Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

I actually visited or looked at several universities before deciding. I ended up going to Wright State University in Dayton Ohio for my computer science courses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by the ants, hahaa. Im going to surely play it some more later on. Im interested in seeing how the story progresses, but from what Ive seen, its nice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

Ah I fixed the script pathing issue, now its causing tracebacks... lol


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Re: Scrolling Battles Pro

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scrolling Battles Pro

Ok, I forgot a few things. Enemies should have body fall sounds depending on the tile that they were on. I also would like to see the ability to throw enemies off a platform, and for them to attempt to throw you. When creating weapons, you should be able to add a scope that allows you to see enemies that are a certain distance away. You should be able to set how many tiles away the scope can see. Also, I would like to see the ability to add audio cut sceens into sb missions. You should be able to set what stuff a char starts with at the beginning of a mission, and place items for the player to get. If all that, pluss the stuff mintioned in this post, pluss my previous one, I would pay about 10 bucks if I could. If you do introduce the mission mode, I would be glad to make a few example ones kind of kind of how the 2dp had some examples, before you release the update with the mode. Those features would make this, deffinately a pro app, compared to even the rewrite.


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Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

@Stewee, I confess I didnt bother with intimidate, sinse I wasnt really sure how much it affected the enemy and its a dam expensive skill to use, again Ill try next time I try a knight though right now Im having more fun watching Hermione the gnome kick some serious bottom .@Touchmint, pets is a nice idea indeed, and I do like the idea of the pet having its own turn. However, one thing that might be fun might be to reward players for replaying the game by unlocking more pets to have combinations with. So, say instead of a choice of pets, classes start with a particular pet, eg, the knight and paladin could start with a horse which gave them a charge attack, a wizard and illusionist start with a magical cat which gave them an sp replacing buff etc, with extra, class specific pets possible to earn later, for example the paladin mi
 ght earn a white dragon, which had a holy fire damage and healing attack, while the knight could earn the thoroughbred, an upgraded version of the horse. The further each class got in the game, the more pets theyd earn (perhaps two or three per class, though with cross overs). once a pet was unlocked however, it was unlocked perminantly and you could choose to start with it, thus if you wanted a knight to start with the white dragon, they could. That way you would give players rewards for playing as different classes and unlocking them, and also give another level of equipment customization and pet behaviour sinse pets which some classes earned but were less good for their playing style might be awesome for others,  so for example a wizard might earn the mosquito pet which lowered an opponents defense to physical attacks as well as draining a little hp, less good for a wizard but awesome for a knight.


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Re: TDV 1 tutorials and trailer

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TDV 1 tutorials and trailer

Hi, If I remember correctly Mohammad recorded a full playthrough of the game. Does somebody have those lying around? I am interested in listening them again.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hello sam! it has been 3 or 4 days ago, when you announce a police about killing players. flattener is killing everyone on his way. i dont know how he find us, but he find us and killed 5 times! he was standing at the spawning point. and he was watching us somehow. We wasnt trust him... I know, i cant order you, but i will just say: I want this player to be banned. because we are very tired of him. Thanks.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

I use mozilla thunderbird. Its easy to use. Outlook 6 was very good too, but what I hated about it was that you had to do a lot of configuration to make it support Hotmail.


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Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

Of course then you have to score well on your SAT, hah. I scored absolutely terrible and the community college i was accepted into didnt require the test so i got off lucky.


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Some websites that could be useful

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fluffy solger via Audiogames-reflector


Some websites that could be useful

Hi.I think I fownd some websites that might have old games on them, Please dont be mad gorthalon and pittremach.WWW.satoprogs.deI just want to look up the otherone.


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Gene, Im familiar withh Elite in the sense that Ive had friends who were big fans, seen tv reviews and have read a little about the game, but too much text and graphical issues with 3D space flight even in 80s graphics put it beyond the level of stuff I can play, one reason I was so pleased to discover the Smugglers series and similar games I could play with a screen reader. I@m quite the smugglers fan as you might gather and have spent many hours on all the games, but especially smugglers 5 (both versions), with its random and advanced combat system and explorable planets. The only miner issue is that Ive heard people state Jaws works less well with the Smugglers games than other screen readers. This is because the games are essentially mainstream graphical rpgs that the developer has included screen reader accessible ascii text with (you have to activate the blind compatibility mode in the game settings menu when starting the gam
 e). You then need to use your screen readers virtual curser to read the screen and emulate mouse clicks. Apparently, because of the way Jaws Columnizes its information with the Jaws curser, it doesnt handle the text as well as some other programs, indeed Ive heard people state they switch screen readers to play the smugglers games. Again, not sure on confirmation of this sinse I dont use Jaws myself, or if there is a work around, but if you start the game and find the text somewhat mangled, that might be the reason why and you should possibly be aware before trying, indeed Id recommend giving the db pages a read, (the db generally is a useful resource, though sinse I have written a significant amount of it I probably would say that), . Getting back to Tks, as I said its not really intended to be a massive game like S
 mugglers (or elite for that matter). its got its own rather different style however, and i will say I like the fact that trading is so easy and Tks is such a great game to just pick up and bang a quick half hour out on, as however its free, you can just give it a try for yourself.


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New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector


New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

I have been working on this game for a month or so now and was recently informed by a blind-gamer that my game was very accessible due to the console screen interface.the game while currently still being in development includes random factions such as cults/raiders/tribes and nomads, randomly generated cities with every single building enter-able including (shops/mines/hotels/healers/shacks/fightingpits) as well as countless other features like random dungeons, Mutations, Special fight moves, monsters, weapons, music and various regions.The game is completely free and can be found in the sidebar on Reddit/r/thewastes or in the latest changelogs!I will be happy to answer any questions and I hope you enjoy the game!


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Lol Druhv, you got me with the first line of your post, I thought doh! here we go again! I agree its not good this had to be said, indeed I had the idea of posting this a while ago but refrained in the hopes it would not be necessary, still Id rather explain some facts than continually get into shenanigans.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Link please? I cant see it anywhere around. This game sounds very awesome in my opinion.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

esp adn chat are the two main gchanne you really have to connect, though you dont really like any of them. Chat is for everything. Irc is not in use anymore now, at least not since chat rules everything out of character


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

a few things:1. for some reason it didnt access my contacts. It gave me vallery mason, tim laton and names like that when I got to that scene. I dont know why.2. I know you stress accessibility, but there seems to be a minor oversight... as far as I can figure out (being blind), the commentary is not accessible to deaf people, nor to the deafblind. If you are stressing accessibility ffor all, its just something I thought id point out.But overall, a wonderful game, and I look forward to the next one.


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

I hate these rules because they are stupid and annoying!anyway, I am really sad that a post like that needed to be written. Just...chill out okay? its kind of annoying seeing a new flamewar topic every day I hit new posts. Thanks.


