[CTRL] Marionettery

2000-10-13 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From  www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : The Balkans
How the West organised Milosevic's downfall
By Chris Marsden
13 October 2000
Back to screen version

The Western media uniformly portrayed the overthrow of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic as the result of a spontaneous popular democratic
revolution. Overwhelming evidence to the contrary shows that this depiction of
events in Belgrade as “people's power” in action was a deliberate attempt to
dupe the public.

The media's aim was to legitimise what they knew to be a political coup
organised by the United States government and the European powers, to ensure
their undisputed control of the Balkan peninsula, in alliance with a section of
Serbia's ruling elite whose politics differed in no fundamental respect from
those of Milosevic.

An example of the type of press commentary on offer is the article by Neal
Ascherson in the October 8 edition of the Observer newspaper. Without blushing
he asserted that the October 5 events had “No leaders, no savvy controllers,
not even any heroes.,.. Revolution, the real thing, is always like what the
world saw in Belgrade.”

There were, in fact, leaders and savvy controllers in abundance, which the
Observer knows full well. It is a matter of public record that millions of
dollars, high-level advisers and personnel numbering in the hundreds were
provided by the US and Europe for the election campaign of the Democratic
Opposition (DOS) of Serbia. Former US diplomat William Montgomery, who ran what
the New York Times dubbed the “Yugoslav embassy in exile” in Budapest,
coordinated much of its campaign on the ground.

Money and expertise were provided either directly through government agencies,
or through NGOs like Germany's Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the US Freedom
House, which are listed as the main sponsors of the opposition's media network.
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation is one of the main vehicles through which German
imperialism advances its interests globally. (The World Socialist Web Site has
written on its activities in a recent article “Zimbabwe: Promotion of the MDC
by middle class radicals politically disarms the working class”

Freedom House brings together leading Democrats, Republicans, business and
trade union leaders to promote pro-capitalist movements friendly to the US. Its
backers include the National Endowment for Democracy, a semi-official body that
receives funding from various US government agencies and the Centre for
International Private Enterprise. It boasts that it sponsors volunteer
“American professionals” and trains “Serbian political party members”.

The task the Western powers set for themselves was to galvanise social and
political discontent against the Milosevic regime and channel it behind their
handpicked representatives within the DOS. To this end a sophisticated, well-
funded electoral and propaganda network was not enough, given that the DOS was
viewed with deep suspicion as a tool of the NATO powers who had only recently
been bombing Belgrade. The US and Europe developed a two-pronged initiative
based on building social support in areas already controlled by opposition
forces and securing the cooperation of leading elements within the state
security forces, police and army with its plans.

A graphic account of the former strategy was presented in Germany's Der Spiegel
magazine this week. The magazine acknowledges the leading role played by the US
in the DOS campaign to bring down Milosevic, but focuses on the significant
contribution made by its own government.

“For months the [German] federal government has discretely and purposefully
supported the Serbian opposition against Milosevic,” it begins.
“Substantial political and material support from Berlin, as from other western
capitals, contributed to the fact that opposition groups and parties could
develop the strength to force Milosevic to give up and take over the government

On the genesis of the DOS's electoral challenge, Der Spiegel writes, “On
December 17 last year, [German Foreign Minister] Fischer and [US Secretary of
State] Albright met the most well known Yugoslav opposition figures in a
windowless room of the Interconti hotel on Budapest Strasse in Berlin on the
fringes of a G-8-meeting. Zoran Djindjic and Vuk Draskovic were part of the
proceedings, both Milosevic opponents who had never been able to unite for any
length of time. A participant of the meeting said today: ‘At that time the
opposition was given a bollocking [slang for a stern dressing-down]'.”

“The Milosevic opponents really willing to cooperate agreed on Kostunica, up to
then largely unknown, as the presidential candidate. The discussion round
withdrew any support from the unpredictable populist Draskovic.”

“Approximately $30 million, predominantly from America, were channelled into
the country via an office in Budapest, in order to equip the 

[CTRL] The Only Thing They Understand

2000-10-13 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Lies, hatred and the language of force

Arab View
By Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent
13 October 2000

This is a story about lies, bias, hatred and death. It's about our inability –
after more than half a century – to understand the injustice of the Middle
East. It's about a part of the world where it seems quite natural, after
repeatedly watching on television the funeral of 11-year-old Sami Abu Jezar –
who died two days after being shot through the forehead by Israeli soldiers –
for a crowd to kick two Israeli plainclothes agents to death. It's about a
nation that claims "purity of arms" but fires missiles at civilian apartment
blocks and then claims it is "restoring order". It's about people who are so
enraged by the killing of almost a hundred Palestinians that they try to blow
up an entire American warship.

It's as simple as that. When I walked into the local photocopy shop yesterday
afternoon, the boys there greeted me with ecstatic smiles. "Did you hear that
an American ship has been attacked?" one of them asked. "There are Americans
dead." All I saw around the room were smiles. In a corner, on a small
television screen, an Israeli Apache aircraft was firing a missile at Yasser
Arafat's headquarters in Gaza.

Seven years ago, CNN showed us the Israeli prime minister shaking Yasser Arafat
by the hand, live on the White House lawn. Now, live from Gaza, we watch a
pilot carrying out an order from the Israeli prime minister to kill Arafat by
bombing his headquarters.

As usual last night, the television news broadcasts – those most obsequious and
deforming of information dispensers – were diverting our minds from the truth.
They did not ask why the Palestinians should have lynched two Israeli
undercover men. Instead, they asked why Palestinian police had not protected
them. They did not ask why a suicide bomber in a rubber boat should have bombed
the USS Cole.

Instead, they asked who he was, who he worked for, and they interviewed
Pentagon officials who denounced "terrorism". Always the "who" or the "what";
never the "why".

It is of course possible that Osama bin Laden, one of the more recent American
hate figures, could have inspired – by sermons rather than direct instruction –
the attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden's family originally came from Yemen. And
it was Yemen that demanded the right earlier this week to fly arms direct to
the Palestinians of the occupied territories – provoked, it seems, by slow-
motion footage of yet another boy, a 12-year-old, dying on top of his father in
Gaza after being shot by the Israelis. Yet many of the attacks on Israeli
occupation forces in Lebanon were carried out by young men, unconnected with
the corrupt Arab political élite but enraged by the injustice of their lot.
Maybe it was the same in Yemen.

When Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo agreement seven years ago, only a very few
asked how soon this raddled, flawed, hopeless "peace" would collapse. I thought
it would end in violence because the Palestinians were being forced by
Americans and Israelis to sign a peace that would give them neither a state nor
an end to Jewish settlements on Arab land, nor a capital in Arab east

I wrote that Arafat had been turned from "super-terrorist" into a "super-
statesman" but could easily be turned into a "super-terrorist" again. And so it
came to pass. Yesterday, the Israeli spokesman Avi Pasner shared a BBC
interview with me – and called Arafat a "terrorist".

Alas, none of it was surprising – none save our continued inability to grasp
what happens when a whole society is pressure-cooked to the point of explosion.
A Pentagon official was saying last night the US government was trying to find
out if the attack on the USS Cole was "related" to "violence" in the Middle
East. Come again? Related? Violence? Who can doubt that the attempt to sink the
Cole and all her 360 American crew was directed at a nation now held
responsible for Israel's killing of scores of Palestinian civilians? The United
States – despite all the claptrap from Madeleine Albright about "honest
brokers" – is Israel's ally.

Ever since Arafat tried to leave the US ambassador's residence in Paris two
weeks ago, the Palestinians have placed this responsibility on America's
shoulders. If the US wants to go on supporting an ally that shoots down
Palestinians in the streets of the occupied territories, then the United States
will be held to account. And will pay for it.

No, of course this does not excuse the bloodthirsty killing of armed Israeli
agents or the desecration of the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, or, indeed, the
murder of Jewish settlers. But the cruelty of the Palestinians can be explained
by the cruelty of the Israelis. The death toll among Palestinians now is almost
exactly equal to that at Qana in 1996 when Israeli gunners butchered 106
Lebanese civilians. We called it a 

[CTRL] FR: Strategic Petrolium Reserve bidder a criminal?

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39e66f17478c.htm ...

Did an accused criminal buy our Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

News/Current Events Opinion Keywords: STRAGETIC PETROLEUM RESERVE
Source: vanity
Published: 10/12/2000 Author: self
Posted on 10/12/2000 19:10:31 PDT by LarryLied

Burhaney Energy Enterprises was one of the companies few ( or
none) in the industry had heard of which won a bid on our
Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Records show Burhaney was
incorporated in Florida last August by Ronald Peek. In 1998 a
Florida conviction of a Robert Peek for multiple counts of
multiple counts of conspiracy, bank, mail and wire fraud,
interstate transportation of stolen property and money laundering
was overturned by the Eleventh Circuit, United States Court of
Appeals .

Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations lists the
following information for Burhaney Energy Enterprises:

Registered agent

Date incorporation filed: 08/21/2000

P.O. BOX 65086

P.O. BOX 65086

Officer/Director Detail Name  Address Title

A search for Ronald Peek brought up this:

United States Court of Appeals,
Eleventh Circuit.
Nos. 92-2872, 95-2061.
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, Cross-Appellant,
William Michael ADKINSON, Ann Powell Minks, f.k.a. Ann Powell, et
al., Defendants- Appellants, Cross-Appellees.

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Ronald D. PEEK, Ann Powell Minks, et al., Defendants-Appellants.
Feb. 23, 1998.

Appeals from the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Florida. (No. 91-03052-RV), Roger Vinson, Judge.

Before DUBINA, Circuit Judge, and HILL and GIBSON(*), Senior
Circuit Judges. HILL, Senior Circuit Judge:

Defendants appeal from the denial of their motion for a new trial
and from their convictions and sentences upon multiple counts of
conspiracy, bank, mail and wire fraud, interstate transportation
of stolen property and money laundering. The government appeals
the district court's determination that the sentencing guidelines
do not apply to these defendants. For the following reasons, all
convictions and sentences WILL BE REVERSED AND VACATED.(1)

This case began as a basic bank fraud case arising out of alleged
false statements and misrepresentations made to procure loans for
a land development project and that large amounts of loan
proceeds were allegedly diverted for personal use. Somewhere
along the line, the case mutated into a broad conspiracy against
the government involving wire, mail, and tax fraud, interstate
transportation of money taken by fraud and money laundering.(2)

Full decision is here:


Anyone know the following:

Are these the same Ronald Peeks? Has his company, Burhaney Energy
Enterprises, engaged in any other business activity except
bidding on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve since becoming
incorporated in August? Is is usual for the federal government to
award contracts of over a hundred million dollars to corporations
which list a P.O. Box as their only address? Was Peeks told in
August to set up a company for the express purpose of bidding on
the release of the SPR?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-13 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was Satanisme in the Vatican

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Interesting theory that Bill.  Could it be that when he says they are
  "Lizards" it is a metaphor used to include them all in one group and
  that he dare not name it?

 Like snake in the grass, maybe?

It's clear now, and has been for a long time for some us, that for many of
the loony Ickeites, the term Reptilian"'PREDATORS" is a code word for Jew, I
quote from one of my posts below:

[ Here's a sample, from an anti-Semitic bigot who is given credit in Ickes
book "The Biggest Secret," as an "editor," one Ivan Fraser, who expressed
the Ickeites style of sentiment on a public forum. Here's a couple of
samples of this madman's racial hatred, and crass banality, quote:

"The predators use the Jews as their main tools. Many Jews are vampires and
suck in the energy fields of those around them. People who buy houses once
belonging to certain Jews find they have taken on a living hell. Those that
try to associate with Jews find they are not welcome."

Further on, this Fraser "editor" of Icke writes about his hated Jews:
"Recognise them for what they are, the philosophy for what it is and don't
borrow their money, eat their produce, support their art, buy into their
politics, etc. Then they will have no host. Let them ghettoise themselves if
they want to and separate themselves. But be aware that unless they change
their beliefs they will always hate you and seek to own you and your
property and desire to see you destroyed." ]

This misanthropic throwback to the Dark Ages is not an uncommon sentiment
from devotees of the Icke cult.

As far as the Vatican and Satanism is concerned, the term Satanism, like
many others, comes in the form a chameleon. It means various things to
different users. In the Reformation Era, the Roman papacy was identified as
the system of "Antichrist," and the very "seat," or throne of Satan by
Reformation scholars.

It's rituals were identified as Witchcraft, the Catholic "Mass," which was
the height of its "magic," was seen as Satanic, and thoroughly pagan in
origin. In the "Mass, " according to THE very LAW of the papal institution,
the Vatican to this day sacrifices its "god" daily upon an alter, where its
"priests" EAT, according to the LAW, the very "FLESH," and DRINK, the
LITERAL "BLOOD," of their deity. This open ritual cannibalism, and
superstition is practiced openly without a qualm of conscience by Western

It is claimed that 49% of the US population is Roman catholic. One then
assumes that at least scores of millions of Americans practice this
superstition, which Reformation scholars viewed as witchcraft and Satanism.

Aside from that, the number of children abused and ruined by the perverse
activity of Roman Catholic priests is well attested.  In addition, the
propaganda value of "Satanism," and Demonisation, is immense, and the
Vatican has profited from such considerably in the past, as it does today in
order to drive the superstitious into its supposed "safe haven" domain. In
this, it employs both a religious and a secularised form for its work,
whether such is a horned, hoofed figurine, ghosts, demons, 'godless'
Communism -  or technocratic evil "aliens," so on and so forth.

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 68

2000-10-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 68 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"Since trade ignores national boundaries and the manufacturer insists on having
the world as a market, the flag of his nation must follow him, and the
doors of the
nations which are closed against him must be battered down. Concessions
by financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the
of unwilling nations be outraged in the process."
--Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, 1907
--Free Radio Austin 97.1FM Shutdown in FCC Raid
--Second pirate radio station in Austin shut down by FCC
--Carnivore Details Emerge
--French Warn of U.S. Spy Network
--Pentagon Introduces High-Tech ID
--How to crush oppression without killing justice [book review]
--Chem-bio warfare agent detector market assessed
--Fear of Contaminated Airplane Cabin Air
Linked stories:
 *NASA Warms to Living on Mars
 *RIAA: Internet Licenses Coming
 *Silent Partner [Nader/Buchanan]
Begin stories:
Free Radio Austin 97.1FM Shutdown in FCC Raid

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, October 10, 2000

Contact: Reckless or Chance at (512) 476-3446

Austin Activists and Community Leaders Link Shutdown to Fortune 500 Protests

For the second time in less than a week, a microbroadcasting station in Austin,
TX was shutdown by the FCC and law enforcement from various agencies.

At around 10:30AM this morning Free Radio Austin, broadcasting at 97.1 FM, was
raided by a multi-jurisdictional task force of FCC, Federal Marshals, Austin
Police Department, and suspected FBI agents. Lloyd Perry, an agent from the FCC
regional office in Houston, personally led the raid and removed the transmitter
and other equipment, including 2 CD players, 2 turntables and portable radios.
Unlike other such raids in the past, the FCC encountered immediate resistance
from community activists. Free Radio Austin had buried it's transmitter several
feet underground giving local community and media enough time to make it to the
station to cover the event. Several cameras from traditional and independent
media were busy recording Mr. Perry as he dug the transmitter from layers of
thick clay and mud.

Meanwhile, programmers and community began to chant slogans such as "Congress
shall make no law to abridge the freedom of press." Unlike raids that have
happened with other microbroadcasting stations such in California, Florida, or
even when local Radio One was shutdown, FCC agents were not able to quickly
seize the equipment. The entire procedure took more than an hour. FCC agents
were clearly not in a good mood as a crowd of some 50 or more community
gathered around them.

Lloyd Perry declined to give comment either to members of Free Radio Austin or
to the media. Only last week, Mr. Perry had defiantly posed, cutting a wire on
the tower of Radio One, for local media. But he was clearly not laughing or
joking with media today.

Papers delivered to Free Radio Austin 97.1 indicate that the warrant for
seizure of equipment were signed by a federal judge on the same day as those
for Radio One. However, members of Free Radio Austin claim they were in
dialogue with the FCC and had never ignored or not responded to any
correspondence from the FCC. In fact, several programmers claimed that they
wanted to pursue microbroadcasting issues in legal proceedings as other
stations around the nation have been doing in a burgeoning movement of
grassroots radio.

Local community activists in Austin cite that both Radio One and Free Radio
Austin were shutdown only days before upcoming protests against the Fortune 500
Forum, an annual gathering of CEOs from some of the largest corporations in the
world. They believe that these same CEOs, business leaders, and local Austin
Mayor Kirk Watson were pressuring for the shutdown of independent media outlets
that had planned to cover the protests.

Organizers also cite ongoing political pressure from City Hall and the Austin
Downtown Business Alliance to deny marchers a permit for an Oct. 13th rally.
Police claimed that a permit could not be issued because of traffic issues, but
organizers counter that their freedom of speech issues outweigh these concerns.
They also point out that other events such as concerts and University of Texas
football games often cause traffic problems, but no one is trying to stop those

The station was in the backyard of a programmer who prefers to simply go by the

[CTRL] FR: Stratfor: Anatomy of the Attack: An Unsecured Port

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Btw, check out this *excellent* diagram of the events
immediately surrounding the explosion:





Anatomy of the Attack: An Unsecured Port
Updated 2340 GMT, 001012

Taken by surprise as it docked in Aden Port, the explosion
alongside USS Cole tore a 40 by 20 foot hole along the waterline
killing at least six American sailors and leaving 12 missing.
Authorities said a small boat assisting in mooring the ship in
Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula staged the attack.

But more than a mere surprise, the attack seems to have taken
advantage of inherent weaknesses in security at the port. U.S.
vessels have visited for several years, but have only gotten fuel
about a dozen times in the last year. This would allow terrorists
plenty of opportunity to observe refueling and take advantage of
weak security.

The USS Cole had implemented terrorist countermeasures, according
to Navy protocol. Every U.S. ship follows a predetermined force
protection plan for every port visit. Secretary of Defense Cohen
confirmed today that USS Cole followed the force protection plan
according to perceived threat conditions at Aden Port. The armed
fleet anti-terrorism force was aboard to provide security.

The docking at Aden qualified for threat condition “Bravo,” a
designation where a threat of terrorist conditions is
predictable. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service at Norfolk,
Virginia, is responsible for monitoring threat conditions abroad
and debriefing U.S. personnel on deployment.

But security most likely broke down because of conditions at
Aden. The port is one of the world’s largest natural harbors, and
operates 365 days per year. It has several small islands for
berthing, and small commercial and fishing craft litter the area.

But site security is extremely poor, and corruption is extremely
high. These factors help terrorists infiltrate the port
undetected. Reports from Aden over the past year indicate random
movements by smaller boats against larger vessels, either pirates
boarding ships, or in some cases what appear to be tactical
maneuvers by small crafts.

Another security problem was that no one had verified for
identification the mooring boats belonging to a local contractor.
This requires coordinating with the local government, as do most
security procedures. Without the Yemeni government’s consent,
U.S. forces cannot enforce a cordon around a vessel to deter
sabotage. If the explosives were aboard an approaching speedboat,
the odds of an effective response time from the Cole would have
been slim to none.

The vehicle carrying the explosives approached the USS Cole as a
mooring boat, and was deemed friendly. Upon pulling the mooring
ropes, coming alongside the vessel at the waterline, the small
craft exploded. The explosion hit the main and auxiliary engine
rooms, at a time when the maximum number of crewmen were at their

U.S. military ships have refueled at Aden three times since May,
and have used this port since 1999. Even if USS Cole were armed
to the teeth, under threat condition Charlie, with an omniscient
force protection plan, the layout and personnel at Aden would
still provide camouflage to an aggressor.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Despite Secret '95 Gore Pact, Russian Arms Sales to Iran Go On

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Despite Secret '95 Pact by Gore, Russian Arms Sales to Iran Go On


WASHINGTON, Oct.  12 — In June 1995, Vice President Al Gore
signed a secret agreement with Viktor S. Chernomyrdin, then the
Russian prime minister, calling for an end to all Russian sales
of conventional weapons to Iran by the end of 1999.

But the deadline passed with no sign of a halt to such sales,
despite repeated complaints late last year and this year to
senior Russian officials by Mr.  Gore, Secretary of State
Madeleine K.  Albright and Deputy Secretary of State Strobe
Talbott.  Moscow continues to be a significant supplier of
conventional arms to Tehran despite the Gore-Chernomyrdin deal,
the Central Intelligence Agency reported in August.

The 1995 agreement allowed Moscow to fulfill existing sales
contracts for specified weaponry, including a diesel submarine,
torpedoes, anti- ship mines and hundreds of tanks and armored
personnel carriers.  But no other weapons were to be sold to
Iran, and all shipments were to have been completed by last Dec.

In exchange for the Russian promises, the United States pledged
not to seek penalties against Russia under a 1992 law that
requires sanctions against countries that sell advanced weaponry
to countries the State Department classifies as state sponsors of
terrorism.  Iran is on that list.

Though Mr.  Gore and Mr. Chernomyrdin mentioned an arms agreement
in general terms at a news conference the day it was signed, the
details have never been disclosed to Congress or to the public.

The Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement appeared to undercut a 1992 law,
the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act, known as Gore-McCain
after its principal sponsors, Mr.  Gore, then a senator from
Tennessee, and Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican.  The
law was rooted in concerns about Russian sales to Iran of some of
the same weapons that the Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement expressly

Senator McCain said this month that he was unaware of the deal
that Mr. Gore struck with Mr.  Chernomyrdin, which was codified
in a document stamped "Secret" and signed in Moscow on June 30,
1995.  Mr.  McCain said a "strong case can be made" that the
Russian delivery of arms, especially the submarine, should have
triggered sanctions against Moscow under the provisions of the
Gore-McCain law.

"If the administration has acquiesced in the sale, then I believe
they have violated both the intent and the letter of the law," he

Mr.  Gore's chief foreign policy adviser, Leon Fuerth, said the
deliveries were not subject to sanctions because they did not
meet the 1992 act's definition of "advanced conventional weapons"
and did not significantly change the balance of power in the
Persian Gulf.  But, he said, Mr.  Gore brandished the threat as
leverage to induce the Russians to sign the agreement, in part to
learn more about what arms Moscow was sending to Tehran.

"We deliberately used the Gore- McCain law as a fulcrum to
negotiate an understanding with Russia to put constraints on
their exports to Iran," Mr. Fuerth said, by setting a cut-off
date of Dec.  31, 1999.

Strengthening the lever was the submarine being supplied, the
third of three Kilo-class subs that Russia sold to Iran.  The sub
was of particular concern to American policymakers because it can
be hard to detect and could pose a threat to oil tankers or
American warships in the gulf.

