Re: Need help about my phone again

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help about my phone again

@8 You have done this in 2018, or whenever that battery program was available because of a fault in iOS 11 I think that was. Apple did a battery replacement program for 30 dollars instead of 80 for this iOS11 bug that affected the batteries. However normally batteries cost 80 dollars if you do it officially. You can find many copies and high copies but I don't recommend opening your phone in any place other than an official retailer or Apple store, since they do really steel parts, it did happen in my experience with iPhone 5S. I think they have stolen my processor or something, because my battery back then was swollen to the point that it popped the screen out,, and after I replaced it in one of these unofficial places since the phone was old anyway, it got totally damaged and started going in restart loops very frequently, until it stopped working at all, and before it did after only a 2 months usage the battery was damaged, and the screen started to pop out again.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

@82 I am not really sure, I've read studies where they said that the antibodies disappear but it could be very possible too that your theory is right. However the result is the same at the end, by the time we vaccinate new people, the old vaccines will be outdated and we will not reach the required percentage for the herd immunity.On the other hand, remember that not everyone was taking the flue shots and effectively we did not need too, because the death rate of flue is very low, and the production wouldn't be enough even if everyone wanted to take it, but in the flue case that was never a problem while in the COVID case that will be a big one until the virus weakens, or we're magically able to produce a massive number of shots to cover a great percentage of the world.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

I actually can see both sides of the debate, however as pointed out in post 77 Ghost has serious problems accepting to lose an argument, and alters his ideas many times then he never accepts to admit that he lost a particular point, and rather try to defend it to death. So that is not the best way of presenting anything. I've had similar experience with him in another topic.I do agree that in biology things often are kind of deceiving and there is always more and more new and surprising things that scientists discover about the human body every day. So if the question is simply which one to take, and both are available I wouldn't choose the totally new method just for the fear of the unknown. But if I have no other choice I would take Pfizer as we are in a pandemic, and any protection is better than 0 protection, even if it has a slight risk of long-term side effects.I think that's what Ghost was originally saying, but I have no idea how the topic evolved like that lol.IMO the problem now is bigger than the side effects because the tests that were conducted showed very clearly that it is very safe, at least short-term. nonetheless, the question here is whether the vaccine will really do what scientists intended it to do, (create the herd immunity).And sadly many factors are showing that it won't, because first of all the antibodies are disappearing within 6 months, I am lazy to dig up links now but if you google it you will find plenty. My friend who lives in US actually caught Covid  twice, and needed hospital in both times in a period of 7 months. Yes this will protect the lucky people who will take it right now, but by the time we can produce vaccine for the other non-vaccinated this protection will be gone and thus again we won't have the required percentage of vaccinated people.Another important point to consider is the mutations, until now it is not clear if the vaccine will be effective on the new UK/South Africa mutation, which might very likely be present in other countries as well but just not yet discovered. In general, this is very clearly going to be like the flue shots, so it will need to be updated every year. I think our only hope right now that these currently available vaccines save the most vulnerable people, until the virus mutates to something weak and become like the flue.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

I actually can see both sides of the debate, however as pointed out in post 77 Ghost has serious problems accepting to lose an argument, and alters his ideas many times then he never accepts to admit that he lost a particular point, and rather try to defend it to death. So that is not the best way of presenting anything. I've had similar experience with him in another topic.I do agree that in biology things often are kind of deceiving and there is always more and more new and surprising things that scientists discover about the human body every day. So if the question is simply which one to take, and both are available I wouldn't choose the totally new method just for the fear of the unknown. But if I have no other choice I would take Pfizer as we are in a pandemic, and any protection is better than 0 protection, even if it has a slight risk of long-term side effects.I think that's what Ghost was originally saying, but I have no idea how the topic evolved like that lol.IMO the problem now is bigger than the side effects because the tests that were conducted showed very clearly that it is very safe, at least short-term. nonetheless, the question here is whether the vaccine will really do what scientists intended it to do, (create the herd immunity).And sadly many factors are showing that it won't, because first of all the antibodies are disappearing within 6 months, I am lazy to dig up links now but if you google it you will find plenty. My friend who lives in US actually caught Covid  twice, and needed hospital in both times in a period of 7 months. Yes this will protect the lucky people who will take it right now, but by the time we can produce vaccine for the other non-vaccinated this protection will be gone and thus again we won't have the required percentage of vaccinated people.Another important point to consider is the mutations, until now it is not clear if the vaccine will be effective in the new UK/South Africa mutation, which might very likely be present in other countries as well but just not yet discovered. In general, this is very clearly going to be like the flue shots, so it will need to be updated every year. I think our only hope right now that these currently available vaccines save the most vulnerable people, until the virus mutates to something weak and become like the flue.


