[CTRL] PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

1999-09-30 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry, Jamie... wasn't trying to garner the "most depressing news of the
week" award it IS  pretty sick.
Vietnam tactics.
They are trying to get a bunch more "military aid" to Columbia right now.
Also trying (or already succeeding?) in getting the School of the
(assassins) Americas refunded.
At least if we try to publicize these acts of war and criminal war crimes,
we're doing SOMETHING about it
Somehow though, we need to figure out how to take the $$ out of the market
for drugs.

That's the only way.
If the "street value" of an ounce of coke is $20, there wouldn't be any
criminals importing  selling it. Prohibition definitively creates highly
capitalized criminal enterprise. Look at the goddam history with alcohol !

Repeal the prohibitions, decriminalize the "chemically imbalanced" and/or
borderline personality-disordered persons who are attracted to, addicted
to - drugs.
Even if it started with only marijuana... it's the criminalization of the
substances that lead a user from one to another to large extent- the same
drug dealer who sells criminalized pot may well sell criminalized heroin or
cocaine they did when I was a kid, I guess they still do now.

Politics. Money. Hemp-fiber. Lies. Prohibition. Crime. MONEY. GUNS.
Prison-industrial complex. International politics. CIA. GUNS. MONEY.

The knot unravels without prohibition.
I suggest that working with the potheads (sarcastic humor, mebbe not all
medical marijuana advocates are potheads) to decriminalize is a good step in
the right direction, even if it's only the "medical" marijuana.

The politics of HEMP were a foundation of the prohibition-
the "getting high" aspect was only a COVERUP (sold to the public by for the
prohibition effort aimed at the hemp fiber farmer. if mainstream
politics becomes involved in decriminalization even for medical use, then
the door is opened to agricultural hemp activity (which is likely "high" on
Gatewood's agenda) ...  and pretty soon... POOF- up in smoke (so to speak)
goes the whole prohibition argument, the prison-industrial complex looses
steam, prohibition of other substances will follow...

Brian made big fun of something I posted the other day (which I'm not
POSITIVE that he has the full info on... even if he does know everything
else... except how search engines work :)    and in part of that post of
his, he mentioned talking to the fella in Kentucky who'd represented Charlie
whats-his-name Gatewood Galbraith:

These "medical marijuana" campaigners have a broad support base and a bunch
of activists.

How to "harmonize" with some of them... perhaps to find some of them
interested in CIA cocaine importation lawsuits?

Mebbe next time Brian is chatting with Gatewood...

and mebbe a public service annoucement/ad in "High Times" /or others 'bout
the lawsuits? .. this is SURE to reach some politically interested

Also perhaps it'd be useful to try the PSA (public service announcement)
route with publicizing the lawsuits in OTHER media (PSA's are FREE... )

Drug war is class war.

as Kris says: Drug PEACE not drug war!

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Shafer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 10:51 PM
Subject: PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

From: Jamie Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is the most f*g depressing thing I've read in days, and that's

At 04:15 PM 09/29/1999 -0400, you wrote:

drug peace, not class war.
glyphosphate is Monsanto's Roundup.

Dave Hartley

PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Malathion, organophosphates human gene mutation, T-cell damage

1999-09-30 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Regarding the spraying of organophosphate pesticide or herbicide (poison) in
human habitat.

Probably anyone who can avoid being in sprayed areas, should.
Don't inhale dust or spray.
Keep children away from pesticides.
If eyes have been contaminated, they should be flushed immediately with
plenty of clean water for 15 minutes.
Contaminated clothing should be removed, and exposed skin should be washed
immediately with soap and water.
Malathion should not be allowed to contaminate water supplies; it can kill
fish. Waste materials and containers should not be disposed of near water
supplies, nor should waste materials be emptied into sewer drains. (NYC is
directly spraying this ON the water...)

New York City Department of Health:
Two insecticides, malathion and resmethrine, are being used to control the
mosquito population. Malathion is delivered as an aerial spray from
helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. It is a relatively low potency
organophosphate insecticide. Like all organophosphates, malathion inhibits
cholinesterases and in higher concentrations can produce symptoms of
muscarinic excess (salivation, lacrimation, diarrhea, bronchorrhea and
bradycardia) and nicotinic excess (muscle weakness, fasciculations or
paralysis). Antidotes include atropine (for muscarinic symptoms) and
pralidoxime (for nicotinic symptoms). While it is unlikely that anyone will
develop symptoms as a result of exposure to the low concentrations of
malathion used in the spraying operations, clinicians should be aware of
these symptoms and report all potential cases to the New York City Poison
Center (212-764-7667).

Resmethrine is a pyrethroid insecticide that is delivered from trucks
spraying at ground level. Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds that resemble
pyrethrins, which are naturally occurring insecticides. This class of
compounds are commonly used in over-the-counter ant and roach sprays. All of
these agents are "knock-down" agents, in that they produce paralysis in
insects. These agents generally do not produce neurologic toxicity in
humans. However, since they resemble products produced by plants, they have
a small potential to exacerbate allergic conditions such as hay fever and
asthma. While it is unlikely that patients will become symptomatic as a
result of exposure to the resmethrine used in spraying operations, if a
patient develops an allergic response to this chemical, they should be
treated as they normally would. Once again, any patient who develops
symptoms that may be related to spraying should be reported to the New York
City Poison Center at 212-764-7667.

The concentrations of both insecticides currently being used for spraying in
New York City do not normally pose a health risk to the population.
Occasionally, persons with chronic respiratory conditions may experience
exacerbations due to exposure. All persons should be advised to remain
indoors with the windows closed during the spraying and for 2-3 hours
thereafter. During these hours, air conditioners should be turned off, or
set to recirculate indoor air. Should dermal or conjunctival irritation
occur, affected areas should be washed with water and/or soap.
Updated insecticide spraying schedules is available from the Office of
Emergency Management.
September 1999

Looks like this is MOST dangerous to those with already-compromised immune
systems (no big surprise) and may affect those with AIDS/CFS/GWS- like
syndromes worst.
Nausea, coma, convulsions, respiratory failure, and death have resulted from
the use of malathion by farmers who have gotten it on their skin. These
compounds, like the nerve gas sarin, are organophosphorus compounds. They
are irreversible inhibitors of enzymes containing reactive serines,
including acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme involved in neurotransmission. The
inhibition of acetylcholinesterase results in accumulation of acetylcholine,
causing the wide variety of symptoms.


This 1996 study found that in experiments of human white blood cells (white
blood cells are the back-bone of our immune system) that malathion was
causing "deletions" in one section of the chromosome. In conclusion the
scientists stated,

"This work provides the first evidence of an association between malathion
exposure and specific mutations in human T lymphocytes."

A quick biology lesson - Genes are not just involved in passing hereditary
traits. You have genes active in you at this moment that control what is
happening inside every cell in your body every second of the day. There are
200 genes believed to control liver function and 200 genes believed to
control immune system function. Your lymphoctes are a type of immune system
cell which is extremely important in removing viruses and cancer cells from
the body. The human aging 

[CTRL] The Obstruction Of Justice Department?--Wall Street Journal (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

September 30, 1999

  The Obstruction
  Of Justice Department?

  Congressional veterans couldn't recall ever seeing
  anything like it. Last Wednesday, four current or retired
  FBI agents appeared before a Senate oversight
  committee to testify in detail how Justice Department
  officials had blocked and subverted their efforts to
  investigate the campaign finance scandals of the 1996
  Clinton-Gore ticket.

  The country can't rule out that it might be dealing with
  an "Obstruction of Justice Department," was Chairman Fred
  Thompson's conclusion after the agents had finished, and
  their Justice supervisors had their chance to respond.
  FBI agents testifying in public against their superiors in

  the Department of Justice is explosive stuff. But with a
  few notable exceptions, such as the Washington Times
  and Fox News Channel, press coverage of the story has
  been minimal or nonexistent. So we're going to take
  some space here to tell this fascinating tale.

  The tension traces back to the Justice
  Department's investigation into the
  sources of the Clinton-Gore campaign
  fund-raising abuses. FBI agent
  complaints about the limits that
  Justice's Public Integrity Section
  placed on them date back some two
  years. "I am convinced the team at DoJ
  is, at best, simply not up to the task,"
  said I.C. Smith, a now-retired 26-year
  Bureau veteran who ran its Little
  Rock, Ark., office, discussing an August 1997 memo he
  had written to Director Louis Freeh. "The impression
  left is the emphasis is on how not to prosecute matters,
  not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to
  prosecutions." Mr. Freeh didn't respond directly to
  Agent Smith's letter, but within three months he
  unsuccessfully urged Janet Reno to appoint an
  independent counsel to probe the Clinton-Gore

  Still, there had to be some reason to account for the
  agency's sense of non-movement in the Justice
  Department. A strong illustration of it emerged from the
  agents' testimony last week.

  The agents testified that Laura Ingersoll, then head of the
  campaign finance task force set up by Justice, and Lee
  Radek, the head of Public Integrity, for four months
  blocked their request to ask a judge for a warrant to
  search the Little Rock office of Clinton fund-raiser
  Charlie Trie. Agents sifting through Mr. Trie's trash
  found that vital records subpoenaed by Senator
  Thompson's committee were being shredded. But their
  request to main Justice for a warrant was turned down
  for four months. It wasn't granted until Charles La Bella
  replaced Ms. Ingersoll; by then newspapers were
  uncovering the relevant evidence first. Eventually Mr. La
  Bella himself was sidelined and forced to leave Justice
  after he joined Mr. Freeh in recommending an
  independent counsel.

  Agent Smith said he was "astounded" by the torn-up Trie
  documents. According to the agents' search-warrant
  affidavit, they included torn photocopies of six checks
  from Asian contributors to President Clinton's legal
  defense fund, travel records for Ng Lap Seng, the
  mysterious Macau tycoon who wired $1 million to Mr.
  Trie, statements from Chinese banks, Democratic
  National Committee donor lists and a Federal Express
  record showing that Mr. Trie had sent two pounds of
  documents to the White House in May 1997. Some of the
  documents indicated that the White House was keeping
  Mr. Trie informed of the investigations against him.

  However, the Asian checks to the legal defense fund
  were dismissed by Justice. "Ingersoll indicated, in so
  many words, 'we will not pursue this matter'," Agent
  Smith told Director Freeh on a separate occasion.

  Ms. Ingersoll also refused the FBI's request to seek a
  search warrant, saying the agents hadn't found "a
  smoking gun." In July 1997, the Little Rock agents
  convinced Public Integrity attorneys to approve a "car
  stop" after an unidentified man was seen removing
  documents from Mr. Trie's 

Re: [CTRL] Columbine Crapola.

1999-09-30 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

According to the Salon article, Harris and Klebold "were never part of the
Trench Coat Mafia," the affinity group identified by the media that was
allegedly known throughout Columbine for unorthodox behavior and
appearance.  Indeed, after the shooting a number of schools across the
country banned the long coats and instituted dress and appearance codes
against dyed hair or unusual behavior.  "They didn't target jocks,
minorities or Christians," adds the Salon story.  "As investigators get
closer to producing an official report about the Columbine High School
massacres, it is clear that much of what was reported last spring about
the motives and methods of killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold was

The good news, I suppose, is that the interval between LIES told us by the
state-owned media and the TRUTH finally uncovered by the American public is
getting shorter. Six months for Columbine, as versus 6 years for Waco, 60 (?)
for the JFK assassination.

It's still too long, however.  Six months is more than enough time for the
State to stir up mass-hysteria and then, while Billy Joe and Bobby June
Sixpack are still in a paranoid haze, move in quickly seizing this "window of
opportunity" to justify extreme ("overkill") repressive measures that a
sober, rational, un-mindfucked citizenry would never tolerate -- in this
case, "gun control" (while the State is arming itself to the teeth against

But can we hope for any better?  It's been claimed that Twenty-nothings (the
TRUE "television generation," raised with little awareness of life outside
"virtual reality") have an attention- and interest-span of five minutes or
less and their judgment is a product of short-term memory.  IMHO, the
attention- and interest-span of most Baby Boomers, the
"I-Want-It-ALL-and-I-Want-It-NOW--Or-ELSE" Generation, is only a matter of
weeks or  months at best, characterized by a longer-term judgment, yet none
the less deficient.
(Their basic unit of measurement for time is the weekend, four weekends in a

Cynic that I am, I won't expect any PROGRESS until we can read the papers or
watch the evening news with "subtitles" in our minds (sorta "closed
captioning for the stupid") SIMULTANEOUSLY spelling out a "Cui bono?"
warning: "Everything you're being told is a self-serving LIE."  By THEN,
those of us who don't "kill our televisions" will watch it only to keep
abreast of how the Powers That Be are trying to manipulate our beliefs THIS
TIME, on the principle that "forewarned is forearmed."  Turn off the SOUND

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Obstruction Of Justice Department?--..

1999-09-30 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-


Once the rule of law and quality of justice goes the rest of society is
headed for the drain.

Some years ago I checked DOJ and found thirty in place cover-ups.,..Iran
Contra, inslaw, Danny Casolaro, cocaine trafficking by CIA , Waco, Ruby Ridge
and so on.


My conclusion was that a group of old time DOJ bureaucrats are mainly
responsible.  If they havea weak or corrupt A/G like Meese or Reno there is
no justice.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Australia, in radical shift, aims to take tougher stance in Asia]

1999-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Australia, in radical shift, aims to take tougher stance in Asia
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 21:50:50 -0500 (CDT)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
Organization: PACH
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

/** reg.easttimor: 3271.0 **/
** Topic: Australia, in radical shift, aims to take tougher stance in Asia **
** Written 11:36 PM  Sep 25, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in cdp:reg.easttimor **
Subject: Australia, in radical shift, aims to take tougher stance in Asia

The Independent [London]
Sunday, September 26, 1999

Australia aims to take tougher stance in Asia

By Kathy Marks in Sydney

IT IS already being called "the Howard Doctrine", and would mean a radical
shift in Australia's relations with its Asian neighbours. John Howard, the
Australian prime minister, said in an interview this weekend that Australia
should adopt a far more aggressive approach to regional peacekeeping and act
as America's "deputy" global policeman in Asia.

Asian nations, not surprisingly, were affronted. Malaysian politicians
accused Mr Howard of being racist and patronising, while an Indonesian
political analyst, Salim Said, said: "Howard is like a 19th century European
standing on a beach and thinking he will have to watch out for the little
brown uncivilised neighbours that lie to the north."

It has not gone down too well at home either. But Mr Howard's "doctrine"
reflects the extent to which, in the wake of East Timor, Australia's view of
its place in the world has been turned upside-down.

Since the small territory across the Timor Sea blew up nearly a month ago,
Australia has been engaged in its most agonised bout of soul-searching for
decades. Less than a week into the Australian-led peacekeeping operation, one
thing is already clear: East Timor has forced a complete reappraisal of the
country's foreign and defence policy.

A good relationship with Indonesia has long been a central plank of that
policy, mainly out of geographical necessity. Indonesia is Australia's
closest neighbour in south-east Asia. For Australia, a sparsely-populated,
affluent nation, the proximity of a large, unstable, predominantly Muslim
third world country is a source of deep unease.

Events in East Timor have intensified that anxiety. And with other parts of
Indonesia expressing nationalist aspirations, the spectre has been raised of
a Balkans-style disintegration - which could seriously threaten strategic
military and trade routes from Europe and the Middle East through to
south-east Asia and Japan.

Hitherto, Australia's dealings with Indonesia have been characterised by a
pragmatism bordering on the cynical. It was the only Western country to
recognise Indonesia's annexation of East Timor in 1975, and one of the few to
have sponsored joint military training programmes.

Relations are at the lowest point for nearly 40 years and Australia's leading
role in Interfet, the multi-national force in East Timor, is causing distrust
further afield in the region. As Michelle Grattan, a political commentator
with the Sydney Morning Herald says: "Australia's relations with Indonesia,
and possibly its wider Asian relations, are about to be rewritten for a

In East Timor, Australia is in a peculiarly awkward position. While British
military sources have suggested that its troops are being excessively
restrained, the Thais - in deputy command of the force - have accused them of
acting too aggressively. Important bilateral trade links are likely to be
affected. On Friday Indonesia threatened to cancel Australian wheat imports.
Cotton and sugar imports are also in jeopardy.

East Timor has confronted Australia with two painful realities. One, that
Australia cannot count on US support in regional trouble spots. Two, that
Australian defence spending - 1.7 per cent of gross national product,
compared to, say, 2.9 per cent in Britain - will have to rise.

Gerard Henderson, executive director of the Sydney Institute, a conservative
think-tank, says that events in East Timor show that there are "no
certainties in international politics". He adds: "This should send a special
message to an isolated nation of a mere 19 million people."

** End of text from cdp:reg.easttimor **

This material came from the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a
non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services provider.
For more information, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you will get
back an automatic reply), or visit their web site at http://www.igc.org/ .
IGC is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', 

[CTRL] Fwd: Talk Show Fest Looks At U.S. Political Issues

1999-09-30 Thread acs

 -Caveat Lector-



  WASHINGTON -- In a crowded auditorium at the Washington,
  D.C.-based think tank Heritage Foundation, the nation's leading
  talk show hosts did what they do best -- talked. And talked. And
  then talked some more. snip

 "We couldn't even get Al Gore on our Kansas radio talk show," said
 one of the panelists. "After a few layers through the Gore campaign, one
 of the staffers told us to just leave them alone, saying, 'You're only in
 Kansas,'" referring to his radio show's audience reach. "I thought that
 was rude," he added. snip

 See http://www.american-reporter.com/

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Obstruction Of Justice Department?--..

1999-09-30 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-30 06:46:54 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


My conclusion was that a group of old time DOJ bureaucrats are mainly
responsible.  If they havea weak or corrupt A/G like Meese or Reno there is
no justice.

A police state is just a cop on the take WRIT LARGE, multiplied indefinitely.
The "thin blue line" has evolved into a fat GREEN one, guarded with the gun.
When will we ever stop glamorizing "men in uniform"?  How womanish of us!

The DOJ, headed by an "Attorney* General, is just a crooked LAWYER, writ
One busts 'em, the other books 'em -- as the DA and judge snort toot together
in the privy chambers of "the Law," under the President's portrait and the
American flag ...
"First, we kill all the lawyers" has been sage advice since Shakespeare,
because, ultimately, "the Law" is what's killed JUSTICE, each and every step
along the way.
When will we ever be rid of a legal "priesthood," selling us our "rights" for
a price?
When will we ever drive the moneychangers from the Temple** of sacred Justice?

When will we ever realize that "the law" is SUBSEQUENT to our rights and
NOT the SOURCE of these, and seldom if ever the GUARANTOR of our freedoms?

The Founding Fathers of our revolutionary nation must be rolling over in
their graves!

**Just observe WHICH institutions PRESERVE the classical architecture of
Two and two alone -- the Courthouse and the BANK -- unholy in their

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [TheEagle-L] The NWO's Chronology of Extinction]

1999-09-30 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Re: The NWO's Chronology of Extinction
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 06:32:03 EDT
From: "fran cardinale" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [TheEagle-L] The NWO's Chronology of Extinction
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 15:05:08 -0700

"...Another figure has an EVIL face... 'HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI.

The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first
publicized 'UFO
abductees', Barney Hill who -- along with his wife Betty -- claimed to
have been abducted by
grey-skinned entities from a space craft which apparently originated
from the Zeta II Reticuli star
system. The Grey alien abductors were obviously working with the human
military officer who was
encountered by Barney. This military officer was apparently a
full-fledged Nazi, although this
incident took place over 15 years after Europe had 'supposedly' been
de-Nazified. This quote can
be found in the paranormal encyclopedia "MYSTERIES OF THE MIND, TIME 
SPACE", p.

Those who are familiar with the connections between Nazi's and UFO's
may find the following
document easier to accept than those who have never been introduced to
the reports of secret Nazi
aerial disk experiments, much less reports of their secret
collaboration with the so-called Grey aliens
years before the corporate-fascist infiltrators and sympathizers within
the U.S. Intelligence Agencies
began making their own treaties with these same serpentine 'aliens'.