Mr.  Gore and Mr.  McCain specifically cited the submarine and
its deadly long-range torpedoes as one reason the 1992
nonproliferation act was needed, according to the Congressional
Research Service.

Mr.  Fuerth acknowledged that Russia had failed to meet its
promise to end deliveries by Dec.  31.  "We have indicated we are
not satisfied with a unilateral decision by the Russians to
modify the terms of this understanding," he said.

Critics in Congress who have become aware of the 1995 deal,
conceived in secrecy and at best only partly successful in
achieving its goals, said it is symptomatic of flaws in Mr.
Gore's approach to handling relations with Russia.

President Clinton entrusted his vice president with an
extraordinary degree of authority to manage one of the most
important accounts in American diplomacy.  Mr.  Gore used that
authority to pursue a broad agenda on issues from arms control to
the environment to cooperation in space.

Much of that work was carried out in a channel known as the Gore-
Chernomyrdin Commission, which was established in 1993 and which
met twice a year until Boris N.  Yeltsin, the former president,
dismissed Mr. Chernomyrdin in March 1998.  Mr.  Gore has cited
the work of the commission as among his signal achievements as
vice president and an important part of his résumé for the

Some critics in Congress, as well as Governor George W.  Bush's
foreign policy advisers, say that Mr.  Gore placed too much faith
in his close personal relationship with Mr.  Chernomyrdin, and
that this led Mr. Gore to turn 

[CTRL] NYT: Mrs. Clinton Sought Donations Using List of White House Visitors

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Mrs.  Clinton Sought Donations Using List of White House Visitors

The New Yourk Times

The Senate campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton obtained 1,400
names from an official government list of visitors to the White
House and sent them solicitations for political contributions
last month.  Mrs.  Clinton's campaign acknowledged yesterday that
she had played a role in the transfer of the names, though the
campaign insisted that what happened was accidental.

The fund-raising solicitations were signed by President Clinton,
who wrote, "We Democrats better do everything in our power to
make sure that her voice is heard in the U.S.  Senate."

A spokesman for Mrs.  Clinton's campaign, Howard Wolfson, said
the transfer of the names occurred while Mrs.  Clinton was
preparing for the annual White House holiday parties last
December.  She was examining an official list of people who were
to receive invitations.  At the same time, he said, she was
looking at lists of political supporters, in an effort to
organize fund- raising events for her campaign.

He said the official visitor list was inadvertently mixed in with
the political lists.  "This happened once — it should not have
happened — and it will not happen again," he said.

The annual holiday events at the White House are customarily paid
for by the political party that controls the presidency.  But the
invitation list is considered government property and it is
considered improper to use it for political purposes.

The disclosure that the campaign received the names comes as Mrs.
Clinton's Republican opponent, Representative Rick A.  Lazio, has
repeatedly criticized her fund- raising practices.  Mr.  Lazio
has said that like her husband, Mrs.  Clinton has rewarded
political contributors with invitations to stay in the Lincoln
Bedroom of the White House, and has also used other government
resources for inappropriate political purposes.

The transfer of the names recalls an inquiry in 1997 by
Congressional Republicans, who contended that the re-election
campaign of President Clinton and the Democratic National
Committee had used an extensive White House database of names for
fund-raising.  The Democrats denied the charges.

Told yesterday of the transfer of the names to Mrs.  Clinton's
campaign, the Lazio campaign stepped up its attacks on her

"It's a shame, though it is not surprising, to find the White
House illegally helping Mrs.  Clinton's campaign," said Dan
McLagan, a spokesman for the Lazio campaign.  "Those lists, like
the Lincoln Bedroom, belong to the American taxpayers, and Mrs.
Clinton is treating them like her personal property."

Mr.  Wolfson said Mrs.  Clinton's campaign had not received any
other names from official White House lists.  He said the
campaign had obtained the 1,400 names only because the official
list was not removed from the political lists before they were
returned to the campaign.

The official list was later entered into the campaign's
fund-raising rolls, he said.  Of the 1,400 names transferred, 400
were of people who were not already on the rolls.  From those 400
people, the campaign has received five donations totaling $225,
and is returning the money to the contributors, Mr.  Wolfson

Mr.  Wolfson said more than 350,000 people received the
fund-raising letters signed by the president.

He said the 400 names had been purged from the campaign's lists.
Among the 400 were people with White House press credentials,
including journalists from ABC News and The New York Times.

In 1997, Congressional Republicans investigating what they termed
the fund-raising improprieties of President Clinton's 1996
campaign contended that administration officials had transferred
a White House database containing about 350,000 names to the
Democratic National Committee, where, the Republicans said, the
database was used for fund- raising. Government officials had
compiled the database to track visitors to the White House and
put together invitation lists for White House events.

The Clinton administration denied those accusations.  But the
Republicans said memorandums they had obtained showed that Mrs.
Clinton and an adviser in her current campaign, Harold M.
Ickes, who was then deputy chief of staff, were involved in the
decisions about how to manage the database.

Mr.  Wolfson, responding to the criticism from the Lazio
campaign, sought to link Mr.  Lazio to Representative Dan Burton
of Indiana, a leader of the Republican inquiries into the
fund-raising by the president's campaign.

"Rick Lazio is sounding more and more like Dan Burton and the
Republican attack machine every day," Mr.  Wolfson said.  "New
Yorkers are tired of the politics of insults."

The three-page fund-raising letter signed by President Clinton
reflects his attempt to assist his wife's campaign while
remaining somewhat out of the spotlight.  Mr.  Wolfson said that
other than signing the letter, the president had no 

[CTRL] More than one million Iraqis ready for holy war against Israel: official

2000-10-13 Thread NSA

More than one million Iraqis ready for holy war against Israel: 
official BAGHDAD, Oct 12 (AFP) - More than one million people 
have volunteered in Iraq to join the jihad (holy war) against Israel 
alongside the Palestinians, an Iraqi official said Thursday. 
"The number of people who have volunteered for the jihad in 
Palestine has surpassed one million," an official in Iraq's ruling Baath 
party said. "The volunteers, both men and women, are coming more 
and more to recruitment centers," he said.Meanwhile, the director of 
Iraqi's Baath office, Adnan Daud Sulaiman, said nearly 700,000 people had 
volunteered in the two days after President Saddam Hussein issued a 
mobilization call. The Iraqi cabinet, with Hussein presiding, 
announced Sunday it was mobilizing volunteers for a "jihad in Palestine" and 
was devoting five million euros (4.4 million dollars) to the Palestinian 
uprising. Millions of Iraqis have undergone military training 
in the past several years in training camps opened in Baghdad and the 
provinces. Iraq is militantly opposed to the US-brokered Middle 
East peace process. Copyright 2000 by Agence 

[CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-13 Thread Ole Gerstrøm


It's clear now, and has been for a long 
time for some us, that for many ofthe loony Ickeites, the term 
Reptilian"'PREDATORS" is a code word for Jew, Iquote from one of my posts 

Now, who is a lunatic ?

For anybody who has actually read David Ickes "The 
Biggest Secret," it is obvious, that reptilian means reptilian,and 
the above statement is rubbish.

But of course, the pro-reptilian lobby would be 
happy, if Icke could be labelled anti-jewish.

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

[CTRL] Crash Course in Middle East History

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

I'm probably a tad biased in these regards, but it seems there
have been a few more warped pro PA posts than warped pro Israeli
ones, so, here's a little warped thing I found to keep the slate
somewhat even, Bill S.  ;-)



Crash Course in Middle East History

Nationhood and Jerusalem

* Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two thousand years
before the rise of Islam.

* Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of
a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment
of the modern State of Israel.

* Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had
dominion over the land for one thousand years, with a continuous
presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.

* The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no
more than 22 years.

* For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital.

* Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim
entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never
sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not even
come to visit.

* Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish
Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

* King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came
to Jerusalem.

* Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs
toward Jerusalem.

Arab and Jewish Refugees

* In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by
Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews.  Sixty-eight
percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. The Jewish
refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab
brutality, persecution and pogroms.

* The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is
estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees
from Arab lands is estimated to be the same.

* Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated
into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab
territory.  Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II,
theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been
absorbed or integrated into their own peoples' lands. Jewish
refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no
larger than the state of New Jersey.

The Arab - Israeli Conflict

* The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not
including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation.

* The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel
defended itself each time and won.

* The P.L.O.'s Charter still calls for the destruction of the
State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the
West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has
supplied them with weapons.

* Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the
Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule,
all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made
accessible to people of all faiths.

The U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs

* Of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97
were directed against Israel.

* Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990,
429 were directed against Israel.

* The U.N was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed
by the Jordanians.

* The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians systematically
desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

* The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an
apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple
Mount and the Western Wall.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Oh, oh! Cristiane Amanpour is in Jerusalem. You KNOW there's going to be a war.

2000-10-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Seeing Amanpour in Jerusalem is like seeing vultures circling a hunt.
You can be sure that there will be bodies.

She spins the " official " NWO line. Let's see how this gets spun. She
almost single handedly sold the " genocide " of the Kosovar Albanians to
the world in order to set up an excuse to destroy the infrastructure of
Yugoslavia. There was no genocide.


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak talks with CNN's Senior International
Correspondent Christiane Amanpour
October 12, 2000 [typos in original]

AMANPOUR: Prime Minister Barak, you have just finished saying that this was
a limited action, that you did not target Palestinian Authority President
Yasser Arafat. But you have never -- Israel has never taken this extensive
action against the Palestinians. How do you expect them to react?

BARAK: I expect them to put an end to violence that they have initiated and
are responsible for. We have this morning -- we had a lynch of three Israeli
reservist soldiers; people came from the home and were lynched, then
mutilated and burned. It's something that no government on Earth could
accept, and Israel is ready to look open- eyed at the situation. Understand
that we are living in the Middle East, not in North America and not the
Midwest, and this is a place where you cannot expect anyone to respect you,
you cannot expect your own people to trust you if cannot respond to such an
event. And we responded in a very focused manner, very clear signal that we
will not have this kind of violence continue forever.

AMANPOUR: Mr. Prime Minister, this looks like an argument that is spinning
out of control, each side blaming the other for what's going on, each side
saying that the other one has to stop. Isn't it time, Mr. Prime Minister, to
show leadership, to stop this?

BARAK: We have stopped it some hundred times since it began 10 days ago or
12 days ago. We are ready all along the way to stop it. We are not creating
the provocation, we are responding, and we will keep responding.
Unfortunately, you cannot let your neck be kind of cut as a gesture for your
neighbor, even if it's a good neighbor.

AMANPOUR: Would you acknowledge, Mr. Prime Minister, this kind of heavy
weaponry, this kind of offensive action, simply plays into the hands of the
extremists on both sides?

BARAK: I say, first of all, it's a necessity. We cannot avoid it. It's the
role of a government to defend its soldiers and its citizens. We did it in a
way that did not cause casualties. There are few people wounded. We made
clear to announce in advance what kind of headquarters we are going to
attack. We made clear that every place we approach, first of all, we
signaled with few shots that something is happening so everyone can go out
and then we hit it, so that there are very few wounded people, much less
than in every daily demonstration where the Palestinians in their terrible
way of sending people with weapons, innocent citizens, and kids, together.
That's crazy.

AMANPOUR: Mr. Prime Minister, the Palestinian Authority president says in
fact there were several people killed in attack, and there were dozens of
people wounded. Nobody...

BARAK: I beg to kind of question the level of credibility that this
authority, the Palestinian Authority, has in reporting effects.

AMANPOUR: Nobody would condone what you described as the lynching this
morning. But the Palestinians and the rest of the world who are looking at
the last two weeks know that the majority of the people who have been
killed -- nearly 100 people -- are Palestinians.

BARAK: Christiane, try to imagine that you have a farm, it's attacked by
rebels. You respond. Unfortunately, they are trying to kill you respond. You
kill five of them and one of your family was killed. Is it fair to say that
unless you will kill or let someone else kill another four of your family,
it's not satisfactory? It makes him, not just the Hamas and Islamic Jihad,
responsible for the following terrorist attacks that might easily come. We
have to be able to make it clear. It's like you have lost today at the near
Aden port four sailors and some, maybe 12, that disappeared. When you try to
ask yourself, what's that, is it something offensive that the vessel had
done? It's nonsense. Butchering is the intention of terrorists, to take the
life of Americans since you are standing firm for freedom and against
terror. And that's exactly what the world expects the leaders of the free
world to do.

AMANPOUR: But don't you think what you've just done plays into the hands of
that very activity? Don't you think that it just encourages the push toward
the extremist side?

BARAK: I tell you, to bury more Israel does encourage them. There is no --
we are living in a neighborhood which is somewhat different from the
neighborhood you are living in. It's not North America; it's not Western
Europe. This is a place where there is no mercy for the 

Re: [CTRL] Oh, oh! Cristiane Amanpour is in Jerusalem. You KNOW there's going...

2000-10-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/13/2000 6:54:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Seeing Amanpour in Jerusalem is like seeing vultures circling a hunt.
 You can be sure that there will be bodies. 

But J2, the vultures can already get fat circling Israel.  When you're
counting the bodies, be sure to compare the numbers.  Today's headlines in
our paper are screaming about the two Israeli soldiers who were killed, but
our paper never mentioned anything about the various Palestinians who were
dragged out of their homes and killed.  Would war be so bad?  Israel has been
waiting impatiently for a chance to kill as many Palestinians as possible
without damaging their chances for money and arms donations.  If they kill
them all, they don't need to share anything with them do they?  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] FR: Stratfor: Anatomy of the Attack: An Unsecured Port

2000-10-13 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

On 12 Oct 2000, at 23:54, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:


 But more than a mere surprise, the attack seems to have taken
 advantage of inherent weaknesses in security at the port. U.S.
 vessels have visited for several years, but have only gotten fuel
 about a dozen times in the last year. This would allow terrorists
 plenty of opportunity to observe refueling and take advantage of weak


 U.S. military ships have refueled at Aden three times since May,
 and have used this port since 1999. Even if USS Cole were armed
 to the teeth, under threat condition Charlie, with an omniscient
 force protection plan, the layout and personnel at Aden would
 still provide camouflage to an aggressor.

It's my understanding that refueling is mandatory after about 30%
of fuel stores are used.  This refueling wasn't an emergency
situation, and we have secure ports in Saudi Arabia where the risks
would have been substantially less.

My question is - who made the decision to use Aden for a refueling
base - and why choose it in preference to the more secure Saudi
locations?  Did the captain make the decision?  Or did he receive
orders from higher up?  If so, how much higher?
The specter of "Terrorism" is one of the main boogeymen

Why has the terrorist boogeyman been brought into play at this


It's better to have a gun and not need it than
to need a gun and not have it.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: China's shell game in Sudan

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


China's 'shell game' in Sudan
Beijing still involved in 'genocidally destructive oil project'

By Charles Smith
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Although officials at China's second-largest state-owned oil
company have publicly announced it is giving up its stake in a
controversial oil project in Sudan, human rights organizations
say the move is just a cynical "shell game" designed to avoid
widespread condemnation and to facilitate access to the U.S.
stock market.

Officials at Sinopec recently admitted that a subsidiary of the
state-owned oil giant, Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration
Administration, had sold its 80 percent share in a small
exploration block named Sudan 6 to China National Petroleum for
an undisclosed amount. The announcement came ahead of a $3.5
billion global stock offer by the Chinese government-owned oil
company scheduled for late October.

"Neither Sinopec or its listed vehicle has investment in Sudan
now," the Sinopec spokesman stated in a Reuters report Wednesday.
"We transferred the oil exploration and development project in
Sudan to CNPC in June."

Chinese government investment in a pipeline and oil refinery in
Sudan raised protests from human rights groups before a
multi-billion dollar stock offering in April by the state owned
PetroChina oil Corporation. The protests forced PetroChina to
remove the Sudanese assets from the stock listing.

Human rights groups say Sudan's Islamic government is using the
Chinese oil revenues to fund its war against Muslim, Christian
and animist rebels. The move by Sinopec to shed its Sudanese
assets brought swift reaction from human rights advocates in the
United States.

"This offering is a new box in the Chinese shell game of 'where's
Sudan?'" stated Dr. Charles Jacobs from the Boston-based American
Anti-Slavery Group, responding to the move by the Chinese state
owned oil firm.

"We know China is a partner in Khartoum's oil development, they
just need to make it hard to find under which cup -- Sinopec,
PetroChina or China National Petroleum -- Sudan is hidden. No one
should be fooled: Investing in any one of these state-owned,
fungible entities, is an investment in Khartoum's campaign to
enslave and slaughter blacks in Sudan."

Last month, WorldNetDaily reported that Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP
Amoco were close to investing several hundred million dollars
into Sinopec.

According to an Aug. 31 Reuters report, Sinopec sources stated
that the state-owned firm planned to raise more than the $3.1
billion PetroChina raised in April 2000 in its stock offering.
The Western investment is part of a planned initial public
offering to raise over $3 billion for Beijing.

"The projected Sinopec IPO shows just how much muscle American
Sudan advocates have developed," stated Eric Reeves, a human
rights advocate working at Smith College in Northampton, Mass.
"It is an extraordinary accomplishment to be able to determine
the terms on which the Chinese attempt to enter the American
capital markets."

According to Reeves, the move by Sinopec will make little
difference in the planned protests against the Chinese oil giant.

"But make no mistake about it. Despite Sinopec's claims to have
transferred their Sudan assets elsewhere, they remain defined by
that Sudan presence, and will be treated accordingly by Sudan
advocates," stated Reeves.

"This so-called 'cut in links to Sudan' reveals nothing more than
the fungibility of tangible assets in the Chinese economic
system. In other words, one state-owned entity simply has moved
out a controversial asset to another state-owned 'corporate
venue' for the purposes of gaining a listing on the New York
Stock Exchange and access to the investment dollars of American

"There is a true bottom line," noted Reeves. "The People's
Republic of China is investing heavily in Sudan's genocidally
destructive oil project. And no one should invest in any form of
that Chinese participation, including Sinopec."

There is evidence that Sinopec remains in Sudan despite the
assurances given by communist officials that the oil giant had
sold out. According to a report in Wednesday's Wall Street
Journal, "Chinese Oil Firm Cuts Sudan Links," Sinopec has done
little to hide its Sudanese Zhongyuan operations.

"Zhongyuan still maintains a Sudan office at its headquarters in
China's central Henan province, despite the transfer of some of
its assets to CNPC," the report stated.

"At the Henan office, a Zhongyuan executive says the Zhongyuan
continues to provide services for (the oil site at) Sudan 6. An
official at the commercial section of the Chinese embassy in
Sudan, as well as a Zhongyuan executive on site in Sudan, both
said this week that Sinopec's work has continued on the oil
field. The Zhongyuan official declined to provide further
details, saying the operation 'isn't public information.'"

The move by the Chinese oil giant appears to have 

[CTRL] Reuters: Middle East could decide US presidential election

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


ANALYSIS-Middle East could decide US presidential election

By Carol Giacomo

WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - The dramatically escalating Middle
East crisis has put an intense spotlight on foreign policy and
could affect the outcome of the U.S. presidential race which is
in its crucial closing weeks, analysts said on Thursday.

Near-war between Israel and the Palestinians, coupled with an
apparent terrorist attack on a U.S. naval destroyer, presented
new challenges for President Bill Clinton's leadership skills,
pushing oil prices to record highs and depressing stock markets.

Depending on how these factors play out, they could undermine a
widespread feeling in the United States of peace and prosperity,
and also raise questions about the efficacy of U.S. leadership.
Such developments could hurt Vice President Al Gore, the
Democratic presidential nominee, who is in a tight race with
Republican nominee George W. Bush, the Texas governor.

The violent turn of events could have ``potentially profound
impact on the campaign because two of the factors that decide
elections are either success, on the one hand, or failure, on the
other hand, in foreign or military policy,'' said Allan Lichtman,
a history professor at American University.

This ``is fraught with peril for the administration because it
poses the potential for disastrous failure,'' he said.

Ironically, two areas in which U.S. policy is showing substantial
success -- in Yugoslavia with the ouster from power of Slobodan
Milosevic and in gradually improving relations with Stalinist
North Korea -- are very unlikely to affect the presidential race,
analysts said.


``Foreign policy issues usually don't play very strongly in a
presidential campaign unless they have a strong impact on the
U.S. economy or the lives of Americans in some other way, or if
war is involved,'' said Mark Rozel, a politics professor at
Catholic University.

``Right now both of those conditions clearly are being met,'' he

Many Americans are anxious about rising fuel prices and a stock
market showing increasing tendencies of slower growth.

Crude oil prices spiked sharply to a 10-year peak above $35 a
barrel on Thursday when Israel, using helicopter gunships,
attacked Palestinian targets in the West Bank after an angry mob
killed at least two captive Israeli soldiers.

The suicide bombing of the USS Cole while the destroyer was
refueling in Yemen -- killing at least five sailors and injuring
35 -- has touched numerous American families. It could revive
wider fears among Americans about an inability to protect U.S.
citizens and interests.

The latest wave of Mideast violence began two weeks ago after
Israeli rightist leader Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount
of al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, a place holy to Muslims and

Since then Gore and Bush have walked a careful line on the
conflict, consistent with the long-time U.S. effort to play
``honest broker'' between Israel and the Palestinians.

After word of the Israeli soldiers' deaths, however, both
candidates made statements pressing Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat to assert leadership and quell the violence.

In no small measure, this reflects traditional bottom-line U.S.
support for Israel and a desire to side with American Jews, a
powerful voting block. Some American Jews are so outraged by the
upsurge in fighting in the West Bank that they have called for an
end to peace negotiations.

Both candidates said if the United States determines who bombed
the U.S. destroyer, it must ``hold the perpetrators accountable''
(Gore) and ``take appropriate action'' (Bush).

For now, analysts said, Bush has little choice but to support the
administration's position as it seeks to end the Mideast violence
and figure out who bombed the navy vessel.


This year as in the past, political pundits have speculated about
an ``October surprise'' that could erupt out of the blue and
shake up a presidential campaign in its final days. The term
originated two decades ago when then-President Richard Nixon
bombed North Vietnam before the 1972 election in what was seen as
a crass attempt to solidify his position with voters.

The current situation does not constitute an ``October surprise''
because it was not initiated by the United States but foisted
upon it, said Richard Semiatin, an assistant professor of
political science at American University.

But he believes Gore could benefit from the crisis if the
administration determines with sufficient conviction who attacked
the USS Cole and undertakes retaliatory military action.

``Then it would be a boost for Gore... It would show Gore's
experience in foreign policy and underscore his position as a
member of the National Security Council,'' Semiatin said.

