Re: jdbc and postgresql type problem

2011-07-11 Thread Brian Carper
On Jul 11, 6:41 am, Aaron Bedra  wrote:
> Silly question, but which version of java.jdbc are you using?  Up until
> 0.0.3 I had no end of troubles with psql because of the batchExecute issue.

I tested Wilfred's code with 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.


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Re: jdbc and postgresql type problem

2011-07-10 Thread Brian Carper
On Jul 10, 4:52 pm, Wilfred  wrote:
> I'm at a bit of a loss. "UPDATE comments SET approved='1' WHERE id =
> '1'" works fine in psql. approved is a boolean field, so is this an
> issue with the SQL library producing incorrect SQL?

I think this is an oddity with the JDBC driver for PostgreSQL.  The
driver doesn't seem to like doing automatic typecasting.  Try this:

(sql/update-values :comments
   ["id = cast(? as integer)" id]
   ;; alternatively "id = ?::integer"
   {:approved true})

Or you could (Integer/parseInt id) to do the cast before you pass it
as parameter, though in either case you should validate your id before
casting, if you want to avoid dying on poorly-formed input.


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Re: clojure.contrib.sql => - looking for feedback!

2011-04-27 Thread Brian Carper
On Apr 26, 10:13 am, Sean Corfield  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 6:19 AM, David Powell  wrote:
> > There is justification for resultset-seq's current behaviour, even if it
> > isn't to everyone's preference.
> Agreed. And I would actually want the lowercasing behavior to remain
> the default, for my own use anyway. What irks me more is the lack of
> translation between foo_bar and :foo-bar or, for folks who camelCase
> column names, between fooBar and :foo-bar perhaps. This all goes back
> to the idea of a "naming strategy" for translating between Clojure
> keywords and SQL entity names.
> I think at this point it makes sense to add a function to c.j.j that
> mimics the current resultset-seq functionality but allows for the
> application of naming strategies - with the default being the current
> behavior, and some other standard strategies available.
> The question then is whether the c.j.j function should also be called
> resultset-seq or whether a new name should be picked?
> However, c.j.j functions yield the _result_ of resultset-seq so
> perhaps it doesn't even need to expose the function itself? On the
> other hand, if c.j.j supports naming strategies to provide different
> keyword/entity translations, users may want to be able to apply the
> same translations to any raw resultSet objects they have... Thoughts?

I'd like to at least have the option of passing SQL query strings
verbatim to the SQL server and getting returned data verbatim as well,
with no auto-quoting or column name munging at all (including
downcasing).  Name-munging can be implemented on top of functions that
return data and column names verbatim, but the opposite is not true.


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Re: clojure-contrib 1.3.0-alpha1

2010-09-24 Thread Brian Carper
On Sep 24, 1:34 pm, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> OK, individual modules appear to work now on 1.3.0-alpha1

Yep, it works now.  Many thanks for fixing this so quickly.  I feel
your pain.


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Re: clojure-contrib 1.3.0-alpha1

2010-09-24 Thread Brian Carper
On Sep 24, 8:09 am, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> I have deployed release 1.3.0-alpha1 of clojure-contrib.
> This is the first public release of the modularized clojure-contrib.
> If you just want one big JAR file, download it 
> from
> If you want JARs for individual modules, look 
> at
> That list of modules is copied below.  If you want to depend on a
> particular module in your Leiningen / Maven / Ivy project, use the
> following coordinates:
>     Group ID: org.clojure.contrib
>     Artifact ID: (the module name)
>     Version: 1.3.0-alpha1
> For example, to depend on clojure.contrib.datalog in a Leiningen
> project, your project.clj will look like this:
>     (defproject foo "1.0.0"
>       :dependencies
>         [[org.clojure.contrib/datalog "1.3.0-alpha1"]
>          ...])
> If you just want to depend on all of clojure-contrib, you *should* be
> able to do it by depending on the "complete" module.  Right now, this
> doesn't seem to work in Leiningen unless you add :classifier "bin" to
> the dependency.  I think this is because Leiningen doesn't fully
> understand "pom"-style dependencies, but I'm not entirely sure.

As of yesterday, the "complete" dependency still doesn't work with
Maven unless you add bin.  [1] [2]

As of today, I can't even manage to pull individual libs.  I thought
this was how to fetch clojure.contrib.sql, but it fails. [3]

I'd appreciate some help if I'm doing something incorrectly.