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Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

I never ever heard it yanny and I wonder how could anyone hear it anything other than loral, that's too obvious lol.On a side note, that reminds me since I was in a regular school, around 2014 I think, there was a similar visual debate about someone's dress in the whole world, and of course between my colleagues too. You can still look it up if you type in google "The Dress", it was a striped dress horizontally, I could see it since I have some little left vision but I honestly forgot what I have seen now lol. anyway the debate was whether it was blue and black, or gold and white, well if you have some vision you'd understand this is totally insane, even if you don't, black and white is a very known contrast.This article actually explains the same concept: … ently.htmlSo yeah, our brain plays tricks on us all the time, for those who are lazy to read, the article explains that since the photo was taken with a smart phone and there were too many light factors that determine how you would see colors that were not clear, your brain would automatically fill the gaps for you, again, like in this fundamental note thing.I have probably seen it black and purple though, heh, but purple could be the lack of vision, since blue and purple are close in color somehow. my brain do not play tricks on me I see .


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Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

The clips are quite fine, but maybe the question should be which has a closer note rather, because the second clip still does not match exactly for some reason. I honestly was going to vote for can't tell exactly for this, but I realized, that's not "I can't tell" that's "notes are not matching". so I have chosen the closer one in pitch according to me.and @21 it's really obvious, I can't see how someone would vote for file 1 rather! lol


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Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

@musicalman that's really interesting to know, and the more interesting thing although I voted for the second file, the piano notes you presented at the beginning confused me a bit.However, when you added the distortion the difference rather became very very clear for me, not the opposite lol.Not sure how that works, I don't have a perfect pitch though I would like to remind you, so that's really very fascinating.I wonder if you in general have a worse relative pitch than I do, although it seems to me from the recording you also have a quite good relative pitch as well.let's test something if you don't mind, I will give you a song, try to play it on your piano, only the piano  intro, don't bother with the rest, you don't need to record or anything just tell me  what you have noticed, I won't explain more until we see how it goes for you.Here goes my song, sorry that it is not in English, but you'll happen to know why.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio experiment - how do you perceive this?

Do not read if you haven't voted!spoiler alert!Ok, so I also agree with many people here,, to be honest to me none of them exactly matches it but if I had to pick one I'd choose 2 since it was closer. I don't have a perfect pitch, but I play piano and guitar, and I also sing, so I'd say I have a quite good relative pitch.It's not about the base, of course the timpani would always beat the piano's base, but concentrate on the end of the sound, the sound when the note almost fading out, that's how you usually can tell if a guitar is slightly out tuned as well.


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Re: Help needed with Mac

2021-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help needed with Mac

Lol wow, that's interesting I used to have a mac and this has never happened to me, who knows what they did to the Voiceover now though, back then when I had mac the language detection feature used to lag a lot.By the way maybe that's the case here, are you sure you're selecting a voice from the same default language?and how about testing adding a voice without making it the default just for the sake of test where the detect language feature will not apply and you can then see if the problem persists.


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Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

I have done it with brackets, and I am Not sure how is parsing relevant in this discussion but whatever now, if you have read my posts and arcadia's posts as well you would have known that of course there was ways to reproduce them, so I am quite done with that, I did not imply that anyone should specialize in phonetics, and it is not impossible actually but I do agree that it'll need an effort to label your own database of symbols. Anyway, what I am saying is this knowledge is necessary and clearly OP was having it as a part of a course or something and just getting introduced to it, so it is better for him to learn it instead of asking for an exemption. It is accessible, at least in his level, and in your bachelor degree it was too, I will not talk about master's since I haven't started my master yet, but I am sure if you want something you'll find  how instead of finding how not.


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Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

@Togira sure, pm me with your email or whatsapp or skype, so that we can talk more else where.@13 That's funny you assumed things about me although I have stated totally the opposite, I think that is you who is not listening except your own opinion that this is inaccessible, that is too much work for poor blind people. as I stated, I did the labeling with my brother, with no external help from any disability office or assistant or anything. In fact, I did not have such privileges at all, nor do I actually live in a developed country, I live in Egypt, so good luck assuming that I had "everything handed to me on a silver plate". So with that out of the way, I am aware that several symbols exist as I have stated in my post, and that things might look the same so different people might use different symbols to refer to the very same symbol. However, if you do ask your teacher about what symbols they use specifically I am sure they will be willing to help you, specially that as far as I know you have taken your masters course in the UK where "everything should have been handed to you on a silver plate", and you most probably had an assistant, although I will not assume that, but you could have got the help of a sighted friend as well. While yes there are hundred of symbols but I am also a hundred% sure you would not use all of them in your course and your teachers can help with guiding you about what symbols would be used exactly, and if they are nice enough they can label them for you in the word document so you wouldn't need the sighted help. I am sure that they'd be consistent about the symbols they would use. and about OCR, that's not a valid point as exams are rather written digitally so I don't see where you'd use OCR here, don't tell me the university did not have a soft copy from the exams, I know people in Turkey who has done translation and they had soft copies from the exam, that should be the case in the UK as well. You just did not know/want to label them yourself as you stated because they are a lot, all what NVDA would have done is adding them to the default punctuation/symbols pronunciation just like they did with the math symbols, so please stop excuses, phonetics is something important and actually fun to do, and it would be very useful if a person would later decide to do computational linguistics, so we should rather encourage people to find alternatives ways instead of saying oh, it just doesn't work, get exempted from it.Anyway at this point I am starting to sound like a broken record because you do not listen, I've repeated at least 3 times that all what you need to do is a simple labeling but if you find that "inaccessible" then good luck finding accessible things in this life because I do not think you will find an accessible whatever that meets your accessibility standers.


