Re: [CTRL] Police V. Privacy --CBS

2001-02-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Nine years ago, members of a narcotics task force were using a thermal
imaging camera 

Thermal imaging technology is the tip of the iceberg. Check out
through-the-wall radar:
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] [Fwd: SafetyAlerts Tuesday, Feb 20 2001]

2001-02-20 Thread Outlawlady

Watch out for the chicken you eat!
Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report

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Today's Recalls

Tyson Foods Recalls 2.3 Million Pounds of Chicken
Reason: The products may have been underprocessed.
Distribution: Nationwide and in Bermuda, Bahrain, Cayman Islands,
Guyana, Indonesia, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, and St. Martin. Products were 
also distributed to military installations nationwide and abroad. ">
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Shaw's Recalls Affected Codes of Tyson and Shaw's Own Brand
pre-cooked Chicken
Reason: The products may have been underprocessed.
Distribution: New England states. ">
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Firestone Announces Voluntary Safety Recall Of P205/55R16 Firehawk
GTA-02 Tires
Reason: In extreme cases a crack may develop along the circumference
of the tire.
Distribution: Nationwide, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and Trinidad. ">
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Heart-Risky Drugs Still Being Sold - New registry should pinpoint
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Beware of Drug Interactions - Updated guide helps you avoid potential
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Prostate Cancer Hits Wives Hard, Too - Spouses play key role and
suffer alongside husbands, survey shows ">
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Women Don't Seek Solutions to Sexual Problems from a Pill - They're
looking for a relationship fix, instead ">
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Pssst! Want to Do Away With Your Period? Little-known secret
involving 'the pill' helps some women control their cycles ">
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Candles and Children Don't Mix - Ban on candles with lead wicks urged ">
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Cold Sore Virus Attacks Melanoma - Herpes holds promise against
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Drug Abuse Soaring in China - Efforts to stem tide of addiction under
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A Healthy Marriage Requires Hard Work - The alternative is physical,
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[CTRL] Secret Messages Come in .Wavs --WIRED NEWS

2001-02-20 Thread p

Secret Messages Come in .Wavs --WIRED NEWSby Declan McCullagh 

FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Neil Johnson has a job that's nothing if not unusual: 
He investigates how to uncover concealed messages embedded in sound and video 
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[CTRL] In Search of the 'Gay Gene' --Wash Post

2001-02-20 Thread p

 In Search of the 'Gay Gene' 
By Jack LucentiniSpecial to The Washington Post
Evolutionary biologists have long 
wondered why homosexuality exists. Since homosexuality does not directly result 
in the passing of genes to future generations -- evolution's driving force -- it 
seems odd that it persists in so many societies.
A small but growing group of 
researchers, however, says evidence from both human and animal societies 
suggests that same-sex attraction does, in fact, have an important evolutionary 
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[CTRL] Police V. Privacy --CBS

2001-02-20 Thread p

Police V. Privacy --CBS 
Technology Redrawing Privacy Lines 
For Police, Lawyers Supreme Court Considering Case Involving Hi-Tech Search 

Nine years ago, members of a 
narcotics task force were using a thermal imaging camera to detect whether Danny 
Kyllo's neighbors in Florence, Ore. were growing marijuana.,1597,273091-412,00.shtml
Get Katchup in Your Inbox 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Victim Story 46: Firearms Seized]

2001-02-20 Thread BB


I share J.J. Johnson's outrage. Unfortunately, we have seen
over the last few years a transition from "peace officers"
"law enforcement officers". The self description of police

today also accurately describes the difference between 
police in America (peace officers) and police in Nazi Germany 
(law enforcement officers) 60 years ago. Today, Hitler would
be proud of American "law enforcement officers".

Jim Hardin

The Freedom Page
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Republic USA

New Mexico Bus Driver - 

Latest Victim of Gun War Speaks Out
By J.J. Johnson - Published: 01.17.01

Despite lack of assistance from any gun organization, he plans to fight to the end. 
What makes the victimization of Alex Gonzales so frightening is how a bad situation can snowball on you. For this law-abiding firearms enthusiast, it all started weeks ago with nosy neighbors at a home owner's association. Today, the Gonzales family of Albuquerque, New Mexico sits near homelessness, with Alex's entire arsenal taken from him.
Alex has a wife, and two children - ages 5 and 7. He has a clean criminal record, and is a bus driver for the City of Albuquerque. And, he likes to go shooting on the Mesa. He is part of the gun culture. Over the last nine months his job driving a bus caused him to leave the house at different hours than the rest of his wonderful, caring neighbors of the West Mesa Neighborhood Association. One of them, a 75-year old woman with at least three eye surgeries (for cataracts) was so caring that she decided it was time to keep an eye on Gonzales. "She thought I was selling drugs", Gonzales told Sierra Times.
A few weeks later at the Neighborhood Association Meeting, the dates and times he left his house were neatly written down by his "caring neighbor" and her assistant, both of whom live across the street from Gonzales. "When they presented me with this, they accused me of dealing drugs because of my work hours. So I called my job and had them fax my recent work schedule over. I showed that to them," Gonzales said.
But the nosy neighbor(s) weren't buying it.
Flash forward to December 31, 2000. Alex Gonzales admits setting off a few firecrackers around 10:00 pm that night for the children. "I knew people would be shooting at midnight, and I didn't want my kids around that", he noted. Then he and his wife, his brother and brother-in-law decided to try to win that $500 jackpot at the Sandia Casino on the nearby Indian reservation. As usual on their nights out, they'd leave the children under the watchful eye of their next door neighbor. Pretty safe, considering the nearest police precinct is only three blocks away.
Keep that in mind - only three blocks away.
As per usual, ringing in the New Year in many places in America means field-testing some of that Second Amendment hardware - in unison. According to Gonzales, the police were ordered to stay in during those hours for safety reasons. Go figure.
This is when the mess all started.
According to Albuquerque Police Department Sgt. Paul Romero, they were called from three blocks away shortly after midnight on New Years' Day by that wonderful, caring, 75-year old neighbor who had the THREE eye surgeries on a complaint of hearing and seeing shots fired in the West Mesa Neighborhood.
She saw Gonzales in the parking lot of their eight-unit apartment complex firing several guns in the air over a period of 30 minutes, Romero said.
"He would empty one weapon, go back inside and get another, and fire that one until that one was empty, go back and get another," according to Sergeant Romero, who's had a history with Alex Gonzales.
But if you've been following this, you'll recall that Gonzales (and his adult family members) were at the San Dea Casino.
Nevada residents and regular casino visitors all know that in any casino, there are almost as many security cameras as there are slot machines. The Sandia Casino is no exception. "But the casino will not release the tapes for security reasons," Gonzales told Sierra Times.
Nevertheless, after the cops got the New Year's call about shots being fired, they chose to ignore the drunk drivers and look in to this serious problem. The police admit finding nothing - not even signs of Alex Gonzales.
But in the American tradition of being innocent until proven otherwise, Alex Gonzales was served with a warrant 10 days later - based on the information given by two neighbors - who OF COURSE, had no comment for Sierra Times.
"I had just got home from work at about 7:00 am," Gonzales said. "They waited until eight (when the warrant took effect,) then asked me to come outside to check out a broken window that I had called about the other day."
Once lured outside, he was met at gunpoint by 2 male and 2 female officers in street uniforms.
Having no idea what was going on, Gonzales was told that a

Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion: Why won't the TV media cover this story?

2001-02-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Why won't the TV media cover this story?
By Carla Binion

Why won't Congress and the television news media investigate the relationship
between the Bush family and Sun Myung Moon?  The following essay explains why
the story is newsworthy.  While TV talking heads hammer the public hour after
hour with repetitious chatter about Clinton's pardons and gossipy allegations
of "theft" of White House goods, the far more serious Bush/Moon story remains
invisible to TV audiences.

In order to unravel the mystery, let's look at Moon's history and stated
agenda and explore the Bush family's activities related to Moon.

First, here is evidence that Moon is openly anti-American and
anti-democratic, with an agenda that includes undermining American democracy
and individualism.  These are only some of the reasons why a deeper
investigation into the Moon/Bush alliance is worthwhile:

(1) Frederick Clarkson (Eternal Hostility, Common Courage Press, 1997)
reports that Moon has stated his goal is the "subjugation of the American
government and population."  (Clarkson's source: John Judis, "Rev. Moon's
Rising Political Influence: His Empire Is Spending Big Money To Try To Win
Favor With Conservatives," U. S. News and World Report, March 27, 1989.)

(2) According to the same U. S. News article, Moon also said, "History will
make the position of Rev. Moon clear," and that "his enemies, the American
people and government will bow down before him."

(3) Clarkson reports that Moon has also said, "The entire world is our
goal...Absolute obedience to the Father [Moon] -- that one thing will bring
certain victory...People here in America have to recognize the ability and
power of Reverend Moon." (Excerpt from New Hope News, November 25, 1974,
Reprinted in Frederick Miller, "Confusion at the Fronts, Part three," True
Light Educational Ministry, 1996.)

(4) On May 1, 1997, Moon told a group of followers that "the country that
represents Satan's harvest is America." (Unification News, June 1997.)

(5) In the 1970s, Moon was investigated by a congressional committee headed
by then-U. S. Representative Donald Fraser (D-MN). Robert Boettcher was staff
director of the Fraser committee.  Boettcher's interviews with former Moonies
revealed that Moon was "appalled" by American individualism and considered
moving to Germany "where people were trained in totalism."  (Robert
Boettcher, "Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park and the Korean
Scandal," Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980)

(6)  Boettcher writes that according to former Unification church members,
Moon's program to "instill discipline" included showing "Nazi films on
organizing Hitler Youth."

Moon's anti-American, anti-democratic rantings might seem harmless if
expressed by an individual with no political clout.  However, the wealthy,
influential Moon has worked successfully to gain a power base among
conservative Republicans.

In an effort to gain political influence, Moon has worked his tentacles into
the news media.  Frederick Clarkson writes that since its founding the
newspaper the Washington Times "has been owned, controlled and bankrolled" by

Former Washington Times editorial page editor, William Cheshire, resigned
because of alleged editorial interference from Moon's officials.  According
to Clarkson, Cheshire also said he believes the Washington Times is operating
in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Passed in the 1930s, the Foreign Agents Registration Act "requires entities
whose activities are controlled by foreign governments and corporations to
make financial and other forms of disclosure to the Justice Department."
Clarkson says the Act was originally passed "to expose covert Nazi funding of
German-American newspapers."

George H. W. Bush is one the most politically powerful defenders of Moon and
the Washington Times.  Bush was CIA director when the Fraser committee
investigated Moon, and he is well aware of Moon's stated agenda and modus
operandi.  At the time of the congressional investigation, Bush handled
sensitive matters on U. S. relations with Korea and the political figures

According to a Reuters report, ("Bush Praises Moon as 'Man of Vision',"
November 25, 1996) when Moon held a banquet in Buenos Aires celebrating his
new "Spanish-language newspaper for the whole of Latin America," his guest at
the event, George H. W. Bush, praised Moon's "respect for editorial

Bush's speech "was full of praise" for Moon's Washington Times, according to
Reuters.  The report also says Bush described Moon as "the man with the

Reuters said Bush later travelled with Moon to neighboring Uruguay "to help
him inaugurate a seminary in the capital Montevideo to train 4,200 young
Japanese women to spread the word of his Church of Unification across Latin

"I want to salute Reverend Moon who is the founder of the Washington Times
and of the new paper here," Bush said.  According to Reuters, the Wa

Re: [CTRL] test only

2001-02-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

test only">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BDG: Early snapshots of ancient worlds

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

A battle over Jerusalem's sacred sites, with the West weighing in
heavily:  It's not a new phenomenon. In the 19th century,
photographs of a Holy Land in ruins, its unwashed, uneducated
populace clad in rags, were used as ''proof'' that the Middle
East was a backward place in need of Christian salvation and
shoring up by the British Royal Engineers.Some of those
photographs are included in ''Sight-seeing: Photography of the
Middle East and Its Audiences, 1840-1940,'' an exhibition at
Harvard's Fogg Art Museum, with works drawn from various Harvard
collections, including those of the Semitic Museum, and from
outside lenders.

Organized by a gifted graduate student, Julide Aker, the show
features images by professionals and amateurs, made for a market
of armchair travelers infatuated with the mysterious East, and,
after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 simplified access to
the area, made by the increasing number of tourists themselves,
who came carting their Kodaks.

The show has a companion. Across the street at the Sackler Museum
is ''Antoin Sevruguin and the Persian Image,'' 50 modern prints
made from the original glass-plate negatives, which were
themselves made in the late 19th and early 20th century by one of
Iran's great early photographers. The traveling exhibition was
organized by the Smithsonian Institution; its Harvard coordinator
is Rochelle Kessler. Born in Tehran to Armenian parents,
Sevruguin devoted a long career to documenting life in Iran,
through subjects ranging from wrestlers to carpet weavers to
uninhabited landscapes. While he empathized with his subjects
more than the photographers in the ''Sight-seeing'' show did with
theirs, he, too, on occasion fabricated costumes, settings, poses
- and meanings.

He also gained access to the Persian Royal Court and to its late
19th-century ruler, Nasir al-Din Shah, himself a keen amateur
photographer. Both Sevruguin and the shah saw photography as a
modern scientific phenomenon: Hence their pictures of airplanes
and railroads, just the kinds of unpicturesque subjects that
didn't appeal to the ''Sight-seeing'' crowd.What Van Dyck was to
Charles I, Sevruguin was to Nasir al-Din Shah. The photographer
captured the ruler in poses both formal and surprisingly casual -
having his mustache dyed by a Western barber in one. More typical
is the photo of the shah on the peacock throne, a study in both
the symmetry and the Rembrandtesque play of light and shadow that
are Sevruguin hallmarks.Western influences pervade Sevruguin's
work just as they penetrated late-19th-century Iran.

In ''Interior in Gulistan Palace,'' the shah is seated in the
murky depths of a vast room filled with European furniture.
Behind him is a mirror, in which Sevruguin and his camera are
reflected, a familiar device in Western painting.  Sevruguin had
compositional flair and a fine sense of where to stand to capture
the most dramatic view. See ''Mountain Landscape, Luristan,'' a
series of horizontal bands of architecture, light and shade,
capped by a rocky cliff made of slashing diagonals.

For a dramatic view of a human subject, his ''Veiled Woman With
Pearls'' ranks high. The sitter's identity is unknown, and adding
to the enigma is the gauzy, lace-bordered shroud that hides her
face. Its windswept look contrasts with the stasis of the figure,
weighed down by velvet and brocade robes and yards of pearls.

That Antoin Sevruguin is not as well known as he might be is
because Middle Eastern politics intervened: Most of his work - up
to 7,000 glass plate negatives - was destroyed during the
political turmoil in early-20th-century Iran.Remains of the
day''Sight-seeing'' opens with an early version of virtual
reality: a stereoscope. The device commands your whole field of
vision, and gives a sense of depth. Look through it and there's a
steep view of Egyptians climbing the rugged facade of the Great
Pyramid. You are there, looking up at them, just steps away.

Another 19th-century invention that gave stay-at-homes a sense of
being on the spot was the lantern slide, a 25- to 30-foot
projection used to accompany lectures by the likes of the
American Reverend Clarence William Smith, who would dress up in
Arab costume while delivering his talks on Palestine. Scale also
helped put the viewer into the picture.

Francis Frith, an Englishman who first went to Egypt in the
1850s, printed from oversized plates, enhancing the feeling that
you were looking at the Pyramids through a window. Frith became
enormously successful as a commercial photographer and
propagandizer. ''By turning his camera primarily toward ancient
remains and recording only negative aspects of present-day
reality, Frith created visual and verbal representations that
perpetuated Western prejudices,'' Aker writes in the excellent
free brochure accompanying the show. He did so in an era when
people took for granted that photograph

[CTRL] NM: Burton Eyeing Chinagate Links to Clinton Library

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2001 9:31 a.m. EST

Burton Eyeing Chinagate Links to Clinton Library

Chief House Pardongate prober Dan Burton, R-Ind., has subpoenaed
the donor list to the Clinton Library Foundation, which is known
to include Denise Rich. But he thinks that list may contain key
evidence about an even more explosive Clinton scandal.

 In a comment missed by most of the press, the tenacious
Republican said Sunday that he'll be keeping an eye out for other
Clinton library donors with ties to the Chinagate scandal.

 "When I subpoenaed those documents from the president's library
board we didn't intend to go public with them unless there was a
need to do so," Burton told CBS's "Face the Nation" host Bob

 "Now if we find out that the Lippo Group in Indonesia, James
Riady, or Mochtar Riady gave a huge sum of money - anybody
connected with John Huang or some of these others, including Marc
Rich - then of course that's something we'll take a look at," he

 "Because we want to find out why some of these people got light
sentences and breaks from the previous Justice Department and
some of these pardons from the president."

 James Riady, for instance, took a sweetheart plea bargain from
the Clinton Justice Department that had him paying $8 million in
fines but doing no jail time.

 Huang and Clinton donor Charlie Trie got off with similar slaps
on the wrist.

Their political donations had to be returned when the light of
public scrutiny showed them to be illegal. But since the Clinton
Library is tax exempt it's not subject to disclosure laws. What
an excellent place for any friend of Bill to hide oodles of cash

And so Burton may be on to something.

 Even though the Washington Post went public with a list of 20
megabuck Clinton Library donors in 1999, the ex-president's
lawyer David Kendall has vowed to fight hammer and tong to keep
other names secret.

 And then there's the much-overlooked report in the Far Eastern
Economic Review last September that claimed the Riadys expected
Clinton to join Lippo's board of directors after he left the
White House.

If true, that means they intend to keep bankrolling Bill and
Hillary - and just about the only way they could keep that secret
is to donate to the Clinton Library.

 Burton's committee has given Kendall till Thursday to come clean
on the library list. After that, he'll be subject to contempt
proceedings, a committee spokesman said Monday.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Questions Swirl Around Mystery Pardon of Roger Clinton's Cocaine Friend

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Monday Feb. 19, 2001; 11:27 a.m. EST

Questions Swirl Around Mystery Pardon of Roger Clinton's Cocaine

 In the wake of reports that recently pardoned former
first-brother Roger Clinton was the subject of a
clemency-for-cash FBI investigation, some now wonder about his
brother's mysterious last-minute pardon of Mitchell C. Wood, who
testified in 1986 that the younger Clinton used to supply him
with cocaine.

 Wood, a resident of Sherwood, Arkansas, was sentenced to four
months in jail after fingering Roger, who did a year in prison
for his own role in a statewide cocaine ring that threatened to
rock the administration of his brother, the then-governor.

 Now Newsweek reports that the Justice Department dropped its
recent pardon probe into Roger only because he wasn't a federal
official -- and not because the FBI lacked evidence to back-up
the charge.

 So the question remains operative: Did the president's little
brother succeed in selling any presidential pardons -- and if so,
to whom?

 Enter Mr. Wood, who told a reporter ten days before news of the
FBI's Clinton probe emerged that he couldn't explain why the
president decided to pardon him.

 "Why Mr. Wood was pardoned is a mystery," reported the Wall
Street Journal, in a story headlined, "Pardon Recipient Says He
Had Ties to Roger Clinton."

 "An employee of the Arkansas Department of Economic Development,
(Wood) said he applied to the Justice Department for a pardon
without an attorney's help several years ago and he hasn't 'seen
Roger in 15 years.'"

 "Former President Clinton, he added, 'would not have any idea
who I was.'"

 Others nailed in the same cocaine investigation that snagged
Roger Clinton and Mitchell Wood included Dan Lasater, a major
financial supporter who was pardoned by then-Gov. Clinton in

 Also caught in drug dragnet was George E. "Butch" Locke, a
former state senator who was once in business with Lasater, and
who also hoped for a presidential pardon before Clinton left the
White House.

 "I thought when Roger got his, I'd probably get mine," Locke
told the Journal.

 He didn't, making Wood's pardon look all the more mysterious.

