[CTRL] Parsons: The Magickal Scientist and His Circle

1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from:

The Fall of Babalon
(c) 1995 by Crash Collusion Publishing
P.O.B. 2237, Berkeley, CA 94702.
$5.00 + $2.00 s/h payable to Wesley Nations.

Which Appeared in:

The Excluded Middle [#6]
P.O.B. 1077
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Jack Parsons: The Magickal Scientist and His Circle

[Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and
 the Babalon Working]

by Paul Rydeen

"[The angel] carried my spirit away to the desert.  I saw the
 scarlet woman sitting on the beast with seven heads and ten  horns,
 covered with blasphemous names.  The woman was clothed in purple
 and scarlet, and glided with gold and precious stones and pearls,
 with a golden cup in her hand filled with the abominations and the
 unclean things of her fornication.  On her forehead a name had
 been written, 'A Mystery: Babalon the great, the mother of harlots
 and of the abominations of the earth.'  I saw the woman was drunk
 from the blood of the saints, and from the blood of the martyrs of
 Jesus.  Seeing her, I wondered greatly."

-Revelation 17:3-6

"I shall regard all phenomena as the particular dealing of God
 with my soul."  Analysis by a Master of the Temple

I shall I write of the mystery and the terror, of the wonder and
pity and splendor of the sevenfold star that is Babalon?  I shall
tell of the tragic life of her most devoted disciple and beloved
son, Jack Parsons.  In doing so, I will correct previous miscon-
ceptions while correlating the known facts and wild legends that
lie in several far-flung sources.

Kenneth Grant gives a good description of Parsons in The Magical

"Imbued with the idea of the Kingly Man, as that expression is
 understood in the Cult of Thelema [Crowley's invention], Parsons
 bent his not inconsiderable energies, physical and intellectual,
 to the discovery of his True Will.

Born on October 2, 1914, in Los Angeles [descendant of a Hell-
Fire Club founder, according to Michael Hoffman], he lived a
lonely childhood, due in part to his parents' broken marriage.
He spent a great deal of his youth reading and day-dreaming, and
nurturing a growing resentment of all interference, especially of
the kind posing as "authority."  He developed strong
revolutionary tendencies and when he encountered Crowley's
writings -- which he first did through Wilfred T. Smith -- he was
instantly alive to the significance of Thelema.  He joined
Smith's Agape Lodge [OTO], and, at the same time, became a
Probationer, 1 = 10f, of the A.'. A.'.

Smith was a member of Frater Achad's (Charles Stansfeld Jones)
OTO lodge in Vancouver.  He met Crowley there in 1915.  Smith
moved to California in 1930.  He immediately founded the Agape
Lodge in Pasadena.  Frater Achad kept the Vancouver lodge open
during this period, under a different name.  It would later
close.  In "Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West"
Michael Hoffman writes of Parsons.  Hoffman tells us that the
Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) had a temple on nearby Mount Palomar.
The local Indians regarded the mountain as holy.  Hoffman says,
"The O.T.O. believed that Palomar was the sexual chakra of the
Earth."  Parsons commuted regularly between Palomar and Pasadena.
The Mount Palomar Observatory opened in 1949.  Smith probably
consecrated his temple on Palomar soon after his move to
California in 1930, before the Observatory was planned.

Palomar lies just minutes north of the 33rd parallel.  This is
significant because 33 is an important number in masonic
symbolism.  It is the number of the highest grade of the Scottish
Rite.  It is also the number of years Christ walked on the earth.
Hoffman mentions the 33 bones of the human spinal cord.  This
brings to mind kundalini yoga.  Crowley's OTO was a quasi-masonic
order.  The higher grades show esoteric Hindu influences of a
sexual nature.

Parsons first met Smith in 1939.  He joined the Agape Lodge in
1941.  Parsons was to be its head during the turbid 1940s (ca.
1942-1947).  Smith was known in the Lodge as Frater Velle Omnia
Velle Nihil (aka Fra. 132).  He was an expatriate Englishman.
Smith had a reputation for womanizing that equalled Crowley's.
Parsons saw Smith as a second father.  The two stayed close
throughout their lives.

Smith wrote to Crowley in March, 1941, "I think I have at long
last a really excellent man, John Parsons.  And starting next
Tuesday he begins a course of talks with a view to enlarging our
scope.  He has an excellent mind and much better intellect than
myself...John Parsons is going to be valuable."

Soror Estai (actress Jane Wolfe) had been with Crowley at Cefalu
[Italian island where Crowley had previously set up residence
before being kicked out by the local authorities] before coming
to California.  She recorded her first impression of Parsons in
her Magical Record for December, 1940:

"Unknown to me, John Whiteside Parsons, a newcomer, began astral
 travels.  This knowledge decided Regina [Kahl] to undertake
 similar work.  All of which I learned after 


1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

T H E   S O R C E R I E S   O F   Z O S


[or Orgone Farming by Clever "ET" Succubae]

From Cults of the Shadow By Kenneth Grant


Interesting excerpts:

"It has been suggested by some authorities that the original

 witches sprang from a race of Mongol origin of which the Lapps

 are the sole surviving remnants.  This may or may not be so, but

 these 'mongols' were not human...The characteristic that

 distinguished them from the others of their kind was the ability

 to project consciousness into animal forms, and the power they

 possessed of reifying thought-forms.  The bestiaries of all the

 races of the earth are littered with the results of their


"They were non-human entities; that is to say they pre-dated the

 human lifewave on this planet, and their powers -- which would

 today appear unearthly -- derived from extra-spatial dimensions.

 They impregnated the aura of the earth with the magical seed

 from which the human foetus was ultimately generated.

"Arthur Machen was, perhaps, near the truth of the matter when he

 suggested that the fairies and little people of folklore were

 decorous devices concealing processes of non-human sorcery

 repellent to mankind.

"This theme is a frequent one with Machen.  The hideous atavisms

 described by Lovecraft in many of his tales evoke even more

 potently the atmosphere of cosmic horror and 'evil' peculiar to

 the influx of extra-terrestrial powers.

"Machen, Blackwood, Crowley, Lovecraft, Fortune, and others,

 frequently used as a theme for their writings the influx of

 extra-terrestrial powers which have been moulding the history of

 our planet since time began; that is, since time began for us,

 for we are only too prone to suppose that we were here first and

 that we alone are here now, whereas the most ancient occult

 traditions affirm that we were neither the first nor are we the

 only ones to people the earth; the Great Old Ones and the Elder

 Gods find echoes in the myths and legends of all peoples.

"Austin Spare claimed to have had direct experience of the

 existence of extraterrestrial intelligences, and Crowley -- as

 his autobiography makes abundantly clear -- devoted a lifetime

 to proving that extra-terrestrial and superhuman consciousness

 can and does exist independently of the human organism.


"These magicians utilized human embodiments of power (shakti)

 which appeared -- usually -- in feminine form.  Each book that

 Crowley produced had its corresponding shakti.  The Rites of

 Eleusis (1910) were powered, largely, by Leila Waddell.  Book

 Four, Parts I  II (1913) came through Soror Virakam (Mary

 d'Este).  Liber Aleph -- The Book of Wisdom or Folly (1918) --

 was inspired by Soror Hilarion (Jane Foster).  His great work,

 Magick in Theory and Practice, was written mainly in 1920 in

 Cefalu, where Alostrael (Leah Hirsig) supplied the magical

 impetus; and so on, up to the New Aeon interpretation of the

 Tarot (The Book of Thoth), which he produced in collaboration

 with Frieda Harris in 1944.  Dali's shakti -- Gala -- was the

 channel through which the inspiring creative current was fixed

 or visualized in some of the greatest paintings the world has

 seen.  And in the case of Austin Osman Spare, the Fire Snake

 assumed the form of Mrs. Paterson, a self-confessed witch who

 embodied the sorceries of a cult so ancient that it was old in

 Egypt's infancy.


"The Adepts of Ku worshipped a serpent goddess in the form of a

 woman dedicated to the Cult.  During an elaborate ritual she

 would become possessed, with the result that she threw off, or

 emanated, multiple forms of the goddess as sentient shadows

 endowed with all the charms possessed by her human representative.

 These shadow-women, impelled by some subtle law of attraction,

 gravitated to one or other of the devotees who sat in a drowsy

 condition around the entranced priestess.  Sexual congress with

 these shadows then occurred and it was the beginning of a sinister

 form of dream-control involving journeys and encounters in

 infernal regions.

"The Ku would seem to be a form of the Fire Snake exteriorized

 astrally as a shadow-woman or succubus, congress with which

 enabled the devotee to reify his 'inherent dream'.  She was

 known as the 'whore of hell' and her function was analogous to

 that of the Scarlet Woman of Crowley's Cult, the Suvasini of the

 Tantric Kaula Circle, and the Fiendess of the Cult of the Black

 Snake.  The Chinese Ku, or harlot of hell, is a shadowy embodiment

 of subconscious desires concentrated in the alluringly sensuous

 form of the Serpent of Shadow Goddess.


"Sleep should be preceded by some form of Karezza during which a

 specially chosen sigil symbolizing the desired object is vividly

 visualized.  In this manner 


1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

I received a reply re Wios pics of object 3 from Alec Newald of Coevolution
so yes it will be all on soon..Wios post at bottom


  Just for the record and inview of one of those emails Peter has sent in
tonight, and I don't want to make a big deal out of this because I only have
the information second hand but from people that have been good to me in the
past, we do seem to have an anomaly in a stand off orbit around our sun,
this has been know to higher authorities for some time and the rest of us
with eyes to see! how do 'I KNOW' well I have been asked by a go between to
these higher authorities if I knew what going on, yes you heard me right,
well you all should know by now that most of what I do does not pass by
those in authority, phone taps emails well I know that they know whatever I
am doing, so you get to live with it, well the other day an email arrived
and asked just one question, "do YOU know when?"  Well I don't!  but I have
gotten a feeling of late that this could be more than the usual bullshit
that the think they knows put outso dare I suggest stay tuned for
further announcements! I'm sorry but I really can't say much more about it
just now. This is not a joke, I do not make jokes on this subject.
AlecP.S Peter you can pass this on if you like.

Through Space During THE SOLAR ECLIPSE
There seems to be a rash of catastrophic prophesies occurring at the moment
surrounding these three objects that were discovered during the Solar
Eclipse... i shall let you be the Judge and Jury regarding these.. i blew
them up and did some adjustments ~~ mostly ENLARGINGCOLOR
etc.. all the really NEAT things you can do with adobe photoshop.. now
according to Hoagland and the Millennium Group these cometary/asteroid
objects might impact as early as November the 11th.. CATASTROPHE!!. i do not
think so( from my point of view- unless the ET's driving these are planning
to impact EArth..HO HO HO )

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Crowley Alien

1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

This entire post is a forward.  IHN, Brad


 Crowley  Hubbard but nothing in depth on Jack Parsons yet..


 Crowley  Alien / Demon  beings in the "egg" etc...


I have all kinds of stuff on AC, but while searching my old

archives for a very good series on Jack Parsons, JPL, and his

intimate connection to AC (a series of approx. 50 separate

20-30Kb posts), I found the following in the mean time:


Jack Parsons: Sorcerous Scientist

by Douglas Chapman


Excerptus Caeruleus:

"The [Babalon] Working began in 1945-46, a few months before

 Crowley's death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of

 unexplained aerial phenomena now recalled as the "Great

 Flying Saucer Flap ... Parsons opened a door and something

 flew in...

"A Gateway for the Great Old Ones has already been established

 -- and opened -- by members of the O.T.O. who are en rapport

 with this entity [Lam, an extra-terrestrial being whom Crowley

 supposedly contacted while in America in 1919]."

-Kenneth Grant, O.T.O.


"I hight Don Quixote, I live on peyote,

   marijuana, morphine and cocaine,

 I never know sadness, but only a madness

   that burns at the heart and the brain.

 I see each charwoman, ecstatic, inhuman,

   angelic, demonic, divine.

 Each wagon a dragon, each beer mug a flagon

   that brims with ambrosial wine." (1)

-John Whiteside (Jack") Parsons (1943)

The preceding poem is the most famous written work of John

Whiteside Parsons (1914-1952).  He helped make science fiction

into fact, yet this dark and handsome man, born of a well-to-do

Los Angeles family, made his private life "visionary" in a

different way, being as involved with ceremonial magic outside of

working hours as he was with rocketry research during the day. In

the mid-to-late 1940s, his major accomplishments behind him,

magic came to obsess him all the more.

Frank Malina, one of his colleagues at Caltech (California

Institute of Technology) in Pasadena, has chronicled John (Jack)

Parsons' contributions to rocketry. (2)  In 1936, Parsons and

Edward S. Forman came upon a report of a GALCIT (Guggenheim

Aeronautical Laboratory-Caltech) lecture concerning the idea of a

rocket-powered airplane.  Parsons, though a self-trained chemist,

had powers of imagination that proved to be invaluable in all of

his pursuits (whether scientific or magical).  He and Forman (a

mechanic) bad together been making small black-powder rockets.

They wanted to experiment with a liquid propellant rocket motor,

so (lacking the funds) they approached Caltech.  As a result,

Malina (in 1936) came up with a proposal for his doctoral thesis

on rocket propulsion and performance in-flight.  Theodore von

Karman (who headed GALCIT) gave Malina permission to collaborate

with Forman and Parsons, even though the latter two were neither

students nor staff members of the institute.

Even so, funds were scarce, and the three experimenters chipped

in necessary funds for the materials.  They conducted the tests

at Arroyo Seco, behind the Devil's Gate Dam in Pasadena (very

near the present-day Jet Propulsion Laboratory), a site that,

unbeknownst to them, had previously been used by rocketry pioneer

Robert Goddard.  (Forteans should make special note of the

'Devil's Gate' place-name.)

::: The "Suicide Squad" :::

Weld Arnold and Hsue Shen Tsien soon joined GALCIT rocket

research, completing the well-remembered team.  The group became

known as the 'suicide squad" because of a 1937 test misfire in

which a nitrogen dioxide/alcohol cloud caused a thin layer of

rust to appear on much lab equipment.  Henceforth, the small

scale rocket motor responsible was moved from the building.  The

failed experiment, providentially, gave Parsons an important idea

(to be recounted shortly).

In the summer of 1938, the staff decreased, leaving Malina,

Forman and Parsons as remaining core members.  A few months

later, the National Academy of Science (NAS) Committee on Army

Air Corps Research commenced study with the GALCIT rocket

research group, with the express interest of finding ways to

assist the takeoffs of heavily-laden aircraft by using rocketry.

A $10,000 contract was thus awarded by the NAS to Caltech to

develop "jet" (actually rocket) propulsion to be used to provide

"super-performance" for propeller aircraft.  Liquid and solid

propellant rocket engines were part of this research.  Von Karman

took charge, with Malina, Parsons and Forman being the major

members of his staff.  In 1940, Parsons was able to show the Air

Corps that red-fuming nitric acid was a better oxidizer than

liquid oxygen (making use of knowledge gained from the 1937

misfire). (3)  This led to 

[CTRL] More Dark Links

1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Here's a good OTO-link.


Here's a whole site about Parsons ...




I saw Bowie the other night on TV when I was surfing.  Phew.  What a major

David Bowie  the Occult:


I found this 109K fact sheet via the website Per sent:

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] More Dark Links

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, earthman wrote:

 I saw Bowie the other night on TV when I was surfing.  Phew.  What a major

I don't knowI always like the dude

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Running Risks (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

"And just as he has done with his health-privacy "protection,"
Mr. Clinton will sign the bipartisan legislation, leaving you
naked to any prying eyes with an Orwellian statement about how
this protects your privacy."

Running Risks

Nov. 1,1999
William Safire

Washington -- Americans are unaware that Congress and the
president have just agreed to put us all at extraordinary
financial and personal risk.  Senate Banking Chairman Phil Gramm
has struck a deal with Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence
Summers to knock down all fire walls between banks, insurance
companies and brokerage houses. Global financiers are given the
green light for ever-greater concentrations of power.

Few remember the reason for those fire walls: to curtail the
spread of the sort of panic from one financial segment to another
that helped lead to the Great Depression. But today's lust for
global giantism has swept aside the voices of prudence; generous
financial lobbies have persuaded our leaders that in enormous
size there is strength.

Not everyone has forgotten the adage of "the bigger they come,
the harder they fall." In a little-noticed speech to bankers
about the need for oversight of the growing "appetite for risk,"
Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said that megabanks are becoming
"complex entities that create the potential for unusually large
systemic risks in the national and international economy should
they fail."

Fail? That's a word that has been all but stricken from
mergermania's vocabulary. It can only be used in the phrase "too
big to fail" -- where the American taxpayer would have to bail
out a failing multitentacled financial network lest it sink the
whole jerry-built global edifice. A few of us have no appetite
for assuming that risk -- which would be 10 times as costly as
the 80's S.L. debacle.

But that's just a monetary risk that, come hard-to-imagine hard
times, would wipe out a decade's projected surplus. More
irreversible is a greater risk that we are assuming this month --
the much more imminent risk to our private lives.

We have already seen the veil over our health records ripped
away. The feckless G.O.P. Congress tossed that hot potato to
Clinton, who caved to the insurance and hospital lobbies. The key
word is consent. Instead of requiring written permission from
patients before confidential health records are shopped to drug
marketers or shown to prospective employers, Clinton's phony
"controls" put patients and doctors at a disadvantage.

As for financial privacy, the Gramm-Summers sellout makes your
bank account everybody's business. You will hear much huffing and
puffing about privacy protection as the fire walls are torn down,
especially about allowing you to object after the fact to the
handing-around of your personal records, like a plate of cookies,
to other companies.

Here's the catch: What happens when those "outside companies" are
not outside at all -- but are part of one great big family of
broker-banking-insurance ser vices? Then, without your consent,
the private information you write on your mortgage application,
with your tax return attached, goes to your insurance company,
which already has your health history -- and its snoops can also
see your investment behavior and what you've been buying with
your credit cards.  Under Gramm-Summers, giant financial
conglomerates -- using other surveillance to protect against
fraud -- will know more about your money habits, your assets,
your diseases and your genetic makeup than your spouse or
paramour does, and probably more than you do.

And just as he has done with his health-privacy "protection," Mr.
Clinton will sign the bipartisan legislation, leaving you naked
to any prying eyes with an Orwellian statement about how this
protects your privacy.  Listen for the word consent. Listen for
the word permission. You won't hear them, because that puts the
expensive obligation on the marketers and snoops to seek your
consent and alert you to their intrusion.

Instead, you will hear malarkey about how you will have control.
That code word means that you must search for invasions of your
privacy from punch-this-number telephone-answering computers and
impenetrable bureaucracies. Some "control."

Sheer size rules. We look to government either to regulate
monopoly or enforce competition. But as we have deregulated to
let the free market operate, government has failed to enforce
antitrust laws to maintain competition in media and now in money.

Today's result: mergermania, dangerous concentration of financial
risk, and the even greater risk to that part of our freedom we
call privacy.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To 

[CTRL] GW Bush flies in CIA drug smuggler's airplane, Why?

1999-11-01 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Why Does George W. Bush Fly in Drug Smuggler Barry Seal's Airplane?

by Daniel Hopsicker and Michael C. Ruppertwww.copvcia.com

(c) Excerpts:*  From The Wilderness,  Vol. II., No. 8, October 31, 1999

It has all the makings of a major box office thriller: Texas Governor and
Republican Presidential contender George W. Bush and his brother Jeb,
allegedly caught on videotape in 1985 picking up kilos of cocaine at a
Florida airport in a DEA sting set up by Barry Seal...  An ensuing murderous
cover-up featuring Seal's public assassination less than a year later by a
hit team...the members of which, when caught, reveal to their attorneys
during trial that their actions were being directed by then, National
Security Council (NSC) staffer - Lt. Colonel Oliver North...

And a private turboprop King Air 200 supposedly caught on  tape in the
sting with FAA ownership records leading directly to the CIA and some
of the perpetrators of the most notorious (and never punished) major
financial frauds of the '80s. ...Greek shippers paying bribes to obtain
from American companies that would never be repaidAn American
executive snatching the charred remains of a $10,000 payoff check from
an ashtray in an Athens restaurant...Swiss police finding bank accounts
used for kickbacks and bribes...

Add to this mix the now irrefutable proof, some of it from the CIA itself,
that then Vice President George H.W. Bush was a decision maker in illegal
Contra support operations connected to the "unusual" acquisition of aircraft
and that his staff participated in key financial, operational and political

All these events lead inexorably to one unanswered question: How did this
one plane go from being controlled by Barry Seal, the biggest drug smuggler
in American history, to becoming, according to state officials,  a favored
airplane of Texas Governor George W. Bush?

Three months into an exhaustive investigation of persistent reports dating
to 1995 that there exists an incriminating videotape of current Republican
Presidential front-runner Bush caught in a hastily-aborted DEA cocaine
sting, the central allegation remains unproven...  But some startling
details have been confirmed, amid a raft of new suspicions emerging from
conflicting FAA records. Those records, along with other irrefutable
documents, point to the existence of far more than mere happenstance or dark
"conspiracy theorist speculations" in the matter of how George W. Bush came
to be flying the friendly Texas skies in an airplane that was a crown jewel
in the drug smuggling fleet of the notorious Barry Seal. Those documents
reveal - beyond any doubt - that in the 1980s Barry Seal, with whom the CIA
has consistently denied any relationship, piloted and controlled airplanes
owned by the same Phoenix Arizona company, Greycas, which in a 1998
bankruptcy filing, was revealed to have been a subsidiary of the same
company that owned the now defunct CIA proprietary airline Southern Air

The investigation started with a lead into the history of the aircraft (a
1982 Beechcraft King Air 200 with FAA registration number N6308F - Serial
Number BB-1014). The handwritten tail number was found in records kept by
Seal's widow and later linked to other "hard paper" records left by Seal
after his 1986 assassination by "drug traffickers"  who were subsequently
connected to Oliver North. Those records,  including leasing agreements,
insurance policies and maintenance records, exhibit a deliberately-confusing
"paper trail" of convoluted ownership recalling the 'glory' days of the Iran
Contra hearings, where the machinations of American covert intelligence
operators were unmasked before a disbelieving public.

Combined with revelations in a 1998 CIA Inspector General's report of
Contra-era cocaine trafficking in which the CIA admits to "briefing" then
Vice President Bush on how it lied to Congress about cocaine trafficking
by its agents, it becomes clear that father and son have common secrets
to conceal from the American public. That report, Volume II of the CIA
Inspector General's report into allegations of Contra cocaine trafficking
can be viewed at http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/cocaine2/index.html.

A detailed discussion of that report, along with relevant excerpts is
available at www.copvcia.com.

Unraveling the plane's tangled and colorful history requires, first, a brief
look backwards at the momentous year of 1982, when President Reagan first
introduced the public version of "Project Democracy," in which he called for
a "crusade for freedom."

What it became instead was a license to murder, loot and steal. This climate
was the nursery into which N6308F was born

[Excerpted* from From The Wilderness,  Vol. II., No. 8, October 31, 1999 -
Single issues are available for $5.00 from FTW, P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman
Oaks, CA 91413 - subscriptions available from a secure server at

[CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 My boss, who's been skeptical thus far about the potential dangers of
"Y2K," just heard BAD NEWS from a friend of his, a person with a high-ranking
position in the San Mateo (Ca.) Police Department [or Sheriff's Department, I
don't remember which]..
 His friend warned him not to be in San Francisco, and especially not in
downtown San Francisco where he works, on New Year's Eve 1999.
 Explaining, he told him that local law enforcement agencies were
preparing for what they EXPECT to occur in most major cities due to the
combination of (1) Y2K-related problems --possible power outages at night,
communications systems down-- and (2) unusually massive crowds assembled on
the streets late at night to celebrate New Year's Eve AND the beginning of a
new millennium.  They're anticipating this scenario:
first, mass drunken anarchy, with the usual random violence and the
overturning and torching of automobiles ... then, knife and GUN violence, as
black, Latino, and Asian gangs (who, according to "police intelligence," are
plotting to seize this opportunity) arrive on the scene armed, committing
hit-and-run criminal acts (robbery, carjacking, rape, etc) on the hapless
revellers, and then vanishing, "lost in the crowd," panicking  ... everyone
... the police join the fray, leading to shootouts on crowded streets between
cops and gangs -- seeing which, mobs of outraged inner-city teens surge
forward and attack the police ... and finally, this mob hysteria turns even
uglier, in a totally brazen looting of downtown retail outlets, arson of
"white" properties, and rioting, before long snowballing into a scene that
would make the LA riots look like a Boy Scout party ...
The police are so vastly outnumbered they have to retreat to save their own
skin, the fire department is unable to respond to so many fires at once,
there's a near-total blackout due to Y2K-related power failures and the
NON-Y2K-related sabotage of utility stations, communications are down between
city agencies, traffic is bottlenecked to a standstill because there are
automobile collisions everywhere and the congestion caused by the vehicles of
revellers, many erupting into "road rage," makes the areas of worst rioting,
arson and looting inaccessible to the police and fire departments' emergency
City agencies call for the National Guard to restore order, but since the
National Guard itself is already thinned out trying to deal with the SAME
conditions in SEVERAL cities
at the same time, no help is forthcoming ... The MILITARY has to be called in
to help,
Martial Law will be declared ...  Meanwhile, however, the whole city is up in
flames and gun battles are going on everywhere between citizens, criminals,
and "political radicals" -- while all local government agencies just stand by
and watch this with a "hands off" attitude, having decided that intervention
to restore "law and order" is IMPOSSIBLE, since they're outnumbered, and
under fire themselves, and no backup from the military can be expected for at
least days. "Just let 'em kill each other and burn it all down."

 That was the picture which my boss' friend in law enforcement painted
for us -- and he told him, seriously, to arm himself to the teeth
immediately, and to be prepared to shoot scores of people who, singly or in
groups, would try to burglarize or set fire to his home, willing to injure or
kill him in the process.  "Just pretend you're in Kosovo."
 And he added: if you're at work at the time, or summoned to work to help
the workplace from arson or looting, don't BE there -- or at the very least,
if you ARE there, don't put up a fight when you face the crazed, rapacious
mob.  Retreat -- think about saving your OWN life, because there's NO HOPE of
defending yourself against the mob if you represent --or even seem to
represent-- "security," law enforcement, or "authority."  "The police will
NOT assist you," said this local law enforcement official.
It's "every man for himself" -- and that attitude will be a matter of

 We're already aware of the MILITARY's estimate is of the potential
dangers of Y2K, we know from reading a recent AP item the FBI's view, and
now, "off the record," you've just heard how LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT sees it

 An "apocalypse" of MASS-HYSTERIA and VIOLENT MOB RULE is expected on Dec
31, 1999, and federal, state, and local governments are PREPARING for that...

 And SOME preparations involve "washing their hands" and LETTING it

 AFTER which, there goes Posse Comitatus, and here comes Martial Law, and
the suspension of all Constitutional freedoms and rights for an indefinite
duration ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used 

[CTRL] FW: Philanthropists, Financial Ventures, Cancer Cure Concerned

1999-11-01 Thread Fransy

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: 114 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 7:37 AM
Subject: Philanthropists, Financial Ventures, Cancer Cure Concerned

Would you be able to please pass this along since you are in the field of

Do You know a Special Person who could lend a hand?  A Foundation for CANCER
Perhaps you know someone who can assistanticipating major funding, but
time may run out before then.  Just like the lives of those with Cancer you
know/have known

Small lenders most welcome!!!  Please pass along

Opening a Cancer Wellness Center for CURING with proven record
National Cancer Research Foundation (independant)
Conjunctive medicine, makes conventional work more efficiently, this is not
alternative medicine.

Dear Friend -

I am Fred Eichhorn of St. James, Long Island, New York

I am opening a cancer wellness center and need to know what to tell the
sellers of an estate to prevent the other prospective buyers from purchasing
it and tearing down the historic mansion and preventing the success of the
wellness center at that location, as it is a perfect setup.  I ventured with
one of the HY funding programs and am disappointed that it is not funding on
time as it propised.

I founded the National Cancer Research Foundation, which has been
incorporated "not for profit" since March 1999.  As a result of my  vast
success in reversing
basically every type cancer, including extreme terminal stages, I have
to purchase an estate only because of what has been offered to me.  I have
23 years in it's research, and reversed 150 out of 200 terminal cases in 2
58 out of 63 terminal cases in past 10 months.  I was told I had 8 months to
live in 1976 when I had pancreatic cancer, I am longest survivor in the
according to my doctors, who are also supporting me.  Track record is about
90% success rate. Cost of treatment about $200 monthly.

While I spent 3 1/2 years in bed to recover from the 47 fractures sustained
in the World Trade Center, I was able to go deeper and determine the final
measures needed to reverse cancer,, and it works every time.

I would be happy to sent you a copy of the program if you would like one. It
is a 5 part e-mail.

My goal is to be able to treat the cancer victims free of charge, and I want
to open my own vitamin manufacturing plant to sell a specifically determined
quantity (mg) per pill for treatment at a fair market cost to the consumer.
Until the foundation is fully functional, I have support and help available,
but immediate financial assistance until the HY produces is CRUCIALLY
needed to allow me to purchase this estate.

This is not "alternative medicine". It is conjunctive and makes conventional
work better, eliminates nausea and throwing up associated with chemo, etc…
At this time, NCI ( National Cancer Institute) is discussing my theories as
they find that I am answering their unsolved questions, and they feel it

The owner of the estate had it for sale 3 years, started at 5 million, came
down to 4.3,  then 4.1.  Problem of sale is that the taxes are $52,000
annually, and no potential purchaser was interested in paying that amount in
taxes.  I solved that problem.

A builder was offering to purchase the property for 3.0 million, as he wants
to knock down the mansion (15,000 sf main house plus 7,500 sf for indoor
pool house and spa area) to break up the 9+ acres to 4 homes.
They were ready to commence the deal just before I inquired a month ago.
The house is a perfect condition Stanford White home, built 1870, needs
no work at all.

Because they know me and support my efforts, as of Sept 15, I was given 1
month to come up with 1.2 million which will pay off the existing 1.2 mil
However, because the builder who offered tpo purchase the property has an
wexpiration date of Nov 1, the seller will reluctantly sign the agreement
with the builder if i do not show strong ability to purchase it. The owner
does not need the money but wants to get rid of the mortgage.  apparently,
does not care whether the house gets demolished or not.

