[WSG] Notes and links for Tim's AJAX Preso (Sydney July Meeting)

2005-07-25 Thread Tim Lucas

Hey hey,

Thanks to those who managed to make it to the meeting last Thursday in 
Sydney. I just want to say it was a lot of fun and thanks for being a 
great audience.

For those who wanted a copy of the preso, or didn't make the meeting, 
I've posted a (slighty cleaned up) copy here:


If you want to experiment with some AJAX yourself I highly encourage 
you to steal the JS files from my demo site 
(http://aviditybytes.com/resources.html), look at the HTML source and 
have a play in your programming language of choice (it's really easy!). 
If you want to have a play with Rails you'll also find the full source 
for the demo site too (you'll need Rails installed).

Below are a couple of links that relate to some questions I was asked 
after the presentation (and don't forget there's links at the end of 
the PDF).

If anybody has feedback or questions please feel free to write me.

- tim lucas

Javascript accessibility and JAWs (also, see comment 14 for discussion 
of JS onload problems)


Javascript best practices

The difference between 'Ruby' and 'Ruby on Rails'

Invoking SOAP via AJAX

Installing Rails on Tiger

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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Re: [WSG] What CMSs are Developers Using

2004-07-04 Thread Tim Lucas
Quoting Geoff Deering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can I ask what commercial and/or open source CMSs developers on this list
> use, which ones they prefer, ones they don't like (and for what reasons).

As per the guidelines please post CMS related questions to [WSG-CMS]:

-- tim

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The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] What do browsers download?

2004-06-29 Thread Tim Lucas
John Horner spoke the following wise words on 30/06/2004 10:01 AM EST:
But these days of course it has to fetch the associated CSS files and 
add them -- but wait, there's more, as they say, it should also fetch 
any images called by the style sheet and add them to the total.
Which is when the question arose, what is the actual size of a web page?
Good question.
Each browser has its own strategy -- there are no 'golden rules' when 
implementing a browser. What this means for us is that you you can 
really only calculate a webpage's maximum download size, assuming it 
downloads all referenced elements whether they apply to the the page or not.

The HTTP standard says a UA should make a maximum of six simultaeneous 
requests to a single server, which you would have to take into account 
if trying to estimate the time. Also don't forget for a single page the 
elements needing to be loaded can exist on different servers.

If you also consider caching between requests then it quickly becomes 
apparent there's little you can do for accurately estimating download 
size and times.

The best solution, as in most cases, is to actually run some tests. Get 
your target user's UA set up and capture the http traffic for each UA. 
You'd also need to record the display of the UA if you wanted to 
understand the loading of the visual elements.

I know that for Gecko based browsers background images defined in 
stylesheets (inline or linked) are deferred from loading until they are 
asked to display themselves. This also helps because many style sheet 
rules containing images often don't apply to the elements of the current 

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] 508??

2004-06-29 Thread Tim Lucas
Lee Roberts spoke the following wise words on 29/06/2004 11:43 PM EST:
Would someone please explain why the WSG thinks Section 508 is what should
be used?
Sure, if you explain what on earth you're talking about.
-- tim
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Importing hacks into CSS? Whats the point?

2004-06-27 Thread Tim Lucas
Lachlan Hardy spoke the following wise words on 28/06/2004 1:53 PM EST:
So the benefit is one of speed? Or segregation - keeping the clean code 
from the dirty nasty hacks?
CSS hacks are only a technical workaround and provide little meaning to 
the CSS when viewed by somebody other than the author.

For some projects I separate layout, colours, fonts and hacks into their 
own CSS files. This is usually because I'm writing the CSS for somebody 
else to understand and maintain.

For my personal website I wouldn't want to separate all those facets. 
I'm happy with a single stylesheet containing everything as it's easier 
for *me* to maintain.

There is no cardinal rule -- simply deliver the solution that is best 
for your client.

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Importing hacks into CSS? Whats the point?

2004-06-27 Thread Tim Lucas
Michael Kear spoke the following wise words on 28/06/2004 10:05 AM EST:
Fair enough. I understand the point, I think, except that I don't think you
gain anything at all  by it, except more complexity in the site's file
structure.  Every hack now represents one more file that has to be uploaded,
version controlled, backed up, managed etc.
If your file management workload is directly proportional to the number 
of files you manage (and we are talking no more than 50 extra files in 
most cases) then I think it's time you you invest in some tools to 
streamline your processes.

I'd have thought it was simpler to have the hack actually in the main css
file, and commented adequately so it was easy to find there.Or am I
missing the point? 
My compromise is to place all hacks for [insert your favourite buggy 
browser] into it's own CSS file.

CSS hack techniques are forever changing.
CSS fundamentals are set in stone.
-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Accessibility in FLASH MX 2004

2004-06-23 Thread Tim Lucas
ckimedia spoke the following wise words on 23/06/2004 10:36 AM EST:
Before dashing the XHTML/CSS solution to my interface execution, how 
robust is the accessibility feature in MX 2004? The interface must be as 
508 compliant as possible.
A quick google for "Flash 2004 accessibility" found a couple of 
interesting pages:

Flash and JAWS:
Macromedia's Stuff:
A Breeze presso that no longer exists:
Accessibility tools for Flash:
A few articles:
-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Redesigning smh.com.au and theage.com.au with css

2004-06-21 Thread Tim Lucas
Some posting guidelines and information for Nancy, Amit and all of our 
new members.

Nancy: If your email is to Russ then please send it directly to Russ. If 
you then find out information which is relevant to web standards and 
that the majority of this list will care to read your post, then, 
please, post to the list.

Amit: Please don't post "me too"s... especially ones that contain 
thousands of lines of CSS.

From the guidelines:
 - "Try to use plain text email rather than HTML email where possible."
 - "Read all the posts in your inbox before answering so that multiple 
similar answers are avoided as much as possible"
 - "Code samples are fine, but not full pages of html or css code - 
much better to link to these items"
 - "If you wish to post a message to the list and are unsure if it is 
on-topic, please email Peter and Russ at [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

A full copy of the guidelines can be found here:
-- tim
Nancy Johnson spoke the following wise words on 22/06/2004 3:23 AM EST:
> Dear Russ,
> This seemed like a very interesting meeting, would it be possible to
> publish the actual CSS files?
Amit Karmakar spoke the following wise words on 22/06/2004 9:51 AM EST:
I was just going to say that Pete  :)
use firefox/mozilla and dig out the CSS with the 'web developer extension.
Here you go Nancy.
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Redesigning smh.com.au & theage.com.au with css

2004-06-21 Thread Tim Lucas
Some posting guidelines and information for Nancy, Amit and all of our 
new members.

