[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: When to use Image Replacement

2007-08-02 Thread Alex Robinson
so what's best practice for something like

A good question, but one that has nothing to do with CSS per se.


lists several other mailing lists where you might be better off 
asking such a question.

Anyone with ant=ything to say to Lee on this subject, please do so off list.

css-d moderator
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Re: [css-d] Ways to create css pages

2007-08-02 Thread Alex Robinson
At 08:47 -0700 2/8/07, trevor bayliss wrote:
  Just a quick question to get some: when you design pages do you do 
it directly from notepad? I was thinking about the merits of using 
the dreamweaver tools to design the layout with divs and then get 
changing the code. Alternatively do people have a stock of templates 
that they use according to the situation?

Hello, grumpy moderator here.

Just before anyone jumps into this thread, let me just get a couple 
of things straight.

css-discuss is absolutely not the place to discuss the tools that you 
prefer to use. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. We don't care 
what editor you use, what scripting language eases your days or what 
god you pray to when there seems to be no answer to your current css 

That said, whether you maintain libraries and/or snippets of css for 
reuse from project to project or like to roll your sleeves up afresh 
each time confronted with a blank slate is very much on topic, so 
have at it!

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Any good books on XSL?

2007-08-10 Thread Alex Robinson
At 21:50 -1000 9/8/07, david wrote:
Any good books on XSL?

At work, I'm going to need to be learning about XSL. Any good books?

This has absolutely nothing to do with CSS.

If anyone has any suggestions for David, they should send them to him directly.

But no replies to the list, please.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: color consistency, accuracy

2007-08-26 Thread Alex Robinson
I *do* think this
is a CSS related problem just because we are so often trying to match
text, borders, blocks of background color (all specified with CSS) to
images which are generated from some image editing program or another.

Off topic - no more on this subject please (except that as I'm 
already cluttering your inboxes...)

The bottom line for making sure that your images will display 
consistently is an issue of using the right colour profile in your 
image editing program and/or embedding the relevant profile info in 
your image. Hence the safest policy (usually) is just to stick to the 
basic RGB profile. Your photoshop is probably using sRGB by default 
(thanks Adobe).

In the future, when CSS3 becomes a reality then colour will become a CSS issue


And proper colour management is arriving in browsers...


... although that may create more problems than it solves if past 
form is anything to go by


Anyhow, start here


But none of this is really on topic for a list about the nitty gritty 
of using CSS.

So no more discussion of this on list though please. Unless anyone 
has anything constructive to say about the CSS3 color module...

css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE6 Content Duplication

2007-08-30 Thread Alex Robinson
Most probably it is related to the double html comments in your file.
Remove them.

I've also found that using Conditional Comments (with the condition 
being anything but IE) works too

!--[if !IE] I won't trigger the duplication ![endif]--
!--[if !IE] Nor will I ![endif]--

If you absolutely must have the comments, that is.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] * in css

2007-09-11 Thread Alex Robinson
* is the unversal selector. That means it matches all elements. And 
that means all elements (including html, head, body etc)

#foo *  selects any element which is a descendant of #foo.

my guess is that the double asterisk is a typo or misunderstanding of
css selectors.


It's a common trick to get round the lack of support in IE6 and under 
for the child selector  (ie. it is a direct descendant of the 

So instead of

#mainNav  * {
  padding-left: 20px;

we use

#mainNav * {
  padding-left: 20px;
  padding-right: 20px;

#mainNav * * {
  padding-left: 0;

since * * matches elements which are descendants of the first 
element's children.

This is nice since * has no specificity, so it shouldn't override 
other values that have been set with explicit selectors.

But note, there are flipsides.

One is that you must have the * * declaration after the * one because 
they have the same specificity. Not that that's much of a flipside ;)

The other is more serious


Namely that you may override elements which have been specified using 
a lower specificity elsewhere.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Do we like the same books?

2007-09-13 Thread Alex Robinson
It is against Shelfari's policies to invite people who you don't 
know directly. ...

As well as being utterly off topic.

Buddhamagnet is now an ex-member of the list.

Let this be a warning to any other css-d member who thinks spamming 
the list is a good way to kick start their social network status.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] text leaders

2007-09-20 Thread Alex Robinson
  I would like to have solid color leader before some text:

In addition to Georg's (as always) sterling efforts, the css-d wiki 
has a few takes on dot leaders.


It should be fairly easy to figure out how to transform them from 
dotted to solid leaders...
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Re: [css-d] Reliable Opera-only filter?

2007-10-06 Thread Alex Robinson
Rare is the day Opera gets it wrong.

@media screen and (min-width: 0px){
#foo { padding: ... ;}

This is hardly a long term fix.

Safari 3 (due for release along with the next version of OS X within 
the next couple of weeks) will support media queries. To exclude it 
(and other browsers using a recent version of WebKit which already do 
- iPhone *cough*), you'd need to do:

@media screen and (min-width: 0px){
#foo { padding: ... ;}
:root #foo { padding: original_value ;} /* reset Safari 3 */

But note, even this will break the moment that either Opera supports 
:root or the Gecko engine supports media queries. Both of these 
outcomes are hardly unlikely.

Opera 8 also supports media queries. Your question said you only 
wanted to target the latest version (though whether you mean 9.5a or 
9.23 you didn't specify). But Opera 8 certainly isn't the latest 
version and would be targeted.
The only hack I know that's been found to distinguish between 8 and 9 
is this one

(though he's unaware of the :root hack above)

So revisiting the code snippet, we now have:

@media all and (min-width:0px){
head~body #foo { padding: ... ; } /* Opera 9 */
:root head~body #foo { padding: original_value ; } /* reset Safari 3 */

The same caveats apply though.

It might be more useful to you to actually post the problematic html 
and css (or better a link to a page to a page containing it). There 
might be a better solution than patching Opera and crossing your 
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Re: [css-d] link image background problem w/IE 6 (natch)

2007-11-16 Thread Alex Robinson
Please note that display:inline-block in invalid CSS2.1 but is valid CSS3.

Actually it's valid CSS2.1 but not valid CSS2.



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: php sthe switcher for multiple style sheets

2007-11-22 Thread Alex Robinson
At 08:40 -0500 22/11/07, DAVOUD TOHIDY wrote:

I am looking for a php multiple style switcher which can handle
switching more than two style sheets for my portfolio
located at http://cssfreelancer.awardspace.com .

Would appreciate your comments.

Comments about style switching in general will be fine (as long as 
they do not focus on javascript or any other non-css realted aspect).

Stuff about php (or any specific server-side language) is not acceptable.


Normally as moderator I wouldn't resort to just replying with a 
google link (and yes, other search engine companies do exist), but 
the following query should get you started...


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: Rules for generating valid CSS

2007-12-06 Thread Alex Robinson
My four rules are:

1. No p tags within p tags.
2. No div, hr, h1 to h6, ul, or li tags inside p tags.
3. No p tags inside li or ul tags.
4. No empty p tags.

Are those rules sensible from a validation point of view?

This is about markup and validation of the resulting HTML and really 
doesn't have anything to do with CSS.

Please keep any answers offlist.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] [ADMIN - PLEASE READ] was Re: problems with CSS and floats

2007-12-08 Thread Alex Robinson
Is this what one would call a hijacked thread? Just asking.

Nope, this is what is called an unholy mishmash of off-topicness and, 
frankly, rudeness.

My apologies to you Rayburn for your first post descending into one 
of css-d's rare fits of losing the plot. (Though do please start new 
threads/questions with a brand new message ;)

css-discuss is not a place to discuss:

* what are the right and wrong ways of writing markup
* which users you should be addressing
* which browsers you should be targeting
* how accessible or usable you should make your site
* the benefits of using or not using standards

All declared as off topic at


* mailing list administrator's approach to where replies go

All comments about issues which relate to the policies and 
administration of the list should be addressed off list to the owner 
of the list. That said, there is an explanation of why things are as 
they are here:


* quoting styles

Again, issues of list policy should be addressed directly to the list 
owner and not to the list itself. That said...

 From http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html
Trim your replies. If you have more quotation than original text, 
think about cutting down on the quoted stuff. The list members can 
look at the message to which you responded, or check the archive. 
Prune that quoted text with ruthless abandon.

The moderators normally don't do anything more than send private 
messages to overquoters asking them to mend their ways. We also don't 
normally freak out about top posting even though we don't like it and 
advise against it. We have however, provided info on the wiki as to 
how to deal with problems that make Gmail a pain to other members of 
the list.


* philosophy

 From http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html
css-discuss is primarily intended to be a place for authors to 
discuss real-world uses of CSS. This doesn't preclude discussions of 
theory, or nifty cutting-edge tricks that show off the power of CSS, 
or even talking about (X)HTML, DOM, and so forth. However, it's 
greatly appreciated if such discussions have some practical payoff, 
even if it's just teaching other list members a little bit more about 
how CSS works.

Finally, but most importantly, are these words of Eric's from the 
list policies which I think need repeating:

Above all, if you can't answer with a modicum of respect, or without 
feeling somehow annoyed by the question, then DO NOT ANSWER AT ALL.


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] list-item markers vertical-align: top ???

2007-12-09 Thread Alex Robinson
I want the marker centered on the first line of list-item text.

The basic idea is as follows:

list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

background-image: url(bullet.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 15px;

replacing the image url and padding-left with suitable values.


gives a step by step explanation, expanding on the basic idea to 
reintroduce spacing, right alignment and other variations.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Selecting CSS file depending on Server using the HTML Page

2007-12-12 Thread Alex Robinson
At 12:40 -0600 11/12/07, Charlene wrote:
I have a bad cold

Sorry to hear that

but a hard deadline.

Unfortunately that does not excuse the off topic post - how you 
assemble your pages has nothing to do with CSS.

Please do not treat css-d as a general purpose, Oh, I can't be 
bothered to figure out where would be the right place to ask this 
question forum.

