[CTRL] Very Good TWA 800 Article/Edward Zehr

1999-12-12 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the A-albionic Research [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.htmlFrom: Gavin Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [CTRL] Very Good TWA 800 Article/Edward Zehr
Date: Friday, December 10, 1999 12:24 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

Going After Boeing

Washington Weekly – November 15, 1999


The Seattle Times recently took the Boeing company to task for engaging in "a quiet 
pursuit of far-fetched theories" regarding the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 It 
seems that the company incurred the stern disapproval of the newspaper which noted 
that "Boeing has actually refused to rule out a bomb or missile in the July 1996 TWA 
crash." How gauche of Boeing not to snap to attention, click heels and salute smartly 
when the government barks an order. Once more our vaunted "free" press show themselves 
to be the government's obedient, fawning bootlickers. (With a few honorable 
exceptions, such as the Riverside Press-Enterprise, which reported on the glaring 
discrepancies in the government's account of the crash early on).

With all possible due deference to the editorial writers at the Seattle Times, who 
seem to have bestowed themselves honorary qualifications as aerospace experts almost 
as freely as Oxford cloaked its errant, one-time scholar, Bill Clinton, with an 
honorary doctorate as a consolation
prize for the one he failed to earn as a student there, what actual qualifications do 
they have to utter definitive opinions on so technical a subject? Do they really 
imagine that they are better qualified than Boeing's engineers to understand the 
subject matter? Ah, but Boeing has a vested interest in avoiding possible liability 
for the crash -- they are being sued by family members of some of the crash victims. I 
might add that an inveterate, kneejerk-liberal rag such as the Seattle Times also has 
a vested interest in covering up possible malfeasance by Clinton administration 
officials who have played fast and loose with the crash investigation from the very 

According to the November 8 Progressive Review, Boeing is presently "conducting 
chemical metallurgical tests, [and] reviewing FBI interviews with witnesses, many of 
whom saw something apparently streaking towards the plane before the crash."

Yes, it would be nice to know why more than a hundred eyewitnesses saw something 
streaking towards the plane just before the crash if, in fact, nothing was streaking 
towards the plane -- you know, abstruse technical considerations such as that.

Occasionally I get e-mail from people who wish to know why I sometimes inject 
psychological considerations into my commentary. The answer is, I do it because our 
present political dementia cannot be fully explained using logical considerations 
alone. I would cite, for example, the low comedy of hardcore administration supporters 
on Usenet (sort of the low-rent district of Internet) trying desperately to make sense 
of the fantasy leaked by government "investigators" to their pals in the mainstream 
media. The hallucination in question had to do with an "explanation" of the light seen 
streaking up toward the aircraft as streams of fuel from the plane's ruptured tanks 
which were somehow ignited and burned from the bottom up, appearing to those on the 
ground as the glow of a missile streaking up towards the plane.

Now, anyone who would believe so preposterous an "explanation" as that must have 
flunked high school physics. (Who takes physics in high school any more? It's far too 
difficult for the little sweethearts -- that's why our engineering and physical 
science graduate schools are chock-a-block with foreign students these days). Not that 
there is anything particularly technical about this issue. Even an individual so 
technically dim as a mainstream anchor person should be able to understand it, 
although none of them seemed to get it. Anyone with so much as half a brain and a 
smidgen of common sense ought to be able to figure out that fuel ejected into the  
atmosphere from a ruptured tank at hundreds of miles per hour is going to atomize and 
vaporize, not fall towards earth in neat little stream while trailing along behind the 
aircraft at full speed like a faithful little puppy dog. How did the Times 
characterize Boeing's investigation -- "a quiet pursuit of far-fetched theories"? I !
wonder if their editorial writers are familiar with the Arab expression, "to strain at 
a gnat and swallow a camel"?

As a one-time aerospace engineer with 35 years of experience, I guess the thing that 
bothers me most about TWA-800 is the number of aerospace professionals who simply do 
not believe the government's version of the mishap. Unfortunately, the writers at the 
Seattle Times seem to lack the intellectual honesty and personal integr

[CTRL] FW: HEMPTECH: Hemp News Service Digest

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

 ARTICLE:  U.S. Customs Announces New Hempseed Importation Policy
  AUTHOR:  By John W. Roulac
DATE:  Sunday, 12 December 1999, at 5:57 p.m.

On August 9, 1999 U.S. Customs seized a load of sterilized hempseed
at the Detroit, Michigan Border.

After a lengthy political and legal challenge to the seizure, U.S.
Customs has issued the following guidelines, and has indicated they
will be available at www.cebb.customs.treas.gov in the coming weeks.

December 7, 1999

TO: All Directors
Field Operations

FROM: Director
Trade Programs

SUBJECT: Guidelines for the Trade Community Regarding the Importation
of Hemp Seed and Related Products to be Disseminated to All Interested

The purpose of this notice is to provide clear, uniform guidelines
to the trade community, regarding the importation of products derived
from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L.). The following guidelines
should be followed when such products are imported.

1) Hemp Seed: All shipments of hemp seed must be certified as sterilized
or otherwise rendered incapable of germination.

2) Any Hemp Product: Any hemp product, or part thereof, which contains
less than 0.3 percent THC may be imported legally into the United
States. Any products which are found to have a THC content greater
than 0.3 percent will be subject to seizure.

Note: Customs retains the right to sample selected shipments for
of seed sterilization and to determine levels of THC present within
the product.

Please note that unsterilized cannabis or hemp seed which is capable
of germination remains a schedule one controlled substance and therefore,
may only be imported into the United States by persons appropriately
registered with the DEA and who have been granted import permits.

If you have any questions regarding the release of hemp seed or other
hemp products, you may contact your local Customs port management
or Ms. Vera Adams, Director, Commercial Processing. Customs Headquarters
at (202) 927-0360.

Vera Adams for
Elizabeth G. Durant

cc: Executive Director Field Operations


This is an automatically-generated notice.  If you'd like to be removed
from the mailing list, please visit the HEMPTECH: Hemp News Service
at ,
or send your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] you!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] John W. Magaw BATF to FEMA "domestic terrorism" desk

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

John W. Magaw was appointed to head BATF in 1993.
Check out the interesting chain of title described on the attack helicopters
that the BATF "Air Force" collected in 1994.

Magaw is now with FEMA, where "he will plan and coordinate FEMA's domestic
terrorism efforts."  http://www.fema.gov/nwz99/99346.htm

don'cha just wonder what sort of terrorism efforts they've got in the
planning stages.  ?
Sumthin' to do with FBI's Megiddo report mebbe...

Could be he'll be helping organize the FEMA air force?

Dave Hartley

excerpt from
The proliferation of BATF squads whose names imply violence continues:
Tactical Response Teams, High-Risk Warrant Teams, Forced Entry Teams, Entry
Control Teams, and Special Response Teams (SRTs). In fiscal years 1993
through 1995, the SRTs were used 523 times, carrying out a dynamic entry in
about half of the 157 SRT utilizations in 1995.[131]

BATF continues to recruit the SRTs, in the words of one ex-BATF agent,
"hand-picking these superhormone guys."[132] As Jim Jorgenson, of the
National Association of Treasury Agents points out, this means that SRTs are
composed of people who may run 300 yards and shoot better than anyone else,
but who lack the maturity and judgment to think where they are running.[133]
Absolute discipline and adherence to orders may be virtues in the military,
but not in civilian law enforcement. Perhaps if the three SRTs that were
used in the Waco raid included a larger share of older, slower, and wiser
agents, someone would have spoken up when the raid commanders yelled "He
knows we're coming" and "Let's go." Rank-and-file defiance of the order to
launch a surprise attack with no element of surprise would have saved the
lives of the four BATF agents, and of the Branch Davidians.(p.648)

BATF has stepped up the training of its field commanders in military
tactics, under the supervision of the Army.[134] In 1994, the Army's Joint
Task Force Six oversaw BATF training in the use of Bradley Infantry Fighting
Vehicles, including the 25mm machine guns on the BFVs. This training was
necessitated by BATF planning to use BFVs in future operations such as Waco,
to avoid government casualties.[135]

In 1994, BATF acquired three OV-10 light attack aircraft, a type of plane
used in the Gulf War and for counter-insurgency, which is commonly equipped
with rockets, although machine guns and chain guns can also be attached.
Twenty-two such planes had been acquired in 1993.[136] None of the planes
were registered to BATF, but at least seven are registered to American
Warbirds in Maryland. No company named "American Warbirds" has ever acquired
a license to do business in Maryland, and thus, to the extent that American
Warbirds actually exists, its operations are a criminal misdemeanor.[137]
Aircraft title records indicate that American Warbirds acquired the planes
from Mid-Air Salvage, a company with a New Jersey address, but which (like
American War Birds) does not exist in the Federal Aviation Administration
database. Mid-Air acquired the planes from the federal government's General
Services Administration.[138] It is not clear why the transfer of aircraft
from the military to the BATF needed to be laundered through two civilian

According to BATF Director John W. Magaw, the BATF's OV-10 aircraft have
their weapons removed. Mr. Magaw describes the OV-10's capabilities as
"reconnaissance" and "command and control and insertion of troops." [140] He
states that the forward-looking infrared system on the OV-10, which can be
used to identify objects at night or under poor visibility conditions, will
be used "to enhance the safety of ATF special agents and other law
enforcement officers working to combat firearms trafficking and other
violent street crime." [141] In 1996, Congress defunded the BATF air force.

More news is leaking out about the ATF air force. (old post.)

Very disturbing details about the 22 OV-10  "Bronco" counter insurgency
aircraft have been exposed by SOF magazine in their September 95 issue.

Some interesting highlights are:

There are (by the ATF's admission) 12 operational OV-10d's and another
10 for spare parts.

2 aircraft, tail numbers N471AW and N475AW  received mechanical and paint
work in late June in Shawnee Oklahoma... another with a similar paint
scheme with tail number N439AW was inspected in Nashville, Tennessee.
Others are believed to based in Houston, California, and Washington DC.

FAA registry reveals that the tail numbers are registered to a company
called "American Warbirds Inc." of 5-1 Metropolitan Court, Gaithersburg,
Maryland.  The address is located in suburban Washington DC, at the
dead end of 

[CTRL] Janette Rainwater on CIA 1932-1992

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Comments, criticisms, suggestions, encouragement?
Write to Jan at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Excerpts from Janette Rainwater's book-in-progress:
>From FDR to Bush:
An Annotated Chronology of the United States, 1932-1992
The Central Intelligence Agency
May 16, 1948

 The body of reporter George Polk is discovered in the Bay of Salonika
with his hands and feet bound and shot through the head. [Following pressure
from the US State Department and the investigating committee's counsel,
General William Donovan, the wartime head of OSS, the predecessor of the
CIA, the Greek government found a suspect and tortured him until he
"confessed" that the crime had been committed by Greek Communists acting on
orders from Moscow.  Polk had been a highly respected journalist whose
dispatches had questioned the honesty and competence of the American-backed
rightist Greek government.   From journalist I. F. Stone: "George Polk is
the first casualty of the Cold War."]1

August 19, 1953

 A CIA coup in Iran overthrows the government of Prime Minister Mohammed
Mossadegh and re-installs Reza Pahlavi as Shah of Iran.  Over 300 people are
killed and many hundreds are wounded in the nine hours of fighting.   [Plans
had been brewing to oust the nationalist Mossadegh ever since he and his
party had passed a bill in 1951 to nationalize the British-owned
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.   The coup, however, was increasingly proclaimed
in the years following as essential to prevent "the obvious threat of
Russian takeover".2   In actuality, the Soviet government made no effort to
come to the aid of the Iranian communist party  (Tudeh)  which was
frequently opposed to the policies of Mossadegh, a very wealthy landowner.
A July, 1951 Tudeh demonstration had been put down by the Mossadegh
government at the cost of 100 deaths and 500 injuries.  Ironically, the
Truman administration had cautioned the British that toppling the Mossadegh
government could lead to a communist takeover.  The new Eisenhower-Dulles
administration felt differently and, mindful of the strategic border with
the Soviet Union and the importance of oil, bought the British- Kermit
Roosevelt plan.  The final coup was totally an American CIA operation and
cost possibly as much as $19 million.  It would be used as a model for
future stage-managed coups, such as that in Guatemala in 1954.

 The future cost to the people of Iran was incalculable.  Thousands were
executed during the next twenty-five years of the Shah's reign, and the
people became more impoverished.  SAVAK, the secret police created and
trained by the CIA, was described by Amnesty International in 1976 as having
a "history of torture which is beyond belief.  No country in the world has a
worse record in human rights than Iran."3

 The United States got many military installations in Iran, bases for
surveillance flights over Russia, and radar and electronic listening posts
that completed the encirclement of the USSR.  American oil firms gained a
40% interest in the new international consortium for Iranian oil.   The US
would spend over a billion dollars to support the Shah's regime and the
military in Iran. (The CIA distributed about $400 million a year to the
ayatollahs and the mullahs from 1953 until President Carter ordered a stop
in 1977, a move that undoubtedly contributed to the 1978 revolution.)]4

November 19, 1953

 As just another in the CIA Project M-K Ultra's experiments with
mind-altering drugs, Dr. Sydney Gottlieb spikes the cointreau of his
colleague, Dr. Frank Olson,5 with LSD on the final evening of a three-day
scientific retreat.   [Olson became disoriented, hallucinatory, and
psychotic.  A few weeks later, while his Agency escort slept, Olson jumped
to his death from the window of their tenth story New York City hotel room.
The suicide was hushed up and Gottlieb was not reprimanded, but CIA Director
Allen Dulles called a halt to the widespread LSD in-house testing.  In 1976
after some of the Project M-K Ultra story became known to the public,
Congress passed a bill giving Olson's widow a compensation of $750,000.]6

March 17, 1960

 President Eisenhower secretly approves Operation Pluto, a CIA plan to
create a Cuban government in exile and to train Cuban exiles in Guatemala as
a paramilitary force for an invasion of Cuba to take place possibly before
the November elections.  DDE stresses the need for secrecy and specifies
that only two or three Americans should have actual contact with the Cuban
mercenaries.   [Vice-President Richard Nixon was the project's action
officer within the White House with his assistant for National Security
Affairs, Lieut. Col. Robert Cushman.  When the plans were not ready in time,
candidate Nixon suspected a deliberate delay by "liberals" in the CIA to
ensure a victory for John Kennedy in the November election.]7

January 20, 1964

 KGB Colonel 

[CTRL] Verne Lyon on CIA

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Domestic Surveillance:
The History of Operation CHAOS
by Verne Lyon
from Covert Action Information Bulletin, Summer 1990

Verne Lyon is a former CIA undercover operative
who is now a director of the Des Moines Hispanic Ministry.
For over fifteen years, the CIA, with assistance from numerous government
agencies, conducted a massive illegal domestic covert operation called
Operation CHAOS. It was one of the largest and most pervasive domestic
surveillance programs in the history of this country. Throughout the
duration of CHAOS, the CIA spied on thousands of U.S. citizens. The CIA went
to great lengths to conceal this operation from the public while every
president from Eisenhower to Nixon exploited CHAOS for his own political

One can trace the beginnings of Operation CHAOS to 1959 when Eisenhower used
the CIA to "sound out" the exiles who were fleeing Cuba after the triumph of
Fidel Castro's revolution. Most were wealthy educated professionals looking
for a sympathetic ear in the United States. The CIA sought contacts in the
exile community and began to recruit many of them for future use against
Castro. This U.S.-based recruiting operation was arguably illegal, although
Eisenhower forced FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to accept it as a legitimate
CIA function. Congress and the public showed no interest in who was
recruiting whom.

The CIA's Office of Security was monitoring other groups at this time and
had recruited agents within different emigré organizations. (1) The CIA
considered this a normal extension of its authorized infiltration of
dissident groups abroad even though the activity was taking place within the
U.S. Increased use of the CIA's contacts and agents among the Cuban exiles
became commonplace until mass, open recruitment of mercenaries for what was
to be the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion was no longer a secret in southern
Florida. It was no secret to Fidel Castro either, as we later found out.

This activity led the CIA to establish proprietary companies, fronts, and
covers for its domestic operations. So widespread did they become that
President Johnson allowed the then CIA Director, John McCone, to create in
1964 a new super-secret branch called the Domestic Operations Division
(DOD), the very title of which mocked the explicit intent of Congress to
prohibit CIA operations inside the U.S. (2) This disdain for Congress
permeated the upper echelons of the CIA. Congress could not hinder or
regulate something it did not know about, and neither the President nor the
Director of the CIA was about to tell them. Neither was J. Edgar Hoover,
even though he was generally aware that the CIA was moving in on what was
supposed to be exclusive FBI turf. (3)

In the classified document creating the DOD, the scope of its activities was
to "exercise centralized responsibility for the direction, support, and
coordination of clandestine operational activities within the United
States" One of those was burglarizing foreign diplomatic sites at the
request of the National Security Agency (NSA). The CIA also expanded the
role of its "quasi-legal" Domestic Contact Service (DCS), an operation
designed to brief and debrief selected American citizens who had traveled
abroad in sensitive areas of intelligence interest. Because the interviews
took place in airports between the aircraft and customs and immigration
control, the operations were not technically considered domestic. the DCS
also helped with travel control by monitoring the arrivals and departures of
U.S. nationals and foreigners. In addition, the CIA reached out to former
agents, officers, contacts, and friends to help it run its many fronts,
covers, and phony corporations. This "old boy network" provided the CIA with
trusted people to carry out its illegal domestic activities.

The Justification
With the DCS, the DOD, the old boy network, and the CIA Office of Security
operating without congressional oversight or public knowledge, all that was
needed to bring it together was a perceived threat to the national security
and a presidential directive unleashing the dogs. That happened in 1965 when
President Johnson instructed McCone to provide an independent analysis of
the growing problem of student protest against the war in Vietnam. Prior to
this, Johnson had to rely on information provided by the FBI, intelligence
that he perceived to be slanted by Hoover's personal views, which often
ignored the facts. Because Hoover insisted that international communism was
manipulating student protest, Johnson ordered the CIA to confirm or deny his
allegations. All the pieces now came together.
To achieve the intelligence being asked for by the President, the CIA's
Office of Security, the Counter-Intelligence division, and the newly created
DOD turned to the old boy network for help. Many were old Office of
Strategic Services people who ha

[CTRL] Why we Britons are going through an identity crisis

1999-12-12 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-


Why we Britons are going through an identity crisis

What does it mean to be British? Is it a matter of identity or of
citizenship? These questions lie at the heart of today's most pressing
policy debates - over Europe, devolution, multiculturalism and race.

The changing nature of Britishness was the main theme of Professor Linda
Colley of the London School of Economics in the last of the Millennium
Lectures this week. These J.F. Kennedy-style events have been held regularly
in Downing Street over the past year by Tony Blair in front of an audience
of what used to be called the intelligentsia before we heard of the
chattering classes.

Professor Colley made her name as the author of Britons, which argued that
Britain was largely an 18th-century invention. She said that most of these
forces no longer apply: outside Northern Ireland, Protestantism no longer
"serves as an effective linch-pin of British identity"; the monarchy is
unlikely ever again to be "the kind of charismatic, unifying icon it was in
the 1940s and 1950s"; the Empire has gone, and so has the spectre of major
war. Nor are we willing to acquiesce in the kind of strong, centralised
government from London that emerged this century in response to the demands
of war.

Customary notions of Britishness have been challenged by increasing
involvement with the European Union, by large numbers of non-white
immigrants, and by the impact of the radical Thatcher and Blair
administrations. The latter have helped to fracture notions of national
class politics, as opposed to those of place, ethnicity or religion.

Professor Colley rejected as unlikely a break-up of Britain via a resurgent
English nationalism (because of common interests), full integration within a
united Europe (since a superstate is unlikely), or carrying on much as

Britishness might not signify much a century from now, but politicians
should not be mesmerised by debates about identity and should concentrate
instead on renovating British citizenship. This is similar to a distinction
between identity and values which Gordon Brown highlighted last week in
urging a joint approach to social problems.

The Colley soundbite was the "Citizen Nation" - combining a Charter of
Rights, a more open and less hidebound public culture (with a less pompous
style of monarchy and no titles), a broader diffusion of power (including
more individual involvement) and a greater emphasis on equal opportunities
for minorities and women. This all sounds thoroughly new Labour, though
Professor Colley gave warning against facilely being "against the past" and
lacking a global perspective.

Much of her argument is about what has been happening for two or three
decades, as well as the past two or three years. This amounts to a shift
from subjects to citizens, and a very different relationship between
individual and State. Yet we are still a long way from creating a "Citizen
Nation" in practice: just read yesterday's report from the Ombudsman on the
obstacles that departments still instinctively put in the way of people
seeking information. Whether or not we still feel British, the death of the
familiar, secretive paternalist State is likely to take a long time


alternaively its a slow process, but certain to be integrated into the NWO

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Snow Job and Bill Clinton"

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.esotericworldnews.com/snowjob.htm">Snow Job
and Bill Clinton

ôI have never seen a whitewash job like what has been executed in this
case. There prosecuted. US Rep. William Alexander (D, AR) on Mena
In These Times, Feb. 12, 1992.

You mention Mena, Arkansas to just about anyone and they ask you if you
really said the word ômee-nuhö. But this small town in the Ozark Mountains
west of Little Rock holds dark secrets. It was here in the 1980s that Contra
mercenaries were trained in guerilla flying techniques, ones that could be
used to smuggle and deliver arms. Arms were stockpiled and flown from Mena to
Central America, where the cargo was exchanged for cocaine from the Medellin
Cartel. The planes returned to Mena and unloaded their precious cargo into
CIA hands to be sold on the streets of the US. This was not a ôrogue elementö
conducting this cocaine smuggling directly into the United States. It was a
business arrangement made at the highest levels of our government, conceived
and executed in the offices of the White House, the National Security
Council, and the CIA. There is also evidence to show that a deal was made
directly between the CIA (thus the NSC) and the Medellin Cartel in Colombia,
one which involved payments of millions of dollarsùand, apparently,
ôproductöùby Medellin to the CIA. A Governor named Bill Clinton knew about
CIA cocaine in Mena, abetted the operation, and with his chief of personal
security actively sabotaged nearly all official and media investigations into
it. WhatÆs more, ClintonÆs state-of-the-art presidential campaign was funded
by money looted from BCCI, the CIAÆs money laundering bank of choice. Money
donated by very old Clinton friends with ties to the CIA leadership.

Bill Clinton is a Company man.


Much of the early history of the Mena operation has been exposed by Terry
Reed, a man who acted as a flight trainer at Mena and ran CIA front companies
in the US and Mexico. He says he quit the illegal Contra supply network in
1987 only to face retribution and endangerment of himself and his family. A
life-long patriot, he says he never intended to talk publicly about what he
knew. Nevertheless, he was framed on insurance fraud charges in a CIA
ôpreemptive strikeö. It was through Gov. Clinton that the set-up was made.
Reed decided to defend himself, and he started to talk. To understand Mena,
perhaps it is best to understand his story. It centers around a Piper
turbo-prop airplane. Terry Reed served during the Viet Nam war as a pilot
with Air-America, a secret CIA subsidiary used to conduct covert air strikes
and smuggle arms throughout Southeast Asia. This was the same Air-America
used by Oliver North, Richard Secord, Maj. Gen. John Singlaub, Thomas Clines
and Theodore Shackley to smuggle heroin out of Laos and eventually to the
US.[1] The profits from the heroin sales were laundered through banks like
Nugan-Hand in Australia,[2] and then used to finance myriad top secret
intelligence operations. (These included the infamous Project PHOENIX, a
program of systematic assassinations of a perceived ôVietcong infrastructureö
throughout Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. More than 48,000 peasants were
tortured and slaughtered.)[3] The secret team made alliance with the top
heroin lord in Laos, headquartered on the Plain of Jars. Secord, who
commanded the tactical air wing in the region, lent high-powered enforcement
against Vang PaoÆs rivals, not to mention efficient transportation.[4] In
return, the CIA got cheap heroin. Countless millions of dollars were made in
profitùmost of it vanishing into secret bank accounts known only to the
Secret Team. The Laos operation was the prototype for future operations by
the exact same group of people. ôThe Enterpriseö, as they themselves would
come to call it, conducted war on a commercial basis. Pilot Terry Reed ôcut
his teeth on covert operationsö, serving two ôenjoyable toursö in Thailand,
with top security clearance.[5] It was then that Reed first met William
Cooper, one of the chief pilots under Secord. (Not to be confused with Milton
William Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse.) Despite this veritable nest
of heroin smugglers, Reed claims he had no personal knowledge of any drug
operations. Reed left the Air Force in 1976; the year Jimmy Carter was
elected, the year he would instruct his new CIA director Stansfield Turner to
fire half of the CIAÆs covert action wing, following the public uproar caused
by the revelations of the Congressional Church and Pike hearings. ReedÆs
friends were among those given the boot. So he moved to Oklahoma City where
he started a machine tool business.[6] In 1980, right around the time that
Reagan came into office, Reed got a phone call from his old Air-America
friend William Cooper. They arranged for ReedÆs company to begin machining
special parts for what he later discovered 

Re: [CTRL] Access to the American Mind

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/99 8:24:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I got "No Books In Stock."
>Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0944007716/002-1887957-7967438
>gave me the same error.
>Anyone get their hands on a copy and send to me snail mail?
>Feel free to e-mail me off-list.
Click Here: http://www.bookfinder.com/search/">BookFinder.com Result<
/A>This author does seem to be available from used bookstores. The Bainermann
titles are not. Nor are they listed in any major university collections
online NOR could I find a listing at the Library of Congress. Are these books
being vetted or . . . ?