Nancy: If your email is to Russ then please send it directly to Russ. If 
you then find out information which is relevant to web standards and 
that the majority of this list will care to read your post, then, 
please, post to the list.

Amit: Please don't post "me too"s... especially ones that contain 
thousands of lines of CSS.

From the guidelines:
 - "Try to use plain text email rather than HTML email where possible."
 - "Read all the posts in your inbox before answering so that multiple 
similar answers are avoided as much as possible"
 - "Code samples are fine, but not full pages of html or css code - 
much better to link to these items"
 - "If you wish to post a message to the list and are unsure if it is 
on-topic, please email Peter and Russ at [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

A full copy of the guidelines can be found here:
-- tim
Nancy Johnson spoke the following wise words on 22/06/2004 3:23 AM EST:
> Dear Russ,
> This seemed like a very interesting meeting, would it be possible to
> publish the actual CSS files?
Amit Karmakar spoke the following wise words on 22/06/2004 9:51 AM EST:
I was just going to say that Pete  :)
use firefox/mozilla and dig out the CSS with the 'web developer extension.
Here you go Nancy.
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] critque

2004-06-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Ryan Smith spoke the following wise words on 19/06/2004 3:58 PM EST:
Another newbie here. I’ve just sent my site live and wanted some 
constructive feedback from both designers and developers. The xhtml 
validates & I’m working on getting it ‘strict’. Although there are a 
couple of usability issues (like the skip to content misses the folio 
links) overall I’m happy with it.
Good to see another designer embracing web standards =)
Clean and minimal markup and using JS to insert the decorative graphics. 
You've let a bgcolor sneak on all the pages though ;)

To guarantee no UAs get confused with the inline javascript you could 
make it less intrusive by using 

Re: [WSG] invalid xhtml

2004-06-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Mordechai Peller spoke the following wise words on 18/06/2004 7:47 PM EST:
That's because Firefox, even though it checks for well formedness, 
doesn't check for validity.

The best solution is to sniff if the UA accepts application/xhtml+xml, 
and if so, serve XHTML, otherwise, convert it to HTML4.01 and serve it 
that way. One of the advantages of XHTML over HTML is that XHTML can be 
easily and quickly converted to HTML, while the reverse isn't true.
Yes, XML is (relatively) easy to manipulate but the point of the 
discussion is schema validation.

Most XML parsers are non-validating (i.e. they don't validate that the 
given document conforms to its schema).

To serve validating XHTML content the best solution is to use a schema 
validating editor (e.g. DreamweaverMX04, XMLSpy) and to ensure your 
server-side components are validating and dealing with errors.

The attitude at the moment is that it's not a high priority for web 
developers to ensure their documents are 100% valid. If you're going to 
do this then simply don't serve it with a mime-type of xhtml+xml.

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Safety experts advise switching browsers

2004-06-17 Thread Tim Lucas
Nancy Johnson spoke the following wise words on 17/06/2004 10:26 PM EST:
Most people have no idea what web standards are.
And why should they? How much of the POP or HTTP standard does a user 
need to know?

I believe it is our job to use and spread web standards for the 
bettering of the web for *all* of its *users*. This can be achieved by 
both implementing standards based web content and by influencing those 
who currently do not. The WSG is an epitome of this cause.

Users don't care that IE is not the most standards compliant browser.
What they might care about though is the fact that IE, both with its 
large user base and flakey current standards implementation, persuades 
web designers to create web content inaccessible to many of world's 
less-abled users, and hence indirectly screws over a struggling minority.

Users may also care about IE's proven lack of security -- but that's not 
exactly a web standards issue now is it ;)

If you really want to make a difference don't try and get everybody to 
change to IE. Go and grab the closest web designer that has no idea 
about web standards and bring them to the next WSG meeting.

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] re: using wildcard * in css (now IE vertical spacing between 's)

2004-06-14 Thread Tim Lucas
I'll check it out for you when I get home later this evening.

-- tim

Quoting Neerav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Tim
> You're right, the different colouring was there just for separation. I 
> like your idea of using spacing to differentiate groups of links and 
> have applied it at http://www.algae.info/
> Works fine in Firefox 0.8/Mozilla , Opera 7.23, and Safari 1.2
> Unfortunately IE wont come to the party, it puts in vertical spacing 
> between each  in the  when all the other browsers play nice and 
> display them vertically flush.
> -- 
> Neerav Bhatt
> http://www.bhatt.id.au
> Web Development & IT consultancy
> Mobile: +61 403 8000 27
> http://www.bookcrossing.com/mybookshelf/neerav
> Tim Lucas wrote:
> > Well assuming the different colouring is there just for separation then 
> > it is much harder for the brain to deduce groupings from colours than it 
> > is for proximity. Its just a graphic design principle that I think might 
> > be worth trying.
> > 
> > To fix your prob set the width to be 100% on the 's.
> > 
> > Try these style changes (just add to page or bottom of style sheet):
> > 
> > -- tim
> > 
> > 
> > Neerav spoke the following wise words on 14/06/2004 6:36 PM EST:
> > 
> >> Any specific reason Tim ? The clients for that site want a solid 
> >> colour background for the nav column
> *
> The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
> See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> * 


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The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] scrolling area

2004-06-14 Thread Tim Lucas
Justin French spoke the following wise words on 14/06/2004 11:29 PM EST:
So, I'd like to experiment with a javascript/css based solution which 
(preferably) is 100% accessible, based on a scroll box with simple up 
and down arrows, etc.
Travis Beckham's divscroller works a treat:
-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] new layout/design

2004-06-13 Thread Tim Lucas
Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 13/06/2004 2:52 PM EST:
Firstly thanks for the indepth review!
Pleasure =)
*/ - Teaser boxes shouldn't be 's
I thought it would be ok using a  because its only going to 
contain small notes, or a link or two.
What should I use in that place?
It seems that you're using  to separate text flow and  to cut 
your page into chunks for styling.

A  shows a change in the flow of page content, just as a  shows 
the change in the flow of text.

