Re: [Zope-dev] help

2004-03-11 Thread Federico Di Gregorio
Il gio, 2004-03-11 alle 11:30, Vandana Bajaj ha scritto:
> /Zope-2.6.2-linux2-x86/lib/python2.1/lib-dynload/
> undefined symbol: PyType_IsSubtype

you probably built psycopg using python 2.2/2.3 and your zope still uses
python 2.1. see psycopg's FAQ about building with the python packaged
with zope (

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't dream it. Be it. -- Dr. Frank'n'further

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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope RPMs/debs and Linux FHS

2002-10-13 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Il dom, 2002-10-13 alle 00:28, Chris McDonough ha scritto:

> - Jeff's puts some stuff into the current prevailing python's
>   site-packages directory and some other stuff into /usr/share/zope.
>   Mine puts nothing into site-packages, and installs all Zope software
>   into /opt/zope.
> - Jeff's creates an INSTANCE_HOME in /var/zope.  Mine creates an
>   INSTANCE_HOME in /var/opt/zope.  I don't know if this is the right
>   thing but in reading the Linux FHS, it advises to not create
>   subdirectories of var directly... so I don't.
> - Jeff's puts pid files into /var/run, while mine creates pid files
>   directly in INSTANCE_HOME/var.

perfect. please do that for debian packages too and let /usr for
official debian packages of Zope.

> - anybody has opinions on the packaging layout.  Why is it advantageous
>   to have many packages rather than one?

you can install only what you really need. for example debian as one
package for every Product not included in base Zope, so, if i want the
CMF i have only to do:

apt-get install zope-cmfdefault

> - anybody has any opinions of where Zope files distributed via RPMs and
>   debs should really go, especially wrt to the Linux FHS.  I'm not sure
>   there is a right answer, but I don't know beans about this, so I 
>   figure I'll ask.  A file named '' is attached to this 
>   email which is the input file to create a Zope RPM spec file during 
>   the make process, to give a better idea of how this works.

/opt and /var/opt is the right place. is a "software vendor"
and stuff from software vendors should gointo /opt.

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Best friends are often failed lovers. -- Me

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Re: [Zope-dev] Using psycopg cursor in a product

2002-02-08 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Il ven, 2002-02-08 alle 12:47, de ZORZI Frederic ha scritto:
> > Hi all,
> > Is it possible to use cursors and their functions (dictfetchall, 
> > fetchone...)  with zpsycopg connection ?
> > 
> Easy stupid :) :
> conn = getattr(self, self.connection_id)
> db = conn().db
> curs = db.cursor()
> curs.execute("select * from support limit 2")
> return "%s" % curs.dictfetchall()
> Now, how about managing transactions ?

zope manages them for you. you get a commit() at the end of the page and
a rollback() in case of an uncatched exception. if you want to do
transaction management yourself, create your own connection/cursor in an
external method.


Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 One key. One input. One enter. All right. -- An american consultant
   (then the system crashed and took down the *entire* network)

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RE: [Zope-dev] Curiously Zope Hanging

2001-07-12 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 12 Jul 2001 15:20:16 +0200, Paul Zwarts wrote:
> I've had this problem as well, although I changed from ZPopPy to
> psycopg0.99.4 which solved the problem. What I found in REdhat Linux 7.1,
> where the ps -ef command now queries more info from its children, I finally
> saw the status of my dbms threads. The Zope hanging maybe wasnt zope
> directly. It still translated requests BUT I saw in ps -ef:
> postgresql db01 UPDATE waiting.
> This is where the hang is. Several emails from Dieter just confused me more.
> Something about Zope not having imlicit commits on transactions, so you had
> to make sure a  was placed somehwere. This
> seemed to solve some problems at the time for me although I got alot of :
> Warning: COMMIT, No transacion in progress

never, never, never do that with psycopg. psycopg cooperates with zope
(that *does* commit on transactions) and has real transaction control.
with zope+psycopg you'll get a commit (or abort) just at the end of the
requested page.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  All'inizio ho scritto un programma proprietario, in esclusiva per il
   cliente; e mi ha succhiato un pezzo di
   anima.   -- Alessandro Rubini

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL

2001-06-27 Thread Federico Di Gregorio


i wanted to draw myself from this thread before annoying the whole list,
so i'll take paul mail as an excuse to write some final comments.

