Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread vijay chopra

On 13/02/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No - he was arguing that it should be freely distributable by anyone
with no restrictions.  Making as many copies as you like and then -
this is the crucial part - giving it to other people for no money.
That's free (gratis).  And I quite agree about P2P currently having
negligible effect on legal sales.  That's because P2P sharing of
copyright music is still illegal, and most users don't have the
software to do it.  As soon as it becomes legal, an easy to use
version of some P2P s/w gets bundled with every new Dell & HP PC and
everyone's using it - and very few people actually need to buy music.
P2P sharing then becomes a mass market activity, and not (as is my
personal experience) the preserve of geeks, teenagers (not huge buyers
of CDs anyway) and music afficianados wanting rare recordings that
often can't be got hold of any other way.



Not mass market?  The Pirate Bay has just been featured in Vanity Fair:
I'd call that pretty mass market. Something has to have market appeal to
make it into a high end magazine like that. As for ease of use most
BitTorrent clients are quite easy to use.

Personally the only time I use BitTorrent for acquiring things I haven't
paid for is downloading of Linux distros. Otherwise if I download a BBC
programme or episode of SG1 that I forgot to set my PVR to record, I don't
see I've done anything morally or ethically wrong. The only time I've ever
infringed any one's copyright without payment is with an out of print RPG
book, I couldn't even find it on ebay, so I had no other real choice.

I suspect that most other P2P users are in a similar position, they are
either re-downloading something they've already paid for, or downloading
something they would never otherwise exchange money for (either because they
can't as in my case, or because they cant get the latest pop tune out of
their head, and won't ever pay money for Britney Spears, but grabbing a
.torrent is convenient, so they do).

I don't think that as P2P usage goes up piracy will go up, I think that
levels will stay around the same amount, all P2P does is make it easier for
me to share the stuff I watch, just now instead of recording a VHS tape and
giving it to my dad, I can grab a .torrent, download and burn the latest
episode(s) of Dr. Who to DVD, and give that to my dad instead.

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Lockwood

On 13/02/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your argument is that all music should be utterly free.  Which, while
> a nice idea in Davetopia, or wherever you live, is completely
> unworkable.
I suspect that he would like all music to be free (libre), not free
(gratis), and why would it be unworkable?
"Study Finds P2P Has No Effect on Legal Music Sales":

No - he was arguing that it should be freely distributable by anyone
with no restrictions.  Making as many copies as you like and then -
this is the crucial part - giving it to other people for no money.
That's free (gratis).  And I quite agree about P2P currently having
negligible effect on legal sales.  That's because P2P sharing of
copyright music is still illegal, and most users don't have the
software to do it.  As soon as it becomes legal, an easy to use
version of some P2P s/w gets bundled with every new Dell & HP PC and
everyone's using it - and very few people actually need to buy music.
P2P sharing then becomes a mass market activity, and not (as is my
personal experience) the preserve of geeks, teenagers (not huge buyers
of CDs anyway) and music afficianados wanting rare recordings that
often can't be got hold of any other way.


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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread vijay chopra

On 13/02/07, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your argument is that all music should be utterly free.  Which, while
a nice idea in Davetopia, or wherever you live, is completely

I suspect that he would like all music to be free (libre), not free
(gratis), and why would it be unworkable?
"Study Finds P2P Has No Effect on Legal Music Sales":

What are the artists worried about, or more technically what are the record
labels and agents worried about, i suspect that the artists don't mind
anywhere as much as organisations like the BPI


Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Lockwood

> Sharing is good for society, but only when sharing things you have
> permission to.

It is true that breaking agreements is not good.

However, all iPod owners intuitively understand that agreements not to
share are more bad than the act of breaking them, and is thus
justified on a 'lesser of two evils' basis.

Really?  Do you have empirical evidence about the conscience levels of
iPod owners that the rest of aren't privy to Dave?

> I suspect we will never agree with each other about
> the ownership of music or specific cultural output

I'm not sure - I am not close minded...? Not sure what you're saying tbh.

> but I'm sure
> you can see my point if you think of a physical posession.

Analogies between the physical and digital are almost always confusion.

Yes - hence your arguing of chairs as an example of something copyable
a while ago.

> My position on music was made up when I considered how I would
> react if a piece of music I composed were to be used to promote
> a cause I disagreed with. If music belongs to the public domain,
> then I have no ability to control who can use my creations.

If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we do
not believe in it at all.

Freedom of speech is wholly different from misquoting someone to
further your own ends.

> One of the complaints I often hear is that music
> companies are not adapting their business models to take
> advantage of the "Internet generation" - and yet the subscription
> model (ie explicit music rental) can only really work when the right
> to play the song for a restricted time exists.

Thinking that rental is an adaptation is bizarre.

Renting is commercialised lending.

Yes.  And your point is?  Music rental has been going on for years -
have you never been a member of a music library?  Pay a minimal fee to
try music you might like - if you like it, go and buy it.  Where's the
problem there?

And why is commercialised lending in general so bad?  If I buy a car,
and lend it to you for a month, you pay me a small fee for the
convenience.  You don't have to buy your own car, and I'm recompensed
for the depreciation incurred by my car having an extra 2,000 miles on
its odometer.

Presumably you live in a squat, have never rented a home or rented out
a room, and feel that councils who still provide affordable rental
housing are evil.

If I buy a spade, I can lend the spade to my neighbour. If the spade
manufacturer made it illegal to lend the spade, the world would see
that as wrong of the manufacturer - evil even.

(The same argument doesn't apply to cars, or guns, though - which is

Some, mainly potentially dangerous items require you to have a license
before you can use them.  There are restrictions on who you lend them
to - do you want to live in a world where I can legally borrow a gun
and come round your house with it?

File sharing is _not_ file lending. It is file _duplication_.

When you lend, you take a loss. If I lend you my book, I can't read my
book. If I need to refer to it badly, and you aren't reachable, I have
to buy another book.

Ease of duplication is an affordance of the medium. Why are rights
holders so against this?

(In the case of music, they distribute digital audio on a handy disc
with the same affordances. Why don't they stop this?)

When that handy disc was originally released, the technology to
duplicate it wasn't readily available to the general public...  In
much the same way that the easy copying of vinyl to cassette tape
wasn't around at the invention of the vinyl record.  I realize that
this isn't strictly relevant to the copyright argument, but it's worth
bearing in mind.

This affordance is a great improvement over lending, since we don't
take that loss, and makes our lives more enjoyable. Yes, this kills
off the commercialised version of lending, renting. So be it - there
are plenty of other business models.

So you keep saying.  You've yet to describe a workable one for music...

Perhaps the term "sharing" implies a similarity to physical property
more than alternatives (copying, duplication, diffusion, publishing,
broadcasting, etc) but I generally use this term as it highlights the
psycho-social value of digital duplication: lending a spade is an act
of friendship, and duplicating a digital file is today's version of

Rubbish.  Duplication is duplication, it's not a more convenient form
of lending.  As you described above, lending involves some physical
inconvenience if you can't use the item you've lent out.  What you're
describing is "giving".

As with the spade, it would be wrong to restrict that.

> The primary aim is to reduce the number of sharers (cf sharees)

This is an evil idea: Restricting us from duplicating files is
destroying the basis of friendship, and cannot be excused.

You keep using emotive terms here – "evil", "destroying the basis of
friendship" in order to get your wholly unworkable argument across.

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Dave Crossland

On 09/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that
> > own the rights to the content - and therefore being able to
> > release the content in this manner.

> You implicitly elevate the people that own the rights to the content
> above the public. This isn't cool.

No it's not cool.  However if you don't have rights holders who are
happy, you would get nowt.

What's better - a moral highground with nothing, or no moral
highground but with everything?

That is a fictitious choice, which misreprents the situation.  They
will not offer us "everything". They will offer us some limited
access under nasty conditions, with some small concession for
neutralizing the opposition - and once the opposition's impetus
is gone, they will withdraw it.

As Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without
a demand."

Our moral high ground is the basis for our demand for freedom.  If we
agree to abandon that, in return for some token concession, that might
be presented as a victory, but in the long term it would be surrender.

I'd presume people here
would say the former, whilst I suspect the majority of the
general public would say the latter.

The majority of the general public don't yet recognize there is a
problem with DRM. We free culturalists do, and we are trying to end
the problem.

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2007-02-13 Thread Dave Crossland

On 09/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > its deemed 'good enough' for the general public (the vast, vast
> > majority of which just want to watch Eastenders/Dragons
> > Den/whatever the next day).
> The vast, vast majority of the general public have no problems
> using the regular BBC website. But there is an "accessible" version.
> Why?

