[Readable-discuss] Filename extension conventions

2008-01-15 Thread David A. Wheeler
objections, I plan to modify sugar, etc., to recognize these extensions. That will make "load" more compatible with existing files, which should make it easier to convince people to use them. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] 3-layer (curly/modern/sweet), implementation of mod-expressions, rule change

2008-01-22 Thread David A. Wheeler
uot; is not trivially done with readtables (you can do it, but you end up doing lots of other things to get there). --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges.

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-01-22 Thread David A. Wheeler
h syntax compared to most. Python _does_ have a "step" function, and you could permit: a[x y step] - access to x...y with step 'step'. You could also permit >1 dimension, putting each in a list: a[(x) (y)] - access to 2D array, element (x y) a[(x1 y1) (x2 y2)] - access to

Re: [Readable-discuss] Escaping "group" in I-expressions

2008-01-22 Thread David A. Wheeler
=> (1 group) Three-element, multi-line or one-line: group group 1 2 => (group 1 2) group group 1 2 => (group 1 2) + group 1 => (+ group 1) + group 1 => (+ group 1) + 1 group => (+ 1 group)

Re: [Readable-discuss] I-expressions: Bugs in spec and code for abbreviations and group?

2008-01-23 Thread David A. Wheeler
> The spec is wrong, but your patch is wrong too - you should not remove >multiple group from an expression, only the first one. Okay, I understand your goal for "group" better now. That makes sense... but in that case, what _should_ the spec say? --- David A. Wheeler ---

Re: [Readable-discuss] I-expressions: Abbreviations and "."

2008-01-23 Thread David A. Wheeler
sion language: We should be able to represent EVERY possible s-expression, with no exceptions. If we can, then it's easier to argue that they are acceptable substitute. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.net emai

[Readable-discuss] Posted sweet.scm on SourceForge

2006-07-05 Thread David A. Wheeler
, without installing any software other than a web browser, you can look at it here: http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/readable/ More info about the idea behind this approach is at: http://www.dwheeler.com/readable (old home) --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Barenbaum colon approach (Fwd: Sweet expressions)

2006-10-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
On Oct 1, 2006, Pablo Barenbaum (foones, at gmail dot, com) sent me an email describing the following approach for a readable s-expression format, and I thought others should be able to see it too. Hi, I've been reading your thoughts on s-expressions.

[Readable-discuss] SAL and Common Music

2006-10-16 Thread David A. Wheeler
, there's no reason EVERYONE has to roll their own incompatible language to hide s-expressions. A common format that could be used by many, as-is, would be a big help. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions: Better without precedence

2007-10-20 Thread David A. Wheeler
ons are, so their role is different. In that different role, precedence causes problems that don't show up in most other uses. It think not supporting precedence turns out to be much better for this different role. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions: First-char-( as special?

2007-10-20 Thread David A. Wheeler
and ideally doesn't store internal state of whitespace alrady read. That means that recording the indentation of the initial block should be avoided, if it's reasonable to do so... otherwise we have to record that information. In short, striving for backwards-compatibility, ease-of-use at the command line, ease-of-use for programming, readability, and full list processing without special-casing a lot of syntax involves tradeoffs... my goal is to find the "best" trade. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions: First-char-( as special?

2007-11-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
inter is harder. Having a "show the s-expression" button would be TRIVIAL to do in most editors, I like that idea very much. Oh, there _IS_ a potential problem with Barenbaum's idea about colons: Colons (esp. colon prefixes) have special meaning in lots of Lisps. I'd rather not require extra characters for common cases when they aren't needed; I think JUST indenting is enough to give meaning. But I don't want to cut off any ideas; I think discussing/trying out "crazy" ideas is necessary to get to a good solution of this problem. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions version 0.2 ideas: grouping {}, [], ()

2007-11-12 Thread David A. Wheeler
n * factorial(n - 1) substring("Hello" {1 + 1} string-length("Hello")) define move-n-turn(angle) tortoise-move(100) tortoise-turn(angle) if {0 <= 5 <= 10} display("True\n") display("Uh oh\n") define int-products(x y) if {x = y}

Re: [Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions version 0.2 ideas: grouping {}, [], ()