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Re: clojure-contrib master now in submodules

2010-09-23 Thread Brian Carper
On Sep 22, 2:03 pm, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> On Sep 22, 12:35 pm, Justin Kramer  wrote:
> > Here's the magic incantation I've been using:
> > [org.clojure.contrib/complete "1.3.1-SNAPSHOT" :classifier "bin"]
> > I don't know how official or future-proof that is.
> It's wrong, technically, but appears to work for now.
> I think this may be a problem with Leiningen not understanding "pom"
> packages.  If somebody can confirm that, we can try to fix it.
> -S

No, plain Maven has the same problem.  If I add bin to this pom it works, without it fails:


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Re: clojure-contrib master now in submodules

2010-09-09 Thread Brian Carper
On Sep 9, 3:13 pm, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> Can you clarify?  Maven-aware build tools (e.g. Leiningen) should not
> be trying to downlaod the "clojure-contrib:complete" JAR file.
> Instead, referencing the "complete" project as a dependency should
> transitively give you all its dependencies.  Does that not work?
> -S

Nope.  When I use [org.clojure.contrib/complete "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]
without :classifier "bin", Maven dies because it can't find the
"complete" JAR file.  Like this:

When I specify [... :classifier "bin"], it downloads all 50+ contrib
JAR files, as well as "complete-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar".


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Re: clojure-contrib master now in submodules

2010-09-09 Thread Brian Carper
On Aug 20, 7:22 am, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> If you want to use ALL contrib libraries, add a dependency on group
> "org.clojure.contrib", artifact "complete", version "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT".
> This meta-library depends on all other contrib libraries.

This doesn't work because as was pointed out on IRC today, there's
currently a "bin" classifier.   You have to use:

[org.clojure.contrib/complete "1.3.0-SNAPSHOT" :classifier "bin"]


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Re: Leiningen 1.2.0 released

2010-08-21 Thread Brian Carper
On Aug 21, 1:04 am, "" 
> Up til now, I've avoided using ELPA (it doesn't play nicely with my 25
> years' worth of Lisp-oriented emacs customizations). It may be helpful
> for other hoary old lisp hackers to know that you really want to use
> ELPA with lein, no matter how fervently you may believe that you
> don't. I managed to evade ELPA up until this lein release, but it
> seems the free ride is over.

It's possible to use SLIME+Clojure without ELPA and without clobbering
your other Lisps.  Check out
for starters.  Personally I still forgo `lein swank` in favor of
setting things up for `M-x slime` myself.  The best bits of lein
(dependency management, jar-file making etc.) work great without Emacs
getting involved.

I am convinced that ELPA is probably the best option for a Clojure/
Emacs newbie to get set up easily, but it's not for me and there are
plenty of other people who share your aversion.

Many thanks Phil and Leiningen contributors for another release.


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Re: Clojure Web Programming group?

2010-08-17 Thread Brian Carper
On Aug 17, 7:15 am, Saul Hazledine  wrote:
> One idea I had though was to go one step further and start a Clojure
> web development group so that other developers of small libraries and
> users of them could go to one place for support and discussion. Would
> this be uncool or would it be useful?
> Saul

I think it would be useful.  I don't think it would replace each
project's individual list for things like bug reports and feature
requests.  But it would be nice to have a place for end-users of the
various libraries to talk about using them, and talk about integrating


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Re: Game development in Clojure

2010-08-13 Thread Brian Carper
On Aug 13, 11:09 am, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> I assumed he didn't use OpenGL because it's a 2d tile game?
> Using OpenGL for 2d or 2.5d (isometric) is really only a good idea
> if you can assume the target has hardware OpenGL acceleration.
> Even then you may not want to do that, due to battery concerns.

But there are some good OpenGL 2D game engines for Java, e.g.
Slick[1].  There's also Penumbra[2] which nicely wraps LWJGL for
Clojure.  I ask this mostly because I'm making my own 2D game and
somewhat torn between Java2D and OpenGL.  Penumbra is pretty solid in
my experience.

What do you mean by "battery concerns"?



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Re: Game development in Clojure

2010-08-13 Thread Brian Carper
On Aug 13, 6:51 am, Mike Anderson 
> Hello all,
> I've recently been working on a game development project in Clojure
> which is now starting to bear fruit. I thought people here might be
> interested, and that it would be worthwhile to share some experiences
> and perspectives.

Looks great.  Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Do you plan to share the source code?  Any reason you went with Swing
instead of OpenGL?


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Re: Leiningen 1.2.0 released!

2010-07-20 Thread Brian Carper
On Jul 18, 5:17 pm, defn  wrote:
> I think I speak for everyone when I say: "thank you".