I had the property appraised, came in at 5.4 million by my own personal
appraiser, I am also licensed in appraisals, RE, insur, securities, and

This estate is perfect for the function of the foundation, I need to add
nothing, all is 100% perfect condition.

State and village will waive entire tax in order to help me afford it.

1 Stanford White is the architect who designed and built Grand Central
in NYC, Washington Square, and many other noted buildings.  The town is
upset because they cannot legally interfere to stop the demolition.

2. The property has income potential, the town would approve it and  would
bring me about 5 - 6,000 monthly.  If my funds do not come in, i would need

[CTRL] RIP: British Imperial Lord Rabbi

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Chief Rabbi Jakobovits was a staunch defender of Margaret Thatcher,
Britain's right-wing Conservative Party prime minister from 1979 to 1990.
 " ``Making the rich less rich doesn't make the poor less poor,' he once
 (Unless I'm mistaken, he was --appropriately-- the Rothschilds' family

British Rabbi Jakobovits Dies

LONDON (AP) - Britain's former chief rabbi, Immanuel Jakobovits, a refugee
from Nazi Germany who became the first Jewish religious leader to be
appointed to a seat in the House of Lords, died on Sunday. He was 78.

Lord Jakobovits died at his north London home from an apparent brain
hemorrhage, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said. He had attended religious
services as usual on Friday and Saturday and had shown no sign of ill health.

A pre-funeral service was held Sunday at the Hendon Synagogue in north
London, and Jakobovits' body was being flown to Israel for burial Monday
morning on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Britain's political and religious leaders joined in tributes to Jakobovits, a
conservative on politics and morals, and a world authority on Jewish medical
ethics, particularly the ethics of modern fertility treatments. He urged
strict controls.

``He was a prophetic voice in a secular age,'' said Sacks. ``He was a
tireless defender of timeless Jewish values.''

Jakobovits was Chief Rabbi of Britain and the 54-nation Commonwealth of
ex-colonies from 1967 to 1991. Previously, he served as Chief Rabbi of
Ireland and First Rabbi at New York's Fifth Avenue Synagogue before returning
to Britain at the age of 46.

Labor Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said Jakobovits was ``deeply respected
and widely admired throughout the whole of this country for his faith, his
ability and his courage.''

Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, spiritual leader of the worldwide
Anglican Communion and a fellow member of the Lords, remembered Jakobovits
both as a friend and a ``stalwart defender of the shared values based on the
belief that we are God's children.''

Jakobovits was an outspoken opponent of homosexuality, a believer in duties
as well as rights, and a staunch defender of Margaret Thatcher, Britain's
right-wing Conservative Party prime minister from 1979 to 1990.

``Making the richer less rich doesn't make the poor less poor,'' Jakobovits
once commented.

The son and grandson of rabbis, Jakobovits never returned to Germany, and
said he never would. In 1990, he said Jews were entitled to demand
international guarantees against a resurgence of anti-Semitism in a unified

He believed the destiny of Israel was to become ``a beacon of light to other

Jakobovits came to Britain in 1936, and the rest of his family fled from
Berlin and joined him two years later.

He received a knighthood in 1981 as leader of Britain's small Jewish
community - there are some 350,000 committed British Jews - and was given a
peerage by the Thatcher government in 1988.

He is survived by his wife, the former Amelie Munk, and their two sons and
four daughters.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Post-Feminist Stumps for Al Gore

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dang, I remember Naomi dancing half-nekkid at a Haight-Ashbury concert

Gore Hires Feminist Author Wolf

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Al Gore said Sunday he has hired feminist
author Naomi Wolf to help attract younger voters, especially women.

Wolf's books espouse some controversial views. In her latest,
``Promiscuities,'' she argued among other things that schools should teach
such things as masturbation because it is more realistic than abstinence and
safer than sexual intercourse.

Gore was asked on ABC's ``This Week'' about a Time magazine report that Wolf
is deeply involved in his campaign, including advice on how to convince
voters that Gore is not a permanent No. 2 but is an ``alpha male'' who should
be in charge.

``She's a valued adviser, and she'll remain one,'' Gore said. ``She's one of
several campaign advisers.''

He added that Wolf works primarily with his daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff, on
an Internet outreach effort to ``attract young women and young men to
participate more in this campaign.''

Gore spokesman Chris Lehane added later Sunday that he wasn't sure if the
vice president had read any of Wolf's books. Her other works are ``The Beauty
Myth,'' about the impossible physical standards that women are expected to
meet, and ``Fire With Fire,'' which urges women to take up ``power feminism''
and push issues such as pay discrimination and sexual harassment.

``Her focus is on young people and outreach to women,'' Lehane said. ``A
hallmark of Al Gore's career is that he's always looked for a diversity of
views and people, and he constantly reaches out.''

Gore said Wolf was being paid ``a third'' of the $15,000 a month reported by
Time. But Gore aides, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Wolf
was paid $15,000 per month until Donna Brazile took over as campaign manager
this month and cut Wolf's salary to $5,000.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] An Offer of Palestinian Statehood

1999-11-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/1999 11:15:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 The actual establishment of the Palestinian state will
 occur on the eve of the signing of the detailed final
 agreement, which is slated for the end of next year.
 Senior diplomatic sources explain that Israel prefers to
 sign an agreement with a recognized state rather than
 with a temporary authority or the Palestine Liberation
 Organization, which has signed agreements until now. 

Well, and it leaves time to weasel out of the agreement or to fragment even
more the land where the Palestinians can actually live.  You know, bits and
pieces which Israeli settlers or military are not actually sitting on.
Perhaps we should name a few of our Indian Reservations as a state.  With
bits of the state here and there, it should make everybody miserable.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] RIP: British Imperial Lord Rabbi

1999-11-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/01/1999 6:24:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 He believed the destiny of Israel was to become ``a beacon of light to

Perhaps, but I would never classify it that way.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Matt Lowry

 -Caveat Lector-

It's times like these I'm glad I live in a country that isn't awash
with hand guns.

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

  My boss, who's been skeptical thus far about the potential dangers of
 "Y2K," just heard BAD NEWS from a friend of his, a person with a high-ranking
 position in the San Mateo (Ca.) Police Department [or Sheriff's Department, I
 don't remember which]..

[  ]

 first, mass drunken anarchy, with the usual random violence and the
 overturning and torching of automobiles ... then, knife and GUN violence, as
 black, Latino, and Asian gangs (who, according to "police intelligence," are
 plotting to seize this opportunity) arrive on the scene armed, committing
 hit-and-run criminal acts (robbery, carjacking, rape, etc) on the hapless
 revellers, and then vanishing, "lost in the crowd," panicking  ... everyone
 ... the police join the fray, leading to shootouts on crowded streets between
 cops and gangs -- seeing which, mobs of outraged inner-city teens surge
 forward and attack the police ... and finally, this mob hysteria turns even
 uglier, in a totally brazen looting of downtown retail outlets, arson of
 "white" properties, and rioting, before long snowballing into a scene that
 would make the LA riots look like a Boy Scout party ...

Geez. I dunno who's more paranoid - these cops or the Second Coming

It's a worst case scenario ... possible of course but not likely in my

But then again, there are that many big cities in the US
with "poverty-stricken ethnic ghettos" (call it what you will) full of
people who feel they have nothing to loose and everything to gain from
a good bit of rioting and looting ...

  AFTER which, there goes Posse Comitatus, and here comes Martial Law, and
 the suspension of all Constitutional freedoms and rights for an indefinite
 duration ...

As if the US government has been making a habit of repsecting the
letter and spirit of its Constitution up until now ...


 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

I haven't lost my mind !
I've got it backed up on floppy somewhere ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: (fwd) OBRL - Another AIDS Family Forced to Run From the Medical Police

1999-11-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

HIV  breastfeeding was addressed in the September-October 1998 issue
of Mothering magazine, and cited the studies showing AZT to do more
harm than good and the studies showing that HIV is not transmitted
through breast milk. http://www.mothering.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1 - Happy Hallowe'en!

1999-11-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

 satellite cameras can read the time on your watch from orbit.

I say we should MOON the satellites!
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary / Nov 1 / Mokhiber and Weissman / Corpor

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:ZNet Commentary / Nov 1 / Mokhiber and Weissman / Corporate 
Date sent:  Sun, 31 Oct 1999 19:58:10 -
The Criminal Element
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The criminal element has seeped deep into every nook and cranny of
American society. Forget about the underworld -- these crooks dominate
every aspect of our market, culture, and politics. They cast a deep dark
shadow over life in turn of the century America.

We buy gas from them (Exxon, Chevron, Unocal). We take pictures with their
cameras and film (Eastman Kodak). We drink their beer (Coors). We buy
insurance from them to guard against financial catastrophe if we get sick
(Blue Cross Blue Shield). And then when we get sick, we buy
pharmaceuticals from them (Pfizer, Warner Lambert, Ortho Pharmaceuticals).
We do our laundry washers and dryers from them (General Electric). We
vacation with them (Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines). We buy our food from
them (Archer Daniels Midland, Southland, Tyson Foods, U.S. Sugar).

We drive with them (Hyundai) and fly with them (Korean Air Lines). All of
these companies and more turned up on Corporate Crime Reporter's list of
the Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the 1990s, released this past week at a
news conference at the National Press Club.

Standing before a roomful of reporters and cameras (including a C-Span
camera which took us live to our TV nation), we made the following points:
Every year, the major business magazines put out their annual surveys of
big business in America. You have the Fortune 500, the Forbes 400, the
Forbes Platinum 100, the International 800 -- among others.

These lists rank big corporations by sales, assets, profits and market
share. The point of these surveys is simple -- to identify and glorify the
biggest and most profitable corporations.

The point of releasing The Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the Decade, on
the other hand, was to focus public attention on the pervasive criminality
that has corrupted the marketplace and that is given little sustained
attention and analysis by politicians and news outlets.

To compile The Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the 1990s, we used the most
narrow and conservative of definitions -- corporations that have pled
guilty or no contest to crimes and have been criminally fined. And still,
with the most narrow and conservative of definitions of corporate crime,
we came up with society's most powerful actors.

Six corporations that made the list of the Top 100 Corporate Criminals
were criminal recidivist companies during the 1990s. Exxon, Royal
Caribbean, Rockwell International, Warner-Lambert, Teledyne, and United
Technologies each pled guilty to more than one crime during the 1990s.

And we warned that we in no way imply that these corporations are in any
way the worst or have committed the most egregious crimes. We did not try
to assess and compare the damage committed by these corporate criminals or
by other corporate wrongdoers. We warned that companies that are
criminally prosecuted represent only the tip of a very large iceberg of
corporate wrongdoing.

For every company convicted of health care fraud, there are hundreds of
others who get away with ripping off Medicare and Medicaid, or face only
mild slap-on-the-wrist fines and civil penalties when caught.

For every company convicted of polluting the nation's waterways, there are
many others who are not prosecuted because their corporate defense lawyers
are able to offer up a low-level employee to go to jail in exchange for a
promise from prosecutors not to touch the company or high-level

For every corporation convicted of bribery or of giving money directly to
a public official in violation of federal law, there are thousands who
give money legally through political action committees to candidates and
political parties. They profit from a system that effectively has
legalized bribery.

For every corporation convicted of selling illegal pesticides, there are
hundreds more who are not prosecuted because their lobbyists have worked
their way in Washington to ensure that dangerous pesticides remain legal.

For every corporation convicted of reckless homicide in the death of a
worker, there are hundreds of others that don't even get investigated for
reckless homicide when a worker is killed on the job. Only a few district
attorneys across the country (Michael McCann, the DA in Milwaukee County,
Wisconsin, being one) regularly investigate workplace deaths as homicides.

We pointed out that corporations define the laws under which they live. An
argument can be made that the most egregious wrongful corporate acts --
the genetic engineering of the food supply, or the systematic pollution of
the nation's air and waterways, or the bribery by 

[CTRL] Irish Journalist Wins

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Ireland
Irish journalist wins court battle against police
By Mike Ingram
1 November 1999
Back to screen version

Ed Moloney, northern editor of the Sunday Tribune, has won his legal battle
against a court order requiring he hand over interview notes he had made with a
Loyalist subsequently charged with murdering civil rights lawyer Pat Finucane.
In Belfast high court last Wednesday, Sir Robert Carsell, Northern Ireland's
Lord Chief Justice, ruled police had failed to show that the notes would be of
substantial value to their inquiry.

The notes were of interviews with William Stobie, a quartermaster in the Ulster
Defence Association (UDA), following Finucane's shooting in 1989. On his
appearance in court earlier this year, Stobie declared that he had been working
as a Special Branch (police) informant at the time of the murder. He also
alleged that he had twice told his handlers of an imminent UDA assassination in
north Belfast although he was not aware who the target was. He also said he had
given details of the murder weapons to be used but no action was taken on
either occasion.

Stobie's arrest was designed to stave off longstanding allegations of security
forces collusion in the murder. He was arrested soon after Royal Ulster
Constabulary Chief Ronnie Flanagan had ordered a fresh investigation into
Finucane's murder. John Stevens was placed in charge of the new inquiry. He had
conducted an earlier investigation into collusion between the British Army and
loyalist gunmen, the findings of which had been covered up.

Stobie agreed to be interviewed by Moloney as a "safeguard" following his
arrest nine years previously, after which he was released without charge.
Stobie asked that the notes only be used with his written permission or in the
event of his death.

In an article published in the Sunday Tribune four months ago, Moloney told
Stobie's full story. It detailed how he had given the information contained in
the interviews to another journalist at the time who was now working at the
Northern Ireland Office (NIO). Neil Mulholland, a press officer in the NIO
Information Department, handed the Stevens team a 28-page statement that names
Stobie as the man who supplied the weapons used to kill Finucane. Mulholland is
giving testimony in the trial against Stobie. It is reported that Mulholland
learned of Stobie's role while working as a reporter for a Belfast newspaper in
1990. At the time, he gave the RUC the information that is now in the hands of
the Stevens team, but they chose to take no action.

Moloney's story gave credibility to Stobie's claims to have been working as an
informer at the time of the murder. Moreover, Stobie's account tended to
confirm the allegations of the Finucane family and their supporters that the
RUC were, at best, indifferent to Finucane's murder.

For these reasons Moloney is widely believed to have become the target of a
vindictive action. Throughout the case he maintained there was nothing
contained in his notes that investigators didn't already know. Following his
high court victory Moloney said that the manner in which detectives had pursued
his interview notes raised "very serious questions" on how the Stevens Inquiry
was being conducted.

"The RUC back in 1990 had over 47 hours of conversations with William Stobie. I
had five hours with him and ended up with 10 pages of typed notes. They have
122 pages of typed notes literally peppered with names. They never needed my
notes," Moloney said.

Moloney described the case as a "stunning victory for journalism" which he
believed would have an impact on future cases.

"It has the makings of a landmark decision. The lord chief justice has made
quite clear that the police have to establish a case for needing to see
journalistic material. They can't just wade in and assume they will
automatically get it".

Moloney argued that for the courts to insist on him handing over the material
would have meant a threat to his life, or at the very least his inability to
make a living as a journalist through being seen as a police informant. Had the
case gone against him, Moloney would have faced a substantial prison sentence.

Copyright 1998-99
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Eric Lash

 -Caveat Lector-

Hot off the press...

At 06:07 AM 11/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 My boss, who's been skeptical thus far about the potential dangers of
"Y2K," just heard BAD NEWS from a friend of his, a person with a high-ranking
position in the San Mateo (Ca.) Police Department [or Sheriff's Department, I
don't remember which]..
 His friend warned him not to be in San Francisco, and especially not in
downtown San Francisco where he works, on New Year's Eve 1999.
 Explaining, he told him that local law enforcement agencies were
preparing for what they EXPECT to occur in most major cities due to the
combination of (1) Y2K-related problems --possible power outages at night,
communications systems down-- and (2) unusually massive crowds assembled on
the streets late at night to celebrate New Year's Eve AND the beginning of a
new millennium.  They're anticipating this scenario:
first, mass drunken anarchy, with the usual random violence and the
overturning and torching of automobiles ... then, knife and GUN violence, as
black, Latino, and Asian gangs (who, according to "police intelligence," are
plotting to seize this opportunity) arrive on the scene armed, committing
hit-and-run criminal acts (robbery, carjacking, rape, etc) on the hapless
revellers, and then vanishing, "lost in the crowd," panicking  ... everyone
... the police join the fray, leading to shootouts on crowded streets between
cops and gangs -- seeing which, mobs of outraged inner-city teens surge
forward and attack the police ... and finally, this mob hysteria turns even
uglier, in a totally brazen looting of downtown retail outlets, arson of
"white" properties, and rioting, before long snowballing into a scene that
would make the LA riots look like a Boy Scout party ...
The police are so vastly outnumbered they have to retreat to save their own
skin, the fire department is unable to respond to so many fires at once,
there's a near-total blackout due to Y2K-related power failures and the
NON-Y2K-related sabotage of utility stations, communications are down between
city agencies, traffic is bottlenecked to a standstill because there are
automobile collisions everywhere and the congestion caused by the vehicles of
revellers, many erupting into "road rage," makes the areas of worst rioting,
arson and looting inaccessible to the police and fire departments' emergency
City agencies call for the National Guard to restore order, but since the
National Guard itself is already thinned out trying to deal with the SAME
conditions in SEVERAL cities
at the same time, no help is forthcoming ... The MILITARY has to be called in
to help,
Martial Law will be declared ...  Meanwhile, however, the whole city is up in
flames and gun battles are going on everywhere between citizens, criminals,
and "political radicals" -- while all local government agencies just stand by
and watch this with a "hands off" attitude, having decided that intervention
to restore "law and order" is IMPOSSIBLE, since they're outnumbered, and
under fire themselves, and no backup from the military can be expected for at
least days. "Just let 'em kill each other and burn it all down."

 That was the picture which my boss' friend in law enforcement painted
for us -- and he told him, seriously, to arm himself to the teeth
immediately, and to be prepared to shoot scores of people who, singly or in
groups, would try to burglarize or set fire to his home, willing to injure or
kill him in the process.  "Just pretend you're in Kosovo."
 And he added: if you're at work at the time, or summoned to work to help
the workplace from arson or looting, don't BE there -- or at the very least,
if you ARE there, don't put up a fight when you face the crazed, rapacious
mob.  Retreat -- think about saving your OWN life, because there's NO HOPE of
defending yourself against the mob if you represent --or even seem to
represent-- "security," law enforcement, or "authority."  "The police will
NOT assist you," said this local law enforcement official.
It's "every man for himself" -- and that attitude will be a matter of

 We're already aware of the MILITARY's estimate is of the potential
dangers of Y2K, we know from reading a recent AP item the FBI's view, and
now, "off the record," you've just heard how LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT sees it

 An "apocalypse" of MASS-HYSTERIA and VIOLENT MOB RULE is expected on Dec
31, 1999, and federal, state, and local governments are PREPARING for that...

 And SOME preparations involve "washing their hands" and LETTING it

 AFTER which, there goes Posse Comitatus, and here comes Martial Law, and
the suspension of all Constitutional freedoms and rights for an indefinite
duration ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] Computer Zealots

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From http://www.newstatesman.co.uk/199911010045.htm

Internet - True believers

Andrew Brown
Monday 1st November 1999

Internet - Andrew Brown on computer zealots

This should have been the week to write about chicken sexing, but a
conversation on Slashdot has derailed me. In any case, I have no practical
advice on chicken sexing, so if you have a problem there you had best consult
your chicken vendor. The discussion on Slashdot started because someone asked
what was the simplest system for his grandfather, an 89-year-old computer
novice, to use. And, of course, about half the people replied by pure nerd
instinct: "The answer's Linux. Now, what was the problem again?" Actually, that
is a slight overestimate, for some of the Linux boosters did not even notice
that here was a special problem involving a person who was not only one of the
unsaved but also ancient, and they replied simply, "The answer's Linux".

I don't want to give the impression that Slashdot is populated entirely by
teenage bigots. Many people pointed out very reasonably that either a Mac or a
Windows PC would do exactly what the questioner wanted, especially as he had
already bought a PC with Windows on it. From my own limited experience of
teaching computers to old people, I would have thought that a Mac was even
better, because the mouse has only one button. But common sense is not always
more interesting than bigotry, and what I found fascinating and revealing were
the arguments put forward in favour of using Linux for a job to which it could
not be less suited. The first, familiar one was that it never crashes. The
debate was little influenced by the idea that someone might voluntarily turn
off a computer before either it or the user had crashed irreparably. It was
obvious that what Grandfather needed most was a machine that would keep running
even if he died at the keyboard, as well he might if frustration got the better
of him.

It was a beautiful illustration of why so many computer discussions are
"religious". The zealots really are discussing the thing that gives meaning and
shape to their lives: it just happens to be a set of computer programs, but
this doesn't matter - like any religious observance, it is valued for its own
sake and not for its effects on the outside world. Linux for Grandfathers is an
awful lot like the Maharishi's Meditation for World Peace.

The second huge advantage that the zealots saw was that Linux can be "remotely
administered": because it is meant to have multiple simultaneous users, it is
possible, when something goes wrong, to dial into the machine that has broken
and fix it from a distance. It's possible to do this with Windows, too, but
less reliably. Now this is a real convenience for the fixer in some
circumstances, but it is hardly ever what the poor user actually wants. They do
want face-to-face contact, company, reassurance, possibly even the chance of a
conversation about something that is not a computer. Failing that, a telephone
conversation with a human being is better than having my computer ring your
computer and sort things out.

Yet "remote administration" as an attitude to life is one of the things that
makes computers so attractive at times of depression or despair. Any operating
system or any useful program is necessarily tremendously complicated. But some
wear their complication closer to the skin than others. Linux or Unix
especially demand to be administered. In a way it reverses the idea of a
personal computer, since you are either a user or an administrator. It's great
fun being an administrator. But it is deeply anti-social: though people talk
about the sharing ethic of the Internet, and of Unix especially, the pleasure
of being an administrator is that of being a megalomaniac bureaucrat, a Stalin
of the hard disk at whose whim entire civilisations are deported to the
archives. It does less harm than road rage.

Once you realise that the pleasure of administering a system is something that
is attractive for its own sake, everything else falls into place. A reviewer
describes a new version of Linux as a "Windows killer" and then mentions
casually that you need to spend about eight hours on the telephone to download
various necessary upgrades, which still won't install without specialised
knowledge. This is not lunacy: it is because it is so much more fun than simply
plugging a computer in and, God save the mark, actually doing something useful
with it. To buy a mere information appliance is as humiliating as it is to be
Margaret Thatcher and then find your country doesn't want to be saved.

Next week, I hope to return to the philosophical implications of chicken


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

1999-11-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991101a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No gangsters were devoured raw during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Ulysses for Dummies: http://www.bway.net/~hunger/ulysses.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Web cam seeks ghost in library. EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) - On a cold winter
  morning in 1937, a janitor grabbed his flashlight and headed down into the
  pitch-black basement of the Willard Library to stoke the coal furnace. But
  then, so the story goes, he was stopped cold in his tracks by the ghostly
  vision of a woman dressed in gray, from the veil covering her face down to
  her shoes. Since then, a number of Willard staff members have reported
  seeing the shadowy "Lady in Grey" or witnessing weird happenings among
  the shelves. And now anyone can try for a sighting. The Evansville Courier
   Press has installed a video camera in the 114-year-old library and still
  pictures are posted on the newspaper's Web site every 30 seconds. See

: Have you seen any ghosts lately? Are you a ghost? What levels of reality
do ghosts inhabit? What levels of reality ARE there? How do you know? Have
you switched levels lately? Did you see Elvis there? Is he fat and happy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# France Embraces Halloween. PARIS (Reuters) Witches, ghouls and an orange
  army of pumpkins invaded France Sunday, breaking down all that was left of
  Gallic resistance to Halloween, long seen as a US commercial conspiracy.
  Marketing triumphs: http://news.excite.com/news/r/991101/07/odd-halloween

: Are all belief systems commercial conspiracies? Do you sell artifacts of
your beliefs? Are your beliefs just commercial artifacts? Who sold you your
beliefs? Did you pay dearly for them? Would you rather rent your beliefs??

# All about El Cucui, a half-animal, half-man "bogey man" known to Latinos:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Settlers may have crossed Atlantic. SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) In a radical new
  view of pre-history, two prominent archeologists say North America's first
  inhabitants may have crossed the icy Atlantic Ocean some 18,000 years ago
  from Europe's Iberian Peninsula. The theory is at odds with the long-held
  notion that the continent's first settlers came across a land bridge from
  Asia. See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561865099-826

@ Who were the first Americans? Theories being floated today would have been
  laughed out of the lecture hall fifty years ago. But they didn't know then
  what we know now: http://www.toledoblade.com/editorial/news/9j31amer.htm

: Are you American? Where are you from? Where are you going? Are alien ETs
involved? Are your journeys physical, temporal, mental, spiritual, clonal?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 6 Koreans accused of cannibalism. SEOUL (AP) Six gangsters were busted for
  killing a friend  eating his liver. They were accused of killing a fellow
  gangster for disobeying gang bosses. The gangsters told cops they ate the
  victim's liver as part of their pledge to keep the alleged crime a secret.
  Yum - see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561849066-ed1

: Have you devoured anyone lately? Were they tastey? Is your lifestyle dan-
gerous? Would you mind dying, being killed, being devoured, being forgotten?

@ If you thought mountain biking http://extreme.nas.net/ was dangerous, then
  try mountain unicycling: http://members.aol.com/MitsuAvaco/muni_sc.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Russian Gangs Killing Street-Kids For Organs. BERLIN (AFP) - Germany's
  secret service says Russian gangs are killing street-children and selling
  their organs to rich patients in Russia and the West. Russian police are
  powerless to stop the organ trafficking. Police in Saint Petersburg have
  found over the past few years more and more bodies of street-children with
  their internal organs removed. http://russiatoday.com/news.php3?id=105618

: Have you stolen/sold/bought any human organs lately? Have you had your own
organs removed to transplant to others? Willingly/otherwise? Which organs??

@ Jonathan Glover's history of the 20th century is a catalogue of evil
  and a study of the psychology and politics that can drive cultures mad:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Science puts Freud to the test. NEW YORK (AP) Sigmund Freud might concede
  that a cigar is just a cigar. But on the larger issue he was adamant - a
  dream is never just a dream. So what IS a dream? The question has divided
  students of the mind for a century. Freud argued that dreams are windows
  into an otherwise unreachable mind, "the royal road to the unconscious."

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis November 1, 1999

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan


What's going on in your world?  Find Out.
Visit Stratfor's Global Intelligence Center


Russia is on the verge of sweeping economic and political changes.
On Tuesday, Stratfor.com [ http://www.stratfor.com/ ] launches
Russia2000, a four-part series which examines the changes now
taking shape and their impact on Russia and the world in the coming

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis November 1, 1999

Austria, Switzerland and the Politics of Nationalism


About one-quarter of Swiss and Austrian voters cast ballots for
right-wing nationalist parties. This shift in public opinion during
a period of relative prosperity is startling and seems to make
little sense if we think in terms of traditional, economic-based
politics. However, if we think in terms of a new dynamic, in which
nations are increasingly trying to preserve their national
identities in the face of mass migrations and multi-national
institutions, then what happened in Switzerland and Austria might
be seen as a harbinger of things to come.


In late October, the Swiss People's Party, led by Christoph
Blocher, won 22.6 percent of the vote in a national election,
making it the second-largest party in the lower house of the Swiss
Parliament. Earlier in October, the Austrian Freedom Party, led by
Joerg Haider, won 27.2 percent of the vote, making it the second
largest as well.

What makes these two events noteworthy is that these are commonly
referred to as extreme right-wing parties. They share certain core
tenets. In particular, they are hostile to immigration. They also
believe multinational institutions - such as the European Union
(EU), and in the case of the Swiss Party, the United Nations - pose
a threat to national identity and control over national
institutions. In other words, a massive nationalist movement has
emerged in these two countries.

Such parties have been present in Europe for years. In France, the
National Front was quite successful in elections. In Italy, right-
wing parties won over 10 percent of the vote in the last election;
though they have declined somewhat, they are still significant
domestic political forces. But the October elections in Austria and
Switzerland have redefined the issue.

No economic preconditions for the rise of mass nationalist parties
appear to be in place, making the vote more startling.
Switzerland's unemployment rate is less than 3 percent, while
Austria's is about 4.4 percent. Their economies are solid, if not
spectacular, and they have not recently been defeated in war. The
conventional explanation for right-wing populist nationalism is
massive social dislocation caused by economic failure or military
defeat. Understanding why one-quarter of the citizens of these
solid, prosperous and peaceful nations should vote for these
parties poses an interesting question.

Let's begin by making the radical assumption that Swiss and
Austrians voted for these parties because they agreed with their
political platforms. Both parties take the view that the two
countries are losing control of their national institutions. They
see two threats. The first is massive immigration. In Switzerland,
for example, 20 percent of all residents are immigrants. In
Austria, one estimate is that 10 percent of the population are
illegal immigrants, from throughout Eastern Europe and with large
numbers from Turkey.

Tensions would be understandable if unemployment were high and
natives were competing with foreigners for scarce jobs, with the
competition pushing down wage rates. Not only is this not the case,
but quite the contrary, the immigrants are economically useful and
even necessary, working menial jobs that natives don't want, at
wages that natives wouldn't accept. Forcing immigrants out of the
country makes little economic sense. Nevertheless, a quarter of the
voters would at the very least severely limit the influx of
immigrants, and many would actually support deportation.

In order to understand this apparent irrationality, it is important
to understand the other dimension of Blocher's and Haider's
platform. Both oppose multinational institutions in general and the
EU in particular. The EU was formed to maximize economic well-being
by creating a single, integrated European economy. In order to
create that, national sovereignty had to be relegated, to some
extent at least, to the European Union's massive bureaucracy. The
relationship between this bureaucracy's power and that of the
national government is unclear. But, there is clearly a sense that
fundamental decisions about the nature of national life within the
EU have shifted from the nation to the super-national authority.

