Re: vim not opening directories

2007-06-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Reid Thompson wrote: I have a .vimrc. it has " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!). " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect. set nocompatible I've already tried invoking via [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /u

Re: ex editor

2007-06-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
C.Moncrieff wrote: I guess that this email group may not be the group I need. I'm afraid you're stuck, at least as far as official vim groups go. There's this one and vim-development, primarily. See for the complete list. What I consider to be h

Re: Problems with netrw directory listing

2007-06-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2007-06-03, Seth Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It seems like the spaces in the directory name is causing problems. If I open a file in the directory and then use ':cd %:h' everything works fine so it seems like the problem is not with vim(?). Any help or directio

Re: gvim 7 highlight search string

2007-06-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Brian E. Lozier wrote: Thanks all for the replies. I have a relatively fresh install of Debian Testing. I don't believe I have manually modified any system-level configuration files. All my settings are in ~/.gvimrc and ~/.vimrc Actually this is happening on two systems. My debian testing s

[Fwd: Re: gvim 7 highlight search string]

2007-06-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
ually this is happening on two systems. My debian testing system at home and my work machine which is running RHEL 4. I believe I compiled vim/gvim from source at work, although here at home I'm using the debian packaged one. On 6/1/07, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: gvim 7 highlight search string

2007-06-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Brian E. Lozier wrote: In the old gvim, doing a search (/something) highlights all "something" in red. In gvim 7, it doesn't highlight all occurrences. Is there a way to turn this back on? I suspect that you may be having problems because you made changes to files in files in your former $V

Re: collapsing single lines of html tag attributes via plugin??

2007-06-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Howard Glynn wrote: I wondered whether there was a plugin somewhere that was able to abbreviate or partially hide the detail so i can see the overall structure more clearly. In essence I would like to collapse huge (single) lines of tags to something like Hello! Sounds like Vince Negri'

Re: flist tree question

2007-05-29 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
onesupermanone wrote: I am a newbie at using gvim. I am using gvim ver 6.4 on linux. I wanted to set up the flist tree on my machine. Dr Chip initially wrote this script. The explaination is at the following site under title C/C++ Functions: prot

Re: can i map the number pad enter or somesuch?

2007-05-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
shawn bright wrote: hello all, Is the enter key on the numeric keypad different than the enter key of the keyboard? i was thinking that it would be super handy to map it to gg. I have a lot of long files to mess around with. I believe the "NumLock" key modifies the behavior of the number pad

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
John Beckett wrote: Peter Palm wrote: Indeed, among other things, this disables the swap file for 'large' files, which should really speed up things. I was going to report the following issue to vim-dev after I got a chance to investi

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Robert M Robinson wrote: That brings me to my question. I have noticed that when editing large files (millions of lines), deleting a large number of lines (say, hundreds of thousands to millions) takes an unbelieveably long time in VIM--at least on my systems. This struck me as so odd, I loo

Re: Netrw edit file

2007-05-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Eric Smith wrote: When I am in vim, I can edit a file after selecting form the explorer, however I can only :read a file if I use Nread I'm not sure what you mean by this -- :r file works normally. If the file is an url style: :r ftp://somehost/path/to/file then netrw will read the file,

Re: Vim71: undocumented change for netrw plugin.

2007-05-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My point is : The following should be added to line 81 of pi_netrw.txt version 2007 May 08. :let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 If DrChip thinks the document should not change, then the netrwPlugin might have to be changed to still recognize the "loaded_netrw" variable. Th

Re: Problems with netrw scp

2007-05-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
David Rennalls wrote: Hi, I'm having some trouble getting netrw v109(vim 7.1 win WinXP) working with scp. :Nread scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/hosts ..results in the following errors. **warning** (netrw) unable to comply with your request Enclosing the URL with double quotes makes no differenc

Re: "b" (move cursor one word back) has annoying delay

2007-05-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Harlan Harris wrote: Hi, I'm using a freshly compiled version of Vim 7.1 on a RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 (U5) machine. In both this version of Vim, and in the factory-installed version (6.3), there is a weird behavior where the "b" key, which sends the cursor back a word, has an annoying delay

