Bush's White House Hosts Kagame!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-19 Thread petokraka78


The Bush administration just hosted Paul Kagame, the dictatorial leader of Rwanda that orchestrated the genocidal aggression on the DRC with US backing. Below is an article by Cynthia McKinney on the initiation of a war-crimes case against Kagame. Surely those like Rice and Bush that shake this man's hand (and provide him with the weapons needed to carry out his brutal policies for the benefit of Western corporations) should also be held to account?

Kagame and Rice in Washington

Following is the speech by Honorable Cynthia McKinney.

(Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, the First Black Congresswoman from Georgia, USA)

Spain: Cynthia McKinney Speaks on Irak and Africa at the Club Ultima Hora in Mallorca

I would like to thank Pere Serra and Ultima Hora for the opportunity to share some thoughts with you this evening. I would also like to thank Juan Carrero and Susanna Volosin for extending the invitation for me to visit Spain and for making it possible for me to be here with you now. I am particularly pleased to be a part of a delegation--a mission, a movement--for peace and justice; a movement that spans continents and breaks down barriers.

Here we are, here tonight: Europeans, Africans, and Americans. Working together in a labor of love for this abstract concept of justice made real for us by the lives of the people we touch and who touch us. Isnt it amazing that more than 2 million Spaniards turned to the streets to protest going to war in Iraq? It  s a wonderful thing to be able to take action on behalf of peace and justice while not having to worry about a knock on the door later that night. In Spain it wasnt always so, but through great pain and suffering, you survived and became a stronger people in the process.

Thats what I saw on February 15th, on the streets of Madrid, and Barcelona, and Figueres, and in Palma. A people rising up from their own experiences to express their grief and shock and outrage about global preparations for yet another war. 

You could say that this is the "ultima hora" for peace. Iraq. All eyes are now on Iraq. The European Union is busy. NATO is busy. Washington, DC is busy. The United Nations is busy. Can you imagine how busy we are in preparation for war ? in preparation for the use of force? 

Washington has mobilized the world for war and the world is responding. And thats the way it goes, really. When Washington calls, the world listens. 

But is this really the way of the world? Do you remember the days when Washington mobilized for peace? To save a Continent under tyrannical domination? When Washington cared about democracy, and freedom, and dignity for man? 

It is that Washington that was loved around the world, not feared. It was that Washington that blossomed in "Camelot," the Administration of John F. Kennedy. An Administration that stepped back from war, turned away from provocation, and respected the fact that it was big and rich and strong in a world of the small, the poor, and the weak.

John F. Kennedy pulled America from the brink of global confrontation. George W. Bush is no John Kennedy.

In addition, Johns brother Bobby, who would have been elected President had his life not been snuffed away, traveled all the way to apartheid South Africa to give hope to the black masses struggling for dignity. Bobby Kennedy, who was considering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to be his running mate, told the South Africans that whenever any single person stands up in order to defend justice, they send forward a tiny ripple of hope that goes out into the world. And if others stand up, then all those ripples of hope form one giant wave which sweeps away the walls of oppression and resistance.

Bobby Kennedy didn have to stand for justice for South Africa, but he did. And he did his part to sweep away the walls of injustice in apartheid South Africa. Forty years ago, Bobby Kennedy took a stand. Today, we all celebrate the New South Africa.

The point I want to make is that despite this grand mobilization for war, it is possible for us to mobilize for peace. And, indeed, if we do, we too can tear down the mighty walls of oppression. 

In Bobby Kennedy words, I very much see the activity of Juan Carrero, who is working to find a nonviolent solution to the wars of Central Africa. He is sending forward the tiny ripples of hope. One of those ripples touched me.

Powerful countries can become agents for good or doers of bad. And when they move, they can crush the small. When America moved against Latin America, it supported authoritarian regimes, and the little people were crushed. Ill ever forget: I cried when Archbishop Romero was murdered. I didn know him; I didn know Latin America; but I knew the difference between right and wrong. And as a result of the world knowing about the succession of tragedies that confronted Latin America, the tiny ripples of hope tore down mighty walls of oppression. The 

Fwd: [CAWR] Fascism and the Republican Party [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-15 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 3/15/03 9:00:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[CAWR] Fascism and the Republican Party 
Date:3/15/03 9:00:58 AM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet 

A healthy reminder of deeper reasons for why the war should be stopped, and why it must be linked to other issues. Iraq is comparable to WW 2 Checkoslavakia or Poland, and Canada could almost be Austria. from: 
The relationship of fascist individuals and organizations from World War 2 with the 
Republican Party and the connections between German and American capitalists
 Both Democrats and Republicans are corporate-controlled parties. However, the Republicans 
 have a deeper historical involvement with fascist individuals and groups from World War 2, 
 including former SS officers. When Nazi troops conquered the Eastern European countries, 
 they found and nurtured fascist parties like the Romanian Iron Guard, Hungarian Arrow Cross, 
 Croatian Ustashi, Bulgarian Legion, Latvian Legion, Byelorussian Belarus Brigade, 
 Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Cossack SS officers. These fascists helped the 
 Nazis carry on their atrocities, such as the extermination of Jews, communists, Gypsies, 
 disabled people and others considered to be undesirable. Also, they formed Waffen SS 
 divisions to fight against the Soviet Union. The Republican Heritage Groups Council, a part of the Republican National Committee, has 
 had members like Laszlo Pasztor from the Hungarian Arrow Cross, Florian Galdau of the 
 Romanian Iron Guard and Nicolas Nazarenko, the leader of a Cossack SS division. Other 
 members include Walter Melianovich affiliated with the Belarus Brigade, Method Balco 
 associated with Slovak fascists from their puppet Nazi government and Philip Guarino, an 
 Italian fascist leader of the P-2 Masonic Lodge. After World War 2, this P-2 organization in 
 cooperation with the CIA conducted a series of terrorist bombings in Italy (Operation Gladio), 
 which were blamed on leftists. These incidents effectively diminished the stature of the Italian 
 Communist Party, which was on the verge of winning elections. All of this information is in a 
 well-documented book called Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party by Russ 
 Bellant. Remember when Republican President Ronald Reagan visited Bitburg cemetery in Germany, 
 where Nazi SS troops were buried, and called them "victims" and stated that American 
 soldiers who fought for the International Brigades in Spain were on the wrong side. Every once 
 in a while, these people forget themselves and reveal where their true sympathies lie. A carefully kept secret is the strong sympathy and corporate connections that existed between 
 many of the most powerful American capitalists and German capitalists and their fascist 
 system. Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil of New Jersey had close patent and other ties to I.G. 
 Farben, the giant German corporation that used slave labor at Auschwitz. Standard Oil 
 delivered oil to the Nazis through Switzerland and Spain and even refueled German 
 submarines at Teneriffe in the Canary Islands. At the back of a book called Trading With the 
 Enemy by Charles Higham is a photocopy of an intelligence document from an American 
 officer complaining about this refueling operation and the presence of Nazi officers on 
 Standard's oil tankers. Standard Oil also made tetraethyl lead and synthetic rubber available to 
 the Nazis. Tetraethyl lead is an essential ingredient in aviation gasoline. Standard Oil was 
 investigated several times by Congressional committees for trading with the enemy, but they 
 were too powerful for anything substantive to be done. Chase Bank, also owned by 
 Rockefeller, stayed open in Paris all during the war and helped finance the Nazis. Rockefeller is far from alone in this collaboration with the Nazis. Both Henry Ford and Edsel 
 Ford were great admirers of fascism, and Ford built trucks and armored cars for the Nazis in 
 France. General Motors, owned by the DuPont family, manufactured tanks and the aircraft 
 engines for the Junkers bombers at the Adam-Opel plant in Russelsheim,Germany. ITT 
 supplied fuses for artillery shells and all sorts of communications equipment to the Nazis. In 
 addition, they built the Focke-Wulf bombers for the Luftwaffe. Sosthenes Behn of ITT was a 
 major financier of the Swedish ball bearing firm SKF, which preferentially supplied the Nazis 
 with ball bearings and denied them to the US military. These American capitalists were so important and influential in Nazi Germany that Hitler 
 awarded the Order of Merit of the Golden Eagle to both Henry Ford and James Mooney, the 
 director of operations for General Motors in Europe. Irenee du Pont organized the Black Legion in the United States. This was a fascist 

Fwd: [JUGOINFO] V. Kapuralin: Socijalna i Ekonomska Situacija u Hrvatskoj [WWW.S

2003-03-14 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 3/14/03 1:29:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[JUGOINFO] V. Kapuralin: Socijalna i Ekonomska Situacija u Hrvatskoj 
Date:3/14/03 1:29:37 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet 

[Questo testo in lingua italiana si puo' leggere alla URL:
Vladimir Kapuralin (Partito Socialista Operaio, Pola): 
"La situazione economica e sociale nelle repubbliche ex-jugoslave
oggi. Il caso croato"]

Sastanak Italijanske Kordinacije za Jugoslaviju
Kontovel, kod Trsta, 16. novembra 2002.

Referat Kapularin Vladimira (SRP - Socijalisticka Radnicka Partija
Hrvatske -, Pula):

Socijalna i Ekonomska Situacija u Bivsim
Jugoslovenskim Republikama - slucaj HRVATSKE

Avnojska Jugoslavija je u desetljecima nakon zavrsetka
II svetskog rata nesebicnim zalaganjem cjelokupnog
stanovnistva uspijela obnovit porusenu zemlju i
izgraditi ratom opustosenu privredu.Prema analizama
inozemnih strucnjaka i institucija bila je dulje vreme u
samom svjetskom vrhu po intenzitetu razvoja.
Brodogradnja je bila na trecem mijestu u svijetu, a
gradjevinska i industrijska poduzeca na
medjunarodnim su natjecajima dobivala realizaciju
velikih investiciskih projekata. Zemlja je napredovala i
na podrucju znanosti i kulture, a samoupravni
socijalizam uz visoki stupanj zaposlenosti, socijalne
sigurnosti i ostalih civilizacijskih dostignuca,
omogucavao je zivot dostojan covjeka. Zaokruzenju
civilizacijskih vrijednosti doprinosila je nezavisna i
nesvrstana vanjska politika, koja je uz snaznu i tada
dobro opremljenu armiju omogucavala istinski
suverenitet tipa "svoj na svome" i garantirala
gradjanima sigurnost, slobodu i neovisnost od vanjskih
Sve je to bilo postignuto uz vanjski dug koji je bio
sveden na 18-ak milijardi $, ili nesto iznad 800$ po
Iako nije bilo visestranacja, a pripadnika tadasnje
partije bilo je oko 10% stanovnistva, velika vecina
bila je lojalna toj i takvoj zemlji i vidila u njoj
perspektivu za sebe i svoju porodicu.
Dio gradjana koji je hteo postici vise otisao je u
inozemstvo iz ekonomskih razloga, ne prekidajuci
veze sa domovinom, ali treba naglasiti, da je otisao i
dio ljudi cija je ideologija porazena u II svjetskom ratu.
Njima su se u inozemstvu pridruzivali i pripadnici
poslijeratne generacije protivnika samoupravnog
socijalistickog poretka, te su zajedno planirali i
provodili neprijateljsku teroristicku djelatnost protiv
Jugoslavije, cesto logisticki poduprti od zemalja u koje
su emigrirali.
Krajem 80-tih i pocetkom 90-tih u Evropi dolazi do
tektonskih politickih procesa koje iz temelja mijenjaju
politicku situaciju. Padom Berlinskog zida, centri
svjetske kapitalisticke moci uobliceni u Svjetskoj
banci, Medjunarodnom monetarnom fondu i Svjetskoj
trgovackoj organizaciji predvodjeni sedmoricom
najrazvijenijih zemalja svijeta uz logisticku potporu
SAD i NATO krecu nezadrzivo prema ostvarenju
davno zacrtanog cilja, rusenju socijalistickih
drustvenih uredjenja u srednjoj i istocnoj Eropi, radi
ostvarivanja globalne dominacije. Na tom putu nasla
se i Jugoslavija.
U procesu dirigiranom izvana, a sprovedenom iznutra
dolazi do flagrantne secesije Slovenije i Hrvatske, a
zatim po principu eho efekta, Bosne i Hercegovine i
Makedonije. Pri tome treba naglasiti da centrima
svijetske moci nije bio primarni cilj rusenje
Jugoslavije nego samoupravnog socijalistickog
poretka, sto nije bilo moguce bez rusenja drzave. Taj
postupak je bio olaksan time sto su nacionalisticki i
desni subjekti koji su se pojavili na javnoj sceni uspjeli
uvjeriti gradjane da u kapitalizmu nece izgubiti nista
od postojecih prava, te da ce k tome dodati nove
U ekonomskom smislu rusenje Jugoslavije znacilo je
prestanak postojanja zajednickog trzista sa
desetljecima utvrdjenim i prilagodjenim tokovima
proizvoda i ostalih dobara, uz slobodnu cirkulaciju
ljudi i ideja. Za Hrvatsku je to znacilo preko noci
gubitak trzista za preko 54% svojih proizvoda koje je
prije secesije razmijenjivala na tom domacem trzistu, a
da nije pronadjen substitut za to trziste.
Oruzani sukobi koji su uslijedili nakon secesije imali
su za posledicu i fizicko unistavanje privredne
infrastrukture, a logicna poslijedica bila je i prestanak
frekvencije domacih i stranih gostiju sto je dovelo do
gasenja vrlo zive turisticke djelatnosti.
To je izazvalo prvi veliki val nezaposlenosti i pad
zivotnog standarda. Slijedeci se sastojao u prestanku
socijalistickog nacina privredjivanja i raspodjele i
uvodjenje kapitalistickog u njegovom najgorem obliku
- prvobitnoj akumulaciji kapitala.
Oslabljena preduzeca nisu se mogla ravnopravno nositi
sa razvijenim kapitalistickim subjektima u trzisnoj
utakmici. Novopeceni vlasnici koji su do vlasnistva
dosli na osnovu 

NYT quote about Djindjic.... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-13 Thread petokraka78


Tributes to Mr. Djindjic poured in from abroad, where officials also praised his efforts to revive an economy battered by conflict and sanctions. But in Serbia, where few people yet see the benefits of such reforms, the reaction was more muted..."Sure it's a tragedy, but he's not the only one," said a woman who gave her name only as Branka. "People are dying all the time here and no one seems to do much about it."



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Quote from the BBC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-13 Thread petokraka78


The Serbian cabinet, which observed a minute's silence when it met for crisis talks after the attack, has told the press to publish only information from official government sources during the state of emergency. 



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Diana Johnstone: Guerres Sans Fin (Sorbonne, 26 February 2003) [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2003-03-06 Thread petokraka78


Le 26 février à la Sorbonne

Les Amis du MONDE-diplomatique ont proposé un débat autour du livre de D. Johnstone, 'La Croisade des fous' avec la partecipatione de Subhi Toma et Jean Bricmont.

Diana Johnstone
La SORBONNE 26 février 2003

Droit international contre droit du plus fort

Devant le Conseil de Sécurité le 14 février, le ministre français,
Dominique de Villepin, a fait un discours admirable de raison et de
clarté qui a été très apprécié -- sauf, vous le savez bien, par les
dirigeants et la presse anglophone.

Les Etats-Unis sont dirigés actuellement par un petit groupe de
mégalomanes dont les idées et les projets étaient parfaitement
inconnus de l'électorat américain qui, selon la Cour Suprème choisi
par son père, avait élu George Bush... par une large minorité de
votes. Plus fondamentalement, l'électorat américain depuis longtemps
n'a pas de vrai choix, car le processus "démocratique" au niveau
national a été complètement accaparé par le complex
militaro-industriel. Une poignée d'illuminés a imposé une
politique qui n'a jamais été soumis à un débat démocratique aux
Etats-Unis, et il ne veulent pas que le débat venu d'ailleurs arrivent
aux oreilles des citoyens Américains. C'est pour cela que leurs
propagandistes dans les médias ont répondu par un torrent d'invectives
imbéciles versé sur la France -- dont la faute originelle n'était que
de vouloir habiller la guerre à venir de quelques oripeaux de légalité
internationale. Car la position de la France, jusque là, revenait à
tenter de rester dans les formes du droit international, rien de
plus. Mais l'équipe au pouvoir à Washington n'apprécie guère cet
effort. Son but est d'impressionner le monde et de lui dicter sa loi
par la force. Le droit international doit céder au droit du plus fort,
c'est la base du "nouvel ordre mondial" style Bush et compagnie.
Les dirigeants américains ont l'habitude de dire de celui qu'ils
veulent attaquer, qu'il "ne peut comprendre que la force". Plus
exactement, ils voudraient que les autres ne comprennent que la force,
car c'est le langage qu'eux, il maîtrisent. Ils veulent que la
démonstration soit faite que la force aura le dernier mot.
La crise irakienne fait ressortir une opposition dramatique entre
le droit international et le droit du plus fort. Le droit
international, dans la mesure où il serait universel, applicable à
tous de la même manière, est maintenant un obstacle que Washington
préfère écraser par la loi du plus fort -- sa loi à elle.

L'Illusion de la "Communauté internationale"

Pour la vieille Europe, et surtout pour la France, cette crise autour
de l'Irak devrait mettre fin à certaines illusions. La grande
illusion des années quatre-vingt dix était d'imaginer que l'immense
puissance militaire des Etats-Unis pouvait se laisser transformer en
instrument charitable pour accomplir les interventions "humanitaires"
souhaitées par les champions des droits l'homme devenus la conscience
d'une vague "communauté internationale". La référence constante à
cette "communauté internationale" avait deux fonctions idéologiques:
de masquer la destruction de l'autorité des Nations-Unies, et de
donner l'impression d'un certain multilatéralisme. Ce concept vague
s'applique surtout aux nations occidentales, supposées représenter la
conscience supérieure de l'humanité. En même temps, cette "communauté
internationale" correspondait, en réalité, à un "condominium impérial"
des puissances occidentales capitalistes qui, unies sur l'hégémonie
américaine, pourrait dominer le monde ensemble sans se détruire
mutuellement dans les guerres mondiales pour diviser les continents du
Sud. Cette "C.I.", communauté internationale ou condominium impérial,
imposerait un ordre "moral" au monde, basé sur les "valeurs",
notamment les "droits de l'homme".

La Continuité

En comparaison avec l'équipe Bush, ouvertement de plus en plus
criminelle, le monde risque d'éprouver une énorme nostalgie pour
l'administration Clinton, et de souhaiter le retour des Démocrates
comme les chrétiens de l'antiquité souhaitaient le retour du Christ.
Le multilatéralisme traditionnel des Démocrates sauvaient au moins les
apparences aux yeux des alliés européens, qui pouvaient jouer les
seconds rôles et payer la nôte avec un minimum de dignité.
Mais attention, s'il est vrai que d'abord l'électorat démocrate,
puis à un bien moindre degré les politiciens démocrates, sont comme on
dit là-bas plus "libéraux", c'est-à-dire plus sociaux, en ce qui
concerne la politique intérieure, il y a deux réserves à signaler:
pour la politique intérieure, tout se situe aujourd'hui largement à la
droite par rapport à la France... et deuxièmement, en ce qui concerne
la politique extérieure, c'est surtout l'emballage qui change. Dans
le fond, il y a une grande continuité, due à la logique d'un complexe
militaro-industriel surgonflé, et assurée par la petite élite de
spécialistes qui créent les projets de politique 

Mugabe speech at the NAM (Iraq, Colonialism, Sanctions) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-02-27 Thread petokraka78


[The Non-Aligned Movement voted recently in Kuala Lumpur to condemn US aggression on Iraq, demanded the end of the occupation in Palestine, and called for the lifting of US-EU-WorldBank-IMF sanctions on Zimbabwe among other resolutions. Here is the speech given by Cde. Robert Mugabe during the occasion.]

Text of Mugabe speech:


Date:25 February 2003 

The Chairman of NAM and Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Your Majesties, Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me begin by thanking our host Dato Seri Mohamad Mahathir, and through him, the people of Malaysia for the warm welcome and hospitality that has been ours to enjoy since our arrival to this dashing and beautiful city, Kuala Lumpur. 

In the same spirit may I also pay tribute to our outgoing chairman, President Thabo Mbeki, for so ably steering our organisation for the past four 'years, which period was quite eventful as President Mbeki rose to the challenges of world affairs thereby giving the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) a special place in the search for solutions towards a just international order. 

Zimbabwe joins others in welcoming Timor Leste and St. Vincent and the Grenadines as new members of the Non-Aligned Movement. As we grow in numbers so should we grow in our strength. 

The Non Aligned Movement came into being as an instinctual and pragmatic response to an era of dangerous rivalry in global affairs. The United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a deadly race in which the safety of our world from nuclear holocaust was said to be guaranteed by the deterrent value of Mutually Assured Destruction, known more aptly as MAD. The overarching doctrine was that those who were not superpowers or associates of the superpowers were not entitled to real choices. The bipolarity yielded the impulsion that you had to belong either to the United States or to the Soviet Union camp. Our Founding Fathers however resisted that impulsion and refused to join either of the camps opting for neutrality as they established the Non Aligned Movement which they based on the sound permanent values and moral norms that should govern international relations. 

Today, however, we find ourselves in a new era of unipolarity constituting a portentous juncture in the history of our Movement characterised by unilateralism -cum-hegemonism, supported by an interventionist military doctrine that bids the more powerful to impose their will on those who, like many of us, are weak. Colonialism now assumes a varied form, and seeks to garner in all of us of the Third World as we get globally villagised under false economic pretences. We are cheated to believe that we shall all be equals in that village, but are denied to assume military strength of the same magnitude as that of the western and more highly developed States. We dare not develop nuclear arms for this is a prerogative of only the big ones. Trade between rich and poor must be free and uninhibited, and no preferences or derogations will be tolerated in this global village governed by WTO norms. Politically our sovereignty will not have the same weight as that of big brother, and big brother has the right to determine the justice of our systems and not we his. As he likes, he can blatantly use his prejudice to determine and upset the validity of any of our elections and declare a validly elected President of a country illegitimate. 

But we must remain silent about the Presidential election fiasco of the United States whose votes failed to produce a winner until the USA Supreme Court, dominated by Republican judges, imposed Mr George Bush (Jr) as winner. And is it not ironical that Mr. Bush who was not elected should deny my legitimacy established by many observer groups from Africa and the Third World? Who should the world impose sanctions on, Robert Mugabe or George Bush? The fact of power has also become, to those who hold it the determinant of justice, morality and even legality. In other words the governing norms of our World have been greatly eroded. 

The United States awakened to the implications of being the sole Superpower, joined by Britain, as a born again Colonialist, and other Western countries have turned themselves into ferocious hunting bull dogs raring to go, as they sniff for more blood, Third World blood. We, their hunted game, are for slaughter. The Charter of the United Nations and its sacrosanct tenets of international peace, the sovereignty of nations and non interference in domestic affairs of States, are being desecrated by the day. Listen to the Voice of America, I mean the voice of President as captured by television media, and you will no doubt conclude that he is 

Fwd: [balkans] Query: Femal or Foreign soldiers in KLA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-16 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/16/02 2:28:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[balkans] Query: Femal or Foreign soldiers in KLA 
Date:10/16/02 2:28:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

hello everyone!

I'm looking for any information any of you may have regarding female or foreign soldiers who were members of the Kosovan Liberation Army (UCK).

Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, Lucy Maizels


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hello everyone!

I'm looking for any information any of you may have regarding female or foreign 
soldiers who were members of the Kosovan Liberation Army (UCK).

Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, Lucy Maizels

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State Dep'tmnt: Admit Turkey! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-10 Thread petokraka78


State Department Wants Turkey in EU

.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Department on Wednesday urged the European Union to move toward membership for Turkey as soon as possible.

Spokesman Richard Boucher said the Bush administration will continue to express this view to the EU until there is a final decision at a December summit in Denmark.

Boucher also welcomed the announcement by the EU's Executive Commission that eight Eastern European nations as well as Cyprus and Malta were ready for membership and will be invited to join in 2004.

The Commission, meeting in Belgium, remained silent on when to start entrance talks with Turkey, an EU candidate since 1999.

A Commission report said Turkey still failed to meet political and economic criteria and needs to clean up its human rights records.

Boucher said EU expansion is ``a positive and constructive process'' that broadens the zone of political stability and economic prosperity in Europe.

The United States, he said, long has believed that ``Turkey's future is in Europe. It's in the strategic interest of the United States and the European Union, Turkey and the European Union, that Turkey and the European Union build the closest possible relationship.''

He added: ``We support Turkey's aspirations to become a member of the European Union. We see the European Union's report as a positive step in that direction.''

At the Cyprus embassy, Ambassador Erato Kozakou Marcoullis said, ``It's a historic day for Cyprus, the same way it is a historic day for Europe - primarily for Europe because this is the continuation of the process for the unification of Europe.''

The ambassador said Turkey has a lot to do before gaining membership in the European Union. ``Certainly, Turkey knows that having a settlement in Cyprus would facilitate its own accession process toward the European Union,'' she said.

In 1974 Turkish troops seized control of part of the island country, which declared itself a separate state. The Greek Cypriot government in Nicosia has been trying unsuccessfully to reverse the takeover.

10/09/02 18:21 EDT

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Free Media in Serbia... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-08 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/7/02 3:03:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Serbian authorities block media reforms to keep down independent TV
station and prop up former Milosevic mouthpieces that now support them.

By Milanka Saponja Hadzic in Belgrade

Press groups close to Serbia's prime minister Zoran Djindjic have been
attacking the country's leading independent radio and television station
as part of a government drive to retain the virtual media monopoly it
inherited from the Milosevic regime.

The attacks began in mid-September, when the pro-government private
television stations BK and Pink used prime time news slots to accuse Radio
Television B92 bosses of privatising the company without the employees'
knowledge and to their disadvantage.

Belgrade media last week received unsigned letters allegedly written by
anonymous B92 employees accusing their bosses of abusing the company's
privatisation process. BK and Pink, the two largest private broadcasters
in Serbia, which were once very close to the Milosevic regime, quoted
these accusations in their leading news broadcasts.

In the latest salvo against the station on October 4, hundreds of posters
appeared overnight in Belgrade with the picture of Matic and the logo of
B92. Underneath it was written "Caught Stealing".

B92 editor Veran Matic dismissed the claims, and IWPR has seen a copy of
the minutes of a station staff meeting, in which it's clear that most
employees agreed with the method of privatisation proposed by the

Matic charged the authorities with attempting to block B92's from having
national coverage. Under American pressure, the authorities agreed two
months ago to allocate the station temporary frequencies, enabling its
television arm to cover 55 per cent of Serbian territory.

Media analysts believe the government is fighting to retain as much of the
press monopoly it inherited from Milosevic as it can, with independent
media such as B92 seen threatening this goal.

At home and abroad, the station is widely regarded as a symbol of
democracy and independence, and was repeatedly closed and banned by the
former regime.

TV Pink and BK Television, owned by owned by Zeljko Mitrovic and Bogoljub
Karic respectively, meanwhile acted as mouthpieces for Milosevic, only to
switch sides as soon as he was ousted.

The two stations are most important to the Serbian authorities as they
reach audiences well beyond Belgrade. Between them, their broadcasts
cover 90 per cent of Yugoslav territory, netting huge profits from

The Serbian government, in an attempt to preserve its media monopoly, is
dragging its feet over implementing some press reforms, including TV
frequency regulations and a system of public inspection. Many believe the
former was only adopted because it was a precondition for Yugoslavia's
accession to the Council of Europe.

As a consequence, the media that once served Milosevic have kept their
privileged positions and their national frequencies, while the stations
that fought hardest for democratic change are deliberately confined to a
limited viewing audience.

Matic said the situation was ironic, "The media that are an authentic part
of the democratic changes in this country and a symbol of independent
journalism are still being discriminated against because they don't have
radio and television frequencies."

In a separate development, the new authorities have done nothing to put a
stop to a wave of legal cases against reporters who fought against the
wars of the 1990s, the politics of hatred and are now campaigning for
professional journalistic standards.

Some 300 such cases are currently going through the courts, with many of
the reporters being sued by the former regime's associates and members of
the ruling coalition.

This month, for example, an official in Djindjic's Democratic Party,
Radoslav Ljubisavljevic, charged B92 with libel after the station reported
that he had been handed a two-year suspended sentence in 1994 for forgery
and abuse of power.

Ljubisavljevic did not dispute the report's facts, but sued B92 for
"mental anguish". "What really hurts Ljubisavljevic is the truth", the
Association of Independent Electronic Media commented.

Milka Saponja Hadzic is a freelance journalist in Serbia


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SERBIA: GOVERNMENT SEEKS MEDIA MONOPOLY.  Serbian authorities block media

Fwd: [anti-imperialiste] Srebrenica: le rapport dont on ne parle pas [WWW.STOPNA

2002-10-07 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/7/02 2:25:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Srebrenica: le rapport dont on ne parle pas
source : Balkans-Infos (The Gardian)
URL : http://www.lai-aib.org/lai/article_lai.phtml?section=A1ABBBACACACobject_id=15716

Balkans Analyses et dossiers Atrocités Srebrenica 

Srebrenica: le rapport dont on ne parle pas
L'enquête officielle hollandaise sur le massacre de Srebrenica en 1995 contient un des rapports les plus sensationnels jamais publiés sur les services de renseignements occidentaux. Les officiels ont été pétrifiés par les éléments révélés et le gouvernement hollandais a démissionné. Un de ses nombreux volumes est consacré aux activités clandestines durant la guerre de Bosnie au début des années 1990. Pendant cinq ans, le professeur Cees Wiebes de l'université d'Amsterdam a eu un accès illimité aux dossiers des services de renseignement hollandais et a parcouru les couloirs des états-majors des capitales européennes, ainsi que de Bosnie, posant des questions.

Ses découvertes ont été consignées dans Les services secrets et la guerre de Bosnie : 1992-1995. Ce rapport contient des documents remarquables sur des opérations secrètes, interceptions de messages, agents humains et doubles jeux de plusieurs dizaines de services dans une des plus sales guerres du nouveau désordre mondial. Maintenant nous avons l'histoire complète de l'alliance entre le Pentagone et les groupes islamistes radicaux du Moyen-Orient dans le but de venir en aide aux Bosniaques musulmans - pour certains les mêmes groupes que le Pentagone combat en ce moment dans la "guerre contre le terrorisme". Les opérations du Pentagone ont engendré leur propre "choc en retour".

Dans les années 1980, les services secrets de Washington ont assisté Saddam Hussein dans sa guerre contre l'Iran. Puis, en 1990, les Etats-Unis lui ont fait la guerre dans le Golfe. A la fois en Afghanistan et dans le Golfe, le Pentagone était débiteur des groupes islamistes et de leurs sponsors moyen-orientaux. En 1993, ces groupes, principalement soutenus par l'Iran et l'Arabie Saoudite, voulaient ardemment venir en aide aux Bosniaques musulmans combattant en Ex-Yougoslavie et ont rappelé ses dettes à l'Amérique.

Bill Clinton et le Pentagone tenaient à rester crédibles et s'en sont acquittés en montant une opération de style Iran-contra, en flagrante violation de l'embargo sur les armes décrété par le Conseil de sécurité à rencontre de tous les combattants en ex-Yougoslavie.

Le résultat fut une vaste filière de contrebande d'armes transitant par la Croatie, établie par les services secrets des Etats-Unis, de la Turquie et de l'Iran, ainsi que par un réseau de groupes islamistes radicaux, dont les moudjahidin afghans et le Hezbollah pro-iranien. Wiebes révèle que dès le début de la guerre, les services de renseignement britanniques ont obtenu des documents prouvant que l'Iran procédait à des livraisons directes.

Les armes achetées par l'Iran et la Turquie avec le soutien financier de l'Arabie Saoudite étaient
acheminées de nuit à partir du Proche-Orient. Au début étaient utilisés les avions d'Iran-Air, mais le volume augmentant, on y a ajouté une mystérieuse flotte d'avions C-130 Hercules noirs. Le rapport souligne que les USA étaient "fortement impliqués" dans ce pont aérien.

Les armes légères sont la monnaie courante de services secrets cherchant à influencer ce genre de conflits. Le volume d'armes arrivant par avion en Croatie a été énorme, en partie à cause de l'important "prélèvement de transit" des Croates qui écrémaient entre 20 et 50 % des livraisons. Le rapport souligne que tout ce commerce était évidemment illégal. Les Croates eux-mêmes ont obtenu des quantités massives d'armes d'Allemagne, de Belgique et d'Argentine - toujours en violation de l'embargo de l'ONU. Les services secrets allemands étaient parfaitement au courant de ce trafic.

Plus que la ClA, c'est le Pentagone dont le service secret était la force cachée derrière ces opérations. La force de protection de l'ONU, UNPRO-FOR, dépendait pour le renseignement des nations lui ayant fourni des troupes, mais surtout des capacités sophistiquées américaines de contrôle de l'embargo sur les armes. Ce qui permettait au Pentagone de manipuler l'embargo à sa guise, c'est-à-dire de s'assurer que les avions AWAC américains couvraient bien les secteurs essentiels et pouvaient ignorer les fréquentes allées et venues nocturnes à Tuzla.

Les armes arrivées par avion durant le printemps 1995 ont fait leur apparition, à peine quinze jours plus tard, dans l'enclave assiégée et "démilitarisée" de Srebrenica. Quand on s'est aperçu de ces livraisons, les Américains ont fait pression sur l'UNPROFOR pour que les rapports soient récrits, et quand des responsables norvégiens ont protesté contre les vols clandestins, ils ont été 

More on Popish Fascism... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-07 Thread petokraka78


Just some more facts on Opus Dei (i.e. "God's Work") and its founder, who are currently being cannonized by Pope Jean Paul II (the CIA pope, who has supported fundamentalist revivals in East Europe, was vigourously anti-communist, and cannonized Alozije Stepinac, the head of the Catholic Church during the clerical fascist puppet regime of Ante Pavelic in the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945)):

- Opus Dei was founded in 1928 and it was very warm - to say the very least - to the ascendent fascism of the era
- the organization is strongest in Latin America, it has been a central and secretive hub for Latin American military dictatorships, business and financial elites, and high-ranking personalities
- it is an elitist institution, with racialist undertones, and supremecist rhetoric
- the pope described Father Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer's teachings as "current and urgent"
- the Pope is known to sympathize with Opus Dei and it teachings, some accuse the organization of undue influence over the Pope and affairs in the Vatican (since it is considered marginal by most Catholics)
- those living in countries where Opus Dei has a strong presence - like Italy, Spain, and Latin America - accuse the organization of constantly attempting to exercise undue influence over both Church and State
- this week Mr. Aznar's right wing government has used state TV to eulogize Mr. Escriva, forcing one Socialist deputy to quip, "[this is] a clear example of what the PP [the Popular Party, led by Aznar] understands of public service: to broadcast a program as if we all vote for the PP, go to Mass and belong to Opus Dei"


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Fwd: Cannonizing Fascism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-06 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/6/02 7:16:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Kilibarda78 writes:

Subj:Cannonizing Fascism 
Date:10/6/02 7:16:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Pope Canonizes Opus Dei Founder

.c The Associated Press 

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Drawing one of the Vatican's largest-ever crowds, Pope John Paul II Sunday bestowed the honor of sainthood on the controversial founder of Opus Dei, a conservative Catholic organization whose rigorous defense of Church teaching has won the pontiff's favor.

Police said more than 300,000 people turned out for Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer's canonization, overflowing from St. Peter's Square and filling several city blocks toward the Tiber River.

Sainthood for the Spanish priest who founded the group in 1928 came just 27 years after his death - one of the shortest waiting times in the Vatican's history.

The swift canonization underscored John Paul's support for a group that critics say is too elitist, inculcates unthinking devotion among its followers and encourages secretive practices, including self-flagellation and the wearing of hair shirts.

Some Catholics, including some former Opus Dei members, contended Escriva was unworthy of sainthood because he was ill-tempered and arrogant.

Opus Dei insists Escriva's leadership qualities were sometimes misunderstood and rejects the claims of elitism. Escriva held that sainthood need not require extraordinary deeds but could also be achieved by carrying out everyday tasks well, from being a homemaker to being a lawyer.

Opus Dei - which is Latin for ``God's Work'' - has more than 80,000 members, most of them from the laity and many of them holding top jobs in professions such as law, medicine, media and banking. It is led by a core of celibate professionals who often live in the organization's residences around the world. Membership also includes married people.