No more posts to this thread please.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: denying the downloading of img

2007-12-12 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:57 -0800 12/12/07, jaklitsch maya wrote:
I have a request to stop anyone from copying and
downloading images from the website I am working on
1. is it possible with css?

I presume that the person who gave you this information meant that if 
you displayed an image through an element's background property, that 
it would be 'protected' since some (indeed most, but certainly not 
all) users would not be able to save it by right clicking on it.

I'm not going to explain why that is far from being a thorough 
solution to the 'problem' or why the problem is not a problem since 
it is not on topic for this list.

This thread is now closed.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] [ADMIN - TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER] Re: Revisit our navigation layout semantic.

2007-12-20 Thread Alex Robinson
Recently, David Hucklesby offered us a problem with fitting list based
navigation to design intentions. His article was titled, Spreading list
items across total width.

No he didn't.

It was Niels Matthijs who asked the question about Spreading list 
items across total width and said that he had documented his 
experiences at

So first off, your attack is directed in the wrong place. Of course, 
css-d is the wrong place to send such a flametastic post to start 

Can you please explain what you were actually trying to say without 
the name calling and the frankly annoyingly self-righteous didactic 
tub thumping?

If you continue posting in the manner in which you have begun (acting 
the cssgoat? ho ho ho), I can assure you that you will be 
unsubscribed without haste.

Everyone else, please stay out of this thread until Mark has actually 
made his points politely and cogently.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Clients new site built in tables

2007-12-21 Thread Alex Robinson
So here's the problem, my client is an agency that uses me for design
work and I think they've
wrongly invested their clients money on a table based site, when it
should be all css.

Anyone had a similar problem?

This is off topic since it isn't a question about the nuts and bolts 
of actually using CSS. Why? Dealing with clients is off topic. 
Whether or not to use table-based layouts or not is off topic 
(moreover, it has been done to the death and almost inevitably ends 
in people disagreeing violently and rudely with one another).

If anyone has anything useful to say to Phil, please either email him 
directly or consider writing something on the wiki


Other holy war material is listed in the posting guidelines. Some of 
that material is a bit ropey, so if anyone wants to help improve 
those and make the wiki an even better resource, that would be great 
too ;)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Centering multiple floated blocks

2008-01-11 Thread Alex Robinson
A combination of display:table (Mozilla, Opera) and 
display:inline-block (IE) can cause a wrapper around floats to 
shrink-to-fit and thus be made amenable to being centered.

However, Safari (neither 2 nor 3) does not do the shrink wrapping and 
so no centering occurs. As far as I know - I'd love to be told that 
I'm wrong.

Paul O'Brien has an alternative approach that can be summed up as:

Outer wrapper:
float: left; position: relative and left: 50%

Inner wrapper
position: relative; left: -50%


It is not without drawbacks, but it may be good enough for your needs
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: [OT] who do I have to sleep with...

2008-01-24 Thread Alex Robinson
At 16:08 -0700 24/1/08, Dean Mah wrote:
That would be an issue to take up with the css-d owner and moderators.
  evolt.org takes not manage the list, we only host it.

There must be reasons for the list being completely moderated and I
would suspect that the amount of time that a message is held is
related to the number of moderators and their schedules.

- on behalf of evolt.org

Thank you Dean

The fault is mine. I misread Rob's initial email and thought that 
this had been happening to him repeatedly (rereading it, it patently 
says nothing of the kind).

We hold new subscribers' posts for moderation to make sure that they 
are not spammers signing up to unleash their wicked ways. Once we've 
seen that a new poster is ok, then we unmoderate them. Of course, the 
mailman interface doesn't allow us to see when subscribers signed up 
or when they were unmoderated which might have checked my foolhardy 
blustering. Though probably not, since today there has been a lag of 
at least several hours with mail which was probably the thing which 
led me furthest up the wrong path.

Idiot moderator. Let me remind myself (and others on the list) of 
this passage in the list's guidelines:

If it's taking a long time for your post to show up, wait. When 
traffic flows are heavy and the server gets overtaxed, it can be a 
few hours before your message gets processed and sent out to 
everyone. On the other hand, if you can see from the timestamps that 
people who posted after you have had their messages go out, something 
else may be wrong. Wait a while longer, and then contact the list 
administrators. Do not post a test message to the list. It will 
either have no effect, or make you look foolish.


Mail can take a long time.

   That's unacceptable. We're posting for help and expecting something back in
  a reasonable amount of time. Having to wait 12 hours before a post is
  released results in losing a day's work.

   Tim Burkart

I don't know where this quote came from, but I'd like to take this 
opportunity to address it.

You only have to wait for approval the very first time you post. As 
often as not, that approval is given within a couple of hours, if not 
even sooner.

The list exists as a community resource. No one is owed anything by 
the list. If someone loses a day's work because their question wasn't 
answered quickly enough for them (whether the delay was caused by 
slothful moderators or apathy from the list in general), then that, I 
am afraid, is their lookout.

Don't leave things to the last minute. Don't expect instant miracles 
from the list. Treat it right and it will treat you right too. Spread 
the CSS love...

Alex Soon to be sleeping with the fish Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: hand coders vs wsywig coders...I had no idea

2008-01-25 Thread Alex Robinson
So do most of you guys hand code? Or do you use a wsywig editor to help?

Sorry Scott, but this is off topic. It's not that it's not an 
interesting topic, but rather that this list has 8500+ members and a 
purpose to discuss CSS, rather than one's choice of editor / 
scripting language / operating system / monitor and desktop 
arrangement etc...


css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Fonts in Vista Office 2007

2008-02-06 Thread Alex Robinson
At 21:50 -0700 5/2/08, Geoffrey Hoffman wrote:
I installed Office 2007 on my box at work and really like some of the new
fonts that came with it.


Anyone know if you can buy them separately somewhere? (I really don't need
Office 2007 nor Vista on my Win XP box at home.)

I spent a half hour searching on Microsoft.com and could not find them for
sale alone without buying Vista or Office 2007.

css-discuss is not a clearing house for any little problem or 
question that you have. It is specifically for the discussion of the 
use of CSS. It is not for finding out where to obtain fonts or your 
personal preference as to which fonts to use. 8500 or so people just 
received your email, so please think carefully before posting to the 

In the interest of making this thread somewhat more useful, I suggest 
the following links:

Ampsoft - Common fonts to all versions of Windows  Mac equivalents

A Padded Cell - Complete Guide to Pre-Installed Fonts in Linux, Mac, 
and Windows

24 Ways - Increase Your Font Stacks With Font Matrix

Clagnut - Moving the Font Matrix forward

And of course for exhaustive testing of fonts at varying sizes and 
screen resolutions, check out the rest of Felix Miata's site.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Transitional Vs. Strict Doctype

2008-02-06 Thread Alex Robinson
At 09:46 -0800 6/2/08, Elli Vizcaino wrote:
Hello List,

Not sure if this would fall under off topic. But I
wanted to know what the reasons are for using a strict
doc type as opposed to transitional. I use strict in
my documents but wondered why it seems to be a bad
idea to go with transitional as I've seen a couple of
topics graze the issue from time to time.

In theory, in a land and time far far away, your choice of doctype 
should reflect your content and whether you can control the markup of 
that content and would have nothing to do with CSS, but browser 
history has, ha, rendered that position all wrong. So...

On topic: how CSS renders depending on what mode a particular doctype triggers.

The css-d wiki's brief introduction

PPK's most excellent explanation and test pages

Off topic: reasons for using a particular doctype other than reasons 
of forcing a particluar CSS rendering mode.

That said, the above linked page is full of links that should help 
you with that too.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC - STOP THIS THREAD] Re: ASP.NET and http://validator.w3.org/

2008-02-06 Thread Alex Robinson
At 13:40 -0800 6/2/08, Big Moxy wrote:
The w3 validator clearly is not compatible with Microsoft ASP.NET code.
Here is an example - http://www.cargovango.com/start.aspx. All of the
code that it flags is generated at run time. It's nothing that a
developer adds.

It's annoying because I can never say that the code is Valid XHTML 1.0

Has anyone else encountered this or similar situations?

Whether or not ASP.NET produces output that validates has absolutely 
zero to do with CSS.

CSS exists independently of scripting languages / frameworks and 
therefore css-discuss is therefore NEVER the right place to discuss 
anything that is related to your scripting language of choice.

So this thread stops now.

css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] reply-to address

2008-02-14 Thread Alex Robinson
At 20:39 +0300 14/2/08, Ibrahim Y wrote:
Hi folks,

I hope this never been discussed before...

Guess what...

I noticed when I want to reply to
any email from the list that the default reply-to address is the email of
the sender not the list, So, every time I have to reply-all or add the list
address manually.
I think it's better to set the default reply-to address to the list not
the sender's email -IMHO- , if it's doable.

1. Questions or comments about how the list is run are never on 
topic. Instead you should address such concerns to the list owner


2. http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CssDiscussListHeaders

End of discussion. See Point No. 1 if you disagree.

css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] New IE8 page on the wiki

2008-03-06 Thread Alex Robinson

Is this a comprehensive IE8 page? Or, is it meant only for IE8 Beta? Please
clarify these things on that page.

It's meant to be comprehensive, ie from gestation to birth (and on to 
death?) of IE8, betas, release candidates, finals and all. Take a 
look at the IE7 page to see how things might shake out.

It is currently rubbish. I just threw it together as well as I could 
in 5 to 10 minutes this morning. But, I'm just putting the shout out 
for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party. Last 
time, we did great.

Just to pick a nit... you ought to make any heading reference of IE8 to
clearly state that we're dealing with the IE8 beta. You know that. I know
that. The other regulars on this board know that. Search Engines DO NOT KNOW
THAT, and it is likely that someone quickly reading that page might see IE8
bug reporting *after* the final version is released.