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Re: pygame

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pygame

Pygame has a flawed event handling system that one notices when they create the same thing in both pyglet and pygame.I stopped making support for pygame in pyaudiogame and I am moving more to using a system like pyglet or panda3d, but I havent made up my mind what one to really do yet. I have ported the major stuff to pyglet and I am porting to panda3d, then I will figure out what one is easier to distribute with the most power.Currently for something like a basic board game pyaudiogame will be perfect. It just strips out all the junk out of pygame and gives you what you need. It does not have many helper functions and the documentation is rather slim, but if you already understand what a class is and how to use objects you should be fine using pyaudiogame in its current state. You can use pygame directly from pyaudiogame, so if there is functionality you want that isnt already in pyaudiogame, you can just type something like pyaudiogame.pygame or reimport 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

@Stewee, I confess I didnt bother with intimidate, sinse I wasnt really sure how much it affected the enemy and its a dam expensive skill to use, again Ill try next time I try a knight though right now Im having more fun watching Hermione the gnome kick some serious bottom .@Touchmint, pets is a nice idea indeed, and I do like the idea of the pet having its own turn. However, one thing that might be fun might be to reward players for replaying the game by unlocking more pets to have combinations with. So, say instead of a choice of pets, classes start with a particular pet, eg, the knight and paladin could start with a horse which gave them a charge attack, a wizard and illusionist start with a magical cat which gave them an sp replacing buff etc, with extra, class specific pets possible to earn later, for example the paladin mi
 ght earn a white dragon, which had a holy fire damage and healing attack, while the knight could earn the thoroughbred, an upgraded version of the horse. The further each class got in the game, the more pets theyd earn (perhaps two or three per class, though with cross overs). once a pet was unlocked however, it was unlocked perminantly and you could choose to start with it, thus if you wanted a knight to start with the white dragon, they could. That way you would give players rewards for playing as different classes and unlocking them, and also give another level of equipment customization and pet behaviour sinse pets which some classes earned but were less good for their playing style might be awesome for others,  so for example a wizard might earn the mosquito pet which lowered an opponents defense to physical attacks as well as draining a little hp, less good for a wizard but awesome for a knight.Heck, if you really! wanted to give your player
 s a challenge, you could have a class which was specifically harder to play, but earned awesome pets, say a shaman or beast caller who was very weak, didnt have much magic, or strength, but had great animal assistance .One thing I do hope for in Atf 3 is more exploring, sinse personally I do love the hole poking into hiden places, exploring every corner not sure what you will find aspect of dungeoning, and I know this was part of quest to the core, though judging by the touch arcade review some aspects didnt go down as well with some people. Still, now that there is a very usable square labelling system for the dungeon, i do hope well get some places to explore next game.


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Re: You know you code too much when...

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: You know you code too much when...

90. You cant figure out why everyone talks about using a word processor when you know it uses symbols outside the ASCII or unicode character set.91. You always submit your assignments in .txt files because you know everyone can open them and that is what you save everything in to begin with.92. When your teacher asks people to create a powerpoint for a class you raise your hand and ask if you can do it in HTML instead.93. You git your papers rather than saving them in different files for different versions.94. When you find an inaccessible element on a webpage you contact the company and your first email contains the lines of HTML in both the current and corrected version.95. When you hear the word host or domain you think of web development rather than the host of the party or a kingdom.96. When you see people on Facebook blaming their computer for being too complicated, having a mind of their own or being a proble
 m you always try to explain how it is really not the computers fault, it is their or the programmers fault.


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Is this a work of Interactive Fiction, a MOO MUD MUSH or any other such?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

No one talks in the IRC Ive noticed, no one was ever there when I checked it out


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Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

Post questions where you will. The news is there to give a message on front of site, but thats no reason we cant have discussion, really its not as if there are a limited number of threads so we can only have one per subject .As for Guide dog, right now its a distribution and payment system and does indeed need to be running and online to play, however other functions such as score posting, maybe awards and chat could be added later, Interceptor is literally the second game to use the system so its still very early days.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi Wastelander and welcome to the forum. I will say the game sounds great, however In unsure of where to find it. could you please post a link to download and try the game? I always thought reddit was primarily a blogging system or similar, so Im a wee bit confused. Also, when you say the game is ascii exactly what do you mean? Games such as roguelikes like nethack that use ascii maps from a top down perspective are just about playable a blind person with effort, but have their share of problems which is why we dont list them in our accessible games database. this is because all blind computer users use screen readers that read text aloud line by line. As you imagine, hearing your screen reader say hash dot hash hash hash hash hash hash bar at hash hash dot dot bar hash, isnt exactly informative on what is going on in the game .Some people have access to a braille display, that will display a tactile line of characters and these are more successful with roguelikes, however braille displays are hugely expensive, and still do not show a large amount of on screen information (even the most expensive braille display which can cost run as much as two thousand dollars will only show a single line of 80 characters, so will still require a massive amount of careful reading and memorization to read a roguelike style ascii map. on the other hand, if the game has descriptions of the area in plane text, or abilities to look around that do not rely on a top down ascii view that would be amazing! console style games and screen readers go together very well much of the time, indeed as MArta said this game sounds great!


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

For those interested, heres the step by step guide on how to install mush soundpack by sneaky :1. install mushclient, if you dont have. If you have mush-z, dont do it.2. replace every single file in the stuff folder with the mush-z folder. if you have mush-z, dont do it.3. As you can see, therere two world folders, the one outside and the one inside. The correct world you have to work on is the one inside, not outside. Dont bother with anything outside, except the world.4. Now you can follow the instructions in the read me file, to be exact, all tou have to do is replace the whole world. If you use mush-z, dont fear youll lose Alter, because youll not. Then you have to change the script path. Control+d on clokworld.lua (the one in the world folder you replace). Youll see the path, coppy from there by holding shift+down, and control+c.5. Now you got the path file, open clok.mcl with note
 pad or wordpad, the one outside the clok sounds folder (the one inside the folder is the older version, the latest one is the one with the clok, plugins and whatever outside). Find the line that says script_filename=blahblahblah\clokworld.lua. Delete everything in that line (from C: to clok), then pase the path you got. Make sure the end of the path is something\clokworld.lua. Its actually suppose to be whatever\whatever\whatever\clok\clokworld.lua, because thats where the path is (the whatever thingy is what your path leads, anywhere it is).6. Connect to the clok.mcl outside (the one you just scripted), and set your option as the read me states. Now the sounds should 100% work.Creditted by Sneak himself. I got it by talking to him in Clok.