2007-11-17 Thread David A. Wheeler
ven to those who don't use Lisp day-in/day-out... because OTHER people have to read my code, not just me :-). f(x) as a function-call is so standardized that I can't find examples of anything other than f(g(x)) or f g x. Well, except Lisp :-). --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] (Email by Dave Herman) - sweet-expressions update (and+or are more complicated)

2007-11-17 Thread David A. Wheeler
Dave Herman (dherman who is at ccs dot neu dot edu) sent me a very insightful email. With his permission, I'm reposting it to the list, as I received it. It notes an error I made in discussing "and" and "or" in Scheme. - Start Forwarded Message - I am a fan of your work on "sweet-expre

Re: [Readable-discuss] Fwd: Sweet-expressions version 0.2 ideas: grouping {}, [], ()

2007-11-26 Thread David A. Wheeler
s that LISP's most important power, > >>> macros, is possible only because of the sheer number of parens in the > >>> s-expr syntax (I would contend this, though). I agree with you (i.e., I'd contend it). This claim by others is best refuted by example, and look, there's one above! --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Fwd: Sweet-expressions version 0.2 ideas: grouping {}, [], ()

2007-11-26 Thread David A. Wheeler
n sortof solve this by having new parameters, ones that no one will use correctly, so it won't REALLY solve the problem. I think the "New Jersey" school has a point; if it's hard to implement, that may be a very good indicator that you're solving the wrong problem. Which is why I'm a big believer in BOTH group discussions AND implementation; you learn from both. I don't think there's a fundamental problem with having a file-level setting; many languages have such notions. But given how all Lisp systems expect solely a list as its return (this dates from the 1950s), something so basic is hard to change in this context. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Fwd: Sweet-expressions version 0.2 ideas: grouping {}, [], ()

2007-11-27 Thread David A. Wheeler
ehow keep s-expr syntax while supporting m-expr syntax, he hopes to > > > attract both oldtimers who are madly in love with s-exprs, and > > > newcomers who can't figure out all those parens. > > > As far as I can tell, swt-expr is an attempt to get m-expr syntax > > > wh

Re: [Readable-discuss] (Email by Dave Herman) - sweet-expressions update (and+or are more complicat

2007-11-28 Thread David A. Wheeler
a problem. Yeah, I know about exclusive-or, but it's rare and there's less consensus on its name. So adding it also doesn't seem worthwhile. I don't know of any other infix operators that are ALSO special forms (other than "and" and "or"). Anyone? --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] (Email by Dave Herman) - sweet-expressions update (and+or are more complicat

2007-11-29 Thread David A. Wheeler
be instead of bracketaccess. (You could then define a macro for "bracketaccess"). One positive: I get NO hits for "bracketaccess" that are Lisp-related, so this is possibly a relatively safe word to use. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-11-29 Thread David A. Wheeler
d" expressions won't be detected by the sweet-expression reader - instead, they'll be passed through to an infix macro processor (which might not be used!). However, "bad" expressions are ALREADY undetected by Lisp processors (Lisp doesn't do that kind of checking normally), so this is nothing new :-). --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-12-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
. Sweet-expressions already convert a(b) to (a b), so I don't see the point of doing the same thing with a[b]. Of course, f[1 2 3] isn't TOO bad as a notation for function calls, so if the idea was to reserve (...) SOLELY for their traditional s-expression purpose, and use f[1 2 3] for calls, THEN they make sense. Arc has more freedom to manipulate syntax than I do, since my goal is to create something that can work with EXISTING systems. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-12-02 Thread David A. Wheeler
x, I think. So it'd become: {n * factorial({n - 1})} But it's hard to argue that this is better than: n * factorial(n - 1) Constantly having to specially mark what should be the default seems (to me) to be a sign of a bad user interface. "Normal case" should be the default. And I think that infix IS the default for the world at large. Having to mark infix operators if they're alphabetic doesn't bother me, because the typical infix operators ARE punctuation anyway. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-12-02 Thread David A. Wheeler
fix, and then require special syntax to DISABLE infix. This requires some technique for detecting them (which is what I used the patterns for). Though I think "n * f(n -1)" is prettier, but that may be an extreme case. I'm certainly willing to forgo that if other advantages are more compelling. Comments welcome. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-12-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
The last one is odd; as a short example it never shows f(...), which I would expect to be the COMMON case in most code. Again, I think that a lot of basics should be done by the READER, since that way all macros just "automatically work". --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] More examples of variations: Add-if-all-numbers, matrix multiply

2007-12-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
When comparing various syntax options, I find it helpful to try out various code fragments to see if they "make sense". So here are two other examples I've worked out. I did this by hand, so there may be an error or two, but the point is to look at it, to see if the results are comprehensible.

