Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britains State Religion ?]

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Once again, we will have the mariage of the Lily and the Rose..then
Ireland can rest in peace as it has been fighting since the War of the
Roses, has it not.


The marriage of Church and Statesee Song of Solomon, a return to the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Selective Memory

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Boston Globe

Clinton offers a plan for Balkan rebuilding

By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 05/14/99

PictureASHINGTON - President Clinton proposed a postwar rebuilding
effort in Kosovo and other parts of southeastern Europe yesterday
that would be comparable, he suggested, to the Marshall Plan. Efforts
to negotiate an end to the war, meanwhile, continued slowly on
several fronts.

Yugoslav officials distributed a videotape of 150 soldiers who had
reportedly left Kosovo, attempting to show a partial pullout was
under way. But NATO spokesman Jamie Shea in Brussels said the event
was staged and meaningless. Some 40,000 Yugoslav troops remain in
Kosovo, NATO officials said.

Clinton, in a speech to veterans in Washington, again laid out the
rationale for the air raids, comparing President Slobodan Milosevic's
''ethnic cleansing'' of the Albanians in Kosovo to the Holocaust.

''Though his ethnic cleansing is not the same as the ethnic
extermination of the Holocaust, the two are related - both vicious,
premeditated, systematic oppression, fueled by religious and ethnic
hatred,'' Clinton said.

In Moscow, the US deputy secretary of state, Strobe Talbott, met with
Viktor Chernomyrdin, Russia's envoy to the Balkans. After the
meeting, Chernomyrdin said, ''We have moved closer to a solution.''

It was difficult to gauge the state of the negotiations because
Russia is in turmoil over the impeachment proceedings against
President Boris N. Yeltsin and his firing of Prime Minister Yevgeny

A White House official said there had been no breakthrough in the
talks, and Russia's UN ambassador, Sergei Lavrov, said no resolution
on a Kosovo peace plan can pass the Security Council until the
bombing has stopped.

Yeltsin, for a second day in a row, threatened to withdraw Russia
from diplomatic efforts to find a political settlement if NATO
continues to bomb Yugoslavia over Moscow's objections.

Yeltsin made the remarks at a meeting yesterday with visiting French
President Jacques Chirac, who later said that ''nothing would be
worse than if Russia left this negotiating process.'' Chirac added,
however, that he saw no indications that Russia was actually planning
to pull out.

Chinese officials, still angry over last week's accidental bombing of
their embassy in Belgrade, remained adamant that the bombing of
Yugoslavia should stop before they will back a truce plan. But NATO
warplanes continued to hit targets throughout the region, shelling a
number of sites in Kosovo yesterday.

Without providing any specifics, Clinton called for a massive
rebuilding program in Kosovo and neighboring areas affected by the
war, suggesting that the effort would be comparable to the Marshall
Plan following World War II.

''Southeastern Europe after the Cold War was free but poor. As long
as they are poor, they will offer a less compelling counterweight to
the kind of ethnic exclusivity and oppression that Mr. Milosevic
preaches,'' Clinton said.

''If you believed the Marshall Plan worked, then we have to work with
our European allies to rebuild southeastern Europe and give them an
economic future that will pull them together,'' the president told
200 members of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

In light of prior statements by Clinton that NATO is not trying to
replace Milosevic, Clinton's proposal for a postwar aid program
prompted questions about whether Milosevic might benefit from the
plan. White House spokesman Joseph Lockhart declined to rule out the
possibility that Milosevic's government would get the aid, but he
cast doubt on the idea.

''I just can't imagine that as we look into the future, that the rest
of Europe would be looking to work cooperatively with an autocratic
regime that could perpetrate the kind of atrocities that have been
done over the last several years,'' Lockhart said.

Clinton has said that Kosovo should be an autonomous region, but
should remain part of Yugoslavia, while the Kosovo Liberation Army
wants a separate state.

Clinton made his speech, aimed at shoring up public support for the
NATO attacks, a day after the White House hired a new public
relations consultant, Leslie Dach, for the temporary job of improving
the administration's communications about Kosovo. Dach, vice chairman
of Edelman Worldwide, is a well-known figure in Washington who once
was communications director for Michael S. Dukakis's presidential

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton is scheduled to visit the Brazda
refugee camp near Skopje, Macedonia, that has 18,700 refugees.

Meanwhile, Mary Robinson, UN high commissioner for human rights, was
denied her request to meet with Milosevic in Belgrade. Robinson said
she had collected evidence that ''people in uniform'' had driven many
ethnic Albanians from their homes.

''In all of the cases, I asked, `Was it the bombing?' and I was told
`No, it was not.' I have to conclude that there must be some reason
why President Milosevic did not wish to meet me. I certainly 

[CTRL] Atlanta Ritual Abuse trial starts Monday

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:522671"Atlanta Ritual Abuse trial
starts Monday
Subject: Atlanta Ritual Abuse trial starts Monday
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ohnoapr)
Date: Thu, May 13, 1999 2:20 PM

Next Monday, May 17, 1999,  former Hapeville Elementary teacher and
whistleblower, Carolyn "Lyn" McCullers' trial for criminal trespass by Fulton
County Solicitor's office (Case # 93-Z-207466-H) in behalf of Cheryl J.
Bogrow, Principal of State Bridge Crossing Elementary, Fulton County School
System, who sought a warrant for Lyn's attendance at a PTA meeting in
October, 1997.

Interested individuals and children's advocates available for a courtwatch
are invited to attend Lyn's criminal trial, at 185 Central Ave., Justice
Center Tower, State Court of Fulton County/Criminal Division, 9:00 AM
Courtroom 3, Judge Albert L. Thompson presiding.  We would like to fill the
courtroom to capacity to show the court and prosecutors our interest in child
abuse prevention and the adults entrusted as mandatory court reporters
protected from prosecution.

The following hyperlink is a post I made after a Fulton County judge sealed
the records of the Walt West Hapeville Molestation case.  This is not just
another "flakey" debunked McMartin Daycare or Wenatchee SRA spin, as there
are actual photos of West's molested kids that were confiscated from the
trunk of West's car and said  kids recently won an $8.5M judgment against the
City of Hapeville. (See followng AJC story)

According to sources, Walt West, a former police officer with Fulton County
Schools, took children off school property to various metro locations, sexual
abused them, photographed, videotaped, caged and performed Satanic Rituals
with other adults, including other police officers and the Principal of
Hapeville Elementary, Cheryl J. Bogrow. (AJC story follows)

Lyn's arresting officer at State Bridge Elementary was Larry Bussey, who has
an extensive criminal record, himself, and was recently fired as the new
Assistant Director of School Security in DeKalb.  (See following AJC story)

Lyn's crime, of which the Fulton solicitor is seeking a three year jail
sentence, consisted of her attending a PTA meeting and giving a Biblical
passage concerning child abuse to Bogrow.  (See following passage)  Lyn has
since lost her teaching job for refusing to stop disclosing details of
Bogrow's and other school officials alleged participation in child ritual
sexual abuse.

Please pass this information on to anyone who might be interested in
attending our courtwatch.

Victoria Pierce, GA Activist
National Alliance for Family Court Justice

A HREF=""N.A.F.C.J. Features/A

School Watch Security official fired over record
BYLINE: Diane Loupe, Staff
DATE: 04-29-1999
PUBLICATION: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
SECTION: DeKalb Extra

In an effort to beef up school security, DeKalb School officials recently
hired a new director and an assistant director of school security. But the
assistant director, Larry W. Bussey, was fired from his $60,228 a year job
due to an "unsatisfactory criminal background report," which turned up
almost four months after he was hired. The information was contained in a
letter from Robert L. Tucker, executive director for personnel services for
the school system.
Although Tucker would not reveal the specifics of Bussey's arrest record, a
search of public records uncovered two bad-check charges in Fulton County,
which were dismissed, and a 1990 arrest for domestic violence, including
pointing a pistol at another, criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct and
creating a turmoil. He was cited in a 1995 DeKalb County court order for
failure to pay child support, and he agreed to have $675 deducted from his
paycheck to pay his ex-wife $6,650 in unpaid child support.
In a recent interview, Bussey denied many of the charges. He agreed to
discuss the matter with a reporter, but he failed to show at a scheduled

© Copyright 1999,The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, All rights reserved.

Diane Loupe, Staff, School Watch Security official fired over record.,
04-29-1999, pp J7.
BROKEN TRUST: Allegations overlooked: Officials were told on numerous
occasions of: possible child abuse by a Hapeville police officer but
failed to act.

 Walter P. West Jr.'s resume runs 3 1/2 pages and lists the
accomplishments of a police officer on the way up: Emory University
graduate, juvenile officer for the Hapeville police, youth minister for
United Methodist Church, member of several police policy committees.
 It is the resume of a child molester.
 Pedophiles seek out jobs that give them power over vulnerable
children, experts say. They devote months or even years to seducing
children, and they often escape scrutiny by building a shield of

[CTRL] Have We Been Sold Down The River?

1999-05-15 Thread 1lls0081

Does anyone know the date of this?

Title: Have We Been Sold Down The River?




Have We Been Sold Down The River?

- - UPDATE - -

Clinton has agreed to postpone the execution of E.O. 13083 for 90 days.
 This is not a complete victory yet! It can still be enacted unless he
issues another executive order nullnifying it. Keep the heat up!

There is a problem in our government. This
problem transcends our normal political parties. We have representatives in our
government that are allowing the Executive Branch to usurp the Constitution. Since
1933 our representatives have allowed the President of the United States to enact laws
without Legislative control. Are we being sold down the river?

In 1996 our representatives passed a law that puts
into place the National ID card. We are slowly, but surely, mirroring laws in place
in Russia and other countries that suppress individual liberties.

Recently pResident Clinton signed
Executive Order 13083 that all but removes the 10th Amendment from the Constitution.

Citizens of North Carolina, I urge you to
immediately contact our representatives
in Congress and the governor and demand
that they protest and bring this insanity to an immediate halt. 

At the end of your message state if
you can't respond by e-mail, don't bother. Quit wasting my tax dollars on
postage. If they come back with the Congressman will only reply to
constituents by regular mail then cross them off your list of people to vote

[CTRL] UK Seeks To Curb Internet 'Spy List'

1999-05-15 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

"The list names three people as having been involved in the death of
Britain's Princess Diana in a 1997 Paris car crash. Tomlinson last year
accused MI6 of involvement in her death. "

Friday May 14 3:41 PM ET

UK Seeks To Curb Internet 'Spy List'

By Susan Cornwell

LONDON (Reuters) - The British government struggled Friday to
prevent further dissemination of a list of secret agents
allegedly published by a renegade spy that officials say could put those
named in mortal danger.

The former spy himself, Richard Tomlinson, denied he was responsible for
publication on the Internet of the list of more than 100 alleged
intelligence officers and challenged his former employers to take him to
court to settle the matter.

The names, many of them diplomats, were still posted on copycat ``mirror''
Web sites, although the original site that so outraged British officials
this week had been withdrawn.

The Foreign Office was unsure it could do anything about further
proliferation of the list, especially in media outside Britain that would not feel
bound by the government's request not to publish the names because it
could risk agents' lives.

``We're aware of the reports that the list is on other Web sites, and we're
considering what action we need to take, if we can take any action at
all,'' a Foreign Office spokesman said.

Officials were however considering punitive action against the perpetrator
of what was considered one of the biggest security breaches in
recent years.

Police said they were investigating the release of the names

as a breach of the Official Secrets Act.

Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said Thursday that Tomlinson was behind
the publication of the list, although Cook added that it was ``riddled
with inaccuracies.''

Tomlinson, who was sacked in 1995 from the Secret Intelligence Service --
the foreign intelligence arm more usually known as MI6 -- denied he
was responsible.

``A denial might sound a bit thin because I did indeed threaten to put
names on the Internet,'' he told BBC television in an interview from
Switzerland. ``But I didn't actually do this and it's not me that put the names
on the Internet at all.''

He was happy to let British officials to examine his computer and the
records of his Internet service provider.

He added: ``If they want to use that as evidence to try me (in court), then let
them go ahead.''

Tomlinson said he did not feel in danger from MI6, but disclosed that he
had received death threats by e-mail.

He lives in Geneva, putting him beyond the reach of Britain unless it
requests his arrest and extradition. But in a similar case, France last year
refused a British request to extradite another rogue ex-spy, David Shayler.

The Foreign Office spokesman declined to confirm any of the names on the
list, most of whom were British diplomats posted to embassies
now or in the past. Most of their names could also be found on the official
Diplomatic Service List.

One man was said to be ``the leading recruiter for MI6 agents'' at

At the university, an academic with a name spelled similarly to that on the
list told Reuters in response to an inquiry that he had been retired for
the past 11 years and it was not his policy to discuss any confidential
information given about any student to a prospective employer.

Another man on the list was identified by British media as the son of a
former Conservative cabinet minister. Also among those named was a
member of Cook's staff.

The list names three people as having been involved in the death of
Britain's Princess Diana in a 1997 Paris car crash. Tomlinson last year
accused MI6 of involvement in her death.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Confusing Signs In NATO War (fwd)

1999-05-15 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  05/14/99)  --  A  network  report  which  aired yesterday
foresaw problems for  Kosovo  refugees.   Living  in  tents,  the
thousands  of emigrants would be okay during the next few months,
stated the  narrator,  but  what  about  when  winter comes?  The
broadcast segment ended with the warning that temperatures  would
then be well below freezing and the encamped refugees would be in
a very uncomfortable situation.

But isn't NATO on the verge of winning  their  war  over  Kosovo?
Isn't victory "just around the corner?"  If it's anticipated that
Kosovo  refugees  will  still be in their camps come next winter,
then apparently the war  against  Yugoslavia  is  a long way from
being over.

"Reading the tea leaves" is one  of  the few ways of getting past
both NATO and Serb propaganda.  For example, the report mentioned
above on future sufferings, during winter,  of  Kosovo  refugees,
contains  a hidden message:  subtext -- that this war may drag on
for awhile.

President  Bill  Clinton,   in   an  Oscar  quality  performance,
yesterday gave an impassioned speech in which he played Romeo  to
a  Juliet audience.  As if kneeling with arms extended before his
beloved, Clinton  wooed  listeners  with  a  new  story:  that 15
Kosovars had been tied up and set on fire by the Serbs.

Bill Clinton: he simply seduced a nation.

It will be interesting to find out, later on, if the Clinton tale
of  15  ignited  Kosovars  is true.  But that fact-finding may be
overwhelmed by a future  barrage  of imaginative reports now that
the White House has brought in a  PR  expert  to  assist  in  the
selling  of  the  Yugoslav war.  Joining the Clinton spin doctors
will be Leslie  Dach,  who  "will  try  to  spread the word about
interesting stories of individual  refugee  families,  of  heroic
humanitarian  relief  work, of Serbian atrocities against Muslims
remaining in  Kosovo."   [1]  He,  according  to  ABC  News, will
apparently work to shore up deteriorating public support  in  the
U.S. for the Yugoslav war. [2]

The White House propaganda,  like  the  NATO bombing, is about to
intensify.   But  some  point  out  that  the  Serbs   also   use
propaganda.   That,  in  itself, has become anti-Serb propaganda,
with the USA mass media  often  hinting that the Serb reports are
likely  lies.  After all, they're by Serbs.  As local commentator
Carl Estabrook explains,  "When  U.S. television carries material
from Yugoslavian TV,  the  label  'Government-controlled  Serbian
Television'  is  prominently displayed -- but CNN doesn't carry a
'Corporate-controlled American Television' warning." [3]

At any  rate,  reports  available  at, though
partisan to the  Serb  cause,  also  routinely  cite  independent
sources in their stories.  If the Serbs are inventing their news,
then  it  ought  to be easy for pro-NATO propagandists to contact
the cited,  independent  sources  utilized,  and  refute what the
Yugoslav press is saying.  But this has not happened.

In a report  issued  by  this  news  service  on  May 9, 1999, we
relayed a story from the PBS program, "The McLaughlin Group,"  in
which  host  John McLaughlin stated that the U.N. commissioner on
human rights  has  now  included  NATO  as  a  likely subject for
charges of war crimes  and  crimes  against  humanity.   [4]  The
Tanjug  News Wire corroborates that Mary Robinson, a human rights
official with the United  Nations,  visited  the  city of Nis, in
Yugoslavia, to eyewitness effects of a NATO cluster  bomb  attack
there.   [5]  The  NATO  bombing  of Nis, in which civilians were
slaughtered when a cluster  bomb  hit  a non-military target, was
briefly covered even  by  USA  TV  networks.   CBS  Evening  News
reported  the  outrage,  and  their  on-site reporter was visibly
shaken by the event.   However  the subsequent US/NATO bombing of
the Chinese embassy pushed the story of the Nis massacre  out  of
the headlines here in the U.S.

Tanjug News Wire reports that *ten* cluster bombs were dropped on
the residential area of Nis. [6]

According to another report by  Tanjug, easy to verify or refute,
"The international  organization  Human  Rights  Watch  expressed
today   its   concern   that  NATO  was  violating  international
humanitarian law in Yugoslavia."  Reportedly, "Human Rights Watch
particularly expresses its concern for destruction of the objects
of economy, attacks on Yugoslavia's electrical transformers which
primarily serve  civilians  and  the  destruction  of  several of
Yugoslavia's television and radio  stations,  bombarding  of  the
city hospital in Nis on May 7 and Chinese embassy in Belgrade, as
well  as  bombing of civilian vehicles because they were not seen
or misidentified." [7]

According to another report by  Tanjug, easy to verify or refute,
John Laughland, a commentator with the  London  Times  newspaper,
calls  the  NATO  bombing of Yugoslavia, 

Re: [CTRL] Why the Chinese embassy was bombed.. READ

1999-05-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

  Is it possible that Klinton did it on purpose to have China launch an
attack on the US so he could then declare martial law and enable the
executive orders so he could seal his place in office and kick this whole
thing off?  Or are we that close yet?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo Another Holocaust? HARDLY

1999-05-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 05/14/1999 4:36:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 ``At the end of the line when these poor Kosovo refugees enter Macedonia or
 Albania, waiting for them is not extermination ovens and gas chambers, but
 food, clothing, medical supplies and airplanes to take them to other parts of
 Europe or the United States,'' Lantos said. 

The only difference here is that the world is aware, and steps are being
taken to give aid and help them escape.  Had my president and the pope and a
few other high ranking authorities taken the same action on behalf of the
Jews, that holocaust would have been a bit different also.  It was the fact
that the world sat back and as much as said to Hitler, "Have at it." that
created the Holocaust.  The entire western world is guilty.  Of course now
that action is being taken to keep a holocaust from happening, we hear
nothing but complaints, so perhaps the people prefer the holocaust to helping
their fellow human beings.  If so, it is not the first time they have shown
their compassion in this way.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [prj] Welcome (

1999-05-15 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

One of the themes is
Take the socialist system / idea
Launder it through educated countries
* Germany - (WW I  and WW II),
* America - (Skull and Bones - Aldof Coors - Ect.)
* China and Japan - (who used to honor the printed word, to an
extent that we would not nessisarily understand
Take down any idea that would lead to a constitutional republic
Sell it back to Ireland and Scotland as Democracy
have them take apart the Royal Houses -
Supposivly in the name of Democracy and Progress
Have Ireland and Scotland attack history because
it is supposivly prejudice
And you have a world un-educated in what
parts if not all of what the socialist system hides.
A me attudude that is run by a dictator / monopolies
Canabolism - Soilent Green is nothing compared to
what they seem to have in mind.
Constant consumerism, by turn over of the consumers.
I have been attempting to say that the short term profit
that they will enjoy will become a long term loss.

The US Constitution is based on Scotlands
and if they get Scotland to take out the last
of the people that have to live by
"Culture and History Inherent"
not inherited
we are lost

The Pied Piper
Having problems people,
any high level exterminators out there?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] ADL fights the fingerprint!

1999-05-15 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-



Today, the Anti-Defamation League, champions in the fight against
anti-semitism, racism and bigotry in the effort too secure justice and
fair treatment for all people, have gone on record for the first time in
officially opposing the Georgia Driver's License Fingerprinting statute.

The ADL joins a growing list of diverse newspapers and organizations who
oppose fingerprinting for driver's licenses including the ACLU, SCLC,
Christian Coalition, Eagle Forum, Marietta Daily Journal, Augusta
Chronicle, Athens Daily News/Banner Herald, Cartersville Daily Tribune
News, Valdosta Daily Times, Tifton Gazette and others.

In a letter from Southeast Region Director, Jay Kaiman, the ADL urges
"Repeal of the Georgia Driver's License Fingerprinting statute and
urge[s] Governor Roy E. Barnes to see that this objective is achieved."

Fingerprinting was "sold" to the legislature under the context of
stopping fraud, but according to figures supplied by Public Safety,
there have been only 142 arrests in 2 ½ years as a result of an
individual fraudulently trying to get a driver's license.  In fact,
Driver License Examiners do not have the power to make an arrest.

Of all the states, Minnesota uses the most advanced fraud resistant
features (like Georgia it is a Polaroid system) and does not employ any
biometrics (e.g. fingerprint).  Interestingly, California does requires
a fingerprint, but has one of the highest fraud rates in the nation
(although practically negligible).

The Governor has the power by Executive Order to instruct Public Safety
to stop fingerprinting.

### end ###

Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true.


 To subscribe to the free Scan This News newsletter, send a message to
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Or, to be removed type "unsubscribe scan" in the message BODY.
   For additional instructions see
 "Scan This News" is Sponsored by S.C.A.N.
   Host of the "FIGHT THE FINGERPRINT!" web page:

"This is just my opinion. I could be wrong." Dennis Miller
Reality Pump:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Request for URL of US MI5 Web Site

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Request for URL of US MI5 Web Site/A

12 May 1999. Tomlinson's Geocities site disappeared at about 5:00PM
US-CST, May 12, 1999; see mirror of one page of the site.

12 May 1999. Richard Tomlinson's still-active (at 13:30 US-EST)
Geocities Web site (without UKOSA stuff):

12 May 1999. Thanks to DC.

We'd appreciate this notice being passed to Richard Tomlinson with our
offer to host his material. See JYA public keys.

ADVISORY, not for publication:

We have been asked by the secretary of the Defence, Press and Broadcasting
Advisory Committee to publish the following:


I understand that a US-based website has today published on the internet a
list which identifies a large number of SIS (MI6) officers.

Defence Advisory Notice No 6 asks editors and programme makers to seek
advice before publishing such details unless they have been widely
disclosed or discussed as such action could put lives at risk.

Departmental officers are examining how the damage of this disclosure can
be minimised. While this is in progress, I would ask that editors do not
interpret the information in the website as being widely disclosed and do
not, therefore, publish the address or the content of the website without
first contacting the D Notice Secretary, Rear Admiral David Pulvertaft

[Added by JYA]  Thanks to MD.

See Wired story today:

Thanks to Sunder.


Posted 10/05/99 1:05pm by Linda Harrison
Secret service eliminates ex-spy’s Web site

A former James Bond wannabe had his Web site shut down by MI6 last week
after threatening to expose some of Britain's top secrets.

Richard Tomlinson's site aimed to shake up and stir MI6 by identifying
its officers and site locations around the world, according to a report
in The Mail on Sunday. Tomlinson also warned that he would publish a
book synopsis of his own MI6 career –- an act he was jailed for last

Top government law officer Anthony Hammond, got the injunction banning
the site, which is based in Switzerland, where Tomlinson now lives.

The site, run by Lausanne ISP IPWorldcom, stated: "The objective of MI6
is to steal the secrets of other countries. Most of the secrets are
stolen by MI6 officers working abroad under cover as British diplomats."

The map of MI6 office sites was said to be "coming soon".

Another page showed Tomlinson wearing a silly hat and grinning in front
of the MI6 headquarters at Vauxhall Cross in London.

When the site was opened up it played the theme tune to Monty Python's
Flying Circus.

Last week, Tomlinson said he would appeal against the injunction.

Meanwhile, the cheeky Web wizard had switched the pages to a site run by
California-based Again he was closed down after the Swiss
injunction was pointed out to Geocities.

According to Tomlinson, MI6 was breaking the law around the globe by its
activities, as well as playing with his liberty.

"They are trying to obstruct my freedom to travel and I have already
been banned from entering France, the USA and Australia," he told the

"There would be no need to put up this Web site if they stopped messing
me about. I have already lost one job by being prevented from entering
France." ®

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

The Clinton administration has delivered a complete listing of
secret CHINA-GATE documents in a Federal Court case in Richmond,
Virginia.  However, the production of the secret list has
confirmed that the Commerce Dept. is also withholding a document
that has already been publicly released.

On May 10, 1999, the DOJ attorney representing the Commerce
Dept. delivered a motion containing a complete explanation of
the materials that are being withheld.  In one case, the
Commerce Dept. is claiming that "FIVE-pages questions and
answers" from the Dept. of Defense must remain classified.

  "13.  Five-page questions and answers regarding Hua Mei - no
   date Originating agency: Department of Defense (E44-E47).
   Exemptions: (b)(5). This document is being withheld under
   (b)(5) because was originated by the Department of Defense as
   part of the process of deciding how to respond to allegations
   about an export to China...  As there is nothing on the
   document that indicates it was actually used for public
   discussions, its release would harm the decision making
   process by discouraging the full consideration of facts to
   decision makers."

Clearly, the Commerce Dept. did not inspect the SOFTWAR lawsuit
submitted in 1998.  Not only was this document released to
SOFTWAR in full in 1998 - The entire DOD document was provided
by this reporter as evidence to the Court in the original
lawsuit filed in November, 1998!

In fact, the entire Dept. of Defense document has been on the
SOFTWAR internet web site since September 1998 and is fully
available for public viewing (

The evidence consists of a cover letter from the Deputy
Secretary of Defense dated Jan.29, 1996, FIVE-pages of questions
and answers, and a three page attachment.  The entire nine (9)
page document, including the "FIVE" pages the Commerce Dept. is
currently withholding, was returned in response to a FOIA
against the Commerce Dept. in 1998.

This reporter is now certain the Judge is viewing only five
pages of a nine page DOD report behind closed doors.  The
Commerce Dept. could not find the cover page and the 3 pages of
attachments previously returned in 1998.  Thus, four pages are

In response, this reporter submitted a motion for the Judge,
including the entire nine page DOD document in question as
evidence.  The response motion also included a single page
letter from the Dept. of Defense FOIA officer that states the
DOD document was found at the Commerce Dept. in response to a
FOIA request from SOFTWAR.

SOFTWAR has asked the Court to order the Commerce Dept. to
re-execute a full and complete search of their records - if
necessary - by using another agency of the United States
Government (e.g. Defense Dept., FBI, or the General Accounting

The Commerce Dept. delivered to the Court an incomplete version
of the DOD document, demonstrating they performed an incomplete
search.  The Commerce Dept. withheld a document that has been
previously released, demonstrating that they are unable to
perform a proper search.  Finally, the Commerce Dept.  withheld
a document supplied by this reporter as evidence to the Court,
demonstrating that they are unable to determine what material
should or should not be withheld.

Clearly, the Clinton administration could not hit the broad side
of a barn with a B-2.  The Commerce Dept. misfire of trying to
declare a publicly available document as secret is the legal
equal of "friendly fire".  The fact that the same document was
submitted as evidence not only adds insult to injury - it shows
the same SNAFU driven administration that "pickled" the Chinese
Embassy with bombs just blew its own foot off by not bothering
to read what was in front of them the whole time.

List/desc of secret documents

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

***  to unsubscribe reply with "unsubscribe" as subject***

[CTRL] OEN 5/14/99

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia May Be Cut Off from the Internet

NATO must be planning to stage a new "Serbian atrocity"

Parts of Yugoslavia could lose Internet access because an American
satellite company might be ordered to stop transmitting into the country
under a U.S. trade embargo.
Loral Space and Communications Ltd. of New York said Thursday it could
be forced to cut transmissions into Yugoslavia from one of its
satellites, which serves at least two of the country's major Internet

Earlier this month, President Clinton issued an executive order banning
U.S. companies from selling or supplying to Yugoslavia "any goods,
software, technology or services."

"We're still not clear on this whole thing," Loral Space spokeswoman
Jeannette Colnan said, adding that the company was seeking advice from
the Treasury Department. "It depends on the interpretation of the
executive order."

The government that issued the order wasn't any clearer Thursday.

David Leavy, spokesman for the National Security Council, said that
"generally informational material is exempt" but that electronic
commerce would likely fall under the ban. "We'll need to inquire further
about the appropriate applications of the law," he said.

Word of the threat to shut down Internet access to parts of Yugoslavia
spread quickly across the worldwide computer network, where it was
mostly condemned in e-mail messages and online discussion groups.

"To put it bluntly, we somehow got used to air-raid sirens, bombings and
threats of invasion, but we don't know how we're going to survive
without the Internet," said Alex Krstanovic, co-founder of Beonet, one
of the affected Internet providers in Yugoslavia. "If NATO or the U.S.
wants to cut us out completely in order to be able to do whatever they
want here, this is probably the best way."

But some people argued that Internet access should be cut off.

"Continuing to provide these services would be kind of like giving aid
to the enemy," one person wrote.

U.S. civil liberties groups urged the Clinton administration to allow
citizens in Yugoslavia to continue using the Web.

"The Internet remains at this point one of the major sources inside
Yugoslavia for objective news reporting about the war," said Jim Dempsey
of the Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology. "It also
remains one of the main sources for any remaining democratic voices
within Yugoslavia to communicate with the outside world."

Computer traffic in Yugoslavia uses both satellite and traditional
land-based telephone lines, but the loss of the Loral satellite could
dramatically reduce the Internet bandwidth available to citizens there,
causing slower connections or even blackouts.

It wasn't immediately clear whether the White House intended its May 1
executive order to include U.S. satellites, but U.S.-run telephone lines
were still operating in Yugoslavia.

