Russian Speaker: NATO Won't Benefit Georgian People [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff



Parliament Speaker Gennady Seleznyov was quite
explicit as to NATO being unable to benefit the
Georgian people when he commented at a St.Petersburg
session of the CIS inter-parliamentary assembly on
Georgia's military cooperation with the United States.

All recent international parliamentary meetings were
marked by Georgian representatives criticizing Russia
and Russian peace-keepers in Abkhazia, said the
Speaker. Meanwhile, Georgia is accusing Moscow of
supporting this self-proclaimed republic of Abkhazia,
once integrated in Georgia. We have not heard however
a single statement about what the Georgian leadership
and parliament are doing to consolidate the statehood,
to prevent the break-up of the country, to step up
economic development and do away with unemployment and
poverty, said the Speaker. 

Seleznyov believes that the Georgian authorities are
seeking an external foe for distracting public opinion
from internal problems. NATO will hardly benefit the
Georgian people - this policy has no future, said

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Of Nukes, Maneuvers And Stubborn Perceptions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Russia Journal
MARCH 22-28, 2002 Vol.5, No.10 (153) 
Of nukes, maneuvers and stubborn perceptions
By GORDON M. HAHN / The Russia Journal 

-U.S. nuclear weapons target some 2,000 sites in
Russia. Others are the targets of British and French
nuclear arms. American troops are now being stationed
across the C.I.S. – as of now only in four states:
Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. NATO
member Turkey is ethnically close to Azerbaijan, and
some leaders in Baku have called for a NATO presence
in their country.
-All of this heightens the effect of another recent
event. Last week, NATO conducted military maneuvers
near Russia’s borders. Besides NATO members, the
exercise, Strong Resolve 2002, involved Estonia,
Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
The scenario envisioned an enemy attack on NATO from
the north and a simultaneous invasion of a Central
European NATO member state. Unless Latvia – the only
northern state besides Russia not included in the
exercise – is regarded as a potential enemy of the
very alliance it is about to join and, unless Belarus
is considered a potential invader, the only possible
enemy in this scenario is Russia.

With the next Russian-American summit two months away,
the West has still failed to squarely face the
fundamental and by now decade-old questions
undermining its relationship with Russia. Which side
has greater capabilities, the West or Russia? If the
tables were turned, how would U.S. decision-makers, as
rational actors, respond to the overwhelming
countervailing capabilities Russia perceives and
encounters from the West?

The news that the United States has included Russia on
a list of countries to be targeted by American nuclear
weapons – along with China, North Korea, Iraq, Iran,
Syria and Libya – has sent shock waves through
political elites here and across the Big Pond. On the
one hand, this news is not surprising; on another,
it is shocking, raising serious doubts about the
ability of Western bureaucracies to overcome old

It has been known for a long time that Russia was not
de-targeted by the United States after the Cold War.
That Russia has preserved such status might be
regarded an achievement of sorts: It has retained one
trait that marked its superpower greatness. The cycle
in which the United States annually rediscovers that
the Cold War is over and promises to develop a new
relationship with Russia is more striking. 

This is news because it spectacularly debunks a
fashionable argument made by U.S. officials and
analysts. Russia should not be so disturbed by
America’s nuclear arsenal, the argument goes, because
the United States is not unsettled by British or
French nuclear warheads and vice versa. Friends do not
begrudge friends’ defense capabilities.
Unfortunately, this formula leaves out the most
important variables: U.S. weapons are not zeroed in on
London or Paris, nor are British and French nuclear
projectiles aimed at Washington.

To understand Russian reaction to the West’s military
posture, we should consider a concise statement made
by George Shultz, who served as secretary of state
during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. In regards to the
fundamental principle that should inform national
security decision-making, he noted that states design
policy not on the basis of the intentions of other
states, but on the basis of their capabilities. Repeat
this to yourself, several times if need be, and then
take a gander at the world through the security
calculus of the Kremlin or, say, from Arbatskaya
Ploshchad, where Russia’s General Staff divines
defense policy.

U.S. nuclear weapons target some 2,000 sites in
Russia. Others are the targets of British and French
nuclear arms. American troops are now being stationed
across the C.I.S. – as of now only in four states:
Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. NATO
member Turkey is ethnically close to Azerbaijan, and
some leaders in Baku have called for a NATO presence
in their country.

A high-ranking delegation of U.S. officers recently
visited Armenia to discuss stepping up military
cooperation. The U.S.-Georgian operation in the
Pankisi Gorge will target only Taliban and al-Qaida
forces, giving Chechen terrorists a pass. Later this
year, the three former Soviet Baltic republics, along
with as many as four other countries near Russia’s
western borders, will join NATO, already the most
powerful military machine in history.

All of this heightens the effect of another recent
event. Last week, NATO conducted military maneuvers
near Russia’s borders. Besides NATO members, the
exercise, Strong Resolve 2002, involved Estonia,
Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
The scenario envisioned an enemy attack on NATO from
the north and a simultaneous 


2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


Macedonian Information Agency
March 27, 2002 


It was relatively peaceful in Kumanovo-Lipkovo crisis
region overnight, while Tuesday evening at about 19h,
a group of armed persons, threw a hand grenade towards
the police checkpoint on the road between the villages
of Aracinovo and Nikustak, and opened a fire upon the
Macedonian security forces The Macedonian police
responded to the attack and the perpetrators escaped.

According to army sources, in the village of Nikustak,
Matejce, Vaksince and Ropaljce, series of 20 sporadic
and four rifle shots were registered Tuesday

The ethnically mixed police forces are scheduled to
enter the village of Slupcane on Wednesday.

It is relatively calm without any shootouts Wednesday
morning in Tetovo region. No shots were registered
after midnight in Tetovo or its surrounding.

According to the Department of Interior, some firings
were registered Tuesday evening, coming from the
Elementary School Bratsko Migeni and from the Cetinska

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FYROM: Terrorist Chief Elected Head Of 'Coordinative Council' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


[A brief background piece on Ali Ahmeti follows]

Balkan Report 
Ali Ahmeti Elected President Of Coordinative Council

All Kosovo dailies today report on the appointment of
Ali Ahmeti, the former political leader of the NLA, as
the president of the Co-ordination Council of the
Albanians in Macedonia, in a meeting held yesterday in
Tetova. A communiqué issued by the Council said that
Ahmeti’s unanimous election “proved the unity of the
Macedonian Albanians to develop and promote democratic
values as a factor of stability and integration of
Macedonia into the Euro-Atlantic structures”. In other
news, Koha Ditore reports that despite NATO calls for
Macedonian Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski to
disband the special ‘Lions’ police unit created during
the crisis, Boskovski announced on Saturday that this
unit is a regular police unit. The minister was
speaking at a ceremony marking the completion of a
three-month training course in Manastir for members of
this unit. His announcement follows international
criticism that Lions are an illegitimate police unit.

Rights Watch: Dear Mr. Ahmeti
by Rick Rozoff

August 1, 2001

Human Rights Watch, whose interests and positions so
closely (suspiciously if you like) parallel those of
the United States State Department, politely requests
that the political leader of the self-styled National
Liberation Army in Macedonia, the lifelong separatist
extremist Ali Ahmeti, abide by international
humanitarian law. (The Human Rights Watch appeal is
appended below.) 
Though, contrary to the title of the missive, the
letter in fact requests that both sides in the
conflict - the legitimate, legally-elected government,
and the armed insurgency launched from Kosovo and
Albania - respect Common Article 3 of the Geneva
Conventions pertaining to what Human Rights Watch
characterizes as internal armed conflicts. In
keeping with HRW's stated policy of 'deferring
judgment' on the legitimacy of said internal armed
conflicts, its spokeperson, Holly Cartner, fully
equates the aggressor and the victim; the
legally-constituted authority, which is not accused of
either provoking or even creating any pretext for the
armed uprising, and the crime syndicate-linked and
-funded racial terrorists. 
In the interim between the deferential letter from Ms.
Carter to Mr. Ahmeti almost three months ago and now,
Ahmeti and his pan-Albanian mercenaries have unleashed
a full-scale insurrection throughout the nation,
ethnically cleansing dozens of villages and
contributing to the displacement of - by some
estimates - over 120,000 civilians, a sizeable
percentage of Macedonia's two million people. Human
Rights Watch has kept a low profile since on this
issue, except for reports on alleged mistreatment of
ethnic Albanians and Western press personnel. When an
organization like HRW advances its concerns from those
affecting non-combatants in internal armed conflicts
to the mistreatment, real or fancied, of insurgents -
which is certainly impending - then it crosses the
threshold of supposed impartiality into treating the
belligerents as equal parties to the conflict, and
thus internationalizes what in truth is a matter of
internal criminal law enforcement. That HRW has at
least left the door open for such a prospect is
evident by Cartner's following up her reference to the
Geneva Conventions by her revealing invocation of the
fundamental principle[s] of the laws of war. 

Who is Dear Mr. Ahmeti? 

Holly Cartner, Executive Director of Human Rights
Watch's Europe and Central Asia Division, has kept a
close enough eye on the Balkans over the past years to
know who she was so respectfully writing to. For
anyone not familiar with Mr. Ahmeti, whose history
suggests someone anything but dear, he possesses, to
employ an expression familiar to the American if not
the Albanian underworld, a rap sheet as long as his
Regarding his recent activties, in addition to waging
war against the sovereign nation of Macedonia and its
civilian population from his base in Prizren in
Kosovo, Ahmeti reportedly found time to appear on an
Australian radio broadcast and announce the launching
of a Liberation Army of Chameria in Northern Greece,
claiming he already had fighters and weapons in place
When questioned about this, the latest plan for his
decades' old project for a Greater Albania, he denied
it - but then Ahmeti has denied a number of things in
his lifetime. 
Had he been asked about his clandestine meeting with
American OSCE representative Robert Frowick in mid-May
of this year - a meeting held in Ahmeti's headquarters
in Kosovo with Macedonian ethnic Albanian political
leaders, and cabinet ministers, Arben Xhaferi and Imer
Imeri - he might well have denied that also, except
that Frowick himself didn't deny that it occurred. In
a feature in the London 

RE: FYROM: Terrorist Chief Elected Head Of 'Coordinative Council' [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-03-27 Thread jonathan


It should be clear to all that the 'saintly' Albanians are permitted nd encouraged to 
kill and dispossess whomsoever they wish - until Uncle Sam is directly affected. 
Whilst those 'evil Serbs' deserve all they get. Some egs from this week's press:
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - A Serbian court Tuesday sentenced a former Bosnian interior 
minister to three months in jail for running a business in Serbia with forged 
documents, a news agency reported..Alija Delimustafic, who headed the ministry in 
charge of police when the Bosnian war broke out in 1992, had pleaded guilty to the 
crime. When released, he is expected to be extradited to Bosnia, where he is wanted on 
separate charges of organized crime, the independent news agency Beta reported...He 
was arrested by Serbian police in January, and reports about Delimustafic's true 
identity triggered outrage as many Serbs blame him for the killings of dozens of 
Yugoslav army soldiers killed by Bosnian police in 1992 as they were withdrawing from 
the newly independent Bosnia...The Belgrade court did not deal with Delimustafic's 
role in the war and handed him the minimal prison term for falsifying personal 
documents, a crime that carries a prison term of up to five years.' Harsh Serbian 
justice against an 'innocent' Bosnian Muslim 'freedom fighting leader'

'Five Bosnians _ four of whom survived the Srebrenica massacre _ killed in traffic 
Hirkic and her sons survived the July 1995 Srebrenica massacre in which up to 8,000 
men were killed by Bosnian Serb troops.'  Numbers up again. Bosnian Muslim men have 
now become women.

US Embassy Reopens in Sarajevo 
Mon Mar 25, 5:49 PM ET 
'The embassy shut down amid fears last week that al-Qaida terrorists were planning a 
major attack on Americans in Bosnia. It was closed to the public Wednesday and shut 
down entirely on Friday.'

They magically appeared after the war in order to pick on the 'freedom loving' 
Americans who are protecting their Muslim brethren. Ungrateful lot!

'SFOR to scour Bosnia for illegal weapons during cranked-up Operation Harvest
By Ivana Avramovic, Bosnia bureau
European edition, Tuesday, March 26, 2002
SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Troops will check every attic, basement, cave, 
barn, dark corner and car trunk to find illegal weapons still abundant six years after 
the end of the war, the Stabilization Forces' top commander said during a news 
conference Friday.' Disarmed the KLA too
© 2002 Stars and Stripes
'Shootout among former rebels in Macedonia leaves at last two dead, several wounded 
TETOVO, Macedonia - Overnight clashes between rival ethnic Albanian rebel factions in 
Macedonia left at least two militants dead and several others wounded, a NATO 
spokesman said Tuesday.'

Must have been started by the Serbs and their lackies, the Macedonians.

Assessing the Effects of NATO's Air Strikes Three Years on
By Jolyon Naegele 
'It was the 15 January 1999 massacre by Serb forces of 45 Albanian inhabitants of the 
Kosovo village of Racak that so incensed the international community and paved the way 
to launching the air strikes.

Racak resident Faik Limani lost three grown sons in the massacre, leaving him with 
seven fatherless grandchildren. After the air strikes ended, Limani praised the 
bravery of William Walker, the Kosovo mission chief of the Organization for Security 
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Walker laid the blame squarely on Belgrade on a 
visit to Racak the day after the massacre.

If Walker had not come here and had not seen the bodies, it would have been just 
another forgotten massacre, Limani said. The world would have known nothing of what 
had happened here, and NATO would not have intervened. NATO saved us. Without NATO, we 
would have all been exterminated. The lives of my three sons are the price we have 
paid for freedom. After all, only freedom is worth what we went through.

The air strikes also unleashed a massive wave of violence by the Serb forces in Kosovo 
directed at the province's ethnic Albanian inhabitants -- 800,000 of whom fled under 
duress to neighboring Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and beyond...A new Albanian 
nationalist spirit, free of fear of Serb repression, occurred in Kosovo almost 
overnight.Gjakova greets the UCK,Pristina greets the UCK,Gjilan greets the 
UCK,All Drenica is talking about the UCK,UCK from hill to hill,
The UCK is shedding blood. The refrain of this war-time Albanian pop song, titled 
The UCK Greets Kosovo and sung by Bekim Ibrahimi and the group Korabi, could be 
heard on sidewalks and in marketplaces across Kosovo, an audible warning to all Serbs 
that what they had called the cradle of Serb civilization for generations was Serb 
land no more...An initial post-conflict wave of murders -- 400 in the first six months 
after NATO's arrival, with one-third of the victims Serb, 

Re: Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stephen Gowans


But Nancy, Margolis is a vegan! And he would never countenance the sending of 
chickens to Afghanistan.
Still, you may be right. At the same time we prevail upon to 
blacklist Margolis, maybe we can get them to stop posting Pat Buchanan and 
Justin Raimondo. Surely there are people on the Left (and not Chomskyites, 
Trotskyites, social democrats, anarchists, world socialists, libertarian 
socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives and Blairites) who are making the 
same points on Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe some of them are 
vegans. How about Alexander Cockburn? Or does he work for the CIA?
Another idea: Being an unrepentant ovolacto vegetarian (yes, I do drink milk: 
mea culpa), I think my writing should be posted before any of those other guys. 
After all, who needs ideas, when you have the right political loyalties (and 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 
  Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
---" Other people are making the same points 
  he is on Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to provide 
  this enemy of ours with more exposure and authority than his contacts in 
  the intelligence community have already succeeded in doing. 
  Respectfully, Rick " 
  My sentiments exactly! How can we get to see this point? 
  peacefully yours, Nancy Hey 
  mart-remote wrote: 
  Well said Rick. Please, let's not give this bastard 
any more exposure than he already gets, or even the thinest veneer of 
credibilty. Margolis is a CIA-KLA terrorist who happens to use a typewriter 
to kill people. His words do not belong on this list. One slight correction. 
He is with the Toronto Sun, not the Toronto 
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:25:32 -0800 (PST) From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? - Columnist Eric Margolis 
Dear Friends, 
For anyone not already acquainted with the fact, Eric Margolis is a 
Western disinformation agent who boasts, inter alia, of smuggling 
rockets into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and possessing a host 
of intelligence contacts, including with the CIA. A quick Google 
search with the words "Eric Margolis socialism" will demonstrate with 
whom we're dealing. There is nothing remotely enlightened or progressive 
about this individual, notwithstanding the fact that his columns, 
from the very establishment Toronto Star where he is the official 
foreign correspondent, have been crossposted and linked on several US 
'progressive' sites fairly regularly of late. In fact, the only time 
he criticizes Western militarism, aside from goading it into being more 
aggressive (e.g. "Stopping Europe's New Nazis" and "Serbia Needs 
Moral Cleansing"), is when one of his presumed co-religionists is under 
fire. As such he operates on a personal, and hardly political or 
principled, agenda. Other people are making the same points he is on 
Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to provide this 
enemy of ours with more exposure and authority than his contacts in the 
intelligence community have already succeeded in doing. 
Respectfully, Rick  

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Brazil questions 9-11-CFR freaks out [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread TOOLGT


Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2002, 10:52 p.m. 
[Source: Folha OnLine, Sept 14; "Anti-Americanism in Brazil," 
by Kenneth Maxwell, in Spring 2002 issue (#9), 
{Correspondence: An International Review of Culture and Society} 
BRAZILIAN ECONOMIST CELSO FURTADO WARNED right after the attacks. Furtado is one of Brazil's most famous economists, 
and a close buddy of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso 
(they roomed together in Paris for awhile in the 1970's). {Folha OnLine} published its interview with Furtado on Sept. 14. Furtado's argument was angrily cited in a recent piece 
by the Council on Foreign Relation's Kenneth Maxwell. Furtado told {Folha} that one hypothesis, which many will come to, 
is that behind the attacks were "very-well organized people of the American Right. 
To organize an operation of this breadth, with this fantastic synchronization... 
leads one to think of someone within the United States, 
an internal organization." The American Right wants the world to return to a new Cold War, 
and could use Sept. 11 to accomplish that. 
A Cold War against "undefined social movements, 
[and] against marginalized countries." If they prevail, this will mean that the United States 
will go for the Free Trade Accord of the Americas, 
and "there will not be the least space for Latin America 
to develop on its own." Furtado told {Folha} he did not foresee 
a Third World War developing, but rather a "hardline policy 
with respect to Third World countries," which will provoke 
new types of conflict and "generalized terrorism," 
in which the "grievous situation" suffered today by Africa, 
which has been totally marginalized, could spread throughout the world. The situation would be much worse, if the attacks were planned 
by the American Right, and not extremist Islamic groups, 
he commented. A domestic enemy would have to be very powerful. "The fact that something like this could arise within the United States, 
with the power and the resources which they have, 
could be a very big challenge to humanity. 
This would reproduce the Reichstag [Fire], in Germany, 
which created Hitler. The Parliament was burned by the Right, 
which blamed the Left." [Source: as cited above] KENNETH MAXWELL, DIRECTOR OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS' 
and not onboard the U.S.' post-Sept. 11 plans. Maxwell's nasty article, published in the just-released issue 
of the CFR's semi-annual publication, {Correspondence}, 
on the theme, "The World  Terrorism: What the U.S. Media Missed," 
reflects the hysteria growing in Anglo-American circles over the 
danger that Brazil might break with their globalization empire. Maxwell claims Brazilians such as Celso Furtado are 
"blaming the victim," when Furtado "suggested in one of Brazil's 
most influential newspapers that...a more plausible explanation... 
for this disaster was a provocation carried out 
by the American far right to justify a takeover," 
in an act comparable "to the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 
and the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany." Some in the U.S. argued that the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil 
should have been recalled for consultations, 
after President Fernando Henrique Cardoso told the French 
in mid-October that "barbarism is not only the cowardliness 
of terrorism, but also the intolerance or the imposition 
of unilateral policies on a global scale." The U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela was recalled, 
when its "populist" President Hugo Chavez said 
"much the same thing," he wrote. Maxwell lumps what Furtado and Cardoso said, 
as of a piece with the crazed remarks 
of psycho Liberation Theology guru Leonardo Boff, 
that he was sorry that only one plane, 
and not 25 such planes, hit the Pentagon. And he complains that polls showed that 79% of Brazilian "unequivocally" opposed 
any U.S. military attack against countries that hosted those responsible 
for Sept. 11 attacks, and 78% opposed any Brazilian military participation in any U.S. armed response. "So much for Hemispheric solidarity. 
And remember that this is not Saudi Arabia 
--mullahs do not set the cultural tone here," Maxwell writes. 


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NEWS ON CONGO 040: GLAC: The Congo in danger [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


This didn't reach the list on 24.03; I'm trying
again now, 26.03.02. - RM

NEWS ON CONGO 040: GLAC: The Congo in danger
[Posted: 24.03.02]

NOTE: On websites with information on the DR Congo and for
some contact addresses, see endnote last in this posting.


Below follows, in my translation from the French, a recent
message from GRANDS-LACS CONFIDENTIEL (GLAC), Canada, a spe-
cial edition of its regular bulletins, published on 23 March
and posted to the CONGOTRIBUNE mailing list (address see
endnote) today 24.03: ATTENTION: CONGO EN DANGER. The
original message cited in this special edition had the date
23 January 2002.

In the DR Congo, then called Zaire, an uprising against the
Mobutu dictatorship which had oppressed and fleeced the
people in favour of imperialism since 35 years back, started
in late 1996 and was victorious on 17.05.1997, when the pre-
sent state, the Democratic Republic of Congo, was founded.
The liberation struggle was led by Laurent-Désiré Kabila,
who also became the first president of the DRC.

The DR Congo from the start set itself the goal of freeing
the country from imperialist exploitation and building up
an actually democratic form of government in it, thereby
also setting up an example for all of Africa and for simi-
larly exploited countries elsewhere. Because of this, the US
and other imperialists instigated a war of aggression against
that country on 02.08.1998 by three neighbouring states, a
war which so far, directly or indirectly, has cost the lives
of over 3,000,000 people and which still continues. One-half
of the DR Congo today is under foreign occupation. The people
in the whole country continues to suffer enormously. It very
much needs the support of the people in all other countries.

After the foul murder of L-D Kabila on 16.01.2001, his son,
Joseph Kabila, was installed as president; a government led
by J. Kabila has continued the struggle against the aggres-
sion since then.

Since some weeks back now, a conference is being held in
Sun City, South Africa, in which attempts by the imperia-
lists to gain control over the whole of the DR Congo by so-
called peaceful means are confronted by the strivings of
the Congolese people and the country's lawful government to
retain the independence of the DRC.

The UN Security Council on 19.03 by its Resolution 1399
(2002) condemned the recent military seizure by the aggres-
sors, in flagrant violation of the present armistice, of
the city of Moliro in the south-east of the DR Congo, and
demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of
the forces of the so-called RCD-Goma, one of the agres-
sors' puppets, from that city.

End of intro note

[QUOTE - in translation:]

Founded on 13 January 1999
23 March 2002


To the attention of:

- The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Congolese present at the Intercongolese Dialogue at
   Sun City, South Africa
- The United Nations organization
- Member countries of the European Union
- All human-rights organizations
- The African Union
- The press

Bujumbura (Burundi), 23 January 2002

Troops of mercenaries specially recruited by Rwanda and Ugan-
da [aggressor countries which are now, together with Burundi,
occupying approximately half of the DR Congo, at the instiga-
tion of the US and other imperialists - RM] are stationed in
the military camps in Bujumbura for transit to the Democratic
Republic of Congo, where they are to prepare for staging a
final assault for conquering the copper-producing city of Lu-
bumbashi, capital of the Katanga province.

Well-informed sources in the Burundian capital have disclosed
that more than 15,000 mercenaries recruited in Somalia are
stationed in the military camps in Bujumbura (Gakumbu, Ngaga,
Muha) in transit to Muliro (in the north of Katanga) at Lake
Tanganyika. At the time when GLAC received this message, a
contingent of these Somalian mercenaries had already continued
to the Congolese front.

A the time of our publishing this information, our sources
have said that the remaining contingent of the Somalian mer-
cenaries were still at Bujumbura late in the evening.

At the time of writing, these troups reportedly are on their
way towards Katanga.

According to the same sources, Great Britain, supported by
certain other Western countries, does not believe in the
ongoing dialogue at Sun City and fears that a success of
this dialogue would be detrimental to the alliances which it
has signed with Western multi-national companies for control-
ling the Congo.

Paul Kagame [strongman of Rwanda - RM] on his part is encou-
raging such an option as would permit him to conquer the Ka-
tanga, the mining heart of the Congo.

If Katanga were conquered, a march on Kinshasa would be only
a question of days.

All this comes only days after the Angolan defence minister's
declaration in which he 

UNITE! Info #166en: 1/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


This didn't reach the list on 20.03; I'm trying
again now, 26.03.02. - RM

UNITE! Info #166en: 1/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan


In #136en of this series, 'A mail to Thomas Gold, Cc others',
of 16.09.2000, 12 scientific megahoaxes of today were listed
as being quite serious attacks on the people in all countries
by the main reactionaries in the world, intended at all costs
to preserve the international capitalist and imperialist
system of oppression and exploitation a little longer.

I in that Info announced as a programme of mine to investi-
gate further, as well as I could, in the respective cases:

A:  What are the main actual facts of the matter
B:  Who are perpetrating the hoax, and since when
C:  Why is the hoax being perpetrated
D:  What damage does the hoax, as propagandized
and acted on, cause to the vast majority of
people on earth
E:  How can and must the hoax be combated.

The rather recent #165en, 'The big greenhouse hoax (1)' (in
4 parts, 22.02.02), was a result of one part of this program-
me, and so is the present Info.

One immediate reason for its being written and sent now is
the spilling-over of part of a debate on some newsgroups
concerning the questions touched on in Info #165en into the
questions pertaining to a supposed manmade ozone hole.

On a discussion under Re: Ozone hole?, which the writer
hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] had showed me was going on, I
commented briefly, and on 08.03 got some replies from Paul F.
Dietz [EMAIL PROTECTED] and David Bell wraith7@mb., arguing i.a.:

[Paul F. Dietz:]
 I used to be skeptical of CFCs affecting the ozone layer.
 But the theory that anthropogenic halocarbons are respon-
 sible for the ozone hole has been proved beyond a reasonable
 doubt. To believe otherwise these days is on par with be-
 lieving the earth is flat...,

and later in reply to my question, what was the evidence
for this, a reference, by both writers, to the website:

This is a FAQ in 4 parts on this matter by Robert Parson,
University of Colorado, USA, last updated in 1997, which ap-
parently has been quoted quite often in debates.

I've now studied this site, which turns out to be another of
the swindle kind (by whose fault more precisely, I cannot
tell), a relatively advanced and also in part informative
such. I've gained some more knowledge on the purported ozone
depletion also by looking up the sites:

The Science and Environmental Policy Project (S. Fred
Singer and others, USA):
(with articles on the subject from 1989 to 1998),

a 1994 article by Robert J. Bidinotto, Ozone Depletion:

and the homepages of, among others, The World Meteorological
Organization (WMO), the TOMS satellite and the Swedish meteo-
rological institute, SMHI - the last-mentioned has some data,
both from as far back as the 1950s and, not least, some quite
recent ones, which in my judgement contribute importantly to-
wards refuting the ozone hole hoax. Like all other offi-
cial organs (of the richer states at least), the SMHI too
(of course) propagandistically supports that same hoax.

Also, the 1992 book by Maduro and Schauerhammer, USA: The
Holes in the Ozone Scare, from which most of my earlier
knowledge or supposed knowledge on the subject has stemmed
(though I - of course - didn't and don't agree with the poli-
tical line advocated in it), still very much is to be recom-
mended, in my opinion, and I shall quote extensively from it.

(One proposition advanced by that book as one of several ma-
jor arguments against the scare, later criticized both by
Parson and by Bidinotto [see above], in fact obviously is
false - its saying that natural amounts of chlorine in the
stratosphere must always be much bigger than any resulting
from breakdown of CFCs, supposedly a manmade factor adding to
the always occuring natural processes which destroy ozone.
But this question, as will be seen, has very little relevance

The scientific questions concerning the ozone layer in the
atmosphere, possible changes in it and possible effects of
such changes on human life make up a whole which is more com-
plicated than the one concerning possible climate change, for
instance. And the covering-up and confusion-mongering, by the
main reactionaries, in connection with this big ozone hole
hoax, is even more massive than that connected with their pa-
rallel (and in part 

UNITE! Info #166en: 2/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 2/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 1/8]


Against that hurry, above all by the main forces of US impe-
rialism at that time but also by others, rather many scien-
tists protested. The fact that obviously, some political rea-
sons or other lay behind it was publicly pointed out by some
of them too, for instance by S. Fred Singer. He wrote, con-
cerning one conference, the political activity in connection
with it and the enormously harmful effects of the bans de-
cided on (see

My Adventures in the Ozone Layer
by S. Fred Singer
National Review, June 1989

The 123-nation Conference to Save the Ozone Layer,
held in London in March 1989, ended with a whimper.
The developing nations, principally China and India,
were quite unconvinced by the evidence and unwilling
to go along with the European Community and the
United States in rushing to phase out completely the
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other widely used che-
micals. It seems they know better.

It is rumored that Mrs. Thatcher was converted into a
global ozone fan by Sir Crispin Tickell, the diplomat
turned eco-freak. Lord knows who the President Bush
has been listening to, but he deserves better advice.

Now it's on to a European conference in the Hague to
which Maggie and George have not been invited --tsk,
tsk-- and then a follow-up to London in Helsinki in
May. All this after the 1985 Vienna Convention, the
Montreal Protocol (Sept 1987), Geneva, Toronto, and
who knows how many other international gabfests in
between. Who can keep track of them? Norway's Prime
Minister Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland hardly spends
time in Oslo anymore. My word! When do these people
ever govern?

The hyperactivity this creates in the agencies, main-
ly in the State Department and EPA, has to be seen to
be believed. The congressional Government Accounting
Office would have done an investigation and totaled
up the thousands of hours and the huge resources
spent on this issue -- except for the fact that Con-
gress and its staffs are just as involved. As the
Hill folks try to outdo the Administration and the
feds dream up new initiatives, things are building up
to a fever pitch -- spurred on by lurid stories in
the media about the imminent danger. Arctic Ozone is
Poised for a Fall scream the headlines. Skin Cancer
is on the Rise!

Is it all hype? Or is it a hoax? And is the hysteria
for real? As we'll see later, the scientific basis
for the much-touted ozone crisis may be evaporating--
leaving the new breed of geo-eco-politicians high and

I am not against CFC control at all; but look at the
poor state of the scientific evidence. The case
against CFCs is based on a theory of ozone depletion,
plausible but quite incomplete-- and certainly not
reliable in its quantitative predictions.

And substituting for CFCs is no simple matter. A New
York Times report of March 7, 1989 talks about the
disadvantages of the CFC substitutes. They may be
toxic, flammable, and corrosive; and they certainly
won't work as well. They'll reduce the energy effici-
ency of appliances such as refrigerators, and they'll
deteriorate, requiring frequent replacement.

Nor is this all; about $135 billion of equipment use
CFCs in the U.S. alone, and much of this equipment
will have to be replaced or modified to work well
with the CFC substitutes. Eventually that will in-
volve 100 million home refrigerators, the air-condi-
tioners in 90 million cars, and the central air-con-
ditioning plants in 100,000 large buildings. Good
luck! The total costs haven't really been added up

These are some of the costs we are now trying to im-
pose on the developing countries who can ill afford
them. Sanctions through a new U.N. agency seem to be
out -- at least for the time being. But trade bar-
riers can accomplish the same results and won't make
us beloved. One can hear already the charge of en-
vironmental imperialism from third-world countries
accusing the West of protecting its pocket books as
well as its fair skins. Keep in mind that olive-
skinned and dark-skinned people are not very suscep-
tible to skin tumors caused by solar ultraviolet

Of course, if we in 

UNITE! Info #166en: 3/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 3/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 2/8]


Over Sweden, as over other countries rather far away from the
equator, ozone levels vary quite considerably, from day to
day even, and in particular with the seasons. And there are
some - smaller but important - periodic year-to-year varia-
tions too. More on this under points 08 and 11 below.

Normally, the ozone layer at our latitudes is at its thick-
est in the spring...Typical levels for March and April over
Sweden are between 350 and 450 DU, SMHI, the meteorological
instiute here, says at its homepage (in Swedish, which I'm
translating here). The thickness of the ozone layer is mea-
sured in Dobson Units (DU - for a definition, see under point
08 below). I assume that in other seasons of the year, ozone
levels over this country often fall to under 300 DU, and that
an annual mean for Sweden may be something like 330 DU.

Thus, there are seasonal variations of sometimes over 30 per-
cent. These SMHI informations tally with those in Maduro's
and Schauerhammer's 1992 book: northern latitudes the thickness of the ozone
layer is almost 500 dobson units in March (spring),
dropping down to less than 300 dobson units by Octo-
ber (fall) - a depletion of 40 percent on the average
each year. In contrast, in the tropics (close to the
equator), the thickness of the ozone layer is 220 to
250 dobson units and shows little change on a seaso-
nal basis.

Parson's 1997 FAQ shows ozone levels and their seasonal va-
riations over St. Petersburg (at 60 degrees North, approxima-
tely the same as mid-Sweden) in a simliar way:

Location   Column thickness, Dobson Units

  Jan Apr Jul Oct

St. Petersburg, Russia (60º N)  360 425 345 300

Now some recent or relatively recent data reported by the
SMHI are quite interesting - concerning the question of
whether there in the last few decades may have have been some
more important trend of global ozone depletion (one conside-
rably larger, say, than 3 percent per decade) or not:

Generally speaking (the SMHI said recently at its
homepage) the ozone layer over the northern hemi-
sphere has been much thicker, during the years 2000
and 2001, than in many years before.

In the latest few weeks (up until 15.03.2002) the
ozone layer over Sweden has been relatively thick. On
2 March, a level of 556.7 DU was measured over Norr-
köping (which is at 58 degrees North) and a some-
what lower one over Vindeln (at 64 degrees N). 

Solar activity is likely to remain high this year
too but is expected to decrease the next year.
(Meaning that ozone production, which is caused by
the sun's UV radiation, will still be large too for
a while, over the globe as a whole, and later de-
crease. See also under point 11 below.)

The QBO (a quasi-biennial oscillation of the winds
blowing from the tropical regions, which have the
highest ozone production, to higher latitudes; the
ozone transport due to these winds is at its biggest
in periods with some 26 months in between) will
change its phase rather soon, and this means that
ozone levels will decrease in the coming winter and
spring. (More on the QBO too under point 11 below.)