Much information has been released about an 8-Level underground base
under Camp Hero near
Montauk Point, Long Island where full-fledged Nazi and CIA agents have
apparently been working
on sophisticated time-space manipulation experiments, as well as
microwave mind-control
experiments aimed at large populations, which are -- according to
researchers Al Bielek and
Preston Nicholes -- being carried out to a greater degree than ever
before under the cover of the
Alaskan 'HAARP' project. It has been stated that unusual frequency
broadcasts were detected all
over Los Angeles prior to the L.A. Riots of 1992 shortly before the
riots broke out, and there were
inferences that the L.A. Riots were part of an "Operation Garden Plot"
trial-run to establish martial
law in America on the pretext of preventing a potential race war
throughout the country.
The Montauk Projects, in collaboration with Brookhaven National Labs;
the I.T.T. corp. [which is
largely owned by the German Krupp family who built munitions plants for
Adolf Hitler and which,
according to Al Bielek, has terminal accesses to the "Alternative-2
black budget underground
network" under some of its major facilities]; and the Bavarian THULE
society [which provided most
of the financial backing for the 'Montauk' or 'Phoenix' projects]...
have -- according to numerous
sources including abductees -- been working very closely with Orionite
and Draconian 'Reptiloids'
and 'Greys' based within an underground facility surrounding DULCE, New
Mexico. This
information comes from Preston Nicholes, Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek, and
Peter Moon... all of
whom claim to have had some connection to the Montauk projects,
although in most cases CIA
mind-control technology was used to induce an alternate personality in
the workers there as an
assurance that the secret activities remained concealed.

The Reptiloids in Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion claim that they
originated on earth in prehistoric
times and were part of a bipedal reptilian or saurian race [like the
cunning velociraptors?]. Now
they are here to take back 'their planet' from the human race. In order
to accomplish this, they are
using multi-levelled deception and propaganda -- mostly through
'channeled' information and
through information conveyed to 'abductees' -- to convince humans to
capitulate themselves over to
aliens 'guides' and thus allow the aliens access to their minds and in
turn to our society in general.
This same tactic, according to various contactees [Billy Meier,
Jefferson Souza, Israel Norkin,
Maurice Doreal, George Andrews, Thomas Castello, Alex Collier, etc.]
has succeeded on many
other colonial worlds that the 'Greys' have conquered, and it has also
worked on this world to the
extent that they have taken control of much of the 'underground black
budget empire' -- a vast
network of interconnected underground military-industrial bases and
cities that have been
constructed with the assistance of TRILLIONS [yes, I said TRILLIONS] of
dollars siphoned from
the American economy via taxes, drugs, organized crime, etc., money
which has literally gone 'down
the tubes', leaving our economy in a state of chaos. From this point
and onward throughout this file,
when the term 'Military-Industrial' complex is used, we are not
referring to the U.S. Military in 

[CTRL] barcode 'tattoo'

1999-09-30 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

What do you think folks? Perhaps the imbedded chips weren't y2k compliant
with the mainframes, now what are they gonna do?


An e-commerce
barcode 'tattoo'
Scanned image
verifies buyer to seller

By Jon E. Dougherty
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

A patent has been issued for a technique enabling an invisible tattoo to be
placed under the skin of a consumer purchasing goods and services online,
according to a report published by computer giant Compaq.
The patented procedure, titled, "Method For Verifying Human Identity During
Electronic Sale Transactions," was developed by Houston inventor Thomas W.
Heeter. His patent -- bearing U.S. Patent No. 5,878,155 and granted in
March, 1999 -- "describes how people can be identified for eCommerce
transactions by invisible barcodes tattooed on their skin." The patent
identifies invisible tattoo ink that is currently available commercially,
according to the Compaq report.

According to Heeter's abstract, "a barcode or a design is tattooed on an
individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is
scanned with a scanner."

"Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics
about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the
identity of the buyer," the abstract says. "Once verified, the seller may be
authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to
consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be
similarly updated."

Heeter could not be reached for comment. But his research comes on the heels
of other so-called biotechnology that has been widely criticized by industry
officials and private organizations, claiming such innovations -- which
ultimately must be stored on a central computer system -- are too easily
abused and exploited.

One industry source, speaking with WorldNetDaily on the condition of
anonymity, said Heeter's technology would be difficult to apply to

"Personally, I don't see what advantages an invisible tattoo would bring,"
the source said. "The PC or other Internet access device would still require
a device to 'read' the tattoo. It is no different than having to swipe a
credit card over a PC -- no anonymity, and the information is available to
any hacker."

Yet, with Internet e-commerce figures spiraling upward, and the European
market expected to surpass the U.S. online community in a couple of years,
potential sales online have been projected to reach nearly $1 trillion by
2003. However, according to some critics of the barcode technology, one sure
way to stifle the growth of Internet sales is to require people to be
tattooed with a barcode.

The latest innovations in the field of implantable barcode technology, first
reported by WorldNetDaily in July, indicate a growing trend among
governmental and business leaders to track commerce -- if not the actual
buying habits and movement of persons on a global scale.

Related Stories:

Concern grows over microchip implants

Privacy issues move to the forefront

Big Brother's watching

Under your skin

Jon E. Dougherty is a contributing editor to WorldNetDaily.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #1

1999-09-30 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990930a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No boreal aurorae were seen during production of this bulletin. But soon!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Baphomet: http://www.crossfields.com/~watcher/baphomet.gif
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# VR Opens Body Window. Researchers use virtual reality to help diabetics
  "see" into their bodies, to teach patients to increase circulation to
  problem areas. http://wired.com/news/news/technology/story/21999.html

# Spiders light the way. (BBC) Swedish researchers have shown how spiders
  can find their way about by looking at polarised light in the sky.

: How well can you see? What type of light do you use? Do you prefer looking
inward, outward, up, down, sideways, cross-eyed? Do you get dizzy and fall?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pope Sez Euthanasia  Assisted Suicide Are Bad, Bad, Bad. VATICAN CITY
  (Reuters) Pope John Paul II strongly condemned euthanasia and assisted
  suicide, telling doctors that not even a patient's request could justify
  such: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990930/09/science-health-euthanasia

Would you like a long, extended, painful, humiliating death? Do you have the
right to decide when to die? Does your belief system dictate absolute moral
standards for life  death? Do you have the power to impose those standards?

@ Now we can all sample what Ohioans have enjoyed for years: the subtle
  pleasures of cow tipping. http://cyberstudio.com/mindcandy/cow/cow.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  LY SOVEREIGN NATIONS! In 1952 the Illuminati re-drew the map of the world,
  designating zones to be patrolled by outside troops. UN "peacekeepers" now
  routinely go into certain zones, conditioning the people to accept the new
  normality. East Timor today; Los Angeles tomorrow. And then a Reptilioid
  will marry your sister: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1328.cfm

: Are you an Illuminati? Do you enjoy carving up the world into zones of
control? What's your favorite zone? Do you control it? How? Is it kewl??

@ Actual Cthulhu Cultists performing human sacrifice. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mystery Solved: Lab Finds Blobs That Washed Ashore in Joizy Harmless. NEW
  YORK - It had all the makings of a great SciFi mystery. But the strange
  rubberlike blobs that recently washed ashore on New Jersey beaches turned
  out not to be space aliens.  http://foxnews.com/scitech/092999/blobs.sml

# Drug Resistant Bacteria Found In Rural US. (Reuters) A drug-resistant form
  of bacteria has been found in rural Native American communities. Superbugs
  are moving out of their hospital breeding grounds and into the community:

: Would you rather be infected by superbugs or space aliens? Have you washed
ashore on any beaches lately? Are you moving out into the community? Where?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Albert Pike's Occult Vision As To How To Achieve New World Order:
  BELIEFS AND GOALS: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1004.html
@ "I, WITCH" NEW WORLD ORDER ORGANIZATION - Secrets of the Illuminati:

: Are you a NewAge Nazi Illuminati Witch? What's your place in the NWO? Have
you taken control of the world yet? Is it real close now? Are you drooling?

@ Masonic/Templar Connection: http://crossfields.com/~watcher/templars.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Island Of Jersey Goes GM Free. LONDON (Reuters) The Channel island of
  Jersey has declared its agriculture free of genetic modification, halting
  research into a new strain of potatoes. General Motors cars unaffected:

# UK Has New Scare On Genetic Pollen Spreading. LONDON (Reuters) Britain
  was embroiled in a new scare about GM crops with reports that GM pollen
  was escaping from British field trials into the wider environment.

: Do you do GM life? Do you enjoy spreading gene-mod lifeforms around? Will
engineered life take over the planet? Will your alien masters be pleased?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Space probe disappears coincidental with magnetic storm after unexplained
  flash. Preceding the sudden magnetic storm September 23, a burst of energy
  came screaming out of nowhere September 15 to leave astronomers scrambling
  for answers. Then 

[CTRL] Opposition to Toxic Spraying Grows 9/27/99 NYC/Giuliani

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Opposition to Toxic Spraying Grows 9/27/99 NYC/Giuliani
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 21:10:10 -0500 (CDT)

Public Opposition to Toxic Spraying Grows 9/27/99

Today the New York City Council Committee on Public Health
canceled a much anticipated hearing on the spraying of
Malathion, Resmethrin and Sumethrin, claiming that they want
more information on the West Nile Virus before proceeding.
This is the same compromised, intimidated and ineffective City
Council that has said and done nothing about the spraying for

Now that the City has revised it’s diagnosis, claiming that it
wasn’t actually St. Louis Encephalitis [SLE] but a much milder
disease, West Nile Virus, the justification for repeatedly
spraying the entire population of New York City with toxic
chemical gasses is even more in doubt. The mystery of why in
1999 SLE would only crop up in NYC out of the entire United
States is now even more puzzling, as public health officials admit
that what they now claim to be West Nile Virus has never before
been reported in North America.

During the past two weeks of this crisis five major news articles
and editorials appeared in the NY Times, the Daily News and
Newsday concerning the Plum Island Biological Warfare/Animal
Disease lab off the Long Island coast. These articles all followed
within a few days of two essays that I sent to the media
suggesting a theory that Plum Island might be a possible source
for the so far unexplained appearance of the virus.

Among the possible connections I’d suggested is that birds
routinely fly to and from Plum Island and that birds, which are
the alleged source of both viruses, are a significant part of the
research and testing done at the high security government lab.
None of the articles attempted to make any connection between
the lab and the virus outbreak, however.

If the virus was in fact accidentally or deliberately released from
the lab, it’s certain that the Federal agencies in charge would do
whatever they could to suppress that fact in order to avoid public
panic, lawsuits, political fallout for elected officials and obvious
questions about why the government would choose to locate a
biological warfare and infectious disease lab right next to the
most populated City in the U.S. None of the recent articles on
the lab raised any of these issues.

Could the media’s reluctance to publish the scientifically
established facts about the toxicity of the chemicals being used
in the spraying, to question the locating of this dangerous facility
off the NY coast or to report on the immediate and widespread
health effects of the spraying be part of a government cover-up?
Could the media, the City’s hospitals and elected officials have
been told that this was a high priority national security issue and
that they were not to reveal certain facts or even question what
was going on? Can the public now be confident that the Mayor,
his OEM {Office of Emergency Management) and the Center for
Disease Control (CDC) are telling us the truth about any of this?

On November 9, 1997 the City held a military style exercise for
the OEM to practice responding to a massive chemical attack on
[See: http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/oem/html/icebrief.html].
A so far unconfirmed report I received states that in April of
1999 Jerome Hauer, the head of Mayor Giuliani’s OEM, placed
an order for more than 160,000 body bags. If that report is true,
was the Mayor’s OEM saving money by getting a bulk price on
body bags or were they anticipating the sudden death of tens of
thousands of New Yorkers?

At many of his recent press conferences Mayor Giuliani has
criticized activists like myself who are publishing and
distributing information on the toxicity of the chemicals being
used and questioning the necessity of the spraying. He claims we
are trying to spread hysteria and panic and are doing so primarily
because we like to see ourselves on TV. “The mayor dismissed
complaints from environmental advocates about the spraying,
referring to them as hysterical "environmental terrorists" who
"like to get you angry because it gets them on television." The
spraying is harmless, he insisted”. -Daily News 9/18/99

As the Mayor continued to make these now routine allegations
he launched a very public campaign of personal attacks,
censorship and threats to fire the entire board of directors of the
Brooklyn Museum. The entire NY media has described the
Mayor’s statements as a political effort designed to knock the
spraying and Parks permit controversies out of the headlines.
Giuliani, who may be the nation’s top practitioner of
disinformation and propaganda, has succeeded admirably in
diverting attention from his very questionable spraying initiative
and his efforts to eliminate freedom of assembly back to the now
familiar waters of his attacks on artists’ rights and freedom of

On 9/25/99 the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Government Terrorism - From Ruby Ridge To Waco And Beyond

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows

From: Pharaoh Chromium 93 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone have the means of getting pictures of this Houruchi (sic) guy? What
about any other psycho killers killers connected to Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.?

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: EPIC Alert 6.15

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: EPIC Alert 6.15
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 21:14:07 -0500 (CDT)

     @@@    @@     @
 @ @  @   @   @@ @   @ @ @  @@
   @@@@   @   @  @ @@@   @@@ @
 @ @  @   @   @   @  @ @ @  @@
   @ @@@  @   @      @   @   @

Volume 6.15 September 24, 1999

  Published by the
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
  Washington, D.C.


Table of Contents

[1] Impact of New Encryption Policy Remains Unclear
[2] Privacy Agenda for the 21st Century Announced
[3] Report Slams Privacy Policies; Poll Finds Privacy is Top Concern
[4] Internet Filtering Debate Resumes in Congress
[5] "Public Voice in Electronic Commerce" Conference
[6] Provision Repealing National Driver's Licenses In Final Stages
[7] EPIC Bookstore -  The Code Book and More
[8] Upcoming Conferences and Events

NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS: A listserv problem has resulted in duplicate
 copies of recent Alerts being sent to some recipients.  We are
 aware of the problem and apologize for any inconvenience.  Your
 patience is appreciated as we continue to diagnose the listserv.

[1] Impact of New Encryption Policy Remains Unclear

On September 16, the Clinton Administration unveiled a new encryption
policy initiative.  The White House's revised approach seems to
recognize the futility of seeking to prevent the spread of privacy-
enhancing technologies, and shifts the emphasis to monitoring the
exports of encryption products and developing "new tools" to counter
their use.  It remains unclear whether the revised policy will
actually enhance the privacy of most computer users.

On the export control front, the Administration will draft new
encryption export regulations that will "strike a balance" between the
needs of industry and law enforcement.  According to the White House,
the new rules -- due to be released by December 15 -- will constitute
a significant liberalization of the export process.  Any "retail"
encryption commodity or software reportedly will be exportable without
a license (after a "technical review") to commercial firms and other
nongovernment end users in any country except for seven states
designated as supporters of terrorism.  The standards governing the
required technical review have not yet been announced.  The
Administration's policy on export of encryption source code apparently
has not changed, so that academic exchanges such as those at issue in
the pending Bernstein v. Department of Justice litigation (see EPIC
Alert 6.07) would still be subject to government approval prior to

Coupled with the export revisions is new legislation that would
provide a legal framework for law enforcement access to decryption
keys; provide $80 million in funding for an FBI Technical Support
Center; and protect the confidentiality of decryption techniques
developed cooperatively by government and industry.  Under the latter
provision, law enforcement agents presenting "plaintext" evidence
would be exempted from routine requirements of criminal procedure that
permit a defendant to explore the means by which evidence was
obtained.  The proposal would also prohibit the government from
disclosing "trade secrets disclosed to it [presumably by encryption
manufacturers] to assist it in obtaining access to information
protected by encryption."  The legislative vehicle for these
initiatives -- the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act -- will soon be
transmitted to Congress.  It does not include a highly controversial
provision contained in an earlier White House draft that would have
authorized secret police break-ins to alter computer equipment.

EPIC believes that more details of the new encryption policy must be
released before its impact on user privacy can be fully assessed. EPIC
will closely monitor the process of implementing the newly- announced
initiative, particularly the promulgation of the revised export
control regulations and the development of special sensitive
techniques to be used to extract plaintext from encryption products
and services.

The details of the White House announcement, including the text of the
Cyberspace Electronic Security Act and other documents released by the
Administration, are available at:


[2] Privacy Agenda for the 21st Century Announced

Supporters of privacy from around the world recently gathered in Hong
Kong for the 1999 Privacy Agenda Conference.  At the conference,
representatives from an international group of 

[CTRL] Cops in your computer

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: (en) Cops in your computer
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 22:38:41 -0500 (CDT)

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

When the Internet first erupted into the mainstream a few years ago, it as
hailed as one of the greatest liberating forces of all time. Dewy-eyed
commentators claimed it would be as important as the printing pess. People
would be free - wherever they lived in the world - to say what they
thought, whenever they liked. We would all become the online press barons
for an emerging global village.

Along with the freedom of the Internet came unparalleled business
opportunities. Britain, which largely missed out on the new industries of
the late twentieth century, could be a leader in the twenty first.
Britain¹s greatest strengths - the media, software, finance and
international trade - could all be welded together to establish the country
as the dominant commercial centre for the twenty first century.

But now the Government is in the process of destroying these dreams so that
the police and secret services can keep a closer watch on all of us. Buried
deep inside the draft Electronic Communications Bill, which is designed to
prepare Britain for a future based on electronic commerce, are a series of
clauses that many experts say are the biggest single assault on our rights
in fifty years.

If the Bill is passed, the police and secret services will be free to tap
people¹s emails with virtually no judicial oversight. They will be able to
- in effect - write their own warrants and search home computers for
anything interesting or useful. If, for example, you have encrypted data or
email on your computer, then the police will have the right to demand the
password unlocking them. If you refuse, or have forgotten it (and who
hasn¹t forgotten a password or bank PIN number!) then you face
two years in jail. To be imprisoned, the police have to do nothing. It is
up to you to prove your innocence - reversing the usual ³innocent until
proven guilty² principle of law.

The police will also be able to issue gagging orders - preventing you from
telling a soul that your home has been raided. Again, there is virtually no
judicial oversight. If you do let on, then you face five years in jail.
This gagging order also extends to any complaint which you may make about
abuses of power by the police or security services.If you do have a
complaint, then your concerns will be heard by a secret tribunal - sitting
without a jury - and the evidence can be submitted behind your back.
Cross-examination, and therefore a fair defence, will be impossible.

Nor are the new powers limited to suspected criminals: they apply to all of
us. The police will be allowed to raid the homes and workplaces of a
suspects¹ friends, family and business associates. If they are unable to
co-operate and prove their innocence, then prison beckons. Any specific
complaint about the police will be dealt with by a secret tribunal.
Gagging orders could well be used to stifle any unwelcome press

The new powers will dovetail nicely with the Echelon Project, which
scoops-up and analyses every satellite borne e-mail, fax and telephone
conversation in Europe. Run jointly by the US and British security forces,
Echelon has become so omnipresent that it has begun to rattle the European
Parliament¹s civil liberties committee. It fears that the Echelon Project
is starting to erode our most basic rights. Civil liberties groups fear
that Echelon could be used to identify people sending coded  (or encrypted)
emails. The new police powers would then be used to investigate these
people further. In effect, they claim, it could be a building block for a
police state.

It could be argued that anyone sending encrypted emails was up to no good
and that the police should keep an eye on them. It is no different,it could
be argued, than the police taking an interest in someone wandering the dark
alleys of Brixton wearing a balaclava.

But with the Internet, things are different. Business routinely uses
encryption to protect its secrets and commercial transactions. If you have
ever bought anything over the Internet, the chances are, your credit card
details were encrypted too. The trouble is, once encrypted,the blueprints
for an atom bomb are indistinguishable from an online order for War and
Peace through Amazon.com.

These worries have set alarm bells ringing across British
industry.Unwittingly, the companies at the forefront of Britain¹s
e-commerce revolution could find themselves the focus of a major criminal
investigation with no way of defending themselves. They could be forced to
reveal commercial secrets to people they may not trust. As a consequence,
many are threatening to site their 

[CTRL] Fwd: Rebuilding the Branch Davidian Sanctuary

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "George Pulliam" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Waco
Date: 28 Sep 1999 00:00:00 GMT

We are rebuilding the Branch Davidian Sanctuary at Waco. All the
concrete footings have been poured and the wood frame floor system
starts in this coming Sunday (Oct 3). We need volunteers, building
materials and donations. You can visit our Web site at
http://www.rebuildthechurch.com for a list of materials needed.
Also, we have current photos of the work in progress.

An account has been set up at Bank of America for any cash
donations. 100% of the donations will go to buy building materials
for the church. NO money will be used for any salaries, wages,
bonuses, etc. The account number will be posted on the above web
site in the next day or so. Deposits of as little as a dollar or as
much as you can give will be greatly appreciated.

We estimate that it will take at least $60,000 to $100,000 of
materials to build the new church and hope to have first services
in the new sanctuary building on Saturday, December 4, 1999.