[Readable-discuss] Fwd: Re: Making ndx macros and sweet-expressions work together

2007-12-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
(This is from Alan Manuel Gloria, presumably it was meant to go to the list instead of just me.) On Dec 4, 2007 3:50 AM, David A. Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Although I didn't like distinguishing f(...) and f{...}, re-looking at the > factorial example is starting conv

[Readable-discuss] Name-prefix => term-prefix in sweet-expressions

2007-12-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
ikely to be a problem. And exceptions make reasoning hard... so I don't think I should create that special exception. NOT creating the exception will make it easier to code, and to understand. This would mean that: (a)(b) => ((a) b) IE, call a to find out what function to call, then call it with parameter b. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Sweet-expressions Version 0.2

2007-12-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
Based on the comments in this group, I've posted a draft for the rules in sweet-expressions 0.2: http://www.dwheeler.com/readable/version02.html The big question: infix default, infix NOT default, or both? I thought it'd be easier to answer that by looking at the alternatives. -

[Readable-discuss] Maybe index non-default is better after all!

2007-12-07 Thread David A. Wheeler
imple "infix non-default" ("must mark infix with {}") rules instead, and even accepting f{...} as a synonym for f({...}). I didn't like this approach much at first, but the experiments so far suggest that it's actually a very reasonable way to go. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Maybe index non-default is better after all!

2007-12-08 Thread David A. Wheeler
e that you have to disable indentation to use infix operators as infix operators. This doesn't seem to be a problem in practice. Shockingly, I've switched to infix as NOT the default, because in experimentation I found that it didn't have the positive effects I expected. Simply adding a way to mark infix lists using {...}, and a prefix f{...}, manages to do quite a lot. See my examples for more. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Fwd: Maybe index non-default is better after all!

2007-12-24 Thread David A. Wheeler
will have to go away. But I think that's better left for a separate thread of emails - the problem is subtle. I'd really like the guy who developed I-expressions to be involved, if I can get him. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Egil Möller (I-expressions creator) has joined us!!!

2007-12-26 Thread David A. Wheeler
ined experience with them. I can't imagine anyone better-qualified than Egil to help us understand some things, and if there's an issue, how to fix them. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] I-expressions issues

2007-12-26 Thread David A. Wheeler
t; produces (a b q), instead of the expected (a b) followed later by q. * Sample implementation has various other bugs. I've fixed the following bugs in the sample implementation: ; * 2007-10-15 David A. Wheeler ; - Changed "t" to "#t" (t is Common Lisp, #t is Schem

[Readable-discuss] I-expressions idea: Whitespace at toplevel DISABLES I-expressions

2007-12-27 Thread David A. Wheeler
And by peeking, you can leave behind the whitespace to continue this interpretation the next time read is called (which is nifty). --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] New: curly-infix.cl - simple approach for infix in Common Lisp

2007-12-29 Thread David A. Wheeler
uld become (nfx x = 5 * 3) and eventually the ASSIGNMENT (setf x (* 5 3)). Alan Manuel K. Gloria: What do you think about using "<-" instead of "=" everywhere for assignment? It's confusing that "=" doesn't map to "=". You can get it, and

[Readable-discuss] SouceForge readable subversion site active

2007-12-29 Thread David A. Wheeler
ow is the current README, so you can see what's in there right now. --- David A. Wheeler === This directory contains code to implement improvements in the readability of Lisp-like (s-expression-based) programming languages, including Common Lisp, Sch

Re: [Readable-discuss] I-expressions issues

2007-12-31 Thread David A. Wheeler
-expression" reader implemented, the latter could then be installed... and BOTH would work. But for that to work, the I-expression reader needs to skip initial blank lines, and handle comments correctly. In particular, I think the I-expression implementation HAS to implement comment-skipping itself... by calling on the underlying reader it's losing the information it needs. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] New: curly-infix.cl - simple approach for infix in Common Lisp

2007-12-31 Thread David A. Wheeler
ns - and then handling off to a macro for more complex cases - is the better approach. I wrote the Common Lisp implementation of curly braces in little time, and I believe it's rock-solid. After all, it's quite simple! Being _certain_ that you know what the code will do has its own advantages. :-) --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] General questions about reader macros