Web sites in Yugoslavia continued to be accessible from the West late
Thursday evening, and there were no substantiated reports of anyone
unable to use the Internet to retrieve information from outside the

A spokeswoman at the organization that registers Web addresses ending
with the country's "yu" suffix said she was familiar with the reports
but that there had been no problems yet.

Some U.S. experts on information warfare said it was improbable that the
Clinton administration intended that its executive order also would
apply to Internet communications.

"Information war is being waged today through public information — we're
over there broadcasting, jamming radios," said Alan Campen, a retired
Air Force colonel and author of several books on cyber-warfare. "But I
would be very surprised if they" shut down Internet satellite

Steve Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists in Washington

"I would be extremely surprised if the U.S. government or NATO forces
deliberately sought to cut that channel of information off," he said.
"It's a pretty lame form of information warfare because it cuts off the
flow of information, and I don't see whose interests that serves."

Fox News, May 14, 1999

Russian Follies

Communists Set to Impeach Yeltsin

Who, however, is still dead

MOSCOW - Still smarting over the latest political blow from President
Boris Yeltsin, the lower house of Russia's Parliament struck back
Thursday, opening a formal debate on impeaching Mr. Yeltsin for high
crimes in the turbulent years after the December 1991 collapse of the
Soviet system.
The session was not lively, but the mere fact that the impeachment issue
had arrived on the floor of the State Duma, which Mr. Yeltsin had long
sought to avert, added a sense of gravity and political portent to the

It came one day after President Yeltsin dismissed Prime Minister Yevgeni
Primakov, who had broad 

[CTRL] MI6 Drops their pants??? - THIS IS UNREAL

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""List of MI6 Officers/A

13 May 1999
hitn um=69 (Accessed at 13:45 US-EST) advertising removed. No authentication, may be genuine, a folly
or a black op.

Jump to list of officers

 Thread: ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_  ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_
MI6 Drops their pants??? - THIS IS UNREAL
¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_  ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_


¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_  ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_
MI6 Drops their pants??? - THIS IS UNREAL
¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_ ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_  ¸_,ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_
Date: 1999/05/11
Author: Raymond Amundson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This article appeared in the May 14, 1999 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.

In case you have not heard, this is INCREDIBLE

The `MI6 factor' in the murder of Princess Diana
by Our Special Correspondent

Recently, EIR was one of several news organizations that received an
unsolicited e-mail transmission, identifying senior officials of MI6,
the British foreign intelligence service, including individuals who are
accused of having been involved in the Aug. 31, 1997 deaths of Princess
Diana, Dodi Fayed, and Henri Paul. The three were killed in a car crash
in Paris, that, to this day, remains one of the great unsolved mysteries
of the 20th century.

More than 21 months after the crash, the official French
investigation, headed by Judge Hervé Stephan, is still under way, and
some of the most disturbing questions about the fatal crash remain
unanswered, including the most basic question: Was it an assassination?

EIR has been well-known for our exhaustive coverage of the death of
Princess Diana, identifying otherwise unpublished leads, and pointing to
the involvement of British and other intelligence agencies, in the
run-up to the crash, and in the effort to cover up the evidence that
Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were the targets of a murder plot.

Some of the information provided in the e-mail posting has been
independently verified by EIR. Indeed, three MI6 officials, identified
as having been intimately involved in the events leading up to the fatal
crash, and the ensuing cover-up, have been previously identified by EIR
as suspected culprits, acting on behalf of the House of Windsor, under
the personal orders of Prince Philip.

In late 1997, EIR published exclusive photographs showing that a team of
at least seven men were surveilling the Ritz Hotel on the evening of
Aug. 30, 1997--during the final hours before the crash in the Place
d'Alma tunnel.

As this issue of EIR goes to press, a French court is in the process of
deciding whether Judge Stephan will be ordered to pursue further leads
on the crash provided by Mohamed Al Fayed, the father of Dodi Fayed, who
has made numerous public statements to the effect that he believes that
the crash was not an accident. Al Fayed is a civil party to the case,
and, as such, is entitled, under French law, to present new leads and
evidence for consideration by the chief investigator before the final
report is released.

In the interest of furthering the investigation into the Paris crash, we
publish the text of the anonymous document below. We cannot, at this
time, independently authenticate many of the details provided. However,
we pass the document along as "raw" material. As we pursue the leads
contained in the document, we will keep our readers informed. Here is
the e-mail text (the names section contains the year and city to which
the alleged agents were posted):

The e-mail posting

Professor Pritchard of Gonville and Cauis College Cambridge is the
leading recruiter for MI6 agents. He identifies and recruits the most
intellectual geniuses for MI6.

The following three people are members of MI6, an organisation which
forms this supposed great country's intelligence service. It manipulates
the ordinary people of this country who are unaware of its illegal

Sir David Spedding--Head of MI6--was ordered to organise the murder of
Diana, Princess of Wales and her friend Dodi Al Fayed.

Richard David Spearman--Chief of staff for Sir David Spedding. He was
given an assignment and moved to Paris two weeks prior to the murder of
Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Al Fayed.

Nicholas John Andrew Langman--Principal assistant to Richard Spearman.
He was also involved with Spedding in the murder.

Richard Billing Dearlove--the incoming Head of MI6 in September
1999--was in Paris two weeks before the Aug. 31, 1997 crash.

The attached list identifies the unprincipled and unscrupulous
individuals involved with MI6 worldwide. The list was produced by an
honest man who has since left MI6 because he felt that the behaviour of
that organisation was unacceptable in a civilised society. They are

[CTRL] implant activity

1999-05-15 Thread Steve Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britains StateReligion?]

1999-05-15 Thread John Wright

 -Caveat Lector-

Who will be the next POPE???

Who knows???  I don't know but I do know that


and hopefully - after the GUILT of the BRITISH

ROYAL  FAMILY  in her Murder is  Proven -

Perhaps by leads developed by  Tomlinson,

both the BRITISH ROYALS  and  all forms

of Christianity/all current Religions will

become EXTINCT

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wackenhut, Part 2

1999-05-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

The Casolaro story has always intrigued me.  He was there to see someone in
the IRS who possibly could have provided some interesting information
pertaining to his Octopus investigation.  For an excellent source on this
everyone should get a copy of The Octopus, by our own Kenn Thomas of
Steamshovel Press (in collaboration with Jim Keith, of Black Helicopter
fame).  It is a riveting story.
Wackenhut used to guard Area-51 at one time but apparently doesn't anymore.
Does anyone know who does guard that base now?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Police Have no DUTY to Protect Individuals

1999-05-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a great essay, thanks for posting it!  It seems to me, especially in
light of the Columbine police debacle, that the police are out to get a
paycheck and serve the rich and powerful, not us ordinary Joe's.  We all have
to defend ourselves from criminals AND the police.  If they bust in your door
at 4:00 AM with a warrant they got based upon the word of a drug addict (who
gave your address just to try and get off of a lesser charge) or come to your
house through a "clerical error" I suggest you robustly defend your home and
shoot them.  We'll see how long it is that "no knock" warrants stay in effect
then if they start dropping like flies.  Some police do a good job, but a LOT
of them are PIGS just like they said back in the day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: SNET: (Fwd) - useful excerpts from IOM medicinal ...

1999-05-15 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Anybody who believes that smoking marijuana leads to useing harder drugs
couldn't be more out of touch with the subject. Anyone who is predisposed to
trying and using harder drugs will do so whether they try marijuana first or
Countless people have used marijuana, tried harder drugs, then remained with
marijuana for the passed 25-30 years or so. No, I'm not speaking of myself,
but of people I know, or people who have told similar accounts. By the way,
you would be shocked of the number of CEO's,EXECS; pillars of communities and
so-called leaders of industry etc...I personally know quite a number who fit
this category.Yet they go to work every day and make enormous decisions that
affect the country and at times the world.
When will you people put down your martini's and wake-up for God's sake! If
you really believe that you drinking alchohol is significantly different than
people smoking marijuana, you are without doubt, mistaken!
Tell the American people why you "really" object to marijuana usage. You know
damn well it's not because of that "gateway" crap!
How many people die each year from alchohol related illnesses?
You think you're so clever in your deceite of the American nation, but more
and more don't buy your lies anymore.
Have a good one-JOHN

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: S99-78, Day 52, Update 1 (May 14; 0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-78, Day 52, Update 1
May 14, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


California1. "I Love My Country, But I Hate What This
 Criminal Government Is Doing"

Banja Luka  2. NATO, U.S. Censors Try to Muzzle Bosnian
 Serb TV (Again!)

Belgrade  3. A General-to-General Air War Talk:
 Novak-to-Clark - Abort While You Still

Moscow   4. Gorbachev: NATO Bombs Destroying New World

Belgrade  5. Where Are the Phony Western Liberals Now That
Danube Basin's Ecology Is Being Destroyed?

Phoenix6. A Serb Poet: "We Know Our Fate"


1. "I Love My Country, But I Hate What This Criminal Government Is Doing"

CALIFORNIA, May 11 - They say that wars bring out the best and the worst in
people.  Here's an example of "the best" which we received from a TiM
reader in California:

"Dear Bob, I've stopped paying taxes; I'm about to sell my home; and I
would like some information about how to get into Yugoslavia in order to
cover the situation with my camera.  Could I send my video reports back to

I'm at my wits end about what our government is doing both at home and
abroad.  I'd like to show the people what 'we' are doing.  And, therefore,
the 'Truth in Media' seems to be a good source to spread the word.

I understand that you have been to Yugoslavia and might be able to help me
with the details of getting there.  I love my country, but hate what this
criminal government is doing."

Kent Baldwin, California
TiM Ed.: We did help Mr. Baldwin with the contacts he had requested, and
wished him God speed in his noble endeavor.

2. NATO, U.S. Censors Try to Muzzle Bosnian Serb TV (Again!)

BANJA LUKA, May 13 - While some noble Americans, such as Ken Baldwin, are
willing to sacrifice all they have to bring the truth about NATO's criminal
activities to the world, the censors of the self-proclaimed leaders of the
"free world" are administering the Soviet-style media pressures on the
Bosnian Serb TV's broadcasters in Banja Luka.  Again. (See "NWO Inquisition
in Bosnia,"

In a front page feature article, the Wall Street Journal reported today
from Banja Luka, the "new" capital of the Bosnian Serb Republic, one of the
two "entities" in the NOW-occupied and NATO-policed Bosnia, that the
Serbian Radio Television's  reporting on the war in Kosovo has angered the
authorities. They have ordered it to air certain (western leaders')
speeches in full, have sent army officers to threaten to close the station,
and have warned that it could lose equipment if it doesn't change its
coverage, the Journal said.

"A victim of Serbian nationalism? Actually, the speeches involved were by
top American officials, the visiting officers were British, and the
confiscation threats came from the U.S. Agency for International
Development, which had given the broadcaster an editing console and a van,"
said Daniel Pearl, a Journal "staff reporter," according to the story byline.
TiM Ed.: Way to demonstrate Klinton Amerika's commitment to freedom of speech!

Such pressure reflects the two wars the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
is fighting in the Balkans, the Journal said. The first involves airstrikes
aimed at driving Yugoslav troops from the province of Kosovo. The second
war is being waged on the propaganda front.

"Mr. Milosevic is expanding his country's clampdown on independent media
and using state television to portray Serbs as victims of a Western
conspiracy. NATO has bombed Yugoslav television, calling it part of Mr.
Milosevic's 'war machine.' And NATO leaders are striving to keep news
cameras focused on the ethnic Albanian refugees who have fled Kosovo and
their reports of Serb atrocities, rather than on errant NATO missiles." [...]

"Caught in the cross-fire is Dragan Gasic, a tall, Yugoslavia-born Austrian
with a booming voice. The Europe-dominated Office of the High
Representative hired him last year to reform SRT, the state-funded
broadcaster of Republika Srpska, but Mr. Gasic has been at loggerheads with
his employers. He refused to force SRT to run full-length European news
broadcasts, saying they aren't balanced because they don't show Serb
civilians displaced by NATO bombs. He also refused to air NATO briefings in
full, saying it was 'unprofessional' to give SRT orders no one would dare
give an American broadcaster."

The U.S. State Department has pushed to replace Mr. Gasic, 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britains StateReligion?]

1999-05-15 Thread drbongo

 -Caveat Lector-

who is going to be the next pope and will this person be significant?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Request for URL of US MI5 Web Site

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Also, my site I found on Book Burning has disappeared and I cannot get
to it unless they put it back.

May 15, 1933 was the day Hitler burned the books; well, these are the
days they are burning up the internet sites, are they notout there
looking for the spy who lurks in the webbut there are no many
sites, tr;y the Vagabond sites, or whatever and you find all kinds of
little pests withinl

I am angry about my Book Burning site that has become lost, and I wonder
whyI just sent it outit was a Memorial to Book Burning.

When I look at Klinton today, I think of Hitler; when I look at MI6, I
think of my old friend who was in same, and I also think of her old
friend, who was being hunted down by the enemy, and he ws not sure if it
was MI6 or KGBhe said when they crossed over, you do know which way
they, here we go.

Hope Tomlinson finds another good site and if has it copyrighted, they
cannpt touch it, can they?   At least, not for 30 years.


If anyone can get the Memorial to Book Burning up, let me know.I
could not believe it was gone.  Maybe temporary.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CNN: Online Gun Poll

1999-05-15 Thread Mike Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Should people buying weapons from non-licensed gun show vendors be subject to
mandatory background checks?

"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil
interference -- they deserve a place of honor with all that is good."
-George Washington
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: ALERT: Support H.R. 1658 to Reform Civil Forfeiture

1999-05-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

Go to the site and sign the petition, maybe we can get this thing done away
with once and for all.



(To sign off this list, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
 line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  To subscribe to
 this list, visit

We're writing today to ask you to raise your voice to
Congress on an issue of great and urgent importance.  Under
civil asset forfeiture, the government can take and keep the
property of people who have been accused, but not convicted,
of drug crimes, or whose property has been used without
their knowledge to facilitate a drug crime; in 80 percent of
forfeiture cases, charges are never even filed.  The law is
unjust and has had a profound corrupting effect on law
enforcement.  H.R. 1658, a bill with high-level bipartisan
support -- Reps. Henry Hyde and John Conyers, chairman and
ranking minority on the Judiciary Committee, and committee
members Bob Barr and Barney Frank, will reform civil
forfeiture and restore Constitutional due process of law.
Please take two minutes to fill out our online forfeiture
petition at

Though it has strong support in the Judiciary Committee,
H.R. 1658 is sure to meet resistance in the House, and needs
support to get introduced and passed in the Senate.
Nevertheless, it can be passed, this year, so your help is
urgently needed.  So please take action now!  When you are
done, please consider following up your Congressional e-mail
with a phone call (phone number provided by our lobbying
system), and then fill out our "tell your friends" form to
spread the word about H.R. 1658.  (We won't save your
friends' e-mail addresses and won't send them any mail
besides your referral.)  Or just forward this alert to any
interested parties and appropriate lists or forums.

If you're not yet ready to act, maybe reading some asset
forfeiture stories will help you make up your mind:

 * Kip Baker was staying at a friend's home in Anchorage,
Alaska, when federal agents showed up at the door and
informed him that his friend was involved in a marijuana-
growing network and the government was taking the house and
its contents.  Baker was never charged with a crime, but
agents seized his ivory collection, the heirloom diamond
ring off his finger, and the gold nugget from around his
neck.  After a year and a half of fighting bureaucracies, a
federal prosecutor informed him that the government had sold
his possessions.

 * Juana Lopez was stopped by DEA agents outside a bus depot
in New York City with $4,750 cash in her purse.  After
questioning, the officer realized he had previously arrested
her husband for drug charges and told her she was free to
go, but he would keep the money because a drug dog had
reacted to it.  Mrs. Lopez has produced receipts showing
that all of her money was legally obtained; a third of the
money was borrowed, another third came from the sale of some
jewelry, and the rest came from her savings as a hair
stylist.  The money was earmarked to pay legal fees for her

 * Ethel Hyton had $39,110 seized during a search by DEA
agents at Hobby Airport in Houston.  The agents searched her
bags and ordered a strip search of Miss Hylton, but found no
contraband.  Police claimed a drug dog had scratched at her
luggage, although Ms. Hylton never saw a dog.  The money
which Ms. Hylton had was a settlement from an insurance
claim, coupled with her life savings, which was being used
to buy a house.

Please help stop the injustice of the government's legalized
theft!  H.R. 1658 will put the burden of proof back on the
government, protect innocent owners, provide counsel to
indigent forfeiture defendants, eliminate the "cost-bond"
requirement for for defendants to put up money to challenge
the forfeiture of their property, allow defendants to keep
their property while a case is in process, and make the
government responsible for damage it causes to property that
gets returned to the owners.

Please visit to tell your
Representative and Senators to support H.R. 1658 and restore
Constitutional due process of law!

(The cases cited above came from the ACLU -- visit their
forfeiture section, with links to further information,
online at  The
Drug Policy Foundation has extensive information on H.R.
1658 and the asset forfeiture issue, online at  And be sure to
check out the nation's leading forfeiture reform
organization, Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR),


This message brought to you by the Drug Reform Coordination
Network's rapid-response-team e-mail list.  If you are not
already subscribed to 

[CTRL] Fwd: AvalonArticulates 10 (1/2)

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

Though you might want to look at something beautiful for a changesee
the "panaora" highlight also, for some beautiful sites - and Avalon is
where Arthur was taken..


Just got this awhile ago - and what a place where I intend to visit next


A periodic gift of insights from Glastonbury
written by Avalonians for folks like you

with love from
from the Isle of Avalon island of websites at


AA is sent free to all intrepid visitors to
the Isle of Avalon island of websites
and the Glastonbury Archive
(if, that is, they leave their name!)

It's also for friends of Glastonbury
and anyone with an interest in
the kind of things that go on around here!

Each week we send out an interesting article
from one of Glastonbury's many writers.
Sometimes illuminating or informative
sometimes entertaining or educational
sometimes just a really good read.

To subscribe, unsubscribe or communicate
see the notes at the end.

You might want to print out this e-zine.
Pin it up by the toilet, for example! No kidding!


Part one:

This month's contributions:
 - Putting our own needs first is the kindest thing we can do,
   by Emma Gathergood
A request from Romania

Part two:

 - Friends,
   by Shelley Bovey
News from Glastonbury
Glastonbury net Radio
The small print


to the tenth sending of Avalon Articulates!

This issue of AvalonArticulates has taken a long time to emerge because so
many other things have been happening.  At present, the front-end of the
IsleofAvalon website is being completely redesigned (results in June), and
I have been deeply involved with online humanitarian work connected with
Serbia-Kosovo too.

AA comes in two parts this time, to avoid over-long e-mails.   We bring you
two articles, written by Emma Gathergood and Shelley Bovey, both
Glastonbury residents.  They pose what seem to be contradictory issues:
putting ourselves first, and being there for others.  However, as both
authors show, these are two sides of the same coin.

Emma has been around Glastonbury for years, though she graced the cities of
Worcester and Birmingham with her presence for some years until recently.
Now she's back.  Once it becomes home, Glastonbury seems never to stop
being so.  In her time she has been a nurse, mother, healer and counsellor.
 Shelley has been around for years too, but she's a hideaway type who has
made herself known to us only recently.  She cropped up on GWell, our local
e-mail system, and has made some very interesting contributions, not least
the following one:

I've lived in or near Glastonbury for 20 years but I have never been quite
sure who the Goddess is.  Is she the deification of nature, the earth's
spirit?  Is she a female version of the Man Upstairs whom I call God?  Is
she related to him, is she an aspect of the Virgin Mary, or a synthesis of
all the ancient Goddesses of different cultures?  Do people who believe in
the Goddess ever believe in God or are they mutually exclusive?  Is she
something else entirely?  I have read books but they all refer to the
Goddess as though the reader should know who she is.  Please fill this gap
in my knowledge.  Thanks!   Love, Shelley
end clip

Now *this* is a very pertinent question!  In Glastonbury, it's an important
one, because there are many Goddess enthusiasts around here, and some think
the Goddess owns the place.  I'm looking forward to seing whether this
question is well-answered, and interesting articles on the matter are
invited (from folks outside Glastonbury too), for publication in AA!

With love
editor, AvalonArticulates



Putting our own needs first is the kindest thing we can do
Emma Gathergood

When our own needs are met, we automatically sink back into our authentic
self. This is our true self, our God/Goddess Self, which is naturally
loving and giving. It is WHO WE TRULY ARE!

Most of us were brought up to be "a nice kind person, and put others
first". These two concepts seemed irretrievably bound together as if they
were an inevitable chain reaction. As we grew we couldn't help but see all
the pain around us, and spontaneously from the natural joy arising in our
hearts wanted to do something about it. So we set off on our careers and
life path, full of enthusiasm and good will, determined OUR generation
would make a difference - we really would make the world a better place.

To those like myself, growing up in the fifties and sixties, with flowers
in our hair and in our hearts, with "all we need is love" echoing round our
heads, we were sure this time we would get it right. We launched ourselves
into positive, creative careers. We believed in "free love", having sex in
the open air and 

[CTRL] Fw: [prj] Welcome (

1999-05-15 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Hall, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Lloyd Miller' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: [prj] Welcome

[Hall, David]  Good day, Mr. Miller:

This is a fine introduction.  I am excited to read more of your thoughts in
the near future.  A question and a few comments if you don't mind!

...May I ask your opinion on what purpose you suppose there may be in our
dwelling on the self evident (and therefore non-conspiratorial) Movement of
political history?  I've been doing precisely that for the last several
years and the progress I've made in changing the world -- let alone the
minds of a few people -- adds up to nil.  Perhaps your own efforts have been
more successful?

In an interesting letter to Dr. Jung from Miguel Serrano:

"A faith, a strong belief, sustained and repeated, can give birth to its own
life or form in reality.  The Marxist ideas and laws of economic evolution
are not really true -  but if they are believed and repeated again and again
throughout a culture without the opposition of a stronger and fundamentally
different faith or compelling belief system, then they will come to be real
simply because of the Will of a group of members who support them.  It is
possible that there is no Law of any kind in the world, and that all that
exists is faith in the idea.  That is what makes laws possible.

In principle, Toynbee is correct when he states that history could be
changed if man finds an appropriate reply (technique) to the challenge
(manipulation) of the current time (reality), and when he affirms that it is
necessary to use propaganda as a means of modifying the mind."

I think you've had recent discussion on this issue in another post?  Anyhow,
the above underscores in my own mind how practical mere belief is in giving
a sort of physical birth to an academic or psychopathic phantasm -- when a
substantial number of individuals, united through sheer Will, slavishly
sacrifice to its delivery.  Of course, the phantasm once borne into the
world through men's minds remains physically formless as logically it must;
and thus we define its religious quality and the reason for its so dangerous
- because entirely unimpeachable and physically unapproachable --  nature.
Then there is that little totalitarian socio-religious inspiration (or
biological instinct) in all of us that moves us (as a united herd, as a mob)
to demand compliance by others not sheepish and like-minded, lest we feel
helpless against or, paradoxically, envious of, these subjectively
anarchistic "threats."

Contemporary political scientist and historian Quigley's effluence troubles
me for several reasons.  First - his stature and theories, like those of
Freud in psychology and Bohr in physics and Hegel in philosophy, are deified
in many schools of thought.  And second, while I find the sheer depth of his
knowledge impressive, I have discovered many academic fictions and obviously
misleading statements in his books.

The obfuscation's are angering because they were made, not out of
intellectual naivete, but merely for the sake of political correctness and
social economy.  It would have been better to exclude commentary on
sensitive subject matter where the balls to stay intellectually honest were
missing.  Aside from his propensity to atomize every detail as though it
leapt forth reactively from "The Spring of Accidents" or spontaneously
evolved of a necessity by the caring political elite to "finally help the
beggarly serfs, too, toward a better way of life", Quigley leads his
audience and that is an unfortunate path to take, historically, for such a
potent scholar.

However his fictions I can agree to disregard: the man who lives the whole
of life inside an institution - even one of higher learning -- is
ill-equipped to connect the obvious facts and details of the outside world
with a fundamental glue, the causes rooted in the human experience of living
"out there"; even the wisdom of the life-long, unschooled farmer reveals to
him the fallacy of the social conjurer in imagining a benefit in the
security, stability, and guarantees that only a Machine can enforce; his
empirical experience demonstrates that government and the will of the swarm
- the abstract society animal -- squash individual achievement and, as a
consequence, bind up the human soul; the result being a society where the
worthless wretches - the rabble class -- either wallow away life as sewer
rats and gutter trash or, in the case of aristocracy, discover the joyless
satisfaction of new or forbidden sexual and criminal perversions.   However
to Academia, the Machine of government acts much like a drug "fix" -
providing a place of security and guarantees for the potential theorists who
spout the right kind of propaganda; the great minds who specialize and
extrapolate on the fictions of old minds, left to the outside world, might

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britains State Religion ?]

1999-05-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

John Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Bizarre but truthful

Well, Tony Blair has all but converted to Catholicism; Prince Charles has
flirted with it for years, since he wanted to marry Astrid Marie of Luxemburg
(the Queen Mommy nixed the deal precisely because A.M. is Catholic); Diana was
apparently toying with conversion before she took up with Dodi. OTOH, there's
a lot of sentiment, esp. within Labour, to disestablish the C of E...and that
sentiment would almost certainly mushroom if the Church were to conclude any
sort of arrangement with Rome that included recognition of the primacy of the
Pope. "Indeed do many things come to pass..."


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Memorial to the Burning of Books by the Nazis

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

In Acts 19 - which according to my bible code date wise in linked to the
death of Princess Diana..and the sabotage of the Apollo, is also of
Nazi significance as well.

Acts 19 carefully records the only burning of books, recorded in the
biblethe Hall of Records destroyed.

In Serbia, the Jewish League is defending the Serbs, as they remember
when the Serbs defended and protected them from the Nazis..Madame
Albright, however, seems to me to be a bit of a book burned; is she, as
did Hitler, trying to burn up her Jewish Heritagestill in denial?

The OSS was checking out Hitlers Jewish ancestry, the same time Hitler
was trying to destroy Madame Albright with her Butcher tactics
against the Serbs in her own way attempting to destroy her past.the
very same Serb family who once saved her life and the life of her
parents from the Nazis, she would now destroy.

May 15, 1938Hitler and the Nazis burnt the first bookswhy?  What
did they fear, but a revelation of their past?

Why did someone open gunfire on a group of people at the Mormon Church
Library wher genological records are kept which contain a lot of
information that the Government would not advertise on a ID card?

Why and for what reason, were the kids in a library targed by the two
kids at Littlleton who were alleged to be fans of Hitler?

When Hitler's Nazis did not get enough press on May 15, 1938 burning
books, they also performed this ritual on May 30, 1938Memorial Day
weekend for most people.On May 28, the Bismark went down, the
Bennington fire, U.S. Scorpio, and othre maritime disasters.

Did the Nazis have a time table, just as do the present day
ExterminatorsOh yes, in the Revelations, you find the Exterminators,
the genocidethe poisoning of the water, and the dream of Adolph
Hitler as well as Charles Manson, who imprinted a Swastika on his
forehead along with his did the kids at Littleton, in
their own way leave the mark of the demon engraved forever in the halls
of records and the library at Littleton.

Beware of those who say they are Jews and are not - are these the
Zionists whom Christ warned existed back in his time?
But what about those who also deny their Jewish ancestry as does Madam
Albright, whom the Serbian people will never forget.

Let us call a spade a spade.ethnic cleansing is genocide in any
No wonder people are beginning to hate Bill Clinton and his mass
murderersbut is the USA really willing to play the part of the great
"beast" in the Revelations -

Sieg Heil Bill Klinton, Madam Albright, and Cohen...but remember
what happened to Hitler - it wasn't exactly a Viking funeral he got.


Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Will the Vatican Control Britains StateReligion?]

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Tlhe next Pope will be Irish.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sony Bigfoot Advert

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes.Big doubt.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sony Bigfoot Advert

1999-05-15 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm not debating whether or not Patterson's big-footage was legitimate but
wondering who has proprietary rights on it. I always understood one of the
arguments in its alleged favour was Patterson's refusal to try and
generate any commercial profit from the film so why and how did Sony get
commercial access to it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] John Hersey (was: Re: [[CTRL] Fwd: 05.13.99 RMNews: IS CHINA BLACKMAILING PRESIDENT CLINTON?])

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

...White Lotus.
   Hersey, John
Condition: HERSEY, John. WHITE LOTUS [A Novel]. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1965. First edition. 8vo, cloth, 686 pages. A fine copy in dust
Format: Hardcover / First Edition / Dust Jacket
Associated Dealer: Waiting for Godot Books  Hadley, MA

In a message dated 5/14/99 1:42:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

*White Lotus* was written about 1964, not in the early '50's. It was a
historical fantasy which asked the question, what would the response of white
Americans be if *we* were enslaved forcibly by another race? The book was
indeed a warning, but not a warning of the sort that Ru Mills suggests. It
a reaction to the civil rights movement and the emerging black power
and it warned its readers that under the same circumstances, *they* might
react the way those "uppity negroes" were reacting. It is a very good book,
and stands as one of the best works of the 1960's, easily the equal of
Hersey's classic *Hiroshima*.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fwd: Quakes in Kansas ?]

1999-05-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Don Denney, spokesman for the Unified Government, said cracks were ``spread
out all over'' the two-story building. A parking lot also was damaged near the
building, where the pavement had buckled and dropped off about 8 feet.

And what, pray tell, is the "Unified Government"?? Is it a metro regional
government? It *sounds* like something out of the NWO...!!


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] John Hersey (was: Re: [[CTRL] Fwd: 05.13.99 RMNews: IS CHINA BLACKMAILING PRESIDENT CLINTON?])

