Re: refactoring ZK so it is plugable, would this make sense?

2014-10-20 Thread Erik van oosten
You can run with a single node zookeeper cluster also.


Op 9 okt. 2014, om 22:52 heeft S Ahmed  het volgende 

> I want kafka features (w/o the redundancy) but don't want to have to run 3
> zookeeper instances to save $$.
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Jun Rao  wrote:
>> This may not be easy since you have to implement things like watcher
>> callbacks. What's your main concern with the ZK dependency?
>> Thanks,
>> Jun
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:20 AM, S Ahmed  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was wondering if the zookeeper library (zkutils.scala etc) was designed
>>> in a more modular way, would it make it possible to run a more "lean"
>>> version of kafka?
>>> The idea is I want to run kafka but with a less emphasis on it being
>>> durable with failover and more on it being a replacement for a standard
>>> queue like kestrel.
>>> This way you could take advantage of how the other aspects of Kafka
>>> (permanent log, etc etc.)
>>> I was just thinking if the zookeeper access was wrapped in something
>> like:
>>> class DiscoverService
>>>   def electLeader ..
>>>   def getFollower ...
>>> (I'm just making those methods up, but you get the point they are simply
>>> the same calls zkutils etc. will be making to connect to zookeeper)
>>> Now the idea is, if you don't want to dedicate 3 servers to run
>> zookeeper,
>>> you could create your own implementation that e.g. returns data based on
>> a
>>> configuration file that is static and not a discover service like
>>> zookeeper.
>>> Would wrapping the zookeper calls into a plugable/swapable service make
>>> sense and allow you to still use Kakfa at a smaller scale or would this
>> not
>>> work for other reasons that I am overlooking?

Spark on secure HDFS

2014-10-15 Thread Erik van oosten

We really would like to use Spark but we can’t because we have a secure HDFS 
environment (Cloudera).
I understood contains a patch. 
Can one of the committers please take a look?


Erik van Oosten

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2014-09-11 Thread Erik van oosten

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Re: running on scala 2.11

2014-07-05 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Joe,

I am afraid your misread the article you are referring too. Scala 2.11 
/compiles/ code that compiles with 2.10. Binary compatibility is only 
guaranteed between micro versions.

Kind regards,

Joe Stein schreef op 01-07-14 21:01:

Looping back around here (for posterity) I didn't update the ticket but
Scala 2.11 works with 2.10 binaries

If there are issue folks can open a new JIRA please with specific issue as
it may not be related, thanks!

  Joe Stein
  Founder, Principal Consultant
  Big Data Open Source Security LLC
  Twitter: @allthingshadoop <>

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Laszlo Fogas 


thanks, Joe.

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 6:54 AM, Joe Stein  wrote:

It is possible that when I tried this ticket initially there was


environmental in my build process causing it to appear to work.

I reopened the ticket.

I will go back through it again on a few different environments and in


detail and post results either way.

  Joe Stein
  Founder, Principal Consultant
  Big Data Open Source Security LLC
  Twitter: @allthingshadoop <>

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Laszlo Fogas 

just simply tried artifact kafka_2.10: as suggested in but got the error



now I've cloned the repo and compiled with

./gradlew jar => success
./gradlew -PscalaVersion=2.10.0 jar => success
./gradlew -PscalaVersion=2.11.0 jar =>  FAILURE

both on trunk and tag

the compile error is the same as here

i've tried disabling zinc => got classpath errors at an other point
and upgrading zinc => had other version incompatibilities

Seems like there are issues with scala 2.11

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Guozhang Wang 


Hello Laszlo,

Have you built Kafka with scala 2.11? You may read the README file to


compiling Kafka with different scala versions.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 5:45 AM, Laszlo Fogas <


Hello folks,

anybody running kafka with scala 2.11.0?

KAFKA-1454 says it's possible.. i'm having problems though when



basic producer example from the wiki

The message is *NoClassDefFoundError:



-- Guozhang

Erik van Oosten

Re: [akka-user] Akka 2.3.2 Released

2014-04-22 Thread Erik van Oosten

That worked.

Kind regards,

Patrik Nordwall schreef op 22-04-14 09:36:

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Erik van Oosten <>> wrote:


Thanks for the new release.

I am missing akka-testkit 2.3.2 for Scala 2.11 from maven central.
Is this still forthcoming, or is akka-testkit replaced by some
other module?

It will be published soonish. I think latest published 
is akka-testkit_2.11.0-RC4/2.3.0. <http://2.3.0.> Given binary 
compatibility that should work with Scala 2.11.0


Kind regards,

Patrik Nordwall schreef op 09-04-14 15:16:

/Dear hAkkers,/

We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the
availability of Akka 2.3.2. This is the second maintenance
release of the 2.3 branch. It contains fixes for several issues.

This release is backwards binary compatible with version 2.3.0
and 2.3.1 which means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement
for the old one (but not the other way around) as long as your
build does not enable the inliner (Scala-only restriction).
Always make sure to use at least the latest version required by
any of your project’s dependencies.

  Migrating from Older Relases

When migrating an existing project from Akka 2.2.x please have a
look at our migration guide


  2.3.2 compared to 2.3.1:

  * 5 tickets closed
  * 66 files changed, 637 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)
  * … and a total of 2 committers!

*Full list of fixed tickets:*

  * /3957/ EventsourcedProcessor must always reject external
Persistent messages
  * /3967/ Second node is unable to join a cluster, regression in
  * /3973/ joinSeedNodeProcess is not unique Exception at the
Cluster Startup
  * /3974/ Some address information was lost in the serialization
of persistent messages
  * /3975/ Check for invalid id extraction in Cluster Sharding


 commits added removed
 5 182 100 Patrik Nordwall
 2 283  38 Björn Antonsson

  Additional Release Details

The artifacts comprising this release have been published to and also
to Maven Central. In addition, we adopted the sbt standard of
encoding the Scala binary version in the artifact name, i.e. the
core actor package’s artifactId is “akka-actor_2.10”.


  * <>

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Binary distribution:




Issue tracker:


Mailing list:


Akka is released under the Apache V2 license.

/Happy hAkking!/


Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <> - Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

Scala <>
Days <>
June 16th-18th, <>
Berlin <>
>>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:

>>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
>>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
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Erik van Oosten

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Re: [akka-user] Akka 2.3.2 Released

2014-04-21 Thread Erik van Oosten


Thanks for the new release.

I am missing akka-testkit 2.3.2 for Scala 2.11 from maven central.
Is this still forthcoming, or is akka-testkit replaced by some other module?

Kind regards,

Patrik Nordwall schreef op 09-04-14 15:16:

/Dear hAkkers,/

We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the 
availability of Akka 2.3.2. This is the second maintenance release of 
the 2.3 branch. It contains fixes for several issues.

This release is backwards binary compatible with version 2.3.0 and 
2.3.1 which means that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the 
old one (but not the other way around) as long as your build does not 
enable the inliner (Scala-only restriction). Always make sure to use 
at least the latest version required by any of your project’s 

  Migrating from Older Relases

When migrating an existing project from Akka 2.2.x please have a look 
at our migration guide 

  2.3.2 compared to 2.3.1:

  * 5 tickets closed
  * 66 files changed, 637 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)
  * … and a total of 2 committers!

*Full list of fixed tickets:*

  * /3957/ EventsourcedProcessor must always reject external
Persistent messages
  * /3967/ Second node is unable to join a cluster, regression in 2.3.1
  * /3973/ joinSeedNodeProcess is not unique Exception at the Cluster
  * /3974/ Some address information was lost in the serialization of
persistent messages
  * /3975/ Check for invalid id extraction in Cluster Sharding


 commits added removed
 5 182 100 Patrik Nordwall
 2 283  38 Björn Antonsson

  Additional Release Details

The artifacts comprising this release have been published to and also to 
Maven Central. In addition, we adopted the sbt standard of encoding 
the Scala binary version in the artifact name, i.e. the core actor 
package’s artifactId is “akka-actor_2.10”.


  * <>

Maven repository:


Binary distribution:




Issue tracker:


Mailing list:


Akka is released under the Apache V2 license.

/Happy hAkking!/


Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <> - Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

Scala <>
Days <>
June 16th-18th, <>
Berlin <>
>>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
>>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:

>>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
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Erik van Oosten


 Read the docs:
 Check the FAQ:
 Search the archives:
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Re: trouble building 0.8

2013-08-12 Thread Erik van Oosten
That's a classic: just delete your ~/.ivy2 as well and be prepared to 
download the internet again :(


Op 06-08-13 05:36, Rob Withers schreef:

I deleted all the sbt project and target stuff, for both ~/.sbt and 
kafka/project/build.  I had previously had php stuff in my global sbt stuff.  
This resolved this issue, but now I am having another…

I get the following:

[warn] Multiple resolvers having different access mechanism configured with 
same name 'sbt-plugin-releases'. To avoid conflict, Remove duplicate project 
resolvers (`resolvers`) or rename publishing resolver (`publishTo`).

I also get this failure to resolve dependency:

[info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;1.8 ...
[warn]  module not found: org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;1.8
[warn]  local: tried
[warn]  SonaType ScalaTest repo: tried
[warn]  public: tried

I looked at:

and there is no 1.8, but a 1.9…so, the issue is in core/build.sbt, where scalatest should 
be "1.9.1".  I change it and it works.  This was changed today, so perhaps they 
lost 1.8?


On Aug 5, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Rob Withers  wrote:

Well, I changed something, as it was working yesterday.   Here's my attempt at 

Robs-MacBook-Pro:kafka reefedjib$ sbt "++2.10.2 update"
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/reefedjib/.sbt/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from 
[warn] Multiple resolvers having different access mechanism configured with 
same name 'sbt-plugin-releases'. To avoid conflict, Remove duplicate project 
resolvers (`resolvers`) or rename publishing resolver (`publishTo`).
[error] AttributeKey ID collisions detected for: 'pgp-signer' 
sbt.Task[com.typesafe.sbt.pgp.PgpSigner]), 'pgp-verifier' 
sbt.Task[com.typesafe.sbt.pgp.PgpVerifier]), 'check-pgp-signatures' 
sbt.Task[com.jsuereth.pgp.sbtplugin.SignatureCheckReport]), 'signatures-module' 
[error] Use 'last' for the full log.

So here's my /Users/reefedjib/.sbt/plugins:

resolvers += Classpaths.typesafeResolver
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.2.0")

and I just clone 0.8, no changes.

Is there anywhere else I need to look for sbt plugin configs, outside akka?


Erik van Oosten

[jira] [Created] (AMQ-4610) ActiveMQ shows icon in Dock on MacOSX (with solution)

2013-07-01 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)
Erik van Oosten created AMQ-4610:

 Summary: ActiveMQ shows icon in Dock on MacOSX (with solution)
 Key: AMQ-4610
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 5.8.0
Reporter: Erik van Oosten

On Mac activemq shows an really annoying icon in the doc.

Please add the following options to the startup script to get rid of it:


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[jira] [Commented] (THRIFT-1836) Java compiler does not generate constructor with all fields

2013-01-21 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on THRIFT-1836:

Some comments on the patch:
* I was not able to build the code (even before my changes).
* I was not able to find tests that could be updated.
* This was my first cpp code in 14 years.

Please see the patch as a starting point, and not as working code.

