Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-21 Thread Garuda

As an Astrologer of some 25years I suggest the only 
way to get to know the planetary energies is to get in there and PLAY with them 
as much as you can.
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Eric Myren 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:31 AM
  Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy 
  cards, and 3rd class relics
  The one last thing I wish to say before I unsubscribe from this 
  list is that the school of Spirit I went to as teenager and over the past 
  any of my words have bothered you maybe their is a reason and maybe you should 
  look to the inside and find out what that reason is :-)On Sunday, July 
  20, 2003, at 07:22 AM, Lloyd Charles wrote:
  - Original Message -From: "Eric Myren" 
July 20, 2003 5:07 AMSubject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd 
class relicsHi EricIf you need to figure why some of us get 
peeved at the remarksdirected at radionics just take a look at the 
heading that this thread hasrun under . -- voodoo, holy cards, and third 
class relics -- hardly acomplimentary way to approach people who are 
doing their honest best to make" the benefits of the biodynamic 
preparations available as quickly aspossible to the largest possible 
areas of the entire earth, for the Earth'shealing."
One thing I wanted to say about this is I have a problem with 
  the wayRadionics has been portrayed on BDNOW! The almost religious 
  fever thatpushes these things as being better than biodynamics is 
  wrong.funny! from where I stand most of the religious 
fervour seems to be directedagainst the use of radionics and homeopathic 
remedies, by people rooted inthe traditional, - maybe we are all too 
Yes Radionics has its place in theenergy system of the 
  planet but is that instead of Biodynamics? NO! Itmust work in 
  conjunction with it in a vastly different space. The pointI am trying 
  to get across is that the two systems can work quite wellin 
  conjunction with one another as long as both are being 
used.Dont see many of us actively promoting the idea 
that this is an either/orsituation, I certainly dont. James doesnt, nor 
Gil nor even Hugh Lovel ( ifyou pay attention to what he writes and 
find the biggest Vortex on your property or positively 
  flowing dragon lineand blast
your preps deeply into the ether."blast your 
preps" I find it incredible that anyone with the remotestunderstanding 
of radionics or field broadcasting could write this! .In shortand vulgar 
language - its a bloody insult - we use the field broadcaster 
toadminister the preps in a finely balanced and extremely subtle way, 
itsgentle and in most cases much more finely tuned than any use of the 
rawpreps.Yet you write this as if we are some uncouth person bashing 
nature overthe head with a shovel.I dont understand this attitude at 
all !___BDNow 
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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-20 Thread Garuda
Dear Eric, Lloyd, Graeme, et. al.,

I consider the Steiner reference to sympathetic vibratory physics as very
interesting, especially in the light of evidence that our governments,
particularly the US government, have top secret research projects going on
along the same lines as radionic and psychotronic research. They heve the
budgets, the manpower and the chain of command to do this research and to
keep it top secret. They seem to be doing the very things Steiner feared. It
is we who are sharing what we know and discover with the world, and
countering the dangerous trend of keeping it all secret for narrow, selfish

That is one thing to think about. Another is the fact that we all seem prone
to making what we might view in hindsight as mistakes. Hopefully we will all
enjoy the fruits of learning from these mistakes, and not just those
experimenting with radionics--though working with radionics has brought to
light several serious errors in past biodynamic practice, such as frequent
and one-sided use of 500 without 501 and without horn clay or some other
such unifying, balancing remedy. So I very much support the wish that we who
are experimenting with radionics can and will learn from out mistakes. The
mistakes are manifold and the learning process is rather slow, though it
does seem to be incremental. It is important that we honestly and publicly
acknowledge and discuss these mistakes. While it may seem embarassing, it is
a sign of egoic maturity when we publically acknowledge our mistakes. You
might take a second look at any political figures who do this sort of thing,
as it is as much needed as it is rare.

Anyway, let us please not fall into such traps as labling radionic preps as
not real or invalidating the primary making of preps as unnecessary.
Either of these partisan views tends to create divisions. What we need
instead is an open forum for sharing what we know--something we can rely
upon our governments not to do from time to time and case to case.


BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Eric Myren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:32 AM
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

 Sir I respect your opinions and I find your words to be thoughtful and
 full of insight I hope you can be a voice of reason for these people. I
 only pray that the practioners of these energies come to realize some
 of the mistakes I see that they are making and change the focus of
 their attention. The only Radionics that they need to practice is that
 of their Corpus Callosum.


 On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 11:51 PM, James Hedley wrote:

  Dear Eric,
  Greetings from the land of the Wizards of Oz.
  Which posts do you think push Radionics with an almost religious
  fervour. As
  far as I can see most radionic practitioners on this list bend over
  backwards to try and give both methods equal time.
  I dont see that anyone on BDnow is trying to take any persons cherished
  beliefs from them. I personally have always advocated the use of both
  methods(radionics and BD)
  As for Radionics not being in the mindset of RS philosophy how would
  react to a most fortunate find of a lecture of RS in Holland, in 1918
  he discussed what would happen if we did not take up Sympathetic
  Physics ( as promoted by Keely, Russel and Tesla), whose work provided
  theoretical base for the technology which has become known as
  Radionics and
  Psychotronics. which would move mankind into a new type of
  spirituality and
  save a lot of work. At the present time I only have an abstract of the
  lecture translated from the Dutch but will try to get the full text.
  One small part that is pertinent Now for Mankind to reach its
  goal it is necessary that these separate occult faculties will not
  humanity in three opposing groups. Because for instance if the
  only develop their material-mechanical occultism and keep it for
  even use it to oppress the other peoples, and hold them in their
  (economical) power, the West will become soulless, bound to the
  side of life on this planet. This was quoted on the problems which RS
  would occur if SPV was not allowed to evolve.
  Interesting material. Maybe we also need to look at what is likely to
  to mankind if the spiritual impulses developing in other areas of the
  are not allowed to develop.
  Maybe some of you out there will be able to tell me.
  James Hedley
  - Original Message -
  From: Eric Myren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 5:07 AM
  Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics
  One thing I wanted to say about this is I have a problem with the way
  Radionics has been 

Re: Brian Keats' article A Perspective on Radionics FieldBroadcasters

2003-07-20 Thread Garuda
Dear Graeme,

I do not know what response is being referred to here. But I think it would
be fine to post it.


BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 9:53 PM
Subject: Brian Keats' article A Perspective on Radionics 

 Below is Brian's article on Radionics published in the Newsleaf.
 Brian has sent it to me to forward to BDNow.  He also included Hugh's
 response, but until we get Hugh's permission I will not post it.  I
 guess Hugh must be still away as he has not contributed to this
 thread yet.

 A Perspective on Radionics  Field Broadcasters - Brian Keats

 In the world of Biodynamics(BD) there is a gathering momentum in the
 use of radionics and Field Broadcaster instruments. What are they,
 how can we understand them, what effects do they have?

 The premise that everything is vibration with a wave like nature is
 the basis for research and development into the above mentioned

 Definitions, claimed effects and uses

 Radionic Potentising Devices:
 Translates substance into a pattern that can be:-
 1. copied (e.g. a herb or tinctures energy field can be translated
 and placed into a separate medicine phial or pilule);
 2. projected across near or remote distances;
 3. have its frequency (potency) changed.

 With the aid of dowsing a geometric pattern card can be made, having
 specific circles and vector lines added to it, that can represent any
 substance or thing. This representation can then be used in lieu of a
 herb, metal, mineral, medicine etc.
 The devices do not have an external source of power but do have
 electronic coil based circuitry.

 Field Broadcasters
 Usually are built into a section of PVC piping and work on the
 principles of radionics and can broadcast life forces (like BD
 preparations) over large acreage with stationary self-induction
 equipment. Reagents, or their card substitutes, are put into the
 device with a map of the intended area to be broadcast over and the
 pipe is activated for a specific time. There is no battery or mains
 power source needed but they do have electrical components in them
 and a very small voltage would be generated from the device. This
 eliminates the considerable effort needed to stir the preparations
 and spread them out over the land physically. The preparations do not
 even get used up! If one is using reagent cards, then that could
 remove the need to make or buy the preparations, or purchase specific
 minerals and trace elements.


 A lot of energy has gone into explanations, debates and arguments as
 to whether and how radionic devices and Field Broadcasters work. From
 my perspective I think that it is conceivable that they do, or can
 have, some of the effects claimed. The trend is that we are working
 with ever more subtle things that do not appear very substantial but
 nonetheless, the effect of their forces is very far reaching. There
 is not much physically to mobile phones and they continue to get
 smaller and have less and less hardware between them. There is an
 inverse relationship between substance and process - ever less
 substance and ever more powerful process. The computer chip is
 another example. Patterns too are known to have their effects
 psychically and thereby physically. Meditating on a symbol of the
 cross, a circle or on a mandala are examples.

 The issues for me rather are:-
 What is working or ensouling or enspiriting this type of technology?
 How is self-deception avoided?
 What is the price to be paid for the ease it offers?
 How do we go forward morally in researching these technologies?
 Should food or medicine radionically produced be labelled differently?

 If a radionics device copies a biodynamic preparation onto a Rae Card
 (pattern represented on a card with circles and vector lines) then we
 have something that was 3D; accessible to all the senses;
 metamorphosing; different according to location, season, method of
 making and people who made it - compared to something 2D, with fixed
 form and that provides little access for human physical senses.

 I can well imagine that these technological instruments could
 simulate something that represents a preparation filled with life. If
 I compare that which is simulated to the change that takes place when
 we use the technology of the telephone:- human speech is copied and
 transmitted - we recognise the speech patterns and can determine the
 message and who is speaking. The received sound patterns are an image
 of the real thing but not the real thing itself. The information is
 there but not the beautiful subtle quality of the reality. Even the
 sound waves have been changed, many have been dropped off and the
 rest averaged out. This image, like that in a mirror, can be
 seductively like, but not the 

Peppering Trial results 2003

2003-07-18 Thread Garuda

I have just added the initial results from our 
Insect peppering trials to our website, for whom it may be of a 
These trials were part of a Masters thesis, whose 
completion is still some months off. So here is a start.

Click the link on the left.
Glen A
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost
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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-17 Thread Garuda
Yes please can we have a copy of this article.
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message - 
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

 Hi All,
 I just read an interesting article in the Winter issue of the 
 Newsleaf - the BACA journal, by Brian Keats about radionics.  Many 
 will know him as the author of the Antipodean Astro calendar.  He 
 puts forward some of the points I and others have made about 
 radionics and BD, but much more eloquently, and more as well.  It 
 also has a response from Hugh Lovell.  Cheryl Kemp (editor) may allow 
 the text to be reproduced here for those who don't receive Newsleaf.
 Brian is not directly arguing against radionics as such but is asking 
 questions practitioners need to ask.  (They may have asked themselves 
 these questions and even have satisfactory answers.  But they haven't 
 been presented here on BDNow as far as I can tell)
 Questions like
 How is self-deception avoided?
 What is the price to be paid for the ease that it offers?  Moral 
 questions, labelling questions and more.
 Worthy a read if you are following this thread.
 Graeme Gerrard
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Re: New Zealanders

2003-07-16 Thread Garuda
I have sent a letter to the Minister of Agriculture asking to include our
product for this in the trials.

Its actually burping that is the problem, and the inefficient digestion of
their badly grown grass, so there will be all sorts of positives that come
from this. they will find ways to improve digestion - we have been doing
this in humans for 12 years - which will make a better weight gain for them,
and they will find better ways to grow grass.

Not signing the Kyoto protocol is not the best option. Its like sticking
your head in the sand and believing the wolf can not see you.
Australia and the US not signing, and allowing China and India to escape it
as well, are all very irresponsible acts for the longevity of life on the
NZ going forward implementing it will no doubt be as disasterous for us as
our unilateral dropping of our trade barriers, while our biggest trading
partners have the biggest rade barriers. But here we are, so what can we do
to help.

The 8 million the farmers are paying is less that 10% of the real cost of
their pollution re greenhouse gas taxes etc. So their arguments are somewhat
irrational and selfish as far as I can see.


BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: New Zealanders

 Kia ora,
   Would a petition be worth a try???
 - Original Message -
 From: Di Handley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 7:09 AM
 Subject: Re: New Zealanders

  Kia ora
  We somehow need to get the energy that is going in to this fart campaign
  be transferred to the anti GE campaign.  The moratorium is set to be
  late October this year.
  Any suggestions?
  Kia kaha
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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-14 Thread Garuda
 Succussion and dilution is not homoeopathy.  The fundamental
 principle is Like cures like.  If BD preps were homoeopathic in
 this sense - 500 would destroy humus, for example.

And it will if it is not continually feed organic matter

 Just think about that.  No, dilution is not the same thing as
 homoeopathy and the BD preps do not operate on a homoeopathic basis.
 500 stimulates humus production - the complete opposite of what a
 homoepathic form of 500 would be expected to do. So logically -
 either all of homoeopathy is false, its founding principle is wrong
 and homoeopaths all over the world are deluded and placebo is king,
 or the principles are correct and the BD preps are not homoeopathic -
 just fairly high dilutions.  Otherwise Lachesis (hom. snake venom for
 those others who may not know) would kill people every day, not cure
 So.  No, I have no problem with homoeopathy and no problem with the
 technique of high dilution and succussion, as such.

You may remember I mentioned recently that I was keeping birds off grapes by
helping the plant become one with its own inner bird
This is like curing like.
You might also find that there is more for humans to learn and understand
about homeopathy. This is an unfolding reality we live in and so I find it
humorous that you are so willing to have our understandings at a state of

One of the principles I found exploring the Astrological spiral is It is
The question then becomes where are these rights and wrongs of yours both
Glen A

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Re: Gil and Dave: radionics, voodoo, holy cards,and 3rd class relics

2003-07-14 Thread Garuda
  From such a perspective life
 forces are infinitely complex forces that involve the resurrection or
 redemption of matter - not just at the mineral level either as I
 think Glen A proposes.

no I am not proposing BD preps and the energeries they mediate work at 'just
the mineral level'. Not sure where you would have gotten this impression
from my writings.

The use of 'Life Forces' as a term is to me vague and confusing.
For some (including me) this will mean purely etheric forces, for others it
means all spiritual forces active in life , which from a RS point of view
are physical, etheric, astral and spiritual forces.
To me the BD preps mediate all of these forces. My chapter on the The
Preparations, outlines clearly which prep I consider to mediate which
physical, etheric, astral or spiritual activity.
My research is very much concerned with what we can do with these subtle
forces, even though my practise is concerned with working with substance as
well as force, as one must.

Bio-Dynamics = Life Forces = All the forces active in nature as described
Glen A

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Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-14 Thread Garuda
  But  this is the current understanding of homoeopathy, what
 can u do, just ignore it?

No I am not ignoring it. I know of no homeopath who has worked with the
homeopathic BD preps and so there are no other authorative views to
consider. My experience of them suggests they are different to 'normal'
substance. For a start their making process places them as alchemical
substances which work directly on the spiritual bodies relationship to one
another. Thats the basis I must start with.

Evidence does show they have a like cures like effect. It is really a
question , can you see what the actual cause of a problem is and which prep
will 'cure' it.
Is it not more your own limitations of understanding that are the 'problem'
rather than the system you are attacking?

There are observable phenomena, but
 we know that the observation is affected by our mind set, by our very
 efforts at observation (as well as our prejudices and inclinations).
 So we can delude ourselves both at the level of perception AND at the
 level of conception.

