Re: Dropping support for 1.3 (was Re: PropertySets)

2004-01-06 Thread J.Pietschmann
. Acutually I doubt FOP 0.20.5 will run completely in an 1.2 environment. The binary is compiled with 1.4.1, and I vaguely remember compiling problems already for 0.20.4 on 1.2. J.PIetschmann

Re: Is there going to be another release of the 0.20 branch?

2004-01-06 Thread J.Pietschmann
probably important to many users. THere is a slo a minor fix concerning leader expansion there. J.Pietschmann

Re: Using Just the Font Metrics Stuff From FOP

2004-01-06 Thread J.Pietschmann
support in the current development version of FOP but I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what bits are involved. If you like contorted XSLT and abysmal performance, just use the metric XML files directly. The content should be fairly obvious. J.Pietschmann

Re: Is there going to be another release of the 0.20 branch?

2004-01-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
ld be necessary. But I think if there are problems which are not in 0.20.5, and it's not absolutely obvious how to fix them, we just tell people to continue to use 0.20.5. J.Pietschmann

Re: Problems with new Driver()

2004-01-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
y be other reasons. It's definitely not a fault with the FOP code. J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
m going to change this to set TSAdjust to dAdjust. Is this really a good idea? J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
okens ) { String word = tok.nextToken(); renderText(x,y,word); x+=width(word); x+=adjustedSpaceWidth; } There is a tradeoff between avoiding recomputing the word width and carrying it around for probably some significant time. J.Pietschmann

Re: Intersting link for i18n freaks

2004-01-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
aping! J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-14 Thread J.Pietschmann
user choice, I wont object. J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-15 Thread J.Pietschmann
Chris Bowditch wrote: I lean somewhat to the first strategy, because memory is usually more of a problem then bare performance. This appears to be a contradiction, did you mean the last strategy? Well, I meant the second (free memory as early as possible). J.Pietschmann

Re: Servlet Examples in HEAD v.s. 0.20.5

2004-01-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
without drawbacks: - People have to learn what an URI is. This seems to be much harder than expected, especially for file:-URLs. - People will still insist to keep "xml=foo.xml". This is still an URL (actually: a relative URL reference, which has to be resolved). We have to think hard what the base URL is in this case. J.Pietschmann

Re: Comments on new property maker implementation

2004-01-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
g to FO and property names to their associated classes or code numbers. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] abandoning code-generated Property.Maker

2004-01-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: ) ... I am not an XSLT guru--offhand, does anyone know of a simple way to get the interfaces to appear alphabetically? It ought to be Substitute in the xsl:sort's select whatever is the sort key. J.Pietschmann

Re: Comments on new property maker implementation

2004-01-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
ial size values for the various hashmaps currently used. J.Pietschmann

Re: Properties question ( again? )

2004-01-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
two superfluous? Do they complement each other? Shouldn't the latter be rewritten as : this.BackgroundColor = bProps.backColor I'd think so. J.Pietschmann

Re: Comments on new property maker implementation

2004-01-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
to do this. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/documentation/content/xdocs team.xml

2004-01-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: removed "former contributor" section in favor of going back to giving credit within source files. Uh, oh. That's not supposed to be a change anybody can make on a whim. J.Pietschmann

Re: missing Japanese character

2004-01-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
n the font subdirectory or in You can try a CVS diff for a start. Is there a specific reason why you can't simply upgrade? especially the 0.20.4rc had a few nasty deficiencies. J.Pietschmann

Re: missing Japanese character

2004-01-22 Thread J.Pietschmann
Siarhei Baidun wrote: If you have more exact suggestion, share please. Probably .../org/apache/fop/renderer/pdf/fonts/, One of them is we are planning to make porting on new FOP (from main branch) Don't hold your breath here. J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-22 Thread J.Pietschmann
ANTLR, at least for bootstrap) which produces a proper parse tree. 3. Add methods to the objects for resolving relative numeric values (percentages, em) and for evaluation. 4. Perhaps add constant folding to the parser. J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
while an optimized parser can take advantage of the lack of any string operations and look for quoted strings and function calls only, returning the trimmed XML attribute value otherwise. Finally, bless the Mozilla and MySpell folks for the spell checker... :-) J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
operties may have the value "inherit", which is both defined as a keyword in the grammar and quite often explicitely enumerated in the property description. And the "clip" property (7.20.1) is yet another challenge to parse. J.Pietschmann

Re: Suspicious override in RtfListStyleNumber.