And under Old News, the SMHI says, in a report from March


In Norrköping, on 23 February 2001 a new absolute
maximum record for measurements since 1988 was noted,
at 574 DU. The old all-time high was from 9 April
1988 and was 521 DU. A considerable increase!

In Uppsala (at 60 degrees N, thus quite similar to
Norrköping) the level was measured at 536 DU in
April 1961, which was an all-time high for the mea-
surements at that station, between 1951 and 1966. At
Vindeln, the all-time high since 1991 is 535 DU.
Probably there too, the level was higher on 23 Febru-
ary this year (2001).

So, not only was the ozone layer over the northern hemisphere
much thicker, in 2000-2001, than in many years before.
(How many years, the SMHI didn't say.) There even was an all-
time high (574 DU), on one day in 2001, not only considerably
above the previous one measured by the same station, at Norr-
köping, in 1988, its starting year (521 DU), but also consi-
derably above the all-time high (536 DU) reported way back in
1961 by the Uppsala station, which operated between 1951 and
1966. And that quite recent level too, from 2 March 

UNITE! Info #166en: 4/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 4/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 3/8]


That part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation which
is of interest in this context is shown in the table below.
All of this radiation, of different wavelengths, of course is
being emitted by the sun.

Type of radiation   Wavelengths
  (1 nm = 0.000,000,001 m)

[infrared (heat) radiation  700 nm - 1 mm]
visible light   400 nm - 700 nm
ultraviolet A radiation (UV-A)  320 nm - 400 nm
ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B)  280 nm - 320 nm
ultraviolet C radiation (UV-C)  40 nm - 280 nm
[X-rays0.01 nm -  40 nm]

These various types of radiation, all coming from the sun,
are filtered out in various ways and to various extents by
the atmosphere, so that only certain proportions of the radi-
ation of the respective types reach the ground.

Visible light accounts for less than 1 percent of all the
energy emitted as radiation by the sun towards the earth, but
it's hardly filtered away at all by the atmosphere. Almost
100 percent if it (the 400-700 nm wavelengths) reaches the
ground, which is probably why human (and most animal) eyes
have evolved to perceive precisely these wavelengths.

Ultraviolet waves (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) comprise 5 percent of
the total energy from solar radiation that reaches Earth, and
infrared waves comprise 40 percent of it. Neither ozone nor,
for instance, ordinary oxygen (O2) filter out any important
amounts of UV-A, so almost 100 percent of this radiation too
reaches the ground. The amount of UV-A that reaches the
ground is 100 times as large as the amount of UV-B that does
this. UV-A causes skin tans (to various individual degrees)
in white-skinned people, as does UV-B too.

UV-A, which is not absorbed by ozone, is not usually
thought to be especially dangerous, says Parson. He however
notes too, as do Maduro and Schauerhammer, a possiblity, sug-
gested by some scientists, that one particular kind of skin
cancers, called malignant melanoma, might be caused by
UV-A. These melanoma have been on the rise, in some coun-
tries, since the 1940s; they are infrequent but, in contrast
to other skin cancers, sometimes fatal. They clearly are not
caused by UV-B, and my sources, from 1992-97, agreed that
there was then no certainty at all about what did cause them.

Of UV-C, only very small amounts reach the earth's surface.
Practically all of it is filtered out by oxygen, O2, in the
atmosphere, some of it (the wavelengths below 240 nm), as
seen above, breaking up some of these oxygen molecules in the
stratosphere and in particular at its region some 30-35 km
up, thus forming ozone. (Most of) UV-C, that's ozone-produ-
cing stuff.

UV-B is the biologically most active and important, both in a
positive sense and a negative one, of the ultraviolet radia-
tion types. Most of the incoming UV-B is filtered out by
ozone (O3) and also by ordinary oxygen (O2) before it
reaches the surface. So it's in relation to UV-B that the
ozone layer has its most important shielding function.

Ozone absorbs very strongly in the ultraviolet region bet-
ween about 3,300 and 2,200 Å, (or 330 to 220 nm; Å or Ång-
ström is a unit often used earlier; 1 Å = 10^-10 m) the
strongest absorption being at a wavelength of about 2,500 Å
(250 nm) where it is extremely intense, Dobson wrote in
1968 (as quoted in 1992).

That is, ozone absorbs UV radiation best at a somewhat grea-
ter wavelength, 250 nm, than the ones which create it; these
are from 240 nm and downwards. In connection with this, Par-
son asks one question and answers it:

If the ozone is lost, won't the UV light just pene-
trate deeper into the atmosphere and make more ozone?

This does happen to some extent - it's called 'self-
healing' - and has the effect of moving ozone from
the upper to the lower stratosphere. Recall that
ozone is *created* by UV with wavelengths less than
240 nm, but functions by *absorbing* UV with wave-
lengths greater than 240 nm.

The peak of the ozone absorption band is at ~250 nm,
and the cross-section falls off at shorter wave-
lengths. The O2 and O3 absorption bands do overlap,
though, and UV radiation between 200 and 240 nm has a
good chance of being absorbed by *either* O2 or O3.
[Rowland and Molina 1975] (Below 200 nm the O2 ab-
sorption cross-section increases dramatically, and O3
absorption is insignificant in comparison.)

Since there is some overlap, a decrease in ozone does
lead to a small increase in absorption by O2. This is
a weak feedback, however, and it does not compensate
for the ozone destroyed.

Re: Site Mayi-Mayi [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


This didn't reach the list on 22.03; I'm trying
again now, 26.03.02. - RM

An important piece of information, petokraka;
thank you for this! I shall pass it on to others.

The forgotten aggression against the DR Congo,
which has so far cost over 2 million lives since it
started in August 1998, is one important thing
for all anti-imperialists to combat. The Mayi-Mayi,
fighting the US-etc-instigated aggressors in the
east, are a valiant lot. Certainly they need all the
international support they can get, and some more

Rolf M.

At 23:28 2002-03-11 -0500, you wrote:

In a message dated 06/03/02 20:10:19 Eastern Standard Time, 

Subj:[AfricaT] communiqué
Date:06/03/02 20:10:19 Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

A la presse
A tous les patriotes congolais
A tous les amis du peuple congolais.

Nous vous annonçons l'existence du site

Sur ce site vous trouverez tous les communiqués, la présentation,
l'historique et les autres informations concernant les Maï Maï. Comme vous
savez les Maï Maï résistent contre l'agression, l'occupation et le pillage
de nos territoires par les armées du Rwanda, de l'Ouganda et du Burundi.

Puisque les ennemis du peuple congolais essaient de semer la confusion,
nous trouvons qu'il est important que nous puissions nous adresser
directement au public.

Vous trouverez sur ce site entre autres le procès-verbal de la réunion
tenu à Gabarone la semaine passée où les représentants des Maï Maï au
Dialogue inter-congolais ont été désigné. Ce procès-verbal est très utile
pour chacun qui veut voir clair dans la définition des Maï Maï et dans la
question qui sont les vrai et les faux Maï Maï.

En dehors des informations sur les Maï Maï vous trouverez aussi une
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UNITE! Info #166en: 6/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 6/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 5/8]


If you search the Internet World Wide Web for articles with
ozone depletion propaganda, you'll find that there are a
large number of such from all the years up until 1998; then
they suddenly practically cease altogether.

The reason for this is of course that this big lie with each
passing year has come even more into conflict with reality.

An ozone depletion trend of, say, 3 percent per decade,
which there perhaps was in the 1980s, according to the CFC
depletion propagandists such as the WMO, would continue and
would, if anything, be bigger, not smaller, in the 1990s, and
in the next two decades too. Thus there in 2000 would be some
6 percent (at least) less global ozone than in 1980.

To ascertain quite clearly, in 2000 or today, whether there
had (has) in fact been a decrease of that order over the past
20 years or so perhaps still is not all that easy, because
of those quite large natural variations which there are.
But the silence, since some three years back, by the react-
tionary propgandists, on any long term global ozone deple-
tion trend, is very telling anyway.

No international data on this are being shown any more.
What has continued, after 1989, is more or less only pro-
paganda concerning that local phenomenon, the Antarctic
ozone hole, and (of course) such of the cruder kind, just
by scare statements with hardly any attempts at supporting

The fact that the ozone layer, at least over the northern
hemisphere, has been unusually thick in recent years (2000-
2001) and apparently still is today, hasn't helped the de-
pletion propagandists either, of course. This fact of
course to a large extent is due to that maximum, one of the
bigger kind too, in sunspots which there was/is around the
year 2001 (if I understand things correctly). And the QBO
too seems to make for high ozone levels at higher latitudes
at present. (See under point 11 above.)

This is a temporary phenomenon. But also in the following
years, when the number of sunspots will decrease, for in-
stance (reaching a new minimum around 2007), and the QBO
will change phase (this is predicted already for the next
winter, with a change back some 26 months after that again),
the CFCs (etc) ozone depletion hoax will continue to come
more and more into conflict with the observed facts.

Unfortunately, the ruling imperialist war criminals already
have managed to enforce their anti-industrial and genocidal
bans against these vital substances, propagandistically jus-
tified by this hoax, and since it's they who still have
practically all the political power and practically all the
international propaganda resources too, it will be quite dif-
ficult for the people in the world to get these bans revoked
- as long as these conditions remain as they are.

Here's a little about how global ozone depletion propagan-
da has developed after 1998:

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), for instance -
the main scientific such propagandist in recent years -
publishes press releases on various questions; the latest,
#671, was on 07.03.2002. On ozone, in the most recent years
including 1998, there were only two:

Firstly, WMO #619, on 01.10.1998. It was headlined Record
Ozone depletion in the Antarctic (on this subject, see point
zz below) and had the following few lines on ozone levels

Relatively higher ozone dominated over the middle
latitudes - only 3 to 7% less than the pre-ozone-hole
averages. Maximum values of 430 to 480 m atm-cm [the
same as 430-480 DU - RM] appeared usually over the
ocean area in the sector separating the Antarctic
from New-Zealand and Australia., and further:

WMO is responsible for the international co-ordina-
tion of the atmospheric science and systematic obser-
vations in support of the Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer. 'As the authoritative
scientific voice on atmospheric issues within the
United Nations family, WMO will continue to provide
up to date information on the status of the ozone
layer' said Professor Obasi [Secretary-General of

And secondly, WMO #652, on 15.09.2000, on the occasion of
the International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer
(there even is a such, 16 September, decided on by the UN!).
It was headlined, in familiar fashion: Unprecedented rate of
ozone loss measured one to two weeks earlier over and near
Antarctica, but did not breathe a word about ozone levels
elsewhere. No later WMO press release has done this either.

This should be contrasted to those estimates by the WMO it-
self of future ozone depletion, in its 1998 Ozone Report
No. 44, which were quoted under point 14 above, 

UNITE! Info #166en: 7/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 7/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 6/8]


As said under point 08 above, over the higher latitudes (more
precisely, over what the WMO calls the midlatitudes, bet-
ween 25º and 60º or so), the annual mean level of ozone is
somewhat higher than over the tropics, 300 DU over the USA
and some 330 DU over Sweden, for instance, compared to 220-
250 DU close to the equator, and seasonal variations there
are quite large, in contrast to over the tropics, where the
ozone layer thickness always remains at those 220-250 DU.

The ozone layer over Sweden is at its thickest in the spring
(March-May in the northern hemisphere), between 350 and 450
DU then, says the SMHI (see point 06 above), and in late au-
tumn often thins out to below 300 DU. Day-to-day variations
are even larger, with for instance that all-time high of 574
DU over mid-Sweden (58º N) on 23 February 2001, the recent
reading of 557 DU on 2 March 2002 too, both considerably
above the former all-time high of 536 DU in April 1961, and
also the all-time low over Sweden at only 194 DU on 30 Novem-
ber 1999.

It's mainly transport of ozone with the winds from the tro-
pics that accounts for these large variations.

Equally large, and sometimes even larger, variations in the
thickness of the ozone layer there are over the Arctic and
the Antarctic regions (at latitudes higher than some 70º N
respectively 70ºS). In these regions close to the respective
Poles, there are particular meteorlogical vortices, approxi-
mately circular or elliptical currents which at some points
in the seasons may more or less prevent the influx of ozone-
rich air from the lower latitudes. The vortex over the Ant-
arctic is much stronger than that over the Arctic, which is
impeded by chains of mountains.

Over the Arctic, the ozone layer varies between some 480 DU
in the (northern) spring and some 260 DU in the autumn, as
already measured by Dobson back in the 1950s. The correspon-
ding seasonal dip in the level of ozone over the Antarctic,
which occurs in the southern spring, in September-October
each year, is much deeper than the Arctic one. A table by
Parson (whose data I shall complement a little in the below)
shows approximately how deep it was in the years 1956-1997:


Halley Bay Antarctic Ozone Data

Mean October ozone column thickness, Dobson Units, as
measured at the British Antarctic Survey station at
Halley Bay (Latitude 76 south, Longitude 26 west)

1956  321  1971  299  1986  248
1957  330  1972  304  1987  163
1958  314  1973  289  1988  232
1959  311  1974  274  1989  164
1960  301  1975  308  1990  179
1961  317  1976  283  1991  155
1962  332  1977  251  1992  142
1963  309  1978  284  1993  111
1964  318  1979  261  1994  124
1965  281  1980  227  1995  129
1966  316  1981  237  1996  139
1967  323  1982  234  1997  139
1968  301  1983  210
1969  282  1984  201
1970  282  1985  196

Data from J. D. Shanklin, British Antarctic Survey, personal
communications, 1993-95.


As is seen, from approximately the late 1970s on and up to the
early 1990s, there was a tendency for the September-October
dip to get deeper year by year, and up until 1997 at least, it
stayed at a level considerably lower than the mean one of pre-
vious years. The difference between that level and the earlier
mean one is what the ozone depletion propagandists are cal-
ling the Antarctic ozone hole. Parson writes too that There
is no question that the ozone layer over antarctica has thin-
ned dramatically over the past 15 years and that:

The antarctic ozone hole, discussed in detail in Part
III [of the 1997 'FAQ'], falls far outside this range
of natural variation [the one of seasonal such else-
where - RM]. Mean October ozone at Halley Bay on the
Antarctic coast was 117 DU in 1993, down from 321 DU
in 1956.

On whether an Antarctic October ozone level mean of 117 DU
(or 111 DU - see table) actually does fall far outside the
range of earlier natural variation or not, see further below.

The term ozone hole, for this greater depth of the Septem-
ber-October level dip, of course is a propagandistic one.

More precisely, the WMO defines as an Antarctic ozone hole
a region over which there, during a certain seasonal period,
is less than 50% of the ozone which there there was on the
average over the same region, during the same seasonal period,
in a number of years which the WMO takes as the norm, those

UNITE! Info #166en: 8/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 8/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 7/8]


[Maduro and Schauerhammer, 1992, ctd.:]

The Rigaud-Leroy paper, which appeared in the Novem-
ber 1990 issue of *Annales Geophysicae*, reports on
the scientists' search through old ozone records from
the French Antarctic Observatory going back to 1958.
Rigaud and Leroy discovered that ozone levels took a
precipitous decline at the beginning of 1958's au-
stral spring, August and September, and reached va-
lues as low as 110 dobson units - the lowest values
ever recorded in Antarctica! [Later, in 1993 and also
in 1998 and 1999, as low or even somewhat lower mini-
ma were recorded: 111 (a monthly mean), 90 respecti-
vely 92 DU, as seen in the table above, respectively,
will be seen below. - RM] These data were recorded
and published in the scientific literature in the
1960s, but had not been examined recently.

Figures for the Antarctic ozone hole in years later than
1997 which would be directly comparable to the ones in the
table (above) by Parson I've not been able to find. Here are
some more or less scattered data:

NASA, 06.10.1999, New Antarctic Ozone Data Released, i.a.:

A NASA satellite has shown that the area of ozone
depletion over the Antarctic -- the well-known ozone
'hole' -- is a bit less in 1999 than it was last
year. ... the size of the region of depleted Antarc-
tic ozone... extended to a record 10.5 million square
miles on Sept 19,1998. [A new way, then, of recko-
ning - by the area of the 'hole'. - RM] In this image
obtained on October 3, 1999 the size of the Antarctic
ozone hole is smaller than it was at the same time
last year.

The ozone levels are expected to decrease over the
next two weeks. The lowest amount of total-column
ozone recorded to date this year was 92 Dobson Units
on Oct. 1. In contrast, ozone levels of 90 Dobson
Units were observed at one point last year.

[An absolute minimum, recorded on one day, for in-
stance, no doubt can be considerably below a monthly
mean. That goes for the 1958 minimum too. - RM]

Globally, the ozone layer averages approximately 300
Dobson Units... In contrast, during the annual Ant-
arctic ozone 'hole,' the amount of ozone in the
ozone 'hole' is about 100 Dobson Units...

In this report too, then, the NASA treats that austral
spring dip as a phenomenon which is constant over the years,
not maintaining for instance that it would be deepening.

The WMO, in contrast to its having ceased completely, after
1998, to say anything about global ozone levels or any trend
in these levels in its press releases (it quite often had
some scare stories in them in the years before), did continue
to interest itself in ozone over one region, and one region
only, later too - that over the Antarctic. In 2000 and 2001,
it published two whole series of particular bi-weekly WMO
Antarctic Ozone Bulletins on this, not on the situation
there during the whole year but only on the more exciting
periods, August to December, with eight issues each year.