This what I have liked about the HortResearch process we have been through.
I have not been involved in these trials whatsoever.
The remedies are applied - possibly by highly sceptical scientists - on
Very little subjectivity here , if not down right negative sentiments, yet
we have achieved positive results as predicted.
These substances have power regardless of the user. This I believe is the
value of using X potencies. It makes the remedy much more stable than higher
potencies, most homeopathic rules apply to. I treat my remedies really
badly, on purpose, and they stand up. Breaking all the trad homeopathic
So be it. Thats whats real, too bad about someone else rules. Its the old,
If you meet Bhuddha on the road kill him' phenomena.
As you may have noticed over time, my regard for 'authorities' is nil, till
they prove some value. I find it gives me tremendous freedom to redefine
reality to what I experience. Does wonders for ones sanity.
Glen A

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Re: Greg Willis - costs of preps

2003-07-12 Thread Garuda
This is THE question of the time I see in front of me.
We have had a BDA fund, a full time consultant for 13 years 'selling' the
traditional form of BD, and it has made next to no impact on the commercial
effect of BD in the NZ economy, over the last 20 years. If anything it
damaged the image and appreciation of BD in our general  landowners minds.
Do we sit by and wait for the world to collapse and then come in with our
'amish' ways or do we find a way that our benefits can be used now as part
of the prevailing paradigm to help them move to a less damaging method?
Already Integrated Pest management is heading growers towards us. Compost
teas etc have bought organics next to being our twin. SO things are moving
from all sides. Where can we move to meet them?
In my experience I see, only when the farmers can see feel and experience a
functioning alterative, backed by 3rd party research, will they move towards
It has to be relevant, to their existing production system.
At present, based on the evidence in front of me it appears trad BD is
mostly relevant to third world, mortgage free and highly subsidies
There are many roads to the top of the hill and we all need to follow the
one that appears best to us. The more the merrier.
MAy all seekers for the development of BD have the dedication to their goals
I see here in the strength and diversity of views.
Do what youáll reckon is best for you, and marvel at your companions
achievements, or find fuel through jealousy, whatever, just do your bit as
you see fit.

I know my developments work, I got official proof, so there is no going back
no matter what anyone says. The mould has been broken, like it or not. BD is
not what it was and it never will be again. Keep it were you want it for
yourself, but I for one am moving forward with the reality I see in front of
me and it does not look very Amish.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: ron poitras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: Greg Willis - costs of preps

 Do any of you think, for even one second, that anyone,
 anywhere, other than the few adherents to biodynamics,
 is going to stir horn manure and horn silica for
 an hour and spray it on their lands around the world?
 Let's look at the evidence objectively.  It hasn't
 happened and in the present horse and buggy form, it
 will never happen.  People want convenience and price.
 They don't want mumbo jumbo.

 People wanting price and convenience is a significant part of the problem.
 The culmination of this kind of thinking is the global economy. Price and
 convenience achieved for the few at an astronomical cost to the rest.
 Steiner talked about the farm as an organism. One reason was to convey the
 wholeness of nature and another was to help in defining the proper scale
 an enterprise. Stirring horn manure and horn silica may be 'horse and
 buggy', but it accomplishes more than one thing.  What one can stir and
 spray relates to the proper size. It also puts the farmers imprint and
 intention on what he's doing. Focusing on convenience means not having to
 think; focusing on price means a loss of context.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hamilton Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:43 PM
 Subject: Re: Greg Willis - costs of preps

 Dear Tobias, Gil, Roger, Mark and Graeme,
 Good.  I got you all thinking.  Some of your
 criticisms are absolutely justified and I will address
 them now and later.  Others are not.
 The calculations in my little email need to be refined
 somewhat but in doing so, it will only go to prove my
 point that homeopathically diluted and potentized
 remedies are, no matter how you calculate it, less
 expensive to make, less expensive to use, in my
 experience, more effective to use and ultimately, the
 best way to get the most out of Steiner's remedies.
 I have to give credit to Glen Atkinson and Peter
 Bacchus who taught me the techniques for this method.
 Aside from the cost factors, you can get more than
 100,000 units of homeopathic material out of one unit
 of raw material and the shelf life is years longer.
 I hasten to point out that in my calculations, I
 assumed, for the sake of that discussion, that it
 would take the same amount of time to stir and spray
 the raw preps as it would to pour and spray the
 homeopathic dilutions.  This is false reasoning as it
 would take at least three times as long to do the raw
 Nevertheless, who else has done these calculations?
 Who else has compared these costs?
 We need to drag biodynamics out of the horse and buggy
 era and into the 21st Century and we are not going to
 do it using the raw remedies and the hippie
 language, amateur antics and philosophy that so often

Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relics

2003-07-11 Thread Garuda
  Why not let him present his proof
 instead of finding some novel way of telling him he is a nutcase.  If Greg
 can prove his style of BD minimizes disease even as it greatly increases
 the quality, then I think maybe we should all shut up and listen. Rex

Here   Here, it is the way forward.
Even if the Association blind dudes can not see it or acknowledge it, the
world does. 'Their' loss, the worlds win, and we move forward.
Glen A
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Re: Alex Podolinsky

2003-07-01 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: Alex Podolinsky

Are the farms he is working with in 'better shape' 
now than when he started??

If not , no matter how you dress it up, he is just 
another robber baron.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 7:27 
  Subject: Re: Alex Podolinsky
  I just caught up with Alex a few weeks ago. He and Frances Porter 
  were doing a tour of Demeter properties up the east coast of Australia, up 
  past the Atherton Tablelands, as far as I know, and back down the coast to 
  He didn't seem like a man to lay back and "enjoy his moment of glory in 
  the sun". He's still working hard for Biodynamics and is mentally alert 
  and fully on top of things - I don't think there's anything going on here that 
  he isn't aware of, for example.
  Alex's priority is with people who are serious about growing food for 
  other people, on a scale he thinks is worth his time and trouble. He has 
  no time for people who have an "interest" in BD or are just curious. As 
  he says, there are other vehicles for these people.
  I have always been impressed by Alex and even more so at this last 
  Dear all,Could I support James 
comments on Alex Podolinsky.He held his lamp high on the hill, when 
many were cupboard BDers.He took his beliefs to an unbelieving 
public, on mainline media, when, even today, many hide in secrecy and 
obscure places such as this list.He has built his own monument, a 
huge acreage of BD.I would, that those who seek to belittle him, 
should hold their hand until they equal his effort. He is not perfect, I 
know I am not and there are others I think may also have the odd 
imperfection.GilJames Hedley wrote:
Greetings to all,Iagree with 
  Hugh about Alex Podolinsky having carried the torch for Biodynamics in 
  Australia for so long.Even growers, that I have met, who have been 
  asked by Alex to leave the organization never doubt his integrity.The 
  great service that he has done is to test the limits of the BD techniques 
  that were claimed to be the way to farm Biodynamically.Alex 
  Podolinsky oversaw a long term trial that was able to show where the BD 
  system needed to be improved.Alex was not the only person who went 
  down the predominantly BD500 path. When I first joined the Association 
  generally accepted wisdom was that you should not use BD501 in Australia 
  because there was enough light. Not enough was known about the role of 
  Silica in plant production. Mainstream agronomists are now looking at the 
  role of Silica in production of grasses and crops such as Oats, Barley and 
  Wheat. Times change, old opponents to ideas die off and the new generation 
  without a barrow to push just do it.We need to allow an old man to 
  enjoy his moment of glory in the sun, thank him for his dedication and 
  pick up the torch and do the work of the day, not criticize and try to 
  pull apart the work that others have done.James HedleyHugh 
  Lovel wrote:
  Hi allFinally have 
heard word that Alex Podolinsky will be talking at the uni 
inOrange on the first weekend of August. Unsure of the details 
but will postthese when confirmed. I'd be happy to put questions 
to him on behalf ofothers. Keeping in mind what Hamish has 
written; I can't help but think if
  not for this man would there be any 
Biodynamic groups in Australia today?
  Allan I'll do my best to tape the 
talk, but you may have to wait to hear it
  on our 
mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]You 
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want to know what I liked, nay, cherished and admired, about Alex 
Podolinsky? He faithfully answered every letter I ever wrote to him, and 
I wrote him twice, needing help and guidance but not wanting to be a 
pest, many long years ago. I had a sense he really cared, whatever else 
may have been. I will always be thinking to care as well myself, though 
I find many letters slip through the cracks.Hugh LovelVisit 
our website at:

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BdMax Bird Scare's Philosophic Anachranism

2003-06-29 Thread Garuda

The BD remedies manifest in my Bird Scare product 
andproven to work by the NZ HortResearch institution can best be described 
as working by

"Helping the plant to become one with 
its owninner bird."

First achieved circa January 1990, 
this family of remedies also has been shown to 
work on Rabbits, Possums, Cockroachs, Rats, Mice, Ants and many plant 

Biodynamics of the 21st century.

Glen Atkinson
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Re: 500 and 501 effects

2003-06-28 Thread Garuda

Roll on real time
see you then
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:53 
  Subject: 500 and 501 effects
  Glen,Wish I had time for this discussion now as it has 
  been occupying much of my thought. You know how an onion is so cosmic above 
  ground and so earthly with its fan of roots below, Or how spinach is so cosmic 
  with its tap root but so earthly with its rosette of leaves? So we gotta get 
  this cosmic/earthly force/substance thing tagged with concrete examples all 
  over the place instead of merely talking vague generalities.And when 
  we visit we'll discuss the vortex periodic table some more. I still haven't 
  gotten your geometric system integrated in my thinking, but I do know you are 
  on to something. What am I, dense?, that I don't grasp your philosophical 
  system so easily as all that? Could be, but I do find it hard to get a handle 
  on. It's like abstract art. Cool, but what do you do with it? Well, I know you 
  explain and predict with it, but I don't. Not yet. And there's the 
let's take this example and go through it tagging all the little components 
of the process with "earthly forces, cosmic forces, earthly substances, 
cosmic substances." For example, nitrogen feeds/builds the human head and 
its activities, so it must come from the soil.So we have to look 
for the substances and forces coming from the head / soil as a double 
process not a single oneWhat is Silica coming upwards and what is 
Calcium coming upwards???Physically we have all sorts of 
Cations - Ca Mg Na K etcthese are diamagnetic elements and 
therefore can be seen as part of the Earthly substance.WE thenhave 
anions in N, P, S etc as well as paramagnetic elements which would be seen 
as the physical Si or Cosmic force elementsEnergetically 
we have forces coming from the Earth upwards tooThe "Cosmic 
forces" / outer planet 1 forces are those that carry the 
archetype of the the plant upwards, in doing so they thrust the 
plant upwards and work on the strength of the cell wall and 
the basis for the silica structures of the plantThe "Earthly 
substance' activity are the calcium process inner planet 
2,that are active in germination and cell division ie 
the number of cell devided, and physically are concerned with the 
development of amount and quality of the tissue structure in 
the plant.The quality of this Earthly Substance / Calcium process 
working in with the cosmic foces / Siprocess determines the 
structural quality of any plant as it grows into space.We 
off course can talk about how if the Cosmic Forces dominate we get tap 
roots, if the Earthly substance dominates we get the ramified roots and so 
on. If the Cosmic Forces do not move upwards as they should then the 
stalks are weak, there is no archetypal impulse for the atmospheric Silica / 
Earthly forces to hook on to to allow for flowering, let alone seed 
formation or for fruit to blow out.If the Earthly substance /Earthly Ca 
is not active then the plant tissues are weak, undernourished and therefore 
break down and rot easily. This is the rot of Ca in fungal control. Cell 
division is not great and so the fruit does not have many cells to be filled 
out by the mass devlopment of the Atmospheric Ca / cosmic 
feeds/builds the limbs and their activities so it must come from the 
air. That is because--as Steiner so cogently pointed out--we must develop 
our head organization out of what we take in from eating (earthly, below 
ground stuff like lime, phosphorus, nitrogen), while we develop our limbs 
and metabolic system out of what we take in by breathing (cosmic, above 
ground stuff like oxygen, carbon, sliica).So in the above 
ground limbs, where is this a two fold processThe Oxygen with its 
inherenet association to the etheric body provide at least a partial 
hint.In the metabolism we need to look for theCosmic substance and 
Earthly forces.The Oxygen you mention as the the mass 
developer coming from our breathing, is the homeopathic calcium RS 
mentions in the atmosphere, which does the same thing. This is all the plant 
potentised 'susbstance' that the plant has exuded out into the atmosphere 
via transpiration. Callum Coates so eloquently describes this process in 
'Living Water'on pg 220?? or there abouts when he talks about the flow of 
water through the plant. He describes how the water comes to the soil with 
its atmosphereic N, exchanges this for cations which are taken up into the 
plant. As the water spirals thru the ever decreasing 'veins'of the plant, 
the elements are taken out of the water while in turn the 

Re: Alex Podolinsky

2003-06-28 Thread Garuda

We need to allow an old man to enjoy his moment of glory in the sun, thank 
him for his dedication and pick up the torch and do the work of the day, not 
criticise and try to pull apart the work that others have done.James 
HedleyYes but we should also not be afraid to 
discuss and critic what they have done, so the mistakes of the past are not 
revisited anytime soon.
If there is one thing we should learn from the past 
is the danger of the personality cult, where individuals opinions and beliefs 
are taken as words from god and carried from one generation to the next as 
gospel. Hopefully there are enough people involved and enough worldwide 
communication going on now that the BD principalities of the past will be 
continually challenged.
It all about time and space. An era is ending - 
painfully for some - and a new forming, hopefully characterised by a more 
open minded focus on practical innovations, seeing as though it is not yet a 
complete ART. 
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Re: Fwd: Prep 500 and 501 effects

2003-06-27 Thread Garuda

Now let's take this example and go through it tagging all the little 
components of the process with "earthly forces, cosmic forces, earthly 
substances, cosmic substances." For example, nitrogen feeds/builds the human 
head and its activities, so it must come from the soil. 

So we have to look for the substances and forces 
coming from the head / soil as a double process not a single one
What is Silica coming upwards and what is Calcium 
coming upwards???
Physically we have all 
sorts of Cations - Ca Mg Na K etcthese are diamagnetic 
elements and therefore can be seen as part of the Earthly substance. 

WE thenhave anions in N, P, S etc as well as 
paramagnetic elements which would be seen as the physical Si or Cosmic force 
Energetically we have 
forces coming from the Earth upwards too
The "Cosmic forces" / outer 
planet 1 forces are those that carry the archetype 
of the the plant upwards, in doing so they thrust the plant upwards and work on 
the strength of the cell wall and the basis for the 
silica structures of the plant
The "Earthly 
substance' activity are the calcium process inner planet 
2,that are active in germination and cell division 
ie the number of cell devided, and physically are concerned with the 
development of amount and quality of the tissue 
structure in the plant. 
The quality of this Earthly Substance / Calcium 
process working in with the cosmic foces / Siprocess determines 
the structural quality of any plant as it grows into 

We off course can talk about how if the Cosmic 
Forces dominate we get tap roots, if the Earthly substance dominates we get the 
ramified roots and so on. If the Cosmic Forces do not move upwards as they 
should then the stalks are weak, there is no archetypal impulse for the 
atmospheric Silica / Earthly forces to hook on to to allow for flowering, let 
alone seed formation or for fruit to blow out. 
If the Earthly substance /Earthly Ca is not active 
then the plant tissues are weak, undernourished and therefore break down and rot 
easily. This is the rot of Ca in fungal control. Cell division is not great and 
so the fruit does not have many cells to be filled out by the mass devlopment of 
the Atmospheric Ca / cosmic substance.