> Java compiler does not generate constructor with all fields
> ---
> Key: THRIFT-1836
> URL:
> Project: Thrift
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Java - Compiler
>Affects Versions: 0.9
>    Reporter: Erik van Oosten
> Attachments: thrift-1836-additional-java-constructor.patch
> The java compiler does not generate a constructor with all fields when some 
> fields are required and some are optional. It only generates a constructor 
> with all required fields, or a constructor with all fields when all fields 
> are optional.
> Rationale: We currently do not specify the requiredness of any field (making 
> them optional). If we change some of the fields to required, we also have to 
> rewrite so much code that is no longer practical.
> The attached patch will generate 3 constructors instead of 2:
> - the default constructor
> - a constructor with all required fields
> - a constructor with all fields (added by this patch)

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[jira] [Updated] (THRIFT-1836) Java compiler does not generate constructor with all fields

2013-01-21 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten updated THRIFT-1836:

Attachment: thrift-1836-additional-java-constructor.patch

> Java compiler does not generate constructor with all fields
> ---
> Key: THRIFT-1836
> URL:
> Project: Thrift
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Java - Compiler
>Affects Versions: 0.9
>    Reporter: Erik van Oosten
> Attachments: thrift-1836-additional-java-constructor.patch
> The java compiler does not generate a constructor with all fields when some 
> fields are required and some are optional. It only generates a constructor 
> with all required fields, or a constructor with all fields when all fields 
> are optional.
> Rationale: We currently do not specify the requiredness of any field (making 
> them optional). If we change some of the fields to required, we also have to 
> rewrite so much code that is no longer practical.
> The attached patch will generate 3 constructors instead of 2:
> - the default constructor
> - a constructor with all required fields
> - a constructor with all fields (added by this patch)

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[jira] [Created] (THRIFT-1836) Java compiler does not generate constructor with all fields

2013-01-21 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)
Erik van Oosten created THRIFT-1836:

 Summary: Java compiler does not generate constructor with all 
 Key: THRIFT-1836
 Project: Thrift
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java - Compiler
Affects Versions: 0.9
Reporter: Erik van Oosten

The java compiler does not generate a constructor with all fields when some 
fields are required and some are optional. It only generates a constructor with 
all required fields, or a constructor with all fields when all fields are 

Rationale: We currently do not specify the requiredness of any field (making 
them optional). If we change some of the fields to required, we also have to 
rewrite so much code that is no longer practical.

The attached patch will generate 3 constructors instead of 2:
- the default constructor
- a constructor with all required fields
- a constructor with all fields (added by this patch)

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Re: [DISCUSS] Security Frameworks

2012-10-22 Thread Erik van Oosten

[ X ] I use my own custom framework
[ X ] I use Shiro

For my current Wicket project we started out with Shiro as it promised 
to be easy to use. However, even though Shiro is feature rich, it still 
lacks the feature we needed to make it secure (1) and stable (2). We 
ended up using Shiro as a convenient library with all integration points 
with Wicket written ourselves. We also needed to extend LDAP integration 
to get roles/permissions and override Shiro's idea of configuration (it 
didn't match our way of getting properties files).

(1) forget an annotation and your page is visible, we turned that around
(2) the annotations are based on Strings, we like Enums better

Kind regards,

On 18-10-12 06:08, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

Our of curiosity: among the wider community: what security framework(s) do
you use with with Wicket, and why?

[  ] I use my own custom framework
[  ] I use Shiro
[  ] I use Spring Security
[  ] I use WASP/Swarm
[  ] Other (please specify)

And don't forget the "why".

Erik van Oosten

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Re: [vote] deprecate/remove EmailAddressValidator and move RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator to core

2012-07-25 Thread Erik van Oosten
The RFC validator is IMHO not a good default email validator. The main 
problem is that RFC822 is pretty relaxed. For example 
"Neuman@BBN-TENEXA" is a valid mail address. I am not certain, but I 
remember that even something like "user" is a valid mail address. Its 
fairly easy for a human to see that these won't fly in most applications.

If you insist on full RFC822 behavior but do not want to use a regular 
expression, then you can use javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress from 
It would introduce a dependency though.


Op 22-07-12 14:33, Emond Papegaaij schreef:

The main problem I'm having with this regular expression, is that it
is impossible to understand what exactly it matches and how. I
wouldn't be surprised if the performance varies greatly depending on
the input you are giving it, for example invalid addresses or very
long (too long) addresses.

Best regards,

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Dan Retzlaff  wrote:

The RFC validator is not slow. Here are results of single
compile/validations, and 10 second runs on my 2.5GHz CPU:

1 compile in 6.675063 millis
compiles per second = 7226.30
1 validation in 0.144235 millis
validations per second = 425048.10

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

Compiling the pattern is the slower operation. The matching is not
that slow. Since the Pattern is static it is compiled just once.
Having semi-working solution like current EmailAddressValidator is not
an option.
If Rfc** one proves to be slow then we should better find a way to
optimize it or find another RFC compliant solution.

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Burton, Tom F (DOR)

What about speed isn't regular expression matching slow? And wouldn't

matching on a gigantic regular excpression like RFCCompliantValidator take
a while?

Tom Burton

Sent from my HTC

- Reply message -
From: "Martijn Dashorst" 
To: "" 
Subject: [vote] deprecate/remove EmailAddressValidator and move

RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator to core

Date: Fri, Jul 20, 2012 4:50 am

EmailAddressValidator is broken. For example, it doesn't validate
"Martijn Dashorst " properly, which is
standards compliant. Rfc validator does work. The only reason why RFC
validator was not admitted to core, was its memory consumption due to
the regular expression. But since RFC is now singleton, I severely
doubt that is still an issue.

[ ] Copy RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator over EmailAddressValidator,
deprecate RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator
[ ] Deprecate EmailAddressValidator, move
RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator to core, favor RFC in EmailTextField
[ ] Keep it as currently implemented


Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

Erik van Oosten

[jira] [Commented] (KAFKA-204) BoundedByteBufferReceive hides OutOfMemoryError

2011-11-19 Thread Erik van Oosten (Commented) (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on KAFKA-204:

If you rethrow, then rethrow a new OOME with the original OOME wrapped.

> BoundedByteBufferReceive hides OutOfMemoryError
> ---
> Key: KAFKA-204
> URL:
> Project: Kafka
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 0.7
>Reporter: Chris Burroughs
>Assignee: Chris Burroughs
>Priority: Critical
> Attachments: k204-v1.txt
>   private def byteBufferAllocate(size: Int): ByteBuffer = {
> var buffer: ByteBuffer = null
> try {
>   buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size)
> }
> catch {
>   case e: OutOfMemoryError =>
> throw new RuntimeException("OOME with size " + size, e)
>   case e2 =>
> throw e2
> }
> buffer
>   }
> This hides the fact that an Error occurred, and will likely result in some 
> log handler printing a message, instead of exiting with non-zero status.  
> Knowing how large the allocation was that caused an OOM is really nice, so 
> I'd suggest logging in byteBufferAllocate and then re-throwing 
> OutOfMemoryError

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Re: KAFKA-50 replication support and the Disruptor

2011-11-01 Thread Erik van Oosten
There are several wait strategies. You will want to use spin lock in 
production environments where you should have enough CPU cores anyway. 
Remember, the 'real' work runs in another always running thread that 
also uses a spin lock to wait for more work.
In dev environment or hosts that need to do lots of other stuff, you 
definitely need another wait strategy.


Op 31-10-11 21:38, Chris Burroughs wrote:

On 10/31/2011 04:23 AM, Erik van Oosten wrote:

That is not the point (mostly). While you're waiting for a lock, you can't 
issue another IO request. Avoiding locking is worthwhile even if CPU is the 
bottleneck. The advantage is that you'll get lower latency and also important, 
less jitter.


Doesn't the Disruptor use a spin lock though?  I would expect that to
not play nice if sharing a core with CPU bound threads doing 'real' work.

Erik van Oosten

Re: KAFKA-50 replication support and the Disruptor

2011-10-31 Thread Erik van Oosten
No problems.

You could first program all tasks serially and then convert to the use the 
disrupter later. With cleanly separated tasks this should be very easy to do. 
So easy in fact that it might not be worth the wait ;)

BTW I respect the non-trivialness of multi-broker replication. That reminds me, 
is there an update of the proposal design documents?

Kind regards,

Erik van Oosten

On 31 okt. 2011, at 17:06, Jun Rao wrote:

> Erik,
> Thanks for the pointer. This could be useful optimization. However, we
> probably don't want to optimize too early until we understand the use
> cases. Also, the replication logic itself is already non-trivial. Perhaps
> we can look into this after the first version of replication is done?
> Thanks,
> Jun
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 1:23 AM, Erik van Oosten wrote:
>>> This is interesting. But wouldn't the cost of the I/O here (writing to
>> log,
>>> requests to slave nodes) completely dominate the cost of locks?
>> That is not the point (mostly). While you're waiting for a lock, you can't
>> issue another IO request. Avoiding locking is worthwhile even if CPU is the
>> bottleneck. The advantage is that you'll get lower latency and also
>> important, less jitter.
>> As you know, given the right hardware, sequential writes to disk are
>> already very fast. If you jump through some hoops (e.g. avoid TCP, use user
>> space IP stack) the same applies to the network. In a carefully coded async
>> system, I am not convinced up front it would dominate locking overhead.
>> In fact, what the LMAX guys found out is that the synchronization overhead
>> of e.g. an ArrayBlockingQueue (the fastest queue they could find)
>> completely dwarves any other CPU processing you might want to do. In their
>> setup they process 6M messages per second on (by now) old hardware. That is
>> including journalling, replicating to standby node, doing some financial
>> transaction stuff and then sending a reply in lock step with the standby
>> node.
>> Kind regards,
>> --
>> Erik van Oosten
>> On 30 okt. 2011, at 22:02, Jay Kreps wrote:
>>> This is interesting. But wouldn't the cost of the I/O here (writing to
>> log,
>>> requests to slave nodes) completely dominate the cost of locks?
>>> -Jay
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Erik van Oosten >> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The upcoming replication support (which we eagerly anticipate at my
>> work)
>>>> is a feature for which LMAX' disruptor is an ideal solution (
>>>> Apache licensed). A colleague has in fact just started on a new
>> replicating
>>>> message broker based on it (**underground<
>>>> ).
>>>> The disruptor itself is a super-performing in-jvm consumer/producer
>>>> system. A consumer normally works in its own thread. The disruptor gets
>>>> most of its speed because it is designed such that each consumer can
>>>> continue working without releasing the CPU to the OS or other threads.
>> In
>>>> addition it is optimized for modern CPU architectures, for example by
>>>> respecting the way the CPU cache works, and by avoiding all locking, CAS
>>>> operations and even by keeping volatile read/writes to a minimum.
>>>> Consumers may depend on work of other consumers. The disruptor will only
>>>> offer new messages (in bulk if possible) when they were processed by
>>>> preceding consumers.
>>>> For Kafka-50 we can (for example) think of the following tasks:
>>>> -a- get incoming new messages (the producer)
>>>> -b- pre-processor (calculate checksum and offset)
>>>> -c- write to journal
>>>> -d- write to replica broker, wait for confirmation
>>>> -e- notify consumers (no changes here)
>>>> With the disrupter the main flow would be coded as:
>>>> disruptor
>>>> .handleEventsWith(**preprocessor)
>>>> .then(journaller, replicator)
>>>> .then(notifier)
>>>> Journaling and replicating of a message is thus executed in parallel.
>>>> When this approach is considered, feel free to ask me about the
>> disruptor.
>>>> Hopefully I will also find some time to write some code a well.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>  Erik.
>>>> --
>>>> Erik van Oosten

Re: KAFKA-50 replication support and the Disruptor

2011-10-31 Thread Erik van Oosten
> This is interesting. But wouldn't the cost of the I/O here (writing to log,
> requests to slave nodes) completely dominate the cost of locks?

That is not the point (mostly). While you're waiting for a lock, you can't 
issue another IO request. Avoiding locking is worthwhile even if CPU is the 
bottleneck. The advantage is that you'll get lower latency and also important, 
less jitter.

As you know, given the right hardware, sequential writes to disk are already 
very fast. If you jump through some hoops (e.g. avoid TCP, use user space IP 
stack) the same applies to the network. In a carefully coded async system, I am 
not convinced up front it would dominate locking overhead.

In fact, what the LMAX guys found out is that the synchronization overhead of 
e.g. an ArrayBlockingQueue (the fastest queue they could find) completely 
dwarves any other CPU processing you might want to do. In their setup they 
process 6M messages per second on (by now) old hardware. That is including 
journalling, replicating to standby node, doing some financial transaction 
stuff and then sending a reply in lock step with the standby node.