Current Search:
First Name is "Martin H."
Last Name is "Seiden"
Will return up to 25 titles from each site
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Check the glossary of book jargon!

(Shipping costs vary)
Author  Title   Price   NoteDealer  Action
Seiden, Martin H.   ACCESS TO THE AMERICAN MIND US$17.95Shapolsky Fine /
Fine DJ; 234 pages H02286   Triple A Books  Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin HAccess to the American mind :the impact of the new mass
media   US$11.95Shapolsky Publishers,c1991., 1991, HARDCOVER, USED, xiii,
234 p. ;24 cm., JOURN-GENERAL, 90-047617Powells Books   Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin H.   Who Controls the Mass Media US$10.00New York: Basis
Books, 1974. vg/vg, small 8 vo, HB, movie star bio  becker's books  Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin H.   WHO CONTROLS the MASS MEDIA ? : Popular Myths and
Economic Realities. US$12.50NY.: Basic Books., 1974.. VG/VG., Cloth.
246pp. 1st., Communications Communications Economics Fc...  Larry Tucker
Books   Info/Buy
REALITIES.  US$25.00NY, Basic, 1974. 246 pp., tables. First edition.
77526 PoliSci   Q.M. Dabney & Co., Inc. Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin H.   Who Controls the Mass Media?US$15.001974
Excel/Excel HC/DJShelf wear, Sunned end pages, Price clipped, Minor chipping
on top andbotto...  Book City   Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin H.   Who Controls the Media? Popular Myths and Economic
Realities   US$18.50NY: Basic Books, 1974. 1st Edition, HB; vg/vg dj,
owner's stamp on front e.p., Political Science  Pandora's Books Info/Buy
Advanced Book Exchange
(Shipping costs vary)
Author  Title   Price   NoteDealer  Action
By Martin H. Seiden ACCESS TO THE AMERICAN MIND.US$ 3.95Publisher:
Shapolsky; Hardbound. A nonpartisan indictment of the mass media and the
damaging impact its pervasive and indiscriminate power has upon both our
governmental institutions and the American way of life. 234 pages. Published
at $18.95. ISBN 0944007716  HamiltonBook.comInfo/Buy
Seiden, Martin HACCESS TO THE AMERICAN MIND US$ 17.95   Publisher:
Shapolsky; Fine / Fine DJ; 234 pagesA A A Always First Book Source
Seiden, Martin HWho Controls the Mass Media US$ 8.95Publisher: Basis
Books 1974 New York; vg/vg HB small 8 vo Tuesday, June 08, 1999 BECKER'S
BOOKS   Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin HWHO CONTROLS the MASS MEDIA ? : Popular Myths and
Economic Realities. US$ 12.50   Publisher: Basic Books. 1974. NY.; VG/VG.
Cloth. 246pp. 1st.  Larry Tucker - BooksInfo/Buy
REALITIES.  US$ 25.00   Publisher: NY, Basic, 1974. 246 pp. tables.; First
edition.Q.M. Dabney & Co, Inc.  Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin HWho Controls the Mass Media?US$ 15.00   Publisher:
Basic Books 1974; HC/DJShelf wear, Sunned end pages, Price clipped, Minor
chipping on top andbottom of spine and edges [D101-6] Excel/Excel   Book City
Seiden, Martin HWho Controls the Media? Popular Myths and Economic
Realities   US$ 18.50   Publisher: Basic Books 1974 NY; HB; vg/vg dj 1st
Edition owner's stamp on front e.p. Pandora's Books Info/Buy
(Shipping costs vary)
Author  Title   Price   NoteDealer  Action
(unread) book (there may be a small remainder mark on outer bottom edge of
closed pages). Multiple copies available. very good condition   BOOK LINK
Seiden, Martin H.   Who Controls the Mass Media?US$15.00HC/DJShelf
wear, Sunned end pages, Price clipped, Minor chipping on top andbottom of
spine and edges [D101-6] Basic Books 1974 Excel/Excel   Book City   Info/Buy
Seiden, Martin H.   Who Controls the Media? Popular Myths and Economic
Realities   US$18.50NY 1974 HB; vg/vg djowner's stamp on front e.p.
Pandora's Books Info/Buy


*   No matching titles were found at the following sites: Powell's Books,
Antiqbook, YourBooks.com, Amazon.com

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Re: [CTRL] "Energy-Field" protection "Secrets"

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Read some books on Chi Kung also known as Chi Gung, Qi Gong, "Iron Shirt"
Gung Fu, Falun Gong, etc.
Falun Gong books online:

Books by Mantak Chia (easier to understand, I think) can be found
everywhere- any good bookstore is likely to have one or two.
Look on my website in the BOOKS section under Spiritual & other. Links there
to Amazon.com.
Recommend any of the three on my page as good first books.
A good second book would be
"Iron Shirt Chi Kung I : Once a Martial Art, Now the Practice That
Strengthens the Internal Organs, Roots Oneself Solidly, and Unifies
Physical, Mental, and Spirtual Health"

After reading, find an advanced practitioner if possible- to take you
through some of the exercises- it will be much easier. It is very easy to
recognize/move energy once someone has shown it to you; not so easy just
with a book.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Peter Wagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 6:40 PM
Subject: [evoco_discussion] Re: "Energy-Field" protection "Secrets"

Regarding your message about mind control protection, I would very much
appreciate further information ablout what I personally can do to help
myself and others also suffering from the same symptoms.

Thanks and,

Peter Wagner
ICQ# 15576566

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Access to the American Mind

1999-12-12 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

Only two tiles matched --neither of which was the one cited below.

Thanks though for the help.

Terry Cox wrote:

> http://www.venturablvd.com/encino/ENC19493.html - Not sure if this is
> of help but I thought of doing it.  Is it possible Barnes & Noble has
> it?Good luck Kris.
>  - Original Message -
>  From: A.C. Szul
>  Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 2:31 AM
>  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Access to the American Mind
>   -Caveat Lector-
>  I got "No Books In Stock."
>  Amazon
>  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0944007716/002-1887957-7967438
>  gave me the same error.
>  Anyone get their hands on a copy and send to me snail mail?
>  Feel free to e-mail me off-list.
>  Thanks.
>  Kris Millegan wrote:
>  >  -Caveat Lector-
>  >
>  > from:
>  >
>  http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=51798&cft
>  > oken=63675780
>  > Click Here:   >
>  HREF="http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=517
>  > 98&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Access to the
>  American Mind
>  > -
>  >
>  > Home | Search | View Cart | Checkout | Administrate
>  >
>  > Access to the American Mind
>  > The Damaging Impact of the New Mass Media
>  > by Martin H. Seiden, Ph.D. List Price: $11.99
>  > Our Price: $5.50
>  >
>  > Trade - 248 Pages
>  > ISBN: 1-56171-173-X
>  > Topic: Conspiracy
>  >
>  > Enter Quanty
>  >
>  > The final word on who really controls the media and the
>  scope of power
>  > enjoyed by a select few is now revealed.
>  >
>  > This exposé of the mass communications industry is unlike
>  any ever published.
>  > The truth about who really controls the mass media and the
>  extent of this
>  > group's power is here revealed.
>  > The mass media's influence on a number of topics is
>  covered, including:
>  >
>  > *   American foreign and domestic policy.
>  > *   Popular opinions concerning social issues.
>  > *   Problems of crime, violence, materialism and
>  sexuality.
>  > *   The media's failure to positively affect policies and
>  help correct these
>  > problems is also revealed.
>  >
>  > Readers learn how news anchors, media owners and
>  journalists have replaced
>  > clerics, educators and even the Congress in influencing
>  public opinion.
>  >
>  > *   Taps into the concern over the news media's influence
>  on the American
>  > public.
>  > *   A ground breaking book in its field.
>  > *   Appeals to the socially concerned, as well as trend
>  watchers.
>  >
>  > Dr. Martin H. Seiden received his Ph.D. in economics from
>  Columbia
>  > University. He has served as a consultant to the Federal
>  Communications Commis
>  > sion, ABC, CBS, NBC, Time, Inc., and RKO. Dr. Seiden has
>  published several
>  > books on mass communications and public policy.
>  > SPINE: 9/16" * SIZE: 5-3/4"X8-3/4" * COPIES/CTN: 36 *
>  > 4-Color, Embossed * RIGHTS: World
>  > -
>  > Aloha, He'Ping,
>  > Om, Shalom, Salaam.
>  > Em Hotep, Peace Be,
>  > Omnia Bona Bonis,
>  > All My Relations.
>  > Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
>  > Amen.
>  > Roads End
>  >
>  > ==
>  > CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
>  Proselyzting propagandic
>  > screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These
>  are sordid matters
>  > and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths,
>  misdirections and outright
>  > frauds is used politically  by different groups with major
>  and minor effects
>  > spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That
>  being said, CTRL
>  > gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
>  suggests to readers;
>  > be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to
>  Holocaust denial and
>  > nazi's need not apply.
>  >
>  > Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>  >
>  > Archives Available at:
>  > http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
>  >
>  > http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
>  >
>  > To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send
>  email:
>  >
>  > To UNsubscribe to Conspir

[CTRL] Access to the American Mind

1999-12-12 Thread Terry Cox

http://www.venturablvd.com/encino/ENC19493.html -  
Not sure if this is of help but I 
thought of doing it.  Is it possible Barnes & Noble has 
Good luck Kris.

  - Original Message - 
  A.C. Szul 
  Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 2:31 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Access to the 
  American Mind
  -Caveat Lector-I got "No Books In Stock."Amazon 
  me the same error.Anyone get their hands on a copy and send to me 
  snail mail?Feel free to e-mail me off-list.Thanks.Kris 
  Millegan wrote:>  -Caveat Lector->> 
  from:> http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=51798&cft> 
  oken=63675780> Click Here: > 
  98&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Access to the American 
  Mind> ->> Home | Search | View Cart | 
  Checkout | Administrate>> Access to the American Mind> 
  The Damaging Impact of the New Mass Media> by Martin H. Seiden, Ph.D. 
  List Price: $11.99> Our Price: $5.50>> Trade - 248 
  Pages> ISBN: 1-56171-173-X> Topic: Conspiracy>> 
  Enter Quanty>> The final word on who really controls the media 
  and the scope of power> enjoyed by a select few is now 
  revealed.>> This exposé of the mass communications industry is 
  unlike any ever published.> The truth about who really controls the 
  mass media and the extent of this> group's power is here 
  revealed.> The mass media's influence on a number of topics is covered, 
  including:>> *   American foreign and domestic 
  policy.> *   Popular opinions concerning social 
  issues.> *   Problems of crime, violence, materialism and 
  sexuality.> *   The media's failure to positively affect 
  policies and help correct these> problems is also 
  revealed.>> Readers learn how news anchors, media owners and 
  journalists have replaced> clerics, educators and even the Congress in 
  influencing public opinion.> SALES POINTS:>> 
  *   Taps into the concern over the news media's influence on the 
  American> public.> *   A ground breaking book in its 
  field.> *   Appeals to the socially concerned, as well as 
  trend watchers.>> AUTHOR BACKGROUND:> Dr. Martin H. 
  Seiden received his Ph.D. in economics from Columbia> University. He 
  has served as a consultant to the Federal Communications Commis> sion, 
  ABC, CBS, NBC, Time, Inc., and RKO. Dr. Seiden has published several> 
  books on mass communications and public policy.> SPINE: 9/16" * SIZE: 
  5-3/4"X8-3/4" * COPIES/CTN: 36 * COVER TREATMENT:> 4-Color, Embossed * 
  RIGHTS: World> -> Aloha, He'Ping,> Om, Shalom, 
  Salaam.> Em Hotep, Peace Be,> Omnia Bona Bonis,> All My 
  Relations.> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.> Amen.> Roads 
  CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting 
  propagandic> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  
  These are sordid matters> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many 
  half-truths, misdirections and outright> frauds is used 
  politically  by different groups with major and minor effects> 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, 
  CTRL> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
  suggests to readers;> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence 
  to Holocaust denial and> nazi's need not apply.>> Let us 
  please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.> 
  Archives Available at:> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html>> 
  To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:> 
  To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:> 
  Om--A.C. Szulhttp://www.erols.com/mack97"If I 
  had more time I would have written less." --Mark TwainDECLARATION 
  & DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion and informational 
  exchange list. Proselyzting propagandicscreeds are not allowed. 
  Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid mattersand 'conspiracy 
  theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds is 
  used politically  by different groups with major and minor 
  effectsspread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being 
  said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
  suggests to readers;be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to 
  Holocaust denial andnazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil 
  and as always, Caveat 
  Available at:http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.htmlhttp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/=

Re: [CTRL] Acharya On Sitchin And The Anunnaki

1999-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

> nice scholarly essay with lots of quotes and references - it sounds very
> masonic in tone - with 'vulgar interpretations' of the planets, sounds very
> NWO 5th reich/6th root race with the mention of evolved 'androgenous
> beings' aka superaryans - also 'gnosis' driven underground by the
> 'churchianity' sounds very pro-brotherhood - however - just in my opinion,
> the guy is wrong - coz there is plenty of archaeological evidence to
> substantiate the presence of non-human populations on this planet 
> [I can cite them if you force me ;) but I don't want to bore everyone again
> ! ]

Yes, Andrew,

Please. I am very interested in any "archeological evidence that
substatiates the presence of non-human populations on this

And, thanks.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Access to the American Mind

1999-12-12 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

I got "No Books In Stock."

Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0944007716/002-1887957-7967438
gave me the same error.

Anyone get their hands on a copy and send to me snail mail?

Feel free to e-mail me off-list.


Kris Millegan wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=51798&cft
> oken=63675780
> Click Here:  HREF="http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=517
> 98&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Access to the American Mind
> -
> Home | Search | View Cart | Checkout | Administrate
> Access to the American Mind
> The Damaging Impact of the New Mass Media
> by Martin H. Seiden, Ph.D. List Price: $11.99
> Our Price: $5.50
> Trade - 248 Pages
> ISBN: 1-56171-173-X
> Topic: Conspiracy
> Enter Quanty
> The final word on who really controls the media and the scope of power
> enjoyed by a select few is now revealed.
> This exposé of the mass communications industry is unlike any ever published.
> The truth about who really controls the mass media and the extent of this
> group's power is here revealed.
> The mass media's influence on a number of topics is covered, including:
> *   American foreign and domestic policy.
> *   Popular opinions concerning social issues.
> *   Problems of crime, violence, materialism and sexuality.
> *   The media's failure to positively affect policies and help correct these
> problems is also revealed.
> Readers learn how news anchors, media owners and journalists have replaced
> clerics, educators and even the Congress in influencing public opinion.
> *   Taps into the concern over the news media's influence on the American
> public.
> *   A ground breaking book in its field.
> *   Appeals to the socially concerned, as well as trend watchers.
> Dr. Martin H. Seiden received his Ph.D. in economics from Columbia
> University. He has served as a consultant to the Federal Communications Commis
> sion, ABC, CBS, NBC, Time, Inc., and RKO. Dr. Seiden has published several
> books on mass communications and public policy.
> SPINE: 9/16" * SIZE: 5-3/4"X8-3/4" * COPIES/CTN: 36 * COVER TREATMENT:
> 4-Color, Embossed * RIGHTS: World
> -
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

A.C. Szul
"If I had more time I would have written less." --Mark Twain

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] FBI may be rolling up people they fear are about to unleashviolence

1999-12-12 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the A-albionic Research [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.htmlFrom: PHILLIP SISSON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FBI may be  rolling up people they fear are about to unleashviolence
Date: Sunday, December 12, 1999 1:15 PM

Plot to Destroy Nuclear Plant Foiled, Feds Say
Militia Leader Arrested in FBI Millennium Sweep
Dec. 9, 1999
By Richard Zitrin
TAMPA, Fla. (APBnews.com) -- A militia leader is in jail for plotting to
blow up a Florida nuclear power plant and black out Atlanta by
destroying electrical facilities, federal authorities said today.
Donald Beauregard, 31, of St. Petersburg, planned to carry out the
attacks by stealing explosives and weapons from National Guard armories
in central Florida, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office here.
Beauregard was arrested Wednesday after he was indicted by a federal
grand jury on conspiracy and weapons charges.
Anticipating Armageddon
Related Stories:
FBI Issues Warning on Millennium Threats
FBI to Police: Be Wary of Millennium Mayhem
Report Calls U.S. Unprepared for Cyberattack His arrest, along with the
arrests last week of two California militia members accused of plotting
to blow up a propane installation, could be part of the FBI's effort to
minimize the threat of violence from anti-government groups around the
end of the millennium, said a spokesman for a prominent watchdog group.
"There is a real millennial frenzy out there right now on the radical
right," Mark Potok of the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center told
APBnews.com today. "Many believe we are in the run-up to the battle of
Armageddon. There are others who believe the Y2K computer bug is going
to bring about the crash of Western civilization ... and they see this
as an opening to make the revolution they've all been pining for for
Potok said the timing of the bust indicates the plot might have been
planned for New Year's.
"The FBI may be essentially rolling up people they fear are about to
unleash violence around Dec. 31," Potok said.
'Hard-lined militia group'
Beauregard formerly was the leader of the Southeastern States Alliance
(SSA), a coalition of militia groups from seven Southern states ranging
from Florida to Kentucky to Virginia, Potok said.
The SSA was formed in 1997 to create a unified command structure, he
"The SSA is a relatively hard-lined militia group," Potok said. "A lot
of groups are very concerned to show they're not racist, not white
supremacist and so on."
Potok said the SSA has a strong "Christian Identity" element in it,
referring to the religious doctrine of some anti-government white
"That's about as hard-line as you can get," Potok said. "It reflects
something that's going on in militias. They're becoming harder-edged,
and there's more and more Christian Identity influence being seen."
Potok said a major player in the militia movement, Rick Ainsworth of
Alabama, asked Beauregard last year to step down as SSA leader, which he
did. Potok said he does not know why Ainsworth made the request.
Beauregard remained at the head of his local militia, the 111th Regiment
Militia of Pinellas County, which formerly was the 77th Regiment, Potok
Investigation began in 1995
The arrest Wednesday came following an investigation that began in
February 1995 and culminated with the indictment Dec. 2, according to
court papers.
Over that time, Beauregard conspired with other militia members on a
plan to steal weapons and explosives from the National Guard and U.S.
Army Reserve, and then to destroy energy facilities, the indictment
He also is accused of participating in combat, firearms, and explosives
training; planning to kill a militia member he believed to be an
informant; and committing weapons violations, according to the
In March 1996, Beauregard distributed a memorandum, "Project (Worst
Nightmare)," to other militia commands that described plans to shut down
federal operations, disrupt federal communications and detain key
federal leaders, the indictment said.
Three months later, Beauregard allegedly had a "target map" pinpointing
electrical, utility and police offices in Pinellas County.
Coordinated attack planned
The court papers say that at an SSA meeting in North Carolina in
November 1997, Beauregard discussed breaking into National Guard
armories in central Florida to steal weapons to destroy the Florida
Power nuclear plant in Crystal River. He allegedly directed SSA members
to develop plans to attack government facilities in each of their
A month later, Beauregard discussed carrying out simultaneous attacks on
St. Petersburg and Atlanta power facilities, according to the
indictment. A "scout" allegedly told him that destroying three key
towers serving Atlanta would black out the area.
In March 1998, Beauregard called off plans to steal firearms 

[CTRL] U.S. Stashed Nukes In Japan

1999-12-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Report: U.S. Stashed Nukes in
'Non-Nuclear' Japan

Th only country to suffer an atomic attack was for years the site of a secret
arsenal of U.S. nuclear weapons, a group of American scientists said on

Even as the defeated Asian powerhouse was forswearing the "possession,
production or introduction" of the devices that devastated the cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American military leaders were violating that rule,
with the apparent acquiescence of Japanese officials.

Citing an unnamed Japanese source, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said
in a report released on the Internet Sunday that the United States stored
nuclear bombs on Chichi Jima, some 500 miles southeast of the Japanese
mainland, and Iwo Jima, 760 miles south-southeast of Tokyo.

The report also said the United States kept "an enormous and varied nuclear
arsenal" on Okinawa, nuclear bombs (sans their fissile cores) stored on the
mainland at Misawa and Itazuki airbases (and possibly at Atsugi, Iwakuni,
Johnson, and Komaki airbases as well), and nuclear-armed U.S. Navy ships
stationed in Sasebo and Yokosuka.

The report cited 13 separate locations in Japan that had nuclear weapons or
components, or were earmarked to receive nuclear weapons in times of crisis
or war.

"Fabled as a ‘non-nuclear nation,’ Japan is beginning to look very different,
given what we now know," the report said.``Japan may have had its principles,
but the Pentagon had its nuclear war plans and it pushed the envelope as far
as it could. 'Non-nuclear Japan' was a sentiment, not a reality."

Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi declared in 1959 that Japan would
neither develop nor allow nuclear weapons on its soil.

According to the Bulletin, the bombs were kept in bases on the two
U.S.-occupied islands in a sleight-of-hand that allowed both countries to use
a technicality to deny they were violating the injunction. The bombs were
stored separately from their plutonium or uranium cores. Ships that carried
nuclear weapons were deemed not "in Japan" because they were an inch or two
off land, the Bulletin said.

The ruse was concocted to keep the pro-American Liberal Democrat government
in power in Tokyo, the Bulletin said.

The weapons were kept in Chichi Jima and Okinawa from the 1950s to 1966, the
report says. Okinawa was home to its nuclear menagerie until 1972, when the
American occupation of the Japanese island ended, it says.

Caves on the two smaller islands, relatively far from the Japanese main
islands, were to act as a hideout for submarines and bombers to stage
counterattacks in a nuclear war. The main U.S. bases, including Okinawa,
Pentagon planners reasoned, would already have been destroyed.

Report authors Robert S. Norris, William Arkin, and Wiliam Burr deducted the
location of the nuclear repositories by culling through recently declassified
U.S. military papers, interviews with veterans who served overseas, the
National Archives and U.S. Navy Archives and suggestions from experts around
the globe. The best evidence came from what the Bulletin described as a
"highly knowledgeable Japanese source."

The Bulletin authors in October reported that the U.S. had kept nuclear
weapons at 27 sites throughout the world, sometimes without the knowledge of
the local governments. Among the locations named were Okinawa, South Korea,
Morocco, France, and most of the Western NATO countries.

The authors said they had mistakenly identified one of the sites - a location
beginning with the letter "I" but which was otherwise blacked out - as
Iceland. That "I" location has now been confirmed as Iwo Jima, they said. A
"C" location, which could not be identified in October, is Chichi Jama, they

A Defense Department spokesman was quoted as saying that even the article did
not accuse Washington of violating any of its legal obligations to Japan.

"Our position is that there have been no violations of our obligations under
the security treaty and related arrangements," Walter B. Slocombe, under
secretary of defense for policy, said.

The State Department and the Pentagon have otherwise kept strictly to their
long vow of not commenting on how the U.S. deploys nuclear weapons overseas.