1999-05-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In the early 50's, a Yale educated writer named John Hersey wrote a novel
called White Lotus. It is about a post nuclear war with China. The
American people have been reduced to nomads living in wagons which
they circle each evening to protect their people from being captured by the
slave traders. The slave traders steal the healthiest and the strongest and
ship them to China where they are sold as slaves. Imagine everything you know
about black slavery in America, from the forced labor, to the tortuous
beatings, to rape; and apply this to the Americans who are slaves for the

Did John Hersey write this book as a warning for us, or did he write it to
mock us?

*White Lotus* was written about 1964, not in the early '50's. It was a
historical fantasy which asked the question, what would the response of white
Americans be if *we* were enslaved forcibly by another race? The book was
indeed a warning, but not a warning of the sort that Ru Mills suggests. It was
a reaction to the civil rights movement and the emerging black power movement,
and it warned its readers that under the same circumstances, *they* might
react the way those "uppity negroes" were reacting. It is a very good book,
and stands as one of the best works of the 1960's, easily the equal of
Hersey's classic *Hiroshima*.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] algore/gwbush suck lawyers bundled cash

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Lawyers are biggest givers to Gore and Bush, study finds
Associated Press Writer

April 29, 1999
Web posted at: 2:02 p.m. EDT (1802 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As a group, lawyers have been the most generous
contributors to the presidential campaigns of both Vice President Al Gore
and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Lawyers accounted for $1.4 million of the $8.9 million Gore raised through
March 31, and $747,550 of the $7.6 million Bush took in during the same
period, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan
research group.

The figures include contributions from lawyers, other law firm employees and
their spouses.

The numbers might be even higher; hundreds of contributors to both
candidates failed to list their occupations or employers.

A candidate's campaign committee can accept only $1,000 per person. Many
firms bundled contributions from their employees to increase their impact,
the study found. Lawyers from the Houston-based firm of Vinson  Elkins, for
example, contributed a total of $172,400 to Bush's campaign. The money
includes donations from spouses.

Some of the biggest bundlers are law firms that also are registered to lobby
on behalf of large corporations. Vinson  Elkins represents Bell Atlantic,
Federal Express, and several Texas organizations, for example.

Other types of companies pool employees' contributions, as well.

The highest total Gore received from a single company was $67,950 from
employees of Ernst  Young, an accounting firm that also lobbies. Its
lobbying clients include Intel, the Federation of American Health Systems
and MCI, now MCI Worldcom.

"They are active participants in politics on behalf of themselves and a wide
range of clients," said Larry Makinson, executive director of the center,
which studies the relationship between contributions and campaigns. "They
want to make sure they're on the inside no matter who wins."

Gore campaign spokesman Roger Salazar said the bundled contributions
represented a small percentage of the vice president's donors.

"The majority of our supporters, over 75 percent, gave $100 or less,"
Salazar said. "We think he's got support from people all across the country
at all levels. They are all supporting the vice president for what he has to
offer this country, which is the power of his ideas and his leadership."

Bush campaign spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said the donors gave "because he's
done a great job as governor and they want him to be president."

Gore's only announced challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination,
former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, took in $646,150 from lawyers. Overall,
he raised $4.3 million during the first three months of 1999. Bradley's
biggest bundler was the law firm of Winston  Strawn, which gave $37,500.
Its clients include the Walt Disney Co., General Motors and American

The study found that some companies had divided loyalties.

Employees of the investment firm of Goldman, Sachs  Co., contributed a
total of $45,500 to Gore, $15,000 to Bradley and $9,000 to Bush. Salomon
Smith Barney employees gave $16,500 to Gore and $20,000 to Bradley. The
figures also include spouse contributions.

The center did not analyze the contributions to other presidential
candidates who had not filed electronically.

"Thou Shall Not Steal!"
   because the federal thugs don't Like the Competition!
--- Anonymous

(^) Bard (^)
Passionate Charter Member
of the International Society
of Clinton-haters

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Czech Republic

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
May 14, 1999

Arms Transfers Continue From NATO Member to Hostile States


The latest explanation for the An-124 full of MiGs, intercepted
in Azerbaijan in March, is that the MiGs were being sold by a
Czech company to North Korea.  This is but the latest in a series
of scandals involving Czech arms manufacturers and merchants who
continue to deal with pariah states, despite the Czech Republic's
admission into NATO.  Prague's relations with its NATO allies
will suffer if it continues to ignore the problem.


On May 12, Czech television broadcast a confirmation made by
Azerbaijani officials that the Agroplast company, based in the
northern Bohemian town of Liberec, attempted to smuggle six MiG-
21 fighter aircraft to North Korea two months ago.  On March 19,
the customs authorities in Baku detained dismantled MiGs found on
board a Russian Antonov An-124.  According to Azerbaijani
authorities, the plane carrying MiGs arrived in Baku from
Kazakhstan.  The aircraft was then to be flown to North Korea,
which technically remains in a state of war with the Czech
Republic's NATO ally, the United States.

Reacting to the findings, the Czech Minister responsible for the
Security Information Service, Jaroslav Basta, said his agency has
been monitoring Agroplast's activities since 1994, but it did not
anticipate that the company would break the law.  Agroplast holds
no license that would allow it to sell arms to other countries.
The MiG scandal is just another in a series of controversial
cases suggesting that, although it is now a NATO member, the
Czech Republic continues to ignore Czech businesses' arms
dealings with political outcasts.

When it was still a member of the Warsaw pact, Czechoslovakia
(the country split into two independent republics, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia in 1993), had a reputation of being a major
ammunition and explosives supplier to renegade regimes and
terrorist groups.  Until the fall of the Iron Curtain,
Czechoslovakia was believed to be one of the world's largest
suppliers of plastic explosives.  During the 1970s and 1980s, the
Communist Czechoslovak government sold large amounts of Semtex
plastic explosive to a number of nations that allegedly sponsored
terrorist groups, including Libya, Iraq and North Korea.  Semtex
was allegedly used to destroy Pan American Airways Flight 103
over Lockerbie, Scotland, in December 1988, killing 270 people.
Semtex also showed up in the Afghanistan war.  Although Semtex is
now believed to be under strict control, and there is a tough
export control policy requiring a case-by-case examination of any
arms sales from the Czech Republic by the ministries of foreign
affairs, defense, trade and the interior, there is a powerful
black market in the country.  According to  the Czech Security
Information Service, it is possible to illegally obtain a large
number of unregistered arms and ammunition, including Semtex.

Following the collapse of the Czechoslovakia communist regime in
1989, the Czech Republic made great progress in becoming a part
of Western political, military, and economic structures.  At the
same time, however, the country was struggling economically to
survive the difficulties associated with the post Cold War
economic transformation.  Although official figures show arms
sales from the Czech Republic declined in the 1990s, a number of
cases in recent years reveal that the country was involved in
arms dealings with its traditional customers and former communist
allies.  In 1997, for instance, the Czech government, after the
intervention of Washington, halted the attempt by the Czech
military and some government elements to sell five Tamara
stealth-detection radar systems to Iraq for $375 million.
Bulgarian arms dealers allegedly assisted the Czechs in this
sale.  In 1995, NATO reportedly suspected that Czech-made Tamara
radar systems were used by Bosnian Serbs in the hills near
Sarajevo to help shoot down a U.S. F-16 fighter.

In April this year, several intelligence sources, including Czech
military counterintelligence, claimed Yugoslavia had at least one
Tamara, and possibly used it for detecting and shooting down the
U.S. F-117 stealth aircraft on March 27.  Diplomatic sources
quoted by "Intelligence Newsletter" on April 8 said that a couple
of weeks before NATO started its air operations in Yugoslavia,
Russia supplied the Serbian military with a sophisticated
detection system that enabled it to shoot down the F-117.
Immediately after the aircraft was shot down, the Czech Defense
Ministry launched an investigation into whether Tamaras were
supplied to Yugoslavia, and if so, by whom.  Because, before
1990, the former-Czechoslovakia had sold several 

[CTRL] Fwd: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.....

1999-05-15 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 5/14/99 10:35:52 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subj: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.
 Date:  5/14/99 10:35:52 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (F. Michael Zimmerman)

 From: Ruth Baer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Religious humor discussion list

 It had to happen.  Just had to.

 You might be a Redneck Jedi if.

 You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."

 Your Jedi robe is camouflage.

 You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light.

 At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer colored.

 You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.

 You have ever had a land-speeder up on blocks in your yard.

 The worst part of spending time on Dagobah is the dadgum skeeters.

 Wookies are offended by your B.O.

 You have ever used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't
 to wait for a commercial.

 You have ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.

 Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come on over to the dark'll be a hoot."

 You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy
 get the barbecue grill to light.

 You have a Confederate flag painted on the hood of your land-speeder.

 You ever fantasized about Princess Leah wearing Daisy Duke shorts.

 You have the doors of your X-wing fighter welded shut and you have to get
 through the window.

 Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a
 pretty good handle on how to treat his women.

 You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to Chewbacca.

 You suggested that they outfit the Millennium Falcon with redwood deck.

 You were the only person drinking Jack Daniels during the cantina scene.

 If you hear . . . "Luke, I am your father ... and your uncle ..."

 You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
 Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
 or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

 --- Headers 
 Received: from ( [])
by (v59.4) with SMTP; Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:51 -0400
 Received: from ( [])
  by (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
  with ESMTP id LAA24177;
  Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:46 -0400 (EDT)
 Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by (queuemail) id EALDC5PS; Fri, 14 May 1999 11:35:37
 Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 08:18:20 PDT
 Subject: You might be a Redneck Jedi if.
 X-Mailer: Juno 2.0.11
 X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-23,25-32,34-40,42-55
 X-Juno-Att: 0
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 From: "F. Michael Zimmerman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Reply-To: Religious humor discussion list

It had to happen.  Just had to.

You might be a Redneck Jedi if.

You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."

Your Jedi robe is camouflage.

You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light.

At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer colored.

You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.

You have ever had a land-speeder up on blocks in your yard.

The worst part of spending time on Dagobah is the dadgum skeeters.

Wookies are offended by your B.O.

You have ever used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't
to wait for a commercial.

You have ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.

Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come on over to the dark'll be a hoot."

You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy
get the barbecue grill to light.

You have a Confederate flag painted on the hood of your land-speeder.

You ever fantasized about Princess Leah wearing Daisy Duke shorts.

You have the doors of your X-wing fighter welded shut and you have to get
through the window.

Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a
pretty good handle on how to treat his women.

You have a cousin who bears a 

[CTRL] Corruption Alert! Gun Control Works!

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

BardVisit me at:The Center for Exposing Corruption 
in the Federal Government 
Government defined:a benefit/subsidy protection racket! 

-Original Message-From: GREG ERICSON 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 7:42 
AMTo: Undisclosed-Recipient:;Subject: Fw: FPI 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 9:38 AM

Corruption Alert
No independent free press allowed to document the 
crime scene
at Columbine High School. This is happening 
at crime scenes
around the world.

Free Press InternationalP.O.Box 19300 Suite 
181Austin, Texas 78760Website: 
416-8168Founder: Greg Ericson

[CTRL] [4] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""PartFour/A
 "What is expressed by the Tau is a driving force which can only be set
in motion by the power of selfless love. It will be possible to use this
power to drive machines, which will, however, cease to function if
egoistical people make use of them. It is perhaps known to you that
Keely invented a motor which would only go if he himself were present.
He was not deceiving people about this: for he had in him that driving
force originating in the soul, which can set machines in motion.
A driving force which can only be moral, that is the idea of the future;
a most important force with which culture must be innoculated, if it is
not to fall back on itself. The mechanical and moral must interpenetrate
each other, because the mechanical is nothing without the moral. Today
we stand hard on this frontier. In the future machines will be driven
not only be water and steam, but by spiritual force, by spiritual
morality. This power is symbolised by the Tau sign and was indeed
poetically symbolised by the Holy Grail.

- Rudolf Steiner The Temple Legend

Etheric technology of ancient Egypt: The evidence from the Temple of
Hathor at Denderah

The gesture of the etheric formative forces in the shape of coastlines
and landmasses

The Chessboard of Europe

The 12th Century Beatus World Map with concealed grid

The solution to Le Serpent Rouge (coming soon)

 The "Red Sea" in the caption above this detail from the Ripley Scroll
was a well-known code name for the divine mercurial water and its
tincturing power. Here it is depicted as the blood pouring from the
heart of the "Serpent of Arabia". It brings happiness to whomsoever
finds it, and flows, round as a ball, to every place in the world,
Ripley writes.
-from The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy and Mysticism by Alexander Roob
(Taschen 1997)
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [0] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Conscious Evolution Home Page
Lotsa pixs, links and such.

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become."

-- Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Pythagoras' Fun House
The newest addition to the Conscious Evolution family, Pythagoras' Fun
House focuses on numerical and geometric insights into ancient and
modern wisdom.Click here now!

The Sacred Landscape Geometry
of Rennes-le-Chateau.
Simon Miles' original research into the origins of Sacred Geometry in
the ancient grid-map of To-Mera, and its relationship to stellar
formations and etheric formative forces.

The Fleming-Roche Tarot
Now complete!
Click the image of the Tarot Fool to see a one-of-a-kind tarot deck
created by your webmaster and a close friend, back in the dark ages.

The CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION site is currently under construction. Please
bear with us while we plan and grow.
In the meantime. please stop by our discussion forum now!

Thanks, and welcome.

A HREF=""Sacred
Landscape Geometry 99: The Solution to t

Sacred Landscape Geometry 99


Simon Miles

"In the manuscript, of course, there was also the map, or, rather, a
precise description of the map, of the original. It's surprising; you
can't imagine how simple the solution is. The map was within everyone's
grasp, in full view; why thousands of people have passed it every day
for centuries. And the method of orientation is so elementary that you
just have to memorise the pattern and the map can be reproduced on the
spot, anywhere.

"So simple and so unexpectedImagine - this is just to give you an
idea - it's as if the map were inscribed in the Pyramid of Cheops, its
elements displayed for everyone to see, and for centuries people have
read and reread and deciphered the pyramid, seeking other allusions,
other calculations, completely overlooking its incredible splendid
simplicity. A masterpiece of innocence. And fiendish cunning. The
Templars of Provins were wizards."
•from the novel Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

Newly Revised and Updated: May 6, 1999:

This site documents an on-going investigation into the origins of
geometry reportedly marked into the landscape in the positions of
certain ancient churches, chateaux and mountain peaks around the ancient
hilltop village of Rennes-le-Château, France. This project began as an
independent attempt to verify or disprove the findings of Henry Lincoln,
as published in his book The Holy Place (1991), and more recently in The
Key to the Sacred Pattern (1997). It grew to encompass further material
on the landscape geometry presented in the books GenIsis (1985) and
Geneset (1994), by David Wood (with Ian Campbell), and The Tomb of God
(1996) by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenburger. A prolonged study and
meditation on the 1:25,000 scale map of the region led to a series of
decisive breakthroughs in understanding the nature of what is on display
in this enigmatic geometric riddle. In short, they led to the solution
to the puzzle of the origins of the geometry. In the pages which follow,
detailed evidence will be presented with the aim of providing some
satisfying answers to the basic questions posed by Lincoln: where, when,
how, why and by whom.

On the other hand, there is no attempt here to tackle the usual
conundrums of the Rennes affair; the matter of Sauniere's wealth, the
mysterious parchments, the competing geneaological claims , or the
machinations of the Knights Templars , Rosicrucians and the Priory of
Sion. However, it is hoped that by putting forward a detailed hypothesis
for the true nature and origins of the landscape geometry at
Rennes-le-Château, it may help to clear a path to a resolution of some
at least of these other intriguing questions.

Beyond these purely "local" concerns, the activities of the map-makers
reveal a web of relations which extend across Europe and beyond. The
mystery of Rennes-le-Château becomes a gateway to an entirely new
understanding of the world-conception of the ancients, and hints at a
forgotten spiritual technology with possible far-reaching implications
for the future of mankind and our relationshipto the earth and cosmos.

Ancient stone cross with village of Rennes-le-Château in the background.
Photo courtesy of Marcus Williamson

Part One: The Zodiac Grid Map of Europe:

- in which the location of Rennes-le-Chateau is shown to have been
determined by a grid map of the Ancient Egyptians, and an extraordinary
mapping of 


1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 14 May 1999 15:43:53 -0400
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

FAIR Media Advisory:
May 14, 1999

Was A Peaceful Kosovo Solution Rejected by U.S.?

Since the beginning of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, the war has been
presented by the media as the consequence of Yugoslavia's stubborn
refusal to settle for any reasonable peace plan--in particular its
rejection of plans for an international security force to implement a
peace plan in Kosovo.

An article in the April 14 New York Times stated that Yugoslavian
President Milosevic "has absolutely refused to entertain an outside
force in Kosovo, arguing that the province is sovereign territory of
Serbia and Yugoslavia."

Negotiations between the Serb and Albanian delegations at the
Rambouillet meeting in France ended with Yugoslavia's rejection of the
document that had been adopted, after much prodding, by the Kosovo
Albanian party.

But is that the whole story?

There were two parts to the peace proposals: a political agreement on
autonomy for Kosovo; and an implementation agreement on how to carry out
the political deal--usually understood to require international
peacekeepers in Kosovo.

By the end of the first round of Rambouillet in February, the Serb side
had agreed to the essentials of a political deal. Agence France Presse
(2/20/99) quoted a U.S. official as saying that the "political part" of
a peace accord "is almost not a problem, while the implementation part
has been reconsidered many times."

The U.S. wanted the Kosovo plan to be implemented by NATO troops under a
NATO command, and had already made plans for a 28,000-troop force. The
Yugoslavian leadership was opposed to the idea, claiming such an
arrangement would amount to a foreign occupation of Kosovo by hostile

On February 20, the Russian ITAR-TASS news agency reported from
Rambouillet that unnamed "Contact Group members may offer, as a
compromise, Milosevic an option under which a multinational force will
be deployed under the U.N. or the OSCE flag rather than the NATO flag as
was planned before."

Agence France Presse reported the same day that the Serb delegation
"showed signs that it might accept international peacekeepers on
condition that they not be placed under NATO command" and added that the
head of the Serb delegation "insisted that the peacekeepers answer to a
non-military body such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe...or the United Nations." A U.S. official confirmed this to
AGP: "The discussions are on whether it should be a UN or OSCE force,"
the official said.

The next day, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright declared: "We accept
nothing less than a complete agreement, including a NATO-led force."
Asked on CNN the same day: "Does it have to be [a] NATO-led force, or as
some have suggested, perhaps a UN-led force or an OSCE...force? Does it
specifically have to be NATO-run?" she replied, "The United States
position is that it has to be a NATO-led force. That is the basis of our
participation in it."

Two days later, Albright repeated this position at a press conference:
"It was asked earlier, when we were all together whether the force could
be anything different then a NATO-led force. I can just tell you point
blank from the perspective of the United States, absolutely not, it must
be a NATO-led force."

Over the next month, this position was repeated countless times with
increasing vehemence by State Department officials. Furthermore, the
U.S. refused to allow the Serbs to sign the political agreement until
they first agreed to a NATO-led force to implement it.

"The Serbs have been acting as if there are two documents but they can't
pick and choose," Albright said (AGP, 3/13/99). "There is no way to have
the political document without the implementation force that has to be
NATO-led If they are not willing to engage on the military and
police chapters, there is no agreement."

Finally, on March 23, the day before the NATO bombing began, Ambassador
Richard Holbrooke met with Milosevic one last time to deliver his
ultimatum: Sign the agreement or be bombed. The response was delivered
that night by the Serbian parliament, which adopted resolutions again
rejecting the military portion of the accords, but expressing
willingness to review the "range and character of an international
presence" in Kosovo.

At a March 24 State Department press briefing, spokesman James Rubin was
asked about this development:

QUESTION: Was there any follow-up to the Serbian Assembly's yesterday?

[CTRL] [3] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Sacred
Landscape Geometry 99: The Solution to t

Part Three: The Solution to the Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau:

••'That's another thing we've learned from your Nation', said Mein Herr,
'mapmaking. But we've carried it much further than you. What do you
consider the largest map that would be really useful?'
'About six inches to the mile.'

'Only six inches!', exclaimed Mein Herr. 'We very quickly got to six
yards to the mile. Then we tried a hundred yards to the mile. And then
came the grandest idea of all! We actually made a map of the country, on
the scale of a mile to the mile.'

'Have you used it much?' I enquired.

'It has never been spread out yet,' said Mein Herr; 'the farmers
objected: they said it would cover the whole country, and shut out the
sunlight! So we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure
you it does nearly as well.'
••Lewis Carroll, Bruno and Sylvie Concluded

The Search for the "Elementary First Steps, the Basis of the Design":

In 1993, I came across a copy of Henry Lincoln's book The Holy Place.
Written several years after his co-authorship of the 1980's bestseller
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, it describes his apparent discovery
of a series of alignments, grids and various geometrical figures on the
1:25,000 scale map of the countryside around the village of
Rennes-le-Château, in the south of France. The geometry, he claims, may
found by connecting the location of the very old churches, chateaux and
certain mountain peaks in the vicinity. Although there is little or
nothing to be observed in the landscape itself to suggest the existence
of such geometry, The Holy Place presents a wealth of examples taken
from the map to support his assertion.

Although it is a slim volume, there is a large mass of fascinating
material in the book. By sheer volume of evidence alone, the reader who
follows Mr Lincoln through his presentation is left with the impression
that something, indeed, must hover behind his fantastic claims, though
whether it is the invisible megalithic temple stretched out across the
countryside which he suggests remains an open question. For one thing,
it is impossible to verify the alignments for oneself from the book
itself, as the size of the 1:25,000 source map precludes its inclusion
in the text. Further, Lincoln himself freely admits that whatever
underlying structure or design may order his tangle of alignments and
circles and other shapes, he is himself unable to discern it. In the end
 it is a book which poses more questions than it is able to answer. The
author is admirably open and honest about this however, and he frames
his conclusions more as a call to further researchers to take up the
problem than any kind of final word on his discovery. For example, he

"For me, however, the essential task remains the hunt for the elementary
first steps of the construction, the basis of the design - a quest,
perhaps fruitless, for the doorway to an easier understanding." (page

Although I lived a long way from France at the time, (or perhaps because
of it!), I decided that I would obtain for myself the 1:25,000 scale
maps of the area, and set myself the task of independently verifying
whether or not Lincoln's claimed alignments held true. When the maps
finally arrived, I had them mounted and laminated, and began quietly
tracing out his alignments in my spare time. Once I had begun to be
familiar with the lay of the land, several impressions slowly formed in
my mind. The first was that, for the most part, Lincolns claims about
the alignments actually held true. There were indeed many striking
examples of significant sites on the map in satisfyingly straight lines
over relatively short distances. The circle of churches which he
described (details below) was laid out as he claimed, and was accurate
enough. There were, certainly, occasional alignments which I came to
decide were outside of a small margin of error, but given the sheer
number of lines he cites, these did little to put a dent in his overall

Many of his claims about distance and angle measures were, however, not
of quite the same quality. It became clear to me that his use of the
term "exact" was, on occasion, a little too strong. Those familiar with
the book may be interested to hear for example that the "pentagram of
mountain peaks" does deviate very slightly but significantly from
"exact": a perfectly regular pentagram of the size and orientation he
describes misses the stipulated peaks by a margin of error of several
millimetres on the map. This may be small enough to still qualify the
five peaks as a remarkable configuration of physical geography, but
exact means exact, and this pentagram was not.

On the other hand, it was not long before I was finding examples of both
alignments and measures for myself which were not 

[CTRL] [2] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Conscious
Evolution Home Page
Plenty pixs and such at site.

Part Two: The Constellation of Crux and its use as a Meridian Calibrator

The Meridian in the Mountains at Rennes-le-Château

"I will get me to the mountain of myrrh"

- The Song of Solomon

There have been a large number of books written on L'Affaire du Rennes,
the complex swirl of mysteries which seem to have their focus in this
remote village1. Most of the strands of the story as usually told
concern themselves with history dating from the times of the Templars,
the 12th and 13th century of the current era. Our interest is in
activities of a much earlier date, and so much of the material is not of
direct interest to the current study. However, amongst these many
published works concerning Rennes-le-Chateau, there are several which
propose the existence of complex geometrical patterns, marked into the
landscape on a size and scale which appears to defy conventional

We shall examine these various schemes in detail later, in the section
dealing with the geometry on display at Rennes-le-Château. For now, we
can note that having looked at a specific map reference far evidence of
landscape engineering and sacred geometry, we have indeed found a
location which has a suggestion of just such activity. This tends to
support our hypothesis: that the ancient initiates undertook to mark
major points of the grid-map by permanently engineering the landscape to
incorporate geometric elements. It would assist our case if we could
identify unambiguous evidence of such activity; compelling samples of
clear manipulation of the rocks and mountains of the area.

We now reveal a feature of the landscape around Rennes-le-Chateau which
has never before been publicly disclosed. Certainly, it has not appeared
in any of the accounts of the geometry published to date that there are
several examples in the close vicinity of meridians marked in mountains.
By this I mean four or more highest points of mountain ridges or peaks
in perfect north-south alignment. These may be checked on the 1: 25,000
map of the area using a ruler and will be found to be aligned with no
practical deviation from a true meridian line.

The most impressive of these passes through one of the major peaks of
the area, known as Pech Cardou. It includes no less than eight prominent
points or peaks aligned over a distance of approximately fifteen miles.
Moreover, the configuration of the mountains and ridges is such that one
may stand on the most northerly of the eight sites, the summit of Pech
Cardou, and looking southwards, see each of the remaining seven points
on the meridian, one above the other, in ascending order and with none
obscured. The most distant peaks (i.e, the most southerly) actually form
a V-shaped rifle-sight arrangement, due to the alignment of a mountain
pass between two of the peaks in the chain.

The second of these meridians marked in mountains passes through the
summit of a modest hill, called Le Sarrat Rouge, located exactly due
east of the village of Rennes-le-Chateau. From the top of this hill, the
bearing due south passes through the aptly named local prominence La
Pique, and passes on over the highest points of two long ridges running
east-west across the landscape. The most southerly of these, les Cretes
d'al Pouil, today features a trig point located on the very position
whjere the meridian crosses the ridge.

Quite possibly, other examples of these meridians remain to be found,
but the quality of the two identified above, both in terms of the
accuracy of the alignments, and the significance of the peaks involved,
would appear to leave little doubt that they have been artificially
sculpted. On the face of it, such engineering feats might seem as
impossible to perform as they would appear useless for practical
purpose. However, the alignments exist, and if they are not to be
attributed to chance, then there must have been a method and a point to
such a challenging undertaking.

How then was it done? The physical labour involved must be considered
the lesser part of the task, requiring "merely" the removal or addition
of so much physical material, the shaving of peaks and dressing of
ridgetops. The required manpower is assumed to be available, but will be
to no avail if there is no method of accurately calibrating the required
due south direction to an accuracy which will make the enterprise
worthwhile. The meridians are plainly observable, and remain to this
day. Hence, some calibration mechanism must have been devised or
discovered, and put to use. We shall soon explore a precise mechanism
which made such a feat possible.

The name of the major meridian sighting peak, Cardou, has been observed3
 to be related to the English word cardinal, both being derived from the
latin cardo, meaning hinge or 

[CTRL] [1] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Part One: The
Grid of To-Mera

Part One: The To-Mera Grid and the Zodiac of Europe

"Unquestionably cosmic operation, cosmic significance, lie behind the
twelve constellations of the zodiac and the thirty-six or more other
stellar configurations. The planisphere or chart of the heavens was
doubtless the first of all Bibles, pictorially edited. Not quite simply
and directly but intrinsically, all Bibles are amplifications and
elaborations of the original volume of ideography first written on the
open face of the sky, charted in the zodiac and heavenly maps, and later
transferred to earth and written in scrolls and parchments."

-Alvin Boyd Kuhn The Lost Light: An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures

Recovering the Map of Mt Meru:

The archetypal form of Mt Meru, the sacred world mountain of Tibetan
tradition which unites heaven and earth, may be found in every culture
and nation of the ancient world. Whilst in some cases it did actually
take the form of a suitably shaped and positioned mountain1, it is by no
means only under this guise that the image of Mt Meru may be recognised.
In some mythologies it takes the form of the sacred world tree, such as
the Ygddrasil of the Norse stories, with its branches in the skies and
its roots buried deep in the underworld. In others it is the cosmic
axis, the symbolic mill and grindstone upon which the universe turns, or
the umbilicus or navel or omphalos2 of the world.

Mt Meru, or Mandara as it was known in the earliest times, can be
understood as a template for the creation of sacred space. In its
simplest format, it may be depicted geometrically as a square with an
inscribed circle, divided four-fold by vertical and horizontal axes
through the centre. This basic sign may be developed and embellished and
expanded to dizzying heights of complexity, but will always be found to
contain core references to the elements of the crossed square and circle
united around the central organising point.

The origin of this symbolism points to astronomical references: it may
be interpreted to display the observer st the centre of the circle of
the horizon with the four cardinal axes of north, south, east and west.
Under another reading, the centre may be taken to represent the sun,
with the circle standing for the orbit of the earth, and the axes the
solstice and equinox lines.

This is the universal glyph which may be found displayed in innumerable
Temple architectures from every religious tradition in every age. It is
the form of the Garden of Eden, the Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge, as
will be shown in detail later in these pages. It is represented by the
pyramid, the pillar, the maypole and the obelisk, and may be found
ubiquitously in the layout of countries, cities, fairs, games and mazes.