John Paul, dismayed by the flagging faith of many rank-and-file Catholics, has been intrigued by the group for decades. On Sunday, he called Escriva's teaching ``current and urgent'' saying the new saint ``liked to reiterate with vigor that Christian faith opposes conformism and inner inertia.''

In apparent reference to criticism of Escriva, the pontiff rallied to Escriva's defense in his homily, read from the steps of St. Peter's Basilica.

``Certainly, incomprehension and difficulties aren't lacking for one intent on serving with fidelity the cause of the Gospel,'' said the pontiff.

``No one can or should feel excluded from Escriva's vision of Christian holiness,'' said the pope's spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, himself a prominent Opus Dei layman.

In 1982, four years after becoming pope, John Paul made clear his favor for Opus Dei when he gave it the status of a personal prelature, roughly a kind of international diocese that did not have to report to a local bishop.

Last year, John Paul chose one of his new cardinals from Opus Dei's ranks, Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima, Peru.

Many of those at the canonization came from Latin America, where Opus Dei has a strong foothold and where the Vatican is concerned about Catholics defecting to evangelical sects.

Making the pilgrimage from Fairfax Station, Va., was Austin Schmitt, an Opus Dei member who is deputy director of the Federal Maritime Commission in Washington, D.C.

``Today will help me to go back home and live the message of the saint to sanctify ordinary life,'' said Schmitt.

Criticism swirled around Escriva's figure in the years leading up to his 1992 beatification, the last formal step before sainthood. Saying they were unsure, two of the nine Vatian officials who ruled on Escriva's merits did not vote in favor of beatification.

Opus Dei's reputation for elitism started during the 1939-75 Spanish dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco. Many of the technocrats in his later governments belonged to the organization.

Many Vatican observers Sunday remarked upon the extreme composure and orderliness of the huge crowd, a sharp contrast to the deafening shouts of joy and jockeying for good views at the last previous big sainthood ceremony in St. Peter's Square, that of Italian monk Padre Pio in June.

In addition to honoring Escriva and Padre Pio, the ailing, 82-year-old John Paul is seen by many as determined to raise to sainthood another one of his favorite figures, Mother Teresa.

10/06/02 15:00 EDT


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Pope Canonizes Opus Dei Founder


Bosnia Elections [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-06 Thread petokraka78


Bosnian Serbs Struggle in Peacetime
.c The Associated Press 

PALE, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - In this mountain hamlet from where Radovan Karadzic once waged war, Bosnian Serbs are struggling to deal with the aftermath of peace.

The Serbs of Pale were throwing their support to nationalists like those of their former leader's party in Bosnian elections Saturday. But mired in poverty and stymied by a lack of opportunity, they were paying only lip service to the nationalist ideology.

What they talked about instead was finding jobs, putting food on the table - and finally getting past the economic limbo that settled over the area after the end of the 1992-1995 war.

``I don't think these elections will change anything,'' said Branislav Tesanovic, 35. ``When I wake up tomorrow, I still won't have a job. How am I to feed my kids?''

Tesanovic, who still wears the stained blue overalls from his factory days, and many others are disillusioned, unsure how to bring out the change that many so desperately crave.

The average monthly pay equals $70 - about three times less than in Sarajevo, a little more than 10 miles away. The cost of feeding a family of four is more than twice that amount - about $150. Most people simply don't pay the electricity bill.

The once prosperous Famos engines and military factory that employed 5,000 people is at a standstill. Few companies have expressed any interest in investment, scared off by the region's reputation and its history of being a seat of Serb nationalism.

What is certain is that the elections won't change the political mood. Only parties that espouse the strong nationalism that helped lead the region into war are on the ballot. Karadzic's hard-line national Serb Democratic Party is favored.

Although Karadzic - once the president of the Bosnian Serbs - has long gone underground to evade a handover to the U.N. tribunal that indicted him for genocide and war crimes in the 1992-95 Bosnian war, his spirit hovers over his former stronghold.

Pale's 17,000 residents, for example, treat Karadzic's wife, Ljiljana Zelen-Karadzic, with respect bordering on reverence.

When she appeared at her polling station, a line of voters parted to allow Zelen-Karadzic to pass, her long black cape flowing behind her. When asked why voters support her and her husband's party, she shook her head.

``I can't explain why,'' Zelen-Karadzic said. ``You should ask the voters that.''

Even if there were other options, many said they would still vote for the same old leaders.

When national television carried a video message from Secretary of State Colin Powell to the nation, urging voters to drop the policy of ethnic divisions and back reforms, Pale's Serbs ignored him - and took offense.

``Who is he (Powell) to tell me how to vote,'' said Aleksandar Cicovic, 35. ``Not a chance.''

Others said they were voting out of habit, even on the slim hope that things would improve.

Take Radojka Teletina, 48, lost her husband in the war. Her pension is late - by five months. She has nothing else to live on.

``Whoever comes to power,'' Teletina said. ``I just hope life will get better.''

Ljuba Ostojic and her husband, Novak, trekked up snow-dotted Mt. Jahorina to vote at a polling station close to the refugee shelter they have called home since 1995. To this couple in their mid-70s, peace meant having to accept that their son, Ljubisa, missing since the war, is likely dead.

He would have been 49 on Saturday, his mother said.

``For us, there is not much to hope for,'' Ljuba Ostojic said. ``But for other people's children, I can still hope.''
10/05/02 14:42 EDT

Hard-Liners Gain in Bosnia Elections
.c The Associated Press 

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - Nationalists made strong gains in Bosnia's first elections organized without Western help since the end of the 1992-95 war, according to partial preliminary results late Sunday.

The election commission said no races had been decided by Sunday night. It was unclear when complete preliminary results would be released.

Saturday's poll was a key test whether Bosnia's Muslims, Serbs and Croats could run their own affairs, and international observers said it adhered to international standards.

The West has warned that its support and foreign aid could be endangered if the winners were nationalists who espouse the same policies that sparked Europe's bloodiest conflict since World War II. More than 260,000 people were killed.

But partial, preliminary results indicated that hard-liners and nationalists would gain top positions.

A Serb nationalist, Mirko Sarovic, was poised to win the Serb spot on Bosnia's three-member multiethnic presidency. With 77 percent of the vote in that race tallied, he had won 38 percent. A reformist candidate had 25 percent of the vote.

Dragan Covic of the nationalist Croat Democratic Union was in a clear lead for the Croat 

Milosevic's Letter to Serbia's Opposition (August 2002) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-06 Thread petokraka78


Unofficial Translation of Milosevic's Letter to the Opposition as Reported in the Montenegrin daily DAN [incl. facsimile of original text] (August 12th, 2002)

On the occasion of the upcoming elections in Serbia, I believe that the entire opposition block should come out united for the elections - presenting a joint candidate.

The embryo of this block should be composed of those three parties that constituted the Government of National Unity until 2000 and that while in that government, and in other ways, during the war defended the country. During the time of the bombings the leaders of these parties where to be found inside Serbia and where at the disposal of the people and citizens.

Those parties, that is to say their representatives, should gather around them all other opposition parties, that is to say all those parties and individuals that are patriotically oriented and that have the same attitude towards the politics of the current government in Serbia.

In this sense I believe that, for these elections, the candidacy of Vojislav Seselj should be supported as the joint candidate of patriotically oriented opposition parties and individuals.

To put forward more candidates at this moment, particularly those belonging to the strongest opposition parties, would result in the division of votes, which would only allow the present puppet regime to manipulate the forthcoming election results.

Currently the main interests of the people and the state lies in dismantling this puppet government. This interest must come before the narrow interests of any one party. And especially must come before anyone's vanity (collective or individual - regardless).

Until Victory,
The Hague, August 10th
The Year 2002



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Srebrenica Report... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-05 Thread petokraka78


Hey all,

here's a report prepared by some of the statisticians at the ICTY who worked on the 
Krstic case.  They claim that their minimum estimate of those missing is around 7,500. 
 Of course you have to read on to see the following:

Approximately 1,900 bodies Srebrenica-related have been exhumed so far but only about 
70 of them have been identified. Almost all of these appear on our list of 
Srebrenica-related missing persons. The age distributions of the Srebrenica-related 
missing persons and the exhumed bodies are very similar (figure 4), indicating that 
the exhumed bodies are a random sample of the persons assumed to be killed after the 
fall of the enclave. It is not surprising that there are some differences between the 
two distributions, however, considering both the sample variance and the uncertainties 
involved in estimating the age of an exhumed body, especially since the estimates are 
often based on fragments of bodies found in secondary graves. Nevertheless, the 
relatively close correspondence supports a conclusion that the missing people are 

Assuming that all the bodies are those of Bosniac males (and none belong to those 
Serbs killed by Oric and his men), the amount of exhumed bodies falls closer to the 
2,000-2,500 range claimed by the Republic of Srpska authorities who claim these men 
where killed in combat than NATO's estimate of 7500.  This leaves about 5000 
unaccounted for in the ICTYs figures.  If we take into consideration the 5000 men who 
appeared in Tuzla and the 3000 that voted after Dayton, as well as the 850 that fled 
to Yugoslavia, this means around 6000-9000 men survived the enclaves fall (6-9000 b/c 
of potential overlap between those who appeared in Tuzla and FRY and those who voted). 
 This portion would explain the fall from 15,000 dead reported in the press after the 
enclaves fall, to 7,000 or 8,000 missing in news reports on the enclave. Therefore 
there is still 5000 unaccounted for in either mass-graves or having appeared elswhere. 
 According to the tribunal these are men who have remained missing even after we 
factor in the amount that showed up elsewhere.  Some questions pose themselves:

- what was the population of men in the enclave before it fell? [the pop. of the 
enclave has been quoted as 25-30,000, can we assume that half of the population where 
men? or where there other factors that led to some sort of gender disparity?]
- of these men how many where armed? [estimates on this question run between 1500-5000]

These questions may help us determine what the gender structure was before the 
enclaves fall and compare it to the current one.  Press reports repeatedly claim that 
4000-5000 bodies are lying in Tuzla waiting for identification, although nobody has 
seen these bodies (some of the exumed are in Tuzla morgue, but these are already 
counted in the 1,900 exumed).  These are all very difficult questions and the answers 
aren't coming.  The very difficulty in establising the truth about Srebrenica, should, 
of course, however cast doubt on the official story.



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Boucher cheers Plavsic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


U.S. Applauds War Crimes Guilty Plea

.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States on Thursday applauded the guilty plea of a Bosnian Serb political leader indicted for war crimes, and called on others wanted for war crimes to surrender themselves for trial.

The guilty plea by Biljana Plavsic should serve as an example for former Yugoslav officials to ``examine themselves'' and ``accept their responsibility,'' said State Department spokesman Richard Boucher. He referred specifically to military commander Gen. Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, to whom Plavsic was closely associated.

Plavsic pleaded guilty to one count of crimes against humanity. Prosecutors at the U.N. war crimes tribunal dropped seven other charges, including genocide.

``We hope that her important step in expressing full and unconditional remorse for the harm that was done to innocent victims of the conflict will contribute to the reconciliation process in the region,'' Boucher said.

The United States will continue its pursuit of Mladic, Karadzic and other fugitives being sought by the international tribunal for Yugoslavia, Boucher said. ``We haven't succeeded yet, but the operative word is 'yet.' We intend to get them,'' Boucher said.

Twenty-three people are wanted by the tribunal for war crimes, and 26 are in pretrial proceedings, Boucher said. Twelve are currently on trial. The court has convicted 28 people, six of whom pleaded guilty, and acquitted five. Charges against 17 people were dismissed or withdrawn.

``They continue to add to the totals, and they get closer and closer to bringing to justice all of the people who need to be brought to justice,'' Boucher said.

10/03/02 15:54 EDT

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Hey Kids, Soros Offers to Exploit You! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 3:18:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[balkans] CfA: LGI, Research Interns Spring - Summer 2003, Budapest 
Date:10/4/02 3:18:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

 Call for LGI Research Interns
 Spring-Summer 2003
 Application deadline: December 1, 2002

 LGI is currently accepting applications for its research internship
program. Interns will work on a voluntary basis at the LGI office (located
in the Budapest headquarters of the Open Society Institute) in a diverse,
challenging and exciting environment on various topics related to local
public policy development, decentralization, public service reform, and
multi-ethnic community management. Interns will contribute to LGI research
and publications and participate in a variety of projects addressing the
Central-Eastern European, Southeast European and Central Asian regions. The
internship cycle will last for a period of four - six months depending on
the availability of selected applicant.

 The next deadline for submitting application is December 1, 2002 for
the period of Spring-Summer 2003 (March 1 -August 31 2003).

 Interns must have excellent writing, research and communication
skills and must hold at least a BA degree (MA desirable) in an area related
to public policy or political science. Interns should be knowledgeable about
the Eastern European region, Southeastern Europe or Central Asia, able to
work independently and computer literate. Familiarity with online research
and a commitment to working in the region are a bonus.

 As the official language of LGI/OSI is English, excellent written
and oral skills are essential.

 Application Process:
 All applications must include the following materials:
* Resume/CV
* Cover letter explaining the applicant's qualifications and
motivation in applying for the internship.
* The names and contact information (e-mail and telephone numbers) of
two references familiar with your academic or written work.
* An English language writing sample (e.g. publication) no longer than
5 pages in length.

 The deadline for applications for the spring- summer 2003 internship
is October December 1, 2002. Applicants will be notified by December 15,
2002, and will be expected to begin working in Budapest by March 1, 2003.

 (Next deadlines for application in 2003: March 1, 2003 for the
period of fall 2003 and October 15 for the period of Spring 2004)

 LGI is unfortunately unable to provide compensation for its interns,
and encourages prospective applicants to seek outside sources of funding.

 For further information on the Internship Program, please contact
Scott Abrams at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For further information on LGI please, visit our website at


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Call for LGI Research Interns
Spring-Summer 2003
Application deadline: December 1, 2002

LGI is currently accepting applications for its research internship
program. Interns will work on a voluntary basis at the LGI office (located
in the Budapest headquarters of the Open Society Institute) in a diverse,
challenging and exciting environment on various topics related to local
public policy development, decentralization, public service reform, and
multi-ethnic community management. Interns will contribute to LGI research
and publications and participate in a variety of projects addressing the
Central-Eastern European, Southeast European and Central Asian regions. The
internship cycle will last for a period of  four - six months depending on
the availability of selected applicant.

The next deadline for submitting application is December 1, 2002 for
the period of  Spring-Summer 2003 (March 1 -August 31 2003).

Interns must have excellent writing, research and communication
skills and must hold at least a BA degree (MA desirable) in an area related
to public policy or political science. Interns should be knowledgeable about
the Eastern European region, Southeastern Europe or Central Asia, able to
work independently and computer literate. Familiarity with online research
and a commitment to working in the region are a bonus.

As the official language of LGI/OSI is English, excellent written
and oral skills are essential.

Application Process:
All applications must include the following materials:
*   Resume/CV
*   Cover letter explaining the applicant's qualifications and


2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 4:03:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Chers compatriotes, 

 Voici l'appel de détresse venant de Maniema à faire lire. 

 Mesdames, Messieurs, 

 Nous vous écrivons pour demander, chacun à son niveau, de faire quelque chose pour dénoncer et arrêter le drame que vivent en ce moment les populations civiles du Maniema à l'Est de la RDCongo. La situation est grave, raison pour laquelle nous vous demandons vivement de taire nos identités, c'est à dire la source si non nous subirons, nous et nos familles, des représailles graves de la part du RCD dont la répression devient une arme pour faire taire toute forme d'opposition, actes devant lesquels la communauté internationale garde un silence complice, comme le cas des massacres de Kisangani! On est même tente de croire que le RCD a recu de quelque part une mission d'exterminer les populations civiles. Au Maniema et plus particulièrement à Kindu, chef-lieu de cette province, depuis le retrait des troupes rwandaises, le RCD-Goma, représente par deux de ses officiers militaires:Bernard Biamungu (commandant 8 brigade) et Gabriel AMISI Tango-Fort (Chef d’état major général adjoint),les mêmes qui ont massacre des civils à Kisangani, tuent au quotidien à Kindu et sa périphérie et des milliers des familles sont endeuillées et certaines familles entières sont décimées soupçonnées de collaborer avec les mai-mai. Dès leur arrivée à Kindu avec comme mission de taquer les mai-mai, les deux officiers rebelles ont installé une terreur sans nom. Durant trois jours (29-30-31aout) Gabriel Amissi dit Tango-Fort va déclarer à la radio locale de Kindu que toute la population de Kindu est mai-mai et par conséquent à traiter comme tel. Ces propos ont ainsi ouvert la voie au dérapage car il suffit seulement d'être soupçonné pour être carrément exécute. Il suffit d'être dans une famille ou avoir un ancien ami qui aujourd'hui est mai-mai pour être exécuté. Il suffit d'avoir un litige banal avec quelqu'un du RCD,pour recevoir l'étiquette de mai-mai pour être exécuté par la suite. 

L’échec des négociations RCD/Mai-mai du 19/9/2002 inaugure l'intensification de la répression. La mort d'un militaire du RCD est la goutte qui va s'ajouter au vase plein des rebelles et le fameux TANGO-FORT va résolument porter les gants contre la population 
civile de Kindu. Il passera à la radio locale pour déverser toute sa colère en vantant publiquement ses exploits de Kisangani et sur les antennes de cette radio dont les émetteurs FM ont été offerts par le RCD,il demande à la population civile de bien 
 s'informer sur ce qu'il a réalisé à Kisangani et malgré les bruits de la communauté internationale rien ne lui est arrive, a-t-il martelé. Des villages périphériques vont être incendies par les troupes rebelles: Shoko, Lokala, Kulu. 7-8-9km route Kasongo... 

Des civils vont être arrêtés et lâchement abattus : 

Mr Rashidi Kalindi, 17ans fils du feu Kalindi, ancien agent de la SNCC lui-même abattu par l'Apr le 12/10/1998.Rashidi a été enterre à cote du bureau de 
 l'Assemblée Provinciale, Mme Fatuma abattue dans le quartier Lokole par le soldat du RCD. 
Un prétendu mai-mai capture par le RCD sur l'avenue Okenge/commune de Kasuku sera lâchement abattu. 
-Le 21/9 prenant tout le monde pour mai-mai, l'armée du RCD va tuer sur ordre de TANGO-FORT plusieurs personnes civiles qui revenaient des champs dans les quartiers Tokolote et Brazza :me Séraphine Tcheusi avec grossesse à terme (av Carrière N° 43), Mr Mbilizi Musema, Directeur de l'école primaire Lubinga (av.Carriere n*20) et son fils Ngolombe Mazambi, âgé de 17 ans, Mr Wenga Vincent pasteur de l'église Celpa, Mr Diongo ancien Directeur d'école. Ce sont ces corps qui ont été retrouves sur le lieu avant le bouclage du lieu par les militaires du RCD.Certaines sources affirment que d'autres corps ont été enterrés précipitamment par ces militaires. 
Le 22/9 dans les quartiers Brazza et Tokolote, trois membres du RCD/local (Cyrille Ngandu, Okoko Wenendja et Longamba) et le policier MENDA AMANI conduisent une 
 expédition punitive et tuent plusieurs personnes notamment : Mme Henriette Kepoke mère de 4 Enfants, épouse de Mr Bala Lobilo. Elle était une vendeuse des gibiers, groupe accusé par le RCD de vendre des produits provenant de milieux sous contrôle de mai-mai, par conséquent collaborateurs des ces derniers, Mr Lambert OKOKO, enseignant à l'école primaire Ndjiapanda, marié et père de trois 
 enfants, Mr Tokoko Wale, marié et père de trois enfants et vendeurs au marché de Kindu, un autre groupe accusé d'approvisionner les mai-mai, Mr KONGOLO, 7 ans, jeune frère de TOKOKO Wale; les deux ont été tues à domicile et rapidement enterrés par les militaires, Mrs UNGANDA MUSA Émile, UNGANDA NUMBI et YUWAKALI Longema tous trois 

Fwd: FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!! 
Date:10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

to unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PleaseStopMailingMe
please forward this message to any interested people
if you know of someone else who would be interested in receiving news and updates on Native/indigenous resistance in "Western Canada" and throughout Turtle Island, please forward me their email address

i just got this email after sending out the last email and thought people should read this because it goes into more detail about the raid by INSET, the RCMP and others. this is really serious shit that's going down and is reflective of what's happening all over North Amerikkka in the post Sept 11th world. In August, animal rights activist, David Barbarash, had his house in Courtenay, Vancouver Island raided and trashed by INSET, the RCMP and other agencies. For the kkkanadian and u$ governments, resistance=terrorism. We have to support our sisters and brothers who are being targetted, harrassed and persecuted.

From: "James Ward" 

Hey Eveyone, 
I am writing to inform you of a very serious recent event. 
After a summer of intelligence probes from CSIS (Canadian Security 
Intelligence Service, Canada's spy agency), the Soliciter General's 
Office and possibly British Columbia's RCMP AEU (Aboriginal 
Extremist Unit) the Canadian government has decided to label and 
attack Indigenous resistence as Terrorism. 
Last week Canada's INSET (Intergrated National Security Enforcement 
Team, the new Anti-terrorist team created after Sept 11th to hunt 
down and destroy terrorists) raided one of the West Coast Warrior's 
homes. The conducted a forced entry raid using the RCMP ERT 
(Emergency Response Team, similiar to American SWAT Teams). They 
conducted a 3 hour search on the premises and didnt find anything. 
It was a misguided and failed operation. 
Later that day more individuals associated with the warrior society 
were questioned. 
By evening, INSET approached another West Coast Warriors and 
aggressively questioned him at his residence creating and provoking 
a potentially explosive situation. 
The following morning, INSET tracked down and questioned another 
member of the West Coast Warriors and questioned him. 
During all of the questioning there was continuing use of 
intimidation tactics with indirect threat to the Warrior's children 
and spouces. 
One of the INSET officers made sure that the Warriors were aware of 
there ever present surviellance by telling himwe know all your 
guys, were everyone lives, what vehicle each one of you drives and 
we are watching you all the time... 
All indigenous people should be very concerned about this tactic of 
the Canadian state targeting and labelling Indigenous resistence as 
terrorism. It is important to understand that Warrior Societies have 
never conducted a terrorist act. When have you heard of a Warrior 
Society that has hijacked a plane, a bus or a train? Warrior 
Societies haven't blown up state institutions, military complexes, 
children's schools, or shopping malls. Warrior Societies have not 
attempted to assassinate key political figures or judges or used 
sniper attacks on any civillians. Warrior Societies have not 
kidnapped anyone or taken anyone hostage. Warrior Societies have not 
targeted non-combatants for any kind of terrorist activity and the 
targeting of non-combatants is the key to defining terroist action. 
So why has the Canadian governemnt labelled Indigenous Warrior 
Socities as terrorist? 
Despite all the government and media hype terrorism does not mean 
that you, as a non nation-state, are simply an "enemy of the state" 
as the Canadian government would have you believe(under the new 
Anti-terrorist legislation that basically means you have a different 
political agenda than the government). The definition of terrorism 
is far more specific than that. Terrortism is a military strategy 
with specific tactics. Terrorism targets non-combatants for 
extremely violent or contreversial military type action to 
"terrorize" the population so it becomes alienated from government 
control. The more shocking the military action the more media 
covergae the terrorsit will recieve. Media becomes an invaluable 
tool of the terrorist to broadcast the terrorist action to a wider 
audience and terrorize more people into doing what the terrorist 
Clearly Indigenous Warriors are NOT terrorist. Terrorism is not the 
strategy of any Warrior Society nor do they employ any type of 
terrorist tactics. The Canadian governments targeting of Indigenous 
Warrior Societies as terrorist is a horrific abuse of the 
Anti-terrorist legislation. 
This tactic of abusing legislation as a means of 

Building up Plavsic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-03 Thread petokraka78


[Well, it is interesting to see the spin that the NYT has put on the Milosevic trial. More interesting is the attempt to build up Plavsic's persona by portraying her as an upstanding individual ready to come clean. Plavsic was always an uncompromising racist (forwarding crude biological theories on the inferiority of Bosnian Muslims), pro-American dupe and rabidly anti-Milosevic (who in her mind was hopelessly "red"). She headed the Banja Luka regime in 1996-1997 that supressed the generalized Serbian uprising against NATO occupation in Bosnia (the main weapons where rocks, as some SDS leaders loyal to Karadzic even urged the Serbs to adopt the techniques of the first Palestinian intifadah!). Plavsic was aslo instrumental in ensuring NATO control over the airwaves in the RS, during the dramatic struggle over who would control radio and tv relay stations in the Republic during the same period. She represents that section of Serbian leaders - and their followers - who revel in playing the role of ultranationalist slaves to fascist fuckhead imperialists, from Stojadinovic, ZBOR, and the Nedic regime during the 1930s and 1940s - and I might add fascist Chetnik faction leaders like Ljotic (southern Serbia) and Djurisic (Montenegro), to todays neoliberal fascisms of Plavsic, Dodik, Djindjic, Djukanovic, Draskovic, etc. It is worth remembering Milosevic's words during that famous "meeting" in April 24-25, 1987 when he was sent by the Communist Party to listen to the complaints of Kosovo's minorities, which were facing a campaign of persecution. The meeting lasted well into the night (this quote came after he had made the statement that "the police cannot beat the people" outside the building, and everyone had returned to the hall to continue the debate):

"[W]e must not allow that the tragedies of the people are exploited by the nationalists [here he is specifically refering to Serbian nationalists], against whom every honest man must offer their opposition. We must preserve brotherhood and unity as we do the pupils in our eyes. Because only through this, even today when brotherhood and unity is under attack, can we win. Neither do we want, nor can we divide people into Serbs and Albanians, but we must make a division between honest and progressive people who are fighting for broherhood and unity and national equality on the one hand, and the nationalists and those who are for counter-revolution on the other. Friends, if we don't create and strenghten that front, there will be no Kosovo, no Serbia and no Yugoslavia." (Slobodan Milosevic, "Godine Raspleta" 1990, p.140)]

In a message dated 10/3/02 3:34:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bosnia Serb Leader Pleads Guilty to The Hague 

Biljana Plavsic became the first high official to express
remorse publicly for the war and bloodshed in the Balkans.

Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Enters Guilty Plea to The Hague


HE HAGUE, Oct. 2 — A Bosnian Serb leader today became the first high official to plead guilty of crimes against humanity and to express remorse publicly for the war and bloodshed in the Balkans. 

The decision by the official, Biljana Plavsic, the former Bosnian Serb president, opens the door for her potentially crucial testimony against Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of Yugoslavia, or other leaders involved in the 1992-95 Bosnian war. 

As part of the plea agreement, all other charges against Mrs. Plavsic, who was not in court for her plea, will be dropped, including genocide. Immediately after her guilty plea, her lawyer at the war crimes tribunal in The Hague said that no deal had been made involving her sentence or testimony. But under court rules, Mrs. Plavsic can be compelled to testify. 

Eugene O'Sullivan, co-counsel to Mrs. Plavsic, said in a statement that "by accepting responsibility and expressing her remorse fully and unconditionally," she hoped to offer some consolation to the victims of the Bosnian war, Muslim, Croat and Serb. Many thousands were killed or imprisoned and uncounted others were driven from their homes. He added that she understood "that she is subjecting herself to a possible sentence of life imprisonment."

The unexpected guilty plea compounded the day's exceptional events at the tribunal. Indeed, it seemed timed to take advantage of the unusually large presence in The Hague of reporters and television crews from the former Yugoslavia to watch the duel of two aging Balkan leaders.

For earlier, in the same courtroom, Mr. Milosevic, the jailed former Serbian strongman, and Stjepan Mesic, the current Croatian president, spent the morning sparring. 

Today it was Mr. Milosevic's turn to cross-examine Mr. Mesic, a day after Mr. Mesic testified against Mr. Milosevic, repeatedly accusing him of blocking all political solutions and provoking the 

Steiner's Ultimatum to Kosovo Minorities! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-02 Thread petokraka78


[After numerous failed attempts to impose NATO authority over the whole of Kosovska Mitrovica - including attempted arrests of prominent leaders - and the continued inspired non-violent resistance of Kosovo's minorities, Michael Steiner has issued an ultimatum to those opposing NATO/KLA hegemony: shape up or ship out!]

U.N. Official Outlines Kosovo Plan
.c The Associated Press 

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - The top U.N. official in Kosovo has outlined a plan to integrate a northern town that remains an ethnic flashpoint three years after the war here ended.

Kosovska Mitrovica, about 25 miles north of the provincial capital Pristina, is divided into a predominantly Serb part north of the Ibar River and an ethnic Albanian part south of the river.

The bridges separating those sectors are guarded by NATO-led peacekeepers.

There have been frequent ethnic clashes in the city as well as attacks on U.N. authorities and the peacekeepers.

Michael Steiner, who heads the U.N. mission in Kosovo, told an audience of young Serbs Tuesday about a plan aiming to bring the Serb part of town under U.N. authority. Currently, that area is controlled by Serb political structures, and Serb hardline leaders there resist U.N. authority.

``You ... are faced with a choice: stagnation or change,'' Steiner said in a speech broadcast on public television.

Kosovo, formally part of Yugoslavia, has been administered by the United Nations and NATO-led peacekeepers since June 1999, when the alliance bombed Yugoslav forces to stop their crackdown on the separatist ethnic Albanian majority.

Steiner's plan includes measures to prevent ethnic Albanians from overrunning the Serb area - something Serbs fear would happen if the city is integrated.

The plan also aims to improve policing and to create a joint, decentralized government.

Steiner described the Serb half of Mitrovica as a lawless area with no jobs and no future. He said a donor's conference would be held to attract investment and officials would prioritize the return of Serbs who fled the province after the war in fear of reprisals by ethnic Albanians.

``It's time to do something,'' he said. ``If we just leave things as they are, they will slide even further. We need to stop this slide.''

Steiner cautioned that his integration plan could not work unless Serbs participate in the Oct. 26 local elections.

Serb leaders in Kosovo have not yet decided whether to participate, citing the lack of security and of progress in returning displaced Serbs.

``Let's be clear: the prospects that I have outlined presuppose political participation,'' Steiner said. ``Without the participation in the elections now, the Serb community will have excluded itself from political life for the next four years.''

The United Nations wants the election to create a multiethnic city assembly.

The 2000 municipal elections were boycotted by Kosovo's Serb minority but the community participated last year after international pressure and the drafting of a plan giving them wide participation in the provincial parliament.
10/02/02 03:23 EDT

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Latest in Plavsic Case [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-02 Thread petokraka78


[Plavsic, who was the most extreme right-wing element in the SDS during the Bosnian war, and was the closest to the USA in facilitating and maintaining NATO occupation (as well as putting down local Serb resistance to this), is further handled with kid-gloves for her role in promoting inter-ethnic conflict in Bosnia, in exchange for her testimony against Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic!]

Serb Pleads Guilty to War Crimes
.c The Associated Press 

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Bosnian Serb wartime leader Biljana Plavsic, one of the highest-ranking suspects at the U.N. war crimes tribunal, pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count of crimes against humanity.

Plavsic, 72, has been named as a possible witness against other leading suspects, such as former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, now on trial for genocide and war crimes in the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

Speaking by video-link from a tribunal office in Yugoslavia, Plavsic said: ``I plead guilty'' to the crime of persecution.

After Plavsic changed her plea, prosecutors dropped all other charges against her.

Plavsic, who surrendered to the U.N. tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in January 2001 and was released on her own recognizance, had pleaded innocent to eight counts of war crimes, including genocide, relating to her alleged role in Bosnia's 3 1/2-year war.

The panel of three U.N. judges ruled that Plavsic could remain free until she is summoned for sentencing.

``Mrs. Plavsic, we are taking a wholly exceptional course in your case and for reasons of security we shall continue your provisional release,'' said presiding judge Richard May. But that decision, he cautioned, should not be seen as ``any indication as to the sentence to be passed.''

Plavsic, the only woman indicted by the court, was vice president of the Bosnian Serbs' self-declared republic during the war, led by her ally Radovan Karadzic. Plavsic joined Karadzic in rejecting a multiethnic independent Bosnia, fueling the Bosnian conflict.

She has denied allegations that she ordered the execution of thousands of Muslims and Croats in an ``ethnic cleansing'' campaign during the 1992-1995 war. During the war, Plavsic allegedly backed Serb purges of other ethnic groups and was seen visiting troops at the front lines.

After the war, she succeeded Karadzic as the president of the Bosnian Serb half of Bosnia, known as Republika Srpska.

But Plavsic later broke with Karadzic, believing that cooperation with the United States and its allies was the best way to guarantee a future for the Bosnian Serbs. Karadzic has been indicted on the same charges but remains at large.

Plavsic was released in September 2001 after nine months of detention at the U.N. facility outside The Hague after Yugoslavia guaranteed she would return for trial.

Some 200,000 people were killed during the Bosnian war. A peace agreement divided the country into the Muslim-Croat federation and the Bosnian Serb republic, each with its own governments but linked on the federal level.

Since the tribunal started operating in 1994, only two other indictees, both Bosnian Serbs, pleaded guilty.

Goran Jelisic, known as the ``Serb Adolf,'' was sentenced in 1998 to 40 years imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to 31 counts of war crimes, but ``not guilty'' to genocide. Another Bosnian Serb, Drazen Erdemovic, also pleaded guilty and was sentenced in 1996 to 10 years in jail.

The U.N. court has publicly indicted 77 Serb, Croat and Muslim suspects, 55 of whom are in proceedings. Another 22, including Karadzic and his wartime military commander Gen. Ratko Mladic, remain at large.

Momcilo Krajisnik, another Bosnian Serb wartime leader and a co-defendant in Plavsic's case, remains in custody.

10/02/02 10:09 EDT

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Charges laid against Perisic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-01 Thread petokraka78


3 Yugoslavs Charged With Spying

.c The Associated Press 

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Military prosecutors on Monday formally charged a former Yugoslav army chief with spying for the United States.

Gen. Momcilo Perisic, who served under Slobodan Milosevic before joining the pro-democracy forces that ousted the Yugoslav president, was arrested in March for allegedly passing military secrets to a U.S. diplomat.

Perisic denied the allegations and said he was the victim of a power struggle among Yugoslav leaders. Just days after being briefly detained, he resigned as deputy prime minister of Serbia, the dominant Yugoslav republic.

On Monday, Perisic and two others were charged with espionage, the state-run Tanjug news agency reported, citing a statement released by military prosecutors. If convicted, the three face between three and 15 years in jail.

Perisic's spokesman, Nebojsa Mandic, said the arrests were political and that Perisic was the innocent victim of a feud between Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

The three charged were arrested in March in a motel near Belgrade along with the then first secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, John Neighbor.

Washington denied the spying allegations and protested Neighbor's detention. The diplomat left the country shortly after being released.

Yugoslav army intelligence has said the documents passed by Perisic were ``relevant for the defense of the country.''

Djindjic has sought to protect Perisic, saying Kostunica's administration and some generals were ``out of control'' and that Perisic had been put under electronic surveillance illegally.

No date has been set for the trial.

09/30/02 13:56 EDT

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Liar in Extremis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-01 Thread petokraka78


[Remember, Mesic is the man who authored the book "How We Destroyed Yugoslavia" and vowed upon assuming the position of the President of the Presidency of the Yugoslav federation that he would be "Yugoslavia's last president"!!]

Croat Chief Testifies Vs. Milosevic
.c The Associated Press 

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Croatian President Stipe Mesic calmly testified at Slobodan Milosevic's genocide trial Tuesday, saying the former Serb leader was ``doing everything to destroy'' Yugoslavia while claiming he wanted to save the nation.

Mesic was the first head of state to appear in the former Yugoslav leader's landmark U.N. proceedings.

``What he (Milosevic) was interested in was a 'greater Serbia' that would be created on the ruins of the former Yugoslavia,'' Mesic said. ``Milosevic said he was fighting for Yugoslavia, but he was doing everything to destroy it,'' he said.

Mesic, the last chairman of the rotating Yugoslav presidency, added new detail on the tense run-up to nearly a decade of warfare that erupted with Croatia's war of independence in 1991.

Milosevic, 61, faces 66 counts of war crimes during the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, 61 of them for the wars in Croatia and Bosnia for which he is now on trial.