On 27 Jun 2001 09:06:16 -0400, Paul Everitt wrote:
> 1) I wanted to specifically address something in Michael's post here. 
> We fully expect people to profit from Zope, even if that means for-fee, 
> intact redistributions.  They simply have to provide credit.  Others may 
> have a different philosophy, but that's ours.  This is similar in some 
> regards to Perl's and Apache, I believe.

i think that nobody (ever gpl-oriented people like me) have anything
against making profit from free software. profit means more time and
resources to write even better software, profit is *good*. 

> 2) We specifically expect to produce a packaged version of Zope.  It's 
> clear that it's the only way to appeal to the mainstream market.  We 
> hope others do the same.

that's a business strategy. good or bad has nothing to do with
licensing. i wish you all possible luck with a packaged version of zope.
i'll even buy one if includes a well-written well-printed manual about
zope internals... ;-)

> 3) Regarding other posts, our license is nearly identical to Apache's 
> license, close enough legally to say it is the same.  Therefore, to say 
> Zope isn't free enough is to say Apache isn't free enough.  Anybody that 
> says that loses a fair amount of credibility, at least with me.  Apache 
> is an example of a crossover success (open and commercial) that I think 
> provides a fantastic role model.

again, i agree. apache. *is* free. zope *is* free. end of the argument.

> 4) Any changes in the license are likely to be more in the direction of 
> an Apache-style license.

let me try to explain why this is bad and a gpl-compatible license will
be better. a lot of people, like me, wants other use their work, even
for making money. but we want something back. this is why the gpl is
good. if you use my work you can:

1/ release your sources under a gpl compatible license; or

2/ give me some money for an alternate license: this is good because
i'll use the money to write even more software (see it as an exchange,
you can keep your sources propietary but you finance someone for writing
free code that will be made available to the community.)

the main problem with licenses like tha apache one is that they allow
people to use public, free code without giving *anything* back.

with its current license dc is forcing *me* to release under a license
that i don't like (ZPL) because if i release my software unsed the gpl
nobody will be able to redistribute it. this will make more and more
people like me abandon zope first or later (i hope later). the current
license surely does not push away companies that don't want to open
their sources but what good come from that? nothing. no software for us
and no money for dc.

what if the zpl would be gpl-compatible? the situation will be reversed.
a lot of people will continue to write and distribute zope products and
the occasional company not wanting to release will pay dc and other
developers for an alternate license. this will make *everybody* happy.

as i said before the *worst* case for zope going gpl-compatible is the
no-harm situation, while going apache-like is a little harm to some
entusiast developers and surely no good.

i finished. no more mail on this argument, and sorry for my bad english,
i wrote this one in an hurry...


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't dream it. Be it. -- Dr. Frank'n'further

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] PostgreSQL & Zope 2.4.0b1

2001-06-23 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 23 Jun 2001 22:59:02 +0200, Andreas Heckel wrote:
> Hi,
> is somebody out there who got ZPyGreSQLDA or any other DA for Postgres
> working with Zope2.4.01b ?

psycopg works with 2.4.0b1 with a little modification to the
modification is documented in the mailing list archives:

somebody said such a modification is not needed with cvs zope, so we are
holding it back until the final 2.4.0 is out.

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't dream it. Be it. -- Dr. Frank'n'further

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-22 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 22 Jun 2001 09:33:22 -0700, Simon Michael wrote:
> Thanks for a most illuminating thread. Slight clarification to a
> comment of yours Shane -
> Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > GPL code together.  ZWiki is just in a strange position because the
> > GPL is not actually in effect.
> I'm not sure I'd use those words - the license is certainly fully "in
> effect", I'd say, if not exactly "enforced by a battalion of lawyers".
> One of the consequences being that someone re-distributing zope &
> zwiki together, under their default licenses, is technically in
> violation right now, I think we are all agreeing.


