[CTRL] FW: New Report Lauds Small Farms

1999-09-10 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Anuradha Mittal
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 5:52 PM
Subject: New Report Lauds Small Farms

Small Farms More Productive than Large Farms

but Threatened by Trade Agreements

The Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First
and the Transnational Institute Release a New Report:

The Multiple Functions and Benefits
of Small Farm Agriculture

In the Context of Global Trade Negotiations

By Peter Rosset

full text of the report available at:

September 14, 1999

Maastricht, Netherlands --  Small farms are more productive than large
farms, yet their continued existence is threatened by international trade
agreements, according to a major study released today at a United Nations
conference here in Maastricht.*

The Institute for Food and Development Policy, also known as "Food First,"
based in California, USA, and the Transnational Institute, based in The
Netherlands, published the study authored by agricultural development
specialist Dr. Peter Rosset. Challenging the conventional wisdom that small
farms are backward and unproductive, the study shows that small farmers
worldwide produce from 2 to 10 times more per unit area than do larger,
corporate farmers.

"In fact small farms are 'multi-functional' -- more productive, more
efficient, and contribute more to economic development than do large
farms," said Dr. Rosset, Executive Director of the Institute for Food and
Development Policy and the author of the report. Dr. Rosset is an official
delegate to the Maastricht conference, representing the Global Forum on
Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security, based in Brazil.

Communities surrounded by populous small farms have healthier economies
than do communities surrounded by depopulated large, mechanized farms,
according the study.  Small farmers also take better care of natural
resources, including reducing soil erosion and conserving biodiversity.
Small farmers are better stewards of natural resources, safeguarding the
future sustainability of agricultural production.

"Despite more than a century of anti-small farmer policies in country after
country, in both industrialized and third world countries," said Dr.
Rosset, "small farmers not only still cling to the soil but continue to be
more productive and more efficient than large, agri-business farming
operations. Small farmers offer the best way to feed the world, and the
only way to effectively conserve soil resources for future generations."

Unfortunately the study shows that today the world's small farmers face
unprecedented threats to their livelihoods, thanks to free trade agreements
negotiated in recent years.  "Free trade causes the prices farmers receive
to drop through the floor", said Rosset," driving them into bankruptcy by
the millions."  Such low prices mean only the largest can survive,
according to the study.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture (AOA), to be
negotiated in Seattle, USA, in November, 1999, is the weapon that could
deal the final death blow to the world's small farmers, according to
Rosset.  "The U.S. Government negotiators," said Rosset, himself an
American, "have as their goal for Seattle the complete liberalization of
trade in farm products."

Rosset, and the institutes that published his report, are issuing a call to
recognize the true, multiple value of small farms, and to defeat the
American government plans for the AOA.  "Small farmers are a key resource
for our very survival into the future," said Mr. Erik Heijmans, of the
Transnational Institute, which co- published the study.  "We must oppose
trade agreements which place them in jeopardy."

* "Cultivating Our Futures," the FAO/Netherlands Conference on the
Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land, 12-17 September 1999,
Maastricht, The Netherlands. Information at: http://www.fao.org/mfcal

   # # #

Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy
398 60th Street
Oakland, California 94618  USA
tel: 510/654-4400 fax: 510/654-4551

Transnational Institute
Paulus Potterstraat 20
1071 DA, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: 31-20-6626608
Fax: 31-20-6757176

Global Forum on Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security
SGAN 905 Conjunto "B", Parte "A" 70.790-050
Brasilia, DF Brazil
Tel: +55 61 347 4914
Fax: +55 61 347 9002

Anuradha Mittal
Policy Director
Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First
398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618 USA
Phone: (510) 654-4400  Fax: (510) 654-4551

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] FW: Allan Nairn - ETimor correspondent (fwd)

1999-09-10 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley


US Complicity in Timor

While the Indonesian military's thugs continue their rampage in East
Timor, most foreign reporters have fled the country. As of September 7,
frequent Nation contributor and award-winning journalist Allan Nairn was
believed to be the only US reporter still there. Nairn left the besieged
UN compound and walked the streets of Dili, where he hid in abandoned
houses as he observed troops and militia burning and looting. Nairn has
been writing about the troubles there for years. In 1991, after being
badly beaten by Indonesian troops while witnessing the massacre of several
hundred East Timorese, he was declared a "threat to national security" and
banned from the country. He has entered several times illegally since
then. In his most recent Nation dispatch from East Timor, on March 30,
1998, Nairn disclosed the continuing US military training of Indonesian
troops implicated in the torture and killing of civilians. He filed this
report by satellite telephone to The Nation through Amy Goodman, host of
Pacifica Radio's Democracy Now!

--The Editors

Dili, East Timor


It is by now clear to most East Timorese and a few Westerners still left
here that the militias are a wing of the TNI/ABRI, the Indonesian armed
forces. Recently, for example, I was picked up by militiamen who turned
out to be working for a uniformed colonel of the National Police.
[Editors' note: The Indonesian government has denied any connection
between the militias and either the police or the military.] But there is
another important political fact that is not known here or in the
international community. Although the US government has publicly
reprimanded the Indonesian Army for the militias, the US military has,
behind the scenes and contrary to Congressional intent, been backing the

US officials say that this past April, as militia terror escalated, a top
US officer was dispatched to give a message to Jakarta. Adm. Dennis Blair,
the US Commander in Chief of the Pacific, leader of all US military forces
in the Pacific region, was sent to meet with General Wiranto, the
Indonesian armed forces commander, on April 8. Blair's mission, as one
senior US official told me, was to tell Wiranto that the time had come to
shut the militia operation down. The gravity of the meeting was heightened
by the fact that two days before, the militias had committed a horrific
machete massacre at the Catholic church in Liqui^Ma, Timor. YAYASAN HAK, a
Timorese human rights group, estimated that many dozens of civilians were
murdered. Some of the victims' flesh was reportedly stuck to the walls of
the church and a pastor's house. But Admiral Blair, fully briefed on Liqui
^Ma, quickly made clear at the meeting with Wiranto that he was there to
reassure the TNI chief. According to a classified cable on the meeting,
circulating at Pacific Command headquarters in Hawaii, Blair, rather than
telling Wiranto to shut the militias down, instead offered him a series of
promises of new US assistance.

According to the cable, which was drafted by Col. Joseph Daves, US
military attache in Jakarta, Admiral Blair "told the armed forces chief
that he looks forward to the time when [the army will] resume its proper
role as a leader in the region. He invited General Wiranto to come to
Hawaii as his guest in conjunction with the next round of bilateral
defense discussions in the July-August '99 time frame. He said Pacific
command is prepared to support a subject matter expert exchange for
doctrinal development. He expects that approval will be granted to send a
small team to provide technical assistance to police and...selected TNI
personnel on crowd control measures."

Admiral Blair at no point told Wiranto to stop the militia operation,
going the other way by inviting him to be his personal guest in Hawaii.
Blair told Wiranto that the United States would initiate this new
riot-control training for the Indonesian armed forces. This was quite
significant, because it would be the first new US training program for the
Indonesian military since 1992. Although State Department officials had
been assured in writing that only police and no soldiers would be part of
this training, Blair told Wiranto that, yes, soldiers could be included.
So although Blair was sent in with the mission of telling Wiranto to shut
the militias down, he did the opposite.

Indonesian officers I spoke to said Wiranto was delighted by the meeting.
They took this as a green light to proceed with the militia operation. The
only reference in the classified cable to the militias was the following:
"Wiranto was emphatic: as long as East Timor is an integral part of the
territory of Indonesia, Armed Forces have responsibility to maintain peace
and stability in the region. 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Keith

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-09 23:17:14 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Devastating news this is.  We are in desperate need of investigators like Jim
Keith.  It is a shame to hear of his passing.  He had written many
cornerstone works on Conspiracy issues and I'm sure will be missed by all of
us who are trying to understand the machinations of the conspiracy elite.

A considerable loss, yes.  A few years back, Jim's personal Holy Grail was
finally pinning down The Octopus, plus writing the screenplay for a movie
version of Danny Casolaro's handwritten notes (which he possessed).  I wonder
now if he had gotten too close to "the truth" -- I'd warned him that, of all
the Conspiracy Theory topics he was interested in, The Octopus was THE most
likely to result in a shortened life span.

We've lost a rarity in the field of Conspiracy Theory -- an investigator
without a personal ax to grind and without an Ultimate Answer to All
Questions to promote, and with a balanced perspective (in the cultivation of
which I like to think I had a small hand ...)

Jim was a correspondent and friend till only about two years ago, when he got
buried in the amount of work he'd undertaken to pay the bills.  A sad day
indeed, learning this.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-09-10 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

I have never been able to tie the various events together.
trying to get the  facts/ speculation together seem to be-
(sources both mainline and conspiracy books)

1The British round table/ rothschilds seemed to support the mensheviks in
the first revolution
 Trotsky was a menshevik until 'turned' by Lenin.

2 The mailine british establishment(royal family, army etc) supported Czar
and wished he continue ruling

3The germans supported Lenins revolution but only as a means of winning WW1
 The Warburgs(head of the german secret service) were highly involved in the
whole operation and as well as providing the sealed carriage provided in the
order of $3-4bn (in todays money). The germans were the principle source of

4The Russian Jews were predominantly Bolshevik and significant supporters of
the Bolshevik revolution..and provided much of the initial thrust. They were
later sidelined by Stalin due to his better administartive ability.

5The Rockerfellers/ JP Morgans on the american side were the principle
supporters of the bolshevik revolution. Josephson in his book Rockerfeller
internationalist states that schiff paid Rockerfeller money to Lenin. The
Wall street axis continued to support the Bolshevik alliance until now.
Their control rose and fell and rose again. They backed the Jewish
bolsheviks initially, then stalin gained control and was not controlled
until hitlers war.

6The Round Table/ Rothschilds interests continued support of menshevik
principles and continued supporting Trotsky in the hope he would prevail
over Stalin.
The round table's support of Hitler was ambiguous( deceitful ?). Tended to
support zionism as opposed to internationalism. More neutral toward the
christian church. Supported the white russians financially.

7 rockerfeller/ skull and bones supported the Fabian soc and the labour
party. Undermined the christian church by infiltration. Supported the
Bolsheviks. More than once lost control.(Stalins plans to invade germany,
start ww3 against the west- see Stalin Radvinsky)

A conspiracy theory in terms of being a theory should be testable and fit
the facts with the fewest possible discrepancies. It is the discrepancies
that are the true test.

Hypothesis 1

1 there are a number of divergent parties each pursuing their own group
interests. Some of the participants had their foot in more than one camp, or
even changed some allegiances.
The parties would be Germans, americans, round table, russian Jews, S  B
This is close to mailine history except includes the secret socs

2 Mainline history plus the 2 major secret socs acting against each other
for supremecy
(the daniels hypothesis)

3 A central conspiracy that orchestrates the flow of events. Control is
exercised through the control of money and useful idiots such as Hitler.

4 Central control through 4th dimensional reptaloids shape shifting
humanoids. we are all low dimensional control vibrations that were all mind
controled slaves of a malignant entity whose heart is Ice-k.

5 Conspiracy theories are thought up by a bunch of nuts who are either
paranoid or nuts

-Original Message-
Sent: 09 September 1999 05:34

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you Gavin  for pointing out these apparent discrepancies

Let me try to explain the problem.

Ive been working away at this conspiracy area in its various aspects since
about 1960, and  so has Ed Griffin, whom I have known for 20+ years with
respect .

Back in the early 1970's I worked through the State Department Decimal file
the CIA of 1920), the files of the War Trade Board, the British Foreign
Office Confidential files and the German OKW files..

If you look at my WALL STREET AND THE BOLSEHVIK REVOLUTION( Buccaneers Book)
the case on ORIGINAL documents (telegrams, letters, memos, SB membership
list etc).  No one has ever refuted these documents.

From the research viewpoint it leaves  open whether Schiff and Jewish
also financed the Bolsheviks.   If you read the appendix in BOLSHEVIK
REVOLUTION you will find a review of the Jewish banker argument .At that
I had no evidence that they provided any funds and I still have no
documentary evidence.

However I did find disinformation coming out of the WAR TRADE BAORD directed
by John  Foster Dulles, close to the Wall Street operators (Morgan,
Thacher)o.  This is confirmed in the Scotland Yard files.

I have always based arguments on documentary evidence at hand.  If anyone
documentary material contrary to my argument then I  assuredly would like to
see it..   On the other hand I do not rely on quotes from interested

In no way does this detract from the decades long work of Edward Griffin.
This is a murky.field and we all, me included, tread warily.

Show me some 

[CTRL] FW: Waco: The Rules of Engagement documentary or hoax?

1999-09-10 Thread Dave

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: William Gazecki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 4:03 AM
Subject: Re: "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" documentary or hoax?

To Ms. Carol Valentine-

I am going to respond to the assertions contained below because I feel that
misrepresent severely the intent and content of WTROE.  I Produced,
co-Wrote, Photographed (on videotape) and Edited "WACO: The Rules of
Engagement".  My name is William Gazecki, and I was the sole filmmaker of
original film.  In June of 1995,  Mike McNulty was first referred to me by
Russo, a film producer I had worked with in 1979 on a film entitled "The
Michael came to my home studio, (which I designed and built myself-
one circuit card at a time) introduced himself, and proceeded to play for me
fuzzy black-and-white video which, as he pointed out, showed a tank tearing
the back of the (Davidian) building.  This was Michael's copy of the FLIR
Up until that time I had spent the previous 4 years producing products
mostly in
the health field (I still worked part-time then as a(n Emmy Award winning)
mixer for movies and TV shows, something I had done since 1974).  The FLIR
and the subject of Waco all seemed pretty creepy, but it was a potential
Michael knew NOTHING about media production, and had NO money.  But, he knew
Gifford and his wife Amy, and they agreed to pay the for the production.
rest is "history" as they say.  Except that. what most people know about
WTROE is what has happened to it since it was finished.  What virtually no
knows is how it was made.  I know how it was made, because I made it, and I
it (essentially) alone.  I state this in the context that documentaries are
"made" in the editing phase, and many times (as in this situation), the
and the Editor are the same person.  The point is that I personally know the
intent of every sound byte and photo contained in WTROE, because I
selected each and every one.

Michael and I spent about a year, busting our asses I might add, gathering
interview materials. He was the sleuth, I was the filmmaker.  Dan and Amy
home and waited.  In the beginning we had a list of people Michael had put
together of all the key players- Davidians, FBI  ATF people, attorneys, and
other people like James Tabor and Dick Reavis.  Our first day on the job was
Washington, DC, at the first day of the Waco (House) Hearings. We were
to be there for a week or so, and our stated objective to our investors was
we intended to videotape the bulk of our interviews during this Hearing
On our first day there Michael confidently started tracking down the people
his list.  Every single one declined to be interviewed.  The FBI guys just
laughed us off.  The Congressional people had NO TIME for us (we weren't
CNN, NBC, etc.).  We ended up coming home with one interview, and that one
with Clive Doyle.  Michael was blown away.  I explained to him that video
was a
lot different than print journalism, where you can grab an "interview"
in line with someone waiting for a cup of coffee.  For newspapers, phone
conversations often suffice as "interviews".  We were both surprised at how
or disinterested everyone we ran into was.  When I told my friends I was
on a piece about Waco, most of them just snickered or shrugged.

So, we hit the road.  We went back to DC, we went to Waco, we went to
Dallas, we
went to Boston, we went to Vegas, we went to North Carolina, we went to
and San Antonio.  Just me and Michael, lugging about 200 pounds of video
sleeping (and usually shooting) in small motels, wringing out every
appearance one at a time.  The only FBI guy we ever got was Farris
and he had quit the FBI over his bad feelings about Waco.  All the tapes
home with me to my studio in LA, and Michael went home to Colorado to wait
the film to magically appear when I was done making it. By the time I
editing, I had almost 300 hours of raw footage, much of it (app. 150 hours)
the same Congressional Hearings we started out at.  Since the FBI wouldn't
appear in fornt of our cameras, I figured the next best thing was their
testimony before the committee.  So, I planned to use that footage for the
on-camera sections of the film.  It tool A LOT of work to carefully sit
viewing all those hours of Hearings, looking for the snippets that would
demonstrate the FBI and ATF collusion.

Originally, by the way, we weren't even making a "film".  The Giffords hired
Michael and I to make a 1-hour TV show.  It was my idea to do it as a
feature-length film.  The story was too big for one hour.  We had too much
information, and understanding the details was essential.  

[CTRL] [Fwd: SNET: [piml] IRS Y2K Problem?]

1999-09-10 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

The tax problem looks serious.

 Original Message 
Subject: SNET: [piml] IRS Y2K Problem?
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 17:22:32 -0700

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

"On Sep 05, Don Cline wrote:"

Goodyear, Arizona (near Phoenix)

As significant as the Waco revelations may be, Chris Stark has raised
question of why now?  Why not a year and a half ago, when the
first (allegedly) became available?  He ties it, tentatively, to the
candidacy of George W. Bush, Jr.

I consider it far more likely that it is a smokescreen to distract the
media from what may be the biggest story of all:  It appears the
Revenue Service is "down".

So far I have about a quarter-ton of anecdotal evidence to indicate the
computers are either down across the board or, alternatively, they have
simply lost access to their taxpayer database.  The latest indication
arrived yesterday in the form of a typewritten letter on blank paper (no
IRS letterhead; no standard IRS computer format) advising me (without
into details) that "It will take us about three weeks to retrieve (the
information you request) together with any audit reports."

This is the third manually-typed letter I have received from the IRS in
last month.

The information I requested should be staring them in the face from
computer screen.  It _was_ staring them in the face from their computer
screen, along with several other pieces of information they still
picked up, prior to July 1st, which was the beginning of their fiscal
2000.  Since July 1st, they have claimed to have no record of it -- I
to provide them with copies.  And now they want three weeks to retrieve
information I just gave them.

The anecdotal evidence does not derive entirely from _my_ interaction
the IRS.  Ever heard of the IRS returning a check to a known "tax
protester"?  It has now happened to an individual in New Mexico, with
comment that the IRS "has no record" of any tax liability involving that

Numerous contacts with the IRS by other people with whom I am in
communication have resulted in what amounts to pure-dee "stonewalling".
The IRS has no information about someone; the taxpayer has to provide
information the IRS should have already had, and then the IRS comes back
with a dismissive answer designed to keep the taxpayer on hold for
three-four weeks.  This appears to be a holding operation, as though the
IRS is waiting for some other element to position itself, as though
TSHTF what we do here won't matter any more".

The Department of Justice may also be "down", or otherwise distracted:
lawsuit against the IRS had a hard deadline for the Department of
last Thursday.  They failed to meet it.  They failed to call me and
an extension.  I haven't heard from them.

The IRS being down, if it is down, is a you-bet National Security
Issue.  I
figure the "STUFF" is going to hit the FAN sometime within the next 30
seconds to 30 days.  WACO is being used as nothing but a temporary
distraction, in my view, to keep us from paying attention.

Keep your powder dry.

Don Cline
Homepage: http://www.mindspring.com/~frdmftr

Was the salesman clueless?
Productopia has the answers.

For subscription info, go to:

- Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-  Posted by: Ed Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Paradigms and Ideologies

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 A Catastrophics Newsletter

   VOL III, No. 12
   Aug 31, 1999

EDITOR:  Amy Acheson
PUBLISHER:  Michael Armstrong
LIST MANAGER:  Brian Stewart


PARADIGMS AND IDEOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson
BY JOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Dave Talbott
ASTROBIOLOGY . . . . . Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, Dave Talbott
CHLORINE DISCOVERY NEAR IO . . . . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill

By Mel Acheson

I get newsletters from several think tanks.  A recent one
contained an article analyzing the effects of "ignorant masses"
and "expert elites" on public policy.  One paragraph described a
political dynamic which, with the substitution of only two words,
also occurs in science.  In the following quote, I've substituted
the appropriate sense of [science] for the author's use of
"politics" and [paradigm] for "ideology'.

[A paradigm] "constrains" [scientific] attitudes-imposing
conceptual consistency on them, but at the cost of
screening out information that would undermine doctrinaire
conclusions.  This is unavoidable if [paradigms] are to
accomplish their cognitive purpose:  making sense of the
otherwise incomprehensible world of [science].  The
[believer in a paradigm] is able to absorb more
[scientific] information because his preset convictions
allow him to better organize data-convenient data, at
least-than can members of the [scientifically] innocent
mass public.  But part and parcel of the [paradigm
believer's] ability to assimilate self-confirming data is
the ability, and the need, to dismiss conflicting data-and
to condemn their purveyors as stupid or evil.  If one's
[paradigmatic] opponents were merely mistaken, one would be
obliged to study and rebut their erroneous ideas, and that
would undermine the time-saving convenience of one's own
[paradigm].  Opponents must be written off entirely if
their ideas are to be safely ignored.  Thus, animating the
most sophisticated of [paradigm believers] is usually the
unquestioned assumption that no decent, caring person would
oppose [statements derived from the paradigm]….  ("Public
Ignorance and Democracy" by Jeffrey Friedman.  CATO Policy
Report, July/August 1999, V. XXI, No. 4, p. 11.)

But this need to write off opponents is not a necessity inherent
in the nature of paradigms.  It's an invasive need, carried
unconsciously into the competition of paradigms under the
character armor (chronic personality rigidities) of the
participants.  Tolerating other paradigms carries just as much
(or as little) logical necessity.  But the frequent choice of
intolerant attitudes reveals something about the nature of

Paradigms in science and ideologies in politics are expressions
of the underlying nature of human cognition:  the ability to
recognize patterns of intelligibility. In a complex world about
which we have limited experience, there can be more than one way
to make sense of it.  The history of ideas provides a long list
of paradigms and ideologies proposed and imposed, adopted and
abandoned, revived, revised, and ignored.

Some ways of making sense work better than others for
accomplishing the goals we want.  But that is an evaluation from
utility.  The political dynamic described above is an evaluation
from righteousness. The switch from "does it work?" to "are you
right?" is also the expression of an underlying nature, but one
not of cognition but of anxiety. The (cognitive) values of
"right" or "correct" are largely defined by and limited to the
paradigms themselves, but they are applied to other paradigms
with the non-rational necessity of a primal fear and guilt.  What
began as a purely intellectual activity is transformed under the
heat and pressure of a deep-seated terror into a moralistic and
religiose caricature of religious activity.

"[M]aking sense of the otherwise incomprehensible world" is an
activity quite different from being right.  There are more
paradigms than a person has time to study, and there's no
inherent necessity to write them off or even to rebut them in
order to pursue a chosen one.  Writing them off is surrendering
to the invasion of fear and abandoning your responsibility,
freedom, and power to make what you can of your own paradigm.

Mel Acheson

By Dave Talbott

[The following comments are excerpted from the Kronia
electronic discussion group and should be read in conjunction
with other published articles.]

"Saturn" (the Universal Monarch) has both elder and younger
aspects.  I think it may have been Macrobius who said that the
younger Saturn is Jupiter and the elder Jupiter is Saturn.  (Be
that as it may, I didn't invent the idea!)  :).  The principle
is inherent in Greek approaches to the two gods.  

[CTRL] The New Kosovo, Same As the Old Kosovo

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Serbs, Albanians Clash in Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Kosovo Serbs and Albanians clashed in the
ethnically tense town of Kosovska Mitrovica, injuring 15 French soldiers and
police trying to separate them, NATO officials said today. Town residents
said one Albanian was killed and three injured.

NATO spokesmen said the clash occurred late Thursday, drawing in French
peacekeepers and police who tried to separate the two ethnic groups. Of the
15 injured, five soldiers were wounded by an exploding hand grenade, and the
others by stones thrown by the two sides, said Maj. Ole Irgens, a spokesman
for the peacekeepers. He said none of the injuries were critical.

Several ethnic Albanian residents of Kosovska Mitrovica, who spoke on the
phone on condition of anonymity, said one Albanian died and three were
injured in the clash. Irgens said those reports were being checked today.

Northwest of Pristina, Kosovo's capital, the town has figured prominently
over the past months as an example of the ethnic hatreds blocking
international efforts to establish normality in Kosovo in the wake of a Serb
crackdown and prolonged NATO bombing of Yugoslavia to force a pullout of Serb

Kosovska Mitrovica is split into Serb and Albanian sectors, divided by the
Ibar River. Hundreds of ethnic Albanians have demonstrated sporadically over
the past two months, demanding the right to return to their homes in the Serb
sector. French peacekeepers patrolling the region have prevented most from
doing so, fearing bloodshed otherwise.

Like previous confrontations, Thursday's clash began with crowds of Serbs and
Albanians forming on the two ends of the bridge over the Ibar. The violence
was sure to fuel ethnic tensions and lead to further retributory bloodshed.

Minority Serbs still in Kosovo blame the Kosovo Liberation Army for the rash
of attacks on their ethnic group since Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
accepted Western peace terms and pulled his troops out of the province after
NATO bombing ended in June.

On Thursday, NATO announced that eight KLA members had been arrested in the
western city of Djakovica in an apartment where peacekeepers found a machine
gun, ammunition, 30 cluster bombs, two 85-mm anti-tank weapons and several
anti-personnel mines.

KLA leaders deny wrongdoing, as they push to establish authority in a Kosovo
administered by the United Nations and policed by NATO, so as to be in a
dominant position once the international presence ends.

The KLA's military leader, Gen. Agim Ceku said Thursday his organization,
which is to disarm and disband by Sept. 19, had won the right not only to
transform into a civilian corps but to play a role in all other governmental
institutions in Kosovo, including a defense unit of at least 5,000 members to
respond to natural disasters and ``defend (Albanians) from aggression.''

``The basis for this is the contribution that the KLA made to the war, a
contribution which has to be respected by the international community,'' he

Russia, however, has expressed opposition to any plan that falls short of the
complete disarmament and disbanding of the former rebel army.

A NATO military officer said Thursday that peacekeepers were working to
establish a ``Kosovo Corps'' to operate after the Sept. 19 demilitarization

NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Robin Clifford said that although the Kosovo Corps
would be a ``civil organization,'' it ``will have military structures, which
means they will be uniformed public services.''

He added that the tasks which the Kosovo Corps would perform, however, ``are
yet to be discussed.''

In Moscow, the ITAR-Tass quoted unidentified Foreign Ministry sources as
saying Russia would raise objections during the upcoming session of the U.N.
General Assembly and would insist on ``the army's disarmament and the
elimination of the stocks of weapons.''

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[CTRL] One E. Coli on the Rocks

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

1 Dead, 500 Sick in E.coli Outbreak

.c The Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Nearly 500 people have been sickened and one child died
in the largest E. coli outbreak in state history - and possibly one of the
worst nationally - health officials said Thursday.

The outbreak of the deadly bacteria at the Washington County Fair, about 35
miles north of Albany, was likely caused by the contamination of the fair's

Health officials said the water supply may have been tainted when rainwater
washed over cow feces from a cattle barn on the fair grounds and ran into an
underground aquifer tapped by the fair's wells.

Additionally, officials were worried that the contamination may have spread
beyond the Greenwich fair.

A fair worker who sold sausages might have taken three gallons of tainted
water with her to use for coffee, lemonade and frozen treats at the
Rensselaer County Fair in Schaghticoke, state Health Commissioner Antonia
Novello said Thursday.

Novello said no cases of E. coli had been connected to the Rensselaer fair,
one county to the south.

By Thursday, 497 people had been treated at hospitals for E. coli symptoms,
Novello said. Eighty-five case have been confirmed as E. coli poisoning, she

A child, 3-year old Rachel Aldrich of Clifton Park, succumbed to the
Greenwich outbreak.

Tests showed that one of the wells at the Washington County Fair was infected
with E. Coli bacteria. Health officials also think that a deadly strain of E.
Coli, 0157:H7, also came from that well, but they have yet to find any traces
of it.

The well is near a cattle barn and the ground around it had been dug up for
the installation of two new wells. Heavy rains in late August could have
driven E. coli contaminated cattle manure into the well, Novello said.

It is possible that health officials will never find the deadly strain since
the first tests for E. coli were done Sept. 3, four days after the fair
ended, said Donald Dixon Despommier, a microbiology professor at Columbia
University's School of Public Health.

``It's like closing the barn door after the horses are already gone,'' he

Tests on the well in June showed no contamination, health officials said.

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[CTRL] NOW He Tells Us ...

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Apparently the Kurds and Timorese --unlike the Albanians of Kosovo--
don't have enough "market share" in the NWO's underground economy to merit
our attention ...

Cohen Warns on U.S. Intervention

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States should not commit troops in every
international crisis that ``catches our eye and emotion,'' Defense Secretary
William Cohen said in remarks that suggested an inclination not to intervene
militarily in East Timor.

In a speech prepared for delivery Thursday night to the International
Institute for Strategic Studies in Coronado, Calif., Cohen made no mention of
the crisis in East Timor, where violence triggered by an independence vote
has forced more than 200,000 people to flee their homeland.

Focusing on lessons learned from the Kosovo conflict, Cohen said the United
States and its NATO allies were right to intervene in Kosovo to end Serb
repression, but the experience underscored that intervention is not the
answer in every crisis.

