ASEAN, U.S. plan anti-terror pact [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Steve Wagner


Japan Today

ASEAN, U.S. plan anti-terror pact

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 09:30 JST

MANILA - Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) and the United States are expected to issue a joint
declaration on how to develop more effective counterterrorism
policies and legal, regulatory and administrative measures to combat
international terrorism when they meet in Brunei next week, according
to a draft document obtained by Kyodo News on Wednesday.

  The draft, titled ASEAN-U.S. Joint Declaration for Cooperation to
Combat International Terrorism, says both sides will reaffirm the
importance of having a framework for cooperation to prevent, disrupt
and combat international terrorism through the exchange and flow of
information and intelligence. 

(Kyodo News)

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Another Sharon war crime: Deliberate sabotage of the peace process [WWW.STOP

2002-07-25 Thread Steve Wagner


The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.


  Ariel Sharon said yesterday that he would not have authorised Sheikh
Salah Shehada's assassination in Gaza City had he known that 14 other
people would die in the bombing raid. What happened is really
regrettable, the Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, told the
BBC yesterday. It wasn't done intentionally.

  The Guardian disagrees. Credible sources suggest that Hamas was on
the verge of making a landmark statement ending the suicide
bombings in return for Israeli withdrawal and an end to
assassinations. Deliberate sabotage of the peace process may soon be
added to the Sharon charge sheet, the paper says.

  The Times has no such scruples about the Israeli prime minister's
decision to target Hamas: Hamas is not interested in negotiation or
accommodation with the Jewish state, simply its extermination. It
was wildly improbable that Sheikh Salah Shehada would ever have
backed a ceasefire agreement, and a grave pity that the undeniably
irresponsible way in which the raid was conducted has muddied the

* Israelis row over bombing blame,2763,762788,00.html
* Times: Israel misfires,,542-364789,00.html
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New York terror sex [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-22 Thread Steve Wagner


New York, new hedonists 

After the Twin Towers attacks, a frightened city indulged in 'terror
sex' for comfort. Ten months on, the middle classes can't get enough of
erotic parties - and it's no longer just a reaction to fear. 

Tanya Corrin and Anna Moore in Manhattan
Sunday July 21, 2002
The Observer 

  Just after midnight on a Saturday night in New York City, 30 couples
and a handful of single women stand awkwardly about in a sprawling loft
in the Garment District dressed in nothing but sheer chiffon togas and
expensive underwear. The guests are all under 40, attractive and
professional, and include an actress from a hit television series, two
lawyers, a doctor, a screenwriter, a model and a professional blackjack
player. But who does what or makes how much is not important tonight.
Everyone is equal in his or her underwear. This is Caligula's Ball, an
invitation-only orgy. 

  'May I massage your arm?' a married man in Calvin Klein boxer briefs
asks a solo twiggy brunette. His wife, a petite blonde, stands beside
him clutching a glass of merlot and smiling stiffly. 

  'Um, ok,' replies the brunette and shoots a glance at his wife. The
husband reaches out and strokes the brunette's arm tentatively, just
above the elbow. 

  'This is weird,' says the brunette, and looks at the wife nervously.
'Doesn't this bother you?' 

  'No, my husband and I discussed this already... it's OK,' she
replies, but doesn't sound so sure. 

  Parties such as Caligula's Ball, which is hosted by 31-year-old
Palagia, the city's reigning queen of tasteful debauchery, are part of
a growing trend. New Yorkers are becoming more adventurous, playful and
exhibitionistic. Young professionals are looking into light BDSM
(Bondage, Domination, Submission, Masochism), pursuing three- or
foursomes on the net, and passing weekday evenings in multi-level
nightclubs that provide free condoms, flavoured lubes and stints in the
'spanking room'. At the same time, 'swinging' has been reborn,
repackaged and is now known as 'play'. 

  Why all the sex? Many New Yorkers still chalk it up to 'terror sex',
a term coined by the internet magazine Ten days after the
terrorist attacks, the site ran an article describing the phenomenon.
Couples who had been separated for the day of the attacks told how they
spent the next few days in bed. A gay man who was late for work at the
World Trade Centre and watched the tragedy unfold from the Brooklyn
Bridge said he spent the night online looking for sex, and when he
found someone, they 'had sex as if it was our last time'. Events had
caused a shift in priorities, the piece claimed. Suddenly, work and
possessions didn't matter. Only relationships were 'real'. The article
ended by anticipating a baby boom in nine months' time. 

  Although official figures will not be released for another year, the
baby boom theory seems to have panned out with many New York hospitals
claiming a 15-25 per cent increase in births this summer. 

  Hard, casual, non-procreative sex was an alternative response, claims
Amy Sohn, the New York magazine sex columnist and author of Run Catch
Kiss. '11 September did a mix of two things,' she says. 'It made some
people want to settle down, have children or look for a mate. There was
a surge in internet dating straight afterwards, and there were lots of
couples who had broken up getting back together again. Then it made
others party harder and pursue sex with whoever they could find. There
was a feeling of party all night because you don't know when the party
is going to end. In other words, it made some people live for the
future and others live for the moment.' 

  While most of the economy tanked, the sex industry boomed. New York's
Spectator, a listings and sex news magazine, reported a surge in
advertisers. Toys in Babeland, a brightly lit sex toy store in the
Lower East, claimed that sales increased in the weeks following 11
September by 30 per cent. Adam Glickman, president and founder of
Condomania, a sex toy and novelty website with several stores including
one in Manhattan's West Village, says that sales to New Yorkers
increased by a third despite the dramatic drop in tourism. 

  Pepper Schwartz, professor of sociology at the University of
Washington and author of Everything You Know About Love and Sex Is
Wrong, says that sex is a natural, physiological response to
catastrophe. 'There really is a third 'F' to the 'Fight or Flight'
theory that no one mentions,' she says. 'In times of upheaval and
terror, people look for confirmation of life, and there's no more
obvious antidote to death than sex. It's a way of saying: I'm
functioning, I'm alive and I'm not alone.' 

  There are numerous historical precedents, points out Gail Wyatt, sex
researcher, sex therapist and professor of psychiatry at UCLA.'It
happened between British women and American GIs 

The Pope, the Patriarch and Trotsky [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-21 Thread Steve Wagner


The Pope, the Patriarch and Trotsky
By JOE ADAMOV / Moscow mailbag

How is Leon Trotsky viewed by Russian historians today? – William Kerr,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

  Leon Trotsky was an excellent public speaker. He took an active part
in organizing the Red Army and played a major role in preparing the
defence of the country, as well as the victory in the civil war. He had
much that Stalin lacked. Trotsky was one of the leaders in the armed
uprising in Petrograd. After the Bolsheviks took power, he held several
ministerial posts, including chairman of the Revolutionary Military
Council. He was uncompromising toward Stalin and the existing regime.
Unfortunately, he also went down in history as one of the organizers of
labor camps and mass executions. Nevertheless, he was one of the main
leaders of the revolution. He believed fanatically in the workers’
revolution of the world. Trotsky left the world 100 volumes of his
works. No one has had as many lies told about him and nobody has been
as ruthlessly discredited as Trotsky. Yes, he believed in world
communism. But he was never an enemy of the Soviet Union and never
bowed to the West. But you’ve got to understand that the world
revolution, like communism, was a myth, a mirage. 

Will Patriarch Alexii II and Pope John Paul II ever meet? – Jason
Glavy, Yokohama, Japan

  Let me ask you a question. Why did the Russian Orthodox Church forbid
American preachers from conducting their sermons in Russia, in large
indoor stadiums that were packed, with translation that was excellent?
They had already been shown on television, but then they were stopped.
Why? The Russian Church tells us that in Western Ukraine the Catholic
Church persecutes the Orthodox Church. Its churches are taken away, and
all decisions are made in favor of the Catholics. The Catholics are
accused of expanding into historically Orthodox territory, making it
their canonic territory. Then the Vatican decided to raise its
apostolic administration in Russia to the level of dioceses – in other
words, to move it a rung higher. The Catholics also gained Orthodox
territory by winning over believers in various material ways. The
Orthodox Church said that visits of the Pope to Russia and the former
republics must be coordinated with the Russian government. After all,
the Vatican is a state, not just a religious center. I may be wrong,
but I get the impression the Russian Orthodox Church wants to dominate
its territory. I think it would be in the interests of both to come to
terms with each other and to become friends.

What is the cost of computers in Russia? How many are there? – Ray
Davey, North Otago, New Zealand.

  Monitors cost roughly $150. Computers run from $400 to $1,000. 

  Some say we have 4.8 million home computers. We hold 15th place in
the world in terms of the number of Internet users. 

Please explain the Russian custom of name-day celebrations. – John
Devon, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.

  We call the name day an Angel’s Day. The name of your guardian angel
is given to you at your christening. In old Russia, one’s Angel’s Day
had more significance than one’s birthday. At the beginning of the 20th
century, on one’s name day, his or her family would polish the parquet
floors and prepare many excellent dishes. Women would sew new clothes,
bake cakes and buy flowers. 

Does Russia have the highest percentage of beautiful women? – Alex
Azar, Toronto, Canada

  I don’t know whether we have the highest percentage of beautiful
women. There are beautiful women in many nations. When a beauty
competition is held, they don’t examine millions of people – just the
few that want to compete and feel they have a chance of winning. This
year, Miss Universe was a Russian woman, 24-year-old police officer
Oksana Fedorova. She received $250,000 and the right to study in New

(E-mail Joe Adamov at [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

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Ashcroft vs. Americans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Steve Wagner



Ashcroft vs. Americans


  OPERATION TIPS - the Terrorism Information and Prevention System - is
a scheme that Joseph Stalin would have appreciated. Plans for its pilot
phase, to start in August, have Operation TIPS recruiting a million
letter carriers, meter readers, cable technicians, and other workers
with access to private homes as informants to report to the Justice
Department any activities they think suspicious. 

  This is not an updating of George Orwell's ''1984.'' It is not a
satire on the paranoid fantasies of right-wing kooks who see black
helicopters swooping across their big sky. It will be a nationwide
program run by Attorney General John Ashcroft's Justice Department. If
it is allowed to start up and gather steam, it will begin in 10 cities
and then expand everywhere, enrolling millions of Americans to spy on
their neighbors.

  On the Web site of President Bush's new Citizen Corps program, this
assault on the Constitution is described without any hint of irony as
''a national reporting system that allows these workers, whose routines
make them well-positioned to recognize unusual events, to report
suspicious activity.'' 

  After the Berlin Wall came down and communism vanished into the
dustbin of history, Czechs, East Germans, Poles, and Hungarians had to
suffer through wrenching revelations about the reporting systems their
totalitarian regimes had instituted. The Communist Party bosses in
those captive nations justified the pervasive recruitment of citizens
to inform on their neighbors as a requirement of security and a proof
of loyalty to the party, the revolution, or the working class. 

  If Ashcroft wishes to assess the likely effect of the snooping regime
he is about to implement, he could ask postal workers from the old days
in Prague to explain what happens to a society's sense of solidarity
when everybody on the block assumes that the mailman is telling the
secret police that Comrade X has been reading bourgeois books. 

  For a bit of the shock therapy Ashcroft and his fellow travelers seem
to need, they ought to consult some of the citizens in the former East
Germany who discovered, when looking into their Stasi files, that under
the former regime they had been spied upon for years by a husband or

  Ashcroft's informant corps is a vile idea not merely because it
violates civil liberties in a narrow legal sense or because it will
sabotage genuine efforts to prevent terrorism by overloading law
enforcement officials with irrelevant reports about Americans who have
nothing to do with terrorists. Operation TIPS should be stopped because
it is utterly anti-American. It would give Stalin and the KGB a delayed
triumph in the Cold War - in the name of the Bush administration's war
against terrorism.
This story ran on page A22 of the Boston Globe on 7/17/2002.
© Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company. 

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US Right Wing Forces Tend to Fan Up 'China Threat Theory' Again [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-07-17 Thread Steve Wagner


People's Daily,
Page 3, July 15, 2002.

Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, July 17, 2002 

US Right Wing Forces Tend to Fan Up 'China Threat Theory' Again 

  On July 15, the US-China Security Review Report written by US
Congress US-China Security Review Committee was published. The
report, making evaluation on a series of questions including US-China
relations, economy and trade, came to the conclusion: Since China has
always been regarded as a country supporting terrorism and continuing
to export products including missile technology, China is endangering
America's national security.  The department concerned should urge US
Congress to strengthen management of related technology transfer,
otherwise, China would constitute an ever-greater threat to America's
interests in various parts of the world. 

  On July 12, the annual Defense White Paper submitted by US Defense
Department to the Congress claimed that China's ability of military
intimidation and military occupation of Taiwan is being continuously
enhanced, it could even take military actions against Taiwan under the
circumstance without giving warning. The hundreds of short-range
missiles China deployed in south China threaten not only Taiwan, but
also US armed forces in Japan, as well as Japan and the Philippines. 

  The successive emergence of these two reports is not accidental. It
appears that US right-wing forces tend to whip up the China threat
theory again. 

  The report of the US-China Security Review Committee composed of
members of both the Democratic and Republican Parties of US Congress
runs as long as more than 200 pages. The report said: China is
currently a WTO member and the Chinese economy is developing and
expanding. China is also a huge market for the United States. However,
China is also a country with very uncertain political prospect and
motive of its foreign policy. China is becoming increasingly important
in economy, at the same time it is also expanding its military

  The report states US-China relationship is gradually becoming a
foreign relation which is most important to the United States but is
also most disturbing. The report even alleges: China's huge surplus of
trade with the United States has provided a source of capital for this
policy that directly harms US interests. 

  The report puts forward a 21-point proposal, which includes the
proposition that US Congress adopt a series of legislative actions,
tighten up US policy toward China and apply economic and financial
sanctions against the Chinese government. 

  The Commission also holds that US companies' increasing investments
in China impair US industrial production capacity and the US employment
market, therefore, it demands that the Congress enact relevant laws,
stipulating that those US companies which invest in China and engage in
trade with Chinese firms make public the contents of their investment
in China as well as their contract ties with Chinese trading companies,
and that US Congress formulate a set of special codes of ethics for
American companies operating in China. 

  The US-China Security Review Commission was founded with the
Congress authorization in 2000, its main tasks include assessing the
impacts exerted by US economic and trade ties with China on American
national security. The Commission consists of 12 members, with the
Republican and the Democratic Parties each comprising half of the
memberships. There are different voices even within the Committee. 

  Director of the Export Control Bureau under the Commerce Department,
who once served in the Clinton administration, takes an opposite stand.
The director says that it is unreasonable for the Congress to make laws
used specially to control the business activities of American companies
in China. The Director said: The Commission's proposal which lacks most
serious consideration but has the most far-reaching influence is that
it demands American companies to make public their business reports. 

  Under this proposal, American companies doing business in China must
make detailed reports, including each item of their investments. I
think the demand fails to clearly define the standard, and yet the
scope it covers is very extensive, furthermore, it is a discriminatory
action against China, so there is simply no need to do so. I think it
is incorrect for the Congress to set the moral standard for company
business operations. 

  Some analysts in Washington reveal that the US Congress is now
terribly busy for it has to handle a host of problems such as
counter-terrorism, America's own security, company scandals as well as
the November election and other issues of legislation, for this reason,
the report of the US-China Security Review Commission will possibly
receive not enough attention. 

  Far-sighted personages in and out of the US 

China slams negative US reports [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-17 Thread Steve Wagner


China slams negative US reports 
(07/18/2002) (China Daily)

  Sino-US relations could be seriously damaged if the US Congress
legislates two reports accusing China of being a threat, rather than an
obvious benefit, to world peace, stability and development, a senior
Chinese lawmaker warned Wednesday in Beijing. 

  I hope the US Congress will not legislate them, or else bilateral
ties will be seriously affected,'' said Zeng Jianhui, chairman of the
Foreign Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress, China's parliament, of the reports prepared by the
US-China Security Review Commission and the Pentagon. 

  I expect insightful US Congress members to recognize the possible
consequence any further moves in that direction would bring, and do
their best to avoid a detrimental outcome,'' said Zeng. 

  The China threat'' in the two reports is out of tune with the trend
of Sino-US relations,'' Zeng said, noting that China is a peace-loving

  Zeng stressed China has never adopted expansionary policies abroad.
Facts show it strives for peace and friendship with its neighbours. 

  The Chinese Government has repeatedly pledged the country does not
seek world or regional hegemony and does not want to station troops in
any foreign country. 

  Instead of posing a threat, Zeng said a developed China will benefit
its neighbours, the Asia and Pacific region and the world as a whole. 

  Of China's consistently increasing trade, 60 per cent comes from
deals with its neighbouring countries and regions, and the majority of
the rest with the United States. 

  In its first annual report presented to the US Congress, the US-China
Security Review Commission played up the fictitious China threat'' and
called for tougher action against China, such as trade and technology
blockades, limits on access to US capital markets and restrictions on
imports from China and US firms operating in the country. 

  The report the Pentagon presented to the US Congress on Chinese
military power also played up opposition between the two countries. 

  The Pentagon report said the modernization, weaponry, pilot training,
tactics, and command and control of the Chinese mainland's military
force are beginning to erode Taiwan's qualitative edge. 

  Instead of posing a threat, Zeng said a developed China will benefit

  He said the reports, which claimed the Chinese mainland was
increasing military pressure over Taiwan, actually created an excuse
for the US to enhance ties with Taiwan. 

  Such a move will encourage Taiwan-independence forces in separative
activities and make peaceful reunification difficult,'' Zeng said. 

  By emphasizing the 1982 communique, Zeng said he hoped the US will
continue to abide by the three communiques, which should be the basis
of bilateral relations. 

  The US promised in the 1982 communique that it would gradually reduce
arms sales to Taiwan, leading over a period of time to a final

  China plans to increase its budget on national defence by 17.6 per
cent this year to US$20 billion -- an extremely small part of its gross
domestic product, and far behind other major countries. 

  The US' military spending adds up to US$379.3 billion, US$48 billion
more than the previous year or twice China's total, he pointed out. 

  A modern national defence to ensure a peaceful environment is a must
for a prosperous and stable China, Zeng said. 

  China unwaveringly pursues peace and independence, and regards them
as the core of its foreign policy, he stressed.

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Party at Emma's! Fri., 7-12, 7:30 P.M., Humanist Fellowship, Oakland [WWW.STOPN

2002-07-12 Thread Steve Wagner


East Bay Express billboard
pg. 21, July 10-16, 2002

Party at Emma's!  
Antiwar activists throw themselves a dance party. What's the revolution
coming to? 
  Emma Goldman was the ideal 20th-century woman -- socially conscious,
proudly individualistic, rebellious, skeptical, and possessed of a
sense of humor. She also was a feminist, writer, lecturer,
revolutionary, anarchist, and birth-control advocate, not necessarily
in that order. Nurtured in the radical student movements of Russia and
the sweatshops of America, Red Emma (1869-1940) spent her life
championing social justice and personal freedom and battling their
oppressors, from Chicago police to Russian Bolsheviks to Spanish
fascists. Occasionally, though, Goldman relaxed enough to enjoy a good
party. She's often quoted as having said, If I can't dance to it, it's
not my revolution.

  That's why a pair of activist organizations, the East Bay Coalition
Against the War and the People's Nonviolent Response Coalition, decided
to honor Goldman's birthday -- albeit belatedly; it was June 27 -- with
an all-age, alcohol-free, live-music and DJ party called You Can
Dance, and It Is Your Revolution! Friday night at Oakland's Fellowship
of Humanity Hall (390 27th St., 8 p.m., $5-$10 sliding scale). 

  One of our group members came up with the idea, explains Emanuel
Hemsi of East Bay Coalition Against the War. It's a way of having our
energy and not taking ourselves too seriously. Indeed, the typical
public image of activist protesters is of a loud, surly mob obstructing
traffic -- not a group of twentysomethings dancing to hip-hop music.
Hemsi's East Bay Coalition, which like the People's Nonviolent Response
Coalition is an outgrowth of 9/11, has the avowed purpose of stopping
the retaliatory war on terrorism, defending civil liberties, and
putting a halt to the scapegoating of immigrants. But there's also some
local outreach. We've been having video screenings on Martin Luther
King Jr. and US companies in Latin America, says Hemsi. We're trying
to connect our cause to other causes around the world. 

  The Goldman birthday party will be hosted by MC Kenny Mostern, an
Oakland poetry slam stalwart, with eats provided by Food Not Bombs, and
even dance lessons for hard-working politicos. Because activists need
to have fun, too! organizers say. Emma Goldman herself could only
___ | originally published: July 10, 2002

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Speculation mounts over U.S. attack on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Steve Wagner


The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.
11 July 2002


  The Times speculates about the timing of a possible US attack on
Iraq.  It says the looming 2004 elections will encourage George Bush to
invade sooner rather than later - possibly at the beginning of next
year, to avoid the summer heat in the desert. The president will also
want to avoid a clash with the mid-term elections in November this

  Not only would a successful campaign get rid of Saddam Hussein, the
paper adds, but it would also open up Iraqi oilfields and reduce
America's dependence on Saudi oil. But Jordan indicated yesterday
that it would not cooperate with any US invasion.

  We can see war coming, says Hugo Young in the Guardian. European
nations need to formulate some positions or, ideally, one position.
What do they propose to do about Saddam? How do they think about his
weapons of mass destruction? Britain must start to debate the war
now, he says, before these severe anxieties are buried under the
juggernaut of a son's revenge for what happened to his father.

* Hugo Young: We need to talk about the war on Iraq before it begins,9061,753171,00.html
* Times: American elections dictate timing of an attack,,3-352826,00.html
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Japan protests roughing up of photographer in Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-09 Thread Steve Wagner



Japan protests roughing up of photographer in Afghanistan

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:30 JST

KABUL - The Japanese Embassy in Kabul on Tuesday lodged a protest
with the Afghan Foreign Ministry over the physical assault of a Kyodo
News photographer by an Afghan soldier while covering the funeral of
assassinated Afghan Vice President Haji Abdul Qadir.

  Japanese officials said the Afghan Foreign Ministry issued an
apology and promised to ensure that Afghan security personnel provide
adequate protection to the media.

  An Afghan soldier hit the Kyodo photographer with a whip on her
face while she was covering Qadir's funeral on Sunday. 

(Kyodo News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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Coffee Shop Chain Apologizes for Hitler Quote [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-09 Thread Steve Wagner


Coffee Shop Chain Apologizes for Hitler Quote 
Tue Jul 9,10:54 AM ET 

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Popular Hong Kong coffee shop chain
Pacific Coffee publicly apologized Tuesday for carrying in its shops
a thought for the day by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, which some
customers found offensive. 

  The quote -- The victor will never be asked if he told the
truth -- was chalked on blackboards above the counters in some of
its coffee shops. 

  I wish to apologize unreservedly, both personally and on
behalf of Pacific Coffee Company, for the extremely unfortunate quote
that recently appeared on our Thought for the day blackboards,
managing director Thomas Neir said in a quarter-page advertisement in
the front section of the South China Morning Post. 

  It was morally offensive and inexcusable, and we have
instituted controls to ensure that an event like this cannot occur
again, it said. 

  The Post said Tuesday that the use of the quote had been
condemned by the Israeli Consulate and the Jewish community. A number
of readers had also written to the paper to complain. 

  Pacific Coffee was established in 1993 and has 31 outlets in
Hong Kong. Its main rival in the territory is U.S. coffee chain
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The Land of the Free? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-06 Thread Steve Wagner



The Land of the Free?

D Gordon Hilton

  Is the United States of America really the greatest nation on Earth?

  U.S. economic might is truly staggering, and its military capacity is
almost unfathomable in scope and brutal effectiveness. Patriotism
runs deep in the hearts of its citizens, and individual freedoms are
vigorously protected inside its borders.

  But under closer scrutiny these and other stereotypes perpetuated by
Washington, Wall Street and Hollywood don't always hold up.

  The recent scandals involving Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom
have shown that many of the pillars of U.S. economic strength may not
be as solid as once thought.

  The concern is not just that these companies chose to ignore laws
intended to protect shareholders and employees. The real scandal is
that the U.S. government has been curiously lax in its efforts to
prevent it from happening again.

  However difficult this may be to accept, there are obvious parallels
between this economic-political scandal and the once and future
Japanese banking and currency crisis.

  In addition to the noisy shattering of economic illusions, the
perception of the U.S. military is also undergoing a slight

  Neither U.S. military intelligence, the CIA or the FBI could prevent
extremists armed with only box-cutters from accomplishing the most
heinous act of peace-time terrorism ever witnessed.

  And more recently, U.S. President George W Bush has been scrambling
to reassure voters that despite the mounting evidence, his government
had no prior knowledge of the Sept 11 attacks.

  Whether dismissing radar sightings of the Japanese fleet en route to
Pearl Harbour or vastly underestimating the strength of opponents in
Indochina, gaps in U.S. defensive-intelligence are nothing new.

  But when systemically ineffective intelligence is combined with what
appears to be increasingly trigger-happy military personnel, the
results can be as tragic as they are worrisome.

  Tragedy is clearly understood by the families of four Canadian
soldiers recently killed in Afghanistan when a U.S. pilot ignored his
orders and attacked his allies with a 225 kilogram bomb.

  It is also understood by the survivors of the Afghan wedding that
turned into a bloodbath when a U.S. bomb found its way to the
festivities on Monday.

  Sadly these incidents are nothing new and are becoming increasingly
common. With the U.S. appointing itself anti-terrorism GloboCop,
realism and not cowboy idealism would be a well chosen ally.

  Post-Sept 11, patriotism in the United States has also changed,
reaching new heights. Cars are draped with the Stars and Stripes and
proudly display multiple God Bless America stickers. Billboards
posted along interstate highways urge the U.S. to withdraw from the
United Nations, while the White House threatens to pull out of
peacekeeping operations around the world.

  And in an effort to protect its war heroes from any possible war
crime prosecutions, the U.S. is also boycotting the new International
War Crimes Court.

  In this new era of U.S. isolationism, United We Stand is no longer
a cry of strength, it is now a reminder of vulnerability.

  From interstate rest stops and cheap motels to swank cafes and
downtown bars, this new vulnerability is clearly visible while the
greatness of America seems harder to find.

  It is difficult to see America the Beautiful while standing in an
impoverished Los Angeles neighbourhood, streets lined with urban
flotsam and air dense with smog.

  It is also hard to understand America the Free while U.S. citizens
only suspected of having terrorist links slowly decay in jail cells
without due process or representation.

  And America the Strong does not seem manifest in the eyes of
19-year-old Marines, more interested in tattoos and football than the
U.S. war on terrorism.

  The myth of American Freedom is also becoming much harder to

 TV talk show host Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect program was
recently cancelled after he questioned the courage of the U.S. military
in Afghanistan.

  We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles
away, said Maher. Staying in the airplane when it hits the
building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly..

  On the air since 1994, these comments were enough to prompt the
cancellation of one of the few unscripted talk shows on U.S.
television that epitomized the concept of free speech.

  It seems that even in the United States, freedom itself is becoming
the most scarce commodity of all.

  Equally worrisome are the words of Bush in response to a recent Court
of Appeals judgement. The court ruled that referring to God in the
Pledge of Allegiance is an establishment of religion in violation of
the First Amendment.