> I'm not aware of anyone doing this right now, though there was a zwiki
> package for Debian GNU/linux at one point. Would Debian be in
> violation shipping both zope & zwiki packages on a cd ? If they
> thought so, sooner or later one or the other would get dropped from
> the distribution. Unfortunate and detrimental to both zwiki and zope.
> In principle this would apply to all linux distributions.

not only. i can assure you that somebody in debian find even a single
line of gpl code in the zope main packge zope will be removed from the
distribution until license compatibility is (re)estabilished. same story
for zope products currently available in debian. i don't have all that
time, so i wont be the guy doing that, but, first or later, someone will
surely try to track down all the licens incompatibilities in zope debian
packages. just look at the kde/qt problem (now fortunately resolved...)

> Does this serve as an example of a problem with the current situation
> for DC management ?
> Another would be the fact that DC's own options are limited if it (DC)
> ever had the desire to distribute or sell something leveraging
> zwiki. Sure, it could convince me that LGPL makes better sense, or
> offer me a large sum of money to draw up a special alternate license
> (hey, on the double :-). But this would have to be repeated with each
> developer where the situation arose.

right. maybe dc has some to gain froma gpl-compatible zope and not only
the no-harm i detailed before.

> Probably better to update the ZPL to solve this problem in one sweep,
> ensure that zope is participating fully within the preeminent sphere
> of software creativity, and earn a whole bunch of new support from the
> world developer community.
> And python did it.
> And there's no downside to making yourself GPL-compatible that I can
> think of.

absolutely. ciao,

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  99.% still isn't 100% but sometimes suffice. -- Me

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-22 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 22 Jun 2001 10:29:19 -0400, Shane Hathaway wrote:
> On Friday 22 June 2001 04:24, Erik Enge wrote:
> > I'd love to lobby DC to start thinking about this, how do I get in
> > touch with the management team?  It would be great if we could discuss
> > this on [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or similar) and have them read/comment
> > on that list.  To start off with, it would be great if we could see the
> > rationale for the ZPL, and how they think it applies to the current
> > situation.
> Explain why it's important to you and why you can't get by on the current 
> situation.  You can send them directly or I can forward emails to the 
> management.

a lot of people use Zope. a lot of people release under the GPL, mainly
because they don't want others (companies?) to "use" their code wothout
giving back something (their code) or release modified code without
giving back the modifications. a lot of people belongs _both_ groups and
experience a lot of difficulties releasing code for zope.

i think that releasing zope under a gpl-compatible license or under a
double license (zpl+gpl, the distributor can choose) will do a lot of
good to the people using the gpl and *no harm* to dc, because being dc
holder of the copyright can always distribute under alternate licenses,
usefull to its business plans, etc.

also, the gpl-compatible license seems better to me than double license,
because everybody (not only the users on one of the two licenses) will
be able to include and distribute *any* code written for zope. 


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? -- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-21 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 21 Jun 2001 12:07:36 -0600, Bill Anderson wrote:
> > err, no. if you write an external module using only python code, as long
> > as you use a gpl-compatible python to run zope, you can call your
> No, No, no, NO!
> The License of PYTHON only applies to modifications, derivations, etc.
> of _PYTHON_, NOT anything _written_ in it.

you stand right here. i was thinking about psycopg that actually is C
code that gets linked to python. but the border is not that clear. the
question, as always, is: what if i subclass python core classes
(released under the python license)? but that's a purely academical
question, i think...


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-21 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 21 Jun 2001 11:39:37 -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 05:18:40PM +0200, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> > On 21 Jun 2001 11:08:30 -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
> > [snip]
> > > OK, consider this from another point of view.  If I have an operating
> > > system may I install a piece of GPL software on the operating system?
> > > May I redistribute the operating system?  With the GPL software?
> > > May I invoke/run the GPL software?
> > > 
> > > My understanding is that the answer to every one of these is yes.
> > 
> > yes. only if it is free. only if it is free. yes, but only because gpl
> > allows for gpl code linking with the major components of the os even if
> > they are proprietary.
> Uh, you might want to reconsider the "only if it is free" parts.  After
> all Interix had a business of selling GPL software for a non-free
> OS.  Now Microsoft has that business (NT Services for Unix Pack).
> IBM distributes gcc and perl.  Cygwin sells GPL software for non-free
> OS's.

ops. ok, poorly worded. third parties can distribute only if the os is
free, vendor can do as he please, obviously...