2004-01-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
e within a few days. J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
lly meant to be a "compound" property, like space-before. I.e. it is possible to write I see why they thought this is necessary, but this kind of spec makes it unnecessary hard to follow. J.Pietschmann

Re: Getting rid of JIMI

2004-01-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
normalization and line breaking (for SVG flow text) - command line wrapper - common area rendering - embedded images, of course - API concerns, as discussed: hooks for custom resolvers for fonts, images, URLs in general J.Pietschmann

Re: PageViewport question

2004-01-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
Tibor Vyletel wrote: I would like to ask, what's the reason why PageViewport class is not descended from Area class. Mainly because it's not an area. It makes a difference for example for rendering into AWT windows and such. J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: Well, instanceof is slower I believe, but better self-commenting. Instanceof is exactly as fast as a simple function call after warm-up. J.Pietschmann

Re: RTF: white-space-treatment and linefeed-treatment

2004-01-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
structure renderer's character event call. You still have to delay some output because space before/after a line break must be stripped for many settings. What are the difficulties for nested blocks? J.Pietschmann

Re: Unnesting properties and makers.

2004-01-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
ghtly faster (~1%) than a foo(){return true;}. It may have something to do with the test setup. I wouldn't rule out I tested in a class without inheritance :-) J.Pietschmann

Re: AW: RTF: white-space-treatment and linefeed-treatment

2004-01-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
starts and each time a block ends. The start of a new block forces a new line, so you can finish the current line, including whitespace processing. J.Pietschmann

Re: Nasty layout bug: maint vs. HEAD

2004-01-31 Thread J.Pietschmann
after the last detail-block for which it contains the link... I don't understand the problem. Could you trim it down to two detail blocks, and post the FO (assuming the trimmed down FO still has the problem)? J.Pietschmann

JUnit test failure

2004-02-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
org.apache.fop.BasicDriverTestCase. testFO2PDFWithDOM( This seems to have something to do mixing Jars form the JDK and fop/lib. Does anybody have an idea how this can be avoided? J.Pietschmann

FOP components

2004-02-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
. I'd like to get rid of the servlet.jar in our CVS. 2. If we standardize on JDK 1.4 as base (as it currently is), we could drop the Xerces, Xalan and xml-api jars as well. Our Jars seem to be somewhat outdated anyway. J.Pietschmann

Re: FOP components

2004-02-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
ave servers based on 1.3 deployed, and upgrading a working service is usually frowned upon, even if a convenient path is available. Given that FOP 1.0 wont be released until at least late this year, if not later, we could tell our 1.3 users to use 0.20.5 and declare 1.4 the minimum for 1.0. J.Pietschmann

Re: FOP components

2004-02-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
ng XML, using a handcrafted XML reader as 0.20.5 does, or using JNDI like J2EE. No shortage of ideas at all :-) J.Pietschmann

Re: FOP components

2004-02-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
fects, mainly upgrading essential software services, the whole OS, or even hardware upgrades. From what I heard, development efforts are meanwhile firmly based on 1.4, everything based on 1.3 is strictly maintenance, with a gradual migration to 1.4. J.Pietschmann

Re: JUnit test failure

2004-02-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
wording of the error. On 07.02.2004 23:56:40 J.Pietschmann wrote: I get a nice Junit failure: java.lang.LinkageError: The JUnit FAQ explains this nicely. J.Pietschmann