*/ - Don't use a clearing div if you can just clear the (next) element 
/*I dont have any clearing div's - unless you saw the older version.
Or if you are refering to the footer div clearing.
Thats needed so the  dont intrude on the footer when the span is 
larger than the content.
You should be able to just apply the "clear: both;" on the footer div 

*/ - Need more contrast on the lower 3 buttons.
/*Is it because they are hard to read?
They arent really essential, and I am thinking of reducing the thickness 
of the borders.
I wasn't planning on lightening the colour of the bg though...
any special reasons why?
Two reasons:
 1) It looks nicer.
 2) It's more readable and hence more accessible to vision impaired 
users or anybody with an uncalibrated monitor (majority of web users)

*/ - Consider a skip link
/*Why is this important?
I only have 8 links, i have seen them before.
and they look kind of out of place.
It'll only look out of place if you make it look out of place. Making 
something more enjoyable is about making the little things easier. If 
including the skip link makes somebody's life that little bit easier as 
they read through your blog postings isn't it worth it? Hey it's up to 
you, which is why I said 'consider' =)

I recommend reading Chapter 1 of Joel Spolsky's User Interface Design 
for Programmers:

*/ - Is your H2 a heading with associated content or just a tagline?
/*The H1, and H2 headers are merely for when the browser has no CSS.
If you have FireFox, view hte BASIC theme.
You will see the headings.
At the moment they are display:none.
Its just so the site looks good without the CSS
AKA bastardisation of web standards. Choose elements based on their 
semantic meaning -- not on their unstyled appearance when viewed through 
[insert your favourite browser here] with styles turned off.

/*I usually use all the H tags, down to H6...
So I will have the structure, just H1 and H2 are hidden, and are 
displayed as Images really...
I know its not 100% correct, but its not that bad is it?
Headings are *meant to be* used to logically and hierarchically separate 
your content. Some of your viewers may browse your pages by skipping 
through the headings on your page. Does it make sense for a user to skip 
to your tagline section?

 - Ditch the FIR on your H1 and H2. Use an image with an 'alt' in your 
H1 and H2 element or an accessible IR technique.
Im thinking :)
FIR = Fahrner Image Replacement = "display: none;" = bad practice.
It's an elegant method of image replacement but unfortunately for us 
it's inaccessible.

If you choose to use it just be aware that the browser (or any user 
agent) is not under any obligation to acknowledge it's existence.

As alternative user agents increase in use amongst both the community 
and less-abled users it's even more important to be aware of this 
particular gotcha (especially with the upcoming release of OSX shipping 
with screen reading technology.)

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] new layout/design

2004-06-12 Thread Tim Lucas
Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 13/06/2004 3:31 PM EST:
Yeah thats what I have for the inner Div.
but IE doesnt recognise that I thought.
If you apply the text-align to the body element you only need 1 div:
  text-align: center;
  text-align: left;
  margin: 0px auto;
  width: 750px;
-- tim lucas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] new layout/design

2004-06-12 Thread Tim Lucas
Sorry for the dual posting. Accidently left my digital signature on for 
the last post. I wish the list software didn't abuse the mail headers.

Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 13/06/2004:
Just looking for your opinion.
My new layout - I coded 100% myself last night.
Here is the link:
My opinion:
 Source code and accessibility:
 - Do you really need all those nested 's?
 - Enclose paragraph text in 's
 - Teaser boxes shouldn't be 's
 - Don't use a clearing div if you can just clear the (next) element 
 - Try to include a 'media' on the link tag
 - Consider including a print style sheet
 - Need more contrast on the lower 3 buttons.
 - Consider a skip link
 - Is your H2 a heading with associated content or just a tagline?
 - Should your H1 be the title of your site or the title of this page? 
Although from your POV the site title is more important there are no 
explicit tags to describe the heirarchy of your site, only the heirarchy 
of this page. Therefore in this page/document medium shouldn't the 
page/document title have greater importance?
 - Validate your CSS
 - Ditch the FIR on your H1 and H2. Use an image with an 'alt' in your 
H1 and H2 element or an accessible IR technique.

 Graphic design:
 - Page title the fullstop, space and capital too closely resembles two 
sentences. You could probably either put the two closer or move the 
fulltop closer to 'Com'.
 - The page title image says 'elegant' to me. Try to remember this when 
styling each element.
 - The bottom links are already visually separated from the body by 
their surrounding grey box so probably don't need the harsh outline. 
They do need separation from themselves though. Try centre equalizing them.
 - More whitespace around the content boxes
 - Changing background colour of a box on :hover gives it the 
appearance of a link
 - Don't really need the last 
 - Background of nav could be a little lighter
 - Hover on nav maybe a bit too harsh (remember 'elegant')
 - More spacing between nav elements
 - Include more alternative fonts in your font-family declarations
 - Consider line-height for your fonts

And personally a lil splash of colour (just one or two complements) to 
make your site a bit different from the few other b&w blogs.

All round nice job. Your work (both design and coding) has improved 
significantly since you signed up to the list a long while back =) Have 
you done any paid work?

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] new layout/design

2004-06-12 Thread Tim Lucas
Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 13/06/2004:
Just looking for your opinion.
My new layout - I coded 100% myself last night.
Here is the link:
My opinion:
 Source code and accessibility:
 - Do you really need all those nested 's?
 - Enclose paragraph text in 's
 - Teaser boxes shouldn't be 's
 - Don't use a clearing div if you can just clear the (next) element 
 - Try to include a 'media' on the link tag
 - Consider including a print style sheet
 - Need more contrast on the lower 3 buttons.
 - Consider a skip link
 - Is your H2 a heading with associated content or just a tagline?
 - Should your H1 be the title of your site or the title of this page? 
Although from your POV the site title is more important there are no 
explicit tags to describe the heirarchy of your site, only the heirarchy 
of this page. Therefore in this page/document medium shouldn't the 
page/document title have greater importance?
 - Validate your CSS
 - Ditch the FIR on your H1 and H2. Use an image with an 'alt' in your 
H1 and H2 element or an accessible IR technique.

 Graphic design:
 - Page title the fullstop, space and capital too closely resembles two 
sentences. You could probably either put the two closer or move the 
fulltop closer to 'Com'.
 - The page title image says 'elegant' to me. Try to remember this when 
styling each element.
 - The bottom links are already visually separated from the body by 
their surrounding grey box so probably don't need the harsh outline. 
They do need separation from themselves though. Try centre equalizing them.
 - More whitespace around the content boxes
 - Changing background colour of a box on :hover gives it the 
appearance of a link
 - Don't really need the last 
 - Background of nav could be a little lighter
 - Hover on nav maybe a bit too harsh (remember 'elegant')
 - More spacing between nav elements
 - Include more alternative fonts in your font-family declarations
 - Consider line-height for your fonts

And personally a lil splash of colour (just one or two complements) to 
make your site a bit different from the few other b&w blogs.

All round nice job. Your work (both design and coding) has improved 
significantly since you signed up to the list a long while back =) Have 
you done any paid work?