Re: calling normal commands from ex/a function

2007-05-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
fREW wrote: Hey everyone, How do I have a function call Normal commands? Example: I'd like to make a function that will open a certain file, and then set the foldlevel to 1, and then go to the right window. So I have: function TodoListMode() execute ":e ~/.todo.otl" execute ":Calendar" end

Re: Vim 7 show current column

2007-05-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2007-05-10, "Brian E. Lozier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In vim 6, a line at the bottom would show the column the cursor is over, so I could see like, colymn 79 or whatever. On vim 7 (gvim, more specifically), the status line at the bottom doesn't show up. Is there a

Re: Folding Visual basic syntax

2007-05-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
LFrankel wrote: I'm having some problems trying to get syntax folding working for Visual Basic. Simply put: I've confirmed that the regexes "\c^\(.*'\)[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "\c^\(.*'\)[EMAIL PROTECTED]" work by simply searching by them with hlsearch turned on and observing that I get the resul

Re: is there a list-administrator ?

2007-05-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Toon Knapen wrote: Is there a list-administrator also listening in ? I have tried to unsubscribe a zillion times now and I'm still on this list. I would appreciate if the ml-admin could help me out here. Somewhat modified version of what Tony M sent awhile ago... Unsubscribing from the

Re: what "feature" is required to return to last editing position?

2007-05-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When opening a file in vim, the cursor will move to the last position when the file was saved. The "feature" is enabled by some autocommands in vimrc_example.vim, I copied the code into my .vimrc and use it in all platform. It really does work in my WindowsXP gvim, cyg

Re: question about insert mode and zz

2007-05-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
shawn bright wrote: Hey there all, i really dig the zz function to get me in the middle of the screen. i was wondering if there were an insert mode ability to do the same thing. So if i am writing a long function and get to the bottom of the screen i can move where i am at to the middle of the

Re: moving virual rectange about in virtualedit mode

2007-05-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Gary Johnson wrote: On 2007-05-02, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Yakov Lerner wrote: I 'set ve=all' and selected a rectangle with Ctrl-V. How can I move this rectangle up/down left/right with arrows ? With DrawIt v8d, you can move a selected

Re: moving virual rectange about in virtualedit mode

2007-05-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Yakov Lerner wrote: I 'set ve=all' and selected a rectangle with Ctrl-V. How can I move this rectangle up/down left/right with arrows ? With DrawIt v8d, you can move a selected rectangle about with your mouse. Here's the relevant portion of the help for DrawIt: One may drag and move a se

Re: Gvim File Explorer error

2007-04-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: After upgrading I now get Error detected while processing function MenuExplOpen: line4: E316: ml_get: cannot find line 9 Press ENTER or type command to continue E316: ml_get: cannot find line 9 Error detected while processing function 15_Highlight_Matching_Pair: lin

Re: sh.vim - Syntax Highlighting Issues

2007-04-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
George wrote: I'd like to get the 'sh' filetype syntax highlighting working on FreeBSD. The following (supported) constructs, for example, show as errors. Read :help sh.vim and set one of the variables mentioned there in your <.vimrc>. Regards, Chip Campbell

Re: What plugin is the one that does the following ...

2007-04-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Andrew Falanga wrote: I'm doing some reading on in the documentation areas and found that the ability to browse a directory from within a buffer is actually accomplished by plugins rather than being built into the vim binary. I didn't know this. So, what plugin is it that accomplishes

Re: open remote file in vim/gvim

2007-04-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
ben lieb wrote: This might have been discussed before, but how can I open a file remotely in vim? Via, ftp, ssh, etc. vim ftp://host/path/to/file vim scp://host/path/to/file Both of these use the netrw plugin, BTW. Both may ask you for passwords, although one can work around that requir

Re: about netrwFileHandlers.vim

2007-04-19 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
anhnmncb wrote: hi, list I find that I can only open pdf file, if the file extension changed to PDF, then I can't open it, whether that I have to add some lines like NFH_pdf to NFH_PDF in netrwFileHandlers.vim? Any other better solutions? What o/s are you using? It appears you're using