Not in a single one of these Bulletins is any ozone level
reported as measured in Dobson Units. Thus their data cannot
be directly compared to those in the 1956-1997 table above.

Mentioned instead were seasonal ozone levels as percentages
of a norm, which was (somewhat unprecisely) defined as the
average austral spring level in the years 1964-1976 - and
which thus *can* be compared, approximately at least, to the
values in that table (although these are from only one parti-
cular station) - and the hole was also sometimes characte-
rized, in these Bulletins, by its area in km² or by the
total loss of ozone in megatons. Such data I shall pass
over here, when quoting a few passages from the issues:

WMO Antarctic Ozone Bulletin #1/2000,
issued on 11 August 2000:

...In the coming weeks, as the sun rises over Ant-
arctica, chemical ozone loss can be expected to oc-
cur, comparable to, or perhaps greater than previous
years. Prevailing meteorological conditions in the
stratosphere, particularly during the Austral Spring,
will strongly influence the extent and intensity of
ozone loss...

WMO Antarctic Ozone Bulletin #3/2000, 07.09.2000:

The chemically primed vortex region has now begun
the ozone loss process in earnest, and with an inten-
sity exceeding all previous years. However, prevai-
ling meteorological conditions in the 

One in Seven Americans Say They Can't Get Needed Healthcare [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

To view the article with Web enhancements, go to: 

One in Seven Americans Say They Can't Get Needed 
WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) Mar 21 - More than 41 million Americans -- 
one in seven -- had trouble getting medical care or had to delay care 
in 2001, mostly because of cost, according to study results released on 
The Washington, DC-based nonprofit Center for Studying Health System 
Change surveyed a representative 60,000 Americans by telephone about 
access to healthcare in each of the last several years. Results were 
extrapolated to the US population. The survey began in late 1996, as 
the economy began a record surge, with low unemployment and declining uninsured. 

Even so, the Center found that more people, whether they had insurance 
or not, said in 2001 that they could not get care at all, or when they 
needed it, compared with 1997. In 1997, 5.2% said that they had gone 
without needed care in the past year; by 2001, it was 5.8%. That means 
16 million people were unable to get care when needed, said the Center. 
The number of those who delayed care, another 26 million, stayed steady 
over each of the survey years. 
"This is a surprising and somewhat ominous result given the context of 
the times," said Paul Ginsburg, an economist and president of the 
Center, noting that he would have expected to see an improvement in 
access and fewer delays during the economic boom. And now, with the 
recession, "there's real concern that we could have some significant declines in 
access," he told Reuters Health. 
Getting care was most difficult for the uninsured, or those with low 
incomes or in poor health. In 2001, the uninsured were three times as 
likely to not get care. Slightly more than 15% of the uninsured 
delayed care, compared with 8.6% of the insured. 
More than a quarter of those who were uninsured and in poor health said 
that they could not get needed care. 
Of those who could not get care or delayed it, 62% cited cost as the 
reason. It was the dominant worry for 90% or more of the uninsured and 
for half of those with insurance. They did not elaborate on what those costs 
were. One potential explanation: Employers began asking workers to 
share more of their premiums, said Susan Pisano, a spokeswoman for the American 
Association of Health Plans. 
Of the remainder, 13.2% said that they could not get care or delayed it 
because their plan would not pay for a service. It is not clear whether 
that was perception or reality, said Ginsburg. Pisano said that some 
employers were offering less comprehensive benefits than in the past, 
so fewer services were covered. 
Another 13% said that a doctor or hospital would not accept their 
insurance. Again, said Ginsburg, there is no clear explanation. 
Some providers are contracting with fewer insurers, and others are too 
overwhelmed to take new patients. Changes in employer-sponsored plans 
also mean that a favorite doctor or hospital could be dropped from the patient's 
network, explained Pisano. 
A whopping 32.6% said that they could not get an appointment soon 
enough in 2001 compared with 22.9% in 1997. Ginsburg called that a 
"shocking" increase, noting that it provides "evidence that there is 
an imbalance between demand and supply of physician services." 
Both Pisano and Ginsburg said that the appointment logjam might be 
because people have more direct access to specialists now, flooding 
those practices. 
In a bright spot, children's access increased over the survey period, 
possibly due to extended coverage offered by the State Children's 
Health Insurance Program, created in 1997. 
The big picture, said Pisano, is that "very clearly, access and 
affordability are the number one issues right now." Those issues "demand a 
response from policymakers," she said. 

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Headlines on 27.mart [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Milosevic trial: Damning admissions by former British LP leader Lord Ashdown (by 
Paul Mitchell)"My 
brother's trial will go to pieces" (by Sergei Yugov) 
Meltdown (by Christopher Deliso) 
of Last Yugoslavia: Controlled Split (by Aleksandar Ciric) 
"Punch  Judy in Belgrade" (by J. Israel  G. Szamuely) 
food giant opens plant in Serbia 
supports reforms in Serbia

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News, 27.3.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic


   English Service News 
   27th March, 2002, 16:00 UTC
   English Service News
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Off To A Bad Start

   The summit of Arab League leaders has opened in Beirut with a row.
   Palestinian delegation walked out in protest at Lebanon's failure to
   Yasser Arafat's summit speech.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   address below:,3367,1430_A_485336_1_A,00.html

   Arab League summit in disarry

   The summit of 22 Arab League states in Beirut has been thrown into
   disarry, after the Palestinian delegation walked out to protest the
   failure to show Yasser Arafat's summit speech via satellite link.
   Farouq al-Kaddoumi, head of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's
   political department, said the signal from Qatar's al-Jazeera
   television had been deliberately blocked by Lebanese President Emile
   Lahoud. The United Arab Emirates in solidarity with the Palestinians
   downgraded its delegation. The row over the Palestinian leader's
   address, which was eventually broadcast by al-Jazeera, overshadowed
   the land-for-peace proposal made by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. The
   prince asked the summit to back his plan for normal ties with
   Israel in return for an Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab
   land and the creation of a Palestinian state. Syrian President
   Bashar al-Assad countered the Saudi proposal with a call for Arab
   states to back the Palestinian uprising by severing any ties with
   Israel, a thinly veiled dig at Egypt and Jordan, the only Arab
   countries to sign peace treaties with the Jewish state. Both
   President Mubarek of Egypt and Jordan's Prince Abdullah are not
   attending the summit, having sent only representatives.

   5 dead and 30 missing after a dry dock gate in Dubai collapses

   At least 5 people were killed and 31 others are missing and feared
   dead after a gate collapsed at a dry dock in Dubai, flooding one of
   the world's biggest ship repair facilities in minutes. A shipping
   source said there were about 500 workers and four ships inside the
   dry dock when the gate broke, which had been undergoing repairs since
   Monday. The authorities have shut down the facility, allowing in only
   journalists working for the official government media and they have
   ordered Dubai hospital officials not to talk to the press. Before the
   gag order, a security official said that about 150 injured had been
   taken to hospitals with minor injuries.

   Eight dead, 30 wounded in French shooting spree

   Robert Durn a 33 year old unemployed and homeless man of Yugoslav
   origin went on a shooting rampage at a town council meeting in
   Nanterres, northwest Paris, early this morning, killing eight and
   wounding 30, 14 seriously. Police said they had arrested Durn, after
   he calmly sprayed bullets at some 40 people from the visitors gallery
   at the conclusion of a late-night city council meeting. His motive at
   this time remains unclear. Police said Durn, who has a valid gun
   licence as an amateur marksman, used three guns -- two Glock
   automatic handguns and a .357 magnum Smith  Wesson. French President
   Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin raced to the scene,
   both denouncing the massacre as an act of madness.

   EU also imposes tariffs on steel imports

   The European Union has announced a package of tariffs intended to
   protect European steel producers from an expected surge in imports.
   The EU decided to impose tariffs of between 14.9 and 26 percent on
   all steel coming into Europe that is above last year's level, which
   was 5.7 million tonnes. The Europeans are worried that steel
   originally destined for the US market from Asia and Russia could be
   re-directed to Europe. Meanwhile, China has joined Europe, Japan and
   South Korea in filing a formal complaint against the US tariffs with
   the World Trade Organization in Geneva.

   More warning strikes in Germany

   For a third consecutive day, thousands of German engineering workers
   again staged one hour long warning strikes on Wednesday to back
   contract demands. IG Metall, the country's second largest union
   representing 2.8 million members has demanded a 6.5 percent wage
   increase for this year. The employers are offering 2 percent annually
   for this and next year. The strikes are bad news for Chancellor
   Gerhard Schroeder who faces a difficult battle to win the federal
   election in September as the Social Democrats and trade unions are
   traditional allies. The Employers in the eastern state of Saxony on
   Wednesday morning withdrew an application to the labour courts that
   would have challenged the warning strikes. The employers 


2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Despite heavy U.S. opposition, the first permanent global criminal court is 
only four nations shy of becoming a reality, according to Reuters. (
As of Wednesday, 139 countries have signed a 1998 treaty to establish the 
International Criminal Court and 56 of them have ratified it. A total of 60 
ratifications by national legislatures is needed for the tribunal to be 
"We're creeping very close to the 60 ratifications needed," U.N. spokesman 
Fred Eckhard told reporters.
In "Reasonable Doubt: The Case Against the Proposed International Criminal 
Court," ( ) 
Foreign Policy Analyst Gary T. Dempsey explains that "the court threatens to 
diminish America's sovereignty, produce arbitrary and highly politicized 
'justice,' and grow into a jurisdictional leviathan."

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Re: Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Richard Roper


I suggest it is time for these exchanges to stop.

The problem with margolis is not how we may/ may not
disagree with him, but his official contacts for
whom he distributes disinformation.

It's no coincidence he's based in Canada.

--- Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But Nancy, Margolis is a vegan! And he would never
 countenance the sending of chickens to Afghanistan.
 Still, you may be right. At the same time we prevail
 upon to blacklist Margolis, maybe we can
 get them to stop posting Pat Buchanan and Justin
 Raimondo. Surely there are people on the Left (and
 not Chomskyites, Trotskyites, social democrats,
 anarchists, world socialists, libertarian
 socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives and
 Blairites) who are making the same points on
 Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe some
 of them are vegans. How about Alexander Cockburn? Or
 does he work for the CIA?
 Another idea: Being an unrepentant ovolacto
 vegetarian (yes, I do drink milk: mea culpa), I
 think my writing should be posted before any of
 those other guys. After all, who needs ideas, when
 you have the right political loyalties (and diet)?
   - Original Message - 
   From: Nancy Hey 
   Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM
   Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis

   Other people are making the same points he is on 
   Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to
   provide this enemy of ours with more exposure and 
   authority than his contacts in the intelligence 
   community have already succeeded in doing. 

   My sentiments exactly!  How can we get
 to see this point? 
   peacefully yours, 
   Nancy Hey 
   mart-remote wrote: 
 Well said Rick. Please, let's not give this
 bastard any more exposure than he already gets, or
 even the thinest veneer of credibilty. Margolis is a
 CIA-KLA terrorist who happens to use a typewriter to
 kill people. His words do not belong on this list.
 One slight correction. He is with the Toronto Sun,
 not the Toronto Star.   

 Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:25:32 -0800 (PST) 
 From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? -
 Columnist Eric Margolis 
 Dear Friends, 
  For anyone not already acquainted
 the fact, Eric Margolis is a Western
 agent who boasts, inter alia, of smuggling
 into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and
 a host of intelligence contacts, including with
 A quick Google search with the words Eric
 socialism will demonstrate with whom we're
 There is nothing remotely enlightened or
 about this individual, notwithstanding the fact
 his columns, from the very establishment Toronto
 where he is the official foreign correspondent,
 been crossposted and linked on several US 
 'progressive' sites fairly regularly of late. 
 In fact, the only time he criticizes Western 
 militarism, aside from goading it into being
 aggressive (e.g. Stopping Europe's New Nazis
 Serbia Needs Moral Cleansing), is when one of
 presumed co-religionists is under fire. 
 As such he operates on a personal, and hardly 
 political or principled, agenda. 
 Other people are making the same points he is on
 Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need
 provide this enemy of ours with more exposure
 authority than his contacts in the intelligence 
 community have already succeeded in doing. 

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Herak case analysis at my web site [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic


Dear colleagues,

I just posted extensive analysis on the infamous 
Herak case on my web site

I divided the text into three HTML pages:

The above collection gives a full analysis of the Herak
case. The case was instrumental in demonization of the 
Serbian people in recent wars. The case was also a 
precursor to other injustices done to the Serbs in the 

Please, find time to read it. 

More on the scandalous (and bloody) circus known as 
the Hague tribunal can be found at:


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Milosevic setback [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 27 March 2002. Milosevic gets new setback in his anti-trial

STRASBOURG -- Slobodan Milosevic was dealt another setback in his bid
for freedom on Wednesday when Europe's top human rights court refused to
hear his case.

The ruling appears to end the former Yugoslav president's bid to have
his historic war crimes trial in The Hague, which could put him behind
bars for the rest of his life, overturned outright.

The European Court of Human Rights said Milosevic's petition to have the
trial thrown out was inadmissible because he had failed to exhaust his
legal options in the Netherlands.

The 60-year-old former Serb leader first filed suit in a Dutch court
last year after his surprise arrest and extradition from Belgrade, which
turned him over to the UN war crimes tribunal.

He claimed that his arrest in Belgrade, his detention in a prison
outside The Hague and the trial itself were all illegal, and that he
should be allowed to walk free.

The Netherlands court rejected his claim, and Milosevic took his case on
to the Dutch court of appeal.

He then withdrew that appeal and went directly to the European court,
which since 1959 has ruled on violations of the European convention on
human rights signed after World War II.

But the European court ruled on Wednesday that Milosevic had failed to
use up his options in the Netherlands legal system, and that it
therefore could not accept his petition.

It said in a brief statement that his suit had to be dismissed in its
entirety for non-exhaustion of domestic remedies.

Milosevic and his supporters have repeatedly blasted his prosecution as
a show trial, claiming he is being made a scapegoat to cover up NATO
crimes committed in 1999 in the Kosovo war.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stephen Gowans


Of course, it's well known the CIA recruits heavily from the ranks of
Canadian journalists, there being too few American journalists from which to
choose, and the CIA having too few connections in the US, and Canadian
journalists having a far greater reach than any of their counterparts in the
US or Britain or France. Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper
reaching upwards of 30,000, (though most of the readers never read
Margolis's column, the horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the
Sunshine girl having infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure on
this listserve to the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has chosen well.
With a reach like that, who knows what damage he could do.

Yes, indeed, Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, is based in Canada.

But I must run.  A meeting awaits with my fellow Canadians to plot the
spread of more disinformation through our widely read newspapers.

- Original Message -
From: Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


 I suggest it is time for these exchanges to stop.

 The problem with margolis is not how we may/ may not
 disagree with him, but his official contacts for
 whom he distributes disinformation.

 It's no coincidence he's based in Canada.

 --- Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But Nancy, Margolis is a vegan! And he would never
  countenance the sending of chickens to Afghanistan.
  Still, you may be right. At the same time we prevail
  upon to blacklist Margolis, maybe we can
  get them to stop posting Pat Buchanan and Justin
  Raimondo. Surely there are people on the Left (and
  not Chomskyites, Trotskyites, social democrats,
  anarchists, world socialists, libertarian
  socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives and
  Blairites) who are making the same points on
  Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe some
  of them are vegans. How about Alexander Cockburn? Or
  does he work for the CIA?
  Another idea: Being an unrepentant ovolacto
  vegetarian (yes, I do drink milk: mea culpa), I
  think my writing should be posted before any of
  those other guys. After all, who needs ideas, when
  you have the right political loyalties (and diet)?
- Original Message -
From: Nancy Hey
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis

Other people are making the same points he is on
Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to
provide this enemy of ours with more exposure and
authority than his contacts in the intelligence
community have already succeeded in doing.

My sentiments exactly!  How can we get
  to see this point?
peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey
mart-remote wrote:
  Well said Rick. Please, let's not give this
  bastard any more exposure than he already gets, or
  even the thinest veneer of credibilty. Margolis is a
  CIA-KLA terrorist who happens to use a typewriter to
  kill people. His words do not belong on this list.
  One slight correction. He is with the Toronto Sun,
  not the Toronto Star.
  Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:25:32 -0800 (PST)
  From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? -
  Columnist Eric Margolis
  Dear Friends,
   For anyone not already acquainted
  the fact, Eric Margolis is a Western
  agent who boasts, inter alia, of smuggling
  into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and
  a host of intelligence contacts, including with
  A quick Google search with the words Eric
  socialism will demonstrate with whom we're
  There is nothing remotely enlightened or
  about this individual, notwithstanding the fact
  his columns, from the very establishment Toronto
  where he is the official foreign correspondent,
  been crossposted and linked on several US
  'progressive' sites fairly regularly of late.
  In fact, the only time he criticizes Western
  militarism, aside from goading it into being
  aggressive (e.g. Stopping Europe's New Nazis
  Serbia Needs Moral Cleansing), is when one of
  presumed co-religionists is under fire.
  As such he operates on a personal, and hardly
  political or principled, 

Serbian gov't adopts UN tribunal rules [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 27 March 2002. Serbian Gov't Adopts UN Tribunal Rules.