It's a good argument - however using your logic then we
shouldn't be providing if we can't cater for 100% of the

No, I don't think what I said extends like that.

The BBC provides an accessible version because doing what is deemed
'good enough' for the vast vast majority is not enough.

Maybe the vast vast majority won't want to keep the files around more
than a few days. Maybe not.

But it is inherently evil to make that decision for us, and restrict
us from keeping copies of files for ourselves, if we want to. It is
also evil to restrict us from redistributing those files.

It seems that Windows Media DRM is deemed unsuitable for iPlayer by
the board of trustees because it can only be used by 75% of the
audience, and therefore they will fund a homebrew cross platform DRM
system that will work with OS X and GNU/Linux users.

This has totally missed the point that DRM is evil, by conflating evil
with inaccessible.

Truth is, doesn't cater for 100% of the audience -
compromises are made to make the user experience
better for the majority.

We're talking about something more fundemental than UX design, I think :-)

For example, the XHTML homepage launch the other day - I
wasn't involved (someone around here will have been and
will chime in), but I bet when it changed some users got a
page without CSS, or some other problem. I also bet these
users complained as bitterly as you are about DRM. However,
we all recognise the benefits of XHTML move right?

Crummy migrations happen, but that they and DRM might be subject to
criticism is all they have in common.

So, back to DRM and the "all or nothing" problem - compromises
have to be made ... and some people will complain.

But are those complaints valid? Or will they just be ignored?

/accessiblity - looks like someone made a mistake. It happens.
To equate this to "Auntie doesn't care for minorities" is a little silly.

Yes, it was a facetious comment for which I apologies; I guess I
forgot for a moment I was dealing with the BBC, and what I was seeing
was a temporary glitch and not that the accessible version had just
been forgotten about and fallen apart, as is often the case...

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Dave Crossland

On 08/02/07, Tim Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 08/02/07, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 08/02/07, Tim Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Deterring the general public from blatant file-sharing.
> It fails at this purpose.

I disagree. It fails at preventing all of the public from sharing files.

By how much, at what cost? Very little, at a very dear cost, I'd say.

> Firstly, file sharing in itself. Most importantly, this is very
> unethical. Sharing is the basis of friendship, neccessary for
> community, and important for a good society. To divide the basis of
> friendship in the age of computer networks is deeply wrong. No
> publishing is better than restricted publishing.

Sharing is good for society, but only when sharing things you have
permission to.

It is true that breaking agreements is not good.

However, all iPod owners intuitively understand that agreements not to
share are more bad than the act of breaking them, and is thus
justified on a 'lesser of two evils' basis.

Of course, not getting into an ethical dilemma is preferable to making
a 'lesser of two evils' choice, which is where copyleft comes in to
trump copyright.

I suspect we will never agree with each other about
the ownership of music or specific cultural output

I'm not sure - I am not close minded...? Not sure what you're saying tbh.

but I'm sure
you can see my point if you think of a physical posession.

Analogies between the physical and digital are almost always confusion.

That's exactly the purpose of the term "intellectual property" - it
implicitly carries an assumption that you can treat culture like
physical property, and mixes up totally different laws that are wholly
different in all aspects so anything you say about "intellectual
property" is totally confusing.

My position on music was made up when I considered how I would
react if a piece of music I composed were to be used to promote
a cause I disagreed with. If music belongs to the public domain,
then I have no ability to control who can use my creations.

If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we do
not believe in it at all.

> Secondly, deterrents. For the general public, the deterrents do more
> harm than good because they cut into private use that is allowed in
> the law (or should be, cf Gowers).

But isn't allowed as yet. ;)

The law is not an authority on ethics; we do what is right, not what
is permitted.

Nonetheless, DRM can allow fair use.

I am yet to see any evidence that DRM allows the same freedoms that
are permitted in law - in all cases, it acts to create a kind of
private copyright regime, where company policy replaces public policy
and is even more restrictive.

This is the concept behind Lessig's famous phrase, "Code is law."

> I can download BBC shows
> transmitted through analogue radio broadcasts onto a VHS tape. I can
> keep the copy as long as I want, and copy it to my portable video
> player. I can download BBC shows transmitted through digital radio
> broadcasts onto a file in my computer. I can keep the copy as long as
> I want, and copy it to my portable video player. I can download BBC
> shows transmitted through the Internet onto a file in my computer,
> and my computer deletes it after 7 days, and I can't copy it to
> any other device. There is something deeply wrong here.

This comes back to the ownership question again. If I own the IP in
a file

Why do you use the vague term "IP" when you really means "copyright"?

It is gratuitous vagueness, which can only serve the ends of those who
prefer unclear thinking. Confusing copyrights with trademarks impedes
comprehension of either one.

The basic idea of copyright is not like that of physical property
rights.  Copyright is an artificial incentive for the sake of public

why shouldn't I be able to specify that you're only allowed it
for a week?

Certainly not.

Ford has copyrights, trademarks and patents for all aspects of their
cars. They don't get to sue you if you pimp them out in a way that
doesn't suit the brand. They may like to. But they don't get to.

One of the complaints I often hear is that music
companies are not adapting their business models to take
advantage of the "Internet generation" - and yet the subscription
model (ie explicit music rental) can only really work when the right
to play the song for a restricted time exists.

Thinking that rental is an adaptation is bizarre.

Renting is commercialised lending.

If I buy a spade, I can lend the spade to my neighbour. If the spade
manufacturer made it illegal to lend the spade, the world would see
that as wrong of the manufacturer - evil even.

(The same argument doesn't apply to cars, or guns, though - which is

File sharing is _not_ file lending. It is file _duplication_.

When you lend, you take a loss. If I lend you my book, I can't read my
book. If I need to refer to it badly, and you aren't reachable, I have
to buy another book.

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Dave Crossland

On 13/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Rubbish, the BBC could have had their cake and eaten it just
> by threatening to tell the "content providers" to shove off. The "rights
> holders" want their material on the BBC, probably more than the BBC
> wants any particular piece of content.

I suspect the BBC telling people to shove off, might just have
some interesting results

Yes, I think that would not be a good idea :-)

But could the BBC ask them to join in, provide an easy way for them to
experiement with free culture..?

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[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE : [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-13 Thread Andrew Bowden
>   Rubbish, the BBC could have had their cake and eaten it just 
> by threatening to tell the "content providers" to shove off. The "rights 
> holders" want their material on the BBC, probably more than the BBC 
> wants any particular piece of content. 

I suspect the BBC telling people to shove off, might just have some interesting 
results - we'd probably see most of the content providers telling the BBC where 
to stick it, and walking off side by side with the Daleks down the road to ITV 
and Channel 4 quicker than you can drop your hat.

(Yep - the BBC doesn't even own the Daleks...)

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-12 Thread Gordon Joly

Secondly, deterrents. For the general public, the deterrents do more
harm than good because they cut into private use that is allowed in
the law (or should be, cf Gowers). I can download BBC shows
transmitted through analogue radio broadcasts onto a VHS tape. I can
keep the copy as long as I want, [...]

And then give it back to the BBC decades later when they have lost 
all their own archive copies...


"Think Feynman"/
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Re: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread James Cridland

On 2/1/07, Stephen Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What needs to be developed is new distribution systems, not excuses for
old methods, nor seeing any form of global market as a problem. If
content is available at a fair price globally and simultaneously, the
advertising markets and audiences should greatly expand.

"Fair price" - nice phrase, except we need to state who it's fair to.

For example - the music companies want internet broadcasters to pay the
equivalent of 0.1p per track per listener to play a song on interactive
internet radio (a service like the US's Pandora, for example). That means
that, typically, an internet radio station will pay 1.3p an hour per
listener (if they play 13 songs an hour). All fine so far; and it appears,
at first glance, quite fair.

But after 30 years of commercial broadcast radio in this country, experience
appears to suggest that we can expect an equivalent revenue of 2p per
listener per hour. Further, broadcasting interactive internet radio isn't
cheap: it demands unicast streams (which currently can cost more than 1p per
listener per hour in bandwidth charges); and that's before we factor in the
cost of staff for the station, and the fact that a radio station which
reaches a few thousand people isn't even going to get on the advertising
orders when compared with stations with many millions of listeners.

So, as it currently stands, the 'fair price' ends up meaning that the costs
to run an internet radio station far outweigh any possible revenue from it.
Yet the content owners clearly believe that the rights costs are fair
(unless you're claiming that the record companies want to stop ANY
broadcasting on the internet).

The 'global' issue is one here, too. Webcaster rates in the US are very
different, and in some areas of the world, there are no rates at all.
Currently, internet radio is a global phenomenon; but I'm unaware of any
time where the UK record companies have earnt money from broadcasts
emanating from non-UK places on the internet.