Oxygen feeds/builds the limbs and their activities so it must come 
from the air. That is because--as Steiner so cogently pointed out--we must 
develop our head organization out of what we take in from eating (earthly, below 
ground stuff like lime, phosphorus, nitrogen), while we develop our limbs and 
metabolic system out of what we take in by breathing (cosmic, above ground stuff 
like oxygen, carbon, sliica). 

So in the above ground limbs, where is this a two 
fold process
The Oxygen with its inherenet association to the 
etheric body provide at least a partial hint.
In the metabolism we need to look for 
theCosmic substance and Earthly forces.
The Oxygen you mention as the the mass 
developer coming from our breathing, is the homeopathic calcium RS 
mentions in the atmosphere, which does the same thing. This is all the plant 
potentised 'susbstance' that the plant has exuded out into the atmosphere via 
transpiration. Callum Coates so eloquently describes this process in 'Living 
Water'on pg 220?? or there abouts when he talks about the flow of water through 
the plant. He describes how the water comes to the soil with its atmosphereic N, 
exchanges this for cations which are taken up into the plant. As the water 
spirals thru the ever decreasing 'veins'of the plant, the elements are taken out 
of the water while in turn the water is potentised via the vacuums created by 
the spiralling. Hence the water then carrys the activity of the substances it 
once carried. This is transpired into the atmosphere, hence becoming part of the 
World Etheric activity carried in the atmospheric moisture we experience 
asdew. It is then drawn into the plant again boththrough the stomata 
and also directly by the plants 'personal etheric body',This is the Cosmic Substance / Calcium 
process and by itself develops MASS. Left to 
itself it creates emorphous 'fat' forms. I have a 50 meter long row of lettuces, 
with each 3 meters sprayed with a different homeopathic substance. When you 
visit I will show you the ones sprayed with the Cosmic Substance elements and 
you can see for your self, what I mean. They look like they have been over done 
with Nitrogen except they are not blue green. They tend to a light green colour 
and no flavour. The etheric body is maxed out. If the atmospheric cosmic 
substance is not active fruit does not swell through cells filling 
The Earthly Forces work in 
the atmospheric Silica which are primarily active in the light and warmth of the 
environment. The light and warmth are needed to bake the 
Si and Ca coming from below and the Ca from the atmosphere into a plant that 
will be lifted up into seed formation and nutrition. 
Without this light and warmth of the atmosphere 

Re: Glen Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-25 Thread Garuda

 Yes.  There you go again Glen.  But no matter. Seems to me if these
 groups are so irrelevant, why do they survive -

Are they /we being all we could be???

 This is why quality based certification regardless of production method
 the way of the future.

Twas thingking about this this morning and it may not be that hard.
growers supplies
 a SFW certificate to indicate his soil health
other parameters re brix test and the like
a chroma tography
a mineral and vitamin analysis
or the like

I am sure others have suggestions for this.
Hardly a need for the farm to be inspected. Most enterprises are being
inspected by a govt dept for something now so basic management
environementally etc will be done there

Quality is the key, however you get it.
The market is wide open at present.

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Fw: Gouranga

2003-06-25 Thread Garuda
From: NitaiGouranga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: Gouranga

 Call out Gouranga be happy!!!
 Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga 
 That which brings the highest happiness!!

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Re: keeping focussed

2003-06-25 Thread Garuda

Yes thank you Hamish
What you are doing / attemptingin OZ sounds 

is that we share our experiences in the 
light of the laws of the free spiritual life

I trust that your inclusive vision and spirit grows 
and infects our fine shores very soon. I look forward to it.

You suggest a state beyond right and 
I guess we in NZ must ask ourselves if our 
associations lifeis functioning beyond what  who is right and 

Are we even attempting to accept at least our own 
memberships varied insights and practices? Or are some very right 
andothers very wrong? 
If yes, then what would it take for us to aspire to 
Hamish's challenge?
MAybe this should become one of the central tenants 
of the associations constitution. Openness rather than protection
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Re: European preps (was Re: Dornachian reactions?)

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Thanks Tony
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Tony Nelson-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:35 AM
Subject: European preps (was Re: Dornachian reactions?)

 I would like to obtain some 'official' European preps please, that I can
 work up into homeopathics. At least save the ones that are there now for
 Where does one buy them??

 Glen - 'Official' preps can be bought in UK from Biodynamic Supplies (Paul
 van Midden), Lorieneen, Bridge of Muchalls, Stonehaven, Aberdeen
 AB39 3RU. fax  44 1569 731746.

Tony N-S.

 Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Upon reflection I do not hear people knocking the use of traditional preps.
They are knocking the organisations who seem to be isolating themselves from
their members and the wider BD community, yet maintain relevance because of
their trademark and its apparant value.
The fact is trademarks are near on irrelevant anyway. The real practise they
are supporting is garbage ( check out NZ BD apple production - 28 Lime
Sulphurs a season) and so its a matter of time till they are dead.
Discussion hear in NZ is post organic registration quality based trademarks.
The search is on for relevant quality parameters, regardless of the
production method. eg SFW tests for soil, brix and chromas etc
The present organisations are basically corrupt. Here in NZ, one or two old
council members protested a fellow members right to be elected onto council
because of 'conflict of interest', as he worked part time with me. Somehow
it seems I am working against the economic good of Biodynamics.?
In the US we have the 'biodynamic' ownership debacle. In Australia we have
Podolinsky setting up his kingdom, in Europe we have them suggesting illegal

Who do these people think they are, and sadly they seem to believe they are
beyond reproach or criticism. While they controlled the BD media they were,
now they dont and so they are not. Seems the best they can do is stay away
from the forum and keep their heads in the sand. Their choice.
Good luck to them and good luck to the free thinkers who look at all the
options, apply them to their properties and prosper.
The reality is this list offers biodynamics without limitations. Pick up
what you want and go for it. Aquarian anarchy. Yahoo.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 If your interest is in biodynamics, you may be wondering if you are
 subscribed to the right group!
 Despite the numerous claims to the contrary that you may read on the
 BDNow group, biodynamics is thriving, here in Australia at least.
 People are using the real preps, as described and recommended by
 Rudolf Steiner, as practised for decades all over the world.
 Although some think this is some kind of old  school, bogged down and
 in decay, it is still a living culture.
 If you are interested in agriculture, biodynamics, growing food for
 people to help in the recovery of the Earth, seek it out.  If you are
 interested in subtle energies, radionics, homoeopathic dilutions and
 such, there is a lot of very interesting information to be found on
 this list.
 It would be great if we could get above the contemptible slagging
 that goes on about the other and keep the focus on the many
 practical and helpful suggestions people have.
 regards all,
 Graeme Gerrard
 BDNow mailing list
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Upon reflection I do not hear people knocking the use of traditional preps.
They are knocking the organisations who seem to be isolating themselves from
their members and the wider BD community, yet maintain relevance because of
their trademark and its apparant value.
The fact is trademarks are near on irrelevant anyway. The real practise they
are supporting is garbage ( check out NZ BD apple production - 28 Lime
Sulphurs a season) and so its a matter of time till they are dead.
Discussion hear in NZ is post organic registration quality based trademarks.
The search is on for relevant quality parameters, regardless of the
production method. eg SFW tests for soil, brix and chromas etc
The present organisations are basically corrupt. Here in NZ, one or two old
council members protested a fellow members right to be elected onto council
because of 'conflict of interest', as he worked part time with me. Somehow
it seems I am working against the economic good of Biodynamics.?
In the US we have the 'biodynamic' ownership debacle. In Australia we have
Podolinsky setting up his kingdom, in Europe we have them suggesting illegal

Who do these people think they are, and sadly they seem to believe they are
beyond reproach or criticism. While they controlled the BD media they were,
now they dont and so they are not. Seems the best they can do is stay away
from the forum and keep their heads in the sand. Their choice.
Good luck to them and good luck to the free thinkers who look at all the
options, apply them to their properties and prosper.
The reality is this list offers biodynamics without limitations. Pick up
what you want and go for it. Aquarian anarchy. Yahoo.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 If your interest is in biodynamics, you may be wondering if you are
 subscribed to the right group!
 Despite the numerous claims to the contrary that you may read on the
 BDNow group, biodynamics is thriving, here in Australia at least.
 People are using the real preps, as described and recommended by
 Rudolf Steiner, as practised for decades all over the world.
 Although some think this is some kind of old  school, bogged down and
 in decay, it is still a living culture.
 If you are interested in agriculture, biodynamics, growing food for
 people to help in the recovery of the Earth, seek it out.  If you are
 interested in subtle energies, radionics, homoeopathic dilutions and
 such, there is a lot of very interesting information to be found on
 this list.
 It would be great if we could get above the contemptible slagging
 that goes on about the other and keep the focus on the many
 practical and helpful suggestions people have.
 regards all,
 Graeme Gerrard
 BDNow mailing list
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Garuda
Do you have a email address for the Geotheaneum ag folks?? Pls send.

Head in the sand is not a long term option, sorry. If they can not do
something then the rest of us better get busy.

Eh if preps are necessary for Demeter, preps illegal, therefore anything
with Demeter illegal. Its pretty simple. Cheating is getting harder and
harder, hence all the beaurocracy we live with. Once caught, thats it for
BD.We know so will everyone else. Madness.

I can appreciate they have trouble with radionic preps, sure hard to sell to
the everyman and provide substantial data for. Sure not a definable point of
difference, which afterall, applying the preps is all that separates organic
and BD in NZ.

Homeopathic preps on the other hand, can be quantified and applied
physically and therefore something is done and seen to be done, as they
need. Combine them with a bug source and you have both forces and matter
being applied, as they want.

I would like to obtain some 'official' European preps please, that I can
work up into homeopathics. At least save the ones that are there now for the
Where does one buy them??

What is it about Ăłfficial' BDers that they love shoving their heads in the
sand and maintain their mantra of delusion.
We have had it here for 25 years and it is still running as strong as ever.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
 for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
 requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
 preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
 Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
 Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
 act illegally...'
 The Demeter certification bodies in Europe are strict: no application of
 preps: no Demeter symbol. I knew a bdfarmer in Germany who invented his
 preparation and applied it succesfully; he wanted to use it in stead of
 Steiner's preps. The reaction of the Demeterbund was: if you don't use
 Steiner's preps, than it is not Demeter, no matter how well his prep works
 or any discussion.
 I was just wondering what the attitude of the Demeter certification bodies
 in USA, OZ, NZ is towards radionically applied preps/ Malcolm Rae cards,
 etc. Or does nobody carry a Demeter symbol there?

 At 21:57 19/06/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 How does this help if one cannot make all the BD preps except Valerian?
 new EU rules are no animals parts to be used for prep. making.  Same
 for anthr. homeopathic medicine.
 - Original Message -
 From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:18 PM
 Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?
   The best of health to you for visiting our e-mail list. It has bit a
   unfortunate that our English language e-mail list has left out
   should be full participants, but there is the language barrierier.
   So now you want to know about how we can circumvent these rulings.?
   One way would be working withn Malcolm Rae cards and English radionic
   instruments of the biodynamic preparations in homeopathic usages.
   inquire further.
   It is really interesting stuff that people are working with here,
   especially the cosmic pipes, homeopathic peppering and use radionic
   instruments and cards. According to the feedback on this list, it
   like these things work as good, or even better, than the original
   the same time we struggle in Europe with legislation that prohibits
   making of the preparations, but the official point of view (regarding
   ban on burying animal material) from the Goetheanum is (quote Manfred
   Klett) '... in the meantime we have to feel free to act illegally...'
   We only need one malignent journalist to broadcast these 'illegal'
   practices into public and along with some juicy allegations we can
   away our dear Demeter symbol.
   I would be interested to know the different points of view of the
   respective BDAA's in USA, OZ and NZ, as apparently there is a much
   free approach to the use of the preps. Any contact with Dornach? Has
   already delivered a lecture at the Landbautagung?
   Arjen Huese
   BDNow mailing list
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Garuda
 I bet Demeter wont change until the old guard dies out or the organisation
 itself and the farmers it serves are at the point of imminent failure -
If NZ is a guide, another generation has been sporned who believe the crap
the older generation has sold them and they are fighting hard to maintain
their follies.
Sadly they have the facade of authority  as they are an 'Association of
members', who can therefore be taken somewhat seriously by government.
Yes they are fading away, but until some other 'Associationarises with a
Biodynamic trademark Demeter will be seen as the authority.
Once they become illegal it should be easier for something else to arise,
but alas the types of people drawn to dominating groups with any authority
will no doubt produce a similiar organisation to what we have now.
Aquarian anarchy may indeed continue to be the way forward for a bit yet.

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Re: Can error be turned to advantage?

2003-06-19 Thread Garuda
  is proprietary information, much the same as your bird scare product. 

 sounds like the spirit of Greg Willis lives on.sstorch

This raises a few very interesting questions.
Is it OK for BD farmers to be entrepeneurial, yet not its researchers. And
why would this be
Given there is no financial support for BD research from either official or
NGO bodies or the BD farming community, then the only way it can be funded
is thru good old capitialistic means. Develop a product and sell it to fund
further research. If you can!
Why should we, who have dedicated our lives to extending BD method and
understandings be seen as 2nd class citizens because we wish to a) survive 
b) continue on with our development of your art.
Surely the health of a community is imaged in how it treats ALL its parts.

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Re: Fw: BdMax Bird Scare Results

2003-06-15 Thread Garuda

Do you have any explanations or theories as to why BD preps would keep 
birds out of fully ripe fruit. 

Yes, and that thisis how I designed it in 
1990 and that it worked first time.

I dont think that we really need to twist reality. 

I am looking forward to the day 
thatmaterialistic science can no longer ignore these results and are 
pressed to ask how these remedies work.

Something either works or it doesn't.
Yes this is a wonderful thing about our present 
capitialism, isnt it.
I dont really understand what your comparisons were. Obviously one was 
compared to water, which was statistically sinificant, but how did the trial 
compare to other methods of keeping birds out of the area.

No other method was compared as far as I know. They 
all cost, and seeing as though we have no outside subsidies for research, just 
attaining these results are a significant development for us. 

Let's hear some more from others who are doing great things with BD preps, 
whether they are mainline conventional, or radionicists.

Here Here
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Fw: BdMax Bird Scare Results

2003-06-14 Thread Garuda

I have just received some early results from our 
HortResearch trials of our Bird Scare product on grapes last March. This product 
is made purely from the BD preps and is not peppering.

"Briefly, and off the top of my head,In the bird scare trial, we found 
the incidence of damage was slightly lower (not quite statistically significant) 
and the severity of bird damage was less (statistically significant) in the 
plots sprayed with the bird scare product compared to the water-sprayed 
control.Very interesting stuff!.Full results to follow.Kind 
regards,Steve McArtney"

These results are from a trial where individual 
bays of grapes next to a shelter belt, on a largecommercial chemical 
orchard, were used. High density pressure in a hostile environment.

Our experience shows were a whole field and the 
trees are sprayed, the effect would be greater. Reports from a conventionalblueberry client, that used it over his 
whole area confirm this statement, including that bird inside his cages found 
their way out and left the area.

More reality twisting stuff, with proof. 

OK sceptics ofthe world and materialistic scientists,explain this! 