Re: Gvim File Explorer error

2007-04-19 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Occasionally when I press ALT+W,X I get some errors in the command line E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1 Press ENTER or type command to continue E316: ml_get: cannot find line 9 E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1 Press ENTER or type command to continue E316: ml_get: cann

Re: suggestion

2007-04-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
David Howland wrote: A.J.Mechelynck wrote: You mean if the buffer is displayed it would do nothing? No. Delete the buffer, but keep the window open. I often find myself in this situation: - Split window, two buffers open. - Open a new file, look at it, then want to close it. - i would exp

Re: question about manpageview.vim version 16

2007-04-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Zhaojun WU wrote: Just found that after I updated the manpageview.vim plugin ( to the latest one, pressing "K" in some codes like "printf("foo")", when the cursor is under the word "printf", will show me an error message like: ***warning**

Re: search-related question

2007-04-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hale Boyes, Kevin wrote: How do I search in a document to the next line that doesn't contain a specific string? Something along the lines of "grep -v". I suggest trying the LogiPat plugin. To do what you're asking with it: :LP !"string" It takes Boolean logic (!=not |=or &=and ()s )

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
OnionKnight wrote: * Is it possible to make the cursor stay at it's position even after scrolling it out of view? Not at the current time. * At the beginning of an indented line, why does normal mode put the cursor at the end of the first tab whereas insert mode is position at the beginning

Re: remote-silent and stdin

2007-04-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mahesh Sivasubramanian/Lex/Lexmark 04/11/2007 10:57 AM To "Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc Subject Re: remote-silent and stdin Sorry I wasn't clear last time. I am trying to redirect the output of stdin to a remote client(not necessarily ls). Like

Re: Help on search and replace

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Dudley Fox wrote: Hello Vim List, I have used vim for a while, and though no expert I am fairly comfortable with the common commands. Recently I ran into a situation where I just couldn't find a way to do a search and replace. I was hoping some of you experts could help me out. Starting text: n

Re: How to recognize a single line via regexs

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Informationen wrote: Hi, how can I identify a single line no longer than e.g. 60 characters preceded and followed by a blank line via regexs. This way I want to identify section headings. What I did was mark every blank line with %s/^$/>>>/ and than chomp the CR %s/\n//g and if the text bet

Re: Fwd: Perl colour coding bug

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Jon Combe wrote: The following snippet of code, when saved with a ".pl" file extension breaks the colour coding in Vim #!/usr/bin/perl -w my $surname = "ABC-DEF GHI"; @split = split ( / |-|\/|\"/ , $surname , -1 ); foreach ( @split ) { print "$_\n"; } -

Re: How to open a BIG file quickly?

2007-04-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Tom Purl wrote: On Thu, April 5, 2007 2:38 am, ³Â·½ÈÙ wrote: Dear all, If I want to open one 1G bytes size file,it's really slow. Thank you in advance. Just out of curiosity, why are you trying to edit a 1 GB file with any text editor? I'm assuming that these files are flat f

Re: VIM Delete All Except

2007-04-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: jas01 wrote: I have a huge file where I need to delete all lines except for a few I need. I'm trying to do this in a single command. I know that: :v/Text/d will delete all lines except for ones containing 'Text.' I have no idea how to put mult

Re: VIM Delete All Except

2007-04-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
jas01 wrote: I have a huge file where I need to delete all lines except for a few I need. I'm trying to do this in a single command. I know that: :v/Text/d will delete all lines except for ones containing 'Text.' I have no idea how to put multiple strings so the command deletes everything e

Re: completion menu colors

2007-04-03 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
fREW wrote: Is there a way to change the completion menu colors? Sure - see which both displays the current colors in whatever colorscheme you're using, plus provides a colorscheme editor (just rightmouse click on a color). The c

Re: bracket completion

2007-04-03 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Panos Laganakos wrote: One thing that would also be great, was if you were able to "tab" your way out of it, ie move to the outside of the bracket, once you're done. Now you need to either press right, to move ahead (which is not quite vim-ish), or hit escape and Shift_A, to resume editing. Onl

Re: how to create tag file in Vim for matlab .m files?