``Among the enduring lessons of this and every conflict is that we must
resist the temptation to use our forces in every dispute that catches our eye
and emotion,'' Cohen said in his prepared remarks. An advance copy of his
speech was made available to reporters at the Pentagon.

Cohen said the 78-day NATO air war against Yugoslavia showed the changing
nature of warfare and political conflict, saying it highlighted a
``superpower paradox'': U.S. supremacy in conventional military power is
prompting adversaries to develop unconventional methods of warfare.

For example, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic used ``rape, pillage and
slaughter'' as a military tactic, Cohen said. By expelling hundreds of
thousands of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and killing many others, Milosevic
created a humanitarian crisis as a combat strategy, he said.

Cohen said Americans must answer several basic questions before deciding
whether it is right to intervene militarily in an international crisis like
Kosovo. Among those questions are whether the vital interests of the United
States or its allies are directly threatened and whether ``the wheel of
conflict, if allowed to spin on its violent axis'' will draw other nations
into its vortex at ever greater cost.

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[CTRL] CIA on Threat of N. Korea, Iran, Other Renegades

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

CIA Wary on N. Korea, Iran Missiles

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - North Korea is preparing to flight-test a ballistic missile
``at any time'' that could be developed into an intercontinental-range weapon
capable of striking U.S. territory, the CIA says.

A report released by the CIA on Thursday also said Iran probably will develop
ICBMs over the next 15 years and that Iraq poses an additional - though
somewhat more distant - ballistic missile threat.

The report characterized the prospect of North Korea acquiring a long-range
missile by 2015 as ``most likely,'' Iran's prospect was judged to be
``probable'' and Iraq was labeled a ``possible'' threat.

These emerging missile forces ``potentially can kill tens of thousands, or
even millions, of Americans,'' depending on their accuracy and whether they
carry nuclear, chemical or biological warheads, it said.

The United States has no way to shoot down long-range ballistic missiles,
although the Pentagon is spending billions of dollars to develop anti-missile
missiles to shield the United States against a limited attack.

Countries developing ballistic missiles also are probably working on
``countermeasures'' that would let their missiles overcome U.S. defenses, the
report said. Russia and China, which have developed numerous countermeasures,
probably are willing to sell these technologies, it said.

Russia has about 1,000 long-range missiles with about 4,500 nuclear warheads.
China has about 20 missiles capable of reaching the United States.

The CIA report said short-range ballistic missiles, such as Iran's Shahab-3
and North Korea's No Dong, pose an ``immediate, serious and growing threat to
U.S. forces, interests and allies'' in the Middle East and Asia. Those
missiles cannot reach U.S. soil.

The report portrayed the threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq as somewhat
less immediate than did the bipartisan Rumsfeld Commission, which told
Congress in July 1998 that North Korea and Iran - in as little as five years
- could field a missile capable of striking U.S. territory.

The Rumsfeld Commission also concluded that the CIA's ability to provide
timely and accurate estimates of ballistic missile threats to the United
States is eroding, and that warning times are being reduced.

A senior U.S. intelligence official said Thursday the CIA has changed the way
it assesses missile threats. The CIA used to wait until a country deployed a
missile once before declaring it a threat. Now it will declare a threat as
soon as a country successfully test-launches a missile, the official said. He
discussed the new report on condition he not be identified.

He said intelligence analysts expect North Korea to flight-test its Taepo
Dong 2 missile this year unless the North Koreans heed U.S. warnings against
such a test. The issue is high on the agenda U.S.-North Korea talks opened
Tuesday in Berlin. The CIA believes the Taepo Dong 2 is designed to carry a
nuclear weapon, although it may be tested initially as an unarmed space
launch vehicle. It is believed capable of reaching Hawaii or Alaska.

It is not known whether North Korea has a nuclear weapon, nor whether the
North Koreans have developed a missile re-entry vehicle capable of surviving
the flight - exiting the atmosphere and then coming back in.

Russia has long posed a major nuclear threat to the United States, although
Washington and Moscow are attempting to implement a second Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty to greatly reduce their arsenals. Defense Secretary William
Cohen is traveling to Moscow next week to discuss prospects for cutting
nuclear weapons even further, and to discuss future missile defenses.

``The Russian threat, although significantly reduced, will continue to be the
most robust and lethal, considerably more so than that posed by China, and
orders of magnitude more than that potentially posed by other nations,'' the
CIA report said.

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[CTRL] Bible Code is Bunk

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

'Bible Code' Debunked by Scholars

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) - An international team of statisticians is debunking the
controversial ``Bible code,'' which claims the Old Testament has hidden
references to 20th century events that can be revealed by a computer.

Proponents of the code claim that names and events were hidden in the Bible
as written thousands of years ago and can be found through computer searches
of the Hebrew text. Television documentaries, fast-selling books and numerous
articles have popularized the theory, first published in the academic journal
Statistical Science.

Now the same journal, published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
based in Hayward, Calif., is offering an article challenging the technique it
reported in 1994. The article will be published in the quarterly next week.

Believers in the ``Bible code'' theory treat the Hebrew Bible as a string of
letters without spaces, looking for words formed by equidistant letter
sequences. For instance, computers might select every ninth Hebrew letter and
register a ``hit'' when a ``coded word'' intersects with a Bible verse
containing related words.

Five years ago, three Israeli scholars published the results of their search
in the journal. As they explained, they took names of famous rabbis from a
reference dictionary, applied letter sequences and found the names near the
rabbis' dates of birth or death.

Using the same technique, others have claimed the Bible contains secret
predictions, including everything from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in
1995 to a Los Angeles earthquake in 2010.

Major Bible scholars ignore the code because, they note, no one has a
letter-by-letter version of the Bible as originally written. The oldest
surviving manuscripts include slight variations, any of which would throw off
computer test results.

In the upcoming edition of Statistical Science, the new study's authors -
Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel and Gil Kalai, professors at Jerusalem's
Hebrew University, and Brendan McKay of the Australian National University -
combine expertise in mathematics and computer science to debunk the theory.

Using other spellings and assumptions, they ran hundreds of tests that
repeated the experiment with different variations and applied it to more
biblical books.

``Despite a considerable amount of effort,'' they write, ``we have been
unable to detect the codes.''

This is significant, Bar-Natan said in a Thursday interview, because ``truth
in science is never based on the results of a single experiment. A
significant requirement is repeatability.''

Their results were no more successful with the Hebrew translation of
Tolstoy's ``War and Peace.'' Such letter configurations can be found in any
long text, they say. The trick is to find letters in close proximity that
form significant words more often than by chance.

Robert Kass, head of the statistics department at Carnegie Mellon University
in Pittsburgh, edited the journal when it published the first article and
said it was reviewed by other experts. He is disturbed that people perceived
publication as ``a stamp of scientific approval.'' That first article, he
said, merely presented a puzzle - one that has now been explained.

``The new study shows there were many, many choices, particularly for things
like the names of the rabbis, that involved a lot of latitude. It was only
for special sources that the results appeared,'' he said Thursday.

He said such studies must avoid statistical ``tuning,'' just as medical
research projects follow strict protocol.

Bar-Natan says that procedures in the 1994 project had ``enough wiggle room
to produce whatever you want.''

Authors of the earlier article could not be reached for comment.

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[CTRL] Implants, Y'all Hear?

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Hearing Nerves Adjust to Implants

WASHINGTON (AP) - A study using deaf kittens showed that devices called
cochlear implants can stimulate growth and change in the nerves of the
hearing system among the very young.

Researchers at the Physiologisches Institut of Frankfurt, Germany, tested the
effects of the cochlear implants by putting them into the brains of kittens
that were deaf at birth.

The scientists report Friday in the journal Science that as the cats got
older, they began to respond to sounds in the same way as cats that were born
with normal hearing.

The researchers, led by Rainer Klinke, found in congenitally deaf cats that
the unstimulated auditory nervous system did not develop in the same way as
for normal cats. They found that when the deaf cats were outfitted with the
cochlear implants at three to four months after birth, parts of their brains
changed so that sounds were processed and the animals responded to commands
and signals.

Such changes did not occur in congenitally deaf cats without the devices, the
researchers found.

Dr. Josef P. Rauschecker of the Georgetown University Medical Center said in
Science the study shows that the young brain is adaptable to stimulation from
the implant and offers some explanation for the medical experience with the
device in humans.

Though the use of cochlear implants is controversial among the deaf,
Rauschecker implants early in life of children born deaf ``have proven quite
successful.'' However, among adults who have been deaf since childhood, the
history of cochlear implants ``abounds with examples of failure.''

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[CTRL] Nozone: UV Radiation Levels Up 12%

1999-09-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

UV Rays in New Zealand Seen Rising

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - A decades-long study has confirmed that sunburn-causing
ultraviolet radiation in New Zealand has increased by about 12 percent in the
last 20 years, probably as the result of a thinning ozone layer in the

The study, to be published Friday in the journal Science, measured the midday
level of ultraviolet radiation at Lauder, New Zealand from 1979 to last
summer and found a steady increase in the UV rays.

On several occasions last summer, the study found, the UV index in Lauder
exceeded 12.5. A UV index level of 10 or more is considered to be very high
by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Ultraviolet radiation has been measured at a number of places around the
Earth over the last few years because of concern about the thinning ozone
layer. The erosion of ozone has been blamed on the decades-long use of
industrial gases, such as propellants in hair spray and some refrigerants,
that destroy the natural atmospheric gas. Use of the ozone-destroying
chemicals has been phased out or curtailed under an international agreement,
but the effects are expected to last well into the next century.

Ozone is a natural gas in the atmosphere that blocks some of the ultraviolet
radiation from the sun. When ozone is thinned, more UV reaches the Earth.
Ultraviolet-B radiation is a primary cause of sunburn and some forms of skin
cancer. High levels of UV-B are thought to harm some plants and animals.

Some experts have estimated that a 1 percent reduction in ozone can lead to a
3 percent increase in some types of skin cancer.

UV radiation measurements in New Zealand and other sites in the far South
Pacific are of particular interest because they are thought to be influenced
by the ozone hole that develops each spring over the South Pole. A thinner
ozone layer in the southern hemisphere is thought possibly to be a factor in
the high rates of skin cancer in New Zealand.

The study by Richard McKenzie, Brian Connor and Greg Bodeker of the National
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand shows a strong
connection between a decrease in ozone and an increase in UV radiation,
experts said.

William J. Randel of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder,
Colo., said there has been about a 10 percent thinning in the stratospheric
ozone over the last 30 years, but scientists have had problems in connecting
that with actual, dependable measurements of UV radiation increases at the
ground level. He said weather and other conditions make the measurements

The work by McKenzie and his group, said Randel, gives powerful support for
the estimates of how ozone thinning affects the increase in UV. The study is
important, said Randel, because it gives reliable information for a long
period of time and boosts scientific confidence in the theory that links
ozone loss to UV increases.

``This is a significant study. It shows there is a good agreement between the
calculated UV and the observed UV,'' said Randel and helps to validate the
ozone-UV models.

Ozone-killing gases in the atmosphere have leveled out in recent years, he
said, but it will take decades before the effects of the manmade chemicals
disappear altogether.

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[CTRL] Weather Control

1999-09-10 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


  Weather Control


 The United Nations established a global War Crimes Tribunal that
will exercise control over sovereign nations in certain types of
 crimes. Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan is working here. This is a
huge step to the global government of Antichrist. [Part 1 of 3].

Nations treaty is on record prohibiting any nation from using Weather
Weapons against any other nation. Now,
we will review articles that have appeared in the last 20 years boldly
declaring that Weather Weapons do exist
and do work. [Part 2 of 3]

 We have reported that a United Nations treaty is on record
prohibiting any nation from using Weather Weapons against any
 other nation. Now, we will review articles that have appeared in
the last 20 years boldly declaring that Weather Weapons do exist
 and do work. [Part 2 of 3]


 We review still more articles about the technology to control the
weather. You will be stunned to learn how prevalent it is today.
 We conclude with a shocking United Nations pamphlet that ties
weather control into their New World Order Plan! Part 3 of 3.


 Now that we have examined firm, irrefutable evidence that Weather
Weapons do exist, let us see how a massive, 500-year flood
 can actually be created, in the exact spot scientists choose.


 Weird Weather continues to rear its ugly head, in Communist China.
Once more, we see historically unprecedented storms -
 flooding this time - pummeling mankind. Weather Warfare is a likely


 When we study the progression of scientific advances that allow
government scientists to control the weather, we can learn much
 about Weather Warfare.


 We shall take a basic look at the technology involved in
controlling the weather. We shall try to take a simple look so you can
 understand a most complex scientific subject.


 Life Magazine takes note of the terribly weird weather in the past
two years, gives great statistics, and almost takes note of the
 capability to control weather. Yet, their conclusion is almost the
New World Order goal.


 The Bible is very explicit in its teaching of the rise of
Antichrist and his subsequent domination of all aspects of life on
 When will his New World Order come to fruition? Why would secular
society as we know it worship a priest-king? What is the
 source of his power and might? Does he actually circumvent the
sovereignty of God? Furthermore, does modern technology give
 any preliminary hints as to his control over the "forces of
nature"? Lastly, how could God allow evil forces to destroy His
 creation? Insights to these and other related questions are
discussed in this article.

Return to Cutting Edge

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Educational Perspectives

1999-09-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times
Note:  Titles under "Contents" are hot linques

 Thursday, September 9, 1999

 New Primary
 Curriculum preview
 Following is the full text of a preview of the new Primary Curriculum, issued by
 the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment:


 Curriculum Areas
 Social, environmental and scientific education
 Arts education
 Physical education
 Social, personal and health education
 Special Educational Needs
 Information and Communications Technologies

 General Introduction

 The revised curriculum will be formally submitted to the Minister for Education
 and Science for consideration in the near future. This marks a very significant
 development in the history of primary education and the culmination of many year
 of work by all the partners in education. Its introduction presents all of us
 with a unique opportunity to effect change and to prepare children for the
 challenges and opportunities of the future.

 The curriculum will offer teachers a framework from which to plan a programme
 which meets their own unique requirements in the school and classroom. It
 incorporates a number of key benefits. Among these are the following:

 •it is evolutionary, building on current best practice and based on the key
 principles and philosophy of the 1971 curriculum

 •it is forward-looking and aims to develop skills and competences that are
 appropriate for children in the new millennium

 •it is child-centred, focusing on the child as a learner and is directed towards
 developing learning skills and a love of learning

 •it contains a rich variety of practical exemplars and explores a wide range of
 approaches and methodologies in each subject area which will be of great
 assistance to teachers

 •it offers flexibility within a clear structured national framework while
 enabling teachers and schools to plan for different needs and circumstances

 •it is presented in an accessible and user-friendly format to facilitate ease of
 reference and planning

 •it provides for assessment of pupils' progress as an integral part of the
 teaching and learning process

 Most importantly the curriculum outlines a detailed and comprehensive range of
 objectives and learning experiences which focus not only on what children learn
 but on how learning takes place. It is resourceful and supportive and is
 designed to provide the necessary guidance and materials for teachers in
 mediating the curriculum in the classroom.

 A brief summary of the defining features of the curriculum will provide an
 understanding of some of the main emphases and changes which are envisaged.
 Among the key areas of emphasis are the following:

 •the focus on the process of learning and on the many ways in which children

 •the importance of active independent learning and in particular active
 exploration of the local environment

 •the importance of the social and emotional dimension in learning and the need
 to build the child's self confidence and self-esteem. The inclusion of Social,
 Personal and Health Education as a key curriculum area is an important new

 •the emphasis on the use of concrete materials and hands-on approaches in all
 curricular areas

 •the importance of collaborative learning and the need for a variety of
 classroom management strategies

 •the emphasis on key skills such as creative problem-solving, critical thinking,
 interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, and the importance of helping children
 to investigate, to question, to observe and to make informed judgements. The
 development of these higher order thinking skills is incorporated in every
 curriculum area

 •skills of inquiry and investigation are a particular feature of the science
 curriculum which is given a renewed emphasis

 •the emphasis on school and classroom planning. There is a wide range of support
 materials in the documentation which gives guidance on planning.

 •The recognition of the importance of assessment, the use of a varied range of
 assessment methods and tools and an emphasis on assessment as part of a cycle
 which include planning, teaching, learning and assessing

 •a characteristic feature of the development of the curriculum was the close
 involvement and cooperation of the partners in cooperation. This partnership
 approach is also advocated in planning for its implementation in the school.

 These features of the curriculum are developed more extensively in this
 bulletin. There is also a brief overview of some of the main areas of emphasis
 in each subject area.

 The revised curriculum incorporates the most advanced educational theory and
 practice and is designed to enable children to acquire knowledge and skills that
 are relevant to their lives both as children and adults. As we prepare for the
 21st century it is important that the curriculum 

[CTRL] E-Mail Lists

1999-09-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Here's a list of lists from Free-Market.Net.  Go to the site provided and
review the subject descriptions and enroll (or not)

 E-Mail Lists Hosted @Free-Market.Net

 E-mail lists (also known as listservers) are automated programs where a single
 message can be sent to an entire group of subscribers. They can be "broadcast"
 lists where only the moderator or administrator sends out announcements (such as
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 Use this one simple form to add or remove yourself from all the public e-mail
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Russian Reformation

1999-09-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-



 WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Russia  the CIS

 What lies behind the corruption scandals in the Kremlin?

 By Patrick Richter
 10 September 1999

 Back to screen version

 For over a week, accusations of corruption against President Boris Yeltsin and
 his "family" have been mounting. They were unleashed by the almost simultaneous
 publication of three articles, which for the first time linked Yeltsin
 personally to a series of scandals in Russia.

 First, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that investigations
 had been launched into the granting of credit cards to Yeltsin's family. During
 a probe of the Swiss company Mabetex, records were found relating to credit
 cards issued to Boris Yeltsin and his daughters, Tatyana Dyachenko and Yelena

 Mabetex, which received $335 million worth of contracts for the restoration of
 the Kremlin and other government buildings, had transferred millions of dollars
 to the private account of Pavel Borodin at a Budapest bank. Borodin is the
 director of the department for real estate and services in the Kremlin, and is
 considered to be number two after Yeltsin, who is believed to have received a
 million dollars in compensation. On the Mabetex balance sheet, the amounts
 appeared as "local special expenditures". Under Swiss law, commissions paid to a
 foreign official are not subject to taxation, but the name and account number of
 the recipient must be shown.

 Second, Yeltsin's name surfaced in a series of articles in Switzerland about the
 seizure of Boris Berezovski's bank accounts. Berezovski, operating in league
 with one of Yeltsin's sons-in-law, is accused of having defrauded the Russian
 airline Aeroflot of $250 million.

 Third, the New York Times has published reports on nine bank accounts with the
 Bank of New York, through which up to $10 billion was laundered for the Russian
 Mafia, with Yeltsin's knowledge. Other reports put the total amount of laundered
 money at $15 billion. Even IMF funds were alleged to have flowed into the
 pockets of the Russian Mafia. According to USA Today, in addition to 12 former
 or current Russian cabinet members, Yeltsin and his daughter Dyachenko were

 On September 3, Corriere della Sera published a report listing 24 names and
 addresses of Russians at the heart of the Mabetex scandal. Among them were Pavel
 Borodin and family, Anatoli Kruglov, the government official responsible for the
 lucrative area of customs, and Oleg Soskovez, vice-premier responsible for
 building, energy and health until his dismissal in 1996.

 Newspapers and press agencies are falling over themselves with new and detailed
 articles regarding the close links between Russian politics, business and the
 Mafia. Reports are being published describing in detail the obscene wealth of
 the new "jet-set Russians", whose Byzantine profligacy is on display at every
 exclusive international health resort.

 An article by Rudolph Chimelli, headlined "The Last Superpower", appeared in the
 Süddeutsche Zeitung August 28. Chimelli describes how the "new Russians"—as
 Russia's nouveaux riches are called—indulge themselves on the French Riviera.
 One of them, Gennadi, orders the most expensive champagne and Beluga caviar at
 the beach. But he lacks the “famous little ball of 24-carat gold, which, because
 of its high specific gravity, sinks when placed in fresh caviar, but stays on
 the resinous surface if the product is old."

 Chimelli writes that by the end of May, holiday mansions with monthly rents
 between 400,000 and 1.5 million francs (US$64,600-$242,350) are already
 completely booked. A hotel employee is quoted as saying, “Russians and Americans
 fought for the most expensive mansions on the Côte d'Azur. In the end the
 Russians won, because they are not frightened to overpay, and they rent for four

 The waiter at one of the haute cuisine restaurants “recalls a meal at which the
 diners ordered 23 bottles of Château Margaux 1971, at that time costing 8,000
 francs (US$1,300) each”. In the “Hôtel de Paris in Monte Carlo and in the Hôtel
 du Cap in Antibes, the reserves of rare Château Petrus 1985 and precious Romanée
 Conti 1983 have dwindled—even at a price of almost $3,250 a bottle".

 Although these descriptions throw light on Russian politics since the collapse
 of the Soviet Union in 1991, they contain nothing surprising. In the recent
 past, especially since the financial crisis of August 1998, detailed reports
 have appeared on the extent of corruption and money laundering in Russia. Anyone
 who has followed the developments in Russia even marginally, or, like the
 Russian population, has experienced events firsthand, knows that this is only
 the tip of the iceberg.

 After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the IMF, the World Bank and the majority
 of Western governments pursued a policy 

Re: [CTRL] snafu principle [was A Physicist Explains]

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

below is a sample from the site:

In American culture today, the hierarchical theory of organizations is so
deeply ingrained that many people are completely unaware of it. This theory
represents social structures as pyramids, with the serfs on the bottom and
various layers of leaders leading up to the supreme commander on the top.
Examples are the Catholic Church and the armed forces.

Two of the assumptions in this model bother me:

That the people above are smarter than the ones below and they know better
what is going on;
That watching over other people is a more important activity than producing
actual goods and services.

In Illuminatus!, a satirical study of social pathologies, Robert Anton
Wilson and Robert Shea brought out an important principal that causes
trouble in hierarchies: the Snafu Principle. People tend to say what they
think the boss wants to hear, especially if they have noticed that the
practice of ``shooting the messenger'' is common. This means that the
information passed up the pyramid is distorted at each level. Thus, each
higher layer of managers tends to have less and less contact with reality,
and near the top they are often completely out of touch.


Original Message Follows
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm afraid I'm fresh out of outrage at the parents.  Nobody has yet
me that people should not live in religious communities of their own
choosing.  No one has yet convinced  me that police cannot make arrests the
old fashioned way, by going up to a door and knocking and telling the
individual they are charging with a crime to come down town with them.
Personal responsibility is something that our justice department agencies
need to consider as well.  There was a time when our law enforcement people
at all levels were respected.  Now all they engender is fear.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Gulf War Syndrome by Captn J Riley

1999-09-10 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Gulf War Syndrome

 Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military
Members, and
 Corporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary

 A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley in Houston, Texas
on January 15, 1996

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Waco: The Rules of Engagement documentary or hoax?

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

In the Rules of Engagement, there is a moment where an ATF agent can be seen
on the roof of the complex, just outside a window.  I have seen other
versions of this moment and one thing I can tell everyone is that in the
Rules of Engagement, the piece is cut JUST BEFORE an ATF agent pumps him
full of bullets.  Yes, I am telling you that a BATF agent shot a BATF agent
and it was CENSORED from the Rules of Engagement.

Original Message Follows

If so, your suspicions are well founded.  "Waco:  The Rules of Engagement,"
the much ballyhooed "documentary" on Waco, is a hoax.

WTROE is an effort to misdirect protest over Waco while pretending to be a
protest piece.  WTROE hides the most damaging truths and directs attention
to false issues.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] NOW He Tells Us ...

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

  Apparently the Kurds and Timorese --unlike the Albanians of
 Kosovo-- don't have enough "market share" in the NWO's underground
 economy to merit our attention ...

Or, Kurdistan and Indonesia [and Rwanda and Haiti and Zaire/Congo
and Tibet], unlike the former Yugoslavia, aren't located in places
that could provoke scads of interested neighbors into waging a
general East-West-South Eurasian war.  It's just like in real
estate - location, location, location...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] y2k WW3 Martial Law NWO

1999-09-10 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Lots to read with photos.


 There is currently a world takeover attempt being done under the
guise of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
 and many of our world leaders. It's called the New World Order FEMA is
building concentration camps on American soil as we speak. In
  an effort to divert the public it is now being called Globalism by
mainstream media. The current wars in Kosovo and Iraq are part of the
 takeover attempt. The United Nations and NATO are quickly taking over
sovereignty of every country around the world. This takeover
 attempt could take place before January 1, 2000 due to the World War
III * Y2K * Martial Law Crisis. According to unconstitutional U.S.
 laws passed, the United States government does have the right to
declare Martial Law and take the people over if Y2K does happen. The
 United States Constitution will be suspended!  The corrupt give you
the Illusion they are working for peace. They are not!

   FEMA - The Secret Government
Detention Camp Photographs   FEMA -THE U.S.

 Proof Martial Law is
Coming! US
knew Pearl Harbor was going to be Attacked

  Department of Defense wants more Martial
Law Preparations

 Ramsey Clark says kosovo is about U.S.
domination New World Order United Nations

  The United Nations  United
Nations Vehicles on US
Soil! The UN's New
Corporate Partners

  Radioactive Weapons used by NATO in

   Of course they knew about Y2K all alongJust say
no to Martial LawMartial LawMount
Weather- Primed for Martial Law

   Captain Riley- Gulf War SyndromeUS War Crimes
during the Gulf WarPearl HarborEnd Gulf
War Syndrome Cover-Up

  Project Censored 1998 Top Ten
List   Clinton's Contras- the KLA



One warhead can now kill 7 million

 The Nuclear


  Greedy corporations have completely strangled small business with
their corrupt corporate laws. They have also destroyed the soul of
free enterprise. We should have thousands of car makers
in the U.S. Instead we have three.

   CORPORATE WATCH ADM Pleads Guilty to
Price Fixing of Productshttp://www.realchange.org/


   Tuberculosis and Aids

Only corrupt people would allow this kind of
tragedy to take place

   Tuberculosis Spreads
Through Crowded City Buses   Epidemic!

   World Without Cancer - The Ultimate Cancer
Conspiracy Amazon.com- A Glance- World Without Cancer - The


 Mainstream media has failed miserably covering this ongoing world
tragedy. Almost no live coverage! Research is very hard to come by.
  Is this done by design?

ABC News Reports on the
FamineInternet Resources
on Genocide and Mass Killing


Two  groups doing this are the nightstalkers and
the delta force.

   black helicopters over america - strikeforce for the new
world order   charlotte mayor protests urban warfare

  The SS in america?-  The nightstalkers
web site


 These checkpoints are being done under the guise of sobriety checks,
stolen vehicle checks and license checks. Starting to sound like a
police state to you?

   Recent Checkpoints Annoy Area Drivers
Sobriety Checkpoint Upsets Fans Leaving Chiefs Game

   License Checkpoints Returning
Soon   Police Plan DUI

[CTRL] Fwd: EPIC Alert 6.14

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

Original Message Follows
Subject: EPIC Alert 6.14
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 06:43:30 EDT

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


       @@@    @@     @
   @ @  @   @   @@ @   @ @ @  @@
     @@@@   @   @  @ @@@   @@@ @
   @ @  @   @   @   @  @ @ @  @@
     @ @@@  @   @      @   @   @

   Volume 6.14  September 9, 1999

Published by the
  Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Washington, D.C.


Table of Contents

[1] Free Speech Groups Attack Internet Rating Plan
[2] EPIC Releases Report on Filters and Freedom
[3] Privacy Commissioners, Advocates, Technologists Gather in Hong Kong
[4] Documents Reveal Secret Service Role in Identity Database
[5] EPIC and Privacy InternationaI Release Report on Privacy and Human
[6] FCC to Appeal Telephone Customer Privacy Decision
[7] EPIC Bookstore -  New EPIC Publications
[8] Upcoming Conferences and Events

[1] Free Speech Groups Attack Internet Rating Plan

Internet free speech groups from across the world released a statement
warning that adoption of a global "voluntary" Internet rating and
filtering scheme could suppress the free flow of information and
facilitate governmental censorship.  Nineteen organizations from the
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), an international coalition of
cyber-liberties and human rights groups, submitted the statement at
the Internet Content Summit in Munich this week, where 300 Net
industry executives, government officials, legal scholars, and
consumer advocates are joining to discuss proposals to regulate
material online.

Over the past nine months, the Bertelsmann Foundation, a German think
tank associated with the media giant, has collaborated with
representatives from government, industry, law enforcement, and
non-governmental organizations to devise policies to control
objectionable material online.  The Bertelsmann Foundation, which
organized the conference, is presenting a memorandum that outlines a
range of resolutions for self-regulation of the Internet.  A key
proposal centers upon the creation of an international rating system
that will enable Web site operators to "voluntarily" rate their sites
and filtering software to block "inappropriate" content accordingly.

Free speech advocates argue that filtering mechanisms will have a
chilling effect on free expression and may undermine the democratic
nature of the Internet.  Cyber-liberties groups claim that the
widespread adoption of such technology would make it easier for
governments to mandate the use of filtering software and impose civil
or criminal penalties for "mis-rating."  GILC members warn in the
statement, "When closely scrutinized, these should be viewed more
realistically as fundamental architectural changes that may, in fact,
facilitate the suppression of speech far more effectively than
national laws alone ever could."