The Mandala Palace

On the lower levels of the five elements, at the centre of the world on
Mount Meru, sits the Mandala Palace. This precious palace is divided,
analagous to man as the measure of all things, into the three levels of
body, language, and spirits, to which, in this Mandala of the Time-Wheel
, precisely 722 Tibetan dieties are assigned.
- Kalachakra Mandala, gouache, Tibet, 18th Century

In many traditions, specific numbers and dimensions are also ascribed to
the geometry and its various layers and extensions. A knowledge of this
canon of sacred dimensions allows the geometer to translate freely back
and forth between apparently incommensurate values, such as between
circular and square areas, or between diameters and circumferences. The
establishment of the meeting point ofheaven and earth, or the Meru
condition, can be attained through the knowledge and application of
these specific numbers by which the circle measures may be reconciled
with those of the square. If then the circle be taken to denote the the
heavens, and the square, the earth, it then becomes possible to
accurately and usefully map one onto the other.

The task of locating or fixing Mt Meru falls to the geomancers, or
sacred geometers, or meresman3 of every age. He or she who understands
the geometry of Mt Meru thereby is able to grasp the linkage between
heaven and earth, and becomes enabled to move or translate freely
between them. To gain access to the zone in which they intersect is to
make available the fruits of the harmony which prevails there. Within
this space, the siting and erection of the Temple, correctly aligned,
measured and dedicated, and the manipulation of earth and earth energies
were designed to bring about the harmonious conditions required for the
peaceful existence of all living things.

The Hermetic axiom, "as above, so below," may be understood therefore in
terms of a specific geometrical display, the Mt Meru form, which is
capable of functioning 

[CTRL] Espionage

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheIndependent (UK)

Secret British radar project hit by espionage scandal

By Mary Dejevsky in Washington

With the revelation that China's theft of American nuclear secrets
may have compromised the security of Britain's nuclear deterrent,
America's ever-expanding Chinese espionage scandal is now lapping at
British shores.

But the details are complex, confusing, and the effects largely
unproved. This is a tale of two nuclear projects, two US
laboratories, and two Dr Lees. The first Dr Lee, Wen Ho Lee, worked
at the US National Laboratory at Los Alamos for almost 20 years,
specialising in nuclear weapons design. After suspicions about his
loyalties, the Taiwan-born scientist was dismissed two months ago,
but the proof needed for prosecution, according to the FBI, is
lacking and he will not apparently be prosecuted.

According to revelations in The New York Times, Wen Ho Lee downloaded hundreds of 
top-secret files from his own secure computer system on to an unclassified computer, 
where they may have been accessed by the Chinese. Amon
g the data transferred, according to US officials, were details of British nuclear 
tests. The accessing is supposed to have been done by Chinese intelligence.

Wen Ho Lee's name was first mentioned in connection with China's apparent acquisition 
of US designs for a miniaturised nuclear warhead, which enabled a missile to be armed 
with multiple warheads. The theft, assumed to hav
e taken place in the mid-Eighties, came to light only when China tested one of the new 
missiles in 1995, and a close similarity was observed to their US equivalent.

The theft claim precipitated a welter of inquiries, and a security "tsar" is to be 
appointed to oversee all the US Department of Energy's laboratory security. In 
announcing the changes the Energy Secretary, Bill Richardso
n, conceded that China had been spying on US research laboratories for two decades, 
including the six years of Mr Clinton's presidency.

For Britain, however, it is another laboratory and another Lee who may have done the 
most damage. A Chinese-born physicist, Peter Lee, was working for a private company, 
TRW Incorporated, under the auspices of the Pentago
n. The technology was developed at the Lawrence Livermore national laboratory in 
California, where Dr Lee was working on a classified British-American project to 
develop radar that would be able to detect submarines from
the air. In May 1997, according to US officials, Dr Lee passed the information to 
Chinese scientists during a two-hour lecture in Peking.

Some details of the case emerged from a US Senate intelligence sub-committee report 
published this week, and Senator Jon Kyl was quoted as saying that China now had the 
technology to detect British and American nuclear su
bmarines. Britain's only nuclear deterrent is the Trident submarine.

Dr Lee pleaded guilty to filing a false statement about his trip to China in 1997 and 
to divulging classified data on laser technology to Chinese scientists during a trip 
to China 12 years before.

But the Senate intelligence sub-committee report acknowledged that much of the 
information used by China in weapons development could have been obtained from 
published sources. The proliferation of academic exchanges betw
een top scientists from China and the US has opened up much previously classified 
information. The growing practice of commissioning defence work from private research 
companies blurs responsibilities further.

Even if the spying allegations are true, there is no consensus on the extent of the 
damage. With the miniaturised nuclear warhead technology, experts say China may have 
recouped between 10 and 15 years of its research lag
 with the US.

Nick Cook, a military group specialists with Jane's, said the leak
about nuclear submarines was potentially devastating.

But Dr Eric Grove of the Centre for Security Studies at Hull
University said the theft would be more embarrassing than dangerous.
Even if the Chinese were able to detect a submarine, he said, they
lacked the expertise to do anything about it. Such a project, he
said, would "probably take up the entire Chinese defence programme".

And, and, and ...
the link to a version Tomlinson's web site is
(via Guardian/Observer):

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as 

[CTRL] Strange Brew

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Inst for War  Peace Reporting

Europe's Kosovo Dominoes

NATO's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia risks creating "new
Kosovos" throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

By Denisa Kostovicova in Bratislava

NATO's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia has sent shock waves
throughout Eastern Europe which are rocking the foundations of the
region's fledgling democracies.

Should democracy lose ground, the field for the nastiest of ethnic
politics remains wide open in a part of the world which is dotted
with potential, as yet unexploded Kosovos.

Stroll along the streets of Bratislava, Slovakia's capital, and you
could be forgiven for thinking you are in Belgrade. "STOP NATO", with
a swastika squeezed into the "O" of NATO, is scrawled on the walls.
Further on, protesters wave their placards: "NATO Hands Off

Support for the hard-line, nationalist policy of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic is only partly a manifestation of Slav solidarity
between Slovaks and Serbs.

It also reflects attitudes of nationalist Slovaks to Slovakia's
Hungarian minority. Indeed, ethnic Hungarians, who make up 10.6 per
cent of the country's population, are already taking fright at the
apparent attraction of the Balkan recipe of an ethnically pure nation
state to some Slovak nationalists.

The new reformist liberal government aspires to Slovak membership of
NATO and has even allowed the alliance use of its airspace for the
operation against Yugoslavia.

But the majority of Slovaks, hitherto reluctant, are now convinced
that they do not want to join NATO. And they oppose the air strikes
against Yugoslavia.

As Slovakia prepares to go to the polls to elect a new President,
NATO's bombing campaign is stirring nationalist passions to the
advantage of the country's own strongman, Vladimir Meciar. Fears of a
return to intolerant authoritarianism with Meciar again at the helm
are more palpable with each day.

He has, after all, already managed two miraculous political comebacks
when prime minister before finally losing power in last autumn's

Ethnic Hungarians, who now have three ministers in government, are
acutely aware of what Meciar's return might herald. One of his last
legislative gifts was a ban on the Hungarian language on school
certificates and the subjugation of Hungarian-language schools to
Slovak jurisdiction.

In the face of the common threat, all ethnic Hungarian political
parties have put aside their ideological differences and banded
together to form a national bloc. It is a phenomenon which Slovak
political analysts have called "Slovakia's Kosovisation".

Nationalists across the border in Hungary are also raising their
voice. Although a marginal force in Hungarian politics, they
nonetheless have parliamentary representation and are calling for a
change of Hungary's southern borders to protect the Hungarian
minority in Serbia's northern province of Vojvodina, whom they
consider Serb hostages.

Janos Martonyi, the country's foreign minister, has denounced the
Hungarian nationalists, as has the leader of Vojvodina Hungarians,
who has also condemned the NATO intervention, not once but several
times. Neither Serbian nor Slovak Hungarians, it seems, wish to see
any change of borders.

The demands of Hungarian nationalists are, nevertheless, music to the
ears of their Slovak counterparts. As ever, extremists feed off and
derive strength from each other.

Romanians do not require interference from Budapest to feel uneasy
about their Hungarian minority, who account for 7.1 per cent of the
country's population. Romanians have already declared Serbs to be
heroes and view Kosovo as an unwelcome precedent. For them, NATO is
now fighting a war of independence on behalf of Kosovo's Albanians.
They fear the Hungarian-dominated Transylvania will be next.

Small wonder then that NATO-phobia has spread across Romania in the
wake of the bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. Only recently
enthusiastic about joining the military alliance, many Romanians now
view NATO as an aggressor and the United States as an interfering
bully, in similar terms to their Serb neighbours.

Ordinary Romanians are increasingly at odds with their elected
representatives who still aspire to NATO membership. But popular
support for Serbia has not gone unnoticed by Romania's Hungarians.
The improvement in inter-ethnic relations in Romania over the past
decade is by no means irreversible.

The democratic consensus between the leadership and the electorate
has come under pressure even in those Central and Eastern European
countries basking in the safety of relative if not absolute ethnic
homogeneity. Again, the trigger has been NATO's offensive against

Popular opposition to the NATO operation is growing in the Czech
Republic. No sooner did Czechs become members of NATO then it ceased
being the alliance they had wanted to join in the first place. Czechs
sought membership to provide security from 

[CTRL] Born in Blood - Peasants Revolt

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 592

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address
An interesting list.
Message: 14
   Date: Thu, 13 May 99 14:22:53 +0100 ( + )
   From: x
Subject: Peasants Revolt

I read a book recently called Born in Blood by John J Robinson, an
American historian.  He claims to have started to write a history of the
Peasants Revolt but became more involved because he discovered
that the revolt had been stage managed by a mysterious organisation.
It was not therefore the spontaneous uprising against a poll tax that
it was claimed to be.

The major targets of the rioting were those religious and secular bodies
and individuals that had benefitted ot taken part in the suppression
of the Templars.

He said that the leader, usually called Watt Tyler was in fact  Watt
THE Tyler. (The tyler today being the mason responsible for
ensuring that only masons enter the temple for meetings and for
guarding the doors during meetings.  He was presumably once
the equivalent of a combined bouncer and enforcer)

He goes on to hypothesise that the mysterious organisation was
the remnants of the Templars and remained underground and secret
until 1717 when it emerged into public as the Freemasons at a time
when all chance of a return to the throne of a Roman Catholic
monarch had ceased when George I succeeded to the throne on
the death of Queen Anne in 1714.

He also states that all members of the Royal Society at that date
were masons.

The Royal Society was founded in 1645 and received its Royal
Charter in 1662.  Was this the first public outing and part of a
recruiting drive in preparation for an expected confirmation of
a continuing Protestant rule?  Isaac Newton was admitted as a
member in 1672 and became President in 1703.

There would appear to be a parallel with the POS.  Splitting from
the Templars to remain secret and then emerging centuries later
when some sort of danger had diminished or for a potential

Perhaps the danger still existed or there aims were thwarted.  They
then had to beat a hasty retreat.  The best way to achive this would
be to lay a smokescreen and hope that this would be effective.
Hence the stories about PP and the allegation of false documents etc.
All classical symptoms of the sort of disinformation campaign used by
intelligence services to disguise the truth.  If the POS was then
generally beleived to be a modern invention and not worthy of further
consideration, it could continue its role (whatever that is) in secret.

An alternative scenario is that the POS may have been the
mysterious organisation behind the Peasants Revolt to avenge
its sister body and that it founded the Freemasons as a public
manifestation to recruit suitable memebers from the masonic ranks.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] May 22, Templar investiture, followed by a dinner dance

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 592

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address
An interesting list.
Message: 16
   Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 10:26:58 EDT
Subject: May 22, Templar investiture, followed by a dinner dance

If any one has an interest,



[Unable to display image]

presents the

Spring, 1999
Convent, Investiture
and dinner dance

The Priory of Saint Michael and Saint George


The  Sovereign Military Order
of the
Temple of Jerusalem

request the honor of your presence

at the

Spring, 1999
Convent, Investiture and dinner dance

on the evening of
Saturday, the twenty-second of May 1999

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
240 East 31st Street
New York City

at the
Princeton Club
15 West 43rd Street
New York City

Event Program

Convent, Investiture  (at the Church)   6:00 p.m.

Cocktails (cash bar) (at the Princeton Club)7:30 p.m.

Dinner  (wine throughout dinner)
8:30 p.m.

Dancing (To the music of Angie Rubino)  9:00 p.m.

White  or Black Tie
Mess Dress

RSVP with:
Chev. Alan Moore, GOTJ @  732-349-6277 or 732-367-5843
Dame Dominique Anne Voyer, DGCTJ @ 212-249-0919
Chev. Edmund Allen Voyer, GCTJ, GMTJ @ 212-407-0581


PRIOR   H.E. Chev. Edmund
Allen Voyer, GCTJ, GMTJ
CHANCELLOR  Chev. Dr. Henry Darlington,
SECRETARY   Chev. Barry Paul Burton, KTJ
TREASURER   Chev. Alan Moore, GOTJ
INSPECTOR   Chev. Anthony Maltese, KCTJ
CHIEF OF PROTOCOL   Chev. MGEN Arthur T. Ellsworth, GCTJ
AVOCAT  Dame Marie Gillespie, DCTJ
REGISTRAR   Chev.  James Knighton, KCTJ
KNIGHT PROTECTORChev. Gregory D. Chambers, KCTJ
ARMORER Dame Dominique A. Voyer, DGCTJ
AUMONIERChev. Kenneth Trommers, KCTJ
CHAPLAINChev. COL Fr. Robert Shea,
Simmons, GOTJ
COUNCILLOR  Chev. George Edmund Voyer,
HERALD  Dame Maria deFatima Mendes,DTJ
ARCHIVIST   Chev. William Swalm, KTJ
EDITEUR Chev. Theodore Anderman, KCTJ
CHIRURGIEN  Chev.Dr.  A. Bruce Munro, MD,
ASSISTANT TREASURER Chev. Malcolm Patterson Keers, KTJ
SENESCHAL   Companion Max Greenberg, OMTJ


COMMANDER   Chev. Alan Moore, GOTJ
CHANCELLOR  Chev. Kevin Wright, KTJ
CHAPLAINChev. Herbert Groce, KTJ

Chev. Alan Moore, GOTJ  (732-349-6277 or 732-367-5843)
Treasurer, Priory of St. Michael  St. George
Commander of the Commandary of  St. George
6B Poppy Court, Lakewood, NJ 08701

 will attend.

Number of  guests ___attending at $100.00 per person.

Enclosed find $  Payable to SMOTJ.

_ will not attend.

But a donation of  $_ is enclosed.

Chev. Alan Moore, GOTJ
Treasurer, Priory of St. Michael  St. George
Commander of the Commandary of  St. George
6B Poppy Court
 Lakewood, NJ 08701
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to 

[CTRL] War profiteers rake in big bucks.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 13, 1999
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gary Wilson
No one is talking about the huge profits being made by the U.S.
military industrial-complex in the war against Yugoslavia. These things
aren't supposed to be talked about.

Only six months ago all welfare payments to the poorest people in the
country began to be phased out because supposedly there was no money.

Now that a war is on, suddenly they've found money. The politicians in
Washington are fighting over who will give the most money to the
military contractors. The White House and the Democrats in Congress
first proposed an immediate payoff of $6 billion. The Republicans
quickly doubled the offer.

This is one side of the U.S./NATO war that's too hot for the big media
to handle. What they won't say is that war means big profits for
business. And, as has been said, what's good for business is what
drives Washington.

People across the U.S. have noticed that gas prices at the pump have
suddenly gone up, especially on the West Coast where prices have nearly
doubled since January. Are they supposed to believe that this has nothing
do with the war, with the U.S. military consumption rising daily at
astounding rates?

The costs of the war will be borne by working people across the U.S.
The soldiers put on the front lines in any ground war will come from
the working class. The elite, mostly white male pilots see the war from
20,000 feet up while the three U.S. POWs were working-class kids, the
troops of the U.S. military.

The war will also raise taxes of all kinds. The Republicans have even
dropped their demagogy about cutting taxes, with top Republican Sen.

Trent Lott saying that the coming Pentagon budget increases mean no
more tax cuts.

And there will undoubtedly be more cuts in social services that will be
declared necessary to fund the war effort.

War is really big business.

Consider the costs. According to the May 2 New York Times a single B-52
bomber costs $8,300 an hour to operate. The B- 2 costs $5,719 an hour, and
because it is based in St. Louis, every B-2 run takes 31 hours.

Every warplane costs thousands of dollars per hour to run. And there
are hundreds of them over Yugoslavia every night.

The Times report quotes a U.S. F-16 pilot saying that there are so many
and NATO war planes over Serbia every night, "it's kind of like New York
City traffic up there."

They've dropped so many bombs that they've destroyed almost every
strictly military target in Yugoslavia. Now they are mostly hitting
civilian sites, which the Pentagon generals in charge at NATO then
declare to be military targets.

The cost of the bombs is so high it's no wonder that there are cheers
in the corporate boardrooms. According to the Air Force general who
commands U.S. combat planes, Gen. Richard E. Hawley, the Pentagon has
almost run out of the satellite- guided missiles fired from B-52

Production of these missiles has now been speeded up to triple the
level before the war. At $2 million each, you can practically hear the
military contractors singing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of
their lungs.

It took two missiles to knock out a passenger train, killing 64 or more
people. It took another two missiles to put down a passenger bus in Kosovo,
killing 60. One missile hit the bus and another took out an
ambulance that was rushing to the scene.

The next day another passenger bus was blown to pieces. The Air Force
was more frugal this time, only one missile.

Of course, the war on Yugoslavia is more than just a place to use up
multi-million dollar weapons systems. That's just a part of what drives the

It is a showcase for the U.S. weapons industry. According to the head
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Henry Shelton, 90 percent of the
bombs used in the war against Yugoslavia are all new designs not seen
in combat before. For example, a new ultra-secret redesigned graphite
bomb was used to knock out electrical power in all of Serbia. According to
John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists, this will now become a
hot-selling item in the arms trade.

What's also never talked about in the pro-war U.S. media is that the
Pentagon generals are running the show. There's hardly a civilian in
sight. The media give some attention to the pronouncements of President
Clinton and maybe Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, but not too much.

All of the media reports come directly from the military, either at
NATO headquarters in Brussels or from the Pentagon, where Kevin Bacon
tells the media what they should report. Civilian sources for official
news in the U.S. have almost completely disappeared.

The military has clearly moved into control of the war and control of
foreign policy generally. Clinton himself 

[CTRL] Polarisation between the bloodliners and the geometricians?

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 592

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address
An interesting list.
Message: 9
   Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 11:04:10 +0100
   From: "xxx
Subject: Re: de sede+forged parchments


xx is a Mason, I am not.
Therefore there is no way I can discredit his theory. I don't support it
but I don't deny it either.

interestingly the list seems to be polarising at the moment between the
bloodliners and the geometricians - i belong to the latter and for the
record enough masons have read my book for it to be public knowledge if i
were trying to mislead

i feel the need to clarify the interesting position of the ign

i took the masonic ritual - decoded it and drew a triangle then a square and
then a circle on the ign map - exactly as the masonic code dictated - the
circle was 9 mile in diameter and was already marked on the ign map by 33 os
points - the chances of this happening accidentally are very very low

so far all i have proved is that someone at the ign is a freemason and had
preceded me with the decoding by putting some os points on one of their maps

until you realise that all of these points are further supported by physical
features - the serpent rouge - 2 miles long - the pierre dressee - saunieres
calvary feature and on and on

the physical features will not go away and so it is time to unveil one more
such physical feature and this one owes it's discovery to tim maidment who
was doing some computer graphics work for me on one of my photos and noticed
an extra ordinary feature - a 30 foot high carved head on the side of pech
cardou - watching over the pillar in which i suggest that the descending
arches are built - you may feel that this is the templars "head of god"

i have attached 2 photos - the first of the head and the second after it has
been heavily airbrushed to remove the vegetation and infill a chunk broken
off the nose

i am still awaiting an aerial photo of pech cardou - not easy to obtain and
then i will disclose yet another head - or rather a skull - which supports
my thesis of pech cardou as the golgotha of the new jerusalem centred on
pech cardou

Message: 13
   Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 09:18:45 -0400
   From: "xx
Subject: Re: de sede+parchments

From: xxx

 From: x

 I really don,t know what it adds up to. That is the problem. We have a
variety of geometries and theories regarding them to pick from; body of
christ, ark of the covenant, etheric grid technology, treaure and so on.

Good point. We don't know what is there. Every theorist has his or her own
view and tries to have that view adopted by everyone. i.e. one theory
foundation. As for the etheric grids, look at how many cathedrals and
monasteries built by the cistercian order lie on these grids. I think you'll
be surprised.

 But it is there, and many of these theses fit together, ie. one mans
 geometry fits in part to anothers. They are both looking at the same
 pentagram, as it were, but can,t agree why it may be there or how or when
it got there and what the hell it means.

My geometries are not based on any other's geometries. If they fit in
another's, that is odd indeed. I've given my geometries to the list back in
March. They are not based on Poussin's pentagram. They are based on clues
left by Sauniere and PP/Corbu/De Sede. The fact that Sauniere himself left a
geometry has never been discussed. And I have shared it with everyone. Just
as Patrick has shared his with everyone.

Sauniere's geometry offers us something very different. Those on the list
who have looked at it cannot deny its presence. Just as Patrick's cannot be
denied either. The oddity is that out of all the authors, only TofG did not
use any landmarks in their shapes. Not a single square uses a landmark, no
triangle uses a landmark, no circle uses a landmark in their theory. It is
taking 'Out of Darkness comes light' a little too seriously. Something which
Sauniere and Boudet could not have fullfilled. We know from testimonials
that Sauniere and Boudet placed landmarks, moved a few of them and even
reused some elsewhere. Those they could move.

 Shame. I have been very impressed with xxx book. Likewise ToG
 actually got a confirmed hit on the geometry (According to JL Chaumeils
unveiling of De Cheriseys cypher). At least they got the clues according to
the parchments correct (for what thats worth). I don,t buy Woods theories
for various reasons, and Simon Miles(  has an
excellent, well researched and highly persuasive site. There are others too.
These are just some of the theories I like. We need a unifying theory, and
the closest I have seen to this is at the web site.

I'll check out the site and give you my opinion later. I've been trying to
establish a solid foundation of evidence since the 

[CTRL] UK's nuclear deterrent 'undermined by leak'

1999-05-15 Thread Para

 -Caveat Lector-

BBC Online
Friday, May 14, 1999 Published at 12:42 GMT 13:42 UK


UK's nuclear deterrent 'undermined by leak'

The UK relies on its Trident submarine fleet for its nuclear deterrent

Defence experts are warning that the UK's whole nuclear
deterrent programme could be seriously undermined by
the theft of secrets from a US research centre.

Top secret files on the Trident missile system and
satellite tracking of ballistic missile submarines are
believed to have been obtained by the Chinese from the
Los Alamos laboratories.

Since the withdrawal of the
RAF's free-fall nuclear bomb,
the WE177, Trident is the
only nuclear system still
deployed in the UK.

The leak of such sensitive
information could have a
devastating effect on the
ability of the UK to maintain
and effective nuclear
deterrent, experts warn.

Nick Cook, a spokesman for
Jane's military information group said getting information
on how Trident missiles worked could be the first step in
learning how to counter them.

He said Trident used a system whereby multiple
warheads were released by each missile to hit individual

He said: "Some are decoys, and if you know which are
decoys you could, theoretically, counter them.

"The use of decoys is integral to the Trident system."

Mr Cook said that the leak of information on advances in
submarine detection systems was of even more

He said: "A radar system which has been in
development by the UK and the US for the last 20 years
detects submarines by finding the minute wake that even
deep diving subs leave on the surface.

"It is incredibly complicated
technology, not just the radar
system but the computer
technology which sifts out
different kinds of wave
patterns to detect a
submarine's wake.

"The Royal Navy prides itself
on its ability to conceal its
submarines from detection.

"Staying invisible is
everything when it comes to
nuclear deterrent.

"If you can find a submarine, you can destroy it, either
by conventional means or, or if things had escalated to
the point where it might be using its nuclear missiles,
you could drop a nuclear bomb on it."

He said the incident might reawaken the controversy
over the withdrawal of nuclear capability from the RAF.

'Extremely worrying'

Mr Cook said: "When the RAF gave up its nuclear
deterrent to the Navy, there was a certain amount of

"It may be that some people in Whitehall may now be
saying to ministers 'we told you so'.

"They would say that if you rely on one pillar of nuclear
deterrent, and if that is damaged in any way, you are
wholly exposed.

"The nuclear deterrent is so sensitive that even the
suggestion that information has got into the wrong hands
is extremely worrying."

'No threat' to subs

Dr Eric Grove, deputy director of the Centre for Security
Studies at the University of Hull, said that although the
theft of secrets would be an embarrassment, he felt it
was not a disaster for the UK's nuclear strategy.

Dr Grove said: "Even if the Chinese knew how to find a
submarine, the coverage they would need to detect one
with any accuracy, particularly one that was trying to
hide itself, would be enormous.

"To do this effectively would probably take up the entire
Chinese defence programme.

"The problems of implementing it are very considerable
indeed and it certainly doesn't make ballistic missile
submarines obsolete.

"I don't want to be complacent, but it isn't a security

"Even once you have found a submarine, you need the
assets to take it on and sink it.

"This would mean having your own fleet of nuclear attack
submarines, which the Chinese have made a start on,
but don't have anything yet that would pose a threat to
British or American submarines."

Dr Grove said the threat to submarines from Chinese
missiles was "virtually non-existent" outside of Chinese
waters, and one of the advantages of the Trident
submarines was that the missiles had a range as far as
5000 miles.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said: "We are
not willing to discuss matters relating to intelligence or
the operational detail of the nuclear deterrent."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] OEN 5/15/07

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

But some people argued that [Serbian] Internet access should be cut off.
"Continuing to provide these services would be kind of like giving aid
to the enemy," one person wrote.

 LOS ANGELES (Dissociated Press, May 15, 2007) -- Facing its 806th day of
"protective containment" by Chinese, Greater Russian, and Kurdistani troops
operating under the auspices of the United Nations Peace Force, this "City of
the Angels" has begun to resemble, instead, one of the circles of Hell in
Dante's Inferno.  The Peace Force's naval blockade of the Pacific Rim, plus
its satellite-controlled laser-mining of airspace over the three No-Fly Zones
on the city's northern, eastern, and southern borders, have in effect
surgically excised the region from the rest of Mexico del Norte and the
former "United States."  Resisting rather than welcoming the humanitarian
peacekeepers securing its borders, the city's white male Euro-American elite
has continued to exercise dictatorial control over its abject multicultural
"underclass," holding hostage millions of ethnic Africans, Latin Americans,
and Asians, for whom any flight to freedom elsewhere has been made

 The Korean and Vietnamese populations have been decimated by the
atrocities already inflicted on ethnic Chinese campaign contributors by the
jackbooted Angeleno Gestapo, whose watchword in English translates as "All
Gooks Look Alike, Especially When They're Dead."  The few surviving ethnic
Africans, now a minority, have had their ranks purged by being forbidden by
law from engaging in any occupation except four -- kitchen helper in
state-controlled "McDonald's" units, unarmed security guard (used as a human
shield when defending real estate owned by members of the ruling council),
"sports star" in a variety of brutal human cockfights conducted for the
amusement of sadistic white audiences, or "entertainer" performing on
Disney-owned G-MTV (Gospel Music Television for Obedient Christian Negroes) .

 The "American" majority --those of Mexican and Central or South American
has fared somewhat better, but not by far, because the city's white ruling
class, after  depriving them of "citizenship" back in 2002, early last year
began rounding them up in house-by-house "sweeps" and transporting everyone
without a Municipal Identity Card to an arid region on the eastern perimeter
of the City, there granting them "autonomy" -- in ghettos surrounded on all
sides by armed government patrols of Caucasian ethnicity.
In such a setting as this arose the liberty-loving Aztlan Liberation Army,
whose violent suppression by the Angeleno Gestapo in late 2004 so shocked the
world, signalling the beginning of regional outbreaks of "ethnic cleansing"
in the one-time "United States"
and requiring that the UN respond as did NATO in the Balkan Action of 1999 to

 Much like NATO in those days, but now with greater sophistication thanks
to long and hard experience subsequently --e.g., in Panmunjom, United Korea
in 2000, in Bogota (headquarters of SATO) in 2002, and in old Istanbul (now
Jihadabad, capital of the Shi'ite League) from 2000 to 2004-- the United
Nations Peace Force has exercised its humanitarian authority in an
appropriately non-lethal fashion, targeting renegade Los Angeles'
infrastructure rather than threatening the lives of any of its citizens.
 Accordingly, on the 60th day of ideological quarantine, LA's electrical
power was permanently shut down by UN use of perpetually cycling EMP
generators, and a month later (coincidentally, during the region's worst
winter since 1998), its oil pipelines and gas reserves were selectively
bombed -- cutting off the heat after turning out the lights.
75 days later, LA's telephone lines were cut, and its radio, television, and
alternative microwave communications signals blocked through continuous
electronic jamming.
 After two months, due to the intransigence of the Angeleno oligarchy, it
became necessary to tighten the UN blockade's restrictions even further,
preventing the rebels from importing food and medicine (since neither could
now be FDA-approved).
 Two years later, as Day 807 of the SoCal Crisis approaches, unconfirmed
sources have leaked that now, more extreme humanitarian measures will be
taken to teach the Angelenos the error of their ways.  Fifteen B-52s
stationed at the Sitting Bull Air Force Base in Las Vegas are fueling up for
"Operation Yellow Snow" -- a special mission involving high-tech
"cloudbusting," aimed at making LA's water supply undrinkable.
Simultaneously, the HAARP-II facility in Fairbanks, Russia is firing up to
send a jet stream of air laced with neurotoxins into the Los Angeles basin,
and keep it there, for as long as it takes the rebels to realize that they
can't breathe their own smog anymore.

