[android-developers] System signing a test suite

2011-02-27 Thread GodsMoon
I'm writing a testing suite (for personal use only) for my other apps
that triggers system intents.

I know I need to add android:sharedUserId=android.uid.system to my
android manifest in the manifest tag and I need to install my app in /
system/app instead of the normal /data/data to have permission to send
system broadcast intents. I have root access so that's not a problem.

The problem I'm running into is, it appears I also need to sign my app
with a system key. Where do I get a system key store, users names, and
passwords? I assume I could build my own version of Android and sign
it with my own keys, but since I have root access there should be an
easier way right?

I have a N1 with CM7 and the emulator I'd be fine with keys for


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[android-developers] Re: Parental Control Applications for Android

2011-01-24 Thread GodsMoon
I would check out my app, Smart Lock. It is the only Android app that
I am aware of that allows you to white list apps that are safe for
I'm working on a more comprehensive parental controls solution. I'd
love to hear from you.

Find out more on my website: www.nightshadelabs.com

On Jan 21, 10:37 am, ParentalcontrolApps.com Cell Phone Parental
Control jonmi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, We offer Parental Control Software for Android Cell Phones 
 athttp://www.parentalcontrolapps.com/spy-software.  We are interested
 in representing the best products to our customers.  We also have
 Windows Parental Controlhttp://www.parentalcontrolapps.com/windows-xp/
 for Windows users.

 If you can suggest any that we do not have please let us know so that
 we can better serve our customers.

 thanks for your support!

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[android-developers] Re: how to detect if a phone is running HTC sense UI

2010-09-27 Thread GodsMoon
Looks like a good solution for an unfortunate problem David.

Anyone know what package is MotoBlur would be?

I'm using this to instruct the user to change the Lock phone after
or the Security lock timer for SenseUI or MotoBlur respectively.
I need to use the right terminology. Also these two settings are
value added features that break my app, Smart Lock.
I'm pretty sure I can't access those custom skin api's.
I know my app is a statistical outlier, but I'd call this

David Shellabarger

On Aug 7, 12:50 pm, David david_almi...@yahoo.com wrote:
 This is how I do it. I would use it sparingly though so you don't bind
 your app to a particular phone.  I really only use it to determine
 whether or not I should be showing light or dark icons in the
 notification bar.  This seems to work fine with my HTC Incredible and
 the emulator to determine whether it is there or not.  Of course I
 don't have two home screens installed on my incredible so I don't know
 what would happen in that case.

 Hope this helps,

         private static final String SENSE_UI_LAUNCHER_NAME =
         private static BooleansenseUI;

         public static final boolean isSenseUI(Context context) {
                 if (senseUI== null) {
                        senseUI= false;
                         PackageManager packageManager =

                         Intent intent = new
                         ListResolveInfo list =
                         for (ResolveInfo info : list) {
                                 if (info.activityInfo != null 
 SENSE_UI_LAUNCHER_NAME.equals(info.activityInfo.name)) {
                                        senseUI= true;

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[android-developers] Re: Apkbuilder problems with new android SDK tools revision 7

2010-09-14 Thread GodsMoon
I have the exact same problem. I'll check ant_rules_r3.xml for the fix

On Sep 14, 1:10 pm, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:
 To support library projects properly (with dependencies on library),
 we've had to change this custom task a bit (also did some clean up).

 I'd recommend looking at the usage of this task in the new ant rules
 files (SDK/tools/ant/ant_rules_r3.xml) to see what's missing.


 On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Claudio Veas claudio.v...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello Group, Im having a problem with my ant task that I use to
  compile my project. The build.xml that I was using with revision 6 of
  the SDK stopped working after the upgrade of the SDK tools to revision
  7 and I havent been able to figure why this happen, all I know is that
  certain task attributes where deprecated and some warnings came up but
  when executig apkbuilder, a NulPointerException is thrown and I have
  not been able to see why.  BTW, I already fixed the warnings of the
  deprecated tasks so that was not the problem.

  [apkbuilder] Creating android-build and signing it with a debug key...

  ..\build.xml:349: The following error occurred while executing this
  ..\build.xml:206: java.lang.NullPointerException

  Line 349 is

    target name=-package-debug-sign depends=-dex, -package-
         package-helper sign.package=true /  -- This one

  and Line 246 is

     macrodef name=package-helper
         attribute name=sign.package /
         element name=extra-jars optional=yes /
                     verbose=${verbose} -- This one
                 dex path=${intermediate.dex.file}/
                 sourcefolder path=${source.absolute.dir} /
                 nativefolder path=${native.libs.absolute.dir} /
                 jarfolder path=${external.libs.absolute.dir} /

  I really hope you can help me. If you know why revision 7 of the sdk
  has this problems or at leas if you know how I can go back to revision
  6 I would really apreciate ir.
  Thanks in advance
  Claudio Veas

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 Xavier Ducrohet
 Android SDK Tech Lead
 Google Inc.

 Please do not send me questions directly. Thanks!

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[android-developers] SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener only Touch Events

2010-08-30 Thread GodsMoon
Anybody else find it weird that OnSeekBarChangeListener has a
onStartTrackingTouch and a onStopTrackingTouch method but no
corresponding non-touch methods?
I have a SeekBar that acts as the volume control of the phone. When I
slide it I want to play a sound. I only want to play a sound when it
stops tacking.
I think this is a very common use case for adjusting volume.
It works great for touch events; doesn't work at all for tackball
events. That's strange.

David Shellabarger

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[android-developers] Re: LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED on API 8 (Froyo)

2010-08-07 Thread GodsMoon
I'm also interested in this.
I can't find anything like LOCK_PASSWORD_ENABLED or LOCK_PIN_ENABLED
in the docs. I assume
Anybody know if it will be in Gingerbread or if its somewhere else
that I'm missing?

I've been looking at DevicePolicyManager
It looks like mDPM.getPasswordQuality(null) should work but it
As far as I can tell getPasswordQuality(admin | null) always returns
zero even with the Sample Device Admin enabled.
Possible bug?

David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 3:23 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
 It is working correctly.LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLEDtells you only about if
 the lock pattern is enabled. It has nothing to do with the password as
 far as I am aware.
 I'm afraid I do not know how to tell if the password lock is enabled
 or not, a quick scan of the docs didn't reveal anything to me.

 On Jul 21, 3:29 pm, Nea ehsan@gmail.com wrote:

  According to the documentation System.Secure.LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED
  tells you whether the autolock is enabled or not. If you set a lock
  pattern it will return true and if you don't set any screen lock it
  will return false, which is all in order.

  However on the Android virtual device emulator you could set a screen
  lock with a pin code or password instead of a lock pattern. But if you
  set a pin or passwordLOCK_PATTERN_ENABLEDwill return false instead
  of true. Isn't this a bug? Or is there another way to find out if a
  screen lock is set or not (independent of it's a lock pattern, pin or

  This seemingly wrong behaviour has also been discovered on a Motorola
  Milestone device with Android 2.1 installed. It let's the user set a
  lock pattern or password as a screen lock, however if a password is
  setLOCK_PATTERN_ENABLEDwill return false.

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[android-developers] Re: IconPreferenceScreen that extends PreferenceScreen

2010-07-28 Thread GodsMoon
Yeah I was on that route, but it has unresolved references to
PreferenceManager and PreferenceGroupAdapter along with
I see a chain here...
I don't want to copy 10 classes into my project, but I guess if that's
the only reasonable way, then maybe I'll try that again.

On Jul 28, 1:24 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 12:55 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  I can copy that into my project without problem, but I'd like the
  behavior of the PreferenceScreen instead of just the Preference Class.
  I could like to click on it to show its children Preferences.
  I thought it would be a easy to change to make IconPreferenceScreen
  extend PreferenceScreen instead of Preference, but PreferenceScreen is

  Why on earth would google make PreferenceScreen a final class?
  Is there anyway to achieve what I would like to do, short of dividing
  up my Preference into several other Preferences that all receive
  intents (That's how the system settings works.)

 Copy PreferenceScreen into your project.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.9 Available!