I focus mainly on visual arts, TV and
movies, as due to product placement and adverts, these offer the most
viable free distribution options with current methods of funding. I
think the internet should be looked upon as a place to expand the free
to air television market, with funding provided solely through site and
media advertising. I do not view this as wishful thinking, and do not
think that bittorrent downloading precludes this.

All the above problems currently occur without any DRM at all: precisely

the kind of environment you're looking for - and, as you can hopefully see,
it's anything BUT viable. Should content owners suggest similarly 'fair'
pricing for broadcasters for on-demand content to place on BitTorrent, then
it simply won't happen.

However, a system like Joost - which uses Content Restriction And Protection
to a certain degree, since you can only stream not download, has more of a
chance, potentially.

I do realise who you work for, but don't think that is hugely relevant

to the debate. As mentioned in my last email, I'm not saying that people
like you do not exist in commercial companies, merely that research is
seen more as an interesting aside and future possibilities, as opposed
to something that can be realised within the next year or so.

You didn't say that at all. What you actually said was that media
institutions were not forward-looking and had nobody with any say who
understood new technologies - and who I work for and who funds this mailing
list is highly relevant to that, since it shows that you're, to put it
bluntly, wrong. To claim that nobody within the media is looking to the
future is ever-so-slightly insulting, you know. In fact, I challenge you to
a fight. Outside, now.


Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Tom Loosemore

> No it's not cool.  However if you don't have rights holders who are happy,
you would get nowt.
> What's better - a moral highground with nothing, or no moral highground
but with everything?I'd presume people here would say the former, whilst
I suspect the majority of the general public would say the latter.
> Rubbish, the BBC could have had their cake and eaten it just by
threatening to tell the "content providers" to shove off. The "rights
holders" want their material on the BBC, probably more than the BBC wants
any particular piece of content. If the BBC had said "we'll do this DRM
free, or we won't even broadcast it" the BBC would have got DRM free. They
wouldn't have ended up with nothing.

rights holders = every active and retired actor in the country, every
composer in the country, every professional musician in the country,
every freelance presenter, every freelance cameraman, every freelance
director, every photo stills library, every independent TV company (to
whom we're obliged by our charter to commission 25% of tv), every
record label,  football clubs, the estate of Sir Roy Plumley etc etc

Telling them all to shove off is not a realistic option right now. See
the para from Government's BBC Charter Review Green Paper at the
bottom of this post to understand this political reality.

Now, in the long term I'm convinced that acquiring the rights to make
content available for re-use in perpetuity is a  public value
maximising strategy for anyone engaged in public media in a wholly
networked environment.

As does OFCOM, as can be seen by their proposing a commercial,
attribution, sharealike Creative Commons licence for their putative
2012 Public Service Publisher (PSP) concept.

But it's far from obvious that this is the right approach *now*. 2012
is a generation away.

Even ignoring the political reality, implementing such a 'shove off'
strategy today isn't necessarily the right thing to do today.

Buying all rights, globally, in perpetuity  means each unit of stuff
would cost (lots) more than we pay for UK broadcast rights. Lots more.
So  the BBC would have to make far less stuff. And cos it makes less,
it'd be harder to make sufficiently diverse range of  stuff so that we
offer stuff of value to *everyone* in the UK   - including, BTW,  the
40% of people in the UK who've never been on the internet, and the 97%
who've never watched TV on the net.

Seriously, the best way to have an impact on this debate is to respond
to OFCOM's PSP discussion document " A new approach to public service
content in the digital media age" .

The consultation on the above discussion doc is open to anyone, and
closes on 23rd March. I *highly* recommend those of you who care about
this issue read about the Public Service Publisher, and respond in as
much detail as you can manage to OFCOM's request for feedback on their
ideas.   The views of an informed digitally-savvy bunch such as those
on the backstage list is utterly vital, and will be hugely welcomed.
Welcome to the world of policy.

The BBC really has lived these arguments over the past five or six
years (ideas for a BBC Public Licence were all over the web and some
newspapers back in 2002

We didn't follow the DRM'd iPlayer strategy lightly.

Today, in Feb 2007, it's DRM or nowt.

So please put the 'DRM is evil' placards down for a moment. We know.

Start working to change UK public policy instead.


* Fom

The BBC said in Building Public Value
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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Dave Crossland

On 09/02/07, Kim Plowright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess
> Auntie doesn't care for minorities that much afterall...)

Sometimes a server glitch is just a server glitch,

Yeah, I was being facetious, one of my larger faults...

and not part of the great military-industrial-capitalist conspiracy, you know...

...and I'll take this in that spirit :-)

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread vijay chopra

No it's not cool.  However if you don't have rights holders who are happy,
you would get nowt.

What's better - a moral highground with nothing, or no moral highground
but with everything?I'd presume people here would say the former, whilst
I suspect the majority of the general public would say the latter.

Rubbish, the BBC could have had their cake and eaten it just by
threatening to tell the "content providers" to shove off. The "rights
holders" want their material on the BBC, probably more than the BBC wants
any particular piece of content. If the BBC had said "we'll do this DRM
free, or we won't even broadcast it" the BBC would have got DRM free. They
wouldn't have ended up with nothing.

[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE : [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Jason Cartwright
This is my personal view.

It's a good argument - however using your logic then we shouldn't be providing if we can't cater for 100% of the audience. Truth is, 
doesn't cater for 100% of the audience - compromises are made to make the user 
experience better for the majority.

For example, the XHTML homepage launch the other day - I wasn't involved 
(someone around here will have been and will chime in), but I bet when it 
changed some users got a page without CSS, or some other problem. I also bet 
these users complained as bitterly as you are about DRM. However, we all 
recognise the benefits of XHTML move right?

So, back to DRM and the "all or nothing" problem - compromises have to be made 
(for all the reasons laid out before - as much as everyone doesn't like them) 
and some people will complain.

/accessiblity - looks like someone made a mistake. It happens. To equate this 
to "Auntie doesn't care for minorities" is a little silly.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Crossland
Sent: 09 February 2007 12:19
Subject: Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: 
[backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC 
Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

On 09/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> its deemed 'good enough' for the general public (the vast, vast 
> majority of which just want to watch Eastenders/Dragons Den/whatever 
> the next day).

The vast, vast majority of the general public have no problems using the 
regular BBC website. But there is an "accessible" version. Why?

(Having said that, looking at now I see 
most of the images are 404ing and the navbar at the top says "[an error 
occurred while processing this directive]" - so I guess Auntie doesn't care for 
minorities that much afterall...)

> Nobody is saying that this situation is ideal. DRM is a means to an end.

The ends justify the means? What what what? :-)

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[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE : [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Kim Plowright
> (Having said that, looking at 
> now I see most of the 
> images are 404ing and the navbar at the top says "[an error 
> occurred while processing this directive]" - so I guess 
> Auntie doesn't care for minorities that much afterall...)

Sometimes a server glitch is just a server glitch, and not part of the great 
military-industrial-capitalist conspiracy, you know...

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Dave Crossland

On 09/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

its deemed 'good enough' for the general public (the vast, vast
majority of which just want to watch Eastenders/Dragons Den/whatever the
next day).

The vast, vast majority of the general public have no problems using
the regular BBC website. But there is an "accessible" version. Why?

(Having said that, looking at now
I see most of the images are 404ing and the navbar at the top says
"[an error occurred while processing this directive]" - so I guess
Auntie doesn't care for minorities that much afterall...)

Nobody is saying that this situation is ideal. DRM is a means to an end.

The ends justify the means? What what what? :-)

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[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Jason Cartwright
This is all my personal view.
Most of the content people want is not owned by the BBC, therefore the BBC 
needs to get permission to release said content in this way. There are people 
on this list who can explain what a complex process this is.
The DRM is crackable - the point is that it is 'good enough' for these people, 
and its deemed 'good enough' for the general public (the vast, vast majority of 
which just want to watch Eastenders/Dragons Den/whatever the next day).
Nobody is saying that this situation is ideal. DRM is a means to an end.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of vijay chopra
Sent: 08 February 2007 20:56
Subject: Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: 
[backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and 

On 08/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that own the 
rights to the content - and therefore being able to release the content in this 

Satisfy them to what end? The current arrangement temporarily "satisfies" media 
execs at the expense of the general public. Besides, the BBC's job isn't t 
satisfy Media execs, it's to satisfy licence fee payers, and pouring money down 
a DRM drain won't satisfy anyone. It won't satisfy us because of the DRM, when 
thee DRM is cracked the media execs will cease being satisfied, and when the 
Daily mail prints "BBCs computer code hacked" as its headline, the government 
will not feel particularly satisfied either. 