> > err, no. if you write an external module using only python code, as long
> > as you use a gpl-compatible python to run zope, you can call your
> > external code from zope. if you write a product suclassing dc code,
> > you're effectively 'linking' and gpl limitations apply. 
> GPL limitations apply to whom:  To you, the developer?  To a
> downstream user invoking the product via dtml-call or dtml-var or their
> pythonish equivalents?  To a downstream developer who modifies your
> product and redistibutes the modified product?  To a downstream
> developer who writes a component that invokes the GPL component?
> In my mind the only sensible answers are developer - no,
> user - no (but see Jerome Alet's codacil), downstream modifier - yes,
> downstream developer who uses - no.
> The only other sensible option is that, indeed, no one may distribute
> GPL components for Zope, including the original developer.

as i said before, writing gpl code subclassing zope is a non-sense. even
the author cannot, imho, redistribute its work with a plain gpl attached
to it. the gpl says that if you link with gpl code *all* the code should
be gpl or gpl-compatible (major os components like clibs, compilers, etc
are an exception). so even the author cannot do that without licensing
under gpl plus some exception ("as a special exception you're allowed to
link this code with zope or any other zope product distributed under the
zpl".) see the (in)famous gpl vs. qt thread in the debian mailing lists
for an in-depth analisys of this problem.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The number of the beast: vi vi vi. -- Delexa Jones

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-21 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 21 Jun 2001 11:08:30 -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
> OK, consider this from another point of view.  If I have an operating
> system may I install a piece of GPL software on the operating system?
> May I redistribute the operating system?  With the GPL software?
> May I invoke/run the GPL software?
> My understanding is that the answer to every one of these is yes.

yes. only if it is free. only if it is free. yes, but only because gpl
allows for gpl code linking with the major components of the os even if
they are proprietary.

> May I modify the GPL software and distribute it without giving
> downstream the same opportunity.  Clearly no.
> Now, s/operating system/zope/g
> Do the answers to the questions change?  And, if so, why?
> >From my perspective, and I think from fog's the answer is that
> it should not change the answers.

err, no. if you write an external module using only python code, as long
as you use a gpl-compatible python to run zope, you can call your
external code from zope. if you write a product suclassing dc code,
you're effectively 'linking' and gpl limitations apply. 

> Maybe the easy way out of this is to simply declare zope an
> "operating system" rather than an "application".  Snippy
> thoughts cut here.

eheh. nice try... :)

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't dream it. Be it. -- Dr. Frank'n'further

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-21 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

i'll try to answer as clearly as possible but remeber that what follows
are *my* oppinions, not mixad live's nor debian's.

On 21 Jun 2001 10:52:28 +0200, Erik Enge wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> If I have the proprietory program P (that is the clients business-process
> workflow application *phew*) as a Zope Python Product and then we have
> Morten's GUM under the GPL, which also is a Zope Python Product, can P
> application utilise GUM without having to be relicensed as GPL?  (And I
> realise that the word "utilise" is ambigous, that was intentional.)

if your product derives from GUM or uses internal interfaces, no, you
can't. if your product uses only well the defined external api or access
gum through zope, then, imho, yes.

> Another question which I feel is very related, and to which I cannot get
> any real clarification:  Can Zope run GPL Zope Python Products without
> being relicensed as GPL?

good question. imho, licensing a zope product under gpl is a non-sense
because you won't be able to use it (usually products inherit on zope
classes) and respect the gpl at the same time. that's why i always
release under a double license. i really hope dc will release zope under
a gpl compatible license soon or later.

> "use [...] in your work", what does that mean?  Subclassing?  Interaction
> between the products in a management-interface?

i personally consider subclassing as linking.