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[android-developers] IconPreferenceScreen that extends PreferenceScreen

2010-07-27 Thread GodsMoon
I would like to have a Preferences activity that has icons like the
system settings has had since Eclair.
It uses a special Preference called IconPreferenceScreen. Link:

I can copy that into my project without problem, but I'd like the
behavior of the PreferenceScreen instead of just the Preference Class.
I could like to click on it to show its children Preferences.
I thought it would be a easy to change to make IconPreferenceScreen
extend PreferenceScreen instead of Preference, but PreferenceScreen is

Why on earth would google make PreferenceScreen a final class?
Is there anyway to achieve what I would like to do, short of dividing
up my Preference into several other Preferences that all receive
intents (That's how the system settings works.)

Thanks for the help,
David Shellabarger

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[android-developers] Re: What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-23 Thread GodsMoon
I think the difference in the code I've written in the past was I was
referring to a window progress bar and not an independent view in the
That's why I was getting a Null Pointer when the activity was killed.

I'm starting to get a grasp on this stuff. Clearly I don't know how
the GC works.

Thanks for the links guys. I'll keep reading.

David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 5:26 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Perhaps the difference was because I was declaring my view in the
 onCreate method instead of in the onPostExecute method of the

 If I declare the view in my activity, maybe it gets GCed when my
 activity is killed, but in the blog post example he tries to declare
 it in the AsyncTask even though the activity is long gone.

 Am I on the right track here?

 David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

 On Jul 22, 4:09 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am confused somewhat about the issue myself now. Hopefully someone
  else it will clear it up once and for all.

  On Jul 22, 9:01 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have done something like that and got a null pointer reference.
   I was starting a AsyncTask and if you backed out of the activity
   before the AsyncTask was finished I would get a null pointer when I
   tried to refer to the activities elements (force close).
   So I just check to see if the views are null first. I thought that if
   it returned null then it must have been GCed.
   But that's not the case?

   David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

   On Jul 22, 3:49 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

When your UI activity is killed as far as I am aware the GC will
collect your Views. The problem is (I think) if the GC closes your UI
thread while the downloader is still running - in this case your
downloader thread maintains a reference to the ImageView so the GC
cannot collect it - hence memory leak - the downloader thread cannot
actually do anything to the ImageView since the UI thread no longer
Thus the downloader thread should only store a weak reference to the
ImageView so that if the UI thread is killed the GC may reclaim the
memory associated with the ImageView.

On Jul 22, 8:34 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

 The blog post is confusing.
 Note that this ImageView is stored as a WeakReference, so that a
 download in progress does not prevent a killed activity's ImageView
 from being garbage collected.
 I didn't know that would cause a memory leak. I thought the garbage
 collector would clean up ImageView if its activity gets killed.
 Am I wrong?

 David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

 On Jul 22, 3:06 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

  No. I'm unsure as to what to use a WeakReference for exactly - as
  Romain Guy said above it is too weak for this purpose, but I think
  (hopefully Romain will correct me if I'm wrong) that a SoftReference
  could be suitable for this purpose.

  A ListView already does efficient management of your Views by
  recycling. This means that you must ensure the correct details are 
  in the view each time getView is called, even if you do not inflate 
  view or call findViewById that time. Recycling does not mean that 
  ListView caches all your items or their content.

  Suppose you had a list of 10 items, all of the same type but only 5
  will fit on the screen at a time. The ListView only really needs 5
  views to show the rows since the other 5 won't be visible.
  Thus at the top of the list the ListView might use 'View 1' for the
  first item, but scroll down to the bottom and 'View 1' would now
  contain item 6. As far as I understand it this is recycling.

  Recycling does not take care of the amount time of it takes to get
  content and set it to the view - thus if it takes a long time to 
  get a
  piece of information and display it in a list item (such as
  downloading an image from the web), you will want to cache the 
  in a way that does not adversely affect memory usage (as much as
  possible). In this case you will also want to use a Thread or Async
  task to download/get the info off the UI thread.

  On Jul 22, 7:36 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

   So you'd only want to use WeakReference when you think your 
   might run out of memory?
   But a list view already does efficient memory management for you

   You'd saying if I were create a large array or something like that
   then it would be good to use WeakReference. right?

   Thanks for the help guys,
   David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

   On Jul 22, 2:26 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:

You definitely do NOT want to use a WeakReference

[android-developers] What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-22 Thread GodsMoon
Google just posted a new blog post on
I understand the AsyncTask and I'm even using one in a list with
images already.

But I don't understand what a WeakReference is. I gather is is a
garbage collector directive, but I thought I didn't need to manage
garbage collection on Android.

isn't as helpful as I was hoping it would be.

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[android-developers] Re: What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-22 Thread GodsMoon
So you'd only want to use WeakReference when you think your activity
might run out of memory?
But a list view already does efficient memory management for you

You'd saying if I were create a large array or something like that
then it would be good to use WeakReference. right?

Thanks for the help guys,
David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 2:26 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:
 You definitely do NOT want to use a WeakReference to cache object. If
 you do so, as soon as your data is put in the cache and not used
 outside of the cache, it gets garbage collected.

 On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
  Suppose you had a long list of images. As the user scrolled down you
  load the images from the net, and then display them.
  To avoid having to reload the images again if the user scrolls back
  up, you put the images in a cache (probably something like a
  MapString, Drawable)

  However because it is a long list you don't want to run into an out of
  memory situation if the user scrolls very far down and lots of images
  are put in the cache.
  So instead of storing the Drawables directly in the map, you create a
  MapString, WeakReferenceType (although I would use SoftReference
  for the purpose described here).
  This means that if Android is going to encounter an out of memory
  situation it will clear all of the Soft/Weak references (and thus
  hopefully avoid running out of memory). You will have to load the
  images again since your cache has been cleared, but this is far better
  than your application running out of memory and crashing.

  So you do something like:

  // caching an image
  MapString, SoftReference cache = new HashMapString,
  cache.put(http://mysite.com/images/1.jpg;, new

  // retrieve an image
  if (cache.containsKey(url)) {
    // looks like we have this image cached
    Drawable drawable = cache.get(url).get();
    if (drawable == null) {
        // the softreference has been cleared by the GC, reload the
    } else {
        // softreference is still valid, got our image

  Essentially a weak reference is a weaker reference than a soft
  reference - the GC should free weak references to regain memory before
  soft references.

  I think that's (mostly) correct, hope it helps.

  On Jul 22, 6:48 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  Google just posted a new blog post 
  I understand the AsyncTask and I'm even using one in a list with
  images already.

  But I don't understand what a WeakReference is. I gather is is a
  garbage collector directive, but I thought I didn't need to manage
  garbage collection on Android.

  isn't as helpful as I was hoping it would be.

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 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Re: What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-22 Thread GodsMoon
The blog post is confusing.
Note that this ImageView is stored as a WeakReference, so that a
download in progress does not prevent a killed activity's ImageView
from being garbage collected.
I didn't know that would cause a memory leak. I thought the garbage
collector would clean up ImageView if its activity gets killed.
Am I wrong?

David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 3:06 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
 No. I'm unsure as to what to use a WeakReference for exactly - as
 Romain Guy said above it is too weak for this purpose, but I think
 (hopefully Romain will correct me if I'm wrong) that a SoftReference
 could be suitable for this purpose.

 A ListView already does efficient management of your Views by
 recycling. This means that you must ensure the correct details are set
 in the view each time getView is called, even if you do not inflate a
 view or call findViewById that time. Recycling does not mean that the
 ListView caches all your items or their content.

 Suppose you had a list of 10 items, all of the same type but only 5
 will fit on the screen at a time. The ListView only really needs 5
 views to show the rows since the other 5 won't be visible.
 Thus at the top of the list the ListView might use 'View 1' for the
 first item, but scroll down to the bottom and 'View 1' would now
 contain item 6. As far as I understand it this is recycling.