 The Peace Force regrets the gravity of these last two steps necessitated
by the never-ending story called the SoCal Crisis, but the UN has run out of

[CTRL] Oops! NATO Kills 84 Refugees

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Probes Strike on Civilians

.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- NATO acknowledged today its jets struck a
village where dozens of ethnic Albanian refugees were reported killed but
said it was going after ``military positions'' there.

Yugoslav media reported Friday that 84 people were killed and 56 injured
after NATO jets attacked Korisa, where 500 ethnic Albanians were spending the
night. Survivors said they had spent weeks in a nearby forest hiding from
Serb forces before stopping in the village.

The 19-nation alliance issued a statement today after an overnight review
describing the village as ``a legitimate military target.''

``NATO identified Korisa as a military camp and command post,'' the alliance
said. ``Military equipment including an armored personnel carrier and more
than 10 pieces of artillery were observed at this location. The aircraft
observed dug-in military positions at the target before executing the

The statement said NATO could not confirm the casualty figures given by the
Serb authorities, nor the reasons why civilians were at the location at the
time of the attack.

``NATO deeply regrets accidental civilian casualties that were caused by this
attack,'' it said.

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea, talking to the British Broadcasting Corp.,
suggested that the refugees may have been used as human shields to protect
military equipment deployed in the village.

``One of the problems we have is that we are up against an adversary who is
without any scruples when it comes to mixing his armed forces in with
internally displaced persons ... and even ... using these as human shields on
bridges,'' Shea said.

``But we have to attack those forces because otherwise we cannot stop the
ethnic cleansing,'' he added.

Milisav Paic, a spokesman for the Yugoslav foreign ministry, dismissed claims
that Serbs were using refugees as human shields.

``There is no doubt it was NATO who carried out the raids against civilians
and they cannot just simply try to get rid of any responsibility,'' he said.

Reporters taken to Korisa, near Prizren in southern Kosovo, saw dozens of
bodies. Tractors lay charred and wrecked, some still burning hours after the
attack. Two craters, apparently caused by bombs, were visible on the

Amid wrecked buildings and smoldering tractors, a group of 50 crying women
and children huddled in the cellar of a village home, trying to decide what
to do next.

``I don't know the exact number (killed). Many. Everyone was sleeping,'' said
one dazed survivor, Feriz Emini.

On April 14, 75 refugees were killed when NATO mistakenly attacked a convoy
near Djakovica. NATO admits other accidental strikes against a residential
neighborhood in Nis; a civilian bus on a bridge in Kosovo; a passenger train;
a village in southern Serbia; and most notably the Chinese Embassy in

At the U.N. headquarters in New York, the Security Council adopted a
statement which expresses the council's ``profound regrets over the bombing
and deep sorrow for the loss of lives, injuries and property damage caused by
the bombing.''

An agreement on the statement's wording was reached only after hours of
debate, which revealed deep divisions between NATO countries and Russia and

Nevertheless, NATO kept up its offensive today, striking targets across
Kosovo in what state-run media called ``ceaseless'' raids.

NATO said today it hit a ``full range'' of Serbian ground forces, both in
Kosovo and in Serbia. Overnight, NATO aircraft flew 592 sorties with more
than half the strikes aimed at the Yugoslav air defense system, a NATO
statement said.

Other targets included tanks, armored vehicles, artillery pieces, radars,
airfields, bridges, munition and petroleum storage sites as well as army

The state-run Tanjug news agency reported that NATO forces struck
unidentified targets near Prizren, Djakovica and Lipljan on Friday night. It
also said NATO jets were active in the skies over the provincial capital,

NATO wants the total withdrawal of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's
forces from Kosovo, a province of Yugoslavia's Serb republic, and the return
of the refugees, as well as the deployment of an international peacekeeping

About 780,000 ethnic Albanians have left Kosovo, which had a prewar
population of 2 million, since NATO bombings aimed at forcing Milosevic to
accept a Western-dictated peace plan began March 24.

NATO reported its heaviest bombing of the seven-week air campaign against
Yugoslavia from Thursday night to Friday morning. The alliance said it
concentrated attacks against the 40,000 Serb troops and special police in
Kosovo, hitting heavy armor and arms supplies hidden in tunnels. Bombing was
particularly intense around Prizren.

During daylight attacks, NATO warplanes roared over Kosovo and other parts of
Serbia, hitting two military barracks, state-controlled media reported.

At Kargujevac, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Student Bill Clinton 'spied' on Americans abroad for CIA

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

I have never read the story re Bill Clinton the informer; however, it
sure fits in with a conspiracy is my believe that William
Jefferson Clinton is a crack cocaine madman.

Stop and think.a Rhodes Scholar with drug connections - and then
consider the kids in Littleton gunned down by two kids who obvioiusly
were on some kind of a drug.

Bill Clinton's drug addiction; it was a plain as the nose on his face -
that is why he had the plastic surgery done on his nose, and it is for
certain he did.crack cocaine often affects the nose of its users.
This would also maybe explain the bags under his eyes which come with
the use of drugs from time to time.

This madman is sitting in our White House; he has smirked and smiled
through the Littleton affair and the war with the Serbs.

Now what did Clinton and the Littleton kids have in common?

They are killers.suddenly, without warning, these kids and Clinton,
turned into vicious killers.these kind gentle people turned into K-9
attach dogs at the drop of a hat.
the Meyer Lanskey

[CTRL] Another Banker Becomes Head of State

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Chinese Banker Picked To Lead Macau

.c The Associated Press

MACAU (AP) -- A banker educated in Canada won a landslide victory today to
become the first Chinese to lead the tiny enclave of Macau in more than four
centuries, the final step before the territory returns to China's control.

Edmund Ho defeated Stanley Au, also a local banker, in the historic election
to lead the peninsula which covers 8 1/2 square miles at the tip of south

The landmark vote is the last major political event before Macau, the oldest
European settlement in Asia, returns Chinese rule for the first time in 442

Portugal, the longtime colonial ruler, hands over power in the predominantly
Chinese enclave Dec. 20, ending the era of western colonization in China and

Like nearby Hong Kong, a former British colony which reverted to Chinese rule
in July 1997, Macau will become a largely self-governing ``Special
Administrative Region.''

Ho pledged to ``resolutely implement the principle of 'one country, two
systems','' which guarantees Macau autonomy, and would ensure ``a smooth
transition and the stability and prosperity of Macau.''

Ho, 44, director and general manager of his family's Tai Fung Bank, was
selected by a 199-member Selection Committee by secret ballot. The vote was

The selection process was the same as that used to choose Hong Kong's Chief
Executive Tung Chee-hwa, a shipping magnate, who has been leading that former
British colony since it reverted to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997.

``Today Macau people are electing their own leader,'' said Chinese Vice
Premier Qian Qichen, who came from Beijing to preside over the election.

This will contribute to ``Macau's long-term stability and development,'' Qian

Ho commanded wide community support because of his late father's connections
as well as his own consensus political style. His father, Ho Yin, was once
dubbed ``Mr. Macau'' for dominating local politics for decades before his
death in 1983.

Ho, who is also vice chairman of the 23-member legislature, is the only
person from Macau in the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress, China's most powerful lawmaking body.

Ho now faces the daunting task of stamping out Chinese gangs, who are engaged
in a bloody turf war that has claimed 15 lives so far this year. Gambling is
the backbone of Macau's economy.

After his victory, Ho reiterated his promise to crack down on gang crimes,
stem collusion between officials and powerful mobsters, and reform the
gambling industry, which has bred the gang war over lucrative profits from
the casino tables.

Ho himself has admitted he might have done business with people with gang
background, but insisted he had never done anything illegal.

To rein in the violence, China plans to station troops in the tiny enclave
after the handover, an issue the two sides are still negotiating. Portugal
says the plan violates an earlier understanding.

Negotiations between Lisbon and Beijing on the transition have been smooth in

State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said Friday that the United States
supports the Sino-Portuguese agreement which guarantees Macau's autonomy.

The United States hopes the chief executive election ``will contribute to the
stability of the transition,'' Rubin said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Thank Kissinger for Chinagate

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Memo Underlines Importance of China

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Eager to strengthen relations with China, a newly acquired
Cold War partner, the United States in 1974 embarked on a systematic plan to
loosen security ties with Taiwan, including the withdrawal of nuclear

The U.S. strategy was outlined in a recently declassified memo from Secretary
of State Henry A. Kissinger to President Ford not long after Ford replaced
President Nixon in August 1974.

The 17-page memo, stamped ``top secret,'' was obtained by the National
Security Archive, a private group that publishes declassified documents
acquired through the Freedom of Information Act.

Kissinger said he wanted to establish full relations with China by mid-1976,
but that step was not taken until early 1979, midway through the Carter
administration. Simultaneously, the administration ended diplomatic and
security relations with Taiwan.

But the loosening of ties with Taiwan was well under way before then. In
1974, as part of a substantial reduction in U.S. military forces on Taiwan,
Kissinger said, ``We will remove all U-2 (spy) planes from Taiwan this year
and we shall remove all nuclear weapons which are on Taiwan this year.''

Japan's Kyodo News Agency, which first reported on the Kissinger memo, said
it was known previously that the United States had deployed nuclear-capable
missiles in Taiwan in 1957, but the memo offered the first proof that nuclear
weapons had actually been deployed on Taiwan.

Kissinger wrote that China had been informed that the United States intended
to ``disengage from our military presence and our military supply relations''
with Taiwan by early 1977, when the Ford administration ended.

The memo underscored how much the United States prized its fledgling
relationship with China at the time. The two countries viewed each other as
useful counterweights to their common enemy, the Soviet Union.

Washington and Beijing have had less success in finding common ground since
the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Nowadays, suspicions abound.
Following the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia last week,
ties between the two countries have been at a low point.

In his memo, Kissinger said China was resisting American efforts at the time
to arrange for some form of U.S. representation on Taiwan after U.S.-Chinese
relations were established. China also balked at U.S. efforts to win a
commitment from Beijing for a peaceful resolution of the question of
reunification between China and Taiwan.

In a gesture to China, Kissinger said the United States was keeping Beijing
``meticulously informed'' about U.S. dealings with Moscow and had pledged
``never to make any agreement with the Soviet Union that is directed at
China. We will not collude with Moscow against Beijing in any form.''

At another point, Kissinger said, ``If the Soviet Union attacks China, the
United States would regard this as a threat to international stability and
American security.''

In a further effort to mollify China, Kissinger said the United States was
seeking to end the U.N. military presence in South Korea, a Chinese adversary
in the Korean War. Those efforts never bore fruit, and the U.N. command
remains there 25 years later.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Ireland first!: Welcome, thanks for visiting!.

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

The subject matter Ireland First is well worth reading - read about the
holoaust in Ireland - the gencide of the English against the Irish.

With the upcoming marriage of the Orange and the Green quite possible, I
ran across the item, and if you read it in its entirety you see Bill
Clinton and Tony Blair in action..genocide of biblical proportation
being undertaken in the name of humanity.

Read your bible - please.  The acts of genocide are fully described and
planned well in advance.

Bill Clinton has been a Nazi in disguise - the one that Huey Long warned
about years, and years ago, prior to being assassinatedwhen fascism
comes it will come in disguiseand Hitler took a role in the bible,
that Bill Clinton now plays.

Somehow, I keep thinking of Prince Philips remark "when people get
crowded they get like rats".so, the Pied Piper leads the
ratslike Legion and the their deaths.   Madam Helene
Blatvatsky's lemming theory.

Clinton is insane he should be checked for drug use on a regular
basisdo they not require this of the Civil Service?   And the


Is Clinton the stuff of which Rhodes Scholars are made?

[CTRL] Strange Sewage Hits Utah

1999-05-15 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

If you've read any of Charles Fort's books, below will be of
interest. e.g. in "Book of the Damned" Fort documents cases
of strange things falling from the sky, like frogs, fish,
over periods of many years.

   Saturday May 15 2:17 AM ET

Sewage Splatters Salt Lake Valley

   By PAUL FOY Associated Press Writer

   SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Maybe it's a bird, maybe it's a plane. But it is
   certainly sewage.

   And it's no joke in the Salt Lake Valley, where gobs of thick, raw
   sewage have fallen from the sky a dozen times since April 9, soiling
   as many as seven houses at once.

   Neighbors are pointing fingers at aircraft, but the Federal Aviation
   Administration says commercial jets aren't designed to jettison
   sewage. A biplane was spotted before one attack, but federal agents
   said the tip didn't pan out.

   Sheriff's deputies are studying ``splatter patterns'' and firefighters
   are hosing down houses. Prosecutors have assigned an investigator to
   the case and authorities are issuing stern warnings.

   ``It has never been funny,'' said Mayor Janice Auger of hard-hit
   suburban Taylorsville. ``The experience is really gross. The smell is
   terrible. This is a health issue. There's a lot of diseases in fecal

   ``It is feces, but they can't tell if it's animal or human,''
   sheriff's Capt. Lee Smith said of the first lab tests on the foul

   The initial strikes have spawned crude, ground-launched copycats, and
   edgy residents are reporting even minor bird droppings on their cars.

   Tom Perkins says it would take a ``600-pound pigeon with diarrhea'' to
   produce the coverage that prompted his son to ask, ``Dad, what's all
   the mud doing on the house?''

   It took 500 gallons of water and 30 gallons of bleach to clean the
   home that is 2,000 feet below a flight path where jets glide at 200
   mph toward Salt Lake City International Airport.

   The FAA has all but ruled out jets as a culprit, saying their toilet
   tanks can be flushed only from an exterior valve.

   Any leak would contain a telltale bluish disinfectant, the FAA and
   aircraft manufacturers say, and none of the splatterings had a trace
   of blue.

   The FAA, no stranger to reports of weird phenomena, doesn't know what
   to make of the mess. ``We never heard anything like this,'' agency
   spokesman Mitch Barker said, ``nothing like what's been going on in
   Salt Lake.''


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Strange Sewage Hits Utah

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Weren't there reports of blue cattle?  Is this why Orin Hatch changed
his mind about gun control.the Mighty Ducks are bombing his beloved
state with sewage, not be satisfied with shooting up his beloved Mormon
Library where all those secret records are kept on family trees, etc?

Have the Mighty Ducks laid a few big eggs over Utah - Is the AFB still
at Ogden Utah.

No wonder Orin Hatch was so frantic today; its bad enough they are
shooting pigeons - but are the big birds now dumping back?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Oops! NATO Kills 84 Refugees

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, I just read an article how distressed Mrs. Clinton was with all
the killing over there where she attempts to attract the attention the
late Princess of
Wales received by the public...I did not see anybody falling at
Hillary's feet as yet.

Insincere - that best describes Hilliary going to a war,
how painful it must hav been for her to witness the deeds of her
husband's mass murder.

Princess Diana had a soft quality, a sweetness and gentleness, that was
natural; she still had an innocence that even her Prince Charming could
not destroy..

Mrs. Clinton is hard, bullish, course, and crude.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Am very distressed!

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

(Use your own judgement in determining re-distribution.)

Looks like we have a psycho in our WH!  He has done such severe damage to
our Nation I wonder if we can survive until January, 2001. It appears the
first sign was his murder of all those innocent people, including babies, at
WACO.  Am very concerned for our individual security.  "Something" has to be

"The ancient and honorable, he is the head;
and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the
tail.  For the leaders of this people cause them
to err;  and they that are led of them are destroyed."
--- Isaiah 9:15,16

Is President Clinton a Sociopath?
by Sarah Thompson, M.D.

Several people have asked me about the many statements being made regarding
President Clinton's mental health. He has been labeled by some as a "sex
addict", by some as a "sociopath", by some as suffering from being an "adult
child of an alcoholic". Some people claim that we should not hold him
responsible for his misconduct because he is "ill". Some propose that he
invoke Article 25 of the Constitution to declare himself temporarily unable
to discharge the duties of President, that he enter into some sort of
therapy, and resume office when he is "cured".

From a strict medical and psychiatric standpoint, there is no such disorder
as "sexual addiction", although it is possible to diagnose a "sexual
disorder" in someone who is distressed about using a succession of people
for sexual gratification. Personally, I believe that "sex addiction" is not
a medical or psychiatric disorder, but rather an attempt to avoid
responsibility by medicalizing misbehavior. In other words, "It's not my
fault, I'm addicted to sex", just doesn't convince me at all.

On a related note, there are psychiatric disorders in which a person may
behave in sexually inappropriate ways, and in some cases persons so affected
truly do not understand that their behavior is wrong or may be unable to
control that behavior. But even in those cases, the person remains
responsible for any damage or emotional distress caused by such behavior.

Finally there are people who are mentally incompetent. Both competency and
insanity are legal, not medical terms, and such a determination can be made
only by a judge or jury. Clearly if Mr. Clinton is too incompetent to manage
his own affairs, or if he is insane, he is unfit to serve as President.

That one is an "adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA)" is also not a
psychiatric diagnosis. It is true that certain thought and behavior patterns
occur more often in people who were raised by an alcoholic parent. But ACOA
is a way of conceptualizing certain behavior patterns, not an illness. It is
not diagnostic, but rather descriptive. It is a tool used to help children
of alcoholics, their families, and their therapists better understand their
particular psychological vulnerabilities. And of course, ACOA is not
deterministic; some people raised by alcoholic parents do not develop
psychological or behavioral problems.

Finally we come to sociopathy, although the current terminology is
"Antisocial Personality Disorder". Antisocial Personality Disorder is a
specific psychiatric diagnosis. I'd like to simply be able to say that Mr.
Clinton either does or does not have Antisocial Personality Disorder. But
it's not that simple.

First of all, I (like most other psychiatrists) consider it to be highly
unethical to diagnose a person whom I have not interviewed in person. I have
never met, much less interviewed Mr. Clinton, so I will not diagnose him. So
any conclusions I may draw are my opinion. It may be an educated opinion,
but I want to be very clear that I am not diagnosing anyone in absentia.

Secondly, psychiatric diagnosis, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-IV), is bit like ordering from a Chinese
menu. To be diagnosed with a specific disorder, a person must meet so many
criteria from section A, so many from section B, none from section C, for
example. Personally, I'm not convinced that this is the best approach to
diagnosis, but as the name implies, the system is used for statistical
evaluations also, and concrete criteria are absolutely necessary for
accurate statistics.

So for the curious and the armchair psychiatrists among us, I'm posting the
full description of Antisocial Personality Disorder along with the
diagnostic criteria.

Antisocial personality disorder is, by definition, a mental illness.
However, what is or is not a psychiatric disorder is not absolute. It is
determined by a committee of psychiatrists, and is subject to change. For
example, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder until the 1970's,
but it is no longer included in the list of psychiatric disorders. Therefore
you should read the description and criteria for yourself, and draw your own
conclusion as to whether or not antisocial behavior is a mental disorder. I
believe a strong case may be made for either 

[CTRL] Impeach klintoon again [include algore this time]

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector- Mailbag

  What Americans are saying about and our efforts
  bring about impeachment...
  Post-impeachment Comment
  It's amazing. I think it, and you guys publish it! Your latest
  is a breath of fresh air. I have contacted Congressman Barr, and will
  continue to support his efforts, and yours, to cleanse the government
  the vermin called [the] Clinton [Administration].
  God bless you people. I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing you
  on the case. For the sake of my country, and especially my young son,
  please keep the announcements and info coming. I really appreciate it
  more than you can possibly know!!
  Your constituent always,
  Eric-Scott Bloom
  Tempe, AZ
  Fan Mail
  Congratulations on an excellent impeachment Website. .. At
  best we seem to have a felony perjurer in the Oval Office, at worst, a
  -Michael Kreca
  San Diego, Calif.
  " I am a 56 year-old grandmother who is frightened for our
  if Clinton is not brought to justice. I am Democrat who did not vote
  Clinton because of Jennifer Flowers and Mr. Clinton's stand on
  Susan Reitman
  I was a Democrat for forty some years and because of the corruption of
  this White House, namely Clinton, I changed my affixations to
  in Clinton's first term of office. I don't know where they are
  getting their polls from it sure isn't from this part of New
 To make a deal with Clinton is like making a deal with the any
  such as a murder, an embezzler or any other law breaker.
  - I. Dictson
  This is the best Website I have ever come across.
  - Nathan Pearson
  I heard about this site from Tom Fintton, "Morning View", NET.  This
  great!  I've been trying to find a "list" of all the offenses that
  is guilty of, and this is the place.
  - Nancy Spanial
  Your web site is fantastic. I agree with you 100% that Slick Willie
  go! He is a disgrace to the country. I find it hard to believe that
  his sexual problems, his lies etc. that people are still rating him
  - Theodore R. York
  Picked up your home page from a link on the London Telegraph. I find
  interesting that sometimes that better, more balanced news of this
  sordid affair is being reported in Europe.
  - Jay Goode, Plano, Texas
  I am S very glad to find this!!! I sent it to all my friends and
  family!  I signed the petition along with my husband.  We are So Very
  Thankful for this movement.
  - Robin Kuritz
  I think what you are doing is right and just! As a 20 year Veteran of
  US military, I think the Presidency has been compromised and the
  public has been led astray into thinking the President has done
  wrong. You can be assured that I will do my part to make your web page
  public to as many as possible. Thanks for a job well done!.
  - Mikel D. Krause, USN, Ret
  I am hoping the petitions and this committee is/are the silver bullets
  needed to dispatch the target.  Please continue your efforts until the
  nation is rid of the scrooge now inhabiting the White House.  Thank
  - Allison Buehre
  Thank you for your response, I visit your site frequently  thank
  for your work.   It is obvious that the current president is a grave
  threat to national security.
  -Michael Parks
  Best wishes from, , Orange County (Florida).  It is not just my
  imagination - there is a real grass roots political movement forming
  Let us know if we can help!
  -David G. Barron
  I support you guys 1000%.  Clinton is a 1st class creep and a Tax
  He belongs in Prison not the White House.
  - John Evangelisti, Sacramento, CA
  I am a student at St. George's School in Newport, RI.  My school is
  holding a debate on the topic of whether to or to not impeach
  Clinton.  I have been appointed to the side to argue that he should be
  immediately.  I found your web page and found it very useful.
  - Paul Schmid, Newport, RI
  I was glad to find your website.  Since the mainstream news-media (TV
  networks, newspapers, even tabloids!) is in BED with their golden boy,
  Clinton, it's difficult to find any news that hasn't been diluted or
  a pro-Clinton slant.
  - Paul Mica
  I'm beginning to feel like the only sober person in a roomful of
  drunks oblivious to their surroundings--how can this blatant liar
garner a
  79% approval rating?
  - John Borgman
  "Thank you so much for 

[CTRL] Tea Leaves Indicate Ground Troops (fwd)

1999-05-15 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/15/99) --  In  the  previous  press  release, this news
service noted that what we called "reading the  tea  leaves"  was
one  of  the  ways  to bypass propaganda.  By being alert for the
subtext in mainstream news reports, good information is sometimes

Yes, the mass media and  the  government  are liars, but they are
sloppy liars.  They make mistakes.  They inadvertantly give clues
to the alert.

On May 14, 1999, CNNS (Conspiracy Nation News Service) wrote that
a network report mentioning "future sufferings, during winter, of
Kosovo refugees, contains a hidden message:  subtext -- that this
war may drag on for awhile." [1]

Today,  in  an  Op-Ed column in the New York Times, Anthony Lewis
corroborates the  CNNS  interpretation.   Lewis  writes, in part,
that "Officials in charge of aid to  the  refugees  in  camps  in
Macedonia  and  Albania  have  been  told to begin thinking about
winterizing the camps.  The implication  must be that there is no
confidence of success for the air  campaign  by  September.   The
refugees are reported to be losing hope of an early return." [2]

Is that a light we  see  at  the  end  of the tunnel?  No, it's a
freight train, and it's coming right at us.  Victory is not  just
around  the  corner.  Anthony Lewis, writing in the Establishment
media outlet, the New  York  Times,  sounds the drumbeat for U.S.
ground troops to be inserted into Yugoslavia.  "Over the last  10
days  the  bombing  has  become  far heavier.  But there is still
profound  doubt  that   air   power   alone  can  achieve  NATO's
objectives." [3]

A  warning  circulating  on  Internet  states  that  there  is "a
possibility that NATO is preparing  a staged massacre of Albanian
refugees to get the excuse to attack Yugoslavia  from  all  sides
and in that way defy the decisions made by the US Congress."  [4]
The  message  claims  that CNN (Cable News Network) has hurriedly
dispatched extra personnel and equipment to the region.  "CNN has
sent  three  full  crews   to  Albania  equipped  with  satellite
broadcasting equipment.  Knowing their  reputation,  they  always
get sent to the crisis area 'before' anything starts so that they
can prepare for the coverage of the 'unexpected' event." [5]

In a recent phone conversation with Sherman Skolnick, head of the
highly-regarded  Citizens'  Committee  to Clean Up the Courts, he
indicated that Bill  Clinton  is  under  great  pressure from the
Establishment that he must deliver a victory in the Balkans -- or
else.  Bill Clinton, contrary to impressions, did  not  originate
the current conflict on his own initiative, no more than any U.S.
president  ever  starts  a  war on their own.  Lurking behind the
facade of their gifted actor  and frontman, Bill Clinton, are the
real rulers  of  America.   And  they  have  ordered  Clinton  to
deliver.Escalated   bombing  is  still  not  doing  the  job.
Intentional  targeting  of  Serb  civilians  and  of non-military
targets has not weakened the Yugoslav will to  resist.   So  Bill
Clinton must increase the pressure.

As  reported  by  CNNS  and elsewhere, the Clinton White House is
about to pump up the pro-war  propaganda barrage here in the U.S.
Now joining the Clinton spin doctors is PR  expert  Leslie  Dach.
Dach  "will  try  to spread the word about interesting stories of
individual refugee families, of  heroic humanitarian relief work,
of Serbian atrocities against Muslims remaining in Kosovo."  [6]

The title of this CNNS report is "'Tea  Leaves'  Indicate  Ground
Troops."   The indications are that the strategy of exclusive air
attack is not succeeding.  The  indications are that an escalated
pro-war propaganda blitz is to  be  unleashed  in  the  U.S.  The
indications are that this war will not be resolved any time soon.
And  the  facts  are that USA/NATO, since conflict began on March
24th, have continually  escalated  their  attacks.  The signposts
say that just down the road, in Mission Creep, there  are  ground

--- Notes ---
[1] "Confusing Signs In NATO War." CNNS, 5/14/99.
[2] "At Home Abroad:  On a Wing and a Prayer?" by Anthony  Lewis.
NYTimes Op-Ed, 5/15/99.
[3] Ibid.
[4]   "A  warning  on  US  intentions  re  Yugoslavia."   Message
forwarded by Rolf  Martens.   Message  apparently originates with
"Editions"   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   and/or   MarijanaGlisic
[5] Ibid.
[6]  "Spin  the  Battle:   White  House Hires PR Expert to Handle
Kosovo," by Ann Compton., 5/13/99.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-79, Day 53, Update 1 (May 15; 0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

We invite you to visit our Photo Album section
( which has just been
updated with many new and dramatic photos of NATO's war on Serbia.

Issue S99-79, Day 53, Update 1
May 15, 1999; 0:30AM EDT


Korisa  1. NATO (Again!) Hits Albanian Refugee Column
 Killing Almost 100

Venice 2. "NATO Calamari" Can Blow Up in Your Face

Helsinki   3. Chernomyrdin Looks for Partner in Betrayal

New Delhi   4. Russia Still Working the Triangle?

Chengdu  5. Chinese Students Apologize to Clinton: Sorry We
Know We Burnt U.S. Consulate Based on
Old Maps

Washington 6. Clinton Ponders Cutting Off Serb Internet Access


1. NATO (Again!) Hits Albanian Refugee Column Killing Almost 100

KORISA, May 14 - At least 100 Albanian refugees were killed and many others
were wounded when NATO attacked a column of refugees near Korisa, northeast
of Prizren (see the map at our Web site, as well as the photos). The Kosovo
Albanians were reportedly trying to return to their homes when they were
struck, the Serb media reported today.

The bombing seems like a carbon-copy of the Apr. 14 NATO attack on a column
of Albanian refugees in Kosovo in which over 70 people were killed (Day 23,
Update 1, Item 2, Apr. 15).  Except that this attack happened at night,
shifting the possible blame from the pilot to the NATO guidance systems.

NATO spokesman, Jamie Shea, said NATO was "investigating" the incident.
"NATO does not target civilians," he said.
TiM Ed.: Yeah, right.  Try that "lie and deny" spin on the 1,200 civilians
which NATO has already killed, and over 5,000 which it has maimed.
According to a TiM Serbian source who had heard a testimony by an old
Albanian on the local Radio-IN, most of the casualties were the Albanian
women and children. The NATO bombs fell around midnight on the heaviest
night of NATO's attack so far in its 52-day war on Serbia, according to an
Agence France Presse report.

2. "NATO Calamari" Can Blow Up in Your Face

VENICE, May 14 - Fishing around Venice sure isn't what it used to be before
NATO's attack on Serbia.  Nowadays, the "NATO calamari" catch can sometimes
explode in their face, instead of pleasing the customers' taste buds.  As
the three Italian fishermen found out earlier this week when a NATO bomb,
entangled in their net, exploded, injuring them.

So Italy on Friday asked NATO to explain the origins of bombs that have
been snagged in fishing nets in international waters in the northern
Adriatic Sea, the Reuters news wire reported today.
TiM Ed.: Get this... Italy, a NATO country, having to have "NATO explain"
why its people are being hurt by NATO!?  Are there two NATOs?  One NATO, a
"superior being" based in Brussels and commanded from Washington, and
another for the rest of the alliance "vassal-members," such as Italy.
Whose government has to beg the "Superior Beings" (a nickname for Gen.
Wesley Kanne Clark) for information about its people who are being hurt.