  Calling the ruling out of step with U.S. tradition and history,
Bush vowed to appoint judges who 

International Law Seen at Risk in U.S. Fight with Security Council [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-07-06 Thread Steve Wagner


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International Law Seen at Risk in U.S. Fight with Security Council 
Fri Jul 5, 2:39 PM ET 
Jim Lobe,OneWorld US 

  A meeting to be held by major western nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs) in London next week to discuss United States opposition to the
new International Criminal Court (ICC) will underline growing concerns
about how the administration of President George W. Bush sees
Washington's global role. 

  U.S. threats to veto United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKOs)
unless the UN Security Council gives its troops blanket exemption from
prosecutions by the ICC are leading U.S. and European NGOs to take an
openly critical stance against the Bush administration. 

  The organizations have grown increasingly concerned that Washington
is not only using leverage on PKOs to attack the world's first
permanent war crimes tribunal, but also that the administration,
emboldened by its unprecedented military power, is breaking loose from
the bounds of international law and the post-World War II multilateral

  The real reason behind Washington's blackmail [in the Security
Council] is the most troubling, according to Kenneth Roth, the
executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), writing in the
Financial Times this week. An increasingly influential faction in the
Bush administration believes that U.S. military and economic power is
so dominant that the U.S. is no longer served by international law. 

  While Roth will not be taking part in the London discussions, among
others attending the meeting, sponsored by the World Federalist
Movement and the OneWorld Trust, include Bill Pace, convener of the
global NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court; Pierre Sane,
former secretary general of Amnesty International; and Elizabeth May,
executive director for the Sierra Club of Canada, a major environmental

  The ICC, whose jurisdiction took legal effect July 1, is the product
of the 1998 Rome Statute, an international treaty signed by almost 140
countries and ratified by 76. When it goes into operation at The Hague,
probably early next year, it will have powers to investigate and
prosecute war crimes, genocide, and other crimes against humanity. 

  Former President Bill Clinton signed the Statute in December, 2000,
but the Bush administration, in an unprecedented act, formally
renounced his signature in May. While, at the time, U.S. officials
promised not to wage war against the new court, their threats to veto
UN PKOs if a blanket exemption from the ICC's jurisdiction was not
forthcoming are being widely interpreted as just that. 

  As was clear at the time, the 'un-signing' of the ICC treaty by the
U.S. was largely symbolic, said Fiona McKay, director of the
international justice program at the New York-based Lawyers Committee
for Human Rights. As the ICC comes into existence, the U.S. is trying
to derail it by attacking international peacekeeping. 

  Over recent months, Washington has asked the UN Security Council to
exempt its personnel attached to UN PKOs in East Timor and Bosnia from
the ICC's jurisdiction. In June it warned that it would veto the Bosnia
mission's extension, as well as other pending missions, if it did not
get its way. 

Since then, the Bosnia mission's mandate has been temporarily extended
three times--the latest to July 15--because other members of the
Security Council have rejected U.S. demands, while compromises they
have put forward have in turn been rejected by Washington. In a signal
of its own determination, however, the Bush administration withdrew its
personnel from the East Timor mission. 

  Washington has argued that, because its military is so active in
maintaining peace and security abroad, it risks becoming a special
target for politically-motivated prosecutions by the ICC. 

  But the ICC's defenders, including UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
argue that such fears are far-fetched given the numerous safeguards
built into the Rome Statute, especially the fact that the ICC can take
on a case only when a nation shows that it is either unwilling or
unable to investigate or prosecute the case on its own. Others have
noted that Britain, whose troops have served alongside U.S. forces in
many recent military campaigns and PKOs, has strongly supported the

  Moreover, the U.S. demand that the Security Council exempt its
peacekeepers from the scope of the ICC goes to the heart of
international law-making, according to NGOs and Annan, who sent an
unusually blunt appeal to Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday.
[The U.S. proposal] flies in the face of treaty law since it would
force states that have ratified the Rome Statute to accept a resolution


2002-07-04 Thread Steve Wagner


Wednesday, July 3, 2002
Susan V. Thompson, ed. 
Read online or subscribe at: 


Introduction: Land of the Rising Gun? 
One Link: Rumbles from a Distant War 
Japan and World War II 
Japan's Peace Constitution 
Japan, the US, and Afghanistan 
The Japanese Peace Movement 
Get Involved 
About the Bulletin 

After World War II ended, Japan enacted a unique constitution. In part,
it stated, Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right
of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling
international disputes. The Peace Constitution, as it is known, was
crafted by the United States. Now, in an ironic twist, Japan has joined
the US in its military actions in Afghanistan, and many military
analysts suggest that the US is pressuring Japan to arm itself again.
The campaign in Afghanistan marks the first time that Japanese troops
have participated in an overseas military action since World War II,
and it has been accompanied by an increase in Japanese military

Meanwhile, the regional tensions that originated in World War II and
the Cold War linger on. China and Korea are still waiting for Japan to
apologize for wartime atrocities, including the infamous massacre at
Nanjing, a war crime which Japanese politicians still occasionally
deny. There are those within the West who fear that a remilitarized
Japan would be a considerable threat to international security. And
even the terminology that has been attached to the WTC attacks in some
ways echoes these former grievances. The term Ground Zero was the
original term for Hiroshima and Nagasaki after they were destroyed by
American atomic bombs, and the attacks of Sept. 11 have also been
frequently referred to as another Pearl Harbor. 

In some sense, these comparisons may seem appropriate to Americans, but
it must be remembered that for Japan, Pearl Harbor was in many ways a
symbol of triumphant militarism, a militarism which inevitably led to
the horrific and crushing defeat at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those two
cities have in turn become symbols of the horrors of war and a
motivating factor for many people within Japan who have committed
themselves to peace. Sept. 11 is thus not only in some sense a reminder
of these opposing currents of militarism and pacifism within the
Japanese national identity, it is also the litmus test that has exposed
exactly which of these qualities will triumph in today's Japan. We can
only hope that Japan's strong peace community will turn back the
ominous march into endless war. 

Next week: Inside the G6B Summit. 

This excellent article compassionately examines the lives and
experiences of some of those who lived through the attacks on Japan
during World War II, and how they view Japan's re-militarization, which
has gained considerable momentum since Sept. 11. There have even been
suggestions that Japan should become a nuclear power, despite the fact
that the country experienced the horrific effects of nuclear weapons
firsthand in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The article summarizes almost all
of the issues covered in more depth in the rest of the bulletin,
providing valuable background and perspective on Japan's military

This is an excellent summary of Japan's history, which includes
information on early peoples, the rise and fall of the warrior class of
samurais, the events that led to Japan's involvement in World War II
and subsequent defeat, and Japan's economic rise since then. 

On Dec. 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, killing about 2,400
Americans. The attack was used to justify America's entrance into World
War II. This is a fairly good overview of the tensions leading to the
attack and the events of that day. 

There are some who believe that the US government knew about the Pearl
Harbor attacks before they happened and allowed them to occur in order
to gain support for a war effort (sound familiar?). This argument also
generally includes the assertion that the attacks on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were meant more to demonstrate America's military might to
Russia than to revenge Pearl Harbor or end the war quickly. 

Others simply believe that Pearl Harbor was an intelligence failure,
albeit a massive one. This article is an account of the attacks written
from this perspective. 

Before and during World War II, Japan and China were locked in war. The
Japanese military committed many atrocious acts of aggression against
China which the people of China still remember as testaments to Japan's
former militarism. 

In 1937 Nanjing fell to the Japanese Imperial 

Zionist zealots spam freepalestine@yahoogroups list [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-02 Thread Steve Wagner


  Zionist zealots have successfully spammed the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list to the point where list members with
Yahoo! accounts had their accounts overloaded  Yahoo! shut them down
'til enough messages were deleted to get back to the Yahoo! limit.  

  When this happens incoming email is bounced back to the sender - Many
lists are set-up to automatically unsubscribe someone when this
happens.  I'm afraid that this is why I have not been receiving any
Stop Nato posts - So this is a test to see if this goes through.  

- Steve

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  For directions 
public transportation info go to
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Pentagon Program Promotes Psychopharmacological Warfare [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Steve Wagner


The Sunshine Project
News Release
1 July 2002

Pentagon Program Promotes Psychopharmacological Warfare

In The Futurological Congress (1971), Polish writer Stanislaw Lem
portrayed a future in which disobedience is controlled with
hypothetical mind-altering chemicals dubbed benignimizers. Lem's
fictional work opens with the frightening story of a police and
military biochemical attack on protesters outside of an international
scientific convention. As the environment becomes saturated with
hallucinogenic agents, in Lem's tale the protesters (and bystanders)
descend into chaos, overcome by delusions and feelings of complacency,
self-doubt, and even love.

If the Pentagon’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) has its
way, Lem may be remembered as a prophet.

(Austin and Hamburg, 1 July 2002) - The Advantages and Limitations of
Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal Technique, a 49 page report obtained
last week by the Sunshine Project under US information freedom law, has
revealed a shocking Pentagon program that is researching
psychopharmacological weapons. Based on extensive review conducted on
the medical literature and new developments in the pharmaceutical
industry, the report concludes that the development and use of
[psychopharmacological weapons] is achievable and desirable. These
mind-altering weapons violate international agreements on chemical and
biological warfare as well as human rights. Some of the techniques
discussed in the report have already been used by the US in the War on

  The team, which is based at the Applied Research Laboratory of
Pennsylvania State University, is assessing weaponization of a number
of psychiatric and anesthetic pharmaceuticals as well as club drugs
(such as the date rape drug GHB). According to the report, the
choice administration route, whether application to drinking water,
topical administration to the skin, an aerosol spray inhalation route,
or a drug filled rubber bullet, among others, will depend on the
environment. The environments identified are specific military and
civil situations, including hungry refugees that are excited over the
distribution of food, a prison setting, an agitated population and
hostage situations. At times, the JNLWD team's report veers very
close to defining dissent as a psychological disorder. 

  The drugs that Lem called benignimizers are called calmatives by
the military. Some calmatives were weaponized by the Cold War
adversaries, including BZ, described by those who have used it as the
ultimate bad trip. Calmatives were supposed to have been deleted from
military stockpiles following the adoption of the Chemical Weapons
Convention in 1993, which bans any chemical weapon that can cause
death, temporary incapacitation, or permanent harm to humans or

  Calmative is military, not medical, terminology. In more familiar
medical language, most of the drugs under consideration are central
nervous system depressants. Most are synthetic, some are natural. They
include opiates (morphine-type drugs) and benzodiazpines, such as
Valium (diazepam). Antidepressants are also of great interest to the
research team, which is looking for drugs like Prozac (fluoxetine) and
Zoloft (sertraline) that are faster acting.

  Biochemicals and Treaties: Many of the proposed drugs can be
considered both chemical and biological weapons banned by the
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), and the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC). As a practical matter, biological and
chemical calmatives must be addressed together. As the agents are
explicitly intended for military use, and are intended to incapacitate
their victims, they do not fall under the CWC's domestic riot control
agent exemption. Toxic products of living agents – such as the
neurotoxin botulinum – are considered both chemical and biological
agents. Any weapons use of neurotransmitters or substances mimicking
their action is similarly covered by both arms control treaties. The
researchers have developed a massive calmatives database and are
following biomedical research on mechanisms of drug addiction, pain
relief, and other areas of research on cognition-altering biochemicals.
For example, the JNLWD team is tracking research on cholecystokinin, a
neurotransmitter that causes panic attacks in healthy people and is
linked to psychiatric disorders. 

  Powerful Drugs: The drugs have hallucinogenic and other effects,
including apnea (stopped breathing), coma, and death. One class of
drugs under consideration are fentanyls. The report's cover features a
diagram of fentanyl. According to the US Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), the biological effects of fentanyls are
indistinguishable from those of heroin, with the exception that the
fentanyls may be hundreds of times more potent. The report says that
the drugs’ profound effects may make it 

George Michael on Dangerous Ground with New Song [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Steve Wagner


George Michael on Dangerous Ground with
New Song

  Shoot the Dog, released on Monday, is a political satire
in which the singer presents his views on the state of world
affairs, taking a critical pop at the special relationship
between Bush and Blair.

  I'm fully aware that people don't really like their pop
music and politics mixed these days, Michael said, describing
himself as truly a patriotic man.

  Nevertheless, I have strong opinions about Britain's
current situation and I feel that in a time when public debate
is being suppressed, even something as trivial as a pop song
can be a good thing, the singer said in a statement.

  The cartoon video sees Bush on the White House lawn petting
a smiling poodle-shaped Blair and also depicts the two leaders
dancing the tango, Blair in a flowing dress.

  The song, which was originally written before the September
11 attacks on the United States but shelved until now, is an
attempt by Michael to get people thinking about what is
happening in the world.

  (It's) intended as a piece of political satire, no more no
less, and I hope that it will make people laugh and dance, and
then think a little, that's all, Michael said.

  Michael told the Daily Mirror his inspiration came from
watching late-night news on television.

  I noticed a lot of stuff about the growing fear of a war
between the secular world and the fundamentalist world, he
told the tabloid newspaper.

  The more I learned, the more fearful I became. And I
simply wanted to write a song that said to everybody: 'people
let's be aware of this situation and understand that there are
some very pissed-off people out there.'

  The song's release is bound to spark controversy and by the
singer's own admission could make my experience with a certain
policeman in Los Angeles look like a tea party.

  It was in 1998 that Michael was arrested in a Los Angeles
toilet after exposing himself to a police officer.

Copyright © 2002 Reuters Limited. 
All rights reserved.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  For directions 
public transportation info go to
Every Sunday at 3 P.M.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-30 Thread Steve Wagner


Thu Jun 27, 7:01 PM ET 
By Ted Rall 

Bush's Palestinian Putsch 
SAN FRANCISCO-Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch. 

  When the Israeli prime minister began demanding that the Palestinian
Authority jettison Yasser Arafat as its leader a few months back, even
his fans knew he'd crossed the line. Israel was in no position to give
the Palestinians this much advice. Sure, Bush had refused to even shake
Arafat's hand, but the administration hadn't yet endorsed Sharon's
ridiculous bid to beat the Palestinians by turning their leader into an
Israeli puppet. 

  (Washington) is not an honest broker or a neutral intermediary; it
stands completely behind Israel, Hamas politburo member Mousa Abu
Marzouk told Reuters in Damascus on June 10. Then, in a speech
seemingly tailor-made to confirm that intifadist statement, George W.
Bush dangled the possibility of American support for the creation of a
Palestinian state on the West Bank in exchange for Arafat's ouster:
Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a
Palestinian state can be born, he said on June 24. Presumably that
new leadership would be friendly to both American and Israeli

  After decades of abstention, the United States is back in the coup
d'état business. And with the exception of an embarrassingly inept
attempt to unseat Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez a few months back,
Bush's back-to-the-'50s retro imperialism is working out fairly
well...for now. 

  The administration rigged Afghanistan's loya jirga to install
ex-Unocal executive Hamid Karzai as the head of a nation where few
people had ever heard of him. It converted former Taliban cabana boy
Gen. Pervez Musharraf into our wholly-owned Pakistani subsidiary. And
it owes its own existence to the first successful domestic coup d'état
in American history. Why not, regime tinkerers Rumsfeld and Cheney
obviously asked themselves, pull off a Palestinian putsch too? 

  The Palestinians could obviously do better than Mohammed Abdel-Raouf
Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. A once-brilliant, charismatic tactician
whose leadership of the PLO forced the West to consider Palestinian
independence, 73 years of hard living and Israeli shelling have reduced
Arafat to a quivering wreck tottering on the brink of senility. Though
Israel has exaggerated the generosity of the deal he turned down over
the Jerusalem issue, Arafat clearly failed to understand that the
favorable tide of Western opinion had crested. He should have signed up
then and later asked for more-East Jerusalem, a corridor connecting
Gaza to the West Bank. 

  Arafat's undemocratic moderation has become both too strident for the
West and too soft for his increasingly radicalized people. But he's all
they've got. He's the Palestinians' George Washington, a military
leader striving to carve out a state which will someday stamp his
googly-eyed image on its coins and stamps. At this point his possible
successors-Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Korei, Jibril Rajoub, Mohammed
Dahlan-just aren't popular enough to run this landlocked hellhole.
Marwan Barghouthi, a popular Fatah leader currently in jail, wouldn't
be acceptable to Israel. An independent Palestine can do without
Arafat, but only after he's served one term leading to a free election.

  But none of that matters. If another nation attempted to topple
George W. Bush, I would be the first to fight to defend my country from
foreign interference. Illegitimate and harmful though Bush obviously
is, it's up to Americans to decide whether he should stay in office.
The same goes for the Palestinians. Getting rid of Arafat may be a good
decision, but it has to be a Palestinian decision; neither the U.S. or
Israel has the right to impose new leadership. Certainly neither
country has the moral authority to do so. 

  George W. Bush has made it official: He'll go along with whatever
Ariel Sharon wants him to do, no matter how immoral, impractical or
insane. Wait a minute. Who's paying who $3 billion a year, anyway? Bad
enough we toady up to a country we ought to own, but now the U.S. no
longer bothers to give even lip service to the principles of national
sovereignty and self-determination-especially in regard to Muslim
countries next to or on top of major oil reserves. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're the biggest, baddest bully on the block right now, but look
out-the people we're stomping on in Pakistan, Afghanistan and now,
Palestine, will be waiting to get even with us down the road. 

(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of
the Afghan war titled To Afghanistan and Back, is out now. Ordering
and review-copy information are available at 

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for 

Thousands mark anniversary of Milosevic's extradition [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Steve Wagner


Thousands mark anniversary of Milosevic's extradition
Last Updated Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:12:37 

BELGRADE - About 4,000 supporters of former Yugoslav president Slobodan
Milosevic demonstrated in a square in Belgrade on Friday. 

  They marked the anniversary of Milosevic's extradition to the UN war
crimes tribunal. 

  The extradition happened after the United States threatened to
withdraw support for the new government in Belgrade unless Milosevic
was handed over. 

  His supporters, right wing and nationalist parties, consider his
extradition high treason. 

Written by CBC News Online staff

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  For directions 
public transportation info go to
Every Sunday at 3 P.M.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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South Korean Ship Sunk in Naval Battle [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Steve Wagner

South Korean Ship Sunk in Naval Battle
By Christopher Torchia 

SEOUL, South Korea – A North Korean warship sank a South Korean patrol
boat in the Yellow Sea Saturday, killing at least four sailors and
wounding 19 in the worst border clash in recent years on the world's
last Cold War frontier.

  The South accused the North of violating the armistice that ended
the Korean War, but a defiant North said the South shot first.
  The confrontation lasted 21 minutes, dealing a new blow to Korean
reconciliation efforts and embarrassing the South during its moment
in the sun as host to the World Cup soccer tournament.
  There was no immediate word on North Korean casualties or missing. A
Northern warship was seen being towed away from the battle scene in
flames, according to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  This provocative act by North Korea is a serious violation of the
Armistice Agreement and could have serious implications in many
areas, said Gen. Leon LaPorte, who commands some 37,000 U.S. troops
stationed in South Korea as a deterrent against North Korea.
  LaPorte's statement did not elaborate about the implications, but
said U.S. and South Korean forces were in close contact after the
attack. He has asked for a command meeting with North Korean officers
to investigate the action, but said the North has not responded.
  A Pentagon spokesman, Cmdr. Randy Sandoz, said there was no
heightened alert and South Korea had not made any request for U.S.
  President Kim Dae-jung called an emergency meeting of the National
Security Council, while South Korea's military sent a 1,200-ton
battleship to the poorly marked border, accompanied by a squadron of
fighter jets.
  The military provocation of pre-emptive firing by a North Korean
navy patrol ship is a clear violation of the armistice and an act
that raises tension on the Korean peninsula. We cannot keep silent,
the presidential Blue House quoted Kim as saying at the hourlong
  In a statement afterward, Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin demanded an
apology, punishment of those responsible and a promise from North
Korea to refrain from such actions in the future.
  The clash occurred at 10:25 a.m. as South Korean navy vessels tried
to repel two North Korean navy warships and an unspecified number of
Northern fishing boats, the Southern military said.
  Two North Korean warships ventured three miles into the South's
waters, ignoring loudspeaker warnings to withdraw, the military said.
  One of the Northern boats then fired a heavy caliber gun from about
500 yards, scoring a direct hit on the steering room of a South
Korean patrol boat with 27 sailors aboard, the South's military said.
  North Korean state-run media denied the claim, saying the northern
vessel was defending itself against an intrusion into the North's
  The clash was the worst in three years, killing at least four South
Koreans  –  a lieutenant and three enlisted men. At least one South
Korean was missing. The South Korean military said 22 sailors were
injured, but later revised the number to 19.
  The skirmish was a setback to Kim's so-called sunshine policy of
trying to engage the isolated, communist North, which shares a
sealed, heavily fortified border with the South. The 1950-53 Korean
War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty.
  South Korea's opposition Grand National Party, which has criticized
Kim's policy toward the North as too lenient, speculated that North
Korea was trying to disrupt the World Cup soccer tournament, which is
being co-hosted by South Korea and Japan and ends Sunday.
  President Kim canceled plans with Cabinet ministers and aides to
watch the South Korean team's evening playoff game against Turkey on
television. Big crowds gathered in the streets of major cities to
cheer their national soccer team, which lost 3-2.
  Kim planned to go ahead with a trip Sunday to Japan to attend the
World Cup final between Brazil and Germany, said presidential
spokeswoman Park Sun-sook.
  It was unclear how the incident would affect prospects for a revival
of long-suspended dialogue between North Korea and the United States,
South Korea's chief ally.
  U.S.-North Korean tensions have undermined Korean reconciliation
efforts, which stalled soon after the first-ever Korean summit in
2000 gave rise to a flurry of exchanges. The peninsula has been
divided since 1945.
  On Thursday, a U.S. State Department official proposed to North
Korean diplomats at the United Nations that talks resume in the
second week of July in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital.
  South Korea's Unification Ministry, which handles North Korea
policy, said exchanges between local non-governmental groups and
North Korea would continue despite the clash.
  The gun battle Saturday followed a series of border incursions by

Young soldiers desert Russian army in droves [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-24 Thread Steve Wagner

Last Updated Sun, 23 Jun 2002 23:47:59 

Young soldiers desert Russian army in droves
MOSCOW - Humiliated and brutalized by violent hazing and sexual abuse,
young men conscripted into Russia's army are running away in record

  Last week, the military executed two more deserters who had fled
their base in southern Russia. Authorities said the men went on a
rampage and killed two police officers. 

  According to Moscow, about 5,000 soldiers run away every year. But
Soldiers' Mothers, an organization that defends the rights of military
personnel, believes the figure is closer to 40,000. 

  Some of them, they are just ordinary young people who are leaving
the army because they are afraid for their lives, says Ida Kuklina,
who speaks for the group. 

  Most of the deserters are young conscripts, many just 18, who can't
stand the torture and sexual abuse that is rampant in the ranks, she
says. Their stories are recounted in letters that are piled on her

  Anna Fedeeva's son Alexei, for instance, ran away from his barracks
and lived on the streets in Moscow because he couldn't stand it any
longer. She eventually found him, sick and confused. He's now in a
psychiatric hospital. 

  He left because he was beaten with metal objects, she says. Now I
don't know what's going to happen to him, but his life is broken. 

  The abuse, combined with budget problems that leave soldiers poorly
equipped and badly paid, has plunged morale in the military. 

  The conditions are appalling, says military analyst Pavel
Fengelhauer. The food is terrible. It's like a prison, but the inmates
have guns. 

  After turning 18, all men in Russia must serve two years in the
military. To try to reduce desertions and violence, the country's
parliament has approved a bill to give recruits the option of community
service instead. 

Written by CBC News Online staff

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Toxic Nazi legacy threatens Europe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-24 Thread Steve Wagner


The Sunday Herald

Toxic Nazi legacy threatens Europe

Concern as German chemical weapons dumped off Danish
coast by Britain after the second world war start
leaking into seas

By Rob Edwards, Environment Correspondent

  More than half a century ago, Britain dumped over
100,000 tonnes of the Nazi's deadly chemical weapons
in the sea. Now they are coming back to haunt us.
Scientists fear millions of ancient shells and bombs
resting on the short stretch of seabed between Denmark
and Norway have begun to leak their lethal payload.
Danish fishermen have been injured, Norway has
launched an investigation and coastal authorities are
worried a 'historic time bomb' could be about to

  The Sunday Herald has obtained a copy of a report by
the Ministry of Defence which details for the first
time the extraordinary scale of the postwar operation
to get rid of Germany's chemical weapons. Between 1945
and 1947, at least 112,000 tonnes were loaded into 33
German boats, which were then scuttled in Skagerrak,
the strait across the North Sea that separates Norway
and Denmark.

  The chemicals, confiscated from Hitler's Third Reich
at the end of the second world war, were mustard gas,
phosgene, tabun and lewisite, all of which can inflict
appalling injuries. They may also have included
hydrocyanic acid and Cyclone B, two of the poisons
used to murder millions of Jews in Nazi concentration

  Before they were packed into the hulls of ships, the
weapons were put into wicker baskets by German
workers. The hope was that any chemicals that leaked
out would be absorbed by the wicker, and prevented
from contaminating the sea.

  That may have been a false hope, however. An
expedition to Skagerrak by Russian scientists has
discovered evidence that the weapons -- sometimes only
two hundreds metres deep -- are falling apart and
spilling their contents into the marine environment.

  The investigation by the Russian Academy of Science
in St Petersburg found levels of arsenic up to 200
parts per million around one of the dump sites. This
was 'extremely high', they said, and was probably due
to arsenic leaching from corroding weapons.

  They also detected high concentrations of lead and
other heavy metals. The weapons could poison fishermen
who pulled them up from the seabed, were a target for
terrorists and posed 'a large danger to the
environment', the Russian scientists warned.

  'It is a terrible menace for Europeans,' said Albert
Bikmullin, from the International Ecological
Parliament, a Russian environmental group. 'Poison
gas, dissolving slowly in the water, is able to
pollute vast areas and get into food chains.'

  He added: 'Plankton absorbs poison gas very easily,
is mutated and gets into fish as a food. Fish, in
their turn, get to carnivores and in this way poison
gets into a man's meal.'

  The Russian government has formally approached NATO,
seeking support for a programme to monitor and prevent
leakages from the chemical dumps. But NATO, which is
considering the request through its Committee on the
Challenges of Modern Society, has not yet decided what
to do.

  Meanwhile the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority
has just begun its own investigation, which involves
sending a remote-controlled mini-sub marine to the
seabed to take pictures and samples. 'We have to keep
it under control to make sure that it doesn't harm
people,' said Hilde Keilen, the authority's senior
executive officer.

  Danish studies have suggested that over 150
fishermen have accidentally brought up chemical
munitions in their nets. In some cases, they have been
burnt by leaking mustard gas, which, despite its name,
is a thick, viscous liquid.

  KIMO, an organisation which brings together over 100
local authorities representing five million people
around the coasts of northern Europe, is planning a
Scottish conference on chemical dumps at sea this
November. Due to take place in Ayr, it is entitled
Time Bombs From The Past.

  'We are increasingly concerned about the historic
time bomb which is ticking away at over 80 dump sites
in northern seas. We are asking governments to
investigate the exact locations of chemical and
conventional weapons dump sites, compile inventories
and make this information available,' said KIMO's Rick

  'These materials are increasingly washing up on our
coasts and endangering fishermen at sea. It is
important that a clear picture is obtained of the
state of these dumps so that appropriate action can be
taken if and when a site becomes a problem.'