 A Justice Department spokesperson was unavailable to comment on
whether the Wood case was one of those under scrutiny in the
FBI's Roger Clinton probe.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SHNS: An appearance of impropriety

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Opinions: DAN K. THOMASSON: An appearance of impropriety

Scripps Howard News Service

WASHINGTON (February 20, 2001 12:05 a.m. EST - There is an old rule of thumb in
ferreting out political corruption: Follow the money.

That was true in the Teapot Dome scandals of the 1920s and in the
Bobby Baker Senate scandals of the early 1960s. It was true in
the Watergate debacle a decade later and it is true in the
current matter of former fugitives Marc Rich and Pincus Green.

Following the greenbacks - some $1.45 million of them - leads
even the most naive of us to the almost inescapable conclusion
that Bill Clinton's startling pardons of Rich and Green were
predicated on money. If it looks like a bribe and it smells like
a bribe, chances are it is a bribe. Even if one is inclined to be
as generous as possible to the ex-president, the appearance of
impropriety here is enormous.

Now Clinton has offered us his rationale for the pardons in an
essay for The New York Times. In typical Clinton fashion, it is
full of spin and half-truths, avoidance and outright dissembling,
including the implication that he had a foreign policy motive.

Rich, it seems, actually spread a lot of his cash around for
"charitable" purposes over the years. He was generous with
Israel, whose officials, including Prime Minister Ehud Barak,
lobbied Clinton for Rich's relief from a 17-year indictment on
charges of tax evasion, $48 million worth.

Rich had renounced his citizenship in 1983 rather than answer the
charges in court. But in the current high-roller atmosphere of
politics, where big bucks drive everything, even that outrage can
be overcome if you show compassion to the right people.

Clinton categorically denies that his pardons for Rich and Green
were a quid pro quo for donations from Rich's ex-wife, Denise, to
the Democratic Party, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and to the
Clinton presidential library. He contended that three prominent
Republican lawyers approved of the pardon. All three, however,
denied this the moment the allegation appeared.

While Clinton could be expected to deny the obvious implication
that pardons were for sale in his administration, the former
president's disparagement of the country's criminal justice
system is most alarming. He made it clear that he felt that Rich
and Green were victims of overzealous government attorneys who
should have filed civil, rather than criminal, actions. Thus, it
was all right apparently for these extremely wealthy men to flee
their country to avoid prosecution because of an unfair process.

This is a disturbing position for a man who took a solemn oath to
uphold the rule of law as the nation's highest officer. It would
have been helpful if he had explained why Rich and Green chose to
be fugitives rather than face their day in court if the case for
their innocence was so strong.

The former president also failed to deal with allegations that
Rich and Green had ignored an embargo against doing business with
Iran, which at the time was holding Americans hostage and defying
every international rule of civilized behavior.

Meanwhile, Clinton's allies have begun to try to build backfires.
They plant stories that allege that all this furor about pardons
and gifts of furniture and office space and so forth is the
result of a well orchestrated scheme by George Bush and his

At the same time, friends of Denise Rich are offering
testimonials that she wouldn't be a party to anything as ugly as
trying to bribe the president of the United States. She was just
a "naive soul."

Please don't insult our intelligence. If that were the case, why
then did she refuse to testify before Congress, claiming her
Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination? Why then is
the federal prosecutor who is determined to get to the bottom of
this sorry mess contemplating offering her immunity for her

Could it be that the hundreds of thousands of dollars she donated
to help finance the political activities of her White House
friends actually came from someone other than Denise Rich? Do we
wonder who that might have been?

Politicians and mobsters frequently use "cutouts" (to borrow and
old spy phrase) for diverting attention from the real source. The
record of the Clinton-Gore campaign funding scandals is replete
with examples of this kind of activity. Some might compare it to
money laundering.

The former president has been headed for a comeuppance over this
behavior from the moment he began renting out the Lincoln bedroom
to big campaign contributors. But while the money trail makes it
fairly clear what happened here, nothing is likely to happen to
Clinton. That may not be so true for the other key players in
this shameful matter.

Dan K. Thomasson is former editor of Scripps Howard News Service.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] SF: The Mystery of Eugene Island 330

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I read that this very well could have been known by oil
companies for decades.  --MS]

Science Frontiers, No. 124, Jul-Aug 1999, p. 3


The Mystery of Eugene Island 330

Eugene Island is a submerged mountain in the Gulf of Mexico about
80 miles off the Louisiana coast.  The landscape of Eugene Island
is riven with deep fissures and faults from which spew
spontaneous belches of gas and oil.  Up on the surface, a
platform designated Eugene Island 330 began producing about
15,000 barrels of oil per day in the early 1970s.  By 1989, the
flow had dwindled to 4,000 barrels per day.  Then, suddenly,
production zoomed to 13,000 barrels.  In addition, estimated
reserves rocketed from 60 to 400 million barrels.  Even more
anomalous is the discovery that the geological age of today's oil
is quite different from that recovered 10 years ago.  What's
going on under the Gulf of Mexico?

It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the oil reservoir at
Eugene Island is rapidly refilling itself from "some continuous
source miles below the earth's surface."  In support of this
surmise, analysis of seismic records revealed a deep fault which
"was gushing oil like a garden hose."

The deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island strongly supports T.
Gold's theory about *The Deep Hot Biosphere*.  Gold holds:

 that oil is actually a renewable, primordial syrup continually
 manufactured by the earth under ultrahot conditions and
 tremendous pressures.  As this substance migrates toward
 the surface, it is attacked by bacteria, making it appear
 to have an organic origin dating back to the dinosaurs.

The apparent deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island and Gold's
ideas make petroleum engineers wonder about a similar situation
at the seemingly inexhaustible oil fields of the Middle East.

 The Middle East has more than doubled its reserves in the
 past 20 years, despite half a century of intense exploitation
 and relatively few new discoveries.  It would take a pretty
 big pile of dead dinosaurs and prehistoric plants to account
 for the estimated 660 billion barrels of oil in the region,
 notes Norman Hyne, a professor at the University of Tulsa
 in Oklahoma.  "Off-the-wall theories often turn out to be
 right," he says.

(Cooper, Christopher; "It's No Crude Joke: This Oil Field Grows
Even as It's Tapped," *Wall Street Journal*, April 16, 1999.
Cr. C. Casale.)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-02-20 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

===Electronic Edition

---February 29, 1996---
News and resources for environmental justice.
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The Monsanto corporation's genetically-engineered hormone, rBGH, seems to
in trouble. The product is marketed to dairy farmers for injection into
their cows to boost milk production about 10%, but a survey of farmers
summer indicated that enthusiasm for the product remains low. [1] And
month a new peer-reviewed medical study argued that rBGH may promote
of the breast and colon in humans who drink milk from rBGH-treated cows.
Monsanto has bet the future of the company on genetic engineering, and
is the company's first, showcase biotech product.
Monsanto has refused to release any rBGH sales figures since January,
The hormone, which Monsanto sells under the trade name Posilac, and which
also known as BST or BGH or rBGH, has been bitterly opposed by consumer
groups on grounds that (a) its effects on humans are not known, but may
be negative; (b) it is not good for cows; (c) it is not needed because
U.S. already produces far more milk than it can consume and taxpayers
presently have to foot the bill for purchasing and dumping this excess
and (d) there are better, non-chemical alternatives for increasing milk
production, if that is a particular farmer's goal. (See REHW #381, 382,
& 384.)
Monsanto's Posilac is a genetically-engineered hormone, known as
'recombinant bovine growth hormone,' or rBGH. Monsanto some years ago
renamed it bovine somatotropin, or BST, thus avoiding use of the word
"hormone" in public discussions. With inside help from a former Monsanto
consultant who went to work for the federal government, the U.S. Food &
Administration (FDA) approved rBGH for sale in November, 1993 and the
product went on the market in early 1994. (See REHW #382.)
When grocery stores began labeling certain milk as rBGH-free, as a help
their customers who might want to avoid purchasing milk from cows
with the drug, Monsanto sued to prevent such labeling. Those lawsuits
Monsanto's home-grown variant of the "banana laws" that the food industry
has been successfully promoting nationwide, to prevent food-safety
from speaking out about potential dangers of chemically-treated foods.
REHW #481.) However Monsanto lost --or abandoned --all the labeling
lawsuits, so labeling milk as rBGH-free is now permitted. The federal
however, has refused to require labeling of milk from rBGH-treated cows.
An important California newspaper, the FRESNO BEE, reported late last
that farmers in California --the largest dairy state --are treating rBGH
like a dirty secret: no one wants to talk about it, and no one wants to
admit using it. [1]
Barbara de Lollis, a BEE staff reporter, said Monsanto claims to have
14.5 million injections between February, 1994 and January, 1995,
almost 30% of the dairy herds in the nation. But then the company stopped
releasing sales figures. Ms. de Lollis conducted interviews across
California and reported that "an eery silence exists in dairy circles
regarding BST [rBGH]."
"It's too controversial," said Jim Deaver, head of California State
University, Fresno's dairy unit, where they inject their herds with rBGH.
"He refused to say more," Ms. de Lollis reported.
"Some are embarrassed to talk about it," said Loren Lopes, a Turlock,
California producer who milks 300 cows without rBGH. Farmers usually
their success or failure stories when an important new product comes
but not this time. "They're keeping this hidden. They don't want people
know they're using it," Mr. Lopes told Ms. de Lollis.
Mr. Lopes said he has heard of farmers who store their Posilac in an
out-of-sight cabinet or in their home. Some farmers inject their cows
themselves after the hired hands go home.
Farmers order rBGH straight from Monsanto and sometimes they have that
unmistakable blue-and-orange FedEx truck deliver rBGH to their feed
instead of to their farm, so their neighbors won't know they're using the
controversial hormone, according to Mark Kastel, a researcher with the
Wisconsin Farmers Union. The Union recently released an anecdotal report
citing animal health problems tied to the drug. [3]
A survey published last October in DAIRY TODAY, a respected midwestern
journal, said 20 percent of U.S. farmers have tried rBGH. But opposition
appears to be hardening among farm


2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon

Can be Easily Heard Around the World on Shortwave Radio. Has Space War Begun? 

-BJNews by Marshall Smith   As of this morning, Saturday Feb 17, 2001, 
HAARP began doing testing with greatly increased FULL power. The transmitter 
can now be heard all day long on 3.39 MHz. Very early this morning about 3 
AM, HAARP could be heard at it's "old" normal signal strength. About 4 AM the 
signal changed in both its pulse timing and inter-pulse spacing. At 4:30 AM 
the signal strength suddenly increased tremendously.   Unlike previous 
mornings, there was no regular F-layer daytime fade out when the sun rose 
here in California about 6:45 AM. I continued to monitor during the daylight. 
I have never heard the HAARP signal during the daytime before. The sun now 
rises in Gakona Alaska about 10 AM PST. The received signal again increased 
from about S5 to S9 at 10:05 AM. With sunlight at both the transmitter and 
receiver there is no F-layer skip to bend the powerful signal around the 
planet. This means this is an extremely powerful direct groundwave signal. 
And I'm only receiving the leakage off the side lobes of the antenna array. 
  The full HAARP design power is supposed to be about 350 Megawatts. But 
that is only the published spec, not necessarily what is done in practice (as 
in those CB'rs running illegal 1KWatt linear amplifiers). There is a planned 
Air Force "Star Wars" test with two vehicles, one from California and the 
other in the south Pacific, similar to last summer's failed test. The 
tentative published launch is set for late March or April. I will monitor 
HAARP to confirm it is running full power during the launch, as it was last 
summer.   Last summer's "failure" is exactly what a HAARP device is 
supposed to do; destroy the electronic controls of a vehicle so the second 
stage cannot separate from the booster. A very cheap, simple way to knock 
down missiles launched from anywhere on the planet. It also can destroy 
military satellites in low orbit. Maybe that's why the Russians and Chinese 
have been complaining in the last several weeks about Bush's intention to 
"build" the star wars system. Maybe they've been losing some of their "secret 
hardware." But of course, they won't say that in public.   Its now 11 AM 
PST, on Saturday the 17th, and the signal is blasting in with the powerful 
pre-pulse tone around S+20 and the main signal about S9. The signal varies 3 
to 6 db over a series of several pulses. Since this is not due to F-layer 
skip fading, I must assume they are slewing the beam of the antenna in 
various directions, and thus changing the amount of the side lobes in this 
direction. This must be a test of a simulated space warfare game with 
multiple targets. Rapid slewing of the antenna in just a matter of a minute 
or two is not useful for submarine communication, nor for their stated 
purpose of doing "ionospheric research."   To show the HAARP signal is 
abnormally large, at this time, the 80 meter band is silent and WWV at 5 MHz 
cannot be heard, as would be expected during the daytime. WWV at 10 MHz is 
barely heard but does not even register on the S meter. Tuning back to 3.39 
MHz, the S meter jumps off the top of the scale. Even the extremely powerful 
Russian “woodpecker” transmitters during the cold-war never did that, and 
they were aimed along the ground not out into space. I have no way to 
estimate how many Gigawatts that represents.   It may be only coincidence 
but just several days ago, Russia announced it will be conducting a massive 
space war game, including the launch of numerous missiles, from both ground 
sites and submarines. Of course this is only a coincidence. You Think. Check 
out the details in Bill Gertz's article Russian forces conduct massive 
war-games exercise . And then don't forget you read it first in BroJon 
Gazette.   For more information about HAARP, how the transmitter works 
and to hear what the transmitter sounds like, go back to the front page 
article about the HAARP facility and follow the links there. 
  I should point out in 1983 a number of Air Force ER-135 electronic 
warfare planes were shot down in the Sea of Japan. They were apparently 
making a covert entry into soviet airspace to test the latest Russian 
technology. What the Air Force did not know then was the Soviets had 
developed a stealth fighter so the 135's never saw the Russians coming and 
all 5 of the US e-warfare planes were shot down. To cover this "covert" 
event, the US shot down a 747, a plane similar to the 135's (or modified 
Boeing 707's whose parts are very similar to a 747) so if plane parts are 
found in the Sea of Japan they are claimed to be the 747. The 747 may, in 
fact, have played a part in the covert event. This is the supposed "Russian" 
shoot down of Korean Airlines Flight 007, on Sept 1,

[CTRL] Government was set to ease Iraq sanctions before air raid

2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon

Government was set to ease Iraq sanctions before air raid 

By Paul Waugh, Deputy Political Editor 

20 February 2001 

Claims that Tony Blair was bounced by the US into launching military strikes 
on Baghdad intensified last night after it emerged that the Foreign Office 
signalled a relaxation of policy towards Iraq less than 24 hours before the 
air strikes. 

Brian Wilson, a Foreign Office minister, outlined a new approach on the issue 
of sanctions last Thursday, just as the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was 
preparing to bomb Iraqi installations, The Independent has learnt. 

Details of Mr Wilson's announcement emerged as Downing Street and the MoD 
defended the decision to take part in the air strikes despite the 
condemnation of many European states. Last night, however, government sources 
said they were examining the possibility of "smart sanctions", which would be 
more precisely military in their scope, in an effort to defuse criticism from 
their European allies. 

Mr Wilson indicated in a written parliamentary reply that the Government 
would take fresh steps to ensure that humanitarian supplies were getting 
through to the country. His reply was claimed by ministerial sources as a 
"significant shift" in policy in response to Labour MPs' concern over the 
impact of sanctions on Iraqis. 

In a written answer to the Plaid Cymru MP Elfyn Llwyd, Mr Wilson said Britain 
would work on examples of equipment to combat cancer or food-testing 
equipment that had been unnecessarily held up by the UN sanctions committee 
from entering Iraq. 

"We are prepared to look into the matter and, where appropriate, make 
representations bilaterally and in the sanctions committee," Mr Wilson wrote. 
Crucially, the minister added: "I am anxious further to refine this process 
in any way which is consistent with UN Security Council resolutions and also 
the humanitarian interests of the Iraqi people." 

Last night, Labour MPs said that the revelation of a shift in policy only 
hours before the military action would fuel suspicions that the Foreign 
Office was kept in the dark about the bombings. Alan Simpson, MP for 
Nottingham South, said: "Here is the great tragedy. Brian Wilson is a bright, 
progressive minister who has picked up on the level of backbench unease about 
a policy that hasn't worked for its 10 years... His remarks moved us quite 
significantly towards recognising that diplomacy is the only way forward. I 
feel really saddened that [the] brave step he was trying to take was bombed 
out, quite literally, by the military of the US."

 Tony Benn, the Labour MP for Chesterfield, said Mr Wilson's approach showed 
Britain had been led by the Americans into the action. "I am no apologist for 
Saddam Hussein, but we cannot have a situation where sanctions kill another 
half million Iraqi children," he said. 

The Government denied that the air strikes amounted to an escalation of 
aggression against Iraq. Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean, a Defence minister, 
told the House of Lords that the threat to Allied planes patrolling the 
no-fly zone had intensified this year. 

It is understood that Baghdad has obtained a fibre-optic link allowing it to 
detect Allied planes from a greater distance than the conventional radar 
previously used. This system was among the targets for Friday's raid, which 
Lady Symons said had been "successful, with weapons impacting on or very 
close to the target". Downing Street said Allied planes had been targeted at 
least 22 times last month – more often than in the whole of 2000. 

The Labour MP George Galloway visited Baghdad to add to the international 
condemnation of the air strikes. Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, and his 
French counterpart, Jacques Chirac, spoke yesterday to "underline the 
closeness of the positions" in opposition to the air strikes, a Russian 
spokesman said. 

[CTRL] The Golden Age Of Surveillance

2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon,1597,272897-412,00.shtml

The Golden Age Of Surveillance 

NEW YORK, Feb. 18, 2001

It's increasingly true that Big Brother may indeed be watching you, for a 
variety of reasons. 

(CBS) The debate over ever-more sophisticated ways of snooping on the public 
at home, at work, and at play is beginning to move onto the desks of lawyers 
and lawmakers. 

The U.S. Supreme Court is to hear this week a case on whether police violated 
the constitutional rights of an Oregon man who was arrested after authorities 
using heat-detection equipment to secretly monitor his house found the 
pattern that led them to believe he was growing marijuana indoors. 

Lawmakers are also feeling the heat, from a new group called the Privacy 
Coalition, which is an alliance of groups from all over the political 
spectrum, from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Privacy 
Information Center to the United Auto Workers union and the conservative 
group Eagle Forum. 

The Coalition is challenging state and national lawmakers to sign a pledge to 
work to restrict surveillance technologies such as those used for locational 
tracking, video surveillance, electronic profiling, and workplace monitoring 
and work to promote privacy-enhancing technologies that limit the collection 
of personal information. 

In most cases, that would mean new laws, and even some of the minds behind 
the new "search, watch and identify" technologies agree that some legal 
protections might be in order. 

At least 19 bills seeking to address privacy issues have been introduced in 
the new Congress, at least 74 privacy bills are under consideration by state 
lawmakers in California, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas, and privacy issues 
are being studied by a number of government agencies. 

Much of the controversy has focused on biometrics - the science of using 
physical measurements to identify individuals - such as the Facefinder video 
surveillance tool tested at this year's Super Bowl in Tampa. 

The technology is based on the theory that every person's face is a slight 
spatial deviation on 128 facial types, each of which is represented in a 
numerical code that can be quickly compared with the faces in a database of 

Law enforcement officials argue that the comparison of the surveillance 
photos taken of the 100,000 fans at the Super Bowl to mugshots on file was no 
more intrusive than the routine video surveillance Americans encounter each 
day in stores, banks, office buildings and apartment buildings. 

Critics disagree, saying the biometric face-recognition system essentially 
puts everyone in a police lineup. 

"When the government does it, they ought to be doing it under the basis of 
reasonable suspicion that some crime is taking place," argues ACLU associate 
director Barry Steinhardt, in an interview with CBS News Correspondent John 

Bob Buckhorn, Tampa City Councilman, says they did have a good reason. He 
says the Super Bowl clearly was "an easy target for somebody, if they were 
inclined to commit a terrorist act. I think that supercedes the arguments the 
ACLU has made." 