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Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

Braille is not a requirement, not really, it might be easier to some people yeah, and I have no clue if there is a braille IPA, but I know that once you label the symbols then they're accessible to you just like your sighted colleagues, so no I don't agree that they're inaccessible, we can even make an addon or dictionary to make them readable I believe that should be too easy. But the alternative way is to label them manually, and I would trust this more since the teacher will be giving you the list of symbols they use, that way you wouldn't get something that is not labelled.I have transcribed whole paragraphs myself in the exams and I did not use the extra time which I had the right to.Saying they're not natively accessible that's just unwillingness to work, I am sorry, there is a quite easy work around, and most teachers actually are willing to accommodate  our needs as blind students, not to say that there are no unhelpful teachers but the general majority is helpful.Actually that's probably a good addon project, I'll see if my python course will be good enough to allow me to create such an addon for NVDA, or at least do a dictionary or something if that fails.


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Re: spanish tts voices

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: spanish tts voices

Try the Vocalizer Paulina, it's the Mexican Spanish voice I think, a Mexican friend recommended it to me and it was really great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

Well come on, it is not a totally inaccessible program they are just unreadable symbols, but all screen readers do allow you to add symbols, or at least have a dictionary, a sighted friend can well help with such labeling then you wouldn't need any help from anyone, I do not see a reason for us to be exempt, specially if the college assign to you an assistant, which did not happen at all in my college but just saying if you're lucky to have one, they can help with setting up this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Urgent help with tables in word please!

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Urgent help with tables in word please!

I think you just chose a wrong option.I personally do insert, table and then insert table at the end of this menu that lets you pick, from this insert table thinggy which you can access with up arrow since it is near the end of this choice picker, you get a dialog box from which you can choose the number of rows and columns you need, and a bunch of other options I never needed  So I forgot themThen you can move with the alt control arrows as you would normally, or also you can use control up arrow and down arrow for a horizontal navigation that would then take you to the next row after reaching the last column in the current row and so on.By the way pressing tab at the last column in the last row lets you add an additional row, so you do not need to worry about the rows number much when creating the table.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

Yeah I actually always got the full mark in transcription. I see we basically did the same thing differently. I am betting your colleagues/teachers were using  the same symbols you used, so that was great.I did not know about the keyboard though, I have studied linguistics in french and as I said I have just showed the symbols I need to my brother and we were selecting them from the word IPA symbols, great to know there is a dedicated keyboard that must make a more unified system.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

I had to do phonetic transcription in my linguistics course, I actually enjoyed it, it was a bit hard at the beginning to set it up but doable. You need support from your teacher anyway, or a sighted person.So what you'd do is, ask your teacher to send you all the symbols they'd personally use and that would be included in any quiz/questions/whatever. You do need to ask your teacher about that because in google and even just the symbols box in office there are too many available and similar symbols. When I have done this with my brother, we chose something that did look right, the teacher did accept it, however her symbols were different than mine, so it created a problem, because basically what you have to do is add the symbols in the NVDA Punctuation/symbols pronunciation. And as you may have guessed, I knew my symbols but her symbols were not readable for me.Bye the way I created shortcut to the symbols in word,, so they'll need to test you on your own computer, fortunately my teacher was understanding.


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Re: making tea properly?

2021-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: making tea properly?

No, you just need to put the tea or tea bag in the empty cup, you can add the sugar too at this step if you want, I personally do these steps while waiting on the kettle to boil up.  then put the water from the kettle, stir, and add the milk if you use it.


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Re: How do you write in PDFs?

2021-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you write in PDFs?

You can edit PDFs in Word, just open it in word 2016. note that it will become a normal word document, and  it will ask you to save it as word first, when pressing control s. If you really want it as a PDF then export it back to PDF after you're done. Now I remember a valid point though, will word comments appear after you export it to PDF? I am not so sure of that but you'll have to ask a sighted to make sure,. I tried a quick google search and indeed some people had problems with that but not all.But if all what you want to do is add the side comments, adding sticky notes as I described in my above comment should be fine, that puts it at the margins I believe.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How do you write in PDFs?

2021-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you write in PDFs?