  The cause has been taken up by the Labour MP for
Glasgow Baillieston, Jimmy Wray. He has put down an
motion in the House of Commons calling on the British
government to combat the pollution from the sunken
ships, and has been backed by 28 other MPs.

  'It is important that this kind of pollution is
dealt with soon. These ships have been 

Israel rapidly losing friends in Germany/Most want to end countries' 'special re

2002-05-03 Thread Steve Wagner

Thursday, May 2, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
Israel rapidly losing friends in Germany/Most want to end countries'
'special relationship' because of actions against Palestinians
Eric Geiger, Chronicle Foreign Service

Munich -- The denizens of the working-class bar briefly
interrupted their card game to watch dramatic images flash across a
television screen -- Israeli tanks rumbling past collapsed Palestinian
buildings in the West Bank.

  Just look at what the Israelis are doing to the poor
Palestinians, and they have the nerve to lecture us about what Germany
did years ago in the last war, one of the men said. His fellow
cardplayers and other patrons in the smoke-filled bar noisily agreed.

  Such spontaneous outbursts reflect the almost hysterical
anti-Israel sentiment that has gripped Germany in reaction to Israel's
military operation in the West Bank. According to a nationwide poll by
the Emnid organization, 73 percent opposed the offensive.

  More significantly, another poll cited by the newsmagazine Der
Spiegel showed that most Germans want an end to the special
relationship between Germany and Israel. Support for Israel has been a
cornerstone of successive governments since the end of World War II and
has long been regarded as a solemn obligation emanating from the

  In an unprecedented chorus of denunciations against Israel, the
German media and leading politicians from the center-right opposition
are clearly questioning that tilt. The phenomenon has brought warnings
by some political analysts of a resurgence of anti-Semitism against
Germany's estimated 90,000 Jews.

  Juergen Moellemann, the deputy chairman of the opposition
moderate-right Free Democratic Party and head of the German-Arab
Society, has been especially critical.

  I would resist, too, and use force in doing so, he said in
regard to Palestinian violence. I would (commit violence) not just in
my own country but in the country of the aggressor.


  In a widely publicized letter to Israel's ambassador to Germany,
Norbert Bluem, a prominent Christian Democrat member of Parliament,
used a term reserved for Nazi war crimes in accusing the government of
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of waging an unrestrained war of
annihilation. He also suggested that the time has come to break the
unofficial taboo of not criticizing Israel.

  But some observers say there is more to the sudden eruption of
anti-Israeli sentiment than the military operation in the West Bank.

  It does not primarily have anything to do with Israel but with
the German attitude toward their own history, said Israeli Ambassador
Shimon Stein.

  It has to do with German unification and the growing up of another
generation, which has another view of Germany's role in the world. .
. . The younger ones want to bid farewell to history.

  Paul Spiegel, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany,
wants Moellemann, Bluem and other high-profile politicians to be more
cautious when equating the Mideast conflict with the Nazis' crimes. No
people can stand what the Israeli must endure these days, he said.
Every day terror, every day death.

  Spiegel, noting an increase in the number of insults and threats
against Jewish groups in Germany, said, Many are camouflaging their
anti-Jewish aggressiveness as criticism of Israel.


  Some Germans share Spiegel's viewpoint.

  Many Germans resent that the Jews won't stop reminding them of
having tried to destroy them. Gleefully and with pious delight, they
are now pouncing on what they had otherwise regarded as unassailable,
said a recent editorial in the prominent conservative daily Die Welt.

  The widespread agreement of many of our compatriots with the
views of . . . Moellemann and Bluem betrays German satisfaction at
finally being able to rid themselves of their own guilt.

  Moellemann continues to make headlines.

  He recently invited Syrian-born legislator Jamal Karlsi to join
his party.  Karlsi, an admirer of Saddam Hussein, had been censured by
the Green Party for accusing the Israeli army of using Nazi tactics,
maltreating innocent Palestinian youths held in prison camps and
reportedly suggesting that German troops be sent against Israel.

  While there have been some reports that Germany is quietly curbing
weapons sales to Israel, the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
has avoided public criticism of Israel -- with one notable exception,
Minister of Development Heidemarie Weiczorek-Zeul.

  The reports about the Israeli troop conduct are shocking, she
said. We must never turn a blind eye again when injustice is being


  The news media also have played a prominent role in casting Israel
as aggressors and Palestinians as 

URL for EBCAW Cultural Event LMNOP Peace Walk, Sun., 5-5-02 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-05-03 Thread Steve Wagner



  The East Bay Coalition Against the War is sponsoring an afternoon of
music  poetry this coming Sunday, 5-5, at the Colonnade between Grand
 Lakeshore Avenues at the northeast end of Lake Merritt in Oakland. 
(The usual LMNOP gathering place).  

  The music  poetry event will start at 1:30 P.M.  There is a
downloadable flyer for this at that also includes additional

The line-up for the EBCAW cultural event so far is:

Zu performing Korean drumming with a poet;
Robert Temple, Song Writer  Performer;
Solidad - Poet;
Kenny Monster - Poet;
Kuama - Song Writer and Performer;
Bob Randolph - Poet; and
Dave - Musician from EBCAW.

The LMNOP Peace Walk will follow at 3 P.M.  



Tuesday Tea Party, May 7 
Listen, dialogue, and do something!
6 - 8 P.M. at the 1st Congregational Church,
Harrison  27th Streets, Oakland.

Special guest:  Marcia Freedman, Israeli peace activist and former
member of the Israeli Knesset (parliament).

Sponsored by the People's NonViolent Response Coalition and others. 
Info:  Jackie, (510)839-5877; or


Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Military news: U.S. Navy exhausts Australian brothel. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Steve Wagner


Date: Thu,  2 May 2002 17:40:40 GMT

Brothel locks doors after sailors exhaust prostitutes 

  An Australian brothel shut its doors for only the third time in eight
years after US sailors exhausted its prostitutes.

  Langtrees brothel in Perth [Western Australia] had taken 580 bookings
since three US warships docked there three days ago.

  Owner Mary-Anne Kenworthy says the sailors were stressed after
carrying out operations in Afghanistan and sexually agitated after
being at sea.

Full story:

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Brothel locks doors after sailors exhaust prostitutes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Steve Wagner

Brothel locks doors after sailors exhaust prostitutes 

An Australian brothel shut its doors for only the third time in eight
years after US sailors exhausted its prostitutes.

Langtrees brothel in Perth had taken 580 bookings since three US
warships docked there three days ago.

Its owner Mary-Anne Kenworthy says the sailors were stressed after
carrying out operations in Afghanistan and sexually agitated after
being at sea.

She says they tired out her workers leading her to shut up shop rather
than risk the brothel's reputation.

She added: I would not sell a man a hamburger if I thought my buns
were stale. I have always offered a quality service. 

If that level of service is not being offered because the girls say
they are too tired then I'll close the doors.

Some of the girls were taking the money without offering a quality
service. I don't care if it's a Yank's money, your money or Joe Bloggs
money, everyone deserves value for their dollar.

Ms Kenworthy says some prostitutes would have made up to $7,000 (about
£2,564) in three days as a result of the Navy-led boom.

The West Australian says Millennium Eve was the last time Langtrees
locked its doors.

Story filed: 18:35 Thursday 2nd May 2002

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Rat movements guided by remote control [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Steve Wagner


Rat movements guided by remote control
Last Updated Wed, 01 May 2002 17:03:02
BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Rats guided by electrical impulses could one day act
as living robots, capable of searching for survivors in a disaster or
helping to clear landmines, researchers say. 

Rats directed to environments they would normally avoid 
The scientists were able to train rats with electrical probes implanted
in their brains to run through pipes, climb up piles of rubble and jump
from ledges in response to remote control signals. 

In the study, five rats were fitted with electrodes in their brains and
in the sensory centres in their left and right whiskers to give them
directional cues. 

Backpacks provided a power supply, and a laptop computer sent signals
to steer the rats. In the experiment, the laptop signals were received
from up to 500 metres away. 

When a rat responded correctly to the directions, the researchers
stimulated the reward centre in its brain to reinforce the positive

The rats were trained to respond to the signals in a maze and then they
ventured through an environment similar to an obstacle course. 

John Chapin, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at the State
University of New York in Brooklyn, and his colleagues found that
stimulating the brain's reward centre prompted the rats to move

The forward stimulation also worked when the rats were instructed to
climb steps. 

We were also able to guide rats in systematically exploring large,
collapsed piles of concrete rubble and to direct them through
environments that they would normally avoid, such as brightly lit, open
arenas, the researchers wrote in Thursday's issue of the journal

The study adds a remote-control dimension to 50 years of research into
stimulating the reward centre in rats' brains. 

But it also raises ethical concerns about turning animals into
intelligent robots. 

Written by CBC News Online staff 

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Inquiry Delay 'unacceptable' says EU [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner


Inquiry delay 'unacceptable' says EU
May 1 2002

  Israel's refusal to cooperate with a United Nations fact-finding
mission investigating Israeli army action against Palestinians in the
Jenin refugee camp is unacceptable, European Commission President
Romano Prodi said yesterday.

  If the Israeli army has nothing to hide, there is no reason to delay
the UN mission, Prodi told a news conference.

  This was a chance for Israel to show the world that Palestinian
allegations that Israeli soldiers killed hundreds of Palestinians in
Jenin were untrue, Prodi said.

  The commission chief who heads for a summit with US President George
W Bush in Washington on May 2 said he would urge the American
Administration to continue pressing Israel on a complete military
pull-out from Palestinian territories.

  I am very pleased that the US convinced Israel to end the siege of
Ramallah and allow (Palestinian Authority President) Yasser Arafat
freedom of movement, Prodi said.

  This is a good and constructive step, the commission chief said.

  But Prodi said he would now ask President Bush to convince Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to fully cooperate with the international
community on the Jenin inquiry and allow urgent action to ease the
humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories.

  I am deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation, Prodi
insisted, adding that international aid operations were being hampered
in West Bank cities because of an absence of clear rules on their

  I will ask Bush to call for the full and unhindered access of
humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, Prodi said.

  Israel's destruction of the basic infrastructure of the Palestinian
Authority had created a vacuum which could lead to chaos and
anarchy, the commission president warned.

  This is not in Israel's security interest, he cautioned.

  Renewed American interest in the Middle East was to be encouraged but
permanent peace in the region required international cooperation,
Prodi insisted.

  As such it was vital that the quartet group including the US,
Europe, the United Nations and Russia continued to work together, Prodi

  A meeting of the Israeli security cabinet - whose members have
accused the UN of bias - has ruled out cooperation with the UN team.

  Israel presented to the UN several subjects essential to holding a
fair probe, but as long as these conditions go unmet, it will be
impossible to hold the probe, an Israeli cabinet statement said.

  Israel says the team should include more military and
counter-terrorism experts who can better judge the military aspects of
the Israeli army operations in the Jenin refugee camp.
Copyright © 2002. The Sydney Morning Herald

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Military doesn't know where undersea weapons dumps are [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner


The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Wed May  1 11:13:31 2002

MARGAREE FORKS, N.S.--A resident of Cape Breton Island wants the 
Canadian military to come clean about where tonnes of chemical
weapons were dumped after the Second World War. 

 Myles Kehoe, an antique dealer in Margaree Forks, Cape Breton, was 
surprised at what he found while looking at some nautical charts from
the 1960s. 

 Some of the charts mark well-documented military explosive dump
sites off the East Coast. But one marked a site not found on any

 Kehoe says a former military person and local fishermen have told
him it's a post-Second World War chemical warfare dump. 

 The military claims it doesn't know what it is, but is looking into
the allegations. 

 We're taking Mr. Kehoe's claims very seriously, said Maj. Francois

 In 1946, the navy sunk a barge-load of mustard gas 160 km east of 
Halifax, near Sable Island. 

 The military is trying to find out if there are other sites. It
admits it doesn't know. 

 Some records may have been destroyed and it will make the search
that much more complicated, said Lauzon. But we will do our best. 

 Opposition politicians are starting to ask questions on Parliament

 We're asking the government to come clean with Canadians, to be 
responsible, to protect the interests of all of us, and our fish 
stocks, said Peter Stoffer, NDP fisheries critic. Kehoe believes the
waters off Cape Breton hide other unmarked mustard gas dump sites. 

 It's there. They have to admit it's there. If you manufacture 
something, and you don't use it, where the heck is it?, he said.
Now if they can show me where it's at, in another site, hey, all the 

 Kehoe is worried that with increased exploration of the ocean floor
by oil companies and others old warheads and barrels of mustard gas
could be disturbed, with dangerous results. 

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

We're all downwinders! Check

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'They raped every German female from eight to 80' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner

'They raped every German female from eight to 80'

Antony Beevor, author of the acclaimed new book about the fall of
Berlin, on a massive war crime committed by the victorious Red

Wednesday May 1, 2002
The Guardian

  Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with
German women, wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary
when serving as an officer of marine infantry in East Prussia.
Nine, ten, twelve men at a time - they rape them on a collective

  The Soviet armies advancing into East Prussia in January 1945, in
huge, long columns, were an extraordinary mixture of modern and
medieval: tank troops in padded black helmets, Cossack cavalrymen
on shaggy mounts with loot strapped to the saddle, lend-lease
Studebakers and Dodges towing light field guns, and then a second
echelon in horse-drawn carts. The variety of character among the
soldiers was almost as great as that of their military equipment.
There were freebooters who drank and raped quite shamelessly, and
there were idealistic, austere communists and members of the
intelligentsia appalled by such behaviour.

  Beria and Stalin, back in Moscow, knew perfectly well what was
going on from a number of detailed reports. One stated that many
Germans declare that all German women in East Prussia who stayed
behind were raped by Red Army soldiers. Numerous examples of gang
rape were given - girls under 18 and old women included.

  Marshal Rokossovsky issued order No 006 in an attempt to direct
the feelings of hatred at fighting the enemy on the battlefield.
It appears to have had little effect. There were also a few
arbitrary attempts to exert authority. The commander of one rifle
division is said to have personally shot a lieutenant who was
lining up a group of his men before a German woman spreadeagled on
the ground. But either officers were involved themselves, or the
lack of discipline made it too dangerous to restore order over
drunken soldiers armed with submachine guns.

  Calls to avenge the Motherland, violated by the Wehrmacht's
invasion, had given the idea that almost any cruelty would be
allowed. Even many young women soldiers and medical staff in the
Red Army did not appear to disapprove. Our soldiers' behaviour
towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely
correct! said a 21-year-old from Agranenko's reconnaissance
detachment. A number seemed to find it amusing. Several German
women recorded how Soviet servicewomen watched and laughed when
they were raped. But some women were deeply shaken by what they
witnessed in Germany. Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the
scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in
1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. The Russian soldiers were
raping every German female from eight to eighty, she recounted
later. It was an army of rapists.

  Drink of every variety, including dangerous chemicals seized from
laboratories and workshops, was a major factor in the violence. It
seems as if Soviet soldiers needed alcoholic courage to attack a
woman. But then, all too often, they drank too much and, unable to
complete the act, used the bottle instead with appalling effect. A
number of victims were mutilated obscenely.

  The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so
repressed in Russia that even today veterans refuse to acknowledge
what really happened. The handful prepared to speak openly,
however, are totally unrepentant. They all lifted their skirts
for us and lay on the bed, said the leader of one tank company.
He even went on to boast that two million of our children were
born in Germany.

  The capacity of Soviet officers to convince themselves that most
of the victims were either happy with their fate, or at least
accepted that it was their turn to suffer after what the Wehrmacht
had done in Russia, is striking. Our fellows were so
sex-starved, a Soviet major told a British journalist at the
time, that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even
eighty - much to these grandmothers' surprise, if not downright

  One can only scratch at the surface of the psychological
contradictions. When gang-raped women in Königsberg begged their
attackers afterwards to put them out of their misery, the Red Army
men appear to have felt insulted. Russian soldiers do not shoot
women, they replied. Only German soldiers do that. The Red Army
had managed to convince itself that because it had assumed the
moral mission to liberate Europe from fascism it could behave
entirely as it liked, both personally and politically.

  Domination and humiliation permeated most soldiers' treatment of
women in East Prussia. The victims not only bore the brunt of
revenge for Wehrmacht crimes, they also represented an atavistic
target as old as war itself. Rape is the act of a conqueror, the
feminist historian Susan Brownmiller observed, aimed at 

WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner

Saturday, 27 April 2002

WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says
By Stephanie Innes

  The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle
East point to one thing - World War III, a spokesman for Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday during a visit to Tucson.

  We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the
harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether
they like it or not. I'm sure,'' Ra'anan Gissin, a senior adviser
to Sharon, said in an interview Friday.

  Sept. 11 was a watershed event, and things will never be the
same. The battle lines have been drawn.''

  Gissin, 53, is in Tucson this weekend as part of a 12-day tour of
the United States to promote the purchase of Israel Bonds. The
bonds are part of a program that began in 1951 in which securities
are sold to individuals and corporations to finance economic
growth in Israel.

  The Israeli government pays them back. . . . The collateral is
the eternity of the Jewish people,'' Gissin said, dismissing an
April 1 Newsweek story that questioned the future of his country.

  We believe the state of Israel will continue to exist forever.
Therefore, it's a sure investment.

  On Friday night he spoke to an audience of about 300 people at the
Reform Temple Emanu-El, 225 N. Country Club Road, as police stood
on guard at the doorways of the synagogue. Today at 5 p.m. he is
scheduled to speak at the conservative Congregation Anshei Israel,
5550 E. Fifth St.

  Gissin called the war a clash between the civilized and
uncivilized worlds.

  It's a clash between the forces of evil, as (President Bush) so
neatly described it, and forces of life.

  Mohyeddin Abdulaziz, 54, a Tucson resident and Palestinian who
grew up near Ramallah, did not attend Gissin's talk. But in an
interview Friday night he said the Israeli point of view does not
take into account the suffering of Palestinians who live in the
occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

  This is a war that is being fought against a largely civilian
population. It is a one-sided war,'' said Abdulaziz, who still has
family living in the West Bank. The Palestinians do not have one
tank, one airplane, one helicopter. These are people who have been
under a brutal occupation for 35 years and every nation on this
Earth has recognized it as an illegal occupation.

  We have generations of Palestinians who know nothing but brutal
occupation,'' he said. The West Bank and Gaza are only 22 percent
of the geographic area of Palestine, and it's all the Palestinians
are asking for. They want a place to call home.

  Gissin said he did not believe that the Israeli incursion at the
West Bank refugee camp in Jenin earlier this month was a massacre
as some Palestinians have said. The chief Palestinian negotiator,
Saeb Erekat, has accused Israel of trying to hide terrible
things at the camp. Palestinians say hundreds died. The United
Nations is sending a fact-finding team there.

  Real peace can only exist or come about when there is an
understanding and a commitment among our Arab and Palestinian
neighbors to a process of reconciliation - to accept the fact that
Jews also have a right to their own land, to their ancestral
homeland, Gissin said.
* Contact Stephanie Innes at 573-4134 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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EU set to add PFLP to list of terror groups [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Steve Wagner


EU set to add PFLP to list of terror groups 
By Reuters 
BRUSSELS - The European Union is set to update its
common list of terrorist groups to include the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
and others this week, provided no member state raises
objections, EU envoys agreed on Monday. 

  Under the so-called written procedure, the 15 member
states have until Thursday to reject the updated list.

  The final decision regarding a final list will be
known once the written procedure ends at midday on
Thursday, May 2, a spokeswoman for current EU
president Spain said in a statement. Organisations on
the list are liable to have their assets frozen in the
EU countries. 

  The PFLP is a Damascus-based Marxist organization that
includes many Palestinians of Christian origin. The
group was behind the assassination of Israeli Minister
of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi in Jerusalem last year. 

  An EU diplomat told Reuters last week the bloc would
also put on its list the Kurdistan Workers' Party
(PKK), which earlier this month changed its name to
the Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress. 

  The list is part of the bloc's common efforts after
the September 11 attacks on the United States. A first
version of the list was published in late December and
included radical Basque seperatist, Northern Irish and
Middle Eastern groups.

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IDF admits 'ugly vandalism' against Palestinian property [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Steve Wagner

Tuesday, April 30, 2002 Iyyar 18, 5762 Israel Time: 22:51 (GMT+3)  

IDF admits `ugly vandalism' against Palestinian property 
By Amos Harel 
Israel Defense Forces sources have admitted that Palestinian claims of
the systematic destruction of property, particularly computers, during
the recent military operations in Ramallah are, for the most part,
true. There were indeed wide-scale, ugly phenomena of vandalism, a
senior military sources told Ha'aretz yesterday. 

And while another military source said that the army had yet to
undertake a full investigation into the matter, there are already many
individual cases that are being prosecuted through the military justice

Within the context of Operation Defensive Shield, an intelligence unit
specialized in systematically going through public institutions of the
Palestinian Authority and collecting hard disks from computers in
offices, for the purposes of examining them based on the assumption
that some would contain information on terrorist activity. 

The IDF sources explained that because various PA institutions,
including civil authorities, were involved in terror, some of the
computers had indeed included valuable intelligence. 

However, the sources admitted that in many cases the searches had
turned into systematic vandalism, without any justification. 

It was not an order from above, said a senior source, but that's how
it was understood in the field. The infantry, both the conscripts and
the reservists who accompanied the intelligence teams, understood that
they were allowed - or indeed expected - to destroy the property in the

The result, the source continued, was damage running into hundreds
of thousands of dollars. Soldiers smashed computer monitors and
destroyed keyboards. There were places in which bank branches were
destroyed and automatic tellers were raided. In some cases, theft
accompanied the vandalism. It was significant damage, widespread and
totally illogical. 

The source said that while the extent of the damage was clear, the IDF
had yet to undertake a serious investigation into what had taken place.

A reserve officer who played a senior role in the Ramallah area said
that he believed most of the damage had been done during hunts for
wanted men and munitions. We found weapons and sabotage equipment in
what were seemingly civil institutions, the officer said. There were
instances in which soldiers broke open doors because nobody was inside.
Clearly there was looting, but most of the damage was done during the
hunt for people and weapons. This was war, not a lab operation. 

A veteran intelligence officer said the explanation for the IDF's
behavior was to be found in the difference between the fighting in the
territories and previous wars in Lebanon and the Sinai. Those were
clear-cut enemy territorie,; and it was clear to the intelligence units
that they would take everything because everything was military
equipment. In the Palestinian Authority, everything was mixed up -
civilian, security, terrorist. It is very difficult to make the
distinction. Some of the damage was done by the unit, and some by other
soldiers, at their own initiative. 

Reservists who served in the Ramallah and Bethlehem areas said they had
witnessed many instances of deliberate damage caused by soldiers to
Palestinian property. Some also spoke of cases of looting. 

The extent of the looting is much greater than could have been
expected in advance, a senior legal source told Ha'aretz. This is an
ugly and serious phenomenon. 

Some cases involved two or three soldiers who had worked together, the
source said, noting that reservists as well as conscripts had been
involved. Some of the suspects were combat troops, the source added;
and in certain cases, military defenders had reservations about
representing suspects due to the nature of the crimes. 

Most of the incidents are expected to end in plea bargains, with the
convicted serving prison sentences. The majority of the looting took
place in Ramallah, though there were reports of instances in Bethlehem
as well. Most of the cases are in Central Command's JAG unit.

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China issues rules on controlling weather [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Steve Wagner


japantoday  asia

China issues rules on controlling weather

Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 09:30 JST

BEIJING — Chinese officials' penchant for trying to use detailed rules
to control society will be extended with the issuance on May 1 of rules
on how to regulate the weather, according to a state media report

  The rules provide instructions to local governments on how to
regulate man-made weather procedures, such as cloud seeding to induce
rain, with meteorological agencies, the English-language China Daily

  They also streamline the use of other related services, such as the
air force, aviation industry, police and hydrological departments, to
create a standardized weather modification mechanism.

  Thanks to economic and technological advancements, China has
introduced weather modification measures throughout the country, using
a number of measures unspecified in the report including the use of
planes, anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers.

  China is increasingly using weather modification, such as measures to
dispel fog and prevent hailstorms and frost, to alleviate droughts and
other natural disasters, including those caused by climate change, it

  However, in an indication that the same tools of economic and
technological development China is using to modify the weather are also
harming its environment, a U.N. Development Program released Friday
said air pollution kills hundreds of thousands of China's city dwellers
every year. 

(Kyodo News)

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2002-04-29 Thread Steve Wagner


Stasi:  You turn-up some of the most incredible stories.  We can live
with a little backlog.  Thanx.  - Steve

--- Stasi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for the excess of posts today. Busy over the weekend which
 meant a backlog of stories, many of them too interesting to let pass

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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[Xinhua]: Israel repeats crimes of the Nazis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Steve Wagner


[Xinhua]: Israel repeats crimes of the Nazis 

  Nations of the world cannot forget the cruel torture and murder of
the Jews during World War II. However, what is happening now on
Palestinian soil shows that the activities of the Israeli government do
not differ in the slightest degree with those of the previous
torturers. This comment was published by the Xinhua agency. 

  Innocent civilians are being killed; men are being arrested; houses
are being destroyed; and women, children, and the elderly are being
deprived of home, food, and water, - the article reads. Today's
humanitarian catastrophe before which Palestinians stand now is nothing
but the continuation of the Israeli policy of collective violation and
retribution for individual extremist activities of some Palestinians
against Israel. Israeli troops use tanks to destroy the houses of
Arabs, to annihilate forests, to block roads, and to isolate entire

  This forces pregnant women to give birth to children directly in the
streets, while patients die in the streets because they have no
access to hospitals. 

  The Israeli government violated international law and the principles
of human rights. While trying to break the Palestinians' will to resist
the illegal Israeli occupation, the Israeli government cannot
that the more cruel it is towards Palestinians, the more their hatred
of Israel grows. Finally, Israel might find itself in a worse situation
regarding its security. If the Israeli government does not stop its
despotism, it will cover itself with eternal disgrace. 

Andrei Krushinsky 
Translated by Vera Solovieva 

Read the original in Russian: 

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The international Campaign Against television [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Steve Wagner


Poor Paranoid's Almanac

The international Campaign Against television

  Someone is telling me that its amazing to what extent
the marketeers will strive for this data [he means: data got from
the Internet, cookies, etc.].  The whole digital tv / set top
box thing is a minefield too - digital tv will be yet another
disappointment for the expectant viewer because the real reason it
is being pushed so much is because of the info that can be sent back to
market researchers.
Society for the Eradication of Television

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Colin Powell has a blind spot when it comes to massacres [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Steve Wagner


The other day Colin Powell said he saw no evidence of a massacre in
Jenin.  General Powell seems to have a blind spot in this area, as
described in the story referenced below: 


Article by: InDepthNews  
Saturday 27 Apr 2002


Summary:  Powell stories the corporate media doesn't like to cover:

- My Lai Massacre
- Killing Civilians
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- The Gulf War
- Personal Wealth

Parallel processes? My Lai (left) Jenin (right)
My Lai photo essay:

Reference at indymedia website:


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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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ADL found guilty of spying by California court [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner

Thursday, April 25, 2002 / 12 Safar 1423

ADL found guilty of spying by California court
By Barbara Ferguson, Arab News Correspondent

WASHINGTON, 25 April — The San Francisco Superior Court has awarded
former Congressman Pete McCloskey, R-California, a $150,000 court
judgment against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

McCloskey, the attorney in the case, represented one of three civil
lawsuits filed in San Francisco against the ADL in 1993. The lawsuit
came after raids were made by the San Francisco Police Department and
the FBI on offices of the ADL in both San Francisco and Los Angeles,
which found that the ADL was engaged in extensive domestic spying
operations on a vast number of individuals and institutions around the

During the course of the inquiry in San Francisco, the SFPD and FBI
determined the ADL had computerized files on nearly 10,000 people
across the country, and that more than 75 percent of the information
had been illegally obtained from police, FBI files and state drivers’
license data banks.