Recently, opponents of the United Kingdom's rules on homosexuals in
the military appealed for European 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] RE: From The Wilderness Bushwhack/Some $$$ Background from CounterPunch

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type
META content="MSHTML 5.00.2314.1000" name=GENERATOR/HEAD
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN class=580575322-26101999To add 
to the connect the dots exercise, here are the top 50 pentagon contractors. 
Notice that Carlyle, founded in 1989 or so, is now #11 in the world for US 
military contractors. It is worth noting that the Pentagon has announced that 
foreign acquisitions of these contractors or foreign provision of some of these 
contracts may now be ok. That is a big win for the NWO crowd. 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
class=580575322-26101999Inbsp;will keep an eye out for top 50 in all 
government contractors, global arms, oil and biotech. If you see such a list, do 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
class=580575322-26101999BRedited by alexander cockburn and jeffrey st. 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
Top 50 Pentagon Contractors for 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
1. Lockheed/Martin/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
3. Raytheon/Hughes/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
4. General Dynamics/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
5. Northrop Grumman/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
6. United Technologies/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
7. Textron, Inc./SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
8. Litton Industries/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 
9. Newport News Shipbuilding/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=#ff face=Arial size=2SPAN 

Re: [CTRL] No Evidence Boeing Tried To Hide Data (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/31/99 11:16:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 In a written statement Friday, the NTSB expressed "displeasure" and
 "dismay" about the three-year delay between the crash
 the discovery
 of the report this spring.

Displeasure, and dismay, really?  It is very interesting that a report would
"suddenly" become available now, especially after the "intensive"
investigation into the crash.  Posturing.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] FW: Being tracked by government perverts

1999-11-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI only!


10th Amendment
"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground:
That all powers not delegated to the United States, by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States or to the people' (10th Amendment). To take a single step
beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of
Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no
longer susceptible to any definition."
-- Thomas Jefferson in a letter
to George Washington, 15 February, 1791

We don't need a 3rd party;  we need a 2nd Party.

The DNC and the GOP defined:
 Two wings of the same bird of prey,
The National Socialist DemocRatic Republican Party.

-Original Message-
From: mcdonalds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 11:33 AM
To: Larry Becraft
Subject: RE: Being tracked by government perverts

RE: Being tracked by government perverts

I've received a half-dozen or more copies of a message entitled "U.S.
Government Perverts Now Watching Law Abiding Citizens On World Wide Web."
The message warns that when "certain individuals" log on to the Internet
their connection is being routed through a "suspicious" location in Fairfax,
Virginia. The implication is that everyone who has expressed anti-government
sentiments over the Internet is now having their Internet activities
monitored by the FBI from the location in Fairfax, VA.

This revelation first came to "light" when the message's author downloaded a
program called Trace Route which visually depicts the sometimes circuitous
routing your link follows when connected to the Net. Trace Route is intended
as a diagnostic tool for use by network administrators.

Typically, your link will travel through numerous, seemingly unrelated hubs
and intermediate connections. Trace Route gives the user a fairly detailed
"visual" log of each stop along the way to a final intended location. The
program shows the "Internet Protocol" or IP address (example:; the "Node Name" or DNS address (example: www.hotwired.com);
and, the name of the Network Owner through which each link is routed.

The domain name system (DNS) is a global network of servers that translate
familiar host names like www.hotwired.com into numerical IP (Internet
Protocol) addresses, like, which computers on the Net use to
communicate with each other. Without DNS, we'd all be memorizing long
numbers instead of intuitive URLs or email addresses.

The writer aptly observes that Fairfax, Virginia just happens to be "where
the FBI [has] offices... including information on cyber terrorism!" The
writer goes on to state that (in his opinion, it appears) "the FBI has set
up [an] Internet monitoring computer system for the purpose of watching U.S.
Citizens as they conduct their PRIVATE business affairs on the Internet."

The claim is that "not 'ALL' U.S. citizens" are being monitored but that
"[a]pparently ONLY THOSE who the government doesn't like are being watched
and/or tracked."

The writer makes particular note of the fact that this mysterious stop-over
in Fairfax has an additional identifying number, "22031."

The conclusion is that when "anti-government type individuals" run the Trace
Route program they'll most likely discover that their Internet connection
has also been routed through this mysterious Fairfax, Virginia link.

Readers are therefore urged (in the message) to download Trace Route to find
out for themselves whether or not they are being "watched by the government

It is my conclusion that, in this instance, the assertion is unfounded.

Let's digress here for a moment, however.

What do you suppose would be perhaps one of the VERY BEST ways to "ferret
out" a targeted "class" of people? The answer is, get those individuals to
identify themselves by responding to well thought out messages which seem to
be for their own benefit but are in reality decoys designed to draw them in.
The message might ask these individuals to respond in some particular
fashion -- such as visiting a particular web site or downloading a
particular program that will (allegedly) "protect" them from the "enemy."
Unbeknownst to the respondent, the site might actually collect information
about their visit, or the program they download might really be a "Trojan
Horse" that provides external access to their files.

Most web surfers already know that such programs exist. And, any time you
are connected to the Internet there is a certain level of this type of
vulnerability. While there is ongoing debate as to how deep this
vulnerability actually runs for dial-up connections, one thing is certain
and indisputable: There are programs which can be loaded onto your machine
which will transmit information collected from your machine to another
remote computer. The ubiquitous "cookies" are minor examples of this
ability. A 

[CTRL] Anti-Nuke Lies?

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheNewAustralian

Return to The New Australian
Nuclear power: a
failed technology?
By *Dr Aaron Oakley
No. 140,   1-7 November 1999

Dr Aaron Oakley
The hatred that greens have for nuclear power is a wonder to behold. They send
themselves into paroxysms attempting to show that the business with one of the
best safety records of any industry is actually an evil, dirty endeavour. This
article seeks to critically examine one result of one such attempt: SEA-US's
(The Sustainable Energy Anti-Uranium Service) attempt to malign the nuclear
electricity industry with its article Nuclear Power: A failed Technology by
Peter Kinrade.

Readers new to this debate will already be suspicious of an organisation
calling itself "anti-uranium". This is because being pro and anti something
implies an ideological position, and uranium and its uses are a topic that
should be discussed scientifically. These concepts are important: A scientist
tries to discover the truth through observation and reason. Ideologues (such as
those that write for SEA-US) make up their minds about things based on
prejudice and emotion and then try to force-fit the facts to fit their

One of the first things the typical anti-nuclear ideologue likes do is to wheel
out the Chernobyl accident. And, if they think they can get away with it, they
will make it sound as bad as they possibly can by exaggerating the impacts. And
this is just what SEA-US does in its Nuclear Power article. Take the following

"The Chernobyl nuclear accident contaminated 160,000 square kilometres of land,
displaced at least 400,000 people and led to the premature deaths of
incalculable numbers of people."

The truth, of course, is nothing like this. The reality is that while 40 people
had died by 1996 (according to the World Health Organisation), and while some
more deaths may be expected in the future, these figures fall far short of the
"incalculable" (implying large) number of deaths SEA-US claims. (Perhaps SEA-US
would care to inform us where WHO and other bodies studying the aftermath of
the disaster have erred). The death toll from stress-related problems,
including deliberate abortions resulting from environmentalist and journalist
fear-mongering following the Chernobyl disaster is estimated to be much higher.
For instance, The victims of Chernobyl in Greece: induced abortions after the
accident, published by the British Medical Journal (vol. 295, p. 1100, 1987),
reported that 2,100 otherwise wanted pregnancies were ended in May 1986 because
of green scaremongering about radiation from Chernobyl. No green apologies for
that one.

There has, unfortunately, been an increase in thyroid cancer (due to the
release of radioisotopes of iodine). However, mortality rate from thyroid
cancer is about 10 per cent, and most of the cancers could have been prevented
if the Soviets had distributed potassium iodide pills to avert the absorption
of the radioiodine released in the accident. In fact fewer people died as a
consequence of the "world's worst nuclear accident" than died in the FBI
assault on Waco.

And what of the supposed displacement of 400,000 people? What really happened
was that following the disaster, the decision by the Supreme Soviet (against
the advice of leading Soviet scientists) was to evacuate about 116,000
inhabitants of Belarus and Ukraine, causing unspeakable suffering. Was this
justified? The level of radiation for which evacuation was deemed necessary was
about twice the global average natural background dose (around 2.6 mSv). Yet
many inhabited regions of the world have more than twice the global average
background radiation. Why doesn’t everyone in Norway, for example, which has an
average 365 mSv background radiation (and in some districts as much as 1500
mSv) move next door to Sweden? By reacting to Chernobyl in such a rubberneck
fashion (and in accordance with green ideology), the Supreme Soviet caused much
unnecessary suffering. But don’t expect the greens to own up to this.

And what of the 160,000 square km of contaminated land? As much as I have
tried, I have been unable to find where SEA-US got this figure. And as it
stands, the figure is really meaningless. Pertinent information that was
omitted here is the actual level of contamination in question. Once again, if
we check the facts we find that while there was some contamination of a large
area of land, the amount of radiation is insignificantly small. For example,
the ACF claimed that an are the size of the Netherlands (34,000 square km) was
rendered "permanently[sic] unsuitable for agriculture", but people are living
in and farming the affected area in question with no signs of radiation
sickness, and on-site measurements reported in Radiation Protection Dosimetry
put the average excess exposure at 1 mSv, which is still less than background
radiation in many parts of the world.

The Chernobyl 

[CTRL] Thanks, GOAT for the San Francisco Y2K Scoop

1999-11-01 Thread Eric Lash

 -Caveat Lector-


Thanks for the San Francisco Y2K information.  You have just given me that
needed extra "kick in the pants" to spur me to action.

Sorry about the seeming repost.  I was intending to send it to a friend and
it got away from me!

I used to live up in San Francisco, and believe that this seems to me to be
a very definite possibility.  It could also happen in San Jose which has
it's share of gangs, as well as in several places on the Peninsula and in
Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, and maybe even Fremont in the East Bay.

We are not being told the truth about Y2K, and anyone living in a
metropolitan area had better think seriously about whether or not this type
of scenario could happen in their locale.

Remember recently when the San Diego County Sheriff warned his employees
about probable trouble and even went to the extent of suggesting that they
consider getting a motor home?

Keep the good stuff coming!!!

Best... Eric

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/1/99 6:07:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And SOME preparations involve "washing their hands" and LETTING it

   AFTER which, there goes Posse Comitatus, and here comes Martial Law,
  the suspension of all Constitutional freedoms and rights for an indefinite
  duration ...

This is so true to form.  Let the mob thin themselves out.  It is the perfect
opportunity to gut what little is left of the Constitution, and to do away
with Posse Commitatus, or the FORM of it that is left anyway.  I say, stay
armed and be prepared for the worst.  It doesn't matter what actually happens
if one is prepared to ride it out.  If nothing happens then nothing ventured
nothing gained.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Post-Feminist Stumps for Al Gore

1999-11-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/1/99 6:27:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wolf's books espouse some controversial views. In her latest,
  ``Promiscuities,'' she argued among other things that schools should teach
  such things as masturbation because it is more realistic than abstinence
  safer than sexual intercourse.

It is truly sad when we have to TEACH masturbation.  Does anyone here NOT
know how to do this?  Were you TAUGHT how?


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Illegal aliens bringing epidemic of epilepsy [Neurocysticercosis]

1999-11-01 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


Burlington, North Carolina
Matt Maggio, Publisher  Editor


Illegal aliens bringing epidemic of epilepsy

"Neurocysticercosis" (1)is the term for infection of the nervous system -
usually the brain - with the pork tapeworm; in the U.S., it is acquired by
eating tapeworm eggs shed in human waste - not by eating pork from an
infected pig. It is endemic in Latin America, Africa, and Asia - but had
been extremely uncommon in this country until recently; in the U.S., the
main way it is transmitted is by aliens from areas where it endemic working
as foodhandlers and not washing their hands when they use the restroom while
at work. In non-Moslem countries in the Third World - where pork is a common
food, meaning pigs commonly get infected from human waste, cysticercosis is
responsible for one-third of epilepsy cases.

Most U.S. cases are in the Southwest and are among immigrants from Third
World areas where the disease is endemic. However, a 1992 Centers for
Disease Control report noted that 7.3% of cases in Los Angeles County were
locally-transmitted; these patients were native-born Americans who had never
traveled to countries where the disease is common. Another CDC report, this
one in July-September 1997, noted that the disease is increasingly common
among Americans who have never left the U.S. The CDC notes that it is
responsible for 2% of neurologic hospital admissions in Southern
California., producing more than 1,000 cases yearly nationwide.

The CDC noted that 3% of migrant farmworkers in North Carolina who were from
Central America were in the infectious stage of the disease; that CDC report
expressed particular concern about such people working as food handlers or
housekeepers - and suggested that those in these occupations be tested for
whether they were infectious.

Showing both the typical transmission route in the U.S. - and the risk
cysticercosis poses to the general American public - the CDC noted that food
contaminated by immigrant cooks caused an outbreak of the disease among
Orthodox Jews in New York City. The fact that Orthodox Jews don't eat pork
didn't prevent them from getting the disease - nor did their distance from
the Mexico border.

A Texas Dept. of Health report in Aug. 1998 noted among risk factors
"employing a domestic worker from an endemic area" and eating food prepared
by a "foodhandler with a tapeworm"; the report elsewhere explicitly blamed
the increase in the disease inside the U.S. on immigration.

That Texas Dept. of Health report noted that this disease is becoming
endemic "in parts of the United States having a large Hispanic population"
and that "neurocysticercosis is a major health problem along the United
States-Mexico border."

Still want to eat in that restaurant with so many Mexican kitchen and
buffet-line workers?


Brain-burrowing tapeworm a problem in S. Texas

Some doctors see increase in parasite that is rare in U.S. but common

October 25, 1999

McALLEN, Texas (AP) -- Doctors in South Texas say they're seeing more cases
of a parasite that burrows into the human brain, sometimes resulting in
seizures or death.

Health officials say the increase is probably due to failure of food
handlers to wash their hands after going to the bathroom. They think
increasing immigration from Central and South America, where the tapeworm is
more common, may also be a factor.

A condition known as neurocysticercosis occurs when immature larvae of the
pork tapeworm travel in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain or central
nervous system, sometimes causing seizures and headaches. The disease kills
up to 50,000 people worldwide each year, according to a Cambridge University
research group, but is uncommon in most of the United States.

"Neurocysticercosis is a major health problem along the United States-Mexico
border," according to a 1998 report by the Texas Department of Health, which
said the increase corresponds to increased immigration from areas where the
disease is more common.

It also said doctors are better able to diagnose the disease, using CT

"People who are migrating here, some of them end up in food-service
positions," Dr. Judy Teale, a researcher at the University of Texas Health
Science Center, told The Monitor newspaper in McAllen. "It's a tremendous
problem in Third World countries, and it's becoming an increasing problem in
the U.S. It definitely has to do with immigration."

Ms. Teale is studying the effects of treatment for the disease and the
brain's immune response to anti-parasite drugs.

But some doctors say the incidence of the disease doesn't seem to be

"It's mainly sporadic around the country," said Dr. Michael Jelinek, an
infectious-disease specialist in McAllen. "It 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Foucault Snapshot

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

From http://www.philosophers.co.uk/current/foucault_snapshot.htm

Michel Foucault: a snapshot
Chris Bates
Michel Foucault marked out new boundaries for a French philo- sophical
tradition moving away from Sartre and structuralism into post-modernism.
His writing synthesised history, psychology and philosophy into
‘archaeologies’ of the human subject that examined the impact of concepts
upon the world rather than their origin and meaning. Drawing on Nietzsche,
Foucault considered the interaction of power, knowledge and the subject.
Folie Philosophers have long studied the individual, the subject and the
mind to uncover the meaning of ‘self’. This discourse, building through
Descartes’ cogito through Kant, Hegel and Freud to structuralism and
linguistics was, for Foucault, a pointless philosophical quest. The use of
the concept of ‘self’ and ‘the individual’ was far more important.
Foucault took the issue of reason and madness to explore how the language
of reason developed to control the concept of ‘madness’ and use it to
re-define reason. Foucault saw reason as oppressive, not liberating as
Descartes and the positivists suggested. In Madness and Civilisation
(1960) he examined the ‘great incarceration’ of the insane into asylums in
17th and 18th century France and England. This was physical and moral
incarceration, a stigmatisation of madness to replace the old stigma of
leprosy. The madhouse isolated unreason, substituting ‘for the free terror
of madness the stifling anguish of responsibility’. This systemisation and
categorisation of madness as social failure led to the asylum becoming a
tool of accusation, judgement and condemnation. Madness became the
antithesis of reason, and the dialogue of reason and unrea son – as with
the fool in King Lear – was ended. Reason had triumphed at the expense of
the unusual, the non-conformist and, ultimately, what was truly
individual. Surveiller Foucault expanded this theme of incarceration in
Discipline and Punish: the birth of the prison (1975). Building on the
archaeology of the asylum he examined how the institution of the prison
based on control of the mind had replaced torture of the body as
punishment using an 18th century execution and Bentham’s panopticon prison
as contrasts. In the panopticon prison the all-seeing warder would sit in
darkness observing the inmates witho ut their knowing. Eventually, the
degree of control would be such that the watchtower would need no occupant
as the inmates would behave as if under constant surveillance and
discipline themselves. For Foucault, this mind
 control reflected the idea that knowledge is power and can be used to
 dehumanise the individual. The torture and physical punishment of the
 past may have been brutal, but was also brief, infrequent, and
The prison represented the modern way of control through regulation, be it
the panopticon, religion, society itself, or Freud’s idea of the
all-knowing super-ego. Knowledge becomes a means of regulation and control
seen i n all institutions of incarceration, be they asylums, prisons,
hospitals, barracks or schools. Modern society was where surveillance (an
aggressive observation) was commonplace, exercised by police,
psychiatrists, teacher s, doctors, social workers and so on. Foucault saw
this categorisation of the individual as dangerous and to be resisted. In
The History of Sexuality he would explore these themes in one area of
human activity. Sexualite In his sexuality archaeology, Foucault pursued
his theme that concerns for the mind superseded those for the body. He saw
a shift from the Middle Ages when sex was a bodily concern, to the modern
age, when the intention b ehind sex became the major concern. Freudian
psychology refined this approach and sex became an object for
categorisation, control and direction. This ‘subjectification’ affected
the individuals ‘self formation’ by appear ing to be the key to
understanding human nature. In effect, we may feel free to talk about sex
but what we are doing is demanded by society, negating our actual freedom
and exposing us to surveillance and supervision. Foucault saw the search
for reason and truth as self-deluding. In sex, as with crime and madness,
new concepts and theories have given us no more control over our destiny.
All we have done is change the nature of our impr isonment, binding us
with more elaborate and subtle controls – the velvet straitjacket. The key
instrument of oppression has been the state. L’Etat Foucault saw the state
as a peculiar advance and corruption of society and the individual. The
state was not liberating, using ‘bio-power’ to exert control over its
population. Through categorising and normalising individ uals, the state
can produce a totalising web of control. In effect, we live in the shadow
of the state, and are forever caught in its spotlight. Foucault sought
liberation from these ‘totalising procedures’ of the 

Re: [CTRL] sexuality understanding paradigm options

1999-11-01 Thread Kirimaku

 -Caveat Lector-

The answer is no most people are not taught how and considering the
different anatomy types this lack of teaching is tragic because of the
anguish it creates in people who believe they have problems when what is
really going on is a clear understanding of the needs of each anatomy

The truth is, this would accomplish a few things including increasing
the safety of the issue of sexuality, because with this level of
teaching comes the understanding that another is not responsible for my
orgasm - so guilt, blame, shame games would be much more difficult to
play as well as how people give away their power to each other.

Yes since I have been taught the nuances of sexual types, styles,
lover's masks, orgasm levels, etc life with all my partners is
considerably more enjoyable, satisfactory, and fulfilling for all.
There are spiritual sexuality teachings available out there for those
who care enough to understand more.  Not only did I take them but I also
facilitated them and assisted with the teachings of several hundred
people over many years.  Where I disagree is that it should be the
responsibility of the schools but what is also true is that because of
the repression and the laws  - at least in the US - it is never going to
happen when there are children.

It only happens when people are so tired of not understanding and being
understood, so tired of the broken relationships where the same mistakes
get made over and over again, so tired of being blamed for not being
able to please another successfully and understand the difference and
the choices with the styles of relationship choices, relationship
agreements, intimacy levels that they become literally driven to
overcome their fears and repression's to seek teachings and teachers
like this out.

From one woman's experience of life in the sexual teacher lane.

- Original Message -
 Wolf's books espouse some controversial views. In her latest,
  ``Promiscuities,'' she argued among other things that schools should
  such things as masturbation because it is more realistic than
  safer than sexual intercourse.

It is truly sad when we have to TEACH masturbation.  Does anyone here
know how to do this?  Were you TAUGHT how?


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of

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screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

 According to people here, a radio station is saying that militia units
want to use the Y2K excuse to start a revolution of sorts.  It is almost as
if the government wants them to try something, then the government can come
in, "save the day" and impose severe restrictions on the population losing
what little rights we now retain.  Another radio station had a guest that
stated the police were going to set up roadblocks and not let anyone leave
Colorado Springs.  People calling in and the broadcaster were getting worked
up ... said they wouldn't stand for any roadblocks nor martial law.  There
are not enough police or sheriffs to make martial law work, but if they use
the resources of the military, to include the Air Force Academy, Peterson
AFB, Falcon AFB, Cheyenne Mountain complex and Fort Carson ... this would add
more than 20,000 troops to their number, not to mention tanks, machine guns
and artillery if need be.
 I find this hard to believe since I have not been able to find a militia
group in the Colorado Springs area.  I don't want to join one, but would like
to speak with them to see what sort of agenda they have.  See if they are a
bunch of wackos, just paranoid, or adults that like to play Army.  If I did
live in a large city, I would take a vacation and visit relatives in a less
populated area.  If nothing else, it would be a good time to go camping in
the mountains far from society.
 The prices at the gun shows have increased throughout this year.  Held
once every quarter the parking lot seems to be overflowing with gun
enthusiasts and customers looking for some Y2K security.  The last show was
really big and I saw many people leaving with multiple guns and boxes that
held one thousand rounds of ammunition each.  SKS's, shotguns and handguns
seemed to be the best sellers.  Handguns that sold for $100 a couple of years
ago now go for nearly $400.  A 12 gauge pump shotgun is great for home
protection, many times the the sound of chambering a round will scare off a
potential thief.

 Only the government would really benefit from riots in Y2K.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FBI Warns Y2K May Spark Violence

1999-11-01 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

FBI Warns '2000' May Spark Violence
By David A. Vise and Lorraine Adams
Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, October 31, 1999

The FBI is warning police chiefs across the country that it has discovered
evidence of religious extremists, racists, cults and other groups preparing
for violence as New Year's Eve approaches and is urging law enforcement
agencies to view the dawn of the next millennium as a catalyst for criminal

The FBI says those most likely to perpetrate violence are motivated either
by religious beliefs relating to the Apocalypse, or are New World Order
conspiracists convinced the United Nations has a secret plan to conquer the

In a 34-page report prepared by the bureau's domestic terrorism unit, the
FBI says some members of militias and racist groups, including one called
"Christian Identity" and another called "Odinism," are acquiring weapons
and surveying targets in anticipation of the millennium.

FBI officials plan to brief law enforcement officials about the millennial
threat at a closed-door meeting of the International Association of Chiefs
of Police in North Carolina on Tuesday.

The report, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, says that
local law enforcement officials need to monitor radical groups for behavior
such as stockpiling weapons and food that may indicate they are preparing
for violence.

Neil Gallagher, head of the FBI's national security division, said in an
interview that the bureau is not predicting that terrorism or violence will
occur on or around Jan. 1. Instead, he said the report is aimed at making
local law enforcement officials "more sensitive" to the heightened security
risks posed by the year 2000. He also said the public needs to be "aware
but not scared" of such threats. The report says the risks will increase as
Jan. 1 approaches.

"If a cult sells its property and personal effects and purchases guns and
explosives, we need to be more concerned about what that cult will do on
January 1," Gallagher said.

Computer problems brought on by Y2K glitches could be a triggering event
for some groups, the FBI believes. While most people understand that power
outages or other problems resulting from Y2K problems can be explained
rationally, the report notes that some radical groups or individual
extremists may view these events either as signs that the end of the world
is near or as part of a larger conspiracy that they must violently oppose,
the report says.

"The threat posed by extremists as a result of perceived events associated
with the Year 2000 (Y2K) is very real," the FBI report says. "The volatile
mix of apocalyptic religious and [New World Order] conspiracy theories may
produce violent acts aimed at precipitating the end of the world as
prophesied in the Bible."

The report is the result of a nine-month intelligence-gathering effort
called "Project Megiddo" by the bureau's domestic terrorism unit, which
also relied on information gathered by agents in FBI field offices. The
effort is intended to serve as a "strategic assessment" of the potential
for domestic terrorism linked directly to the coming millennium, rather
than a general assessment of the terrorist environment.

The agents have discovered that in preparation for the new millennium,
certain individuals tied to these groups have been acquiring weapons,
storing food and clothing, raising funds, procuring safe houses, preparing
compounds, surveying potential targets, and recruiting converts to their

In its report, the FBI describes several groups that it says have some
members that pose a violent threat. "Christian Identity" followers,
comprising loosely knit groups throughout the country, are "ardently
opposed to race mixing" and believe that the "white Aryan race is God's
chosen race." Christian Identity provides the "unifying theology" for a
number of "right-wing" groups that pose a threat, the report says.
"Odinists" also adhere to a white supremacist ideology and can be dangerous
because many members believe in becoming "martyrs for the cause," the
report says.

Fringe members of the Aryan Nations white supremacist group may pose a
threat because extremist members will not necessarily adhere to their
leader Richard Butler's public renunciation of violence, according to the
FBI. In addition, radical U.S. members of a group called the "Black Hebrew
Israelites," who are proponents of "an extreme form of black supremacy,"
also pose a threat.

"Current intelligence from a variety of sources indicates that extreme
factions of [Black Hebrew Israelites] groups are preparing for a race war
to close the millennium," the FBI report says.

While most of the report focuses on domestic threats, an entire portion is
devoted to Jerusalem, where the FBI says an influx of tourists making
pilgrimages and millennial cults will add to the danger. The study also
says violence in Jerusalem, a holy city for Christians, Jews and Muslims,
could lead to 

[CTRL] Armenia ... Caspia ... ?

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Armenia assassinations: Control of Caspian oil behind attack?
Moscow, October 29 (Fred Weir)

THE STRUGGLE for control of a hoped-for Caspian oil bonanza has been touching
off violence in the volatile post-Soviet Caucasus for a decade, and might have
been a factor in the terrorist attack that killed eight top lawmakers in
Armenia's Parliament this week, analysts say.

Five gunmen who burst into a Parliamentary question-and-answer session and
opened fire, killing Prime Minister Vazgen Sarkisian and seven others,
surendered on Thursday after a night-long standoff with special troops in
Yerevan. There are still no clear answers as to why they carried out the bloody
and apparently senseless act of terror. But the attack came just as Armenia
appeared ready to settle its political differences with neighbouring Azerbaijan
over the Armenian-populated enclave of Nagorno Karabakh. A war between the two
post-Soviet states ended in 1994 with de facto Armenian control over the
disputed territory, but peace has yet to be concluded. For Armenian
nationalists, Karabakh has for years been the central cause and rallying cry.
Any move toward compromise with Baku is seen by them as national betrayal.

Coincidentally, US Under-Secretary of State Strobe Talbott held talks with
Armenian President Kocharyan and the now-deceased Prime Minister on Wednesday,
and left Yerevan just hours before the attack on Parliament. High on Mr.
Talbott's agenda was an American-authored plan that would attach Karabakh to
Azerbaijan as an "autonomous republic" with its own army and currency. The US
is a co-chair, along with France and Russia, of the "Minsk Group" which has
been attempting for years to mediate the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Analysts
say the outlines of breakthrough in the process were clearly forming "Every
time there is an attempt to settle the Karabakh problem through negotiations
with Azerbaijan, something happens," says Alexei Malashenko, a Caucasus expert
with the Carnegie Endowment in Moscow.

"President Kocharyan - who is a native of Karabakh himself - and even Prime
Minister Sarkisyan were ready to sign on to the deal," he says. "It's not at
all unlikely that the mentally unbalanced people who attacked Parliament were
being manipulated by powerful forces". Closely connected with this, some
analysts say, is the battle for control of the anticipated oil flows from the
recently-discovered Caspian shelf. Experts say it has proven reserves of about
40B barrels, with potentially 200B more - which would make it the Saudi Arabia
of the coming century.

Output of Caspian oil has so far been disappointing. Also, the welter of ethnic
conflicts in the post-Soviet Caucasus has profoundly discouraged both investors
from backing capital-intensive uplift.


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heavenly Osiris and Earthly Isis? No doubt.

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Should've remembered Cyrus Gordon. I've read Graves at length; while a lot
of his interpretations try a little too hard to see echoes of
Völkerwanderungen and dynastic upheavals, much of his analysis is borne out
by more "reputable" scholars such as Marija Gimbutas and William F.
Albright, "the father of Palestinian archaeology". (Compare, for example,
Graves's analysis of Hebrew poetry in *The White Goddess* with Albright's
analysis.) Graves was quite bitter about his ostracism by orthodox
archaeology and philology, although T.E. Lawrence had been quite supportive
before his untimely death in a motorcycle accident. (Lawrence was perhaps
the greatest scholar of classical languages of his generation, a fact which
is frequently obscured by the aura of "Lawrence of Arabia".)

I would suggest that IE influences on the proto-Semitic speakers could have
come as much from the presumably proto-Indic Mitanni of Central and Eastern
Anatolia (see my earlier post on the subject) as from the (West IE)
Hittites. I believe, however, that the "Hittites" mentioned at various
places in the Old Testament were *not* the same as the people of the great
Anatolian empire, but were rather a people of somewhat uncertain lineage
(see the commentary in the *Oxford Annotated Bible*).

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 11:38 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heavenly Osiris and Earthly Isis?  No doubt.

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-10-28 13:23:21 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Going off on a new tangent, picking up on your last point, can we find
 evidence for a *common origin* for the IE and Semitic culture horizons?
 is not as far-fetched as it might seem, since the presumed homelands for
 both groups are quite close geographically, although probably not
 contiguous. And, once again, where do the Sumerians fit into all of this?