Thank all of you who have concerns about what happened at Waco. I
have personally talked with six of the survivors and believe what
the Feds did at Waco is tantamount to execution of the BranchDavidian's.

I don't believe that they deserved the death penalty for their
religious views. If the ATF and all the other alphabet agencies can
kill the Branch Davidian's for their "strange" beliefs, they can do
the same for the Baptists, the Catholics, The Episcopalians, The
Presbyterians, The Pentecost, The Muslin's, Buddhists or any other
religion determined by the government as "strange".

A good read is "Guns  Courage" by Boston T. Party. In it he/she
defines a "compound" (As in the Branch Davidian Compound, Randy
Weaver's Compound, etc. ) as "The wood home of a dissident underfederal
How true.How sad.

Anyway, please visit our web site for updated photos and other
information on the rebuilding project we call PHOENIX.

I found this doing a search at Deja.com under Waco. I have
read that this re-building was going on but I didn't get
the information about being able to contribute. These people
are really doing something worthwhile. Thought I would try
to spread the message to people who may not know that they
can actually contribute to the
P.S. If each who cares tries to spread this message to others
who may care we can really make a difference for the better!

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
of information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.



Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 9/30/99

1999-09-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson from Animal Farm

by George Orwell

The pigs had an even harder struggle to counteract the lies put about by
Moses, the tame raven. Moses, who was Mr. Jones's especial pet, was a
spy and a tale-bearer, but he was also a clever talker. He claimed to
know of the existence of a mysterious country called Sugarcandy
Mountain, to which all animals went when they died. It was situated
somewhere up in the sky, a little distance beyond the clouds, Moses
said. In Sugarcandy Mountain it was Sunday seven days a week, clover was
in season all the year around, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on
the hedges. The animals hated Moses because he told tales and did no
work, but some of them believed in Sugarcandy Mountain, and the pigs had
to argue very hard to persuade them that there was no such place.

Spy vs. Spy

US Recalls 3 CIA Agents from Germany

Now they'll miss Oktoberfest.

BERLIN - The United States has recalled three CIA agents at Germany's
insistence in a fresh sign of mounting tensions between two close allies
over the boundaries of espionage in the post-Cold War era.
The repatriation of the three Americans, described as a married couple
and their supervisor working undercover out of the U.S. Consulate in
Munich, came after they were accused of using false pretenses to recruit
local nationals for purposes of spying, German officials said. It marked
only the second time in the postwar era that Germany has sought the
removal of American spies.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government agreed not to expel the three
agents but only with the understanding that the Clinton administration
would order their withdrawal, which was carried out over the past five
months, German officials said. The U.S. Embassy declined to comment.

The latest controversy, first reported by the German television network
ZDF, reflects a growing sensitivity in Germany over the need to reassert
its sovereignty and drastically curtail the large U.S. intelligence
presence here that in the peak days of the Soviet threat exceeded more
than 25,000 people.

For nearly five decades, Germany served as the natural battleground for
an East-West intelligence war waged between the United States and the
Soviet Union. With the German nation divided into rival camps, matters
of ultimate authority were determined in Washington and Moscow rather
than in the German capital.

But now, nine years after East and West Germany were reunited under a
single government and the ''Four Powers'' surrendered their occupation
rights, German officials complain that the pervasive nature of foreign
intelligence networks built up during the Cold War is making it
difficult to reclaim total control over a country that lies at the
strategic heart of Europe.

As economic rivalry escalates among the Western allies, some Germans
fear that the United States is employing its agents and eavesdropping
facilities in pursuit of commercial advantages. The United States denies
using its assets to snoop on trade and technology, and insists that any
intelligence-gathering on German soil is directed against mutual threats
such as terrorists, weapons smuggling, and money laundering by criminal

Ernst Uhrlau, the chancellor's adviser on security matters, says he is
convinced that ''no American espionage is taking place that is directed
against German interests.'' But other German intelligence experts have
expressed concern about the large and continuing presence of ''friendly

Germany's main counterintelligence agency has recently undergone a major
restructuring that has shifted its eastward focus from the Cold War days
toward a more vigilant attitude against all foreign espionage
operations, including those of the United States as well as Russia.

Over the summer, the government expelled several Russian spies accused
of stealing economic and space technology secrets.

''There is no question of equating the United States with Russia,
because we have a special partnership with Washington and we want to
keep it that way,'' a senior German diplomat said.

''But we believe that the size and resources of the American
intelligence community are vastly over-represented in our country and
should be reduced in a big way.''

The friction between the two allies concerns different judgments about
targets as well as methods. In the days when Germany shared the U.S.
priority of thwarting a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, there was no
question of challenging the purpose of gathering information on a common
enemy. But now, German officials tend to express greater skepticism
about the objectives of their American counterparts.

For example, a major CIA target in Germany is said to be watching the
movements of Iranian intelligence agents in Frankfurt, which is
purported to serve as the base of operations in Europe. But German

[CTRL] Forget rainforests

1999-09-30 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-


Forget rainforests

 Fred Pearce

 RISING LEVELS of greenhouse gases have led to
 faster tree growth in arid regions. The
 boosts the case for planting forests in dry
areas to
 combat the effects of global warming.

 Plants combine water with carbon dioxide to
 complex chemicals. Xiahong Feng of Dartmouth
 College in Hanover, New Hampshire, has shown
 the rise in atmospheric CO2 over the past 200
 has made this process more efficient.

 Feng measured the changing ratio of different
 of carbon in the annual growth rings of a range
 American trees. Short-term fluctuations
 seasonal weather patterns, but Feng detected an

 underlying trend that matched the rise in
global CO2
 levels (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol
63, p
 1891). "The rate of increase [in water-use
 started low in the 19th century, but increased
 for most trees in the 20th century," she says.

 Water use is not the only factor that
determines how
 fast plants grow. The availability of nutrients
 competition from other plants also affect
growth. But
 Feng says that in arid environments, where
 limits tree growth, biomass may have increased
as a

 This finding may help climatologists balance
 Earth's carbon budget. Around half the CO2 in
 atmosphere that arises from human activity
 disappears. The oceans absorb some of it, but
 researchers believe that much of the rest is
 by forests in cooler temperate regions,
 Europe and North America. Feng's results,
 suggest that forests in arid regions may be
 important than anyone realised.

 The study will also encourage a group of
 calling for an international effort to plant
trees in the
 dry areas of the world, which are mostly
covered by
 scrub and grazed by cattle or wildlife. After a
 at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris in December,
 group chaired by Arie Issar of the Jacob
 Institute for Desert Research at Ben-Gurion
 of the Negev in Israel proposed replanting
 in grazed areas to create vast parklands.

 The countries that signed the UN Climate Change

 Convention have discussed replanting tropical
 rainforests, but Issar argues that the demands
 agriculture and urbanisation in those regions
 this approach. In contrast, in most dry lands,
 density of the population is low and the demand
 land insubstantial, he says.

 There is often enough water in deserts for
 trees, according to Issar, though this may mean

 reviving ancient irrigation systems and tapping

 underground water. Although forests in dry
lands grow
 at between a tenth and a quarter of the rate of
 rainforest, he argues that the huge amounts of
 available for tree planting in many arid
 should not be ignored in the race to halt
 warming. Feng's discovery may tip the economic
 balance towards planting dryland forests.

From New Scientist, 2 October 1999

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Holy fire - A Better method for Controling Mosquitoes

1999-09-30 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-


Holy fire

Andy Coghlan

AN ORNAMENTAL BUSH prized by gardeners in
Europe and the US contains a surprise weapon
the mosquitoes spreading West Nile virus, the
disease that has broken out in New York (p 13).
bush might also provide a cheap way for the
poorest countries to fight filariasis, a
parasitic disease that affects 15 million people
in Africa

Oil from the summer cypress, better known as the

burning bush because it blushes a deep red in
contains a substance which, when converted into
pheromone, can be used to lure mosquitoes to

New Yorkers could have used this trick to combat
mosquitoes spreading the West Nile virus. The
attacks the central nervous system and 3 of the
people with the illness have already died.
Another 102
suspected cases are being investigated. New York

health officials are fighting the outbreak by
mosquitoes with conventional sprays of the
insecticides malathion and pyrethroid.

Burning bush oil might have provided a more
solution. Researchers from Britain and Nigeria
turned oil from the plant's seeds into a
This biological messenger, which is odourless to

humans, could lure female mosquitoes away from
places where people live.

A team from the Rothamsted site of the Institute
Arable Crops Research in Harpenden,
struck lucky when team leader John Pickett
that the burning bush makes a fatty acid
similar to the pheromone that attracts the
(Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, vol 47,

The pheromone is produced naturally when rafts
eggs are laid in stagnant water by Culex
quinquefasciatus, the mosquito species which
filariasis and is suspected of spreading West
Nile virus.
"It's a cue for female mosquitoes, telling them
there's a safe place where they can lay their
says Mike Birkett, a member of the Rothamsted

The pheromone from the burning bush could have
used in New York to lure mosquitoes to their
death in
drums of water laced with pesticide, says
Pickett is confident that the pheromone attracts

females of all Culex species.

The team at Rothamsted has tested synthetic
of the same pheromone, called
(5R,6S)-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide. "It's been
in field trials in Africa, Japan and the US, and
it works
every time," says Birkett. The problem is that
synthetic version is too expensive to
manufacture. So
instead, the team screened plants for substances
could be turned into the pheromone much more

It doesn't need to be purified from the oil,
making it
cheap and easy to handle. When Jenny Mordue of
University of Aberdeen tested the oil-based
in the laboratory, she found that it attracted
mosquitoes as powerfully as the natural

   From New Scientist, 2 October 1999

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #2

1999-09-30 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990930b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No innocent bystanders were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ FBI FILE of UFOlogist Dr. J.A.HYNEK: http://cufon.org/cufon/fbihynek.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# AIDS Pandemic To Worsen Next Century. BOSTON (Reuters) Unless the search
  for a cure for AIDS accelerates or preventive methods improve, the worst
  of the HIV epidemic has yet to come, experts predict. Kiss y'r ass g'bye:

: What's your favorite pandemic? Can/should/will you be re-engineered to be
AIDS-impervious? Is life a terminal disease? Do humans infest the universe?

# 'Crticality incident' exposes 3 Japanese workers to 4000X radiation:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  The hoofbeats of Antichrist can be heard in the distance, to the person
  whose spiritual ear is atuned. The 3 planned crises designed to set the
  stage for his appearance are reaching that crisis level, and are doing so
  in conjunction with one another. http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1319.cfm

: Are you an antichrist? Are you galloping up? Are your plans well advanced?
What's your favorite crisis? Can believers foil your plots, ruin your plans?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Internet addicts 'need help'. Surf's up - do you spend too long online?
  Internet addiction is a growing problem  doctors should be better quipped
  to deal with it, research from the Center for Online Addiction suggests.

# Also - Addiction triggers exposed:
# Eating disorders linked to addiction:
# Online sex carries health risk:
@ Link - Center for Online Addiction: http://www.netaddiction.com/

: Are you addicted to the Net, to sex, drugs, food, rock'n'roll, shoes, air?
What's y'r favorite addiction? Are you disordered, reordered, repaved, flat?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Parents' beefs stop Harry Potter readings at school. Kids love Harry
  Potter, but some parents are complaining about the books' wizardry
   magic. So a Minnesota school tells teachers to put the books away.

: Should all books depicting paranormalities be dumped from public schools?
Should such books be removed from libraries, bookstores? Should they burn?

@ Hitler's Pope? Should Pius XII be damned or sainted?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GET YOUR JAR JAR BINKS SEX CANDY TODAY! The Baptists say that the
  ten-inch tongue is really a male sex organ. I'll take their word
  for that. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0899/toy.html

: How long is your tongue? Do male/female humans/aliens/animals/robots have
longer tongues? Do you prize long tongues? Do Baptists have short tongues?
If I said you had a nice tongue, would you hold it against me? Where???

# Adrenal Treatment Can Boost Female Libido. For women with dysfunctional
  adrenal glands, hormone supplements can improve mood and enhance libido.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  of the most sure signs that the Age of Antichrist and his False Religious
  Prophet is nearly upon us is the Mark of the Beast. Shockingly, we now see
  that the technological details have been solved, and that the next step of
  conditioning people to accept it is now occurring. Wait until you see the
  conditioning picture! http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1318.cfm

: Are you American? Are you becoming more Satanic? Is it easy, fun, tasty?
Do you bear The Mark Of The Beast? Are you The Beast? Do you itch? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Baboon virus passed to transplant patient. (BBC) A man who received a
  baboon liver in an operation hailed as a breakthrough has managed to
  contract a virus thought to affect only the animal. Isn't that special!

: Is this a case of "Love Me, Love My Virus"? Are you a chimera? Do you have
exotic infestations, infections, symbioses? Do you willingly breed a virus?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# New Bugs Discovered In IE5; security hole leaves PCs wide open to hacking;
  Switch it off, quick: 

Re: [CTRL] Response re Jews for Jesus Skeptic News - Tuesday #4

1999-09-30 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Regarding your post about Jews for Jesus, what is your proof or source to
support your statement:

 A curious hybrid of Hassidic and Christian culture aptly named Jews for
   Jesus http://www.jewsforjesus.org/ promotes the acceptance of Torah,
   Talmud and New Testament as divinely inspired texts. ?

I'd really like to know since I assume you wouldn't send out anything in your
mailing that you haven't checked or verified.

Jews for Jesus has never promoted the acceptance of the Talmud as an inspired
text, although they demonstrate courtesy and respect for those who do. As for
your statement about their endorsement of the Torah as inspired, you are
correct. The word Torah is merely the Hebrew word for the first part of the
Bible. By making that statement you are saying that Jews for Jesus believe in
the inspiration of the Bible. They do.

However, your statement about the Talmud is a different matter. The precise
wording of Jews for Jesus' statement of faith regarding other Jewish
literature can be viewed on their web site. But here it is anyway:

"We recognize the value of traditional Jewish literature but only where it
is supported by or conformable to the Word of God. We regard it as in no
way binding upon life or faith."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Law is what killed JUSTICE

1999-09-30 Thread pmeares

 -Caveat Lector-

On 99-09-30 07:42:18 EDT, Das GOAT pointed out:

 ..."the Law" is what's killed JUSTICE,
 each and every step along the way.

More accurately 'legislation' (i.e., the words and
scribbles of shysters and scoundrels masquerading
around a 'da gubbmint') is what killed natural law
and 'natural justice' every step along the way:

Natural justice is either law, or it is not.
If it be law, it is always law, and nothing
inconsistent with it can ever be made law.
If it be not law, then we have no law except
that which is prescribed by the reigning
power of the state; and all idea of justice
being any part of our system of law, any
further than it may be specially prescribed,
ought to be abandoned; and government
ought to acknowledge that its authority rests
solely on its power to compel submission,
and that there is not necessarily any moral
obligation of obedience to its mandate.

On this principle, then -- that mere will or
power are competent to establish the law that
is to govern an act, without reference to the
justice or injustice of the act itself, the
will and power of any single individual to
commit theft, would be sufficient to make
theft lawful, as lawful as is any other act
of injustice, which the will and power of
communities, or large bodies of men,
may be united to accomplish.


If our governments would but themselves
adhere to natural law, there would be little
occasion to complain of the ignorance of the
people in regard to it. The popular ignorance
of law [that is, just law] is attributable
mainly to the innovations that have been made
upon natural law by legislation; whereby our
system has become an incongruous mixture of
natural and statute law, with no uniform
principle pervading it. To learn such a
system, - if system it can be called, and
if learned it can be, - is a matter of very
similar difficulty to what it would take to
learn a system of mathematics, which should
consist of the mathematics of nature,
interspersed with such other mathematics
as might be created by legislation, in
violation of all the natural principles
of numbers and quantities.

 When will we ever realize that "the law" is
 SUBSEQUENT to our rights and liberty, NOT the
 SOURCE of these, and seldom if ever the GUARANTOR
 of our freedoms?

The ultimate truth on this subject is, that
man has an inalienable right to so much
personal liberty as he will use without
invading the rights of others. This liberty
is an inherent right of his nature and his
faculties. It is an inherent right of his
nature and faculties to develop [sic]
themselves freely, and without restraint
from other natures and faculties, that
have no superior prerogatives to his own.
And this right has only this limit, viz.,
that he do not carry the exercise of his
own liberty so far as to restrain or infringe
the equally free development of the natures
and faculties of others. The dividing lines
between the equal liberties of each must
never be transgressed by either. This
principle is the foundation and essence
of law and of civil right. And legitimate
government is formed by the voluntary
association of individuals, for the mutual
protection of each of them in the enjoyment
of this natural liberty, against those who
may be disposed to invade it.


Everybody has a natural right, as individuals,
to punish other men for their crimes; for
everybody has a natural right not only to
defend his own person and property against
aggressors, but also to go to the assistance
and defense of everybody else, whose person
or property is invaded. The natural right
of each individual to defend his own person
and property against an aggressor, and to go
to the assistance and defense of every one
else whose person or property is invaded,
is a right without which men could not exist
on the earth. And government has no rightful
existence, except in so far as it embodies,
and is limited by, this natural right of


It is impossible that a government should
have any rights, except such as the
individuals composing it had previously
had, as individuals. They could not delegate
to a government any rights which they did not
themselves possess. They could not contribute
to the government any rights, except such as
they themselves 

[CTRL] Clinton Reassigns 1/3 of FBI's Drug Investigators

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Reassigns 1/3 of FBI's Drug Investigators
I was led down a dark hallway to a back room with only a single light bulb
dangling over a worn table. A man entered the room. The shadow cast by the
large brimmed hat that he wore concealed the features of his face. He asked,
"What can I do ya for?" My heart was pounding as I tried to find the words.
"I'm looking for Big John," I sputtered.
He cracked a knowing smile. "Oh, Big John. That will cost you."
I opened the brown paper bag that I was carrying and pushed a small stack of
money across the table. He quickly counted it and then scribbled an address
on a piece of paper and told me, "Bring a small pickup truck. When you get
there, ask for Louie. Tell him that Rocko sent you. He'll know what to do."
Two hours later I was the proud owner of a 5 gallon capacity toilet, an item
that is just as illegal to possess as a dime bag of Marijuana.
The Clinton Administration's crack down on large capacity toilets has led to
a black market boom in contraband potties. It is currently illegal to sell
any toilet in the U.S. with a water capacity greater than 1.3 gallons.
American consumers, however, hate the toilets and are complaining that 1.3
gallons is not enough for a decent flush. With rumors that low capacity
toilets can clog plumbing and cause bathrooms to have a constant odor,
consumers are turning to the black market. The FBI estimates that the
illegal potty market brings in nearly $500 million dollars a year. This
figure has the Clinton Administration worried.
In order to protect union jobs at U.S. toilet manufacturing companies, which
are subject to the 1.3 gallon restriction, the President has reassigned 1/3
of the FBI's illegal narcotics investigators to 'Toilet Duty'. Vice
President Al Gore defended the President's decision in a recent campaign
swing through California. Said Gore, "Large capacity toilets pose a greater
threat to America than drugs. The President's decision was necessary in
order to prevent Americans from flushing the entire planet down the drain."
Under Current Federal Law people convicted of illegal potty trafficking face
25 years to life in a Federal Prison. Unless the potty traffickers are
members of the FALN they have no hope of clemency or early parole.
© 1999 BNN (Bogus News Network - The Nation's Second Leading Source for
http://www.bogusnews.com/ - You may Freely Distribute this story for
non-commercial use IF You Include All Copyright Info, the Website Address
and the Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: This story is totally false not one shred of it is true! It was
created for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any resemblance to the truth is
purely coincidental.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Democrats Unveil New 'Safer' Tax Scheme

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Democrats Unveil New 'Safer' Tax Scheme
WASHINGTON, DC - With the 'risky' Republican tax cut scheme fading into
history, the Democrats have revealed their plan for a new 'Safer Tax'. "We
all know that it is not safe to give the American people back any of their
money," said House Minority Leader, Dick Gephardt. "That is why we are
offering a bill that would implement the safest tax system known to man."
The new 'Safer Tax' proposed by the Democrats would tax all Americans at
100%. All money would then be brought to Washington and redistributed to the
American people on a 'needs only basis'. A new Government agency called the
'Central Economic Department' (CED) will be created to help distribute the
money. The CED will employ an army of 'Monetary Needs Assessors" (MNA) who
will be given the job of determining the financial needs of those Americans
they are assigned to oversee. Each American will be required to meet with
their MNA on a weekly basis in order to prove their financial needs. Once
the MNA determines a person's financial need, then the MNA will issue a new
form of currency that will be redeemable for goods and services.
GOP leaders have already condemned the new 'Safer Tax' proposal. Said
Congressman Chris Cox, "Their proposal is nothing more than pure
unadulterated Communism!"
Responding to Cox's condemnation of the 'Safer Tax', Congresswoman Maxine
Waters exclaimed, "Men like Cox are only concerned with protecting their
rich business buddies. That is why they continue to risk the safety of the
American economy by trying to give people their money back. This type of
recklessness has got to stop. That is why I am supporting the new 'Safer
© 1999 BNN (Bogus News Network - The Nation's Second Leading Source for
http://www.bogusnews.com/ - You may Freely Distribute this story for
non-commercial use IF You Include All Copyright Info, the Website Address
and the Disclaimer.
Disclaimer: This story is totally false not one shred of it is true! It was
created for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any resemblance to the truth is
purely coincidental.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Study Finds Ozzies Spend Twice As Much On Pot As On Wine...