First published in December 1945, the Bulletin was founded by the Atomic
Scientists of Chicago to promote international cooperation and challenge the
notion that more and bigger weapons enhanced national security. Its report
will be released in print in its January/February issue, but is already
posted online at the group’s Web site, www.thebulletin.org.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said


1999-12-12 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the A-albionic Research [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.htmlFrom: Dr. Jai Maharaj 
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 8:30 PM


http://twa800.webjump.com via Free Republic, via News Plus


Thursday, December 9, 1999

A combative statement from Boeing attorneys suggesting a
missile may have been the cause of the explosion of TWA
Flight 800 has stunned veteran observers of the
controversial investigation into the tragedy.  According
to court records quoted in today's Seattle Times, Boeing
refuses to rule out the possibility of an accidental U.S.
Department of Defense shootdown.

Boeing also has gone on record as stating that the
evidence gathered so far points to a missile or bomb as
the most likely cause.  "That the NTSB in over three
years of exhaustive investigation has been unable to
identify any potential ignition source aboard the
aircraft suggests that an external source caused the
explosion," Boeing said. "Unless and until such time as a
cause is determined, ignition sources external to the
aircraft - of any type - cannot be ruled out."

The development came on the same day as excerpts from a
devastating critique of the National Transportation
Safety Board conducted by the RAND Corporation were

Full text of the Seattle Times report on the Boeing
statement, articles related to the RAND study and related
information at:


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Looks like Boeing is ready to play some hardball.

Posted on 12/09/1999 16:33:33 PST by Regiomontanus

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 - To: Regiomontanus

The link you provided doesn't work. Also, I couldn't
locate the story in today's (12/9/99) Seattle Times.
Could you please post another link?

Posted on 12/09/1999 16:44:45 PST by Map Kernow

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 - To: Map Kernow

Boeing attorneys still saying missile may have downed TWA Flight 800


Posted on 12/09/1999 16:46:44 PST by HAL9000

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer - The contents of this post may not have been
authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion
of the poster. The contents are protected by copyright
law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

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[CTRL] Amnesty on Fascism in Seattle

1999-12-12 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the A-albionic Research [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.htmlFrom: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amnesty on Fascism in Seattle
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 3:12 PM

FROM: http://www.amnesty.org/news/1999/25120399.htm

Amnesty International calls for an inquiry into police
actions at WTO talks in Seattle

Reports of widespread police abuses against non-violent
protesters and others during the World Trade Organization
talks last week in Seattle are deeply disturbing, Amnesty
International said today.

"The use of chemical sprays, restraint chairs and beatings
appear to violate international human rights standards,"
Amnesty International said.

The organization is calling for the establishment of an
independent commission of inquiry to fully and impartially
investigate the use of force by the police against the

Allegations include:

the indiscriminate use of chemical agents such as pepper
spray and tear gas against non-violent protesters, unresisting
residents and bystanders. Some of whom were repeatedly sprayed
in the face at close range.

Reports also indicate that a barrage of other potentially
dangerous weapons including rubber bullets, wooden pellets
and "flashbang" grenades were used indiscriminately.

According to some sources, symptoms described by victims,
suggest that an unauthorized 'neurotoxic' chemical agent
may have been used.

Systematic cruel treatment used to coerce or punish violent
protesters for act of non-compliance such as refusing to give
their names in King County jail. One person was slammed against
a wall, beaten while lying on the floor and had his fingers
forced back with a pencil. In another case, guards squeezed
a man's nose, almost suffocating him, when he refused to give
out his name.

Also at King County jail, people were allegedly strapped into
four-point restraint chairs as punishment for non-violent
resistance or asking for their lawyers. In one case a man was
stripped naked before being strapped into the chair.

One woman was stripped naked by four woman guards, while a
male guard outside watched. She further had her arms and
legs folded behind her and was held down on the floor with
the full weight of two guards on top of her.

Amnesty International calls for an independent commission of
inquiry to be implemented, including examination by independent
experts of the symptoms reported by those exposed to chemical
agents and the reported use of force in the King County jail
and other detention centres. The results of these inquiries
should be made public at the earliest possible date.

Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat,
1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom


FROM: Kirk James Murphy, M.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Neurotoxic Symptoms In Chemical Warfare Casualties At
> Seattle WTO Meetingby kirk james murphy, MD
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10:04am Tue Dec 7 '99
> Direct Action Network Medical Collective members
> provided first aid and other  care for thousands of
> casualties of chemical warfare during the Seattle WTO
> protests. Collective members identified a subset of
> casualties with  symptoms consistent  with exposure to
> neurotoxins which disrupt  acetylcholine irritant
> agents do not explain the symptoms.
>   The Direct Action Network Medical
> Collective was organized to provide first aid and
> other health services to activists and others
> (onlookers, media, residents, and anyone else
> requesting assistance) in Seattle for the WTO  meeting
> last week. The Collective members  provided care for
> literally hundreds of chemical warfare casualties on
> both  November 30 and December 1; hundreds more have
> requested information and treatment in subsequent
> days. As one may imagine, Collective members have
> acquired  extensive expertise in the recognition  and
> treatment of symptoms arising from exposure to pepper
> spray (OC) and "tear gases" (CS and CN).
> Individuals exposed to chemical weapons in
> the late afternoon and evening of   December
> 1st at two locations downtown  blocks adjacent to Pike
> Place Market and   the Seattle neighborhood of Capitol
> Hill  evinced and reported a pattern of  symptoms
> which is inconsistent with the  pattern of symptoms
> which may be ascribed  to irritating agents. This
> "atypical"  pattern of symptoms includes the rapid
> o

[CTRL] BATF chief John Magaw moves to FEMA to combat "domestic terrorists"

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

chilling admission...

Dave Hartley

Magaw's confession: aiff file as recorded from a speech before the National
Press Club on Monday, September 25, 1995, ATF Director John Magaw said the
following, concerning what happened at Waco:

"I believe that, um, had we been left in charge of, um, of the Waco
incident, um, um, we would not have burned that building."

This is a startling admission by the ATF Director himself, which was
broacast on CSPAN, which leaves no room for doubt about who was responsible
for burning the Branch Davidians and their children.

The file is recorded from William Cooper's shortwave broadcast has been
converted it into aiff format. The short sound bite is about 12 seconds
long, and 132KB in size. It includes a very brief intoduction by Mr. Cooper.

The sound quality is not perfect, since it was recorded on shortwave, but
it's not bad either. This is something that the entire nation needs to

The Ashes of Waco

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vince Foster

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

In alt.politics.usa, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Clark)
There follows a list of suspicious events, observations, and circumstances,
taken from the 2,726 pages of the 1994 Senate Hearings and Report Volumes
that cover the death of Vince Foster. To find out how you can receive a 160
page synopsis of this material, put together by Stanford and MIT grad Hugh
Sprunt, call Bell Jean Printing at (301) 864-6882. Pay only for shipping,
tax, and copying costs.
1. No fingerprints on the gun.
2. No proof that it was his gun.
3. Suspicious people seen in and around victim's car just before the body
was found.
4. Eyewitnesses saw the victim's briefcase in his car, yet the briefcase
later vanished. So did the files index in his office.
5. All 35mm film of crime scene was either "overexposed" or it vanished.
6. Most of the Polaroid photos of the crime scene vanished.
7. "Independent" investigator Fiske was forced to concede that the victim's
head _had_ been moved---after death had taken place and before his body was
8. Car keys were not found with victim at crime scene, nor were they to be
found in his car, yet the conclusion immediately arrived at . . was suicide!
(Does this make any sense whatsoever?)
9. The first non-official to see the body said their was no gun in sight; so
did the first official to see the body.
10. No blood splatter found. (High velocity .38 bullets through the mouth
and head leave splatter!)
11. No bone fragments were found at the scene, yet part of the victim's
skull was missing, according to the Fiske report.
12. X-rays vanished with no explanation. (Was it to conceal the fact that
Foster had other head injuries besides that of a single bullet?)
13. Dr. Beyer, the examining physician, has a history of mistaking homicide
for suicide. In some instances he stated X-rays had been taken; in other
instances he stated they had not. Why the inconsistency?
14. According to some reports, Foster's head wound not consistent with a
high velocity .38 caliber bullet. Dr. Haut's statement to the FBI was that
the exit hole was very small. In contradiction, the Fiske report says Dr.
Haut's observation was that the exit-hole was very large.
15. No fingerprints were found on the torn-up "suicide" note, but a palm
print was. How can you tear up a piece of paper without leaving any
fingerprints on it, even when the paper is 'receptive' enough to take a very
clear palm print?! (No determination was made that it was Foster's palm
16. A wound was seen on Foster's neck by paramedics. One described it as a
bullet hole.
17. Dr.Haut & paramedics said they viewed the body in a location that is 200
feet from the site officially described.
18. The cannon near where some witnesses say the body was found has been
removed from the park.
19. In his report, one paramedic listed the death as a homicide.
20. Numerous hairs and carpet fibers covered Foster's clothing. But his car
was never checked to see if any of the same fibers could be found on the
driver's seat, as surely there would have been found, had he actually driven
himself to Fort Marcy Park.
21. Whereabouts of victim in hours before death remains a mystery.
22. The list of items in his "suicide note" could simply have been some
reflection of his plans to resign his White House position, which his wife
said he was seriously thinking of doing.
23. Only two bullets in the gun. No matching bullets were to be found in his
home or car.
24. The victim planned to give his visiting sister a tour of the White House
the next day.
25. The victim's friend and attorney, Jim Lyons, was coming from Colorado to
meet with him the next day.
26. Foster had a full lunch before leaving to (supposedly) kill himself. He
was jovial, and told his staff he would be back later in the day.
27. In spite of an exhaustive search, no bullet was ever found which matched
the cartridge in the revolver that was reportedly found at the scene.
28. The attitude of the body was not consistent with suicide. It was laid
out straight, with arms neatly at his side.
29. No one heard the shot. Few people in the surrounding area were even
asked. The closest house, which was under construction at the time, was only
400 ft. away.
30. The FBI was kept out of the initial investigation.
31. The lead investigator assigned to go to the body site was performing his
first homicide investigation.
32. Victim's appointment book was never found.
33. Victim had been making _overnight_ trips to Switzerland (go one day,
come back the next) which his wife didn't know about. Indications are that
he had a Swiss bank account which had been mysteriously emptied of $2.7
million a week before he died. His last planned trip to Switzerland had, for
reasons unknown, been canceled.
34. Foster had, until coming to Washington, been employed as a $300,000 a
year lawyer. His house in

[CTRL] Evicted Doomsday Cult Now In New York.

1999-12-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-



Armageddon begins Saturday.
So say members of a doomsday cult who arrived in New York a week ago amid
growing fears they could be planning a mass suicide -- or something worse.

"I'm scared to death she's going to kill herself," said Shirley Brownlee, a
Colorado woman whose half-sister Darlene Knotts is among the cult's devoted

Leader Monte Kim Miller "has got them snowed enough that it could happen,"
Brownlee said.

The cult, Concerned Christians, believes the apocalypse kicks off next
Saturday, the day Miller predicted he and a top lieutenant would be slain by
Satan on the streets of Jerusalem.

With "doomsday" frighteningly close, relatives and cult watchers are uneasy
about the fate of the 75 or so followers -- who also believe they will be

"My fear is [Miller] is so paranoid, who knows what he's going to do?" said
Hal Mansfield, director of the Religious Movement Resource Center in
Colorado. "This guy is not stable."

Miller's whereabouts have been a mystery.

A former pharmaceuticals salesman, he formed Concerned Christians in Denver
in 1985, using the radio and a newsletter to preach against cults and New Age
influences on Christianity.

Critics say he became a cult leader -- claiming to be the Trinity and
speaking in a dramatic, eye-rolling, mouth-twisting "voice of God."

Miller, 45, has persuaded followers he is one of two "End Time" prophets
mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

"There is no grace for anyone, because the church has married the Whore
[America], and anyone involved with the church is going to hell," Miller
reportedly wrote in a 1997 letter.

He convinced about 70 followers to abandon their homes in September 1998 and
follow him around the world after predicting an earthquake would swallow
Denver a month later.

In January, millennium-wary Israeli authorities deported 14 cult members,
sending them back to Denver after accusing them of plotting to spark
Armageddon in a police shootout on the Temple Mount.

The deportees holed up in a hotel for six weeks before vanishing again --
many of them joining other followers in Greece.

Last week, Greece kicked out 25 members, including nine children, shipping
the 16 Americans among them to Kennedy Airport because their visas had

Another 40 members are believed to still be living in Greece.

Relatives are unsure whether the followers will stay in New York.

Denver Police Officer Mark Roggeman, who tracks the cult in his spare time,
said he believes the deportees will remain in the New York area until members
raise enough money to hook up with Miller again.

"America is Babylon the Great. We have been called out of her, and because of
this we have suffered extreme slander and persecutions," one unidentified
member told a handful of relatives and reporters at Kennedy Airport last

One woman who arrived at JFK to see her daughter found out she had become a
grandmother -- but her son-in-law wouldn't let her hold the baby.

NYPD and FBI officials say they are "aware" of the group but do not believe
its members are planning anything violent.

Members of Concerned Christians expect to be slain by the forces of evil --
and have not talked about hurting themselves or others, noted one longtime

"They've really done nothing wrong. They have some beliefs that are not
popular ... but for this group to be villainized the way it has strikes me as
patently unfair," said Brenda Brasher, an associate at the Center for
Millennial Studies at Boston University and an Ohio religion professor.

Israeli authorities found no weapons in the two suburban homes where
followers were living and never disclosed what evidence they had against the
group, Brasher said.

Miller -- like most doomsayers whose prophesies don't come true -- will
probably find a way to justify the mistake and keep preaching, Brasher said.

Followers have told their families that they are not a "Kool-Aid" group,
referring to the poisoned drink used in the 1978 Jonestown massacre.

Others aren't so sure.

Nicolette Weaver, who left Concerned Christians three years, ago at age 14,
told a Colorado court her mother, who is still in the cult, "told me that if
Kim Miller told her to kill me, she would."

"They believe the world will end in December 1999," Weaver told reporters
this year. "I'm sure they'll do something to make it end in 1999."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read

[CTRL] Panama Trouble: Who Hands Canal Over? (fwd)

1999-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999

Panama Trouble: Who Hands
Canal Over?


 WASHINGTON -- At the beginning of the century,
 President Theodore Roosevelt not only drove
home the importance of the Panama Canal to America's
becoming a great power, he also felt so strongly about
it that he drove a steam shovel that helped dig the
engineering marvel of his age.

Now, as the century ends, another president, Bill
Clinton, is having trouble finding a United States
official to give it away, a problem that more than
anything reflects how the canal has receded in
importance -- militarily, economically and, above all,

Even as the administration describes the moment of the
handover as a signal one in relations with Latin
America, Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright said
she would not go, apparently because she preferred to
be in Washington for Middle East peace talks.

The American delegation will instead be led by Jimmy
Carter, who was president in 1978 when the Senate
decided, with only one vote to spare, to approve the
treaties giving away the canal, which cost the United
States $352 million and 5,609 lives to build.

The Panamanians had hoped that the handover
ceremony would be more prestigious. Panama's
president, Mireya Moscoso, came to Washington in
October to ask Clinton to go himself this Tuesday to the
Miraflores Locks for the ceremony that will
symbolically transfer power over the canal. The
president was noncommittal.

The State Department recommended that the president
go. The National Security Council sent him a
memorandum that described the ceremonies but did not
say whether he should attend. Officials there would not
say what was the recommendation of the president's
national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger.

"I know he wanted to go," Thomas F. McLarty 3rd,
formerly the president's top Latin American adviser,
said on Friday. "He did ask me about it, just in a casual
conversation a few weeks ago. He genuinely wanted to
go. I think he felt it was a historic occasion."

Clinton has never told the Panamanians or the
American public why he has decided not to attend.
White House aides have offered a variety of
explanations, from the need to work on the budget, to
the difficulty of laying on yet another foreign trip, to his
desire to let Carter take the leading role -- an
explanation suggesting a Clinton affection for Carter
previously unknown.

Aside from Dr. Albright, with whom Berger argued
over her decision to stay away, another obvious fill-in
for Clinton is Vice President Al Gore. But, in a
presidential campaign in which Gore clearly wants to
take no chances at all, he never volunteered, knowing
that among the costs of the approval of the canal
treaties in 1978 and 1980 were the seats of about a
dozen Democratic senators. Nor did the White House,
his staff insisted, ever ask him to go.

By the weekend, the White House was still scrambling
to fill the delegation. While Rodney Slater, secretary of
transportation, and William Daley, secretary of
commerce, were included in the delegation, the State
Department said its highest-ranking official would be
Peter Romero, the acting assistant secretary of state for
Western Hemisphere affairs.

But if the administration was having trouble stirring up
much enthusiasm for the handover, critics were also
failing to stir up much outrage over what at this stage is
a done deal.

That was not always the case. In 1976, while President
Gerald R. Ford was negotiating a pact, he was
challenged in the Republican primaries by Ronald
Reagan, who made the canal issue a rallying cry,
saying: "We built it. We paid for it. It's ours and we're
going to keep it."

Another California Republican, Senator S. I.
Hayakawa, displayed a sense of the history of
American involvement in Panama's secession from
Colombia when he said, "we stole it fair and square."

The fight in the Senate in 1978 was bitter, and today's
arguments are pallid in comparison. Senator Trent Lott,
the Republican leader from Mississippi, and
Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a California
Republican, have been complaining that
Hutchison-Whampoa, a company based in Hong Kong,
has contracts for container ports at both ends of the
canal -- an implication that the canal could be

Re: [CTRL] Morris Dees' Divorce Papers Expose Dark Side.

1999-12-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/99 4:17:11 PM Central Standard Time,

<< Who gives a shit? >>

Well, I have it on good authority that Joshuas 1 & 3 do...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Covert Operations of the CIA _"

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/99 2:40:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Have you tried Tom Davis Books in Aptos California?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pedigree of King George [Bush]

1999-12-12 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Isn't Cinton supposed to be the grandson of a Rockafella??


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 11:25 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Pedigree of King George [Bush]

> -Caveat Lector-
>  "George Bush has 7 known descents from King Edward I of England."
>  from soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroup:
> Subject: Re: Governor George Walker Bush - Next President?
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Baldwin)
> Date: Sat, 11 December 1999 12:33 AM EST
> Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 10 Dec 1999 18:51:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Ravilious)
> wrote:
> >Friday, Dec. 10, 1999
> >
> >
> >A Year 2000 Question for The Group:
> >
> >  I recall an article (not well written) from ca. 1993 concerning
> >U.S. presidential elections and royal descent.  The writer, citing an
> >interview from a representative (?) of Burke's, or another royal descent
> >purveyor, stated that (1) all U. S. Presidents have had at least one
> >royal ancestor, (2) their opponents in the general election have had
> >also, and (3) that whichever candidate had _the most royal descent_ was
> >the eventual winner of the election.
> >
> >  Now, I have seen pedigrees posted hither and yon showing royal
> >descents for several (but not all) U.S. Presidents.  With regard to the
> >upcoming election, assuming the Burke's Corollary to Murphy's Law has
> >and will continue to hold, it might be worthwhile if we could determine
> >who of the current field has _the most royal descent_ [a definition of
> >this term would be helpful, I suppose, but for a dyed-in-the-purple-wool
> >Burkist this might take all the fun out of it].  We could then arrange
> >for a rapid coronation, and the other candidates could then go back to
> >their other endeavours [or possibly seek to arrange more productive
> >pedigrees].
> >
> >  By way of starting the process, I recall that George H. W. Bush
> >has 7 known descents from Edward I of England [if Barbara B. adds to the
> >total, this will up the ante somewhat].  Does any one have information
> >as to any of the other candidates?
> >
> >  The eyes of Texas are upon you.
> >
> >
> >   John
> >
> That story has been discussed before on this group, and there is not
> the slightest bit of truth to it.  To give one example, Bill Clinton
> has no known royal descents, yet he beat George Bush, who has several.
> Also, there have been a few occasions where the same two men ran
> against each other in more than one election, with different winners
> (most notably Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison).
> Stewart Baldwin
> ==
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> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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1999-12-12 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> - a completely peaceful, numerous demonstration with which all humanity
outside the corporate headquarters can identify, and

There is nothing on earth you can do the ALL of humanity can identify
with. No matter what you do, some people are going to love it and some
people are going to hate it and that's the nature of life. Get used to it.

> - a fair worldwide media coverage of the event.

Never happen. The corporations control the media. They are never going to
allow it to promote anti-corporate ideology.

>Basically, hooligans - whether paid by the corporations or subject to
anarchist ideology - therefore are factual  enemies of the people.

The corporations, who despoil the environment, enslave children, and
commodify human life itself are the real enemies of the people. Those who
resist, by any means necessary, are heroes.

>However, since 99 % of the media are controlled by the capital, we
normally do NOT get a fair coverage of our efforts, to say the least !!
Silence normally is their very efficient weapon to protect their masters.

Well, duh!

> To ensure that the event be covered at all, even in distorted version,
some controlled degree of violence
directed against precisely identified appropriate targets in some cases
may be justified, in spite of the consequently reduced number of

While true, this statement is in direct contradiction with the above
statements about "hooligans."

Get your story straight, then tell it to us.

>In Seattle the previous long preparations and focus on the event made any
further attention unnecessary.

Huh? Read history, my friend. The track record of corporate media is long
and consistent. Had there been no violence, the demo would have gotten at
most a casual mention on the news, probably with no film, except on local

>The violence of the police furthermore ensured the big headlines in the

Damn right it did.

>The hooliganism in Seattle therefore must be strongly condemned, because
it unnecessarily reduced the sympathy in the world population whom we

And who, pray tell,  chose YOU to represent us?

> and considerably discouraged the vast majority of the demonstrators who
up until then had been in great enthusiastic spirit.

This is what the corporate news media would have you believe. It's not
true. Only a  tiny handful of collaborators and dupes helped the police.
They got a lot of (predictable) publicity but were not representative.
More representative were the residents of the Capital Hill neighborhood
who poured into the streets to resist the brutal invasion of their
neighborhood by the police.

>Additionally, the casual smashing of windows was directed against small
as well as big stores and made it completely meaningless from our point of

This is a lie, promulgated by corporate media and not what actually

>FLEXIBILITY must be a key word in the planning of the coming

Agreed. Both violence and nonviolence are effective tactics. Each has its
time and place. Personally, I recommend that violence against the
corporations be limited to destruction of property and data. We should NOT
fight the police. They are fellow workers and as such deserving of our
comradely solidarity. We should concentrate on educating them, so they
join  us. We need them on our side, not the corporations' side. Attacking
them will accomplish nothing but alienating the public. Unless, of course,
they start shooting us down like they have been doing in Indonesia lately.
Then they deserve what they get.

>The coordinating group of the participating organizations must to an even
higher degree than this time prepare the demonstrators for knocking down
and turning over to the police any anwanted hooligans.

Whose side are you on, anyhow?

>Even if a hooligan should be killed, it would be a very little loss as
compared with the daily rate of 20.000
dead children due to corporate rule.

By your own estimate, 20,000 children a day die from corporate rule. It's
way higher, but even one is too many. Yet you have the unmitigated gall to
tell us that killing somebody for destroying the property of the men
responsible for those children's deaths is justified. That's sick.

You remind me of WWII US Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy who
forbade the bombing of the railroad tracks to Auschwitz because "it would
lead to repercussions against the Jews."

Turning comrades over to the police my be alright where you're from, but
in most of the world it would get you killed. In Northern Ireland it would
get you kneecapped so you could serve as a visible, living  reminder of
what happens to people like that.

>The coordinating group must beforehand have arranged for contacts
worldwide to report continually on the local media coverage.

Agreed. I notice that you salt your propaganda with just enough obvious
truths to lend seeming credence to the rest, which is untrue. This is a
propaganda technique of time p

Re: [CTRL] Covert Operations of the CIA _"

1999-12-12 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>This book is not available from publisher. They have no copies. I can
find NO
copies of this author's book at any library catalog on net [I tried
twenty] or from any used bookseller.

>Hmm. . .

Have you tried Tom Davis Books in Aptos California?

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Demo at Russian embassy in Warsaw

1999-12-12 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

200 people rocked the Russian embassy in Warsaw,
things exploded all over the place,
5 arrested, blockade of the police car with arrestees, general
beating of demonstrators. People were mostly anarchists, but also a lot
of people from Katyn memorials, from Belarus, from
Polish-Chechen Committee, and common folks.
Banners said "Leave the Chechens alone, drop your bombs on the
Kremlin", and "Nurenberg tribunal for Jeltsin".