 Recycling does not take care of the amount time of it takes to get
 content and set it to the view - thus if it takes a long time to get a
 piece of information and display it in a list item (such as
 downloading an image from the web), you will want to cache the result
 in a way that does not adversely affect memory usage (as much as
 possible). In this case you will also want to use a Thread or Async
 task to download/get the info off the UI thread.

 On Jul 22, 7:36 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  So you'd only want to use WeakReference when you think your activity
  might run out of memory?
  But a list view already does efficient memory management for you

  You'd saying if I were create a large array or something like that
  then it would be good to use WeakReference. right?

  Thanks for the help guys,
  David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

  On Jul 22, 2:26 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:

   You definitely do NOT want to use a WeakReference to cache object. If
   you do so, as soon as your data is put in the cache and not used
   outside of the cache, it gets garbage collected.

   On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com 
Suppose you had a long list of images. As the user scrolled down you
load the images from the net, and then display them.
To avoid having to reload the images again if the user scrolls back
up, you put the images in a cache (probably something like a
MapString, Drawable)

However because it is a long list you don't want to run into an out of
memory situation if the user scrolls very far down and lots of images
are put in the cache.
So instead of storing the Drawables directly in the map, you create a
MapString, WeakReferenceType (although I would use SoftReference
for the purpose described here).
This means that if Android is going to encounter an out of memory
situation it will clear all of the Soft/Weak references (and thus
hopefully avoid running out of memory). You will have to load the
images again since your cache has been cleared, but this is far better
than your application running out of memory and crashing.

So you do something like:

// caching an image
MapString, SoftReference cache = new HashMapString,
cache.put(http://mysite.com/images/1.jpg;, new

// retrieve an image
if (cache.containsKey(url)) {
  // looks like we have this image cached
  Drawable drawable = cache.get(url).get();
  if (drawable == null) {
      // the softreference has been cleared by the GC, reload the
  } else {
      // softreference is still valid, got our image

Essentially a weak reference is a weaker reference than a soft
reference - the GC should free weak references to regain memory before
soft references.

I think that's (mostly) correct, hope it helps.

On Jul 22, 6:48 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
Google just posted a new blog post 
I understand the AsyncTask and I'm even using one in a list with
images already.

But I don't understand what a WeakReference is. I gather is is a
garbage collector directive, but I thought I didn't need to manage
garbage collection on Android.

isn't as helpful as I was hoping

[android-developers] Re: What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-22 Thread GodsMoon
I have done something like that and got a null pointer reference.
I was starting a AsyncTask and if you backed out of the activity
before the AsyncTask was finished I would get a null pointer when I
tried to refer to the activities elements (force close).
So I just check to see if the views are null first. I thought that if
it returned null then it must have been GCed.
But that's not the case?

David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 3:49 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
 When your UI activity is killed as far as I am aware the GC will
 collect your Views. The problem is (I think) if the GC closes your UI
 thread while the downloader is still running - in this case your
 downloader thread maintains a reference to the ImageView so the GC
 cannot collect it - hence memory leak - the downloader thread cannot
 actually do anything to the ImageView since the UI thread no longer
 Thus the downloader thread should only store a weak reference to the
 ImageView so that if the UI thread is killed the GC may reclaim the
 memory associated with the ImageView.

 On Jul 22, 8:34 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  The blog post is confusing.
  Note that this ImageView is stored as a WeakReference, so that a
  download in progress does not prevent a killed activity's ImageView
  from being garbage collected.
  I didn't know that would cause a memory leak. I thought the garbage
  collector would clean up ImageView if its activity gets killed.
  Am I wrong?

  David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

  On Jul 22, 3:06 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

   No. I'm unsure as to what to use a WeakReference for exactly - as
   Romain Guy said above it is too weak for this purpose, but I think
   (hopefully Romain will correct me if I'm wrong) that a SoftReference
   could be suitable for this purpose.

   A ListView already does efficient management of your Views by
   recycling. This means that you must ensure the correct details are set
   in the view each time getView is called, even if you do not inflate a
   view or call findViewById that time. Recycling does not mean that the
   ListView caches all your items or their content.

   Suppose you had a list of 10 items, all of the same type but only 5
   will fit on the screen at a time. The ListView only really needs 5
   views to show the rows since the other 5 won't be visible.
   Thus at the top of the list the ListView might use 'View 1' for the
   first item, but scroll down to the bottom and 'View 1' would now
   contain item 6. As far as I understand it this is recycling.

   Recycling does not take care of the amount time of it takes to get
   content and set it to the view - thus if it takes a long time to get a
   piece of information and display it in a list item (such as
   downloading an image from the web), you will want to cache the result
   in a way that does not adversely affect memory usage (as much as
   possible). In this case you will also want to use a Thread or Async
   task to download/get the info off the UI thread.

   On Jul 22, 7:36 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

So you'd only want to use WeakReference when you think your activity
might run out of memory?
But a list view already does efficient memory management for you

You'd saying if I were create a large array or something like that
then it would be good to use WeakReference. right?

Thanks for the help guys,
David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

On Jul 22, 2:26 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:

 You definitely do NOT want to use a WeakReference to cache object. If
 you do so, as soon as your data is put in the cache and not used
 outside of the cache, it gets garbage collected.

 On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Joseph Earl 
 joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
  Suppose you had a long list of images. As the user scrolled down you
  load the images from the net, and then display them.
  To avoid having to reload the images again if the user scrolls back
  up, you put the images in a cache (probably something like a
  MapString, Drawable)

  However because it is a long list you don't want to run into an out 
  memory situation if the user scrolls very far down and lots of 
  are put in the cache.
  So instead of storing the Drawables directly in the map, you create 
  MapString, WeakReferenceType (although I would use SoftReference
  for the purpose described here).
  This means that if Android is going to encounter an out of memory
  situation it will clear all of the Soft/Weak references (and thus
  hopefully avoid running out of memory). You will have to load the
  images again since your cache has been cleared, but this is far 
  than your application running out of memory and crashing.

  So you do something like:

  // caching

[android-developers] Re: What is a WeakReference?

2010-07-22 Thread GodsMoon
Perhaps the difference was because I was declaring my view in the
onCreate method instead of in the onPostExecute method of the

If I declare the view in my activity, maybe it gets GCed when my
activity is killed, but in the blog post example he tries to declare
it in the AsyncTask even though the activity is long gone.

Am I on the right track here?

David Shellabarger

On Jul 22, 4:09 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am confused somewhat about the issue myself now. Hopefully someone
 else it will clear it up once and for all.

 On Jul 22, 9:01 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have done something like that and got a null pointer reference.
  I was starting a AsyncTask and if you backed out of the activity
  before the AsyncTask was finished I would get a null pointer when I
  tried to refer to the activities elements (force close).
  So I just check to see if the views are null first. I thought that if
  it returned null then it must have been GCed.
  But that's not the case?

  David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

  On Jul 22, 3:49 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

   When your UI activity is killed as far as I am aware the GC will
   collect your Views. The problem is (I think) if the GC closes your UI
   thread while the downloader is still running - in this case your
   downloader thread maintains a reference to the ImageView so the GC
   cannot collect it - hence memory leak - the downloader thread cannot
   actually do anything to the ImageView since the UI thread no longer
   Thus the downloader thread should only store a weak reference to the
   ImageView so that if the UI thread is killed the GC may reclaim the
   memory associated with the ImageView.

   On Jul 22, 8:34 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

The blog post is confusing.
Note that this ImageView is stored as a WeakReference, so that a
download in progress does not prevent a killed activity's ImageView
from being garbage collected.
I didn't know that would cause a memory leak. I thought the garbage
collector would clean up ImageView if its activity gets killed.
Am I wrong?

David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

On Jul 22, 3:06 pm, Joseph Earl joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:

 No. I'm unsure as to what to use a WeakReference for exactly - as
 Romain Guy said above it is too weak for this purpose, but I think
 (hopefully Romain will correct me if I'm wrong) that a SoftReference
 could be suitable for this purpose.

 A ListView already does efficient management of your Views by
 recycling. This means that you must ensure the correct details are set
 in the view each time getView is called, even if you do not inflate a
 view or call findViewById that time. Recycling does not mean that the
 ListView caches all your items or their content.

