Re: [CTRL] building an ozone generator

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

A few hints and cautionary warnings:

 Dr. Brooks plans outline an air or water purification
 device -- it is not for medical use.  Attempt to build
 and use this device solely at your own personal risk.

 Do not break the inner tube of the mercury lamp!
 Do not operate the lamp without an enclosure which
 shields all of the dangerous UV radiation it emits!

From: "Gary Hawkins" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Put a little fish bubbler, a blue stone you
  buy for aquariums, on the end of the tube
  and then place in the water.

 The smaller bubbles in greater number result in greater surface
 area of ozonated air in contact with the water, so the ozonation
 of the water happens in a greater concentration more quickly.

From: Bob Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] building an ozone generator

 Caution must be used In operating any mercury lamp without
 the outer glass protector shell.  The shell is used both as
 protection if the inner tube should burst and even more
 importantly as a shield against ultraviolet energy.
 Operating the lamp without this outer glass will exposes you
 to potentially damaging, invisible ultraviolet, rays which
 can result in both severe eye damage and sun burn to exposed
 areas of the body.  Use extreme caution in operating this
 type of an ozone generator and above all avoid looking
 directly at the operating lamp.

From: "Saul Pressman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000
 Subj: Re: [oxyplus] building an ozone generator

 Dear Bill,

 This is dangerous information.  If you break the mercury and
 get some on your skin, you will be poisoned.  Mercury is
 second only to plutonium in toxicity.  I am surprised that
 Dr. Brooks would give out such irresponsible information.

 Also the amount of ozone produced will not be worth anything
 except for cleaning water, which takes only 1 ug/ml
 (concentration).  The therapeutic concentration threshold is
 20 times this.

 Best of Health!
 Saul Pressman


 original message 

 There are many web sites which make Ozone seem a magic bullet.
 Of course most are selling Ozone generators for $300.00-$5,000.00.
 One can make their own generator for about $25.00 from parts
 available at any Home Improvement or Building Supply store.
 If you are interested send an email and I'll give you the details.

Main page:

 Org:  The Alternative Medicine Research Foundation-Est. 1996
 Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000
 Subject: Re: Oxone generator

 Bill Kingsbury wrote:
  Please send info on how to build an ozone generator.

 Buy a mercury vapor light unit from Ace Hardware, Builder's
 Square or similar place about 20-25 dollars.  This includes
 the "starter".  A 100 watt unit is fine.

 Wrap the bulb in a towel.  Carefully break the outer bulb.
 One blow from a hammer will do it.  You will find a small
 rectangular bulb inside (about 1 inch long).

 Mount the unit in an enclosure with a fan as it gets hot.

 You have an ozone generator which is very useful for topical
 applications, ozonating water or cleaning air.

 If you wish to ozonate water make the exhaust hole small in
 the enclosure.  Hook up any little hose and run it in a glass
 of water for about 5 minutes.  Drink immediately as potency
 is lost rapidly.

 I would appreciate learning of your experience with the device.


 Jon Brooks, M.D.

 Discharge Lamps

 Mercury Vapor Lamps

 Clear mercury vapor lamps, which produce a blue-green light,
 consist of a mercury-vapor arc tube with tungsten electrodes
 at both ends.  These lamps have the lowest efficacies of the
 HID family, rapid lumen depreciation, and a low color
 rendering index.  Because of these characteristics, other
 HID sources have replaced mercury vapor lamps in many
 applications.  However, mercury vapor lamps are still popular
 sources for landscape illumination because of their 24,000
 hour lamp life and vivid portrayal of green landscapes.

 The arc is contained in an inner bulb called the arc tube.
 The arc tube is filled with high purity mercury and argon
 gas.  The arc tube is enclosed within the outer bulb, which
 is filled with nitrogen.

 Color-improved mercury lamps use a phosphor coating on the
 inner wall of the bulb to improve the color rendering index,
 resulting in slight reductions in efficiency.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] [NA] New York Times: Polls Unreliable

2000-02-15 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] New York Times: Polls Unreliable
Date: Saturday, February 05, 2000 4:48 AM

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 5, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

New York Times: Polls Unreliable

I’m working on an e-wire regarding one or two strategies the Ruling
Elite may be about to embark on to “Stop Buchanan” and all other third
party candidates.  Hopefully that one tomorrow.

Today’s Network America e-wire concerns an article which appeared in the
New York Times on February 3rd, 2000 about how the polls were off in New
Hampshire, with brief commentary afterwards. Here’s the article:

** Beginning of article:

February 3, 2000

Poll Results Show Vulnerability in Calling Primaries Accurately
New York Times
Feb. 3, 2000

Polls of New Hampshire voters taken before Tuesday's primary election
mostly got each party's winner right but were often not so accurate in
measuring the size of each victory.
Many of the pre-primary polls tended to underestimate the size of John
McCain's victory and to overestimate the size of Al Gore's.

On the Republican side, virtually all of the polls showed Mr. McCain
leading George W. Bush, but by only a margin in single digits or low
double digits.

Mr. McCain won by 18 percentage points.

By contrast, on the Democratic side, most pre-primary polls correctly
showed Mr. Gore leading Bill Bradley but in several cases by
double-digit margins.

Mr. Gore won by just four percentage points.

An example is the Gallup/CNN/ USA Today poll, which conducted daily
tracking surveys leading up to the primary. In their final interviewing
on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday they showed Mr. McCain with 44 percent
and Mr. Bush with 32 percent, correctly indicating the victor but
slightly underestimating the size of the McCain victory.

On the Democratic side, the Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll found Mr. Gore
with 54 percent and Mr. Bradley with 42 percent, again indicating the
correct winner but somewhat overestimating the margin.
The CBS News tracking poll in its final interviewing on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday found Mr. McCain with only a 4-point lead in the Republican
contest, and Mr. Gore with a 16-point lead in the Democratic race.

Kathleen Frankovic, director of surveys at CBS News, said: "Polls
fundamentally got the right share of the vote for the national
But the polls were too low on the two challengers because of
late-deciding voters and the influence of independents."

Polling experts over the years have emphasized the volatility and lower
reliability of polls in primaries, as opposed to those in general

End of article **


1. In computerized states, the Big TV Networks have been virtually
infallible in calling races that were decided by only one or two points.
In a handcounted state like New Hampshire (70% handcounted anyway, we
see they just can’t achieve that type of accuracy.

2. Notice that the pollsters claim that polls are not as reliable in
primaries as they are in general elections. Why? Independents vote and
change their mind at the last minute in general elections too.

3. This article is actually a sly defense of the propaganda polls to
which the New York Times is a guilty party. While the writer is probably
totally sincere, the New York Times is saying: “The pollsters may have
been pretty far off this time, but there are reasons. All in all, you
can still trust the polls — and everything else about Big Media Election
coverage.” The truth is that polls can be accurate, and they can be way
off. There is no way that asking 600 or 1200 Americans their opinion on
this and that issue can accurately reflect America opinion day after day
on every issue under the sun. In other words, take away computerized
elections and the glaringly inaccurate poll predictions that will result
will cause the public to stop taking polls that seriously. Nothing could
be worse for the Ruling Elite. Remember how during the Clinton
impeachment the only argument left to the Democrats and the Newsmedia
was that “70% of the American people don’t want Clinton impeached” 
More on this in a coming e-wire.

4. The bottom line is this: restore properly handcounted elections done
by the neighborhood citizens — and all these voodoo priests of polling
will be TOTALLY discredited. That’s why the TV networks fight so hard
against covering anything about the riggability of computerized

The man who sent that news clipping to Network America is Michael
Hoffman II, who runs the Campaign 

Re: [CTRL] 60 Minute Bushwacking (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/14/2000 3:03:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Fortunate Son author fortunate to have CBS News on his side. Last
 October book publisher St. Martin's Press recalled the book
 Fortunate Son after controversy erupted when the Dallas Morning
 News revealed that author J.H. Hatfield once hired someone to
 kill his boss by bombing her car 

The only thing here is--"does a crime committed by an individual" mean that
he is not telling the truth about someone who is running for president?"
How does the one influence the other.  Our law enforcement takes the word of
every petty criminal going when it comes to knocking down the doors of
perfectly innocent people and shooting their dogs and scaring their kids and
just knocking a family around in general.  If the word of law breakers is
good in once instance, maybe it is good in all instances.   Or at least it
should be checked out.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: L.A. Times Column, 2/14/00 -- Programming

2000-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 02/14/2000 10:37:54 AM Eastern Standard Time,


 Monday, February 14, 2000


 Gold Rush Mindset Undermining Programming Field

 By Gary Chapman

 Copyright 2000, The Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved

 Everyone is familiar by now with the colossal sums of money pouring
 into high tech, especially into firms that have something to do with
 the Internet. What is less commonly known is what this tidal wave of
 money may be doing to the technical professions upon which the "new
 economy" is built.

 The new economy surrounding the Web and e-commerce is in a historic
 phase similar to the California Gold Rush, says Steve McConnell,
 author of the new book "After the Gold Rush: Creating a True
 Profession of Software Engineering" (Microsoft Press, 1999) and
 editor in chief of IEEE Software magazine.

 McConnell notes the many similarities between the 1849 Gold Rush and
 the new economy, with the present-day equivalent of the tin pan and
 wooden sluice box being a desktop computer, fast Net connection and
 software compiler.

 He writes that in some sectors, especially software development,
 relatively low entry costs and the prospect of quick riches are
 attracting all kinds of people with wide varieties of experience.

 It's amazing to many outside the computing field that almost anyone
 can work as a software programmer. The fact that hordes of people are
 galloping to get into this field -- many without much understanding
 of how to program large, complex or important applications -- is
 leaving some experts uneasy.

 In the current gold rush climate, McConnell says, well-known
 principles of software design and engineering are being ignored.
 McConnell calls the most common programming technique the "code and
 fix" approach. Instead of designing a product, managers and
 programmers immediately get started on software coding, with its
 illusion of progress in the first few months. Eventually they get
 bogged down fixing their own errors.

 "Several studies have found that 40% to 80% of a typical software
 project's budget goes into fixing defects that were created earlier
 on the same project," McConnell writes. About 25% of all software
 projects are canceled, mostly for this reason.

 The code-and-fix model is more common among gold rush companies,
 where being first to market is far more important than putting out
 stable or high-quality software, McConnell says.

 Certain segments of the software market eventually mature, and users
 expect stability and relatively fewer bugs. But that's after the gold
 rush. The question is whether people whose experience in software
 development is mostly in rushed code-and-fix work can transition to
 more mature, carefully engineered projects.

 The workplace environment of such gold rush companies is
 distinguished by cruelly long hours, total dedication to the project,
 sacrifices in almost every other domain of life and the heady
 exhilaration of being at the cutting edge of technology and possibly
 near a big financial payoff.

 In "Code Rush," a new PBS documentary airing March 30, filmmaker
 David Winton and his crew were allowed near-total access to a team of
 Netscape programmers for a year while Netscape struggled to compete
 with Microsoft.

 "Code Rush" focuses on five programmers, four men and one woman,
 whose lives are utterly turned over to their software code. Winton
 captures the intelligence, exhilaration and monomania of the
 programmers as well as some sad byproducts of their labor, including
 divorce and exhaustion.

 If software is going to be our main economic activity for the
 foreseeable future, is there a better way to produce it?

 McConnell thinks so. He says the code-and-fix approach to software
 development, which fosters the idea of heroic programmers who can
 rescue a project by its deadline, should be replaced by conventional
 models of software engineering. He thinks the largely young work
 force of programmers fueling the new economy will soon grow up and
 become increasingly interested in work practices that allow them to
 complete their projects as promised and still be home in time for

 The problem is that managers of gold rush companies typically don't
 understand or care about software engineering techniques and think
 they don't have time to create or follow technical specifications.
 They would rather employ hotshot insomniac programmers who can crank
 out code that will make a venture capitalist see dollar signs.

 McConnell believes the software profession, like engineering, should
 require certification or licensing. Jobs that require licensing in
 California, he says, include barber, cosmetologist, funeral director,
 jockey and pest control specialist. But software engineers don't need
 to be licensed.

 Texas, where I live, has a professional software engineering license.
 But only a handful of 

Re: [CTRL] 60 Minute Bushwacking (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread Kathleen

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

On 15 Feb 00, at 9:07, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 The only thing here is--"does a crime committed by an individual" mean
 that he is not telling the truth about someone who is running for
 president?" How does the one influence the other.  Our law enforcement
 takes the word of every petty criminal going when it comes to knocking
 down the doors of perfectly innocent people and shooting their dogs
 and scaring their kids and just knocking a family around in general.

Our controlled media people also take the word of every petty
criminal going when it comes to the smearing and character
assassination of anyone not deemed politically correct.

The fact that our law enforcement are largely a bunch of criminals
themselves isn't something I am pleased about, but the
questionable practices of one group don't justify the questionable
practices of another group.

If the networks push an idea, in my experience it has about a 90%
chance of being bs, since they aim for an audience of morons. I
refuse to believe anything on the networks unless a source I trust
can verify the same information.


"It should, it seems to me, be our pleasure and duty to make those people free, and 
let them deal with their own domestic quest
ions in their own way. And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the 
eagle put its talons on any other land." - M
ark Twain

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

2000-02-15 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000215a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No anomalous individuals were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

* Hey JUSTAJIM - to subscribe, you MUST include a domain name - just sending
  SUBSCRIBE SKEPTICHAT JUSTAJIM doesn't tell us where you are. Try again...
* And some subscribers have full or damaged mailboxes, so bulletins aren't
  being delivered. Bummer. After dozens of failed mailings, I cancel your
  sub. If bulletins are missing, try subscribing from a different address.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Andrew Collins has just posted a new article about a Roman Bust found
  near Mexico, does this prove pre-Columbian contact with the opposite
  continent? Andrew's article goes through the information and adds
  comments from his next book 'Gateway to Atlantis' which is to be
  released on 17 February 2000. Glorioski:

# Presidential Concern About Space Aliens:
# The Amazing 'Phoenix Lights' -
# Illinois UFO Investigation Continues:

: Have you found any lost continents lately? Did aliens lead you to it? Who
is covering up the Alien/Atlantis/Alzheimer's connexion? Have you seen any
lights lately? Were they inside your head? Does a glow come from your ears?

# What would you rate as the top ten worst misconceptions of the previous
1000 years?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Israel awaits pope's visit. JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel is building a tent
  city for 6,000 people and smoothing the cobblestones of Jerusalem's walled
  Old City streets in preparation for the pope's visit here next month. But
  JP2 will have to temporarily forsake his popemobile because it is too wide
  for the winding alleys of Jerusalem's walled Old City. Instead, the pope
  will visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built over Jesus' tomb, in an
  Israeli armored vehicle. The pope's visit to the Holy Land, the first by a
  pontiff since 1964, is expected to bring thousands of pilgrims to Israel
  and the Palestinian areas, and Israel wants to be ready. See

: Would you rather drive through the narrow, steep, winding streets of an
ancient holy city in a Popemobile, Batmobile, armored troop carrier, Honda,
flying saucer, fiery winged chariot, Harrier jumpjet, hay-wagon, skateboard?

# Colombia rebels visit Vatican - Pope recognizes cocaine lords:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# China considers armed tax police. BEIJING (AP) - China is considering
  setting up a special armed police force to protect tax collectors and
  help curb rampant tax evasion. The US IRS has an awful lot to learn -

# MAN EXPLODES IN TIANANMEN SQUARE. A man committed suicide in Tiananmen
  Square Tuesday afternoon when he set off an explosion that also wounded
  a passerby, Chinese police reported. The usual meditators were detained:

: Should all taxes/protesters/chickens be collected by armed police? Do your
local govt agencies provide enough protection for their operatives? Are your
public spaces hazardous? Is this a coincidence? Do visitors explode often??

@ How do you decide what you really, really want? Making decisions
  is even harder when faced with an ever-increasing range of choices:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Norwegian school students who smoke cigarettes on a daily basis report
  more somatic and psychological health problems and more absenteeism from
  school than their counterparts who have never smoked. And they're more
  likely to go Satanist:

  computer use that interferes with normal functioning is associated with
  psychiatric comorbidity, particularly personality disorders. But they
  have fun hacking web portals:

: What's your favorite personality disorder? Are you disordered? How? For
how long? Does it drive you to 

Re: [CTRL] Lipstadt trial: Denier admits Jews were gassed

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 2/14/00 11:55:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't know that I have heard of the Hecht book.  However, I am aware
a similar book on the subject of Nazi-Zionist collusion:  "The Transfer
Agreement".  The essence of the book is that the Nazis rounded up and
expelled the Jews, and the Zionists took control of the expelled Jews and
their wealth.

Yes, and do you realize that theJewish/German dialectic is a set-up. The
whole Jewish/German "fight" has been scripted as a framework for the
hegellian dialectic to work.  It is not Jews and Germans, there is a "body'
behind the manipulations of the dualities of Good and Evil. Please understand
this so as not to get caught up in the passion play of destruction and
resurrection directed by this "body" behind the scenes. Understand that its
takes many, and out of many comes one—not two. Look at their plan and look at
man's creation of evil.Man creates as he wills. Compassion and the
realization that we all live on one world and are brothers and sisters as
when a good man paraphrasing the wisdom of the ages and said, "Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you and Love thy neighbour as thyself," are
actions that leads to humankind's success (heaven). MHO

Understand that this framework of good and evil have been the "supports" upon
which this "body" has then attached false doctrines to engender hate, fear
and suspicions between groups and then use that hate to build their
organizations. Hate is so much easier to control that actual free thinking

So yes their is collusion or is there one basic group manipulating various
groups through set-up and splinter groups?." We all know that Ben Creme and
his ilk are a straight fraud. Well guess what they are sill printing material
and if you go to the universities you will find them recruiting.  You look at
Prouty's account of how the CIA's power grew in the bowels of the government
by placing people in agencies rhat just stayed and stayed untill no one in
the palced agency even knew they were CIA. Instead of getting caught up in
the passions of hate, let us throw tomatoes at their "arguments" and "monkey
wrenches" into their lies.  There was a holocaust, there was WWII, there was
much tragedy. Many peopled died, that is not a lie. The why is the lie!!!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 2/15/00

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

History is Bunk

Chinese Group Threatens to A-Bomb Japanese Web Sites

Deniers of the Nanjing holocaust.

BEIJING, Feb 14, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) An extreme right-wing Chinese
group has declared cyber war on Japanese web sites in a bid to force "Japan's
mad dogs" to face up to wartime atrocities committed in China.

The self-styled Chinese Extreme Right-Wing Anti-Japanese Alliance, in a
message on their web site, claimed to
have attacked around 30 Japanese sites between January 24 and February 13.

Launching a new "anti-Japanese war," the organization said it had targeted a
series of web sites belonging to ministries, the prime minister, parliament
and the state planning agency.

It also claimed cyber raids on web sites belonging to the Mainichi Shimbun
newspaper, the NHK television station, the central post office in Okinawa, an
old people's home in Kyoto and the electronics group JVC.

Japanese officials said last month a host of government web sites had been
plastered with anti-Japanese graffiti.

The site said the movement was founded by "information technology enthusiasts
imbued with a strong sense of patriotism," and it called on readers to
download special listed software to launch hacking attacks.

"We welcome more anti-Japanese sites to join the attack and explode an atom
bomb on the Japanese Internet," said the group.

"The main principle of the alliance is to make continued cyberspace attacks
on a small number of Japanese mad dogs.

"The main attack goals will be the web sites of the little Japanese
government and companies."

The claim of responsibility came after Japanese officials said last month
that hackers broke into a government Internet site and left a message
blasting Tokyo's failure to recognise its war-time past.

Messages in several languages were discovered at the site of the Management
and Coordination Agency, which gathers economic official data, said Hiroshi
Kume, head of the agency's planning section.

In broken English, one message read: "Japanese, as all people know, is a folk
which has no courage face to the truth of history. It's the disgrace of
Asia," according to the official.

Several days later the hackers launched new attacks, mocking government
security controls.

The cyber attack followed a nationalist conference in the western city of
Osaka which denied the 1937 Nanjing massacre by Japanese troops in China ever
took place, triggering fury in Beijing.
China Today, February 14, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Qadahfi Assassination Plot

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""Qadahfi
Assassination Plot/A
14 February 2000. Thanks to anonymous.
Document image mirrored here: (211K)
See related February 13, 2000 news report:
Italicized text and blanks added to original by others. Original image fuzzy;
send errata to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5C2C IDP225 O24276 GG9613 NG0044 04122114 1CA952 91.13


0418075 DEC 95   Names and tel nos removed
FN LONDONto protect security







CX 95/53452(R/ME/C) OF 04 DECEMBER 1995 (GTN[-] EXT [---])



REPORT NO: 95/53452 (R/ME/C)




5 Libyan colonels in charge of plans to overthrow QADAHFI,
scheduled to coincide with the next General Peoples Congress in
February.  Coup will start with unrest in Tripoli, Misratah and
Benghazi.  Coup plotters are not associated with Islamic fundamentalists.
MUSA QADHAR AL-DAM murdered by coup plotters in June.  Attempt to
assassinate QADAHFI in August thwarted by security police.


1. In late November 1995 [Removed to protect TUNWORTH's identity]
described plans, in which he was involved, to overthrow Colonel
QADAHFI.  He said that 5 colonels from various parts of the armed
forces were in charge of the coup plot.  these included [blank--
-blank]  The latter was most likely to
take overall control.

2. The coup was scheduled to start at around the time of the next
General Peoples Congress on 14 February 1996.  It would begin with
attacks on a number of military and security installations including
the military installation at TARHUNA.  There would also be
orchestrated civil unrest in Benghazi, Misratah and Tripoli.  The
coup plotters would launch a direct attack on QADAHFI and would



either arrest him or kill him.