The demonstration went later to the police station, shouting until
everyone was released. One of the arrested was Marek Kurzyniec.
Two of the arrested have been insured against police repression
in ABC-Life.


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Re: [CTRL] Morris Dees' Divorce Papers Expose Dark Side.

1999-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Who gives a shit?

William Shannon wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> The following, puportedly from Morris Dees' divorce papers exposes Dees as a
> sex-crazed kook and perhaps even a child molestor!
> >From www.deeswatch.com/court.html...
> H. Morris' Sexual Appetite
> Maureene was literally force to file suit for divorce in March, 1979, because
> of Morris' obstinate refusal to give up his mistress who he was then
> supporting and who had become pregnant by him.  However, Maureene did not
> give up her marriage easily.  Prior to Morris' permanent involvement with the
> McGaha woman, Maureene had endured a long series of degrading incidents which
> evidenced Morris' voracious and eclectic sexual appetite.  Since early in
> their marriage, Morris repeatedly bragged to Maureene that with his looks and
> his money he could have any woman he wanted, and he constantly bragged about
> women propositioning him (R. 350, et seq).

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-12-12 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Mysterious Object Lands in Dam

   Updated 8:37 AM ET December 9, 1999

 SYDNEY (Reuters) - Is it a UFO, space junk, a meteorite or
 simply frozen sewage? Whatever it turns out to be a mysterious
 flying object has landed in an Australian country dam, leaving a
 large crater, and sunk beneath the mud.

 Air tests around the dam found no radioactivity, but water
 supplies from the dam to the nearby town of Guyra have been

 Police have also erected a one-mile no go zone around the dam,
 as curious locals and scores of media descend on the sleepy
 town of Guyra, 250 miles north of Sydney.

 "At this stage we don't really know what the object is," said a
 police spokesman at Guyra. "It has made a significant depression
 in the floor of the dam."

 The mysterious object, which landed sometime between
 Monday and Wednesday, has left a 50-foot-long and 20-foot
 wide crater. The object appears to have hit the dam at about 45
 degrees and skidded before sinking.

 Theories of what the object is ranged from a meteorite to frozen
 sewage jettisoned from an aircraft. But most ruled out a UFO or
 space junk.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Acharya On Sitchin And The Anunnaki

1999-12-12 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>There was in reality never any need for absurd sci-fi explanation or
>speculation as to these various characters and their stories.  Nor was there
>a need to take the Bible as a literal, historical document.  Indeed, the
>behind-the-scenes elite have known the allegorical, mythical and astrological
>nature of the Bible and its characters from the beginning.
  It is only when the knowledge, or gnosis, has been lost that humans start
believing these >entities to be real people - and the gnosis was very
effectively driven
>underground by organized religion, such that it was lost to the masses, who
>now must piece it together, often coming up with erroneous and inaccurate
>interpretations with occasional hits now and then.

nice scholarly essay with lots of quotes and references - it sounds very
masonic in tone - with 'vulgar interpretations' of the planets, sounds very
NWO 5th reich/6th root race with the mention of evolved 'androgenous
beings' aka superaryans - also 'gnosis' driven underground by the
'churchianity' sounds very pro-brotherhood - however - just in my opinion,
the guy is wrong - coz there is plenty of archaeological evidence to
substantiate the presence of non-human populations on this planet 
[I can cite them if you force me ;) but I don't want to bore everyone again
! ]

Andrew Hennessey

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[CTRL] Rockefeller Family "Bad Apple" Sued For Divorce

1999-12-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Rockefeller bad apple sued for divorce
Adultery, cruel perversion and hardcore pornography blamed for filthy-rich

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Hank Hyena

Dec. 8, 1999

My, my. How the mighty have fallen.

A decadent descendant of an American dynasty is getting his dirty silk
laundry aired out in a Vanity Fair interview with his estranged wife.

John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil and became the richest man in
America. His grandson Nelson was governor of New York from 1959-73 and vice
president from 1974-77. Numerous other Rockefellers have excelled as
senators, governors, businessmen, academics and philanthropists.

There's a rotten apple in the family tree though, an embarrassing black
sheep. Great-grandson George O'Neill is obsessed with female flesh, not
finances or public welfare, claims his wife, Amy, 32, who is suing him for
divorce. She accuses the 49-year-old O'Neill (who will inherit about $180
million when his mother dies) of incessant carnal crimes.

Gonadal George had an abundance of affairs in their 10-year marriage, charges
the bitter spouse. She discovered him groping the baby-sitters and receiving
fellatio from the wife of a local funeral director. He also tried to push her
into sexual threesomes, she says, and that he's obsessed with hardcore

This is only the horny tip of a licentious lifestyle that Amy will gladly
expose in the courtroom if George balks at the monetary demands that she's
making in their current divorce settlement.

If true, these revelations would usher O'Neill into the recent hall of
hypocrite conservatives. George is a right-wing activist and a strong
espouser of "family values" morality; he even campaigned for Pat Buchanan in

George and Amy lived dysfunctionally in a dilapidated mansion on a heavily
guarded family estate in central Florida with their five children. Ensconced
in this Gothic nightmare, poor Amy claims she was forced to haul a notebook
around her neck that recorded what she was doing, plus she had to beg her
horrible husband for housekeeping money.

If this meanness actually occurred, Amy's demands on the rich man-boy will
probably be granted: $775,000 for a new house, alimony of $7,500 per month,
plus children's education costs, wedding costs for the two daughters and a
new family van every five years.

Amy also divulges humiliating Rockefeller family secrets in the article. Most
amusing is her contention that the old money magnates are quite depressed
about their displacement at the top of the "rich lists." Computer
zillionaires have plummeted the oil barons into comparative pauperdom.
salon.com | Dec. 8, 1999

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd: You Can't Eat Enough of It

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

You Can't Eat Enough of It
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

At the end of the millennium, W.R. Grace should be considered a candidate
as one of the world's most rapacious corporate predators.

Of course, if you have seen the movie A Civil Action or read the book by
the same title, you are aware of the injury inflicted by this
multinational chemical company.

A Civil Action told the story of how five children and one adult died of
acute lymphocytic leukemia from exposure to chemicals in the drinking
water of Woburn, Massachusetts.

The Environmental Protection Agency found Grace and a second company
responsible for dumping the toxic chemicals that poisoned two of Woburn's

Grace paid $8 million to eight families to settle their lawsuits against
the company.

Grace was indicted by the Department of Justice on two counts of lying to
the EPA about the amount of hazardous chemicals it used at its Woburn
plant. In 1988, Grace pled guilty to one count and was fined $10,000.

As protesters were fighting off the police and the effects of being gassed
in the streets of Seattle during the WTO meetings, the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, the local corporate newspaper, began running a series
of articles documenting Grace's most recent outrage.

The paper reported that at least 192 people have died of asbestos-related
disease from a mine near Libby, Montana that was owned by Grace for nearly
30 years.

At least another 375 have been diagnosed with the fatal disease.

The Post-Intelligencer detailed how federal, state and local agencies had
not stepped forward to help the people of Libby, either denying knowledge
of the problem or pointing to other agencies for solutions.

For three decades, Grace mined enormous deposits of vermiculite in the
earth of nearby Zonolite Mountain. Under the vermiculite are millions of
tons of tremolite, a rare and exceedingly toxic form of asbestos.

For centuries, the tremolite lay undisturbed and harmless beneath a thin
crust of topsoil. But mining the vermiculite has released the deadly
asbestos fibers into the air.

The paper quoted Dr. Alan Whitehouse, a lung specialist from Spokane and
an expert in industrial diseases, as saying that another 12 to 15 people
from Libby are being diagnosed with the diseases -- asbestosis,
mesothelioma -- every month.

According to Dr. Whitehouse, it takes anywhere from 10 to 40 years from
the time a person is exposed to dangerous amounts of asbestos for the
diseases to reveal themselves.

Since 1984, 187 civil actions have been filed against Grace on behalf of
Libby's miners and their families, the paper reported.

There are 120 cases pending. In the others, Grace has either been found
liable and been ordered to pay damages in a jury trial, or it settled out
of court, often shortly before the trial was to begin, the paper reported.

At a community meeting last week in Libby, residents and workers at the
mine said that Grace managers told miners the dust was harmless.

One Libby resident, Patrick Vinion, told the crowd of his fears for his
three children.

"In the local paper our health department says we only have 1 percent
tremolite in our town," Vinion said. "One percent of tremolite is not
acceptable no matter what anybody says. One percent of tons of tremolite
and I guarantee it will kill your kids."

"When my father was a young man they told him -- 'You can't eat enough of
that stuff. It won't bother you.' He's dead," Vinion said. "When I started
getting sick when I was younger, they told me, 'You never worked there.
It's not possible. You can't get it that way.' Well, it's more than
possible. I'm dying of it."

At the hearing, Roger Sullivan, a lawyer representing many of the
residents of Libby against Grace, explained how the largest stack in the
ore-processing mill spewed 10,000 pounds of asbestos each day, and how the
wind would disperse it over the town. He said the sparsely covered
tailings pile, given a clean bill of health by state investigators, still
contains 5 billion pounds of asbestos, the paper reported.

As expected, the company says it did no harm.

"Obviously we feel we met our obligation to our workers and to the
community," Jay Hughes, Grace's senior litigation counsel told the paper.
Hughes said the company spent "millions" to upgrade safety conditions and
reduce dust at the mine.

Reporter Andrew Schneider and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have dug down
and found a dirty company committing yet another dirty deed.

A town has been killed, its residents are dying.

Perhaps its time for the district attorney in Lincoln County and the U.S.
Attorney in Montana to see if justice can be done.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The
Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common
Courage Press, 1999, http://www.corporatepredat

[CTRL] Russians in US to avert New Year nuclear war

1999-12-12 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 1661 Sunday 12 December 1999

  Russians in US to avert New Year nuclear war
By James Langton in New York

A RUSSIAN delegation will arrive at one of America's top secret military
bases this week in an attempt to ensure that the Millennium does not herald
nuclear Armageddon.
The Pentagon has made the unprecedented decision of allowing Russian military
experts to observe its intercontinental ballistic missile monitoring centre
buried deep in the Rocky Mountains on New Year's Eve.

America fears that Russia's antiquated computers could fall victim to the
Millennium bug and either falsely register an attack by missiles from the
United States and its allies or, worse, accidentally launch one of its own

Even with the end of the Cold War, the former communist giant still has about
2,000 missiles ready to launch at a moment's notice - as President Yeltsin
warned America last week in response to Bill Clinton's criticism of the
Russian bombardment of Chechnya.

If the Kremlin's own early warning systems collapse at midnight on December
31, it is hoped the delegation will assure Moscow that America's missiles are
still in their silos.

The Russians will be observing the joint US and Canadian Norad (North
American Aerospace Defence Command) space and air defence command system
buried deep inside Cheyenne Mountain near Denver, Colorado.

They will not be allowed inside the highly classified centre, which is
protected from nuclear blasts by millions of tons of granite and thick steel
doors. Instead, America has hastily constructed a temporary "Centre for
Strategic Stability and Y2K" at a US Air Force base 10 miles away.

"The concern is that satellite systems and radar might have problems and
cause Russia to go blind," said Major Mike Birmingham, a spokesman for US
Space Command, which runs Norad.

The Millennium bug is caused by old computers wrongly reading the year 2000
as 1900. The US military has been working on the problem since a test in 1993
briefly caused Norad to shutdown. The Pentagon is now confident that its
systems will work on January 1.

But Russia's turbulent politics and economic woes mean that less work has
been done there. A collapse of the Russian military command system could be
highly dangerous and there are fears that electrical problems could cause
some missiles to catch fire in their silos. Under an agreement signed last
month, up to 20 Russians will spend two weeks sharing data from Norad
headquarters with their American counterparts. Using a hot line, they will be
able to act as Moscow's eyes and ears if things should go wrong back home.

At its heart are steel rooms, including a 10-man command centre. It is
approached through a tunnel in the side of the mountain, which ends after a
third of a mile in 25-ton steel doors designed to withstand a direct blast.

US officials know only too well the possibility of accidental catastrophe. In
1980, monitoring screens apparently showed 2,200 nuclear missiles from the
former Soviet Union streaking towards America.

As B-52 bomber crews prepared to head into Russia, senior advisers were one
minute from advising President Jimmy Carter to launch a retaliatory strike
when they realised that the attack was non-existent. The fault was later
traced to a computer chip costing 30p inside a Nova 840 computer, which had
wrongly started tapes for a military exercise.

Russia has also had its scares. In 1995, the routine launch of a Norwegian
weather rocket was mistaken for an incoming nuclear missile.

Some experts have called on both countries to deactivate their nuclear
weapons on New Year's Eve. But Washington has refused, arguing that if
systems did fail, the race to restore them could be even more dangerous.The
US has 2,300 missiles in a state of constant readiness. Along with Britain's
fleet of Trident nuclear submarines, they have been tested and cleared as Y2K

The situation in Russia is much less certain. Publicly, Moscow is insisting
that its computers will not fail. But a Russian government report last August
estimated that at least half of its operating systems and all of its software
programmes would experience problems with the Millennium bug.

According to Western consultants working in Russia, the government has now
abandoned attempts to fix the problem in time and is concentrating on
emergency strategies to deal with the repercussions. The worst of these could
be a Chernobyl-style nuclear disaster that would contaminate millions with
deadly radiation.

More likely are widespread power cuts as the electricity grid fails in the
depths of the bitter Russia winter. In addition to causing thousands of
deaths, such catastrophic glitches could provoke civil unrest and further
weaken the authority of President Yeltsin.

America is so concerned about the situation that it has earmarked millions of
dollars to repatriate embassy employees and their families over Christmas and
the New Year. They will not be all

[CTRL] Rare, animalborne disease a medical mystery

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Boston Globe 12/12/99
Rare, animalborne disease a medical mystery

 Officials examine Maine deer in hunt for clues

 By Terry J. Allen, Globe Correspondent,

 New England is entwined in a medical mystery that stretches across species
and the country. The clues raise more questions than answers: Three young
people, one with links to Maine, have contracted an extremely rare,
disease that leads to dementia and death. A strikingly similar disease is
thousands of deer and elk in the western United States. Elk farms in New
England, which cater to an Asian market for aphrodisiacs, are importing
animals that officials warn could spread the infection.

 And in the background looms the specter of mad cow disease, the British
epidemic responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of cattle,
the devastation of the British beef industry, and the death, so far, of more
than 40 people.

 Researchers are struggling to determine if these factors are part of the
same trail of evidence or if they are connected only by coincidence and

 Either way, there is no denying that federal researchers are worried. How
else to explain why a US Department of Agriculture official came to Maine
month to supervise a ''harvest'' of 299 heads from deer shot during the fall
hunting season? ''They used a fancy spoon to scoop out a portion near the
stem for analysis,'' said Mark Caron, a Maine wildlife biologist.

 The reasoning behind the examination of deer brains? One of the young
victims of the rare disease who lived in the South had, years before her
eaten meat from deer her father had shot in Maine.

 The Maine samples are part of a nationwide investigation into a family of
diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSE, that do
similar damage to the brains of different mammals  deer, elk, sheep,
cattle, cats, mink, and humans. But they are subtly different illnesses. And
mad cow disease  the bovine TSE  hit Britain and apparently spread to people
who ate infected beef, most scientists believed TSEs did not jump from one
species to another.

 The possibility that chronic wasting disease  the TSE that affects deer
and elk  has made the leap to humans is what had federal researchers
enough to survey Maine.

 The 28yearold woman who ate Maine deer died of CreutzfeldtJakob disease
the human TSE. There are only five reported CreutzfeldtJakob cases per
worldwide in people 30 years old or under, according to Lawrence
Schonberger of the federal Centers for Disease Control.

 Yet, since 1996, CreutzfeldtJakob disease has been detected in three
Americans in that age group; two are dead and one is dying. All three, it
turns out,
had hunted extensively or eaten venison.

 ''It may be a coincidence,'' said Dr. Pierluigi Gambetti, professor of
pathology and director of the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance
Center at Case Western University in Cleveland, where the Centers for
Disease Control sends its human brain samples. ''It would be imprudent to
say there
is a danger of an epidemic. But, yes, it's something that has to be

 Said Thomas Pringle, a biochemist who runs a Web site on TSEs: ''What has
CDC worried is that the original tipoff in Britain that something was wrong
the upsurge in cases of CreutzfeldtJakob disease in young people.''

 The CDC medical epidemiologist, Ermias Belay, citing a Red Cross survey,
emphasized that since 40 percent of Americans have eaten wild venison at
least once, the three cases could be explained by chance alone. ''If there
been one more,'' he said, ''it might tip the balance.''

 But, countered Michael Hansen, a research associate at Consumer's Union,
''Given how rare the disease is in young people and how difficult it is to
make a diagnosis, the possibility that some cases go undetected cannot be
 That is what nearly happened last year in Utah to Tracie McEwan. The young
wife and mother of two watched desperately as, over a few months, her
28 year old husband, Doug, lost motor control and memory, became
disoriented, and
suffered dramatic moods swings.

 ''After doctors performed hundreds of tests,'' Tracie recalled, ''I saw a
television show about mad cow disease.'' She demanded the doctors test for
CreutzfeldtJakob disease. A brain biopsy confirmed her fears.

 ''We have decided to get pretty aggressive, primarily because of the
situation in Britain,'' said the CDC's Schonberger. He emphasized, however,
''none of the three cases has been linked to chronic wasting disease in deer

 While the threat to humans remains theoretical, the danger of the disease
within deer and elk populations is real and growing. ''It's been spreading
slowly since it was first found in the wild in 1981,'' said Beth Williams,
a professor of veterinary services with the University of Wyoming. Chronic
wasting disease is

[CTRL] Fwd: Seattle provocateurs, "Cointelpro//the 'War At Home'

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Seattle provocateurs, "Cointelpro//the 'War At Home'

Check it, homeys. Here's the low-down on how paid and/or
(mind)-"controlled" agents of the covert, slime-dog federal/NWO
government go about their little infiltration operations designed to
sabotage targeted organizations and events; in the very same way as
clearly  occurred during anti-World Trade Organization mass public
protests held in Seattle recently.

Just as Brasscheck says Brian Glick's book "War at Home" is crucially
important reading for those seeking to get a better understanding of
just how these infiltration/discreditation schemes work and how they're
utilized regularly, we'd say the report below itself is equally
important for those who may never get to read the book.

One very interesting point noted is that the only way the public ever
actually got wind of one of the more well-known "flagship" government
programs of this type--an FBI operation named Cointelpro implemented in
the 1960s and 1970s against anti-war and civil rights organizations--was
because a group known as "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI"
busted into a Pennsylvania FBI office in 1971 and took away every single
file there which related to the ongoing Cointelpro activities.
Subsequently this brave and admirable group released to the press the
evidence they acquired showing the FBI and other jerks were engaged in
thoroughly illegal activities with Cointelpro. Despite becoming the
target of one of the biggest investigations in FBI history, members of
this genuinely patriotic organization were NEVER caught! YES!

So, it IS very possible to find and penetrate the chinks in these
clowns' armor, bust their sorry, fascist, totalitarian butts in full
view of the public and send them slinking off with their bedraggled
tails between their legs to the dank, fetid nether regions which suit
them so well. 

If ever there were an issue of sufficient seriousness to warrant taking
the sort of actions the Citizens Committee took regarding the Cointelpro
operations, then the clear and unarguable presence of paid-off or
otherwise controlled/manipulated government instigators, agitators and
provocateurs within the ranks of anti-WTO demonstrators and the
implications/ramifications of such presence is most certainly such an issue.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Original Message 
Subject: Must reading: "War at home" by Brian Glick
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 12:08:13 -0500
From: Brasscheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

December 12, 1999

Must reading: "War at home" by Brian Glick

Based on some of the things I've read regarding my
comments on the probability that some of the telegenic
property damage in downtown Seattle was the work
of agents of so called law enforcement, it seems clear
that there is a world of people who have no experience
with or information about the netherworld of paid

Little has been written about this, but fortunately
at least one very fine book on the subject exists.
It's called: "War at Home: Covert Action Against
US Activists and What We Can Do About it." It
was written by Brian Glick and published by South
End Press in 1989. It cost all of $5 when new.

To the extent that the demonstrations in Seattle
were a success - and they clearly were in a limited
sense - the forces of oppression (which actually
is an accurate description for these guys) will now be
able to get even more funding for their plots and

What kind of plots and schemes am I talking about?

First, let me quote from one of the FBI's own memos on the
subject (August 25, 1967):

"The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor
is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or
otherwise neutralize" and then the memo goes on to list
various social movements in the United States. The
"endeavor" they were referring to:

COINTELPRO or Counterintelligence Program.

How do we know about the gory details of COINTELPRO?

We know because, in an act of rarely equaled patriotism,
a group called the "Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI"
broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania in 1971,
removed all the secret files on the subject, and quietly
released bits and pieces of what they found about the
illegal and unconstitutional program to the press
and activist groups. (The burglar-heroes were never
caught in spite of the biggest FBI investigation in

How secret was COINTELPRO intended to be?

William C. Sullivan, who created the program and
ran it in the 1960s, was called to give testimony to
a grand jury investigating the FBI. He did in 1977,
but before  he was able to testify publicly, he was
found dead by gunshot - a "hunting" accident which was
accepted at face value and never investigated.

How does counterintelligence work?

Glick identifies the four major methods used:

"Infiltration"  - posing as members of various groups
to spy, incite violence, and sow doubt and fear among

"Psychological Warfare from the Outside" - F

[CTRL] Dental toxins

1999-12-12 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

If you are experiencing health problems and have root canals, mercury
amalgam fillings [silver-fillings] and wisdom tooth extractions. You
probably can trace your illness startup to a past dental procedure and or
dental induced toxicity. Recent high technology research has confirmed old
studies indicating that standard accepted dental procedures can and will
destroy your health. This webpage is for your information. " YOUR ILLNESS

The new and latest scientific research implicating toxic compounds emitted
by mercury amalgam fillings and root canal teeth anaerobic bacteria show
definite links to systemic diseases such as CFS, FIBRO-MYALGIA, ALS, MS,
Research by notable scientists at leading Universities has unveiled a lack
of knowledge within organized dentistry about the hazards of todays dental
procedures and a complete lack of concern over the patients well being.
Research and clinical trials have indicated that these toxins excreted by
anaerobic bacteria may be the cause of the onset of 85% of the systemic
diseases in this country alone. It is a proven and accepted fact that these
dental induced toxins inhibit or destroy key enzymes needed for cell
reproduction and energy conversion. These toxins also destroy key cellular
proteins in the cerebral spinal fluid which allows these and other toxins to
destroy nerves and mutate other cellular tissues. This website is designed
to get you in touch with the facts with hyperlinks to the National Medical
Library, websites of noted research scientist and my personal research into
these dental induced problems.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] "Energy-Field" protection "Secrets"

1999-12-12 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The Falun Gong stuff available on the Internet is also good.

See: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/4.html

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [2] Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA & Israel’s Mossad

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an  excerpt from:
Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA & Israel’s Mossad
Joel Bainerman ©1994
S.P.I. BOOKS/Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 1-56171-350-3
291 pps. – First Edition – Out-of-print

The Reagan-Bush White House:
A New Era In Secret Government

As early as March 1981 the Reagan-Bush Administration paved the way for a new
wave of covert operations. After Watergate, Presidents Ford and Carter tried
to issue executive orders to curb CIA activities, particularly ones which
involved the violation of the civil liberties of American citizens. Yet a
blue ribbon commission established in 1975 headed by Vice President Nelson
Rockefeller, and coincidentally with Ronald Reagan (then Gove[r]nor of
California) as a member, concluded that "Presidents should refrain from
directing the CIA to perform what are essentially internal security tasks."

A proposal put forth by the Bush-Reagan Administration as early as March
23rd, 1981, drafted by mid-level career agents, permitted the agency to
undertake covert operations within the U.S. and to spy on American citizens.
The new order no longer required the CIA to collect information by the "least
intrusive means possible," and so enabled the CIA to regularly conduct
searches without warrants, surreptitious entries, and infiltration of
political organizations (Time, March 23rd, 1981).