2007-12-31 Thread David A. Wheeler
put of a lexer, or on the > output of the regular reader macros? Sure, it depends. Again, many just call "read", so if you override "read", you're going to use a completely different reader. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Proposal: "Most consistent" interpretation for leading horizontal whitespace in I-expressions

2008-01-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
as: fact 5 and not as (fact 5). This is risky; on printouts, it might not at ALL be obvious when expressions are indented like this - resulting in hard-to-debug code and hidden defects. In general, I think it's much wiser to reject text that might be very easily misinterpreted by the reader. So I suggest #2. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2008-01-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
_syntax_ for this would be easy, e.g., rules like: ; head -> s-expr hspace+ "." hspace+ s-expr ; However, it'd be hard to IMPLEMENT, because "." is a leading character ; for many different circumstances (.9, ..., etc.), yet calling the ; underlying reader might not be effective. E.G., clisp's "read" will ; fail if given a solo ".". Since you can use s-expressions or cons ; to construct these, there doesn't seem to be a compelling need for such ; a special syntax in I-expressions, anyway... especially given ; their implementation headaches. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposal: "Most consistent" interpretation for leading horizontal whitespace

2008-01-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
EOUS for interactive use. It'd mean that you would have to enter your NEXT command before reading (and execution) of the previous command, making it CERTAIN that your output will be out-of-sync. And I think it'd be a VERY bad idea for the syntax to vary between interactive and non-interactive use... it's confusing, and makes debugging rough. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] General infix comments

2008-01-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
ect that there are several other macros that, if defined, would make I-expressions even nicer to work with. A better name than "let1" would be great. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposal: "Most consistent" interpretation for leading horizontal whitespace

2008-01-04 Thread David A. Wheeler
AN use ";" to do that... and now you don't HAVE to follow the indentation rules for them. I think you'd STILL want to follow the indentation with your comments - I think it's cleaner, and it means that editors are more likely to indent correctly. But let's discuss alternatives, it's the only way I know to find good solutions. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] 3-layer (curly/modern/sweet), implementation of mod-expressions, rule changes

2008-01-05 Thread David A. Wheeler
s consistent with much practice (Scheme R6RS even enshrines this). * Prefixing of (), [], and {} should ONLY be acceptable if the prefix is a symbol or list; otherwise, ignore it. It's exceedingly unlikely that someone who wrote 9(i) meant (9 i). Thoughts? Comments? --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Escaping "group" in I-expressions

2008-01-05 Thread David A. Wheeler
n of group. If your implementation supports other escape mechanisms, like |group| or \group, that would also work. The appeal of (. group) is that it doesn't "use up" any other characters; an interpreter can choose to use | as an ordinary character, or yet something else, as it desires. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Bug in I-expressions spec - confirm fix?

2008-01-07 Thread David A. Wheeler
instead. Can anyone confirm/deny this? Egil, you're the expert, I'd love to hear from you especially. BTW, I'm really _not_ beating up on Egil Möller. This stuff is surprisingly hard to get right. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Mailing list archives: Updating again, gmane request sent

2008-01-12 Thread David A. Wheeler
g whitespace, and having multiple archival copies seems like a good idea idea anyway. I'll send an announcement when that's set up. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] On SVN: Implementations of sweet-expressions 0.2, mod-expr, curly infix, and improved "sugar"

2008-01-12 Thread David A. Wheeler
for trying the ideas out -- experiment before committing to it. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] I-expressions: Abbreviations and "."

2008-01-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
capabilities - because they're useful. It may be useful to modify the spec to follow the code a little more closely, too; it's tricky to show if the code matches the spec or not, because they're so far apart. Thoughts, comments? --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] I-expressions: Bugs in spec and code for abbreviations and group?

2008-01-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
tespace, and after "group" always press return and indent. This at least lets me test out the rest. But before "real use", these issues need to be fully spec'ed, and 100% correctly implemented. NOBODY is going to use a notation for programming unless they're VERY confident that their code will be correctly interpreted. --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] General infix comments

2008-01-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
are THAT much, but I prefer to reserve punctuation-only names to names that I intend to use as infix operations, and since I don't intend to use it that way, I prefer "let1". > - Using {} and [] might require changes in programming environments like > slime. Sure. Adding indentation-as-syntax will almost certainly require such changes in any case. A lot of systems seem to be happy with {...} and [...] though. [...] is actually part of Scheme R6RS, and since it's easy in Common Lisp to commandeer {...}, they're often used that way. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Mailing list now mirrored on gmane (gmane.lisp.readable-lisp)

2008-01-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
ns, articles will be easier to read on gmane. Besides, having an archive in multiples places is a good idea anyway. gmane does NOT have any of the articles before today. I intend to eventually send them the old messages, but that'll be a while. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Welcome!