Remind me again of the point of DRM at the BBC, to me it seems as though the 
point is to find a way of wasting licence fee payers money, so Auntie can claim 
to be at the cutting edge of technology, whilst actually going backwards. 

[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-09 Thread Andrew Bowden
> > The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that
> > own the rights to the content - and therefore being able to
> > release the content in this manner.

> I also forgot to say:

> You implicitly elevate the people that own the rights to the content
> above the public. This isn't cool.

No it's not cool.  However if you don't have rights holders who are happy, you 
would get nowt.

What's better - a moral highground with nothing, or no moral highground but 
with everything?I'd presume people here would say the former, whilst I 
suspect the majority of the general public would say the latter.

The pages of Broadcast magazine are full of articles about the trade 
negotiations between the BBC/ITV/C4 and PACT - the organisation which 
represents independent television.  It's unfortunate therefore that Broadcast's 
articles are subscription only, as it would be interesting to put the URLs here 
so that people can get a vague idea of the process that led us to where we are, 
and how much PACT want to "protect" the content created by its members.  It 
would add a different perspective to this discussion which - really - is going 
round in circles now.

[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage ] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias?? ? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Tim Thornton
Hi Dave

On 08/02/07, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 08/02/07, Tim Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Deterring the general public from blatant file-sharing.
> It fails at this purpose.

I disagree. It fails at preventing all of the public from sharing files.
> Firstly, file sharing in itself. Most importantly, this is very
> unethical. Sharing is the basis of friendship, neccessary for
> community, and important for a good society. To divide the basis of
> friendship in the age of computer networks is deeply wrong. No
> publishing is better than restricted publishing.

Sharing is good for society, but only when sharing things you have permission 
to. I suspect we will never agree with each other about the ownership of music 
or specific cultural output, but I'm sure you can see my point if you think of 
a physical posession.

My position on music was made up when I considered how I would react if a piece 
of music I composed were to be used to promote a cause I disagreed with. If 
music belongs to the public domain, then I have no ability to control who can 
use my creations.

> Secondly, deterrents. For the general public, the deterrents do more
> harm than good because they cut into private use that is allowed in
> the law (or should be, cf Gowers). 

But isn't allowed as yet. ;) Nonetheless, DRM can allow fair use.

> I can download BBC shows
> transmitted through analogue radio broadcasts onto a VHS tape. I can
> keep the copy as long as I want, and copy it to my portable video
> player. I can download BBC shows transmitted through digital radio
> broadcasts onto a file in my computer. I can keep the copy as long as
> I want, and copy it to my portable video player. I can download BBC
> shows transmitted through the Internet onto a file in my computer,
> and my computer deletes it after 7 days, and I can't copy it to
> any other device. There is something deeply wrong here.

This comes back to the ownership question again. If I own the IP in a file, why 
shouldn't I be able to specify that you're only allowed it for a week? One of 
the complaints I often hear is that music companies are not adapting their 
business models to take advantage of the "Internet generation" - and yet the 
subscription model (ie explicit music rental) can only really work when the 
right to play the song for a restricted time exists.

> To convert copy-restricted data into copy-enabled data, there may be
> many hoops to jump through. For the first person, there will be many
> many hoops. For the second, there will be less hoops. Eventually, the
> hoop is "download this program and drag and drop your restricted data
> onto it." The hoops can always be jumped, and collapsed to this single
> one. This is not an 'implementation problem' - if it was, software
> program proprietors would have implemented it 20 years ago.

No, this /is/ an implementation problem, and can be overcome with a trusted 
hardware element on the platform. At that stage, the hoop will be more than 
simply running some code.

> Say that there are a few hoops though, so "the majority won't bother."
> For the minority who do jump the hoops, the copy-enabled data can be
> shared.
> How many hoops do the recipients of the copy-enabled data have to jump?
> Zero.

The primary aim is to reduce the number of sharers (cf sharees)

> > It's a first step. Security is almost never a simple choice between
> > absolute protection or none.
> Security is usually a charade, and security experts are usually
> charlatans :-)

:) I spend a lot of time with security experts. A few are indeed charlatans. 
Most are scarily clever!

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Dave Crossland

On 08/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that
own the rights to the content - and therefore being able to
release the content in this manner.

I also forgot to say:

You implicitly elevate the people that own the rights to the content
above the public. This isn't cool.

"The copyright bargain places the public first: benefit for the
reading public is an end in itself; benefits (if any) for publishers
are just a means toward that end. Readers' interests and publishers'
interests are qualitatively unequal in priority. The first step in
misinterpreting the purpose of copyright is the elevation of the
publishers to the same level of importance as the readers."

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Dave Crossland

On 08/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > > I was going more for a "it might be broken by some, 
but it's good> > > enough for 'purpose'".> >> > And what is that purpose, exactely?>> The purpose of 
being good enough to satisfy the people that own> the rights to the content
Satisfy the rights holders about what? That their files will not be shared?
This is daft. The files will be shared.
Satisfy the rights holders that they will not lose out on 'potentialdownload 
sales'? Potential sales are a mirage, moronic wishfulthinking.
If I stand on Oxford street with a sausage frying stand and 500 hotdogs, and I 
say I want £100 a hot dog, I have potential sales of£50,000 every day!
Consider Sony. 10 years ago, they could've taken music file sharing asa loss leader on 
selling expensive music playing gadgets, andleveraged the success of portable music 
players to sell a lot moreVaios. This is 2001 vintage Apple - with a glib 'don't steal 
music'tagline that subcommunicated "Here is a perfect music stealing 
device,kids!", they leveraged iPods to sell Macs.
Why didn't Sony go this way? I imagine their spreadsheets showed that,while 
profitable, this wouldn't be _as_ profitable as getting paideach time a music 
file is downloaded could be.
Moronic wishful thinking is their business blunder, though.
There something else that tempted them to act like morons too, Ishould add. 
When music went from LP to CD, or when film went from VHSto DVD, the costs 
involved dropped steeply. Pressing costs were lower,smaller boxes meant 
shipping and storage costs were lower, and therange of stock on shelves was 
higher. But the till price remained thesame. Right holders got away with this 
swindle, and think they canpull it off with the switch to digital. Note that to 
buy a whole albumon iTunes Music Store costs about the same as to buy the CD.
(ZapMail tells a similar tale - :-)
The BBC should quit being timid, pony up, and present the case torights holders 
that DRM-free publishing of works on the Internet willincrease their bottom 
line. Part of that would be radically informingthe British public that while 
file sharing is encouraged, so isexchanging cash for value.
This could be encouraging sales of boxed copies, or allowing people topay micro payment 
tip jar style. The millions the BBC is thinking ofspending on "DRM for 
GNU/Linux" could be much much better spend onsome decent artist-friendly propaganda 
and a micro payments systemthat _works_.
Imagine that every time you read, listen or watch a work, you see abox on the side of the 
screen: "Enjoy this? Click to send a pound tothe writer/band/production 
co/etc". If you like the work you will sendthat pound, sometimes.
It's only a pound. It's more than the authors are likely to get if youbuy the 
boxed version, and much less than the boxed version costs you.Its so little 
that it's not going to discourage you. You'd probablyget into the habit of 
paying a pound a couple of times a week.Especially if the BBC mounted a massive 
propaganda campaign to makepeople aware that it really did matter to send a 
People are basically honest, not cheapskates, and are prepared toreward things 
they value.
Being against banning sharing is not being against paying authors, butthose who 
conflate the two reveal something about themselves: Theywould not pay authors 
ifthey could. Businesses would indeed not pay authors if they could finda way 
of doing it, and many people dispense with all ethics for a fatsalary.
And if micro payments sounds like a far-out way to monetise things, 
The BBC could turn its content into a pure "efficient" marketplacewith 
"perfect" visibility - a stock exchange. Think of the secondarymarket opportunities - 
derivatives, put options, short-selling,arbitrage... :-)

and therefore being able to release the content in this manner.

Releasing the works in this manner is harmful, since the works areless useful 
than taping to VHS, and therefore shouldn't be released atall.
The potential for doing something different to business broadcastersis immense, 
and the whole point of the BBC in the first place.
-- Regards,Dave
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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Dave Crossland

On 08/02/07, Tim Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >   On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > And yet it's still used...
> > > > Doesn't that say something?
> > > It says that record execs are stupid, but we all knew that already.
> >
> > I was going more for a "it might be broken by some, but it's good enough
> > for 'purpose'".
> And what is that purpose, exactely?

Deterring the general public from blatant file-sharing.

It fails at this purpose.