Americans tend to rally around their president in times of
crisis. But this would depend on the 

[CTRL] WT: Ex-CIA chief compromised secrets

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ex-CIA chief compromised secrets

By Bill Gertz


 Former CIA Director John Deutch compromised some of the most
sensitive defense programs by improperly transferring data about
ultrasecret Pentagon programs to computers he used to send e-mail
and access the Internet, The Washington Times has learned. Top

 The compromises occurred sometime after 1994 and have raised
fears among Pentagon security officials that foreign governments
obtained access to the "crown jewels" of the Pentagon's secret
weapons, intelligence and military programs, according to defense

Mr. Deutch is suspected of using the Internet to send the
secret information on so-called special access programs (SAPs)
over the commercial Internet service provider America Online as
part of a 1,000-page personal journal he produced during his
tenure as deputy defense secretary from 1994 to 1995 when he also
was director of the Pentagon's Special Access Program Oversight
Committee (SAPOC).

As the head of SAPOC, Mr. Deutch sat at the pinnacle of the
defense secrecy system involving hundreds of special access
programs and ultrasensitive information ranging from exotic
weapons development to secrets used during war-fighting

   The officials provided new details of the compromised programs
to highlight what they say is an effort to cover up the security
breaches to avoid the political embarrassment for a high-ranking
Clinton administration official during the presidential-election

The Senate Intelligence Committee has completed a report on
the CIA's handling of the Deutch security breach, but release of
the report is being delayed by Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan
Democrat, who is challenging its findings, according to
congressional sources.

The Pentagon officials said the compromises are based on a
"worst case"  estimate that information requiring extraordinary
secrecy has been released improperly or gathered clandestinely by
foreign spies.

"We don't know the full extent," said one official. "But
until we do, you have to assume there were serious compromises."

 A second defense official said: "A security and
counterintelligence investigation is needed to determine where is
the information, and a damage assessment is needed to determine
what has been compromised."

 Officials said the case is potentially the most damaging
security breach in the Pentagon's history because of the secrets

 For example, special access programs include vital defense
information used during wartime. During the Persian Gulf war, one
special access program was set up to protect information about a
flaw in a foreign-built radar system used by the Iraqi military,
which provided a major advantage to U.S.  allied military forces
during the conflict.

The officials said the compromises are not being investigated
by security and counterintelligence officials at the Pentagon or
the FBI.

 The failure to aggressively pursue the security breaches has
led some officials to question whether the matter is being
covered up by the Pentagon in order to protect Mr. Deutch, who
became CIA director in 1995 and left after being passed over for
a senior post in the second Clinton administration in 1996.

Pentagon spokesmen have said a damage assessment is under way
but that it has been stymied by Mr. Deutch's refusal to cooperate
in turning over computer disks.

 Spokesman Kenneth Bacon said no one in the Pentagon has
covered up the security breaches by Mr. Deutch.

 Officials do not know why Mr. Deutch produced the secret
personal journal.

 However, the biggest fear is that Mr. Deutch has used the
information with his international consulting firm, or will do so
in the future.

   Mr. Deutch is currently a co-chairman of the advisory council
for Intellibridge Corp., a District of Columbia-based global
intelligence and information service for corporations. The
company was originally called Newmarket. The board co-chairman is
former White House National Security Adviser Anthony Lake. Other
board members include former high-ranking U.S.  and foreign
government officials.

 The Intellibridge Internet site states that the company "is
a strategic knowledge tool providing a total information and
intelligence solution for the international corporation." A
spokesman for the company confirmed Mr.  Deutch is on the
advisory board.

   Pentagon documents obtained by The Times show the Pentagon
waited 20 months until February 2000 before initiating an inquiry
into the security breach. The Pentagon was first informed in June
1998 by CIA investigators that special access program data was
found on Mr. Deutch's unsecured computers, the documents state.

   A draft Pentagon inspector-general report on the Deutch matter
also said that Mr. Deutch used seven U.S. government-owned
Macintosh computers to write "a journal that contained classified
information on 


2000-10-13 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


9:06 Friday 13 October 2000
Israeli forces are on high alert, braced for a Palestinian "day of
rage" following the worst violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
in decades.
Diplomatic efforts are under way in a bid to prevent all-out war in
the Middle East.
A blast at the British embassy in Yemen - a day after a suicide
attack on a United States warship in the country's main port, Aden -
 has heightened fears that Westerners are being drawn into the
With the peace process in tatters, Israeli Premier Ehud Barak is
threatening to form a "national emergency government" including
right-wing leader Ariel Sharon, whose visit to a Muslim holy site
sparked the current crisis.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat called Mr Sharon, "the death
kiss to the peace process."
Fears are mounting that further clashes could erupt at religious
sites in the Holy Land during prayers today.
This is despite hopes of a breakthrough when it emerged that
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had invited both the Israeli and
Palestinian leaders to a new summit.
The idea of a four-way summit has been revived during a
conference call between Bill Clinton, Mr Mubarak and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat.
Asked about the possibility of such a gathering, Mr Arafat said,
"The most important thing before a summit is to stop the
aggression against our people."
Israel appears ready to step up the conflict with tanks circling
Palestinian cities and the army preventing Arab residents from
leaving their communities.
Eight missiles have been fired at a Palestinian police academy in
Jericho after the centuries-old "Peace Upon Israel," synagogue
there was burned.
Many in the region described the chaos as a nail in the coffin for
the peace process.
"I believe Mr Barak turned the light off tonight," said Mr Erekat.
"When it's going to be back on, I honestly don't know."
In a series of interviews, an angry Barak lashed out at Mr Arafat,
questioning the Palestinian leader's commitment to peace and
holding him indirectly responsible for the lynching of two Israeli
Mr Barak said Israel would go after those responsible and chided
Mr Arafat for releasing dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad
militants from jails.
"This is a grave act that increases the probability of terror attacks,"
Mr Barak said. He demanded that the United States publicly blame
Mr Arafat for the collapse of the peace talks and the escalation of
Politically weak, Mr Barak plans a unity government and has held
talks with Knesset faction leaders including Mr Sharon and invited
his Likud party to join an emergency coalition.
Mr Sharon has rebuffed Mr Barak in the past, but the prime
ministry says the two leaders will continue to talk.
For the Palestinians, Mr Sharon's inclusion in the government will
be seen as another indication that Mr Barak is rapidly changing
directions on peacemaking.
© Ananova


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Re: [CTRL] Alcohol Crackdown Goes Too Far

2000-10-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is a 120-pound woman who has two 6-ounce glasses of wine at dinner
 over a
 two-hour period REALLY a dangerous and deadly drunk driver? The
 own statistics say that such a case would result in at least a 0.08
 alcohol level. So that 120-pound woman who had two glasses of

can take care of most of that BAC simply by lingering over dessert and
coffee, without consuming any further wine after dinner, instead of
rushing out the door to her car.

 MADD activists
 ignore the fact that there are plenty of careful and responsible
 adults who
 pose no threat to safety after drinking their occasional glass of

And those careful and responsible adults don't get behind the wheel
after they drink their occasional glass of wine.

 Make no mistake about my position on drunk drivers who harm someone.
 the book at them; prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

And make sure they never drive again, even if you have to super-glue
their hands together. The drunk who killed my cousin, the drunk who
killed my husband's friend, the drunk who killed my neighbor's sister,
all had multiple DUI convictions; all were released with a slap on the
wrist. I'd also like to see insurance companies REFUSE to cover damages
inflicted while driving drunk, leaving said driver open to possible
lifetime financial ruin. That may be more of a deterrent than the

 But to
 demonize each and every person who has an occasional drink is

Only the ones that drive.

 just believe that in this case, the punishment far exceeds the crime.

If you could bring my cousin back, I'd believe that.

Moving on to something constructive that you can do to help, New Year's
Eve (2 1/2 months away) is THE worst night of the year for drunk
drivers. You can help get some of them off the road... 3 neighbors and
I make arrangements with a couple of local bars to drive the drunks
home. We pair up so none of us has to handle a drunk alone, the bar
pays for our gas. We don't do it for the money, we do this so that no
other family in our town answers a knock on the door to see a policeman
with his hat in his hand..

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[CTRL] Contender Compared to Goebbels Propaganda

2000-10-13 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


October 12, 2000

(Archive Photos)
Gary Oldman
Oldman Says Studio Democrats Ruined Contender
Cantankerous actor Gary Oldman is openly badmouthing his new
movie, The Contender, just one day before its release date —
which happens to fall on Friday the 13th, with a full moon in the
sky. Will tomorrow be the film's unlucky day?
Oldman, a British citizen and a real-life conservative, is fuming
about editing cuts made to The Contender, which he alleges were
made due to the studio's Democratic leanings. In the new issue of
Premiere magazine, Oldman and his manager, Douglas Urbanski,
accuse DreamWorks honchos Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, and
Jeffrey Katzenberg — all Democrats — of turning the political
drama upside down to make it mesh with their pro-Al Gore
"If your names are Spielberg, Katzenberg, and Geffen," Urbanski
declares, "you can't have a film with a Republican character … who
is at all sympathetic … being released on Oct. 13 [less than a
month before the presidential election]."
The Contender focuses on a female presidential candidate (Joan
Allen) who comes under fire when her opponent, a Republican
congressman (Oldman), reveals a scandalous skeleton in her
Oldman says when DreamWorks bought the film rights, the
company forced director-writer Rod Lurie to turn The Contender into
an unbalanced, Democrat-friendly tale. Urbanski cuts to the chase
by alleging that the film is a "piece of propaganda" on par with that
produced by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
DreamWorks spokesman Walter Parkes denies the charges.
"There's no indication to me whatsoever that Rod [Lurie] ever felt
pressured," he said. "One only has to look at the coverage of the
[Democratic] convention to see that the owners of this company
have sympathies with the Democratic Party. Did those sympathies
enter into the editorial process … or the decision to buy the movie?
Unequivocally, no."
Aside from Oldman's disgust, much of The Contender's pre-release
buzz has been positive, with many industry folks speculating on
the film's Oscar potential.


The big lie..
"Trust us - we're from the government."

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Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

2000-10-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Ole_Gerstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But of course, the pro-reptilian lobby would be happy, if Icke could
 be labelled anti-jewish.

Actually, he strikes me as anti-everything. Rather depressing, IMO.

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[CTRL] World Tribune.com pulled off the air

2000-10-13 Thread K
-Caveat Lector-

World Tribune.com pulled off the air on its biggest news day ever
Friday, October 13, 2000
Little did we suspect, when we began publishing World Tribune.com two years ago, that on the biggest news day of its short life, our web host would take us off the air. Well such is the price of success in cyberspace. Conspiracy? Well at best it was no way to run a business. We won't say more at this stage.

Shortly after sending out our daily e-mail headline alerts, our Jerusalem associates with Middle East Newsline came through with the story which we headlined: "Israel strikes, Palestinian Authority declares war." We checked and saw that the wires were not yet out with the story. Drudgereport.com almost immediately posted our story on one of our biggest news days ever. Within two hours, our web host called and informed us they could not handle the traffic and that they had closed us down permanently.

It took us all day to recover lost files some of which had been deleted by our web host in their rush to take us off the air. We are not all the way back yet. Please bear with us and please send out the word to your friends and associates that WorldTrib is not ready to quit anytime soon. Our e-mail headline alerts will begin again just as soon as we recover the addresses and establish a new system.

Were we the CEO of the Free World, we might set up a legal defense fund. Instead we will simply ask that if you have found World Tribune.com worthwhile and a valuable addition to your news diet, consider sending advertisers our way or suggest partnerships that might allow us to set up the dedicated servers we will need to accommodate our steady (and today, spectacular) growth.

Thank you and may God bless!

The Editors

Friday, October 13, 2000
Contact World Tribune.com at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Besides the advantage of being armed, which the
Americans possess over the people of almost
every other nation, the existence of subordinate
governments, to which the people are attached,
and by which the militia officers are appointed,
forms a barrier against the enterprises of
ambition, more insurmountable than any which a
simple government of any form can admit of.
Notwithstanding the military establishments in
the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried
as far as the public resources will bear, the
governments are afraid to trust the people with
~~ James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

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[CTRL] Hilliary Booed Off Stage......

2000-10-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well it is October 13 - the CIA was born on the 13th of October, and as
I recall this was the day some say DeMoley was burnt at the
stakeOctober 13 - and of court the director of the CIA walks into a

Notice the masked people inciting to riot?  Cui Bono.note oil prices
are going up again..regardless, the two faces of Hill and Bill are
being judged - both are found wanting, and is the handwriting on the
wall now?

Easy to incite to riot...old trick, but new dogs.


October 13, 2000


With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Thursday October 12, 2000; 5:19 PM EDT
Hillary Booed off Stage in Wake of Mideast Violence

New York Senate candidate Hillary Clinton was booed off the stage at a
"Solidarity for Israel" rally held outside the Israeli consulate in
Manhattan Thursday afternoon.

"We are here today to say to the world that we stand firmly behind
Israel," said the first lady as the crowd erupted in loud jeers. Mrs.
Clinton was reportedly forced to curtail her remarks as the booing
continued, and she left the scene minutes later.

"It was unbelievable," New York City Council member Noach Dear told WABC
radio's Sean Hannity. "She gets up there and she starts to speak and
they don't let her speak. She's trying to say something but they don't
let her."

"There was a spontaneous uprising of anger and boos from the crowd,"
Jewish Action Alliance spokeswoman Beth Gilinsky told WOR radio's Bob
Grant. "And we sustained [the boos] for quite a while to the point where
she finally just walked off the stage."

The first lady's hostile greeting came just hours after news of the
deaths of two Israeli soldiers reached America. They were captured early
Thursday and were being held in a Palestinian jail when an angry mob
stormed the police station and beat them to death. Their bodies were
dragged through the streets of the West Bank town of Ramallah.

Over the weekend Mrs. Clinton said she opposed a U.N. resolution
condemning Israel for the current Mideast violence. But she apparently
did little to persuade President Clinton, who personally ordered that
the U.S. remain neutral on the issue. The excuse seemed lame to many and
angered even some of her most avid Jewish supporters.

The "Solidarity for Israel" crowd - estimated to be 10,000 strong and
stretching for six blocks - was much larger than expected.

Mrs. Clinton's Senate rival Rick Lazio also spoke and got a much warmer
reception, as did speeches by New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gov.
George Pataki.

Printer Friendly Version

Inside Cover Stories
 Slick Willie, Nobel Laureate?
 Hillary Booed Off Stage in Wake of Mideast Violence
 Clinton Anniversary Marred by Wedding Day Memories
 Another Temple Mount Clash Set for Monday?
 Despite Debate Win, Media Disparages Bush's Intellect
 NY Times Editor Lelyveld Admits Paper Is Riddled with Errors, Pleads
with Staff to Shape Up
 Top Secret Air Force CD's Stolen outside McDonalds
 'Contender' Exposes Hollywood's Blatant Bias
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Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mechanical. Maybe something in the car, a nut or bolt or
 something, snapped and whacked you under the ear? Was it that
 sort of car.

Not sure what you mean by 'that sort of car'...it was a 1976 Plymouth Volare Sport 
Coupe.  Sweet little car
that I kept until 1989...

I was parked in a parking space in the garage, just about to get out of the car.  If 
it had been anything hard
that had hit my ear -- whether the object was metallic, mineral, plastic, glass, 
whatever, it would have hit
the glass of my car after hitting my ear...yet nothing did.

 Insect: Could it have been a bee sting, insect bite or sting?
 You stated the windows were closed, but could something have
 gotten in through a gap or the airconditioning?

Possibly.  Believe me, that is one of the many possibilities/excuses I considered over 
the years, but for the
same reason above that I dismiss the hard object from within the car, I dismiss the 
insect theory, since my
windows were up and I was in a parked car.  There was no insect buzzing around inside. 
 Also, the sensation
was of some hard object hitting my ear (the outer ear actually bent forward), not of 
something sitting on my
ear and stinging me.

 Physical/Psychological: Could it have been some sort of twitch
 or muscle spasm you hadn't experienced before?

If it was, it was something I'd never experienced before, and never have experienced 
since.  It was a 'twitch'
that caused my outer ear to be pushed forward and flattened against my ear canal 
opening, and also magically
produced a bruise only on the back of the ear and not on the front...

 There might be some sort of neurological explanation, perhaps it
 was due to stress or something? You said it was bruised, but did
 you have a mirror with you to check?

Yes, I did.  I first checked it in the car mirror, and a compact I carried with me, 
and could see 'something',
but not much.  I then checked it in a larger mirror in the ladies' room at work, about 
15 minutes later.

 If you bruise easily,

I don't.  It takes a lot for me to bruise, but once I am the bruise stays a long 
time...this bruise didn't
completely fade for almost a month, although after 2 weeks or so it had gone from ugly 
black/blue/purple to

any subsequent bruise might have been caused by you rubbing
 the spot when the pain occured.

I never rubbed it, only first touched it because I really thought I'd been shot and 
expected to see blood, and
when I didn't I then bent the ear forward and tried to see the back of it in my car 
mirrors and in my
compact...I could see that there was some sort of mark, but like I said couldn't 
really see a lot (the
lighting wasn't the best in the parking garage), and when I got into work I 
immediately checked it in the
ladies room, and it was already very 'colorful'...

Besides, it hurt like the dickens immediately when it happened, and for the rest of 
the day (and was hard to
sleep on that side because of the pain).  No 'touching' or 'rubbing' on my part caused 

 Just a few ideas to try and convince you you're sane.

Oh, I'm reasonably sure I'm reasonably sane...but I still have no idea what it was 
that occurred that day, and
still am searching for a theory that would fit.


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Re: [CTRL] Militant Yemeni Group Claims Responsibility forWarship Attack

2000-10-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Who REALLY gains the most from an attack on an American destroyer?

Rent and watch a copy of "Wag The Dog", and you'll probably find the answer.

Who would benefit the most from a war in the Middle East AT THIS TIME?  Not the 
Israelis.  Not the

But either major candidate for the office of the presidency of the United States could 
definitely make hay out
of it.  Gore benefits by having something to blame high oil prices on, and the 
tendency for the American
public not to want to change horses in the middle of a crisis.  Bush stands to gain by 
accusing the Clinton
administration of weakening the military to the point of making it a ready victim.


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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

June wrote:

 Oh, I'm reasonably sure I'm reasonably sane...but I still have no idea what it was 
that occurred that day, and
 still am searching for a theory that would fit.

Forgive me if someone else has suggested the following - I'm pretty
behind on my emails, but find your experience intriguing.

When I was a teenager I was at a party (at my own house) and a friend
across the room called my name. I turned my head to look and suddenly
'heard' a loud 'snap' and felt intense pain shoot up from the back of my
neck to the top of my skull.  It was *incredibly* painful.  My neck and
skull were sore for days after.  The doctor I saw told me that we have
tendons in our neck, and that one of mine had 'snapped', probably simply
due to the simple movement of my head to look at my friend.

So I accepted that explanation.  Then years later I read about something
called 'mini-strokes' that can sometimes occur in the (sorry forget the
medical term) large artery that leads up the neck to the brain.  I
though back to my 'snapped' tendon and wondered if instead of that I had
experienced a mini-stroke.

In any event, it has always puzzled me, and the location of it - the
'snapping' was close to the side of the neck near the back of the ear
area that you describe.  However, I don't remember any bruising,
although I have very thick and long hair - there easily could have been
some and would have been more surprised than not if their hadn't been -
that was how powerful the force of the snapping was.  Indeed, as you
say, it would be easy to think of it as being shot.

Not sure if this is of any help to you - but if you ever do find out
what caused yours, let me know!


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More than one million Iraqis ready for holy war against Israel: official

2000-10-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

One way to stop that war - get battery operated and electric
automobiles.you can make gasoline too from soy bean oil.

Note used to be on one corner you would find 5 or 4 gasoline stations -
the big ones..today people go to Bonded, Speedway - small convenient
stores selling gasoline - so it looks like the big boys have gone onto
greener pastures..all is ready for a new age in energy from solar to
soy beans?

American farmer would prosper - and suddenly peace in the mideast - but
nobody will care, will they - soon all will be sun worshipers and let
someone try to get a patent on that one.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: TWA 800 List is closing

2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

This message is to announce the closing of this list to further postings
effective last Friday.  We apologize for the delay in posting it.

The FLIGHT-800 mailing list was started as a public service on July 19,
1996, to serve as a clearinghouse for information related to the crash of
TWA Flight 800.  The original mission statement for the list was:

* This is a list for discussing the flight 800 disaster and the
* steps needed to prevent further incidents of this kind. These
* discussions could include current airport safety standards,
* future prevention methods, and so forth.

Since that time it has performed that service well, but has also become a
clearinghouse for speculation and conspiracy theories related to the crash
(and other air disasters).

L-Soft international finds it no longer in its interest to continue to
support the discussion in the direction it has taken.

While posting has been curtailed, the archives of the list will remain
open as a historical record.

We thank all those who have participated over the years on this list.

Nathan Brindle
Sr Technical Support Engineer
L-Soft international, Inc.

Re: [CTRL] Alcohol Crackdown Goes Too Far

2000-10-13 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-

Bill's article said,
Let's face it: Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving aren't going to
be satisfied until we live in a society that has a "zero tolerance" policy
toward drinking and driving.

Just like all other things...
if this goes through for MADD,  which I actually think has the right idea,
just that they are getting a bit over zealous...

What's next? Which over zealous organization or grass root movement will
attempt to ban which toilet paper you can purchase?

All things are not created equal,  but when you have nutzoids like these
trying to change everything to make all things equal...
THEN,  we have a problem.

I do agree with your statement...
Not only do I dislike the taste of alcohol,  I've witnessed the
destructive powers of alcoholism in people's lives. I just believe that in
this case, the punishment far exceeds the crime.

Thanks for the article, Bill.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Richer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 10:51 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Alcohol Crackdown Goes Too Far

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Alcohol Crackdown Goes Too Far
 Mike Gallagher
 Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000
 It appears to be a foregone conclusion that the new national drunk-driving
 standard will be a 0.08 blood-alcohol content. After years of pressure
 well-meaning groups like MADD, this week the House and Senate are passing
 legislation that President Clinton will sign into law.
 The previous blood-alcohol maximum for most states had been 0.10, but
 anti-drunk-driving activists have lobbied furiously to lower this limit.

 I know it's not politically correct or fashionable to say what I'm about
 about to say. But it seems obvious that there are plenty of responsible
 casual social drinkers who face having their lives turned upside down by

 Is a 120-pound woman who has two 6-ounce glasses of wine at dinner over a
 two-hour period REALLY a dangerous and deadly drunk driver? The government
 own statistics say that such a case would result in at least a 0.08 blood
 alcohol level. So that 120-pound woman who had two glasses of chardonnay
 her salmon dinner faces jail time, perhaps a loss of her job - all without
 much as one swerve in the road, now that we have random DUI checkpoints
 established all over the country.