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Re: ANN: Deview - Better test results

2010-07-14 Thread Brian Carper
On Jul 14, 5:03 pm, Brenton  wrote:
> I'm not sure what's going on with that error. As you can see from [1],
> testing-vars-str takes no args. Also, I don't get an error message
> when running as a Leiningen plugin or from the REPL.  Let me know if
> you think of anything else that might be causing this problem. I
> hacked this together today so I am sure there is something I'm
> missing.

I'm looking here:

Looks like that function's signature changed a couple weeks ago:


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Re: ANN: Deview - Better test results

2010-07-14 Thread Brian Carper
On Jul 14, 1:05 pm, Brenton  wrote:
> I have created a new project named lein-difftest.

This is awesome.  I've been hurting for this kind of tool for a long

For peons like myself who still run tests from a REPL and want to see
plaintext diffed output, apparently you can use this library and do
(difftest.core/run-tests 'some-ns) instead of (clojure.test/run-test
'some-ns) and it seems to work well.

Minor bug, on line 36 in difftest/core.clj [1], (ct/testing-vars-str)
should probably be (ct/testing-vars-str m), I'm getting an exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args (0) passed
to: test$testing-vars-str



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defmulti - defonce semantics?

2010-07-14 Thread Brian Carper
I just noticed this in the 1.2 beta release notes:

  * defmulti - Enhanced to have defonce semantics

I've been bitten by this for a couple months now and I never knew the
reason.  If (during interactive development) you want to change the
dispatch function for a multimethod, what is now the proper way?

I used to be able to just rerun the defmulti or recompile/reload the
file containing the defmulti.  I'd lose all the methods defined for
that multimethod (which sometimes forced me to hunt down all the files
that defined methods on it and recompile them all too), but I could
live with that.

Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (defmulti foo (fn [x] x))
user=> (defmulti foo (fn [x y] x))
user=> (defmethod foo :foo [x y] y)
user=> (foo :foo :bar)

But now:

Clojure 1.2.0-beta1
user=> (defmulti foo (fn [x] x))
user=> (defmulti foo (fn [x y] x))   ;;does nothing
user=> (defmethod foo :foo [x y] y)
user=> (foo :foo :bar)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args (2) passed
to: user$eval1$fn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

I've been putting

(def foo nil)
(defmulti foo ...)

in a bunch of my source files to force recompilation whenever the
files are recompiled.


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Re: Hash-map destructuring

2010-06-25 Thread Brian Carper
On Jun 25, 2:57 am, Chas Emerick  wrote:
> This is fairly simple:
> user=> (defn foo [& {:as args}] [args])
> #'user/foo
> user=> (def m {:a 5 :b 6})
> #'user/m
> user=> (apply foo (-> m seq flatten))
> [{:a 5, :b 6}]
> I'm not sure if it could be made easier, short of changing apply  
> (which I wouldn't think is reasonable).
> - Chas

That was what I tried first, but it doesn't work.  It flattens too
much.  Note that I have a vector as one of the map values in my


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Re: State of Clojure web development

2010-06-23 Thread Brian Carper
On Jun 23, 2:23 pm, James Reeves  wrote:
> 1. Have you written, or are you writing, a web application that uses
> Clojure? What does it do?

My blog and a couple of other blog-like hobby sites.  I also wrote a
small standalone data-collection app at work.  It collects survey data
for psych research.

> 2. Which libraries or frameworks are you using? Which versions?

[[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT"]
 [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
 [compojure "0.4.0-RC3"]
 [hiccup "0.2.4"]
 [clout "0.2.0"]
 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "0.2.0"]
 [ring/ring-devel "0.2.0"]
 [oyako "0.1.1"]
 [postgres-pool "1.1.0"]
 [joda-time "1.6"]
 [rhino/js "1.7R2"]
 [sandbar/sandbar "0.2.3"]]

I try to stick with bleeding-edge versions of almost everything.  You
almost have to, things change too quickly.

> 3. What made you choose Clojure to develop web applications in? What
> are the strengths of Clojure web development?

DSL-based HTML generation (as per Hiccup) is a huge selling point for
me.  Nothing else compares.  Lispy interactive development via REPL is
great for webapps.  Web development is a good place to take advantage
of macros and other boilerplate-elimination techniques that a Lisp
gives you.

I mostly chose Clojure for web development mostly because I like
Clojure and wanted an excuse to use it more.

> 4. What do you think are the current weaknesses of web development in
> Clojure? What could be improved?

Deployment is my main headache.  Better documentation / more examples
for Compojure and other libs would be very useful.  DB interaction /
data persistence is a bit of a weakness, but the Clojure world is
improving very quickly in this area.

> 5. Anything else you want to comment on?

Web development in Clojure is loads of fun.  Thanks for your work on
Ring/Compojure/etc., they're great tools.