Firstly, file sharing in itself. Most importantly, this is very
unethical. Sharing is the basis of friendship, neccessary for
community, and important for a good society. To divide the basis of
friendship in the age of computer networks is deeply wrong. No
publishing is better than restricted publishing.

Secondly, deterrents. For the general public, the deterrents do more
harm than good because they cut into private use that is allowed in
the law (or should be, cf Gowers). I can download BBC shows
transmitted through analogue radio broadcasts onto a VHS tape. I can
keep the copy as long as I want, and copy it to my portable video
player. I can download BBC shows transmitted through digital radio
broadcasts onto a file in my computer. I can keep the copy as long as
I want, and copy it to my portable video player. I can download BBC
shows transmitted through the Internet onto a file in my computer,
and my computer deletes it after 7 days, and I can't copy it to
any other device. There is something deeply wrong here.

Note that given the above situation, anyone who wants to share BBC
shows can just download their copy some other way - just as you can
still go buy CDs in shops and share them all you want. DRM is already
purposeless if works are available in non-DRM formats anyway.

Thirdly, 'blatant.' I've heard BBC employees say, speaking for
themselves, that they were very suprised that even though Johnny
Public is signed up with his full name and postcode and static IP and
such, he will blatantly file share BBC stuff anyway. Since we
intuitively understand that sharing is good, deterring us general
public from file-sharing is impossible, and we will continue to be
brazen about this.

Yes, it's beatable, but there are hoops to jump through
before that file you've just download can be usefully shared,
which the majority won't bother with.

This is a very naieve view of how Internet society works.

To convert copy-restricted data into copy-enabled data, there may be
many hoops to jump through. For the first person, there will be many
many hoops. For the second, there will be less hoops. Eventually, the
hoop is "download this program and drag and drop your restricted data
onto it." The hoops can always be jumped, and collapsed to this single
one. This is not an 'implementation problem' - if it was, software
program proprietors would have implemented it 20 years ago.

Say that there are a few hoops though, so "the majority won't bother."
For the minority who do jump the hoops, the copy-enabled data can be

How many hoops do the recipients of the copy-enabled data have to jump?


Its often said that any simpleton can jump out of iTunes DRM using
iTunes, by burning off all their iTMS music onto CDs and re-ripping
them. It would take a very retarded simpleton to actually do this,
because the far easier and faster thing is to just hit up Limewire or
ThePirateBay or whereever and get the copy-enabled versions.

It's a first step. Security is almost never a simple choice between
absolute protection or none.

Security is usually a charade, and security experts are usually charlatans :-)

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread vijay chopra

On 08/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that own the rights
to the content - and therefore being able to release the content in this

Satisfy them to what end? The current arrangement temporarily "satisfies"
media execs at the expense of the general public. Besides, the BBC's job
isn't t satisfy Media execs, it's to satisfy licence fee payers, and pouring
money down a DRM drain won't satisfy anyone. It won't satisfy us because of
the DRM, when thee DRM is cracked the media execs will cease being
satisfied, and when the Daily mail prints "BBCs computer code hacked" as its
headline, the government will not feel particularly satisfied either.

Remind me again of the point of DRM at the BBC, to me it seems as though the
point is to find a way of wasting licence fee payers money, so Auntie can
claim to be at the cutting edge of technology, whilst actually going

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread vijay chopra

Deterring the general public from blatant file-sharing.

You do realise that there is nothing inherently illegal in  file-shareing, I
think you meant "Trying to deter the general public from committing
copyright infringement, and deliberately trampling all over their rights
whilst we do so"

There's a timely slashdot article on the subject in my other tab:

[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backs tage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Jason Cartwright
The purpose of being good enough to satisfy the people that own the rights to 
the content - and therefore being able to release the content in this manner.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Crossland
Sent: 08 February 2007 16:18
Subject: Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 
billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > And yet it's still used...
> > > Doesn't that say something?
> > It says that record execs are stupid, but we all knew that already.
> I was going more for a "it might be broken by some, but it's good 
> enough for 'purpose'".

And what is that purpose, exactely?

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Sent via the discussion group.  To unsubscribe, please 
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[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage ] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Tim Thornton
> On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >   On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > And yet it's still used...
> > > > Doesn't that say something?
> > > It says that record execs are stupid, but we all knew that already.
> >
> > I was going more for a "it might be broken by some, but it's good enough
> > for 'purpose'".
> And what is that purpose, exactely?

Deterring the general public from blatant file-sharing. Yes, it's beatable, but 
there are hoops to jump through before that file you've just download can be 
usefully shared, which the majority won't bother with.

It's a first step. Security is almost never a simple choice between absolute 
protection or none.


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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-08 Thread Dave Crossland

On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And yet it's still used...
> > Doesn't that say something?
> It says that record execs are stupid, but we all knew that already.

I was going more for a "it might be broken by some, but it's good enough
for 'purpose'".

And what is that purpose, exactely?

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[backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage ] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-06 Thread Josh at
Has any consumer/consumer body every made a legal challenge to DRM – seems
like people should have control over stuff they have bought and not be
controlled by companies or, more importantly, regarded and treated by
companies as if they, as regular consumers, are thieves.

One small thing I hate is when you get a DVD and it locks you out from using
your user controls: forcing you to watch the copyright notice, etc. What
gives the DVD makers the right to use my DVD player and my electricity to
foist their message on me? Thinking green, the amount of energy used by
locking people’s machines whilst displaying such content must be a big waste
of energy. Muses: can I send the DVD maker an invoice for (1) my time and
(2) the electricity used?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jeremy Stone
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2
billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

]Those watching the DRM debate will be interested to see the latest music
industry developments which will presumably set the precedent for download
video bus models.
Last week's Music Week (the weekly UK music industry trade paper) led with
the headline reporting from  "Midem (the annual industry trade fest) -
"Times up for DRM" reporting on (some of) the industry's frustration with
its restrictions predicting that one major label would "break free shortly
and go DRM free.
However, bear in mind that this is still a fringe view. However quite a
growing fringe, according to MW. Paid content has a report of the debate.

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-06 Thread vijay chopra

On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And yet it's still used...

Doesn't that say something?

It says that record execs are stupid, but we all knew that already.

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-06 Thread Dave Crossland

On 06/02/07, Andrew Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It will be interesting in a few years time once a few MP3 players
have died, and people have had chance to lose their entire music
collection in spectacular fashion due to hard disk failures and so on.

This will only be a problem for people who have been tricked into
using DRM files, since non-DRM files can be easily backed up.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-05 Thread Dave Crossland

On 05/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> withdrew DRM, since it totally failed, like it always will

iTunes Music Store (solely selling DRMed content?) appears to be
doing pretty well... over 2bn songs, 50m TV episodes and 1.3m
films sold [1]. It turned over around $1.7bn last financial year [2].

Doesn't make it right, of course, but it's hardly "failed".

iTMS has not failed financially.

The iTMS finances are different to its DRM, which has failed.

Big Champagne, a company that monitors P2P networks, estimated the
typical time it took DRM music available 'exclusively' on the iTunes
Music Store to appear, clean of DRM, on P2P networks: Less than three
minutes. (Using, 3 minute quote from

And burning music to CD and reimporting it is a very widely known
circumvention, although scoffed at by the more adept sharing

Most importantly, iTMS fails ethically, because it destroys the spirit
of sharing that is the basis of a good society. Even the kids of
record company CEOs do filesharing.

For the BBC to fail in this regard is a bigger deal than for Apple.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-05 Thread Dave Crossland

On 05/02/07, David Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: do FLAC

FLAC is "Free Lossless Audio Compression", a great free software audio format.

To be clear, I am not against people charging money for distributing
music; I am against people distributing music in proprietary formats,
and restricting me from redistributing music.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-05 Thread David Wood

And here's another thing to chuck into the pot. What about those of us that
want the flexibility of being able to choose our tracks to be able to
download, but will not compromise on sound quality (i.e. want pure linear
PCM WAVs or lossless)? Apart from quasi-legal, where's the
download store for us serving up popular music for those of us who want
quality and flexibility? Not all people want DRM laced low bit-rate files
you know. do FLAC / 320kbps MP3 albums for around the same
price as iTunes. A far more limited stock, granted. And there's also and too. The former
has 192kbps MP3 for around 28p a track, while the latter has a
splattering of WMA (bleurgh) in amongst the MP3s. Just some ones I've
used in the past.

With this bunch, I seem to be doing perfectly fine at the moment
getting high (enough) quality DRM-free, legit copies of the stuff I
want to listen to. And as a last resort, many 'hard copy' chart CDs
from come in at a similar cost to iTunes,
sometimes cheaper. But that kind of defeats the point, somewhat I
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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-05 Thread vijay chopra

It depends what you mean by "failed" Fairplay (Apple's DRM) is circumvented
by simply burning your tracks to CD, then ripping to MP3. I'd count that as
a failed DRM mechanism, as it's essentially useless. If the BBC implements
DRM that's as "good" as Fairplay, I'll be happy (as long as they don't spend
to much of my licence fee on it).