The GILC letter emphasizes that numerous undesirable effects are
likely to follow the implementation of rating and filtering software.
It contends that the adoption of such mechanisms "may prevent
individuals from discussing controversial or unpopular topics, impose
burdensome compliance costs on speakers, distort the fundamental
cultural diversity of the Internet, enable invisible 'upstream'
filtering, and eventually create a homogenized Internet dominated by
large commercial interests."

The full text of the GILC member statement is available at:


[2] EPIC Releases Report on Filters and Freedom

EPIC has released a new collection of critiques and studies that
analyze the potential problems of Internet filtering and rating
systems.  "Filters and Freedom: Free Speech Perspectives on Internet
Content Controls" warns that the adoption of software to limit the
availability of material online may jeopardize free expression and
facilitate governmental censorship.

The EPIC publication includes articles by leading advocates of free

Re: [CTRL] NOW He Tells Us ...

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -

   Apparently the Kurds and Timorese --unlike the Albanians of
  Kosovo-- don't have enough "market share" in the NWO's underground
  economy to merit our attention ...

Or, Kurdistan and Indonesia [and Rwanda and Haiti and Zaire/Congo
and Tibet], unlike the former Yugoslavia, aren't located in places
that could provoke scads of interested neighbors into waging a
general East-West-South Eurasian war.  It's just like in real
estate - location, location, location...

a) NATO wants the caspian sea
b) iraq resists this agenda
c) turkey supports this agenda
[which is why we bomb iraq for messing with the kurds but support turkey for
doing the same]
d) serbia resistED this agenda
e) saudi arabia supports this agenda
f) the "ethnic albanians" of kosovo are not generic muslims - specifically,
a vast majority of them hail from turkey and saudi arabia.
g) the biggest pipeline in europe runs through the balkans
h) the balkans stick right out into the shipping lanes that come out of the

from here only a modicum of deductive reasoning is necessary to figure out
"what's really going on"

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] EPIC Alert 6.14

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: EPIC Alert 6.14
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 19:31:30 -0400


       @@@    @@     @
   @ @  @   @   @@ @   @ @ @  @@
     @@@@   @   @  @ @@@   @@@ @
   @ @  @   @   @   @  @ @ @  @@
     @ @@@  @   @      @   @   @

   Volume 6.14  September 9, 1999

Published by the
  Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Washington, D.C.


Table of Contents

[1] Free Speech Groups Attack Internet Rating Plan
[2] EPIC Releases Report on Filters and Freedom
[3] Privacy Commissioners, Advocates, Technologists Gather in Hong Kong
[4] Documents Reveal Secret Service Role in Identity Database
[5] EPIC and Privacy InternationaI Release Report on Privacy and Human
[6] FCC to Appeal Telephone Customer Privacy Decision
[7] EPIC Bookstore -  New EPIC Publications
[8] Upcoming Conferences and Events

[1] Free Speech Groups Attack Internet Rating Plan

Internet free speech groups from across the world released a statement
warning that adoption of a global "voluntary" Internet rating and
filtering scheme could suppress the free flow of information and
facilitate governmental censorship.  Nineteen organizations from the
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), an international coalition of
cyber-liberties and human rights groups, submitted the statement at
the Internet Content Summit in Munich this week, where 300 Net
industry executives, government officials, legal scholars, and
consumer advocates are joining to discuss proposals to regulate
material online.

Over the past nine months, the Bertelsmann Foundation, a German think
tank associated with the media giant, has collaborated with
representatives from government, industry, law enforcement, and
non-governmental organizations to devise policies to control
objectionable material online.  The Bertelsmann Foundation, which
organized the conference, is presenting a memorandum that outlines a
range of resolutions for self-regulation of the Internet.  A key
proposal centers upon the creation of an international rating system
that will enable Web site operators to "voluntarily" rate their sites
and filtering software to block "inappropriate" content accordingly.

Free speech advocates argue that filtering mechanisms will have a
chilling effect on free expression and may undermine the democratic
nature of the Internet.  Cyber-liberties groups claim that the
widespread adoption of such technology would make it easier for
governments to mandate the use of filtering software and impose civil
or criminal penalties for "mis-rating."  GILC members warn in the
statement, "When closely scrutinized, these should be viewed more
realistically as fundamental architectural changes that may, in fact,
facilitate the suppression of speech far more effectively than
national laws alone ever could."

The GILC letter emphasizes that numerous undesirable effects are
likely to follow the implementation of rating and filtering software.
It contends that the adoption of such mechanisms "may prevent
individuals from discussing controversial or unpopular topics, impose
burdensome compliance costs on speakers, distort the fundamental
cultural diversity of the Internet, enable invisible 'upstream'
filtering, and eventually create a homogenized Internet dominated by
large commercial interests."

The full text of the GILC member statement is available at:


[2] EPIC Releases Report on Filters and Freedom

EPIC has released a new collection of critiques and studies that
analyze the potential problems of Internet filtering and rating
systems.  "Filters and Freedom: Free Speech Perspectives on Internet
Content Controls" warns that the adoption of software to limit the
availability of material online may jeopardize free expression and
facilitate governmental censorship.

The EPIC publication includes articles by leading advocates of free
speech on the Internet, including the American Civil Liberties Union,

Re: [CTRL] Luke Ford- JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-09-10 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

The light dawns and I just woke up -
what this does it make it where anyone
can go on a witch hunt or should I say a
hetro hunt about hate language.
Someone can say anything they want and
claim that you were prejudice against them
because they were homo.

piper wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 "Amazingly, the Outpost views the Absolutely Queer Kennedy poster as a
 to their hunky hero. "We're not doing it because we hate him," said gay
 psychiatrist Serafini, "but because we adore him, and want to claim him as
 one of us.""

 so now females can put up posters of males that
 they wish were hetro and say that they had
 been in a straight place so they have to really
 be closet hetros.  Makes it seem as if the
 everyone is security homosexual, which they
 are not
 what it does do it have the potential of making
 people afraid to congregate and exchange ideas.

 William Shannon wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
  How is JFK Jr like a penguin? Both are cute but can't fly.
  From Luke Ford Wire Services, Ltd:
  Was JFK Jr. Bisexual? Some stories are too true to be good--which is why the
  tale of JFK Jr.’s “secret” life had to wait until Camelot’s crown jewels were
  scattered forever upon the high seas. Lukeford.com obtained the documents
  that follow from a former supermarket-tabloid operative who was a visible
  presence--with at least one bylined JFK Jr. story to his credit--on the
  early-Nineties JFK Jr. newsbeat. It is lukeford.com’s postition that these
  remembrances of JFK Jr. adhere to enough principles of contemporary
  journalism--as practiced in, say, New York Magazine’s “Intelligencer”
  column--to warrant publication...if only as a colorful artifact of a vanished
  era. John-John, we hardly knew ye!
  According to George Wayne, a longtime columnist, photographer and nightlife
  arbiter elegantiae of Paper magazine and Vanity Fair, "John Kennedy Jr is one
  of the most gender-confused personalities of our time. His bisexuality is
  legendary in nightlife circles up and down the Eastern seaboard, in
  Manhattan, in the Hamptons, on Cape Cod. The only reason this fact has never
  come out in the media is because there are other reputations at stake besides
  John's. These scenes are heavily populated by other switch-hitters like John,
  who also come from prominent families and occupy positions of power and
  influence. It's a social climate where everybody's got something to hide. You
  know what they say about Catholic boys who get sent away to expensive
  boarding schools? Well, it's all true. And that's why you find John in clubs
  like the Underground--last known hangout of [homosexual] Malcolm Forbes--and
  Rex, where the scenes are awash in erotic ambiguity. The press is always
  speculating that John likes these places because that's where the fashion
  models and covergirls are. But it's a cardinal rule of nightclubs that
  whereever you find models, you'll also find gay men. You do the math. I
  happen to know for a fact that John had a three-way orgy with two friends of
  mine--a bisexual man and woman ---in the Hamptons two years ago. No, I'm not
  going to give you their names. But I was told that John had sex with both the
  woman and the man, although, in the case of the man, John just kind of lay
  back and let the man service him. It's no lie."
  January 8, 1991
  Gay terrorists are threatening to accuse John Kennedy Jr. of being a
  homosexual in a shocking campaign that has already targeted such allegedly
  homosexual celebrities as Merv Griffin, John Travolta, Tom Selleck and Jodi
  Foster. A shadowy group of gay guerrillas known as "Outpost" are plastering
  New York City with posters that parody the Absolut volka advertisements,
  except that, instead of a vodka bottle, the gay ads feature celebrity
  pictures along with the words "Absolutely Queer". Within weeks, the gay
  pranksters warn, Absolutely Queer John-John Kennedy posters will be going up
  all over Manhattan.
  "John Kennedy Jr.'s homosexuality is one of New York City's best kept
  secrets," declared Dr. James Serafini, an openly gay psychiatrist who is a
  co-conspirator in the Outpost scheme. "And now we're going to share it with
  the rest of the world. Our poster campaigns against other gay celebrities
  have gotten nationwide attention, and now, whether he likes it or not,
  John-John is about to be dragged out of the closet. He'd better brace
  New York City homosexuals are gleefully awaiting the smear campaign against
  Kennedy. Said Lou Malebta, who operates the pornographic Gay Cable Network:
  "This John-John Kennely zap has been a long time coming. It is shocking and
  insulting to the gay community that, in the midst of a deadly epidemic, a gay
  man of his power and influence would turn his back on his gay brothers and
  sisters. He has taken refuge in shame and secrecy, and now the gay community
  intends to reveal aim as the homosexual that he 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Child Abuse At Waco.

1999-09-10 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

This man had a shot out with the previous leader
a previous leader who had actually run for president
- in that run for president: I wonder what connections
the previous leader had made?  Were those children
being groomed and sold?  There are video tapes of "sermons"
What other tapes might there be - that if the children had
lived - they might have been identified in?

Let us take this a step further - lawyers joined and
gave him there wives - who married them to those women?
What happened to those women?

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 09/05/1999 3:10:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  In this regard, let me emphasize that, despite what religious and social
  apologists say, any adult who grooms children to be his sex objects is
  sexually abusing those children. Sex between an adult and a child is abusive.
  Sex between an adult and an 11 or 12 year old child can not be consensual.
  The fact that the name of God and religion were used to obscure this
  exploitive and abusive practice make these activities even more heinous and
  destructive to the long term development of these children. 

 I agree with you, and if what is written in your posting is true, then the
 authorities should have been charging this guy with child sexual abuse and
 putting him in jail.  Why was the only reason for going after him something
 to do with weapons?  For some reason or other, no one cared about the
 children even before they killed them.  It was weapons that were important.
 Why  didn't they simply pick this guy up from one of his jogs and charge him
 with his crimes?  No matter how you slice it, nothing the Government (local
 or federal) makes any sense at all.  Prudy

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

ICQ 14484977

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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1999-09-10 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello Tony:

I do not have any original documents. The checkable facts Griffin has
referenced are the February 3 1949 issue of the New York Journal American. He
also says that on March 24, 1917, the New York Times quotes a telegram sent
by Schiff regarding the abdication of Nicholas II. He described the Russian
revolution as "...what we had hoped and striven for these long years."

Griffin also says that $10,000 was given to Trotsky to organize the Bolshevik
phase of the Russian Revolution. The amount is known with certainty because
Trotsky was arrested  by Canadian and British naval personnel when Trotsky's
ship, the S.S. Kristianiafjord, put in at Halifax.
pg 265
"...it was assumed that the $10,000 was German money given to him in New
York. The evidence, however, is that this, too, came from Kuhn, Loeb and

Griffin's footnote here cites your book Tony, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution." p21-24

Griffin also states that most of Trotsky's expenses whilst in New York for
several months after he was thrown out of France in January 1916, were paid
for by Jacob Schiff. pg 264

 Thank you Gavin  for pointing out these apparent discrepancies

 Let me try to explain the problem.

 Ive been working away at this conspiracy area in its various aspects since
 about 1960, and  so has Ed Griffin, whom I have known for 20+ years with much
 respect .

 Back in the early 1970's I worked through the State Department Decimal file (
 the CIA of 1920), the files of the War Trade Board, the British Foreign
 Office Confidential files and the German OKW files..

 If you look at my WALL STREET AND THE BOLSEHVIK REVOLUTION( Buccaneers Book)
 the case on ORIGINAL documents (telegrams, letters, memos, SB membership
 list etc).  No one has ever refuted these documents.

 From the research viewpoint it leaves  open whether Schiff and Jewish
 also financed the Bolsheviks.   If you read the appendix in BOLSHEVIK
 REVOLUTION you will find a review of the Jewish banker argument .At that time
 I had no evidence that they provided any funds and I still have no
 documentary evidence.

 However I did find disinformation coming out of the WAR TRADE BAORD directed
 by John  Foster Dulles, close to the Wall Street operators (Morgan, Thompson,
 Thacher)o.  This is confirmed in the Scotland Yard files.

 I have always based arguments on documentary evidence at hand.  If anyone has
 documentary material contrary to my argument then I  assuredly would like to
 see it..   On the other hand I do not rely on quotes from interested parties.

 In no way does this detract from the decades long work of Edward Griffin.
 This is a murky.field and we all, me included, tread warily.

 Show me some original documents, Gavin.

 Thank you for your interest.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Waco: The Rules of Engagement documentary or hoax?

1999-09-10 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anybody else you know seen this edited part? Very explosive footage, how
did you come to see it? What happened to it? Gavin.

 In the Rules of Engagement, there is a moment where an ATF agent can be
 on the roof of the complex, just outside a window.  I have seen other
 versions of this moment and one thing I can tell everyone is that in the
 Rules of Engagement, the piece is cut JUST BEFORE an ATF agent pumps him
 full of bullets.  Yes, I am telling you that a BATF agent shot a BATF agent
 and it was CENSORED from the Rules of Engagement. 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] rE publiceye piece

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/9/99 12:34:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Craig Hulet is a shill too. He is from Westmorelands staff.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Educational Perspectives

1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

I went to London to become IATA certified in International
Hazardous Materials Shipping...did well, and enjoyed
myself...they do things differently there...they don't have
a lot of the melting pot problems we have here which have
been plyed up as distraction so people like the bush family
can cull and destroy part of society so they can profit from

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sacred Drift

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/lword.htm"Steamshovel Press: The
Latest Word /A
The Latest Word

Sacred Drift

by Len Bracken

Len Bracken's new book from Adventures Unlimited, The Arch Conspirator,
takes a deeper look at conspiracy in history than few other books ever
have. It includes essays and commentaries new insights on global
politics and their conspiratorial underpinnings. Bracken follows a maze
through interwoven tales from the Russian Conspiracy, through his
interview with Costa Rican novelist Joaquin Gutierrez, and follows his
Psychogeographic Map into the Third Millenium. The Arch Conspirator also
contains Bracken's General Theory of Civil War; A False Report Exposing
the Dirty Truth About South African Intelligence Services; the
Neo-Catiline Conspiracy for the Cancellation of Debt; Anti-Labor Day,
1997, with selected Aphorisms Against Work; Solar Economics; and much
more. It makes a remarkable addition to the library of the thinking
conspiracy theorist.

Bracken authored Guy Debord - Revolutionary(Feral House), documenting
the biography of the great Situationist thinker DeBord, who helped
expose the conspiracy culture as the society of the Spectacle. Bracken
also served as the translator of another great Situationist, Gianfranco
Sanguinetti, with the first English translation of a Situ classic, The
Real Report on the Last Chance to Save Capitalism in Italy (Flatland).
Bracken is also well-known as the editor of Extraphile, an underground
newsletter of the Extranational movement, and has contributed to
Anarchy, Steamshovel Press and many other magazines and alternative
peri585 Arlington, VA
22205; tel. 703-715-6816) . It does not appear in The Arch Conspirator,
but reflects some of the book's examination of the dark corridor of

Members of the Baltimore-Washington Psychogeography Association made a
pre-Mother's Day (1999) expedition to the Basilica glorifying the
Christian Mother of God.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception stands
near the backbone of Washington, DC (WDC), the great divide called North
Capitol Street that separates city's northwest and northeast quadrants
like a pair of human lungs or the hemispheres of a brain.(l) The
drifters approach from Harewood Road, NE, and quickly spot an omen: a
dead squirrel on the sidewalk with what T-S knows are indications of rat
poison on its carcass. The drift continues, and suddenly a mockingbird
lands on the driveway hedge and mocks the blare of a car alarm. A second
omen, but of what, they don't know. They consider the meaning of this
omen for a moment, and suddenly a woman approaches from the direction of
the Shrine.

"Excuse me miss," L-A begins, in Spanish, "If may I speak with you for a

"Of course," she says with a sense of inner serenity and strength.

"Can you tell me the difference between the Assumption and the

"Yes, well, the Assumption is when the angels absorbed the dead body of
Mary into heaven to be crowned Mother of God by the Father. We celebrate
this on August fifteenth every year with a Feast of the Assumption."

She looks at L-A.

"You know what the Ascension is, don't you?"

L-A shakes his head.

"The Ascension is when Christ rose into heaven and we celebrate it forty
days after Easter."

"You've been so helpful. I didn't know that, and none of my friends knew
it either. Where are you from?"


L-A imagines her prayers for peace. "Thank you very much."

"What was that all about?" T-S asks.

"Never mind."

T-S grumbles something about "the presumption of the Assumption," but
L-A doesn't want anyone to know that he has the slightest interest in
religion, which is why he asked the woman in Spanish and won't translate
the answer for T-S. You see, these drifters approach the largest
Catholic church in the Western Hemisphere from rival perspectives.

T-S, a fifty-year-old musician, subscribes to spiritist
psychogeography--the wine of life trickles out a bag-obscured bottle in
Malcom X park while he talks to Dante's statue as if he, T-S, were
Virgil taking the exiled poet on a drift through the world of gods,
myths, and spirits; as if, in an ideal sense, the series of cascading
pools lined by a narrow granite rim were the River Styx.

L-A finds reality in materialist psychogeography; the omens of human
ecology disclose themselves in Georgetown shop windows, in the
juxtaposition, for example, of a watch boutique featuring futuristic
designs and the gargantuan, backwards-spinning clock in F.A.0. Swartz.
In an instant of Protagorean perception (2), festive scenes of rag-tag
Rabelasian jubilees clash with the sleek, digital conception of time
embodied in space-age watches. The wine of life no longer flows the way
it did in Medieval Spain during the five months everyone took for
holidays and festivals. Time, like the watches and virtually everything
else in Washington, is a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Russia

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan


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PKK Withdrawal Portends Split and Change of Tactics

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Global Intelligence Update
September 10, 1999

Checkmate Nears for Yeltsin


Russian President Boris Yeltsin has now been directly
implicated in one of several corruption scandals currently
engulfing the Kremlin. Despite rumors, Yeltsin is unlikely to
resign from office over the scandals, retaining presidential
immunity. This immunity will soon evaporate, however, with
presidential elections scheduled for next May, leaving him three
choices - flee the country, choose a sympathetic successor, or
declare a state of emergency, canceling the elections. The latter
would provide the ultimate justification - in Russia and abroad -
for his removal and the purge of his allies.


Amid a storm of scandals engulfing his administration, Russian
President Boris Yeltsin has long been suspected of being personally
involved in illegal activity. His presumably biased Russian
political foes have accused Yeltsin of wrongdoing, leaving rumors
to float freely in international circles. But now, according to the
September 8 edition of the Washington Post, Swiss investigators
have directly linked Yeltsin to one of the burgeoning number of
Russian corruption scandals - to the tune of $1 million. The Post
cited law enforcement authorities investigating the Mabetex scandal
as alleging the Swiss construction firm provided credit cards for
Yeltsin and his two daughters, backed up by $1 million deposited in
a Hungarian bank account. Yeltsin himself reportedly denied the
allegations during a September 8 telephone conversation with U.S.
President Bill Clinton.

For the time being, the alleged bribe is less important than the
fact that Yeltsin has been unambiguously linked to the scandal.
Already most of the group of close Yeltsin advisors, senior
administration members and supporters collectively known as the
"Family" are under investigation for alleged involvement in one or
more of the major scandals now facing the Kremlin
[ http://www.stratfor.com/SERVICES/GIU/090299.ASP ]. These include
allegedly laundering billions of dollars - some possibly from IMF
loans - through New York banks, using IMF funds for international
currency market speculations, skimming profits from the state
airline Aeroflot, and accepting bribes from Mabetex.

The Russian officials, their family members and friends under
investigation now number nearly 800. Moreover, investigators are
reportedly uncovering links between the scandals, effectively
painting the whole Yeltsin administration as one boundless
kleptocracy. With Yeltsin himself under investigation, the question
immediately rises, will he remain in office for the duration of his
term and if so, what then?

Yeltsin has a few options - none of them good.  He is unlikely to
step down before the end of his term. Under the Russian
constitution Yeltsin is immune from prosecution as long as he
remains in office. In addition, retaining the presidency keeps
levers at his disposal with which he can interfere in the
investigations. He has already apparently used those levers,
attempting to dismiss Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov and
"reassigning" investigator Georgy Chuglazov just before he was to
travel to Switzerland to review evidence in the Mabetex case. The
Duma could attempt to impeach Yeltsin, but the Duma's previous
failed attempt took 10 months from initial discussion to final
vote. With Duma elections slated for December and presidential
elections scheduled for next May, there is little time for formal

Assuming Yeltsin has no desire or intention to submit himself for
prosecution, he has three options before next year's presidential
election. He can flee the country - a risk with no guarantees,
considering the Russian security services. The security apparatus
is apparently fueling these scandals and would no doubt be watching
for such a move.

Alternately, he could attempt to affect the election of a
sympathetic successor who might theoretically protect him once his
immunity ends. Yeltsin's ability to pick his successor, however,
has been eroded by Russia's dismal economic situation and the
snowballing scandals. Public support from Yeltsin is generally
considered to be a political kiss of death.

Moreover, he will be tempted to try to cast the blame on others in
order to shake off the scandals and regain the ability to influence
the vote in his favor. He will 

Re: [CTRL] rE publiceye piece

1999-09-10 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Yea.  I spotted the Gramsci line right off

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Kevin Poulsen reports on HERFgun demo'd at InfoWarCon

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 7:11 AM
Subject: FC: Kevin Poulsen reports on "HERFgun" demo'd at InfoWarCon

Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:27:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Poulsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fear the Reaper

Zap! ... and your PC's dead

Ex-Navy engineer David Schriner demos his homemade, bargain-basement,
computer-killing 'gun.'

WASHINGTON -- With $500 and a trip to the hardware store, saboteurs can
build a device capable of disrupting computers, automobiles, medical
equipment and nearly anything else dependant on electronics, according to
a California engineer who demonstrated a homebrew computer death-ray at
the InfowarCon '99 Conference here Wednesday.


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

1999-09-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990910a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No glorious martyrs were resurrected during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# FRANCE MAY BAN SCIENTOLOGY. France is considering banning the Church of
  Scientology, which it regards as a sect rather than a religion. The
  Justice Minister, Elisabeth Guigou, made it clear that the future of the
  organisation in France was under close scrutiny. Her remarks came as US
  officials expressed concern over the growing intolerance shown to minority
  religious groups in some European countries. Scientologist bribes raise
  US official sensitivity: http://www.sightings.com/politics4/france.htm

: How powerful is your belief system? Over what political structures do you
hold sway? Do other belief systems  political structures fear/despise you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  off the Santa Rosa Diocese, opening the local Catholic administration to
  national scrutiny in the face of a far-flung scandal involving allegations
  of embezzlement, sexual misconduct, and a role in a billion dollars worth
  of coverups. http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser-9936.html

# REFORM SCHOOL - Scandals move church activists to push for radical changes
  in clergy. Recent headlines have trumpeted what seems like a never-ending
  parade of Catholic bishops, priests, and lay clergy entangled in shocking
  sexual misconduct cases with men, women, and children. Catholicism is "a
  culture of collusion." Why can't a 2,000-year-old institution with a
  billion faithful figure out how to clean up its act? Here's an idea: Get
  rid of the celibacy mandate. Or ordain women as priests. Or talk openly
  about sex. http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser2-9936.html

: Is your belief system manipulative, exploitative, self-protecting? Are all
belief systems and hierarchies? How much do you spend on cover-ups? Where??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ YOU EVOLVE AS LIGHT. So the light source which you are leaves in teleport-
  ation at the death of the body and then moves quickly seeking another body
  to nest in. But as you do you take with you feelings and degrees of evolu-
  tion. You hover and then are drawn to another female body and you enter
  in and nest in another fetus. That fetus is filled with chromosomes and
  genetics but now you have evolved as light to a higher degree and you
  can make a difference in this body where you could not make a difference
  before. http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/light.html#EVOLVE

: Have you been reincarnated lately? Into what? Do you make a difference? Do
you teleport often? If you're dead, how can you evolve? Do you have a body?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PRAYING LEFT: While the Religious Right has been getting all the press,
  progressive Christians apply the lessons of the Bible to social activism:

# What happens when the Age of Aquarius meets Jesus Christ Superstar?

: What's your favorite dominant heresy in Xianity? Has your belief system
factionalized much lately? Are you a foot-soldier of the culture wars? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Neurotic urban princess converted by Burning Man (Salon) Millennial
  Brigadoon - The annual Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert
  invents a hyper-real space, a republic of drugs, nudity and spectacle.

# Goth teens want to form school-approved Wiccan Club. Put the
  trenchcoats back in the closet, kids; your timing isn't right.

: What's your favorite counterculture? D'ya prefer wearing a trenchcoat, a
sari, a button-down suit, a bike outfit, nothing? What're y'r fave drugs??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Art as Human Sashimi. LINZ, Austria. Once again the boundaries of art
  were pushed at Ars Electronica, where the Plastinator and fluorescent-
  dog man provoked thought and elicited stares. Are you trans-human yet?

: Have you been sliced'n'diced, injected with fluorescent dyes  glowtubes,
rewired, reprogrammed, rebuilt? What's your favorite rebuild? Are you art?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  REALITY. There is currently a world takeover attempt being done under the
  guise of the UN, NATO and many of our world leaders. It's called the New
  World Order. FEMA is building concentration camps on American soil as we
  speak. To divert the public it is called Globalism by mainstream media.
  The UN  NATO are quickly taking over sovereignty of every 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

1999-09-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990910b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No insubstantial voices were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ex-Navy engineer demos his homemade, bargain-basement, computer-killing
  'gun.' WASHINGTON -- With $500 and a trip to the hardware store, saboteurs
  can build a device capable of disrupting computers, automobiles, medical
  equipment and nearly anything else dependant on electronics, according to
  a California engineer who demonstrated a homebrew computer death-ray.

: Have you built any death-rays lately? What sorts of electronic gear would
you like to destroy? Do have any targets? Are you a target? Am I a target?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Travis AFB - UFO Hysteria. According to the newspapers and TV - which
  became aware that something was "up" when massive numbers of aircraft
  began taking off - UFOs were buzzing the (Travis Air Force) base, and
  the base also lost all communication with the outside world.  It was a
  foggy night so the craft buzzing the base could not be seen visibly,
  only on radar. http://caus.org/mc091099.htm

: Are you hysterical about UFOs? Are UFOs hysterical about you? Have ya lost
all communication with the outside world? Are you only visible on radar? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ENCOUNTER CULTURE - Beachside Calif. gains reputation as UFO central, but
  some don't quite see the light. LOS ANGELES - Ever since the 60s, Topanga
  has been known as a spacey place. But lately, it's getting even spacier.
  These days, the talk of the beachside canyon community - an enduring haven
  for old-time hippies, New Age herbalists, nudists, bikers, cultists and
  every combination thereof - is UFOs. Lots and lots of UFOs.

: Do you prefer hippies, NewAgers, herbalists, nudists, cultists or aliens?
Are you a nude alien hippy biker? Is your community lost in a space warp??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# More than 1,000 attend expo in San Mateo. (P3N) For the past 23 years says
  Robert Parela, he has been regularly abducted by extraterrestrials. "They
  take me aboard their spacecrafts," Parela said yesterday at the Bay Area
  UFO Expo, a two-day event that attracted more than 1,000 people to the San
  Mateo Marriott Hotel. "They share information with me, in a telepathic
  language that is like pictures." http://caus.org/pn090999.htm

: Are you regularly abducted? Are you fed information? Have you come to ex-
pect this? Do you mark your calendar? Are the ETs like clockwork or sloppy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists Witness Peculiar Gas. (BBC) Physicists have created a new form
  of matter called a Fermionic gas by super cooling atoms of potassium. The
  new gas follows the laws of quantum mechanics, behaving really weirdly.