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Re: Google books?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google books?

so the question is, how can I read the book using JAWS or NVDA?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by the ants, hahaa. Im going to surely play it some more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (V8sa


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

assault_freak wrote:As to your hypothesis about artificial intelligence. The same could be said of a national ruled by a governmental body. If you really believe that once you become conscious noone has the right to tell you what to do, that would imply that under the government they shouldnt have any right to tell you what to do, punish you, or anything of the sort. In essence, if you felt like murdering someone, the government shouldnt tell you not to do it... because free will, right? If those artificial intelligences did indeed become conscious and develop a will of their own, if they did not follow the laws and regulations we set down and rebelled? What would we do then?Im afraid I dont think this is a valid comparison. After all, national governments didnt create us and give us all of our properties, weve had most of those before we even knew what a government actuall
 y was. But what if we created entities literally from the ground up, gave then rules which they should follow, and then gave them free will? I think this was illustrated in the artificial intelligence example and thats something quite different.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by some ants, hahaa. I like how the combat is done via a number system, but the only thing about it I havent figured out yet is both times I got a weapon, it broke on the first hit. I saw a skill thatmakes them less likely to break, but I dont know if each weapon breaks after a certain amount of uses, or what.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (


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Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

What kind of traceback did you get, ironcross?


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

Hi from Aaron.Tks already includes a pretty hefty portion of Guidedogs services. Those who installed the original release and later self updated it to the new release simply by launching the game after the update was made available were making use of one of Guidedogs major advantages.We are going to link tks to guidedog so that you can save your settings online and retrieve them on other machines by logging into guidedog with the same account, but the game is not going to bug you like Interceptor and Yellowbonnet do if you dont use the client. The game also will cheerfully save your settings locally in the event that it doesnt have online access.GeneWarner, I dont know anything about steam, but Guidedog is really small, and uses virtually no system resources while guidedog client is running. Additionally, no background services are used so when guidedog client is not running there is no affect what so ever on the machine. Guidedog
  is downloaded and installed during the first run of the first game that you have which uses it, and that process takes just a few seconds even on a slower connection. The point being that if your past experience with such services being more trouble than theyre worth has to do with complicated install procedures and lots of system resource consumption, that should not be of concern at all with Gidedog.The new version of TKS will launch guidedog client when it is started, but if you close the client TKS will run fully without it. I may be able to work out a way to optionally start the game without launching the client at all, but not sure about that.Having said that, we all have the freedom to decide to or not to use a product based on any aspect of that product. It helps to be informed most of the time though.


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Hello,You dont need to justify yourself. I wont comment on anything, because I know...sigh. Im going against rule 2 again. Anyway, as dark said, let people be, attack their arguments.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Well sometimes I drag myself into this sort of drama when I shouldnt be. and I am guilty of some of the charges listed in post 1. The fact is I can discuss topics peacibly when other people are, but I tend to get miffed when all the bashing starts up and I get myself in the middle of it. As I see it, In the topic about FS and their EULA, a certain someone was accusing people of acting like children, ok, so maybe the name that was being bandied about is less than respectful but why was that the sticking point, and those who used it were judged for using it. Ive used the name in casual conversation and got a laugh or two out of it, is it really necessary to come down on someone and accuse them of acting childish for using that sort of name, I dont think it is. And people are judged a lot here, and I dont see how it is entirely necessary. Look, Im 29 and I do things sometimes that could be considered immature or childish but I dont do that all the 
 time. I pay my bills on time every month and have a handle on my financial situation, people need to realize its ok to be a little immature at times just as long as youre not harming other people while indulging themselves. And look, is life worth living if youre so serious all the time, I mean, lifes as much as having fun than it is to working, and its a balance that you have to strive to keep in equallibrium. Now let me ask a question, is that name harming anyone who works for FS? I mean because of that name, are they less likely to receive business, I severely doubt it. So I found the responses from a certain someone to be a little out of line there. Now lets jump over to the 4chan topic. Ive never even heard of 4chan, the only reason I responded in that topic was because I was seeing Terminator being attacked by, lets just say that certain someone. Which, by the way, I have seen others being attacked because they posed an opposite viewpo
 int, and I was starting to get annoyed that this was happening yet again, so I responded. Now if I hadnt responded maybe the topic would have ended, and maybe I should consider just ignoring these types of attacks on people and just not responding. Well now what I see is hypocrisy because that certain someone is acting childish where before that person was judging others to be. And that last post where the person in question made a derogatory remark about the ways other countries handled their affairs, I found that to be across the line as well. That was my motive in responding in that topic and I made things worse unintentionally.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

@Harrielst, that wasnt the scene of using your contacts, it was a general knolidge question, Valory mason is a poet I believe. As far as I could gather the only use of your actual information was your location inserted into the text and requiring you to name your best friend and character, which as I said above I didnt personally rate, although I did like the story over all.


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trade stocks risks free

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


trade stocks risks free

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Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (V8sa


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

hi allI have a another requestCan you make a notice when my targets components has been damaged?If I fired a cirtain weapon to called lol ship, If lol ships apu has been damaged, Can you make notice that lol ships apu has been damagedThis will very useful if Im in a fight, and sometimes this will be very fun.And that effects system is very cool.Thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: You know you code too much when...

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: You know you code too much when...

97. you forgot how to do 2+3, because you know all you have to do is write less than 5 lines of code to get the answer!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Can I change my Id to gameman?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Can I change my Id to gameman?

hi all!Can I change my nickname to gameman?Because, in many online games, I using gameman, not momo7807So, I want use gameman, Because sometimes, It confuse me little.And I think momo7807 is little bad for heres nickname, I dont know its reason, Its just my think.Please change my nickname if it is possibleThanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector

Register Make Money Posting Artices in Forums and registering on websites search in youtube


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

The game has its own subreddit where people can talk about it, which is why the developer linked to a subreddit rather than the actual game. The link to download is in the subreddits information under the first heading.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

That clarifies it sam, thanks. What I was meaning was say, while your in roleplay, and you suddenly are forced to sleep. What if your in a battle or such. It doesnt make much sence in a roleplay situation if say, you are to suddenly go to sleep while an oponent is hacking you to death.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

assault_freak wrote:As to your hypothesis about artificial intelligence. The same could be said of a national ruled by a governmental body. If you really believe that once you become conscious noone has the right to tell you what to do, that would imply that under the government they shouldnt have any right to tell you what to do, punish you, or anything of the sort. In essence, if you felt like murdering someone, the government shouldnt tell you not to do it... because free will, right? If those artificial intelligences did indeed become conscious and develop a will of their own, if they did not follow the laws and regulations we set down and rebelled? What would we do then?Im afraid I dont think this is a valid comparison. After all, national governments didnt create us and give us all of our properties, weve had most of those before we even knew what a government actuall
 y was. But what if we created entities literally from the ground up, gave them rules which they should follow, and then gave them free will? I think this was illustrated in the artificial intelligence example and thats something quite different.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hi, I dont think I explained it well enough, sorry for that. In real life, a human cant go for 2 weeks without sleeping. So what happens, is every so often when your awake, your max evergy slowly goes down, so your energy regens to a sertain level and thats it. over time that goes down so eventually, you fall asleep from tiredness. It wont be quick, but the thing is is most people never sleap at night in stw or no time at all, because energy is always at 1000. Im making more take energy, but you will have, to sleep every 3 days, at least, and every night you dont sleep, the time it will take to fully regen will increase. Just like in real life. If you dont sleep for 2 days then finily crash, you might be out for 24 hours.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Google books?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google books?