Much of the stolen information had been provided by Tom Gerard of the
San Francisco Police Department, who sold, or gave, the information to
Ray Bullock, ADL’s top undercover operative.

The investigation also determined that the ADL conduit, Gerard, was
also working with the CIA.

Two other similar suits against ADL were settled some years ago, and
the ADL was found guilty in both cases, but the McCloskey suit
continued to drag through the courts until last month.

In the McCloskey case, the ADL agreed to pay (from its annual
multi-million budget) $50,000 to each of the three plaintiffs — Jeffrey
Blankfort, Steve Zeltzer and Anne Poirier — who continued to press
charges against the ADL, despite a continuing series of judicial
roadblocks that forced 14 of the original defendants to withdraw.
Another two died during the proceedings.

The ADL, which calls itself a civil rights group, continued to claim it
did nothing wrong in monitoring their activities. Although the ADL
presents itself as a group that defends the interests of Jews, two of
three ADL victims are Jewish.

Blankfort and Zeltzer were targeted by the ADL because they were
critical of Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians.

The third ADL victim in the McCloskey case, Poirier, was not involved
in any activities related to Israel or the Middle East. Poirier ran a
scholarship program for South African exiles who were fighting the
apartheid system in South Africa.

At the time, the ADL worked closely with the then anti-apartheid
government of South Africa, and ADL’s operative Bullock provided ADL
with illegally obtained data on Poirier and her associates to the South
African government.

But the conclusion of McCloskey’s case does not mean the end to the
ADL’s legal problems.

On March 31, 2001, US District Judge Edward Nottingham of Denver,
Colorado, upheld most of a $10.5 million defamation judgment that a
federal jury in Denver had levied against the ADL in April of 2000.

The jury hit the ADL with the massive judgment after finding it had
falsely labeled Evergreen, Colorado residents — William and Dorothy
Quigley — as “anti-Semites.” The ADL is appealing the judgment.

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China will protect nations from bullies, says Hu [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


The News
Internet Edition
Thurs. April 25, 2002


China will protect nations from bullies, says Hu

KUALA LUMPUR: China's heir apparent, Hu Jintao, said on Wednesday his
country would retain an independent foreign policy and would resist any
attempts by strong nations to force their interests on the weak.

Hu, speaking in Malaysia en route to the United States, is the
favourite to succeed Jiang Zemin as head of the Communist Party this
year and as China's president in 2003. (China) opposes the strong
lording it over the weak and the big bullying the small and has long
pledged not to seek hegemony, not to join any military bloc, and not to
pursue its own spheres of influence, Hu said in a speech to the Asian
Strategy and Leadership Institute in Kuala Lumpur. He was to meet Prime
Minister Mahathir Mohamad and deputy Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for talks
expected to address everything from trade and investment to terrorism.
Both China and Malaysia joined the U.S.-led war on terror after the
September 11 attacks on New York and Washington and have arrested
Islamic militants at home. But they also share doubts about U.S.
unilateralism. The 58-year-old Hu makes his first official visit to the
United States from April 27 to May 3. He will visit Honolulu, San
Francisco, New York and Washington, where he is expected to meet
President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

ASIAN PARTNERS: Before that, on April 26, he visits Singapore, the
largely ethnic Chinese city state whose business community, like the
sizable, wealthy ethnic Chinese minority in Malaysia, is looking for
investment opportunities in the ancestral homeland. In his speech, Hu
praised Malaysia's achievements brought about by Mahathir's policy of
rapid industrialisation during his 21 years in power. He later went on
a walkabout through Kuala Lumpur's ritziest shopping mall beneath the
Petronas Twin Towers, the world's tallest building.

Hu emphasised that China's emergence as an economic power should be
viewed positively by Southeast Asian nations who have seen more foreign
investors attracted to China. History has continued and will continue
to prove that China is a positive force making for an economically
stronger and more stable Asia, he said. China signed an accord with
the 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in
November to establish a giant free-trade zone within 10 years. But the
export-oriented ASEAN members fear being undercut by China's low-cost
producers while China needs Southeast Asia's resources, notably oil,
gas and forest products, to fuel its rapid industrialisation.

Our conclusion, therefore, is clear: China's development would be
impossible without Asia, and Asia's prosperity without China, Hu said.
Southeast Asian firms are eyeing investment opportunities in China.
Malaysian automaker Proton this year bought a 49 percent stake in
China's Goldstar Heavy Industrial Co. Ltd, helping it gain a presence
in the Chinese market. Hu visits Penang, the home of Malaysia
electronics export industry, on Thursday.

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Yet another Ugly American [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


Interesting People's Daily commentary on rude behavior by foreigners in
China  the Chinese attitude towards them.  I'm only sending the URL
'cause you won't want to miss the pics!  - Steve

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Oil giants Wild West fight over petrol stations in China [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


chinabiz newsletter

Oil giants Wild West fight over petrol stations

Shanghai - China's two oil giants Sinopec  and Petrochina  are involved in violent
battles over control of petrol stations along important highways,
Financial Times (FT) reported on Thursday.

  The companies, who have the exclusive rights to build new petrol
stations in China, are using armed gangs to secure their position, FT
writes. In the central Henan province, gangs backed by Sinopec
attacked seven different stations and stopped work at sixteen others.
One of the worst battles occurred late last month, when Sinopec
employees with iron rods attacked Petrochina workers who were
renovating 50 new stations along a new highway. 

  A police officer who witnessed one of the battles at a petrol station
told FT: It was the most violent scene I have ever seen in my life.
The fighters smashed windows, doors, took away equipment and also drove
construction workers out of their rooms with fire extinguishers and
beat them with iron rods.

  According to the report, Sinopec is furious over an agreement between
Petrochina and the local highway construction company to place its
franchises along the road. Currently Sinopec rules the market in
Henan, where it owns half of the province's 8,000 stations.

  The retail market is a promising market to both companies. Local
media estimated sales had a potential annual net profit of around 200
million Renminbi (US$24 million) in the 50 stations, which were center
of the fight in Henan.

  Sinopec and Petrochina, both listed in New York, together own about
half of the 80,000 or more petrol stations in China. The firms are
involved in setting up joint ventures with other international giants.
Sinopec has agreements to build 500 stations with BP Amoco, Exxon Mobil
and Royal Dutch Shell. A possible deal between Petrochina and BP Amoco,
which are currently negotiating plans to manage 800 stations in a
separate joint venture, might affect the Sinopec-BP Amoco agreement,
FT reports.

  The government granted Petrochina and Sinopec sole rights to build
new petrol stations before the market becomes open to foreign investors
by 2005.

  The companies declined comment on the violent struggle, saying both
the police and local and central government are investigating the

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Making stubborn prisoners talk /Army interrogation school’s methods push tactica

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


Making stubborn prisoners talk 
Army interrogation school’s methods push tactical envelope 
By Jess Bravin
FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz., April 26 — “Has anybody talked to you about
lying?” instructor John Giersdorf asks his freshman class. “We expect
you to lie a lot. Your job is to convince someone to do something that
could get him executed for treason.” 
  THIS IS THE U.S. ARMY’S interrogation school, and Staff Sgt.
Giersdorf, a veteran intelligence-operative who speaks Arabic, Czech
and Russian, is teaching new recruits to extract information from al
Qaeda and other captive foes. The job, he tells his students, “is just
a hair’s-breadth away from being an illegal specialty under the Geneva

  Interrogators — the Pentagon renamed them “human intelligence
collectors” last year — are authorized not just to lie, but to prey on
a prisoner’s ethnic stereotypes, sexual urges and religious prejudices,
his fear for his family’s safety, or his resentment of his fellows.
They’ll do just about everything short of torture, which officials say
is not taught here, to make their prisoners spill information that
could save American lives.

  Each year, 200 to 300 students enter the 16-week program at Fort
Huachuca, an outpost in the Sonoran Desert that once housed U.S.
cavalrymen pursuing Geronimo and Pancho Villa. Tallmadge Hall, a drab
classroom building named for a Revolutionary War officer who spied on
the Redcoats, houses 21 interrogation booths, where students practice
their art as instructors watch on video monitors and grade them.   
  The U.S. is facing a shortage of experienced interrogators, as well
as intelligence officers trained in Middle Eastern and South Asian
languages. As of last September, says the fort’s deputy commander, Col.
John M. Custer (a distant relative of Gen. George Custer), there were
only a handful of instructors here who could speak Pashto or Urdu,
languages common in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  Interrogators also are finding that al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners,
with their fanatical hatred of the U.S. and apparent readiness to
commit suicide for their cause, are a different breed than they’ve
encountered in past conflicts. Some have responded, including Abu
Zubaydah, the reputed al Qaeda leader who officials say prompted last
Friday’s terrorism alert for Northeastern banks. But after months of
interrogating prisoners in Afghanistan and at the U.S. Navy base at
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, officials concede that it’s difficult to obtain
information they can corroborate.

  The Fort Huachuca course culminates in 10 days of field exercises
using generic foreign powers: a fictitious U.S. ally, the Republic of
Arizona, and its totalitarian nemesis, the People’s Republic of New
Mexico. On five outdoor acres, students recruit counteragents,
interview sources and capture enemies and grill them, while
occasionally dealing with distractions such as visiting reporters and
human-rights groups — all played by fellow soldiers.

  The students, many under 20 years old, often enter Fort Huachuca
fresh from basic training. About 80% pass the course, and then go on to
language school.

  Instruction begins by making students aware of the
intelligence-gathering skills they already have. Sgt. First Class
Anthony Novacek likes to use a romantic example: “You’re down at
Jimbo’s Beach Shack, approaching unknown females,” he tells recruits.
Success involves assessing the target, speaking her language, learning
her needs and appearing to be the only way she can satisfy them.   

  Soldiers then study 30 techniques to make prisoners crack. One is the
simple “incentive approach.” Around the world, “everyone smokes,” Sgt.
Giersdorf tells students. “If you’ve ever talked to a captured Arab who
hasn’t smoked for two hours, a pack of smokes can get you a long way.”

  Some incentives, however, can be pure deceptions. Sgt. Giersdorf says
prisoners may be told they could be repatriated if they cooperate, or
that their wounded friends might get the best medical care, even though
interrogators know that neither would happen. Other techniques involve
considerably more pressure.

  “Fear-up” employs “heavy-handed, table-banging violence,” an Army
field manual says. “The interrogator behaves in a heavy, overpowering
manner with a loud and threatening voice” and may “throw objects across
the room to heighten the source’s implanted feelings of fear.”

  Interrogators can suggest plenty of things to frighten prisoners. One
Federal Bureau of Investigation official says likely scenarios include
being sent to a U.S. prison, where inmates might view terrorists as
“lower than a child molester.” Equally threatening: repatriation to
Afghanistan, to face justice under the new regime in Kabul.

  “Fear-down,” in contrast, targets terrified 

UC/Berkeley suspends Students for Justice in Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


UCB suspends pro-Palestine student group over Wheeler Hall takeover
By David Scharfenberg, Daily Planet staff (04-26-02)

UC Berkeley has suspended Students for Justice in Palestine while
officials investigate the group’s April 9 takeover of Wheeler Hall.
Under the terms of the suspension the group, which has called on the
university to divest from Israel, will lose certain privileges –
including the ability to reserve rooms for meetings and set up a table
on Sproul Plaza at the heart of the campus.

“We think this is a specific attack on activists and free speech,” said
Snehal Shingavi, an SJP leader. Shingavi said the move was particularly
disturbing on a campus with a history of student activism.

“This is Berkeley, for goodness sake,” he said.

“In no way are we trying to silence the group or individuals,” replied
Dean of Students Karen Kenney, noting that SJP members will still have
the right to speak out and distribute leaflets during the suspension.

University police arrested 79 protesters April 9, including 41
students, several from SJP. Kenney said the students, after going
through a lengthy student judicial process, could face penalties
ranging from probation to a year-long suspension. 

Assistant Chancellor John Cummins said suspension is an appropriate
penalty for SJP, and individual students, because they disrupted
classes during the Wheeler Hall occupation.

“The basic mission of the university is to educate students,” Cummins
said. “For any group, for any individual, no matter how noble the
cause, to interfere with the rights of other students (is

But Shingavi argued that the university has never suspended a group for
civil disobedience in the past, even if that disobedience disrupted
student life, and that targeting SJP is unfair.

Cummins said university officials explicitly warned SJP leaders that
suspension was a possibility if they violated university rules during
their protest. He said the university had never provided that type of
warning to another group, making SJP a special case.

Adam Weisberg, executive director of Berkeley Hillel, a hub of Jewish
student life, said he agrees with the university’s approach.

“Every student group has a right to demonstrate and articulate its
concerns to the larger community,” he said. “But civil disobedience
invites the kind of action that the university is now taking.”

Will Youmans, an SJP leader, said the group plans to stage a protest
the first week of May, calling for university divestment from Israel. 

“All attempts by the university to silence this movement are futile,
because there is such widespread support on campus for divestment,” he

Kenney said the group will not be able to reserve Sproul Plaza in
advance of the event, as a group with full privileges might. But she
said the university will not block any attempt to march or protest.

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Palestinian flag flies at Euro bank chief's home [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Steve Wagner


Dubai:Saturday, April 27, 2002

Palestinian flag flies at Euro bank chief's home
Amsterdam |Reuters | 27-04-2002

  A Palestinian flag flew from the home of the European Central Bank
president yesterday, raised by his wife in protest against
Israel's actions in the West Bank.

The red, black, green and white standard was draped over the
railings of Wim Duisenberg's second-floor balcony in Amsterdam,
clearly visible from the street in the affluent neighbourhood
where the ECB chief lives when not at work in Frankfurt.

  Gretta Duisenberg made no excuses for a gesture that is unlikely
to go down well in Israel and is at odds with the officially
even-handed approach being taken to the Middle East conflict by
her husband's employers at the European Union.

  My main feeling is that Europe and especially Holland are
terrible because we all sit still and no one does anything and
(Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon can get away with it and I
don't like it, she said in a television interview.

  So I want to show what my feeling is and that is why I hang the
flag in my study on my balcony. My husband has a position but it
is not my position. I am a free woman and I am allowed to do
whatever I like and he agrees with that, she said.

  Duisenberg, who was also present at the interview on the couple's
terrace, declined to comment. The EU, keen to mediate in the
Middle East alongside the United States, condemns violence on both

  But Israel has long complained of what it sees as Europe's
pro-Palestinian bias, particularly among politicians on the left
who have been critical of Israel's latest West Bank offensive.

  As head of the independent central bank, Duisenberg tends to keep
his political opinions to himself though he was previously a
socialist minister. His wife has a reputation in the Dutch media
as an outspoken and feisty campaigner for charity.

  At ECB headquarters in Frankfurt, a bank spokesman said the issue
was a private matter for Gretta Duisenberg.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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China tells Japan's defense minister not to come [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Steve Wagner



China tells Japan's defense minister not to come

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 09:30 JST

TOKYO - Backing angry words with deeds, China Tuesday postponed a
visit by Japan's defense minister to vent its ire after Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited a shrine where war criminals are
honored along with war dead.

  The move could seriously damage relations between the two giant Asian
neighbors in a year that marks the 30th anniversary of the
normalization of diplomatic ties.

  A Japanese Defense Ministry spokesman said China had conveyed a wish
to postpone the visit of Defense Minister Gen Nakatani, scheduled to
start Saturday. Beijing also delayed a visit to Japan by Chinese
naval vessels set for May, the first such visit ever.

  There is no mistake, they will both be postponed, the spokesman

  A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed the delay was linked
to Koizumi's surprise Sunday visit to Yasukuni Shrine.

  The Japanese leader's visit to Yasukuni has hurt the feelings of the
Chinese people and harmed Sino-Japanese relations, he said.

  China believes it is not appropriate to hold these two activities at
this time.

  The timing and quiet nature of Koizumi's visit were aimed at
preserving ties with countries such as China and soccer World Cup
co-host South Korea, who object particularly strongly to visits on
Aug 15, the anniversary of Japan's World War II defeat.

  Visits to the shrine, a traditional wooden building with curving
cedar-tiled roofs, by Japanese leaders have in the past sparked
furious protests from Asian neighbors who suffered under Japan's
military aggression before and during World War II. 

(Reuters News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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U.S. ECONOMY - A time bomb waiting to go off [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread Steve Wagner


April 22, 2002

A time bomb waiting to go off

BY RAISA PAGES (Granma International staff writer)

  FACED with the need to promote an optimistic image to the world, U.S.
pragmatism has given ground.

  Most U.S. economists believe that the recession will be reversed this
year, but neither the war industry’s revitalization, nor increased
Pentagon spending have been able to counteract the ravages brought
about by a sustained hike in oil prices and the chain reaction
unleashed by the Enron energy company scandal.

  U.S. consultant Isaac Cohen has warned that rising energy prices
could halt the reactivation. When fuel prices go up, he explained, the
central banks increase interest rates, thereby deterring economic

  Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Richard Clarida feels that the
government is hoping for a reactivation in business investment, but
investment has been declining for four successive quarters, something
that had not occurred since 1992, when that indicator fell over a
period of 18 months.

  Business Sector Results Reaffirm Wall Street Pessimism was the title
of a CNN commentary based on statements appearing in The Wall Street
Journal. James Paulsen, investment director of Wells Capital
Management, wonders if we are experiencing a prolonged period of
stagnation, or at least mediocre yields.

  Charles Hill, research director of First Call, commented that there
was a lot of uncertainty over developments in the second half of the

  Loss of confidence among investors, resulting from illicit maneuvers
to cover up the Enron bankruptcy, are negatively influencing the return
of economic expansion.


  The world superpower’s economy has turned into a huge speculative
bubble, as a result of irrational speculation on the stock market.

  Finance capital in the United States consists of a colossal amount of
money, vastly exceeding the value of goods and services produced in the

  In real terms, the underlying causes of the U.S. recession have not
been sufficiently investigated, and it does not suit the majority of
experts to go into the motives too deeply.

  In search of expert opinions, Granma International interviewed
Francisco Covarrubias, doctor in economic science and a researcher at
Cuba’s Center for Studies of the World Economy (CIEM), who stated that
the large expansion experienced by the U.S. economy in the ’90s left
the heavy burden of a series of economic and financial imbalances in
its wake.

  The economic expansion of the world’s largest economy has basically
been supported by financial resources from abroad, he stressed. In 2001
these flows represented around 26% of total U.S. investment, more than
triple the proportion recorded in 1995.

  “The search for easy and quick high-profit margins — favored by
technological advances, institutional changes and the abundant entry of
foreign capital — intensified the virtually mass transfer of U.S.
companies and consumers to the financial markets, above all towards the
buying and selling of stock, which created a huge gap between this
market’s high dynamism and other economic activity.”

  The loss of income due to the depreciation of stocks and bonds over
18 months – up until September 2001 – was equivalent to 75% of the
United States’ GDP, a proportion higher than that recorded since the
1929 stock market crash.

  The unchecked indebtedness of U.S. families and companies exceeds
their real capacity to pay, compounded by the fact that their principal
guarantee is the artificial value of the stocks they own, Covarrubias

  At the end of 2001, debt absorbed more than 92% of the disposable
income in U.S. homes. In the case of companies, debt obligations
contracted were in excess of 100% of the country’s GDP, more than $10
trillion USD.


  The Cuban expert stated that the shady side of this debt spiral is
the irresponsible conduct assumed by U.S. and foreign banks, which have
granted credits extravagantly, violating the most elemental rules and
accepting stock as the only guarantee, he stressed.

  The U.S. financial agencies have gone to the extreme of granting
loans to people with poor credit ratings and unable to obtain funding
anywhere. They do this because they can charge high interest rates and
even higher commissions, he explained.

  Those credits, referred to as subprimes, have grown from $27 billion
USD in the early ’90s to a current total of more than $430 billion USD,
equivalent to 10% of all U.S. mortgages.

  Confidence in U.S. banks is endangered. Eight of the 22 banks that
have folded since 1997 had granted a large number of subprime loans.

  A further economic imbalance is associated with the gradual reduction
in the U.S. families’ savings rate, which has fallen to its lowest
level in the country’s economic history. The 

Israel to Reject U.N. Investigation Into Jenin Refugee Camp [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-23 Thread Steve Wagner


Israel to Reject U.N. Investigation Into Jenin Refugee Camp 

Xinhuanet 2002-04-24 05:11:45 
   JERUSALEM, April 23 (Xinhuanet) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel 
Sharon decided Tuesday night to halt agreement to the arrival of 
the U.N. fact-finding mission on Jenin refugee camp, Israel Radio 
   The decision was reportedly made after a deliberation by the 
prime minister.
   Senior officials cited three reasons for the decision. 
   Firstly, the members appointed to the delegation differ from 
those agreed upon by Israel. Secondly, the committee has a 
political rather than a military make-up. Israel is of the opinion 
that a military make-up is necessary to investigate the issues. And
thirdly, Israel was consulted on very few matters and issues that 
were agreed upon were altered. 
   Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Yehuda Lancry will 
inform U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan of the decision later 
   Earlier in the day, Sharon said that Israel has no choice but to
accept the team to the West Bank city of Jenin, and that he feared 
the results it would produce.
   The team led by former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari is 
expected to determine what happened during Israel's military 
operations in the refugee camp, which is believed to be the 
fiercest fighting during the operations in the West Bank.
   There is a fierce dispute on the death toll in the refugee camp.
Palestinians have claimed that hundreds of people were killed in 
a massacre in the camp, while the Israeli side has been insisting
that only dozens were killed.
   Under the pressure from the international community, Israel 
agreed over the weekend to cooperate with the United Nations to 
investigate into the Jenin affair.
   But Israel stressed the fact-finding team could not include U.N.
Middle East envoy Terje Roed-Larsen or Human Rights High 
Commissioner Mary Robinson, who are regarded by Israel as biased to
the Palestinians. 
   U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Sunday that the fact-
finding team was not a team of prosecutors or criminal 
investigators... They are going to establish the facts. 
   The other two team members are Cornelio Sommaruga, former 
president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and 
Sadako Ogata, the former U.N. high commissioner for refugees who is
Japan's special envoy on Afghan reconstruction.
   Larsen, however, continued his fierce criticism on Israel Monday
after a meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
   Larsen said what I did, on the basis of what I saw, what I 
heard and what I smelt, was to say that this was shocking and 
   I think that any decent human being with a heart would have 
reacted the same way I did and used similar words...I described 
what I saw, people with their bare hands digging deformed bodies 
out of the rubble, he said.  Enditem 

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Microsoft promotes Israeli war crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Wagner


Microsoft blames Israeli branch for outrageous advertisement
By Molouk Y. Ba-Isa, Arab News Staff

RIYADH, 21 April - Saudi E-Commerce 2002 opens under a cloud with one
of the conference's Gold Sponsors, Microsoft, accused by the Israeli
peace activist organization Gush Shalom of lending public support to
the destructive war launched by the Sharon government against the

  According to Adam Keller, spokesperson of Gush Shalom, last week
Israelis traveling on the main highways in the Tel Aviv area were
treated to enormous billboards bearing the Microsoft logo under the
text, From the depth of our heart - thanks to The Israeli Defense
Forces, on a background made of the Israeli flag.

  The organization mounted a worldwide appeal to its supporters
requesting that they write to Bill Gates, chairman and chief software
architect of Microsoft Corporation, protesting Microsoft's
dissemination of crude nationalistic and militaristic propaganda at
the Israeli population centers, and supporting a war sharply censured
by the international community and controversial among the citizens of
Israel itself.

  A copy of Keller's personal letter to Gates was included in the
e-mail campaign. It ended with the plea: We urge you to take care that
this activity is terminated forthwith, and that the estimated tens of
thousands of dollars invested in the above mentioned billboards be used
instead (for) activities aimed at stopping the bloodshed and promoting
an equitable Israeli-Palestinian peace.

  In the Kingdom, Microsoft Arabia stated that they had yet to see the
Gush Shalom e-mail. However, they were aware of the controversy.
Mohammed Kateeb, GM, Microsoft Gulf, did not diminish the negativity of
the issue, but he asserted that the billboards in Tel Aviv and one
banner posting on the MSN Israel website had been removed.

  Jonathan Murray, VP, Global Accounts, Microsoft Corporation, who is
in Riyadh to participate in Saudi E-Commerce 2002, did address the
situation.  He emphasized that Microsoft is very aware of the
sensitivities in the region. He pointed out that Pan-Arab customers are
extremely important to Microsoft and consequently the region has
received significant investment and commitment of Microsoft's

  The billboards did not require and did not receive the approval of
Microsoft Corporation, said Murray. It was a Microsoft Israel
decision alone.

  Murray felt that this was one of the disadvantages of operating local
subsidiaries fairly autonomously. Under this system, local Microsoft
management is given great leeway to function in the manner they
consider best. While Murray did admit that there was a higher review
policy for some public materials, such as press releases, he added that
the billboards and banner posting had slipped through the policy

  When asked what action the company would be taking against those
Microsoft employees responsible for the billboards and banner posting,
Murray said that the matter would be handled internally.

  Microsoft's assertions and actions thus far may not be enough to
satisfy an outraged global community of human rights activists. Radio
talk show host and human rights activist Andy Martin, the only American
talk radio host who supports Palestinian rights, will hold an Internet
forum on his radio program on Monday, April 22 at 1:00 p.m. to attack
Microsoft Corporation for endorsing racism and genocide in Israel and
to demand a worldwide boycott of Microsoft products.

  I first learned of Microsoft Corporation's billboards in Tel Aviv
endorsing racism and genocide on April 16, says Martin. Now a major
scandal is developing throughout the civilized world. I call on human
beings everywhere to boycott Microsoft products in support of the
Palestinian people.

  Microsoft, Gates and Martin are long-term adversaries. Microsoft has
campaigned against Martin on its websites and Gates has criticized
him in various forums.

  Martin founded the Committee to Fight Microsoft in 1995 and has
actively opposed Microsoft products, which he calls monopolistic, high
priced, dysfunctional junk.