Kind regards,

Erik van Oosten

On 30 okt. 2011, at 22:02, Jay Kreps wrote:

> This is interesting. But wouldn't the cost of the I/O here (writing to log,
> requests to slave nodes) completely dominate the cost of locks?
> -Jay
> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Erik van Oosten wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The upcoming replication support (which we eagerly anticipate at my work)
>> is a feature for which LMAX' disruptor is an ideal solution (
>> Apache licensed). A colleague has in fact just started on a new replicating
>> message broker based on it 
>> (**underground<>
>> ).
>> The disruptor itself is a super-performing in-jvm consumer/producer
>> system. A consumer normally works in its own thread. The disruptor gets
>> most of its speed because it is designed such that each consumer can
>> continue working without releasing the CPU to the OS or other threads. In
>> addition it is optimized for modern CPU architectures, for example by
>> respecting the way the CPU cache works, and by avoiding all locking, CAS
>> operations and even by keeping volatile read/writes to a minimum.
>> Consumers may depend on work of other consumers. The disruptor will only
>> offer new messages (in bulk if possible) when they were processed by
>> preceding consumers.
>> For Kafka-50 we can (for example) think of the following tasks:
>> -a- get incoming new messages (the producer)
>> -b- pre-processor (calculate checksum and offset)
>> -c- write to journal
>> -d- write to replica broker, wait for confirmation
>> -e- notify consumers (no changes here)
>> With the disrupter the main flow would be coded as:
>> disruptor
>> .handleEventsWith(**preprocessor)
>> .then(journaller, replicator)
>> .then(notifier)
>> Journaling and replicating of a message is thus executed in parallel.
>> When this approach is considered, feel free to ask me about the disruptor.
>> Hopefully I will also find some time to write some code a well.
>> Kind regards,
>>   Erik.
>> --
>> Erik van Oosten

KAFKA-50 replication support and the Disruptor

2011-10-30 Thread Erik van Oosten


The upcoming replication support (which we eagerly anticipate at my 
work) is a feature for which LMAX' disruptor is an ideal solution 
(, Apache licensed). A colleague has 
in fact just started on a new replicating message broker based on it 

The disruptor itself is a super-performing in-jvm consumer/producer 
system. A consumer normally works in its own thread. The disruptor gets 
most of its speed because it is designed such that each consumer can 
continue working without releasing the CPU to the OS or other threads. 
In addition it is optimized for modern CPU architectures, for example by 
respecting the way the CPU cache works, and by avoiding all locking, CAS 
operations and even by keeping volatile read/writes to a minimum.
Consumers may depend on work of other consumers. The disruptor will only 
offer new messages (in bulk if possible) when they were processed by 
preceding consumers.

For Kafka-50 we can (for example) think of the following tasks:
-a- get incoming new messages (the producer)
-b- pre-processor (calculate checksum and offset)
-c- write to journal
-d- write to replica broker, wait for confirmation
-e- notify consumers (no changes here)

With the disrupter the main flow would be coded as:

.then(journaller, replicator)

Journaling and replicating of a message is thus executed in parallel.

When this approach is considered, feel free to ask me about the 
disruptor. Hopefully I will also find some time to write some code a well.

Kind regards,

Erik van Oosten

Re: Efficiency of 1.5 MountMapper weighted/matching algorithm

2011-10-18 Thread Erik van Oosten

> I realize it may not be a hotspot but, intuitively at least, it sounds like 
> your new caching improvement will help reduce CPU load. It should also reduce 
> the workload of the garbage collector by not having, in the above example, 
> 2800 objects allocated and then dereferenced with every page render.

Don't trust intuition, measure. CPUs and garbage collectors behave different 
then you might think.

Introducing caching means introducing thread collaboration. Any synchronisation 
on modern cpus quickly take more time then any business processing you can 
program. In addition, short lived object cost nothing. The gc can easily handle 
millions per second.

In other words: don't add caching unless you are willing to measure the 
throughput gains (on the intended target systems).


Erik van Oosten

Op 17 okt. 2011, om 22:06 heeft Chris Colman het volgende geschreven:

>> We have already discussed this problem before.
>> I agree that caching will improve the performance and I'll try to
>> implement it soon.
> Cool!
>> Topicus' (Martijn's daily job) biggest application have ~ 700 mounted
>> pages and this code is not a hotspot for them, that's why no one spend
>> time on optimizing it so far.
> Wow that's big! If you had a variety of main and side bar menus on each page 
> that had links to say 40 or so Bookmarkable pages that would mean each page 
> render would result in building 40 weight/mount pair collections, each with 
> 700 entries - and then throwing them away after each bookmarkable page link 
> has been created.
> I realize it may not be a hotspot but, intuitively at least, it sounds like 
> your new caching improvement will help reduce CPU load. It should also reduce 
> the workload of the garbage collector by not having, in the above example, 
> 2800 objects allocated and then dereferenced with every page render.
>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Chris Colman
>>  wrote:
>>> I'll try to get some time to build a test to get some timings.
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Jeremy Thomerson []
>>>> Sent: Sunday, 16 October 2011 11:55 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Efficiency of 1.5 MountMapper weighted/matching algorithm
>>>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Chris Colman
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Obviously this isn't a problem during debug with a single user but
>>> when
>>>>> 1000s of pages need to be rendered each minute the time spent
>>> performing
>>>> the
>>>>> above operations may become significant. I haven't done any benchmark
>>>>> testing but from experience, the frequenct allocation and compiling
>>> of
>>>>> collections and sorting can get CPU expensive and switching to a
>>> caching
>>>>> alternative usually leads to significant performance
>>> improvements.
>>>> It'd definitely be worth optimizing if we can prove it's a bottle-neck.
>>>> But
>>>> we try to avoid premature optimization.  Can you put together some
>>> numbers
>>>> to see what kind of processing load we're talking about?  I'd be
>>> interested
>>>> in seeing % of overall processing time under load.  Something like
>>> "with X
>>>> clients browsing Y pages per minute, each page render took an average R
>>>> milliseconds, and Z milliseconds of this was in creating link URLs".
>>> Or
>>>> something like that.
>>>> --
>>>> Jeremy Thomerson
>>>> *Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix!*
>>> -
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>> --
>> Martin Grigorov
>> jWeekend
>> Training, Consulting, Development
>> -
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> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: [slf4j-user] SLF4J library using an image

2011-08-15 Thread Erik van Oosten

Of course this must exactly be the day that no-ip took my DNS entry down 

Reposted here:

BTW, I don't care so much for arrows or not. Its just that they are 
usually not used in this software stacks.

Kind regards,

Op 15-08-11 10:15, Erik van Oosten schreef:

Hello Ceki,

I've added some color and removed the adaption layer from the 
'unbound' case. What do you think?

I think that displaying these stacks horizontally would improve the 
presentation somewhat more. It emphasizes what a mess you have when 
you include commons-logging in the mix :)


Op 14-08-11 22:56, Ceki Gülcü schreef:

Hi all,

I've updated the illustrations taking into account your comments. The
updated files are located at:

The audience for these illustrations are users with little or no prior
understanding of or exposure to SLF4J. More concretely, with the help
of these illustrations, new users should hopefully stop placing
multiple binding artifacts on the class path at the same time.

IMO, the arrows convey useful information with respect to direction of
invocations albeit perhaps in a stylistically inelegant way.

Anyway, your suggestions for further improvements most welcome. In
particular regarding the unification of the stacked and arrowed styles
(if possible).


slf4j-user mailing list

Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

Re: [slf4j-user] SLF4J library using an image

2011-08-15 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hello Ceki,

I've added some color and removed the adaption layer from the 'unbound' 
case. What do you think?

I think that displaying these stacks horizontally would improve the 
presentation somewhat more. It emphasizes what a mess you have when you 
include commons-logging in the mix :)


Op 14-08-11 22:56, Ceki Gülcü schreef:

Hi all,

I've updated the illustrations taking into account your comments. The
updated files are located at:

The audience for these illustrations are users with little or no prior
understanding of or exposure to SLF4J. More concretely, with the help
of these illustrations, new users should hopefully stop placing
multiple binding artifacts on the class path at the same time.

IMO, the arrows convey useful information with respect to direction of
invocations albeit perhaps in a stylistically inelegant way.

Anyway, your suggestions for further improvements most welcome. In
particular regarding the unification of the stacked and arrowed styles
(if possible).


slf4j-user mailing list

Re: [slf4j-user] SLF4J library using an image

2011-08-14 Thread Erik van Oosten

Small correction: the 'original' version is David's (jakartaman).

For the rest I agree.


Op 14-08-11 13:35, Thorsten Möller schreef:

Am 13.08.2011 um 22:17 schrieb jakartaman:

Now someone needs to take a decision!!11!!

Well, just my opinion: both make sense to me. Erik's original version clearly 
and tersely describes the (gradual) transition from a logging framework other 
than SLF4J up to the point where just SLF4J backed by Logback is used. And I 
presume depicting this transition was Erik's intention.

Ceki's version appeared more comprehensive to me in depicting all the 
combinations in which SLF4J can be deployed. Honestly, however, I was 
interrupted a bit by the arrows since their semantics is not intuitive and was 
also not explained in the legend. To me they are not really necessary and I 
would prefer the typical layered way of depicting it using vertically stacked 

To conclude, both are reasonable to the projects documentation, just at different places: 
Erik's could be used for supporting one way (the preferred way?) of (gradually) moving 
from another logging framework to "pure" SLF4J logging; Ceki's could be used to 
support all the different deployment combinations.



On 08/13/2011 10:51 AM, Rusty Wright wrote:

I definitely like

Straightforward and clear.

On 2011-08-12 12:32, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

I've taken yet another crack at this:

The idea is to illustrate concrete binding setups using lots of arrows. :-)

On 12/08/2011 9:04 AM, Erik van Oosten wrote:

Hi David,

I liked the clearness of your images as the result of using no arrows
and different colors for each function. I did have troubles with the
text, the font size is a tad small for me.

The second image does not show that commons-logging attempts to find a
logging implementation such as log4j, nor that is specially wired in the
classpath of many servlet containers. Not sure how to do visualize that


slf4j-user mailing list

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Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

Re: [slf4j-user] SLF4J library using an image

2011-08-12 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi David,

I liked the clearness of your images as the result of using no arrows 
and different colors for each function. I did have troubles with the 
text, the font size is a tad small for me.

The second image does not show that commons-logging attempts to find a 
logging implementation such as log4j, nor that is specially wired in the 
classpath of many servlet containers. Not sure how to do visualize that 


Op 11-08-11 00:10, jakartaman wrote:

Hi Ceki,

Here is the new version:


Best regards,

-- David

On 08/10/2011 04:22 PM, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

On 10/08/2011 4:10 PM, jakartaman wrote:

Hi guys,

I have finagled a little image to explain the SLF4J library in 10 

Maybe someone wants to recycle it for the the SLF4J documentation page
(I don't doubt there are other images though).

Have a look: <-- An 1,500px × 523px PNG <-- The Microsoft Visio file
used to generate the above

Best regards,

-- David

Hi David,

I very much like the idea of a graphic better explaining SLF4J. 
Instead of an abstract logging API such as "X" logging API, I think 
it would be clearer to present concrete cases as log4j, jul or logback.

Would you want to work on this using an open source tool such as Open 
Office Draw? (I don't own a copy of Visio).

slf4j-user mailing list

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slf4j-user mailing list

Re: introducing wicket:for attribute

2011-07-14 Thread Erik van Oosten
Its not @literal that removes the linebreaks. If you combine it with 
 it works. (No need to add  as well.)

* Name:
* }


Op 13-07-11 17:55, Igor Vaynberg schreef:

sweet, too bad  @literal does not preserve linebreaks. what we really
need is a CDATA like javadoc tag.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:12 AM, Erik van Oosten  wrote:

Amazing stuff!

You can write straight html in javadoc with the {@literal} syntax. E.g.:

* Given markup like this:
* }
* If the {@code name} component has its label set to 'First Name' the
resulting output will be:
* }


Op 13-07-11 01:50, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

based on some feedback i changed the class name of the inner span from
"text" to "label-text" to reduce chance of css collisions


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Igor Vaynberg

just implemented the wicket:for attribute. check out the javadoc here:

1.4.x only for now, still needs to be forward-ported to trunk.



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Re: [slf4j-user] Log file doesn't roll over when set to archive each day.