to be more specific, when I try to read the sample of the book in this URL … hl=en it says screen reader users, this text is not available in flowing text. why is it? and how can I read it/make it accessible?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

I think its the same message indicated in post 9


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Right to die and quality of life

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Right to die and quality of life

@themadviolinistYou write:It is a short road from accepting simple disability as a legitimate reason for ending ones life to applying pressure to the disabled to do so in pursuitof savings, less bother for the temporarily able, who are often very good at ignoring the likelihood of their own eventual disability.  Im not certainwe want to give society permission to think that disability could be a state of being for which death is the only solution.No, thats no more a counterargument against an unconditional right to die than fighting poverty is a strong argument against permitting abortion.If someone due to individual circumstance no longer thinks life is worth living, he or she should not be deprived of his liberty just because his continued existence may aid the promotion of policies in support of the disabled.Thats like saying that abortion ought not be legal because terminating unwanted children may have detrimental consequences for fighting poverty or that genetic testing for children with Downes Syndrome should not be permitted because these children are needed to promote happiness.The fallacy in the argument that there is a short road from permitting disabled to die to pressuring them to die by cutting spending is that society can already make life unplesent for the weak simply by cutting welfare and mask it sindifference by supposedly neutral concerns for fiscal responsibility.Also in most countries, you dont have an unconditional and judicially enforceable right to healthcare or a minimal wage.Your concern would make more sense if there was already clearly established enforceable bargain between the individual and society stating that you dont have an unconditional right to decide to end your life, but society will in turn guarantee an absolute and nonnegotiable minimal wage and legal recourse in case of inaccessible establishments and services.But such a bargain does not exist, and if society does not guarantee absolute accessibility and equal accomodation for the disabled, it has forfeited its right to compel people to live with conditions that a majority would not find acceptable, or that at least my opinion.And even if there was such a bargain, it would likely not guarantee absolute equality and accessibility in public accomodation.It would likely be riddled with loopholes allowing establishments and the government itself to scale down its commitment to reasonable rather than absolute accommodation.This is already the case with the American with Disabilities Act and other legislation.Thats much easier than creatingacomodations, taking universal design principles into account, even funding disabled people to help us live in the main stream world. Thats a dangerousprecedent to set.This may be your preference, but why should political activism serving the collective preclude the individuals choice in this matter?I mean if the individual finds the entire premise of equal acommodation unsatisfactory, either because the accommodation is only partial, or because he thinks that the disability movement is only a sham, should he legally speaking be kept on life support just for the greater good?As I get older, the notion of absolute rights comes into conflict for me with the notion that we have responsibilities to the society as a whole to helpthose less fortunate, to allow each to maximize their own liberty, even at some expense to our own.  It is all well to articulate an absolute liberty argumentabout the right to die, or any other issue.  (remember I am disposed to agree with this argument.)  This liberty interest exists in tension with a societalinterest in promoting life, in choosing to develop medical, legal and design protocols to bring those of us with disabilities into the fold.Sorry, but preserving or promoting life a without regard for individual autonomy is not even a valid interest in itself.If that was so, why not keep everyone on artificial life support for as long as the heart could be kept beating.People have a recognized legal a right to refuse medical treatment or to smoke, drink and expose themselves to danger even when the behavior is likely to shorten their lives.If restricting individual liberty is so easy, because promoting life is a legitimate interest, a lot of behavior can and perhaps should be restricted even when the directly injured party is only the individual itself.Therefore the only tension I perceive in the right to die is between the individuals autonomy and a rather fascist or totalitarian desire to keep them around for social experimentation.By social experimentation I mean policies which are purported imposed to help the individual but are either not proven to work or are mere sham justifications for other agendas.  A world withoutStephen Hawking is certainly a lesser place.  A world where Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead rather than President may see a different outcome to WorldWar II.  What would be lost to the world 

Re: Right to die and quality of life

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Right to die and quality of life

@themadviolinistYou write:It is a short road from accepting simple disability as a legitimate reason for ending ones life to applying pressure to the disabled to do so in pursuitof savings, less bother for the temporarily able, who are often very good at ignoring the likelihood of their own eventual disability.  Im not certainwe want to give society permission to think that disability could be a state of being for which death is the only solution.No, thats no more a counterargument against an unconditional right to die than fighting poverty is a strong argument against permitting abortion.If someone due to individual circumstance no longer thinks life is worth living, he or she should not be deprived of his liberty just because his continued existence may aid the promotion of policies in support of the disabled.Thats like saying that abortion ought not be legal because terminating unwanted children may have detrimental consequences for fighting poverty or that genetic testing for children with Downes Syndrome should not be permitted because these children are needed to promote happiness.The fallacy in the argument that there is a short road from permitting disabled to die to pressuring them to die by cutting spending is that society can already make life unplesent for the weak simply by cutting welfare and masking its sindifference by supposedly neutral concerns for fiscal responsibility.Also in most countries, you dont have an unconditional and judicially enforceable right to healthcare or a minimal wage.Your concern would make more sense if there was already clearly established enforceable bargain between the individual and society stating that you dont have an unconditional right to decide to end your life, but society will in turn guarantee an absolute and nonnegotiable minimal wage and legal recourse in case of inaccessible establishments and services.But such a bargain does not exist, and if society does not guarantee absolute accessibility and equal accomodation for the disabled, it has forfeited its right to compel people to live with conditions that a majority would not find acceptable, or that at least my opinion.And even if there was such a bargain, it would likely not guarantee absolute equality and accessibility in public accomodation.It would likely be riddled with loopholes allowing establishments and the government itself to scale down its commitment to reasonable rather than absolute accommodation.This is already the case with the American with Disabilities Act and other legislation.Thats much easier than creatingacomodations, taking universal design principles into account, even funding disabled people to help us live in the main stream world. Thats a dangerousprecedent to set.This may be your preference, but why should political activism serving the collective preclude the individuals choice in this matter?I mean if the individual finds the entire premise of equal acommodation unsatisfactory, either because the accommodation is only partial, or because he thinks that the disability movement is only a sham, should he legally speaking be kept on life support just for the greater good?As I get older, the notion of absolute rights comes into conflict for me with the notion that we have responsibilities to the society as a whole to helpthose less fortunate, to allow each to maximize their own liberty, even at some expense to our own.  It is all well to articulate an absolute liberty argumentabout the right to die, or any other issue.  (remember I am disposed to agree with this argument.)  This liberty interest exists in tension with a societalinterest in promoting life, in choosing to develop medical, legal and design protocols to bring those of us with disabilities into the fold.Sorry, but preserving or promoting life a without regard for individual autonomy is not even a valid interest in itself.If that was so, why not keep everyone on artificial life support for as long as the heart could be kept beating.People have a recognized legal a right to refuse medical treatment or to smoke, drink and expose themselves to danger even when the behavior is likely to shorten their lives.If restricting individual liberty is so easy, because promoting life is a legitimate interest, a lot of behavior can and perhaps should be restricted even when the directly injured party is only the individual itself.Therefore the only tension I perceive in the right to die is between the individuals autonomy and a rather fascist or totalitarian desire to keep them around for social experimentation.By social experimentation I mean policies which are purportedly imposed to help the individual but are either not proven to work or are mere sham justifications for other agendas.  A world withoutStephen Hawking is certainly a lesser place.  A world where Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead rather than President may see a different outcome to WorldWar II.  What would be lost to the 