3. The coup plotters had 1275 active sympathisers in the
following areas: TRIPOLI 240 persons; BENGHAZI 135; TOBRUK 114;
GHADAMIS 50.  Their occupations ranged from students, military
personnel and teachers throgh to businessmen, doctors, police
officers and civil servants.  The plotters were divided into 5
groups, each with 5 officers in charge.  Messages to members of each
group were passed via schools and Mosques.  The start of the coup
would be signalled through coded messages on television and radio.
The coup plotters had sympathisers working in the press, radio and

4. The military officer said that the plotters would have cars
similar to those in QADAHFI's security entourage with fake security
number plates.  They would infiltrate themselves into the entourage
in order to kill or arrest QADAHFI.

5. One group of military personnel were currently being trained
in the desert area near KUFRA for ther role of attacking QADAHFI and
his entourage.  The aim was to attack QADAHFI after the GPC, but
before he had returned to SIRTE.  One officer and 20 men were being
trained especially for this attack.

6. The coup plotters were not associated with the Islamic
fundamentalists who were fermenting unrest in Benghazi.  However,
they had had some limited contact with the fundamentalists, whom the
military officer described as a mix of Libya veterans who served in
Afghanistan and Libyan students.  The coup plotters also had limited
contact with the Algerian and Tunisian governments, but the latter
did not know of their plans.



7. The coup plotters were responsible for the death of [blank,--
Names removed to protect security--blank] was about

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Martin Orne - Death at 72!

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

That's three down, and how many to go!
- - - - - Begin article - - - - - - -

Martin T. Orne, 72, psychiatrist at Penn

  By Maria Panaritis

Dr. Martin T. Orne, 72, a psychiatrist and longtime University of
Pennsylvania academician who performed groundbreaking research into the
limits of hypnosis and the behavior of subjects of psychological
experiments, died Friday of cancer at Paoli Memorial Hospital. He lived in
Merion Station.

Dr. Orne's findings have greatly influenced law and psychiatry, limiting the
use of hypnosis in criminal investigations and improving scientific methods
for research.

Dr. Orne gained celebrity in the 1970s and 1980s for his key roles in two
high-profile criminal cases: the Patricia Hearst kidnapping and bank
robbery, and the Hillside Strangler serial killings, both in California. He
also counseled the tormented Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Anne Sexton during
the late 1950s and early 1960s. Taped therapy sessions between the pair were
woven into a biography years after Sexton's 1974 suicide.

"We've lost a remarkable intellect," said David Dinges, director of Penn's
Unit for Experimental Psychology, which Dr. Orne founded in 1964. The pair
collaborated for more than 20 years.

"He had an intuitive sense of what it meant to be human and how that
expressed itself in the way we behave, in our mental illnesses," Dinges
said. "He had a great compassion."

Dr. Orne was born in Vienna, Austria. His father was a physician, his mother
a psychiatrist. The family immigrated to Boston after fleeing the Nazis in
Eastern Europe.

Dr. Orne received his medical degree from Tufts University Medical School in
1955 and a doctorate in psychology from Harvard in 1958. He showed signs of
brilliance early on.

At Harvard, as a young doctoral student, Dr. Orne conducted a study
concluding that people under hypnosis cannot completely re-experience or
relive moments from very early in their development, Dinges said.

Also in the 1950s, Dr. Orne published a seminal study called "The Social
Psychology of the Psychological Experiment." In it, he demonstrated that the
subjects of psychological experiments try to please experimenters by telling
them what they think they are looking for.

For the next 25 years, that publication "was one of the three most cited
papers in American psychology," Dinges said.

That study also was compelling beyond academia; it helped explain, for
instance, cruelty by Nazis during World War II.

Was there something in the German character that made Germans prone to such
behavior, people wondered, or could such cruelty be explained
psychologically? Dr. Orne's research pointed to the latter.

"His work helped understand that humans do what they think is the right
thing to do in the right context," Dinges said. "They interpret - based on
cues - what they think the authority wants, and then give it to them."

In 1964, Penn lured Dr. Orne from Harvard. He and his wife, psychologist
Emily Carota Orne, conducted research showing that people's memories are
altered - and often tainted with falsehoods - after hypnosis.

The pair's work led courts across the nation in the late 1980s and early
1990s to adopt rigorous guidelines restricting the use of hypnosis on crime

His work in the Hearst and Hillside cases is perhaps best known to

Hearst, a newspaper-fortune heiress, was convicted in March 1976 for robbing
a San Francisco bank with individuals who had kidnapped her weeks before.
Dr. Orne testified that she had, essentially, been brainwashed during
captivity. President Carter commuted Hearst's sentence in 1979.

In 1979, through a series of carefully constructed questions and interviews,
Dr. Orne proved that Kenneth Bianchi, the prime suspect in the killing of 10
women whose mutilated bodies were found along hillsides in northeastern Los
Angeles, was pretending to have multiple personalities to avoid prosecution.

Dr. Orne said that Bianchi was psychopathic and that he was lying about
multiple personalities to buttress his claims of innocence by reason of

Dr. Orne's intervention on behalf of prosecutors led investigators to find
additional damning evidence against Bianchi. He pleaded guilty in October
1979 and testified against his cousin and codefendant, Angelo Buono.

Dr. Orne's work in that case made a great impact on forensic psychiatry,
said Robert L. Sadoff, director of the Center for Social-Legal Psychiatry at

Dr. Orne is survived by his wife; two children, Franklin and Tracy; and a

A memorial service has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at West Laurel
Hill Chapel, Belmont Avenue, Bala Cynwyd.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the
Institute for Experimental Psychiatry Research Foundation, 1955 Locust St.,
Philadelphia, 19103.

Post to: [EMAIL 

[CTRL] About Mermaid Brides

2000-02-15 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

I am trying to find on the Net a web page which was by someone named
Hemmings, possibly an Ernest Hemmings or something like that, which gave
detailed account of satanic mermaid bridesthis was on Net about 1-2 years
ago.  I have been trying to find it ever since.  If anyone has a copy of this
paper or knows the URL, will you please pass this on to me.

Thanks.  Judith

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Medical Privacy

2000-02-15 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Shalala pulls plug
on public comment
No faxes allowed, e-mail restricted
on proposed medical privacy rules

By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000

Although Thursday marks the close of the 60-day public comment period on the
Department of Health and Human Services' new and controversial proposed
medical rules -- which critics say will destroy patient confidentiality and
lead to a centralized medical data base -- the giant federal bureaucracy has
made it so difficult for citizens to comment that even the ACLU is up in

The proposed rules, unveiled last fall by HHS, cite the need for new
standards "to protect the privacy of individually identifiable health
information maintained or transmitted in connection with certain
administrative and financial transactions."

However, critics of the plan say the new rules, if approved, would instead
move government closer to digitally warehousing medical information on all
Americans, while providing third parties easier access to private medical

In accordance with federal rulemaking processes, the department established a
60-day commentary period, which ends Thursday, for the public to voice
opinions about the proposed rules.

But Health and Human Services has made the process too cumbersome, say those
who have tried to submit their views, prompting the American Civil Liberties
Union to complain about the process.

At one point the department accepted public comments by regular mail, fax and
via email over the Internet. But after receiving an inordinate amount of
complaints by fax -- some 2,400 according to the ACLU -- officials at HHS
stopped accepting faxes and admonished those seeking to voice their opinions
to use regular mail or the Internet.

Yet the email option consists of "registering" at the HHS website, answering
a list of invasive questions, and being assigned a unique identifier ID and
password before allowing comments to be submitted.

Mailing one's opinion is even more burdensome. Kent Snyder of the Liberty
Study Committee, which opposes the new rules, said an HHS advisory asks
citizens to "mail comments -- one original and three copies and if possible a
floppy disk as well."

The guidelines also say, "you should include your full name, address,
telephone number, and a central or knowledgeable point of contact with your

The ACLU issued a press advisory complaining about the cumbersome commentary

"This is a classic case of David vs. Goliath," said Laura W. Murphy, director
of the ACLU's Washington Office. "The HHS system is set up so that it is far
easier for special interest groups like the insurance industry to weigh in
than it is for the average person to make their views known."

The civil rights organization said the Health and Human Services website is
"so complicated to use that it is virtually impossible to submit. And once a
user locates the form, HHS has made it unnecessarily complicated and
decidedly user-unfriendly."

"Where is the opportunity for the American public to tell Secretary Shalala,
'I am concerned,' without having to submit their comments in quadruplicate or
spend hours combing the agency's website?" said Murphy. "It is time for the
reality of how HHS operates to match the President's promise of public

Worse, after thousands of people had faxed comments to Health and Human
Services, ACLU officials were told by an agent of the Criminal Intelligence
and Investigations section of the Federal Protective Service that the
department would no longer accept faxes, suggesting the department considered
them threatening or dangerous to the safety of HHS officials.

Snyder said his organization has created a much simpler commentary form on
the home page of their website. Internet users wishing to send their opinions
about the proposed medical privacy rules will see a "copy" of a simple "memo"
addressed to HHS, along with general information questions and a comments

"We plan to hand-deliver each and every response we get -- no matter the
point of view -- to HHS personally," Snyder said.

Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala said Nov. 3 that her new
proposals were "an important first step" in protecting the medical privacy of
all Americans.

"Our proposals will provide Americans with greater peace of mind as they seek
care, yet they are balanced with the need to protect public health, conduct
medical research and improve the quality of health care for the nation,"
Shalala said.

Snyder said the rules would actually harm medical privacy by giving access
control of all medical records to a number of groups who don't currently have
access. They also give the federal government 

[CTRL] Would Clinton Try to Assassinate Slobodan Milosevic?

2000-02-15 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Would Clinton Try to Assassinate Slobodan Milosevic?

Will Creating Anarchy in Other Nations Become American policy?
By Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (

February 14, 2000

One of my readers, T.V. Weber, who is very knowledgeable on what has and is
happening in Kosovo, e-mailed me a question:

In your February 8, 2000 article entitled "Is It Democracy or Anarchy that
Clinton and Blair Demand in Europe? America Found About KLA the Hard Way in
Kosovo" you end with the powerful paragraph:
"Increasingly, it appears, if voters in other countries don't vote the way
the White House wants them to vote, they are treated as enemies and either
isolated, sanctioned or bombed. And where does that lead? Quite often to the
kind of anarchy that now exists in Kosovo."
My only question is: will this become domestic policy? I would write myself
off as paranoid, however I have several friends in the mental health
profession who insist that I am NOT suffering from that particular neurosis.

My sister Roberta has a little saying about paranoia. "If someone really IS
out to get you, you are not being paranoid for thinking someone is out to
you." We have this huge organization called the Central Intelligence Agency
which has a budget of nearly $27 billion. We don't know how many people are
employed there, nor do we know much about what the people there do. It's a
secret. Would the CIA do things that might lead to anarchy in other
countries, like assassinating people elected leaders of other nations, for
instance? Would any NATO country do such a thing, do you suppose?

Well, spying and spies may be changing since the fall of the Soviet Union,
since the reason for the very existence of the CIA, which was created in
with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman, was to
coordinate the nation's intelligence activities. It was primarily concerned
with the threat of Communism and the Soviet Union. For the last decade, of
course, it has had to find other goals to justify the expenditure of that
billion. The British intelligence agency has had much the same problem.

What appears to have happened is an expansion of intelligence activity in
kinds of areas and some of those areas have really bothered some of the
working in the agencies. Richard Tomlinson, a former British Secret
Intelligence Service (MI6) agent who had tried to tell the people of Great
Britain what some of their money was being used for. In 1998 he said, in
part, in an affidavit which was posted on the Internet to the horror of the
intelligence community: (

In 1992, as the civil war in the former Yugoslavia became increasingly
topical, I started to work primarily on operations in Serbia. During this
time, I became acquainted with Dr Nicholas Bernard Frank FISHWICK, born
the MI6 officer who at the time was in charge of planning Balkan operations.
During one meeting with Dr Fishwick, he casually showed to me a three-page
document that on closer inspection turned out to be an outline plan to
assassinate the Serbian leader President Slobodan Milosevic. The plan was
fully typed, and attached to a yellow "minute board", signifying that this
was a formal and accountable document. It will therefore still be in
existence. Tomlinson named names, dates and places and added: "This plan
contained a political justification for the assassination of Milosevic,
followed by three outline proposals on how to achieve this objective."
Last week the latest in a series of assassinations or near assassinations
took place in Belgrade when the federal minister of defense Pavle Bulatovic
was gunned down by someone who was able to "shoot with precision with an
automatic rifle." The Bulatovic assassination came only three weeks after
murder in similar style of Zeljko Raznatovic, a militia leader and Milosovic
supporter known as Arkan in the lobby of Belgrade's plush Intercontinental
Hotel. In early October, on a lonely road south of Belgrade, a truck loaded
with sand plowed into a convoy carrying Serbian opposition leader Vuk
Draskovic and four others to a Sunday picnic. Only Draskovic survived.
Draskovic supported Milosevic throughout the bombing and was critical of
other minority party leaders for taking money offered to Milosevic

Of course, the spin put on all these assassinations and assassination
attempts is that they are all Milosevic's fault. For some reason we are all
supposed to believe that Milosevic would hire assassins to kill his
supporters and cabinet officers in highly public mafia style executions.

Would our beloved CIA do such dastardly deeds? Well, apparently even the New
York Times has its suspicions. In a front page story yesterday, entitled,
"U.S. Victims of Chile's 

[CTRL] FW: Moms 4 Guns. 1,000s to march. News special!

2000-02-15 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Ronnie Watkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: Moms 4 Guns. 1,000s to march. News special!

From: "David Morgan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Moms 4 Guns. 1,000s to march. News special!
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 21:35:25 -0500
X-Priority: 3

Check for news on
Second Amendment Sisters who are planning a Mothers Day march on D.C. in
favor of guns and the Second Amendment.
?fontfamily?param Arial_Black?color?param ,,Internet
?/color?/fontfamily?bigger?bigger"Moms 4 Guns" plans Mothers’
Day march in Washington, D.C.
?/bigger?/biggerThe Tribune Papers

?biggerA?/bigger massive march on Washington is being planned by
thousands of mothers from all over the United States over the issue of guns.
However, this group of women are going to march in support of gun owners and
their rights protected under the Second Amendment to the Constitution

Also, Check out "US government airlines" under Factoids

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: [LeadingEdgeResearch] A considered opinion on gun control

2000-02-15 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] A considered opinion on gun control

I read this today and thought it fit well with Vals article. We own
several guns and although I dont carry a gun myself, I am usually
around people that do(friends)My husband and I shoot well, as do our
children and we are fortunate enough to live in a rural area where
outdoor education classes at the jr. high level still include hunter
education and gun safety.
knowledge protects, ignorance endangers

Guns Empower Women

The Considered Opinion
By Ava Jones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Editorialist
Reprinted from the Email Report
Sign up for free in the email news box above.
For more Woman-empowering writings, click here.

Sometime in the first half of 1997, I learned what a "considered"
opinion was.  It was a life-changing event for me.  Up until that time,
I had many opinions, but I couldn't tell you anything substantive to
back them up.  In fact, I had picked up many of my opinions from a
1-minute spot on the evening news or from a 500-word article in the
paper.  My opinions were someone else's opinions; I never stopped to
think about the other side of the argument.  Guns are by the far my
best example of this.

I started dating Jim in January 1997.  He was a wonderful man and we
really connected right from the start.  Soon thereafter Jim told me he
carries a gun, all - the - time, and owns several other handguns and
rifles. My initial reaction was that this guy was either a psycho or

But the psycho/paranoid profile did not fit him.  He was a software
developer, loved people, and was very confident in his abilities... I was
confused.  Guns were not part of my background.  I truly knew nothing
about them, but right away I told Jim that in my opinion what he was
doing was "bad and wrong".  I later found out that I did not have a
considered opinion about guns.

Eventually Jim persuaded me to shoot a gun. He set up a very safe and
gentle environment to learn. We went out alone into the woods, he held
my back while I shot and the minute I wanted to stop, we did. He also
continued to ask me how I was feeling and what I thought of it (women
love that).  We would take breaks and he would give me some background
on the mechanics of guns and their history and finally about the
movement in the country to take guns away from its citizens.

Looking back, this environment was essential for me to develop my
"considered opinion"... without it I may not have continued to try
shooting again, and again.  I have since seen many women at the range
or out in the woods with their man acting like a drill Sergeant.  I
understand that being safe is important, but if we are going to make a
difference in the world, women have to be enrolled into owning
guns--and women do learn differently than men.

Eventually I learned about the 2nd Amendment.  At this point I agreed
to go through the CCW class for the education--to increase my
awareness, but I had no intention of ever carrying a gun. After the
class and talking with many people, there was no question in my mind
that I wanted to carry a gun and be able to protect myself.  I was not
going to be a victim, and I wanted to exercise my 2nd amendment
right--The Freedom Right.  What I got was much more than that.

The first day I went out in public with a gun on, I cried from when I
got in Jim's car until we arrived at our destination 25 minutes later.
I was overwhelmed by the power of having the ability to kill someone.
I thought I would not be able to carry a gun again, but then my feeling
changed from the power to kill to the power to protect.  I took a
GunSite training course that continued my education and training. Most
importantly, the GunSite course gave me the confidence I needed to know
that I was not dangerous in public or at home, but rather very safe.
As a woman, I had now leveled the field.

I now firmly believe that many people, especially women, become victims
because they avoid (unconsciously) taking responsibility for their
protection, which comes in many forms, not just guns.  I have a sister
who has 9 police reports for crimes committed against her and yet she
continues to dye her brown hair blonde and act like the stereotypical
blonde.  She has become an easy target. When I have my gun on, I carry
myself differently, I am more alert and more confident... predators can
smell this and stay away from me.  Carrying a gun is an extra layer of
protection I have added to the many other tools I employ.

After 3 years of being around guns and 21/2 years of having a CCW permit,
my considered opinion is this:

The media, in conjunction with the politicians, brainwashed me at a
young age into thinking that citizens 

Re: [CTRL] 60 Minute Bushwacking (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hatfield goes through this 'hitman' reportage in the beginning of the book re-
released by SoftSkull (I'm on about page 60 now).  What I saw on 3X20 minutes
was some discussion about 'cocaine' (whatever that is) ... MY concern after
reading only 60 pages of the book is along the lines of Jr's ("J.R." 's ?) love
affair with Jack Daniels and assorted other flavours of fire water.  He may
have dried up lately but, after his first political loss as Congressman in West
Tejas, he apparently went on a binge for a week.  Well, hate to be
stereotyping, but this is something I can do without -- someone who committed
countless hours an braincells to JD or any of the other flavours, to relieve
stress or whatever.  Echoes of Boorish Boris, the Yellin' Yeltsin.

The point -- and there is one -- is that Hatfield has upteen pages of notes and
references at the end of the book that might make his book in the high 80s of
better percent correct.  Although they (4X15 minutes) focussed on Jr being a
'snow' angel, how much of the rest is true (and, again, I haven't finished
reading all the book -- only read it at fifteen minute clips at breaktime at
work) ?  What is apparent is there is a composite person that needs to looked
at, not just some of the more sensational things.


  Fortunate Son author fortunate to have CBS News on his side. Last
  October book publisher St. Martin's Press recalled the book
  Fortunate Son after controversy erupted when the Dallas Morning
  News revealed that author J.H. Hatfield once hired someone to
  kill his boss by bombing her car 

 The only thing here is--"does a crime committed by an individual" mean
 that he is not telling the truth about someone who is running for
 president?" How does the one influence the other.  Our law enforcement
 takes the word of every petty criminal going when it comes to knocking
 down the doors of perfectly innocent people and shooting their dogs and
 scaring their kids and just knocking a family around in general.  If the
 word of law breakers is good in once instance, maybe it is good in all
 instances.   Or at least it should be checked out.  Prudy

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] afghan asylum seekers betrayed by Brits

2000-02-15 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


the Hi-jacking of the afghan jet that went to the UK at stanstead
eventually caused the asylum seekers to end up in Court - where a plea was
made on their behalf to keep their names secret for now - in case their
families back home were subject to victimisation.
Alas no - it was ruled that their full names be disclosed - and were
subsequently plastered all over every UK newspaper.

I phoned up the guardian newspaper editorial - a so called 'quality'
newspaper and complained to the editors assistant - saying that the UK
press had thrown these guys and their families back home to the wolves.
'everyone else printed the names' said the assistant - ah but the 'guardian'
was not being responsible by going along with the herd I said.
She then got brusque - 'name and number' she demanded in a harsh tone -
andrew hennessey I said and 0131 554 4486 - thats 554 44 8 sick - she said.
ah I said, I hope that now you've got my number you will use it and get the
editor to phone me with an apology I said - but in a low and threatening
voice she said - 'its for our records' - ah, pass it on to MI6 then I said.
[all the gangsters get the best jobs in the UK]
my mate Don - who gets a lot of abuse from spooks - a gentle family man
with a military computing job - opened his backdoor last night - and found
a man with a torch raking through his buckets -
you guys think that the states have a spook overdose - ??

but I digress - these afghans have been sold out - maybe for strategic
the 'hostages' although put up for over a week in the Stanstead Hilton Hotel
in 5 star luxury - went home to complain of Britland being a damp and infidel
Damp yes - unbelievable - well actaully yes too - the Great Satan has well
and truly got a grip on freedom here.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [watchalert] Withcraft Law Up For Review

2000-02-15 Thread William Shannon

From: "The Watch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


February 11 2000 Sapa

 South Africa's antiquated witchcraft legislation is to be reviewed in
an attempt to help traditional communities  resolve disputes without
resorting to violence, according to the Commission for Gender Equality

 Commissioner Elize Delport told Parliament's committee on children,
youth and disabled people on Friday that the act was vague, ineffective, and
could be fuelling the kind of violence it sought to prevent.

 There are regular reports of witchcraft-related killings in South
Africa's rural areas. Particularly problematic has been the Northern
Province, where women are often targeted as witches.

 Delport said that in the wake of workshops held in September 1998 and
December last year, which involved traditional healers and leaders,
academics, and victims and perpetrators of witchcraft-related violence, the
commission had drawn up proposals for a new law.