As bugs are fixed, we will say that the bug was fixed in version 
so-and-so. At the top of the page we should probably have a big 
*thing* saying what the current latest release is.
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[css-d] X-UA-Compatible - discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 and actual behaviour

2008-03-07 Thread Alex Robinson

In a nutshell, IE8's emulation of IE6 and IE5 does not appear to be 
off to a flying start.

1. Box model not honoured when targeting IE6 and in standards mode
2. Parsing errors not replicated when targeting IE5.

Can someone confirm that the results show here are correct, or point 
out what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 and actual behaviour

2008-03-07 Thread Alex Robinson
IE8 cannot emulate IE6, only IE5 and 7.


So IE=6 is actually the same as IE=5. Genius.

Of course, I believe you, but I'm having difficulty tracking down 
where Microsoft say this. Any pointers?

   2. Parsing errors not replicated when targeting IE5.

Which parsing errors exactly? The IE team is looking for such bug
reports right now, so a few test cases would help a lot.

In the example

background: #ffcc00;
backg\round: #006633;

Real IE5 colours the div yellow, emulated IE5 gets carried away and 
repaints it green.
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[css-d] Old friends - IE8 suffers from fuzzy specificity

2008-03-07 Thread Alex Robinson
... as all previous versions of IE have done


(Reported to the Microsoft beta forum)
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 and actual behaviour

2008-03-07 Thread Alex Robinson
   Of course, I believe you, but I'm having difficulty tracking down
   where Microsoft say this. Any pointers?

Not yet, but I'm 100% certain this is the case.

Ah, ok. I see the answer in liorean's post. In the white paper / 
technology overview


Compatibility Mode Value
Render Behavior
Quirks mode
Standards mode
Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode
Uses latest standards that Internet Explorer 8 and any future 
versions of the browser support. Not recommended for production sites.

Yes. I remember now reading that elsewhere. I just can't believe 
they're not supporting IE6, but...

  2. Parsing errors not replicated when targeting IE5.
   Which parsing errors exactly? The IE team is looking for such bug
   reports right now, so a few test cases would help a lot.

  In the example

  background: #ffcc00;
  backg\round: #006633;

   Real IE5 colours the div yellow, emulated IE5 gets carried away and
   repaints it green.

Duly noted. Don't know when I'll be able to send this on, though.

It's alright. I'll report it. Oh no, I can't I'm not on the Technical 
Beta list.
Well, I've posted to the IE8beta discussion forum.

Also, #parsing should also be the same width as #control.

So it looks as if IE8 is actually using IE6's parsing engine in 
conjunction with the IE5 box model.

In fact, I've just done some tests and I'd say that looks as if is 
an understatement. To another thread...
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[css-d] X-UA-Compatible - Discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 resolved

2008-03-08 Thread Alex Robinson
  In IE6 all lines are of equal length. So this would mean that IE8 
is emulating the quirks modes different to how
  IE6 and IE7 handle quirks mode. Is this correct?

Nope. Or rather I don't think so. I think your original suggestion was correct.

ie. IE=5 actually causes IE8 to emulate IE6 in quirks mode. End of story.

My error was to use documents in standards mode as the reference 
point. I have now updated


accordingly so that it is possible to see the effect of the X-UA 
switch on both standards and quirks mode documents. Along with 
screengrabs of the observed behaviour. If it all gets too much, you 
can switch off the bits you don't want to see (suggestions for better 
text in the legends welcome!)

Now, we can see that IE8's rendering is entirely in line with IE6's 
quirks mode rendering.

We can also see that it is definitely not rendering along the lines 
of IE5 (either 5.01 or 5.5)

This got me wondering if IE8 was actually emulating IE6 or IE7 in 
quirks mode, so I threw together a test suite that pulls together all 
the hacks/filters that have been used to target various versions of 
IE and see what happens when targeting different X-UAs.



The results show that IE8 is definitely using IE6 when forced into 
quirks mode by IE=5.

All the results tally with IE6 behaviour and we can rule out IE7 
behaviour because IE8 in IE=5 mode applies the Star HTML selector 
selector (* html) but not the Star plus HTML selector (*+html).

In fact the only slight niggle where IE8 differs from IE6 is that IE6 
only applies the Property + Whitespace + Empty Comment filter to 
documents authored in quirks mode, but IE8 applies it to standards 
mode ones too. But, that is what one would expect really, since the 
IE=5 is an explicit Give me quirks switch.


There is nothing noteworthy to mention about IE7 emulation. It all 
appears to be  consistent.


The only hack / target combination which does not jibe, is the fact 
the *+html hack also gets applied by IE8 when targeted as IE=8.

To repeat *+html targets IE8[0]. Since this only previously targeted 
IE7, this selector in conjunction with a new selector that IE8 
understands but IE7 does not, gives us a current easy way to target 
IE8. Obviously this is not recommended and hopefully this parsing 
error will be fixed before a final release

 and relax

Final rumination

If you made the foolish mistake of actually choosing to use standards 
mode [1] and make IE6 work in it, then you are not able to rely on an 
X-UA fix. You are doomed to keep fixing each latest variation of CSS 
support that MS foists upon us, regardless of the glib assertions 
that all one needs so is set the X-UA header and you're all done.

sarcasm_as_big_as_the_ritzSo yeah, the business case of using 
standards has been truly proved I think. /sarcasm_as_big_as_the_ritz

[0] I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere, but I'm sure somebody has 
already discovered it - probably even on this very list which I 
skimmed merrily over

[1] That would be me - I've never once authored a quirks mode 
document since the distinction existed
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - Discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 resolved

2008-03-08 Thread Alex Robinson
I mostly agree, but not on the Rendered by IE 7 and quirks
combinations. Your documents now have an xml declaration at the
beginning which puts IE6 in quirks mode, but NOT IE7.
The Rendered by IE 7 row should be exactly as the Rendered by IE 6 row.

The screengrabs I'm using are exactly how IE7 (a real version, not 
IE8 emulation or a standalone) renders for me.

Note that even without the *+html declaration in there, IE6 should 
see the * html, and IE7 should not. There is no way that the rows 
could ever be the same.

Ah, I see what you mean. The way I have made it go into quirks mode 
is not actually making IE7 go into quirks mode. My lazy bad. I'll 
change it so it actually uses a quirks-causing doctype.


You're right about the lengths, but IE7's background colour 
alternates from mode to mode. So not quite exactly the same as the 
IE6 row.

Thanks for picking that up. I was wondering why IE7 wasn't picking up 
* html in quirks mode and was thinking that I must have either just 
hallucinated that I'd seen that behaviour before or that some other 
congruence of bad voodoo had caused it... ;)

And obviously, the IE=7 and IE=8 tests for quirks mode were subtly 
wrong in IE8 too. But that's now fixed.

I'll have to redo the hack tests for IE7 and IE8 in quirks mode too now...
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - Discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 resolved

2008-03-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At this point I think it's hard to say if  with X_UA  IE=5IE8 is
emulating IE7 quirks or IE6 quirks, simply because the two are hardly
distinguishable (I guess is more IE7 than IE6.)

Yes, my previous claim that we know it's IE6 was founded on the 
assumption that I was serving quirks mode documents when, as any fule 
now knows, I wasn't :(

The parsing errors appear to be the same. Evidence for which engine 
is really being used will have to come from elsewhere. Something that 

Moving on. I've now updated the tests. As I guessed would be the 
case, the tests all stay the same except for the two star html hacks. 
Now things get somewhat interesting.

http://local.fu2k.org/alex/css/cssjunk/ie8/tests/ (again)

IE8 is now exactly the same as IE6 when X-UA is IE=5.

When X-UA is IE=7 or 8 and the doc is in quirks mode, then things go 
slightly awry.

To recap, IE7 applies *+html in standards mode and ignores * html. In 
quirks mode, the situation is reversed.

IE8 in standards mode matches IE7's standards behaviour (for both 
IE=7 and IE=8).

But in quirks mode, IE8 ignores both * html and * + html (again for 
both IE=7 and IE=8).

If declaring IE=7 or IE=8 was enough to force IE8 into the respective 
standards modes, the star+html should be applied. But something is 
obviously going on that is allowing the quirkiness to squash the 
*+html but not enough to bring the * html back into play. How 
peculiar is that?

Disclaimer - yes, remember kids the use of * html (and I would guess 
*+html) have long been discouraged by Microsoft and if you want to do 
anything other than play in the conditional comment sandpit you get 
everything you deserve...

Alternatively, you could draw the conclusion that * html is safe as 
houses for targeting IE6 and under in standards mode (with or without 
an X-UA) and IE7 and under in quirks mode (without an X-UA).
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - Discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 resolved

2008-03-09 Thread Alex Robinson
You now have your quirks mode documents with no doctype.
If I put in a quirks mode doctype (HTML 4.01 Transitional, no url)
then IE8 behavior in those two cases changes. It sees the *+html, as
with a standard doctype, like the X-UA IE=8 or 7 overrode the quirks
mode of the document. This is more expected.

Holey kamoley! Good catch!

I've added a second quirks mode to both the iframe demos and the hack 
filters. As you said, the HTML4 without a URL provokes the expected 
quirks behaviour with regard to * html.

http://local.fu2k.org/alex/css/cssjunk/ie8/tests/  (yet again)

So it seems to be the absence of doctype together with X-UA IE=8 to
create some strange effects...

Oh yeah. In fact it seems the absence of a doctype creates a 
different kind of quirks mode to the presence of a quirks mode 
inducing one...

Anyhow Alan's mention of the ID class selector bug and last class bug 
made me remember running into those very same bugs back in 2003, when 
I called them runtogetherselectors


Little did I think that one day they would come in useful as 
archaeological tools!

I've added Fake Class Real Class, Fake Id Real Id, Real Id Fake Class 
to the test. (For want of better names - if these already have 
established names, I'll update accordingly). I've also added 
something I've called Double Id Class which I've never seen before 
(source order of multiple classes and their styel declarations both 
crucial). As with the Real Id Fake Class, it also reveals that IE=5 
quirks mode is actually closer to IE7 than IE6.