Before Mesic walked into the courtroom, Milosevic blamed the Croat leader for Yugoslavia's downfall.

``This witness is problematic in every way because of his criminal role in destroying Yugoslavia,'' Milosevic said.

Mesic, 67, sat a few feet from Milosevic in the witness stand and avoided eye contact with the accused as he dryly answered questions from U.N. prosecutors about Milosevic's prewar policies.

Mesic accused Milosevic of intentionally setting off ethnic violence in Croatia in order to create a nation for the Serbs that incorporated large portions of Bosnia. Serbia is the dominant republic in Yugoslavia.

``The Serbs in Croatia were needed to ignite the fuse, in order for the war to be transferred to Bosnia and Herzegovina,'' Mesic said.

Mesic said Milosevic - the Serbian president at the time - took control of the Yugoslav federal budget, funded by all member states, and used the National Bank to finance Serb forces in Croatia and later Bosnia.

Milosevic transformed the Yugoslav army into a force loyal to the Serb cause, Mesic said, prompting Croatia to cut payments to what Mesic said had become ``an aggressor against Croatia ... sided with Milosevic.''

Mesic testified about a meeting in March 1991 where Milosevic and Croatia's late President Franjo Tudjman are said to have secretly discussed dividing Bosnia.

Although Mesic wasn't at the meeting, he said Tudjman later told him that Milosevic had suggested he ``take'' Croat-populated lands in southwestern Bosnia.

``Events on the ground later showed that the plans from that meeting were taking action in Bosnia,'' Mesic said, as Bosnian Serbs and Croats occupied land and proclaimed it their own.

In Tuesday's hearings, Mesic reviewed the minutes of a meeting of Yugoslavia's rotating presidency in July 1991 at which he warned that Milosevic intended to conquer Croatia.

``That can happen only through a horrible war and in blood - Croatia will never relinquish a centimeter of its land to Serbia,'' he said at the meeting.

Mesic is expected to testify for two days about unsuccessful negotiations among ex-Yugoslav leaders intended to stave off war when Croatia declared independence in 1991.

He can give firsthand accounts of the Balkan politics that fueled the disintegration of the former six-state federation and Milosevic's alleged role in the region's ethnic bloodletting.

Last week, in the opening statement for the Bosnia-Croatia phase of the trial, Milosevic, who is defending himself, rejected prosecution charges that he masterminded a plan to purge non-Serbs from Serb-dominated areas of Croatia and Bosnia.

Milosevic was indicted by the U.N. tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in May 1999, becoming the first head of state to be charged for war crimes while in office.

10/01/02 11:29 EDT

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Re: [anti-imperialiste] Milosevic Says Srebrenica Was a Plot to Frame the Ser...

2002-09-28 Thread petokraka78


Some things to keep in mind about Srebrenica:

1) The story of the French-connection with respect to Srebrenica is old. Remember that after the NATO aggression Yugoslav forces arrested four members of the "Spider" group, which was a group of French foreign legionaires of Yugoslav origin that had been active for the Quai D'Orsay in Algeria (staging massacres that were blamed on Islamists), in Congo (defending the Mobutu regime), in Srebrenica (staging another massacre), and in attempts to eliminate KLA commander Remi in Kosovo (who for one reason or another is a thorn in NATO's side, as witnessed by his recent arrest by KFOR). These men, including Yugoslav Petrusic where tried and convicted in Yugoslav courts for their responsibility in all these crimes, but especially for their involvement in Srebrenica. These operatives where later freed by the DOS regime and haven't been seen or heard of since...
2) It's important to also remember the 7500 page report on Srebrenica compiled by the Dutch government, which concluded that there was NO EVIDENCE linking Milosevic to the events at Srebrenica. 
3) The claim contained in the UN Report on Srebrenica and made by ARBiH fighters who where in the enclave, stating that Clinton - as early as 1993 - had proposed that if 5,000 people died in Srebrenica this would secure Western/NATO intervention.
4) There is also the claim by Nesib Buric and Hakija Meholic (the Islamist chief of police for Srebrenica during the war) that 2,000 fighters where killed in Srebrenica while defending the enclave.
5) A recent Bosnian Serb report, that puts the figure of dead at 2000-2500, claiming that most where fighters.
6) Albrights testimony to the UN Security Council, shortly after the fall of Srebrenica, where she claimed that 3000 "men and boys" where executed (this number reapears in the indictment against Krstic and Erdemovic).
7) The fact that Milosevic personally intervened and saved 800 Bosnian Muslim men from the enclave who crossed the Drina River into Yugoslavia demanding protection from Milosevic!!! These men where handed over to the Red Cross in Hungary - so that from there they could choose whether or not they wanted to return to Bosnia.
8) So far the only person that admitted any wrongdoing in the massacre was Drazen Erdemovic, a Croat, who was convicted by the ICTY on a light-sentence, and who had served on all three sides of the conflict during the Bosnian war (i.e. on obvious intelligence operative for a foreign power).
9) Claims that came out in the Israeli press at the time, that weapons where being funneled to Bosnian Serb units in 1995 by some private individuals from the country (pro-American elements of the Israeli defence establishment had already been selling weapons to Croatia since 1991, despite the neo-fascist government in power in Zagreb. This was revealed in the Croatian press at the time).
10) The open split between the Bosnian Serb leadership and Belgrade since 1993, which meant that Milosevic was imposing sanctions on Pale for almost the entire war.

All this suggests that Western intelligence agencies and operatives had a lot more operational control over the forces involved in Srebrenica (especially the unit that is most implicated in the massacre, a unit that included Erdemovic as well as the Spider Group) than anyone in either the leadership of FR Yugoslavia or the Republic of Srpska. 

In a message dated 9/28/02 9:38:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[anti-imperialiste] Milosevic Says Srebrenica Was a Plot to Frame the Serbs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] 
Date:9/28/02 9:38:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


September 28, 2002

Full Story:

Milosevic Says Srebrenica Was a Plot to Frame the Serbs

HE HAGUE, Sept. 27 - Slobodan Milosevic presented in court today a new
version of his long-held theory that the destruction of Yugoslavia was a
Western conspiracy.

It was a novel explanation of the unfolding of the massacre at
Srebrenica, the worst bloodbath in Europe since World War II.

As many as 7,000 unarmed Muslim men and boys were killed in the Muslim
enclave of Srebrenica in July 1995. All the evidence points to the
Bosnian Serb army, the Serbian police and their paramilitary helpers as
the perpetrators. 

But Mr. Milosevic, the leader of Serbia at the time, said the people
really responsible for the mass killings were French intelligence
operatives, Muslim officials from Bosnia and mercenaries.

The "insane" Srebrenica massacre, he said, was a plot to frame the Serbs
by making it seem as if they had committed genocide. This belief would
inspire the world to loathe the Serbs and would give the West a pretext
for military intervention, Mr. Milosevic said. 

Mobilize Against NATO!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-26 Thread petokraka78


Hi all,

it has come to my attention from inside sources that the Deputy Secratary of NATO, Bernard Goetz, as well as key members of Canada's "Atlantic Council" - the political arm of NATO in NATO countries - are coming to the University of Toronto (Trinity College) on October 23rd. If you are interested in organizing against this meeting, and to make NATO - the most aggressive and dangerous military alliance on the planet - know that it is not welcome on a student campus, please contact me ASAP to help with organizing for this event. Remember, in November there will be a NATO Summit in Prague, where east European activists are planning mass-actions and civil disobedience. An action here in Toronto targeting NATO elites would be a way of showing solidarity with the peoples who are about to be absorbed, or even attacked by this "old-boys club" of the world's most brutal colonial and imperialist powers.

NATO countries are currently either militarily intervening in, occupying, or sanctioning (sometimes all three) the following countries (these are only some examples I can come up with from the top of my head):

Afghanistan; Algeria; Bahrain; Bolivia; Bosnia; Colombia; (DR) Congo; Croatia; Cuba; East Timor; Ecuador; El Salvador; Georgia; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ivory Coast; Kurdistan; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Liberia; Lybia; (FYRO) Macedonia; Morocco; Nepal; North Korea; Pakistan; Palestine; Peru; Philipenes; Puerto Rico; Saudi Arabia; Sao Tome and Principe; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Korea; Sudan; Syria; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Western Sahara; Yemen; (FR) Yugoslavia; Zimbabwe, etc. (this list also doesn't fully include the list of all those countries with illegitimate puppet regimes imposed by the West).

Remember NATO disposes of the largest arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD); it also has the largest arsenal of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) weapons; it possesses the greatest number of foreign bases abroad; its forces outstrip any other country's or alliances; it has an agressive nuclear force posture; it is on the verge of sanctioning, yet again, the latest phase of Bush's genocidal and criminal "War on Terror" and much, much more

It is imperative that we mobilize to show this aggressive alliance that it is NOT WELCOME IN TORONTO,


In a message dated 9/24/02 2:51:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time:

Subj:Fwd: FW: Preview of the Historic NATO Summit in Prague 
Date:9/24/02 2:51:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Re: FW: Preview of the Historic NATO Summit in Prague 
 Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 1:59:32 PM Eastern Standard Time 
 From: "Hyla Levy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 To: "Adjuncts  Visitors" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Emeritii" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "POL Faculty" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "POL M.A. Students" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "notices list" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Cc: "POL Ph.D. Students" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Post-Docs" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "POL Undergrads" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent from the Internet (Details) 

 From: Andrew Legge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Subject: Preview of the Historic NATO Summit in Prague
 Importance: High
Ladies and Gentlemen:

As Executive Director of the Atlantic Council of Canada, I would like to
formally invite you and your students to attend the Atlantic Council of
Canada's round table discussion that will be held at Trinity College,
University of Toronto on Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 from 4 to 6 pm. The
theme will address the forthcoming NATO Summit in Prague. The Prague Summit
will serve as a focal point for the world's most prominent foreign policy
experts and decision makers to discuss NATO expansion, the future of the

Alliance and the threats currently facing its members.

In the wake of September 11th and with the ongoing dialogue about Iraq, this
forum will provide your students with the ability to learn and interact with
the Deputy Secretary of NATO, Dr. Bernd Goetze.
I realize that your school's resources are at a premium, yet I am sure you
will agree that this important event would complement and enhance your
teaching curriculum, as well as introduce your students to contemporary
global issues which affect us as informed citizens of Canada.

There is no cost to attend this event, which will include refreshments. I
look forward to seeing you and your students at this exciting and
informative discussion. Seating is limited, and in order to assist us in
finalizing our arrangements, please indicate the number of people attending
no later than Friday October 18th 2002. To confirm your school's
reservation, please contact Andrew Legge, the conference organizer directly
at 1-416-979-1875, or via email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sincerely yours,

Goran S. Pesic
Executive Director
The Atlantic Council of Canada

6 Hoskin Avenue (Trinity College)
Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 1H8
Main Line: (416) 979-1875
Facsimile: (416) 979-0825

Fwd: MINELRES: ERRC: Roma Rights Concerns in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

2002-09-26 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/25/02 1:39:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:MINELRES: ERRC: Roma Rights Concerns in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 
Date:9/25/02 1:39:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

September 23, 2002
European Roma Rights Center Press Release

Roma Rights Concerns in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the
Context of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe September
24, 2002 Point of Agenda "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's Application
for Membership to the Council of Europe"

On September 20, 2002, the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) sent a
letter to Mr Peter Schieder, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of
the Council of Europe, Mr Claude Frey, Rapporteur of the Political
Affairs Committee, Mr Helmut Lippelt, Rapporteur of the Committee on
Legal Affairs and Human Rights, and Mr Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner
for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, calling attention to Roma
rights concerns in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. On Tuesday,
September 24, 2002, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
will discuss the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's Application for
Membership to the Council of Europe. ERRC concerns, as detailed in its
September 23 letter, include:

- Physical abuse of Roma by police officers and other members of the
public authority
- Violence against Roma by skinheads and other non-state actors
- Discrimination and racial segregation in the field of education
- Forced eviction and the threat of forced eviction
- Systemic violations of the right to habitable shelter
- Racial discrimination in access to health care services
- Racial discrimination against Roma in access to employment
- Racial discrimination against Roma in the allocation of state social
- Racial discrimination against Roma in access to public accommodation
such as discotheques, cafes, and swimming pools

The text of the ERRC letter follows in full:

Honourable Mr President, Honourable Rapporteurs, Honourable Mr

In relation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe's
September 24, 2002 point of agenda "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's
application for membership to the Council of Europe", the European Roma
Rights Center (ERRC) respectfully submits, in summary, its concerns with
respect to the human rights situation of Roma in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia. (footnote 1)

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) is an international public
interest law organisation which monitors the situation of Roma in Europe
and provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. Since its
establishment in 1996, the ERRC has undertaken first-hand field research
in more than a dozen countries, including the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, and has disseminated numerous publications, from book-length
studies to advocacy letters and public statements. ERRC publications
about the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and other countries, as well as
additional information about the organisation, are available on the
Internet at http://www.errc.org.


- In addition to a native Romani population of an estimated more than
300,000 (footnote 2), Serbia and Montenegro host tens of thousands of
displaced Roma from Kosovo (footnote 3). Further, in recent months, a
number of Western European governments have -- in the contexts of (i) an
extremely migrant-hostile public mood in Western Europe and (ii) an
administrative lack of clarity surrounding the status of Kosovo -- begun
putting pressure on Roma from Kosovo to "return" to the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia. Under such pressure, many Roma from Kosovo who had
previously fled to Western European countries have recently "returned"
to localities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia where they have
never lived before, and where there is frequently no political will or
adequate material means for their integration. Many such persons have
entered cycles of repeated forced eviction from places where they have
attempted to settle.

Concerns (footnote 4)

- Numerous instances of physical abuse of Roma by police officers and
other members of the public authority have been reported in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia. Physical abuse of Roma in police detention is
reported with alarming frequency. During incidents of ill-treatment,
many police officers have reportedly insulted the ethnic origins of
Roma. The ERRC and partner organisations have also documented cases of
police violence against chronically ill Romani persons, as well as
against Romani children and minors, sometimes resulting in severe bodily
injuries such as broken arms. Police officers also often use excessive
force while arbitrarily evicting Roma from settlements and/or during
abusive police raids targeting Romani communities, frequently without
showing proper authorising 

Mesic: Key Prosecution Witness [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-26 Thread petokraka78


[It's absolutely laughable that Stipe Mesic, who authored the book "How We Destroyed Yugoslavia" and bragged about his successes in sabotaging the Yugoslav Federal Presidency, and is now the pro-NATO, neoliberal leader of Croatia, is going to be the "star witness" against Milosevic. One wonders if Tudjman were still alive whether or not the International Criminal Farce for Yugoslavia would have carted him in front of the judges?]

Milosevic Up Against Genocide Case

.c The Associated Press 

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - U.N. prosecutors opened their genocide case against Slobodan Milosevic Thursday, vowing to prove that he played a leading role in the worst crimes in Europe since World War II.

Prosecutors began the second stage of his trial with an 80-minute opening statement on the 61 counts of war crimes, including genocide, that Milosevic faces for the Croatian and Bosnian wars in 1991-1995.

The first stage of the trial that concluded earlier this month covered the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict.

Responding to the most serious allegations so far, Milosevic denied Serb war crimes and said he should be credited for peace efforts, not war mongering.

``It is not in doubt that Serbs helped Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia, but that was no crime,'' Milosevic said. ``I should be credited with helping achieve peace, not war.''

Lead trial prosecutor Geoffrey Nice said the coordinated destruction of villages and systematic murder of civilians in Bosnia will be traced back to the Bosnian Serb leadership, and ultimately, Milosevic.

Milosevic was an ``essential participant in a joint criminal enterprise'' Nice said, with the primary aim of creating a Serb state.

``Genocide was the consequence,'' he said.

``The accused intended to destroy the Bosnian Muslim population in part or in whole in order to achieve those aims,'' Nice said.

Milosevic operated like a careful criminal, he said, making sure there was no paper trail implicating him in atrocities. But the evidence, he added, will ``reveal a careful design and strategy, and all of that may be laid at the door of this accused,'' he said.

Milosevic, who has refused a lawyer and is conducting his own defense, showed famous video footage taken by a British television crew in 1992 of an alleged Serb prison camp in which men are shown apparently starving behind a barbed-wire fence.

The INT television material, Milosevic said, was misleading because the men were not being held prisoner, but were in an open refugee center.

Milosevic said the only war in the Balkans was a ``war against Yugoslavia ... instigated and directed by the biggest world powers.''

He again rejected the U.N. tribunal as illegal, calling it a ``tool of war against the Serb people'' and blamed the Western governments for Balkan bloodshed.

Prosecutors said that by expelling non-Serbs from large portions of Croatia and Bosnia, Milosevic sought to rearrange the territories into a ``tidy map, a map that was brought about by thousands of killings and innumerable acts of inhumanity and thousands of counts of ethnic cleansing,'' Nice said.

Milosevic looked rested after a two-week break in court hearings and listened closely to the prosecution, sometimes smirking or frowning.

Outside the war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, a dozen Bosnian protesters called for the arrest of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his wartime general, Mladic, also indicted for genocide in Bosnia.

The former Yugoslav president has been charged for the mass execution of Srebrenica's Muslims and the three-year siege of Sarajevo, Bosnia's capital, when Serb snipers shot children, women and the elderly on the streets and in their homes.

In the 1991-1992 Croatian war, Milosevic's indictment says, forces under his command murdered thousands of civilians and forced 170,000 Croats and non-Serbs out of a third of Croatia.

Milosevic, 61, is the first head of state indicted for war crimes while in office. He could be sentenced to life imprisonment if convicted of any of the charges against him. He has been held for nearly 15 months at a U.N. detention unit near The Hague, Netherlands.

One of the first of the 177 prosecution witnesses expected to be called this week is Croatian President Stipe Mesic who headed the 1991 rotating Yugoslav presidency when the former federation broke up.

Mesic's testimony could provide key insight into Milosevic's role in setting off the Balkan bloodletting.

The trial has taken a toll on Milosevic's health and he is at serious risk of a heart attack, according to a court-ordered medical examination. The tribunal judges are seeking to slow the trial pace to provide Milosevic with time for rest.

Milosevic has spent several months with his legal aides reviewing more than 115,000 pages and several hundred videocassettes disclosed by prosecutors as evidence.

09/26/02 08:46 EDT

Eurasia Group - First Annual Summit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


[If one had to characterize what today's "global government" looks like, it would be a highly undemocratic, racialized, militarized and corporatist structure of governance akin to the statist fascism of Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan in the 1930s. It is interesting to note that the Eurasia Group met on the margins of the UN General Assembly sessions, and met with some of the increasingly corporatized arms of the UN buraucracy (ie. the UNDP and the BCUN). Noteworthy are the very telling comments made by George Soros in relation to the effect "regime change" in Iraq would have on world oil prices. I also suggest people check out the Eurasia Group's website, including the report on Indonesia, at: http://www.eurasiagroup.net/eg/index.html]

First Annual Eurasia Summit Presented Strong Messages on Iraq, Energy Policy, Economic Development and the Region's Strategic Role in the U.S.-led War on Terrorism

NEW YORK, Sept. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Top political leaders from Eurasia met yesterday with key business representatives and members of the investment community to outline evolving economic and security priorities in the region. Discussions focused on the looming U.S. military action in Iraq, Eurasia's strategic role in the war on terrorism, the region's changing energy policies and the continued economic development of the region.

Eurasia Summit 2002 is a joint initiative of the Business Council for the United Nations (BCUN), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the research and consulting firm, Eurasia Group. It was held in parallel to the United Nations General Assembly debates. The event brought together eight foreign ministers and twenty high-ranking regional officials.

Program highlights included: 

* Iranian Foreign Minister Dr. Kamal Kharrazi underscored his country's employment challenge in the face of a rapidly growing population. "We hope to create 700,000 new jobs for young people next year but we need inward investment to make this happen." He also called on the U.S. to begin dealing with Iran as a partner in the war on terrorism, rather than accusing the country of harboring Al Queda terrorists.

* Turkish Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs Doctor Sukru Sina Gurel insisted on the need to establish a dialogue between east and est, north and south to further development. In that context, Turkey is in a privileged position and is the bridge between east and west economically, geographically and socially. The European Union membership will allow Turkey to be able to make stronger contributions to security and the welfare of Eurasia.

* U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill stressed the need for Eurasia countries to address every fundamental challenge to sustained development, including: upholding the rule of law, fighting corruption, providing quality education and tackling poverty. He also highlighted the newfound Western attention toward the region. "This is an opportunity to encourage growth and development, from which peace, prosperity and freedom spring. We can afford no more wasted states," he said.

* George Soros, international philanthropist, predicted that regime change in Iraq would halve the current price of oil and significantly boost the world economy. He also predicted Russia would support regime change.

* Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov insisted that Russia is currently following a "clear, transparent and predictable foreign policy" and "does not see an economic future for itself in isolation".

* A panel on regional economic development featuring Johannes Linn, Vice President of the World Bank, and Kalman Mizsei, UNDP director for Europe and CIS, concluded that the best models for development policies are currently Estonia and Hungary.

* A panel on European Union accession with the Foreign Ministers of Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia made clear that the next wave of EU candidates aim to join Europe as full partners and not as second-class citizens.

Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator of UNDP, concluded the day by noting that the presence of "so many foreign ministers together in this room discussing investment, security and development is an expression of the incredible potential of globalization. If the veins of globalization are thoroughly conceived and well-managed, doors to rapid growth are opened. This will be critical to the Eurasia region, especially as many countries have been frozen out from international trade and investment for decades."



SOURCE Business Council for the United Nations 

CO: Eurasia Summit 2002; United Nations Development Programme; Eurasia Group; Business Council for the United Nations

ST: New York


09/23/2002 10:27 EDT


Software Imperialism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


Here is one of the most up-to-date software warranty agreements that US software producers require people to sign. You will note that "Serbia (except Kosovo)" is still listed among countries under US trade sanctions. Even though Serbia is no threat to the US, with a pliant puppet-regime in power, it is still considered a threat!!!

"You are responsible for complying with all trade regulations and laws both foreign and domestic. You acknowledge that none of the Software or underlying information or technology may be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported (i) into Afghanistan (Taliban-controlled areas), Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Serbia (except Kosovo), Sudan and Syria or any other country subject to a U.S. embargo; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Denied Parties List or Entity List."

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Fwd:more on Slovak elections [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/23/02 12:44:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sunday 22 September 2002

For the first time since 1989 the Slovak parliament will include
MPs. The Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) won 11seats at this weekend's 
elections to the 150-member National Council. It more than doubled its 
support at the last election in 1998, polling 6.2% of the vote.
Saturday's election also saw the pro-NATO, pro-EU Democratic Left Party 
(SDL) lose all of its 23 seats. Its 1998 vote of 14.7% slumped to less
3%. Its membership of the outgoing "right-left" coalition government of 
premier Mikulas Dzurinda cost it dear and led to many of its MPs
the party well before the election to form new parties. These fared very 
little better.
Former SDL leader Peter Weiss's Social Democratic Alternative polled
than 2%, while ex-SDL MP Robert Fico's new party Smer (13.5%) finished 
third behind Vladimir Meciar's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
and Dzurinda's Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (15.09%).
The vote of Meciar's party was well-down (from 27% in 1998) following a 
split in its ranks and US, NATO and EU threats to slam the door in 
Slovakia's face if Meciar won the election, even though the party
Slovak membership of both NATO and the EU.
The next Slovak coalition government will probably be made up of four 
right-wing parties -- apart from Dzurinda's party, the Christian
Movement (8.25%), a new party formed by Berlusconi-like media magnate
Rusko, the New Citizen Alliance (8%) -- and the Hungarian Coalition
(11.6%). Together they scraped together 78 of the 150 seats contested at 
the weekend. This compares with the previous "right-left" coalition's 93 


This email was sent to: archive@jab.org

EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: http://topica.com/u/?a84x2u.bacIlu
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 Original Message 
Fecha: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 06:24:13 -0500
De: Ken Biggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Scott Marshall
A: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (World List for Rednet)

Sunday 22 September 2002

For the first time since 1989 the Slovak parliament will include
MPs. The Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) won 11seats at this weekend's 
elections to the 150-member National Council. It more than doubled its 
support at the last election in 1998, polling 6.2% of the vote.
Saturday's election also saw the pro-NATO, pro-EU Democratic Left Party 
(SDL) lose all of its 23 seats. Its 1998 vote of 14.7% slumped to less
3%. Its membership of the outgoing right-left coalition government of 
premier Mikulas Dzurinda cost it dear and led to many of its MPs
the party well before the election to form new parties. These fared very 
little better.
Former SDL leader Peter Weiss's Social Democratic Alternative polled
than 2%, while ex-SDL MP Robert Fico's new party Smer (13.5%) finished 
third behind Vladimir Meciar's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
and Dzurinda's Slovak Democratic and Christian Union (15.09%).
The vote of Meciar's party was well-down (from 27% in 1998) following a 
split in its ranks and US, NATO and EU threats to slam the door in 
Slovakia's face if Meciar won the election, even though the party
Slovak membership of both NATO and the EU.
The next Slovak coalition government will probably be made up of four 
right-wing parties -- apart from Dzurinda's party, the Christian
Movement (8.25%), a new party formed by Berlusconi-like media magnate
Rusko, the New Citizen Alliance (8%) -- and the Hungarian Coalition
(11.6%). Together they scraped together 78 of the 150 seats contested at 
the weekend. This compares with the previous right-left coalition's 93 

---End Message---

Cash Strapped (?) Yugo Army??? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


Yugoslav Send Army Home to Save Food

.c The Associated Press 

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Yugoslavia's cash-strapped army, struggling to adapt to the postwar era and a crippled economy, said Monday it will let some of its troops spend weekends at home to help preserve dwindling food rations for winter.

Maj. Gen. Milan Jevtic, of the general staff's logistics department, said the army ``lacks food for winter and has to borrow new uniforms from the federal reserves.''

``To preserve supplies and combat readiness, we are encouraging units to send approximately 25 percent of troops to spend weekends at home,'' the state-run Tanjug news agency quoted Jevtic as saying.

The initiative is part of an effort to deal with huge bills for the 70,000-member army, once a mighty force under former Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz Tito.

Two-thirds of the federal budget for fiscal 2002 - about $660 million - is being allocated for an army so short of money it has even resorted to selling off some of its property, warehouses and redundant navy vessels.

``By Sept. 15, we spent 98 percent of the annual budget, and the vast part of it was used to cover overdue payments for food suppliers,'' Jevtic said.

In another attempt to save assets crippled after four unsuccessful Balkan wars and a 78-day NATO air war in 1999, launched to end former President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown in Kosovo, the military has decided earlier this year to trim compulsory service from one year to nine months.

The army also will demand additional funds from the Yugoslav government ``to cover costs and debts for fuel and other supplies,'' Jevtic said.

09/23/02 15:26 EDT

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Will NATO do the same? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/23/02 4:28:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[Support_Roma] Roma to combat human trafficking among their own ranks 
Date:9/23/02 4:28:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Press Release

19 September 2002 

Roma to combat human trafficking among their own ranks 

WARSAW, 19 September 2002 - In a significant departure from previous practice, Roma non-governmental organizations publicly acknowledged the involvement of individuals of their ethnic group in trafficking in human beings and expressed their determination to co-operate with national authorities to combat this serious human rights and organized crime issue. The joint declaration was adopted by Romani associations from Romania and France on the margins of the OSCE's annual human rights conference in Warsaw which ends today.

"This move paves the way for the involvement of Roma civil society in state responses to trafficking and other forms of illegal migration", said Nicolae Gheorghe, Roma and Sinti Adviser at the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), who brokered the declaration.

"By involving civil society we hope to ensure that states do not take repressive measures only, but also address the root causes that lead to Roma becoming victims of ruthless smugglers or trafficking networks."

Romani groups have been reluctant to acknowledge the involvement of Roma in trafficking in human beings and other organized crime activities out of fear for their security and to avoid reinforcing existing stereotypes.

The governments of France and Romania recently agreed to clamp down on illegal immigration and organized crime in reaction to a sharp increase of Romanian immigrants in France being forced into prostitution or begging by organized crime gangs. Roma are among those involved in these activities, both as victims and perpetrators.

In their declaration, the Roma associations announced the establishment of a task force overseeing a set of activities aimed at raising awareness among Roma of the numerous financial and security risks connected to migration. They also agreed to promote a more balanced coverage of Roma-related issues among the media in both countries, and to work with the authorities to ensure that any anti-immigration measures are fully in line with human rights standards.

For further information, please contact:

Jens-Hagen Eschenbächer 


Public Affairs Unit 

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights 

Aleje Ujazdowskie 19 

00-557, Warsaw 


Tel.: + 48 - 22 520 06 00

Mobile: + 48 - 603 683 122

Fax: + 48 - 22 520 06 05



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Press Release
19 September 2002 

Roma to combat human 
trafficking among their own ranks

WARSAW, 19 September 2002 - In a significant departure from 
previous practice, Roma non-governmental organizations publicly acknowledged the 
involvement of individuals of their ethnic group in trafficking in human beings 
and expressed their determination to co-operate with national authorities to 
combat this serious human rights and organized crime issue. The joint 
declaration was adopted by Romani associations from Romania and France on the 
margins of the OSCE's annual human rights conference in Warsaw which ends 
"This move paves the way for the involvement of Roma civil 
society in state responses to trafficking and other forms of illegal migration", 
said Nicolae Gheorghe, Roma and Sinti Adviser at the OSCE's Office for 
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), who brokered the 
"By involving civil society we hope to ensure that states 
do not take repressive measures only, but also address the root causes that lead 
to Roma becoming victims of ruthless smugglers or trafficking 
Romani groups have been reluctant to acknowledge the 
involvement of Roma in trafficking in human beings and other organized crime 
activities out of fear for their security and to avoid reinforcing existing 
The governments of France and Romania recently agreed to 
clamp down on illegal immigration and organized crime in reaction to a sharp 
increase of Romanian immigrants in France being forced into prostitution or 
begging by organized crime gangs. Roma are among those involved in these 
activities, both as victims and perpetrators.
In their declaration, the 

Another Russian Withdrawal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


Russia to Pull Troops From Moldova

.c The Associated Press 

CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) - Russia will withdraw most of its troops from an independence-minded enclave in eastern Moldova, but has yet to present firm plans for the 40,000 tons of weaponry that remain in the breakaway republic, media reports said Tuesday.

Russian Gen. Valery Yevnevich, deputy commander of the ground troops in charge of peacekeeping, said Russia would pull out most of its 2,500 troops by Dec. 1, leaving a contingent of peacekeepers, the Moldovan state news agency Moldpres said.

He didn't specify how many peacekeepers would stay.

Yevnevich made his comments in Moscow on Monday, before he and a group of Defense Ministry officials flew to Tiraspol, the capital of the breakaway republic of Trans-Dniester, for discussions on the withdrawal and a solution to ``the surplus of military hardware and destruction of part of that hardware.''

Under an agreement with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Russia has pledged to pull out of the region by the end of the year.

Withdrawal of the weaponry has been halted since last year by Trans-Dniester's demand for compensation from Russia for storing the weapons.

Russia is expected to cancel part of Trans-Dniester's $400 million debt for natural gas in exchange for withdrawing or destroying the weapons.

In the Moldovan capital, Chisinau, Victor Stepaniuc, the head of the ruling Communist Party, criticized Russia's offer, saying he wanted to see the evacuation of the weapons before troops withdraw.

Trans-Dniester broke away from Moldova in 1992 after a brief but bloody war, sparked by fears that Moldova sought reunification with Romania. Approximately 1,500 people were killed in the fighting.

Located between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova was part of Romania until 1940. Trans-Dniester, however, was never part of Romania and is historically linked to the Russian-speaking world.

Trans-Dniester has remained largely a region where smuggling of weapons and ammunition abounds.

09/24/02 10:22 EDT

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Fwd: Marking Oct. 6th Worldwide [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/24/02 11:06:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subject: Marking the beginning of the bombing of Afghanistan last year

The concept is simple, but the results could be profound--
encourage people all around the world to get out in front
of their local American embassy or consulate and demonstrate
at noon local time on Oct 6. This should result in a series of
demonstrations with every new hour-- ending in the US
where we will be demonstrating too.

Once this has gotten into circulation, we can let the US press know
that it is happening. Who knows that might have some impact on
next week's vote.


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Dear all:

Are your groups willing to participate in this? Please
circulate widely.


Reply-To: CoalitionIsraelPalestine@yahoogroups.com
To: the coalition [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CoalitionIsraelPalestine] FW:
Marking the beginning of the 
bombing of Afghanistan last eyar
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 13:07:46 -0400

Subject: Marking the beginning of the bombing of Afghanistan last year

The concept is simple, but the results could be profound--
encourage people all around the world to get out in front
of their local American embassy or consulate and demonstrate
at noon local time on Oct 6. This should
result in a series of
demonstrations with every new hour-- ending in the US
where we will be demonstrating too.

Once this has gotten into circulation, we can let the US press know
that it is happening. Who knows that might have some impact on
next week's vote.

--- send on please!--

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures--
Help launch the first World Wide Peace Demonstration!

Please send this email on to any international peace group,
or anyone outside of the US that might like to
and encourage them to send it on, widely and quickly.

Translations: http://www.mamoveon.com/worldwidedemo/

Dear Friends!

We urge you to join us in a World Wide Peace
Demonstration, on October 6, the day before
the first anniversary of the start of US bombing of Afghanistan.

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld want to drag
our nation into a disastrous military venture against a country that
has not attacked us. They want to wage a war that could lead to
the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and many US troops,
a war that makes a mockery of international law.

We hope that many thousands of people dedicated to a better future will
gather to protest in front of the US Embassy or Consulate in each
country of the world, at 12:00 Noon, local
time, on October 6 to let the
US government know what they think of
this plan.

The demonstration will then move around the world with each new hour.

Imagine the impact of this day, as people in country after country
around the globe stand up and tell the US government:

--No War With Iraq; No Aggression Towards Any Country!

--No War for Oil

--USA: Respect the Geneva Conventions
and the UN Charter!

--USA! Join the Family of Nations, Join
and Respect the Treaties:
 Kyoto, Land Mine Ban, ICC, and More

--End Militarism and Neo-Colonialism

--Abolish Nuclear Weapons World Wide

--Work for a More Democratic UN

We offer these possible slogans, but any message you
want to send to the US government would
be welcome.

In the US we will be demonstrating on the 6th
Seattle, San Francisco, Los
  Angeles, and in New York City,
taking this pledge (see http://www.nion.us)

We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for

Not by our 

Fwd: Protest against treatment of Roma by the Romanian media [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-23 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/20/02 9:22:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[Support_Roma] Protest against treatment of Roma by the Romanian media 
Date:9/20/02 9:22:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


Dear colleagues,
In Romania most people ( and therefore media ) are concerned with the image of their 
country abroad ( that means mainly countries which have something to say on the 
international scene as Romania tries to join the Eu and NATO ).
That's why I think is very important to get as many people as possible to sign the protest. 

It is good to let romanians know that there are a large and united ( when it comes to 

condemn racism ) comunity of Roma and Roma activists ready to react .

The link for the protest is: http://valeriu.shawbiz.ca/RPN.htm

Please, let everybody you think is interested in signing the protest know.

Many thanks 

Valeriu Nicolae


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ORIGINAL SENDER: Valeriu Nicolae 

Dear colleagues,

InRomania most 
people ( and therefore media ) are concerned with the image of their 

country abroad 
( that means mainly countries which have 
something to say on the 
international scene as 
Romania tries to join the Eu and NATO 

That's why I think is very important to get as many people 
as possible to sign the protest. 
It is good to let romanians know 
that there are a large and united ( when it comes to 
condemn racism ) comunity of Roma 
and Roma activists ready to react .

The link for the protest is:http://valeriu.shawbiz.ca/RPN.htm

Please, let everybody you think is interested in signing 
the protest know.

Many thanks 

Valeriu Nicolae

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

---End Message---

France Intervenes in Ivory Coast [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-23 Thread petokraka78


[It appears that French troops are intervening in some capacity in the Ivory Coast. From the BBC report, it is possible that the French are intervening to prop-up the rebellion against Gbago's elected government who has fostered relations with Charles Taylor's Liberia. I'm not an expert on Ivorian politics, so I could be wrong, but we should perhaps look into the causes of this intervention? Btw, you will note that the French - in classical colonial style - are intervening also to "save" missionaries!!!]