# Also: Scientists See Susy:
# Hunting the Higgs Boson:

: Have you found any new forms of matter lately? Does it act strange? Have
you made anything nifty with it - time machine, space warp, antigravity??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Strangest superfluid wins recognition at last. One of the most bizarre
  liquids known has won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Physics. David
  Lee, Robert Richardson and Douglas Osheroff created 'superfluid' helium-3
  in 1971. "The weird thing about superfluid helium-3 is that it can have
  different properties in different directions, rather like a piece of wood
  with a well-defined grain." The liquid that climbs the walls - see

: What's y'r favorite superfluid? Is it difficult to swim in, drink, splash?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# MARS ATTACKS. Once, their dreams of a manned Mars mission seemed as far-
  fetched as time travel. But now that they've infiltrated NASA, local mem-
  bers of the Mars Underground have come up for air. Building a model Mars
  colony: http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/07.29.99/mars-9930.html

: Have you colonized any planets lately? Have any aliens colonized ours? Is
interplanetary colonialiazation as oppressive and exploitative as ours was?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# US Navy Now Biggest User Of Space In Military. WASHINGTON (SNS)  When the
  Navy needs to solve problems in space, the Office of Naval Research is
  there to make things happen. The Office funds all types of research, from
  warfare to medical sciences. With the Navy's growing role in space, the
  Office is making two projects possible: the Naval EarthMap Observer (NEMO)
  and the WinSat satellites. 

[CTRL] FW: a little help please[1st yenta goes short]

1999-09-10 Thread Bard



-Original Message-From: richard harmon 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: a little help 

We are GATA (the Gold Anti-Trust Action 
Committee - a non-profit) and are attempting to stop the current gold price 

Our chairman - Bill Murphy - published the 

 Le Metropole members and 
internet, A highly sophisticated source has informed 
me that he  understands that a blind trust set up for 
Hillary Clinton,  shorted gold financial instruments just 
before the  Bank of England gold sale announcement on May 
7, 1999.  If true, it is an outrage and is 
further anecdotal  evidence of the conspiratorial 
nature of the Bank of  England gold sales and of the 
high level nature of the  manipulation of the gold 
market. Nobody could be so  lucky as to have made 
$100,000 on a $1,000 investment  in cattle futures 
and then have someone else just  happen to SHORT 
gold for them immediately prior to  that 
extraordinary gold sale announcement. The 
trading activity in a blind trust of a major 
public figure such as Hillary Clinton must be 
a matter of  public record. It would be of 
help to the Gold Anti-Trust  Action Committee 
if someone on the internet could help  me 
access these records. A matter of such 
sensitivity ought to warrant a statement by theTrustees
 and its 
auditors. All the 
best, Bill Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Chairman, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee http://www.lemetropolecafe.com 

Please ask your members to forward any and all 
information they may have even heard in this matter or our general effort 
or by snail mail:
 Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.c/o John D. 
 Box 885
 Great Barrington, Mass. 01230 USA. 



Richard Harmon

[CTRL] FW: [Patriot_Net] Intrusions

1999-09-10 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


-Original Message-
From: Slick Willie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:53 PM
Subject: [Patriot_Net] Intrusions

From: "Slick Willie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, since this seems to be the place (according to the intro
message) to "vent steam" here goes.  I thought I might list just a few
of the ways gov't has imposed itself (in my opinion unlawfully) into
our lives.

Recent e-bay scandal: I learned from that that selling your own body
parts is against the law.  I can understand there being a law against
selling someone else's body parts, but it seems to me that if you're
stupid enough to sell your own, go for it.

Finance:  I believe it's "unlawful" to have more than $10,000 currency
on your person unless Uncle Sam knows about it.  Isn't that intrusive?

How about this one: Some states make the mobile use of scanners
illegal.  Since when does any gov't agency, state or otherwise, have
any right to tell me what I can and can't listen to in my car?

Then there is the PGP/Encryption issue.  Sure, give the gov't a key to
all your messages a little payoff money there maybe? Europeans
getting trade secets? Go to

I'll have more as I think of them

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." Thomas Jefferson, 1787

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CTRL] Jim Keith

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

It's true. Jim is gone. I have been dealing with all the info management
chores in the wake of the news for going on the third day now. The short of
it is that Jim broke his knee at the Burning Man event in Black Rock,
outside of Reno. He died when a blood clot formed during surgery. Other than
that, everything I said in that note has gone on, the rumors of conspiracy,
etc. I'm still waiting for word on services and trying to find someone to
fly me out to Reno to investigate while the trails are still fresh.

It's been a wretched period of grief for me.

I'll keep you posted.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 9:58 AM
Subject: Fwd: [CTRL] Jim Keith

Howdy, I have checked your web site and saw no mention. Can you either
clarify or deny.

If true can you please expand, I have been gone and ill, what happened to
Jim? I, myself, was in contact with him recently and he had plans. Also his
new ventures do not seem to belie a person who was leaving. How did he pass

Thanks and God Bless.


[CTRL] FW: Oral Sex In Middle Schools[for the children]

1999-09-10 Thread Bard

the children."

-Original Message-From: BTWeeks 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 1:22 
AMSubject: Re: Oral Sex In Middle SchoolsIt was 
inevitable. We have our president to thank for this. 
Doc ~ 
Jim Hardin wrote: 
  Well, it looks like kids are actually learning something from the 
  actions of Mr. Clinton. 
  Eddy, thanks for sending this. 
  Jim Hardin 
  The Freedom Page http://freedompage.home.mindspring.com 
  To receive Freedom Page mail, put "Subscribe" as subject to 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To be removed, put "Remove" as subject. 
  Alabama Committee To Get Us Out of the UN http://themustardseed.home.mindspring.com 

  From: "eddy james" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: [Fwd] Oral Sex In Middle Schools From: Kepi 
  === NOTE: This 
  WP article came to me as one paragraph. For easier reading, I’ve 
  formatted it into paragraphs where it appeared new paragraphs should 
  begin. Nevertheless, I cannot say this is how the original article 
  was formatted. -Kepi 
  From Freedom Forum: ..  Begin Fwd Msg 
  Parents Are Alarmed by an Unsettling New Fad in Middle Schools: Oral 
  Sex By Laura Sessions Stepp Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, 
  July 8, 1999; Page A01 
  The mother of an Arlington teenager will never forget the phone call she 
  received from Williamsburg Middle School, where her daughter was in the 
  eighth grade. 
  "I’d like to invite you to a meeting about girls at risk," said Latanja 
  Thomas, the eighth-grade school counselor. 
  "What risk?" the mother asked. "Eating disorders?" 
  "Well, what is it?" 
  "Oral sex." 
  "I about dropped the phone," the mother recalled. "I was stunned." 
  So were other parents of girls at Williamsburg who took similar calls that 
  evening and showed up for a meeting in the school library a few nights 
  later. The principal, Margaret McCourt-Dirner, told about 25 assembled 
  parents that as many as a dozen girls and two or three boys had been 
  engaging in oral sex through most of the school year. The teens, 13 
  and 14 years old, were getting together at parties in one another’s homes 
  and at local parks. 
  The news dropped like a bomb just over a year ago in the mostly 
  upper-income community of elegant brick homes, leafy sycamores and stone 
  walls, where wealth is acquired by working long hours at top professional 
  jobs. These parents were unaware of a disturbing pattern of 
  middle-schoolers’ adopting an "anything but intercourse" approach to sex. 
  Eager to avoid pregnancy and hold on to virginity, an increasing number of 
  teenagers are engaging in oral sex, according to school and health 
  "It’s now the expected minimum behavior," said Michael Schaffer, supervisor 
  for health education in Prince George’s County for the past 15 years. "The 
  kids say if you’re not going to have sex, at least do this." 
  "I’ve been teaching in schools for 30 years," said Deborah Roffman, a human 
  sexuality consultant to 15 schools in the Baltimore-Washington corridor. 
  "I am receiving an increasing number of inquiries about incidents of oral 
  sex among young adolescents, both at parties and occasionally at school. 
  Kids are not just asking about oral sex anymore. They’re talking about it, 
  some are doing it, and adults are clueless." 
  Joan Foster, guidance counselor at White Oak Middle School in Silver Spring 
  for seven years, worries about the same trend. Oral sex, she said, "has 
  suddenly become ‘la mode de la sex.’" 
  Although young people have engaged in sexual experimentation openly since 
  the 1960s and covertly since the dawn of time, social scientists have no 
  reliable measures for comparing behavior today with patterns in the past. 
  National surveys of teen sexual behavior generally look only at 
  high-schoolers, not younger students. But in dozens of interviews, 
  researchers and school officials throughout the Washington area said they 
  are seeing something new in kids in their early teens: a casual approach 
  to oral sex as a substitute for intercourse and as a reaction against the 
  fear engendered by AIDS awareness programs. 
  Young people are very casual about oral sex, said Patricia Hersch, author 
  of a book about Reston adolescents, "A Tribe Apart: A Journey Into the 
  Heart of American Adolescence." "To me, oral sex was more intimate than 
  intercourse. Kids today absolutely don’t see it that way. It’s done 
  commonly, with a shrug. It’s part of the grab bag of sexual 
  They may treat such intimacy casually, but adolescents as young as 11 are 
  not prepared for its emotional repercussions, said Beth Knobbs, director 
  of pupil services in Talbot County, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

1999-09-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990910c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No rapturous degenerates were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Russia, the Nuclear Wasteland. The govt wants Russia to become the Lady
  Liberty of toxic rubbish. The cash-strapped nation is loosening laws to
  host the world's discarded radioactive materials. Have a hot time tonite.

: Do you generate much nuclear waste? Where would you like to put it? Won't
the Reptoids take it off your hands? Do they dump on you too? Do you glow?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Top 10 reasons why you should not date an engineer:

10. T-Shirt and jeans are formal dress.
 9. Considers "Posting to the Internet" a social life.
 8. Flames like a monster, speaks like a pussy cat.
 7. Works from 6:30am to 7:30pm daily. No morning kisses. No Evening walks.
 6. No matter how hard you cry and how loud you yell, just sits there
calmly discussing your emotion in terms of mathematical logic.
 5. Listens to everything from Bach to Prince, hates classic rock.
 4. Twinkie and a Jolt 6-Pack Is a Seven Course Meal.
 3. Talks in acronyms (TIA).
 2. Can't leave that damn pencil off ear for one minute.
 1. Will file for divorce if you call in the middle of debugging session.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# A step closer to fusion power. (BBC) A new design of experimental fusion
  reactor, which combines the best attributes of existing technologies, has
  gone online at a university in the US. HSX Plasma Machine move to research
  mode: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_442000/442870.stm

@ Links: U.S. Fusion Program: http://wwwofe.er.doe.gov/
@ JET: European Fusion Research: http://www.jet.uk/

# And - The Oxford sunseekers:
# Big payout for fusion workers
# Should the cold fusion dream die?

: Have you achieved fusion lately? Do you prefer your fusion hot or cold? Is
hot fusion better on cold, lonely nights? Have aliens helped you fuse? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ WEIRD SCIENCE. My first thought on hearing that the Kansas state education
  board had removed evolution from its mandatory curriculum was: Go ahead!
  Be like that! Handicap y'r kids for life. Let "secular humanists" have all
  the good colleges and get all the good jobs. I know this was an unworthy
  thought - Darwin's demotion was a political ploy by Christian conservative
  politicos, not a grassroots effort by Kansas parents, much less their un-
  fortunate kids - but there you are. As a rootless cosmopolitan, I'm tired
  of being expected to pay homage to "the heartland" as the moral center of
  the universe. http://www.thenation.com/issue/990920/0920pollitt.shtml

: Do cretinists deserve to be left behind by a rapidly-evolving technosocial
order? Are you a cretinist? Do you have a future in the fast-food industry?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# China seeks to wipe out Falun Gong entirely. BEIJING. The banned sect
  Falun Gong has started to go underground and must be completely stopped by
  punishing its remaining leaders, an officialChinese newspaper said Friday.

: Can/will/should your sect be wiped out? Will your sect wipe out your govt
oppressors? Do you meditate subversively? Do you subvert meditatively? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Jamaican Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana. KINGSTON. The well-tended synagogue,
  with its triangular wood roof, cement turrets  Hebrew inscriptions, seems
  as misplaced among the crumbling blocks of decaying Kingston as the dwind-
  ling community it serves. By the dozen, they'll come here Friday for Rosh
  Hashana (New Year), a reaffirmation that the 500-year-old Jewish community
  of Jamaica, almost invisible in an overwhelmingly black  Christian land,
  goes on. "We've probably got a generation or 2 before it becomes a crisis"
  said Ernest de Souza, 52, who assumed the mantle of spiritual leader since
  the last ordained rabbi left in 1978. He may be optimistic. See

: What's your favorite religious holiday? Does your belief system have many
holidays? Is your community dwindling? Are you being harvested by aliens??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Two concepts of social structure... trouble in hierarchies: the Snafu
  Principle. People tend to say what they think the boss wants to hear,
  especially if they have noticed that the practice of "shooting the
  messenger" is common. This means that the information passed up the
  pyramid is distorted at each level. Thus, each higher 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Lockerbie

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit http://www.eGroups.com/list/konformist/ and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

From: Barry Chamish ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From Yediot Ahronot:

YEDIOT AHARONOT 8/20/99: "In the darkness of the night of 20
December 1988, a  black Mercedes entered the Frankfurt Airport
compound and stopped next to  one of the automatic doors. A
baggage handler of Turkish origin removed a  hard suitcase from
the trunk, carried it through the passenger lounges,  and
disappeared together with the case in the area where airport
workers  had their personal lockers. The worker knew that the
suitcase he had  removed from the Mercedes was full of drugs, but
he didn't look in the  least agitated. He knew that no one would
stop him and that no one would  ask unnecessary questions about
the suitcase that he had taken into the  area restricted to
airport personnel.

The Turkish baggage handler's extreme self-confidence was founded
on 24  months of experience, during which this routine had been
followed weekly  without interruption. The suitcase with the
drugs would arrive by car at  the parking lot. The employee would
take the bag into the workers area,  and from there it would
continue into the hold of an American aircraft  which would carry
it across the ocean.

The Turk and the other members of the smuggling ring knew that
everything they did was under the watchful eye of undercover
agents of  the CIA and the BKA [Office of Criminal Investigation]
-- the West German  security service. Both intelligence services
permitted the "secure drug  channel" to operate undisturbed
because with the help of the head of the  ring, Mundhir al-Qasr,
they obtained a lot of intelligence about what was  happening
within the terrorist organizations in Lebanon. At the same  time,
al-Qasr promised to act for the release of the American hostages
that were being held in various secret locations in Lebanon at
the time.  The BKA and CIA have denied outright the existence of
the "secure drug  channel" described above, which operated under
their supervision, as it  were.

Recently, this highly expected denial has taken on far greater
significance than anticipated. A few weeks ago, 'Abd-al-Basit
'Ali  al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifah Fhimah -- the two Libyan
intelligence  officers suspected of blowing up the plane -- were
extradited to the  Netherlands to stand trial in the
international court in The Hague.  Against this background, the
suspicion that it was the drugs route that  permitted the
explosive charge to be placed on the Pan Am plane, which  took
the lives of 270 civilians, might serve the case for the defense.
The person providing substance to this worrying theory is former
Israeli  Yuval Aviv, author of "Gideon's Sword", who describes
himself as a former  Mosad agent. Aviv, who today runs a large
and successful private  international intelligence and
investigations office, prepared for Pan  Am--before the airline
went bankrupt--a 27-page intelligence report  detailing the
"secure drug channel."

The indictment submitted to the Hague court against the two
Libyan  officers is the result of an intensive American
investigation. This  investigation was conducted by the CIA, and
for this reason the finger  wasn't pointed in the direction that
Aviv mentions. It accused the  Libyans. The investigation found
that the Libyan officers put the  suitcase containing a
sophisticated 'Semtex' bomb onto the plane. The  suitcase
exploded in the skies above Scotland after it had flown
unaccompanied from Malta to Frankfurt, passed through security
checks,  was transferred to a Pan Am Boeing 727 flying from
Frankfurt to Heathrow,  was again transferred to a Pan Am jumbo
jet, and only exploded after the  plane had taken off on its way
to New York's Kennedy Airport.

It was not difficult for American investigators to find reasons
for a  Libyan bomb to be planted on an American plane. A number
of incidents  prior to the explosion could have served as a cause
for the tragic  attack. The first incident took place two years
before the Lockerbie  disaster. The Americans launched a lethal
attack on a chemical weapons  production plant in Libya. The
second incident took place seven months  before the disaster. All
the passengers aboard an Iranian 'Airbus' were  killed as a
result of an unfortunate American mistake. The civilian plane
was shot down by troops aboard the American warship "Vincennes"
that was  sailing in the Persian Gulf. In the wake of the
incident, all  intelligence services in Europe and North America
went on high alert in  anticipation of a revenge attack.


[CTRL] New Book?

1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

21) From: "Lee Tracey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FBI Squashing authors?

An interesting read is a book by Robert Temple called the
Apart from the theory of the book that Aliens visited the
earth in about
3000BC, for which Temple makes a strong mathematical and
well researched
argument, the comments in the opening chapter about how the
FBI tried hard
to stop him writing the book and what they got up to is
perhaps significant
to members interested in the actions of the law enforcement
and security
Lee Tracey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Leary FOIPA Follow Up

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire,
please visit http://www.eGroups.com/list/konformist/ and sign up. Or, e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!"
(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

Leary FOIPA Follow Up


August 23, 1999

John M. Kelso, Jr., Chief
Freedom of Information-Privacy Section
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs
US Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, DC 20535-0001

Dear Mr. Kelso:

I mailed the enclosed letter to your office on March 16 and have yet to
receive a reply. I understand about the delays as explained in your letter
of March 9, but since then the FBI has witnessed a lot of publicity
attendant to the select release of some files on Dr. Leary to the public.
Please explain why this has happened and yet no action has been taken on my
request for the release of the full file.  I would greatly appreciate a
prompt reply.


Kenn Thomas
POB 23715
St. Louis, MO 63121

March 15, 1999

John M. Kelso, Jr., Chief
Freedom of Information-Privacy Section
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs
US Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, DC 20535-0001

Dear Mr. Kelso:

This letter is responsive to yours of March 9 asking that I respond in
writing to criteria necessary to be met before consideration of a fee waiver
in my FOI/PA request for files on Dr. Timothy Leary. Enclosed is a copy of
your letter listing the criteria.

(i) In its letter to me of September 8, 1998, the FBI has acknowledged three
FBIHQ files on Timothy Leary. This demonstrates that Dr. Leary was the
subject of at least three FBI investigations, which are of course
"operations or activities of the government."

(ii) The informative value of these files includes the information that the
FBI sought in these investigations, why it sought that information and how
it was used. The files will demonstrate how Dr. Leary came to the attention
of the FBI and why the Bureau decided to proceed in its investigation of
him The files document important aspects of Dr. Leary's biography,
including passport fraud investigation from his time in exile, an
unspecified "security matter" labeled as an "anarchist/extremist
investigation" and a 1948 government loyalty investigation.

(iii) Dr. Leary was involved in the important controversies of private drug
use and wrongful imprisonment. Disclosure of how this notoriety affected
interest in him by police authorities will contribute substantially to
public understanding of this debate. The public understanding also will be
served by an examination of why it was important for the FBI to have Dr.
Leary investigated.

(iv) The history of Dr. Leary's life and career has so far only been
documented in his autobiographies and various press accounts. These files
will provide a new look at pivotal times in the life of this important
public figure. Disclosure would make a very significant contribution to
understanding Dr. Leary's biography and recent US history, including the
interest in him by the FBI. It will provide a new primary source for future
biographers and historians.

References to prior articles/book:

"Further FOIPA Adventures: Liberating Leary's FBI Files," Flatland, February

"King Leary: The Lord of Acid Leaves a Trippy Legacy," Conspire.com web
site, July 1998

Flying Saucers Over Los Angeles, appendix by Timothy Leary, Adventures
Unlimited Press, 1998

"Party at Tim Leary's," in the book Popular Alienation, IlliumiNet Press,

"You Too Can Be A Researcher: Tips On Using the Freedom of Information Act
and the National Archives," Flatland, February 1996

This should meet the criteria requirements listed in your letter. I
understand the delays in processing this request that you mention and would
appreciate anything you can do to expedite.


Kenn Thomas
POB 23715
St. Louis, MO 63121

enc.: letter from FBI, 3/9/99

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[CTRL] Hellraiser

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser-9936.html"MetroActive
News  Issues | Hellraiser/A
Thanks, Ric.


Michael Amsler

Meet the feisty nun who rocked the Diocese of Santa Rosa

By Janet Wells

SISTER JANE KELLY is a most unlikely whistle blower. With her flowered
skirt, simple blouse, white huaraches, and wedding finger sporting a
ring with a cross stamped into the gold, she looks every inch the gentle
nun. She's a bespectacled woman with a halo of short, wavy, gray hair
who can be found outside in the heat of Ukiah's blistering summer
watering the flowers at St. Mary of the Angels School. But don't be
fooled by appearances.

Sister Kelly also ripped the lid off the Santa Rosa Diocese recently,
opening the local Catholic administration to national scrutiny in the
face of a far-flung scandal involving allegations of embezzlement,
sexual misconduct, and coverups.

In the wake of Kelly's unrelenting questions, outraged letters, and
feisty opinions, the powerful have fallen far: Bishop Patrick Ziemann
resigned in July, and the Santa Rosa police are investigating him for
charges of criminal sexual misconduct involving another diocese priest,
Jorge Hume Salas. Salas himself is under a black cloud, after admitting
to stealing from the St. Mary's parish collection. The latest casualty
is Monsignor Thomas Keys, who resigned two weeks ago as vicar general,
the No. 2 position in a diocese that ranges over six Northern California
counties, ranging from Petaluma to the Oregon border.

And now the diocese itself is under fire, facing charges from Salas of
defamation and infliction of emotional distress, as well as longtime
allegations of financial impropriety involving the use of church
donations to settle sexual misconduct cases.

To some, Kelly is little more than a troublesome gossip, used by the
diocese as a mouthpiece to blab about a priest and deflect attention
from the deeper questions involving the bishop and the diocese.

But to far more people she is a hero, a brave beacon willing to stand up
to the male-dominated Catholic church hierarchy.

"For this lady to do what's she's done is mind-boggling," says Don
Hoard, whose son is one of several local youths who were sexually
molested by a local priest in a scandal that rocked the diocese a couple
of years ago. "If you don't have a Catholic background, I don't think
you can conceive of the amount of courage it took."

Or, as Tanya Brannan of the Purple Berets says, "Sister Jane Kelly for

AT AGE 17, while a Catholic schoolgirl in Oakland, Kelly decided to
enter the Convent of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in San Francisco. Now 69, Kelly just celebrated her golden
anniversary in the church, with 26 of those years as a nun in the Ukiah

Kelly spent her years quietly working with students at St. Mary of the
Angels school and the Plowshares Community Dining Room, which offers
food services, as well as health and psychiatric counseling to the poor
and homeless in Ukiah.

Kelly admits that she heard stories over the years about local priests
having sex with young boys, even before the hundreds of cases nationwide
exploded onto newspaper headlines and court dockets in the early 1990s.
But that was before the era of California's mandatory reporting laws,
which now requires anyone--including clergy--with information about
child sexual abuse to report it to law enforcement officials. That law
was passed two years ago in the wake of the child molestation cases in
Santa Rosa.

It wasn't until a young Costa Rican, Jorge Hume Salas, came on the scene
that Sister Kelly started down the path of rabble-rouser. In 1992,
Bishop Ziemann asked Kelly to be Salas' supervisor while he trained for
the priesthood.

"I said, 'No, I don't understand Spanish, and I don't know how much
English he understands,'" recalls Kelly, sitting in her Ukiah office,
surrounded by student artwork and shelves of Catholic educational videos
and religious prints. "[Ziemann] pressed me, so I did. Then I began to
see things happening."

While most men training for the priesthood have at least four years of
graduate-level schooling, Salas had no records of theological or
seminary study, Kelly says, adding that Salas did not undergo the rigid
psychological screening for would-be priests.

Kelly was never sure how much Salas understood during their weekly
sessions to discuss his spiritual journey. Nevertheless, he was ordained
to the priesthood in a practically unheard-of 15 months.

Once a priest, Salas suddenly had an expensive new car with custom
license plates, a personal computer, and a TV set, notes Kelly. She says
she heard from parishioners unhappy that the new priest apparently was
profiteering from his position, demanding a minimum payment of $20 for
himself to perform baptisms, confirmations, and weddings, and then
allegedly failing 

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Book of Enoch]

1999-09-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Cropolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

tried to get this page but it was not found on server. is there something i
try to get it?

Try it again--must have been transient Net conditions. I jumped to the site


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: IMF to send investigative mission to East Timor

1999-09-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/09/1999 4:30:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON, Sept 5 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund will send an
 investigative team to East Timor to assess its economic needs since its vote
 to become independent from Indonesia, IMF spokesman Bill Murray said on

Since most East Timorese will probably be dead by the time they get there, it
should be a pretty easy mission.  It might be a good idea to wear protective
gear, however, we never know when the Indonesian Army might want to shoot
somebody.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #4

1999-09-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990910d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No cloned pot roasts were burnt during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Transplant Internet site launched. WASHINGTON (Reuters) The United Network
  for Organ Sharing (UNOS) said it will start posting organ availability on
  a secure website that can be accessed only by transplant surgeons  organ
  procurement officers. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990909/17/health-uno18

: Is any website secure? If this site is hacked, where will the organs go?
Have you hijacked any transplant organs lately? How do you use them? Tasty?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cloned beef is news in Japan. TOKYO(AP) It looks like beef. It tastes like
  beef. In fact, it's nothing less than 100% pure beef. But a batch of the
  stuff drew nationwide attention in Japan when it went to market Thursday,
  advertised as the beef of a cloned cow. "It's nice and soft. I'd buy it
  again because it tastes good." But cloned beef has been getting less than
  rave reviews lately. A govt announcement in April that it had been sold
  unmarked for at least two years triggered threats of a beef boycott. See

: Do you prefer to eat clones? Would you mind if your clone was eaten? What
is your favorite recipe for cloned meat? How should your clone be prepared??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Celera Genomics Finishes Fruitfly Gene Map. WASHINGTON (Reuters) A company
  seeking to be the first to map all the genes in the human body said it had
  nearly finished a target almost as important to scientists: the fruit fly.

: Have you finished any gene maps lately? Will you use the maps to build new
lifeforms? What will they look like? Will they be pretty, will they be rich?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  growth hormone as a fountain of youth. Not only is there no evidence it
  will "stop the clock" but a recent study found giving it to hospitalized
  patients had harmful effects. Sorry - we still can't keep you young
  forever. http://healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=16517


: Do you want to stay young forever? What would you pay for eternal youth?
Would you sell your soul, your mother, your first-born, nuclear secrets??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists examine ancient virus. (U-WIRE) SYRACUSE, N.Y. Researchers who
  found a prehistoric virus trapped deep in Greenland's glacial ice cores
  have extended their research to include ice samples from the Antarctic.
  The research will focus on confirming suspicions that the common plant
  pathogen, Tomato Mosaic Tobamovirus, is alive, and what the implications
  of more than 200 samples of live fungi and bacteria found in the ice may
  be on plants and humans. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/990910/odd-122

: Have you found an ancient virus lately? Are you reverse-engineering virus
genetics so you can do interesting things to/with living organisms? Where?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The planet that hums - Listen carefully; you can hear Earth singing softly
  to itself. THEY LIVE UNDERGROUND. They're everywhere but seem to come from
  nowhere. They barely exist, but never leave. If sounds have shadows, they
  are the shadows of a sound. Researchers call them the background free osc-
  illations of Earth. But some call them a hum. That's a comforting thought:
  a mystic Om, perhaps, or just the warm, cosy sound of a planet going about
  its business. http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19990911/theplanett.html

: Do you listen to your planet? Does your planet listen to you? D'ya prefer
to listen to other planets, to aliens, to stars, to galaxies, to me? Why??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Y2K - Are Foreign Airports Ready for Y2K?
# Y2K - Y2K Is Still an Aviation Bugaboo:
# Y2K - US Coast Guard Steps Up Y2K Checks Of Cargo Ships:
# Y2K - Computers Weather 9/9/99; Now For 1/1/, 29/2/2000:
# Y2K - Beware Y2K Scammers:

# Y2K - Cold War Missile Tracking Bunker Now USAF Command Post:
# Y2K - Latest On Nuclear Power Plant Safety  The Power Grid:
# Y2K - US Senators Urge Expanded Missile Watch:

[CTRL] Fwd: A 6-hr. Video for $5! The US/NATO War Crimes Tribunal, NYC Hearing

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Robert Kemp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: A 6-hr. Video for $5! The US/NATO War Crimes Tribunal, NYC
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:08:27 EDT

Original Message Follows
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: A 6-hr. Video for $5! The US/NATO War Crimes Tribunal, NYC Hearing
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 16:52:48 -0500 (CDT)

A 6-hr. Video for $5! The US/NATO War Crimes Tribunal New York City Hearing,
with Ramsey Clark and Michael Parenti

For Immediate Release

A 6-hour videotape with the unedited proceedings of the First Hearing of the
Independent Commission of Inquiry to Investigate U.S./NATO War Crimes
the People of Yugoslavia held in New York City on July 31, 1999 is being
available for a donation of $10 by JusticeVision as Volume 16 of their
Democracy University Video Series. The Series is also available by
subscription for $5 per 6-hour videotape.
Speakers on earlier tapes in the series have included Noam Chomsky, Howard
Zinn, Michael Parenti, Helen Caldicott, Amy Goodman, Winona LaDuke, Ralph
Nader, Gore Vidal, Michael Moore, and Lori Wallach. The purpose of the
is to inform the public on as many social justice and environmental issues
that are underrepresented in the mainstream media as possible, by
major speakers and events and by pricing the tapes so as to be accessible to
as many as possible. More information on how to order may be found at the
of this email.

