Cost Of One Bullet [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Hindustan Times
October 4, 2002


Cost of one bullet 

The post-Cold War world, which leaves a single
superpower with no balancer, is now getting truly

Carrot-and-stick was the age-old trick of great powers
— to be used against those they wished to bring to
heel. In the era of superpower rivalry, the threat of
massive retaliation did just as well. All of that
succeeded in making the world a fairly unsafe place,
though it was maintained that the balance of terror
was instrumental in holding the peace. Even that
uncertain theoretical construct has now been removed.

Not content with postulating the patently self-serving
doctrine of “pre-emption” in a bid to prepare the
ground for a military attack on Iraq, the US now
appears to have decided to tread the dangerous and
ethically forbidden territory of ordering the
assassination of a head of government, though this is
forbidden by American law except when the killing
occurs in the course of a US-backed coup. In effect,
then, the US law is flexible and this suits President
George W. Bush perfectly. The White House Press
Secretary, Ari Fleischer, has said that “the cost of
one bullet” to take out Saddam Hussein would achieve
the US goal of a regime change more quickly and
cheaply than an American attack which could cost up to
$200 billion.

Mr Fleischer has, of course, taken care to note that
the Iraqi leader’s assassination should be carried out
by Iraqis themselves. In June, however, the president
reportedly signed an intelligence order directing the
CIA to undertake a comprehensive programme to topple
Mr Hussein. Thus, Mr Fleischer is unlikely to be taken
at face value when he says that his “one bullet”
observation “is not a statement of administration
policy”. When in the past the US sought the
assassination of Fidel Castro (who is fortunate to be
still with us), Salvador Allende and Patrice Lumumba,
it relied on secrecy. In contrast, the White House
official’s remarks stand out as brazen. Quite clearly,
America’s Iraq gambit is not only about disarmament.

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NATO Initiation: Bulgaria Offers Air Base For Strikes On Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Times Of India
October 4, 2002

Bulgaria offers air base for strikes on Iraq

-Last November, during the Afghan operation, US supply
planes used the Sarafovo airport, north of Bourgas on
the Black Sea, while some 200 US troops used the
nearby military base.
Bulgaria has agreements for transit and provisional
stay of NATO and US forces.

SOFIA (AFP): Bulgaria, a NATO candidate nation, is
prepared to open its air space and provide an air base
for a future attack against Iraq, Defence Minister
Nikolai Svinarov said.

We make clear our willingness to respond to certain
requests if they are put to Bulgaria, notably
concerning Bulgarian air space and eventually
Sarafovo airport, the national BTA agency quoted the
minister as saying on Thursday.

He stressed that thus far no such request had been

However Bulgaria, will take no position on Iraq until
there is a clear (UN) Security Council resolution on
Iraq and clarity within the international community;
the UN, NATO, and America and its partners, the
minister added.

Last November, during the Afghan operation, US supply
planes used the Sarafovo airport, north of Bourgas on
the Black Sea, while some 200 US troops used the
nearby military base.

Bulgaria has agreements for transit and provisional
stay of NATO and US forces.

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'Wise Decision': NATO Lord Pleased Slovaks Voted His Way [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Although the winner of the election, the party of
former president Vladimir Meciar, won't be allowed in
any future government - by orders of Lord Robertson
and US Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Burns.
Europe's democratic mainstream, indeed.]

NATO chief welcomes 'wise decision' by Slovak voters 

-Robertson said there was clear evidence that Slovak
voters had followed his advice to become part of
Europe's democratic mainstream.

BRUSSELS, Oct 3 (AFP) - NATO Secretary General George
Robertson on Thursday hailed the outcome of a
legislative election in Slovakia last month, which
gave the majority of parliamentary seats to parties
who back rapid integration of the country into NATO.

It was a very wise decision that the people of
Slovakia took in these elections and it has been well
noticed, Robertson told journalists in Brussels.

Robertson said there was clear evidence that Slovak
voters had followed his advice to become part of
Europe's democratic mainstream.

I think that there was a collective sigh of relief by
the continent of Europe by what happened in Slovakia
and I think that it is very good news for the people
of Slovakia, he added.

In particular, they are part of a democratic
mainstream of Europe today and they voted to be part
of that integration that is going to be the way that
stability and prosperity will be guaranteed in the

Robertson remained cautious about Slovakia's prospects
for NATO membership. The issue was currently being
examined by the members of the 19-nation defence
alliance and a decision would be taken by their heads
of state and government, he said.

But the result of the Slovak election had not gone
unnoticed in NATO capitals, he said.

Four centre-right parties that back Slovakia's rapid
integration into the European Union and the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation won 78 of the 150-seat
parliament in the September 21-22 vote.

Slovakia expects to be invited to join NATO at an
alliance summit in Prague on November 21-22.

A small country of 5.4 million inhabitants, Slovakia
is one of 12 countries negotiating to join the
European Union, most of them hoping to become members
in 2004.

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Apartheid Latvia To Get NATO-Approved Parliament [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


As EU, NATO invitations loom, Latvia votes for a new

-Placed a close third in recent polls is the left
leaning For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL),
which campaigns on behalf of the country's Russian
speakers, who represent almost a third of the
population. Many of them are Soviet era settlers who
have not naturalised and have no voting rights.

RIGA, Oct 3 (AFP) - The ex-Soviet state of Latvia goes
to the polls on Saturday to choose the team which will
steer the Baltic country through to membership of the
European Union and NATO.

The government which emerges from the 100-strong
parliament elected by the 1.4 million voters will be
tasked with pushing Latvia towards the finishing line
in its EU membership talks by end year and ensuring
that it gets its expected invitation to join the NATO
military alliance at a November summit in Prague.

The latest opinion polls show that voters in the
chilly country of 2.35 million people are unimpressed
by the efforts of the Latvia's Way party of Prime
Minister Andris Berzins, and suggest that another
coalition government is likely.

With two and a half years at the helm Berzins is the
country's longest standing prime minister. However,
polls suggest that he will get only 5.5 percent of the
vote, just enough to squeeze his party back into
parliament under the country's system of proportional

Although Berzins has all but ensured Latvia gets into
the EU and NATO and helped the Latvian economy buck
the global downturn last year, growing by 7.6 percent,
that is cold comfort to the eight percent of the
population which is out of work, sidelined by the slow
modernisation of old Soviet-era businesses.

The benefits ... that we're proud of are not things
that come overnight. Closing EU chapters doesn't mean
anything to the man on the street, Berzins' advisor
Peteris Elferts acknowledged.

Latvia has ploughed through all but three of the 31
negotiating areas, or chapters in EU speak, it needs
to conclude before it gets confirmation in December
that it is ready to join the EU in 2004.

Latvia's economy is booming and it's on the verge of
achieving major foreign policy goals, but the election
is up in the air, said Pauls Raudseps, editor of the
leading daily Diena.

Although it has raced ahead its EU and NATO membership
preparations, Latvia's efforts to join both
organisations have been dogged by concerns over its
record in fighting corruption.

Benefiting from what is perceived as a poor
performance by Berzins has been the centre-right
People's Party of Andris Skele, a coalition partner,
which led the pack in the latest Latvijas Fakti poll
with 14.9 percent support.

However, a bitter row between coalition partners threw
a cat among the pigeons just days before the election.

As the poll approached Berzins sacked his People's
Party Interior Minister Mareks Seglins, saying he had
orchestrated the detention by law enforcement agents
of a senior Latvia's Way official who had been
involved in underhand campaign tactics.

The row could tip the balance in favor of the
right-of-center New Era party, formed earlier this
year by a popular former central bank head, Einars
Repse, on a ticket of transparency and efficiency.

Despite spurning the use of advertising, New Era led
in opinion polls until a few weeks ago and was close
to the People's Party in the latest Latvijas Fakti
poll at 13.6 percent.

But any New Era victory is unlikely to be overwhelming
due to the country's proportional representation
system, Karlis Streips, a political commentator for
Radio Latvia, said.

Placed a close third in recent polls is the left
leaning For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL),
which campaigns on behalf of the country's Russian
speakers, who represent almost a third of the
population. Many of them are Soviet era settlers who
have not naturalised and have no voting rights.

The situation of the Russian minority has proved a
regular bone of contention between Riga and its former
Soviet master Russia.

For Fatherland and Freedom, the third partner in the
government coalition, has fared badly in opinion polls
having been seen to have done badly at its job of
managing the health system.

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Georgia: US-NATO Train Military; Govt Supports Rebels, Threatens Republics [WWW.

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff



-On Thursday a U.S. military delegation watched the
U.S. instructors training servicemen of Commandos
battalion of the Georgian army. Head of the U.S.
delegation said that he was satisfied with the
training process of Georgian servicemen. 
U.S. instructors are going to train about 2,000
Georgian servicemen within the next year and a half. 

TBILISI, October 3rd, 2002 /From RIA Novosti
correspondent David Imedashvili/ -- A spokesman of the
U.S. Military Command in Europe Fred Rasmussen and
Georgian Defence Minister David Tevzadze have signed
an agreement on logistics cooperation. 

The Georgian Defence Ministry told RIA Novosti that
the agreement had been signed as a standard agreement
between the NATO member-states and the NATO
partner-states. The agreement envisages further
cooperation between the countries in defence. 

On Thursday a U.S. military delegation watched the
U.S. instructors training servicemen of Commandos
battalion of the Georgian army. Head of the U.S.
delegation said that he was satisfied with the
training process of Georgian servicemen. 

U.S. instructors are going to train about 2,000
Georgian servicemen within the next year and a half. 

NATO Online
October 4, 2002

NATO to help destroy munitions 
and clean up military sites in Georgia

Georgia and NATO signed, on 1 October, a memorandum
opening the way for a joint project aimed at disposing
of missile stockpiles and clean up of military sites
in Georgia.

The agreement was signed by the Georgian Foreign
Minister Irakli Menagarishvili and Peter D. Markey,
General Manager of the NATO’s Maintenance and Supply
Agency (NAMSA), during the Foreign Minister’s visit to
NATO Headquarters.

Assistance and training

Under the agreement, NATO will provide material
assistance and training to carry out the safe disposal
of missile stockpiles and the clean up of a former
military site close to the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

The cost of the project is estimated to be in excess
of EUR 1,250,000. The Georgian authorities will
contribute in kind. Financial support will be provided
by Luxembourg and other NATO and partner countries.

Working with partner countries

This is the fourth project initiated under NATO’s
Partnership for Peace Trust Fund, which was
established in 2000 to assist partner countries in
destroying surplus munitions. 

NAMSA is currently overseeing Trust Fund projects to
ensure the destruction of surplus ordnance in Ukraine
and Moldova, having earlier this year completed the
destruction of 1.6 million anti-personnel landmines in
October 4, 2002

Captured gunman claims Shevardnadze met with Chechen

Chechen warlord Ruslan Gelayev several times visited
Tbilisi where he met with Georgian President Eduard
Shevardnadze, Murtaz Maniya, a member of Gelayev’s
detachment, told representatives of the federal forces
when he was captured after recent combat near the
Galashki village in Ingushetia. 
According to the gunman, he was trained at a base
headed by Gelayev in the Pankisi gorge, Georgia, RTR
television reported. The militant also said that
representatives of Georgian authorities, generals and
colonels of the Georgian armed forces had visited the
base several times. They brought weapons and food

Maniya stressed that Georgian authorities intended to
use Gelayev’s group to restart a military conflict in
Abkhazia. Moreover, Gelayev planned to seize the Sochi
airport to demand the withdrawal of Russian troops
from Chechnya. 

As it was reported earlier, former Georgian Defense
Minister Tengiz Kitovani admitted that about three
years ago he had discussed the problem of Chechen
gunmen in the Pankisi gorge with President Eduard
Shevardnadze. However, the Georgian leader did nothing
about this problem at that time. “I think Shevardnadze
used Gelayev’s gangs for his personal purposes, to
conduct his policy”, the former Minister claimed. 
October 4, 2002

Captured rebel tells of Georgian authorities’ support
to Gelayev’s gang

Chechen fighter Murtaza Maniya, who was captured in
the recent operation in Ingushetia has told
investigators that the Georgian authorities openly
supported Chechen warlord Ruslan Gelayev and his
gunmen during their stay in the Pankisi gorge. 