  The Israeli Peace movement is outraged, said Martin. Civilized
human beings are outraged. What business does American business have
endorsing mass murder of Palestinians? I salute the brave Israeli peace
movement that has condemned Microsoft, and I join their condemnation.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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[Xinhua] Israel Plans to Kill Arafat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Wagner


Israel Plans to Kill Arafat: Erekat  

Xinhuanet 2002-04-22 20:46:03 
   GAZA, April 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb 
Erekat said Monday that the second stage of the Israeli government 
plan is to break into Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's compound 
in the West Bank town of Ramallah and kill him.
   Erekat said that the Israeli established buffer zones around 
Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah put hills of sands around the 
headquarters after cutting the streets and prevents any contact 
with him.
   Preventing us from attending the meeting between President 
Arafat and William Burns in Ramallah is an indication that it is 
the first step towards breaking into Arafat's office and getting 
rid of him, said Erekat.
   Erekat and other Palestinian security sources revealed that the 
Israeli army began to implement the second stage of what Israel had
called the Operation Defensive Shield in the West Bank.
   The sources said that Israel is preparing for bringing an 
Israeli Civil Administration that was existed before signing the 
Oslo peace accords in 1993 to administrate the West Bank after 
undermining the Palestinian National Authority.
   The sources said that the Israeli army turned all areas, that 
were considered as areas A under the full Palestinian control in 
accordance with the Oslo agreement, into areas B.
   The sources said that the Israeli army decided not to let any 
Palestinian resident of the West Bank to leave the Palestinian 
territories until he or she asks the permission of the Israeli 
   Palestinian residents in the town of Salfit between Nablus and 
Ramallah said that the Israeli army officials informed them that 
the army is intending to confiscate lands for establishing military
basis for the Israeli army in the area.
   The Israeli actions were taken as part of a series of steps 
towards the complete undermining of the Palestinian National 
Authority and bringing back an Israeli occupation civil 
administration, said Erekat.  Enditem  

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Book review: Ghost Soldiers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Steve Wagner



The stuff heroes are made of

Ghost Soldiers
By Hampton Sides

Review by Charles Lewis

  World War II is coming to a close. The Japanese are keen to cover up
atrocities they have committed against prisoners of war in the
Philippines. Most prisoners, survivors of the Bataan Death March, who
are in any semblance of good health have already been shipped off to
Japan, Taiwan or mainland China to work as slave labor.

  At the Puerto Princesa prison camp on Palawan, Japanese prison guards
begin killing American and allied POWs as the American army prepares
to retake the Philippines. A few POWs are able to escape the massacre
and their stories eventually reach the American High Command.

  A decision is made to rescue the long suffering, doomed prisoners at
the Cabanatuan prison camp on the main island of Luzon. The army has
been training a group of former mule skinners in New Guinea. The army
doesn't need to use mules to haul equipment anymore, and these big,
tough farm boys seem like a good choice to use as a new elite force;
Army Rangers. The Rangers get their first assignment; rescue what is
left of the prisoners at Cabanatuan before they are killed by the
retreating Japanese.

  In Ghost Soldiers, The Forgotten Epic Story Of World War II's Most
Dramatic Mission, Hampton Sides has provided us with a well written,
thoroughly researched hitherto relatively unknown story that should
have been told long ago.

  He does a good job attempting to explain the brutality of the prison
guards. They are not good enough to be the regular army, they are the
dregs, they wish they were at the front. The Japanese Imperial Army
uses physical violence as a form of punishment within its own ranks.
Since the guards, who are often Korean or Taiwanese, are the lowest
of the low, they cannot resist beating the POWs, who are even lower
than themselves.

  The book jumps between details of the last stand on the Bataan
peninsula, life in the Cabanatuan prison camp and details of the
raid. At times there are too many details about the prison camp and
Bataan, and not enough about the raid. I found myself looking to see
how many more pages I had to go before I got back to the raid more
than once.

  Personal histories of the soldiers taking part in the raid and some
of the POWs are very detailed but redundant on more than one
occasion. More information about how some of the lower ranking
Rangers felt during the build-up to the raid would have been a
welcome addition.

  Descriptions of living conditions for the defenders of Bataan and the
POWs are vivid and realistic. There are, however, too many
descriptions of grotesque food. One passage about monkey hands in
stew would be enough. I would also have liked to have heard a little
more about the nurses who cared for the wounded on Bataan and were
eventually transferred to Corregidor. I was left wondering where they
were imprisoned and how they were treated.

  Something lacking in other books about the Death March, the opinions
and feelings of regular Philippine people, are most welcome here in
Sides' book. The reasons for the Filipinos' empathy for the Americans
and their deep hated of the Japanese are explained quite well.

  After witnessing years of murder, torture and brutality being
committed by the Japanese Imperial Army, the Americans have arrived
to liberate the islands. Add to this the humanity and natural
hospitality of the Philippine people. Acts of selfless compassion
towards the prisoners, often at great personal risk, are heart

  The Japanese occupation of the Philippines was brutal. In addition,
Sides explains, to slap a Filipino in the face is to create a deadly
enemy for life. The Japanese have a propensity to slap.

  There is, however, a complete lack of information regarding the fate
of the Philippine soldiers who were part of the Death March. In the
beginning of the book, we are told that the Philippine army fought
tooth and nail defending Bataan and that after the surrender, they
joined the Americans on the Death March. No other mention of what
became of them is made.

  Sides informs us that Shigeji Mori, the Cabanatuan commandant, and
Camp O'Donnell commandant Yoshio Tsuneyoshi were sentenced to life
at hard labor. We are left to wonder, however, how much of their
sentences they actually served. The man believed responsible for many
of the worst atrocities of the Death March, Colonel Masanobu Tsuji,
escaped prosecution.

  After being liberated, the former prisoners gather strength at an
evacuation hospital where they are paid a visit by General Douglas
MacArthur. When they finally head back to the U.S., the ship that
carries them takes a zigzag route to avoid Japanese submarines. After
a month at sea, the boat finally pulls into San Francisco bay.

  Thousands of people lining the Golden Gate Bridge shower trinkets on
the boat; flowers, money, tickets 

Bush says Israeli invasion of Jenin must be investigated [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Steve Wagner


The Guardian - April 20, 2002,2763,687669,00.html

Bush says Israeli invasion of Jenin must be investigated

Julian Borger in Washington, Chris McGreal in Jenin and 
Ewen MacAskill in Jerusalem

  The White House called yesterday for an international inquiry into
civilian casualties caused by the Israeli military assault on Jenin,
and asked the Israeli government to allow UN and Red Cross
investigators into the devastated West Bank town.

  As the Israeli army pulled out the last of its troops, President
George Bush's spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said: The president has
called for the United Nations and the Red Cross to be permitted to
have unhindered access to Jenin. The president believes what's
important is transparency so all the facts can be developed.

  Mr Fleischer suggested it might be in the interests of Ariel Sharon's
government to allow the investigation, quoting the US assistant
secretary of state, Richard Armitage, as saying: There is a
mythology sometimes to these events where numbers are bandied about.

  What's important is to find the facts, and that's why the president
has said that it's important to allow the UN and the Red Cross in to
find out, he said.

  The Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, last night invited UN
secretary-general Kofi Annan to launch a fact-finding mission. Mr
Peres telephoned Mr Annan and said that, should the
secretary-general send someone to look into the facts of what
happened in Jenin and elsewhere, it would be welcome, a UN spokesman

  Tony Blair joined leaders across Europe in backing the call for an
international inquiry by the Red Cross. Mr Blair, intent on
presenting himself as scrupulously even-handed, said: Yes, what is
happening in Jenin is appalling and tragic. So is large numbers of
totally innocent Israeli citizens being blown up in cafes,
restaurants and even during religious services.

  He urged a new Middle East peace initiative, with EU involvement.

  A day after President Bush dubbed Mr Sharon a man of peace, Mr
Fleischer said Israel was honouring the timetable it had provided
the president for its proposed withdrawal from West Bank towns.

  Yesterday the Israeli army confirmed it had pulled out of Jenin but
declared it a closed military area and began cutting access by
blocking roads.

  As the soldiers withdrew, 35 Palestinians killed in two weeks of the
worst fighting since Israel launched its raids into West Bank towns
were buried in common graves. It was not known if the dead men were
fighters or civilians.

  Palestinian residents say many hundreds more who died remain under
the rubble of buildings crushed by Israeli bulldozers. So far, 39
Palestinians and 23 Israeli soldiers are confirmed killed.

  In Gaza, which has been relatively quiet for the past few weeks, a
Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up yesterday at an Israeli
military checkpoint. Two soldiers were slightly injured.

  Elsewhere in Gaza and the West Bank, the Israeli army shot dead seven
Palestinians, including two boys, nine and 14, during a curfew, and
two gunmen said by Israel to have been trying to infiltrate a Jewish
(c) 2002, The Guardian

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Anti-Kissinger Protesters Welcome Legal Moves [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Steve Wagner


Anti-Kissinger Protesters Welcome Legal

Thu Apr 18, 5:26 PM ET

Daniel Nelson, OneWorld UK

  Moves by French and Spanish investigators to question Henry Kissinger
for terrorist crimes have been welcomed by protesters planning to
disrupt the former United States Secretary of State's talk to 2,500
business leaders at a convention in Britain next week.

  Spanish newspapers reported Thursday that a Spanish judge, Baltazar
Garzon, had asked British authorities for permission to question
Kissinger while he is in London to address the April 24 annual
convention of the Institute of Directors (IoD). They also cited a
similar request to Interpol, the international police network, from a
French judge.

  Both men were quoted as saying that the moves related to Kissinger's
role in abuses which took place in Chile under former dictator Augusto
Pinochet. They referred particularly to Operation Condor, in which
five Latin American rulers worked together to get rid of opponents, and
the disappearance of a number of Europeans in Chile after the coup
d'etat that brought Pinochet to power in 1973.

  It was on similar grounds that Pinochet was arrested during a private
visit to London in 1998. After Britain's highest court ruled that he
could be extradited to Spain to stand trial on charges of torture and
conspiracy, the human rights organization Amnesty International said,
The message is loud and clear: head-of-state immunity does not grant
freedom to commit crimes against humanity and acts of torture.
Pinochet was subsequently freed on grounds of ill-health.

  Kissinger's presence in Britain next week will prompt calls from
human rights and global justice campaigners for the government of Prime
Minister Tony Blair to hold the 79-year-old to account under the
principle of universal jurisdiction, which gives national courts the
power to prosecute anyone on their territory suspected of committing a
crime against humanity.

  We are against the idea of Kissinger coming to this country, said
Guy Taylor of London-based Globalise Resistance, adding, however, that
he would support any domestic legal moves against the Harvard-educated
National Security Adviser to former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon.

  The radical group is using leaflets, posters, and the Internet to
generate support for a morning demonstration next Wednesday outside
London's Royal Albert Hall where IoD delegates are scheduled to gather
for a breakfast meeting. Campaigners staged a mock trial of Kissinger
earlier this week, at which the chief prosecutor was veteran
peace-activist Bruce Kent.

  Taylor said the protesters were concerned not only with Kissinger's
activities in Chile, but also with the 1969 bombing of Cambodia, an
attempt to thwart the independence struggle of Bangladesh, and the
Indonesian invasion of East Timor, among other interventions which have
caused major political shifts on the international stage.

  An IoD spokesman said Kissinger had been invited to address the
conference because he was one of the world's most respected
individuals. In addition to being an entertaining speaker, he said,
Kissinger's varied experience was relevant to the meeting's theme,
Globalization - the real nature and impact.

  Harvard-educated Kissinger was the joint winner of a Nobel peace
prize in 1973 for his part in arranging a ceasefire in Vietnam. He was
also the author of a round of secret diplomacy that led to the opening
of relations between the U.S. and communist China.
Copyright © 2002*

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Nuclear Terror: US Ships High-Radiation Device to China by Mistake [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner


Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, April 19, 2002
Nuclear Terror: US Ships High-Radiation Device to China by Mistake
Recently the US reported two losses of high-radiation devices which
strained the nerve of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. One is a
measuring instrument containing Cs-137 high-radiation material lost by
a paper plant in Wisconsin, which was later found shipped to China, but
fortunately kept untouched in a safe place.  
Nuclear terror has been a focus of public concern since the September
11 incident. Recently the US reported two losses of high-radiation
devices which strained the nerve of the US Nuclear Regulatory

One is a measuring instrument containing Cs-137 high-radiation material
lost by a paper plant in Wisconsin, which was later found shipped to
China, but fortunately kept untouched in a safe place. The other is a
box containing Ir-192 found in a shop of second-hand articles, and
disastrous results would had been caused if the shop owner haven't
called police quickly. 

Cs-137 shipped to China by mistake

The North America StoraEnso, with its headquarter in Wisconsin, is a
subsidiary company of Sweden-Finland StoraEnso, a world famous paper
producer. Last year the company sold equipment of a factory to a
Chinese paper plant. The equipment, according to agreements, should be
dismembered entirely and then shipped to China. However, workers in
charge of this didn't notice the eye-attracting yellow alarm mark and
didn't adopt any measure for the Cs-137 measuring instrument fastened
on a metal tube. As a result, it was loaded and shipped to China
together with other devices. 

Last January inspectors of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission found
the high-radiation device was missing. On January 31 representatives of
StoraEnso rushed to the Chinese plant, finding the device still
fastened on steel beam, untouched. 

StoraEnso has 10 to 20 such instruments containing Cs-137, mainly used
to measure pulp density and paper thickness, according to the company
spokesman. The one shipped to China, camara-sized, may cause harm to
human body in many aspects if carelessly opened, even death. 

Cs-137 is a kind of high-radiation material which brings great harm if
improperly used, experts say. If seeped into soil, it could remain
centuries in natural environment, even join in food chain. 

The reporter tried to contact South America StoraEnso by telephone to
learn how the company dealt with the case, but couldn't get through. 

The device didn't cause harm since it was fastened in a sheltered
place, according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The company,
after finding the device, sealed it immediately and put it in safe
place. Now concerned parties are talking how to ship it back safely to
By PD Online Staff Li Heng 


Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Gore Vidal explains it all in San Francisco [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner


Vidal's analysis of Sept. 11 gets warm reception

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff WriterFriday, April 19, 2002 
With warm approval from a packed house last night, author Gore Vidal
dissected the Sept. 11 attacks and returned to his basic theme: America
is not without blame. 

The acclaimed political and historical essayist spoke to about 1,300
people at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco, elaborating on his
latest book, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, which examines the
federal government's role in Sept. 11. 

Speaking in a wry tone that brought laughter from the audience, and
often relying on understatement, Vidal said the United States had in
more than 200 instances attacked other countries. 

We've been like this rogue elephant going around the world, attacking
this country and that, said Vidal. 

He said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, while lamentable, were not
completely inexplicable. 

Sooner or later, someone was going to get irritable, said Vidal. The
first rule of physics is that for every act, there is reaction. 

He belittled the Bush administration, which he said was beholden to
business interests. And he said the war in Afghanistan amounted to an
oil grab, rather than a desire to root out terrorists. 

It's Central Asian oil that we have our eyes on, Vidal said. 

Stanford history Professor Barton Bernstein, one of three panelists,
echoed some of Vidal's thoughts while examining the history of what he
said was America's military aggression. Based on its history, he said,
the United States could be considered a terrorist state. 

Other panelists were Roberg Higgs of the Independent Institute of
Oakland and Thomas Moore of the Hoover Institution at Stanford. 
E-mail Ryan Kim at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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The Soviet threat was a myth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner



The Soviet threat was a myth 

Stalin had no intention of attacking the west. We were to blame for the
cold war 

Andrew Alexander
Friday April 19, 2002
The Guardian 

On a long and reluctant journey to Damascus, as I researched the
diaries and memoirs of the key figures involved, it dawned on me that
my orthodox view of the cold war as a struggle to the death between
Good (Britain and America) and Evil (the Soviet Union) was seriously
mistaken. In fact, as history will almost certainly judge, it was one
of the most unnecessary conflicts of all time, and certainly the most
The cold war began within months of the end of the second world war,
when the Soviet Union was diagnosed as inherently aggressive. It was
installing communist governments throughout central and eastern Europe.
The triumphant Red Army was ready and able to conquer western Europe
whenever it was unleashed by Stalin, who was dedicated to the global
triumph of communism. But we - principally the US and Britain - had
learnt from painful experience that it was futile to seek accommodation
with expansionist dictators. We had to stand up to Stalin, in
President Truman's phrase, with an iron fist. 

It was a Manichean doctrine, seductive in its simplicity. But the
supposed military threat was wholly implausible. Had the Russians,
devastated by the war, invaded the west, they would have had a
desperate battle to reach the Channel coast. Britain would have been
supplied with an endless stream of men and material from the US, making
invasion virtually hopeless. And even if the Soviets, ignoring the
A-bomb, had conquered Europe against all odds, they would have been
left facing an implacable US: the ultimate unwinnable war. In short,
there was no Soviet military danger. Stalin was not insane. 

Nor was he a devout ideologue dedicated to world communism. He was
committed, above all else, to retaining power, and ruling Russia by
mass terror. Stalin had long been opposed to the idea that Russia
should pursue world revolution. He had broken with Trotsky, and
proclaimed the ideal of socialism in one country. Foreign communist
parties were encouraged to influence their own nations' actions. But it
was never Stalin's idea that they should establish potentially rival
communist governments. Yugoslavia and China were to demonstrate the
peril of rival communist powers. 

The cold war began because of Russia's reluctance to allow independence
to Poland. Stalin was held to have reneged on promises at Yalta.
Roosevelt and Churchill had demanded that Poland be allowed a
government that would be free and also friendly to Russia. It was a
dishonest formula. As recently as 1920, the two countries had been at
war. No freely elected Polish government would be friendly to the USSR.
Furthermore, as Stalin pointed out at Yalta, Russia had been twice
invaded through Poland by Germany in 26 years, with devastating
consequences. The invasion of 1941 had led to the deaths of 20 million
Russians. Any postwar Russian government - communist, tsarist or social
democratic - would have insisted on effective control at least of
Poland, if not of larger areas of eastern Europe, as a buffer zone
against future attacks. 

The cold war warrior Harry Truman came to office in April 1945. The
existing White House, including the belligerent Admiral Leahy,
convinced him that he must make an aggressive start. In May, Churchill
told Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary, that the Americans ought not
to withdraw to the lines previously agreed. There had, he said, to be a
showdown while the Allies were still strong militarily. Otherwise
there was very little prospect of preventing a third world war. 

Churchill's iron curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri, in March 1946 -
the phrase originated with Dr Goebbels, warning of the same red peril -
reflects the great warrior's view of the Soviet menace. Not
surprisingly, however, it was seen by the Russians as a threat.
Referring to the new tyrannies, Churchill said: It is not our duty
at this time when difficulties are so numerous to interfere forcibly in
the internal affairs of countries. The inevitable implication was that
there would be a time when difficulties were not so numerous. 

Truman had adopted an aggressive attitude to Russia the previous
October. He produced 12 points which he said would govern American
policy, including the importance of opening up free markets. The
programme would be based on righteousness. There could be no
compromise with evil. Since half his points were aimed at Soviet rule
in eastern Europe, the evil he had in mind was plain. He added that no
one would be allowed to interfere with US policy in Latin America. 

So Russian interference in countries essential to its safety was evil.
But exclusive US domination of its own sphere of influence was

Japan wartime study group keeps experiences alive [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-18 Thread Steve Wagner



U.K.-Japan wartime study group keeps experiences alive

William Hollingworth

LONDON - Former soldiers and prisoners of war, academics, scholars
and ordinary members of the public have set up a unique
organization in Britain designed to examine Japan and Britain's
encounter in World War II and encourage schools in both countries to
properly assess aspects of the conflict.

  The historical study group, named the Burma Campaign Society, was
established in London last month and is, its founders claim, the only
non-recriminatory forum for discussion of war-related issues between
the two countries.

  The founders hope that their group will become a forum for young and
old in both countries to exchange views, debate and examine
historical material about the war. The group has already set up a Web
site and there are plans for email exchange between the veterans and
younger members.

  The group also hopes to try and incorporate factual material about
the war into school curricula. At the group's inaugural meeting, it
was felt by a number of members that there is a lack of information
on the war in schools in both countries and that materials are
sometimes unbalanced.

  The Burma Campaign Society is born out of the Burma Campaign
Fellowship Group, which officially closed last month. The fellowship
group was set up in 1991 and was designed to promote reconciliation
between British and Japanese veterans who fought in Burma, now
Myanmar, during World War II.

  The veterans decided to close their organization because many of them
are getting old and feel they have achieved their goal of
reconciliation. Over the years, teams of veterans from both countries
have exchanged visits, and a joint meeting has been held in Myanmar.
Many of those who were in the fellowship group are expected to join
the new organization.

  Phillida Purvis, who helped set up the new society, said that while
living in Japan as a diplomat she had been puzzled as to why World
War II was such a taboo subject.

  She said there are already a number of Anglo-Japanese organizations
operating but they do not have promoting understanding about the war
as their objective, and in some cases, talk of the war is
specifically avoided.

  She said that so far the new group has around 40 members with a
mixture of ages and a rough split between British and Japanese.

  Purvis, who is honorary secretary of the new society, said, We will
take different topics and involve the veterans and historians to lead
the discussion and we will debate the subject and then put some of
the information about the discussion on to a web site
( We hope that we can have
interactive discussions.

  The society's first meeting will be held May 9 when the subject up
for discussion will be Was the Pacific War inevitable?

  Purvis added that she was hoping to ensure that Britain and Japan's
encounter in the war would be included in the citizenship section
of Britain's national curriculum. She added that there was also scope
for more discussion about the war in Japan with the advent of a new
general studies section in its curriculum.

  Veteran Philip Malins, aged 82, the new society's vice chairman,
said, We will concentrate more on the historical aspects of the
American-Japan conflict and hope to improve the accuracy of the
historical reports. It's also our hope that the younger generation
will be taught the true facts about what happened in that conflict.
We need to know what happened so that it won't be repeated again and
so that we don't drift into a position where someone like Hitler
comes to power.

  However, he added that the new group would still hold memorials for
those who died in Burma and the group is also anxious to enlist
Myanmarese living in Britain.

  Ryugo Matsui, associate professor at the faculty of intercultural
communication at Ryukoku University in Japan's Shiga Prefecture said
it is important for the younger generation in Japan to read via
e-mail the experiences of the veterans.

  He said, I hope that there will be a good response to this (the
society) in Japan. There's a big conflict between right and left over
the interpretation of the war but the problem is that both sides lack
the information from those with first-hand experience of the war. If
you provide such information to the Japanese people .. I hope that
their views will become more balanced.

  Tomoyo Nakao, from Okayama University in Okayama Prefecture, said
that there were a number of Japanese Internet sites which spoke of
Westerners being a race apart and she said that it was important
that web sites such as the one being proposed were set up to offer a

April 18, 2002

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

U.S. PRISONS: Horror behind bars [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-18 Thread Steve Wagner


April 16, 2002
Horror behind bars

• Captive of a system whose constitution legalizes forced labor and
slavery for convicts, two million people are currently behind bars in
the United States, the largest prison population in the world

BY RAISA PAGES (Granma International staff writer)

THE cells measure 2.3 by 3.3 meters and are designed so that inmates
cannot see each other. They remain in this small space for 23 hours of
the day and during the hour of exercise they are tied up in shackles.
Food is given to them through the small opening in the door of their
cell. This describes Pelican Bay State Prison in California, one of the
most notorious in the United States for its cruelty. 

U.S. prisons have become concentration camps, according to experts.
The majority of U.S. states spend more money building prisons than
schools. California has one of the largest prison systems in the world,
and public funds allocated to maintaining the prison system are greater
than what goes to education. Many more penitentiaries than schools have
been built, a surprising reality, not only for its local repercussions,
but also for its social significance in the most powerful nation in the

The United States has the unfortunate record of being the country with
the largest prison population in the world, two million. The number of
inmates increases at an alarming rate of 50% every 10 years. 

With 5% of the global population, it harbors 25% of the prisoners
reported worldwide. The U.S. Justice Department asserts that there are
690 prisoners for every 100,000 inhabitants, much higher than the
European average of less than 100 inmates. 


The privatization of prisons in the United States has become a
lucrative business, something truly incredible. The Prison Industrial
Complex (PIC), as this private industry is called, is the biggest
beneficiary of penal policy, based on repression and punishment more
than reintegration and education, journalist Marta Caravantes

Comparative studies indicate that private prisons register costs of 10-
15% less than those of public institutions, and that cost efficiency is
reflected in the lower quality of inmates’ food and medical services,
lower salaries and other conditions, all in the name of profit. 

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution legalizes these practices
by adopting the exception: slavery and forced labor are not prohibited
from being applied except as a punishment for crime whereof the party
shall have been duly convicted. 

With $7 billion USD in new investments every year, the prison
industry’s annual budget exceeds $35 billion USD and has more than a
half million workers, making it the second largest employer in the
United States after General Motors. 

Caravantes considers the private correctional facilities, which employ
the cheapest labor on the whole continent, without social protection, a
prosperous business extending through 27 states and including 120
penitentiaries. Prisoners package products for Microsoft, Starbucks and
Jansport and also provide labor for other companies. 

Behind the growth of the Prison Industrial Complex are Wall Street
firms and banks that primarily supply the funds for the construction of
private prisons, denounces Monica Moorehead, coordinator of the
Millions for Mumia Abu-Jamal, an African-American freedom fighter who
has been battling his death sentence for over 16 years. Abu-Jamal is
one of the best-known prisoners in the world for his restless struggle
against the injustices of the U.S. system. 

Some believe that an effort is under way to export private prisons to
Latin American and Europe. The largest of the U.S. prison companies,
Corrections Corporation of America, is operating in England and some
companies want to invest in Mexico, seeking greater profits from
prisoners outside their national territory. 


Twenty-five U.S. states continue allowing the execution of mentally
retarded prisoners, denounced by the organization Human Rights Watch. 
U.S. prisons are currently being transformed into new concentration
camps to imprison the homeless, unemployed, intoxicated, mentally ill
and other minorities who are cannon fodder in the current U.S. justice
system, according to specialist Jerome G. Miller, an expert on the
prison system and social reintegration techniques, cited in Sally
Burch’s article, published on the Internet. 

More than 60% of the inmates belong to racial minorities and ethnic
groups. African-Americans account for 12% of the total population but
fill half the prisons of the United States and receive disproportionate
sentences. In New York, one out of every three young black men is
imprisoned or on parole. 

Estimates on the current rate of African-American imprisonment indicate
that the 

Berkeley Students Call for National Day of Action for Palestine, 5-1 or 5-2 [WWW

2002-04-18 Thread Steve Wagner


Berkeley Students Call for a National Day of Action -- May 1st and/or
2nd, 2002

Students for Justice in Palestine -- UC Berkeley, April 18, 2002

  During the national day of action on April 9th, close to 10,000
students participated in actions on US colleges and universities to
demand an end to the Israeli occupation and demand that academic
institutions divest from holdings in Israel. At Berkeley, 1200
activists protested and 79 face charges for participating in non-
violent civil disobedience.

  The Israeli military incursions show no signs of abating, while the
reports of the massacres at Jenin and Nablus only point to the vicious,
brutal, and murderous campaign of the Israeli government against the
Palestinian people.

  As a consequence, it is important, more than ever, that students and
activists all across the country come out against the Israeli
occupation and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

  Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Berkeley calls on all
activists to join in national actions on May 1st or 2nd (whichever date
works best for activists on individual campuses)* on the three
following demands:

  1) End the Occupation, No to the Settlements, Right of Return for all
Refugees 2) Divestment of all University/College Holdings in Israel,
End Aid to Israel 3) Drop all Charges Against Campus Activists Arrested
on April 9th.

  We make this call in the interests of solidarity and urgency and in
the absence of a more democratic process to initiate this call, and we
stand in support of proposals for increasing the participation of
activists in future calls.

  In order to coordinate national media and to develop a more thorough
network, we ask that you email us information about actions that you
plan on your campus. Please send announcements, press releases, or any
other contact information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yours in Solidarity and in Struggle, Students for Justice in Palestine
-- UC Berkeley

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Chinese Tunisian leaders call on Israel to withdraw [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread Steve Wagner


Leaders call on Israel to withdraw 
(04/18/2002) (China Daily)

China and Tunisia Wednesday called on Israel to undertake a
comprehensive withdrawal from Palestinian territories and for
implementation of relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Visiting President Jiang Zemin and Tunisian President Zine Al-Abidine
Ben Ali Wednesday said during their talks that both sides oppose
Israel's use of military force. 