2011-07-13 Thread Erik van Oosten

Of course I meant to type:

Slf4j does **NOT** write to files, that is delegated to a logging 
backend such as log4j. Please find out which backend you use, read some 
documentation on that backend, or post a question on the forums of that 


Op 13-07-11 13:15, Erik van Oosten schreef:

Hi Anonymous,

Slf4j does write to files, that is delegated to a logging backend such 
as log4j. Please find out which backend you use, read some 
documentation on that backend, or post a question on the forums of 
that backend.


Op 12-07-11 23:26, schreef:

Hi there,

I've configured slf4j so that my application's log file rolls over 
each day.

My expectation is that, each day, the following happens around midnight:

1.  The logs for that day will be archived into a zipped file,
appropriately named.
2. The log file is reset to zero bytes and starts filling up with 
logs for

the current day.

What's actually happening at midnight is this:

1. The log file contents get archived into an appropriately named file.
2. The log file retains the logs for the day that's just ended, and 

filling up with the current days logs on top of that.

The same trend continues day after day, leaving the active log file with
the log entries from the time the application was started right up until
the current day, and each log file contains logs from the time the
application was started up until it was archived.

I'll follow this up with my logback.xml file when I'm back at work, just
thought I'd post this now in case there's some really obvious things 

can cause this to happen.

The application server in question is Tomcat 5.5 (Badly needs 
upgrading, I

know but this will be happening very soon), and the application is a
custom built one.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :-)

Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

Re: [slf4j-user] Log file doesn't roll over when set to archive each day.

2011-07-13 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Anonymous,

Slf4j does write to files, that is delegated to a logging backend such 
as log4j. Please find out which backend you use, read some documentation 
on that backend, or post a question on the forums of that backend.


Op 12-07-11 23:26, schreef:

Hi there,

I've configured slf4j so that my application's log file rolls over each day.

My expectation is that, each day, the following happens around midnight:

1.  The logs for that day will be archived into a zipped file,
appropriately named.
2. The log file is reset to zero bytes and starts filling up with logs for
the current day.

What's actually happening at midnight is this:

1. The log file contents get archived into an appropriately named file.
2. The log file retains the logs for the day that's just ended, and starts
filling up with the current days logs on top of that.

The same trend continues day after day, leaving the active log file with
the log entries from the time the application was started right up until
the current day, and each log file contains logs from the time the
application was started up until it was archived.

I'll follow this up with my logback.xml file when I'm back at work, just
thought I'd post this now in case there's some really obvious things that
can cause this to happen.

The application server in question is Tomcat 5.5 (Badly needs upgrading, I
know but this will be happening very soon), and the application is a
custom built one.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :-)

slf4j-user mailing list

Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

Re: introducing wicket:for attribute

2011-07-13 Thread Erik van Oosten

Amazing stuff!

You can write straight html in javadoc with the {@literal} syntax. E.g.:

* Given markup like this:
* }
* If the {@code name} component has its label set to 'First Name' the resulting 
output will be:
*First Name:
* }


Op 13-07-11 01:50, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

based on some feedback i changed the class name of the inner span from
"text" to "label-text" to reduce chance of css collisions


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Igor Vaynberg  wrote:

just implemented the wicket:for attribute. check out the javadoc here:

1.4.x only for now, still needs to be forward-ported to trunk.



Erik van Oosten

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[jira] [Created] (WICKET-3557) Can not add validator to AjaxEditableLabel unless it was added to page

2011-03-25 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)
Can not add validator to AjaxEditableLabel unless it was added to page

 Key: WICKET-3557
 Project: Wicket
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: wicket-extensions
Reporter: Erik van Oosten
Priority: Minor

Method AjaxEditableLabel#add(IValidator) tries to add the validator to the 
editor. As the editor initiaily does not exist, it is created. Creation of the 
editor fails when the component has not been added to the page yet.

Workaround: add the AjaxEditableLabel to page before adding the validator(s).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: internationalizing page title

2011-02-28 Thread Erik van Oosten

You will need the following in your application's init:


Op 27-02-11 18:26, Josh Kamau schreef:


This worked.

 Wicket Demo



On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Anton Bessonovwrote:

Hello Josh,

have you found any solution?

Best regards,


  Am trying to internationalize the page title. The below snipplet doesnt

to work. Where am i going wrong?



Erik van Oosten

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Re: [wicketstuff] core pom - not used dependencies

2011-02-21 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Atilla,

You seem to have covered it. I think you know what you are doing.


Op 21-02-11 09:23, Attila Király wrote:

Hi Attila,

Are you sure they are not used? They could be used transitively.

No, I am not sure that's why I am asking. I searched the poms, the java
files and "mvn dependency:tree" reports but none of them contained the
examples I mentioned before.

Anyways, in order for core to be consistent, having versions in the modules
is not desirable if they are already in the core pom.

I agree with you but this is not the case. A lot of modules define the
versions for their dependencies.

Erik van Oosten

Re: 1.4.16 - adding methods to IBehavior

2011-02-20 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Jeremy,

That sounds nice. I think this can be used to implement the wicket:for attribute 
(to automatically set the 'for' attribute on 'label' tags) in a reasonably 
elegant way. Though this might not be what you had in mind :)


Op 19-02-11 04:17, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

What does everyone think about the following patch [1] to add two methods to
IBehavior?  Obviously, it's not added directly to IBehavior since that would
be a breaking API change.  It's added to a sub-interface that can optionally
be implemented by IBehaviors and is implemented by AbstractBehavior by

It's for the purpose of allowing behaviors to contribute to things like the
visibility and enabled status of a component, which they can't currently do
in beforeRender because that happens during the render cycle, at which time
such changes are not allowed.

[1] -

Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

Re: [wicketstuff] core pom - not used dependencies

2011-02-20 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Attila,

Are you sure they are not used? They could be used transitively.

Anyways, in order for core to be consistent, having versions in the modules is 
not desirable if they are already in the core pom.


Op 20-02-11 20:23, Attila Király wrote:


I noticed that there are a lot of dependencies in the dependencyManagement
section of wicketstuff-core/pom.xml that are actually not used by the
modules at all or the modules define the version for it (for
example: commons-dbutils, lucene, spring-hibernate3). Are these definitions
needed or could they be removed?


Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

Re: URL generation

2011-02-04 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Uwe,

I sometimes use absolute URLs in a project. For code see


Op 04-02-11 16:46, Uwe Schäfer schreef:


i am working on a wicket app which is to be included in some 3rd party 
page. the page somewhat uses a thing like $.load to include the 
wicket-generated code.
To sum up, wicket has no idea that its created page will be sliced 
into pieces and included in some other page.

any url wicket creates, is relative to the generated page, like:
for posting a form.

is there a way to make wicket create absolute URLs instead?

cu uwe

Erik van Oosten

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[jira] Commented: (WICKET-1973) Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer

2010-12-27 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-1973:

None from me.

> Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer
> ---
> Key: WICKET-1973
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4-RC1
>    Reporter: Erik van Oosten
> Using the redirect_to_buffer render strategy, messages in the session get 
> cleared after the render.
> If the redirected request comes in at another node, the buffer is not found 
> and the page is re-rendered. In this case the messages are no longer 
> available.
> See the javadoc of WebApplication#popBufferedResponse(String,String).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (WICKET-1973) Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer

2010-12-27 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-1973:

The other use case is the odd-client that insists on using a round robin load 

> Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer
> ---
> Key: WICKET-1973
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4-RC1
>    Reporter: Erik van Oosten
> Using the redirect_to_buffer render strategy, messages in the session get 
> cleared after the render.
> If the redirected request comes in at another node, the buffer is not found 
> and the page is re-rendered. In this case the messages are no longer 
> available.
> See the javadoc of WebApplication#popBufferedResponse(String,String).

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: UrlRewrite rule and Wicket

2010-12-14 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Krzysztof,

Sorry to hear that, I must admit I never thought of testing this with forms. I 
just assumed that the form would have a wicket generated URL and that from that 
point on it would work the normal way.


Op 02-12-10 16:32, Krzysztof Kowalczyk wrote:

Thank you Erik, the idea is nice, but it does not work ;)

I wanted to implement my own ~ Root Mounting Strategy just when I've
got your email. The idea with overriding getRequestPath sounds good, I
was afraid that I will need to implement my own RequestCycle with
custom logic replacing "path.startWith(mountPath())" part.

Unfortunately your solution doesn't seem to play well with forms. When
using the RootWebRequestProcessor pages using HybridUrlCodingStrategy
work on first get request, but after button submit they are redirected
to "?wicket:..." page and the state of the page is lost (all values of
fields, no validation errors). I have no idea why it works like that
and does it breaks other strategies.

ps. I had to add


to the POM to make the example run properly with jetty:run. The
default configuration mount the app on /wicket-rootmount-demo so most
of the links does not work.

Krzysztof Kowalczyk

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Erik van Oosten  wrote:

You can try the approach from

This allows you to install a URL mounter that implements the following

interface RootMountedUrlCodingStrategy {
  boolean accepts(String rawPath);


Op 30-11-10 11:21, Krzysztof Kowalczyk wrote:


We have existing urls in a form:


or sometimes


The links like "/long,and,complex,title" are managed by fast and
scalable view, and are stateless. Now we are using Wicket in the same
war. It is mounted to "/cms".

We are trying to replace forms, that are pure evil in the first
technology with wicket based forms. But we need to keep the links

So I created  UrlRewrite ( rules:




I have a wicket page - that is mounted on "/new_opinion" with enhanced
HybridUrlCodingStrategy with:
- redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false

First rule forwards the request to proper place. Wicket gets the
correct requestUri and all the stuff. But the rule does not work if we
have redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = true because Wicket constructs
wrong urls in ServletWebRequest.getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler :

if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
// If this is an error page, this will be /mount or
relativeUrl = forwardUrl.substring(1);
relativeUrl =

before this fragment Wicket has correct link, after this we get:
"g,and,complex,title,id/new_opinion", or errors (sometimes the link is
shorter and I get array index out of bounds). If method does not throw
exception it returns wrong number of ../ . Unfortunately
redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false does not solve the problem as
the second rule catches Wicket that are redirected if they hit
bookmarkable page. So this fragment need to be fixed in order to have
working bookmarkable links with UrlRewrite.

My temporary workaround is custom delegating WebRequest with small hack:

public String getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler() {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = getHttpServletRequest();

String forwardUrl =
final String filterPath =

if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
int count = forwardUrl.split("/").length;

String string = "";

for (int i = 1; i<count; i++) {
string += "../";

return string + filterPath;
}else {

I guess it will not work in all cases though...

If there is a different way of doing url rewriting? If not, I consider
it a bug in Wicket.

Krzysztof Kowalczyk

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: [OT] Need Feedback from WicketForge users (IDEA plugin).

2010-12-14 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Minas,

Providing code completion for component id's would be great! In particular in 
the java code, slightly less so in markup.

Warnings for unknown component id's in java code would also be a very nice 
feature! It would probably be useful to be able to suppress the warning with a 
comment or annotation. Warnings in the markup are less useful as I often create 
components that infer their component id at run-time from another component. I'd 
hate to have warning suppressing comments in the markup.


PS. I don't find this OT at all! Anything that helps (many) Wicket developers, 
should be welcome on this list.

Op 13-12-10 02:36, Minas Manthos wrote:


I plan to make a core change to WicketForge plugin and need some user
feedback. So if you like please follow up to

Since this is not directly wicket related, please do not reply here.


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: wicket question

2010-12-01 Thread Erik van Oosten

Simply put them there with a Label.


Op 01-12-10 18:26, 96silvia write:

the problem is the hidden input values are coming from a wicket session. so
if I use a non wicket form how do I get the values from a wicket session to
the non wicket form?

Erik van Oosten

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Re: UrlRewrite rule and Wicket

2010-12-01 Thread Erik van Oosten
You can try the approach from

This allows you to install a URL mounter that implements the following 

interface RootMountedUrlCodingStrategy {
  boolean accepts(String rawPath);


Op 30-11-10 11:21, Krzysztof Kowalczyk wrote:


We have existing urls in a form:


or sometimes


The links like "/long,and,complex,title" are managed by fast and
scalable view, and are stateless. Now we are using Wicket in the same
war. It is mounted to "/cms".