 Its working title was the Regulation of Baloyi Practices Act. She said
Baloyi was a Venda word for which there was no precise English equivalent,
but could be loosely translated as "witchcraft".

 The Law Commission, the department of justice and the CGE had formed a
committee to take the proposals through the normal legislative process.

 She said the existing act totally denied the existence of witchcraft
and, by extension, any belief in witchcraft, and was aimed at punishing
people who accused others of the practice.

 In traditional society, a witchcraft accusation would be an indication
of discord and deeper problems in a community, which traditional leaders
would then mediate.

 The draft legislation proposed that this process - which was thwarted
by the current act - be recognised in law.

 However she doubted whether legislation alone would "do the trick", and
the commission was carrying out public education to change people's

 The Witchcraft Suppression Act, passed in 1957, sets a 20-year jail
sentence for anyone who, professing a knowledge of witchcraft, names one
person as having caused death, injury, grief, or disappearance of another.

 It also provides for up to five years in jail for anyone who "professes
a knowledge of witchcraft, or the use of charms...(and) supplies any person
with any pretended means of witchcraft".

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[CTRL] Man charged with trying to smuggle camera to China (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Man charged with trying to smuggle camera to China

Updated 8:48 PM ET February 14, 2000

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A man accused of trying to smuggle an
infrared camera used in missile guidance systems to China was
charged Monday with violating U.S. export laws, federal
prosecutors said.

Jeffrey Jhyfang Lo, a Chinese-born American citizen, was arrested
Saturday night while trying to board a flight from Los Angeles to
Wuhan, China, with an infrared thermal imaging camera and two

Lo was charged Monday with violating the U.S. Arms Export Control
Act, which regulates defense articles, services and technical
data. He was expected in court by Tuesday for a reading of the

Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorneys Office in Los
Angeles, cautioned reporters that Lo had not been charged with

"We are continuing to investigate this case to determine the
significance of the export violation," he said, adding that the
camera had civilian as well as military applications.

In an affidavit submitted filed in court Monday, U.S. Customs
Special Agent Shane Folden said the camera "has numerous military
capabilities, such as use on missile guidance systems, satellite
reconnaissance systems and detecting ships and aircraft at

Folden, the agent in charge of the investigation, said Lo paid an
undercover FBI agent working for a defense contracting company
$142,000 for the camera. Lo allegedly told the agent that it
would be used for "missile and reconnaissance systems in the PRC
(People's Republic of China)."

Folden said Lo also wanted to discuss the purchase of 38 more
cameras for use by the Chinese State Shipbuilding Corp. in the
South China Sea and told the undercover FBI agent: "I don't want
to see you pull any, like, FBI stuff on me. I'm serious."

Folden said he arrested Lo on the jetway, just before he was to
board his plane for China and questioned him.

"During my conversation with Lo, he admitted that he was bringing
an IR (infrared) camera and lenses to China and admitted having
knowledge that the IR camera required a license to be legally
exported out of the United States," Folden said.

Copyright © 1995-2000 Excite Inc. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Singlaub Sues CNN

2000-02-15 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Vietnam General: I Am Not a War Criminal
Singlaub Sues CNN Over Vietnam Nerve Gas Accusations
Feb. 14, 2000

By James Gordon Meek

James Gordon Meek/
Retired Maj. Gen. John Singlaub

 ARLINGTON, Va. ( -- Retired Maj. Gen. John Singlaub wants you
to know he is not a war criminal.

The former special forces commander said he did not use banned chemical
weapons during the Vietnam War, nor did he carpet-bomb his own men, as
alleged in reports by the Cable News Network (CNN) two years ago.

He wants you to appreciate his sincerity, his frustration and humiliation at
the hands of the national news media -- and he wants you to understand why
he's now suing CNN, Time Inc., Time-Warner and two journalists.

 His lawsuit claims a 1997 CNN broadcast on the covert missions of America's
longest war accused him of committing war crimes. His lawsuit also claims a
1998 follow-up report by CNN implied he had knowledge of alleged atrocities
involving the use of nerve gas against American defectors in Laos.

With mediation aimed at settling the lawsuits set to begin Feb. 21 --
including a countersuit against Singlaub by fired CNN producer April
Oliver -- the career soldier still agonizes over what he regards as a
defamatory assessment of his wartime service more than 30 years ago.

"I want to make it absolutely clear that Singlaub did not commit war crimes,
that the troops under him and those who followed in his command did not
commit war crimes," the two-star general -- speaking of himself in the third
person -- told in an exclusive interview about the case.

He sees his final mission as the restoration of his good name, his honor and
the dignity of his men.

 In collaboration with Time magazine, CNN's Impact program ran a segment on
Sept. 14, 1997, called "Secret Warriors" that told the story of a covert
unit conducting cross-border "black" operations in Communist-held North
Vietnam and the neutral countries of Cambodia and Laos.

 The Special Forces operators tasked with many of the war's most dangerous
missions were volunteers in the Studies and Observations Group under the
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACVSOG). Throughout the war, the
force dispatched small teams to infiltrate, disrupt and document Communist
trade routes and camps in "Indian country" -- hostile territory.

Singlaub, a barrel-chested, crew-cut officer who commanded SOG from 1966 to
1968, said on camera that he had requested an "incapacitating agent" for his
men to use in dart guns. It was possibly lethal, the CNN report alleged and,
if so, was illegal under the Geneva Protocol's rules of warfare. The United
States was a signatory, but Congress did not ratify the treaty until 1975,
the broadcast said.

 The CNN-Time report also said the general had agreed that SOG teams
understood they might be targeted on these secret missions by American B-52
Stratofortress bombers rather than risk capture by the enemy during battle.

All these assertions are now being denied by Singlaub.

"We never targeted Americans, as alleged," Singlaub told "We
never dropped B-52 strikes on our own troops. And the idea that I attempted
to put in a request for lethal agents is just false."

What were these potentially lethal agents? They were not identified in the
1997 "Secret Warriors" segment, except as chemical agents one on-camera
expert said were prohibited by international law.

"Singlaub knew this and demanded them anyway," correspondent Peter Arnett
told viewers. "The Pentagon eventually armed some SOG teams with darts
filled with chemicals, gas canisters and full-body protective gear."

Incapacitating vs. killing

Yet, a review by of the raw footage from the only on-camera
interview Singlaub gave to CNN on July 8, 1997, tells a different story.

Singlaub repeatedly stated to producer April Oliver that he had requested a
nonlethal "incapacitating agent" akin to an animal tranquilizer for the
purpose of subduing enemy troops for capture and interrogation. He said the
Joint Chiefs of Staff -- the highest level in the military chain of
command -- turned down his request, and the chemicals were never used during
his SOG tenure.

In an exchange excluded from the 18-minute "Secret Warriors" segment,
Singlaub said to Oliver: "The incapacitating agents were not lethal,
generally speaking, they are not lethal. That's why they are 'incapacitating
agents,' as opposed to a 'killing agent.'"

Oliver asked Singlaub if SOG ever used killing agents as far as he knew. "I
can say that with absolute assurance in all the time that I was there, and
in talking to my predecessors, whom I know well, I

CONTINUED to Page 2 of 3:
War crime or 'humanitarian innovation'?

Re: [CTRL] [UASR] NASA Begins Building Next Mission To Study Comets

2000-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Earth Changes TV Signs Off...02/15/00

My family has confronted me regarding the continuing of my personal
funding of ECTV. They have a point. I am afraid I will
have to discontinue what I believe to be a very important service for
all of us by the end of this month. I was hopeful we
would have been picked up by this time with a national syndication. Well
it has not happened. I can't help but think it is just
around the corner. But those close to me say they have heard this
before. They're right.

If you feel what we are doing at ECTV has been helpful to you and your
family, then perhaps you could help (at least for a
while). I am adamant regarding keeping this site and information free.
The information is just too important to not let everyone
have access to be best informed for the changes to come.

There is a way to keep ECTV alive. This will be a one time only
statement. If you feel you could afford a $1.00 per month or
say $10.00 every 6 months, then maybe we can keep going. I continue to
have a fervent passion for what I cover, and would
love to continue providing this very sensitive information. Thank you to
the few who sent a donation from a few weeks ago.
However, it will take every one of you to make this work.

Whatever the outcome, I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to
have met so many beautiful and passionate people.

Address : Earth Changes TV, PO Box 31286, Seattle, WA 98103

Blessings To All,
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

In Memoriam - Comet Lee: Comets can discharge the solar capacitor and create
electromagnetic effects on life-bearing planets, their magnetic fields, power
grids, electrical infrastructure.  Comets act at a distance.  That's why the
ancients said: Planets augur change.
Comet Lee:



 NASA's Comet Nucleus Tour, or CONTOUR, mission this month
took a giant step closer to its launch when the project received
approval to begin building the spacecraft.

 Planned for a July 2002 launch, CONTOUR is expected to
encounter Comet Encke in November 2003 and Comet Schwassmann-
Wachmann-3 in June 2006.  The mission has the flexibility to
include a flyby of Comet d'Arrest in 2008 or an as-yet
undiscovered comet, perhaps originating from beyond the orbit of
Pluto.  Such an unforeseen cometary visitor to the inner solar
system, like Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995, would present a
rare opportunity to conduct a close-up examination of these
mysterious, ancient objects which normally reside in the cold
depths of interstellar space.

 The nucleus of a comet is its heart, believed by scientists
to be a tiny irregular chunk of ice and rock.  To date only one
comet nucleus has ever been viewed by a spacecraft:  Comet Halley
in 1986.  CONTOUR will fly past at least two comets and take
higher resolution images than those of Halley.  It will also
collect and analyze gas and dust to reveal the comet's makeup,
greatly improving our knowledge of key characteristics of comet
nuclei and providing an assessment of their diversity.  CONTOUR
also will clear up the many mysteries of how comets evolve as they
approach the Sun and their ices begin to evaporate.

 The CONTOUR spacecraft will fly by each comet at the peak of
its activity when it's close to the Sun.  During each encounter,
the target comet will also be well situated in the night sky for
astronomers worldwide to make concurrent observations from the
ground.  The spacecraft will fly by each comet at a distance of
about 60 miles (100 kilometers).

 After successful completion of both the Preliminary Design
Review and an independent Confirmation Assessment and the
Confirmation Review at NASA Headquarters, the comet flyby project
is well on its way toward completing the spacecraft design.  The
CONTOUR mission is managed for NASA by the Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory, in Laurel, MD.  The
Principal Investigator is Dr. Joseph Veverka of Cornell

University, NY. More information on CONTOUR is available at: and

Perry J. van den Brink - NL,
owner UASR.[EMAIL PROTECTED]cmd=user

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Subject: [UASR] NASA Begins Building Next Mission To Study Comets
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:00:08 -0800
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Re: [CTRL] afghan asylum seekers betrayed by Brits

2000-02-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/15/2000 6:52:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 the Hi-jacking of the afghan jet that went to the UK at stanstead
 eventually caused the asylum seekers to end up in Court - where a plea was
 made on their behalf to keep their names secret for now - in case their
 families back home were subject to victimisation.
 Alas no - it was ruled that their full names be disclosed - and were
 subsequently plastered all over every UK newspaper.

 I phoned up the guardian newspaper editorial - a so called 'quality'
 newspaper and complained to the editors assistant - saying that the UK
 press had thrown these guys and their families back home to the wolves.
 'everyone else printed the names' said the assistant - ah but the 'guardian'
 was not being responsible by going along with the herd I said. 

I have had a different impression of the UK, but I realize it's from old
films and some television shows.  Was it this way before Blair and Maggie?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] White House accused of cover-up (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

"In fact, a White House official told one of the contractors they
had a jail cell with his name on it if he discussed the matter,"
she said.

February 15, 2000

White House accused of cover-up

By Jerry Seper and Andrew Cain


 The White House hid thousands of e-mails containing
information on Filegate, Chinagate, campaign finance abuses and
Monica Lewinsky, all of which were under subpoena by a federal
grand jury and three congressional committees, a former White
House computer manager says.

 Sheryl L. Hall, chief of White House computer operations who
has since moved to a similar position at the Treasury Department,
said administration officials covered up the fact that electronic
messages from August 1996 to November 1998 had not been
surrendered, as required by law, deciding instead to label them
as "classified" documents. She said the cover-up was part of a
bid to delay the investigations into 2001.

 "Contractors working at the White House discovered the
glitch showing that 100,000 White House e-mails involving nearly
500 computer users had not been located during the document
search," said Mrs. Hall. "When the contractors told the White
House about the problem, they were threatened, warned not to
discuss it. They were told the documents were classified.

 "In fact, a White House official told one of the contractors
they had a jail cell with his name on it if he discussed the
matter," she said.

 At least 4,000 of the e-mails involved or related to Miss
Lewinsky, the former White House intern with whom President
Clinton has admitted having a sexual relationship, she said.

 The veteran computer manager, who left the White House after
being demoted for questioning the propriety of the
administration's use of a database system for political purposes,
has since become a critic of the White House.

 She has accused first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and nine
White House political appointees in a pending lawsuit of job
harassment and reprisals for her complaints. The suit has been
filed in U.S. District Court in Washington by Judicial Watch, a
public interest law firm.

 In addition to the Lewinsky messages, she said hundreds of
other e-mails included references to the White House's receiving
secret FBI files on former Reagan and Bush administration
officials; information on the selection of corporate executives
for overseas trade trips; and messages concerning campaign
finance activities in the 1996 election.

 She said the glitch was first discovered in May 1998, when
the contractors traced a programming error on one of four White
House servers back to August 1996. The error involved e-mails to
and from 464 White House computer users and the problem was not
fixed until November 1998.

 The White House e-mails had been sought under subpoena by a
federal grand jury, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee and the House Government Reform

 They also were sought by Judicial Watch in separate pending
suits involving Filegate and Chinagate.

 Mrs. Hall, who was assigned to the White House in October
1992 from the Naval Sea Systems Command, said the missing e-mails
were discovered when the contractor, Northrop Grumman Corp.,
found that one of the four White House Lotus Notes e-mail servers
handling the mail for about 500 computer users had been
mislabeled and that a White House search of electronic messages
under the subpoenas was incomplete.

 She said e-mails from that server were not properly managed
for a two-year period — meaning they were not collected by the
mainframe computer during the subpoena record search.

 Mrs. Hall said White House project directors, Mark Lindsay
and Laura Crabtree, were told by Northrop Grumman of the glitch
but chose not to make the problem public.

 "There's no doubt they knew the search had not been
complete, and the missing records included those involving Miss
Lewinsky and other matters of concern," she said. "They could
have retrieved the documents, and they should have done it

 Mr. Lindsay, head of the White House Office of Management
and Administration, did not return calls seeking comment.

 Miss Crabtree, customer support branch chief at the White
House who has since moved to the Labor Department, was
unavailable for comment.

 White House spokesman James Kennedy said administration
officials made "a good faith effort to respond in a timely
fashion to all requests for information" sought under subpoena,
but declined to elaborate.

 "We generally do not discuss the details of particular
requests," he said.

 Mr. Kennedy would not address Mrs. Hall's accusation that
100,000 electronic messages were not turned over, saying he was
"not going to get into the specifics of any allegation."

 Northrup Grumman spokesman Larry Hamilton, who said he 

[CTRL] Shalala pulls plug on public comment

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


 Shalala pulls plug
on public comment
No faxes allowed, e-mail restricted
on proposed medical privacy rules


By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000

Although Thursday marks the close of the 60-day public comment period on the
Department of Health and Human Services' new and controversial proposed
medical rules -- which critics say will destroy patient confidentiality and
lead to a centralized medical data base -- the giant federal bureaucracy has
made it so difficult for citizens to comment that even the ACLU is up in
The proposed rules, unveiled last fall by HHS, cite the need for new
standards "to protect the privacy of individually identifiable health
information maintained or transmitted in connection with certain
administrative and financial transactions."

However, critics of the plan say the new rules, if approved, would instead
move government closer to digitally warehousing medical information on all
Americans, while providing third parties easier access to private medical

In accordance with federal rulemaking processes, the department established a
60-day commentary period, which ends Thursday, for the public to voice
opinions about the proposed rules.

But Health and Human Services has made the process too cumbersome, say those
who have tried to submit their views, prompting the American Civil Liberties
Union to complain about the process.

At one point the department accepted public comments by regular mail, fax and
via email over the Internet. But after receiving an inordinate amount of
complaints by fax -- some 2,400 according to the ACLU -- officials at HHS
stopped accepting faxes and admonished those seeking to voice their opinions
to use regular mail or the Internet.

Yet the email option consists of "registering" at the HHS website, answering
a list of invasive questions, and being assigned a unique identifier ID and
password before allowing comments to be submitted.

Mailing one's opinion is even more burdensome. Kent Snyder of the Liberty
Study Committee, which opposes the new rules, said an HHS advisory asks
citizens to "mail comments -- one original and three copies and if possible a
floppy disk as well."

The guidelines also say, "you should include your full name, address,
telephone number, and a central or knowledgeable point of contact with your

The ACLU issued a press advisory complaining about the cumbersome commentary

"This is a classic case of David vs. Goliath," said Laura W. Murphy, director
of the ACLU's Washington Office. "The HHS system is set up so that it is far
easier for special interest groups like the insurance industry to weigh in
than it is for the average person to make their views known."

The civil rights organization said the Health and Human Services website is
"so complicated to use that it is virtually impossible to submit. And once a
user locates the form, HHS has made it unnecessarily complicated and
decidedly user-unfriendly."

"Where is the opportunity for the American public to tell Secretary Shalala,
'I am concerned,' without having to submit their comments in quadruplicate or
spend hours combing the agency's website?" said Murphy. "It is time for the
reality of how HHS operates to match the President's promise of public

Worse, after thousands of people had faxed comments to Health and Human
Services, ACLU officials were told by an agent of the Criminal Intelligence
and Investigations section of the Federal Protective Service that the
department would no longer accept faxes, suggesting the department considered
them threatening or dangerous to the safety of HHS officials.

Snyder said his organization has created a much simpler commentary form on
the home page of their website. Internet users wishing to send their opinions
about the proposed medical privacy rules will see a "copy" of a simple "memo"
addressed to HHS, along with general information questions and a comments

"We plan to hand-deliver each and every response we get -- no matter the
point of view -- to HHS personally," Snyder said.

Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala said Nov. 3 that her new
proposals were "an important first step" in protecting the medical privacy of
all Americans.

"Our proposals will provide Americans with greater peace of mind as they seek
care, yet they are balanced with the need to protect public health, conduct
medical research and improve the quality of health care for the nation,"
Shalala said.

Snyder said the rules would actually harm medical privacy by giving access
control of all 

[CTRL] Jerry Doesn't Love Lucy!

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Jerry Doesn't Love Lucy!
by Emily Farache
Feb 14, 2000, 10:30 AM PT

Jerry Lewis is The Ladies' Man no longer.

The alleged funnyman was anything but this weekend at the U.S. Comedy Arts
Festival in Aspen, Colorado, when he made disparaging remarks about female
comics and said women were just "a producing machine" for babies.

Lewis, 73, was on hand at the fest Saturday night for a career retrospective
honoring his lifetime of comedy, but after glowing comments about his
long-estranged former partner Dean Martin, his remarks turned sour.

During a QA session moderated by Martin Short, a member of the 1,000-strong
audience asked Lewis which female comics he admires. Replied Lewis, "I don't
like any female comedians."

Short quickly asked Lewis about Lucille Ball--"You must have loved her."

"No," the Geisha Boy star said. "A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me, but
sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a
producing machine that brings babies in the world."

By all accounts, the remarks were met by a stunned silence. Associated Press
reports many left the St. Regis Hotel conference room shaking their heads in
disbelief at the man who has devoted himself to muscular-dystrophy research
and whose good works even led to a Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 1977.

There's been no immediate comment from Lewis' representatives.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkins

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

an article from:
Blacklisted News, Secret History . . . From Chicago, '68, to 1984
©1983 Youth International Party Information Service
Bleecker Publishing
POB 392
Canal St. Station
New York, NY 10012
ISBN 0-912873-00-0

In this story is one of the raison d' etre of this list. What I call 'reading
the river.' Eugene Dinkins called it "exercise[s] in 'psychological sets.'"

The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkins
by Robert Mitchell

  The amazing facts contained in the follow-
ing F.B.l. document, which we are reprinting
in full, are true. Dinkin's story has been
verified through the existence of cablegrams
between the C.l.A.'s Geneva and
Washington offices. both before and after
the Kennedy assassination. Careful examina-
tion of those cablegrams, as well as other
documents. reveal that the C.I.A. actively
tried to coverup the fact that prior to
November 22, 1963 PFC Dinkin was at-
tempting to reveal the existence of a plot to
assassinate Kennedy. The cablegrams also,
reveal that efforts were made to silence
Dinkin and suppress the story.

  Following the assassination, published
reports revealed that someone had advance
information of the assassination. and the
Warren Commission requested to be fur-
nished documents relative to the allegation.

In a secret memo to J. Lee Rankin, Chief
Council of the Warren Commission, C.I.A.
Deputy Director Richard Helms states "Im-
mediately AFTER the assassination (our
source in) Geneva, Switzerland reported
allegations concerning a plot to assassinate
President Kennedy were made by PFC
Eugene Dinkin, U.S. Army, on 6 and 7
November. 1963." But Helms appeared to
be withholding the fact that the Agency had
knowledge of Dinkin's allegations prior to
the assassination.

One of the cablegrams, titled "IN CABLE
No. 56631," dated November 7 1963.
reported on Dinkin's background and allega-
tions of a plot. At the end of the cable,
Geneva asked: "DIRECTOR: Advise any ac-
tion desired. will continue to monitor
developments via army attache, F.B.l,
Geneva contacts, but will not become involv-
ed visavis Swiss unless so directed." Thus. the
C.I. A.. and others in the intelligence communi-
ty had full knowledge of Dinkin's assertions.
prior to the assassination.