 Cyrus Gordon seems to be THE authority on IE and Semitic common
 a subject which has been woefully neglected in print, probably due to its
 ramifications for "master race" believers, both Aryan and Judeo-Christian.
 Consult any of the books of Cyrus Gordon** for greater detail, or read
 Graves' commentaries in his two-volume "Greek Myths" for facts PLUS his

 As for where Sumer fits into all this, that's still an open question --
 because at the very
 beginning of Sumerian records, the ethnic "Sumerians" are already fading
 of the picture and the Akkadians --a SEMITIC people and the approximate
 "ancestor" of the
 Hebrews-- are coming to dominate the culture.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Foresight Institute

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Fwd: Best Congress money can buy

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan


From: "Lynn A. Johnson"

Hi, again, again!

I have absolutely no idea in the world if this is the truth or not, but
if it is, it would sure explain a few things.


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common.
They should both be changed regularly, and for
the same reason. (Pee-yew!)

Based on records prior to the summer break:

29 Members of Congress have been accused of spousal abuse.

7 Have been arrested for fraud.

19 Have been accused of writing bad checks.

117 Have bankrupted at least two businesses.

3 Have been arrested for assault.

71 Have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for a
credit card.

14 Have been arrested on drug-related charges.

8 Have been arrested for shoplifting.

21 Are current defendants in lawsuits.

And in 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for driving under the
influence, but were released after they claimed Congressional

No wonder they tolerate Clinton and his bunch of bandits!


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Birds of a feather...

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #2

1999-11-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991101b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No theological disputes were resolved during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Earth, Venus, Mercury are HOLLOW! http://www.hollowplanets.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# REFORMATION OVER - Churches end salvation dispute. AUGSBURG, Germany (AP)
  Putting aside 5 centuries of schismic bickering, Roman Catholic  Lutheran
  church leaders embraced as they signed a declaration ending a dispute over
  salvation that sparked the Protestant Reformation and led to the 30 Years
  War. From the Vatican, Pope John Paul II gloated at the Protestant cave-in
  - see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561865456-921

: Has your sect been recently re-absorbed by the belief system you schismed
from violently? Do you regret your disputes? Will you submit to authority?

@ How 2 trigger/re-access your mindcontrol victims in public:
@ "Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used on the Public
  Today:" http://www.magnet.ch/serendipity/sutphen/brainwsh.html
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# American Crop Circles Warn Of Coming Earth Changes. At least 4 American
  crop circles have pointed to catastrophic earthquakes by latitudes and
  longitudes at which they appeared, and a key geometry represented by a
  triangle. Two of these crop circles in 1993, formed a triangle with the
  Sun and Moon Pyramids near Mexico City. These formations not only show a
  relationship in placement to the Mexican pyramids, but their designs
  reflect Mayan timekeeping glyphs, indicating a relationship to Mayan
  prophecies about a series of earth changes due to occur during this
  period of history. You've been warned. http://caus.org/ccr110199.htm

: Are you a nonhuman entity? Do you normally communicate with groundhuggers
by inscribing diagrams on the surface of their planet? Are all you entities
like this? Can't you just interrupt our regularly-scheduled broadcasts???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Christian lawyer urged for Columbine. DENVER (AP) A Christian lawyer who'd
  represented a student injured in the Columbine H.S. shootings has warned
  the boy's family against hiring Jewish lawyers. "You have hired two Jewish
  attorneys, and Mr. Fieger in the past has been quoted openly ridiculing
  anyone who believed in Jesus. I know that you are committed Christians and
  I do not want you to be led astray to a position that might be a poor wit-
  ness to our Lord." He also advised self-flagellation and snake-handling.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561853007-352

: Are you an attorney? Are you more skilled in religion or law? Do you win?
Do voices in your head help you with your law work? Do they direct you to
defame members of other belief systems? Do they protect you from bad stuff?

@ Keep NSA surveillance operatives from listening to you:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Chinese medicine sources criticized. BEIJING (AP) As China looks to expand
  the global market for its traditional medicines, conservationists are try-
  ing to ensure that won't mean a greater threat to tigers, rare plants and
  other endangered wildlife often used in the remedies. Ecocide for profit -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561847168-437

: Do you include endangered lifeforms in your medical formulations? Are the
most endangered thangs also the most effective? What is the correlation??

@ Alternative History Directory: http://www.thwww.com/mrwizard/wizardAH.HTM
@ Essentialist Explanations: http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/essential.html
@ Disinformation, Disinformation: http://www.disinfo.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Silver Spheres Have English Town on UFO Alert - UFOs have been reported
  in the skies above the Yorkshire moors. Glowing silver balls hovering
  over different parts of Keighley: http://caus.org/mu103099.htm

@ UFO Mania - The U.F.O. reality, does it exist? Are they real? Is there
  enough evidence to support this!!?? Why YES!! http://www.ncircus.com/ufo/

# Tubes aka Rods. "Over the last month, my wife, sister and brother-in-law
  have independently seen the same sort of thing in our rural area: A silver
  tube several feet in length and a few inches in diameter zip across the
  road in front of them and disappear. They all insist that this tube is
  barely glimpsed before it is gone. I live in rural northeastern Utah.
  Is this anything you've ever heard of?" http://caus.org/mu102999.htm

: Do objects appear and disappear around you? Are you yourself an object
that behaves thusly? Why do you do it? How do you select your victims??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Laser could be key part of defense. SEATTLE (AP) Across the street from a

Re: [CTRL] OBE's

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

If you compare the greatest manuals of mystical guidance of their respective
traditions, the *Dark Night of the Soul* and *Ascent of Mount Carmel* by St.
John of the Cross for the Western tradition and the *Yogasutras* of
Patanjali for the Eastern, you discover that both traditions recognize very
similar side-effects of the quest for enlightenment. At a certain point,
phenomena such as telepathy, teleportation, OBE, bilocation, levitation, and
the like emerge. John of the Cross describes these phenomena as snares of
the devil and says to ignore them; Patanjali describes the *siddhis* (lit.,
"miracles") as manifestations of maya and says to ignore them. The mystical
traditions are filled with warnings about getting stuck at this level: "If
you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." "A roshi is an arrow pointed
straight at hell." "The first shall be last and the last shall be first."
The point is that these abilities are inherent in every human being; the
physical and mental discipline imposed on the contemplative releases these
abilities. But the objective of the discipline in the first place is *not*
the *siddhis* but enlightenment, so the *siddhis* must be set aside as mere

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 8:58 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] OBE's

  -Caveat Lector-

 In Buddhist circles, if you have an experience like this, one of the
 first things your teacher will tell you is to forget it. Fantastic
 visionary experiences are not considered conducive to real spiritual
 growth. Maybe this guy will have more to tell us when he learns to
 make that Castenadian leap.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN Conference Bonn, Germany - Cathie Adams Reporting #4

1999-11-01 Thread Flat Rate Telephony, TODAY!!

 -Caveat Lector-

United Nations Conference in Bonn, Germany
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Fifth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 5)

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cathie Adams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
November 1, 1999

The World Council of Churches Preaches a New "Earth Gospel"

I attended a worship service on Sunday organized by the Protestant Churches
of Germany with participation by Klaus Topfer, the UN Environment Program
(UNEP) executive director, and members of the World Council of Churches
(WCC) to the Conference of the Parties 5 (COP5) in Bonn. The WCC Program
based in Geneva, Switzerland, parallels the prophetic "one-world religion"
with its three-pronged agenda: justice, peace and creation.

Following a magnificent musical prelude, the pastor cited Philippians
2.:12, exhorting us to "continue to work out your salvation with fear and
trembling" in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) meeting in Bonn.

"God's creation is being damaged," he said, which is "one of the greatest
threats to human existence. The WCC is involved because the threat is
deeply spiritual and rooted in the Bible. We believe they have deep ethical
and religious ramifications; we must recognize this because it is a matter
of justice and love. Love," he continued, "for one another and for the
earth. War, materialism and consumerism are problems," he claimed, but,
"happy are those who are humble. We are deeply concerned about the danger
of climate change. May God the Creator listen to our prayers," he

He then reviewed the evolution of the UNFCCC. Since its beginning in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992, the UN has held follow-up meetings in Berlin in 1995,
Geneva in 1996, Kyoto in 1997, Buenos Aires in 1998 and now in Bonn to
debate the mechanisms for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.

Unwittingly, the pastor preached the new "earth gospel" that industrialized
countries are doing harm to the environment and that the world needs a
far-reaching policy to achieve social and environmental "justice."
Industrialized countries must scale back our standard of living (become
humble) in order to save the earth.

The WCC has co-opted unsuspecting churches in their mission to save the
earth while they have chosen to be mute about the annual holocaust of 1.5
million human babies created in the image of God! The UN spews its
propaganda that the earth's carrying capacity (population explosion) has
reached 6 billion people, although they cannot substantiate their numbers
nor do they know how many people the earth's resources can provide for.

Fertility rates in most "industrialized" countries are below replacement:
2.1 children per woman. The UN contends, however, that if the fertility
rate in "developing" countries drops to 2.2 children per woman, the world's
population would reach 8.9 billion by 2050 (The Dallas Morning News,
"Population problem hasn't been solved," September 11, 1999). These UN
numbers require more faith than is required by any of the world's

Regardless, the world's largest human genocide organization, Planned
Parenthood (PP), preaches the UN message that "Americans gobble up 33% of
the world's energy and produce 25% of its solid waste." Their summer 1999
West Texas newsletter states that "[w]e have real challenges ahead of us
with 6 billion people, including educating the increasing numbers of
children, creating jobs for swelling ranks of young job seekers and dealing
with the environmental effects of population growth such as deforestation,
soil erosion and falling water tables." To the contrary, only about 5% of
America's lands are developed and 75% of the U.S. population lives on only
3.5% of our land. More than five times as much land is set aside in
national parks, wilderness areas, federal forests and federal grazing lands
than has been developed (Investor's Business Daily, September 21, 1999, by
H. Sterling Burnett, NCPA)

It is fascinating that the UN, the World Council of Churches and Planned
Parenthood preach the same "earth gospel" that places more value on tigers
and elephants than on humans. In September, for example, the UNEP reported
that representatives from 147 countries met in Lisbon to strengthen
international protections for the tiger and consider the status of a
program allowing controlled trade in elephant ivory. In contrast,
billionaires Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros and Warren Buffett are
contributing a lot of their wealth to the cause of the environment and
population programs aimed at limiting/destroying humans

"The Ecologist" magazine, March/April 1999 edition expounds on the
spiritual aspects of the radical environmentalists in an article entitled,
"Gaia's Fever." Gaia is a female pagan deity name for the earth. The
article contends that man's industrial activities cause the earth to warm
and that mankind should not wait for "all the details in 

Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Who says that's the NWO's agenda? It might be better to say that the
Oligarchy is seeking to concentrate all private property in the hands of its
members, which has been the objective of capitalism since it emerged out of
the mercantile system three hundred years ago. Think for a moment about what
DasGOAT is saying. He evokes Proudhon's threefold paradox: Property is
theft. Property is liberty. Property is impossible. That is, property held
merely as an investment, where the value of the property accrues to the
benefit of someone other than the person occupying the property, is theft;
property on which an individual lives and from which he derives his living,
is liberty (or more properly the basis of liberty); when this second type of
property dominates, the first (landlord) property is impossible. Not all
property is property.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 10:25 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Tales of the Underclass

  -Caveat Lector-

 It looks like you're agreeing with the NWO's agenda to cancel all private
 Aren't you a little hypocrital, to say the least, or do I misunderstand


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] By Birth or By Choice

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Actually, what Kennedy said means "I am a jelly doughnut." He should have
said, "Ich bin Berliner", which *does* mean "I am a Berliner."

 -Original Message-
 From: Alamaine Ratliff [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 11:16 AM
 Subject:  [CTRL] By Birth or By Choice

  -Caveat Lector-

 From http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/1999/453/op2.htm

 By birth or by choice?
 By Edward Said
  One of the most frequently cited phrases uttered by John F. Kennedy was
 bin ein berliner," on the occasion of his 1961 visit to the city which had
 recently divided by an East German wall. "I am a Berliner," he said to the
 tumultuous acclaim of his audience there, as well as in the whole world.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chung Hit with New Tax Charges after Judicial Watch Speech (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Saturday October 30, 3:59 PM

Chung Hit with New Tax Charges after Judicial Watch Speech

In an exclusive interview with Lucianne Goldberg on her Saturday
afternoon radio show, key Chinagate witness Johnny Chung revealed
that the Clinton IRS department filed a tax lien against all his
property just days ago.

 "One day after I spoke at Judicial Watch dinner, I got notice of
IRS lien against my property. This is the first time I publicly
talk about this."

 Chung told Goldberg that he closed his fax business on Friday
and is currently "more than broke," explaining that his
experience testifying against the Clinton administration has left
him hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

 Chung adressed a standing-room-only crowd at the Pasadena Hilton
a week ago, where he revealed new details about the role of the
White House in the Chinagate finance scandal.

Chung, who was under heavy armed guard at the Judicial Watch
event, also thanked the FBI's Los Angeles Counterintelligence
Group for protecting him and his family after Chinese agents
threatened his life.

 Lucianne Goldberg's show is syndicated nationwide on the Talk
Radio Network: Sat. 3:00PM to 5:00PM ET, Sun. 2:00PM to 4:00PM
ET. "Lucianne Live" can be heard via the internet through links
to her web site, Lucianne.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

It's the onions...

 -Original Message-
 From: Ric Carter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 1:09 PM
 Subject:  [CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Of COURSE that's what a cop would think. That's SO indicitive of cop
mentality. It's also inmitigated hogwash.

I live in San Francisco. Let me tell you what REALLY happens when there's
a major natural disaster here. In 1989 we had a quake, the Loma Prieta. It
wasn't the Big One, but it did kill people, set fires and put out the
lights. I was at my girlfriend's place in North Beach, the heart of the
party zone when it struck. Lights there were out for four days.

With very, very few very isolated exceptions there was no violence and  no
looting. There were no riots. What actually happened was people pulled
together to help each other. The cops, as usual, were virtually
superfulous. Firemen, on the other hand acted with great skill and courage
and with more than ample spontaneous, voluntary assistance  from
civilians, myself included.

Over in Oakland the now famous Cypress Expressway ran through one of the
Bay Area's, and America's, most "poverty-stricken ethnic ghettos." When it
collapsed it killed many and trapped more. Right next to the worst part of
the disaster is a truly grim and dismal looking housing project. Since it
looks so much like a prison camp and sits next to an old Nabisco factory
with a prominant sign and huge fences, my friends and I who rode by fairly
often took to calling it  "Stalag Nabisco." Some of the poorest people in
the state live there. When the lights went out and the Expressway
collapsed they did not run amok. They did not loot. They immediately ran
to the rescue of the trapped motorists. Many crawled on their bellies
through pools of spilled gasoline under teetering  hundred ton slabs of
concrete to rescue people who, in normal circumstances, never gave them a
second thought as they drove past the "stalag" on their way home to the
suburbs.  That's human nature. That's how human beings are. Uncontrolled
hatred and violence is cop nature. That's how cops are.

The real danger of Y2K isn't people. It's embedded chips in nuclear
reactors. Anything else we can work around. If the grid flickers a little,
so what? That's everyday life in the Third World. If supply chain
disruptions cause shortages, so what? That's everyday life in the Third
World. But if one, just one, nuke melts down, that's all she wrote. So
stop being distracted by this stupid, racist propaganda and get on the
phone and DEMAND that your local nuke be taken offline. Your life may
depend on it. All our lives may depend on it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Builders of the Adytum

1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yo team.. Was asked about BOTA..Can anyone assist me ..tanks (yep still not
fixed..a blown circut in keyboard ? )


Do you have any information on "Builders of the Adytum" ( BOTA) and Paul
Foster Case the originator of this orginization in Los Angeles.I'm fairly
sure Case knew Crowley and the rituals and referances are very similar.
Thanks, Rob Greenberg

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [CIA-DRUGS] Former CIA Director Woolsey criticizes Cli nton

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

In late '68-'69, the word within the Movement in Philadelphia was that
Allard Loewenstein had indeed been a CIA asset since his days as president
of the National Student Association, when he accepted CIA funds to attend
meetings such as the World Peace Union behind the Iron Curtain. What we
heard was that the CIA began to get very antsy about the increasingly
radical tone of youth activism following the murders of Martin Luther King,
Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy, and ordered Loewenstein (at that time a
Congressman from Long Island) to draw his friend Gene McCarthy into the
Presidential race to siphon off energy from the Movement. Apparently
McCarthy learned about Lowenstein's CIA connection just before the
Democratic convention in Chicago, which is why he suddenly disappeared on a
"retreat" and then became increasingly cryptic in his public statements.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Pugliese [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 5:54 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] [CIA-DRUGS] Former CIA Director Woolsey
 criticizes Clinton

  -Caveat Lector-

 A few more biographical details on James Woolsey: Clinton met James at
 reunion of activists, held on Marthas Vineyard sometime in the late 60's,
 the Eugene McCarthy 1968 campaign against LBJ's war and HHH. I don't have
 the biography, by James Chace of Cold War Liberal, Allard Lowenstein,
 but, Allard was a dorm mgr. at Stanford in the early 60's when James went
 school there. Lowenstein led the "Dump Johnson" movement in '68. There is
 another bio of Lowenstein out there published by Grove Press, entitled
 ,"Pied Piper," author?, which all but says Allard was a CIA agent.
 One further detail on Woolsey. He is defense counsel to some Iraqi
 oppositionists to Saddam Hussein who are threatened with deportation back
 certain death to Iraq. A story I saw on CNN about the case some months
 had an amazed Woolsey complaining that he, an ex-CIA chief, was not being
 allowed to see
 intelligence files on his clients!
  Michael Pugliese

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Economist Richebacher Says Economic Disaster Is Inescapably (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

-- Forwarded message --

Economist Richebacher Says Basic Facts Point Inescapably
Toward Disaster

Special to The Sunday Examiner by Rick Ackerman

The dismal science will never be the same if Dr. Kurt
Richebacher's dire predictions for the global economy should come
to pass.

The former chief economist and managing partner at Germany's
Dresdner Bank says a deflationary collapse lies ahead that will
ravage the world's bourses and usher in a dark period of
austerity and financial discipline.

Probably not one economist in fifty shares his views, at least
not publicly. Richebacher, now living in France, says many of his
American colleagues have been seduced into ignorance and
complicity by Wall Street's billions as well as by their love
affair with mathematical models that shun fundamental laws of

Where they see a New Era of productivity growth and industrial
efficiency, he sees duplicitous bookkeeping and manufacturing's
steep decline. They talk of a booming U.S. economy, he sees a
profitless mirage. They worship capitalism's bold risk-takers, he
scorns them for recklessly piling leverage to the sky.

Someone's going to be wrong, but judge for yourself who.

Like the theories of Copernicus 500 years before him, Dr.
Richebacher's logic strikes one as no less sound and compelling
than the Polish scientist's once-heretical notion that the earth
revolves around the sun.

Richebacher asserts, for one, that the U.S. investment boom in
computers borders on statistical hoax. It began in 1995 with the
government's implementation of a "hedonic" price index designed
to capture both the falling prices and the rapid rise of
computational power of each new computer.

This is akin to measuring GM's auto sales by tallying the
horsepower of all the engines in its cars, says Richebacher.

Applied to the computer business, it has exaggerated investment
levels exponentially. For example, during the 12-month period
ended March 31 the business sector increased its net investment
in computers from $91.8 billion to $97.2 billion, accounting for
a paltry 1.3% of nominal GDP growth.

But when government statisticians multiply that $5.4 billion
increase by their hedonic supercharger, the figure swells to $146

This has worked wonders on America's bottom line, boosting the
computer sector's nominal 1.3% contribution toward GDP growth for
the period to 49%, and the 4% contribution for the years
1996-1998 to 38%. For the first half of 1999, the effect has been
even more pronounced, giving the computer industry a whopping 93%
share of GDP growth.

Remove the computer industry from the ledger, however, and the
vastly larger rest of the economy had actual growth of just 2.5%
during the three-year period versus a reported 4%. Meanwhile,
last year's expansion would have been a middling 2%, and the
uptick in productivity that has recently cheered economists would
fade to insignificance.

The obvious question is, how could the computer industry, with
barely more than 1% of the total workforce and plunging product
prices, be responsible for what most economists read as a
dramatic improvement in America's standard of living?

The answer is that it could not. And has not. Hedonic accounting
makes the computer sector look like an economic hero, but any
statistically significant improvement in our standard of living
would necessarily have to come from the spreading use of
computers across the entire economy.

Computers are indeed everywhere, but evidence that they have
substantially boosted U.S. productivity remains elusive to say
the least, says Richebacher.

In this assertion he has corroborating testimony from no less an
authority than Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.

In a 1997 speech in Frankfurt, Germany, Greenspan acknowledged
that a straightforward interpretation of certain service-economy
data suggests that productivity -- output per man hour -- has
actually been falling for more than two decades.

Greenspan called this implausible, offering the explanation that
prices may have been mismeasured. But whatever the reason for the
anomaly, the Fed chairman is obviously at pains to convince us
that he and his staff of PhDs truly understand how to measure
productivity accurately.

If productivity growth in recent years has been largely illusory,
the spectacular expansion of credit during that same time has
been all too real, warns Richebacher (pronounced

It didn't happen by accident. The economist 

[CTRL] Johnny Chung Unfiltered: The Shocking Story the Press Won't Report (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsmax.com-November 1, 1999

Johnny Chung Unfiltered: The Shocking Story the Press Won't Report

By Carl Limbacher

At an Oct. 23rd Judicial Watch awards dinner, key government
witness Johnny Chung described at length what he knows about the
Clinton administration's "Cash for Military Secrets" Chinagate
scandal. It was the first time Chung has spoken out in such
detail in any venue not controlled by mainstream media censors.

 As he reported that night, Chung's harrowing experience included
no fewer than three separate attempts on his life by persons
identified to him by the FBI as members of a Beijing "hit squad."
The most recent assassination attempt took place in March of this
year, when a man with a gun got as far as Chung's office, only to
be stopped by FBI agents assigned to protect him.

 The former Democrat fund-raiser explained his role in the FBI's
undercover Chinagate sting operation, where he was bodywired
before meeting with a Chinese government agent. That agent
implicated the White House in an international cover-up, telling
Chung on tape that he could get a presidential pardon if he
played along.

 Chung also revealed how a leak covered by the New York Times
blew his cover and sabotaged the investigation, compelling the
FBI to assign 24-hour, seven-day-a-week protection to him and his

 Though three television networks sent camera crews to film
Chung's blockbuster address, only one, C-Span, offered coverage
to its viewers. The rest of America knows nothing about Johnny
Chung's stunning insider story, thanks to the mainstream media's

Here's just some of Mr. Chung's story. As he told his audience
that night, "You be the judge":

 "Since I get my sentence — I plead guilty March 9th, 1998 —
immediately a gentleman named Robert Lu, acting like a Chinese
messenger, gave me the message, 'Delay, delay, delay,' because
President Clinton is ready to visit China. 'Take the FBI and the
Department of Justice [on a wild goosechase].'

"One thing he doesn't know is that I'm fully cooperating with the
FBI, with a bodywire and everything. My office is like a radio
studio, a recording studio. Everything we said is recorded on the
tape. Don't let them burn it.

"And he said, 'Keep quiet and you can retire in style.' Which
means, I'm going to receive a lot of money. 'If you talk,
everything will be out of control. How's your family? How's your
wife?' The Chinese are a little bit different than the Italian
Mafia. They're more polite. But he didn't know that every word
was on the recording.

"And he said, 'If you have to go to jail, you are going to spend
it in the country club. And you can even get a presidential
pardon. And, both sides of Beijing and Washington and Taiwanese
officials, they are working on [my] case, if you wanted to keep

 "When I was meeting with the one guy, he, Mr. Robert Lu, wanted
me to meet with one attorney named Mr. David Brockway in Los
Angeles. He called himself a former attorney for Watergate. And
when I met with the guy, before I meet with them, Mr. Lu told me,
'I'm going to meet you in a private club; not even the CIA can
get in.'

 "Thank God. What a wonderful FBI job. Inside that restaurant,
that private club, every table filled with FBI agents to protect
me. And he is why CIA cannot get in — but FBI did.

"Then into the conversation [Lu] said number three of Department
of Justice, the head of civil division, is working out with him.
'Everybody keep quiet. Don't worry, don't panic.' I don't
remember the name but I know the position. Mr. Klayman, I give it
to you already in my testimony in your deposition. Sometimes when
[Larry Klayman] asks me the questions, I volunteer to give
another extra answer. Because I know this guy is seeking for the

 "But because of that, somebody leaked the information to the New
York Times. That was May 14th, 1998, when I was [in an]
undercover operation. Immediately, the next day, May 15, 1998, I
got a phone call from the FBI [telling m]), 'Mr. Chung, it's time
to go, to begin our 21-day government protection.' Twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week.

 "Thank God, and I want to thank my daughter and my wife for
being there with me. Thank you.

 "The people who leaked the information, I hope the Congress will
check it out and continue to investigate because [those who
leaked] don't care [about] someone who's willing to fully
cooperate with the government. They put my life and my family's
life in danger because they want to burn, to burn the undercover

 "During the undercover operation I see something strange.
[While] the FBI protect me with a machine gun, I was allowed to
have my [baseball] hat with my sunglasses, with my T-shirt and my
short pants, with my slippers. I don't think you guys can
recognize that's Johnny Chung.

 "Later on they told me that there's four men from Beijing,
China. They call them 'hit squad.' [They go] from Beijing [to]
Los Angeles [to] Las Vegas [back 

[CTRL] The Boys on the Tracks (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsmax.com-October 29, 1999

The Boys on the Tracks

NewsMax.com Interviews Mara Leveritt

In the early morning of August 23, 1987, two teenage boys died on
the railroad tracks in northern Saline County in central
Arkansas. Close observers of Arkansas politics quickly became
aware that the official ruling — that the boys passed out from
marijuana intoxication and were run over by a train — was highly

Over the years Linda Ives, the mother of one of the boys, fought
valiantly to expose the official cover-up and find the truth
about what happened to her son Kevin and his friend, Don Henry.

The story of the boys on the tracks has received little attention
from journalists outside Arkansas. The major exception has been
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a reporter for the London Telegraph. One
section of his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, touched on
the story and its implications for Arkansas and the nation. That
was, until recently, the most detailed account of the story by a
professional journalist.

 Last week St. Martin's Press released a new book, The Boys on
the Tracks, by Mara Leveritt. Leveritt, a contributing editor and
columnist for the Arkansas Times, has won many awards for her
investigative reporting. In the following interview with
NewsMax.com, Leveritt discusses some of the new information she
uncovered in the process of writing the book.

NewsMax.com: Why did you first become interested in the story of
the boys on the tracks?

Leveritt: It was a bizarre story from the very first. It remains
bizarre to this day. I learned a long time ago that criminal
investigations are supposed to follow certain procedures. If
those procedures are followed the investigation moves along in an
orderly and logical fashion.

The more I learned about this investigation, the less logic in it
I saw. It followed a crooked path that led in many strange
directions. The further I looked at this case the more curious I
became. So I devoted several years looking as far down that
crooked path as I could.

NewsMax.com: Do you believe that at this point you know what
happened to the boys?

Leveritt: No. I do concur with the conclusion that the Saline
County grand jury came to in 1988, that their deaths were
associated with drug activity.

NewsMax.com: What is the biggest revelation in your book, in your

Leveritt: I'd say there are three. One concerns the FBI's highly
unusual position in this case. Another relates to what the U.S.
Justice Department knew as far back as 1983 about the drug
smuggler Barry Seal. And the third concerns some information
about Bill Clinton, his mother Virginia Kelley, and Arkansas
State Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak. It was Malak, of course, who
declared that Don Henry and Kevin Ives had smoked themselves into
a marijuana-induced stupor, and were then run over by the train.

Virginia Kelley was a nurse anesthetist in a Hot Springs
hospital. There were two cases in which patients died while she
was administering anesthesia during an operation. While the
family of the first patient was preparing to sue her, the second
death occurred. The body of the second patient, Susie Deer, was
sent to Dr. Malak for autopsy. Malak declared that Kelley was not
responsible for the death.

Kelley lost her job at the hospital after this and brought suit
against several of the administrators. In the course of my
research I uncovered a heretofore unknown deposition she'd given
in that case. In the deposition Kelley was asked: "Have you ever
consulted Bill Clinton as an attorney regarding the subject
matter of the autopsy in the Deer case?" She said, "Yes, I have."
"Did you do that before or after the report was filed?" She said,
"I don't recall."

Throughout the deposition she repeatedly denied any recollection
of the timing of her discussions with Clinton concerning the Deer
case. At other times she refused to answer questions, claiming
attorney-client privilege.

Eight years after that deposition, Bill Clinton was running for
President. Reporters for the Los Angeles Times asked him about
the Deer case, and whether he had intervened with Malak on his
mother's behalf. Clinton responded, "There has never been any
connection between my mother's professional experiences and
actions I have taken or not taken as Governor of Arkansas, and I
resent any implications otherwise."

Clinton lost the 1980 election to Frank White, and did not serve
as Governor again until he took office in 1983. Malak's autopsy
of Susie Deer took place while Clinton was out of the Governor's
office. No one picked up on this at the time, but essentially he
had parsed words the same way he did during his troubles in

NewsMax.com: What is the significance of this to the boys on the

Leveritt: Linda Ives and others have always wondered why Clinton
supported Malak so resolutely. After the boys were killed, there
was a huge outcry against Malak in Arkansas over his ruling that
the boys had fallen 

Re: [CTRL] ALERT! Articles a Must Read for Survivors

1999-11-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

ALERT for survivors of satanic ritual abuse and/or their advocates:

Please read the two articles in the SMARTNEWS Nov. 99 Newsletter that
pertain to a potentially SERIOUS survivor internet/support forum safety
issue.  They are listed as "Article 1" and "Article 2" in the newsletter, and
begin about 1/3 of the way down on the web page, right after the "Cult
Information" article.