Homeopathic Biodynamic preps removing birds off 
ripe fruit.
Glen Atkinson.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

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Hughs NZ visit

2003-06-12 Thread Garuda

Apologies, e's senttoyour personal 
email addresskeeps coming back to me
If your timetable is still forming, and you have a 
spare day or night in Hawkes Bay, Caroline  Iwould like to invite you 
to stay with us at Ocean Beach, just near Hastings, by the vast Pacific ocean, 
for some R  R, which I am sure you will be deserving by then.
Glen A

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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-11 Thread Garuda

Thanks Gil
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Gil Robertson 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 12:41 
  Subject: Re: prep making illegal in the 
  My info is out of date, but when I was in the UK, Homoeopathics 
  were regarded as so dilute they had no possible original content in physical 
  terms and were only an energy imprint. I think they had to be more than 4X. 
  They, at that time did not require registration under the farm chemical 
  system. Thus I would have thought they would be excluded. I would assume 
  that the Preps. made with Rae Cards would also be able to be used. ( A 
  considerable proportion of Homoeopathics are produced using Radionic 
  Instruaments).I guess that when making and stirring, one is handling 
  the physical material, so maybe there is some perceived risk.When I 
  was there they said there had been no disease problems on any organic property 
  and interestingly, nor had there been on any adjoining property that would 
  have resulted in the organic property being affected. As I am sure every one 
  knows, all out breaks were on the internet and one could check how close they 
  were to any other property.GilGaruda wrote:
Excluded from use or excluded from the ban?
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message - 
From: "Gil Robertson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: prep making illegal in the EU

My understanding is that Homoeopathic Preps are excluded. Would it be 
that Preps made using Rae Cards, be also excluded?


Tony Nelson-Smith wrote:

  Folks - I don't know about the illegality of making the preps but I 
suppose it has been technically illegal to use them, at least in the 
UK, for some longish time.  Correctly speaking, only 
substances/chemicals approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and so 
labelled may be used, even in private gardens.  It is thus against the 
law to apply (for example) common salt, as this is not an approved 
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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-10 Thread Garuda
Excluded from use or excluded from the ban?
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message - 
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: prep making illegal in the EU

 My understanding is that Homoeopathic Preps are excluded. Would it be 
 that Preps made using Rae Cards, be also excluded?
 Tony Nelson-Smith wrote:
  Folks - I don't know about the illegality of making the preps but I 
  suppose it has been technically illegal to use them, at least in the 
  UK, for some longish time.  Correctly speaking, only 
  substances/chemicals approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and so 
  labelled may be used, even in private gardens.  It is thus against the 
  law to apply (for example) common salt, as this is not an approved 
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Re: OZ product legals

2003-06-10 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: OZ product legals

Thanks David
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  D  S 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:02 
  Subject: Re: OZ product legals
  Glen: As far as I know preps don't officially exist,so I 
  know of no regs. As for your previous questions, I rang Customs who only seem 
  to be interested in collecting tax etc try and suggested 
  contacting Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) try 
  David C
- Original Message - 
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming 
Sent: Monday, 9 June 2003 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: OZ product legals

Does anyone have any info on the status of the 
BD preps in the OZ ag regs???

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Liz Davis 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:00 
  Subject: Re: OZ product legals
  Hi GlenDid a quick search around and 
  the best I can come up with is Australian Pest and Vet Medicine Australia 
  (APVM). They do refer to standards, products and residues. 
  Maybe from here you may find what you are looking for? 
  LLLiz on 8/6/03 7:53 AM, Garuda at 
  Hullo AustraliaI am 
wondering if anyone here knows about the regulatory requirements 
necessary to be able to seel a horticulture product in OZ.Here in NZ 
we have to get ACVM clearance re residues and labelling through the NZ 
food safety authority.What is the similiar body in OZ?What are 
the BDA and other product manufactures doing re this in OZ 
.many thanksGlen 
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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-09 Thread Garuda

Homeopathic preps come of age
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  The Korrows 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:45 
  Subject: prep making illegal in the 
  Dear Friends,
  I have just read in Anthroposophy Worldwide that as of May 1, 2003, it is 
  illegal to make BD preps in the EU. Demeter international has opened an office 
  in Brussels, the capitol, in order to have a presence and develop some good 
  relations with the government people who make the decisions. At the time of 
  publication, an editors note indicated that there was the possibility of the 
  government reaching some kind of 'comprimise' in regards to this issue. 
  I could easily see this happening in the US as a precautionary measure, 
  although I doubt many government officials know that BD exists.

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Re: OZ product legals

2003-06-09 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: OZ product legals

Thanks Lloyd
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 5:08 AM
  Subject: Re: OZ product legals
- Original Message - 
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:32 
Subject: Re: OZ product legals

Does anyone have any info on the status of the 
BD preps in the OZ ag regs???
I'd be surprised if anyone has thought about 
this - organic certification is still not in the hands of officialdom, we 
have pesticide regs administered by a mix of ag dept and EPA, workcover also 
gets involved, its all about the suing you know, and about protecting access 
to overseasmarkets, has very little to do with safety, so last time I 
looked you can legally spray endosulfan on tomatoes three days before local 
consumption but must observe a six month witholding for grass pasture 
consumed by beef cattle.
If I was in your position I think I'd go first 
for NASA certification as an organic input - that would probably open most 
of the other doors you need, we have a Australia NZ free trade agreement in 
place to ease the pain.


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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-09 Thread Garuda
While it may be illegal to make and apply BD preps in the EU it could be
possible to use Homeopathic preps made from preps from outside the EU. Or to
make them in Europe now from existing preps.
My experience in the USA is that preps I took there from NZ - and going thru
several X ray machines -worked very well there.
In my case studies area of my site , the rabbit control pictures were
achieved using NZ BD preps in PA near Pittsburg.
re registration legislation
seems that this has beaten everyone. We too in NZ are essentially illegal
regarding ACVM legislation.
Even if one gets registered or exempt there is a $320 annual fee to keep
each product legal. I saw OZ is $620  pa.
Looks like the end to the backyarders hoping to do a little cottage industry
on the side. Just when 'they' start to enforce the law is the question.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:52 AM
Subject: Re: prep making illegal in the EU

 It is true about the making of the preparations being illegal here in
 Europe at the moment. The problem is in the burying of the organs; after
 all the animal diseases that we have had the last years (BSE, foot and
 mouth, chicken disease now in Holland, etc) legislation has become very
 strict on what you can and can't do with animal organs.

 So we either have to make them illegally, or ? There have been some
 experiments in Holland by a creative BDfarmer who made the preparations
 without the organs, by putting the herbs at a certain place in a replica
 Cheops pyramide. Apparantly there are different levels in the pyramide,
 that correspond with ...?

 I would love to hear from other people if they have any alternative ways
 manufacturing the preparations. What are these Rae cards that Loyd was
 writing about last week? Apparantly there has been a lot of creativity in
 applying them (broadcasters, BDmax ready-sprays, orgon accumulators), but
 how about making them? Does everybody here follow the basic recipe?

 Arjen Huese

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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-09 Thread Garuda
  These preps you took to USA were they homeopathic preps? ---


is it
 homoepathic preps that you are using in your Etherics 1000 sprays?


And by
 dynamising them already when you make them into a homeopathic prep, you
 don't need to stir them for 1 hour any more? --- That would make sense
 wouldn't it?

We have discussed the various ways of doing this on the list in the past and
several different ways were suggested. To me stirring is a potentising
process and done in the way suggested because of the quatities being stirred
ie 3 gallons or 150 gallons as the case maybe. For smaller quatities normal
potentising would/should be perfectly fine.
Works for me. Whatever one does, you will create something, that you will
have to learn what it does and how best to use it. No matter how you prepare
it. Reality does not seem as precious as our beliefs.

 I am working my way through your Biodynamics Decoded and I am impressed
 must say.

Great to hear you are finding it of value. Have many other folk at Emerson
come across it yet?

It seems some pieces of the puzzle that were already moving
 through my hands are finding their places now.

The 'Biodynamics Decoded' chart is best printed out and hung on the wall for
constant reference. If your students know of this chart early in their
course I reckon they would 'get it' (BD) much quicker than normally is the

The 'manifestations' picture  ( ) is a further development of
that chart. BD Decoded is a single vortex, Manifestations is the gyroscope,
which is closer to the reality of things. A wee bit more complex but
surprisingly interesting, especially when the circular periodic table is
placed over it. - A
suggestion for the basis of a Biodynamic chemistry, perhaps?
Glen A


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Re: OZ product legals

2003-06-08 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: OZ product legals

Thanks Liz
Always good to at least get the right name of where 
to start.
Glen A
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Liz Davis 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:00 AM
  Subject: Re: OZ product legals
  Hi GlenDid a quick search around and the 
  best I can come up with is Australian Pest and Vet Medicine Australia (APVM). 
  They do refer to standards, products and residues. Maybe from here 
  you may find what you are looking for? LLLiz 
  on 8/6/03 7:53 AM, Garuda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hullo AustraliaI am wondering 
if anyone here knows about the regulatory requirements necessary to be able 
to seel a horticulture product in OZ.Here in NZ we have to get ACVM 
clearance re residues and labelling through the NZ food safety 
authority.What is the similiar body in OZ?What are the BDA and other 
product manufactures doing re this in OZ .many thanksGlen 
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Re: OZ product legals

2003-06-08 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: OZ product legals

Does anyone have any info on the status of the BD 
preps in the OZ ag regs???

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost

  - Original Message - 
  Liz Davis 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:00 AM
  Subject: Re: OZ product legals
  Hi GlenDid a quick search around and the 
  best I can come up with is Australian Pest and Vet Medicine Australia (APVM). 
  They do refer to standards, products and residues. Maybe from here 
  you may find what you are looking for? LLLiz 
  on 8/6/03 7:53 AM, Garuda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hullo AustraliaI am wondering 
if anyone here knows about the regulatory requirements necessary to be able 
to seel a horticulture product in OZ.Here in NZ we have to get ACVM 
clearance re residues and labelling through the NZ food safety 
authority.What is the similiar body in OZ?What are the BDA and other 
product manufactures doing re this in OZ .many thanksGlen 
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OZ product legals

2003-06-07 Thread Garuda

Hullo Australia
I am wondering if anyone here knows about the 
regulatory requirements necessary to be able to seel a horticulture product in 
Here in NZ we have to get ACVM clearance re 
residues and labelling through the NZ food safety authority.
What is the similiar body in OZ?
What are the BDA and other product 
manufacturesdoing re this in OZ.
many thanks
Glen A
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Re: Preps 500 and 501 Effects as they relate to Sequential Spraying

2003-06-06 Thread Garuda
Thank you for this wonderful picture of your experience.
How do you place your preps in your broadcaster?
You mention you use 500-508 plus the clays. How do you place these? and how
often do you move them around?
Glen A

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Preps 500 and 501 Effects as they relate to Sequential Spraying

 Subject: Re: Preps 500 and 501 Effects as they relate to Sequential
 Dear Merla
 I am unable to explain any of this but can offer a few
 * the BD farmers in Australia who have encountered problems after a period
 of what looked like successful practice are mostly from the Alex
 group and have been mostly not using 501 or very little of it and
 not in concert with 500 - and for sure no horn clay. I'm not challenging
 AP's knowledge but the message has not been filtering through to the other
 end of the pipeline.
 * these farms have suffered flat battery syndrome somewhere between 7 and
 * The new organisation of Biodynamic agriculture that I belong to (Cheryl
 Kemp writes here sometimes) is promoting the spraying of 500 and 501 in
 to back applications - 500 at evening and then 501 next morning over the
 same area, farmers that have done this so far are talking very nice
 and more important have experienced none of the supposed ill effects from
 using 501 in what is a very warm and high light environment, they have NOT
 burned up their hay crop or had premature fruiting or all of the other
 things that worries people about using 501.
 * when we started using our broadcaster (three seasons ago ) I didnt have
 access to horn clay for some months and yes we got results (visible) but
 was as if things were haphazard - the whole place went into rampant
 flowering in late spring / early summer - perennial weeds, the native
 plants, our home garden , everything just blazed into bloom. The look of
 was as if we were shunting things one way then the other.
 * After about four months I got Rae cards that included the horn clays and
 made up a new set of reagents and I have always used horn clay since that
 time. In the broadcasters I use the full suite of preps 500 through to 508
 plus horn clays.
 * I guess the best description I have is if you came to a furiously
 pot and turned it down to a gentle simmer, we dont see as much happening
 (things are much more subtle), but I also think its much more stable and
 * its human nature that we look for a quick result, or a dramatic change,
 but I do think that a slow gentle shifting of the balance point is a lot
 more beneficial in the long run.
 Just a few thoughts from down under
 Lloyd Charles

  I just read Hugh Lovell's words on Prep 500 and 501 effects.  It was
  way over my head since I can only understand what is going on with the
  plants on a intuitive basis.
  I want to do a sequential spraying on 3 1/2 acres of our land, the part
  that is not wooded, but fenced and in agricultural usage.  I feel O.K.
  about BC, 500, 508, but really question the use of 501.
  It's really
  confusing to read Hugh's references to horn clay because Hugh Courtney
  doesn't include it in the sequence.
 Internal politics maybe?
  Should I order some horn clay?  If
  I do, when do I spray it?  We have glacial till soil with wind blown
  laos from Washington grain fields.
  Hugh C. suggested that I do it in leaf to stimulate
  water influences and I'm thinking about June 20-21.  I don't do the
  whole 25 acres because it would be hard to spray in the trees and
  underbrush.  Should I be doing that too?
  What am I doing when I do a sequential spray sequence?  Can someone
  explain it to me the way Hugh Lovell is explaining in his post on 500
  and 501, but in not quite so difficult a conceptual framework?
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Re: Fwd: Prep 500 and 501 effects

2003-06-06 Thread Garuda

To whom it may be of a concern

I ve 
found Lievegood and Glen Atkinson s concepts of primary and secondary processes 
helpful, but still find it hard to sort out what s happening.The primary 
cosmic silica forces from the outer planets work down into plants (enhanced by 
501?) and into the soil, are held by silicate rocks in the earth, then clay 
facilitates their uptake into the plant by the Secondary Si process, 
giving form and pulling the plant upwards how? through activating auxins 

  The primary (I 
  would have said earthly) silica forces of the outer planets work upward from 
  deep within the earth, and yes, they are enhanced by 501. I would have said 
  the secondary (cosmic) silica forces (still of the outer planets) work 
  downward from the atmosphere into the plant through the 508 (horsetail). But 
  as I said, Glen has this figured out better than I do. I heretofore have been 
  lost both in Steiner's explanations and Glen's.
  Thanks Hugh for writing your post. You provide a great 
  picture to be with.

With regards the above there is a bit of a 
confusion of words going on here. Your use of the words 'primary and secondary 
silica forces' are being used in a different manner to how I and I believe 
Lievegeod has presented them.

Your use of the names cosmic and earthly and 
primary and secondary are as one would expect them to be from theapparant 
experience of nature, however if we look at Lievegeod he gives indications 
whichsuggest we need to look further. One would expect Cosmic Silica 
to be coming in the atmosphere and Earthly Si from the Earth however does 
primary translate into Earthly and does secondary translate into 

All the words used in this discussion are most 
confusing and I find it better to draw pictures, than try and describe it all, 
and so hence my books at my website. Please refer to the chapter " Biodynamic 
Plant Growth" 
In Biodynamics Decoded.

One of the primary issues I see is happening in 
Hughs combining of his perceptions and mine can be resolved once we see in the 
chapter I have outlined the way the forces work at the different layers of 
manifestations spiral. To observe plant growth as RS describes I have found it 
necessary to clearly differentiate teh activites of each level , 2 fold, 3 fold, 
4 fold etc.

Hugh talks a lot about how the forces work at level 
2 and level 3, however from there he is becoming confused. 

In the book I have described how we have to sets of 
polarities. What I call a macro polarity which lives in the World bodies of 
creation and then a micro polarity which mainifests as the way the forces work 
internally in lifeforms.