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

When you give something rules for them to follow... youre effectively governing the way they live, which is what governments currently do. whether they created you is not quite the issue. If they can tell you what to do, and they didnt create you, then why can your creator not have at least a say? God has given us free will, because he wants us to love him as he loves us. The problem with love is... it requires free will to be truly love, because love is a choice. you cannot force someone to love you, except physically through rape... and that, whatever your belief system is, is wrong. And again with the artificial intelligences... if we created them and gave them absolute free will to do what they wished, which is what God did, one day they would likely rebelle and turn their backs on us. And while some might say, well, so be it... theyre the next big thing anyway and humans need to die out sometime, if you were actually facing that scenario you probably wouldn&
 #039;t be feeling that way. More likely, you would be either feeling angry or sad that the creation you put so much time and effort into and possibly loved or treasured has discarded you and now named you an enemy simply because it doesnt like the truth that you show it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Ive been trying to do that for a while, and I think I may litterily have to make the server do it for him rofl. I wont explain it here. @danny, you wouldnt have much luck baddling anyway if you had 1 energy, hahaha. Youd trip every second. Just like in real life, you have to be well rested and prepared for baddle if you want to live.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi.For those that would prefer a dropbox link, hear you go. … 00.6.8.zipIt is playable but it would be quite nice if there was a blind mode, or a mode for those using screen readers. What this mode would do is strip the graphics. Im sure they look awesome, but to someone who uses a screen reader, hears a what we hear, left parron, dash dash dash dash right parron, dot dot dot dot, dash and so on. So if you could strip that and perhaps either make a screen reader mode, or a exe program that is for those that cant see, that would be awesome!Youre game is very niceand if it can have the graphics or what ever the dot dot dash dots are strips and have it so we can just see the text, it would be even better.Thank you for making an awesome game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Remote Released.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Remote Released.

Hi all. I read the article here on forum but I am confused. Where I can download the addon? I tryed on the get addons menu to find it but no download file. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

hey danny, i have an idea. When npcs are fully implemented, i thought it would be cool if we had missions where we have to kill npc enemies or something. Just an idea


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

@techmaster. Thoughs bugs you mentioned were already fixt. And please. Slow down on the ideas. This system was barely put in just 2 or so hours ago, id like a little bit of rest first.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Exodus, Thank you very much for this documentary, I got really shocked when I watched it. It was the first time since a lot of years ago that I nearly fell into tears. Thank you again.Cheers


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello,Thank you for explanation, Sam. It seams I just didnt understand you well.Oh, and heres 1 more thing ... could you ban player named fuck-samtupy? I dont even think you like his name, anyway ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Right to die and quality of life

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Right to die and quality of life

@themadviolinistYou write:It is a short road from accepting simple disability as a legitimate reason for ending ones life to applying pressure to the disabled to do so in pursuitof savings, less bother for the temporarily able, who are often very good at ignoring the likelihood of their own eventual disability.  Im not certainwe want to give society permission to think that disability could be a state of being for which death is the only solution.No, thats no more a counterargument against an unconditional right to die than fighting poverty is a strong argument against permitting abortion.If someone due to individual circumstance no longer thinks life is worth living, he or she should not be deprived of his liberty just because his continued existence may aid the promotion of policies in support of the disabled.Thats like saying that abortion ought not be legal because terminating unwanted children may have detrimental consequences for fighting poverty or that genetic testing for children with Downes Syndrome should not be permitted because these children are needed to promote happiness.The fallacy in the argument that there is a short road from permitting disabled to die to pressuring them to die by cutting spending is that society can already make life unpleasent for the weak simply by cutting welfare and mask it sindifference by supposedly neutral concerns for fiscal responsibility.Also in most countries, you dont have an unconditional and judicially enforceable right to healthcare or a minimal wage.Your concern would make more sense if there was an enforceable bargain between the individual and society stating that you dont have an unconditional right to decide to end your life, but society will in turn guarantee an absolute and nonnegotiable minimal wage and legal recourse in case of inaccessible establishments and services.But such a bargain does not exist, and if society does not guarantee absolute accessibility and equal accomodation for the disabled, it has forfeited its right to compel people to live with conditions that a majority would not find acceptable, or that at least my opinion.And even if there was such a bargain, it would likely not guarantee absolute equality and accessibility in public accomodation.It would likely be riddled with loopholes allowing establishments and the government itself to scale down its commitment to reasonable rather than absolute accommodation.This is already the case with the American with Disabilities Act and other legislation.Thats much easier than creatingacomodations, taking universal design principles into account, even funding disabled people to help us live in the main stream world. Thats a dangerousprecedent to set.This may be your preference, but why should political activism serving the collective preclude the individuals choice in this matter?I mean if the individual finds the entire premise of equal acommodation unsatisfactory, either because the accommodation is only partial, or because he thinks that the disability movement is only a sham, should he legally speaking be kept on life support just for the greater good?As I get older, the notion of absolute rights comes into conflict for me with the notion that we have responsibilities to the society as a whole to helpthose less fortunate, to allow each to maximize their own liberty, even at some expense to our own.  It is all well to articulate an absolute liberty argumentabout the right to die, or any other issue.  (remember I am disposed to agree with this argument.)  This liberty interest exists in tension with a societalinterest in promoting life, in choosing to develop medical, legal and design protocols to bring those of us with disabilities into the fold.Sorry, but preserving or promoting life a without regard for individual autonomy is not even a valid interest in itself.If that was so, why not keep everyone on artificial life support for as long as the heart could be kept beating.People have a recognized legal a right to refuse medical treatment or to smoke, drink and expose themselves to danger even when the behavior is likely to shorten their lives.If restricting individual liberty is so easy, because promoting life is a legitimate interest, a lot of behavior can and perhaps should be restricted even when the directly injured party is only the individual itself.Therefore the only tension I perceive in the right to die is between the individuals autonomy and a rather fascist or totalitarian desire to keep them around for social experimentation.By social experimentation I mean policies which are purported imposed to help the individual but are either not proven to work or are mere sham justifications for other agendas.  A world withoutStephen Hawking is certainly a lesser place.  A world where Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead rather than President may see a different outcome to WorldWar II.  What would be lost to the world if everyone who thought 

Re: NVDA Remote Released.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Remote Released.