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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Brian Carper
On Jun 16, 9:24 pm, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> Mostly I'd like feedback on the 
> tutorial:

It looks quite good.  Maybe some mention of `lein clean` is
warranted.  It would preclude a lot of the "Hey I just upgraded
library X and now everything is broken" kinds of questions I see on
various mailing lists.

The part discussing the group-id/artifact-id etc. is great for those
of us who don't know maven.  Can you consider adding something about
how to name a project in project.clj so that it can be pushed to
clojars cleanly?  On clojars you see projects named with a bare word,
like "compojure" and "swank-clojure", and then others with a one-word
group-id, "foo/bar", then others with a full domain,
"org.clojars.someguy/baz".  This is a bit of a mess.

But I wonder how many packages are pushed to clojars under the wrong
name or wrong group-id accidentally, not realizing how it would end up
looking.  It might be helpful to promote a convention for project
naming, if nothing else.  Or if there's already some convention that
I'm missing, maybe explain the convention.  Just a thought.


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Hash-map destructuring

2010-06-16 Thread Brian Carper

(defn foo [x & {:as args}] [x args])
(foo 1 :bar 2 :baz [:quux])
=> [1 {:bar 2, :baz [:quux]}]

If I have those rest-arguments already in a map, what's the most
elegant way to call foo with them?

(def args {:bar 2 :baz [:quux]})
(foo 1 ?)

I feel like I may be missing some simple way of doing it.  I find
myself needing to do this pretty often, for example any time I have a
chain of functions calling each other that all take keyword arguments
on the end.

(apply foo 1 (apply concat (seq args))) works, but that's awfully
nasty.  So this is what I've been doing:

(defmacro apply* [& args]
  `(apply ~@(butlast args) (apply concat (seq ~(last args)

(apply* foo 1 args)
=> [1 {:bar 2, :baz [:quux]}]

Kind of hacky though.  Is there a better/shorter/builtin way?

I can go back to using [x & args] in the function signature and (apply
hash-map args) in the function body, but I love having the keyword
destructuring in the function signature, since the user can see which
keys are valid to pass in, whenever I use {:keys [...]}.


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Re: promoting contrib.string to clojure, feedback requested

2010-05-26 Thread Brian Carper
On May 26, 10:29 am, Fogus  wrote:
> I have mentioned my gripes in the IRC, but for public view I would
> love better names for chomp and chop.  In isolation those names are
> meaningless, so I suggest:

Almost every name in a programming language is meaningless in
isolation.  But we don't work in isolation.  Look at "slurp".  I had
to explain that one to a non-programmer colleague the other day.
"chomp" has a clear meaning to anyone who's touched Perl/Ruby/shell-

"rtrim" in isolation could mean trim newlines, or trim whitespace, or
trim some specified characters, or trim arbitrary characters.  "less"
is so generic it could mean almost anything.

But this is largely an aesthetic question and I'm not going to lose
sleep if we end up with a word other than "chomp".


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Re: promoting contrib.string to clojure, feedback requested

2010-05-26 Thread Brian Carper
On May 26, 8:16 am, Stuart Halloway  wrote:
> If you are a user of clojure.contrib.string, please take a look at the  
> proposed promotion to clojure [1]. Feedback welcome! It is my hope  
> that this promotion has enough "batteries included" that many libs can  
> end their dependency on contrib for string functions.

Great to see these bumped into core.  But are we now going to have
clojure.string, and clojure.contrib.string, with half the string
functions in one and half in the other?  It's going to be confusing to
remember which namespace has which functions (since I often use
functions you aren't promoting here), and now I potentially have to
depend on two libs instead of just one.

split-lines (for example) is something I use constantly.  It's also
something just annoying/error-prone enough that I don't want to write
(split #"\r?\n" s) over and over.  I always trip over core's line-seq
because it takes a reader instead of a string as I'd expect.  It'd be
nice to see that one promoted, if split is being promoted too.

What's the point of promoting upper-case and lower-case?  I thought
Clojure generally avoided thin wrappers around Java methods.  I always
use the Java methods directly, personally.  The comments say it's for
mapping over a list of strings, but (map #(.toUpperCase %) xs) isn't
that much typing.  The only use I see for making these a Clojure
function is to improve error-handling.  (upper-case nil) gives an
unhelpful NPE.


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-26 Thread Brian Carper
On Mar 25, 3:42 pm, Chas Emerick  wrote:
> I'm not entirely sure what would be required from clojure-maven-plugin  
> (for example) for maven to achieve greater acceptance in the  
> community...