I'm sure (well not really, but that's a different debate) HD-DVD and\or
Blu-Ray will make millions too, but I'd say that their DRM has failed
already too.

On 05/02/07, Jason Cartwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is all my personal opinion.

> withdrew DRM, since it totally failed, like it always will

iTunes Music Store (solely selling DRMed content?) appears to be doing
pretty well... over 2bn songs, 50m TV episodes and 1.3m films sold [1]. It
turned over around $1.7bn last financial year [2].

Doesn't make it right, of course, but it's hardly "failed".


 they don't breakdown the revenue far enough, but its about $1.7 to $1.8bn
I'd reckon.

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Re: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-02 Thread Dave Crossland

On 02/02/07, J.P.Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What might be a fair price in, say, Russia, might be
ridiculously cheap here and unbearaby expensive in Vietnam.

Current example: is a licensed mp3 downloads business
- licensed in Russia - that is ridiculously cheap compared to the
british high street or even locally licensed mp3 download businesses,
and unbearaby expensive to anyone grown up with file sharing, be they
in Vietnam or anywhere else.

"As a basis of comparison, a typical four-minute, 128 kbit/s song
downloaded from the iTunes Music Store would cost $0.99, whereas this
same song at the same bitrate would cost $0.12 to download at"

AllofMp3 is especially important because they tried, tried, tried, and
withdrew DRM, since it totally failed, like it always will - and in
December 2006 the RIAA sued them for more than Russia's entire GDP.

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Re: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Crossland

On 01/02/07, Mr I Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

/ So, yes it seems they are going to create "BBC DRM", and not only that
but "BBC DRM for Linux" as well./ -

More from Miles Metcalfe, on backchannel discussion that BBCDRM, being
for GNU/Linux, may be Free Software:

Open sourcing evil doesn't make it any less evil. Rights management
allows the rights holder to actively dictate the usage of content.
This violates the intent of copyright law (equity) in a way the
passive restriction of rights (it's difficult to photocopy a book)
does not. Stallman rightly describes it as "restriction management"
and it should be resisted. Never in the history of creative product
have rights holders contemplated or been allowed to get away with
restrictions against the affordances of their medium - nor should
they now.

{snip, idea: its Free Software so you can define your own trust models}

Whilst a user-generated trust model is appealing (I can distribute
content for my friends, but it can't be published outside of that
circle - thus enforcing my privacy), it wouldn't be used by users,
would it - it would be offered to corporate rights holders who'd
implement it like DRM.

To which I replied:

"I don't want to belong to any trust model that will accept me as a member."

If you need to enforce your privacy among your friends, I'm not sure
you have any.

Restrictions management is restrictions management, and is in itself
abuse of users' digital rights - to use, study, share, and modify.

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Re: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-02-01 Thread vijay chopra

/ So, yes it seems they are going to create "BBC DRM", and not only that
but "BBC DRM for Linux" as well./ -

It seems that out of the hundreds of comments from the slashdot thread that
you could have chosen, you chose one of mine :-).
Elsewhere I also posted a link to the consultation , so hopefully
British slasdoters will reply in droves.

Re: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread James Cridland

This is a splendidly informed debate, incidentally. I'm enjoying it.

On 1/31/07, Stephen Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Media groups tend to equate a download
with a (potential) lost sale. This is just not the case. Many people who
download, especially cross borders may discover television from other
countries to which they had no access.

Example: The Daily Show was sold to More4 as an exclusive purchase for
within the territory of the UK. The production company is selling something
that commands a good price because it is selling the rights to exclusively
show this programme in the UK.

If the majority of people were watching it via BitTorrent et al, then the
value of the show to the More4 is much less. This is the problem. Not a
missed sale; but a very badly harmed value of a product.

Many other people who download are of course unable to afford the vast

majority of what they download. They may be getting
something for free, but still are not lost sales.

"I nicked it because I can't afford it" is an interesting claim when talking
about downloading via computer and broadband connection (two luxury
products), and it still doesn't recompense The Daily Show for lost value for
its product, or More4 for lost advertising revenue. Remember, More4 and
their advertisers are paying for the programme, so you don't have to.

Sadly, it is rare that media institutions are forward looking, nor wish

to reconsider their current policies to take into account recent
technological developments. What makes this worse is that a large number
of people within their companies are likely to be 'illegal' downloaders,
and there will be some that also know distribution protocols such as
bittorrent, and the necessary economics to distribute in this way. I
doubt however, any such people would find it advantageous to reveal this
to their employer, unless they already held a large amount of influence
in the company.

Well, all media institutions have people that research new technology within
them. I'm paid to do that. I have used BitTorrent, Kazaa and Napster (all of
which are/were possible to use legally, incidentally); I have hacked
subscription television; and have done a variety of other entertaining
things on and offline. I expect (and hope) the rest of my team have done so
as well. Blimey - imagine what you'd be saying if we didn't bother to

[I ought to point out that I haven't, though, shared any substantive amount
of other peoples' material; because I don't own it.]

Finally: you claim media institutions aren't forward looking. If you've not
realised, you're arguing with someone who works for a commercial radio
station, on a mailing list run by the BBC for developers to mash-up their
content. Excellent. ;)


Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread Richard Lockwood

On 1/31/07, Josh at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<< If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating chairs.>>

 No, but I should have the rights to restrict people from duplicating MY

That makes no sense. No chair is unique. They all follow a fundamental
design: to provide a place to sit. "YOUR" chair will be a copy or a
variation of a chair that has gone before it. You're not a god of furniture:
creating something out of nothing: you're just another twiddler in a long
line of furniture twiddlers. You may not have slavishly copied another
designer's design, but you will (inadvertently) have copied parts of someone
else's design.

Yes - and here's the difference.  If I create something, I am (more
than likely) using some previous ideas, but I am creating something

If I mash up "Angel of Death" by Slayer with "Santa Was Seen Flying
Over Soviet Airspace" by Philistines Jr, I'm creating something new.
If I buy the Slayer "Reign In Blood" album, copy it onto 20 blank CDs
and give those copies away to my friends, I'm stealing.  If I take
those CDs and leave one in each room of my houses scattered around the
globe, it's personal use.  It also makes me a cheapskate.  :-)

If you have to get paid over and over again for your chair, then why
shouldn't you pay over and over again the man who made the glue for your
chair, or the wood logger who cut the tree to make your chair, or the farmer
who planted the tree, or the worm who dug the earth around the tree
enriching the earth and allowing the water to reach the roots? You can go on
forever: no one thing is created by one person.

The glue man, the logger etc - I do.  Because it's a different chair
each time and I have to buy more glue and wood.

If a singer writes a song that's sold on CD, should he pay the person who
invented the CD in the first place?

No - but he pays for the blank CDs, a proportion of that cost covering
the various licenses involved in the technology.

Should we all, every day, pay Tim Berners-Lee a fee for "inventing" the
internet? Should Tim pay his mum for giving him life so he could go on to
create the internet? It is just ridiculous for one person or set of people
to say that they are the creator of something and then hold sway over it …
if they have rights, then so does everyone else along the chain who allowed
that final thing to be produced. Musicians couldn't sell their music today
via the net without the work of generations of scientists and IT wizards …..
the scientists created/produced a way for the musicians to distribute their
work, and so the scientists are due a huge cut of everything the musicians

And, until recently, the scientists creating those technologies were
employed by EMI et al, who paid them a wage for their work.  And EMI
made good money out of sponsoring (by way of wages) the development of
those technologies.

 If producers don't want people to duplicate things, then they shouldn't put
them out in the public arena in the first place. If you stop people
duplicating things, then where would the world be: we'd stop people
duplicating ideas, thoughts, reason, sense, compassion, love, whatever.
Everything is copied and changed – from biology to IT – fundamental change
is driven by incremental improvements. If producers don't want their work
duplicated, then they should keep it to themselves. If that means they don't
produce, then fine – they can do something else with their lives.

The problem here is where do you draw the line.  Sharing ideas, yes,
sharing specifics, no.  Complete freedom to copy means eventual
stagnation.  Your argument essentially says that no-one should ever
benefit from their work/creativity.