The two articles (combined) give information pertaining to MTC (More Than
Conquerers), MCF (Mind Control Forum) and a person named CD (Carrie Dawn).
The articles express the opinions of the authors:  Sharry Walls (Article 1)
and Kathleen Sullivan (Article 2).  Kathleen Sullivan is president of

 A HREF="http://members.aol.com/smartnews/page/Sample-Issue-29.htm"SMARTNEWS
's Issue #29 - Nov. '99/A

The allegations made in these articles are extremely serious.  Please
read and alert others!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-11-01 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Passin on


Thee Underground Net - http://www.theeunderground.net


It's JP Essene editor of http://www.theeunderground.com

THE BOOK OF LUCIFER has been released by Adoni Publishing today


You can download it free for a short time.

Happy Hallows Mass!


JP Essene

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chung Charges Truth-telling Prompted Democrat Retaliation (fwd)

1999-11-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Saturday October 30, 12:29 PM

Chung Charges Truth-telling Prompted Democrat Retaliation

A Taiwanese-American businessman who visited the White House 57
times says that the Democratic National Committee urged a federal
judge to "throw the book" at him after he exposed the Clinton
administration's connection to the Chinese campaign cash scandal.

 The explosive allegation was leveled by key Chinagate witness
Johnny Chung, who spoke last Saturday at a Pasadena, California
awards dinner held in his honor by Judicial Watch, a Washington
based public interest lawfirm.

Chung told the audience that he revealed all he knew to
government investigators, including his account of how he
personally handed Mrs. Clinton's then-chief of staff, Maggie
Williams, a check to help cover the Christmas entertainment bill
run up by the first lady.

 But Chung's most compelling account was about the donation he
made to former Energy Department Secretary Hazel O'Leary.

Chung says that after he requested a meeting with the then-Energy
Secretary for representives of China's national oil company, he
was solicited inside the Energy Department by an O'Leary aide --
who indicated that such a meeting could be arranged after Chung
made a $25,000 donation to Africare, O'Leary's favorite charity.

 Chung complied and his oil business contacts got their O'Leary
meeting. That evening he encountered her at a Washington
gathering. The Chinagate witness contends that the Energy
Secretary clearly understood his donation was part of a quid pro
quo, since she greeted him with the words, "Mr. Chung, that was a
good meeting this afternoon, right? Thank you, thank you."

"I made my $25,000 donation to Africare and I got my access,"
Chung told the Judicial Watch audience.

Then why was no independent counsel appointed to investigate the
Chung-O'Leary transaction? "Janet Reno, attorney general, said to
me, 'Thank you' is not evidence," Chung said.

 The onetime White House VIP complained, "Since day one I have
fully cooperated with the (US) government...I say everything to
the government that I know already, but has anything come out to
the light yet? I haven't seen it."

 Chung also described a 1996 meeting with DNC finance director
Richard Sullivan. "The moment I walk in, I see a lot of Asians.
Not Asian-Americans -- Asians; from China, from Taiwan, from
Korea. This is how money talks. I wonder why they contribute? I
wonder why they get to meet with president after he give his
acceptance speech to be nominated a second time?"

 Chung repeatedly stressed his intent was to "tell the truth" but
says now that his honesty nearly landed him in jail.

Party officials, Chung claims, pushed for him to get the maximum
sentence for the crimes to which he pleaded guilty, which could
have put Chinagate's most significant cooperating witness behind
bars for 37 years and cost him $1.45 million in fines.

"When (the court) got ready to sentence me, the DNC wrote a
letter to my sentencing judge (Manuel) Real portraying themselves
as a victim. They were 'victimized' by Johnny Chung. So they
asked the judge to throw the book at my face."

 Chung described Judge Real as "tough judge", a Lyndon Johnson
appointee, but one who wouldn't bend to the DNC's heavy-handed
tactics. "He throw the book out."

 Because of his cooperation with investigators, the former DNC
donor was sentenced by Judge Real to just five years probation.

 At the sentencing, Judge Real questioned Attorney General Reno's
decision not to appoint an independent counsel and had harsh
words for top DNC officials, Sullivan and Don Fowler, both of
whom claimed to be ignorant of any wrongdoing. "They must be two
of the dumbest politicians I've ever seen," said Real, if, in
truth, they didn't know that Chung's donations were illegal.

 As for the recipients of Chung's campaign cash, such as O'Leary
and the first lady, Judge Real said, "It's very strange that the
giver pleads guilty and the givee gets off free."

 Don't miss Johnny Chung's full speech, scheduled to be televised
on C-Span tonight, Saturday, Oct. 30 at 9:45 PM EDT and again,
three hours later, at 12:45 AM EDT.

Correction: During his Judicial Watch address Chung thanked
members of the FBI's Los Angeles Counterintelligence Group for
protecting his life after he turned state's evidence. Sources
familar with Chung's security arrangements confirmed on Friday
that he was protected by armed bodyguards during the event but
indicated that those guards were not members of the FBI, as
previously reported.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good 

Re: [CTRL] Post-Feminist Stumps for Al Gore

1999-11-01 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

If people would stop to think for a minute they would realize that an awful
lot of the foofaraw over "teaching sex" is totally absurd. How are the
schools going to *teach* masturbation? "Johnny, will you please come up
front and demonstrate for the class?" Riiight. Now, that approach might in
fact be more effective than the time-honored filmstrips shown by the boys'
coach in Hygiene class...but all of the discussion on both sides of the
fence manages to ignore the simple fact that *kids are having sex no matter
what you tell them in class*. The one thing to be said for live
demonstrations of sex (think "Monty Python and the Meaning of Life") is that
they would probably cause the kids to rebel simply because this is what They
are telling Us to do, and suddenly abstinence and virginity would be In.
What you've got now is adults yelling at each and burning each other's books
while the kids go off and do their, ah, thing unobserved.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 11:05 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Post-Feminist Stumps for Al Gore

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/1/99 6:27:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  Wolf's books espouse some controversial views. In her latest,
   ``Promiscuities,'' she argued among other things that schools should
   such things as masturbation because it is more realistic than
   safer than sexual intercourse.

 It is truly sad when we have to TEACH masturbation.  Does anyone here NOT
 know how to do this?  Were you TAUGHT how?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Boom for whom? Democracy?

1999-11-01 Thread JAH Publications

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Lucio,

If you really want people to wake-up to the deception and con-trick that is
called democracy and be easily able to understand it and fight the injustice
of it, please get them to access:-

Peace be upon you,


- Original Message -
From: Lucio Benedetto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 5:16 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Boom for whom?

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Numbers
 Letters at 3AM

 October 29, 1999: If you pay attention, the numbers make you sick. The
 numbers are about a ruling elite (they are not populous enough to be
 a "class") that doesn't care whether or not we know the numbers because
 are convinced both of their power and our helplessness -- or rather, our
 consent, every day, to be helpless. The numbers are about an America that
 isn't America anymore, a democracy that isn't a democracy anymore. The
 numbers are about a lie called "the boom." The numbers don't need much
 commentary; the numbers speak for themselves.

 The United States has the industrial world's largest gap between rich and
 ordinary citizens. Note: This isn't the largest gap between "rich and
 (though we have that too), but the largest gap between "rich and
 "The richest 1% of Americans enjoy about 13% of U.S. household income
 official definitions, which excludes capital gains -- But if capital gains
 are included, as they should be, those at the top have 20-25% more income.
 Marie Antoinette and the French nobility (also a wealthy 1%) had a
 comparable share in 1789" (Los Angeles Times, August 1).

 American technicians make 9% less now than in the late Seventies. American
 unskilled workers make 25% less. Simple laborers make 30% less. CEOs make
 480% more (Boston Globe, October 16). These facts describe an even more
 drastic situation when you realize that 80% of American workers are still
 unskilled (The New York Times, July 5). So --

 The wealthiest 2.7 million Americans, the top 1%, have as much to spend as
 the poorest 100 million. (Read that twice.) That ratio has more than
 since 1977. In our "boom," four out of five households are taking home a
 thinner slice of the economic pie today than in 1977. Their share of
 national income has fallen just under 50%, from 56% in 1977. More than 90%
 of the increase in national income is going to the richest 1% of
 Yet, according to the Budget Office, even this figure is low because it
 "excludes deferred forms of income like restricted stock," etc. Meanwhile,
 the average after-tax household income of the poor has fallen 12% since
 (NY Times, Sept. 5). Yet --

 Americans lead the world in hours worked! We put in the longest hours
 workers in industrialized countries. So, not surprisingly, America gained
 astounding 22% in productivity between 1980 and 1986, for instance (NY
 Times, Sept. 7).
 In other words -- most Americans work harder, and American productivity
 gone way way up, yet these harder-working Americans are getting a much
 smaller slice of the pie while the wealthiest 1% are taking in better than
 90% of the profit. In fact --

 "The typical married-couple family with children puts in 256 more hours of
 work -- six additional full-time weeks! -- than it did in 1989" (NY Times,
 September 6). And those typical people are making less an hour, when
 are adjusted for inflation: "The men in that group are actually doing a
 worse than 10 years ago -- inflation-adjusted hourly wages of middle-wage
 men [have been] 1.8% lower in 1999 than in 1989" (same article). So -- if
 you're an average working married couple you are working, in hours, six
 weeks longer than you used to, for less money. That added productivity and
 profit isn't going to you; it's going to the richest 1%. The benefits of
 your work and the hours of your life are being stolen, and you're putting
 with it.

 And what is the median household income anyway?

 According to the IRS, two-thirds of our "boom-time" Americans earned less
 than $40,000 in 1997. Said Robert Greenstein, executive director of the
 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: "Many Americans who make $80,000 a
 year, $100,000 or $120,000, think of themselves as middle class, but the
 fact is that while these people are not rich, they are also not in or even
 near the middle, which is only about $32,000 in after-tax income." (NY
 Times, Oct. 16). Meanwhile --

 Businesses across the spectrum are cutting the number of full-time workers
 who are entitled to benefits, to such an extent that "just one third of
 workers in California now conform to the stereotypical notion of
 working outside the home at a single, full-time job year-round as a
 employee" (LA Times, Sept. 6). When you consider that California accounts

[CTRL] Dubba almost Dispatched by Dump Truck

1999-11-01 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

Jogging Bush Has Near-Miss With Texas Dump Truck

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the Republican
presidential front-runner, sustained abrasions and a bruised hip Monday
when he jumped to avoid being hit by an out-of-control dump truck while
jogging in Austin, a spokeswoman said.

 ``The governor is fine and now on his way to New Hampshire,'' for a
previously scheduled campaign trip, said press secretary Mindy Tucker.
``He is in good condition and in good spirits.''

Tucker said one of Bush's security agents was hit with debris from the
truck and taken to a nearby hospital. There was no immediate word on
his condition.

Bush was treated at the scene for a bruised hip and leg abrasions,
Tucker said. He returned home and then headed off for New Hampshire.

Police said Bush and the security guard were struck by debris from the
truck, which flipped over when the driver lost control.

Bush was on a jogging trail along Austin's Town Lake when the accident
occurred at about noon local time, an aide said.

Bush, 53, jogs at least two miles a day and was recently declared in
top shape by his personal physician.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-11-01 07:31:15 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's a worst case scenario ... possible of course but not likely in my

Hopefully "just" a worst-case scenario.  I guess we'll see, all too soon.

When we dial 911 and are told, "Take a number," it's too late to worry ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [8a] The Arizona Project

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Arizona Project
Michael Wendland©1977
ISBN 0-8362-0728-9
Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc.
6700 Squibb Rd.
Misson Kansas 66202
276 pps. - first edition - out-of-print
New revised edition - available amazon.com
Paperback, 304pp.
ISBN: 0945165021
Blue Sky Press, Incorporated
June 1988
Frontier Sex

It's an old saying in Arizona that what money won't buy, sex will. And the
saying is not without merit. For in almost every aspect of the state's
business dealings being investigated by the visiting reporters, sex-in the
form of well-paid prostitutes or carefully kept mistresses-played a major
role. Without seeking it out, the reporters kept stumbling across example
after example: a couple of extremely prominent lawyers who staged weekly
sex-party poker games for their well-heeled business clients; a land fraud
huckster who bought a Phoenix tavern for his mistress; a Tucson drug dealer
who kept two Las Vegas hookers on annual retainers; an elderly judge whose
vice was young girls; and a well-known Phoenix politician and businessman
whose kinky sex habits were paid for in diamonds, thus earning him the
nickname "Diamondman" in the trick book of almost every madame in the

Throughout October and into the first week of November, the sex stories
reporters kept uncovering from their growing number of news sources were
often the highlight of the day, boisterously swapped over late-night drinks
in the hotel bar. For the most part, interesting as they were, the stories
were totally without news value. Thus, notes were seldom kept. But, taken as
a whole, the stories nevertheless illustrated an old-fashioned and crudely
exploitative business attitude out of step with the rest of the country in
the open and sophisticated 1970s. In Arizona, it was still chic to have a
mistress. That's what the successful, big-time businessman had. Not a
girlfriend or a lover, but a mistress, bought and paid for just like his
thousand-dollar turquoise belt buckle.

The IRE reporters would soon find that the sex stories they had been
halfheartedly collecting would, in at least one very major case, become the
subject of intense investigation. The story would be uncovered by the team's
newest arrival.

Ron Koziol, the cigar-chomping Chicago Tribune reporter and the president of
IRE, flew in late in the afternoon of Friday, November 5. Since the project
had begun, he had been asked to check out dozens of leads in Chicago, and he
came to Phoenix with nearly a hundred pages of notes. Koziol was amazed at
what he saw. The hotel suite resembled a War Room, he thought, with maps,
graphs, reports, and law enforcement documents marked "confidential"
scattered everywhere. The index card boxes and files were filled to
overflowing. Telephones rang incessantly even late at night, and reporters
hustled in and out of the room.

"Hey," Koziol said upon surveying the scene, "this ain't–too shabby. Not too
shabby at all."

Like the Seattle reporter's "huh" the month before, "ain't too shabby" soon
became the most overused expression heard in suite 1939.

Greene briefed Koziol on the major developments in the investigation over a
long boozy dinner in the hotel restaurant. About ten o'clock Drehsler, who
had been drinking with a police source since five, stopped by the table. As
Greene headed back upstairs, Drehsler invited Koziol for a nightcap.

They went to a place known as the Foxe au-Disco, a small, cozy bar located a
few blocks west of North Central Avenue on Camelback Road. The place was a
frequent hangout for the IRE reporters, not because of its charms—which were
few—but because of those who frequented the place. Owned for the record by a
short, gregarious transplanted New Yorker by the name of Joey Ferrero, it was
really run by Jack Duggan, a convicted gambler and a man identified to
reporters by police as an extortionist, drug financier, and organized crime

IRE had already established Duggan's intimacy with some pretty powerful
mobsters. A confidential U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration report, in
IRE's possession, detailed a meeting between a Mexican lawyer, a Phoenix
judge, and Duggan at which plans were discussed to bring in several kilos of
heroin. Reporters had observed

Duggan meeting and socializing with several notorious hoodlums from the
Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonanno crime family in Tucson.

And offers to buy cocaine, women, and hot automobiles had been extended by
Duggan's pals to reporters. John Adamson, himself a close pal of Duggan's,
was a frequent hoister at the Foxe, as were dozens of the minor-league
lawyers and businessmen who nurtured the state's land fraud racket.

So the reporters, particularly Drehsler and Wendland, did a lot of drinking
at the Foxe. They made no attempt to disguise their identity. Duggan, a
well-built, handsome man in his mid-thirties with a Vandyke beard, seemed
actually to enjoy their presence. The reporters never discussed their

[CTRL] [8b] The Arizona Project

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Arizona Project
Michael Wendland©1977
ISBN 0-8362-0728-9
Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc.
6700 Squibb Rd.
Misson Kansas 66202
276 pps. - first edition - out-of-print
New revised edition - available amazon.com
Paperback, 304pp.
ISBN: 0945165021
Blue Sky Press, Incorporated
June 1988
Two hours after Koziol and Teuscher had returned to Phoenix and were briefing
Greene and the others on the California meeting, McCown called back. He was
true to his word. "It's set for Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. Same place," he said.
"Get a room there. I'll bring the things we discussed, including the other
guy I mentioned. He's scared but he'll talk." Koziol thanked him and hung up.
It was falling into place beautifully. There were four days until the next
meeting with McCown. Meanwhile, they had more than enough leads to start
running down.

On the morning of Friday, November 12, Koziol and Teuscher located an
accountant named Tom Wilson, whom McCown had named as one of several people
called in by Southwestern to help straighten out the confusing financial
records of the Hobo Joe's chain. They found him in the telephone book under
certified public accountants and went to see him. Wilson was a congenial man
and a close friend of McCown's. He was also a native Texan and proud to point
out to the reporters that he was not part of the Arizona power structure.
Wilson said he had had major problems with Hobo Joe's books.

"For one thing," he said, "there was evidence of criminal fraud and
misappropriation," No law enforcement agency had ever investigated the
situation, he said. Two of the owners of Hobo Joe'sGoldwater and Martori—did
not want an official probe. However, he had heard that they had hired a
private detective to see whether Applegate was stealing. Wilson had also
heard plenty of stories about Applegate's corporate party house, though he
stressed that he had never been there. "It was out in Mesa somewhere," he

Did he know the contractor for Applegate's home? The reporters had been told
by McCown that the same man who built the home had remodeled the partyhouse.
Yes, Wilson did know who it was. His name was Ernest Byke. He lived in

Next, the reporters drove over to the headquarters of the state Department of
Public Safety, Arizona's equivalent of the state police. Teuscher had earlier
telephoned the father of the private detective killed in Las Vegas while
trying to retrieve the automobile and clothing of one of Applegate's fickle
mistresses. The dead man was Bill Kimball. The father had referred the
reporters to another son, Lt. Stan Kimball. The lieutenant, a trim
fifty-year-old, ran the records section of DPS. He was waiting for them.

"My father told me to be expecting you," he said with a smile and an offer of
coffee. "Sit down."

The reporters explained that they were interested in learning more about his
brother's death seven years ago.

"Well, I'm the only one who can tell you," he said. "There are absolutely no
more records on this. The Las Vegas authorities destroyed them all."

"They what?" Koziol had covered police news for years. Cops do not throw away
homicide records. As a young reporter in Chicago, he used to while away
boring hours reading the thirty-year-old reports of street shootings during
Al Capone's heyday. He found it hard to believe that the Las Vegas police
would not still have the original reports on the case.

"They don't. Go check and see. They were destroyed. A lot of powerful people
were involved in this. There was one hell of a cover-up. Applegate never was
exposed. His pal Goldwater was really concerned that they would all be

Lieutenant Kimball then turned around and pulled a thick blue notebook from a
filing cabinet. "Here, take this and make copies or do what you want. It's
the complete police report. It's the only copy remaining. I got it right
after the case was closed from a friendly source up there. But this has
everything, everybody's statements, all the lies, the police reports, the
whole ball of wax."

The reporters thanked him.

"No, it's me who has the thanks," said Kimball, walking them out of his
office. "Not just because you're interested in my brother's case. But for
coming to Arizona. It's something this state has needed for a long time.
Maybe something will be done now." On the way back to the hotel, Teuscher,
the records man, started reading.

The report began with news clippings from the Republic. "Wound Fatal to
Private Eye," read a headline from the January 14, 1969, paper which detailed
how Bill Kimball, twenty-seven, "scion of a prominent Arizona family of
lawmen," died from a single gunshot wound to the head the night before "when
he and a friend, Phoenix restaurant operator Frank Casciola, were reported to
have attempted to force their way into the apartment of a swimming pool
attendant." In another clipping, the name of the restaurant Casciola operated
was identified as "the Hobo 

[CTRL] [1] Territorial Masonry

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Territorial Masonry
Ray V. Denslow
The Masonic Service Association of the United States©1925Southern Publishers,



IT HAS not been more than two centuries since a New England historian wrote:
"Beyond the Connecticut River is a long line of low-lying hills-beyond which
it is probable that civilization will never advance."

There may be some New Englanders who yet hold this view of the geography of
the United States, but to-day, the school-child knows of the Middle West and
of the wonders of the great territory once known as the Louisiana Purchase.
What was once termed "Jefferson's Folly" is now the most valued of Uncle
Sam's dominions, for in this district are to be found the great wheat and
corn belts, and ores the value of which is almost unbelievable.

The settlement and development of this territory has been one of the most
remarkable ever noted in the history of man; no section of the world's
surface can furnish us with any more wonderful story than that great
territory extending from the Mississippi River westward towards the Pacific
Ocean. What only a few more than a hundred years ago was naught but
unexplored country with a few scattering French and Spanish settlers, with
here and there a roving Indian tribe, has to-day become the home of millions
of citizens of the United States, containing probably more descendants of
pure American blood than any other similar section.

 The development of this wonderland is a story in itself, of such length and
character as would be impractical and inopportune to discuss in such a volume
as this. During the last few years the novelist has seized upon historical
events of the earlier period of Territorial life and has brought them to the
attention of the American public.

St. Louis, on the eastern outpost of this immense section, has been
immortalized in a number of novels, particularly "Richard Carvel," while in
the last few years thousands have been thrilled by that wonderful film
production, "The Covered Wagon," taken from the novel by that name, telling
the story of the "Oregon Trail," which but seventy-five years ago, was the
great thoroughfare for those Pacific-bound. Many still live who can recount
the trials of that period. Such scenes have been brought close to the hearts
of the settlers of this great territory through family tradition and
history.* [* The writer has a letter written by his great-grandfather while
crossing the Oregon Trail in 1849 telling of the cholera and high water. He
died of cholera a few weeks later and was buried in an unmarked grave under
circumstances similar to those narrated in "The Covered Wagon."]

While history and romance have recorded much of this earlier life, no pen has
yet attempted to show the part played by those pioneers who were members of
that fraternity, whose signs and symbols unite men of every sect, country,
race and opinion. True, not every pioneer was of the fraternity, but it is
safe to say that of the outstanding men of the Territory, fully 85 per cent.
had assumed the Mystic Tie and traveled the road which leads from the
darkness of ignorance to the light of truth. The light may have been of less
intensity than that furnished by the modern lodge, the path may have been a
little harder to travel, but the great chain of Brotherhood forged at the
rude Altar of the little lodge at the edge of the great wilderness was such
as to withstand the storms and furies which lashed back and forth for more
than a decade during the Morgan troubles, and which for a time even
threatened to destroy the fraternity itself.

 Many a Freemason has read the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition,
thrilled at the exploits of Kit Carson, admired the accomplishments of
Zebulon Pike, and been entertained by the account of the visit of the Marquis
de Lafayette to St. Louis. Others have marveled at the ability of Senator
Thomas H. Benton and that of Edward Bates (once Attorney-General in the
cabinet of Abraham Lincoln). Those who have read Mississippi Valley history
will know of Pierre Chouteau, Jr., Bartholomew Berthold, the American Fur
Co., General Henry Dodge and a host of other illustrious names in that galaxy
of distinguished men whose foresight and ability made this country what it is
to-day; yet how few know that, without exception, all of the above were
active Freemasons.

The work of these men cannot be measured-, it has always been true that in a
new and unsettled country are hundreds who have left civilization to avoid
detection for unpunished crimes; civilization's outposts have usually
inherited the refuse of the human race. Those nature's noblemen, who at great
sacrifice go into a new country, must be strong of heart and true to
themselves to brave such conditions that their families may prosper and enjoy
the fruits of their labor. Such were the men who finally triumphed over
lawlessness and made the Louisiana Purchase the home of the 


1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
BETRAYAL - Our Occupation of Germany
Arthur D. Rahn
Former Chief Editor of Intelligence
Office of the Director of Information Control
Office of Military Government, Germany
Book  Knowledge
Warsaw, Poland
pps. 237  (no date) out-of-print
---" NOT until I sat down to write this book and reflected on my experience
and organized my notes did I realize that what had seemed to me and my
friends in Germany to be a chaos of corruption and incompetence had actually
been a planned development following a very definite pattern. In fact, it has
become increasingly clear that the pattern of events in Germany from 1944 to
mid-1947 mirrored in sharp perspective what was happening at home in America.
Developments in Germany, too, have paralleled our actions in the United
Nations and our relations with the Soviet Union, Greece, Spain, China,
Britain, Israel — with the entire world."---


We Cried Peace

"The wedge that the Germans attempted to drive in western Europe (the
Rundstedt offensive of December, 1944) was less dangerous in actual terms of
winning the war than the wedges which they are continually trying to drive
between ourselves and our allies.
"We must resist this divisive propaganda " we mustdestroy it with the same
strength and the same determination that our fighting men are displaying as
they resist and destroy the Panzer divisions."
--From State' of the Union message, January 6, 1945.

"IT is not clear when the war will end" said Ernst Seifert smiling. A former
director of the University of Wuerzburg and the medical officer of the
Wehrmacht 13th Army Corps (a colonel), Seifert was sitting in the Wuerzburg
prison, where he was being held as a high officer in the Storm Troopers, an
automatic arrest.

I did not comment on his surprising answer—it was April 24th, 1945, about two
weeks before the German capitulation and it was clear even to the most
fanatical Nazis that the war could not last another month. He continued: "The
Russians are advancing very deep into Germany. The danger of bolshevism is
great for America."

"But you are not answering my question," I interposed impa-tiently."

"It's hard to say just when the open conflict will begin."

"You know very well," I declared, "that Hitler is our enemy and the Russians
are our allies. I'm asking you when you think the war against Hitler will be

"That is not clear. When I heard the Fuehrer's speech on March 1st, I said
that he had always been right and I believe he will be right again about

From his remarks, it was clear that this slovenly, stubborn and amazingly
limited (for a surgeon, a university official and a colonel) Storm Trooper
was not counting on any secret weapons. He was expecting the Americans and
the Russians to begin to fight each other as soon as their armies met.

Of course, not all Germans had succumbed so completely to Goebbels' final
propaganda line that war between the Allies was inevitable shortly after a
defeat of the Reich. But Goebbels' indoctrination did not disappear upon the
entrance of the American troops.

The first months after VE day we used to think that the hysterical
rumormongering among the Germans was humorous. Whenever an American division
was moved, it was being sent to the front, according to the Germans. There
were tales of Russian gun emplacements and tank concentrations. The Russians
and the British were supposed to have skirmished. The Russians were
bombarding Rostock.

 The Germans were terrified of the Russians. One of the final terror slogans
of the Nazis with the German troops was Sieg oder Sibirien! (Victory or
Siberia!), victory or captivity "worse than death." Because of the many years
of constant anti-Soviet horror propaganda, we in Psychological Warfare found
this slogan a difficult one to combat. The Russians were held in fear because
of the vicious, intense war that had been fought on the Eastern Front, the
vast scale of the battles and the tremendous casualties. During the last
weeks, the Germans had fought for every village fanatically against the
Russians, but on our front they had surrendered all but key strategic points
to us as we rolled through the country. Because so many Germans had friends
and relatives in America, they trusted us more. Mindful of the destruction
and murder they had committed in the Soviet Union, they feared just
retribution. The Russians might force the Germans to rebuild the devastated
areas in the Soviet Union. They certainly would demand enormous reparations.
They were already responsible for the decision to, transfer territory to
Poland. They might even bring "bolshevism to Germany."

Out of their fear and hate, the Germans concocted and disseminated all
varieties of atrocity tales about the Red Army troops, the clergy bearing
much of the responsibility for this rumormongering.

The Catholic Caritas and the Evangelical Inner Mission immediately began to
collect alms for the "suffering 

[CTRL] Spyware grabs Keystrokes, Mouse Motion, Phone Calls

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Compaq pushes spooky follow your keystroke system

 Posted 27/10/99 3:20pm by Mike Magee

 An integrated technology which includes ex-Tandem, ex-Compaq and
 ex-DEC kit and a heap of software can track a consumer's every
 move, the company has revealed.

 The high end system, which the company demonstrated at the Geneva
 telecomms show, uses a method of integrating 111Tb (terabytes) of
 data and 128 processors from different types of Compaq boxes,
 allied with Corba databases and other pieces of software.

 Compaq has built a demonstration system at Cupertino in California
 and is persuading telecommunications companies, government
 agencies, banks and retailers of the benefits of the approach.

 David Liles, a senior consultant at Compaq's advanced technology
 centre in Algonquin, Illinois, said the system will scale from two
 processors upwards and will let large corporations use on-the-fly
 software to track a customer's every phone call.

 The so-called zero latency system will allow Compaq's corporate and
 government customers to track every movement a customer might make,
 even with her or his mouse, and will also present opportunities for
 the consumer, in terms of better deals on books, mobile phones and
 other tariffs, said Liles.

 A high end system similar to the one Compaq has built in Cupertino
 will cost telcos and banks around the $22 million mark, said Liles.

 That compares to similar systems from IBM, using Sysplex, which can
 cost five times that much, he said.

 Compaq has already signed Sprint and NTT as customers but would not
 be drawn on which government agencies were interested in the

 The software, as standard, includes so-called government compliance
 customer care. Liles explained that in the United States, at least,
 it would allow reporting on which telephone numbers were called and
 the frequency of such dialling.

 It would take Compaq between four to six months to build such a
 system into a telco, bank or agency, Liles said. But the Cupertino
 system is simply built as a demonstration tool and does not handle
 Compaq transactions.

 Liles also confirmed that his company had noticed no difference in
 business as a result of the up-and-coming Y2K technology. Last
 week, IBM shares fell sharply on news of concerns that its
 mainframes were not performing too well. ®

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[CTRL] Channel 36/Austin: Bush Grazed By Trash

1999-11-01 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

As one familiar with the Town Lake jogging trail on a daily basis, I can
verify it is most unusual (unheard of) for dump trucks to nearly hit
people, let alone presidential front-runners.

Mack White

From http://kxan.com/

Bush Grazed By Trash

There was a mishap while Governor George W. Bush was jogging on the hike
and bike trail Monday morning.

The Governor and his security detail were running near Cesar Chavez, around
the Lamar Bridge area.

Police say a private garbage truck apparently lost control, and spilled trash.

One of the Governor's body guards was hit by the trash, and the Governor
was grazed by some of the trash.

The injured body guard, a state trooper, was taken to Brackenridge
Hospital. He's listed in fair condition.

The Governor was treated at the scene.

Tune into News 36 at 6 for complete coverage of this story.

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1999-11-01 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



 New evidence has emerged that mobile phones damage
 long-term memory.