 Evidence abounds that the cables were
weighted with subliminal suggestions, design-
ed to give a predisposition to the notion that
PFC Dinkin was mentally unstable. For exam-
ple, cablegrams tend to be written in short.
choppy sentences. often including abbrevia-
tions. omitting articles, and avoiding adjec-
tives. However. when Dinkin is referred to,
adjectives are freely added, intending to imp-
ly that Dinkin was a crackpot. "IN CABLE
56631" dated November 16. 1963 refers to
Dinkin's "Wild but amazing coincidence. . . "
and states that Dinkin ". . . had given his wild
story in Souisee"(Switzerland). Later, it
states that a Time-Life stringer
SUBJ." This wording subtly-throws a shadow
of doubt on the corroborating reporter.
Dinkin is further referred to as "unbalanced"
on two separate occasions in this one, short

 Evidence that the C.I.A. tried to suppress
the story and keep it from coming to the at-
tention of the Secret Service, also, emerges.
In early cable communications, pertinent
facts are conspicuously absent, thus carefully
suppressed. Coupled with evidence that the
cables were weighted in an obvious attempt
to discredit Dinkin indicates that the C. I. A.
was trying to cover up the matter prior to
the Kennedy assassination in an effort to
silence the many who were attempting to
expose the plot But for the two journalists
in Geneva. the story might never have sur-

 The shocking tale of what happened to
Eugene Dinkin following his revelations has
finally come to light It includes frame up.
false arrest and imprisonment. unlawful
medical treatment. and medical malpractice.
Dinkin has also suffered libel and
misrepresentation at the hands of the

  Mr. Eugene B. Dinkin, 534 West Oakdale,
Chicago. Illinois, advised that he had been
recently discharged from the United States
Army after having been in detention for four
months while undergoing psychiatric tests.
 Dinkin advised that while stationed in
Europe with the U.S. Army in 1963. he had
begun a review of several newspapers in-
cluding the Stars and Stripes as an exercise
in "psychological sets." He explained that he
had taken courses in psychology at college
and was extremely interested in this subject
matter. He advised that "psychological sets''
was a term referring to a series of events, ar-
ticles, etcetera which, when coupled
together, set up or induce a certain frame of
mind on the part of a person being exposed
to the series. He stated that this method of
implanting an idea was much in use by the
"Madison Avenue" advertising people who
attempted to influence one who was expos-
ed to 

Re: [CTRL] alleged failure to report child abuse

2000-02-15 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find an article about an alleged failure to report child abuse.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

Clergy May Have Known of Sex Abuse
 Thursday, February 10, 2000


   LOGAN -- A man is facing sex abuse charges for allegedly fondling a boy,
and investigators are looking into allegations that three Mormon bishops were
aware of the abuse and did not report it.
Jay Toombs, 44, of Benson, faces three first-degree felony counts of
aggravated sexual abuse of a child for allegedly fondling a 10-year-old boy
in 1993 and 1994.
"There have been a significant number of allegations made," Cache County
Attorney Scott Wyatt said. "We have filed charged based on one boy's claims.
We are looking at others."
Wyatt said there is concern that clergy may have been aware of the abuse
and failed to report it.
He said at least three Mormon bishops may have been told about the
alleged abuse.
Failure to report child abuse is a crime, Wyatt said.
"The tragedy happens [in this type of case] when someone who has an
obligation to report abuse, doesn't," Wyatt said. "Then they later discover
this person has continued to perpetrate. That's hard to deal with. It's hard
to recognize your inaction could have been the cause of creating other
The law says clergy members are not obligated to report crimes heard in
"a confessional" capacity, Wyatt said.
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members are
encouraged to talk with their bishops about serious violations of church
doctrine, some of which could involve criminal acts.
Those conversations are private. However, when bishops hear of crimes
from people other than the alleged offender, they are obligated to report
them, Wyatt said.
In Toombs' case, investigators believe alleged victims' family members
counseled with Mormon bishops and nothing was done, Wyatt said.
Toombs is being held in the Cache County Jail. Toombs made an initial
appearance in court Monday. No bail amount has been set.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Worst Corps (1999)

2000-02-15 Thread Alamaine

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The Ten Worst Corporations of 1999
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
The consequences of corporations and greed run amok

Charles Dickens, where are you when we need you?
Never has "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" served as a
more apt commentary on society than today.
The NASDAQ just broke 4,000 and has nearly doubled in 1999. The Dow is at near-
record heights as well. Internet, computer and communications technologies are
evolving at a stunning velocity. A lot of people are becoming incredibly
wealthy, and a lot are having fun on the Internet.
If you want, you can look at this state of affairs and say that everything is
fine. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back.
Or, you can look at a different set of snapshots and ask these and many other
probing questions:
Why does the United States, the richest nation in the history of the world,
warehouse its elderly in what are euphemistically called nursing homes,
permitting many to live out their last years in social isolation and sometimes
filth and neglect?
Why are profitable and fast-growing corporations permitted to expose their workers to 
dangerous and life-threatening conditions that could be avoided with minimal 
Why are the poor, undereducated and unsophisticated subject to a host of financial 
scams that empty their small savings accounts or throw them into debt?
Why are working people in the United State who try to organize into unions regularly 
subjected to threats of firing and plant closure, harassment, intimidation and 
managerial refusal to bargain with duly elected unions?
Why does the United States permit the massive concentration of economic and political 
power through mergers and acquisitions that work to foreclose democratic options for 
the future?
Why do rich societies permit their corporations to engage, directly or indirectly, 
through contractors and subcontractors, in brutally exploitative practices in 
developing countries -- practices that have long been outlaw
ed in the rich countries?
Why indeed.
There is of course no one single answer to these and the many other critical questions 
that should be asked in a society that does so much to generate wealth, at least as 
measured by conventional standards, but so little
to distribute that wealth -- or justice -- evenly. But there is one connecting theme 
that serves, at least, as a partial answer to many of these questions: concentrated 
corporate power.
Each year, to highlight the consequences of corporations and greed run amok, 
Multinational Monitor publishes a list of the 10 worst corporations of the year.
Here's this year's list, in alphabetical order:
Avondale: Good riddance For more than half a decade, Avondale, which operates a 
shipyard in New Orleans, waged a vicious campaign to block recognition of its 
employees' desire for a union -- a desire springing in no small
 part from way below industry standard wages and a gruesome workplace casualty record 
of a death a year. In August, Avondale was acquired by Litton, which agreed to 
recognize the workers' union in November. Citigroup: The
 standard in political corruption Citigroup played the lead role in ushering the 
"Financial Services Modernization Act" through the U.S. Congress, in the process 
joining with the rest of the financial services industry to
 set a new standard in legalized bribery. The Act will tear down the regulatory walls 
between banks, and insurance companies and securities firms, paving the massive 
concentration of financial wealth and a future of indus
try bailouts, weakening the Community Reinvestment Act and permitting huge intrusions 
on consumer privacy. Del Monte: Banana imperialism into the twenty-first century In 
September, Bandegua, the Guatemalan subsidiary of C
oral Gables, Florida-based Fresh Del Monte Produce (now a separate company from 
California-based Del Monte Foods), dismissed 900 of its banana workers. When other 
unionized Bandegua workers tried to organize a solidarity
protest, the union leadership was met with a 200-person, armed goon squad which chased 
the leadership out of town, threatening to kill them if they returned. Del Monte and 
Bandegua deny responsibility, but they have certa
inly benefited from the threats. Guardian Postacute: Maggots everywhere After learning 
that of Guardian Postacute Services Inc., a San Francisco Bay area nursing home chain, 
had permitted dirty feeding tubes to be install
ed into patients who then became infested with maggots, had permitted patients to lie 
for extended periods in their urine and feces, and had failed to take strong action 
against an employee who sexually abused patients, S
anta Clara County Deputy District Attorney Randy Hey has filed criminal charges 
against Guardian. Hoffman La Roche: Take the market, pay the fine Earlier this year, 
the Swiss 

[CTRL] Bilderberg Conference 2000 in Austria?

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""Bilderberg
Conference 2000 in Austria/A
2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994

Bilderberg Conferences

Please can you help with current research??

Looks like Bilderberg 2000 will be organised by Diemut Kastner* and take
place in Austria - But where? and when?

* Source: leaked 1999 minutes

Do email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any further information you might have on
dates, venue etc.

This site campaigns for general press access to Bilderberg venues - and
a declaration from the organisers that the discussions are public, not

I have been sent an address and phone no. for Mr. Kastner - anyone who speaks
German can try the number?!?!!

Dr. Dietmut Kastner
Stoß im Himmel 3
1011 Vienna / Austria (very much in the cities inner centre)
Tel. 01 / 535 84 04
New Bilderberg Chairman
Soc Gen de Bel critical

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Are Copiers used to Track us?

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

At 02:47 AM 2-15-2000 -0800, Don wrote:
is this true?
   Are Copiers used to Track us?

 Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999
 Subj: PRIVACY Forum Digest V08 #19


 Date: Sun, 12 Dec 99 09:43 PST
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator)
 Subj: "Copier" IDs Coming Soon to Consumer Printers?

 Greetings.  In my recent special report, "IDs in Color Copies"
 (, I related Xerox's
 confirmation of "invisible" IDs embedded repeatedly in the
 background "noise" of xerographic color copies and prints, from
 both Xerox-produced machines and those of other manufacturers.
 Included ostensibly as an anti-counterfeiting measure, these are
 produced through "steganographic" (hiding in plain sight) encoding
 techniques.  This technology appears to be similar in a broad sense
 to (but clearly not identical with), Xerox's commercial
 "DataGlyphs" encoding system (see Xerox's material regarding
 DataGlyphs at:

 Response to my report has been very strong, mostly from people who
 were unaware of the existence of these copier IDs.  At least one
 person continued to doubt that the IDs were real--sometimes it's
 difficult to prove an "urban legend" as actually true!

 In my report, I speculated about the eventual implementation of
 such ID tracking systems within inexpensive consumer copying and
 printing equipment.  Readers who might have doubted the likelihood
 of that eventuality may be interested in:

 which is a U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing "Request for
 Proposals" regarding (among other things) implementation of tracing
 systems for devices such as inexpensive and ubiquitous inkjet
 printers, to encode system identification in any output.

 It would seem that the time for a public airing of the complex
 issues surrounding these systems is already upon us!

 Lauren Weinstein
 Moderator, PRIVACY Forum -
 Co-Founder, PFIR: People for
  Internet Responsibility -
 Member, ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

 Subscriptions are via an automatic list server system;
 for subscription information, please send a message
 consisting of the word "help" (quotes not included)
 in the BODY of a message to: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waco Government by Child Murder

2000-02-15 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: Weldon Clark 
Subject: Waco Government by Child Murder
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 11:08 PM

Waco Government by Child Murder
By Weldon Clark

In order to win the fight to keep our guns we must mount an
offensive.  Instead of just asking Congress not to enact more
GUN LAWS, point out that the Federal Government is run by
a minority of people who are operating the government as if it
were a third world thugrocracy using GUN LAWS.  Ruby
Ridge was just such a case that NRA gave wide publicity to.
However NRA has not chosen to publicize Waco.

Please read all of the stories below.  That by Mr. Knox says
WARRANT".  The story by Vin Suprynowicz says they shot
Davidians trying to go into Mount Carmel who had nothing to
do with the raid. The "60 Minutes II" segment on January 26,
2000 hosted by Dan Rather said their expert says FBI fired
into the Davidian Compound.

I urge you to write and call your CONGRESSMAN AND
STATE LEGISLATORS now.  This can now be accomplished
at the speed of light, thanks to WorldNetDaily's new
Legislative Action Center.
You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your
Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard.
Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory:
Here's an e-mail link to Congress.
For legislative updates contact and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and
callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST, M-F

If you can, contribute to pressing the civil suits brought by the
Davidians. Most of what they had went up in smoke, and
they're now faced with the need to finance lawsuits against
the government--which is defending with your tax dollars.
None of this money is for attorney fees.  The case requires
expensive depositions.  Contributions can be sent to (and
checks made out to) WACO JUSTICE FUND 5847 San
Felipe Suite 1450 Houston, TX 77057.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neal Knox)
Dallas Morning News Reporter Lee Hancock has three major
stories detailing internal FBI and Justice Department
criticisms of the Branch Davidian assault, which were omitted
from the Justice Department's public report.

Key negotiators (other than Byron Sage) and various
behavioral and religious experts criticized field commander
Jeff Jamar and the Hostage Rescue Team for torpedoing
negotiations -- such as by sending in tanks to destroy the
Davidians' cars on the morning that 20 people had been
expected to come out.

Former FBI Director Bill Sessions, a Waco native who had
been forbidden by the Clinton Administration to go to Texas
to try to resolve the standoff, had ordered that tanks not be
used without his permission -- which he never gave.

The documents show that Jamar and the HRT were
determined to punish everyone in the compound for killing
five BATF agents when the agency mounted a commando
attack, supposedly to search for illegal firearms -- though NO

Hancock's reports may be read at
From THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
Video contends Davidians were machine-gunned

Is it possible David Koresh didn't lose his confrontation with
the Godless state he and his followers identified as
"Babylon," at all?

Throughout their 51-day Texas standoff in the spring of 1993,
Koresh and his followers repeatedly compared their plight to
that of God's people facing the "flaming chariots" of Babylon
in the biblical prophesies of Nahum and Habakkuk. A follower
says Koresh believed he would be the one to "bring down
Babylon" by sacrificing himself and his denomination.

Will it turn out that -- like an earlier group of Texas martyrs
who died buying time for Sam Houston at the Alamo -- the
Branch Davidians still retain the power to reach out from the
grave and smite their oppressors?

After completing the documentary "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement' -- nominated for an Academy Award --
researcher Mike McNulty continued to delve into the central
mystery of Waco: Why would scores of perfectly sane and
decent Christian Americans apparently choose to condemn
themselves and their "unusually bright and well-treated"
children (per Texas child welfare 


2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


InternetTrash News
   Tuesday, 01-Feb-2000 14:05:21 EST


MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Wireless Flash) -- The Russians are coming, the
Russians are coming! That's according to conspiracy theorist
Nancy Luft, who claims to have uncovered a secret Russian plot to
destroy the United States within three years. The plot involves
Russian satellite technology which has been in use for thousands
-- yes, thousands -- of years. According to Luft, the Russians
used their satellites to brainwash Jesus Christ and other ancient
leaders into leaving Russia alone so they could construct more
satellites. These days the Russians are using their satellites to
brainwash Americans in preparation for a nuclear attack by the
end of 2003. Luft claims the only way to avoid the attack is to
agree to a treaty with the Russians, but she seriously doubts
U.S. leaders will allow that to happen.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thai hackers claim responsibility (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Thai hackers claim responsibility

Hong Kong Blondes satellite group says it made cyber-attacks

By Anthony LoBaido
© 2000

CHAING RAI, Thailand -- A computer hacking group modeled after
the legendary "Hong Kong Blondes" now claims -- after its
December warning in WorldNetDaily that it intended to hack CNN
and other major Western websites via "Denial of Service" methods
-- that it is responsible for the recent attacks on,, eBay, Yahoo!, and other major sites.

In "The Beijing hack attack," a WorldNetDaily exclusive report on
the Chinese group founded by super-hacker Blondie Wong, WND
reported that a new satellite group identifying with the
"Blondes" had sprung up in Thailand. The report noted that the
anti-communist hacking group promised to target not only
Communist China, but also top Western corporations, including

The stated purpose of this consortium of hackers: to stop the
government of Communist China from persecuting its own citizens,
and to protest against Western transnational corporations that do
business with China.

While many groups have claimed responsibility for the high
profile cyber-attacks and the claims of the Thai hackers may be
far-fetched, recent events make the claims of these Far East
hackers seem a little less far out.

Last Wednesday the wire services reported that a hack attack
originating in Mainland China attempted to steal thousands of
credit card numbers from RealNames, a California-based Web

Although the attack was dissimilar to the attacks on,
Yahoo! and eBay, that attack was more destructive as it gained
access to personal data.

RealNames stated that over 60,000 of its addresses had been
re-routed to a China-based website. A spokesman for the company
said the intruders didn't actually steal anything, but, "Our best
guess is that this was done by a traditional hacker, whose goal
is not to steal, but to prove that he has the ability to steal."

The Thailand satellite hackers group, which has taken the name of
"The Julie Holden Drool Brigade" -- a youngish tribute to their
mentor Tracey Kinchen, a former MI5 agent with British
Intelligence who is also a dead ringer for actress Julie Holden
-- recently met with WorldNetDaily in the northern Thai city of
Chiang Rai to spell out their reasons for taking part in the

"We hacked RealNames looking for credit card numbers of
international bigwigs," said Maxi Coke, a Thai female hacker
based in Bangkok.

"It's just like we told WorldNetDaily. This is real. We are not
going away. We said we would go after Ted Turner, this was before
the merger between AOL and Time Warner, and we did take down CNN.
The globalist elites have to get the message. We will never,
never ever stop fighting them. Our movement will not be co-opted.
Red China and all the Western corporations should beware."

"People will say we need anger management training, or that we
need government-sponsored websites designed just so we can hack
them for fun, but we're really serious," said Minny Jet, another
Thai female hacker who lives in Chiang Mai.

Maxi Coke said that fellow hackers in Mainland China and Germany
assisted in the attack.

"We launched the attack from inside the FBI's own computers. We
called it the 'Janet Reno Dance Party.' We didn't want her to
have to go too far to find the source of the attack. When she
looks too hard, peaceful law abiding citizens tend to get burned
up from time to time -- like in Waco, Texas."

Like other groups claiming responsibility for the high-profile
attacks, the "Julie Holden" hacking group has spelled out its
demands for ceasing its attacks on the World Wide Web.

First, Western governments and multinational corporations must
stop trading with Communist China.

Second, Nuremberg-style trials of the United Nations for "crimes
against humanity," referring to its promotion of abortion, which
must be commenced before the end of the year 2000.

Third, the laundering of all the drug money in the world must be
uncovered and examined before the public.

"Trade, drugs and abortion -- these are the main evils in the
world," said Mini Jet. "The elites are a selfish, self-anointed
group of snobs. The Chinese, Russians, U.N, Western corporations,
they all are raping the planet with impunity."

"Since they are what I would call 'evil,' and their view of the
world and mankind's nature is all wrong -- they can only lead us
all into a future of anarchy and destruction," said Mini Jet.
"Forced abortion, sterilization, organ harvesting, the rape of
Tibet. These things are evil. Why is the European Union calling
Joerg Haider of Austria a Nazi? He's done nothing wrong. Yet the
EU embraces the Nazi atrocities of China. They are such

The Thailand-based group pledged more attacks in the future,
though they refused to specify targets, means or cooperating
groups, if any. Members did state 

[CTRL] Debate

2000-02-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

McCain won the debate by a fair margin, IMO. He made some good points
regarding differences between his more fiscally-responsible tax plan which
actually pays down the National Debt (as opposed to the Social Security
Debt in Bush's plan), his more substantial and meaningful campaign
reform, and his, total commitment to a moratorium on the Internet Tax.

Bush looked better than before, which is not saying much, but he waffeled
on the main issues above (like a traditional polititian), and more importently
perhaps, he can't even pronounce nuclear (he says, 'nucular', as in "I am in
charge of the 'nucular weapons'). Did Bush go to school in Texas? Or
Washington, DC? Either way, he has a problem, or perhaps several, which
may include some inherited inbred (blueblood) genes, and the speech and
communication challenges of his CIA dad. Not to mention the 'other genes'.
But I say too much. On that note, Keyes talked too much, and regardless,
so what? He has no chance of winning the nomination based on the polls
and the fact that he tries to position himself slightly to the left of Pat

Many Democrats and Independents strongly support McCain, including
many votors here in California where an unprecedented number of
Democrats and Independents have registered as Republicans in order to
vote for McCain delegates. I have been amazed talking to a few 'liberals'
who support McCain and have been surprised at the level of awareness of
the shenanigans of the 'Bush Clan'.







CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton says US seeking partnership with Iran (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Source: AFP - Agence France Presse
Feb 14 16:52

WASHINGTON, Feb 14 (AFP) - US President Bill Clinton said Monday
the United States was seeking a "constructive partnership" with
Iran and that he was following with interest the election
campaign there.

"I think that, you know, one of the best things we could do for
the long term peace and health of the Middle East and, indeed,
much of the rest of the world, is to have a constructive
partnership with Iran," he said in an online interview broadcast
on CNN.

"And I'm still hoping that that can materialize."

He said Washington was watching with interest as Iranians prepare
to vote in parliamentary elections on Friday.

He said he hoped reformers would not be hurt by their desire to
open dialogue with Washington.

"I think it's important that the genuine reformers there not be
in effect weakened because of their willingness to at least talk
to us," he said. "Because I think the United States should always
remain open to a constructive dialogue with people of good will."

Iran and the United States broke off diplomatic relations after
the 1979 hostage-taking at the US embassy in Tehran.

The United States still imposes a unilateral embargo on Iran,
which it accuses of backing international terrorism.

Nevertheless, the Clinton administration has made repeated
overtures to Iran in recent months for improved ties, all of
which have been rebuffed. Clinton reiterated that Washington had
part of the blame to share in the deterioration of bilateral

The United States was not "entirely blameless in the past in our
relationships with Iran," he said, but stressed that Washington
"did not condone anyone who would support terrorist actions; and
that we had some ... difficulties with Iran."

"But we were viewing with interest affairs within Iran. We want
the Iranian people to have a good democracy. We'd like to see
these elections. And we want to be supportive of better
relationships, if we can work them out in ways that are mutually
agreeable," he said.

"A lot of that is now in the hands of the Iranian people and
their elections and also with the leaders of Iran. Some of them
don't want that, but I think some of them may want that."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 2 million Americans Behind Bars (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:40:19 -0700
From: "Howard H. Bleicher, D.D.S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: OT: 2 million Americans Behind Bars

February 15th's criminal milestone: 2 million Americans are
behind bars

WASHINGTON, DC -- Tuesday, February 15 is a day that will
live in incarceration infamy -- because it's the day America will
lock its two-millionth citizen behind bars.