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

If this also applies to the U.S., and I assume it does, we begin to see some
of the other factors behind the "war on drugs"...and why the attack on
"binge drinking" on American campuses is a completely cynical publicity

"Researchers at the University of Western Australia's Economic Research
Center have found that Australians spend almost as much on illegal cannabis
as they do on their beloved beer and twice as much as they do on wine."


Who Spends More On Pot Than Wine?

PERTH (Reuters) - Australia's reputation as a nation of big drinkers is
going up in smoke with research released this week showing vast untaxed
expenditure on marijuana.

Researchers at the University of Western Australia's Economic Research
Center have found that Australians spend almost as much on illegal cannabis
as they do on their beloved beer and twice as much as they do on wine.

``Expenditure on marijuana in 1995 was a little over A$5 billion (US$3.25
billion) or A$351 per capita,'' said researchers Professor Ken Clements and
Mert Daryal in a paper entitled ``The Economics of Marijuana Consumption.''

The estimated pot expenditure was equivalent to one percent of Australia's
1995 gross domestic product, far higher than was previously estimated.

It represented double the expenditure on wine and three-quarters of the
money spent on beer.

Clements and Daryal also found direct link between pot consumption and
drinking habits. Experience in other countries had suggested liberalisation
of marijuana laws results in a fall in alcohol consumption.

``Alcohol and marijuana seem to be substitutes, with cross-price
elasticities,'' they said.

``In most cases, (liberalized) legislation lowers drinking. Spirits
consumption falls the most, then wine and then beer,'' they said.

The researchers said they hoped to gain a better understanding of the
economics of a drug which they estimate ''is used by something like
one-third of the entire adult population'' but which ``generates no tax

Their paper also included a survey of University of Western Australia first
students which found that about 50 percent had used marijuana.

Not surprisingly, the report found that legalizing marijuana would
``increase consumption by about 13 percent ... and alcohol consumption would

Clements and Daryal said that ``in view of the large number of people who
have used marijuana'' and that expenditure is twice that on wine ``it is
surprising that more is not known about these intriguing matters.''

Most of the marijuana consumed in Australia is grown in remote tracts of the
island continent.

(A$1 - US$0.65)

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Columbine Crapola.

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Just interpolate a "fnord" into everything...as in, "Have you driven a Fnord
lately?" Thus, a headline such as "Cohen Warns Indonesian Military on
Timorese Militias" becomes "fnord Cohen Warns fnord Indonesian fnord
Military on fnord Timorese fnord Militias"... Puts things in somewhat
different perspective, sort of like going out-of-body and looking at
yourself from a ninety-degree angle.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 6:09 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Columbine Crapola.


 Cynic that I am, I won't expect any PROGRESS until we can read the papers
 watch the evening news with "subtitles" in our minds (sorta "closed
 captioning for the stupid") SIMULTANEOUSLY spelling out a "Cui bono?"
 warning: "Everything you're being told is a self-serving LIE."  By THEN,
 those of us who don't "kill our televisions" will watch it only to keep
 abreast of how the Powers That Be are trying to manipulate our beliefs
 TIME, on the principle that "forewarned is forearmed."  Turn off the SOUND

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] An Invisible Inkjet Printer?

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Printer For Invisible Copy Described In Journal Article
It may sound like something out of a James Bond movie: an electronic inkjet
printer that prints with invisible ink. But earlier this month, University
at Buffalo physicists published a paper in Applied Physics Letters that
describes a device that could do just that.
And the device has its uses:  Potential applications include any situation
where something needs to be identifiable by some secure or covert means,
such as imprinting currency with a mark that could be seen only with a
powerful microscope.
And because the technology would, for the first time, allow for extremely
precise regulation of the size of the ink drop, it would also make extremely
high-resolution visible images possible.
"The proposed printing technology, when ready, should be capable of
producing fine-resolution images that are invisible to the naked eye and
that could be used for the purpose of encryption," said Surajit Sen, Ph.D.,
assistant professor of physics at UB and lead author.
"You could even think about using such a technology to produce extremely
tiny, hard copies of large documents, like books," Sen said. "You could
prepare documents that are very tiny and so can be easily transported, but
which could be accessed in their entirety by being run through a computer. A
200-page book might be able to be packed into just a few sheets of paper."
The UB physicists have proven a theoretical concept and a design for a
potential inkjet printer that could make ink drops as much as 100 times
smaller than the size that is possible with today's best inkjet printers,
making them invisible to the naked eye. At the same time, the concept
includes ways to cluster inkdrops together, creating visible images with
extremely high resolution.
"If our research pans out, a device like this could make feasible unusual
applications that, right now, are simply impossible to accomplish," said
A provisional patent application has been filed by UB on the concept and
The "Holy Grail" of higher-resolution images in inkjet printing is the
ability to squeeze out tinier and tinier drops of ink. But because the
printers use a nozzle to spray ink drops onto the paper, the drops can only
be as small as the size of that nozzle.
Not anymore, say the UB physicists, whose research proposes a way to do away
completely with inkjet printer nozzles.
"In our paper, we present the concept and calculations that describe the
method of designing inkjet printers that are nozzle-free and, therefore,
capable of attaining unprecedented resolution with inkdrop sizes that can be
as small as 15 or 20 nanometers," explained Sen.
A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. The very smallest inkdrop size now
available in state-of-the-art inkjet printers is, at best, a millionth of a
meter, Sen said.
According to the paper's authors, technology based on this research would
allow drops of ink to come out of a printer at variable speeds, eliminating
the need for expensive specially-coated papers that are necessary with
inkjet printers now.
It also would allow for invisible -- or visible -- images to be printed on
things other than paper, Sen said, such as dollar bills, or even electronic
The concept is based on printing with inks made of ferrofluid particles that
form a stable colloid in colored water. The particles are aligned along the
direction of an applied magnetic field.
"When an appropriately orchestrated mechanical impulse is applied along the
direction of that magnetic field, a tight bundle of energy called a solitary
wave is generated in the chain of ferrofluid particles," Sen explained.
"This solitary wave travels along the chain and pushes a particle out of the
liquid and onto the paper, or whatever is being imprinted, and the image is
The mechanical impulse eliminates the need for nozzles, which ordinarily
provide the impetus for spraying the ink onto paper.
The study's co-authors and co-investigators in the provisional patent
application are Felicia S. Manciu and Marian Manciu, both doctoral
candidates in the UB Department of Physics.  The work was funded partially
by Sandia National Laboratories of the Department of Energy. The idea for
the research grew out of a UB Multidisciplinary Pilot Project Program grant
to Sen and Bernard Weinstein, Ph.D., professor of physics, and Nassir
Ashgriz, Ph.D., professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
[Contact: Ellen Goldbaum mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 © 1995-1999 UniSci. All rights reserved.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the

[CTRL] Gold Bond Aphrodisiac?

1999-09-30 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Re "Seventy-Year Itch": Okay, folks--you would feel that "menthol-like
tingle" because...the active ingredient in Gold Bond Foot Powder *is*
menthol. I suspect that what's happening is that the menthol desensitizes
the skin of the penis just enough to give you, er, greater "staying" power.
I'm just surprised no one thought of this before...

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop  LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Land off limits to humans (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


Land: off limits to humans

By Henry Lamb
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Suppose half the land in the United States were suddenly declared
"off limits" to people, and most of the remaining half were
managed by government agencies to assure that the needs of
"non-human populations" were given priority over the needs of
humans. Grounds for another civil war?

Had the transformation been declared suddenly, and publicly,
there would undoubtedly be a public uprising of civil war
proportions. The transformers are far too smart for that.
Instead, the transformation plan is buried in tons of boring
bureaucratic bunk that rarely catches a reporter's eye.
Nevertheless, government agencies are quietly going about the
task of taking control of every square inch of American soil in
order to convert "at least half" of the lower 48 into wilderness,
while managing most of the remaining half for "conservation
objectives," forcing the people into so-called "sustainable

This plan was first published in the United States in 1992 by
Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First! and now a director of
the Sierra Club. Even though the plan was written by Dr. Reed
Noss, and funded by The Nature Conservancy and the Audubon
Society, no one took it very seriously. After all, who could take
seriously the idea of locking up half the country beyond the
reach of people?

The Department of Interior took it seriously, as did the
Environmental Protection Agency. Both federal agencies, under the
direct instruction of Al Gore, changed dramatically their
policies relating to land management. Both agencies adopted the
idea that human beings were to be considered a "biological
resource," and that ecosystem protection would be elevated to the
same priority level as "human health."

The United Nations took it seriously. Foreman's plan is named
specifically, as "central" to the biodiversity protection scheme
required by the Convention on Biological Diversity, in an
official U.N. publication entitled, Global Biodiversity
Assessment. Sadly, private landowners are now taking the plan
seriously, even though they have no idea that the plan even
exists. In South Florida, Jared Figley is being pressured by a
state agency to leave the land his family has ranched for four
generations. In Pennsylvania, Bob Learzaf's land, purchased by
his great-grand-uncle in 1923, is being taken from him by the
feds -- without compensation. From one end of the country to the
other, people are being squeezed off their land under some
pretense of protecting the environment.

What we are now just beginning to see is hardly the tip of the
iceberg. Dozens of federal programs have been launched to
implement Foreman's plan incrementally. The U.S. Man and the
Biosphere Program (USMAB) is working to expand 47 U.N. Biosphere
Reserves in the United States, each of which consists of
wilderness areas, "managed" areas, and "zones of transition,"
which are used to continually expand the area under government

Al Gore's Clean Water Initiative, and Clinton's Land Legacy
Initiative, are both designed to extend federal jurisdiction over
private land in the name of protecting the environment. At the
same time, the President's Council on Sustainable Development is
waging war on urban sprawl by promoting "visioning councils" to
transform American cities into "sustainable communities." Without
any public announcement, without any congressional debate, and
certainly without the consent of the governed, the federal
government is transforming America to conform to the plan Foreman
published in 1992.

"No," say the feds, "we're just trying to protect the
environment." That's the same "feds" who for six years denied
using pyrotechnics at Waco, led by the chief fed who "... did not
have sex with that woman."

Many, if not most, of the state and federal field workers have no
idea that the policies they are implementing are even related to
a grand plan to transform America. They are just doing as they
are told, often defending the integrity of their agency, while
being used by their superiors to subvert the very foundations of
American liberty.

Private property rights are constantly under attack as the major
obstacle to "institutional environmental management." Property
rights advocates are also attacked as "anti-environment"
activists. Private owners are, by far, the best caretakers of the
land. The problem is, private owners may not care for their land
in the same way that the government thinks it should be cared
for. By bringing the awesome power of government to bear on
landowners individually, through its myriad programs, the
government is succeeding in transforming America. Should private
landowners wake up, and realize that what's happening to their
neighbors will soon be happening to them, there may well be an


Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the 

[CTRL] Recent Headline Story and My Response to TV Station

1999-09-30 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

I sent this email to the president of the TV station... You may want to
check out the website and see the story... The 3rd paragraph simply states
that 4 guns were found and has nothing to do with the rest of the story...
The Media is controlled.


  Just last night Channel 6 did a story on a child pornographer they found
in Bristow.  During the live broadcast from the home of the suspect the
reporter questioned one of the officers informed about situation.  The
reporter then asked the officer if there were guns found in the house.  The
officer responded and said they had found some. Here's my question...  What
do guns and child porn have in common?  This wouldn't be some secret
campaign out to smear gun owners would it?  What does it matter if he had
guns?  It has nothing to do with what he's been charged for.  It's an
American right to own guns. What's the connection?  Even on your website you
say guns were found...Well, so what?  Did they find a microwave too?  There
may be a connection there you know.  You see the point (I hope)

Website with full story.

(o o)
 Jamie Stopforth

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

From: whispered media [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: "Jeffrey Francis Tufenkian" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ENGINEERING SITES: Sixth Anti-GE Action in US This Month
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:57:22 -0700



Date: September 29, 1999Contact:
Jeffrey Tufenkian 619-584-6462

Sixth Anti-GE Action in US This Month

[US]-The anti-genetic engineering (GE) group, "Reclaim the Seeds," conducted
its fifth action against GE crops at a University of California (UC) campus
early yesterday morning according to an anonymous communique released today.

The group destroyed five rows of transgenic melons, sixteen rows of
transgenic walnut trees, sixty rows of pesticide-ridden tomatoes as well as
removed two pieces of research equipment at two UC-Davis GE facilities. The
incident-which targeted the Department of Plant Pathology (DPP) and the
Center for Engineering Plants for Resistance Against Pathogens (CEPRAP)-was
the sixth anti-GE action this month by two different groups, following three
previous events in California and two in Minnesota.

"The University of California at Davis has one of the largest transgenic
research programs in the world," said conservative organic farmer Johnna
Appleseed.  "From tomatoes and trees to primates and mice, UC provides the
biotech industry with lucrative data at public expense.  Reclaim the Seeds
says enough is enough, and our actions speak louder than words.  Nonviolent
direct action is a most powerful force.  Resistance to genetic engineering
is as transnational as capital."

The action by Reclaim the Seeds is part of a growing worldwide rejection of
genetically engineered (GE) crops and of the handful of transnational
corporations like Monsanto, Novartis and DuPont which are attempting to
manipulate the future of the world's agriculture and food supply in order to
bolster their own profits.  In the last year there have been over forty acts
of crop destruction in Great Britain, others in India and at least eleven
such actions in the US since the spring-two in California in late July and
one each in Vermont, California and Maine in August, two in Minnesota and
four in California this month.

Details of past anti-GE actions are available at www.tao.ca/~ban/ar.htm.

Genetix Alert is an independent news center which works with other
above-ground, anti-genetic engineering organizations.  GA has no knowledge
of the person(s) who carryout any underground actions.  GA does not advocate
illegal acts, but seeks to explain why people destroy genetically engineered
crops and undertake other nonviolent actions aimed at resisting genetic
engineering and increasing the difficulty for entities which seek to advance
genetic engineering or its products.  GA spokespeople are available for
media interviews.

Reporters and other interested parties may contact Genetix Alert at:
phone: 619-584-6462, fax: 619-528-1449
PO Box 3992, San Diego, CA 92163, USA
contact: Jeffrey Tufenkian

(communique follows)

Reclaim the Seeds Communique: September 28, 1999

For Immediate Release-September 28, 1999
Reclaim the Seeds Carries Out Fifth Raid on GE Crops
Davis, CA-
The anti-genetic engineering (GE) group Reclaim the Seeds
conducted its fifth action against GE crops at a University of California
(UC) campus early this morning. Five rows of transgenic melons, 16 rows of
transgenic walnut trees, 60 rows of pesticide-ridden tomatoes, and two
pieces of research equipment were removed from the biotech agenda of
UC-Davis's Department of Plant Pathology (DPP) and the Center for
Engineering Plants for Resistance Against Pathogens (CEPRAP). The incident
was the fifth in as many weeks, following three previous events in Davis and
one in Berkeley.

"The University of California at Davis has one of the largest transgenic
research programs in the world. From tomatoes and trees to primates and
mice, UC provides the biotech industry with lucrative data at public
expense. Reclaim the Seeds says enough is enough, and our actions speak
louder than words," said conservative organic farmer Johnna Appleseed.

"Nonviolent direct action is a most powerful force."

The DPP and CEPRAP share the same address, field facilities, and at least
one similar research focus: to manipulate the genetic code of plants in
order to repel pests and disease, and/or to tolerate specific pesticides.

However, substantial scientific evidence points out the dangers of this
agenda: the creation of 'super-pests' which are resistant to ever-increasing
levels of pesticides; the cross-pollination of organic plants with mutant
genes; the negative impact on wildlife and human health; and the instability
of GE crops, a serious threat to the world's food security.

Of particular concern 

[CTRL] Rachel #669: Scientists Say Future is in the Balance

1999-09-30 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
Subject: Rachel #669: Scientists Say Future is in the Balance
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:41:17 -0400 (EDT)

===Electronic Edition
.   .
.   ---September 23, 1999---.
.  ==   .
.   Environmental Research Foundation   .
.  P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
.  Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
.  ==   .
.All back issues are available by E-mail: send E-mail to.
.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP in the message.   .
.  Back issues are also available from http://www.rachel.org.   .
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.The Rachel newsletter is now also available in Spanish;.
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In 1992, Sir Michael Atiyah, president of the Royal Society of
London, and Dr. Frank Press, president of the U.S. National
Academy of Sciences, issued a joint statement under the title,
"Population Growth, Resource Consumption and a Sustainable
World."[1] The Royal Society, founded in 1660, is sometimes
called the United Kingdom's Academy of Science.

This joint statement, issued by two of the world's leading
scientific organizations, was unprecedented. The Royal Society,
in particular, had in the past been very reluctant to issue
pronouncements on matters of public policy that might stir

Unfortunately, this important joint statement was almost entirely
ignored by the world's media. Therefore, we are reprinting it
verbatim as part of our series on "the meaning of

The statement says that if population growth continues and
patterns of human activity remain unchanged, "science and
technology may not be able to prevent either irreversible
degradation of the environment or continued poverty for much of
the world."

"The future of our planet is in the balance" the statement says.
"Sustainable development can be achieved, but only if
irreversible degradation of the environment can be halted in
time. The next 30 years may be crucial."

The joint statement:


In its 1991 report on world population, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) states that population growth is even
faster than forecast in its report of 1984. Assuming nevertheless
that there will in the future be substantial and sustained falls
in fertility rates, the global population is expected in the UN's
mid-range projection to rise from 5.4 billion in 1991 to 10
billion in 2050. This rapid rise may be unavoidable; considerably
larger rises must be expected if fertility rates do not stabilize
at the replacement level of about 2.1 children per woman. At
present, about 95 percent of this growth is in the less developed
countries (LDCs); the percentage of global population that live
in the LDCs is projected to increase from 77 percent in 1990 to
84 percent in 2020.


Although there is a relationship between population, economic
activity, and the environment, it is not simple. Most of the
environmental changes during the twentieth century have been a
product of the efforts of humans to secure improved standards of
food, clothing, shelter, comfort, and recreation. Both developed
and developing countries have contributed to environmental
degradation. Developed countries, with 85 percent of the world's
gross national product and 23 percent of its population, account
for the majority of mineral and fossil-fuel consumption. One
issue alone, the increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, has the
potential for altering global climate with significant
consequences for all countries. The prosperity and technology of
the developed countries, however, give them the greater
possibilities and the greater responsibility for addressing
environmental problems.

In the developing countries the resource consumption per capita
is lower, but the rapidly growing population and the pressure to
develop their economies are leading to substantial and increasing
damage to the local environment. This damage comes by direct
pollution from energy use and other industrial activities, as

[CTRL] (Fwd) Inside the Trojan Horse of the Free Press

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  30 Sep 1999 18:16:47 -
From:   "Common Courage Political Literacy Course" 
Subject:Inside the Trojan Horse of the "Free Press"

Information about this email course is at the bottom.

With so many news outlets and so many journalists looking for the next big
story, you can't help but be informed.

It's true: the number of TV and radio stations is growing and set to
explode as the internet moves into its so-called broadband phase, where
radio and TV can be broadcast over the net. But the concentration of media
ownership continues, shaping what we learn and how it's presented.
Consider the impact of just four aspects of mass media culled from Norman
Solomon's "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:"

1)  Advertising weakens hard-hitting journalism. Glossy full-page ads
glorifying smoking adorn many magazines. Few media outlets do more than
mention dry statistics on tobacco's effects. Children's TV programs
include commercials pushing soda pop and junk food. Journalists are silent
on the effects of this advertising on the nation's health. Sport events
sell beer on TV. Who among us knows no one affected by cigarette-linked
cancer, serious eating disorders or heavy drinking? While the media is not
responsible for these ills, they are effectively promoting major risk
factors--with little discussion of that fact in the media.