Monday, 23 September, 2002, 08:42 GMT 09:42 UK 
French troops in Ivorian capital

Many residents' houses have been destroyed

French troops have reached the Ivory Coast's capital, Yamoussoukro, as they seek to protect French and other foreign nationals caught up in a coup attempt which began on Thursday.


The convoy of dozens of vehicles left the main Ivorian city of Abidjan late on Sunday, hours after France had flown up to 200 reinforcements, drawn from its other bases in West Africa. France describes the move as a "precautionary measure", and it is thought the troops will set up a forward base to be able to stage evacuations, if necessary, from nearby Bouake, Ivory Coast's second city, which on Monday morning still remained in rebel hands. There are growing concerns for about 200 children - about 150 of whom are sons and daughters of US Baptist missionaries - trapped in the basement of a boarding school in Bouake - a city of some 500,000 people. The national football teams of Senegal, Sierra Leone and Gambia are also trapped in Bouake. The hotel they are holed up in has no water supplies and there is little food left. Ivorian officials say 270 people have been killed and 300 wounded in insurgency so far. The rebels in Bouake and in the northern city of Korhogo appear to have ignored government demands for them to surrender in return for an offer of talks. Abidjan is now quiet, but in Bouake rebel soldiers said on Sunday that they had beaten off a heavy attack by loyalist troops. If you are in the Ivory Coast, click here to e-mail us your experience 

No intervention 

Some 20,000 French nationals are thought to live in the former French colony. 

Ups and downs 

Before 1999 - Relative calm and stability 
1999 - Coup; General Guei takes power 
2000 - Guei flees after rigging elections; 
Gbagbo wins controversial elections 
2001 - coup attempt fails 
2002 Troops mutiny, Guei killed 

France has agreements with the Ivory Coast to help restore order if necessary. But the BBC's West Africa correspondent, Paul Welsh, says for now it seems unlikely that they will become directly involved. In Abidjan, a spokesman for the main opposition leader, Alassane Ouattara, said Mr Ouattara's house had been destroyed by government soldiers, but that Mr Ouattara was safe inside the French embassy. French army spokesman Christian Baptiste said: "This violent crisis is an internal affair, and the concern of our political authorities is that our citizens as well as those of the international community don't pay the price." But our correspondent says the reinforcement of the French garrison is also designed to send a message to the rebels that it is time to negotiate. 

Olive branch 

Following a national address by President Laurent Gbagbo which hinted that the rebels had been aided by a foreign power, hundreds of foreigners' homes in the Abidjan were burned down and thousands of people packed up and took to the road in search of safety. Defence Minister Moise Lida Kouassi told the BBC that the army's only aim was to regain control of territory from rebels. Prime Minister Pascal Affi Nguessan offered an olive branch to rebels in a televised address on Saturday evening.
President Gbagbo accused foreign nations of helping the rebels

Despite earlier threats of "no negotiations" from the president, Mr Nguessan said the government was prepared to examine the grievances of the rebels if they laid down their arms and surrendered the areas they held. Thursday's uprising began with co-ordinated attacks on military installations, government sites, and cabinet ministers' houses in Abidjan and other cities and towns. The man the government has blamed for the uprising - General Robert Guei - who seized power in a 1999 coup - was killed. Foreign news stations, including the BBC, have been taken off the air in Ivory Coast.


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Bush Familly = Royalty? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-20 Thread petokraka78


Genealogists Discover U.S. President's Royal Connection

(AOL U.K.) -- Prince William and George W. Bush are 17th cousins, according to genealogists.

The heir to the throne and the U.S. president can trace a common ancestry back to 15th century Northamptonshire squire Henry Spencer.

His younger son William founded the line that eventually produced wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill and Diana, Princess of Wales.

Descendants of Henry Spencer's older son, John, included Anne Marbury, who moved from Lincolnshire to Massachusetts during the 1600s.

She was later banished for religious reasons and killed by native Americans but a direct descendent of hers, Harriet Fay, married James Bush, the great-great grandfather of the president.

Bush is a great admirer of Sir Winston and keeps a bust of the former Prime Minister on his desk at the White House.

The link between the families was made by researchers at US genealogy company MyFamily.com, which is collaborating with the Public Record Office in London on publishing census returns for England and Wales from 1841 to 1901 online.

Details of Bush's royal connections will be made available online.

A spokeswoman for MyFamily.com says the discovery about the President's connections to the royals was only made recently, and research is continuing to find out more about Henry Spencer, who lived in Badby between 1420 and 1478.

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Turkey's Democracy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-20 Thread petokraka78


Turkey Bars Politician From Election
.c The Associated Press 

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey's most popular politician, the leader of an Islamic-oriented party, was barred Friday from running in November elections, the Anatolia news agency reported.

The High Electoral Board ruled that Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the head of the Justice and Development Party, cannot run on Nov. 3 because he was convicted of reading a poem that the court said incited religious hatred.

Turkish laws disqualify candidates with criminal records from running for office.

Also barred from running were former pro-Islamic premier Necmettin Erbakan, the leader of the country's pro-Kurdish party, Murat Bozlak, and the most prominent Turkish human rights activist, Akin Birdal.

Erdogan's party which has religious origins and champions the poor, tops most opinion polls in this staunchly secular but mainly Muslim country where voters are frustrated with mainstream parties they blame for Turkey's economic woes.

A brief statement from the Higher Electoral Board said the four were ``not eligible to be elected to parliament.'' It said the decisions against Erbakan and Erdogan were taken by a majority of votes, while the board voted unanimously against Bozlak and Birdal.

Erdogan's party tops most opinion polls in this mainly Muslim country where voters are frustrated with the staunchly secular government and mainstream parties they blame for Turkey's economic woes.

Erdogan was expected to continue leading the party, though another party official will probably head the party in parliament or even assume the premiership should the party succeed in elections.

Erdogan indicated Wednesday that he would continue campaigning for his party. It was not clear if the board's ruling would trigger a surge in sympathy votes or hurt the party.

``I will run through the roads of my beloved Anatolia and ask my people to vote,'' Erdogan said.

Newspapers have suggested that Abdullah Gul, Erdogan's deputy who is considered a moderate, may assume the party leadership. Bulent Arinc, another top party official, is also a strong contender.

A recent opinion poll indicated Erdogan has far more popular support than any other politician in Turkey.

Erdogan, the former mayor of Istanbul, was jailed for four months in 1999 for reciting a poem at a political rally that said: ``Minarets are our bayonets, domes are our helmets, mosques are our barracks, believers are our soldiers.''

A court ruled that the poem incited hatred along religious lines.

Earlier this month, a court in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir lifted the political ban against Erdogan, citing changes in Turkish law. A higher appeals court later overturned that ruling.

Erdogan is also charged with illegally accumulating wealth and rigging state contracts when he was mayor of Istanbul, along with new accusations of inciting religious hatred. Erdogan has denied all the charges, which he insists are politically motivated.

Many politicians and some in the country's military say most of Erdogan's party colleagues belonged to a political group that was banned last year for opposing Turkey's secular regime.

Erdogan says his party has moderated its views, and now favors entry into the European Union. Turkish Islamists had previously criticized the EU as a force for Western and Christian imperialism.

Erbakan, who led Turkey's Islamic movement for three decades, was banned from politics for five years in 1998 after a court closed his Welfare Party for violating this mainly Muslim country's secular laws.

Erbakan insisted the ruling only prohibited him from joining political parties and applied to run as an independent.

Both Bozlak and Birdal served prison terms for calling for a peaceful and not a military solution to the 15-year old war between autonomy-seeking Kurdish rebels and Turkish troops.

09/20/02 11:13 EDT

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Serbian Presidential Elections [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-19 Thread petokraka78


Hey all,

I'm not on the list but I wanted to start a string that would discuss the upcoming presidential elections in Serbia and the difficulties facing the opposition in that republic to the Djindjic regime. I would like that any responses to the following be CCd to me as well as to the group if that isn't too much to ask?

The reason I'm writing is to consider what the best option for the opposition is. The situation stands like this:

Djindjic is wildly unpopular in Serbia. He is popularly known as The Little Fuhrer or The New Dictator (and outside the increasingly narrowing band of bourgeois kids that formed the core of OTPOR in Belgrade or the G17 Plus economists that have now taken up prominent positions in the government and still are committed to the radical neoliberal agenda). The impression of Djindjic as a dictator had been formed by his virtual auto-proclamation to the Premiership of Serbia, his illegal expulsion of DSS candidates from the Parliament and their replacement by his own cronies, his preachy manner, his continues lies, and his pro-Western neoliberal fundamentalism. 

Djindjic's pick for President is Miroljub Labus, who isn't running on the DOS ticket, b/c the Coalition itself is discredited. A closely allied polling agency, Strategic Marketing, is producing polls that show Labus neck-and-neck with Kostunica in the Presidential race at 22%. However, after a trip to Yugoslavia this summer, stories were circulating in the Montenegrin opposition socialist press that Labus was paying people in order to gain the required number of signatures, and his rallies in Belgrade and other cities turned out to be complete duds, despite media attempts to publicise these events. 

Kostunica, does have a measure of popularity, although this is waning as well, as many see him as "too honest for politics" or "weak". He is being set up as the "legitimate" opposition to the DOS regime in the state media - which is now completely controlled by DOS and German firms. Voters are continuously told that the choice is between Kostunica and Labus, and that no other candidate has any chance of winning.

This is in marked contrast to the visible manifestations of support for the Socialist Party, Milosevic's overwhelming surge in popularity as a result of his defence at the Hague, and a generalized discontent with the post-October 5th crew. Unfortunately the opposition to the Djindjic regime has faced some dificulties:

- a split in the "Patriotic" vote caused by Kostunica
- a split within the former "Patriotic" bloc before the October 5th coup-d'etat
- this former split was caused by the following factors:
a) There have been attempts to fragment the Socialist Party by creating a "reformist" wing in Serbia's largest and most popular single political Party. Fortunately these attempts have failed miserably and the leader of this schism, Ivkovic (sp?) has been completely discredited by the Federal election commission for forging documents and by the populace for coseying up to Djindjic (although he receives about as much space in the regime controlled media as does the actual SPS, if not more).
b) Nonetheless, the former Patriotic-Bloc, consisting of the SPS (Socialists), JUL (Neo-Communists), and SRS (Radical Party nationalists) are divided.
c) In August Milosevic wrote a letter supporting SRS leader Vojislav Seselj's candidacy, which caused a stir in opposition ranks, b/c it was expected that Milosevic would have supported a joint candidate from the opposition from his own Socialist Party. I will shortly be translating this letter for analysis, as he argues that Seselj is the most likely to win on a joint opposition ticket. Nonetheless, many Socialist party supporters revolted at the idea of supporting a right-wing nationalist candidate like Seselj, no matter how pragmatic or short term the suggestion (the idea was to have a joint candidate that upon taking office would immediately call Parliamentary elections).
d) The Socialist Party decided to go with Velimir Zivojinovic, as their candidate, a Socialist Party member and one of socialist Yugoslavia's most famous actors before the 1990s.
e) General Pavkovic, who was the main General in the defence of Yugoslavia during the NATO aggression, and who allowed for the deposition of Milosevic (although always still seen as a Milosevic loyalist in the West?), was fired by Kostunica in June, although he refused to step down and has become a fierce critic of the puppet regimes governing the whole country (i.e. at federal and republican levels). He has now been given the green light to enter the race.
f) this essentially means that there are 4 major, and many smaller currents contesting the DOS regime on a relatively similar discourse, ranging from the socialist and Third Worldist positions of the SPS, to the right-wing integralism of the SRS.

Some of the questions that this raises:
1) Should the concern be ideological 

DU risk to Children [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-19 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 9/19/02 7:09:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Depleted Uranium May Pose Risk to Children 


Reuters, July 25, 2002
Depleted Uranium May Pose Risk to Children 

LONDON - Soil contaminated with debris from depleted
uranium shells could be putting children in the
Balkans and the Gulf at an increased risk of
developing cancer and kidney damage, New Scientist
magazine said on Wednesday. 
Youngsters who play in areas where the shells created
clouds of uranium dust when they hit their targets are
most endangered, according to Italian researchers. 
"The Italian team says that children living in areas
of conflict that have been bombarded with DU (depleted
uranium) could get a dose of radiation above the
internationally recognized safety limit," the science
weekly said. 
Researchers from the University of Florence and the
Tuscan Environment Protection Agency (ARPAT)
calculated that children could inhale a radiation dose
from contaminated soil that would exceed safety levels
set by the International Commission on Radiological
Swallowing contaminated soil would increase the risk
"In sites targeted by DU munitions, special measures
have to be adopted to reduce exposures," said Daniele
Dominici, a physicist at the University of Florence. 
Depleted uranium is used to harden the tips of
armor-piercing shells. 
Others studies, including research from the
International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, support
the Italian findings. A report by Britain´s Royal
Society, an academy of leading scientists, said
soldiers exposed to high levels of depleted uranium
could suffer kidney damage and it could pose a risk to
civilians through contaminated soil or water supplies.
It suggested topsoil in heavily contaminated areas
should be removed and water quality monitored for any
Concerns about the health effects of DU arose last
year after peacekeepers in Bosnia and Kosovo said they
had developed leukemia after exposure to the material.
"Some 270 tons of DU have been spread over
battlefields in the Gulf and the Balkans during the
last decade, the vast majority by U.S. forces," the
magazine added.


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Gonfiato il numero dei militari italiani inviati nei Balcani preso
in esame dall'équipe nominata dal ministro della Difesa


ROMA. Per il ministro della Difesa Antonio Martino è l'ennesima brutta 
figura. Per i vertici delle forze armate, invece, è qualcosa di più. E 
ancora una volta è l'uranio impoverito a creare imbarazzo e a
confermare l'inquietante mancanza di trasparenza sugli effetti 
del metallo del disonore sui nostri militari, spediti in missione 
nei Balcani. La notizia, secca, è questa: le conclusioni della 
commissione presieduta dall'ematologo Franco Mandelli sono 
totalmente inattendibili, perché le valutazioni sono 
state fatte su dati non veritieri. In parole povere, lo studio ha un
vizio di fondo. E cioè che i militari presi in esame dalla 
commissione medica sono 43mila, mentre i soldati italiani 
inviati nei Balcani sono stati solo [sic] 28mila.
E' del tutto evidente chel'incidenza statistica di patologie come il 
linfoma di Hodgkin è stata enormemente superiore, rispetto a 
quanto è stato indicato da Mandelli e dalla sua équipe. 
Che pure avevano dovuto rinoscere un numero di casi di 
tumore del sistema emolinfatico molto superiore alla 
media. Ma in questa storia c'è anche una crudele ironia. Sì, 
perché il  giallo sui numeri nasce dalle stesse forze armate. 
Il dato che sono stati 28mila i soldati italiani inviati nel Balcani 
è infatti contenuto nel Libro Bianco della Difesa.
A questo punto è importante sapere chi ha fornito i dati gonfiati al 
professor Mandelli. Quei quindicimila soldati inesistenti hanno
infatti fatto precipitare l'incidenza statistica. Anche se non sono 
riusciti a  cancellare l'anomalia che la commissione nominata dal 
ministero della  Difesa non è comunque riuscita a spiegare.
Per Mandelli è l'ennesima Caporetto. La sua prima, rassicurante,
relazione era stata demolita da un docente di Statistica dell'università 
di Torino: i calcoli erano completamente sbagliati. Ci fu allora una 
correzione e  l'annuncio di un nuovo studio. Siamo dunque alla 
terza relazione che, pur ammettendo un'incidenza di tumori superiore 
alla media, conclude dicendo che non è possibile trovare un 
rapporto di causa-effetto tra uranio  

Strategic Pipeline in the Caucasus to go Ahead [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-18 Thread petokraka78


Officials Unveil Azerbaijan Pipeline

.c The Associated Press 

SANGACHAL, Azerbaijan (AP) - U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham joined the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on Wednesday for what he called ``one of the most important energy undertakings'' - the start of construction of the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline.

The pipeline from Azerbaijan's Sangachal terminal, 25 miles south of the capital Baku, to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, has been under discussion for eight years. When completed, it is expected to reduce dependence on Gulf exporters and Russian pipelines.

Abraham, Azerbaijani President Geidar Aliev, Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, whose territory the pipeline will cross, participated in Wednesday's groundbreaking ceremony.

``This project guarantees peace, security and stability in the region and still further unites three countries and three peoples,'' Aliev said at the opening ceremony.

The 1,091-mile pipeline, which will be operated by BP, will carry Caspian energy resources - the world's third largest - to a Turkish port en route to Western markets.

It has won strong support from the United States, which is eager to find a more stable energy source outside the sway of the Middle East. Aliev said Wednesday that U.S. help in championing the pipeline had been crucial.

``This project is one of the most important energy undertakings from America's point of view, as well as for this region,'' Abraham said Tuesday at a meeting with Aliev.

Reading a letter from President Bush, Abraham said during Wednesday's ceremony that the project would increase the world's energy security and strengthen the sovereignty and independence of the nations involved.

``Although it will be some time before the first barrel of oil flows through this pipeline, it has already made a significant contribution to the future of this region,'' Bush said in the letter.

Abraham said the project could serve as a model for further endeavors, adding that it opened the door to investment in this impoverished region.

Construction of the pipeline, estimated to cost about $3 billion, is to be completed by early 2004, and the first oil is expected to flow through it a year later. Experts expect about 349 million to 421 million barrels of oil to move through the pipeline every year.

Fuad Akhundov, a spokesman for Aliev's administration, told Russia's Echo of Moscow radio that the pipeline was expected to generate $100 million a year to the regions through which it passes.

Georgian President Shevardnadze, whose small country is heavily dependent on energy from Russia, declared the project to be ``Georgia's main achievement in the past 10 years since it declared independence.'' Georgia is particularly eager for new energy sources given the new low point reached in its relations with Russia.

However, the project has not won unanimous support. The Kremlin has refused to participate and fears the pipeline will sideline Russia from the Western market. Oil from Azerbaijan is now shipped through Russian and Georgian lines.

Russia's biggest oil company, Lukoil, did not join the Baku-Ceyhan consortium.

``We are ready for cooperation but will not put up with the attempts to crowd Russia out of regions in which we have historic interests,'' Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said of the pipeline in New York, according to ITAR-Tass news agency.

Some Western oil companies also have their doubts, saying the proposed route is an expensive alternative to shorter routes through Russia or Iran. Analysts say the Baku-Ceyhan path was chosen for strategic and not commercial reasons.

09/18/02 09:55 EDT


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Corridor 8 Memorandum... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-18 Thread petokraka78


Six Countries Sign Corridor No. 8 Memorandum

The transport corridor is defined as including ports, highways, railroads, airports and traffic management facilities. [Balkan Times photo]

(Various sources - 10/09/02)

A memorandum of understanding on the development of the Pan-European Corridor No.8 was signed on 9 September in the Italian port city of Bari, on the Adriatic. The document, signed by the transport ministers of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Macedonia and Turkey, defines the route of the corridor, which will link Europe with the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

The memorandum stresses the corridor's importance for the overall social and economic development of the region, including the process of European integration, as well as the expansion of mutual co-operation. It also sets out the general technical rules to be applied in development of the transport infrastructure, the exchange of information and the construction stages, as well as measures to facilitate the work in cross-border regions and the framework conditions for private participation in the development and exploitation of the corridor.

Corridor No.8 has a total length of between 1,220 km and 1,350 km depending on the specific features of the component highways and railroads. Starting from the Adriatic at Bari/Brindisi, its main route runs across Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria, linking Durres/Vlora with Tirana, Skopje, Kafasan, Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas/Varna on the Black Sea.

The corridor is part of the Pan-European network of ten transport corridors, and crosses or partly coincides with the routes of three other corridors – nos. 4, 9 and 10. For example, the Sofia-Plovdiv section of Corridor No. 8 lies also on the route of Corridor No. 4, and ensures a direct link between Nis and Istanbul on the route of Corridor No. 10. In Macedonia, Corridor No. 8 crosses the main route of Corridor No. 10.

Corridor No. 8 is multi-componential and includes all ports, highways, railroads and airports, as well as other components pertaining to the transport infrastructure, such as the service facilities for managing traffic.

Slightly more than half of the corridor's route runs across Bulgaria, and most of the necessary road and railway infrastructure is in place. Only a railroad from the Gyueshevo railway station to the Bulgarian-Macedonian border has not been constructed yet. One-third of the 206 km Macedonian section of the corridor is already in place. An estimated $400m is required for construction of the needed infrastructure, including a road ringing Skopje.

The initiative for the development of this "West-East" transport corridor along the Italy-Albania-Macedonia-Bulgaria line, connecting with the Caucasus and the Middle East dates back to 1990. It was set down first in a November 1991 meeting of the transport ministers of Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria held in Sofia. Subsequently, Italy and Turkey joined the initiative, as did Greece at a later stage. The decision for the development of Corridor No. 8 was confirmed at the second Pan-European conference of the ministers of transport in Crete in 1994, and was re-confirmed at the third conference in 1997.


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Fwd: no_to_nato Senate US agreed with invasion of Holland???? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-06-24 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 24/06/02 15:19:55 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:no_to_nato Senate US agreed with invasion of Holland 
Date:24/06/02 15:19:55 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


'Senate US agreed with invasion of Holland'

WASHINGTON-The American senate has agreed with a new law that under
circumstances authorises an invasion of Holland. The invasion could be
necaserry if the International Court of Law in Den Haag helds Americans
prisoner who are suspected of warcrimes.

The attackplans at Den Haag are a part of the "Law Protection of
in military service" (ASPA). This Law has to undermine the international
court of law and later prevent that there will be americans trialed,
according to a representative of the International Organization that has
goal of establishing the international court of law in Den Haag, the ICC
New York.

According to the in New York established ICC, the senate has Thursday
made a change in the bill so that it is not completely finished. The
has to be shown again at the senate and the house of representatives.

Prohibiton on ICC

Other points from the bill are a legal prohibition on cooperation with
ICC, immunity for American soldiers that take part of peace missions and
special presadential protection for those soldiers. The bill also
military support for those who have signed the treaty of ICC, except for
Nato countries and special allies and Taiwan.

According to the ICC the American government is trying with everything
have to undermine the international court of law. The US would also have
pressured the countries who have signed for the treaty, or will sign,
financial pressure.

Unsubscribe by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following command in the BODY of your message: unsubscribe no_to_nato


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'Senate US agreed with invasion of Holland'

WASHINGTON-The American senate has agreed with a new law that under
circumstances authorises an invasion of Holland. The invasion could be
necaserry if the International Court of Law in Den Haag helds Americans
prisoner who are suspected of warcrimes.

The attackplans at Den Haag are a part of the Law Protection of
in military service (ASPA). This Law has to undermine the international
court of law and later prevent that there will be americans trialed,
according to a representative of the International Organization that has
goal of establishing the international court of law in Den Haag, the ICC
New York.

According to the in New York established ICC, the senate has Thursday
made a change in the bill so that it is not completely finished. The
has to be shown again at the senate and the house of representatives.

Prohibiton on ICC

Other points from the bill are a legal prohibition on cooperation with
ICC, immunity for American soldiers that take part of peace missions and
special presadential protection for those soldiers. The bill also
military support for those who have signed the treaty of ICC, except for
Nato countries and special allies and Taiwan.

According to the ICC the American government is trying with everything
have to undermine the international court of law. The US would also have
pressured the countries who have signed for the treaty, or will sign,
financial pressure.

Unsubscribe by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following command in 
the BODY of your message: unsubscribe no_to_nato

---End Message---

Spies get off easy in Greece... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread petokraka78


Court Convicts Euro Aviation Buffs

.c The Associated Press 

KALAMATA, Greece (AP) - Fourteen aviation buffs were convicted on misdemeanor espionage charges Friday and ordered to serve one to three years in prison for taking notes on aircraft at Greek military bases.
But the court suspended the sentences after the ``plane spotters'' appealed, ending - at least for the time being - a case that caused considerable friction between Greece and Britain.
The 12 British and two Dutch aviation enthusiasts were released pending an appeals hearing. As no hearing was immediately scheduled, all 14 planned to leave Greece on Saturday.
The group was arrested after an air show on Nov. 8 in Kalamata, about 150 miles southwest of Athens, and accused of being spies. They said they were merely practicing their hobby but spent five weeks in prison before they were freed on bail.
Originally charged with a felony carrying a maximum of 20 years in prison, the charges were later reduced to a misdemeanor.
Police initially said they were photographing aircraft but during the trial, prosecution witnesses admitted the group had taken no pictures at any of the six air bases they visited.
A three-judge panel, however, dismissed the defendants' arguments, and convicted them Friday on the basis of the notes found in their possession.
Eight were convicted of gathering illegal information and the six others of complicity. The eight were then sentenced to three years in prison; the six others to one year.
Richard Howitt, a British member of the European Parliament, who testified on the group's behalf, called the result ``diabolical'' and pledged to take the case to the European Court.
Other British lawmakers in London also expressed their shock.
``It just seems absolutely incredible and unbelievable that a Greek court should come to this decision,'' said Conservative deputy Gerald Howarth, a pilot for 35 years. ``It is a very popular occupation in this country among people interested in aviation. I just cannot believe that the Greeks have taken this attitude toward them.''
Plane spotters, as they are known in Britain, observe, photograph and take notes such as the serial numbers of military and civilian aircraft. The hobby is virtually unknown in Greece, which has a tradition of tight military controls because of long-standing territorial disputes with neighboring Turkey.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair ``continues to follow this case closely,'' his spokesman said, adding that Blair has in the past brought it up with his Greek counterpart Costas Simitis.
``The government has always believed that the response to this case has been disproportionate and will continue to give the defendants and their families as much help as it can,'' the spokesman said on customary condition of anonymity.
Defense lawyers and witnesses argued that the information they were accused of gathering on the planes was freely available in books and on the Internet.
But prosecutor Panagiotis Poulios said the group knew the information was supposed to be secret.
``They knew they gathered it illegally, and they knew that it could damage national security if it fell into the wrong hands,'' he said in his closing statement.

 04/26/02 15:51 EDT


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Fwd: The Development Set [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 26/04/02 13:56:29 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Development Set

 Excuse me, friends, I must catch my jet-
 I'm off to join the Development Set;
 My bags are packed, and I've had all my shots,
 I have travellers' cheques, and pills for the trots.

 The Development Set is bright and noble,
 Our thoughts are deep and our vision global;
 Although we move with the better classes,
 Our thoughts are always with the masses.

 In Sheraton hotels in scattered nations,
 We damn multinational corporations;
 Injustice seems so easy to protest,
 In such seething hotbeds of social rest.

 We discuss malnutrition over steaks
 And plan hunger talks during coffee breaks.
 Whether Asian floods or African drought,
 We face each issue with an open mouth.

 We bring in consultants whose circumlocution
 Raises difficulties for every solution-
 Thus guaranteeing continued good eating
 By showing the need for another meeting.

 The language of the Development Set
 Stretches the English alphabet;
 We use swell words like 'epigenetic',
 'Micro', 'Macro'. and 'logarithmetic'.

 Development Set homes are extremely chic,
 Full of carvings, curios and draped with batik.
 Eye-level photographs subtly assure
 That your host is at home with the rich and the poor.

 Enough of these verses -- on with the mission!
 Our task is as broad as the human condition!
 Just pray to God the biblical promise is true:
 The poor ye shall always have with you.
 Ross Coggins


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The Development Set
 Excuse me, friends, I must catch my jet- I'm off to join the Development Set; My bags are packed, and I've had all my shots, I have travellers' cheques, and pills for the trots.
 The Development Set is bright and noble, Our thoughts are deep and our vision global; Although we move with the better classes, Our thoughts are always with the masses.
 In Sheraton hotels in scattered nations, We damn multinational corporations; Injustice seems so easy to protest, In such seething hotbeds of social rest.
 We discuss malnutrition over steaks And plan hunger talks during coffee breaks. Whether Asian floods or African drought, We face each issue with an open mouth.
 We bring in consultants whose circumlocution Raises difficulties for every solution- Thus guaranteeing continued good eating By showing the need for another meeting.
 The language of the Development Set Stretches the English alphabet; We use swell words like 'epigenetic', 'Micro', 'Macro'. and 'logarithmetic'.
 Development Set homes are extremely chic, Full of carvings, curios and draped with batik. Eye-level photographs subtly assure That your host is at home with the rich and the poor.
 Enough of these verses -- on with the mission! Our task is as broad as the human condition! Just pray to God the biblical promise is true: The poor ye shall always have with you.
 Ross CogginsJoin the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here
---End Message---

Democracy Strangled in Pakistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread petokraka78


[This is pretty macabre. Musharaff is holding an "election" to legitimate his military rule and to enforce a "constitutional role for the military...not unlike in Turkey." Note AP can't get the spin right even: is it an election, a poll, or a referendum? What do you call a one party, one man election that will be unmonitored? BTW note the following passage: "Musharraf has decreed that each voter is to receive a mark with an indelible pen on a thumbnail. The mark is supposed to take two weeks to wear off, government officials say." While there will be no voter rolls, I've noticed that this "marking" technology is being pushed in the Third World countries by neoliberal regimes engaged in pivotal election contests. I don't know what the purpose of it is exactly other than to scare off voters who mistrust anything that is imposed by the West (thus helping to reduce the anti-Western vote presumably and establishing a precedent for "marking" or "tagging" Third World peoples maybe?). In fact I remember that this technology - never applied in the West to date to my knowledge - caused quite a bit of controversy in Yugoslavia when it was first applied in the DOS-administered elections for the government of Serbia in December 2000. Many refused to be "marked" and where thus denied the right to vote. After being bombed with depleted uranium, and having toxic substances released in the atmosphere and water as a result of NATO bombing (expressly prohibited by the Geneva Conventions - EVEN IF SUCH TARGETS ARE MILITARY IN NATURE!) is it wonder that many Yugoslav's mistrusted such a technology? Anyway, the AP dispatch below says everything pretty clearly, although the moral outrage over the subversion of democracy so evident in its dispatches on Zimbabwe in March is notable for its absence...]

Pakistanis Ready for Key Referendum
.c The Associated Press 

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - When voters go to the polls on Tuesday they will be deciding more than just whether Gen. Pervez Musharraf will be Pakistan's president for the next five years.
A vote for Musharraf, a strong ally of the United States in its war against terrorism, is also certain to guarantee the military a more permanent role in civic affairs, probably one enshrined in the constitution.
It's no coincidence that Musharraf is seeking his five-year mandate as president while still in uniform as army chief of staff, the implication being that a vote for him is also a vote for the army.
His banners drive home that point.
``Be Patriotic. Vote Musharraf,'' reads one, accompanied by a picture of the presidential candidate in full uniform resplendent with his many medals.
Musharraf took power in a bloodless coup in 1999, throwing out democratically elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. From the outset Musharraf has been clear that he wants a more constitutionally authorized role for the army -- a setup not unlike Turkey's.
Pakistan's army has ruled this poor nation of 140 million people for more than half of the country's 55-year history. Each time Pakistan's democratically elected government falls into chaos, the army either outright takes power or orchestrates a change of government from behind the scenes.
Usually the military takes over in the name of saving the country from collapse. It was no different this time. Musharraf charged widespread corruption by Sharif, whom he exiled to Saudi Arabia. He also has prohibited another deposed prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, from participating in October's general elections.
But in this referendum, Musharraf has made it easy for ordinary Pakistanis to vote.
There are no election rolls or voters' lists. Any citizen 18 years old or over can vote anywhere in the country. The lack of voters' registration raises the possibility that one person might vote more than once, but Musharraf has decreed that each voter is to receive a mark with an indelible pen on a thumbnail. The mark is supposed to take two weeks to wear off, government officials say.
There will be more than 100,000 polling stations at a cost of more than $28 million. That figure doesn't include the cost of the security forces being deployed for the referendum conducted by an administration that is completely in the hands of the army. An army officer even runs state-owned corporations such as those that provide power and light.
The military government justifies the expense.
``The referendum will end uncertainty about the reform process, bring stability and restore investors' confidence,'' said Nisar Memon, information minister in Musharraf's government.
``Compared to the expenses, the positive economic fallout of referendum would be much higher.''
The last two bouts of military rule have been strongly condemned by the United States only to be later embraced by Washington, both times because of Afghanistan.
Gen. Zia-ul Haq, who seized power in 1977 and hanged the deposed 

Bush Letter to Kostunica Read on RTS... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread petokraka78


Bush Presses Yugoslavia on Tribunal

.c The Associated Press 

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - President Bush said Saturday that Yugoslavia's president should cooperate more fully with the U.N. war crimes tribunal and said such help is critical to the country's integration with Europe.
Bush praised recent steps by Yugoslavia ``to meet its international obligations'' but appealed for President Vojislav Kostunica, a moderate nationalist who opposes the tribunal, to do more.
``To continue on the path to European integration, Yugoslavia's full cooperation with the court and your leadership on the issues is essential,'' Bush wrote in a letter dated Saturday, sent to mark the country's Statehood Day.
White House officials declined to release a copy. Excerpts were provided by a Bush administration official. A translation of the letter was read Saturday evening on Serbian state television.
A law adopted by the Yugoslav government this month allows for the extradition of suspected war criminals to the tribunal in The Hague. Authorities last week delivered a list of suspects to a Belgrade court in preparation for arrests and handovers. Some 24 Serbs are wanted by the U.N. court for alleged Balkan war crimes.
Former army chief of staff Col. Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic pleaded innocent to war crimes charges Friday. Five other Serb suspects have promised to surrender, while 18 other suspects included on the Yugoslav government list now face arrest and extradition.
The United States has threatened to withdraw millions of dollars in badly needed aid unless Yugoslavia extradites the suspects.
Bush typically sends letters to government leaders to mark national holidays, but such letters do not usually carry the kind of demands Bush made to Yugoslavia, an administration official said.
When they do, Bush offers the type of ``carrot and stick'' approach in Saturday's letter - an expression of gratitude for action on the one hand, pressure for more action on the other, the official said.
In the letter, Bush praised Yugoslavia for ``great progress'' over the past year and a half.
``Only a short time ago, the leadership in Belgrade was a major source of suffering and war in the Balkans,'' Bush said. ``Today, Yugoslavia is increasingly a force for peace, stability and economic development.''
Nonetheless, ``Important strides in terms of economic reform need to be matched by progress in such areas as democratic control of the military,'' Bush said.
The cable was sent while Bush was spending a long weekend on his Crawford, Texas, ranch. Government offices were closed in Belgrade Saturday, and no officials were available to respond.
By ``European integration,'' Bush meant greater links with Europe's economic, political and transportation institutions, and possibly eventual membership in the European Union, an administration official said. There is also financial aid at stake.
Yugoslavia has applied to join the Council of Europe, the continent's top human rights-monitoring body, and hopes membership will be approved by this summer. Bosnia, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia are already members.
This is the first step toward eventual membership in the European Union, and possibly NATO.
Yugoslavia also has outstanding loans from the Slobodan Milosevic era and earlier. It is seeking favorable treatment, such as easier repayment terms, from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and other major international finance groups.
Bush's letter came two weeks after his administration failed to block the creation of the United Nations' first permanent war crimes tribunal. Despite U.S. opposition, the tribunal this month received the necessary international backing to come into force on July 1.
The United States fears American citizens would be subject to frivolous or politically motivated prosecutions. It is the only vocal opponent of the court.
The United States campaigned unsuccessfully to exempt U.S. soldiers and officials from the court's jurisdiction. The administration is currently reviewing its position on the court.