The current Middle East situation was again touched upon in the
speeches by Jiang and Ben Ali at Wednesday's welcoming banquet. 

Jiang said that China is very much worried about the escalation of
violence and the deterioration of the tense Middle East situation, and
he said that China also condemns Israel's abuse of its military power
and the economic blockade of Palestine and the isolation of President
Yasser Arafat. 

China strongly urged Israel to immediately implement relevant
resolutions of the UN Security Council to withdraw troops from
Palestine, lift the blockade of Arafat's headquarters and resolve
disputes with Palestine through negotiations. 

Jiang said that China, as a permanent number of the UN Security
Council, is willing to make efforts together with Arabian countries to
ease the tensions so as to restore peace in the region at an early

Ben Ali called on the international community to take urgent and
decisive steps to protect the Palestinian people and see that their
legitimate rights are restored. 

On anti-terrorism, Ben Ali reiterated the call for a UN-sponsored
international conference to draft a code of conduct to guide the
struggle against terrorism and to address the root causes of terrorism.

During the early meeting with Ben Ali, Jiang stressed that with the
development of economic globlization, China and Tunisia should enhance
bilateral co-operation. 

Jiang put forward three suggestions on bilateral ties: increase
exchanges and contacts at all levels, especially high levels, between
the two sides; expand the channels of bilateral economic and trade
co-operation; and increase consultation and co-ordination between the
two sides in the international community so as to protect the rights of
developing countries. 

Agreeing with Jiang's suggestions, Ben Ali also said that Tunisia
admired the great achievements scored by China in its economic and
social development, noting that Tunisia is willing to learn from the
Chinese success in economic construction. 

Ben Ali said that China has made great contributions to the economic
development of Tunisia and that the Tunisian people thank China for its
assistance in the advancement of agriculture and infrastructure in
remote areas of Tunisia, which have improved the local living standard.

(China Daily by Hu Qihua)

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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S.F. Bay Area Human Shields ponder fate [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread Steve Wagner


The San Francisco Examiner
page one, Wed., 4-17-02


Human shields ponder fate
By Alex Brown
Of The Examiner Staff

Of all the inner doubts, fears and questions faced by the 11 Bay
Area human shield volunteers currently en route to the West Bank, one
in particular blindsided Alison Weir at 3 a.m. Tuesday -- How do you
pack for a war zone?

With less than 10 hours remaining until her Tel Aviv, Israel-bound
flight departed from San Francisco International Airport, Weir
momentarily set aside the safety concerns and troubling thoughts to
begin the somber task of packing for the three-week venture.

I guess it's not the most obvious thing that would hit you, said
Weir, a Marin-based human rights activist. But everything really hit
me when I started to get my bags ready.

Seven other Bay Area activists joined Weir at SFO on Tuesday -- two
had already left Monday, and another will depart Thursday -- making up
the first such U.S.-based civilian mission to the region.

Some, like Los Angeles-based Frank Sosa, were sad. Others, like
Marin resident Gary Crane, were exhilarated by the prospect of flying
to Palestinian civilian sites and acting as human shields.

I'm not a religious person -- this is an act of conscience for
me, Sosa said. I'm trying to go in with an open mind, but when I
think about some of the things I might face, it's a little depressing.

Others such as Crane were angry with Israel's armed stance in
occupying the West Bank.

I'm outraged and ashamed as a Jew, knowing what my people are
doing ... he said. I'm exhilarated, angry and happy at the same time
to be going. I'm excited to be a part of history.

The group's demographic composition was as varied as their

Nine hail from San Francisco, San Jose or Marin, while Michael
Campos-Quinn -- the 18-year-old student who arrived at Tel Aviv Airport
on Tuesday -- and Sosa, are from Berkeley and Los Angeles respectively.

Four members were happy to speak publicly prior to leaving. The
remainder, however, requested anonymity, fearing Israeli customs
officers or soldiers might deny them entry into Palestinian territories
if the nature of their mission was uncovered.

It shows that there's people from many different parts of our
society who oppose the treatment of Palestinian civilians, said human
shield coordinator Iman Farajallah, who heads the Grassroots Protection
Program and the

We have two Jewish people in the group, too. I think everyone's a
little nervous about what's going to happen over the next few weeks.

Once in the Mideast, the local human shield volunteers will be
placed in the hands of the International Protection Force for the
Palestinian People -- an organization already well entrenched in the

From there, each person will be allocated a family to shield,
most likely from the war-torn towns of Ramallah, Nablus and Bethlehem.

I don't know exactly what we'll be assigned to do, but I'm
certainly not going all that way to sit on the sidelines, Weir said.
When you're going to a place like that, there's always the chance of

Farajallah, meanwhile, waits anxiously by the phone at her Bay Area

Sometime this morning she will hear whether the eight volunteers
have successfully gained entry to Tel Aviv, and will begin to
coordinate their transportation, accommodation and assignments.

Of greater concern, though, is the well-being of her West
Bank-based cousin and nephew -- both missing and, she presumes, on the

It's a worrying time, she said.

Since Palestinian fighters stepped up suicide bombing campaigns and
Israeli troops stormed townships and refugee camps, public opinion has
been polarized.

And while many may not agree with the politics behind the Bay Area
human shield mission, the strength of the group's convictions is tough
to question.

I've never been to the region, but I feel it's the right thing to
do, Sosa said, just before he stepped past the security checkpoint at
SFO. Still, 90 percent of the people I know think I'm crazy.
E-mail Alex Brown at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Guardian UK News Summary, Tues., 4-16-02 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-16 Thread Steve Wagner


The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.


  Nothing prepares you for the smallness of a dead body, writes the
Times's Middle East correspondent who, like several of her
colleagues, managed to dodge Israeli snipers yesterday to inspect the
wreckage of the Jenin refugee camp. Rarely, in more than a decade of
war reporting from Bosnia, Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, have I
seen such deliberate destruction, such disrespect for human life.

  The other broadsheets report the same horrors. The sweet and ghastly
reek of rotting human bodies is everywhere, writes the Independent's
Phil Reeves, who accuses the Israelis of trying to cover up a
monstrous war crime.

  They appear to confirm reports - emphatically denied by the Israeli
military - that bodies were bulldozed into the ground. A Palestinian
tells the Guardian's correspondent that she had seen a detailed map
showing the houses the Israeli troops intended to bulldoze. Her home
was occupied by soldiers who entered by punching a hole in her
neighbour's wall. I don't have another land, one of them wrote on
the wall in neat blue ink before he left.

  I saw some children who were wounded take four days to die, a
Palestinian labourer tells the Times, bleeding to death because
there was no one here to tend them.

  The FT, in a quietly damning editorial, criticises Israel's refusal
to allow access to ambulances. No reliable tally of the dead and
is available, but at least 3,000 of Jenin's Palestinians are
homeless, it says. Israel's offensive smacks of revenge, not
containment, the paper says, and the country's international
standing has been gravely damaged.

  Evidence of diplomatic progress is, as ever, scant. The International
Herald Tribune reports that the US envoy Colin Powell now envisages
peace talks without Yasser Arafat: the Palestinian leader could be
replaced by an official of his choosing.

  Israel, meanwhile, has made its biggest catch of the West Bank
offensive - Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah leader whom it accuses of
plotting suicide bombings while masquerading as a politician. Ariel
Sharon said his troops would pull out of Jenin and Nablus within a
week but would remain in Nablus and Bethlehem for a while yet. 

* The lunar landscape that was Jenin,2763,685133,00.html
* Times: Inside the camp of the dead,,3-268533,00.html
* FT: A humanitarian emergency
* Tribune: Top Fatah leader arrested by Israel

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Step-by-step atomic bomb guide 'made public' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Steve Wagner

Monday, 15 April, 2002, 14:50 GMT 15:50 UK
Step-by-step bomb guide 'made public'

Atomic bombs were first built in Britain in the 1940s

  The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) says it is checking claims that
one of its documents - detailing a step-by-step guide on how to
build an atomic bomb - has been put in a public office for all to

  The file is said to be in the archives at the Public Record
Office, which can be accessed by anyone, including terrorists, and
gives measurements, diagrams and precise details on bomb-building,
the Daily Telegraph reported.

  Shadow defence secretary Bernard Jenkin criticised such a move as
a monstrous free gift to terrorists and called for an immediate
government investigation.

  He told BBC News Online: The fact that this information has been
lying in the public records office is extraordinary.

  Such information may already be in the public domain, but why
needlessly help rogue states and terrorist organisations with such
comprehensive instructions on how to make an atom bomb?

  I will be pressing the government for a comprehensive

Stringent review

  As a result of the outcry, a spokesman for the MoD said it had
sent someone along to the Public Record Office to check the
content of the files.

  He added: We have a very stringent review process of all
documents and before they are placed on public file they are very
carefully checked for any sensitive material.

  We would not just put any document in the public domain.

  The files are said to relate to the construction of Blue Danube,
the first British atomic bomb, which was built in the late 1940s
and early 1950s.

  It is also said to describe various ways in which such a bomb
could be smuggled into the country.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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(In San Francisco) Rally denounces actions by Israel/Hundreds who back Palestini

2002-04-13 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:
Saturday, April 13, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
Rally denounces actions by Israel/Hundreds who back Palestinians
demonstrate at S.F. consulate
Ray Delgado, Chronicle Staff Writer

   A sea of Palestinian flags fluttered in front of the Israeli
Consulate in downtown San Francisco yesterday as hundreds of
pro-Palestinian protesters gathered for a lunchtime rally.

  Shouting cheers like No more Israel and No justice, no peace,
the group peacefully gathered at the consulate on Montgomery Street to
denounce Israeli actions in the current Middle East crisis.

  A small skirmish erupted in the middle of the rally when a man
carrying an Israeli flag was surrounded by shouting protesters. Police
and some of the protesters tried to form a shield around the man, but
the crowd around him continued to grow, prompting police to escort him
out of the area for his own safety. As he was leaving, a protester
ripped the man's flag off its pole, and a group of men began stomping
on it.

  Despite the skirmish, the rally was otherwise peaceful.

  Father Labib Kobti, an organizer of the rally, said that most of
the Palestinian supporters at the rally did not support the suicide
bombings against Israel but feel passionately about the rights of
Palestinians to defend themselves against Israeli aggression.

  I think that everybody is worried about the killings of innocents
on both sides, Kobti said. Violence only produces more violence. We
believe in the resistance against the (Israeli) occupation of the Holy

  Fayeq Oweis, 40, a Palestinian who immigrated to the United States
20 years ago, said he is worried for his family who live just outside
the city of Ramallah. He said he wanted to do whatever he could to
protest the Israeli invasion in the West Bank.

  At the least, I can support Palestinian people for the fight and
freedom, said Oweis, a resident of South San Francisco.

  I was born and raised there. It's the least I can do.
E-mail Ray Delgado at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Copyright 2002 SF Chronicle

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Guardian UK news summary, Friday, 4-12-02 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page: 

The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.


  I don't like wallowing with pessimists, Colin Powell snapped
yesterday as he left for Jerusalem. It is necessary for me to go.
But none of the papers hold out much hope that the US envoy will be
able to broker any sort of peace in the Middle East. (The Telegraph
thinks it was a mistake for him to go at all; like John Pilger, it
believes Ariel Sharon's war on terrorism bears comparison with
America's. Pilger thinks both are wrong; the Telegraph thinks both
are right).

  The Independent agrees that Mr Powell is unlikely to make any
progress this week. Material pressure - sanctions and the withdrawal
of aid - is the only kind that will work, the paper argues. But support
for Mr Sharon in Washington is beginning to ebb away, the papers
suggest.  After he's finished [this campaign], what next? an official
speculated on Wednesday. The fear is that he knows no other way than
being tough.

  The Israeli prime minister said last night that his troops would stay
in Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus and Ramallah until all the terrorists
there have surrendered, reports the Telegraph, and predicted another
three weeks of fighting.

  You foreigners make much of Israeli civilian deaths, the neighbour
of a dead Palestinian woman told the Washington Post. But we are
just statistics. Because a soldier does it, it is not terrorism. Why
not? The Guardian reports the random strafing of heavily populated
civilian areas by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, as well as the use of
Palestinians as human shields for army patrols: A widespread and
systematic pattern of human rights abuses is only now beginning to

* Refugees report on Israeli abuses,2763,683098,00.html
* Telegraph: Israel issues challenge to Powell's peace drive
* Tribune: In Israelis' wake, untold destruction

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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(In San Francisco): 16 demonstrators arrested at consulate/200 protesters in S.F

2002-04-11 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:
Thursday, April 11, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
16 demonstrators arrested at consulate/200 protesters in S.F. demand
Israel pull out of Palestinian territory
Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writer

   Jewish demonstrators demanding that Israel pull out of Palestinian
territory were arrested in front of the Israeli Consulate in San
Francisco yesterday, and they vowed that protests would continue all

   Police hauled 16 members of A Jewish Voice for Peace out of the
middle of Montgomery Street -- where they stood for 20 minutes with
linked, chanting slogans and singing Israeli songs -- after they
refused to quit blocking traffic.

   They were all cited for minor traffic infractions related to
obstructing the roadway and then released, said San Francisco police
Captain James Dudley. The protest, and the arrests at 1:45 p.m., were
conducted with no violent outbursts, he said.

   The demonstration of about 200 people, which began at noon on the
street outside the consulate and in its front hallway, was held to
raise another Jewish voice, one that lets everyone know that what
Israel is doing is not happening in our name, said co-organizer Penny

   The Israeli army is demolishing Palestinian houses with people
still inside them, and using older people as human shields in front of
their tanks, said Rosenwasser, who lives in Oakland. Bodies are being
left to rot in the streets.

   It's important that people know we care about Israel and believe
it has the right to exist, but that Palestinian lives are just as
valuable as Israeli lives.

   About a dozen counter-demonstrators stood near the protesters,
holding Israeli flags, but there were no clashes between the two sides.
A pair of dueling protests over the same issue drew about 1,000
demonstrators -- equally divided for each camp -- to the consulate last
Friday and also ended nonviolently.

   Rosenwasser said that members of A Jewish Voice For Peace, a Bay
Area group, would be back at the consulate today with members of Tikkun
Community, another Jewish organization, and that another protest
would follow tomorrow involving Arabic groups.

E-mail Kevin Fagan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Copyright 2002 SF Chronicle

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Perpetual war 4 perpetual peace 4 perpetual war crimes trials [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-11 Thread Steve Wagner


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Breaking News::

UNITED NATIONS The world's first permanent war crimes tribunal will
come into force on July 1 after receiving ratifications from 60

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* Germany Suspends Arms Sales to Israel * [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

Germany Suspends Arms Sales to Israel
Decision May Foreshadow European Trade Sanctions as Criticism of
West Bank Incursions Mounts

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, April 10, 2002; Page A15

BERLIN, April 9 -- Germany, long Israel's most steadfast supporter
in Europe, has suspended arms sales to the Jewish state to protest its
military action in the West Bank, officials said today. At the same
time, some senior German politicians have used harsh language to
publicly criticize a country that the Holocaust legacy has often put
almost beyond reproach.

  In interviews today, officials in the government of Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder declined to use the word embargo to describe its
action.  But the government has refused to act on planned weapons sales
to Israel, effectively suspending them, and other European countries
have taken similar actions, officials said.

  The move signals a growing impatience with Israel in Europe. In
recent days, the 15-country European Union has issued call after call
for Israel to end its military offensive, to no discernible effect.
Senior EU officials who flew to Israel last week to seek a settlement
were denied access to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and stayed less
than a day.

  Holding up weapons sales is the first known sanction that Europe has
applied to try to bring muscle to its words; officials are also
talking about some other kind of trade restriction.

  Israeli officials played down the action, but did not deny that
weapons sales were not going forward.

  I can categorically say this is not an embargo, said Shimon Stein,
Israel's ambassador to Germany, in a telephone interview. There are
some problems that need to be resolved and that is subject to ongoing
discussion. We hope that we can overcome the difficulty.

  The German press agency DPA reported, however, that the Israeli
Defense Ministry had filed a letter of protest with the German
government over its refusal to allow sales.

  In 2000, the last year for which figures are available, Germany sold
about $170 million in military equipment to Israel, including
torpedoes and parts for tanks and armored cars.

  The disclosure that Germany is blocking weapons sales followed
meetings in Berlin last week between German officials and Dore Gold,
foreign policy adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel. The
Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper described the meeting as cool and
said that German officials labeled Gold intransigent.

  The government's frustration has begun to spill out of Schroeder's
cabinet, whose members are usually circumspect in their statements
on Israel.

  The occupation against the resolution of the U.N. Security Council,
the adherence to the occupation, and the reports about the Israeli
troops' conduct are shocking, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Schroeder's
minister of development aid, told German media.

  German officials called for the early creation of a Palestinian
state, followed by negotiations on key issues such as Palestinian
refugees, the status of Jerusalem and the final borders of Palestine.
The Germans also called for an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces
from positions they had seized in the current offensive.

  In a significant change of mood in Germany, leading legislators from
the center-right opposition have cast Israel as the aggressor and, in
one case, employed language associated with the Nazis to describe the
incursions into Palestinian territory.

  In a widely publicized letter to the Israeli ambassador, Norbert
Bluem, a labor minister under former chancellor Helmut Kohl, described
the Israeli offensive as a war of annihilation -- the very term
employed by Adolf Hitler to describe his 1941 invasion of the Soviet

  And Juergen Moellemann, deputy chairman of the right-of-center Free
Democrats, a likely coalition partner in the next German government,
said of Palestinian violence, I would resist too, and use force to do
so . . . not just in my country but in the aggressor's country as

  Such language was once heard only in far-right and far-left circles

  Some analysts view the political mainstreaming of anti-Israel
sentiment as more than an immediate response to the crisis, and as a
deeper expression of Germany's desire not to be shackled by history as
the unified republic assumes a greater role on the world stage.

  There is no question there has been a shift, said Deidre Berger,
director of the American Jewish Committee office in Berlin. This is a
critical issue for Germany.  They are trying to assert themselves: We
are a European player and while we are mindful of history, we don't
need to feel constrained by it.

  The current situation is the immediate trigger, said Stein. But

Guardian UK Middle East news summary, 11 April 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

The wrap: Powell determined to meet Arafat

Ros Taylor
11 April 2002


  Most of the papers wish the US envoy, Colin Powell, well in his
mission to the Middle East. Few dare to offer him much advice. The
secretary of state - a soldier rather than a diplomat by training
according to the Guardian - arrives in Jerusalem tonight still
determined to meet Yasser Arafat, despite considerable opposition
from Ariel Sharon. I hope that there will be no difficulties in
arranging a meeting, Mr Powell said yesterday, in what the Times
describes as a painful admission for the representative of a

  But Mr Powell has to realise that these two tired, tawdry
repositories of age-old violence, duplicity and hate have to go,
insists the Guardian. Alternative interlocutors are urgently

  Some commentators believe yesterday's suicide bombing in Haifa was an
indictment of the Israeli occupation; others, like David Horovitz in
the Independent, interpret it as a sign that Mr Sharon's mission is
not yet completed. Why did the bombings recommence yesterday, with a
Hamas terrorist from Tulkaram apparently reponsible? Because the army
withdrew from Tulkaram 24 hours earlier, under extreme pressure from
the Bush administration.

  Donald MacIntyre tries to get to the bottom of Tony Blair's seemingly
perverse refusal to admit to Labour MPs that there will be no attack
on Iraq until a Middle Eastern peace process is under way. (The time
for military action in Iraq has not yet arisen, he told an anxious
Commons yesterday). The explanation, MacIntyre says, is that he wants
to maintain the pressure on Saddam Hussein and make sure UN weapons
inspectors can enter the country.

  The Guardian's Hugo Young is more pessimistic. Washington alone will
decide when to act. Mr Blair's only decision will be whether or not
to go along. Place your bets. For the Times, that is reason enough
for the prime minister to return soon to Saddam at considerable
length and with absolute consistency.

* Israel faces global wrath,2763,682188,00.html
* Hugo Young: Blair talks big on Iraq, but Bush calls the shots,3604,682091,00.html
* Independent: This is why the Israelis support Mr Sharon's tactics
* Independent: The prime minister and his party are not enjoying
their Pinteresque dialogue

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[CBC] - Israelis demolishing Palestinian government infrastructure [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-11 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Thu Apr 11 10:52:02 2002

JERUSALEM--Some Palestinians say the Israeli army has done much more 
than dismantle a terrorist network during its invasion of the West
Bank. They say the Israelis are destroying the infrastructure of the 
Palestinian government. 

 Diana Buttu, a Canadian lawyer in the West Bank to advise
Palestinian negotiators, says there'll be little government left when
the Israelis leave. 

Diana Buttu 

 They've defined anything that's Palestinian as terror, she said.
So the Ministry of Education is, in the Israeli government's eyes,
terror. So they've destroyed records from the Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Health is considered terror. So they've gone after the 
records of the Ministry of Health. 

 The army has torn apart houses it says were used as bomb factories,
and pummelled security buildings used as bases of operations by
Palestinian fighters. Police stations across the West Bank have been
turned to rubble, police officers having been killed or arrested. 

Palestinian government destroyed 

 Beyond that, international organizations such as the UN say there
has been a systematic effort to destroy the machinery of Palestinian 
government, ministry by ministry, department by department. 

 At the Palestinian Ministry of Statistics in Ramallah, for example, 
computers have been destroyed and databases seized. 

 Much of that government infrastructure was paid for by Western aid,
and the World Bank estimates it will cost foreign donors, including
Canada, $2.7 billion to rebuild. 

 Telecommunications centres, which the Israelis say incite terror,
have fallen. Foreign observers say that, far from TV cameras, Israeli 
engineers blew up government buildings in at least four cities. 


 Palestinian professor Manuel Hassassian says that the Israelis are 
destroying everything built under Palestinian rule since the 1993
Oslo accord and fears there will be a return to de facto Israeli

 We are talking about uprooting the Palestinians and creating
conditions where we will end up being red Indians living in basically
shantytowns and reservations, he said. 

 Not so, says Israel. In fact, it says the army is doing moderate 
Palestinian leaders a favour. 

Ranaan Gissin 

 Now that there's no terrorism, you can rest assured that there will
be sufficient people – people who want to live here, not to die here
- that can pick up the pieces, said Ranaan Gissin, Israeli 
government spokesman. 

 But militant groups such as Hamas also seem poised to fill the
vacuum that would be left behind in a collapse of the Palestinian

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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[CBC] Jenin refugee camp scene of horror [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Wed Apr 10 11:33:24 2002

JERUSALEM--The Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank has become a scene
of misery and terror for both sides in the Middle East conflict. 

 While 13 Israeli soldiers died there and others were wounded in a 
well-planned trap Tuesday, unconfirmed reports suggest there may be
more than 100 Palestinian casualties. The actual number is unknown
because Israeli forces will not let journalists into the town. 

 Palestinian leaders allege there is a massacre taking place in
Jenin, where fighting has been fierce for a week. The Association for
Civil Rights in Israel said the streets of the camp are littered with
dozens of bodies. 

 The army is keen to display guns it has seized and materials used to
make terrorists' bombs, but is not so forthcoming with material that 
puts the Israelis in a bad light. 

 Despite the Israeli deaths in Jenin, the campaign in the West Bank
will continue as planned, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said. 

 A building collapsed on top of the soldiers after a booby trap went

 Soldiers destroyed other buildings they said were booby-trapped. 
 The incident was the deadliest attack on Israeli soldiers since the 
uprising began 18 months ago, and more than doubles the number of
deaths so far in the West Bank invasion. 

 Sharon made a televised statement on Tuesday in which he repeated
his message that the army would continue its campaign against

 This is a battle for the survival of the Jewish people, for
survival of the state of Israel, he said. 

 The army began pulling out of two West Bank towns, Tulkarem and 
Qalqilya, earlier on Tuesday but also launched a new offensive
further south in Hebron and Dura. 

 Palestinians dismissed the withdrawals as a sham. 

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Hollywood gets new handbook on war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Steve Wagner


This is from The San Francisco Examiner,
page C-4, Sunday, March 10, 2002:

Hollywood gets new
handbook on war

LOS ANGELES - An industry advisory group that counsels Hollywood on
responsibly handling issues such as substance abuse and auto safety has
added terrorism and war to its list.

  Spotlight on a New Normal, a handbook from the Entertainment
Industries Council Inc., will be distributed to more than 3,000
industry members who create and distribute films and TV programs.

  It includes suggestions for depicting terrorism and conditions of
war.  Among them:  Promote preparedness for future vulnerabilities or
attacks and consider story lines that promote volunteerism and flag
displays in memory of terrorism victims.

  The handbook was developed in response to the Sept. 11 attacks and is
intended to help define the role Hollywood can play in the war on
terrorism, the council said.

  While we do not endorse or encourage government interference with
the creative process, we do, however, believe that government can be a
reliable resource for information that writers can draw upon for
character and story line development, council president Brian Dyak
said last week.

  In the past, the EIC has worked to encourage the accurate depiction
of drug, alcohol and tobacco use in movies and TV and to encourage
depictions of such safety measures as seat belts in cars.

  The Bush administration has asked Hollywood executives to take part
in the war on terrorism by boosting the spirits of citizens and
entertaining soldiers at home and abroad.

  Although some in the industry have expressed uneasiness about acting
as government propagandists, the White House has said it doesn't see
Hollywood in that role.
- Associated Press

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[CBC] Israeli army claims 100 Palestinians killed in refugee camp fighting [WWW.

2002-04-09 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Mon Apr  8 22:37:44 2002

JERUSALEM--Fierce fighting in Jenin and Nablus raged early on Monday 
with hundreds of Palestinians taking on the Israeli army. 

 But late Monday night, Palestinian fighters were surrendering in
Nablus, the biggest city on the West Bank, after Israel threatened to
attack with rocket-firing helicopters. 

 Shots were also exchanged and a fire broke out at the Church of the 
Nativity in Bethlehem, where about 200 Palestinians sought refuge a
week ago and have been surrounded by soldiers since. 

Smoke billows near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem 

 During the shootout – which both sides accused the other of 
starting – a fire broke out in a nearby building. 

 A Palestinian police officer was shot and killed when he went to put
out the blaze. 

 The fire burned for more than an hour before firefighters were
allowed close enough to put it out. After being searched for weapons,
they weren't allowed into the compound, and had to shoot water over the

 The standoff has created tension between the Roman Catholic Church
and the Israeli government. Israel says the 60 clerics inside the
are hostages, but the Franciscans disagree. 

Bloody battles in Jenin, Nablus 

 Further to the north, Israeli soldiers fought running street battles
with Palestinians. 

 Official Israeli estimates say more than 100 Palestinians have been 
killed in fighting at the refugee camp at Jenin. Two Israeli soldiers
have also died. 

 Israeli Brig. Gen. Eyal Shline said houses in the Jenin camp have
been booby-trapped and several men have blown themselves up in suicide 

 Witnesses inside the camp said helicopters fired missiles into the
camp beginning in the early morning and bulldozers flattened homes. 

 The army claimed late Monday to control most of the camp and that
about 150 Palestinians had surrendered. 

Sharon addresses the Knesset 

 Sharon told the Knesset on Monday that despite calls from the United
States to withdraw – now – from the occupied territories, the army
wouldn't pull back until the infestation of terrorism was cleared 

 Sharon told the parliament that the army would withdraw to buffer
zones after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's infrastructure of
terror had been eliminated. 