Short answer, PDF's sucks when it comes to editing, because that's they were created for, to preserve the format and make you unable to edit. However, with the new adobi updates they now allow you to add comments, it sucks but I am going to tell you all your options.Now in the free reader version you are limited to only add sticky notes, otherwise if you want to highlight or some other tools I forgot about, you need  to pay for adobi pro, but more importantly they allow you to add tags which will be readable to screen readers.Anyway in the free version you can still add the sticky notes, I managed to do it. Select the text and press applications then choose add sticky notes. Write what you need to write then use the navigator object to navigate to the post button. The drawbacks here lay in the fact that comments position are not read by NVDA, I mean unlike in MS Word,  NVDA do not warn you that there is a comment available, however I found a way to read them as individual comments without knowing their position.To do that, go to view, tools then comments and press on open. then press f6 and press tabs until you reach all the comments. I think you could move here with down arrows, or tab, one of them should work.For me that would be doable but so inefficient tbh, so your other option is select the file, press application, go to open with, more apps and choose word, it will convert the pdf to a word document and will try to preserve its format, but if you have Word 2016 that is, it might work on 2013 I am not so sure. anyway that changes a bit in the format but in word if you go to review then add a comment it'll be much more accessible.As for NVDA reporting the format, press NVDA control d, you'll find all the needed options there, check what you need. I recommend you to not check all the options as it makes NVDA too heavy and unresponsive. You can also press NVDA+f to read the format of the current paragraph under the cursor.I hope this helped.


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Re: What the fuck is happening with TeamTalk public servers these days?

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What the fuck is happening with TeamTalk public servers these days?

Yeah, I have got similar experiences in the US public server. Red-queen and Saeed were moving us from our private channel to the home root or another private channel created by them, then they'd start swearing at us and Red-queen would do strange voices. Not sure if she thought it was funny, but that definitely did not happen once but twice or even thrice.Note that I am not friends with neither of them, I've known red-queen but being her usual dramatic self she removed me without a reason, and then she'd talk to me again and then removes, until I couldn't care less about her drama. So I wouldn't accept such silly jokes from people whom I do not know even if it was, but clearly it was not.I have no clue who is responsible for these servers though, that's definitely a power abuse.However that was indeed 2 years ago or so, I usually do not hang there unless I wanted to speak to some specific friends, and now a days I've got far better alternatives such as zoom, the new Skype meeting feature that doesn't require you to sign in etc etc.


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Re: What's Your Favorite Kind of Tea

2021-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What's Your Favorite Kind of Tea

@dark high 5! I also prefer the strong coffee, however my body sadly doesn't agree since I do not sleep if I took it later than 1 or 2pm.  This is interesting you find our tea different though, my international friends when they have visited me, they have never commented on that, we usually use Lipton tea bags.Depending on where you went in Egypt though, you might have tasted the strong Bedwen tea, they add some herbs to it and do it on their own way that is very different from the rest of the country even for locals. I liked some of it that had strong mint, but it is too strong for my cup of tea 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What's Your Favorite Kind of Tea

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What's Your Favorite Kind of Tea

In Egypt, we inherited the tea culture from the English colony. So yeah most people here do not believe in fruit tea too However I am a coffee lover, not a tea lover. So I only drink tea occasionally. I mean that is when I do not want to take coffee at the afternoon to not end up awake for the whole night.That would be either fruit tea, green tea or milked tea, all without any sweeteners. And I prefer the bags, I hate to have stuff floating in my cup, just eww. Actually there was some exception to that, the local Lithuanian tea which was not in bags, it was mixed with different herbs and flowers from their forests, which to be honest did not  taste exactly like a tea for me, so again I think that's gonna offend the English men out there, sorry  however that was really good.


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Re: has someone used handbreak?

2021-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone used handbreak?

Use vidcoder, it has a much more accessible interface, I do not remember the exact steps to guide you, but I needed to hard code subtitles and I used it. Vidcoder is based on the same code of handbreak, but with a better interface.If you still need help though I can try to install it and test.


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Re: my computer hates charging

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my computer hates charging

Oh wow interesting, my bf's computer definitely does not do that.


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Re: my computer hates charging

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my computer hates charging

Hi, have you actually checked the processor and the ram usage when connecting it to power?We have discovered that my bf's new computer does the same. But to our understanding, this actually does not affect performance, but it rather improves it. his processor and ram usage were very low even though the fan was at full blast as you describe. It seems to me that new computers do this thing because they expect you to have more performance when connected to power so it turns on the cooling system, this is quite stupid I agree but, it actually does not decrease performance as you may have thought but rather improves it. in fact once we tested removing the charger the processor got a higher percentage, and once connected to charger again it returned back to where it was. His laptop is not Lanovo though, so it's not a Lanovo thing.