 04/27/02 17:28 EDT


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Sick! Proposed RCD ministries in DR Congo/// [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 22/04/02 12:08:22 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[AfricaT] List of Proposed RCD officials and departments 
Date:22/04/02 12:08:22 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


1. President: Dr.Onasumb'Imana
2. First Vice-President: Maitre Azarias Ruberw'Imana
3. Vice-President: Maitre Moise Nyarugab'Imana

1. Defense Nationale: see PK (voir Paul Kagame)
2. Territorial Administration: Joseph Mudumb'Imana
3. Foreign Relations and Cooperation: Dr. Bizim'Imana Karaha
4. Justice and Conflict Resolution: Moise Nyarugab'Imana
5. Mobilisation, Propaganda, Youth and Sports: Ruberangey'Imana
6. Security and Intelligence:Dr.Bizim'Imana Karaha
8. Finance: Theo Mpabuk'Imana
9. Communication and Culture: Kin Kiey Mulumb'Imana
10. Economy, Planning, Industry and Commerce: Dr. Kabagamb'Imana
11. Land, Mines and Energy: Emmanuel Kamanz'Imana
12. Transport and Telecommunications: TBD
13. Public Works, Urbanism, Habitat and Regional Development: TBD


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1. President: Dr.Onasumb'Imana
2. First Vice-President: Maitre Azarias Ruberw'Imana
3. Vice-President: Maitre Moise Nyarugab'Imana

1. Defense Nationale: see PK (voir Paul Kagame)
2. Territorial Administration: Joseph Mudumb'Imana
3. Foreign Relations and Cooperation: Dr. Bizim'Imana Karaha
4. Justice and Conflict Resolution: Moise Nyarugab'Imana
5. Mobilisation, Propaganda, Youth and Sports: Ruberangey'Imana
6. Security and Intelligence:Dr.Bizim'Imana Karaha
8. Finance: Theo Mpabuk'Imana
9. Communication and Culture: Kin Kiey Mulumb'Imana
10. Economy, Planning, Industry and Commerce: Dr. Kabagamb'Imana
11. Land, Mines and Energy: Emmanuel Kamanz'Imana
12. Transport and Telecommunications: TBD
13. Public Works, Urbanism, Habitat and Regional Development: TBD

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---End Message---

ICTY Suspects to Hand-Themselves In... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


[It is interesting to note that Milan Babic was never indicted by the ICTY, who unlike Milan Martic, could really be accused of being a nationalist in the Auntonomna Pokrajina Srpske Krajine (APSK) and then latter the Republika Srpske Krajine (RSK) leadership. Martic's only crime it seems was to have been more loyal to Milosevic than the Western intelligence services that probably tried to buy him off.]

War Crimes Suspects May Surrender
.c The Associated Press 

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Six Serbs indicted by the U.N. war crimes court said they were ready to surrender to the tribunal as a government deadline expired for 23 suspects to turn themselves in or face arrest, the Justice Ministry said Tuesday.
Among the six who agreed to surrender are three top suspects: former Yugoslav army commander Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic, former deputy prime minister Nikola Sainovic and former Croatian Serb rebel leader Milan Martic.
The 17 other suspects listed by the tribunal based in The Hague, Netherlands, declined to surrender by a Monday deadline and now face possible arrest and extradition, the ministry said in a statement.
Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic - the No. 1 war crimes suspect at large - and his top general, Ratko Mladic, are among the 17, as is current Serbian President Milan Milutinovic.
Karadzic is healthy and busy writing books at an undisclosed location, including a book of poetry for children and his entire wartime correspondence, his friends and associates said Monday in Belgrade.
Miroslav Toholj, former information minister in the Bosnian Serb wartime government, presented one Karadzic book, ``Sitovacija'' (The Situation), which he described as a ``light, amusing stage play'' that ``ridicules global manipulators.''
Under a threat of U.S. economic sanctions, the federal parliament earlier this month passed a law regulating extraditions and other forms of cooperation with the U.N. court and granting privileges for those who surrender, including the possibility that they would stay free pending their trials.
Yugoslav Interior Minister Zoran Zivkovic said Tuesday that the guarantees will be given only after the suspects turn themselves in to The Hague tribunal.
Ojdanic, who commanded the army during the 1999 NATO airstrikes against Yugoslavia, and Sainovic, a security adviser to then-President Slobodan Milosevic, were charged by The Hague court along with Milosevic with war crimes in Kosovo during a Serb crackdown in the province. About 800,000 Kosovo Albanians were deported from their homes and thousands were killed.
Milosevic, who was extradited to The Hague last June in a handover that his allies called illegal, has been indicted on 66 counts of war crimes in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
Martic was a leader of Serbs in Croatia, who rebelled when the republic seceded from Yugoslavia in 1991. As Croatian forces regained rebel-held territories, Martic allegedly ordered retaliatory missile fire against the Croatian capital, Zagreb, that killed several civilians in 1995.
The other three men who agreed to surrender are former army officers Mile Mrksic and Vladimir Kovacevic, and former Bosnian Serb prison guard Momcilo Gruban.
The Justice Ministry said did not specify a timeframe for the surrender. But Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic said some of the six could be heading to The Hague ``in the next few days.''
The general secretary of Milosevic's Socialist party, Zoran Andjelkovic, confirmed Tuesday that Sainovic, a ranking party official, will surrender to The Hague. He added that Sainovic is doing this under the ``government pressure.''

 04/23/02 10:42 EDT


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Greater Lies on Greater Serbia and NATO's Apartheid Policies in the Balkans [WWW

2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


Hey all,

I'm doing a paper on the recognition of Bosnia and Hercegovina.  Two things 
have struck me so far in my research:

1) the degree to which NATO's policy viz. Yugoslavia resembles the Bantustan 
approach adopted by the South African regime.  In order to dilute opposition 
to its rule, Pretoria did not recognize a black majority but instead 
several minorities as having the right to their own path to development, 
or apartheid on the basis that all peoples were different and deserved 
their own states.  Pretoria only recognized tribes or ethnies some of 
which, according to official apartheid era propaganda hated each other more 
than the whites. In order to divide and rule Pretoria recognized different 
levels of autonomy based on the evolution of different peoples, finally 
granting them statehood - which went unrecognized by the entire 
international community - once they were sufficiently evolved like in the 
cases of Transkei, Ciskei, and Bophatswanaland.  In fact such acts of 
recognition it has been argued are jus cogens, or peremptory violation of 
international law as they violated the sovereignty and self-determination of 
peoples (who never voted for such independence).  In the same way, 
Yugoslavia's peoples - but especially the Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, and 
Montenegrins who shared an identical linguage, i.e. the surest sign of common 
ethnic heritage - where united in a common state.  In order for NATO to 
dominate it had to create ethnic partitions and recognize independent 
homelands which would effectively undercut opposition to its rule by 
preventing any one side from supporting the other.  It is interesting to note 
that the secessionist leadership in both Slovenia and Croatia only won on 
referendums that argued for a restructured Yugoslavia as a loose federation 
and NOT complete dismemberement.  Nonetheless, in violation of these 
referenda the republican leaderships moved to escalate the crisis each time a 
solution within a Yugoslav framework was within reach, thereby increasing the 
involvement of Federal organs and the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and 
creating the oportunity to charge Greater Serbian hegemonism.  This 
polarized the population and prevented a solution within Yugoslavia (i.e. the 
intention of Slovenia and Croatia's foreign backers, particularly the USA, 
Germany and Britain).  In fact during the escalation of the crisis in Spring 
1991 Douglas Hurd met with Tudman in London and Bush sent a letter to 
Croatian VP Stipe Mesic arguing that a peaceful secession by Croatia and 
Slovenia would be supported.  In May 1991, the United States cut off all aid 
to Yugoslavia citing Serbian actions in Kosovo and Serbia's 
destabilization fo the Federal Presidency (while completely ignoring the much 
more serious crimes of the HDZ regime in Croatia and Slovenia's complete 
boycott and hence destabilization of all Federal Organs, as well as the 
Federation as a whole).  If the USA was moving to preserve Yugoslavia it 
was sure going about it the wrong way by lending support to secessionist and 
only denouncing those who sought to hold the country together.  Such policies 
are of course behind the radical parcallation of land throughout the Balkans 
which has left Slovene, Croat, Bosnian Serbs, Croatian Serbs, Bosnian 
Muslims, Albanians, Macedonians and now even Montenegrins living in seperate 
states de facto or dejure.  The only underlying commonality allowed between 
the various Bantustans, as in South Africa was: 1) the right to be 
exploited by the central administering power of the apartheid regime (, 2) 
the right to be economically dominated by the apartheid regimes corporate 
and financial interests, (3) the privelege of having critical 
infrastructure maintained by the white minority regime, and 3) the presence 
of the apartheid regimes security forces as the ultimate arbiter of the 
situation in the homelands (including specially trained local police forces 
to put down the native populations resistance and workers strikes).  Any 
opposition that challenged this process of seperate development in South 
Africa, was quashed, leaders were imprisoned and tried for terrorism or 
crimes against humanity and where regularly branded as communists, just 
as the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Alliance of Reform Forces, the League 
of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia, the League of Communists of 
Montenegro, the League of Communists of Bosnia, the League of Communists of 
Macedonia - Movement for Democratic Renewal, etc. - all of which favored the 
preservation of a multiethnic Yugoslavia, and opposed the principle of 
violent ethnic partition - were marginalized and sidestepped by NATO, and 
their leadership demonized and destroyed.  NATO has effectively pursued a 
radical policy of Bantustanization of Yugoslavia, which has continuously 
favored the most radical elements in the Balkan drama - espousing the 

RPF's Former Hutu Puppet Arrested by Kagame [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


Before and after coming to power the RPF has engaged in a horendous policy of denying democracy and a US backed expansionist campaign to consolidate its hold over larger and larger portions of Central Africa. However, even former RPF allies have now begun turning against its genocidal policies both within and outside of Rwanda. Nonetheless Kagame's illegitimate regime continues to receive one of the largest US assistance packages - including military - on the African continent.

In a message dated 22/04/02 12:48:32 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[AfricaT] Important: Police arrest former Rwanda president Bizimungu 
Date:22/04/02 12:48:32 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Original Message Follows
Subject: important: Police arrest former Rwanda president Bizimungu
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 00:27:59 -0400

 Police arrest former Rwanda president Bizimungu

 KIGALI, April 20 ‹ Rwanda's former president turned opposition
 Pasteur Bizimungu has been arrested over what police said on
 Saturday was
 illegal political activity.
 Police spokesman Tony Kuramba said Bizimungu's right-hand
 Charles Ntakirutinkad has also been detained.
 ''They're both helping police with enquiries concerning
 the illegal
 political activity they've been carrying out clandestinely,''
 Karumba told
 Bizimungu, an ethnic Hutu, resigned as president in March
 2000 after
 falling out with leading members of the country's
 Tutsi-dominated ruling
 party, and was replaced by military strongman Paul Kagame.
 ''You remember they were advised to wait for the end of
 transition period before carrying out political activity, but
 they did not
 heed that advice,'' Kuramba said.
 The detention follows a search of the men's homes on
 ''They'll be charged under Article 166 of the penal code
 breach of security and spreading harmful propaganda against the
 Kuramba said, adding that the investigation was still underway.
 ''After the investigation we'll forward the case to the
 Office,'' he said, adding that it would be up to the prosecutor
 to decide
 whether the two would remain in custody or be released on bail.
 Rwandan state radio reported that if the charges against
 the former
 president are confirmed he will be liable to a prison sentence
 of between
 two and 10 years.
 Bizimungu, in his early fifties, joined the Rwandan
 Patriotic Front
 (RPF), then a rebel group fighting to overthrow the regime of
 late president
 Juvenal Habyarimana, in 1990.
 He lived in exile in Belgium from 1990 to 1994 and served
 as an RPF
 representative to peace negotiations in Tanzania in 1993.
 When the RPF took power in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide,
 Bizimungu was
 appointed president. He resigned in March 2000.
 In May of last year he formed a political party called
 Ubuyanja, or
 the Democratic Party for Renewal, which was promptly outlawed.
 a former minister, was secretary general of the party.

 Two weeks ago, in a speech to mark the eighth
 commemoration of the
 1994 genocide Kagame issued his most forceful warning to date to
 not to dabble in divisive politics.
 ''I think that after the president's warning, Bizimungu's
 should come as no surprise,'' said one observer.
 While he was president, Bizimungu had been held up as a
 symbol of reconciliation between Hutus and Tutsis in a country
 still coming
 to terms with its 1994 genocide.
 Before his resignation, Bizimungu had become increasingly
 with the direction the government was taking and the suppression
 of internal
 dissent, deciding the only option was to launch his own
 opposition party,
 supporters said.  Rwanda's government is nominally a
 coalition of
 all the country's main political parties, but in practice it is
 dominated by
 the RPF which took power in 1994 to end the genocide.
 During Rwanda's genocide, extremists from the Hutu
 massacred an estimated 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus
 in just
 three months before the RPF took power.

 Copyright 2002 Reuters Limited.


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Original Message Follows
Subject: important: Police arrest former Rwanda president Bizimungu
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 00:27:59 -0400

   Police arrest former Rwanda president Bizimungu


Fwd: [AfricaT] Chemical Coup d'Etat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 23/04/02 16:44:59 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[AfricaT] Chemical Coup d'Etat 
Date:23/04/02 16:44:59 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Chemical coup d'etat

The US wants to depose the diplomat who could take away its pretext for war 
with Iraq

George Monbiot
Tuesday April 16, 2002
The Guardian, London, United Kingdom

On Sunday, the US government will launch an international coup. It has been
planned for a month. It will be executed quietly, and most of us won't know
what is happening until it's too late. It is seeking to overthrow 60 years
of multilateralism in favour of a global regime built on force.

The coup begins with its attempt, in five days' time, to unseat the man in
charge of ridding the world of chemical weapons. If it succeeds, this will
be the first time that the head of a multilateral agency will have been
deposed in this manner. Every other international body will then become
vulnerable to attack. The coup will also shut down the peaceful options for
dealing with the chemical weapons Iraq may possess, helping to ensure that
war then becomes the only means of destroying them.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) enforces the
chemical weapons convention. It inspects labs and factories and arsenals and
oversees the destruction of the weapons they contain. Its director-general
is a workaholic Brazilian diplomat called Jose Bustani. He has, arguably,
done more in the past five years to promote world peace than anyone else on
earth. His inspectors have overseen the destruction of 2 million chemical
weapons and two-thirds of the world's chemical weapon facilities. He has so
successfully cajoled reluctant nations that the number of signatories to the
convention has risen from 87 to 145 in the past five years: the fastest
growth rate of any multilateral body in recent times.

In May 2000, as a tribute to his extraordinary record, Bustani was
re-elected unanimously by the member states for a second five-year term,
even though he had yet to complete his first one. Last year Colin Powell
wrote to him to thank him for his "very impressive" work. But now everything
has changed. The man celebrated for his achievements has been denounced as
an enemy of the people.

In January, with no prior warning or explanation, the US state department
asked the Brazilian government to recall him, on the grounds that it did not
like his "management style". This request directly contravenes the chemical
weapons convention, which states "the director-general ... shall not seek or
receive instructions from any government". Brazil refused. In March the US
government accused Bustani of "financial mismanagement", "demoralisation" of
his staff, "bias" and "ill-considered initiatives". It warned that if he
wanted to avoid damage to his reputation, he must resign.

Again, the US was trampling the convention, which insists that member states
shall "not seek to influence" the staff. He refused to go. On March 19 the
US proposed a vote of no confidence in Bustani. It lost. So it then did
something unprecedented in the history of multi lateral diplomacy. It called
a "special session" of the member states to oust him. The session begins on

And this time the US is likely to get what it wants.

Since losing the vote last month, the United States, which is supposed to be
the organisation's biggest donor, has been twisting the arms of weaker
nations, refusing to pay its dues unless they support it, with the result
that the OPCW could go under. Last week Bustani told me, "the Europeans are
so afraid that the US will abandon the convention that they are prepared to
sacrifice my post to keep it on board". His last hope is that the United
Kingdom, whose record of support for the organisation has so far been
exemplary, will make a stand. The meeting on Sunday will present Tony
Blair's government with one of the clearest choices it has yet faced between
multilateralism and the "special relationship".

The US has not sought to substantiate the charges it has made against
Bustani. The OPCW is certainly suffering from a financial crisis, but that
is largely because the US unilaterally capped its budget and then failed to
pay what it owed. The organisation's accounts have just been audited and
found to be perfectly sound. Staff morale is higher than any organisation as
underfunded as the OPCW could reasonably expect. Bustani's real crimes are
contained in the last two charges, of "bias" and "ill-considered

The charge of bias arises precisely because the OPCW is not biased. It has
sought to examine facilities in the United States with the same rigour with
which it examines facilities anywhere else. But, just like Iraq, the US has
refused to accept weapons inspectors from countries it 


2002-04-23 Thread petokraka78


[No, this isn't about Elvis Presley, but about Bulgaria's returning monarch - oh joy!]

Bulgarian Leader Wants Into NATO
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - Prime Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha of Bulgaria said Monday his country is prepared to make a significant contribution to NATO if invited to join later this year.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who meets with President Bush on Tuesday, addressed a luncheon gathering at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group.
His 15-minute address was devoted entirely to reasons why he believes Bulgaria would be a valuable addition to the 19-member alliance. When NATO convenes a summit meeting in Prague in November, Bulgaria is seen as a likely recipient of a membership invitation.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said Bulgaria would make NATO more robust, particularly in the U.S.-led effort to defeat international terrorism.
He said Bulgarian military contributions would help NATO countries in Europe narrow the current military advantage held by the Unites States in the alliance.
``We are willing to make a significant contribution to NATO,'' said Saxe-Coburg-Botha, who served as a child monarch in the 1940's before being forced into exile when Bulgaria became communist. The country spent decades as a loyal ally of the Soviet Union.
On his return from exile, he formed his own party, which won parliamentary elections last June.
Immediately after Sept. 11, Bulgaria joined the anti-terrorism struggle in earnest, opening its air space to American and other aircraft heading for Southwest Asia.
Even though it was not part of NATO, Bulgaria invoked the alliance's collective defense provisions, making it a de facto member.
Bulgaria's Southeast Europe neighbor, Romania, also is considered a strong candidate for NATO membership. Others seen as having a good chance are Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Albania, Macedonia and Croatia are considered to have little chance in this round of NATO expansion.

 04/22/02 16:56 EDT


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Fwd: Scenes of War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-22 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 21/04/02 21:41:12 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Western 'Civilization' Through Perpetual War

SCENES OF WAR, A Glimpse Behind The Curtain Of Silence
by Gregory Elich (with photographs by the author)

War. It has come to be regarded as an ordinary event, scarcely meriting a
thought. There is always some new enemy that the West must battle; always a
simple contest of good versus evil...

Article and photographs at:



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Western 'Civilization' Through Perpetual War

SCENES OF WAR, A Glimpse Behind The Curtain Of Silence
by Gregory Elich  (with photographs by the author)

War. It has come to be regarded as an ordinary event, scarcely meriting a
thought. There is always some new enemy that the West must battle; always a
simple contest of good versus evil...

Article and photographs at:


---End Message---

Fwd: Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 18/04/02 18:45:07 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3) 
Date:18/04/02 18:45:07 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Le général JOSEPH PADIRI BULENDA David vient de publier un Communiqué de Presse concernant l'accord de réunification du Territoire National

Regardez l'URL suivant:

Constantin Muhondosi
Chargé de Relations Extérieurs
Tel.: 00 243 98301060


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Title: Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3)

Le général JOSEPH PADIRI BULENDA David vient de publier un Communiqué de Presse concernant l'accord de réunification du Territoire National

Regardez l'URL suivant:

Constantin Muhondosi
Chargé de Relations Extérieurs
Tel.: 00 243 98301060

---End Message---

ICTY to move against KLA?????? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread petokraka78


[Who will be arrested??? Thaci, Ceku, Rexhepi, Haradinaj, Albright???...not bloody likely! Don't even bother holding your breath on this one..]

U.N. May Indict Kosovo Albanian
.c The Associated Press 

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - The chief U.N. prosecutor said Friday that a Balkan war crimes tribunal that has so far focused on Serbian suspects may finish investigations into ethnic Albanian rebels in Kosovo later this year and hand down indictments.
Carla del Ponte met top Kosovo officials at the end of a three-day Balkan tour in which she pressed governments in Bosnia and Serbia to hand over indicted suspects for trial in The Hague, Netherlands.
The U.N. war crimes tribunal has been criticized for alleged bias against Serbs. Most of those indicted for crimes in the Croatian, Bosnian and Kosovo wars are Serbs held responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. No ethnic Albanian has been publicly indicted so far for wrongdoing.
But Del Ponte said her investigators hoped to finish probes later this year into three cases involving suspects from the Kosovo Liberation Army, a rebel group that fought for independence of the Yugoslav province.
``I'm sure that this year we will issue the first indictment,'' she said.
Standing at her side, Michael Steiner, the top U.N. official running the province, said his mission will offer full support to prosecute those responsible for war crimes, regardless of their origin.
``There is no nationality when it comes to war crimes,'' Steiner said.
Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova and Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi pledged their support.
``We have said before that no one stands above the law,'' Rexhepi said. ``The tribunal has the right to investigate in every place where the fighting took place.''
NATO's air war in 1999 ended former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanians that left at least 10,000 of them killed. Milosevic is currently on trial in the Hague.
A committee gathering information on crimes against humanity and violations of international law in Belgrade says 3,276 Serbs and other non-Albanians are missing since the 1998-2001 conflict in Kosovo.
Most of the victims were killed or abducted after NATO-led peacekeepers and the United Nations took over the province in June 1999, according to the committee.
On Friday, assailants hurled a hand grenade into the last Serb-owned restaurant in the predominantly ethnic Albanian town of Presevo in southern Serbia, near the Kosovo border. No one was injured, but the restaurant was ruined, a Yugoslav government statement said.

 04/19/02 12:56 EDT


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Fwd: [AfricaT] Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-19 Thread petokraka78



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Title: Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila

Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila

Ludo Martens, Bruxelles, 17 avril 2002

Chez tous les nationalistes congolais habitant Bruxelles, l¹indignation était à son comble après la lecture des « propositions » du président sud-africain Mbeki. Ainsi, jusqu¹à la fin de cette guerre d¹agression sanglante qui a déjà fait plus de 3.500.000 morts, l¹Afrique du Sud se tiendra aux côtés des Rwandais et Ougandais et de leurs commanditaires. 
Nous avons écrit dès le mois d¹août 1999 que l¹Accord de Lusaka contenait le programme d¹un coup d¹état « parlementaire » contre le pouvoir nationaliste de Mzee Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Le coup d¹état militaire des Rwandais ayant échoué en août 98, c¹est bel et bien un coup d¹état « parlementaire » que Mbeki veut réussir après trois ans et huit mois d'occupation. 
C'est un secret public que l'Afrique du Sud a été de mèche avec les Etats-Unis, le Rwanda et l'Ouganda dès le début de la guerre. Se rendre à Sun City pour négocier le destin du Congo, était se mettre dans la gueule du loup. Si les « rebelles » et opposants voulaient réellement un « dialogue » entre Congolais, Kinshasa s¹imposait d¹emblée comme seul choix possible. C¹est à Kinshasa que se sont déroulés ces autres Dialogues appelés Conclave de Lovanium et Conférence Nationale et Souveraine. Les scènes grotesques et humiliantes qui se sont déroulées à Sun City n¹auraient jamais pu avoir lieu à Kinshasa. La population n¹aurait pas supporté l¹intolérable. 

Manoeuvres de la dernière minute 

Le 10 avril, quelques jours avant la fin du dialogue, Mbeki a fait des propositions qui imposent de nouvelles concessions à Joseph Kabila. Le Président congolais est dépouillé de l¹essentiel de son pouvoir par la création d¹un « Conseil d¹Etat » composé par le Président de la République, le chef du RCD, le chef du MLC et le Premier ministre qui vient de l¹opposition. Mais le RCD refusa les propositions de Mbeki, exigeant la capitulation pure et simple du gouvernement légal et légitime du Congo. 
Pendant 44 jours, le RCD, le MLC et une partie de l¹opposition ont tenté de faire table rase de toutes les institutions congolaises. Malgré les (trop) nombreuses concessions du gouvernement, le « Dialogue » allait droit à l¹échec. Alors, le 11 avril, Masire a proposé que le « Dialogue », qui devait prendre fin le lendemain, soit prolongé jusqu¹au 18. Il l¹a fait après concertation avec Mbeki « pour permettre de finaliser les avances réalisées sur les institutions de la Transition ». Cela participait déjà du complot entre Mbeki et le RCD-Rwanda. Le gouvernement a protesté contre cette modification des termes de l¹Accord de Lusaka : le « facilitateur » n¹a pas compétence en la matière. Le RCD, en revanche, a immédiatement « salué l¹annonce de Masiri Šqui se justifie pour le bien du peuple congolais ». Le RCD, Mbeki et Masire espéraient pousser Joseph Kabila et le gouvernement à la capitulation intégrale.
Mbeki profita du délai supplémentaire pour rédiger une seconde version de son Plan, qui vise à réaliser les conditions de la victoire des agresseurs et de la liquidation de tout pouvoir nationaliste à Kinshasa. 

Une « Transition » sous occupation rwandaise ?

Le plan inqualifiable de Mbeki a comme premier objectif de justifier l¹occupation permanente de l¹Est par les armées de Kagame. Son texte dit : « La période de la Transition sera utilisée afin d¹initier le processus qui va mener à la réunification de la RCD et afin de faciliter le retrait des forces étrangères. » Tous les nationalistes congolais avaient affirmé qu¹il ne pouvait y avoir de dialogue intercongolais sous la menace des fusils des agresseurs. Mais la soi-disant Communauté Internationale les a obligés de dialoguer avec les marionnettes de Kagame et Museveni et cela sous la présence continue des agresseurs sur la moitié du territoire national. C¹était déjà une concession que les nationalistes jugent inacceptable, mais que le gouvernement a faite pour que le peuple se rende compte que si le « dialogue » tourne en farce et échoue, ce ne sera pas de sa faute. 
Cette concession humiliante, les agresseurs l¹ont transformée en nouvel argument pour rester indéfiniment au Congo, pendant toute la période de la « Transition », s¹il le faut. Dans les propositions que Ruberwa a remises à Mbeki, nous lisons parmi les « principes fondamentaux de la transition » au point 7 : « Le désarmement immédiat des groupes armés étrangers suivi 


2002-04-18 Thread petokraka78


Jeudi 18 avril, Communiqué de Presse concernant l'accord de réunification du Territoire National

Nous Patriotes Résistants Mai Mai, soutenons l'accord de réunification du territoire National signé ce 17 avril 2002 à Sun-City entre le gouvernement de la République Démocratique Congo et le MLC, soutenus par d'autres composantes au Dialogue Intercongolais, notamment: le RCD-ML, le RCD-L, la Société civile et 3,5/4 de l'opposition politique non-armé.

Réiterons notre soutien au Président de la République Démocratique Congo, le Général Major Joseph Kabila et à son maintien pour conduire la transition.

Face à l'attitude du Rwanda et de ses poulains du RCD/Goma et de l'UDPS/Tshisekedi.
Invitons ces derniers d'adhérer à l'accord conclu entre le Gouvernement de la RDC et d'autres composants.

Déclarons que notre lutte continuera jusqu'au départ du dernier agresseur.

Demanonds à tous les Patriotes Congolais égarés ou pris en otage par le Rwanda de se joindre au Mai Mai pour récouvrer la réunification du Territoire national.

A tous ceux qui ne se confermerons pas aux conclusions du Dialogue Intercongolais disons qu'ils seront neutralisés sans préalables par les Mai Mai.

Fait à Shabunda,

le 18 avril 2002

Pour le Haut commandement des Patriotes Résistants Mai Mai

Général Joseph PADIRI BULENDA David

Par ordre
Constantin Muhondosi
Chargé de Relations Extérieurs

Contact: www.congo-mai-mai.net
tel.: 00 243 98301060


Pour la dŽfense des intŽrts du peuple ,nous rŽsistons. Pour la cause juste, nous vaincrons . 


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Fwd: Novine - Info... Akcija - protest protiv Medlin Olbrajt [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-17 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 15/04/02 22:30:44 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


17 aprila Medlin Olbrajt ce biti glavni gost humanitarne organizacije Junior League na veceri namenjenoj skuplajnju 
dobrovoljnih priloga za programe namenjene mentalnom zdravlju dece u Torontu. 
Naravno, ni reci o mentalnom zdravlju dece koja su zbog Olbrajtove dozivela genocid u Ruandi, masovni pomor u Iraku, trovanje 
osiromasenim uranijumom u Srbiji. 
Organizatori nisu odustali od namere ni pored mnogobrojnih protesta. 
Srbi iz Toronta i okoline ce kao i u ranijim prilikama organizovati protest 17 aprila. Evo sta Vi mozete da uradite da pomognete. 
Odstampajte prilozeni letak, dopisite svoje komentare na engleskom ili francuskom i posaljite faksom organizatorima. 
Takodje, posaljite letak i prilozeno pismo Vasim pozanicima sa molbom da urade to isto.

Mi se cesto zalimo da nista ne vredi, a da nismo nista ni probali.

Prilozena fajla je bez virusa i otvara se uz pomoc programa akrobat. Ako ga nemate instaliranog na Vasem racunaru, 
besplatnu kopiju mozete naci na 



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From: Bob Petrovich [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Akcija - protest protiv Medlin Olbrajt 
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:32:03 -0400 

17 aprila Medlin Olbrajt ce biti glavni gost humanitarne organizacije
Junior League na veceri namenjenoj skuplajnju 
dobrovoljnih priloga za programe namenjene mentalnom zdravlju dece u
Naravno, ni reci o mentalnom zdravlju dece koja su zbog Olbrajtove
dozivela genocid u Ruandi, masovni pomor u Iraku, trovanje 
osiromasenim uranijumom u Srbiji. 
Organizatori nisu odustali od namere ni pored mnogobrojnih protesta.

Srbi iz Toronta i okoline ce kao i u ranijim prilikama organizovati
protest 17 aprila. Evo sta Vi mozete da uradite da pomognete. 
Odstampajte prilozeni letak, dopisite svoje komentare na engleskom ili
francuskom i posaljite faksom organizatorima. 
Takodje, posaljite letak i prilozeno pismo Vasim pozanicima sa molbom da
urade to isto.
Mi se cesto zalimo da nista ne vredi, a da nismo nista ni
Prilozena fajla je bez virusa i otvara se uz pomoc programa akrobat. Ako
ga nemate instaliranog na Vasem racunaru, 
besplatnu kopiju mozete naci na 
Dear All,
Madeline Albright, the woman responsible for death of more than one
million children in Iraq, the woman who facilitated genocide in Rwanda by
blocking UN response, the evil spirit behind Kosovo war, woman who fanned
the flames of Middle East Conflict will help raising money for
children's mental health programs in Toronto.
If you are outraged, please feel free to use the attached flyer. 
If you can join us at the demonstation in front of Metro Toronto
Convention Centre Downtown Toronto, Front Street Wast, April 17, 6 P.M.
use the back side of attached flier for your own messages and remarks.
Bring your flyers and noisemakers of your choice. 
If you can not attend, print the attached flyer, write your comments and
send them 
By fax or e-mail to: 
FAX: 416.485.5949
FAX: 416.585.8198
Or call by phone 
Phone: 416-585-8000 ; 416-585-8296, T. Gordon, Director of Sales 
416-585-8134, C. Stoddart, Vice President of Customer Service 

Description: Adobe PDF document

Nezavisne NOVINE
Toronto, Canada
Tel: 416/ 466-0888
Fax: 416/ 466-1921

To be removed from the list send in - Subject: unsubscribe - skidanje sa liste

---End Message---

Joseph Kabila not Kabila's Son!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread petokraka78


Here's an item about Joseph Kabila - sell out neoliberal leader of Congo who took over after Laurent Desiree Kabila's assassination. Anyway Etienne Kabila - LDK's actual son - is publicly claiming that Joseph is Rwandan and was adopted by LDK. Furthermore, he claims that Joseph was involved in the plot to remove LDK. This would explain Joseph's close ties and friendly attitude to Louis Michelle, the Belgian foreign minister who killed the "father".


In a message dated 16/04/02 12:42:03 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 CONGO-DEM.REPUBLIC, 16 AVR 2002 (11:30)

 De sévères accusations ont été formulées depuis Sun
 City (Afrique du Sud) à l'encontre du président de la
 République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Joseph Kabila,
 âgé de 31 ans.

 L'auteur de ces propos est Etienne Kabila, fils aîné
 de Laurent-Désiré Kabila, le président congolais tué
 dans un attentat à Kinshasa le 16 janvier 2001.

 Selon Etienne Kabila, l'actuel chef de l'Etat serait
 un Rwandais adopté par son père et il aurait participé
 au complot orchestré pour tuer Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

 Le fils aîné a déclaré que dès la fin du Dialogue
 intra-congolais en cours en Afrique du Sud, il
 rentrerait dans la capitale ex-zaïroise. Les travaux
 devraient reprendre dans la journée à Sun City. Il est
 très vraisemblable que les accusations d'Etienne
 Kabila aient un impact sur les délégués. (CC)


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- Original Message -
From: Yenga Mafu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 2:02 PM

 CONGO-DEM.REPUBLIC, 16 AVR 2002 (11:30)

 De sévères accusations ont été formulées depuis Sun
 City (Afrique du Sud) à l'encontre du président de la
 République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Joseph Kabila,
 âgé de 31 ans.

 L'auteur de ces propos est Etienne Kabila, fils aîné
 de Laurent-Désiré Kabila, le président congolais tué
 dans un attentat à Kinshasa le 16 janvier 2001.

 Selon Etienne Kabila, l'actuel chef de l'Etat serait
 un Rwandais adopté par son père et il aurait participé
 au complot orchestré pour tuer Laurent-Désiré Kabila.

 Le fils aîné a déclaré que dès la fin du Dialogue
 intra-congolais en cours en Afrique du Sud, il
 rentrerait dans la capitale ex-zaïroise. Les travaux
 devraient reprendre dans la journée à Sun City. Il est
 très vraisemblable que les accusations d'Etienne
 Kabila aient un impact sur les délégués. (CC)

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---End Message---

Fwd: Internet bolivariana [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 16/04/02 18:58:33 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Internet bolivariana 
Date:16/04/02 18:58:33 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Sí, también los internautas hemos jugado nuestro papel en la defensa de la democracia venezolana. Como decía Stella Calloni (La Jornada - México), "Las imaginativas redes de comunicación alternativas han logrado derrotar el mayor esquema desinformativo de los últimos tiempos. La concentración del poder de los medios de comunicación masiva, contradictoriamente, disparó la imaginación de los soterrados, como sucedió en Chiapas en su momento. Y miles de mensajes a través de internet o de llamados telefónicos furtivos y otras acciones no menos creativas rompieron el círculo del silencio". Pero no nos engañemos, el papel de Internet ha sido esta vez mucho más limitado. Poco que ver con lo deArgentina, donde un movimiento de capas medias y sectores ilustrados se coordinó en buena medida a través de Internet. En Venezuela, en cambio, los desheredados no tenían Internet, pero tenían coraje. No sabíamos hasta qué punto. Por ello, quienes el viernes y el sábado del golpe de Estado nos dedicábamos a enviar y reenviar mensajes electrónicos denunciándolo lo dábamos todo por perdido, y sólo aspirábamos a gritar al mundo la verdad: primero, que era un golpe militar y no un levantamento popular, que los muertos eran en su mayoría bolivarianos y los asesinos policías a las órdenes de alcaldes golpistas; después, cuando nos enteramos, que era mentira que Chavez hubiera renunciado, que era un presidente preso. Pero mientras desahogábamos nuestra rabia y nuestra impotencia a través de los ordenadores, la pueblada venezolana de los barrios pobres se jugaba la vida (y muchos la perdían) saliendo a las calles en defensa de la democracia. No tenían Internet, ni disponían de un partido dirigente con una organización fuerte capaz de coordinarlos (lo que explica los componentes de caos que se produjeron), pero se tenían a si mismos. Y si no disponían de Internet y los medios masivos de comunicación los silenciaban, utilizaban Radio Bemba, lo que aquí se llama Radio Macuto, pasándose la información de boca a oreja y usando, eso sí, teléfonos móviles. A diferencia de Argentina, no hubo convocatorias por Internet: los internautas nos enterábamos de la movilización a medida que iba avanzando, y limitábamos nuestro papel a dar cuenta de la misma (os recomiendo echar un vistazo a http://www.antiescualidos.com y a http://Redbolivariana.Com , esta última temporalmente cerrada por los golpistas). Y fue la oleada popular la que infundió valor a los militares demócratas, hizo dudar a los tibios y desalentó a los golpistas hasta derrotarlos sorprendiendo al mundo, a sus enemigos y a sus amigos (incluso al mismo Chavez), que no pensábamos que la pesadilla pudiera terminar tan rápido. El heroico pueblo bajo venezolano, a quienes su oligarquía llamaba turbas y ante quienes algunos intelectuales europeos arrugaban la nariz, nos ha devuelto así también la esperanza a quienes desde el otro extremo del mundo veíamos descender la negra noche del fascismo mientras nos estrellábamos contra los límites del ciberespacio. Y si yo no supe qué responder cuando mi hijo declaraba que las izquierdas estábamos condenadas, que cuando ganábamos nos daban un golpe de Estado, ellos nos han dado la respuesta. Desde Internet y desde la calle, gracias por habernos dado uno de los días más felices desde hace tiempo. -- 
Rafael Pla López 


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S, tambin los internautas hemos jugado nuestro papel
en la defensa de la democracia venezolana. Como deca Stella
Calloni (La Jornada - Mxico), "Las imaginativas redes de
comunicacin alternativas han logrado derrotar el mayor esquema
desinformativo de los ltimos tiempos. La concentracin del
poder de los medios de comunicacin masiva, contradictoriamente,
dispar la imaginacin de los soterrados, como sucedi
en Chiapas en su momento. Y miles de mensajes a travs de internet
o de llamados telefnicos furtivos y otras acciones no menos creativas
rompieron el crculo del silencio".
Pero no nos engaemos, el papel de Internet ha sido esta vez
mucho ms limitado. Poco que ver con lo de
Argentina, donde un movimiento de capas medias y sectores ilustrados
se coordin en buena medida a travs de Internet. En 

For sale: Albania's Military [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread petokraka78


Wednesday, 17 April, 2002, 16:33 GMT 17:33 UK 
Albania sells off its military hardware

Albania hopes Hollywood may take an interest

Albania has decided to modernise its armed forces by selling off or scrapping its outdated military equipment. Albanian defence officials are pinning their hopes on Western millionaire collectors and Hollywood studios looking for antiquated war trophies. Chinese tanks and helicopters, MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21 fighters, as well as the country's four Russian submarines are waiting for potential buyers. 