Advocates of biometrics also argue that its technology is actually less 
invasive than others used by governments and law enforcement, because there 
is no need to provide vast amounts of financial and other personal data. 

"With our system, we do a quick match, which lasts about a second, and then 
it's (the data) is completely dropped," explains Tom Colatosti, of Viisage 
Technology, the maker of the biometric surveillance system used at the Super 
Bowl. "We think it's very passive…It's certainly less intrusive than going to 
an airport and having someone check your luggage." 

Facefinder was developed by Viisage in partnership with Raytheon Co. and 
Graphco Technologies. Graphco's vice president for marketing, Barry Hodge, 
acknowledges that there is a need for caution. 

"There needs to be a really open, positive public forum…as to what extent we 
as individuals are willing to compromise our personal privacy for public 
safety," says Hodge. "It's like any other tool, some of which are very, very 
positive and some of which could be very damaging if misused." 

Biometric systems are now being tested at airports and are being studied for 
use on driver's licenses and government employee ID cards, on the theory that 
they would be less prone to fraud. It's also been suggested that they should 
be used at the polls, to prevent the voter irregularities that made so many 
headlines this past fall. 

In Yemen, Biometric ID cards using fingerprint templates are now being phased 
in, with some 3,000 cards issued last fall, and the expectation of millions 
of cards being in use within the next few years. 

While law enforcement use of video scrutiny is controversial, private 
industry has been using it for years. 

One such use is the network of 700 cameras used to search for suspici

[CTRL] Fw: Nike Not Nice

2001-02-20 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

> Nike now lets you personalize your shoes by submitting a word or phrase
> which they will stitch onto your shoes, under the swoosh. So Jonah Peretti
> filled out the form and sent them $50 to stitch "SWEATSHOP" onto his
> Here's the responses he got...
> From: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "'Jonah H. Peretti'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order
> Your NIKE iD order was cancelled for one or more of the following reasons:
> 1) Your Personal iD contains another party's trademark or other
> intellectual property 2) Your Personal iD contains the name of an athlete
> or team we do not have the legal right to use 3) Your Personal iD was left
> blank. Did you not want any personalization? 4) Your Personal iD contains
> profanity or inappropriate slang, andbesides, your mother would slap us.
> If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with a new personalization
> please visit us again at Thank you, NIKE iD
> From: "Jonah H. Peretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order Greetings,
> My order was canceled but my personal NIKE iD does not violate any ofthe
> criteria outlined in your message. The Personal iD on my custom ZOOM XC
> running shoes was the word "sweatshop."
> Sweatshop is not: 1) another's party's trademark, 2) the name of an
> athlete, 3) blank or 4) profanity.
> I choose the iD because I wanted to remember the toil and labor of the
> children that made my shoes. Could you please ship them to me immediately.
> Thanks and Happy New Year, Jonah Peretti
> From: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "'Jonah H. Peretti'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order
> Dear NIKE iD Customer, Your NIKE iD order was cancelled because the iD you
> have chosen contains, as stated in the previous e-mail correspondence,
> "inappropriate slang". If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with a
> new personalization please visit us agai nat Thank you, NIKE iD
> From: "Jonah H. Peretti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order Dear NIKE iD,
> Thank you for your quick response to my inquiry about my custom ZOOM XC
> running shoes. Although I commend you for your prompt customer service, I
> disagree with the claim that my personal iD was inappropriate slang. After
> consulting Webster's Dictionary, I discovered that "sweatshop" is in fact
> part of standard English, and not slang. The word means: "a shop or
> in which workers are employed for long hours at low wages and under
> unhealthy conditions" and its origin dates from 1892. So my personal iD
> does meet the criteria detailed in your first email. Your web site
> advertises that the NIKE iD program is "about freedom to choose and
> to express who you are." I share Nike's love of freedom and personal
> expression. The site also says that "If you want it done it
> yourself." I was thrilled to be able to build my own shoes, and my
> iD was offered as a small token of appreciation for the sweatshop workers
> poised to help me realize my vision. I hope that you will value my freedom
> of expression and reconsider your decision to reject my order. Thank you,
>  Jonah Peretti
> From: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "'Jonah H. Peretti'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order
> Dear NIKE iD Customer,
> Regarding the rules for personalization it also states on the NIKE iD web
> site that "Nike reserves the right to cancel any personal iD up to 24
> after it has been submitted". In addition, it further explains: "While we
> honor most personal iDs, we cannot honor every one. Some may be (or
> contain) other's trademarks, or the names of certain professional sports
> teams, athletes or celebrities that Nike does not have the right to use.
> Others may contain material that we consider inappropriate or simply do
> want to place on our products. Unfortunately, at times this obliges us to
> decline personal iDs that may otherwise seem unobjectionable. In any
> we will let you know if we decline your personal iD, and we will offer you
> the chance to submit another." With these rules in mind, we cannot accept
> your order as submitted. If you wish to reorder your NIKE iD product with
> new personalization please visit us again at Thank you, NIKE
> From: "Jonah H. Peretti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: "Personalize, NIKE iD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Your NIKE iD order
> Dear NIKE iD,
> Thank you for the time and energy you have spent on my request. I have
> decided to order the shoes with a different iD, but I would like to make
> one small request. Could you please send me a color snapshot of the
> ten-year-old Vietnamese girl who makes my shoes? Thanks, Jonah Peretti
> As one forwarder writes:
> ... this wi


2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

February 19, 2001

Brits and Israelis lobby for Mideast war

As bonnie Prince Charles arrived in Saudi Arabia on a private visit, US and 
British warplanes launched their first major attack on the outskirts of 
Baghdad, signaling a new and more aggressive Anglo-American stance in the 
Middle East – with the emphasis on the Anglo. To read the British papers, one 
gets the definite impression that it was the Brits who really pulled off the 
raid – "WE BOMB BAGHDAD" exulted the Sun, a British tabloid – and indeed 
there seem to be grounds for believing that the initiative came from Downing 
Street rather than Pennsylvania Avenue. The London Times averred, in a 
headline, that "Britain urged Bush to launch raids on Iraq," and from the 
somewhat bewildered look on George Dubya's face as he answered reporters' 
questions about the raid, it seems the White House was largely out of the 
loop on this one. As the Times tells it, "bitter" complaints from Royal Air 
Force commanders were communicated to the Americans during a 20-minute 
meeting between foreign secretary Robin Cook and Colin Powell. The RAF was 
"demanding" – as the Times phrased it – that the choice of targets be 
widened to include targets outside the "no fly zone." The Iraqis had been 
taking numerous potshots at British warplanes, of late – even going so far as 
offering a large bounty for the downing of one – and their misses were 
getting closer. The Brits evidently felt that they were bearing too much of 
the burden, and taking too many risks without garnering enough of the glory. 


Being in charge of an empire is a lot like being a waiter – we rush about the 
world fulfilling the demands of our client states. Do the Germans want a 
slice of the former Yugoslavia? Then bomb Belgrade. Are the Israelis having 
trouble with their Palestinian helots? Then broker a "peace" agreement that 
gives them cover once it fails. Will petrol prices bring down Britain's 
socialist government and lead to a European-wide petro-tax revolt? Then, by 
all means, let's drop more bombs on Iraq. That will drive petroleum prices 
much higher, of course – but then they can always blame it on the satanic 
Saddam Hussein, a villain for all seasons and all reasons. 


When the Motherland called, it took less than two weeks for Washington to 
answer, a rapid reaction that is a testament to Blair's political skills. For 
the British Labor Party rank-and-file is appalled by the Republican victory, 
and US secdef Donald Rumsfeld had already signaled his stance when he met 
with the Tory "shadow" defense secretary. But Blair turned that around. The 
Clinton-Blair dog-and-pony show on the international stage clearly had the 
latter in the role of the militant, egging Clinton on in Kosovo and openly 
calling for the introduction of ground troops. Now, in Iraq, Blair is doing 
an encore: while the Bushies are tight-lipped about their future plans, 
British officials are openly saying that the Iraqis can expect more – and 
soon. And so Blair is allowed to take the lead once again: but there is, of 
course, a price to pay. 


Waiters don't really have it so bad: they don't get much of a salary, if any, 
but where they really make their money is in tips. If Blair wants to continue 
to dine at the Cafe USA – which has just hired a new head waiter – then this 
time he must be sure to leave an especially generous gratuity. This comes in 
the form of Blairite support for "Star Wars," the "missile defense" panacea 
championed by the Rumsfeld faction of the administration: In the interests of 
advancing the project, Blair has reportedly even agreed to a US military base 
on British soil, a proposal that is bound to provoke rumblings on the British 
right as well as opposition from the far left.


On the other side of the Atlantic, expressions of dissent on either the left 
or the right were few and far between. The New York Times endorsed the 
bombing raid, echoing the puerile argument that we attacked in "self-defense" 
– as if any action taken by the US and Britain in Iraqi airspace could 
possibly be described as even remotely "defensive." On the other side of the 
political spectrum, the Washington Times – flagship newspaper of Beltway 
conservatives in full cold war mode – – celebrated "Bombs Over Baghdad." 
They drag out, first of all, the old "weapons of mass destruction" argument, 
but this is just a ritual incantation, as far as Iraq is concerned, as 
everyone knows that the Iraqis have long since lost the ability to produce 
any such thing. Scott Ritter, a former UNSCOM inspector who dealt with the 
Iraqis many times, recently told CNN: "In terms of large-scale weapons of 
mass destruction programs, these had been fundamentally destroyed or 
dismantled by the weapons inspector

[CTRL] Russia proposes Euro missile shield

2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon
Bush's cold war begins??


Tuesday, 20 February, 2001, 11:11 GMT

Russia proposes Euro missile shield

The Russian Government has presented the visiting Nato secretary-general with
plans for a European alternative to the US national missile defence system it
so bitterly opposes. President Vladimir Putin pressed Lord Robertson of Nato
to consider Moscow's proposal seriously.
This is not a defence for the whole of European territory, only a part, the
main part of European territory

Russian Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov

Their talks focused on the planned US system, which Russia argues could spark
a new arms race, and the Alliance's eastward expansion. Moscow's own
proposals envisage the creation of a mobile anti-missile system, which could
be deployed quickly to counter any potential threat.

Existing agreements
But a senior defence official said the shield would only be used as a last
resort. The BBC Moscow correspondent says Russia is hoping to win the backing
of European Nato members. France and Germany have already expressed interest
in Moscow's proposed system, which includes:
Close assessment of existing and future missile threats

Averting such threats by joint political efforts

Deploying a mobile anti-missile force near a potential aggressor only as a
last resortSenior Defence ministry official Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov
said the plan would abide by existing arms agreements.

Cheaper than America's
Russia, with an annual defence budget of $6bn compared with the US's $300bn,
does not have the resources to develop a costly anti-ballistic missile
system. Western analysts say the Russian version may be a ploy to divide the
US from its European partners, who are lukewarm about the NMD.
Russian defence chiefs said last week that its missile shield will be much
cheaper and more practical than the US scheme. Arriving in Moscow on Monday
night, Lord Robertson said that Russia and Nato were building a
"crisis-resistant relationship" which would allow them to deal with the
"tricky issues" in the world. Relations between Nato and Russia suffered
badly during Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia two years ago. BBC Moscow
correspondent Steve Rosenberg says Lord Robertson's two-day visit comes at a
time when Russia is adopting an increasingly hard line with the West.

Show of strength
Our correspondent says Russia has been trying to prove to the world it is
still a force to be reckoned with. It has sent nuclear-capable bombers close
to foreign airspace during exercises, and launched three strategic missiles.
Russian defence chiefs have warned of retaliatory steps if Nato expands too
close to Russia's borders. In an attempt to provide an alternative to NMD Mr
Putin last year offered to work with the US on a defence shield using smaller
tactical rather than strategic missiles to shoot down incoming threats.
Russia is the only country in the world with a functioning ballistic missile
defence system, which protects the Russian capital, Moscow.

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: You Are Being Lied To contents

2001-02-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Russ Kick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:07:31 -0800
Subject: You Are Being Lied To contents

You Are Being Lied to is almost upon us! The first advance copies have just
arrived in New York, and they look fantastic. YABLT is a 400-page oversized
softcover with a black, red, and white cover that mixes matte and glossy

The bulk of the copies are slowly making their way here from the printers in
Hong Kong, and they'll hit the street sometime in March. As things gear up,
I'll be sending you more info about the book's impending release. Right now,
I'm pleased to do something I should've done a while ago--present you with
the table of contents of this huge book. Check it out, below.

Thanks for being a part of it,
Russ Kick 
editor > Disinformation Books
pub-editor > alterNewswire 
contributor > Village Voice, Gauntlet, Disinformation

You Are Being Lied To
The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and
Cultural Myths 
edited by Russ Kick
published by Disinformation Books
ISBN 096641007-6 * $19.95


About Disinformation
Introduction/A Note to Readers

Reality Is a Shared Hallucination--Howard Bloom

What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream--Noam Chomsky
Journalists Doing Somersaults--Norman Solomon
The Puppets of Pandemonium--Howard Bloom
New Rules for the New Millennium--Gary Webb
The Covert News Network--Greg Bishop
Why Does the Associated Press Change Its Articles?--Russ Kick
We Distort, You Abide--Kenn Thomas
The Media and Their Atrocities--Michael Parenti
Making Molehills Out of Mountains--Marni Sullivan
Why They Hate Oliver Stone--Sam Smith
The Martin Luther King You Don't See On TV--Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon
Sometimes Lying Means Only Telling a Small Part of the Truth--R.U. Sirius,
et al 
Upon Hearing of the Electronic Bogeyman--George Smith
The Information Arms Race--Douglas Rushkoff

The War Secrets Senator John McCain Hides--Sydney Schanberg
Jimmy Carter and Human Rights--Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon
All the President’s Men--David McGowan
Oil Before Ozone--Russ Kick
God Save the President!--Robin Ramsay
Colony Kosovo--Christian Parenti
The Truth about Terrorism--Ali Abunimah
You Can’t Win--James Ridgeway

Anatomy of a School Shooting--David McGowan
How the People Seldom Catch Intelligence--Preston Peet
Reassessing OKC--Cletus Nelson
Votescam--Jonathan Vankin
The Rabin Murder Coverup--Barry Chamish
What Missing from This Picture?--Jim Marrs

Don’t Blame Your Parents [interview with Judith Rich Harris]
The Female Hard-on--Tristan Taormino
Art and the Eroticism of Puberty--David Steinberg
“A World That Hates Gays”--Philip Jenkins
Apt Pupils--Robert Sterling
A Panic of Biblical Proportions over Media Violence--Paul McMasters
The Man in the Bushes [interview with Philip Jenkins, part 1]

Amnesia in America--James Loewen
Columbus and Western Civilization--Howard Zinn
Go Out and Kill People Because This Article Told You To--Nick Mamatas
Saving Private Power--Michael Zezima
What I Didn’t Know about the Communist Conspiracy--Jim Martin

Drug War Mythology--Paul Armentano
Toad-Licking Blues--Thomas Lyttle
Poppycock--Jim Hogshire
AA Lies--Charles Bufe
The Unconscious Roots of the Drug War--Dan Russell

The Truth about Jesus--M.M. Mangasarian
The Bible Code--David Thomas
Mystics and Messiahs [interview with Philip Jenkins, part 2]
Who’s Who in Hell [interview with Warren Allen Smith]

Environmentalism for the Twenty-First Century--Patrick Moore
Humans Have Already Been Cloned--Russ Kick
NutraFear & NutraLoathing in Augusta, Georgia--Alex Constantine
Forbidden Archaeology--Michael Cremo
There Is So Much That We Don’t Know--William R. Corliss

Will the Real Human Being Please Stand Up?--Riane Eisler
You Are Being Lied To: A Disinformation Books Roundtable--Alex Burns
I Have Met God and He Lives in Brooklyn--Richard Metzger
Church of the Motherfucker--Mark Pesce
A Sentient Universe--Peter Russell
A Lost Theory?--David Loye

Appendix A: More Lies, Myths, and Manipulations
Appendix B: More Reading
Contributors & Interviewees
Article Histories 

[CTRL] Missile Defense and the Maginot Line

2001-02-20 Thread William Shannon

Missile Defense and 
the Maginot Line

By David Krieger

Following World War I, the French decided to build a line of defense that 
would make them invulnerable to future attack by Germany. They created a 
400-mile stretch of defensive installations known as the Maginot Line. It was 
considered quite high-tech for the time, and the French took great pride in 
it. When the Germans invaded and quickly defeated France in World War II, 
they simply went around the Maginot Line. One wonders if there is a lesson 
here that might apply to the current US plans to develop and deploy a missile 
defense system to protect against ballistic missiles launched by small 
hostile nations.
Imagine this scenario. The United States proceeds with its plans to create a 
National Missile Defense system. The system employs the latest technology 
considered capable of shooting and destroying a ballistic missile launched at 
the United States. The system costs some $100 to $200 billion that might have 
been used to provide health care and education for America’s youth. 
Nonetheless, proponents of the system are proud of their accomplishment. They 
have built a defensive system that will protect the United States against 
missile attacks by countries such as North Korea, Iran and Iraq -- should 
these countries ever acquire nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles capable 
of reaching the United States.
Let’s further imagine that a decade into the future Saddam Hussein succeeds 
in obtaining a few nuclear warheads and a ballistic missile delivery system 
capable of reaching the US. The proponents of the National Missile Defense 
system feel justified in their vision because their system will protect the 
US from a nuclear-armed missile attack by Saddam Hussein. Now, Hussein may be 
belligerent, aggressive and hostile to the United States, but he is not 
suicidal. He decides against attacking an American city by means of a missile 
attack, which could be traced back to him. Instead he arranges for a nuclear 
weapon to be smuggled into the US by ship, truck or plane. Of course, only a 
few trusted accomplices know that it is him who has made these arrangements. 
In this modern-day Maginot Line-type scenario, a determined enemy would 
simply go around the defense or, in this case, under it. 
In a different scenario, incoming missiles from a potential enemy might go 
right through the missile shield. Many experts believe that it will not be 
difficult to develop offensive measures to overcome the defensive shield. MIT 
scientists Theodore Postol and George Lewis write: “The Pentagon claims that 
the warhead and the ineffective large balloon decoy it is testing against are 
representative of the missile threat from an idealized imagined adversary an 
adversary presumed to be capable of building intercontinental range ballistic 
missiles, and nuclear warheads that are sufficiently light and compact to be 
mounted on such missiles, but at the same time so bungling as to be unable to 
hide the warhead inside a Mylar balloon decoy released along with empty 
balloons or to build warhead-shaped cone decoys.” In other words, it is quite 
possible that after spending upwards of $100 billion to create a missile 
defense, the shield will prove to be ineffective against an adversary 
sophisticated enough to develop decoys along with ballistic missiles and 
nuclear warheads.
Unfortunately, the fact that the planned National Missile Defense is likely 
to be wasteful and ineffective is not the worst of it. The truly dangerous 
aspect of moving forward with deployment of missile defenses is what it will 
do to our relations with Russia and China. Both countries are strongly 
opposed to a US defensive shield because of their fear that it will create a 
US first-strike potential. From the Russian and Chinese point of view, the 
shield would allow the US to attack them in a surprise first-strike, and then 
use the shield to destroy any of their remaining missiles that might be 
launched at the US in response. Their planners, like ours, must think in 
terms of worst-case scenarios. 
In 1972 the US and the former Soviet Union entered into a treaty, the 
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, prohibiting the development of a 
national missile defense. Both countries understood that the development of 
defensive systems would further spur offensive arms races, and that 
limitations on defense would create the conditions necessary to reduce 
offensive nuclear arsenals. The ABM Treaty has provided the basis for 
progress on nuclear disarmament through the START I and II treaties. 
The new US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, has been dismissive of the 
ABM Treaty referring to it as “ancient history,” and publicly suggesting 
that the treaty is no longer relevant because the Soviet Union no longer 
exists. At a recent meeting on European security policy in Munich, Rumsfeld, 

Re: [CTRL] Black voters believe they were denied

2001-02-20 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

>Black voters believe they were denied
>While the truth might never be known, the perception that many were
>disenfranchised in November is a strongly held one.