-- tim lucas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] print style - reposition a div

2004-05-05 Thread Tim Lucas
Phillips, Wendy spoke the following wise words on 6/05/2004 9:17 AM EST:
I have a two column table - in the right hand column is a div. I have a print style 
sheet and would like this div to position itself at the end of all other content in 
the print version.
Is this possible?
Ahh now see if you'd gone CSS-P it wouldn't be a problem :)
Mozilla supports "display: block" on the s, but alas IE does not.
-- tim lucas

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] Re: Ten questions for Anne van Kesteren

2004-05-05 Thread Tim Lucas
Chris Bentley spoke the following wise words on 5/05/2004 9:45 PM EST:
I thought XHTML transitional _is_ XML. In what way is XHTML transitional 
is a "less strict data format"?
oops you're right. I should have suggested HTML.
...that's what you get when you post after beers at the pub. ;)
-- tim
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Validator Question re SHORTTAG YES

2004-05-04 Thread Tim Lucas
Vaska.WSG spoke the following wise words on 4/05/2004 11:47 PM EST:
Am I correct in assuming that the validator does not like the 'nowrap'? 
 And that probably being the case, and since I do need it, is there some 
other betther method for pulling this off?
Yep and yep. You want nowrap="nowrap".
Likewise for disabled="disabled", checked="checked" and noshade="noshade".
If you want an explanation: XML requires all attributes to be in the 
attribute="value" format. SHORTTAG is a remnant from SGML (of which HTML 
is a subset of).

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Validator Question re SHORTTAG YES

2004-05-04 Thread Tim Lucas
Vaska.WSG spoke the following wise words on 4/05/2004 11:47 PM EST:
Am I correct in assuming that the validator does not like the 'nowrap'? 
 And that probably being the case, and since I do need it, is there some 
other betther method for pulling this off?
Yep and yep. You want nowrap="nowrap".
Likewise for disabled="disabled", checked="checked" and noshade="noshade".
If you want an explanation: XML requires all attributes to be in the 
attribute="value" format. SHORTTAG is a remnant from SGML (of which HTML 
is a subset of).

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] Re: Ten questions for Anne van Kesteren

2004-05-04 Thread Tim Lucas
east spoke the following wise words on 4/05/2004 10:27 PM EST:
a miminmal amount of PHP effort this is possible, and I have done it on 
my personal website, and written about it here: 
If you're going to do this you better be damned sure that your markup is 
kosher. You might want to check out the following link:

If you don't need to serve valid XML, and you can not systematically 
serve well formed XML documents, then I recommend sticking with a less 
strict data format (such as XHTML transitional).

XML is a strict data format and, like most, can't reliably be written by 
hand without some level of QA.

There are many advantages to serving XML but you *have* to do it 
properly. If you've told the browser you're sending XML and you don't 
then it's no better than sending it a PDF when it's been told its 
receiving a ZIP.

-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] iCal and other Calendar Formats?

2004-05-04 Thread Tim Lucas
Justin French spoke the following wise words on 4/05/2004 10:54 AM EST:
Can anyone point me to some standards or guides for targeting these 
users with subscription-based calendars?
Check out:
-- tim lucas
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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Re: [WSG] CSS Tables

2004-04-21 Thread Tim Lucas
Noa Groveman spoke the following wise words on 22/04/2004 11:37 AM EST:
Hey everyone, I've been reading this list for a couple weeks and this is 
my first time posting.  I've got a question about something I've been 
working on recently.  I'm pretty sure it's a lost cause, but I might as 
well ask.

I recently converted a directory lister script from using  tags 
to using CSS styled tables (display:table), and I've noticed that there 
is no provision for a colspan attribute.
This is tabular data. I would definately recommend using a table. 
Imagine there are 50 rows. How would the user, or user-agent, tell that 
there is a connection between the column header and that piece of data 
on the 50th row?

Use a Header

This makes sense, because 
tables are for displaying tabular data and not for fancy headers, but I 
want to do it anyway.
This is your first clue that you probably should be using a table.
You can style tables to your hearts content so I see no reason why you'd 
bother trying to emulate them using divs.

-- tim lucas


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] Web Essentials 04

2004-04-20 Thread Tim Lucas
Andrew Krespanis spoke the following wise words on 21/04/2004 12:46 AM EST:
Ok, I'm a full-time student, and as such, I'm full-time broke :(
I'm VERY keen to attend this seminar, and I'm wondering if any other 
students want to band together and try for some kind of "group 
discount"?  Email me if you're interested...
That's gonna have to be one helluva discount! ;)

-- tim

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] theage.com.au: new design

2004-04-20 Thread Tim Lucas
Peter Ottery spoke the following wise words on 20/04/2004 10:27 AM EST:
we relaunched theage.com.au today with improved markup and a css layout.
Peter, once again my hat goes off to the f2 team.

One interesting choice , I noticed, was in the print style sheet where 
you've set a 600px width for #content. Shouldn't you be letting the UA 
set it's own margins for printing?

Also, have you considered including a rule in the print stylesheet for 
those using CSS3 capable browsers to print the URL of links?

-- tim lucas


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] target="_blank" substitute

2004-04-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Darian Cabot spoke the following wise words on 18/04/2004 1:29 PM EST:
I would like to open a link in a new window. I used to use target="_blank"
attribute, but that isn't xhtml strict. Can anyone enlighten me on a xhtml
strict method? as I'd like my pages to verify ^^
Check out XHTML target module:
The DTD:
-- tim lucas


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] Introductory Usability Evaluation workshop

2004-04-13 Thread Tim Lucas
russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 13/04/2004 6:14 PM EST:
Forgot to mention, 10% discount for WSG members!
Is that on top of the student discount? (not that I have the money 
anyway... lol)

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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2004-03-30 Thread Tim Lucas
Answered off list.
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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Re: [WSG] Trimming the fat

2004-03-24 Thread Tim Lucas
Quoting theGrafixGuy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Now, my site is better, but still not where I want it, CSS will definitely
> bring it more inline but alas, I need to find a good lightweight,
> customizable and powerful shopping cart program to replace the VERY VERY
> tables heavy OSCommerce.

Might want to check out Zen Cart:

-- tim


Web, Email and Domain hosting - www.fasthit.net
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Re: [WSG] Help us redesign the WSG site

2004-03-20 Thread Tim Lucas
russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 21/03/2004 1:58AM EST:
The WSG site was built very quickly when we first put the group together
(just over a year ago). It is very much overdue for a redesign. In the
spirit of group ownership, we thought it would be a good idea to open the
process up to all members.
Great! I only wish I had more time to encourage my creative side. So 
much of my time is spent doing technical stuff.

Can't wait to see the entries, and who knows... maybe some celebrity 

-- tim


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Re: [WSG] forum @ WSG?