 Let's face it: Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving aren't going to
 satisfied until we live in a society that has a "zero tolerance" policy
 toward drinking and driving.

 These people have good reason to feel the way they do. Most of them have
 a loved one to the stupidity and criminality of a drunk driver. But to
 suggest that we arrest, handcuff and fingerprint someone who had a glass
 two of wine or beer is Draconian and unnecessary. MADD activists always
 ignore the fact that there are plenty of careful and responsible adults
 pose no threat to safety after drinking their occasional glass of wine.
 Trying to pretend that alcohol is an illegal substance isn't going to

 Make no mistake about my position on drunk drivers who harm someone. Throw
 the book at them; prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. But to
 demonize each and every person who has an occasional drink is downright

 Incidentally, I'm a teetotaler. Not only do I dislike the taste of
 I've witnessed the destructive powers of alcoholism in people's lives. I
 just believe that in this case, the punishment far exceeds the crime.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Libertarian Socialist Are Such Arrogant Fools The New World Order

2000-10-13 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

   That nutcase Bill White, has been (by his description!) over the years a
leftist anarchist (a/k/a libertarian socialist), a member of the executive
committee of the Maryland Reform Party (after the Buchananites took over),
and a campaign mgr. for a MD. Constitution Party candidate for public
(Howard Phillip's party.)
   Just checked the CTRL archives, there are a slew of pieces on and about
this nutter.

Michael Pugliese

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Serbian Socialists Physically Attacked

2000-10-13 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

   Jela, are you in the even more thievish JUL, Yugoslav United Left of the
Red Witch? The workers have it right. Red Bandits...

Michael Pugliese

Published Thursday, October 12, 2000, in the San Jose Mercury News

Sifting through Yugoslav garbage yields signs of massive theft
Knight Ridder
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- For the first time, Yugoslav citizens are getting a
glimpse of how they made the Milosevic regime rich.

The democratic opposition, which has stormed the record rooms and the
shredded documents of many of the regime's key offices, has found cases
where bankers became millionaires when computers mysteriously added zeros to
their balances. They've learned that millions of dollars in worthless dinars
were printed, then converted to German marks that have left the country,
bringing staggering inflation this summer. They've found that a foreign
company had to pay a $2 million ``corruption fee'' to a manager in order to
sell $100 million of equipment.

Milosevic ``was here for a very long period, and he managed to destroy
everything that was healthy,'' said Milko Stimac, an economist with G-17
Plus, an independent group helping the transitional government. ``In this
republican government, all government ministers also ran the largest

As these details emerged, more and more workers rebelled and forced
Milosevic cronies out of their cars and offices, sometimes brutally.

So far, however, Milosevic's political allies have frustrated new President
Vojislav Kostunica's efforts to consolidate power and dismantle a 13-year
regime that saw the country wage war and fall into economic ruin.

Milosevic loyalists struck back Wednesday. Some bosses who had been cowering
went back and declared their resignations invalid.

The Milosevic-controlled majority of the republic of Serbia's parliament
reneged on its offer to dissolve the government and insisted on controlling
the 100,000-member police. Whoever controls Serbia, which has 90 percent of
Yugoslavia's population, controls the country.

And the army issued a statement warning about ``possible negative
consequences'' if pro-Milosevic military leaders were purged.

But supporters of the new regime believe the growing evidence of massive
official corruption under Milosevic will undermine whatever legitimacy he
has left.

One banking source with knowledge of Milosevic's business dealings referred
to the plundering and corruption as ``Serbia Incorporated.'' The source said
banking officials in the country estimate that the Milosevic family alone
bilked $800 million from state coffers over the past decade. Milosevic's
son, Marko, who controlled the tobacco- and cigarette-smuggling rackets that
flourished under economic sanctions, garnered much of that, said the source,
who asked not to be named.

Economists for Kostunica's coalition parties estimated that at least 250
families with close ties to Milosevic grew rich by accounts being altered on
the national computer that controlled all money transfers.

``At that time, many bankers made millions by adding zeros to their
accounts,'' said Srboljub Antic, a founder of G-17 Plus.

Four months before presidential elections, Milosevic's allies flooded the
country with nearly worthless dinars, increasing the cash supply by 33
percent. They immediately used these large reserves to buy German marks.
That made them rich, but triggered inflation as the dinar plummeted in

Seizing the Federal Customs Administration was one priority of Kostunica's
people because Milosevic and his underlings allegedly used it to rake off
huge sums.

Friday morning, after hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavs had filled the
streets of Belgrade, burning parliament and the state media building,
Milosevic had still not conceded defeat in the Sept. 24 presidential
elections. Zoran Djindjic, an opposition leader who ran Kostunica's
campaign, called on a fabled Serb fighter to storm Customs: Dragan

Vasiljkovic, who had led a paramilitary band called the Ninjas in the
1991-95 Serbian uprising in Croatia, took 15 of his former soldiers and
headed for the Customs building's inner sanctum.

``We were fully armed,'' the retired fighter said Wednesday. ``We had rocket
launchers. We just went through the main entrance. No one expected us to be
there. It was a simple charge.''

They found garbage bags filled with shredded paper, Vasiljkovic said.
Someone was burning documents in a corner. When Kostunica loyalists arrived,
they logged about $150 million in dinars and German marks and drugs, he

Opposition leaders say Customs controlled alcohol, cigarettes, stolen cars,
and items barred by sanctions such as sugar, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Book Accuses Scientist of Epidemic

2000-10-13 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 10/13/00 1:10:53 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Book Accuses Scientist of Epidemic
 Date:  10/13/00 1:10:53 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Book Accuses Scientist of Epidemic

 .c The Associated Press


 NEW YORK (AP) - Obituaries painted a glowing portrait of James V. Neel -
``father of human genetics,'' winner of top academic honors, a scholar
universally respected by his peers.

 Eight months later, a man who barely knew Neel is accusing him of killing
many hundreds of people in a reckless medical experiment.

 A new book by author and anthropologist Patrick Tierney alleges that in
1968, Neel caused a catastrophic measles epidemic by inoculating South
American Indians with a dangerous vaccine. The charge is made in advance
copies of a book scheduled to be released Nov. 16 by W.W. Norton  Co.

 The accusation is almost certainly false.

 Leading epidemiologists interviewed by the AP believe that what Neel is
accused of is scientifically impossible.

 Additionally, one expert Tierney relied upon in his book said the author
misquoted him as saying the vaccine could have caused an epidemic.

 ``He took what I said out of context,'' said Mark Papania, a measles expert
at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ``There is no
evidence that it would be possible for that vaccine to cause an epidemic.''

 Thursday, a representative of the publisher offered no defense of the book's
account and said the final version would correct any mistakes.

 People who knew Neel say he would never have done anything immoral in the
pursuit of science. ``All I can tell you,'' said Peter Smouse, a Rutgers
University professor and former student of Neel's, ``is that's not the Jim
Neel I know.''

 In a six-decade career, Neel won a National Medal of Science and a Lasker
Award, biology's most prestigious prize short of the Nobel. He belonged to
the National Academy of Sciences. Francis Collins, director of the Human
Genome Project and a scientific titan in his own right, has called Neel
``father of the field of human genetics.''

 Although he was a physician specializing in human heredity, Neel often
worked closely with anthropologists, whose field is notorious for extreme
ideologies and massive egos. Anthropologists regularly accuse one another of
bending reality to match theory, disrupting native cultures and violating the
human rights of those they study.

 The charges have been especially acrimonious among scholars of the Yanomami,
a tribe in the remote Amazon highlands of Venezuela and Brazil.

 Neel had only occasional contact with the Yanomami and those who study them.
Even so, those brief encounters now threaten his reputation at a time when he
can no longer defend himself.

 Neel, a professor of human genetics, met Napoleon Chagnon, an anthropology
student, at the University of Michigan in 1963.

 Chagnon was preparing to do research in the Amazon, but this was no
pint-sized project to help a beginning researcher get his feet wet. In the
early 1960s, the Yanomami were considered a Stone Age remnant cut off from
civilization, offering a rare opportunity to study culture in its primitive

 Nearly 40 years later, Chagnon's studies of the Yanomami are legendary; he
is arguably the most famous living anthropologist. He is also a primary
villain in Tierney's book, ``Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and
Journalists Devastated the Amazon.''

 Tierney accuses Chagnon and others of orchestrating ceremonial events for
the benefit of documentary filmmakers, pitting Yanomami villages against one
another and abetting a corrupt plan to turn the Yanomami homeland over to
gold mining companies. These are old accusations that have been debated in
anthropology circles for years.

 However, one chapter introduces a new allegation, suggesting that Chagnon
collaborated with Neel in deadly experiments.

 The book strongly implies the vaccine Neel used caused a measles epidemic
but is vague about whether the researchers intended to spread the disease.

 In a shortened version published in the Oct. 9 issue of The New Yorker,
Tierney stopped short of accusing researchers of causing the outbreak but
declared, ``I determined that the course of the epidemic closely tracked the
movements of Neel's team.''

 On Thursday, a Norton representative appeared to back off the accusation
made in the book, saying it was unfair to judge the work based on
pre-publication copies and that the final version would correct any mistakes.

 ``What we sent out, of course, is an uncorrected proof,'' said Louise
Brockett, W.W. Norton director of publicity. One reason publishers send them
out is ``so we can address things like that.''

 She said that The New Yorker article reflects how the subject will be
handled in the final version.

 Tierney, the author, did not respond to interview requests.

 The National Book Foundation Wednesday nominated ``Darkness in 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To "Cull" The Surplus

 How 'bout he starts with himself? snort

Amen.  Start with those oxygen thieves known as Royals.

Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reptiles Throughout Mythology

2000-10-13 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Reptiles Throughout Mythology By Norman A. Rubin


Reptiles vary in size. Some are carnivorous and others are
vegetarians. Some are dangerous and others are harmless. Yet the
traits of reptiles and their habits have been utilized in the
creativity and mythology of humans.

"Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble -
fillet of fennel, snake, toad, adder's fork, lizard's leg..." As the
witches of Macbeth stirred the magical potion in the large kettle,
superstitions, symbols and myths on reptiles had already been
stirring for ages. The various myths reveal the association of
certain sacred reptiles with the supernatural and with so-called
magical powers. These themes are encountered among civilizations
millennia in the past to our own present culture.

Take the snake and serpents, for example:

There is no creature more widely found in the mythologies of the
world than snakes. Mythical legends frequently occur in lands where
there are no snakes - such as with the Eskimos who live in the ice
bound Arctic. Saint Patrick may have driven the reptile out of
Ireland, but his efforts could not cleanse the country of snake

The Bible does not narrate favorably about the reptile; the "Good
Book" compared everything evil to the venomous snake.

Their venom is cruel and can kill you. (Deut 32:33). God cursed the
snake "above every beast of the field" and commanded that "upon your
belly you shall crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your
life." (Gen 3:14)

..."and deprived the reptile of its feet after tempting Eve in the
Garden of Eden..."

The Bible further writes about the snake that corrupt judges are
"like the poison of a serpent," (Psalms 58:4-5). People whose words
offend are said to have "tongues full of deadly poison," (James 3:8)
and so on and on it goes. In the New Testament sinners are regarded
as a "generation of vipers," (Matt 3:7, 12:34, 23:33, Luke 3:7).
Even today there are many traces of myths that result from ignorance
and the deep-rooted fear of snakes. It is believed that "Their
tongues are like a serpent. Adder's  poison is under their lips,"
(Ps. 140:3). Many well educated people in many areas around the
world still regard the tongue of a snake to be poisonous,
disregarding the fact that the poison is injected through hollow
fangs in specific varieties of snakes.

Israel's neighbors associated the serpent (snake) with an Earth
Mother and played and the snake played a beneficial role in
fertility cults. In Israel, a bronze snake, dated from the 15th
Century BCE has been found at Gezer, demonstrating that the ancient
Canaanites worshipped snakes. An iron serpent from the Israelite
period was found by archaeologists in the Ayalon Valley, suggesting
another snake cult.

In ancient Egypt, RE was primary among the god-head and was
identified by the snake. The Pharoes are frequently represented with
this snake on their crown. For a long time the Egyptian cobra, Naja
Haje, has been the stock-and-trade for the conjurer and side-show
snake charmers. Cobras are well known for their ability to expand
their upper neck into a disc shape by spreading its ribs. The cobra,
then, symbolized immortality and was regarded as a protected deity,
being frequently illustrated on ancient Egyptian monuments.

In Christian lore, the good snake is seen in iconography as rising
from the chalice of Saint John. The serpent is depicted as wound
around a cross and is sometimes portrayed with the icon of a woman's
head to symbolize lust and temptation. The snake at the foot of the
cross is evil, and in that position symbolizes the triumph over evil
and the removal of the powers of "darkness."

Snake worship is still widespread in Asia and Africa. In India the
reptile is considered by Hindu myth to be semi-divine with serpent
bodies reverently called "Nagas." Today, in America, there is new
evidence of snake worship in the Kentucky and Tennessee hill country
- adding to the collection of known sites throughout the North
American continent.

An interesting observation is that, as pointed out by naturalists,
several species of snake, including young cobras, will play dead
when threatened. Other species can be temporarily paralyzed by
pinching the snake on the neck or merely turning it on its back.
There is the story of Aaron's rod that turned into a serpent and
swallowed the serpents of the Pharoe's sorcerers... Many snakes and
crocodiles are cannibalistic and, if sufficiently hungry, will eat
their own species. Thus, if Aaron's rod were actually a paralyzed
snake or crocodile this phenomenon could have some possibility.

Chameleons are another story:

Chameleons are widely regarded with unreasoning fear, especially in
West Africa, where various beliefs associate the reptile with the
Sun. In Dahomey, the chameleons are said to fetch fire from the Sun.
In early Christianity, the chameleon was used to symbolize Satan
who, like the chameleon, 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

I missed the original email--is there a website with this Prince Philip
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The
Surplus Population

 -Caveat Lector-

 Tenorlove wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  --- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To "Cull" The Surplus
  How 'bout he starts with himself? snort

 Amen.  Start with those oxygen thieves known as Royals.

 Mark McHugh

 Sapere aude!

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Jenny, it was the title of an article that was posted here a couple of
days ago. Click on the archive link at the bottom of this email, and
select this week, it should be there.


--- Jenny Decker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 I missed the original email--is there a website with this Prince

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Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Dragon of the Double Standard

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* Oct.13, 2000
* Independent History and Research
* Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 USA
* Website:
* http://www.hoffman-info.com
This e-mail is for those who have requested it.
We have a strict anti-spamming policy.
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Tracking The Dragon of the Double-Standard

by Michael A. Hoffman II

The dragon of the double-standard that haunts our dreams in the media
monopoly has scorched the commonweal yet again. This past week, the Middle
East reports of my old employer, the Associated Press, inspired newspaper
headlines across the U.S. which read, "Barak calls on Arafat to Stop the

The operant word in that headline is violence. It is an inaccurate word to
use in describing a revolt by colonists against an occupier. An impartial
headline would have read, "Barak Calls on Arafat to Stop the Protests."

After more than 50 years of "Holocaust" propaganda one would think the press
might be a tad bit sensitized to the lexicon of nationalist chauvinism, war
crime and atrocity and occasionally apply that lexicon to something other
than Nazis-and-Jews.

But when it comes to reporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine, so
hardened is the Jewish jingoism that Deborah Sontag, the NY Times' Middle
East correspondent, wrote in yesterday's Times that there has been a
"disproportionate" number of children shot to death by the Israelis. What,
pray tell, what would be a  proportionate number, Miz Sontag, and who would
dare wield such proportionality with regard to the deaths of Jewish children
anywhere in any era?

When Palestinians attempted to retaliate for the deaths of those children,
Clinton, Gore, Lieberman and George W. Shrub all called on Arafat to "stop
the violence." But when two heavily armed Israeli soldiers were killed by an
Arab crowd and Jewish leaders sought vengeance with helicopter gunship and
missile attacks, the Jewish violence became, in a wave of the magic media
wand, not violence, but "retaliation."

In the same vein, the attack on the US Navy ship in Yemen is described as a
terrorist act. How so? Military targets are legitimate ones in wartime and
the Zionists and Uncle Sam(uel) have been at war with Arabs and Muslims
since 1948. Our forthcoming "retaliation" will not constitute violence
however, but "America standing tall" and "showing our resolve."

When the Serbs publish Wanted posters for war criminals like Albright,
Clinton and Cohen, it's dubbed a "propaganda exercise" by the media. But
when US mercenaries (oops, I mean "peace-keepers") hunt down Serb "war
criminals" it's the pinnacle of humanitarian action. The Nuremberg war
crimes trials of Nazis were a lofty example of jurisprudence, but the
Palestinian call for war crimes trials for Israelis would amount to the
convening of a "kangaroo court."

The media fatcats in America are enveloped in a cocoon of sacrosanct awe as
"guardians of the people's right to know" and are invulnerable to sanction
or attack. Yet in most cases this behemoth condoned and indeed applauded the
NATO bombing of a Serbian TV news station last year and the recent Israeli
bombing of a Palestinian radio station.

And so it goes. Anne Frank's solitary death from typhus is mourned in
museums throughout the world. My own state of Idaho is building an
ostentatious "human rights" palace in her name in Boise, but you can bet
your last shekel there will be no photos of the bullet-riddled cadavers of
Palestinian kids. After all, it's not the Israelis' fault that Palestinians
put children "in harm's way" (never mind that all of occupied Palestine is a
danger zone for Palestinian children). When Palestinian children are killed,
it's their parent's fault. Anne Frank's death however, was the Germans'

How does one account for this Wonderland logic, this immunity from
responsibility? At bottom it comes down to the myth, assiduously promoted in
everything from the Indiana Jones movies to the Tom Brokaw books and the
pulpits of most churches, that so-called "Jews" are Holy People whose blood
is redder and upon whom a presumably racist god smiles from the precincts of
some celestial ghetto.

Hence, the Zionists and their American lodge-brothers may "humanely" and
"with precision" bomb and rocket Arab civilians, to avenge the deaths of
American and Jewish sailors and soldiers. Palestinians however, as mere sand
fleas and camel-riding towelheads, do not have any corresponding right to
fight for their land or avenge themselves on their oppressors.

The only memory worth polling high school students about concerns whether or
not they're aware of what happened to you-know-who in World War Two.

Reporting on Palestine presupposes a loss of memory regarding the Israeli
holocaust against Arab civilians. From Ariel "the Butcher of Beirut"

[CTRL] Von Braun And Concentration Camp Labor

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Author: von Braun used camp labor to build rockets


- - - - - - - - - - - -

Oct. 13, 2000 | ATHENS, Ala. (AP) -- A Smithsonian curator and author of a
book on German space pioneers said one of the best known in that group,
Wernher von Braun, overlooked Nazi crimes while using concentration camp
labor to build V-2 rockets.

Author Michael Neufeld discussed his book, "The Rocket and the Reich," with
students at Athens State University and also met with reporters.

Von Braun, who was an officer in Hitler's special police, the SS, fled
Germany and led the U.S. space exploration effort from a base in Huntsville,
where he remains popular since his death in 1977.

"He and the German group made Huntsville what it is today," Neufeld said

But Neufeld said he felt "there was a crying need for a new history" look at
von Braun.

"I'm not saying he was a saint or a villain, a hero or a war criminal. I'm
saying that this is a complex issue," Neufeld said.

He said the U.S. Army and von Braun hid the fact he was an SS officer and
used concentration camp labor to build V-2 rockets to use against the Allies.

In his book, he writes about the German missile program, which employed
thousands of slave laborers at its facility, Peenemunde, and later at the
underground facility, Mittelwerk.

Neufeld, a curator in the Space History Division of the National Air and
Space Museum at the Smithsonian Institution, said he found a document von
Braun wrote to a camp commander, asking for French scientists and workers.

"He saw the camps, and here is a record that he requested slave labor,"
Neufeld said. "What would have happened if he spoke out against it? How far
did his role go? That's open to debate."

Neufeld said German scientists buried "14 tons of documents" in a mine to use
as a bargaining tool with the Americans, after their capture. Some of those
documents are on microfilm at the museum, which is where he found von Braun's
request. The author said he receives negative comments on his book in north
Alabama and in parts of the country with links to the space industry.

His book, also published in German, is more criticized in von Braun's home

"He was seen as the Columbus of space here," Neufeld said. "But he
compromised himself because he was so devoted to rocketry, and he overlooked
moral issues. He didn't show much of a bad conscience later on. I have a
sense it didn't deeply bother him."

Neufeld said Nazi connections regarding von Braun and his inner circle
weren't discussed in the United States in the 1950s, because America was
concentrating on the Cold War and being first to the moon.

In the 1960s, camp survivors in Belgium and France began complaining to their
news media about von Braun being made into a hero in the United States. East
Germans also had a propaganda campaign against von Braun and his group,
Neufeld said.

"It took 10 to 15 years to percolate to the surface, and minorities began to
criticize him," he said. "But it wasn't until the 1980s and 1990s that it
became widespread."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Oh, oh! Cristiane Amanpour is in Jerusalem. You KNOW there's going...

2000-10-13 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 07:37:04 EDT
"Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 writes:  Israel has been waiting impatiently for a chance to kill
as many Palestinians as possible without damaging their chances
for money and arms donations. 

Yes, and it is equally true that the Palestinians have been waiting
impatiently to complete Hitler's vision of eliminating every jew in the

There are no saints or innocents on this stage.  If you think you
see any you are simply delusional.

It's a scientific fact that if you stay in
California you lose one point of your IQ every
year. -- Truman Capote

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] RadTimes # 69

2000-10-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 69 - October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--The Great Privacy Swindle
--Prison workers encroach on free-market jobs
--High Tech Prison Reform
--Prefabricated Jail Cell Market
--Nation's Prosperity Linked to Global Engagement
--Media Firms Buy Their Way To Political Access
--Reading Your Body
--reader commentary
re: Surveillance and Repression: Remedies not Rumors [RT #59]
Linked stories:
*Extreme Weather On The Rise As Greenhouse Gases Drive Climate
*Cubicle Blues Blamed on IT
Begin stories:
The Great Privacy Swindle


September 25, 2000
Jim Hightower

To get a job these days, chances are you'll have to pee in a bottle. Your
intimate medical history can be laid out in front of just about anyone
willing to pay to take a peek. Every company with a credit card, store card,
or Web site -- or even a clerk who asks you nosy questions at the check-out
counter -- is looking to peddle "data" about your buying habits. In many
states you have to hand over your fingerprints to renew your driver's
license. Public and private spaces alike are constantly scanned by
ever-more-observant surveillance cameras.