Level 2 - which exists externally to our human we are not androgonous or bisexual we are monsexual and we need an 
external partner to mate with to produce life. Once we internalise the level 2 
of polarity fully we will be androgonous hermaphidites. The point is at this 
level we have the Cosmic pole in polarity to the Earthly pole.

in this instance I see the Cosmic as the male Si 
stream up the spiral via the nerve sense system , the elements of light and 
warmth adn the outer planets, while the Earthly is the female Calcium stream 
through the mode (3) of metabolism,elements of Water and Earth and the 
inner planets. see the chart

So at level 2 we have a Cosmic and Earthly. 
These should that not be mixed up with the use of 
Cosmic and Earthly later on up the spiral. 

Hugh talks alot about level 3 in his descriptions 
of 500 501 and horn clay. He also describes level 4s interaction in this process 
as well, however some confusion appears, be it only in the use of thewords 
possibly. We are saying essentially the same thing, although Hugh so 
eloquantly adds the details.

Once we come to level 4 and 7 - via Lievegeod we 
come into a much more complex picture where we again meet the words Cosmic, 
Earthly, Primary, secondary, Matter,  Forces and Calcium  

Best read what I have written under the 7 fold 
section. I first give Lievegeods diagramof primary and secondary 
processes, ala Goethe. In his book he outlines how the primary / cosmic/ 
Beingand secondary/Earthly/ Manifestprocesses work in plant growth. 

The primary are the building up forces while the 
Secondary Earthly forces are those we see manifestingin plant growth. 
These are outlined under Lievegeods chart. We can see from this that the last 
stage of seeding occurs in the Saturn 2 process. 

To get to what RS is talking about in the 
agriculture course we have to take a step through dimensions to come to what he 
says in lectures 2, 6  8 in the way he outlines the planets 

We need to take the archtypal picture of how the 
planets externally influence manifestion and take them one step further towards 
matter to the laws standing closer to yet behind matter. This is achieved by

Re: Fwd: Prep 500 and 501 effects

2003-06-06 Thread Garuda

Sorry I missed this in my earlier post but you have 
the associations a little mixed here
The primary cosmic silica forces from the outer planets work down into 
plants (enhanced by 501?) and into the soil, 

These are actually lievegeods/RS/my secondary outer 
planets terrestrial silica 

are held by silicate rocks in the earth, then clay facilitates their uptake 
into the plant by the Secondary Si process, 

primary outer planets, Cosmic Si, 

giving form and pulling the plant upwards how? 

these forces push the plant upwards.
if anything it is the terrestrial Si processes thru 
the light and warmthwhich pull the plant towards it

I trust my last post helped clarify 

I find if we hold the lec 8 diagram (pg 155 green 
agric.) in mind then it provides the answer. This is afterall the end product we 
are aiming to understand.
In the metabolic region - above the earth- Earthly 
forces are the secondary Si outer planets lievegeod talks of. While the Cosmic 
Forces in the N/S, head, below ground are the primary outer planets, Cosmic Si 

Both these 'head' forces work upwards, while both 
the metabolic forces work downwards. 

All very confusing, especially when we relate this 
back to level 2 polarity, external laws and we start calling the Head the 
Earthly 500 forces and the Belly 501 forces the Cosmic. hence the COSMIC 
contains Cosmic Substance and Earthly forces and the EARTHLY contains Cosmic 
Forces and Earthly Substance.

I hope this helps.
Glen A

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Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-21 Thread Garuda

  - . A normal ego based shrink would have a 
  field day in this chat room.
  Welcome to deep space 
  Eric, I for one am proud that the ONLY time theBDANZ allowed me to 
  present my work to THEIR membership ( my fellow members)it was 
  under a session entitled BEYOND THE FRINGE.
  and comparing myself to 
  much that is discussed here, I would say I am slightly leftof 
  I understand in deep 
  space we have 2 golf balls full of Hydrogen toevery two football fields, 
  so stay critical and look for those seed of cosmic essence that do exists 

GarudaBD /BdMax efficacy trials

2003-03-21 Thread Garuda

We have just posted the research report done by 
Gill Cole (BSc - ex BD council member  currentMSc student) to in Case Studies - BdMax 
efficacy trials. It was conducted on six or so of our products on broad beans. 
There are pictures and several graphs with various comparisons of shoot growth, 
root growth flowering and fruiting.

Her summary
“The main use of biodynamic preparations is to 
balance the various growth processes to produce more healthy plants Â… the BdMax 
sprays live up to their designated purpose. Â… in a trial set up to observe the 
effects of various BdMax sprays on plant growth and development Â… The different 
treatments (indicated by the spray names) had measurable effects form of leaves 
and roots, flower and seed development. Â… For 
example, Maximiser provided fast, vigorous growth with shallow roots. BdMax Root 
Growth Formula and Silica Max sprays encouraged deeper root development Â… The 
Thermo Max assisted the plant to grow in cold weather Â… The combination of 
sprays affected flowering date and number of flowers and thus timing and size of 

Also there is some pictures on Grass growth trials. 
"Grass trials" These "sprayed" pictures are a result two applications of 
Etherics Seaweed and Warmth Spray / ThermoMax last spring. On our video it can 
be seen that the separation between the two areas was a long straightline 
across the paddock due to the pink flower heads.

Glen A

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-21 Thread Garuda

Oops i may have got this wrong
not football fields it should be size of 
clarification anyone

I understand in deep space 
we have 2 golf balls full of Hydrogen toevery two football fields, 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:47 
  Subject: Re: Monsanto's Wheat
- . A normal ego based shrink would have a 
field day in this chat room.

Welcome to deep space 
Eric, I for one am proud that the ONLY time theBDANZ allowed me to 
present my work to THEIR membership ( my fellow members)it was 
under a session entitled BEYOND THE FRINGE.
and comparing myself 
to much that is discussed here, I would say I am slightly leftof 
I understand in deep 
space we have 2 golf balls full of Hydrogen toevery two football 
fields, so stay critical and look for those seed of cosmic essence that do 
exists here

Re: Viewpoint of US military man: The idiot prince will have his war

2003-03-18 Thread Garuda
Well, thanks Hugh for dropping our wee chat out there.

This is indeed a good example to be watching.

The outcome is still to come though!

At present it sure looks like the place dominating force is used, in a move
that stamps his rule of the world upon it, at the moment.

Just to add a little reference.
JFK had Pluto on his midheaven in Dallas.

Hey would nt it be funny if at the meeting of the UN tonite, that the US is
not attending, passes a resolution establishing sanctions on the US, Britian
and Australia.?

could be a bummer for George

from the bottom of the Earth

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Viewpoint of US military man: The idiot prince will have his

 Dear Deborah,

 Very, very interesting.

 First of all, I would not assume the Iraqi military will give any serious
 resistance to the Bush war machine. But the Kurds, who are the farmers of
 northern Iraq, have every expectation of being targeted by the US for the
 greater part of the destruction since Turkey is on the US side and mostly
 wants to see the Kurds worsted.

 Good analysis of the Kurd situation, and informative regarding the claim
 that Saddam gassed his own citizens in Kurdestan during the Iran/Iraq war.
 I find this information much more plausible--that the gas was an errant
 blow from the Iranian side rather than coming from the Iraqi side, since
 militarily Iraq had a lot more to lose from gassing those Kurds than not,
 and Iran had a lot more to gain since they weren't Iranian sympathisers
 Iraqi farmers. Just another example of deliberate government
 misinformation, about on par with claiming Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated
 JFK. Say it enough and it passes into the history books as verity.

 What I fear is this war has nothing whatever to do with liberating Iraq,
 though I think that might be a good thing--even though I don't think it
 will happen. The US doesn't have a good history of liberating people, as
 foreign policy becomes very unpredictable when democrscy rises up and
 becomes very predictable when strongman rule occurs. It is not normally
 US agenda to foster unpredictability, simple as that.

 But this war of occupation will very certainly provide the US the
 springboard for an invasion of Iran, which is not an option without having
 a big land army on the borders. That Bush would come to grief in this
 business was predicted to me early last October by Glen Atkinson who
 pointed out that GW has Pluto on his midheaven in Iraq. This is another
 of saying that in Iraq he has the chance to be the big cheese, but it is
 extremely likely to be his utter and complete downfall. Pluto is the
 of death and rebirth, so hopefully it will teach him some really
 significant lesson on the soul level. More power to him.

 Visit our website at:


2003-03-17 Thread Garuda
While James Lovelock did recant his hypothesis to regain some standing in
the scientific community he then restated it again

- Original Message -
From: Spiritual Renaissance Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 6:54 PM
Subject: GAIA

 Does anyone have thoughts on the Gaia Hypothesis?


 Timothy H.

 In the 1970s the British scientist James Lovelock formulated the Gaia
 hypothesis, which has attracted many followers. According to this
 theory, named after the Greek goddess of the earth, the planet behaves
 like a single living organism. Lovelock postulated that the earth, like
 many organisms, can regulate its temperature, dispose of its wastes, and
 fight off disease. Although the Gaia hypothesis serves as a convenient
 metaphor for the interconnections among living beings, it does not have
 any particular scientific merit.

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-14 Thread Garuda
I have not suggested my preps are better. I said they were different in my
Much more research into comparability is needed before such a statement
could be made.

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 James Hedley writes:

 Dear Glen,
 What was the qualitative difference between the radionically potentised
 preparations and the hand succussing? It would be hard to put it up as a
 valid test if both doses were not derived from the same substance.
 One batch of preps could vary very markedly from those prepared at a
 different time.
 Were the symptom pictures the same at both times?
 You may be right that your manually potentised preps are better than
 radionically prepared  preps, but somehow it is important to compare
 with apples and that it is the same parameters that are being tested.
 An agronomist friend of mine claims that before you can visually see a
 difference in a pasture there would have to be at least 25% difference to
 able to see it.. . . .

 Kind regards

 Dear Glen, James, et. al.,

 I think it was generous of James to say that Glen may be right that his
 manually potentized preps are better then radionically prepared preps.
 Which is not to suggest that James's radionically potentized preps are
 better either.

 But I might remind both that in Steiner's agriculture course he remarks
 the enthusiasm of the practitioner for his method enters into his
 and it counts for a lot. So it seems to me that both Glen and James might
 make remedies with great enthusiasm. A couple years ago James' story about
 the Portugese milipedes in Gulgong and how he got rid of them with his
 radionic instrument and spraying was a great example of enthusiasm and its

 Personally I once shared Glen's view that manually potentized preps simply
 had to be better. But I found myself having to be very fussy about
 measurments and once in a while I caught myself making mistakes in one
 fashion or another. My enthusiasm suffered, and I tried a few radionic
 potentizations of water. My results were good, so my enthusiasm for making
 radionic potencies grew a bit.  Harvey Lisle criticized and could
 tell by dowsing which were radionic and which were manually diluted and
 succussed. After all, that information is there in the ethers. But instead
 of considering the results he simply dismissed the radionic potencies as
 dead.  This was an opinion he and I had shared to a few years earlier at
 a radionic conference when we had first seen radionic BD preps made with a
 hieronymus instrument and a double dial rate setting. I felt the
 enthusiasm that went into my radionic preps (which were prepared by
 Lorraine Cahill with her Malcolm Rae instrument) was definitely not dead
 and that he was mixing dowsing with prejudice--always a bad combination. I
 must admit to a contrary streak and this had the effect of hardening my
 resolve to investigate radionic potencies, and I'm not at all sorry I
 In the process I've found that radionics is quick, clean, precise and
 All of these add fire to my enthusiasm for radionics.

 I don't think radionics is any end all or be all. I think we each
 potentially have the power to make potencies without any equipment--just
 our own bodies and spirits, our minds, hearts and wills. I think that way
 will grow in peoples' enthusiasms and will become the method of preference
 for the folks of tomorrow, as it was for that guy back a couple thousand
 years ago in Palestine. Right now people are crawling, or they are walking
 on crutches. That's okay. It just isn't the wave of the future is all.

 Hugh Lovel
 Visit our website at:

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-13 Thread Garuda
Trials we have done with our preparations have shown that 250mls per hectare
is about the lowest amount I would suggest you apply for 1:10 hand
potentised preps. More is probably OK for most circumstances, however less
is definitely not suggested - by me anyway.

Tests are good
Glen A

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 Hi Glen
 Thanks for the reply

   #  Glen - When you say potentised preps is that specifically
   dilution and sucussion?
  Yes prepared physically by hand.
 I still have a lot of my chemical farmer mentality hanging around in the
 background - if I made -say - a weed pepper hand potentised how much
 quantity of it would I need to put into my 1300litre spray tank to cover
 hectares? Cheryl tells me 10 drops is enough and while in theory I can say
 she may be right, I have a mental problem with ten drops.
  I can not really help you with radionically applied either by spray or
  device, and their effect, as I have not had alot of experience of them.
 Looks like I need to trial this at home.

  Can someone provide some picture evidence of the effect on plants re
  radionic preps verses control please, ala those on my website / Case
 I might have a couple of good pictures soon that would help with this, can
 email them to you. (thats if i can get them scanned in properly)

 Lloyd Charles

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-13 Thread Garuda
see below
- Original Message -
From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 Dear Glen,
 What was the qualitative difference between the radionically potentised
 preparations and the hand succussing? It would be hard to put it up as a
 valid test if both doses were not derived from the same substance.
 One batch of preps could vary very markedly from those prepared at a
 different time.

They were developed from the same base essence

 Were the symptom pictures the same at both times?

The essence used was known to develop a dramatic onesided effect in humans

We had three people trial the difference
The effect of the hand done one was so dramatic on one subject that they
needed the antidote within minutes.
The box produced one had not such effect.

I may have used the box incorrectly however I did follow the instructions.
AS I say I need to do more such trials before anything really conclusive. We
have just got onto other things lately.

 You may be right that your manually potentised preps are better than
 radionically prepared  preps,

I am not saying better I am say 'act differently'

 but somehow it is important to compare apples
 with apples and that it is the same parameters that are being tested.
 An agronomist friend of mine claims that before you can visually see a
 difference in a pasture there would have to be at least 25% difference to
 able to see it.
 I have looked at the problem of chromas as a measurement indicator,
 much of the skill with this type of qualitative analysis is in the
 evaluation. Different viewers will put different interpretations on the
 chromas. Quality such as that one substance was better than another cannot
 be ascertained without first setting the parameters that indicate quality.
 Could we do it by comparison of Brix  levels, and would that be an overall
 comparison of quality?

Certainly of effect.

 The  problems of how to set up an experiment so the results can be
 considered valid are a biometricians nightmare.
 A trial could never be considered conclusive if it was based only on one
 experiment on one plant.
 Maybe what is needed is the same sort of dedication shown by Lili Kolisko
 or Maria Thun of trying to test for the effects of substance and forces.
 that would require the financial support of  those who have the most to
 gain.Would the New Zealand Biodynamic Association be prepared to support
 in a long term evaluation project.

They have not been so far so, no reason to believe they would in the future.
They are not interested in any form of homeopathic or radionic research
here. Ostriches mate. To date BD researchers - unless they come from
Europe - do not rate as having any valid reason for even being members of
the Assn, and definitely not to be listened too. They would rather bumble
along believing the half cooked ideas of their ideologs, and recant their
errors every few years, than listen to experience. So be it. NZ Demeter
growers are the lowest priority for us to supply to, Strange really.