2007-04-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
frank wang wrote: Does anyone know how to do it? The hdrtag program will do it: and click on "hdrtag". Regards, Chip Campbell

Re: gVim and Cygwin

2007-03-30 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Waters, Bill wrote: Does anyone have experience with running gVim and using Cygwin commands (ex. indent)? I would prefer not to run vim in a Cygwin terminal, unless someone has all of the configurations needed (syntax highlighting, etc) to have that act like gVim. I generally compile both

Re: Search & Replace in VIM Script

2007-03-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
oskar wrote: I have a vim script which I want to use to search & replace a part out of a given line. The fields in the line are based on field length and the field I want to change starts at position 33 and ends after 4th character. A regex search is not appropriate, as the string I am looking

Re: search for one word and exclude another

2007-03-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote: Hi I need to search for a word 'condition' (without quotes) and exclude hits containing 'condition number'. On a shell I can do grep -sir condition *F90 | grep -v 'condition number' How do I do it the vim way? Sounds like a problem that LogiPat is designed

Re: netrw: gracefully recovering from botched login

2007-03-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Marv Boyes wrote: Hello, all. This is going to seem painfully basic, I'm sure, but I haven't been able to find an answer elsewhere. I often use Vim to edit files over a network, and I have an unfortunate propensity for mis-typing my passwords on the first try. Also unfortunately, I find that

Re: Understanding regxp implementation

2007-03-19 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Nikolai Weibull wrote: On 1/1/07, Asiri Rathnayake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 11:55 +0100, Nikolai Weibull wrote: > On 3/19/07, Asiri Rathnayake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi Bram, Nicolai, > > A 'k' would be greatly appreciated. I'm really really sorry, won't happen

Re: How to switch between horizontal split and vertical split?

2007-03-19 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Peng Yu wrote: Suppose I have horizontal splited window1 and window2, is there any way to change them into vertical split and vice versa? See "How to toggle between all vertical and all horizontal window layout" Regards, Chip Campbell

Re: Netrw go up dir command

2007-03-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Brian Neal wrote: I just downloaded the non-Cream pre-built Vim for Windows (version 7.0.215). The "go up" command (-) in the Netrw plugin no longer seems to work. Neither the - command or putting the cursor over the ../ and hitting return does anything anymore. Any ideas? Thanks. Please try ne

Re: @=

2007-03-14 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Michael Phillips wrote: Would someone please explain the usage of @=. I am getting confuse from the help file. Since TimC gave a good explanation, I won't attempt to repeat it. However, if you're wanting to do Boolean-logic pattern matching, please check out LogiPat, available at my websi

Re: visual problem

2007-03-12 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Simon Jackson wrote: I have a problem when i am in visual mode and i have text highlighted. Instead of being able to run a command, it just overwrites my selected text instead. im sure its because of something in my vimrc but i just cant pinpoint it, can anyone help? Would you please give an e

Re: Any way to have multiple setfiletype's?

2007-03-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Kevin Old wrote: After reading this, I think I should ask it a different way. I'll want to set my filetype to html so that it gets the functionality from, but would like to keep my mason syntax highlighting. To get this to work, each .html file I open I have to execute :set syntax=mas

accounts and wikis

2007-03-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hello! In order to prevent spam, some sort of verification procedure seems to be necessary. Vim's website already supports "accounts"; would requiring one to log into a vim account before making tips or add-ons to tips help? A verification step for account privilege (apply for account -> mail

Re: Searching within a delimited area

2007-03-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Afton Lewis wrote: How would I search for a regex within a particular area? The text document is very long, and I don't want to match all instances, just those I care about. I would probably select the text visually. With , a plugin available from:

Re: visual selection Q's

2007-02-28 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Lev Lvovsky wrote: . how do I do regular expression searches in a blockwise visual selection? specifically, if i'm looking to change something at the end of the block, say for example, replace all trailing whitespace with a ',' I can't do the following: :'<,'>s/ *$/,/ because it'll act o

Re: pulling text to the right?

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Kim Schulz wrote: I just tested it to see if I could get it to work, but I have some problems. I inserted the following int foo; uint8_t bar; TIME baz; int hello="world; and then followed you instructions (used \tsp), but the result afterwards is: int foo; uint8_t

Re: vim console?