And that's no cause for celebration, the Libertarian
Party said today.

"These 2 million prisoners do not mark a victory for law
enforcement, but, all too often, mark a defeat for safety,
justice, and liberty," said David Bergland, the party's national
chairman. "Too many of these 2 million prisoners are behind bars
for crimes that should not be crimes, and are serving sentences
that no civilized nation should impose."

According to an estimate by the Justice Policy Institute,
the number of Americans serving time in federal and state prisons
and local jails will surpass 2 million on February 15.

To understand the unprecedented magnitude of that number,
a few facts should be kept in mind, said Bergland:

* In 1970, fewer than 200,000 Americans were behind bars.
By contrast, in the 1990s alone, 840,000 Americans were sent to

* America has more prisoners in one state (California)
than do the nations of France, Great Britain, Japan, Germany,
Holland, and Singapore -- combined.

* Over the past two decades, one new jail or prison has
been built in America every week.

* Violent crime has dropped by 21% since 1993 -- but the
number of Americans being incarcerated has grown by 5%-6% each
year since then.

* Less than a third of the people sentenced to jail each
year have been convicted of a violent crime, and at least 400,000
inmates are serving time for non-violent drug offenses alone.

* By one estimate, as many as 750,000 people are in jail
for victimless crimes -- like gambling, violating censorship
laws, not wearing a seatbelt, or consensual sex.

* The cost of keeping 2 million prisoners behind bars is
$40 billion a year -- or about $20,000 for every man, woman, and
teenager serving time.

* 30% of all African-American males will be sent to
prison at some point during their lives. A major reason for this:
While only 15% of all drug users are black, 74% of the people in
prison for drug crimes are black, according to government

"When you add up all these numbers, you see a criminal
justice system that is better at producing criminals than
justice," said Bergland.

"And you see a nation that has too many laws that are too
selectively enforced; a criminal justice system that wastes too
many resources on victimless crimes; and a prison-industrial
complex that has become America's most tragic growth industry."

What's to be done?

"Americans can use February 15th's grim milestone to
mourn a criminal justice system gone hopelessly haywire -- or use
it to mark a turning point toward genuine justice," said

"As a first step toward a solution, we should immediately
pardon anyone convicted of any victimless crime; begin to repeal
laws that criminalize peaceful, consensual behavior; focus law
enforcement resources on protecting decent people against
violent, predatory criminals; and start examining alternatives to
prison, like victim restitution.

"Such a Libertarian policy would keep Americans more safe
from violent criminals," he said. "It would help us change from a
nation that forces 2 million people to serve time in prison --
and into a nation where 270 million people can live in liberty,
justice, and safety."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] White House Intimidates Reporters (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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Chattanooga Times / Chattanooga Free Press
February 6, 2000, Sunday

White House Intimidates Reporters


A few months ago, Bill O'Reilly, who has a popular show on the
Fox News Channel called "The O'Reilly Factor," was asked why he
had never discussed the controversy about the death of former
White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. He said that if
he contradicted "60 Minutes" and said on his show "that Vincent
Foster didn't commit suicide, then right away 75 percent of the
American people put me in a category where I don't want to be."

A January Zogby America poll shows that O'Reilly is dead wrong
about that. It found that only 25 percent of the respondents
believe that Foster committed suicide. One third don't believe it
and 42 percent are not sure if he did or didn't. The poll also
found that 56 percent say that the media should insist that
Kenneth Starr, who claims that his report on Foster answered all
the questions about his death, should answer the many questions
that are still unanswered. Only 27 percent said reporters should
not insist that Starr answer those questions.

This clearly indicates that Bill O'Reilly or the hosts of other
TV shows need not fear being labeled lunatics by the public if
they discuss the evidence that refutes the official line on Vince
Foster's death.

What they have to fear is not the public. It's the White House
and its friends in the media. O'Reilly brought that up, saying
that the government is now much more powerful than the
journalists. He said, "They have people in The New Yorker
magazine, in Talk magazine, in the Times, in the Post, in the
L.A. Times. Theyve got people that can pick up the phone and say,
"You know, you ought to get this guy. He's bad, and look what we
got on him.' And they'll get him."

This is a chilling picture of the power of the White House to
dictate what stories get reported and what don't. Could this
explain why Newsweek sacrificed a big scoop by its star
investigative reporter, Michael Isikoff, two years ago?

Isikoff had the Monica Lewinsky story ready to go. His editors
got cold feet and delayed it. The result was that Matt Drudge
broke the story on the Internet, and Newsweek was scooped by
Drudge and the daily newspapers. Iskikoff was at Newsweek because
he had undergone a similar experience at The Washington Post in
1994, when his editors refused to run a story he had written
which gave credibility to the charges by Paula Jones that Bill
Clinton had tried unsuccessfully to get her to do what Monica did

Newsweek was scooped again just recently when Richard Smith, its
editor and chairman, spiked a story that was slated to run in its
Jan. 24 issue. The story was about charges that Vice President Al
Gore had lied in 1987, when he told reporters who were
questioning him about his use of marijuana that his pot smoking
had been "rare and infrequent."

Bill Turque, a reporter in Newsweek's Washington bureau, has
written a biography of Gore that includes information he dug up
claiming that until Gore declared his intention to run for
Congress in 1976, he had been a heavy user of marijuana for six
years. The information came from John Warnecke, a reporter who
worked with Gore on the Nashville Tennessean and claimed to have
supplied Gore with marijuana, free of charge, and smoked it with
him regularly.

Newsweek had run one excerpt from Turque's book, and the excerpt
slated for the Jan. 24 issue included the information about
Gore's drug use that Turque got from Warnecke and had confirmed
by other sources.

Houghton-Miflin, the publisher of Turque's book, announced that
it was delaying publication of the book until March 23. The New
York Times reported that Newsweek was postponing its publication
of the controversial excerpt until around the time of the book's
publication, in effect until after the presidential primaries are
over. It doesn't take a cynic to suggest that both actions
probably reflect White House pressure.

Warnecke says his conscience has been bothering him ever since
1987 when he claims he lied to reporters under pressure by Gore
not to reveal his drug use. Disappointed by Newsweek's spiking
the story, Warnecke gave it to a pro-drug web site on the
Internet, where Matt Drudge found it and again embarrassed
Newsweek by scooping them and exposing what clearly appears to be
kowtowing to the White House.

But it isn't just Newsweek. A year ago, while Clinton's
impeachment was pending before the Senate, NBC News President
Andrew Lack kept an exclusive interview with Clinton rape-victim
Juanita Broaddrick off the air, giving the scoop to The Wall
Street Journal.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] White House Hid Scandal-Related E-Mails-Repor (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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Politics HeadlinesAdd to My Yahoo!
Tuesday February 15 12:10 PM ET

White House Hid Scandal-Related E-Mails-Report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House hid thousands of e-mails
containing information on various scandals involving President
Clinton, the Washington Times reported on Tuesday.

The Times quoted former White House computer operations chief
Sheryl Hall as saying administration officials covered up the
fact that electronic messages from August 1996 to November 1998
had not been surrendered, as required by law, deciding instead to
label them as ``classified'' documents.

The e-mails contained information on scandals involving White
House possession of background files on former members of
Republican administrations; campaign finance abuses; and Monica
Lewinsky, among others issues, the Times said.

It said the e-mails had been under subpoena by a federal grand
jury and three congressional committees.

Asked about the report, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart
dismissed it, saying it was similar to what the Times' sister
publication Insight magazine reported in 1998.

``We have always made a good-faith effort to cooperate with
information and records requests, and as far as I know there are
no outstanding disputes on any records right now,'' Lockhart

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CBS Plugged New Fortunate Son; Never Turn on McCain? (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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Media Research Center CyberAlert
Monday February 14, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 26)

CBS Plugged New Fortunate Son; Never Turn on McCain?; Clueless

1) Eleanor Clift suggested the anti-McCain push poll tale isn't
so solid; Tim Russert hit George Bush with how his BJU host once
called his father the "devil"; NBC's Dracula interviewing style.

2) Lesley Stahl asked on 60 Minutes about the book charging the
Bush family with a cocaine cover-up: "How did a respectable
publishing house...go ahead with the book when the author
couldn't offer proof?" But CBS also gave a nice plug for a new

3) Friday night ABC castigated Bush and McCain for not denounc
ing the Confederate flag, CBS celebrated the role of independents
in hurting the parties, NBC promoted the cause of a group pushing
the GOP to the left.

4) Newsweek's Evan Thomas submitted that the media may never turn
on McCain. Friday's GMA focused again on the supposed "push poll"
and Jack Ford mildly pressed McCain for proof before joking with
him about a food fight between McCain staff and reporters.

5) After Al Gore told Jay Leno that Bill Clinton "is my friend,
we're close friends," actor Jimmy Smits praised Gore. Actor
Walter Matthau hailed Bill Bradley, saying he "reminds me" of

6) CBS: Clueless Bob Schieffer. He doesn't comprehend a basic
argument Bush has made against campaign finance reform and he
found it surprising comparing your opponent to Bill Clinton is
considered negative.

7) Linda Tripp now works in the same building as a left-wing
feminist group which has protected Bill Clinton.

 The latest Media Reality Check fax report is now online.
"Rather's Anchorman Amnesia Over Hillary: Much Like Tom Brokaw's
Amnesia With Gore, CBS Anchor Cites Hillary Gaffes He Hasn't
Aired." The MRC's Tim Graham began the report: "Call it anchorman
amnesia. When the top TV titans put on their pundit hats, they
suddenly recall every inconvenient story they've left out of
their newscasts for the benefit of their liberal friends." For a
rundown of examples of what network anchors never reported, go

 "Media Love McCain," a piece by the MRC's Director of
Media Analysis, Tim Graham, appears in the February 19 World
magazine. Graham writes: "A dramatic win can lead to dramatic
coverage, but the media's recent pedal-to-the-metal promotion is
just the latest swoon in a long-brewing love affair between Mr.
McCain and reporters." You can read the article online, just go

 1) We'll start today with a bunch of interesting items
picked up from shows aired over the weekend: Eleanor Clift
suggested that maybe the anti-McCain push poll tale isn't so
solid; NBC's Tim Russert hit George Bush with how his Bob Jones
University host once called his father the "devil" and Reagan a
"traitor"; Dracula-like interviewing on NBC Nightly News and
communism as the "good old days" in China.

-- Eleanor Clift more discerning than network reporters? As
detailed in the February 11 CyberAlert, on Thursday night all the
networks highlighted a woman in South Carolina complaining about
an anti-McCain "push poll" her 14-year-old son supposedly

On the McLaughlin Group over the weekend, run from Friday
night through Sunday depending on where you live, Newsweek's
Clift submitted: "I'd like to point out that this was one phone
call. If this was a pattern that was going on wouldn't other
people be stepping up and making the same claim? That hasn't

-- Leave it to NBC's Tim Russert to come up with the most
novel question to really get a guest. He flew down to Austin to
interview George Bush for the entirety of Sunday's Meet the
Press. As you would expect from Russert, he pressed Bush about
the size of his tax cut and how much of the surplus he would
allocate to Social Security.

He soon asserted that "a lot of eyebrows were raised when you
made an appearance at Bob Jones University" and asked Bush about
the school's racist dating policy and anti-Catholic and anti-
Mormon bigotry. But, over video of Bush at the school on February
2, he also hit Bush with this revelation:

"Let me show you a picture of Governor George W. Bush, the
gentleman there to your right, on the left of the screen, is Bob
Jones III. Let me show you what he said about your Dad, which I
think is rather chilling and I'll put this on the screen for you
and our viewers."

Russert then read a quote from the March 2, 1982 Washington
Post: "I believe that Mr. Reagan came to office with good
intentions, but he broke his promise to us when he took on Mr.
George Bush, a devil, for his Vice PresidentMr. Reagan has
become a traitor to God's people." [ellipses as on-screen]

Russert asked Bush: "How could you sit with the man who

[CTRL] Fund-raising trial gets under way (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 20:57:54 -0600
Subject:  Fund-raising trial gets under way

Fund-raising trial gets under way

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Jusice Department, kicking of trial against
a former fund-raiser, says Maria Hsia concealed the source of
more than $100,000 in illegal donations.

Hsia's lawyer, meanwhile argues that the Los Angeles immigration
consultant is the victim of ''a smear job'' by federal

''The system breaks down'' because of people like Hsia, who
''time and time again engaged in these schemes'' in the 1996
election campaign, prosecutor Eric Yaffe told the U.S. District
Court jury in opening statements on Monday.

In becoming ''a major player in the Democratic Party,'' Yaffe
said, Hsia tapped well-to-do business acquaintances secretly to
reimburse straw donors and conduits for cash who were falsely
listed in federal election records as contributors.

Hsia faces five felony counts of causing various Democratic
campaign treasurers unwittingly to file false reports with the
Federal Election Commission. Two charges deal with a 1995
Clinton-Gore fund-raiser in California, two revolve around
Democratic fund-raisers in Washington and at a Buddhist temple in
California, and the fifth deals with a fund-raiser at the same
temple for Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I.

Picture: 0208gore225.JPG (10700 bytes)

Vice President Al Gore poses with unidentified Buddhist nuns at
the Hsi Lai Temple outside Los Angeles in this copy of a March
1997 photo shown during a Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
hearing. Buddhist nuns acknowledged during testimony that their
temple illegally reimbursed donors after a fund-raiser attended
by Gore and later destroyed or altered records to avoid
embarassment. (AP).

Defense lawyer Nancy Luque said Hsia is a community activist who
wanted Asian-Americans to become part of the political process.
''Maria didn't ask any person who made a contribution ... where
they got money,'' said Luque. ''So don't ask, don't tell.

''The prosecutors want you to believe that her asking for
contributions caused someone six steps removed to lie,'' but
''Maria Hsia is not responsible for what other people do,'' said
Luque. ''Maria Hsia never lied.''

Hsia and former Democratic fundraiser John Huang helped arrange
an April 29, 1996, luncheon at the Hsi Lai Temple near Los
Angeles, which Vice President Gore attended but said he did not
know was for fundraising.

The visit, widely depicted in photographs showing Gore among
monks and nuns in saffron-colored robes, has come to epitomize
the 1996 fundraising scandal.

The event raised $140,000, of which $65,000 was determined to be
illegal contributions, according to a February 1998 indictment.
The temple reimbursed its nuns and monks for their contributions.
As a tax-exempt religious organization, the temple is barred by
law from making political contributions.

Yaffe said that for a fund-raiser at a Buddhist Temple in
California attended by Vice President Gore, Hsia handed an
envelope with $100,000 in checks to Democratic Party fund-raiser
John Huang, who will testify against Hsia.

The temple treasury was the source of many of the contributions,
although election records falsely listed individual people as the
donors, said Yaffe.

Yaffe said the temple reimbursed Hsia for some of her own
political contributions. Luque denied that, saying that Hsia was
simply being paid for immigration-related work she did for the

U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman dismissed the heart of the
prosecution's case in 1998, saying they used
''Alice-in-Wonderland'' logic to claim she was to blame for false
campaign filings.

An appeals court reinstated the charges. That court said, ''It is
not entirely clear what defects the district court found in the
government's theory.''

The Supreme Court cleared the way for the trial last month by
refusing to hear Hsia's appeal.

As the Justice Department battled in court last year to bring the
February 1998 indictment to trial, two Buddhist nuns who
prosecutors regarded as crucial to their case left the country to
spend time with their religious order in Taiwan. Bench warrants
have been issued for their arrest.

In recent court papers, prosecutors said that one of the missing
nuns ''would typically receive a telephone call from defendant
Hsia to obtain political contributions, and ... on occasion, ...
would provide the conduit checks to defendant Hsia.''

The two missing nuns ''destroyed documents once the temple's
activities were discovered,'' the department said.

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[CTRL] Forbes: Telephone Pioneer

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

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An excerpt from:
 Forbes: Telephone Pioneer
Dodd, Mead  Company
New York
LCCN 53-9607
232 pps. – First Edition –
Will Forbes, son of John Murray Forbes, patner in Rusell  Company. Related
to Perkins and bunch. Opium/China trade money first went to RR and steel
rails and then telephone and copper wire.
Notice secret society activity at Harvard.

A RICH MAN at the age of thirty-eight and junior partner in a house that
controlled an expanding empire of western lands and railroads, Forbes was
dissatisfied. To float comfortably through life on a wave of prosperity that
had not been set in motion by his own efforts was hardly an alluring prospect
for one of his temperament. His impulse to create and ability to lead
demanded expression; they were curbed by his father's wise, benevolent, but
autocratic rule. Familiar with the progress that Bell and Hubbard and Sanders
had made in promoting the commercial possibilities of the telephone and with
the difficulties besetting them, he joined the group of Boston capitalists
who in January, 1879, organized the National Bell Telephone Company, and was
elected a director. In return for the financial support which the new
directors contributed, the inventor and his two valiant sponsors who could no
longer carry on the fight against hostile interests alone willingly
surrendered control of the enterprise to them.

A letter written by Bell to his wife from Milton Hill on January 24, 1879,
gives his impressions of the man on whose judicious conduct of the business
his prosperity and success were soon to hang:

"My darling May:

I have come here tonight as the guest of Mr. Forbes, one of the new
Directors, a wealthy man of great influence and who has a reputation of
thorough integrity. I have come here to make his acquaintance and study him
as well as I can, for I have been much struck with his appearance and manner.
You know how much struck I was with the appearance of Mr. Morgan of London,
your grandfather's friend.[*] He seemed to have stamped upon his features the
words 'Integrity, Firmness, Good Sense and Experience.' Well, I have never
met a man who reminded me so strongly of Mr. Morgan's cast of head and
inspired in me so much confidence as this Mr. Forbes. To be sure, there is
not the remotest likeness to Mr. Morgan, but the same character seems to be
expressed in his countenance. I judge a great deal from appearances. I like
and dislike, I trust and distrust people without the remotest reason very
often. I have a sort of instinctive feeling that sways me unconsciously, and
I was conscious of a sort of sigh of relief when I found Mr. Forbes's head
among those on the Board of Directors. . . . Taking my impressions of all the
men gathered together to consider the condition of the Company, I think we
have reason to be thankful that we have such a good set. . . . But the only
man who impresses me as possessing marked ability is this Mr. Forbes." [*
Junius S. Morgan, father of J. Pierpont Morgan and founder of the Morgan
bank. Mrs. Bell's maternal grandfather was Robert McCurdy, one of the
founders of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York.]

About a month later, as shown in a letter written to Mrs. Bell from Boston on
February 21, the inventor was assailed by misgivings.

"I did not like some hints let fall by Mr. Forbes as to the advisability of
compromising with Western Union. I intend to make a point of this on
Monday-that Mr. Hubbard's retention as President is my guarantee that no
arrangement will be made with Western Union until my reputation has been
cleared. I intend to say a good word for Sanders on Monday and to propose Mr.
Hubbard as President and Sanders and Forbes as VicePresidents."

Bell's bitterness against the Western Union Company, which was controlled by
the Vanderbilts, was natural. Three years earlier he and Hubbard and Sanders,
less confident of the future of the telephone than they subsequently became,
had offered their property and patents to the Western Union Company for
$100,000. To their great good fortune their offer was declined. The Western
Union, through its subsidiaries, the Gold and Stock Company and the American
Speaking Telephone Company, acquired the telephonic patents of Thomas A.
Edison, Elisha Gray, and Amos E. Dolbear, and not only entered into active
competition with the Bell Company, but also tried to discredit the inventor's
claims. Hubbard engaged two distinguished Boston lawyers, Chauncey Smith and
James J. Storrow, to defend Bell's claims. Facing prolonged and costly
litigation and needing funds beyond their resources to expand their business,
the three original owners had enlisted the support of the local capitalists.
Nevertheless as far as financial strength was concerned, it was still David
pitting himself against Goliath.

At the meeting of the National Bell Telephone directors on March 11, 1879,


2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

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 Dr J.S Chiappalone

 The Complete Book of The Kingdom Of Zion will be
 released on the Annwn Website over the next few weeks!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

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David Icke's Telling the Truth Archives

 Conspiracies, CoverUps, Truths,
   Facts, Oddities, Research

 Correct History


  By Clifford Shack

  On the holiest of Jewish holidays, Yom Kippur, in the autumn
  of 1931, Guy de Rothschild walked through the massive street
  gate at 19 Rue Laffitte, for the first time as an adult on
  adult business. The day was chosen carefully, what others
  might perceive as the beginning of a banking career, to a
  Rothschild it was entering into a priesthood. At twenty-two,
  Guy was assigned letters to write. One of his correspondents
  was a Cardinal Pacelli, future Pope PiusXII, then in charge
  of Holy office finances, and who kept a small account at MM.
  de Rothschild Freres.

  In the book, Hitler's Pope, John Cornwall's chronicles the
  life of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII. Pacellli was
  arguably the most dangerous churchman in modern history. As
  Pontiff during World War II, not only did he fail to speak
  out against Hitler's Final Solution, but he personally made
  the Final Solution possible!

  In the first decade of the twentieth century, Pacelli was a
  brilliant Vatican lawyer who helped shape a new ideology of
  unprecedented papal power. As papal nuncio in Munich and
  Berlin in the 1920's, he used cunning and moral blackmail to
  impose Rome's power on Germany. In 1933, he negotiated a
  treaty with Hitler, the Reich Concordat, which ensured that
  the Nazis would rise unopposed by the most powerful Catholic
  community in the world - sealing, by Hitler's own admission,
  the fate of the Jews in Europe.

  How could Eugenio Pacelli possibly have gotten away with
  such cunning, especially since we know that he was in
  personal contact with the Rothschilds. Guy de Rothschild was
  his pen pal eight years before he became Pope. But wait...
  if Pacelli was Hitler's Pope, and Hitler was a Rothschild...
  then he was Rothschild's Pope!