Maniya said that he had repeatedly heard that after
being wounded Gelayev had underwent treatment in a
Tbilisi hospital and 

Belarus President Opposes Attack Against Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
October 2, 2002


-If in these difficult times for Iraq, some people
try to present our cooperation as a friendship aimed
against all peace-loving and -- as it is trendy to say
nowadays -- antiterrorist forces, then they are deeply

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka on 2 October met with
a visiting Iraqi delegation led by Deputy Premier and
Minister for Military Industrialization Abd-al-Tawwab
Abdallah al-Mullah Huwaysh (see RFE/RL Newsline, 30
September 2002), Belarusian media reported. If in
these difficult times for Iraq, some people try to
present our cooperation as a friendship aimed against
all peace-loving and -- as it is trendy to say
nowadays -- antiterrorist forces, then they are deeply
mistaken, Lukashenka said, adding that contacts
between Belarus and Iraq violate no international
treaties. The Belarusian president stressed that
Belarus categorically opposes any attack against Iraq,
saying that the charges against Iraq are unfounded
or, at least, unproven. JM 

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US Steps Up Threats Against Russia, Ukraine On 'Evil Axis' Sales [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Rosbalt, 02/10/2002, 19:10 

Russian Defence Enterprises Deny Selling Weapons to
Terrorist States

-These sanctions have no legal basis whatever. They
have been imposed on the basis of U.S. legislation.
The U.S. has made up a list of countries suspected of
terrorist activities. In the meantime, the Russian
companies act on the basis of Russian legislation and
UN resolutions. We have not violated any UN

ATHENS, OCTOBER 2. The leaders of Russia's three
defence enterprises categorically reject U.S.
accusations concerning alleged weapons supplies to
terrorist states. 

Spokesmen for the Priborostroyenie, Rosvertol and
Bazalt companies said this at a press conference at
Rosoboronexport concerning the 12th Defendory
International-2002 international exhibition of arms
and hardware currently taking place near the Greek

When asked about the imposition of the sanctions on
the part of the U.S., Leonid Roshal, Deputy Director
General of the Priborostroyenie design bureau, said,
These sanctions have no legal basis whatever. They
have been imposed on the basis of U.S. legislation.
The U.S. has made up a list of countries suspected of
terrorist activities. In the meantime, the Russian
companies act on the basis of Russian legislation and
UN resolutions. We have not violated any UN
resolutions. Moreover, the Russian weapons exporting
system is set up so that no banned goods can be sold,
even if anyone wanted to. 

The spokesman for the Rosvertol helicopter company
noted that the Rostov-on-Don enterprise number 168
mentioned by the Americans had been closed over 50
years ago, and Rosvertol was not its successor.
Besides', he said, 'we do all our transactions
through the Rosoboronexport agency. 

Finally, the spokesman for the Bazalt enterprise
remarked that his company sold high efficiency arms
with no analogues anywhere. He emphasised that the
report presented by the US Department of State had no
relation to reality. 'We too carry out all
transactions through Rosoboronexport and none of our
products are delivered to terrorist countries. 

© RIA Novosti 


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
October 3, 2002


Washington on 2 October said it will send
investigators to Ukraine to probe charges that
President Leonid Kuchma flouted UN sanctions by
authorizing the sale of a Kolchuga radar system to
Iraq, Reuters reported. We are making preparations to
send a team of experts to Ukraine in the near future.
We are still working out details of such a visit,
State Department spokesman Philip Reeker told
journalists. We do welcome Ukraine's offer to make
available all information on sales or transfers of the
Kolchuga system and grant experts access to all
Kolchuga sites and the manufacturing plant as a sign
of transparency, Reeker added. JM ...


Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun on 2 October
called on U.S. officials to hand over audio recordings
that Washington says indicate that Ukraine might have
sold Kolchugas to Iraq with President Kuchma's
approval. We are ready to invite any expert to check
[the Kolchuga allegations], but do not treat us like
fools -- give us the original [tapes made by Mykola
Melnychenko]. They are offering us only edited
versions, Reuters quoted Piskun as saying. Piskun
said he is sure Ukraine has not sold arms to Iraq.
Piskun also cast doubts on Melnychenko's assertion
that he secretly taped Kuchma using a tape recorder
placed under a sofa in the presidential office.
According to Piskun, only much more sensitive
equipment could have been used to record conversations
across the huge presidential office. JM 

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Slovakia: Communists Oppose NATO, Govt Supports [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
October 3, 2002


Communist Party of Slovakia (KSS) Secretary Ladislav
Jaca told TASR on 2 October that his formation is
opposed to Slovak membership in NATO and wants a
referendum to be held by the end of the year to decide
whether it should do so. Jaca said NATO has become an
instrument used by the United States to become the
world's policeman. He added that if Slovaks decide in
the plebiscite to join NATO, the KSS will respect that
decision. Also on 2 October, the daily Sme quoted
Jaca as saying the KSS is seeking the return of
property confiscated from the Communist Party of
Czechoslovakia after 1989. If property is returned to
churches, he said, there is no reason why it should
not be returned to his party as well. MS 


Foreign Minister Eduard Kukan on 2 October asserted
that the parliamentary elections last month removed
the last possible obstacle to Slovak admission to NATO
and the EU. In an interview with Reuters, Kukan said
he expects Slovakia to conclude EU accession talks
later this year. Kukan added that if either EU
accession or NATO enlargement is to be postponed, it
could only be due to some unexpected development
that has nothing to do with his country, and the
postponement would then affect all the candidates to
the two organizations. He said he believes EU
candidates and Brussels will soon resolve their
protracted disagreements over development funds and
farm subsidies. There have been many dramatic
situations where there was skepticism that no solution
can be found, but all of these cases ended in
compromises accepted by everyone, Kukan said,
according to Reuters. MS 

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NATO Set To Form 'Go Anywhere, Any Time Force' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Financial Times
October 4, 2002

Nato set to form 'go anywhere, any time force' 
By Judy Dempsey in Brussels 

Nato's top military commander in Europe yesterday
swept away several taboos by saying the US-led
alliance would establish a rapid reaction force ready
to go anywhere, any time at very short notice and
capable of carrying out 200 combat sorties a day.

General Joseph Ralston's short speech to a Nato
conference hosted by the Transatlantic Centre of the
German Marshall Fund in effect threw down the gauntlet
to the European Union, almost paralysed in trying to
establish its own rapid reaction force by mid-2003.

The EU hopes to launch a 60,000-strong rapid reaction
force (RRF) capable of being deployed for up to one
year and earmarked largely for peacekeeping and
humanitarian missions. Given the need for rotation,
this would require at least 180,000 troops, which the
Europeans do not have. The RRF would also need
airlift, logistics and communications - areas where
the Europeans have shortfalls.

Plans also by the EU to take over the small Nato-led
operation in Macedonia this month have fallen apart
because of a long standing dispute between Greece and
Turkey over how the EU could have access to Nato

Diplomats said Gen Ralston's speech confirmed a fresh
willingness by the US to push Nato into a leaner, more
flexible organisation through its new Nato Response

The Pentagon said the Nato Response Force would be
ready for training by October 2004 and operational two
years later. It would operate out of Nato areas, be
capable of fighting alone for 30 days and be a stand
alone force that is lethal, technically superior to
any envisioned threat and readily deployable on short
notice of between five and 30 days.

Although Nato diplomats dismissed the idea that the
NRF would eclipse the EU's force, European diplomats
think otherwise. What a reversal of roles, said a
European diplomat. ESDP [European Security and
Defence Policy] is struggling for survival while Nato
is attempting a revival.

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Nigeria, Angola Meet Over US Military Plans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Financial Times
October 3, 2002

Nigeria and Angola meet over US military plans 
By Antony Goldman in London and James Lamont in

-The two countries together produce 3m barrels of oil
a day and have attracted billions of dollars in US
investment in recent years. The region is increasingly
regarded as a strategic energy reserve by a US
administration anxious to diversify its sources for
oil imports away from the Middle East.
General Carlton Fulford, deputy commander-in-chief, US
European Command, visited Sao Tomé  Principe, an
island cluster in the Atlantic midway between Nigeria
and Angola, in July in connection with the proposed

Nigeria and Angola, Africa's two biggest oil
producers, will meet in Luanda, Angola's capital, on
Friday to discuss shared concern over reports that the
US is considering setting up a new military base in
the region.

Rilwanu Lukman, special adviser on oil to the Nigerian
head of state and also president of the Organisation
of Petroleum Exporting Countries, will meet José
Eduardo dos Santos, the Angolan leader, and senior
members of his administration, officials in Mr
Lukman's office said on Thursday.

The two countries together produce 3m barrels of oil a
day and have attracted billions of dollars in US
investment in recent years. The region is increasingly
regarded as a strategic energy reserve by a US
administration anxious to diversify its sources for
oil imports away from the Middle East.

General Carlton Fulford, deputy commander-in-chief, US
European Command, visited Sao Tomé  Principe, an
island cluster in the Atlantic midway between Nigeria
and Angola, in July in connection with the proposed
base. He was welcomed by Fradique de Menezes, the
country's president, who said such a facility would
help protect Sao Tomé, one of the poorest countries,
which has ambitions to build its own oil industry.

This will be good for São Tomé as it will ensure the
future of the country in relation to those that are
ambitious and are looking to come to the country when
oil is extracted from our waters, said Mr Menezes.

It [the base] is at a pre- positioning stage. The aim
would be [protection of] the Gulf of Guinea and oil
interests. It would be handy to have a staging point,
said Richard Cornwell, an analyst at the
Pretoria-based Institute for Security Studies.

Analysts also believe a military presence in São Tomé
would assist US participation in regional
peace-keeping operations. Having a central Africa
command would give the US a security presence in the
area. There is a strategic interest with so much oil
coming out of West Africa. But it may also be a
reflection on the African Union and an acknowledgement
that Africa is not up to peacekeeping. There is a
shift in concern, said Ross Herbert, an analyst at
the South African Institute of International Affairs.

Walter Kansteiner, the US assistant secretary of state
for Africa, is expected to visit Gabon, another
oil-producing African state, in the next few days.
American defence officials have played down interest
in establishing a permanent base in the region,
however, saying their interests could be better served
simply by having access rights to air and naval

Relations between São Tomé and Nigeria have
deteriorated recently after a delay in efforts to
promote a new initiative to exploit oil reserves along
their common maritime boundary. Mr Menezes has also
questioned a number of controversial oil-related
contracts signed by his predecessor.

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Israel May Use Iraq To Push Regional Ambitions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Financial Times

Israel 'may use Iraq' to push regional ambitions 
By Gareth Smyth in Beirut 

Political and religious leaders in Lebanon are
becoming concerned that Israel will seize the
opportunity of a US attack on Iraq to advance its
regional ambitions.

Unusually heavy flights by Israeli jets into Lebanese
airspace this week prompted a UN observer to recall
the 1996 'Grapes of Wrath' operation, when Israel
bombardment culminated with the incineration of over
100 civilians in a UN compound at Qana.

Tension centres on the Wazzani springs, in south
Lebanon, where Lebanon is building a pumping station
to supply drinking water to villages being rebuilt and
repopulated after Israeli military occupation ended
two years ago.

Qabalan Qabalan, president of the government agency
responsible for the $3.5-million project, told NBN,
the Lebanese TV station, on Wednesday that pumping
will begin on October 16. Israeli officials have
threatened to attack the pumping station if water is
diverted from the river, which flows into the Jordan
and Lake Tiberius and contributes 138m m3 water to
Israel. Lebanon says it wants only 3.6 m m3 from the

In response to an Israeli request, the US sent a
technical mission, led by water expert Jack Lawson,
to the Wazzani springs two weeks ago. But the mission
has still produced no report, and the US embassy in
Beirut could not confirm that one will be made public.

Mr Kabalan told NBN that Mr Lawson had assured him
that Lebanon's case was just. But America's silence,
Israel's continuing threats, and the regional crisis
over Iraq are all contributing to Lebanon's unease.

In recent months, the Israeli and western media have
carried stories - from intelligence sources - that
appear to pre-justify Israel intervention against
Lebanon. These have included the arrival of both
Iranian revolutionary guards and 200 al-Qaeda
fighters, and a missile build-up in south Lebanon by
Hizbollah, the Lebanese resistance group that fought
Israel's occupation.

Threats from Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister,
over the Wazzani have reminded many Lebanese of his
role, as defence minister, as architect of the 1982
invasion, in which 20,000 people died.