We all duplicate something: we repeat ideas, we come out with catchphrases,
we retell jokes, we pay homage in the things we create to the things that
have gone before us. Nothing is ever original. Should Matt Lucas get a fee
every time someone quips "I'm the only gay in the village"? Should Bono get
paid every time someone mentions Bloody Sunday? Just because something is in
paper, digital medium, fabric, etc it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be

OK, an example. My band has a 3 song CD out.  While we're not out to
make money on it (we actually lose money on each CD sold at £2, and
the tracks are available as MP3s on the website anyway), if you bought
a copy off me, duplicated the packaging and appearance exactly, burned
the three tracks onto vinyl look CDs and then sold them (or gave them
away), claiming to be an official representitive of the band, I'd be
*mightily* ed off.  If you want to sing it down your local
Karaoke, or mash it up with your own beats, a Scandiwegian Black Metal
band, or Ted Ray reading Thomas The Tank Engine then (so long as you
send me a copy!) go for it - it's re-use of ideas, not theft.

I've also got a book out.  I

Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread James Cridland

On 1/31/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
> > invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
> > duplicating chairs.
> No, but I should have the rights to restrict people from duplicating MY
> chairs.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear, because that's what I meant. Restated:

If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating the chairs you made. Restricing commercial duplication
might be okay, but not non-commercial in-the-public-view duplication,
and certainly not private between-friends duplication.

Don't agree.

No duplication is truly non-commercial; every act of duplication still
results in the loss of a potential sale (assuming that I am selling these
chairs). Given that, I am well within my rights to, if I choose, wish to
prevent duplication - whether it's private-between-friends, or
private-between-anyone on the internet, or anything else.

If you don't like that, you don't have to buy my chairs!


Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread Richard Lockwood

On 1/31/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 31/01/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/30/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Metaphors that compare digital data to physical objects are almost
> > always confusion.
> Agreed.


> > Stealing is stealing, copying is copying. Stealing is not copying.
> Not agreed. But then, you might be confusing physical objects
> with data. (!)

Do explain :-)

> > If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
> > invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
> > duplicating chairs.
> No, but I should have the rights to restrict people from duplicating MY
> chairs.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear, because that's what I meant. Restated:

If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating the chairs you made. Restricing commercial duplication
might be okay, but not non-commercial in-the-public-view duplication,
and certainly not private between-friends duplication.

Bad example Dave.  If I sell chairs, I can sell six of what's
essentially the same chair to the same person, so they can have six
people sit down for dinner.  I want to make sure they buy six chairs.

If I sell a CD to someone, then yes, they should have the right to
copy the data on that CD for personal use, to play in the car, to play
on their MP3 player etc.  They get no benefit from playing the same
song 6 on six different devices simultaneously.  If they want six
people to listen to it, they can all listen to the CD being played in
the same room.  I don't want them copying my CD and giving it to a
friend to play by themselves.


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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread Dave Crossland

On 31/01/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/30/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Metaphors that compare digital data to physical objects are almost
> always confusion.



> Stealing is stealing, copying is copying. Stealing is not copying.

Not agreed. But then, you might be confusing physical objects
with data. (!)

Do explain :-)

> If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
> invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
> duplicating chairs.

No, but I should have the rights to restrict people from duplicating MY

I'm sorry I wasn't clear, because that's what I meant. Restated:

If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating the chairs you made. Restricing commercial duplication
might be okay, but not non-commercial in-the-public-view duplication,
and certainly not private between-friends duplication.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread James Cridland

On 1/30/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Metaphors that compare digital data to physical objects are almost
always confusion.


Stealing is stealing, copying is copying. Stealing is not copying.

Not agreed. But then, you might be confusing physical objects with data. (!)

If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are

invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating chairs.

No, but I should have the rights to restrict people from duplicating MY


[backstage] RE: [backstage] Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage ] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-31 Thread Brian Butterworth
> Brian Butterworth wrote:
> >> It permits you, as you keep quoting it, to make a recording of a 
> >> broadcast to let you view or listen to it at a more 
> convenient time 
> >> (timeshifting); it does *not* let you make copies of that 
> recording 
> >> (sharing). As I said, and you ignored, above.
> > 
> > It's not in the copy of the Act that I am reading.  In fact it uses 
> > the actual phrase "for the purpose of being placed in an archive".
> The Act actually says "for the purpose of being placed in an 
> archive *maintained by a designated body*". And a designated 
> body is defined by Statutory Instrument as:
> The British Film Institute
> The British Library
> The Music Performance Research Centre
> The Scottish Film Council
> National Library of Wales
> British Medical Association
> British Music Information Centre
> Imperial War Museum
> (according to the latest SI I can find, dated 1993).

Yes, I know that.  The point being was of that the law is clear enough to
distingush between the idea of taking a copy for private use to watch at a
more convienient time and the idea of the intent of keeping it forever.

> > Whilst we are at it, the way that the MPEG-2 system works REQUIRES 
> > that the data is held in a memory buffer, because of the 
> way that the 
> > temporal compression works, so it's very easy to argue that digital 
> > transmission is a store-and-forward system and would be impossible 
> > (and illegal by your logic) to use without many copies being made.
> Transient copies such as you refer to are covered by The 
> Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003, which added 
> this to the 1988 Act: 
> "Copyright in a literary work, other than a computer program 
> or a database, or in a dramatic, musical or artistic work, 
> the typographical arrangement of a published edition, a sound 
> recording or a film, is not infringed by the making of a 
> temporary copy which is transient or incidental, which is an 
> integral and essential part of a technological process and 
> the sole purpose of which is to enable -
> (a) a transmission of the work in a network between third 
> parties by an intermediary; or
> (b) a lawful use of the work;
> and which has no independent economic significance."."
> Quite clear, really. :)

"not infringed by the making of a temporary copy which is transient or
incidental" sounds like a BitTorrent to me.

> --
> ATB,
> Matthew  |
> -
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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-30 Thread Dave Crossland

On 30/01/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/29/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 29/01/07, James Cridland < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In most cases, the broadcaster has negotiated limited rights

> The distributor's "limited" rights have been extended in the opposite
> direction to where distribution technology has taken us.

Agreed: probably precisely because distribution technology is taking us a
different way.

Both sides see the need for the rights to be reconciled with the
technological reality.

Proprietary Culturalists are trying to make copying machines less good
at copying with DRM, and call for extended restriction on the public.

Free Culturalists are continuing to make copying machines better at
copying than ever, and call for reduced restrictions on the public.

Cui bono?

> > rights in a limited time-frame and a limited territory to exploit
> > copyright material: for which wholesale and free copying via
> > BitTorrent without DRM is wholly unrealistic.
> "Wholly unrealistic" seems pretty nutty when
> and friends are doing it anyway.

If you make furniture, the fact that occasionally someone
nicks a chair from your factory doesn't mean that you should
stop charging for chairs.

Metaphors that compare digital data to physical objects are almost
always confusion.

Stealing is stealing, copying is copying. Stealing is not copying.

If you make furniture, the fact that furniture-duplication wands are
invented does not give you the right to restrict people from
duplicating chairs.

Capitalism is infinitely adaptable, and furniture commerce will
continue in a world that permits furniture duplication. Capitalism is
not threatened by changes to business models - but some businesses are
threatened. Some are powerful, and being under threat, try to
misrepresent my position from a threat to a business model to a threat
to business.

Such as all the "copying is stealing" crap everytime we visit the
cinema or buy a portable media player.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-30 Thread Dave Crossland

On 29/01/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I forwarded my reply to an old friend, Miles Metcalfe

More interesting comments from Miles:

"Never in the history of creative product
have rights holders contemplated or been allowed to get away with
restrictions against the affordances of their medium - nor should
they now. I would argue that three things reward rights holders for
the risk of easy copying: one, digital distribution is reaches new
market (reaching consumers that would otherwise not have consumed);
two, digital distribution significantly reduces costs (by
transferring the cost of instantiating the product from the producer
to the consumer); three, digital distribution allows the creation of
new business models, and therefore extra avenues for monetisation.
These three things are sufficient gain to offset the duplication risk
- and organisations like the BBC should be telling rights holders so."

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-30 Thread James Cridland

On 1/29/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 29/01/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In most cases, the broadcaster has negotiated limited rights
The distributor's "limited" rights have been extended in the opposite
direction to where distribution technology has taken us.

Agreed: probably precisely because distribution technology is taking us a
different way.

> rights in a limited time-frame and a limited territory to exploit
> copyright material: for which wholesale and free copying via
> BitTorrent without DRM is wholly unrealistic.
"Wholly unrealistic" seems pretty nutty when
and friends are doing it anyway.

If you make furniture, the fact that occasionally someone nicks a chair from
your factory doesn't mean that you should stop charging for chairs.


Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-29 Thread Dave Crossland

On 29/01/07, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> rights in a limited time-frame and a limited territory to exploit
> copyright material: for which wholesale and free copying via
> BitTorrent without DRM is wholly unrealistic.