2004-03-19 Thread Tim Lucas
Peter Firminger spoke the following wise words on 19/03/2004 9:15PM EST:
Tim mentioned an NNTP (news) in the last 24 hours but this is not likely to
happen I'm afraid. Integrating the list and an nntp server isn't that simple
(with the server software I have available) and the list is (and will
remain) the primary method of active communication for this community. I'll
look at the IIS NNTP thingie again soon and see if I can get it working as a
read-only newsfeed. Don't hold your breath though.
Thanks for the feedback Peter. The reason I asked is the daemon mailing 
lists (lists.daemon.com.au) have an NNTP interface available and I find 
it much smoother to track threaded conversations. They're using Lyris 
though, which costs (I think) 500USD for the standard version.

I have no need for it as a read-only NNTP feed, so unless other people 
want it then I'm happy to keep using the mailing list.

If you were using ezmlm then I'd suggest 
http://trainedmonkey.com/colobus/ but there's no such tool for 
SmarterMail unfortunately.

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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Re: [WSG] Next Sydney meeting - a fantastic guest presenter

2004-03-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Leslie Riggs spoke the following wise words on 19/03/2004 2:13 AM EST:
If only I could get to Sydney...but it is not to be.
Anybody got a DV-Cam? Maybe for meetings we could video guest speakers 
(with their permission of course), type up transcripts and post both to 
the website along with their comments.

I think this is just too important to let go for those who aren't in 
Sydney (which, luckily, I am!) and for the visually-abled David's Top 50 
list would have much more an impact with the accompanying video.

Just an idea...

-- tim

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[OT] Re: [WSG] FIR "deprecated" [WAS: A rave about 's]

2004-03-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Gyrus spoke the following wise words on 19/03/2004 1:46 AM EST:
Just a request - could we change subject lines when the subject changes? 
Actually, I can't remember how the  thread became the FIR thread...

But anyway, I'm sure I'm not alone in liking the ability to scan my list 
inboxes for subject headings that I'm following.
When the subject changes you should start an entirely new email, not 
just change the subject of the message.

When you hit "Reply" to an email your email client actually sends back 
the id of the email you were replying to, which allows the mail server 
to keep track of the threads (even if subjects change).

If you want to make a thread of another (web standards related) topic 
then make sure you compose a new email and don't just reply to the 
original email thread.

Stuff like mail-archive.com uses the mail-id to do threading.

Also, if Peter ever gives us NNTP access to the list then these sort of 
problems become more apparent when everything is laid out in a tree view 
(some mail clients will also give you a tree view of mail threads as 
well -- for example Thunderbird and Mozilla Mail)

-- tim
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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Re: [WSG] Next Sydney meeting - a fantastic guest presenter

2004-03-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Thanks Russ, Peter and David.

That's great news -- can't wait!

-- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 19/03/2004 12:43 AM EST:
We have a special presenter for the night - David Woodbridge.

David works at the Royal Blind Society. His jobs is to evaluate client
websites from a blind perspective (yes, he is blind). He has detailed
technical knowledge of websites and how they should be set up for optimum
David will be bringing his own equipment including screen reader and
possibly his Braille reader. He will be demonstrating how they work, and
where websites can go wrong.
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Re: [WSG] best ways to "sell" web standards

2004-03-09 Thread Tim Lucas
Have a look at the thread posted last month by the f2network team.

-- tim

Neerav spoke the following wise words on 10/03/2004 10:19 AM EST:
When preparing a proposal for a potential client or trying to convince 
your management, what are the tried and true methods used by WSG members 
to convince them that coding to web standards is a plus for their 

I can think of a few to start with:

* Lower data transfer volumes as pages coded with DIV and SPAN tags + 
CSS for presentation are usually smaller in size and the CSS will be cached

* Coding to standards lowers testing time in the umpteen available 
browsers (in my experience) as pages coded to standards tend to work 
more out "out of the box" than older style table layout and font tag 
coded pages
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] A few questions needing answers

2004-03-05 Thread Tim Lucas
Peter Firminger spoke the following on 6/03/2004 12:26 PM EST:
Relative vs Absolute Links
I agree with James first answer. Change hosts! I can see absolutely no
reason for this apart from an idiot ISP. Speaking of idiot ISPs... Was it
TPG (http://www.tpg.com.au/help_desk/activate.html - This form is best
viewed with IE 3.04 or Netscape 3.03 and above.)?
Relative and absolute links have no difference on the server. The 
client/browser/user-agent are the ones who have to figure out the 

The fact that your host doesn't understand this is a pretty good reason 
to change hosting providers.

Did he give you reasons for requesting you use absolute links?

-- tim


The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Coding Standard...

2004-02-29 Thread Tim Lucas
My brace style of use is K&R (Kernighan and Ritchie -- or what you call 
'goofy') but I prefer to read GNU style, then BSD style (what you called 
'lined up method').

I guess it goes back to my C programming days. If wateva team I'm 
working with doesn't like it then it's only 2 lines of perl to change it...

And I definately agree with SC that it's probably one of the aspects 
that matters the least when it comes to code readability and reuse -- 
althought it should be kept consistent throughout a project.

-- tim


The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] A new standards based smh.com.au/technology

2004-02-25 Thread Tim Lucas
Just received an email[1] from my SMH subscription stating they've 
launched a new website, SMH.com.au technology:

I have to admit. I was a little cynical and was preparing myself for an 
onslaught of presentational markup and zilch semantic markup. Off I went 
and viewed the source of the new website and... low and behold... its 
semantic markup laid out purely with CSS (otherwise known as a CSS-P 

Hats off to the f2 network web team (I know you're on this list!) for 
moving SMH's policies toward a standards based architecture.

Unfortunately the site doesn't validate because of bare ampersands in 
URIs, some javascript language attribs, attributes that aren't doubled 
quoted and a missing alt tag. The ad banner system seems to be the cause 
of most of the errors which, im guessing, is out of their control.

Again, nice work f2! I look forward to seeing you move more of SMH (and 
the f2 network) towards standards based techonologies (including a focus 
on some accessibility features).

A question on behalf of those who are considering moving their companies 
to standards based design:
How were the "forces of power" in f2 convinced to invest in web 
standards and what commitment by management was needed for this to 
become (what I consider to be) a successful project?

-- tim



-- FWD-From: smh.com.au Technology 

New look technology site

Dear Tim,

The new look technology section on smh.com.au/technology has just 
launched. It has been enhanced to provide more breaking technology news 
and to showcase the vast amount of news, analysis and reviews available 
online from Next, ICON and LiveWire. Plus, it will be even easier for 
you to navigate around.