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Re: question about key combos for bootcamp windows

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about key combos for bootcamp windows

Hi, I used to have mac with Bootcamp as well, I think the best solution is mapping an insert key. Capslock is known to have these issues even with other computers it doesn't always work as expected. I'd suggest mapping the Capslock key itself to insert, since normally really that shouldn't affect productivity at all. I had another key mapped and I remember it used to work normally. Also, try updating the supporting drivers, Apple really always made that so difficult so I do not remember how now. But honestly if there is no other issues, I don't think it will fix it, just use sharp keys and it is supposed to work.


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Re: Best free virus protection for iPhone?

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best free virus protection for iPhone?

Why would you need one, on mac, it's arguable that you need one, and I am more inclined to believe that now the use of mac OS has increased so hackers now care about it, not because it was really protected or something before, but rather that no one cared to hack such a very small percentage of people.But on the other hand, on iPhone it is still so much closed that it's really hard to get any malware or hacking tool. I mean everything that gets to the Appstore is verified by Apple, and you cannot install external apps unless you jailbreak. Also as long as you do not go to fishy website and do not download something fishy you should be fine I believe. It of course depends on your usage but in my opinion if you do not jailbreak and are using normal websites, you do not need one at all. I've been using iOS for 7 8 years now and I've never ran into hacking problems, but I have also never done jailbreak.


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Re: I'm giving up with microsoft...

2020-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm giving up with microsoft...

Actually Microsoft is known for these type of things in my experience. The same thing happened with me in a new account but fortunately unlocking it was easier.Also I once lost an old Skype account back then when the Microsoft account was separated from Skype, I had no phone number there, and I was getting the funniest message you could ever see when I try to change the password."new password can't be old password". literally each time I try a password it says so, it might be true, but then that means the password I tried at first place was correct, I was quite sure of that, but what do I know.


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Re: Let's discuss

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's discuss

I am sorry, but I assume most people here know nothing about real poverty. Before I expand more, let me just state that I do not agree with the horrible persecution of people because of their opinions, or the extremely ridiculous restrictions on freedom of speech that can get you jailed for just your political or even religious opinions and sexual orientations.However, @拓海 has a good point.You simply cannot build a democratic system without a good infrastructure and improving people's lives.I live in Egypt, and while I am fortunately live in a city and have access to most resources, but I can tell you what is going on in other parts of Egypt. We have quite good developed cities like Alexandria, Cairo and the touristic cities. While these of course have their flaws, but I wouldn't consider them completely bad. On the other hand, we have really very very poor villages that don't have access to good resources of water, don't have an infrastructure, don't even have toilets, and their houses are so unhealthy and broken that rain destroys it every year. What makes it worse, these people usually work in agriculture so their culture there is to make many children to help them in farming. And of course these children do not get education and even if they do it's only the basic education, and their families wait the first chance to get them out of school to help in the agriculture work. There are many bad and unhealthy habits there, that lead to diseases and of course they do not have the means to get a proper treatment.Okay, with this background that doesn't really describe the real figure still, what do you think these people do in the election? They do not even know who are these and they don't bother going to elect but do you know what actually happens? Whoever is power hungry buy their voices with very simple goods and money, and I am talking here about goods like oil, sugar, pasta and 50 Egyptian pounds which is equivalent to 3 US dollars. They make them go elect their deputy and then give them these things. These people are so stuck in that vicious circle that their only priority in life is just to survive, and sadly they make the biggest part of the population.We have many other problems but I am not discussing our situation here, but just saying that if you have a country like this, democracy will never work since it will be bought by again, the rich people, most of the population is busy surviving. I am guessing that China has the same type of poverty, but maybe on a less scale now since they're improving their economy, however I am not so sure if the economy improvement ever reaches this much poorer class.When the basic needs of people aren't met, they will never think about politics and democracy, and that's what @拓海 wanted to say I believe.Of course every country will have its poor people, but do you think the poor people of US or most developed will be in the same conditions? I don't really think so, and that's why sadly we are stuck in this loop until some good dictatorship comes and improves the economy, I mean that's all what we get anyway. It's sad but that's life. Not that I am not wishing to see a democratic system, but maybe that I am quite realistic.I am not really sure what model we need, since obviously capitalism aggravates these problems, but we do not have the resources and the money to build all the nice things the socialism talks about, and if you think imposing taxes can get it, so that's what the current system is trying to do but it only affects the middle class and is taking them down. Rich people just transfer their money elsewhere, or pay tax workers to falsify the papers and avoid paying all the taxes. Yes, we're that corrupt. With all that said though, I really think the Chinese government is too much controlling and too much surveying to a point that I am not sure what it would be like living there. It was scary to know that the first doctor who kept warning about Covid-19 was being hushed and got jailed, then later died from it himself, just because he was warning the world.


