Re: [CTRL] Tripp: Clintons Changed Gift System

2001-02-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/10/01 12:41:29 AM Central Standard Time,

 By the way, this article is
  grossly inaccurate.  It states that she was fired on Inauguration day, yet
  starts with her claims about logging in gifts from heads of state.

  My mistake.  She was fired by the Clinton WH just before he left office.
Oh, and she's suing the DOD for leaking job-hunting info about her.

Quote: "These leaks are shameful," the lawyers said. "They are designed to
humiliate and embarrass Mrs. Tripp. They re designed to render her jobless
and bankrupt."

  What a joke coming from the pig fart who delighted in publicly humiliating
and destroying an unsuspecting friend.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush Under Pressure to Boost Defense Spending - Are the puppet strings showing?

2001-02-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush Under Pressure to Boost Defense Spending

Updated 6:57 PM ET February 9, 2001
By Charles Aldinger
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush, who made improvements in the
military a centerpiece of his election campaign, is under pressure to spend a
lot more money to reshape a ponderous U.S. armed forces for the 21st century.

The White House said this week that apart from an extra $1 billion for a
military pay raise to please troops in the next Pentagon budget, there were
no current plans to raise defense spending beyond the $310 billion proposed
by former President Clinton in 2002.

"I have sent the message that I think it's very important for us to not have
an early supplemental," Bush told reporters on Friday, referring to a
possible emergency supplement to the current fiscal year's budget. "It's
important for us to do a top-to-bottom review to review all missions,
spending priorities."

This kind of talk has set off alarm bells among security hawks in Congress
and the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, who are already pressing for $8
billion extra in the current year for normal worldwide operations and
maintenance of aging weapons.

Bush promised in the campaign to spend about $45 billion extra on defense
over the next decade. But many Pentagon officials and military analysts,
complaining of a run-down in equipment, training and personnel, say that is
not enough if current programs remain on track.

They say that $50 billion to $100 billion will be needed in extra funds
annually above the current proposed budget.

Private military experts gave Bush good marks for taking a cautious approach
to military spending until he has the results of a broad Pentagon policy

But they said that major changes were needed in a superpower force depleted
by post-Cold War cuts and which needs a major overhaul to face new challenges
in the 21st century.

"Terrorism, cyber-warfare, biological weapons, technology proliferation are
here now. Changes in defenses must come in the next few years," said Michael
Vickers of the private Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in

"Army mobility is more important than tanks and massed troops, information
from space will be a key to victory, unmanned reconnaissance and attack
aircraft will be the norm," Vickers said.


A senior U.S. official told Reuters on Friday that Bush also planned to order
a complete review of the U.S. nuclear arsenal with an eye toward unilaterally
cutting the U.S. arsenal from more than 7,000 warheads to as low as 2,000.

That could help pave the way for Bush to proceed with his controversial
planned National Missile Defense, but analysts have warned that conventional
defense could even be more important than nuclear offense and defense in the
new century.

Specialists agreed in interviews that nothing like the 1991 Gulf War --
fought in open desert with easy Iraqi targets -- would be undertaken again by
the United States.

They said that U.S. troops must be increasingly trained for sneak attacks and
urban fighting dominated by technology on both sides.

Michael O'Hanlon of the private Brookings Institution, another Washington
think tank, praised a broad review begun by new Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld of U.S. military force structure, planning and weapons, including
Bush's National Missile Defense (NMD).

"The main thing we have to do here is to guarantee a process of innovation
where you don't bankrupt your ability to research and develop new weapons by
spending too much on stuff sparked by Cold War thinking," O'Hanlon said.

He and others said the United States should build smaller "Silver Bullet"
numbers of expensive F-22 air-superiority fighters and Joint Strike Fighters
(JSF) than now planned in order to preserve technology and save money for
research on everything from unmanned combat vehicles to chemical and
biological sensors.


The U.S. military has shrunk to 1.4 million troops from 2.1 million a decade
ago, but analysts said size was not as important as maintaining a critical
edge in electronic warfare.

Take, for example, the Navy's heavy reliance on a dozen aircraft carrier
battle groups to show the U.S. flag and project global power.

A recent strategy study by the budgetary analysis center stressed that it
might be much more important in coming years to rely on long-range
conventional missiles fired from converted nuclear missile submarines than on
aircraft carriers sailing near enemy shores with short-range jets.

That kind of thinking rattles the Navy, which for decades has depended on
giant aircraft carriers. But experts say those floating platforms may become
increasingly vulnerable to attack from missiles and even future lasers.

Experts also say there is a problem with continuing to develop short-range
fighter jets such as the F-22 and the JSF to replace 

Re: [CTRL] Chamish: Sharon - No Celebration (fwd)

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

Barry Chamish is usually 80% full of shit. This time he outdid
himself by another 19%.
   I believe he's 80-plus percent on the money.  In fact, I can
   pretty safely say that if he claims something as fact, IT IS!
  How do you know this?

 Just what I know of him.

Let's not forget that this guy makes his living off of gullible
conspiracy geeks.
Just a friendly word of advice from someone who knows.
  ??? what does this mean???

 It means I don't know what you're talking about.

I know, because I have called him on his more blatant bullshit. Some
of those posts are probably in CTRL's archives. I know because I met
with Bainerman some years ago and we talked about what he and Chamish do.

They write to a specific audience. That's not the same as being an
investigator and letting things fall where they may.

   I think the man has a great deal of integrity, and is a very fine
   and dedicated investigative journalist.
  Well, you might have a lot of work to do on refining your judgment.

 Could be.

  He's in the ' conspiracy writing ' business. His political
  analysis is off the wall. I personally corrected some of his
  more blatant drivel here on CTRL.

 I've seen your stuff, my friend.

And so... I'll match anything I ever wrote for posting against ANYBODY for
accuracy. Anybody.

  He and Joel Bainerman are good buddies who use each other as
  references as if the other is an expert at something when
  they are not. Bainerman uses phony names and Chamish quotes
  him under those names as well.

Maybe that wasn't clear. Barry Chamish uses quotes and articles from
stuff that Joel Bainerman has written to bolster whatever it is that
he is writing about. Bainerman writes under different names. This is
basically dishonest because the reader thinks Chamish's reference is
valid and not contrived.

  These guys know who their most gullible target audience is.
  Zionist Christians, conspiracy geeks, and plenty of feeble
  minded UFO enthusiasts.

 I beg your pardon, my friend.

You don't have to beg my pardon. This is by its nature an audience which
is predisposed to fraud because these subjects are not underpinned by
hard facts. Sometimes they just can't be. This means anybody can make
up any kind of poo-poo they want.

This is what Chamish does. He knows his audience, and he exploits the
grey areas. I've been following his stuff for a few years now, and I'm
very familiar with his views. I don't disagree with many of them, but
that doesn't mean he's a reliable researcher.

That's the point of all this.

Chamish is NOT a reliable source of information.


  Sorry Mike,

 No prob.



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Disorderly Conduct

2001-02-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Those of us who are old enough to remember when the use of seat belts began
might also recall that early on there was no penalty for not remembering to
use one.  Then after an interval, we were advised that if a police officer
stopped us for something else and it was discovered that we were not using
the seat belt, we wouldbe given an additional fine for a seat belt violation
($l0 I think).This morning's paper advised that police were going to get
tough on seat belt requirements, and if they saw that you did not have your
belt on, they would stop you and you would receive a fine of $50.00.  This is
just to mention that things escalate, for the following article also appeared
in the same paper:


A Corry hitchhiker accused of making an obscene gesture to a driver who
passed her by has been charged with disorderly conduct.

Corry police identified the woman as KA. M__, 43,  (address).
Police said an officer was watching on Tuesday about 11:20 a.m. when M___
made the gesture to a driver who passed her by on East Main Street. End of

I thought you might like to know the direction that "law and order" is
taking.  Its purpose no longer appears to be to protect our citizens from
harm.  I'm not sure how many places an "obscene gesture"  amounts to
disorderly conduct, but I just thought we should all be aware of the
enthusiasm with which our nation's finest are applying the law.   In several
years an offense as grevious as this one may put you in the slammer for five
or ten years.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [InTheShadows] Disorderly Conduct

2001-02-10 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -


 In several years an offense as grevious as this one may
 put you in the slammer for five or ten years.

Or sent to the organ banks.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cuomo Leaves HUD in Shambles by Kelly O'Meara

2001-02-10 Thread Kris Millegan

My best guess is that in 1996, Gore and H. Clinton knew that Cisneros could
not help them get Texas and they needed the New York and California drug/mob
market to win. They moved Cisneros out with phony scandals and moved in
Cuomo. Cuomo radically increased patronage that helped them lock up lots of
supportCalifornia, Illinois and New York all critical pieces.

My guess is that if we keep tracking how the money works, this will link
back into the flow of Dominican drug money into the Gore-Clinton effort in
1996, 1998, 2000.

There has to be comparable plays out in California

  Cuomo Leaves HUD in

  By Kelly Patricia O'Meara

  HUD continues to be plagued with fraud and
  wasteful mismanagement, yet the former chief,
  Andrew Cuomo, pretended that he cleaned up the
  billion-dollar mess.

  If there is one thing Big Daddy hates, the Tennessee Williams
  character told his family in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, it is mendacity -
  the kind of verbal sleight of hand designed to deceive. On his way out
  of Washington, Andrew Cuomo, Bill Clinton's secretary the
  Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and
  wanna-be governor of New York, released a cloud of mendacity as
  odoriferous as any in living memory. In HUD Press Release 013,
  dated Jan. 17, Cuomo declared: "HUD's departmentwide high-risk
  designation is now a thing of the past."
 But HUD hasn't been removed from that watch list, and Cuomo
  has reason to know it. HUD has been on the annual General
  Accounting Office (GAO) list of federal programs vulnerable to
  waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement since 1994. This year a
  single HUD program, Community Development, was removed from
  the 2001 list, but the two programs that consume 75 percent of
  HUD's budget - Single-Family Mortgage Insurance and Rental
  Housing Assistance - remain on the GAO watch list for gross
  waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.
 The former secretary's bold-faced mendacity was not missed by
  Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., who said: "HUD should be
  recognized for getting one of its major programs off the list, but it's a
  stretch to claim the agency is off the list. They still have a long way to
  go." A "stretch"? With 75 percent of HUD's programs still on the
  high-risk list, Cuomo's statement that "HUD's departmentwide
  high-risk designation is now a thing of the past" is a "stretch"?
 A congressional staffer familiar with HUD's high-risk programs
  spoke to Insight on condition of anonymity, euphemizing through
  clenched teeth that Cuomo was "taking liberties" with the truth. But
  perhaps the departing secretary was confused about the agency's
  status. Was he unaware that the two programs that remained on the
  high-risk list amounted to 75 percent of HUD's budget? "No way.
  This is pretty clear stuff," says the staffer.
 The GAO minces no words about the godawful mess Cuomo left
  at HUD, saying: "Significant weaknesses (internal controls,
  information and financial-management systems, organizational
  deficiencies and staffing programs) still persist in two of HUD's major
  program areas which remain at high-risk - Single-Family Insurance
  and Rental Housing Assistance."
 One of the problems with downplaying the former secretary's
  mendacity by referring to it as a "stretch" or "taking liberties" is that
  lets those Cuomo left-behind at HUD continue to polish his image.
  Insight asked Jerry Brown, a spokesman for HUD's public-affairs
  office, why the exiting secretary would make such a transparent claim.
  Brown responded, "My understanding from the inspector general's
  office [HUD IG] is that it is true - that we were taken off the
  high-risk list as an agency."
 To try to clarify what might have been a misunderstanding by
  Brown, Insight contacted the HUD IG. Rather than confirm or deny
  that it had passed the erroneous information to public affairs, an
  embarrassed Mike Zerega, a spokesman for the HUD IG, punted.
  He said, "The GAO is responsible for the designation - it's not our
  list. I can't comment on what he [Brown] said." Apparently HUD's
  Cuomo-staffed public-affairs office is just reluctant to say that the
  agency has been so badly run under the departed Cuomo that it still is
  on GAO's high-risk list.
 In addition to Cuomo's exit pronouncements about the alleged
  accomplishments at HUD during his tenure, he also produced a
  104-page book to convince doubters. For a mere $160,000 in tax
  money the outgoing secretary published a screed to celebrate HUD's
  achievements under his management, chronicled under the arresting
  title, Exposing Injustice: A Chronicle of HUD's Mission in the
  Forgotten America, 1997-2001. Not surprisingly, there is no mention
  in this book of the 1999 audit debacle in which billions went

Re: [CTRL] Ronnie White's Skeletons --Refused to Support his Illegitimate Child

2001-02-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/08/2001 1:36:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Columnist Tony Blankley discovered in the files of the
 liberal St. Louis Post Dispatch that White fathered an out
 of wedlock child and resisted paying support until a blood
 test proved his paternity. The same paper also criticized
 White for outspokenness from the bench that it said "can
 border on vituperation. 

A capital offense if I've ever heard of one.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] High Noon in Fascist America-detailed history

2001-02-10 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 02/09/2001 4:45:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

 Subj: High Noon
 Date:  02/09/2001 4:45:21 AM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Janice_G)

 Have you seen this site?
 High Noon In Fascist America

 Some links from the book.


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[CTRL] [Fwd: [mil-corp] The Free Trade Area of the Americas]

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [mil-corp] The Free Trade Area of the Americas
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 11:06:50 -0500
From: International Network on Disarmament and Globalization [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mil-corp [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Network members:

The next major gathering of anti-corporate globalization activists will
be in April in Quebec City during the Summit of the Americas. Activists
from around the world will gather there to protest the creation of a
vast free trade zone - the Free Trade Area of the Americas - that will
stretch from Canada to Chile.

To learn more about the FTAA, you can read Maude Barlow's excellent
report, "The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social
Programs, Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice in Canada and
the Americas"

The INDG is working to host a forum in Quebec City on Globalization,
Militarism and Latin America. More info on this to come.


The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social Programs,
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice in Canada and the
by Maude Barlow

Summary The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), currently being
negotiated by 34 countries of the Americas, is intended by its
architects to be the most far-reaching trade agreement in history.
Although it is based on the model of the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), it goes far beyond NAFTA in its scope and power. The
FTAA, as it now stands, would introduce into the Western Hemisphere all
the disciplines of the proposed services agreement of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) - the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) -
with the powers of the failed Multilateral Agreement on Investment
(MAI), to create a new trade powerhouse with sweeping new authority over
every aspect of life in Canada and the Americas.