What has changed?
- It is now a fixed-width site, which will make it easier to scan the 
headlines and read the articles.
- We have rearranged the site into two main columns, which allows you to 
see all of the different sections and updated news and features at a glance.
- And, there's an extra navigation across the top, a change of colours 
and picture bylines for our fantastic columnists, to make the site a 
little more personal.

New features
- Resources section with an IT Events calendar
- Management Focus with articles from our MIS publications in Australia, 
Asia, NZ and the UK
- More IT Whitepapers and all the latest tech tips from Next
- Refreshed design and layout for the technology news emails starting 
from next week

We hope you like the changes to the technology site that have been long 
in coming, but which we hope will improve your enjoyment. Take a look at 
smh.com.au/technology now and send us your feedback.


Mike van Niekerk
Managing Editor, Online
The Sydney Morning Herald
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Debrief and thanks to Russ & Peter

2004-02-23 Thread Tim Lucas
Bloody webmail gremlins. Killed half of my newlines to!

-- tim

LC 55 spoke the following wise words on 24/02/2004 2:28 AM EST:

Gremlins in the works or what chaps?

Check the date on this original message below.
Regards, JG

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Image replace or ALT text?

2004-02-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Cameron Adams spoke the following wise words on 19/02/2004 11:49 AM EST:

I'm aware of image replacement techniques that also
allow you to see text when the image isn't there, but
they seem very clumsy, so I'm asking whether the old
skool method's usability outweighs its unfashionable
Ok  tags may be unfashionable, but I wouldn't say that they are not 
semantically correct. Remember you are not just feeding data to the 
browser, you are feeding a hypertext document. This includes links, 
media and text. If you want the user agent to be aware of the media then 
use the relevant tags for that media, such as . The advantages of 
using these tags is that you can assign standard sets of meta-data to 
that media, so different user agents can handle the media in different 
ways. This standard set of meta data (attributes) are approved by the 
W3C and are utilised in almost all user agents.

Until the user agents can recognise the image replacement techiques 
(which won't be until we have a W3C endorsed image replacement 
technique) we have to stick with  tags so as to allow the user 
agent to control what happens when the user browsers with images turned 
off, when the user is blind etc.
At the moment you can't assign user-agent recognisable meta data (such 
as alt test, title, width, height) using replacement - a major hurdle 
for allowing user agents to intelligently cope with images.

Two advantages of using image replacement techniques are that the images 
are defined in the stylesheets, so can be easily changed, and that it 
allows you to add images if you aren't able to modify the source document.

People that claim that image replacement is more accessible than img 
tags are simply wrong. They are just as wrong as those who claim their 
website is more accessible because they include a Skip to navigation in the top of their 
document as most user agents ignore display:none [1].

Dave Shea's website [2] gives a great example of people trying to invent 
their own standards, yet not taking into account the vast array of 
situations which you need to deal with. The W3C has already thought 
about usability and accessibility - which is why the  tag is a 
XHTML core tag and which user agents are expecting us to use.

Don't use image replacement techinques blindly and then claim you design 
with standards. Image replacement is a good tool to have but certainly 
not the most accessible way to markup and display an image.

-- tim lucas
[1]  Screen Reader Visibility Testing
[2]  mezzoblue - revised image replacement
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] IE keyboard shortcut

2004-02-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Rex Chung spoke the following wise words on 19/02/2004 10:51 AM EST:

does anyone know if there's a keyboard shortcut [in Internet Explorer] for jumping to the next headings (h1,h2,h3 etc) on the page?

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Validating pages with password protection?

2004-02-18 Thread Tim Lucas
Justin French spoke the following wise words on 19/02/2004 9:48 AM EST:

A bit obvious, but also ridiculously time consuming on anything more 
than 2 pages :) 
Unless you use the developer extension for FireFox... then it's just a 
matter of right clicking in the browser window then going 
WebDeveloper->Validate Locally

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] Protecting CSS-P layout from CMS users

2004-02-17 Thread Tim Lucas
Anybody had any experience at protecting a CSS-P layout from their CMS 

Stuff like collapsing margins and what-not could really cause things to 
bugger up.

I'm thinking of wrapping the editable areas in a single-celled table.

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] Please Help with Final 2 CSS Bugs

2004-02-17 Thread Tim Lucas
I've done a CSS pure layout and only have two bugs to squash (I 
think/hope) before I can continue with the rest of the project. I've 
tried everything to get rid of them but nothing is working.

Page is here:
and the css is here:
Bug 1) In Mozilla the left hand background only vertically extends as 
far as the viewport (i.e. #outerwrapper background height is stuck at 
100% of viewport, not 100% of content).
See line 41 of CSS

Bug 2) In IE (5.x & 6) there is a strange white bar down the left hand 
side of body. This occured after I applied the "width: 100%" to #body to 
solve the disappearing float bug (as #body-rhcolumn has "float: right;" 
applied to it).
See line 245 of CSS

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is reaaally starting to 
annoy me!

-- tim
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Javascript question

2004-02-16 Thread Tim Lucas

If anyone could think of a better way to do this, or even an 
efficiency tweak I would be very grateful. 

How about using iteration instead of recursion?

-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] New CSS Site Layout

2004-02-16 Thread Tim Lucas
Can you please quickly checkout:
and tell me if it looks ok in your browser.
Also, does anybody know how to fix the disappearing footer colour when 
the window is resized very small? I'm quite sure it has to do with 
collapsing margins but I can't figure out which ones.

-- tim

Oh and btw if anybody needs a pseudo-latin-text generator i've had this 
tucked away for a while:
The difference between this and http://www.lipsum.com/ is that mine 
includes the source

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] CSS Site Check

2004-02-13 Thread Tim Lucas
Thanks Michael!

-- tim

Michael Donnermeyer spoke the following wise words on 13/02/2004 3:01 PM 

Don't blame you. IE has been on my last nerve recently...ALOT.

I wouldn't use the hack...it's a rather minor issue anyway, and the 
hack could cause other issues to arise...not to mention it's a hack.

Looks fine in what I tried it in:

Safari 1.2
Firebird 0.7
IE 5.2.3
Opera 6.03

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] CSS Site Check

2004-02-12 Thread Tim Lucas
Sorry.. forgot to include the URL:
-- tim

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] CSS Site Check

2004-02-12 Thread Tim Lucas

Thanks Michael,

One small this I saw is in IE the footer text
runs into itself if the window is resized too small, say 600-700 pixels
wide or smaller. 

I'm choosing to ignore IE's lack of support for min-width.