The poor Black voter believes a lot of strange things.

The Black voter also believes:

In Billy Bob Clinton...even though during the 1992 campaign, Clinton
dramatically played
the race card in order to grandstand to the white middle class when he
executed a retarded
 young black man, Ricky Ray Rector in Ark.

During his 8 years as Pres., Clinton imprisoned more young black men
(and women) in his
insane war on drugs then Reagan and Bush combined.

Helped cover up the role of the CIA in its years of facilitating the
ghetto drug trade.

   Clinton signed "welfare reform" which regardless of its merits was
strongly opposed by
   Black political leaders.

   Clinton repeatedly played golf at a segregated Florida golf club even
though he was warned
   about their anti black policy.

Black Voters.still mentally on the plantation and the white man's fool

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

mai-not-digestSunday, February 18 2001Volume 03 : Number 555

In this issue:
[MAI-NOT] U.S. Military to "Contorl Space & the Global Economy -Karl Gross
[MAI-NOT] Update on GATS negotiations
[MAI-NOT] columbia U-whacking - was "Gore-whacking" (fwd)
[MAI-NOT] DU:  America's Military 'Gift' That Keeps on Giving-Dan Fahey


Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:33:05 +
From: "Janet M Eaton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MAI-NOT] U.S. Military to "Contorl Space & the Global Economy -Karl

 As last month's report of the "Space Commission" chaired by incoming
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld puts it: "In the coming period, the
U.S. will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in
support of its national interests both on the Earth and in space."
Star Wars is back
 And a key rationale for  Star Wars now. U.S. military documents
acknowledge, is the global economy of which the U.S. is the engine.
The U.S. would, from the "ultimate high ground" of space, "dominate"
the planet below in part to keep the global economy on track. Says
the U.S. Space Command's "Vision for 2020" report , its cover
depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a
target below: "The globalization of the world economy will also
continue with a widening between `haves' and `have-nots.'" From
space, the U.S. would keep those "have-nots" in line...
U.S. citizens are not aware of the broad military plans of  the U.S.
But other nations of the world do understand. That's why, at the
United Nations last November 20, a resolution was introduced on which
163 nations voted yes for "Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer
Grossman notes that a country leading in the international effort to
stop the U.S. plans by strengthening the Outer Space Treaty and
barring all weapons from space is Canada.   FYI- -janet


- --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:  Carol Brouillet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sat, 17 Feb 2001 21:47:45 -0800


Presentation at Technology and Globalization Teach-In
  New York City   February 24, 2001
by  Karl Grossman

The United States is seeking to "control space" and from space "dominate"
the  Earth below and "control" and "dominate" are words used repeatedly in
U.S. military documents. The U.S. military, further, would like to base
weapons in space.
The new Bush administration is gung-ho for U.S. projection of space
military power. As last month's report of the "Space Commission" chaired by
incoming Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld puts it: "In the coming period,
the U.S. will conduct operations to, from, in and through space in support
of its national interests both on the Earth and in space."
Star Wars is back.
But there's a difference since Star Wars first emerged under Ronald Reagan
in 1983. Then it was purportedly needed to fend off what Reagan called the
"evil empire," the Soviet Union.
There is no Soviet Union any longer. And a key rationale for Star Wars now,
U.S. military documents acknowledge, is the global economy of which the
U.S. is the engine. The U.S. would, from the "ultimate high ground" of
space, "dominate" the planet below in part to keep the global economy on track.
Says the U.S. Space Command's "Vision for 2020" report , its cover
depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a target
below: "The globalization of the world economy will also continue with a
widening between `haves' and `have-nots.'" From space, the U.S. would keep
those "have-nots" in line.
The U.S. Space Command, set up by the Pentagon in 1985, describes itself in
"Vision for 2020" this way: "US Space Command dominating the space
dimension of military operations to protect US interests and investment.
Integrating Space Forces into warfighting capabilities across the full
spectrum of conflict."
"Vision for 2020" compares the U.S. effort to "control space" and Earth
below to how centuries ago "nations built navies to protect and enhance
their commercial interests," referring to the great empires of Europe that
ruled the waves and thus the Earth to maintain their imperial economies.
Consider the "Long Range Plan" of the U.S. Space Command. "The United
States will remain a global power and exert global leadership," it says.
"The United States won't always be able to forward base its forces.
Widespread communications will highlight disparities in resources and
quality of life contributing to unrest in developing countries.The global
economy will continue to become more interd

Re: [CTRL] The Melting Antarctic

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>  --- William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   "A part of the Antarctic normally icebound in
>  February is now virtually clear
>  water, a sailor has reported. He said he had also
>  found an ice shelf in "dramatic" retreat.
>  The reports will fuel concern that the Antarctic is
> being seriously affected by climate change."
>  "...a "spectacular" retreat and collapse of ice
>  shelves on the Antarctic peninsula.
>  "Climate change in polar regions is expected to be
>  among the greatest of any region on the Earth..."
> __
>  Nakano Comments:
>  Read the above quoted material carefully.
>  This is confirmation the polar regions,
>  and especially the South Pole, are specifically
>  being targetedintentionally targeted for
>  climate modification.
> __
> --- Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Replies:
>  It doesn't mean that at all. It only means that
>  water is an easily changeable element of nature
> sensitive to temperature.
> That's all.
> ___Nakano
> Replies:
> OK, I agree that: "a spectacular retreat and collapse
> of ice shelves on the Antarctic peninsula"
> does not automatically prove "intentional" climate
> modification. It is, however, solid empirical
> evidence supporting the conclusion that the
> Antarctic, or at least portions of it, are
> experiencing increases in temperature which are
> far greater than other areas of the earth.
> This logically begs the question.Why?
> Why is the Antarctic peninsula having a
> dramatic increase in temperature so great as to
> produce "a spectacular retreat of the ice shelves"?
> Water is not so "easily changable" from ice to
> water (as your Post would suggest).

Yes it most definitely is. It's changeability is why it
is the basis of life.

But if you want to really understand global warming, and why it
affects the sub polar regions first, then find and read the works
of John Hammaker.


>  Thermal fusion of a given mass of a solid requires
> the addition of a characteristic amount of heat, the
> "heat of fusion". In the reverse process, the freezing
> of the liquid to form the solid, the same quantity of
> heat must be removed. The heat of fusion of ice, the
> heat required to melt one gram, is about 80 calories;
> this amount of heat would raise the temperature of a
> gram of liquid water from the freezing point (0º C, or
> 32º F) to 80º C (176º F).
> The point is this: It requires truly enormous
> quantities of heat to melt vast glaciers.
> If such heating were occurring on a planet-wide
> basis, New York City for example would have average
> winter temperatures of 70 degrees F. and on a hot
> summer day the Big Apple would be baking at about
> 145 degrees F.
> Obviously, this is not occurring.
> The Anarctic peninsula is having such temperature
> increases (on a relative basis)so why not
> New York City and everywhere else, if the so-called
> "greenhouse gas - global warming theory" is correct?
> You say: "I don't believe you. This is pure
> speculation. I think your wrong."
> certainly have a right to your opinion,
> whether it is an informed opinion or not.
> However, if you think I'm wrong, let's hear your
> rational argument, supported by some facts.
> It's your turn Nurev.
>  Regards to All
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
> a year!
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] [Fwd: [southnews] YMCA launches campaign against Israel]

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [southnews] YMCA launches campaign against Israel
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:27:27 -0600 (CST)
From: David Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: South Movement
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~>
eGroups is now Yahoo! Groups
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International YMCA launches campaign against Israel

By Elli Wohlgelernter, The Jerusalem Post
Friday, February 16 2001

JERUSALEM (February 16) - The World Alliance of YMCAs, based in Geneva,
is injecting itself into Middle East politics by launching an
anti-Israel crusade, which is causing a rift between YMCAs in the US and
Canada and the worldwide organization.

The international group has posted on its Web site a 3,000-word report
based on a five-day visit to "Palestine" in November by its
representatives, concluding that "the one-sided nature of the conflict
demands that the YMCA take the side of the oppressed Palestinian

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has criticized the report as "a virtual
rubber stamp for continued Palestinian violence," and has initiated an
international campaign to have YMCAs around the world stop funding the
world center.

Kenneth Gladish, national executive director of YMCA of the USA, has
written a letter to Geneva distancing his group from the World Alliance

"The language, tone, and characterizations included in [the report] do
nothing to aid the true cause of peace and stability, nor do they
position the YMCA for effective service across the boundaries of
dispute," he wrote in the letter dated February 1. "These documents are
inappropriate and can serve only to inflame the long-standing tensions
in the region."

The chairman of YMCA Canada has also expressed reservations about the
report, stating in a February 8 letter to the Wiesenthal Center "that
some of the statements are one-sided and biased and do not reflect the
violence that has been committed by all parties concerned. We will be
addressing our concerns to the World Alliance with the hope that a more
balanced and moderated perspective can be presented to our collective

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center, said the
report "is a total shift, a step out of character and a very dangerous
one" for the international organization, and that he is very concerned
that this can be the beginning of a domino effect of other
non-governmental organizations "ganging up" on Israel to justify the
behavior of the Palestinian Authority.

"From our point of view, the bottom line is either send a team and tell
the other side of the story or, better yet, go back to what you do
best," Cooper said last night from Los Angeles. "This is not an area
they should be involved in. And if they don't, we will formally call on
the international YMCA community to defund Geneva."

Cooper said that the Wiesenthal Center has contacted YMCAs in over 20
countries urging them to demand that the biased report be dropped.

The World Alliance report can be read on its Web site,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based activist
group, in its American Muslim News Briefs e-mail on Tuesday included a
message urging everyone to write to the YMCA in support of its position.

"I'm afraid also that whatever the results of this particular
controversy, we might be seeing this replayed in the NGO playing field,
from humanitarian and maybe environmental NGOs, suddenly getting
involved in this area," Cooper said.

The YMCA in Geneva responded on its Web site to criticism of its report
for being one-sided by saying, "The recent report was based on the visit
of an international team who for reasons of time and circumstances did
not also visit Israel."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] [Fwd: Pat Schroeder's New Chapter: Fighting Librarians]

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Pat Schroeder's New Chapter: Fighting Librarians
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 12:36:08 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Pat Schroeder's New Chapter

By Linton Weeks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 7, 2001 ; Page C01

At a small reception for publishers of scientific and academic
journals, Patricia Schroeder waves her hand toward several
dozen egghead types who are cocktailing it at the Corcoran
Gallery of Art -- sampling shrimp and cheese kebabs, wining on
not-too-shabby Chablis and schmoozing above the soothing strings
of the Bellini Ensemble.

"They're terrified," she says.

She ought to know. Schroeder is president of the Washington-
and New York-based Association of American Publishers, sponsor
of the event. Like a nurturing shepherd, she moves gently among
her flock. But when she talks about threats to the group, she
stiffens her back.

And who, you might be wondering, is giving Schroeder and her
publishers such a fright?

Librarians, of course.

No joke. Of all the dangerous and dot-complex problems that
American publishers face in the near future -- economic downturns,
competition for leisure time, piracy -- perhaps the most explosive
one could be libraries. Publishers and librarians are squaring
off for a battle royal over the way electronic books and journals
are lent out from libraries and over what constitutes fair use of
written material.

Grossly oversimplified: Publishers want to charge people to read
material; librarians want to give it away.

"We," says Schroeder, "have a very serious issue with librarians."

With her squinting, smiling, you've-just-got-to-understand
expression and her crinkly-caring voice, Schroeder is the publishing
world's latest best hope. Her hair is silver. Her eyes are sparkly.
The strap on her purse is short; she clutches it like an AK-47.
She is a woman on a mission.

"Technology people never gave their stuff away," Schroeder says.
"But now folks are saying, 'You mean the New England Journal
of Medicine is charging people?' "

Publishers have to figure out a way to charge for electronic material,
Schroeder says. "Markets are limited. One library buys one of their
journals," she explains, pointing to the Brie eaters. "They give it to
other libraries. They'll give it to others."

If everyone gets a free copy, she says, the publisher and the writer
and others involved in making the book go unpaid. "These people
aren't rich," she says of those in the room. "They have mortgages."

Other publishers from the gargantuan conglomerates that own Random
House and Simon & Schuster will soon be rolling into town. This
is the one time of the year when the predominantly New Yorkish
world of publishing comes to Washington to talk about common
concerns. The group's general convention, closed to the public, runs
today and tomorrow at the Mayflower Hotel. The AAP represents
almost 300 publishing companies.

The theme this year is "Content in a Technical World."

American publishers are on the ledge of a revolution. They look
around and see the music and film industries struggling to adapt
to change. They want to avoid the Napster monster: that is,
technology that makes copying and distribution of e-books so easy.

"We wanted to put people's fingers into light sockets," Schroeder
says of this year's agenda. "You don't have to look at polls to know
how young people like to get their music: for free."

Besides hobnobbing with Hill people, the publishers will be rubbing
elbows with an unusually glittery guest list. Christie Hefner of
Playboy Enterprises is speaking to the flock. So are Henry Yuen
of Gemstar-TV Guide International and Peter Chernin of Rupert
Murdoch's News Corp. Mix that altogether with AOL Time Warner's
presence and there is change in the air, a shift in the agenda away
from words toward image-based infotainment.

In the center of this whirling world, the ever-in-control Schroeder
frets for those around her. She spends days in Washington bending
the ears of key policymakers and supporting legislation that is
favorable to her members and battling proposals that are not.
She spends days in New York listening to publishers drone on
about their druthers. She worries about protection of intellectual
property. She wants writers and publishers to make lots of money.
She puzzles over secure ways to deliver electronic books. She's
adamant that the country needs to focus more on reading to
children under the age of 5. And she's concerned about citizens'
rights to free speech and privacy.

"Working for the AAP, I find a wonderful convergence of all these,"
Schroeder says. "It doesn't rely on lobbying for anything I don't
believe in."

Traditionally, the AAP had been a sleepy association manned by
former-ambassador types who excelled in high teas and subtle
politicking. New York publish

[CTRL] Superfly scores in Harlem

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Boston Globe
Superfly scores in Harlem
By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 2/16/2001
N 1972, THE blaxploitation movie ''Superfly''
glorified a slick-haired drug dealer who claimed to
want to get out of the trade but held on for one last
score, imprisoned by the mantra, ''It's a rotten game,
but it's the only one The Man left us to play - and
that's the stone cold truth.''
For the week of Sept. 27, 1972, ''Superfly'' was the
top film in America. Black folks got fantasies of
wealth and wiping out Whitey for a day, but they also
got stereotypes of pushers and pimps that haunt us to
this day as sure as you can say ''racial profiling.''
One would think black folks would be tired of this
rotten game. We are not. Superfly is back. We still
have Bill Clinton.
Having made himself undesirable white trash for office
space in midtown Manhattan with his personal quirks
and political pardons, the former president fled
uptown. During his impeachment he found refuge in
black churches, and now, having again rolled craps
with white America, he selected 125th Street for his
post-presidency office. Clinton said, ''Harlem is the
perfect place for me to be. I'm close to the Apollo
Theatre, I'm close to soul food. I feel like I'm
Harlem responded in kind, with crowds chanting, ''We
Want Bill!'' Individual women screamed ''I love you!''
Sylvia Woods of Sylvia's soul-food restaurant told
reporters, Clinton's arrival ''has just as much impact
as the first time the astronauts took off.'' Percy
Sutton, the former Manhattan borough president and
Harlem business giant, said Clinton's presence would
so increase investment and real estate values in
Harlem that ''it would be the height of my dreams.''
To see how delusional this all gets, it helps to
remember that Sutton and Sylvia's also hosted a Harlem
welcome-home rally in 1995 for convicted rapist Mike
Tyson, who had just gotten out of prison. Six years
ago, Harlem was praising an ex-con. Today, Harlem
welcomes with open arms a man who feigns being our
brother, yet has sent more brothers to prison than any
president in the history of the United States.
Next week, the Justice Policy Institute will release a
study that shows that, despite all the legendary
cruelty of President Reagan, far more people went to
state and federal jails under Clinton than Reagan. In
Reagan's eight years, 478,800 prisoners were added to
America's jails. In Clinton's eight years, America's
prison population increased by 673,000.
Under Clinton, the prison population shot up from 1.4
million to more than 2 million. Fearing being seen as
soft on crime, Clinton did nothing to stop the racism
of the so-called drug war. Clinton never fought
seriously to eliminate the massive disparities in
sentencing between crack and powder cocaine even
though there was no medical evidence to support such
Clinton did nothing to stop local police departments
from singling out nonviolent black users of drugs, who
are easier to snatch off street corners than off
half-acre suburban lots. Even though African-Americans
consume 13 percent of illegal drugs, roughly our share
of the population, we made 74 percent of drug
offenders sentenced sent to prison.
Under Clinton, the overall rate of African-Americans
going to prison continued to soar. In the Reagan-Bush
years, the rate grew from 1,156 prisoners per 100,000
black men to about 2,800 per 100,000. In the Clinton
years, the rate grew to 3,620 prisoners per every
100,000 black men.
By the time the Clinton years were done, he had become
such a sous chef in helping the Republicans cook the
black goose, 14 percent of African-American men had
lost the right to vote because of felony convictions.
You could even argue that by going along with the
recipes that Reagan and Bush set down, Clinton helped
cooked his own vice president to a crisp.
In Florida, where Al Gore lost by 537 votes, 31
percent of African-American men, 200,000 of them,
cannot vote because of felony convictions. For the
Florida Republican Party, that was not enough. They
hired a firm to purge the rolls even more, wrongly
slashing thousands of people who were guilty only of
Had Clinton, somewhere in his presidency, called for a
halt to the mass imprisoning of black people, Gore
might be president. Instead, Clinton convinced black
people he was The Man, the only game in town, a man to
be loved no matter how rotten and stone cold he was to
the ghetto's black men. By the cheers he received in
Harlem, Superfly is still making the big score.
Profiting from black votes while punishing black men,
Clinton now claims to be coming ''home.'' He preens,
expecting to be permanently pampered, instead of being
called what he always was on criminal justice: a pimp.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

[CTRL] This is WATER we are talking about! GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization

2001-02-20 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 11:53:40 -0600 (CST)
From: "Drusha L. Mayhue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Date:Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:30:10 -0500
From:Ruth Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GATS/Water: IMF Forces Water Privatization

Note in the article below that not only are the markets being forced
open by the IMF, but also that full-cost recovery is being put in
place, ensuring that when private corporations move in, their
profitability will be assured.  Then GATS negotiations will press for
these countries to include water in their commitments, so that
national treatment and market access rules forbidding any limitations
on the number or value of service providers will apply and any
modification of schedules to remove water from the schedule will
involve negotiating compensatory adjustments.
--Ruth Caplan
Washington DC Office
Alliance For Democracy

IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries
by Sara Grusky

Globalization Challenge Initiative

A random review of IMF loan policies in forty countries reveals that, during
2000, IMF loan agreements in 12 countries included conditions imposing water
privatization or full cost recovery.

In general, it is African countries, and the smallest, poorest and most
debt-ridden countries that are being subjected to IMF conditions on water
privatization and full cost recovery.

Ironically, the majority of these loans were negotiated under the IMF's new
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), a reform announced with great
fanfare in 1999 when IMF officials claimed that the new loan facility would
re-focus the IMF's controversial structural adjustment measures on
activities that borrowing government's would identify as leading to poverty
reduction.  Rather than contributing to poverty reduction, water
privatization and greater cost recovery make water less accessible and less
affordable to the low income communities that make up the majority of the
population in developing countries.

The most immediate impact of reducing the accessibility and affordability of
water falls on women and children.  More than five million people, most of
them children, die every year from illnesses caused from drinking poor
quality water.  When water becomes more expensive and less accessible, women
and children, who bear most of the burden of daily household chores, must
travel farther and work harder to collect water - often resorting to water
from polluted streams and rivers.