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
John Doe wrote: Oh, thank you for your reply: I wanted to know how to _program_ the vim 'console', from a script: the general direction on how to do it: I know how to obtain the number of columns and rows, but how about how to write a specific char to a specific location, also is it possible to

Re: pulling text to the right?

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Lev Lvovsky wrote: I'm sure there's a fancy word for this, but is there any way to pull text to the right? suppose I have the following: COL1 INT, COL2 INT, COL3 INT, I'd like to get "COL3" aligned to "COL1" and "COL2", but to do that, I need to put the cursor behind "C

Re: vim console?

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
John Doe wrote: How to control the vim 'console' from programs like the tetris and other games written for vim? Of course, I could look in the source, but am confused from it? Are there multiple ways to accomplish this? I don't see any other replies, so here goes: I'm not sure what you're

Re: Optimum syntax file size...

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Robert Hicks wrote: Is there a size limit that one should set as a ceiling for syntax file size? Engspchk uses some rather large syntax files for its dictionary. Especially if you're using keywords, syntax file size isn't likely to be a problem. Regards, Chip Campbell

Re: Number Changes

2007-02-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Mike Blonder wrote: Hi. I periodically need to make changes to a script built with tab delimited values. What I need to do is, from time to time, to either add 1 to a value or to subtract 1 from the same value. Typically the script looks like: ln 1 $10 !="" { printf "((moodlook " $10

Re: tips project

2007-02-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Tom Purl wrote: There is one thing to mention about parsing tips. Are we going to put the additional comments to the wiki? There are many useful comments but there are also many useless junk. It would be _lots_ of work to look at every comment and see if they're useful or not. What are your i

Re: Sorting a .bib file

2007-02-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Vincent Beffara wrote: So here is my question. I have a bibliography in a .bib file, which (just in case) is just a plain text files containing entries that each look like this : @article{key, author = {Whatshisname, J.}, title = {My paper} } (note the '@' at the beginning of the first line

Re: surround.vim in AsNeeded

2007-02-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Bill McCarthy wrote: BTW, as an enhancement request, could AN be enhanced to look for map when it fails to find map? That is, if I want to load the align maps: AN \abox doesn't work. I would need to type: AN abox If you happen to have (as an example) let mapleader= ";" in your

Re: Insert mode and arrow keys philosophy

2007-02-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Pavel Shevaev wrote: On 2/21/07, DervishD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Laurent :) Unfortunately, I still have problems using 'h' :( That's my biggest problem at the moment as well, as a blind typer i can't get used to it...oh, i think i just should stop whining and exercise more ;)

Re: Help needed to : Start on the line where I left when I opened the file last time

2007-02-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
durgaprasad jammula wrote: I just need some help on vim configuration. Let say the file is good.text. I open the file and goto 66 line and come out by typing :wq in escape mode. Now, when I open it again, my cursor is placed in line 0. I want it to be placed in line 66. I am fac

Re: Enabling gvim?

2007-02-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I d/l'd and cofigured vim7.x (latest) as follows... ./configure --prefix=/vimpath --enable-gui Should this enable gvim? I did a make install, and cd /vimpath/bin ln -s vim gvim When I start gvim, I get E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at com

Re: Reread the file

2007-02-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Bin Chen wrote: Can VIM configured to reload the opened file in a constant interval? Not easily; there's no such configuration options. However, I suspect that there may be two if not more ways to do this: * use an outside process on a multitasking o/s to "ping" vim using remote_send() wou

Re: Overview of diretories of $HOME/.vim

2007-02-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
.vim-doc* *.vim-indent* *.vim-syntax* Copyright: (c) 2004-2007 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.*dotvim-copyright* The VIM LICENSE applies to dotvim.vim and dotvim.txt (see |copyright|) except use "dotvim" instead of "Vim" No warranty, e

Re: Missing configuration commands in vim 7?

2007-02-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Larry Alkoff wrote: Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: Larry Alkoff wrote: I have a desktop and newly configured laptop with different versions of vim. The desktop has vim 6.4.6 which contains the lines in ~/.vimrc set mouse=a syntax on They show in :help The laptop has vim 7.0.35 and gives

Re: Missing configuration commands in vim 7?