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Re: For blind translators: Omega T is now accessible

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For blind translators: Omega T is now accessible

Same here, when I was studying the only accessible CAT tool was Fluency.It's the only one accessible, but it is not necessarily the best, it had lots of drawbacks but I really appreciate that they did care to include accessibility. I have no comments about the accessibility of course, but the program itself is very heavy and unresponsive at times. Also for some unknown reason the target and source tabs many times out of no where keep saying blank blank, and does not read the content unless I restart the program or sometimes the whole computer, this was a major drawback for me.Lastly, I honestly hate their payment system, why not keep both options available, I mean the subscription and a lifetime version? Although you might argue that the price is quite low, and I do agree but that is for countries that do not have inflation.apart from the price and stuff, I still liked the responsiveness of Omega T more, it feels like you're editing in a notepad. To be fair, Fluency concentrated more on the user experience though, you must be quite good with computers to install many plugins and dictionaries, spell checkers ETC in Omega T.So I think it would be a matter of personal preference, but I just wanted to share with you since I discovered this very randomly.In fact, I was willing to pay a programmer to help make it accessible but he did not figure out what is preventing screen readers to read, so that project was not done at the end, and I was very surprised when the NVDA with python 3 read it. I am still curious what's the reason behind that specifically lol.


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For blind translators: Omega T is now accessible

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


For blind translators: Omega T is now accessible

Hello everyone,I hope you all are doing fine.I wanted to share with you this exciting news aboutOmega T, for those of you who do not know it, it is a free and open source CAT Tool.It is now fully accessible, but for some reason, only with the Python 3 NVDA, that means from NVDA 2019.3 and higher. It does not work with the latest version of jaws as well. However I liked that it is very responsive and light, and also it’s a very good choice  for a free CAT tool. The community is very helpful and you can find various and useful plugins on their website such as the Google translate plugin to add google translate support to the Machine translation.You can also find a plugin created for blind translators that beeps to indicate if there are available matches from your memory. I did not learn all its options yet, but I was able to learn it on my own.Note though, that its system is pretty different, you get only the target editor called only editor, it has the source text by default then you can replace it with your translation. If you press f2, you will enter a mode in which you can see the source text followed by the target text, but you do have to be very careful here because it allows you to edit the source. After re-checking the source text you can press f2 again to return to the default mode.This was the only confusing thing for me, since in all the other CAT tools I have used there were 2 tabs one for the source text and one for the target text plus an edit box.


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Re: a question for guitar players

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question for guitar players

Just give it some days, it is perfectly normal for strings to get out of tune real fast or sound strange when you have just replaced them. So don't worry hopefully it will be fixed soon.


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Re: Azerbaijan and Armenia war

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Azerbaijan and Armenia war

Actually thank you @turkce_rap, that's my point, nothing can be done now. But minimizing facts about the systematic massacre at the least what we can call it, is not right either.Now no one denied the other massacres and genocides that happened, Omar, but only you and Burak denied the Armenian one, the Algeria massacre did happen and that was bad, of course, the other one I do not know about but I have no reason to doubt you. All what I am saying is, do not deny something bad that's happened, your country did it, but you should rather show us that you do not agree with it, rather than saying it was not the case, because whatever it is it was not "some death" it was rather over a million death.That's all what I have to say on the matter, as for the war, as I said I did not read enough and I am sure each side has their own truth, so I'd rather leave that for them and hope they will stop the war soon. Nothing can be said that would change the course of actions anyway.


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Re: Azerbaijan and Armenia war

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Azerbaijan and Armenia war

I know many Armenian friends who fled to Egypt and other countries for their lives. Honestly I am not taking positions here nor I ever intended to answer in this topic but claiming that such thing didn't happen and was actually normal, is absurd! And yes, you claim it is a simple migration and minimizing the fact of deaths that occurred does mean that you consider it something that is ok to happen. colonizing another country is not right, it doesn't matter who did it. killing people for whatever reason is not right, also whoever did it. What you are saying implies that as long as they're colonized it's ok to migrate them and kill them if they refuse to do it.This was by all means a genocide. It's sad how humanity is going downhill. People empathize only with speakers of their same language now a days? the grandparents of my Armenian friends still remember the horrible massacres committed against them. In fact, you are doing here the same thing you criticized Aryamansingh for, and that is following your government blindly. If I were you I would rather feel ashamed for such thing, and acknowledge that it was a big no no, and try to ensure that it would never ever happen again, rather than minimizing and trying to alternate facts.At least Germany did admit its genocides and ensured that there will be no Hitler again. As a matter of fact, politic is dirty. No country in the world is a hundred percent clean.If politicians are more often than not power hungry, and act based on that concept, I expect the population to have more empathy and humanity.The ridiculous thing here that no one from Armenia or Azerbaijan told us their own views, each party is telling their own government claims. That's why this topic now loses all its credibility since both debaters are blinded by their governments.And that's why also I will never take sides, there are always a truth in each ones story, and do you know actually who's at fault for all this? the united nations who gave a part with an Armenian majority to Azerbaijan. It is not the first debate of that nature, look at the map of the whole European continent. So basically both sides are fighting for a reason, be it cultural significance or majority, but most importantly, for additional resources. That's it.My heart goes out to civilians from both sides.