2)  The media have grown so powerful that they are now given rights to
billions of dollars worth of broadcast spectrum--for free. While
journalists regularly laud the free market, few note the contradiction of
this giveaway.

3)  Powerful journalists ignore issues of conflict of interest. Covering a
1980 presidential debate, columnist George Will praised Reagan's
performance against Carter. Now noted by The Wall Street Journal as
"perhaps the most powerful journalist in America," Will's role as debate
coach for Reagan has come to light, including Will's reading of briefing
materials stolen from the Carter White House. Meanwhile, serious
investigative journalists like Gary Webb at San Jose Mercury News, who
linked the CIA-backed Nicaraguan contras with the spread of crack cocaine
in the early 1980s, were left to "twist in the wind," according to
journalist Daniel Schorr.

4)  Think tanks, whose experts populate the guest lists of the major news
media, are increasingly oriented to promoting powerful corporate
interests. They're sometimes even owned by those who own the media --
providing slanted information under the guise of expertise. According to
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Brookings Institution, the
Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute and the American Enterprise
Institute all had over 1,000 citations in the media in 1995, 1996 and
1997.  John Malone, head of Tele-Communications Inc (TCI), and News
Corporation chief Rupert Murdoch grace Cato's board. It's little surprise,
given these board members' interests, that Cato boasts of having "actively
promoted the deregulation of television and telephone industries."

With advertising's grip, and powerful media securing giveaways of
broadcast spectrum (which is essentially taxpayer property), with big name
journalists escaping consequences of blatant conflict of interest, and
think tanks promoting experts as impartial while maintaining strong ties
to the right, getting informed requires reading alternative sources.

Have you ever had that icky feeling that some piece of news you're
imbibing has a funny taste to it? For more information on disinformation,
consult Norman Solomon's "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media: Decoding
Spin and Lies in the Mainstream News"

TOMORROW: Who owns Public Broadcasting? Hint: not you.

This is the free Political Literacy Course from Common Courage Press: A
backbone of facts to stand up to spineless power. Email 18, September 30
1999. Week 4: The News Media On Your Mind. Homepage:
http://www.commoncouragepress.com To subscribe for free:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Chatroom:
http://www.cartserver.com/bbs/a/3827/index.cgi Feedback/Title suggestions:

Missed any? Course archive:

Feel free to forward so the list grows!

__ To
unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise 

[CTRL] (Fwd) NCPA Policy Digest 9-30-99

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:17:32 -0500
From:   "John C. Goodman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:NCPA Policy Digest 9-30-99

National Center For Policy Analysis
Thursday, September 30, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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* If you have online marketing management and technical skills, *
* we have the place you can use them!!! The NCPA is looking for *
* an Online Marketing Manager at the Dallas office. Check out   *
* the requirements at http://www.ncpa.org/about/onlinemgr2.html *
* and if you are interested please email your resume to Drew*
* Anderson at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


   business, say observersUSA TODAY

   from spending Social Security funds...NEW YORK TIMES

   o   FANNIE MAE WILL BUY RISKIER LOANS in a plan to increase
   minority home ownershipNEW YORK TIMES

   PERFORMANCE, and at least 10 states may test the
   ideaUSA TODAY

   1995, almost as many as all judges nationwide, says a

   o   INCOME INEQUALITY IS OVERSTATED, says a new study, because
   the Census Bureau doesn't adjust figures for household
   size and other factorsHERITAGE FOUNDATION



Congressional leaders are clearing the way for passage next month
of a bill that would increase the $5.15 an hour minimum wage by
at least $1 over the next two to four years, say observers.

To make a wage increase less costly to small businesses -- which
employ many of the 4.4 million workers that would be affected --
G.O.P. leaders in the House of Representatives plan to pair a
wage increase with some business-friendly tax breaks, such as:

   o   Tax credits for hiring entry-level workers.

   o   An increase in the business meal deduction from 50 percent
   to 80 percent.

   o   A full deduction for health insurance premiums paid by the

The size of the tax breaks is likely to depend on how much the
minimum wage is raised.  While Democrats want a $1 boost over two
years, a bipartisan House alternative would increase it $1.30
over four years.

The estimated cost to employers is up to $3 billion a year.

About 3 percent of workers would benefit from the increase.  Half
of them are under 25, nearly two-thirds are women, and three-
fifths work only part time.

Congress last raised the minimum in 1996, from $4.25 to $5.15.
By contrast, the average hourly wage for all private sector
employees is about $13 an hour.  When adjusted for inflation,
average pay and the minimum wage are worth less than in 1979.

Source: Owen Ullmann, "This Time, GOP Likely to Concede on
Raising Wages," USA Today, September 30, 1999.

For more on Proposed Future Increases


In order to pay for their spending plans without raiding Social
Security, congressional Republicans have devised a plan to delay
the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) received by
millions of working-class families, according to observers.
Critics say it would hurt people on the lower rungs of the
economic ladder

   o   Congress is scheduled to spend $7.6 billion in surplus
   contributions to Social Security to run the government in
   the 2000 fiscal year, which starts Friday.

   o   But because under the new plan about $8 billion won't be
   spent in FY 2000, Republicans show a $400 million surplus
   -- not a $7.6 billion hit on Social Security.

   o   According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill
   could be much higher: Republicans are actually on course
   to spend $17.9 billion out of Social Security.

Republicans say the only way to avoid raiding Social Security is
to distribute the EITC in 12 monthly payments next year rather
than the normal lump sum paid to qualifying low-income working
families after tax returns are filed.  Because the fiscal year
ends September 30, the last three payments in 2000 would count
against the FY 2001 budget.

   o   About 20 million Americans in households earning from
   $10,200 to $30,580 are eligible for the EITC.

   o   They received 

[CTRL] Gunz 'N Kids

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

This echoes an email post by the Libertarians I sent along a couple of months
ago.  Hamblin references the Libs so I guess it's about the same thing.  Bottom
line:  Parental Involvement.  AER 

Begin article 

The Unpopular Truth About Kids and Guns
Ken Hamblin
September 30, 1999 Years of experience have taught me that no one is better at
pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people than the ``ethical,
objective'' journalists of the mainstream media.
Challenge your typical city editor, television assignment editor or newspaper
publisher with that contention, however, and I can assure you that he or she
will passionately deny it.
I realize it's no light accusation to charge that the fourth estate and the
electronic-media clique manage our news on behalf of their own political
agendas. I also am quite aware that in doing so I am assailing a group that
holds itself in august esteem and very much wants others to share that view.
But day after day I see examples of bias in the direction of the media corps'
admittedly generally liberal leanings _ bias sometimes expressed in deliberate
distortions but, just as often and potentially just as dangerously, in errors
of omission.
Take, for instance, the matter of a recent study by the United States
Department of Justice, which not long ago was brought to my attention by a
listener to my syndicated talk-radio show.
Conducted from 1993 to 1995 by the department's Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, this study was undertaken in an attempt to determine
the relationship between ``problem behaviors'' such as drug abuse, teenage
pregnancy, crime and the expanding occurrence of violent criminal behavior
among our youth.
Child psychologists conversed with and tracked the lives of 4,000 boys and
girls between the ages of 6 and 15 in Pittsburgh, Denver and Rochester, N.Y.
What they learned apparently wasn't what the media's town criers against
firearms wanted to hear _ or, at any rate, that seems the most likely reason
that, to the best of my knowledge, the study never was reported on the nightly
television news or in most big-city newspapers.
Nevertheless, the government's conclusions are striking. Children who get guns
from their parents are no more likely to commit any kind of street crime than
are those children who have no gun in the house, the study revealed. And
children who acquire an illegal gun are about five times more likely to commit
street crimes than are kids who get guns from their parents.
In short, children who get guns from their parents are not the ones who commit
gun crimes, according to this study. It's children who get guns illegally who
are most likely to commit such crimes.
Moreover, children who obtain illegal guns are almost four times more likely to
use drugs than are children whose parents have given them guns.
``Boys who own legal firearms have much lower rates of delinquency and drug
use,'' the study added, ``and are even slightly less delinquent than non-owners
of guns.''
Why haven't we all heard this hard data? Why isn't the whole country talking
about this clear evidence that guns and children are not in and of themselves
at the root of society's problem with kids using guns to commit crimes?
Clearly the politicians _ with the aid of their like-minded friends in the
media _ don't want to hear about evidence that counters their campaign to
undermine, compromise and ultimately abolish our Second Amendment right to keep
and bear arms. And, needless to say, they don't want you to hear about it,
From time to time I've spoken with Steve Desbach, the national director of the
Libertarian Party, on my radio show. He agrees that this survey and others like
it speak for themselves.
``The evidence is in,'' he says. ``The simplest way to reduce firearm-related
violence among children is to buy them a gun and teach them how to use it
responsibly. When it comes to preventing youthful violence, the Second
Amendment apparently works better than the so-called solutions being proposed
by politicians.''
For myself, I find this study fascinating, and convincing. If the media wanted
to try to interpret its results differently, I'd be prepared to listen _ but to
simply ignore it strikes me as the worst kind of irresponsibility.
To my brethren in the media, I can say only this: It's your right as free men
and women to oppose the ownership of firearms and, yes, even to campaign
against the ownership of guns.
But to deliberately stick your head in the sand concerning the statistics about
violence among children with guns undercuts any evidence you can raise to
support your arguments. When you ignore contrary evidence, what you do ceases
to be reporting _ it becomes propaganda, pure and simple.
And I'm sure that bright, intelligent men and women such as yourselves realize
that, in resorting to propaganda, you're following in the well-worn footsteps
of despots and bigots who, like yourselves, felt that 

[CTRL] Jesse Ventura - Have You Heard?!?!

1999-09-30 Thread Involuntary

 -Caveat Lector-

Jesse Ventura said that religion is a crutch for weak minded people who
need their strength in numbers.

He also said that if you buy an American flag, it's yours to burn.

Jesse Ventura for President.  Sounds like someone who thinks for


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] capital offences?

1999-09-30 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

*** Mob hit man admits to killings

BOSTON (AP) - A mob hit man who told federal prosecutors he killed 20
people in gangland shootings pleaded guilty Thursday to 10 murders
and to racketeering and extortion charges. John Martorano, 58, agreed
to the plea worked out with federal prosecutors that calls for a
12-1/2-year sentence in exchange for testifying against his cohorts
in a major mob trial. As U.S. District Court Judge Mark Wolf read the
78 charges against him and asked if he understood them, Martorano
repeatedly replied, "Yes, your honor." The deal still needed approval
from Wolf, who has expressed concerns about the arrangement. In a
recent ruling, Wolf noted that Martorano turned informant only after
learning that codefendants in a racketeering case were FBI informants
for decades. The judge was concerned that the way the information was
gathered was tainted. See
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Does the death penalty deter murder?  Suppose I come home early one
day and find my Significant Other in bed with another.  Instead of
saying, "Move over and pass the Vaseline," I go red with rage, grab
the shotgun out of my truck and blow'em away.  That's Murder One,
two counts - a long slow ride to death row, especially if one or
both of'em are white and I'm not.  Did the death penalty deter me?

But suppose I'm John The Shark, and I work for Tony The Tiger, and
my job is killing people, mostly "business" competitors of Tony's.
And I get caught somewhere along the line, but I cut a deal with
the prosecutors: give me a light sentence and I'll give you Tony,
testify about the hits he ordered.  Better yet, give me a couple
million bucks and a new identity, and I'll talk all about Tony and
his associates: their drug-running, their murders, the unions they
run, the cash they laundered, some of the cops  politicians they
bribed [not all of'em - wouldn't be prudent, eh?], that kind of
stuff.  And I'm off to a new life.  Did the death penalty deter me?

Or suppose I'm dealing crack/smack/whatever down in the projects
cause there's no other way where I live to make money, and I know
it's a high-risk business where competitors will kill me without
thinking about it, so I have to be ready to kill them just the
same.  And I know that I have almost zero chance of being free and
alive for many more years 'cause that's what this life is like, so
if I'm threatened, I'll kill fast.  Does the death penalty deter me?

Death penalties don't deter rational cold-blooded killers and don't
deter irrational hot-blooded killers.  Death penalties only deter
people who aren't likely to commit murder [the intentional killing
of a human with malice aforethought] anyway - and they'd be deterred
just as well with the prospect of life without parole, eh?

I mean, you may REALLY want to off [insert name of politician] but
they're really not worth a long vacation, are they?  So you let the
bastard live - NOT because you'd be iced in revenge, BUT because
your time is worth more to you than is their slimy ass.

Anyway, a really horrendous sadistic mass-murderer doesn't deserve
to be executed quickly, cleanly, painlessly.  Wire up their pain
centers to a pulsating voltage and zap'em into endless misery, eh?
Or force'em to listen to perpetual Congressional hearings.  Torture...

* http://skepticon.da.ru * ICQ# 19633976 * FAX: 603-415-3736 *
*** SkeptiChat: sliding down the razor-blade of life ***
now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Israel -- WANTED: Holy Blood

1999-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Poor poor Bill Kingsbury. Since modern genetics has more or less disproved
the most recent attempt to separate modern Jews from their history, namely
the Bible and it geography, by debunking the * Jews are really Khazars *
nonsense, he now has to fall back on quoting the Jewish encyclopedia circa
1905 to keep up the good work.

What's the matter Bill? Haven't the Jews produced a more up to date

   In his article on Purity of Race, Jacobs gives several important
   facts that were forcing anthropologists of his day to reconsider
   the modern Jew's racial claims to be Biblical Israel.  In the study
   of craniometry which involves the measurements of the skull, the
   evidence was clearly mounting against the modern Jews.  After
   extensive samples were taken from a broad spectrum of Jewish groups
   world-wide.  The conclusion was evident.  Jacobs writes; "They are
   predominantly brachycephalic, or broad-headed, while the Semites
   of Arabic origin are invariably dolichocephalic, or long-headed"
   (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 284).  Simply put, all known Semites have
   historically been long-headed, but the modern Jews were
   predominantly round-headed!  While Jacobs avoids drawing any
   personal conclusions, he relates a prevailing view of his time:
   "Some anthropologist are inclined to associate the racial origins
   of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but
   with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls
   and curved noses they appear to have inherited" (Jew. Enc. X
   (1905), 284).  The findings of some anthropologist were leading
   them to conclude that the modern Jews were not in fact Semites
   at all, but rather descendants of the ancient Hittites.  Jacobs
   however was personally hesitant to confess that the Jews were not
   the Jews, simply because of the profound implications it imposed. **

Craniometry? Purity of Race? Round heads and Long Heads? Hittites?
Armenians? What happened to Khazars? Don't I have postings from you
proving that modern Jews are not Biblical Israel but Khazars? Wasn't
craniometry laughed at as far back as the 1930's?

You poor pathetic racist jerk. No matter how you slice it, it still comes
out the same. I am, and you're not.


 Bill Kingsbury wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 At 11:28 AM 9-28-1999 +0200, you wrote:
 Mr David Goldstein a geneticist at oxford university talks about a
 'cohen' genetic signature.
 About 45% of Askenazic priests and 56% of Sephardic priests have the
 'cohen' signature.
 This shows the story of the Askhenazi being descendants of the Khazars
 as being incorrect (unless of course the Khazars were one of the lost
 ten tribes)

Or perhaps they got genetic implants from aliens just for the purpose of
annoying you. --J2

   Khazars may originally have been Edomites (or Hittites).  Khazar
   tradition holds that they originally came from Mt. Seir in Edom.
   The Edomites were the ancient, major enemies of the Jews.  John
   Hyrcanus' army defeated the neighboring Edomites and forced them
   all to *become* Jews (get circumcized or be killed) in 125 BC.
   The Edomites then practically took over Judea.  The name 'Judea'
   was soon changed to 'Idumea' (Edom land).  Their kings were the
   'Jewish' Edomite Herodian dynasty (who built Herod's Temple).
   Many (or most?) Jewish Pharisees (not Saducees) were Edomite Jews.
   The Pharisees took over and put the Saducees out of business.
   The Jewish Encyclopedia says 'Edom is in modern Jewry.'  (Many
   parts of the Bible are devoted to cursing all Edomites to death,
   including the entire Jewish book of Obadiah.  Ban that bad book?)

 As an aside, other gentic test appear to show that the Jews are more
 closely related to the armenians rather than the semites.

   The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, from about 500 B.C.:

16:1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
16:2 Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,
16:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem;
 Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan;
 thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.


   By Scott Stinson

   In this age of brain-dead media programmed zombies, would it still
   be possible for the facts to speak?  If so, there is something
   worth saying about the modern "Jewish" race, not written by
   anti-semites, but by Jews themselves -- and where else but in
   The Jewish Encyclopedia!  Please excuse me for being so abrupt,
   but I had to get your attention.  You see, this article is worth
   reading because it has some facts that you need to know about the
   authenticity of today's Jewish race.  The question that must be
   asked as well as answered is simple:  Are the modern Jews really
   the descendants of the ancient people of Israel?  The source of
   our information is 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Curbing Corporate Crime]

1999-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Curbing Corporate Crime
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 22:01:04 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Robert Kemp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 20:06:25 -0700
Subject: ESPFwd: Curbing Corporate Crime

from corp-focus:

...When we released the Top 100 Corporate Criminals of
the 1990s, we received a message from Robert Waldrop,
the director of the Archbishop Oscar Romero Catholic
Worker House in Oklahoma City.

Waldrop's Catholic Worker House feeds the poor, takes in
people who are being evicted and generally helps those
in need.

Having worked with the poor, Waldrop has come to the
conclusion that in this country "you get all of the
justice that you can afford to pay for." That's why the
prisons aren't overrun with the executives and
shareholders of our major corporate felons.

Waldrop has concluded that we should begin treating
corporate criminals the way we treat street criminals.

So, he drew up a list of "Necessary Measures for Curbing
the Corporate Crime Wave."  Waldrop wrote the list
"tongue in cheek," but he has gotten such a rave
response to it that he believes that it might be the
basis for a political movement to curb corporate crime.

After all, why should a corporate felon, its owners and
managers, be allowed to influence our elections when an
individual is stripped of his or her right to vote? It
is time to start thinking about how to level the playing

With Waldrop's permission, we hereby reprint his "Eleven
Necessary Measures for Curbing the Corporate Crime

1. The stockholders and management of corporations
convicted of felonies should lose their right to vote
and run for public office.

2. A registry should be maintained in each area of
criminal corporations, and any corporation convicted of
a felony should be required to register with the local
police. A notice should be sent to all of their
neighbors that a criminal corporation is taking up
residence in their locality.

3. Criminal corporations should lose all corporate
welfare benefits and government contracts.

4. Criminal corporations should be required to make
weekly visits to parole officers, and their stockholders
and management should be subject to random drug tests
(either urine or hair).

5. Criminal corporations should not be allowed to
operate within 500 yards of a school, church or

6. Criminal corporations should be required to place the
phrase "A criminal corporation" on all advertising,
signs and vehicles as a public warning.

7. If criminal corporations violate the terms of their
parole, their stockholders and officers should go to

8. In addition to the fine on the corporation, the
personal assets of stockholders should be forfeited for
their criminal negligence and lack of oversight.

9. The increasing number of lawless corporations calls
for stricter penalties. Bring back the death penalty for
corporations. In this context, the 'death penalty' is
the closure of the corporation, the forfeiture of its
assets to its victims and/or the government and the
winding up of its affairs by a court appointed

10. Stockholders and management should be required to
wear monitoring bracelets for the duration of their
parole, and may not travel outside of their jurisdiction
without a written pass from their parole officer.

11. The stockholders and management of criminal
corporations may not associate with the stockholders and
management of other corporate felons, and are forbidden
to keep and bear arms.

Waldrop believes says that "the original conception of
the corporation was limited -- there had to be a
definite public service."

"Now that whole concept has been stretched and there is
no accountability," Waldrop says. He encourages readers
to spread his list far and wide. And check out his other
good works at his web site: http://www.justpeace.org.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Corporate Crime Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of
the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor. They
are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The Hunt for
MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine:
Common Courage Press, 1999;

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
of information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.



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CTRL is a discussion and 

Re: [CTRL] Israel -- WANTED: Holy Blood

1999-09-30 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-09-28 12:37:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In a message dated 9/28/99 1:29:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Each time Israel has had a monarch, since King David, it's been big
   trouble ...
   Last time it offered a Davidic "MESSIAH," things turned out even WORSE.

 Howdy, Can you expand on that statement?