> Hm.  What about a ZPL Zope Python Product and a GPL Zope Python
> Product?  Isn't the problem exactly the same?

yes. terrible, terrible problem. but, please don't see that as a
"license war". different people like different licenses for different
reasons and that's Right (TM). this "war" is just all of us trying to
cooperate to put free software to a better use.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The number of the beast: vi vi vi. -- Delexa Jones

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-20 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 20 Jun 2001 13:12:20 -0400, Jim Penny wrote:

> Also, as an aside, if this really concerns you, you might wish to
> consider contacting the author of the GPL product.  There is nothing
> to prevent him from giving you different licensing terms.  For
> most GPL authors, this comes down to a simple question:  "Are
> you trying to be excellent unto them", or are you trying to
> "use slash and burn agriculture".  If you are using, improving,
> giving feedback, writing documentation, helping publicise, or
> otherwise aiding them, they are likely to cut you a bit of slack.
> If you see the author as someone you can simply take advantage of,
> he is not so likely to cooperate with you.

i think this express extremely what i (we?) feel. as long as you give
back *something* you're wellcome.



Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The reverse side also has a reverse side.  -- Japanese proverb

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-20 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 20 Jun 2001 18:27:08 +0200, Erik Enge wrote:
> On 20 Jun 2001, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> > i am sure that the QPL and the ZPL are completely incompatible but
> > nobody cares because nobody really thinks that one is better than the
> > other...
> I might be misunderstanding here, if that's the case I appologies.

no, you're quite right. but we have two different problems here:

1/ your problem
2/ wheter a gpl zope product can exists

first some notes on 2. i don't know if python code loading other python
code counts as "linking" but if that is the case, no gpl zope product
can exists (same problem with python, but there is at least one
gpl-compatible release of python around.) 

for example, that's why psycopg, for example, is released under a double
license. you can use the gpl if your product is gpl'ed or the zpl when
using zpsycopgda in zope (and only then: you can include psycopg in your
code without respecting the gpl *only* when using zope and zpsycopgda.)

to your problem now... 

> Just to clarify, for us at Thingamy (and I'm quite sure this is the real
> case behind the license issues) it comes down to business-issues.  I do
> very much care whether or not I can use a GPL Zope Python Product with my
> ZPL/TPL Zope Python Product.  If I can't, and someone tells me I need to
> relicense my product as GPL it would be very bad.
> An example could be if I had application G, Z, P.  G is a GPL'ed Zope
> Python Product, Z is a ZPL/TPL Zope Python Product and P is some
> proprietory stuff I developed for my client.  Now, if the proprietory
> application P interacts with my Z application and Z needs to become GPL,
> then that would/could require the proprietary stuff I did for the client
> to become GPL as well.

you are quite right. but here, again, we have a lexical problem. are
zope products really linked? gpl forbids liking but there is no problem,
for example, in piping the data froma gpl'ed program to a proprietary
one. i can only say that **if** zope products count as linked, you can't
in any way use gpl code without releasing *all* the code under a gpl
compatible license (P included.)

anyway, is much better for you to ask the author of the gpl'ed program
for an alternate license. a lot of people will be happy to allow you to
use the program in a proprietary software for a little (or not so
little) fee... and if you have those problems is because you think
you'll make some money out of it, right?

other people won't and your only option is to rewrite the product or
(much better!) ask the customer to release under the gpl.

> Then, I get hell.  If the client has to disclose their business
> trade-secrets, the stuff that really makes them them, I'd be sued so hard
> I'd see stars for another three decades :)

i'll finish with some bad words, sorry: if the client is so worried
about intellectual property and secrets why is he even thinking about
free software? free software is good in a lot (in a different context i
would say 'all') of cases but imposes some constraints ont your work and
(unfortunately) *even* on your clients.



Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra

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RE: [Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL licensing issues

2001-06-20 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On 20 Jun 2001 10:38:03 -0500, Steve Drees wrote:
> Here comes the liscence wars again.
> Still haven't figured out how GPL became the holy grail.

the terms on the gpl are (by choice) the strictiest (does that word even
exists?) ever seen in a free software license. but a lot of people
'believe' in free software and have elected the gpl as their license of
choice. because of their true faith :) they are also pickier at license
compatibility. i am sure that the QPL and the ZPL are completely
incompatible but nobody cares because nobody really thinks that one is
better than the other... 

anyway, don't see it as a war. it is more like natural selection... 

federico (a real believer :) )

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Qu'est ce que la folie? Juste un sentiment de liberté si
   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Threads Optimizing Linux.