The GATS, now being negotiated in Geneva, is mandated to liberalize the
global trade in services, including all public programs, and gradually
phase out all government "barriers" to international competition in the
services sector. The Trade Negotiations Committee of the FTAA, led by
Canada in the crucial formative months when the first draft was written,
is proposing a similar, even expanded, services agreement in the
hemispheric pact. It is also proposing to retain, and perhaps expand,
the "investor-state" provisions of NAFTA, which give corporations
unprecedented rights to pursue their trade interests through legally
binding trade tribunals.

Combining these two powers into one agreement will give unequalled new
rights to the transnational corporations of the hemisphere to compete
for and even challenge every publicly funded service of its governments,
including health care, education, social security, culture and
environmental protection.

As well, the proposed FTAA contains new provisions on competition
policy, government procurement, market access and dispute settlement
that, together with the inclusion of services and investment, could
remove the ability of all the governments of the Americas to create or
maintain laws, standards and regulations to protect the health, safety
and well-being of their citizens and the environment they share.
Moreover, the FTAA negotiators appear to have chosen to emulate the WTO
rather than NAFTA in key areas of standard-setting and dispute
settlement, where the WTO rules are tougher.

Essentially, what the FTAA negotiators have done, urged on by the big
business community in every country, is to take the most ambitious
elements of every global trade and investment agreement - existing or
proposed - and put them all together in this openly ambitious
hemispheric pact.

Once again, as in former trade agreements like NAFTA and the WTO, this
free trade agreement will contain no safeguards in the body of the text
to protect workers, human rights, social security or health and
environmental standards. Once again civil society and the majority of
citizens who want a different kind of trade agreement have been excluded
from the negotiations and will be shut out of the deliberations in
Quebec City in April 2001.

However, the stakes for the peoples of the Americas have never been
higher, and it appears a confrontation is inevitable.

For the entire report, see

International Network on Disarmament and Globalization
405-825 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1K9 CANADA
tel: (604) 687-3223 fax: (604) 687-3277

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[CTRL] Police Spying 101

2001-02-10 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Feb 10, 2001
Police Spying 101
A federal court ruling just made police surveillance of political activists
even easier
By Jim Redden,
Special to Utne Reader Online
Activists are alarmed by a recent federal court ruling which eases
restrictions against political surveillance by law enforcement agencies.
The ruling was issued on January 11, 2001 by the 7th Circuit Court of
Appeals. It relaxed restrictions intended to prevent the Chicago Police
Department from spying on law-abiding political dissidents. The
restrictions were included in a 1981 consent decree stemming from a
1974  lawsuit by the Alliance to End Repression. The suit charged that
the FBI's  Chicago office and the Chicago police routinely violated First
Amendment  rights when investigating dissidents. The suit particularly
targeted the  police department Intelligence Division, dubbed the 'Red
Squad' because of  its infiltration on communist, socialist and other left-
wing organizations.

In its ruling, the court said today's political climate is so different  from
the 1960s and 1970s that the rules need to be changed.
"The era in which the Red Squad flourished is history, along with the
Red  Squad itself," the court said. "The instabilities of that era have
largely  disappeared. Fear of communist subversion, so strong a
motivator of  constitutional infringement in those days, has disappeared.
"Today, the concern, prudent and not paranoid, is with ideologically
motivated terrorism," the ruling continued. "The city does not want to
resurrect the Red Squad. It wants to be able to keep tabs on incipient
terrorist groups. And if the ... investigation cannot begin until the group
is well on its way toward the commission of terrorist acts, the
investigation may come too late to prevent the acts or identify the

Douglas Lee, a lawyer and legal correspondent for the First Amendment
 Center, says the ruling is based on faulty reasoning.

"From a First Amendment perspective, no distinction exists between
'communist subversion' and 'ideologically motivated terrorism'," Lee
wrote  in the January 1, 2001 edition of The Freedom Forum Online. "As
long as  First Amendment conduct does not directly incite imminent
illegal action,  it is protected, whether it advocates communism or some
other  anti-democratic message. Conduct falling outside the freedoms of
speech and  assembly never has been protected by the First
Amendment and was not  protected by the decree. The effect of
modifying the decree, therefore, can  only be to permit investigation of
pure First Amendment conduct."

Lee is correct. And because the ruling came from a federal court, it
potentially applies to all police intelligence divisions. So political
activists across the country have a right to be concerned.

But the truth is, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies never
 stopped spying on law-abiding political dissidents. That why the
Washington  DC police department is able to boast that it successfully
infiltrated the  protesters who demonstrated against the inauguration of
George W. Bush on  January 20.

Confused? You should be. The corporate press has long pushed the
myth that  political spying in this country was substantially curtailed in
the wake of  the Watergate Scandal. Many aging liberals have
embraced this myth as proof  that they helped drive Richard Nixon out
of office.

Reality is a little different, as I documented in my recently-released
book Snitch Culture: How Citizens are Turned Into the Eyes and Ears of
the State (Feral House, 2000).

Here's what happened.

Despite all the press coverage it received, Watergate was not the
biggest  political scandal of the early 1970s. A U.S. Senate
subcommittee chaired by  Frank Church discovered far more serious
examples of illegal government  surveillance than the botched break-in
at the Democratic National Committee  headquarters and subsequent
cover-up. Formally called the Select Committee  to Study Government
Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activity, the  committee
documented such infamous surveillance operations as the FBI's Counter
Intelligence Programs (COINTELPRO), the CIA's Operation Chaos, and
the NSA's Watch List.

The corporate media was so busy patting itself on the back over Nixon's
 resignation that it hardly covered the Church Committee's final report,
which was released in April 1976. But the revelations were so shocking
that  the Department of Justice adopted new guidelines aimed at
curtailing  political surveillance. State legislatures and city councils
passed similar  restrictions, usually under threat of lawsuits by the

But these victories were short-lived. For starters, the DOJ guidelines
only  applied to the FBI. They did not cover such federal law
enforcement  agencies as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms, which is part of  the Treasury 

[CTRL] Colonial Charters

2001-02-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Colonial Charters

During the American colonial era, James II, king of England, repealed the
charter of the colony of Connecticut. When Sir Edmund Andros was
dispatched in 1687 to Hartford, Connecticut, to retrieve the document, he
found it to have been hidden by Captain John Wadsworth, who had
sequestered it in an oak tree. Later, after the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688
in England, the charter was resurrected as the fundamental law of
Connecticut, with the tacit acquiescence of subsequent English kings.

The Charter Oak Affair is often cited as symbolic of the transfer of American
allegiance from the person of the king to the concept of
constitutional rights.

Click here to read the full text of the Connecticut Colony Charter of 1622 .

See also: The Virginia Charters of 1606, 1609, and 1612

See also: The 1629 Charter Of Massachusetts Bay

See also: Maryland Charter of 1632

See also: Charter of Delaware of 1701

See also: Other Colonial Charters
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents

2001-02-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School

  Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents

 Avalon Home

 Major Collections
pre 18th Century
   18th Century

20th Century

SEARCH the Colonial

 Please click in the box, type your
search term and press enter.

   General Charters



   New Jersey
 New York
  North Carolina


  Rhode Island
  South Carolina


General Charters
1492 - Priviledges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic
Majesties to
Christopher Columbus; April 30

1498 - The Letters Patents of King Henry the Seventh Granted unto
Iohn Cabot
and his Three Sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian and Sancius for the the
Discouerie of New
and Unknowen Lands; March 5

1578 - Letters Patent to Sir Humfrey Gylberte June 11

1584 - Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh; March 25

1621 - Charter of the Dutch West India Company; June 3

1629 - Sir Robert Heath's Patent 5 Charles 1st; October, 30

1639 - Fundamental Orders; January 14

1639 - Fundamental Agreement, or Original Constitution of the
Colony of New
Haven, June 4

1643 - Government of New Haven Colony

1662 - Charter of Connecticut

1701 - Charter of Delaware

1776 - Constitution of Delaware

1732 - Charter of Georgia

1777 - Constitution of Georgia; February 5

1622 - A Grant of the Province of Maine to Sir Ferdinando Gorges
and John
Mason, esq., 10th of August

1639 - Grant of the Province of Maine

1664 - Grant of the Province of Maine

1674 - Grant of the Province of Maine

1632 - Charter of Maryland

1776 - Constitution of Maryland; November 11

Amendments to the Maryland Constitution of 1776

1620 - The Charter of New England

1620 - Agreement Between the Settlers at New Plymouth

1629 - Charter of the Colony of New Plymouth Granted to William
Bradford and
His Associates

1629 - The Charter of Massachusetts Bay

1635 - The Act of Surrender of the Great Charter of New England
to His Majesty

1640 - William Bradford, c. Surrender of the Patent of Plymouth
Colony to the
Freeman, March 2D

1688 - Commission of Sir Edmund Andros for the Dominion of New
April 7

1691 - The Charter of Massachusetts Bay. October 7

1725 - Explanatory Charter of Massachusetts Bay - August 26

New Hampshire
1629 - Grant of Hampshire to Capt. John Mason, 7th of Novemr.

1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to John Wollaston,

1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire From Mr. Wollaston
to Mr.
Mason, 11th June

1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to Mr. Mason, 22
April , By the
Name of Masonia

1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to Mr. Mason, 22
Apr., By the
Name of New Hampshire

1639 - Agreement of the Settlers at Exeter in New Hampshire

1641 - The Combinations of the Inhabitants Upon the Piscataqua
River for

1680 - Commission of John Cutt

1776 - Constitution of New Hampshire

New Jersey
1664 - The Duke of York's Release to John Ford Berkeley, and Sir
Carteret, 24th of June

1664 - The Concession and Agreement of the Lords Proprietors of
the Province of
New Caesarea, or New Jersey, to and With All and Every the
Adventurers and All
Such as Shall Settle or Plant There

1672 - A Declaration 

[CTRL] Computers and mind control /Mad computer-Illuminati off list

2001-02-10 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

There is nothing wrong with computers in general for most people.  However my SO just 
got programmed and taken down by Aquino and he
is close to them with someone of his monarchs that work for him.  He is gone and mind 
control is very very true.  Illuminati is out
there and it is real.  I cannot even communicate with him.  I am devastated.  So right 
now I hate computers, but so greatful for the
knowledge they bring me.  However, there is the dark side of them.  But that is much 
less than the good side of them.  Sorry am so
mad I let my guard down to protect him.  Very sorry I know this is a private list.  
But needed to show how this mind control shit
hurts people still every day.  It will never end.
They always win.  Bush is Illuminati and that is how he got in.  Pretty fucking scary 
to me.

Private Mail Welcome
- Original Message -
From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Mad Computer Disease

-Caveat Lector-

Well Birds - people behind computers are robots putting in knowledge of

No need for use of intelligence or original thoughtsanyone can sit
down and use a calculator or computer - but can someone sit down and add
up figures in their heads?

Empty heads behind computers - looking up reference books and using
words of others?  Make you look smart on computer in print out but boy,
when some of these people try to sit down and write a letter their
ignorance really shows?

People sitting behind computers all day are also taller when sitting
down than standing - for they are also sitting on brains?

Glad I have a web tv which someone bought me just for fun.

Oh Computers look so smart quoting Shakespeare, bible, Bryant,
Longfellow, Hazlitt, Fitzgerald, etc, etc, etc.

But did you ever break behind the computer image and see the typist
sitting behind the lightduhh, duhh and more duhh.

Loaded with knowledge in form of encyclopedians but empty headed; using
words of others to look oh so smart, when collective iq averages

Like who writes the speeches as compares to the guy who delivers same -
and takes the bow.

I wrote a speech once that was delivered over Stone Mountain in Georgia;
I was quoted by Harry Truman way back, at a labor day celebration where
I said " no matter what, the worst democrat is better than the best
republican" and being in my teens and in college, I really meant
that..I have been reported on Paul Harvey twice, made 60 minutes
once and my words went all over the world..oh but fame, sometimes
fleeting - but those were words that I wrote - and have been published
once in FATE Magazine when only 16 - a magazine my mother loved to read.

Flattered that Paul Harvey chose my words and actions twice on his
show..and 60 Minutes, well I was a little shocked they gave me so
much time and had to lay low for a week...

Such is the life of a person with original thoughts as compared to the
poor computer operator, the glorified typist, who uses the words of
others, with no original thoughts of their own.

This is what you call, empty headed morons.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests 

Re: [CTRL] NYT: The Pardons Look More Sordid

2001-02-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/09/2001 12:48:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Whatever the outcome, Congress ought to remember that these
 abuses by a particularly insensitive chief executive are not a
 good reason to change the Constitution to curtail the president's
 powers to grant pardons. The Rich case itself suggests that
 future such abuses can best be avoided by pursuing meaningful
 campaign finance reform and by tightening government ethics

Oh yes they are.  The pardon thing should go.  Clinton's pardons are just
so-so, but ex-President Bush (the elder), pardoned the whole bunch connected
to Iran-Contra.  Of course it was his own behind he was saving.  Had
Weinberger and others had to testify, our ex-Prez Bush might be in the
slammer.  The Rich case and the kind of self-serving pardons that George Bush
did should all be gone.   Let's stop letting these guys commit what amounts
to treason and then insure that none of the witnesses ever needs to go to
court.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] JP: Jerusalem Mayor Urged Pardon for Rich

2001-02-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert confirmed to The Jerusalem Post last
night that he had written to Clinton urging him to pardon Rich.
"I wrote to Clinton because Rich was a great friend of Jerusalem
who donated $20 million to the city over the past 18 years,"
Olmert said."

Friday, February 9 2001 03:06 16 Shevat 5761

Clinton charged with bad judgment in Rich pardon

By Janine Zacharia

WASHINGTON (February 9) - Democratic and Republican legislators
yesterday said president Bill Clinton had used bad judgment when
he decided to pardon Marc Rich, a fugitive billionaire
commodities trader whose ex-wife had donated hundreds of
thousands of dollars to democratic causes and to Clinton's
presidential library fund.

The lawyer for Rich and his associate Pincus Green, also came
under fire for what congressmen described as misleading Clinton
into what they deemed unjustified pardons.

Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 and renounced his US citizenship
to escape prosecution for fraud, income tax evasion, and illegal
oil trading with Iran. Rich has since donated millions to
charity, including to Jewish and Israeli causes, and claims to
have Israeli and Spanish citizenship.

Clinton pardoned Rich in the last hours of his presidency on the
basis of a plea prepared by lawyer Jack Quinn, a former White
House counsel.

Congressman Henry Waxman, the ranking Democrat on the House
Committee on Government Reform, which convened yesterday's
hearing to investigate whether there had been wrongdoing in
granting the pardon, said Clinton had exercised "incredibly bad

Committee chairman Dan Burton expressed regret that Clinton had
not consulted with intelligence agencies before granting the
pardon and relied on the information provided to him by Quinn.
Quinn said he had acted as an advocate for his client and was not
responsible for making sure Clinton had all sides of the story.