Videotape Program for Democracy University Volume 16:

The First Hearing of the Independent Commission of Inquiry to Investigate
U.S./NATO War Crimes Against the People of Yugoslavia, New York City, July
31, 1999:

Opening Plenary: The Case for an Independent War Crimes Tribunal

:00 Sara Flounders, International Action Center (moderator)
 Note: (:00 signifies location on tape in hours:minutes)
:15 Said Hassan, Ambassador of the Iraq Mission to the UN
:27 Monica Moorehead, Workers World newspaper and Mumia Awareness Week,
introducing a taped message
from Mumia Abu-Jamal to the Commission
:41 David Jacobs, attorney, Canadian Lawyers Group
:51 Videotape footage by Gloria La Riva of the results of the bombing of
1:04 Michel Chossudovsky, economist and author of The Globalization of
1:15 Roland Keith, OSCE monitor in Kosovo

Final Plenary: The Indictment of William Clinton and Others for War Crimes

1:28 Brian Becker, International Action Center (moderator)
1:38 Felix Wilson, Cuban Interests Section
1:52 Shani Rifati, Roma activist from Pristina, Kosovo
2:00 Dr. Sapphire Ahmed, International Health Care Activist
2:18 H.E. Mr. Vladislav Jovanovic, Yugoslavia Ambassador to the UN
2:35 Gloria La Riva, director of the video "NATO Targets"
2:54 Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general: reading of the indictment

Panel 3 of Session 2: War, Lies, and Videotape: The Role of the Media

3:59 Dierdre Sinnott (moderator)
4:06 Michael Parenti, author of Against Empire and America Beseiged
4:30 Herb Foerstel, author: "The Balkans War: a Media-Driven Disaster"
4:42 Heather Cottin, Serbian-Jewish Friendship Cmte: "The Media's use of
Hitler and the Genocide Analogy"
4:53 Vondora Jordan, Workfairness: "The Demonization of Poor People"
5:02 George Bagdanich, director of the video "Yugoslavia: the Avoidable
"What has been left out of media
5:15 QA (Parenti, Foerstel) and Open Mike

Panel 2 of Session 1: War Crimes: The Targeting of Civilians and
Environmental Destruction
(not complete)

5:37 John Parker and Gloria La Riva, (co-moderators)
5:45 Prof. Michael Mandel, York University Law School, Canadian lawyers
group: "Admitted Crimes"
5:58 John Catalinotto, Co-editor of Depleted Uranium: Metal of Dishonor
6:07 End of Tape 1 (Tape 2 will consist of videotapes of other workshops if
we are able to obtain the permission of the videographers that made them to
use them)

How To Order: This 6-hour videotape is available for a donation of $5 to
those that would like to subscribe to the Democracy University Video Series.
Videotapes in the series come about once every five to seven weeks. Each
in the series will have one long or several shorter events on a broad range
of social justice issues, totalling about 6 hours. You can cancel at any
time. Individual videotapes in the series are available for a donation of
or more. To order or subscribe please contact Ralph Cole at JusticeVision by
calling (213) 747-6345, or send your name and address by email to Ralph at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Please send your donation after the tape arrives, or if
subscribing to the series, after each tape arrives.

(A note to subscribers: I just mailed the last batch today. You should be
getting it in a few days. -Ralph)

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[CTRL] Fwd: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia

1999-09-10 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Robert Kemp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:21:04 EDT

Original Message Follows
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 20:42:48 -0500 (CDT)

/** reg.easttimor: 2809.0 **/
** Topic: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia **
** Written 11:08 PM  Sep  6, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in cdp:reg.easttimor **
Subject: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia

Excerpt: The real nature of the links between the armed forces and police
the militia remains a delicate area for public discussion in Jakarta. It has
been ignored in recent days in the Indonesian press, though the violence has
been covered fully and correctly attributed to the pro-integrationatist

Foreign witness accounts that the army and police have stood by and watched
the violence have not been reported. "This is a very delicate issue," says
one observer, "because it is related to patriotism and national pride."

The Guardian [UK]
Tuesday September 7, 1999

Revealed: how army directed violence

Secret report: UN finds proof of joint operations with militia

John Gittings in Jakarta

Direct evidence of complicity by the Indonesian military in the East Timor
killings has been compiled by the United Nations, according to leaked
internal documents.

The documents prepared by the UN mission to East Timor (Unamet) say that
there have been "joint operations" between army, police and militia,
including burning of houses and attacks on civilians. The revelations -
published in yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald - came as the armed forces
chief, General Wiranto, said Indonesia may put the territory under military

The documents conclude that there has been "a deliberate strategy to force
Unamet to withdraw from certain regions back to Dili".

They accuse the military of instigating the weekend shooting of an American
UN police officer in Liquisa by the militias. The UN says that in another
incident militia were ordered by a group of Indonesian officers to shoot at
trucks carrying UN staff and journalists.

Local police and their families are said to have been threatened themselves
by the army if they sought to prevent the violence.

General Wiranto's hint of martial law adds to speculation in Jakarta about
the real motives of the Indonesian army. Observers differ as to whether it
a last-ditch protest against "losing East Timor", or could mean a serious
effort to frustrate the territory's independence.

"In the short term", General Wiranto said yesterday, "we will bring in
forces. Certainly we are going to evaluate the status of this area, whether
it will continue to be under civilian orders or whether there is going to be
a change."

He claimed that violence was not allowed in East Timor: "We will not
any brutal acts, whatever the reason." He also continued to urge all
Indonesians to accept the result.

Deeply upset

But Indonesian analysts say that senior army officers are deeply upset by
loss of East Timor, and that what is now happening was to a large extent

"Everyone knows that the militia received a lot of support long before the
ballot," says a military affairs academic. "The armed forces are not happy:
by letting what is happen go unimpeded, they send a very strong message.

"This could be a conscious act to let the violence turn into chaos. When the
situation is completely chaotic the military may push for martial law. They
can then use this as a pretext and try to postpone ratification of the

Another specialist says a "psychological affinity" between the army and the
militia grew up when fighting the pro-independence guerrillas in East Timor.

Salim Said of the University of Indonesia says: "I have talked to generals
who say 'we have sacrificed too much. Some of our subordinates became
casualties; we built churches, streets and universities'."

But Salim, who also lectures at an army staff college, does not believe the
army will in the end frustrate independence.

"This is an irrational situation," he says. "The army's position is very low
in society because it was a tool of the Suharto government."

There is widespread agreement that the chaos in East Timor is being used by
factions in the ruling elite to weaken B J Habibie ahead of November when a
new president will be chosen.

Many Indonesians take exception to international pressure for a quick
solution to which Habibie yielded when he announced that East Timor would
gain independence if it rejected autonomy within the Republic of Indonesia.

A slower process, it is argued, would have avoided giving political
ammunition to the military and allowed time to reconcile the factions.

Yesterday's English-language Jakarta Post published a long summary of

[CTRL] fw: stocks bonds

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

Today's Stock Market Report

Helium was up, feathers were down.  Paper was stationary.
Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading.
Knives were up sharply.
Cows steered into a bull market.
Pencils lost a few points.
Hiking equipment was trailing.
Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline.
Weights were up in heavy trading.
Light switches were off.
Mining equipment hit rock bottom.
Diapers remained unchanged.
Shipping lines stayed at an even keel.
The market for raisins dried up.
Coca Cola fizzled.
Caterpillar stock inched up a bit.
Sun peaked at midday.
Balloon prices were inflated.
Scott Tissue touched a new bottom.
And batteries exploded in an attempt to recharge the market.

4 new bonds are being issued:

 *  Lewinsky bond:  Has no maturity
 *  Gore bond:  Has no interest
 *  Clinton bond:   Has no principle.
 *  Reno bond:  Has a lot of spark

* http://skepticon.da.ru * ICQ# 19633976 * FAX: 603-415-3736 *
*** SkeptiChat: sliding down the razor-blade of life ***
now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] NOW He Tells Us ...]

1999-09-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Apparently the Kurds and Timorese --unlike the Albanians of Kosovo--
don't have enough "market share" in the NWO's underground economy to merit
our attention ...

Note, however, that the IMF has announced its intention to send experts to
East Timor once the fighting has stopped to analyze the local economy and
advise the Timorese on what they need to do to become part of the world
economy. The IMF won't be lending any money to East Timor...but the World Bank

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Snafu Principle

1999-09-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

below is a sample from the site:

In American culture today, the hierarchical theory of organizations is so
deeply ingrained that many people are completely unaware of it. This theory
represents social structures as pyramids, with the serfs on the bottom and
various layers of leaders leading up to the supreme commander on the top.
Examples are the Catholic Church and the armed forces.

Two of the assumptions in this model bother me:

That the people above are smarter than the ones below and they know better
what is going on;
That watching over other people is a more important activity than producing
actual goods and services.

In Illuminatus!, a satirical study of social pathologies, Robert Anton
Wilson and Robert Shea brought out an important principal that causes
trouble in hierarchies: the Snafu Principle. People tend to say what they
think the boss wants to hear, especially if they have noticed that the
practice of ``shooting the messenger'' is common. This means that the
information passed up the pyramid is distorted at each level. Thus, each
higher layer of managers tends to have less and less contact with reality,
and near the top they are often completely out of touch.


The Snafu Principle is the most important "law of human behavior" I've ever
found fnord. It states succinctly, "Communication is possible only between
RELATIONS WITHIN AN ORGANIZATION. The Snafu Principle explains why the real
decisions are *always* made around the water cooler or the coffee-maker, not
in the CEO's office...

Hail Eris!

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: IMF to send investigative mission to East Timor

1999-09-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/09/1999 11:12:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 This is certainly welcome news!  Now they'll get some help.  The good old
 will fix it up RRREEEAAALLL nice.  (removing tongue from cheek. . . ) 

Now you must understand.  The current politicos in Indonesia have not had a
chance at any of the lovely lolly.  The last prez either took it all or gave
it to his own family.  Now the new regime can start their Swiss bank
accounts.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Russian Reformation

1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The American press calls the Russian Criminal Class "The
Russian Mafia".  The American press calls the American
Criminal Class "Politicians".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Re FBI squashing authors

1999-09-10 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting .  Its a stupid move but they do it.

 I can vouch for CIA  illegally attempting to suppress a book   I sat
right across the table when they ran the attempt on.my BEST ENEMY MONEY CAN
BUY complete with the threat " you wont survive"

Im not ready yet to release the whole story  ( dont worry I know how to
insure myself) but THE BOOK has been available for 17 years.  All CIA did was
guarantee the book stay in print..  Its a dumb move.

The original title was NATIONAL SUICIDE.  The book was updated and re-issued
as THE BEST ENEMY MONEY CAN BUY  Still available.

(LIBERTY HOUSE PRESS  1-800-343-6180.  $ 12.95

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

I WANT THE THEORY!! and what about entropy systems?
that machine looks real and I understand it and they are
mortor specialists...they make REFRIGERATORS with power as a
by-product!  killer.b

Andrew Hennessey wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Ric says -

 Could megacorps suppress a free-energy device?  In some places, for a
 while, sure.  But suppose I'd designed such a device, and a simple
 method for producing it, and I don't want to be suppressed - what do
 I do?  How about: I go to Cuba, to North Korea, to Iraq, to Burma, to
 'pariah' states where international cartels don't have a lot of sway.

 The Michael DePalma generator is already being built by a japanese corp

 [i have the theory for this if anyone wants it !! - Andrew]

 The DePalma generator is essentially a simple magnetized flywheel, ie a
 magnetized cylindrical conductor rotating at high speed with the help of a
 motor. His astonishing claim is that the present verions of the N machine
 can generate up to five times more power than it consumes. This, of course,
 defies the basic law of the conservation of energy, which says that the
 output of energy cannot be more than the input. Most physicists simply
 refuse to look at DePalma's findings and dismiss his theories out of hand.

 Yet "proof of principle" for his invention was apparently provided when a
 large N machine, dubbed the Sunburst, was built in 1978 in Santa Barbara
 California. The Sunburst machine was independently tested by Dr. Robert
 Kincheloe, professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford
 University. in his 1986 reprot (presented to the Society for Scientific
 Exploration, San Francisco, 6/21/86), Kincheloe notd that the drag of the
 rotating magnetized gyroscope is only 13 to 20 perscent of a conventional
 generator operating at an ideal 100 ppercent effiiency, the DePalma N
 machine could produce electricity at around 500 percent efficiency.

 In Kincheloe's cautious summary: "DePalma may have been right in that there
 is indeed a situation here wherby energy is being obtained from a previosly
 unknow and unexplained source. This is a conclusion that most scientists
 and engineers would reject out of hand as being a violation of accepted
 laws of physics and if true has incredible implications".

 "The jury is still out on the DePalma N machine," says physicist Harold
 Puthoff, a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin,
 Texas. "It isn't clear where the reported excess energy is coming
 from--wheater out of the elecromagnetic field or as the result of some
 anomaly associated with rotating bodies in terms of inertia. The DePalma
 machine needs to be replicated on a broad scale to see if it actually
 works. Though I'm rahter skeptical, I certainly would encourage independent
 laboratory experimentation. While such a phenomenon would have seemed to
 absolutely go against the law of energy conservation a number of years ago,
 we now recognize that the potential for extracting energy out of so called
 empty space is in fact a reality".

 Not So Empty Space:

 Puthoff, a PhD. from Stanford University, belives that a new, non polluting
 energy source may be acheived by tapping the force random fluctuaions
 jostling atomic particles within a vacuum.
 Scientists now know that "empty" space seeths with waht are called vacuum
 fluctuations: huge amounts of energy that suddently burst forth, jiggling
 particles to and fro. Puthoff has developed his own theory, zero point
 energy, in an attempt to tap the abundant power found in the vacuum of
 space. He and associates in a new company, Jupiter Technologies, may soon
 try to manufacture zero-point energy machines.

 DePalma described his N machine and outlined a theory to explain its
 workings in a paper, "On the Possibility of Extraction of Electrical Energy
 Directly From Space", published in the British science journel,
 Speculations in Science and Technology (Sept 1990, Vol 13 No 4). So far,
 the scientific establishment either has ignored DePalma's controversial
 claims or remains unaware of them.

 Patent *Not* Pending:

 No one has ever obtained a patent for an N machine in the U.S., although in
 the San Francisco area alone, there are some 200 patent applications
 relating to such devices. The U.S. Patent office automatically denies a
 patent to any gizmo which purports to produce more enerty than it consumes,
 on the grounds that its personnel are not equipped to evalute such claims.
 DePalma is quick to point out that the N machine is not a perpetual motion
 machine, that mythical contraption long sought by frustrated inventors.
 "The purpetual motion machine is only supposed to run itself. It could
 never put out five times more power than is put into it. Perpetual motion
 schemes used conventional energy sources, whereas the N machine is a new
 way of extracting energy from space".

 Other scientists-inventors who attempted to build and operate free energy

Re: [CTRL] FW: Oral Sex In Middle Schools[for the ch

1999-09-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/10/1999 12:03:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 It was inevitable. We have our president to thank for this.

 Jim Hardin wrote:

   Well, it looks like kids are actually learning something from the
   actions of Mr. Clinton. 

No, no.  Now give credit where credit is due.  Mr. Clinton didn't tell the
kiddies about his affairs, and he didn't do anything that Presidents Johnson
and Kennedy didn't do before him.  So the kiddies learned all about this sort
of thing from the establishment media and the Republican Congress (not to
mention Judge Starr).  What can I say, as a sex education tool, the nightly
news is obviously very effective.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] A Waco Survivor Speaks

1999-09-10 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

The truth about Waco
David Thibodeau

Salon, Sept. 9, 1999 | Attorney General Janet Reno says she's "very, very
frustrated" over recent revelations that the FBI fired explosive devices at
the Mount Carmel community outside of Waco, Texas, during the April 1993
siege. I know how Reno feels. I was one of only nine survivors of the Waco
blaze -- 74 men, women and children died -- and I've devoted the last six
years to understanding what happened there. Frustration is a mild word to
describe my feelings about that quest.

Reno's frustration, and mine, has only gotten worse recently as more
damaging revelations have surfaced. First there was the CIA agent who told
Salon News and the Dallas Morning News that members of the Army's secret
Delta Force unit had actively participated in the siege. Then the FBI turned
over tape recordings that include audio of an agent requesting and receiving
permission to use pyrotechnic devices. Reports on Wednesday revealed the
government also used incendiary flares during the Waco siege similar to
those used to burn down the hideout of white supremacist Robert Mathews.

The film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" purported to show infrared images
of government agents firing on the building. Now there is also a rumored
videotape, uncovered by the film's co-producer, Michael McNulty, that
reportedly shows agents in an ATF helicopter shooting into Mount Carmel. No
doubt there will be more evidence "discovered," more agents coming forward,
their six-year amnesia about April 19 suddenly cured. The FBI has not come
close to revealing the full government complicity in the Waco massacre.

Obviously my stake is a bit more personal than most. Back in 1990 I had been
drumming in a stagnant Los Angeles rock band when I met and befriended David
Koresh. I needed some new drumsticks, and on the way to a gig stopped in at
the Guitar Center on Sunset Boulevard. Seeing the sticks in my hand, two
strangers introduced themselves and asked if I was playing in a band. The
two were David Koresh and Steve Schneider, the closest thing Koresh had to a
deputy. Schneider gave me his card and I promptly handed it back. The
backside was full of Bible verses. "You guys are a Christian band," I said,

I had never been religious in my life, and though I sometimes found myself
asking God for a little help, I couldn't remember the last time I had been
in a church, let alone seriously prayed. But I did have a spiritual
curiosity; there were questions -- big questions -- that I wanted answers
to. Schneider and Koresh weren't pushy and made it clear that all they
really were looking for right now was a drummer. "I'd like to play some
music with you," Koresh said, "and see where we can go from there."

In truth, my band was going nowhere, and Koresh intrigued me. So I took the
card back, and a few days later gave him a call. Over the next weeks I hung
out with Koresh and some other musicians in his band. I got to know Koresh
and was tremendously impressed. Having never paid much attention to the
Bible, I was astonished to find that it actually did have some relevance to
my life. And while Koresh had never gotten much in the way of formal
education, it was clear that his knowledge of and insight into the
scriptures was remarkable and profound.

That fall I went out to Waco to play music and meet the larger community. I
was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. The people at Mount Carmel were
extremely involved in knowing and learning the Bible. In the process of
demonizing Koresh and the Branch Davidians -- a name we never used when
describing ourselves -- people have made it seem as if Mount Carmel came out
of nowhere. In fact, Koresh was the third leader of a religious community
that spun off from the Seventh Day Adventists in 1934. They had been living
outside of Waco for almost 60 years before the ATF raid in 1993.

I was fascinated with their spiritual search, and I began -- for the first
time in my life -- to read the Bible and to see that its message might be
meaningful. Koresh was interesting, and the ways in which he explained the
scriptures were complex and demanding. I didn't care that he wasn't a
graduate of Yale divinity school. He was clearly a serious religious scholar
and I wanted to understand what he was saying. So I stayed.

The people around Koresh came from many backgrounds. I met folks who hadn't
finished high school, and others with degrees from places like Harvard law
school. I spent time with African-Americans, Australians, black Britons,
Mexican-Americans and more. One irony of the Waco disaster is that
right-wing extremists and racists look to Mount Carmel as a beacon; if they
realized that so many of us were black, Asian and Latino, and that we
despised their hateful politics and anger, they would probably feel bitterly

That isn't to say that all of us leaned to the left. We had some serious
criticisms of the secular world that grew out of our faith. 

Re: [CTRL] Danforth Waco probe[fini b4 or after 11/00 election?]

1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

This shows perfectly the complicity of Boy George in the NWO
dealings of IMF forces to control America through idiot
media...anything to hide his Cocaine use from the
sheopleanything...Clinton is lame duck and he is paid to
look bad...so whats a little more crap on a huge pile
already?  Bush is a garbageman picking up the scraps left
behind by the totalitarian regime of world bankingbg

Bard wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Will the Rapist arrange to drag this out until AFTER the November elections?

 Gov. Bush: Wait for results of Danforth Waco probe
 Updated 9:33 PM ET September 9, 1999

 DALLAS (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush said
 Thursday that people should await the findings of a new independent
 investigation into the 1993 FBI siege at Waco before deciding if there was a
 government cover-up.
 The Texas governor welcomed the appointment of former Senator John Danforth
 to investigate the conduct of the FBI and other government agencies in the
 siege of the Branch Davidian compound, which ended with a fire that killed
 80 people inside.

 "I think it's good that Senator Danforth has been asked to conduct an
 independent investigation," Bush told reporters during a campaign appearance
 in Dallas.

 Asked if he believed there had been a government cover-up about the cause of
 the compound blaze, Bush said, "I think its important before people jump to
 conclusions to let Senator Danforth bring forth the facts."

 "Then we'll be able to make a determination as to whether or not (there was
 a conspiracy), about how to answer your question," he told reporters.

 Danforth was appointed by Attorney General Janet Reno this week after
 revelations the FBI had used tear gas grenades at Waco capable of starting a
 fire, forcing the agency to change its story after six years of denying it
 used any incendiary devices around the compound.

 Bush also repeated his earlier denial of allegations raised in a Dallas
 lawsuit that a veteran Texas politician helped Bush win a pilot's slot in
 the Texas Air National Guard in 1968 as a way of avoiding active military
 duty in the Vietnam War.

 A former Texas state lottery director suing the state over his dismissal has
 alleged that Ben Barnes, who was speaker of the state house of
 representatives in 1968, helped Bush get into the air guard as a favor to
 his father, former President George Bush, who was a Houston congressman at
 the time.

 "I didn't ask him (Barnes) for any help. My dad didn't ask him for any
 help," the governor said in response to reporters' questions about the

 Bush has also denied claims that a Bush family friend interceded with Barnes
 on behalf of the family.

 "You can talk to the base commander who was in charge of my unit at the time
 and he will tell you they were looking for pilots (and) I met all the
 qualifications," Bush said.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] last 2 posts

1999-09-10 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

my last 2 or 3 posts were not supposed to go to the list
sorry about that my badb

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] WIndsor Brings In The Heavy Artillery

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-


[ Sonoma County | MetroActive Central | Archives ]

Windsor Brings in the Heavy Artillery

 By Paula Harris
IN THE WAKE of the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colo.,
leaders in Windsor, Sonoma County's youngest town, this month voted to equip
each officer in the Windsor's small police force with semiautomatic assault

The tiny town (which will celebrate its seventh birthday next month) will
become one of the first in California to provide its officers with such
high-powered weapons. Windsor taxpayers will foot the almost $22,000 bill
for the weapons and related training.

With its population of just 20,000 and not known as a high-crime area,
critics are questioning the suburb's rationale in providing its officers
with 14 AR-15 military-style rifles (the civilian version of Colt's fully
automatic M-16 military rifle).

"We pay for the police cars and the bulletproof vests. [The rifles] will
just be another piece of equipment to allow officers to do their job,"
counters Mayor Lynn Morehouse, who cast the deciding vote in favor of the
guns. "Crime doesn't care what size your city is."

Morehouse says the rifles are just part of a "multipronged approach to law
enforcement," which will include funding a school resource officer.

Officers in Windsor's 16-member police department claim the assault weapons
will offer greater flexibility and useful local firepower when SWAT teams
may not be able to quickly respond to crisis situations.

[ Sonoma County | MetroActive Central | Archives ]

From the July 1-7, 1999 issue of the Sonoma County Independent.
Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Maintained by Boulevards New Media.

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[CTRL] SWAT Nation

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-


[ Sonoma County | MetroActive Central | Archives ]

SWAT Nation

 In the post-Columbine hysteria, even the tiny town of Windsor has voted to
arm its police with assault weapons. Where's it all going to lead?
By Christian Parenti

FOR A SNEAK PREVIEW of a future American police state, travel south from the
comfortable illusions of the San Francisco Bay Area into the dirty air of
California's Central Valley on Interstate 99 to Fresno, a sprawling, poorly
planned city of 350,000. Pass the forest of pole-perched McDonald's, Best
Western, and Motel 6 signs and turn off on one of the city's southern exits
into the ghetto of the southwest side. There, on the dim side streets, among
the little bungalows and dying rail yards, massive paramilitary police
operations are under way on almost any night.

On one such evening, three squads of 10 police officers in combat boots,
black jumpsuits, military helmets, and bulletproof vests lock and load their
Heckler  Koch MP-54 submachine guns (the same weapons used by the elite
Navy SEALs) and fan out through the neighborhood. Meet Fresno's Violent
Crime Suppression Unit, local law enforcement's "special forces" and
America's most aggressive SWAT team. Since 1994 the VCSU has patrolled this
city's have-not suburbs in full military gear, with automatic assault rifles
at the ready. Backed by two helicopters with infrared scopes and an
Army-surplus armored personnel carrier, the unit is also equipped with
attack dogs, smoke bombs, tear gas, pepper spray, metal clubs, and
less-than-lethal "blunt trauma" projectiles.

"It's a war," explains a law enforcement spokeswoman.

In the name of crisis management, the VCSU is free to utilize aggressive and
unorthodox tactics. At times the unit deploys troops on foot to surround
"hot spot" corners or sweep through neighborhoods. At other times, it rolls
in a fleet of new Crown Victorias "like a wolf pack" looking for "contact"
(as a VCSU officer put it). Tonight the area of operation is a desolate
African-American neighborhood known on the street as the Dog Pound. Most
"contacts" involve swooping down on corners and forcing pedestrians to the
ground, searching them, running warrant checks, taking photos, and entering
all the new "intelligence" into a state database from the high-tech "mobile
computer terminals" in each patrol car. All the suspects are black, all the
cops are white, and every encounter is scored to the furious growling and
barking of the VCSU's tightly leashed Alsatians.

"If you're 21, male, living in one of these neighborhoods and you're not in
our computer, then there's definitely something wrong," says VCSU officer
Paul Boyer as he enters information into his onboard laptop.

This little piece of apartheid-era Soweto stranded in California isn't as
unusual as one might think. Throughout the nation, paramilitary, SWAT, or
tactical policing--that is, law enforcement that uses the equipment,
training, rhetoric, and group tactics of war--are on the rise. According to
a study by sociologist Peter Kraska, the nation now has more than 30,000
such heavily armed, militarily trained police units.

First developed in 1966 by a young LAPD commander named Daryl Gates, SWAT
teams were conceived of as an urban counterinsurgency bulwark. One early
SWAT officer explained, "Those people out there--the radicals, the
revolutionaries, and the cop haters--are damned good at using shotguns [and]
bombs or setting ambushes, so we've got to be better at what we do."

Even the etymology of L.A.'s initial paramilitary unit reveals a political
subtext: Gates started with the acronym SWAT and then filled it in with the
name Special Weapons Attack Team. His superiors liked the acronym but found
the name a bit too provocative, so it was toned down to the more technical
sounding Special Weapons and Tactics.

As the '60s and early '70s rolled on, most large metropolitan police
departments set up tactical units of their own. Since the mid-'80s, there
has been a second wave of SWAT growth. Fueled by state and federal drug-war
pork, tactical units have now metastasized from big-city emergency response
specialists into standard parts of everyday policing. Even medium-sized
towns now have SWAT teams. And instead of only handling emergencies like the
occasional barricaded suspect, SWAT teams now conduct routine drug raids and
sometimes even patrol high-crime areas in place of regular beat cops.

Nationally, activity by paramilitary police units--as measured by the total
number of "callouts," or SWAT team mobilizations--quadrupled between 1980
and 1995, according to Kraska's study. And a CBS News survey of SWAT
encounters showed a 34 percent rise in police use of deadly force between
1995 and 1998. Increasingly, the Defense Department is supplying the gear
for this SWAT buildup. Between 1995 and 1997, the Department of Defense gave
local police departments more than 3,800 

Re: [CTRL] FW: Oral Sex In Middle Schools[for the ch

1999-09-10 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

   It's not where they learned it or who they learned it from, it's what
they haven't learned.


-Original Message-
From: Prudence L. Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] FW: Oral Sex In Middle Schools[for the ch

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/10/1999 12:03:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 It was inevitable. We have our president to thank for this.

 Jim Hardin wrote:

   Well, it looks like kids are actually learning something from the
   actions of Mr. Clinton. 

No, no.  Now give credit where credit is due.  Mr. Clinton didn't tell the
kiddies about his affairs, and he didn't do anything that Presidents Johnson
and Kennedy didn't do before him.  So the kiddies learned all about this
of thing from the establishment media and the Republican Congress (not to
mention Judge Starr).  What can I say, as a sex education tool, the nightly
news is obviously very effective.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Strong cryptography bill in house.