2007-02-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Larry Alkoff wrote: I have a desktop and newly configured laptop with different versions of vim. The desktop has vim 6.4.6 which contains the lines in ~/.vimrc set mouse=a syntax on They show in :help The laptop has vim 7.0.35 and gives an error on the above two vimrc commands. Also they d

Re: search command in visual mode - how to?

2007-02-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Sibin P. Thomas wrote: Hi all, I am stuck in one of my scripting attempts! The context : Suppose I want to delete the string "bio" from the following line "The biosphere is huge" and I want to do it in this way -> /bios v //e d Now I want to do the same thing, but conditionally...basically I

Re: vim return code

2007-02-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Martin Krischik wrote: Hello, I often use little vim scripts using "vim -E". Now like all executable vim will return a result code after execution. And it is often "false" which I don't want. Does anybody know how to influence the return value from "vim -E"? :q :wq :q! -- these are

Re: Go to start of visual selection

2007-02-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Andy Wokula wrote: How can I move the cursor the start of the visual selection? With the "o" command, yes. But how can I make sure the cursor is at the start while visual mode is on? The "`<" motion followed by "gv" sets the cursor back to the end if it was there. I'm afraid that I don't

Tip karma storms

2007-01-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hello! The following is a note that I sent to Scott Johnston; perhaps people have woken up and decided in large groups that they really like my tips, :) but: For the third time since January 15, I've seen "tip storms" in karma rating changes. Here's the latest one (Jan 22, 2007):

Re: C++ Syntax highlighting for Identifier, Statement

2007-01-20 Thread Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
Matt England wrote: I'm trying to get function names, class names, objects, variables and similar things to appear as non-white text with 'syntax on'. I thus far have been unsuccessful. I can get many other constructs (constants, types, keywords, etc) to be highlighted, but not the things m

Re: Modifying the tag stack

2007-01-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Alpt wrote: On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 08:15:37AM -0500, : ~> On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 01:58:40PM +0100, Alpt wrote: ~> > ~> > How is it possible to push something in the tag stack without jumping? ~> ~> Would mapping the combination of do what you want? No, because the user has to always use C

Re: Tips which have spam contained in their comments/notes:

2007-01-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Yongwei Wu wrote: On 1/18/07, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: FYI -- this is a list of my tips that still have link spam added as comments/notes: I'm sure that they're not the only ones. It is really annoying. In the worst case, there are 12 spam n

Tips which have spam contained in their comments/notes:

2007-01-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hello! FYI -- this is a list of my tips that still have link spam added as comments/notes: 126 139 147 150 152 167 200 411 573 588 607 622 744 862 895 I'm sure that they're not the only ones. Regards, Chip Campbell

Re: enclosing a visual block with quotes

2007-01-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Bram Kuijper wrote: anybody a solution to easily enclose parts of text using visual mode? You can get the latest vis.vim from or a more stable version from: and use it

Re: grouping problem

2007-01-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote: Ηι, I'm want to group a text that has the following text pattern (values and number of lines vary across instances): 16893921 164 7 2006 Am. J. Epidemiol. Implications of small effect sizes of individual genetic variants on the design and interpretation of g

Re: Defining settings based on file ext/type.

2007-01-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Ramashish Baranwal wrote: Hi, I would like to know how to define file specific settings (based on file extension/type). I would prefer modifying my .vimrc file instead of language specific .vim files. I am trying to achieve something like- if file-extension is .c or .cpp # expand tabs to sp

Re: vim | deleting end of lines inside a pattern

2007-01-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote: Hi, I would like to delete all end of lines (\n) inside a given pattern that runs through a text. The pattern is like this: text1 \n text2 \n text3 \n text4 \n text5 \n text6 \n ... \n Does :%s/\_.\{-}\ze/\r/g do what you want? I suggest that you read :h

Re: Reformat in visual area - vmap question

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Tim Chase wrote: Thanks for the response. I usually would be using Shift-V to select the lines for formatting; I take it vis.vim wouldn't work in that case? Heh, Dr. Chip answered the other half of my response. :) Normal ranges operate linewise. Dr. Chip's vis.vim plugin overcomes this li