"The president should have taken an hour to get a briefing.
Twenty minutes would have been enough," Burton said, adding that
he had asked intelligence agencies to declassify information
related to the case. Congress does not have the power to reverse
pardons, which are an absolute presidential power.

Members of the committee were probing allegations that Clinton
may have been influenced by campaign contributions by Rich's
ex-wife, Denise Rich, including an enormous but undisclosed
donation to his presidential library fund. But Denise Rich, who
would have been a key witness, refused to answer written
questions submitted by Burton, citing the Fifth Amendment.

Congressmen criticized Quinn for passing off thank-you letters to
Rich for contributions he made as letters of endorsement for a
presidential pardon. Quinn apologized that some of the writers
were not told in advance that their letters would be used for a
pardon application. But Quinn said he did not know that was
happening at the time.

In 1983, Rich was indicted on more than 50 counts of wire fraud,
tax evasion, racketeering, and violating the Iranian oil embargo,
and was accused of evading $48 million in taxes - the largest tax
fraud case in US history.

He faced up to 300 years in jail if convicted on all counts but
fled the country to avoid prosecution. Rich's aides were found
smuggling subpoenaed documents out of the country, and Rich paid
millions in fines for refusing to turn over evidence.

Etgar Lefkowitz adds from Jerusalem:

Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert confirmed to The Jerusalem Post last
night that he had written to Clinton urging him to pardon Rich.
"I wrote to Clinton because Rich was a great friend of Jerusalem
who donated $20 million to the city over the past 18 years,"
Olmert said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Sorry, Wrong President

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

COLUMN | February 26, 2001

Sorry, Wrong President:
Full Court Press

 Don't look now, but the various recounts under way in Florida are
determining that the wrong guy is in the White House. The media have
demonstrated remarkably little interest in this story. Nobody is saying that
Bush should be removed, but the fact that he lost both the popular vote and,
without the intervention of the Supreme Court, would probably have lost
Florida and the Electoral College vote should count for something.
Recall that before rendering its decision the Court acted so precipitately to
stop the count, as Bush hero Justice Antonin Scalia helpfully explained,
explicitly in order to insure public ignorance of the genuine result. "Count
first, and rule upon legality afterwards, is not a recipe for producing
election results that have the public acceptance democratic stability
One aspect of the Court's controversial majority opinion dealt with the
validity of Florida's 110,000 "overvotes," where a machine count recorded
more than one vote for President. When examined by hand, many of these votes
turned out to be legal, since the punch card (or check mark) matched the name
of the candidate written in by the voter. The Gore team stupidly ignored
these votes, and the refusal of the Florida Supreme Court to consider them
(in favor of an "undervote only" count) was one reason given by the Supreme
Court for overturning that decision. So count the overvotes and what happens?
The final answer is not in yet, but it sure looks bad for Bush.
In late December, the Orlando Sentinel took a look at about 3,000 overvotes
in Lake County. They found more than 600 valid ballots that had been ignored
by the machines, with Gore picking up 130 even in this heavily pro-Bush
county. In late January the Chicago Tribune reported that in fifteen counties
with a particularly high rate of overvotes, more than 1,700 votes that showed
a clear choice had been discarded. Most of the counties in the Tribune's
study were small, rural and predominantly Republican. Yet even so, Gore's net
gain was 366 votes. And a Washington Post review of the computer records of
2.7 million votes in eight of Florida's largest counties reported that
overvotes trended toward Gore at a rate of three to one.
Undervotes tell the same story. A study by the Palm Beach Post of 4,513 of
that county's ballots set aside for possible court review indicates a Gore
pickup of 682 votes, surpassing Bush's alleged 537 statewide margin. These
patterns demonstrate that the Republicans' strong-arm tactics in Florida made
sense. Without them, their guy would be cutting brush back in Crawford.
Today, with the conspicuous exception of the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne
Jr., most of the punditocracy appears to think it an act of bad sportsmanship
to point out that the man appointing far-right extremists to oversee the
nation's legal system and its natural resources is a pretender to the throne.
Sam and Cokie mock the idea as a joke. George Will smirks, "I don't think
when the country hears media declaring Gore the winner they're impressed."
Perhaps the most instructive document of the "Get Over It" school of
political science was an angry TRB column in The New Republic penned by the
magazine's former editor and famed "gaycatholictory" Andrew Sullivan.
Sullivan attacks writers he terms "the usual suspects" for questioning the
quality of Bush's mandate. Suspects include such distinguished scholars and
writers as Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel, Yale law professor
Jack Balkin, New Yorker writer and successful former editor of The New
Republic Hendrik Hertzberg and TNR senior editor Jonathan Cohn (whose
argument did not even appear in the magazine until after Sullivan's attack on
it). Each called upon the Democrats to resist Bush's extremist tendencies,
most notably the nomination of John Ashcroft for Attorney General.
Sullivan's ire is a bit puzzling. Leaving Florida aside, he is furious at
folks opposing a potential chief law enforcement officer who, as senator,
refused to approve the ambassadorial nomination of James Hormel because, like
Sullivan, Hormel is gay--something Ashcroft believes is "a choice which can
be made and unmade." Now, personally, I don't have a dog in this fight, but I
can hardly imagine feeling such generosity should a President wish to turn
over the legal system to a man who happily discriminates against those of us
who have made the "choice" to be, say, Jewish.
Sullivan argued that the rejection of Ashcroft would be "without precedent."
In support of this view and "as a testament to the level to which liberalism
has now sunk," he quoted from a TRB that appeared in 1925, "It is universally
conceded the Executive has the right to select his own official family, and
their submission to the Senate is merely a form."
Leave aside the strange assertion that because somebody said something in 

[CTRL] Hillary's mysterious bridal registry

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

Hillary's mysterious bridal registry
And other myths a biased and credulous press corps has created around the
Clintons' exit.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Eric Boehlert
Feb. 9, 2001 | During the nearly month-long controversy surrounding the gifts
Bill and Hillary Clinton accepted last year, the political press has
established three details as fact and repeated them endlessly.
First, anxious to fill their new private homes, the Clintons received
$190,000 worth of gifts in the last year. Second, Hillary pursued this by
registering like a bride for gift at Borsheim's Fine Jewelry  Gifts. Third,
they moved fast, because once Hillary was sworn in as New York's new senator,
she would be barred from accepting gifts worth more than $50.
The first detail showed the Clintons were greedy. The second? That they were
tacky. The third, that they were duplicitous, plotting to circumvent Senate
ethics laws.
From the perspective of the press, just one of those items would have
constituted a good news story. A combination of any two was worth a running
commentary. But all three justified a bona fide feeding frenzy.
Problem is, none of them are true. The gifts in question were received over
an eight-year period, not one. Hillary was never registered at Borsheim's.
And the Senate gift ban would not have forbidden Sen.Clinton from receiving
all the generous items. None of that, though, has gotten in the way of the
press telling a story it likes.
On President Clinton's final day in office, in accordance with federal law
the couple disclosed that for the year 2000 they had accepted $190,027 worth
of gifts, including sweaters, lamps, golf clubs, china and glass sculptures.
That's an extraordinary amount, nearly double what the Clintons had received
during their first seven years in the White House, combined. (For some
context, during their four years in the White House, the least amount of
gifts George and Barbara Bush accepted in any given year was $21,000; the most
 the Clintons accepted during their first four years was $16,000.)
An important clue for 2000's lofty price tag, though, was included right on
the Clintons' official Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure
Report, which was distributed to the press: "This list includes gifts
received over the last eight years, but which were not accepted by the
Clintons until last year." (As gifts accumulate at the White House, first
families can wait until their final year before officially accepting them or
It couldn't be more simple; last year the Clintons officially accepted
$190,000 worth of gifts which they had received during the last eight years.
And how was it reported?
The Associated Press: "In the year before President Clinton left office and
Hillary Rodham Clinton entered the Senate, the first couple received $190,027
worth of furniture and other gifts."
New York Daily News : Friends "showered the Clintons with $190,027 in gifts
in 2000."
U.S. News  World Report: "The Clintons got gifts worth $190,027 last year."
(In an odd bit of schizophrenia, the Weekly Standard mocked the Clintons for
"rattling their begging bowls last year" for gifts. Then two sentences later
the magazine quoted from the couple's disclosure form, which stipulated the
gifts were received "over the last eight years.")
At least those news outlets put the gifts in terms of years. Others became
even more creative, narrowing the gift giving down from years to weeks and
even days.
The Orlando Sentinel : The Clintons accumulated the gifts "in the weeks
before" they left the White House.
NBC's Andrea Mitchell: The gifts poured in "during the First Family's last
days in the White House."
NBC's David Bloom: The Clintons left with "the treasure trove of gifts they
accepted in their final days in the White House."
USA Today: In an editorial, the paper suggested the controversy surrounded
"last-minute gifts."
The Kansas City Star: The gifts arrived "as the former president was leaving
National Public Radio's Scott Simon: The Clintons accepted their 50-plus
gifts during "those few golden days between Sen. Clinton's election and her
oath of office, when Senate ethics laws would prohibit accepting such a
trousseau of treasures."
We'll get to that Senate gift ban, but Simon's sinister construction became a
common one: The gift giving was all a plot laid out only after Hillary won
her election.
The AP: There were "indications that some of the larger gifts rolled in late
in the year, just before the Clintons left the White House ."
The Washington Post: In an editorial, the paper suggested that "many of the
items were given after Mrs. Clinton was elected to the Senate in November."
Perhaps Post editorial writers know something its reporters don't. Because in
three weeks of blanket coverage on this story no news outlet, including the
Post or the AP, has been able to identify a single gift, let alone $190,000
worth, given to 

[CTRL] FBI's DCS1000 Still A 'Carnivore' At Heart

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

FBI's DCS1000 Still A 
'Carnivore' At Heart

By Erich Luening

Special to ZDNet


The FBI has dressed its online wolf in sheep's clothing, changing the name of 
its controversial e-mail surveillance system, known to this point as 
Carnivore.   Carnivore now goes by the less beastly moniker of DCS1000, drawn 
from the work it does as a "digital collection system." The investigative 
agency built the tool to monitor the Internet communications of suspects 
under its surveillance, but the system, housed on computers at Internet 
service providers, also can collect e-mail messages from people who are not 
part of an FBI probe.   A spokesman for the FBI denied that the name change 
stemmed from worries that the name Carnivore made the system sound like a 
predatory device made to invade people's privacy. But the Illinois Institute 
of Technology, which last fall issued an analysis of the system at the 
request of the Justice Department, recommended that the name be changed for 
just that reason, according to an IIT analyst.   "We had a concern that it 
wasn't a good name for the system," said the IIT's Larry Reynolds. The group 
thought the name should be dumped, he said, "because of the very definition 
of the word."   The name change is the latest development in the controversy 
surrounding the surveillance tool, which came under public scrutiny last 
summer when privacy advocates began to decry it. In September, the Justice 
Department picked the IIT Research Institute to perform a 
government-sponsored technical review of the software.   The rechristening is 
part of an upgrade that incorporates other recommendations from the research 
group, according to Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the FBI. "It isn't because 
we were worried about negative privacy publicity. If it was, we would have 
changed (the name) months ago," he said. "This (system) is not something that 
remains static."   The upgrade was supposed to be coordinated with a Justice 
Department report on DCS1000 scheduled for release prior to Janet Reno's 
departure last month as attorney general, Bresson said. He did not say when 
that report will be made public.

[CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world._ FTAA pt. 1/3

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to
 Social Programs, Environmental Sustainability and Social
 Justice in Canada and the Americas
 by Maude Barlow


 The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), currently being
 negotiated by 34 countries of the Americas, is intended by its
 architects to be the most far-reaching trade agreement in
 history. Although it is based on the model of the North
 American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), it goes far beyond
 NAFTA in its scope and power. The FTAA, as it now stands,
 would introduce into the Western Hemisphere all the disciplines
 of the proposed services agreement of the World Trade
 Organization (WTO) - the General Agreement on Trade in
 Services (GATS) - with the powers of the failed Multilateral
 Agreement on Investment (MAI), to create a new trade
 powerhouse with sweeping new authority over every aspect of
 life in Canada and the Americas.

 The GATS, now being negotiated in Geneva, is mandated to
 liberalize the global trade in services, including all public
 programs, and gradually phase out all government "barriers" to
 international competition in the services sector. The Trade
 Negotiations Committee of the FTAA, led by Canada in the
 crucial formative months when the first draft was written, is
 proposing a similar, even expanded, services agreement in the
 hemispheric pact. It is also proposing to retain, and perhaps
 expand, the "investor-state" provisions of NAFTA, which give
 corporations unprecedented rights to pursue their trade
 interests through legally binding trade tribunals.

 Combining these two powers into one agreement will give
 unequalled new rights to the transnational corporations of the
 hemisphere to compete for and even challenge every publicly
 funded service of its governments, including health care,
 education, social security, culture and environmental

 As well, the proposed FTAA contains new provisions on
 competition policy, government procurement, market access
 and dispute settlement that, together with the inclusion of
 services and investment, could remove the ability of all the
 governments of the Americas to create or maintain laws,
 standards and regulations to protect the health, safety and
 well-being of their citizens and the environment they share.
 Moreover, the FTAA negotiators appear to have chosen to
 emulate the WTO rather than NAFTA in key areas of
 standard-setting and dispute settlement, where the WTO rules
 are tougher.

 Essentially, what the FTAA negotiators have done, urged on by
 the big business community in every country, is to take the
 most ambitious elements of every global trade and investment
 agreement - existing or proposed - and put them all together
 in this openly ambitious hemispheric pact.

 Once again, as in former trade agreements like NAFTA and the
 WTO, this free trade agreement will contain no safeguards in
 the body of the text to protect workers, human rights, social
 security or health and environmental standards. Once again
 civil society and the majority of citizens who want a different
 kind of trade agreement have been excluded from the
 negotiations and will be shut out of the deliberations in Quebec
 City in April 2001.

 However, the stakes for the peoples of the Americas have
 never been higher, and it appears a confrontation is inevitable.

What Is the FTAA?

 The Free Trade Area of the Americas is the name given to the
 process of expanding the North American Free Trade
 Agreement (NAFTA) to all the other countries of the Western
 Hemisphere except Cuba. With a population of 800 million and
 a combined GDP of $11 trillion (US), the FTAA would be the
 largest free trade zone in the world. If reports coming from the
 Negotiating Groups working on the key elements of the deal
 are correct, the FTAA will become the most far-reaching free
 trade agreement in the world, with a scope that will reach into
 every area of life for the citizens of the Americas.