Other than that and the usual mystery
horizontal scrollbar, no probs.
Is it worth adding the -15px hack, and does anybody know of any side

Lynx looks alright, but personally I'd put the
header div above the body...just feels weird having it below, since
it's a title.  It also makes 'About Us' and 'Contact Us'  appear twice
very close together, which might be confusing for someone.

Good point. This body before header design was a result of SEO being
important for this project.

I think the confusing part though is the footer's "About Us... " being
before the copyright message. This was so I didn't have to "float:
the copyright to get them onto the same line. A little more markup and
for accessibility is definately worth it.

I've changed the footer, could you guys please do a quick recheck to
see if
it's still ok in Opera & Mac?

-- tim

Michael Donnermeyer spoke the following wise words on 12/02/2004 9:33
fine in Safari 1.2, Firebird 0.7, and IE 5.2. 
One small this I saw is in IE the footer text runs into itself if the
window is resized too small, say 600-700 pixels wide or smaller.  Other
than that and the usual mystery horizontal scrollbar, no probs. 
Lynx looks alright, but personally I'd put the header div above the
body...just feels weird having it below, since it's a title.  It also
makes 'About Us' and 'Contact Us'  appear twice very close together,
which might be confusing for someone. 

Re: [WSG] CSS Site Check

2004-02-12 Thread Tim Lucas

Thanks Chris, looks fine!

-- tim

p.s. It's best to send attachments privately and off the list. Posting
a link is ok though  =)

[WSG]: the poor man's browsercam

Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 12/02/2004 7:17 PM

Attached are two screenshots of your website as i see it in Crazy
Browser (IE 6) and FIREFOX.

[WSG] CSS Site Check

2004-02-11 Thread Tim Lucas
Could you please check the following framework for a layout i'm doing:
Intended display (horizontally liquid with no borders):
Thanks everyone,
-- tim
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] code for a form

2004-02-09 Thread Tim Lucas
A widely used, simple and secure Perl script is nms Formmail, a 
replacement for the popular and insecure 'MSA formmail':
 http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/scripts.shtml  (compatibility package)

It's a cinch to setup -- you'll find setup instructions in the zip file.
Be careful when setting up the config file as to not let your site 
become a spam relay. You're welcome to email me off list if you need a hand.

On the (x)html side it's just a matter of adding some hidden form fields 
for required fields, to, from, subject, etc etc

- tim

Universal Head spoke the following wise words on 9/02/2004 6:02 PM EST:

I don't know if this is on-topic or not, but can anyone direct me to a 
simple way of creating a form that has a few fields that then go into 
an email that is sent off to a recipient?

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Spot the Error

2004-02-08 Thread Tim Lucas

Lindsay Evans spoke the following wise words on 9/02/2004 12:13 PM EST:

The irony is just too much:
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Ok - Stupid Question

2004-02-07 Thread Tim Lucas
Nice work, but you might wanna run that menu through a spell checker =)

- tim

Chris Stratford spoke the following wise words on 8/02/2004 12:45 AM EST:


check it out now :D
its my first shot at XHTML so im also learning more about CSS while im
at it!

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Re: [WSG] OMG *rips hair out*

2003-12-07 Thread Tim Lucas
Can't have a look but I find the best thing to do when this happens is 
to use Mozilla's DOM inspector (Tools->Web Development->DOM Inspector).

Load up the DOM inspector, put in the URL. Then navigate the DOM tree 
until you find the node of the offending object.
In the properties pane click the drop-down next to "Object - DOM Node". 
Select "CSS Style Rules" to see the styles that were applied to it.

"Computed Styles", also in that dropdown, allows you to see all the 
default and applied styles that apply to that object.
"Box model", again, in that dropdown, allows you to see the information 
about position, dimensions, border, margin and padding.

Go see what styles are applied, or not applied, to your offending object.

- tim

p.s. If you use Firebird there is an extension to enable the DOM 
inspector on Firebird (and I think it's now permanently in the nightly 
build, and will be in the next release of FB).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke the following wise words on 8/12/2003 9:33 AM 

I have tried everything to correct this bug, but nothing has worked. I have no
idea how I made it happen. The problem spans the entire site (i believe) but is
blatantly apparant here (http://www.theward.net/wardlings.html) -- I suspect
that it's to blame on the main stylesheet (http://www.theward.net/general.css)
but I'm not sure at this point.
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] A few links for the morning...

2003-12-01 Thread Tim Lucas
russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 2/12/2003 10:28 AM EST:

New CSS site just launched - The man in blue:
I love it! Flows with my style exactly... argh... soo nice!

Makes me want to go and fix up my own thang.

- tim

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Re: [WSG] An interesting IE5 hack

2003-11-22 Thread Tim Lucas
at least it's the cleanest hack around... and not hard to do a search in 
your CSS to remove them when needed.

- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 22/11/2003 9:05 PM EST:

Not a big fan of hacks but interesting anyway...

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Walking Text in IE

2003-11-21 Thread Tim Lucas
Thanks David,

The border-bottom fixed it gewd!

- tim
David McDonald spoke the following wise words on 22/11/2003 2:22 AM EST:


It's a known bug in IE - see:




The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] Walking Text in IE

2003-11-21 Thread Tim Lucas
I have a serious case of text going walkies off the left hand side of 
the page in IE:

Anybody have any idea why this is happening?

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Browser test suite

2003-10-28 Thread Tim Lucas
Have you considered Browser Cam? ( www.browsercam.com )

- tim

Miles Tillinger spoke the following wise words on 29/10/2003 11:18 AM EST:

If there is a better way to do it I'm open to suggestions...

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Re: [WSG] XAML anyone? The end of webstandards?

2003-10-24 Thread Tim Lucas

  Can you write VB? then you are almost there :^)

My first GUI program when I was much younger was a VB6 program. Haven't
touched it since then so I'd imagine it would take a fair effort to get
up to scratch...

  Meanwhile I am sitting here making a template for a CMS-driven site browser-detect so it can spit out nice, compliant, accessible pages for most folks and a text version for the rest (client said "give up on N4" ), Next they want high/low bandwidth versions, methinks the zengarden style is the way to go :-)

Ok if all your images are defined
in the stylesheet (rarely the case)... another alternative i've tried
is to make a
low-res version of all your images, then buffer the entire page into a
variable and do a replace on all ".jpg" with "_low.jpg" and gifs etc...
(filter in jsp, ob_start with php or cfsavecontent with
coldfusion)... somebody probably has a better way though.

Back to XAML: I guess from an ubiquitous computing point view the
blurring between application, web application and web page is
inevitable. The application server industry is building up steam and
I'm sure they will be pushing a similar technology, and my bet is it'll
be XAML rather than XUL (i wish it was the other way around!).