 It follows Sunday Mirror revelations that British Telecom
 is being sued by an ex-employee who claims using the phones
 has made him senile at 38.

 One of America's leading experts on mobile phones -- Dr
 Henry Lai of the University of Washington -- conducted
 tests on 100 rats in a £70,000 project into the possible
 effects of mobile phones.

 He filled a large tank with water and taught all the rats
 to swim to a platform in the middle for safety.

 The "lesson" was repeated six times to make sure it was
 stored in the rats' long-term memory.

 Half the rats were then exposed to microwave radiation
 similar to that emitted by mobile phones.

 And while the "normal" rats later found the platform with
 no problem the "exposed" rats had forgotten where it was.

 Dr Lai said from America last night:  "The long-term memory
 of virtually all the 'exposed' rats appeared to have been

 Previous studies have already linked mobile phones with
 short-term memory loss and confusion.

 But Dr Lai's findings -- which will shortly be published in
 a US medical journal -- are the first to cast doubts on
 long-term memory.

 He said:  "It is a completely different thing.

 "Short-term memory loss is just being unable to remember
 something which you have just done or glanced at.

 "Long-term memory is something which has been learned or
 recalled and stored in the brain.

 "The data from this latest study is certainly a cause for

 The Sunday Mirror revealed in April that former BT engineer
 Steve Corney was taking the company to court claiming he
 now suffers premature dementia.

 He said:  "Five years ago seems like last week to me
 because I can't remember what's gone on in the meantime."
 BT deny the claim.

 Meanwhile, the House of Commons Science and Technology
 Committee has demanded the Government put extra cash into
 mobile phone research after finding only £60,000 was spent
 last year.

 The Department of Trade and Industry is expected to
 announce its response in the next few weeks.

 © MGN, Ltd, 1997, (0171-293-3000)

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heavenly Osiris and Earthly Isis? No doubt.

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-11-01 11:59:22 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I would suggest that IE influences on the proto-Semitic speakers could have
come as much from the presumably proto-Indic Mitanni of Central and Eastern
Anatolia (see my earlier post on the subject) as from the (West IE)
Hittites. I believe, however, that the "Hittites" mentioned at various
places in the Old Testament were *not* the same as the people of the great
Anatolian empire, but were rather a people of somewhat uncertain lineage
(see the commentary in the *Oxford Annotated Bible*).

Could be.  The whole area was a mishmash of IE peoples, and correctly
identifying them still seems a problem in the field.  No one is certain WHO
the "Hittites" were,
more so when you factor in the New Chronology -- Velikovsky may have been

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-11-01 13:47:29 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

With very, very few very isolated exceptions there was no violence and  no
looting. There were no riots. What actually happened was people pulled
together to help each other.

Yep, that's how I remember it, in the ethnically diverse Mission District.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread Matt Lowry

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, nessie wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Hopefully "just" a worst-case scenario.  I guess we'll see, all too soon.

 It could happen. I just don't think it's very likely. If it does come down
 that way, thoough, I'm prepared.

 I'm GLAD my country is "awash in hand guns." It means that old, four eyed
 gimps like me can protect ourselves from big, young,  healthy, hoodlums.
 In the immortal words of Sam Colt, "Be ye tall or be ye small, I have made
 ye equal all."

I think I can understand your standpoint. And I suspect that if I
lived in the US I too would be glad that I could arm myself in
preparation for this kind of worst case scenario. But from my
standpoint in Australia, I see logic along the lines of "I'm glad I
can get my hands on a 12-guage to defend myself against all the
criminals who have said freely available 12-guages."

But please don't let me start a gun debate. Let my give you my
scenario :

1) 1:53am on 1st Jan 2000. Some drunken fool is driving home extremely
drunk and wraps his car around a power pole.

2) Power goes out over a neighbourhood. "Y2K!" everyone thinks.
They run outside and see the whole area blacked out. Their worst fears
are confirmed. Out come the firearms as everyone starts barricading
their doors.

3) Amidst all the adrenalin and fear someone gets sloppy, forgets the
saftey, a case of mistaken identity and shots fired  what have you
... but all it takes is one shot to be heard and that's it - everyone
_knows_ the riot has started.

My point is that if enough people expect it to happen it
probably will. All it takes is a handful who want it to happen (be it
gangs or government) and a lot of people who think it might happen.


 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

I haven't lost my mind !
I've got it backed up on floppy somewhere ...

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[CTRL] Cook accused of misleading public on Kosovo massacres

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Cook accused of misleading public on Kosovo massacres

Nicholas Rufford

ROBIN COOK, the foreign secretary, is under pressure to answer claims that
ministers misled the public over the scale of deaths among civilians in
Kosovo to justify the Nato bombing of Belgrade.
The all-party Balkans committee of MPs will ask the Foreign Office this week
to comment on reports that the number of bodies of victims of Serbian ethnic
cleansing is lower than the figures of dead issued during the conflict.

At the height of the war, western officials spoke of a death toll as high as
100,000. President Bill Clinton said the Nato campaign had prevented
"deliberate, systematic efforts at ethnic cleansing and genocide". Geoff
Hoon, then a Foreign Office minister and now the defence secretary, later
scaled down the estimates. "It appears that about 10,000 people have been
killed in more than 100 massacres," he said.

The most outspoken challenge to these figures has come from Emilio Perez
Pujol, a pathologist who led the Spanish team looking for bodies in the
aftermath of the fighting. He said: "I calculate that the final figure of
dead in Kosovo will be 2,500 at the most. This includes lots of strange
deaths that can't be blamed on anyone in particular."

Perez Pujol said the numbers of dead were far lower than the 44,000 he had
been warned of, and few were in mass graves. He said his team had arrived in
Kosovo expecting to perform 2,000 post-mortem examinations and to work to the
end of November. "On September 12 I called my people together and said: 'We
have finished here.' I informed my government and told them of the real
situation. We had found a total of 187 bodies. Four or five had died from
natural causes."

United Nations officials have begun taking stock of the death toll this
weekend after the exhumation of corpses stopped for the winter. The UN is
expected to report next month that the total number of victims so far
uncovered is fewer than 2,000. Many were executed, but some died during
fighting and others died in allied bombing.

There is still no clear picture, however. Some of the forensic teams sent by
15 different countries say they have discovered fewer bodies than they
anticipated. Others say there is more work to do and believe the death toll
will rise.

The US State Department said this weekend that about 1,400 bodies have been
recovered from about 20% of suspected massacre sites. There are about 500
suspected sites and priority has been given to those that were believed to
contain the most bodies. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia reported earlier this month that the notorious Trepca mines in
Kosovo, where 700 ethnic Albanian bodies were reportedly hidden, contained

The largest number of bodies has been recovered by British teams of police
officers, pathologists and forensic scientists in the area where the worst
mass killings reportedly occurred. They found 505 bodies, some in mass graves
and many of them women and children.

Detective Chief Superintendent John Bunn, who led the British investigation
group, said his teams had completed work at most of the sites around Prizren
and Velakrusa, where some of the worst atrocities were said to have occurred.
He said he had found graves containing as many as 77 bodies together of
people executed at close range.

Alice Mahon, the Labour MP who chairs the Balkans committee, said yesterday
that the deaths were tragic but did not justify the military action taken by
Nato. "When you consider that 1,500 civilians or more were killed during Nato
bombing, you have to ask whether the intervention was justified," she said.

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[CTRL] Religion causing office problems

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Religion causing office problems
Employee reprimanded for wishing her co-workers a `blessed day'; situation is
becoming more common
Indianapolis Star and News

INDIANAPOLIS: It was Liz Anderson's habit to wish everyone a blessed day --
until her bosses ordered her to stop spreading her faith-tinged brand of

USF Logistics of Indianapolis reprimanded the office worker this summer for
continuing to offer the blessing after she was repeatedly instructed to knock
it off.

She's stopped now because she knows another transgression could result in
more severe punishment, including dismissal. It says so right in the written
reprimand she received from her bosses, who took the action after a client at
software giant Microsoft Corp. objected to Anderson's religious greeting.

So Anderson is complying, but not happily.

``I don't see what's wrong with it,'' said Anderson, a devout Christian and
member of Phillips Temple CME Church in Indianapolis.

``There's nothing that religious about what I say. It's just my way of
saying, `Have a nice day.' ''

Anderson's dilemma is increasingly more common in the American workplace,
where even innocuous religious practices can cause a ruckus.

Since 1992, the number of religious discrimination complaints filed annually
with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has increased nearly
29 percent, to 1,786 in 1998.

Religious groups cite instances in which Muslim women were prohibited from
wearing their religious head coverings to work, Jews were forbidden to wear
yarmulkes and Christians were forced to work Christmas Day even though other
employees had volunteered to fill in for them.

They say these things are happening because a federal law adopted in 1964
gives employers great leeway in denying religious practices that might cause
a company ``undue hardship.''

So groups as diverse as the National Council of Churches, the American Jewish
Committee and the National Sikh Center are supporting legislation to restore
protections for religious freedom at work.

``What is attempting to be addressed here are things as simple as a worker
bowing his head and saying a simple prayer in the lunchroom or reading
Scripture during their break time,'' said former U.S. Sen. Dan Coats, an
Indiana Republican who helped lead the fight for the Religious Workplace
Freedom Act during his final two years in office.

It didn't pass, but Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is continuing the fight this
year. Even if it becomes law, Coats said, he doubts the legislation would
address Anderson's situation.

He said the proposal is aimed primarily at requiring employers to provide
time off for the religious observances of workers of all faiths -- when it is
financially feasible. The provision would apply to companies with 15 or more

However, the proposal also would expand workplace accommodations for the
``religious practices'' of employees. Advocates say that provision could
apply to religious attire or maybe even a routine religious expression such
as ``God bless you'' or ``Have a blessed day.''

Regardless, Coats said, Anderson's case is an ``absurd situation'' that
appears to offer little grounds for disciplinary action.

``It seems to me that most people receiving a courteous greeting like that
are going to think very highly of the company it came from,'' Coats said. ``I
guess the alternative would be to tell them to have a miserable day.''

Doug Christensen, president and CEO of Illinois-based USF Logistics, said not
everyone feels comfortable receiving such greetings. He defended his company,
saying it had a long-standing policy of prohibiting religious or political
speech in business correspondence.

Workplace attorneys agree that USF probably was justified in prohibiting
religious speech in correspondence to Microsoft because one of its employees
had objected.

However, they say the company might have overstepped its bounds when it
expanded the prohibition to all forms of speech in the workplace.

Dianna Johnston, an attorney with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
in Washington, D.C., said employers increase their exposure to discrimination
complaints when issuing such broad policies on the basis of a single

At the very least, USF probably could have spared itself public scrutiny had
it worked with Anderson to try to reach an amicable compromise, said Kevin
Betz, an Indianapolis workplace attorney.

Increasingly, though, workers are becoming willing to take such disputes
public because they are learning that employers don't necessarily have the
final say.

Anderson said she's never entertained thoughts of filing an EEOC complaint.
She said she doesn't want to hurt anyone; she simply wants to right a wrong.

``I feel like I should be able to express myself in that small way, even at
work,'' she said. ``It's not doing anybody no harm.''

[CTRL] The Foolish Abandonment of Pat Buchanan

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

The Foolish Abandonment of Pat Buchanan

June 30, 1999

by Steve Farrell

Sometimes our memory plays tricks on us. Back in the 1980’s, right up into
the early 1990’s Pat Buchanan was widely acclaimed as the toast of the
Republican party.

Possessing a rare combination of hard hitting yet inspiring commentary,
extraordinary debating skills yet an affable personality, a history of
brawling as a youth yet heartfelt religious devotion as an adult -  here was
a one time Democrat turned Republican who by the time he had written “Right
from the Start,” had earned himself the title “the conscience of

Even in the Presidential primaries of 1992 and 1996, it was readily admitted
that it was the Buchanan campaign which shaped the debate. That’s because,
unlike the host of other candidates who opposed him, it was Pat Buchanan who
had an in-depth stance on most every issue, one which never altered in casual
or heated discussions, nor floated upon the winds of opinion poll politics.

There was no posturing, no politicking, just roll up your sleeves, straight
forward, in your face, for better or worse statesmanship from Pat Buchanan,
and everybody knew it.

Of course, that disturbed some people. Democrats for years had loathed him.
And they had good reason, for Pat presented to the Democratic Party a nightly
national embarrassment on CNN, as he outwitted and outmatched their best
thinkers with common sense, get-to-the-meat of the issues insight, which left
opponents gasping for a lack of emotion free sensible comebacks. What
Democratic Party faithful wouldn’t hate him for that?

But as a Presidential candidate, and surprisingly a serious contender,
Buchanan ran head on into a new set of enemies, this time within his own

Hypocritically, it was the same party hotshots who had long dubbed him as
hero who now caricatured him as villain, and who just like their Democratic
Party counterparts who couldn’t defeat Buchanan on principle, resorted to the
mindless, bully-like, emotion filled tactic of name calling.

Overnight, Pat became a tenured fanatic, a divisive party figure, an oddity,
a throwback, a racist, an isolationist, a protectionist, narrow minded, hot
headed street brawler, and occasionally in “kindness” a candidate who “we
like, but who can’t win.”

Leading the charge was the man who had written the most flowery endorsement
of all in the jacket of Buchanan’s best-selling book, President George Bush,
who suddenly reversed his praise into hostility calling Mr. Buchanan “a far
right extremist.” But the only thing extreme about Pat was that he has
forever stood firm by those principles that the establishment Republican
merely espouses during political campaigns.

The truth is, Pat Buchanan’s beliefs are mainstream and sensible, here are a

*  A belief that the US Constitution is the best political standard ever
devised by the wisdom of men.

*  A belief that the size and scope of the federal government should be
limited to the few powers delineated in that document, and that the excessive
burdens of taxation, regulation, and government meddling in education would
correct themselves if only we would return to its superior standard.

*  A belief that free trade means that our elected representatives in
Congress, as specified in the Constitution, not some un-elected,
superintending, international regulatory body such as NAFTA or the WTO,
should decide how Americans direct their own commerce.

*  A belief that refusing most favored nation (MFN) trade privileges to a
country (China) which has for a long time manufactured goods by slave labor,
practiced patent theft, sold drugs on our streets to our youth, stolen our
most guarded nuclear secrets, threatened and invaded its neighbors,
systematically killed and oppressed its own people, and who now points
missiles at our shores, makes sense. To so refuse, he believes, is not a
violation of free market principles, for domestic laws which forbid the sale
and purchase of stolen goods, which close down Mafia run front shops, which
disenfranchise the rights of convicted felons, do the same.

*  A belief that protective tariffs against such a nation are constitutional,
and present a peaceful option of protest short of war.

*  A belief that international communism and terrorism, which still prosper
everywhere, cannot be defeated by socialistically subsidizing the economies
and militaries of foreign nations, nor by implementing in the name of
national security, police state measures at home. But that a strong, united,
independent, and prosperous United States, who refuses to aid her enemies, is
the best plan to defeat them both.

*  A belief that just as freemen have the power to decide who and what
influences can and cannot enter into their homes, so a nation of freemen can
and should collectively possess that same power in 

[CTRL] Socialists in Democrats' clothing

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 Socialists in Democrats' clothing

No, I didn't watch the so-called debate between Al Gore and Bill Bradley last
I didn't think I would learn anything. I was wrong.

Had I watched, I would have learned that the Democratic Party's top
leadership -- not just a fringe element within the ranks -- is so deeply and
uncompromisingly committed to the ugliest and most totalitarian aspects of
socialism as to represent an imminent threat to freedom in this country.

I refer to the observations made by Bill Bradley when asked, in essence: Who
were the three greatest leaders in world history?

Without so much as a whimper of protest from his opponent, nor a guffaw from
the hand-picked Democratic Party activist audience present, Bradley said
there are "three values ... important that a leader has to have. One is
absolute integrity -- honesty and integrity. And there I think of Jimmy
Carter. Second, I think that a leader has got to have the ability to see
around the corners, to see the future before it's here. I think Woodrow
Wilson had that. What he talked about America became America in the 20th
century. And next, I think a leader has to have courage. Example of that, I
would pick somebody who's not an American, Mikhail Gorbachev, who saw that
the world was (changing), and had the courage to make that change."

Let's talk about those sterling examples of leadership:

Carter: Bradley is right that Jimmy Carter had honesty and integrity. But he
was, most Americans agreed then and agree now, a lousy president. I say this
as someone who voted for him twice. He was a loser. He nearly destroyed the
U.S. military (though not to the extent of Bill Clinton). He blamed Americans
for the failure of his own failed economic policies.

Wilson: Woodrow Wilson was the first U.S. president to advocate the sacrifice
of American sovereignty and self-determination in favor of a global order
through the League of Nations, the predecessor to the United Nations. He also
signed into law the Federal Reserve System, an abomination to those who
believe in republican accountability, the rule of law and free markets. He
was hardly the visionary Bradley describes. He was as responsible as anyone
for getting America into World War I.

Gorbachev: Mikhail Gorbachev, the scourge of Afghanistan, did not, as Bradley
suggests, "have the courage to change." Perhaps Bradley needs to be reminded
that Gorbachev was removed from power in a bloodless coup. He had not
transformed Russia. He was and remains today universally hated in his
country. He was a tyrant and never willingly relinquished power. He never
willingly recognized the inalienable rights of his people. In fact, to this
day, he has never renounced socialism or Communism.

It says a lot about Bradley that he chose Gorbachev as one of three
outstanding world leaders of all time. He did not choose Noah, Moses, nor
King Solomon. He did not choose Jesus Christ, nor the Apostle Paul. He did
not choose George Washington, nor Thomas Jefferson, nor James Madison. He did
not even choose Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, nor Ronald Reagan. No.
He chose Gorbachev, an unrepentant Communist tyrant who dropped bombs that
looked like toys in a genocidal war against the Afghan people in our own
You have to wonder how Bradley reconciles his selections of Carter and
Gorbachev. During his administration, Carter recognized Gorbachev as the
brute that he was for invading Afghanistan in a failed attempt to dash toward
the Persian Gulf oil fields. Carter's response was characteristically feeble.
He chose to boycott the Olympics in protest.

This is not a joke, folks. I think Bill Bradley has an excellent chance of
becoming the next president of the United States. He is running ahead of Gov.
George W. Bush, the all-but crowned Republican front-runner, in some polls.
He is certainly a genuine threat to win the Democratic presidential

And one of his three heroes is Mikhail Gorbachev. In fact, all three of his
heroes have one thing in common. They were all unequivocally and convincingly
repudiated by their own people. Wilson and Carter suffered landslide defeats
as sitting presidents, while Gorbachev could muster only 1 percent in an
attempted comeback as president of Russia.

What does all this say about the sad state of American politics? Such poor
choices were not even challenged by Gore. Have millions of Americans lost
their collective minds? And what does it say about the U.S. press
establishment, which didn't even consider Bradley's incredible response to
the question newsworthy?

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be
heard at http://www.ktkz.com/

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is 

[CTRL] Johnny Chung Unfiltered: The Shocking Story the Press Won't Report

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Johnny Chung Unfiltered: The Shocking Story the Press Won't Report
Carl Limbacher
November 1, 1999

At an Oct. 23rd Judicial Watch awards dinner, key government witness Johnny
Chung described at length what he knows about the Clinton administration's
"Cash for Military Secrets" Chinagate scandal. It was the first time Chung
has spoken out in such detail in any venue not controlled by mainstream media
As he reported that night, Chung's harrowing experience included no fewer
than three separate attempts on his life by persons identified to him by the
FBI as members of a Beijing "hit squad." The most recent assassination
attempt took place in March of this year, when a man with a gun got as far as
Chung's office, only to be stopped by FBI agents assigned to protect him.

The former Democrat fund-raiser explained his role in the FBI's undercover
Chinagate sting operation, where he was bodywired before meeting with a
Chinese government agent. That agent implicated the White House in an
international cover-up, telling Chung on tape that he could get a
presidential pardon if he played along.

Chung also revealed how a leak covered by the New York Times blew his cover
and sabotaged the investigation, compelling the FBI to assign 24-hour,
seven-day-a-week protection to him and his family.

Though three television networks sent camera crews to film Chung's
blockbuster address, only one, C-Span, offered coverage to its viewers. The
rest of America knows nothing about Johnny Chung's stunning insider story,
thanks to the mainstream media's blackout.

Here's just some of Mr. Chung's story. As he told his audience that night,
"You be the judge":

"Since I get my sentence — I plead guilty March 9th, 1998 — immediately a
gentleman named Robert Lu, acting like a Chinese messenger, gave me the
message, 'Delay, delay, delay,' because President Clinton is ready to visit
China. 'Take the FBI and the Department of Justice [on a wild goosechase].'

"One thing he doesn't know is that I'm fully cooperating with the FBI, with a
bodywire and everything. My office is like a radio studio, a recording
studio. Everything we said is recorded on the tape. Don't let them burn it.

"And he said, 'Keep quiet and you can retire in style.' Which means, I'm
going to receive a lot of money. 'If you talk, everything will be out of
control. How's your family? How's your wife?' The Chinese are a little bit
different than the Italian Mafia. They're more polite. But he didn't know
that every word was on the recording.

"And he said, 'If you have to go to jail, you are going to spend it in the
country club. And you can even get a presidential pardon. And, both sides of
Beijing and Washington and Taiwanese officials, they are working on [my]
case, if you wanted to keep quiet.'

"When I was meeting with the one guy, he, Mr. Robert Lu, wanted me to meet
with one attorney named Mr. David Brockway in Los Angeles. He called himself
a former attorney for Watergate. And when I met with the guy, before I meet
with them, Mr. Lu told me, 'I'm going to meet you in a private club; not even
the CIA can get in.'

"Thank God. What a wonderful FBI job. Inside that restaurant, that private
club, every table filled with FBI agents to protect me. And he is why CIA
cannot get in — but FBI did.

"Then into the conversation [Lu] said number three of Department of Justice,
the head of civil division, is working out with him. 'Everybody keep quiet.
Don't worry, don't panic.' I don't remember the name but I know the position.
Mr. Klayman, I give it to you already in my testimony in your deposition.
Sometimes when [Larry Klayman] asks me the questions, I volunteer to give
another extra answer. Because I know this guy is seeking for the truth.

"But because of that, somebody leaked the information to the New York Times.
That was May 14th, 1998, when I was [in an] undercover operation.
Immediately, the next day, May 15, 1998, I got a phone call from the FBI
[telling m]), 'Mr. Chung, it's time to go, to begin our 21-day government
protection.' Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

"Thank God, and I want to thank my daughter and my wife for being there with
me. Thank you.

"The people who leaked the information, I hope the Congress will check it out
and continue to investigate because [those who leaked] don't care [about]
someone who's willing to fully cooperate with the government. They put my
life and my family's life in danger because they want to burn, to burn the
undercover operation.

"During the undercover operation I see something strange. [While] the FBI
protect me with a machine gun, I was allowed to have my [baseball] hat with
my sunglasses, with my T-shirt and my short pants, with my slippers. I don't
think you guys can recognize that's Johnny Chung.

"Later on they told me that there's four men from Beijing, China. They call
them 'hit squad.' [They 

[CTRL] Now here's an interesting patent - #3951134

1999-11-01 Thread Matt Lowry

 -Caveat Lector-

I found this patent mentioned at an interesting site ...


US Patent #3951134


Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves


Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote
from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different
frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject
in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform
which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference
waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is
re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and
amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual
viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis.
The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating
signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired
change in electrical activity therein.


The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring
brain waves wherein all components of the apparatus employed are
remote from the test subject. More specifically, high frequency
transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of
different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning
the entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof.
The signals of different frequencies penetrate the skull of the
subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an
interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain's natural
electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is re-transmitted
by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it
is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the suject's
brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his brain waves, the
subject's neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to
his brain, through a transmitter, compensating signals. The latter
signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves.

Check out http://www.uspto.gov/ for more on the patent.

 Matt Lowry  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

I haven't lost my mind !
I've got it backed up on floppy somewhere ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US Military and New Age 'ethics' Part 1

1999-11-01 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

The New Australian
US Military and New Age 'ethics'
By RADM C.A. Hill, Jr. USN (Ret.)
No. 140,   1-7 November 1

The modern liberals have implemented a program of revolutionary reform for
America based upon the objective of destroying the 'authoritarian
personality' — instilled by the traditional family and culture. For the past
half century their program has met with success from the bottom up starting
in the primary schools and continuing on through the secondary schools and
colleges. For most of that time their efforts were successfully resisted by
the military schools where discipline and tradition provided a shield against
changes in attitude that were destructive of the mission of the military in
protecting the nation from external threats and in support of their
constitutional charter.

In short, the military academies couldn't be corrupted from the bottom up but
they could be corrupted from the 'top' down. When I say the 'top' I refer
first and foremost to the courts and to the executive and legislative
branches of the government, subsequently aided and abetted by the officers
who were placed in charge through the appointive, confirmation and law-making
power vested by the Constitution in the President and the Congress.

Although all the major military higher education schools have been affected
adversely, I will use the U.S. Naval Academy with which I am most familiar as
an example. The three most significant changes that have occurred since I was
a midshipman (class of 1944) were: (1) The supreme court decision that forced
the Academy to do away with mandatory Sunday chapel or church services. (2)
The introduction of women into the student body mandated by the congress,
with a concomitant diminished emphasis on a single engineering curriculum.
(3) The change in appointment from 'Midshipman, U.S. Navy' to 'Midshipman,
U.S. Naval Academy' which occurred in 1948 and now, upon graduation, awarded
a commission in the Naval Reserve as opposed to 'Ensign, U.S. Navy.' Each of
the above changes has led the way down for an institution originated,
developed and historically supported by the American people

for the purpose of training naval officers to be 'sea fighters' first and
its founding in 1845 to the early 1960s, the material for the Naval Academy
was drawn largely from the traditional American family with roots
predominantly in the middle class. Almost all of the entering midshipmen came
from homes where instruction in the Judeo-Christian religion had been the
rule during their formative years. When chapel, church, or temple attendance
was mandatory there was no need for ethics training. That was taken care of
by a combination of law, tradition, religious instruction, and a four-year
program designed to build character along with educating each individual
midshipman for a lifetime calling as a naval officer. It was an engineering
school with each student subject to military discipline, with no electives
except a choice of foreign language and you made it or you were out.

Upon entering the Naval Academy, each midshipman was issued a copy of Naval
Customs, Traditions and Usage by Leland P. Lovette along with Reef-Points
(items that all midshipmen must know) and the Watch Officer's Guide.
Indoctrination in those traditions began from the

moment one took the oath on the steps of Memorial Hall. From the beginning,
4th class midshipmen learned that John Paul Jones ('I have not yet begun to
fight'), Horatio Nelson ('Thank God I have done my duty'), James Lawrence
('Don't give up the ship'), and David Glasgow Farragut ('Damn the torpedoes —
full speed ahead') were the men and the pillars upon which naval tradition
was based. It was noble, it was honorable, it was valiant, it was courageous
and it was virtuous. Most of all they were the only model a midshipman
needed. They were the guiding lights upon which a young man was to mold a
life for service in the Navy.

Instruction in the law from which Navy regulations were derived began
immediately and continued throughout the four-year curriculum. In addition to
classroom instruction, each battalion was assembled in Memorial Hall
routinely in dress blue uniform to hear elements of those laws read to them
by senior officers. U.S. Navy law itself is unique. It stems directly from
the pen of John Adams who first introduced it during the Second Continental
Congress and gained its approval. It placed 'morality' at the heart of
officer conduct. It remains in the law today, codified as Section 5947 (Title
10, USC) and last approved by the Congress in 1957.

It is unequivocal in that it enjoins (in part): "All commanding officers in
authority in the naval service — to show in themselves a good example of
virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination; to be vigilant in inspecting

Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Yep, that's how I remember it, in the ethnically diverse Mission District.

As soon as we determined that there were no fires, gas leaks or people in
need of rescue in my immediate vicinity we hopped on the bike and headed
towards the biggest piller of smoke we could see, the famous Marina fire.
By the time we got there the firemen had more help than they needed and
sent us on our way. We went to Haight St. to check on Bound Together Books
and my friends who live in the back. The people on the block had
discovered a gas leak across the street from BT and had formed lines of
linked arms at either end of the block to prevent anybody from stumbling
ionto the gas cloud with a flame or a spark till somebody found the valve
and shut it off. We joined in, releaving a guy who really, really wanted
to run accross the park to see if his building on Fulton St. was still
standing. Eventually a couple fireman showed up, but by then a civilian
had found the valve and shut it off. I was low on gasoline and dark was
falling and, from where we stood at least, everything looked under
control. So went back to her place and resumed screwing. (No "earth moved"
jokes, please) We later went out to catch up on news. A strip joint two
blocks away, Big Al's, had a generator and a TV which they made available
to the public for free. Only then did we hear about the Bay Bridge and the

A lot of the people in the neighborhood spent the night and the next day
in Washington Square Park, huddled tightly together in the middle in case
an after shock knocked down more buildings. This was significant because
there is some racial tension in the neighborhood, mostly  between the
Italians and the Chinese. It's more of a turf thing than a race thing, and
it's fairly polite, but there it is. The other primary ethnic groups in
North Beach are Yuppies and, thanks to some legacy cheap hotels,
Bohemians. Generally, I had noticed while hanging out around there, these
four groups pretty much ignored each other on the street. But when the
earth shook and those lights went out, everybody was instantly brothers
and sisters, or at least second cousins. Neighbors who had never spoken in
their lives were hugging each other and sharing their food.

The Chinese liquer store owner downstairs was afraid of being looted to
the extent that he had the chain on his front door and was selling through
the ajar space. Given SF's history of racist pogroms against the Chinese,
I can't blame him for being cautious. It proved unnecessary. There was an
orderly line of people stocking up on booze, candles and snacks. The cops
came by and told them to quit, which they did till he rounded the corner.
Despite the spike in liquer sales, the next couple days was the only time
ever in my entire life that I have stood at Grant and Green and not seen a
single drunk. Drink is what people DO on that block. They come for miles
around to do it. Sometimes they get a little rowdy (usually  on New Years)
but when the lights were out everybody behaved very responsibly.