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Re: Accessible guitar tuners

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible guitar tuners

I am using talking toner, warning though I bought it since 2013 or so, and as far as I know it never got updated. However, it costs 1 dollar only so you're not losing a lot. the app does not have any bugs but I am not sure what if it becomes incompatible, which is likely to happen very soon like some  abandoned apps that are not compatible anymore with the newer iOS has its own speech and Voiceover reads everything in it as well, so you still can check it out, a pretty comfortable choice to be honest.


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Re: I am scared

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am scared

I was sure my fear of insects got to do with blindness and this topic proved it.Well actually I could agree with most people here, I am not afraid of all insects but rather the stings. In fact I am afraid of much more things because of the unknown factor. I mean if I am sure it's a fly, then I am not afraid but I am rather annoyed like any human in the world. But the thing is you are never sure what is it, interestingly enough though I never had a bad experience or something, at least not yet and I hope I don't, lol.But that brings other fears or phobias or whatever you wanna call it, so I am also afraid of plants and of sitting on the grass, only because plants and grass have insects, not that I fear the plants themselves.Same goes with any other animal or moving thing, I can simply put it, I am afraid of the unknown and specially that I can't see whether it's coming towards me or not, although it is easier to tell that in case of animals.Don't get me wrong though, I actually own a dog, and I probably tried all domestic animals people could keep at home before, Cats, turtles, fish, birds and forgot what else. So not really sure if my fears aren't logical since for me they seem so justified, so it's hard to overcome them.


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Re: Singing Exercises and videos

2020-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Singing Exercises and videos

There is an iOS app called Vanido. they have a payed plan but they also give you 3 daily warming up exercises for free. of course it's not that enough but if you keep using your voice every day and training it everyday that's something.Not sure if you ever joined a choir but perhaps your choir exercises would be the most professional, maybe you can do them on your own but be careful with the stretches exercises and do not go too high or too low to not damage your my choir we start by body relaxation exercises, then breathing exercises then vocal exercises or vocalise.the vocalise must start with something too relaxing and not too stretching that ranges between 2 or 3 notes at max then you start doing the famous C D E F G,  F E D C, and others.Hope that helps.


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Re: Urgent advice needed!

2020-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Urgent advice needed!

I have attended a mainstreem school too, but sadly I was not in much contact with organizations for the blind, nor did my school have a kind of braille translator or so. I have depended mostly on audio and digital materials later on, which also weren't accessible by the way. I didn't really have the need for braille back then which made me as a child so skeptical to it since I had some vision that actually helped me to learn the sighted alphabet.Nevertheless, I do agree now that audio is never enough, and I have actually learned braille but sadly I can't read fast enough, because I have no practice.What I have done is paying for someone to write the materials for me in a word document, well of course it is not the best solution out there but it's the only thing I had.So I would advice you to look for individual workers, not a kind of office or so since these usually charge you much more, and ask them to not format anything, just to type it. Honestly I was lucky since where I am living you can find people who do that for really really cheap prices. around 6 or 8 pages for one dollar.the disadvantage here that they of course take time, so you'll need to provide the materials early so that you get your books on time.If you find it to be expensive in your country, you can pm me to work something together, I maybe can do it locally for you.Also, I didn't try that out, but another suggestion is Fivver or such websites, that way you can give your books to many people to write them at the same time, and probably they provide cheap prices too, check them out.Here we actually have organizations that prints out your books in braille if you get them in a word format so you could check if you have something similar.Finally, sometimes you find real nice colleagues who are willing to help correct the OCR for free. Actually, once my friends recorded for me a whole science materials during the summer without me asking for any help, I was surprised to find them giving me the CD's back then when we started school.Good luck, I hope one of these suggestions work out for you.


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Re: Issuing a disability card in Germany

2020-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Issuing a disability card in Germany

Thank you so much, that actually helps, it's useful to know the blind organizations there too.


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Issuing a disability card in Germany

2020-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Issuing a disability card in Germany

Hello,I am considering doing my master's in Germany. When I contacted the university of Stuttgart, they told me that I can have discounts and exemptions from the semester fees if I issue a disability card that has the BL label among other things. However, they do not accept foreign proofs, and have told me to contact the disability office but my German isn't that good yet to do. So I have some questions if German nationals  can help me with, or even better people who went to study in Germany since I am guessing there could be different requirements for non-nationals.What are the steps I need to do to issue the disability card exactly? and on average how many days I need to complete them? since that would require me to travel before the semester starts and then to fill the exemption application and wait for it.Also I wonder if anyone here have studied or is currently studying in Stuttgart? can you share your experience?Thank you in advanced.


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Re: IOS14 is out?

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 is out?

I am not so sure, heard about the lag from many people, specially in whatsapp. Also about the automatic language detection, so it might be the default voice problem, but all the same if I switch to a secondary language then I wouldn't have the feature of automatic detection, unless this has changed in iOS 14, but I highly doubt that, because it would be useless to have a secondary voice then.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: IOS14 is out?