That invasion was supposedly in response to the
attempted assassination of Israel's ambassador in
London, said a journalist. Well, many of us lost
family and friends as a result. Can you blame us for
wondering why Sharon is making such a fuss about some
poor Lebanese villagers getting drinking water?

Chibli Mallat, a leading lawyer, said that Sharon's
bluster over the Wazzani was typical of the way he
ups the anti. Mr Mallat cited a recent article in the
Jerusalem Post where Mr Sharon said that gradual
escalation of its military strikes against the
Palestinians would deflect international criticism.

One obvious danger, said Mr Mallat, is that the
Israelis - possibly in response to what they're
calling a 'mega-terrorist' attack - drive Palestinians
out of the West Bank.

We are on the verge of a dangerous and sensitive
period, said Rafik Hariri, the prime minister, in a
speech calling on the Arabs to counter the influence
of the Zionist lobby in Washington.

But Joseph Samaha, a former minister replying to Mr
Hariri in al Safir newspaper, argued the more
prevalent view that the Arabs should resist US policy
more openly. He detected a new coalition of the
Zionist lobby, fundamentalists, conservatives and
right-wing forces that was engaged in a major drive
towards war on Iraq.

Crucially, the Lebanese believe that US designation of
Hizbollah as a terrorist group reflects Israeli
interests. Despite co-operation with the US against
al-Qaeda, both Lebanon and its ally Syria have
defended the right of Hizbollah and Palestinian groups
to use violence to liberate land occupied by Israel.

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Turkish Forces To Take Part In NATO Maneuver In Italy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Turkish Daily News
October 4, 2002

Turkish forces to take part in NATO maneuver in Italy 

-The total number of personnel to participate in the
maneuver is 8,000. Some 70 ships and 170 war planes
will also take part in the Destined Glory-02

Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) is set to participate in an
amphibious maneuver to be held by NATO in October
2002. The Turkish maneuver team will comprise of a
frigate, a tank landing ship, an amphibious infantry
company, an undersea attack unit and eight F-16 jet
fighters, said a statement from the Turkish General
Staff Thursday. 

The Destined Glory-02 maneuver will take place between
Oct. 5-15, with participation of naval and amphibious
forces from Turkey, the United States, Germany,
Belgium, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Canada,
Norway and Greece, the statement went on. 

The total number of personnel to participate in the
maneuver is 8,000. Some 70 ships and 170 war planes
will also take part in the Destined Glory-02, which is
due to be hosted by Italy. 

NATO will test norms and principles pertaining to
conveyance of multinational forces through the sea and
develop international cooperation in this regard, said
the General Staff statement. 

Ankara - Turkish Daily News 

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7 Years Of NATO Occupation Bring Hope, Prosperity To Bosnia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


[No small part of the prevalent apathy - disgust -
with electoral politics in Bosnia is the crude,
heavy-handed practice of NATO-SFOR to summarily
dismiss elected officials it doesn't approve of.]

Bosnians Left Cold by Vote Prospects 

-But peace has not been much better. Unemployment is
at 60 percent and the average monthly salary is $250
while food, clothing and other goods sell at Western
European prices. A staggering 62 percent of young
Bosnians want to leave, a recent study found.
-Before the war, my salary equaled 750 dollars.
Today, it's 200 dollars, said Halil Gadara, 54, a
Muslim driver. I won't vote for anybody. I feel
-On Saturday, I'll be going to the wedding of my
friend. That's more important to me than their false
Frankly, I don't care who will be running this
country in the future. I'm leaving Bosnia. 

By Aida Cerkez-Robinson
Associated Press Writer
Friday, October 4, 2002; 5:44 AM 

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina –– Campaign posters offer
a bright new future, but the same tired faces smile
down on Bosnians like Natasa Jekic.

Despite pleas from U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell and others for a strong turnout, observers
expect one in three voters to sit out Saturday's
general elections, the sixth since the 1992-1995 war
but the first administered by local authorities
instead of foreign diplomats.

The West is hailing the ballot as a crucial turning
point for an emerging democracy. But Jekic, a
29-year-old Bosnian Serb clerk from the southern city
of Mostar, is among many left cold by recycled
politicians with few fresh ideas.

They all lie, she said. I won't vote.

Seven years after the guns and tanks fell silent,
Bosnia remains bitterly divided along ethnic lines and
heavily dependent on international administrators who
run the country's day-to-day affairs. Nationalism is
at a postwar high and the economy is a wreck.

Saturday's elections will decide the country's
three-member presidency representing each of Bosnia's
rival ethnic groups: Serbs, Muslims and Croats.

Voters also will elect a joint state parliament, a
Bosnian Serb parliament, a Muslim-Croat parliament and
officials to head the 10 cantons into which modern
Bosnia is divided.

The new leaders face a daunting dual challenge:
rebuilding a multiethnic society and taking the
country closer to a market economy.

War was bad enough. At least 250,000 people were
killed and 1 million others driven from their homes.

But peace has not been much better. Unemployment is at
60 percent and the average monthly salary is $250
while food, clothing and other goods sell at Western
European prices. A staggering 62 percent of young
Bosnians want to leave, a recent study found.

Bosnia's former wartime foes are united by at least
two things: desperation and apathy.

Before the war, my salary equaled 750 dollars. Today,
it's 200 dollars, said Halil Gadara, 54, a Muslim
driver. I won't vote for anybody. I feel cheated.

Many Bosnians are skeptical of politicians who spend
much of their time quarreling and disagreeing on
simple issues such as the design of the country's flag
and passports.

Two of the three leading nationalist parties that led
their ethnic groups into the war remain in power: the
Serb Democratic Party and the Croat Democratic Union.

Bosnia's majority Muslims abandoned their own
nationalist Party for Democratic Action two years ago
in favor of a multiethnic bloc that formed a ruling
alliance with other pro-Western parties in
Muslim-dominated parts of the Balkan country.

But nationalism still inflames Bosnia, particularly
among Serbs and to a lesser degree among Croats.
Nationalist candidates are expected to win across
Republika Srpska, the Bosnian Serb republic.

We can expect a remake of the well-known movie from
the beginning of the '90s here, warned Miodrag
Zivanovic, a Bosnian Serb political analyst, alluding
to the ethnic tensions that erupted into war in 1992.

However, Zivanovic expects a significant number of
voters to stay home. Candidates in the previous five
postwar elections could not deliver on promises of
jobs and political stability.

On one side, people are tired of voting, and on the
other, people really don't know who else to vote for.
What is offered are old politicians who are more or
less already compromised, he said.

With apathy so high, Western leaders are appealing to
Bosnians to go to the polls. Powell even has
videotaped a message to the nation.

A vote for reform will advance Bosnia further and
faster on the path of democracy, the free market and
integration with Europe. Or you can elect to go back
down the dark and dangerous road to ethnic division,
economic stagnation and international isolation,
Powell said in the nationally televised message.

Do not cast away the progress you have made ... your
vote matters, he said, promising that the EU and the


2002-10-04 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


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 Date: Thu, 03 Oct 02 13:23:33 EST
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 Waiting to hear  from you.


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Petras: The Bush Doctrine: Unrestrained empire building [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread S. Conroy


The Bush Doctrine: Unrestrained empire building
James Petras

The Bush Doctrine set out in his U.S. National Security Strategy speech
 September 20, 2002 ) promotes a single sustainable model for success -
the United States through unlimited, unilateral, offensive ( pre-emptive )
wars. While couched in the language of defense and liberty the Bush
doctrine is an extreme departure from the previous Truman doctrine of
containment ( limiting Soviet influence ), and even the Reagan doctrine of
roll back, (reversing Soviet influence). The Bush doctrine is based on
undefined conspiratorial enemies shadowy networks of individuals who
overlap with states and who are planning an imminent attack, based on
dangerous technologies.

The scope and depth of political threats by Bush encompass the whole world,
exactly the target of imperial policy - global conquest.

In most of his speeches - and those of Rumsfeld and the rest of the imperial
gang - Bush makes clear to his listeners the imperialist starting point of
U.S. politics:  Today, the United States enjoys a position of unparalleled
military strength and political influence. we seek .to create a balance of
power that favors human freedom (read U.S. empire ). By definition any
country - big or small - which fails to accept or support U.S. imperial
conquest becomes an enemy: the U.S. will persuade countries to support U.S.
empire building by convincing or compelling states to accept their
sovereign responsibilities. Washington's violent and vitriolic attacks on
German Chancellor Schroeder's opposition to a U.S. war against Iraq is a
recent example.

Washington's totalitarian vision of world conquest through offensive wars,
is defended by extremely irrational logic: weak states.can pose as great a
danger to our national interest as strong states. Afghanistan and Iraq did
not bomb the U.S. - it was the other way around.

The Bush Doctrine speaks of  emerging threats linked to dangerous
technologies and cites 9/11. The hijackers used $2 dollar plastic box
cutters -- $38 dollars of high technology - to seize airliners and crash
them into the Towers and the Pentagon.

The Bush doctrine does not target active terrorists with weapons intent on
causing harm. It plans to destroy plans and emerging threats. Plans
refers to discussions, ideas, debates - not to actions or even the securing
of weapons. In other words, U.S. destruction of emerging threats means
license to assassinate any radical associated with dangerous
technologies - watch out what you say when you are shaving.

More seriously, the Bush doctrine states that threats to economic
freedom - the failed neo-liberal economic system - is one of the key values
which the U.S. will militarily defend through an offensive war. This part of
the doctrine has specific relevance for Latin America where U.S. economic
freedom has devastated the lives and aspirations of hundreds of millions of
people. Instead of recognizing how economic freedom in Latin America has
led to poverty, authoritarianism and insecurity, the Bush doctrine reduces
regional conflict to a problem with drug cartels and terrorists and
extremist groups and refers to U.S. military intervention in Colombia as a
model. The resurgence of popular social and electoral movements in
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela and elsewhere which reject U.S.
domination and its client states puts the lie to Bush's assertion that in
the Western Hemisphere we have formed flexible coalitions with countries
that share our priorities, particularly Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Chile and
Colombia. Below the level of certain foreign ministries, the great
majority of Latin Americans reject U.S. priorities - as the 10 million
Brazilians who voted against ALCA, the majority of the Mexican Congress
which rejects support for the U.S. war against Iraq, and the several
hundreds of thousands who joined a general strike against the Uribe/IMF
austerity plan demonstrated.

The Doctrine speaks to consultation, allied cooperation and freedom - yet in
the same document it makes over a dozen assertions of the right to
unilateral action. It speaks to allied cooperation yet Washington
venomously attacks France and Germany, NATO allies, for not supporting the
war. The Doctrine talks of consultation yet it rejects the near unanimous
voice of the United Nations supporting the return of weapons inspectors. The
Doctrine claims to support an independent and democratic Palestine yet
abstains from a United Nations resolution calling on Israel to desist from
bombing Arafat's headquarters.

The Bush Doctrine combines the rhetoric of freedom and coalition building,
and consultation and peace with the preparations for war, unilateral action
and conquest. The Bush Doctrine explicitly warns European competitors and
critics; Russia and China not to challenge U.S. efforts to build a world
empire. The Doctrine warns China's leaders to make the right choices 

Czech Left To Hold Anti-NATO Protests During November Summit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Czech Happenings
October 3, 2002

Communists, anarchists planning anti-NATO protests for
Nov 20, 21
PRAGUE, Oct 3 (CTK) - The Communist Party of Bohemia
and Moravia (KSCM) and anarchists are planning
protests against the NATO policy for November 20 and
21, when the NATO summit is to be held in Prague.

The main KSCM demonstration will take place on
Wednesday, November 20, when President Vaclav Havel
will host NATO summit participants at Prague castle.

Anarchists have announced a series of protests in the
centre of Prague for November 20-24, with the main
ones to be held on November 20 and 21.

A week before the summit, on November 17, anarchists
will meet in Prague's Albertov to assess the
development in the Czech Republic since the 1989 fall
of communism and prepare for their main protests.

The next demonstration will probably be held on
November 20, on the eve of the start of the summit, in
protest against the luxurious dinner which the Czech
potentates are planning as welcome, Ondrej Slacalek
from the Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation said.

Thursday, November 21, will be the main day of
anarchist protests, including marches. Slacalek,
however, refused to specify their routes. They can be
held virtually in all important parts of the city.