So these cases basically confirm what you and Alan have noted about


Right, that's it. I must walk away form this now ;)
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Re: [css-d] Curious question inspired by the X-UA compatible thread

2008-03-10 Thread Alex Robinson
At 22:36 -1000 9/3/08, david wrote:
If you have an HTML document that happens to contain another HTML
document in an iframe - and one of the two documents triggers quirks
mode when rendered by itself - is each one rendered in the same mode or
does the browser somehow do one in standards mode and one in quirks mode?

I've updated (and moved, but the previous address still works)


You can now change the X-UA target and the mode of the document that 
calls the iframed documents.

I can see no difference at all in how the iframe content is rendered 
regardless of the containing document's X-UA or mode.

So, in answer to your question, the latter. Iframed documents 
rendering is exactly the same as if they were being displayed outside 
of an iframe.

NB. of course there may be some as yet undiscovered condition that 
does cause things to break down (and I make no claims about what the 
different versions of javascript are doing in each iframe).
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible - Discrepancies between targeted behaviour in IE8 resolved

2008-03-10 Thread Alex Robinson

I've seen a couple of other cases (not related to parsing/selectors
problems but to rendering) where IE8 quirks is equal to IE7 quirks
when this differs from IE6 quirks.

Also, I just noticed (again, this may be old news by now) that 
fieldsets and input buttons (and presumably all form elements) are 
displayed in the manner of IE7 when X-UA is IE=5.

So, to recap

IE=5  -  IE7's quirks mode (regardless of doctype)

IE=7 -   IE7's standards mode (Standards or Quirks mode with doctype 
and no url)
  IE7's standards-ish mode ignoring *+html (Quirks mode without doctype)

IE=8 -   IE8 native (Standards or Quirks mode with doctype and no url)
  IE8 native-ish mode ignoring *+html (Quirks mode without doctype)

Pretty much then what Microsoft have said then, but perhaps this 
would have been easier to digest, if it was IE=quirks instead of IE=5 
and that it had been explicitly spelt out that it was IE7's quirks 
mode that was meant.

Now, as an aside and not being particularly expert on quirks mode 
rendering, are there any specific differences (other than the ones 
just discussed) that anyone is aware of between IE6 quirks mode and 
IE7 quirks mode? (I'm fully aware of their being many standards mode 
issues ;)
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: New CSS/html tools?..

2008-03-11 Thread Alex Robinson
Aren't Mac people always bragging about how their machines can run Windows
better than a PC can? Shouldn't be a problem then... :)

This is all completely off topic. It would have been ruled so earlier 
but evidently us moderators were either sleeping or dead.

This list has 8500+ members and a
purpose to discuss CSS, rather than one's choice of editor /
scripting language / operating system / monitor and desktop
arrangement etc...


We have a perfectly good page on the wiki


Discussion of editors stays there please.

ie. this thread now over. Thanks.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible vs. Conditional Comments

2008-03-13 Thread Alex Robinson
does not show the generated content, but the Conditional Comment for _IE8_
Is this expected? Even if the X-UA-Compatible is set to IE=7, the
conditional comment acts as if this is IE8?

I noticed this when I added conditional comments to my XU-A tests


but then read something (er, where I don't remember) that said that 
conditional comments were currently broken but would obviously be 
fixed before final release. Of course, I cannot find that page now :(

Yes, it's incredibly bizarre that the beta has been shipped without 
proper support for the X-UA + CC combo, given how much Microsoft has 
stressed that those are the methods we should use.
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible vs. Conditional Comments

2008-03-13 Thread Alex Robinson
I noticed this when I added conditional comments to my XU-A tests

That is, that IE8 matches the conditional comment if IE 8 
regardless of what X-UA target you set.

Sorry. I knew what I meant, but forgot that not everyone has access 
to the inside of my head...
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible vs. Conditional Comments

2008-03-14 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:24 -0700 14/3/08, Alan Gresley wrote:
This is real problem if an author decides that IE8 should to go into 
IE7 mode and render like the true IE7. No conditional comments meant 
for IE7 are used.

Microsoft have said Developers, you must use conditional comments, 
you must use  X-UA, these are the only sanctioned ways.

Consequently it seems self-evident that Microsoft cannot possibly 
ship IE8 with conditional comments not honouring the X-UA string 
(though as we've seen, that means that for IE=5 and IE=7, the version 
of IE that IE8 should match in a conditional comment is 7)

But think about it - the conditional comment matching comes from the 
vector in the registry and to get multiple copies of IE running 
alongside one another using the appropriate CCs for each takes 
hacking of the registry


I'm giving Microsoft the benefit of the doubt that this *will* be 
fixed, reasoning that in the face of the storm over the issue of 
compulsoriness of the X-UA header, their announcements about 
interoperability and convenient events to launch such things, that 
they just had to get what there was out there. And currently the 
support for dynamically tweaking the vector string is broken.

Now if my conjecture is wrong, and Microsoft really do intend to ship 
an IE8 that treats conditional comments as IE8 whatever mode it's in 
then, well, I can't even begin to imagine the fallout for them and 
for developers.

It seems like that X-UA IE=8 and [if IE 8] or generally IE8 mode alway wins
out. Have you tried [if lt IE 8]?

I have now


IE8 shows up as being gt than 7 and not lt 8, regardless of X-UA 
target or mode.

  Second: The emulate-IE7-button should overrule the X-UA IE=8.

I'm not bothering with the whole emulate IE7 thing, given the things 
you have to remember (and that I then forget that I'm in IE7 

I run a second virtual machine with real IE7.

Because it seems highly likely that IE7 emulation in IE8 is really 
only going to be equivalent to IE8 targeted with X-UA IE=7 - I 
wouldn't trust IE8 to tell me how the real IE7 behaves.

  What we need is a valid IE8 filter hack and indeed I have found one.


Yes, I see why this is important right now, if you are using the 
emulate IE7 button ;)
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible vs. Conditional Comments

2008-03-14 Thread Alex Robinson
  Can anyone please confirm that the real IE7 will show blue, blue,
  green, green and red on all test pages?


Confirming. Those colors are what the real IE7 shows.

/aol Me too!
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Re: [css-d] X-UA-Compatible vs. Conditional Comments

2008-03-16 Thread Alex Robinson
Alex, have you found that link about the vector thing being broken?

No :(

And now the top hit on Google for X-UA and conditional comments is...

... this very thread!

I'll keep looking.
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: SEO and CSS

2008-04-03 Thread Alex Robinson
At 12:36 -0400 2/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are there any good resources on the best way to create a
standards/accessible totally CSS website with maximum Search Engine 
Optimization?  In other
words, how can I create a site using only  xhtml and css and ensure 
that it will
be found in the search engines and at  the highest possible listing? Thanks,

SEO has nothing to do with this list.


should more than help you on your way, what with an article from 
Alistapart, Webmasterwhirled, Searchengineblah et al amongst the 
first results.

css-d moderator
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: negative absolute positioning bad for SEO?

2008-05-15 Thread Alex Robinson
As far as I know, Bob Easton was credited with the off-left technique
-- here's what happened to him:


It's something to consider.

What? Not letting your site get hacked?

Tedd, I think you've missed the punchline of Bob's post and would 
speculate that you were mislead by the url his cms created which 
dispenses the question mark in Bob's actual title for the post.

The upshot is we don't really know how, why and when Google (and 
other search engine providers) discriminate against any particular 
form of hiding text with CSS. [0]

What we do know for sure though is that this issue has very little to 
do with this list's stated purpose.

Thread closed please people.

css-d moderator

[0] Hiding offscreen is probably fairly safe since so many 
accessibility types have advocated it and so many sites actually do 
use it legitimately.

Even if Google did ban its use outright, spammers could just as 
trivially place the stuff they want to hide beneath another element 
with a higher z-order that would obscure what was beneath it. Maybe 
they already do.

Short of Google essentially rendering each and every page and 
developing an articially intelligent agent that would compare what 
was hidden and what was shown [1], this is an area that will, for the 
foreseeable future, require human judgement and intervention - which 
is not to say Google might not disagree with what you over what is 
legitimate hiding or not.

The tags and css you use are going to come way down the list of 
things in the big picture when compared to the actual content. If you 
still feel you need to worry about such things, please take it to a 
more general web dev discussion list, or even better, one dedicated 
to SEO.

[1] Beyond checking that the color of text is not set to the same as 
the background...
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: expanding submenu

2006-11-23 Thread Alex Robinson
Step away from the microphone...

...and relax

The relative merits of CSS vs Javascript for creating menus are 
neither here nor there and the merits of particular javascript 
libraries are completely off the radar.

As this thread has nothing to do with the practical nuts and bolts of 
CSS, it stops right here.

css-d moderator
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: ASP.NET 2.0 Master Pages

2006-11-28 Thread Alex Robinson
As the design  planning forerunners of this project, my colleague and I
have begun to look toward ASP.NET 2.0 Master Pages as a solution to
designing templates for the entire website.

ASP and Master Pages don't have very much to do with CSS, so please 
take this question somewhere more suitable.


Or you could start here


If anyone has anything useful to tell the original poster, can they 
please do so offlist.

css-d moderator
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Re: [css-d] Not sure how to do this in CSS.

2006-11-30 Thread Alex Robinson
.square20 { width: 20px; height: 20px; }
.rect1040 { width: 40px; height: 10px; }

#a1 { top: 30px; left: 100px; }
#a2 { top: 50px; left: 50px; width: 20px; height: 50px; }
#a3 { top: 50px; left: 100px; }

Actually, I think that's more complex than needs be

You don't need to specify the widths and heights, just the x and y 
coordinates. The lis, being absolutely positioned, will shrink to fit 
whatever content is inside them.


And yes, you could even overlay ads making use of suitable z-indexing 
if you wanted to sell more complex shapes.