The push for the executive order was made under the guise of combating
terrorism. In the early meetings of the National Security Council, it was
argued that limits put on the CIA prevented the agency from conducting
surveillance on suspected terrorists once they had entered the country. (How
many terrorist attacks took place in the United States during the 1970s? No
one thought to ask.)

Some members of Congress didn't like the new regulations. Don Edwards, then
chairman of the House Civil and Constitutional Rights Subcommittee, said the
draft order would "put the CIA back in the business of domestic spying" (Time,
 March 23rd, 1981).

The Bush-Reagan Administration used another technique to create the political
framework for its string of secret agendas and covert operations. Writing in
June 1989 in The Nation, Eve Pell, a staff reporter at the Center for
Investigative Reporting in San Francisco, describe how secret presidential
decrees and National Security Deci-sion Directives (NSDD) had propelled
America into some of the controversial events of the pre-vious decade.
President Reagan issued nearly 300 NSDDs. It was an NSDD that enabled the CIA
to begin arming Contra soldiers, and that arming was part of the build-up
which resulted in the inva-sion of Grenada in 1983.

An NSDD is not like an executive order or presidential finding, as the latter
are made known to the the House and Senate Intelligence committees, whereas
NSDDs do not have to be revealed to any other branch of government. Of the
300 NSDDs issued by Reagan, less than fifty have been declassified in whole
or in part by the National Security Council, the one government body which
decides if an NSDD will be made public. In other words, only 15 percent of
the most important policy decisions made during the BushReagan White House
are known to the American people.

Allan Adler, a former legislative counsel to the American Civil Liberties
Union, said the ReaganBush Administration "had a pronounced proclivity for
using NSDDs, apparently because it didn't have to make them public." Anna
Nelson, an historian at Tulane University, says that the Reagan White House
was "extraordinary in its abuse of the process." "The original National
Security Council documents were broad policy papers, with agency
implementation," she also explained. "Some of Reagan's NSDDs bypassed even
normal agency channels, as well as Congress. The arrogance of this
arrangement is incredible."

Eve Pell argues that during the Reagan Administration, the NSDDs were the
backbone of the hidden government, issued to evade congressional scrutiny and
on certain occasions ordering actions which stand in direct contradiction to
the then publicly stated policy of the government.

NSDD Number 77 is a good example of how 'Bush and Reagan employed NSDDs to
serve secret agenda goals. It allowed the National Security Council to
coordinate inter-agency efforts for what was called the "Management of Public
Diplomacy Relative to National Security." This directive served as a the
basis for "public diplomacy activities" (i.e., propaganda) by enabling
"organizational support for foreign governments and private groups to
encourage the growth of democratic political institutions and practices." In
reality, the directive created mini-propaganda ministries operating out of
The~ National Security Council, the State Department and the White House. The
General Accounting Office believed these activities violated the law banning
"covert propaganda" within the U.S.

 In 1987, then head of the House Government Operations Commit

[CTRL] [1] Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA & Israel’s Mossad

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an  excerpt from:
Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA & Israel’s Mossad
Joel Bainerman ©1994
S.P.I. BOOKS/Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 1-56171-350-3
291 pps. – First Edition –
This book seems to be hard to find. I haven't been able to find any of his
books in library catalogs online-about twenty or NO used booksellers. Hmm.

Also there are some mistakes abbout S& B members T Roosevelt was not a member
of S&B. He was a member of DKE, which is the only national fraterinty to
begin at Yale. Its beggings are as a junior society for potential S&Bers. R.
Hayes was also a member. James Liley I have not been able to find his name on
any S&B roster. Also Gen. George Marshall was not a member of S&B, wether he
was DKE or no, I dunna know.




How the CIA and Intelligence Community
Became the Major Instrument of US Policy

How did President Bush do it? How did he implement secret agendas, lie about
his role in Iran-Contra, sucker Saddam Hussein and the American people into
the Gulf War, without anybody catching on?

The answer lies in Bush's ideological underpinnings and view of how the world
should be run.

Bush's talk of a "New World Order" isn't so new at all. It comes straight
from the ideology of the Skull and Bones society, which believes that its
members have a strategic and moral obligation (i.e., right) to control the
events of the world. Their goal is to restore the "greatness of America" in
world affairs, since they see themselves as a distinguished WASP caste, a
modem-day version of the Roman warrior.

The Order of Skull and Bones, one of seven secret elite fraternal societies
based at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, allows only 15 males in
their junior year to join. Potential selectees must be white, male and
wealthy. Non-WASPS are excluded. If a woman were ever allowed. into the Skull
and Bones meeting place, the clubhouse would have to be bulldozed (Esquire,
September 1977).

"Bonesmen," as they are called, believe in the notion of "constructive
chaos," which justifies covert actions to "maintain order" To confuse the
public they employ ambiguity and secrecy, i.e., disinformation. Thus the
foreign policies of Bonesmen who hold public office are almost always carried
out via a secret agenda through the instrument of covert operations.

Anthony Sutton, an historian who has written a book on the Order, says that
since its founding it has taken on more occult and ritualistic trappings and
that it is secretly known among its members as the "Brotherhood of Death."
Others claim the society's Germanic origins are reflected in the building on
the Yale campus that the secret order uses, which is said to contain remnants
of Hitler's private collection of silver dinnerware and Barvarian tea-pots.

The 15 new members selected each year go through a formal initiation
ceremony. The senior members of the Order come to their door, knock three
times, then tap the potential member on the shoulder and ask: "Skull and
Bones: Do you accept?" If the candidate accepts, a message wrapped with a
black ribbon sealed by black wax with the skull and crossbones emblem is
handed to the inductee. This will tell him when and where to meet on
initiation night.

According to a 1940 Skull and Bones document, the initiation ceremony
consists of the potential member being placed in a coffin, buried six feet
under, then chanted over in Latin for the better part of an hour. The
inductee, more than a little grateful to be returned from a burial alive, is
then dug up and reborn into the society. He is then removed from the coffin
and given a robe with symbols. on it. A bone with his name on it will be
tossed into the bone heap at the start of every meeting.

Historically, "Bonesmen" have had a tremendous influence on American foreign
policy. Alphonso Taft, a co-founder of Skull and Bones, was Secretary of War
in 1876 and Attorney General in 1876-1877. He brought pressure on President
William McKinley to enter the war against Spain to "liberate" Cuba and seize
the Philippines. When McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York,
Bonesman Teddy Roosevelt moved into the White House and surrounded himself
with fellow Bonesmen such as William Howard Taft, who later became his hand
picked successor for the Republican nomination and was elected President in
1908 (Covert Action, No. 33, Winter 1990).

Other "Bonesmen" include: Robert Taft, Speaker of the House in 1921-1926 and
Senator from Ohio, 1938-1950; Robert Lovett, Assistant Secretary of War
1941-1945, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Defense in 1950;
Averell Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1943-1946, Governor of
New York and then Under Secretary of State for Asia, 1961 - 1963; General
George Marshall, Chief of Staff during World War II who would later serve as
Harry Truman's Secretary of State; William Bundy, Stimson's special assistant
at the War Depart


1999-12-12 Thread Gregory Judkins

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Naked in Macau: Canadian strippers have favoured nation status

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.nationalpost.com/home.asp?f=991211/149474">Nat
ional Post Online -
Saturday, December 11, 1999
Naked in Macau: Canadian strippers have favoured nation status

Patrick Graham
National Post
Y.C. Leung, National Post
Canadian stripper Ashley Heart says the hardest part of working in Macau is
doing four shows daily for 60 days straight.

MACAU - The Portuguese will pull out of Macau at midnight Dec. 19 and the
colony will fall into Chinese hands after nearly 450 years. Well, not exactly
hands, at least as far as the Canadian assets are concerned.

As the sign in a private room at the back of the Jai-Alai strip club
cautions: "Guests are requested not to touch the dancers."

Canada, you see, exports a consistent flow of exotic dancers to Macau, and
their prospects seem bright despite looming communist control. China has set
up a number of economic zones, but Macau is likely to remain its erogenous
zone thanks to the popularity of Canadian strippers.

"Even when they are dirty dancing, they have technique," said Francisco
Coelho, owner of the Jai-Alai Show Palace, in his windowless office above a
brothel in the Lisboa Hotel. "They show everything, but it's pretty."

Mr. Coelho has hired dancers from around the world. The Russians and
Yugoslavs are one-third the price of the Canadians, he said, but they lack

The Brazilians are pretty good, but he now hires only Canadians, who make
twice their normal salaries working in Macau.

Mr. Coelho wants the acts to be fun without being vulgar, which seems to be
-- among exotic dancers at least -- one of Canada's national virtues.

One-third of the customers who come to his bar are women brought in on
package tours from mainland China for a taste of capitalist decadence in
Asia's steamiest backwater. Too much raunch, said Mr. Coelho, and these
tourists are likely to flee the Jai-Alai in embarrassment and the tours will
stop instead at the less explicit "Crazy Paris Show," Macau's version of the
French capital's "Crazy Horse" and "Moulin Rouge."

"It's pretty easy. I have fun on stage," said Ashley Heart, the stage name of
one of the Canadian dancers. "The most difficult part is the repetitiveness,
four shows a day for 60 days straight."

The Portuguese administration has tried to clean up the city for the handover
ceremony on Dec. 20 -- it staged a show trial of flamboyant gang leaders and
arrested Russian prostitutes who lined the streets -- but the changes are
purely cosmetic. The incoming Chinese government is unlikely to tinker too
much with the formula of gambling and sex that drives the economy of an
enclave with only 420,000 people and few industries.

Although Mr. Coelho owns both a strip club and a number of brothels, he said
the two businesses have little in common.

"Prostitution is prostitution and showgirls are showgirls," said Mr. Coelho,
who admitted that clients had approached him offering to pay 20 times the
going rate to meet the Canadian dancers. "The line is very clear. It's
totally different."

Although prostitution is illegal in Macau, as it is on the mainland, Mr.
Coelho doubts that any crackdown by the new administration will last very

"It won't make any difference," he said. "Everything will be the same."

The only change in the industry, he said, was recent human rights legislation
banning the use of one-way mirrors where clients could choose among the Thai,
Vietnamese and Cambodian prostitutes who sat in little rooms behind glass.

"Before the girls were in a room like a fish bowl," he said, pointing to a
large aquarium in his office full of brightly coloured fish. "But a women's
group said it was a violation of human rights. Now the girls come out and you
can talk to them first."

Below his office, in the New Fuji Sauna, clients are greeted by men looking
like Brooks Brothers suit salesmen in blazers and blue-and-gold striped ties.
Instead of sitting on benches behind glass walls, young women wearing numbers
tucked into their bikinis stand in rows and smile at the clients in a foyer
decorated in yellow pine, like a Japanese restaurant. Nearby, a bas relief of
Mount Fuji hangs on the wall and a large religious phallus sits on the
counter where the women are said to have prayed during the recent economic
downturn, making offerings of condoms and candies.

At the Jai-Alai earlier this week, the first batch of tourists arrived for
the evening show. Led to their seats by women dressed in beige jackets and
short, blue kilts reminiscent of school uniforms worn by students at
Toronto's private schools, the 10 giggling women from mainland China hid
themselves at the back of the empty room.

Housed in an entertainment complex close to the ferry terminal linking Macau
with Hong Kong, the entrance for the Jai-Alai lies across from the UFO Disco
and just down the hall from the Emmanuelle Sauna, a euphemism for brothel in
Macau. Outside, f

[CTRL] In Defense of Money Launderin

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.britannica.com/bcom/magazine/article/0,5744,96819,00.html">Br

In Defense of Money Laundering.

By Norton, Rob

Magazine: Fortune; September 27, 1999
Section: First:
Humble Opinion
Money laundering. It sure sounds malevolent, doesn't it? The people who do it
seem like very bad people: Mob bosses, Colombian drug lords, and in the
currently unfolding and instantly notorious case of the Bank of New York,
Russian organized crime figures. Lurid images spring to mind. A Time magazine
article last year began, "Like a vast, polluted river overflowing its banks,
the illicit drug money spreading across Latin America has long been
recognized as the region's most dangerous erosive force."

But what exactly is "money laundering," and why is it such a heinous crime?
What kind of a crime is it, exactly? Let's begin with the paste-in definition
that the New York Times--America's newspaper of record--has been using:

"Money laundering is a legal catch phrase that refers to the criminal
practice of taking ill-gotten gains and moving them through a sequence of bank
 accounts so they ultimately look like legitimate profits from legal
business. The money is then withdrawn and used for further criminal activity."

Take out the pejorative adjectives, and the first sentence would almost work
as a definition of an ordinary banking relationship. You put money in your
checking account, move some into savings, move some into a CD, and eventually
you put it back in checking, withdraw it, and spend it. The second sentence,
about "further criminal activity," has a nice ring to it, but it's incorrect.
The money-laundering laws say nothing about how the money is used after it's

Money laundering, in fact, is one of the few crimes defined not by what you
do but by whom you do it with. It's only been illegal since 1986. It is also,
we will argue, the nose of a potentially dangerous governmental camel thrust
firmly under the tent of American corporate privacy.
The war against money laundering is really a second front in the failed war
against drugs. "We will not win the war on drugs by following the tons of
cocaine and heroin and marijuana that move through our streets," admits
Raymond W. Kelly, commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service. "We will win it
by following the billions of drug dollars that move through our financial

America's bankers have been drafted into the drug-fighting army. The essence
of the money-laundering law is that it puts the onus for detecting
potentially illegal activity on bankers. This may seem reasonable: After all,
it's illegal to sell liquor to minors, and rightly so. But it's relatively
easy to determine who is and isn't 21. Determining whether a potential
customer is a criminal is much harder. Sure, if someone comes into your bank
with a suitcase full of cash and won't give a permanent address, you can make
your own assumptions. But few cases are so cut-and-dried. Take the Bank of
New York case. At least one of the businesses allegedly linked to the Russian
mob was a publicly traded Canadian company that also ran a legitimate
business manufacturing and selling industrial magnets in Hungary.

But say you do know your potential customer is a crook. Isn't opening a bank
account for such a person just like knowingly buying stolen property? The
answer is, not exactly. The money-laundering statute requires not that
bankers refuse to do business with crooks, but that they report "suspicious
activity" promptly to the federal authorities. You, as an ethical citizen,
may be unwilling to buy something offered for sale if you suspect it's
stolen. But would you feel comfortable if you could be prosecuted for failing
to immediately inform the police of your suspicions?

Before you blow off the question because you think all bankers deserve
whatever they get, consider this: The next draftee in the war against drugs
may be all of corporate America. One of the new ways Columbian drug lords
have found to launder money is by using "peso brokers" to buy U.S.
manufactured goods that are then imported and sold for local currency. The
feds are urging exporters of such things as appliances and consumer
electronics to take steps to ensure that the buyers aren't crooks, with the
implicit threat that they could face legal action if they're not careful. And
why not? It's worked before. As one unnamed law enforcement official told the
Journal of Commerce, "The threat of prosecution is an excellent way to
solicit volunteers."
PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): It's really quite simple. It's not the laundry that
matters, but whose laundry you're doing.

By Rob Norton
** Copyright of the publication is the property of the publisher and the
text may not be copied without the express written permission o

[CTRL] OEN 12/12/99

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin


Is Lee Being Railroaded to Cover for Clinton's China Dealings?

A cast of kiss-ass judges & lawyers for the powers that be.

Subject: Wen Ho Lee indictment
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:05:35 -0700
From: bill payne

Orlin http://www.aci.net/kalliste/
The cast of characters in the Wen Ho Lee indictment include
1 magistrate judge Don Svet
2 magistrate judge Lorenzo Garcia
3 First Assistant US Attorney Bob Gorence - the guy who wrote me the letter
John Young posted.

First Assistant U.S. Attorney Bob Gorence alleged Lee was a flight risk and
asked U.S. Magistrate Judge Don J. Svet to detain him.
4 US Attorney John Kelly
In a news conference Friday, U.S. Attorney John Kelly refused to say what
nation that meant, or what evidence the government had to support the
Morales and I have been doing battle with these guys.
The We Ho Lee stuff may be merely a cover for what we read the Clinton
administration has in the way of business with China.
Looks like Lee is in some REAL TROUBLE.


Russia Continues to Destroy Grozny

Milosevic was evil, but Yeltsin is our friend.

RUSSIA halted its aerial bombardment of the devastated Chechen capital of
Grozny yesterday in its latest attempt to force the city's remaining
residents to flee before its final military offensive.

But the roads to neighbouring Ingushetia remained almost empty as up to
40,000 civilians sheltering in cellars and bunkers refused to believe
Moscow's promises of safe passage. The Russian ceasefire announcement made no
mention of the earlier ultimatum giving yesterday as the final departure date
for the Chechens living in the city.

Thousands of leaflets were dropped on Grozny from aircraft this weekend,
urging inhabitants to escape. The Russian army chief of staff, Valery
Manilov, maintained that safe passage for refugees was assured. "We can
guarantee their absolute security," he said, "and a decent reception at tent
camps and other sites with all necessary facilities."

The new line emerged following worldwide condemnation of last week's
ultimatum to the citizens of Grozny. A "top level" European Union protest to
Moscow over its Chechnya offensive was delivered yesterday to the Russian
ambassador to Finland.

Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, said: "I believe it is our
responsibility to respect the opinion of our Western partners. We should come
to some conclusion hearing what is said in the West." Mr Putin also said he
had been in direct contact with the Chechen leadership in an attempt to
resume negotiations.

But the new mood of conciliation was belied by reports from within Grozny and
elsewhere in the republic. On Friday Aslan Maskhadov, the Chechen president,
fled the city, fearing for his own safety. An aide said that to reveal where
the president had gone would be "the same as to sign his death sentence".

The few refugees who did leave home faced confusion and brutality. One of the
main safe corridors out of Grozny leads over a mountain peak above
Pervomaiskaya, a town near the capital. Refugees must walk several miles
uphill in freezing temperatures to a checkpoint where they are delayed
several hours, despite the low numbers passing through. There were other
reports of civilian massacres in Urus-Martan.

Azi, 44, is one of the few who dared risk the hazardous roads out of Grozny.
A builder, he spent a night shivering on a bus taking him out of the Chechen
capital to safety in Ingushetia. Along the route Russian soldiers fired on
the bus, terrifying the 40 refugees on board.

In Grozny, said Azi, conditions were desperate. "People are living very
badly," he said. "Some people have food, some do not. Winter stockpiles have
nearly run out. People are drinking the water that drips from the roofs. I
saw the leaflet of last week and that's why I left. There is no safe
corridor. We travelled at night under fire. They are firing from planes, they
are shelling everything."
Azi was afraid to give his last name because he was hoping to get on a bus
back to the village of Assinovskaya, just across the border, to bring
relatives food and other necessities. Every day refugees are returning to
Russian-controlled areas of Chechnya, usually to bring supplies to relatives.

Angela, 23, went back to the Zavodsky district of Grozny to care for trapped
relatives. She came out of the city again with two other women in the middle
of the night. She too laughs bitterly at the idea of safe corridors. "Older
people in Grozny have no choice but to remain there," said Angela. "The road
out is being constantly fired on by Russian troops. There are babies on the
breast there, as we

[CTRL] Evil Money

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

 Click Here: http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=111&cfid=51
798&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Evil Money
Find out how we all pay the price for the U.S. Government's ineffective war
on drugs.

Must reading for anyone interested in the frightening intricacies among drug
traders, terrorists, bankers, and government officials.
--Alan Friedman, The Financial Times, and author of Spider's Web A chilling
and fascinating expose of how one trillion dollars in annual drug revenues is
laundered through banks in the U.S. and abroad.
EVIL MONEY exposes readers to the existence of a sophisticated world-wide
underground economy which links drug cartels, terrorists, and even legitimate
governments and businesses in illegal enterprises.
The results are the growing numbers of multibillionare Drug Lords, crooked
lawyers and bankers, and corrupt political regimes, with no solutions in
sight if present trends continue.
Originally published as a HarperCollins hardcover in 1992, with major
critical acclaim.
Author is one the leading authorities on the topic of banking and drug money
laundering. Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York
Times, and The New Republic. She has also offered expert commentary for ABC
TVs Nightline, CNN, and PBS's Frontline.
As drugs and crime are two of this nation's biggest problems, a book that
addresses both issues will be much in demand.
Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of Narcoterrorism, is an investigator, scholar,
and political commentator. Her work has been published in many newspapers and
periodicals, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los
Angeles Times, The New Republic and the National Review. Dr. Ehrenfeld has
appeared on Frontline, CNN, and Nightline. She resides in New York City.
COVER TREATMENT: 4-color with foil stamping.
Author tour: New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, D.C.
Publicity media mailing blitz. CPDA full-page advertisement.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Evil Money : Encounters Along the Money Trail

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

25973-5980027Click Here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0887305601/qid=945018859/sr=1-16/
102-3325973-5980027">Amazon.com: buying info: Evil Money : Encounter…

Evil Money : Encounters Along the Money Trail
by Rachel Ehrenfeld

Try an out-of-print order

1-Click ordering unavailable for purchasing out-of-print items.
Holiday Note: To find items that will arrive by December 24, visit Gift Ideas.

ASIN: 0887305601
Availability: This title is out of print. Although it is no longer available
from the publisher, we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and
send an update within one to two weeks.


Editorial Reviews (2)   Be the first person to review this book!
Editorial Reviews

>From Kirkus Reviews  , June 1, 1992
Ehrenfeld, a research scholar at NYU Law School and author of Narcoterrorism
(1990), ineffectively details several major cases involving money laundering
and governmental corruption. In 1981, Ehrenfeld says, Los Angeles banks
reported a $341 million cash surplus. In 1991, after L.A. became a
money-laundering center, this increased to $5 billion--and Miami and Atlanta
banks experienced similar cash booms. Here, the author maps the connection
between cash and corruption, outlining three extended case histories, and
several shorter ones, that show how this availability of cash has corrupted
bank officials--and even whole governments, as with Lyndon Pindling's regime
in the Bahamas. Colombia has become a ``narcocracy,'' contends Ehrenfeld, who
offers examples of former American officials involved in money laundering.
She also examines the case of Elizabeth Kopp, a former Swiss minister of
justice forced to resign because she warned her husband that his company was
under investigation for money laundering. Ehrenfeld is apparently an expert
on this sort of expos‚, but her expertise rarely shines through the mass of
rather diffuse detail. The chapters are of highly irregular quality: that on
Pindling seems secondhand, and, in the Swiss section, Ehrenfeld puts herself
in the narrative, often giving her personal opinion on matters that should be
dealt with more substantively. She seems to disdain any but the most
perfunctory characterization and has an unerring eye for the banal detail: A
salmon served by the Kopps ``tasted as good as it looked.'' Ehrenfeld seems
more interested, and readers will be too, when she outlines links between
BCCI, oil money, the Abu Nidal organization, and South American
narcoterrorists or guerrilla groups such as Peru's Shining Path. Lifeless and
uneven, padded with platitudes (``drug- trafficking is an evil acknowledged
by all nations'') and minutia. -- Copyright ©1992, Kirkus Associates, LP. All
rights reserved.

An investigation into the BCCI scandal describes the money launderers
themselves, the top government officials, the law-enforcement agencies, the
criminals, the guilty bystanders, and others involved. 15,000 first printing.
National ad/promo.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Middle East: YesSir Yasser

1999-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-


How can this phony " Peace " possibly work. Half the Israelis don't want it,
and most Palestinians now know what they are dealing with. This is the Modus
Operandi of the NWO Globalists. They work through local elites which they can
control. Some through cooption and promises of riches through international
big business like the Israeli elites, and some through outright corruption
like Arafat's hand picked elites.

Remember, the PLO was finished when they were resurrected by the US and the
Isreali Labor elites to be the " Partner in Peace." They were chosen exactly
because they were weak and corrupt and could be easily manipulated.

This is a recipe for disaster.