If we cannot sell them off, we shall scrap them 

Albanian army chief of staff 

The arsenal dates from the 1950s and 1960s, and not all of it is in working order. "Maintaining the weapons is very expensive and if we cannot sell them off, we shall scrap them," said army chief of staff General Pellum Qazimi. There could be some imaginative offers. A British businessman had proposed turning shells into umbrella handles, says Yilli Pinari, head of the state arms trade company Meico. 

'Strange request'

He has also received what he calls a "strange" request from a British pilots' association, seeking to send a group of retired pilots to Albania to take pictures of the MiG aircraft and themselves on the planes. Another possibility considered by the defence authorities is to turn Kalashnikov assault rifles into hunting rifles to try to find buyers.

Assault rifles may be turned into hunting guns

The 50-year old Chinese tanks are not very popular. "No one has shown interest in the tanks and at least 500 of them will end up as scrap," Mr Pinari says. 

Nato aspirations

The Albanian authorities have not disclosed the amount of arms and ammunitions stored in the hundreds of the country's army depots. Under the communist regime some 700,000 concrete bunkers were built across the country, capable of sheltering two million heavily-armed Albanians - or two-thirds of the population. During the riots in 1997, following the collapse of pyramid investment schemes, up to one million weapons were looted from army barracks. Under UN programme two years ago, some 100,000 weapons were handed back. Albania is among nine countries in central and eastern Europe hoping to join Nato later this year, and is keen to show willingness to modernise its armed forces. American military experts are helping the country with its military reforms. According to a 10-year plan, the Albanian army would be reduced from 65,000 under communism to 50,000 by the end of 2010. 


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Fwd: The Balkans Forum: April 23, 2002, 4 to 6 p.m., Georgetown University [WWW.

2002-04-17 Thread petokraka78



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Organized jointly by 
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs,
Georgetown University's Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies,
Search for Common Ground

Session 16 

The Legacy of the Use of Force:
The Balkans and Beyond

Tuesday, April 23, 4 - 6 p.m.
Georgetown University - 205 Old North Building

With a  presentation by 

Ambassador Avis Bohlen
Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control
Former U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria

In previous sessions of the Balkans Forum, some participants have argued that the 
Powell Doctrine, which mandates use of force only as a last resort, is not 
applicable in the Balkans.  Had military force not been applied relatively early in 
Kosovo, the argument goes, there would be no Albanians left there today.  Furthermore, 
the delay in military action in Bosnia and the concurrent humanitarian crisis were 
widely criticized by analysts and observers both inside and outside government.  Once 
military operations were underway, NATO relied exclusively on airpower to complete its 
policy objectives of ending the war.  This decision was both maligned and applauded by 
informed opinion makers.

As a result of these inconclusive aspects of NATO engagement, commentators and 
policymakers alike continue to draw conflicting conclusions from the past decade of 
U.S. military intervention in Southeast Europe.  Two prominent points of contention 
are the principle of force as a last resort and the effectiveness of sole reliance on 
airpower.  This conflict has the potential of clouding the lessons of U.S. and 
European military engagement in the Balkans and effectively impeding future policy.  

The upcoming session of the Balkans Forum will focus on the legacy of the use of force 
in the Balkans and its implication for future U.S. and European engagement.  
Ambassador Bohlen will illuminate key lessons provided by the U.S. military experience 
that could inform future military and political planning worldwide.  

Ambassador Avis Bohlen, a career Foreign Service Officer, was sworn in on November 24, 
1999 as Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Arms Control.  Prior to this position, 
she most recently served as U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria (1996-1999) and before that, 
as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Paris (1991-1995).  Since entering 
the Foreign Service in 1977, she has had several assignments in the Bureau of European 
Affairs.  She has also served on the Policy Planning Staff and as Executive Director 
on the U.S. Delegation for Nuclear and Space Talks in Geneva.

The discussion will be held Tuesday, April 23, from 4 - 6 p.m. at Georgetown 
University (205 Old North Building).  Directions to the Georgetown Campus follow.

In its second year, the Balkans Forum brings together a diverse group of 
experts-academics, activists, policy makers, and practitioners-for sustained dialogue 
on U.S. policy in the Balkans.  Each monthly session is organized around a brief 
presentation from one or two Balkan specialists followed by a roundtable discussion.  

The theme for the 2001-2002 session of Balkans Forum is Learning Peace in the 
Balkans.  While the experience of building peace in the Balkans has been significant, 
it has not proven to be cumulative.  Lessons learned in some instances have not always 
been replicated in others.  During this year of the Balkans Forum, we will examine the 
strategic choices-and the outcomes of those choices-made by international actors in 
their attempts to prevent deadly conflict in the region.

We hope you will join us for what promises to be a fascinating conversation.  Please 
contact Sarah Peterson at Search for Common Ground by April 22 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or call +1 (202) 777-2206 to reserve a space at the April 23 Balkans Forum.  


Andrew J. Loomis
Program Manager 
Search for Common Ground

Ana Cutter
Program Officer 
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs

If you are taking a taxi or parking off campus, enter the Georgetown Campus at 37th 
Street and O.  The pathway will go between two buildings (Healy Building on your left, 
and Copley Hall on your right).  About 20 yards ahead on your left you will see large 
stairs leading to Old North.  Room 205 is located on the second floor.

If you are parking on 

Fwd: Six Die on Roma Nation Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 14/04/02 04:55:22 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Six Die on Roma Nation Day 
Date:14/04/02 04:55:22 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


Original sender: Ustiben [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Six Die on Roma Nation Day


Police investigating six deaths

Ustiben reports: ROMA NATION DAY, this year marking the Millennium
Jubilee of the exodus from India, saw the biggest celebrations yet.

Crowds gathered at towns and cities along the Danube, on the Rhein,
beside the Sava at Zagreb, on the Vardar in Skopje, and Sofija's Iskur

In Belgrade, at the junction of the Danube and Sava, President
Kostunica of Yugoslavia honoured Roma by attending the ceremony.

Among other Danube events were those at Budapest and in Bulgaria at
Vidin, Lom and Ruse. From the Volga in Russia to the Plata, in
Argentina, Roma cast their flowers on the waters in memory of those
who began the great migrations a thousand years ago.

The feelings of the day are summed up by the words of Juan Ramirez,
president of the Romani Union in Spain: "These migrations have been no
bed of roses - and continue today with the forced "move-ons" and
migrations by those compelled to seek asylum."

Roma asylum-seekers and refugees were prominent at River Ceremonies on
the Thames in London, the Arno and Ardige in Italy, and Sweden's Malmo
Canal, as well as in Ireland at Galway Bay and on the Shannon at

Attention was drawn to the refugee issue at events on the Nisava in
Serbia and at Prizen in Kosovo. Human rights abuses were the subject
of a major "8 April" demonstration at Sibiu, in Romania, and at the
ceremony on the Dambovita in Bucurest, as well as that on the banks of
the Vltava in Prague.

The day was also marked by floral tributes on the Garonne in France,
at Cape Fear River, North Carolina, and in Tirana, Albania.

All were linked in spirit by the River Ceremony held at a Sikh temple
on the Ghagar, near Chandigarh, India, arranged by veteran activist
Pandit W.R Rishi, who lent his inspiration to this unique jubilee.

The day, however, was marred by the deaths of six members of a Polish
Roma family killed by an explosion in a hotel in the Czech Republic.
Police are investigating the incident which occurred at Louny,
according to a report by Ondrej Gina.

A surviving member, Tony Siwak, told Gina that among the dead is a
five year old girl. They had come from Plock, in Poland.

(This report on ROMA NATION DAY is an initial roundup only)

Photographs of the River Ceremony on Thames are available free on

MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in CentralEastern


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Original sender: Ustiben [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Six Die on Roma Nation Day


Police investigating six deaths

Ustiben reports:  ROMA NATION DAY, this year marking the Millennium
Jubilee of the exodus from India, saw the biggest celebrations yet.

Crowds gathered at towns and cities along the Danube, on the Rhein,
beside the Sava at Zagreb, on the Vardar in Skopje, and Sofija's Iskur

In Belgrade, at the junction of the Danube and Sava, President
Kostunica of Yugoslavia honoured Roma by attending the ceremony.

Among other Danube events were those at Budapest and in Bulgaria at
Vidin, Lom and Ruse. From the Volga in Russia to the Plata, in
Argentina, Roma cast their flowers on the waters in memory of those
who began the great migrations a thousand years ago.

The feelings of the day are summed  up by  the words of Juan Ramirez,
president of the Romani Union in Spain: These migrations have been no
bed of roses - and continue today with the forced move-ons and
migrations by those compelled to seek asylum.

Roma asylum-seekers and refugees were prominent at River Ceremonies on
the Thames in London, the Arno and Ardige in Italy, and Sweden's Malmo
Canal, as well as in Ireland at Galway Bay and on the Shannon at

Attention was drawn to the refugee issue at events on the Nisava in
Serbia and at Prizen in Kosovo. Human rights abuses were the subject
of a major 8 April demonstration at Sibiu, in Romania, and at the
ceremony on the Dambovita in Bucurest, as well as 

Ven. - Izquierda Latina [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread petokraka78


Aca son algunos articulos de la izquierda Latina:

1. Declaracion de la Fuerza Bolivariana de Trabajadores
2. Disturbios generalizados en Caracas
3. Declaracion Cubana Sobre los Acontecimientos en Venezuela
4. Um golpe contra o projeto popular na América Latina (si falaos portugues!)
5. Declaracion del Partido Comunista de Argentina
6. Patria Roja Sobre el Golpe de Estado
7. Declaracion: Partido Comunista de Chile

Declaración de la Fuerza Bolivarina de Trabajadores.

El Fiscal General de la República, doctor. Isaias Rodríguez, acaba de declarar que "el presidente
Chávez no ha renunciado, pidió mostrar la renuncia por escrito, la supuesta renuncia escrita no
Ante estas declaraciones, que fueron cortadas de facto por los medios de comunicación golpistas y
autoritarios, exponemos: es ilegal la detención del presidente, la detención es la primera violación a
los derechos humanos, amén de la casería montada a integrantes del parlamento y funcionarios del
gobierno. La detención de parte de la supuesta junta de gobierno presidida por el empresario
Carmona, demuestra la situación de facto, ¿por qué está detenido el presidente, por la supuesta
renuncia, eso es un delito? ¿por qué detienen dirigentes políticos y parlamentarios?
Cómo podrán explicar los autoproclamados integrante del gobierno provisional y sus seguidores de
sectores específicos de la iglesia católica y una sociedad civil que se le termino de caer el velo, para
colocarse el velo del autoritarismo, "su legalidad", cómo podrán justificarlo ante la comunidad
nacional e internacional, por qué no toman en cuenta la constitución de la República Bolivariana de
Venezuela estos autoproclamados.
Denunciamos la persecución a los dirigentes nacionales de la Fuerza Bolivariana de Trabajadores:
Nicolás Maduro Moros, José Salamat Khan, Oswaldo Vera, Angel Rodríguez; estos compañeros los
persiguen sin ningún elemento que los inculpe en delitos. El "gobierno" de facto está persiguiendo,
allanando moradas, buscando supuestamente armas y resulta que no han conseguido nada. Está
actuación es dirigida y ejecutada por las policías municipales de los municipios Baruta (alcalde
Enrique Capriles Radosqui), policía del municipio Chacao (alcade Leopoldo López), policía de
Miranda (gobernador Enrique Mendoza) y policía Metropolitana a la orden del alcalde metropolitano
Alfredo Peña.
Ante todo lo anterior manifestamos
1. Existe un golpe de facto, el mismo está siendo conducido fundamentalmente por los medios de
comunicación televisivos, a saber, Venevisión, Radio Caracas Televisión, Televen, Globovisión,
además de las respectivas emisoras radiales y periódicos de circulación nacional y algunos
2. El presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, electo por la
vía democrática y en funciones legitimas de acuerdo a nuestra constitución, no ha renunciado, esta
detenido en el Fuerte Tiuna y no se sabe de su seguridad física.
3. Los hechos imputados al gobierno nacional de ordenar disparar a la guardia nacional, de armar
civiles y ser culpable de los pobladores asesinados durante la jornada de protesta, conducida por
Pedro Carmona Estanga, presidente de la patronal Fedecamaras, Carlos Ortega, dirigente político del
partido Acción Democrática, son falsas. La marcha conducida por Carmona y Ortega estaba
encabezada por funcionarios policiales del Estado Miranda, policías de los municipios de Chacao,
Baruta y la policía metropolitana bajo las ordenes de Henrique Mendoza, gobernador del Estado
Miranda, Leopoldo López, Henrique Capriles Radonsqui y Alfredo Peña, actual alcalde
metropolitano, todos de la oposición al gobierno legítimamente constituido.
De los 11 asesinados, 8 fueron víctima de francotiradores apostados cerca del palacio de gobierno
de Miraflores, justamente donde habían más de 40 mil personas apoyando al presidente Chávez, dos
de los francotiradores fueron apresados, no se sabe de su paradero, pués las falsas autoridades
impuestas no dan respuesta, sólo declaran y opinan ellos y quienes quieren ellos que opinen, es
extraño que hasta ahora nadie diferente a ellos a dado declaraciones y opiniones ¿está es la libertad
de opinión, de expresión de comunicación?
4. La supuesta junta de transición, que "preside" el presidente de Fedecamara, solo existe en la
imaginación de quienes alentaron y provocaron los muertos de ayer, no tiene ningún tipo de asidero
constitucional y en estos momentos no hay ninguna institución del estado que se haya pronunciado al
respecto, pues las fuerzas policiales, citadas anteriormente, los tienen en detención pasiva, es decir,
no los dejan actuar, comprobándose en los hechos la manera como impulsaron el golpe mediático -
empresarial. Es casual que los empresarios asuman "la supuesta conducción de la patria?
5. El pueblo y las fuerzas armadas nacionales, a excepción 

People Return Chavez!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread petokraka78


Sunday, 14 April, 2002, 07:25 GMT 08:25 UK 
Chavez makes dramatic comeback

 "Chavistas" rushed to the presidential palace

Venezuela's ousted President Hugo Chavez has made a dramatic return to the capital Caracas, only two days after being forced out by the country's military. He is expected to be sworn back into office within the hour. A helicopter carrying Mr Chavez landed at the presidential palace on Sunday morning after bringing him from a Caribbean island where he had been detained. 

Diosdado Cabello said he was waiting for Mr Chavez to return

The surprise turn-around came after the interim leader appointed to replace Mr Chavez resigned in the face of massive street protests and the loss of military support. Vice-President Diosdado Cabello was then sworn in as president, but said he was simply waiting to return the country to his ally Mr Chavez. The BBC's Nick Miles, reporting from Caracas, says Mr Chavez has come back to a deeply divided country. He fell from power on Friday after military leaders blamed him for the deaths of 13 people in violent anti-government protests in the capital. 

Street protests 

The country had been in the grip of a national strike, triggered by workers at the state-owned oil firm PDVSA, who were angry at the appointment of Chavez supporters to the company's board. Mr Carmona, the 60-year-old leader of the Fedecamaras business chamber, lost support after dissolving the National Assembly. 

With full responsibility before the nation and the Venezuelan people, I present this resignation 

Pedro Carmona 

He was soon forced to reverse his decision after armed forces chief General Efrain Vasquez said he would only support Mr Carmona if the congress was restored. He was then forced to suspend the inauguration of his new cabinet. While this was happening, police were firing water cannon and tear gas to disperse tens of thousands of Chavez supporters who had surrounded the presidential palace which had been taken over by troops loyal to Mr Chavez. Reports said at least nine people had died in clashes between the police and demonstrators. It is still not clear whether General Efrain Vasquez will now back the return of Mr Chavez. Several television stations in Caracas have been taken over by supporters of Mr Chavez. He himself had not been seen since Friday morning, when the armed forces said he had resigned at their request. Pro-Chavez crowds which gathered in Caracas and other Venezuelan cities said they were not convinced the president had stepped down. Protesters said they wanted to see the letter of resignation which the provisional government said it had. 

Soldiers loyal to Chavez occupied the roof of the presidential palace

Mr Chavez won a landslide election victory in 1998, but has recently been facing serious political problems. The national strike had been called by business and labour leaders after the president appointed his supporters to head the national oil company. Venezuela is the world's fourth largest oil exporter. After leaving office, Mr Chavez reportedly asked for exile in Cuba, where his friend and ally Fidel Castro is in power. Leaders from Latin American countries have called meetings to discuss the situation in Venezuela and most have not recognised the change of government, although they were critical of Mr Chavez. 


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Chavez, Aristide and Cuba... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread petokraka78


Hey all,

While most commentaries on Venezuela are drawing parallels to Chile, Argentina, etc. - and the impact this will have on progressive movements in South America, rebel movements in Colombia, or world oil prices, etc. - I think we should also look to the Carribean for some clues as to what might happen and how this coup will be used to forward US interests there. 

Reports are coming in from Granma that the Cuban embassy has been besieged by angry mobs. Apparently water and electricity to the embassy has been cut off and the safety of the personel inside the embassy is in real danger. For anyone who's read anything on CIA covert operations - I would suggest reading Philip Agee's excellent book on the topic, which gives an insiders perspective on how the CIA operates in Latin America - they can already guess that the mob outside the embassy has been fired up by fabricated anti-Cuban "black propaganda" most probably transmitted through the Catholic church and privately owned media outlets. 

Such "black" operations (aka psychological operations, or PSYOPs) have been waged so often by CIA operatives against Cuba, throughout Latin America, that no serious scholar of the region gives such stories any credence anymore. This history, of course, has never stopped the Church and local private media from taking advantage of high-illeteracy rates to at least temporarily sway some people with the old hsyterical story about an imminent "Communist conspiracy to destroy the patria/nation." Neoliberal structural adjustment programs that target education spending in the South have, of course, only made the job of US psychological warfare experts in these regions that much easier in recent years. 

Former US President John F. Kennedy - no stranger to Cold War-era propaganda techniques himself - once said "you can fool some of the people some of the time..." and that's all the US really needs in fluid situations such as this one in order to quickly get what they want done. Thus even if you can't "...fool all the people all of the time", at least you've managed to neutralize resistance in the first critical moments. The truth may come out later - i.e. that most of the dead from Thursday's violence where Chavez supporters, or that anti-Chavez "Bandera Roja" extremists where the first to fire upon the crowd - but by then the US will have gotten what it wants: i.e. the complete eradication of a viable progressive resistance in Venezuela. 

The story being peddled now in Venezuela, by both the Church and the privately owned news media, is that Castro basically advised Chavez to kill unarmed demonstrators. Like all good propaganda, they don't go out and say it, but they've all been reporting that the military has allegedly uncovered "tape-recorded messages" in which Castro told Chavez to lure demonstrators to the Miraflores Palace and then to "clear them out by any means" (of course since the tapes don't exist - other than in the minds of "relliable sources in the military" - no one has, or ever will, actually hear these tapes). This story, of course, also falls into line with the oligarchic media's long-standing attempts to portray Chavez as nothing but a bumbling Cuban controlled patsy.

The goal? Well, of course, the USA - just as it tries to do in every other Latin American country - will work with those forces seeking to remove all traces of a Cuban presence from the country and to enlist Venezuela in Washington's decades old anti-Cuba crusade (a project that the Venezuelan elite is very fond of). In Venezuela this story will be used to legitimize the persecution of progressives by framing them as traitors to the nation and to deflect attention away from the real selling-off of the country's assets to the international financial community.

As the BBC reported today, the state-oil company PDVSA - now again in the hands of the old corrupt oil management - has moved to cut off all oil supplies to Cuba. This will certainly cripple the Cuban economy seeing as Venezuela, under Chavez, had cut a deal with all Carribean countries to sell them cheap oil so they wouldn't suffer as a result of OPEC's price hikes. This marks just another stepping-stone in the dramatic return of US-Latin American militarism in the past few years. 

Reactionary forces in the America's are now slowly lining up for the ultimate showdown with the "Prime Evil" of their paranoid fantasis, i.e. Fidel. The last pockets of organized resistance to the deepening of US-military rule over the Hemisphere - outside of Cuba - are increasingly being neutralized, either with brutal military force, counter-insurgency operations, and classic repression (mostly the weapons employed against the poor), or by paralyzing opposition through the appropriation of progressive language to confuse those who may be sympathetic to resistance in the Hemisphere (mostly used to pre-empt forceful opposition among those who are 

Fwd: [CAWR] The IMF offers endorsement to Carmona Estanga [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 13/04/02 18:27:21 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[CAWR] The IMF offers endorsement to Carmona Estanga 
Date:13/04/02 18:27:21 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

>From El Univesral (apologies for the poor translation):

The IMF offers endorsement to Carmona Estanga 

Washington. - The International Monetary Fund became the first financial institution, not only to recognize the new government of Venezuela, headed by Pedro Carmona Estanga, but to offer its collaboration to him.

' We are ready to help the new government in all their immediate necessities," Thomas Dawson said, director of external relations of the institution.



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From El Univesral (apologies for the poor translation):
The IMF offers endorsement to Carmona Estanga 
Washington. - The International Monetary Fund became the first financial institution, not onlyto recognize the new government of Venezuela, headed by Pedro Carmona Estanga, butto offer its collaboration to him.
' We are ready to help the new government in all their immediate necessities," Thomas Dawson said, director of external relations of the institution.

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IMPORTANT: Convergence of Poor in Caracas!!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread petokraka78


[The situation is developing rapidly. I just watched BBC WorldService at 6pm to see if they would talk about Venezuela. They showed images of huge crowds in Caracas storming the Miraflores Palace demanding that Chavez be reinstated. As the BBC correspondent said, it is very clear that there is a marked class distinction between the spontaneous protests of Venezuela's lower classes today and those middle-and-upper class individuals incited to protest by the media on Thursday. Venezuela's poor are converging on the capital and demanding a restoration of their constitution, the one they voted for, the President they elected, and the 80% MVR deputies they selected for the country's Congress. The images shown on BBC showed lower ranking military personal - i.e. those from the lower classes - who are guarding parts of the Palace as lifting their weapons in solidarity and waving their berrets in solidarity with the people of Venezuela. The elite is besieged and there's even talk that Carmona may be forced to resign and Chavez's VP assume power. However, the people want Chavez back, they are demanding his release, the situation "remains fluid" as White House spokesperson Ari Fleisher put it! This should be inspiration for us allQUE LA LUCHA SIGUE!]

Saturday, 13 April, 2002, 21:24 GMT 22:24 UK 
Pro-Chavez protests grow in Venezuela

'Chavista' demonstrators ringed the presidential palace

Tens of thousands of supporters of Venezuelan's ousted President Hugo Chavez have marched on the presidential palace demanding proof that he resigned rather than was overthrown. Interim President Pedro Carmona suspended the inauguration of his new cabinet while police fired water cannon and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators in the capital, Caracas. 

The Venezuelan people don't buy it that he has resigned 

Chavez supporter 

About 2,000 members of Mr Chavez's former paratroop regiment have also demanded the reinstatement of the president who was told to resign by the armed forces on Friday. Mr Chavez has not been seen since Friday morning. He had been held at the Fuerte Tiuna military base in the capital but there have been reports he has been moved to the Turiamo naval base on the coast, about 100km (60 miles) away. The pro-Chavez crowds that gathered in Caracas and other cities around Venezuela said they were not convinced the president had stepped down. 

Chavez, elected with a landslide in 1998, has not been seen since Friday

Protestors said they wanted to see the letter of resignation which the provisional government said it has. Maria Brito, who lives in a slum near the presidential palace, said she was among a crowd which gathered outside the naval base where Mr Chavez was taken. "We want to see Chavez," she said. "The Venezuelan people don't buy it that he has resigned." 

Laws swept away 

The legitimacy of the new government has been questioned by Chavez supporters inside and outside Venezuela, and by leaders of several Latin American states who have not yet recognised the new administration. Mr Carmona, the 60-year-old former oil executive and leader of the Fedecameras business group who was sworn in as interim president on Friday, has already swept away many laws and policies of Mr Chavez, whose term of office ran until 2006. But he was forced to delay the inauguration of his new Cabinet as violence flared around the presidential palace between security forces and the "Chavistas". There was also sporadic looting in areas of the capital and other cities. 

Human rights demand 

Mr Chavez's administration fell on Friday after three days of violent street demonstrations and a general strike called by business and labour leaders against the president's appointment of people seen as cronies to head the national oil company. The army has blamed Mr Chavez for the deaths of at least 13 people and injuries to 240 more when soldiers obeyed presidential orders to fire on a crowd of 150,000 demonstrators. Mr Chavez won a landslide election victory in 1998 but has recently been facing serious political problems. Human Rights Watch, a US-based watchdog, said it was "deeply concerned" that Mr Chavez may have been forced from power by the military. The head of the group's Americas Division, Jose Miguel Vivanco, called on the "transitional authorities in Venezuela to restore the country's democratic institutions as soon as possible". 


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Dutch Exonerate Milosevic, Karadzic, Mladic... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


["The researchers of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation said they found no written orders for mass executions, but put primary responsibility on Serb Gen. Ratko Mladic, who persuaded the Dutch to let the Serb army evacuate the enclave.
The report also said no evidence was found linking the Serb leadership in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, to the killings and that links to then- Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic were ``unclear.'' It blamed former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who was extradited to The Hague last June for trial, only ``for the violent nature'' of Yugoslavia's disintegration in the 1990s." - It should of course be added that in 1993 it is alleged by ranking Bosnian Muslim survivors, and this appears in the UN report on Srebrenica, that Clinton had offered NATO intervention to Izetbegovic if 5000 people were to be "massacred" in Srebrenica. In addition to this, key SDA militants and ARBiH comanders like Naser Oric, Hakija Meholic, and Nesim Buric claim that there was no "massacre" but that 2000 fighters were killed "defending" the enclave from the VRS. More importantly, those closest to being involved in anything resembling a mass-execution where: 1) Drazen Erdemovic, a Croat agent in the VRS, and 2) Jugoslav Petrusic - who played an important role in the unit in charge of seizing Srebrenica - and who later turned up in Algeria, Congo, Kosovo, and Belgrade as a French agent. It is no wonder then that anyone in the leadership of the Republika Srpska or the FRY at the time of the alleged attrocity disclaims any knowledge or responsibility for such a crime. Responsibility for any massacre of unarmed men - if such a thing did eventually occur - therefore lies solely with the intelligence services of Western states whose operatives might have engaged in such operations.]

Dutch Report on Srebrenica Released
.c The Associated Press 

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - A six-year study of the 1995 slaughter of thousands of Muslims by Serb troops in the Bosnian ``safe zone'' of Srebrenica spread responsibility for the debacle among the Dutch government, its army commanders and the United Nations. But relatives of victims castigated the report as a whitewash.
The 7,600-page report commissioned by the Dutch government, a historical reconstruction of the worst massacre in Europe since World War II, immediately set off a political firestorm in the Netherlands and angry reactions in Bosnia.
Some 7,500 Muslims in the U.N.-declared safe haven were killed during one ferocious week of bloodletting in July 1995. Most were slain after being caught trying to flee the Serb onslaught, but many were killed after being taken from a Dutch-manned U.N. base where they had been promised protection.
Although the report implied that the Dutch battalion, or Dutchbat, could have done more to protect the Muslims, it set out so many mitigating arguments that a delegation of victims' relatives stormed out during a presentation of the summary.
``It's very simple. Dutchbat was complicit in genocide,'' said Hassan Nuhanovic, who was then a translator for the battalion and whose father and brother were among the victims. ``They should investigate properly any accusations of criminal activity by Dutchbat, indict them, arrest them, and try them in court.''
The researchers of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation said they found no written orders for mass executions, but put primary responsibility on Serb Gen. Ratko Mladic, who persuaded the Dutch to let the Serb army evacuate the enclave.
The report also said no evidence was found linking the Serb leadership in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, to the killings and that links to then- Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic were ``unclear.'' It blamed former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who was extradited to The Hague last June for trial, only ``for the violent nature'' of Yugoslavia's disintegration in the 1990s.
Released just five weeks before national elections, the study prompted calls from opponents of the three-party governing coalition for a parliamentary inquiry that would require Cabinet ministers to testify under oath.
``The politicians must accept the consequences,'' said Jan Peter Balkenende, head of the Christian Democratic Alliance, the leading opposition party.
Parliament scheduled a debate on the report for April 25. In Bosnia, the Foreign Ministry summoned the Dutch ambassador to a meeting Thursday to explain the findings.
Prime Minister Wim Kok admitted the Dutch government had failed to protect the Muslim enclave. ``I will face responsibility for what my predecessors and I have done,'' Kok said.
At the U.N. tribunal, meanwhile, judges set a one-year deadline from Wednesday for the prosecution to conclude its case against Milosevic. He faces 66 counts for Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, including a count of genocide for Srebrenica.

Congo Talks To Reward Collaborators [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


[The young Kabila, illegitimate son of Laurent Kabila and a neoliberal to 
boot, has decided to negotiate with the rebel forces supported by the 
Ugandan and Rwandan occupiers and that are complicit in the genocide of 
people in eastern Congo.  Here is the latest plan being proposed by Thabo 


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Cavallo and Arms to Croatia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


Former Argentine Minister Indicted
.c The Associated Press 

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - Former Argentine economy minister Domingo Cavallo was indicted Wednesday for arms trafficking to Croatia and Ecuador during the 1990s.
The arms shipments were made during the administration of former President Carlos Menem, when Cavallo was one of his top aides and signed a decree approving the sales.
The shipments to Croatia in 1991 and Ecuador in 1995 occurred while those countries were under international arms embargoes. Ecuador and Peru waged a brief border war in the 1990s.
The indictment charged Cavallo with ``aggravated contraband,'' saying he diverted 6,500 tons of weapons worth more than $100 million that were officially destined for Panama and Venezuela.
Cavallo was arrested April 3 and has been in a Buenos Aires military jail. The judge who handed down the indictment ordered Cavallo be kept in custody.
If convicted, Cavallo could be sentenced to four to 12 years in jail.
Cavallo, a Harvard-trained economist, and his supporters have denounced the charges as politically motivated, saying his detention was intended to distract attention from the country's economic crisis.
Cavallo served twice as economic minister. He won international acclaim during his first stint from 1991-96 when he stabilized the Argentine economy by pegging the peso one-to-one with the U.S. dollar - a move that wiped out hyperinflation.
He returned to office in 2001, joining the administration of former President Fernando De la Rua, who was forced from office Dec. 20 amid deadly street riots and days of supermarket looting.
His belt-tightening policies proved highly unpopular along with his decision to partially freeze bank accounts, forcing him to step down in December along with De la Rua.

 04/10/02 21:38 EDT


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AP Rehabilitating Fascism!!! (sick!) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


Hitler's Ally Hailed As Hero to Some
.c The Associated Press 

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - He was Hitler's Romanian henchman, widely implicated in the killing of tens of thousands of Gypsies and Jews. Yet busts and portraits of Ion Antonescu adorn public places, and many consider him a hero.
Glorifying Romania's World War II past, however, clashes with the nation's vision for the future. The country hopes to join NATO, and must prove it is committed to Western norms of democracy, human rights and tolerance.
The cult of Antonescu transcends social standing. Blue-collar workers, army officers and prominent politicians fume at suggestions that the redheaded, square-jawed former World War I cavalry officer was a war criminal who changed his policy of sending Jews to their deaths late in the war only after he realized that Romania was on the losing side.
``He killed Jews? Those are lies,'' retired electrician Constantin Mihailescu said as he emerged from St. Constantin and Elena Orthodox Church, decorated with a portrait of the late pro-Nazi dictator in marshal's uniform. ``Those who make such accusations are slinging mud at a true patriot.''
No more than a sordid curiosity until recently in a region of Europe where heroes and villains traditionally change roles according to who's running the country, the cult of Antonescu has suddenly become an affair of state.
Joining NATO has become a top foreign policy objective for Romania, and chances look good for the former Soviet bloc country to be accepted later this year.
The government last month drafted an emergency decree making fascist organizations and symbols illegal and punishable by prison sentences of up to five years as part of overtures to NATO. Once enacted, the decree will ban the busts, statues and pictures of Antonescu on scattered display across the country.
But pro-Antonescu sentiment will live on. Even under communist rule, he was vilified only halfheartedly - more for his anti-communist stance than for his role in the Holocaust. Now, more than a decade after the collapse of communist rule, the rethinking of history is complete.
Outside the country, Antonescu - nicknamed ``Red Dog'' for his volatile temper and long, vindictive memory - is linked to the deportation of more than 150,000 Jews and 25,000 Gypsies to concentration camps on territory controlled by the German-led Axis powers in the Soviet Union.
Some 80,000 people perished in the camps. But many Romanians deny that and praise him for his decision to declare war on the Soviet Union in 1941 after it occupied parts of eastern Romania. [!WARNING: NAZI VERSION OF HISTORY]
Radu Ioanid, a Romanian-born director of Washington's U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, speaks of ``a mixed record'' of Antonescu first deporting Jews to their deaths and later resisting German pressure for more anti-Jewish acts - but only out of opportunism. [WARNING: WHITE WASH OF COMPLETELY ANTI-SEMETIC WORLDVIEW!!!]
After 1943, when Romania realized that the Allies would win World War II, ``the Jews became merchandise through which Antonescu tried to gain the goodwill of the allied powers,'' he said in a telephone interview.
Backers of Antonescu, executed in 1946, include some of Romania's most influential figures. Gen. Mircea Chelaru, a former chief of the armed forces, last year attended the unveiling of a statue to Antonescu in the capital, reflecting strong support among the military to the man they view as having stood up to the Soviets.
Also present was Corneliu Vadim Tudor, a nationalist senator and runner-up in the 2000 race for the presidency.
``I love Antonescu,'' Tudor told The Associated Press.
The Bucharest church that shelters Antonescu's portrait was founded by the wartime dictator. Standing near an Antonescu bust, also on church grounds, retiree Florica Octaviu vented her rage when asked if he was responsible for genocide.
``Only the Jews say that,'' said the slight 80-year-old, her wrinkled face puckered by fury. Twisting the humiliation and forced labor visited on Jews into a humanitarian gesture, she said Jews were slackers, safe ``cleaning the streets while our Romanians were dying on the front lines.''
But Antonescu's victims remember a different time.
``If he had won the war, Romania would be cleansed of both Jews and Gypsies,'' said Gheorge Irimia, a Gypsy concentration camp survivor.
Deported to Axis-controlled Soviet territory, Irimia, 68, spoke of witnessing beatings, rapes, starvation and summary executions during his three-year ordeal.
``When they came for you, you did not know whether they were taking you for agricultural work, to dig trenches, or to shoot you,'' he said. One day, camp guards dragged away his father, partially blinding Irimia as they beat him 

Fascist Terror in Moldova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


[After a failed campaign by the far-right and anti-semetic CDPP - whose 
tactics have included withdrawing children from school in order to swell the 
falling numbers at their protests - the pro-Western fascist opposition is 
now resorting to terrorist attacks on the Communist party's media outlets.  
This is a definate escalation of the crisis in Moldova that is being hushed 
up within the global corporate media.  The government of Moldova, it should 
be noted, was elected on a platform that included non-cooperation with NATO, 
IMF, and the World Bank.]