However I wouldn't do it this way. I'd do exactly what the original 
onemilliondollarhomepage did and serve it as one big image and 
overlay an image map. Because that way you only need to serve one 
image rather than, potentially, 100 x 100 = 1. Even very small 
that's a lot of back and forth between the server. Not that that has 
muh to do with CSS other than to stress that CSS is not a panacea for 
all the world's problems and sometimes one should consider other 
approaches as being more suitable.

So, who wants to buy an asterisk?
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Re: [css-d] One True Layout anchors

2006-12-06 Thread Alex Robinson
At 23:29 -0500 5/12/06, Diona Kidd wrote:
Btw, has anyone implemented the One True Layout [1] and anchor links?
I thought there might be a javascript or css solution for this short-
coming but didn't have an idea on it.

I presume you've read the relevant appendix:


Of further interest, these posts of mine cover how the equal heights 
technique might be tweaked to get round the anchor link problem (and 
obviously I still haven't summoned up the energy or time to write it 
all up properly)


Is there any reason you can't use faux columns though?

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Re: [css-d] Reference a form script in css somehow?

2006-12-07 Thread Alex Robinson
--is there a ways to insert by adding the cose below to jablum's
css file?

FORM ACTION=formtests2.html

 INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=keywords value = 

 input type = SUBMIT name=go Value=Search



I'm afraid you appear to misunderstand what CSS is and what CSS can do.

I suggest that you would be much better off taking your question to 
the jalbum forums where I am sure you will find someone able to 
provide the assistance you need.

If anyone has any further info for Stephanie, can they provide it to 
her directly offlist.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: ? ? Site building with upload for text ? ?

2006-12-21 Thread Alex Robinson
At 14:29 + 21/12/06, Phil Turner wrote:
Thanks David, its sorted.

I have to quote on a job and Does anyone know if its possible to
build css sites where the client can upload their own text?

The simpler the better.

I'm afraid that this question isn't really about CSS and so doesn't 
belong on the list


An overview of how CSS-friendly some of the content management 
systems out there can be found on the css-d wiki at


If anyone has anything to add to that, please write to Phil directly 
and not on list.

This thread has now closed.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Unclickable password field

2006-12-22 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:04 + 22/12/06, Barney Carroll wrote:

This is driving me absolutely insane. Under IE6, the password field is
not clickable. I'm told this can't be anything other than a CSS issue,
and I'm tempted to agree, although nothing I've tried works.

Any ideas what's screwing it up?

There are two usual causes for this kind of behaviour.

1. Something with a higher z-index is overlaying the element in 
question (but you just can't see it)

2. position:relative has been declared on some ancestor element and 
unless pos:rel is applied to some intermediate ancestor, IE hust 
won't play ball

In your case, it looks like 2. Applying position:relative to the div 
whose class is infoblock seems to fix things.

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Re: [css-d] Width and border issues-simple, I think

2007-01-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At 14:29 + 8/1/07, Barney Carroll wrote:
Under the strictest rules, all negative number values for measurement
are illegal.

Not true.

Negative values for margin properties are allowed, but there may be 
implementation-specific limits.

You might have been thinking about padding properties though:

Unlike margin properties, values for padding values cannot be negative
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: PR and the like

2007-01-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At 15:17 + 8/1/07, Terry wrote:
again slightly off topic but think its good sometimes to wander off
the path of CSS...

Well you are wrong.

1. It's not slightly off topic - it is completely off topic.

2. It is never good to wander off topic

This list exists explicitly to discuss the practical use of CSS and 
nothing else. There are plenty of other forums where you can discuss 
such things so it's simply rude to decide to use this list instead 
and inconvenience the 7000+ subscribers.


any tips or advise on promoting a website beyond adwords? such as free
press release sites, good banner exchanges etc?

Please send any such info to Terry directly.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: [OFF-TOPIC] HTML email, R.I.P.

2007-01-11 Thread Alex Robinson
At 17:20 + 11/1/07, Barney Carroll wrote:
This is clearly off-topic to CSS discussion

While I agree that the bulk of Brian's message was not really on 
topic, the news about IE7's baby brother's html rendering is 
definitely worth its place on the list.

That link again in case anyone didn't make it that far:

Microsoft Breaks HTML Email Rendering in Outlook 2007

Here are the relevant CSS-related points of the article's payload:

#  no support for background images (HTML or CSS)
# no support for CSS floats
# no support for replacing bullets with images in unordered lists
# no support for CSS positioning

I urge the thread to close.

Unless anyone has any practical information to add about actually 
creating designs that degrade in the new Outlook or further CSS 
gotchas, then yes, no more posts on this subject please. And 
certainly no Microsoft bashing or whining.

However Barney, it is not your place to make such pronouncements - 
what if 20 or so like-minded members of the list also wrote similar 
messages every time they saw an off topic message? I note and 
appreciate your enthusiasm - but please leave the moderating to the 
moderators ;) And the same goes for everyone else...

P.S: One word: RSS

No, one word: CSS :)

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Javascript Bookmarking in Safari

2007-01-19 Thread Alex Robinson
At 12:46 -0500 19/1/07, Geoff Krajeski wrote:
Does anyone know a method to bookmark in Safari using Javascript?  I'm
using this function currently, but cannot seem to find anything on a
working model for adding in Safari/Mac:

This list is for the discussion of CSS and CSS alone.

Please take this question to a more suitable forum.


css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Problem of color respect

2007-02-01 Thread Alex Robinson
Is there a way to force a navigator to display the same colours and
contrats as the original ? (I suppose of course that the screen is able
to display all the colors that are required)


I am afraid that this has nothing to do with CSS and has no place on 
this list. I suggest that you ask your question on a list more suited 
to general web design issues such as evolt's theList or WD. See our 
off topic page for details:

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Any way to remove MouseOver flicker in IE?

2007-02-07 Thread Alex Robinson
  It's so slow I can watch the status bar as it says it's downloading the
  rollover image... again... and again... and again...

  Is there a solution?

Painful I know, but fortunately the answer is that, yes, you can make 
those pesky flickers go away

the problem and the various causes dissected

Server-side fix
(though for some reason Dean's pages aren't displaying)

Client-side fix
(As far as I know, no one's debunked this as a complete and 
working solution)
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Any way to remove MouseOver flicker in IE? (going slightly OT)

2007-02-07 Thread Alex Robinson
At 14:42 + 7/2/07, Sophie Dennis wrote:
Can I go slightly off topic for this list for a moment? Whether GIF or
JPG looks better always depends on the kind of image you are working

No please don't.

If you ever find yourself mentioning or wondering that your post is 
off topic (no matter how slightly)



It's as simple as that. And if you are in doubt whether something is 
off topic or not, send a message to the list owner's address. Us 
moderators love it when people are considerate and ask questions 
first. Remember 7500+ people are subscribed to this list and they 
signed up to discuss the pratical use of CSS, not web design in 
general or any other topic.

Anyone who has not already, should make sure to read and absorb the info here:


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - please read if replying to this thread] Re: expert system for CSS?

2007-02-15 Thread Alex Robinson
2) what do people think of trying to encode all this data / case
studies on this list into some sort of expert system - i am thinking
something where you could type in keywords or a description of your
problem and the system serves of possible useful info and examples of
problems solved?   If there is something out there already, please
let me know.   As for the task of programming something like this, it
(to me) is more tractable than figuring the behavior of IE5/Win,
IE5/Mac, IE6, and IE7    :)

If you/anyone could come up with such a beast then it would certainly 
be a fantastic and worthwhile beast. However, I would ask that people 
write directly to Douglas to discuss this off-list, whether they are 
actually interested in taking some active part in such an effort or 
even if just to say It could never work.


css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Apologies for spam appearing on list

2007-02-15 Thread Alex Robinson
Dear list

You may have noticed a couple of spams appear on the list within the last hour.

Someone is obviously taking the time to subscribe to the list since 
only messages from subscribed addresses get through to the list. 
Unfortunately, unless the message goes above 20k in size, there's no 
way for our mailing list setup to automatically stop such antisocial 
behaviour until after it's already happened.

This message then is simply to apologise for these messages - I fear 
we may see some more in the near future...

Best wishes

css-d moderator

PS. Eric and the other moderators have been discussing what we might 
do about this - if you have any crazy ideas or solutions then please 
feel free to contact us with them, but please please please, don't 
send them to the list.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Inline paragraph with headers

2007-03-08 Thread Alex Robinson
Actually, I think in this case (if it is a proper H5 tag), I'd go with:

ph5Jeff Altemus - Director/h5 First and Second week/p

and *then* add display:inline to the H5.

etc, etc, etc

I'm going to pass over the fact that some of these suggestions have 
been truly gruesome and move straight to the relevant issue...

These are markup issues that relate to semantics and have nothing to 
do with CSS per se.

Please take this discussion off list or to another more general web 
discussion list.


css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Inline paragraph with headers

2007-03-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:02 -0700 8/3/07, Michael Stevens wrote:
WOW! That's pretty tight administration... I haven't seen a response yet
that didn't have something to do with CSS.

I beg to differ. However, until Eric shows up and says I was wrong, 
right or something in between, can people please not leap into this 

You are, of course, free to have a go at me offlist.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE7 special code

2007-03-23 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:34 + 23/3/07, Barney Carroll wrote:
Wow! I've been under the false supposition that IE7 did not 'believe' in
the nameless super-html object.

How is it, then, that this works while the simple '* html' selector does

Because while Microsoft fixed * html they introduced another parsing bug :)

Actually you don't need the :first-child since *+html shouldn't 
select anything and doesn't in other modern browsers. It's just IE7 
that does it.

The only drawback is that if you want to target both IE7 and IE6 et 
al, you need to have a double declaration

* html { ... }
*+html { ... }

At 10:50 + 23/3/07, Chris Ovenden wrote:
.clearing { display:none } /* IE 6  7 */
*|html .clearing { display:block } /* everything else */

I think this is the first sighting of this beast in the wild


Of course that's invalid in CSS2.1

It is valid CSS3 as far as I can tell...