1999-09-10 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

Looks like a pearl in a dung heap


"Mary had a crypto key,
she kept it in escrow,
and everything that Mary said,
the Feds were sure to know."
-- Sam Simpson, July 9, 1998

"The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with
either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling.
If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly
be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man
any more than a dog." - G. K. Chesterton, Broadcast talk 6-11-35

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CRTL-Natural Gas Found Offshore at Gaza

1999-09-10 Thread pennie hammons

 -Caveat Lector-

Natural gas source found off coast of Gaza Strip
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

From Time to Time: Nando's in-depth look at the 20th century


WASHINGTON (September 9, 1999 6:30 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - An
explorer searching for ancient shipwrecks found a large undersea field
seeping natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

The discovery by marine geologist Robert Ballard was announced Thursday by
the National Geographic Society, which sponsored his research.

In June, a natural gas reservoir was found undersea off the Israeli city of
Ashdod, north of Gaza, estimated to be able to produce 30 million cubic feet
of gas per day.

Ballard's discovery indicates the gas field extends south, along the full
length of the Gaza Strip and the coast of Egypt.

"That was just one hole," Ballard said of the Ashdod well. "If you were to
exploit this field you would have many rigs ... so clearly it's sizable."

But politics could complicate development of the field's natural gas.

The Gaza Strip, along the coast of southern Israel adjacent to the border
with Egypt, is jointly administered by Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Ballard said he has not been in touch with either the Israeli or Palestinian
officials about the find, but is confident both know of it because an
Israeli observer was on board his research vessel, along with Palestinian
crew members.

Moshe Friedman, spokesman for the Israeli Infrastructure Ministry, said
Thursday that he had not heard of the natural gas fields and would not be
able to comment without more details.

On the same research trip, Ballard also located the wrecks of two ancient
Phoenician ships, the oldest vessels ever discovered in the deep sea, dating
from about 750 B.C. It was that search that led to the gas discovery, he

"It turned out that the Phoenician ships have a particular sonar signature,"
Ballard explained. "We were using sonar to get what we call an acoustic
signature and ran around the ships at different angles."

He said they would find a depression in the sea floor and something hard
within the depression - the hard object turned out to be the ships.

After the researchers finished their work on the Phoenician ships, they
steamed along the coast to look for other sunken vessels.

The sonar detected what appeared to be hundreds of ships.

"We said, 'That can't be true,"' Ballard recalled. "So we sent the Jason
vehicle down, which can actually see, and in these depressions were deposits
caused by seepage coming in contact with ocean and rising from deposits was
gas. I realized what we had found because I'm a geologist," Ballard said.

"The bubbles expanded in size as they rose toward the surface of the sea,"
he added.

The long narrow depressions were probably associated with cracks in the
earth that create a way for the gas to escape from underground reservoirs,
he said.

Ballard also reported finding concentrations of tube worms and beds of clams
surrounding the vents. These were similar to those he found surrounding
hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific, he said.

The Galapagos worms marked the first discovery of living things that used
chemical energy rather that relying on the sun for energy.

Ballard, president of the Institute for Exploration in Mystic, Conn., is a
longtime ocean explorer, probably best known for locating the wreck of the
Titanic in the cold, dark waters of the North Atlantic.

In addition to the National Geographic Society and his Institute for
Exploration, Ballard's research off the Israeli coast was sponsored by the
Office of Naval Research, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Leon
Levy Expeditions.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-09-10 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

National Council for Timorese Resistance
For immediate release: 1130 AustralianEST, Wednesday 8 September 1999

"The international community must intervene immediately...or there will
no East Timor."

João Carrascalão
Head of CNRT in Australia
President of UDT (Timorese Democratic Union)

The Field Commander of Falintil, Taun Matan Ruak, called today from his
base in the mountains of East Timor. He made an impassioned plea for
and detailed further atrocities committed by the Indonesian military
machine as it continues its genocide and ethnic cleansing program.

Taun Matan Ruak said:
"The international community must intervene urgently in East Timor -- or
tomorrow there will be no Timor to save.
"I call on Timorese everywhere to mobilise to press in every way they
for international intervention."

Taun Matan Ruak made a special appeal to Australia:
"Our thanks to you for what you are doing. But we need more help. Do not
forget, Australia, that we were there to help when Australia needed us,
dying in these very mountains to save Australian troops."

The situation in Dili:
"It is chaotic. People are fleeing to the mountains, being arrested,
and forced on to trucks to go to West Timor.
"Some East Timorese in the police force have been murdered, some have
to the mountains to join us.
"Indonesia is disarming Battalion 744 (an East Timorese territorial
battalion); the Indonesians do not trust them."

The situation in the Districts:
"The Indonesians attacked and destroyed the church at Suai yesterday. Of
2000 people taking refuge there, they will 100-200, including two
and two nuns."
"They attacked the church. All the priest and nuns and everyone
there fled to a hiding place and are safe at present. Commander Ular
local Falintil commander) says they are seeking safety in the
"The church was attacked. Father Domingos and the people sheltering
escaped to the mountains. Father Eduardo and another group are also on
their way into the mountains.
Laleia, Ossu and Venilale:
"Some residents and some local armed people got away from the military.
are trying to find them to stop them sacrificing themselves in a
local fight back. That is going to be difficult; they are very

The situation in the mountains:
"There are tens of thousands of refugees in the mountains now; they are
a terrible situation.
"They are hungry, thirsty, sick and in abject misery.
"The roads are blocked, food is very short already.
"We are hungry, but we are doing everything we can to save our people."

João Carrascalão, CNRT Spokesperson in Australia. Tel: (02) 9823 5616,
Mobile: 0418 767 101
Issued on behalf of CNRT by Geoffrey Heard  Associates
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
GHA provides this service free to aid the suffering people of East

. . . . . .

National Council for Timorese Resistance
For immediate release: 0930 AustralianEST, Wednesday 8 September 1999

Indonesia's ethnic cleansing target: kill 344,580 East Timorese

João Carrascalão
Head of CNRT in Australia
President of UDT (Timorese Democratic Union)

Hitler would be envious -- just 96 hours after the United Nations
that 78.5 per cent of East Timorese had voted for freedom from
oppression, the fascist Indonesian military machine and its civil
government collaborators like Foreign Minister, Ali Alatas, are well on
their way to their target of exterminating 344,580 East Timorese.

They will also kill tens of thousands more -- innocent children.

These people will die, shot, hacked, tortured, raped and starved to
unless the free, democratic nations of the world confront Indonesia
in every international forum and on the ground in East Timor.

The figure of 344,580 is the number of people who voted for independence
the UN ballot, trusting in the assurances of sincere workers for the
Nations and from governments, including Australia and Portugal, that
could vote in safety and live to enjoy freedom afterwards.

But documents circulated in the Indonesian military and auxiliary
pseudo-militia forces before the ballot said that those voting should be
carefully noted, and every voter for independence should be wiped out
the ballot ... regardless of the result.

Those plans were put into action within an hour of the declaration of

In the 1970s, 200,000 East Timorese died when the the Indonesian
dictatorship launched an all-out campaign against the independence
movement. That kept the lid on the movement for two decades.

There can be no doubt that this time, their aim is more ambitious -- to
wipe out the East Timorese independence movement for ever. That means
wiping out every East Timorese who voted 

[CTRL] Cold Fusion Patent Office

1999-09-10 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

To: endsecrecy list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [endsecrecy] Cold Fusion  Patent Office
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 9:19 AM

Date: 6 August 1999

Hal Fox
President, Fusion Information Center


Special Agent Kimberlee Taylor
Office of the Inspector General
Commerce Department
Room 7614
14th and Constitution, NW
Washington, DC 20230
Phone 202-482-0909
Fax   202-501-0710

Due to complaints about the reluctance of the Office of Patents and
Trademarks to allow any patent applications for cold fusion, or low-energy
nuclear reactions to be processed beyond being rejected, an investigation
has been ordered.

Special Agent Kimberlee Taylor has been asked to get information about the
complaints against the actions of the Office of Patents and Trademarks and
report back to her supervisor. Dr. Mitchell Swartz has sent 35 pounds of
papers, books, and 3 videos to Ms. Taylor. Hal Fox has written a four-page
summary of the events that have attempted to dismiss cold fusion as bad

It is believed that this investigation has been caused by citizens writing
to their elected officials (Senators and Members of Congress). It is
further strongly suggested that the best possible help for the support of
this investigation will be a considerable expression of concern from our
Senators and Members of Congress.

FROM YOUR STATE. Send a copy to Ms. Kimberlee Taylor.

A brief summary of the history of the attempts to stop the development of
cold fusion is posted at ? [ check http://www.padrak.com/ine ]
(Dr. Bailey put in a hot button or something and post the attachment)

Please help this important investigation by sharing this message with
everyone you can, especially via the internet. Here are salient features:

The United States is the only nation to deny inventors the right to patent
cold fusion and low-energy nuclear reactions inventions. Why?

Of over 3,000 technical papers on cold fusion (many theory and review
papers) over 600 papers from over 200 scientific laboratories from
precisely 30 countries have reported success in replicating or extending
the original discovery of Professors Pons and Fleischmann.

Over 100 cold fusion (new-hydrogen energy) patents have issued in Japan.

Seven international conferences have been held on cold fusion with an
estimated 200 or more scientists attending each conference. Is it
conceivable that all of this time and effort by world-class scientists
would be spent on a scientific fraud?

Two groups offer kits for sale with MONEY-BACK GUARANTEES of success.
Professor John Dash is preparing to sell cold fusion kits to high schools.
His summer classes for entering science students and interested high-school
students have had successful cold fusion experiments every summer for
several years.

The person in the Office of Patents and Trademarks who is the supervisor of
the activity to handle the class of inventions that include cold fusion and
low-energy nuclear reactions is Harvey Bhrendt. He is reported to state
that cold fusion is not real because there are no commercial products on
the market. Perhaps he hasn't heard about the products that are being
offered for sale with a money-back guarantee. Perhaps he realizes that it
is very difficult to commercial a product without patent protection.

The big issue is the denial to U.S. inventors of their constitutional
rights to the protection of their inventions!


Here is the background information faxed to Special Agent Taylor:

Dear Ms. Kimberlee Taylor,

We have been informed that you are interested in information regarding cold
fusion and low-energy nuclear reactions and the policy of the Office of
Patents and Trademarks with respect to patent applications. The following
information may be of some interest:


As the director of the first research laboratory at the University of Utah
Research Park, I was intensely interested in the March 23, 1989
announcement of cold fusion called by the University of Utah administration
(not called by Pons and Fleischmann). The announcement of a new source of
energy was most exciting to me. That day I began the plans for trying to be
of some help (systems engineering background, missile system specialist for
several years). By mid April 1989 we had organized the Fusion Information
Center and obtained offices at the University of Utah Research Park.

By July 1989, we had decided that information gathering and publishing such
information would be our best role. Our first edition of Fusion Facts was
published in July 1989 and continued as a monthly publication for several
years before being incorporated as a part of the Journal of New Energy, a
peer-reviewed, quarterly, scientific journal (abstracted from the first
issue by Chemical Abstracts -- the world's 

[CTRL] Changing Addresses

1999-09-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm having so much trouble with Netscape Webmail that I'm transferring my CTRL
membership to my primary e-mail account. So don't be surprised if you see me
showing up with a new address...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-09-10 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

   conseiller communal PCB (1971-1994)
Hainaut (Wallonie)
Web : http://gallery.uunet.be/Roger.ROMAIN/

- Message d'origine -

Envoyé : jeudi 9 septembre 1999 4:03

 Dear people,

  http://www.emperors-clothes.com received the following from
 a Bulgarian reader a few days ago.  Addressed to the
 Serbian opposition, it clarifies the meaning of the
 'democracy' dispensed by Madeline Albright's
 "'Indispensible Nation."


 A Letter to the Serbian 'Democratic Opposition'
 by Doncheva

 [Note http://www.emperors-clothes.com encourages everyone to distribute
 the following in any way possible but please include the entire text
 including this note. ]

 I was an activist in the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF) until June 1993.
 UDF is the mirror image of the Serbian Alliance for Change (the United
 Democratic Opposition).

 The Bulgarian Union of Democratic Forces or UDF received a lot of money in
 1990 - cars, computers, luxurious placards (transported from abroad in big
 trucks) for the 1990 elections and the next ones - until the consolidation
 of the UDF in power. We think that a certain amount of money continues to
 flow, but now it is directed only to the UDF officials presently in power.
 You all know what the Bulgarian government of the UDF did during the US
 against neighboring Yugoslavia. I will remind those who might happen not
 know or who have forgotten.

 It provided FULL SUPPORT for the USA.

 It gave the US and NATO all the asked-for corridors - in the air and on
 ground. (There is talk that Southern Serbia has been demolished by US
 planes flying over Bulgaria from a US Turkish base.)

 For the first time since the end of the 500 year Turkish Yoke last century
 Turkish ground force passed through Bulgaria.

 Here's an easy question: "From whence does money for the UDF (and now for
 UDF leaders) mainly come?" You get one guess.

 So. We, here in Bulgaria, have had US-style democracy since 1989. For 10
 years already.


 What happened during that most awful period of my life on Earth?

 Through the ardent UDF leaders in power, the International Monetary Fund
 and the World Bank are successfully devouring Bulgarian industry,
 destroying the social fabric and opening national boundaries. (Our
 boundaries, mind you, never those of the US or Germany.)

 Three ways they devour Bulgarian industry

 - privatizing the Bulgarian plants and factories and liquidating them

 - directly liquidating them;

 - selling them for twopenny-halfpenny to powerful foreign corporations.
 instance, the Copper Metallurgical plant near the town of Pirdop producing
 gold and platinum as well as electrolytic copper was sold in 1997 to Union
 Miniere, Belgium for next to nothing.

 Conclusion: Bulgarian industry and infrastructure (the roads for instance)
 have been most successfully demolished - and this WITHOUT bombing! - in
 less than ten years. All this, just from doing what the Serbian opposition
 is saying the Serbs should do.

 A popular joke here during the US war on Yugoslavia: two Turkish pilots,
 flying over Bulgaria, are looking down at the Bulgarian landscape. One of
 them says: "I wonder? Have we dropped bombs here?" "Don't be silly,"
 answers the other. "It is Bulgaria! They look like that without bombing.")

 Side results: - hordes of unemployed, as you can well imagine.

 Beggars in the streets.

 Children dying in the street from drugs and malnutrition.

 Old people digging in the rubbish containers for some rag or moldy piece

 In 1989 my friend mother's pensions had been 105 leva. Now it is 46 leva
 $1 = ~1,87 leva. - August, 27. So, calculate for yourselves how much
 dollars that 75 year old woman receives per month.

 Yesterday my brother in law told me he had seen the former headmistress of
 his son's school to dig in a rubbish container?

 The Infant death rate has increased.

 The Birth death rate has increased. The reasons in most of the cases:
 mothers suffering of shock and malnutrition).

 The Death rate generally has increased.

 Young people refuse to marry and have children.

 Will there be a Bulgarian nation in the 21 century? What have the Big US
 think-tanks planned for Bulgaria? The answer is getting clearer with every


 Before 1989 Bulgaria was a SOCIAL state: Free medical care, FREE
 social help and privileges for the mothers and the elderly. According to
 the old (totalitarian) pension law people retired at 55 years of age for
 the women and 60 years of age for the men.

 According to the new (U.S.-democratic) pension law and the adopted new
 system there will not be any retired people here.


[CTRL] The Turing Game

1999-09-10 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Do men and women behave differently online? Can you tell who is a man and
who is a woman on the Internet based on how they interact with others? Can
you tell how old someone is, or determine their race or national origin? In
the online world as in the real world, issues of personal identity affect
how we relate to others. Culture in online environments is created by these
understandings and misunderstandings. As the net grows not only in size but
in diversity, we must take these issues into account as designers and
citizens of this new medium.
More on The Turing Game http://www.cc.gatech.edu/elc/turing/info2.html
Register for The Turing Game http://www.cc.gatech.edu/elc/turing/reg.html

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Simple test will let shoppers check produce for GM content

1999-09-10 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

September 5 1999INNOVATION
Genetic modification
Simple test will let shoppers check produce for GM content

AN INSTANT test for GM foods could soon allow shopkeepers and customers to
check whether produce is totally free of modified crops, writes Roger Dobson
One of the problems with GM products is that it is difficult to tell them
apart from natural foods. Many processed foods thought to be GM-free have
been found to contain small amounts of engineered material.
It is possible to carry out DNA tests to spot the difference in the crop
gene, but that is time-consuming, expensive and often impractical.
The new test, developed by Strategic Diagnostics of Delaware in America,
adapts the kind of antibody technology first used in DIY pregnancy kits to
track down the genetically modified crops.
The key to the success of the tests is that crops that have been genetically
engineered produce a different type of protein. A plant engineered to be
resistant to a specific insect, for instance, will express a protein toxic
to that pest. With a herbicide-resistant crop, the plant will express a
protein that de-activates the effect of the chemical.
The test developed by Strategic Diagnostics measures these proteins, which
would not be expressed by a normal plant. One test can measure the actual
amount of protein in the sample, while the other is a yes-no litmus-paper
type test that simply shows in minutes whether there is any GM food present.

Don Durandetta, business manager for agricultural products at Strategic
Diagnostics, says that unlike DNA tests, which are looking for the gene that
creates the protein, the new test measures the protein directly and is much
He says: "The yes-no test takes only four or five minutes to give a result.
It is essentially the same format as a standard home-pregnancy kit."
The testing strip contains antibodies that are specific to the protein being
looked for. On one side is a monoclonal antibody and on the other a
polyclonal antibody. Attached to one of them is a colour marker.
When the strip is immersed in the crop sample that has been mixed with water
to make it fluid, the sample flows along a line between the arrays of
antibodies.  When the protein to which the antibodies react passes along the
line, the antibodies on either side close in and form a sandwich, triggering
the marker and changing the colour of the strip.
"It is a simple yes-no sandwich assay test and the only way you can end up
with a coloured strip is if both antibodies respond and a sandwich forms to
change the colour, and that shows that there is transgenic protein present.
This particular test doesn't tell you how much there is, just whether or not
there is any present in the sample.
"The first applications are at the producer end. Our biggest market at
present is the quick yes-no test, which can screen trucks as they roll up
from the farm. You can test a truck while it is still on the scales. You can
take raw grain out of trucks as they arrive, grind it up, shake it up with
water, take a sample and drop a strip in. It takes three or four minutes and
the whole process, including gathering the sample, takes six minutes."
The company is currently testing the effectiveness of the strips on
processed products. If found to be useful, this could lead to a consumer
version that could quickly tell shoppers if food contains any kind of
GM-modified ingredients.
One of the advantages for food producers is that the test will allow them to
guarantee that there is no GM material in their crops. For food suppliers
and shops, it means that they will be better able to put similar guarantees
on processed-food packaging.
Eventually, the antibody technology could be applied to many other forms of
GM food as they start to come onto the market.
With new GM legislation likely in Europe, Japan and America, the tests could
protect producers from legal action where food that is meant to be GM-free
is found to have a transgenic content.
It would also mean that such food would not have to be junked as was the
case in America when thousands of boxes of organic crisps were destroyed
because the corn used had been accidentally contaminated by a crop from a
neighbouring field of transgenic plants.
Copyright (c) 1999 Times Newspapers Ltd.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Jim Keith (1949 - 1999)

1999-09-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Robalini's Note: Out of respect for the family wishes, I had held off
confirming this terrible news until today.  I have been given the okay to
announce it now.  Needless to say, this will not be the last thing you'll
hear about Jim Keith's death here.  Mr. Keith is a giant of the information
underground, and his loss will be sorely missed.


 As some of you know James Keith broke his leg at Burning Man stepping off of
a three foot stage. Thinking it was just a severe sprain he went home and
tried to sleep it off. Realizing the next morning it was more he went to
Washoe Medical and was to be treated for a broken knee. This was to involve
surgery but was delayed to a problem with kidney function.

I spoke with him during the afternoon on Tuesday and he was in good spirits
but worried about the thought of being put under. His quote being "I have
this feeling that if they put me under I'm not coming back"

That night James went in for his surgery and around 8:10 PM a blood clot
released from his leg and I believe went to his lung and he passed away.

James leaves behind two daughters Aerika (13) and Verity (15).

Plans are not finalized for services. But they will be sometime this weekend.

I will be handling all affairs for his daughters so please direct all further
email to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kenneth F. Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Thank you for the kind words about Jim. He was a dear friend of mine and an
important person to the world. The loss is immeasurable. He was not just the
co-author of The Octopus, but a dharma combatant who demonstrated time and
again that the world is far more multi-dimenisonal, far more interesting,
than the pablum that usually passes for news, information and normal
discourse. Unfortunately, it is also far more dangerous.

Rumor has it that Jim may have been killed because he mentioned the name of
the physician who declared Diana was pregnant at the time of her death. I
have long noted the connections between Diana's death and the Octopus. Diana
was the subject of Jim's last column for Nitro News, which has been linked
at Steamshovel's "Link Tank" for the past couple of weeks. As you know,
Nitro News has not been accessible since Jim's death, although I reached it
just before receiving word of his passing.

This rumor may be nonsense. Casolaro may have committed suicide. It is the
way of the Octopus. It exists but it doesn't exist. These are blood clots or
suicides or non-suspicious homicides or real accidents. They just happen to
cluster coincidentally around a certain set of facts or a certain perception
of an organized conspiracy.

And if Jim Keith did not die as a result of a conspiracy, then I'm sure he
would want us to make it look that way!

I hope you will remember Jim for his good humor and for his fearlessness. He
wrote what he knew and he let the chips fall where they might. He lived on
the edge, where I usually tried to catch up with him. I hope he taught me
enough about the place to keep up the work to which we were both committed.

If word comes of public services for him, I will pass it on. I have
tentative plans to go to Reno and investigate what happened while the trails
are still fresh.  This will take money, though, and as with Jim and Danny
Casolaro both, that's always in short supply, despite the romanticized view
many people have of well-paid, world traveling writers and researchers. I
urge anyone with information to contact me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We'll do whatever research work we can from our desks and get as much field
work done as possible. I have sent inquiries to Burning Man and know one
source who took a great deal of video there.

Also, several of Jim's friends have expressed an interest in putting
together a memorial volume of essays with proceeds going to his daughters.

As these things develop, I will keep the list up to speed.

Thank you again. Remember Jim!


Jim Keith
1949 - 1999

Was the salesman clueless?
Productopia has the answers.

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/konformist
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

[CTRL] Privacy is Not Doomed

1999-09-10 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Michael Dertouzos * The People's Computer
Privacy is Not Doomed
I almost fell out of my chair when the politicians asked the technologists
to solve the privacy issue!
The china at the electronic-spy agency's dining room was exquisite, as was
the meal. Ron Rivest, inventor of the RSA approach to public cryptography,
and I were having lunch with the National Security Agency's director, Bobby
Inman. We were trying to impress on him that the forthcoming growth of the
Information Marketplace would create severe privacy problems and the agency
should extend the role of cryptography from ensuring secure communications
within the U.S. government (and breakable ones outside it) to protecting the
privacy of U.S. citizens and organizations, with approaches like RSA. The
admiral didn't believe us-our claims of a widely interconnected civilian
world in the '90s sounded like pie in the sky. Twenty-five years later, in
April 1999, at the other extreme, The Economist proclaimed on its cover "The
End of Privacy."
Under-reaction then! Over-reaction now!
No doubt, the technologies of information can be used to attack our privacy.
But they can also be used to protect it. For example, if we agreed that
everyone using the Internet did so under the RSA regime of creating and
using their own public and private keys, we would end up with secure
communications and files and the ability to digitally sign contracts and
checks as effectively as we do now by hand. This high level of personal
privacy would, however, preclude governments from legally tapping a
suspect's private data and would also prevent anonymity-thereby angering
Right and Left simultaneously. If we don't like this outcome, we have
technologies on hand to establish nearly any desired blend of personal
privacy, anonymity and governmental intervention.
Such cryptographic approaches would not stop companies with which you do
business from selling personal data you give them, corrupting it, or
tracking Web sites you frequent. Not to worry. There is technology around to
handle these problems, as well: A scheme called P3P, developed by the World
Wide Web Consortium, places software within your browser and in the Web
sites of vendors. In a P3P personal profile, which you write once, you
specify the personal information you are willing to give away along with
what others are allowed to do with it. A similar script in the vendor's
software identifies the personal information the vendor requires and its
planned disposition. These two pieces of software "shake hands" prior to
every business transaction and allow it to proceed only if both privacy
declarations are satisfied. In a variation of this scheme, governments can
introduce absolute privacy policies, by requiring, for example, a minimal
level of privacy in the P3P profile of every citizen.
These examples accurately suggest that we have enough technology around to
provide nearly any level of privacy we want. But what do we want? In the
United States, consumers have become accustomed to treating privacy as a
tradable commodity-we don't mind giving some of it away to get the goods and
services we desire. Vendors are pushing for this approach because they are
moving away from mass marketing to one-on-one selling, and are therefore
anxious to build intimate knowledge of individual interests and habits.
To most non-Americans, however, privacy is not a tradable commodity but an
inalienable right that must be guaranteed and protected, especially in the
case of minors. The European Union, flexing its muscle, recently threatened
to forbid its citizenry from doing electronic commerce with organizations
(read U.S.) that do not meet a minimal threshold of absolute privacy
guarantees. They have since backed down and gone to committee, as they and
their American partners search for common ground. Last February at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, a few industrialists tried to
establish a voluntary code under which vendors would give you, upon request,
all personal information they have on you, explain what they plan to do with
it, and correct it if asked. Adoption of this code seemed a small and
achievable step, but it failed to pass. The American vendors saw it as an
expensive and difficult proposition to implement, and a potential leak of
their marketing approaches to adversaries.
Clearly, we disagree about the kind of privacy we want. And we don't seem
serious enough about reaching agreement-at that same meeting in Davos, I
almost fell out of my chair when several world leaders asked the
technologists present to "go figure out a solution to the privacy problems
you brought upon us!" This abrogation of what should be a central
responsibility of politicians and legislators must stop.
Let's not surrender our privacy to the big lie of technological
inevitability. Let us, instead, augment the debates of privacy specialists,
with a far broader discussion 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Waco Humor

1999-09-10 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

H, I repeated some jokes...I didn't say that incinerating living children
was funny, and it's not! Koresh and the loon parents might have done the
burning though.
Let us wait until ALL the evidence is in, eh???
Otherwise, do your husband a favor...and lighten up!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bible Code is Bunk

1999-09-10 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

No S#it!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] M. Mostert - Clinton's Policy of Anarchy in East Timor and Kosovo

1999-09-10 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

 -Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
This is enough to make your blood boil.  There's a useful update on the
current status of S.1234.

On July 16th my column, entitled "S1234: Yugoslavia: Give us you assets or
we kill your
Children"(http://originalsources.com/OS7-99MQC/7-16-1999.1.shtml) was a
protest against a bill, passed 97-2, in the U.S. Senate, with no debate or
media attention, that would have declared Serbia a "Terrorist State." The
result of that designation would ensure that the Serbs would be unable to
restore electricity and heat to its people before the harsh Yugoslavia
winter sets in, which would cause the death of thousand of children , sick
and elderly people of all nationalities in Serbia Then, on July 23rd, the
House passed a companion bill which did not have the Terrorist designation
in it. On August 4, just before the Congress adjourned for the summer
vacation, the Senate portion was added, including the designation of Serbia
as a "terrorist state."

The two bills were then sent to committee, with the Senate insisting on it
amendment, to determine what would remain in the final $12,624,278,000 bill
for Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs.

Now that Congress is back in session, the Congress will be voting to adopt
the Conference report prepared by the conference committee with includes
Senators McConnell; Specter; Gregg; Shelby; Bennett; Campbell; Bond;
Stevens; Leahy; Inouye; Lautenberg; Harkin; Mikulski; Murray; Byrd.
While the House version did not contain the "terrorist" designation, the
House Committee Report Read:

Committee Report: SERBIA The Committee intends that none of the funds
provided under this heading, or in this Act, may be made available for
reconstruction or development activities for the Republic of Serbia, outside
of Kosova. The Committee would support a substantial increase in
democratization activities in Serbia and Montenegro, excluding Kosovo,
including increased assistance as authorized under the Support for East
European Democracy Act of 1989.

The Committee is recommending a new general provision, section 537, that
would prohibit funds from being made available for assistance for the
Republic of Serbia. Such assistance is not appropriate at the present time.

This is an improvement over the Senate bill which would not only have not
provided any funds to restore the electrical and heating plants which
American bombs destroyed, but would have required the blocking of any other
nation that wished to help Yugoslavia have heat and electricity this winter.
Of course, the conference isn't over yet. So NOW is the time to write your
senators and representative to insist they understand that the children,
elderly and ill of Yugoslavia - and there are many in all those categories
in the over one million refugees trying to survive in Serbia - are not the
ones who die in the War of Annihilation against Yugoslavia.