When we're asked for our Social Security number to rent a video, many of us
simply shrug our shoulders rather than raising hell. And if we happen to be
poorer than a video-renter -- a footloose kid hanging on a street corner or
an unemployed motorist guilty of "driving while black," for example -- we're
liable to be locked up and lost in a vast criminal "justice" system that
considers itself not responsible for any rights, especially privacy rights.

Invasion of our privacy has become a way of life, so that when you stand up
and demand to be left alone, you're likely to be pegged as a quaint holdover
from days gone by, a whiner, or, more likely, someone with something to
hide -- maybe even a terrorist! We're living in a culture in which
individual rights have been sold and subjugated, all for database marketing
and to keep the lid on the unruly masses.

This is an issue that has fallen off the political radar. What are the
chances that privacy rights will engage the mighty intellects of George W.
Bush or Al Gore? Last I looked, the only people in Washington overly
concerned with privacy were the corporate check-writers and their pet
politicians, eager to cover the tracks of their own financial quid pro quos.

The Data Market

Behind the shiny glass doors of your not-so-friendly, not-so-neighborhood
bank, everything they know about you is for sale -- your account numbers,
bank balance, loan history, address, credit history, Social Security number.
The checks you write and receive, the invoices you pay, and the investments
you make reveal as much about you as a personal diary; but instead of banks
keeping your information under lock and key, they collect it,
cross-reference it, collate it, and sell it -- mostly to companies
determined to sell you something else. The banks get 20 percent to 25
percent of the sales revenue generated by the marketers who buy the

In the brave new culture built around the marketplace, both corporate and
government sectors have deemed private and personal information to be just
another commodity.

Things got worse with the passage by Congress of last year's "financial
modernization" bill. This new deal for the bankers was written with the help
of banking-industry lobbyists, and it allows banks to merge with insurance
companies and brokerage firms, creating financial conglomerates that can
conglomerate what they know about you, without so much as a courtesy call to
ask your permission. The only "protection" now is that if a bank wants to
share information from a credit report or loan application, it first must
send you a notice with the chance to say no, a so-called "opt-out"

But why is the burden on us to opt out of an agreement that lets someone
else sell something that rightfully belongs to us? Before such an agreement
can even be considered, they should be required to get our permission in
advance -- to ask us to "opt in," and to take it as "no" if they don't hear
from us. That was the proposal put forward by a coalition of
consumer-interest groups when the bank legislation was being debated. It was
defeated by a majority of members of Congress, who took in a total of $87
million in soft money, PAC, and individual contributions from the financial
industry in the last election cycle. The industry also anted up to the tune
of $260 million in lobbying 

[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Journal

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

Conspiracy Journal - http://www.conspiracyjournal.com

* Conspiracy Journal *

Also: http://www.webufo.net
To subscribe: email to the following address:
You will receive a verification email, please follow its directions.

Who can it be now? Who is that knocking at your door? Who is secretly
listening in to your phone conversations. Who is monitoring your email?
Is it the Government?  Is it the CIA? Is it the extraterrestrials?
Whoever it is, they are desperately waiting to see your latest copy of the
Conspiracy Journal, to find out what really is going on in the world of
strange conspiracies.

This week in Conspiracy Journal we have articles on: A new Chupacabra
sighting in Chile - The Chinese want to send a man to the moon - New info
on the strange disappearance of Frederick Valentich - And a Michigan
couple is reportedly being harassed over their TV set. All these stories
and an excerpt from the new book "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla" this
week in the Conspiracy Journal.

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

New Info On Valentich Disappearance

New evidence in Australia's most controversial UFO mystery has identified
the likely spot a young pilot's plane may have crashed into Bass Strait.
Researchers have gained what they claim are fresh eyewitness  accounts of
an eerie green light that surrounded Frederick Valentich's ill-fated
Cessna almost 22 years ago.

Valentich's dramatic disappearance off the Apollo Bay coast in Victoria's
south-west on October 21, 1978, was recorded in radio transmissions he
sent from his rented Cessna 182L to Melbourne airport.

Speculation about Valentich's disappearance has ranged from freak weather
conditions and pilot disorientation to UFO abduction.

Former NASA scientist Richard Haines, who studied the case, includes in
his theory the possibility of a secret military weapons test.

Now, new witness accounts of the plane and its position have sparked calls
from the Valentich family and investigators for an undersea search for the
aircraft wreck.  Valentich's mother, Alberta, has for two decades
maintained hope for some resolution of the mystery.

Mrs Valentich, who lost her husband Guido this year, recently issued her
plea for assistance with the planned ocean search.   She said famed
oceanographer Jacques Cousteau had before his death sought government
permission several times to look for the aircraft but was refused.

More than 50 people reported seeing bright lights in the Cape  Otway
region on the night 20-year-old Valentich disappeared en route to King
Island.   But the latest information comes from a man and his two nieces
who are believed to be the last to see the Cessna.

They support the description of a green light hovering above the plane as
detailed by Valentich to Tullamarine airport radio controller Steve Robey.

"They saw both the lights of a small aircraft and a very large green light
traveling directly above it," said Paul Norman, of the Victorian UFO
Research Society, after interviewing the trio.

Mr Norman said the Apollo Bay man, aged 47 at the time, had initially told
his wife but she didn't believe him.  He failed to raise it until now
because he feared being ridiculed, Mr  Norman said.

"We have tracked it as far as we can without an underwater search," he

The society and the Valentich family are appealing for help in mounting
the sea search using sonar or video equipment.

Michigan Couple Terrorized By Bizarre Television Stalking

When Judge and Charlotte Smith moved to a rural town in Michigan, they
never expected to become the victims of disturbing high-tech terrorism
that has baffled even the FBI.

The Smiths' problems started out the old-fashioned way, with racial slurs
smeared across the side of the black couple's home. But then the
threatening messages began appearing on their television set, somehow
being snaked  through the Smith's Direct TV satellite television system.

Judge Smith soon discovered something even more alarming. Not only had
someone tamperedwith the system outside his home, but inside the house
his remote controls no longer worked as  the anonymous harasser somehow
typed messages across his screen.

The first threat to zip onto their television screen was the ominous
warning, "Judge will die."

"That is the first thing that popped on that TV.  And that is what
automatically got our attention," said Charlotte Smith.

The threats continued for weeks, as Judge Smith logged countless calls to
Direct TV begging the company to rectify the problem. But Direct TV told
Smith that the problem was not coming from their end - that someone had
infiltrated the system.

Judge Smith taped the 

[CTRL] Fwd: AF Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers

2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

AF Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers
From: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:26:10 -0700
Subject: [Fwd: [endsecrecy] Pop Mechanics USAF UFO]

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 18:48:26 -0700
From: Jean Maria Arrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Fwd: [endsecrecy] Pop Mechanics USAF UFO]
To: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED], andrew basiago [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04C-PBI-NC404 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
From:  SHnSASSY1 @aol.com
Subject:  [SO] Magazine Discovers USAF Saucer
Date:  Tue, 10 Oct 2000 06:37:31 EDT

Magazine Discovers USAF Saucer
October 9, 2000 08:23 CDT

A secret U.S. Air Force experiment in the development of nuclear-powered
flying saucers have been reported in the current issue of Popular Mechanics

UFO Updates of Canada circulated news of the magazine reports over the
weekend. The cover story article was developed from a Freedom of Information
request the magazine filed with the government. The Air Force project was
declassified in May, 1999, according to the report, and the experiments were
conducted beginning in the 1960s.

"The proposed Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV) was 40 feet in diameter, 90
inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of 17,042 pounds. The
craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an altitude of 300 nautical
miles. It was part of the black budget, classified as secret on Dec. 12,
1962," says the report.

The Canadian UFO group says the article speculates the LRV may have been
responsible for some UFO sightings. "An engineering study obtained by
Popular Mechanics describes a re-entry heating test that, at the time, could
allegedly been accomplished only by a high-altitude drop of a flying
prototype, probably from a high altitude balloon. An unnamed retired
contractor claims to have seen the LRV at a Florida base in the late 1960s,"
says the report.

The magazine also speculates that a LRV crash may have been responsible for
honeycomb-like debris found by an Australian farmer in 1975.

Staff Writer Sally Suddock

Also from:
majorstar @aol.com
Filer's Files #40


Popular Mechanic's cover story of the November 2000 issue reveals the Air
Force attempted to develop a Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV) that was 40
feet in diameter, 90 inches thick at the center, and had an empty weight of
17,042 pounds.  The craft was designed to operate for six weeks at an
altitude of 300 nautical miles.  It was part of the black budget, classified
as secret on Dec. 12, 1962, and remained classified until May 1999.
Thereafter, the Department of Defense successfully sought to have the
documents distribution restricted to defense contractors.  Popular Mechanics
obtained a copy of the documents and speculates the LRV may have been
responsible for some UFO sightings.  An engineering study describes a
heating test that, at the time, could have allegedly been accomplished only
by a high-altitude drop of a flying prototype, probably from a high altitude
balloon.  A friend of mine claims to have seen the LRV at a Florida base in
the late 1960s. The Popular Mechanics article also speculates that a LRV
crash may have been responsible for honeycomb-like debris Jean Fraser found
during 1975 on her family's ranch in Brisbane.  According to a report by the
University of New South Wales, the debris contained minerals commonly found
in aircraft-grade fiberglass panels.  Based on the report, MUFON rejected
rumors that the debris were of alien origin.  A photo on page 68 compares a
bit of the debris to an LRV engineering drawing.

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eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

End Secrecy List


[CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: Release: Yemen Bombing

2000-10-13 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
 Washington DC 20037
 World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
 For release: October 13, 2000
 For additional information:
 George Getz, Press Secretary
 Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

 Tragic bombing in Yemen was result
 of our interventionist foreign policy

 WASHINGTON, DC -- The apparent terrorist attack on a U.S. Navy

 destroyer that killed 17 Americans in Yemen on Thursday is another
 bloody reminder that an interventionist foreign policy inevitably
 results in the deaths of innocent Americans, the Libertarian Party

 "These U.S. servicemen were murdered in part because their own

 government sent them to a dangerous, unstable region where hundreds of
 U.S. soldiers have been slaughtered before," charged Steve Dasbach,
 national director of the Libertarian Party.

 "Bill Clinton says he is 'horrified' by this attack. But
 truly horrifying are the politicians who keep putting U.S. servicemen
 and women in harm's way -- knowing that more will almost certainly be
 killed in the future."

 At least 17 U.S. servicemen were killed and three dozen
 after a small boat pulled alongside the USS Cole and set off an
 explosion as the destroyer was docked in Yemen on Thursday. U.S.
 officials say they believe the bombing was a terrorist attack, most
 likely in retaliation for the American role in the Middle East

 "We mourn the loss of these U.S. servicemen, and condemn the
 terrorists who bombed the USS Cole as the cold-blooded killers they
 are," Dasbach said. "But the only reason they had the opportunity to
 strike is because those servicemen's own government put them there in
 the first place."

 And our government tacitly admits that such attacks on
 Americans are inevitable, he said.

 "These attacks happen with such regularity that the FBI has
 up five Rapid Deployment Teams solely to investigate attacks on
 Americans overseas," Dasbach said. "The majority of the agents
 dispatched to Yemen on Thursday were in the Middle East to investigate
 the 1996 truck bombing that killed 19 U.S. airmen in Saudi Arabia and
 the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that
 killed 12 Americans.

 "But instead of eliminating the cause of these killings --
 foreign intervention -- the government seems content to set up more
 Rapid Deployment Teams and dispatch more investigators and more
 bodybags to clean up after the terrorists."

 The reason that future bombings are so predictable, Dasbach
 said, is that U.S. policies virtually invite terrorist attacks.

 "The U.S. government's willingness to take both sides in the
 Middle East dispute has put billions of dollars of lethal weapons in
 the hands of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Iran," he said.
 "No wonder both sides have reason to dislike the United States, since
 we've armed and aided both sides' enemies."

 On Thursday, President Clinton said the terrorist bombing
 should not "deter us from our mission of promoting peace and security
 in the Middle East" -- when such a policy actually promotes war and
 insecurity, said Dasbach.

 "A government concerned with preventing the killing of
 additional soldiers would be deploying U.S. troops back home, instead
 of deploying more FBI agents and more bodybags to the Middle East," he

 Unfortunately, a Libertarian policy of non-intervention
 appeal to Democratic and Republican politicians, who appear to see
 foreign crises as opportunities for greater power, more government
 spending, and a chance to demonstrate their courage by risking the
 lives of others, said Dasbach.

 Case in point: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who said

 on Thursday, "This is no time for the United States to retreat from
 its responsibilities in the region. We are operating in a world filled
 with a variety of threats. But that doesn't mean that we can crawl
 into an ostrich-like mode. We are eagles."

 In fact, said Dasbach, "In the Middle East, the United States
 is neither an ostrich nor an eagle -- thanks to the U.S. government's
 reckless interventionism, we're a sitting duck."

 Version: 2.6.2


 - The Libertarian Party
 http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100

Re: [CTRL] CTRL Digest - 11 Oct 2000 to 12 Oct 2000 - Special i

2000-10-13 Thread JDPoeland

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 00-10-12 01:11:26 EDT, you write:
  File:  ProDevelop.Net's Home.url.zip (195057 bytes)
 DL Time (28800 bps):  2 minutes 

Is this a legit CTRL digest or what!???


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Article by Jewish Professor regarding Jewish hatred for Christianity

2000-10-13 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-


Washington Report on Middle East Affairs MARCH 2000, pages 105-106

Book Review

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

By Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. London: Pluto Press,1999, 176
pp.List: $18.95; AET: $16.00

Reviewed by Allan C. Brownfeld

In recent years there has been a dramatic growth of Jewish fundamentalism
in Israel which has manifested itself in vigorous opposition to the peace
process and has played a key role, as well, in the assassination of Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the murder of 29 Muslims at prayer by the
American-born fundamentalist, Baruch Goldstein.

Few outside of Israel have been properly informed about the extent of the
fundamentalist movement or the theology upon which it is based. American
Jews, in particular, seem unaware of the narrow ethnocentrism which is
promoted by the movement's leading rabbis, or of the traditional Jewish
sources they are able to call upon in drawing clear distinctions between the
moral obligations owed to Jews and non-Jews.

In an important new book, Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel, Israel Shahak
and Norton Mezvinksy provide a thorough assessment of this phenomenon in
modern Israel. The authors trace the history and development of Jewish
fundamentalism, examining the various strains, and identify the messianic
tendency which they believe to be the most dangerous.

Israel Shahak, an Israeli and a Holocaust survivor, is a retired professor
at the Hebrew University and a leading human rights activist. Norton
Mezvinsky is a professor of history at Central Connecticut State University
who has written and lectured extensively on the modern Middle East.

The authors point out that "the adherents of Jewish fundamentalism in
Israel oppose equality for all citizens, especially non-Jews." The respected
Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling, citing evidence from a study
conducted by other scholars, declared: "The value of the [Jewish] religion,
at least in its Orthodox and nationalistic form that prevails in Israel,
cannot be squared with democratic values. No other variable neither
nationality, nor attitudes about security, nor social or economic values,
nor ethnic descent and education so influences the attitudes of [Israeli]
Jews against democratic values as does religiousity."

What particularly concerns the authors is the total contempt which Jewish
fundamentalists show toward non-Jews. Rabbi Kook the Elder, the revered
father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism, said, "The
difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews all of them in all
different levels is greater and deeper than the difference between a human
soul and the souls of cattle."

Rabbi Kook"s entire teaching, which is followed devoutly by, among others,
those who have led the settler movement on the occupied West Bank, is based
upon the Lurianic Cabbala, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated
Judaism from the late16th to the early 19th century. "One of the basic
tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala," the authors write, "is the absolute
superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body.
According to the Lurianic Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake
of Jews; the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary. If an influential
Christian bishop or Islamic scholar argued that the difference between the
superior souls of non-Jews and the inferior souls of Jews was greater than
the difference between the human soul and souls of cattle, he would incur
the wrath of all and be viewed as an anti-Semite by most Jewish scholars
regardless of whatever less meaningful, positive statements he included."

The scholarly authors of books about Jewish mysticism and the Lurianic
Cabbala, such as Gershon Scholem, have, the authors charge, "willfully
omitted reference to such ideas. These authors are supreme hypocrites. They
are analogous to many authors of books on Stalin and Stalinism. Until
recently, people who read only the books written by Stalinists could not
know about Stalin's crimes and would have false notions of the Stalinist
regimes and their real ideologies."

According to the ideologies which underlie Gush Emunim, the militant West
Bank settlers group, and Hasidism, non-Jews have "satanic souls" Shahak and
Mezvinsky note that "the role of Satan, whose earthly embodiment according
to the Cabbala is every non-Jew, has been minimized or not mentioned by
authors who have not written about the Cabbala in Hebrew. Such authors,
therefore, have not conveyed to readers accurate accounts of general NRP
(National Religious Party) or its hardcore Gush Emunim politics."

Common to both the Talmud and Halacha, Orthodox religious law, is a
differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. The late, highly revered Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the "Lubovitcher Rebbe" who headed the Chabad
movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well as in the U.S.,
explained that, "The 

[CTRL] OEN 10/13/00

2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
US Politics

Media Spin on the Masks of Gore

by Mark Steyn

"Well, Dan, Bush may have overplayed his hand. By being in command of the
facts, talking in coherent sentences and winning the debate, he risks
reminding voters of what they dislike about Al Gore."

"That's right, Bob. Conversely, if Gore can build on this week's performance
by appearing even more tentative, uncomfortable and anxious for the debate to
end, he may tap in to that group of key swing voters who were attracted to
Bush when he was a bozo."

"That's right, Sam. By flaunting his knowledge of 'East Timor' and 'Viktor
Chernomyrdin' and by using phrases like 'the National Restaurant
Association's policy of cross-jurisdictional pooling', Bush may have
alienated his base of morons."

"That's right, Eleanor. Because we know that on the issues Gore is more in
tune with the electorate. He's said that education would be his 'number one
priority', as would campaign-finance reform and Medicare. By having so many
'number one priorities' and no 'number two' or 'number three priorities',
he's much closer to where the electorate is, priority-wise."

"That's right, Wolf. And Bush now has a serious character problem. By
abandoning his decision to campaign as a dimwit and relaunching himself as a
tough, confident, informed candidate, he runs the danger of seeming uncertain
as to who he really is. That won't play well with a public likely to react
cynically to a candidate who relaunches himself with a new image every week."

"That's right, Cokie. And, by making us political experts tie ourselves in
knots all the time, Bush consistently makes our headaches worse, which only
reminds us how much we need Gore's plan for lower prescription-drug prices."

There was universal agreement on one point. Gore was wise to ditch the
pantomime-dame make-up from the first debate. But, even here, he couldn't
help going to extremes, appearing without his face on not just in the
foundation-and-rouge sense, but in a more profound way: the mouth wasn't
merely in non-sighing mode, it was zipped up and hung slack; the eyes seemed
dead. The only remnants of last week's Gore were the eyebrows (nice pencil
liner) imperiously arched with the amused contempt of an overthrown king
sitting through his own show trial.

On Wednesday night, the Vice-President had the look of a man who'd run out of
masks. After the expansive array of dazzling new Gores of the last year -
farmer Al, earth-tone Al, attack-dog Al, self-deprecating Al, hot-lips Al -
the Vice-President apparently opened his closet and found that his
housekeeper had sent all his identities to the cleaners. Dubya, for his part,
connected the dots between personal character and public policy in a subtle
but devastating way.

When he spoke of an America that was "humble, but strong" as opposed to one
that was "arrogant" and thought it could be "all things to all people", he
wasn't really talking about the nation per se so much as its embodiment in
the Commander-in-Chief. Al's sneering disdain for Dubya in the first debate
isn't just personal disdain but emblematic of his arrogance in government:
we'll give you tax credits - but only if you live your life the way we say,
from cradle to grave, from pre-school child-care to seniors' health plans.

And just because we're running your lives doesn't mean we won't be running
the rest of the world, too. Al made the astonishing assertion that the rest
of the world wants to be "more like us". Many people around the world admire
the United States, but are proudly Slovene, Kazakh, even British, and wish to
build their countries their way. When Dubya talked about a humble but strong
America, he sounded like he was talking about himself. When Al talked about a
uniquely powerful America imposing its values on everyone else, he was
talking about himself, too.

At one point, Dubya alluded to "the Ugly American" - an old stereotype but
one which, over on the other side of the split screen, seemed to have found
its most alarming apotheosis. Meanwhile, Dubya's view of the media
establishment as "major-league assholes" is pretty sound. All the experts
agreed Gore won the first debate, while Bush had at best survived. So when,
in the ensuing days, the polls showed Dubya in the lead, the Gore team's
brilliant response was to mock the guy's syntax and claim he was too bumbling
to be President.

Who are the real dummies here? If politics is an expectations game, the last
thing Gore needed to do was lower the public's expectations of Dubya even
more. The baffled media now speculate that Bush deliberately threw the first
debate to lower expectations for the second. The truth may be that he's just
the first candidate of the 21st century indifferent to spin and image
manipulation. Hey, what I am saying? That's ridiculous, right?
The London Telegraph, Friday, October 

[CTRL] The Narco News Bulletin

2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html"Narco News:
Reporting on the Events that Shake …/A
The Narco News Bulletin

"The Name of Our Country is América"

-- Simón Bolívar

Today's Press Briefing

October 11, 2000

US Ambassador Rocha Demands Bolivian Blood

"Banzer Must Be Inflexible" says Manuel Rocha

Rumors of Military Invasion at Dawn

AP Continues Media Blackout of Historic Events

Morales: "We Will Offer Our Lives"

from the daily Los Tiempos, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Wednesday, October 11, 2000

Ambassador Rocha: "The Eradication Must Not Be Delayed"

La Paz | Los Tiempos.- Not a single half-cato of coca nor delays in the
December 15th deadline for "zero coca." That is the position of the US
Ambassador Manuel rocha, who recommended to the government of General Hugo
Banzer that he not be flexible in negotiations with Evo Morales.

Rocha made these statements in the moments in which the tension is building
in Chapare.

Interview with the Ambassador:

Q. How does the United States view the request by Evo Morales to maintain a
cato (40 by 40 meter garden) of coca per family?

A. I'm not going to comment on this request. This is a negotiation that this
man is making with the government and it is internal to the country. I want
to respect the negotiations and the posture of the government of President
Banzer that Minister Guillermo Fortún is conducting. What I do want to say is
that the policy of Bolivia and its government, regarding Plan Dignidad, has
and will continue to have the total support of the U.S.