As long as no nuclear power plant melts and nobody starts shooting ICBMs
at glitches on their radar screen, we'll muddle through Y2K. So will the
rest of you.  In some locations it could develop into a royal pain in the
butt, maybe on the scale of the Kobe Quake, Hurricane Andrew or the Great
Canadian Ice Storm. But TEOTWAWKI? Fat chance. TWAWKI has too much

But just in case, you oughta horde food, arm yourself and help your
friends and neighbors develop contingency plans. Better safe than sorry.
Do NOT trust the government to take care of you. If they do take care of
you, so much the better. But don't bet your life on it.

Really, you oughta be armed, provisioned and organized anyway, 'cuz who
knows what might happen. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Be aware.  Be prepared.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 60 Days to Y2K and New Millenium's Eve

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

"I'm glad I can get my hands on a 12-guage to defend myself against all
the criminals who have said freely available 12-guages."

I have a twelve guage, Winchewster 870 pump. Love it. It's the people's
machine gun. Side arms are always only for last ditch emergencies. If you
expect trouble, bring the bhig gun. It's my first line of defence.

 Let my give you my scenario :

Have you ever actually BEEN in a riot? I have. Several. That ain't how it

Check out my page for details: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/

Please don't confuse Americans with those murderous jerks on TV. They're
fictional characters. We're not really like that. If you believe the TV
you can't help but think that the entire country is awash in cop killing,
psychopath rapists and the only reason they haven't actually broken into
your house and killed you and raped your TV already is because some young,
good looking cop somewhere was willing to bend the rules a little. Don't
believe it. It's propaganda, mass mind control at its worst. Reality
differs emmensely.

But consider this scenario:

A dozen or so well organized and strategically positioned snipers armed
only with .22s could black out this entire continent virtually
indefinitely simply by plinking the right ceramic insulators on the right
electric pylons.

2) Power goes out over a neighbourhood. "Y2K!" everyone thinks.

And if it happened at midnight on 1/1/00, it would be a very long time
indeed before anybody even thought of checking something besides the
software for the source of the problem.

What worries me most in terms of Y2K violence is terrorist CBW.  There are
going to be one and a half to two million people in SF to party that
night, almost all of them along the Embarcedero. It's a terrorist's wet
dream. What if some Aryan/Identity/Phineus wacko decides to kick off
Armegeddon by "cleansing the Sodom of the West" with a dusting of anthrax,
or plague or ricin, all of which they are known to possess? Even sarin is
not out of the question though I hardly see somebody taking the trouble to
produce it when they could make chlorine gas out of stuff from the grocery.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secret societies: a discussion of their character and claims

1999-11-01 Thread Mike Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI:  Online Book

Secret societies: a discussion of their character and claims
by Rev. David Macdill, Jonathan Blanchard, D. D., and Edward Beecher, D. D.

Publication Date: 1867
City: Cincinnati, Ohio
Publisher: Western tract and book society
Pages: 92
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in
blood as well as in words and money."
- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Boys on the Tracks

1999-11-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
59626-9502651"Amazon.com: A Glance: The Boys on the Tracks/A
The Boys on the Tracks
by Mara Leveritt

Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed.
(We'll set one up for you)
View my Wish List
List Price: $25.95
Our Price: $18.17
You Save: $7.78 (30%)

Click for larger picture

Hardcover - 384 pages 1 edition (November 1999)
VHPS/St. Martins Press; ISBN: 0312198418
This item will be published in November 1999. You may order it now and we
will ship it to you when it arrives.
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  6,912
Avg. Customer Review:
Number of Reviews: 1

From Kirkus Reviews
Award-winning investigative reporter Leveritts debut is a wrecking-ball tale
of tragedy, malfeasance, and machine politics that resembles an all-true
Arkansas Confidential. In 1987, Linda Ives suffered a parental
worst-nightmare when her son and a friend were run over by a train, whose
crew observed them supine and covered with a tarp before impact. Local law
enforcement attributed the deaths to a massive overdose of marijuana and
dismissed the crews tale as optical illusion, in the first of many suspicious
official fumbles. Ives compelled a series of investigations that began
promisingly yet were inexplicably stifled by such malign forces as the states
notoriously incompetent medical examiner (protected by then-Governor Clinton)
and an admired local prosecutor who championed her cause as camouflage for
his own criminal activities. As years passed, and more unsolved killings
occurred, Ives assembled evidence that the boys had stumbled upon a diffuse
conspiracy involving CIA-backed air suppliers to the Contras, who ran an
enormous cocaine-trafficking operation from a remote airport. Fanciful as
this may sound, Leveritt documents how Ivess quest for transparency was
consistently stymied, first by local agencies, then the state police, finally
by the FBI. A portrait emerges of state governance as a deeply corrupted
good-ol'-boy network, funded by drug money and protected by blackmail and
violence. Leveritts prose is less than taut, and she too often indulges in
repetitive emotional rhetoric regarding the Iveses loss. That said, her
investigatory efforts seem impeccable; little within this page-turner reads
as implausible conspiracy theory. Unlike many works that have dug for the
dirt of the Clinton gubernatorial era, this is an authentically shocking,
deeply unsettling portrait of contemporary American power backstopped by
arrogance and callous greedand of the drug war as a weapon of social control
from which insiders enjoy impunity. One hopes for sufficient outrage garnered
to substitute for justice denied; also, for an inevitable movie adaptation
that wont dilute the storys uglier civic dimensions. -- Copyright ©1999,
Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
From the Author , October 17, 1999
Federal secrecy surrounds two unsolved Arkansas murders.
The story of the two Arkansas teenagers who were murdered in 1987 and left to
be run over by a train has gained international notoriety. Groups opposed to
President Clinton have publicized it in an effort to link him to the crime.
The White House has responded by dismissing even serious accounts of the
story as "nutcase material." As a veteran reporter in Arkansas with
first-hand information on the case, I was amazed by the inaccuracies being
spread by partisans on all sides of the mystery. I wrote this book to set the
record straight--and because the truth of what happened here is more
remarkable, and more frightening, than any political spin. These events would
be serious enough if they involved only Arkansas officials. But they do not.
For reasons that have never been explained, the FBI involved itself in this
case and, even now, twelve years after the murders, will neither discuss its
role in the investigation nor release its files. The FBI also refuses to
release sensitive records relating to a Seal's use of a base in Arkansas to
smuggle billions of dollars worth of cocaine into the United States.For more
than a decade the mother of one the such unusual treatment? This book
describes in chilling and carefully documented detail just how unusual that
treatment has been

Customer Comments
Average Customer Review:  Number of Reviews: 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from Arkansas, United States , June 23, 1999
A truly shocking story of murder and political corruption.
I had the pleasure of reading The Boys on the Tracks in manuscript form. It
is a thrilling book. The story focuses on Linda Ives, a middle-class mother
living outside Little Rock with her family. One day, her 17-year-old son does
not come home. The reader discovers the evidence of her 

[CTRL] Fw: Currency tracking scheme

1999-11-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject: Fw: Currency tracking scheme
Date: Saturday, October 30, 1999 8:12 AM

- Original Message -
From: John Hermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Hermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 29 October 1999 7:36 PM
Subject: Currency tracking scheme

 Economic Reform Australia

 Subject: From Y2K Newswire - 2
 Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999

 From Y2K Newswire

 Fed V.P. Wants Tracking Technology Embedded in U.S.Currency

 A Senior Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
 has now proposed that Americans be penalized for carrying cash,
 that tracking information be recorded on every dollar, and that
 perhaps the Fed should prevent Americans from withdrawing cash
 altogether. Banker Paranoia has reached new heights...

 October 28,

 Y2K watchers knew this was coming: the attempt at making
 cash illegal. Now the Federal Reserve has taken the first step

 towards that Police State policy by suggesting that U.S.
 currency should include tracking information that would record
 how long someone has been holding a particular Federal
 Reserve Note (dollar bill). According to the suggestion by Marvin
 Goodfriend, a Senior Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of
 Richmond, the longer someone holds currency, the less it will be
 worth. In other words, there would be a tax on holding currency.

 Y2K Newswire leaned of this through Declan McCullagh, author
 of the WIRED News story covering the same topic. McCullagh,
 a reporter who thrives on privacy issues, nailed the Fed on this
 story. In it, he quotes Goodfriend saying, "The magnetic strip
 could visibly record when a bill was last withdrawn from the
 banking system. A carry tax could be deducted from each bill
 upon deposit according to how long the bill was in circulation..."

 The idea behind the paranoid suggestion? This would deter
 hoarding of currency.


 Right on time! As Y2K Newswire predicted fourteen months ago,
 bankers are now pumping up the "hoarding" phrase and working to
 outlaw cash entirely. The Y2K Deniers and Hecklers recently
 called this a "conspiracy theory." Well now it's a Federal
 Reserve theory, and your own personal barcode probably isn't
 far behind. You can see the Fed argument now: "Why bother
 with cash? Why not just brand all the cattle... er, we mean,
 people, with a financial ID barcode.

 See what happens when a nation abandons its power to coin
 money? With the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the U.S.
 government turned over the power to create currency to a
 private company, not even owned by Americans; also not
 owned by the federal government; one that doesn't pay taxes

 and answers to no one: the Federal Reserve. Perhaps this is the
 kind of thing President Woodrow Wilson was referring to when
 he said, after signing the Federal Reserve Act, "I am a most
 unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great
 industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system
 of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and
 all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to
 be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled
 and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a
 Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by
 conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the
 opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

 Or perhaps this was what Thomas Jefferson was talking about
 when he said, well before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, "If
 the American people ever allow private banks to control the
 issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the
 banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children
 wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered
 The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored
 to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

 Author Sheldon Emry, in a recommended-reading essay titled,
 "Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People," explains both
 the historical and present-day context of the Federal Reserve


 Naturally, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), a Libertarian at
 heart, sharply opposes this Federal Reserve scheme. The
 WIRED News story quotes him as saying, "The whole idea is
 preposterous. The notion that we're going to tax somebody
 because they decide to be frugal and hold a couple of dollars is
 economic planning at its worst.

 Certainly, many Americans will oppose the idea, too, but a far
 greater number will nod accordingly, and with glazed eyes and a
 zombie-like voice, they will say, "Yes, master. Yes, master. The
 currency tracking is a good idea, master.


 Goodfriend, who 

[CTRL] [MC] (Farley to Kasten) Re: Questions only an Insider of HPF could answer

1999-11-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject: [MC] (Farley to Kasten) Re: Questions only an Insider of HPF could answer
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 3:24 PM

Dick Farley's reply and comments follow this repeat of what Ms. Kasten wrote:

In a message dated 10/26/99 12:22:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Subj:  Questions only an Insider of HPF could answer
  Date:10/26/99 12:22:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
  From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kasten, Kathy)

  I answered all your questions to the
  best of my ability.  Now, I think it
  is time (and what an opportunity for
  the group to have you - an insider)
  for you to answer some questions.  I
  refer of course to the fact that you
  worked for the Human Potential Foundation.
  For example, I have been wondering for
  a long time if the HPF was in fact a
  front group/shield for subprojects of
  MKULTRA.  I am thinking particularly
  of the subproject category called
  "Magic Arts" in the 1977-78 Senate
  Hearing on MKULTRA.  Was HPF a front
  for research which later became the
  military remote viewing project, or
  other such projects?
  Who in fact wrote the Human Potential
  Foundation UFO Matrix of "Belief"
  (page 17, UFOs and Mental Health",
  by Bob Teets)?  I have different people
  ascribe the creation to different people
  within the HPF.  Maybe, you can clear
  this up.
  One last question, was it a policy of
  the HPF - as part of the mechanism of
  attempting to keep gathered information
  classified - to attempt to discredit,
  or just generally harass individuals
  who came to close to discovering, the
  fact that the term "UFOs" was used as
  a cover for real world classified projects?


To Kathy Kasten
While I do not believe the "mindcontrol" list is the place to entertain or to
seriously reply to your libelous and off-the-wall questions about the Human
Potential Foundation, because you have used this forum to spread inaccurate
and in my opinion unhelpful (to your "targets," the perceived victims of
mind-influencing) misinformation, I am hoping that Wes Thomas will indulge me
and allow me to respond, on the record, for myself and not on behalf of any
of the folks mentioned.

Not one element of your "have you stopped beating your wife" type of bogus
questioning is accurate, and it is a very shabby technique, Kathy. Shameful!
You and Dr. West and whoever else at UCLA you are shilling for are an
That you, a former "UFO abductee" now claiming "mind control," even have such
an audience is in itself a tribute to free speech or the gullibility of
willing true-believers.

Here's the "reality," if you can take it.

The Human Potential Foundation, Inc. was a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable
organization chartered in Washington, DC in 1989, as "The Claiborne Pell
Center for Human Potential," named after its founding chair, then-Senator
Claiborne I. Pell, (D-RI). The organization was re-named (in 1991) the Human
Potential Foundation, Inc.

Senator Pell has had a long-standing interest in paranormal and exceptional
human performance, and for many years had been one of the Capitol Hill
"advocates" for programs to explore the potential of these paradigms for a
range of scientific, intell and health advances. At the time of HPF's
founding and early operation, Senator Pell was the Chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee of the U. S. Senate. He was a long-time advocate for the
United Nations and generally is regarded as a "patrician" patron of
internationalism, no doubt influenced by his presence as a young State Dept.
Foreign Service officer at the founding of the U. N., in San Francisco, in
1945. He was a mixture of arrogance, idealism and self-absorption, as many of
his class.

The founding board of directors of the HPF included Senator Pell as Chair;
one of the Senator's personal attorneys, Mark B. Sandground, of Sandground,
Barondess and West, a law firm based in Vienna, VA, where HPF's offices were
housed for the first couple of years of HPF's existence; and finally, Cecil
Beam "Scott" Jones, Ph. D., Commander, US Navy, Retired. Jones served as
president of the organization.

My role was first as a consultant for program development (beginning in
August 1991; I had met Scott Jones in June, 1988 at Dr. Leo Sprinkle's UFO
conference in Laramie because Leo believed that my questions about so-called
UFOs would interest Scott. I went full-time with the HPF in June 1992 and
continued as HPF's Director of Project Development until February 3, 1994.
Then I resigned (the day before Laurance 

[CTRL] Johnny Chung's speach before Judicial Watch.

1999-11-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
To: www.jail4judges.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Johnny Chung's speach before Judicial Watch.
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 6:53 PM

 October 27, 1999
 Contact: Joe Giganti
 (202) 646-5172


   Chung's Speech to Anti-Corruption Group Offers
   New Evidence in Chinagate

Judicial Watch Speech Scheduled for C-Span on
   Saturday, October 30 9:45 p.m. EST and Sunday,
 October 31, at 12:45 a.m EST

 (Washington, D.C.) Johnny Chung, a former funding source for
Bill and Hillary clinton's political campaigns, spoke last
weekend to Judicial Watch, a not-for-profit law firm that exposes
and prosecutes government corruption. Judicial Watch also gave
Chung special recognition for his courage in coming forward. The
speech was part of Judicial Watch's 5th Anniversary Celebration
in Pasadena, California on October 23, 1999.
Among the highlights of Chung's speech:
 Chung detailed how an employee of Hughes Aerospace admitted
to him in China that the reason Hughes had turned over sensitive
missile data to the Chinese communists after a Chinese rocket had
failed was that that was the only way Hughes could get insurance
money for its losses.
 Chung asked why banking records he had turned over to the
clinton Justice Department showing funds transfers from the
Chinese military to his bank accounts were never turned over to
 Chung later sent some these funds to Clinton's political
campaign operation at the DNC.
 Chung recounted how he, at the urging of and in the presence
of DNC official Richard Sullivan [who is now reported to be
working for Al Gore] and another Democratic fundraiser wrote
checks totaling $25,000 for straw donors for President Clinton's
1996 campaign.
 Chung recounted how former DNC Chairman Don Fowler was
perfectly aware that his associates were related to the Chinese
military. Chung also implicated Terence McAuliffe in the
Chinagate scandal.
 In response to a recent fundraising solicitation from
Hillary Rodham clinton, Chung said, "Been there, done that, not
 Chung praised Larry Klayman and Judicial Watch as being
seekers of the truth and questioned why only "givers" in the
campaign fundraising scandal have been prosecuted and not
upper-level "givees" in the clinton White House and DNC.

Ron Branson
www.jail4judges.org - America's ONLY hope!
The Next Shot Heard 'Round The World - PROP 851 Forwarded for info and discussion from 
the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Asset Forfeiture

1999-11-01 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-


November 1, 1999

Golden doctor fights
   drug agency for return
   of his luxury car

   By John Accola
   Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer

   Federal agents say James R. Metzger, a
   Golden physician, was on a drug run for
   himself when he drove to a Safeway
   pharmacy in April and picked up a
   prescription of 60 codeine-laced pills.

   Sensing something was amiss with
   Metzger's explanation that the
   prescription was for a patient, the
   pharmacist promptly notified the Drug
   Enforcement Administration.

   Now the 38-year-old doctor is fighting
   the DEA in Denver federal court for the
   return of his 1999 Lexus RX300. The
   $40,000 sport utility vehicle was seized
   from Metzger's home earlier this month
   under civil forfeiture rules that allow
   law enforcement agencies to confiscate
   property that may have been used to
   commit a crime.

   Metzger has yet to be charged with
   breaking any law.

   But the DEA says he has confessed to
   prescribing narcotic medications "in the
   names of friends, neighbors and family"
   then using the drugs for himself.

   According to court forfeiture documents,
   Metzger told DEA agents that he had
   been ingesting an average of four
   Vicodin tablets a day for the past two
   years. He also admitted to calling in
   other bogus prescriptions for narcotics
   and driving to various pharmacies to
   have them filled, says a Sept. 29
   affidavit signed by Denver DEA agent
   Paul Jaster.

   Last week in U.S. District Court,
   Metzger filed a claim of ownership for
   the Lexus, denying it was used "in any
   manner to facilitate the transportation,
   sale, (or) concealment of forfeitable

   Metzger, who the Colorado Board of
   Medical Examiners says is no longer
   practicing medicine but still holds a
   valid Colorado medical license,
   declined to comment on the forfeiture

   Peter Metzger, the doctor's father, said
   his son had recently finished several
   months of treatment at a drug
   rehabilitation center and is trying to pull
   his life back together.

   "He was away for three months ... and
   they (DEA) wait till now to seize his
   car," Peter Metzger said. "We thought it
   was strange. I can't see any reason
   behind this."

   Defense attorney calls seizure

   Criminal defense attorneys say the case
   is one of the most extreme applications
   of asset-forfeiture laws they've seen in
   Colo rado in years.

   "It's legalized thievery," said Denver
   attorney Larry Pozner, past president of
   the National Association of Criminal
   Defense Lawyers.

   "The government stole that car, and it's
   disgusting. You have what appears to be
   a citizen with a drug problem hurting no
   one but himself and cooperating with
   police. But instead of just trusting this
   case to the criminal justice system, they
   take away his car, which has virtually no
   relationship to writing out a false

   Assistant U.S. Attorney James Russel
   said the Lexus will remain with the DEA
   unless Metzger can prove in court that
   the luxury import was "innocent."

   DEA spokesman Dennis Follett said the
   absence of criminal charges against
   Metzger is irrelevant. Forfeiture rules
   require only that the DEA establish
   "probable cause" that the Lexus was
   used to obtain drugs illegally.

   "At this point in time, the DEA has no
   comment on the investigation," Follett

   Dick Weatherbee, spokesman for the
   U.S. attorney's office in Denver,
   defended the DEA's actions.

   "The law permits seizure and forfeiture
   independent of criminal charges or a
   conviction," he said.


[CTRL] Here we go again: 'Rockets' Fired in Area of Downed Jet?

1999-11-01 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

Source:  News Max

Monday November 1, 11:07 AM

"Rockets" Fired in Area of Downed Jet?

Already the tragic flight of an EgyptAir jet is making news on the
conspiracy mill.

Perhaps even more so because of the seeming snap judgment of federal
authorities who have downplayed any idea of a terrorist attack -- or

There is "no indication that any criminal act took place," Coast Guard
Adm. Larabee was quoted yesterday as saying.

How about holding an investigation before federal officials like Larabee

make any presumptive judgment?

And there is good reason to have an investigation.

EgyptAir's Boeing 767 fell from the sky sometime early Sunday morning -- at
about 2 a.m. Later Sunday morning, NewsMax.com editor Christopher Ruddy was
on United flight #976, which departed JFK at 9:15 a.m. headed for London.

At about 10 a.m., Ruddy put on his headset. He clicked through the music

channels and tuned in to transmissions between his United plane and air
traffic control in the United States.

"Air traffic control was advising planes to change their flight paths,
giving out new coordinates and altitudes for planes on the flight paths
over the Atlantic," Ruddy recalled the conversation he overheard.

"At one point, a crew member of one of the planes radioed air traffic
control to ask why the change. Air traffic control responded that 'there

are rockets being fired in the area.'"

"I heard early that morning before boarding my plane that there was a
missing EgyptAir plane," Ruddy said, "the conversation I heard on the
really struck me, as did the controllers' use of the word 'rockets.'"

There is no indication yet of any U.S. military activities in the area.
Still, the suggestion that there was some military activity near the
plane's flight path raises the specter of TWA 800. Critics of the
government investigation have alleged U.S. naval vessels were in the
and may have accidentally fired a missile at the civilian jet.


Always remember your weapons system was made by the
lowest bidder.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Now here's an interesting patent - #3951134

1999-11-01 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Good one.

If you liked that you should check out:

4,335,710 -- Device for Induction of Specific Brain Wave  Patterns

4,834,701 -- Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave

5,356,368  -- Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of

2,466,054  -- Method and Apparatus for Minimizing Pain Caused by Drilling

3,837,331 -- System and Method for Controlling Nervous System of a Living

4,227,516 -- Apparatus for Electrophysiological Stimulation

5,036,858 -- Method and Apparatus for Changing Brain Wave Frequency

5,101,831 -- System for Discriminating Sleep State

4,573,449 -- Method for Stimulating the Falling Asleep and/or Relaxing
  of a Person and  an Arangement Thereof

3,826,243 -- Brainwave Analysis and Feedback Method and Apparatus

3,753,433 -- Electroencephalophone and Feedback System

3,160,159 -- Device for Inducing Sleep

3,576,185 -- Sleep-Inducing Method and Arrangement Using Modulating Sound
and Light

3,712,292 -- Method and Apparatus for Producing Swept Frequency-Modulated
Audio Signal
  Patterns for Inducing Sleep

3,884,218 -- Method of Inducing and Maintaining Various Stages of Sleep in
the Human Being

5,729,649 -- Speech Coding, Reconstruction and Recognition Using Acoustics
and Electromagnetic

5,159,703 -- Silent Subliminal Presentation System

5,539,705 -- Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System

4,039,999 -- Communication System

3,766,331 -- Hearing Aid for Producing Sensations in the Brain

4,858,612 -- Hearing Device

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-11-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
TO:   AFL-CIO Executive Council Members and National Union Presidents
FR:   John J. Sweeney
DT:   October 28, 1999

I want to make sure you have a copy of a recent letter from the Advisory
Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN) to President Clinton
that is being widely mis-reported, due in no small part to hard work by
the Chamber of Commerce.  I urge caution in dealing with the press at a
time when so many of our opponents are working to twist this; George
Becker was flagrantly misquoted in today's USA Today.

Jay Mazur, Lenore Miller and I serve on the ACTPN, along with about 30
CEOs, business representatives and others. After participating in an
extended series of discussions with business members of ACTPN (with
significant national union staff consultation), Jay and I thought it was
important to get what is unprecedented business support for a discussion
of workers' rights at the WTO on the record.  While this is at best a tiny
installment on our long-range goals, it is a sharp departure from previous
business arguments that workers' rights have no place at the WTO.  Lenore
declined to sign the letter.

The letter, which was nearly derailed by intense last-minute corporate
opposition, expresses "broad support" for the U.S. negotiating agenda for
the Seattle ministerial, but it also states clearly that "all of our
members are not in agreement on every element of this agenda." The AFL-CIO
supports some elements of the U.S. agenda in Seattle: seeking to establish
a working group on trade and labor, taking steps to make the WTO more
transparent and accountable (including timely de-restriction of documents
and opening dispute settlement panels to the public), seeking to address
environmental problems, and clearly rejecting any efforts by other WTO
members to reopen the Antidumping Agreement. The AFL-CIO does not support
other elements of the U.S. agenda, such as efforts to open new service
sectors to international trade and major new negotiations on market access
in the absence of progress on workers' rights.

Our position on the WTO is the one that is expressed forcefully and in
some detail in Convention Resolution # 6, "New Rules for the Global
Economy," which was passed unanimously by the delegates in Los Angeles.  A
copy of the convention resolution is attached.

Our critique of the WTO and the world trading system is both broad and
deep, and our demands in Seattle are strong: we want the WTO to
incorporate enforceable rules protecting workers' rights and the
environment, to open up its operations to give workers and other civil
society representatives a meaningful voice, and to significantly overhaul
its rules on safeguard protections and the overturning of legitimate
national regulations on public health and the environment. We have been
very clear that we do not want the WTO to initiate any new negotiations on
investment, competition policy, or government procurement (other than
transparency-enhancing measures).

We are taking immediate steps to rectify the confusion and
mischaracterization of the ACTPN letter. The attached press statement is
also being released today, and we have an aggressive plan to seek a fuller
understanding of our position by the media prior to Seattle.  Among other
things, I will speak at a National Press Club luncheon on November 19th.

I believe that getting the business community to agree to support a
working group on trade and labor is a significant accomplishment -- one
made possible only by the hard work your unions and the federation did
together to defeat fast track twice in two years and our continuing
insistence that the interests of workers be addressed in trade and
investment negotiations. Significant elements of the business community
clearly recognize that there will be no forward movement in any trade
arena until they begin to address the substantive concerns we in the labor
community have raised so successfully over the last decade.

Similarly, the Clinton Administration is devoting significant resources
and a much higher priority to raising workers' rights concerns at the WTO
this year. They do so only because they understand that failure to address
these concerns will guarantee continued stalemate in trade policy. We
continue to work closely with national labor centers in other countries to
coordinate pressure on their governments, and we feel that momentum is on
our side on the workers' rights issues. Nonetheless, we face tremendous
obstacles and many hostile governments at the WTO, and that is why it
seemed so important to Jay and me to lock in the support of the business
community on the workers' rights agenda.

But our concerns go beyond workers' rights, and progress on workers'
rights will, even under the best of circumstances, be slow.  We have
redoubled our efforts to organize a massive 

[CTRL] Deputy sheriff accused of threatening driver at gunpoint

1999-11-01 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-


Deputy sheriff accused of threatening driver at gunpoint

  BROOKLYN, Conn. (AP) An off-duty Windham County
  deputy sheriff faces charges in two states after he was
  arrested in Rhode Island for allegedly firing at and
  ramming another car.

  David Avery, 43, of Canterbury, had a bail hearing in
  District Court in Providence, R.I. Monday on charges of
  assault with a dangerous weapon, driving while
  intoxicated, carrying a firearm without a permit and
  carrying a firearm while intoxicated.

  Judge Michael Higgins lowered Avery's bail from $1
  million to $50,000 with double surety and had him sign
  a waiver of extradition.

  In Connecticut, a warrant was signed Monday charging
  Avery with two counts each of criminal attempt to
  commit assault, reckless endangerment, threatening
  and criminal use of a firearm, state police Lt. Ralph
  Carpenter said.

  Avery was placed on administrative leave pending an
  internal investigation, said Windham County High
  Sheriff Tom White.

  Avery has worked courtroom security, prisoner
  transport and lockup since he became a special deputy
  sheriff since June 1995. White said Avery has a good

  ''I'm just glad the other two people are all right,'' White
  said. ''At the department, our prayers go to him (Avery)
  and his wife.''

  Police say Avery was off-duty Saturday when he began
  the nearly 25-mile chase along Route 6. The chase
  began near Brooklyn, Conn., and ended in Foster, R.I.

  Avery began pursuing a car driven by Heather
  Washington, 23, of Hartford, after she overtook him
  going west on Route 6, police said.

  Avery then pulled alongside Washington's vehicle and
  began pointing a gun at her and a passenger, Ernest
  Tucker, 24, of Providence. During the chase, police say
  Avery fired several shots at Washington's Jeep. It was
  unclear if any of the shots struck the vehicle.

  The chase ended about 9 p.m. at a gas station in
  Foster where Washington, her passenger and two
  attendants holed up inside, with an armed Avery

  Avery then walked next door to a bar, where he
  identified himself as a police officer and collapsed on
  the floor, police said.

  Washington and Tucker were not injured. Avery was
  treated at Rhode Island Hospital for a leg injury.

  Police recovered a 45-caliber semiautomatic handgun
  from the scene.

  White said Avery had a regular permit to carry a gun; it
  was not licensed by the sheriff's department.

  AP-ES-11-01-99 2100EST

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] (Farley to Kasten) Re: Questions only an Insider of ...

1999-11-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/01/1999 7:21:17 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is more to the story and some serious public policy debating which
  ought to go on, no doubt, but not in this venue and not in response to
  Kasten's chaff.

  I thank Wes Thomas and sonic.net for allowing me to respond. What I would
  to those who are using this list in the hopes of finding redress for
  perceived activities which may have been used against them and their minds
  proceed with caution. It would serve all of you well to determine factually
  and via the public record who it is that you are confiding in and allowing
  stimulate and organize you into a class of victims who may indeed have
  something very important to share, but not with her and the people for whom
  she works. Find out who they are and have been, FIRST!

Good advice.  I am interested in any information re Kathy Kasten.  She
gleefully and publicly boasted of having remote-viewed a MindControl list
member whom she disliked (without his consent, of course).  She told the list
that they could email her privately for the details.  So much for her
examining other people's ethics.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Prohibition: The Drug War

1999-11-01 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart




Prohibition: The Drug WarPage 

real problem with drugs in the modern world is that they are illegal. Put 
simply, the Drug War exists primarily to support — financially and otherwise — 
the maintenance of the criminal status of the possession of (some) drugs so that 
those (including legislators) who profit big — directly or indirectly — from the 
supply of prohibited drugs can continue to do so, at the expense of everyone 


  "The high-tech industry, from personal computers to 
  Internet entrepreneurs, is full of people who make big bucks, smoke fine 
  weed, and look the other way while thousands continue to be jailed. 
  Tobacco, alcohol, and crack take an enormous toll, but America has been 
  mesmerized by a remarkable propaganda campaign that has demonized the use 
  of soft drugs such as marijuana and psychedelics. The war on some drugs is 
  wrong, and it's wrong to be silent about it. It's time for the digerati to 
  break silence on this issue." — Howard Rheingold, December 1998





  The Heidelberg 

  German version
We demand: 

An immediate amnesty for victims of the "war on drugs". 