Unlike the Communists, who will organise their
counter-summit on November 19 accompanied by
discussions and exhibitions, anarchists are not
planning such a broad programme, Slacalek said. He
refused to estimate how many demonstrators could meet
in Prague. He said he expected people to come from

The protests will not be coordinated by any special
centre, as it was two years ago during the
International Monetary Fund/World Bank meetings in
Prague. According to Slacalek, the linking of protests
of anarchists, non-governmental organisations and
radical environmentalists did not prove to work well
because their programmes split too much.

Protests are also being planned by the Feminist Group
of March 8, the organisation of revolutionary
anarchists called Solidarity, the association Streets
to People and other groups.

The Communists declined to specify how many
demonstrators they expected as well. According to KSCM
spokeswoman Vera Zezulkova, the same number as for the
anti-IMF protests two years ago will probably arrive,
that is 4,000. Czech Communists were then supported
mainly by left-orientated Italians. This year the
Communists are expecting mainly their colleagues from
Slovakia, Hungary and Germany.

The Prague NATO summit will bring together leading
representatives from 19 NATO member countries and 27
Partnership for Peace programme participating
countries. It is expected to make a decisive decision
on further enlargement of the Alliance.

The official part of the NATO summit, which will for
the first time be held behind the former Iron Curtain,
will start in the Congress Centre on November 21 by a
meeting of the North Atlantic Council. In the
afternoon, representatives of countries seeking NATO
membership are to join the NATO representatives. A
gala evening for the heads of states and premiers of
46 countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
(EAPC) will be held at Prague Castle in the evening.
Another reception will take place in the building of
the Foreign Ministry.

The second day of the summit, on November 22, a
meeting of the NATO-Ukraine commission and a meeting
of EAPC heads of states and premiers will be held. 

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Loyal NATO Ally: Canada Could Provide Military For Iraq War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-10-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Defense Minister: Canada Can Make Military
Fox News 
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
TORONTO — If Canada joins a war in Iraq, it could send
a military contingent similar to the force it provided
for the war in Afghanistan, a defense ministry
official said Wednesday. 

Shane Diaczuk, a spokesman for Defense Minister John
McCallum, said that no decision has been made on
whether Canada would take part in any military action
against Saddam Hussein. But McCallum has said the
armed forces would contribute if ordered to do so. 

Should the government decide to exercise a military
option, the Canadian forces would be able to make a
meaningful contribution, Diaczuk quoted McCallum as

Canada provided 800 army soldiers, an undisclosed
number of special force fighters, navy support ships
and air force transport and reconnaissance planes to
the Afghanistan campaign. 

The Canadian commitment cooled after four Canadian
soldiers were killed in an accidental bombing by a
U.S. jet fighter in April. 

Canada did not replace the 800 soldiers after their
six-month mission in Afghanistan ended in August, but
continues to send support ships and special forces

Military experts and opposition parties have warned
that Canada's armed forces lack the resources to make
a significant contribution to an Iraq campaign because
of years of budget cuts. 

The U.S. government wants Canada to bolster its
military spending. U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci has
said Canada needs to devote more resources to its
military so it can better share the burden of North
American defense commitments and participation in NATO
and U.N. missions. 

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(1) Colombia: Globalization and Free Trade (INOTA report) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-10-04 Thread S. Conroy

--- and "Free" Tradein Colombia
A Report by the 
Information Network of the Americas (INOTA)
Historical Continuities in the Relations of 
Demanding Wealth, Supplying Death
Channels of Exploitation Remain Open
The Effects 
of Centuries of Austerity
Colombia: Ensuring Access to Resources
Colombia: A Convergence of Corporate Interests
and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
Alternative Vision of Freedom and Globalization

--Historical Continuities 
in theRelations of Exploitation
"We have about 50 percent of the world's wealth, but 
only 6.3 percent of its populationIn this situation, we cannot fail to be the 
object of envy and resentment. Our task in the coming period is to devise a 
pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of 
disparity without detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to 
dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have 
to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not 
deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world 
benefactionWe should cease to talk about vague and - for the far east - unreal 
objectives such as human rights, the raising of living standards and 
George Kennan, U.S. State Department Policy 
Planning Study, 1949
It has been said that colonization was one of the first steps in the 
globalization process. For the Europeans, colonization fueled industrial growth 
by utilizing cheap labor to extract raw materials. This new division of labor, 
where one actor took everything and gave nothing, was only sustainable through 
the use of force. In areas where anger and resistance were fierce and the 
contested resources were desired more than labor, massacres aimed at 
extermination were most useful. Globalization began, not because international 
actors came together to conduct a voluntary and mutually beneficial exchange, 
but because colonizers had the firepower to coerce the colonized into a 
completely asymmetrical relationship. The first global connections established a 
system where resources and capital flowed from the colonized to the 
industrializing colonizers. 
While the era of colonization has passed, certain fundamental patterns 
remain. The colonizers, today's "developed" nations, still seek to control 
access to inexpensive resources. Profit maximization is the name of the game, 
therefore, unequal relations of exchange are desirable. Because the more unequal 
the exchange the greater the profit, the most successful players on the global 
stage are those who are most willing and able to impose these asymmetrical 
relationships on developing nations. Hence, although globalization has made 
international exchanges more numerous than ever before, resources and capital 
increasingly flow in one direction. This is illustrated by the fact that the gap 
between rich and poor countries continues to widen. Currently the net worth of 
the three richest families in the world is greater than the combined gross 
domestic product of the 43 poorest nations on earth.1
One person's right is another person's duty, and the freedom to take 
indefinitely is accompanied by the duty to give indefinitely. Powerful economic 
actors possess many rights and freedoms but are allotted few responsibilities 
and perform few duties, while less powerful beings have fewer rights, little 
freedom, and many duties. This distribution of freedom and obligation is so 
skewed that while some live gluttonously, others die of hunger or are killed for 
challenging the superfluous resource ownership of the powerful. The celebration 
of the liberty and prosperity that many living in developed nations enjoy is 
largely divorced from an understanding of the price that others have paid and 
continue to pay to make these privileges possible. 
The dominant voices are those coming from corporate America. For them, 
neoliberal policies and a decrease in the political regulation of their 
activities increase their freedom and prosperity, but the converse is the 
imposition of duty on others: namely the citizens of countries where profit 
maximization is carried out without restrictions. Environmental degradation, 
human rights abuses, harassment and even murder of union leaders, activists, and 
representatives of non-governmental organizations are all by-products of 
unregulated corporate freedom. The unrestrained drive for profit demands death 
of those who get in the way. In some places, the right to maximize profit is, in 
fact, accompanied by the duty to die.
Back to 
Colombia: Demanding 
Wealth, Supplying Death
"We live in a world that treats the dead better than the 
living. We the living 

(2) Colombia: Globalization and Free Trade (INOTA report) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-10-04 Thread S. Conroy


(Part 2)
The Effects of Centuries of 
By the end of the 1990s, external debt had grown to five times what it had 
been in 1980 reaching $34.5 billion. Growth figures of -4.9% were the lowest of 
the century, unemployment was sky high, and almost 55 percent of Colombians 
lived in poverty.5 
Colombia was in a serious recession. In December 1999, desperation 
provoked the government to accept, once again, reforms favorable to foreign 
investors in exchange for a $2.7 billion loan from the International Monetary 
Colombian's economic problems, according to the IMF, were largely the result 
of unsustainable fiscal policies, principally, the large increases in public 
spending introduced in the early 1990s. The IMF-imposed remedy called for a 
severe reduction of public spending and the creation of new taxes. Consequently, 
salaries were to be reduced; the age of retirement raised; subsidies for public 
services cut; the official bank and the state-owned energy, mining and 
communications enterprises privatized; and massive dismissals in the public 
sector. In effect, the IMF was suggesting that Colombia was in the midst of an 
economic crisis because it had been too generous with its citizens. 
It is interesting to note what the increased government revenue (and the 
shirts taken from the peasants' backs) is going to pay for. According to the 
IMF, the goal is to "exert a strict control over all expenditure other 
than interest payments."6 
In other words, the IMF wants the Colombian government to take money from its 
already brutalized population and deposit it directly into the purses of rich 
lender nations. 
According to Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor of economics at Stanford 
University and the former chief economist at the World Bank: "Today, the mandate 
[of the IMF] often appears to be that of a bill collector for lending nations: 
its objective is to make sure that the debtor country has as large a war chest 
as possible to repay outstanding loans."7 

This relationship is quite apparent in Colombia. In 1998, even before 
officially accepting the IMF loan conditions, Colombia paid close to $4.6 
billion in debt services (interest and repayments). This was equivalent to three 
times the entire healthcare budget and more than the total sum spent on 
education. In 2000, after the implementation of IMF policies, debt servicing 
increased by 20 percent. In 2001, this figure grew again by almost 30 percent. 
In fact, 86 percent of tax income is now being used to pay debt services.8 

Debt service payments have been financed through falling real wages, as well 
as by state cutbacks in healthcare, education, and public employment. It is not 
surprising that the number of dissidents in Colombian society has increased. 
Even during negotiations for the IMF bail out there were massive demonstrations 
in the cities. In the past year, unions, public employees, students, human 
rights groups and other non-governmental organizations have taken to the streets 
demanding decent wages; the right to health, employment and education; an end to 
privatization and austerity; and a moratorium on debt payments (see, Colombians protest 
IMF-Imposed Austerity Measures). 
When a hospital in San Juan de Dios was forced to shut down because it could 
not afford to pay its electricity bill, doctors and nurses throughout Colombia 
threatened to call a nationwide strike. In the cities, the government, the 
elites, multinational corporations, and their hired killers have responded with 
more death; targeting union leaders, journalists, human rights activists, and 
political challengers. 
Meanwhile, in vast expanses of the countryside there are still no roads, no 
schools, no hospitals and 85 percent of the rural population lives in poverty. 
Liberalization, privatization, and related violence have undermined subsistence 
and pushed many peasants off their lands. The displaced move deeper into the 
jungle where coca--because it grows in poor soil, provides bountiful yields, and 
can be easily transported--is the only economically viable crop. In order to 
survive, peasants must function outside the channels regulated by neoliberal 
policies. As a result, some of the profits from coca cultivation find their way 
back to the peasant producer (see, The Plight of the Peasant 
Coca Grower). 
In these areas--historically neglected or abused by the government--the 
guerrillas provision justice. By taxing the drug trade, the guerrillas build 
infrastructure and fund schools and medical clinics. They also enact violent 
land and wealth redistribution by murdering and kidnapping large landowners and 
business executives, while bombing oil pipelines owned by elite and foreign 
Also, the level of rural violence escalates as wealthy landowners, cattle 
ranchers, industrialists, and right-wing 

Venezuela: The Chávez Factor [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread S. Conroy