BELGRADE -- Faced with a U.S. deadline to hand over war crimes suspects,
Serbia's government on Wednesday defied a high court ruling and adopted
a U.N. tribunal's rules allowing such extraditions.

Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and his followers have opposed
extraditions to the tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, saying they are
illegal and demanding that a special domestic law be adopted to let
Serbia hand over suspects.

The government's defiant move comes a day after Yugoslavia's
constitutional court, dominated by [so-called] Serbian nationalists,
ruled that the tribunal's statute cannot be applied in Serbia.

The U.S. Congress gave Yugoslavia until March 31 to cooperate with the
court or risk losing $120 million in financial assistance. Acting on a
similar deadline last year, the Serbian government arrested former
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who is now on trial in The Hague
for atrocities his forces committed in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia in the

Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic said the Serbian government
decided to adopt The Hague's statute after months of fruitless legal
debates and wrangling between political factions.

The government move indicates that it is ready to arrest and extradite
at least some of 15 Serb war crimes suspects living in the republic and
sought by The Hague.

Batic said that he doesn't believe March 31 is the final deadline
because the Serbian government has fulfilled two other conditions set by
the United States -- releasing all ethnic Albanian prisoners from
Serbian jails and severing formal ties with the Bosnian Serb military.

Among the suspects sought by the tribunal are the world's top war crimes
fugitives, former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his wartime
military commander, Gen. Ratko Mladic. Mladic is known to be hiding in
Serbia; Karadzic's whereabouts are unknown.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


AUSCHWITZ The Portuguese Nobel prizewinner for Literature, 
Jose Saramago, has made declarations attacking the Israeli policy in the 
occupied territories. His comments are hotly disputed by Tel Aviv. On a 
visit to Israel, Jose Saramago declared to Portuguese radio station Antenna 1, 
that It must be said that in Palestine, there is a crime which we can stop. We 
may compare it with what happened at Auschwitz. He added that only by 
visiting the territory and seeing first-hand the repressive policy adopted by 
Israeli soldiers against Palestinian civilians, could the injustice of the 
situation be understood. He reported that he had seen an ambulance carrying a 
pregnant Palestinian woman stopped at the border. She was refused entry and the 
baby was delivered in the vehicle. Others have not been so lucky. In one 
incident, in October 2001, a pregnant Palestinian woman was left dying in the 
street near a checkpoint which had refused her entry, with the Israeli soldiers 
standing around laughing and jeering at one less terrorist being born. 
Saramago is a member of an eight-person commission sent by the 
International Writers Parliament, to assess the situation. He is accompanied by 
Nigerian Nobel prizewinner, Wole Soyinka, Christian Salmon, Juan Goytisolo, Bei 
Dao, Breyten Breytenbach, Vincenzo Consolo and Russel Banks. A 
spokesperson from the Israeli Foreign Ministry accused Jose Saramago of total 
blindness and a surprising historical amnesia, pointing out that the plight 
of the Palestinians is the responsibility of their leaders, who refuse to accept 
Israels offers of peace (while colonies are illegally being built on the lands 
stolen from the Palestinians by Israel). Timothy 

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2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


"The promised attack on Iraq will test free journalism as never 
before," warns John Pilger, long a harsh critic of U.S. policy 
against Iraq.
(From; World Assoc. for Christian Comm; OJR)

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Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Hello Stephen,

Excuse my language, but what's your problem? You 
don't need to be very smart to know how many subscriber the list have. Just 
visiting the list homepage, 
So what? Since when quantity is synonimous of quality? 

On Margolis: I currently receive two or three 
emails a week from different sources containing articles written by this 
individual. Most of them from people with no knowledge whatsoever on his 
background. And I don't live in Toronto.

As per the "118", never underestimate the 
capabilities of the 'forward to'.

Take it easy, mate

  From: Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:39:28 -0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: The 
---  Of course, it's well known the CIA 
recruits heavily from the ranks of Canadian journalists, there being too 
few American journalists from which to choose, and the CIA having too 
few connections in the US, and Canadian journalists having a far greater 
reach than any of their counterparts in the US or Britain or France. 
Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper reaching upwards of 
30,000, (though most of the readers never read Margolis's column, the 
horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the Sunshine girl having 
infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure on this listserve to 
the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has chosen well. With a reach 
like that, who knows what damage he could do.  Yes, indeed, 
Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, is based in Canada.  
But I must run. A meeting awaits with my fellow Canadians to plot 
the spread of more disinformation through our widely read 
newspapers.  - Original Message - From: Richard 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 11:30 AM Subject: Re: Columnist Eric 
---   I suggest it is time for 
these exchanges to stop.   The problem with margolis is 
not how we may/ may not  disagree with him, but his "official" 
contacts for  whom he distributes disinformation. 
  It's no coincidence he's based in Canada.  
  --- Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- But Nancy, 
Margolis is a vegan! And he would never   countenance the 
sending of chickens to Afghanistan. Still, 
you may be right. At the same time we prevail   upon 
to blacklist Margolis, maybe we can   get them to stop posting 
Pat Buchanan and Justin   Raimondo. Surely there are people on 
the Left (and   not Chomskyites, Trotskyites, social 
democrats,   anarchists, world socialists, libertarian 
  socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives and   
Blairites) who are making the same points on   Afghanistan, 
Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe some   of them are vegans. 
How about Alexander Cockburn? Or   does he work for the 
CIA? Another idea: Being an unrepentant 
ovolacto   vegetarian (yes, I do drink milk: mea culpa), 
I   think my writing should be posted before any of  
 those other guys. After all, who needs ideas, when   you 
have the right political loyalties (and diet)?
 Steve - Original 
Message -   From: Nancy Hey  
 Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM  
 Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis   [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]  
 ---   "  
 Other people are making the same points he is on  
 Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to  
   provide this enemy of ours with more exposure 
and   authority than his contacts in the 
intelligence   community have already succeeded in 
doing.   Respectfully,   
Rick   "   My sentiments 
exactly! How can we get   to see this 
point? peacefully yours, 
  Nancy Hey 
mart-remote wrote: 
Well said Rick. Please, let's not give this   bastard any more 
exposure than he already gets, or   even the thinest veneer of 
credibilty. Margolis is a   CIA-KLA terrorist who happens to use 
a typewriter to   kill people. His words do not belong on this 
list.   One slight correction. He is with the Toronto 
Sun,   not the Toronto Star.
  Date: Mon, 
25 Mar 2002 22:25:32 -0800 (PST)   From: 
 Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? - 
  Columnist Eric Margolis   [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]  
For anyone not already acquainted   with  
 the fact, Eric Margolis is a Western  
 disinformation   agent who boasts, 
inter alia, of smuggling   rockets  
 into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and 
  possessing   a host of 
intelligence contacts, including with   the  
 CIA.   A 
quick Google search with 

Yugoslavia Contaminated BY Uranium Dust [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


BBC News   
Wednesday, 27 March, 2002, 13:11 GMT  
Yugoslavia contaminated by DU dust
The United Nations has found widespread low-level
contamination of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, three
years after extensive bombing by Nato. 
UN scientists said that the levels do not pose a
direct threat to human health but there are concerns
about a potential risk of contamination of water
sources by the ammunition tips made out of depleted
uranium. [No threat to human health unless people
drink the water, that is.]
They expressed surprise that depleted uranium dust was
still found in the air, two years after the conflict
had ended. 
The UN urged the Yugoslav authorities to fence off and
monitor the affected sites. 

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WSWS: War danger grows on Korean peninsula [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi


World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  
Analysis : Asia : Korea
War danger grows on Korean peninsula
By James Conachy27 March 2002
Back to screen version | Send this link by 
email | Email the author
Tensions between the US and North Korea are at their worst since 1994, when 
the Clinton administration threatened military strikes if Pyongyang did not shut 
down its nuclear power plants. On January 31, Bush included North Korea in his 
“axis of evil” and made further accusations during his February East Asia visit 
that it possessed “weapons of mass destruction”. This month, in response to the 
leaked Pentagon report proposing the use of nuclear weapons in a war on the 
Korean peninsula, North Korea issued threats of its own.
The most serious was a thinly-veiled warning that Pyongyang may, in 
self-defence, abandon the weapons control agreements it entered into in 1994 and 
1998. The North Korean foreign ministry declared on March 13: “Under the present 
situation where nuclear lunatics have taken office in the White House, we are 
compelled to examine all agreements with the US. In case the US plan turns out 
to be true, the DPKR [North Korea] will have no choice but to take a substantial 
counter-measure against it, not bound to any DPKR-US agreement.”
In 1994, facing the threat of US attack, the Pyongyang regime agreed to close 
its reactors, which were capable of producing plutonium, in exchange for the US, 
Japan and South Korea financing the construction of light-water nuclear plants 
and supplying the North with alternative fuel in the interim. In late 1998, 
again under military pressure, the North agreed to suspend testing a long-range 
missile allegedly able to reach the US west coast.
Despite this record of submission to Washington’s demands, the Bush White 
House is insisting that North Korea, an economically crippled nation of just 23 
million people, remains one the greatest military challenges to the US. While it 
has made a verbal gesture of being prepared to enter into talks, the Bush 
administration has stressed it will demand Pyongyang reduce the size of its 
conventional armed forces and allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 
inspectors to enter its military and research facilities.
The US demands are an open provocation. While the Pyongyang regime is being 
told to unilaterally disarm, Washington threatens it with nuclear weapons, has 
37,000 troops permanently stationed in the South and supplies the South Korean 
military with state-of-the-art hardware. On March 21, the largest military 
exercise ever held on the peninsula began, involving over 50,000 US troops, 
including some based in Japan, and most of the 650,000-strong South Korean armed 
forces. The exercise’s scenario is a war with the North. Pyongyang has labeled 
it a rehearsal for a “nuclear holocaust”.
The Bush administration’s aim is to push the North into taking defensive 
measures, which can then be presented as evidence of assembling “weapons of mass 
destruction” and used as the pretext for military strikes. The groundwork for 
this has been laid already. On March 19, the White House, in response to the 
North’s reaction to the Pentagon report, announced it could no longer certify to 
the US Congress that Pyongyang was abiding by the 1994 agreement.
In glaring contrast, an official involved in monitoring the agreement told 
the Washington Post: “As far as we can see, it has been fulfilled. We 
challenge anybody who wants to make us believe that the North Koreans didn’t 
stick to the bargain.” The commander of American forces in South Korea, General 
Thomas Schwartz, testified to the US Senate earlier this month that North Korea 
had honoured the 1998 missile agreement and said there were “no indicators” 
Pyongyang was participating in “any kind” of terrorist activity.
Driving Bush’s Korea policy is unstated opposition to the South Korean 
government’s “sunshine policy”—a series of steps toward a political settlement 
with the North over the past three years, a process encouraged by China in 
South Korea’s rapprochement with the North seeks to enable far greater 
economic exploitation of the markets and resources of both China and the former 
territories of the Soviet Union. Transport routes from the South, through the 
North and China to Russia’s trans-Siberian railway, could transform it into a 
significant trade hub between north-east Asia and the European Union (EU). 
Russia has made major investments to upgrade the rail line, which could move 
freight across Eurasia at least 10 days faster than by sea. Oil and gas piped 
from Central Asia and Russia to China and South Korea could be profitably 
exported on to Japan, one of the world’s biggest importers of energy.
As a London Financial Times correspondent noted on March 18: “Seoul 
believes that its location, sandwiched between Japan, the world’s second largest 

(Milan) Panic: from biker to front man for CIA: and Gelbard... from diplomat to

2002-03-27 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


from ([]) by 
  (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-127-20010626) with ESMTP id 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:27:14 +
from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id QAA05916 for 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:19:55 -0600 (CST)
from ([]) by (NAVGW 
  with SMTP id M2002032716184506739 ; Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:18:53 -0600
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:26:06 -0800
john_peter maher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win98; I)
(Milan) Panic: from biker to front man for CIA: and Gelbard... from 
  diplomat to dip into the public till -- The Sicilian Mafia is more 

excerpt from 
How to defeat Serbia. Foreign Affairs. July/August 1994.By David Gompert. 
A Reply by J. P. Maher. Summer 1994.  After Nixon-Kissinger 
established diplomatic relations with red China the ex-Secretary of State became 
a millionaire through his investments in Chinese business. This is par for the 
course, not something Henry invented. After the Nixon presidency he opened up 
shop as Kissinger Associates. Congressman Henry C. Gonzales 
of Texas, chairman of the House Banking Committee, has long been looking into 
the web connecting Kissinger Associates, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, The 
National Bank of Georgia, and the BCCI (with its shady links to the CIA and the 
oil sheikdoms). Both these banks are implicated in the Iran-Iraq scams 
that built up Sadam Hussein. Other messy affairs are the Yugoslav Ljubljanska 
Banka, which was implicated in money laundering, and the Yugo auto company and 
its arms producing parent firm Zavodi Crvena Zastava (Red Flag 
Gonzales has turned up plenty of dirt on Baker, Kissinger 
and his minions Eagleburger, Scowcroft et al. who have misled the American 
public on scores of dubious affairs. Their ethical behavior is 
In their arrogance such public 
servants passing through the lobbyists revolving doors boast: ... we [Kissinger 
Associates] are not in the habit of giving free advice. 
Gonzales sagely concludes: 
The National Bank of Georgia therefore must have been a 
client of Kissinger Associates. 
Winston Churchill, quoted by Gonzales, saw the same moral 
abyss in the Mother of Parliaments: 
Ministers have come under obligations to great 
interests; and it can be presumed or alleged that their votes or speeches have 
been corrupt. 
Gonzales quotes a fair appraisal of the sleaziness of our 
former ambassador to Yugoslavia Eagleburger, his mentor Kissinger, and a big 
cast of stars (e.g. Canadian ex-premier Pierre Trudeau), penned by their crony 
defense industry Gordon Adams, referring to weapons exports: 
You cant just drive over there. If you want to get into 
the foreign government, youve got to get into the American 
Eagleburger gets pensions 
from such firms; George Bush gave him a midnight 
appointment to the post of Secretary of State, probably to entitle him to 
another pension. 
Julius Caesar became a rich man with his conquest of 
Gaul, robbing treasure and selling a million Celtic men, women and children into 
slavery. In not so distant times the way to a commission in the British Army was 
to buy it. A military commission was a license to plunder. I think £3,000 was 
the price in the early nineteenth century. (One hundred pounds was a good annual 
salary a century ago.) 
These are the guys who talk about defeating the Serbs. 
Whose side do you want to be on? I close with a quotation from one American 
diplomat worthy of the title, who wrote something as true about the New World 
Order as it was about previous editions: The 
Great War began in the Balkans, yet its origin in the hearts of unscrupulous 
autocrats whose ruthless ambition knew neither justice nor limit; who counted 
the subjection of a free people merely as the first move in the game to 
commercial and political supremacy, and in the end to dominate the world. Serbia 
was only a pawn, to be swept aside as the first obstacle in the path of world 
MVP wrote: 

  ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 
  News Release CONTACT: Media, Peter Murphy, 714-545-0100, ext. 
  3213, or Investors, Joe Schepers, 212-754-4422, both of ICN Pharmaceuticals, 
  ICN Pharmaceuticals Appoints Gelbard to Head 
  International Efforts

FT: Arms on Korean security talks agenda [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi



ASIA-PACIFIC: Arms on Korean 
  security talks agenda Financial Times; Mar 26, 
  South Korea's talks with the North next month 
  will cover all security issues, including weapons of mass destruction, 
  Seoul said yesterday.
  President Kim Dae-jung said he would send an envoy to Communist North 
  Korea in an attempt to break a five-month deadlock. 
  "The talks will be very broad, covering all security issues. We hope it 
  will break the stalemate," said an official at the presidential Blue 
  Any negotiations about arms would mark a breakthrough in efforts to 
  reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula, one of the most heavily 
  militarised regions in the world. Recent contact between the two countries 
  has been limited to issues such as aid, cross-border investment and 
  reunification of families.
  Lim Dong-won, the president's adviser on security and unification 
  issues, is scheduled to meet counterparts in Pyongyang during the first 
  week in April. "I will give our view on weapons and missiles," he told 
  reporters yesterday.
  Analysts said North Korea's agreement to accept 
  Seoul's request for fresh talks signalled a de-coupling of inter-Korean 
  engagement from Pyongyang's more hostile relations with the US, South 
  Korea's military ally.
  "North Korea has traditionally taken the same 
  approach towards Seoul and Washington because it saw them as one and the 
  same enemy, but it seems to have realised that one is more friendly than 
  the other," said a European diplomat in Seoul.
  A divide has opened between President George W. Bush's hardline 
  approach to North Korea, which he named in his 
  "axis of evil" rogue states speech, and Mr Kim, whose "sunshine" policy of 
  reconciliation involves a softer approach to Pyongyang.
  Next month's talks represent one of Mr Kim's final chances to secure 
  lasting benefits from his engagement policy before he leaves office after 
  December's presidential election. For isolated and poverty-stricken North 
  Korea it could be a last opportunity to win aid and 
  political concessions from Seoul if a less sympathetic president replaced 
  Mr Kim.
  The talks were agreed at a time of growing concern about the potential 
  for fresh crisis. Last week, Mr Lim himself said the conditions were 
  developing for a repeat of the 1994 crisis, when the US was close to 
  launching air strikes against Pyongyang following the discovery of its 
  atomic weapons programme.
  There was speculation in Seoul that Mr Lim could invite Kim Yong-nam - 
  North Korea's second in command after Kim Jong-il - 
  to attend June's World Cup soccer finals in South Korea. He could also press for Kim Jong-il to fulfil his 
  promise to visit Seoul in return for Kim Dae-jung's historic trip to 
  Pyongyang two years 

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Peru: Bombing in Peru Sends Message to Bush - Stratfor [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi



 S T R A T F O R


 21 March 2002



 Bombing in Peru Sends Message to Bush


 A bombing in Lima, Peru, just days before a summit between Andean
 leaders and U.S. President George W. Bush was likely the work of
 Peruvian insurgent group Shining Path. The incident may have been
 meant to warn the United States about deepening its military
 involvement in the region. The move could easily backfire,
 however, because Andean leaders may be more willing to support a
 larger U.S. military presence following the violence.