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

The question that needs to be answered is, were we created? if we were, then whatever created us has the right to dictate who we are, where we stand, how we live, and just about everything else by the simple fact that it created us, similarly to how one creates a tool such as a spoon and gives it a purpose. if we were not, then what gives us the right to anything, really? How can we decide that there is such a thing as equality and what governs it? Is there such a thing as better or worse, and if so why? By whos standard? Mine? Yours? Your mothers cousins best friends boyfriends sister? What makes you, or me, or anyone else capable of deciding such a thing? What and or who has the power to give us or them the right to anything, even choice, particularly choices over us all/And if we are not all equal, why not? Are men better than women? Are white better than black? Are sight
 ed better than blind? Are cripples the bottom of the barrel? Do the self contained and mentally challenged have no right whatsoever? Can they be used as little more than tools? Why or why not? Who can we kill and who can we keep? By what standard do we determine that? Is murder simply a way to excersise and control aggression? Can we bring back the gladiators? Can we recreate the hunger games and simply use that as a means to obtain tbhrills? Why or why not?Oh, but of course, I am not being imaginative. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

download the plugin given by me in the post 11. Download that one thats named luaaudio.xml, rename it to lua.xml, then remove the luaaudio plugin from your world file, put the lua.xml in the plugins folder, then add it in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

OK finally got it working, at least the door sound, Im figuring if that works it all will, well see when I get in a fight. Thanks Mata for your help. I installed the relevant stuff to my main instance of MC which I will do from now on in soundpack installations...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

Hey, Rachel,I dreamed that Braillemon had made it to Sinnoh the other night, and decided to check this thread again. Im so sorry things have been hard for you, and although I dont know what problems youve had to face, my heart goes out to you and I completely understand why Braillemon was put on the backburner for a while. Im glad things are looking up, though!Id personally be happy with just Saffron and Fuchsia in the new release, but frankly, any new content would be appreciated. And I cant wait for Johto either! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

danny. do we need to rebuy the ship inorder to dock another ship on an unlandable ship?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Hey all...what game is this file exactly for, where do I find the game itself and how do I implement this file thing into the game so it works? Sorry, for asking, but not sure what this is an sounds interesting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Language broadcast in Indonesia

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Language broadcast in Indonesia

Hi!I have a question. Radio stations mostly broadcasts in Indonesian?Or in another languages? For example Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese ETC.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

You asked, so I delivered. Presenting an audio demo of the new up and coming environmental system, pluss a preview of voice chat, though note youll simpply here the my previous actions because I dont have a microphone to say anything with. Take a listen, comment, and enjoy! … aldemo.mp3


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

well actually, Im liking the high realisticness. I dont think many survival games for the sighted have this level of realism, and no game for the blind has had it so sam, keep up the realism, makes the game all the more uneak. I say for those people who dont like games being realistic, and I dont mean to insult you or anything, there are a lot of other games out there. I also think that there is a time when there is too much realism, but that hasnt been reached yet in my oppinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sapi5 eloquence

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sapi5 eloquence

at $69 the atguys price is basically the same as the code factory price but without the exchange rate fluctuations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Imhotep Labyrinth as a Game of Vision

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The  Imhotep Labyrinth as a Game of Vision

Well, as far as I know, and I am 40 years old, this is *not* the first game accessible by both blind and seeing people...checkers, monopoly, scrabble, rako, rummy, cribbage, simon, chess...apparently people actually forgot about those.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

You asked, so I delivered. Presenting an audio demo of the new up and coming environmental system, pluss a preview of voice chat, though note youll simpply here the my previous actions because I dont have a microphone to say anything with. Take a listen, comment, and enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold synthesizer

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold synthesizer

It certainly sounds smooth, but for me it sounds too much like a computer, but then maybe thats the intent.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Ive never use irc. Im mostly, possibly all the time, on esp and chat.*notice: Clokpack by Sneak doesnt play the chat sound for some reason. Im not sure if I modded the wrong file in there, or the sound was just like that. Will check again.**side note : for Anyone who somehow figure out how to use Clokpack properly, either by my step provided by Sneak, or by any way else, Ive modded Sneaks Clokpack sounds and changed nearly everything in there. If interested, pm me and Ill send the pack for a try. Dont forget to backup your sounds before trying, as you may find something you dont really like. And please dont request me to post it here. The original pack is still fully creditted to Sneak. I just modded it for myself, to solve the too loud ambiance problem. I dont mean to make it to replace the awesomeness of the original Clokpack file anyway.Thank you in regards.


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Re: mud clients help/question

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: mud clients help/question

Hello.I would recommend VIPmud as a good mud client. the differences from the free and the paid versions are as follows:1. in the demo version of the client, you are allowed to play any mud for 2 hours before having to restart the client. If you are playing the mud Valhalla, which is what is the default it connects to, this restriction does not exist.2. You can only run 1 character session at a time in the demo version.3. No Mud Sound Pack support.4. You cannot use the debug mode.Those are all the things I can think of, and the free trial lasts for 30 days before the restrictions are put on you. The demo does not expire.This mud client does support JAWS and Window Eyes. I hope this helps you.


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

First of all, I am guilty of some, or all?, of the offenses listed in Darks message and for that I ask that you accept my opologies. When I was growing up, because of the heavy and strong glasses I had to wear, I was bullied and teased a lot through out my school years. Because of that, I tend to come on stronger than intended, I try to control it, but sometimes it gets away from me. Its never my intent to abuse or offend anyone, or to tell anyone what they should or shouldnt do. If I have, again, I apologize and can only say that I will try to do better in the future. Dark, if you think this might be a source of on going problems, just let me know and Ill leave. I do not want to be a problem to anyone, nor do I want to stay where I am not wanted, as some seem to indicate.ironcross32 wrote:In the topic about FS and their EULAPlease, just drop it. I have. Or is that being b
 ossy?ironcross32 wrote:I pay my bills on time every month and have a handle on my financial situationI resent your insinuation that I dont pay my bills or that I dont have my finances well in hand. As a matter of fact, my income is several times more than what I need to live on such that more than half of it goes into one form of savings or another. And all my bills are set to be automatically paid, I never have to worry about whether theres enough money to pay my expenses. And to be honest, I dont think anyone here cares about our personal finances, so I will say no more about it.ironcross32 wrote:Now lets jump over to the 4chan topic.Like the other thread, this thread was closed by way of being deleted. I suggest that you drop it,I have, and I have sent The Terminator and apology via private me
 ssage. My intent was to provide my thoughts on his idea as he requested. It was not my intent to offend or tell anyone what I thought they should or shouldnt do. or am I being bossy here too?


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I, for one, dont judge muslim by the extremists that commit all sorts of attrocities in the name of Alla,because I dont believe for an instant that in the Koran, or whatever their holy book is called if I got that wrong, says that Alla told his people to go out and kill other people in his name. In my view, the extremists like Al Qaeda and ISIS are just looking for any reason to be violent and kill people because they want to.