Maybe the Ozzie BDA would be interested it seems you have a much livelier
open minded group going on there.
Who knows we maybe able to fund such a project in the near future ourselves.
We have a significant research budget allocated this year.

re acceptance of radionics.
put the proof on paper and get the research through a official channel.
I have been amazed at the doors flinging open to us since we have the
Hortresearch documents on our warmth spray. We now exist.
The industry was happy to loose $110 million last spring, and still not
invest in a $10 bottle of our product - on the market and advertised for 5
years - to do a trial for themselves. Go figure. I have learnt my lesson.
Glen A

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-12 Thread Garuda

- Original Message -
From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

 Dear Lloyd,
 The idea that potentised preps stay put as proposed by Glen does not
 with my understanding and use of radionically prepared substances.

It would appear you are indentifying an essential difference between
Potentised and radionic preps - all the more reason to be clear in their
naming when discussing them. By their very nature of application I would
expect radionic preps to radiate.
re potentised preps radiation , please inspect the pictures on my website,
especially the Kale trials, where three plants, side by side, from the same
punnet have been sprayed differently with 3 different outcomes. When I first
began using pot. preps and spread them with a brush I had green strips
across the lawn, which did not even out. (This was done 12 years ago and
similiar results have occurred since) This was the first hint. I recently
did trials on coriander, very close together which have shown the same
effect. We also have on video -CD available- the results of some spring
spraying where there is a distinct line in the paddock between the sprayed
and unsprayed areas. One is dairy pasture the other is all off to seed. No
diffused area whatsover.
The results and pictures speak for themselves. What is your explanation if
you do not accept these pictures proposal?

 If  radionic preps stayed put you would not be able to use a small
 in your BC and expect it to permeate through the whole mix. It would just
 a few drops scattered amongst the compost. if there was not a radiational
 effect Glen would not be able to claim that his possum retardant can be
 mixed into sand and a handful thrown out every 20 metres or so.

The story above is from Peter Bacchus who was spreading unpotentised possum
ash. Which no doubt has a radiation effect.
Over the last 10 months I have been spraying pot. possum preps , not
peppers, and it is obvious from the possum trails leading into and out of
the tree on the edge of the sprayed area, that traffic in is normal from two
directions - as seen in tracks thru long grass- however the track to the
house from the tree was difficult to see, hence little to no use. Sadly I
did not video this before the grass was eaten off.

 Supposing that you were to dilute a litre of preps from Glen, in whatever
 amount of water that he suggests, if the homoeopathic preps had no
 radiational effect on the rest of the water why would you dilute it. Is
 water just a carrier or does something happen to the water.  It seems to
 that the memory pattern from the potentised preps permeates  the medium
 through osmosis.

Yes the water is acting as a carrier of the potentised preps. It is mixing
with and being carried by, no doubt there is some combining into the memory
function of the water. Where it carries it to though, is were it stays.
Thus we suggest fine sprays over the area to be treated.

with regards potentised weed peppers, many people make these and they are
sprayed around with a fine spray usually. Peter has a dairy farming client
who did Ragwort last year with some pretty amazing results. Maybe he can
tell us more about this with regards to seed germination?
Glen A

Re: Chromas and humus Was Electronic homeopathy for plants.

2003-03-12 Thread Garuda
 #  Glen - When you say potentised preps is that specifically potentised by
 dilution and sucussion?

Yes prepared physically by hand.

I can not really help you with radionically applied either by spray or
device, and their effect, as I have not had alot of experience of them.

The few tests I have done with my physically potentised preps and radionic
versions - via square box- of the same, produced very different results in
me when I have taken them. The radionic preps effect was minimal compared to
the physical pot prep. I need to do more trials on this before I am
convinced Radionic preps and potentised preps are the same thing.

Can someone provide some picture evidence of the effect on plants re
radionic preps verses control please, ala those on my website / Case


 # When I talk of radionically prepared preps I mean things that are
 potentised by instrument but are then applied by spraying out onto a
 . I have assumed that both of the above stay where you put them and was
 hoping that your work would support that assumption in both cases. (this
 important implications for how we use these)
 #Application of either of the above by radionic broadcast of any type I
 would expect to radiate out to boundaries and be difficult to keep from
 effecting small areas (test plots) within the broader boundary.

 Does this make sense? does this agree with your experience or have I
 somewhere? You have been doing this a lot longer than me and I would
 appreciate your guidance
 Lloyd Charles

Re: Help with Our Feathered Friends

2003-03-09 Thread Garuda

It does not seem specific, just any eating the crop that is sprayed.

- Original Message -
From: Rambler Flowers LTD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Help with Our Feathered Friends

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:57 AM
 Subject: Re: Help with Our Feathered Friends

  We have a bird scare spray which has shown good results on various

  Hi Glen. What species of birds?

 Thankyou Tony R

Re: Subscriber exodus

2003-03-07 Thread Garuda
I wish to support this being a BD agriculture list and not a political
hotbed ( to which I have added from time to time)
- Original Message -
From: Doug  Jay Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 7:14 AM
Subject: Subscriber exodus

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks again, Jane. We lost several members of BD Now! last week due to
 your persistent efforts to support the illusion of 'conspiracies.' (They

 Seeing a beautiful portraite of President Bush on the cover of today's
 Washington Post makes me feel that perhaps it is I who is deluded,

 Some of us have seen this (political) delusion on your part for some time.
 And I do not say this with any animosity intended.  As an example, Noam
 Chomsky is a very clever and skilled writer which makes his pieces look
 seem very good.  However, when one looks deeper at his facts, the
 deception becomes apparent.

 Subscriber exodus:

 What I feared and expressed in an email appeal to Jane (and Allan) several
 weeks ago to separate political posts from BD is gradually coming to pass.
 People who joined BDNow for info and inspiration on biodynamics are
 in disgust.

 Greg Willis is so right in his observation that it is the very proponents
 BD who do the most to prevent its general acceptance.

 Those of us who have a different view of world events find that on this
 there is ONE CORRECT POLITICAL VIEW ONLY!  It is that espoused by Jane
 seemingly seconded by Allan)!  She is so attached to this view that she is
 blind to the fact that it is destroying BDNow!

 I could post volumes to counter Jane's posts, but have chosen not to since
 my, apparently mistaken, assumption was that this list is for BD ag

 Well, I am sorry to see BDNow die.  I will miss the periodic gems I find
 here.  Hopefully someone else will start a new BD email list.


 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

2003-03-05 Thread Garuda

Thanks P
AS one would almost expect of fanatical 
I will not waste my time

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 3:12 
  Subject: Re: Scientific proof of 
  Homeopathic BD prep efficacy
  G'day:I know of a dowsing friend in India who submitted 
  detailed documents to "R", put all the correspondence on line, over the 
  months, and funny thing, once it was clear to R's group that it was serious, 
  the fellow in India stopped receiving communication. 
  CheersPenelopeLloyd Charles wrote:
  - Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

Got the details?
I sure it would made a few press inches, and make our development easier,
we could collect this.

This is probably  Randi - the guy is a first class a--   - you do not
wanna go there. No matter what you managed to prove with this guy you will
never get his money.
Lloyd Charles



Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

2003-03-05 Thread Garuda

- Original Message -
From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

 Well done Glen.

A couple of questions, who are HortResearch?

Yes hortResearch are an independant -semi government - top of the heap NZ
research group

Are they
 independent of you?

Yes they are independant research contractors to all of horticulture

Is BDMAX your brand?

Yes, we have rebranded as Garuda has negative connotation on this side of
the planet due to GAruda Airlines having and image of cheap and nasty. BdMax
also images our taking BD practises to the limit and seeing what they can
do. No holds barred and NO FEAR. The beauty of the ThermoMax trials are they
were on chemical apples in bags and worked.

 The results and the presentation of them are impressive.

Thanks David. We hope to have more available in the future as we embark on
wide ranging efficay trials with hortresarch. 501, ripening and bird
controls on grapes all begin their trials today. Results in a few months.
These trials will be done on chemical orchards so if the results are
positive, as others we have done on chemical grapes have been, then BD
brakes out of its confines of only be applied to the .1% OF HORTICULTURE AND
can easily effect mainstream markets.

 David C

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, 3 March 2003 11:48 AM
 Subject: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

  IF there was ever any doubt homeopathic BD preps work we now have
  proof for all to see
  Our frost protection spray ThermoMax has passed the test with flying
  check out the HortReseach graph at
  50% more fruit set @ a -2C frost 33% @ -4C
  not bad for fairy dust

Re: Help with Our Feathered Friends

2003-03-03 Thread Garuda
We have a bird scare spray which has shown good results on various crops.
We are beginning trial on grapes with HortResearch tomorrow and should have
the results in a couple of months. Otherwise you could have a go.  What is
your crop?
- Original Message -
From: Spiritual Renaissance Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 5:32 AM
Subject: Help with Our Feathered Friends

 It seems that our Feathered Friends really enjoy our crops.  We have put
 reflector tape out, which only seems to work a few days.

 Does anyone have any workable solutions; physical, energetic or



Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

2003-03-03 Thread Garuda
Got the details?
I sure it would made a few press inches, and make our development easier, if
we could collect this.

- Original Message -
From: gideon cowen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

 some Yankee magician (?) was offering $1 million to anyone who could prove
 homeopathy under 'scientific' tests. You could be in the money there Glen
 boy  do I watch too much TV !
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 1:48 AM
 Subject: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

  IF there was ever any doubt homeopathic BD preps work we now have
  proof for all to see
  Our frost protection spray ThermoMax has passed the test with flying
  check out the HortReseach graph at
  50% more fruit set @ a -2C frost 33% @ -4C
  not bad for fairy dust

Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

2003-03-03 Thread Garuda
The website talks about paranormal and I did not see any mention of
homeopathics on the quick scan I did of the site, so I emailed for

- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 6:10 AM
 Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

  Got the details?
  I sure it would made a few press inches, and make our development
  we could collect this.

 This is probably  Randi - the guy is a first class a--   - you do not
 wanna go there. No matter what you managed to prove with this guy you will
 never get his money.
 Lloyd Charles

The real AOE

2003-03-01 Thread Garuda
If the UN does not impose sanctions on the USA UK and Australia (the real
axis of evil against life) for their illegal war on Iraq, then a peoples
sanctions against them can and should be set in motion

Of course a war in Iraq with out the security councils OK and no sanctions
imposed on the perpetrators means the UN is a dead duck.
In such a case a new international body built around the non aligned
nations, EU and  ASEAN  would form to create a new international body
without a veto controlled security council of course.
Naturally the axis of evil (AOE) will become the enemy of this international
community and isolated in their own sectors of aggression.

One part of the astro of this time
Jupiter Neptune opposition is an aspect of deception , mostly of the self
(and vision). Tis interesting how the US is trying to decieve the whole
planet, with no proof whatsever, other than restating over and over their
own delusion. They are even deluded enough to believe the rest of the world
will buy it.

Saturn Pluto opposition is win at all costs.

HenceWinning at all cost thru the use of delusion
or so they believe

All the trines of the present Jupiter trine Pluto and Saturn trine Neptune
are the hopes for a sensible and authorative solution to the above.

The longer this goes on the harder it is for the AOE to carry on this farce.

So UN this is indeed your last chance . If you do not stand and be counted
for truth, its all over rover for you.


- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:50 AM
Subject: Gary Zimmer, Jerry Brunetti on the OZ/NZ Three-Up Tour

 You folks in Australia and New Zealand will not want to miss Graeme
 Sait and Nutri-Tech's awesome late March/Early April eductional tour.
 Gary Zimmer, one of the US' foremost biological farming teachers, and
 Jerry Brunetti, Americas foremost 'health of the soil = the health of
 the herd (and nation!)' teachers, as well as brilliant Graeme Sait
 himself will be speaking at several locations.

 More info at the nutri-tech pages, I'm sure, or email me off-line at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and I'll email you the killer .pdf file.

 Anyone downunder interested in getting a jump start on the Albrecht
 method, grab your soil tests and head to this great event!


 Anyone interested in seeing the Albrecht-oriented soil tests from my
 new garden, also drop me a line and I'll email them to you


2003-02-21 Thread Garuda
 Whether Hugh 'brought' the rain or not is impossible to know.

Tis always helpful to make rain when there are a string of heavy planetary
aspects leading me to predict major rain events throughout NZ for this last
week period.

No doubt rain making efforts could have enhanced these basic influences

Hauschka wisdom

2003-02-13 Thread Garuda
Pg 24  Nutrition
An ego that has interiorised the divinely ordered universe will have a true
perspective on the material world. It will imprint its own spirit on the
world and thus transform it.


Who is harming americans the most

2003-02-09 Thread Garuda

Hello ,
I came across this little pearl...

U.S. Deaths in 2002 from terrorism: 4,000 
U.S. Deaths in 2002 from Automobile Accidents: 40,000 
U.S. Deaths in 2002 from Tobacco Related Causes: 400,000 
Kind RegardsKaren 

Councillor Ph 07 544 
3858Environment BOP 
Fax 07 544 3838Tauranga Constituency Waikite Rd, R D 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Myren 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 
  05, 2003 4:09 PM
  Subject: Crystaline 
  Structure in Water
  Has anyone on the list every done work on the effects of music 
  on plants or water or the water in plants? I know this may not exactly be 
  Steiner inspired but it has peaked my interest because I was just sent a link 
  by my mother-in law that has some absolutely awe inspiring photos of water 
  that have been exposed to various types of music and other forms of stimulus. 
  By showing the affect on the crystallization structure of the water, it 
  clearly demonstrates the effects of intension on physical 
  again this site has photographs p.s. Is any one in 
  dryer areas of the planet using flow forms to enliven the water that they do 

Re: BD News/Dr.Thomas Cowan/Guelph/Toronto

2003-02-04 Thread Garuda
If you do not have a decent bandwidth - jetstream or even good phone lines -
then the audio files will take ages to download. As for me.

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: BD News/Dr.Thomas Cowan/Guelph/Toronto

 The man from Garuda said:

 Bandwidth, bandwidth bandwidth

 Does this mean something to you? It doesn't mean anything to me.

 What are you talking about?

 (I'm asking in earnest)



Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

2003-02-03 Thread Garuda
I am having trouble getting any length of streaming info, however the first
clanger seems to be

BD can not correct all the problems you have?

Why not?

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

 The address for the York file is

  From there, click on the BIODYNAMICS button on the bottom of the page

 And then click through on the York banner. (Check out the
 under-progress MABFAFC banner, also!)

 Perry- Let me know how this works out for you -Allan

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-03 Thread Garuda

Not sure if this is reply to my earlier post 

it would appear it is unneccessary if our 
experience is anything to go by. We have grown table grapes in 
aplastichouse for some 5 seasons with no fungalproblems of any 
We are now working with outside wine grapes -to 
achieve the same.