Re: XSLT-support related question

2004-02-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
some sort of SAX event extension (for PSVI support). Using it seems somewhat risky though, the APIs have some tendency to change suddenly. J.Pietschmann

Re: PMC representation

2004-02-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
Chris Bowditch wrote: Jeremias to remain as one of our PMC representatives: +1 +1 for Jeremias Me too +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: Questions about minimum requirements

2004-02-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
n for such contingencies? The current code relies on extensions of JRE core classes. I don't think this could be easily retrofittet to a pre 1.4 JRE, unless you *like* fiddling with the bootclasspath. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
Finn Bock wrote: Somehow, in our current design, the information must be stored in an object that exists: IIRC that's what the layout context was meant for. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
s for percentages. Like textIndent=propertyManager.get(TEXT_INDENT).resolve(layoutContext); > I still think it is easier to use either the FOs or the LMs . Maybe. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
used when we evaluate the 10% even when we call: propertyList.get(PR_BORDER_START_WIDTH).getValue(lc) with the layout context for 'b'. Well, I used to believe the 10% has been evaluated already, and the inherited property can grab the absolute value immediately. J.Pietschmann

Re: Java thory and proctice: Garbase collection and performance

2004-02-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
ments for reusing objects and for trying to replace objects with a bunch of primitive values. (BTW a nice try selling yet-to-be-written optimizations regarding inlining...) J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
where a new Layout context is created for getting BP from the child LM. J.Pietschmann

Re: Java thory and proctice: Garbase collection and performance

2004-02-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
years ago, I had to work on a 8008 driven computer with 4k RAM and 12k ROM. That's enough to run a program which nicely prints formatted and justified text (25 lines a 80 characters). We went a lng way since then. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
y the FO tree holds properties (parsed property expressions), while the layout context and the area tree hold the refined traits. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Remove Visitor Patterns from

2004-02-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
nciples: use virtual methods instead of switch according to a class marker. and remove the bounce-back between Renderers and Area objects, further simplifying the coding. But this is what keeps the renderers pluggable. If these methods are removed, every renderer must follow the same design. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
sed patch until somebody has come up with an implementation that pass the LayoutContext to all Length.getValue(lc) calls? I don't see much value in delaying your patch, but let's keep an eye (or bugzilla entry) on this issue. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Remove Visitor Patterns from

2004-02-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
r() method. The reason for this is that it's only the renderer which knows when page number references are resolved. How will this fit in now? BTW I don't think it's good style do ignore a veto and commit a change even before the discussion is resolved. J.Pietschmann

Wiki Migration and other issues

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
ahead and create out own Wiki already? The other issue: The hyphenation files with problematic licenses are apparently still in the HEAD CVS ready for checkout. I can't remember any status change here. What should we doe with them? J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Remove Visitor Patterns from

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
maintenance code is as it is. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/hyph cs.xml da.xml de.xml de_DR.xml el.xml en_GB.xml en_US.xml fr.xml nl.xml no.xml sk.xml tr.xml

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
least ask. Well, Jeremias asked last year, without any result so far, I think. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Clay Leeds for Committer

2004-03-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: [...] +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: fop minimum requirements

2004-03-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
problems though. J.Pietschmann

Re: fop minimum requirements

2004-03-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
used functionality, and people stumbling over them just stopped using FOP. It's certainly better to check. J.Pietschmann

Re: fop.xconf

2004-03-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
e uses a flate filter anyway (which means you have to provide a nop filter in order to have a look at the uncompressed PDF code). 2. The fop.xconf, userconfig and command line options are not merged, although they should. J.Pietschmann

Re: fop-dev used to spread virus

2004-03-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
lists by clueless people in the past, this seems to be the first time a worm managed to get to the subscription barrier on its own. J.Pietschmann

Re: Implicit grants (FOP hyphenation)

2004-03-05 Thread J.Pietschmann
whole issue. Of course, newly contributed files should be put under APL which means all issues have to be resolved before the file is committed to CVS. J.Pietschmann