If the central heating facilities and electricity are not restored,
thousands of children, elderly and hospitalized people of all nationalities
will die this winter in Serbia. An estimated 300,000 Serbs, Albanians,
Gypsies, Turks, Jews, Gorans, Egyptians and Montenegrins have fled Kosovo
since NATO and the KLA took control of the province and the refugee
population in Serbia has swollen to well over a million people. Under these
circumstances, perhaps the House report, which was issued August 4th,
eliminated the "terrorist" designation because it would be rather
embarrassing to talk about Serbia being a "terrorist state" while America
supports Indonesian and KLA terrorism In a month's time, the situation looks
very different. Not only has the true nature of the KLA, which the United
States assisted with its Air Force, become apparent to others in the media
besides me, but we now have the situation in East Timor where hundreds of
thousands have died at the hands of the invading Indonesian Army since 1975
and the world is watching what Clinton does THIS time.

Yesterday, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, was asked about the
situation in East Timor, where an estimated 150,000-200,000 people have been
killed or driven from their homes by militias and the Indonesian Army.. In
March Clinton unilaterally, WITHOUT a vote of the United Nations General
Assembly OR the U.S. Congress began an 79 day, multi-billion dollar bombing
spree over Yugoslavia because 2000 Ethnic Albanians and Serbs had been
killed during 1998 in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. Now, according to
reports today in the London Telegraph, in a few days following a vote
encouraged by the United States, the people of East Timor are being
annihilated. Indonesian soldiers "were looting everything in sight, carrying
furniture out of abandoned houses and loading it on to trucks." A

Re: [CTRL] Luke Ford- JFK Jr. A Homo

1999-09-10 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/10/99 6:51:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  William Shannon wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
   How is JFK Jr like a penguin? Both are cute but can't fly. 

Hey!!! Wait a minute here...I DIDN'T write the above quote...just forwarded
it! I'M "cute"...ask my wife! JFKjr. cute?? Not unless you like looking at
fishfood...I prefer looking at Elenor Mondale...SHE'S CUTE!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Voters Want Both Clintons Out Of Public Eye

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Voters Want Both Clintons Out Of Public Eye

 By Alan Elsner, Political Correspondent

 BOSTON (Reuters) - A clear majority of voters would
like both President Clinton and Hillary
Rodham Clinton to retire from public office and take a lower profile at the
end of next year, a Reuters/WHDH poll found

The poll of 1,004 likely voters conducted Sept. 6-8 by John Zogby
International for Reuters and the Boston television
station WHDH found that 54 percent preferred to see both Clintons leave
office and lower their profile at the end of the
current presidential term, while 40 percent favored the idea of Hillary
Clinton serving in the Senate.

The first lady is preparing a bid for a Senate seat from New York which will
fall vacant at the end of next year. Clinton's
second term in the White House ends in January, 2001.

The poll, which carried a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage
points, also found Republican presidential
front-runner George W. Bush leading Vice President Al Gore, the Democratic
leader, by 50-36 percent in a matchup for
next year's election.

Bush, the governor of Texas and son of former President George Bush, also
held a commanding lead over the rest of the
field for the Republican presidential nomination. Almost 60 percent of
Republican voters favored Bush. Former Cabinet
secretary Elizabeth Dole was second with 12 percent and all other candidates
were under 5 percent.

Among Democrats, Gore led his sole rival for the party nomination, former
Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey, by 55-17
percent with the rest undecided. Bradley formally launched his presidential
bid Wednesday in his Missouri birthplace.

Two-thirds of Democrats agreed that Gore ``deserved'' the party's
presidential nomination while nearly half of all voters
thought he should be neither penalized nor rewarded for his loyalty to
Clinton. A quarter said he should be rewarded
while 20 percent said he should be penalized.

But the poll showed Gore faced a growing problem of ''Clinton fatigue''
among voters.

``A lot of people seem to be tired of the Clintons and that's not a good
sign either for the first lady or for Al Gore,'' said
pollster John Zogby.

Asked if they favored a continuation of Clinton administration policies or a
change of policy from the next president, 40
percent said they wanted continuity but 50 percent favored a change in

``This is the heart of Gore's dilemma: how does he carve out a new direction
and a new persona while still remaining loyal
to the Clinton legacy?'' said Zogby.

Gore's weakness also showed up when voters were asked whether they would
vote for him or Dole for president. Dole
won that matchup by 45 to 37 percent.

But Gore beat Arizona Sen. John McCain 43-33 percent and publisher Steve
Forbes 45-34 percent. Even in these
cases, Gore was well short of winning 50 percent of respondents.

A third of the voters said they wanted to see a third party candidate in the
race and 42 percent said they would consider
voting for such a candidate.

The poll showed that some Americans still do not have a clear idea of who
Bush is and what he advocated. Asked to
name the first thing that came to mind about him, 13 percent said
''ex-president,'' confusing him with his father. Most of
the rest had positive things to say about the Texas governor.

Looking inside the Gore-Bush numbers, Gore was gaining the support of only
70 percent of Democrats in his matchup
against Bush, while Bush was backed by 90 percent of Republicans.

Bush led Gore by 22 percentage points among men and by five points among
women, confirming that the traditional
gender gap still played a role in U.S. politics. In the past two
presidential elections, women heavily backed Clinton while
men narrowly favored his Republican opponents.

Gore was strongest among voters under the age of 30, who are less likely to
vote. All other age groups heavily backed
Bush. Among independent voters, Bush led Gore 48-26 percent.

Bush led Gore among white voters 58-29 percent; blacks supported the vice
president by 78-10 percent and Hispanics
supported him by 61-36 percent.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
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http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of 

[CTRL] Fw: Clinton's Only Enemies

1999-09-10 Thread earthman

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/homepage
- Original Message - 
From: Holly 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 4:28 PM
Subject: Clinton's Only Enemies
10 September 1Dear Moshiahni,This morning we 
read the enclosed disturbing report. As if there could be any doubt we are 
pushing closer to the prophesied times of Daniel and Revelation, this should be 
another warning. Throughout the Bible, we are warned of the coming Christian 
persecution, the persecution of Believers. Read carefully the 6th 
paragraph. That one sentence should positively make your hair stand on 
end.As a piece of trivia, most people are aware that William Jefferson 
Clinton's name adds up 666, as do many other people's names. Did you know it 
adds up to 666 in both Greek AND Hebrew? Whether or not this indicates anything, 
Clinton's statement about fundamental Christians should cause everyone _great_ 
alarm.It further underscores the eventuality that one way or another, 
Christian fundamentalists must be removed from the world before evil can fully 
have its way. This removal could be by Rapture or murder.When the 
president of ANY country could be so openly opposed to religious freedom, let 
alone the President of the country which was _founded_ on the principle of 
religious freedom, it makes us wonder precisely what role Clinton plays in End 
Times.In His Service,Stan and HollyTHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 
09, 1999Joseph 
Farah WND 
Exclusive CommentaryWars 
and promises of wars 
don't have to listen very closely to the murmuring in Beijing to hear that China 
is virtually promising the world it will someday attack Taiwan in an effort to 
impose hegemony over the free Republic of China.That's 
what China means, for instance, when the official China Daily announces 
reunification with Taiwan will be achieved "at any cost." Such ominous warnings 
are issued on nearly a daily basis for those curious enough to scan the 
headlines of the Asian papers.What 
will be the response of the United States when that day comes? How has the 
Clinton administration reacted to such bellicose threats from Beijing? The 
Clinton administration says a military invasion of Taiwan by China would be "of 
grave concern" to Washington.Of 
grave concern? Talk of eliminating mohair subsidies is of grave concern in 
Washington. Parking is of grave concern in Washington. The summer drought is of 
grave concern in Washington. In a city of political hyperbole, the idea of World 
War III should be of something more than "grave concern."It 
reminds me of a February 1999 Salon magazine piece titled, "The Mysteries of 
Bill Clinton," by unrepentant leftist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The author, a 
close friend of and apologist for Fidel Castro, writes glowingly of a dinner 
party with Clinton. Oh, he's so charming, so brilliant, so persecuted, so ... 
tall. But the most interesting revelation of the Garcia Marquez piece was 
Clinton's off-the-cuff answer to a question posed by Carlos Fuentes.Asked 
whom he considered to be his "enemies," the president shot back immediately and 
abruptly: "My only enemy is right-wing religious fundamentalism.""That 
announcement ended the evening," writes Garcia Marquez. And quite a show-stopper 
it must have been.But 
what does this little digression have to do with the price of thermonuclear 
warheads in China?Just 
compare and contrast the rhetoric: Bill Clinton isn't kidding when he says his 
only enemy is right-wing religious fundamentalism. He considers the threat from 
Jerry Falwell to be of graver concern than the threat from Jiang Zemin. In fact, 
it's not even a close contest for the president. He has done everything in his 
power for nearly seven years to ensure that totalitarian China achieves 
geo-strategic parity with the United States. At the same time, he has used all 
of the power of the presidency -- plus some extra-constitutional powers -- to 
persecute and make war on his domestic political enemies.Think 
about it: The transfer of nuclear warhead secrets ... The transfer of critical 
satellite technology ... The transfer of the Panama Canal ... The proposed 
transfer of the Long Beach Navy yard. ... Am I the only one who sees the pattern 
let's not forget what precipitated all these treasonous policies -- the largest 
foreign campaign contributions in the history of the American political system 
from bank accounts linked to the Chinese government.That 
a U.S. president could so blatantly betray U.S. security is apparently too much 
for the American psyche to handle. That he could do so for money and raw 
political power is apparently too unthinkable. That he could get away with this 
betrayal and get at least the tacit, if not complicit, support of the opposition 
party is mind-boggling. But the public, the press and the politicians don't wish 
to be 

[CTRL] Missing Vietnam-era Sailor Wrongly Declared Deserter

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Advocacy And Intelligence Index
For Prisoners Of War/Missing In Action, Inc.
Bob Necci and Andi Wolos


Missing Vietnam-era Sailor
Wrongly Declared Deserter
Navy Balks at Correcting the Mistake
By Ted Sampley
U.S. Veteran Dispatch
September 1999

One month after Petty Officer First Class Leonard Gene Smith disappeared
from his ship at a Brooklyn, New York shipyard in January 1973, the Navy
declared him a deserter.

Without looking for Smith or even listing him with local authorities as
missing, the Navy removed his name from the ship's roster and passed his
case to the FBI where he was logged in as a common criminal to be arrested
on sight.

When Smith's desperate wife and three children applied for military
benefits, the Navy dredged up her husband's deserter status and coldly
denied all appeals for help even when members of Congress tried to

With no help from the Navy, Smith's family had little choice but to resort
to welfare. They soon found themselves living in poverty, forced to live in
houses where at night they could hear rats clawing inside the walls. For
school supplies, the children had to use discarded pencils and scraps of

As time passed, the Navy did little to find out what happened to Petty
Officer Smith and nothing to help his family financially or emotionally.

Later, after Smith's wife, Mary, returned to her native Newport News,
Virginia, she and her three sons, all of them working, managed to lift the
family off welfare and into the lower middle class.

The Navy steadfastly refused to release to Mary any of its investigative
records concerning her husband so she could try to prove he was not a

Last Christmas, Smith's youngest son, Tom, who had successfully put himself
through law school, took over his fathers records from his mother and began
a basic investigation of his father's disappearance.

On a hunch, he sent his dad's finger prints to the New York police.
Computer analysis successfully matched the prints with that of a John Doe,
who in March 1973 was pulled "bloated and naked" from the East River near
the Brooklyn shipyard where Smith's ship was being repaired.

Tom Smith says the Navy told him in June that in light of the new
information his father's deserter status would be changed, but that did not

Smith said he wrote two letters in August asking the Navy to have his
father taken off the deserter's list and pay the benefits to which his
family was legally entitled. He also asked the Navy to exhume his dad's
body and transfer it to his paternal grandfather in Illinois and pay for a
proper burial.

The head of the Navy's Casualty Assistance branch refused, saying it
couldn't do anything until the Navy changed Leonard Smith's deserter status
. "Unless further evidence is presented to the board for correction of
naval records that indicates [Leonard Smith] died on the date he
disappeared," D.J. Greco wrote, "we cannot certify payment of survivor
benefits as if he died in an active duty status."

The 1973 autopsy performed by the New York City Medical Examiner's office
lists March 13 as the date Petty Officer Smith's body was found.  The body
was missing a hand, the top of the skull was gone and fungus was growing
inside the brain cavity. The skin was grayish green. The conditions of the
body indicate that it had obviously been in the icy river a long time
before police found it.

Tom said that soon after, a man identifying himself as "Investigator Heath"
called telling him that he couldn't find any Navy records that listed Petty
Officer Smith as a deserter.

However, documents do exist proving the Navy declared Smith a deserter.

In a June 1976 letter, the Navy's personnel bureau notified Rep. Margaret
Hackler of Massachusetts that Petty Officer Leonard Smith had been declared
a deserter and his case was turned over to the FBI.

The Naval Investigative Service, in a December 1981 letter, informed then
Virginia Congressman Paul Trible that it had helped determine Leonard
Smith's deserter status.

Then, in a July 1983 letter, the Navy's personnel command told 1st District
Rep. Herb Bateman of Newport News that a Hampton Circuit Court ruling which
declared Petty Officer Smith "presumed dead" was not sufficient.

"Petty Officer Smith will remain on the deserter list until a federal court
declares him dead," wrote Congressional Liaison W. J. Dickinson.

Although Tom Smith has already mailed copies of the congressional
correspondence to the Chief of Naval Operations, the Navy is still
insisting that he provide an "autopsy report, statements from your father's
coworkers, death certificate, fingerprint comparison, etc."

Exasperated by the Navy's response, he expressed his family's frustration:
"John Kennedy Jr.'s plane crashes and right away they can send out the
Coast Guard and the Navy to find him," he said. "My father's been dead 26
years and I'm just a number. I 

[CTRL] Fw: HARDNEWS-VIA-AKIKO HARD NEWS 10/9/99 - Blood and Fear

1999-09-10 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 12:03 PM
Subject: HARDNEWS-VIA-AKIKO HARD NEWS 10/9/99 - Blood and Fear

 HARD NEWS is first broadcast in Auckland on 95bFM around 8.45am on Fridays
 and replayed around 4.30pm Friday and 10am Sunday on The Culture Bunker. A
 digest appears monthly in Re:Mix magazine. You can listen to 95bFM live on
 the Internet. Point your web browser to http://www.95bfm.co.nz. You will
 need Real Audio 3.0 to be able to listen, plus a 28.8k modem. Currently
 Zealand is 12 hours ahead of GMT.

 HARD NEWS ON THE INTERNET appears at Scoop, at http://scoop.co.nz , at
 Akiko at http://nz.com (which is the home of the Hard News mailing list)
 and is posted to local newsgroups.

 GOOD DAY MEDIAPHILES S it is the genius of Paul Holmes that he somehow
 contrives for you to watch his show just when the shit is hitting the fan.
 And so it was on Wednesday night, that having wandered into the
 living room, I found myself waiting while Holmes padded - very well, if
 truth be known - and then watching as the Prime Minister emerged from her
 apparently delayed motorcade to stand in front of more cameras than she'd
 ever seen before and conduct much the most serious briefing in her
 political career.
 And you could tell. Her speech, couched, cautious, inviting the
 Indonesian government to call the UN if it couldn't manage, was very
 probably the work of her departing Foreign Affairs minister. Don McKinnon.
 It would have sounded better if he'd actually delivered it.
 But this is Jenny Shipley's Apec. And so she ploughed into it,
 taking big gulps of air between every sentence, speaking a little too
 quickly, and, at one point, stumbling badly on her script. I don't know
 about you, but it made me bloody nervous.
 She seemed no more composed the next day. She plainly has the fear
 and it's hard to escape the conclusion that, as the people of East Timor
 face genocide and Indonesia looks down the barrel of a military coup,
 very lucky she's still got McKinnon to call on. Can you imagine Max
 Bradford handling this stuff?
 Yet even McKinnon's trademark softly-softly approach has been
 rendered farcical by events. We could insist all we wanted that Timor
 had no place on the agenda of an economic summit, but humanity dictated
 otherwise. For all that we sought to spare the sensibilities of President
 Habibie, he isn't coming now  - and could well now be irrelevant anyway.
 If nothing else, this week's events have shown how painfully
 is New Zealand's international dialogue. While the New Zealand government
 dodged the issue, the Canadians, of all people, called and chaired a
 meeting in Auckland.
 And why is it that the Australians seem so much more confident in
 their public life? Their Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Affairs
 minister Alexander Downer, who had far more call to tread carefully than
 did, didn't. They were forthright, they were critical, they were frank.
 Yet at every step New Zealand has baulked. A day after McKinnon
 said it would be premature to suspend out ties with the out-of-control
 Indonesian military, the Americans did just that.
 It's impossible to watch a people and their places being steadily
 erased by thugs without feeling that something, anything should be done.
 But what? A couple of Australian newspapers actually canvassed the idea of
 going to war with Indonesia, but that, frankly, is not a starter.
 The one thing that shouldn't happen is for the United Nations to
 abandon the fledgling democracy it helped to create. For so long as UN
 people want to stay there and provide shelter for the innocent, they ought
 to be there.
 I often wonder if, in these situations, there is a level of
 diplomacy where diplomacy is left behind - where people get shouted at and
 bullied and told they will be cut off at the knees if they don't pull into
 line. If that ever happens, it needs to be now.
 But what do Indonesians themselves think of the bloodbath taking
 place at the tip of their archipelago? From the look of Internet
 newsgroups, they seem to have bought the line that what is going on in
 Timor is a civil war. That, having wilfully cut themselves off from their
 adoptive nation, the crazy Timorese are killing each other.
 Timor is no stranger to internal warfare. Back when the Portugese
 were kicked out of Jakarta and came to stay in 1664, there were warring
 tribes in Timor. But that's not, as we know, what's happening now.
 The Portugese left the East Timorese with a Catholic faith in an
 Islamic region and a nationhood bloodily overtaken by the Indonesians 24
 years ago. Since then the military has run Timor the way enterprising
 and Portugese 

[CTRL] Wolfe's Lodge [a re-post for List newbies]

1999-09-10 Thread Bard

Wolfe's Lodge is dedicated to the writings of Claire Wolfe, Patricia Neill
and other lovers of liberty.
It is also dedicated to all people who choose to be free, rather than wait
for others to free them.

Claire Wolfe, Proprietor


Newbies,  You will find this Website a most enjoyable treat to satisfy your
for digestible information, and who knows, you may find these morsels so
you'll want to share them with your friends.

In Freedom


 Wolfe's Lodge.url

[CTRL] About Comet Lee

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

 A HREF="http://encke.jpl.nasa.gov/"Comet Observation Home Page/A


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A look at radical Catholic reform solutions

1999-09-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-


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Reform School - A look at radical Catholic reform solutions

[sidebar to article HELLRAISER:
 http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser-9936.html ]

 Scandals move church activists to push for radical changes in clergy
By Janet Wells

IN RECENT YEARS, headlines more appropriate to sleazy tabloids have
trumpeted what seems like a never-ending parade of Catholic bishops,
priests, and lay clergy entangled in shocking sexual misconduct cases with
men, women, and children.

The problems are so widespread that the news media have branded the inner
sanctum "a culture of collusion."

Why can't a 2,000-year-old institution with 976 million faithful--17 percent
of the world's population--figure out how to clean up its act?

Here's an idea: Get rid of the celibacy mandate. Or ordain women as priests.
Or talk openly about sex.

Radical reforms may not eradicate pedophilia, of course. But it's the eve of
the third millennium--at least by the Christian calendar--and the world's
most powerful adherent to that timeline seems firmly rooted in the Dark

"It's one of the most incredible dysfunctional family units you could
possibly see," says Tom Economus, president of Linkup, a national support
group for victims of clergy abuse.

"I lived in a monastery with 38 men," says Economus, a priest who says he
was sexually abused himself as a teenager at a Catholic school in South
Dakota. "We knew who was having sex, whether homosexual or heterosexual, who
had eating disorders, who had problems with alcohol. You just turned your
head [and ignored the problem].

"Many of the good clergy knew of

priests offending, but never turned them in because they were involved in
relationships themselves," Economus adds. "It was who-had-dirt-on-who
contributing to a code of silence. It is a systemic problem."

Many church experts, as well as Catholic faithful, disagree, saying that the
problems are magnified out of proportion.

Scandal, says San Francisco Archdiocese spokesman Maurice Healy, "tends to
obscure the day-to-day ministries that are ongoing."

"The first time I went to the Diocese of Santa Rosa they were having a
respite meeting, giving caregivers of Alzheimer's patients a break. That was
in the midst of the announcement of Bishop Ziemann's resignation," he says.

"I think people, over time, they see Mother Teresas, Father Damiens, and
they realize there's a great deal more holiness than misconduct."

But for those who are dismayed beyond belief at the Church's oft-troubled
inner sanctum, ignoring the bad in light of the good is no longer enough.

Here are some of their thoughts:


"It is time for the Holy Roman Catholic Church to examine a policy that came
into existence . . . to keep land and wealth in the hands of the clergy and
not the widows and children of the priests," says Kory White, in an August
editorial in We the People, a publication of the local gay community."

"I believe that Jesus never intended the priests to be celibate," says
Sister Jane Kelly of the Ukiah parish. "[St.] Peter was married."

"This vow of celibacy thing is a joke," says Don Hoard Jr., who, as a boy,
was molested by Father Gary Timmons, a Santa Rosa priest now serving an
eight-year sentence for molestation. "It just fosters a mentality that any
accusation of impropriety--that these things can't happen because we're
celibate. That's a neat fairy tale."
Women in the Priesthood

"When you have a church that excludes women from all the decision-making,
you have a problem," says Linda Piecynski, president of the Catholic reform
group Call to Action. "[Pope] John Paul is very conservative . . . and he's
surrounded by people who are obviously trying to protect their position of
power. Everybody admires the pope and reveres him, but nobody listens to

"The vast majority practice birth control despite what the Vatican says. A
majority of Catholics believe that women should be priests. We've had altar
girls for a while.

"What's the big deal?"
Sexual Dialogue

"When I went through seminary, they didn't talk about sex," says Linkup's
Tom Economus. "It was an underlying rule that you handled your sexuality
before you entered the priesthood. I went to my spiritual director and
wanted to approach the subject of sex. He went over to a shelf and gave me a
book on celibacy and the priesthood, about 125 pages. 'Here,' he said, 'This
will answer all of your questions.'

"There's no support system that talks about sex, and it is the single
biggest issue [for priests]. . . . You're told not to have an erection,
erections are bad. The only women you're to love are the Blessed Virgin and
your mother. Sex is bad. . . . It demasculinizes the person, and there is no
question in my mind that, as a result, these aberrant behaviors have been a
manifestation of that.

"To think sex is something they can continue to ignore is 

[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT, 1999-09-08-A-2

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

My soldiers listen wide-eyed when my senior NCO's tell stories about these
times as if they were fairy tales. Men with over 15 years in the Army are
saying "You used to be able to do your job; the Army used to be fun." You'd
think that given the experience and wisdom of these men, someone higher up
would listen.

What happened to cause the great cultural and philosophical shift in our
Army? Some have suggested a lack of focus for our Army in the post-Cold War
world. Others blame shrinking defense budgets and increasing deployments
around the globe. I believe our leadership would understand why if someone
with a higher rank than I currently hold truly examined how these
macro-issues translate to a micro scale, (i.e. junior officer level). We
are the ones who see how policies made at the highest level affect our
soldiers first hand, yet no one will take our opinions and recommendations
seriously. We were taught to use our minds at our respective academies and
universities, yet we are forced to allow our creativity to go dormant once
we pin our bars on. There is a wealth of valuable ideas waiting to emerge
from our ranks, but this resource is left untapped. The answer does not lie
in the creation of new systems or processes; senior leaders just need to

I'm told that I need not worry about the future. Some nifty computer
screens they are going to put in our vehicles, as well as Robo-Soldier
outfits for our infantrymen will solve all of our problems. Even after
field testing, the fact that this equipment may or may not do what it is
supposed to do is beside the point. Technology is our future, and we are
going to kill the enemy with a preponderance of information flowing
digitally across the battlefield. The Army is convinced of this, but is
going to take a lot more than some self-congratulating articles and press
releases to convince the rest of us.

Well, maybe all that could just be written off as whining from an officer
who doesn't know anything in big picture. I'm sure the thought of "why
don't you stay around and do something about it instead of complaining" has
crossed the minds of more than one reader. My theory is that many officers
are mustering what little independent thought they have left and deciding
that the Army in its current state cannot change from within. There
currently exists a culture of like-mindedness and many of us just do not
fit the mold, therefore we cannot succeed unless we conform. In order to
reach any rank where we might be able to be listened to, we would have had
to already discarded our ideas and openly embraced conventional Army
wisdom. In essence, embrace the policies we intended to change. Maybe the
answer is exactly what the Army has been telling us; keep our mouths shut,
do as we're told, and drive on with the mission. Yeah, I think we'll do
that, but only as long as we have to.

SUMMARY: Here's a good accompaniment to Hack's piece for this week.

By Primo (Not the author's real name)

There are a lot of good arguments why 'serving the Nation' in some way for
some period of time would be a good thing.

Part of the discussion is the military manpower issue. Since the best
debate is an informed one, this note discusses the current Army manpower

The Army projects accession shortfalls which may range from 8,000 (1999) to
as many as 20,000 (2000). In order to understand how these shortfalls can
be fixed, it's useful to understand how we got where we are.

As I wander the C and D ring halls sitting in briefings, four factors stand

1. Shifting population trends

2. Economy

3. 70s Hollow Army

4. Drawdown

There are about 25M 18-24 y/o kids in the US. This will grow to about 30M
in 2025. It is, and will increasingly be, a racially diverse group ...
somewhere between 2025 and 2050, most will be nonwhite. The fastest
growing group will be Hispanics (13 to 22%).

We are also seeing rapid health and education shifts:

1. Kids are increasingly underfit and overfat. 90% get bussed to school;
75% do not have regular gym; they are increasingly eating high-sugar soda
and high-grease fast food diets (which explains the increases in asthma and
type 2 diabetes)(schools are entering into multi-million dollar exclusive
contracts to push this junk in the schools). Schools spend significant
resources on sports entertainment for the community (football, basketball,
etc.), but little on the average kid. Military across the world are seeing
decreases in entry fitness and increases in pre-training requirements and
training-related injuries (especially among overweight, smokers, and females).

2. Kids are increasingly on their own. They have 75% less adult contact
than we did. Dual-income families and single-parent families mean we 

[CTRL] SFTT Special: Shooting Straight on Anthrax Part 1

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

This Special Mailing is provided to educate and inform SFTT readers on a
major issue affecting the readiness of the US military.  SFTT continues to
support calls for an immediate cessation of the current anthrax vaccination
program pending an independent investigation to determine the safety and
efficacy of the vaccine.

“Shooting Straight on Anthrax”
By Redmond H. Handy
A White Paper on the August 5, 1999 DOD Press Briefing

On August 5, 1999, Mr. Ken Bacon, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public
Affairs held a briefing for reporters on the DOD anthrax vaccination
program. He and the senior military officers who briefed the reporters made
statements about the anthrax vaccination policy that are in direct conflict
with General Accounting Office (GAO) investigations and testimony before
Congress.  This article reviews selected DOD answers to reporters’ questions
during that briefing (the briefing excerpts are preceded by "Q" and "A"
etc.). We encourage you to read the entire briefing transcript which is
linked to on the SFTT web site at the address listed below.

This article is also posted on the SFTT website at
http://www.sftt.org/articles/shooting_straight.shtml in the articles
section and uses hyperlinks to other sources so that readers have access to
more detailed – and accurate -- information

Q: Why can't this be on the record?

Mr. Bacon: This is pretty technical stuff and I thought it would be a freer
flow, more of a dialogue, if we did it this way…

Q: There won't be any names attached to it, though.

Mr. Bacon: We're going to do it this way, and there will be future
opportunities to talk about that…

Comment: Mr. Bacon’s linkage of anonymity and the disclosure of technical
details, of which few were discussed in the briefing, is difficult to
understand. He gave similar vague answers justifying anonymity for senior
military officers when the mandatory anthrax vaccination policy was
announced on 15 Dec 1997. Why are general and flag officers -- who are
supposed to be warriors -- hiding behind a shield of anonymity when
discussing this policy?

DOD has lacked candor in the past when addressing servicemembers’ health
concerns. DOD took years to admit the health risks to servicemembers exposed
to nuclear tests in the 1950’s, Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, and
chemical weapons during the Gulf War. Anonymous briefings by senior officers
on the anthrax vaccination policy display a similar lack of candor. Rightly
or not, this anonymous approach fuels the perception by military personnel
that they may once more be used as “guinea pigs” in a DOD experiment.

Army general officer briefer: “ I've got to tell you, personally it would be
irresponsible and it's unconscionable that we would take a trooper into that
threat area and not be vaccinated… And as a leader, I can't fathom that we
would ever take a trooper into that threat environment without being

Comment: This statement mirrors SecDef Cohen’s remark last March that he
would be “derelict” in his duties if he did not mandate the anthrax vaccine.
DOD’s attempt to frame the anthrax vaccine as moral imperative may be an
effective way to shut off debate about its safety, efficacy and doctrinal
necessity. However, this approach ignores the fact that our major
adversaries since WWII have had weaponized anthrax and that the FDA first
licensed this vaccine in 1970. Does this mean that every SecDef and general
officer since the Nixon Administration has been derelict because they did
not mandate use of the vaccine?