2001-04-16 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Aitor Grajal Crespo's letter:
> Hello , my question is a bit complex ( for me ). I have :
> - Linux RH 6.1
> - python 1.5.2 --with-thread (source compiled)
> - zope 2.2.x or zope 2.3.x (source compiled)
> In any program in python with Linux (inclusive Zope), the threads are processes,i.e, 
>they consume memory and don´t share it.

this is completely wrong. threads under linux have a different pid
but are created setting the CLONE flag so they share almost anything
(address space, shared objects, etc.)

> In Linux, I have Zope running with 4 Threads. I have five processes and everyone 
>consuming about 12 MB => 12 * 5 MB = 60 MB

this is what top tell you, but try using memstat to show the real
memory consumed by each process...


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: zope nautilus cabal

2001-04-13 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

this is true. i tried to acces zope on my local machine at the address


(note: *without* the manage!) and nautilus showed me everything. both
mozilla and netscape show the welcome page. if i add manage nautilus
simply refuse to authenticate. my impression is that even if http:
is specified, nautilus uses some other kind of protocol (webdav?)
to read the contents of the url.

the bad thing is that you can read (not modify) every single document
in the zope db. 

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s letter:
> Hi, here in mixad have found a "mysterious" bug with zope and
> nautilus.  We are investigating if is a bug or a feature. 
> The problem is that nautilus can browse the internals of zope directory 
> without authentication. 
> The method is pointing nautilus to simply. 
> Please can someone try to reproduce the bug ? The version of the 
> sw is:
> ii  libnautilus0   1.0-3  Shared libraries that part of Nautilus
> ii  libncurses55.2.20010318-1 Shared libraries for terminal handling
> ii  nautilus   1.0-3  file manager and graphical shell
> rc  nautilus-trilo 1.0-2  Nautilus component framework for services
> ii  zope   2.3.1-1The Z Object Publishing Environment 
> Regards 
> Andrea Fanfani
> -- 
> Andrea Fanfani 
> Era  talmente intelligente  che, datogli  in  mano un  cubo di  Rubik,
> riusciva a mangiarlo in 15 secondi netti. (Anonimo)

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy. -- Anonymous

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] RE: your mail

2001-04-10 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Randall F. Kern's letter:
> Read committed is faster, but I have not done any tests to know how much
> faster.  Read committed mode doesn't support concurrent updates either,
> but fails silently.  In other words, given to concurrent queries:
> update foo set a = a + 1
> update foo set a = a + 2
> Assuming these overlap, and a starting value of 0 for "a", read
> committed mode would result in "a" either being 1 or 2; serializable
> mode (with my patch) would result in "a" getting set to 3.

this is, imho, the Right Thing (TM), so psycopg will stay serializable.
thank you again for the patch.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   God is real. Unless declared integer. -- Anonymous FORTRAN programmer

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: your mail

2001-04-09 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Randall F. Kern's letter:

> Concurrent updates are not supported in the serializable transaction
> mode; if one transaction tries to update (or delete) a row that has
> already been updated by a concurrent uncommitted transaction, the second
> transaction will fail with a "concurrent update" error.

mmm... are they supported in the read commited mode? if yes it will be
easy to add this mode as on option to psycopg cursors and use it in zope.
do you know how much faster would it be compared to the serialized mode?

> Given that the default transaction mode for these DAs is Serializable,
> and Zope has this nifty support for ConflictErrors and retrying
> transactions already, I propose Postgres DAs should convert the
> concurrent update serialization errors into ConflictErrors
> automatically.
> I've been running this way for a few days, and everything seems great.
> Any reasons why this might be good/bad/ugly very welcome.  (Like: is it
> safe to throw a ConflictError at any random time during processing?
> >From a quick glance at ZODB it seems they are only thrown at commit time
> now)
> Here is a small patch to ZPsyccopgDA 0.5.1 that implements this change:

thank you very much for the patch. i am waiting to know what others think
about it (i am not a ZODB expert) before we incorporate it.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't dream it. Be it. -- Dr. Frank'n'further

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] New PostgreSQL Database Adapters: psycopg and ZpsycopgDA

2001-03-02 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Fred Yankowski's letter:
> Do you have any plans to get psycopg to work on Win32?

we don't use any win32 machine. while we will be glad to accept
patches, we won't fix any win32-related bug ourselves (we can't!)
or make a worse program only to be compatible with a non-free OS.