March 26, 2001The Chávez 
Factorby Garry M. LeechFor the past 
two years, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has been a thorn in the side of U.S. 
foreign policy in Latin America. He has been instrumental in revitalizing the 
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which has resulted in 
production cutbacks in order to raise the price of crude oil. The Venezuelan 
president's oil policies further aggravated Washington when he agreed to supply 
affordable oil to Cuba. Also, Chávez has been an outspoken critic of 
last year's $1.3 billion U.S. aid package to Colombia, claiming it will result 
in a "Vietnamization" of the region. Tensions 
have also escalated between Venezuela and Colombia as a result of the U.S. 
intervention in Colombia, Chávez's sympathies for Colombia's guerrilla 
organizations and several recent diplomatic incidents.Chávez, a former 
army paratrooper, was elected in 1998 as a populist alternative to Venezuela's 
traditional parties who finally collapsed under the weight of their corruption 
and failed policies. With overwhelming popular support, Chávez succeeded in 
introducing a new constitution and even changed the official name of the country 
to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The new name signifies Chávez's 
nationalist and regionalist tendencies. He has been outspoken about the need to 
redirect the benefits derived from Venezuela's vast oil fields away from the 
United States and multinationals towards the 80 percent of Venezuelans who live 
in poverty. Chávez has also revived South American liberator Simon Bolívar's 
dream of a more unified South America.The Venezuelan president has 
called for Latin American countries to work together for their own economic 
benefit and to limit U.S. influence in the region. With the closing of the U.S. 
air base in Panama, U.S. military presence in the region actually increased with 
the creation of Forward Operating Locations (FOLs) in Puerto Rico, El Salvador, 
Aruba, Curacao and Ecuador. But Chávez has refused to allow U.S. drug 
surveillance flights from the Aruba and Curacao FOLs to operate in Venezuelan 
air space. Consequently, they are forced to fly a circuitous route in order to 
reach Colombia and are unable to track any planes that fly over Venezuela. 
Normally, such a lack of cooperation with Washington's drug war would result in 
de-certification, but the United States is hesitant to impose economic sanctions 
on its primary supplier of crude oil.Since coming to office, Chávez has 
revitalized OPEC and cooperation between member nations is at a level unseen 
since the oil crisis of the early 1970s. As a result, OPEC countries have agreed 
to increase or decrease production in order to maintain the price of oil between 
$22 and $28 a barrel. This decision raised the cost of oil dramatically from the 
$7 a barrel it was selling for when Chávez assumed office. The 
Venezuelan president's oil policies further angered Washington when he reached 
an agreement with Fidel Castro to supply affordable oil to Cuba. The Caribbean 
island will receive 53,000 barrels of oil a day and will be allowed to pay for 
it in installments. Furthermore, Cuba can also provide Venezuela with medical 
and other services in exchange for the some of the oil.The Venezuelan 
president has been a leading critic of Plan Colombia, which has allowed the U.S. 
to dramatically increase its military presence in the region. Chavez has claimed 
that Plan Colombia will only result in an escalation of the violence and will 
regionalize the conflict by forcing refugees, guerrillas and drug traffickers to 
seek haven in neighboring countries.Chavez's criticism of Plan Colombia 
and other incidents have increased tensions between Venezuela and Colombia. 
There have been claims from Bogotá, although no evidence, that Chávez has been 
supplying arms to Colombian rebels. Furthermore, last year, Chávez allowed two 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla leaders to speak on the 
floor of the Venezuelan Congress, which resulted in Colombia recalling its 
ambassador in protest.Tensions have also been heightened by the flow of 
Colombian refugees across the border. Venezuela has been criticized by Colombia 
and human rights organizations for its refusal to acknowledge asylum requests by 
refugees and its policy of forcibly repatriating them. Meanwhile, Venezuelan 
ranchers who live near the Colombian border have claimed that Caracas is doing 
nothing to protect them from cross-border raids and kidnapping by Colombian 
guerrillas. Consequently, wealthy landowners are now creating armed 
paramilitary groups to protect themselves from the guerrillas. It has been 
reported that the Colombian paramilitary organization, the United Self-Defense 
Forces of Colombia (AUC) is currently training 100 paramilitary fighters in 
Venezuela. Chávez has 

Nepal: King Gyanendra sacks Deuba, assumes control [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread ProletarianNews


AFP; Reuters. 4 October 2002. Nepal's King dismisses prime minister and
cabinet; Nepal rebels see 'conspiracy' in plan to delay vote.

KATHMANDU -- Nepal's King Gyanendra sacked caretaker prime minister Sher
Bahadur Deuba and the cabinet on Friday, declaring he would temporarily
take executive power of the country.

Gyanendra, speaking on state-run television and radio, said Deuba was
unqualified to preside over elections that were scheduled to start on
November 13.

Deuba met Gyanendra on Thursday to request that the elections be
postponed for one year because of the deteriorating law-and-order
situation in the country due to the Maoist rebellion.

Earlier Friday, Nepal's Maoist rebels said a government plan to delay
general elections by a year was a conspiracy to avoid holding peace
talks and appealed to democratic forces to oppose the move. 

It is another conspiracy against talks proposed by our party to find a
positive political solution to the present problem, Maoist chief
Prachanda said. 

We appeal to all left, progressive, patriotic and democratic forces of
the country to unite against this, the rebel chief said in a statement
faxed to newspapers.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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Milosevic slams May [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread ProletarianNews


AFP; AP. 4 October 2002. Milosevic clashes with judge again; Milosevic
Denies Responsibility.

THE HAGUE -- Slobodan Milosevic denied he bore responsibility for ethnic
Serbs accused of killing non-Serbs in Croatia in the early 1990s, saying
Friday they were defending themselves against Croatian aggression.

There was no aggression from Serbia. It was a civil war (in Croatia),
Milosevic said. The Serb people had war imposed on them, and
furthermore it was a war of self-defense.

Milosevic often clashed with the presiding judge over his
cross-examination of a protected prosecution witness.

The former Yugoslav president was cut short several times by Judge
Richard May and ordered to stick to the point as he led the witness, a
moderate Croatian Serb politician identified only as C037, through a
catalogue of alleged atrocities committed against Serbs in the Western
Slavonia area of Croatia in late 1991.

But it all got too much for the judge at one point, when Milosevic's
microphone failed as he was asking a question.

Judge May snapped: We can't hear you but it sounds that what you are
saying is irrelevant [!].

He went on: You are trying to argue your entire case through this
witness, which is a waste of the court's time. If he simply read
something in the paper, then that's no use to anyone.

Milsoevic, who on Monday had questioned the crediblity of the witness on
the grounds that his evidence consisted almost entirely of hearsay,
denials and memory lapses, then retorted: Mr May, I expected you to
make such comments to the prosecution in their examination.

He was asked if he heard about something or read it in a newspaper or
saw it on Croatian TV, but I am only asking him what he knows. So you
accept testimony of something heard in the examination-in-chief but you
are not allowing me to do so.

Milosevic was also angry at a prosecution request to change the order of
calling witnesses due to difficulties of people travelling to the Netherlands.

He said he thought the court had agreed to provide him with a list of
who  was to appear at least a week ahead. 

There are 125,500 pages, 600 videotapes and two to three hundred audio
tapes and it is physically impossible to view them all or even make a
selection unless I have notice a few days in advance. If the prosecution
try to use these tricks, it is impermissible.

After another lengthy period of cross-questioning in which Milosevic
tried to establish an inventory of how many Serbian villages in the
region had been torched, May intervened again to warn him: You are
rehearsing at great length and, if I may say so, with much repetition,
that crimes were committed against Serbs.

That may or may not be so but it is not relevant to our determining
whether crimes were committed by you or by others.

Milosevic hit back: I wish to remind you that I am not concealing my
view that what you call an indictment is a false indictment, primarily
for two reasons.

First of all, no aggression took place, it was a civil war, and
secondly the Serbian people had this war imposed upon them both in
Croatia and in Bosnia.

It is evident they were defending the territory where they lived and
were trying to avoid pogroms such as those perpetrated 50 years earlier.
That is the only truth I am trying to explain here.

And denying he was contending that the other side was equally guilty, he
insisted:  I have committed no crimes.

Also Friday, the war crimes tribunal withdrew an indictment against a
Bosnian Croat accused of murdering a wheelchair-bound man and three
other Muslims, saying his case could better be handled by a court in Bosnia.

Zoran Marinic, a former military policemen, was charged in a 1995
indictment with the murder of four Muslim civilians in Bosnia while
serving with a Croat rebel group two years earlier.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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2002-10-04 Thread mart-remote
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 19:52:10 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [imc-la]UPDATE: Sunday Oct 6 protest in L.A. UPDATE: Sunday Oct 6 protest in L.A. Not In Our Name Nationwide protests. Twenty two cities so far. Among the other big cities are San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, and, of course, New York City. For the L.A. protest, we have an amazing lineup of 30+ speakers, musicians, spoken word, and more - in addition to the march itself. Hip hop, folk, Sonali Kolhatkar from KFPK and the Afghanistan Women's Mission, Tibetan gongs, Blase Bonpane from the Office of the Americas, DJ's, ministers, and lots more. L.A. demonstration Sunday Oct 6, 1-6 PM Federal Building in Westwood. 11000 Wilshire. 1 block east of the 405 fwy, between Sepulveda and Veteran 1 PM: Rally - speakers, spoken word, music 2 PM: March to U.S. Army Reserve/California National Guard (Wilshire and Federal) 3 PM: Return to Federal Bldg. More music, poetry, speakers. Direction/parking: Exit the San Diego (405) on Wilshire East. If Wilshire off ramps are closed by police, get off at the next exit, follow Sepulveda to Wilshire. Parking could be problematic. Arrive early! Pay parking available in Westwood. There is also some street parking. Parking not allowed in Federal Building lots. A quick explanation ___ imc-la mailing list - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: 1. go to 2. at the bottom of the page, enter your email address 3. on your options page, you can unsubscribe here. 4. if you have forgotten your password, enter your email address and you will be mailed a copy of your password. Do you Yahoo!?
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URGENT - calls needed to Senator Byrd's office to stop the war [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-10-04 Thread mart-remote
Forward from mart. Important! Please distribute far and wide and particulaly to all friends and activists in the U.S!  Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 21:20:36 -0700 Subject: URGENT - calls needed to Senator Byrd's office to stop the war From: "sharon cotrell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]-- From: "Voice4Change" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 12:12:23 -0400 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Today's Voice: URGENT - calls needed to Senator Byrd's office to stop the war Voice4Change Changing Hearts and Minds October 03, 2002 URGENT - calls needed to Senator Byrd's office to stop the war It is urgent to call Sen. Robert Byrd's office (202-224-3954) and ask the Senator to filibuster against the war resolution of the Administration (and Dem leadership). His office is taking a poll on whether he should do this. We need to swamp the offices to urge him on. (He has been one of the few courageous voices on this.) His filibuster may be the only impediment to the war plans and it may spark demonstrations of support in DC and around the country. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Over 1300! of you have sent an e-mail to the Democratic Party Leaders in Congress who have Presidential aspirations. Lets continue to put the pressure on! Please Forward the following link as widely as possible. Note: It is clear there was a problem with the Daschle and Edwards E-mail addresses. The solution I propose is that everone call Senator Daschle and Senator Edwards and tell them you will not forget this vote, at the end of the call ask them for an e-mail address that you can forward your bounced message too. This solution puts more pressure on with the phone call. Icould call and try to get another e-mail address, but 1300 calls would be better! Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- URGENT: CALL CONGRESS EVERY DAY! NO AUTHORIZATION FOR WAR ON IRAQ! 202-224-3121 ! WAR RESOLUTION TEXT IS SET;VOTE IS IMMINENT! THE MORE CONGRESSIONAL VOTES BUSH GETS IN FAVOR OF THIS RESOLUTION, THE MORE HE IS EMPOWERED TO FORCE THIS WAR ON THE WORLD--- EITHER TO GO TO WAR UNILATERALLY, OR PUT MORE PRESSURE ON THE UN TO APPROVE THE WAR. EITHER WAY, MILLIONS OF LIVES ARE IN THE BALANCE! This is the action alert with lots of precise info from Southern California Americans for Democratic Action For the rest of the story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Democracy Now! Online Democracy Now! October 2, 2002 -- Bush’s single-bullet theory – assassinate Saddam Hussein: International human rights attorneys Michael Ratner and Reed Brody respond to Bush’s press secretary Ari Fleischer’s call to kill. -- Police spying: New York police seeks court approval to monitor political activists; Denver opens hundreds of spy files collected from illegal monitoring of citizens. -- Police crack down on activists across the country from Maine to California to Washington To view the rest of the story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Blah3 Does it Again! Question Mark #21: 'Threat? WHAT threat?' Posted Wednesday, October 2, 2002 If Iraq is so weak, how can they be a threat to the US? Musical Guest: Buffalo Springfield To view the rest of the story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EVENTS CALENDAR and PROTESTS For Peace! Courtesy of Voter March Summary: 10/3 - Ed Asner in Cooper Union, NYC; 10/4 - Ralph Nader at Wall St. protest, NYC; 10/6 -7 National Days of Resistance to War and Repression - NYC, CA ( LA, SF), CT, GA, IL, NC, NM, OH, OR, RI, SC, WA. WI; 10/ 26 - NATIONAL MARCH on WASHINGTON DC with a joint action in San Francisco to STOP THE WAR ON IRAQ. To view the rest of the story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TAKE ACTION NOW! Support Striking Janitors in Boston! Tell Your Senators to Extend Unemployment Benefits Now! Tell ABC to Air ‘Strong Roots, Fragile Farms’! Mark Your Calendar for the Wal-Mart Day of Action November 21! JwJ Supports the ILWU – Coast to Coast! To view the rest of the story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= On-going Campaigns Get Involved!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Take The Pledge to Oppose War with Iraq "A time has come when silence is betrayal. That time is now." Martin Luther King Jr. To take the pledge: Note to Southern California Residents: The coalition For World Peace will be demonstrating every Friday from 5pm to 7pm at the Westwood Federal Building. For more information call 323-852-9808 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IMMEDIATE ACTION ALERT ON IRAQ from Progressive Portal and 