 The United Kingdom was split in two by a civil war (led by the Prophets) as
 soon as David died and his son Solomon became king, claiming the Judean
 throne primarily by eliminating his brothers and other claimants next in
 line.  Afterwards, raw power politics
 of a sort worthy only of a Herod.  Judah under Assyrian rule -- "Messiah"
 Hezekiah put forward by the prophet Isaiah, but only ending in disaster.
 Judah under Egyptian vs. Babylonian rule -- "Messiah" Josiah put forward by
 the prophet Jeremiah, but only ending in disaster.  Judah under Persian rule
 -- "Messiah" Joshua put forward by the anonymous prophet known to scholars as
 "second Isaiah," a mouthpiece for EZRA,
 but only ending in disaster.  Judah under the Seleucids -- a
 Hasmonean/Maccabean "Messiah" (the subject of the apoocryphal Book of Daniel)
 put forward by the Zadokite
 priests who evolved into the"Essenes" of the Qumran Community, but, after
 generations of corrupt Hasonean/Maccabean power politics, only ending in
 with the conquest of Judea by Rome under general Pompey the Great.

 Next, I'm referring, of course, to "Messiah" Yeshua ben Yusuf, aka Jesus

 I'm sure that when the anti-government agitation of John the Baptist
 (believed by many at the time to be the expected Messiah) first began causing
 problems for King Herod, Rome grew concerned that the fragile puppet-state it
 had established in order to keep the Jewish people in subjection to the
 Empire was being "destablized" by a "radical" faction among whose goals was
 independence of Roman rule.  Messianic hopes --i.e., the outcry for a
 "Liberator" (from foreign oppression)-- were high among the populace -- so
 high, in fact, that Herod's "public relations" men in the "priestly"
 bureaucracy made an effort to convince the populace that Herod HIMSELF was
 that expected Messiah.  That didn't fare too well either with Herod's Roman
 masters, since they understood full well that the MAIN attribute of any
 Messiah was that he spearhead a REVOLT against foreign domination.  So
 Herodians shuttled back and forth between Jerusalem to Rome, trying to
 convince the Emperor of the "loyalty" (obedience) of their Jewish subjects to
 Roman authority and the ultimate security of these puppet-kings' Roman client

 So, when the execution of John the Baptist not only failed to quell popular
 discontent with Herod's rule --therefore, with ROMAN rule-- but instead led
 only to INCREASED agitation by John's disciples (led by the Baptist's protege
 Jesus of Nazareth), it was only a matter of time before Rome's "peacekeepers"
 would be dispatched to the Holy Land to "restore law and order" (just as had
 occurred a litle over a century earlier, when Judea was first conquered by
 the Empire) and put down increasing rioting by "armed dissidents" among the
 Jewish people.  Rome, like any good Empire, thought first of preserving the
 "balance of power" in the global "commonwealth" it ruled and, like any good
 Empire, was committed to the "stability" which its fascist puppets guaranteed
 in its client-states, which of course provided all the economic resources the
 Empire required for the high standard of living enjoyed by Roman citizens
 everywhere.  (Sound familiar?)  Rome simply could not permit a kind of
 COUNTER-Empire --a RELIGIOUS State to which tens of millions of Jews
 throughout the Roman Empire might swear HIGHER allegience-- to come into
 being, at a time ironically coinciding with Roma's achievement of total
 hegemony in the Near East as well as in Europe.  So, by the logic of
 "diplomacy" in ANY Empire, Rome needed to make an example of Judea for daring
 to question Roman authority, by destroying the freedom-loving SPIRIT of the
 Jews in every possible way -- by publicly "dethroning" the Jews'
 "all-powerful" God (by burning the Temple and urinating on the Holy of
 Holies), massacring the Jews' more revolutionary religious leaders,
 butchering millions of people in a show of Rome's military superiority,
 dispersing the Jews in wave after wave of refugees, and forbidding Jews from
 ever again setting foot in their own homeland.  Standard "foreign policy,"
 for the world's good, no?

 So, 2000 years after the crucifixion and reputed resurrection of the "Savior
 of mankind," what's changed?  NOTHING.  The "Empire" STILL rules, ABSOLUTELY
 -- after only a superficial change of clothing attendant on Constantine's
 adoption of the ROMANIZED "Christianity" of Paul as the "official STATE
 religion" -- the religion of a State that has never ceased to rule in ungodly

Re: [CTRL] Jesse Ventura - Have You Heard?!?!

1999-09-30 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Involuntary [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jesse Ventura said that religion is a crutch for weak minded people who
 need their strength in numbers.

 He also said that if you buy an American flag, it's yours to burn.

 Jesse Ventura for President.  Sounds like someone who thinks for

He also said that the presidency is a prison cell and that he'd
rather have his freedom.  And he said he'd like to be reincar-
nated as a bra.  A big bra.  Yup, he's the kinda leader we need.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Journalism

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

Entirety at

Begin excerpt

JuJu Journalism
Norman Liebmann
September 29, 1999 ju·ju (j¡¹j¡) noun
1. An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa. 2.
The supernatural power ascribed to such an object. It's just possible God
made Time endless so He might undertake to inventory all the ways He went
wrong in His design of the mainstream media. Even with His ways, Wondrous
to Behold, it might take more time to accomplish this than reshuffling the
galaxies and digging a black hole in the universe with a pail and shovel.
Break CULTWARD HO! The resemblance between voodoo and journalism is
remarkable with the possible exception that in the rituals of media,
chutzpa replaces incense. The Clinton/media ionization becomes less
abstruse in consideration, journalism is not a profession, but a cult,
although its ceremonies involve more ink than incense. Preparing for a
ceremony to invoke the Spirit of Corruption Past (Clinton's Arkansas
Governorship) a media rite-meister was heard to say, "We're okay for
incense, but just to be on the safe side, send out for more bull
excrement." Members of the media are each other's idols, which is an
aggravated example of settling cheap. Over-compensated and deliciously
smug, they are almost over- qualified to be a cult. Their article of faith
is implicit belief in Bill Clinton. If that does not qualify them to be
called a cult (or some other four- letter word) what does? He is the
natural icon for cult worship because of his mastery of the bongo drums,
something he can beat without having to "finish himself off." Clinton, a
rogue moon, inserts easily into the constellation of omission, complicity
and mediocrity that configures journalism as we know it. A principal
difference between media and voodoo is the media does not sacrifice
barnyard animals - it just misinforms them. In media cult ritual, the goat
gets to live and the truth gets to die. End Excerpt All Rights
Reserved © NewsMax.com

And from


-- In the 1992 Clinton campaign, what did you hire private detective Jack
Paladin for?
-- Did you give any instructions as to what Mr. Paladin was to say to women
alleged to have affairs with Clinton?
-- Did these instructions include the use of any threats or intimidation as has
been reported?
-- In your 1992 report exonerating the Clintons in the Whitewater matter, why
did you overstate the Clintons investment, thus, as the Wall Street Journal's
Paul Gigot put it, "making it appear as if the Clintons were as much at risk as
Jim McDougal?"
-- Do you still believe, as you stated then, that the Clintons were merely
passive investors?
-- What do you think of the ethics of the Whitewater project, which resulted in
over half of the purchases losing their property because of the financing
system used?
-- What discussions did you have with either of the Clintons prior to writing
your 1992 report?
-- You slept overnight at the White House on July 2, 1993. At the time, as
later reported by the American Spectator, the Travelgate scandal was warming up
and Vince Foster was thinking about hiring "his close friend Lyons to be his
own attorney" in the matter. What conversations did you have with Foster
concerning this matter and is it true that you had been scheduled to meet with
him the day after he died?
-- You visited White House aide Bruce Lindsey on July 22, two days after
Foster's death. What did you discuss?
-- On October 25, 1993 you called Webb Hubbell leaving a message: "Be in town
tomorrow, get together on wed or thurs to discuss/review WDC docs." Why did you
need to discuss Whitewater with Hubbell at this time? What did the two of you
talk about?


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do 

[CTRL] Medical Mafia, CIA Drugs

1999-09-30 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart

Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy 
Against America 
Click here to 
orderby Eustace Mullins 
This book is a truly thorough account of the machinations underlying 
America's steadily deteriorating health, and is the result of some forty years 
of investigative research by the author Eustace Mullins. MURDER BY INJECTION 
reinforces and adds further light to the devastating exposés, WORLD WITHOUT 
CANCER by G. Edward Griffin, THE DRUG STORY by Morris Bealle and Hans Ruesch's 
how the ruthless Rockefeller Syndicate - under the control of the world 
financial structure, chiefly the Rothschilds - plays the major political, health 
and educational roles in America. The book describes the various arms of the 
Rockefeller Syndicate and their functions: the Rockefeller Oil Trust, which 
incorporates much of the American military-industrial complex, has political 
control of the nation; the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly attains control of 
"health" care of America; and the Rockefeller Foundation, a web of affiliated 
tax exempt creations, effectively controls "education". Mullins 
specifies names throughout the book, many of them belonging to familiar public 
figures in America. Companies and their board of directors are listed with all 
their connections. Eustace Mullins says that in 1987 the United States 
still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. Eleven 
of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States and the Drug 
Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group. Mullins adds: 
"The major banks, defense firms, and prominent political figures interlock with 
the CIA and the drug firms." He further states that the Rockefeller interests, 
having established the American Drug Trust, had long been active not only in 
pharmaceutical drugs but in illegal drugs as well. Mullins writes: "No chronical 
of the world's important drug firms would be complete without relating the 
connection between drug firms and the world drug operation known as 'Dope, 
Inc.'." Mullins describes how the Rockefellers with the help of the 
American Medical Association and government officials gained control of 
America's "health" care industry in the early part of this century. "Educating" 
medical students was instrumental in their plan, Mullins writes: "Rockefeller's 
Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation's 
medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, 
dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs." MURDER BY INJECTION 
describes in detail the many other dangerous and lucrative rackets that the 
Rockefeller Syndicate has foistered onto the unsuspecting public and which are 
responsible for the contamination of our land, oceans and rivers, our water and 
food supplies, and our bodies. For example Mullins writes: "While conducting 
wars of attrition against the leading exponents of better nutrition, the Food 
and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have valiantly 
defended the use of chemical fertilizers... (which, according to Dr Alexis 
Carrel) 'without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have 
indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains and 
vegetables.'" On vaccinations: "After the use of cowpox vaccine became 
widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. 
The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 
1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 
1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded 
'contributions' which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came 
after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who 
refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail." On 
fluoridation: "What he [Oscar Ewing] wanted, and what he had been paid to bring 
about, was the national fluoridation of our drinking water... At the same time, 
Congressmen and other politicians in Washington were privately alerted by 
Ewing's minions that they should be careful about ingesting the fluoridated 
water. Supplies of bottled water from mountain springs then appeared in every 
office on Capitol Hill; these have been maintained continuously ever since, at 
the taxpayers' expense." On the consequences of the Rockefellers' 
control: "The criminal syndicalists are now looting the American nation of one 
trillion dollars each year, of which about one-third, more than three hundred 
billion dollars per year, represents the profitable depredations of the Drug 
Trust and its medical subsidiaries... "America became the greatest and 
most productive nation in the world. When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its 
takeover of our medical profession in 

Re: [CTRL] Homeopathy -the second curve

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/27/99 12:53:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Also the major drug companies have a large financial incentives to discover
   expensive, patentable cures above natural inexpensive cures.
   Having said all that i'd trust normal alipathic medicines to cure
   (Although I wouldnt always trust doctors with those medicines)

 Yes, the incentive is to devise incredibly expensive drugs that require
 huge payments to pharmaceutical companies.  They really can't make money off
 of something that is essentially water.  As for allopathic medicine . . . it
 does work, at least sometimes, but works on a different principle, which is
 probably NOT the best way to treat disease.  Allopathic medicine is designed
 to attack and to destroy, rather than heal, per se.  In my view a paradigm
 shift in the medical community AWAY from allopathic medicine and into an
 approach that focuses on healing the damage done to the body rather than
 attacking the body along with the disease.

That is the main problem with the philisophical basis of allopathy
or western medical care via The AMA.  The AMA states that their
physicians "take pride in early detection and cure of disease."

Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Eastern Herbal medicine,
etc., etc., etc. (i.e., just about all forms of medical care
delivery outside those sanctioned and under the auspices of the
AMA, or BMA in the UK, or the APA (The Amer. Psychiatric Assoc),
ALL aim at preventative efforts, i.e., to keep one in balance, or
to help the human body return to a proper homeostatic balance.

I mean, is it not extremely obvious that ALL these "alternative"
forms of medicine, were they able to do this, are totally
undesirable to the financial well being of western physicians
and the AMA creed, i.e., "early detection and cure?"

I mean, COME ON!?!?!?   Gimme a break:)

AND, btw, all you guys that say that these "alternative" types of
medicine are non-effective (eg., the M.D. on list that *seems* to
be spouting all that AMA hard line, nonsensical crap, etc), and
that somehow the effects of ANY of these "alternatives" are
imaginary...well, not only are the effects of many of these
remedies real, but they are POWERFUL (i.e., just as allopathy,
they can and have killed by way of overdose, etc).

What's more, very few IF ANY modern scientists and AMA physicians
would take the very narrow and totally non-supportable position
that the effects of such remedies and medicines are placebos or
are not real.

I mean, ANY other tack would be more supportable (eg., that such
"alternative medicines" can be dangerous, can hide meaningful
symptoms from western type diagnosis, are dangerous in the hands
of non-experts, etc., etc.),

The effects of MOST natural or ancient medical treatments on the
human body are ANYTHING but imaginary or nonexistent, i.e., the
physiological responses are QUITE EASILY measurable.

Naturally occurring medicines and/or modern treatments based on
ancient medical knowledge are, in many instances, both real and

And to this, THERE IS NO DOUBT, i.e., IT IS _FACT_, and
unarguable, period.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Nutty Leftism ???

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.counterpunch.com

Begin Article
Chronicles of Nutty Leftism:
"Tear Up The Constitution!"
"The US Constitution's great gift to the cause of international democracy is
contained in its first three words. The rest of it can go Checks and
balances, separation of powers, and the rest would have to defend themselves in
the court of democratic opinion, something they have never had to do since
ratification. All would be considered guilty until proven innocent." Thus
Daniel Lazare, a well-known leftist writer.
You can find the latest edition of Lazare's suggested itinerary towards a
socialist America in the October Harper's, under the title "Your Constitution
Is Killing You -- A Reconsideration of the Right to Bear Arms," where he
invites us to face what he regards as the obvious connection between 240
million guns and "the increase of violence in our culture." Lazare regards
anyone who does not connect these two "facts" as a person "determined to avoid"
something utterly true. This supposed increase in violence is established by
evocation of the killings at Columbine High, and a kindred episode in Conyers,
Georgia shortly thereafter, with "crazed day traders and resentful adolescents
mowing down large numbers of their fellow citizens every few weeks."
If we are to believe Lazare these killers come to us courtesy of a "messy and
unruly...pre-modern pre-modern" constitution that obstructs the "neat and
orderly" society desired by all good liberals. Because of the regrettable
reverence in which this same constitution is held, "we" are forced to stand
"helplessly by while ordinary people are gunned down by a succession of heavily
armed maniacs". CounterPunch is not sure who the "we" is here. The time we most
vividly remember as an occasion for standing helplessly by while ordinary
people were gunned down by heavily armed maniacs was when we all watched the
Branch Davidians burn. And later we had to watch the federal building in
Oklahoma City crumbling into rubble in revenge. Should we ban fertiliser and
As we shall see, Lazare has an agenda which he does not disclose to the genteel
readers of Harpers, but let us stay for a moment with his premise that random
acts of bloodstained violence derive from the right to bear arms, protected by
the Second Amendment. After all, it wasn't until the late l960s that the state -
- perturbed by civic commotion and the specter of black power -- began its
first effort in many decades to impose any conditions on gun ownership. Why
wasn't the Second Amendment creating Columbines in the l950s, when kids would
take guns to school because they were going to ROTC class later in the day? One
could more convincingly connect the 240 million guns and the culture of
violence to the vast military adventures of the past 60 years, to the training
and deployment of lethal force by the state, guarding its interests abroad and
at home.
But in fact we're not sure whether Lazare is truly interested in gun control,
as anything other than a fulcrum for heaving the whole constitution into the
trashcan. He takes good care in his Harper's essay to emphasize that liberal
revisionist attempts to exclude an individual's right to bear arms from the
Second Amendment are no longer sustainable and that the tide of modern
constitutional scholarship has flowed strongly toward the views of the gun
owners. To get rid of the Second Amendment, he says, you have to attack the
constitution full bore. To understand Lazare's strategy we have to go back to
another essay, published in New Left Review, where we find the excited phrases
quoted in our first paragraph.
Lazare's theme here is that we are presently enduring "a growing crisis of
American democracy", a phrase which remindeds us of a kindred "crisis of
democracy" detected a generation ago by scholars in the pay of Nelson
Rockefeller. Indeed, Lazare cites one of these same scholars, Sam Huntington,
as the authority for the notion that it was the Puritans who transported across
the Atlantic these pre-modern, messy checks, balances and separation of powers
that obstruct the untrammeled exercise of popular sovereignty. Lazare should
have remembered that Huntington was one of the intellectuals who dreamed up the
strategic hamlets strategy in the Vietnam war, and that it takes just that sort
of mindset to think that the constitution was shipped over in a container from
eighteenth century England.
"Separation of powers" and "checks and balances" described something very
different than the baggage brought along by Puritans intent on establishing a
church-state based on covenant theology. The phrases described two centuries of
American political experience in the ambit of British power, French power,
Spanish power, Iroquois power, Cherokee power, thirteen colonies -- with most
colonies divided into Eastern and Western factions. This long experience is
what the constitution embodies. And this is a different experience from the

[CTRL] You're Nobody Without Your National ID Card (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

You're Nobody Without Your National ID Card
by Tom DeWeese

It's the year 2001 and you've dashed to the airport trying to
catch a flight to deal with a family emergency. You're ready to
buy a ticket when you're asked to produce your federally issued
national identification card. You've left it at home. Sorry, you
can't get on board any flight without it.

It's the year 2001 and you've applied for a new job. Human
Resources tells you they cannot consider your resume because it
does not list your national identification number and asks to see
your card.

It's the year 2001 and you've just moved your family to a new
State and want to get a driver's license. Without your national
identification card, they will not issue it. Then you discover
that, to get your new license, you will also have to provide
fingerprints and a voice recognition recording that will be
entered into a federal registry so you can be identified no
matter where you are in the nation.

It's the year 2001 and crime is up in your neighborhood. You
decide to purchase a handgun to protect yourself in your home or
apartment.  The local police will not issue the documentation
required without seeing your national identification card, nor
will be able to purchase a weapon without it.

It's the year 2001. You want to open a new bank account. Without
your national identification card, the bank will not do business
with you.  When you show them your card, they ask you to sign a
document permitting them to make any information about your
banking activities available to any agency of the federal or
state government that requests it.

If this sounds like something out of a really scary novel about
the way the federal government is tracking everyone in the nation
from birth to death, the bad news is that it is not fiction. It
will be fact if the Republican-led House of Representatives does
not act soon to stop the implementation of a "Big Brother"
national identification system. The man who can resolve and end
the threat of this invasion of everyone's privacy is Dennis
Hastert, the Speaker of the House.

When Americans beat back the government takeover of the nation's
health system, they thought they had protected the privacy they
assume applies to their personal medical records. When they
protested the proposed "Know Your Customer" banking laws that
would have established massive federal data bank profiles of
every bank customer, they thought their personal banking
activities were again private matters.

The national identification card, the instrument of every
despotic government in the world, will become a reality unless
Speaker Hastert hears from enough Americans who don't want the
Fourth Amendment of the Constitution rendered meaningless. "The
right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" will cease.

A national identification card will make us the slaves of a
central government where faceless bureaucrats can pry into every
aspect of our lives and thwart every action we take.

Tom DeWeese is president of the American Policy Center.

Call your US Representative, NOW, and insist that he/she vote for
and co-sponsor HR 2337 Privacy Protection Act which will REPEAL
Sec. 656 B of the Illegal Immigration Reform  Immigrant
Responsibility Act 1996.

US Capitol Switchboard

To locate your US Representative click on the following:

Call, fax or E-mail members of the House and Senate Conference on
Transportation Appropriations to urge them to make sure the
conference report has the Senate's 656(b) repeal language. For a
list of the members of the conference committee, please click
here: http://www.NoNationalID.com/housemembers.htm

Government Opinion (Published)
Source: CNSNews.com
Published: 22 September, 1999 Author: Tom DeWeese

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

[CTRL] Gun Legislation from the Bench (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Setback for gun makers

Ruling: Manufacturers can be sued for firearms' misuse.