Q. If the government agrees to what Evo Morales has asked, with the US
continue cooperating in the drug war?

A. From what I understand, the posture of the government is very clear and
doesn't merit any speculation.

Q. Without compromising the goal of "zero coca," does the U.S. regard the
probability of postponing the compliance of this goal for some months while
the parties try to achieve consensus and improve the offers of alternative

A. I don't believe there is any need to think about that, given that the
eradication is underway. During these three weeks of social agitation, the
eradication has continued without any impediment and I don't believe the
government is contemplating a delay. And, definitely, in the colaboration
that we are giving Bolivia in the process of eradication, we don't see a need
to think about a recess in the eradication activity.

As for alternative development, I would like to invite you to see what has
been done in recent years, so that you can see the ex-coca growers that today
participate in alternative development and how they have been affected by the
blockades of these people who don't want to see that coca-cocaine is part of
a criminal activity. We have people, many peasants, that have worked very
hard that now have suffered three weeks without being able to export bananas,
pineapples and palm to Argentina and Chile.

Of the 110 million dollars that the US has approved (as additional budget),
the bulk of the funds is going to be destined to alternative development...
in something viable for the coca growers who have left this business and are
dedicated to something legal.

Q. The mediators are making an effort to bring the parties together. The
positions of each side are at the point of provoking violence in the clearing
of the blockade and at this moment everyone awaits signs of a peaceful
solution. What signal would the US give to facilitate a peaceful solution?

A. The best signal that could come is that those who still insist in this
illegal activity of growing illicit coca acknowledge that there are people of
more conscience in the Bolivian population, people who understand the
coca-cocaine destroys the country's reputation and the dignity of the work of
its people. The coca growers contribute to something that is illegal not only
in Bolivia but also in the entire world.

The best signal would be that those who are conversing with the government
rethink their position and desist an activity that has no future, will not
have any future, nor acceptance nor legimitacy.

US Will Withdraw Money for Cancelled Military Bases

La Paz | Los Tiempos.- The United States had budgeted nearly $2 million
dollars to construct the military bases in Chapare, an amount that will be
withdrawn until the Bolivian government makes a new request, said the US
Ambassador Manuel Rocha.

"We would have to see what other plans or proposals the Bolivian government
has for this region where they wanted to put the military bases. We will see
and we are open to any other proposal," he said.

Government and Coca Growers Declare War

Military Invasion of Chapare is Imminent

The coca growers decided to plant a cato per family "or die trying,"
declaring the Tropic a Zone of Free Production and Intensifying the
Blockades. The government did not give an inch in its slogan of "Zero Coca."


[CTRL] Yemen’s Deadly Appeal

2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.stratfor.com/MEAF/commentary/0010130120.htm"
Yemen’s Deadly Appeal/A

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Yemen’s Deadly Appeal
0120 GMT, 001013
The suspected suicide bombing of a U.S. Navy destroyer, the USS Cole, in a
Yemeni port early Thursday ignited numerous questions on the perpetrators of
the attack and their motives and means. But pull back to a global view and a
much more strategic question surfaces: What is the United States doing in
The Navy only recently began using Aden Port as a refueling station, but
Yemen is much more than a regional point of convenience. Indeed, America’s
interest and involvement in Yemen appear to run much deeper than merely
refueling military vessels. Yemen is a strategic pawn in a game with other
major powers. And a small island 550 miles east of Yemen is a valuable
military asset.
Isolated, torn by tribalism and desperately poor – Yemen is one of the
poorest nations in the Middle East. But these facts obscure an important
reality: Yemen is the center of a vigorous competition between some of the
world’s major powers. Nations such as China, Russia and the United States are
all competing for influence over the chokepoints of the world’s waterways.
Aden is one these and one of the most important. Its port is one of the
deepest natural ports in the world, capable of serving large vessels with
comparatively little improvement. In recent months, both Russian and American
military officials have jockeyed for position in Aden. Russian officials, for
example, have raised military cooperation with the Yemeni government. U.S.
Navy SEALs have also helped clear the wreckage of sunken vessels from the
port at Aden.
Why has so much global attention focused on this tiny country? More than its
harbor, Yemen also provides an important military base from which naval
forces can quickly reach the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
The island of Socotra, with a population of 70,000, is perfectly placed for
monitoring shipping routes in all three seas.
The U.S. Navy is supposed to ensure the flow of goods to and from the United
States via shipping routes. Competition for major trade routes is stiff and
Washington has recently lost key points of control to countries like China;
in the Suez Canal, for instance, a Chinese company with ties to the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) has won important rights to facilities there. Near
Socotra, much of the world’s oil floats by on tankers.
There is evidence as well to suggest that island, belonging to Yemen, is a
potentially invaluable source for intelligence collection in the Indian
Ocean, a basin with increased naval activity. The Indian navy, for example,
has reportedly focused on expanding its capabilities and modernizing its
technology. Socotra could be a valuable source of Signals Intelligence
In March 1999, the Village Voice reported Socotra as a site upon which the
United States planned to build a SIGINT system. Over the past two years,
reports have surfaced every few months in Yemeni opposition media claiming
that Yemen’s administration had agreed to allow the U.S. military access to
both a port and an airport on Socotra. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh
has consistently denied a deal with the U.S. military and his government has
punished journalists who persist in reporting it.
The last instance of this to make it to the Western press occurred nearly one
year ago, in October 1999, when the owner of the opposition daily Al-Haq was
fined and the paper was banned for a month. The administration charged the
paper with publishing material that threatened national security. The
previous March, the same paper met similar consequences for running a story
saying a new civilian airport built on Socotra to promote tourism had
conveniently been constructed in accordance with U.S. military
The paper has ties to an umbrella group of Islamist politicians and
activists, including the Islah Party. And there is clearly a backlash in
Yemen against the global competition for use of its facilities. The attack on
USS Cole was a simple, yet effective message: the ambitious goals of the U.S.
military are not welcome.  MEAF Intelligence Center

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Re: [CTRL] Jim Marrs-What a difference a day (or two) makes

2000-10-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 When I was a teenager I was at a party (at my own house) and a friend
 across the room called my name. I turned my head to look and suddenly
 'heard' a loud 'snap' and felt intense pain shoot up from the back of my
 neck to the top of my skull.

What I experienced did not entail pain in the neck or on the top of my head.  It felt 
like a small, hard
object hitting the back of my ear at an extremely high rate of speed, with such force 
as to bend the cartilage
and lobe forward over the opening to the ear canal.

The pain was sharp but localized to the back of the ear.

If it WAS an external object that hit my ear, what was strange was that it managed to 
hit my ear but nothing
else.  Even stranger was the fact that only the back of my ear was bruised, and 
extremely bruised at
that...we're talking mostly black, with a little patch of ugly purple.  And yet the 
front of my ear was fine.

It's this last fact that causes most theories I and others have considered over the 
years to be
rejected...anything that would have caused that extensive amount of bruising should 
have caused the bruising
to also appear on the front of the ear, at least on the lobe...

 It was *incredibly* painful.  My neck and
 skull were sore for days after.

Again, this description is nothing like what I experienced.

As I mentioned in another post, put the tip of your index finger on the back of your 
earlobe.  Then move it up
the back of your ear about half an inch, and then push your ear forward so that the 
cartilage and lobe cover
your outer ear canal.  Now imagine this being done quickly and sharply by what felt to 
be a small, hard
object, and you'll get an idea of what I experienced.

 In any event, it has always puzzled me, and the location of it - the
 'snapping' was close to the side of the neck near the back of the ear
 area that you describe.

In my experience, it wasn't a case of being 'near the back of the ear area', but of 
BEING the back of the ear,


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AP: Russia Sub Collision Theory Nixed

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 13 9:35 AM ET
Russia Sub Collision Theory Nixed

By ANNA DOLGOV, Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW (AP) - No fragments of a foreign submarine have been found
near Russia's sunken nuclear submarine Kursk (news - web sites),
and officials no longer consider a collision with another vessel
the most likely cause of the tragedy, Russia's deputy prime
minister said Friday.

Investigators still haven't determined what caused an explosion
that sent the Kursk crashing to the bottom of the Barents Sea
during naval exercises Aug. 12. All 118 sailors aboard died.

For months, Russian officials insisted that the most likely cause
was a collision with a foreign submarine or ship. Other versions
they considered were a collision with a World War II mine or a
malfunction in the Kursk's torpedo department.

None of the possibilities have been ruled out, but ``none of them
is dominant'' any longer, Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov was
quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. Klebanov heads the
government commission investigating the tragedy.

Submersibles inspected a 60-square-mile area of the Barents Sea
floor around the Kursk but found no pieces of a foreign
submarine, Klebanov said.

Russian rescuers tried for a week to get inside the Kursk, while
officials insisted that at least some of the crew was still
alive. But Klebanov said Friday that most of the sailors were
killed in the seconds following the explosion - confirming
earlier conclusions by independent experts.

``By the time the vessel hit the bottom, almost all of the crew
was already gone,'' he told reporters.

An operation to retrieve the crew's remains is to begin late next
week. But the submarine has been severely mangled, meaning that
divers will not be able to reach many of the bodies, and those
they do recover may be damaged by the explosion and subsequent
corrosive sea water, Russian officials have said.

Russian deep-water capsules have examined the Kursk and recorded
``catastrophic destruction,'' Klebanov said.

``It's just heaps of metal piled up, which would of course
complicate the divers' work,'' he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AP: Blast Hit Ship's Weak Spot

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Blast Hit Ship's Weak Spot
Cole Considered an Advanced Warship

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- The USS Cole, a 505-foot U.S. Navy destroyer, was
well-equipped to protect itself against almost anything -- except
the small, bomb-carrying boat the Navy says rammed into the Cole
during a routine mooring.

The massive but speedy $1 billion USS Cole, powered by four jet
engines similar to those used in airliners, is one of the Navy's
most advanced warships, built around the high-tech Aegis combat
system which employs the latest anti-aircraft and anti-submarine

Its weapons include batteries of anti-aircraft and anti-ship
missiles, a cannon that can launch five-inch shells more than 10
miles and two Gatling guns that each can fire 50 bullets a

Admiral Vernon Clark, chief of naval operations, said Thursday
the Cole's crew was "fighting for their ship,'' bailing water as
flooding continued from a 20-by-40-foot hole in its side.

Clark said the ship's hull varies in thickness but is made of
half-inch steel at the waterline, capable of withstanding 51,000
pounds per square inch where the powerful explosion ripped it

The ship's "vital spaces'' are protected by 70 tons of armor,
according to Jane's Fighting Ships. Most of its exterior walls
are slanted so they are less easily detected by enemy radar.

The primary mission of the USS Cole, an Arleigh-Burke-class
guided missile destroyer, is to defend some of the Navy's biggest
ships in aircraft carrier battle groups from multiple air,
surface and submarine attacks.

It was blown open in the Yemen port of Aden early Thursday by one
of the smallest crafts on the water. An early eyewitness account
from an Army major who works at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen
described the attacking vessel as a small rubber boat.

The destroyer, based at Norfolk, Va., carries a crew of about 350
officers and enlisted personnel. It is assigned to the USS George
Washington carrier battle group now operating in the Persian Gulf

The Cole left Norfolk in June for a six-month deployment to the
Persian Gulf. It has a top speed of more than 33 mph.

Named for the mythical shield of Zeus, the Aegis system is a
suite of computer-linked radar and weaponry.

Unlike the standard radar with a rotating wand, Aegis's SPY-1D
phased-array radar sends out a blizzard of impulses to create a
digitized image of an operational area on large blue screens. Its
computers can identify, prioritize and destroy incoming enemy
missiles or aircraft as far as 200 miles away.

The USS Cole is among 101 U.S. Navy ships and one of 35
Burke-class guided missile destroyers.

Cmdr. Kirk S. Lippold has been the ship's commanding officer
since June 1999.

Commissioned in 1996, the ship was named after Marine Sgt.
Darrell S. Cole of Flat River, Mo., a machine gunner who was
killed during intense fighting on Iwo Jima during World War II
and posthumously received the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Following an ancient shipbuilding tradition, the ultramodern Cole
reportedly carries coins embedded in its mast by Cole relatives:
67 cents for its hull number, including 1920 and 1945 quarters
for the years its namesake was born and died.

Tradition says the coins will ensure payment of the crew for the
voyage home in the event of mishap.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Lies, hatred and the language of force

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Lies, hatred and the language of force
Arab View

By Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent

13 October 2000

This is a story about lies, bias, hatred and death. It's about our inability
– after more than half a century – to understand the injustice of the Middle
East. It's about a part of the world where it seems quite natural, after
repeatedly watching on television the funeral of 11-year-old Sami Abu Jezar –
who died two days after being shot through the forehead by Israeli soldiers –
for a crowd to kick two Israeli plainclothes agents to death. It's about a
nation that claims "purity of arms" but fires missiles at civilian apartment
blocks and then claims it is "restoring order". It's about people who are so
enraged by the killing of almost a hundred Palestinians that they try to blow
up an entire American warship.

It's as simple as that. When I walked into the local photocopy shop yesterday
afternoon, the boys there greeted me with ecstatic smiles. "Did you hear that
an American ship has been attacked?" one of them asked. "There are Americans
dead." All I saw around the room were smiles. In a corner, on a small
television screen, an Israeli Apache aircraft was firing a missile at Yasser
Arafat's headquarters in Gaza.

Seven years ago, CNN showed us the Israeli prime minister shaking Yasser
Arafat by the hand, live on the White House lawn. Now, live from Gaza, we
watch a pilot carrying out an order from the Israeli prime minister to kill
Arafat by bombing his headquarters.

As usual last night, the television news broadcasts – those most obsequious
and deforming of information dispensers – were diverting our minds from the
truth. They did not ask why the Palestinians should have lynched two Israeli
undercover men. Instead, they asked why Palestinian police had not protected
them. They did not ask why a suicide bomber in a rubber boat should have
bombed the USS Cole.

Instead, they asked who he was, who he worked for, and they interviewed
Pentagon officials who denounced "terrorism". Always the "who" or the "what";
never the "why".

It is of course possible that Osama bin Laden, one of the more recent
American hate figures, could have inspired – by sermons rather than direct
instruction – the attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden's family originally came
from Yemen. And it was Yemen that demanded the right earlier this week to fly
arms direct to the Palestinians of the occupied territories – provoked, it
seems, by slow-motion footage of yet another boy, a 12-year-old, dying on top
of his father in Gaza after being shot by the Israelis. Yet many of the
attacks on Israeli occupation forces in Lebanon were carried out by young
men, unconnected with the corrupt Arab political élite but enraged by the
injustice of their lot. Maybe it was the same in Yemen.

When Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo agreement seven years ago, only a very few
asked how soon this raddled, flawed, hopeless "peace" would collapse. I
thought it would end in violence because the Palestinians were being forced
by Americans and Israelis to sign a peace that would give them neither a
state nor an end to Jewish settlements on Arab land, nor a capital in Arab
east Jerusalem.

I wrote that Arafat had been turned from "super-terrorist" into a
"super-statesman" but could easily be turned into a "super-terrorist" again.
And so it came to pass. Yesterday, the Israeli spokesman Avi Pasner shared a
BBC interview with me – and called Arafat a "terrorist".

Alas, none of it was surprising – none save our continued inability to grasp
what happens when a whole society is pressure-cooked to the point of
explosion. A Pentagon official was saying last night the US government was
trying to find out if the attack on the USS Cole was "related" to "violence"
in the Middle East. Come again? Related? Violence? Who can doubt that the
attempt to sink the Cole and all her 360 American crew was directed at a
nation now held responsible for Israel's killing of scores of Palestinian
civilians? The United States – despite all the claptrap from Madeleine
Albright about "honest brokers" – is Israel's ally.

Ever since Arafat tried to leave the US ambassador's residence in Paris two
weeks ago, the Palestinians have placed this responsibility on America's
shoulders. If the US wants to go on supporting an ally that shoots down
Palestinians in the streets of the occupied territories, then the United
States will be held to account. And will pay for it.

No, of course this does not excuse the bloodthirsty killing of armed Israeli
agents or the desecration of the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, or, indeed, the
murder of Jewish settlers. But the cruelty of the Palestinians can be
explained by the cruelty of the Israelis. The death toll among Palestinians
now is almost exactly equal to that at Qana in 1996 when Israeli gunners
butchered 106 Lebanese civilians. We 

[CTRL] Who Owns The Vatican Bank?

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

News for Immediate Release
October 12, 2000

Jonathan Levy  Thomas Dewey Easton,
Attorneys Jonathan Levy
(513) 528-0586

Lawsuit Asks Who Owns the Vatican Bank? Vatican refuses to say.

A lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, filed in November 1999 by Serb, Jewish,
and Ukrainian Holocaust survivors against the Vatican Bank seeking return of
Nazi loot from wartime Yugoslavia has run into an apparent wall of silence.
Tom Easton and Jonathan Levy, who represent the 28 plaintiffs suing the
Vatican Bank have asked a Federal Magistrate in San Francisco to order the
Vatican Bank to divulge information about itself including its ownership.

Easton and Levy have stated that a veil of secrecy surrounds the operation of
the Vatican Bank also known as the Institute for Religious Works. The
plaintiffs’ attorneys say that literature suggests the reigning Pope in his
personal capacity owns the Vatican Bank. According to Jonathan Levy, the
question of ownership of the Vatican Bank is the threshold issue in the case,
"There may be certain defenses available to the bank if it is owned by the
Vatican City state but if it is owned by an individual or individuals the
situation is completely different."

The Vatican Bank however has refused to provide information about its
ownership claiming in legal papers filed yesterday in San Francisco that
plaintiffs’ request is burdensome, premature, and in the public domain. The
plaintiffs’ attorneys and expert witnesses however claim information about
the Vatican Bank’s ownership is a closely guarded secret. "If the information
is out there, and so easily accessible, why don’t they just produce it?"
counters Easton and Levy, "We’ve researched this issue for over year and have
yet to find a definitive answer. We would like to know just who we are
dealing with here."

The concentration camp survivors bringing the lawsuit, some of whom are in
their eighties, hope the answers to the Vatican Bank’s ownership are
forthcoming soon so the lawsuit may proceed.

For more information contact:

Jonathan Levy
Tel. 513-528-086

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Jackson Stephens

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Source: The Progressive Review
Published: 10/11/00 Author: Sam Smith

THE GREATEST FINANCIAL scandal in history -- the BCCI affair -- left American
participants virtually untouched. The media covered the scandal poorly even
though, according to one investigative journalist, up to a hundred Washington
politicians and lawyers might have been criminally liable.

As a result -- much like Clinton and the Dixie Mafia -- Americans have but
the vaguest notion of what happened. In fact, the two stories overlap. And
like many contemporary sagas of corruption, the two stories reached deep into
both the major parties. In fact, if George W. Bush is elected, we will be
entering our fifth consecutive presidential administration (two Democratic
and three Republican) with direct ties to leading figures in the biggest
financial scandal of all time.

This time line suggests some of the interplay of individuals and parties:

1975 National Bank of Georgia president Bert Lance, whom former Georgia
Governor Jimmy Carter described as being like a brother and was Carter's
chosen but defeated successor, meets with Jackson Stephens, a Naval Academy
classmate of Carter. Stephens Inc. arranges public offering of NBG stock.
Stephens would later be described by the New York Post as the man who was to
"Clinton what Bert Lance was to candidate Jimmy Carter."

1976 Both Stephens and Lance help Carter in his race for the White House.
Carter uses the NBG corporate plane without disclosing it. Campaign is later

Two Indonesian billionaires come to Arkansas. Mochtar Riady and Liem Sioe
Liong are close to Suharto. Riady is looking for an American bank to buy.
Riady's agent is Jackson Stephens.

1977 Lance comes to Washington as director of the Office of Management and
Budget. He quickly comes under investigation for his past financial dealings
and in September resigns. His lawyer is Clark Clifford, later embroiled in
the BCCI case.

1978 Hillary Clinton, the Arkansas governor's wife, is getting considerable
business from Stephens Inc.

George W. Bush begins operations of his oil firm, Arbusto Energy. He
assembles several dozen investors in a limited partnership including Dorothy
Bush (a friend of BCCI figure Robert Altman), Lewis Lehrman, William Draper,
and James Bath, a Houston aircraft broker who bought several planes from Air
America, a CIA front. Bath's firm appears to be owned by Saudi investors. He
also was a part-owner of a Houston's Main Bank, along with a couple of BCCI

Stephens brokers the arrival of BCCI to this country, and steers BCCI's
founder, Hassan Abedi to Bert Lance.

Stephens Inc tries to sell Riady stock in the National Bank of Georgia. The
Washington Post quotes a US banker suggesting that Riady is working for
Suharto, who is trying to butter up Carter: "They think of this country like
a 'regime' similar to their own and they just don't realize that such a ploy
wouldn't work." There's no deal. Lance's bank will eventually be taken over
by a BCCI front man -- Ghaith Pharaon. Pharaon later sells his bank to First
American. Pharaon will be fined $37 million by the Federal Reserve Board and
become a fugitive.

Abedi moves to secretly take over First American Bankshares -- later the
subject of the only BCCI-connected scandal to be prosecuted in the US.

1979 Mochtar Riady and Stephens Inc set up Stephens Finance Ltd. In Hong

Lance is indicted on charges of violating federal banking laws. Clifford's
partner, Robert Altman, represents Lance who eventually achieves a hung jury.

During this same period, Stephens is, according to Peter Truell and Larry
Gurwin in "False Profits," playing "a crucial role in BCCI's penetration of
the US market."

1984 Mochtar Riady buys a stake in the Worthen holding company whose assets
include the Stephens-controlled Worthen Bank. Price: $16 million. Other
Worthen co-owners will eventually include BCCI investor Abdullah Taha
Bakhish. Deal handled by C. Joseph Giroir II. Giroir is the Rose law firm
chair who hired Hillary Clinton. Giroir will continue to be a deal-maker for
the Riadys.

1985 Arkansas state pension funds -- deposited in Worthen by Governor Bill
Clinton -- suddenly lose 15% of their value because of the failure of high
risk, short-term investments and the brokerage firm that bought them. The $52
million loss is covered by a Worthen check written by Jack Stephens in the
middle of the night, an insurance policy, and the subsequent purchase over
the next few months of 40% of the bank by Mochtar Riady. Clinton and Worthen
escape a major scandal. Mochtar's son James comes back to Arkansas to manage
Worthen as president.

Worthen is investigated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for
improper loans to companies owned by the Riadys and Stephenses.

1986 George W. Bush and partners receive more than $2 million of Harken
Energy stock in exchange for 


2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

I've been quiet since Israel erupted in fighting spurred by
disputes over the Temple Mount.

