour of 
both nice look and support for the special purposes of those dialogs.

Re: [whatwg] Iframe dimensions

2010-11-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.11.2010 19:12 schrieb Tab Atkins Jr.:

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:

On 11/16/10 12:56 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

- it is applicable at the client side without scripting

This is not possible, for the simple reason that the whole point of
CORS is to protect server resources.  If you could deal with CORS
purely on the client side, you'd be allowing the page author to
determine if they themself are allowed to access a file on another
server.  That's a pretty obvious inversion of responsibility.  ^_^

Well, more precisely there is nothing that needs to be done on the client
side for CORS, right?

Ah, if that's what Markus was getting at, then yes.  CORS requires
*zero* work on the client side, since it's completely done in the
server-browser interaction.  The entirety of the client's interaction
in the process is the initial request for a resource.

That is great news. Adding a header via a server-side script is indeed 
easy enough.

(As I did not find any HTML attributes or whatever in the CORS spec, I 
was afraid that the use of XHR would be necessary to call a cross-origin 
page in an Iframe - which looked like a huge overhead and also an 
accessibility issue to me.)

Re: [whatwg] Iframe dimensions

2010-11-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.11.2010 00:32 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:

Am 11.08.2010 00:24 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Mon, 5 Jul 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:


Example: (This is
under construction.) As a workaround to the height problem, I applied a
script that adjusts the iframe height to the available height in the
browser window. But of course the user experience would be more consistent
if the page could behave like a single page, with only one scrollbar at
the right of the browser window.

If you control both pages and can't use seamless, you can use postMessage()
to negotiate a size. On the long term, I expect we'll make seamless work
with CORS somehow. I'm waiting until we properly understand how CORS is used
in the wild before adding it all over the place in HTML.

A solution at authoring level for cases where the author controls both
pages would be quite helpful. I think of a meta element in the embedded
document that specifies one or more domains that are allowed to embed it
seamlessly in an iframe, such as e.g.:

I think that this would be ok from a security POV, and much easier than
using CORS.

On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Adam Barth wrote:

That feels like re-inventing CORS.  Maybe we should make CORS easier to
use instead?

On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

What exactly is hard about it?

(Though I should note we should carefully study whether using CORS here
is safe and sound. For instance, you may want to allow seamless
embedding, but not share content.)

I'd like to echo Anne's comments. If CORS is hard, then we should change
that; if it's not, then we should use it (once we know it's solid).

I tried to understand the CORS spec, but with no real knowledge about 
networking basics this is quite hard. Anyway it is not necessary for 
authors to understand the spec, as there will be how-tos available of 

From my humble author's POV, CORS is easy enough for tasks like the one 
I mentioned, if:
- it is applicable at the server side with common scripting languages 
such as PHP

- it is applicable at the client side without scripting

Re: [whatwg] element feedback

2010-09-01 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 31.08.2010 22:21 schrieb Martin Janecke:

Am 31.08.10 21:40, schrieb Aryeh Gregor:
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Martin Janecke  
Besides,2010  in a British news article would allow 
users e.g.
in Japan to have these dates displayed as 平22年. That's clearly an 

over the number 2010 alone.

I would say the opposite.  If they can read the English news article,
they'll necessarily know what "2010" means.  But they might not be
able to read Japanese.  Maybe they're borrowing a Japanese person's
computer, for example, or maybe the browser's idea of the user
language is otherwise wrong.

Also, content that behaves differently based on the browser settings
of the viewer is confusing and can cause hard-to-debug problems.
Users will think that the author of that British article actually
wrote out a Japanese date, and be completely at a loss to explain why.
  Even if they can actually understand the date, the incongruity will
look like a bug.

It could be outright misleading if there are two year display formats
that look the same but actually have different meaning.  A plain year
number in Arabic numerals like 2010 could refer to any number of
totally different year-numbering conventions, and the only way to tell
them apart currently is the page's context.  Having the browser change
the number to some convention that doesn't match its surroundings
makes it impossible to guess the convention.

And finally, it just looks weird.  I would find it extremely strange
to have all dates on pages I'm reading replaced with Hebrew dates,
even though I understand those just fine.  I wouldn't want that at
all, and I find it hard to believe that many actual users do in real

Basically, any kind of attempt to have browsers localize dates that
are actually displayed in content is a terrible idea, and the spec
should remove all mention of any such thing.  I'm pretty sure I've
said all this before, though.

I understand your point, the situation you describe would be unfavorable 

However, there's no need to make this unfavorable. The localized display 
of times and dates can be realized via tooltips for example, as it is 
often seen with abbreviations in texts. The localized date doesn't have 
to be a replacement for the original date string but can be a helpful, 
explaining addition.

This is a nice idea, but localisation should then be based on the 
language of the context of the time element, not based on the browser 

Die Party ist heute.

The tooltip might then display "1. September 2010" in German - 
independent from the computer or browser language. As Aryeh stated, 
displaying a Japanese or English date here on the computer in an 
internet café would be highly disturbing - even in a tooltip. 
Localisation should not mess around with the content unless explicitly 
triggered by the author.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Add HTMLElement.innerText

2010-08-16 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 16.08.2010 11:23 schrieb Maciej Stachowiak:

- Is it a genuinely useful feature? 
Yes, the ability to get plaintext content as rendered is a useful 
feature and annoying to implement from scratch. To give one very 
marginal data point, it's used by our regression text framework to 
output the plaintext version of a page, for tests where layout is 
irrelevant. A more hypothetical use would be a rich text editor that has 
a "convert to plaintext" feature. textContent is not as useful for these 
use cases, since it doesn't handle line breaks and unrendered whitespace 

Additionnally, from a humble author's POV, once you learnt that 
innerHTML is now available in the standard, it would be quite intuitive 
to also have innerText.

Re: [whatwg] Iframe dimensions

2010-08-11 Thread Markus Ernst

Am 11.08.2010 00:24 schrieb Ian Hickson:

On Mon, 5 Jul 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:

Example: (This is 
under construction.) As a workaround to the height problem, I applied a 
script that adjusts the iframe height to the available height in the 
browser window. But of course the user experience would be more 
consistent if the page could behave like a single page, with only one 
scrollbar at the right of the browser window.

If you control both pages and can't use seamless, you can use 
postMessage() to negotiate a size. On the long term, I expect we'll make 
seamless work with CORS somehow. I'm waiting until we properly understand 
how CORS is used in the wild before adding it all over the place in HTML.

A solution at authoring level for cases where the author controls both 
pages would be quite helpful. I think of a meta element in the embedded 
document that specifies one or more domains that are allowed to embed it 
seamlessly in an iframe, such as e.g.:

I think that this would be ok from a security POV, and much easier than 
using CORS.

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Markus Ernst wrote:
My problem is this sentence in the spec for seamless: "This will cause 
links to open in the parent browsing context."

In an application like, the external page 
should be able to re-call itself inside the iframe, for example if a 
sort link is clicked or a search form submitted.

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
Could you explicitly call the _self target in links in the frame? I 
wasn't sure if the target attribute was going or not, but I'd expect 
target="_self" to override the default seamless action.

Good point. Fixed. You can now work around this by targetting the frame 
explicitly using . (Or by using target=foo if the 
iframe has name=foo.)


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