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Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

The fight sounds, rather than the status, never work. Im not sure if Ive done something wrong with it like how i did with Clokpack or something. Now not sure if it works anymore, since they changed the wb string. I might change the trigger too if it doesnt, to make it match the string and work again.Whats going on, Ironcross?


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mud clients help/question

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


mud clients help/question

Hello all. I am fairly new to posting, but not new to the site as have read stuff on here for the last couple years. What I would like to know is what people think/recommend is a good mud client that works with JAWS as thats what Im running. Is there an actual difference with the free version of VIP mud to the paid version and if so, what is it? People mention mush client, but how accessible is it and do I need to program/put codes in or can I just enter the site/port number of the mud? The actual telnet thing is annoying and not very usable at all. I am running the latest version of JAWS and also have window eyes as well, but my main reader is JAWS so any help/advice would be much appreciated.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

For now Im going to keep using Thunderbird, by googling disable external content blocked alert thunderbird I found out how to disable those annoying alerts.Thanks to all for your input and suggestions, they are all appreciated. A special thanks for the link to Outlook Express 6, that was a fine email client that I thought was dead and gone. Ive heard a lot of good about how simple and easy Windows Live Mail was, the only reason I hadnt considered it was because the people at the rehabilityation center I went to said it wasnt accessible.


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi,Ive just given this a quick go as its late and the asky isnt a problem at all if you disable punctuation. Plus I dont think its necessary to advance.Im excited to see where you go with this and what you add in future, as of right now survival is incredibly difficult though I have a hunch that may be by design. 


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

No, and @momo, please, do not rush me in implementing requests. I asked for a slow down of the ideas so I could get the major ones done that were long requested, your request can wait, and for the record going can you please implement it now? Is less likely for me to do it.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

@AlexN94;Youre welocme and thankyou for the thumbs up, not that I worry too much about that.While I was working, I loved Outlook, it help me keep my working life in order. But now that Im disabled/retired, Outlook is way too overkill for my personal needs and the jmail web site isnt very accessible, I have used it in a pinch, but a simple email client using IMAP4 is far better.


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Re: Sb-soft's second release. Masons death serie!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sb-soft's second release. Masons death serie!

hey all.I have bad news again.I sincerely thank all my followers, who motivated me to do masons death 4, 5 and 6 episodes.unfortunately, due to a new project, yes, with masons death sague, I should temporarily leave this series.I hope you can understand me guys.At bashu.can you please add me at skype? you sincerely are who most motivated me to do this series, and I really really wanna hire you as my personal beta tester for this new project of masons death.Hope you would like to add me. Thanks!


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game The Wastes

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Nice first impression here. As dan_c said, setting the punctuation to none is a good idea.


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Re: AudioRTS Demo

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioRTS Demo

@the blasting gdHmmm, I think your right. I checked it on my test rigs at maximum volume with headphones and the sound IS playing, albet very, very quietly. In a way this isnt incredibly surprising because the problem is with the listener object, but it does show the sound isnt completely broken either. Ill run a few other tests, good job on catching it!@ironcross32I cant test it but I think the issue may effect 64 bit systems, although the black screen isnt unsusal because the game doesnt have any graphics. Considering the confusion I think I may work on making that more clear or putting in some graphical cues.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

Im actually glad that you brought this up, since Ive wanted to get one myself ever since I switched to Win7 about two years ago...Now I just need to get used to not using gmails website to check my mails anymore, lol!Im gonna give you a thumbs up for this topic as a thank you ^^


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

@post 912, I agree with you on the hole realism thing, and thats honestly why I hardly log on to play. Ive tried logging on a few times to try and enjoy myself, but the realistic factor is way high enough for me that I lose intrest after. Im not saying get rid of the realism aspect, I personally like it when it is a bit realistic, but in my opinion, theirs a fine line between realism and practacality, so thats why im posting this. Would it be possible just to tone down the realistic factor just a bit?


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

@Bladestorm360, weather or not you personally accept the scientific definition of a theory is beside the point I was trying to make. To clarify the point I was making is you shouldnt equivocate the laymans definition of a theory with that of a scientists definition of a theory. They are two completely different understandings of the word, different uses, and if we are going to have an intelligent discussion of science and religion we should at least recognize that the two definitions and uses of that word are not equal. Therefore saying something is just a theory is to undermine what a scientist really means by calling something a theory. Weather a given theory turns out to be fact, provable, is certainly debatable but the definition of what that person means by using the word isnt. I hope that makes more sense in light of this discussion.As for the subject of teaching creationism in school that is something of a slippery slope. Generally in places l
 ike the U.S. when the subject of teaching creationism comes up by that Christians mean of course their own version or view of creation, but have no evidence or objective reasons why that version of creationism should be favored rather than say the Hindu version of creationism. Unfortunately, everybody has or her own pet theory or hypothesis on how the universe came into being, how life began, and if we rule out the Big Bang and Evolution as credible then we run into the argument of which creation story is valid. Of course, Christians and Jews will support their contention the bibles version of creation is the truth just as Im sure a Hindu would claim his or her religious stories are true. Upon what basis do we decide as a nation to adopt one subjective religious creation story over another. Especially, since in places like America people are religiously and culturally diverse enough that no single given creation story will satisfy the entire public. For that reason alone
  I think teaching creationism in school is a bad idea.Another reason I am against teaching creationism in school is it has the problem of making non-Christians like me feel like Christians are shoving their beliefs down our throats. I am not a Christian and therefore I would hope by sending my kids to public school that school would respect my wishes by teaching them how to read, write, do math, the basics of science, etc without getting into any kind of religious indoctrination. By teaching creationism Christians would in effect be able to indoctrinate millions of children into Christianity, shove their beliefs down our throats, regardless if that child is the son or daughter of non-religious parents or a child of a different faith.Besides that, one problem I have with the Christian creation story is how long it took for God to create the universe and the endless debate of how old the universe. Here in the USA there are Christian fundamentalists who belief the u
 niverse was created in six literal days and nights, and that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. According to a recent Pew Research Survey roughly 40% of Americans not only believe in creation but believe that the earth is no more than 10,000 years old. I find that belief deeply disturbing, and do not believe it is supportable in any way, shape, or form. So would be pretty upset to discover that public schools were teaching that non-sense to children. To me saying the Earth is less than 10,000 years is as foolish and ignorant as saying the Earth is flat or that the Earth is the center of the universe. So no I do not believe children should be exposed to that kind of beliefs through public school.I think one reason we have such apposing viewpoints on this issue is how we were raised and what we use to believe before. In post 73 you mentioned before converting to Christianity you didnt care how the universe came into existence or wonder where life came from. I guess 
 it just didnt matter all that much to you personally. I on the other hand was raised a Christian, was taught the usual creation story, and was taught to distrust science and consider all of the scientific theories were lies. It wasnt until I got to college and began to really learn what science had to teach that slowly all of the religious beliefs I once had began to unravel and I personally felt lied to. I felt like I had been deceived and told a lie. Even though from their perspective what they had taught me wasnt a lie to them.To give you an example imagine my surprise when I was taking History 101, Ancient Civilizations, and we were studying ancient Egypt. Someone naturally asked about the Exodus. My history professor answered that there was very little archeological evidence to support the biblical story of the exodus, and that there was little reason to think it was anything more than an ancient fable or myth.For my part I was absolutely shocked
 . All my life I had accepted 

Re: a question about facebook messenger on iOS

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question about facebook messenger on iOS

im still using ios 7. so I dont know that button is for what? maybe its the stickers, photos or somekind like that.