 A car bomb exploded at 10:45 p.m. local time on March 20, less
 than 100 meters from the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru. The
 explosion came less than three days before U.S. President George
 W. Bush is due to arrive in Lima for a 17-hour meeting with the
 vice president of Ecuador and the presidents of Peru and Bolivia.

 No one has taken credit for the bombing yet, but Peruvian and
 U.S. officials in Lima believe the leftist insurgent group
 Shining Path was probably responsible. With the Bush
 administration preparing to expand the U.S. military presence in
 Colombia and other Andean countries, it is possible the bomb was
 intended as a message that U.S. citizens and assets will become
 political targets if Washington deepens its engagement in the
 Andean region's war against drugs and insurgents.

 The incident will intensify discussion at the Andean summit over
 ways to crack down on the growing links between insurgent groups
 and the drug trade. Rather than dissuade Washington from becoming
 more involved in the region, the bombing could in fact solidify
 support among Andean and U.S. leaders for greater and more
 immediate engagement in Colombia and neighboring countries.

 Nine people were killed and more than 40 injured when a car
 packed with 110 pounds of explosives blew up. A group of
 policemen had become suspicious and were attempting to evacuate
 the area when the detonation occurred, Peru's Interior Minister
 Fernando Rospigliosi said March 21. The explosion rocked Lima's
 El Polo commercial center, destroying nearby shops and cars. The
 U.S. Embassy, located across a wide street from the commercial
 center, was not damaged.

 The resurgent Maoist group Shining Path is the most likely
 suspect behind the bombing.

 Shining Path and another leftist group, the Tupac Amaru
 Revolutionary Movement, were together responsible for an
 estimated 30,000 deaths and $25 billion in financial losses in
 Peru between 1980 and the mid-1990s, after which Shining Path was
 almost completely wiped out. However, the group has been forging
 a comeback during the past two years.

 It is building its revival on the back of the drug trade,
 adopting a growth model used successfully by Colombia's largest
 guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
 (FARC). In fact Peruvian, Colombian and U.S. officials believe
 Shining Path has established links with Colombian drug
 traffickers trying to increase coca and poppy cultivation in Peru
 and that Shining Path and the FARC have developed links with each
 other as well.

 This model fits Shining Path like a glove. What remains of the
 group operates primarily in remote areas of Peru where central
 government authority is least prevalent -- a situation conducive
 for the cultivation and trafficking of coca and poppy plants.

 As Shining Path's involvement in the drug trade has grown, so too
 have the number of violent conflicts with the government. In what
 could have been a foreshadowing of the March 20 bombing,
 officials from the government's anti-terrorism unit captured two
 Shining Path members last November who had architectural plans in
 their possession. The arrests led local officials to allege that
 Shining Path was planning to bomb the U.S. Embassy.

 Local officials immediately pointed to Shining Path as the top
 suspect in the latest incident. Hector John Caro, a former chief
 of Peru's anti-terrorism police, told Reuters the car bombing has
 all the markings of Shining Path's near-constant attacks of a
 decade ago. Though there are other potential suspects -- ranging
 from professional drug traffickers to groups or individuals
 embittered against the United States over Washington's treatment
 of now-imprisoned Peruvian spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos -- none
 has a stronger combination of motivation and capability than
 Shining Path.

 STRATFOR wrote Feb. 6 that Shining Path's resurgence likely will
 lead to an increase in rural and urban terrorist 

RE: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread cube321



 for the second time, I see your point. What I don't see is why this was 
turned into mudslinging contest. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I 
don't recall anyone ever personally attacking you. So, what prompted you 
to  attack  Rick and Mart?  Fill me in on the details if I missed 

Everything else you wrote  on the subject of Margolis I'm in agreement 
with. There is disformation of a much more insidious quality sent to 
this list daily. I'm sure most members are capable of dissecting fact 
from  fiction, the good from the bad. On the other hand, Rick and Mart 
do provide helpful insight into must of what's sent. For someone like 
myself -- poli/cri/tically active for a meagre three years and as such 
supseptible to misinterpreting information or not recognizing subtle 
spin or propaganda -- I'm indebted to them for their  analysis. 

So, lets drop the subject and get back to business. By prolonging it we 
are merely stirring up animosity and that's not what we need, is it now?

David O.Q

Stephen Gowans wrote:
 Relax. That wasn't a jab at the size of the list, not a comment on 
 quality versus quantity (though quality without reach could hardly 
 subserve the listserve's presumed goals of stopping NATO.) Instead, it 
 was an attempt to put this tiresome subject in perspective. Posting 
 Margolis on a listerserve of 118 subscribers isn't going to amount to a 
 hill of beans, no matter what the power of forward to is, even if 
 those subscribers are too dull to recognize misinformation, as some of 
 the more frequently seen names on this list seem to suppose.
 In the exchanges on this issue, not once has anyone replied to my 
 arguments. Instead, the same old charge is repeated, But Margolis has 
 an unsavory background. We shouldn't suppose he's one of us. He's an 
 imposter. Who cares what Margolis background is? Margolis's colleague 
 Peter Worthington has long been a bete noire of mine, but he wrote a 
 wonderful exposure of the Racak massacre hoax, and yes, while others 
 have written better exposures, Worthington's was probably read by more 
 than anyone else's, and he writes for the Toronto Sun with its picayune 
 Yes, ANTINATO is a listserve of superb quality, the best I know of, but 
 I'd venture to guess that the asshole Worthington has done more to make 
 large numbers of people ask questions about NATO policy vis-vis the 
 Balkans than anyone on this list has. You take your allies where you can 
 find them. Or you surround yourself with others who see the world in 
 exactly the same way on every issue, and squander your energies on the 
 margins, feeding delusions that you're making a difference.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Francisco Javier Bernal 
   Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:05 PM
   Subject: Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
   Hello Stephen,
   Excuse my language, but what's your problem? You don't need to be very 
   smart to know how many subscriber the list have. Just visiting the list 
   homepage, So what? Since when 
   quantity is synonimous of quality? 
   On Margolis: I currently receive two or three emails a week from 
   different sources containing articles written by this individual. Most 
   of them from people with no knowledge whatsoever on his background. And 
   I don't live in Toronto.
   As per the 118, never underestimate the capabilities of the 'forward 
   Take it easy, mate

From: Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:39:28 -0500
Subject: The Canadian Connection  [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


Of course, it's well known the CIA recruits heavily from the ranks of
Canadian journalists, there being too few American journalists from 
which to
choose, and the CIA having too few connections in the US, and Canadian
journalists having a far greater reach than any of their counterparts in 
US or Britain or France. Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper
reaching upwards of 30,000, (though most of the readers never read
Margolis's column, the horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the
Sunshine girl having infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure 
this listserve to the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has chosen 
With a reach like that, who knows what damage he could do.

Yes, indeed, Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, is based in 

But I must run.  A meeting awaits with my fellow Canadians to plot the
spread of more disinformation through our widely read newspapers.

- Original Message -
From: Richard Roper [EMAIL 

Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stephen Gowans


Relax. That wasnt a jab at the size of the list, not a comment on quality 
versus quantity (though quality without reach could hardly subserve the 
listserves presumed goals of stopping NATO.) Instead, it was an attempt to put 
this tiresome subject in perspective. Posting Margolis on a listerserve of 118 
subscribers isnt going to amount to a hill of beans, no matter what the power 
of "forward to" is, even if those subscribers are too dull to recognize 
misinformation, as some of the more frequently seen names on this list seem to 
In the exchanges on this issue, not once has anyone replied to my arguments. 
Instead, the same old charge is repeated, "But Margolis has an unsavory 
background. We shouldnt suppose hes one of us. Hes an imposter." Who cares 
what Margolis background is? Margoliss colleague Peter Worthington has long 
been a bete noire of mine, but he wrote a wonderful exposure of the Racak 
massacre hoax, and yes, while others have written better exposures, 
Worthingtons was probably read by more than anyone elses, and he writes for 
the Toronto Sun with its picayune circulation. 
Yes, ANTINATO is a listserve of superb quality, the best I know of, but Id 
venture to guess that the asshole Worthington has done more to make large 
numbers of people ask questions about NATO policy vis-vis the Balkans than 
anyone on this list has. You take your allies where you can find them. Or you 
surround yourself with others who see the world in exactly the same way on every 
issue, and squander your energies on the margins, feeding delusions that you're 
making a difference.

  - Original Message - 
  Javier Bernal 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:05 
  Subject: Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
  Hello Stephen,
  Excuse my language, but what's your problem? You 
  don't need to be very smart to know how many subscriber the list have. Just 
  visiting the list homepage, 
  So what? Since when quantity is synonimous of quality? 
  On Margolis: I currently receive two or three 
  emails a week from different sources containing articles written by this 
  individual. Most of them from people with no knowledge whatsoever on his 
  background. And I don't live in Toronto.
  As per the "118", never underestimate the 
  capabilities of the 'forward to'.
  Take it easy, mate
From: Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:39:28 -0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: The 
  ---  Of course, it's well known the 
  CIA recruits heavily from the ranks of Canadian journalists, there 
  being too few American journalists from which to choose, and the CIA 
  having too few connections in the US, and Canadian journalists having 
  a far greater reach than any of their counterparts in the US or 
  Britain or France. Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper 
  reaching upwards of 30,000, (though most of the readers never read 
  Margolis's column, the horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the 
  Sunshine girl having infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure 
  on this listserve to the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has 
  chosen well. With a reach like that, who knows what damage he could 
  do.  Yes, indeed, Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, 
  is based in Canada.  But I must run. A meeting awaits 
  with my fellow Canadians to plot the spread of more disinformation 
  through our widely read newspapers.  - Original Message 
  - From: Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Wednesday, March 27, 2002 11:30 AM Subject: Re: Columnist Eric 
  Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]  
  ---   I suggest it is time for 
  these exchanges to stop.   The problem with margolis 
  is not how we may/ may not  disagree with him, but his "official" 
  contacts for  whom he distributes disinformation. 
It's no coincidence he's based in Canada. 
 --- Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- But 
  Nancy, Margolis is a vegan! And he would never   countenance 
  the sending of chickens to Afghanistan. 
  Still, you may be right. At the same time we prevail   upon to blacklist Margolis, maybe we can   get them to 
  stop posting Pat Buchanan and Justin   Raimondo. Surely there 
  are people on the Left (and   not Chomskyites, Trotskyites, 
  social democrats,   anarchists, world socialists, 
  libertarian   socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives 
  and   Blairites) who are making the same points on 
Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe 

Arab Summit Lies in Ruins as Arafat is Fenced In [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 in the lndependent/UK 


  Arab Summit Lies in Ruins as 
  Arafat is Fenced In 

  by Robert Fisk in Beirut

Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel 
  Sharon, threw Yasser Arafat into the valley of humiliation last night, 
  banning his visit to the Beirut Arab summit in the face of feeble American 
  protests. "Unfortunately, the conditions are not yet ripe for Chairman 
  Arafat's departure for Beirut" Mr Sharon said after two Palestinians set 
  off a bomb at an Israeli checkpoint in Jerusalem. 
  Later, two military observers from an international force stationed at 
  Hebron in the West Bank were shot and killed while driving down a Jewish 
  settlers' road, apparently by Palestinian gunmen. The two victims, 
  believed initially to be Norwegian, were the first members of this unarmed 
  force, set up in 1997 to help ease tensions after the partition of Hebron 
  into Israeli and Palestinian zones, to be killed. Another observer was 
  slightly wounded in the ambush.
  President George Bush, who has urged Mr Sharon to allow the Palestinian 
  leader to travel to Beirut to endorse a watered-down version of a UN 
  resolution demanding the return of Israeli occupied land for peace, let Mr 
  Sharon off the hook. Mr Bush's spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said: "The 
  President's position is simple and clear. We're dealing with a sovereign 
  [Israeli] government. Governments have the right to make determinations 
  Mr Arafat, could, perhaps talk to Arab leaders via a video-link 
  although he would appear a prisoner of the Israelis on any screen in 
  Beirut. But the Arabs have already seen the trap. And if anyone can smell 
  a rat, Hosni Mubarak can. When the Egyptian President decided last night 
  he would not attend the summit, the word was out. Stay away. Yasser Arafat 
  – even if the Israelis were generous enough to allow him to travel to 
  Lebanon at the 11th hour – was told by his cronies to remain in his office 
  in Ramallah.
  Colonel Gaddafi would not come. Nor would Saddam Hussein. Not even the 
  ruler of the United Arab Emirates deigned to come. Nor the Emir of Qatar. 
  They call this an Arab summit?
  In truth, it is a tragedy. For symbolism, one might glance at the ruins 
  of the Holiday Inn. Punched into Irish lace by a hundred shell holes 
  during the civil war, its gaunt facade has been covered by a 500ft 
  advertisement hoarding depicting the far more ancient ancient Roman ruins 
  of Baalbek. "Vivre le Liban," it says. Long live Lebanon. But the summit 
  is dead.
  The Americans wanted the Arab kings and presidents to endorse Saudi 
  Crown Prince Abdullah's Heath Robinson "peace plan", a vague and ambiguous 
  proposal of "land for peace" which is itself a watered-down version of UN 
  Security Council Resolution 242, the famous – or infamous – tract that 
  demanded Israeli withdrawal from Arab territory captured in the 1967 
  Middle East war in return for the security of all states in the area, 
  including Israel.
  But the Saudis did not want to talk about Palestinian refugees – tens 
  of thousands of whom languish in mud and filth scarcely four miles from 
  the summit conference hotel in Beirut – nor about the occupied Syrian 
  Golan Heights which President Bashar Assad of Syria, wants to hear 
  The latest version of the Saudi proposals concentrates on compensating 
  refugees, which few of them would accept. Nor would the Lebanese, the 
  hosts of this ghost summit, who would like the 250,000 Palestinians on 
  their land to go home – wherever "home" might be. So what hope of peace in 
  the rain-squalled streets of Beirut last night?
  Well, Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general is coming. Javier Solana, 
  Europe's best known and least eloquent statesman is here. Indeed, the 
  non-Arabs seemed to be more important than the Arab rulers who have chosen 
  to come to the city in which Mr Arafat and his Israeli nemesis, Ariel 
  Sharon, together helped to ruin in 1982.
  Mr Solana was talking last night about a "ray of hope" but the Arabs 
  could not see it. Even if the great and most corrupt of potentates managed 
  to come to Lebanon, they would only have been able to accept the most 
  amorphous of Saudi "peace" plans. Indeed, by mid-morning, the best on 
  offer – a new version of the Abdullah proposal – was an "end to conflict" 
  with Israel. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of peace and security for 
  either Jew or Arab.
  Many Palestinians believed for Mr Arafat to accept Israel's 
  "permission" to attend would 

U.N. Finds Uranium Toxins From NATO Arms in Serbia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Miroslav Antic


U.N. Finds Uranium Toxins From NATO Arms
in Serbia

Wed Mar 27,10:26 AM ET

GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. scientists said Wednesday they
found widespread traces of depleted uranium from NATO munitions at five
sites in Serbia and Montenegro but the level of contamination posed no
immediate health threat.

  But they warned authorities to take precautions,
particularly before allowing development projects, such as house
building, on the sites because of the risk of stirring up potentially
toxic soil and dust.

  There is no health risk at the moment, but we do not know
if there could be one if you make major soil removals, team leader
Pekka Haavisto told a news conference.

  The team organized by the U.N. Environment Program went to six areas
in the two republics that once formed part of Yugoslavia and found
widespread but low-level contamination by depleted uranium at five.

  Depleted uranium is used to harden the tips of tank-busting shells
fired by NATO during its mid-1990s Bosnia action and again during the
air war to drive Serbian forces out of Kosovo.

  The study concludes that the DU sites studied do not
present immediate radioactive or toxic risks for the environment or
human health, UNEP said in a statement, adding the findings were in
line with a similar report last year on Kosovo.

  The two reports were ordered after a number of soldiers who served in
NATO forces in Kosovo and Bosnia contracted leukemia, stirring fears
that exposure to depleted uranium may have been the cause.

  The link has been consistently denied by the World Health
Organization, which says levels of depleted uranium in the munitions
were not high enough to cause cancer.

  Lower degrees of exposure have been tied to other health problems,
including kidney disease.

  Although it was not directly part of the study, UNEP noted
in the report that the WHO had also found no evidence to link depleted
uranium to chromosome changes reported by Montenegro in six people who
carried out decontamination work at its site.