I think all it takes is getting the word out.  Ease of use matters to
me, but sexp vs. XML or simple interface vs. complex is only one part
of ease of use.  Another part is community support and availability of
documentation.  It's easy to learn any tool when lots of people are
using it and writing about it.  Your article was enough to convince me
and apparently a few others to give Maven a chance.

If a section appeared on called "Installing clojure and
clojure-contrib via Maven" with a sample POM and simple instructions
for starting a REPL, that'd probably help.  Is
linked to from anywhere on  I only know about it from
your blog post and from having read through IRC logs, and it's
mentioned in the clojure-contrib README but there's no example of how
to use it.  Your article is the first I've seen Clojure installed
directly via Maven.


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Brian Carper
On Mar 25, 11:55 am, Chas Emerick  wrote:
> I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast  
> that might be of interest:
> "Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new  
> language, a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at  
> existing build tools (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning  
> primarily Maven and Ant, although someone will bark if I don't mention  
> Gradle, too), and felt a rush of disdain. I'd speculate that this came  
> mostly because of XML allergies, but perhaps also in part because when  
> one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, it's hard to not want to use  
> it to beat away at every problem in sight."

Ruby: gem install X
Perl: perl -MCPAN -e shell, then "install X"

Why does building and installing dependencies have to be harder than
this?  Lein right now tries to fill this niche of being braindead easy
to use, and comes pretty close.  I realize Maven does a lot more than
build and install dependencies, but for some of us, that's all we want
out of life, and it's pretty nice when it's that easy to do so.

My dream tool would be:

1) Platform-agnostic (for us sorry souls stuck on Windows at work)
2) IDE-agnostic ("make a Netbeans project" is great, but Emacs users
need some love too)
3) Easy to understand and use for the kinds of tasks Lein covers (I
don't want to have to study a Maven book(!) if I can avoid it)
4) Able to handle most or all Clojure and Java libraries I want to
install (I don't want to have to circumvent the build tool and do
things manually if I can help it)
5) Able to easily "browse" or search for packages in remote
repositories, would be nice

Rubygems and Perl's CPAN can handle those kinds of things, for
example.  If Maven can be those things, I'll have an XML sandwich for
lunch with a smile if necessary.  : )  Maybe it can and the community
just needs to standardize around Maven and provide good documentation
and community support for using it with Clojure.  I just hope the
community standardizes around something; any standard is better than
everyone using a different tool.


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clojure.contrib.error-kit bug?

2009-12-19 Thread Brian Carper
(defn- special-form [form]
  (and (list form)
   (symbol? (first form))
   (#{#'handle #'bind-continue} (resolve (first form)

I think the second line should say (list? form).   (list form) is
always true.


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Re: Funding Clojure 2010

2009-12-14 Thread Brian Carper
I sent my contribution.  Thanks for your work on Clojure.  It's
brought me many weekends of joyful hacking.  Please continue to let
the community know what's necessary to sustain Clojure's development.