2006-06-17 Thread David A. Wheeler
Welcome, folks! I hope that there will be lots of discussion and eventually some great tools to make Lisp-based languages easier to work with. Lots of related information is at: http://www.dwheeler.com/readable --- David A. Wheeler

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-01-23 Thread David A. Wheeler
e. Heck, you could stipulate that a list is always > passed, even if it's singular, and obtain a nice analogy between list > construction using [] and indexing using []. Can you clarify what you mean here? I know Python, but I'm not sure what you mean by this comment. --- David A.

[Readable-discuss] Our mailing list archives (readable-discuss - readable Lisp)

2008-01-27 Thread David A. Wheeler
ere: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/readable-discuss Unfortunately, SourceForge's display system munges the messages (e.g., indentation is lost), so at this time it's not a recommended way to view past messages. --- David A. Wheeler -

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-02-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
surprises. Anyone interested in trying to implement at "bracketaccess" macro to actually try out some options? In the end, only experimentation can determine if that makes sense, or if it doesn't. --- David A. Wheeler ---

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-02-04 Thread David A. Wheeler
use "a[x][y]" in sweet-expressions maps to: (bracketaccess (bracketaccess a x) y) and so on. That said, the "reach in" is only when you see "bracketaccess", and only when there's a nested "bracketaccess"; this is a highly limited case, and may be okay.

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-02-04 Thread David A. Wheeler
ion this actually works surprisingly well; the loss of precedence is not really a big deal in a vast number of circumstances. I'm actually really happy with the latest version of sweet-expressions; I think it is extraordinarily general, and experiments seem to suggest it

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-02-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
ty good case to be made for + and - being left-to-right associative, and for * and / being left-to-right associative with higher precedence than binary + and -. I know of NO significantly-used notation that violates that. After that, it seems to be "whatev

[Readable-discuss] Arc and sweet-expressions appear to work well together

2008-02-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
same thing in sweet-expressions, which makes me think that sweet-expressions and Arc _should_ work well together: def mylen (xs) if no(xs) 0 {1 + mylen(cdr(xs))} mac n-of (n expr) w/uniq ga ` let ,ga nil repeat ,n p

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-02-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
tion at read-time, I do the transformation BEFORE any macros run. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. http://clk.a

Re: [Readable-discuss] Arc and sweet-expressions appear to work well together

2008-02-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
ahoo store, and has suggested it in the past. So he should be willing to consider it, at least. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. http:

Re: [Readable-discuss] Modern problems

2008-03-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
combined with others in certain ways... so you need to detect that too. All of which doesn't work if you can no longer guarantee that the first parameter is the operator. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.net email is spon

Re: [Readable-discuss] Fwd: Fresh ideas from a beginner

2008-07-04 Thread David A. Wheeler
iexpr. That's great!! I'll sit down and look at what you've done soon. Have you given this much testing yet? --- David A. Wheeler - Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW! Studies ha

[Readable-discuss] License?

2008-07-04 Thread David A. Wheeler
illing to grant permission under the "MIT license", below? (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) --- David A. Wheeler Copyright (c) 2008 Niklas Ulvinge Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

Re: [Readable-discuss] Doubt on sweet expressions on CL

2008-11-02 Thread David A. Wheeler
you end up having to re-implement Lisp parsing "from scratch" to make it work correctly. I seem to recall that handling backquote in CL was trickier than in Scheme, too. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email is

Re: [Readable-discuss] Doubt on sweet expressions on CL

2008-11-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
ant it to be easily translatable to Common Lisp and ACL2, so I intentionally avoided some Scheme capabilities. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build

[Readable-discuss] Ioke - another demonstration that Lisp's default syntax is terrible

2008-11-10 Thread David A. Wheeler
tax actually matters. My goal with Ioke is to get the same kind of power I get with Lisp and Ruby, but combine it with nice, small, regular syntax." --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Yo