2002-10-04 Thread mart-remote
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 22:37:37 -0700 Subject: Hse Comm vote 31-11 CALL! LET'S GO FOR IT - VOTE AGAINST IRAQ SEIZURE -PRESS YOUR REP. From: "sharon cotrell" sharoncotrell@charter. 
Let's make more calls. Sharon - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 22:43:45 -0400 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LET'S GO FOR IT - VOTE AGAINST IRAQ SEIZURE -PRESS YOUR REP. Okay. Just now the House Committee on International Relations voted 31 to 11 in favor of the war against Iraq resolution. The vote now moves to the full House of Representatives. THIS IS THE TIME TO FLOOD THE PHONE LOGS OF THE ONES who voted for the resolution and TELL THEM TO CHANGE THEIR VOTE WHEN IT COMES BEFORE THE FULL HOUSE (next week sometime). E-mails are not as reliably effective as some office assistants just delete them. Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121. You know you won't be alone (although no one could tell that by the mainstream press or tv coverage). A Pacific program (Democracy Now) producer interviewed various Congress Representatives' staffers. Some told her that they were receiving calls against the war in ratios varying between 100 to one; some said 500 to one; some said 1,000 to one. Committee Members from California who voted FOR the Iraq War Resolution: Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121 OR Direct: Howard Berman (818) 891-0543 Mision Hills; (202) 225-4695 Brad Sherman (818) 501-9200 Sherman Oaks; (202) 225-5911 Darrell Issa (949) 496-2343 San Clemente; (202) 225-3906 Tom Lantos (415) 566-5257 San Francisco; (202) 225-3531 Dana Rohrabacher (714) 960-6483 Huntington Beach; (202) 225-2415 Edward Royce (562) 220-2411 Fullerton; (202)225-4111 Adam Schiff (626) 304-2727 Pasadena; (202) 225-4176 Committee Members from California voting AGAINST the Iraq War Resolution: Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121 OR Direct: Thank You Grace Napolitano (562) 801-2134; (202) 225-5256 Not Present Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121 OR Direct: Barbara Lee (510) 763-0370 Oakland; (202) 225-2661 Diane Watson _ Los Angeles; (202)225-7084 I Don't Know How This One Voted Capitol Switchboard: (202)224-3121 OR Direct: Elton Gallegly ___ Simi Valley; (202) 225-5811 Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

Los Angeles Times article - Operation: Peace [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Geese 4 Peace


Operation: Peace 

Antiwar movement reflects a different America than in past eras, but
diverse allies keep the spirit alive.


October 1 2002,0,2831291.story 

  We want to poison your mind, teases the woman with slate-colored
hair outside First Baptist Church in Koreatown. Swathed in natural
fibers and sporting an anti-Dubya button, she's minding a table piled
high with books, pamphlets and stickers decrying the sorry state of the
planet--wars, corporate malfeasance, environmental
disasters-in-the-making, and so on--along with half a dozen copies of
the revolutionary rabble-rousings of Chairman Mao.

  Change a few names and haircuts, and the scene could be an outtake
from the American peace movement's tie-dyed past--Berkeley or Chicago,
circa 1960-something. But inside the Romanesque-Revival church's packed
sanctuary, a fired-up multilingual L.A. crowd mirrors the complex and
rapidly changing profile of Americans opposed to a new war with Iraq.

  As the Bush administration turns up the rhetorical heat on Saddam
Hussein and an anxious world braces for a possible Desert Storm redux,
American peace activists are busy marshaling their own forces. And
while the choreography of dissent sometimes stirs up ghosts of Selma,
Vietnam and the anti-nukes protests of the early 1980s, the current
peace movement seems eager to find a voice and image suited to a very
different America than existed 40 or even 20 years ago.

  In that process, some observers say, peace activists are moving
beyond a singular, post-Vietnam cultural stereotype that depicts them
as clueless hippies hopelessly mired in the peacenik past, as
apologists for whatever power-mad dictator is on the prowl, or as
cynical trouble-makers of questionable patriotism whose fringe antics
give aid and comfort to America's enemies, as Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft
has suggested.

  Dissident political activity that's portrayed in this country leads
people to believe that anyone who gets out in the street must be kind
of crazy, says Robert Jensen, a professor of journalism at the
University of Texas at Austin, who became a marked man in the Lone Star
State last fall after writing several columns attacking U.S. military
policy in Afghanistan.

  There was a vague feeling of the torch being passed at First
Baptist's recent two-hour rally, an evening of agitprop theater that
mixed old-time progressive sentiments with a newfound sense of urgency.
And if anyone present was worrying aloud about finding the peace
movement's next Martin Luther King, Tom Hayden or Helen Caldicott, it
was drowned out in a poly-lingual chorus of shared convictions.

  Filling the pews of the 1,500-seat church were the movement's
traditional shock troops: trade unionists, middle-age progressives of
various creeds, battle-hardened veterans of the civil rights and
Vietnam War struggles. But clapping and singing alongside them were
young anti-globalization activists, interspersed with many Central
American and Asian immigrants, some of whose countries have suffered
their own, albeit less publicized versions of 9/11-style terrorist

  Many of the speakers and much of the symbolism were familiar. Labor
leader Maria Elena Durazo extolled a union member who perished at the
World Trade Center. Syndicated columnist Bob Scheer chastised Taliban
brutality and Washington demagoguery. Hollywood star Alfre Woodard gave
soothing line-readings from the Koran, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita.
Between speakers, a mixed-race choir delivered a thin but plucky
rendition of Down by the Riverside.

  But the rally's emotional climax occurred when Kelly Campbell and
Barry Amundson, members of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful
Tomorrows, a group composed of relatives of 9/11 victims, embraced
beneath a giant video screen where images of the burning twin towers
had flashed by moments earlier. Barry Amundson, 32, is the brother of
Craig Amundson, a 28-year-old Army multimedia specialist who was killed
when the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the
Pentagon; Campbell is his sister-in-law. Both were in Los Angeles to
voice their conviction that the response to last year's attacks on New
York and Washington shouldn't be more mangled bodies and grieving

  Join us in a new peace movement, exhorted the Rev. George Regas,
catching the evening's forward-looking tone. We will change the face
of this earth! Rising to its feet, the congregation roared its

  Less easily pigeonholed than their predecessors, and more reliant on
Internet mailing lists than sloganized placards, today's peace
activists are more globally attuned and media-savvy than the bearded
and sandaled legions of yore, some say.

  Our general argument is the same one: that we've got to find
alternatives to war because we don't like the 

Re: trial of Slobodan Milosevic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread davidquarter

You're missing the point. This "court" has NO legitamacy even in eyes off the United Nations, aside from the long list of breaches of due process cited earlier. It was set up through the security council, a body which DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to establish international war crimes tribunals.

I'm not here trying to debate the morality of a war crimes tribunal; needless to say,  I'm wholeheartedly in favour of trying war criminals for their actions  (in principle at least). My point is that we can't even start talking about trying people for war crimes when the same court given this task is entirely under the control of the western governments responsible for destroing the country belonging to the persons now being "tried" in this "court".

From:   	"Ivan I M Kokotovic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BCC to: 	Subject:	Re: trial of Slobodan Milosevic
Date sent:  	Fri, 04 Oct 2002 00:31:20 +

The answers lie not in the carrying out of justice, rather in the"legitimisation" of acts ofextreme force, to meet an end, at the expense of others.
As for the US, you cannot expect they to admit to any wrong doing; not since after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,because, as is seen by popular history, itis considered the right thing to do.
This is not a court of right and wrong, it is a court of human rights violations. Therein lies the problem which anti-imperialists, asDavid, seem not to grasp. Nancy at leastargues the point that those who committed war crimes in the former Yugoslavia should be brought to justice, this includes those in the NATO force whokilled innocent people, by bombing them.
As for Milosevic,my feelings are that if the events of 1999 did not occur, he wouldnot bestanding before the tribunaldefendinghis role in the breakup of Yugoslavia. In a similar case of western powersturning a blind eye to war crimes to "legitimise" military actions (suchas in Krajina, wherethere was evidence of Croatian army violations against the Serbs who were caught there, or who werefleeing the area), Milosevicwas rewarded for his role in settling peace negotiations at Dayton. It was Karadzic and Mladic the west wanted.
Having said this, Milosevic'sclaims in his defense seem not as strong anymore, after Biljana Plavsic's"agreement" to plead guilty to human rights violations.
The impartiality of the court, as a court of law, has never been raised.War Crimes courts have always been a court of legitimising the actions of the winners. However I suggest that if Milosevic had agreed toa defense (other than himself), his arguments would be a lot clearer and ordered, and he would have a better case, which would give all of your arguments a lotmore creedence. 


>From: "Nancy A. Hey"
>Subject: Re: trial of Slobodan Milosevic
>Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 11:51:28 -0400
>I agree, no legitimate/impartial court would ever do those things, especially torture! The fact that the court is founded and funded by countries that supported the bombing also shows an extreme bias, most notably in the fact that it means that none of the war crimes committed in said bombing will ever come to trial. How can those who have committed war crimes themselves have a leg to stand on for trying others for war crimes?
>Peacefully Yours,
>Nancy A. Hey
> >To: "Ivan I M Kokotovic" , "Nancy A. Hey" , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: Re: trial of Slobodan Milosevic
> >Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 11:18:53 -0400
> >
> >
> > I think you both are giving a bit too much legitimacy. This so-
> >called 'court' was set up by the U.S. and its western imperialist
> >minions, albeit under the aspices of the UN so as to provide it a
> >degree of legitimacy. It recieves all of its funding from western
> >"governments" and private business interests. Its so-called judge
> >was a former member of TONY (the butcher) BLAIR's so- called
> >LABOUR GOVERNMENT; that is, the same regime that
> >champioined the destruction of Yugoslavia including the bombing
> >campaign of' 99, and the same group of criminals that now call for
> >the killing of more innocents in Iraq.. Its prosecutors have regular
> >meetings with the judge as to ways' to proceed ' with presenting
> >the (overwhelmingly) concocted and circumstancial (BS) passing
> >as evidence. Its witnesses are permitted to testify behind close
> >doors, without dislosing their identity. It regards hearsay evidence
> >as legimate, and worthy of 'proof' of a so-called defendent's guilt. Its
> >accused and its witinesses are tortured in its own court-run jails
> >while awaiting so-called trial; and then its "judge" does not flinch an
> >eye when this info. is disclosed to the court, and in fact, gets
> >annoyed by the witnesses's apparent nerve to bring this to the
> >court's attention.

Boucher cheers Plavsic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


U.S. Applauds War Crimes Guilty Plea

.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States on Thursday applauded the guilty plea of a Bosnian Serb political leader indicted for war crimes, and called on others wanted for war crimes to surrender themselves for trial.

The guilty plea by Biljana Plavsic should serve as an example for former Yugoslav officials to ``examine themselves'' and ``accept their responsibility,'' said State Department spokesman Richard Boucher. He referred specifically to military commander Gen. Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, to whom Plavsic was closely associated.

Plavsic pleaded guilty to one count of crimes against humanity. Prosecutors at the U.N. war crimes tribunal dropped seven other charges, including genocide.

``We hope that her important step in expressing full and unconditional remorse for the harm that was done to innocent victims of the conflict will contribute to the reconciliation process in the region,'' Boucher said.

The United States will continue its pursuit of Mladic, Karadzic and other fugitives being sought by the international tribunal for Yugoslavia, Boucher said. ``We haven't succeeded yet, but the operative word is 'yet.' We intend to get them,'' Boucher said.

Twenty-three people are wanted by the tribunal for war crimes, and 26 are in pretrial proceedings, Boucher said. Twelve are currently on trial. The court has convicted 28 people, six of whom pleaded guilty, and acquitted five. Charges against 17 people were dismissed or withdrawn.

``They continue to add to the totals, and they get closer and closer to bringing to justice all of the people who need to be brought to justice,'' Boucher said.

10/03/02 15:54 EDT

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Hey Kids, Soros Offers to Exploit You! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 3:18:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:[balkans] CfA: LGI, Research Interns Spring - Summer 2003, Budapest 
Date:10/4/02 3:18:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

 Call for LGI Research Interns
 Spring-Summer 2003
 Application deadline: December 1, 2002

 LGI is currently accepting applications for its research internship
program. Interns will work on a voluntary basis at the LGI office (located
in the Budapest headquarters of the Open Society Institute) in a diverse,
challenging and exciting environment on various topics related to local
public policy development, decentralization, public service reform, and
multi-ethnic community management. Interns will contribute to LGI research
and publications and participate in a variety of projects addressing the
Central-Eastern European, Southeast European and Central Asian regions. The
internship cycle will last for a period of four - six months depending on
the availability of selected applicant.