On Dec 14, 6:33 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> Funding Clojure 2010
> Background
> --
> It is important when using open source software that you consider who
> is paying for it, because someone is. There is no such thing as free
> software.
> Sometimes open source software is developed under a license with
> undesirable properties (e.g. the GPL), such that people are willing to
> pay for a (proprietary) version of it that is not subject to that
> license. Both Monty Widenius [1] and Richard Stallman [2] have argued
> for the necessity of such a mechanism to fund open source software,
> lest there be insufficient resources for its development. Clojure
> doesn't use the GPL, thus conveying more freedom to its users, but
> precluding me from funding it via dual licensing.
> Some companies develop technology as a component of a proprietary
> product or service, absorbing it as a necessary expense, only to
> decide that it is not a core, unique, or advantage-bearing business
> function. They can reduce their costs in ongoing development by open
> sourcing it, deriving benefit from community contributions and letting
> them focus on their core business [3]. It is important to note that
> the bulk of the costs are often in the original development, and are
> paid for by the proprietary product or service. That is not the case
> for Clojure.
> Some open source is the product of academic research, and is funded by
> the academic institution and/or research grants [4]. That is not the
> case for Clojure.
> Some open source software is (partially) funded by proprietary
> support. It is important to note that often the support income does
> not in fact make it to the people who create the software. Such income
> models work best for support sold to conservative enterprises [5].
> That is not the case for Clojure.
> Some companies 'fund' open source software by dedicating some of their
> employees' time, or making investments, in its development. There must
> be some business value to the company for doing so (e.g. it helps them
> sell hardware [6]), and thus is ultimately paid for by their
> proprietary products/services. That is not the case for Clojure.
> There *are* companies that make software themselves, whose consumers
> see a value in it and willingly pay to obtain that value. The money
> produced by this process pays the salaries of the people who are
> dedicated to making it, and some profit besides. It's called
> "proprietary software". People pay for proprietary software because
> they have to, but otherwise the scenario is very similar to open
> source - people make software, consumers get value from it. In fact,
> we often get a lot less with proprietary software - vendor lock-in, no
> source etc. Most alarmingly, this is the only model that associates
> value with software itself, and therefore with the people who make it.
> Why don't people pay for open source software? Primarily, because they
> don't *have to*. I think also, partially, it is because open source
> software often doesn't have a price tag. I think it should. I'd like
> to pay for open source, and know the money is going to those who
> create it. I'd like companies to *expect* to pay for it. I'd like to
> see people make a living (and even profit!) directly making open
> source, not as a side effect of some other proprietary process, to
> dedicate themselves to it, and not have it be hobby/side work.
> Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to convey the full benefits of
> open source software while *forcing* people to pay for it. Only in the
> proprietary (including dual-license) model is there a direct
> connection between the consumers of software and the funding of those
> that produce it. This is having the effect of driving open source
> software towards having zero apparent cost, becoming a free bounty of
> someone else's other profitable endeavors, and is severely
> compromising our profession.
> Foreground
> --
> As should be obvious, Clojure is a labor of love on my part. Started
> as a self-funded sabbatical project, Clojure has come to occupy me far
> more than full-time. However, Clojure does not have institutional or
> corporate sponsorship, and was not, and is not, the by-product of
> another profitable endeavor. I have borne the costs of developing
> Clojure myself, but 2009 is the last year I, or my family, can bear
> that.
> Many generous people have made donations (thanks all!), but many more
> have not, and, unfortunately, donations are not adding up to enough
> money to pay the bills. So far, less than 1% of the time I've spent on
> Clojure has been compensated.
> Right now, it is economically irrational for me to work on Clojure,
> yet, I want to continue working on Clojure, and 

Re: Uninterning a function

2009-10-21 Thread Brian Carper

On Oct 21, 11:48 am, Gorsal  wrote:
> I'm trying to unintern a function i accidently defined in a namespace
> which collides with another function i'm importing . i can't seem to
> find an unintern, or undef, or anything to do this? How do i achieve
> this?
> Thanks~~

I think this is what you want:

(ns-unmap *ns* 'foo)
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Re: New string utilities library ready

2009-08-20 Thread Brian Carper

On Aug 19, 2:16 pm, Sean Devlin  wrote:
> First, I would change the names of functions functions that collide
> with core to str-take, str-drop, etc.  It's just as much to type, and
> it is safe to use these names.  Also, it would make it easier for Rich
> to promote the library to the standard lib when it's done.


I also think contains? might not be a good name given that it doesn't
do the same thing as clojure.core/contains?.  Aside from one being
constant time and one being linear time, you have:

user> (clojure.core/contains? "foobar" "f")
user> (clojure.contrib.str-utils2/contains? "foobar" "f")

I think this is potentially confusing.  This also may be another point
in favor of making the name str-contains?.

An str- prefix would also be consistent with the re-* group of
functions that deal with regexes.
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Literal hash-maps with duplicate keys?

2009-05-29 Thread Brian Carper

Can anyone explain this?

user> (def x {:foo :bar :foo :baz :foo :quux})
user> x
{:foo :bar, :foo :baz, :foo :quux}
user> (count (keys x))
user> (map x (keys x))
(:bar :bar :bar)

It's understandable that a literal map which includes the same key
twice with different values could return any one of the given values.
But I would expect the resulting map to have one key and one of the
values.  Note:

user> (assoc {} :foo :bar :foo :baz :foo :quux)
{:foo :quux}
user> (conj {} [:foo :bar] [:foo :baz] [:foo :quux])
{:foo :quux}
user> (hash-map :foo :bar :foo :baz :foo :quux)
{:foo :quux}
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Re: Best practices for Slime with Clojure

2009-05-18 Thread Brian Carper

On May 16, 12:58 am, Glen Stampoultzis  wrote:
> The other problem I have is with the current working directory.  The swank
> process seems to use my home directory as the current working
> directory regardless of what the current working directory of emacs
> currently is.  Is there any way to set this and to manage it on a per
> project basis?

I agree, this is a big annoyance.  You can put something like this in
your ~/.emacs to prevent Emacs from changing your working directory
every time you switch buffers, so once you set it with M-x cd, it'll
never change until you change it explicitly.  Better than nothing.

(defun find-file-save-directory ()
(setq saved-default-directory default-directory)
(setq default-directory saved-default-directory))
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-f" 'find-file-save-directory)

Change ido-find-file to whatever command you use normally to open
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Re: Keeping a ref and a DB in sync

2009-04-05 Thread Brian Carper

On Apr 3, 12:42 pm, ""  wrote:
> Brian, I imagine you are asking this in relation to your blog engine?