[Readable-discuss] More sweet-expression examples in other Lisp variants

2008-11-11 Thread David A. Wheeler
me. If the below is hard to read, look at the web page: http://www.dwheeler.com/readable/version02.html --- David A. Wheeler = SUO-KIF Standard Upper Ontology Knowledge Interchange Format (SUO-KIF) is a language designed for use

Re: [Readable-discuss] More sweet-expression examples in other Lisp variants

2008-11-11 Thread David A. Wheeler
B example is more compelling; many languages (including Common Lisp!) allow repeated pairs of "atom_used_as_selector value" that aren't in their own lists, e.g.: (myfunc :parameter1 value1 :parameter2 value2) and with this syntax that could become:

[Readable-discuss] Spliced information - any better ideas?

2008-11-12 Thread David A. Wheeler
which is REALLY unfortunate. That doesn't even seem to help much: if a \ b xxx yyy zzz xxx yyy zzz c \ d e xxx yyy zzz xxx yyy zzz f xxx yyy zzz xxx yyy zzz g \ h i

Re: [Readable-discuss] Spliced information - any better ideas?

2008-11-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
lem. You can't really do that here: benchmark bignum :logic \ QF_RDL :formula \ and { {x1 - x2} <= {1 / 10} } { {x2 - x3} <= {1 / 200011} } { {x3 - x4} <= ~({1 / 100000000

[Readable-discuss] More sweet-expression examples: NewLisp, Clojure, and ISLisp

2008-11-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
is the current version of the text. --- David A. Wheeler === NewLisp NewLisp is "Lisp-like, general purpose scripting language", with an implementation released under the GPL. Original Lisp Here is a sample from their Code patterns document: (dolist

Re: [Readable-discuss] Spliced information - any better ideas?

2008-11-13 Thread David A. Wheeler
's convenient. It's a lot like ";" as a statement terminator or separator in ALGOL-descended languages (like C and Pascal). Useful when you have highly related sets of short statements. --- David A. Wheeler - Thi

Re: [Readable-discuss] More sweet-expression examples: NewLisp, Clojure, and ISLisp

2008-11-14 Thread David A. Wheeler
leset and redo the experiments. One challenge is making the rules simple. A computer can handle complex rules, but humans don't handle complex rules well. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin

Re: [Readable-discuss] Spliced information - any better ideas?

2008-11-14 Thread David A. Wheeler
ts you show (through formatting) when pairs of forms are interrelated, yet aren't actually inside a larger list. As happens in any Lisp that uses ":param-name value", as well as in formats like Arc's Lisp. --- David A. Wheeler --

Re: [Readable-discuss] Spliced information - any better ideas?

2008-11-16 Thread David A. Wheeler
...) meaning simply because it's impractical to "add" anything later, but it's not significantly used. In any case, indentation processing is disabled inside [...]. --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email

[Readable-discuss] Suggested style guide for sweet-expressions

2008-11-16 Thread David A. Wheeler
Thoughts? Comments? --- David A. Wheeler - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a t

Re: [Readable-discuss] sweet-exprs for Common Lisp

2010-10-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
l, yes, but what I meant was this form: (f x y). Sweet-expressions *do*, of course, accept f(x y). > Having said that, I also think that the spite that the Common Lisp > community seems to have towards things like sweet-expressions is a bit > unfounded, for three

Re: [Readable-discuss] curly-infix.cl improvements

2011-04-24 Thread David A. Wheeler
is a really compelling argument; if that's necessary for ASDF, then that's enough of a reason all by itself. Does anyone want to package it up for ASDF? --- David A. Wheeler -- Fulfilling the Lean Software Prom

[Readable-discuss] Arne Babenhauserheide proposal: use "." on own line instead of "group"

2012-05-21 Thread David A. Wheeler
Here's an interesting idea from Arne Babenhauserheide. It's a fair point. The only reason that I used "group" was because this made it compatible with a previous proposal. Comments? --- David A. Wheeler - Start Original Message - Sent: Mon, 21 May 2012 17:11

Re: [Readable-discuss] Arne Babenhauserheide proposal: use "." on own line instead of "group"

2012-05-23 Thread David A. Wheeler
for one-space indenting? Perhaps another symbol would make sense, but that list is small. The obvious one is "\" on a line by itself. --- David A. Wheeler -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event