 The next deadline for submitting application is December 1, 2002 for
the period of Spring-Summer 2003 (March 1 -August 31 2003).

 Interns must have excellent writing, research and communication
skills and must hold at least a BA degree (MA desirable) in an area related
to public policy or political science. Interns should be knowledgeable about
the Eastern European region, Southeastern Europe or Central Asia, able to
work independently and computer literate. Familiarity with online research
and a commitment to working in the region are a bonus.

 As the official language of LGI/OSI is English, excellent written
and oral skills are essential.

 Application Process:
 All applications must include the following materials:
* Resume/CV
* Cover letter explaining the applicant's qualifications and
motivation in applying for the internship.
* The names and contact information (e-mail and telephone numbers) of
two references familiar with your academic or written work.
* An English language writing sample (e.g. publication) no longer than
5 pages in length.

 The deadline for applications for the spring- summer 2003 internship
is October December 1, 2002. Applicants will be notified by December 15,
2002, and will be expected to begin working in Budapest by March 1, 2003.

 (Next deadlines for application in 2003: March 1, 2003 for the
period of fall 2003 and October 15 for the period of Spring 2004)

 LGI is unfortunately unable to provide compensation for its interns,
and encourages prospective applicants to seek outside sources of funding.

 For further information on the Internship Program, please contact
Scott Abrams at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For further information on LGI please, visit our website at


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Call for LGI Research Interns
Spring-Summer 2003
Application deadline: December 1, 2002

LGI is currently accepting applications for its research internship
program. Interns will work on a voluntary basis at the LGI office (located
in the Budapest headquarters of the Open Society Institute) in a diverse,
challenging and exciting environment on various topics related to local
public policy development, decentralization, public service reform, and
multi-ethnic community management. Interns will contribute to LGI research
and publications and participate in a variety of projects addressing the
Central-Eastern European, Southeast European and Central Asian regions. The
internship cycle will last for a period of  four - six months depending on
the availability of selected applicant.

The next deadline for submitting application is December 1, 2002 for
the period of  Spring-Summer 2003 (March 1 -August 31 2003).

Interns must have excellent writing, research and communication
skills and must hold at least a BA degree (MA desirable) in an area related
to public policy or political science. Interns should be knowledgeable about
the Eastern European region, Southeastern Europe or Central Asia, able to
work independently and computer literate. Familiarity with online research
and a commitment to working in the region are a bonus.

As the official language of LGI/OSI is English, excellent written
and oral skills are essential.

Application Process:
All applications must include the following materials:
*   Resume/CV
*   Cover letter explaining the applicant's qualifications and


2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 4:03:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Chers compatriotes, 

 Voici l'appel de détresse venant de Maniema à faire lire. 

 Mesdames, Messieurs, 

 Nous vous écrivons pour demander, chacun à son niveau, de faire quelque chose pour dénoncer et arrêter le drame que vivent en ce moment les populations civiles du Maniema à l'Est de la RDCongo. La situation est grave, raison pour laquelle nous vous demandons vivement de taire nos identités, c'est à dire la source si non nous subirons, nous et nos familles, des représailles graves de la part du RCD dont la répression devient une arme pour faire taire toute forme d'opposition, actes devant lesquels la communauté internationale garde un silence complice, comme le cas des massacres de Kisangani! On est même tente de croire que le RCD a recu de quelque part une mission d'exterminer les populations civiles. Au Maniema et plus particulièrement à Kindu, chef-lieu de cette province, depuis le retrait des troupes rwandaises, le RCD-Goma, représente par deux de ses officiers militaires:Bernard Biamungu (commandant 8 brigade) et Gabriel AMISI Tango-Fort (Chef d’état major général adjoint),les mêmes qui ont massacre des civils à Kisangani, tuent au quotidien à Kindu et sa périphérie et des milliers des familles sont endeuillées et certaines familles entières sont décimées soupçonnées de collaborer avec les mai-mai. Dès leur arrivée à Kindu avec comme mission de taquer les mai-mai, les deux officiers rebelles ont installé une terreur sans nom. Durant trois jours (29-30-31aout) Gabriel Amissi dit Tango-Fort va déclarer à la radio locale de Kindu que toute la population de Kindu est mai-mai et par conséquent à traiter comme tel. Ces propos ont ainsi ouvert la voie au dérapage car il suffit seulement d'être soupçonné pour être carrément exécute. Il suffit d'être dans une famille ou avoir un ancien ami qui aujourd'hui est mai-mai pour être exécuté. Il suffit d'avoir un litige banal avec quelqu'un du RCD,pour recevoir l'étiquette de mai-mai pour être exécuté par la suite. 

L’échec des négociations RCD/Mai-mai du 19/9/2002 inaugure l'intensification de la répression. La mort d'un militaire du RCD est la goutte qui va s'ajouter au vase plein des rebelles et le fameux TANGO-FORT va résolument porter les gants contre la population 
civile de Kindu. Il passera à la radio locale pour déverser toute sa colère en vantant publiquement ses exploits de Kisangani et sur les antennes de cette radio dont les émetteurs FM ont été offerts par le RCD,il demande à la population civile de bien 
 s'informer sur ce qu'il a réalisé à Kisangani et malgré les bruits de la communauté internationale rien ne lui est arrive, a-t-il martelé. Des villages périphériques vont être incendies par les troupes rebelles: Shoko, Lokala, Kulu. 7-8-9km route Kasongo... 

Des civils vont être arrêtés et lâchement abattus : 

Mr Rashidi Kalindi, 17ans fils du feu Kalindi, ancien agent de la SNCC lui-même abattu par l'Apr le 12/10/1998.Rashidi a été enterre à cote du bureau de 
 l'Assemblée Provinciale, Mme Fatuma abattue dans le quartier Lokole par le soldat du RCD. 
Un prétendu mai-mai capture par le RCD sur l'avenue Okenge/commune de Kasuku sera lâchement abattu. 
-Le 21/9 prenant tout le monde pour mai-mai, l'armée du RCD va tuer sur ordre de TANGO-FORT plusieurs personnes civiles qui revenaient des champs dans les quartiers Tokolote et Brazza :me Séraphine Tcheusi avec grossesse à terme (av Carrière N° 43), Mr Mbilizi Musema, Directeur de l'école primaire Lubinga (av.Carriere n*20) et son fils Ngolombe Mazambi, âgé de 17 ans, Mr Wenga Vincent pasteur de l'église Celpa, Mr Diongo ancien Directeur d'école. Ce sont ces corps qui ont été retrouves sur le lieu avant le bouclage du lieu par les militaires du RCD.Certaines sources affirment que d'autres corps ont été enterrés précipitamment par ces militaires. 
Le 22/9 dans les quartiers Brazza et Tokolote, trois membres du RCD/local (Cyrille Ngandu, Okoko Wenendja et Longamba) et le policier MENDA AMANI conduisent une 
 expédition punitive et tuent plusieurs personnes notamment : Mme Henriette Kepoke mère de 4 Enfants, épouse de Mr Bala Lobilo. Elle était une vendeuse des gibiers, groupe accusé par le RCD de vendre des produits provenant de milieux sous contrôle de mai-mai, par conséquent collaborateurs des ces derniers, Mr Lambert OKOKO, enseignant à l'école primaire Ndjiapanda, marié et père de trois 
 enfants, Mr Tokoko Wale, marié et père de trois enfants et vendeurs au marché de Kindu, un autre groupe accusé d'approvisionner les mai-mai, Mr KONGOLO, 7 ans, jeune frère de TOKOKO Wale; les deux ont été tues à domicile et rapidement enterrés par les militaires, Mrs UNGANDA MUSA Émile, UNGANDA NUMBI et YUWAKALI Longema tous trois 

Fwd: FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:FW: Anti-terrorist team raids Warrior Society!!! 
Date:10/4/02 1:20:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

to unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PleaseStopMailingMe
please forward this message to any interested people
if you know of someone else who would be interested in receiving news and updates on Native/indigenous resistance in "Western Canada" and throughout Turtle Island, please forward me their email address

i just got this email after sending out the last email and thought people should read this because it goes into more detail about the raid by INSET, the RCMP and others. this is really serious shit that's going down and is reflective of what's happening all over North Amerikkka in the post Sept 11th world. In August, animal rights activist, David Barbarash, had his house in Courtenay, Vancouver Island raided and trashed by INSET, the RCMP and other agencies. For the kkkanadian and u$ governments, resistance=terrorism. We have to support our sisters and brothers who are being targetted, harrassed and persecuted.

From: "James Ward" 

Hey Eveyone, 
I am writing to inform you of a very serious recent event. 
After a summer of intelligence probes from CSIS (Canadian Security 
Intelligence Service, Canada's spy agency), the Soliciter General's 
Office and possibly British Columbia's RCMP AEU (Aboriginal 
Extremist Unit) the Canadian government has decided to label and 
attack Indigenous resistence as Terrorism. 
Last week Canada's INSET (Intergrated National Security Enforcement 
Team, the new Anti-terrorist team created after Sept 11th to hunt 
down and destroy terrorists) raided one of the West Coast Warrior's 
homes. The conducted a forced entry raid using the RCMP ERT 
(Emergency Response Team, similiar to American SWAT Teams). They 
conducted a 3 hour search on the premises and didnt find anything. 
It was a misguided and failed operation. 
Later that day more individuals associated with the warrior society 
were questioned. 
By evening, INSET approached another West Coast Warriors and 
aggressively questioned him at his residence creating and provoking 
a potentially explosive situation. 
The following morning, INSET tracked down and questioned another 
member of the West Coast Warriors and questioned him. 
During all of the questioning there was continuing use of 
intimidation tactics with indirect threat to the Warrior's children 
and spouces. 
One of the INSET officers made sure that the Warriors were aware of 
there ever present surviellance by telling himwe know all your 
guys, were everyone lives, what vehicle each one of you drives and 
we are watching you all the time... 
All indigenous people should be very concerned about this tactic of 
the Canadian state targeting and labelling Indigenous resistence as 
terrorism. It is important to understand that Warrior Societies have 
never conducted a terrorist act. When have you heard of a Warrior 
Society that has hijacked a plane, a bus or a train? Warrior 
Societies haven't blown up state institutions, military complexes, 
children's schools, or shopping malls. Warrior Societies have not 
attempted to assassinate key political figures or judges or used 
sniper attacks on any civillians. Warrior Societies have not 
kidnapped anyone or taken anyone hostage. Warrior Societies have not 
targeted non-combatants for any kind of terrorist activity and the 
targeting of non-combatants is the key to defining terroist action. 
So why has the Canadian governemnt labelled Indigenous Warrior 
Socities as terrorist? 
Despite all the government and media hype terrorism does not mean 
that you, as a non nation-state, are simply an "enemy of the state" 
as the Canadian government would have you believe(under the new 
Anti-terrorist legislation that basically means you have a different 
political agenda than the government). The definition of terrorism 
is far more specific than that. Terrortism is a military strategy 
with specific tactics. Terrorism targets non-combatants for 
extremely violent or contreversial military type action to 
"terrorize" the population so it becomes alienated from government 
control. The more shocking the military action the more media 
covergae the terrorsit will recieve. Media becomes an invaluable 
tool of the terrorist to broadcast the terrorist action to a wider 
audience and terrorize more people into doing what the terrorist 
Clearly Indigenous Warriors are NOT terrorist. Terrorism is not the 
strategy of any Warrior Society nor do they employ any type of 
terrorist tactics. The Canadian governments targeting of Indigenous 
Warrior Societies as terrorist is a horrific abuse of the 
Anti-terrorist legislation. 
This tactic of abusing legislation as a means of 

Re: What gives with Barbara Streisand? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Nancy Hey


Thanks, my memory didn't go back that far.  Apparently, her hypocrisy runs deep.

peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

ProletarianNews wrote:


 Nancy Hey wrote:

  Yo, did any of you folks happen to see on the news last night Barbara Streisand 
doing a fundraiser for the Democratic Party?...  It seems to me that complaining 
about war while supporting the Democratic Party is a bit like supporting the Nazi 
Party while complaining about anti-Semitism.