Yep.  Thanks everyone for the help and ideas.  Unfortunately I do have
a ton of data in a DB already so Terracotta would be a lot of work.  I
rewrote everything to do ref updates inside agents, and it worked
(almost), but when I fired up 1000 concurrent threads to do
simultaneous updates and set a certain percentage of them to throw an
exception mid-transaction, I still ended up with the DB and the in-
memory copy out of sync.  Cleaning up when something failed was a
nightmare to try to coordinate.

I ended up storing all of my data in a single ref that holds the state
of the universe and running a background thread in an agent that grabs
a snapshot of the ref and syncs it with the DB every so often.  I
guess it's probably a little more Clojure-ish that way anyways, since
the DB will always see a consistent snapshot.  If this doesn't work
I'll have to try watches I guess.
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Keeping a ref and a DB in sync

2009-04-03 Thread Brian Carper

Is there a safe way to keep the data in a Clojure ref and the data in
a table in an external (e.g. mysql) database in sync, given concurrent
creates/updates/deletes from within Clojure?

I can't do a DB update from within a dosync because of retries.  If I
send-off an agent for the DB update from within a dosync, it won't
happen until after the dosync is done, and then if the DB update
throws an exception, it'll be too late to rollback the ref and they'll
be out of sync.  If I do the DB update and ref update separately,
there's the potential for race conditions if things happen in between.

Is manual locking the only way?
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Re: New release 20090320

2009-03-20 Thread Brian Carper

On Mar 20, 7:15 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> New release 20090320 -
> Incorporates all the recent additions - fully lazy seqs, :let option
> for doseq/for, letfn for mutually recursive local fns, synchronous
> watches, multi-arg set/union/difference/intersection, counted?, per-
> defmulti hierarchies, #_ ignore form reader macro, future-calls,
> future and pcalls/pvalues, defmulti docstrings and metadata, methods/
> prefers for multimethod reflection, uniform metadata handling for
> atoms/refs/agents/vars/namespaces, condp, release-pending-sends, AOT
> tweaks to support applets and Android, etc. All this in addition to
> many fixes and enhancements.
> The API docs page is now current - changes to the rest of the site
> will come soon.
> This release includes many patches from contributors, and input and
> reports from many users - thanks all!
> Rich

Congrats and many thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to make
Clojure so powerful and fun to use.
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Re: On the importance of recognizing and using maps

2009-03-08 Thread Brian Carper

On Mar 8, 10:53 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:>
> In looking at some of the libraries, I am a bit concerned that maps
> are not being used when the logical entity is in fact a map.

One time I find myself abusing vectors where maps would be better is
in a situation where I have to retrieve key/value pairs in the order
they were inserted.

For example I'm working on a DSL for cascading stylesheets, and maps
should be perfect for specifying property declarations (right down to
curly braces for maps coincidentally and nicely matching the curly
braces in literal CSS).

But (css [:div {:padding "1px" :padding-left "5px"}]) won't work
because the order is lost.  Depending on the order "padding" and
"padding-left" show up in the final CSS, the meaning changes.  Not
sure what the best Clojure idiom would be in this case.  Vectors that
look like maps are the best I've come up with.

So "ordered maps" would be useful.  They have been endlessly re-
invented in the Ruby community, for example.  I think in upcoming Ruby
1.9, maps that preserve their insertion order are the default, in
spite of obviously worse performance compared to true hashed maps.
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Importing lots of Java classes at once

2009-02-20 Thread Brian Carper

One could argue that wildcard imports in Java (import package.*) are
evil, pollute your namespaces, create potential naming conflicts,
etc.  One would probably be correct.

One could also argue that having to manually type a list of dozens of
classnames is pretty tedious, especially if all you want to do is goof
off at a REPL for a few minutes.  e.g. I wanted to run some SWT
snippets [1], and to import all the necessary SWT classes into Clojure
can be a bit of a pain.

I found this somewhat appalling bit of code [2] which I can use to get
a list of all the classnames in some package and then import them all
that way.  There are all kinds of ways that code can fail though.
Does anyone else have a way that they routinely import lots and lots
of Java classes at once?  I don't care how dirty a hack it is, I'm not
going to do this in production code.  I only want to save my fingers a
bit of typing.

I know this probably isn't planned [3] for Clojure, just looking for
the best workaround.

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Re: Unexpected binding behavior

2009-01-20 Thread Brian Carper

On Jan 20, 10:06 am, "Hugh Winkler"  wrote:
> Inside FP, outside FP, all I want is no surprises.