Alamaine Ratliff wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> From
> http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/1999/459/op2.htm
> {{}}
> A protest too long delayed
> By Edward Said
> Two warring camps: one championing globalisation (which 1ÉSnderstands to
> varying degrees), the other attacking globalisation (sometimes with a grasp of
> the issues, often with a refusal to comprehend). Both have their fanatics.
> Twenty Palestinian citizens of the West Bank and Gaza, nearly all of them
> extremely popular and prominent, issued a bitingly pointed denunciation of
> Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority, accusing it of massive "corruption,
> humiliation and abuse", selling out the Palestinian people in the "peace
> process" as it is still quaintly known, and generally allowing the Palestinian
> common weal to deteriorate on every level. Oslo is blamed for much of this, but
> the statement specifically (and justifiably) named Arafat himself as the most
> responsible party for the whole sorry mess; he is cited as having himself
> opened the doors to financial corruption, misled the people as to Oslo's
> achievements, and promised them a Singapore instead of the stagnant morass in
> which almost three million people, with the exception of two or three hundred
> around him who have officially designated VIP status and are doing brilliantly,
> thank you very much, have sunk. With characteristic subtlety, the Authority
> responded by arresting nine of the 20, and placing two more under house arrest;
> several others have been called in for interrogation, all under the orders of
> Ghazi Jabali, head of Arafat's main police force, who came to Palestine with
> his chief in 1994, having sat out the Intifada in comparative luxury in Tunis.
> The New York Times and a few other mainstream papers picked up the story on 29
> November, but none of them put it in its real context, or interpreted it for
> what it is, a tip-of-the-iceberg sign of how totally unpopular Arafat, his
> partners the US and Israel, and their peace have now become, not just among the
> "Islamic enemies of peace" that Bill Clinton sees around every corner, nor
> among the "Syrian agents" that Arab clients of the US love to blame for
> discordant noises about Oslo, nor "isolated" people like myself, but among
> nearly all ordinary Palestinians and their Arab counterparts. It isn't at all
> what Thomas Friedman recently suggests is the problem, that the Arab
> governments that have signed on to the peace process haven't sufficiently
> educated their populations into "the culture of peace," a fatuous phrase if
> there ever was one, but that "peace" is being made by undemocratic, profoundly
> unpopular and isolated governments who have charged ahead with it because of US
> support for their precarious regimes, and because Israel's blatantly explicit
> unwillingness to abide by the two UN resolutions that stipulate land for peace
> has made it clear that the settlements will continue and grow larger, Jerusalem
> will remain under exclusive Israeli sovereignty, borders and security as well
> as water will be under Israeli control, and whatever meaningless Palestinian
> "state" will emerge is as contemptibly unviable, as it was always planned to
> be. Add to that the horrible deterioration of Palestinian quality of life, plus
> Israel's utter refusal to accept any significant return or compensation of the
> refugees that it created in 1948, and one has something of an idea of how
> desperate and disgusted all Palestinians feel now that the "final status
> negotiations" approach their culmination, with the Western media already
> celebrating the millennial peace and the World Bank forking over more and more
> money directly into Arafat's greedy little hands.
> The misrepresentations of "peace" extend still further, as a closer look at the
> signatories will reveal. Bassam Al-Shakaa is not simply the former mayor of
> Nablus, but a genuinely admired hero who lost both of his legs when an Israeli-
> set booby trap exploded in his car in 1980. Known as a fearless champion of
> Palestinian independence, he refused to allow Arafat to visit him in his home
> in 1994, and when I spoke to him last week he told


1999-12-12 Thread Ole Fjord Larsen

 -Caveat Lector-

The IDEAL prerequisites for the resistance movement's
victory over corporate rule by means of demonstration

- a completely peaceful, numerous demonstration with
which all humanity outside the corporate headquarters
can identify, and

- a fair worldwide media coverage of the event.

Basically, hooligans - whether paid by the corporations
or subject to anarchist ideology - therefore are factual
enemies of the people.

However, since 99 % of the media are controlled by the
capital, we normally do NOT get a fair coverage of our
efforts, to say the least !!  Silence normally is their
very efficient weapon to protect their masters.

To ensure that the event be covered at all, even in
distorted version, some controlled degree of violence
directed against precisely identified appropriate targets
in some cases may be justified, in spite of the consequently
reduced number of sympathizers.

In Seattle the previous long preparations and focus
on the event made any further attention unnecessary.
The violence of the police furthermore ensured the big
headlines in the media.

The hooliganism in Seattle therefore must be strongly
condemned, because it unnecessarily reduced the sympathy
in the world population whom we represent, and
considerably discouraged the vast majority of the
demonstrators who up until then had been in great
enthusiatic spirit.

Additionally, the casual smashing of windows was directed
against small as well as big stores and made it completely
meaningless from our point of view.


FLEXIBILITY must be a key word in the planning of the
coming demonstrations.

The coordinating group of the participating organisations
must to an even higher degree than this time prepare the
demonstrators for knocking down and turning over to the
police any anwanted hooligans.
Even if a hooligan should be killed, it would be a very
little loss as compared with the daily rate of 20.000
dead children due to corporate rule.

The coordinating group must beforehand have arranged for
contacts worldwide to report continually on the local
media coverage.

Only in cases where the previous focus on the event or
the police brutality is insufficient to make the media
cover the story, is a minimum degree of violence
justified, and only directed precisely at easily
understandable targets.

Ole Fjord Larsen,
member of United Peoples

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Covert Operations of the CIA …"

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

click Here: http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=88&cfid=517
98&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Covert Operations of the CIA …
This book is not available from publisher. They have no copies. I can find NO
copies of this author's book at any library catalog on net [I tried probably
twenty] or from any used bookseller.

Hmm. . .

Covert Operations of the CIA and Israel's Mos
The Shocking Truth About America's Hidden Agenda In The Middle EastT
by Joel Bainerman List Price: $5.99
Our Price: $3.99

Paper - 272 Pages
ISBN: 1-56171-350-3
Topic: Conspiracy

Enter Quanty

The Real Story Of What The Intelligence Community Is Doing

Throughout the 1980s, the CIA and Israel's equivalent, the Mossad, worked
hand-in-hand on some of the most sophisticated and delicate intelligence
operations ever conceived. Now, readers are taken deep undercover behind the
scenes of some of this era's most astonishing cloak and dagger actions. For
MOSSAD uncovers the secret side of U.S.-Israeli relations, revealing: * Joint
CIA-Mossad covert operations to topple Third World regimes; * Israel's role
in the Reagan Administration's "October Surprise," * How and why CIA Director
William Casey conducted a parallel "arms-for-hostages" deal behind the
Mossad's back; and * How the Reagan administration skillfully duped and
manipulated the mainstream press; As well as other shocking revelations. In
light of the recent revelations in the Ames CIA spying disaster, the CIA will
be a popular and controversial subject for years to come. SALES POINTS. *
Joel Bainerman is acknowledged to be a leading expert and commentator on
Middle Eastern affairs. * The author's previous title Crime.v of A President:
Convpiracy and Cover-up in the Bush & Reagan Administrations received rave
reviews and is a consistent-selling backlist title. * Many of these
revelations are exclusive scoops which will be followed up by the news media.
* Sure to appeal to fans of espionage, CIA, military history, and Middle East
titles. AUTHOR BACKGROUND: Joel Bainerman is the publisher of Inside Israel,
a monthly political intelligence report on Israeli affairs. His editorials
and analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Tne Christian Science
Monitor, The Financial Times, National Review, New York Newsday, The San
Francisco Chronicle, The Baltimore Sun, and 7he Toronto Globe and Mail He
currently resides in New York City and Israel. COVER TREATMENT: 4-color
MARKETINGPLANS. * Large promotional mailing. * Author tour: N.Y., L.A.,
Chicago, Toronto, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Miami, Dallas. * Trade &
Consumer advertising.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Access to the American Mind

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.spibooks.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=BookInfo&BookID=48&cfid=517
98&cftoken=63675780">Book Information: Access to the American Mind

Home | Search | View Cart | Checkout | Administrate

Access to the American Mind
The Damaging Impact of the New Mass Media
by Martin H. Seiden, Ph.D. List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $5.50

Trade - 248 Pages
ISBN: 1-56171-173-X
Topic: Conspiracy

Enter Quanty

The final word on who really controls the media and the scope of power
enjoyed by a select few is now revealed.

This exposé of the mass communications industry is unlike any ever published.
The truth about who really controls the mass media and the extent of this
group's power is here revealed.
The mass media's influence on a number of topics is covered, including:

*   American foreign and domestic policy.
*   Popular opinions concerning social issues.
*   Problems of crime, violence, materialism and sexuality.
*   The media's failure to positively affect policies and help correct these
problems is also revealed.

Readers learn how news anchors, media owners and journalists have replaced
clerics, educators and even the Congress in influencing public opinion.

*   Taps into the concern over the news media's influence on the American
*   A ground breaking book in its field.
*   Appeals to the socially concerned, as well as trend watchers.

Dr. Martin H. Seiden received his Ph.D. in economics from Columbia
University. He has served as a consultant to the Federal Communications Commis
sion, ABC, CBS, NBC, Time, Inc., and RKO. Dr. Seiden has published several
books on mass communications and public policy.
SPINE: 9/16" * SIZE: 5-3/4"X8-3/4" * COPIES/CTN: 36 * COVER TREATMENT:
4-Color, Embossed * RIGHTS: World
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Crimes of a President …"

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1561711888/qid=945017958/sr=1-1/1
02-3325973-5980027">Amazon.com: buying info: Crimes of a President …

Crimes of a President : New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover Up in
the Bush and Reagan Administration
by Joel Bainerman

Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed.  Our Price: $5.99

 Holiday Note: To find items that will arrive by December 24, visit Gift Ideas

Paperback (November 1992)
Spi Books; ISBN: 1561711888
Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks. Please note that
titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will
notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  270,819
Avg. Customer Review:
Number of Reviews: 1

Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers!


Editorial Reviews (1)   Customer Reviews (1)
Editorial Reviews

A look at the crimes of the Reagan and Bush administrations discusses Bush's
orchestration of the Gulf War after planning to arm Saddam Hussein, his role
in the Iran-Contra scandal and the bombing of Pan Am 103, and more. Original.

Customer Reviews
Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers!


Reviewer: A reader  from Cambridge   May 27, 1998

Bainerman reviews a multitude of the dark stories from the Reagan/Bush
administration. Although he bills himself as a "conspiracy theorist" and
suggests that there is an underlying thread of conspiracy in many of the
covert wrong-doings of the Reagan/Bush years I am not sold on that idea - but
think the book has a great deal of importance that goes beyond whether you
accept the conspiracy thesis or not. The story that everybody knows about is
the Iran-Contra scandal. But there were numerous other stories - the Gander
crash, the Lockerbie bombing, the Danny Casolaro suicide and the Inslaw case
- which were not examined by the mainstream press with the through detail
they deserved. What articles were written are scattered about and it would
require a lot of time searching computer databases and hunting libraries to
pull any of the relevant stories together. I don't think there is an
underlying "conspiracy" - just that George Bush - a former spook in chief was
running the country for almost 12 years (His fans aside, Reagan was not doing
it - he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease as we now know and for
all of those years and by all accounts of his behavior fit with this medical
diagnosis (falling asleep at staff meetings, not bothering to open briefing
notebooks, etc) , and Nancy may have done a great job looking after and
covering for him but she was not running the country either). The man at the
top was George Bush, quite compos mentis, and with the total absence of
ethical faculties that are typical of politicians and certainly "covert
operators". Not surprisingly a lot of his rather nasty projects were covert
operations, and not a few of them were illegal and involved killing Americans
citizens (interestingly our activities in Nicaragua and El Salvador and the
“School of the Americas”, its graduates, and their work do not figure largely
in this book).

Bainerman has done some interviewing of participants - but mostly the service
he has rendere! d is to pull together the information that was published. It
is a very carefully researched review of each of affair. In the end he lets
the reader see what a mess of dangling ends and unresolved mysteries surround
each of these events, but the reader is free to make there own judgement
about what this all means. As always with a work of this nature a skeptical
but non-specialist reader can only spot check the veracity of the authors use
of published sources - this reader bothered to get hold of one of the
articles and see if the use was fair and in context - and it was, and is
fairly familiar with two of the stories (Casolaro and Pan Am 103) and
Bainerman seems to have covered what is known quite well.

It is unfortunate that the book did not get into the hands of a better
publisher - the book lacks an index, and has a chatty style that could have
used the control imposed by a good editor, and is poorly printed - typos and
all. It is interesting to speculate why no major publisher would handle this
book - convincing or not it is well within the range of what bigger (are
there smaller) houses will handle ? Even for those who will disagree with
Bainerman’s facts on one story or another it is unfortunate that it was
handled by such a fringe press - there are no reviews, and so no criticism by
experts. If buried in the reams of facts that Bainerman provid

[CTRL] Biohazard : The Chilli…"

1999-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0375502319/qid=945017727/sr=1-1/1
02-3325973-5980027">Amazon.com: buying info: Biohazard : The Chilli…

Biohazard : The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological
Weapons Program in the World-Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It
by Ken Alibek, Stephen Handelman

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Hardcover - 336 pages (May 1999)
Random House; ISBN: 0375502319 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.17 x 9.52 x 6.40
Amazon.com Sales Rank:  4,512
Popular in:  Livermore, CA (#8) , Germantown, MD (#13) . See more
Avg. Customer Review:
Number of Reviews: 26

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*   The Ultimate Terrorists; Jessica Stern
*   America's Achilles' Heel: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism and
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*   Biological Weapons : Limiting the Threat (Bcsia Studies in International
Security); Joshua Lederberg(Editor), William S. Cohen
*   The United States and Biological Warfare : Secrets from the Early Cold
War and Korea; Stephen Endicott, Edward Hagerman

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*   Biohazard - Biohazard (1992) (Price: $7.99)


Editorial Reviews (8)   Customer Reviews (26)
Editorial Reviews

In this fast-paced memoir, Ken Alibek combines cutting-edge science with the
narrative techniques of a thriller to describe some of the most awful weapons
imaginable. The result will remind readers of The Hot Zone, Richard Preston's
smart bestseller about the Ebola virus. That book focuses on the dangers of a
freak accident; Biohazard shows how disease can become a deliberate tool of
war. Alibek, once a top scientist in the Soviet Union's biological weapons
program, describes putting anthrax on a warhead and targeting a city on the
other side of the world. "A hundred kilograms of anthrax spores would, in
optimal atmospheric conditions, kill up to three million people in any of the
densely populated metropolitan areas of the United States," he writes. "A
single SS-18 [missile] could wipe out the population of a city as large as
New York."
Chilling passages like these, plus discussions of proliferation and
terrorism, make Biohazard a harrowing book, but it also has a human side.
Alibek, who defected to the United States, describes the routine danger of
his work: "A bioweapons lab leaves its mark on a person forever." An unending
stream of vaccinations has destroyed his sense of smell, afflicted him with
allergies, made it impossible to eat certain kinds of food, and "weakened my
resistance to disease and probably shortened my life." But it didn't take
away his ability to tell an astonishing story. --John J. Miller
The New York Times Book Review, Philip Taubman
...a richly descriptive report on the Soviet program and Alibek's role in it.
Richard Preston, author of The Hot Zone
"As the top scientist in the Soviet Union's biowarfare program and the
inventor of the world's most powerful anthrax, Dr. Ken Alibek has stunned the
highest levels of the U.S. government with his revelations. Now, in a calm,
compelling, utterly convincing voice, he tells the world what he knows.
Modern biology is producing weapons that in killing power may exceed the
hydrogen bomb. Ken Alibek describes them with the intimate knowledge of a top
Book Description

Imagine a hot zone in which Ebola is being spliced--using the latest
techniques of genetic engineering--with smallpox, the most infectious disease
known to man. Now imagine that cocktail is meant for you.

For fifty years, while the world stood in terror of a nuclear war, Russian
scientists hidden in heavily guarded secret cities refined and stockpiled a
new kind of weapon of mass destruction--an invisible weapon that would strike
in silence and could not be traced. It would leave hundreds of thousands dead
in its wake and would continue to spread devastation long after its release.
The scientists were bioweaponeers, working ... read more
 See all reviews...

Customer Reviews
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Fascinating and Frightful

Reviewer: Eric Larmore ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   from In

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fwd: The New Military Humanism]

1999-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Fwd: The New Military Humanism
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 17:07:29 -0800 (PST)
From: michael stowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: david/betsy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Lessons From Kosovo.
By Noam Chomsky.
Common Courage. 199 pp. $15.95.

The spectacle of human beings acting out mindless violence through pack
behavior instills more terror in the heart than perhaps any other event in
the natural world. State-directed violence, capable of wielding today's
deadliest technology, especially evokes nightmarish thoughts about
apocalyptic ends. But science has not worked overtime to find a satisfactory
explanation for collective madness and, not surprisingly, has not produced
one. Literature and the visual arts have done their best to pick up the
slack. William Golding articulated our fear of human wilding in Lord of the
Flies. George Orwell gave the psychology an overt political spin in Animal
Farm, as did C.S. Lewis from a Christian perspective in That Hideous
Strength. Inspiration runs the gamut from highbrow to lowbrow. George
Romero's film Night of the Living Dead belongs to the genre, for example,
is notable for having transformed a primordial terror into an image so alien
it can be laughed away. In reality, though, this fear won't go away. It
can't, because we all feel a subtle pull of unaccountable madness. And life
demands of us, some more than others, a relentless struggle to explain these
elemental experiences for which language apparently has not--yet--acquired
the proper constructs.

Noam Chomsky's book The New Military Humanism: Lessons From Kosovo, ably
demonstrates how far we've come and, inadvertently, suggests how far there
to go. Chomsky contends that almost everything you have read or heard or
on television about Kosovo has been a partial truth or outright falsehood.
For a general readership such an assertion would seem like fiction, as if
Animal Farm were actually our controlled society. And Chomsky goes further,
asserting that after NATO's war for Kosovo the malicious use of American
power has become, more than ever before, the dominant fact of international
politics. He writes, "It could be argued, rather plausibly, that further
demolition of the rules of world order is by now of no significance, as in
the late 1930s. The contempt of the world's leading power for the framework
of world order has become so extreme that there is little left to discuss."
The scope and audacity of Chomsky's critique stagger the imagination. To
it radical practically misses the point. On the one hand we have the
established media, the respectable community of foreign affairs analysts,
government--and on the other, Noam Chomsky. Assuming he is right, or even
partly right, a question begs to be asked: How is it possible for things to
be so out of kilter? Alternatively, what sets Chomsky's critique apart from
common conspiracy theories?

Chomsky rather sensibly assembles a thick file of facts, carefully
in endnotes, to buttress his assertions. He weaves these into a highly
persuasive big picture of media and government shenanigans. So far, so good.
But clearly he is not writing for those who are not already interested in
ideas. He meanders, he repeats himself, he overindulges his sarcastic streak
and he doesn't organize his arguments, at least not so you'd notice; Chomsky
needed an editor to impose more discipline. The reader might imagine herself
scouring a beach with a metal detector looking for nuggets--of which there
are plenty. And when it comes to the "How is this possible?" question,
Chomsky assumes the reader's more than casual familiarity with his
past writings, in particular Manufacturing Consent (co-written with Edward
Herman). In any case, he completely ignores the magnitude of the problem.
Marxists, or anarcho-syndicalists--which may describe Chomsky's political
leanings--or other Old Left activists may shrug this question off, thinking
it answered a thousand times before. Others are left with a vague and
ultimately quite unsatisfying impression that somehow it is simultaneously
all these individuals' (reporters, editors, producers, publishers, experts,
government officials, military officers, etc.) self-interest to deceive the
world while behaving badly.

* * *

What's missing is a novelist's eye and ear for individual moral dilemmas
have aggregated onto a grand scale, because what Chomsky has gott

[CTRL] Hoffmans Oklahoma book ordered destroyed

1999-12-12 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

This is just in from the RichSlick mailing list. David Hoffman's complete
book, "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror" is available at
the hyperlink below. Can anyone verify that it has been ordered destroyed?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dec14 Frontline TV Snitches to reair

1999-12-12 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/99 12:31:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> This FRONTLINE  encore broadcast profiles several unsettling cases. For
>  example, Clarence Aaron,
>  (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/snitch/cases/aaron.html) a
>  college student and athlete with no prior police record was given a life
>  sentence for drug trafficking--the penalty designed for a drug kingpin. The
>  amount of drugs in evidence against him: none.  The amount of other
>  evidence: none.  On testimony alone, Clarence was sentenced to three
>  consecutive life terms.  The witnesses were his childhood friends, all drug
>  dealers with prior police records, all facing life in prison, whose
>  testimonies earned them big sentence reductions.

Why don't they do a show on the role of "police informants" who give the
police the name or address of a "suspected" drug dealer.  The police then
serve a "no knock" warrant at 5:00 AM, bust in the door and kill the person
there because he "threatened" them.  Then it turns out that the house or man
was the wrong one and the police killed someone merely trying to defend
themselves against an invasion of their home.  Why no talk about the rampant
and illegal acceleration of this type of activity in our "law enforcement"

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Anti-corporate sentiment sparking renewed social activism]

1999-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Anti-corporate sentiment sparking renewed social activism
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 00:27:46 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

  Anti-corporate sentiment sparking renewed social activism
By JAMES A. FUSSELL - The Kansas City Star
Date: 12/10/99 22:15
For several days last week, the trendy Seattle of the '90s resembled
the angry America of the '60s. Thousands of people in the streets. Tear
gas clouding the air. National Guard troops advancing in full riot

It's enough to make some want to stick a flower in the barrel of a
rifle and sing the old Buffalo Springfield anthem:

Everybody stop: Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going

Just what is going down?

Protests and social activism. Lots of it. Even though there is
disagreement about the significance of the Seattle protests. Some say
it's an aberration. The World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings, they
argue, simply afforded disparate groups a one-time opportunity to make
a united stand on issues ranging from workers' rights to trade laws
affecting the environment.

"Whether or not this will have a long-term impact depends on whether
these core people are willing to keep on being arrested and beaten and
harassed long enough to get their point across," said Paul Johnson,
associate professor of political science at the University of Kansas.

"In the case of the World Trade Organization, I doubt it. (There was) a
special focal point in Seattle. It gave people a target. But after
this, there will not be an accessible target over which you can have
repeated protests."

Others disagree. They see the potential for a real rise in social
activism in America -- the kind of take-it-to-the-streets protests that
pushed through civil rights reforms and helped end the Vietnam War.

"There has clearly been an upsurge, particularly in the areas of
economic justice," said Randy Shaw, a longtime California activist and
author of a recent book on activism, Reclaiming America: Nike, Clean
Air and the New National Activism.

"A lot of this (activism) was going on before, but it took Seattle to
bring it into the public spotlight all in one place. There has been a
growing anti-corporate wave in America that finds expression in issues
ranging from attacks on logging to (boycotts) of big box stores. This
sentiment is particularly present on campuses, and explains the large
student turnout from throughout the nation."

One thing is clear: As issues of economic justice, human rights and
environmental concerns merged with fears of advancing globalism and
corporate control, the passions and social conscience many figured had
been lost more than a quarter-century ago resurfaced on the streets of

"At first I was sort of disturbed just looking at the chaos in an
American city," said Kansas City civil rights attorney Fred Slough.
"But then I realized that these people truly have an international
consciousness. And they care about the whole ecosystem and all things
in it, and I say `Right on! "

Whether the protests portend a rebirth in social activism or not, it
does seem to signal a sea change in the way protests are organized,
because the World Trade Organization demonstration reportedly was
organized over the Internet.

"A huge part of it is the Internet," said Cathy Connealy, a Kansas City
lawyer and activist who works with Slough. "Eleven months before (the
protests) was when I got my first e-mail about going to Seattle."

The Rev. Robert J. Mahoney, chairman of the sociology department at
Rockhurst University, agreed.

"We have the potential today for considerably stronger street action
and public social action than we did in the '50s and '60s," he said.
"One reason is the Internet. And another is cell phones. You can
orchestrate things very quickly, and move people and react much more

Mahoney said that and other factors pointed to at least "the potential
for an increase in social activism" in America.

"I don't think we're there yet," he said. "But there are a couple of
things I see.

"One, there is a real parallel here with the '50s and the '60s in that
in the '50s, we were going though a very affluent period as we are

And it seemed to develop in the '60s into a kind of guilt on the part
of many of the children of the affluent. It's a pretty key pattern, and
I think we are beginning to move in that direction again.

"I don't think we have reached a critical point as we did there. But it
doesn't mean that we won't."

Slough credited the seeming rise in activism to other factors.

"You have people who are developing an international kind of
consciousness," he said. "More of a global kind of consciousness.