... but the W3 vaildator claims that it's not which looks like a bug 
in the validator to me. Of course, trying to explain that to some 
clients may be tricky.

Moreover, you're also going to be targeting older browsers that don't 
understand the namespace selector either which may or may not be the 
result you're after.

And if we look at the list's very own wiki we find a page dedicated 
to IE7 which details even more ways to hack around IE7 including 
fuzzy specificity


So, the choice is yours. Obviously though the best solution is to try 
and remove the need for the hacks in the first place.

For my own part I've been bumping into serious miscalculations of 
both em and percentage sized widths that all other browsers including 
IE6 and its oldr siblings handle just fine, but which IE7 gets 
hilariously and mysteriously wrong. This is though in pretty complex 
layouts and as yet I haven't had the time to roll up my sleeves and 
create reduced test cases to see just what is causing these 
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Safari miscalculating bottom for absolute positioning

2007-03-26 Thread Alex Robinson

the problem seems to be related to #project-areas and #latest-news. 
Remove those two blocks and the problem goes away. As do the two 
blocks. Of the two blocks it's #project-areas which is doing the most 
damage. Try setting #project-areas p and #project-areas ul to 
display: none to see what I mean.

I guess this is to do with fact that Safari somehow remembers the 
height of the body element based on the dimensions of the elements 
present at load time. I've seen this kind of thing happen when 
removing elements with javascript and the same sort of thing seems to 
be happening because of the absolutely positioned elements. I hadn't 
seen this exact behaviour of yours before, but it certainly looks 
like Safari is hanging on to its notion of where #footer starts 

The good news is that the nightly builds of WebKit do not display 
this behaviour.

The way I work around this sort of thing at the moment is to target Safari


so that the offending blocks are hidden and add a class onload so 
that they get shown again. Not pretty, but the best I've been able to 
come up with so far


html[xmlns*=] body:last-child #project-areas, html[xmlns*=] 
body:last-child #latest-news { display: none; }
html[xmlns*=] body.enabled:last-child #project-areas, 
html[xmlns*=] body.enabled:last-child #latest-news { display: block;

Alternatively, put the button links inside a div (or similar) and 
position those. Safari doesn't seem to get things quite so badly 
wrong then.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] moderator - Can i mention an amazing new app for css? - I don't want to break the rules.

2007-04-25 Thread Alex Robinson
No you can't, or rather shouldn't have mentioned it.

Editors are off topic


Indeed, there's even a specific page in the wiki for such info to 
prevent us from getting sucked into My browser is the bestest 


Apologies if i have broken rules

Any time you think you might be breaking the rules


Send a message to the moderators instead asking whether your post 
would be ok. The same is true of issues relating to how the list 

The moderators' address


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: cms CSS/XHTML

2007-04-26 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:42 +0200 26/4/07, simone\.benerecetti wrote:
is there someone who can advise me a good CMS: CSS/XHTML
and no-tables layout and database php/mysql.
I'm looking for not only open source applications, but also
payment solutions.
thank you very much for your time.

This is off topic.The list wiki has some info that might be of 
interest to you though:


Please, no more posts on this subject

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: IE6 really is dead to me. Here is why.

2007-04-26 Thread Alex Robinson
(Thank you to the CSS list for allowing me to state my opinions on the
direction of browsers, which I am hoping is acceptably on topic. I will
endeavor hereafter to focus on more technical concerns.)

The eternal sound of the off topic post. Hoping so does not, 
unfortunately, make it so.

Css-d frowns on opinions about the future state of CSS/browsers. 
We're here to discuss practical matters - there are plenty of other 
forums where people can and are welcome to vent off about why IE is 
teh big suck...


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - NO MORE IE6 IS DEAD/ALIVE COMMENTS] Re: Site check: formever.org

2007-04-26 Thread Alex Robinson
It's also quite unprofessional, IMHO.

And it's also rude and contrary to the list policies to make such 


Especially since I'd asked for no more Browser Wars type posts in the 
forking of this thread, IE6 really is dead to me. Here is why.

Please people, if you want to tell someone why their approach to web 
development is wrong/misguided/whatever, do so off list.

Even then, try and couch it in as polite terms as possible and 
sweeten the pill with constructive comments too. Because no matter 
how well intentioned you might be, no one likes unsolicited smart 
aleck responses to questions they didn't even ask.

So, anyhow, like the subject says, let's have no more of this IE6 is 
dead / alive / just resting nonsense...

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Please remove me from this list.

2007-05-11 Thread Alex Robinson
Dear Pamela

You can unsubscribe yourself at this page


Just enter your email address and password as directed.

If you can't remember your password, just enter an incorrect password 
and you will get the opportunity to recover it.

As an aside, the message you just sent was received by close to 8000 people.

If you join another mailing list, please read and keep the 
instructions that you receive on subscribing. These normally have 
information about how to unsubscribe. Failing that, most mailing 
lists will have a link to a page that gives the same information.

Everybody else, return to your positions, be they absolute, static, 
fixed or relative...

Best wishes

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Popups and script blocker in IE7

2007-05-11 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:25 -0400 11/5/07, jana  coyle wrote:
I am developing a site using a client side shopping cart.  It 
requires cookies to be enabled and uses some Javascript.  IE7 blocks 
the cart when it pops up and also blocks the script associated with 
the cart.  Is there anything I can do about this?

Yes. Ask the question on a list that deals with cookies and 
javascript. That is, a general web development list. Not one focused 
on css.

On the off topic page of the css-d wiki you will find several 
suitable places to ask your question


Anyone who feels they have an answer, please write Kevin/jana offlist.

Thread dead.


css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: IE7 a la Dean Edwards

2007-05-17 Thread Alex Robinson
Actually there is quite a lot of stuff about Dean's IE7 on the web


At 14:16 -0700 16/5/07, Doug Jolley wrote:

So, that brings me to my question which is:  Does anyone know what's going
on with DEIE7 and whether or not it's usable with MSIE7?  If it is so
usable, are there any caveats that I should know about?

As far as I understand it doesn't cause the real IE7 any problems.

However, the place to ask these questions and get proper answers 
would be on the IE7 forums


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Web Standards - Why do we do it?

2007-05-31 Thread Alex Robinson
At 07:51 -0700 31/5/07, Jon Hughes wrote:
Let me preface this email with this: I do not seek to bloat this list
with discussion not related to CSS problems, so if you reply, use your
discretion as to whether you reply directly to me, or include the list.

If you know (or even suspect) that your post is not on topic


To go ahead and post something that you know to be off topic is 
totally rude and discourteous to the 8200+ members of the list.

If you are unsure of whether your post is on topic or not, please 
send a message to the moderators first. We won't bite. In fact it 
always makes us feel warm and fuzzy when someone takes that time and 
effort. The moderators' address:


Just in case anyone, hasn't got the message yet, this thread is over.

Alex Joyless Thread Killer Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - PHP IS OFF TOPIC] Re: multiple similar pages with same navigation bar

2007-06-05 Thread Alex Robinson
At 06:36 + 5/6/07, Trevor Richens wrote:
Strictly speaking this is really an off-list topic but here's my solution.

I generate my pages that require this using PHP.
I create the basic template page in XHTML and then break down each 
section into separate files.
I then add the PHP tags so that the page gets recreated correctly 
using the separate files.

So a simple header.php file would look like

PHP is under no circumstances an acceptable topic for discussion on this list.

Why not?

1. PHP is not CSS.

2. Because then we would have to put up with people talking about 
Perl, Java, ASP, Ruby, Python, Lisp or whatever. Which would be bad 
enough for the list's signal-to-noise ratio even if the usual 
language wars didn't ensue.

(and what's more Kaye did not even mention that she is using it).

Last Thursday I wrote this:

If you know (or even suspect) that your post is not on topic


To go ahead and post something that you know to be off topic is
totally rude and discourteous to the 8200+ members of the list.

Amazingly enough, despite the amazing rate of change that we see on 
teh interwebs, that remains true today...

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator and still point of the turning world
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/


2007-06-07 Thread Alex Robinson
OK folks, enough is enough.

Opinions about how browsers should handle zooming and text-resizing 
are not what this list exists for.

Nor does the list exist for opinions about whether to use scalable or 
fixed sizes.

Questions and help about how to achieve scalable or fixed solutions 
on the other hand are very much the point of this list.

I think Trevor should have enough brainfood to be getting on with, 
but if anyone does have any practical suggestions as to how to 
improve his layout, then that would be fabulous.

Alex I am weak Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Word HTML Cleanup tools?

2007-06-07 Thread Alex Robinson
Anyone have a better solution?

Yes. Posting to a general web development list rather than one which 
is specifically concerned with the practical application of CSS.

You can find numerous useful lists here:


And of course, there's always Google [1]


Further helpful suggestions to Matt off list please.

Alex The Cleaner Robinson
css-d moderator

[1] Other search engines may exist...
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Thread answered:What is the equivalent of font-size:11px?

2007-06-29 Thread Alex Robinson
But a really good way to get
consistent fonts is to set
body {

This along with other resets makes all your fonts equivalent to 10px.
This not only allows you to make nice em sizes like 1.2em for 12 px

As long as the default font size in the user's agent is such that 
100% or 1em is equal to 16px.

This is far from given. For instance, it is not true if the agent is 
IE and the text size is not set to medium. Of course many users do 
not even realise they can change their font size, let alone do it, 
but that's a pretty big assumption to base your designs on.

Anyhow, font sizing is holy war territory and has been pretty much 
done to death on the list.


sums it all up. If anyone wants to add to it that would be great. 
That is, if the wiki is working and lets anyone edit it.

Alex da moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Mail sent not getting through

2007-07-05 Thread Alex Robinson
At 11:12 +0100 5/7/07, Marcus Taylor wrote:
No. All good for me...