 Suppose you had a list of 10 items, all of the same type but only 5
 will fit on the screen at a time. The ListView only really needs 5
 views to show the rows since the other 5 won't be visible.
 Thus at the top of the list the ListView might use 'View 1' for the
 first item, but scroll down to the bottom and 'View 1' would now
 contain item 6. As far as I understand it this is recycling.

 Recycling does not take care of the amount time of it takes to get
 content and set it to the view - thus if it takes a long time to get a
 piece of information and display it in a list item (such as
 downloading an image from the web), you will want to cache the result
 in a way that does not adversely affect memory usage (as much as
 possible). In this case you will also want to use a Thread or Async
 task to download/get the info off the UI thread.

 On Jul 22, 7:36 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  So you'd only want to use WeakReference when you think your activity
  might run out of memory?
  But a list view already does efficient memory management for you

  You'd saying if I were create a large array or something like that
  then it would be good to use WeakReference. right?

  Thanks for the help guys,
  David Shellabargerwww.nightshadelabs.com

  On Jul 22, 2:26 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:

   You definitely do NOT want to use a WeakReference to cache 
   object. If
   you do so, as soon as your data is put in the cache and not used
   outside of the cache, it gets garbage collected.

   On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Joseph Earl 
   joseph.w.e...@gmail.com wrote:
Suppose you had a long list of images. As the user scrolled 
down you
load the images from the net, and then display them.
To avoid having to reload the images again if the user scrolls 
up, you put the images in a cache (probably something like a
MapString, Drawable

[android-developers] Re: Any chance to deactivate the lock pattern in Froyo from code?

2010-07-18 Thread GodsMoon
@Anders and @Brad Gies,
If you are frustrated with not having a lock timer, I'd suggest
checking out Smart Lock.
Its a good alternative while we wait for Google to make the lock
screen situation better.

Smart Lock lets you use one app, and only one app at a time, without
unlocking your phone.
It dismissed the lock screen until your try to change apps and then it
Its also works really well as a Child Lock for your phone.
It uses an API that will work for the foreseeable future as long as
you aren't using an Exchange Server (or other server that uses a
device admin).

Hopefully, Google will do more to address the lock screen annoyance
issue, but in the mean time you can use Smart Lock. :)

David Shellabarger
Creator of Smart Lock

On Jul 9, 3:22 pm, Frank Weiss fewe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Although I agree with you, I think you've misposted. It is not an SDK issue.

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[android-developers] Re: problem accessing widget in Preference widgetLayout

2010-07-14 Thread GodsMoon
I think you need to do findPreference instead of findViewById.
so like:
ib = (Preference) findPreference(displayimagekey);

Hope that helps.

On Jun 1, 3:20 pm, Noah noah.belc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Did you ever get this resolved? I'm having the same problem.


 On Apr 18, 1:27 am, hacksoft hacks...@gmail.com wrote:


  I can't seem to get a handle to the embedded widget (via widgetLayout)
  in my preference.

  My Preference XML is:


                  EditTextPreference android:key=displayname
                                                  android:title=Display Name
                                                  android:summary=Choose a 
  display name /

           Preference android:id=@+id/displayimageview
                          android:title=Display Image
                          android:summary=Select Display Image


  My widget XML is:

          LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

          ImageButton android:id=@+id/displayimagebutton


  I'm trying to get a handle on the displayimagebutton to embed an
  ImageButton in a preference row.

  My java code is:
            View v1 = null;
            v1 = findViewById(R.layout.preferences);
            ImageButton ib = null;
            if (v1 == null)
                    Log.d(SUBSYSTEM_TAG, v1 = null);
                    ib = 

  I can't seem to get a view to the preferences I setup in
  preferences.xml.  in my OnCreate() I'm calling:

  and this seems to work fine since the preferences layout is
  represented on the screen.  However I can't get a View to this layout
  as my java code is trying above, so I can find the embedded widget.

  I've tried: v1 = findViewById(R.id.displayimageview);
  but that just returns null also.

  Any ideas on how I can get the ImageButton reference to my

  I'm really disappointed on the lack of an Android example for this.


  John Roberts

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[android-developers] Detecting button type of front nav keys

2010-07-14 Thread GodsMoon
I posted this on Stack Overflow and didn't get an answer. Anybody here
have an answer?

I would like to detect if the navigation keys of the front of the
phone (Home,Menu,Back,Search) are hard-keys (ex. G1) or soft-keys (ex.
Nexus One).

This api 
gets close but is related to the keyboard and not the front facing

KeyEvent (http://d.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html)
has a FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY flag, I can only detect that after the key
is pressed. I'd like to find out what type of buttons the user has
without asking the user to press a key first.

I would have expected such an api to be under
but android.hardware has very little info about the actual hardware of
the device.

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[android-developers] Detecting button type of front nav keys

2010-07-14 Thread GodsMoon
I asked this on stackoverflow but I didn't get an answer:
Can anybody help me out?

I would like to detect if the navigation keys of the front of the
phone (Home,Menu,Back,Search) are hard-keys (ex. G1) or soft-keys (ex.
Nexus One).

This api 
gets close but is related to the keyboard and not the front facing

KeyEvent (http://d.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html)
has a FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY flag, I can only detect that after the key
is pressed. I'd like to find out what type of buttons the user has
without asking the user to press a key first.

I would have expected such an api to be under
but android.hardware has very little info about the actual hardware of
the device.

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting button type of front nav keys

2010-07-14 Thread GodsMoon
Sorry dup. please ignore.
Google Groups is acting strangely for me. There is not a link to this
post from my profile page...

On Jul 14, 3:06 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I asked this on stackoverflow but I didn't get an 
 Can anybody help me out?

 I would like to detect if the navigation keys of the front of the
 phone (Home,Menu,Back,Search) are hard-keys (ex. G1) or soft-keys (ex.
 Nexus One).

 gets close but is related to the keyboard and not the front facing

 KeyEvent (http://d.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html)
 has a FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY flag, I can only detect that after the key
 is pressed. I'd like to find out what type of buttons the user has
 without asking the user to press a key first.

 I would have expected such an api to be 
 but android.hardware has very little info about the actual hardware of
 the device.

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting button type of front nav keys

2010-07-14 Thread GodsMoon
Dianne Hackborn,

Unfortunate. I would recommend adding an api detailing what kind of
hardware is available especially since Android runs on such deserve
Should I file a bug report?

Thanks for the response though.

David Shellabarger

On Jul 14, 1:04 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 What you describe is all there is.

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:04 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  I posted this on Stack Overflow and didn't get an answer. Anybody here
  have an answer?

  I would like to detect if the navigation keys of the front of the
  phone (Home,Menu,Back,Search) are hard-keys (ex. G1) or soft-keys (ex.
  Nexus One).

  This api
  gets close but is related to the keyboard and not the front facing

  KeyEvent (http://d.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html)
  has a FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY flag, I can only detect that after the key
  is pressed. I'd like to find out what type of buttons the user has
  without asking the user to press a key first.

  I would have expected such an api to be under
  but android.hardware has very little info about the actual hardware of
  the device.

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Mimic Home button in software

2010-06-20 Thread GodsMoon
Oh. That is important information! My app, Smart Lock, manipulates the
Keyguard a lot. That's the main feature actually.
To clarify, who is a device admin?

On Jun 20, 12:22 am, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 Ah.  Replacing the lock screen and such is not at this point supported.  You
 may figure out a hack to do what you want, but we can't guarantee it will
 work on future versions of the platform or even across devices.

 The disableKeyguard method was original introduced for very specific
 situations such as showing the in-call screen while the device is locked.
  It has a lot of problems, and is becoming deprecated -- we have been
 introducing new window flags that provide a much better way to interact with
 the lock screen for the uses that disableKeyguard was originally done for.
  Also you will start to find that the method doesn't work in some
 situations.  For example starting in Froyo it will not work when a device
 admin is requiring the user have a lock screen, since disabling
 uncontrollably (not using one of the newer window flags) would conflict with
 the security the admin is enforcing.