 The FTAA was launched by the leaders of 34 countries of
 North, Central and South America and the Caribbean at the
 December 1994 Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida. At
 that meeting, then President Bill Clinton pledged to fulfil former
 President George Bush's dream of a free-trade agreement
 stretching from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego, linking the
 economies of the hemisphere as well as deepening social and
 political integration among the countries based on the same
 free-market model as NAFTA.

 However, little real progress was made until the next Summit
 of the Americas, this one held in Santiago, Chile, in April 1998,
 at which time the countries set up a Trade Negotiations
 Committee (TNC), consisting of the vice ministers of trade
 from each country.

 With support from a Tripartite Committee made up of the
 Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of
 American States and the UN Economic Commission for Latin
 America and 

Re: [CTRL] Hillary's mysterious bridal registry

2001-02-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/10/2001 2:29:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 eb. 9, 2001 | During the nearly month-long controversy surrounding the
 A HREF=""Bill/A and
A HREF=""Hillary
Clinton/A accepted last year, the political press has
 established three details as fact and repeated them endlessly.
 First, anxious to fill their new private homes, the Clintons received
 $190,000 worth of gifts in the last year. Second, Hillary pursued this by
 registering like a bride for gift at Borsheim's Fine Jewelry  Gifts. Third,
 they moved fast, because once Hillary was sworn in as New York's new senator,
 she would be barred from accepting gifts worth more than $50.
 The first detail showed the Clintons were greedy. The second? That they were
 tacky. The third, that they were duplicitous, plotting to circumvent Senate
 ethics laws.
 From the perspective of the press, just one of those items would have
 constituted a good news story. A combination of any two was worth a running
 commentary. But all three justified a bona fide feeding frenzy.
 Problem is, none of them are true. The gifts in question were received over
 an eight-year period, not one. Hillary was never registered at Borsheim's.
 And the Senate gift ban would not have forbidden Sen.Clinton from receiving
 all the generous items. None of that, though, has gotten in the way of the
 press telling a story it likes. 

Isn't it amazing?  We used to wonder if the press was doing spin.  Now they
make up whatever story they figure will get them a raise, and everybody buys
it (the television repeats the press and the press repeats the television.  I
guess everybody's happy.  It just used to be the politicians that lied.  Now
the media is in a contest with them, and I think the press is even better at
it.  How do we know when the media is lying.  We're hearing or reading it.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fox to Air Moon-landing Conspiracy Show

2001-02-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Fox television will air a show regarding the possibility that
some [or all] of the moon landings were faked.

This is from the Fox site:


(9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)

In Stereo-CC


Airs: FEB. 15 ON FOX

NASA put a man on the moon for the first time in 1969 -- or did

Could the entire moon program have been an elaborate deception
staged to fool the public?

The conspiracy theories are investigated in the all-new one-hour

Thursday, Feb. 15 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT).

(SP-0139) (TV-PG)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Search Continues for Victims of Sub Crash

2001-02-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Search Continues for Victims of Sub Crash

.c The Associated Press

HONOLULU (Feb. 10) - Rescue crews searched for nine people - including high
school students on a fisheries training voyage - who were on a Japanese
fishing vessel that sank after a Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine
collided with it.

The Navy and Coast Guard on Saturday morning continued looking in choppy seas
for people clinging to the wreckage.

''We found some debris earlier today, but no sign of survivors yet,'' said
Coast Guard spokesman Lt. Greg Fondran.

The Ehime Maru left Japan with 20 crew members on Jan. 10 to hunt for tuna,
swordfish and shark. The boat was also carrying two teachers and 13 students
from the Uwajima Fisheries High School in the southwestern Japanese state of
Ehime. The students were learning how to fish.

Still missing were four of the students, both teachers and three crew members.

Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke with Japanese Foreign Minister Yohei
Kono Saturday morning to convey his regrets and apologies and also the
president's regrets and condolences, said David Denny, a State Department

Also Saturday, the National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a
five-member team to Hawaii to investigate the collision. The incident falls
under the agency's jurisdiction because it occurred in U.S. waters and
involved at least one private vessel, said spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz.

The USS Greeneville came up under the 180-foot vessel, ripping the engine
room open and causing two resounding booms. Seconds later, water flooded the
vessel, sinking it within minutes, said a Coast Guard translator describing
Friday's collision nine miles south of Waikiki in waters about 1,800 feet

''Most of the people were below deck in the rooms or galley,'' said Petty
Officer Michael Carr, who interviewed the survivors. ''After the lights went
out, everyone started yelling that the water is coming into the ship. That's
when most of the people we saw started fleeing.''

The Greeneville, which remained at the scene of the collision, was not
damaged, Navy spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Cate Mueller said in Washington. It was
not immediately known how many crew members were aboard the Greeneville, a
Pearl Harbor-based sub that is equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

''It's important to say the Navy regrets this unfortunate incident,'' said
Cmdr. Bruce Cole, a spokesman for the Pacific Fleet. ''We're very concerned
about the families and friends of those for whom we search.''

He said it is not known why the submarine surfaced under the vessel. Cole
promised a full investigation.

U.S. submarines normally use sonar to listen for ships that might be above
them before surfacing, said Norman Polmar, a naval analyst and author. As the
submarines rise to within about 25 feet of the surface, they raise their
periscopes to visually inspect the area above.

The collision is ''something that should have not have happened. It either
happened because of a mechanical failure or a crew failure,'' Polmar said.

Twenty-six survivors were found stranded amid the debris. They huddled in
three life rafts before being rescued. Petty Officer Thomas Kron, who was on
the Coast Guard patrol boat, said the survivors were soaked with diesel fuel
that spilled when the boat sank.

''They seemed like they were in shock. They were fatigued by the time we got
there. Some of them were seasick and some of them were glad to see us,'' he

The survivors were taken to the Coast Guard station at Honolulu Harbor's Sand
Island. Some walked off on their own; others were carried on stretchers and
covered in blankets. Fourteen were cared for at the base, including showers
to wash off the fuel, while the rest were taken to local hospitals.

Fondran said a wounded shoulder appeared to be the worst injury.

Dressed in blue jump suits, the survivors lined up to use the single phone
available to them at the base, to let their families in Japan know that they
were safe.

Japanese officials said they were scrambling to coordinate a response to the
accident. School and government officials were expected to arrive in Honolulu
on Saturday. Family members were to arrive on Sunday.

''It's a bit chaotic right now,'' said Uwajima municipal official Masanori
Mori. ''There's a great deal of shock.''

Mori said the Ehime Prefectural government had set up a crisis center to
assist families and cull information on the accident.

Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori said the United States had apologized.

''The United States extended its apologies and promised utmost efforts to
find the missing,'' Mori said.

The Greeneville was commissioned in February 1996. It is 360 feet long, has a
diameter of 33 feet and displaces 6,900 tons submerged.

The crash is the second major accident involving a Navy vessel near Hawaii in
seven months. The USS Denver, a 570-foot 

[CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world. _ FTAA pt. 2/3

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

4.Market Access

  The mandate of the Negotiating Group on Market Access
  is to select a methodology and timetable for the
  elimination of all remaining tariffs and "non-tariff" barriers
  and agree upon the pace of tariff reduction. Tariffs are
  border taxes; under both NAFTA and the WTO, they
  have largely been eliminated in Canada and the Americas.

  Non-tariff barriers are all the rules, policies and practices
  of governments, other than tariffs, that can impact on
  trade. Non-tariff barriers can potentially include
  everything governments do, including delivering services
  and protecting the health and safety of their citizens.
  Their inclusion in the mandate of this Negotiating Group
  expands the scope of NAFTA market access provisions

  These provisions are expanded in another important way.
  Under NAFTA, market access is subject to national
  treatment. This means that imported goods coming into
  a country from another NAFTA country must be treated
  "no less favourably" than domestic goods. But national
  treatment in NAFTA did not extend to government
  procurement or to domestic subsidies and was applied to
  services only in a limited way. This protected most
  government programs from national treatment challenge.

  Under the proposed FTAA rules, however, it appears that
  services will be covered more fully by the market access
  rules. As well, government procurement restrictions that
  allow governments to protect local providers will be more
  open to challenge from an expanded mandate of the
  government procurement provisions. And the ability of
  foreign for-profit service corporations to use the national
  treatment provision to challenge government services
  monopolies will be greatly expanded under a proposed
  new agreement on services.

  Further, the Negotiating Group on Market Access has
  also been charged with identifying and eliminating any
  unnecessary "technical barriers to trade" in line with the

  The WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement is
  an international regime to harmonize environmental and
  other standards which effectively creates a ceiling but no
  floor for such regulation. Under its rules, a nation must
  be prepared to prove, if challenged, that its
  environmental and safety standards are both "necessary"
  and the "least trade restrictive" way to achieve the
  desired conservation goals, food safety or health
  standard. This means that a country bears the burden of
  proving a negative - that no other measure consistent
  with the WTO is reasonably available to protect
  environmental concerns. The WTO TBT Agreement also
  sets out an onerous procedural code for establishing new
  laws and regulations so arduous that it is very difficult for
  any nation to meet.

  While there are provisions in NAFTA on technical
  standards, they are not as stringent as those found in
  the WTO TBT Agreement. NAFTA does require that
  technical barriers not constitute "an unnecessary obstacle
  to trade." However, NAFTA acknowledges the right of all
  parties to maintain standards and regulatory measures
  that result in a higher level of protection than would be
  achieved by measures based on international standards
  as long as they apply these standards in a way that does
  not discriminate between national and domestic goods.
  By choosing the stronger provisions of the WTO, FTAA
  negotiators have introduced tougher restrictions on the
  governments of the Americas and their right to regulate
  in the best interests of their citizens.


  The mandate of the Negotiating Group on Agriculture is
  to eliminate agricultural export subsidies affecting trade
  in the hemisphere, based on the WTO's Agreement on
  Agriculture (AOA); "discipline" other trade-distorting
  agricultural practices; and ensure that "sanitary and
  phytosanitary measures" are not used as a disguised
  restriction to trade, using the WTO agreement as a

  The FTAA's AOA agriculture provisions set rules on the
  trade in food and restrict domestic agriculture policy,
  down to the level of support for farmers, the ability to
  maintain emergency food stocks, set food safety rules
  and ensure food supply.

  The WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
  Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) sets constraints on
  government policies relating to food safety and animal
  and plant health, from pesticides and biological
  contaminants to food inspection, product labelling and
  genetically engineered foods. As with TBTs, the WTO SPS
  Agreement goes further than NAFTA.

[CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world. _ FTAA pt. 3/3

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


 The FTAA draft, as it now stands, contains no safeguards for
 the environment. The original mandate for the FTAA, drawn up
 at the first Summit of the Americas in Miami in 1994, contained
 a promise to promote economic integration of the hemisphere
 in such a way as "to guarantee sustainable development while
 protecting the environment." A major Summit on Sustainable
 Development was held in Bolivia in 1996 in order to ensure
 that the principles of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit would be
 integral to the FTAA process. Out of that meeting (at which
 civil society groups and environmentalists were notably
 absent), came 65 initiatives know as the "Santa Cruz Action
 Plan," and a new body, the OAS Inter-American Committee on
 Sustainable Development.

 However, the whole process was badly underfunded and had
 no clear mandate for action; it has been widely regarded as a
 failure. As a consequence, the whole goal of sustainable
 development was completely dropped from the FTAA's new
 mandate at the Santiago Summit in 1998, and the tracks of
 trade and environment were completely separated. With
 George W. Bush now in the White House, it is even more
 certain that environmental concerns about the hemispheric free
 trade deal will be set aside.

 The Canadian government's recently published "position paper"
 on the FTAA contains a reference to the environment in its
 proposed Preamble. It calls for the FTAA to commit to "Better
 protecting the environment and promoting sustainable
 development by adopting trade and environmental policies that
 are mutually supportive." However, Preambular language in
 trade agreements is non-binding and unenforceable, so any
 promise in this section of the agreement is fairly meaningless.
 In any case, it is not possible to find compatibility between a
 trade agreement that contains investor-state rights for
 corporations and environmental stewardship.

 Chapter 11

 As briefly documented above (see Investment in "What's in the
 FTAA?"), and well documented in a number of other sources,
 the investor-state provisions of NAFTA have already had a very
 serious impact on government environmental policy. Not only
 have a number of health and environmental regulations in
 Canada, the United States and Mexico already been
 successfully challenged by the corporations of the continent,
 Chapter 11 is used to create a "chill effect," whereby
 governments are warned not to contemplate certain new
 regulatory measures for fear of running afoul of the
 investment provisions of NAFTA.

 As legal trade expert Steven Shrybman explains: "The
 investor-state suit provisions of NAFTA represent nothing
 short of a radical departure from both the domestic and
 international legal norms in at least three fundamental ways.
 First, by providing corporations with the right to directly
 enforce an international treaty to which they are neither
 parties, nor under which they have any obligations. Second, by
 extending international commercial arbitration to claims that
 have nothing to do with commercial contracts and everything
 to do with public policy and law. Third, by creating substantive
 legal rights - concerning expropriation and national treatment
 that go far beyond those available to Canadian citizens or

 Any new regulations that are brought to Parliament or any
 provincial legislature can be challenged by American
 corporations with interests in the sector in question. In
 essence, governments have to be prepared to pay dearly for
 the right to protect the ecological, human and animal health
 concerns within their mandate. As trade lawyer Barry Appleton
 explains, "They could be putting liquid plutonium in children's
 food; if you ban it and the company making it is an American
 company, you have to pay compensation."

 To avoid this scenario, Canadian federal and provincial
 governments now have to allow all prospective environmental
 and natural resource protection regulations to be vetted by
 DFAIT. In an October 2000 exchange at a Parliamentary
 Environment Committee meeting, Liberal MP Clifford Lincoln
 asked senior DFAIT officials Nigel Bankes and Ken Macartney
 whether it was true that International Trade Minister Pierre
 Pettigrew is fighting against the inclusion of the precautionary
 principle in domestic environmental legislation, such as the
 proposed new law to protect endangered species, so as to
 ensure that Canada is in compliance with the WTO. The trade
 bureaucrats confirmed that this was indeed so.

 Environment ministers now have less power over their
 jurisdiction than their trade counterparts. When the
 environment ministers of the three NAFTA countries
 announced in December 1998 that they were going to allow
 the Commission for Environmental Co-operation (CEC) - the
 NAFTA side deal that has become a toothless "environmental
 watchdog" - to scrutinize these Chapter 11 cases, they
 stepped way over the line drawn for them by 

Re: [CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world. _ FTAA pt. 2/3

2001-02-10 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance
is strength.   -- George Orwell

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world. _ FTAA pt. 3/3

2001-02-10 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Real free trade would mean no subsidies, no
trade taxes, no loan guarantees, and, for
Heaven’s sake, no bailouts of foreign banks
and governments. --Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (NWO) President considers halving US nuclear arsenal

2001-02-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

President considers halving US nuclear arsenal

By David Usborne

10 February 2001

George Bush is expected shortly to ask the Pentagon to reassess its nuclear
arsenal with a view to possibly cutting the number of American nuclear
warheads by well over half.