An Italian government statement said NATO had been asked "for information
needed to shed light" on the recent episodes. The explosives were found in
the nets of several boats some 25 miles southeast of Venice in
international waters. The statement said the bombs were not Italian-made
and not used by Italy's air force.

A subsequent Bloomberg news report quoted the NATO Maj. Gen. Walter Jertz
as saying that, in order to land safely on aircraft carriers, NATO pilots
jettison the bombs which had been activated but not used, so as to make
sure they don't explode on landing.
TiM Ed.: And what about the Italian fishermen?  Guess they are as
expendable as are the Serb civilians.  The NATO monsters evidently don't
care if some of the "calamari" the Italians eat these days may be mixed
with blood.  Human blood.  Italian blood.  As long as the NATO pilots land

That's some "humanitarian mission" - this "Kosovo Crisis" - manufactured by
the "Wag the Dog" crews in Washington.

3. Chernomyrdin Looks for Partner in Betrayal

HELSINKI, May 14 - Boris Yeltsin "special envoy" for the Balkans, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, read "Serb Backstabber-in-Chief" (see S99-73, Day 49, Update
1, Item 3, May 11 and S99-69, Day 45, Update 1, Item 1, May 7), was sent by
Yeltsin to Helsinki today to seek some company before his trip to Belgrade
next week, the Bloomberg news wire reported today.

Chernomyrdin met with Martti Ahtisaari, the Finnish prime minister, this
week, as did the U.S. deputy secretary of 

[CTRL] Fwd: twisting more of WRENCH

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

Read the columnists. Be careful. Some are to be taken very seriously,
(William Safire). Some perform no other function than to divert your
attention from real issues' They publish some "asleep" columnists for
just this reason. Most often the humour of Art Buchwald and Russell
Baker is on two levels. If you only get one level, you are not getting
the message.
William Safire is very aware, and not very funny. There are levels to
his language pieces. I had a girlfriend who just loved Safire. Read him
constantly and never, ever, understood a thing he was saying. And this
was a very bright lady in publishing! He refers to himself as a
"lexiconic irregular". He means soldier, not verb, a hit man for the
ruling elite. He is unique in being able to set policy. Now the usher to
Mr. Lehman's war.
One Russell Baker piece was entitled Good King John. It went on and on
about a certain "John" - controlling everything, particularly, in this
case, both sides of a presidential election. It would make no sense if
you did not know who the John was. I showed it to a very educated
friend. He laughed. I asked him what he was laughing at. He didn't know.
I asked him if he had any hint who "John" was. He didn't. If I typed up
the same article and asked him if it would make a good newspaper column
he would have said, "Who is John? This makes no sense." The same words
in the Times and he makes believe that he understands. Again, is
hypnotism to strong? Is there something stronger?

Large billboards are often in companies controlled directly by John
Lehman, our "ex Secretary of the Navy". The operation that Luce started
could not be run by committee. He selected as his successor someone
young and someone who was inheriting a gigantic chunk anyway. Kissinger
was John's teacher and mentor. For a while John was on Kissinger's
staff. There is a recent biography of Kissinger now in the malls. It
might be a good exercise for you to look up John in the index. Take a
second and won't cost you a penny. Read the referred passages and ask
yourself: was John working for Kissinger, or Kissinger for John?

Sad to say, all of the above is new even to professors of journalism.
What I am telling you is logical, just emotionally hard to swallow. The
press does a good job of portraying itself as outside of government,
bright crusaders "comforting the afflicted, and afflicting the
comfortable". Not so. This flies in the face of our dearly held mass
images of Murphy Brown and Clark Kent. Wouldn't Hersey, the man who
wrote Hiroshima clue us in? Afraid not. They stay true to their code.
This code of emotional bonding at the top is very tight. The Bomb was
the unspoken "elephant in the room" in Hersey's writings concerning
Luce. We are deceived by images of Bob Woodward in All the President's
Men, the fearless investigative reporter. Deep Throat was the real
voice, and Woodward was guided all the way. In Woodward's book, Veil, on
the secret wars, the most telling interviews with Bill Casey (on his
deathbed) are omitted. This clearly shows that Woodward too is bonded at
the top, and also, in Casey's words "A true believer".
It is odd that conspiracies sound crazy in a world where conspiracies by
the powers make common sense. As my Father would say, "Of course they
conspire, they would be crazy not to."

These then were just a few of the "rules" I learned, the most important:

My Father went through a slow transformation. I remember years when he
identified totally with the "rulers" he was so near. He said "we". "We"
were doing this, or "we" were doing that. The news was a sacred
meditation. This changed through the Kennedy years. In the beginning JFK
was carrying the torch for Alfred Smith, and it touched notes from his
Brooklyn background. But something changed. I remember him staring out
of the commuter train, looking pained as he rode through Harlem, when he
usually would have been absorbed in the news. My guide for my first and
only LSD trip was an African on a CIA scholarship to Oneonta State.
Timona worried this "scholarship" group by writing texts on colonialism.
Once he dropped by my parent's apartment when I was not there. He and my
Father spent four hours talking. Whatever this change was, my Father no
longer said "we".

My most potent memory was a few years earlier. As Jeremiah also drew the
maps of history, he often lectured on how the maps tell a different
story from the official history. "The maps," he would say, "don't lie."
Dinnertime was a series of lectures on current events. Often he would
"get the history" and bound up the three steps of the split level to his
studio to come back with the historical atlas to make a point. Most
always the atlas was an old "Sheapard's". "Our editors are saying such
and such: "but look what the Sheapard's is saying!" I remember after one
such lecture hiding on a flat rock behind some huckleberry bushes
playing with a kit radio.
My Father snuck up on me with more than his usual heavy allotment of

[CTRL] Fwd: dog's leash...............

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

"Down Rover!"

Some notes to the continuing WRENCH in next post:
I refer to the attempt to start the Balkan war back in 93 as Mr.
Lehman's war.  It most certainly was.  I have no reason to suspect that
it was not his hand on the leash when the US Navy stood down over flight
800.  However, it has become harder to tell.  Perhaps he saw himself
becoming a little too much like John Gotti with his publishing of MAKING
WAR.  John is most certainly born to the castle.  He was on the National
Security Council at the age of 26.  And do check that index in the
Kissinger book.  At that age, again was John working for Kissinger, or
Kissinger working for John.
This is why I found the story on China getting sensitive radar
information through TRW, which was one of John's companies, of some
interest.  This may indicate some infighting way at the top.  Again, the
nuclear stuff is really not sensitive, the radar is.
Remember again that WRENCH was written in 93.  I of course knew what
my parents had done.  How was I to know they never told China?  Again,
we came up with the secret non-use-of-nuke deal.  We asked China to go
for it.  They did, and crossed the Yalu in short order.  Sammy pointed
out that China did not demonstrate a bomb until many years later.  But
they could have sooner.  They are not difficult to build, as FAT BOY and
the TUBE amply demonstrated.  So..., we double crossed on our own deal.
All 'talk' was to be shared in this area.  ALL talk.  This would even
include 'talk' reported by those who our own George Donaldson considers
to be nuts.
Who would you blame more here?  China, or our NSA?
With the bomb, the gun is at everyone's head.  This deal is a must.
And..., a deal is a deal.  Right?

"Easy, Rover.  Sit.  Lie down!"


"Down Rover!"
Some notes to the continuing WRENCH in next post:
I refer to the attempt to start the Balkan war back in 93 as Mr. Lehman's
war. It most certainly was. I have no reason to suspect that
it was not his hand on the leash when the US Navy stood down over flight
800. However, it has become harder to tell. Perhaps he saw
himself becoming a little too much like John Gotti with his publishing
of MAKING WAR. John is most certainly born to the castle. He
was on the National Security Council at the age of 26. And do check
that index in the Kissinger book. At that age, again was John working
for Kissinger, or Kissinger working for John.
 This is why I found the story on China getting sensitive
radar information through TRW, which was one of John's companies, of some
interest. This may indicate some infighting way at the top.
Again, the nuclear stuff is really not sensitive, the radar is.
 Remember again that WRENCH was written in 93.
I of course knew what my parents had done. How was I to know they
never told China? Again, we came up with the secret non-use-of-nuke
deal. We asked China to go for it. They did, and crossed
the Yalu in short order. Sammy pointed out that China did not demonstrate
a bomb until many years later. But they could have sooner.
They are not difficult to build, as FAT BOY and the TUBE amply demonstrated.
So..., we double crossed on our own deal. All 'talk' was to
be shared in this area. ALL talk. This would even include 'talk'
reported by those who our own George Donaldson considers to be nuts.
 Who would you blame more here? China, or our
 With the bomb, the gun is at everyone's head.
This deal is a must. And..., a deal is a deal. Right?
 "Easy, Rover. Sit. Lie down!"

Re: [CTRL] OEN 5/15/07

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

"May the Lord have mercy", shouted Chicken Little.

LOL and thinking too!

In a message dated 5/15/99 2:50:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Peace Force regrets the gravity of these last two steps necessitated
by the never-ending story called the SoCal Crisis, but the UN has run out of
humane options.
"Besides," UN Secretary General Theodore Turner told reporters yesterday,
"it's all
HIS fault, HE started it" -- referring of course to El Mejor of the Sovereign
County of Los Angeles, the Hon. Charleton Heston, "the second most evil man
in the world after Hitler Himself," in the words of presiding Chief Justice
of the World Court, William Gates.
 UN humanitarian strategists are certain that they have chosen the right
course, despite slow progress in their peacemaking mission thus far.
(Generalissimo Heston has stubbornly held out for 806 days, already two days
longer than Milosevic in 2001.)
 "But when all of his 10 million subjects are DEAD," UN ambassador
Reverend O.J. Simpson predicted, "Satan Incarnate Heston will have NO CHOICE
but to surrender to those who truly defend human rights -- because what's the
use of being evil anymore when there's no innocent victims LEFT to be evil
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] U.S.'s plan??

1999-05-15 Thread Eric Lash

 -Caveat Lector-

Don't worry.  FEMA and our military have plans to help us "adapt" to the
new realities.  Besides, according to most government bureaucrats, there's
no Y2K problem anyway.  Those of us who think differently are a bunch of

At 06:01 PM 5/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

I was wondering, when some of our (as in the US) supplies from other nations
that aren't Y2K compliant stop coming in, what is the US Government's plan to
do then??


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] thomlinson has left timebomb on the internet

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector. Gonna need lotsa popcorn.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:523152"thomlinson has left timebomb
on the internet
Subject: thomlinson has left timebomb on the internet
From: Lars Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 2:05 AM

Check out the new development in the Thomlinson case at

more than 100 daily up-dates. NEW: Thomlinson has left timebomb on the
internet. Turn to the above mentioned adress for further information.
A HREF=""- Kriminalnyt -/A

Fangeflugt fra Vestre Fængsel,

læs under Sidste nyt, Danmark

News News: Richard Tomlinson, the renegade former MI6 officer, has left
another timebomb ticking on the Internet. He has hidden the transcript
of a book about his work for the Secret Intelligence Service on one of
the millions of sites on the Web. Click here for more information.

Go to the list: MI6

Den engelske ex-agent Richard Tomlinson har ifølge den engelske avis the
independent efterladt et udskrift, som afslører en stor del af MI6's
arbejde i de forskellige lande. Det eneste som mangler, er at han
frigiver en kode og så ruller skandalen. Hele sagen har også relevans
for Danmark da to MI6 agenter har tilknytning til Damark. Den ene agent
arbejder stadig i Danmark og er ifølge vores oplysninger Roger Patrick
Hamilton. Du kan finde alle agenter på listen, som vi har offentliggjort
på vores side og meget mere. Gå til: MI6

Denne side er optimeret til en skærmopløsning på 1024 x 768 pixels og
mindst 16 bit farve
A HREF=""--- MI6 ---/A


This intends to be the original list of former MI6 agents published by
former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson .

Go to the list

Go to the new list(new names)

Lørdag d.15/5-1999.

Kl. 16.45, Redaktionen
This list was the first one published on the net one week ago. A nice
guy from the internet, mailed this new list to us, saying quote: "This
list is the right one, the British Government has spread a fake list on
the net. This is the list Richard Tomlinson published on the net, and
which was closed by the Britsh MI6". We don't know for sure if it's the
right list, but we do publish both list now!! Got to the brand new list:
Push here.

Kl. 16.45, Redaktionen
Den liste som i første omgang var mailet til os er angiveligt forkert,
vi har fået en ny mail med den rigtige liste. Begge lister er dog meget
ens og vi tager stadig forbehold for listernes ægthed. Ifølge vores
kilde var den første liste en "fake", som det engelske
efterretningsvæsen har lagt på internettet. Den nye liste skulle
angiveligt være den allerførste, som blev lagt på nettet af Richard
Tomlinson og slettet igen af MI6. Vi har lagt de to agenter som har og
operer i Danmark øverst på listen, der er ialt 114 agenter på listen.
Denne liste er en af de eneste tilbage på hele internettet og bliver
måske også slettet af den engelske efterretningstjeneste MI6: Klik her
til den nye liste.

Kl. 12.30, Redaktionen
Former MI6 agent Thomlinson has left a timebomb on the Internet. Press
here to read this breaking news:

Dramatisk udvikling i sagen om den tidligere MI6 agent Thomlinson. Han
har gemt en tidsindstillet "bombe" på nettet.
Richard Tomlinson har angiveligt lagt en side på nettet som kun mangler
hans kodeord. Når han føler for det, frigiver han denne side, som
indeholder oplysninger om MI6 arbejde rundt omkring i verden. Det er
oplysninger som er meget sårbare for det engelske efterretningssytem og
for den sags skyld også Danmark. Der har arbejdet flere engelske agenter
i Danmark og en agent arbejder stadig i Danmark. Det drejer sig om den
51årige Roger Patrick Hamilton som siden 1989 har arbejdet i Danmark.
Han har før været i Jakarta, Tokyo og Hong Kong.
Vi vil selvfølgelig prøve at finde denne side og som de første brinde
den på nettet
Independent skriver:

Fredag d.14/5-1999.

Kl: 21.20, Redaktionen. Den tidligere agent Richard Tomlinson har
fortalt BBC, at han modtager e-mails med dødstrusler. Det kommer efter,
at han har offentliggjort en listen med MI6 agenter i hele verden på
internettet. Han benægter dog enhver kendskab til listen.
BBC skriver:

Kl: 21.00, Redaktionen. Vi har fundet en liste med navne, som engelske
myndigheder har været inde og klippe fra den originale liste. Vi ber
stadig alle at tage forbehold for informationerne. Hvad grunden er til
at disse navne er klippet fra den originale liste ved vi ikke, men den
indenholder ikke agenter i Danmark. Gå til den nye liste.

Kl: 04.00, 

[CTRL] Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net
By Charles Arthur and Paul Lashmar

Richard Tomlinson, the renegade former MI6 officer, has left another
timebomb ticking on the Internet. He has hidden the transcript of a book
about his work for the Secret Intelligence Service on one of the
millions of sites on the Web.

The book has been encrypted, but Mr Tomlinson could release the cipher
"keys" for worldwide reading in moments, by sending an e-mail from a
phone booth anywhere.

Mr Tomlinson had been planning the release of 117 names of former and
serving MI6 officers on to the Internet for weeks, although on Wednesday
he denied posting the list.

But ministers have little doubt he was behind one of Britain's biggest
security breaches for decades.

Last month Mr Tomlinson sent an e-mail to The Independent, reading: "I
have decided that since I cannot take MI6 to court for blocking my entry
to France (and Australia and USA) I have no option but to adopt a
hardline response."

A week ago he left the Geneva hotel where he has been staying since last

The book contains details of plans by MI6 to assassinate President
Slobodan Milosevic in the early 1990s, and a British-run "mole" in a
senior position in the German Bundesbank who leaked crucial information
to Britain in economic negotiations.

Mr Tomlinson also claims that MI6 has a unit specifically for stealing
military and economic secrets from European allies. These allegations
have already been leaked, but Mr Tomlinson claims the book also contains
new material that is potentially more embarrassing for the Government.

This new threat to expose the innermost secrets of Britain's spymasters
follows desperate Whitehall attempts over the past week to prevent the
list appearing on the Internet.

Mr Tomlinson, a 37-year-old Cambridge graduate who worked for MI6
between 1991 and 1995, was sacked then imprisoned in 1997 for breaking
the Official Secrets Act.

The full list, including names of the head of MI6, a Cambridge don and
an ex-minister's son, appeared yesterday in Internet discussion groups.

A spokesman for the Foreign Office admitted that the list's rapid spread
around the Internet was now "a fact of life" and any efforts now would
be "a damage limitation exercise". The spokesman called Mr Tomlinson
"irresponsible and unbalanced", adding: "We do not negotiate with people
who hold us to ransom."

But the Government claims that the list's publication "puts lives at
risk" was challenged yesterday by the editor of Lobster magazine, an
intelligence-watching journal.

Stephen Dorril said: "About 30 of the names were published in our
magazine in 1989. It's absolute rubbish to say lives are at risk. When
it comes to officers operating under 'light cover', where the names are
published in the public Diplomatic Lists, no serving MI6 officer has
been killed in the field since the 1940s."

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] E-mail death threats for ex-spy

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News | UK | E-mail death threats for ex-spy

Saturday, May 15, 1999 Published at 01:48 GMT 02:48 UK
E-mail death threats for ex-spy
The list is widely available on Internet sites
Former MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson has told the BBC that he has received
death threats by e-mail for allegedly publishing the names of MI6 agents
on a US-based Website.
Richard Tomlinson: "I can do nothing but deny it"Mr Tomlinson has also
strongly denied Foreign Office claims that he was responsible for
posting the 116 names.
"A denial might sound a bit thin, because I did threaten to put names on
the Internet," he said in an interview with the BBC Six O'Clock News.

BBC Legal Affairs Correspondent Joshua Rozenberg: "The Foreign Office
says that no-one else is in the frame""But I did not do it. If my former
employers can find proof - well let them try.

"I know the finger points at me strongly, but I did not put the names on
the site. I don't even know the address of the site they appeared on."

'No-one else in the frame'

Mr Tomlinson said he was quite happy for the authorities to see his
computer, and he would offer them written permission to examine his
Internet Service Provider's records.

"They can test it in a court if they want to use it as evidence," he

However, the Foreign Office insisted that the "balance of probabilities"
pointed to Mr Tomlinson being responsible.

A spokesman said: "There is no-one else in the frame. Even if he did not
physically put the names on the Internet, there's no real difference if
he provided the names for someone else to do it."

The former spy has gone into hiding, and has received threatening
e-mail. On Friday, the Sun newspaper published his e-mail address,
calling him a traitor and urging readers to contact him.

Tomlinson: Living in Geneva"I don't think I'm in danger from MI6, but I
did wonder about some of the death threats I received by e-mail today,"
he said.

His family are concerned for his safety. His brother, Matthew, said on
Friday that he could not contact him, but was convinced of his innocence
and worried about what might happen.

Mr Tomlinson has been accused of posting the names on the Net because he
held a grudge against MI6, after being dismissed by them and denied an
industrial tribunal.

The BBC's Paul Reynolds: "The cat is well out of the bag"After the list
of agents became known to security forces on Wednesday, frantic efforts
were made to remove it.
The site appeared to have closed down on Wednesday night.

But several "mirror" sites have now appeared on the Web. A search by BBC
News Online found one such site in less than five minutes.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The information can be accessed. To an
extent, the cat is out of the bag."

Officials are considering punitive action against the perpetrator of
what has been called one of the biggest security breaches in recent

Police confirmed they were investigating the release of the names - said
to include a Cambridge University academic and the son of a former
Cabinet minister.

Embarrassment for MI6

Mr Tomlinson was sacked by MI6 in 1995 and jailed in December 1997 for
breaking the country's Official Secrets Act.

He was released on probation after six months of his one-year sentence
and has been pursued around the world since by UK Government

Born in New Zealand, he served MI6 in Bosnia, Russia and the Middle
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] MI6Õs plot to assassinate President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia in 1992

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""---
Milosevic ---


Geneva 1201, Switzerland

John Wadham


21 Tabard Street

London SE1

11 September 1998

Dear John,

As requested, I enclose a statement detailing MI6’s plot to assassinate
President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia in 1992.

When you have read it, lets discuss the best way to proceed.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Tomlinson

Dear Sir,

I would like to bring to your attention a proposal by MI6 to assassinate
President Milosevic of Serbia. My motive in doing this is to draw to
your attention the casual and cavalier attitude that many MI6 officers
have to British and international law. The officer who wrote this
proposal clearly could (and in my view, should) be charged with
conspiracy to murder. He will no doubt escape unpunished, like many
other MI6 officers who routinely break the law. This lack of legal
accountability of MI6 officers needs to be addressed urgently.

From March 1992 until September 1993 I worked in the East European
controllerate of MI6 under the staff designation of UKA/7. My role was
to carry out natural cover operations (undercover as a businessman or
journalist etc) in eastern Europe. The Balkan war was in its early
stages at this time, and so my responsibilities were increasingly
directed to this arena.

My work thus involved frequent contact with the officer responsible for
developing and targeting operations in the Balkans. At the time, this
was Nicholas Fishwick, who worked under the staff designation of P4/OPS.
We would frequently meet in his office on the 11th floor of Century
House to discuss proposed and ongoing operations that I was involved in
and, indeed, many other operations which I was not myself involved in.

During one such meeting in the summer of 1992 Nick Fishwick casually
mentioned that he was working on a proposal to assassinate President
Milosevic of Serbia. I laughed, and dismissed his claim as an idle boast
as I (naively) thought that MI6 would never contemplate such an
operation. Fishwick insisted that it was true, and appeared somewhat
offended that I did not believe him. However, I still presumed that he
was just pulling my leg, and thought nothing more of the incident

A few days later, I called in again to Fishwick’s office. After a few
moments of conversation, he triumphantly pulled out a document from a
file on his desk, tossed it over to me, and suggested I read it. To my
astonishment, it was indeed a proposal to assassinate President
Milosevic of Serbia.

The minute was approximately 2 pages long, and had a yellow minute card
attached to it which signified that it was an accountable document
rather than a draft proposal. It was entitled "The need to assassinate
President Milosevic of Serbia". In the distribution list in the margin
were P4 (Head of Balkan operations, then Maurice Kendwrick-Piercey),
SBO1/T (Security officer responsible for eastern European operations,
then John Ridd), C/CEE (Controller of east European operations, then
Richard Fletcher or possibly Andrew Fulton), MODA/SO (The SAS liaison
officer attached to MI6, then Major Glynne Evans), and H/SECT (the
private secretary to Sir Colin McColl, then Alan Petty).

The first page of the document was a political "justification" to
assassinate President Milosevic. Fishwick’s justification was basically
that there was evidence that Milosevic was providing arms and support to
President Radovan Karadzic in the breakaway republic of Bosnian Serbia.

The remainder of the document proposed three methods to assassinate
Milosevic. The first method was to train and equip a Serbian
paramilitary opposition group to assassinate Milosevic in Serbia.
Fishwick argued that this method would have the advantage of d
eniability, but the disadvantage that control of the operation would be
low and the chances of success unpredictable. The second method was to
use the Increment (a small cell of the SAS and SBS which is especially
selected and trained to carry out operations exclusively for MI5/MI6) to
infiltrate Serbia and attack Milosevic either with a bomb or sniper
ambush. Fishwick argued that this would plan would be the most reliable,
but would be undeniable if it went wrong. Fishwick’s third proposal was
to kill Milosevic in a staged car crash, possibly during one of his
visits to the ICFY (International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia)
in Geneva, Switzerland. Fishwick even provided a suggestion about how
this could be done, such as by disorientating Milosevic’s chauffeur
using a blinding strobe light as the cavalcade passed through one of
Geneva’s motorway tunnels.

There was no doubt in my mind when I read Fishwick’s proposal that he
was entirely serious about pursuing his plan. Fishwick was an ambitious
and serious officer, who would not frivolise his career by making such a
proposal in jest or merely to 

[CTRL] War of words over spy claims

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News | UK | War of words over spy claims

Thursday, May 13, 1999 Published at 17:08 GMT 18:08 UK
War of words over spy claims
An injunction forbidding identification of Mr Tomlinson has been lifted
A former spy accused of endangering the lives of British intelligence
agents and diplomats is engaged in an uneasy stand-off with the UK
Joshua Rozenberg: "MI6 spotted the list of names on the Internet before
anyone in the media "Richard Tomlinson allegedly posted the names of 116
MI6 agents on a US-based site after an earlier Swiss-based site was
pulled by the service provider.

The site has been removed after the UK Government's Treasury Solicitor
wrote to the service provider, drawing its attention to the injunction
brought against Tomlinson's Swiss Web pages.

Tomlinson: "My Website doesn't contain any names"But excerpts from the
site - including the names of around 10 MI6 officers - have been copied
to several "mirror" sites in the US.

'Names MI6 recruiter'

And the full list of 116 alleged MI6 officers is on another site which
the BBC has discovered on the Web.

It also names a Cambridge University professor it claims is a "leading
recruiter of MI6 agents".

Former KGB agent Oleg Gordievsky: "Many agents' cover will have been
blown"The authors of the page say the source of the list is "an honest
man who has since left MI6 because he felt that the behaviour of that
organisation was unacceptable in a civilised society".
The managing editor of a US magazine has told the BBC it published an
online article on Monday which named 120 alleged MI6 officers.

Yaman Akdeniz, director of Cyber Rights and Cyber Liberties: "The genie
is already out of the bottle"He said the story was removed from its
Website on Wednesday and the magazine's lawyers were now considering the
The print version went to press on Wednesday and the management are
discussing whether to let it reach US news-stands.

Tomlinson has accused the UK Government of "exaggerating" the damage
done by his actions and says the names he published were already in the
public domain.

'Endangering agents' lives'

But Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has accused Tomlinson of endangering
the lives of people working for the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS),
formerly known as MI6.

Mr Cook condemned his action and said "not all the names" on the list
had a connection with the SIS.

Robin Cook says Tomlinson is nursing a grudgeHe said: "Nevertheless, the
release of any such list, however inaccurate it may be, is a deeply
irresponsible and dangerous act."

Mr Cook said Tomlinson nursed a "deep seated and irrational grievance"
against his former employers.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "To say we are exaggerating the damage
he is doing is rubbish. Not only is he putting the lives of SIS agents
at risk but he is risking the lives of wholly innocent people."

Max Hastings of the Evening Standard: "Government is right to protect
its information"A government advisory body for the UK media has urged
editors to seek advice before publishing details of the names, and said
officials were examining how the damage from the disclosure could be
Ex-MI6 agent chased

John Wadham: "Richard Tomlinson believes that the British Authorities
are harassing him"But Tomlinson issued a statement on Thursday accusing
the UK Government of "exaggerating" the damage he had caused.
He said the information on his Website was already in the public domain
and added: "Her Majesty's government is over-reacting for public effect
to stigmatise my efforts.

"The names of MI6 officers are the ones I cited in my affidavit on MI6
and Princess Diana."

When Tomlinson testified at the inquiry in Paris into the Princess of
Wales's death he claimed her chauffeur, Henri Paul, was an MI6 employee.

The Foreign Office spokesman said Tomlinson was being disingenuous in
claiming the names were already in the public domain.

He said: "While the names may be in the public domain, the fact that
they are SIS agents is not."

'Jumping to conclusions'

The former agent, who now lives in Geneva, contacted BBC News by e-mail
on Thursday and said: "People are jumping to the wrong conclusion. My
Website doesn't contain any names".

The BBC's Jon Silverman: "This is being taken very seriously indeed"
Tomlinson was sacked by MI6 in 1995 and jailed in December 1997 for
breaking the country's Official Secrets Act.
Tomlinson was released on probation after six months of his one-year
sentence and has been pursued around the world since by UK Government

Tomlinson was born in New Zealand and served MI6 in Bosnia, Russia and
the Middle East. The row is a major embarrassment for MI6, who appointed
a new chief, Richard Dearlove, back in February.

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[CTRL] All the SISA/Tomlinson info - here - but what is true?

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:523196"All the SISA/Tomlinson info -
here - but what is true?
Subject: All the SISA/Tomlinson info - here - but what is true?
From: "John Bartram" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 7:08 AM
Message-id: 69g%2.4641$%x.4060@wards

Elint has two SIS lists claimed to be by Tomlinson; the second posted by
those who say the first list is a plant.

Elint also has the geocities site, and the banned article in Sunday

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:523137"Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah/A
Subject: Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah
Date: Fri, May 14, 1999 5:32 PM
Message-id: 89b83ca0[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah

 Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

 from Namebase:

 British Officials Attack the Internet

   On May 12, British officials issued a "D-notice" gagging order to prevent
the press from reporting the
   contents of a list that they said former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson had
posted on the Internet.
   Tomlinson's Swiss Internet service provider,, cooperated with
the British, as did in the U.S., and both sites were closed. Every major
newspaper in the world hyped the
   story. Now Internet surfers were getting interested, and thousands of
people were looking for The List.

   Enough people already had it so that it was impossible to stuff the cyber
genie back into the bottle.
   Lyndon LaRouche's site posted it for a time, and a site in Denmark is
still up as this is written.

   The hype was amazing. British foreign secretary Robin Cook called the list
"potentially dangerous to the
   people who have worked in the service." Conservative spook-booster and
writer Nigel West (aka Rupert
   Allason) said that "this is hugely damaging to us, on a scale of Philip
Agee." One Foreign Office
   spokesman worried about Osama bin Laden getting the list, and others said
that Britain now faces the
   difficult task of recruiting and training new agents and restoring
confidence in MI6.