 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 6:10 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry, my app disables the keyguard with disableKeyguard().
  This makes inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() return true so clicking on
  the home button brings up the lock screen (the special one without the
  Emergency Call button).
  I would like to see this lock screen when pressing the back button.

  Actually, I just want to know how to bring up that special lock screen
  on demand. I know it comes up with the home button so I was going to
  try to mimic that.

  Thanks for your help,
  David Shellabarger

  On Jun 19, 5:40 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
   I'm not sure I understand...  if you want to switch to home from your app
   (which I am pretty sure the intent you give below is the right way), what
   would this have to do with the keyguard?  If the user is in your app,
   aren't in the keyguard...  I don't understand the connection you have
   between the two.

   On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
I would like the back button to work exactly like the home button in
my activity. I know that doesn't sounds like something I would want to
do, but it makes sense in the context of my app.

I've tried an intent:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
But this doesn't work the same way.
I've tried super.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME, event); on the
onKeyDown method and it does nothing.

They problem is the keyguard acts different when you push the home
button when you have an unlock pattern set.
There is usually a Emergency Call button on the unlock pattern
screen, but there is not when you click the home button and you have
dismissed the keyguard.
I would like the back button to behave the same way.

Would I be able to do this with the instrument class? Is there a
better way to do it?

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   Dianne Hackborn
   Android framework engineer

   Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
   provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
   questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see
   answer them.

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Mimic Home button in software

2010-06-19 Thread GodsMoon
I would like the back button to work exactly like the home button in
my activity. I know that doesn't sounds like something I would want to
do, but it makes sense in the context of my app.

I've tried an intent:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
But this doesn't work the same way.
I've tried super.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME, event); on the
onKeyDown method and it does nothing.

They problem is the keyguard acts different when you push the home
button when you have an unlock pattern set.
There is usually a Emergency Call button on the unlock pattern
screen, but there is not when you click the home button and you have
dismissed the keyguard.
I would like the back button to behave the same way.

Would I be able to do this with the instrument class? Is there a
better way to do it?

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[android-developers] Re: Mimic Home button in software

2010-06-19 Thread GodsMoon
Sorry, my app disables the keyguard with disableKeyguard().
This makes inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() return true so clicking on
the home button brings up the lock screen (the special one without the
Emergency Call button).
I would like to see this lock screen when pressing the back button.

Actually, I just want to know how to bring up that special lock screen
on demand. I know it comes up with the home button so I was going to
try to mimic that.

Thanks for your help,
David Shellabarger

On Jun 19, 5:40 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand...  if you want to switch to home from your app
 (which I am pretty sure the intent you give below is the right way), what
 would this have to do with the keyguard?  If the user is in your app, they
 aren't in the keyguard...  I don't understand the connection you have
 between the two.

 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  I would like the back button to work exactly like the home button in
  my activity. I know that doesn't sounds like something I would want to
  do, but it makes sense in the context of my app.

  I've tried an intent:
  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
  But this doesn't work the same way.
  I've tried super.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME, event); on the
  onKeyDown method and it does nothing.

  They problem is the keyguard acts different when you push the home
  button when you have an unlock pattern set.
  There is usually a Emergency Call button on the unlock pattern
  screen, but there is not when you click the home button and you have
  dismissed the keyguard.
  I would like the back button to behave the same way.

  Would I be able to do this with the instrument class? Is there a
  better way to do it?

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Mimic Home button in software

2010-06-19 Thread GodsMoon
special lockscreen looks like this btw

On Jun 19, 9:10 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry, my app disables the keyguard with disableKeyguard().
 This makes inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() return true so clicking on
 the home button brings up the lock screen (the special one without the
 Emergency Call button).
 I would like to see this lock screen when pressing the back button.

 Actually, I just want to know how to bring up that special lock screen
 on demand. I know it comes up with the home button so I was going to
 try to mimic that.

 Thanks for your help,
 David Shellabarger

 On Jun 19, 5:40 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:

  I'm not sure I understand...  if you want to switch to home from your app
  (which I am pretty sure the intent you give below is the right way), what
  would this have to do with the keyguard?  If the user is in your app, they
  aren't in the keyguard...  I don't understand the connection you have
  between the two.

  On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
   I would like the back button to work exactly like the home button in
   my activity. I know that doesn't sounds like something I would want to
   do, but it makes sense in the context of my app.

   I've tried an intent:
   Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
   But this doesn't work the same way.
   I've tried super.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME, event); on the
   onKeyDown method and it does nothing.

   They problem is the keyguard acts different when you push the home
   button when you have an unlock pattern set.
   There is usually a Emergency Call button on the unlock pattern
   screen, but there is not when you click the home button and you have
   dismissed the keyguard.
   I would like the back button to behave the same way.

   Would I be able to do this with the instrument class? Is there a
   better way to do it?

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups Android Developers group.
   To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

  Dianne Hackborn
  Android framework engineer

  Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
  provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
  questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
  answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Janky Custom Cursor Adapter

2010-05-26 Thread GodsMoon
It looks like the Twitter app does AsyncTask correctly in a list view.
Can't wait for it to be open sources!

On May 25, 4:53 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ah! I didn't see put(String key, byte[] value) before in
 That will probably work. Thanks for the info and the link!

 Would still like to do know how to do AsyncTask in a custom adapter
 for future reference but I think your solution will work.

 On May 25, 9:29 am, blcooley blcoo...@gmail.com wrote:

  A Cursor returned by a SQLiteDatabase query can indeed get a blob.



  On May 24, 11:16 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

   However, I can't store the
   application icon in the db because sqlite doesn't support blobs.

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[android-developers] Re: Janky Custom Cursor Adapter

2010-05-25 Thread GodsMoon
Ah! I didn't see put(String key, byte[] value) before in
That will probably work. Thanks for the info and the link!

Would still like to do know how to do AsyncTask in a custom adapter
for future reference but I think your solution will work.

On May 25, 9:29 am, blcooley blcoo...@gmail.com wrote:
 A Cursor returned by a SQLiteDatabase query can indeed get a blob.



 On May 24, 11:16 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  However, I can't store the
  application icon in the db because sqlite doesn't support blobs.

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[android-developers] Janky Custom Cursor Adapter

2010-05-24 Thread GodsMoon
I have a Custom Cursor Adapter. It shows a list of installed
applications with an icon, name and checkbox on each line item.
I cache the list of applications in a database for faster retrieve and
to store the state of the checkbox. However, I can't store the
application icon in the db because sqlite doesn't support blobs.
They list works rather well except that it is janky as described by
Brad Fitzpatrick at Google IO (https://wave.google.com/wave/waveref/
googlewave.com/w+3kgmObZwO ). I'm trying to make my app non-janky by
following the tutorial here:
but I'm having trouble.

The reason my list is janky is because I look up each icon as you
scroll down the list.
drawable =

getApplicationIcon takes too long to return to make for a smooth
scrolling list. I would like to perform the action in the background
with an AsyncTask but because bindView gets called repeatedly in a
short time span, my icons end up with the wrong list item.
I need help.

I've posted my whole ListActivity below in hopes that it helps other
people. It's much harder to find an example of a working CursorAdapter
then it is an ArrayAdapter.