Re: [Readable-discuss] Arne Babenhauserheide proposal: use "." on own line instead of "group"

2012-06-30 Thread David A. Wheeler
made a 0.3 sweet-expressions spec including it. I can be talked either way about the \ splice thing. The goal is to make "easy things easy", without too many rules. Is the extra "\" rule helpful? Neutral? More harm than good? I'd lo

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2012-06-30 Thread David A. Wheeler
t it should mean. I agree with you. Having this expression yield "(quote (x y))" would make it very inconsistent with the non-quote case, and I think we should strive for consistency. --- David A. Wheeler -- Live

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
y 3)) (* x y))". What should repeated "\" mean at the beginning? I.E., what should this mean?: \ \ a \ b I think that after handling the first "\", we should recurse the rule, so the first two "\" would both be leading "\"s. Thus, this would be the sa

Re: [Readable-discuss] Arne Babenhauserheide proposal: use "." on own line instead of "group"

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
ames. As long as they're not FORCED they might be useful. What do you think? (In general, I'm trying to think outside of the box. 99% of the ideas might be stupid, but if in the journey we find good stuff, then great!) --- David A. Wheeler -

Re: [Readable-discuss] The post-()[]{} rule.

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
nd with this change, so it doesn't count). I can be convinced either way as well. However, the arguments that: 1. It makes the rule more consistent 2. It makes the parsing easier to implement is a pretty darn compelling case. Especially since I expect expressions like "9(x)" to be

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
dern-expressions, and you can use its implementation of I-expressions (as I've corrected it) to implement sweet-expressions. In general, all the files, etc., are here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/readable/ Can you compare your implementation to m

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
> > My proposal is that (outside of modern-expressions) it simply means "the > > quote symbol". > > I think I really meant is that "the ' character, with any kind of > whitespace after it, simply means 'the symbol named "quote"', and is > considered as a flat member of the current head". This als

Re: [Readable-discuss] Proposed update and expansion of SRFI-49 (I-expressions) - indented s-expressions

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
g it pleasant to use interactively (if not ENTER ENTER, then there needs to be some easy & obvious way to execute something... and the alternatives I've seen seem awful to me). >> ... I wonder if we should allow leading periods as an alternative > to w

Re: [Readable-discuss] The post-()[]{} rule.

2012-07-01 Thread David A. Wheeler
portable among Schemes. --- David A. Wheeler -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Disc

Re: [Readable-discuss] Recent discussion summary

2012-07-02 Thread David A. Wheeler
first column, then what? AMG's new proposal is to DISABLE indentation processing in this case (currently that does NOT happen). That's a change, but I could easily be convinced of this. My concern is that it might make silent errors easier. --- David A. Wheeler

[Readable-discuss] Should we switch to git?

2012-07-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
to accept the idea. Then my darn PhD got in the way (!)... but now that is done. And I am really excited that AMG is looking at using this in a project. I think it's time to make a push to create a single spec/test cases/strong implementation that peo

[Readable-discuss] Should we switch project hosting to Allura (SourceForge 2.0)?

2012-07-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
current SourceForge hosting software, seems like the least disruptive approach. In particular, we can keep the mailing list. But I think we need to start tracking tickets, and I'd rather upgrade/merge BEFORE doing that. --- David A. Wheeler --

[Readable-discuss] Blank (no-comment) line = end of expression

2012-07-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
he first time someone enters indented data, while processing indented data, that should prevent the risk of silently misunderstood code. By the way, I think we should start focusing on specific points, and change the subject line so it identifies which point we&

Re: [Readable-discuss] Should we switch to git?

2012-07-03 Thread David A. Wheeler
the spec from > our recent discussions). An improved spec is certainly useful. And if you can't get them to release the implementation, perhaps they can agree on releasing test cases. A big set 'o test cases would hel

Re: [Readable-discuss] Should we switch to git?

2012-07-05 Thread David A. Wheeler
which will change the URLs. --- David A. Wheeler P.S. I first tried doing the svn-to-git transition using the instructions here: http://chris.iluo.net/blog/2009/08/28/moving-from-svn-to-git/ except that they don't work; a "git log" returns: fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD&#x

Re: [Readable-discuss] Should we switch to git?

2012-07-06 Thread David A. Wheeler
and share in a wiki. Do you care if the docs be in a wiki? With the code? Somewhere else? --- David A. Wheeler -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and

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