The significance of finding such a high number of conditions relating to
water privatization and water cost recovery in IMF loans is twofold. First,
in the hierarchy of international financial institutions, the IMF is at the
top.  Compliance with IMF conditions enables governments to receive the
"seal of approval" that permits access to other international creditors and
investors.  Thus IMF conditions weigh especially heavily upon borrowing
governments. Second, it is quite common that World Bank loans have, as their
first condition, compliance with certain IMF conditions.  This is known as
"cross conditionality." In the division of labor between the two
institutions, it is the World Bank that has primary responsibility for
"structural" issues such as the privatization of state-owned companies.

Therefore, it can be presumed that in every country where IMF loan
conditions include water privatization or full cost recovery, there are
corresponding World Bank loan conditions and water projects that are
implementing the financial, managerial, and engineering details required for
such "restructurings."

The listing below below identifies the 12 countries and paraphrases the
specific IMF loan conditions relating to water privatization or water cost
recovery. Eight of the 12 countries identified are in sub-saharan Africa.
In six of the countries, the IMF conditions require some form of
privatization; in four countries the conditions require both privatization
and greater cost recovery, and in two the focus is just on cost recovery.

ANGOLA Staff-monitored program
Structural benchmark: Adjust electricity and water tariffs in accordance
with formulas
agreed with the World Bank. Reduce accounts receivables of the water and
electricity companies to one month of sales revenue Adjust water tariffs
periodically to recover costs, including a reasonable return on capital.

BENIN  Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Other measure: After the revision of regulatory framework, the government
expects to complete the privatization before the end of the third quarter of
Privatize the water and electric power distribution company (SBEE)

GUINEA-BISSAU  Emergency Post-Conflict policy
Structural benchmark: Transfer of electricity and water management to
private company

HONDURAS  Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Other measu

[CTRL] WP: COHEN: The Scent Of Money

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Scent Of Money

By Richard Cohen
Tuesday, February 20, 2001; Page A23

PHOENIX -- Several days ago, I looked through the file of letters
written to Bill Clinton on behalf of Marc Rich. I read them one
by one, sometimes noting the careful wording -- nothing about his
alleged crime, everything about his philanthropic activities --
and had to stop myself from pressing the file to my face and just
sniffing it. I was sure I'd get the smell of money.

Letter after letter all but said the writer was fulfilling an
obligation. Many of the letters were from Israel, where Rich had
concentrated many of his philanthropic activities. College
presidents wrote. Rabbis wrote. The heads of hospitals wrote. The
prime minister, Ehud Barak, even picked up the phone and called
Clinton. Rich had spread around a considerable amount of money.

I do not disparage Rich's philanthropy. For all I know, it was
genuine -- money given with nothing expected in return. But it
was money that generated most of those letters, just as it was
his ex-wife's money that got Denise Rich into Clinton's inner
circle. In that way, she was able not only to write the president
on her ex-husband's behalf but also to literally whisper in
Clinton's ear: Marc deserves a pardon.

It was money, too, that enlisted Jack Quinn. For a reported
$300,000 the former White House counsel represented Rich in his
quest for a pardon. He did what a lawyer is supposed to do, but
as his fee will attest, he was not any lawyer, he was the one
with the president's ear. Clinton trusted him. The two, after
all, had worked together.

The words "sorry," "wrong" or "apologize" do not come easily to
Bill Clinton. He had a hard time uttering them even after he
conceded he had lied about Monica Lewinsky. They had to be
dragged out of him, and, when at last he hung his head and said
"sorry," he did so in a grudging way that suggested he really
wasn't -- that if anyone should be sorry it was his enemies. They
were the skunks at Bill's picnic.

Now, Clinton has done something similar. His explanation of why
he pardoned Rich -- offered as a 1,700-word op-ed piece in the
New York Times -- lacks a true understanding of how and why he
went wrong. His only mention of money is to reject the notion
that it played any role at all -- no quid pro quo, said the
former president. I believe that. Never did I think Clinton took
a bribe. That is not who he is -- not now, not ever.

But it was money that bought access to him. It was Denise Rich
and her contribution to his presidential library and Beth
Dozoretz and her fundraising activities and all those letters
from all those Israelis -- some of them, I'm sure, sincere.

Clinton did not ask himself what would have happened if Rich had
no money -- no connections, no friends who had, in effect, bought
their way into the White House. Under those circumstances, would
he have pardoned a fugitive -- someone who had fled the country
to avoid trial? Clinton probably would not even have heard the
guy's name.

I am in this city because I participated in a seminar at Arizona
State University. Naturally, I was asked about the pardon --
sometimes as if it was bought outright. No, I explained, this is
not how things work in Washington -- or, for that matter, in any
state capital.

Bribes are sometimes offered and accepted, of course, but mostly
money buys access. The rich make political contributions or offer
their houses for vacations. There is quid but almost never a quo.
Still, things happen.

If Bill Clinton were writing about someone other than himself, he
would have noticed a pattern. There they were again -- the people
with the bucks, the ones who could help him, the latter-day
McDougals. If Clinton were writing about someone other than
himself, he would have said something about how the need for
money -- for the campaign, for the party, for the legal defense
fund, for the presidential library -- corrupted the pardon
process. It made it so hard to say no.

If Clinton were not so reluctant to admit a mistake, a lapse in
judgment, he could see that Marc Rich bought entree into the
White House and, in that way, the pardon itself. He would have
asked himself what went wrong and, if he did, he would have
concluded that, of all things, his nose failed him. He had become
so corrupted by an incessant need to raise funds, that he could
no longer smell the money.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

[CTRL] AP: U.S. Jewish Leaders Say Israeli Officials Screwed Up in Rich Pardon Affair

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, February 19, 2001

U.S. Jewish Leaders Say Israeli Officials Screwed Up in Rich Pardon Affair

Tuesday, February 20, 2001

JERUSALEM (AP) - Jewish leaders from the United States on Monday
questioned lobbying efforts by senior Israeli officials to win a
pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich.

Pressing for the Rich pardon may have hurt convicted Israeli spy
Jonathan Pollard's chances for clemency, said Malcolm Hoenlein,
executive vice chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organizations, an advocacy group.

Outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the former chief of the
Mossad spy agency, Shabtai Shavit, were among top Israeli
officials who pushed former President Clinton to pardon Rich.
Clinton later cited the Israeli support as part of the reason he
pardoned Rich on his last day in office.

Rich came to Switzerland to work in the mid-1970s and was there
on and off in the years that followed. He was indicted in 1983 in
the United States on charges of fraud, engaging in illegal oil
deals with Iran and evading more than $48 million in taxes. He
remained in Switzerland for the most part after that.

Over the past 20 years, he contributed up to $80 million to
Israeli hospitals, museums, symphonies and to the absorption of
immigrants, and had a role in helping Israel get Jews out of
Ethiopia and Yemen.

"I believe that the Rich pardon is a legal question and should
not be mixed up with foreign policy questions," cosmetics magnate
Ron Lauder - chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organizations - told reporters in Jerusalem.

"I think that what's unfortunate is that what we have seen happen
is that Israel is thrust in the middle of what is seen in America
as a very negative issue," said Hoenlein. "It is perceived as
corrupt with the investigations that are ongoing."

He also questioned whether "Pollard paid the price for Marc

"Mr. Pollard obviously feels that he was the victim, that if the
same pressure had been applied for him as was applied for Rich,
then maybe the outcome would have been different," Hoenlein said.

Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst, was sentenced
to life in prison for providing classified documents to Israel.
Israel and Jewish groups in the United States have lobbied for
his release for years, but the heads of American security
agencies have staunchly opposed it.

Rich, who was born in Belgium and raised in the United States,
holds Israeli and Spanish citizenship. He has renounced his U.S.

Allegations that Rich bought his pardon through his ex-wife,
Denise Rich - who acknowledged making sizable contributions both
to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate race and to Clinton's
presidential library - prompted congressional hearings and an
investigation by federal prosecutors.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The
information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written
authority of The Associated Press.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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[CTRL] NYT: Financier's Partner Remained Loyal Lieutenant Throughout

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 20, 2001

Financier's Partner Remained Loyal Lieutenant Throughout


As lawyers and lobbyists for the fugitive financier Marc Rich
hurried to orchestrate a pardon in the waning months of the
Clinton administration, much attention was paid to getting the
application just right.

One detail that received special attention was whether the pardon
application being prepared for the president should list two
names, Mr. Rich and his longtime partner, Pincus Green, or just
one, Marc Rich.

Mr. Rich, who was born in Belgium, and Mr. Green, who was born in
Brooklyn, met when they worked at Philipp Brothers, a commodities
firm that was ultimately bought by Salomon Brothers, itself now
part of Citigroup. They quit Philipp in 1974, contending that the
company deprived them of a seven-figure bonus, and they started
Marc Rich & Company. They fled the country in 1983 just ahead of
a long list of federal charges, renouncing their citizenship and
setting up shop in Switzerland.

But private correspondence released as part of a recent
Congressional hearing on the pardons shows that Mr. Rich's
lawyers and advisers, many of whom also officially represented
Mr. Green, debated whether they could afford to include him in
their quest for a pardon. Even Mr. Rich implied that it might
bolster his own chances to remove Mr. Green from the petition.

In an e-mail message on Nov. 27, Mr. Rich told his closest
advisers it was his inclination to submit the application
"principally in my name," and expressed his hope that the
addition of Mr. Green "will not detract significantly from the
main objective," presumably his own pardon.

Stephen Gillers, a professor of legal ethics at New York
University School of Law, said that lawyers who represent two
clients in a matter whose interests begin to diverge, "can't
favor one over the other" without the "informed and unforced
consent" of the client being let loose.

But the correspondence also seems to show that Mr. Green did
agree to stand aside.

Another e-mail message , dated Dec. 27, reveals growing worries
among Mr. Rich's advisers about including Mr. Green in the
application, until Mr. Green, to the end Mr. Rich's loyal
lieutenant, gave them an out. The e-mail message was written by
Avner Azulay, the man who runs the Rich Foundation in Israel. He
used initials for Pincus Green and Marc Rich; he used "potus" as
shorthand for "president of the United States."

"PG proposes that the option of dropping him from the petition be
made available to potus if that can facilitate his decision on
MR," the e- mail said. "This would qualify his decision as an
individual humanitarian act rather than the solution to the legal

That sense of loyalty does not surprise Rabbi Ronald Greenwald of
Monsey, N.Y., a friend of Mr. Green's since high school who has
visited Marc Rich & Company's offices in Zug, Switzerland.
Despite the company's name, Rabbi Greenwald said, "they were
partners, nobody was over the other one." He added that Mr.
Green, known as Pinky, "was an anonymous guy; he didn't need his
name on the door."

The two men apparently had broken socially; Mr. Green was said to
be unhappy with Mr. Rich because of his messy divorce with Denise
Rich. But as business partners, they remained a team.

In Switzerland, unfettered by restrictions governing Americans
doing business abroad, they have since made a billion-dollar
fortune trading all manner of commodities in the farthest reaches
of the world. And as long as law enforcement officials in the
United States refused to promise they could stay out of jail, the
two fugitives refused to return for trial, convinced, they said,
that they were victims of overzealous prosecution.

Mr. Green did not respond to an interview request left with

The pardon application included letters of support, and Mr.
Green's portion of it included testimonials from friends,
relatives and the beneficiaries of his philanthropy. The petition
noted that Mr. Rich had given away $100 million in the last 20
years, and Mr. Green, $120 million, often anonymously, including
$3 million to build the Gvul Yaabetz synagogue in Flatbush,

At the Congressional hearing on Feb. 8, one prosecutor who
brought the original case against Mr. Rich and Mr. Green
mentioned their philanthropic spirit. Not that it "wipes out
their guilt," said Martin J. Auerbach, who was the assistant
United States attorney for the Southern District of New York from
1983 to 1987, but nonetheless, "we were aware that particularly
Mr. Green was an extremely charitable person. His religious
beliefs preclude him from making money from sundown on Friday to
sundown on Saturday. And so he chose to have his profits go into
a charitable trust for that period."

A letter from Mr. Green's son Robert, of London, said, "His sense
of loyalty to others goes beyond the call of duty."

In the end, the petition

[CTRL] [radtimes] Back issue list (# 1 - 100)

2001-02-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

To subscribe/unsubscribe; for a sample copy or back issues;
send appropriate email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Contents from previous issues:
RT # 100
--Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel
--International elections expert 'amazed' by tight U.S election
--'Coup Watch' Series Begins On IMC
--Non-citizens to Choose Next President Says U.S. Border Control
--US officials bristle at "banana republic" charges
--US officials bristle at "Banana Republic" ridicule abroad over election
RT # 99
--Voters Take to the Streets
--Judge freezes ballots until next week
--Volusia officials find two suspect bags of ballots
--Duval tosses 22,000 votes: Unusually high rate to draw closer look
--Miami Haitians say they were unable to vote Tuesday
--Gore Campaign Sharpens Legal Demands and Tone
--Bush is behaving like the U.S. version of Milosevic
RT # 98
--Three Billion Dollar Campaign Ends in Gridlock
--Data of Little-Known Service Led to Wrong Call in Florida
--This Just In: Bush Or Gore May Win!
--Overlooked ballot box found in Florida church
--Missing ballot boxes in Dade County, FL
--Florida Sent Duplicate Ballots to Overseas Military Personnel
--Florida Declared Insane
--Africa Offers To Send 'Observers' To Help US End Poll Confusion
--Cuba Says New Elections in Florida 'reasonable,' Offers Observers
RT # 97
--Statement From Secretary James A. Baker III
--In Palm Beach, a Tidal Wave of Political Protest
--Judges have power to overturn elections
--The 2000 US election results: the constitutional crisis deepens
--Ballot designer, under fire, hires lawyer and hides out
--Florida Cops Accused of Harassing Black Voters
--Ore, NM Presidential Races Undecided
--Four other US states may recount election votes
RT # 96
--Florida Voting Rights & Wrongs- Campaign for a Legal Election
--Florida Common Law and Election "Irregularities"
--Nobody Won!
--From impeachment to a tainted election
--A Gore Coup d'Etat?
RT # 95
--Bush and Advisers Urge Gore Not to Stand in Way
--The good news of gridlock
--Bloodless coup d'etat
--Michael Moore to Kofi Annan
RT # 94
--Bush Or Gore: 'A New Era Dawns'
--The Election: Process and Results
--Nader and the Virtues of Gridlock
--No Surprise, Money Wins Big
--Florida official confirms 19,000 votes tossed out
RT # 93
--Your Stolen Vote: The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle
--Arrogance Of TV Networks: Compounding A National Crisis
--The honorable course in Florida
--The world mocks as America squirms
RT # 92
--Your Official
--League of Non-Voters letter
--Voting For Chief Prison Guard
--Electoral College myths, third-party truths
--Killing union activists
--World Bank Head Speaks On Demonstrations
--Naked Surveillance
RT # 91
--Study: AIDS devastating Africa; 24 million may die
--Drug traffickers exploit the weak
--Wargames: Air Force Space Command's Battle Plans
--Digital Angel unveiled
--Hemisphere's Police Chiefs Go High-Tech
--When It's Clear the 'Word is Not Enough', Reach for Technology
--Spies will face mental health check
--Satellite radio soon to orbit your car
--Athena Technologies flies micro air vehicle
RT # 90
--Direct Democracy, Not Corporate Hypocrisy
--Never Mind The Ballots!
--Voting never brought freedom to anyone
--Patching Up Morale at the World Trade Organization
--Ritalin: As Easy to Get as Candy
--New Technology Can Pinpoint Cell-Phone Users' Locations
RT # 89
--Anti-Capitalist Youths Challenge IMF in Montreal
--Protesters' message reaches economic meeting in Canada
--Global Stench
--The New Asterix
--Ecuador asks U.S. for $160 mln in anti-drug aid
RT # 88
--From Seattle to Seoul
--A worldwide web of discontent
--Living Justice Non-Violence Forum
--Munitions used against us on October 22
--Interpol targets cybercrime at world conference
--Uganda Ebola Death Toll Rises To 73
--Spy Base named in Euro probe
--Packaging Sales Surpass Album Sales, Sony Reports [humor?]
RT # 87
--Is direct action the new democracy?
--LAPD Homeless Sweeps Target Skid Row
--Ritalin becoming school yard hustlers' newest product
--Study Finds Resurgence in Corporate Tax Avoidance
RT # 86
--Ohio Braces for World Bank Protests
--Record Low Turnout Predicted [voting]
--The CIA's Honeymoon With The Academy
--Farm and rural life poll
--Microsoft on the bounty
--Vieques Protesters Stop US Navy/NATO Bombing
--Moms and Militia: A True Story
--U.S. Special Ops Gets First Non-Army Chief
--The FBI's alarming crime spree
RT # 85
--Profiting on the Backs of Child Laborers
--FBI's Carnivore Just the First Step In Cyber Surveillance
--Globalisation Heightening Gender Inequalities
--Lobbying, Advertising and Political Donations Surpass All Previous Records
--Diamonds are Forever
RT # 84
--Fear pervades Supermax
--Protesters Left Out in Cold at U.S. Campaign Debate
--NSA Chief: We Protect Cyberspace
--Interpol orders immediate cybercrime a

[CTRL] [radtimes] Back issue list (# 101-150)

2001-02-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

To subscribe/unsubscribe; for a sample copy or back issues;
send appropriate email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Contents from previous issues:
RT # 150
--Boy George and the making of an American coup
--Welcome to Wonderland!
--The Spread of News by E-Mail Is Becoming News Itself
--Campuses to acquire automatic weapons
--Phil Ochs updated
--National Security Commission Issues Final Report
--Fur coats & purple hair, Stetsons & ragged jeans
--Study Casts Doubt on Gateway Theory
RT # 149
--Florida recounts make Gore winner
--May 1st Is Shut Down Corporate Melbourne Day
--Children of The World Unite!
--Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
--Curry Duty: Food Not Bombs cooks up a revolution
--US will not prosecute New York police in Diallo killing
--Mass layoffs rose 54 percent last quarter
--U.S. Air Force Special Operations School
RT #148
--Corporate Media Try to Bleep Out J20 Protests
--Davos, Switzerland: Angry Protests at Summit
--Cameras at Super Bowl scanned faces looking for criminals
--Secret Cameras Scanned Crowd at Super Bowl for Criminals
--What I Learned from the World Social Forum
--DOJ Offers Guidance on Electronic Evidence
--President Jackass: Stupid George loses more votes
--The Human Part of the Brain
RT # 147
--Big Brother goes global
--Panel urges better security at Defense agencies
--Nice doesn't cut it in the face of the rabid Right
--Manifest of Anti-capitalist Youth
--Waging War on Dissent (NLG Report)
--Hackers become more militant
--ELF Making Good on Threat
--Cloning Reality: Brave New World here we come
RT # 146
--FBI believes remains are missing atheist leader, family members
--Going Backwards: US Support for Latin America's Armed Forces Soaring
--Tao Of Gun
--History Says Eradicating Drug Crops Doomed to Failure
--No Human Cloning -- Exploratory Initiative Bulletin #1
--Davos - State of war
--When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir
--Broken Promises
RT # 145
--Less talk and more action
--Nortel unveils tracking technology
--Monsanto sees U.S. bio-crop growth despite GM row
--Jose Bove: "Asterix" is at it again
--U.S. Grants $36.8 Billion in Arms Export Licenses for 1999
--World Bank blames head
RT # 144
--Event Summary and Analysis of RAAB at J20
--The Illegitimate Son
--Thousands protest Bush's Inauguration
--Bursting bubbles
--Award-Winning Reporter Resigns On-Air from Pacifica
RT # 143
--Protesters close oil plants
--Students Storm Indonesia Parliament
--Letter From Porto Alegre To Znet
--The Border's Growing Labor War
--Anti-Globalization Activist Jose Bove Is At It Again
--World Social Forum in Brazil news release
--This Is What Democracy Looks Like
--National Progressive Media: Who's Left?
RT # 142
--Soros, Sweeney Join Criticism of Davos Protest Clampdown
--US groups object to Qatar as host for WTO talks
--Protesters invade anti-Davos forum in Brazil
--U.S. Air Force Prepares Itself to Do Battle in Outer Space
--Mounting social costs of prisons
--Farmers Destroy Monsanto Lab (Brazil)
--DOJ  New Search and Seizure Manual
--Consumer confidence plunges to lowest level in four years
--World Forum Protest Cleanup Begins
--The myth of monogamy
RT # 141
--Divide and conquer (Hells Angels)
--GM Criticism Growing Worldwide
--[freeradical] MILITANTS & MODERATES
--Israeli commandos training with US Marines
--Mad Cow Disease Called International Threat
--Invisible eco-warrior `elves' of ELF wage stealth campaign
--Caught in the Cold (Davos)
--When Do Demonstrators Become--Terrorists?
RT # 140
--Poverty and inequality fuel globalization backlash
--Anti-Davos group, Brazil farmers storm biotech plant
--Man accused of spiking trees for radical environmental group
--Anti-nuclear protester sets himself on fire
--Discovery of Bones May Close O'Hair Case
--Ogoni Wars: Arms Were Sponsored By Shell
--Statement by Leonard Peltier
--Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
RT # 139
--Rehnquist --Political Puppeteer
--Water cannon fired on Davos protestors
--Fun Facts About Global Inequality
--Puppetista Manifesto
--Israeli Army Deserted by Soldiers with a Conscience
--The Army Is Watching Your Kid
--Police fire water cannons at Davos protesters
--The CIA Academics and Spies
RT # 138
--The Kidnap and Ransom Industry
--Report on the Jan 27 Davos Protest
--An Anarchist View of the Presidency of Bush, Jr.
--Greenpeace uses riot police van in nuclear protest
--Links to Davos, Switzerland articles
--Bones Found During FBI O'Hair Probe
RT # 137
--Police issue radar guns to civilian snoopers (UK)
--"WBAI: The Democratic Party's Newest Target"
--Trust Us, We're Experts
--The left is right?
--MOVIE: Traffik/Traffic
--Supreme Ironies: No Closure, No Peace
--Great countercoup strategies & Anti-bush Links
--U.S. approves high-resolution spying by commercial satellites
RT # 136
--A Call to Demonstrate on 

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 164

2001-02-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 164

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--Coming Next: Battle of Quebec
--Paving the Planet: Cars and Crops Competing for Land
--Making A Killing On Weapons Sales To The Destitute
--Working With the Enemy to Feed the World
--Lawmakers focus on NSA technology, CIA spies
--NSA warns it can't keep up with rapid changes in IT


Coming Next: Battle of Quebec

Feb. 22, 2001
Workers World

April 20-22 Actions Planned in Canada, Mexico and U.S.