My comments were in response to Alan Yorks comments 
of 'no need to extend BD prep usage'' - yet he still sprays Sulphur as a 
fungicide. In short he still does not have his vineyards balanced or knows his 
preps well enough to use them to balance the environment.
This is organics with the BD preps, not 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 7:37 
  Subject: Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's 
  recnt posts
  Is there no level or no amount of S that is not 
  "gross"?There are times that we apply 3 pounds per acre of dusting 
  sulfur to beautiful hillside vines that have been certified organic for 15 
  years.Its only on occasion, not even every year. These vines produce 
  grapes that are very high quality, composted, cover cropped, fed soil 
  minerals, fed foliar minerals and respectedloved by those who work with 
  them. What's is so horribly gross about this practice? These are 20-50 acre 
  fields. Our training, pruning and manipulation of the canopy and crop during 
  the season is a primary prevetion of PM.I seen first hand some of the 
  drawbacks of sulfur. But there are trade offs in not using sulfur. Low rates 
  of sulfur, used early in the season does not end up in wine, as a general 

Re: BD News/Dr.Thomas Cowan/Guelph/Toronto

2003-02-03 Thread Garuda
Bandwidth, bandwidth bandwidth
- Original Message - 
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: BD News/Dr.Thomas Cowan/Guelph/Toronto

 Manfred - Thanks for this pertinent post. Your efforts to report are 
 I have a 1.5 hour Tom Cowan presentation to post to the sound files 
 when we get through this troubleshooting stage.
 How do we get through this troubleshooting stage, well, people, 
 access the York file and tell me if it works for you or not and, if 
 not, call your ISP and find out 'why' This is only going to happen if 
 we work at it together and there's work that can be done from any 
 Thanks -Allan


2003-02-03 Thread Garuda
How about one post with links rather than lots of individual posts.
- Original Message -
From: Doug  Jay Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 5:56 AM

 PLEASE start another list for BD + world events.
 Then invite all those on the current list to subscribe if they wish.

 I continually read on this list laments that BD is not gaining ground.  If
 this list is the main internet email list covering BD, I can easily see
   What I see here is that if people do innocently subscribe wanting BD
 the volume and size of emails not directly relating to BD surpasses those
 that are info about BD.  It is really quite discourging to open ones email
 box after several weeks away and find it full and not accepting further
 emails because of the volume and size of emails that came from BD Now.

 Jane, I couldn't agree more that there is a relationship between BD,
 sprituality and the greater world.  I think it would be a fine service for
 you to start a list to cover such.  This would also allow you to be free
 crap thrown your way from some here on this list.

 How about it Jane and Allan - would you consider starting a second list?


 From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: to Jane Sherry
 Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 11:27:14 +1030

 Thank you Jane, Last time I dared to mention that I did not understand
 the face if Allan's stand on short emails, he allowed your seemingly
 non original postings, he threatened to unsub me. So this time he may do

 I do not understand why you think that an interest in BD necessarily means
 are not capable of accessing our own information. I find that to be an
 unreasonable generalisation.

 I for one will enjoy the reduction of non theme traffic.


 Jane Sherry wrote:

   Dear Happy Biodynamic specialists,
I really do wish you luck in trying to promote/use/educate bd methods
   divorced from spirituality and the great big world out there! Frankly,
   tired of being the object of people's bull shit, anger, misplaced
   or just frustration because I have this idea that bd is part of a

 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Re: preps

2003-01-31 Thread Garuda

  1. Did Steiner really intend 
BD502-507 to be used solely in compost manufacture?

  No he discussed using Oak Bark against fungal at 
  in the 6th lecture

Re: to Jane Sherry

2003-01-28 Thread Garuda
Title: Re: to Jane Sherry

Yes Moon Venus Saturn Pluto is the next few 
Power issues,control, emotional sensitivity, 
bottom lines are challenged all this week. Any persecutor, victim, saviour 
issues should be on display. Relationship hidden or delayed, cum 
deniedmatters all come to a head.
Keep an eye on the MArs transit to follow around 
the 15th Feb. (Can georgey boy keep his finger off the trigger from then 
Here is the rest of the worlds chance to keep the 
US back in some form of box. CAn we do it??? 
The perrennial question of Pluto inflicted people 
-how to manage the raging self obcessed psychopath that lives in the 

  - Original Message - 
  Moen Creek 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:10 
  Subject: Re: to Jane Sherry
  In my option all of this just the finger points to the Moon and 
  that's BDNow FolksIn Love * LightMarkessOH ya Kristo writes 
  the midwestern's view of this: Tuesday 1/28/03The Sagittarian MOON 
  Conjuncts PLUTO (in his Coniunctio to VENUS, and theirOpposition to 
  SATURN) at 6:35 AM CST -6GMT. Are there any lessons for the day???That's a 
  good question because the word "lesson" requires a bit of attention in 
  thecurrent zeitgeist. In most instances it tends to imply some sort of 
  payoff attached to anexperience which may or may not be felt as 
  uncomfortable, unpleasant or even boring. Italso seems to imply the 
  presence of a teacher, and of course...a student. Today...wemeet them all. 
  LUNA Conjuncts VENUS at 12:13 PM, Opposes SATURN at 12:43 PM, and 
  VENUSexactly Opposes SATURN at 6:13 PM. Life is no classroom, although we 
  spend plenty oftime in them. Life isn't a teacher, although plenty of time 
  is spent sitting in front of them.Life is neither subject nor object, 
  although we take some stuff personally and some stuffobjectively. 
  LUNA Sextiles unaspected URANUS at 9:26 PM, and goes Void of Course 
  for 4 hoursand 4 minutes. All students of life graduate today...and then 
  take a short vacation.School's out...and it's never going to resume. 
  There's no payoff...there's only the Tao.
  Jane Parker wroteIs it possible we are acting out of the macrocosmic paradigm right 
now on this micorsosmic scale? Please we are brothers and sisters here, 
and I would urge and invite us to request of one another and ask of one 
another not point fingers or blame or sound condescending our 
communications with each and the other. 

Garuda BD Sprays results

2003-01-28 Thread Garuda
We have up dated our website with some pictures of the effects of some of
our BD sprays  go to 'Case Studies' (on left), then 'Plant trials'

There are some showing the effects of our possum spray on a tree that has
been long term grazed by possums - this is not peppering. This method is
based on the compost preps as reasonance harmonisers.

Also rooting comp., frost protection and pictures of leaves showing the
different growth habit from a couple of sprays.

In short these pictures show the proof of the efficacy of Homeopathic BD
preps and its further extension of Biodynamic applications.
We will be posting Gill Cole's research paper on the efficacy of several
Garuda sprays in a few days.

Also a 'Growers Guide' to Garuda Sprays and 'Common Questions' section have
been added.


Re: ???

2003-01-25 Thread Garuda
Go Mausdorfer.

- Original Message -
From: Teresa Seed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 9:11 AM
Subject: ???

 Dear group

 I'm going to have to put a title on this at the end, if at all. Perhaps I
 should limit it to just one theme - which will be, for now, where is BD in
 the UK at?

 Are there any British BDers who are experimenting with Steiner's preps, be
 it with homoeopathy, radionics or whatever?

 It would be really good to have someone close enough to compare notes with
 and actually go and see successful BD in practice.
 I've dipped my toes in to the extent of spraying the preps once a couple
 months ago and I intend using them quite frequently. How often is enough?
 What are the signs that I should be looking for that they are having an

 I got my preps from Paul van Midden in Scotland. He sells, as well as 500
 508, something called the Mausdorfer Compost Starter/Birch Pit
 'This (I quote from the brochure) is developed by Dr Christian von
 Wistinghausen from the international biodynamic preparation centre in
 Mausdorf, Germany. It is based on the concept of the birch pit
 has added to it basalt meal, egg shells and herbs and comes in dried form
 conserve its effectiveness.
 The Mausdorfer compost starter is a means of applying the compost
 preparations in sheet composting (ie incorporating fresh organic material
 the top soil like ploughing in a grass ley or green manure) or continuous
 composting situations where fresh material is constantly added (ie in
 sheds or domestic compost heaps).
 This starter can be used in addition to the regular use of the compost
 preparations and is useful in situations where it is difficult to use the
 compost preparations in the normal manner.'

 Has anyone heard of this or used it? It sounds like a useful addition.


 MSN Messenger - fast, easy and FREE!

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

2003-01-23 Thread Garuda
Thanks for the pat on the back.
Yes on all your other points
I too do not mind the occassional self proclaimed success as u may have
noticed. It just seems others and myself seem to express some degree of
scepticism, till it happens a few times. So be it.
It is an interesting phenomena on this list though, the things that just go
All grist for the mill though.
- Original Message -
From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

 Dear Glen,
 Sorry I dont have a web page developed as yet. Hopefully some time this
 I dont see any problem with self proclaimed success. I expect that what I
 will be successful. If it is not, then I will do whatever it takes to find
 out why it was not successful.
 Fortunately for us there is plenty of scope in Agricultural homeopathy and
 radionics to give the most fertile of minds free rein as to what they can
 Isn't it great that we live in such interesting times that there are so
 problems that we can put our minds to.
 Keep up the good work at some point the world will recognise the value of
 the pearls of wisdom that come from the mind of Glen Atkinson,
 Sincere regards
 James Hedley

 Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
 Radionic Insect and Parasite control
 Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:44 AM
 Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

  . Glen, will you please give  Roger and I the URL of
   the research work on your Web Page, or if it is not on it could we
   have a copy of it, or is it commercially confidential.
  Sorry nothing written to provide re 501 as weed control.
  We did some work with Kikuyu grass on road verges in the early 90s. .
  reported in the local paper at the time but was not successful due to
  contractors lack of application repeats.
  I have played with other ideas and would be using something other than
  these days, As described it speeds the plant up thru it growth cycle.
  are other preps we have which stop the growth cycle dead in its tracks
  would be more effective , once we get around to it.
  re ownership
  I agree that as soon as anything is in the public domain it is
  everyones -ala patent and trademark laws,
  At best one might get some credit for idea development if you make a
  enough noise, but ownership can only come through labelling/branding and
  keeping the details of your formula private ala microsoft.
  This has long been the loophole the BDANZ has used to keep me from
  publishing in their journal. Unless I reveal my formulas they will not
  publish anything about the effectiveness of my products. Some ethos
  being a do it yourself practise. Farmers for farmers , watch out
  They have not funded my work one bit ( actually actively discouraged
  for it) so have no right to the formulas which funds it. Instead they
  to  tell their growers to use Phyrethreum for white fly than my BD
  which they know works because they did a surprise inspection on one of
  client in 1992, when they did not believe his declarations. Strange but
  SO sadly we are back to privacy and secrecy if you wish to maintain
  ownership. A luxury landowners may be able to do without but alas us
  landless researchers have no other choice.
  re 'the silence'
  WHile there is always some scepticism about self proclaimed success,
  is also not much to say often. All we can do is wait and see the outcome
  time goes on.
  James do you have a website with research docs and pics avaialable?
  re research
  In the near future we will be posting the results of a trial done
  by Gill Cole of the efficacy of some of our remedies. Graphs and
  included. (Just tidying up the titles on the graph.) There is no doubt
  potentised BD Preps work from this document.

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

2003-01-22 Thread Garuda
. Glen, will you please give  Roger and I the URL of
 the research work on your Web Page, or if it is not on it could we please
 have a copy of it, or is it commercially confidential.

Sorry nothing written to provide re 501 as weed control.
We did some work with Kikuyu grass on road verges in the early 90s. . Twas
reported in the local paper at the time but was not successful due to the
contractors lack of application repeats.
I have played with other ideas and would be using something other than 501
these days, As described it speeds the plant up thru it growth cycle. There
are other preps we have which stop the growth cycle dead in its tracks which
would be more effective , once we get around to it.
re ownership
I agree that as soon as anything is in the public domain it is
everyones -ala patent and trademark laws,
At best one might get some credit for idea development if you make a loud
enough noise, but ownership can only come through labelling/branding and
keeping the details of your formula private ala microsoft.
This has long been the loophole the BDANZ has used to keep me from
publishing in their journal. Unless I reveal my formulas they will not
publish anything about the effectiveness of my products. Some ethos about BD
being a do it yourself practise. Farmers for farmers , watch out everyone
They have not funded my work one bit ( actually actively discouraged support
for it) so have no right to the formulas which funds it. Instead they prefer
to  tell their growers to use Phyrethreum for white fly than my BD remedy,
which they know works because they did a surprise inspection on one of my
client in 1992, when they did not believe his declarations. Strange but
SO sadly we are back to privacy and secrecy if you wish to maintain
ownership. A luxury landowners may be able to do without but alas us
landless researchers have no other choice.
re 'the silence'
WHile there is always some scepticism about self proclaimed success, there
is also not much to say often. All we can do is wait and see the outcome as
time goes on.
James do you have a website with research docs and pics avaialable?
re research
In the near future we will be posting the results of a trial done recently
by Gill Cole of the efficacy of some of our remedies. Graphs and pictures
included. (Just tidying up the titles on the graph.) There is no doubt
potentised BD Preps work from this document.

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control

2003-01-22 Thread Garuda
Thanks Roger
Missed all that first time thru.
Most interesting and I will be interested to see how it works on other
What is your understanding of how 501 is doing this other than the burn off

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control

 Glen wrote:

 Please forgive my lack of attention on this.
 I have looked thru the archive and can not find the post that you
 what you have done and what you achieved.
 As a researcher in this field, we have done several trials of 501 as a
 control as early as 1990.
 I would be most interested in the details of what you are claiming to ''

 All I am claiming ownership of is a procedure I conceived a year ago and
 tested last month.The original reference was in my post 'Re: Perfect
 Orchard - Calcium' of 23 Dec 02 in which I responded to Allan about use
 of chemical fertilisers. In this I stated in relation to 501:

  I don't hold with everything that Rachel Carson or Tom Hartmann wrote,
  or for that matter Rudolph Steiner. But I do know that 3.8 grams of
  BD501 mixed with 34 litres of fresh water and potentised, and sprayed
  on one hectare of degraded farmland in the evening when the land is
  drawing its nutrients and energies back into itself, will unlock and
  catalyse natural minerals and vitamins. (For the record, in my opinion
  3.8 grams IS a minute quantity.) The same mixture, sprayed on african
  lovegrass in the heat of the day, renders the seed unviable. Instantly.
  500, 501 and the other preparations are miracles-in-being whose
  greatness, despite the passage of time, has in no way been fully
  realised. Similarly we have hardly explored the energies available to
  us naturally (and I don't mean fossil fuels). The opportunity to do so
  - indeed, I feel I should say 'necessity'  - is upon us. From now
  until the bombs start falling, and never mind that the time of year or
  month is 'incorrect', make preparations for the future. After the last
  desperate empirical doomed-to-failure grasp of the 'western' nations
  at world supremacy is over, we will all be too busy chopping wood and
  carrying water!

  The details of the lovegrass test are in my post 'Perfect Orchard -
 Calcium' of 24 Dec 02:

  Liquid 501 potentised by hedley  hedley  supplied in 20 to 1
  concentration was mixed with african lovegrass pepper (potentised on
  site by hh in mid oct)  hand sprayed from a 15 litre clean backpack
  unit directly on to one patch of seeding plants.
  Actual (ie powdered) 501 supplied by BACA a year ago was mixed with AL
  pepper at proportionate rate (to match 3.8 grams to 34 litres),
  stirred in recommended manner, sprayed from the same backpack in same
  manner on a separate patch.
  Lovegrass was late growing and a healthy green with full seed.
  Pendulum questioning indicated result would be instant and effects
  visible within 15 minutes. We did not believe that was possible but it
  was true. Have 'during' and 'after' photos in digital format but
  unfortunately not 'before' (was going to take some of another patch,
  untreated, but got too hot (me, that is.) Time of spray was mid
  afternoon, temp about 33, place Dalgety TSR.

 The indications are that 501 mixed in a particular way and sprayed in
 the heat of the day has an adverse effect on african lovegrass. I am
 currently retesting and trialling on other plants.

 As far as other tests of 501 or any other BD preps as weed or plant
 controllers used as above are concerned, I have searched internet and
 print references extensively without finding anything on the subject.
 That being so, I am most interested in hearing the details of your own

 Cheers Roger

Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

2003-01-21 Thread Garuda
Please forgive my lack of attention on this.
I have looked thru the archive and can not find the post that you outlined
what you have done and what you achieved.
As a researcher in this field, we have done several trials of 501 as a weed
control as early as 1990.
I would be most interested in the details of what you are claiming to ''
Glen A

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 11:57 AM
Subject: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

 Sorry Allan but it is NOT a herbicide in any shape or form and although
 I've used the term 'Weed Control' above, in reality I think what I have
 here is a growth management tool with wide-ranging uses.