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 is out?

Probably Nidza's suggestion would work, I remember when Apple first brought automatic language detection to mac, which was actually very late, it had the exact same problem. it would lag a lot and even stop speaking at all, specially with the Vocalizer voices. Alex did slightly better but it was never efficient still. the funny fact is, I bought Acapella voices on my mac before they introduce the automatic language detection feature and it always worked perfectly fine without any lags. So not sure what is Apple doing here. With that said, I personally cannot update if that is the case because I frequently use the automatic language detection feature, even with none-Latin languages, so switching to an English secondary voice wouldn't read them at all, it wouldn't be just reading them in English. This is quite stupid, they keep changing in some things that work perfectly fine for no apparent reason. I am speaking about the pronunciation as well, at some point it was saying "yestertay" with a t, in case it wasn't clear, and also now claire instead of clear etc etc. Also similar changes in other languages as well. So yeah Apple is apparently on the wrong track.


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Re: comparing screen readers on Windows 10touch devices, your experiences?

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: comparing screen readers on Windows 10touch devices, your experiences?

Wow, thank you Mayana, this sounds a great one. I usually check many Add-ons descriptions so I am wondering how I never came across this one lol. Will definitely try it. As I said I can use it but not that good with it, sometimes I fail, so that would help.and also another point that might be related to the topic, in Firefox and I think in chrome too, some links don't open for me except if I open them in a new tab, which is annoying, not sure if it's me or there is an other way, but usually the touch screen opens it for me in the same tab.In these cases I try the focus mode, space/enter, insert enter, all that doesn't do anything, I didn't try the elements list because for some reason I am never used to use that one, it's a bit annoying for me.And for those of you who wonder how the touchscreen works with NVDA, well it has many features that I didn't need to explore, but basically the main thing is when you flick right, it Moves to the next object in a flattened view of the object navigation hierarchy. This means you don't need to bother with the object review or the normal mode or any such thing, for me that makes life easier but maybe other people would find it annoying because they would have to navigate things that might not be necessary.


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Re: How can I be an admin?

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can I be an admin?

8 said everything, thums up for that. I just want to add that most people who ask "Can I be admin" put themselves in that image that they are power hungry, regardless of whether it's true or not. This alone leads current admins to feel suspicious about you, or at least, to not speak in anyone's name, I would be suspicious about you just for asking that question and seeming too eager about it when you're here since only a week or so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: comparing screen readers on Windows 10touch devices, your experiences?

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: comparing screen readers on Windows 10touch devices, your experiences?

I am not sure if this would help, I get your idea that you do not want a use of keyboards at all. However, I actually like the touch screen as an additional feature in my laptop, not an independent tablet. This is the second laptop I buy with touch screen support, and I use NVDA.I mainly like it because I would not call myself an advanced NVDA user but maybe in the upper intermediate category. There are many situations where the touch screen support saved my day, since I needed to move around with the object review mode, which I am not so good at using it.It is much more easier to use that mode with NVDA with a touch screen, I did not try the experience of using a touch screen keyboard though, and I do not know if it is accessible. But other than that I can safely tell you that NVDA gives a decent experience with touch screen and you also can assign gestures.But again, my experience is not Solly dependent on touch screen so I can't say if you would encounter problems with no keyboard.And, why don't you consider buying something like the HP Spectre x360, mine is not so but I suppose this allows you to turn the screen with 360 degrees, so you can turn it to be like a tablet and not use the keyboard. So there you got both at one, and if you needed the comfort of a keyboard you know it's there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

Yeah subseen was my first suggestion as it has a big database But it is not only for English subtitles you can find other languages too. It depends on the show actually, but in most cases you find many languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

Ok there you go, download the installed version from here,or the portable version from here.


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Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

2020-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

Yes, here is the Subtitle Edit official page on GetHub, this is not a direct download link since you can choose the installed version or the portable version from there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

2020-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

Yes, here is the Subtitle Edit official page on GetHub, this is not a direct download link since you can choose the installed version and the portable version from there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Extract subtitles from an mp4 video?

Hi,I suggest you to first look up the subtitle file in as this would be the short and easy way.I am a translator and the way I know of might be a bit long and unnecessary but since no one else seemed to know of a way, or did not answer yet, I will tell you how I personally do it with the subtitling software.You need to download Subtitle Edit software, a free and open source one. in the file menu, you will find Import subtitle with manually chosen encoding... Press on it, brows your video file and then it will show you another dialogue press shift tab once or twice til you reach the encoding list, a very long one but press end there and the last option is the UTF-8, then press ok.You will then have the subtitles imported to the program and you can save it anywhere you want.Note that of course this method won't work if the subtitles were hard encoded to the video, I never used the lion addon so I am not sure if it actually does OCR or somehow reads from the file, anyway, Hope this helps.


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