Mercury News Staff Writer

A state appeals court Wednesday held for the first time that
firearms manufacturers can be sued for negligence in California
if they market and sell weapons with disregard for public safety.

In a ruling that undercuts some of the gun industry's most
cherished legal arguments, the San Francisco-based 1st District
Court of Appeal reinstated a lawsuit filed as a result of the
July 1993 massacre at 101 California St. in San Francisco.

The justices' 2-1 decision could bolster cities and counties
across California that sued gun makers earlier this year.

The court rejected gun maker Navegar's argument that it could not
be legally responsible for the actions of gunman Gian Luigi
Ferri, a disgruntled client who killed eight people and injured
six others in a shooting spree at the high-rise offices of the
now-defunct San Francisco law firm Pettit  Martin. The
Florida-based gun maker manufactured the two assault weapons
Ferri used in the attack.

Citing Navegar's ``morally blameworthy conduct,'' the court
determined that a jury should decide whether the company is
liable for marketing a dangerous product to potential criminals.
A San Francisco judge two years ago dismissed the suit, leading
to Wednesday's ruling.

``Navegar's knowledge of the extraordinary risks of misuse posed
by the weapon as designed and marketed . . . created risks above
and beyond those citizens may reasonably be expected to bear in a
society in which firearms may legally be acquired and used,''
Justice J. Anthony Kline, one of California's most liberal ===
appellate court judges, said in a 111-page opinion.  ===

Lawyers for the families suing Navegar said the ruling removed a
crucial roadblock, not only to their suit but also to other suits
filed by gunshot victims: the gun industry's firm and often
successful argument that it sells a legal product and should not
be held responsible for abuses by criminals.

``It is a historic step in establishing liability on gun
manufacturers,'' said San Francisco attorney Fred Brown, one of
the plaintiffs' lawyers. ``It's going to change the way gun
manufacturers look at their businesses and the way they conduct
their businesses.''

Appeal likely

Navegar attorney Ernest Getto said the company is likely to
appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court, which has yet to
tackle the issue of industry liability head-on. In court papers,
the company insisted that state law did not permit it to be sued
for Ferri's conduct, arguing that it could not predict or know
that its guns might be used in a crime.

``The decision goes where no other appellate court has seen fit
to go,'' Getto said. ``That manufacturers of a non-defective,
legally marketed and distributed firearm can be liable for its
criminal misuse. I think this decision creates real uncertainty
for the manufacturers.''

If Navegar asks the state's high court to review the case, the
company is likely to rely heavily on 1st District Justice Paul
Haerle, who dissented from Wednesday's ruling and criticized his
colleagues for ``ignoring the principle that legislatures, not
the courts, should make gun-control policy.''

Haerle said both Congress and California lawmakers have recently
enacted limits on assault weapons like the one used by Ferri, a
TEC-DC9, eliminating the need for the courts to intervene. The
TEC-9, an earlier version of the same weapon, was outlawed under
California's landmark 1989 assault-weapons ban. The TEC-DC9, a
slightly modified successor also made by Navegar, was outlawed in
a ban signed into law in July and aimed at eliminating
``copycat'' guns.

Haerle's dissent also raised the question of relative

``The terrible tragedy of July 1, 1993, in San Francisco will not
soon be forgotten, nor should it be,'' Haerle wrote. ``But
something else which needs to be kept in mind is the whole issue
of responsibility. . . . Gian Luigi Ferri organized and executed
every aspect of the tragedy underlying this litigation.''

The state appeals court, however, found that the families had
produced sufficient evidence to suggest Navegar was aware its
assault weapons were popular with the criminal culture and knew
it was the ``weapon of choice'' for certain criminals who fit
Ferri's profile. The appeals court said it was irrelevant that
guns are legal, likening Navegar's conduct to any company that
makes a legal product but engages in misleading marketing or
knowingly sells a dangerous brand.

The justices, acknowledging that they were breaking ranks with
other courts around the country, determined that a jury could
consider whether to punish the company because one of its weapons
was used in a criminal shooting.

The ruling comes at a bad time for gun makers, who are under
siege across the country from lawsuits filed by local governments
seeking to recover public costs associated with weapons. 

[CTRL] Debt Relief: Clinton

1999-09-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Arabic News . CoM
Begin article

US President: immediate and effective debt cancellation needed to low income
Regional, Economics, 9/30/99
Here is US President Bill Clinton's speech to the 1999 annual meeting of the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
US President Bill Clinton's: "Let me say, all of you know that a year ago we
were here in a time of crisis, perhaps the most severe financial crisis in the
global economy since the end of the Second World War -- a grave challenge to
the IMF and the World Bank. Thanks to the hard work that you and your countries
have done, economies that were sliding down are rising again.
We have also worked hard, as Secretary Summers said, in the wake of these
crises to prevent future ones, to respond more quickly and effectively, to
lessen the toll they take on ordinary citizens. We have intensified our efforts
to construct a global financial architecture that is stable and strong in the
new conditions of the new economy.
Still, those who were hit by this crisis were hit very hard. And many are still
reeling. People lost jobs and businesses and dreams. So this can only be
considered a continuing challenge for us, certainly not a time for complacency.
We have more to do to restore people's faith in the future and to restore their
faith, frankly, in the global economy and in global markets. Therefore, we have
more to do to reform the global financial foundation upon which the future will
be built.
As we approach the 21st century we must also ask ourselves, however: is it
enough just to fix the market that is? Should we accept the fact that, at a
time when the people in the United States are enjoying perhaps the strongest
economy in their history, 1.3 billion of our fellow human beings survive on
less than a dollar a day? Should we accept the fact that nearly 40 million
people -- after the Green revolution, when most of us discuss agriculture and
food as a cause for international trade conflicts because we want to fight over
who sells the most food, since there are so many places that can produce more
than their own people need -- are we supposed to accept the fact that nearly 40
million people a year die of hunger? That's nearly equal to the number of all
the people killed in World War II.
Are we supposed to accept the fact that even though technology has changed the
equation of the role of energy in the production of wealth; even though
technology has changed the distances in time and space necessary for learning,
and for business, as well as educational, interchanges -- are we supposed to
face the fact that some people and nations are doomed to be left behind
I hope we will not accept that. I hope we will start the new millennium with a
new resolve: to give every person in the world -- through trade and technology,
through investments in education and health care -- the chance to be part of a
widely shared prosperity, in which all the peoples' potential can be developed
more fully. This is the challenge of the second half-century of the life of the
IMF and the World Bank. And for me it is a personal priority of the highest
Open trade already has improved the prospects of hundreds of millions by
marketing the fruits of their labors and creativity beyond their borders. In
this way, both the IMF and the World Bank have played a vital role in helping
more nations to thrive. We need you to work with the WTO to build a rules-based
framework for global trade. We need you to help developing countries provide
education and training to lift wages, and to establish social safety nets for
tough transitions.
I applaud the strong commitment you've made at these meetings for concrete
manifestations of support. We all must work to keep the economies we have
influence over open, and trade growing, for developing and industrial powers
In two months, I want to launch a new type of trade round in Seattle, at the
WTO ministerial. I want this round to be about jobs and development. I want it
to raise working conditions for all. I want it to advance our sha
red goal of sustainable development. By breaking down barriers to trade, leveling the 
playing field, we will give more workers and farmers in those countries that are 
struggling for tomorrow -- and in leading industrial n
ations, as well -- more opportunities to produce for the global marketplace.
In Seattle, I hope we will pledge to keep cyberspace tariff-free, to help developing 
countries make better and wider use of technology -- whether biotechnology or the 
Internet. I hope we will pledge to open markets in agr
iculture, and industrial products and services, creating new activities for growth and 
I hope we will also work to advance the admission of the 38 developing countries 
who've applied for WTO membership. And I hope we'll keep working to give the least 
developed countries greater access to global markets. Her
e in the United States, I am working hard 

[CTRL] Davidson College Newspaper Mentions www.fbicover-up.com (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

The story is on page two of this four-page pdf document.  It
takes about 5 minutes to download at 28.8.

Let history record that the first hard-copy newspaper to mention
www.fbicover-up.com is the student newspaper of the college from
which Vincent Foster graduated.  (The Internet's
www.worldnetdaily.com did a story on it a couple of weeks ago and
it has been mentioned by the Washington Weekly at

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Thursday #3

1999-09-30 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990930c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No sacred vessels were cracked during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Map: Tranquil Spots, Ireland: http://homepages.iol.ie/~discover/tranq.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Japan's Nuke Plant Disaster. Several people are seriously injured, tens of
  thousands are at risk, in a criticality nuclear accident at a Japanese
  uranium processing plant 90 miles outside Tokyo. Reaction still raging:

# Ex-cult leader gets death. TOKYO (AP) - A former doomsday cult leader who
  spread lethal nerve gas in one of Tokyo's busiest subway stations in 1995
  was sentenced to hang for his role in the attack, which killed 12 people.
  It was the 1st death sentence meted out in the Aum Shinri Kyo cult case.

: Are you in Japan? Would you rather be killed by hanging, radiation, nerve
gas, contaminated sushi, earthquakes, stress? Do ETs force you to remain??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IO IS HELL (FIRE  BRIMSTONE) - IO IS ACIDIC. (Nasa) Sulfuric acid found
  on Europa: Sulfur from fiery volcanoes on Io may be responsible for a
  battery acid chemical on Europa with implications for astrobiology.

# Confusion doomed Mars Orbiter. LOS ANGELES (AP) A mixup over metric and
  English measurements likely caused the loss of the $125 mln Mars Climate
  Orbiter as it circled the planet last week; this caused the probe to fly
  too close to the red planet, causing the spacecraft to break up or burn
  in the Martian atmosphere that it had been designed to study. Like, oops.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561411574-072

: Have you probed any inhospitable planetoids lately? Would you rather take
a vacation on Mars, Europa, Uranus? If Europa has life, would you kill it?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Lost Dead Sea Scroll Found? (BBC) A religious text, billed by some as one
  of the "lost" Dead Sea Scrolls, has mysteriously surfaced in Israel. The
  text uses some of the same phrases  imagery as the famous 2000-year-old
  scrolls. But further study is required before experts can confirm whether
  the so-called "Angel Scroll" is genuine or an elaborate hoax. If real, it
  could shed new light on Jewish mysticism and the origins of Christianity.

: Have you faked any religious texts lately? Are all/some/no religious texts
genuine? Is authenticity irrelevant to belief? Do you trust me as I channel
Sacred Words of the Cosmic Otter? Are old texts more worthy than new ones?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Kenyan prez bashes gays. NAIROBI(AP) Pres. Daniel arap Moi lashed out at
  homosexuals, saying their behavior is abnormal and contradicts biblical
  teachings and African traditions. Moi mocked homosexuals as having "a
  funny way of dressing which included wearing earrings." Moi's comments, at
  the opening of an agriculture show in Nairobi, came one day after Ugandan
  Pres. Yoweri Museveni said homosexuality was abominable and urged police
  to round up and charge homosexuals. Homosexuality is illegal in both
  countries. http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561409202-c07

: Do you wear earrings? Have gays been around longer than arap Moi? If your
political/economic situation is crumbling, who do you desperately scapegoat?

# "It's rather an interesting, titillating finding" one fine scholar says
  of a study claiming that gay men have bigger dicks than straight men.
  http://nationalpost.com/home.asp?f=990928/89154 And what's the careful,
  rigorous methodology behind the Kinsey Inst. http://indiana.edu/~kinsey/
  data this study used? The survey  "asked 4,187 heterosexuals and 935 homo-
  sexuals to measure themselves with a ruler at home  mail in the lengths."

: Is genital size important to you? Is gender preference significant? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The truth is out there: Scramble! Aliens about!! Get all the news at CNI:
  http://www.cninews.com/ Aliens control Tony Blair's brain, say Serbian
  newspapers. Dr Todor Jovanovic says: "[ETs] radiate something diabolical.
  They have a hold over the brains of Bill Clinton, the British PM and other
  world leaders." French air force chiefs and space satellite engineers sent
  a 90-page report to President Chirac warning that, beyond any shadow of a
  doubt, UFOs have been sighted repeatedly over Western Europe. Nato should
  prepare for the 

Re: [CTRL] Debt Relief: Clinton

1999-09-30 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

For many developing countries, however, there is a greater obstacle in the
path to progress. For many of them, excessive and completely unsustainable
debt can halt progress, drag down growth, drain resources that are needed to
meet the most basic human conditions, like clean water, shelter, health care
and education. Debt and debt relief are normally subjects for economists.
But there is nothing academic about them. Simply put, unsustainable debt is
helping to keep too many poor countries and poor people in poverty. That is
clearly why the Pope and so many other world leaders from all walks of life
have asked us all to do more to reduce the debt of the poorest nations as a
gift to the new millennium -- not just to them, but to all the rest of us,
as well.

Personally, I don't believe we can possibly agree to the idea that these
nations that are so terribly poor should always be that way. I don't think
we can, in good conscience, say we support the idea that they should choose
between making interest payments on their debt and investing in their
children's education.

This is President Clinton talking--sounding a lot like Lyndon LaRouche,
except without the derogatory comments about IMF and World Bank.

Linda Minor

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Bahamas

1999-09-30 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

The Bahama Islands are located east of Jupiter Island.


Grand Bahama is the third-largest Bahama island, about 65 miles east of Palm
Beach. If you are American and a touch homesick, go to a hill in West End.

Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), a subsidiary of $30-billion Hutchison Whampoa
of Hong Kong and the world's largest port operator, has joined forces with
the Grand Bahama Development Company to create the $78 million Freeport
Container Port. Phase 11 of the joint venture involves a $72 million
development of 32 acres of land in addition to its 56 acres of stacking
area. When completed in August 1999, the facility will include 3,000 ft of
berths, seven huge Super Post Panamax Quay Cranes, 22 straddle carriers, and
a capacity to handle nearly a million TEUs a year. (TEU refers to totally
enclosed unit, or a 20-ft container). The port, with a dockside depth of 51
ft, can handle the largest container ships afloat.

Contiguous to the deep water container port and Freeport International
Airport, the forthcoming Grand Bahama Sea/Air Business Centre (S/ABC) will
include 786 acres for industrial development The airport, with an 11,000-ft
runway, is capable of handling all types of aircraft.



Global bloodshed was purportedly the end result of a British sisal
plantation owner's penchant for chopping down trees said to house
Chickcharnie nests. The plantation subsequently failed at great financial
loss to the owner, one Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain went on to become
the British Prime Minister who met with Adolph Hitler in the interests of
peace. He got a world war instead.

Once a major producer of choice sponges, Andros today is the biggest
supplier of fresh water to New Providence Island. The island is also No 1 in
vegetable farming.

Hand-batiked fabric known as Androsia has been the quintessential souvenir
and product of Androsians since 1973.

The island's name has nothing to do with the Greek island of Andros.
Instead, the name is believed to recall a land grant to British men
evacuated from the island of St. Andro on the African Mosquito Coast.


This is the island most visitors erroneously call Nassau. That's because it
is the site of the nation's capital, named in 1695 for the Dutch Prince of
Orange-Nassau after he took over the British throne.

Since about two-thirds of the Bahama population live on the relatively small
island of New Providence, it is the mouse that roars.

Recent years have seen millions of dollars poured into redesigning Nassau,
filling in more of the harbour to create extremely high-priced commercial
property, and the total refurbishing of formerly government-owned
resort/hotels. People who have not visited Nassau for a few years may not
recognize it, especially the widened and spruced-up Old World-style plaza
facing the 19th century Parliament buildings. These architectural gems
predate the London Parliament buildings with their celebrated Big Ben clock

With more than 400 banks and trusts headquartered in this "Zurich of the
Tropics", there is an in joke that it might sink from the weight of all its
zillions of dollars, marks, pounds, rubles and francs. Actually, this
offshore financial centre is more obviously a fabulous shopping bazaar with
its world-famous Bay Street and side-streets marinating in a Caribbean
carnival atmosphere.

Historic sites abound. A million well-spent dollars went into restoration of
Fort Charlotte, cited as one of the best preserved of area historic sites.
There are botanical gardens, a zoo, several small museums and a full range
of restaurants, clubs and cabarets.

Across the busy harbour of Nassau lies Paradise Island, once the sleepy Hog
Island where earlier settlers kept their farm animals to supplement an
otherwise fishy diet. Today the appropriately named Paradise Island is the
venue for one of the most famous beaches in the world. It is also popular
with the glitterati-actor Richard Harris and an Arab sheik, who are among
those with waterfront "digs" on Paradise Island, known locally as "PI"

A bridge connects Nassau with its sister island, home to a huge casino,
championship golf course and the relatively new Atlantis resort. The latter
rises, like the magic return of ancient Atlantis, around the world's largest
outdoor aquarium. Plans are afoot for a partially submerged casino.

LOCATION: 185 miles southeast of Miami.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Counting down

1999-09-30 Thread K
 -Caveat Lector-

Counting down
Fred Pearce
THIS MONTH, somewhere in the world--it could be in a London maternity ward, but more likely in a São Paolo favela or a Calcutta slum--the 6-billionth member of the human race will be born. The UN will officially recognise his or her birthday on 12 October.
Only 12 years have passed since we hit the 5-billion mark, so the event has been greeted with portentous warnings of a "population time bomb" and a "demographic disaster". But delve behind the words of the doom-mongers, say some demographers, and you'll find evidence that in the not-too-distant future, the world population may actually start to shrink.
According to this very different picture, the world's population will peak some time in the 21st century, then start falling. So while today's youth are exhorted to have fewer children, their grandchildren may be actively encouraged to go forth and multiply.
"Over the past five years, fertility has declined in all major parts of the world," says one of the heretics, Wolfgang Lutz, head of population research at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria. "All changes point to lower population forecasts." And on his most recent forecasts, the upward path of population growth, which has been accelerating ever since the Black Death killed as much as a third of Europe's population in the 14th century, will stall and go into reverse in about 70 years.
The signs of a possible decline in the human population have been building for several years now. In the 1950s, women around the world had 5 children on average. Now women have just 2.7 children each. During the past decade, the annual increase in the head count has fallen from 90 million to 78 million. And in one sector of the population, absolute numbers are falling. In 1990, there were 623 million under-fives. By 1995, there were only 614 million under- fives. It could be the start of a trend that will spread right across the age spectrum.
Demographers had predicted a downturn. But it is happening much faster and more widely than they anticipated. Twice in the past three years, the UN's statisticians have lowered their projections of future populations. On the second occasion, late last year, they postponed by four months the "six-billion day" and reduced their forecast of the world population in 2050 by half a billion, from 9.4 billion to 8.9 billion.
The main reason for these changes is the dramatic fall in fertility rates, particularly in the developing world. Across Africa and Asia, hundreds of millions of people are confounding predictions by reducing family sizes. It used to be said that, without the Draconian imposition of birth control, only countries with rising prosperity and increasingly literate and urban populations could go through what demographers call the demographic transition--the switch to smaller families and stable populations.
But in the 1990s, a number of countries have disproved this. Bangladesh, once in the world's demographic doghouse, has cut its fertility rate from 6.2 children per woman to 3.4 in a decade, thanks to contraception, and despite extreme poverty and illiteracy. Fertility rates in many African countries, though still very high, are falling fast as contraceptive use grows there as well.
Lester Brown, director of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington DC and author of a new study on world population, Beyond Malthus, is well known for his apocalyptic visions of an overpopulated future. But even he concedes: "Demographers have been surprised again and again by the rapid decline in the number of children couples choose to bear throughout the world."
But there is also a dark side to the population slow-down. In sub- Saharan Africa death rates are rising due to the spread of HIV. In some countries, a quarter of the adult population is infected. Last year, the US Census Bureau calculated life expectancy in Botswana had fallen from 62 years to 40 years, and in Zimbabwe from 61 to 39 (New Scientist, 17 October 1998, p 12). In one of the most eloquent testimonies to the social impact of AIDS in Africa, the UN population agency in Zimbabwe this year limited the number of funerals its staff can attend in work time to one a week.
Says Brown: "Tragically, the world is divided into two parts: one where population growth is slowing as fertility falls, and one where population growth is slowing as mortality rises."
The prognosis for the AIDS pandemic is unclear: in the next twenty years much will depend on how quickly science can supply affordable and effective vaccines to the developing world. However, fertility rates may be more predictable. According to the UN's population division in New York, fertility rates are now below the long-term replacement level of 2.1 in 61 countries, including most of Europe, the Caribbean and eastern Asia, including China. American women have 2 children on average, British women 1.7 and in Catholic countries such as Italy and 

[CTRL] Bahamian Politics

1999-09-30 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


History, Political

Brief History of the Bahamas
The Bahamas was born to become a major international resort destination,
with it’s exquisite white and pink beaches, lush tropical landscape,
unsullied waters, and year round sunshine. This archipelago, which begins
just 60 miles off the Florida coast, contains more than 700 islands
(approximately 20 of them inhabited) scattered across 100,000 spare miles of
the Atlantic.