 First I want to say that 'the little wizard' in this case is myself. I
 came up with this procedure over a year ago but the opportunity to test
 it did not arise until December last. Though the results have been
 spectacular I would not describe the test as particularly scientific. My
 reason for putting it on the list was to see what reactions it would
 draw and given the argy-bargy that goes on here a lot I was not
 surprised when it hardly aroused a flicker of interest.

 Insofar as anyone can 'own' a plant growth procedure, I claim ownership
 of this one. I say this here and now not so much for commercial reasons
 but because the list's archives are out in the public domain. For the
 time being, until further tests have been carried out under organised
 trial conditions (something I am working on now) and the results are
 apparent, I would prefer not to see anything in print. Or tried out
 without my knowledge. A reason for this is that should someone on or off
 the list try using 501 in this way and get negative or unwanted results,
 it could put them and a lot more people off using BD at all. Another is
 that the December test result could have been an aberration, something
 we can only determine by doing it again and again.

 Yes, Liz, I will take the photos to Albury.  I will also make them
 available on CD to anyone on this list for a reasonable processing
 charge plus post  packing, along with selected photos of the trial site
 taken on a continuous basis since November 2001. These include
 vegetation and terrain, vortex flowforms in operation, spraying
 operations, and striking images of the phenomenal grass growth happening
 now (during intense drought) along the groundwater lines and lakes I
 have dowsed over several months. Please contact me off-list about this.

 Now to turn to what Liz said:

 Why  501?  The way Roger explained the affect was that the grass was
 quickly.  Did this draw in more light, creating more heat and intensity?
 Which would also be reasoning for applying it in the heat of the day?
 it work any other time of day?  If so would it be as quick as the heat of
 the day?  Somehow I don't think it would be as intense, but then again I
 know nothing...
 I'd love to hear the reasoning behind your choice of 501, it can only
 me to better understand the preps.
 Without going far into what I said and didn't say ('burnt' was not in my
 message and is now not in my vocabulary at all), what I think happened
 is that the mixture used, in combination with energy from the sun,
 accelerated the growth of the plants beyond the point of seed viability.
 (Which is not the same as killing them; I'll come back to this in a
 moment.) The how and why of that and whether it could be done at other
 times of day can only be found out through doing more trials.

 Why I chose 501? It wasn't exactly choice. Initially it was a third eye
 experience then I talked to the devas at Dalgety about it, they put the
 query up 'through channels' and the answer came 'down' that it was
 feasible and acceptable. This last is important, I feel. Personally I am
 not in the business of killing; in this house spiders and cockroaches
 and even large ants get put outside, not trodden on. Kill a plant with
 herbicide, forget the ads that say there's no residues, when it breaks
 down and goes into the soil it takes poison with it which can have
 adverse effects for a long time. Destroy a plant by fire and most of its
 energy is dissipated to the four winds, only a small proportion becomes
 re-usable ash.

 Herbicide is a negative. The intent in using it is a negative. The
 holistic result after using it is a negative. Zero x zero x zero = zero.

 Fire is ambivalent. In controlled situations it is a positive.
 Uncontrolled fire is a negative.

 501 is a positive. The intent in using it is a positive. The sun is a
 positive. The beneficial effects go on and on and on. 2 x 2 x 2 = 8

 One month after the event, the plants individually treated with 501
 under this procedure appear to have reached their autumnal stage 3-4
 months ahead of schedule. That is, the seed-bearing stems are yellowing
 to the creamy colour usual just before winter. The seeds have 

Re: BD Now! Audio Files

2003-01-17 Thread Garuda
A wav. file of 30 mins is 28mgs or so
A   CD would be best to send to you.

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: BD Now! Audio Files

 Twas thinking.
 If wav. is very common then I could probably put the files on my site and
 you have a link to that page? from you BD audio page. Saves alot of
 middle bisso.

 Sorry, it's not the way the system works, Glen. I have to
 substantially massage the files so that they can be streamed. -Allan

Re: BD Now! Audio Files

2003-01-16 Thread Garuda
I can appreciate that sound recordings of my presentations at your
conference may be difficult to follow without the pictures.
I have played around on my computer and can record audio (.wav) so that it
replays on Real player and WIndows media player etc.
I would be interested in recording a session or two for you if this fits
your technology. I could send them over on a CD if the files are too big.
What do you think?

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 6:38 AM
Subject: BD Now! Audio Files

 Folks -

 I haven't noticed a lot of interest in the audio files that are
 posted at

 I've agreed to post the rest of the recordings from Sally Fallon's
 2002 Weston A. Price conference, so there's another 7 or so files
 about to go up.

 Posting files takes a very long time. One one hour presentation can
 tie my computer up for 3 hours and myself up for almost that long.

 Don't get my wrong, I'm excited to make streaming sound available to
 students of biological farming and healthy eating, but I don't want
 to invest any more time and effort into this project if people are
 not able to utilize it.

 Case in point: I made a call for other people's tapes and have
 received to replies.

 Let me know, ok? We'll count lurkers in this poll also.

Re: Paracelsus Biodynamics

2003-01-12 Thread Garuda

Thanks for this

  - Original Message - 
  The Korrows 
  Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 8:09 
  Subject: Paracelsus  
  "You should know that every star in the sky is nothing other than an herb 
  grown in the spirit, which some earthly herb or other resemblesAnd the 
  stars might be likened to the casting -mould, from which is the model from 
  which the finished cast is formedThus every star begets through its 
  formative power a kindred herb on the earth...And so every herb is an earthly 
  star, and looks upwards towards the heavens, and every star is a celestial 
  herb...And the celestial herb looks down upon the earth to the herbs which 
  they have begotten. If you only knew the link, you would say: this star is 
  called Stella rosmarini (the Star of Rosemary). This one is called Stella 
  absythii (the Star of Absinth)."
  -Theophrastus Paracelsus

Re: From Greg Willis: Fwd: Re: Executive Position

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
the Anthros have done has moved Steiner's agricultural forward into the
21st Century and nothing they have done has advanced Steiner's remedies
beyond what they were 79 years ago.   Everyone else in the farming world
knows this.  Why don't they?

The BDANZ prides itself on the fact nothing has changed. Thats what they
want. To keep it 'pure'.
And so be it. Leave them to it.
We -everyone else- are taking it to the world in appropriate ways. So lets
get on with it and leave the Saturnite to their desired path
Trees branch and the limb in the light grows faster and becomes dominant.
Such is life

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
Yes I agree
Certainly one of my reasons for 'quiter' participation
Glen A
- Original Message - 
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: Personal Security vs National Security

 Given that domestic espionage is in the vogue,
 Given that everywhere I go I run into avid readers of BD Now! who 
 never post to BD Now! because they do not want a permanent GOOGLE 
 searchable record of their spiritual and agricultural insights
 Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public 
 building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not 
 coincide with ours.'
 And given that so very many people read the archives but never 
 contribute to the list. (Last time I logged it, the colo archive was 
 getting 2000+ hits per week)
 It seems to me that it would be best to move into a more 'member 
 oriented' archive instead of a public archive.
 The major purpose of this list is to speak openly and to share our 
 experiences  in some fairly unusual realms.
 I think everyone is feeling this shyness.  I think this holding back 
 is hurting the list.
 What say, folks?
 -Allan Balliett
 moderator, BD Now!

Dan Winter's view of things

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
If you would like to have a mind bending experience in the outer limits of
quantum physics, give this ago.

Seems to be some legal wrangles over copyrights of esoteric symbols involved
in Dans life right now, however amid his astral drama there sure seems to be
some conceptual realities he is dealing with which can help conceptualise
the Biodynamic reality we are grappling with.
There are some CDs about with his plagarised diagrams ( from a Mr Tenen) on
them. I would not encourage their dissemination, other than to mention that
his 3D graphics are wonderful and worth a look if one passes by your way.
Glen A

Re: BD Farming in America

2003-01-06 Thread Garuda
 If you want good leadership in a democratic organisation, or country for
 that matter, it is the responsibility of the membership or citizens to use
 their rights to ensure that A) You have good leaders and B) The leaders
 carry out the  masses wishes.

If only this was possible.
In my experience, Positions of power are sought by people in need of power
and in their need they are there to pursue their personal goals.
We have one (too) long serving council member who -after being reelected at
the last AGM- stated 'anything he does not want to happen in the association
will not happen'. Too bad he did not say it before the election.
This same member has been formally asked to resign by fellow council
members, however due to a strickly controlled NZBDA media none of the
general membership have heard anything abpout the debilitating effect he has
had for many years.
We need a free and open media to have a half decent form of democracy.
A leadership which enpowers its membership will be supported by the
No membership support means they - as a whole- did not support your policies
and actions.
Glen A

Re: BD Farming in America

2003-01-06 Thread Garuda
Alright - Guru status!
at last
do I get a certificate

- Original Message -
From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: BD Farming in America

 Glen: Good to know you're still out there listening and your new guru
 has not affected your demeanour.

  In my experience, Positions of power are sought by people in need of
 Of course, why else would they take on thankless jobs and become targets
 snipers. Hopefully they will use their power for the benefit of all.

I always live in hope of such an occurrence.

  We have one (too) long serving council member who -after being reelected
  the last AGM- stated 'anything he does not want to happen in the
  will not happen'. Too bad he did not say it before the election.
  This same member has been formally asked to resign by fellow council
 Then the system is working, the fact that his fellow councillors are aware
 of his shortcomings reduces his power. There's no way to ensure our own
 version of perfection in all councillors.

The other limitations of the system however perpetuates this negativity for
years longer than necessary, and wastes far more opportunities than we can
really spare.
Are we not all on the same team? Should not all interested parties be
involved to their abitlities, as a community, instead of being separated as
threats to each other?

  We need a free and open media to have a half decent form of democracy
 Very, very true. Some years ago I used get the NZBD Association journal I
 remember they used to publish your somewhat vitriolic letters attacking
 then leadership, is that what you mean? I believe that all executive
 minutes should be published.

My 'vitriolic letters' contained challenging information some would consider
liabilous, however I have never been pursued on such charges, as what I
outlined was true. The corruption of the system allowed such things to occur
and be perpetuated over many years. After some 6 years on the council,
trying to deal with it nicely  I was very angry, about such things
occurring in a organisation selling integrity. Anger is an emotion I believe
is at times very appropriate, and I certainly felt OK to express it then.
Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. As a Sun Neptune in Libra
being, I have been blessed and challenged, with an ability to express 'the
reaction' to circumstance and especially abuse. What I confronted in those
letters sure appeared to me as abuse of every ethical  and moral code you
may like to present. Others know this to be true. The sad thing is the
dreages of those days still linger on polluting the organisation to this

As we have seen on this list - a BD free speech zone- we have developed
through our rage and separateness and developed into a more mature forum
where these things can be bought forward, discussed and acted upon by those
who see fit. So a Association newsletter can act as a forum for discussion
amoungst far flung members. Editors control as they wish, so best to not
have one, if you want truth.

The BDANZ is still far from building any sense of 'community' with the
resource they have available. It is still a small club /cult imaging the
views of the few. The longer they stay as a exclusive cult, the quicker they
become irrelevant. Who needs them?

  A leadership which empowers its membership will be supported by the
  No membership support means they - as a whole- did not support your
  and actions.
 Ah if it was only so! My experience is that if the membership is happy
 the way things are going, they become complacent and happy to leave all
 work to the few, who in their craze for power do all the work. The
 apathy is not good for the organisation.

And so we see another negative manifestation of the craze for power.

How about people brimming with enthusiasm who are resourced by the community
for the good of the community providing exciting new avenues of exploration
and possibilities. Is this not a 3 fold social order ideal?

I have been inspired and broadened these last few years through the wealth
of imput coming through this ALIVE stream of enthusiastic 'members' on BDNOW
who dare to be heretics and live Biodynamics in their lives as it expresses
for them , and then share it.
Now how can this ethos been bought into the life of the BD associations? Get
rid of the deadwood paranoics and swing all available resources into action!
We got a PLANET to save.

Its nice to have a few moments to comment

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, 6 January 2003 7:47 PM
 Subject: Re: BD Farming in America

   If you want good leadership in a democratic organisation, or country
   that matter, it is the responsibility of the membership or citizens to
   their rights to ensure that A) You

Re: Science article on BD

2002-12-23 Thread Garuda

One has to a 'member'to get access to this 
Any chance of a copy and paste on it/
Glen A

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 7:26 
  Subject: Science article on BD
  For those interested in objective science 
  reporting see 
  researchers examined several ag systems including BD. "Organic" and BD are 
  pretty similar in yield, lower than conventional ag, but with less inputs so 
  that profits are comparable. What is interesting is the pronounced difference 
  between BD and "organic" regarding soil microbiota. Both have better organic 
  structure due to use of compost but BD shows some dramatic differences in the 
  bio-activity level of the soil. The lower yields are a disappointment -- one 
  could wish they had tested for food quality rather than just quantity. I also 
  wonder if the BD practices could have been improved, given that they report 
  Phytophtora blight on the "organic" and BD potatoes 
  contributed to lower yield. In contrast, grain yield was 90% of 
  David Robison 

Re: Hugo Erbe

2002-12-10 Thread garuda
Are German copies of this book available?
 From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2002/12/10 Tue PM 03:06:14 GMT+13:00
 Subject: Re: Hugo Erbe
 Yes please count me in
 Mark Moodie wrote:
  I would be interested to hear if there is interest in an English Translation
  of 'Working with the Elementals' which details Hugo Erbe's work.
  A friend and I began a translation and discussions with the holder of the
  German Copyright and then found that a fine translation was commissioned and
  completed for the Bio-dynamic Seminar on the UK. The translator has granted
  his blessing and now we have to submit that to Germany and then knock it up
  into a publication - so there will be some time delay in having it ready to
  However it would be good to get some idea of those who would be interested
  so we can guesstimate a print run. I guess if any of you want to be an
  outlet outside the UK I would be very happy to chat.
  Who was Hugo Erbe - Hellmut Finsterlin
  New Preparations - Hugo Erbe
  Introductory Remarks - Hugo Erbe
  The Elementals as Helpers in Farm and Garden - Ernst Hagemann
  Supplementary Notes to Preceding Chapter
  Hugo Erbe's Bio-dynamic Preparations
  A - Preparations supplementing those given by Rudolf Steiner
  1 The Calcium Preparation
  2 The Loam Preparation
  3 The Cholorophyll Preparation
  4 The Carbon Preparation
  5 The Cows Stomach Preparation
  6 Earth Preparation 1
  7 Earth preparation 2
  B Offerings for the Elemental World
  8 The three Kings Preparation
  9 The Harmonizing Preparation
  C Tree Sprays and Preparations for Seeds and seedlings
  10 -12 Tree Preparations - 1 - 3
  13  14 Seed Bath Preparations 1  2
  15 Root dip Preprations for seedlings and transplants
  D Special Preparations for Special Circumstances
  16  17 Warmth Preparations 1  2
  18 Frost Protection Preparation
  19 Preparation for Protections against Storms and Floods
  20 Humus Preparation
  21 Protection against Crop damage and from Wild Animals
  Instructions for making Hugo Erb's B-D Preps
  Supplementary notes and Special Ingredients
 Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
 See our web site @