By Sarah Sloan

In April 2001--one year after protests rocked the meetings
of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in
Washington--activists from the anti-globalization movement
will again rise up in protest outside a meeting of
capitalist vultures.

This time it's the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City,
Canada--a meeting of heads of state and trade ministers
representing every country in the Western Hemisphere except
socialist Cuba. There they will discuss the Free Trade Area
of the Americas.

While all of the countries to be represented are capitalist
countries, most are also oppressed nations dominated by the
United States and other imperialist powers.

What is the FTAA?

Like NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the
FTAA is a plan to facilitate the expansion of finance
capital, especially by the United States. The FTAA is meant
to expand the NAFTA model to all 34 countries in Western
Hemisphere except Cuba, opening them to greater degrees of
exploitation by U.S. banks and corporations.

NAFTA has meant more sweatshops and more poverty for the
people of Mexico. Many small farmers have been driven off
their land as a result of U.S. agribusiness flooding the
market with goods there. It has also meant layoffs for
workers in the U.S. and Canada, and more companies have
moved factories to Mexico to exploit cheaper labor.

The April 20-22 Summit of the Americas is the third meeting
to discuss the FTAA, which is scheduled to be finalized in
2005. This program will go beyond NAFTA, expanding on some
of its features, such as the right of corporations to sue
governments over laws that infringe upon their profits and
their ability to increase the privatization of health care,
education and other services.

In response, activists will converge in several locations.


Major protests are planned in Quebec City April 20-21.
Groups organizing include Summit of the Americas Welcoming
Committee (CASA) in Quebec, and the Montreal-based groups
Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) and Operation SalAMI.

Workers World spoke to Josina Dunkel, a student at McGill
University in Montreal. She said students there expect the
demonstrations to be massive.

"There is a whole climate around these demonstrations,"
Dunkel said. "The momentum for them is huge."

She reported that the Canadian Federation of Students--the
more leftist of the two student unions there--was organizing
50 buses to Quebec. Students at Concordia University are
allowed to defer their final exams so they can participate
in the protests.

A protest is planned at McGill on March 7 to demand academic
amnesty so that students there can also defer their exams.

"The anti-globalization movement is strong in Canada,"
Dunkel told WW. "It actually predates the events in Seattle.
There was a huge demonstration in Vancouver [against an Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in 1998], which is on
the border with Seattle, before the November 1999 World
Trade Organization demonstration. It was attacked by cops
and followed up with nationwide student organizing.

"Campus groups started forming at the beginning of the year
to work on the anti-FTAA protests," she added.

Activists from Canada will protest as close to the meetings
as possible. Many from the U.S. will also head for Quebec,
though some are making the decision to concentrate their
efforts at the U.S.-Canada border.


Since a group of Buffalo college students flew to Seattle to
attend the anti-WTO protests, various progressive groups in
the area have formed the Buffalo Activist Network. Their
next focus is organizing regionally for a series of actions
beginning April 19 and culminating in a major action on
April 22 at the Peace Bridge on the U.S.-Canada border.

Groups from New York, Cleveland and many other cities plan
to participate. Organizers expect thousands to join in
various actions.

Activists from New England, meanwhile, will head towards
Vermont. There protesters will try to go to Quebec City as
well as have actions

[CTRL] Commando-style police raid in Sydney designed to intimidate youth

2001-02-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Commando-style police raid in Sydney designed to intimidate youth

By Erika Zimmer
20 February 2001

At 11.30 on the night of Saturday February 10, eighty heavily armed police
staged a commando-style raid on an Internet café and pool hall in Sydney's
busiest cinema and entertainment district. It was one of the largest and
most aggressive police raids ever carried out in the city.
In an operation designed to stun and terrorise, police blasted their way
into the building with explosive charges. Instead of using the buildings'
lifts, around 20 officers, armed with shields and assault weapons, blew
open three fire-doors with "cutting-charges," then used three explosive
devices, described by police as "flashbang" devices, to further disorient
anyone on the premises.
Five of the café's occupants were so terrified that they smashed through
windows and onto a street awning to escape. They were quickly surrounded by
police and arrested. Two were treated by ambulance officers for cuts.
An eyewitness told World Socialist Web Site reporters that the five, mostly
young Korean students and tourists, were then beaten up by police before
being taken into custody. After being interrogated all night, the five were
released mid-morning without being charged or receiving any official
An entire section of George Street, one of Sydney's main thoroughfares,
between Goulburn and Bathurst Streets, was sealed off to prevent public
access during the raid. Occupants of passing vehicles were moved on,
ordered to keep their eyes straight ahead and not watch the police action.
Police forced restaurant patrons to leave immediately. Others were locked
in for the duration of the operation.
One café employee told the WSWS that he had never seen anything like it. "I
thought it was a hostage situation." A young worker at Timezone, an
amusement parlor across the street, said she thought someone was making a
movie. "I have never seen things like that. Flashes and shooting.  People
were frightened."
In an attempt to justify the raid, police claimed to have received
information that a fight between rival Asian gangs was timed to take place
that night. New South Wales Assistant Police Commissioner Dick Adams said
assault squads from the elite State Protection Group had been used because
"the information we had was that they could well have been armed." Other
police sources claimed the operation had prevented a "bloodbath" or "even a
The owners of both the Internet café and a Karaoke Bar on the floor above
expressed anger and disbelief over the police claims. The café owner's
30-year-old daughter told the Sydney Morning Herald: "We've had the
business for six years, our customers are Korean students and tourists and
other Asians. But we've never had any trouble with gangs.  We don't know
any gang members. This is unbelievable. I'm so angry."
Her 60-year-old mother collapsed during the raid and had to be taken to
hospital by ambulance. "She's too terrified to even leave home," her
daughter said. "My mum's worked hard all her life. She's a law abiding
Kwang Bae Chung, owner of the Korean Karaoke Bar, told the newspaper:
"We've been open only two weeks. All our patrons are Korean students. What
gangs?" Speaking to the WSWS through an interpreter, Chung said police had
used explosives to blow open the fire door on his premises.
"The police pushed the door open and came in with shields to protect
themselves from the explosives. There were about 18 of them. It was the
weekend, so there were many people. It was really full. The police turned
off the air conditioner and made the customers sit on the floor in the
foyer. There was a guy vomiting but they wouldn't let it be cleaned up.
They were told to sit without moving. If they tried to talk, the police
shouted at them.
"The police switched off all the mobile phones. They searched the customers
and checked their ID and photographed them. It took about two hours. The
police searched every single thing, like under the sofa.  When they left
they just said, 'Sorry about the door'. The police didn't have permission
to come in. We're so upset about that. They didn't have a search warrant."
A number of eyewitnesses told the WSWS that the media must have known about
the raid beforehand, throwing further doubt on police claims to be
forestalling a gang war. Rupert Murdoch's tabloid, the Daily Telegraph, was
immediately on the spot, publishing a lurid account of the raid, including
a half-page colour photograph showing a State Protection Group officer with
his gun trained on one of the youth on the awning. An employee working in a
bar across the road told the WSWS that a police forensic photographer had
set up his camera on the building's second floor to record the raid.
While police sources claimed that "up to 16 members of an Asian gang, one
of whom was carrying a collection of firearms, knives and other

[CTRL] Germany: New law allows more extensive government monitoring

2001-02-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Germany: New law allows more extensive government monitoring of phone calls
and email

By Alexander Boulerian
20 February 2001

The Social Democratic Party (SPD)-Green Party coalition government in
Germany has agreed on a new law governing state organised wiretaps, bugging
and the interception of e-mail.
The Gesetz zur Beschränkung des Brief-, Post- und
Fernmeldegeheimnisses (law restricting postal and telecommunications
secrecy) will regulate the ability of the German secret services to listen
in on telephone calls and intercept faxes and e-mail. The law is a crucial
step in strengthening the state's powers and a further restriction of
fundamental democratic rights, whereby the SPD-Green federal government is
continuing the work of its conservative predecessors.
The new regulation is known as the "G-10" law, named after Article 10 in
the German constitution: "The secrecy of the mail and telecommunications is
inviolable. However, legal restrictions may be imposed." The new
regulations became necessary when, in 1999, the Supreme Court ruled
sections of the 1994 law dealing with these issues to be unconstitutional
and called for juridical clarity, particularly in relation to the handling
of personal data.
SPD Prime Minister Schroeder has used the Supreme Court ruling to greatly
expand the powers of the secret services. Although the regulations dealing
with personal data are more strictly drawn in the new billthe authorities
must now inform each person who is subject to a "bugging" order as soon as
the data relating to him has been stored, whereas previously such data
could be used secretly for three monthsthe regulations covering the
monitoring activities of the G-10 Commission have been extended.
In future, the secret service can begin bugging if suspicion to commit
racial incitement exists and "other ways to investigate the facts offer no
prospects or would be substantially more difficult". The monitoring of
persons under suspicion is to be simplified. While previously someone could
only be bugged if he were suspected of belonging to a terrorist
organisationwhich required the involvement of at least three alleged
culpritsin future, one suspect is enough. The government sees the danger
coming particularly from "extremist individuals or small groups" who might
employ "explosives or firearms".
Moreover, the secret services now have permission to spy on telephone calls
and e-mails that are carried over optical fibre cables (apparently, the
most frequently used transmission technology today). Previously, they were
only permitted to listen in on satellite and radio relay links.
The powers of the secret services are further expanded, in that they can
listen in where suspicion exists of terrorism, drug dealing, illegal arms
exports or hostage-taking abroad, if "the interests of the Federal Republic
of Germany are directly affected". According to an article in Der Spiegel
magazine, a special task force designed to act in the event of a crisis has
already been formed within the secret services.
For the first time, with this law, a new statute came into effect before
being formally passed by the federal parliament (Bundestag). In the case of
the German Wallert family, who had been kidnapped by Muslim rebels on the
Philippine island of Jolo, the Bundestag Committee for Intelligence
Services listening operations rapidly approved a bugging operation because
of the "danger to life and limb of the hostages".
In addition, the results of telephone monitoring will expressly become
acceptable as proof in "procedures to prohibit unconstitutional parties and
extremist associations." Previously this was the case only in criminal
proceedings. This means that secret, classified telephone logs and reports
of undercover agents can in the future play a crucial role in court actions.
The intention to use such logs in pending Supreme Court proceedings against
the neo-Nazi Nationale Partei Deutschlands (NPD) has caused particular
concern on the part of the Green party, which does not want to give the
impression that a "Lex NPD" is being established. In reality, the
initiators of the law only distanced themselves because the special
committee dealing with the preparation of an NPD ban complained that such
dossiers were not necessary for a prohibition.
Those pushing for the new law included Guenther Beckstein, interior
minister in Bavaria's Christian Social Union state government, who for some
time has agitated for such provisions. His proposals now appear almost word
for word in the legal text. This right-wing political hard-liner, renowned
for his draconian actions against asylum-seekers, immigrants and supporters
of minority religions, was also the first to push for an NPD ban. Beckstein
and Federal Interior Minister Otto Schily (SPD) have from the start been
passing the ball back and forth between one another.
The law is primarily being justified with refere

Re: [CTRL] CNS: Media Watchdog Group Says Bush Should Fire FBI Director

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

They seem to forget the most important item here - Freeh was one of the
first to jump in bed with KGB and praise this bunch of assassins - and
Albright was 2nd.

Say this J. Edgar Hoover if he had ever had that guy under his control,
would have had him legally executed...where do they find bums like
Freeh?   Who and what is he, really...but then to whom did he
answer, but William Jefferson Clinton aka Blythe, aka unknown Manchurian
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FBI agent did "extreme" damage

2001-02-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Officials say he passed
U.S. secrets to Russia
for more than a decade

Authorities say a veteran FBI agent did "extreme" damage to the United
States during the past 10 years, passing secrets to Russia. NBC News'
Pete Williams reports. Surveillance of the Russian Embassy in
Washington, shown at left, was one of the agent's duties.

By Pete Williams
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 —  A veteran FBI counterintelligence expert is
under arrest and facing charges that he spied for Moscow for more than
a decade, sources told NBC News on Tuesday. Agent Robert Philip
Hanssen, who was scheduled to be arraigned on spy charges later in
the day, was arrested after leaving a package of classified material in a
Virginia park, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

HANSSEN, a 27-year agency veteran who spent most of his career as a
counterspy, was due to appear in federal court at 11 a.m. ET for
arraignment on espionage charges.
   Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Louis Freeh and CIA
Director George Tenet scheduled an early afternoon news conference to
discuss the arrest.
   The sources told NBC News, which broke the story of Hanssen’s
arrest early Tuesday, that Hanssen had done “extreme damage” to the
United States. They also said agency officials had been aware of the
spying for the past several months.

   Hanssen, 56, was a senior agent assigned to surveillance of the
Russian Embassy in Washington and other Moscow missions to the
United States, including one in New York. Officials said among the
secrets Hanssen allegedly disclosed include methods the United States
uses to conduct electronic surveillance.
   Officials said Hanssen, who also worked for the U.S. State
Department in Washington before returning to the FBI, also may have
confirmed for the Russians information originally given to them by CIA
spy Aldrich Ames about the identity of U.S. intelligence sources
overseas, some of whom were then executed.
   Intelligence sources told NBC News that they believe Hanssen also
had a “tangential connection” to the planting of an electronic
eavesdropping device discovered in late 1999 in a State Department
conference room.

February 20 — Intelligence expert David Wise describes the state of
Russian espionage in the post-Cold War world on NBC’s “Today” show.
   Russian officials in Moscow had no immediate comment on the
arrest. “As of now, we do not have information about this,” said Foreign
Ministry spokesman Vladimir Oshurkov.
   Officials said Hanssen’s senior status in counterspying put him in
an ideal position to uncover information and to make sure his tracks
were covered.
   The sources said investigators believe Hanssen kept his identity
secret from his Russian handlers. The four contacts identified in the
Washington area knew him only by code name, and recently acquired
KGB documents indicate that even senior Russian intelligence officials
knew him that way, too, the sources said.

   Agents searched Hanssen’s suburban home in Virginia after his
arrest late Sunday.
   Federal officials indicated they have not been able to determine
whether Hanssen acted for political reasons or for personal gain. They
say the Russians were paying him, but that he had no obvious debts
and hadn’t been on any spending sprees.
   Underscoring the

  U.S. espionage timeline
 MSNBC Interactive
A look at notorious spy cases in the U.S.
gravity of the case, former FBI Director William Webster has been
named to lead a blue-ribbon panel that will assess the impact of the
alleged espionage, an FBI source told The Associated Press.
   Nancy Cullen, a neighbor, described Hanssen’s neighborhood as
being in shock with news of the arrest. “They go to church every Sunday
— if that means anything — loading all six kids into the van.” She said
the Hanssens were regulars at the Memorial Day block party and called
Hanssen “very attractive ... not overly gregarious.”

   Hanssen is only the third FBI agent ever accused of spying.
   In 1997, Earl Pitts, who was stationed at the FBI Academy in
Quantico, Va., was sentenced to 27 years in prison after admitting he
spied for Moscow during and after the Cold War. The only other FBI
agent ever caught spying was Richard W. Miller, a Los Angeles agent
who was arrested in 1984 and later sentenced to 20 years in prison.
   Last year, a former Army officer was accused of spying for the
Soviet Union and Russia for 25 years. Prosecutors said retired Army
Reserve Col. George Trofimoff, who was a civilian intelligence employee,
was captured on one tape putting his hand to his heart and telling an
undercover agent posing as a Russian agent: “I’m not American in here.”’s Mike Brunker, NBC News Producer Robert
Windrem and The Associated Press contributed to this report.">


2001-02-20 Thread Kris Millegan


WHAT:  INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CONGRESS, "Globalization Process and Hidden
Menace of the Crisis of the World Reserve Currencies"

WHO:  Sponsors include The Russian Federal Foundation of Appraising, Russian
Institute of Crisis Studies, The Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics
and the Venezuelan Embassy, Russia.

WHEN:  MARCH 6-7, 2001

WHERE: Bor Hotel and Resort - Moscow, Russia

WHY: Leading economic and financial experts from around the world see a
strong possibility of a possible U.S. economic collapse with resulting
political instability, tension and conflict. This is a "pre-crisis" meeting
to discuss options for a financial and economic crisis, increasingly viewed
as inevitable.

FEES: Conference Registration and Translation fee: EUR$ 271 + VAT 20%


CONTACT: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Telephone 7-095-229-1550.


Feb 19, 2001 - Both the Commercial Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and
the Russian news agency Tass have verified the "bona fides" of an
increasingly significant conference to be held in Moscow arising from a
dramatic weakening of the U.S. economy and international concern about a
potential world-wide economic collapse. As a scandal over the toxicity of
depleted uranium munitions fired by the U.S. in Kosovo continues to strain
NATO and as European nations including Russia, France and Germany race to
strengthen economic and military ties, a worsening US economic picture is
causing financial leaders around the world to look for both cushions and
opportunity. Conference organizer Igor Tolstoshein has advised FTW that
current registration for the conference has topped 200 representatives from
more than 15 countries and many major corporations.