 I recall she sang 'People' for LBJ's inaugural. Uncle Ho, I presume, was underawed.



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Re: [Fwd: List of Ustasha terrorist attacks] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Nancy Hey


One big problem is that imperialist nations had an interest in supporting right-wing 
like the Ustasha to defeat socialism in Yugoslavia.  This support probably made the 
Ustasha stronger
than it otherwise would have been.

peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Nancy Hey wrote:


 Dear friends,

 I posted this article to Country Joe MacDonald's message board today, to
 which Ivan Kokotovic immediately took great offense.

 peacefully yours,
 Nancy Hey



 Subject: List of Ustasha terrorist attacks
 Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 13:32:35 -0400
 From: Nancy A. Hey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Ivan,

 Please understand that I am not equating all Croatians with the Ustasha.  I
 posted the article to show people a piece of history that they might not
 otherwise be aware of, and to show that the Serbs are not always the bad
 guys in the Balkans, often they have been the victims of great persecution.
   Here in the United States, their side of the story doesn't get heard in
 the mainstream media.

 Peacefully yours,
 Nancy Hey

 From: Ivan I M Kokotovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: trial of Slobodan Milosevic
 Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:26:00 +
 you seriously can't expect me to allow you to show that pro-serb propaganda
 on a public forum...without a response.
 i meanthis is just the stuff i was telling you about.
 you got that stuff from a serbian sitewhich hadn't been updated since
 1996...what has that got to do with NATO in the former
 Yugoslavia??...expecially with the Kosovo crisis.
 once you stop equating the Ustasa with anything croatian, or any
 croatian legitimate thoughts to freedom (as a member of the human race),
 then i will stop being so pinnicky about your posts.
 indeed as a member of the croatian diaspora...i have first hand experience
 of my father leading us out of church (croatian), after the priest there
 denounced the ustasa and all use of violence i obtaining freedom (as i have
 mentioned to you before my father is still a thourough nationalist).
 in fact in croatian church we used to sing we shall overcome , in a
 direct link to the black liberation movement of martin luther king..., of
 peaceful cohabitation with those we saw as oppressors and oppressed
 alike...under communism.
 can you call this priest and the millions of other croats around the world
 who thought as he ustase
 do not bring this up again.unless you have some logical and insightful
 point to make about the current problems in the balkans.
 if anything it contradicts your earlier sentiments that somehow everyone
 has been against the Serbs...always...(this is what Milosevic is basing his
 defense upon).
 obviously not everyone was against the serbs and Yugoslavia if croatian
 terrorists in places such as USA, West Germany, and Australia were arrested
 for illegal activities.
 and a lot of these cases in the list were not actual convictions rather
 allegations, and the croats were suspects out of a long line of
 terrorists in the USA and germany at the time including...PLO, Chilean and
 Peruvian Marxists, and Puerto Rican terrorists.
 so please...enough with the propagandaunless there is something more
 material to your postings, then don't post them..or i shall have to
 forward you some sources.which have different viewsand which are
 not driven by western imperialist thought.
 yours slightly concerned
 Posted by Nancy Hey ( on October 03, 2002 at 06:06:07:

 (from: Jahn Otto Johansen: Ustasja, J.W. Cappelens Forlag A.S. 1984 (in
 The most important terrorist attacks, which were Ustasha responsibility in
 LAST TWENTY YEARS (up to 1984, Ed.), were:


 * Attack on Yugoslav consulate in Bad Goldberg, West Germany. Momcilo
 Popovic killed .

 * Yugoslav citizen Andjelka Vuletina was killed by Ustasha terrorists .

 * Andrija Klaric, Yugoslav consul in Munich wounded by an Ustasha assassin .

 * Yugoslav consul in Stutgart Sava Milovanovic killed .
 * A Yugoslav Stipe Medvedovic killed in Frankfurt .

 * Ustashi blew a bomb in cinema theater 20th October in Belgrade .
 One person killed, 85 wounded .

 * Leader of Yugoslav military corps mission in West Berlin Anton Kolendic
 and one member of the mission wounded by an Ustasha assassin .

 * Yugoslav Niko Mijaljevic killed in Frankfurt .

 * Terrorist attack on Yugoslav consulate in Geteborg. Three 

Five Iraqi civilians killed, 11 wounded in US-British raids: Baghdad [WWW.STOPNA

2002-10-04 Thread Nancy Hey


Dear friends,

'We just want them to get the message, hey, this is why we keep
Hetlage said.'

But most Iraqis already know why they keep striking - it's because they
to be able to violate Iraq's national sovereignty at will.

The no-fly zones are not authorized by the UN, or by any kind of
International Law, and no leaflet can change that fact.

peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Five Iraqi civilians killed, 11 wounded in US-British raids: Baghdad
October 03, 2002, 07:26 PM

BAGHDAD (AFP) - Five Iraqi civilians were killed and 11 others wounded
US and British warplanes bombed southern Iraq, an Iraqi military
said, quoted by the official INA news agency.

Enemy warplanes bombed civilian installations in the town of
375 kilometers (235 miles) south of Baghdad, killing five Iraqi
and wounding 11 others, the spokesman said.

He claimed surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft batteries had
the enemy warplanes to flee to their base in Kuwait, and that the US
British aircraft had conducted 55 raids over 18 areas in the south of
country during the day.

The US military said earlier that US and British warplanes struck in
southern Iraq Thursday after an aircraft came under fire as it dropped
leaflets on Iraqi air defense positions warning gunners not to fire on
coalition aircraft or You could be next.

Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Dan Hetlage said US and British planes
attacked an Iraqi air defense headquarters and operations center which
believed to be the source of the fire.

With the United States also stepping up pressure for a renewed
campaign against Iraq, the raid was near Tallil, about 250 kilometers
miles) southeast of Baghdad, he said.

The air strike was in retaliation for shooting at the aircraft dropping
leaflets that say don't shoot at us, Hetlage said.

The leaflets contained a cartoon showing a fighter aircraft firing
into a ground radar and a surface-to-air missile launcher.

Iraqi ADA beware! read the message. Don't track or fire on coalition

On the other side, the leaflet said: The destruction experienced by
colleagues in other air defense locations is a response to your
aggression toward planes of the coalition forces.

No tracking or firing on these aircraft will be tolerated. You could be

next, it said.

Commander Frank Merriman, a spokesman with the US Central Command, said
forces also dropped leaflets on Iraqi positions in October 2001.

We just want them to get the message, hey, this is why we keep
Hetlage said.

A Pentagon official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
were dropped only in the Tallil area, the site of numerous exchanges
Iraqi forces.

Although the Central Command has not publicized past leaflet drops, the
official said, As they are needed, this has been going on since Desert

The leaflets, however, suggested that US forces are preparing the ground

with psychological operations in case diplomatic efforts fail and the
States goes to war.

US and British forces have recently stepped up air attacks in the no-fly

zones that cover large swaths of southern and northern Iraq.

The zones were imposed by western powers after the 1991 Gulf War to
Iraq militarily and help protect minority Kurd and Shiite populations
reprisals by Saddam's forces.

In the latest strike, warplanes fired precision guided missiles at an
defence sector headquarters and integrated operations centre near
the US Central Command said.

On Tuesday, British and US planes hit a mobile radar near Al Kut, 100
(160 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad. Last Saturday there was an air
near the southern city of Basra.

No US pilot has been shot down by Iraqi forces since the Gulf War, but
military officials say Baghdad has improved the effectiveness of its air

defenses with fiber optic communications.

Pentagon officials complain that Iraqi forces have fired at US and
forces scores of times since Baghdad offered on September 16 to allow UN

arms inspections without conditions.


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Teacher Brutally Hatchets Helpless Bird to Death Before Young Students [WWW.STOP

2002-10-04 Thread Nancy Hey


From :  United Poultry Concerns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject :  Teacher Brutally Hatchets Helpless Bird to Death Before Young
Date :  Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:28:51 -0400 (EDT)

U N I T E D   P O U L T R Y   C O N C E R N S  [UPC] E-mail list
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
UNITED POULTRY CONCERNS * PO Box 150 * Machipongo, VA 23405
757-678-7875 * Fax:757-678-5070 *

Contact: Karen Davis 757-678-7875
October 4, 2002

 Teacher Brutally Hatchets Helpless Bird to
Before Young Students

 Teacher Compares Hatchet Killing to Use of
Screwdriver and Hammer

 Machipongo, VA - Washington Island School
administrators should adopt an immediate written policy banning the
instructional killing of birds and other animals. The Wisconsin teacher
killed a chicken on school property on September 20 crassly compared
bird to a thing, and the hatchet he used to kill her with he referred
as a tool in the sense of a screwdriver or a hammer.

 An October 2 article in the Green Bay
(Wisconsin) shows the extent to which Washington Island school
administrators and the teacher, Steve Waldron, are manipulating language
insulate students (and themselves) from the reality of this cruel and
unnecessary schoolyard killing. It's absurd to assert, as the School
president does, that this teacher deals with life and death in a most
respectful manner. Mr. Waldron didn't deal with death-HE DEALT OUT
and seeks to hide his deed in a blather of platitudes and euphemisms.

 Parents and others who objected to the
killing of an animal might want to use the episode to reflect on why a
killing they consider unsuitable to be seen is okay to commit behind the

closed doors of a slaughterhouse. In some Asian cultures, dogs are
for food. Should students be given diversity lessons in how other
kill animals whom most Americans regard as family companions?

 Chickens experience pain, terror, and suffering
same as mammals. Avian physiologist Dr. Lesley J. Rogers points out that

the assumption that birds, including chickens, are not as highly
evolved as
mammals is incorrect.

 If we wonder where so much of our violence and

callous disregard for life comes from, we need to look at the classroom
well as the hypocrisy we are passing on to our children, Dr. Karen
President of United Poultry Concerns, insists. The idea that slaughter
'necessary' and 'respectful' is ridiculous, and
slaughtering a chicken in front of students is not the same kind of
demonstration as showing them how a baby is born.

 United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit
that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic
For more information, visit


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Allied planes again retaliate over Iraq no-fly zone [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-04 Thread Nancy Hey


Dear friends,

This escalation of hostilities in the so-called no-fly zones in Iraq,
at a
time when Pres. Bush is trying to shore up support for an invasion,
deliberately designed to antagonize Iraq even more.

peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Allied planes again retaliate over Iraq no-fly zone

By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press

Thursday October 03, 2002, 05:27:00 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) - Allied planes launched an airstrike in the southern
zone over Iraq Thursday, targeting an air defense headquarters and
operations center, defense officials said.

It brought to 46 the number of strike days reported this year by the
United States and the United Kingdom coalition put together to patrol
set up to protect Iraqi minorities following the 1991 Gulf War. On some
days, more than one area is bombed.

Today's strike came after Iraq air defenses fired anti-aircraft
and surface-to-air missiles at coalition aircraft, said a statement
the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla.

Coalition planes responded, targeting precision-guided weapons at an
operations center and air defense headquarters for the sector near
some 160 miles southeast of Baghdad at 4:30 a.m. EDT Thursday. There was
assessment immediately available on how much damage was done.

It was the third time in nine days that planes launched strikes in the
trying to destroy communications equipment, control radar and a
surface-to-air missile launcher in missions Sept. 25 and 28.

Repeat missions have become common in recent weeks. Coalition aircraft
the sixth time in a month struck this week near Al Kut, 100 miles
of Baghdad, because Iraqis keep moving mobile radar equipment to the
Pentagon officials said.

Iraq considers the patrols a violation of its sovereignty and frequently

shoots at the planes. In response, coalition pilots try to bomb Iraqi
defense systems.

Coalition strikes are not necessarily aimed at the place or equipment
to target them. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed recently
that he
has ordered that pilots attack command and communications links in
air defense network rather than the
guns and radars used to target or shoot at U.S. and British pilots.

The goal of the new approach, more than a decade after American and
pilots began enforcing no-fly zones, is to reduce dangers to the pilots
while increasing the damage inflicted on an Iraqi air defense system
has grown more sophisticated.

The amount of any damage from Thursday's strike was unknown because
assessment was still under way.

The strike was in the southern zone, set up to protect Shiite Muslims.
northern zone was set up to protect the Kurdish population. Both groups
given protection after unsuccessfully revolting against the regime of
President Saddam Hussein.

The strikes come as the Bush administration increases efforts to
the world of the need to overthrow Saddam.


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