PS if you have any other notes about how I could do things better
please let me know.

public class AppList extends ListActivity {

private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
private static final int MENU_ALL_APPS = 2;
private static final int MENU_APPROVED_APPS = 1;
public static SmartLockDbAdapter mDbHelper;
private Cursor cursor;
LayoutInflater inflater;
ProgressDialog dialog;
CheckBoxAdapter mAdapter;
Activity activity;
private AutoCompleteTextView filterText;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

activity = this;

mDbHelper = new SmartLockDbAdapter(this);

new populateDb().execute(this);

cursor = mDbHelper.fetchAllApps();

mAdapter = new CheckBoxAdapter(this, cursor);



filterText = (AutoCompleteTextView)
filterText.setDropDownHeight(0); // hide the drop down, just
filter the listActivity


private class populateDb extends AsyncTaskContext, Integer, Long {

protected Long doInBackground(Context... context) {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();

SmartLockDbAdapter mDbHelper = new

Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, 

ListResolveInfo mApps;
mApps = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(mainIntent,

int count = mApps.size();
for (int index=0; indexcount; index++) {
ResolveInfo content = mApps.get(index);
// put in while loop to prevent db locking
content.activityInfo.packageName, 1))
Log.v(GoldFishView, Conflict 
Resolving );
try {
Thread.sleep((long) 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {


publishProgress((int) ((index / (float) count) 
* 1)); //
scale is 1..1

return null;

 protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... progress) {


 protected void onPostExecute(Long result) {
Window.PROGRESS_END);//go away

 mAdapter.getCursor().requery(); // 

[android-developers] Settings Intent in Sense UI

2010-04-10 Thread GodsMoon
I'm trying to link to the settings menu.
The following code works great for stock Android but doesn't work in
the 2.1 HTC Sense UI.

Intent goToSettings = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS);

On the HTC Legend that code gives the following Error in the LogCat
E/AndroidRuntime(  626): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException:
Unable to find explicit activity class {com.android.settings/
com.android.settings.SecuritySettings}; have you declared this
activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

I don't have a phone with the HTC Senese UI. How do I link to settings
menu on the HTC Legend?

David Shellabarger

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[android-developers] Re: Settings Intent in Sense UI

2010-04-10 Thread GodsMoon
I was actually looking for Settings.ACTION_SECURITY_SETTINGS
but your comment lead me right to it. Thanks.

On Apr 10, 5:36 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 GodsMoon wrote:
  I'm trying to link to the settings menu.
  The following code works great for stock Android but doesn't work in
  the 2.1 HTC Sense UI.

  Intent goToSettings = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS);

  On the HTC Legend that code gives the following Error in the LogCat
  E/AndroidRuntime(  626): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException:
  Unable to find explicit activity class {com.android.settings/
  com.android.settings.SecuritySettings}; have you declared this
  activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

  I don't have a phone with the HTC Senese UI. How do I link to settings
  menu on the HTC Legend?

 Try getting rid of the setComponent() call. The ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS
 should be sufficient, and will cover you in case they renamed the class.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

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[android-developers] Re: Reusable Android library packaging: interest?

2010-03-29 Thread GodsMoon
To be honest, I would prefer to be able to specify package
dependencies, much like linux distros do. That way I wouldn't have to
bloat my app with source from other libs and I would make a non open
source app a dependency even.
However, I don't think we can do that without Google getting involved.
I haven't yet tried to bundle a any libs in my APK's but I am planning
on doing that soon.
You make it sound like it is quite a hassle to do so. I'm always
interesting in things that make my life easier.

David Shellabarger

On Mar 29, 10:19 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Creating Android JARs is fairly easy...so long as all you want to do is
 ship Java code. If your Java code needs resources or assets, or offers
 up activities or services, then you have to ship a JAR plus a whole
 bunch of other stuff. And the person reusing your JAR would need to know
 about all that other stuff, find it, download it into the right spots,
 etc. The only way that is somewhat convenient for the developers is to
 package this stuff into separate APKs...which is inconvenient for the users.

 IMHO, that's one of the reasons why we don't have a robust collection of
 third-party widgets or other libraries. There are few recipes for
 creating such things, no standards or conventions for how to consume
 them, and no home for them to live. At least, I am not aware of much in
 this area -- please correct me if I've missed something.

 I've been working on a solution for all of that, or as good of a
 solution as I can create given some of the peculiarities of Android's
 build tools. Before I invest much more time, though, I need to know if
 anyone really cares.


 Suppose you found out about...say...a calendar widget you wanted for
 integration in your app. You might have found it from a Web-based
 catalog of components, or from a search engine query, or a StackOverflow
 answer, or whatever.

 To download that calendar widget, you would run:

 parcel install name

 where name is the unique identifier for this widget. That would
 download the widget to your development machine, plus download any
 dependent libraries.

 To use that widget in one of your Android projects, you would run:

 parcel inject name

 from the project base directory. This would:

 -- copy the JAR file(s) into libs/
 -- copy the resource(s) into res/
 -- merge in key elements (e.g., activities) into AndroidManifest.xml
 -- copy documentation and other stuff into parcels/name
 -- do all of the above for all dependencies as well

 If you write a calendar widget and want to make a parcel for others to
 reuse, there would be:

 parcel package name ...

 where you specify the parcel to create and all the stuff that should go
 in it (JARs, resources, source code, documentation, etc.). You could
 wrap this up in an Ant task or Maven plugin or Eclipse, um, thingy, if
 you wished to integrate this as part of a build process.

 There's more to it, but this should give you the feel for what I have in
 mind. It is modeled loosely after RubyGems and Rails vendor plugins, two
 of the more successful examples of this pattern in use today.


 If this is something you would like to see, please reply to this
 message, or tweet me (@commonsguy), to let me know of your interest. If
 I release this, I'll be committing a fair chunk of time to helping to
 maintain it, and I don't want to make that commitment until I have a
 sense that enough people will care.

 I am, of course, certainly open to other ideas, suggestions, Googly
 input, etc. :-)

 Thanks in advance!

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

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[android-developers] ADC2 Results Post

2009-11-05 Thread GodsMoon
Since the Android Challenge Group seems to be closed I'll post here.
What results did you get from Google?

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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-09-24 Thread GodsMoon

I hope you like it.

If you have any issues please email me :)

On Sep 24, 4:03 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:
 My 1st ADC 2 judging app is Smart Lock ^_^ interesting!

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:57 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:


  On Sep 8, 4:02 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
   I've published a video to give you a better idea of the problem I'm
   having with the back button protection. Hopefully my video helps show
   the problem I am having.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA
   The bug I mention in the video is NOT the bug report I filed out but
   Anyway, does this give any more credence to My bug report?

   Also, I'm not abusing the API, am I? I would guess that the
   KeyguardManager was not designed to be triggered with a background
   processes, but a lot of people are quite interested in my app and I'm
   excited to release it soon.

   Thanks for the input,
   David Shellabarger

   On Sep 3, 5:39 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:

I found the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA


On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

 I admit that what I'm trying to do is a little unorthodox and
 creative. The idea I have does slightly change the way security works
 on the phone. However, I don't think I'm abusing the API or
 security. Its somewhat hard to explain my app idea. I will be
 releasing a video of my app in action for the ADC2 fairly soon.
 I'll post back here once it is released the video. I'd love to get
 feedback to make sure I'm not doing anything I'm not suppose to.

 Thanks for your help.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-09-15 Thread GodsMoon


On Sep 8, 4:02 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've published a video to give you a better idea of the problem I'm
 having with the back button protection. Hopefully my video helps show
 the problem I am having.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA
 The bug I mention in the video is NOT the bug report I filed out but
 Anyway, does this give any more credence to My bug report?

 Also, I'm not abusing the API, am I? I would guess that the
 KeyguardManager was not designed to be triggered with a background
 processes, but a lot of people are quite interested in my app and I'm
 excited to release it soon.

 Thanks for the input,
 David Shellabarger

 On Sep 3, 5:39 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:

  I found the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA


  On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

   I admit that what I'm trying to do is a little unorthodox and somewhat
   creative. The idea I have does slightly change the way security works
   on the phone. However, I don't think I'm abusing the API or decreasing
   security. Its somewhat hard to explain my app idea. I will be
   releasing a video of my app in action for the ADC2 fairly soon.
   I'll post back here once it is released the video. I'd love to get
   feedback to make sure I'm not doing anything I'm not suppose to.

   Thanks for your help.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-09-08 Thread GodsMoon

I've published a video to give you a better idea of the problem I'm
having with the back button protection. Hopefully my video helps show
the problem I am having.
The bug I mention in the video is NOT the bug report I filed out but
rather http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=2643
Anyway, does this give any more credence to My bug report?