Until now, I haven't even bothered to say, "See, I told you so."
But I can't resist any longer. I feel compelled to remind you of
the column I wrote just a couple weeks before the latest
uprising. Yeah, folks, I predicted it. that's OK. Hold your
applause. After all, I wish I had been wrong. More than 80 people
have been killed since the current fighting in and around
Jerusalem began. And for what?

If you believe what you read in most news sources, Palestinians
want a homeland and Muslims want control over sites they consider
holy. Simple, right?

Well, as an Arab-American journalist who has spent some time in
the Middle East dodging more than my share of rocks and mortar
shells, I've got to tell you that these are just phony excuses
for the rioting, trouble-making and land-grabbing.

Isn't it interesting that prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war,
there was no serious movement for a Palestinian homeland?

"Well, Farah," you might say, "that was before the Israelis
seized the West Bank and Old Jerusalem."

That's true. In the Six-Day War, Israel captured Judea, Samaria
and East Jerusalem. But they didn't capture these territories
from Yasser Arafat.

They captured them from Jordan's King Hussein. I can't help but
wonder why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their
national identity after Israel won the war.

The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never
Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the
Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple
and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on,
the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was
derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by
the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add
insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem
to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power.

Palestine has never existed -- before or since -- as an
autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic
and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by
the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at
least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct
Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as
Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs,
indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention),
Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs
control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents
one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.

But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is
ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed.
Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions
the Israelis make, it will never be enough.

What about Islam's holy sites? There are none in Jerusalem.

Shocked? You should be. I don't expect you will ever hear this
brutal truth from anyone else in the international media. It's
just not politically correct.

I know what you're going to say: "Farah, the Al Aqsa Mosque and
the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent Islam's third most
holy sites."

Not true. In fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It
mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless
times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no
historical evidence to suggest Mohammad ever visited Jerusalem.

So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site of Islam?
Muslims today cite a vague passage in the Koran, the seventeenth
Sura, entitled "The Night Journey." It relates that in a dream or
a vision Mohammed was carried by night "from the sacred temple to
the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed,
that we might show him our signs. ..." In the seventh century,
some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse
as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that's as close as Islam's
connection with Jerusalem gets -- myth, fantasy, wishful
thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back
to the days of Abraham.

The latest round of violence in Israel erupted when Likud Party
leader Ariel Sharon tried to visit the Temple Mount, the
foundation of the Temple built by Solomon. It is the holiest site
for Jews. Sharon and his entourage were met with stones and
threats. I know what it's like. I've been there. Can you imagine
what it is like for Jews to be threatened, stoned and physically
kept out of the holiest site in Judaism?

So what's the solution to the Middle East mayhem? Well, frankly,
I don't think there is a man-made solution to the violence. But,
if there is one, it needs to begin with truth. Pretending will
only lead to more chaos. Treating a 5,000-year-old birthright

[CTRL] Drowsy Driver Detection Device

2000-10-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

12 October 2000
Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html


[Federal Register: October 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 197)]
[Page 60496-60498]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

[Docket No. NHTSA-00-8064]

Drowsy Driver Detection Device Laboratory Validation

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of Research Activity.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) is seeking
partners who have the potential of providing non-contact eye closure
monitoring sensors that can be used in a drowsy driver detection system
field operational test. This notice describes criteria and tests that
will be applied to each candidate sensor as part of the determination
of fitness for inclusion in a field operational test. Manufacturers of
devices that may meet these criteria are invited to submit a
description of their device and detailed instructions on operations of
the device to the US DOT.
Each device must satisfy the following criteria: (1) The device
must measure the percentage of eyelid closure over time (PERCLOS) and
calculate PERCLOS 1 and/or PERCLOS 3 (one-minute and three-minute
running averages of PERCLOS, respectively); (2) this measurement must
occur in real time; (3) the device shall be unobtrusive and have no
physical contact with the driver; (4) the device shall cause no harmful
emissions of any type over the duration of the experiment; and (5) the
device operation shall include no moving parts that could easily fail
or that would require replacement, service, or routine maintenance by
the driver.
Any device that meets the above criteria may be included in a US
DOT sponsored laboratory research study to evaluate the validity and
reliability of its real-time drowsiness detection capability. Previous
research has demonstrated the feasibility of implementing a drowsiness
detection system with physical eyelid closure as a continuous input. A
successful device should demonstrate that it can provide a valid
measure of alertness during a vigilance task and that this detection is
repeatable (reliability). In addition to being valid and reliable, this
device needs to be practical, and must meet additional standards of
high sensitivity and high specificity. Thus the device must detect all
(or nearly all) fatigue events and fatigued vehicle operators (high
sensitivity), without false alarms (high specificity.)
The offeror understands that the device, if selected to participate
in the laboratory validation study, will be provided on an as-is basis,
requiring no further engineering or development and should be
operationally ready. Second, the analysis that is derived from this
laboratory research will be made publicly available and the device
returned to the submittor, and third, the offeror shall in no way
interfere with the procedures or personnel involved in conducting or
managing the study. Furthermore:
1. Previous studies and research involving the device may be
disclosed and provided to the government to assist in evaluating the
``fitness'' of the device for evaluation.
2. Selection to participate in the laboratory validation study will
NOT constitute an endorsement of the device by the federal government.
3. A small budget shall exist to ensure the appropriate hookup of
the device to the experimental apparatus.
4. Involvement does not constitute a promise of future relations
with the federal government.
The devices will be tested in a laboratory in a double blind
testing methodology. Results will be sent back to manufacturer for
interpretation. The US DOT is only interested in testing devices that
are operationally ready, not devices under development.

DATES: Submit device descriptions on or before November 27, 2000.

ADDRESSES: All proposals should refer to Docket No. NHTSA-00-8064 and
be submitted to Docket Management, Room PL-401, 400 7th Street, SW,
Washington, D.C. 20590. Docket hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday. Proposals may also be sent by electronic submission.
The electronic submission procedure is described in the Docket
Management section of the DOT's web site: http://www.dot.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Rau, Office of Vehicle Safety
Research, NHTSA, (202) 366-0418; or Mr. Robert Carroll, Office of
Research and Technology, FMCSA, (202) 366-9109, 400 Seventh Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001.



The DOT has created a program titled the Intelligent Vehicle
Initiative (IVI). The goal of the IVI program is to increase safety on
the nation's 

[CTRL] SMH: Yemen: Who did it?

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

So far at least two groups are taking credit for the bombings in


Muslim groups claim responsibility for attacks

A radical Muslim group called Mohammed's Army had claimed
responsibility for the bomb attack on the destroyer USS Cole and
the British embassy in Yemen, an exiled Muslim leader said in
London last night.

``They claimed they are going to take hostages and they claim
they want to continue bombing all American and British
embassies,'' Sheikh Omar Bakri told AFP.

The group identified itself as Mohammed's Army and the caller
spoke to him in Arabic, said Omar Bakri, a member of a separate
Muslim group called the ``Sharia Court of the United Kingdom''.

He said he had received a first call on Thursday from the group,
about 30 minutes after the attack which caused the death of seven
US sailors.

He added that he had received another call on Friday morning
shortly after the explosion at the British embassy in Yemen, in
which there were no casualties. The group also said it had
carried out this attack, said Omar Bakri.

The group had called on Jews to leave Yemen and warned that
Britons, Americans and Israelis would be targeted, he said.

Omar Bakri, who has been living in Britain for six years, said he
condemned the presence of American and British forces in the area
himself, and that may have been the reason why the group
contacted him.

Later yesterday, a previously unknown group, identifying itself
as the Islamic Deterrence Forces, also claimed responsibility for
the blast.

"The group of the martyrs of the Intifada of the al-Aqsa mosque
affiliated with the Islamic Deterrence Forces carried out a
surprise attack against the American destroyer in Aden," the
group said in the statement in Beirut.

It said the operation was in "defence of the honour and dignity
of the Islamic nation and to avenge the blood of the opressed
Muslim nation in Palestine with the blessing of the American
regime for that enemy."

"We shall provide further details in a subsequent statement," it
said in a fax typed in Arabic.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Crash Course in Middle East History

2000-10-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-



Crash Course in Middle East History

Nationhood and Jerusalem

* Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two thousand years before the rise of Islam.

* Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian 
people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

Why was it called Palestine back when it was British mandate prior to WW II? And these 
Arab refugees are presumably Palestinian refugees who were forced out by the Israelis.

* Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had dominion over the land 
for one thousand years, with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 

Uh huh. So leaving aside their time in Egypt and being part of the Roman Empire, could 
anyone point out any time in the last 1,000 years, prior to the modern establishment 
of Israel, that Jews have had 'Dominion' over the land now called Israel? Between the 
Crusaders, Saracens, Romans, assorted Arabs and the Colonial powers I don't seem to 
recall any Jewish country anywhere in the history books in the region in question, and 
certainly not for any length of time.

* The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years.


* For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital.

In name only. Claiming some place as your capital, if you don't actually control/own 
it, is pretty futile. Saddam Hussein could claim New York City as the Iraqi capital. 
So what?

* Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the 
Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab 
leaders did not even come to visit.

The Palestinians would tend to disagree. This is why Jerusalem has been the desired 
Palestinian capital for many years.

* Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. 
Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.


* Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.

Not necessarily. It depends where they are. Moslems in Malta would pray more or less 
towards Jerusalem, as would Moslems living directly to the west of Jerusalem.

Arab and Jewish Refugees

* In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by
Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews.  Sixty-eight
percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. The Jewish
refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab
brutality, persecution and pogroms.

This is twaddle as bad as Holocast revisionism. Leaving aside the 32% who apparently 
were thrown out by Israeli soldiers, there are copious amounts of historical evidence 
of families having their houses dynamited, men executed etc. by the invading Jews. It 
also avoids mentioning the reason the British had relinquished the land was a campaign 
of murderous terrorism, bombings and killings by Jewish criminals, many of whoom were 
US gangsters (from where they got much of their financing).

* The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is
estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is 
estimated to be the same.

I think there are quite a few more Jewish residents of Israel than those 630,000 would 
have produced. The vast, vast majority of Jewish Israelis are American or European.

* Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated
into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory.  Out of the 
100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the 
world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples' lands. 
Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the 
state of New Jersey.

More deceptive rubbish. Israel took only a proportion of jewish refugees after WWII. 
The USA, Australia, South American countries all took vast numbers of Jewish refugees 
but few Palestinians. This reference to the failure of the refugees to be absorbed 
into their people's lands...what are they referring to? The refugee camps in Jordan 
etc? These are becasue the Palestinians are trying to preserve their national identity 
pending their return to Israel/Palestine, i would imagine.
I also think it is a bit rich that Jews, who always seem to try and maintain their 
cultures and traditions when living in other people's countries, should criticise 
people they have displaced for not fitting in to their new homes.

The Arab - Israeli Conflict

* The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the 
Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation.

Plus their ally/partner the USA. Not to mention that Israel has a bigger armed forces 
than all the arab states combined (bar Iran and Iraq I think).

* The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time 
and won.

It's not the last 5 that count, it's the next 1.

* The P.L.O.'s Charter still 

[CTRL] On the Cole Attack: Forwarded Copy opf 10/13 Electronic Telegraph Article (fwd)

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 15:15:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Cole Attack: Forwarded Copy opf 10/13 Electronic Telegraph

I was kindly referenced to the ET article below on the Cole
attack.  The article states:

 An intelligence officer told The Telegraph it was clear that
the security breach which led to the "target of opportunity"
bombing of the Cole had been on the part of the Yemenis, rather
than a lapse in American safety procedures.  

I disagree.

There likely WAS a security breach on the part of the Yemenis,
but that the possibility of a Yemeni security breach mattering
was itself caused by inadequate American safety procedures (e.g.,
using a local contract boat to handle the mooring to the
refueling buoy or "dolphin" rather than the ship's own boats --
probably four, including the two 25 foot rigid/inflatables
mentioned in prior posts and below).

Other American security breaches (and general stupidity, based
upon the information available to me at present) are mentioned in
my prior posts.

There will be a tendency on the part of the mainstream media to
blame the Yemenis, not the US -- this close to the elections, the
establishment view will be that such a serious loss of US
military lives had nothing to do with US failures and everything
to do with "clever" terrorists (who weren't so clever as I have
described previously), who don't fight fair, and their links to
the Yemeni government.  Any state department pressure on the Navy
(which is not certain yet) to refuel in Aden as a sop to State
Department efforts to snuggle up to the current Yemeni government
will receive short shrift in the mainstream media (or so I would
think).  If you lay the blame on the USG, that blame percolates
up the chain of command.

It is interesting to speculate at this point if the USN fought a
security plan for Aden refuelings that was forced on it by the
State Department or other USG agencies or resisted having to put
in to refuel at all for security reasons.

Those with long enough memories will recall the US military's
requests for armor in Somalia that was denied by DefSec Les Aspin
because the administration did not want to raise the profile of

The lack of US armor in Somalia (the UN armor consisted of
ancient APCs with not enough armor protection -- APCs that were
not under US control and therefore could not be brought into
action quickly to boot) resulted in much loss of life in Somalia
by the US Rangers (and a coupla D-Boys as I recall;  not to
mention hjundreds of dead Somalis in related engagements) in
connection with the Blackhawk shootdown and was the main reason
Aspin (an MIT grad by the way) resigned.

Final note:  the graphic of the Cole in the photo accompanying
the article below (though I am sure intended to be only an
approximation of what the ship looks like) actually shows the two
inflatable/rigid ~25-foot boats, to which I referred in my post
to CAS yesterday, on deck on the port side of the Cole somewhat
aft of the point of the explosion.

These are the boats that should have been used in two ways (as
described in yesterday's and todays posts to CAS) to prevent a
successful attack on the Cole like that she suffered yesterday.

Warm regards,
Hugh Sprunt

--Article Text:

The Electronic Telegraph
ISSUE 1967 Friday 13 October 2000

21st century ship holed by a dinghy
By Ben Fenton in Washington

17 Americans die in bomb attack on warship

THE devastating suicide bomb attack on the USS Cole will be a
grave embarrassment to the Pentagon and to the Yemeni
authorities, hosts of its visit to the country's main port,
sources in Washington said yesterday.

It is a blow to State Department attempts to improve relations
with Yemen in order to stabilise the Horn of Africa region and
will look like a misjudgment on behalf of the United States navy
in allowing vessels to dock in a country with a recent history of
terror attacks against western targets.

An intelligence officer told The Telegraph it was clear that the
security breach which led to the "target of opportunity" bombing
of the Cole had been on the part of the Yemenis, rather than a
lapse in American safety procedures.

The Free Port area of Aden is supposed to be closed to the public
and the ships that tend visiting vessels are meant to be under
the control of the port authorities. Although the US navy has
begun to use Aden as a refuelling stop, visits are rare events
and are not publicised, so information about the Cole's stop is
likely to have been leaked there.

But the vulnerability of sophisticated warships in foreign ports
was underlined by the crippling of the Cole by a small craft
loaded with explosives. The Cole is designed to survive 21st
century warfare including nuclear air blasts, missile or
submarine attacks and even biological warfare, but it was
apparently crippled by "fireship" tactics that 

[CTRL] WT: Officer calls refueling stop at Aden port 'buffoonery'

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Next time Clinton/Gore says that they have left the military in great
shape, consider this article. --MS]


The Washington Times

Officer calls refueling stop at Aden port 'buffoonery'

Rowan Scarborough

Published 10/13/00

 Military officers are privately questioning the decision to
schedule a stop for the USS Cole at a fueling port in Yemen, a
known safe haven for Arab terrorists for whom suicide bombings
are trademarks.

 "I think it's buffoonery that a U.S. warship is refueling in
Yemen while things are coming apart in Jerusalem," said a Marine
Corps officer in Washington who has deployed to the Persian Gulf.
"The place is a snake pit. I can't believe we are sending U.S.
warships there, especially when there is so much unrest in the

 A senior retired Navy officer said, "As the force has been
stretched too thin, it requires commanders to change some
operational behavior, not always to the advantage of the United
States Navy."

 The destroyer Cole's mission typifies how a busy Navy shifts
assets to cover two theaters - the Mediterranean and the Persian
Gulf. The Cole was part of a battle group led by the aircraft
carrier George Washington and would normally be refueled at sea
with its sister ships.

 But the Cole broke off from the group and was traveling
alone through the Red Sea. U.S. Central Command, which oversees
Gulf operations, wanted the Cole to replace a
Tomahawk-missile-firing ship which was leaving the region.

 A Navy spokesman said battle groups often break up, sending
ships to both theaters in response to tensions in the Balkans and
the Gulf.

 The military's readiness woes have gone front and center in
the presidential campaign. Republican George W. Bush argues that
a decade of budget cuts and increased deployments have left the
armed forces worn out and ill equipped.

 One issue is whether the Navy's 315-ship fleet is sufficient
to carry out far-flung deployments in the Pacific, Mediterranean,
Persian Gulf and other hot spots.

 Adm. Vern Clark, the chief of naval operations, said at the
Pentagon yesterday that the Navy is short on the type of oiler
that can refuel the Cole and other warships at sea.

 "We do not have enough ships to assign one to - this ship
was transiting independently - and we don't have enough resources
to . . .," Adm. Clark said before cutting short his sentence.
"Let me say today I have 101 ships in the United States Navy
deployed to the four corners of the earth. Cole is one of those

 Adm. Clark recently told the House and Senate Armed Services
committees that the Navy is not building enough ships to maintain
the current 315-ship fleet. Navy experts say ships are going to
sea without critical working components and, in some cases,
remaining deployed longer than the normal six months.

 Adm. Clark, the former Atlantic fleet commander, said the
shortage of oilers - the Navy has 23 -means a refueling ship has
never been assigned to a single ship such as the Cole.

 "They don't have as many as they need for the pace of
operations," said A.D. Baker III, a naval analyst.

 But Mr. Baker said the real issue is port security. For
diplomatic reasons, the U.S. Navy does not provide adequate
topside security as a ship enters a foreign harbor, he said.

 Pentagon officials say explosives, detonated by two men in
small boat alongside the Cole, blew a huge hole in the
destroyer's hull. Six sailors were killed, 11 more were missing
and presumed dead, and 35 were injured.

 The Clinton-Gore administration inherited a fleet of more
than 500 ships. In 1993, it announced a plan to shrink the armada
to 346. But eventually, even that floor was breached as the
defense budget tumbled during the 1990s.

 Pentagon officials said refueling stops in Yemen were
started by U.S. Central Command in July 1999 as a way to
establish strategic relations with a generally U.S.-friendly
Yemeni government. The Cole's stop was the 12th for a U.S.

 The administration is trying to maintain support among Gulf
nations such as Yemen for its policy of isolating Iraq and its
leader, Saddam Hussein.

 Kenneth Katzman, a terrorism analyst at the Congressional
Research Service, said Central Command officials have talked of
prepositioning fuel and equipment in Yemen.

 "The Yemeni government has pledged, and by all accounts been
extremely cooperative in attempting to prevent" Yemen-based
terrorist attacks against the United States, he said. "They do
not support acts of terrorism like this."

 Still, Mr. Katzman said there are parts of Yemen not fully
controlled by the government. His report on international
terrorism, along with the State Department's, states that while
Yemen does not sponsor terrorism, it is a safe haven for
terrorist groups.

 The Palestinian Hamas 

[CTRL] Sierra Times: Dog Wagging in the Persion Gulf?

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Dog Wagging in the Persian Gulf?
News Analysis by J.J. Johnson - Posted: 10.13.00

It has become common to be suspicious whenever any kind of
military action takes place with this administration. The recent
attack on the U.S.S. Cole is no exception. Not only is the timing
of this incident suspect, but the way it is being handled
demonstrates an American weakness that was waiting to be

There will be those who will say, “There go those conspiracy
 again.” Granted, as this is only speculation. But perhaps
getting above all the hype may lead others to ask more serious

As we keep getting it drilled into our heads that this was a
terrorist attack, this was anything but an act of terrorism. It
was an act of war. “Terrorism” is the new, ugly word to describe
any kind of hostile action against U.S. interests. I believe we
use this term often because no one has the guts to say “war.” Any
U.S. warship in the area of the Persian Gulf should know they are
operating in hostile waters. According to reports, we must
conclude that the U.S.S. Cole forgot. And by sending in the FBI
for evidence gathering, the United States is treating this as a
crime scene rather than accepting the fact that in hostile
waters, sailors eat, drink, and sleep in warrior mode. This shows
the weakness of U.S. Military policy.

The proof of this weakness is also why one could conceive that
this incident was clearly NOT an act of terrorism.

It was a phone call I heard on a Denver talk show that confirmed
my suspicion. The young man who called obviously had Naval
experience. He spoke about his past tours of duty in the Middle
East. He discussed with the host how every sailor knew, once
passing south of the Suez Canal, how the entire crew of every
U.S. Warship remained at ‘battle stations’ while in the area.
This has been the policy pre-dating the 1991 Gulf War. “Every man
knew to have guns loaded at all times, and be ready for anything.
We knew we were in hostile waters.” He went on to say that a
high-tech destroyer letting an unidentified boat get that close
meant that, “someone was asleep at the switch.”

He was right. But for someone (in this case, Cole’s captain) to
be asleep at the switch means he’d have to be completely
incompetent to allow a rubber boat to come that close without
proper identification. Since I have much more respect for U.S.
Naval personnel, there could be another explanation.

A rubber raft packed with enough explosives to make a gaping hole
through a half-inch steel plate - at 7.am local time. Let’s
analyze, shall we?

This rubber raft, carrying the two suicide bombers would have to
have left port nearby, since it can’t make a long sea journey.
One can easily conclude that if there were any co-conspirators,
they were port side. Wouldn’t logic dictate an immediate response
toward that Yemen sea port? The first reaction off ship should
have been to seal off every port in the area.

But no word of that taking place, and if it did happen, there’d
be no reason to be secret about it.

Next, the rubber boat itself. I’m sure there are explosive
experts who can prove that a person can pack that much explosives
on a rubber boat and keep it seaworthy, and even explain the huge
hole in the side.

Could that same hole have been caused by a torpedo?

A stretch, you say?

Not if you imagine that those two suicidal folks have
intelligence telling them where the boat was, and when it was
arriving. That takes pretty good intel – meaning these were not
just a couple guys out on a boat ride to “Allah”. And at 7:am
that close to the equator (broad daylight), no one saw them

Too strange. Now let’s look at the politics…

Earlier this year, the Saudi states made it public that they did
NOT like the U.S. conducting bombing runs on Iraq from their
turf. There was even one AP story that reported the Saudi
government ordering U.S. personnel out of their country. This
attitude was shared by nearby states as well, such as Yemen. The
Yemen President said shortly after the explosion that video taken
of the blast led them to believe that is was NOT a rubber boat
bomber. Experts said that the USS Cole damage photo clearly
indicates that it could not have been an explosion from the
inside of the ship – meaning it had to come from the outside.