 Arafat himself remains besieged inside his Ramallah compound, where
he has been trapped since the Israeli invasion began at the end of

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Powell fiddles while Middle East burns? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Mon Apr  8 16:37:10 2002

AGADIR, MOROCCO--Morocco's king wondered aloud on Monday why U.S. 
Secretary of State Colin Powell is taking such a circuitous route as
he heads for the Middle East conflict zone. 

 Don't you think it was more important to go to Jerusalem first?
King Mohammed VI said during a photo session after meeting with Powell
in Agadir. 

 President George W. Bush dispatched Powell to the region to urge
Israel to withdraw its tanks and troops from the West Bank. But he
won't get to Jerusalem until Thursday, after a stopover in Spain. 

 Powell told Mohammed – considered a moderate among Arab leaders
– that all options had been considered. He wants to discuss the 
issues with European ministers before heading for Jerusalem. 

 He will also go to Egypt and Jordan. 

 Repeating the U.S. position on the Israeli operation in the West
Bank, Powell said, We want to see this operation brought to an end as
soon as possible. 

 Israel has a right to protect itself, he said. But Israel also has
to take into account the implication of its actions. 

 Mohammed assured Powell that Morocco would be ready to act on a
peace proposal as soon as the Israeli army withdraws. 

 Morocco is a member of a committee in charge of activating a peace 
initiative adopted last month by the Arab League. 

 That land-for-peace initiative was proposed by Crown Prince Abdullah
of Saudi Arabia, whom Powell also plans to meet in Morocco. 

 Powell is looking for the support of moderate Arab states in U.S. 
efforts to make peace in the region. 

 I wish you luck, said Mohammed. Because it is going to be

 Some Arab leaders have said they won't even meet with Powell unless
he vows to meet with Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader besieged by 
Israeli troops in his Ramallah compound. 

 Arafat isn't currently on Powell's itinerary, but he has said he
would meet with the Palestinian Authority chairman if circumstances

 U.S. peace envoy Anthony Zinni also met with Israeli Prime Minister 
Ariel Sharon to reiterate the president's demands for a quick end to
the military campaign. 

 In a speech to the Knesset on Monday, Sharon said the operation
would not end until the job of destroying the Palestinian militias was 

 He also said he would be willing to meet with moderate Arab leaders
to discuss a peace deal. 

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Arson experts to sift debris in fire at Arabs' church [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:
Tuesday, April 9, 2002 (SF Chronicle)
Arson experts to sift debris in fire at Arabs' church
Alan Gathright, Chronicle Staff Writers

   A special federal arson team will converge on a fire-gutted Los
Altos Hills church today searching for the cause of the weekend blaze
that some fear may have been set intentionally to target the largely
Arab American Christian congregation.

   The 18-member team from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms will methodically sift debris for clues to the fire Sunday at
Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Redeemer, ATF spokeswoman Marti McKee
said yesterday. Dispatched from across the country, the squad includes
experts on explosives and arson as well as dog teams that can sniff out
traces of flammable liquids and chemicals.

  We're bringing out our full resources, including our specialty
people, McKee said. We still don't know if there was a crime or not.
There's a lot of devastation here. The debris is probably covering up
the point of origin.

  Meanwhile, Bay Area congressional leaders issued a joint letter
praising the swift federal action and urging Attorney General John
Ashcroft and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill to use every tool at your
disposal to pursue a full federal investigation into this tragedy.

  The lawmakers noted that 90 percent of the congregation is Arab
American, and members said more than half of the church's families are

  Given the ongoing escalation of violence between Palestinians and
Israelis in the Middle East, church parishioners and many in the city
of Los Altos Hills and its surrounding communities are questioning
whether this fire was deliberately set, the letter said. It was signed
by Reps. Anna Eshoo, George Miller, Zoe Lofgren, Sam Farr, Mike
Thompson, Michael Honda, Ellen Tauscher, Pete Stark and Tom Lantos, all
Bay Area Democrats.

  No churchgoers or firefighters were hurt in the three-alarm fire,
which was reported at 4:30 a.m. Sunday and caused an estimated $1
million in damage. The conflagration gutted the huge church and caused
flames to shoot hundreds of feet into the air. The church's stained
glass windows, towering dome, large wooden cross and holy icons
including paintings of the saints were destroyed.

  The head of the church, the Rev. Samer Youssef, was unavailable to
comment about the push by congressional representatives for a thorough
federal probe. Many members of the estimated 300 families that worship
at the church are first-, second- and third-generation immigrants from
Palestinian territories, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

  Investigators said there were no reports of threats against the
church, but church members recalled that last year, vandals broke a
church window, inserted a hose and flooded the building.

  The Antiochian Orthodox Church was founded in Damascus, Syria, and
dates to apostles Peter and Paul. Scripture refers to Antioch as the
place where the followers of Jesus Christ were first called

  There are 265 Antiochian Orthodox churches across the United
States and Canada, including churches in San Francisco, Orinda and
E-mail Alan Gathright at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copyright 2002 SF Chronicle

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Temporary Jenin truce up to Arafat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page:

Israel seeks temporary truce with Palestinians

The Israeli army has asked the Palestinians for a temporary truce in
the embattled West Bank refugee camp of Jenin to allow it to evacuate
wounded soldiers.

A Palestinian official says the decision is up to president Yasser

The army has refused to comment on the report.

Heavy fighting has raged in Jenin and Israeli helicopter gunships
have fired a steady stream of rockets into the refugee camp.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman says 10 Israeli soldiers have
been killed in the past 24 hours.

Elsewhere, a cameraman for France 2 television has been shot and
wounded, while covering an Israeli army operation near the West Bank
city of Nablus.

© 2002 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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UN warns of West Bank 'horror' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resources page: 
UN warns of West Bank 'horror' 

Christian Science Monitor April 9, 2002 

A high-profile UN mission to investigate human rights abuses in the
Mideast may begin today. 

By Ben Lynfield | Special to the Christian Science Monitor 

JERUSALEM – Amal Azzeh considers herself lucky compared with many of
the approximately 300,000 Palestinians who have come under renewed
Israeli army occupation. The Azzehs, who live in Beit Jubrin Refugee
Camp in Bethlehem, had stocked up on food before Israeli tanks
conquered the area nine days ago and the army put the camp under a
strict curfew. Her brother, Yunis, who lives outside the camp, did
not. He does not have enough bread to eat, and you can generalize
that this is the case for much of the population, especially for
people who have children. 

  Ben Lynfield gives you the story behind the story. 

  Amid mounting charges by human rights groups of abuses by Israeli
troops, UN human rights chief Mary Robinson plans to start a Middle
East fact-finding mission as early as Tuesday evening or tomorrow,
her spokeswoman said yesterday. The mission, which is pending Israeli
approval, includes former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez and
South African businessman Cyril Ramaphosa, a former leader of Nelson
Mandela's African National Congress. The mission's mandate includes
reporting on suicide bombings, and it will also examine human rights
in the West Bank, which is currently under assault by Israeli troops.

  UN officials yesterday described a situation of pure horror in
northern West Bank camps, with strafing from Israeli helicopters,
corpses piling up and ambulances and food trucks being barred by the

  There is a humanitarian disaster in the making, says Richard Cook,
West Bank field director for the United Nations Relief and Works

  Israel launched the incursions after a devastating series of suicide
bombings, including one on Passover eve in Netanya that killed 27
people at a religious gathering. Diplomatic pressure from the US has
failed to slow the assault, and Israeli army officials say it is
dealing a blow to terrorist infrastructure through arrests of those
involved in attacks and the seizure of weapons. About 1,500
Palestinians have been arrested, with 261 of those previously wanted
by Israeli security forces, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said

  Army officials say that care is being taken to avoid harming
civilians, but that Palestinian fighters deliberately operate from
within large population centers and therefore cause innocent
civilians to be drawn into the line of fire. 

  Concern over the plight of Palestinian civilians is heightened by
Israel's track record of causing, in the view of human rights groups,
many avoidable deaths of civilians by using excessive force, and its
failure to complete investigations against troops for alleged misuse
of weapons. The fact that it has barred reporters and human rights
field workers from the areas it invaded is also fueling concern. 

  Six human rights groups gathered in Jerusalam Sunday, including
Amnesty International, Israel's B'tselem organization, and the
Palestinian LAW organization and said that based on the limited
information they could garner, the civilian population is being
greatly harmed. One group, the World Organization Against Torture,
called for European economic sanctions against Israel. 

  Jessica Montell, director of B'tselem said: There are very severe
allegations from refugee camps, many of which cannot be verified. But
there is a great deal we know: large-scale casualties, very severe
interruptions of medical treatment to the injured, tremendous
suffering to the civilian population, torture of detainees. The
prime minister's office declined to comment on B'tselem's
allegations, based on reports from soldiers, that interrogators at
the Ofer army base are breaking the toes of Palestinians. 

  Ms. Azzeh, speaking as shooting resounded nearby, says camp residents
have had no chance to buy food. The only break in the curfew came
when it was lifted Saturday for two hours. But, she says, soldiers
shot and wounded several people during the break, and residents
rushed home without the much-needed supplies. 

  Medicines have also run out, Azzeh says. On Saturday, a girl in the
camp had an epilectic fit, she said. Only with the intervention of
foreigners did they manage to get medicine – after a
two-to-three-hour delay. This is a small thing, she says. The
suffering here in general is that you cannot breathe the air. If
there are tanks nearby, you can't even look out the window. You may
get shot. 

  Peter Hansen, director of the UN agency that operates in Palestinian
refugee camps, amplified the criticisms of the human rights groups
yesterday, saying 

London Guardian's news summary, Mon., 8 Apr 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


The Wrap, Guardian Unlimited's round-up of today's papers.


  The Middle East again dominates the broadsheets. The Guardian leads
on Israel's defiance of US demands to pull out of the occupied
territories, and the Telegraph on Tony Blair's declaration that
Britain will take military action against Iraq, while the Independent
reports that the EU is considering sanctions against Israel. The
Times says that Mr Blair and Mr Bush have formulated a plan to send
international observers to police a truce in the West Bank.

  Speaking after two days of talks at George Bush's ranch, Mr Blair
yesterday brushed aside mounting opposition among Labour MPs to
declare that Britain supported a regime change in Iraq. But the
Independent doubts the linkage (the foreign policy concept of the
moment, it says) between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida suggested by Mr Bush. Despite plenty of opportunity Saddam
has been either uninterested or unsuccessful in sponsoring
anti-American terrorism, it argues. All the papers carry Baghdad's
reply to the sabre-rattling: a threat to fight back with stones,
missiles and war planes.

  The Mirror's front page is taken up with a cartoon showing Mr Blair
as the president's poodle. Sit, beg, fetch, roll over ... KILL,
Mr Bush in full Texan cowboy dress. Inside, the political commentator
Paul Routledge says that the prime minister obviously enjoyed his
stay in the poodle parlour as he appeared for the cameras with
what's left of his hair all fluffy and nice.

  More than 30 Palestinians were killed yesterday in the West Bank as
Israeli troops pushed further into Jenin and continued their
onslaught in Nablus. US officials say Mr Bush has put his credibility
on the line by twice calling for a withdrawal, the Guardian reports.
Its Jerusalem correspondent, Suzanne Goldenberg, says that Ariel
Sharon is shoring up far right support for his coalition government,
and despite US demands is likely to continue the assault until
Thursday or Friday.

* Get out now, US tells defiant Sharon,2763,680653,00.html
* Washington's patience pushed to the limit,2763,680498,00.html
* Times: Blair and Bush in new plan for Israel,,2-260528,00.html
* Telegraph: We are ready to hit Iraq, says Blair

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Community Media Guide (a useful tool) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


KRON Community Media Guide:

Practical how to do it information about how to get your news into
the news.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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[BBC] Vatican outrage over church siege in Bethlehem [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner


From Our Own Correspondent  

Monday, 8 April, 2002, 16:19 GMT 17:19 UK 

Vatican outrage over church siege

Israel says the fire broke out by accident 

The Vatican has issued a stern warning to Israel to respect religious
sites in line with its international obligations, following a gun
battle around Bethlehem's besieged Church of the Nativity. 
Spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Vatican was following events
with extreme apprehension and trying to establish the truth about the
fighting that flared early on Monday. 

Israel says its troops are under orders not to fire at holy places and
blamed Palestinian militants for a fire near the church, which is
revered by Christians as the birthplace of Jesus Christ. 

Several hundred Palestinian gunmen and civilians fleeing Israeli tanks
have been holed up in the church complex for nearly a week, along with
a group of monks and nuns. 

A spokesman for Catholic monks in the Holy Land said earlier that
Israeli soldiers were guilty of an indescribable act of barbarity. 

Israel had broken its international obligations and risked long-term
and incalculable consequences, Father David Jaeger said. 

Speaking from Rome, he said monks at the church had reported damage to
sacred spaces and evidence that Israeli troops had entered the

The Pope, who has urged people to pray for peace in the Middle East, on
Monday described the violence in the Holy Land as having reached
unimaginable and intolerable levels. 

The Israeli army says Palestinian gunmen provoked a fire which broke
out near the Church of the Nativity on Monday. 

Gunmen had opened fire from a belltower, wounding two Israeli border
policemen in a nearby rooftop look-out, an army officer told Reuters
news agency. 

He said the Israelis returned fire and a smoke grenade started the
blaze in a second-floor meeting hall overlooking the Basilica of St
Catherine, adjacent to the Church of the Nativity. 

One Palestinian gunman was shot dead in the battle, the Israeli source

But a priest inside the church, Father Amjad Sabbara, told the BBC that
the Palestinian killed was a police officer who had been trying to
douse the flames. 

He said the blaze had burned for an hour, destroying a piano, chairs,
altar cloths and ceremonial cups. 

Father Sabbara estimated that there were 240 people in the church. Some
were armed, he said, but they were not using their arms. 

The Mayor of Bethlehem, Hanna Nasser, told the BBC that mosaics inside
the Basilica of St Catherine had been affected by the bullets. 

The Israeli army has been conducting a major military operation across
the West Bank for over a week, in response to a wave of suicide
bombings by Palestinian militants. 

It really involves going through the cities and refugee camps and
taking out the infrastructure of the terrorists: weapons, documents,
explosive material, laboratories, army spokesman Captain Jacob Dalal
told the BBC. 

Israeli troops have been using loudspeakers to demand the surrender of
the Palestinians inside the Nativity complex. 

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Monday that his soldiers would not
defile the holiness of the site as the [Palestinians] have but added
that the troops would remain in place until the gunmen inside were

In Britain, Foreign Office Minister Ben Bradshaw described Israeli
actions in the area as totally unacceptable. 

The Vatican is reported to be working out an agreement with the
Israelis on safe passage for the Palestinians inside the church to the
Gaza Strip. 

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Li criticizes Bush's axis of evil remark [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner



Li criticizes Bush's axis of evil remark

Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 10:30 JST

TOKYO - China's top legislator Li Peng, in separate talks with
leaders of two Japanese opposition parties Friday, criticized the
axis of evil remarks made in January by U.S. President George W
Bush, lawmakers said.

  Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress, held talks at the State Guesthouse in Tokyo with Social
Democratic Party leader Takako Doi and Japanese Communist Party
Chairman Kazuo Shii. 

(Kyodo News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Peru truth commission hears horror stories [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Steve Wagner



Peru truth commission hears horror stories

Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 09:30 JST

HUAMANGA, Peru - Grim-faced, fighting tears, peasants on Monday told
horror stories of rape and torture from years of violence by the
military, police and rebels that killed 30,000 as Peru's truth
commission held its first public hearings.
  Pointing her finger to her temple like a gun, Angelica Mendoza, 72,
who wore the typical broad-brimmed white hat and wide skirts of the
Peruvian Andes, told the Truth and Reconciliation Commission how her
19-year-old son was dragged out of bed by hooded soldiers in 1983,
never to be seen again.

  Liz Valdez, 22, recounted how her mother was hauled off by police,
raped and then tortured to death in 1991, leaving her - she was then
aged 12 - and her 8-year-old brother orphans.

  Twenty-year-old Rebecca Gamboa, living proof of Peru's painful past,
heard for the first time full details of how she was conceived when
her mother was gang raped by soldiers at the age of 16. Tears poured
down her cheeks as she listened.

  The emotional accounts were delivered in a university auditorium in
Huamanga, near Ayacucho, the southern city where Peru's bloodiest
rebel group, Shining Path, was born.

  It is the first time a Latin American truth commission has held
public hearings. Peru created its truth board last year with a
mandate to shed light on human rights atrocities committed under
three governments between 1980 and 2000.

  For much of that time, Peru was wracked by parallel wars by Shining
Path and the smaller Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, or MRTA,
both seeking to impose a communist state. The military responded with
take-no-prisoners tactics.

  Many poor Andean villagers lived in the cross-fire between the armed
forces, who threatened to treat anyone who did not help them as rebel
collaborators, and guerrillas, who killed anyone they suspected of
helping the military.

  These hearings seek to end the silence that had become intolerable,
the commission's President Salomon Lerner said.

  Dozens of peasant women turned out for the first day of the hearing,
many clutching red balloons to symbolize drops of blood and
photographs of relatives who died or disappeared.

  Peru estimates that in addition to those killed by leftist rebels or
the military, some 6,000 people simply vanished. The commission
reckons there are over 150 mass graves in Peru.

  Mendoza, her hair in braids and wearing a wide, pleated white skirt,
told Reuters in halting Spanish how 30 hooded soldiers broke down her
door on July 12, 1983, and dragged her son Arquimedes Ascarza out of
bed, accusing him of being a Shining Path rebel. She was beaten with
a rifle butt.

  'Bastard old woman, leave your terrorist son or we'll take you as
well', she recalled a soldier telling her.

  Choking back tears as she sat at the front of the auditorium in the
same university where her son had studied mine engineering, Mendoza
told her story to the commission in the Andean language Quechua, and
pulled out a scrap of paper with a note from her son which she says a
soldier delivered to her home.

  I'm fine, don't worry, but try to get money for me to have a trial.
Otherwise they're going to kill me in the barracks, her son wrote.
Mendoza now heads a national association of the victims of those
detained, kidnapped or disappeared.

  Valdez, in tears, told how her mother had been out shopping with a
friend on May 7, 1991, when a police officer dragged her away,
bundled her into a sack with her wrists tied and took her to a police
station. She was never seen alive again.

  I know who did this, I have the name, the photo, but I've never said
it out of fear. But when the time comes, I will, Valdez told
Reuters. The commission is going to help me.

  Valdez held a daily vigil at the police station, where an officer
told her he had tortured her mother. One day he told her she had
said: Tell my daughter to look after her brother and to be strong,
because I'm not going to get out of here.

  Gamboa's mother Giorgina told her harrowing tale of rape - but said
she was by no means unique. I'm asking for justice. The guilty
should pay for the damage they did us, she said.

  Around 800 people thronged the town square in Huamanga on Sunday
night with candles and silhouettes representing their disappeared
relatives in a poignant vigil.

  But the commission has stirred controversy, too. Some 20 protesters
from the opposition American Popular Revolutionary Alliance party,
who say some of its members are biased, protested on the doorstep of
the auditorium during the hearing and were ushered away by police.

  Alleged atrocities during the 1985-1990 government of their leader,
former President Alan Garcia, will come under the commission's

(Compiled from wire reports)

Click the link below to view this article and 

Ozawa warns about China, says Japan could go nuclear [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner



Ozawa warns about China, says Japan could go nuclear

Sunday, April 7, 2002 at 18:00 JST

FUKUOKA - The leader of Japan's opposition Liberal Party, Ichiro
Ozawa, says it would be a simple matter for Japan to produce nuclear
weapons and surpass the military might of China if its neighbour got
too inflated.

  Inviting a sharp response from Beijing, which is sensitive to any
signs of militarism in Japan, Ozawa told a seminar in the southern
city of Fukuoka Saturday that China is applying itself to expansion
of military power.

  If (China) gets too inflated, Japanese people will get hysterical,
Kyodo news agency quoted him as saying.

  It would be so easy for us to produce nuclear warheads. We have
plutonium at nuclear power plants in Japan, enough to make several
thousand such warheads, he said.

  Ozawa said his statements, coming only days before Japanese Prime
Minster Junichiro Koizumi visits China, were meant to encourage
stronger ties between China and Japan, the only country to have
suffered a nuclear attack.

  He said he made similar comments recently to a person he described as
being affiliated with the Chinese intelligence agency.

  I told that person that if we get serious, we will never be beaten
in terms of military power, he said.

  Ozawa said Japan found itself in a difficult position.

  Northeastern Asia, in which both China and North Korea are located,
is the most unstable region in the world, he said.

  China is applying itself to expansion of military power in the hope
of becoming a superpower...following the United States.

  Koizumi will visit China for three days from April 11 to attend an
economic conference on Hainan island, although he is also expected to
meet Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

  Li Peng, chairman of China's parliament, who is on a visit to Japan,
said in an interview published in a regional newspaper on Saturday he
was optimistic about Japan-China relations.

  Li said Japan and China, long resentful over its treatment at the
hands of Japanese invaders, may encounter difficulties on the path to
closer ties because the countries were so different.

  Even in such cases, the two nations can solve any problems with
effort and foresight, Li said in an interview with the Kitanippon
Press, a newspaper in western Japan.

  Li's visit is one of several high-level exchanges between China and
Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
ties in September 1972.

  Ties have been strained in recent times by Koizumi's visit last year
to a shrine honouring Japan's war dead, including convicted war
criminals, and Japan's approval of a history textbook that China and
other Asian countries say downplays Japan's wartime aggression.

(Reuters News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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Powell Talks to Trilateral Commission [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner


Powell Talks to Trilateral Commission

Sat Apr  6, 6:21 PM ET

By VANESSA PALO, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON(AP) - Between celebrating his 65th birthday and embarking on
a trip to the Middle East, Secretary of State Colin Powell found an
hour Saturday to outline U.S. diplomatic policy at the annual meeting
of The Trilateral Commission.

  Characterizing Powell's private remarks, a senior member of the
commission said he gave a commanding sense of U.S. diplomacy and the
importance of its diplomatic role.

  Delivering unprepared and off-the-record remarks, the secretary gave
a review of the problems facing the Western world and discussed some
details of the Mideast tour, the commission member said.

  However, several members who attended the secretary's speech declined
to provide specifics of Powell's remarks.

  Powell turned 65 on Friday and departs Sunday for the Mideast.

  Among the 250 political, business, academic and media leaders
gathered for the group's weekend meeting at a plush hotel, bow-ties and
dark suits were the apparel of choice. But former secretary of state
Madeleine Albright, wearing a lavender-colored suit, offered a reprieve
from the dark parade.

  Henry Kissinger, another former secretary of state, was among
Saturday's speakers.

  Since its formation in 1973 by private citizens from North America,
Europe and Japan, The Trilateral Commission has aimed to look at the
issues facing North American, European and Pacific Asian countries. The
commission's discussions this year have focused on issues arising since
the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

  In the commission's 29-year-history, such discussions have remained
closed to the public and all remarks made by speakers are

  The commission, however, has always made a point to invite important
voices of the press, said Francois Sauzey, the group's press officer.
Copyright © 2002 The Associated Press. 
All rights reserved. 

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CBCNEWS - Mideast peace protests staged from Canada to Europe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resource page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Sun Apr  7 03:48:42 2002

TORONTO--Thousands of Canadians held demonstrations in several cities
across the country Saturday, demanding that Israel end its military 
offensive in the West Bank. 

 In Toronto, about 500 protesters gathered outside the Israeli
Consulate demanding troops withdraw from Palestinian territory. Police
officers kept a close eye on the crowd, refusing to let people near the

Rally in Vancouver 

 End the occupation now, demontrators chanted. Some carried signs 
reading Stop Genocide and Free Palestine. 

 The president of Palestinian House, Rashad Saleh, said his
organization does not support suicide attacks against the Israelis. He
called on both sides in the conflict to return to peace negotiations. 

 We are calling for ending the hostilities and the violence, Saleh 
said. The Israelis are slaughtering Palestinians in refugee camps, 
towns, cities. They have cut off water, food, medicine, supplies.
What we are witnessing now in the occupied territories is a new

 Similar rallies were held in places like Vancouver, Edmonton,
Winnipeg and Windsor. 

 Many of the marchers called on Ottawa to become more vocal and press
for an immediate end to the Israeli incursions. 

 We need to speak out, said one woman in Edmonton. I cannot sleep 
while my brothers suffer, said another protester. 

Big protests in Paris, Rome 

 In Europe, tens of thousands of people held demonstrations
expressing support for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who has been
under siege for more than a week. 

 About 20,000 protesters marched through the streets of Paris, urging
a peaceful solution to the conflict. 

Paris protest 

 Some blamed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and U.S. President 
George W. Bush for the ongoing violence – chanting Sharon,
Bush, they are the assassins, and Arabs, Jews together against
Sharon. A few carried defaced American flags. 

 In Rome, an estimated 50,000 demonstrators packed into Piazza del 
Popolo. Some shouted demands for a liberated Palestine while others
carried banners with slogans like Intifada until victory. 

 Several of Italy's big unions and socialist parties had planned to
take part in the protests, but they withdrew at the last minute after 
complaints from Jewish groups. 

 Concern has been growing around the world over Israel's military 
campaign in the West Bank, which began March 29 after a series of
deadly suicide bombings. 

 European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana issued a statement
Saturday expressing fear over the humanitarian situation throughout
the Palestinian territories. 

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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2002-04-05 Thread Steve Wagner

from Thursday, April 4, 2002 (SF Chronicle)


Editor -- Your headlines are becoming genuinely Orwellian. I read
Bush reaffirms push for peace (April 1) and asked myself, Are we on
the same planet?

  This is the president who has declared war against an undefined
foe using unlimited funding of unrestricted means for an indefinite
period of time.  This is literally, as George Orwell called it,
perpetual war for perpetual peace. Is that the peace you meant in
the headline?

  President Bush has asked for a greater increase in next year's
military budget than is spent in total by all of our enemies in the
world combined.  He has announced a barbaric new willingness to use
nuclear weapons for offensive purposes.

  He has signaled to all the world that he's planning an invasion of
Iraq, apparently just in time for the November elections. He winks
our closest client-state, Israel, wages what U.N. Secretary-General
Annan calls full scale war on the Palestinians.

  Bush is accelerating a truly aggressive Star Wars scheme to
achieve first-strike capabilities against any enemy anywhere on Earth.
He repudiates international inspections for biological weapons, the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and restrictions on the use of children
as combatants.

  Tell me again: Where is the push for peace?

Palo Alto

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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1967 Israeli attack on USS Liberty: With friends like these..... [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-05 Thread Steve Wagner


Forgotten History - Friday, April 5, 2002 
Little known facts and overlooked history 
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AOL users: look for your links at the bottom of the page. 
Attack On The USS Liberty 

The Middle East is in the news again. Over the years, no 
country in the world has been a better friend to Israel than 
the United States. In fact, the US with Harry Truman as 
President, was the first country to recognize the state of 
Israel. It took only 6 seconds for that vote to be cast. All 
of the economic reasons behind this vote is not the subject 
of this issue (maybe for another day), but there is a little 
known episode in the relationship between US and Israel that 
has long been forgotten; The sinking of the USS Liberty. 