On 5/7/07 11:10, kate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Anyone having problems with mail delivery to the list?

 From http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html

If you suddenly stop receiving list mail, do not post a test 
message. Either one of two things has happened: your account was 
disabled for bounces, or the list itself is down. You can check the 
first case by logging into your account and looking around-there will 
be big red-on-yellow text if your account has been disabled. In the 
second case, you'll do no good by posting, and look foolish when the 
list does come back up.

If it's taking a long time for your post to show up, wait. When 
traffic flows are heavy and the server gets overtaxed, it can be a 
few hours before your message gets processed and sent out to 
everyone. On the other hand, if you can see from the timestamps that 
people who posted after you have had their messages go out, something 
else may be wrong. Wait a while longer, and then contact the list 
administrators. Do not post a test message to the list. It will 
either have no effect, or make you look foolish.

This has been your regularly scheduled Make sure you've read the 
list policies before posting message.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: white or #FFFFFF?

2007-07-10 Thread Alex Robinson
Sigh. I went off to peel some mangoes and didn't get round to posting 
the message that follows this. And I return to find it all kicking 

All I have to add to my message is that people should not engage in 
arguments about list etiquette on the list. Since it's part of the 
list etiquette not to do so.


Jukka's comment may have been somewhat harshly worded but what he 
said is correct. In fact I had just written to Tedd offlist saying 
much the same thing.

I repeat my request to Tedd to post some sort of example because either:

a) it really is a bug (and if so, we really should know about it)

b) it's not a bug but rather an oversight on Tedd's part and without 
resolution future searchers of the list archives / internet will find 
these misleading suggestions that have been bandied about.

Alex Let the Mango Robinson
css-d moderator

My original message (still scintiallating and worthy of repeated 
reading) follows:

  White won't work, but #FF will, why?

Please stop wasting time with the issue, unless you can provide URLs
of sample pages that demonstrate the problem. If you think you have
really _isolated_ the problem, then it should be easy to set up the
demo pages. But I'm pretty sure it's just a misunderstanding.

Jukka is absolutely spot on.

If you can't post the actual page(s), make a copy of what you're 
working on, remove the bits you need to, and post that (preferably to 
a server rather than as text in your post).

It may even help you track down what's going on. You know, the whole 
reduce to the simplest possible code that triggers the problem thing 


(This goes for everyone, not just Tedd)

If someone can provide an actual working example of #FF working 
but white not, can they please post it? And not spew uncorroborated 
and unreferenced info about mixing values on to the list...

At 10:27 -0400 10/7/07, tedd wrote:
That sounds reasonable and the second read makes me think what I've
found is just one of a million other peculiarities re IE 6 that has
probably been found in some form or another before.

So have you fixed the problem or are you still experiencing it? I 
can't tell from your post. If you are, please do post a reduced test 
case for us to see.

Alex #ffey on the moon Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] white or #FFFFFF?

2007-07-10 Thread Alex Robinson
Just trying to reduce speculations :-)
In IE6 only the first works.

Right, thanks for that Bruno. A most excellent test case.

At last we have an actual sighting of the beast we've been hunting 
and can confirm that there is a bug.

Normal service can resume.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] [ADMIN] Re: white or #FFFFFF?

2007-07-10 Thread Alex Robinson
This entire list etiquette argument could have been avoided...

But it wasn't.

If you disagree with me or feel you have anything to say about list 
etiquette, then please write to the moderators' address and make your 
disagreement/opinions known there.


But not on list, ok?

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: How would you semanticly write this? Layout

2007-07-12 Thread Alex Robinson
  i was wondering whats the best way to semanticly write and style
this List.




[css-d] does not exist to discuss how you should go about marking up 
your content, but rather how to apply CSS to that markup. Semantics 
(and accessibility and usability for that matter) are beyond the 
list's scope.

There are many, many ways that one could approach your design and 
none would be more correct than any other, though some would no doubt 
be wrong ;) In fact the [css-d] wiki mentions markup as one of the 
off topic, er, topics.


Occasionally markup can be discussed if it hinges on how the css 
might be applied to it (and how it might be improved if the markup 
were tweaked), but your request is so open ended that I can only 
imagine the list getting bogged down in non-CSS related matters.

So please can this thread stop now before it even begins?

However, I do ask helpful people to contact Martin off list and 
provide their recommendations.

Then Martin can return to the list and ask how he might go about 
applying CSS to his brand new markup.

css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] specificity problem only in IE7??

2007-07-12 Thread Alex Robinson
  In my footer i have links that in the hover state are underlined.

I can't see which links you mean. Could you be a bit more specific 
about ones you're on about?

It's possible that you have been bitten by what I call fuzzy specificity

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] PIE's One True Layout - scrolling bug

2005-11-09 Thread Alex Robinson
Thomas wrote:


It looks like Donna's bug, but it seems different in practice since 
it definitely affects the mac version of FF1 as well. Plus, there's 
no scope for working round the problem - even shifting the excessive 
padding and margin on to generated content inside the block provides 
no relief.

I don't see a reasonable fix possible unless someone can inspire
Mozilla to put it at the top of their buglist. The more I look at the
technique, though, the more it seems like spacers revisited with a
modern twist... and I'm concerned about 32,000 of territory being part
of the DOM. Perhaps the envelope is being pushed a bit over the edge
(and into a 32,000px abyss)?

1. It's already fixed in Firefox 1.5.

You may find the fact that it's broken in FF1.0 (and indeed as far 
back as Mozilla 1.6 - as for Moz 1.5, it won't even display the page 
content at all), a death knell for the fauxless equal height 
technique. On the other hand, I would argue that it has helped shake 
out a number of mistakes in the Gecko engine.

2. Really, Al. In what way, is a total separation of presentation and 
display and content code, like spacer gifs? And in what way is the 
faux columns technique less like spacers?

Actually Al, let's have that discussion off list. As I've already 
said to you, write a critique of all or ant of the techniques and, 
unless there's some amazingly good reason not to, I'll add it to the 

3. The article makes clear that the 32XXX figure shows the absolute 
limit you can push things to since beyond it, things will definitely 
go wrong. There's no reason to use such a large figure if you don't 
have to (which will be most of  the time) Not that that changes 
anything really.  Presumably you also take issue with absolutely 
positioning items and then setting their left value to -largenumber 

As for the 32XXXpx being part of the DOM - what do you mean? If 
things are implemented properly in the browser, the overflow: hidden 
on the containing box should make the browser behave as if there was 
literally nothing beyond its bottom edge.

There *are* a couple of thorny problems that have arisen, one a 
printing problem in IE and the other relating to the use of anchors 
within an equal height columns layout - though as I am incredibly 
flu-ridden and don't have access to a full range of browsers to even 
confirm the problems let alone distill them to the point where I can 
pass them on the good folks of css-d to help out.

Finally, just to stress this again, the One True Layout name is a 
gag. And if it refers to anything at all it is none of the techniques 
I illustrate, but rather the ability to stick to the task of 
designing a pure and semantically meaningful document structure. 
Style that resulting structure any way you like. Throughout the 
article I make it clear that in many instances pre-existing 
techniques will do just as well if not better than the ones I use 
there and even mention that javascript (unobtrusive of course) could 
be used instead if that is your preference.

In the case of faux columns v fauxless columns...

If you have a fixed-width pixel-based layout and are already using 
background images, using faux columns is probably a better bet since 
you can just combine them into one graphic.  For percentage and 
em-based layouts (and liquid center, fixed sides) it probably holds 
true too, though that depends on how many columns you need and how 
many wrapping elements you're prepared to swallow. Let's face it, 
it's highly unlikely that we're talking about more than three which 
means you only need one additional wrapper. You could probably even 
claim it had some genuine semantic purpose ;)

So to repeat the big take home message - there is no excuse to kludge 
your document structure. Lay your content out logically and 
accessibly. Otherwise I'm coming to get you. Alright?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] PIE's One True Layout - scrolling bug

2005-11-09 Thread Alex Robinson
  2. Really, Al. In what way, is a total separation of presentation 
and display and content code, like spacer gifs? And in what way is 
the faux columns technique less like spacers?

Because the same end result could be accomlished by using a very 
large spacer :-)

How? I would dearly like to see an actual working example where 
simply inserting a very large spacer would produce anything like the 
results of the equal height columns technique.

Or are you just using 'spacer' as a css cheap shot?

We all use workarounds and hacks to one degree or another, but 
sometimes you have to drop back ten and punt. We sometimes seem to 
be reaching for the same carrots we were 5-7 years ago when we 
tried to make tables perform nunatural
acts :-)

I like the sound of nunatural acts, but this is a family list, so 
lets move on...

Fortunately I was an American Football fan in my youth (despite being 
British) so I do understand your punt metaphor. To turn it around, my 
article is a huddle, saying No, we don't have to punt, we can go for 
a touchdown - those pesky browsers will never know what hit them.

Yes we all use workarounds. So what's the exact problem you have?

I have asked you before offlist to elucidate. I now ask you again 
(but I'm lazy and so just copying and pasting)

Which of the techniques do you disagree with? To quote from the 
article's conclusion:

The Any Order and Vertical Grid techniques are fundamentally simple. 
More importantly, they will carry on working for as long as browsers 
support CSS2.1. All that will change is the dropping some of the 
hacks which are only needed to help the current crop of browsers 
(Safari notwithstanding - and Gecko once they get that regression bug 
fixed). That is, the techniques will improve over time. Why? Because 
these techniques do exactly what the specs say you can do.
On the other hand, the Equal Height technique is a kludge - despite 
the fact that the basic concept is solid and that any future browsers 
that are properly conforming will support it. But it's only needed 
because display: table-cell doesn't allow for a) reordering the 
columns, or in today's browsers at any rate, b) absolute or relative 

Do you disagree with my analysis here?