Because they are worried about the working people of this country, but
also about the working people of the rest of the world. And at the same
time, they are worried about the environment, and they see al

[CTRL] Good As Gold, Gold As Good ...

1999-12-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From polyconomics.com

Memo on the Margin
December 10, 1999
Fall Semester: Supply-Side University Economics Lesson #11
Memo To: SSU Students
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: A Private Lesson for Pat Buchanan
I’ve made it clear, I think, that I have been helping Pat Buchanan get together
his campaign for the Reform Party presidential nomination. We don’t see eye to
eye on several important issues, but over time perhaps we will reconcile those
differences. We’ve been friendly for 30 years, since we met in the early days
of the Richard Nixon Administration, he as a speechwriter, I as a political
columnist for the National Observer. My contacts with him back then involved
issues of foreign policy and national security, as I did not get rolling on
economics until I joined the WSJournal editorial page in 1972. As a result, we
really never had serious discussions about the origins of the economic problems
that contributed heavily to Nixon’s failed presidency. Although he is attracted
to the idea of a dollar fixed to gold, Buchanan recalls how Nixon was forced to
suspend the linkage. He raised these questions with me in a series of e-mails
recently, and I thought it would be useful to present the ground I covered as a
lesson here at SSU. It is particularly appropriate today, Friday the 10th of
December, the day the prime mover of supply-side economics, Robert Mundell,
delivers his Nobel lecture in Stockholm. Buchanan did not have a Mundell to
guide him, so I’m trying to fill the role.
* * *
The exchange began with Pat remembering that on August 15, 1971, Nixon
assembled his advisors at Camp David, knowing that in the preceding months,
Great Britain had accumulated billions of dollars under the Bretton Woods
monetary agreement and was asking our Treasury to either give them gold for the
dollars, or give explicit assurance that the U.S. would not devalue the dollar
against gold. Because Nixon did not want to deliver that much gold out of our
dwindling hoard at Fort Knox, and because he could not give assurances we would
not devalue, the decision was made that Sunday in August to close the gold
window at Treasury and devalue the dollar. It has been Buchanan’s thinking --
and almost everyone else’s -- that Nixon had no choice.
* * *
For you to see that Nixon did have a choice, I begin with a brief discussion of
money as I learned it from Mundell. The first thing you must hard-wire into
your analytical framework is that we use federal debt as our money. The debt is
divided into that large portion which pays interest -- bills and bonds -- and
that smaller portion which pays NO interest -- cash and bank reserves. It is
the central function of the Federal Reserve to decide how much of the debt
should pay interest and how much should be interest free. The term "tightening"
is generally taken to mean raising the federal funds rate and "loosening" taken
to mean lowering that rate. This is an error on the part of the Fed, as raising
or lowering interest rates does not bear directly on the amount of liquidity in
the system. Tightening really involves a reduction in the amount of non-
interest-bearing debt in the bank system, which occurs when the Fed sells bonds
in the open market in exchange for cash, which reduces the amount of debt that
pays no interest. The term "loosening" means the Fed will add to the amount of
"liquidity" (non-interest bearing debt) in the banking system. In a "gold
standard," the government guarantees its creditors that a dollar will be worth
the market does not need any more "money," (debt which pays no interest), it
will reject attempts to force it into the market. The surplus goes out of PAPER
into commodities, with gold being the first commodity to react, because it is
the most monetary of all commodities. When the price of gold rises, it is a
sign that the monetary authority has erred on the side of excess. When gold
falls, it is a sign the monetary authority has erred by being too stingy in
supplying "money."
* * *
Buchanan had written in his The Great Betrayal that the Europeans knew by then,
as they piled up those little green pieces of paper, that there was no way the
U.S. could back them all up with gold. He more or less believed we were running
a scam, pumping out money we could not redeem. As he saw it, when the Brits
chose to cash in $3 billion, we could have let them clean out Fort Knox, or cut
the dollar loose and let it float to its "natural level."

As I explained: The Fed was trying to force more "money" into the banking
system than was being demanded. It was doing this because Nixon's economic
advisors believed "easier money" would be loaned out by the banks in order to
compensate for the loss of interest on the bonds they were forced to sell

[CTRL] GOP News & Views - December 12, 1999

1999-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Corporal Cueball in the Big Apple

James Carville, the obnoxious, big-mouth campaign consultant who brought us
the Clinton presidency in 1992, is at it again:  trying to bring New Yorkers
a Clinton senator.  Known primarily for his trash-talking, in-the-gutter,
politics-of-personal-destruction tactics, “Corporal Cueball” now has his
sights set on Hillary’s expected opponent next year, New York Mayor Rudy
Giuliani.  In his usually subtle manner, Carville recently called His Honor a
thug.  “I really shouldn’t have used that word,” he later said.  “There is
actually a better word:  goon.”  What a class act.  And when asked what
qualifications the Ice Queen has for filling retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick
Moynihan’s shoes, Carville responded:  “She’s been on the board of directors
of Wal-Mart.”  Thank goodness.  For a while there we thought that maybe
Hillary didn’t have any serious qualifications.  We stand corrected.  Why,
that’s certainly on par with successfully running one of the largest and
greatest cities in the world, isn’t it?  Back to the bayou, Corporal Cueball.
 New Yorkers aren’t as gullible as the chumps you’re used to dealing with.

Yeah, Yeah...He’s the Tax Man

After a week of beating up fellow tax-and-spend liberal Bill Bradley on
Bradley’s scheme to hike taxes to pay for his socialized medicine scheme, Al
Gore admitted he, too, would raise taxes on working families.  In a story in
Thursday’s New York Times, Gore admitted he’s ‘not ruling out’ hiking
and added:  “Nobody has a crystal ball.”  Joked RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson,
“If Al Gore COULD find a crystal ball, he’d probably try and tax that, too.”

Nicholson added, “Gore can’t take credit for inventing the Internet,
inspiring ‘Love Story,’ or discovering Love Canal - but he can lay claim to
casting the tie-breaking vote for the largest tax increase in the history of
America.”  By contrast, said the GOP chief, “All six of the Republican
presidential candidates have taken a pledge not to raise taxes.”

If Only They Still Taught This in Public Schools

“You know, even in listening to the comments and things that have been made
tonight, I guess I get a sense of some of the differences between myself and
others who are up here.  Because all of this business of standing in front of
you and promising I'm going to do this for you, and that for you, and we're
going to take care of the other thing for you, and tax cut, and everything --
this is not what this country is about.  We are supposed to take care of
ourselves. And the government's a mere instrument for doing a few things that
we do collectively when we can't take care of ourselves. That concept was the
one it was founded on.”

- Alan Keyes' closing statement, Arizona debate, 12/6/99

Giving Negative Ads a Bad Name

“Negative campaigning used to mean slanderous statements about an opponent.
But the trend of late has been to denounce a candidate for ‘negative
campaigning’ over little more than contrasting an opponent’s record of
performance with their own. ... So what if one Republican contrasts an
opponent’s record with their own?  This is what campaigns are supposed to be
about.  I remember watching Steve Forbes’ so-called ‘negative’ ads during
1996 primary.  They dissected Bob Dole’s Senate record and gave Mr. Forbes a
platform to describe how he would do things differently. ... The very essence
of American campaign politics is drawing sharp lines between the positions of
the participants and giving voters the chance to make comparisons and

- Columnist Scott Hogenson, executive editor of CNSNews.com, Washington
Times, 11/24/99

The Real Problem With the WTO

“We all saw the recent demonstrations at the World Trade Organization
meetings in Seattle. Although many of those who were protesting were indeed
rallying against what they see as the evils of free trade and capitalist
markets, the real problem when it comes to the World Trade Organization is
not free trade. The WTO is the furthest thing from free trade. Instead, it is
an egregious attack upon our national sovereignty, and this is the reason why
we must vigorously oppose it. No nation can maintain its sovereignty if it
surrenders its authority to an international collective. And, since
sovereignty is linked inextricably to freedom, our very notion of American
liberty is at stake in this issue.”

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), FreedomWatch, 12/10/99

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join 

[CTRL] Week Ending: 11 December 1999 / 2 Tevet 5760

1999-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tzemach News Service
Week Ending: 11 December 1999 / 2 Tevet 5760

"And the multitude of all the nations who wage war against Ariel, even
all who wage war against her and  her stronghold, and who distress her,
shall be like a dream, a vision of the night." (Isaiah 29.7)

BARAK IN HURRY TO GIVE UP GOLAN: Peace [piece] talks between
Israel and Syria, the first for almost four years and the most high-
powered ever, will resume in Washington on Wednesday and probably
last two days, US mediator Dennis Ross said on Friday. The US said
the two countries agreed to resume the talks where they left off in early
1996. Prime Minister Ehud Barak is to leave for Washington on Tuesday
and hold meetings there with US President Clinton and Syrian Foreign
Minister Farouk Shara on Wednesday and Thursday. To the Clinton
administration, the talks are important enough that US Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright has canceled plans to go to Panama next
Tuesday for a ceremony to hand the Panama Canal over to the
Panamanians and to Brussels on Wednesday for a two-day meeting of
NATO foreign ministers.

handful of people, it transpires, knew of the intense efforts these past
few weeks to get the Syrians back to the negotiating table and how
close the sides were to reaching an acceptable formula. Among them
were Barak, National Security Adviser Danny Yatom, head of the
negotiating team to the Syrian talks Uri Saguy, military secretary Gadi
Izenkotz, and Foreign Minister David Levy. On the American side, the
circle was equally tight, with Clinton, Albright, Ross, Assistant
Secretary of State Martin Indyk, and National Security Adviser Sandy
Berger keeping the progress under wraps. A few European leaders, in
particular British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President
Jacques Chirac, also had an idea about the direction it was all leading.
Saguy, like Yatom, has reportedly spent much time in recent months
holding secret meetings with third parties  all to discuss the framework
of a comprehensive deal with the Syrians. Last Sunday night Ross and
Indyk arrived in Israel to prepare for Albright's visit. They met with Barak
for three hours, leaving his home at 3 am. At this meeting they
reportedly convinced Barak to give them what one US official called
"sweeteners"   that is, nuanced points of flexibility which Albright could
offer Syrian President Hafez Assad.

courting Syrian dictator Assad back to the peace table this week,
startled Golan residents and their supporters nationwide rallied support
in hopes of defeating a promised public referendum to save their homes
and livelihoods. Barak took to the airwaves himself on Thursday, telling
the Golan settlers he "felt their pain" should they be forced to leave their
homes, but Israel had to make tough decisions in an attempt to make
peace with countries still at war with them. 18,000 Israeli Jews now live
in thirty-three communities on the Golan Heights and face a mass
eviction if Barak seals a peace deal with Damascus. They were not
comforted by Barak's overture, and vowed to defeat him at a public
polling to decide the future of the Golan. Spokesman of the Golan
Resident Council (GRC) Uri Heitner said they would quickly jump-start a
nationwide campaign to block a withdrawal. "Governments come and
go. Prime Ministers come and go. We won't budge from here." Peace
with Syria would uproot thousands of Jewish settlers from the Golan
Heights, Israel's Finance Minister Avraham Shohat told a Tel Aviv
business conference Saturday  a rare public acknowledgment from a
government official close to Barak. The Golan Heights Committee's
website is located at: http://www.golan.org.il/.

of Knesset (MK) who visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City
on Monday morning have indicated that the illegal construction work
being conducted by the Moslem Waqf has not ceased, contradicting a
statement made by Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Haim Ramon. To date,
the Waqf has already created two new openings and the work on a third
was continuing. According to Amir Drori, who heads the Israel
Antiquities Authority, to date the damages done to Jewish artifacts on
the Mount are irreparable and he rejected any reports by other experts
to the contrary. Opposition MKs added that the government couldn't
claim it was unaware of the ongoing construction, explaining the police
and other security agencies assigned to the Temple Mount must permit
the construction trucks to enter and leave the site. The Temple Mount
Faithful organization [http://www.templemountfaithful.org] has
announced that on Tuesday, it would be appealing to the High Court of
Justice for a second time, in the hope of the court ordering a halt to the
ongoing construction. The Chai Vekay

[CTRL] Interview w/ Jacques Vallee (3/3)

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

   Interview with JACQUES VALLEE

The Controllers

60GCAT: You've said that UFOs represent a form of alien
intelligence that is actively manipulating human society.  How
and toward what end?

Vallee: A new computer analysis of historical trends, compiled in
the 1970s, led me to plot a striking graph of "waves" of UFO
activity that was anything but periodic.  Fred Beckman and Dr.
Price Williams of UCLA pointed out that it resembled a schedule
of reinforcement typical of a learning or training process: the
phenomenon was more akin to a control system than to an
exploratory task force of alien travelers. There are many control
systems around us, and some are a part of nature: ecology,
climate, etc. Some are man-made: the process of education, the
thermostat in your home. If the UFO phenomenon represents a
control system, can we test it to determine if it is natural or
artificial, open or closed? This is one of the interesting
questions about the phenomenon that has never been answered.

Chariots of the Frauds

60GCAT: Speaking of control systems, some of your other avenues
of UFO research have led you to suggest that from time to time
human agencies --governments, cults, and other groups interested
in manipulating people's beliefs-- have engineered UFO deceptions
and hoaxes. Now we're really getting conspiratorial ...

Vallee: I think the place where ufology -the way it has developed
today-- eets with my interest in communications, and my interest
in networks is in deception and manipulation. I think that is an
area of which people should be aware. Because I think a lot of
the things that are being discussed today, among people who
believe in UFOs, are either mythical or a part of manipulation of
some sort, which could include the stories of little aliens and
the hybrids and abductions and so forth. A lot of that may be
either material that cults have injected into the culture because
it suits their own fantasy about the end of the world or the
millennium and all that.
  Or, in a more sinister sense, in some of the cases I've
investigated, the deception hides a mind-control experiment.
Anybody who is aware of technology today should know that we have
much more than a stealth fighter flying around. We have
capabilities, theoretical or practical, to make all types of
things. There is a massive development of nonlethal platforms
going on that those platforms have to be tested somewhere, they
have to be disguised as something else from time to time. There
has been massive development of RPVs --remotely piloted
vehicles-- some of which are disk-shaped. There is massive
development of low observable technologies that are used for
reconnaissance and can be used for all sorts of other things. And
in many cases, the UFO stories are not simply fantasies in the
minds of a few witnesses, but may have been planted as part of a
cover for some very terrestrial technologies that WE are

'Messengers of Deception?'

60GCAT: The UMMO cult, which you discuss at length in your books,
"Revelations" and "Messengers of Deception," has an impressive
history of elaborate deception. Tell us about it.

Vallee: I think that the UMMO myth was started by a small group
of people, essentially cultists. What was intriguing about UMMO
was all its pseudo-scientific revelations [supposedly handed down
to earthling scientists like Vallee from UMMO-ites, beings who
hail from a planet 14.6 light years away from our sun]. But these
supposed revelations were not within the state of the art. They
didn't come up with proof of Fermat's theorem or something like
that, it was just perfectly good science fiction.

60GCAT: What about the French theory that UMMO was a
psychological experiment?

Vallee: Yeah, they thought that the cult had been used or was
manipulated by the KGB. Because for one thing, some of their
ideas --some of the data that was supposedly channeled from the
UMMO organization in the sky was very advanced cosmology. Very
advanced cosmology about twin universes involving some data that
was not stupid -- it came straight out of the notes of Andre
Sakarav, including some of the unpublished notes of Sakarav, some
things that Sakarav was known to have worked on, but had not
published. And so some people --and I don't know who's right--
felt that somebody had to have access to those notes, to inspire
those messages, perhaps the KGB. It wasn't just ordinary science
fiction; it was somebody who knew what some of the more advanced
cosmologists were thinking.

60GCAT: Why would the KGB or any intelligence agency perpetrate
such an arcane hoax?

Vallee: Well, let me tell you a little story. About fifteen years
ago there was a group that suddenly appeared in San Francisco.
They had a big party downtown. And they invited everybody who was
anybody in parapsychology. And they made a little speech saying,
"We have all this money from somebody who wants to do good and
help research, we know that there isn't muc

[CTRL] Interview w/ Jacques Vallee (1/3)

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 from http://www.conspire.com/ufofiles.html


 Jacques Vallee hesitated before agreeing to be interviewed
about the subject for which he's most famous: UFOs. It's not that
he's reluctant to discuss the topic, or tussle with the skeptics.
After all, he's written close to a dozen books on UFOs, several
of them best-sellers, analyzing a notoriously ethereal subject as
a hard-headed physical scientist, folklorist, and sociologist. He
believes there is more than enough solid evidence to make a
compelling case for the existence of UFOs, and he doesn't shy
away from an honest debate.
 It's the hard-core believers who give Vallee pause. Anyone
who has observed the semi-academic cockpit known as "UFOlogy"
knows that close encounters of the UFO expert kind shed little
light and much heat, dogma and territorial sniping. Vallee's
views about UFOs are far more exotic and far stranger than what
he calls the reigning "nuts and bolts" approach to the subject.
Consequently, he's been attacked by believers so often that he
jokingly refers to himself a "heretic among heretics." As Vallee
puts it, "I will be disappointed if UFOs turn out to be nothing
more than spaceships."
 In his recent autobiographical book, "Forbidden Science,"
Vallee summed up his views about the provenance of UFOs, a
viewpoint that he's developed through decades of research: "The
UFO Phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It
is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of
contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that
we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate
dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them." So much
for anti-gravity-powered starships ferrying Big Brothers from
outer space. Vallee thinks UFOs are likely "windows" to other
dimensions manipulated by intelligent, often mischievous, always
enigmatic beings we have yet to understand.
 No other UFO researcher has contributed more to an
admittedly controversial field. But Vallee commands a measure of
respect that must leave his colleagues feeling a bit envious.
Even Philip Klass, the avionics expert and the media's favorite
UFO-debunker, calls Vallee "one of the more distinguished members
of the pro-UFO community." Vallee, he adds, "is one of the
brighter physical scientists who believes in UFOs."
 Vallee moved to America from his native France in the early
1960s, as young astronomer-turned-computer scientist. Vallee
pioneered the use of computers to analyze and categorize the UFO
phenomenon, and his 1965 book, "Anatomy of a Phenomenon," is
still considered one of the most scholarly books on UFOs ever
written. At Northwestern University, Vallee assisted Prof. J.
Allen Hynek, the academic consultant on the Air Force's infamous
Project Bluebook, now seen by most saucer students as either a
half-hearted government effort to address the UFO craze of the
1950s and 1960s or a full-blown coverup. While working with
Hynek, Vallee and his wife, Janine, compiled the first-ever
computer database of UFO sightings.
 In 1969, Vallee published another groundbreaking book,
"Passport to Magonia," in which he collected a body of folkloric
"myths" that read remarkably like modern UFO encounters, from
Celtic tales of fairyland abductions to Biblical passages and
medieval chronicles of "visitors" from beyond. Building on Carl
Jung's thesis that UFOs are a sociological phenomenon, a product
of the collective unconscious, Vallee forever left behind the
space-bound E.T. theorists. But his folklorist's approach to the
problem would influence a number of later researchers and writers
who continue to echo his ideas about other-dimensional forms of
consciousness. Best-selling author Whitley Strieber, Harvard
"abductee psychologist" John Mack, and journalist Keith Thompson
(author of "Angels and Aliens") all owe a debt to Vallee. Stephen
Spielberg paid homage to Vallee in "Close Encounters of the Third
Kind," basing his French scientist character (played by Francois
Truffaut) on the real French UFO theorist.
 We recently had lunch with Vallee in San Francisco at
restaurant around the corner from the offices of his
high-technology venture capital firm. Part 1 of that interview
covers Vallee's theories about UFOs and his belief that science
can penetrate mystery of flying disks and alien beings. In Part
2, which we'll publish later this month, Vallee discusses the
second sphere of his researches: The connection between the UFO
phenomenon and the religious impulse. Vallee believes that the
intelligence guiding UFOs is a kind of control mechanism, an
invisible hand shaping the development of human consciousness
over a period of eons. In the second installment he also talks
about the theory that from time to time governments have
manipulated public opinion through UFO mythology -- in some
instances constructing elaborate hoaxes for propagandis

[CTRL] Interview w/ Jacques Vallee (2/3)

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

   "THE ALIENIST" -- Interview with JACQUES VALLEE

   EDITOR'S REVELATION: In Part 1 of our interview with
UFO sleuth/computer conferencing pioneer Jacques Vallee, we
looked at some of the scientific evidence bolstering the
contention that UFOs are a real, measurable phenomenon. In Part
2, below, Vallee continues this theme as he talks about his
samples of "liquid sky" -- the metallic debris occasionally seen
ejected from flying disks.
  Then hold on to your propeller beanie as we depart
four-dimensional time space and look at some of Vallee's more
exotic theories about the origin of UFOs. As Vallee puts it, "The
UFO phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It
is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of
contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that
we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate
dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them. It
affects our own consciousness in ways that we do not grasp fully,
and it generally behaves as a control system."
  Vallee refers to this complex system of control --which
is shaping human society over the course of thousands of years--
as an "interface of reality with consciousness." I t sounds a lot
like Arthur C. Clarke's science fictional theme in "2001: A Space
Odyssey" -- an alien intelligence subtly directing the course of
human development, toward mysterious ends. Talk about your cosmic
  But Vallee also has controversial ideas about
human-made UFO conspiracies. "I was investigating some cases that
were physically real," he says, "but they were hoaxes -- yet not
hoaxes on the part of the witnesses."
  The two most stunning cases of faked UFO events that
Vallee has uncovered occurred rather recently in the history of
saucer sightings. In 1980, a strange object purportedly "crashed"
in England's Rendlesham Forest, a few miles away from an American
Air Force Base. Dozens of military personnel were dispatched into
the forest, without weapons, before the supposed crash of a
luminous object. After the incident conflicting stories leaked to
the press and to civilian investigators, some of the leaks
apparently originating from the front office of the military
base. Vallee's conclusion --controversial among UFO believers who
insist that aliens touched down in Rendlesham Forest-- is that
"the event had all the earmarks of being staged for the benefit
of the witnesses, perhaps so that their psychological reactions
could be studied."
  Even more bizarre is the information turned up by
French investigators in the wake of a bizarre 1979 abduction
case. An unemployed young man named Franck Fontaine disappeared
outside of his apartment one morning, reportedly after his
friends saw him enveloped in a luminous fog. After a week of
frenzied press coverage and a fruitless search by the
authorities, Fontaine turned up in a field outside the apartment
-- with no memory of his unusual experience. His friends insisted
he had been abducted by a UFO, and police investigators, though
they doubted that claim, found no other satisfactory explanation.
  But as Vallee reports, investigators from GEPAN, the
French government's aerial phenomena study group, were led to an
official in the French Ministry of Defense who willingly
described the so-called UFO abduction as an "Exercise of General
Synthesis." What happened to Fontaine? "We put him to sleep and
he was put under an altered state of high suggestibility,"
replied the official. When asked if the "exercise" was intended
to test the investigative abilities of local law enforcement
agencies, the official said, "That would be a fair way to
describe it." Then he added, ominously, "If this operation had
been completed, the next phase would have been far worse." As
Vallee notes in his best-selling book, "Revelations," "It would
be fair to assume that the [Fontaine] operation could have been a
test, perhaps a prelude to an experiment of wider scope."
  Vallee says he knows the name of the French official,
an Air Force officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
  So what on earth --to pick an appropriate planet-- is
going on?  Vallee has several theories that might explain such
UFO flimflam.  The military may be experimenting with
psychological warfare techniques, as the Germans did in World War
I, when they projected images of the Virgin Mary on banks of
smoke in an effort to spook the French into saying their Rosaries
instead of killing Germans.  Vallee also thinks that sham UFO
reports might be used as cover for tests of new military stealth
  But the most troubling "deception theory" Vallee poses
is that from time to time, the target of UFO hoaxes might be the
general public, or a segment thereof.
  "In some cases," he says, "the community of ufologists
may simply be used in a sociological experiment because the

[CTRL] Request for Corroboration

1999-12-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry; I didn't realize there was a whole article attached to my forwarded
posting, "Soldiers for the Truth."  It was only the comment that Round-up was
Agent Orange that I was asking about.  Thanks.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SOLDIERS FOR THE TRUTH, Newsletter, December 7,1999

1999-12-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

Can anyone corroborate these comments?  Prudy

BTW,  There is currently a universal boycott of Monsanto going on.
 Also...the everyday term for Agent Oraqnge isget this you green lawn

That's right neuro-toxin in a nose spray.  The Maryland Cooperative
Extension Service and Montgomery County Hazardous Waste has been asking
people not to use it for years...but nobody reads their mail from these



-Caveat Lector-

Newsletter, December 7, 1999

By: Wilma Hogle, Managing Editor

When a man or woman joins the military they are asked to raise their
right hand and swear to defend the Constitution and protect this country.
If one thinks this is an idle promise, recall the rows of white crosses in
American cemeteries around the world.