You might call Christopher Columbus the first tourist to hit the Bahamas,
although he was actually trying to find a route to the East Indies with his
three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. Columbus is popularly
believed to have made landfall in the New World on October 12, 1492, at San
Salvador in the southern part of the Bahamas. Columbus liked the place
enough to spend several weeks visiting the area’s other islands, such as
Crooked island, Rum cay, and Long island, before continuing his laborious
voyage through the Caribbean.

In the early part of the 16th century King Charles I claimed the Bahamas for
England. Among the British settlers where a more nefarious subset of
humanity, pirates and buccaneers like Edward Teach (better known as
Blackbeard), Henry Morgan and Calico Jack Ruckman. Following these early
pioneers were the loyal British plantation owners from the Carolinas who set
up shop in the islands. There are still gracious homes today in Nassau which
reflect the genteel, aristocratic life they had to abandon in the American

Prohibition in the 1920’s brought rum running from the Bahamas to a thirsty
United States. In 1929 Pan American started to make daily flights from Miami
to Nassau. One of the most colorful and enigmatic characters of the era came
to Nassau in the 1930’s. Sir Harry Oakes was a rough-and-ready Canadian who
made his fortune in a gold strike. During the 40’s he built the Bahamas
Country Club, the Cable Beach golf course, and Nassau’s first commercial
airport. Tourism was fast becoming the islands most profitable industry.

Political History and Current Events
For more then 300 years, the country had been ruled by whites; members of
the United Bahamian Party (UBP) were known as the Bay Street Boys, after
Nassau’s main business thorough-fare. But the voice of the overwhelming
black majority was being heard in the land. In 1953, a London-educated
barrister named Lynden Pindling joined the opposition Progressive Liberal
Party. Pindling’s magnetism kept him in power through independence from
Britain in 1973. In August 1992 there came the biggest political upset since
Pindling took power in 1967. The Free National Movement party headed by
lawyer Hubert Ingraham was elected to make it better in the Bahamas again.

The biggest news in the Bahamas today is the purchase of Paradise Island
Resort and Casino by Sun International Hotels. A $125 million upgrade to the
property and a planned expansion of $250 million to commence in late 1996
places Atlantis on the short list of many northern travelers. Disney is
progressing with plans to develop Gorda Cay in the Abaco’s as a major part
of their North American family marketing program. Sandal’s and Breeze’s
super clubs are just completing major refurbishment’s to facilities on Cable
Beach. These many improvements bode well for making the Bahamas the place to


The Bahamas in the 20th Century
By the turn of the 20th century, an extraordinary mix of culture and
folklore was standing shoulder to shoulder with the American rich, hungry
for vacations in a warmer climate. The Bahamas benefited yet again from a
regular stream of Americans. Put on the map by the American Civil War, the
property boom in nearby Florida and the efforts of entrepreneurs such as
Henry Flagler, The Bahamas was slowly but surely off to its start as a
desirable destination. On the outbreak of World War One in 1914 however,
Bahamians in their hundreds left the country to fight in Europe. Post-war
depression came, and with it, another hand of good fortune - Prohibition.
Soon, Nassau was a great open liquor market, with cases by the thousands
freely changing hands on their way to 'Rum Row' off the Jersey coast.

 Many Bahamians became rich during the Prohibition. The Bahamas once again
was becoming the pirate paradise of Woodes Rogers time. Liquor and gambling
attracted funds, in turn used to build new hotels and clubs. The rich
wintered in this paradise and despite the efforts of the US Customs, the
money continued to flow. When the end came in 1933, the Bahamas once again
emptied and the country's unemployed rose steadily once again. Even greater
events followed - the outbreak of war in 1939.

 It was at this time that The Bahamas had a distinguished visitor - The Duke
and Duchess of 

[CTRL] The Last Circle

1999-09-30 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi all, I got this from another list

"The Last Circle" is a manuscript written by Carol Marshall.  It is a
lengthy report on her investigation into CIA drug trafficking, arms
shipments, biological warfare weapons, the PROMIS software conspiracy,
and many suspicious deaths associated with this investigation  This
manuscript provides interviews with numerous sources that shed a great
deal of light into the political intrigue, coverups and murder that
surrounds these activities..

This manuscript was never published - but it's now up on my web site
which holds the entire 15 Chapters.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
Bargain Books

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Administration Concedes China Stole Our Nuclear Warhead Designs (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Cox: Administration Concedes China Stole Our Nuclear Warhead
Designs Human Events interview with Congressman Cox

Oct. 1, 1999

Without fanfare or publicity, the Clinton Administration has
quietly admitted in writing that the Cox Committee report was
correct in concluding that spies working for the Peoples Republic
of China stole U.S. nuclear warhead designs.

"It's not alleged, it's a fact," said Rep. Chris Cox (R.-Calif.)
in an interview with the editors of Human Events.

Cox, who chaired the select committee that investigated Chinese
theft of U.S. weapons technology, pointed to a little-noticed
National Intelligence Estimate titled Foreign Missile
Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United
States Through 2015, which was produced with the concurrence of
the entire U.S. intelligence community. The estimate was publicly
released this month.

"The National Intelligence Estimate that just came out has now
stated that it is the judgement of the intelligence community
that these new [Chinese] weapons systems will have the [U.S.]
warheads information," said Cox. "The media keep saying that
there's no proof that anything was really stolen, they say the
Cox report is overstated." But the facts are, said Cox, “that the
PRC had acquired classified information about every currently
deployed nuclear warhead in the U.S. arsenal.”

”The National Intelligence Estimate,” said Cox, “came out and for
the first time stated what we stated in our report. In fact, it
stated what some had said was a ‘worst-case analysis’: that there
are three new long-range weapons systems that the PLA is going to
roll out in the next few years. Two of those are land-based and
one of them is submarine-based. The purpose of the longest-range
ICBM is to target the United States.”

”With the JL-2 submarine-launched missile,” Cox added, “the PRC
will be able to hit the United States from Chinese territorial
waters, which is exactly what we stated in our report. In
addition, these three weapons platforms will likely be fitted
with miniaturized nuclear weapons influenced by stolen U.S.
designs acquired through espionage. So every single piece of this
is now officially the public view of the intelligence community.”

On Clinton’s Watch Cox noted that the Central Intelligence Agency
chairs the committee that published the National Intelligence
Estimate, but that the panel includes all U.S. intelligence

Cox said that most of the security breaches perpetrated by the
PRC have taken place during the Clinton years. “In our report,”
he said, “we have given either exact or approximate dates for
most of the thefts. With the exception of one that is pinned down
at the end of the Carter Administration and another that probably
occurred during the Reagan or Bush Administrations all the rest
of them, as outlined in our report, occurred during the Clinton

”It isn’t just warheads,” Cox adds. The Chinese also stole
experimental “wave-propagation technology” that would allow them
to track U.S. Trident submarines under the ocean by detecting the
effect the wake of the sub makes on the surface of the water.
With such technology, an enemy could neutralize what is now the
only invulnerable leg of the U.S. nuclear weapons triad—which,
along with submarines, includes long-range bombers and land-based
Intercontinental Missiles.

When asked if he was satisfied that the Justice Department and
the FBI were doing what they should to catch whoever was
responsible for stealing our weapons technology, Cox said, “It is
impossible to know. The Justice Department did not cooperate
fully with our committee, and the appendix to our report
explained some of the specific ways in which they did not
cooperate with our committee. But we had much better cooperation
from the intelligence community and the national security
community than we did from the Justice Department.”

”The Justice Department would not share information,” he said.

When asked if he believed the Justice Department did not
cooperate with his committee because Justice was trying to cover
up the fact that it was not conducting an aggressive
investigation, Cox said, “I don’t know, but I know the result is
the same as if that were true. Whether it is gross incompetence
or whether it is intentional, the results are the same. The
investigations have been badly handled.”

”By definition, if they refuse to permit any oversight, and if
they husband all this information,” said Cox, “no one can inspect
their books and records and find out what is really going on…and
their defense is that they made a bureaucratic mistake and they
are a bungling administration. Their justification is: ‘We aren’t
very good at this. Please forgive us.’”

Cox also discussed the issue of the memorandum sent last year to
Atty. Gen. Janet Reno by then-Justice Department campaign finance
investigation task force director Charles LaBella. In the memo,
LaBella outlined the evidence that had been 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - HIATUS

1999-09-30 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991001a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Y2K compliance was demonstrated during the production of this note.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Publication of SkeptiNews will suspended until further notice - probably
resuming in 1.5 weeks, say on or after 11 October 1999, but don't try to
hold me to that.  Your hard-working editor/reporter/commentator will head
up to the Arctic Circle to observe alien mating rituals, monitor Aurora
Borealis displays, try some Tcl/Tk programming, and mind-meld with brown
bears.  Pity da bears.  Remember, only YOU can prevent forests.  Cya --Ric
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

* http://skepticon.da.ru (updated) * ICQ# 19633976 * FAX: 603-415-3736
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/SkeptiNews archives: http://skeptifiles.da.ru (belated)
* Fringe/Science/Faith * Sex/Drugs/Art * UFO/PSI/Y2K * Conspiracy *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Interior Dept. files destroyed before probe (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

It would be interesting to see how the "most ethical administration in
history," defines ethical.



Interior Dept. files destroyed before probe

By Ben Anderson
CNS Staff Writer

   What began as a Congressional investigation of
spending abuses by the US Fish and Wildlife Service may be
expanded to include obstruction of justice charges after an
agency employee testified that she was ordered to destroy
computer files and told that her career would be in jeopardy if
she cooperated with federal investigators.

   The surprise testimony on Wednesday came the same
day the House Resources Committee met to decide whether to
subpoena Assistant Interior Department Secretary Donald Barry to
find out how the Fish and Wildlife Service, a division of the
Interior Department, misused federal funds.

   "This investigation started out as simply an
inquiry into how fish and wildlife conservation funds were being
spent," said Resource Committee Chairman Don Young (R-AK). "It
now appears that the situation at the Fish and Wildlife Service
and Department of Interior is rotten to the core."

   Bonnie Kline, an eight-year Fish and Wildlife
Service employee, testified that her superiors ordered her not to
cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation or other
federal investigators, including the Resources Committee

   Kline also testified that she was instructed to
destroy computer files dating from October 1997 through January
1998 - files which she said are now missing. Kline said that
after refusing to destroy the files, she lost her security
clearance and the combination to her safe, which stored the
files, was changed.

   The U.S. Office of Special Counsel and a private
attorney are now representing Kline against the Fish and Wildlife

   Young reacted to Kline's testimony with a warning
to any future attempts to conceal evidence from the Committee's

   "Any Fish and Wildlife Service or Interior
Department employee who destroys any additional records will be
held in Contempt of Congress and face felony charges," Young
said. "Any Department of Interior official who ordered such
actions will be held accountable."

   James Beers, a 31-year Fish and Wildlife Service
employee, also testified before the Resources Committee that he
was forced out of his job because he differed with his superiors
at the agency over whether to approve a request for grant money
for The Fund for Animals.

   Beers' involvement in the negotiation of an
international agreement concerning humane trapping standards also
contributed to his ousting, according to the US Office of Special
Counsel, which is representing Beers in his legal battles.

   The Special Counsel represented Beers against the
Fish and Wildlife Service for violations of federal personnel
regulations and won a settlement of $150,000, restoration of
payment for annual leave, payment of his attorney fees, and a
letter of apology from the Fish and Wildlife Service for its
actions against him.

   Kline's revelations came when the Committee met to
consider allowing its investigators to subpoena Assistant
Interior Secretary Donald Barry since previous attempts to compel
him to testify were unsuccessful.

Committee Members voted largely along party lines
to subpoena Barry to force his testimony about alleged "waste,
fraud and abuse" of conservation funds." The only Member to break
ranks with Committee Democrats to vote for the subpoena was Rep.
Owen Picket (D-VA).

   "Every committee in Congress with oversight
responsibility must have the ability to get the information it
needs to carry out its oversight duties," Picket told

   "This is particularly true where an entity such as
GAO has provided alarming and disturbing testimony of intentional
misconduct by federal government officials and the agency
involved refuses to be forthcoming in its communications to the
committee," Picket added.

   General Accounting Office Associate Director Barry
Hill outlined a number of problems his investigators encountered
during an eight-month investigation of the Interior Department's
spending habits.

   Under questioning from Committee Members, Hill
testified that the agency played a "shell game" with funds and
that "this is one of the worst managed programs we have

   Young has become increasingly frustrated with
Barry's reluctance to appear before the committee and suggested
Barry is manipulating his travel schedule to avoid testifying.

   "We will not allow him to hide from this
investigation," Young said.  "He's known about this hearing for
more than two months and his efforts to create a travel schedule

[CTRL] U.S. Says Labor Union Leader Will Resign and Admit Fraud (fwd)

1999-09-30 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

October 1, 1999--NYTimes

U.S. Says Labor Union Leader
Will Resign and Admit Fraud


   Arthur Coia, the president of the laborers' union, one
   of the nation's largest building trades unions, has
agreed to resign in October and plead guilty to fraud
charges as part of a deal with federal prosecutors,
government officials said on Thursday.

The officials said Coia would step down in the next
few weeks and would soon after plead guilty to charges
involving his purchase of a $450,000 Ferrari from a
supplier to the 750,000-member union, the Laborers
International Union of North America. The plea
agreement, one government official said, would not
result in a prison term but would bar Coia from any
future contacts with the union.

David Roscow, a union spokesman, denied that Coia
was resigning, insisting that Coia was the victim of
leaks from government officials out to hurt him.

"Mr. Coia is not resigning, he has not been indicted,
and there is no agreement," Roscow said. "For the past
four years, certain law-enforcement officials have
engaged in irresponsible leaks designed to pursue their
own agenda and tarnish the union and Mr. Coia."

One government official said Coia might still pull out
of the plea agreement out of concern that he would be
stepping down under a cloud. Numerous times in the
past, union officials said, Coia was about to resign in
the face of possible charges, but then decided to dig in
and battle the accusations against him, to help preserve
his reputation.

Over the last year, some aides also hinted that Coia
could retire at any time because he has been fighting
prostate cancer for three years, although his health has
improved in recent months.

The deal said to have been reached between Coia and
the government follows an anti-corruption investigation
that the union conducted under an earlier agreement
with the government. In March, the three-year
investigation cleared Coia of accusations that he had
associated with members of organized crime.

But at the same time, the union's hearing officer, Peter
Vaira, fined Coia $100,000 for a conflict of interest
over the purchase of the Ferrari. The union's in-house
prosecutor, Robert D. Luskin, discovered that Coia had
bought the sports car with the help of a Rhode Island
company that leased cars to the union.

Luskin found that Coia bought the car while the
car-leasing company continued to hold the title, letting
Coia avoid more than $40,000 in luxury taxes. This
also enabled Coia to resell the Ferrari, a limited
edition model, as a new vehicle three years later.

When Vaira fined Coia, the laborers' in-house
investigators turned over evidence about the car
purchase to the U.S. attorney's office in Boston. Coia
has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing regarding the

Samantha Martin, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney
in Boston, declined to comment on Thursday. Luskin
also declined to comment about Coia's plea deal, which
was reported on Thursday by The Daily Labor Report
published by the Bureau of National Affairs, a private
research group in Washington.

Coia's father, Arthur E. Coia, was secretary-treasurer
of the union, which used to be considered one of the
nation's most corrupt. Prosecutors say the elder Coia
associated closely with Raymond Patriarca Jr., New
England's long-time crime boss.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] allomed - to be sent

1999-09-30 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart
The Medical Paradigm

 Return to Home Page | Vaccine Paradigm Analysis | Books on Allopathic Paradigm 


The FDA: Falling Standards and Dangerous Drug 
Pharmaceuticals Kill Estimated 140,000+ people in US Each Year 

Conduct Medical 
The Allopathic 
  System (Our Action Graphic)
Modern Medicine 
  as an Unscientific Pseudo-Science
List of 
  Health Supplements At Risk From the FDA
FDA Policy on Import of 
  Personal Use Substances
Politics, Profit and 
How Real Cancer Cures Are 
  the FDA on the Web
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  in Crisis - A Rundown on Diseases
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  and the Lie of Louis Pasteur - Introduction
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  Candidiasis Conspiracy - Tuskegee II
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  Homeopathy, the 
  Medicine of the Future
  Steps to Optimal Wellness
Smart Drugs and 
Alternative Health 
  Alternative Sites
The Future 
  of Medicine: Thought Therapy
Wholistic Body and Mind 


Additional Recommended Reading List: Medical 
  System Corruption
  Title: Medical Armageddon, Vols. 
  1/2 and 3/4 (: Behind the healthcare calamity of the Western World and How 
  to Fix It 
  Author:Michael L. Culbert, 
  Publisher: C and C 
  Communications, San Diego, California, 1994, ISBN: 0-9636487-3-X (Vol 1 
  and 2) , ISBN: 0-96736487-2-1 (Vols 3  4]. Tel: 619-4581-6640. Both 
  volumes together: 707 pages. 
  Description: Michael L. 
  Culbert, for years chairman emeritus of the Committee for Freedom of 
  Choice in Medicine, is also the author of 16 other books in the areas of 
  medical politics and economics, as well as metabolic and integrative 
  therapeutics. Great material and well worth the investment. 
  Title: Dirty Medicine: Science, 
  Big Business and the Assault on Natural Health Care 
  Author: Martin J. Walker 
  Publications, BM Box 8314, London WC1N 3XX, England. 1994. $18.00, 732 
  pages, ISBN: 0-9519646-0-7. 
  Description: A great piece of 
  work that embodies information from both England and the United States, 
  especially regarding the Wellcome Foundation and the AZT scam, involving 
  dirty tricks, industrial sabotage and character assassination. Dirty 
  Medicine is the story of the free market, at war with the powerless. 
  It exposes how, under the guise of government regulation, big business, 
  science and medical orthodoxy defended their products and profits from 
  competition by alternative and complementary medicine. 
  Title: Confessions of a Medical 
  Author: Robert S. Mendelsohn, 
  Publisher: Contemporary 
  Books, Chicago, 1979, $12.95, ISBN: 0-8092-4131-5, 191 pages with index. 
  Description: This provacative 
  book, when it was released, caused quite a firestorm because it pointed 
  out the unnessary nature of many surgical procedures. The book covers this 
  and other topics, from prescribed drugs to preventive medicine and home 
  birth. The author points out that historically, when doctors have gone on 
  strike, the mortality rate drops. I wonder why ... 
  Title: Racketeering in Medicine: 
  The Suppression of Alternatives 
  Author: James P. Carter, M.D. 

  Publisher: Hampton 

[CTRL] AIDS pandemic seen worsening next century

1999-09-30 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Thursday September 30, 2:48 AM

AIDS pandemic seen worsening next century

BOSTON, Sept 29 - Unless the search for a cure for AIDS accelerates or
preventive methods improve, the worst of
the HIV epidemic has yet to come, the director of the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
predicted Wednesday.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, said
"what began as a handful of recognized
cases among homosexual men in the United States has become a global
pandemic of such proportions that it clearly
ranks as one of the most destructive microbial scourges in history."

"Unless methods of prevention, with or without a vaccine, are
successful, the worst of the global pandemic will
occur in the 21st century," he said.

In the United States, the number of new HIV cases each year has leveled
off at 40,000 people, half of them under 25.

However, the number of new cases elsewhere is growing at an alarming

"Sub-Saharan Africa (is) currently bearing the greatest burden of the
epidemic worldwide," Fauci said. The infection rate in the former
Soviet Union "has escalated sharply over the past few years" and the
virus threatened to invade the Indian subcontinent and Southeast

"An estimated 5.8 million new HIV infections occurred worldwide during
1998 -- approximately 16,000 each day. More than 95 percent of
these new infections occurred in developing countries," he said.

Some 2.3 million people worldwide died last year from contracting the
human immunodeficiency virus which leads to acquired immune
deficiency syndrome.

"If the current trend... continues, more than 40 million people will be
infected with HIV as we enter the new millennium," Fauci said.

He said "minimizing the destructive impact of this epidemic will require
partnerships between the public and private sectors as well as a
stronger political will among the nations of the world."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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