We are trying to replace forms, that are pure evil in the first
technology with wicket based forms. But we need to keep the links

So I created  UrlRewrite ( rules:




I have a wicket page - that is mounted on "/new_opinion" with enhanced
HybridUrlCodingStrategy with:
- redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false

First rule forwards the request to proper place. Wicket gets the
correct requestUri and all the stuff. But the rule does not work if we
have redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = true because Wicket constructs
wrong urls in ServletWebRequest.getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler :

if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
// If this is an error page, this will be /mount or 
relativeUrl = forwardUrl.substring(1);
relativeUrl = 

before this fragment Wicket has correct link, after this we get:
"g,and,complex,title,id/new_opinion", or errors (sometimes the link is
shorter and I get array index out of bounds). If method does not throw
exception it returns wrong number of ../ . Unfortunately
redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false does not solve the problem as
the second rule catches Wicket that are redirected if they hit
bookmarkable page. So this fragment need to be fixed in order to have
working bookmarkable links with UrlRewrite.

My temporary workaround is custom delegating WebRequest with small hack:

public String getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler() {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = getHttpServletRequest();

String forwardUrl =
final String filterPath =

if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
int count = forwardUrl.split("/").length;

String string = "";

for (int i = 1; i<  count; i++) {
string += "../";

return string + filterPath;
}else {
return wrappedReqest.getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler();

I guess it will not work in all cases though...

If there is a different way of doing url rewriting? If not, I consider
it a bug in Wicket.

Krzysztof Kowalczyk

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: StackOverflowError

2010-11-22 Thread Erik van Oosten
I have seen an application (not mine!) fail horribly and costly on the second 

The problem with getting an object from the session and passing the reference to 
a (Compound)PropertyModel is that the natural assumption, the session object is 
updated too, is wrong.
So this is exactly the same problem as keeping a reference to the session 
itself, only now restricted to less data.


Op 22-11-10 20:51, Igor Vaynberg schreef:

no. the example below doesnt hit any pitfalls because it doesnt
reference the session itself. as long as objects retrieved from
session do not contain references back to session he is ok.

however, declaring Session instance as final is not a good idea
because it makes it easy to reference it in anonymous classes.


On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Erik van Oosten  wrote:

Yes, both are very wrong.

Pitfalls are in earlier messages in this thread.

On 22-11-10 16:36, wrote:

By "keep a reference to the session in their class" do you mean something
like this?

Are there any pitfalls to doing this?

final Session session = getSession();
add(new Label("userNameLabel", new Model(session.getUser

How about this?
final UserDTO dto = session.getUser();
CompoundPropertyModel cpm = new CompoundPropertyModel(dto);

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: StackOverflowError

2010-11-22 Thread Erik van Oosten

Yes, both are very wrong.

Pitfalls are in earlier messages in this thread.

On 22-11-10 16:36, wrote:

By "keep a reference to the session in their class" do you mean something
like this?

Are there any pitfalls to doing this?

final Session session = getSession();
add(new Label("userNameLabel", new Model(session.getUser

How about this?
final UserDTO dto = session.getUser();
CompoundPropertyModel cpm = new CompoundPropertyModel(dto);

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: StackOverflowError

2010-11-19 Thread Erik van Oosten
Pedro's solution allows you to turn serialisation on and off for a given thread 
so you won't mess with serialisation by other users (such as the servlet container).

Clever. The only missing piece is an override of the default serialisation to 
temporarily flip the switch.

Still, in core it would be much more useful. Users that can configure this kind 
of tricks don't tend to make the mistake of referring a session anyway.


Op 18-11-10 18:31, Martijn Dashorst schreef:

Sessions are meant to be serialized. That's the way they travel
through a cluster, or how sessions are preserved during a server
restart. I'd like to not break that by adding this functionality.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Pedro Santos  wrote:

Ok, I still don't know how interest is to have it in the core. You can do it
at an session extension, like:

1- providing some API

MySession extends Session{
private ThreadLocal  sessionSerializationRestrictor = new
public void inhibitSerializationOnThread(Object restrictor){
sessionSerializationRestrictor.set(restrictor);   }

public void removeSerializationRestriction(){

private void writeObject( out) throws
IOException {
if (sessionSerializationRestrictor.get() != null) {
throw some exception explaining that the restrictor do not allow
this serialization;
} else {
} }}

2- providing some Page.IPageSerializer that calls
inhibitSerializationOnThread and removeSerializationRestriction before and
after the page serialization.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Erik van Oostenwrote:

That won't work in general as some servlet containers (like tomcat)
serialise the session to disk when its idle for too long.

What I meant is that when the page is serialised, it _must_ not contain a
reference to session.

  but than some other developers can complain because they are deliberated

serialializing some session.

They won't complain when the exception text specifies why this is wrong.
See Martijn's e-mail in this discussion thread for why it is wrong.


Op 17-11-10 21:05, Pedro Santos schreef:

  I think it is to specific. You can override the Session on your app an

this situation like:

 private void writeObject( out) throws
IOException {
 if (Application.get() != null&&
Application.get().getConfigurationType().equals(Application.DEPLOYMENT)) {"Session is being serialized in the development
environment, which is an not a desirable behavior.");

but than some other developers can complain because they are deliberated
serialializing some session.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Erik van Oosten
Shouldn't serialization fail when it references session/application?
Perhaps only in development mode.


Op 16-11-10 19:03, Igor Vaynberg schreef:

  added a log warning to property models when they reference session.

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: StackOverflowError

2010-11-18 Thread Erik van Oosten
That won't work in general as some servlet containers (like tomcat) serialise 
the session to disk when its idle for too long.

What I meant is that when the page is serialised, it _must_ not contain a 
reference to session.

but than some other developers can complain because they are deliberated
serialializing some session.
They won't complain when the exception text specifies why this is wrong. See 
Martijn's e-mail in this discussion thread for why it is wrong.


Op 17-11-10 21:05, Pedro Santos schreef:

I think it is to specific. You can override the Session on your app an catch
this situation like:

 private void writeObject( out) throws
IOException {
 if (Application.get() != null&&
Application.get().getConfigurationType().equals(Application.DEPLOYMENT)) {"Session is being serialized in the development
environment, which is an not a desirable behavior.");

but than some other developers can complain because they are deliberated
serialializing some session.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Erik van Oostenwrote:

Shouldn't serialization fail when it references session/application?
Perhaps only in development mode.


Op 16-11-10 19:03, Igor Vaynberg schreef:

  added a log warning to property models when they reference session.

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: NonCachingImage for CSS?

2010-11-17 Thread Erik van Oosten
Images referred to from css are resolved relative to the css file. So, 
just put the images next to the css file and use no path in the image url:

 background: url('home_willkommen.jpg') left top no-repeat;


Op 15-11-10 16:59, Benjamin Lorenz schreef:


I am including dynamic images into my webapp, using code like this:

add(new NonCachingImage("image", new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {

   public Object getObject() {
 return new ImageResource(verify.getImage(), "jpg");

Now, I also have a background image, referenced from a .css file, which I want 
to be served dynamically. (How) can I do it?

I was thinking of writing my own image servlet that gets referenced in the css, 

#welcomeMessage a {
   background: url('/servlet/images/welcome') left top no-repeat;
   display: block;

instead of

#welcomeMessage a {
   background: url('../images/home_willkommen.jpg') left top no-repeat;
   display: block;

But it would be interesting if there's also a wicket way of doing it.



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Erik van Oosten

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Re: StackOverflowError

2010-11-17 Thread Erik van Oosten

Shouldn't serialization fail when it references session/application?
Perhaps only in development mode.


Op 16-11-10 19:03, Igor Vaynberg schreef:

added a log warning to property models when they reference session.


On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Douglas Ferguson

We found it.. Finally!!!

There was a property model that was using the session as the model object.

It would be cool if PropertyModel, etc would check for this and blow up on 
i.e. not allow Page, Session, Application as the model object...

Erik van Oosten

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Re: line wrap length (Was: Re: svn commit: r1031086 [1/14] - in /wicket/trunk: ./ archetypes/quickstart/.settings/ testing/wicket-threadtest/.settings/ wicket-auth-roles/.settings/ wicket-datetime/.s

2010-11-05 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Jeremy,

Code is not only for the developers, as this is an open source project it is 
also read by many many other people that use Wicket. Not all of those developers 
have access to 23" screens. I am often stuck on a 17" screen, many colleagues 
use 2 17" screens. On such screens up to 120 characters is acceptable, 160 not.


Op 05-11-10 06:13, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

While we're sort of discussing this, how would everyone feel about
increasing our line wrap length?  It's currently 100.  I always work on
widescreens (which even most laptops are now), and love having it closer to
160 (or 180, but that's a little much for many folks).

How would everyone feel about 160?

Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

Re: could not serialize the page java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

2010-10-14 Thread Erik van Oosten


Please investigate whether any of your components can have references to 
something too big.


Op 13-10-10 16:25, fachhoch schreef:

could not serialize the pagejava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space ,

I got this error, it happens once in a while , its hard to reproduce,
please tell me   can wicket cause memory errors  for any reason ?
I am using 1.4.8

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Modular XHTML DTD for Wicket?

2010-09-28 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hello Ichiro,

Bring it on!

Find all xhtml tags here: Here you will 
also find a link to the current DTDs.


Op 28-09-10 04:53, Ichiro Furusato schreef:

I brought this up previously under "Wicket pages are
invalid XHTML" on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 13:11:06 +1200
but the conversation got sidetracked by a solution to
a question I'd asked without addressing an offer I'd

Would anyone be interested in replacing the misnamed
and incomplete XHTML DTD used by the Wicket project
with a modular XHTML DTD that had its own Wicket
module? This could be used to validate Wicket-ised
documents. I'm versed in building modular DTDs using
the W3C toolkit. (I note WICKET-693 exists) and can
also flatten the DTD to a single file using a tool I have.

I'd be willing to supply that DTD if someone could provide
documentation on the extant wicket elements and
attributes, and where in the document model they are

If this is something properly directed at the Wicket dev
list let me know and I'll resend it there (I'm not currently
a member of that list). Or if this isn't a priority for the
project (it may not be if well-formed XML is sufficient
during dev) I'll drop the issue.



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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Setting Checked Boxes in CheckGroup

2010-09-23 Thread Erik van Oosten


Use this to create a small application that exhibits the bug.


Op 23-09-10 19:26, Shelli Orton schreef:

What do you mean by "quickstart"?


-Original Message-
From: Igor Vaynberg []
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Setting Checked Boxes in CheckGroup

im going to guess something is wrong with your model. hard to tell
without a quickstart.


Erik van Oosten

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Re: announcing Granite - a Wicket-Scala-DB4O web application stack

2010-09-22 Thread Erik van Oosten

I have looked at the example and it looks very promising.

However, if you want more attention there should at the absolute minimum 
be a bunch of links somewhere that give starting points for someone to 
understand the project. E.g. links to important classes, important 
examples. Either an architecture overview or a small programming guide 
would be great too of course :)


Op 22-09-10 03:41, Sam Stainsby schreef:

Today we officially announced our project to provide a Wicket-DB4O-Scala
web application stack:

"I’m pleased to announce a new web application framework, called Granite,
and an associated set of reusable libraries, called Uniscala. Please note
that this is a work in progress: we are not announcing a release yet, or
even a beta. A number people have started asking about the project, and
so I felt it would be helpful to let the wider world know what is going

"Granite is a lightweight framework for the rapid development of web
applications. It is based on the very cool and richly featured Apache
Wicket web framework. Granite uses an embedded object database that
avoids the need for SQL or Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs), and, in the
Wicket tradition, is proud of, if not smug about, its distinct lack of
external XML configuration files."

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Making Wicket Fully Compatible with Google App Engine

2010-09-20 Thread Erik van Oosten

...and those shouldn't change, since the defaults shoud target...
...I think nothing one could do would change the classification from 
semi-compatible to compatible...

Sure you can, the defaults could change automatically by detecting that 
GAE is the container.


Op 20-09-10 15:05, tetsuo wrote:

I think Wicket is listed as semi-compatible because it requires some
customization (override some methods, change some configuration) to make it
work, not because its internals are inherently incompatible to GAE, or
because it has some incompatible visual components.

Such customization are simply disabling resource polling, enabling sessions
and persisting the session store in the HttpSession, and those shouldn't
change, since the defaults shoud target to the plain-old Java web
application, not GAE.