Re: baseline-shift property

2004-03-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
lcome. I came across a subclass*** Class BaselineShiftMaker* in the API doc but its not distributed with the snapshot of the source !? It's code generated during the build. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Switch from Avalon to Commons-Logging

2004-03-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: Thoughts? Votes? -0 (not a veto) J.Pietschmann

Away from keyboard

2004-03-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
Hi all, I'm offline for the next two weeks. Have fun! J.Pietschmann

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28130] - Errors in the calculation of adjustment factors

2004-04-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
ot sure whether this is sufficient, but perhaps it is. Regards J.Pietschmann

Re: Applying patches

2004-04-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
use both LF and CRLF line endings (but always create CRLF line endings). J.Pietschmann

Re: [Bug 27901] - [PATCH] TextCharIterator.remove() does not work properly

2004-04-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
hyphenations return previous break possiblity *end for* *end for* Regards J.Pietschmann

Re: [Bug 27901] - [PATCH] TextCharIterator.remove() does not work properly

2004-04-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
anagers, because it is fo:block specific I don't quite understand this argument. Handling space-before is also fo:block specific. Where should this logic be put, then? Note that whitespace handling includes removing spaces around line breaks which are introduced during the layout process. J.Pietschmann

Re: [Bug 27901] - [PATCH] TextCharIterator.remove() does not work properly

2004-04-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
ey think a line is full, rather similar to the maintenance branch code. The break possibility bubles up to the nearest block layout manager, which stores it, updates the BPD and goes ongetting further break possiblities from the child LMs. J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification

2004-04-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
ock up the largest amount of memory. J.Pietschmann

Re: User configuration for hyphenation

2004-05-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
. J.Pietschmann

Re: User configuration for hyphenation

2004-05-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
user agent should qualify. Static objects are bad because of the usual MT issues (yeah, even for logging). J.Pietschmann

Re: User configuration for hyphenation

2004-05-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
ngs and fallback options - Global font and perhaps image caches - Object pools (although they are said to decrease performance for modern JREs) J.Pietschmann

Re: User configuration for hyphenation

2004-05-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
for images etc. J.Pietschmann

Re: Justification and line breaking

2004-05-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
. J.Pietschmann

Re: [3rd post] Memory growth in version 0.20.5

2004-06-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
the reports we produce. Check *all* points mentioned in Tables in particular cause a linearly increasing memory consumption due to a sort of a memory leak. If you are adventurous, there is an unreleased fix for this in the repository. J.Pietschmann

Re: Offline

2004-06-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
Peter B. West wrote: I will be offline for the next week. I'm marrying Jenni tomorrow, and honeymooning in the frozen south of the South Island of New Zealand for a week. Congrat's from me too & have a nice week. J.Pietschmann

Re: Problems with URL encoding in FOP docs

2004-06-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
d, if necessary - Submit bug report, if the problem still persists. It might be prudent to check whether the source doesn't already contain the wrong URL. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] PMC chair for XML Graphics

2004-07-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremias Maerki wrote: [ ] I vote for Peter B. West as PMC chair. [X] I vote for Jeremias Maerki as PMC chair. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] API Changes

2004-07-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
should be a clear distinction between the API and application wrappers. I suggested an API package containing a FOProcessor, and keep the apps package clean. Perhaps create subpackages in apps for CLI, servlet, AWT or whatever sample/useful applications. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] API Changes

2004-07-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
should be small and rare. J.Pietschmann

Re: retreat...