Also, I'm not abusing the API, am I? I would guess that the
KeyguardManager was not designed to be triggered with a background
processes, but a lot of people are quite interested in my app and I'm
excited to release it soon.

Thanks for the input,
David Shellabarger

On Sep 3, 5:39 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:
 I found the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA


 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I admit that what I'm trying to do is a little unorthodox and somewhat
  creative. The idea I have does slightly change the way security works
  on the phone. However, I don't think I'm abusing the API or decreasing
  security. Its somewhat hard to explain my app idea. I will be
  releasing a video of my app in action for the ADC2 fairly soon.
  I'll post back here once it is released the video. I'd love to get
  feedback to make sure I'm not doing anything I'm not suppose to.

  Thanks for your help.
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[android-developers] Re: Hmm... at last ADC2 is out of our way ... tell about your app and experience

2009-09-02 Thread GodsMoon

Tools: Smart Lock
Description: Smart Lock increases the usability and security of your
phone. It allows you to instantly and securely use the last
application you opened after your phone goes to sleep.
Smart Lock is perfect for:
*Listening to Music while Running
*Using Google Maps on the Go
*Child Locking any Application.

By:David Shellabarger
Published on the market: No, I'll release a fancy version and a free
version sometime soon
Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipue9Yhi5VA

I wasn't going to submit anything this time around. I submitted a
partially working large application last time and didn't score very
However, I just bought my first android phone (MyTouch) and was
annoyed that I could change which song I was listening to without
putting in my unlock pattern (without turning it off entirely, of
course). This annoyed me greatly so I wrote this app in about a week,
submitted right before the deadline. Mostly bug free, it crashed in
the video demo, but its been pretty stable for me since.

On Sep 2, 10:03 am, Alex iiiypu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Now there are more replies, but I think there are some with apps
 descriptions that were not allowed by moderators, like it was the case
 with mine. So I've re-sent you the post privately using reply to
 author option. Writing this just to see if something will get to the
 group from me or will disappear like a short description of our entry
 I've made few hours ago.


 On Sep 2, 12:50 pm, Lout lout.r...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Thanks a lot for the replies. Though many on this thread expect more
  (thousands of) submissions this year, only eight of you have given
  feedback. Would love to hear from many more out there before formally
  publishing anything. Of the 20 thousand developers on this group, less
  than 20 have replied but am sure there are hundreds if not thousands
  who submitted for ADC2.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-29 Thread GodsMoon

I have a solution for home screen detection, but its slow and
I run this bit of code every 1 seconds.

ActivityManager actvityManager = (ActivityManager)
this.getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
ListRunningAppProcessInfo  procInfos =

for(int i = 0; i  procInfos.size(); i++)

( android.process.acore) == 0
 procInfos.get(i).importance ==

// Home Screen Detected! Do something...


I hate continually polling a piece of code but I don't think there is
a broadcast intent that will help me out.

Do anybody know of a better way of doing this?

On Aug 28, 2:41 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 They are described 

 On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:53 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  What's the difference between a Task and a Process for

  On Aug 28, 1:46 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:
   ActivityManager : getRunningTasks(int)

   On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:24 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

That might be enough info for my app.
Which api are you looking at?

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: BroadcastReceiver on Service

2009-08-29 Thread GodsMoon

Thanks for the advice. That works way better.

On Aug 29, 12:19 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 I would instead suggest the service just make a BroadcastReceiver inner
 class, which it explicitly registers in onCreate() with registerReceiver()
 (and unregisterReceiver() in onDestroy() of course).

 On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:06 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  Looks like I answered my own question.
  There is a  peekService  method in BroadcastReceiver for interacting
  with existing Services.

  On Aug 28, 11:50 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
   Can I Receive a Broadcast from a Service?
   It seem I have to extend BroadcastReceiver to receive broadcasts but
   I'm already extending Service and I can't extend 2 classes.
   Do I set up an additional Activity to receive broadcasts and then just
   pass stuff to the already running Service. And if so, how to I pass
   additional info to an existing Service?
   Is there a better way?

   Thanks in advance.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-29 Thread GodsMoon

I'm writing an app that turns off the keyguard and I would like to
exitKeyguardSecurely when you user goes back to the home screen.
This works great when hitting the Home button, but the user can back
to the home screen without prompt by using the back button (I think
this is an API bug).
So I'm trying to determine if the Home screen is displayed so I can
force exitKeyguardSecurely.

I realize homescreen replacements will break this code but until the
API bug gets fixed I don't see a good way around this.

On Aug 29, 2:35 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 No there is no API to do this.  What are you trying to accomplish?

 Note that your code will break in many many situations -- when a custom home
 screen is being used, on a device where the manufacturer is not using the
 base platform home app, in the future when we have more memory so don't need
 to run home in a shared process, etc.

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:59 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a solution for home screen detection, but its slow and
  I run this bit of code every 1 seconds.

  ActivityManager actvityManager = (ActivityManager)
  this.getSystemService( ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
                 ListRunningAppProcessInfo  procInfos =

                 for(int i = 0; i  procInfos.size(); i++)

  ( android.process.acore) == 0
                                          procInfos.get(i).importance ==

                                 // Home Screen Detected! Do something...


  I hate continually polling a piece of code but I don't think there is
  a broadcast intent that will help me out.

  Do anybody know of a better way of doing this?

  On Aug 28, 2:41 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
   They are described here:

   On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:53 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

What's the difference between a Task and a Process for

On Aug 28, 1:46 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:
 ActivityManager : getRunningTasks(int)

 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:24 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com

  That might be enough info for my app.
  Which api are you looking at?

   Dianne Hackborn
   Android framework engineer

   Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
   provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
   questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see
   answer them.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-29 Thread GodsMoon

Dianne Hackborn,
Are you familiar with the KeyguardManager class? Its really cool, I
haven't seen anything like it on any other platform and I'm excited to
take advantage of it.

It can take over the Home screen button

I've created a bug report.

Thanks for your help.

On Aug 29, 3:41 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:52 AM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm writing an app that turns off the keyguard and I would like to
  exitKeyguardSecurely when you user goes back to the home screen.
  This works great when hitting the Home button, but the user can back
  to the home screen without prompt by using the back button (I think
  this is an API bug).

 What API bug?  Of course you can press back to go to the home screen.

 What are you doing to determine when the user presses home?  Afaik there
 isn't really a way to do this since the system completely consumes the home

 Unfortunately, I don't think there is any robust way to do what you want.  I
 can't imagine an app being able to do this consistently with the current
 API...  and that should kind-of give you a moment of pause since you are
 messing with the lock screen and thus fundamental security of the device.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-29 Thread GodsMoon

I admit that what I'm trying to do is a little unorthodox and somewhat
creative. The idea I have does slightly change the way security works
on the phone. However, I don't think I'm abusing the API or decreasing
security. Its somewhat hard to explain my app idea. I will be
releasing a video of my app in action for the ADC2 fairly soon.
I'll post back here once it is released the video. I'd love to get
feedback to make sure I'm not doing anything I'm not suppose to.

Thanks for your help.

On Aug 29, 7:39 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 12:54 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
  Dianne Hackborn,
  Are you familiar with the KeyguardManager class? Its really cool, I
  haven't seen anything like it on any other platform and I'm excited to
  take advantage of it.

 Yes I am.

  It can take over the Home screen button

 I don't know what you mean.  As far as I know, it has nothing to do with the
 home screen button, it just controls whether the lock screen is shown.

  I've created a bug report.

 I've closed this as work as intended, because what you are requesting is not
 how it is supposed to work.

 You could look at the AlarmClock app to see an example if the API's use.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-28 Thread GodsMoon

I was looking at the Package Manager api, but it looks like the
Process api might be more useful.
Has anybody used this before or have an example?

On Aug 27, 6:24 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 That might be enough info for my app.
 Which api are you looking at?

 On Aug 27, 6:06 pm, Chris Stratton cs07...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Aug 27, 5:40 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm writing a back ground app and would like to be able to tell which
   app is currently running (actually has focus).
   I'm particularly interested in if the Home screen is being shown.
   Can anyone help with this?

  I got stumped on that too.