Re: Reformat in visual area - vmap question

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
John Cordes wrote: On [2007-01-09 at 10:50am] Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: John Cordes wrote: They both work well, but I frequently would like to run par on a visual selection. I naively tried vmap *^V {!}par but this fails with the message (when I try

Re: Reformat in visual area - vmap question

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
John Cordes wrote: I have *very* little experience writing 'map' commands for my .vimrc (Linux). For some years I've had the following two commands for reformatting with the par utility. " reformat paragraph with no arguments: map ** {!}par^M} " " reformat paragraph with arguments: map *^V {!}

Re: Find and replace in visual area.

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Silva, Paulo wrote: Nope, that didn't helped much. But no worries, the simple replace when visual is still selected works fine. I gess I'll never know why, but then again it dosen't matter really if I can do it some other way. In that case, you may wish to consider vis.vim -- it allows you to

Re: % jumping over {} in c-files in the midst of {{{ folds

2007-01-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Suresh Govindachar wrote: > (snip) > Enter following text: > > if(1) > { > /* --- {{{3 */ > } > > Now try to jump between { using %. > Bug: The { in the manual fold-markers interferes with %-jumping. > > [comments on using the matchit plugin] > > % is a feature of Vim -- I

Re: Find and replace in visual area.

2007-01-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Silva, Paulo wrote: Greetings, I'm trying to do a replace in a selection. After selecting the area, with v, directional keys, v again (or not - both give the same result). Then I type :%s/\%V20/21/ and I get: E71: Invalid character after \% This works the same with any caracter that I put aft

Re: How to open multiple files in split windows?

2007-01-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Peng Yu wrote: gvim a b The above command will open a and b. But only one file will be show at one time. How to show them in to split windows? Tim already showed how to open the two files in split windows by modifying the command above. However, if one has already typed "gvim a b" and the

Re: .vimrc from URL

2007-01-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Albie: have you updated your netrw to 107? To get up-to-date versions of vimball and netrw: vimball: -or- (the one will be the more recent ver

Re: HTML files don't auto indent, everything else does

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
thesheep wrote: For some reason the auto-indent features aren't working with HTML source files (and I want them to). I've tried these: :filetype indent on :set autoindent I've also tried all these kinds of things: :set shiftwidth=2 :set softtabstop=2 And then doing 'gg=G' to auto indent. I

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hugh Sasse wrote: On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote: Hugh Sasse wrote: I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long. However, I have a physical problem with the parentheses. You may find rainbow.vim helpful; see

Re: dictionary fun makes gvim crash

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Kim Schulz wrote: Hi I get gvim to crash every time I try the following: let mynumbers = {0:'zero',1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four', 5:'five',6:'six',7:'seven',8:'eight',9:'nine'} function mynumbers.convert(number) dict return join(map(split(a:number,'\zs'), 'get(self, v:val

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hugh Sasse wrote: I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long. However, I have a physical problem with the parentheses. My nystagmus means that just outside the subitizing range my time to count parentheses increases dramatically. According to wikipedia it should increase at roughly 10

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Hugh Sasse wrote: I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long. However, I have a physical problem with the parentheses. You may find rainbow.vim helpful; see It colorizes brackets [] {} () based on nesting level. Regards, C

Re: Questions about syntax highlight script.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi vimmers, I've got some question when writing my syntax highlight script. Q1. The language requires a ^M character as a keyword. The ^M character is by default highlighted but I want to highlight it to some other color, at least it should be different from ^L and ^N..

Re: Using vim to as a pager for manual pages.

2006-12-29 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Zvi Har'El wrote: I am using Linux in a UTF-8 locale, and I have a problem with using less as a pager for manual pages: I cannot search for options, since they use a dash instead of a minus sign, and I don't have an easy way to type the hyphen (I have put some xterm definitions for various dashe

Re: Remember where I left off

2006-12-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
Jason Morehouse wrote: I recall at one point, Vim would remember where I left off in a file, and place me back there when I started. I don't think it's worked since I switch to 7, and don't recall the vimrc setting. Any ideas? Check out tip "Restore cursor to file position in previous editi

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