05:29 [Friday 12th April, 2002] 

The Russia Journal
April 12, 2002

Moldova: explosion in newspaper office 

CHISINAU (Associated Press)- A bomb exploded overnight
in front of the Communist Party newspaper, injuring a
guard and causing damage to the building, police said

The bomb shattered the windows of the Comunistul
newspaper building and nearby apartment buildings and
slightly injured a 70-year-old guard. 

Police on the scene said it was a small bomb, probably
made of plastic explosives. 

The ruling Communist Party condemned the attack in a
statement read in parliament, blaming it on extremist
elements who want to destabilize the country and are
believed to also be responsible for the kidnapping of
an opposition lawmaker. 

Over the last few weeks, anti-Communist protesters
have staged nonstop demonstrations in front of the
president's office, parliament and the government. 

The protesters demand the resignation of pro-Moscow
Communist officials whom they accuse of abuse of power
and trying to take the country back into Soviet-era
Russian domination. 

New tensions between the government and the opposition
flared last month over the disappearance of opposition
Popular Christian Democratic Party lawmaker Vlad
Cubreacov, who has been a main organizer of the
anti-government protests. 

Authorities ordered a massive search for Cubreacov and
offered a dlrs 35,000 reward for information about his
whereabouts. But the search has been fruitless to date
and Cubreacov's fate was in doubt. 

Moldova, a country of 4.5 million located between
Romania and Ukraine, was part of Romania until 1940,
when it was annexed by the Soviet Union. /The
Associated Press/


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2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


[This was so predictable, US policy towards Venezuela had all the 
hallmarks of Chile in 1972-1973.  This is a tragic day for Latin American 
democracy.  Will we have to wait another thirty years before the truth on 
this terrible crime against freedom and justice comes out?]

Coup in Venezuela: An Eyewitness Account
By Gregory Wilpert

The orchestration of the coup was impeccable and, in all likelihood,
planned a long time ago. Hugo Chavez, the fascist communist dictator of
Venezuela could not stand the truth and thus censored the media
relentlessly. For his own personal gain and that of his henchmen (and
henchwomen, since his cabinet had more women than any previous
Venezuelan government's), he drove the country to the brink of economic
ruin. In the end he proceeded to murder those who opposed him. So as to
reestablish democracy, liberty, justice, and prosperity in Venezuela and
so as to avoid more bloodshed, the chamber of commerce, the union
federation, the church, the media, and the management of Venezuela's oil
company, in short: civil society and the military decided that enough is
enough-that Chavez had his chance and that his experiment of a peaceful
democratic Bolivarian revolution had to come to an immediate end.

This is, of course, the version of events that the officials now in
charge and thus also of the media, would like everyone to believe. So
what really happened? Of course I don't know, but I'll try to represent
the facts as I witnessed them.

First of all, the military is saying that the main reason for the coup
is what happened today, April 11. Civil society, as the opposition
here refers to itself, organized a massive demonstration of perhaps
100,000 to 200,000 people to march to the headquarters of Venezuela's
oil company, PDVSA, in defense of its fired management. The day leading
up to the march all private television stations broadcast advertisements
for the demonstration, approximately once every ten minutes. It was a
successful march, peaceful, and without government interference of any
kind, even though the march illegally blocked the entire freeway, which
is Caracas' main artery of transportation, for several hours.

Supposedly at the spur of the moment, the organizers decided to re-route
the march to Miraflores, the president's office building, so as to
confront the pro-government demonstration, which was called in the last
minute. About 5,000 Chavez-supporters had gathered there by the time the
anti-government demonstrators got there. In-between the two
demonstrations were the city police, under the control of the
oppositional mayor of Caracas, and the National Guard, under control of
the president. All sides claim that they were there peacefully and did
not want to provoke anyone. I got there just when the opposition
demonstration and the National Guard began fighting each other. Who
started the fight, which involved mostly stones and tear gas, is, as is
so often the case in such situations, nearly impossible to tell. A
little later, shots were fired into the crowds and I clearly saw that
there were three parties involved in the shooting, the city police,
Chavez supporters, and snipers from buildings above. Again, who shot
first has become a moot and probably impossible to resolve question. At
least ten people were killed and nearly 100 wounded in this gun
battle-almost all of them demonstrators.

One of the Television stations managed to film one of the three sides in
this battle and broadcast the footage over and over again, making it
look like the only ones shooting were Chavez supporters from within the
demonstration at people beyond the view of the camera. The media over
and over again showed the footage of the Chavez supporters and implied
that they were shooting at an unarmed crowd. As it turns out, and as
will probably never be reported by the media, most of the dead are
Chavez supporters. Also, as will probably never be told, the snipers
were members of an extreme [anti-Chavez] opposition party, known as Bandera 

These last two facts, crucial as they are, will not be known because
they do not fit with the new mythology, which is that Chavez armed and
then ordered his supporters to shoot at the opposition demonstration.
Perhaps my information is incorrect, but what is certain is that the
local media here will never bother to investigate this information. And
the international media will probably simply ape what the local media
reports (which they are already doing).

Chavez' biggest and perhaps only mistake of the day, which provided the
last remaining proof his opposition needed for his anti-democratic
credentials, was to order the black-out of the private television
stations. They had been broadcasting the confrontations all afternoon
and Chavez argued that these broadcasts were exacerbating the situation
and should, in the name of public safety, be temporarily shut-down.

Now, all of civil 

Recent Suicides in Yugoslavia... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


[In the past two days, two important Yugoslav parliamentarians have committed suicide for political reasons. The psychological and economic pressure being exerted on the Yugoslav people to break up their country, restructure the economy, and transform their society, is taxing the patience and nerves of the entire society. These latest suicides are only symptomatic of a broader crisis in Yugoslav society triggered by the puppet authorities of NATO.]


 After the new attack on Constitution and national sovereignty and dignity made by representatives of Belgrade colonial regime by adoption of unconstitutional "Law on cooperation with the Hague tribunal", Mr. Vlajko Stojiljkovic, Member of the Federal Parliament from the Socialist Party of Serbia and former Serbian Interior Minister, indicted for "war crimes" in Kosovo together with President Milosevic, committed suicide on the steps of Yugoslav Federal Parliament. What follows is his farewell letter handed to colleagues parliamentarians:

 By this act, as a Member of the House of Republics of the Federal Parliament, I declare protest against the actual puppet regime of DOS and Montenegrin "Coalition for Yugoslavia", due to:

 - breaking-up of Yugoslavia with participation of the biggest enemy of our people H. Solana;

 - ruthless violation of the Constitution and laws of this country;

 - conducting the policy of treason and capitulation;

 - losing the national dignity;

 - destruction of the economy and bringing millions of citizens to social poverty.

 For my death I consider responsible and directly accuse: Zoran Djindjic, Vojislav Kostunica, Dusan Mihajlovic, Vladan Batic, Miroljub Labus, Dragoljub Micunovic, Predrag Bulatovic, Srdja Bozovic and Dragisa Pesic.

 Citizens - patriots of this country will know how to retaliate.

 (more extensive message is following)

signed: Vlajko Stojiljkovic

Member of Parliament

Yugoslav Health Chief Kills Self
.c The Associated Press 

MADRID, Spain (AP) - Yugoslav health and labor secretary Miodrag Kovac committed suicide Friday by hanging himself with his belt in his hotel room in Madrid, police and diplomats said.
A Yugoslav embassy spokesman said they did not believe Kovac's death was connected to the attempted suicide Thursday in Belgrade of war crimes suspect Vlajko Stojiljkovic, who shot himself in the head after parliament approved a law allowing extraditions to a U.N. war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands.
Kovac was not a war crimes suspect. Although the embassy could not rule out a political motive for his suicide, the spokesman said a suicide note contained only a personal message to his family.
Spanish police said Kovac hanged himself with a belt in the bathroom of his room in the Eurobuilding Hotel in Madrid. A suicide note was found nearby.
Kovac, 54, who was married with three children, was in Spain as the head of his country's delegation to the U.N Second World Assembly on Aging.
A cardiovascular surgeon, Kovac was a Parliament member from Montenegro, the junior Yugoslav republic. His full title was federal secretary for labor, health and social policies.

 04/12/02 08:40 EDT


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2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


For any balance one has to go to local journalists John
Marshall and Christian Parenti. In a Dec. 10 article in the Chicago bi-weekly 
These Times, the two reporters give the other side that the U.S. media 
go on about but rarely present: The attempts by the Venezuelan government to
diversify its economy, turn over idle land to landless peasants, encourage 
growth of co-ops based on the highly successful Hungarian model, increase 
spending fourfold, and provide drugs for 30 to 40 percent below cost.

But the alleviation of poverty is not on Washington's radar screen these
days. Instead, U.S. development loans have been frozen, and the State
Department's specialist on Latin America, Peter Romero, has accused the 
government of supporting terrorism in Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador. These 
that is almost a declaration of war and certainly a green light to any
anti-Chavez forces considering a military coup.

U.S. hostility to Venezuela's efforts to overcome its lack of development
has helped add that country to the South American arc of instability that 
from Caracas in the north to Buenos Aires in the south, and includes 
Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. Failed neoliberal economic policies, coupled with
corruption and authoritarianism, have made the region a powder keg, as recent
events in Argentina demonstrate. And the Bush administration's antidote?
Matches, incendiary statements, and dark armies moving in the night.

   Examiner contributor Conn Hallinan is a journalism 
and provost at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His column appears
every other Friday.


Ven - Texto de la dimision del presidente Chavez y el jefe de  la patronal,
Carmona, asume el nuevo gobierno.
From:   Editor Equipo Nizkor [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A continuación, BBC Mundo reproduce el comunicado de la dimisión.

De conformidad con lo establecido en artículo 236 númeral tercero de la
Constitución remuevo al Ciudadano Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la República
Diosdado Cabello y a  todos los ministros que conforman el gabinete 

Asimismo con fundamento en el artículo 233 de la Constitución de la República
presento ante el país mi renuncia irrevocable al cargo de Presidente de la
República que hasta el día de hoy 12 de abril del 2002 he detentado.

Dado y firmado en la ciudad de Caracas a los doce días del mes de abril del 
años 191 de la Independencia y 142 de la Federación. [Fuente: BBC en español,
visitada el Viernes, 12 de abril de 2002 - 08:31 GMT]


El presidente del principal gremio empresarial de Venezuela y uno de los
principales promotores de la renuncia de Hugo Chávez, se ha convertido en su
sucesor.  Los detalles del nuevo gobierno, una junta cívico-militar, serán
proporcionados en el transcurso de este viernes, según anunció el propio

Chávez salió vestido de uniforme militar hacia un destacamento militar de
Caracas.  Algunos de sus ministros que lo acompañaron hasta el final cantaron 
Himno Nacional y lo aplaudieron.

Venezuela amaneció este viernes sin presidente, luego de que Hugo Chávez
presentara su renuncia a los jefes militares leales a su gestión, quienes
pusieron también sus cargos a disposición de las nuevas autoridades.

¿EXILIO PARA CHÁVEZ? La suerte del ahora ex gobernante, también está sujeta a

Las opciones que se barajan apuntan a que abandone el país hacia un destino
incierto o permanezca en Venezuela, en libertad o bajo arresto.

El general de Ejército de mayor rango, y que hasta el final estuvo lealmente
junto a Chávez, el Inspector Jefe de la Fuerza Armada Nacional (FAN) Lucas
Rincón, fue el encargado de oficializar al país la decisión final del

Tras lamentar los hechos violentos que se desencadenaron el jueves y que 
el saldo de al menos diez muertos y casi un centenar de heridos, se le 
al señor presidente la renuncia de su cargo, lo cual aceptó, manifestó el
general Rincón poco antes del amanecer.

También los miembros del alto mando militar -añadió- ponemos a partir de 
momento nuestros cargos a la orden, los cuales le serán entregados a los
oficiales que sean designados por las nuevas autoridades.

MILITARES PIDEN CALMA Quiero hacer un llamado al glorioso pueblo de 
Venezuela a
mantener la calma y un ejemplar civismo, rechazando toda incitación a la
violencia y al desorden. Tengan fe en sus fuerzas armadas , finalizó en su
breve alocución, vestido con uniforme de combate.

Minutos antes, los jefes de la Armada se pronunciaron para respaldar de una
manera irrestricta las declaraciones de los otros componentes militares, 

Fwd: [CAWR] News from Venezuela [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 12/04/02 15:12:36 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[CAWR] News from Venezuela 
Date:12/04/02 15:12:36 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

I got this from the indymedia site. But reading it reminded me of something 
I heard Fidel say, "algunos partidos social democraticos son malos, algunos 
son peores". (If you wanna translation gimme a holler).
Plus, there is still hope. This seems to be isolated mainly in Caracas, and 
even there, there is support for Chavez. Plus not all sectors of the army 
are going to follow the army business lackey.
This is not over.


El comandante del Ejército se ha destapado contra Chávez después de haber 
fingido apoyarlo (como Pinochet con Allende). No han aceptado un referendum 
para que el pueblo por mayoría decidiera si Chávez sigue en el gobierno. Es 
el único presidente de América Latina capaz de someterse una y otra vez al 
voto popular, ya qu elos demás saben que unos meses después de ser elegidos 
los echarían (¿qué tal Pastrana en unreferendum?).

Los tanque están ahora en las calles de Caracas para apoyar a la oligarquía, 
la pequeña burguesía y los corruptos "sindicalistas" del partido 
"socialdemócrata" Carlos Andrés Pérez.

Los tanque están ahora en als calles de Caracas para tratar de aplastar al 
pueblo bolivariano que hoy como muchas otras veces salió a defender a 
Chávez. la TV solamente los mostró cuando un grupo se enfrentaba a bala con 
los antichávez, pero nunca mostraron que hacían sus oponentes.

El golpe de Estado está a imponiédose, pero la resistencia de pueblo 
bolivariano seguirá. la gente d elos barrios pobres de Caracas, los 
trabajadores revolucionanrios que nunca jamás apoyaron ni apoyarán a la 
podrida burocracia de la CTV, las gentes pobres del aprovincia... En esa 
resitencia está la esperanza.

La oligarquía colombiana, la de los fraudes electorales, los serruchos, los 
dineros calientes, los paramilitares, las mascres, los asesinatos de 
sindicalistas, la entrega del petróleo, el latifundio y la rodilla en tierra 
frente a Bush, está de plácemes porque en Venezuela regresan sus compinches. 
¿Pero qué se mueve bajos sus pies? ¿qué será cuando al resistencia 
venezolana ponga en su puesto a los que hoy se creen victoriosos?


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I got this from the indymedia site.  But reading it reminded me of something 
I heard Fidel say, algunos partidos social democraticos son malos, algunos 
son peores.  (If you wanna translation gimme a holler).
Plus, there is still hope.  This seems to be isolated mainly in Caracas, and 
even there, there is support for Chavez.  Plus not all sectors of the army 
are going to follow the army business lackey.
This is not over.


El comandante del Ejército se ha destapado contra Chávez después de haber 
fingido apoyarlo (como Pinochet con Allende). No han aceptado un referendum 
para que el pueblo por mayoría decidiera si Chávez sigue en el gobierno. Es 
el único presidente de América Latina capaz de someterse una y otra vez al 
voto popular, ya qu elos demás saben que unos meses después de ser elegidos 
los echarían (¿qué tal Pastrana en unreferendum?).

Los tanque están ahora en las calles de Caracas para apoyar a la oligarquía, 
la pequeña burguesía y los corruptos sindicalistas del partido 
socialdemócrata Carlos Andrés Pérez.

Los tanque están ahora en als calles de Caracas para tratar de aplastar al 
pueblo bolivariano que hoy como muchas otras veces salió a defender a 
Chávez. la TV solamente los mostró cuando un grupo se enfrentaba a bala con 
los antichávez, pero nunca mostraron que hacían sus oponentes.

El golpe de Estado está a imponiédose, pero la resistencia de pueblo 
bolivariano seguirá. la gente d elos barrios pobres de Caracas, los 
trabajadores revolucionanrios que nunca jamás apoyaron ni apoyarán a la 
podrida burocracia de la CTV, las gentes pobres del aprovincia... En esa 
resitencia está la esperanza.

La oligarquía colombiana, la de los fraudes electorales, los serruchos, los 
dineros calientes, los paramilitares, las mascres, los asesinatos de 
sindicalistas, la entrega del petróleo, el latifundio y la rodilla en tierra 
frente a Bush, está de plácemes porque en Venezuela regresan sus 

VEN: Informe desde Maracaibo [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 12/04/02 13:25:11 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Urgente Venezuela 
Date:12/04/02 13:25:11 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 




Reporte de canales privados (5:45): En Caracas, entre once y doce
al menos cincuenta heridos, muchos de gravedad, DENUNCIAMOS una vez más
la provocación y la violencia viene de los sectores duros de la
CONDENAMOS la campaña de intoxicación de los medios privados, exigimos

DENUNCIAMOS al secretario de seguridad ciudadana de la Alcaldía Mayor,
Iván Simonovis, que está envenenando el cuento, cumpliendo su papel en
campaña, cuando lo que tiene que hacer es responder por los disparos de
la Policía Metropolitana contra los manifestantes de lamarcha a favor

DENUNCIA (4:45): La Policía Metropolitana está disparando desde la Avda.

Baralt contra la concentración en el puente de la Urdaneta. Tres fuentes

diferentes confirman la actitud criminal de diversos funcionarios de la
Policía Metropolitana. Identificados asimismo policías de Chacao
de civil disparando contra los manifestantes del cambio.



CARACAS, 5:30 - Se reporta relativa calma en la Avda. Urdaneta, nuevas
informaciones sin confirmar apuntarían a tres posibles víctimas

marquen distancia - se mezclaron con asesinos.


violencia, cuando se intoxica con odio, cuando se participa en una
estrategia de
golpe de estado contra la voluntad de las mayorías, se es CRIMINAL. Ya
habrá tiempo para rendir cuentas, más allá de las que rinden a la cúpula
invisible de la conspiración, a la voz del amo, a los funcionarios de
las miserias de los sectores excluyentes.

"Mientras los grandes imperios de la información sigan controlando la
prensa, la televisión, la radio, los canales de cable, la industria
cinematográfica y de videos, los grandes eventos artísticos, el pueblo
seguirá oprimido y mediatizado en sus valores culturales, en sus
intereses políticos y económicos, en su desempeño social en términos

Alianza Popular Bolivariana. Maracaibo


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Reporte de canales privados (5:45): En Caracas, entre once y doce
al menos cincuenta heridos, muchos de gravedad, DENUNCIAMOS una vez más
la provocación y la violencia viene de los sectores duros de la
CONDENAMOS la campaña de intoxicación de los medios privados, exigimos

DENUNCIAMOS al secretario de seguridad ciudadana de la Alcaldía Mayor,
Iván Simonovis, que está envenenando el cuento, cumpliendo su papel en
campaña, cuando lo que tiene que hacer es responder por los disparos de
la Policía Metropolitana contra los manifestantes de lamarcha a favor

DENUNCIA (4:45): La Policía Metropolitana está disparando desde la Avda.

Baralt contra la concentración en el puente de la Urdaneta. Tres fuentes

diferentes confirman la actitud criminal de diversos funcionarios de la
Policía Metropolitana. Identificados asimismo policías de Chacao
de civil disparando contra los manifestantes del cambio.


Milosevic not guilty... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 12/04/02 14:54:01 Eastern Daylight Time, Kilibarda78 writes:

April 11, 2002

Milosevic cleared of blame for massacre
By Daniel McGrory

THE long-awaited investigation into the worst atrocity of the Bosnian War appeared yesterday to exonerate Slobodan Milosevic of ordering the murder of 7,500 boys and men at the United Nations haven in Srebrenica. The five-year inquiry commissioned by the Dutch Government also excused the UN and the Dutch peacekeeping troops who were supposed to protect the town. Families of some victims who had gathered in The Hague for the report’s publication howled their disapproval, threw the report on the floor and stamped on it. Even some of the Dutch soldiers who served with the 200-strong UN contingent in Srebrenica in July 1995 later described it as a whitewash. The 7,600-page report is sure to be seized on by lawyers helping the former Yugoslav President to defend a charge of genocide at Srebrenica before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. After a five-year investigation, The Netherlands Institute for War Documentation says it can find “no proof that orders for the slaughter came from Serb political leaders in Belgrade”. Investigators also say that they can find no direct link to Radovan Karadzic, the wartime leader of the Bosnian Serbs, who is also indicted by the tribunal. Instead, the report blames General Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb military leader, who is still on the run. The family representatives who had travelled to The Netherlands shouted their protests. Hassan Nuhanovic, a translator for the Dutch battalion, whose father and brother were among the dead, walked out while the investigators explained the findings. Munira Subesic, who lost her husband and son, said: “After all this wait we are told nobody is facing justice for mass murder. It pains our souls.” These survivors had come hoping to learn why the UN stood by and watched as they were separated from their loved ones at gunpoint. The women and children who were among 25,000 people seeking sanctuary inside the Dutch camp were herded on to buses and driven from their homes in what came to be known as “ethnic cleansing”. Their menfolk, including boys older than 14, were marched away by Bosnian Serb gunmen. Over that weekend an estimated 7,500 were shot, then buried in mass graves. The report concludes that the lightly armed Dutch contigent were sent on an impossible mission. It argues that the UN gave this ill equipped force muddled orders and says that Dutch commanders could not have predicted the slaughter that followed after they handed over the civilian population to General Mladic. Dutch politicians are criticised for trying to boost their international prestige by sending troops on such a hopeless task. British politicians and other European leaders are blamed for not having the will to order airstrikes to stop the havens from being over-run. The report says that if the Dutch troops had tried to fight, it would have provoked a bloodbath and that “concern about their own survival in this hell will have meant more to them than the fate of the Muslim men”. Few survivors have dared to return to their homes in Srebrenica, 45 miles northeast of the capital, Sarajevo. Among them is Azija Sehomerovic, 61, who lost her husband. She remains convinced that Dutch peacekeepers could have done more. “When we saw the peacekeepers running away from their positions, then we knew we had to run, too,” she said. “Right before the massacre, I saw one Dutch soldier sitting and crying. It seemed that he knew what would happen to us. But they failed.” Dutch commanders saw the bodies of some of the first to be murdered but did not intervene. Wim Dijkema, 53, who was with the UN contingent, said: “Believe me, what happened should never have been possible. It is a serious mistake.” The report’s harshest criticism is reserved for the UN high command for leaving their havens without proper protection. But General Bernard Janvier, the French commander, is cleared of the accusation that he made a secret deal with the Bosnian Serbs to halt airstrikes in exchange for their freeing UN soldiers taken hostage in May 1995. At the war crimes tribunal yesterday, in an unrelated decision, Richard May, the presiding judge, gave prosecutors a year to conclude their case against Mr Milosevic. 
Nenad Banovic, one of twin Bosnian Serb brothers charged with beating prisoners to death at a Serb-run camp during the Bosnian war, will be released for lack of evidence, the Hague war crimes court said. 



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Chavez's Daughter: My Father Never Stepped Down [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 12/04/02 15:30:30 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[CAWR] Latest from Venezuela 
Date:12/04/02 15:30:30 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


The latest news from Venezuela is that Chavez' daughter is using Cuban radio to tell the people of Venezuela that her father did not "step down" and that he is being imprisonned against his will. Meanwhile, the new "President" has announced elections within a year. Once the new government containing all of the "main sectors of Venezuelan society" is "established". Sorry for all the quotes but this is a New World Order coup and the language of "civil society" is in full effect.

Hija de Chávez: "Mi padre no ha renunciado"
La Habana.- María Gabriela Chávez, hija del depuesto presidente Hugo Chávez, afirmó este viernes que su padre no ha renunciado y que fue detenido por militares, reseñó AP. La joven, en conversación telefónica desde Caracas con la televisora estatal de Cuba, aseguró que habló esta mañana con su padre, quien se encuentra en un fuerte militar desde esta madrugada. Chávez, dijo la joven en declaraciones difundidas por la televisora, pidió a sus hijos y parientes que le comuniquen al mundo entero... ''que soy un presidente preso, que en ningún momento renuncié''. ''Simplemente, fueron unos militares y lo detuvieron y se lo llevaron al Fuerte Tiuna'', narró María Gabriela, uno de los tres hijos del ex mandatario. ''Fue simplemente un golpe de Estado que quieren taparlo con una supuesta renuncia'', dijo la muchacha. Dijo que el ex mandatario permanece ''totalmente incomunicado''.


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The latest news from Venezuela is that Chavez' daughter is using Cuban radio to tell the people of Venezuela that her father did not "step down" and that he is being imprisonned against his will. Meanwhile, the new "President" has announced elections within a year. Once the new government containing all of the "main sectors of Venezuelan society" is "established". Sorry for all the quotes but this is a New World Order coup and the language of "civil society" is in full effect.

Hija de Chávez: "Mi padre no ha renunciado"

La Habana.- María Gabriela Chávez, hija del depuesto presidente Hugo Chávez, afirmó este viernes que su padre no ha renunciado y que fue detenido por militares, reseñó AP. 
La joven, en conversación telefónica desde Caracas con la televisora estatal de Cuba, aseguró que habló esta mañana con su padre, quien se encuentra en un fuerte militar desde esta madrugada. 
Chávez, dijo la joven en declaraciones difundidas por la televisora, pidió a sus hijos y parientes que le comuniquen al mundo entero... ''que soy un presidente preso, que en ningún momento renuncié''. 
''Simplemente, fueron unos militares y lo detuvieron y se lo llevaron al Fuerte Tiuna'', narró María Gabriela, uno de los tres hijos del ex mandatario. 
''Fue simplemente un golpe de Estado que quieren taparlo con una supuesta renuncia'', dijo la muchacha. 
Dijo que el ex mandatario permanece ''totalmente incomunicado''.Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com.

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4 Municipalities Freed in Kosovo (for now)... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread petokraka78


[It seems like the UN tried to set-up checkpoints in Kosovoska Mitrovica, inside ghetto in the northern part of the city where mostly Serbs, Montenegrins and Roma live, but failed.]

U.N.'s Kosovo Mission Pulls Staff
.c The Associated Press 

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - The U.N. mission in Kosovo has pulled most of its civilian employees out of ethnic Serb-dominated areas in the province because of a recent escalation of violence, an official said Friday.
Serb staff working for the U.N. mission and 20 international staff members did not go to work in offices in four northern towns Friday - Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and the Serb-dominated part of Kosovska Mitrovica.
Foreign members of the civilian staff were also advised not to stay overnight in the northern Serb-dominated areas ``for security reasons,'' said U.N. mission spokesman Andrea Angeli.
U.N. police planned to remain, but were to receive reinforcement from NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovska Mitrovica, Angeli said. Light armored vehicles had already been deployed, a statement from the peacekeepers said Friday.
On Monday, 22 U.N. officers and 12 Serbs were injured in riots. The clash - the most serious incident in a year in the province's ethnic hotbed - occurred after U.N. police tried to set up a checkpoint in the Serb area. That move triggered riots by Serb hardliners.
U.N. police arrested a Serb, Slavoljub Jovic, on suspicion he had led the attacks. Angry Serbs have since staged protests for four days demanding his release.
Kosovska Mitrovica, an industrial town some 28 miles north of the province's capital, Pristina, is divided into a mostly Serb-populated northern section and an ethnic Albanian southern section, separated by the Ibar river.
Kosovo has been run by the United Nations and NATO since 1999, when the alliance bombed Serb troops to stop former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists. Milosevic is now on trial for war crimes before a U.N. tribunal in the Netherlands.

 04/12/02 18:09 EDT


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Basson Still on Job Market [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread petokraka78


[Basson headed one of the most ominous and horrifying biological warfare programs of 
the modern era that followed directly in the footsteps of Joseph Mengele (and I'm not 
one who easily draws Holocaust comparisons).  Due to his efforts to develop racially 
specific biological weapons he was frequently a guest of the scientific community in 
Texas, Taiwan, and Croatia during the 1980s.  In fact his relationship with 
secessionist Ustasha authorities in Croatia was so tight that he established an extacy 
smuggling ring on the Adriatic coast (for which he was eventually apprehended in the 
late 1990s).  Of course, with Basson's acquital for his involvement in Project Coast - 
the biological warfare program in South Africa - he is now out just in time to offer 
his assistance to the North American War of Terror against the Third World (picking 
up, now on a global scale, where he left off after apartheid collapsed).  The BBC, 
dutiful to its expanding role as a spearhead for the rehabilitation of global fascism, 
naturally offers us the assurances of former apartheid-era military chief Constand 
Viljoen that the verdict at least proves that South African courts are still good.] 

Thursday, 11 April, 2002, 18:24 GMT 19:24 UK 

'Dr Death' acquitted in South Africa

Dr Basson says he was obeying the white regime's orders

Dr Wouter Basson, the man who headed South Africa's apartheid-era germ warfare 
programme, has been acquitted on charges of murder, conspiracy, fraud and drug 
I find the accused not guilty on all the charges, Judge Willie Hartzenberg said as 
the judgment was read out in the courtroom in Pretoria. 

They (the prosecutors) had to prove beyond all doubt that the accused was guilty. That 
they did not do 
Judge Willie Hartzenberg  
Dr Basson, dubbed Dr Death by the media for his alleged attempts to perfect killing, 
showed little reaction, just smiled briefly as he was found not guilty on 46 charges. 

The ruling African National Congress condemned the verdict as outrageously bad, said 
ANC spokesman Smuts Ngonyama. 

The justice system has let us down on this case, he added, describing the verdict as 
a clear case of the protection of an individual who has killed people. 

Plans to appeal 

Prosecutors have accused Mr Hartzenberg of favouring Mr Basson throughout the trial, 
and the government plans to appeal the verdict before a panel of judges, Sipho Ngwema, 
a spokesman for the National Director of Public Prosecutions said. 

The court was packed with white supporters of the 51-year-old cardiologist and they 
applauded the decision when the decision was read out. 

The unit's plans allegedly included lacing cigarettes with anthrax

They (the prosecutors) had to prove beyond all doubt that the accused was guilty. 
That they did not do, Mr Hartzenberg added. 

The crowd that came to hear the verdict included apartheid-era Defence Minister Magnus 
Malan, former military chief Constand Viljoen and former Surgeon-General Niel Knobel. 

To come to such a logical conclusion, to me, proves that South African courts are 
still good, Mr Viljoen said. 

Truth Commission snubbed 

In a trial lasting two and a half years, witnesses had testified that Project Coast, 
the programme Dr Basson headed, had tried to create poisons only lethal to blacks. 

The doctor had refused to apply for amnesty at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 
(TRC) - a stance seen by civil rights groups as proof he is unrepentant about his role 
under the white regime. 

For me the issue is not whether or not somebody gets found guilty, the real issue is 
whether or not the person is able to come to me and say, 'I did this and am very 
sorry', said former anti-apartheid activist Reverend Frank Chikane. 

Mr Chikane, now President Thabo Mbeki's chief of staff, was nearly killed by clothing 
allegedly poisoned by Project Coast. 

Horrific experiments 

Witnesses had testified to a catalogue of killing methods ranging from the grotesque 
to the horrific: 

Project Coast sought to create smart poisons, which would only affect blacks, and 
hoarded enough cholera and anthrax to start epidemics.
Naked black men were tied to trees, smeared with a poisonous gel and left overnight to 
see if they would die. When the experiment failed, they were put to death with 
injections of muscle relaxants.
Weapon ideas included sugar laced with salmonella, cigarettes with anthrax, chocolates 
with botulism and whisky with herbicide.
'Following orders' 

Dr Basson said at the trial he had only been following orders and portrayed himself as 
a scientist who had sought ways to combat potato blight and a hepatitis-A epidemic. 

Responding to the charge that he had embezzled state funds, he said the government had 
practically provided him with a blank cheque for his work, which took him all over the 

Croatia's Neoliberals Look to Expand Markets into FRY [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread petokraka78


Croatian foreign minister to visit to Belgrade
ZAGREB, April 8 (Reuters) - Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula will pay his first visit to Belgrade later this month to discuss borders and economic cooperation more than a decade after the two countries parted ways, an official said on Monday. 

Picula is scheduled to meet his Yugoslav counterpart, Goran Svilanovic, on April 23, a foreign ministry official told Reuters. 

"They are expected to discuss borders, police and economic cooperation, a draft free trade agreement and the fight against organised crime," the official said. 

Croatia left the Yugoslav federation in 1991, but minority Serbs, backed by Belgrade, opposed its independence in a bloody war that lasted until 1995. 

The two countries, which are both no ruled by reformers, formally recognised each other in 1996 but contacts have remained largely frozen until recently. 

Svilanovic, whose loose reformist alliance ousted Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic in October 2000, visited Zagreb last December. 

However, Croatia, where a pro-Western coalition came to power in January 2000, has kept new Yugoslav rulers at arms' length, demanding that Belgrade hands over suspects to the Hague war crimes tribunal and makes a formal apology for its role in the 1991-1995 war. 

The European Union has encouraged both countries to improve ties and promote regional cooperation. 

A top Croatian business delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister Slavko Linic, visited Belgrade in March to speed up the resumption of economic ties. 

A number of Croatian firms are keen to expand into the larger Yugoslav market, where they were present until 1991. 

05:22 04-08-02


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Fwd: Message de solidarit é avec le=?ISO-8859-1

2002-04-09 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 09/04/02 14:10:24 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Message de solidarit é avec le peuple palestienien de la part du général Padiri 
Date:09/04/02 14:10:24 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Regardez: http://www.congo-mai-mai.net/avr02/com9avr_02.html


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---End Message---

Balkan Stories... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread petokraka78


Macedonia war crimes probe
LJUBOTEN, Macedonia, April 8 (Reuters) - Forensic experts began digging up graves on Monday in an ethnic Albanian village in northern Macedonia where a rights group says security forces killed nine civilians during last year's conflict. 

The U.N. war crimes tribunal, which has launched an investigation into the allegations, said it was working with local authorities on the exhumations at a cemetery on the outskirts of the village of Ljuboten. 

After investigating violence in Ljuboten last August, New York-based Human Rights Watch accused security forces of reprisal killings of civilians. Macedonian officials have denied the allegation, saying the dead were ethnic Albanian guerrillas. 

Macedonian experts, their mouths covered by white masks, unearthed two individual graves on the first day of the exhumations. Fellow villagers buried those killed in the August violence at the cemetery last year. 

Reporters saw one body being put in a blue plastic bag and later lowered into a metal casket. 

Officials from the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague were present at the exhumations, as were international monitors from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. 

"We are working with the local authorities," U.N. war crimes deputy prosecutor Graham Blewitt told Reuters by telephone from The Hague. "It has been in the works for some months." 

Quoting testimony from villagers, Human Rights Watch said security forces had shot dead six civilians, killed three in random shelling and beaten scores of detainees after 10 soldiers died in a landmine explosion near Ljuboten. 

The government said the casualties were "terrorists" killed in battle, just days before a Western-brokered peace deal was signed to end a six-month guerrilla insurgency in the name of better rights for Macedonia's large Albanian minority. 

10:21 04-08-02

Serbs Clash With NATO Troops

.c The Associated Press

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia (AP) - French NATO troops in Kosovo fired tear gas and stun grenades Monday in an attempt to quell a riot by hundreds of Serbs who protested the arrest of a local leader. 

The clash was the most serious incident in months in Kosovska Mitrovica, a troubled, ethnically divided town in northern Kosovo. 