> On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:31:44PM +0100, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> > the guys here at initd ( arre happy to announce
> > the release of psycopg, a Python/PostgreSQL driver module and ZPsycopgDA, 
> > a Zope Database Adapter based on the psycopg driver. 

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] New PostgreSQL Database Adapters: psycopg and ZpsycopgDA

2001-02-28 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Hi *,

the guys here at initd ( arre happy to announce
the release of psycopg, a Python/PostgreSQL driver module and ZPsycopgDA, 
a Zope Database Adapter based on the psycopg driver. 

Now, I'll answer the questions you asked... (_what_ questions? well... 
follow me...)

Q. Why another postgresql dba? we already have pygres and popy!

A. That's true. We had some ideas about a performant, thread-safe
   driver and we wanted to hack a little bit. the resulting driver is
   slim, fast, with clean code and some nice features (see below.)
   Writing a Zope DBA was a logical consequence only because we use it.

Q. Should I switch to psycopg and zpsycopgda?

A. Not if you are happy with your current driver [and i hope it is popy ;-)]
   The only real reason is if you want the advanced features you can find
   only in psycopg:

   1/ level-2 thread safety
   2/ advanced type-casting system
   3/ automatic management of multiple phisical connections to the DB
  (one per thread) to speed up queries
   4/ extremely clean and maintainable code
   also, in a future release (0.5) zpsycopgda will support db and table 
   management from zope management screens.

Q. Hey! you're from MIXAD LIVE, is psycopg a popy fork?

A. No, psycopg is 100% clean code. we had some ideas on how a db driver
   should workin a heavily multithreaded environment and we wanted to
   test them. that's all.

Q. Where can I download it?
A. (tarball and precompiled debian packages)

ciao and good hacking,

Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Qu'est ce que la folie? Juste un sentiment de liberté si
   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Internationalization

2001-01-05 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 12:02:17PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone translated a site within Zope ? I have tried the ZBabel
> Translation System ( and
> didn't think it did really what I was after.
> I need to translate the site into French , German , and Japanese .
> I assume the best way is to pull the different languages from a database
> via a python external method or just Zmysql

you can use the Translator product (that does *not* use an external database.)
try our cvs via html interface ( or download directly
from the zope site:


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Command Line Database Packing ?

2000-10-27 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Keith Larson's letter:
> Hello , 
> Is there a way to run a script that could pack the database from the command
> line ? 

wget your.zope.server:/Control_Panel/Database/manage_pack?days=

and substitute the right port for  and the number of days for .

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  -- brought to you by One Line Spam

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZOracleDA not working with 2.2.1?

2000-09-15 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

Hi *,

after upgrading to latest Zope we are having problems with the
ZOracleDA product. The first SQLMethod **after** a call to an external
method using DCOracle to update the db, fails with an error saying that
the connection is closed. (connection can't be re-opened, the only way
out is to restart zope, sigh.)

anybody experienced the same problem? is ZOracleDA non-compatible
with Zope 2.2.1?

ciao and tahnk you very much (as always),

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 A short story: I want you. I love you. I'll miss you. -- Me

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] possible bug in dtml-in

2000-06-22 Thread Federico Di Gregorio

hi *,

an external method returns a list of tuples like this one:

[(elt1, elt2), (elt3, elt4), ...]

and i want to print something after the last one so i do: some work here...
should be executed only after last iteration

that always worked (when getting stuff out of a DB, for example) but
with a list built as above, if there is *more* than 1 element i get...

  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 276, in render
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/, line 146, in __call__
(Object: lettera_ricevuta)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 502, in __call__
(Object: lettera_ricevuta)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/, line 146, in __call__
(Object: genera_ricevuta_mail)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 502, in __call__
(Object: genera_ricevuta_mail)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 691, in renderwob
(Object: elenco.keys())
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 145, in render
(Object: key=sequence-item)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 691, in renderwob
(Object: elenco[key][1])
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 145, in render
(Object: row=sequence-item)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 392, in __getitem__
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 194, in last
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 182, in value
TypeError: getattr, argument 2: expected string, int found

any idea?

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Those who do not study Lisp are doomed to reimplement it. Poorly.
  -- from Karl M. Hegbloom .signature

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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