   "We're aware of the reports that the list is on other web sites, and we're
considering what action we
   need to take, if we can take any action at all," another Foreign Office
spokesman said. Scotland Yard was
   on the case. Unnamed "government officials" were worried that the list had
been posted for some 24 hours
   before it was taken down, enabling enemies of the British secret service
to harvest the information for
   possible retaliation against agents named on the list.

   Rear Adm. David Pulvertaft, chief of the committee that browbeats British
media on national security
   issues, said "I don't want to overdramatize, but peoples' lives were put
at risk. The Internet poses a
   unique difficulty. It offers an opportunity to the blackmailer or the
person with grievances. Government
   has to get a grip on it, but I don't have a panacea. I wish I did."

 Spies' Lives Are Not in Danger

   In the U.S., at least, newspapers lapped up these quotations, and never
asked whether something else
   might be going on. Let's take a closer look at this dangerous list of 116

   DOB=Date of birth

 * Dudley Charles Ankerson   1978 Buenos Aires, 1985 Mexico, 1993 Madrid.
DOB 1948; Dr.
 * Raymond Benedict Barthol Asquith   1983 Moscow, 1992 Kiev. DOB 1952;
 * Kerry Charles Bagshaw   1982 Geneva, 1988 Moscow. DOB 1943; OBE.
 * Ian Clive Barnard   1994 Geneva. DOB 1965.
 * Richard Martin Donne Barrett   1983 Ankara, 1988 New York, 1997 Amman.
DOB 1949.
 * James Lloyd Baxendale   1994 Cairo (MECAS), 1997 Amman. DOB 1967.
 * Jonathan Beales
 * Peter John William Black   1974 MECAS, 1977 Kuwait, 1980 Amman, 1987
Dhaka. DOB 1946.
 * Jamie Blount
 * Rupert Bowen   1990 Windhoek, 1992 Tirana.
 * Andrew Jonathan Corrie Boyd   1981 Accra, 1988 Mexico City, 1996
Islamabad. DOB 1950.
 * Andrew James Brear   1994 Santiago. DOB 1960.
 * Christopher Mark Breeze   1988 Nicosia, 1994 New Delhi. DOB 1963.
 * Alastair Breeze
 * Richard Philip Bridge   1986 Warsaw, 1988 Moscow. DOB 1959.
 * Stuart Armitage Brooks   1972 Rio, 1975 Lisbon, 1979 Moscow, 1987
Stockholm, 1993 Moscow. DOB 1948; OBE.
 * Christopher Parker Burrows   1982 East Berlin, 1987 Bonn, 1993 Athens.
DOB 1958.
 * George Benedict Joseph P Busby   1989 Bonn, 1992 Belgrade. DOB 1960;
 * Geoff Chittenden
 * Robert John Paul Church   1976 Bankok, 1981 Berlin, 1986 Nairobi, 1989
Bangkok, 1997 Nairobi. DOB 1947.
 * Timothy Clayden   1991 Warsaw, 1995 Lagos. DOB 1960; Wanker.
 * Martin Hugh Clements   1986 Tehran, 1990 Vienna. DOB 1961.
 * John Donovan Nelson Clibborn   1966 Nicosia, 1972 Bonn, 1972 Brussels,
1988 Washington. DOB 1941; CMG.
 * Peter Salmon Collecot   1980 Khartoum, 1982 Canberra, 1993 Jakarta.
DOB 1950.
 * Andrew David Cordery   1975 Nairobi, 1977 New York, 1984 Lusaka, 1988
Berlin, 1995 Oslo. DOB 1947.
 * Sherard Louis Cowper-Coles   1980 Cairo, 1987 Washington. DOB 1955;
 * Keith Craig   DOB 1961.
 * John Martin Jamie Darke   1988 Cairo, 1996 Dubai. DOB 1953.
 * Michael Hayward Davenport   1989 Warsaw, 1996 Moscow. DOB 

[CTRL] Mona's Balkan File

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Mona's
Balkan File
Many articles.

Mona's Balkan File

Drugs For Money
Civil Wars - Serbs - Kroats - Muslims
Serbs And Jews
Ustashi Butchery
Top Public Enemies
Of The Serbian People
Himmler's Bosnian Division
What You Are Not Told
Terrorism In Kosovo
Afghans In Fight For Nazi Heritage
Kissinger In 1996
Truth And Lies In Kosovo
The Hand Of Iran
News Archive
The Largest Children
Burial Ground
Nato Bombs Over Serbia
Woodrow Wilson's Obsession
Hostile Media Against Serbia
Last Stop Before Jerusalem
Bosnia-Serbia-Kosovo Links
Aaron Lerner On Arutz7
The Complete Kosovo Story
(So Far)
Geneva Conventions 1
Group 17
Serbia Info News
Accuracy In Media, please!
Part 1
Accuracy In Media, please!
Part 2
The Secret CIA Report
The World Opinion
KLA And The Croats
NATO Losses
What Is The Truth?
The Real Criminals
The Bilderbergers
The 1999 Bilderberger Meeting
Italy The Base For
Iranian Terror In The Balkans
Debacle In Kosovo:
A Military View
Serbian Army Statement
Le Monde Diplomatique
Jewish Relief Fund:
Jevrejska Op (Tina Novisad Mr. Sessler Tibor,
B'Nai B'Rith
Revay U.16
1065 Budapest, Hungary.
Make funds payable to Jewish Community, Novisad, Serbia
The Latest News

Mona's Middle East File

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an solution: drugs for money for weapons
Many articles.

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Terrorism and violent succession worked for Slovenian, Croatian and
Bosnian Muslim secessionists. It got support from the Western Might.
Violent and illegal means is what Kosovo Albanians have practiced for
even longer time then the above groups.

Expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo
New York Times in an article published in July 1982 tells a story of
Serbian population being expelled from Kosovo. Albanian officials admit
- Kosovo Albanian nationalists are trying to cleanse the Serbs and make
Greater Albania. Some 57,000 Serbs left the region in 1970's.

Albanian Mafia smuggles drugs into USA
Wall Street Journal, September 1985 says that Albanian-American
criminals are involved in everything from gun-running to counterfeiting.
They smuggle 25% to 40% of US heroin supply. They are particularly
brutal and wild.

Albanian chauvinism - 'Lebanonizing' of Yugoslavia
No, it did not start in 1997 as current articles in the West would like
us believe. An article in New York Times on November 1st, 1987 explains
it all.

Albanian Mafia in Europe: Drugs for weapons
The International Herald Tribune, on June 6, 1994. tells us how
Albanians of Kosovo - after selling heroin throughout Europe - buy
weapons for Kosovo Albanian terrorists.

Albanian Mafiosi relentless and numerous
Agence France Presse, June 16, 1998 only tells about the last massive
arrest of Albanian mafia members. Some 70 of them!

Glorifying Nazi past!
Albanian and Afghan Jihad fighters are reviving WWII Nazi SS division!

Photo Galery
Albanian terrorists at work.

Murdering their own
Albanian KLA terrorists murder Albanians who, as loyal Yugoslav
citizens, are refusing to join them. Photographs Western media did not
want you to see.

Lord Owen, certainly not a Serbian friend, says that Kosovo Albanians,
even "moderate" Rugova wanted NO negotiation. For Albanian secessionists
secession is NOT NEGOTIABLE! With Western support they can afford to
behave in that fashion despite military weakness of their terrorist

Endless terror
Encouraged by the West Albanian terrorists at work.

KLA - Bill Clinton's "Freedom Fighters"

KLA  drugs
More than 30 articles, all coming from Western sources, talk about KLA's
heroin trade. More than 70% of West Europe's heroin comes through KLA
Also, take a look at Professor Dr. Michel Chossudovsky's analysis of
sources of KLA financing. The analysis is entitled: KOSOVO "FREEDOM

Ideology  Leaders of KLA
Mixing Islam, neo-Nazism, Maoism, Marxism, Ritual Vendetta, and their
Mafia's drug money into a guerrilla movement - "liberation" army. Who
are the leaders of KLA?

KLA's connection to Osama bin Laden
Strong connection of KLA to Osama bin Laden's terrorists.

KLA, terror and Ethnic Cleansing
A study of KLA as cleansers of Serbs from Kosovo.

Stagging Racak "massacre"
What happened in Racak (Kosovo)? Was it "a massacre of innocent Albanian
civilians"? Follow this link to see the results of forensic expertise.

The above Data Base comes from The Strategic Issues Research Center.

To see more information on this topic, please follow this link and read
articles that start with "KLA".

Back to:
[ Kosovo Problem ]
[ Kosovo Home Page ]

The truth belongs to us all.

Feel free to download, copy and redistribute.
Last revised: June 26, 1998
anian Mafia at work in New York

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Brazen as the Mafia, Ethnic Albanian Thugs Specialize in Mayhem

Active in the Heroin Trade, The Faction Is So Violent Prosecutors Need

Dujo Saljanin's Comeuppance

The Wall Street Journal,
Monday, September 9, 1985, pp.1,18
By Anthony M. DeStefano

NEW YORK - The informant who visited the office of U.S. Attorney Rudolph
W. Giuliani [current Mayor of New York City] last December had a

[CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Copyright 1995 by New Prospect, Inc. Readers may redistribute this article to other
individuals for noncommercial use, provided that the text and this notice remain 
intact. This
article may not be resold, reprinted, or redistributed for compensation of any kind 
prior written permission from the author. If you have any questions about permissions,
please contact The American Prospect, P.O. Box 383080, Cambridge, MA 02238, or by
phone at (617) 547- 2950.

Preferred Citation: Edward N. Wolff, "How the Pie is Sliced" The American Prospect no.
22 (Summer 1995): 58-64 (

America's Growing Concentration of Wealth

Edward N. Wolff

Conservative economic policy has one central idea: just create a bigger pie, and 
everyone will have
a bigger slice. In fact, conservatives predict that if we cut the rich a bigger piece 
by lowering their tax
rates, the resulting growth will enlarge everyone else's slice, too. This was the core 
idea of Reagan's
tax cuts, and it is central to such current conservative goals as lower capital gains 

Unfortunately, since the 1980s the great majority of Americans
have not been getting bigger slices from a growing pie. As
many people have noted, median family income has failed to
grow. The picture is even more stark for gains in wealth than
for gains in income. New research, based on data from federal
surveys, shows that between 1983 and 1989 the top 20
percent of wealth holders received 99 percent of the total gain
in marketable wealth, while the bottom 80 percent of the
population got only 1 percent. America produced a lot of new
wealth in the '80s--indeed, the stock market boomed--but
almost none of it filtered down.

Few people realize how extraordinarily concentrated the gains
in wealth have been. Between 1983 and 1989 the top 1
percent of income recipients received about a third of the total
increase in real income. But the richest 1 percent received an
even bigger slice--62 percent--of the new wealth that was
created (see figure at right).

The most recent data suggest these trends have continued. My
preliminary estimates indicate that between 1989 and 1992,
68 percent of the increase in total household wealth went to
the richest 1 percent--an even larger share of wealth gain than
between 1983 and 1989. As a result, the concentration of
wealth reached a postwar high in 1992, the latest year for
which data are available. If these trends continue, the super
rich will pull ahead of other Americans at an even faster pace
in the 1990s than they did in the '80s.

Growing inequality in the distribution of wealth has serious implications for the kind 
of society we live
in. Today, the average American family's wealth adds up to a comparatively meager 
typically tied up in a home and some small investments. While Forbes magazine each 
year keeps
listing record numbers of billionaires--in 1994 Forbes counted 65 of them in the
U.S.--homeownership has been slipping since the mid-1970s. The percentage of Americans 
private pensions has also been dropping. And, with their real incomes squeezed, 
families have not been putting savings aside for retirement. The number of young 
Americans going to
college has also begun to decline, another indirect sign of the same underlying 
phenomenon. In fact,
international data now indicate that wealth is more unequally distributed in the U.S. 
than in other
developed countries, including that old symbol of class privilege, Great Britain.

   Economic worries may
   be at the root of much
   of the political anger in
   America today, but
   there is almost no
   public debate about
   the growth in wealth
   inequality, much less
   the steps needed to
   reverse current trends.
   The debate needs to
   start with an
   understanding of how
   and why America's pie
is getting sliced so unequally.


The increasing concentration of wealth in the past 15 years represents a reversal of 
the trend that
had prevailed from the mid-1960s through the late 1970s. The share of total wealth 
owned by the
rich depends, to a large extent, on asset values 

Re: [CTRL] [teaparty] 14th again

1999-05-15 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

An opinion only arises from resarch and obesravtion:

Any written paper work you present to the Legislative Tribunal will be
construed in the most favorable light of the “court.”

This will be construed as a motion, and a traverse.  This will raise the
General Appearance.

This Legislative Tribunal is the creation not of the People, but of the General
Assembly of Nevada  to  adjudicate issues of commerce.

If you in any way present a statement written or oral within this tribunal, you
will have traversed.

The best form of discovery is to exhaust the administrative remedy with
statutory discovery using a public records act request to the Administrative
agency that alleges jurisdiction over the private acts of Joshua.

This premise of the non appearance is simple.  It is not a tool to challenge or
defeat the Statutorily created rules for movement.  It is a tool that presents
the legislative tribunal the simple point that we do not UNDERSTAND.  Any words
beyond that, and one will loose.  No UNDERSTANDING, no jurisdiction.

To defeat the legislative tribunal, you will need to initiate a statutory
discovery.  The properly constructed public records act request will request “
the documents made for the transaction of public business.” which the Agency
will choose to ignore.  That will allow you to enter the County where in the
State of Nevada does business and petition the appropriate Legislative Tribunal
under a writ, or motion of Mandamus praying upon the Statue for relief.

As the alleged “defendant” one should stand on the simple point of not
UNDERSTANDING, and ask nothing but questions.   To put anything in writing or
within an oral statement will be construed as an offering to the “alter” of
justice, and the black robed administer will accept that offering and impose
the libel which attached to the rem.  This libel will be charged to the
Resident Agent, which will be the alleged “defendant.”


The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

"In a age of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

 From: Christopher Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [teaparty] 14th again
 Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 4:49 AM

 From: Christopher Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry about all the emails but my mind is racing a bit. I am working on
 Joshua's case and preparing to go to court. I am going to first use a
 variation of the notice of non appearance but knowing Nevada courts I
 have to be prepared to lose. I believe it is a great argument but I have
 been screwed four times by State courts so my lack of trust is

 If Josh claims a due process violation not because he is a US citizen
 but because the state is bound by the 14th combined with a clearly
 worded statement that he is a US national and a white non 14th Nevada
 Citizen then the court would have to either rule that his claim was void
 because he was not a US citizen which would be worth its weight in gold
 or say that the he could not use the 14th because he is not a 14th
 citizen which accomplishes the same thing or rule it is applicable even
 to non 14th citizens which is useful or try to prove he isn't a 14th

 I would like any of those to occur. What is the downside to this?

 I will already have made an objection to the jurisdiction of the court
 so I will not be admitting their jurisdiction and will have on the
 record that Joshua is proceeding only under threat of jail.


 Looking for a new hobby?  Want to make a new friend?
 Come join one of the 145,000 email communities at ONElist!
 NOTICE: Keep to the issues. Focus on solutions. The moderators of this list
have little time or patience for jokes, tirades, flaming, rambling philosophy,
religious arguments, off-topic discussions or back-slapping. You may, without
warning, be limited to READ ONLY, not being able to post to the list. Stick to
the point!  CC

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] test

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-




CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.


It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks
from inquiry.  -- Thomas Paine

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [12] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh,(C) 1994
Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane London W8 3TZ, England
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Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England

First published by Jonathan Cape 1994
Published in Penguin Books 1995
3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4
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The moral right of the author has been asserted

Printed in England by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc

Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject
to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be Lent
re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's
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condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser


By the spring Of 1943, the Second World War was careening towards its fourth
year of conflict. It would still have another two years to run, and some of
the bloodiest and most bitter fighting had yet to occur. Nevertheless, the
tide, in Churchill's phrase, had at last begun to turn. In three of the most
important theatres of operations, the Allies - the British Empire, the Soviet
Union and the United States - had forced the Axis on to the defensive, and
were just beginning to take the offensive themselves.

During the previous year, three decisive engagements had transformed the
course of the war, dramatically reversing the flow of its momentum. The first
of these was the Battle of Midway, in June 1942, when Japan's seemingly
inexorable sweep across the Pacific had been abruptly halted, and the loss of
four aircraft carriers left Japanese air and sea Power irreparably impaired.

On the Russian front, where Hitler's advancing forces were locked in a
titanic struggle with those of the Soviet Union, the German 6th Army's
assault on Stalingrad had ground to a halt. By the last week of November, the
army was entirely encircled by the Russian counter-offensive. On 31 January
1943, the 6th Army surrendered with its surviving 91,000 men, having already
suffered nearly 200,000 casualties. Germany had previously undergone
reverses, of course - in the Battle of Britain, for example, and at sea - but
Stalingrad was the German war machine's first major setback on land. It was a
decisive defeat and led to the series of Russian Introduction

By the spring Of 1943, the Second World War was careening towards its fourth
year of conflict. It would still have another two years to run, and some of
the bloodiest and most bitter fighting had yet to occur. Nevertheless, the
tide, in Churchill's phrase, had at last begun to turn. In three of the most
important theatres of operations, the Allies - the British Empire, the Soviet
Union and the United States - had forced the Axis on to the defensive, and
were just beginning to take the offensive themselves.

During the previous year, three decisive engagements had transformed the
course of the war, dramatically reversing the flow of its momentum. The first
of these was the Battle of Midway, in June 1942, when Japan's seemingly
inexorable sweep across the Pacific had been abruptly halted, and the loss of
four aircraft carriers left Japanese air and sea Power irreparably impaired.

On the Russian front, where Hitler's advancing forces were locked in a
titanic struggle with those of the Soviet Union, the German 6th Army's
assault on Stalingrad had ground to a halt. By the last week of November, the
army was entirely encircled by the Russian counter-offensive. On 31 January
1943, the 6th Army surrendered with its surviving 91,000 men, having already
suffered nearly 200,000 casualties. Germany had previously undergone
reverses, of course - in the Battle of Britain, for example, and at sea - but
Stalingrad was the German war machine's first major setback on land. It was a
decisive defeat and led to the series of Russian to halt Montgomery's
advancing 8th Army at Medenine. When Montgomery counter-attacked on 2o March,
10th Panzer offered particularly fierce resistance, and it was not until six
days later that the Germans were forced to abandon their positions at Mareth.
In both of these engagements, 10th Panzer's new Staff Officer (Operations)
made a dramatic impression on subordinates, colleagues and superiors alike.

In spite of all his office work, the Staff Officer (Operations) invariably
found time to keep in touch with the troops. He would frequently visit
regiments and battalions to discuss personal or official problems with
commanding officers. By informal discussion on the spot, he 

[CTRL] Domestic policy, 2000 and Clinton's Serbian folly

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Domestic policy, 2000 and Clinton's Serbian folly

By James Henry
No. 117,   26 April - 2 May 1999

As the Serbian tragedy unfolds and Clinton's miscalculations become more
painfully apparent with each passing day other questions are being raised
about the economic and domestic political consequences of his Balkan
'policies'. Some readers believe that Clinton has become Gore's point man and
that the war will help him promote Gore's electoral prospects. It is also
believed that Clinton can use the war to keep the economy on boil right up to
the 2000 election. One reader colorfully described this policy as "bomb 'em
and feed 'em". Armament factories will be cranked up and food surpluses can
be unloaded on to a hundreds of thousands of grateful refugees and a grateful
electorate will vote Gore president, or some other Democrat.

This is certainly a bleak scenario but one I believe to be totally out of
place. Gore is not a popular politician and it is clear that his campaign,
apart from the fund raising, is doing badly. Regardless of his best efforts
he has not been able to distance himself from the smell of White House
corruption, nor should he be allowed to do so. In addition, there is enough
die-hard green ideology in his book Earth in the Balance to cause him
considerable electoral pain. People closely connected with the Republicans
tell me the Party intends to turn his book into a political millstone. It
certainly wouldn't be too difficult.

Cranking up the armaments industry at this stage would convey the impression
to a very concerned public that Clinton was getting the country into a
lengthy and bloody campaign. This is one impression he is desperate to avoid
giving. There is also the time factor. These factories cannot be turned on
and off like a tap. For example, it would take 18 months to 2 years to get
cruise missile production lines fully operational, not to mention the time
needed to re-man the services and build up combat readiness. As for comparing
Kosovo with Vietnam, I think the appropriate comparison in military terms is
Korea. However, I don't think Kosovo is going to another Korea. The expense
and casualties would destroy the Democratic Party along with Clinton — no bad
thing in my opinion.

The economic angle is certainly erroneous. War materiel is costly.
Implementing a rearmament's program means raising taxes, cutting welfare or
both. Given the present high level of taxes, government spending and the
influence of the welfare lobby the chances of the Democrats rebuilding
America's defenses are slight. All of which is sweet irony. If the Democrats
had maintained the military machine that Clinton inherited and then gutted
and, at the very least, kept spending and taxes at the previous level they
would not be facing this dilemma. Any attempt to fund rearmament out of the
printing press, as was done with the Vietnam War, would meet strong
resistance from Greenspan and particularly the money markets. It is
overlooked by commentators that the Fed is already expanding the money supply
by about 12 per cent a year. The vast majority of people do not realise just
how dangerous for the economy this loose monetary policy really is.

I'm glad to say that this is an extremely dangerous time for Clinton. His
stupidity, corrupt behaviour and craving for a Roosevelt or Truman-like
legacy has led the country into a Balkan folly. He is not likely to find
himself caught between a Kosovo impasse and a recession at home. I do not
know a single stockbroker who thinks the good times will last. Without
exception, they believe that the economy has reached the peak of the business
cycle. It is now, in their opinion, only a matter of time before the downturn
strikes — and that will be before the 2000 election.

Americans are going learn the hard way that character and sound judgement
count in a president. Clinton's lack of both has cost this country dearly and
it has not stopped paying the price in terms of moral capital and economic
welfare. The ultimate price, however, might be measured in body bags. Let us
pray it does not come to that.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
educational purposes only.[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to 

[CTRL] Clinton, Serbia and the corruption of power

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Clinton, Serbia and the corruption of power

By James Henry
No 115,  12-18 April 1999

Lord Acton's dictum that power corrupts and absolute power tends to corrupt
absolutely is much quoted. But what happens when power, especially enormous
power, falls into the hands of an already corrupt man? A man that sees power
merely as a means to advance his own interests: to reward sycophants, punish
critics, intimidate potential enemies, buy favours from dictators and even
wage war to enhance his own position regardless of the cost in terms of blood
and misery. Such a man is Clinton. A man with the mentality of a teenage thug
who seems literally incapable of making a genuine moral judgement is
president of the United States. A man whose pathological behavior has rightly
stripped him of all moral authority has declared war on another nation. Do
Americans really believe that such a creature can enoble a cause driven by
the meanest of personal ambition and the desperate psychological need to
politically survive? Do American troops walk tall when they think of their
commander-in-chief? Do the men and women who wear the uniforms of the United
States feel confident that they have a leader who is really concerned about
their welfare? Who feels genuine anxiety at putting their lives in danger.

No. What they see is a man who treats them like cyphers or political pawns
and whose willingness to sacrifice their lives to serve his ends is only
limited by his deep fear of public opinion. He weeps at the thought of body
bags, not because of the tragedy they would represent but because of their
potential to destroy his poll ratings. He treats casualties in the same
manner that television producers treat ratings. As soon as she heard that 17
British soldiers had been ambushed and killed by the IRA, the much maligned
Maggie Thatcher immediately sat at her desk and wrote a personal letter to
each of these men's closest relatives expressing her deepest condolences.
Does anyone imagine Clinton doing that?

There is only one fundamental difference between Milosevic and Clinton: the
former is not a coward while Clinton is — and every American knows it. I
predicted that Milosevic would pursue the simple tactic of sitting tight
while his goon squads made Kosovo an Albanian-free zone and Clinton turned
him into a national hero for standing up to a bully — and Clinton is a bully.
Some have estimated that up to a third of Albanian Kosovars have already been
driven out and that they will soon be followed by many more. This is
basically what the war is supposed to be about. A true NATO victory would
mean these people being able to return to their homes to live without fear of
assault. Not a single NATO general or European politician believes this will
ever be possible. And that is why Milosevic is winning. His sole objective
right now is Kosova. Once that has been achieved what does Clinton intend to

There are no real strategic objectives because there is no real plan so there
can be no real victory. The whole thing is an exercise in political
skin-saving. And I'm talking Clinton's skin. Not a single soul who was
remotely acquainted with the conflict doubted for a moment that the bombing
would provoke the Serbs into redoubling their efforts to drive out their
Albanian neighbors; not out of spite, though that played a role, but in an
effort to beat time. Once the bombing started Milosevic knew that he had to
accelerate his Kosovo policy to deny Clinton an excuse to continue the
campaign. I have been told by those on the spot that they believe Milosevic
will soon achieve his objective.

What then? Will NATO send in ground troops, meaning mainly American boys, to
save Clinton and Blair's pride? I doubt it. No NATO general really wants to
go in with less than 200,000 troops. It would take at least several weeks to
put this force together and form a campaign plan. Before anyone starts
blowing the bugle for the charge, it needs to be pointed out that the Serbian
military remains completely intact, its communications are in perfect working
order and capable of withstanding the severest of assaults, its armour is
unscathed and heavily dug in along with anti-aircraft batteries. Reports are
coming in from refugees and agents that tanks, artillery and rocket launchers
are spread out among the hills looking down on the roads and valley floors.
Tanks are even dug in along roadsides. These activities have been so
professionally carried out that allied aircraft have not detected the
placements. Of course, none of this matters if you think Serbian forces will
simply retreat or surrender.

There is no doubt that NATO would eventually defeat Serbia's main forces but
would it win the war? Its losses would be considerable but to what end? It
could just decide to slice Kosovo off from Serbia but that would be just
creating another time bomb with an even nastier outcome. It could try and
partition Serbia but I suspect 

[CTRL] Kosovo: to which drumbeat do the Democrats march?

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Kosovo: to which drumbeat do the Democrats march?

By James Henry
No. 113,   29 March - 4 April 1999

The Balkans is more than a political dog's dinner — it could be dynamite for
the US. The vast majority of Americans cannot distinguish between Balkan and
Baltic. But they soon will. They will also learn why the Balkans were
considered at the turn of the century by sophisticated European politicians
to be the "powder keg" of Europe. It was there that the Great War was ignited
by the assassination of Prince Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in
the city of Sarajevo in 1914. Now, as we approach the turning of another
century, the Balkans have once again become a "powder keg" and good ol'
President Bill Clinton (patron saint of draft dodgers) has decided to light
another fuse.

Why? What is it all about? How does Bill's Big Balkan Adventure serve the
interests of Americans, or even most Europeans? The Republican's only support
him out of traditional respect for the presidency, an office that Bill and
his friends cheerfully dragged into the sewer. But why are the Democrats once
again in lockstep with a policy that will bring home body bags for no
apparent good reason? As I pointed out in American liberalism and fifth
columns* the Democrats now support interventionist policies that guarantee
casualties and huge costs in materiel without any gain for the American
people. When Reagan funded anti-Marxist groups struggling to overthrow
pro-Soviet regimes he was accused by Democrats of interfering in these
states' internal affairs, even though these states intended to spread
revolution right up to the Rio Grande. Now that's what I call an American
interest. Yet they ridiculed Reagan when he pointed this out. And that is my
basic point. It is because this action does not serve US security interests
that these Democrats support it. The same Democrats who attacked operation
Desert Storm.

A Democratic administration involved the US in Vietnam for the noblest of
reasons. The same will never be said of US actions in Serbia. Many left-wing
Democrats in the Senate and Congress see intervention in Bosnia as a moral
crusade and that is why they are so willing to send American troops and
pilots into combat in Bosnia and Serbia. Naturally, these politicians are not
so morally committed as to volunteer for combat themselves. They've got dumb
patriotic Americans to do that for them. The kind that respect the flag and
the Constitution and all that they stand for.

I began with the statement that the Balkan's are more than political dog's
dinner. Even that is an understatement. The region's ancient hatreds, blood
feuds, religious and ethnic conflicts go back centuries, even before the
Turkish conquest, and they are not going to be resolved by NATO bombings. The
region was the last genuine Turkish outpost in Europe until the 1878 Congress
of Berlin saw the virtual annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, despite the Kingdom of Serbia's historical claim to
the area. That was 121 years ago. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has gone, along
with the Habsburgs, but NATO has arrived instead. NATO is a defensive
organisation: it has no business becoming involved in military conflicts
unless those conflicts present a clear danger to any member of the Alliance.
The Balkans do not. They are what they have been for centuries — a
long-running European tragedy and a boil on the backside of Europe. Well now
that it has been lanced, maybe we should let the political puss drain away,
brutal as that sounds, while doing everything in our power to alleviate the
pain. What we cannot do is occupy the place or change the inhabitants'
thinking. Moreover, NATO has violated its own charter which only sanctions
force if a member is attacked. (I emphasise is because Bill has difficulty in
understanding its grammatical function).

I have not argued the rights and wrongs of the conflicts because I don't know
what they are. And if I did, I don't see how we could fix them anyway. It's
true that terrible crimes have been committed. But crimes on a much vaster
scale have been committed elsewhere, and still are, without us being called
in. So what are the Democrat's left-wingers playing at? What is it about
Serbia, but not North Korea or Beijing, they find particularly repulsive? I
reckon I've got the answer. Milosevic looks, sounds and acts like a
right-wing thug. As one 'activist' (meaning left-wing) Democrat said to me:
"He's nothing but a fascist."