These technologies conjure up dreams where you don't have to launch all
these separate 'applications' to do what you have to do... the computer
interface moulds itself to allow you to do the tasks you wish to do,
whether it be read an email, look up some information (on the web or
otherwise), converse on a newsgroup, instant message a friend, post on
a private/public diary... 

I wish MS would agree on (instead of declaring) a common base
architecture with the rest of the world... Longhorn would not doubt be
the most advanced application using that architecture, which would
still give them the market lead they lust for.

MS write some great and useful stuff for the business world. If only
they would let the rest of the world join the game...

- tim

p.s. Looks like we have two definitions of XAML (i was waiting for an
ML acronym clash!):
http://longhornblogs.com/rdawson/posts/496.aspx   and

Kym Kovan spoke the following wise words on 25/10/2003 1:48 PM EST:

Why do I have this little elf in my left ear whispering "learn dot net"... i wish he'd go away

  Can you write VB? then you are almost there :^)

Right now we have a client with a bunch of php sites he wants us to host,  as we do such a good job with his CF sites, I am starting to wonder which way it is all going.

Meanwhile I am sitting here making a template for a CMS-driven site browser-detect so it can spit out nice, compliant, accessible pages for most folks and a text version for the rest (client said "give up on N4" ), Next they want high/low bandwidth versions, methinks the zengarden style is the way to go :-)

Re: [WSG] XAML anyone? The end of webstandards?

2003-10-24 Thread Tim Lucas
Why do I have this little elf in my left ear whispering "learn dot 
net"... i wish he'd go away

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 25/10/2003 7:00 AM EST:

OK, rumours spread thick and fast around the blog community. This is the
Ryan Dawson - Why there hasn't been development of IE?
"The quick and dirty (2): XAML is basically an XML structure with CSS and
JavaScript. The CSS defines the appearance and the JavaScript dictates
behavior. "
Simon Willison - Microsoft's XUL
"Of course, Microsoft might make it an open standard. But then I might win
the lottery next week. "
Eric Meyer - Corralled:
"I want to be wrong.  I want to think that XAML will be open, interoperable,
available for anyone to hook into whether or not they're a partner or
Longhorn developer.  I want to believe that Safari and Mozilla will be able
to surf the XAML sea just as effectively as Explorer.  I also remember my
history, and the past behavior I recall doesn't bode well for the future. "
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] A house made entirely of CSS?

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Lucas
Wonder why i've never come across this before...!

thanks Chris!

Chris Bentley spoke the following wise words on 18/10/2003 2:31 PM EST:

How'd he do the diagonals?
maybe big borders...


The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] A house made entirely of CSS?

2003-10-17 Thread Tim Lucas
and... wait for it it works in IE!

IMO he could cut that CSS down by at least half by putting the repeated 
properties in their own class... unless the purpose was to do it all 
with IDs.

How'd he do the diagonals?

- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 18/10/2003 5:30 AM EST:

Chris Hester has created a picture of a house using nothing more than CSS -
no images. 

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Floatutorial, along the same lines as Listutorial

2003-10-14 Thread Tim Lucas
Hi Russ,

Ahh well that makes sense now! I knew they /had/ to have a width, didn't 
realise you could (relatively) safely leave it out.

I tried method 1 and it was horrible due to the large difference in 
widths of the items.

Method 2 works great on IE6/Firebird/Mozilla.

I've tried the techniques in your articles and came up with the following:
http://www.toolmantim.com/test/primaryNav.htm  (ignore the IE box model 

I floated the entire tab div on the left, and set clear: none on both 
the search div and tab div. In IE the search div takes watever space is 
left (minus a small gap) and Mozilla just floats the tab div on top of 
the content (or search div in this case).
As the lines will overlap its not a problem in Mozilla, but the small 
gap in IE is driving me nuts!.

Thanks for the tutes, keep up the great work!

- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 14/10/2003 11:03 PM EST:

Hi Tim,

You've seen through a weakness with this particular model!  : )

As you mentioned (and as mentioned in the site), floated elements are
supposed to have a width specified unless they have intrinsic width, such as
an  or an . I didn¹t want to write a tutorial that used
floats without a width - as it could confuse people into thinking that this
was a generally acceptable practice. However, if I were to do a horizontal
floated list I would use one of two methods:
You could check out which will be the longest navigation item and set em
based widths for the float to a width that is slightly than this item. Using
ems would allow the widths to scale correctly based on user font size
preferences - so the width would never be less than the longest nav item.
The down-side of this method is that all nav item were the same width.

You could use no set widths on the floated list items (What!). Floats
without widths will operate in unpredictable ways across browsers, but
generally they will shrink-wrap around content. This means if you have
varied width nav items, the width of the floats will shrink-wrap around the
content - making them the correct width for each nav item. If you use
padding on either side of the float item it will push the shrink-wraping
away for the item slightly and you will be left with a series of list items
floated with individual (but unspecified) widths.
I have tested this in method and it works fine across all modern browsers.
There are many sites out there that float nav items and do not use widths.
For example, Zeldman's horizontal nav uses floats without widths specified
(you can see the code in operation here):
Based on your comment below, the second choice seems to be the best for your
particular needs in this case. The only thing to keep in mind is to test
across all browsers before deciding that this method is acceptable on your
Hope this makes sense

Thanks Russ, great tutorials!

One question about the floating list item article.

Because inline list items have a fixed gap between them, and floated
list items need a width attribute, is the following layout not possible
with pure CSS:
The technique in your article uses a fixed width for every list item.

The list items are dynamically generated, so assigning an individual
class/id to each list item is not an option.
- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 14/10/2003 7:18 PM EST:


I have just launched a new tutorial along the lines of Listutorial, this
time on floats - Floatutorial.
Explains the basics of floats as well as tutorials on floating elements such
as images, drop caps, next and back buttons, image galleries, inline lists
and multi-column layouts.

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Re: [WSG] Floatutorial, along the same lines as Listutorial

2003-10-14 Thread Tim Lucas
Thanks Russ, great tutorials!

One question about the floating list item article.

Because inline list items have a fixed gap between them, and floated 
list items need a width attribute, is the following layout not possible 
with pure CSS:

The technique in your article uses a fixed width for every list item.

The list items are dynamically generated, so assigning an individual 
class/id to each list item is not an option.

- tim

russ weakley spoke the following wise words on 14/10/2003 7:18 PM EST:

I have just launched a new tutorial along the lines of Listutorial, this
time on floats - Floatutorial.
Explains the basics of floats as well as tutorials on floating elements such
as images, drop caps, next and back buttons, image galleries, inline lists
and multi-column layouts.

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/