Some things could be done to improve GAE support, such as eliminating
javax.swing dependencies (from the Tree component), but I think nothing one
could do would change the classification from semi-compatible to compatible
in that listing. Unless, of course, GAE turns to be the main target for
Wicket (which I don't think is the case).

my 2c,



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Erik van Oosten

Re: A bug in CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy

2010-09-16 Thread Erik van Oosten


Please open a Jira issue so that the Wicket core team can track this issue.


Op 15-09-10 11:24, Bjorn S schreef:

Wicket version: 1.4.9 (rolled back due to AJAX problems in later release)

I've detected some odd behaviour with CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy,
specifically CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy.DecodedUrlRequest;

When using a QueryStringStrategy for mounting a page and passing certain
specific strings I was getting them back with characters missing. It appears
that CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy performs double-decoding.

We have a search system which uses + as a means of denoting requirements,
this is what happened;
When entering a search string like "car +red" it was correctly encoded to
"car+%2Bred" and passed along.

When decoding I saw that this became "car +red" and then was decoded again
to "car  red" [note double space].

I fixed this by extending CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy, overloading
the decode method and implementing my own copy of DecodedUrlRequest where I
removed the following line from the constructor;
decodedParamReplacement =

This seems to have fixed our problem though I won't guarantee that it hasn't
introduced new ones.

Hope this can get a better resolution.

Bjørn Soldal

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: [slf4j-user] Typos and error on project web page

2010-08-29 Thread Erik van Oosten

Yes, that is mostly, but not entirely true. But it doesn't change the 
fact that a backslash is always represented by \\.

Btw, this is also valid:
char c = '\\';

Conversively, I have also seen generated code that failed because the 
username started with a 'u':

// Imported from c:\program files\documents\uri\etc\etc

In this case the compile will complain that the line contains an invalid 


Op 28-08-10 21:33, Grant Birchmeier schreef:

Outside of some double-quotes, I'm pretty sure \\ is just a junk token.

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Erik van Oosten <>> wrote:

Why is that better? In *all* java code a backslash is represented
by \\.


Op 27-08-10 23:50, Ceki Gülcü schreef:

Thanks David.

On 27/08/2010 11:01 PM, David Balažic wrote:


On page
It says:
Note that within Java code, the backslash cracacter needs
to be written as '\\'.

Note that within Java strings, the backslash character
needs to be written as '\\'.

On :
For example, the slf4j-log12-1.6.1.jar binding is bound at
compile time to use log4j.

It should be slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar , I guess.

David Balažic

slf4j-user mailing list <>

Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list <>

slf4j-user mailing list

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Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

Re: [slf4j-user] Typos and error on project web page

2010-08-28 Thread Erik van Oosten

Why is that better? In *all* java code a backslash is represented by \\.


Op 27-08-10 23:50, Ceki Gülcü schreef:

Thanks David.

On 27/08/2010 11:01 PM, David Balažic wrote:


On page
It says:
Note that within Java code, the backslash cracacter needs to be 
written as '\\'.

Note that within Java strings, the backslash character needs to be 
written as '\\'.

On :
For example, the slf4j-log12-1.6.1.jar binding is bound at compile 
time to use log4j.

It should be slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar , I guess.

David Balažic

slf4j-user mailing list

Erik van Oosten

slf4j-user mailing list

[jira] Commented: (WICKET-1355) Autocomplete window has wrong position in scrolled context

2010-08-28 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-1355:

Thanks Igor. But indeed, lets just drop it. The situation in which this happens 
is too specific (and hard to reproduce), and apparently hard to solve in all 
browsers, to warrant large changes.

> Autocomplete window has wrong position in scrolled context
> --
> Key: WICKET-1355
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: wicket-extensions
>Affects Versions: 1.3.1
>    Reporter: Erik van Oosten
>Assignee: Igor Vaynberg
> Attachments: Safari autocomplete in Modal Window.jpg, 
> wicket-1355-wicket-1.3.x-autocomplete.patch, 
> wicket-1355-wicket-1.4.x-autocomplete.patch, wicket-autocomplete.js
> When the autocompleted field is located in a scrolled div, the drop-down 
> window is positioned too far down.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: Expiring pages in form submit and onAfterRender...

2010-07-27 Thread Erik van Oosten

Did you already look at StatelessForm?


Op 26-07-10 23:14, Erik Brakkee wrote:


I am experimenting a bit with page expiry. One solution that works is to
remove the page from the pagemap in the submit of a form. However, removing
the page from the pagemap in the onAfterRender() of a page does not seem to
work. In fact, I see the same page id and version being rendered every
time.  Is this the way it should be? Is there another generic callback in a
wicket page in which I could remove the page from the pagemap to expire it?
What makes the form's onSubmit() special?

Alternatively, I am considering to use a strategy whereby I set an expired
flag on form submit and then in the onBeforeRender() use setResponsePage()
to delegate to a specific page providing also a specific message. That would
allow total control on form submit. Would that strategy work?



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Erik van Oosten

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Re: colocating wicket with servlets...

2010-07-26 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Erik,

Non-bookmarkable links either start with /resources or take the form 

You could indeed manage that by creating your own RequestCodingStrategy, 
but having done so a couple of times, I would like to warn you not to 
tweak too much. In Wicket 1.5 it is probably going to be a lot easier.


Op 26-07-10 20:37, Erik Brakkee wrote:

I would like to colocate a wicket application with a servlet. What I want is
for the servlet to have access to the wicket session. Looking at the code I
see that Session.get() uses thread-specific storage, so I want the wicket
filter to intercept all requests.

Next, I want to make sure that requests for the servlet are forwarded to the
servlet and not handled by wicket. The wicket filter provides one way of
doing this by specifying a number of ignored paths. But, how do I now which
paths I can safely ignore?

I can create mounts for all bookmarkable pages but how can I control the
paths of non-bookmarkable URLs.  Should I create a separate request coding
strategy decorator (like CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy) or is there an
easier way?



Erik van Oosten

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Please apply patch of WICKET-1974

2010-07-25 Thread Erik van Oosten


Could anyone apply the patch in WICKET-1974?
Even though its been there for some time, it is still relevant.

Thanks and regards,

Erik van Oosten

Re: [proposal] Replace TeamCity on with Hudson for building wicketstuff projects

2010-07-21 Thread Erik van Oosten

- Hudson can start several runners (i.e. build several projects at once)
while TC agent can build at most one project at a time
Just to keep the facts straight: at my company we have several TC agents 
on one machine. Works without problems.


Op 21-07-10 09:31, Martin Grigorov wrote:


Recently in my company we moved from TeamCity to Hudson for two major
- Hudson knows Maven, i.e. after building project X it builds all projects

that depend on X

We even contributed a tool to Hudson that migrates TC configuration to
Hudson one, but I understand you already did that part.

So I'm +1 for the change, but I don't have permissions to the box where is running.

Erik van Oosten

Re: new feature in trunk and branch: Component#onConfigure()

2010-07-21 Thread Erik van Oosten


Op 21-07-10 07:05, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

another new callback added to 1.4/trunk that is aimed at making life
easier when managing component states such as visibility, enabled,


Erik van Oosten

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Re: WebApplication.addIgnoreMountPath(String)

2010-07-19 Thread Erik van Oosten

Presumably because you can not configure the wicket filter through code?

I agree. The use case is thin.


Op 19-07-10 18:24, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

why do we need this? afaik in 1.4 wicket filter can be configured to
ignore paths



Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

[jira] Commented: (WICKET-2846) Store Application in InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal

2010-07-15 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-2846:

Juliano Viana on the WIcket user mailing list at 2010-07-14 15:55 wrote:

Hi everyone,

I know this issue has already been debated and that a decision was made to
revert this change in a future version of Wicket.
However, the discussions about this issue were centered on the fact starting
threads in web applications is not a good idea anyway, and hence this would
not break applications that are not already broken.
I have found a real case where this breaks an innocent application:
redeploying an application based on  Wicket 1.4.9 on Glassfish 3.0.1 causes
a memory leak due to the use of InheritableThreadLocal.
The problem is that when the application accesses a JDBC resource for the
first time, Glassfish lazily starts a timer (connector-timer-proxy) that has
an associated thread. This timer is started  from the web request processing
thread. This thread never dies, and inherits a reference to the Wicket
Application object.
This only happens on redeployments, but it really hurts development as you
keep having to restart Glassfish due to OOM exceptions.
Removing the InheritableThreadLocal resolves the issue completely and makes
development really smooth again.
So if you are using Wicket 1.4.9 with Glassfish v3 you should consider
patching it until a new Wicket release is out.

  - Juliano

> Store Application in InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal
> --
> Key: WICKET-2846
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Reporter: Alexandru Objelean
>Assignee: Jeremy Thomerson
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 1.4.10
> Attachments: wicket-application-leak.tar.gz
> Is there any particular reason why Application class wouldn't be stored in 
> InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal? The problem is that I need to 
> be able to access Application class from a thread created when a button is 
> pressed. Using InheritableThreadLocal instead of ThreadLocal would solve 
> this problem. 
> Use case example:
> public class MyPage extends Page { 
>   @SpringBean 
>   private MyService service; 
>   //perform a polling of long running process triggered by a button click 
>   onClickButton() { 
> new Thread() { 
>   run() { 
> service.executeLongRunningProcess(); 
>   } 
> }.start();   
>   } 
> } 
> The following example won't work well if the Application is not stored in 
> InheritableThreadLocal. The reason why it doesn't work, as I understand that, 
> is because @SpringBean lookup depends on Application instance which is not 
> accessible from within the thread. Having it stored inside of ITL would solve 
> the problem. 
> Thanks!
> Alex

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Re: new feature in trunk and branch: Component#onInitialize()

2010-07-13 Thread Erik van Oosten
I always wonder about the order and worry what could go wrong. A small 
sentence in the javadoc would stop that. E.g. something simple like:

 * Markup containers are initialized prior to their children.

would be marvelous.


Op 13-07-10 17:16, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:05 AM, vladimir.kovalyuk  wrote:

The sources shows that the markup container is initialized prior to children
initialization. As expected.

im pretty sure that is a safe assumption to make, not sure if its
javadoc worthy.



I used to double check due to onBeforeRender()
method. Should javadoc mention aforementioned?

The great news is that onBeforeRender() will never be used for component
initialization just for rendering event.

Looking forward for 1.4.10
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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Single inheritence in parts

2010-07-07 Thread Erik van Oosten

Indeed, multiple inheritance is not the correct term in this case. The 
point is that the parent class' markup may contain multiple places to 
place components from sub-classes.


Op 06-07-10 18:03, Arjun Dhar wrote:

On a last note; confusedmultiple inheritance generally means MANY
PARENT, ONE CHILD (child inherits from multiple parents). Here there is only
ONE PARENT MARKUP required and ONE CHILD markup. Maybe my perspective is not
right. I'll search more material on this and educate myself.


Erik van Oosten

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Re: Single inheritence in parts

2010-07-07 Thread Erik van Oosten
I must have been listening to the wrong people then. Sorry to continue 
any false hopes.

Too bad; there is only a small sweet spot for markup inheritance, but 
with this extension it would be very sweet indeed.

Thanks for the link Jeremy.


On 06-07-10 22:08, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

It has not been "promised". It has been "disCUSSed" at length. Here's the
most relevant thread I remember. Look at some of the very valid points of
why it would create problems from Johan / Igor.

Personally, I'm against it. You can *very easily* accomplish the same 

with panels, without a whole mess of other issues.

Erik van Oosten

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Re: non-bookmarkable pages with pageparameters?

2010-07-07 Thread Erik van Oosten

use the method

setResponsePage(Class, PageParameters)


Op 06-07-10 16:24, Muro Copenhagen schreef:

Hi Erik,

I tried that with no luck...

How would i do this: setResponsePage(new DeliverySecure(deliveryInfo)), and
at the same time send pageparameters to the same page?

Best Regards


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: non-bookmarkable pages with pageparameters?

2010-07-06 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Muro,

Mount your page with a HybridUrlCodingStrategy. For example the 


Op 06-07-10 15:30, Muro Copenhagen wrote:


I have a page that is session based(nonbookmarkable) but at the same time i
want to make sure
a request parameter is shown in the url... How would i achieve that ?