2004-07-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
AXP is more or less ubiquitous. The XSLTInputHandler predates JAXP by quite a bunch of months. J.Pietschmann

Re: fox validation

2004-07-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
would also claim it enforces better writing style. J.Pietschmann

Re: Switch from AddLMVisitor to FObj.addLayoutManager()

2004-08-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote: I mention it only to point out the *real* issue in case any real FOP stakeholders are interested. Well, the real stakeholders (aka users) are probably more interested in working footnotes, or multi-column layout. J.Pietschmann

Re: Switch from AddLMVisitor to FObj.addLayoutManager()

2004-08-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
real work, users hardly care. I wish everybody would expend the energy on more pressing issues. J.Pietschmann

Re: [GUMP@brutus]: xml-fop-maintenance/xml-fop-maintenance failed

2004-08-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
ze(){ GUMP was designed exactly for the purpose of detecting these problems. Which doens't give much of a guidance how to handle this specific instance. We could just ignore it, and/or remove fop-maintenance from the nightly GUMP. I wonder why HEAD isn't affected? J.Pietschmann

Re: [GUMP@brutus]: xml-fop-maintenance/xml-fop-maintenance failed

2004-08-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
J.Pietschmann wrote: I wonder why HEAD isn't affected? Darn, HEAD got it too :-/ J.Pietschmann

Re: updated Batik libraries

2004-08-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: Just updated the two libraries & source code on maintenance and HEAD. (Only took 45 minutes...not bad!) Great! J.Pietschmann

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 25828] - [PATCH] should use java.endorsed.dirs

2004-08-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
orsed.dirs. J.Pietschmann

Re: [GUMP@brutus]: xml-fop/xml-fop failed

2004-08-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
care of this? J.Pietschmann

Re: validateChildNode prevents extensions.

2004-08-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
om no namespace, and call validation for elements and attributes from other namespaces in roder to give them a chance to validate themselves. J.Pietschmann

Re: validateChildNode prevents extensions.

2004-08-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
s like Karen's extension elements shown before or after page breaks. J.Pietschmann

Re: validateChildNode prevents extensions.

2004-08-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
p-in extensions have to be mutually exclusive. If the current node is an fo:list-item and the incoming node represents an fo:layout-master-set, raise the exception immediately before you even get to instantiate the fo:layout-master-set. This does not mean you have to summarily reject a finnbock:change-bar on the same grounds. J.Pietschmann

Re: Handling of text-align="justify" when nesting blocks

2004-09-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
n the block. Trailing whitespace util the closing tag is normalized away (or should be, FOP shows bugs here). Why do you think it is otherwise? J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Luca Furini for Committer

2004-09-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
Simon Pepping wrote: I propose that we make Luca Furini a member of the FOP team. +1 from me. Regards J.Pietschmann

Re: [GUMP@brutus]: Project xml-fop (in module xml-fop) failed

2004-10-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Sam Ruby wrote: [javac] ... warning: ... has been deprecated [javac] import; Jeremias, is there something we can do about this? J.Pietschmann

Re: Meta info [was: Printing from multiple trays with FOP generated output]

2004-10-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
sions are just that: processor *specific* extensions. There has been an EXSLFO initiative (search on sourceforge) in order to get some extensions standardized, similar to EXSLT. AFAIK nothing has been coming out of this, yet. J.Pietschmann

Re: Change parent of FOText from FObj to FONode?

2004-10-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: There *might* be more subtle issues Just do the change locally, run the test suite (well...), see if anything important breaks. If not, check in. J.Pietschmann

Re: → in DnI documentation

2004-10-19 Thread J.Pietschmann

Re: Handling XML parse errors when using identity transform.

2004-10-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
rok sample code. Alternatively, you can - parse into a DOM and use a DOMSource, if you don't mind the potential memory overhead. - derive a custom class from SAXSource which sets up a properly custiomized parser instance, if you don't mind the programming overhead. J.Pietschmann

Re: Exception hierarchy.

2004-10-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
Finn Bock wrote: ValidateException is the right choice of exception when the FO file doesn't follow the content model. Nitpick: s/FO file/FO processor input document/ J.Pietschmann

Re: page-number-citation problem

2004-10-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
se provide: - FOP release information - Exact problem description (expected result vs. actual result) - A reasonably small test case J.Pietschmann

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