  How did Eugenio Pacelli become Rothschild's Pope?

  Eugenio Pacelli was described routinely, during his
  pontificate and after his death, as a member of the Black
  Nobility. The Black Nobility were a small group of
  aristocratic families of Rome who had stood by the popes
  following the seizure of their dominions in the bitter
  struggle for the creation of the nation-state of Italy...
  Pacelli's father and grandfather before him owed their
  distinction to membership of the caste of lay Vatican
  lawyers in the service of the papacy.

  Pacelli's immediate family association with the Holy See
  dates from 1819, when his grandfather, Marcantonio Pacelli,
  arrived in the Eternal City to study canon law, or Church
  law, as a protoge of a clerical uncle, Monsiignor Prospero
  Caterini. By 1834 Marcantonio had become an advocate in the
  Tribunall of the Sacred Rota, an ecclesiastical court
  involved in such activities as marriage annulments. While
  raising ten children (his second child being Eugenio's
  father, Filippo, born in 1837), Marcantonio became a key
  official in the service of Pius IX, popularly known as
  Pio Nono.

  The quick tempered, charismatic, and epileptic Pio Nono
  (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti), crowned in 1846, was
  convinced, as had been his predecessors from time
  immemorial, that the papal territories forming the midriff
  of the Italian peninsula ensured the independence of the
  successors to St. Peter. If the Supreme Pontiff were a mere
  inhabitant of a "foreign" country, how could he claim to
  befree of local influence? Three years after his coronation,
  it looked as if Pio Nono had ignominiously lost his
  sovereignty over the Eternal City to a republican mob. On
  November 15, 1849, Count Pelligrino Rossi, a lay government
  minister of the papal states, famous for his biting sarcasm,
  approached the Palazzo della Cancellleria in Rome and
  greeted a sullen waiting crowd with a contemptuous smile. As
  he was about to enter the building, a man leapt forward and
  stabbed him fatally in the neck. The next day, the Pope's
  Quirinal summer palace above the city was sacked, and Pio
  Nono, disguised in a priest's simple cassock and a pair of
  large spectacles, fled to the seaside fortress of Gaeta
  within the safety of the neighboring kingdom of Naples. He
  took with him Marcantonio Pacelli as his legal and political
  adviser. From this fastness, Pio Nono hurled denunciations
  against the "outrageous treason of democracy" and threatened
  prospective voters with excommunication. Only with the help
  of French bayonets, and a loan from the Rothschild's, did
  Pio Nono contrive to return to the Vatican a year later to
  resume a despised reign over the city of Rome and what was
  left of the papal territories.

  From this we see 

[CTRL] None Dare Call It Rape (canola) - (fwd)

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000
 Subj: Re: [oxyplus] oil

 The Health Effects Of Canola Oil - None Dare Call It Rape
 By Don Harkins for the SPOTLIGHT
 From the Idaho Observer 5-99

 The cheapest cooking oil on the market today is called canola.
 It is used to fry potatoes in fast food restaurants and is
 found on the list of ingredients for mayonnaise sold in health
 food stores.  Canola is taking the place of peanut oil in
 peanut butter and is being blended with olive oil for domestic
 kitchen use.

 Canola is a name that recently appeared in the marketplace and
 is apparently derived from Canadian-oil.  Canola oil is
 actually produced from the rape seed plant.  Rape (Brassica
 napus), a member of the mustard family, is listed in the
 Encyclopedia Britannica as a poisonous plant with toxic effects
 which include pulmonary emphysema, respiratory distress,
 anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in cattle.

 According to John Thomas, author of Young Again: How to Reverse
 the Aging Process, The name canola disguised the introduction
 of rape oil to America.

 Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in Great Britain
 between 1986 and 1991 at which time its use was discontinued,
 Thomas wrote.

 Most people remember the mad cow disease epidemic and that
 cows, pigs and sheep went blind, behaved insanely, attacked
 other animals and people and had to be destroyed.

 Reports at the time blamed the erratic behavior of livestock on
 a viral disease called scrapie (in sheep and pigs) and mad cow
 disease in cattle.  However, when rape oil was removed from
 animal feed, 'scrapie' disappeared, Thomas explained.

 According to Dr. Len Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses, AIDS
 and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional, "What is scrapie in
 sheep, mad cow disease in cattle, wasting disease in wild game
 animals, whirling disease in fish is Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
 in people."

 English experts told people not to panic if they had been
 cooking with rape oil when mad cow disease was at its peak
 in Great Britain, said Thomas.  The 'experts' added that the
 effects of rape oil ingestion takes at least 10 years to

 With grain prices down and grass seed growers faced with
 increasing opposition to their seasonal field burning,
 beautiful yellow rape fields are contrasting deep green
 panoramas of what has traditionally been field after field of
 grasses and grains in the northwest United States.  Rape, the
 most toxic of all food-oil plants that has no natural insectoid
 predators, is a weed that can grow vigorously in most climates
 and terrains throughout North America.

 Rape toxicity

 The toxic properties of the rape plant are cyanide-containing
 compounds called isothiocyanates.  Thomas explains that cyanide
 inhibits the production of ATP in our bodies.  ATP is the
 energy molecule that powers the body and keeps us healthy and

 According to Thomas, "...glaucoma is the result of insufficient
 blood flow due to agglutination (clumping together) of the red
 blood cells and waste buildup on the cells and intercellular
 fluids."  Thomas believes that ingestion of rape over time may
 cause glaucoma.

 Thomas also believes that ingestion of rape over several years
 causes other vision irregularities such as retinitis.

 Thomas explains how the clumped red blood cells cannot squeeze
 through the tiny capillaries in the posterior of the eye and,
 therefore, cannot deliver oxygen to the mitochondria (the
 rod-shaped bodies in a cell that facilitate the metabolism of
 fats, sugars and proteins).

 Rape oil, as metabolized in the body, produces the latex-like
 substance that causes the agglutination of red blood cells,
 explained Thomas.

 In this respect, glaucoma has much in common with hair loss,
 Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and
 hearing problems.

 Rape and the central nervous system

 Rape is an acetlycholinesterase inhibitor.  Acetylcholine is
 critical to the transmission of signals from nerves to muscles.
 When the normal function of aceytlcholinesterase is
 compromised, nerve fibers are not able to send the signals
 properly and muscles will not respond as expected.

 In the last 20 years we have seen a dramatic increase in
 muscular disorders such as multiple sclerosis and cerebral
 palsy.  Soy and (rape) oils are players in the outbreak of
 these disease conditions.  So are the organophosphates --
 insecticides such as malthion -- used in food production in
 the name of efficiency, commented Thomas.

 There are many people throughout the country who are convinced
 that rape oil is poisonous to the human body and that the body
 digests rape in such a fashion that congests the blood and
 restricts the flow of lymph fluid which can cause a myriad of


2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


 By Les Levidow
 Return (London), Dec.1990

 Zionism has always purported to be the prime or ultimate protector
 of Jews from anti-Semitism.  The proposed solution has been mass
 emigration to what the Zionist's term Eretz "Israel", ('the Land of
 "Israel"'), a term which means possession of the region for the
 Jews; this territorial notion corresponds to Biblical myths rather
 than to any clear geographical boundaries.  The emigration itself
 has been termed aliyah ('ascent').  The term originally described
 Jews' pilgrimage to Palestine as a duty of Orthodox Judaism.
 Zionism appropriated the term for secular-settler purposes:
 Through Aliyah, Diaspora Jews regarded as mere 'human dust' elevate
 themselves to the status of human beings.  As "Israeli" citizens,
 the Jews claim their rightful place as 'nation among (European)
 nations'.  Many critics have shown how advocacy of this solution
 has undermined any struggle against anti-Semitism.  Some critics
 have even shown how Zionist leaders have collaborated with
 anti-Semitic persecutors for the sake of that aliyah (as in Nazi
 Germany), or for the sake of "Israel's" arms sales (as during the
 Argentinean junta).  This essay takes the argument further, to the
 cultural field, by arguing that the Zionist mission involved
 suppressing or denying all Jewish identities other than the 'New
 Jew' who conquers Palestine.  In practice, this has meant that:

+  Zionist culture 'assimilated' European anti-Semitism from the
   very start;

+ the State of "Israel" eventually extended that discrimination
  to Oriental Jews, seen as a Jewish-Arab (or 'Levantine')
  threat, within a wider framework of Western colonial racism;

+ the anti-Arab racism endemic to Zionism incorporates aspects
  of European anti-Semitism; and

+ Zionist paranoia towards Palestinians expresses internal
  anxieties about the disintegration of Jewish identities which
  Zionism itself has helped to destroy.

 'Assimilating' anti-Semitism as largely or potentially assimilated
 Jews, the early Zionists of Western Europe came to doubt the
 possibility -- or even desirability -- of their full assimilation,
 as they encountered prejudice and barriers.  They came to accept
 anti-Semitic racial concepts of the Jews as inherently incapable of
 integrating into the Western nations as full citizens.  This
 fatalism was expressed by Doctor Leo Pinsker, with a suitable
 medical metaphor, when he declared that 'Judeo-phobia is a disease;
 and, as a congenital disease, it is incurable' (in Hertzberg,

 Early Zionists also accepted -- implicitly or explicitly --
 prevalent stereotypes of backwards and/or subversive East European
 Jews, whose migration to Western Europe (or the USA) they regarded
 as a threat to their own hard-won social status.  This perceived
 threat acted as a motive for affluent Jews in Western Europe to
 channel the migration of East European Jews elsewhere.  Moreover,
 many Zionists perceived their own interests as coinciding with the
 domestic interests of Europe's imperial rulers.  When Theodor Herzl
 lobbied the Tsar's Minister of Interior, who had been responsible
 for anti-Semitic pogroms, Herzl argued that Zionism would weaken
 the revolutionary movement in Russia.  At the same time, Zionists
 justified themselves in terms of uplifting the backward East
 European Jews.  Moses Hess, describing the economic structure of
 East European Jewry as 'parasitic', described the future Jewish
 state as 'the basis on which European Jewry will be able to climb
 out of the dustbins' (quoted in Ralevi, p.153).  The alliance which
 Zionism sought with European imperialism arose from the cultural
 chasm which they perceived between Western and Eastern Jews.
 Indeed, locating their solution in a Jewish state based on European
 models, Zionist leaders regarded the Eastern European Jews' culture
 as an obstacle.  David Ben-Gurion referred disparagingly to their
 'Diaspora mentality' and 'Jewish cosmopolitanism'.

 With the rise of fascism in the 1930s, the term 'cruel Zionism'
 described those who justified sacrificing the many -- especially
 East European Jews -- for the sake of the few who would establish a
 Jewish state.  Chaim Weizmann (1937) promoted such a mentality with
 his poetic flair:  The old ones will pass; they will bear their
 fate, or they will not.  They were dust, economic and moral dust in
 a cruel world...  Thus, although Zionism arose in response to
 anti-Semitism, it did so by assimilating crucial elements of
 anti-Semitism, while appropriating the religious connotations of
 'human dust' in racist terms.  Zionism defined a secular Jewishness
 negatively, in terms of the Jews' eternal persecution by
 anti-Semitism, seen as the world's main evil, and eventually
 epitomised by the Arabs.  Just as 

[CTRL] FW: Contemplation - Inner Peace

2000-02-15 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: HelenPeterEvans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 8:30 PM
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Contemplation - Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Do you know why it's called INNER peace?  Because you can have it while the
OUTER world seems to be going to hell.

Well, it doesn't have to be so extreme.  Recently we told someone about a
couple of very tiring weeks we had had and they said it was so nice we
could overcome these "obstacles". We smiled, because we didn't think of
them as obstacles.  It was simply life, a bit more demanding and tiring
than usual, and sometimes we got crabby, but "inside" we always knew that
all was well.

It's sad that some people believe that once they've "got it", or are of an
expanded consciousness, that "bad" things won't happen anymore, that people
around them won't die, that they won't lose their jobs, that they won't be
angry at anyone, etc.  They are looking for a field of bliss that can only
exist inside, not in the outer world.  All sorts of challenges continue to
happen. However, our definition of whether they are "good" or "bad" changes
when we realize that they are all part of the ebb and flow of life.  It's
really how we view them and handle them, rather than whether or not they
are in our life that matters.  As Shakespeare observed, "There's nothing
good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

The phrase, "In This World But Not of It", comes to mind.  This certainly
doesn't mean we become cold fish, emotionless and unfeeling.  In fact, we
usually feel more intensely, are more fully engaged in life, because we
know our inner immortal essence.  We don't have to keep experiences at
arm's length because of fear.  It's sort of like being on a roller coaster,
we "know" we won't be harmed and so we can yell and scream and truly feel
the excitement.

We told someone recently we don't get upset by being upset.  We just look
at these things as experiences.  They are our experiences.  They are not US.

*   *   *   *

Helen and Peter Evans are founders of OneCenter and offer on-line individual
counseling services and are available for on-site speaking engagements and
workshops. Visit ""
If you would like to receive their free "contemplations" regularly,
send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe contemplations" in
the subject header. To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe contemplations" in
the subject header. Contemplations can be used for any non-commercial
purpose free of charge if appropriate credit is given to the authors.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

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/A -Cui Bono?-

 David Icke's Telling the Truth Archives

 Conspiracies, CoverUps, Truths,
   Facts, Oddities, Research

 Correct History


  By Clifford Shack

  The Armenian and Jewish Holocausts have popularly been
  regarded as two distinct and unrelated dark episodes of
  recent history. This appearance weakens with careful and
  insightful study. May it be here suggested, perhaps for the
  first time, that they are not only inextricably connected
  but are indeed two phases of one lengthy operation which
  spanned close to fifty years, guided by a group of cunning,
  patient and most powerful planners.

  The twentieth century has been called the century of oil.
  Our Age is referred to that of Hydrocarbon Man. Yet this
  phenomena is barely one hundred years old. It was a hundred
  years ago that our planet was actually shifting energy
  sources from coal to oil. In fact it all began in
  Northwestern Pennsylvania, in a remote little place called
  Titusville to be exact, where oil was first extracted via
  drilling yielding the first oil well. The American oil
  business itself was to be mastered and monopolized by John
  D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company who was to supply the
  entire world's oil needs from the wells of Pennsylvania.

  It is here necessary to point out one of the most important
  aspects of the oil business. Due to the extremely flammable
  nature of oil it's extraction, refining, and transport must
  be done under supremely stable conditions, in others words,
  in an environment of peace and tranquility. Rockefeller was
  able to become the "richest man in the world" by virtue of
  an early oil empire nestled in peaceful Pennsylvania.
  Standard Oil's first bout with serious worldwide competition
  would come from a region halfway around the world whose
  stability was far from that of Pennsylvania.

  An important phenomena and backdrop to understanding
  foundation of the twin holocausts is to realize that the
  major oil region of the earth lies within the territory
  populated by Moslems. Of significant importance are the
  facts that within the Koran are passages, which teach
  intolerance towards "infidels" who don't embrace Islam.
  These passages are responsible for producing many violent
  and bloody episodes throughout history.

  In the 1880's, the French branch of the Rothschild family
  acquired interests in Russia's Baku oil fields in an effort
  to supply their refinery on the Adriatic with cheap Russian
  oil. In exchange for these interests they built a railroad
  linking Baku to the newly acquired Black Sea port of Batum.
  This opened up the Baku oil, a major world supply, to the
  world. It had previously been geographically locked in by
  the mountains of the Caucasus.  [The Swedish Nobel family
  had been supplying internal Russia with the Baku oil by way
  of rivers as well as via the Caspian Sea].  With the success
  of the new railroad, the Rothschilds had more oil than they
  could actually sell. Overcoming their fear of competing with
  the giant Standard oil, they sought out the huge markets
  east of Suez.

  At the recommendation of their shipping broker, they sought
  out a man to help them penetrate these markets. His name was
  Marcus Samuel. Samuel had many contacts throughout the Far
  East. When the Rothschilds proposed to sell their oil to
  Samuel, understanding the magnitude of the opportunity, and
  understanding the competition with a foe like Standard oil,
  he set about tackling the logistics of successfully
  competing with the giant company. Samuel understood that he
  needed to sell his oil at a cheaper price. In his efforts to
  do this he reduced transportation costs by designing bulk
  tankers which were safe enough to pass through the Suez
  Canal. Standard 's costs would be much higher as they
  transported their oil around the tip of Africa in clipper
  ships that were loaded with pre-filled cans.

  Marcus Samuel's new and improved bulk tankers would shave
  4,000 miles off the trip to the Far East by utilizing the
  Suez Canal. Previous oil tanker designs failed to meet the
  stringent safety requirements imposed by the Suez Canal

  In 1892, Samuel's coup would unleash forces that would shape
  the history of mankind. His first oil tanker picked up it's
  load of Baku oil from the Rothschild's Batum refinery and
  sailed through the Dardenelles and on through the Suez canal
  to the far east where the Shell oil company became,
  overnight the predominant supplier of Kerosene replacing
  Standard oil. The great Standard world monopoly had been

  The Shell oil company relationship went on to thrive even
  after Samuel's nine-year contract with the Rothschilds as it

[CTRL] Secret Societies Home Page

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF=""Secret Societies Home

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reply to Mark Swett's post

2000-02-15 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: 
Subject: Reply to Mark Swett's post
Date: Sunday, February 06, 2000 3:22 AM

Here is a letter forwarded to me by Janice tonight in reply to Mark Swett's
posting earlier in the week.  Thank you Janice. :)


Boy Mark, I don't think Ramsey Clark is off base at all.  How do you
explain the hole in the ceiling of the "bunker"? What I read was that
the concentration of CS gas (an illegal war gas) was well beyond toxic
levels, expecially considering the toxic and flamable dispersant being
used.  You must lack understanding of the relationship between women and
their babies if you think those women (and babies) would not have come
trotting out of that hell on earth UNLESS there was some SERIOUSLLY
COMPELLING REASON not to (like being shot at ).  What about the front
door to the "complex". The front door that would prove whether shots
were fired from the outside in, and/or from the inside out??  Where is
the door? Bring on the evidence, sir. And did you know about the dead
dogs?  Do you think the ATF grinned 'em to death? Also allegedly grown
men that would moon and give the finger to the "victims" inside are men
who in my mind have NO respect for the helpless.  Did you see them raise
their flag over the "compound" ( like a bunch of kids winning at King of
the Mountain) before they bulldozed EVERYTHING along with a huge portion
of the physcial evidence (probably including the notorious missing front
door)?  Forced to admit they lied for six years about the "pyrotechnic"
M-651? grenades, they compounded the lie by misdirection.  Once a liar,
always a liar(lies to cover up the lies notwithstanding). They claim
they did not fire a single shot during the entire 51 day stand-off, so
what were the bullet casing doing in sniper nest number one?  Do you
understand the significance of "patterns of practice and  behavior"? Did
you read what they did at Ruby Ridge?  Man, how's it go, "Meenie meenie
teekle u pharsum?"  Maybe I didn't spell that right but I am
hard-pressed to find many more clear-cut cases of the handwriting on the
wall. Once a liar always a liar.  At this point I really think that if
you are interested in justice and the Constitution that you should do a
serious re-assessment of your assessments. As for me, the burden of
proof should now be off the backs of the dads, the moms, and the
tortured, mutilated dead babies and be squarely on the shoulders of
federales. Come on Mark, whether the Feds caused or allowed those babies
to be tortured is irrelevant. Hostage RESCUE Team? How tragically
laughable! They were granted the resources, power and honor of the
United States of America, and to say they acquittted themselves with any
modicum of decency is magnitudes more ridiculous than anything I have
heard come out of Ramsey Clark, and much more an affront to any
civilized concept of justice.

God Bless Constitution and the Republic, the United States of America.
--- Stu Hansen

Mark Swett wrote:

 To all,

 The following quote attributed to Ramsey Clark (if accurate) is a very
 serious allegation.  Anyone pushing this view should be made to stand up
 and offer concrete proof. It is too easy to make allegations and Mr. Clark
 of all people should know that.  I know Mike Mcnulty and have worked with
 him in a small research capacity on both of his films.  He has raised some
 questions and has offered some evidence that needs to be evaluated.  So
 let's get on with it.

 Those of us who are sickened by what happened at Waco have to be careful to
 not go off "half cocked."  There are a lot of people offering statements
 and making observations about Waco and that are just off the wall.  Too
 often Waco "information" is picked up and repeated over and over again on
 various Web sites.

 So we have a FLIR that purports to show gunfire being directed into Mt.
 Carmel on April 19th.  Then we should also, by the same analysis, be able
 to see individuals enter into the building and then exit.  Whatever
 happened is all there - caught on tape.  Don't get me wrong, the "gunfire"
 and the explosion (or implosion) that we are talking about bothers me very
 much.  Someone says that some Delta Force personnel actually infiltrated
 the building before the fire and were within feet of David Koresh.  Sounds
 nice if you say it fast enough and over and over again.  Someone offer some
 proof - names - something.  Information is one thing and disinformation is
 another.  God - this is starting to sound like, Who Killed JFK, how many
 shots were fired.

 If all these allegations prove right I will be the 

[CTRL] Fw: Rest Stops, Checkpoints and Heritage Sites

2000-02-15 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: NewsHawk Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, 16 February 2000 03:27
Subject: Rest Stops, Checkpoints and Heritage Sites

Rest Stops, Checkpoints and Heritage Sites

We have a hard-core bulls-eye and ringer here from frequent NewsHawk
flyer Dr. Byron Weeks, which we're forwarding below.

Doc has obviously been practicing his aim and is doing lot's of very
successful target-shooting lately--(right, Doc?) He sure hit THIS target
dead-on, anyway!

NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Have you noticed that many of the "rest areas" along major ingress and
egress points and cross country routes near major towns and cities have
been constructed in recent years? The ones in my area are massively
built, almost like fortifications. Some of the public restrooms in
national parks are similarly constructed, and must have been
inordinately expensive. They would be admirably suited to become
checkpoints that could easily be defended by a small number of troops.
They seem to be laid out so that it would be a simple matter to divert
all traffic from the highways and freeways onto the large parking areas
for detention and inspection.

The buildings have extra space that could be modified as holding rooms.
There is always at least one heavy door that is kept locked. One can
only guess whether these doors may be concealing entrances to
subterranean sections that could contain mess, recreation, and sleeping
areas for troops, and perhaps even cells for prisoners.

When I was stationed in Germany I noticed similar strategically located
buildings along the autobahns and major roadways that were built by the
Hitler regime. I believe our government has learned a lot from the
Germans, and from the former Communist countries in Eastern Europe. With
an active imagination, one can easily visualize how one's hometown and
the countryside could change almost overnight

When martial law supervenes, it seems likely that these "rest areas"
will be used as checkpoints to control the flow of traffic and for
checking ID and possession of drugs, concealed weapons, and contraband.

For instance, my county abuts on the edge of two large national parks,
Yellowstone and Grand Teton.

The "mapwild" site on the internet reveals that much of eastern Idaho,
and adjoining western Wyoming, and southwestern Montana will be set
aside as a large "park," wherein all human habitation will be
interdicted. Within this area, there are elk ranches, buffalo herds and
huge estates owned by the Rockefellers, Ted Turner, and Bill Gates.
Several expensive resorts are being built along the "Heritage Rivers"
such as the Snake river and the various tributaries which are part of
the great Columbia River watershed, which is now coveted by the
Clinton/United Nations plan for the rewilding of large parts of the
Western United States.

On these sites of future resorts to be enjoyed exclusively by the
globalist elites, luxurious hotels and condominiums are being
constructed, there will be no farms, ranches, mines, lumbering or

Ordinary people, cattle, horses, and automobiles will be moved out.
Grizzly bears, coyotes, wolves, cougars, and vast herds of buffalo, elk,
antelope and deer are beginning to become plentiful. Many of the roads
going into these wilderness are being closed to limit access. Already,
one hears of predators attacking and killing the unwanted livestock,
although children and other small game have also been the victims of
some of the larger predators.

Certainly, it is enthralling to see what can be done to enhance nature
conservancy, as long as the peasantry, flatulant cows, and other
domestic animals can be prohibited from polluting these areas.

Dr. Byron Weeks

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [UASR] NASA Begins Building Next Mission To Study Comets

2000-02-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

In Memoriam - Comet Lee: Comets can discharge the solar capacitor and create
electromagnetic effects on life-bearing planets, their magnetic fields, power
grids, electrical infrastructure.  Comets act at a distance.  That's why the
ancients said: Planets augur change.
Comet Lee:



 NASA's Comet Nucleus Tour, or CONTOUR, mission this month
took a giant step closer to its launch when the project received
approval to begin building the spacecraft.

 Planned for a July 2002 launch, CONTOUR is expected to
encounter Comet Encke in November 2003 and Comet Schwassmann-
Wachmann-3 in June 2006.  The mission has the flexibility to
include a flyby of Comet d'Arrest in 2008 or an as-yet
undiscovered comet, perhaps originating from beyond the orbit of
Pluto.  Such an unforeseen cometary visitor to the inner solar
system, like Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995, would present a
rare opportunity to conduct a close-up examination of these
mysterious, ancient objects which normally reside in the cold
depths of interstellar space.

 The nucleus of a comet is its heart, believed by scientists
to be a tiny irregular chunk of ice and rock.  To date only one
comet nucleus has ever been viewed by a spacecraft:  Comet Halley
in 1986.  CONTOUR will fly past at least two comets and take
higher resolution images than those of Halley.  It will also
collect and analyze gas and dust to reveal the comet's makeup,
greatly improving our knowledge of key characteristics of comet
nuclei and providing an assessment of their diversity.  CONTOUR
also will clear up the many mysteries of how comets evolve as they
approach the Sun and their ices begin to evaporate.

 The CONTOUR spacecraft will fly by each comet at the peak of
its activity when it's close to the Sun.  During each encounter,
the target comet will also be well situated in the night sky for
astronomers worldwide to make concurrent observations from the
ground.  The spacecraft will fly by each comet at a distance of
about 60 miles (100 kilometers).

 After successful completion of both the Preliminary Design
Review and an independent Confirmation Assessment and the
Confirmation Review at NASA Headquarters, the comet flyby project
is well on its way toward completing the spacecraft design.  The
CONTOUR mission is managed for NASA by the Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory, in Laurel, MD.  The
Principal Investigator is Dr. Joseph Veverka of Cornell

University, NY. More information on CONTOUR is available at: and

Perry J. van den Brink - NL,
owner UASR.[EMAIL PROTECTED]cmd=user


Donald Savage
Headquarters, Washington, DC February 15, 2000
(Phone:  202/358-1547)

RELEASE:  00-26


 NASA's Comet Nucleus Tour, or CONTOUR, mission this month
took a giant step closer to its launch when the project received
approval to begin building the spacecraft.

 Planned for a July 2002 launch, CONTOUR is expected to
encounter Comet Encke in November 2003 and Comet Schwassmann-
Wachmann-3 in June 2006.  The mission has the flexibility to
include a flyby of Comet d'Arrest in 2008 or an as-yet
undiscovered comet, perhaps originating from beyond the orbit of
Pluto.  Such an unforeseen cometary visitor to the inner solar
system, like Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995, would present a
rare opportunity to conduct a close-up examination of these
mysterious, ancient objects which normally reside in the cold
depths of interstellar space.

 The nucleus of a comet is its heart, believed by scientists
to be a tiny irregular chunk of ice and rock.  To date only one
comet nucleus has ever been viewed by a spacecraft:  Comet Halley
in 1986.  CONTOUR will fly past at least two comets and take
higher resolution images than those of Halley.  It will also
collect and analyze gas and dust to reveal the comet's makeup,
greatly improving our knowledge of key characteristics of comet
nuclei and providing an assessment of their diversity.  CONTOUR
also will clear up the many mysteries of how comets evolve as they
approach the Sun and their ices begin to evaporate.

 The CONTOUR spacecraft will fly by each comet at the peak of
its activity when it's close to the Sun.  During each encounter,
the target comet will also be well situated in the night sky for
astronomers worldwide to make concurrent observations from the
ground.  The spacecraft will fly by each comet at a distance of
about 60 miles (100 kilometers).

 After successful completion of both the 

[CTRL] Reptilian research case #33

2000-02-15 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Reptilian research archives

CASE FILE #33 - Story of 'J'
CASE FILE #34 - Story of 'missing car'

archived 10-19-99
Archive file# e101999b
donated by James Vandale


"J" made the following comments:

...Regarding the first story on that link which Michael Lindemann was
relating, I know that woman personally. Her name is "D". There is MUCH MUCH
before Michael was "turned" by the security services. Truth to tell, much of
the info he had obtained from Bill Hamilton and some of the un-named persons
heavily involved in the investigations of the underground facilities in the
Antelope Valley... You can literally feel the negative energy there in the
Antelope Valley and further east near Ridgecrest where "D" used to live.
China Lake is near Ridgcrest and that place is positively evil. What
Lindemann didn't tell you about "D" was that her family bloodline was
followed by the military. They told her that prior to the development of
verbal communication, humans communicated by telepathy which was possibly
because of a particular hormone secreted in the brain (A good bet that
reptilian geneticist bred this capability right out of most humans). The
gland that secretes this hormone has atrophied in most families except for
"D's"! So the Navy would kidnap her while she was still a young girl and
take her to the underground facility at China Lake and put her through
Trauma Based Programming. Then the next week, the Air Force would kidnap her
and take her to the underground facility beneath George Air Force Base in
Victorville California in the high desert. She said it was a case of the
right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing. Or at least that was
the impression they were trying to give her. (Incidentally, the NEW Federal
Concentration Camp, excuse me Detention Facility has been permanently moved
to a location adjacent to George Air Force Base along the old Air Base Road.

It has recently been moved from its temporary location near Bishop along
highway 395. Friends of mine have driven by it and it's operational. They
say it looks for all the world like a Concentration Camp complete with
barbed wire and guard towers. And there IS a Russian/U.N. Presence in that
region) "D" has been used by the military for remote viewing operations. She
is the real thing. I introduced her to another former military remote viewer
I know and they compared notes on an underground facility where friends of
mine have been taken to. Without knowing anything about what these abductees
described down there, both "D" and the other viewer described numerous
details of the underground facility. I know what the command and control
center looks like. There were military personnel, reptilians and
military/reptilian shapeshifters down there. Years ago, "D" was taken
underground beneath China Lake and shown the genetics lab and holding
facility for all the genetically engineered mutants. She described ghastly
creatures of every size and shape. There were also captive humans down
there. She was taken down there to intimidate her and show her what would
happen if she didn't cooperate. Her own son was murdered by a local "law
enforcement officer", the details and investigation covered up. I lost track
of her. The last I heard she moved out of the high desert. I would love to
meet this gal again... Yes, "D" was the one who witnessed the reptilian
slashing open the chest of the gray. She was then laid on a table and
sexually assaulted by the reptilian.

She hates that particular species of reptilians. They have materialized
inside of her car while she was driving! (the "intermediate" height of some
of these reps are 4-41/2 feet. She's also the one who saw the rep playing
around with her jewelry box.) Lindemann says there was an argument between
the gray crew leader and the reps but my info was that when the reptilian
walked onto the ramp into the ship all of the grays became extremely
frightened and seemed to "stand at attention." I think she likened it to
"the admiral" coming onboard, such was the fear that was elicited amongst
the grays by this reptilian. ("Admiral on the deck!") On another occasion
she was taken to a reptilian underground base (that SAME species again)
beneath Death Valley. She was brought before the "Ancient One" my nickname
for the reptilian chieftain that she met. This entity stood taller than the
others of its species and actually wore an Egyptian headress with a cobra
snake motif on the front!

I saw the sketch she drew. Facsinating. [Note: Could these reptilians be
connected to the 'Gizeh', 'Kamagol', or 'Phoenix' Empire below Egypt that
was reportedly deeply involved with the Bavarians/Nazi's? Incidentally in
regards to Death Valley, in past years the D.V. / Panamint Mt. base was{?},
according to several contactees, a 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

2000-02-15 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000215b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No mindcontrol beamers were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Mother Goose:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE WICCANS. Raleigh N.C.(U-WIRE) What do you do with a witch? That ques-
  tion, posed in the film "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," faced a local
  school board this month. "Burn her" said the movie. "Fire her" the school
  board all but said:

# WHY WOMEN DON'T COMPUTE - Building the Digital Systerhood. Despite much-
  touted celebrations of women geeks,the number of women in computer science
  is actually decreasing.,1284,34175,00.html

: Is any advanced technology indistinguishable from magic? Is any advanced
magic indistinguishable from technology? Are Wicca  Webmastering the same?
Should Webmasters be prevented from teaching in public schools? Can you tell
the difference between Wicca  Witchcraft, Webmastering  Wizardry? Why not?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 # MASTER FORGER: "He created some of the CIA's most elaborate, if little-
  known, productions - the ploys, skits, scams, masquerades and sleights of
  hand designed to dupe foreign agents and enemy surveillance teams."

# WHAT, ME STASI? East Germany Returns, Virtually. (Wired) A decade after
  the fall of the Wall dividing East  West Germany, Internet sites abound
  that reflect 'Ostalgie,' the Eastern nostalgia that is rampant in Germany.
  The good old days:,1284,34041,00.html

: What's your favorite intelligence production? Can you distinguish between
Langley and Disney? Is it all just show-biz? Is Earth, fought over by rival
ideologies - Communism vs Capitalism, Xianity vs Islam, Coke vs Pepsi - the
ultimate theme-park? Is your life stage-managed? Who collects admissions??

# 2 Columbine students shot, killed - lethal mind-control experiment:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse: Nonconsensual Brainwave  Personality
  Studies by the U.S. Govt;  Another Arms Race? What the Public Should Know
  About EMF Weapons;  Hi-Tech Intelligence Tools: Yet Another Classified
  Intelligence Program, Similar to FBI Cointelpro;  Timeline of Significant
  Event in the History of Electromagnetic and Mind Control Technology;  US
  Human Rights Abuse Report: A Classified Arms Race Between the Superpowers
  to Control the Human Mind and Body with Electromagnetic Technologies;
  Nonlethal Weapons - A Global Issue:

@ Sometimes, tin foil hats aren't enough
  to protect you from the CIA
  mind beams. Sometimes you need
  tin foil dress shirts. [ Via ]

: How do'ya protect yourself from mindcontrol rays? Is foil enough? Have you
tracked the sources of any mindcontrol rays lately? Where do they originate?
Is a good offense the best defense? Have you attacked the beam sources yet??

@ Someone please buy me a green laser pointer.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE SPY WHO LOVED ME: Documentary cameras linger over everything these
  days. Have the little spy lenses made voyeurs of us all? Here's a history
  of "fly-on-the-wall" programming, from revolutionary Russia to "The Real
  World." BigBro watches U:

# ABC Pays Psychic Over $900k In Hidden Camera Lawsuit. LOS ANGELES (AP)
  ABC paid more than $900,000 to a Psychic Services Network worker who
  claimed a secretly made videotape shown on "PrimeTime Live" ruined his

: Have you secretly filmed anyone lately? Has anyone secretly filmed you? Do
you feel ruined? Are you psychic? Why didn't you notice the filming? How can
your reputation be ruined? D'ya enjoy peering into lives via spycam? When??

# PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES: A Scot engineer says we're only just learning of
  glass as a building material. He envisions all-glass skyscrapers. Why are
  critics skeptical?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Goldfish in blenders spark outrage. COPENHAGEN (AP) The art display at the
  small mu

[CTRL] Obstruction of Justice?

2000-02-15 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

White House Accused Of New, Major Cover-Up
By Jerry Seper and Andrew Cain
The Washington Times
February 15, 2000

The White House hid thousands of e-mails containing
information on Filegate, Chinagate, campaign finance
abuses and Monica Lewinsky, all of which were under
subpoena by a federal grand jury and three congressional
committees, a former White House computer manager
says. Sheryl L. Hall, chief of White House computer
operations who has since moved to a similar position at
the Treasury Department, said administration officials
covered up the fact that electronic messages from August
1996 to November 1998 had not been surrendered, as
required by law, deciding instead to label them as
"classified" documents. She said the cover-up was part of
a bid to delay the investigations into 2001. "Contractors
working at the White House discovered the glitch
showing that 100,000 White House e-mails involving
nearly 500 computer users had not been located during
the document search," said Mrs. Hall. "When the
contractors told the White House about the problem, they
were threatened, warned not to discuss it. They were told
the documents were classified. "In fact, a White House
official told one of the contractors they had a jail cell with
his name on it if he discussed the matter," she said.

At least 4,000 of the e-mails involved or related to Miss
Lewinsky, the former White House intern with whom
President Clinton has admitted having a sexual
relationship, she said. The veteran computer manager,
who left the White House after being demoted for
questioning the propriety of the administration's use of a
database system for political purposes, has since become
a critic of the White House. She has accused first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton and nine White House political
appointees in a pending lawsuit of job harassment and
reprisals for her complaints. The suit has been filed in
U.S. District Court in Washington by Judicial Watch, a
public interest law firm. In addition to the Lewinsky
messages, she said hundreds of other e-mails included
references to the White House's receiving secret FBI files
on former Reagan and Bush administration officials;
information on the selection of corporate executives for
overseas trade trips; and messages concerning campaign
finance activities in the 1996 election. She said the glitch
was first discovered in May 1998, when the contractors
traced a programming error on one of four White House
servers back to August 1996. The error involved e-mails
to and from 464 White House computer users and the
problem was not fixed until November 1998. The White
House e-mails had been sought under subpoena by a
federal grand jury, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the
Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and the House
Government Reform Committee. They also were sought
by Judicial Watch in separate pending suits involving
Filegate and Chinagate. Mrs. Hall, who was assigned to
the White House in October 1992 from the Naval Sea
Systems Command, said the missing e-mails were
discovered when the contractor, Northrop Grumman
Corp., found that one of the four White House Lotus
Notes e-mail servers handling the mail for about 500
computer users had been mislabeled and that a White
House search of electronic messages under the
subpoenas was incomplete. She said e-mails from that
server were not properly managed for a two-year period -
meaning they were not collected by the mainframe
computer during the subpoena record search. Mrs. Hall
said White House project directors, Mark Lindsay and
Laura Crabtree, were told by Northrop Grumman of the
glitch but chose not to make the problem public. "There's
no doubt they knew the search had not been complete,
and the missing records included those involving Miss
Lewinsky and other matters of concern," she said. "They
could have retrieved the documents, and they should
have done it forthrightly." Mr. Lindsay, head of the
White House Office of Management and Administration,
did not return calls seeking comment. Miss Crabtree,
customer support branch chief at the White House who
has since moved to the Labor Department, was
unavailable for comment.

White House spokesman James Kennedy said
administration officials made "a good faith effort to
respond in a timely fashion to all requests for
information" sought under subpoena, but declined to
elaborate. "We generally do not discuss the details of
particular requests," he said. Mr. Kennedy would not
address Mrs. Hall's accusation that 100,000 electronic
messages were not turned over, saying he was "not going
to get into the specifics of any allegation." Northrup
Grumman spokesman Larry Hamilton, who said he was
unfamiliar with the White House contract and would
check with others at Northrup Grumman to determine
what might have happened, did not call back. In her
pending lawsuit against Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. Hall 

Re: [CTRL] Electricity's dirty little secret

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Bill I received this response to the Stray Voltage Story
from another listee who is in the microwave field.

Technical comments or clarifications appreciated!

 forwarded message 
 Subj: Comment on "Stray voltage story (Beal) (Kingsbury).."

 Bill Kingsbury recently reported:
  Stetzer said he discovered more than current overflow.  Based on
  his oscilloscope readings, he found that the current flowing
  through Quarne's and other nearby farms was not regular
  alternating current, or AC, which flows 60 times a second or
  60 hertz.  He says he saw frequency similar to microwaves.

Hugh wrote:
I would feel better about the certainty of the measurements
if he said they were done with a spectrum analyzer.  An oscilliscope
cannot see microwave frequencies.  The response isn't fast enough.

Here's some info I found... Looks like there's no 'microwaves',
but there's somthing strange in these power-lines:

All new power meters transmit 10 kHz radio signals over the
power-line as "large current spikes", 24 hours per day!

This is done on purpose -- it is how the system 'remotely'
reads all the power-meters.  Now everyone has these radio-
frequency, distorted sine wave, "large current spikes"
from 3,000 neighbors' power-meters (24 hours per day!)
running through (and radiating from!) every AC power conduit,
cord, appliance, and light bulb in the building.

First, a note on the 10 kHz frequency.  You'll read
about it again, below this:

From: Jason Ringas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Org:  Rife Research Group of Canada
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000

I think the most probable reason that the frequencies
are "felt" is because the human nervous system is sensitive
to frequencies below about 10 kHz.  This was found by
D'Arsonval, the father of high frequency electrotherapy.
The higher frequencies used in the original Rife instruments
would naturally be beyond the sensitivity range of the
nervous system.


 What is AMR?

 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is the remote collection of
 consumption data from customers' utility meters using
 telephony, radio frequency, power-line and satellite
 communications technologies. AMR provides water, gas and
 electric utility-service companies the opportunity to
 increase operational efficiency, improve customer service,
 reduce data-collection costs and quickly gather critical
 information that provides insight to company


 UNB Power Line Carrier: Meter Reading Is a
 Communications Issue

 By Paul Hunt, Chief Technology Officer,
 Hunt Technologies, Inc.

 Meter reading is all about communication -- accurately
 conveying information from thousands of separate locations
 (the meters) to one location (utilities' office). Automatic
 meter reading systems are best classified by which
 technology they use to communicate. Telephone, radio, and
 power line carrier are the three most popular. In this
 article, we will focus on power line carrier and how Ultra
 Narrow Band (UNB) technology is solving problems industries
 have experienced for years.

 Metering via power line carrier has a long and somewhat
 checkered history. High frequency carriers have been used
 on high voltage power transmission lines quite successfully
 for relay control and voice messages. High frequencies
 propagate very nicely on transmission lines because the
 lines are long, simple and carefully controlled.

 What About Distribution Lines?

 Distribution lines, however, can create real challenges for
 carrier systems. High frequency waves love to bounce off
 any change in line impedance like branches and taps,
 transitions between underground and overhead, capacitor
 banks, even the loads themselves. All those waves bouncing
 around tend to reinforce in some places and cancel in
 others. That makes high frequency carrier systems very
 difficult to predict or control on the ever-changing
 power lines.

 To solve the problem, distribution line carrier systems
 evolved toward lower frequencies. They dropped from the
 100 kilohertz range down to the 10 kilohertz range. Ripple
 carrier systems using frequencies in the 100 Hertz range
 had wonderful propagation and were used successfully for
 peak load management for many years. This all made
 propagation problems more manageable, but they didn't
 go away.

 One persistent problem is that as frequencies go lower, the
 size and cost of the transmitters get larger. As a result,
 ripple technology has generally been limited to one way
 messaging where a single large transmitter is installed at
 a substation and low cost receivers are located downline.
 That's good for load management but not for reading meters.

 A variation of ripple is Sequential Waveform Distortion.
 This is a 

[CTRL] Waco Bomb: WANR

2000-02-15 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: Ian Goddard 
Subject: Waco Bomb: WANR
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 4:59 AM

  I recently acquired a copy of the new documentary
  Waco: A New Revelation (
  Even before it was finished it led to a Congressional
  inquiry into Waco. I could not more strongly recommend
  this video! The government granted them permission to
  test the remains of the demolished concrete room for
  traces of military-explosives residue. Former FBI
  Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, who narrates
  the video, accompanied them to the site. However,
  the portion of the room they were looking for was
  not to be found even after an exhaustive search.