The President acknowledged yesterday that he will ask the Defence Secretary,
Donald Rumsfeld, to begin a "top-to-bottom review" of the US military and of
its spending.

Mr Bush made no direct comment about unilateral cuts in nuclear weapons but
officials indicate that will become a priority.

President Bush alluded often during his election campaign to scaling back the
nuclear arsenal.

Large cuts could also help to assuage concerns in China, Russia and among the
European allies about US plans for a nuclear missile shield, known as the
National Missile Defence programme.

"The review, I understand, could be a step toward a new strategic doctrine,"
one senior defence source said. "We would balance strong defence with a
smaller nuclear offence – unlike the massive number of warheads during the
Cold War."

Answering reporters' questions yesterday, Mr Bush confirmed that the military
is to reassess itself. "Secretary Rumsfeld is beginning a review of the
defence – a top-to-bottom review of what's happening in today's military,
reviewing missions, reviewing opportunities for change," he said at the White

The US currently has about 7,000 nuclear warheads while Russia has 6,000. The
latest arms control treaties between Washington and Moscow call for levels to
fall to between 2,000 and 2,500 for each side. Mr Bush could seek to cut
these levels even further.

Analysts suggest that a unilateral reduction in its nuclear arsenal will give
the US room to back away from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. At
present the ABM, considered a foundation stone of disarmament, would stand in
the way of the US building or even testing a missile defence shield.

Cutting the nuclear capability would also allow Mr Bush to reinforce the US
military in other ways, with new conventional weaponry and a boost in pay for
US personnel.

He said that pay rises and other defence priorities would be one of the
issues he will discuss while "travelling the country next week".

Mr Rumsfeld has also kept his counsel on the nuclear weapons question. But
asked by reporters recently about the prospect of a sharply reduced US
nuclear arsenal, he noted that, "it is a different world, we know that".

President Bush's insistence on a comprehensive review of all military
priorities has not won him praise from all quarters of the Pentagon.

Many in the military would like Mr Bush to commit more money to the US armed
forces now before starting the reassessment.

Mr Bush stressed yesterday, however, that there would be no "early
supplemental" for the Pentagon, meaning that he would not seek any early
increase in the current Pentagon budget of $297bn (£205bn).

Aides say that he could ask for additional defence money from Congress in the

Some senior US officers have also expressed deep reservations about any
unilateral cuts in America's nuclear strike force while Russia retains its
full arsenal.

Last year, however, senior officials from the Pentagon conceded during
hearings in Congress that US defence needs could easily be met with a much
reduced number of missiles.

Next week, Mr Bush is to travel with Mr Rumsfeld to several US military
bases, including the US Joint Forces Command in Virginia.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Analysis of The Bush Inauguration Speech

2001-02-10 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: Analysis of The Bush Inauguration Speech
Date: Sunday, February 04, 2001 4:06 AM

As a British citizen I was intrigued why Britian should be able to view
the inauguration of George W Bush. Why should we, the people of
Britian, watch the swearing in of the President of the United States?

Well, perhaps he had to communicate with people in Britian that he
could not communicate with directly. Perhaps the signals that Bush were
sending were not meant for the public in general. Perhaps he was giving
some signals to certain people in Britain that had to be hidden,

I thought I noticed a signal during the inauguration when he didn't bow
his head, close his eyes and pray. He looked directly at the camera
that was on him at the time, as if he knew. I also noticed that his
speech was intended to be 13 minutes long. I am not an expert in
occultic symbolism, but I have learned a bit from reading "Masonic and
Occult Symbols Illustrated" by Dr Cathy Burns. I know what the
word "Obelisk" means. And to think that obelisks are in London,
Washington and Rome tells me that something evil is underway.

I've found an analysis that confirms that Bush was indeed giving
signals to supporters of the New World Order that he is working towards
the creation of an evil, genocidal one world government.

I am not religious. But you don't have to be religious to believe that
somebody else believes in Satan.

I am really beginning to get concerned that a world war is being
provoked in the Middle East, as prophecised by Illuminatus Albert Pike.
This war will bring about the one world government. Nuclear, biological
and chemical weapons will be used to create a war so horrifying, much
more horrifying than world war II, that those left alive would
willingly submit to a one world government on its terms. A person will
appear during the war who will claim that he can stop the (arranged)
fighting. He will propose the creation of a one world government.

But this world government will be run by Satanists, paedophiles and
eugenicists. These people are in positions of power now, as you read
this, and are working towards its installation. You've read about the
paedophile rings in Belgium, Australia and Britain. I am currently
reading about the Franklin Coverup involving satanists and child abuse.
There are plenty of other examples of coverups of satanic ritual abuse
of children.

This might sound like a lot of religious ranting, mumbo jumbo.

But I state again. I am not a member of any religious establishment or
political party.
I have come to believe, from my own research, that during the last two
centuries a massive plot to install a satanic one world government has
been in motion. George W Bush is continuing with those plans. Those
plans include a horrific war in the Middle East, with a potential
staged/simulated biowar attack on the USA to bring martial law to the
USA. If Britain gets involved then it could happen here too. Just think
of all the drugs in Britain now. If a fraction of those were explosives
there would be big trouble. But that's how the NWO work;

cause a problem
provoke the reaction
install the solution.

"What luck for rulers, that men do not think"

- Adolph Hitler

Sent via

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] State Appeals Court upholds vehicle forfeiture by parked drunken driver

2001-02-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
Police State coming to your neighborhood soon!
State Appeals Court upholds vehicle forfeiture by parked drunken driver
Paul Gustafson / Star Tribune

The Minnesota Appeals Court has upheld the forfeiture of a $40,000
sport-utility vehicle whose owner was arrested on a drunken-driving charge as
he listened to music in the vehicle in his driveway. .

According to Appeals Court Judges Gary Crippen and Daniel Foley, the New
Brighton officials didn't violate constitutional prohibitions against double
punishment or excessive fines when they seized Bruce R. Barnes' 2000 Ford
Excursion after his arrest on Oct. 19, 1999, the day he bought it.

But dissenting Judge R.A. (Jim) Randall said that forfeiting the $40,000
truck is "grossly disproportionate" under the circumstances.

"Barnes was not convicted of drunken driving. Barnes was convicted of
'drunken listening to music in his own car, in his own driveway, in his own
yard,'" Randall wrote. "If he had not had the [misfortune] to be playing the
Rolling Stones rather than Mantovani or Neil Diamond, he would still have his
$40,000 vehicle."

New Brighton city prosecutor Thomas Hughes defended the forfeiture, saying
that Barnes was charged with a drunken-driving offense because he was in the
driver's seat of his truck with the engine running and therefore had physical
control of the vehicle. State law makes it a crime to be in control of a
vehicle while drunk, he said.

Hughes also said that the state vehicle-forfeiture law is triggered when a
vehicle owner has three drunken-driving convictions within five years. "He
[Barnes] didn't lose it [the truck] for just that one incident," the
prosecutor said.

Neither Barnes nor his attorney, Sam McCloud, could be reached to comment.

Barnes, 50, bought the truck, drove from the car dealership to a bar and
drank alcohol, then drove to his New Brighton home and parked the truck in
his driveway. Later that evening, he went back out to the truck to test its
audio system. A neighbor called New Brighton police to complain about loud

Police found Barnes sitting in the driver's seat, and arrested him. He was
tested and found to have a 0.14 percent blood-alcohol level, exceeding the
state limit of 0.10 percent. It was his third charge related to drunken

After Barnes pleaded guilty to a gross-misdemeanor drunken-driving charge,
New Brighton officials filed a forfeiture action to take the truck.

The Appeals Court majority upheld the constitutionality of the forfeiture,
saying that it was not excessive.

"We conclude that the perceived harshness of the forfeiture of Barnes'
vehicle does not exceed the gravity of Barnes' third DWI offense within five
years," Foley wrote.

Stephen Simon, an instructor at the University of Minnesota Law School and
chairman of a state task force on drunken driving, said there is logic in the
law prohibiting intoxicated people from being in physical control of a

"If the person is drunk, we don't want you to get in the car, because if you
get in, you may drive off. If you're impaired, don't get in the car, because
you do so at your own peril," he said.

In one case, however, a Minnesota court threw out a drunken-driving
conviction because the intoxicated defendant had taken refuge for the night
in his vehicle after an argument with his wife, Simon said.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Maneuvers For Starting Position

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
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  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
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MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/09:
   It's time for serious political confusion and disinformation now.  As the
armies prepare themselves for the clashes likely to come in one form or another,
the politicians maneuver for new starting positions.  Of course in many cases,
especially that of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak, the armies and the politicians
are one in the same.
   Part of preparation for conflict and war these days is positioning oneself
in public opinion.  And that is precisely where Sharon has gone, full-speed
ahead.  Top-level propaganda teams have already been dispatched to Washington
and European capitals.  They will court the media in public; discuss things
with key allies and political leaders in private.
   As for Arafat and Regime...ill-prepared and not up to the task as usual.
 The Palestinian people are saddled with this corrupt, inept, and incompetent
regime.  They are now paying the price for so many years of mistakes and, at
best, mediocrity.  Unless the Palestinian people can somehow remove Arafat
and Regime and replace it with some of the far more capable and far more principled
Palestinians -- Dr. Haider Abdul Shafi at the top of the list -- they cannot
expect things to get better for them.  Indeed, far more tragic times might
be ahead for the Palestinian people facing the thugs of Sharon and the right-wingers
in the U.S. -- even the possibility of another mass expulsion or the forceable
conversion of the Hashemite Regime into the Palestinian State.
   More on this from MER in the weeks ahead.  As we've said before...stay tuned.

   By Laurie Copans

JERUSALEM (AP - 9 February):
Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon on
Friday offered his predecessor, Ehud Barak, the job of
defense minister in a joint government, even though
the two disagree sharply on how to make peace with the

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Sharon,
meanwhile, spoke by phone - their first direct contact
since Sharon's election victory Tuesday. Palestinian
officials confirmed the call, but would not reveal
what was said.

Israeli radio stations said Arafat told Sharon he was
interested in resuming peace talks with Israel, and
congratulated him on the recent birth of twin
grandsons. Sharon responded that peace was important
to him and not an election gimmick. Sharon also said
he wants to alleviate the suffering of the
Palestinians, but that first there must be an end to
violence, the radios said.

In their meeting Friday, Sharon offered Barak the
position of defense minister, according to a Sharon
aide. Barak's aides were not available for comment on
how he responded to the offer, but Israeli radio
stations said Barak told Sharon he would stay out of
politics for a while.

As Sharon and Arafat spoke, an intense gun battle
erupted between Israeli troops and Palestinians near
the West Bank town of Ramallah. Twenty-seven
Palestinians and a Belgian news photographer were
injured, Palestinian medics said. Of the injured,
eight were hit by live fire, including the
photographer who was shot in the leg.

During the gun battle, which raged for most of the
afternoon, Israeli soldiers aimed machine gun fire at
empty high-rise apartment buildings used by
Palestinian gunmen as cover. Smoke billowed from one
of the buildings as shots hit the wall.

In the Gaza Strip, the Islamic militant group Hamas
threatened to carry out more suicide attacks against
Israel; on Thursday, unidentified assailants had
exploded a car bomb in Jerusalem, injuring an Israeli
woman. In the Gaza march, some 2,500 Hamas supporters
chanted "Destroy the center of Tel Aviv," and burned
effigies of Sharon and President Bush.

One Hamas banner held up by the crowd read "Generals
like Sharon only understand the language of resistance
and holy war."

Overnight, Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen
battled for about three hours near the Jewish
settlement of Psagot, adjacent to the Palestinian town
of El Bireh. Several buildings in a residential
neighborhood of El Bireh were damaged by Israeli fire,
including the offices of the Konrad Adenauer
Foundation, a German aid group, and the Red Crescent,
a Palestinian first aid organization. No one was

Sharon said in an interview published Friday that he
would seek an open-ended 

[CTRL] Tenet On National Security In A Changing World.

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

Statement by
Director of Central Intelligence 
George J. Tenet
before the 
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
on the 
"Worldwide Threat 2001: National Security in a Changing World" 
(as prepared for delivery)

07 February 2001 

As I reflect this year, Mr. Chairman, on the threats to American security, 
what strikes me most forcefully is the accelerating pace of change in so many 
arenas that affect our nation’s interests. Numerous examples come to mind: 
new communications technology that enables the efforts of terrorists and 
narcotraffickers as surely as it aids law enforcement and intelligence, rapid 
global population growth that will create new strains in parts of the world 
least able to cope, the weakening internal bonds in a number of states whose 
cohesion can no longer be taken for granted, the breaking down of old 
barriers to change in places like the Koreas and Iran, the accelerating 
growth in missile capabilities in so many parts of the world—to name just a 
Never in my experience, Mr. Chairman, has American intelligence had to deal 
with such a dynamic set of concerns affecting such a broad range of US 
interests. Never have we had to deal with such a high quotient of 
uncertainty. With so many things on our plate, it is important always to 
establish priorities. For me, the highest priority must invariably be on 
those things that threaten the lives of Americans or the physical security of 
the United States. With that in mind, let me turn first to the challenges 
posed by international terrorism.
We have made considerable progress on terrorism against US interests and 
facilities, Mr. Chairman, but it persists. The most dramatic and recent 
evidence, of course, is the loss of 17 of our men and women on the USS Cole 
at the hands of terrorists.
The threat from terrorism is real, it is immediate, and it is evolving. State 
sponsored terrorism appears to have declined over the past five years, but 
transnational groups—with decentralized leadership that makes them harder to 
identify and disrupt—are emerging. We are seeing fewer centrally controlled 
operations, and more acts initiated and executed at lower levels. 
Terrorists are also becoming more operationally adept and more technically 
sophisticated in order to defeat counterterrorism measures. For example, as 
we have increased security around government and military facilities, 
terrorists are seeking out "softer" targets that provide opportunities for 
mass casualties. Employing increasingly advanced devices and using strategies 
such as simultaneous attacks, the number of people killed or injured in 
international terrorist attacks rose dramatically in the 1990s, despite a 
general decline in the number of incidents. Approximately one-third of these 
incidents involved US interests.
Usama bin Ladin and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain 
the most immediate and serious threat. Since 1998, Bin Ladin has declared all 
US citizens legitimate targets of attack. As shown by the bombing of our 
Embassies in Africa in 1998 and his Millennium plots last year, he is capable 
of planning multiple attacks with little or no warning.
His organization is continuing to place emphasis on developing surrogates to 
carry out attacks in an effort to avoid detection, blame, and retaliation. As 
a result it is often difficult to attribute terrorist incidents to his group, 
Al Qa’ida. 
Beyond Bin Ladin, the terrorist threat to Israel and to participants in the 
Middle East peace negotiations has increased in the midst of continuing 
Palestinian-Israeli violence. Palestinian rejectionists—including HAMAS and 
the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)—have stepped up violent attacks against 
Israeli interests since October. The terrorist threat to US interests, 
because of our friendship with Israel has also increased.
At the same time, Islamic militancy is expanding, and the worldwide pool of 
potential recruits for terrorist networks is growing. In central Asia, the 
Middle East, and South Asia, Islamic terrorist organizations are trying to 
attract new recruits, including under the banner of anti-Americanism. 
International terrorist networks have used the explosion in information 
technology to advance their capabilities. The same technologies that allow 
individual consumers in the United States to search out and buy books in 
Australia or India also enable terrorists to raise money, spread their dogma, 
find recruits, and plan operations far afield. Some groups are acquiring 
rudimentary cyberattack tools. Terrorist groups are actively searching the 
internet to acquire information and capabilities for chemical, biological, 
radiological, and even nuclear attacks. Many of the 29 officially designated 
terrorist organizations have an interest in unconventional weapons, and Usama 
bin Ladin in 1998 even declared their acquisition a 

[CTRL] LAT: The Lobbyist Behind Rich's Pardon

2001-02-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Lobbyist Behind Rich's Pardon

Scandal: Sure, he caused a stir, but Jack Quinn got the job done.