This is what i am trying to achieve, with example from my code:

My page code constructors:

 public DeliverySecure() {
 this(new DeliveryInfo());
 public DeliverySecure(DeliveryInfo deliveryInfo) {

This page is called to separete ways:

1 - setResponsePage(DeliverySecure.class, new PageParameters("secure=on"));

2-  setResponsePage(new DeliverySecure(deliveryInfo));

When i call the DeliverySecure page with approach 1, i get a url with the
request parameter: ...&secure=on,
surely because it treats the page as bookmarkable.

But with the 2. approach i get a url like: ...wicket:interface=:7

Can i somehow force wicket to add the browser parameter&secure=on, when
loading the nonbookmarkable page with approach 2 ?

If so how would i achieve that, even though i want load the page with the
session based deliveryInfo object i have...?

Best Regards


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Single inheritence in parts

2010-07-06 Thread Erik van Oosten

Yes, this has been promised many times. And I am looking forward to it :)


Op 06-07-10 07:53, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

Wasn't this on the which list for 1.5? [1] and [2]?





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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Wicket Sessions and Load Balancing

2010-07-01 Thread Erik van Oosten


Have you tried to enforce creation of a session on the home page?
A WebSession.get().bind() in the homepage will do the trick.

This only makes a difference when your homepage is stateless.


2010/7/1 Steven Haines
My guess is that when the homepage is loaded that Wicket provides a new
jsessionid (I sometimes see it coming in the submission url) but then the
is directed to another server on the next request, and because the user
does not
yet have a JSESSIONID cookie, but does have the jsessionid in the URL, the
Wicket instance that receives the request searches and cannot find the
id and marks the page as expired. The next request then populates the
cookie and the sticky session works.This is just a theory, but it would
the behavior.


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Getting started with Scala, Spring, Hibernate & Wicket

2010-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten
The latest and greatest in the domain-driven world would be CQRS where 
the UI code needs two types of dependencies: the command bus and a 
repository. No more need of a 'services' layer.

I adore CQRS because it provides a simple and clear view of what code to 
put where. Though the amount of code stays the same, it will be simpler.


PS. Kent, thanks for taking the time to write this tutorial.

Op 19-06-10 17:39, James Carman wrote:

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Kent Tong  wrote:

I agree that if the service is simply delegating to the DAO without
adding anything, then it is probably be a good idea to merge them.
However, this sample application is meant to demonstrate how to do
it in a general case where the service does more than simple delegation.


If you use a more domain-driven approach, you don't need services as
much.  Your entities can have the repositories (daos) injected into
them via Spring's @Configurable/@Autowire support.  So, you can move a
lot of your business logic into the entities themselves.  Now,
sometimes you just have to use services because there's just no good
way to do some things, but for a lot of the usecases you'll encounter,
you don't.

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: ResourceStreamLocator and mvn resource:resource copying resources in the right directory

2010-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Bernard,

We are using absolute URLs in one application ( that 
does not use the wicket ajax library, only javascript (based on jquery) 
written by the frontend developer. One of the things we do there is 
filling popups through ajax requests. As most of that information is 
completely stateless, we use a wicket page to produce the html 
fragments. The URL depth and path of the original page (containing the 
popup), and the page that is pasted into the popup, almost never 
matches. This is a problem for linking to other pages. I found it easy 
to make this problem go away by making all URLs absolute.

I did not look at RelativePathPrefixHandler as I was unaware of its 
existence. I am also not certain that any relative schema would be able 
to solve the problem cleanly/easily. Secondly having absolute paths is a 
non-issue for this application.


Op 19-06-10 20:27, wrote:

Thanks Erik.

Why are you using absolute URLS?

Are you using absolute URLs to support editing in the web directory,
with a directory structure the same as the java package structure,
without breaking images?

Then it would look like you have found a different solution for the
same problem. Interesting. Both solutions require only small changes.
Have you tried to patch RelativePathPrefixHandler? With that change,
you would no longer be restricted to absolute paths.



On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 14:15:44 +0200, you wrote:


Hi, describes a way to
make all URLs absolute.

Unfortunately the patch attached to the issue is still not applied so
you'll have to build wicket yourself.


Op 18-06-10 21:56, schreef:

Hi Fernando,

obviously quite a few including yourself are separating markup from
Java packages to make it accessable to HTML developers.

How do you cope with the fact that Wicket markup, when rendered in any
folder without flattening the package structure, gets broken images?

That is what I am trying to address with

"Cannot substitute RelativePathPrefixHandler"

The three lines of Java code in RelativePathPrefixHandler are solving
this problem.

int lastIndex = attrValue.lastIndexOf("../");
if (lastIndex>= 0){
  attrValue = attrValue.substring(lastIndex + 3);



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Erik van Oosten

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Re: ListView + dynamic rows: always remove last row...

2010-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten

Try to use the RemoveLink that is available as inner class of ListView.


Op 18-06-10 18:29, jOki wrote:


Im trying to implement a dynamic Form, where you can add textfields and
remove as you want. The add button works fine, but the remove button always
remove the last testfield and not the selected field. For example:

Textfield1 add remove
Textfield2 add remove
Textfield3 add remove

click on remove (row textfield2) and Textfield3 is removed. It should remove
Textfield2, doesnt it?

Some code:

public class KeywordObject implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 private String keyword;

 public void setKeyword(String keyword) {
 this.keyword = keyword;

 public String getKeyword() {
 return this.keyword;

And in the form...

List  keyList = new ArrayList();
keyList.add(new KeywordObject());

final ListView keywordView = new ListView("keywordView", keyList) {

 protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {
 KeywordObject model = (KeywordObject)
 item.add(new TextField("keyword", new
PropertyModel(model, "keyword")));

 // keyword add link
 Link addKeyword = new Link("addKeyword",
item.getModel()) {

 public void onClick() {
 keyList.add(new KeywordObject());

 // keyword remove link
 Link removeKeyword = new Link("removeKeyword",
item.getModel()) {

 public void onClick() {
 KeywordObject selected = (KeywordObject)



Im getting crazy about that...


Erik van Oosten

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Re: ResourceStreamLocator and mvn resource:resource copying resources in the right directory

2010-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi, describes a way to 
make all URLs absolute.

Unfortunately the patch attached to the issue is still not applied so 
you'll have to build wicket yourself.


Op 18-06-10 21:56, schreef:

Hi Fernando,

obviously quite a few including yourself are separating markup from
Java packages to make it accessable to HTML developers.

How do you cope with the fact that Wicket markup, when rendered in any
folder without flattening the package structure, gets broken images?

That is what I am trying to address with

"Cannot substitute RelativePathPrefixHandler"

The three lines of Java code in RelativePathPrefixHandler are solving
this problem.

int lastIndex = attrValue.lastIndexOf("../");
if (lastIndex>= 0){
 attrValue = attrValue.substring(lastIndex + 3);



Erik van Oosten

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[jira] Commented: (WICKET-2881) Cannot substitute RelativePathPrefixHandler

2010-06-19 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-2881:

[WICKET-1974] provides an alternative way to get rid of relative paths.

> Cannot substitute RelativePathPrefixHandler
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2881
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.8
> Environment: All
>Reporter: bernard
> Attachments: DirectoryStructure.gif, HomePage.html
> In IPageSettings
> Get the (modifiable) list of IComponentResolvers.
> List getComponentResolvers();
> This looks very useful and easy indeed, and in Application.init() one can 
> find and remove
> RelativePathPrefixHandler and replace it with a different 
> AbstractMarkupFilter implementation e.g. XRelativePathPrefixHandler.
> But even while the List.remove(Object o) returns true, and the handler 
> appears to be removed, it is still active.
> I don't know why and what holds on to it or what creates a new 
> RelativePathPrefixHandler.
> If I add my XRelativePathPrefixHandler, it is not used.
> Consider
> public class MarkupParser
> public final void appendMarkupFilter(final IMarkupFilter filter)
> {
> appendMarkupFilter(filter, RelativePathPrefixHandler.class);
> }
> So RelativePathPrefixHandler seems to be something special and I am afraid of 
> other potential complications in case replacement would work.
> Can Wicket be fixed to make a replacement as easy as it appears to be?

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[jira] Commented: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-2631:

Don't forget to call
in the init() of your WebApplication subclass.

If you don't the  elements will be displayed by the browser as 
part of the title.

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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[jira] Updated: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten updated WICKET-2631:

Attachment: (was: messageintitle-quickstart.tar.gz)

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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[jira] Updated: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten updated WICKET-2631:

Comment: was deleted

(was: Seeing the same here in Wicket 1.4.9. Will try to reproduce it in a 

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten updated WICKET-2631:

Comment: was deleted

(was: Quickstart to demonstrate that the problem persists in Wicket 1.4.9.)

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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Re: Please reopen WICKET-2631

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten

Please ignore this message. It works fine. I just forgot to remove 
wicket tags from the output. A simple 
getMarkupSettings().setStripWicketTags(true); did the trick.


Op 17-06-10 09:17, Erik van Oosten schreef:


Someone with sufficient rights, please reopen WICKET-2631
I attached a quickstart that demonstrates the problem in Wicket 1.4.9.


Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

Please reopen WICKET-2631

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten


Someone with sufficient rights, please reopen WICKET-2631
I attached a quickstart that demonstrates the problem in Wicket 1.4.9.


Sent from my SMTP compliant software
Erik van Oosten

[jira] Updated: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-17 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten updated WICKET-2631:

Attachment: messageintitle-quickstart.tar.gz

Quickstart to demonstrate that the problem persists in Wicket 1.4.9.

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> Attachments: messageintitle-quickstart.tar.gz
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (WICKET-2631) wicket:message within wicket:head not processed

2010-06-15 Thread Erik van Oosten (JIRA)


Erik van Oosten commented on WICKET-2631:

Seeing the same here in Wicket 1.4.9. Will try to reproduce it in a quickstart.

> wicket:message within wicket:head not processed
> ---
> Key: WICKET-2631
> URL:
> Project: Wicket
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: wicket
>Affects Versions: 1.4.1
>Reporter: Ivo Maixner
>Assignee: Juergen Donnerstag
>Priority: Minor
> My pages extend a base page, so they use the wicket:extend tag. For such a 
> page to specify its html title, the wicket:head tag has to be used. At the 
> same time, my pages require localization, so the page title cannot be 
> hardcoded but needs to be loaded from properties files instead, so I have to 
> use the wicket:message tag inside the wicket:head tag. Overall, the page 
> looks like this:
>   ... page content ...
> In this setup, the content of the title html tag is passed over to the page 
> as-is, i.e. the wicket:message tag is not recognized and processed by Wicket.

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Re: get resource translation with specific locale

2010-06-09 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Marieke,

So you are using getString? In that case my suggestion won't work.
You could still add an invisible component to the form, but that's about 
as hairy as temporarily setting the session locale.


Op 09-06-10 14:24, Marieke Vandamme schreef:

Hi Erik,

problem is that I generate the emailtext in the onSubmit of my form. The
data that is printed in my form, and visible to the webuser, needs to be in
the locale from the session. So I can't override the getLocale from the
Form. Or am I missing something?
Thanks, Marieke

Erik van Oosten

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Re: get resource translation with specific locale

2010-06-09 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Marieke,

To force a component to be rendered in another locale (in this case your 
e-mail), you can override getLocale() from the top-most component that 
is used to render the e-mail.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Marieke 
Vandamme wrote:


Is it possible to use the getString or some other kind of function to get
translation not in the language of the session, but one that is different?
We need this to send email, but this email is to our internal employees, so
needs to be in language other than the one that is requesting something.

Now I save the locale from the session into a temp-locale variable, and
change the locale from the session to the email-language. Than I can use the
getString function. Afterwards I put the temp-locale variable back into the
session. I don't find this a perfect solution, so I have you guys have some
better alternative.

Thanks for any help ! Marieke
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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Clear URL parameters

2010-05-26 Thread Erik van Oosten
If the user only browsed stateless pages up to that point there is no 
http session, but only a new wicket session for each request. You can 
call WebSession.bind() to force the creation of a http session.