And with all the escalation of tensions in the Middle East, why
draw the United States closer to the conflict when merely
threatening oil shipments would be easier and much more
effective? Wouldn’t those responsible know that the US would have
no choice but to respond to this by taking such immediate actions
like the one described above?

Conclusion: No Arab terrorist group in their right mind would
have done this. It’s non-productive on their end.

So, who benefits?

Take notice, that on October 12, 2000 what wasn’t talked about –
the presidential election, the plunging global markets, and the
previous debate.

[CTRL] WP: Judge: Let the Facts Out on E-Mail

2000-10-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Judge: Let the Facts Out on E-Mail

By Pete Yost
Associated Press Writer
Friday, Oct. 13, 2000; 4:01 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON ­­ A federal judge challenged the White House and its
computer contractor on Friday to let "the facts ... come out"
about what the Clinton administration knew in 1998 regarding
hundreds of thousands of lost e-mails.

Northrop Grumman Corp. is claiming attorney-client privilege in
refusing to disclose information that might shed light on whether
White House lawyers and top presidential aides learned 21Ž2 years
ago about an e-mail problem and alleged threats against employees
who knew about it. The problem didn't become public until this

The e-mail archiving problem resulted in the White House's
failure to review a huge amount of White House message traffic
for investigators in the Lewinsky scandal, the Whitewater
investigation and the campaign fund-raising controversy.

At a hearing, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, a Reagan
appointee, said the White House should not "sit back" and let
Northrop Grumman order its lawyer, prominent Washington attorney
Earl Silbert, to refuse to disclose a range of information on the
e-mail problem.

"It would be in everybody's interest for the facts to come out,"
Lamberth told Justice Department lawyer Thomas Millet, who is
representing the White House in a civil case that brought the
problem to light.

"I don't know why your client" ­ the White House ­ "is not saying
'wait a minute'" and objecting to Northrop Grumman invoking
attorney-client privilege, Lamberth said.

"That is Northrop Grumman's call" to make, Millet replied.

"I find it very odd that Northrop Grumman is trying to keep
important facts from coming out," Lamberth replied.

Northrop Grumman is trying to keep portions of 17 documents
secret, including Silbert's notes of an interview in 1998 with a
Northrop Grumman employee at the White House who detailed the
e-mail problem and alleged threats to keep quiet about it.

Millet said the possibility that Silbert told the White House
about the threats in 1998 is being "blown out of proportion."

Lamberth cautioned Millet not to make such a characterization.

"I have some documents," and "you had better not get too far out
on a limb," the judge said. The judge noted that he has been
briefed periodically in the ongoing criminal investigation of
whether the alleged threats constitute obstruction of justice.

Silbert's law firm billing records show two brief phone calls
with the White House counsel's office on behalf of Northrop
Grumman, but Silbert says he doesn't recall who he talked to or
what was discussed. One of Silbert's phone conversations
apparently was with Lanny Breuer, according to a telephone
message slip released by Lamberth at Friday's hearing. Now an
attorney in private practice, Breuer declined to comment last
week when The Associated Press asked him if he was the one
Silbert had spoken to.

Richard Oparil, an attorney at Silbert's firm who is representing
Northrop Grumman, said he will file court papers Monday
addressing Lamberth's call for disclosure.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rev. Malthus and more - needs proof reading, but is loaded [Nature, Nurture or CNS] Index - Piper Creations

2000-10-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

  Index - Piper Creations




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Piper Creations






















All Words property of original owners unless otherwise noted

I posted this on 13 Oct 2000

series of articles will be called Nature, Nurture or CNS

start of Part 1






The over all themes of these articles are that “Survival
of the Fittest” leads to a dark age in education.
Each time the ideas of education that are based on honor, and allow
someone to fall (like a child learning to walk) get to the point that they
become laws that anyone should know the honor can get lost in sportsmanship
(rules) and the sportsmanship in laws at that time it looks as if people go
looking for the honor again by saying that people do not have ethics. With
humans being at the mercy of bacteria and fungus it could get to the point of
our being at savage level to be able to have enough of an “SurvivaL Instict”
or “Survival Index” to be able to combat the different diseases.
As the citations from my rough draft shows http://ThePiedPiper.tripod.com/Book1/CNS1.htm,
many pathogens have (increasingly) taken hold these last 15 years.
When items like fungal spores are in the air, even if you were to have a
clean room environment, with every air scrubber and sound waves that were
capable of killing all air born microorganisms, it seems as if the hydroponics
would eventually become contaminated. The
use of antibiotics only seems to allow the pathogens to gain a greater hold over
the beneficial bacteria that plants, animals, and humans need to survive.

Part 1  A look into mental and genetic ideas and the
history of those ideas from their historical background to present day beliefs.
Does the Domnici-Kennedy bill relating to mental health have validity?

Not written yet:
Part 2. Will
explore the beliefs of the Holocaust and equate the way the Slavs were treated
to what happened to the Black American during the American Civil War.
New York during the Civil War was city that had limited indoor plumbing;
one outhouse per tenant building was the rule.
Lincoln was not offering the Southern States enough money to take all the
immigrants and it seems as if many blamed the slaves for being the reason that
the Southern States did not need those immigrants.
The Civil War flag is not a symbol of Slavery or a hate item, it is a
historical reminder of the fact that if Lincoln had not been assassinated the
Civil War probably would not have continued, since a common ground could have
been worked out. Hitler supported
blonde-haired people because he wanted human white lab rats that could be
rounded up; the idea that was put out that they were genetically mentally
inferior was erroneous.

Part 3 Will explore the ideas of Genetically Modified items
in the light of http://ThePiedPiper.tripod.com/Book1/CNS1.htm
As items evolve it seems that they can become fragile.
Intelligence can make it were someone does not necessarily want to have
physical fights anymore. We seem to be a byproduct of sexual bacteria, and our food is
digested in our intestinal tracts by bacteria that seems to eat other bacteria.
Our bodies are based on the BALANCE of stress, when that stress is taken
away by things like Goals 2000, outcome based education to much TV is it
possible that we look for that stress in disagreements or food?
To allow Drugs to become the rule in schools when there is still so much
to learn about the way that the Earth works, and how humans work would be wrong.
To make it were doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, judges, lawyers,
and parents were not considered because there is a law were if any child act
strange they are stuck on a drug. Who
will own the children then? Even if
someone were to have all the diamonds, gold, money and every other symbol in the
world where are there assets? In
our diversity of thinking, if someone were to have control of all intellectual
properties rights would they ever want to consider ideas like these that are
saying that a world wide monopoly will lead to a overall 

[CTRL] I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself.

2000-10-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Good afternoon.  I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself.
 I know a lot about hardship, because I came into this world as a poor
 child in a tiny town in the backwoods of Tennessee.
 I was born in a log cabin that I built with my own hands.  I taught
 myself to read by
 candlelight and helped support my 16 brothers and sisters by working
 as a deck hand on a Mississippi River steamboat.

   My mother taught me the value of education, so every day; I
 would walk
 5 miles to a one-room schoolhouse.  I was a mischievous, fun-loving
 though I never dreamed that one-day, my youthful escapades would
 serve as
 the inspiration for "Huckleberry Finn."

   Back then, black folks in the south were second-class citizens.
 day, a traveling minister came through town, and I asked him if
 anyone was
 ever going to do something to guarantee civil rights for all
 Well, I guess I made an impression.  You see, the minister's name was
 Luther King, Jr.

   My father was a United States Senator. He once perched me on
 his knee
 and said, "Son, if you work hard and listen to your mama, someday you
 live in a hotel in Washington, D.C., and go to an exclusive prep

   But life of privilege was not for me.  After getting my high
 diploma, I took a job in a hot, dirty textile mill.  I was so
 appalled at the treatment of the workers there that I organized a
 Later, that experience inspired a movie - which is why, to this day,
 close friends at the AFL-CIO call me "Norma Rae."

   When word got out what an 18 year old factory worker had done,
 called and offered me a scholarship.  I captained the hockey team to
 consecutive national championships, but I also played football and
 was good
 enough to win the Heisman Trophy.  During my college years, I lived
 in a
 housing project and moonlighted playing lead guitar for a little rock
 You may have heard of it -- the Rolling Stones.

   But there was a war going on, and I felt I had to serve my
 country. So
 I enlisted in the U. S. Army and went to Vietnam.  I was deeply
 opposed to
 the war, but I did my duty as a soldier and came back home with the
 Medal of
 Honor and the Croix de Guerre.

   When I got back, I took a long journey across this great land
 of ours.
 I've crossed the deserts bare, man, I've breathed the mountain air,
 I've traveled, I've done my share, man, I've been everywhere. And the
 I met at truckstops and campgrounds and homeless shelters on that
 all said the same thing: "Al, we need you in Washington."

   I knew they were right, but first I had to take care of some
 business---building the World Trade Center, founding the Audubon
 doing the clinical research that proved smoking caused cancer, and
 coming up
 with the recipe for Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookies.

   Finally, I deferred to the demands of the people of Tennessee
 allowed them to elect me to the House of Representatives and the
 where I established the US Strategic Oil Reserve.   And then one
 winter day
 nearly nine years ago, for no particular reason, I answered the call
 of the
 people once again and took the oath of office as Vice President
 of the United States.

   Since then, I've been part of the most successful
 administration in
 American history. And, in my spare time, I invented the Internet.
 Many times
 Bill Clinton has been pondering some grave decision and has asked me
 what to
 do.  And when I would give him my thoughts, he would invariable say,
 course.  That's brilliant.  Why didn't I think of that?" During the
 days of the impeachment battle, the president told me he only wished
 he had
 listened when I told him to stay away form that dark-haired intern.

   So after I decided to run for president, I sat down with him
 and asked
 if he had any suggestions about how to conduct my campaign.  And Bill
 Clinton gave me a few simple words of advice -- words I'll never
 forget.  He
 looked me in the eye and he said, "Al, just tell the truth, it's
 worked for me."

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] The Palestinians' big mistake: Friday Polls - 13 October Barak 30% Netanyahu 46%

2000-10-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Barak's government won't last much longer and there will be new elections.
The Likud was forced out of power by the US. They would not play along with
the phony peace process as the Labor Party did.

What is happening today is a direct result of American meddling in Israel's
internal affairs. The " Oslo Peace Plan " was nothing more than a cover for
the establishment of a Middle East NAFTA. But to do that, they needed to
nullify the Palestinian problem. Without a Palestinian Problem, there is no
visible reason to rally around the destruction of Israel. The elites of the
Arab world would benefit greatly from a Mid East Nafta. That has been the carrot
all along. Israel's economy would be the driving economy for the region. The
West got all there puppets together including their newest one Arafat. They
chose Arafat because he was a loser and on his way out as the " Head of the
Palestinians." He was promised a state, any form of state, at the end of the
process. And lots of money to salt into Swiss accounts for himself and his

In the end, he couldn't swing the deal. Because the deal was impossible.
If he gave in on all the most important Palestinian issues, he wouldn't have
long to live. He chose to make Jerusalem his stand. By doing this, Arafat
who is about as religious as I am, turned it into a religious conflict which
has ignited the whole Muslim world. THERE IS NO RETREAT FROM RELIGIOUS
CONFLICTS. The little shit is gambling with the world. This is an act of both
desperation and an utter disregard for lives of his own people.

The Palestinians didn't get much, and the Israelis are now in a much LESS
secure position than before. Understand this...Both sides were betrayed by
their elites. Because of this, they are both more vulnerable. This is an
extremely dangerous situation.

In a confrontation Israel will win militarily and the Palestinians will
face their worst time yet. If there is a war, they may get wiped out by
Israel and Jordan. That's not the worst of it. If the war escalates into
a regional war, then the possibilities are boundless. This includes nuclear

No matter which side you choose to back, for whatever reason, DON'T FEED
THE FLAMES. You need to put your feelings aside and understand what is
really going on here. By blindly backing one side, you add gas to the fire.

Israel will not go away. That is a fact. The only way it will disappear is
if it losses on the ground. If that happens you too can kiss your ass good-bye.
When Israel was loosing the 1973 war ( until Gen Sharon turned it around )it
had its nukes at ready. A nuclear country about to be over run has NOTHING TO
LOSE. Do you understand?

Every thinking person must prevent this scenario from playing out. We must
ALL be anti war, not just pro Palestinian or pro Israel.


Aaron Lerner  Date: 13 October, 2000

Gallup - Ma'ariv

The following are the results of a survey of a representative sample
of adult Israeli (both Jews and Arabs) carried out by Gallup on
the evening of Wednesday 11 October. Sampling error +/-
4.5 percentage points:

If elections were held today:

11 Oct. 2000 Barak 30% Netanyahu 46% [Israel burning/before lynch]
4 Oct. 2000 Barak 32% Netanyahu 41% [Israel burning]
27 Sept 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 42% [case closed on Netanyahu]
13 Sept 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 39%
6 Sept 2000 Barak 41% Netanyahu 38% De'eri jail,Min.Religion closing
16 Aug 2000 Barak 38% Netanyahu 43%
2 Aug 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 43%
26 Jly 2000 Barak 43% Netanyahu 38% [talks fail]
19 Jly 2000 Barak 39% Netanyahu 40% [talks in stalemate]
12 Jly 2000 Barak 36% Netanyahu 39%
5 July 2000 Barak 39% Netanyahu 41% [talks announced]
28 Jun 2000 Barak 36% Netanyahu 44%
21 Jun 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 42% [middle of resignations]
14 Jun 2000 Barak 46% Netanyahu 39%
31 May 2000 Barak 41% Netanyahu 41%
24 May 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 37% [just left Lebanon]
19 May 2000 Barak 45% Netanyahu 38%
15 Apr 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 39%
05 Apr 2000 Barak 40% Netanyahu 37%
31 Mar 2000 Barak 42.5% Netanyahu 42.4%
1 Mar 2000 Barak 50% Netanyahu 34%
9 Feb 2000 Barak 42% Netanyahu 37%
2 Feb 2000 Barak 45% Netanyahu 36%
19 Nov 1999 Barak 50% Netanyahu 33%
8 Oct 1999 Barak 56% Netanyahu 26%
14 Aug 1999 Barak 50% Netanyahu 29%
25 Jun 1999 Barak 59% Netanyahu 27%

11 Oct 2000 Barak 36% Sharon 36%
4 Oct 2000 Barak 37% Sharon 32%
27 Sept 2000 Barak 39% Sharon 34%
13 Sept 2000 Barak 39% Sharon 32%
6 Sept 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 31%
16 Aug 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 38%
2 Aug 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 35%
26 Jly 2000 Barak 45% Sharon 30%
19 Jly 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 36%
19 Jly 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 36%
12 Jly 2000 Barak 42% Sharon 33%
5 July 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 31%
28 Jun 2000 Barak 41% Sharon 37%
21 Jun 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 34%
14 Jun 2000 Barak 50% Sharon 35%
31 May 2000 Barak 44% Sharon 35%
24 May 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 35%
19 May 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 36%
15 Apr 2000 Barak 43% Sharon 31%

Do you 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Al Admits Developing Nuclear-Powered Flying Saucers

2000-10-13 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

* Party of Citizens is dedicated to leading the new CITIZENS' ASSEMBLY
which will hold the reins of power over the U.N. within 10 years *

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Oh,oh! Cristiane Amanpour is in Jerusalem. You KNOW there's going...

2000-10-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/13/2000 6:54:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Seeing Amanpour in Jerusalem is like seeing vultures circling a hunt.
  You can be sure that there will be bodies. 

 But J2, the vultures can already get fat circling Israel.  When you're
 counting the bodies, be sure to compare the numbers.  Today's headlines in
 our paper are screaming about the two Israeli soldiers who were killed, but
 our paper never mentioned anything about the various Palestinians who were
 dragged out of their homes and killed.  Would war be so bad?  Israel has been
 waiting impatiently for a chance to kill as many Palestinians as possible
 without damaging their chances for money and arms donations.  If they kill
 them all, they don't need to share anything with them do they?  Prudy

This is stupid Prudy. Ninety dead IS NOTHING. After 2 weeks of insurrection,
ninety dead is a clear indicator of restraint. Quite impressive to those not
stupefied by Arafat's propaganda.

A war, would be worse. There
would be nothing but 40,000 armed men facing the IDF. Now take off your shoes
and socks, and start counting the dead.

Pointing up the deaths of the Israeli soldiers counteracts the devastating
pictures of the death of that 12 year old child. That's why it's being played
up. Did you see those pictures? Not exactly Ghandis are they? But of course
Prudy you don't have to live with them under the most dangerous circumstances
do you? It's easy to take sides at 7,000 miles away. No threat, no danger.

I don't know what kind of demented pictures you have of the Israelis, but you
can bet your ass that if they wanted the Palestinians dead, they would be.

Try to keep it real.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

You'll find the best source on this thing, with similar quotes, is a book many of you 
would have read, a modern conspiracy classic "The Committee of 300" by "John Coleman". 
There are several websites of similar names, and you should be able to get the book 
from various publishers/sellers of conspiracy literature.

There is some material here (an excerpt)


On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:59:36 -0700 Jenny Decker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

I missed the original email--is there a website with this Prince Philip
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
From: "Mark McHugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The
Surplus Population

 -Caveat Lector-

 Tenorlove wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  --- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To "Cull" The Surplus
  How 'bout he starts with himself? snort

 Amen.  Start with those oxygen thieves known as Royals.

 Mark McHugh

 Sapere aude!

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-10-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.anaserve.com/~wethepeople/ciadrugs.htm"

The CIA, the cONTRAS and the Crack Cociane EpidemicAmerica's "Crack"
Plague has roots in Nicaraguan War   By Gary Webb
 For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Area drug ring sold tons of
cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled
millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found...


The WeThePeople web site is dedicated to furthering debate on one of the most
critical issues of our time: apparent U.S. government complicity in the crack
cocaine epidemic that has decimated so many of our inner cities and destroyed
countless lives.
To read the book version of the series that started it all, click on Dark
We hope you like our redesigned website.  Also, please visit our Old Forum.
It contains posts and articles by journalists, researchers, scholars, and
just plain folk from around the world.  It represents an invaluable archive
of knowledge on this most important subject.

Kevin Warren

WeThePeople Home Page   Diana Forum Kevin WarrenTheWebTimes

CIA Admits Tolerating Contra-Cocaine Trafficking in 1980s

The Bush Machine And The Drug Cartel
George Bush's Drugging Of America: How It Was Accomplished
George Bush's Phone Number Found In Drug Smuggler's Trunk
Affidavit of Sam Dalton
Affidavit of Gene Tatum
Justice Department Memorandum
Identifies George Bush As Drug Trafficker
Cover Page Page  One Page TwoPage ThreePage Four
KingPin Indictment Of George Bush





The Investigation of Bradley Earl Ayers
Affidavit of Bradley Earl Ayers  - Original Document
Since WeThePeople originally published the results of Bradely Earl Ayers
investigation of CIA proprietary Southern Air Transport, the CIA itself has
confirmed the results of his investigation in Volume II of its Inspector
General's report.  Yet more proof, if any were needed, that what the small
army of former DEA, CIA, and FBI agents and whistlblowers has been saying is
true: The CIA has been up to its neck in the drug trade for decades.
Verbatim from Volume II of the CIA's IG Report:
800. Background. Southern Air Transport (SAT) carried a variety of equipment,
supplies and humanitarian aid for the FDN during the 1980s.
 801. Allegations of Drug Trafficking. A January 21, 1987 memorandum from
ADCI Robert Gates to Morton Abramowitz, Assistant Secretary of State for
Intelligence and Research, stated that the U.S. Customs Service had advised
CIA that the Customs office in New Orleans was investigating an allegation of
drug trafficking by SAT crew members. The Gates memorandum noted that the
source of the allegation was a senior FDN official. The memorandum indicated
that the FDN official was concerned that "scandal emanating from Southern Air
Transport could redound badly on FDN interests, including humanitarian aid
from the United States."
 802 .A February 23, 1991 DEA cable to CIA linked SAT to drug trafficking.
The cable reported that SAT was "of record" in DEA's database from January
1985-September 1990 for alleged involvement in cocaine trafficking. An August
1990 entry in DEA's database reportedly alleged that $2 million was delivered
to the firm's business sites, and several of the firm's pilots and executives
were suspected of smuggling "narcotics currency."
 803. Information Sharing with Other U.S. Government Entities. As previously
noted, a January 21, 1987 memorandum from ADCI Robert Gates to Morton
Abramowitz, Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research,
reported that U.S. Customs had informed CIA that the Customs office in New
Orleans was investigating an allegation of drug trafficking by SAT crew
General Khun Sa Names U.S. Officials Involved  -  Original Document Page1 -
In Drug Trafficking:  Ted Shackley and Richard Armitage
Top Secret CIA Drug Smuggling Operations
Oral Deposition of Richard 

[CTRL] Coleman's book, point of clarification

2000-10-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 You'll find the best source on this thing, with similar quotes, is a
 book many of you would have read, a modern conspiracy classic "The
 Committee of 300" by "John Coleman".

The full title is "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee
of 300." I downloaded my copy from
several months ago. If it's not there, you might be able to find it
through David Icke's site http://www.davidicke.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Coleman's book, point of clarification

2000-10-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 21:46:43 -0700 Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 You'll find the best source on this thing, with similar quotes, is a
 book many of you would have read, a modern conspiracy classic "The
 Committee of 300" by "John Coleman".

The full title is "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee
of 300." I downloaded my copy from
several months ago. If it's not there, you might be able to find it
through David Icke's site http://www.davidicke.com

Good old David Icke. I believe there is a new book by the same author come out 
recently, I don't recall the name but I think I saw it in a new age magazine ad. His 
material meshes with Lyndon LaRouche's research, you should probably (try to) read 
Dope, Inc. with this material. The CLub of Rome and the Committee of 300 etc. are all 
apparently trying to reduce the world's population to manageable levels. Whether it is 
some sort of Anti-Christian pact to let the Communists take over the world, anti-White 
plot to populate the world with Japanese or anti-Humanity plot to let the BEMs take 
over remains to be seen. But the quote from Prince Phillip, and the thinking behind 
it, is quite real.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Prince Philip,In His Own Words: We Need To Cull The Surplus Population

2000-10-13 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Seems I remember reading on this list if I remember correctly; that the
committee of 300 was proven to be something false and made-up, or maybe John
Coleman was proven to be a hoaxter?

Bob Stokes

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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