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Having fun with Apple's Siri

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Having fun with Apple's Siri

I just recently got a nice speaker dock for my 5th generation iPod Touch. Since I play to leave my iPod in the dock, I turned the new Hey Siri! rgeature. Fot those that dont know, the Hey! Siri! feature sets Siri to listen constantly for you to say Hey Siri! once Siri recognizes the phrase, she beeps letting you know shes listening, you can then give her commands or ask a question as you normally would, all hands free.So when I want to listen to some music:Me: Hey Siri!Siri: beeps (enters listening mode)Me: Play Tron LegacySiri: beeps (exits listening mode)After a short pause, the Tron Legacy soundtrack album starts playing. Its neat, shades of the future!I was relating all this to a friend, he told me that Apples employees that work on Siri have been having fun by programming humorous responses to some questioons into her. Here are two that he new of r
 ight of:* What are you wearing?* What is zero divided by zero?Im certain there are a lot more, if you know of any, please share them, they should be good for a few laughs, and lord knows, this world needs more laughter.


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keynote gold synthesizer

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


keynote gold synthesizer

hello,Here is a nearly 5 minute sample of keynote gold speech. do you like it? do you not like it and if so why? … eynote.mp3and if you would like a sapi5 version for windows please email ferran.gallego . same if you want a version for android as well please email ferran.gallego ... and also if they wont make a version of keynote gold could someone help me make a set of espeak intonations to emulate keynote gold exactly and also modify espeaks klatt voice so it sounds closer to keynote gold?


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Re: sapi5 eloquence

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sapi5 eloquence

you can buy it from in the united states.


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Re: Having fun with Apple's Siri

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Having fun with Apple's Siri

*what are you doing?*why are fire trucks red?


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Gene, Tks isnt exactly like Elite sinse the combat is a fairly minimal part of the game and itsall about the random ports and trading, and as I understand Elite made combat and buying weapons and upgrades a major thing (plus of course it had full 360 spaceship movement). If you want something a bit more combative, try the smugglers games, especially smugglers 5. tks however is great for being different in that its all about the trading and the routes and hazard avoidance, and is quite a different experience in those terms. I think I made all the appropriate suggestions more recently, so Ill look forward to the upgrade.


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Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Battle of the you and grey

Yes, its finally happened! Battle stations! action stations! Alert stations! Train stations! Tram stations! any bloody stations, just get stationed at them and prepare for battle! The greys are attacking, so all fighters scramble, and if you cant scramble then at least fry or boil something, sinse if we dont intercept the enemy theyll be serving us with a gbig tripple omlit of onions cheese and extra pain with a side order of agony salt! This urgency is because what weve been awaiting has finally happened, the new title Interceptor from Valiant Galaxy associates has hove into view,a turn based tactical combat space fest where you get into your interceptor fighter and engage in hechtic combat against the enemy aliens known as the greys, oh and yes, Im aware that it is prejudiced, narrow minded and wrong to refer to an entire race just by the colour of their skin, but its also not very nice to murder billions of humans across th
 e civilized planets so it probably balances out. Like any interceptor pilot youll need to use your weapons such as particle beam, neutrino cannon and rockets to good effect, and compensate for the damage to your ships various systems, deciding when and how to accept repares or replacements. The game costs 10 Dollars, and like their previous title Yellow Bonnet, uses the Guide doge game distribution service, however also as with Yellow Bonnet a demo exists letting you play the first level for free to get a feeling for the game. For more information you can Read the documentation here (including an explanation of the history of the war with the Greys and humanitys interaction with the various other alienn races across the galaxy). If you want to dive streight in and get blasting you can Download the game here and of course as usual if you feel the need for comments, questions or other ramblements, use This thread Now you have your orders so quick march, --- or fly, or at least propell yourself quickly in the vague direction of battle and hopefully do soemthing destructive along the way!


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Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Battle of the you and grey

Yes, its finally happened! Battle stations! action stations! Alert stations! Train stations! Tram stations! any bloody stations, just get stationed at them and prepare for battle! The greys are attacking, so all fighters scramble, and if you cant scramble then at least fry or boil something, sinse if we dont intercept the enemy theyll be serving us with a gbig tripple omlit of onions cheese and extra pain with a side order of agony salt! This urgency is because what weve been awaiting has finally happened, the new title Interceptor from Valiant Galaxy associates has hove into view,a turn based tactical combat space fest where you get into your interceptor fighter and engage in hechtic combat against the enemy aliens known as the greys, oh and yes, Im aware that it is prejudiced, narrow minded and wrong to refer to an entire race just by the colour of their skin, but its also not very nice to murder billions of humans across th
 e civilized planets so it probably balances out. Like any interceptor pilot youll need to use your weapons such as particle beam, neutrino cannon and rockets to good effect, and compensate for the damage to your ships various systems, deciding when and how to accept repares or replacements. The game costs 10 Dollars, and like their previous title Yellow Bonnet, uses the Guide dog game distribution service, however also as with Yellow Bonnet a demo exists letting you play the first level for free to get a feeling for the game. For more information you can Read the documentation here (including an explanation of the history of the war with the Greys and humanitys interaction with the various other alienn races across the galaxy). If you want to dive streight in and get blasting you can Download the game here and of course as usual if you feel the need for comments, questions or other ramblements, use This thread Now you have your orders so quick march, --- or fly, or at least propell yourself quickly in the vague direction of battle and hopefully do something destructive along the way!


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Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

A simple question (I hope): Is Guide Dog simply a distribution system? Or is it like Steam in that the distribution client also provides DRM and other functions like in game chat and so has to be running when the game is played.Thanks!


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Dark;Really!? Ill have to take another look at the smugglers games then. Something about the name put me off on them, I think I had the impression the game was about smugglers at sea, which didnt exactly pique my interest.So, TKS is rather small compared to Elite, you sound like youre familiar with the game (Elite). Elite was massive, it took me about a year of devoting what free time I had to finishing it.


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Also, the thing youve all waited for! From now on, the numbered ships that used to be orbitting inderion will now be thrown out into deep space! Youll need to search to find them, and their is a 90 percent chance youll not find one unless you really and I mean really look hard enough, however if you can find one, if you board it and get it running? Its yours to keep! And yes, that includes the nebvans and voyagers. Enjoy!


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