  There is a call that will get a list of what is running and tell if it
  has user-interactive level of priority, but that's not unique enough -
  a few things (in call screen for example) keep this even when their
  window is not visible.  Another problem is that latin input method can
  show up in the list interactive priority, but you don't know what
  application it is accepting input on behalf of.
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-28 Thread GodsMoon

What's the difference between a Task and a Process for

On Aug 28, 1:46 pm, Hong lordh...@gmail.com wrote:
 ActivityManager : getRunningTasks(int)

 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:24 PM, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  That might be enough info for my app.
  Which api are you looking at?
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[android-developers] BroadcastReceiver on Service

2009-08-28 Thread GodsMoon

Can I Receive a Broadcast from a Service?
It seem I have to extend BroadcastReceiver to receive broadcasts but
I'm already extending Service and I can't extend 2 classes.
Do I set up an additional Activity to receive broadcasts and then just
pass stuff to the already running Service. And if so, how to I pass
additional info to an existing Service?
Is there a better way?

Thanks in advance.
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[android-developers] Re: BroadcastReceiver on Service

2009-08-28 Thread GodsMoon

Looks like I answered my own question.
There is a  peekService  method in BroadcastReceiver for interacting
with existing Services.

On Aug 28, 11:50 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can I Receive a Broadcast from a Service?
 It seem I have to extend BroadcastReceiver to receive broadcasts but
 I'm already extending Service and I can't extend 2 classes.
 Do I set up an additional Activity to receive broadcasts and then just
 pass stuff to the already running Service. And if so, how to I pass
 additional info to an existing Service?
 Is there a better way?

 Thanks in advance.
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[android-developers] Re: How to make device to sleep?

2009-08-27 Thread GodsMoon

I looked at this API and it looks like it is only based on Time.
Is it possible to wake the phone up based on other events.
For example: Location or Device Orientation.

Thanks for your help.

On Aug 26, 1:07 pm, Yusuf Saib (T-Mobile USA) yusuf.s...@t-
Mobile.com wrote:

 Yusuf Saib
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Aug 25, 9:07 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I would like to know how to put the device tosleepand how to wake it
  up as well.

  On Jul 20, 9:45 pm, Sansiro wangjiangfeng0...@gmail.com wrote:

   Now  I use the code follow:


   But it still does not work.

   On Jul 21, 9:07 am, Sansiro wangjiangfeng0...@gmail.com wrote:

I know that there is a PowerManager class and a goToSleep method in
But the code follow does not work.Anybody can tell me why?

PowerManager pm=(PowerManager)ServiceManager.getService

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[android-developers] Re: get music player state

2009-08-27 Thread GodsMoon

I would also like to know this?

On Aug 20, 5:41 pm, STuFF nchall...@gmail.com wrote:

 I wonder if it's possible to getmusicplayer state, like which is the
 currentmusicplaying, title, author and so on ?
 Better, is it possible for an activity (or a service) to be notified
 onmusicstate changements (startplaying, pause, etc.)

 Someone can help me ?
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[android-developers] Home Screen Detection

2009-08-27 Thread GodsMoon

I'm writing a back ground app and would like to be able to tell which
app is currently running (actually has focus).
I'm particularly interested in if the Home screen is being shown.
Can anyone help with this?
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[android-developers] Re: Home Screen Detection

2009-08-27 Thread GodsMoon

That might be enough info for my app.
Which api are you looking at?

On Aug 27, 6:06 pm, Chris Stratton cs07...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Aug 27, 5:40 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm writing a back ground app and would like to be able to tell which
  app is currently running (actually has focus).
  I'm particularly interested in if the Home screen is being shown.
  Can anyone help with this?

 I got stumped on that too.

 There is a call that will get a list of what is running and tell if it
 has user-interactive level of priority, but that's not unique enough -
 a few things (in call screen for example) keep this even when their
 window is not visible.  Another problem is that latin input method can
 show up in the list interactive priority, but you don't know what
 application it is accepting input on behalf of.
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[android-developers] Re: get music player state

2009-08-27 Thread GodsMoon

Look's like this might do the trick.

On Aug 27, 4:19 pm, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would also like to know this?

 On Aug 20, 5:41 pm, STuFF nchall...@gmail.com wrote:


  I wonder if it's possible to getmusicplayer state, like which is the
  currentmusicplaying, title, author and so on ?
  Better, is it possible for an activity (or a service) to be notified
  onmusicstate changements (startplaying, pause, etc.)

  Someone can help me ?
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[android-developers] Re: How to make device to sleep?

2009-08-25 Thread GodsMoon

I would like to know how to put the device to sleep and how to wake it
up as well.

On Jul 20, 9:45 pm, Sansiro wangjiangfeng0...@gmail.com wrote:
 Now  I use the code follow:


 But it still does not work.

 On Jul 21, 9:07 am, Sansiro wangjiangfeng0...@gmail.com wrote:

  I know that there is a PowerManager class and a goToSleep method in
  But the code follow does not work.Anybody can tell me why?

  PowerManager pm=(PowerManager)ServiceManager.getService

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[android-developers] Re: How would you like your app marketed?

2008-05-30 Thread GodsMoon

Ideally I would like a Google run store that was loaded on all google
phones so all users to browse and rate apps. Maybe even watch a video
of the app in action before they made a purchase.
Have a very flexible sales scheme: free, free trial, one time
purchase, subscription, shareware, etc (anybody want to add to this
list?) Would like to offer multiple pay schemes for the same app.
Also, ideally it would allow some usage tracking so us developers
would know how much people use the app in general, do they use the GPS
parts, which screens are the stickiest, which phone model is the most
Also a system to easy notify users of app updates.

Am I missing anything?

David Shellabarger

On May 30, 3:09 pm, Vasanth Sridharan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey all,
 I'm working on a story about Android app marketing for Silicon Alley
 Insider. Yesterday at Google I/O, the Android lead alluded to an Android App
 store. My question -- how would you like the store to operate? Is there a
 better way to get apps in the hands of the consumers? And what, if any, help
 do you think Google can provide in accomplishing this?

 Vasanth Sridharan

 Vasanth Sridharan
 Silicon Alley Insider
 C: (408) 455-2254http://www.alleyinsider.comhttp://www.vasanthsridharan.com
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[android-developers] Will Google have an App Store?

2008-04-21 Thread GodsMoon

script type=text/javascript src=http://www.easy-poll.com/
div style=margin : 5px; background-color : #EE; width: 160px;
border : 1px solid #CC; padding : 2px;a href=http://www.easy-
poll.com title=easy-poll.com: free online pollseasy-poll.com: free
online polls/a/div
table width=160 align=center border=0 style=font-family:
Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #66; 
td width=20 style=padding-bottom: 9px;a href=http://www.easy-
poll.com/ target=_blankimg src=http://www.easy-poll.com/
sonda.gif alt=free polls border=0 //a/td
td style=padding-bottom: 9px; width=140bDo you think Google
will have an App Store?/b/td
td width=20input style=border-width: 0px; background: none;
type=radio name=sonda_reply value=0 onclick=glosuj_na(0);
checked=checek //td
td width=140Yes, and it will be awesome/td
td width=20input style=border-width: 0px; background: none;
type=radio name=sonda_reply value=1 onclick=glosuj_na(1);  //
td width=140No, the cell cariers will do this/td
td width=20input style=border-width: 0px; background: none;
type=radio name=sonda_reply value=2 onclick=glosuj_na(2);  //
td width=140No, I'm going to use: itzybit, SlideME, etc /td
td width=20input style=border-width: 0px; background: none;
type=radio name=sonda_reply value=3 onclick=glosuj_na(3);  //
td width=140Yes, but it will suck/td
td width=20input style=border-width: 0px; background: none;
type=radio name=sonda_reply value=4 onclick=glosuj_na(4);  //
td width=140What do you mean App Store?/td
td align=center colspan=2
br /
input type=hidden name=glosuj_na id=glosuj_na value=0 /
input type=button value=Vote ! onclick=glosuj() style=font-
weight: bold /
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