There is no other organization which demands such a severe test of
loyalty and courage. In exchange for this oath, the Department of Defense
and we private citizens, the ultimate employer of all members of the
military, are obligated to make certain these men and women are provided
the best equipment, the best training and the best care available.

If we provide anything less, we have failed them.

Over the years there has been a major failure to put the welfare of the
troops first. It has happened so gradually that it has escaped the notice
most of us. The Department of Defense has slipped into acceptance of the
practice of using soldiers as test subjects for substances which may,
may, enhance performance or offer some protection against biological
attacks. And the record of giving proper treatment to those injured in such
experiments is abysmal. Examples of these programs and the results are

This is what one woman had to say about the experiences of her father
in 1945. "My father was a young sailor who was experimented on with mustard
and various other gasses in the U.S. Navy at the Great Lakes Naval Station.
could not talk about it under threat of treason until it was declassified

"I've seen him suffer both emotionally and physically all my life, but
I never knew why until he was able to talk about it legally last spring.
It's the first time I have seen my father cry. He spent several months in
the hospital due to these experiments. In the beginning, he received
injections every two hours around the clock to save his life. He believes
he witnessed other young American sailors die in these experiments.

"My father has never been to a VA Hospital for medical treatment
because 'classified medical experiments' are treated by the VA Hospitals as
they never occurred-thus any medical treatment needed must be at their own
expense by private providers if they can financially afford it."

During the 1950s there were experiments with LSD.

During the Vietnam War there was Agent Orange. Last month South Korean
veterans who fought in the Vietnam War met at the War Museum in Seoul to
commemorate the 35th anniversary of the nation's deployment of 320,000
South Korean troops alongside American soldiers in Vietnam.

Veterans' groups have estimated that 32,000 were exposed to Agent
Orange, which can cause cancer, deformities and birth defects. In an
out-of-court settlement in 1984, Dow Chemical and Monsanto, both of which
have business operations in South Korea, paid Australian, Canadian and New
Zealander veterans who served in Vietnam, and who had disabilities after
being sprayed by Agent Orange. Now, South Korean veterans are seeking $4.3
billion from Dow and Monsanto and are suing the U.S. government for $1

Stories are endless about the suffering of many American veterans and
their families from exposure to Agent Orange. Since this is a defoliant
sprayed by airplane it was obvious it would come in contact with civilians,
American troops, and enemy troops

In 1990-91 the drug pyridostogmine bromide, or PB, was distributed to
some 250,000 to 300,000 of the 700,000 soldiers in the Gulf War. PB was
given as an antidote to soman, a nerve agent.

More than 100,000 veterans have reported experiencing adverse symptoms
attributed to Gulf War syndrome, including memory loss, loss of balance,
sleep disorders, depression, exhaustion, joint pain, diarrhea and problems
with concentration.

The troops were lined up and watched while they swallowed PB. One woman
reported she began having reactions after the first dose. She returned from
Gulf with the loss of control of bodily functions and has had to wear
since 1991.

Two years ago the Department of Defense asked the Rand Corporation, a
non-profit research organization, to study PB and its effects. While this
work was going on, Assistant Secretary of Defense Sue Bailey was
supervising more than twenty committees formed to study various aspects of
Gulf War syndrome.

Most telling was the testimony of

[CTRL] Pedigree of King George [Bush]

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "George Bush has 7 known descents from King Edward I of England."

 from soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroup:

Subject: Re: Governor George Walker Bush - Next President?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Baldwin)
Date: Sat, 11 December 1999 12:33 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 10 Dec 1999 18:51:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Ravilious)

>Friday, Dec. 10, 1999
>A Year 2000 Question for The Group:
>  I recall an article (not well written) from ca. 1993 concerning
>U.S. presidential elections and royal descent.  The writer, citing an
>interview from a representative (?) of Burke's, or another royal descent
>purveyor, stated that (1) all U. S. Presidents have had at least one
>royal ancestor, (2) their opponents in the general election have had
>also, and (3) that whichever candidate had _the most royal descent_ was
>the eventual winner of the election.
>  Now, I have seen pedigrees posted hither and yon showing royal
>descents for several (but not all) U.S. Presidents.  With regard to the
>upcoming election, assuming the Burke's Corollary to Murphy's Law has
>and will continue to hold, it might be worthwhile if we could determine
>who of the current field has _the most royal descent_ [a definition of
>this term would be helpful, I suppose, but for a dyed-in-the-purple-wool
>Burkist this might take all the fun out of it].  We could then arrange
>for a rapid coronation, and the other candidates could then go back to
>their other endeavours [or possibly seek to arrange more productive
>  By way of starting the process, I recall that George H. W. Bush
>has 7 known descents from Edward I of England [if Barbara B. adds to the
>total, this will up the ante somewhat].  Does any one have information
>as to any of the other candidates?
>  The eyes of Texas are upon you.
>   John

That story has been discussed before on this group, and there is not
the slightest bit of truth to it.  To give one example, Bill Clinton
has no known royal descents, yet he beat George Bush, who has several.
Also, there have been a few occasions where the same two men ran
against each other in more than one election, with different winners
(most notably Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison).

Stewart Baldwin

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Amnesty International Hits Seattle

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "``At [Seattle's] King County Jail, people were strapped into restraints
as punishment for asking to talk to a lawyer,'' reports Amnesty International.

Rights Group Wants WTO-Police Probe

LONDON (AP) - Amnesty International on Friday called for an inquiry into
police action during demonstrations in Seattle against the World Trade

The international human rights group said in a statement that it was
concerned about allegations of indiscriminate use of tear gas, pepper spray,
rubber bullets and noisemakers.

The group also called for an investigation into allegations of cruel
treatment at Seattle's King County Jail of some of the hundreds of arrested
protesters. It said some of the alleged incidents, such as the use of
restraint chairs and beatings, appeared to have violated international human
rights standards.

``One person was slammed against a wall, beaten while lying on the floor and
had his fingers forced back with a pencil,'' the group said, without citing

``Also at King County Jail, people were allegedly strapped into four-point
restraint chairs as punishment for nonviolent resistance or asking for their
lawyers,'' the statement read.

During the WTO meeting, protests included widespread vandalism and looting by
a few dozen people among the tens of thousands that crowded downtown streets.
The violence resulted in deployment of the National Guard, a curfew and more
than 500 arrests.

Seattle's Police Chief Norm Stamper resigned amid criticism following the
massive protests.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mayor for Sale, NOT Cheap

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The total soft money investment is about EIGHT HUNDRED times greater
than in the last mayor's race four years ago in 1995."

Calif Mayor Race Awash in Soft Money

.c The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Exploiting a campaign finance loophole, Mayor Willie
Brown is benefiting from more than $1 million in special interest spending,
much of it from sources that won't be disclosed until after next week's
election, city records show.

The total for so-called soft money is about 800 times greater than in the
1995 mayor's race, and the strategy could be the model for future races.

``He's writing the game plan for the future'' of political fundraising by
limiting donations to his own campaign and allowing interest groups to
collect and spend unlimited funds on his behalf, says Charles Marsteller of
California Common Cause.

Brown's challenger in Tuesday's election, Board of Supervisors President Tom
Ammiano, accuses the mayor of selling out to Big Business. But the mayor's
official reports show his campaign has received not one penny from ``business
entities'' since Nov. 2.

Instead, that money has gone to independent committees unrestrained by the
city's contribution law, which limits donations to $250 during mayoral

Backed by developers, labor unions and large corporations, these committees
have paid for fliers, phone banks and at least one television ad suggesting
that Ammiano's ideas could bankrupt the city.

As of Thursday, nine committees had spent more than $1,096,000 for Brown
since Nov. 27. Two groups supporting Ammiano spent a combined $4,500,
according to reports filed with the city and county's Ethics Commission.

The unprecedented flow of soft money is in addition to at least $297,000 that
went directly into Brown's campaign coffers and $132,000 collected by
Ammiano's campaign since the general election.

``People are expressing their support with their pocketbooks and that results
in more speech, which in my view is a good thing,'' said attorney Joe Remcho,
who represents Brown and the Democratic Party on campaign finance matters.

Remcho opened the floodgates for soft money in September. As lead attorney
for San Franciscans for Sensible Government, a political action committee
representing corporations, he persuaded a federal judge to overturn the
city's 1992 rule that committees must adhere to the same limits as campaigns.

The SFSG has spent more than $418,000 to support Brown's re-election.

By law, donations and spending by the independent committees must not be
coordinated by the candidates' campaigns. But no law prevents the groups from
coordinating with each other.

``You don't want everybody tripping over each other,'' said Robert Barnes,
one of several political consultants working for Brown's re-election. ``So
there have been several attempts to make sure everyone is doing a good solid
piece of this in their own right.''

For example, shortly after the Willie Brown Leadership PAC was founded on
Nov. 24, it transferred $150,000 to the Alice B. Toklas Lesbian and Gay
Democratic Club, which used the money for a 30-second TV ad showing an
interracial gay couple deciding to vote for Brown.

City law requires prompt disclosure of contributions gathered by committees.
But at least two of the groups - SFSG and the county Democratic Committee -
claim they are county organizations and do not have to disclose the source of
their money until January.

``That's a big stretch. San Francisco is a city and a county, not a city or a
county,'' says Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation, a
Sacramento-based nonprofit that educates voters on campaign laws.

``It is really disconcerting because voters have tried for years to clean up
elections in that city and make politicians more accountable through a
variety of reforms,'' she said. ``It's a shame that message is not getting

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[CTRL] Japan and US Nukes

1999-12-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Uh ... How "Y2K compliant" are these US nukes secreted all over the

Japan Had More US Nukes Than Thought

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite its aversion to nuclear weapons, Japan allowed more
American nuclear weapons on its territory during the 1950s and '60s than
officials of either country have publicly acknowledged, according to
declassified U.S. government documents.

Nuclear weapons for U.S. planes, submarines and surface ships were located on
two Japanese islands - Iwo Jima and Chichi Jima - before the United States
returned the islands to full Japanese control in 1968, according to the
documents, which cite the types of weapons at various locations but not their

After the United States ended its occupation of Japan in 1951 and the World
War II enemies signed a security treaty, it was Japan's official policy not
to permit nuclear weapons on its territory. Washington took the view that
this prohibition did not extend to islands which remained under U.S.
jurisdiction after 1951, according to a Clinton administration official who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

In 1997, secret U.S. government documents were declassified and the public
learned that the island of Okinawa had been home to American nuclear weapons
before it was returned to Japanese control in 1972. But the role of Iwo Jima
and Chichi Jima was first disclosed in a report to be published Monday in the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists by nuclear historians Robert S. Norris,
William Arkin and William Burr.

``Fabled as a `non-nuclear nation,' Japan is beginning to look very
different, given what we now know,'' the authors wrote. ``Japan may have had
its principles, but the Pentagon had its nuclear war plans and it pushed the
envelope as far as it could.''

Pentagon spokesman P.J. Crowley said Friday that the government documents on
which the Bulletin based its article are authentic, but he said the U.S.
government is sticking to its policy of neither confirming nor denying the
presence of nuclear weapons at any location, either now or in the past.

``It is in our interest to continue to maintain a necessary level of
ambiguity about these systems,'' Crowley said.

In the early 1950s, U.S. officials believed they needed to have nuclear
weapons, or their non-nuclear components, dispersed in Europe and in the
Pacific in case war broke out with the Soviet Union. They were deployed by
the thousands in such places as South Korea, Guam, the Philippines and
Taiwan. As defense strategies evolved in the Cold War, the Pentagon
consolidated its arsenal. Today, the only U.S. nuclear weapons deployed
outside the United States are bombs for aircraft stationed in several
European NATO countries.

The new disclosures about U.S. nuclear weapons in Japan are not likely to
affect U.S.-Japan relations today, but they fill a gap in the historical
record of Japan's role in supporting U.S. nuclear war plans.

There is no evidence that the U.S. government ever obtained permission from
Japan to store complete nuclear weapons on the main islands. Yet a
declassified appendix to a secret U.S. Far East Command report, dated Nov. 1,
1956, indicates that 13 separate locations in Japan - including sites on the
main islands - had nuclear weapons or components or were earmarked to receive
weapons in the event of impending war.

These included Misawa, Itazuki, Atsugi, Iwakuni, Johnson and Komaki air bases
on the mainland, although it is not clear from the available records whether
complete nuclear weapons ever were placed at these sites.

The roles of Chichi Jima and Iwo Jima as nuclear storage sites are clearer.

A top secret June 1957 memorandum for Adm. Arthur Radford, then chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discussed the dispersal of nuclear weapons in the
Bonin and Volcano islands. The Bonins are a group of Japanese islands, about
500 miles southeast of the mainland, of which only Chichi Jima is inhabited.
In the three-island Volcano group, 120 miles from Chichi Jima, only Iwo Jima
played a military role.

``On 6 February 1956 the chief of naval operations stated that one weapon
with core was placed in storage on Chichi Jima,'' the Radford memo said.

The records do not state how many bombs were placed on Chichi Jima. A
Pentagon history of the deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons, declassified
earlier this year, showed that the first bombs on Chichi Jima were withdrawn
after only three months, coinciding with the introduction of the Navy's
Regulus nuclear missiles, which were fired from submarines. These missiles
were kept on Chichi Jima until 1964.

The last nuclear weapons on the island, W30 warheads for Navy surface-to-air
Talos missiles, were withdrawn in December 1965.

Because of Chichi Jima's nuclear role, the U.S. government resisted Japan's
push to repopulate the island, which had been evacuated during World War II.
Mansfield Sprague, an assistant secretary of defense in the Eisenhower

[CTRL] Officials Describe Loss of Nuclear Secrets at Los Alamos (fwd)

1999-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999--NYTimes

Officials Describe Loss of Nuclear
Secrets at Los Alamos


 WASHINGTON -- When a former scientist at the
 Los Alamos National Laboratory was indicted
on Friday on charges that he had improperly removed
American nuclear secrets from the lab, the government
outlined a possible compromise of classified
information far greater than previously disclosed.

Although he was not
charged with espionage,
senior government
officials now say that
Wen Ho Lee, the former
Los Alamos scientist
arrested Friday and
charged in the case,
jeopardized virtually
every nuclear warhead in
the American arsenal
through unauthorized
computer transfers of
many of the country's
most sensitive nuclear

The officials also said
much of the information
Lee removed was
missing because he had
copied the data onto
portable computer tapes,
many of which the
Federal Bureau of
Investigation cannot find.
The officials said they
found the methodical and
comprehensive way in
which the data had been
copied particularly

Although early accounts
of the investigation
described nuclear
secrets being mishandled
on a large scale, never
before has the complex
case been presented in
such detail.

The key to the
government's case, and
what finally persuaded
prosecutors to seek an
indictment and arrest
Lee, is the evidence
developed by F.B.I.
computer experts to
show that Lee copied
thousands of pages of
documents onto 10
computer tapes in 1993,
1994 and 1997. Only
three of those tapes have
been recovered.

Officials said it was the
discovery that the tapes
were missing and the
extraordinary breadth of
the secret nuclear details
on them, more than the
initial discovery of Lee's
unauthorized transfers of
data, that prompted the
government to treat the case so seriously.

A federal grand jury in Albuquerque issued a 59-count
indictment against Lee, charging him with violations of
the Atomic Energy Act and the Foreign Espionage Act.
Some of the most serious offenses are punishable by
life in prison.

It was previously known that Lee had, mainly in 1993
and 1994, transferred onto an unsecure computer
system computer data used to design nuclear weapons,
analyze nuclear test results and evaluate weapons
materials and the safety characteristics of America's
nuclear warheads. But in the indictment, the government
said for the first time that Lee had transferred
information in a more determined manner and for a far
longer time than investigators initially believed.

The government charged that Lee had copied secret
nuclear data onto a tape as recently as 1997. Officials
initially believed that Lee's unauthorized computer
activities had ended by 1995.

For example, the indictment says that in 1997, Lee
copied onto a tape the "complete source code for the
current version" of the government's most advanced
primary weapon design, which is an atomic bomb that
acts as the trigger to explode a hydrogen bomb.

Evidence about the processes Lee used to transfer the
material is also being used by the government to argue
that his actions were not accidental or intended to
protect the information, as he has asserted. According
to the indictment and government officials, as Lee
moved the material from the classified network to an
open system, he deleted classification markings
identifying it as secret. After they were in the open
system, he copied them onto tapes on the office
computer of another employee.

Lee is being held without bail pending a hearing on

But the government is not saying Lee committed
espionage by giving the classified information to
another country or person.

In fact, while Lee's arrest was the culmination of an
F.B.I. investigation into his computer activities that
began in March, the broader espionage inquiry that first
brought Lee to the government's attention is continuing
at a much slower pace.

The government stumbled onto evidence of Lee's
unauthorized computer transfers because he was under

[CTRL] FALN Lobbyist Was Terrorist (fwd)

1999-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999

Report: FALN Lobbyist Was

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The activist who successfully
lobbied the White House for the release of 14 jailed
Puerto Rican separatists was a leader in the terrorist
organization FALN, a congressional report obtained on
Saturday alleges.

The report said that Luis Nieves Falcon corresponded
with several top Clinton administration officials on the
clemency and was a member and leader of the militant
Puerto Rican independence group.

The report, prepared by Rep. Daniel Burton's
Committee on Government Reform, included letters
documenting Falcon's correspondence and at least one
meeting with the Clinton administration. And it cited
federal law enforcement sources who had requested
anonymity in declaring him a leader of the terrorist

Falcon did not immediately return phone calls place to
his home in Puerto Rico on Saturday.

FALN -- the Spanish initials for the Armed Forces of
National Liberation -- was responsible for a wave of
bombings in the late 1970s and early 1980s that left six
dead and dozens wounded.

Burton, an Indiana Republican and frequent critic of the
president, blasted the Clinton administration for
negotiating with a terrorist.

``The fact that the White House and the Department of
Justice were negotiating with a terrorist leader, and
working with him as partner to achieve the goal of
letting the terrorists out of prison is unconscionable,''
Burton wrote.

Jim Kennedy, of the White House Counsel's Office,
said Falcon was one of the leading advocates for the
prisoners release, but was not involved in negotiations.

``The notion that the White House negotiated with a
terrorist is pure partisan fantasy,'' Kennedy said.

Kennedy would not comment on whether Falcon was a
terrorist or not.

Subpoenas issued by Burton's committee turned up
letters to Falcon from seven high-ranking Clinton
administration officials, including then-White House
Counsel Bernard Nussbaum and White House Deputy
Chief of Staff Maria Echaveste. Most were routine
letters acknowledging the receipt of information and
letters which Falcon had sent on the prisoners behalf.
Others answered Falcon's questions about the transfer
of prisoners and other inquiries.

But Burton said the frequent correspondence with
Falcon was an ``insult to the victims'' of FALN
bombings who have testified at recent Capitol Hill
hearings that they were unable to even get letters to the
administration answered.

The documents indicate that Falcon met at least once
with a Justice Department official.

And they suggest he was scheduled to attend a White
House meeting in December 1996 on the clemency,
though it was unclear if he actually did. Administration
officials said Falcon had been inside the White House
in March 1996 with several lawmakers and advocates
to deliver letters of support for the prisoners release.
They were unaware on Saturday of any other visits and
said he had never met with the president.

President Clinton ignited a firestorm of controversy in
August when he offered clemency to 16 Puerto Rican
separatists affiliated with the FALN or its sister
organization in Puerto Rico, Los Macheteros. The
clemency was conditioned on the prisoners renouncing
violence. Fourteen accepted the offer.

Critics accused the president of extending the clemency
to boost the standing of his wife's Senate candidacy in
New York, which is home to about 1.3 million Puerto
Ricans. Subpoenas from Burton's committee then
unearthed a March memo from Jeffrey Farrow,
co-chairman of the president's interagency group on
Puerto Rico, which surmised that the prisoners release
could benefit Vice President Al Gore in his bid for the

Gore has said he had no prior knowledge of Clinton's
clemency decision and has declined to take a position
on it.

Clinton has insisted that politics did not play role in his
decision. He said he based it on the lengthy prison
terms the nationalists were serving. None of those
offered clemency were directly involved in activities
that killed or maimed anyone, administration officials
say. They were convicted of seditious conspiracy, and
possession of weapons and explosives.


[CTRL] President Admits 'Don't Ask' Policy Has Been a Failure (fwd)

1999-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999--NYTimes

President Admits 'Don't Ask'
Policy Has Been a Failure


   LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- President Clinton
   said on Saturday that the official policy toward
gays in the military was "out of whack" and that
military leaders were not carrying it out as he intended
and as they promised in 1993.

Accordingly, Clinton said, the policy should be
re-examined or at least carried out in a more humane
way, to prevent the harassment of homosexuals in the
armed forces.

Clinton's comments, in a radio interview with CBS
News, echo remarks made on Tuesday by Hillary
Rodham Clinton at a political fund-raiser in New York
City. But the president did not go as far as his wife, a
candidate for the United States Senate in New York,
who said gay men and lesbians should be allowed to
serve openly in the military.

Asked today about his wife's comments, Clinton said,
"I'm quite sympathetic with what she said." After all, he
added, "that's what I said back in '93."

Clinton said he hoped the beating death of a gay soldier
at Fort Campbell, Ky., last July would "give some
sobering impetus to a re-examination about how this
policy is implemented." In the trial of the soldier
charged in the slaying, witnesses described a casual
culture in which gibes and taunts had been directed at
the victim, Pfc. Barry Winchell, for months.

The unusual public dialogue between Clinton and his
wife on gay rights seems to illustrate the nature of their
political relationship, as it has been understood for the
last seven years in Washington. On gay rights, as on
health care and some other issues, Mrs. Clinton appears
to be nudging her husband a bit to the left.

The president's initial efforts to make it easier for
homosexuals to serve in the military, in 1993, touched
off a political uproar and prompted many in Congress
to question his judgment as commander in chief.

The president later adopted the policy known as "don't
ask, don't tell." Under this policy, the military may not
inquire into a soldier's sex life unless there is clear
evidence of homosexual conduct. But gays who
volunteer this information can be discharged.

In the interview on Saturday, Clinton said, "The policy
as implemented does not work as I announced and as
the leaders of our military at that time in 1993 pledged
to implement it."

Clinton said he was working with the Pentagon now to
achieve the vision he had in mind in 1993.

"Let me remind you," he said today, "that the original
intent was that people would not be rooted out, that they
would not be questioned out, that this would be focused
on people's conduct. If they didn't violate the code of
conduct and they didn't tell, their comings and goings,
the mail they got, the associates they had -- those things
would not be sufficient to keep them out of the military,
or subject them to harassment.

"So what I'd like to do is to focus on trying to make the
policy that we announced back in '93 work the way it
was intended to, because it's out of whack, and I don't
think any serious person could say it's not."

In the interview and earlier Saturday, in speaking to a
convention of the Florida state Democratic Party in this
resort near Orlando, Clinton spoke repeatedly of the
Fort Campbell case, in which Pvt. Calvin Glover, 18,
was found guilty of killing Private Winchell, 21, with a
baseball bat. The victim had been harassed for months
by fellow soldiers, who denounced him as a
homosexual and "a faggot."

Clinton said, "I can only hope this last brutal beating
death of a gay soldier will give some sobering impetus
to a re-examination about how this policy is
implemented, and whether we can do a better job of
fulfilling its original intent."

In his remarks to Florida Democrats, Clinton expressed
anguish over the killing and the hatred that he said had
prompted it.

"Both these young men put on the uniform of our
country, and I could have sent them some place to die,"
Clinton said. "They both swore to go wherever I told
them to go, and do whatever I told them to do. I was
aching for the young man who had died, and for the
young man whose life is now destroyed, who wasn't
born hating that way; somebody had to teach him to do

Kenneth Bacon, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said