FTW Publisher/Editor Michael Ruppert has been invited and will be attending
the two-day conference at the Bor Hotel, an exclusive forest retreat
approximately 30 km south of Moscow. FTW will be prepared to contribute to
the conference with our analysis of Plan Colombia and its agenda of
maintaining a flow of drug dollars through the US economy and Wall Street.

Among the speakers at the first day of the conference will be Venezuelan
Ambassador to Moscow Francisco Mieres-Lopes who will discuss the feasibility
of a switch in oil pricing from the dollar to the euro and the imminent
armed conflict arising from the US's "Plan Colombia." Some of the additional
topics on the agenda include: "Unmotivated armed conflicts as the regulator
of the financial and stock market fluctuations;" "Optimal Strategy in the
crisis for the financial structures of Russia and other emerging market
economies;" "China's 'golden Yuan';" and, "The difference between the
'sell-short game' and hidden panic."

The near implosion of the NASDAQ the day before the latest bombing of Iraq -
which sparked a sudden recovery in the US Stock market - as well as
worldwide financial volatility underscores the timeliness of this event. The
International Finance Congress is attracting increasing attention from both
world governments and international media. As of Feb. 20 attendance was
still open and conference organizers indicated that they were still
accepting registrations from qualified attendees.

FTW will get there early and leave late to make sure that we have learned
all that we can form this major event. As of this writing "From The
Wilderness" subscribers have contributed more than $2,000 of the $3,000
necessary to get us to and through this event and we have financially
committed to go. Our emerging map of organized criminal behavior in a
"search-and-destroy" world economy is apparently shared in some circles and
we are not alone in smelling trouble ahead.

For those wishing to contribute to covering our expenses please send your
donations to:

FTW - Moscow Conference
P.O. Box 6061-350
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413

[NOTE: For extremely important breaking news on developing conflict in
Colombia please visit]

Thank you,

Michael C. Ruppert
"From The Wilderness"

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Re: [CTRL] In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out G.W.B

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Did it ever occur to anybody that the ex President is and was mentally
disturbed - as though he got caught in a sex trap and did not want out?

Still think, remember it was the night Monica delivered the pizza to the
President, the famous episode occurred.from that time on it was
blackmail with his phone tapped and the sex calls in in the wings this
Goldberg with Mark Fuhrman and Linda Tripp - all such ugly people, oh so
disloyal and such traitors.

>From that day on when Monica delivered the pizza - I believe it was
loaded with this drug Ecstasy..from that day on she stalked the
President - this fat floosie who was just another prostitute used by I
believe, the Mossad?

Now Clinton had a weakness but he usually kept it under
controlsuddenly all these floosies and loose ladies appear - oh
terrible, terrible what he did to me - now how many "ladies: other than
ladies of the evening would put themselves in such a compromising
position - to be alone in a hotel room or anywhere with someone else's
husband - in off hours with no official business.

So what is the real story?   The real story is Clinton will make more
more money now than he ever did in his life; ;he lives in
inffamy..but he also I believe, is a very sick man - mentally and
spiritually and most of all physically?

It all began that day this little fat floosie delivered the pizza to the
President - with the Secret Service not checking it for drugs - the fact
that she ws permitted to bring food to the President of the United
States is highly suspect

So Clinton is he Dead Man Walking?   His friends now turn against him,
if he had any real friends to begin with.give little people a little
bit of authority, and see the tyrant.Clinton ws a little man.">
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Re: [CTRL] AP: Mena Arkansas Disappearance Baffles Investigators

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I would wonder who took the pictures?   And who was in the will?
And was there bit time insurance involved here?   This guy lost two
wives - moving back to Florida?

Law of disappearance - 7 years to wait for any insurance to be paid
off..need the body right?

Why would anyone let this woman be alone at her age in weather that
didn't seem ideal?

Red and Yellow?   Red hair and yellow jacket?  She sounded like a real

Hungry children from other marriage worried about inheritance?

And any 63 year old with red hair and wears yellow - well,  sounds like
a real terror by night?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Cops in Philippines Seize $2 Trillion in Counterfeit U.S. Bonds

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well as I always said, never steal anything small for these guys have
enough stashed away no doubt to buy themselves out of
anything..wonder if there is a Richie Rich connection here.a
this for that nunc de plunc, or whatever you call that.

Now note that figure 2 Trillion Dolars in Counterfeit US Bonds?   2
TRILLION dollars - think any of those bums would have missed this money
when it is pay off time?

So big question - this sounds like Russian Mafia to me..that Putin -
with Russia going busto, what a way for short term loan.

They would pay us back with the real thing aftere they cash in the funny
money stuff?


billions of dollars of diamonds being spread about by Israelies?What
is this - Show and Tell Time?">
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] KGB - With Friends LIke This What are our enemies like?

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So this story I find interesting; here we have Louis Freeh involved who
visited KGB and was so overwhelmed, for he stated in so many words to
think here I was sitting with KGB agent..what a hick.

And then we had Madeline Albright visiting Putin this great butcher who
caused amputation of little 14 year old boys legs for he refused them
treatment anyone involved in Chechnya..but our Secretary of State
going afater Putin no doubt in her red dress, asking for mercy, mercy -
please, she said, let us build up our defense system Mr. Putin?

Now the story I love most, is the KGB setting up a KKK for the Walker
spies and sending out letters on KKK Stationery - but stupid enough to
get caught?  Now Russia oh how they condemn the Jewish Russian Mafia -
let us call them, the left hand of God.

So this guy got caught in a trap - and I imagine this guy who went to
church every Sunday, and had all those kids - well, anyone can have kids
and go to church and still be a bum.

Will this "former" FBI agent now be a fall guy for a lot of other stuff
- maybe stuff that the Chinese Mafia got away with or Henry Kissinger
gives away or even little Monica - my while the Mossad tapped her line
to get to the President did they discuss anything other than neckties?
As Kissinger would call people late in the night- the friend at midnight
- to talk top secret and obviously he knew he phone was tapped.

I keep thinking of my FBI file that the FBI now I have waited since 1985
for the rest of it.they censored my own letters which I wrote to
them (letters from Hell) letters were so secret, just an
innocent housewife involved with MI6  my letters were put in National
Archives when even I could not get them?

Such is the life of an average American Citizen, and as for the Walker
Spies, and the KGB setting up the KKK - be it known, the real KKK is one
of the most patriotic orders in the maybe this explains
what the local Jewish Mafia (two of whom were arrested for murder - but
their hit man took the fall)but this explains what the Jewish Mafia
was doing with KKK and neo nazi literature - and they threatened to send
the Brown Shirts after ME?

What a crockif you read behind the lines here who was in bed with
Putin - why Freeh and Albright and Kissinger Soviet Agnt Code Name Bor?
And this guy goes to slammer - Scape Goat of the year 2001 - end of


FBI agent accused of spying
Officials say he passed
U.S. secrets to Russia
for more than a decadeAuthorities say a veteran FBI agent did "extreme"
damage to the United States during the past 10 years, passing secrets to
Russia. NBC News' Pete Williams reports. Surveillance of the Russian
Embassy in Washington, shown at left, was one of the agent's duties.
By Pete Williams
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 —  A veteran FBI counterintelligence expert is
under arrest and facing charges that he spied for Moscow for more than a
decade, sources told NBC News on Tuesday. Agent Robert Philip Hanssen,
who was scheduled to be arraigned on spy charges later in the day, was
arrested after leaving a package of classified material in a Virginia
park, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

   HANSSEN, a 27-year agency veteran who spent most of his
career as a counterspy, was due to appear in federal court at 11 a.m. ET
for arraignment on espionage charges.
   Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Louis Freeh
and CIA Director George Tenet scheduled an early afternoon news
conference to discuss the arrest.
   The sources told NBC News, which broke the story of
Hanssen's arrest early Tuesday, that Hanssen had done "extreme damage"
to the United States. They also said agency officials had been aware of
the spying for the past several months.

   Hanssen, 56, was a senior agent assigned to surveillance
of the Russian Embassy in Washington and other Moscow missions to the
United States, including one in New York. Officials said among the
secrets Hanssen allegedly disclosed include methods the United States
uses to conduct electronic surveillance.
   Officials said Hanssen, who also worked for the U.S.
State Department in Washington before returning to the FBI, also may
have confirmed for the Russians information originally given to them by
CIA spy Aldrich Ames about the identity of U.S. intelligence sources
overseas, some of whom were then executed.
   Intelligence sources told NBC News that they believe
Hanssen also had a "tangential connection" to the planting of an
electronic eavesdropping device discovered in late 1999 in a State
Department conference room.
February 20 — Intelligence expert David Wise describes the state of
Russian espionage in the post-Cold War world on NBC's "Today" show.
   Russian officials in Moscow had no immediate comment on
the arrest. "As of now, we do not have information about this," said
Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir Osh

[CTRL] AP: Cops in Philippines Seize $2 Trillion in Counterfeit U.S. Bonds

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[A word to the wise: if someone offers you a $100 million bond,
examine it carefully ;-) ]

Cops in Philippines Seize Fake Bonds

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Police and U.S. officials seized $2
trillion in counterfeit U.S. bonds and arrested one suspect, a
top Philippines police official said Tuesday.

National Police Superintendent Nestor Gualberto said his officers
and staff from the U.S. Embassy carried out the raid in Cagayan
de Oro, a city in the southern region of Mindanao.

Seized were about $2 trillion in bogus U.S. Federal Reserve bonds
in denominations of $100 million and $500 million along with
counterfeit German and Argentine bonds valued at about $6
billion, Gualberto said.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] AP: Mena Arkansas Disappearance Baffles Investigators

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

AP-NY-02-20-01 0129EST

Disappearance Baffles Investigators

Associated Press Writer

MENA, Ark. (AP) -- After a quiet breakfast in this town a few
miles from the Oklahoma line, Daniel McDonald and three family
members drove up a nearby mountain to hike Lovers Leap Trail.

The four headed down the narrow, muddy path in Queen Wilhelmina
State Park, McDonald said.  But his 68-year-old wife, Gloria,
soon turned back toward the park's lodge, he said.  She hasn't
been seen since.

What happened Jan. 26 has baffled authorities and set residents
theorizing about kidnapping, murder and mystery the likes of
which this scenic western Arkansas town has never seen.

Did Gloria get lost?  Was she abducted?  Did she decide to run
away?  Police even wonder if she ever was in the 460-acre park.

"This woman disappeared without a trace in 30 minutes," Polk
County Sheriff Mike Oglesby said.  "We have no motive, no
evidence of any kind.  We've got nothing."

This is a part of the state where people move a little slower
than the rest of the world, flannel shirts are considered
business casual and the tractor is more than just a workhorse --
it's a mode of transportation.

Gloria McDonald's daughter and her husband feel certain she is
dead -- speculations that disturb investigators who say they
can't link anyone to a crime.

"I was the No. 1 suspect," Daniel McDonald said a week after his
wife disappeared.  "I demanded to take a polygraph test," which
state police investigator Lynn Benedict said he passed.

Daniel, 63, says it was about noon when the family arrived at the
park 14 miles south of town.  His son from a past marriage, Sean
McDonald, was visiting from Florida with his girlfriend, Erin

Not 250 yards down the trail, Daniel says, Gloria decided to head
back to the lodge.  She wasn't a "woodsy person," Daniel said.
Broken tree limbs and debris from recent ice storms littered the

Park workers say the woman never returned to park headquarters.
Surely, a woman with red hair wearing a bright yellow jacket
would be noticed, they said.

A maintenance worker says he may have spotted a woman in a yellow
jacket but can't be sure.  Authorities say the worker is the only
person who might be able to place Gloria in the park -- except
for Daniel, Sean and Erin.

Daniel complains authorities spent too much time questioning him
before bringing out search dogs the next day.  Searchers aided by
helicopters have found nothing.

"In my mind, she's dead," Daniel said.  "I think she saw
something she shouldn't have seen ... so they took her.  Or maybe
she was snatched up by someone and tossed in one of these

Kerri, Gloria's daughter from a previous marriage, who asked that
her last name not be used, also wasn't holding out much hope.

"The first thing I think is that more than likely, she's dead,"
she said.

"I know my mom.  If someone did get her into a car, she would've
mouthed off so much they would've had to kill her."

But authorities have few clues: "Nothing points to the fact that
there is foul play and nothing points to the fact that she ran
off," Oglesby said.

Police are looking south, extending their investigation to Cedar
Key, Fla., a Gulf coast town where the McDonalds lived before
moving to Mena six months ago.  "We're trying to see what their
lifestyle was like," Oglesby said.

Less than a week after his wife's disappearance, Daniel said he
would move back to Florida.  "I don't want to be the guy in Mena
whose wife was killed on the mountain," he said.

The sheriff says he hasn't ruled out Daniel as a suspect, but
authorities didn't have any evidence to keep him from leaving,
even if some of his comments seem caustic.

In an interview, Daniel said he couldn't imagine anyone abducting
his wife "for her body" because she could not be considered

Gloria was Daniel's second wife.  His first wife died in her home
of natural causes, according to a funeral home in Chiefland, Fla.
Gloria and Daniel had been married a year.

Sean McDonald said in a telephone interview from Florida that
sometimes his father can come across the wrong way: "He's a great
man, but he'll say whatever's on his mind and he doesn't care
what anyone thinks."

Sean said all three family members were interrogated separately
the day after Gloria disappeared.  Police seized his camera and
found pictures taken the day of the hike, but no shots of Gloria.

"They were so focused on us but we didn't have anything to do
with this," he said.  "You see this stuff in the movies and on
the news, but this one hit home."

Gene Clifton, a friend of Gloria's from Chiefland, is stumped.

"If she's dead, we need to find her. If she's alive and wants to
be found, we need to find her," he said.  "If she's alive and
doesn't want to be found, then we need to let her be."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out G.W.B

2001-02-20 Thread p

In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out 





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  By Howard 
KurtzWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, February 19, 2001; Page C01 

One month into his tenure, President Bush still manages to get himself on 
television and in the papers. But the degree to which a previous White House 
occupant is stealing the media spotlight is nothing short of remarkable.
From Monday through Thursday -- as the president was staging events on 
military reform -- the network evening newscasts aired 18 pieces on Bill Clinton 
(seven of them the lead story) and only 14 about Bush. From Monday through 
Friday, the New York Times ran four front-page Clinton stories and two on Bush; 
The Washington Post, four apiece.
Bush advisers see a silver lining. "There's some heartburn about the fact the 
message is getting stepped on," says Mark McKinnon, Bush's campaign media 
strategist. "But it's not getting stepped on with a good message [about 
Clinton]; it's getting stepped on with a bad message. For voters it's created 
such a stark contrast in appearances that it's enhanced their perception of the 
Bush administration."
But as former Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart observes, "It's hard to govern 
from Page A-17. The presidency is about getting the country engaged."
Or, as Jay Leno cracks, "Is it me, or is Clinton in the papers more now than 
when he was president?" (Clinton still dominates in late-night jokes as 
From Jan. 20 through Feb. 15, says the Center for Media and Public Affairs, 
the ABC, CBS and NBC nightly newscasts have done 135 stories on Bush and 62 on 
Clinton -- an eye-popping statistic considering that most former presidents 
quickly vanish from the headlines. ("NBC Nightly News" aired the most Clinton 
stories, 34, to 32 for Bush.)
"No news is good news for George Bush," says the center's Robert Lichter. "In 
every new administration, someone gets clobbered by the media. Usually it's the 
incoming president. This time it's the ex-president."
Some of the early Clinton controversies -- over his acceptance of gifts and 
rental of pricey New York office space -- have faded, and the initial reports of 
vandalism by departing White House aides are now seen as overblown. But 
Clinton's pardon of fugitive Marc Rich has mushroomed into a full-blown, 
international-intrigue, much-investigated, cable-ready scandal.
But as awful as the pardon looks -- and even Democrats have been denouncing 
their former leader -- it's more absorbing for journalists than the latest 
maneuvering over Bush's tax-cut plan. For the media, scandal trumps boring 
Washington substance.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer says his boss isn't worried about being 
overshadowed. "I assure you the president does not have any such frustration," 
Fleischer told reporters. "He's just looking forward and not looking 
Another adviser says of the Clinton avalanche: "I don't think any of us 
inside the Bush administration would be out wishing for this." But, this person 
says, "George W. Bush has demonstrated great discipline when it comes to the 
former president, which is not to rassle with that tar baby. We stick to our 
But Lockhart says the president "is running a pretty cynical good cop/bad cop 
campaign. The Republican apparatus has been out there pushing these stories, and 
Bush says we shouldn't be focusing so much on Clinton."
Lockhart also insists that the media are pumping up some of the Clinton 
controversies. "We've seen a real deterioration in the press's ability to 
separate a real news story from the chatter that starts on the Internet or in 
conservative circles," he says. "There's probably a little bit of withdrawal 
from covering Bill Clinton. It's ridiculous."
Democratic strategist Mark Mellman also sees Bush losing out: "There's only 
so much news hole for politics. If Bill Clinton's taking it up, that means 
George Bush isn't."
Despite the Democratic spin, the media battering of Clinton has given the 
party a black eye. Even Clinton's Commerce secretary, William Daley, tells the 
New York Times that Clinton's exit has been "devastating." The Newsweek and Time 
covers out today are on Clinton. (Time's headline: "Th

[CTRL] PA going bankrupt

2001-02-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> On the brink: Palestinian Authority checks are bouncing
> Monday, February 19, 2001
> RAMALLAHThe increasingly unpopular Palestinian Authority is on
> the
> verge  of bankruptcy and under increasing pressure to stop its gunmen
> from
> shooting at  Israeli positions near Arab cities in the West Bank and
> Gaza
> Strip.
> PA officials have been inundated with demands from prominent
> Palestinians
> that their lives have become intolerable because PA and Fatah gunmen
> have
> shot  at Israeli military and civilian positions from Palestinian
> homes.
> This, they  said, has resulted in heavy Israeli retaliation.
> Meanwhile the Palestinian Authority is calling for an immediate
> infusion of
> cash to stave off bankruptcy, Middle East Newsline reported.
> Officials said they need nearly $50 million within the next few weeks
> to
> pay  salaries to more than 100,000 public sector employees as well as
> maintain PA  services. They said they have exhausted local banks and
> foreign banks have  refused to offer any loans.
> "We are on the verge of bankruptcy," PA Finance Ministry
> director-general
> Sami Ramlawi said. "Last month, we couldn't pay salaries and had to
> pay
> only a  portion of them."
> Officials said checks issued by the PA are bouncing. This includes
> aid to
> families of those killed in clashes with Israel. The Islamic
> opposition has
> assumed many of the health services in Gaza.
> These woes come amid rising criticism of the PA. A survey by the Bet
> Sahour-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion reported that 56.8
> percent of  the respondents called for immediate legislative
> elections and
> more than 40  percent called the PA a failure.
> Longstanding resentment at endemic corruption in the PA has been
> intensified  by the tactics employed in the current mini-war with
> Israel.
> On late Thursday,  the Gaza settlement of Netsarim came under mortar
> attack
> from Palestinian  fighters near Gaza City. The Popular Front for the
> Liberation of Palestine  claimed responsibility. The PFLP claimed
> that a
> Palestinian bus driver, who on  Wednesday mowed down Israeli
> commuters at a
> hitching station near Tel Aviv, was  a member.
> The criticism has been harshest from Palestinians in neighborhoods in
> Ramallah and Bethlehem that have borne the brunt of Israeli
> retaliation.
> They  said their neighborhoods have been taken over by thugs from
> Fatah and
> PA  security agencies.
> Several leading Palestinians have warned that parts of major cities
> are
> being  emptied and many of their residents would seek to emigrate.
> PA security officials have done little to stop the gunmen. But in an
> unusual  move, the PA has appealed to Fatah gunmen to stop using
> populated
> areas to shoot  at Israelis.