Marko Jaksic, a leader in the Mitrovica Serb community, said the rioting began when U.N. police arrested Slavoljub Jovic-Pagi, a leader of a hardline group known as the ``bridge guards.'' 

The armed ``guards'' have in the past tried to prevent ethnic Albanians and Serbs from crossing a bridge that divides the city between the two rival ethnic communities. 

Belgrade's private Beta news agency reported that two loud explosions and two bursts of machine-gun fire were heard during the clashes in the Serb-held part of Kosovska Mitrovica. 

Jaksic, a hospital director, said Jovic had tried to discuss security in Mitrovica with U.N. police when he was arrested. Locals, frustrated by the arrest, then began rioting. 

Two civilians suffered wounds from bullets ``apparently fired by riot police,'' Jaksic told The Associated Press. ``The situation here is desperate now, it is very tense.'' 

Eyewitnesses said at least two U.N. police officers had been injured after two explosive devices were thrown into the crowd. The report could not be independently confirmed. 

AP-NY-04-08-02 1126EDT

Rioting Serbs Wound U.N. Police

.c The Associated Press 

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Nineteen U.N. police officers were wounded Monday when they tried to quell a riot by hundreds of Serbs in this ethnically divided Kosovo town, a U.N. spokesman said.
One officer was in serious condition, said Stefan Feller, the commander of United Nations police in Kosovo. The clash was the most serious incident in months in the troubled town.
The rioting began when U.N. police arrested Slavoljub Jovic-Pagi, a leader of a hard-line group known as the ``bridge guards,'' said Marko Jaksic, a Serb community leader.
The ``bridge guards'' have previously tried to prevent ethnic Albanians and Serbs from crossing a bridge that divides Kosovska Mitrovica between the two rival ethnic communities.
John Neil, the head of U.N. police in the town, said a crowd formed when U.N. police set up a checkpoint for vehicles in the Serb part of the town and that some people began throwing stones at the officers.
Neil said one Serb was arrested because he was throwing stones and telling others to do so.
U.N. police commanders said they called for assistance as the crowd began rioting. During the confrontation, two hand grenades were thrown at U.N. police. Neil said police came under fire by two gunmen and returned fire in self-defense.
``With the angry crowd throwing stones at the U.N. police, it all escalated into a riot with gunfire and explosions directed at U.N. police officers,'' U.N. police spokesman Barry Fletcher said.

FACTBOX on Hungarian Elections [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-05 Thread petokraka78


FACTBOX-Parties, people, policies in Hungary's elections

BUDAPEST, April 5 (Reuters) - Hungarians vote on Sunday in the first round of two-round national elections to choose a new parliament for a four-year term during which Hungary is expected to join the European Union. 

A decisive second round in what will be the country's fourth free general election since the 1989 fall of communism, will be held on April 21. 

At stake are 386 seats in the single-chamber Parliament. 

Some 8.1 million Hungarians are eligible to vote at 10,843 polling stations. There are around 515,000 first-time voters. 

The electoral system is a complex mix of first-past-the-post and proportional representation. 

A total of 176 MPs are directly elected by majority vote from individual constituencies. The top three candidates usually go through to a second round as long as they win at least 15 percent of the vote. Anyone winning 50 percent plus one vote in the first round takes their seat with no need for a second vote. 

Another 152 MPs are elected from regional party lists. Under this system, a party must poll at least five percent of the votes to gain entry to Parliament. 

The remaining 58 seats are distributed from leftover votes from national lists to ensure proportional representation. 

Within days of the second round, the president normally asks the largest party's leader to form a new government, a process that has a 40-day deadline. 

If turnout in any constituency is below 50 percent, that vote is invalid and has to be re-held. 

Polls open at 6 a.m. (0400 GMT) and close at 7 p.m. (1700 GMT) on Sunday. 

There are currently six parties in parliament. 

The centre-right coalition comprises Fidesz-Civic Party, Democratic Forum (MDF) and Independent Smallholders' (FKGP). 

The opposition is led by the Socialists (MSP), with the liberal Free Democrats' Alliance (SZDSZ) and far-right Justice  Life Party (MIEP). A new Centrum Party (CP) was formed this year. 

A total of 39 parties will contest the elections, eight of which have a national base. Following are brief profiles of the most significant parties. 


LEADER: Viktor Orban 

Founded by Budapest students in 1988 as a radical liberal party, Fidesz won 22 seats in the first post-communist vote in 1990. Its leaders then shed a denim-and-stubble image for a more conservative look, but won only 20 seats in 1994. After a revamp to position the party as the main centre-right force, it won the 1998 elections promising radical tax and social security cuts, strong economic growth and free higher education. Since 1998, its coalition allies have lost popularity but Fidesz, with its slick public relations, has played an increasingly populist and nationalist card and is well placed in opinion polls to become Hungary's first post-communist government to win re-election. 

Support is put at 43-48 percent. 


LEADER: Peter Medgyessy 

Formed from the ashes of the Socialist Workers' Party, which dominated the communist era, the party was humiliated at 1990 elections but, like other ex-communists in the old Soviet bloc, it bounced back in 1994, winning an absolute majority and choosing to rule with the liberal Free Democrats under Prime Minister Gyula Horn. It stabilised the financial system, saw through the bulk of privatisation and began reforming the pension system. But, riddled with coalition disputes and privatisation scandals, it was ousted in 1998 by Fidesz. Led by Peter Medgyessy, who is not a party member, the Socialists have pledged a return to a more open and caring government which will keep EU talks on track, maintain economic growth and bridge the gap between the well-off and the poor who have missed out on the economic boom. 

Support is put at 37-39 percent. 


LEADER: Gabor Kuncze 

A liberal party set up by dissident intellectuals, the SZDSZ won 24 percent of the vote in 1990. Four years later, hit by internal rows, the defection of key ideologues and a pro-Semitic image, its support had dipped but it took power in coalition with the Socialists. In 1998, it polled just seven percent of the vote. It now faces competition from the Centrum Party. 

Support is put at five to seven percent. 


LEADER: Istvan Csurka 

Extreme right-wing faction which may hold the balance of power after the elections. Popular support is put at around five percent, but real backing for an avowedly far-right party with a strong nationalist, anti-Semitic and anti-globalisation voice, is often understated in opinion polls. Formed as a splinter from the ruling MDF in 1993 and led by maverick playwright Istvan Csurka, MIEP won its first 14 parliamentary seats in 1998, catching the eye with a populist campaign against joining NATO. It offers lukewarm support to Hungary's EU membership bid and rails against foreign involvement in business and the media. 

Moldovan Gov't to Charge CDPP [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-04 Thread petokraka78


[Fascist activists in Rosca's CDPP have been depriving their children of schooling by withdrawing them from classes in order to swell the ranks of the CDPP's small but rabidly anti-communits protests. This is reminiscent of the Soros inspired strategy in Kosovo, which had Albanian parents preventing their kids from going to state run schools in Yugoslavia. The Moldovan government, however, is taking action against Rosca's CDPP for this criminal action that violates the fundamental rights of children as outlined on the Convention for the Rights of the Child. Good for them, the children should return to school as soon as possible instead of being exposed to the daily fascist and anti-semitic sophisms of CDPP orators.]

Moldova MPs okay charges against opposition
CHISINAU, April 4 (Reuters) - Moldova's Communist-dominated parliament on Thursday cleared the way for leaders of the nationalist opposition to face criminal charges for leading mass anti-government rallies. 

Nationalists vowed to ignore the move. 

Thousands of people have marched nearly every day since January through central Chisinau, capital of the country nestled between Ukraine and Romania. 

Protesters say the government wants to drag ex-Soviet Moldova back into Russia's sphere of influence. The Communists have condemned the rallies as illegal. 

Yurie Rosca and Stefan Sacareanu, leaders of the pro-Romanian Christian Democratic People's party, said they would disregard the assembly's vote to strip them of their parliamentary immunity from prosecution. 

"I have no intention of obeying the decision. I am not going to come for interrogations. We will continue our protests," Rosca told about 1,000 protesters after the vote. 

Only one of 69 deputies present in the 101-seat chamber voted against the proposal to strip Rosca and Sacareanu of their immunity and one abstained. Nationalists and centrists boycotted the vote. 

Rosca and Sacareanu, the driving force behind the rallies, face charges of organising illegal street demonstrations and involving children in politics and could be sentenced to up to two years in prison. 

Schoolchildren and students have made up the majority of protesters at the rallies against the Communist leadership of one of Europe's poorest countries. 

Nationalists intensified their rallies this week with round-the-clock protests, erecting about 20 tents near the presidential building in the centre of Chisinau on Sunday night. 

The protests, which brought 50,000 people together at the weekend, were sparked by government plans to force schools to teach Russian alongside the national language Moldovan -- identical to Romanian. Most young Moldovans want to preserve cultural links with Romania. 

Their strength dwindled last month after the government scrapped the plan, but picked up after the disappearance of opposition deputy Vlad Cubreacov on March 21. 

The opposition says Cubreacov vanished after a driver dropped him off outside his home. The police have found no trace of him. 

10:50 04-04-02


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BBC: Big Brother Chip Approved [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-04 Thread petokraka78


Thursday, 4 April, 2002, 20:37 GMT 21:37 UK 
US accepts 'Big Brother' chip implant


A different sort of chip entering the human body

A company in the US has been given the go-ahead to implant a chip that would contain both personal and medical information. But it seems the permission has been given indirectly. The US Food and Drug Administration has indicated that it does not consider the chip, made by Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), a medical device, and as a consequence it does not feel it falls under its jurisdiction, according to the company. The chip, called VeriChip, has been criticised by anti-intrusion campaigners for its 'Big Brother' capabilities. 

Emergency help 

Applied Digital Solutions have hit back, insisting that the radio signals emitted from the rice grain-sized chip could benefit patients in emergency situations, especially when they are unconscious or otherwise unable to inform medics about known conditions. "VeriChip is a ready source of data about the patient's name and condition as well as the medical device's original components, required settings and other essential parameters," the company said. "Future applications may include full medical record archival/retrieval for emergency medical care." "With VeriChip, Applied Digital has taken another significant step in developing leading-edge personal security technologies for a rapidly evolving marketplace," said chairman and chief executive Richard Sullivan. 

Commercial potential 

The company hopes to make money from the chip by selling it for about $200 (£140). A scanner which would be able to decipher the information contained in the chip would cost between $1,000 and $3,000. 


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SPS: Solidarity with Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-03 Thread petokraka78


Belgrade, April 3, 2002


   The Socialist Party of Serbia condemns the dangerous escalation of violence 
of Israeli army against Palestinian people and Palestinian authorities.

   Immediate cease-fire, withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities 
and continuation of the peace process, with full respect of all relevant UN Security 
Council resolutions, are the imperatives.

   The Socialist Party of Serbia is determined to protect the historical 
friendship and mutual solidarity between the peoples of Yugoslavia and Palestine and 
underlines its support to a just solution of the crisis which must incorporate Israeli 
withdrawal from all occupied territories and conditions for normal functioning of the 
State of Palestine, with the building of confidence and cooperation of all peoples and 
states in the region, without interference of out-of-regional factors.

   The Socialist Party of Serbia repeats the warning that struggle against the 
terrorism in the world can be fought only within the frameworks of the Organization of 
United Nations on the basis of generally accepted rules and principles of UN Charter. 
Biggest danger for the world is the
sponsored terrorism and its misuse as pretext for brutal attacks on freedom and 
sovereignty of peoples and for imposing the dictatorship in the international 

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)


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NYT: It takes an empire... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-02 Thread petokraka78


'It takes an empire,' say several U.S. thinkers 
Emily Eakin The New York Times 
Monday, April 1, 2002


Struggling to get a handle on U.S. foreign policy? For starters, try dusting off your Livy and boning up on the Second Punic War. Or dip into a good history of 19th-century Britain, paying close attention to those dazzling military campaigns in the Middle East - the Battle of Omdurman, say, or the Second Afghan War.

Today, America is no mere superpower or hegemon but a full-blown empire in the Roman and British sense. That, at any rate, is the consensus of some of the most notable U.S. commentators and scholars..

"People are now coming out of the closet on the word 'empire,'" said the conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer. "The fact is no country has been as dominant culturally, economically, technologically and militarily in the history of the world since the Roman Empire.".

Americans are used to being told - typically by resentful foreigners - that they are imperialists. But lately some of the nation's own eminent thinkers are embracing the idea. More astonishing, they are using the term with approval. From the isolationist right to the imperialist-bashing left, a growing number of experts are issuing stirring paeans to American empire..

The Weekly Standard kicked off the parade early last fall with "The Case for American Empire," by The Wall Street Journal's editorial features editor, Max Boot. Quoting the title of Patrick Buchanan's last book, "America: A Republic, not an Empire," Boot said, "This analysis is exactly backward: the Sept. 11 attack was a result of insufficient American involvement and ambition; the solution is to be more expansive in our goals and more assertive in their implementation.".

Calling for the military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, Boot cited the stabilizing effect of 19th-century British rule in the region. "Afghanistan and other troubled lands today," he wrote, "cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by self-confident Englishmen in jodphurs and pith helmets.".

Since then, the empire idea has caught on. In January, Charles Fairbanks, a foreign policy expert at Johns Hopkins University, told an audience at Michigan State University that America was "an empire in formation." Last month, a Yale University professor, Paul Kennedy - who 10 years ago was predicting America's ruin from imperial overreach - went further..

"Nothing has ever existed like this disparity of power," Kennedy wrote in the Financial Times of London. "The Pax Britannica was run on the cheap, Britain's army was much smaller than European armies and even the Royal Navy was equal only to the next two navies - right now all the other navies in the world combined could not dent American maritime supremacy. Napoleon's France and Philip II's Spain had powerful foes and were part of a multipolar system. Charlemagne's empire was merely western European in its stretch. The Roman Empire stretched further afield, but there was another great empire in Persia and a larger one in China. There is no comparison.".

The most extended statement from the empire camp to date is "Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos" (Random House, 2001), a recent book by the journalist Robert Kaplan..

Arguing that "times have changed less than we think," Kaplan suggests the nation's leaders turn to ancient Greek and Roman chroniclers - as well as Winston Churchill's 1899 account of the British conquest of the Sudan - for helpful hints about how to navigate today's world. He devotes a chapter to the Second Punic War ("Rome's victory in the Second Punic War, like America's in World War II, made it a universal power") and one to the cunning Emperor Tiberius. Granted, the emperor was something of a despot, writes Kaplan. Still, he "combined diplomacy with the threat of force to preserve a peace that was favorable to Rome.".

If that sounds familiar, you've got the right idea. "Our future leaders could do worse than be praised for their tenacity, their penetrating intellects and their ability to bring prosperity to distant parts of the world under America's soft imperial influence," Kaplan writes. "The more successful our foreign policy, the more leverage America will have in the world. Thus, the more likely that future historians will look back on 21st-century United States as an empire as well as a republic, however different from that of Rome and every other empire throughout history.".

Classicists may scoff at the idea that democratic America has much in common with the tyrannical Rome of Augustus or Nero. But the empire camp points out that however unlikely the comparison, America has often behaved like a conquering empire. As Kennedy put it, "From the time the first settlers arrived in Virginia from England and started moving westward, this was an imperial nation, a 

Fwd: Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread petokraka78


[This email contains three stories relating to the current situation in Moldova. The overlap should make many things clear. For the past few months far-right parties in Moldova have been protesting the "Russification" of Moldova by the current popularly elected Communist government. The Communists have sidelined IMF and WB structural adjustment programs and have moved away from collaboration with NATO. Since then the West has backed the radical anti-semitic CDPP's protests. In this email: (1) Moldovans stage overnight anti-Communist protest (for Western spin by Reuters), (2) Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova (condemning Western support for the anti-semitic and fascist CDPP), and (3) International Conference in Bucharest on the occasion of the EBRD Annual Meeting (for the business interests backing Moldova's neo-fascists)]

Moldovans stage overnight anti-Communist protest
By Dmitry Chubashenko
CHISINAU, April 1 (Reuters) - About 3,000 Moldovans camped overnight into Monday outside government headquarters to demand the resignation of the ruling Communists amid tension over the disappearance of an opposition deputy. 

Protesters, angered by what they say are government attempts to drag their former Soviet republic back into the sphere of its imperial master, Russia, erected tents on Chisinau's central square and vowed to keep up round-the-clock rallies. 

More than 50,000 Moldovans had massed in Chisinau on Sunday to demand the Communists resign and call early elections in the country of four million wedged between Ukraine and Romania. 

The ranks of the protesters began to swell again on Monday as schoolchildren, dodging classes, joined the campers. 

The protests have been initiated by the nationalist opposition, which wants the Communists banned from government. 

Protesters took to the streets in Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries, in January when the government announced plans for schoolchildren to learn Russian alongside Moldovan, the national language which is identical to Romanian. 

The demonstrations dwindled after the government scrapped the plan, but the disappearance of opposition deputy Vlad Cubreacov, a driving force behind the rallies, on March 21 has given new life to the protests. 

The opposition nationalist pro-Romanian Christian Democratic People's Party says Cubreacov vanished after a driver dropped him off outside his home. The police have found no trace of him. 

Communists hold 71 seats in the 101-seat parliament and took 50 per cent of the vote in elections a year ago, thanks to a strong power base in rural areas. But they are facing growing discontent over their failure to improve living standards. 

More than 80 percent of Moldovans live below the poverty line of one dollar a day. Emigration, legal and illegal, is at a record high. 

"We came here to win. We will stay on this square until the Communists resign," Yurie Rosca, leader of the Christian Democratic People's Party, told the crowd on Sunday. Banners read: "Down with the Communists" and "Stop Russification." 

President Vladimir Voronin says the nationalists are waging a smear campaign against his party. 

Many protesters vented their anger over what they said were government plans to drag Moldova away from its close links with Romania. Much of present-day Moldova once belonged to Romania and contacts across the border were severely restricted in communist times. 

05:38 04-01-02

In a message dated 01/04/02 05:42:00 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova 
Date:01/04/02 05:42:00 Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet 


Original sender: IUMA Moldova [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Appeal of minority NGOs from Moldova

Appeal from Non-governmental Organisations of the Republic of
Moldova to the World Society

Today, with stability and interethnic reconciliation in the Republic
of Moldova under threat, we, representatives of non-governmental
organisations, those who share values of democratic society, are
compelled to appeal to all people of good will, to all those who
advocate principles of national minorities protection and who condemn
any manifestation of xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Over half a century
has already passed since the end of the World War II, however, we
regret being forced to witness manifestations of national intolerance
and utmost anti-Semitism propagated and actively supported by some
political movements in our country, and namely by the Christian
Democratic People's Party led by Yuri Rosca.

We are sure that those who underestimate these events, and especially
it concerns politicians, do not care for the future of our state, for
our youth. We consider it an atrocious crime, and the leaders of the
country, as well as powerful international organisations must give


2002-04-01 Thread petokraka78


[Note the census is not being carried out in Montenegro and Kosovo, seing as within ten years these definately won't be united in a common state with Serbia. This is a further disgusting indication of what Yugoslav authorities think of the states sovereignty over its WHOLE territory. Backing down to the anti-democratic Djukanovic regime and the collaborationist and secessionist KLA and LDK elites has been a hallmark of the Belgrade authorities.]

Yugoslavia Conducts Census
.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Officials began conducting the first census Monday since the former Yugoslavia began to break up a decade ago in a series of wars that brought major demographic changes to the region. 

Some 40,000 census takers fanned across Serbia, the larger of two remaining Yugoslav republics, to gather statistics on the size, economic strength and ethnic and religious composition of the population. 

Officials planned to survey an area where some 7.5 million people lived in 1991, according to the country's last census. 

The government of Yugoslavia's smaller republic, Montenegro, has said it would carry out a separate census at a later date. Montenegro's population was last recorded at slightly more than 600,000. 

Serbia's southern province of Kosovo, under NATO and U.N. control since 1999, will be excluded from the survey. 

Until an uprising in 1998 by Kosovo's pro-independence ethnic Albanians, the province's population was about 2 million. Some 10,000 people were believed killed in the war and about 800,000 ethnic Albanians were at one point forced out of their homes by government forces loyal to former President Slobodan Milosevic. 

When NATO air strikes in 1999 forced Milosevic's troops out of the province, more than 200,000 Kosovo Serbs fled to Serbia. 

The number of displaced people, including Serb refugees who fled to Serbia from neighboring Bosnia and Croatia, is also to be established by the census. The refugee population is believed at more than 500,000, while at least 200,000 Serbians are believed to have migrated abroad, fleeing poverty and the wars of the 1990s. 

Normally carried out every 10 years, the census planned for 2001 was postponed by the current leadership, which ousted Milosevic in Oct. 2000. Leaders said they wanted to give priority to stabilizing the country, which is still struggling after a decade of wars and international sanctions. 

The census is scheduled to be completed April 15. Preliminary results are expected to be released in May, with final processing of the data due by the end of the year. 

AP-NY-04-01-02 0955EST

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Fwd: [AfricaT] Fwd: HRW accuse les rebelles du RCD d'abus des droits humains [WW

2002-03-29 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 29/03/02 12:30:02 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 HRW accuse les rebelles du RCD d'abus des droits humains

 Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Human rights watch (HRW), organisme de
défense des droits humains basé à New York a accusé les rebelles
du Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie (RCD), soutenus par
le Rwanda, de se rendre coupables de graves violations des droits
humains en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a-t-on appris
vendredi de source officielle.

La conseillère principale auprès de la Division Afrique de HRW,
Alison Des Forges a indiqué que les responsables du RCD ciblent
les organisations de défense des droits humains, contraignant
leurs militants à remettre directement aux rebelles et non aux
autres organisations étrangères de droits humains, les rapports
qu'ils ont rédigés sur ces violations.

"Ensuite, ces militants qui causent des soucis aus rebelles sont
battus comme plâtre", a-t-elle affirmé en regrettant ces
agissements du mouvement rebelle.

HRW, cite à Goma (Est) de la RDC le cas d'un certain Bayunda,
chef du Centre pour les recherches sur l'environnement, la
démocratie et les droits de l'Homme, une organisation qui dénonce
régulièrement les abus commis par les responsables du RCD.

M. Bayunda a été arrêté le 15 mars 2002 par des membres du RCD
qui lui ont "donné des coups de pied et l'ont battu avec des
matraques et des crosses de fusil", affirme HRW.

"Après son libération, intervenue plus tard dans la journée, il
vomissait du sang et portait des plaies ouvertes sur son dos, ses
fesses et à la bouche", a encore révélé l'organisation de défense
des droits humains.

M. Bayunda avait été arrêté après avoir rencontré des
responsables de la sécurité pour discuter de l'arrestation et de
la détention, le 9 mars, de Raphael Paluku Kyanau, directeur
d'une station de radio communautaire à Kanyabayonga, au nord de
Goma, indique HRW.

Le journaliste devait se rendre à un atelier de formation
organisé à Nairobi, au Kenya, par le Conseil panafricain des
églises à l'intention des hommes de presse.

D'autres arrestations arbitraires ont aussi été dénoncées par
HRW, notamment celle du directeur d'une organisation non
gouvernementale (GEAD) à Goma, Deo Baabo qui aurait été arrêté et
gardé en détention pendant plusieurs jours pour subir des

Au début du mois de mars, un autre journaliste de la Radio
télévision nationale du Congo avait été arrêté par les autorités,
à Bukavu, dans la province du Sud Kivu, après qu'il eut présidé
une conférence de presse organisée par des groupements féminins à
Bukavu, pour célébrer la Journée internationale de la Femme.

HRW a aussi accusé des soldats de l'armée rwandaises de détenir,
dans des conditions inhumaines, quelques membres d'un groupe armé
appelé les 'Mai Mai', dans un conteneur à Ndosho, à environ 15 km
de Goma.

Les rebelles du RCD ont rejeté ces allégations, affirmant que ces
détenus étaient suspectés d'avoir lancé un raid sur un village du
sud de Bukavu, attaque au cours de laquelle les 'Mai Mai' avaient
tué de nombreuses personnes dont des femmes et des enfants.

Selon le chef du département de la justice du RCD, Moise
Nyarugabo, si les détenus sont incarcérés sur différents sites,
c'est en raison de la récente éruption du Mont Nyiragongo qui a
détruit la prison de Goma.

Il a affirmé à la presse que les détenus seront présentés devant
un tribunal et jugés dans les conditions prévues par la loi.

 Kigali - 22/03/2002


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From: Revue de Presse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: HRW accuse les rebelles du RCD d'abus des droits humains
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 21:22:22 +0100

   HRW accuse les rebelles du RCD d'abus des droits humains

  Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) -  Human rights watch (HRW), organisme de
défense des droits humains basé à New York a accusé les rebelles
du Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie (RCD), soutenus par
le Rwanda, de se rendre coupables de graves violations des droits
humains en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a-t-on appris
vendredi de source officielle.

La conseillère principale auprès de la Division Afrique de HRW,
Alison Des Forges a indiqué que les responsables du RCD ciblent
les organisations de défense des droits humains, contraignant
leurs militants à remettre directement aux rebelles et non aux

Djindjic Threatens Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-29 Thread petokraka78


[Who will it be this year: Mladich, Karadjich, Tomich, Pavkovich, Milutinovich, the Vukovar Three Your guess is as good as mine, but its certain that one of them will probably be in the custody of NATO butchers and their DOS quislings before April Fool's day...]

Serb PM Backs Handing Over Suspects
.c The Associated Press
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Serbia's prime minister, facing a weekend deadline to hand over war crimes suspects, said Friday that some could be arrested and extradited to the U.N. tribunal within days - and emphasized that failure to comply would come at a crippling cost for Yugoslavia. 

The U.S. Congress has given Yugoslavia until Sunday to cooperate with the Netherlands-based war crimes court or risk losing $120 million in aid. 

``If we do not cooperate, we could face international isolation and U.S. sanctions, literally within days,'' Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic warned. 

Djindjic's comments suggested Serbian police may be preparing to arrest some of 15 indicted war crimes suspects living in Serbia, the dominant of the two republics in Yugoslavia, though he said Sunday should not be a hard deadline for delivering suspects to the court in The Hague. 

Acting on a similar ultimatum last year, the Serbian government arrested former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and sent him to the tribunal, where he is being tried for atrocities Yugoslav and Serb forces committed in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia in the 1990s. 

Among those in hiding in Serbia is one of the tribunal's most-wanted fugitives, Gen. Ratko Mladic, the military leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the 1992-95 war in Bosnia. 

Pierre Prosper, U.S. ambassador for war crimes issues, said Thursday at the United Nations that Mladic must be caught and extradited for trial. ``He cannot remain at large. He must go to The Hague,'' Prosper said. 

Djindjic stressed that handovers are a condition for Yugoslavia, which is made up of Serbia and Montenegro, to join Europe's mainstream after years of war and economic decline. 

He said some indictees could be delivered to the tribunal ``within three to four days'' and played down the significance of Sunday's deadline, saying that ``March 31 is not fixed'' and that the United States could hold off on sanctions if it is clear his country is taking action. 

``This is the reality we face. Whether it will happen in a couple of days, five days or 10 is not that important,'' Djindjic said. ``But it must happen and we must once and for all make it clear whether we want to become part of the world or not.'' 

``We can go forward only if we cooperate with those countries whose help we need,'' he added. ``This is not only an American initiative. The whole world demands it - to refuse it would lead to Yugoslavia's complete isolation.'' 

The Serbian prime minister's comments came on the heels of sharp criticism of the U.N. court by his archrival, Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica. In an interview this week, Kostunica said he was ``sick to his stomach'' of hearing about the tribunal and accused the court of a ``horrific degree of prejudices.'' 

Kostunica - a moderate nationalist who frequently lashes out at the tribunal as illegal and anti-Serb - has repeatedly clashed with Djindjic, a pro-Western politician who engineered Milosevic's arrest and extradition. 

Kostunica has opposed delivering suspects to The Hague, saying there is no domestic law that allows for extraditions. Defying his objections, Djindjic's Cabinet adopted the U.N. tribunal's rules allowing for extraditions earlier this week. 

AP-NY-03-29-02 1201EST


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ICG, Bosnia and the Rule of Law [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-28 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 27/03/02 02:23:56 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Courting Disaster: The Misrule of Law in Bosnia  Herzegovina


The law does not yet rule in Bosnia  Herzegovina. What prevail instead are 
nationally defined politics, inconsistency in the application of law, 
corrupt and incompetent courts, a fragmented judicial space, half-baked or 
half-implemented reforms, and sheer negligence. Bosnia is, in short, a land 
where respect for and confidence in the law and its defenders is weak.

Bosnians are unequal before the law, and they know it. Exercise of the 
legal rights to repossess property or to reclaim a job too often depends on 
an individual's national identity - or that of the judge before whom she or 
he appears. Even when citizens do get justice in the courts, the chances of 
having decisions enforced can be slim, since the execution of court orders 
is often prolonged unlawfully or hedged in arbitrary conditions. Obtaining 
justice is also subject to geographical chance. War crimes in one entity or 
canton are still hailed as acts of heroism in another.

Ethnicity and geography are not the only brakes on justice. An individual's 
position in or relationship to one or another national-political elite also 
counts. Punishing the powerful and the well connected for milking public 
coffers or appropriating public goods - whether in the name of the 
'national cause' or for private gain - remains virtually unknown. Although 
allegations of corruption in high places appear in the newspapers every 
day, and formal investigations are nearly as common, not a single past or 
present national party leader has yet been convicted and sent to prison.

Unlike for the majority of law-abiding Bosnians, national discrimination 
and 'ethnic justice' do not apply to smugglers, racketeers, tax evaders, 
gunrunners, drug dealers, white slavers, and their patrons. These groups 
rejoice in what remains of old Yugoslavia's "brotherhood and unity", doing 
business across internal and external borders and national or confessional 
divides. Their community of interest - in getting rich and defying the law 
- contrasts with the disunity of those who want to uphold the law.

Not only is Bosnia divided juridically into three, four, fourteen, or 
sixteen territorial- hierarchical jurisdictions (depending on how the one 
state, two entities, one autonomous district, eight unitary cantons, and 
two mixed cantons are counted); it also has three separate sets of laws, 
two of which are replete with contradictory provisions. This fragmentation 
is a boon to criminals and a pitfall for would-be reformers and enforcers 
of the law.

The discontinuity of the territorial structure bequeathed by the Dayton 
Peace Accords is compounded by Bosnia's mixed legislative inheritance. The 
statute books contain a multitude of outdated, overlapping and inconsistent 
laws from the pre-war, wartime and post-war periods. They are applied (or 
not) by courts which are too numerous, too expensive, too inefficient, and 
too vulnerable to political influence.

The brain drain of legal talent that accompanied the war continues today. 
This, coupled with the 'politically correct' appointments that have 
prevailed throughout, means that the country's several executive 
authorities wield influence over judges' minds as well as their purses. The 
courts are simply in no position to resist either the power of the 
executive or the temptations of national solidarity.

The dysfunctional nature of Bosnia's legal and judicial system has been 
long apparent to both domestic legal experts and international officials. 
The Office of the High Representative (OHR), the United Nations Mission in 
Bosnia  Herzegovina (UNMIBH), the Organisation for Security and 
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Independent Judicial Commission (IJC), 
and various NGOs have regularly reiterated both their keen appreciation of 
the centrality of the rule of law and their commitment to establishing it.

But this recognition of the problem and an appreciation of its dire 
consequences have not led to the adoption and implementation of adequate 
remedies. There has been no coherent, coordinated and thoroughgoing program 
of judicial and legal reform. Rather, international efforts have typically 
been timorous, incremental, piecemeal and disjointed, leading to long 
delays, the loss of institutional memory and periodic re- launches of 
reform schemes. In particular, international agencies have sought quick 
fixes for systemic problems. The saga of the now abandoned program of 
"comprehensive" judicial review is the most depressing case in point.

As a consequence, millions of dollars have been spent since 1996 by an 
assortment of international agencies to promote the rule of law in Bosnia, 
including hefty 

Kostunica's Fake Patriotism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-28 Thread petokraka78


Yugoslav President Blasts UN Court
.c The Associated Press
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Faced with a looming U.S. deadline to hand over war crimes suspects, the Yugoslav president blasted a U.N. war crimes court, saying he feels ``sick'' whenever it is mentioned. 

President Vojislav Kostunica, a moderate nationalist, frequently has criticized the tribunal, claiming it is anti-Serb and not based on the rule of law. He has regularly blasted his pro-Western political rival, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, for wanting to extradite Serb suspects to the tribunal. 

``There must be cooperation with The Hague tribunal, but I have to admit that I feel sick to my stomach when I think about that court, with a horrific degree of its prejudices that are shown through its proceedings,'' Kostunica told Serbian state TV late Wednesday. 

The U.S. Congress gave Yugoslavia until March 31 to cooperate with the Netherlands-based court or risk losing $120 million in financial assistance. 

Acting on a similar deadline last year, the Serbian government arrested former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who is now on trial in The Hague for atrocities his forces committed in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia in the 1990s. 

``I've had enough'' of the tribunal, Kostunica said in the television interview. ``I can imagine how those who have to deal with that court feel.'' 

Kostunica said he is ``absolutely against the extraditions to The Hague tribunal,'' arguing they are illegal as long as no special domestic law has been passed. 

But Serbia's government Wednesday defied Kostunica and a high court ruling that extraditions without a special domestic law are illegal. The government formally adopted the U.N. tribunal's rules that allow the extraditions, saying no local law is necessary as the world body's rules surpass national regulations. 

The Serbian government move indicates that it is ready to arrest and extradite at least some of 15 Serb war crimes suspects living in the republic and sought by The Hague. Kostunica said he had no power to stop the extraditions, which he considers illegal. 

Zoran Zivkovic, the interior minister and federal police chief, said he found ``the president's statement rather odd.'' 

``There will be extraditions. I don't know when and who will be extradited,'' said Zivkovic, a deputy in Djindjic's party. ``Kostunica is playing fake patriotism. To say 'I'm sick' of something is not a vocabulary of a responsible politician.'' 

Among the suspects sought by the tribunal are former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his wartime military commander, Gen. Ratko Mladic. Mladic is known to be hiding in Serbia; Karadzic's whereabouts are unknown. 

Both have been indicted for genocide for the 1995 massacre of about 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica, Bosnia, and the three-year military siege and shelling of Sarajevo. 

In Washington on Wednesday, Secretary of State Colin Powell praised the transfer of about 150 ethnic Albanian prisoners from Serbian jails to U.N. custody, hinting that the step could help the region keep millions of dollars in U.S. aid. 

Powell will make a decision about certification over the weekend. 

AP-NY-03-28-02 1059EST

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Blair Aide Openly Calls for Colonies!!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-28 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 28/03/02 03:45:13 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


The Mirror
March 28, 2002

Blair aide calls for colonies 
By Bob Roberts Political Correspondent

A SENIOR aide to Tony Blair yesterday called for a
return to colonialism.

Foreign affairs adviser Robert Cooper said: "What is
needed is a new kind of imperialism.

"The opportunities, perhaps even the need for
colonisation, is as great as it ever was in the 19th

Mr Cooper added: "The weak still need the strong and
the strong still need an orderly world.

"A world in which the efficient and well-governed
export stability and liberty, and which is open for
investment and growth, seems eminently desirable."

He said Afghanistan showed what could happen if the
West did not intervene in the Third World.

Terrorists could use failed states as bases to attack
"orderly" nations.

His comments will anger MPs who think Labour is keener
on matters abroad than problems at home.

But Mr Blair stressed that the world couldn't submit
to the "savagery of the fanatic".



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The Mirror
March 28, 2002

Blair aide calls for colonies 
By Bob Roberts Political Correspondent
A SENIOR aide to Tony Blair yesterday called for a
return to colonialism.

Foreign affairs adviser Robert Cooper said: What is
needed is a new kind of imperialism.

The opportunities, perhaps even the need for
colonisation, is as great as it ever was in the 19th

Mr Cooper added: The weak still need the strong and
the strong still need an orderly world.

A world in which the efficient and well-governed
export stability and liberty, and which is open for
investment and growth, seems eminently desirable.

He said Afghanistan showed what could happen if the
West did not intervene in the Third World.

Terrorists could use failed states as bases to attack
orderly nations.

His comments will anger MPs who think Labour is keener
on matters abroad than problems at home.

But Mr Blair stressed that the world couldn't submit
to the savagery of the fanatic.


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