  Haavisto said that there were 11 sites in Serbia where NATO was known
or believed to have fired DU-coated munitions, and the team chose the
five most representative. There was only one such site in Montenegro.

  A site is an area of some 100 square yards around the spot where
depleted uranium munitions struck a target.

  Traces of depleted uranium were found in soil samples and
in the air, but there was no sign of any contamination of the water
supplies, UNEP said.

  The lack of any trace in the water could be due to the fact that
uranium in the soil had not yet permeated deep enough to reach the water
table, and there was a need for vigilance, Haavisto told a news
conference to present the findings.

  Haavisto said that drinking water should be tested once a year, adding
the team had been surprised at finding depleted uranium in air samples
more than two years after the end of the Yugoslav conflict.
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U.N. Finds Uranium Toxins From NATO Arms in Serbia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Steve Wagner


U.N. Finds Uranium Toxins From NATO Arms
in Serbia

Wed Mar 27,10:26 AM ET

GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. scientists said Wednesday they
found widespread traces of depleted uranium from NATO munitions
at five sites in Serbia and Montenegro but the level of
contamination posed no immediate health threat.

  But they warned authorities to take precautions,
particularly before allowing development projects, such as
house building, on the sites because of the risk of stirring up
potentially toxic soil and dust.

  There is no health risk at the moment, but we do not know
if there could be one if you make major soil removals, team
leader Pekka Haavisto told a news conference.

  The team organized by the U.N. Environment Program went to
six areas in the two republics that once formed part of
Yugoslavia and found widespread but low-level contamination
by depleted uranium at five.

  Depleted uranium is used to harden the tips of tank-busting
shells fired by NATO during its mid-1990s Bosnia action and
again during the air war to drive Serbian forces out of Kosovo.

  The study concludes that the DU sites studied do not
present immediate radioactive or toxic risks for the
environment or human health, UNEP said in a statement, adding
the findings were in line with a similar report last year on

  The two reports were ordered after a number of soldiers who
served in NATO forces in Kosovo and Bosnia contracted leukemia,
stirring fears that exposure to depleted uranium may have been
the cause.

  The link has been consistently denied by the World Health
Organization, which says levels of depleted uranium in the
munitions were not high enough to cause cancer.

  Lower degrees of exposure have been tied to other health
problems, including kidney disease.

  Although it was not directly part of the study, UNEP noted
in the report that the WHO had also found no evidence to link
depleted uranium to chromosome changes reported by Montenegro
in six people who carried out decontamination work at its site.


  Haavisto said that there were 11 sites in Serbia where NATO
was known or believed to have fired DU-coated munitions, and
the team chose the five most representative. There was only one
such site in Montenegro.

  A site is an area of some 100 square yards around the spot
where depleted uranium munitions struck a target.

  Traces of depleted uranium were found in soil samples and
in the air, but there was no sign of any contamination of the
water supplies, UNEP said.

  The lack of any trace in the water could be due to the fact
that uranium in the soil had not yet permeated deep enough to
reach the water table, and there was a need for vigilance,
Haavisto told a news conference to present the findings.

  Haavisto said that drinking water should be tested once a
year, adding the team had been surprised at finding depleted
uranium in air samples more than two years after the end of the
Yugoslav conflict.

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All rights reserved. 
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Guardian: 1947 row on size of nuclear deterrent [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi


1947 row on size of nuclear 
Public record office Cabinet told to acquire stockpile of 1,000 atom bombs by 
building one a day 
Owen BowcottWednesday March 27, 
The post-war Labour government was 
privately urged to build atom bombs at the rate of one a day so the UK could 
accumulate a stockpile of one thousand by 1957 that would be sufficient to 
destroy the Soviet Union, according to public record office files released 
Documents, many marked top secret, expose a row in Whitehall over the size of 
the atomic weapons programme and the hasty calculations to set the UK's nuclear 
According to letters from Viscount Portal of Hungerford at the Ministry of 
Supply, in November 1945 (following the dropping by the US of atomic bombs on 
Hiroshima and Nagasaki) the Cabinet initially agreed to construct bombs at the 
rate of 15 a year - although, due to the difficulty of processing the requisite 
plutonium, production could not begin until 1952 at the earliest. 
In fact the UK exploded its first test bomb in October 1952, while the Soviet 
Union had exploded one in October 1949. Until the UK test the weapons programme 
was not publicly admitted - although in private Ernest Bevin, when foreign 
secretary, reportedly told his officials (after he had been humiliated by the 
US): "We have got to have this thing over here whatever it costs, and with a 
bloody union jack flying on top of it". 
In 1947 the defence research policy committee questioned the target set for 
the number of bombs needed. Using arguments by Sir Henry Tizard, a senior 
scientific adviser, the committee, a forerunner of the modern atomic energy 
authority, called for a rapid escalation. "For atomic weapons to be a useful 
deterrent," the committee's report said, "we must hold a stock of the order of 
1,000 of such bombs, and we must have the means of delivering them immediately 
on the outbreak of war. 
"We have no reliable figures on the cost or time factor involved in the 
manufacture and storage of atomic bombs. A very rough estimate based on 
published American figures is that, with government backing, manufacture at the 
rate of one per day could start in about five years from now." 
An infuriated Lord Portal commented in a note to the Air Ministry: "These 
estimates were included in the report without referring to the Ministry of 
Supply [which was responsible for building them]." 
In a letter to Air Marshal Lord Tedder at the Air Ministry, Lord Portal 
expressed alarm. He wrote, "I am interested to learn how Tizard obtained his 
figure of 1,000 bombs; but what concerns me is to know whether the chiefs of 
staff accept that figure, because if they do ... the question arises whether the 
task with which I am at present charged should be multiplied by a factor of 24 
... or [be] abandoned, because it's entirely inadequate for the need it is 
supposed to meet." 
Sir Henry Tizard's figures were predicated on "a war beginning during the 
period 1957-62", and his calculation of 1,000 bombs to destroy an enemy 
presumably referred to the Soviet Union, although no foreign power was 
mentioned. On August 30 1947, Lord Tedder wrote back: "I understand that Tizard 
regards the figure of 1,000 as a reasonable estimate of what would be required 
to constitute a valuable deterrent to war. 
"This figure is based on the home defence committee's conclusion that some 25 
would be required to knock out this country. The geographical area we have in 
mind is some forty times the size of the UK, and 25x40=1,000. Tizard claims no 
strategic basis for this, but argues this mathematical approach provides a near 
enough approximation." 
Either Sir Henry Tizard or another civil servant had written a short note by 
hand pointing out that 1,000 warheads would not require a bomb each day, merely 
for production to be doubled every year from 1952. If 15 were to be built in 
that year and the number doubled until 1957, then 945 would have been built. 
Lord Portal, however, dismissed this estimate of the UK's productive capacity 
as "grossly inflated", observing: "It seems to me that it would be very long 
time indeed before production at anything like this rate could be achieved". 

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Daily Telegraph: Quayle wanted me liquidated, says ex-premier (New Zealand) [WWW

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi


Quayle wanted me liquidated, says 
ex-premierBy Paul Chapman in 
Wellington(Filed: 27/03/2002) 
NEW Zealand's former Prime Minister David Lange claimed last 
night that the former American vice-president Dan Quayle had threatened to have 
him "liquidated" following Wellington's ban on nuclear weapons.



  Dan Quayle
The claim was described as "preposterous" by an American diplomat 
based in Australasia at the time.
In 1984 Mr Lange's Labour Party won a snap general election with 
its controversial anti-nuclear policy, which barred nuclear weapons and 
nuclear-powered vessels from New Zealand territory - a ban which remains on the 
statute books.
Mr Lange, 59, said New Zealand had come under huge pressure from 
the Americans to rescind it.
"There were personal pressures. There were veiled threats. There 
were specific threats. There were threats made to other countries," Mr Lange 
said in an interview with Television New Zealand.
"It was announced to the Australian cabinet at one stage that I 
had to be liquidated."
The remark was allegedly made in 1989 during a visit to Australia 
by Mr Quayle, who was vice-president in the administration of George Bush 
"I inquired of our security sources and I was told that I 
shouldn't regard it as a credible threat because the vice-president wasn't 
regarded as credible," Mr Lange said.
Mr Lange's comments astounded Richard Teare, a former American 
ambassador to Wellington who was in Canberra at the time of Mr Quayle's 
"It's preposterous. I'm hearing it for the first time today," Mr 
Teare said.
"I've never heard it in New Zealand, nor from Lange, nor am I 
aware that he's ever written about it or spoken about such a thing before 
Mr Lange, who resigned as prime minister in August 1989 after his 
government was torn apart by internal strife over economic policy, made his 
comments on the eve of a visit to Washington by Helen Clark.
Miss Clark is the first Labour prime minister to meet an American 
president at the White House since 1975. The anti-nuclear policy continues to be 
regarded as an "irritant", according to sources in Washington. 
But the uneasy relationship between the countries has eased 
somewhat after New Zealand committed 
its elite SAS troops to the war on terrorism in 

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Stratfor: Crisis Looming Between U.S., Russia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stasi


 Crisis Looming Between U.S., Russia


 CIA Director George Tenet recently singled out Russia as a
 massive contributor to the spread of chemical, biological and
 nuclear weapons. Despite the cooperation Moscow has given to
 Washington's anti-terrorism campaign, the Bush administration is
 putting the Russian government on notice. A severe crisis between
 the two sides may now be forming.


 While speaking to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee March
 19, CIA Director George Tenet singled out Russia as the first
 choice of proliferant states seeking the most advanced technology
 and training for weapons of mass destruction, Agence France-
 Presse reported. Tenet added that Russian sales of technology and
 expertise applicable to chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
 were a major source of funds for commercial and defense
 industries and military research and development.

 Tenet's statement -- coming in the wake of a recent Pentagon
 report naming seven countries, including Russia, as potential
 nuclear targets -- was a bombshell. It places responsibility for
 the spread of Russian weapons of mass destruction squarely on the
 shoulders of the government in Moscow and sets the stage for a
 coming confrontation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

 STRATFOR has previously said that a new doctrine is emerging
 within the Bush administration that is based on the following
 logic: Al Qaeda is not dead and is dedicated to further attacks
 on the United States. It has demonstrated the desire to obtain
 chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, which represent a threat
 to millions of American citizens.

 The United States must therefore both destroy al Qaeda and
 eliminate any stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear
 weapons that could find their way into the group's hands. The
 fact that most of these stockpiles belong to sovereign nations
 like Syria, Pakistan and Russia complicates the problem for
 Washington but does not change the Bush administration's policy.

 If anything, ending the proliferation of weapons of mass
 destruction (WMD) actually takes priority over destroying the al
 Qaeda network. Terrorist networks can be badly hurt, but it is
 incredibly difficult to destroy them completely. WMD stockpiles,
 plus the accompanying facilities and skilled personnel, are
 finite and are harder to regenerate than a terrorist network.

 Now the director of the CIA has named Russia as the key source of
 WMD proliferation. Tenet stopped just short of explicitly placing
 the blame on the Russian government, but at the same time, he
 also did not blame rogue elements in the Russian security
 services or mafia syndicates. This would have given Putin a
 certain amount of deniability and raised the potential for Russia
 to work with the United States -- like it did in the early 1990s
 -- on decommissioning weapons of mass destruction.

 Instead, Tenet delivered a blunt message to Putin: the United
 States believes that WMD proliferation is official Russian
 policy. The government in Moscow must either immediately halt
 this policy or face the consequences.

 Gone is any residual U.S. gratitude for Russian cooperation
 during the early phases of the war in Afghanistan. The Bush
 administration is maintaining that the threat posed to the United
 States is so great that any and all other considerations --
 including diplomatic niceties -- must take a backseat.

 This represents the beginning of a severe crisis between the
 United States and Russia. Putin must weigh his choices very
 carefully. If he accepts U.S. demands and subordinates Russian
 foreign policy to Washington again, he acknowledges that his
 country has effectively become subservient to the United States.
 This not only would be a bitter pill to swallow but also would
 feed nationalist political and military elements within Russia
 that currently challenge Putin's agenda. The president has
 managed these groups so far, but a gesture of appeasement on this
 scale would inflame the passions of even the most pro-Western

 However, if Putin does not accept U.S. demands, he faces the
 distinct possibility of attacks on Russian weapons facilities and
 the potential elimination of his country's nuclear capability.
 Such an outcome could very easily spark a coup in Russia, which
 Putin would probably not survive. Even if he did manage to stay
 in power, Putin's plan to rebuild Russia through economic
 integration with Europe and closer short-term ties to the United
 States would be destroyed. And in the worst-case -- but still
 quite likely -- scenario, Russia would respond by launching a
 nuclear attack on the United States.

 We are not yet at the point of crisis. The Bush administration
 went public in order to put more pressure on Putin, likely after
 getting few results from private consultations. Putin is in the
 process of feeling out American resolve. 

Re (anti-NATO) UNITE! Info #166en: 3/8 , 4;8, 5/8, 6/8, etc,, etc, ad infinit

2002-03-27 Thread mart-remote
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Fueling the Fire of Imperial Warfare [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Bill Howard


[Does anybody know who owns the oil industry in US?...   Bill Howard]

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- Original Message - 
From: Comit por la Nueva Colombia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 12:52 AM
Subject: [activistcolombia] US military fuel buying suggests new war(s)

Reuters. 26 March 2002. U.S. Military Fuel Buying
Surges for Mideast
NEW YORK -- The U.S. military, the world's largest
purchaser of petroleum, is buying oil at rates not
seen since the
Persian Gulf War as it apparently seeks to fuel the
Bush administration's fight against terrorism.

The Pentagon has tendered for some 7.4 million barrels
of fuel above and beyond normal contracts for its
Mideast bases over the past three months, according to
the Department of Defense

This mimics emergency buys made after Iraq invaded
Kuwait in 1990 and dwarfs supplemental purchases
during the NATO air wars against Serbia in 1999.

The U.S. military's big appetite for oil, which has
underpinned strong petroleum prices in recent weeks,
has intensified speculation that the
United States may broaden its fight against terrorism
beyond Afghanistan, possibly to Iraq, as tensions
continue to boil in the region.

Officials at the DOD's fuel-buying wing, the Defense
Energy Support
Center (DESC), declined to comment on the reason for
the extraordinary fuel buys, but said supplemental
tenders are generally to compensate for supply
shortfalls due to higher-than-expected military

To the extent that we need more fuel than we planned
for under our normal contracts, we issue supplemental
solicitations, said one DESC official.

The most recent tender for 5.6 million barrels of jet
fuel, issued in late February, was labeled urgent and
compelling -- a tag that signifies the delivery
contract for the fuel must be signed within 45 days of

The 7.4 million barrels in supplemental tenders call
mostly for jet fighter fuel to be delivered to bases
in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the
United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Israel, Japan, and the
island of Diego Garcia, during the course of this

The volume of the supplemental tenders, which amounts
to about five days of commercial and private jet fuel
consumption in the United States, adds up to more than
8 percent of the DOD's worldwide bulk fuel purchases
during the year 2000, and is 40 percent higher than
worldwide supplemental purchases during 2001.

It falls short of two supplemental tenders issued by
the military in
1990 for sorties over Baghdad, which amounted to 8.1
million barrels,
but dwarfs a series of supplemental buys made in 1999
during the
U.S.-led NATO air war against Serbia -- the last time
the U.S. was
engaged in significant fighting -- which amounted to
roughly 1.5 million barrels.


Ramon Acevedo
Comit por la Nueva Colombia
(415) 821-6545

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RE: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Stephen Gowans



  for the second time, I see your point. What I don't see is why this was 
 turned into mudslinging contest. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I 
 don't recall anyone ever personally attacking you. So, what prompted you 
 to  attack  Rick and Mart?  Fill me in on the details if I missed 
 Everything else you wrote  on the subject of Margolis I'm in agreement 
 with. There is disformation of a much more insidious quality sent to 
 this list daily. I'm sure most members are capable of dissecting fact 
 from  fiction, the good from the bad. On the other hand, Rick and Mart 
 do provide helpful insight into must of what's sent. For someone like 
 myself -- poli/cri/tically active for a meagre three years and as such 
 supseptible to misinterpreting information or not recognizing subtle 
 spin or propaganda -- I'm indebted to them for their  analysis. 
 So, lets drop the subject and get back to business. By prolonging it we 
 are merely stirring up animosity and that's not what we need, is it now?
 David O.Q
 Stephen Gowans wrote:
  Relax. That wasn't a jab at the size of the list, not a comment on 
  quality versus quantity (though quality without reach could hardly 
  subserve the listserve's presumed goals of stopping NATO.) Instead, it 
  was an attempt to put this tiresome subject in perspective. Posting 
  Margolis on a listerserve of 118 subscribers isn't going to amount to a 
  hill of beans, no matter what the power of forward to is, even if 
  those subscribers are too dull to recognize misinformation, as some of 
  the more frequently seen names on this list seem to suppose.
  In the exchanges on this issue, not once has anyone replied to my 
  arguments. Instead, the same old charge is repeated, But Margolis has 
  an unsavory background. We shouldn't suppose he's one of us. He's an 
  imposter. Who cares what Margolis background is? Margolis's colleague 
  Peter Worthington has long been a bete noire of mine, but he wrote a 
  wonderful exposure of the Racak massacre hoax, and yes, while others 
  have written better exposures, Worthington's was probably read by more 
  than anyone else's, and he writes for the Toronto Sun with its picayune 
  Yes, ANTINATO is a listserve of superb quality, the best I know of, but 
  I'd venture to guess that the asshole Worthington has done more to make 
  large numbers of people ask questions about NATO policy vis-vis the 
  Balkans than anyone on this list has. You take your allies where you can 
  find them. Or you surround yourself with others who see the world in 
  exactly the same way on every issue, and squander your energies on the 
  margins, feeding delusions that you're making a difference.
- Original Message - 
From: Francisco Javier Bernal 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Hello Stephen,
Excuse my language, but what's your problem? You don't need to be very 
smart to know how many subscriber the list have. Just visiting the list 
homepage, So what? Since when 
quantity is synonimous of quality? 
On Margolis: I currently receive two or three emails a week from 
different sources containing articles written by this individual. Most 
of them from people with no knowledge whatsoever on his background. And 
I don't live in Toronto.
As per the 118, never underestimate the capabilities of the 'forward 
Take it easy, mate
 From: Stephen Gowans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:39:28 -0500
 Subject: The Canadian Connection  [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
 Of course, it's well known the CIA recruits heavily from the ranks of
 Canadian journalists, there being too few American journalists from 
 which to
 choose, and the CIA having too few connections in the US, and Canadian
 journalists having a far greater reach than any of their counterparts in 
 US or Britain or France. Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper
 reaching upwards of 30,000, (though most of the readers never read
 Margolis's column, the horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the
 Sunshine girl having infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure 
 this listserve to the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has chosen 
 With a reach like that, who knows what damage he could do.
 Yes, indeed, Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, is based in 
 But I must run.  A meeting awaits with my fellow Canadians to 

Iraqi Journalists protest War Threat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Bill Howard


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.Iraqi Journalists Hold Anti-US Rally.