Some feel he's tainted the profession, but he will likely

Los Angeles Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON--Jack Quinn was vilified this week at a House
committee hearing as an amoral fixer who manipulated friendships
for financial gain during an effort to obtain a presidential
pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich.

With two congressional committees investigating the controversial
pardon granted by former President Clinton to Rich and with
politicians in both parties lining up to denounce it, Quinn could
be viewed as a would-be power broker who short-circuited his own

But in the world of Washington lobbyists, this chapter in Quinn's
life may not be so dim.  Certainly, other prominent Washington
consultants have survived brushes with scandal to become
influential players in the capital minuet of politics, lobbying
and public relations.

In fact, many might just like to be in Quinn's shoes.  After all,
he did pull off a spectacular feat--deftly obtaining a
presidential pardon for Rich despite extraordinary legal

And although the uproar over Rich has caused some to question
Quinn's judgment and ethics, almost everyone agrees that it also
demonstrated his effectiveness and access.

The question is which end of that equation shapes more heavily
the career that Quinn, 51, has been building as a Democratic
insider over the last two decades, more recently as Clinton's
White House counsel and now as a well-paid Washington lobbyist.

It is a question that might be asked in Hollywood, on Wall Street
or at any city hall: Is it better to be viewed as principled or
powerful? The dominant answer probably says more about Washington
than about Jack Quinn.

Among Quinn's contemporaries in the lobbying world, the
prevailing view: powerful.  Many say that Quinn could not buy at
any price the kind of publicity generated in the last few weeks
by the controversy.

"It wasn't pretty, but Jack's now in fat city.  He got the job
done," said one former Clinton aide.

The minority view is that the near-universal condemnation of the
Rich pardon has made Quinn too toxic for big corporate clients
who prefer that their string-pulling not attract subpoenas and
television cameras. Then there is the grumbling among some
Clinton allies who believe that Quinn did not fairly alert the
then-president to a potential pardon backlash.  This, they said,
could make other elected officials Quinn hopes to lobby wary
about what he is not telling them.

"There's a danger that Jack has to overcome that people [he is
lobbying] will be a little bit gunshy about his advocacy," said
attorney Lanny J. Davis, a former White House special counsel for
Clinton. "Notoriety cuts both ways."

The unusual circumstances around the pardon have left a bad taste
that some Washington lobbyists worry could hurt the image of
their profession.  Even so, the Rich case has become a consuming
preoccupation along the K Street corridor of Washington

"Everybody I've talked to thinks [Quinn] just taints the whole
image," said one prominent lobbyist.  "You can say a lawyer has
to represent somebody.  But he tried to be too cutesy and he
hurts us all."

Others said that such high-mindedness is nothing more than
professional jealousy.  In the end, these lobbyists said, the
thing potential clients will remember most about this imbroglio
is the bottom line: Quinn got Rich off.  And when Quinn was put
on the griddle Wednesday for a full day's inquisition by the
House Government Reform Committee, he kept his cool, delivering a
performance that even Republicans considered polished and calm.

"After all the rubbing of hands and clucking of tongues and a
little of 'There but for the grace of God go I' .  .  .
Washington and the clients will only remember that Jack Quinn was
rather dogged in his defense," said attorney Leonard Garment, a
White House counsel for President Nixon.  "He didn't wince or
whine or moan during a couple of hours of testimony when he was
being beleaguered by that air of sanctimony that pervades those
congressional hearings.  And .  .  .  he got his guy off."

Before the Rich controversy, Quinn was rising inside the
Washington lobbying community.  The Brooklyn, N.Y., native began
his political career working for Democratic candidates as an
undergraduate at Georgetown University.

Later on, Quinn joined the law firm Arnold  Porter, acquiring
important corporate clients.  His big break in politics came in
1988, when he backed Al Gore in his first presidential run.
When Gore and Clinton won in 1992, Gore first named Quinn his
counsel and, six months later, his chief of staff.  In 1994,
Clinton drafted Quinn as White House counsel. In December 1996,
he returned to Arnold  Porter.

Then, about a year ago, he established his own lobbying firm with
Ed Gillespie, a prominent 

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 153

2001-02-10 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 153

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)

--Report finds wide money-laundering
--EU plans to issue 'identity number' for every citizen
--Phony banks moving dirty money through U.S.
--The dangers of genetically modified food
--Beyond the Fringe: J20 report
--NIMA: The Eyes of the Nation


Report finds wide money-laundering

Banks, regulators let billions slip through, Senate panel says
By Kathleen Day

WASHINGTON, Feb. 5  The failure of U.S. banks and regulators to track
transactions with foreign banks enables criminals to route billions of
dollars from drug sales, Internet gambling, tax evasion or other illegal
activities into the United States each year, a new Senate subcommittee
report concludes.
ALTHOUGH REGULATORS have prodded U.S. banks in recent years to bolster
their efforts to control money laundering through individual accounts, the
Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations found that banks and
regulators have been lax in applying similar standards to correspondent
banking, in which foreign banks use U.S.  banks to perform wire transfers
and other transactions.
The subcommittee's report, which concludes a yearlong investigation, is to
be made public today.  Regulators and bankers familiar with the inquiry say
it is the first comprehensive look at this aspect of banking and how it
facilitates money laundering.
"Inattention and disinterest by U.S. banks in screening the foreign banks
they take in as clients have allowed rogue foreign banks and their criminal
clients to carry on money laundering and other criminal activity in the
United States and to benefit from the protections afforded by the safety
and soundness of the U.S. banking industry," said Sen. Carl Levin of
Michigan, the senior Democrat on the subcommittee.
The subcommittee launched its investigation after a Russian
money-laundering scandal erupted at Bank of New York 18 months ago. It
examined a number of well-known banks, including Bank of America,
Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase  Co. and First Union Corp.
In all, the subcommittee staff questioned 20 institutions and pursued, in
detail, cases at more than a
dozen U.S. banks involving "dirty money" flowing through U.S. accounts from
suspicious foreign banks, especially offshore banks in jurisdictions with
weak money-laundering laws, according to the report.
J.P. Morgan Chase  Co., Bank of America, Citigroup and First Union each
said they terminated the accounts studied by the subcommittee as soon as
they became aware of suspicious activity. They also said they are
constantly monitoring and improving oversight of money laundering,
correspondent accounts in particular.
"We're constantly trying to balance a customer's right to privacy with the
monitoring of bank activity," said Shirley Norton at Bank of America. "It's
not easy."
Correspondent banking is a legitimate banking practice, allowing companies
to transact business globally for clients.  So is offshore banking. Most
U.S. financial institutions have established offshore banks in
jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands or the Bahamas because they have
fewer regulations than the United States and can offer higher interest
rates or lower tax rates.
But the estimated 4,000 offshore banks in such jurisdictions are also used
by criminals to launder money into the United States, according to the
subcommittee report. That's because many of these jurisdictions have
secrecy laws that prevent law-enforcement inquiries and have few if any
money-laundering regulations.
The correspondent relationships that offshore banks have with American
banks have become a major tool to facilitate such laundering, the report says.
Money laundering, which the Clinton administration declared a national
security threat, is the act of concealing the source of funds obtained from
an illegal activity. An estimated $1 trillion is laundered each year  about
half of it, or $500 billion, through the United States, according to the
Although money laundering is a crime and the law requires banks to have
policies to guard against it, neither criminal statutes nor bank
regulations detail what banks must do. Regulators have issued guidelines
telling banks that one important way to guard against money laundering is
to know each customer, and banks have stepped up their efforts when
individual accounts are opened.
But this "know-your-customer" standard has been routinely ignored by
correspondent divisions of 

[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_MSNBC=3A_Isn=92t_it_Rich=3F__Marc=2C_Bill=2C?==?x-unknown?q?_what_a_pair_?=

2001-02-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Isn't it Rich?  Marc, Bill, what a pair

Clinton owes the country a complete, truthful explanation for the

Did Clinton trade a pardon for library money?

On Dec. 9, 2000 he unveiled plans for his presidential library.

By John H. Fund

Feb.  8 - Former presidents are well treated by taxpayers.
Secret Service protection for life, a generous pension, staff and
office space and maintenance costs for a presidential library are
all part of the retirement package.

IN RETURN, little is usually expected.  But Bill Clinton owes the
country a better explanation of his pardon of the fugitive
billionaire Marc Rich, a man who traded with America's enemies
and has been described by top Justice Department officials as "a
real-life James Bond villain."


Clinton gave an impromptu news conference on the sidewalks of New
York recently to say he granted the pardon "on the merits" of the
case.  He said the move had nothing to do with his friendship
with Denise Rich, the billionaire's ex-wife, who wrote or called
Clinton three times to ask for a pardon.

Since Clinton's terse explanation, much has happened.

Denise Rich took the Fifth Amendment before Congress, in part to
avoid answering questions about whether all of the $1 million she
gave to Democrats in recent years was her own money.  Her lawyer
admitted to Congress that Rich gave an "enormous sum of money" to
Clinton's presidential library foundation.  Time magazine reports
that $400,000 of that contribution was made before the Rich
pardon was issued.  Rich apparently consulted with Beth Dozoretz,
a close Clinton friend. Dozoretz discussed the matter with
Clinton only nine days before the pardon was rushed through
without any formal consultation with the Justice Department or
national-security agencies.  On Jan. 10 an ally of Rich's in
Switzerland sent an e-mail to Jack Quinn, the former White House
counsel who secured the pardon for Rich.  The e-mail said
Dozoretz got a call from the president who said he was "doing all
possible to turn around" the White House counsels who opposed the

Congress steps in February 8, 2001

Congress has many questions about former President Bill Clinton's
pardon of international fugitive financier Marc Rich.

NBC News' Lisa Myers reports.


All of this reeks.  Even Robert Reich, a Clinton friend and his
former secretary of labor, says it has all the appearance of "a
political payoff."

A new Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll taken February 7 to 8 asked
649 people if it was more likely that Clinton granted the pardon
on the merits or because he "received contributions and favors
from Rich's friends and family." Cynics were in the clear lead by
68 percent to 9 percent.  Only 12 percent of the public isn't
bothered by at least one of the three most recent Clinton
scandals (the pardon, the taking of gifts and his outrageous
office rent).

For now, Congress is focusing just on the Rich pardon.  Members
of Congress were told that if the White House had contacted
either the CIA or the National Security Agency about Rich's
overseas activities with foreign powers, no pardon would ever
have been granted.  Next week, subpoenas are likely to be issued
to compel the testimony of Clinton White House counsels Beth
Nolan and Bruce Lindsey.  Other subpoenas will seek the records
of the Clinton presidential library foundation, because the
library refuses to release the list of its donors.


"The list of library donors is important because so much of the
$200 million it plans to raise came in before Clinton left
office," former Clinton loyalist and advisor Dick Morris has
said. "It's absurd that we require full disclosure of a $1,000
campaign contribution to a Senate candidate, but a $1 million
contribution to a president who can still do favors for people
while in office can go unreported."

Full list of Clinton pardons

Skip Rutherford, president of the Clinton foundation board, says
he would consult with lawyers before responding to any
congressional subpoena.  "I don't know about a public interest"
in the records he has said.  "There may be some sort of media

The Marc Rich pardon went to a man who made millions by trading
oil with Iran, while 53 American hostages were held captive
there.  He later renounced his U.S. citizenship and helped
transfer North Korean missiles to Iran.

I have news for Rutherford.  There is and will continue to be media
interest.  And it’s because of the long, sordid progression of Clinton
lies, evasions, half-truths, rolling disclosures and stonewalling that
has culminated in the Rich pardon.

It's all too rich.

The pardon went to a man who made millions by trading oil with
Iran, while 53 American hostages were held captive there.  He
later renounced his U.S. citizenship, helped transfer North
Korean missiles to Iran, traded with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and
brokered oil deals with the apartheid regime 


2001-02-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

Is there anything else new under the sun?

Isn't it nice these bastards ageed to pay back $162,000 and serve 33
months in jail?   Are they going to confiscate their properties - their
synogoge as they try to steal away the little Christian Church in

If they can take a Christian Church and sell it for non payment of so
called "income tax" on tax exempt property - why not these two and all
their possessions?How much else have these thieves taken ..

And Justice for All?


Saturday,February 10,2001

Hasidic rabbi Efroim Stein leaves Brooklyn federal court yesterday after
pleading guilty to swindling the U.S. government through a charity for
Holocaust victims.

- Mary Altaffer

Two Brooklyn rabbis - including an adviser to former Mayor Ed Koch -
yesterday pleaded guilty to swindling the federal government out of
hundreds of thousands of dollars earmarked for Holocaust survivors.

Rabbis Jacob Bronner, 51, and Efroim Stein, 55, each agreed to serve 33
months in prison and repay up to $162,500 in restitution.

[note only repay $162,500 - they going to add penalties and interest as
they did the little church in Indianapolis where US Marshall was to be
sent in to Wacoize this little churchin holocaustSaba]

The Hasidic rabbis - who controlled the not-for-profit charity Project
Social Care - remain free on $500,000 bond until their June 8
sentencing. They read details of their crimes in Brooklyn federal court
in front of U.S. Magistrate Viktor Pohorelsky, but would not comment

Bronner served for 12 years as unpaid adviser on Jewish affairs to Koch,
who appointed him to the city's Human Rights Commission. "I only have
nice things to say about him," Koch said yesterday.