Op 24-05-10 17:51, andres.santana wrote:

Does redirect affects a Custom Session? I mean using setRedirect(true) works
but something I set in the WebSession is lost.


Erik van Oosten

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[Ubuntu-x-swat] [Bug 112310] Re: Setting Wacom pen button to double click doesn't work

2010-05-06 Thread Erik van Oosten
This is probably related to 570550 "Can't make Wacom button emit double-
click when compiz enabled".

Setting Wacom pen button to double click doesn't work
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[Bug 112310] Re: Setting Wacom pen button to double click doesn't work

2010-05-06 Thread Erik van Oosten
This is probably related to 570550 "Can't make Wacom button emit double-
click when compiz enabled".

Setting Wacom pen button to double click doesn't work
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Re: root context, IE, home page is not found

2010-05-05 Thread Erik van Oosten

I don't get it.
I tested this fix with Tomcat and several IE versions. And "." just 
worked then whereas "./" did not.


Op 04-05-10 14:56, Martin Grotzke wrote:


we also just experienced issues with this, and the fix of WICKET-2600
still causes problems (as already described in this post):

For the redirect to "." tomcat produces a Location header like (notice the trailing dot), which causes IE to
do request exactly this url, for which no page ist mounted. Therefore
the 404 page not found.

Is there a special reason why "." was chosen here?

What do you think about an alternative handling like this:

if (redirectUrl.startsWith("./")) {
   if (redirectUrl.length() == 2)) {
 WebRequest request = (WebRequest) requestCycle.getRequest();
 String contextPath = request.getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath(); // e.g. 
 String servletPath = request.getServletPath(); // e.g. "/"
 redirectUrl = contextPath + servletPath;
   else {
 redirectUrl.substring( 2 )


On Sat, 2010-05-01 at 10:47 +0200, Erik van Oosten wrote:

This might be related to


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: The "better" way tp add component directly

2010-05-02 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Eyal,

I think that the best time to execute this code is inside the Ajax 
callback method. Perhaps you'll need to set up some kind of notification 
(event) mechanism.


Op 02-05-10 16:25, Eyal Golan schreef:

actually we do call the addOrReplace method (I copied it incorrectly).
However, the question remains, is there a different way of doing it other
than in the onBeforeRender ?

Eyal Golan


P  Save a tree. Please don't print this e-mail unless it's really necessary

2010/5/2 Uwe Schäfer


Am 02.05.2010 15:44, schrieb Eyal Golan:

  The Main (parent) panel can be changed via ajax. The ajax might change the

enum type.


if you change it at runtime, would you not want to replace, instead of add?

cu uwe


Erik van Oosten

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Re: root context, IE, home page is not found

2010-05-01 Thread Erik van Oosten

This might be related to


Op 29-04-10 16:57, Jimi wrote:

I would also like to know if there is any solution (bug fix or workaround) to
this bug. Currently each time a IE-user logs out from my web application he
gets this ugly 404-error page, stating "The requested resource (/.) is not

I use Wicket 1.4.7 and the web application is deployed as ROOT context on
Tomcat 6.0.26.

Is there no solution for this?


Erik van Oosten

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Re: URL Encoding strategy

2010-04-09 Thread Erik van Oosten
Only Wicket comitters can do that. Please make a jira issue that refers 
to this discussion, for example with a nabble URL.


Alex Objelean wrote:

I see. But at least could you make the encode method non-final? This would
ensure that there is no need for a patch. I just would reuse your code for
root mounting. 

Until wicket-1.5 will be released and adopted, we still have to have a
solution for root mounting in wicket-1.4.


Erik van Oosten wrote:

Hi Alex,

I am not sure it is a good idea to include this code in Wicket core (or 
extension). It will make Wicket's URL handling even more nontransparent 
then it already is. For well tested applications you can use the 
workaround, but I'd hate to maintain this code for each and every corner 
case, especially knowing that Wicket 1.5 will thoroughly improve URL 


Alex Objelean wrote:

Hi Eric!
I've noticed that you have already posted the solution on your blog
( Thank you for
it with us. 

One question, why BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#encode
method is still final even in wicket-1.4.7 if there is a good use-case
extending it?

Also, maybe you could add this contribution to wicket core or at least

Thank you!
Alex Objelean

Erik van Oosten wrote:

Hi Nishant,

This is tricky stuff.

Here is some information:

Another approach is to do redirects from a servlet filter.

If you have a couple of days of patience I'll have finished a blog 
article on it, with example code to make it a lot easier from within



Op 20-02-10 11:07, Nishant Neeraj wrote:


I wanted to apply URL encoding strategy to application context root but
cant mount empty string because it throws exception at start-up.
Is there a work around to this?


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: URL Encoding strategy

2010-04-09 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Alex,

I am not sure it is a good idea to include this code in Wicket core (or 
extension). It will make Wicket's URL handling even more nontransparent 
then it already is. For well tested applications you can use the 
workaround, but I'd hate to maintain this code for each and every corner 
case, especially knowing that Wicket 1.5 will thoroughly improve URL 


Alex Objelean wrote:

Hi Eric!
I've noticed that you have already posted the solution on your blog
( Thank you for sharing
it with us. 

One question, why BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#encode
method is still final even in wicket-1.4.7 if there is a good use-case for
extending it?

Also, maybe you could add this contribution to wicket core or at least

Thank you!
Alex Objelean

Erik van Oosten wrote:

Hi Nishant,

This is tricky stuff.

Here is some information:

Another approach is to do redirects from a servlet filter.

If you have a couple of days of patience I'll have finished a blog 
article on it, with example code to make it a lot easier from within



Op 20-02-10 11:07, Nishant Neeraj wrote:


I wanted to apply URL encoding strategy to application context root but I
cant mount empty string because it throws exception at start-up.
Is there a work around to this?


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Results of AutoCompleteTextField shown "behind" other form components

2010-03-25 Thread Erik van Oosten

Don't use relative positioned divs.

There is no golden solution, but here is an attempt anyway:


Andreas Maza wrote:


I am experiencing a strange problem with the AutoCompleteTextField 
(Wicket 1.4.7): The results of the AutoCompleteTextField are shown 
"behind" my other form components are not selectable, too.
I am extending the DefaultCssAutoCompleteTextField and do not define 
any custom CSS for the textfield. Has anyone experienced a similar 
problem or can provide any hint?

Thanks in advance,

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Application#get in WicketSessionFilter

2010-03-17 Thread Erik van Oosten
That sounds great. Could you update the wiki page with the specifics for 
Wicket 1.4.8?


Op 17-03-10 08:20, Jonas schreef:

Thanks, Erik, that code would do the trick, too. I've implemented
a different workaround, though. In the next release of wicket (1.4.8),
WicketSessionFilter will 'expose' both the session and the application, Igor
already resolved my JIRA Issue [1]. BTW: Thanks to Igor for picking that
up so quickly!



On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Erik van Oosten  wrote:

Hi Jonas,

Perhaps this is what you need:


Jonas wrote:

Hi all,

we're using WicketSessionFilter in our product to access
our custom WebSession, which works fine. Now we've tried
to also access the org.apache.wicket.Application (e.g. using
Session#getApplication or Application#get), which doesn't seem
to work, because the application isn't bound to the ThreadLocal.
After searching in nabble I found some old threads ([1], [2]) suggesting
this should actually work fine, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Is there any special configuration trick I have to apply to make this
work, or are those old posts just (no longer) true?
If anybody could confirm this is actually a bug, I'd create an issue
in JIRA to have this fixed.




Erik van Oosten

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Re: InMethod Grid: resizing rowcount

2010-03-16 Thread Erik van Oosten

I can confirm this. It took me a few days of debugging before I found out :(

Another solution is to just replace the inmethod grid with a freshly 
created instance after data changes. You can share the DataSource, and 
you may have to copy over the set of selected items.


Pointbreak wrote:

Ok thanks for your help. The problem is that inmethod 's call to
IDataSource.query() asks for the rows upto the last known total row
count. In your case that probably does not matter, since you just return
an iterator over the entire datasource, and update the rowcount
accordingly. I work with very large datasources, and unknown rowcounts.
I can workaround this issue by providing the page-size to my datasource,
so that I can fix the IQuery.getCount() asked by inmethod. Not a nice
solution, but will work for now.

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Application#get in WicketSessionFilter

2010-03-16 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Jonas,

Perhaps this is what you need:


Jonas wrote:

Hi all,

we're using WicketSessionFilter in our product to access
our custom WebSession, which works fine. Now we've tried
to also access the org.apache.wicket.Application (e.g. using
Session#getApplication or Application#get), which doesn't seem
to work, because the application isn't bound to the ThreadLocal.
After searching in nabble I found some old threads ([1], [2]) suggesting
this should actually work fine, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Is there any special configuration trick I have to apply to make this
work, or are those old posts just (no longer) true?
If anybody could confirm this is actually a bug, I'd create an issue
in JIRA to have this fixed.



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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Wicket 1.5 architecture docs

2010-03-06 Thread Erik van Oosten
There is always a need for bug fixes. Feel free to look into Jira and 
solve issues that have no patch attached to them yet.


Op 03-03-10 22:58, Major Péter wrote:


I would like to contribute somehow into Wicket, maybe help you with some
simple tasks. That's why I thought I would like to look into the
wicket-extensions or wicket-examples projects just to make them
buildable again. But it looks like the Wicket core has changed a lot
because of the new url-stuff, so now I'm looking for new architecture
docs, so I could see what happened with IRequestCodingStrategy and the
others, and what sould I use instead of them. Is there such thing?
//Or what should I do, to help your work? ;)


Erik van Oosten

WIcket mounting on root (Was: URL Encoding strategy)

2010-02-25 Thread Erik van Oosten

Hi Nishant,

Its live:


Nishant Neeraj schreef:

Thanks Erik. I guess, I'll go with sevlet filter approach for now.

However, I'll be looking for your blog post. If possible, post the link to
the article in this thread when you're done.

Thanks again.

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Erik van Oosten wrote:


Hi Nishant,

This is tricky stuff.

Here is some information:
Another approach is to do redirects from a servlet filter.

If you have a couple of days of patience I'll have finished a blog article
on it, with example code to make it a lot easier from within Wicket.


Op 20-02-10 11:07, Nishant Neeraj wrote:


I wanted to apply URL encoding strategy to application context root but I
cant mount empty string because it throws exception at start-up.
Is there a work around to this?


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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Questions about how wicket serialization works

2010-02-22 Thread Erik van Oosten
This has been discussed before (of course) and this is on purpose. If 
you reload old pages your users will probably wonder what's going on 
(they are not used to this behavior), and secondly there is a 
performance hit with no business benefit.

However, you should feel free to change these defaults (by overriding 
setHeaders) for cases where another setting is more appropriate.


kellerautomat wrote:

btw, gere is an interesting point, where IE and Firefox differ from each
other. If you click the back-button of Firefox the page does not reload but
is loaded from cache.

maybe cache-control should be changed to: "Cache-Control: no-cache,
no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage.setHeaders(WebResponse)

should i open a JIRA?

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Erik van Oosten

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Re: Questions about how wicket serialization works

2010-02-21 Thread Erik van Oosten

Answers below...

David Chang wrote:
I am reading the book Wicket in Action. Page 88 about serializing models says: 

"At the end of the request, after the markup has been sent to the browser, Wicket 
stores the page, component hierarchy, and associated models (the state) in the page 

Does "Wicket stores the page" means Wicket stores all the page content (markup plus Wicket-inserted content) sent to the the browser? 
No, only the serialized form of the page hierarchy is stored. From this 
all other content can be reloaded (note: markup is only read once and 
cached when in production mode).

I did an experiement in which there are two clock pages with dynamtic models 
(same java class and markup, but differnet class/file names). Clicking on a 
link goes to the second clock page. When I click IE Back button to go back to 
the first clock page, it always shows the current date/time. How so? Why not 
showing the previous date/time when the first clock page was loaded?

When you press the back button, you'll see whatever the browser has cached.

My understanding is that when a page is refreshed, each Wicket componet on a 
page calls its getObject to update content. Does the Back button get the 
getObject method called too?
After using the back button, reload the page, and you'll get the 
re-rendered content.

What did I miss?

Thanks, David


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