The reformulation of national and international 
agreementsthat hinder decriminalization. 
An end to the "war on drugs". 

Prohibition (1920-1933 
R.I.P.) was known as The Noble Experiment. The results of the experiment are 
clear: innocent people suffered; organized crime grew into an empire; the 
police, courts, and politicians became corrupt; disrespect for the law grew; and 
the per capita consumption of the prohibited substance — alcohol — increased 
dramatically, year by year, for the next thirteen years of this Noble 
Experiment, never to return to the pre-1920 levels. 
would think that an experiment with such clear results would not need to be 
repeated; but the experiment is being repeated; it's going on today. Only the 
prohibited substances have changed. The results remain the same. They are 
clearer now than


1999-11-01 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Book Search Co-ordinator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 10:26 PM

Fine work Ian, I can't think of any criticisms to bash you with!

From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  (a working analysis with what may be new angles of
  argumentation against the FDA posted for feedback)


  Ideas like abolishing the FDA may sound absurd on
  their face, but unless cases against a given system
  are examined, supporting it is probably irrational.
  Many people accept the case for the FDA on its face,
  after all, who would want unsafe and/or bogus drugs?
  But the claim that the FDA ensures safety and a system
  of tort liability does not is not automatically true.

  The following are a few features of what may be valid
  and unique points against the FDA, posted in order to
  acquire critique and/or supplemental supporting points:

  FDA Approval provides promotion and legal protection for
  the wealthiest members of the pharmaceutical-industrial
  complex (PIC). The illusion is that the FDA is a watchdog
  of PIC, and to some degree this is true, but the bottom
  line is that (a) the FDA maximizes the profits of a few
  manufacturers, (b) minimizes profits of or eliminates
  smaller manufacturers and (c) steers consumers to drugs
  that are marketed primarily because they are patentable
  (which ensures maximum profits due to exclusive sales
  rights) NOT primarily because they are safe and effective.

  * The FDA causes patentable drugs to be favored over
  non-patentable drugs, even if the non-patentables are
  shown to be as-or-more effective and safer in any number
  of studies conducted by research facilities not associated
  with the company that plans to sell the drug (FDA over-
  sight is merely the review of testing funded by the same
  company seeking approval and the resultant profits). No
  company will fund research for FDA Approval of a non-
  patentable drug if all other companies can also sell the
  drug without having paid for the Promotional approval.
  Patent rights and the surety of large profits derived
  therefrom, not safety and efficacy, define the structure
  of contemporary medicine. The fact that FDA-Approval
  protocols inherently favor patentable drugs is the
  single largest feature promoting this harmful situation.

  This situation causes safer and equally-or-more effective
  non-patentable therapeutics like SAMe (which has been more
  thoroughly tested in the sum of studies done by independent
  research facilities than many FDA-Approved drugs) to be
  valued and prescribed less than dangerous FDA-Approved
  drugs like Prozac. The result is that consumers are steered
  away from safer products that haven't been FDA Approved
  toward far-more dangerous products that are being promoted
  by their FDA-Approved status. This ensures that patent
  holders make maximum profits while consumers are exposed
  to maximum harm. The irony is that this is done in the
  name of consumer safety and keeping businesses in line!
  Notice that this perversity is not an attribute of FDA
  corruption, but of the FDA working according to plan.

  * FDA Approval acts as a legal shield in cases where FDA-
  approved drugs are causing harm to some. The fact that
  a drug is FDA Approved and has not been revoked is seen
  by jurors in court cases against a drug manufacturer as
  powerful evidence that the drug is not culpable in the
  case at hand, regardless of the facts in that case. The
  fact of this is verified when the FDA does revoke approval,
  as it did of the drug Fen-Phen, whereupon a flood of libel
  suits followed, even though Fen-Phen was just as harmful the
  day before and numerous studies showing its harmful nature
  were published years before FDA revocation. The fact that
  law suits start en mass after approval is revoked is the
  very measure of the legal protection provided by FDA Approval.
  Lawyers know that juries will be swayed by FDA directives
  more so than by any research or the facts in a given case.

  There are many FDA-Approved drugs that are causing serious
  harm to individuals who should be compensated for such harm,
  but are not because judges throw out evidence and juries
  are prejudiced simply because the drug is "FDA Approved."

  * FDA Approval and the "bullet proof" legal status it
  provides approved drugs establish logical incentives for
  fraud that would be expressed in the following thinking
  on the part of a drug manufacturer: "Gee, in our studies
  that we will submit to the FDA for approval it looks
  like this drug may be harmful, but if we simply fudge
  the numbers a little to get it past the FDA-review panel,
  it will then be 

[CTRL] Prohibition: The Drug War page 2

1999-11-01 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart




Prohibition: The Drug WarPage 

adults have a natural right to use whatever drugs they wish, for whatever 
reason, provided that this is done in a way that does not harm others or place 
them in danger. No legislation can nullify this natural right. If someone 
wishes to run the risk of an early death by smoking cigarettes for decades, 
that's their choice (provided they don't poison the air that others have to 
breathe and don't expect others to pay for their terminal health care). If 
someone wishes to contact hyperdimensional realities for a few hours with the 
assistance of psilocybin mushrooms, that's their choice (provided they don't try 
to drive). If someone wants to smoke hashish and listen to music in their own 
home, that's their choice (provided the music is not so loud as to disturb the 
neighbors). Society does not have a right to prohibit such choices. The sole 
justification for the interference by society in the actions of an individual is 
for the prevention of harm to others (see Liberty and Democracy), and 
when it comes to using drugs, the user is the one who knows best for himself or 
herself, not others who wish to impose their own moralistic ideas of what 
is right or wrong. 
"It is your right to do 
anything as long as you do not purposely hurt someone else and you are willing 
to accept the consequences."— Dick 
Sutphen, The 
Basic Human Rights 
real problem with drugs in the modern world is that they are illegal. This 
provides an environment where the provision of drugs to those who want or need 
them involves severe risk and consequently high prices for buyers (some of whom 
must resort to violent crime to pay for their habit). A situation of enormous 
potential profit has attracted organized crime (both within government — e.g. the CIA — and without) and 
resulted in the widespread corruption of public officials. (Furthermore, the 
illegality of drug usage prevents the dissemination of information concerning 
safe ways to use drugs.) The Drug War exists primarily to support — 
financially and otherwise — the maintenance of the criminal status of the 
possession of (some) drugs so that those (including legislators) who profit big 
— directly or indirectly — from the supply of prohibited drugs can continue to 
do so, at the expense of everyone else. 

Below are links to numerous 
web sites which have information concerning the use and effects of psychoactive 
drugs and concerning the consequences to society of the criminalization of drug 
usage. It is hardly necessary to point out that not all of the maintainers of 
these sites necessarily agree with the views expressed here on 
Numerous documents that were 
linked to in earlier versions of this page have moved or have disappeared. None 
of the links below are guaranteed to remain valid, so if you find information 
that you wish to preserve then it's best to save the HTML document to disk. 

In order for the evil of the 
Drug War to triumph it is sufficient that basically decent people do nothing to 
oppose it. By doing nothing, they allow those who profit from the Drug War to 
get away with destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people 
and destroying the civil liberties of whole nations, a crime of such enormity as 
has not been seen since jack-booted thugs in official positions ruled Germany. 

Recently added links: 

Jay Lindberg: The Drug War: An Industrial 
Policy in America 
If the rich control the 
levers of power in America, it is safe to assume they control the drug war 
agenda as well. This project addresses the drug war as an economic policy in 
America. A war against American citizens for profit.
= War on American citizens 
Is Truth a Casualty of the Drug 
Frank Morales: The 
Militarization of the Police 
The program, entitled, 
"Technology Transfer From Defense: Concealed Weapons Detection," calls for the 
transfer of military technology to domestic police organizations to better fight 
Liz Michael's position paper on The Drug WarLiz Michael for State Assembly 

7am.com poll: Should marijuana be 
legalized?  63% say Yes(Well, they used 
to, but 7am.com yanked this poll result from their Historic Polls page. Perhaps 
they don't want it to get out that nearly 2/3rds of the people voted in favor of 
legalization of marijuana. So much for democracy.) 
Time Magazine also conducted a similar poll, but unlike 7am.com 
they have not yanked the results. 
Marijuana as 
Medicine"Do you think the federal government should legalize the 
medicinal use of marijuana?" 


  At 1999-10-12 the poll was: 
  67.94% Yes 
  26.19% No 

[CTRL] Good government; bad government

1999-11-01 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.comhttp://www.ioa.com/~davehart



Liberty and 
 You need a Java enable browser to see the 7am daily poll 

  Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegories of the Good and Bad 
Government, commissioned six and a half centuries ago, in 1338, 
to remind the city fathers of Sienna of their duties, is still to be 
seen today. Good Government is dominated by a throned 
figure representing the commune, flanked by the Virtues. Bad 
Government is ruled by Fear, whose scroll reads: "Because he 
looks for his own good in the world, he places justice beneath tyranny. 
So nobody walks this road without Fear: robbery thrives inside and 
outside the city gates."



  Stuart Mill's Essay On Liberty 
  Rights and Genocide 
  Drug War 
  Asset Forfeiture 

  U.S. Constitution 
  of Church and State 

  Liz Michael for State 

  John Stuart Mill's Essay On Liberty The renowned 
  essay On Liberty was written by the English philosopher John 
  Stuart Mill (1806-1873) and published in 1859, the year in which Charles 
  Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published. On 
  Liberty contains a rational justification of the freedom of the 
  individual in opposition to the claims of the state to impose unlimited 
  control, and has become a classic of libertarian philosophy. 
  In this essay Mill also warns of a second danger to liberty, which 
  democracies are prone to, namely, the tyranny of the majority. In a 
  representative democracy, if you can control the majority (and get them to 
  vote for, and elect, your candidates) then you can control everyone (because 
  your candidates, once "democratically elected", will pass whatever laws are 
  needed for this, as was done by Hitler's agents in the 1930s in Nazi Germany 
  and seems to be happening today in the U.S.A.). 
  Here's what Mill writes in the Introduction to On Liberty 
  about the tyranny of the majority: 
  Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at 
first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through 
the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that 
when society is itself the tyrant — society collectively over the separate 
individuals who compose it — its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to 
the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries. 
Society can and does execute its own mandates; and if it issues wrong 
mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it 
ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many 
kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such 
extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more 
deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, 
therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs 
protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling, 
against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil 
penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who 
dissent from them; to fetter the development and, if possible, prevent the 
formation of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all 
characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit 
to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual 
independence; and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, 
is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs as protection 
against political despotism. — On Liberty, 
The Library of Liberal Arts edition, p.7.

A brief biography of 
Mill from Encarta '95. 

from On Liberty. 

Stuart Mill: On Liberty 
John Stuart Mill ... advocated Utilitarianism in ethics, i.e., the 
view that we should each act so as to promote the greatest happiness for the 
greatest number of people. Yet he was a champion of individual's rights, 
calling, among other things, for more power and freedom for women. In his 
treatise On Liberty he argues that in the past the danger had been 
that monarchs held power at the expense of the common people and the 
struggle was one of gaining liberty by limiting such governmental power. But 
now that 

Re: [CTRL] article

1999-11-01 Thread sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 31 Oct 99, at 21:25, Smart News wrote:

 " members are watched all the time and
 their loyalty is tested "...the dogma is enacted through rituals,...
 regularly observe(d) rituals, rituals frequently invoke supernatural
 intervention,... staged events such as planned spontaneity... mystical
 manipulations, cults capitalize on members' fear and ignorance,...a sense
 of separateness (is promoted) through an "us" and "them" mentality, ...
 siege mentality with a paranoid view of the outside world, humor is
 forbidden, resistance of members is worn down through physical and
 emotional manipulations, a person's identity is destroyed... to create a
 new one," members give up their autonomy to be approved," mind control is
 used to indoctrinate the victim into the group's belief system,
 individuality is uniformly suppressed,... a well-defined hierarchy,"
 members are used to benefit leader(s), "mind control is used ...to convert
 the victim to the group's belief system,... to insure secrecy... and to
 carry out cult instructions."("Safe Passage to Healing" - p 47 - 48)

Sounds an awful lot like family life to me.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (Fwd) Idea of the Week: Canning Spam

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

The DLC Update Monday, November 1, 1999
Discuss the Idea of the Week at the DLC Idea Exchange at

***Idea of the Week: Canning "Spam"***

No, we are not talking about the tasty luncheon meat called
Spam, but rather the annoying unsolicited commercial e-
mail called "spam" that is popping up more and more
frequently on millions of home computers.  It's time to put
it back in the can.
 Spam needs to be controlled because its
proliferation is a major threat to wider use of the Internet.
The intrusive nature of unsolicited commercial e-mail feeds
recipients' worst fears about electronic threats to their
personal privacy and security online.  Because "spammers"
typically get e-mail addresses by buying them or otherwise
leeching them from voluntary online transactions, spam
undermines consumer confidence in the medium and
inhibits the growth of legitimate e-commerce.  And since
participants in newsgroups, online forums, and other
interactive uses are most vulnerable to becoming targets for
spam, it's beginning to have a chilling effect on the Internet
as an important civic space.
 Defenders of spam often suggest it's no different
than the unsolicited commercial "junk mail" that clogs the
postal system: annoying no doubt, but easy to dispose of
and essentially harmless.  But spam really is different
because recipients and Internet service providers (ISPs) pay
the freight in transaction, communications and storage
costs.  Estimates vary on the total price tag for that cost
shifting, but it has been pegged as high as 10 percent of
Internet service provider's overhead costs--and that gets
passed on in consumers' monthly bills.  Without question,
spam is getting bigger and badder.  America Online, the
largest online service provider, estimates that fully one-
third of the e-mail messages coming into its networks from
the Internet are spam.  That's between 10 million and 24
million chunks of spam per day, just on AOL.
 Spam is a menace to the digital economy.  It clearly
warrants federal legislation (several states have enacted
anti-spam laws, but limits on state jurisdiction over out-of-
state spammers make that a clumsy and potentially
confusing and burdensome approach).  The legislation,
however, must be carefully crafted in order to be hard on
spam--that is, unsolicited commercial email--ithout
interfering in the legitimate practices of businesses using
email to build stronger relationships with existing
customers.  For example, when someone visits a Web site
and indicates interest in receiving further information or
updates, any email that business then sends to that
individual is not spam, because it is not unsolicited.
Legislation should also rely heavily on consumer
empowerment with information rather than bureaucratic
oversight and provide simple remedies for fraud and abuse.
Congress can and should set a national standard, but most
of the many pending bills tend to over- or under-shoot the
mark.  In a new Progressive Policy Institute report, How to
Can Spam: Legislative Solutions to the Problem of
Unsolicited Commercial Email, Randolph Court and
Robert Atkinson lay out a reasonable solution:
 Require all commercial email to include an "opt-
out" mechanism allowing recipients to easily remove
themselves from senders' email address lists and avoid
unwanted future mailings.

1.  Require unsolicited commercial email to include
standard identifying labels in the subject line (such as
"ADV," indicating the message is an advertisement), so
recipients can use filtering software to sort it efficiently.

2.  Enumerate rights of action for ISPs to sue those who
violate their posted policies against unsolicited commercial
email (UCE), and rights of action for states to sue on behalf
of citizens harmed by UCE.
3.  Require commercial email to contain accurate technical
information (such as the controlling data that indicates its
point of origin and routing information) in the message

 Concurrently, the Administration should work with
other countries and appropriate international bodies to craft
consistent standards addressing the problem of spam.
 The Internet can remain a free and vibrant medium
of communications--personal, political, or commercial--
without resembling a Wild West community where the bad
guys discourage the good guys from ever coming to town.
Canning spam is an important place to start.

***Over the Top Over the WTO***

We've already taken notice of some of the zanier groups
planning protests (see "Bad Company in Seattle," in the
September 27, 1999, DLC Update) for Seattle during the
World Trade Organization's ministerial summit next
month.  But a review of some of the literature being
circulated to advertise 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #3

1999-11-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991101c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
: No psychodweebs were delaminated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Dan 'VisiCalc' Bricklin dressed as a calculator:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# HOW ALIEN IS MY VALLEY. A TOP-SECRET Government research base was used to
  store alien bodies after their UFO crashed in a remote Welsh valley. The
  mysterious craft came down in the Berwyn Mountains. In a chilling echo of
  the infamous Roswell (N.M.) Incident, scores of troops were dispatched on
  a secret mission to recover the wreckage. http://caus.org/pn102899.htm

: Have you helped cover-up any UFO manifestations in the UK? Have you ever
crashed a UFO in the UK? Is the UK worth the bother of ETs to visit? Why?

@ REALITY AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE - Robert Anton Wilson:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Millennium Generation Could Live To 120 - Report. LONDON (Reuters)
  The next millennium generation of children could start school at three,
  launch their own businesses at 20 and live until the age of 120. Yow.

: Do you look forward to long life? Are you ready for immortality? How soon
will be come as gods? What will you do with limitless time/power/ability???

# Three African Countries Crack Down On Human Skin Trade:
# New Proof Cell Phones Damage Longterm Memory - huh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE RANCH ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER. "There are other visible mysteries that
  occur in the Sedona region. There are UFOs and strange orbs of light that
  move through the back canyons, notably Long and Boynton Canyons. A myster-
  ious military or para-military presence has been reported in Boynton Can-
  yon, Secret Canyon, and Sycamore Canyon." http://caus.org/pn102999.htm

: Have you seen any strange manifestations around Sedona, Arizona? Have you
manifested yourself around Sedona? Do your manifestations help make money??

@ Consciousness Studies: http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu
@ The Leary, Alpert, Metzger translation of THER TIBETIAN BOOK
  OF THE DEAD:  http://www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/dead/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Waves Of Anxiety, Prophets Of Doom - No End To 'End Times' In Sight.
  (MSNBC) Even if we survive the Y2K bug, don't expect a quick end to all
  this "End of the World talk. Waves of worry about the future will rise and
  fall until Judgment Day itself. But experts on end-time prophecies say the
  latest wave is likely to settle down after 2001 " and perhaps even flow in
  a more positive direction. Among all of history,s projected doomsdays, the
  year 2000 has a special appeal: http://www.msnbc.com/news/240654.asp?cp1=1

: Since "The Millennium" has already occurred in various calendar systems,
did The End Of The World already happen, but nobody noticed? How d'ya know?

@ New Age Nonsense And 'Save-The-Planet' Brigades:
@ The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CONTACT WITH A SUBTERRANEAN SPECIES. "I want to say I am not a nut case
  and all of this really did happen as I tell it. Because of it I have had
  to undergo 2 psyche evaluations through the military which were indirectly
  related to our experiences. It all started summer of 94 when my wife woke
  up to find 3 puncture marks in a triangular pattern on her lower navel.
  Prior to this we had no interest in UFOs or aliens and I really didn't
  care about the subject at the time. But when strangeness comes to you
  have to sit up and take notice." http://caus.org/pc102799.htm

: Do you consort with trolls, kobolds, salamanders? Do they bite you or your
kin? Do you bite back? Have you been evaluated lately? What are the results?

@ Using signs and wonders to track down a reincarnated national leader is
  probably no more odd than relying on a royal family's mutating genes:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Meteor Storm Could Damage Satellites, says USAF:
# Trigger for end to last ice age found:
# This computer may recognize you - you can't hide:

@ Conspiracy Journal: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/articles.html
@ UFO researchers: http://www.phantombookshop.com/seancasteel/seancii.htm
@ New Dawn: 

Re: [CTRL] Thanks, GOAT for the San Francisco Y2K Scoop

1999-11-01 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/1/99 10:59:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I used to live up in San Francisco, and believe that this seems to me to be
  a very definite possibility.  It could also happen in San Jose which has
  it's share of gangs, as well as in several places on the Peninsula and in
  Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, and maybe even Fremont in the East Bay.

One cannot help but comment on the relevance of this information in light of
alegations that have been discussed on this list which postulate that the
Chinese through COSCO have been arming gangs in the SF area for just such a


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] (Fwd) November 1 FECInfo Update

1999-11-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

FECInfo - Public Disclosure, Inc

Two Items:

 -- Lobby registrations and filing additions;
 -- Softmoney activity

Item One:

 Check www.tray.com/bna/bna.exe for the latest Federal Lobby
  Also, the data-entry for the 1999 August Lobby Filings (1/1/99-6/30/99)
is rapidly coming to a close.  You should check
www.tray.com/cgi-win/lb_listdates.exe for the latest additions.

Item Two:

Soft Money Update:

Only three of the national party soft money accounts reported in the third
week of October. This e-mail lists key transactions from the paper reports
filed by the RNC, NRSC and the DSCC covering September 1999.

* $100,000 donors include John W Childs, Richard M DeVos, MBNA, MGM Grand,
Philip Morris, and AFSME. * New to the soft money route is J Patrick
Michaels, Tampa, FL, $80,000, and Mr and Mrs Ivan Selin, Washington, DC
$80,000. * RNC reports receiving $50,000 on 9/20 from a new republican
soft money account – the National Republican Congressional Committee
Non-Federal California. * Large transfers to state parties by these party
committees were listed in our 10/28/99 e-mail. * Schering Corp sees clear
enough to give another $50,000 to the NRSC. * RNC continues to vet
contributions, returning $5,000 to Independence Mining Co, which was
acquired in March 1999 by Anglogold Ltd, a South African company.


Cablevison Systems Corp, Bethpage, NY $50,000 to DSCC 9/8
US West Communications, Washington, DC $25,000 to DSCC 9/24: $15,000 to
NRSC 9/27 SBC Communications, Washington, DC $25,000 to RNC 9/9 David
Geffen, (Producer, Dreamworks) Universal City, CA $65,000 to DSCC 9/2

Walt Disney Co, Washington, DC $25,000 to NRSC 9/30
Global Crossing Development Co, Beverly Hills, CA $25,000 to DSCC 9/21

Williams Bailey Law Firm, Houston, TX $50,000 to DSCC 9/13; and $25,000 to
DSCC 9/30 C Boyden Gray, (Attorney, Wilmer Cutler  Pickering) Washington,
DC $75,000 to RNC 9/30

Schering Corp, Kenilworth, NJ $50,000 to NRSC 9/15; $1,500 to RNC 9/9
Pasteur Merieux Connaught, Washington, DC $25,000 to DSCC 9/1 Pfizer Inc,
New York, NY $25,000 to NRSC 9/30 Allergan, Irvine, CA, $25,000 to NRSC
9/8 Mr and Mrs Ivan Selin, (Chairman, Phoenix Int'l) Washington, DC
$80,000 to RNC 9/20

AMI, Arlington, VA $25,000 to NRSC 9/30

CNA Financial Corp, Chicago, IL $5,000 to RNC 9/28; $25,000 to NRSC 9/22

John W Childs, (President, J W Childs Assocs) Boston, MA $100,000 to RNC
9/29 MBNA, Wilmington, DE $100,000 to NRSC 9/24 J Patrick Michaels,
(Chairman, Community Equity Assocs) Tampa, Fl $80,000 to RNC 9/15 Lewis M
Eisenberg, (investment banker, Granite Capital Group) New York, NY $25,000
to RNC 9/14 Southwest Bancorp, Worth, IL $25,000 to RNC 9/21 Bluebonnet
Savings Bank, Dallas, TX $25,000 to NRSC 9/8 Freddie Mac, McLean, VA
$50,000 to NRSC 9/9; $10,000 to NRSC 9/3

Robert J Allison, (executive, Andarko Petroleum) Houston, TX $25,000 to
RNC 9/28 Andarko Petroleum, Washington, DC $15,000 to NRSC 9/8 Robert C
McNair, (president, Cogen Technologies) Houston, TX $25,000 to RNC 9/30
Rio Algom Mining Corp, Oklahoma City, OK $40,000 to RNC 9/9 Westinghouse
Electric Corp, Pittsburgh, PA $25,000 to RNC 9/15 Exxon Corp, Irving, TX
$15,000 to NRSC 9/23; $15,000 to DSCC 9/16

International Dairy Foods Assn, Washington, DC $15,000 to NRSC 9/22;
$10,000 to DSCC 9/23

General Dynamics, Falls Church, VA $25,000 to NRSC 9/29
USX Corp, Washington, DC $25,000 to NRSC 9/27

MGM Grand Inc, Las Vegas, NV $100,000 to NRSC 9/16
Allied Domecq, Washington, DC $25,000 to NRSC 9/30
Philip Morris, New York. NY $100,000 to NRSC 9/30
Contran Corp, Dallas, TX $25,000 to NRSC 9/15

Ocean Spray, Washington, DC $25,000 to NRSC 9/30
Edward L H Hamm, (president, Northland Co) Hobe Sound, FL $30,000 to RNC

United Parcel Service, Roswell, GA $50,000 to NRSC 9/24
American Trucking Assn, Alexandria, VA $25,000 to NRSC 9/29

Westfield Corp, Los Angeles, CA $50,000 to NRSC 9/30

Glen Taylor, (info requested) Mankato, MN $50,000 to RNC 9/14

Stuart A Bernstein, (President, Bernstein Companies) Washington, DC
$10,000 9/8 to RNC: $15,000 to RNC 9/28

John M Templeton, (president, John Templeton Foundation) Bryn Mawr, PA
$25,000 to RNC 9/21

Robert J Hiler (retired) La Porte, IN $50,000 to RNC 9/29

Richard M DeVos, (co-chairman, Amway) Grand Rapids, MI $100,000 to RNC

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Washington,
DC $100,000 to DSCC 9/23 Transport Workers Union, New York, NY $35,000 to
DSCC 9/30 Sheet Metal Workers PAC, Washington, DC $25,000 to DSCC 9/30

Interesting notes:
NRSC receives $98,681.49 (9/22  28 from Chubb Group Insurance Co for
"insurance reimbursement." NRSC pays $160,000 to Covington  Burling for
"consulting-legal." RNC returns $5,000 9/30 to  Independence Mining Co,
5251 DTC Pkwy, Suite 700, Engelwood, Co 80111.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Heavenly Osiris and Earthly Isis? No doubt.

1999-11-01 Thread sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 1 Nov 99, at 11:57, Tatman, Robert wrote:

 Should've remembered Cyrus Gordon. I've read Graves at length; while a lot
 of his interpretations try a little too hard to see echoes of
 Völkerwanderungen and dynastic upheavals, much of his analysis is borne
 out by more "reputable" scholars such as Marija Gimbutas and William F.
 Albright, "the father of Palestinian archaeology".

Marija Gimbutas had to wait until after retirement to publish her
books about The Goddess. Had she published earlier, she would
certainly have risked academic ostracism.

Back in the 70s, I merely mentioned Ellizabeth Gould Davis' book,
"The First Sex" at a gathering that included many academic
women and was greeted by howls of laughter and much sneering.
After all, Davis, in the first chapter of her book, mentions Atlantis,
Fer Gawd's Sake. How could anyone take this Florida librarian
(who documented almost every word she said in her extensive
bibliography) seriously.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Barbara Marx Hubbard; NWO/U.S. Army Delta Force consultant

1999-11-01 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

In this episode of “POTENTIALS . . . Envisioning the New Millennium,” host
Barbara Marx Hubbard explores the U.S. Army’s Delta Force with one of its
key visionary members. They explore how the Army has incorporated high
performance techniques from the human potential movement, and how the
concept of a soldier is changing. The future of the military as a global
peace keeping force is explored. Channon envisions a “First Earth Battalion”
and a “Natural Guard,” to protect the planet in this episode.

New Age author, Barbara Marx Hubbard, as she put a fitting conclusion on
"The State of the World Forum." In her book, THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION, she
writes: "Out of the full spectrum of the human personality, one-fourth is
elected to transcend and one-fourth are destructive, defective seeds. In the
past they were permitted to die a natural death. Now, as we approach the
quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human - the human
who is an inheritor of god-like powers - the destructive one-fourth must be
eliminated from the social body. Fortunately, you are not responsible for
this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet
Earth. He selects - we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."

 Psychologist Barbara Marx Hubbard - member and futurist/strategist
 of Task Force Delta; a United States Army think tank.
Hubbard is also a former director of the Federal Union, founded by Fabian
Socialist Rhodes Scholar Clarence Streit.


 "Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who
 would resist us have been totally disarmed."

 Sara Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control, to Sen. Howard Metzanbaum, "The
 National Educator," January 1994, Page 3.


 "...This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which
 for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the
 goal of "one world government'National sovereignty is no longer a
 viable concept..."

 Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter.


 "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to
 which  the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."

 President George Herbert Walker Bush addressing the General Assembly
 of the U.N., February 1,1992.


 "...This program is the fixed, determined and approved policy of the
 government of the United States."

 Senator Joseph S. Clark speaking on the floor of the Senate, March 1,
 1962, about PL 87-297 which calls for the disbanding of all armed forces
 and the prohibition of their re-establishment in any form whatsoever.


 "First, I want to thank you, not only for saving me from the draft, but..."

 William Jefferson Clinton in a letter to Colonel Eugene Holmes, Director of
 ROTC, U.A., December 3, 1969.


 "Let me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws..."

 Meyer Nathaniel Rothchild in a speech to a gathering of world bankers
 February 12, 1912. The following year, we subscribed to the "services" of
 the newly incorporated Federal Reserve, headed by Mr. Rothchild.


 "By the end of this decade (2000 AD) we will live under the first One
 World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations ... a
 government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human
 survival. One world government is inevitable."

 Pope John Paul II quoted by Malachi Martin in the book "The Keys of This


 "The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to
 regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that
 would control the production and consumption of oil; an international
 currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that
 would make funds available to free and Communist nations alike; and an
 international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order."

 Former West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, former chairman of the
 Fifth-Socialist International, who chaired the Brandt Commission in the
 late 1980s.


 "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right
 major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

 David Rockefeller


 "But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful
 and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long.
 Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of
 our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring 

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