Brooklyn-based Project Social Care was established in 1994 to provide
Holocaust survivors and immigrants with medical, job training, and other
services. In 1995, the organization applied for and received a $2.5
million grant from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development department.

The application detailed a program "of support and counseling tailored
to meet the needs of elderly Holocaust survivors," helping them "deal
directly with the Holocaust experience."

The court papers say Bronner and Stein conspired to misspend hundreds of
thousands of dollars of the grant in three ways from 1995 to 1996:

* Project Social Care allegedly paid companies for non-existent goods
and services, with the bulk of that money then kicked back to the

* Funds were paid to an institute and several of Stein's relatives for
nonexistent training; most of the institute-earmarked funds then went to
a Stein-controlled synagogue.

[We need to sue to take this synagogue away and then we have memoral to
WWII veterans and descendents who were virtually forced into a war and a
costly war to protect whom from how man died in that war,
just 6 million - what happened to the other 50 million dead bodies who
died in that WarSaba]

* Project Social Care paid the Council of Jewish Organizations of
Borough Park (COJO) in a subcontracting deal that required the council
to kick back money to businesses controlled by Bronner and Stein. Those
included United Housing  Community Services, BB Furniture Company, and
CCI Community Consultants.
COJO officials were prosecuted in Brooklyn federal court in the late
1990s on charges of swindling the federal government out of funds.
Several were convicted.

City records show Bronner signed a letter of intent with lobbyist Suri
Kasirer on Dec. 29, 1998 to try to win city contracts.

But the $3,000-a-month deal apparently was never consummated, since
Kasirer reported receiving no payments and said she conducted no
lobbying. Kasirer, who is married to Bruce Teitelbaum, Mayor Giuliani's
former chief of staff, couldn't be reached last night.


Well Hilliary Clinton fits in nice with this bunch; might add, seems no
comments from holocaust victims - so if they touch that little Church in
Indianapolis better watch it - anything goes.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Tripp: Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica

2001-02-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

Tripp: Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica

 Saturday, 10-Feb-01 15:08:27 writes:

  With Carl Limbacher and Staff

  For the story behind the story...

  Saturday Feb. 10, 2001; 11:32 a.m. EST

  Tripp: Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica

  Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vince Foster to resolve the
  1993 Waco stand-off in a move that led to the deaths of more
  than 80 men, women and children, former White House aide Linda
  Tripp charged in an interview Friday night.

  Tripp also alleged that Monica Lewinsky was more of a victim of
  Bill Clinton's sexual predations than the former White House
  intern has publicly acknowledged.

  Appearing on CNN's Larry King Live, Tripp suggested that Foster,
  at Mrs. Clinton's direction, transmitted the order to move on
  the Branch Davidian's Waco compound, which culminated in a
  military-style tear gas attack on the wooden structure.

  The compound burst into flames hours later as federal troops
  used a U.S. Army tank to ram the building and insert flammable

  Tripp described Foster's demeanor as "dignified, decent, caring,
  smart" during his early days at the White House. But when Waco
  happened, she said, "that's when I first knew that Vince was
  falling apart."

  Foster was found shot to death in a Virginia park three months

  Tripp said she was with the former deputy White House counsel
  when the news of the Waco assault broke on television.

  "A special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the
  children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face
  turned white, and he was absolutely crushed knowing, knowing the
  part he had played."

  "And he had played the part at Mrs. Clinton's direction,"
  charged Tripp.

  Tripp was stunned by the contrast between Foster's heartfelt
  emotion at the Waco tragedy and what she observed from Mrs.

  "Her reaction, on the other hand, was heartless," Tripp told
  King, adding, "I can only tell you what I saw."

  When asked how the decision to move on Waco was transmitted,
  Tripp said, "Foster, Mrs. Clinton, (deputy Attorney General)
  Webb Hubbell, (Attorney General) Janet Reno."

  Tripp's new charge corroborates allegations first leveled in the
  1999 documentary on the deadly confrontation, "Waco: A New

  In the film, director Michael McNulty included the account of
  former House Waco investigator T. March Bell.

  "One of the interesting things that happens in an investigation
  is that you get anonymous phone calls," Bell explains in the

  "And we in fact received anonymous phone calls from Justice
  Department managers and attorneys who believe that pressure was
  placed on Janet Reno by Webb Hubbell, and pressure that came
  from the first lady of the United States."

  At the film's premier, Bell told that phone logs
  obtained by House investigators indicated that Mrs. Clinton,
  Foster and Hubbell worked on Waco together.

  "Those phone logs were Webb Hubbell's phone logs. There were
  calls from the first lady and Vince Foster to Webb Hubbell's
  office" during the Waco crisis, he said.

  Bell said Mrs. Clinton grew more and more impatient as the Waco
  standoff came to dominate the headlines during the early months
  of the Clinton administration. It was she, Bell's source claims,
  who pressured a reluctant Janet Reno to act.

  Reno, on the other hand, was not enthusiastic about launching
  the assault, said Bell. "Give me a reason not to do this," she
  is said to have begged aides.

  In another explosive revelation, Tripp charged that the
  president's relationship with Monica Lewinsky included an
  element of abuse.

  "This was abuse of a child," she told King. "Don't ever believe
  that this was consensual sex. And [Clinton] went to
  extraordinary lengths to cover that up. Criminal lengths."

  The former White House insider said that the-then 21-year-old
  Lewinsky was "a mixed-up, unstable, volatile child," who became
  emotionally overwhelmed by her involvement with Clinton.

  "Monica is 21 going on 14 on a good day," Tripp said.

  In 1998, Tripp told investigators that Lewinsky's private
  descriptions of her encounters with Clinton included the
  infliction of pain.

  "I don't mean abusive," Tripp said. "I mean very over the top,
  out of control, physically powerful, where he would repeatedly
  say to Monica, 'I'm not hurting you, am I?' And essentially he
  was, but she didn't say he was."

  White House steward Bayani Nelvis is said to have 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Tripp: Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica

2001-02-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/10/2001 5:21:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

   Tripp also alleged that Monica Lewinsky was more of a victim of
   Bill Clinton's sexual predations than the former White House
   intern has publicly acknowledged. 

Did you ever think it strange that we've never read about Hillary abusing
Monica?  I'm afraid I would have snatched the little tart bare bottomed and
bald headed if she came after my husband.  She seems to have been an
experienced seducer, and while no one inside the beltway thinks the floozies
have a requirement to leave married men alone, out here among the great
unwashed, it's not considered cricket to snap your thong at somebody's
husband.  I've met some Monicas in my time, and I always considered them
pretty scummy broads.  Instead of polishing her halo, I'm afraid I would have
been stuffing her knee pads down her little rapacious throat.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Priest Allegedly Abused 2 Students During 1980s

2001-02-10 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this article.

Sincerely,  Neil


Priest Allegedly Abused 2 Students During 1980s - Episcopal Rector Held on $2
Million Bond After Arrest in Illinois; Accusers Now in Their Thirties - by
David Snyder -Washington Post Staff Writer - 2/8/01, Page B05

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[CTRL] FWD Jack booted thugs, once again.

2001-02-10 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Read this latest outrage - another "mistake" by professionals...

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Re: [CTRL] FWD Jack booted thugs, once again.

2001-02-10 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/10/01 5:14:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Read this latest outrage - another "mistake" by professionals... 

Well on the positive side, they didn't kill anyone this time.

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Re: [CTRL] electronic journals

2001-02-10 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Electronic Journals and Periodicals and their urls are at :

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

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[CTRL] What Does The CIA Have To Do With AIDS?

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

What Does The CIA Have To Do With AIDS?

By Patricia Nell Warren
The government wants to keep Americans believing that gay and bi men are
still causing most of the HIV problems As our new President takes office, I
will still be feeling that chill up my spine I felt when I saw the website
for the "HIV Stops With Me" ad series ( Aired in San
Francisco, the TV ads derive from what the CDC calls "alarming" statistics
showing a rise in unprotected sex among gay and bisexual men. The ads were
funded by the CDC and the San Francisco Department of Public Health. These
ads don't just "target" local men in the PR sense -- they put these men
square in the sniper crosshairs. The message couldn't be clearer, with a
funereal black page and the logline jumping out in flaming red -- "HIV+ gay
and bisexual men have the power to stop the epidemic." Really? HIV-positive
gay and bi men have that power as AIDS is declared a global security threat
by the UN, and a national security threat by Washington? As the media declare
that "millions are dying all over the world," and these estimated millions
are said to be mainly heterosexual women and children? So what's behind these
ads? Earlier this year, U.S. AIDS policy underwent a paradigm shift. The CIA
and NSA (National Security Agency) were given oversight over AIDS. The
nation's public-health system is now virtually on a wartime footing --
meaning that uniforms, not white labcoats, are in charge. CDC's website has a
bioterrorist-alert page, equating AIDS with anthrax attacks by Iraq. Noting
this shift, South African President Thabo Mbeki voiced concerns over CIA
interference in his country's AIDS controversy. AIDS apologists snidely
dismissed Mbeki as paranoid. Doubtless Mbeki reviewed the CIA's long history
of covertly involving U.S. troops in other countries' affairs -- notably
Vietnam, Guatemala, Colombia -- and felt a chill of his own. In short,
epidemic disease is now the excuse for U.S. and UN interference in certain
countries' political affairs. Behind its family-friendly facade, the CDC is a
major player in international public-health wars. When Ebola virus broke out
in Uganda recently, the CDC was one of the first on the scene. If we
translate the CDC/SFDPH ads into political English, the message is:
HIV-positive gay and bi men are responsible for the AIDS epidemic -- because
those who "cause" it are the ones who can "stop" it. These men could be held
accountable by military intelligence for any real (or perceived) failure to
act as the government demands. As an old CIA watcher, dating from the sixties
and seventies when I helped cover cold-war politics as a Reader's Digest
editor, I suspect these ads are what spooks call "disinformation"
(government-speak for propaganda). The federal government is retooling the
1980s "gay plague" for use in today's domestic political arena. For maximum
credibility it launches the reinvention in gaydom's flagship city, San
Francisco. Yet, internationally, the U.S. carefully refrains from talk of
gays ending AIDS, and pours billions into fighting an AIDS that is
"everybody's disease." Hence a hypocrisy, as Washington speaks with a forked
tongue about AIDS. It won't be the first time that homosexuals are deemed
"security risks." In the 1950s, the McCarthy hearings trained their
crosshairs on gay men in sensitive government jobs. And this is not the first
time I've mentioned the shell games that public-health officials play with
some statistics while trying to justify their demands for funding and public
support. The CDC has taken notice of my comments, and sent a letter to AU
defending their crosshairing of gay and bi men (see this issue's Mailbox).
Ronald O. Valdiserri, deputy director of CDC's national Center for HIV, STD
and TB Prevention, insists that "men who have sex with men (MSM) still
represent the single largest share of new infections, estimated to account
for more than 40 percent of all new HIV infections." In his September 15
letter, Dr. Valdiserri adds that heterosexual men and women account for
thirty-three percent of new infections. I can't help wondering about the
sexual orientation of the remaining plus or minus twenty-seven percent. Is it
lesbian and bi women? No -- according to the CDC, the mystery remainder is
injection drug users, which is not a sexual orientation. Here we see the
fallacy of "risk group" statistics -- they don't always add up. And they're
just estimates, because -- as the CDC admits in its own fine print -- the
counters don't always know the risk in reported cases. A recent AP story
quotes different CDC statistics: "Blacks and Hispanics accounted for nearly
70 percent of new HIV infections from July 1999 to June of this year, a
striking change in what was once known as a disease of gay white men. The
groups hardest to reach in prevention campaigns -- high school dropouts,
former inmates and the homeless -- are disproportionately black 

[CTRL] Moonie Times On Morris Dees

2001-02-10 Thread William Shannon

When a hate crime is something to love
 Black pain and white piety is a winning combination in contemporary 
America, as any number of phony liberals have demonstrated over the years.

Nobody manipulates this combination better than Morris Dees. Few do it as 
 Racism in America has become big business, real and otherwise, which is 
no doubt why Bill Clinton, who got caught several years ago peddling a phony 
story about church-burning in Arkansas, says he'll be getting into it from 
his $700,000-a-year offices in midtown Manhattan. The appetite for sensation, 
even when it is half-baked sensation, is insatiable, and Morris Dees could 
show him how to profit from it.
 Mr. Dees is a lawyer in Montgomery, Ala., who is the "national chairman" 
of something called the Southern Poverty Law Center, which sounds like the 
hide-out of a noble band of warriors against hate crime and other racial 
wrongs, but is actually a fund-raising scheme that could teach televangelists 
a thing or two.
 In fact, maybe it has. Morris Dees, says his former partner, "is the Jim 
and Tammy Faye Bakker of the civil rights movement, though I don't mean to 
malign Jim and Tammy Faye."
 Mr. Dees took in $44 million from gullible contributors, mostly white, 
in 1999 and spent $13 million actually trying to help the poor and beaten 
down, mostly black, fight for their civil rights. He has been well known for 
years to reporters in the South, most of whom have never written much about 
who he really is. Mr. Dees, like the late I.F. Stone or the living Jesse 
Jackson, became a pet rock of the media, engaged in a calling so noble that 
it is regarded as tasteless, or at least suicidal, to notice that he runs 
around naked. The Rev. Billy Don Moyers endorses his fund-raising schemes, so 
what else does anyone need to know?
 Ken Silverstein recently told another version of the Morris Dees story 
in Harper's magazine, and it's a tale well told.
 What captured Mr. Silverstein's attention is the most recent project of 
the Dees "law center," a kit called "Teaching Tolerance" that is available 
for only $30 on the Dees Web site, with the firm but meaningless assurance 
that's it's "a $325 value." (Why not $425? $525?)
 What the buyer gets is a compendium of hate crimes that any casual 
newspaper reader already knows about, described in vivid ink of a purple hue, 
spreading the alarm that the Ku Klux Klan, heavily armed white-citizen 
militias and six Nazi Panzer divisions that never made it to Omaha Beach are 
bearing down on Cleveland, or maybe Providence. Even a journalist for the 11 
O'clock Eyeball News on Channels 3 through 10 would blush twice trying to 
peddle stuff like this.
 Then we get the dirty little secret of hate-crime reporting. "Horrifying 
as such incidents are," writes Mr. Silverstein, "hate groups commit almost no 
violence. More than 95 percent of all 'hate crimes,' including most of the 
incidents [Mr. Dees] cites (bombings, church burnings, school shootings) are 
perpetrated by 'lone wolves.' " Indeed, membership in the Ku Klux Klan, which 
is the most lucrative Dees fund-raising target, has shrunk so dramatically 
that the Klan would have been out of business years ago but for FBI 
infiltration. In some chapters the only members with paid-up dues are FBI 
 In one case cited by Mr. Silverstein, Morris Dees won a judgment for a 
black woman whose son was killed by Klansmen. She received $51,875 as 
settlement. Mr. Dees, according to an investigation by the Montgomery 
Advertiser, pulled in $9 million from fund-raising solicitation letters that 
featured a particularly gruesome photograph of the grieving mother's son. Mr. 
Dees, who pays himself an annual salary of $275,000, offered the grieving 
mother none of the $9 million her son's death made for him.
 Mr. Dees, in fact, earns — or is paid, which is not necessarily the same 
thing — more than nearly any officer of other advocacy groups surveyed by the 
National Journal, more than the chairmen of the ACLU, the NAACP Legal Defense 
Fund and the Children's Defense Fund.
 "You are a fraud and a con man," Stephen Bright, director of the 
Southern Center for Human Rights, which actually takes on dozens of 
death-penalty appeals for poor blacks every year, once told him. "You spend 
so much, accomplish so little, and promote yourself so shamelessly."
 Mr. Dees does not take death-penalty cases because this might scare off 
contributors in safe white liberal neighborhoods, many of whom imagine that 
the death penalty keeps black robbers, rapists and murderers off their 
streets. White guilt can be manipulated with black pain, but it has to be 
done carefully. It's a sordid scam. Some people would call what Morris Dees 
does a hate crime, but it's a living, and a very good one.