I agree, this is confusing for new users.  Especially given the
counter-intuitive (for a new person) way the REPL forces evaluation of
everything, making everything seem to be eager when it's not.  This
aspect of Clojure is very different from most languages, including
other Lisps, and the kinds of errors it can produce are often silent
and hard to figure out.

Some documentation loudly proclaiming the laziness of map and friends,
the importance of dorun/doall/doseq, and the potential pitfalls of
laziness would be helpful.  Perhaps as an FAQ entry if nothing else?
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Re: QT Jambi and the Repl

2009-01-16 Thread Brian Carper

On Jan 16, 5:38 pm, levand  wrote:
> Has anyone here had success in using Clojure with QT Jambi?
> I'm currently experimenting with porting my app from Swing to QT, and
> although Jambi might well be the theoretically superior framework, it
> seems like Swing is a lot easier to use with Clojure.
> The issue I'm currently running into is that you can't call any
> methods on QT gui objects unless you're in the same thread they were
> created in. But that can't be the Repl thread, because
> QApplication.exec() basically sets up an event loop and takes control
> of whatever thread you start it in.
> So, it looks like I can't do any of that cool interactive gui
> development that I fell in love with in Rich's presentations, and have
> continued to love using myself.
> Am I missing something? I thought I'd give QT a try, since everyone
> seems to rave about it, but so far, in most ways, Swing seems easier
> to use and more powerful. But maybe I'm just not familiar enough with
> Jambi.
> Many thanks,
> -Luke

I have had some success writing a little app[1] in Qt Jambi in
Clojure, for what it's worth.  You can use QCoreApplication/
invokeLater or invokeAndWait to mess with Qt objects from different

I have managed to segfault the JVM while poking a running Qt Jambi app
from a REPL.  I also had some problems with memory leaks [2] for a
time.  It's not as stable and solid as Swing.  It works though, and Qt
is a nice framework to work with.

[2]: Most likely this issue:
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Re: Not understanding the proper use of map

2008-12-10 Thread Brian Carper

On Dec 10, 12:07 pm, "Michael Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I think I know why this happens.  It's treating the '+ as the key
> for a map, and using the second integer as the default value.  I'm not
> sure why it treats an integer as a map, though:

Wow, that's a bit of a gotcha.  It's not treating the integer as a map
though, get's default behavior is to return nil if the thing it's get-
ing from isn't some kind of collection.  (Which is also a bit of a
gotcha, I think.)

user> ('a (fn []))
user> ('a (Object.))
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Re: POLL: Domain name for project hosting site.

2008-11-17 Thread Brian Carper

On Nov 17, 11:52 am, Drew Crampsie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here are some suggestions so far, but please feel free to chime in
> with your own as well.

What about something made of whole words, like clojureforge?  It has
the benefit of discoverability and being pronounceable by the human
tongue.  : )  Any URL that requires a person to spell it every time
it's said aloud is a bad thing, in my opinion.

Projecture is best on the list given.
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Re: Standard Error to the REPL under Slime?

2008-11-13 Thread Brian Carper

On Nov 13, 5:07 pm, Allen Rohner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 3:00 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> > Is there a way to get the System.err directed to the slime-repl
> > clojure buffer instead of (or in addition to) inferior-lisp buffer?  I
> > looked through the docs, but I didn't see anything obvious.
> > Thanks!
> > --Darren
> I'd also like to be able to do this. The recent swank-clojure history
> doesn't show anything promising though.
> Allen

M-x slime-redirect-inferior-output works for me.
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Re: Swing GUI Builder and Clojure

2008-11-04 Thread Brian Carper

On Nov 4, 9:06 am, "Geoffrey Teale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you teach the general principles of Clojure then using any of them should
> be easy enough.   As Graham said, it's better to stick with the out of the
> box GUI layer for a general purpose book.   Qt Jambi was actually a little
> tricky to set up on my (rather esoteric!) Linux box, and you don't want
> readers to get pissed off and give up!

I blogged a little about Qt Jambi + Clojure recently [1], for what
it's worth.  I found it very easy to set up and use, on Gentoo Linux
and on Vista.  I'm using it to build an app in my spare time and it's
working well.  I would be interested to see anyone write up a HOWTO
for using a GUI builder tool with Clojure, for Swing or Qt or any
other framework.  It is a bit tedious to do by hand.

I agree though, for a book it might be better to stick with native
Java stuff.  No sense needlessly complicating matters with external
libraries.  Qt Jambi had a couple of odd quirks that I was unable to
figure out.  (Randomly killing my Clojure process under SLIME for



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