A 16 Aug 1999 Washington Post op-ed observed that, “while the risk of
bioterrorism may have increased in recent years, insisting that a real
attack is imminent or inevitable is gratuitous. Indeed, continuing a stream
of alarmist statements is likely to provoke only more anxiety and more
hoaxes.” The article also observed that “last month Secretary of Defense
William S. Cohen warned that a biological weapons attack on American soil
could be imminent.”

Interestingly, senior military officers did not make alarmist statements
about the anthrax threat until Mr. Cohen became SecDef in 1997. According to
a 14 Aug 1999 Washington Post op-ed, Cohen has “made the potential use of
biological or chemical agents by terrorist groups or individuals his
personal signature contribution to the national security debate in the past
several years.” Senior officers may also have been influenced by SecDef
Cohen’s firing of a USAF general in 1997 over the Khobar Towers bombing –
essentially setting a “zero-defect” force protection standard.

Since then, any policy labeled as “force protection” is accepted without
question and is promoted with statements like the following from a 14 May
1999 message from the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff to commanders: “anthrax
is a mortal enemy that our airmen must be prepared 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Waco Humor

1999-09-10 Thread Amelia K Edgeman

 -Caveat Lector-

If you are addressing that to me, my husband is deceased. I doubt that
lightening up would benefit him.  Regardless of who is to blame, it is not
funny nor on par with "mocking" Chelsea.  I have never done that nor do I
listen to Rush Limbaugh.  You seem fraught with stereotypes and clichés. You
may not be as astute at reading character nor personality through e mail as
you think you are.

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Waco Humor

 -Caveat Lector-

 H, I repeated some jokes...I didn't say that incinerating living
 was funny, and it's not! Koresh and the loon parents might have done the
 burning though.
 Let us wait until ALL the evidence is in, eh???
 Otherwise, do your husband a favor...and lighten up!


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SFTT Special: Shooting Straight on Anthrax Part 2

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Q: I want to go back to your statement that you planned to shut down the
plant. The GAO testified at the congressional hearing that the state decided
to get out of the anthrax business when FDA came in and inspected them and
they weren't prepared to make the financial commitment to make the
improvements that were necessary.

A. “There's been a great deal of confusion about that … There were no issues
that FDA had with the purity, the strength, any of the things that they want
when that vaccine rolls out at the end, but there were bookkeeping

Comment: Contrary to the assertions of this anonymous senior military
officer, a 29 Apr 1999 GAO report found: “The FDA inspections of the
facility where the licensed vaccine was manufactured uncovered numerous
problems. The facility received warning letters from FDA, including one in
March 1997 stating its intent to revoke the facility's license.”  The GAO
report also described manufacturing deficiencies found by the FDA “that
could compromise the safety and efficacy of any or all batches.”

In fact, Bioport’s Chief Operating Officer admitted to Congress that,
“immediately after receiving the [warning] letter, we met with our clients,
including the DoD, to rapidly develop and execute a comprehensive plan to
resolve FDA concerns about our operation.” However, despite his actions, a
20 Feb 1998 the FDA inspection report found, “the manufacturing process for
Anthrax Vaccine is not validated.” The report specifically criticized the
vaccines’ purity, potency, sterility, and stability. All vaccine used
to-date was manufactured under this non-validated process.

 Q: You're still using the untested vaccine?

A: No, as the gentleman said, this vaccine has been tested and this contract
change does not affect that.

Comment: When the vaccination policy was announced, SecDef Cohen set four
conditions before the policy was to be implemented. One of those conditions
was “supplemental testing to assure sterility, safety, potency and purity of
the vaccine.” DOD allowed Bioport to perform the testing even though the FDA
had threatened the vaccine manufacturer in March 1997 with a revocation of
their license. DOD hired a non-pharmaceutical defense contractor to oversee
testing by the manufacturer. In his April 1999 testimony, the anthrax
vaccine program manager, BG Eddie Cain, admitted to “inconsistencies” in the
supplemental testing procedure. He stated: “based on this inconsistency,
JPOBD suspended supplemental testing and sent a "Tiger Team" of subject
matter experts to help resolve the problem. Corrective action is being
implemented. We expect to resume testing within six months.” This admission
of “inconsistencies” by DOD’s program managers means that the supplemental
testing performed on anthrax vaccine used on servicemembers is of
questionable value.

Additionally, on 29 Apr 99 the GAO reported to Congress that anthrax vaccine
“quality cannot be guaranteed from final tests on random samples but only
from a combination of in- process tests, end- product tests, and strict
controls of the entire manufacturing process.” Therefore, supplemental
testing, even if without “inconsistencies” admitted to by DOD, cannot
compensate for a flawed manufacturing process revealed by FDA inspections
and documented by the GAO.

 Q: Are there other strains of anthrax that you can -- as a weapons
designer -- you slightly alter that and therefore bypass your vaccine?

A: There are a couple of answers to that. One is, it's theoretically
possible to alter anthrax so that our vaccine would not be effective against
it. It's theoretically possible. Nobody has one that we know of.

Comment: On 5 Apr 1999 the New York Times reported on a recent book by a
defector and former deputy director of the Soviet germ-warfare program, Ken
Alibek. He stated anthrax “was genetically altered…to resist five kinds of
antibiotics.” Additionally, a November 1998  Nation Magazine article
reported, “at the end of 1997 Russian scientists had published a paper in
the British medical journal Vaccine describing the creation of a genetically
engineered anthrax strain that was resistant to standard Russian anthrax
vaccine.” Alibek stated in another interview: “Vaccines are not the

Q: Are there more severe [reactions] than that? Are there people who are
crippled because of this? Are there people who...

A: We're not aware of anyone who's crippled...It's on the order of three to
five people.

Comment: This admission contradicts statements about the vaccine by Mr.
Bacon, who said last January, “It’s safe and reliable…It works and has no
side effects.”  This admission also contradicts DOD’s anthrax website, which
states: “No reports of serious adverse effects have been received by the
manufacturer” – unless DOD is not reporting adverse reactions to the
manufacturer. If DOD is not, then it is in violation of 

[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT, 1999-09-08-A-1

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

**  08 September 1999


Hack's Column
Harry Truman Had It Right   1
Mac Notes   2
From The Field:
The Long Grey Line Has Become A Rainbow…   3
An Air Force Anthrax Story  5
Medal of Honor:
Zabitosky, Fred W., SFC (then SSgt.), USA, 5th Spec. Forc. Grp.
Place and date: Republic of Vietnam, 19 February 1968   6
A spouse's Commentary and Thank You:
By Tammy Dominski
Somebody Cares About Our G.I.'s 7
* Indicates posthumous award


By David H. Hackworth, USA (Ret)

In 1947, at President Harry Truman's behest, a commission studying
Universal Military Training (UMT) unanimously recommended that every young
man serve in our armed forces. But Congress, weary from WWII, said no. They
were into cutting the ranks, not building them up.

The man from Missouri saw UMT as a program that would give our youth "a
background in the disciplinary approach of getting along with one another,
informing them of their physical makeup, and what it means to take care of
this temple which God gave us. If we get that instilled into them, and then
instill into them a responsibility which begins in the township, in the
city ward, the first thing you know we will have sold our Republic to the
coming generations as Madison, Hamilton and Jefferson sold it in the first

The fact that 34 percent of candidates for WWII service had been rejected
because of defects bothered him greatly. He felt that a large number of
these young men could have been made "physically fit and self-supporting
citizens" if they'd had the advantage of a training program.

Imagine Truman's reaction if he got a look at today's youngsters. He'd be
heartbroken by the fact that more than 60 percent -- almost twice the WWII
rejection level -- of young males couldn't make it into the service in 1999
because of poor condition, past drug use or past trouble at school or with
the law.

As a nation, we march around the world trying to save every village in
sight. Yet on Main Street USA, millions of young Americans aren't being
imbued with the right stuff that will give them the strength and character
to lead America when Generation X, Y and Z end up in the boss's chair.

A number of congressmen want to bring the draft back -- partially to
address this problem, but mainly to resolve the military's critical
manpower shortage. The fix here should be to close down redundant
headquarters and bases and merge Army, Navy and Air Force legal, medical,
administrative and logistics departments. The personnel spaces saved by
this consolidation alone would take care of the 10,000-man recruiting gap
the lawmakers are worried about and give the Pentagon enough bodies to
activate at least four combat infantry divisions.

But besides reforming our military, Congress needs to revisit the UMT
study for all the reasons Truman cited. Establishing the UMT would help
save our youth -- who are fast becoming an endangered species

Here's how it would work:

At age 18 every boy and girl, less the disabled, would report for Basic
Training. For six months they'd be put through a demanding and separate-sex
boot camp where they'd encounter what too many young people don't get at
home, church and school: discipline, patriotism and a footlockerful of
values. There would be no Oxford University deferments for the Bill
Clintons, no plush National Guard hideaways for the George W. Bushes, no
cozy tours in safe headquarters for the Al Gores. In boot camp they'd learn
the basics -- drill, discipline, teamwork, leadership, responsibility and
citizenship -- while getting physically hard and mentally together.

After basic training, the new citizen-soldiers would spend one additional
year serving America in (pick one): the ghetto, police, hospital,
education, environmental or assisting-the-elderly corps -- or sign on for
another 18 to 36 months and join the Regulars. Those who opted for the
longer tour in the military would receive a WWII-type GI Bill education
package upon discharge.

The rich would rub elbows with the poor; the black and white and brown
would sweat together and become one. Not only would they pay the price of
admission to "this temple" and enrich America, they'd join those vets who
take great pride that they served our country and are better citizens for
their sacrifice.

With vets again filling their ranks, Congress, the media and industry


1999-09-10 Thread Bard

Brothers and Sisters, Am beginning to wonder if we have the patience to
this so-called government, which, in more innocent times the States chose to
and through our negligence allowed to be bastardized.

As Claire Wolfe stated, "Don't shoot the Bastards(Bitches). (Yet).

Be grateful if you'd pass this along.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 3:58 PM
To: "undisclosed-recipients:;"@onelist.com

Reprinted with permission Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness
Publications (c) 1999. All Rights reserved www.copvcia.com.

See http://www.copvcia.com

All Promises Broken - Volume II Hearings Held Without Notice - Behind Closed

 Don't Blink,
 You Might Miss What's Next


 Michael C. Ruppert

   Posted June 29, 1999 -  Copyright 1999 From The Wilderness, Michael C.
Ruppert. All Rights Reserved

On May 25, just four days after we published our last issue, under the
totally misleading heading of "CIA and Drugs in Los Angeles" the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) held a closed door
hearing. It took us until June 22 to determine that the Committee heard
testimony that day from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael
Bromwich, who had not appeared before the Committee since the release of his
report last year. And it also heard from current CIA Inspector General Britt
Snider, who discussed Volume II of retired CIA IG Fred Hitz's report on the
whole Contra war - not Los Angeles.  Los Angeles was Volume I.

That's right - They have had the hearing on Volume II. They did it in
secret. The press did not cover it. And it remains unclear, at this moment,
as to whether HPSCI's final report will even be declassified or made
available to the public in any form at all. This is not only a breach of
every promise made to us in 1996 by both Houses; it is, in my opinion, a
complete breach of trust between the government and the people.

In a June 22 conversation with HPSCI Deputy Staff Director, Tim Sample, I
was told that the Committee "would like to wrap this up this summer." I was
also told that the protocol for closing the investigation out had not been
finalized. It is "not known" whether there will be another hearing. It is
"not known" whether or if the Committee's final report will be declassified
or ever released. It is "not known" if any additional witnesses will be
called. I and retired DEA Agent Cele Castillo and presumably the other major
figures in the investigation have all received letters asking us to submit
whatever other evidence "we are aware of" before the Committee closes its

This is a sign of true desperation as the Republican controlled Committee
must absolutely close the issue - to protect George W. Bush - before the
2000 Presidential campaign begins in earnest in October. It must also
protect the biggest secret of all from the American people: The entire
economy, and the entire political system itself, is currently hooked and
dependent upon  - drug money.

I have been saying for years that you could show a video of George Bush
ordering drug runs, CIA agents laundering money and flying airplanes full of
drugs and no one in power would do anything about it. They would not be able
to. In this issue I will tell you, and the House, about something almost as
damning - a partially authenticated letter, written on CIA letterhead and
stamped "Top Secret", ostensibly written and signed by CIA Director William
J. Casey in late 1986, that admits to direct participation in the drug trade
[SEE STORY THIS ISSUE].  I have been aware of the existence of this letter
for approximately five months. I have had it read to me in its entirety. It
was not until I was given this last chance by HPSCI to present "all of the
information of which you are aware on the allegations" that I was able to
obtain an "On the Record" statement about the letter from Attorney Ray
Kohlman. The letter will be admitted into evidence in a new trial motion for
former Green Beret William Tyree in the near future. When that happens, From
The Wilderness will publish the letter, both on the Internet and in the

 Now that the House has indicated its intent to close the matter for good
and all it is time to bring the letter forward - for good and all. I will
also see to it that the letter is widely distributed enough so that any of
the major news organizations will be able to follow up on it. The
information in this issue is enough for the House Intelligence Committee to
go to the CIA and compel it to confirm or deny the letter's authenticity.

Reading The Right Map

If nothing happens with further hearings, or 

[CTRL] School-free Drug Zones [ Scary, ain't it? ]

1999-09-10 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

©Patricia Neill 1999

What's the problem with government-run schools these days?


They're not schools.

They're school-free drug zones.

Ritalin. Prozac. And all the rest of the mind-numbing, psychiatric drugs,
handed out to children in the back of class rooms, at the same time that
Officer Dare is in the front, preaching against (other) drugs.

Education? Actual learning, such as reading, writing, arithmetic? Nearly
non-existent, as far as I can tell from talking to new college freshmen.
These brand spoffing new college kids, fresh out of 12 year youth
indoctrination camp sentences, can barely function as literate adults. Oh,
they have plenty of potential, and many of them are sharp and alert --
although it makes me shudder how many are rather slow and dimwitted, not to
mention nearly unintelligible when they speak, and can barely write an
English sentence. These poor kids were not given the skills to prove their
inherent intelligence to others via reading, comprehending, writing. In
other words, they may not be stupid, but they sure speak and act as if they

What a colossal shame. The most active wing of the Communist Party, USA--the
so-called "National Education Association" -- is hardly anything but an
extraordinarily active lobby for teachers' rights. Teachers' rights -- not
students. The NEA, at a recent convention, came out with a platform that
supported abortion. What does abortion have to do with education, asked a
very astute friend of mine. The NEA's platform also supported gay and
lesbian rights -- again, what in the ever-more-bizarre world, does
homosexuality have to do with education? (These ideas and information are
hereby credited to Oral Deckard, editor of the Vigo-Examiner.)

Who knows? Perhaps the NEA will someday deign to clarify its groupthink for
all of us.

Over the past few weeks, I begun to notice certain signs proclaiming "Drug
Free School Zones" -- a rather absurd claim, considering the amount of drugs
in schools whether of the legal, handed-out-by-school-shrinks variety, or of
the illegal variety traded on the black market.

Not much schooling, many drugs.

And that, in essence, is the problem with government schools.

Kids are bored with the hypocrisy, with the pabulum they get spoonfed by
idiot teachers, bored with the lack of any decent intellectual challenge,
bored with the collective-think urged upon them all, bored with having a
solid win or lose in sports denied them because it might affect the
ego-esteem of the losers of that particular match. One can see why some kids
might want to shoot hell out of these silly, ineffectual, stuffy, mindless

I was bored way back when too -- and that was in the days when real learning
still took place to a significant degree. I thank God that I got out of
school before the NEA got its money-grubbing hands on me, but even so, I was
occasionally wearied by tired and dim pedagogy. Nevertheless, I think my
generation was the last to experience what at least resembled a real

I can't quite understand the frightening violence of modern "school"
life--but I can understand the angst and fury behind it.

When the droning bureaucratic teacher isn't capable of interesting the
students in whatever is the politically-correct horsemalarky of the day, the
students get risable. And then they're drugged.

School-free Drug Zones

Scary, ain't it?

©Patricia Neill 1999
July 28, 1999

I thought you'd enjoy that.
Share it with your Contacts.


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[CTRL] VOICE Of The GRUNT, 1999-09-08-B

1999-09-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

VOICE Of The GRUNT, 1999-09-08-B
SUMMARY: A pilot relates a story that could be happening all over the
country with our remaining pilots. This stuff is just wonderful isn't it?
By An Air Warrior

It's important to keep the real life experiences in this discussion about
the anthrax vaccine. It keeps things in the proper perspective. First, let
me say that what I am writing is of my own accord and does not represent
the views of the Air Force. Also, it must be made clear that the following
is simply an observation of my experiences over the last two weeks and is
not intended to persuade any member of the armed forces to disobey any
lawful orders. I am an active duty Air Force pilot stationed at an Eastern
AFB. I arrived on station just a little over two weeks ago.

On my first day I met a reserve pilot at lunch and ask how things were in
his unit. He then went on to explain how a large amount of pilots had
resigned due to the fear of the anthrax vaccine. I asked him if their fears
were backed by fact. He used himself for an example. Since he's received
the vaccine, he has experienced headaches, dizzy spells, short term memory
loss, to name a few symptoms. I assumed he was grounded and then he said
that the medical group had given him a waiver to keep flying. He was
scheduled for an MRI to rule out a brain tumor. "How could this be?", I
thought. "How can he be fit to fly?"

The next day I ran into an old friend of mine who was leaving the base. He
was a reserve pilot who had resigned. He acknowledged the moral problem and
stated that there was a real threat of an adverse reaction to the vaccine
and he just couldn't risk it. The following day I checked into the squadron
and spoke with the first active duty pilot I ran into about the anthrax
vaccine. That pilot was grounded, and still is to this day. That pilot has
sustained some serious internal damage with an unknown prognosis. The
overall diagnosis is an autoimmune disorder.

A couple of days later I met another pilot and asked him if he had
received the vaccine. He acknowledged that he had. He described becoming
very ill afterwards and to this day had problems with short-term memory
loss. He also said that his wife had recently became extremely ill. They
both went off base to get a blood analysis. He said that his test showed
heavy traces of anthrax and some traces of Ebola. His wife's blood showed
traces of anthrax. How could this be? He has never been to an area where
Ebola is prevalent. And his wife has never received the anthrax vaccine.

The next day I recorded the names of the crewmembers in my squadron who
were grounded according to our scheduling board. I called five of them that
night. The first guy was a pilot. He had just been released from the
hospital. He told me that shortly after he had received the vaccine he
developed cysts on numerous places on the inside and outside of his body,
to include his heart. He had undergone surgery to remove some of the cysts
and had been hooked up to an IV for six weeks. To his knowledge no VAERS
report had been filed on his case.

The next guy I spoke with had received the vaccine and was being treated
for an autoimmune disorder, but believed it was from job related stress
and not the vaccine. Fair enough, I thought, but how coincidental. The next
fellow I spoke with was grounded also. After the fourth vaccine he began to
experience diverse symptoms which included chronic bone/joint pain, chronic
fatigue, and a loss of ability to concentrate. He is being cross-trained
into another, less demanding career field.

Another pilot I spoke with has experienced severe chronic bone/joint pain
and he was also grounded. The pain is so bad he can't climb the steps to
get into the airplane. Although this disability surfaced after he received
the vaccine, at this time he doesn't attribute it as being the cause.
However, as a precaution, he has had his blood tested for the autoimmune
disorder. It came back negative. Again, I have only been on base a short
time and with a little bit of effort I have uncovered what I consider a
nightmare. I have yet to talk to the other 17 crewmembers in my squadron
that are on the "grounded" list.

My guess is that the anthrax vaccine will be considered a causal factor
for a significant portion of these people. I was told that one of these men
had a seizure last week. Another fact worth mentioning is that the chief of
our immunization clinic took the vaccine and went into anaphylactic shock.
We need to ensure that safety is appropriately addressed and NOW. This is
the sermon that every commander I have served under has preached. Something
is wrong. Way wrong. However, I cannot speak out in a way that civilians
can without facing a court martial.

[CTRL] Fw: New Movie- Holy Smoke and my concerns

1999-09-10 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Resource Center for Freedom of Mind Confidential Mailing List
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 1:37 AM
Subject: New Movie- Holy Smoke and my concerns

 Resource Center for Freedom of Mind Confidential Mailing List -

 Jane Campion's new movie, Holy Smoke,  will be coming out soon. It is the
 story of a young Australian (Kate Winslet) whose family hires a
 "deprogrammer" (Harvey Keitel) to reclaim her from an Indian religious
 guru's influence.

 In the summer of 1998, I was contacted by Keitel's office which purchased
 my first book, Combatting Cult Mind Control as well as a videotape series
 of a Exit-Counseling workshop I did many years ago for Randy Watters (ex
 Jehovah's Witnesses elder) who now runs Freeminds.org.  I was asked to
 meet with Keitel because he wanted background for the Campion movie.

 One of the Australian Campion's earlier films, The Portrait of a Lady,
 starred Nicole Kidman, well-known Scientologist, so I was immediately
 suspicious of the film's agenda.

 Keitel was playing the "deprogrammer" and I remember my terrible
 experience with the film, Split Image  (the deprogrammer was played by
 James Woods). The film's producer offered to pay me handsomely to help
 promote the film. So I asked to see it first, and wound up walking out of
 the movie at the point the deprogrammer got violent with his clients. I
 was disgusted that such a movie would promote a negative point of view
 about those who want to help individuals in mind control cults.

 The last thing I would want to do was to be a paid consultant for the
 movie that would associate myself with deprogramming in any way. I have
 publicly spoken out against the forced abduction and detention of adults
 in order to help them from mind control cults. The cults would have a
 "field day" with promoting a depraved character as the deprogrammer. As a
 trained mental health professional, my Strategic Interaction Approach,
 advocates effective communication, choice, and respectful empowerment.

 I understand that Rick Ross agreed to do the movie.


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1999-09-10 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
- Original Message -
From: Thee Underground Net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 4:33 AM
Subject: FORD loses in court over PRODUCT DEFECT DOCUMENTS

 Thee Underground Net - http://www.theeunderground.net


 It's JP Essene editor of http://www.theeunderground.com

 FORD recently tried to REMOVE documents from the web about their PRODUCT

 We have an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the person FORD SUED over his use of
 documents belonging to FORD about their PRODUCT DEFECTS!

 Initially a judge ORDERED the documents removed!


 But, in a real life DAVID vs GOLIATH court battle, DAVID WON and now the
 documents are again available on the net!

 To read our interview with DAVID (the little guy that BEAT FORD) go to


 It's the FORD article

 News about the ATHENS QUAKE and how SOLLOG GUARANTEED IT in US court is at











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[CTRL] Military gets D for Y2K

1999-09-10 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From CNN, http://www.cnnfn.com/1999/09/10/technology/y2k_report/
Military gets D for Y2K
House report blames hiring by private sector for slowing U.S. efforts to
September 10, 1999: 5:58 p.m. ET

 WASHINGTON (CNNfn) - Important parts of the federal government -- including
the departments of Defense, Treasury, Justice, Agriculture and Health and
Human Services -- are not prepared for the Y2K computer bug, according to a
congressional report card released Friday.

 Defense scored the lowest, two "D's," according the to the ranking
compiled by two House subcommittees.

 HHS, which overseas Medicare, child welfare, organ transplants, and
other programs, received a "C" and an "F."

 USDA, which ensures food safety and administers food stamps, got a
"C-minus" and a "D."

 And Treasury, the department that sends out billions in government
checks every day, also got a "C-minus" and a "D."

 Overall, the 24 largest executive branch agencies scored a "B-minus."

 Scores were based on two types of computer systems, one that keeps the
agencies themselves up and running, the other that impacts the public -- by
cutting benefit checks, monitoring air traffic and the like.

 What's worse, says Rep. Stephen Horn (D-Calif.), who issued the report,
with only 112 days left until Jan. 1, 2000, the progress towards solving the
problem "has slowed to a snail's pace."

 In the last three months, Y2K compliance has increased by a scant 1
percent increase across the board, he said.

 Horn blamed the slowdown on state governments and the private sector
for hiring away many of the federal government's Y2K experts in the last

 Not that all the news was bad. Horn, at a news conference, praised the
Social Security Administration (two A's), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(one A), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (despite getting one D)
for a job well done.

 And Rep. Jim Turner (D-Texas) who said Thursday he would not fly on or
around Jan. 1 because of suspected Y2K problems at the FAA, reversed course
and said he might.

 The Defense Department, which plans to spend about $4 billion chasing
Y2K gremlins from its computers, was not happy at its low marks.

 "DOD doesn't see Y2K readiness as a graded exercise, we see it as pass
or fail," a spokeswoman said tersely. "We believe we will be passing at that
time of the year and will be able to carry out our national security

 She said Defense has over a third of all the relevant government
computers under its watch (2,414 at last count) and that many of them are
out of the country -- deployed to the Persian Gulf, Kosovo and other
military hot spots. She said all those systems will be rotated back to the
United States and be Y2K compliant by the end of the year. Over 90 percent
of the department's computers already are, she said.

 Horn, despite giving the department the low marks, seemed to agree.

 "On the war-making side, they're OK on it," he said. "But they have a
lot of other systems."

 Upon hearing of the Defense objections to the low marks, an aide to
Horn quoted the congressman as believing "the department has done a terrific
job this year on fixing Y2K."

 Than why the report card and the low marks?

 "To keep them working, urge them, prod them," the aide said. "A degree
of this is subjective."

Dan S

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[CTRL] Federal agents clash with judge over seizure of Waco evidence

1999-09-10 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From Nando Media,
Federal agents clash with judge over seizure of Waco evidence

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

DALLAS (September 10, 1999 4:44 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
According to a Friday article in The Dallas Morning News, U.S. marshals
delayed carrying out a judge's sealed order to seize more evidence from the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms stemming from the Branch Davidian

The marshals carried out the order after U.S. District Judge Walter Smith
issued a second edict Thursday that they comply with his initial order
immediately, the newspaper said, citing unidentified sources.

An ATF spokesman in Washington confirmed that Smith issued the order after
hearing that the agency was considering closing its Waco office. He said the
judge wanted the office's contents to be preserved.

"There was, I guess on his part, some concern that the office might be
closing," said Jeff Roehm, public affairs chief at the agency's
headquarters. "It was pretty much expected."

According to the News, the chief U.S. marshal for the district spent hours
debating whether to execute the order, first consulting with his agency's
headquarters in Washington and the U.S. attorney's office in San Antonio.

Eventually, the marshals seized files and took custody of keys to storage
facilities, the News said.

Smith is scheduled in October to begin hearing a wrongful death lawsuit
filed against the government by Branch Davidians who survived the 1993
federal raid and subsequent fire at their compound.

Last week, Smith rejected a plea by the Justice Department, parent agency of
the U.S. Marshals Service, not to take control of the evidence.

A Justice Department spokesman in Washington declined comment on Thursday's
seizure, the newspaper said.

The Waco ATF office was set up to help coordinate the federal prosecutions
and contained case files and documents related to the 51-day standoff at the
Branch Davidian compound.

Roehm said the agency had decided to keep the office open until the end of
the wrongful-death lawsuit.

David Koresh and about 80 of his followers died in the April 19, 1993, fire
at their Mount Carmel compound.

Attorney General Janet Reno this week appointed an independent inquiry to
investigate the FBI's actions at the end of the standoff after the agency
revealed, after years of denials, that it fired potentially flammable
tear-gas canisters at the compound on the day of the fire.

The government still maintains that the Davidians set the blaze.

Last Friday, Smith had to intervene before the ATF allowed the Texas Rangers
access to the Waco storage facility containing the massive collection of

The Rangers had asked to enter the facility to search for items relating to
pyrotechnic tear-gas devices fired by the FBI. Rangers instead discovered
the spent remains of a star parachute flare.

Dan S

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[CTRL] FBI lab knew of tear gas projectiles at Waco as early as '93

1999-09-10 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From Fox News,
FBI lab knew of tear gas projectiles at Waco as early as '93
6.59 p.m. ET (2303 GMT) September 10, 1999
By John Solomon, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A lab document that wasn't given to Congress discloses
that the FBI knew within eight months of the fiery end of the Branch
Davidian siege that military-style tear gas projectiles were used, The
Associated Press has learned.

A key final page from a 49-page FBI lab report was turned over to
congressional committees this week, along with an internal Justice
Department memo acknowledging it "was not produced to Congress'' during its
1995 investigations into the tragedy near Waco, Texas.

The first 48 pages of the lab report had been turned over to lawmakers years
ago, absent the mention of the tear gas that government officials for years
had denied using.

The 49th page disclosed that FBI investigators who examined the scene at
Waco found a "fired US military 40 mm shell casing which originally
contained a CS gas round,'' and two "expended 40mm tear gas projections.''

The report is likely to become a key piece of evidence in the independent
inquiry ordered by Attorney General Janet Reno and separate congressional
investigations into whether government officials tried to cover up about the
use of incendiary tear gas on the final day of the siege.

Dan S

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