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.

[CTRL] Democrats Urge Bush Not to Slash Police Funding

2001-02-10 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Friday February 9

Democrats Urge Bush Not to Slash Police Funding

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats lashed out at President George W. Bush's
budget priorities on Friday, allegedly he was considering a $1 billion cut
in the Justice Department's budget to help
finance his sweeping tax cut plan.
The Democratic National Committee (news - web sites) said the proposed
cutbacks would hurt the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and local
police, while helping to fund Bush's $1.6 trillion tax-cut package, which
Democrats oppose.
DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe said it was "clearly a case of misplaced
priorities." The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
urged Bush to reconsider.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer would not comment on reports that Bush
may cut the Justice Department's budget by $1 billion in the next fiscal year.
But Fleischer said "spending has skyrocketed" and that the president "does
believe that we have to be fiscally conservative."

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Re: [CTRL] Chamish: Sharon - No Celebration (fwd)

2001-02-10 Thread Zuukie1

-Caveat Lector-

If you have something to say about Chamish's latest writings, say them.  If
not, it's just character assassination.  Saying or writing anything beyond
the cliches that are a substitute for what passes for information about the
world around us will make one a target to be attacked in this way.  Sometimes
the criticism is valid, other times not.  Not having seen your past
responses, I have only your word that your attacks were valid.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Civil Rights Commission Seeks Testimony

2001-02-10 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Someone better look into New York voting, also.

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001 16:26:03 -0800 radman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Civil Rights Commission Seeks Testimony


 February 16 Hearing at Wyndham Miami Focuses on South Florida

 Washington, DC ­ Continuing its investigation into voting problems in
 Florida during the presidential election, the US Commission on Civil
 Rights will devote the morning of February 16 to airing the
 experiences of registered South Florida voters who had difficulties
 reaching the polls or casting their ballots. In addition, at the
 conclusion of the formal agenda, members of the public will have the
 opportunity to share their stories at an open public forum.

 The Commission has scheduled a one-day hearing at the Wyndham Miami,
 1601 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL. As is its customary practice, the
 Commission has subpoenaed witnesses and documents for the Miami
 hearing, which will focus on Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm
 Beach Counties. The Commission will take sworn testimony from
 registered voters, poll workers, elected and appointed county
 officials, an administrator of the Department of Motor Vehicles and
 representatives of Choicepoint, the firm contracted by the state to
 help it ensure that felons did not participate in the November 7,
 2000, election.

 The Commission's investigation into Florida voting problems began
 last month with a two-day hearing in Tallahassee featuring testimony
 by Gov. Jeb Bush, Secretary of State Katherine Harris and registered
 voters from that area who had encountered problems at the polls.

 Among the allegations to be examined in Miami: persons were
 improperly purged form voter roles due to erroneous reports of felony
 convictions; voter lists did not include names of persons who had
 registered; properly filed voter registrations were processed too
 late for names to appear on voter rolls; polling places were closed
 early; polling places were moved without notice; some ballots were
 defective and confusing; officials failed to provide language
 assistance as requested; and officials failed to provide access to
 the polls for persons with disabilities.

 The Commission is an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding agency of
 the federal government with authority to hold hearings and subpoena
 both witnesses and documents. It has very broad investigative
 authority in the area of voting rights, even when alleged abuses do
 not involve discrimination, fraud or other malicious intent.

   The US Commission on Civil Rights' ongoing probe of Florida voting
 focuses on Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach Counties

   Registered voters, poll workers, public officials, Choicepoint

   Friday, February 16
   9 am ­ 5:20 pm
   Public forum: 6:30

   Wyndham Miami, Bahama Room, 1601 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL

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credence to 

Re: [CTRL] Disorderly Conduct

2001-02-10 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L Kuhn wrote:



 A Corry hitchhiker accused of making an obscene gesture to a driver who
 passed her by has been charged with disorderly conduct.

 Corry police identified the woman as KA. M__, 43,  (address).
 Police said an officer was watching on Tuesday about 11:20 a.m. when M___
 made the gesture to a driver who passed her by on East Main Street. End of

 I thought you might like to know the direction that "law and order" is
 taking.  Its purpose no longer appears to be to protect our citizens from
 harm.  I'm not sure how many places an "obscene gesture"  amounts to
 disorderly conduct, but I just thought we should all be aware of the
 enthusiasm with which our nation's finest are applying the law.   In several
 years an offense as grevious as this one may put you in the slammer for five
 or ten years.

They'll just put offenders in the organ banks so they serve society
better than they would in prison.


Mark McHugh

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Tripp: Clintons Changed Gift System

2001-02-10 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Linda Tripp is a patriot of the highest order. She is a very brave person
should be given a high award. God bless her for exposing what she did-
so that the WHOLE WORLD now knows SOME of the filthy truth.

As for the article below: Even today's (*^(*^ Washington
which drooled and slobbered over all the worms of the last 8 years,
is reporting the same thing-from the White House usher.

When you stir around in the garbage dump, you get a stink.


On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 01:41:19 EST "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

   Linda Tripp is a disgrace to all humanity.  By the way, this
 article is
 grossly inaccurate.  It states that she was fired on Inauguration
 day, yet
 starts with her claims about logging in gifts from heads of state.
 Tripp was
 transferred to the Pentagon in 1994 when her boss, Bernard Nussbaum,


 Tripp: Clintons Changed Gift System
 Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton did
 always fill out the proper gift forms for presents received at the
 House and kept some of them for themselves, according to Linda
 Tripp, whose
 tapes of conversations with Monica Lewinsky led to his impeachment.

 ''Most of it didn't make it to the gift unit,'' Tripp said Friday
 night on
 ''Larry King Live,'' describing a roomful of presents that had been
 sent to
 the White House by heads of state in honor of Clinton's inauguration
 January 1993. ''I know on many occasions it went to them.''

 She said that when she was filling out proper gift forms for logging
 presents sent to the White House, that she was told, in so many
 words: ''Take
 off your Bush hat. This is the Clinton White House.''

 ''They didn't want any part of that,'' she said.

 Tripp, who worked in the Clinton White House for a year and a half,
 taped her
 conversations with Lewinsky that helped lead to Clinton's
 impeachment. Tripp
 was fired from her $100,000-a-year political position on
 Inauguration Day.

 The Clinton transition office had no comment on Tripp's remarks.

 After being criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware,
 televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left the
 White House,
 the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000
 worth of

 Then on Wednesday, the Clintons returned 19 items after some donors
 their gifts were for the White House, not the former first family.
 The goods
 -- lamps, tables, chairs, sofas and prints -- were put on a truck in
 Chappaqua, N.Y., where the Clintons have a house, and shipped to a
 in a Maryland suburb of Washington where White House items are

 After concluding that the items the Clintons took with them were the
 of the White House, not personal gifts they were entitled to keep,
 National Park Service on Friday released an inventory of the items

 Questions remain about why the items ended up with the Clintons.

 The Clintons have refused to comment on the National Park Service
 determination. But early this week, the former president's office
 issued a
 statement saying every item accepted by him and the former first
 lady, who is
 now the junior Democratic senator from New York, had been identified
 by the
 White House gift office as a present to them.

 ''Gifts did not leave the White House without the approval of the
 White House
 usher's and curator's offices,'' the statement said.

 White House officials who handle gifts to presidents have refused to

 Jim McDaniel, the National Park Service liaison to the White House,
 Thursday that he had found no evidence of clerical errors that could
 caused items meant for the White House to have been placed on the
 list of
 personal gifts the Clintons could chose to keep.

 The list released Friday did not give the value of the items

 About a dozen of the gifts in question, however, were itemized on
 Clintons' final financial disclosure report. The total value of
 those gifts
 was about $28,000.

 According to McDaniel's list, the Clintons returned:

 --Gaming table inlaid with presidential seal, checkerboard and

 --Sofa upholstered in teal green with bold floral

 --Cream-colored TV armoire with green trim, painted with red berries

 --Brass floor lamp

 --Pair of table lamps with antique finish

 --Print of a boy reading with a woman on a porch swing at a beach

 --Print of houses with American flag on a porch

 --Coffee table painted antique green

 --Round center table with dark green edge

 --White kitchen table

 --Four white chairs with woven sections and striped seat cushions

 --Two sofas, easy chair and ottoman upholstered in bold blue floral


 On the Net: 

[CTRL] Elite Around George W. Bush

2001-02-10 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Gaylon Ross" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient List Suppressed:
Subject: Elite Around George W. Bush
Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 1:29 PM

The Elite members around President George W. Bush are:

Spenser Abraham - No
John Ashcroft - No
Elaine L. Chao - CFR
Dick Cheney - CFR, TC
Mitch Daniels - No
Donald Evans - No
Melquiados Martinez - No
Norman Y Mineta - No
Gail Norton - No
Paul H. O'Neill - TC
Rod Paige - No
Colin Powell - BB ('97), CFR
Anthony Principi - No
Condoleezza Rice - CFR
Donald Henry Rumsfeld - BB ('74,'75)
Tommy G. Thompson - No
Ann M Veneman - No
Christine Todd Whitman - BB ('98), CFR

This is of the 2000 lists of BB, CFR and TC.

No = not a member of any of the three Elite groups
BB = Bilderberg
CFR = Council on Foreign Relations
TC - Trilateral Commission


Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
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Re: [CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world._ FTAApt. 3/3

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Real free trade would mean no subsidies, no
 trade taxes, no loan guarantees, and, for
 Heaven’s sake, no bailouts of foreign banks
 and governments. --Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

There's no such thing as real free trade.
There's only this.


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Re: [CTRL] How it works: Today North America. Tomorrow the world._ FTAApt. 2/3

2001-02-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance
 is strength.   -- George Orwell

Helluva quote ya got there Johnson.


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

2001-02-10 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 Ah, the hypocrisy

Indeed, but only if these stories are true. But even if they are, so
what? It's insignificant. He killed a half million Iraqi civilians.
Almost of them were women and children. And you're upset because
somebody said he used non PC language!?! That's grotesque.

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[CTRL] AP: Report: two businessmen cooperating in Torricelli investigation

2001-02-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Report: two businessmen cooperating in Torricelli investigation

TRENTON, N.J.  (AP) - Two businessmen associated with fund
raising abuses in Sen.  Robert Torricelli's 1996 Senate campaign
are cooperating with federal investigators, The New York Times
reported in Saturday's editions.

According to anonymous sources cited by the newspaper,
investigators have uncovered evidence that Torricelli's chief
fund raiser solicited illegal campaign donations from Marc A.
Rousso and his associate, Philippe V.  Hababou.

The fund raiser, Adam C.  Crain, is among three former campaign
aides who the newspaper said have received ''target'' letters
from federal prosecutors indicating that they could be indicted.

The newspaper said Crain, 32, arranged for the campaign to accept
proceeds from an art auction organized by the men and held for
Torricelli at the Four Seasons hotel in Manhattan.  Sources also
said Crain spoke with Rousso about donating $500,000 in radio
advertising to be used to support the 1996 campaign.

Hababou and Rousso have agreed to plead guilty to lesser charges
and are cooperating with federal investigators, the newspaper

Torricelli attorney Robert Bauer said the campaign had acted
properly in its dealings with Rousso and Hababou.

''These tabloid tales, told by admitted criminals with a history
of fraud, are hardly worth of comment,'' he told the newspaper.
''But we do note that even these liars' stories collapse around
the fact that none of what has been alleged ever came to pass.''

Torricelli spokesman Dale Leibach on Saturday told The Associated
Press he had no comment to add beyond what Bauer had said

A lawyer for Hababou, Kevin H.  Marino, declined to comment.
The newspaper was unable to reach Rousso.

A lawyer for Crain, Adam F.  Hoffinger, said his client has done
nothing wrong.

''These unsubstantiated allegations of convicted con artists and
liars are false,'' he said. ''No charges have been brought
against Adam Crain, and he has engaged in absolutely no

Torricelli has said he has been reassured he is not a target of
the investigation. However, targets do not have to be notified
unless they are called before a grand jury.

Justice Department spokesman Chris Watney declined to comment to
the newspaper about the case.

Both Rousso and Hababou had been wanted in Europe on various
investment fraud charges around the time they met Torricelli,
according to the newspaper.

Shortly after he met Rousso, Torricelli sent Crain to follow up
on a pledge the native of France had made to raise as much as
$100,000 on the candidate's behalf, the newspaper reported.

Hababou told investigators that around that time, Crain returned
a $10,000 check from him because it was over the $2,000 limit for
individual donations to a candidate, but said Crain told him to
ask associates to write checks and reimburse them.  Such
contributions are illegal.

Four checks of $2,000 sent to the campaign were credited to
Hababou, although his check for the same amount was returned when
it was learned he was a French national, the newspaper reported.

Six people, including Torricelli's chief accuser David Chang, so
far have pleaded guilty to making illegal contributions to that
campaign. In addition, Chang aide Audrey Yu admitted plotting to
obstruct the investigation.

Torricelli raised and spent more than $9 million in defeating
Republican Dick Zimmer in the 1996 campaign.  Impressed, Senate
Democratic leaders appointed Torricelli as vice chairman of their
political and fund-raising arm, the Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee.  He served as chairman for the 2000 election

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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