I'm seriously interested about your disagreements, because if you 
make a good case I'll probably add something in about it. Personally, 
because of the drawbacks that I see of using javascript for any or 
all of the component methods, I am too prejudiced to write a fair 
case for a javascript alternative. You know, I'd write something like 
Well you could do x (massive subtext but you'd be an idiot) ;)

Come on Al!

In a perfect world, it should. But even using position to move something
offscreen worries me a bit, even though we've used that technique 
ourselves. No one I know can say for sure what impact these types 
of techniques can have in
all scenarios.

Well,  no one can tell for sure about all scernarios. One can only 
test for those situations that you can imagine and then try a bit 
harder. Exactly where to draw the line will be different for each 
person, and probably each project

Despite me asking you to take this off list, here we still are. On 
list. I apologise to everyone for prolonging this matter but I just 
wanted to make my offer/challenge to Al, public and explicit. Unless 
it's seriously libellous or rubbish, I'll publish any critique of the 
techniques that comprise the One True Layout he cares to throw my 
way, though the more constructive it is about alternative solutions 
the better. Hey, if anyone else wants to do it, that's ok with me too.

This will be my last response on the matter on list. Please Al, if 
you have anything further to add, that isn't related to you know, 
that practical css vibe, please direct it to me personally and we can 
report back on anything that pops out.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: Looking for a UI Designer ...

2005-11-10 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:34 -0600 10/11/05, Jeff D. Chastain wrote:
I apologize ahead of time if this is not the right forum for this message.

It is very definitely not the right forum for this message.

 From the list policies (http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html)

No solicitations of employment or requests for applications. There 
are job boards, Web sites, mailing lists, and other venues for 
helping stimulate your local economy. Check them out.

No replies on list please.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Floats, etc.

2005-11-10 Thread Alex Robinson
stayed where it is.  Otherwise, I have to critically size each image
or keep going back into the template and shaving off pixels from the
divs to the left.

First off, you're obviously having problems with IE. Right? Because 
all the more modern browsers do the right thing and just have any 
content larger than the float spill over its edge.

This article at PIE offers a couple of solutions for IE


though, the solutions have trade offs so it will be up to you to 
decide how best to proceed.

Sometimes I think this effort to get away from tables and into pure
CSS is premature as the CSS system is missing key features.

Why are we doing this?  Just trying to stubbornly blaze a trail.

This I'm afraid is off topic. This has been argued to death both here 
and a million other places many many times before. So it serves us no 
useful purpose.

If anyone else has useful comments about the expanding box problem, 
then fire away. Otherwise this thread's dead, baby.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Safari 1.03 issues

2005-11-24 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:30 + 24/11/05, stu wrote:
Hi List,
sorry that this is not directly a CSS related question, but I am 
wondering if one of our Mac users can help me out with a quick 
query. I am led to believe that Safari 1.0.3 does not support 128 
bit encryption - can anyone confirm this?

It's not directly or even indirectly or remotely related to CSS. It 
therefore has no place on the list. (If anyone does have an answer, 
please send it directly to Stu)

Again - im not spamming i do use the list alot

Just because you use the list a lot does not give you any right to 
abuse the purpose of the list. That purpose is the discussion of the 
practical use of CSS.

I just dont have access to any other resource that may be able to 
help me quickly here...

Are you really not able to sign up for any of the more suitable lists 
detailed on the css-d wiki?


Are you not able to search Apple's own documentation or forums on 
Safari which would probably contain the information you seek?


If you ever find yourself writing or wondering that a post you're 
about to make is possibly off topic, don't send it. If in doubt, 
write to the moderators [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask 
if it would ok to post the message. We won't mind - in fact, we'll 
praise your consideration for not cluttering the inboxes of over 6500 

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] css-discuss wiki

2005-12-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:27 +0800 8/12/05, Jonathan Lui wrote:
Don't know if this is the correct place to post this

The correct place for all enquiries about the running of the list / 
wiki is the list owner's address:


but the css-discuss
wiki http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ can't be accessed from where I am
(shanghai, china). It gives me a 403 Forbidden error, so I know i'm able to
at least reach the server. I tried going through tor and it works.

Is there a filter in place that bans visits from China?

I very much doubt it. I also doubt that css-d has done anything to 
displease the Chinese authorities to earn a place in their blocked 

Maybe Eric will have some actual insight into this when he comes 
online later today.

However, there's nothing to be gained from discussing this on list 
any further so let's get back to CSS...

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] On foo, cultural references and subject lines (was: It's possible to do that ...)

2005-12-08 Thread Alex Robinson
At 10:32 -0500 8/12/05, Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
Well .. I check later the page you leave me. What's means foo ?? I 
can't understand complety your sentence because I not know what's 
mean foo.

Soury I'm cuban and pratice english only in this way

Foo means that the word is a variable and you need to substitute it 
with the actual meaning.


Remember folks, not everyone speaks English as a first language round 
here. Nor does everyone necessarily understand cultural references 
that seem obvious to you. Especially ones that relate to programming 

I'm not suggesting that people dumb down or that people on this list 
shouldn't occasionally confront something new (otherwise how are they 
supposed to learn?), but just to remind people that simple, clear 
writing is a winner in any language.

Lastly, always try to write as informative a subject line as you can 
when you start a thread on the list - it really helps the other list 
members to decide whether they even bother to read your message in 
the first place, and then it helps people searching for answers in 
the future which makes the list better for everyone.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: CSS Style Switcher

2005-12-08 Thread Alex Robinson
Apologies to list if all that was off topic.

Christine, make sure you have cookies enabled when you are testing
this. Please reply off-list if the admin does declare this thread

Yep. It is indeed off topic.

There is absolutely no reason for this list to ever see a single 
snippet of PHP/Perl/Java/Python/Ruby/Lisp/ASP (or whatever your 
favourite programming language is).

Let's stick to the practical use of CSS please.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] CSS Family Tree?

2005-12-09 Thread Alex Robinson
At 12:34 -0500 9/12/05, Chad Calhoun wrote:
I'm looking to make a family tree and I think the best way to do it is using
a list, but I'm not sure.  Has anybody tried doing this before or are there
any examples up somewhere?

Whether or not a list is the best way, the answer to your questions 
is yes and yes. There was a previous css-d thread about a year ago 
from which the following contribution of mine is taken:

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFFTOPIC] Re: Flash or No Flash switch?

2005-12-15 Thread Alex Robinson
OK, that's enough on this never on topic thread. Next person to 
mention flash is toast.

Let's stick to CSS.

A grumpy css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Myspace

2005-12-22 Thread Alex Robinson
  Loads of stuff about myspace 

If anyone wants to discuss the practicalities of actually styling 
myspace pages then go ahead, but other than that, we've had more than 
enough about myspace, kay?

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Myspace

2005-12-22 Thread Alex Robinson
But, this is starting to get seriously off-topic.

OK, just to reiterate, when I wrote earlier today

   we've had more than enough about myspace, kay?

what I meant was for people not to continue this thread.

This thread is over. Is that clear enough?

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Peekaboo bug? - harolds - Jakob's - OT

2005-12-22 Thread Alex Robinson
  Felix and Ron wrote stuff about fonts and usability which 
essentially has nothing to do with CSS 


You have entered holy war territory.

Proceed directly to the wiki pages and channel your energy into 
expanding the pages there on using fonts. Feel free to add as much 
opinion as you like but please refrain from continuing this thread.

Remember: every time a moderator is compelled to send an essentially 
pointless Don't post a message that you know you shouldn't warning 
to every single member of the list (that's 6808 right here, right 
now), a kitten dies.

Seriously, please stick to the practical application of css and 
actually answer the specific questions that people ask.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: JavaScript Detection

2005-12-29 Thread Alex Robinson
but unfortunately it does not work. The variable is always set as 'true' :(

is there any other way to detect this ?

This has absolutely nothing to do with CSS.

I suggest that you address your question to a list that deals with 
javascript or, even better probably, Cold Fusion.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Excessive quoting

2006-01-27 Thread Alex Robinson
Dear List

Despite Eric's request for people to be responsible and mature about 
how they quote...


...ridiculous amounts of pointlessy quoted (ie. lazily left intact) 
material continues to be posted to the list.

So, css-d people, please trim your quotes to include only what is necessary.

If you're just posting, say, Awesome, that works, don't include all 
100 lines of the previous message. In fact, even consider sending it 
as a private response offlist instead.

So please, reread Eric's message (linked to above) and bear in mind 
that the moderators can and will unsubscribe people who insist on 
ignoring the list's stated position on quoting.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: Any tricks to get IE:mac to refresh?

2006-02-16 Thread Alex Robinson
OK, this thread should end now. It's gone on long enough and I don't 
think it's going to add anything to anyone's understanding of 
applying CSS.

If anyone has got the energy to distill what's been said and add it 
the wiki, that would be great.

But please, no more posts to the list on this subject.

Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN] Re: PageCheck Mentaid Image Gallery

2006-02-23 Thread Alex Robinson
And yes, the 8 errors generated in the CSS are because of the alt
attribute being absent; how can I insert it dynamically, using Picasa?
Too off-topic for this list?


Asking for comments on aspects of your page which aren't css-related 
is also off topic.

Once again, if you find yourself writing This is / may be off 
topic, do not post it to the list. If in doubt, ask the moderators 

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] [ADMIN - OFF TOPIC] Re: Linking/Going to top of page

2006-02-27 Thread Alex Robinson
So we can rephrase the question as, If you're going to implement 'Go
to top' links at all, what's the recommended way of doing it?

Alternatively, let's rephrase the question as Forget about it - I 
now realise my post is wildly off topic for a list about CSS.

Just in case the previous paragraph and change to the subject line 
are too subtle for anybody out there, this topic has nothing to do 
with CSS and consequently should end right here.

Feel free to mail curby directly with your opinions on this matter, 
but don't post them to the list. Anyone who does so risks the 
unsubscribing wrath of the moderators...

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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