Several hundred Iraqi journalists on Tuesday held a rally in front of the
Iraqi Journalists Union (IJU) to protest against possible U.S. military
attacks against Baghdad, the state-run Iraq TV reported.

Several hundred Iraqi journalists on Tuesday held a rally in front of the
Iraqi Journalists Union (IJU) to protest against possible U.S. military
attacks against Baghdad, the state-run Iraq TV reported.

Mohammad Abd Mehdi, first deputy secretary of the IJU, delivered a speech at
the rally and called on the Arab summit, due to open on Wednesday in the
Lebanese capital of Beirut, to support the Palestinian intifada (uprising)
against Israel  and reject U.S. military action against the Iraqi people.

The protest came ahead of the two-day Arab summit and Arab leaders are
widely expected to adopt a Saudi peace initiative, which offers full Arab
normalization of ties with Israel in exchange for the latter's withdrawal
from the Arab lands it occupied in the 1967 Mideast war.

The summit is also likely to voice opposition to any possible U. S. military
intervention against Iraq, as Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa has
said that the summit will oppose U.S. military action against Baghdad.

U.S. President George W. Bush has branded Iraq as part of an  axis of evil
and strongly warned that Iraq may become the next target of the U.S.-led war
on terror. 

However, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, during his Mideast tour earlier
this month, received little support for any U.S. campaign against Iraq in
the face of surging violence between the Palestinians and Israel.


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3rd Meeting of the Balkan Anti-NATO Center (BAN-c) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Bill Howard


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Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 11:17 AM
Subject: CP of Greece, 3rd Meeting of the Balkan Anti-NATO Center (BAN-c)
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CP of Greece, 3rd Meeting of the Balkan Anti-NATO Center (BAN-c)

   From: Communist Party of Greece, Wed, 27 Mar 2002

   3rd Meeting of the Balkan Anti-NATO Center (BAN-c)

*Next appointments: the NATO meeting in Prague, November 2002 and the EU
summit in Thessalonica, June 2003

The 3rd Meeting of Balkan Anti-NATO Center (BAN-c) was held on 23-24 of
March in Thessalonica, with subject Three years after the bombings, the
war continues in the Balkans: The policy of NATO and EU.

The BAN-c was established on March 2000. It is a platform composed by
parties, organizations and movements from the Balkan countries, which
struggle against NATO, for peace, friendship and cooperation among the
Balkan People.

The aim of the meeting was the coordination of actions among the
movements of the Balkans against the policies and the actions of
imperialism in the region, against the policy of NATO and EU and the
confinement of the democratic rights and civil freedoms, which is being
promoted in the name of confronting terrorism.

Present were representatives of parties and movements from Albania,
Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Cyprus, FYROM, Greece, Romania and Turkey. Various
personalities (mayors, town councilors, trade unionists, university
professors, MPs etc) also attended the meeting.

Also, youth organizations from Greece (Communist Youth of Greece KNE,
youth of DIKKI, Youth Action for Peace, All Students' Movement  PKS,
Youth Secretariat of PAME, students unions etc), Cyprus (EDON), Turkey
(Youth of the CP) and Bulgaria (Socialist Youth Union) participated in
the meeting, holding a special youth session as well.

In the meeting were discussed the preparations for the demonstrations
during the EU summit that will take place in June 2003 in Thessalonica ,
supporting the appeal that has already been released by the initiative
group Action-Thessalonica 2003.

It was also agreed to participate in the anti-NATO demonstrations in
Prague (November 2002) during the NATO meeting.

The youth session decided, among other initiatives, to organize the 2nd
Balkan Anti-NATO Youth Camp this July in Thessalonica.

The parties and movements that participated released an Appeal to the
People of Balkans under the title No to NATO - Prague November 2002,
militant response to the EU summit - Thessalonica June 2003

Info by
International  Section of CPG



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US Using NATO To Control Europe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


Bush comes to shove 
Nato was being counted out a few months ago. Now the
US is using it to control the new Europe

Simon Tisdall
Thursday March 28, 2002
The Guardian

While Britain and other member states ponderously plod
towards agreement on the EU's eastern enlargement, the
Bush administration is steaming full speed ahead with
the reunification of Europe - under US auspices, on US
terms, and primarily for US purposes. 

This worrying extension of American power and
influence is happening almost without debate in
western European capitals, under the noses of leaders
in France and Germany preoccupied with elections and
of others, in Britain, Italy and Spain, too willing to
do Washington's bidding. Yet the US plan, now being
pursued by high-level envoys, has enormous political,
military and commercial implications. 

Such US expansionism across Europe, proceeding in
tandem with its equally unabashed move into central
Asia, may represent the true dawning, after a decade
of false starts, of the age of the solo superpower. It
is probably irreversible. And it poses fundamental
questions for European integrationists and
nation-staters alike. 

The chosen vehicle for this grand American putsch,
this new, US-orchestrated concert of Europe, is the
traditionally US-led Nato alliance; the catalyst was
September 11; and the crunch will come at next
November's heads-of-government Nato summit in Prague.
Up to seven eastern European countries - Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and
Romania will be invited to join Nato in Prague. Others
such as Croatia, Macedonia and Albania will remain in
line, hoping their turn will come soon. Yet others,
such as Ukraine and Georgia, will edge closer. And if
all that were not enough, Russia itself will by then
in all probability have been drawn into a sort of
associate membership, too. At that point, Nato could
girdle the entire northern hemisphere. 

In other words, a post-cold-war transformation that is
both amazing and permanent is in prospect right across
Europe. Once security and military ties are
formalised, US economic investment, aid, arms and
trade deals will surely follow. 

Speaking in Bucharest this week, at a Nato meeting
entitled The Spring of New Allies, the US deputy
secretary of state, Richard Armitage, told 10 Nato
aspirants that we're looking to the widest possible
accession in November. In a message sent to the
meeting, President George Bush made his objective
unambiguously clear: In Prague our nations will take
a historic step toward removing the last divisions of
Europe. In London, and Paris, and Berlin, however, at
this salient juncture in the continent's affairs, the
silence is palpable and telling. For this is
principally a US gig, American-driven and
American-organised, with EU countries mostly tagging
on behind. 

It almost did not happen. Nato's post-cold-war role
has been the subject of fierce debate. US-European
rows over the Kosovo campaign, defence budgets and the
EU's rapid reaction force made matters worse. When the
alliance was effectively sidelined after September 11
as the US largely went it alone militarily in
Afghanistan, it looked like curtains for the
iron-curtain-era partnership. 

But as the dust settled in New York and Washington,
the Bush administration started looking for ways, in
radically altered circumstances, to make Nato the
effective instrument of a now more assertive and
single-minded US global policy. In theory, the
aspiration was already in place. Bush vowed in Warsaw
in June last year to assure freedom and security for
all of Europe's democracies, from the Baltics to the
Black sea. But now, the US has found new uses for
Nato - and expansion is key. 

The US, as ever, primarily seeks to bolster Nato to
bolster its own security - which it now believes to be
under unprecedented threat. Thus bringing in new
members to assist the war against terrorism is
suddenly much more attractive. This applies in
particular to Bulgaria and Romania, on Nato's southern
flank. Both are already providing bases for US forces
flying into Afghanistan and peacekeepers in Kabul and
the Balkans. And neither appears to blanch (unlike
Nato member Turkey) at the prospect of new wars across
the Black sea in Iraq or even in Iran or the Caucasus.
As Solomon Pasi, Bulgaria's foreign minister, candidly
said this week, the two countries are making the best
use of this tragic opportunity. 

The Bush administration clearly sees an opportunity,
only vaguely glimpsed by a befogged, dawdling EU, to
advance its security, commercial and energy interests
in eastern Europe and beyond. To this end Nato appears
destined to become a far more political organisation
than in the past with the criteria for membership
emphasising such issues as adherence to democratic
governance more than military capability. 

This rapid, biggest-ever 

Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread G.R.


on 28/3/02 12:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The line You take your allies where you can find them. is opportunist, for
 Margolis is no ally. If a political pundit occasionally contributes to the
 rectifying of a wrong, it doesn't make him an ally, he has merely served some
 use in the struggle.
 That's what Rick is upset about, because you appeared to give Margolis
 too much credit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't
 mean it is running.

Very nice wording and very thoughtful Heather! Thanks indeed!

When the finger was pointing at the moon the idiot was looking at the

Chinese proverb

G. R. 


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Lament: US On War Footing With Dissent [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Irish Times
March 28, 2002

US on war footing to deal with dissent
By Harry Browne 
-But the constraints are paltry and alternatives to US
power are fading from view. US forces are now in more
than 130 countries: newly-stretched across
oil-and-gas-rich central Asia; in combat in the
Philippines despite opposition from (mere) Filipinos.

  A week is a long time in politics - it's a cliche
universally acknowledged. So when figures from the US
administration talk about a military posture which
could last for decades, you can take it that they're
not just underlining the world-historical importance
of their anti-terrorist actions; they're also
putting them into a timescale that in political argot
is like saying forever.

It's less a forecast, or even a threat, than it is an
article of faith, a promise of endless empire.

Yes, empire, though there's nothing particularly
evil about US designs upon the world. It's entirely
true, indeed, to say that US politics contains a
significant isolationist streak. (George Bush himself
ran against the Clinton record of overstretching the
military.) So why is the US now intently pursuing what
its war-planners call full spectrum dominance?
Perhaps because it can.

Indeed, it's hard to imagine an armed government, free
of powerful state enemies, backed by capitalist
interests and handed a political opportunity by
terrorist murderers, that wouldn't behave as America
is doing - building up troops, bases and bombs around
the world, cajoling and threatening those who might
oppose it. In some sense, the US, for all its
strategic planning, has had global greatness thrust
upon it.

The US does face some constraints: a botched raid near
Kandahar, soon after the Afghan bombing started nearly
six months ago, reminded its generals of the political
preference to use proxy fighters where possible. And
while US leaders don't feel compelled to confine war
to al-Qaeda and its alleged allies, other countries
may demur.

Then there's the need for carrots to go with sticks:
the US surprised everyone, including Mr Bush himself,
with last week's increase in its development-aid
budget (while maintaining its right to define

But the constraints are paltry and alternatives to US
power are fading from view. US forces are now in more
than 130 countries: newly-stretched across
oil-and-gas-rich central Asia; in combat in the
Philippines despite opposition from (mere) Filipinos.

Such are the imperial assumptions about Latin America
that Sinn Féin is made to answer for alleged
activities in Colombia to a US congressional
committee. (To which Sinn Fein's most appropriate,
though unlikely response, is: None of your friggin'
business. What are you doing in Colombia?)

From Ireland to Israel - in places where the US has
minimal military presence - politics is conducted by
US special envoys.

The UN, meanwhile, has the status of a glorified aid
agency: on hand to help thousands of Afghan civilians
when an earthquake strikes; powerless to protect
thousands more of them when the US daisycutters

AROUND here some liberals are inclined to compare
today's US policy favourably with that of the Cold
War. It's a blinkered view. Not only is the US now
less constrained, militarily and politically,
internationally and domestically, but in the new era
it has also blithely carried on punishing those who
resisted the hottest of its Cold War policies.

Cuba suffers under a US embargo; Nicaragua, brutally
impoverished in spite of its capitulation, saw the US
blatantly interfering in an election just months ago;
Vietnam only escaped US trade isolation two decades
after its military victory and only when it was
clearly ready to contribute its share of Asia's
sweatshop labour for US multinationals; Iran and North
Korea are threatened with the axis of evil label.

And the US holds tight to its nuclear weapons,
planning new uses for them, preparing a so-called
shield to expand its options against the enemies it
might choose to attack.

Ireland, it is argued, is bound to support the US with
our historic links and all the Irish and
Irish-American victims of the September atrocity. But
look beyond the understandable sentiment: how does the
fact that emigrants like my grandparents eked out
existence in New York tenements rather than in Irish
cottages confer special political virtue on America?

And why should Irish deaths at the hands of America's
enemies confer privileged status on America's war?
Eighty-six years ago, the founders of this State
looked at a world where innocent young men, Irishmen
among them, were fighting in the cause of an empire,
though the fight was couched in euphemism about
civilisation and freedom.

And on Easter Monday 1916, Connolly, Pearse and the
rest stabbed the empire in the back.

Maybe, copious lines of political descent

'Ethnic time-bomb ticking in Georgia' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 28 March 2002. Russian army pullout sets Georgia's ethnic time-bomb

AKHALKALAKI -- A Russian army base on a clifftop overlooking this town
is earmarked for closure, a Soviet relic in an independent, pro-Western
Georgia keen to join NATO and host US troops on its soil.

But the local people, mostly ethnic Armenians, have different ideas. If
the Russians leave then there will be a war. That is 100 percent sure,
said Agop, a money-changer in the town's bazaar.

The base, inherited by Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed, is one of
four on Georgian soil which Moscow undertook to shut down under the
terms of a deal signed in Istanbul three years ago.

That process has been fraught with problems. So far Russia has withdrawn
from only two of the bases and horsetrading is continuing on a timetable
for total withdrawal of the Russian troops.

But when, as the Georgian government insists they must, the Russians
pull out from Akhalkalaki, many warn it could lift the lid on ethnic
tensions that have been simmering beneath the surface here for a

I'll say this, it's an explosive situation, said one Georgian official
who did not want to be named. It's one of those ethnic time-bombs left
behind from the Soviet Union.

Akhalkalaki, cut off from the rest of Georgia by a mountain range,
depends on the base for its economic survival, so much so that the
Russian ruble, not the Georgian lari, is the main local currency.

There is no industry in the town, and the wages paid to the 1,500 local
people who work at the base are the only reliable income most families
get. The Russian servicmen also bring in goods and money.

For this town the Russian base is like oxygen. If you close it there
will be nothing here, said Ashot, another money-changer.

On the face of it, the problems facing Akhalkalaki once the Russians
pull out are purely economic. In reality they run much deeper.

Ethnic Armenians make up some 96 percent of the town's 12,000
population, many having fled to southern Georgia from the Ottoman
Empire's progroms against Armenians at the start of the 20th century.

They trust the Russian garrison to defend them from Turkey, whose
northern border is just 35 kilometres (20 miles) away and which they
still fear.

They have no such faith in the Georgian military doing the job when the
Russians are gone.

For us the Russians mean peace. They are our guarantee of security,
said Nurik Deboyan, deputy head of the Akhalkalaki town council.

What will happen if the Russians leave? We have to consider that even
today (Turkey) has not acknowledged the genocide. That means there is
something there, doesn't it?

Further fuelling the tension, local people fear that the so-called
Meskhetian Turks, deported from their homes in the region by Stalin,
will be invited to resettle there by the Georgian government, displacing
the Armenian population.

The government in Armenia is sufficiently concerned about its countrymen
in Akhalkalaki to have raised the issue several times with the Georgian

Rolf Ekeus, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe's
High Commissioner on National Minorities, visited the town in February
to hear local people's concerns.

In response to this pressure, the Georgian government has promised a
programme of investment to create new jobs in the town after the Russian
army withdraws.

We are taking measures so that the removal of the Russian base is as
painless as possible, said Teimuraz Mosiashvili, Georgian President
Eduard Shevardnadze's representative in the region.

In Akhalkalaki's muddy bazaar, few people believe him.

Instead, in the febrile atmosphere of fear and mistrust that prevails
here, people are turning their suspicions on the Georgian government.

Shevardnadze wants to get the Russians out of here and put a Turkish
military base in their place, said Misha Seropyan, a young unemployed
man. We don't want that. We're all Armenians here.

One trader added: We get on well with the Georgians, but there are a
few people high up in the Georgian government who are doing everything
they can so that Armenians do not live here any more.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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