To these American Leftists there is something cathartic and vicarious about
bombing Belgrade — morality hasn't got a damn thing to do with it. It's all
about satisfying their ideological fantasies about fascism. Too yellow to
fight themselves, they'll see it live — care of the Turner/Fonda network — as
GIs risk their lives to do their ideological dirty work for them. And for
this young American men and women could die. These are the very same people

[CTRL] American liberalism and fifth columns

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

American liberalism and fifth columns

By James Henry
No. 111,   8-14 March 1999

Many Americans are complaining about the use of US troops in places like
Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Somalia, etc. What these critics have missed is
that it is a liberal president who sent them there and did so with the
support of liberal-minded Congressmen and Senators. This fact is vitally
important because it gives us a clue as to what is really going on here. If
we examine the 1972 George McGovern presidential campaign we find that it
provided the means by which those who are deeply hostile to American values
and contemptuous of its history and traditions were able to worm their way
into mainstream politics. It is now their ideological values that dominate
the Democratic Party whose only genuine resemblance to the party of Truman
and Kennedy is in name only.

These are the people who supported Hanoi's conquest of South Vietnam and who
broke a solemn pledge to supply Saigon with the means to protect itself
against communist aggression. These are same liberals whose political
treachery made Pol Pot's murderous regime possible. The same ones who opposed
the Reagan military build up that finally broke the back of the Soviet
Empire. And did they not also condemn operation Desert Storm? Didn't these
very people oppose every initiative and action that curtailed Soviet
expansion? Aren't these the people who supported the Marxist Sandinista's and
still rationalise Castro's regime? Yet they now callously put at risk the
lives of American troops in places that do not in anyway serve American
interests. Why?

Perhaps all of this will confuse some readers. Maybe they will put it down to
left-wing inconsistency or hypocrisy. They would be wrong because there is a
very definite pattern here. Every policy these left-wing Senators and
Congressmen (I will now refer to liberals as left-wing) strenuously opposed
was designed to promote American interests. Every military policy they now
support is not only unrelated to American interests they actually endanger
them by unnecessarily making enemies. They broke the agreement with Saigon
because it was in the interest of American and its allies to prevent a
communist victory. On the other hand, they strongly support and defend
treaties that violate US sovereignty and endanger national security.

Now we have it — no conspiracy but a deep rooted hatred of America. To them,
America is a racist, sexist, oppressive and exploitative capitalist state.
Therefore, because it is unjust and aggressive, actions, treaties and
agreements that serve its interests must be unjust by definition and
therefore need to be resisted. Breaking the agreement with Saigon which put
the South Vietnamese under communist tyranny was just because the North was a
socialist state. This is what Tom Hayden thought and it is what he still
thinks. And what happened to Hayden? He got himself a Senate seat in
California. Has he changed his views? Of course not. But Hayden is but one of
many. There is Henry Waxman of Hollywood, Maxine Waters of California, Rep.
Peter DeFazio of Oregon, Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, Rep. Major Owens
of New York, Rep. Lane Evans of Illinois. What these members of Congress have
in common is their open connection with the Democratic Socialists of America.
Former Congressman Ron Dellums is still asssociated with the organisation).**
These are the people people who would send your sons and daughters to a
Bosnia or a Kosovo while voting against a missile defence system. Why?
Because the former does not serve US interests while the latter does.

Recent events have clearly demonstrated that the majority of Democratic
Senators and members of Congress are to varying degrees within the Waxman
socialist camp. This is the real problem. Not conspiracy but ideology. So why
don't Republicans attack these people's socialist views and expose them to
the American public? Because they fear the media's smear machine. They know
the Democrats' media storm troopers would immediately leap into action with
screams of "McCarthyism", "reds under the beds", "political persecution",
etc, because the media itself is basically left-wing.

Between 1979 and 1980 S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman interviewed 240
journalists employed by the country's leading media outlets. Less than 20 per
cent had ever voted Republican and 56 per cent honestly believed that America
exploited the Third World and was the cause of its poverty. Since then things
have only gotten worse. In April last year the Freedom Forum released a
nationwide survey conducted by the Roper Organization which showed that 89
per cent of all journalists had voted for Clinton and that only 4 per cent
are Republicans. Not only that, 96 per cent of these journalists thought it
was their role to 'educate' the public rather than simply report the news.

Now you know why the media covered up for Clinton and supports military
intervention in areas that are 

[CTRL] Now isn't this interesting . . .

1999-05-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

For some very strange reason, an email that I have been sending is not
arriving to the list or the archives. My computer did quit aol an error one
message some minutes after I had sent the first message. Also I have not
recieved a message from listserv about a duplicate message and their bot has
already disregarded two administrative messages that I sent to the wrong
address and told me so, so one would think that their duplicate-bot would be
up also. Hmm . . .

The message is one about the new MI6 list. what is up? -NEW MI6 List replaces
fake one-

This is America . . .?

Here is a copy of my mail sent screen. Personal mail has been snipped.

5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][12] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the
Mystical Crusade Against Hitler
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]NEW MI6 List replaces fake one - 3rd try to
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]test
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]NEW MI6 List replaces fake one
5/15/99 LISTSERV@LISTSERNo Subject
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]No Subject
5/15/99 snip
5/15/99 Cia-drugs@onelisBALKAN CONNECTION
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mona's Balkan File
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]All the SISA/Tomlinson info - here - but what
is true?
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]War of words over spy claims
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]MI6’s plot to assassinate President Slobodan
Milosevic of Serbia in 1992
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]E-mail death threats for ex-spy
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]thomlinson has left timebomb on the internet
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]NEW MI6 List replaces fake one
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Re:   [CTRL] OEN 5/d:   twisting more
5/15/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Fwd:  S99-79, Day 53, Update 1 (May 15;
0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's
5/14/99 LISTSERV@LISTSERNo Subject
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][4] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][3] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][1] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][2] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED][0] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of
5/14/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]No Subject

It is also not be registered in the archives. Hmm . . .
Table of contents:

•"Tea Leaves" Indicate Ground Troops (fwd)
•All the SISA/Tomlinson info - here - but what is true?
•Am very distressed!
•Another Banker Becomes Head of State
•Domestic policy, 2000 and Clinton's Serbian folly
•E-mail death threats for ex-spy
•Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net
•Fwd: Ireland first!: Welcome, thanks for visiting!.
•Fwd: S99-79, Day 53, Update 1 (May 15; 0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW
Bulletin on NATO's
•Fwd: Student Bill Clinton 'spied' on Americans abroad for CIA
•Fwd: dog's leash...
•Fwd: twisting more of WRENCH
•How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth. (2 messages)
•Impeach klintoon again [include algore this time]
•MI6Õs plot to assassinate President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia in
•Mona's Balkan File
•Namebase on the MI6 Hooplah
•OEN 5/15/07 (2 messages)
•Oops! NATO Kills 84 Refugees (2 messages)
•Strange Sewage Hits Utah (2 messages)
•Thank Kissinger for "Chinagate"
•U.S.'s plan??
•UK's nuclear deterrent 'undermined by leak'
•War of words over spy claims
•[0] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.
•[12] Secret Germany - Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade Against
•[1] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.
•[2] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.
•[3] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.
•[4] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau.
•[teaparty] 14th again
•thomlinson has left timebomb on the internet
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.


[CTRL] Is Clinton Worth dying for?

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Is Clinton Worth dying for?

By James Henry
No. 116,   19-25 April 1999

What is the US really doing in the Balkans? This is a question that millions
of Americans are now beginning to ask in earnest. Unfortunately, most of them
seem to be arriving at the wrong conclusion. Continually fed stories of
Serbian atrocities, supported by hours of television footage of thousands of
Kosovars forced to abandon their homes, it has been all too easy for
Americans to assume that their government is engaged on a humanitarian
mission. What has not sunk in as yet is the fact that America is at war — and
it is a war — not merely to save Clinton's political skin by driving his
scandals of the front pages but to supply him with the kind of legacy for
which he desperately craves. A legacy that in his own mind would portray him
as a great leader if not actually a hero.

None of this is based on Clinton-hating paranoia (I don't hate the man at all
— I just despise him) but on observation. The manner in which he has climbed
to the top, his betrayal of friends and his country's national interests, his
corruption and compulsive lying, his contempt for the rights and interests of
others, his vindictiveness and spite all indicate a personality that
literally cannot empathasise with others, who merely sees people as pawns.
Such a personality would have no moral qualms about endangering the lives
thousands of US troops if it thought it would promote its ambitions.

And what is Bill Clinton's chief ambition? In his book Agenda Bob Woodward
relates the tale of Clinton telling his aides how he would have liked to have
been president during WW II. This is a chilling and revealing insight into
Clinton's state of mind. No sensible and humane man really wants to lead his
country into war. He does so out of perceived necessity and nothing else. War
means that leaders have to make awful decisions that involve the loss of
thousands of lives. Churchill, for example, knew that Coventry was going to
be bombed and yet he took no measures to prevent it. Why? Because that would
have told Berlin that the British had cracked their codes. Does anyone think
he enjoyed making this decision? What kind of man wants to put himself in a
position where he has to make life and death decisions for thousands because
he thinks it will make him look good? A man like Clinton, that's who.

What does he crave? The kind of legacy that the Churchills of history
bequeath their countries. Clinton believed that Kosova offered him such a
legacy on the cheap. The none-too-bright Albright assured him that Milosevic
would quickly surrender to an aerial assault and thus allow NATO, meaning
Clinton, to dictate terms to Milosevic. In this fantasy, Clinton emerges
smelling like roses, a genuine leader who humbles his critics, despatches his
scandals and establishes a legacy worthy of a national hero. Who knows, maybe
even Mount Rushmore figures in his dream.

However, Clinton's dream is in very real danger of turning into a military
and political nightmare for the nation. Elsewhere I wrote that Clinton's
actions risked "triggering uncontrollable forces" and that "any Serbian
leader who gave up Kosovo might as well commit suicide."* I also pointed out
that Milosevic would sit tight while accelerating the drive against Kosovo
Albanians. This is precisely what he did. How did I know? Because Clinton
gave him no choice, unless you consider suicide a choice.

Milosevic knew that the aerial attack would be spearheaded by cruise
missiles. He also knew, as would anybody who read an American paper or
watched CNN, how many cruise missiles the US had in stock. Well, it is now
believed that the cruise inventory may have dropped below 100 because, thanks
to Clinton's gutting of the military, there are no cruise missile production
lines in operation. This means that low flying aircraft will eventually have
to replace them. Something else I pointed out. To make it worse, the risible
'strategy' of using bombing to 'degrade' Serbia's military facilities and
logistics have been a dismal failure. After more than 4000 sorties
intelligence believes these facilities still largely remain unscathed. Why?
Because the important fixed positions are underground, where they have been
for 50 years, while mobile units, including hundreds of tanks and
ground-to-air missile batteries, remain intact.

So Serbian forces still have anti-aircraft missile batteries, thousands of
anti-aircraft guns, not to mention several hundred shoulder-launched
anti-aircraft missiles. Does General Wesley Clark know this? Of course he
does and this is why, in my opinion, the pentagon is not releasing battle
damage assessments. Clark knew from the beginning of the campaign it would
fail to severely damage the Serb military because it had prepared itself
decades ago for a massive assault. Only then, the expected enemy was Moscow.
Very sensibly, the Serbs have pursued the


1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

It's closer to 170 million.


trouble to change the 56 million?

Posts are very effective!

Shall Not Steal!" because the federal thugs don't Like the 

tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt 
absolutely.Lord Acton

kills; absolute power kills absolutely.This Web 

BardVisit me at:The Center for Exposing Corruption 
in the Federal Government 
Government defined:a benefit/subsidy protection racket! 

-Original Message-From: GREG ERICSON 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 7:42 
AMTo: Undisclosed-Recipient:;Subject: Fw: FPI 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 9:38 AM

Corruption Alert
No independent free press allowed to document the 
crime scene
at Columbine High School. This is happening 
at crime scenes
around the world.

Free Press InternationalP.O.Box 19300 Suite 
181Austin, Texas 78760Website: 
416-8168Founder: Greg Ericson

[CTRL] Indoctrination

1999-05-15 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

If Spy Agencies indoctrinate their spies to be loyal to them, how do they go
about to keep them indoctrinated during long term field assignments?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Now isn't this interesting . . .

1999-05-15 Thread DIG Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Ha ha ha,
Your email is probably monitored.  Welcome to the club.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] China: Say NO to the NWO

1999-05-15 Thread Jay Combs

 -Caveat Lector-

Is it me or is this great country of China acting like a whore who only
wants the money for investment but forgets to pay the cops of in time to
avoid a raid.
I think they should just get the DNA out from Nixon and clone him and
send whatever they create to china to renegotiate.  I'm already checking
everything I buy to make sure it's not made anywhere close to there.
With a looming asian crisis and who's the most powerful trade partner
what could they possibly expect to gain.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-15 13:22:40 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.

Even ENERGY can be neither created nor destroyed, just redistributed.
'Twould seem even God has less "power" than an ideological Capitalist.

"To a 20-nothing wannabee-yuppie virgin,
even Ayn Rand at age 65 is a great lay."
   --L. Ron Rothbard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Japan's version of Littleton

1999-05-15 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

mass murder is a manifestation of human nature, and thus
is not limited to the United States, Britain's ITN
television news ran a story yesterday (5/13/99) about a
rash of mass murders without bullets in one of the most
peaceful nations on the planet--Japan.  The ITN story
explained that, just as in the U.S., a headline-making
killing spree inspired a host of copycat events.

Since ITN's website failed (as it usually does), to
carry the story, here are the facts as presented by The
Disaster Center,

Another Japanese Poisoning

  Six people in central Japan were hospitalized after
drinking coffee and tea   spiked with a toxic chemical
used to inflate car air bags, police said on   Saturday.

  The six -- four students and two faculty members from
Mie University's   department of bioresources -- made
tea and coffee with hot water from a   thermos spiked
with sodium azide, the same chemical used in a similar
 poisoning incident in August, police said.

  The six suffered convulsions and dizziness after
drinking the poisoned tea   and coffee on Friday. They
were rushed to a nearby hospital and all were   expected
to recover soon, police said.

  In the other case involving the same chemical, 10
people fell ill after   drinking tea laced with sodium
azide in northern Japan, about 250 miles   away from the
most recent poisoning case.

  No arrests have been made in either case.

  Japan has been hit by several poisoning cases over the
past few months   with health officials admitting they
were at a loss on how to protect   unsuspecting people
from tainted food and drink.

  The most serious case occurred in July, when four
people were killed and   at least 60 others sickened
after eating a curry dish spiked with arsenic at a
summer festival in western Japan.

 today's ITN story reported that a very ordinary
looking middle aged husband and wife have been captured
and accused of the curry killing mentioned in the
paragraph above.  The wife is believed to be the primary perpetrator--the
husband was an accessory.  Who says husbands never help out in the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

   Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.
Das GOAT wrote:
   Even ENERGY can be neither created nor destroyed, just
   redistributed. 'Twould seem even God has less "power"
   than an ideological Capitalist.

False analogy.  Wealth is NOT energy.


Few skills are so well rewarded as the ability to convince
parasites that they are victims. -- Thomas Sowell

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-15 16:48:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Few skills are so well rewarded as the ability to convince
parasites that they are victims. -- Thomas Sowell

No one is more paranoid about being "victimized" --e.g., by "Socialist"
conspiracies, by competitors in business, by "unjust" laws, by the "greedy"
poor, etc-- than a capitalist.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-15 Thread (Charles Overbeck)

 -Caveat Lector-

Be warned that by logging on to this web-site you may be monitered! So
save this file fast and mirror it.

This is the true list which was first published on the internet a nearly
a week ago. Shortly after the web-site was shut down by the British
Government, a false list started to appear over the internet which
contained the names of fictional MI6 Officers and was probably spread by
the government itself as disinformation. It was bound to happen like

This list gives the original list of names before the site was shut
down. Spread it around and mirror it to expose these criminals. You can
tell the fake one from the original because the fake one has foolishly
been put in alphabetical order which gives away the fact that it has
been carefully engineered.

Here is the list:

 Robert Bowen: 90 Windhoek, 92 Tirana.

Cor Andrew Boyd: 81 Accra, 88 Mexico City, 96 Islamabad; dob 1950.

Andrew John Bryer: 94 Santiago; dob 1960.

Christopher Matthew Willow: 88 Nicosia, 94 New Delhi; dob 1963.

Alastair Clark.

Michael Feliks: 93 Peking; dob 1964; Dr.

Roberto Dominico: 85 Hague, 88 Lagos, 92 New York; dob 1962.

Nicholai Bernarducci: 88 Lagos, 94 Istanbul; dob 1958; Dr.

Richard George Hooper: 68 Athens, 69 Nicosia, 73 Bucharest, 85 Athens;
dob 1944; CMG.

Donovan Andrew Foulsham: 84 Brunei, 86 Lagos, 95 Rome; dob 1950.

Rosalinda Maria Fulvera: 90 Hong Kong; dob 1965.

Michael Richard Foxton: 93 Geneva; dob 1958.

Richard Leslie Darlington: 73 Helsinki, 84 Washington; dob 1949.

Andrew Fulton: 69 Saigon, 73 Rome; dob 1947.

Robert Philip Bridges: 86 Warsaw, 88 Moscow; dob 1959.

Stanley Armitage Brooks: 72 Rio, 75 Lisbon, 79 Moscow, 87 Stockholm, 93
Moscow; dob 1948; OBE.

Christopher Parker: 82 East Berlin, 87 Bonn, 93 Athens; dob 1958.

Gregory Benedict Joseph Gatsby: 89 Bonn, 92 Belgrade; dob 1960; OBE.

Jeffrey Chittenden.

Robert John Paul Temple: 76 Bankok, 81 Berlin, 86 Nairobi, 89 Bangkok,
97 Nairobi; dob 1947.

Timothy Clay: 91 Warsaw, 95 Lagos; dob 1960;

Mark Hugh Clementine: 86 Tehran, 90 Vienna; dob 1961.

John Donovan Nielsonn: 66 Nicosia, 72 Bonn, 72 Brussels, 88 Washington;
dob 1941; CMG.

Peter Solomon Childs: 80 Khartoum, 82 Canberra, 93 Jakarta; dob 1950.

Andrew David Bains: 75 Nairobi, 77 New York, 84 Lusaka, 88 Berlin, 95
Oslo; dob 1947.

Nicholas Louis Cooper-Coles: 80 Cairo, 87 Washington; dob 1955; CMG,

Keith Cray: dob 1961.

Jonathan Martin James Drake: 88 Cairo, 96 Dubai; dob 1953.

Michelle Hayward Davenport: 89 Warsaw, 96 Moscow; dob 1961.

Pyoter Brian Davich: 83 Rome, 88 Peking, 96 Jakarta; dob 1954,

Richard Billing Fairchild: 68 Nairobi, 73 Prague, 80 Paris, 87 Geneva,
91 Washington; dob 1945; OBE.

John Fairchild.

Kevin Derek Everett: 75 Warsaw, 77 Maputo, 83 New York, 86 Kingston, 88
Lisbon; dob 1948; OBE.

Carrie Garvey: 81 Bangkok, 85 Hanoi, 92 Phnom Penh; dob 1960.

John Harrison Cary Smythe: 69 Hong Kong, 71 Singapore, 74 Peking, 87
Hong Kong; dob 1945.

Andrew Patrick Somerset Gibbs: 79 Rio, 84 Moscow, 87 Pretoria; dob 1951;

Sarah Goodman.

Anikka Goodman.

Keith Robert Grosling: 75 Singapore, 78 Vienna, 86 Manila, 93 Tel Aviv;
dob 1944; OBE.

Rupert Fitzpatrick Hamilton: 78 Jakarta, 82 Tokyo, 84 Hong Kong, 89
Copenhagen; dob 1948.

Roger Graham Talisman: 73 Hong Kong, 76 Sanaa, 85 Hong Kong, 96
Wellington; dob 1950.

Stanley Cole Dayton: 95 Lagos; dob 1963.

Henry John Clythe: 88 Vienna, 96 New York; dob 1962.

Catherine Sarah Horner: 85 Moscow, 97 Moscow; dob 1952.

Robert Benedictine Hurd: 95 Warsaw; dob 1964.

Robert Mitchell Forest: 74 Nairobi, 80 Turkey, 81 Ankara, 95 Ottowa; dob

Charles Maurice Kenwick-Pierce: 74 Brussels, 82 Nicosia, 88 Hague, 94
Athens; dob 1948.

Alec Kershaw: 97 Geneva; dob 1964.

Nicholas John Andrew Longman: 86 Montevideo, 88 New York, 94 Paris; dob
 Richard Vlach: 95 Havana.

James Spencer Kennedy: 91 Kuwait, 97 Damascus; dob 1964.

Andrew Whitside: 95 Budapest; dob 1968.

Marco Williams: 95 Tehran.

Drew Williams: 76 Kuala Lumpur, 79 Bridgetown, 88 Harare, 94 Delhi; dob

Shimon Walsky: 91 Athens, 93 Zagreb; dob 1966; OBE.

Claude Benton Miles: 78 Geneva, 84 Dhaka, 90 Islamabad; dob 1944.

David John Woods: 78 Vienna, 81 Bucharest, 92 Harare, 97 Pretoria; dob

Alexander Woods: 77 New York, 84 Berlin, 86 Bonn, 95 Warsaw; dob 1951.

Alexander William MacBaine: 95 Vienna; dob 1963.

Edmond John Scott: 94 Istanbul; dob 1968.

Jeremiah Triches: 87 Lusaka, 94 Vienna; dob 1961.

Gareth Geoffrey Johnson: dob 1971.

Kristina Anna MacQueen: 84 Brasilia, 89 New York, 90 Paris; dob 1959.

Norman James Sweeney: 72 Nairobi, 77 Tehran, 83 Bonn, 91 Stockholm, 95
Moscow; dob 1948.

Ian Arthur Gray: 81 New York, 85 Warsaw, 93 Prague; dob 1952.

Ian Forbes Creed: 76f Lusaka, 79 

Re: [CTRL] Bubonic Plague Confirmed in Namibia

1999-05-15 Thread Crimm Sun

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/12/99 9:25:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

   If you read the last paragraph there is says it wiped out nearly one-third
  of the population... Hmmm isn't that what the NWO elitist want to do now?
  Interesting...  I know they say there is a cure for the plague now, but who
  will it be available for?


Unless I'm wrong, isn't bubonic plague relatively harmless as long as you
regularly wash with soap?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Women @ War

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Picture: Subscribe to The Nation

May 17, 1999


World Culture War


In the past ten years, nationalist, communalist and religious fundamentalist social 
movements have surfaced all over the world, moving into the power vacuum created as 
local elites have been overwhelmed by the new global
financial ruling class. The emerging struggle is not between East and West, as Samuel 
Huntington would have it, but within both; it is a struggle between the forces of 
globalization and the atavistic social movements that
 have sprung up to oppose it. Civilian populations, especially ethnic minorities, 
women and children, are caught in between. Among such movements are the Taliban in 
Afghanistan; the Serbian nationalist movement (and its o
pposing counterparts elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia); Islamic fundamentalist 
movements in Egypt, Algeria and elsewhere; the Hindu communalist movement in India; 
the Israeli settler movement in the West Bank; and a who
le range of militantly patriarchal Christian groups, from the militias to Operation 
Rescue, in the United States.

These movements have in common a desire for racial, ethnic and religious homogeneity; 
an apocalyptic vision of purification through bloodshed; and a patriarchal view of 
women and the family. I call them atavistic because
of the way they yearn back to a mythic past, often the age of barbarism, when their 
nation, tribe or religion was great. ("Atavism: Biol. the reappearance in an 
individual of characteristics of some more or less remote an
cestor that have been absent in intervening generations." American College Dictionary) 
In Israel, to take one example, religious fundamentalists who believe they should 
control all the land that was biblical Israel's at i
ts point of greatest territorial strength have repeatedly brought the peace process to 
a standstill. And in the United States, a cadre of religiously driven conservative 
leaders paralyzed the federal government for more t
han a year in their campaign against the Sixties and Sin, both exemplified by Bill 

As central to such movements as ethnic or religious homogeneity is the control of 
women. Atavistic social movements attack feminism not only as an obstacle to such 
control but as part of their war on modernity itself, for
, like other movements for social and political rights, feminism is inescapably 
secular and thus part of the project of modernity, opposed to older forms of social 
organization in which women's needs and voices were subsu
med into a communal or religious entity represented by male elders. Even in countries 
where the women's movement is led by female versions of tribal elders, feminism 
resists being swallowed up in male definitions of the c
lass, the nation, the community; it sticks in the craw. Add to this the threat of 
female sexual and reproductive autonomy, then place both in the context of a volatile 
world situation where local males are losing power an
d the family has become the last bastion of unquestioned male authority and privilege, 
and what have you got? A world culture war, in which feminism becomes the scapegoat 
for every frustration and women become the focus o
f every contradiction.

This war takes culturally specific forms in each country, targeting poor women, 
because they are most vulnerable, and feminist intellectuals and organizers, because 
they stir up the others. Last month in the Bronx, Tabith
a Walrond, a 19-year-old African-American, was tried for homicide in the death of her 
infant son. She had been breast-feeding him; her milk was insufficient, and he died of 
malnutrition. The prosecution also charged her w
ith second-degree manslaughter and endangering the welfare of her child by failing to 
get him emergency medical care when his condition became acute. But Walrond was unable 
to get medical care for her son; she was repeate
dly denied a Medicaid ID number by a city administration that has shown an unholy 
eagerness to get women off the welfare rolls regardless of what will happen to them 
and their children. Tabitha Walrond is but one example
of the way American women are caught between the drive to cut government spending and 
release capital from all constraint on the one hand, and backlash tendencies invoking 
earlier, more patriarchal forms of social organiz
ation on the other.

To nationalist, communalist and religious backlash movements, feminism, no matter how 
rooted in local conditions, represents the globalizing forces that are undercutting 
patriarchal traditions. For them, it is intrinsical
ly foreign, a fifth column undermining their efforts at unity. This contradiction is 
vividly apparent in the former Yugoslavia. Relatively weak before the Yugoslav 
federation began to 

Re: [CTRL] CLGA Re: [patriots] Fw: [SonsofLiberty] A Laymans Study andInterpretation of the CONSTITUTION

1999-05-15 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

The Military Occupant administers its regions with the complicity of this
State, the nul tiel instrumentality and alter ego of the United States, the
Military Occupant.

The People within the exterior boundaries of the States party to the Union
under the Constitution of the United States for the United States of America
have been subverted by the most successful despotic tyranny in written history.

The subjugation of American and Americans to these Federal Regions is imposed
under the artifice of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States for the United States of America.

Within this Amendment is the creation of an honor, a title of nobility, this
citizen of the United States.  This honor falls under the Statutory protection
of the Congress of the United States.  This statutory protection is enforced
under the military power administered by the Chief Magistrate of the Republic
funded by the exaction charged upon the People who are libeled for the cost of
supporting this foreign and alien jurisdiction that has usurped the sovereign
independent State Republics.

The first ten federal regions were imposed by the Sine Die Congress of the
United States on March 2, 1867.  These federal regions are now overlay the
States party to the Constitution of the United States for the United States of

The administrative cost of these Federal Areas are funded by the imposition of
excise, and duties as codified in Title 4, United States Code, section 104-110.
 (79th Congress 3d Session, chapter 787, page 1059-1061, 54th statute at large)

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

"In a age of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

 From: Robert Wangrud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: CLGA Re: [patriots] Fw: [SonsofLiberty] A Laymans Study
andInterpretation of the CONSTITUTION
 Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 5:23 PM

 At 10:50 AM Robert Wangrud wrote:
 At 12:21 PM 5/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
 From: Robert Wangrud [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I agree with you on the original intent you have stated. Just for more
 clarifying I add this. The several States were the several "Nations" the
 word "state" was used in the international sense, which means Nations. They
 are still the several Nations today that have surrender part of their
 national powers to a central federal government. The federal government has
 joined in a conspiracy with the legislatures of the several Nations and
 committed Treason. Together they have conspired to abolish the several
 Nations and abolish the birthright Citizenry of the Posterity of these
 several Nations.

   With the cooperation of the state legislatures the federal government has
 created an "INTERNAL" Venue and in this "INTERNAL" venue abolished the
 several Nations. It works like this:

 The federal government through The President's Ex Orders and the statutes
 of Congress established the TenFederal Regional Areas:

  The Ten Federal Regional Areas established by Presiden-
   tial Executive Order of ex-president Richard M. Nixon in 3/27/69,
   Executive Order # 11649 entered in the Federal Register Feb.  12,
   1972. (vol. 37, No 30)  as amended.

   Congress ectablished the Ten National Areas:

Ten National Areas established by act of Congress Approved
September 2, 1960, Public  Law 86-682; 74 STAT.578 [Zip Code]

   The several Nations do not exist under this "INTERNAL" Venue [Zip Code].
 This "INTERNAL" Venue also covers the entire Union. How does it work?

This will show all the  `doubting Thomas', that the ZIP Code
   is used and does tie you into a regional venue.

Since  the ZIP Code first became an issue, it has been  easy
   for  some to understand, but there are always those few that  can
   not  accept  the truth when it is before them.   They  refuse  to
   understand logic, and want proof.  This satanic regional  govern-
   ment  of  ours will not come right out and tell the truth  and  I
   believe  that  this as found was a mistake, but it  should  prove
   that  ZIP Codes tie you into regional venue, by their own  admis-

The  enclosed  quotes  comes out of  the  Federal  Register,
   Volume  51, No. 53, of Wednesday, March 19, 1986/Notices at  page
   9571  through  9573.  It starts at number 150-01 which is  a  TDO
   (Treasury Department Order).

 [Number: 150-01]
 Designation of Internal Revenue Districts
 Dated. February 27, 1986.

 "Under  the authority given to the President to  estab-
   lish and alter Internal Revenue Districts by section 7621 of  the
   Internal  Revenue Code of 1954, as 

  1   2   >