The time was 1967 and the Arab countries and Israel were 
locked in a war of words. These words were about to turn into 
the real thing. Israel had superior technology, having been 
armed by the United States while the Arab countries (notably 
Egypt and Syria) were armed by the Soviet Union. At that 
time, the West Bank and East Jerusalem were under the 
control of Jordan's King Hussein. 

Patrolling the Mediterranean just off the coast, was a US 
intelligence ship called the USS Liberty. Its mission was to 
monitor communications from both Israel and Jordan. Egypt, 
Syria and Israel had mobilized their troops in anticipation 
of hostilities breaking out. Jordan, always a moderate in 
both Israel and US eyes, had no appetite for getting into 
another war with Israel. Jordan knew it could not win. 

Hussein told the US that if hostilities broke out he wanted 
no part of them. Jordan did not want to lose territory, which 
was all but certain if they fought Israel. Jordan's King 
Hussein had rebuked Nasser, President of Egypt and told him 
that Jordan would not fight Israel. Hussein turned to the US 
and asked if the Americans could promise that Israel would 
not attack its positions. The US gave these assurances and 
The USS Liberty's mission was to monitor communications to 
ensure compliance. It was in position to know if Jordan would 
attack Israel and visa versa. 

What has become known as The Six Day War was about to begin. 
In the wee hours of the morning, Israel's air force attacked 
Egypt and disabled nearly the entire Egyptian Air Force while 
the planes were still on the ground. Within hours, Israel had 
effectively won the war and turned its attention to Jerusalem, 
even though Jordan had not entered the war. The USS Liberty 
picked up communications that Israel had indeed intended to 
attack Jordan to seize Jerusalem and the West Bank. 

Israel knew what the mission was of the USS Liberty and 
despite the clear United States flag flying proceeded to 
attack the USS Liberty. Not one pass, but several passes. 
The deliberate attack was a clear attempt to keep the USS 
Liberty from notifying Jordan that Israel was about to seize 
Jerusalem. The attack lasted for over an hour, critically 
disabling the US vessel. Several Americans were killed. 
Most people know that Israeli paratroopers seized Jerusalem 
without much of a fight and present hostilities owe their 
beginning to those six days. 

While this is a forgotten episode in US history, it is also 
an interesting question to ask why the episode was so under- 
reported. The Six Day War was a popular triumph in the US 
press and what ensued was a cover-up to keep Americans in 
the dark about what their ally had done. The commander of 
the Liberty, James Ennis, would have none of it and years 
later penned his account in the book from which this overview 
was taken. The book's name? Conspiracy of Silence: Attack 
On The USS Liberty. 

Source:  Conspiracy Of Silence: Attack On The USS Liberty 
 by James Ennis 

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China Calls for Total Israeli Withdrawl from Palestinian Territories [WWW.STOPNA

2002-04-04 Thread Steve Wagner


China Calls for Total Israeli Withdrawal from Palestinian Territories

Xinhuanet 2002-04-04 06:42:24 
   UNITED NATIONS, April 3 (Xinhuanet) -- China on Wednesday called on
Israel to pull all its troops out of the Palestinian territories 
and take steps to ensure safety and security of Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat.
   Wang Yingfan, the Chinese permanent representative to the 
United Nations, made the appeal while exchanging views on the 
current Middle East situation here with U.N. Secretary-General 
Kofi Annan.
   The Chinese government opposes and condemns the barbarous 
aggression of Palestine by Israel, and China calls on Israel to 
implement relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions immediately 
and without any condition, he said. 
   During the meeting, Wang briefed Annan on the current efforts 
by the Chinese government to alleviate the Middle East tensions.
   The Chinese envoy also told Annan that he hosted discussions on
the situation in the Middle East among ambassadors from the five 
permanent members of the Security Council in his capacity of the 
rotatory mediator for April.  
   China supports the United Nations and its Security Council to 
play a greater role in restoring peace in the Middle East, Wang 
said, adding that he appreciates the peace efforts by Annan and 
his special representative for the Middle East.
   The Chinese side is continuing consultations and discussions on
the Middle East issue with all parties, including other four 
permanent members of the Security Council, he said, adding that 
China will continue to work with the international community in 
playing a positive role to alleviate the current Middle East 
   In return, Annan said that he appreciates the Chinese efforts 
to ease the tensions in the Middle East and he is ready to keep 
close contacts with China on the issue.
   Annan said that he was deeply concerned with the worsening 
situation in the Middle East, and he held that the parties in the 
Middle East conflict should take effective measures to immediately
carry out the Security Council resolutions.  Enditem

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Pull the Plug! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-04 Thread Steve Wagner


This is from Isthmus, April 3, 1992, apparently a newspaper or magazine
published in Madison, Wisconsin.  Pull the Plug! was reprinted in the
Winter 1992 issue of S.E.T. Free:  The Newsletter Against Television.

Pull the Plug!
by Gar Smith

  In the final analysis, the smartest way to save energy and promote a
healthy and wise planet is to unplug the television set completely.  A
recent study by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst suggests
that exposure to television not only subjects viewers to
electromagnetic radiation, it also induces measurable amounts of

  Researchers found that the longer test subjects watched TV coverage
of the Iraq war, the more they supported the war but the less informed
they became.  Pro-war couch potatoes were twice as likely as critics to
claim (incorrectly) that Kuwait was a democracy; only 31% knew that
Israel had an army of occupation in neighboring territories; only 3%
were cognizant of Syria's occupation of Lebanon; and only 2% recalled
that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait had been prompted by Kuwait's lowering
of oil prices and theft of oil drilled from wells in Iraqi territory.

  In the words of the researchers, We discovered that the correlation
between TV watching and knowledge was a negative one.

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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Hill Support for Israel Grows As Bombings Touch a Nerve [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-03 Thread Steve Wagner


The Washington Post

Hill Support for Israel Grows As Bombings Touch a Nerve

By Helen Dewar and Juliet Eilperin

  Empathy arising from the nation's own experience with suicide attacks
has reinforced already strong support for Israel in Congress,
prompting renewed efforts to impose sanctions on Palestinian leaders.

  With Congress nearing the end of a two-week recess, the outlook for
legislative action is unclear. But many lawmakers have spoken out in
defense of Israel and declined to second-guess counterstrikes by
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in light of the United States' military
response to the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

  Many also say they would support more vigorous intervention by
President Bush, and some are openly pushing for such action, although
Democratic leaders have generally refrained from direct criticism of
the president.

  Support for Israel has always run strong on Capitol Hill, both
because of the importance of Jewish voters in domestic politics and
because of the nation's strategic importance as a pro-Western
democracy in a largely Arab region. But lawmakers in both parties say
the Sept. 11 attacks and the daily pattern of suicide bombings in
Israel have created an even stronger bond that provides wide latitude
for self-defense by both countries.

  We can identify with their shock and loss, said Senate Majority
Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.). A lot of us are thinking: There
but for the grace of God go we.

  Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said, For us it happened one day. For
them, it happens day after day. I think there is enormous sympathy
for Israel.

  Reaction in the House was similar.

  The Israelis have had many September 11ths in their country nearly
every day with these suicide bombings, said International Relations
Committee Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.). Sharon has a duty to
protect his country and his people.

  House Majority Leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.), said, Sharon is
doing what we in Texas describe as, 'A man's gotta do what a man's
gotta do,' adding that it would be fine with me if the prime
minister were to force Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat into exile.

  Lawmakers appear divided over whether the administration is
sufficiently engaged in trying to end the strife.

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr.
(D-Del.) has said the administration should get more involved, but
Hyde declined to offer advice. I'm not ready to suggest that
Congress leap into this, Hyde said.

  Daschle found a diplomatic way of suggesting more U.S. involvement.
Vice President Cheney said on several occasions that it was critical
that we be deeply engaged . . . I agree with the vice president, he

  Other Democrats edged closer to outright criticism. The
administration has demonstrated some inconsistencies, Sen. Joseph
I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) said last weekend. Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
said the administration has been timid and tentative and needs to
risk a little of its own prestige. Lowey, like Daschle, said it's
time to send Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to the Middle East.

  Several bills have been introduced to pressure the Palestinians to
end violence and negotiate a peace agreement. Other bills being
drafted, including one by McConnell and Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-Calif.), are aimed specifically at Arafat.

  In its current form, the Feinstein-McConnell bill would impose a
series of sanctions, including denying Arafat a visa to travel in the
United States, restricting operations of the Palestinian office in
Washington, imposing travel restrictions on the senior Palestinian
representative at the United Nations and seizing any assets held by
Arafat in this country. McConnell said the measure is likely to be
attached to the foreign operations spending bill for next year if it
is not approved separately before that.

  The House is considering a bill, introduced last year by Rep. Gary L.
Ackerman (D-N.Y.), that would empower the president -- if he
concluded that existing peace accords have been broken -- to impose a
variety of sanctions. They include closing the Palestinians'
Washington office, designating the Palestinian Authority and related
groups as terrorist organizations, denying U.S. visas to top
Palestinian officials and eliminating all non-humanitarian aid to the
West Bank and Gaza.

  Another bill, sponsored by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), would prohibit
any federal agency from directly or indirectly assisting the
Palestinian Authority or related groups.

  Howard Kohr, executive director of the American-Israel Public Affairs
Committee, said he had received a dozen calls from lawmakers over the
recess asking what they could do to support Israel.

  But a few lawmakers, as well as some Arab American activists,
suggested that legislative 

N Korea threatens U.S. with sea of fire if attacked [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-03 Thread Steve Wagner



N Korea threatens U.S. with sea of fire if attacked

Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 09:30 JST

BEIJING - North Korea on Monday threatened to submerge U.S. troops in
South Korea in a sea of fire if attacked by either conventional or
nuclear weapons. The threat of a reprisal strike was broadcast by
North Korea's state-run Radio Pyongyang, monitored in Beijing.

  If the U.S. imperialists attack us - be it with conventional or
nuclear weapons - we will strike back a hundred, a thousand times at
U.S. imperialist attack troops stationed at South Korea bases,
creating a sea of fire, the broadcast said. 

(Kyodo News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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2002-04-02 Thread Steve Wagner


- Forwarded Message Follows -

--- dogbuckeyecscom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: dogbuckeyecscom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 08:09:01 -

April 2, 2002, 9:30am – Palestine Time 

Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace *  

Nearly 100 internationals are scattered throughout Bethlehem area 
refugee camps in order to be a human shield to the ongoing Israeli 
invasion. Eyewitnesses in Deheishe, Azzeh and Aida Refugee camps have
reported large-scale Israeli military attacks, home-to-home searches,
helicopter gunship and tank shelling, F-16s overhead, and more



*** NEXT ACTION: *** 

There are nearly 100 internationals representing at least six 
counties. We want you to call them and demand: 

- They tell Israeli leaders that internationals are in the refugee 
camps as observers and human shields to Israeli attacks 

- They get access to visit internationals in the camps to assure the 
safety of internationals and Palestinians. 

- Israel stop attacking civilian homes, hospitals, universities, 
hotels and other civil service buildings 

- Make a public statement immediately calling for Israel to withdraw 
from the Occupied Territories 

In addition, FAX them a letter. A sample is below (1C). 

- Call and Fax the Embassies First. They've got the most power. 

EMBASSY, Ambassador Jacques Hunczinger 
PHONE: 011-972-3-520-8300 
FAX: 011-972-3-520-8340 
French Consulate, Denis Pietton 
PHONE: 011-972-2-625-9481 
FAX: 011-972-2-625-9178 

EMBASSY, Ambassador Jian Palo Cavarai 
PHONE: 011-972-3-696-4223 or 4224 
FAX: 011-972-3-6918-428 
Italian Consulate, Gianni Ghisi 
PHONE: 011-972-2-561-8977 
FAX: 011-972-2-561-8944 
EMBASSY, Ambassador Anders Liden 
PHONE: 011-972-3-695-8111 
FAX: 011-972-3-695-8116 
Swedish Consulate, Catharina Kipp 
PHONE: 011-972-2-582-8212 / 3 
FAX: 011-972-2-582-8801 

EMBASSY, Ambassador Iten Ernst 
PHONE: 011-972-3-546-4455 
FAX: 011-972-3-5464-408 
Swiss Representative to the Palestinian Authority, Nicolas Lang 
PHONE: 011-972-2-240-8360 / 1 
FAX: 011-972-2-240-8362 
EMBASSY, Ambassador Sherard Cowper-Coles 
PHONE: 011-972-3-725-1222 
FAX: 011-972-3-527-8574 
UK Consulate, Geoffrey Adams 
PHONE: 011-972-2-541-4100 / 112 
FAX: 011-972-2-532-223-68 / 5629 
EMBASSY, Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer 
PHONE: 011-972-3-519-7575 
FAX: 011-972-3-527-8574 
U.S. Consulate, Ronald Schlicher 
PHONE: 011-972-2-622-7230 / 53288 
FAX: 011-972-2-24-9462 


Organization Name / Individual Name 
April 2, 2002 
Ambassador __ 
Tel Aviv 


We are American citizens in [ ] who hold you responsible—
personally and in your professional capacity--for guaranteeing the 
safety of ___ citizens who are currently under unwarranted, 
unprovoked, and indefensible attack by the Israel Defense Forces in 
Bethlehem. We know from eyewitness reports the following to be true 
as of 11:20 P.M, MST: 

1) An Israeli tank has fired upon the Bethlehem Star Hotel, where 
many Americans and other internationals are staying. The __ 
Government must tell the I.D.F. to stop firing on this hotel and to 
stop terrorizing innocent people. We hold you responsible for their 

2) Nineteen internationals, half American, half British, are 
currently in the Azza refugee camp in Bethlehem. There is a tank in 
front of the house in which they are staying, and there is gunfire 
all around them. They do not know where the gunfire is coming from, 
but it is directed at them. They are terrified for their lives. In 
the past 72 hours these civilians have witnessed unspeakable 
atrocities committed by the I.D.F., and we fear some of them may be 
going into shock. The I.D.F. must be told to stop firing on 
Palestinian civilian homes and to stop terrorizing the civilian 
population. Their actions are flagrantly 

Canada silent as Mideast burns: critics [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-02 Thread Steve Wagner


The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Tue Apr  2 00:27:23 2002

OTTAWA--There's growing demand for the Canadian government to voice a
clear stance on the turmoil in the Middle East, as Israeli tanks push
into Palestinian enclaves and Palestinian suicide bombers kill
Israeli citizens. 

 Ottawa's silence has spokesmen for both sides, as well as the
political opposition, concerned. 

 It's deeply disturbing that Canada is just sitting on the
sidelines. I think there's never been a more important time for
reasoned voices, for people who understand we can't get to peace
through further military escalation, said NDP leader Alexa McDonough. 

 We wish Canada would speak out more clearly and louder at this 
particular time, said Joseph Wilder, chairman of the Canada-Israel 

 Canada has a big role to play and Canada is a moral power, said
Mazen Chouaib, executive director of the National Council on
Canada-Arab Relations. We should not be silent. 

 Prime Minister Jean Chrétien last spoke out on Thursday, when
he made a brief written statement after a suicide bomber killed 20
Israelis the previous evening. 

 Ottawa is backing a UN resolution that calls for Israeli troops to 
withdraw from Palestinian cities and Palestinians to stop their
deadly attacks. 

Canada backs U.S. effort 

 Liberal MP David Pratt said the government is backing the efforts of
U.S. peace envoy Anthony Zinni. We've maintained good relations with
both sides, which is critically important, but at this juncture we're
looking at supporting the work of special envoy Zinni, he said. 

 Foreign Affairs minister Bill Graham is expected to repeat the 
government's support for the peace process Tuesday. 

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S.F. Bay Area human shields to Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-02 Thread Steve Wagner


Plea for peace by Bay activists
By Alex Brown
Of The Examiner Staff

The decision was made Sunday while crossing the Golden Gate Bridge,
and by next week, will culminate in a trip to war-torn Palestine, an
assignment as an unarmed human shield, and the prospect of staring down
an Israeli gun barrel.

Call Alison Weir impulsive. Don't call her apathetic.

As a member of the newly formed Grassroots Protection Program,
Weir, a San Rafael-based 54-year-old former newspaper editor, will
stand between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians, relying on the notion
that foreigners will not be fired upon. 

She will do so without U.S. support, without financial aid, without
any assurance of safety.

And she is not alone.

In the 24 hours since the program was formed, two other Bay Area
residents signed up for the human shield mission to Palestine, Weir
said, with at least 20 expected to volunteer by next week.

There are no guarantees, she said. I'm going there as an
American citizen, and since we paid for those Israeli bullets, I hope
that will afford me some protection.

Not according to reports Monday emanating from the West Bank
township of Beit Jala.

There, two Americans, two Britons, an Australian, a Frenchman, a
Japanese person and a Palestinian Associated Press cameraman were
injured when Israeli troops opened fire on a protest group, described
as peaceful by Newsweek journalist Samir Zedan.

Weir, though, remains defiant.

Having formed the GPP with Palestinian-born San Francisco activist
Iman Farajallah, who heads anti-hate crime group, the
former editor of the 3,000-circulation Sausalito Weekly plans to depart
SFO for Palestine within 10 days.

Once there, Weir said she will stand with civilian families in the
West Bank, although there was a chance she could join the human shield
currently surrounding Yasser Arafat at his Ramallah complex.

And all this from a phone call she received while riding a bus
across the Golden Gate Bridge on Sunday.

After (Farajallah) called, I knew things were so desperate and
urgent that I had to go over there, she said. I was in the West Bank
last year, and I felt like I was standing in one of those horrific old
photos from World War II -- the difference being that in this case,
only one side has an army. I'm committed to doing my utmost to end the
killing. And I'll try not to get shot.

For her trouble, Weir will pay for her airfare, but will receive
extensive support once on the ground in Palestine, Farajallah said.

When you think about the scenarios some of the volunteers might
face, we would encourage physicians to get involved and anyone who
could donate medical supplies, Farajallah said, adding that Grassroots
Protection may work alongside organizations such as Solidarity
International and Grassroots International, which already are
well-established in Palestine.

We need people who know what they are getting themselves into.
There are no baby sitters where they are going.

Back in Marin, however, Weir may be in need of one.

During her stint in Palestine, she will leave behind her three
children -- one a Berkeley graduate, the other two currently completing
their studies there.

All have heard Weir's stories from her last trip to the West Bank.
And all support her in her latest endeavor. 

When I was in the West Bank last time, I saw the devastation that
was being done with my tax money, Weir said. And those families
suffering because of that welcomed me the whole time. I only wish I
could leave immediately to help them.
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Eyes on Dimona (will Israel drop The Big One?) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-02 Thread Steve Wagner


Al-Ahram Weekly
31 August - 6 September 2000
Issue No. 497   
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875   

Eyes on Dimona
By Omayma Abdel-Latif

  It took the world many years to see pictures of Dimona, Israel's
aging nuclear reactor. The plant had been shrouded in secrecy in line
with a long-standing policy of concealment, outright deception and what
many experts describe as nuclear ambiguity. The rare imagery, taken
on 4 July by Space Imaging Corporation's Ikonos satellite, was shown on
the Web site of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). The site
exhibits more than seven overview images of the Dimona complex and the
surrounding locations, one of which is believed to be the burial ground
of low-level nuclear waste. 

  Nuclear experts interviewed by Al-Ahram Weekly believe this is the
first time that the public has access to data and images of Israel's
notorious nuclear facility. Perhaps a more important revelation,
however, is what the report described as the most significant
finding: Israel's nuclear weapons stockpile probably consists of
between 100 to 200 nuclear weapons, contrary to previous reports that
Israel might possess as many as 400 N-bombs. 

  This again confirms Israel's possession of nuclear weapons, Fawzi
Hammad, former head of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, told the
Weekly. The most significant finding is that the data confirms that
Israel has 200 nuclear warheads, proving that Dimona has a big
inventory, even bigger than what some of the big powers may possess,
Hammad said. 

  The images were compared to other pictures of the nuclear complex
taken by a US reconnaissance satellite in 1971. The images show that
modest changes have taken place in the central part of the complex over
the past 30 years, but dozens of smaller buildings were built during
the same period. 

  Another important revelation made by the report, according to
Abdel-Gawad Emara, a member of the Egyptian Nuclear Safety Authority,
is that the reactor is aging, given that it was built in 1963, yet it
continues to be the site of intensive nuclear activity, raising
concerns about its safety. The report does not mention whether measures
Emara called the life extension of the complex -- a procedure which
minimises the effects of aging and the likelihood of nuclear leakage --
had been taken. 

  The danger lies in the fact that the reactor is old and has never
been open to international inspection, meaning we don't know what's
going on in there. Therefore, it remains a suspect nuclear threat next
door, Emara said. 

  Sources at the FAS said the federation's main task is to monitor
nuclear activities around the globe. They added that the United States
has always turned a blind eye to Israel's nuclear activity provided it
does not conduct nuclear tests. 

  It was precisely this point which topped the agenda when US Energy
Secretary Bill Richardson visited Egypt two months ago. According to
Hammad, Egyptian scientists and officials urged that pressure be put on
Israel to reveal its nuclear facilities and allow international
inspection. Richardson's response, according to Hammad, was, We will
look into the matter. 

  We demanded that the nuclear complex at Dimona, in particular, be
opened to inspection because of the threats it is likely to pose to
neighbouring countries, Hammad told the Weekly. He believes the
publication of the images and data on Dimona on the FAS site is but one
step towards greater transparency on Israel's secret nuclear
activities, breaking the long-standing information blackout. 

  The first ever material on Dimona was published by the London Sunday
Times in 1986 after Israeli nuclear expert Mordechai Vanunu exposed his
country's nuclear secrets. This earned him a 20-year jail sentence
which he is still serving. 

  The latest revelation coincided with the publication in Hebrew of the
book Israel and the Bomb by Avner Cohen, which caused an uproar when
its English-language version first appeared two years ago in the United
States. The FAS report also coincided with fresh allegations about
possible radioactive contamination caused by the burial of tons of
radioactive waste in a disposal area one kilometre from the main Dimona

  Earlier this week, however, Egyptian officials dismissed the
contamination reports. Sayed Mish'al, minister of state for military
production, told the press that Egypt possesses the most up-to-date
equipment for detecting any radioactive leakage and that there is no
evidence of nuclear contamination in this country. 

  Despite these assurances, the FAS report has reinforced previous
perceptions of Israel posing a constant threat to the region due to the
fact that its nuclear facilities were never opened to international
inspection. A 1999 report by the International Atomic Energy 


2002-04-02 Thread Steve Wagner



Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
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New Palestine Resource page available on LMNOP web-site [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Steve Wagner


The Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace web-site now has a
Palestine Resources page available at

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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U.N. orders Israeli withdrawal from West Bank [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Steve Wagner



U.N. orders Israeli withdrawal from West Bank

Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 09:30 JST

NEW YORK - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday demanded that
Israel immediately withdraw its troops from the West Bank city of
Ramallah, warning that continued occupation of Palestinian territory
would only worsen the situation.

  In a speech made to the U.N. Security Council, Annan highlighted the
importance of the council's resolution adopted Saturday ordering an
immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops from Ramallah
where the Palestinian Authority is based. 

(Kyodo News)

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Japan Today

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'Sino-U.S. ties on verge of setback' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-31 Thread Steve Wagner


The Hindu

'Sino-U.S. ties on verge of setback'
March 28.

 A month after the U.S. President, George W. Bush, visited Beijing,
Chinese media said the United States had shattered the euphoria that
surrounded his trip with a series of insensitive and offensive moves.
``Here we are on the verge of another setback in Sino-U.S. ties,''
the said in an editorial today. 
``Beijing feels betrayed.'' 
 The editorial reflects a turnaround in China's rhetoric on the United
States since the Bush visit, which media just weeks ago hailed as
bringing relations closer than ever. 
 Topping the list of China's concerns was the U.S. decision this month
to allow the Taiwanese Defence Minister, Tang Yiau-ming, into the
U.S. for talks with defence officials. China regards the island as a
renegade province to be reunited with the mainland by force if
 ``The current row, unless resolved in a timely and constructive
manner, will definitely undermine the already slight Chinese
confidence in genuine friendship between the two countries,'' the
state-run newspaper said. 
 Beijing is also upset about a Pentagon report saying China was one of
several targets in America's nuclear weapons planning, and
``undisguised attempts'' to bring Taiwan into the World Health
Organisation, it said. ``Friendship is out of the question in the
absence of reciprocity,'' the editorial said. 
 The Chinese Vice-President, Hu Jintao, is scheduled to visit the U.S.
in April, but the Foreign Ministry, reflecting China's displeasure
over the U.S. moves, has declined to confirm that the trip was still
on. But political analysts said they would be surprised if Mr. Hu
declined the U.S. invitation because of the latest row. ``It would
take something much bigger than this,'' said one diplomat in Beijing.
The Chinese President and Communist Party chief, Jiang Zemin, and
other senior leaders are due to step down from their party posts late
this year, and from their Government jobs next March. — Reuters
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EU Protests Israeli Attack [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-30 Thread Steve Wagner


EU Protests Israeli Attack

Saturday March 30, 2002 2:30 AM,1280,-1623568,00.html

PARIS (AP) - The 15 European Union nations collectively protested
Israel's attack on Yasser Arafat's West Bank headquarters Friday, with
Italy pressing Israel to guarantee the Palestinian leader's safety.

  The EU also called on Israel to withdraw its troops from the town of
Ramallah, where Arafat's complex is located.

  At the same time, the EU urged the Palestinian Authority to halt the
current ``spiral of violence'' and punish those responsible for the
recent string of attacks on Israelis.

  Spain, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said Israel's fight
against terrorism and its response to recent attacks must be compatible
with safeguarding the Palestinian Authority and its president - ``the
legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people.''

  In France, President Jacques Chirac said ``any attack on (Arafat's)
ability to act, or on his person, would be extremely serious.''

  The French leader also urged Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon to ``immediately take all measures to stop the violence.''

  ``Nothing can excuse or justify blind terrorism against civilians,''
Chirac told France-Info radio. ``Everyone knows there cannot be a
military solution to the conflict in the Middle East.''

  French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine accused Israel of obsessing
over Arafat and trying to ``asphyxiate'' him.

  ``It's a complete illusion to believe that, even with Arafat
elsewhere or replaced by whatever Palestinian chief, the problem would
be different,'' Vedrine told RFI radio.

  Israel sent troops and tanks to break into Arafat's Ramallah
compound, battling his security forces and shelling the buildings.
Arafat took refuge in a windowless room, although Israeli officials
said they were not trying to hurt him.

  The operation was a response to the latest string of Palestinian
attacks, including a Passover massacre that killed 22 diners at a
seafront hotel in Israel.

  Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi's government asked Israel to
guarantee Arafat's security and respect his elected position.

  ``It is fundamental that deeds are not carried out which can
prejudice the prospects for a resumption of dialogue,'' a government
statement said.

  Berlusconi's government also said it made a new appeal to the
Palestinian Authority to prevent acts of terrorism against unarmed
civilians and to dismantle terrorist structures.

  Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou condemned the Israeli
military action, saying his country had ``ties, both friendly and
personal, with President Arafat.''

  ``For us Arafat is not an enemy, and beyond this he is also a
personal friend,'' said Papandreou, who also condemned the terror
attacks on Israelis.

  About 1,500 Greek and Palestinian protesters chanting, ``Freedom for
Palestine!'' and banging steel drums gathered outside the Israeli
embassy in Athens to protest the military action. Police riot squads
kept the protesters from the building.
Guardian Unlimited 
© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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