"Wholly unrealistic" seems pretty nutty

I forwarded my reply to an old friend, Miles Metcalfe, the head of IT
R&D at Ian Forrester's old haunt, Ravensbourne College of Design &
Communication down in Chislehurts, Kent.

He gave me a prompt and thoughtful reply, which I thought would be of
interest to the list. Here it is, distributed with permission,
naturally :-D

-- Forwarded message --
From: Miles Metcalfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29-Jan-2007 17:06

Hi Dave

"Wholly unrealistic" seems pretty nutty when
and friends are doing it anyway.

Copyright as it stands has been broken by our new digital

I concede that most BBC content is being held to ransom by copyrights
held by 3rd parties. But whatever isn't, should at least be made
available along the lines Brian Butterworth has made out.

As a British citizen and BBC-Tax payer, I personally find that it
being made available to look at, but not touch and reuse, isn't enough
- this material should be released under a "copyleft" license for me.

As a human being, and having seen wonders like Wikipedia, I'd like it
to be released under a copyleft license for worldwide use.

Okay. The rights-holder's fears are actually pretty legitimate here.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that people passively consume
content happily that is made available to them for free. There is a
whole lot less evidence to suggest that people make creative reuse of
content when it's given to them for free. Provide some evidence,
rather than appeals to humanity (and don't point to wikipedia - by
far the majority of its users are consumers).

The rights-holder is behaving in their own self-interest to maximise
the return on consumption. You conflate several arguments:

- Digital technology has made copyright meaningless, as copying is a
_trivial_ and _natural_ exercise in the digital domain.
- Citizenship confers on me extra rights regarding content produced
by a "national institution".
- Payment of a mandatory content tax confers on me extra rights also.
- Irrespective of the preceding, the innovation I have seen compels
me to favour the elimination of copyright.

If you had the space, you'd've probably included "copyright is evil
because it fundamentally limits my natural freedom to exchange
information with my friends and associates. It is therefore a
restriction on freedom of speech, and must not be tolerated in a just
society" or some variation thereof :)

I don't think these arguments sit that well together in an argument
bomb, as they cover the gamut from visionary, ethical, moral, to
social-contractual. Where is the countervailing interest to the self-
interest of the rights-holder? Copyright, after all, was the former



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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-29 Thread Dave Crossland

On 29/01/07, James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In most cases, the broadcaster has negotiated limited

The distributor's "limited" rights have been extended in the opposite
direction to where distribution technology has taken us.

rights in a limited time-frame and a limited territory to exploit
copyright material: for which wholesale and free copying via
BitTorrent without DRM is wholly unrealistic.

"Wholly unrealistic" seems pretty nutty when
and friends are doing it anyway.

Copyright as it stands has been broken by our new digital circumstances.

I concede that most BBC content is being held to ransom by copyrights
held by 3rd parties. But whatever isn't, should at least be made
available along the lines Brian Butterworth has made out.

As a British citizen and BBC-Tax payer, I personally find that it
being made available to look at, but not touch and reuse, isn't enough
- this material should be released under a "copyleft" license for me.

As a human being, and having seen wonders like Wikipedia, I'd like it
to be released under a copyleft license for worldwide use.

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Re: [backstage] RE: [backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-29 Thread James Cridland

On 1/29/07, Brian Butterworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > It's not a case of what I think about the law, it is my
> understanding of it.
> > There is no legal precedent to support your position.
> Yours neither. :-)
Well there is two precedents.  Firstly the BBC took BSB to the high court to
stop them showing highlights of the World Cup in 1990 - and lost. page 141

The BBC vs BSB paragraph in this PDF reads as follows (and yes, I can
copy this legally!)...

In BBC v BSB (The 1990 World Cup Case),475 the defendant rebroadcast
highlights of the BBC's live broadcasts of football matches over the
course of the 1990 World Cup in Italy, and asserted that the
rebroadcasting was fair dealing for the purpose of news reporting. The
UK High Court took a broad approach to the question of fair dealing,
holding that the rebroadcasts were for the purposes of reporting the
news, rejecting the suggestion that the BSB's purpose was not to report
the news, but that it had an 'oblique motive' to quickly boost their
popularity by using the most memorable highlights of the matches. The
fact that the highlights were also entertaining, and that the BSB
benefited from providing them, did not mean that the purpose of the
rebroadcast was not for reporting the news.

This deals in 'fair-dealing' for use of excerpts in news broadcasting.
I don't quite follow how it's relevant to allowing UK users to copy,
in full, copyrighted material.

The second is the withdrawal of the BBC and ITV (and soon C4 and Five) from
using BSkyB's encryption service on satellite, because the EU "Television
Without Frontiers" directive allows them not to.

This is related to territorial rights granted by those that hold the
copyright; again, I don't quite follow how it's relevant in allowing
UK users to copy, in full, copyrighted material.

Copyright in most television and radio programmes are not, in actual
fact, wholly owned by the broadcaster. From music rights to other
areas, copyright rests in a whole set of bodies which isn't easily
entangled. In most cases, the broadcaster has negotiated limited
rights in a limited time-frame and a limited territory to exploit
copyright material: for which wholesale and free copying via
BitTorrent without DRM is wholly unrealistic.

I admire your obvious enthusiasm, mind.

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[backstage] £1.2 billion question (or RE: [backstage] BBC Bias??? >Click and Torrents)

2007-01-28 Thread Brian Butterworth
Sorry if you didn't get why this is a "backstage" issue, let me explain more

> I'm not sure how a torrent counts as the "making [...] of a 
> recording of a broadcast". Obviously, you can make a direct 
> recording of a broadcast yourself for time-shifting purposes 
> however you want (VCR, PVR, MythTV); but sharing that 
> recording by torrent or any other means is certainly not 
> covered by the section you quote (it refers to making not 
> sharing, re-broadcasting, etc.), nor is downloading that 
> torrent elsewhere (which is copying the recording of a 
> broadcast, not making)

Of course making a torrent is not "making a recording of a broadcast".  

But you can use a PVR (Sky+), Media Center, Windows or Mac to record off-air
onto a hard drive does, as does using a video cassette recorder with a video
cassette or DVD-R burner with a blank DVD.

The law allows you to make any recording you like and watch it where you
like as long as the recording and viewing is done in "domestic premises".
You can pick up your laptop, PVR or computer and take it somewhere else and
watch legally.  Also you can copy from a PVR onto a DVD burner legally.
Your PVR or PC can change the format of the recording (say, MPEG2 to WM9 or
DivX) legally.

So I really can't see how using a computer network such as BitTorrent breaks
any law, as long as both parties are domestic.

If it *IS* illegal then the Slingbox is illegal too, isn't it?

Anyway, the point is this:

*IF* it is legal to make recording in domestic premises of broadcast TV
programmes (which it clearly is)
*AND* *IF* it is legal to share the recordings in domestic premises of said
recordings (which is appears to be)

Then...  What is the point of the BBC spending £1,200,000,000 pounds on
setting up the iPlayer service when it could simply support any organization
or individual who wanted to provide such a service from their home.

I would have thought that support from "backstage" in the form of:

 - a BBC-programmes-on-trackers indexing service for the public
 - technical assistance to those who wish to record, encode and peer-to-peer
fileshare BBC programmes, perhaps even with 'install packs' to make it
simple for the viewer.
 - a "prize fund" of 1,000 free TV licences for those who contribute the
most BBC recordings to the networks.
 - an "idiots" guide to installing the necessary clients for the "average

The advantage of using peer-to-peer distribution would mean a zero-cost to
the BBC for bandwidth.

I would have though the scope for backstage people to drive such as project
would be huge, and could use any form of compression system (DivX, Xvid,
WM9, MPEG2, MPEG4), resolution (HDTV, SDTV and iPod quarter-screen) and
filesharing service.

As long a domestic-to-domestic peer-to-peer networks are used (so the
programmes never end up on a commercial server) I think the system could be
legal.  If PVRs with network ports could be networked together, this would
be perfect.

Anyway, I would prefer that the £1.2 billion was spent on new UK programme
production, more journalists and local TV, rather than the iPlayer.

If someone can provide some actual evidence that this would be illegal, I'll
be happy to shut up about it, but I don't want Auntie spending over a
billion quid if she doesn't need to.  As long as the BBC can insist that a
licence fee is paid by anyone who is watching a recording of a domestic
broadcast at a second location this would not be a threat to BBC funding.

> IANAL, but it seems pretty clear to me, no matter what you 
> think about the law as it stands.

It's not a case of what I think about the law, it is my understanding of it.
There is no legal precedent to support your position.

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