  WANR interviews military operations and explosives
  experts who conclude that a shaped-charge bomb blasted
  through the roof of the concrete room, or church vault.
  It's a disturbing conclusion that's easy to agree

  Steven M. Barry, a retired Sergeant First Class from
  the U.S. Army Special Forces states: "The blast hole at
  the top of the roof, you can plainly see the rebar is
  bent in. The damage to the stainless steel refrigerator,
  which appears to have been under the blast hole, is
  consistent with a shaped charge. And the blast, being
  directed downward into the room -- in this inclosed
  concrete room -- would very likely create some seam
  rupture and create a huge overpressure inside the room
  that would pretty much kill everyone in there. Anybody
  who was under this device when it was blown would have
  been horribly mangled, probably dismembered, pretty
  much like being thrown into a grain crusher."

  As Barry spoke, WANR showed the evidence he refers to.
  The bodies from the concrete room that were delimbed,
  decapitated, and hideously mutilated beyond recognition
  are compelling evidence of a powerful explosion. Colonel
  Jack Frost, a retired U.S. Air Force Ordnance Engineer
  concludes: "Having examined still photographs and video-
  tapes of the bunker it was apparent to me that this was
  caused by a shaped charge. But what bothers me is who
  would have the audacity to use such a charge."

  Sergeant Steve Barry, quoted above, is then shown saying:
  "Rather than risk your own people going in there and try
  to shoot it out with them, it's a standard tactic in city
  fighting in military operations in built-up terrain to use
  an explosive in this manor [as seen at Waco] to kill people
  in a targeted room that you're going to attack." Brigadier
  General Benton K. Partin, a retired U.S. Air Force Ordnance
  Engineer, then grimly concluded: "It's very obvious that
  the effort that was demonstrated there assured that there
  would be no survivors in the church records vault."

  It's easier to believe it can't be true if only because it's
  hard to believe anyone could do that to woman and children;
  but we have a classic shaped-charge-blast-hole in a bombed-
  out room filled with hideously militated bodies, cracks and
  seam rupture around the room indicate that a powerful over-
  pressure filled the room. It's compelling evidence, and
  it's why experts are telling us the room was bombed.
  We should remember that the FBI dropped a bomb on the
  MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia that burned down an
  entire city block:


"There are times when you cannot keep your job and
put alternative explanations for data on the table."
 Former FBI Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst


Shop for Cars On-Line:

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
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Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FW: From The Wilderness News Bulletin 00-02

2000-02-15 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From:   Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, February 14, 2000 10:42 PM
To: From The Wilderness
Subject:From The Wilderness News Bulletin 00-02
Importance: High

MONDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2000 - 2145 PST


According to reliable sources, including a network news producer who was
tipped in advance, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
(HPSCI) has completed its final report on Volume II of the CIA Inspector
General's allegations of drug trafficking during the Contra War. A
classified and closed door session of the committee is scheduled for
tomorrow, February 15, to finalize the committee's plans for release of a
public version of the report.

Since Volume II was released to the public in a declassified version on
October 8, 1998, HPSCI has several times attempted to quietly close out its
look at the damning CIA report without attracting much attention. After a
secret closed door hearing in May 1999, which was mislabeled, HPSCI failed
to complete its investigation throughout the summer months. Last October
staff members from the Committee traveled to FTW's offices in Los Angeles
and copied more than 6,000 pages of our files in order to review them before
closing out their investigation.

Continuing outcry over Volume II has been over whether or not the House
Committee, chaired by former CIA officer Porter J. Goss, (R) Fla., would
hold open and public hearings on the CIA report which admits to both direct
CIA involvement in protecting and employing known traffickers and in lying
to Congress about it. Activists and publications like FTW have been
clamoring for open hearings on Volume II in light of stark revelations from
the CIA's own records that contract agents working for the CIA and the
National Security Council were actively and directly involved in hands-on
drug smuggling.

HPSCI has apparently learned from earlier mistakes. Open hearings on Volume
I of the report, looking strictly at California, backfired on the committee
and CIA even though they were held without advance notice and covered only
by C-SPAN. The March 15, 1998 hearings, once reported by FTW, guaranteed
continued public interest when it was learned that new revelations in the
session demonstrated CIA guilt and involvement.

The revelations in declassified version of Volume II proved to be near total
vindication for journalist Gary Webb, whose landmark 1996 Dark Alliance
series for The San Jose Mercury News prompted the investigations initially.

CIA documents released with Volume II demonstrated a conspiracy
before-the-fact, between CIA and the Department of Justice, to permit and
overlook drug trafficking, and have formed the basis for class actions suits
filed in both Los Angeles and Oakland. Those suits were initiated after FTW
Publisher/Editor Mike Ruppert sought out bay area attorneys Bill Simpich and
Katya Komisaruk in February, 1999 with the basic elements of the suit.

"What is critical at this moment," said Ruppert who still hopes to testify
before the committee, "is that everyone with an interest on this issue reach
out to the committee via telephone and make your wishes heard on Tuesday,
February 15. Even three and half years after we were promised a speedy
investigation, our demands are still the same. We want open and fully
publicized hearings, covered in depth by the major media and we want key
witnesses like Celerino Castillo of DEA and me and others like us to be
allowed to finally tell our stories where the public can hear us. We want
the committee to say to the public that they have read the CIA report and
that the Agency's conduct was reprehensible.

"A closed door hearing and a quietly released sanitized report closing out
this horrible, shameful and continuing episode in American history is not

A final report, possibly authored by ranking Democrat Julian Dixon of
California, has been in the works for some time. It is, according to one
confidential source, "Not something that Dixon, as a Californian or as an
African-American should be proud of."

FTW is urging all subscribers to place calls tomorrow to the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence at (202)225-7690 and repeat these demands
for justice.

The Republican Chairman, Porter Goss (202) 225-2536 and the Ranking
Democrat, Julian Dixon of California (202) 225-7084 should be contacted at
their congressional offices to make your wishes known. FTW does not possess
e-mail addresses for the committee and has been unsuccessfully attempting to
locate a HPSCI web site. If any of our 600 subscribers come up with one
please let us know.

They think that we have forgotten. They think we do not care. Let us
demonstrate otherwise and make a lasting impression in so doing.


--- ONElist Sponsor 


[CTRL] White House accused of cover-up

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF=""
/A -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

February 15, 2000

White House accused of cover-up
By Jerry Seper and Andrew Cain

 The White House hid thousands of e-mails containing information on
Filegate, Chinagate, campaign finance abuses and Monica Lewinsky, all of
which were under subpoena by a federal grand jury and three congressional
committees, a former White House computer manager says.
 Sheryl L. Hall, chief of White House computer operations who has since
moved to a similar position at the Treasury Department, said administration
officials covered up the fact that electronic messages from August 1996 to
November 1998 had not been surrendered, as required by law, deciding instead
to label them as "classified" documents. She said the cover-up was part of a
bid to delay the investigations into 2001.
 "Contractors working at the White House discovered the glitch showing
that 100,000 White House e-mails involving nearly 500 computer users had not
been located during the document search," said Mrs. Hall. "When the
contractors told the White House about the problem, they were threatened,
warned not to discuss it. They were told the documents were classified.
 "In fact, a White House official told one of the contractors they had a
jail cell with his name on it if he discussed the matter," she said.
 At least 4,000 of the e-mails involved or related to Miss Lewinsky, the
former White House intern with whom President Clinton has admitted having a
sexual relationship, she said.
 The veteran computer manager, who left the White House after being
demoted for questioning the propriety of the administration's use of a
database system for political purposes, has since become a critic of the
White House.
 She has accused first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and nine White House
political appointees in a pending lawsuit of job harassment and reprisals for
her complaints. The suit has been filed in U.S. District Court in Washington
by Judicial Watch, a public interest law firm.
 In addition to the Lewinsky messages, she said hundreds of other e-mails
included references to the White House's receiving secret FBI files on former
Reagan and Bush administration officials; information on the selection of
corporate executives for overseas trade trips; and messages concerning
campaign finance activities in the 1996 election.
 She said the glitch was first discovered in May 1998, when the
contractors traced a programming error on one of four White House servers
back to August 1996. The error involved e-mails to and from 464 White House
computer users and the problem was not fixed until November 1998.
 The White House e-mails had been sought under subpoena by a federal
grand jury, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee and the House Government Reform Committee.
 They also were sought by Judicial Watch in separate pending suits
involving Filegate and Chinagate.
 Mrs. Hall, who was assigned to the White House in October 1992 from the
Naval Sea Systems Command, said the missing e-mails were discovered when the
contractor, Northrop Grumman Corp., found that one of the four White House
Lotus Notes e-mail servers handling the mail for about 500 computer users had
been mislabeled and that a White House search of electronic messages under
the subpoenas was incomplete.
 She said e-mails from that server were not properly managed for a
two-year period — meaning they were not collected by the mainframe computer
during the subpoena record search.
 Mrs. Hall said White House project directors, Mark Lindsay and Laura
Crabtree, were told by Northrop Grumman of the glitch but chose not to make
the problem public.
 "There's no doubt they knew the search had not been complete, and the
missing records included those involving Miss Lewinsky and other matters of
concern," she said. "They could have retrieved the documents, and they should
have done it forthrightly."
 Mr. Lindsay, head of the White House Office of Management and
Administration, did not return calls seeking comment.
 Miss Crabtree, customer support branch chief at the White House who has
since moved to the Labor Department, was unavailable for comment.
 White House spokesman James Kennedy said administration officials made
"a good faith effort to respond in a timely fashion to all requests for
information" sought under subpoena, but declined to elaborate.
 "We generally do not discuss the details of particular requests," he
 Mr. Kennedy would not address Mrs. Hall's accusation that 100,000
electronic messages were not turned over, saying he was "not going to get
into the specifics of any allegation."
 Northrup Grumman spokesman Larry Hamilton, who said he was unfamiliar
with the White House contract and would check with others at 

[CTRL] Thai hackers claim responsibility

2000-02-15 Thread Nicky Molloy

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Thai hackers claim responsibility
Hong Kong Blondes satellite
group says it made cyber-attacks

By Anthony LoBaido
© 2000

CHAING RAI, Thailand -- A computer hacking group modeled after the legendary
"Hong Kong Blondes" now claims -- after its December warning in
WorldNetDaily that it intended to hack CNN and other major Western websites
via "Denial of Service" methods -- that it is responsible for the recent
attacks on,, eBay, Yahoo!, and other major sites.
In "The Beijing hack attack," a WorldNetDaily exclusive report on the
Chinese group founded by super-hacker Blondie Wong, WND reported that a new
satellite group identifying with the "Blondes" had sprung up in Thailand.
The report noted that the anti-communist hacking group promised to target
not only Communist China, but also top Western corporations, including CNN.

The stated purpose of this consortium of hackers: to stop the government of
Communist China from persecuting its own citizens, and to protest against
Western transnational corporations that do business with China.

While many groups have claimed responsibility for the high profile
cyber-attacks and the claims of the Thai hackers may be far-fetched, recent
events make the claims of these Far East hackers seem a little less far out.

Last Wednesday the wire services reported that a hack attack originating in
Mainland China attempted to steal thousands of credit card numbers from
RealNames, a California-based Web business.

Although the attack was dissimilar to the attacks on, Yahoo! and
eBay, that attack was more destructive as it gained access to personal data.

RealNames stated that over 60,000 of its addresses had been re-routed to a
China-based website. A spokesman for the company said the intruders didn't
actually steal anything, but, "Our best guess is that this was done by a
traditional hacker, whose goal is not to steal, but to prove that he has the
ability to steal."

The Thailand satellite hackers group, which has taken the name of "The Julie
Holden Drool Brigade" -- a youngish tribute to their mentor Tracey Kinchen,
a former MI5 agent with British Intelligence who is also a dead ringer for
actress Julie Holden -- recently met with WorldNetDaily in the northern Thai
city of Chiang Rai to spell out their reasons for taking part in the

"We hacked RealNames looking for credit card numbers of international
bigwigs," said Maxi Coke, a Thai female hacker based in Bangkok.

"It's just like we told WorldNetDaily. This is real. We are not going away.
We said we would go after Ted Turner, this was before the merger between AOL
and Time Warner, and we did take down CNN. The globalist elites have to get
the message. We will never, never ever stop fighting them. Our movement will
not be co-opted. Red China and all the Western corporations should beware."

"People will say we need anger management training, or that we need
government-sponsored websites designed just so we can hack them for fun, but
we're really serious," said Minny Jet, another Thai female hacker who lives
in Chiang Mai.

Maxi Coke said that fellow hackers in Mainland China and Germany assisted in
the attack.

"We launched the attack from inside the FBI's own computers. We called it
the 'Janet Reno Dance Party.' We didn't want her to have to go too far to
find the source of the attack. When she looks too hard, peaceful law abiding
citizens tend to get burned up from time to time -- like in Waco, Texas."

Like other groups claiming responsibility for the high-profile attacks, the
"Julie Holden" hacking group has spelled out its demands for ceasing its
attacks on the World Wide Web.

First, Western governments and multinational corporations must stop trading
with Communist China.

Second, Nuremberg-style trials of the United Nations for "crimes against
humanity," referring to its promotion of abortion, which must be commenced
before the end of the year 2000.

Third, the laundering of all the drug money in the world must be uncovered
and examined before the public.

"Trade, drugs and abortion -- these are the main evils in the world," said
Mini Jet. "The elites are a selfish, self-anointed group of snobs. The
Chinese, Russians, U.N, Western corporations, they all are raping the planet
with impunity."

"Since they are what I would call 'evil,' and their view of the world and
mankind's nature is all wrong -- they can only lead us all into a future of
anarchy and destruction," said Mini Jet. "Forced abortion, sterilization,
organ harvesting, the rape of Tibet. These things are evil. Why is the
European Union calling Joerg Haider of Austria a Nazi? He's done nothing
wrong. Yet the EU embraces the Nazi atrocities of China. They are such

[CTRL] Lawmakers puzzled by Bush's proposals to reform campaign finance

2000-02-15 Thread Steve Wingate

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Lawmakers puzzled by Bush's proposals to reform campaign finance

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (February 15, 2000 9:02 p.m. EST - Friends and foes say Gov. George W.
Bush's plan to crack down on big money politics may work in Texas, but it
would be doomed on Capitol Hill.

The plan contains proposals that already have died with legislation
sponsored by his opponent for the GOP presidential nomination, Sen. John
McCain, R-Ariz.

Still, McCain, who has forced Bush into a tight race for the nomination,
congratulated the governor on following his lead on banning some types of
"soft money" contributions.

"The next thing you know he's going to move to Arizona," McCain cracked
while campaigning in South Carolina.

Bush has proposed several points of his plan before, including banning the
practice of "rolling over" money from a previous campaign to a current
political bid, as McCain has done this year to the tune of $2 million. Bush
sharpened the proposal Tuesday in a direct shot at McCain's claim to be a
campaign finance reformer.

"Eliminate 'roll-over' loophole and prevent incumbents from transferring
excess funds from a prior federal campaign (e.g., for the Senate- to a
subsequent campaign for a different federal office (e.g., for the
presidency)," reads the governor's press release.

The jockeying, hours before the two were to meet in their last debate
before the South Carolina primary Saturday, represented a Bush effort to
dull McCain's claim as the race's only true reformer.

But experts on both sides described Bush's proposal as incomplete,
puzzling and legislatively doomed.

Mirroring a law that governs the Texas Legislature, Bush's plan says
lobbyists should be prohibited from donating money to campaigns when
Congress is in session. Bush and his aides offered few specifics, other
than to say contributions would be permitted during any congressional
recess - be it on a weekend, the month of August or when a Congress
reaches the end of its two-year lifespan.

Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., who is supporting McCain, said the proposal
would be hard to put into effect given the nature of Washington's 24-hour-a-
day, seven-day-a-week political industry.

"It's ridiculous," Hagel said in an interview. "I don't know if that's just a lack
of his understanding of the process or not."

Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, argued that the problem with Bush's proposal
was "more of a manifestation that they just haven't defined it properly."

"It's clearly unconstitutional," added Bennett, who is supporting Bush.

"It would be a bitter pill to swallow," said John Czwartacki, spokesman for
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. "Congress is in session for so much of
the year, unlike state legislatures. And when they're not in session, they go

Bush did get support for the proposal from one lawmaker from his native

"When Governor Bush becomes president next year, I will be happy to carry
his proposal in the Senate," Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said in a statement.

It's not likely to get far.

Another part of the Bush proposal has already been branded a "poison pill"
because it would almost surely kill any campaign finance legislation to
which it was attached.

The proposal, dubbed "paycheck protection," would specify that union
members would have the right to refuse to pay any portion of their dues
used by the union for political purposes.

Unions, which overwhelmingly support Democrats, vehemently oppose the
provision and mobilize huge resources to block it.

In a statement Tuesday, Bush's campaign said that "Senator McCain would
permit this abuse." In fact, McCain supports paycheck protection but
declined to add it to his campaign finance bill in an effort to preserve the
underlying legislation, which later died. McCain offered to introduce
paycheck protection as a free-standing bill, according to Senate aide Mark

Bennett said Bush had no choice but to include that cornerstone of GOP
campaign finance reform.

"I think he would have been subject to serious criticism among Republicans
who understand the issue if he had left it out," Bennett said. But still, he
added, "They need to write a better press release."





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[CTRL] carefully constructed spin/commentary from Gifford

2000-02-15 Thread lloyd

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/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: 
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: "carefully constructed spin"/commentary from Gifford
Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 3:06 AM

Dan Gifford sends this reply to the Post Dispatch story from earlier.
Other commentaries about the article included someone wishing to produce
Graeme's deposition in question to be viewed by the list here.  I am working
on getting that information to you, and will forward when available.

Please notice how the proof of government gunfire broadcast in a recent
CBS 60 Minutes II story is artfully omitted from this St. Louis
Post-Dispatch story. Also notice how the case that the Davidians started
the fire is being made. The story Craddock tells is not new. Neither is
the "pour it" recount from the FBI "bugs."  Notice that there is no
mention that those conversations took place six hours before any fire
started. Also, Craddock is in federal prison and therefore, under
duress. Was he offered an early release or other deal? Bottom line: This
has all of the earmarks of a carefully constructed "spin" which will
exonerate the government of all but minor culpability. If you know
something I don't about all of this, I'd like to hear it.
Dan Gifford
"Waco: The Rules of Engagement"

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2000-02-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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The Washington Times

February 15, 2000, Tuesday, Final Edition



Hillary Rodham Clinton may have stepped into another
campaign-finance minefield as she picked up an award yesterday
for her work on the moribund Northern Ireland peace process.

The $500-per-person fund-raiser at the Georgetown home of
Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, a former U.S. ambassador to Portugal,
was for the Irish American Democrats group.

The group's director, Stella O'Leary, told the Associated Press
she expected to spend the maximum allowable $10,000 on the first
lady's Senate bid.

"This tonight will benefit Hillary's campaign," Miss Bagley told
about 100 guests.

The event was billed as an official White House function and at
least one White House staffer attended with Mrs. Clinton.
Candidates for federal office cannot use official staff for
campaign-related events like fund raising.

Mrs. Clinton's campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson maintained that
the fund-raiser was for the Irish American Democrats. "We have no
control over how they spend their money," he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lizards in underwear, court told

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Kingsbury

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/A -Cui Bono?-

 Man had lizards in underwear, court told

 Source: AAP | Published: Thursday February 10, 1:54 PM

 A Czech holidaymaker was jailed today after being caught
 trying to smuggle 31 endangered lizards out of Australia in
 his underwear.

 Ales Havelka, 30, found with pouches full of lizards in his
 clothes, had made similar attempts to seize wildlife in
 Mauritius and Peru, a suburban court was told.

 Magistrate Allan Spillane told Havelka he had made a
 'planned attack on the safety of Australian wildlife' and
 should learn to conduct himself as a 'world citizen'.

 Havelka was stopped by customs officials as he tried to
 leave Australia bound for the Czech Republic on Monday,
 Broadmeadows Court was told.

 Daniela Duviani, prosecuting, said when Havalka was
 searched, officers found two pouches on him and noticed
 they were moving.

 Each pouch contained a number of small lizards.

 He said he had more concealed under his jeans near his

 A further search revealed a number of bulges in the thermal
 underwear near his ankles, Ms Duviani said.

 A total of 31 small Australian native lizards or geckos
 were found in the search.

 Havelka said he collected lizards and found these ones in
 South Australia and New South Wales.

 It was estimated the lizards were worth between $US400 and
 $US2,000 each.

 Robert Walters, prosecuting for the Department of Natural
 Resources and Environment, said 13 knob-tailed geckos,
 seven bearded geckos and 11 southern leaf-tailed geckos had
 been found.

 Six of these lizards were endangered species.

 Mr Walters said Halvelka had been detained in Mauritius and
 Peru for attempting to take wildlife.

 Havelka, who was in Australia on holiday, found other
 lizards on the roadside in the Whyalla area in South
 Australia and others at Mona Vale, in New South Wales.

 Officers seized the creatures and took them to the
 Melbourne Zoo.

 Kellie (Kellie) Blair, defending, said Havelka was a lizard
 collector and had not intended to sell them - he wanted to
 use them for breeding.

 He had a collection of 25 species of geckos and 120 lizards
 at home in the Czech Republic, she said.

 Magistrate Mr Spillane told Havelka this was a 'direct,
 planned attack on the safety of Australian wildlife.

 'I think it's time you were told you simply have to conduct
 yourself as a proper world citizen if you are going to
 travel to other countries.'

 Havelka pleaded guilty to a charge of exporting a
 prohibited export and possessing endangered wildlife.

 He was convicted and sentenced to one month's imprisonment.

 Copyright © 2000 The Age Company Ltd. Any unauthorised use,
 copying or mirroring is prohibited.

more Lizard news:

 Leptin Lizards

 Hormone's discovery in reptiles suggests role in
 energy allocation


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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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