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[CTRL] FEDER: Bush signals new realism in China policy

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Don Feder
February 20, 2001

Bush signals new realism in China policy

On Jan. 20, the Chinese Politburo went into deep mourning. For
the People's Republic, the Clinton presidency was a dream come
true. But developments last week would indicate that for China,
2001 could be the Year of the Rude Awakening. Secretary of State
Colin Powell criticized religious oppression in China. Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Beijing's opposition to missile
defense wasn't a consideration and hinted that Taiwan might
benefit from such a system.

The White House says it will soon decide on whether to sell
sophisticated weaponry to the Taipei. Constructive engagement
hasn't quite been buried, but it seems to be assuming room

In eight years, Clinton's pendulum swung from trashing his
predecessor for "coddling" the "Butchers of Beijing" to hailing
the butchers as our "strategic partners." He stood in Tiananmen
Square (site of the 1989 butchery) and criticized not the PRC's
bloodbath, but Taiwan's desire to avoid the chopping block.

If Clinton's policy had come stamped "Made in the China," it
could hardly have been more pro-PRC. Bill succeeded in decoupling
China's trade status from human-rights considerations.

Export controls were relaxed. On dual-use technology, authority
to grant export licenses was transferred from the
security-conscious Defense Department to business-as-usual
Commerce. Beijing went shopping in our technology market and took
home 603 high-speed computers, so useful in designing and testing
nuclear weapons.

Officers of the Peoples Liberation Army visited U.S. military
bases and were exposed to our strategic thinking, on the bizarre
theory this sharing would lead to mutual trust.

State-owned Chinese firms were allowed to penetrate our capital
markets. Due in part to Clinton's insouciance, a Hong Kong firm
with close ties to Beijing now operates port facilities on both
ends of the Panama Canal.

While passionately pursuing China's totalitarian rulers, Clinton
cold-shouldered one of the most democratic governments in Asia.

He threatened to veto the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act (passed
by the House of Representatives by a margin of 370-41 last year),
which would mandate the sale of certain advanced weapons to

Nothing could be allowed to upset the touchy tyrants of the
Middle Kingdom. And nothing could interfere with the one-sided
China trade -- by which Beijing finances its military expansion.

Between 1992 and 1999, the United States ran a cumulative trade
deficit with the Peoples Republic of $391 billion -- more by a
third than the entire U.S. defense budget for the coming fiscal

The PRC has used this wealth transfer to buy advanced weapons
systems from Europe, including airborne early warning radar,
air-to-surface missiles, new jet fighters and submarines. It has
deployed more than 200 missiles capable of carrying nuclear
warheads opposite Taiwan -- a number scheduled to grow to 5,000
within four years.

Even the establishment media, which normally finds criticism of
China alarmist, is voicing concern.

Last November, The Washington Post ran a story that noted, "In
government pronouncements, stories in the state-run press, books
and interviews," Beijing increasingly refers to America as "Enemy
No. 1."

Digging out from under the rubble of Clinton's China policy is a
very long-term project. How far George W. Bush will take us down
the road to realism remains to be seen. The president has a
pronounced corporate orientation, seen in his support last year
of so-called Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the abnormally
aggressive Peoples Republic.

The man rumored to be Bush's pick for ambassador to Beijing is
Hong Kong-based trade lawyer Clark Randt Jr. To rescue a China
policy hopelessly enthralled to business interests, Randt's
background does not bode well. Still, compared to others under
consideration (like ex-Sen. Rod Grams, a cheerleader for
technology transfers to the Middle Kingdom), Rant may be the best
we can hope for.

This administration is guaranteed to be an improvement over the
last. But after almost a decade of a pandereing to our greatest
security threat, a whole new direction is needed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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2001-02-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/15/2001 10:56:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Military personnel records to my last understanding are as confidential if
 not more than medical records IF the person is still living. I would have to
 say the author of this article is either very brave, stupid or lying. Or
 perhaps just a compilation of generally known data. >>

Personnel records are considered confidential, but not duty rosters or flight
records (at least not as I remember).   Prudy">
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NM: 'Hardball' Explores Clinton's Personal Relationship With Denise Rich

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"The New York Post said they met 100 times last year. That's an
awful lot of consultation, even for a case as controversial and
complex as Marc Rich's."

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Wednesday Feb. 14, 2001; 12:04 a.m. EST

'Hardball' Explores Clinton's Personal Relationship With Denise Rich

Reporters aren't reluctant to wonder out loud about how much
money multi-millionairess Denise Rich gave to Democrats. Or
whether those donations may have persuaded ex-President Clinton
to pardon of her fugitive-billionaire ex-husband.

 But the press is walking on eggshells over a somewhat dicier
mystery in the Pardongate brouhaha. That is; the question of the
exact nature of the relationship between the voluptuous Ms. Rich
and the former Horndog in Chief?

 The New York Post said they met 100 times last year. That's an
awful lot of consultation, even for a case as controversial and
complex as Marc Rich's.

 Those curious Clinton-Rich tete-a-tetes came up Tuesday night on
"Hardball" with Chris Matthews, who broached the topic with a
very reluctant Michael Tomasky of New York Magazine and the New
York Post's Fred Dicker.

MATTHEWS: What is the role of Denise Rich in Bill Clinton's


MATTHEWS: Either one of you.

DICKER: It's a toss up.

TOMASKY: Yeah, that's a tough one.

MATTHEWS: I mean, here's woman who is a relatively attractive - I
mean, she's an attractive woman. She's about the president's age.
She's about my age. She's a record writer. She writes songs.
She's obviously fun to be with. People suggest she may be like
his social director in New York. Nothing odd -- nothing sexual
necessarily here.

UNIDENTIFIED: Not necessarily.

MATTHEWS: But she's going to help the president around -- get
around New York. She's going to be his social hostess while
Hillary's off being a U.S. Senator.

TOMASKY: Pearl Mesta.

MATTHEWS: Pearl Mesta type, yeah.

DICKER: Right, right.

MATTHEWS: What do you guys think? You're getting very quiet on me

DICKER: Well, I wish we knew the truth. I mean, Michael could get
another book out of it if he knew the truth.

MATTHEWS: Michael, what is the role of Denise Rich in the
president's life?

TOMASKY: I'm glad you put in that it's not necessarily sexual
(laughs nervously). I think that, ah -- obviously (she's) a big
fund-raiser and a big social acquaintance. And that's about all
we know. I mean, I guess these hearings might tell us more.

MATTHEWS: Fred, can you tighten that up a little?

DICKER: Well, I can tell you that within New York Democratic
circles she's been known for some time as an enabler, in a sense
-- I don't mean that in a perjorative way -- an enabler, who gets
together with a lot of rich people who like Democrats who can
help you raise a lot of money and have a lot of fun friends.

MATTHEWS: I think you're right. She has good parties. She raised
two and a half million bucks for him the day he was impeached, or
practically the day he was impeached, in September of 1998. She
came through when he needed help. She pulls together a lot of
people. It's fun. It's rich. It's gawdy but it's better than
nothing. Right?

DICKER: Absolutely.

MATTHEWS: Anyway, that's what I hear.

 The New York Post said they met 100 times last year. That's an
lot of consultation, even for a case as controversial and complex
Marc Rich's.">
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[CTRL] New call to "Kill American Jews" (fwd)

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 04:53:15 +0200
From: Yair Davidi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New call to "Kill American Jews"

--begin forward--
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:42:17 EST
Subject: New call to "Kill American Jews"

This was sent to me by Dr. Charles Jacobs, whose nonprofit, the
American Anti-Slavery Group, has purchased Christian slaves out
of bondage in Sudan and works very hard to publicize the ongoing
slave trade in the Middle East and Africa, mostly of Christians,
and of many women of all faiths.

Dr. Jacobs is Jewish and lives in Massachusetts. He is a friend
of mine, a great guy, a scholar and a gentleman. Though all who
receive this do so without being able to see the rest of the
mailing list, please note his email address is:

Daniel Walker Guido
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

See paragraph below starting with **

Iran to host terror summit in April

Friday, February 16, 2001

WASHINGTON - The United States has confirmed that leading
terrorist groups met recently in Beirut. Diplomatic sources say
Iran will host a followup meeting in April.

U.S. officials said the meeting took place around Jan. 24 in
Beirut and included leading terrorist agents ¯ such as the
Hizbullah ¯ sponsored by Iran.

At the meeting, the terrorist groups and Iranian officials
discussed cooperation in the launching of attacks against Israeli
and U.S. targets, the officials said.

Iran is planning another terrorism conference to be held in
Teheran, tentatively on April 24, Middle East Newsline reported.

Iran is regarded as the main financial supporter of the
Palestinian Islamic opposition and Hizbullah. Arab diplomatic
sources said Iran provides Lebanese and Palestinian allies about
$100 million a year.

The April conference is expected to include representatives from
the Lebanese Hizbullah and the Damascus-based Hamas and Islamic
Jihad Palestinian groups. The Syrian-backed Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine-General Command is also expected to

The sources said invitations have already been sent by Iran. The
organizer of the conference is Hojatoleslam Ali Akbar
Mohtashemi-Pur, an Iranian parliamentarian and secretary-general
of the International Conference on Palestine.

Mohtashemi-Pur toured the Middle East earlier this month and met
with envoys of Palestinian groups and Hizbullah. A former Iranian
ambassador to Syria, Mohtashemi-Pur is regarded as the architect
of the Iranian sponsorship of Hizbullah in the 1980s.

***In a related development, a leading Egyptian
fugitive, Rifai Ahmed Taha, a senior member of the outlawed
Gamiat Islamiya, has called for Islamic attacks on American Jews.
In a fatwa, or religious ruling, Taha called on Muslims to "kill
American Jews wherever they can be

Referring to the Beirut meeting, State Department spokesman
Richard Boucher said: "We believe the participants included
Hizbullah and Palestinian rejectionist groups, but we have no
information on other participants."

But officials appeared to rule out that Lebanon would be termed
as a nation that sponsors terrorism by allowing the terrorist to
convene. They said such a move would hurt current U.S. efforts to
ensure quiet along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Boucher suggested, however, that State Department would include
the meeting in its annual report on terrorism. He said the issue
of terrorism in Lebanon is a "complicated issue."

"We have bilateral cooperation with Lebanon," Boucher said. "We
work with Lebanon on the issue of terrorism. We all know that
there are groups that continue to operate in this area, but as
for our assessment of the situation, I think I'll invite you to
wait until the terrorism report comes out."

Friday, February 16, 2001

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's n

[CTRL] WT: Clinton's Chinagate

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

February 19, 2001

Clinton's Chinagate

House Editorial

 Notwithstanding the controversy over the Rich pardon, the
most significant Clinton-era problems are the ones that affect
U.S. national interests. Consider the case of China, where
President Bush has been at pains to distinguish his foreign
policy from that of Mr. Clinton. The president has instructed his
economic advisers, stewarded by top adviser Lawrence Lindsey, to
coordinate U.S. policy with National Security Adviser Condoleezza
Rice. In so doing, Mr. Bush is ensuring that U.S. economic
interests don't undermine U.S. national security priorities.
Although this directive will make for some contests of wills, Mr.
Bush clearly trusts in the maturity of his advisers to coordinate

  Recent reports in The Washington Times highlight just how
urgent is a break from the past. According to U.S. intelligence
officials, the Pentagon recently monitored a Chinese military
exercise that simulated, among other maneuvers, a sea-borne
blockade against Taiwan, The Washington Times reported Jan. 19.
What was most disconcerting is that during the exercise, mock
U.S. aircraft carriers did absolutely nothing to respond to the
blockade, demonstrating the alarming probability that the Chinese
don't expect the U.S. military to defend Taiwan in the event such
a blockade was executed in reality, reported Bill Gertz and Rowan

 The military exercise came seven months after Adm. Dennis
Blair, the Pacific commander, met privately with top Chinese
generals in Beijing, informing them that the United States is
prepared to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.
According to one official, the Chinese generals' response was to
dismiss the statement as "a laughable bluster." Quite a legacy
Mr. Clinton has left.

 Bill Gertz also reported earlier this month that, according
to U.S. intelligence officials, the FBI has identified more than
3,000 Chinese government-linked businesses operating in the
United States. The FBI's "counterspies" claim that at least 300
of those Chinese entities not only fund Beijing's military, but
are used to provide cover for intelligence officers or
intelligence-gathering activities and acquire technology that
could have military applications. This news is particularly
damning for the Clinton administration, since it refused to
comply with a 1999 law passed by Congress which required the
White House to identify the businesses in the United States
affiliated with Beijing. The administration claimed China had
ordered its military in July 1998 to divest all businesses ‹
ranging from hotels to transnational corporations.

 Mr. Clinton probably did more than subvert security
considerations for U.S. economic interests. It is entirely likely
Mr. Clinton undermined strategic considerations for his
self-serving, campaign-related priorities. And as the weakness of
U.S. leadership becomes increasingly clear, Mr. Clinton's old
spin machine will surely look all the dearer to him.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] CNS: Media Watchdog Group Says Bush Should Fire FBI Director

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-\Politics\archive\200102\POL20010219e.html
February 19, 2001

Media Watchdog Group Says Bush Should Fire FBI Director

By Jim Burns
CNS Senior Staff Writer
February 19, 2001

( - The head of Accuracy in Media
, a conservative media watchdog group
believes that while the Bush administration is off to a "great
start" he has some concerns about it. One of those concerns is
FBI Director Louis Freeh. Reed Irvine thinks Bush should fire

Irvine drew applause at the Conservative Political Action
Conference in Arlington, Virginia Saturday when he said, "About a
month ago, I talked to [Bush adviser] Karl Rove and I said, Karl,
one of the things that you have got to do is get rid of Louis
Freeh at the FBI."

"The reason I said that," Irvine explained, "because Louis Freeh
has been one of those that has been obstructing justice at the
FBI. He and George Tenet of the CIA, on their watch there was
produced an absurd, ridiculous video that was designed to
discredit every eyewitness who said they saw anything resembling
a missile going toward TWA Flight 800."

TWA Flight 800 crashed in waters near New York back in 1996.

"Anybody who has seen that video knows that it's a total
fabrication, but it succeeded in diverting attention from the
fact that there are hundreds of people who saw a missile shoot
that plane down. How can you take two individuals responsible for
that kind of thing and say they are qualified to serve in our
administration. But you can say Linda Chavez is not qualified to
be Secretary of Labor. But you can take someone like Louis Freeh
and say that's all right we can live with Louis Freeh. That's
something I do not understand," Irvine said.

Rove addressed CPAC on Friday night. Irvine said he was assured
by Rove on Friday night that Freeh would remain as FBI Director.
Someone in the crowd shouted, "oh, no."

Irvine assured those gathered at the conference that Accuracy In
Media has documented the FBI career of Freeh in a report
entitled, "Free Us Of Freeh."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Electronic Telegraph/Independent/UPI: On Germ Warfare/Bio-Terrorism

2001-02-20 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Electronic Telegraph

ISSUE 2095
Sunday 18 February 2001

Police foil terror plot to use sarin gas in London

By Chris Hastings and David Bamber

A SPECIAL Branch raid on a house in London has exposed a
terrorist plot to release the poisonous nerve gas sarin in

Senior police officers have confirmed to The Telegraph that
detailed plans containing instructions on how to manufacture and
deploy the poison, which kills in seconds, were discovered by
detectives. They believed that a group was plotting to release
the gas on the London underground in a copy of an attack in Japan
that killed 12 people in 1995.

The find coincides with growing tensions in the Middle East
following the US and British bombing of military installations in
Iraq and the unrest in Israel. It confirms the worst fears of
police, who are convinced that London, for so long a hiding place
for international terrorists, is now at the top of their list for

Detectives are linking the plot with a major arms find in Germany
in December last year when police in Frankfurt arrested four
foreign nationals known to have had links to Saudi terrorist
Osama Bin Laden. Weapons including grenades and guns were found
in their homes.

A senior police source said: "We have feared for some time that
there would be a major terrorist incident in London. It is
amazing it hasn't happened before. It is no secret that people in
London have links with terrorists abroad. What is causing concern
now is that those people are regarding the capital as a target
and not just a hiding place. There was an alert just before
Christmas because there was evidence of an attack. Nothing
happened but that doesn't mean we are safe."

Scientists said last night that the chemical was easy to
manufacture and a tiny amount released in an underground station
could kill thousands of people. Terrorist groups are increasingly
keen to experiment with chemical weapons. Sarin, which is 26
times more deadlier than cyanide, is particularly sought after
because being odourless it is almost impossible to detect.

It was developed as a chemical weapon by the Nazis during the
Second World War and its potential for terrorist use was realised
in 1995 when the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo used it during an
attack on an underground train. Twelve people were killed and
more than 5,000 injured.

In 1999, as a direct result of the Tokyo attack, police in London
established a unit to advise key installations on how best to
safeguard themselves from a chemical attack.

--end file--

The Independent

Russian germ war store danger

18 February 2001

Secret smallpox supplies which Russia is thought to have
stockpiled may be traded on an international black market for
deadly germs, scientists warned yesterday, writes Steve Connor.

Deadly strains of plague, anthrax and smallpox could be traded by
unscrupulous Russian officials who have access to the immense
biowarfare infrastructure of the former Soviet state, said
Kathleen Vogel, a biological weapons analyst with the peace
studies program at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Russia's Ministry of Defence denies the international community
access to four military facilities that are believed to have been
involved in the Soviet biowarfare programme.

Dr Vogel, a research chemist, told the AAAS's annual meeting that
lax security and bribery are allowing dangerous microbes to be
stolen from laboratories.

"Because of unstable economic conditions in Russia, you can't
rule out people engaging in proliferation through temptation or
corruption," she said.

The World Health Organisation said in 1980 that the smallpox
virus had been eradicated. Only two repositories were left, one
at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia and one at
the State Research Centre for Virology and Biotechnology in
Koltsovo, Russia.

--end file--


U.S. still unprepared for bioterrorism

Saturday, 17 February 2001 23:32 (ET)

U.S. still unprepared for bioterrorism

UPI Science News

 SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17 (UPI) -- The threat of a bioterrorist
attack on the United States is not being adequately addressed
though progress on preparations is being made, a panel of
scientists and physicians told the annual meeting of American
Association for the Advancement of Science Saturday.

 "The threat is very real and growing, we cannot afford to be
complacent," said Margaret Hamburg, former assistant secretary
for planning and evaluation at the Department of Health and Human

 Even the several hundred millions of dollars invested in
research and development on methods to deal with a bioterrorist
threat is too low, said Col. Edward Eitzen, commander of the U.S.
Army Medical Research Insti

[CTRL] UK:Most powerful man in the world is now a nobody

2001-02-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 2097 Tuesday 20 February 2001
London UK Telegraph (Rightwing)

  Most powerful man in the world is now a nobody
By Philip Delves Broughton in New York

STRIPPED of office, shunned by friends and rattling alone around a
half-furnished suburban home, Bill Clinton is in a deep, post-White House
Instead of the presidential platoon of butlers, cooks and drivers, he now has
just one valet, Oscar, who keeps him fuelled with Diet Coke and cookies.
Rather than relying on his personal telephone exchange, he now struggles with
a Palm Pilot, searching for the numbers of friends who are suddenly not so
keen to take his calls.

The panoply of aides and advisers he deployed to divert the scandals that
scarred his presidency are gone, and he is forced to fight his battles alone.
Mr Clinton hoped for a triumphal entry into New York accompanied by
celebrations and Hail Caesars. Instead he has endured a month in the stocks
pelted with charges of corruption, petty larceny and abuses of power.

The sophisticates who fawned on him when he could offer rides on Air Force
One and nights in the Lincoln Bedroom now treat him like the Arkansas hick,
unfit to play in the big leagues of money and power.

"The Incredible Shrinking Ex-President" is how Time described Mr Clinton in
its latest issue. The magazine claimed he was indignant about the reaction to
his last-minute presidential pardons, notably of the fugitive financier Marc

He has told friends that if he wanted to reward his financial supporters he
would have pardoned Leonard Peltier, a jailed Native American activist, whose
backers include David Geffen, one of the founders of the Hollywood studio
Dreamworks SKG. Mr Clinton was reported to have huffed: "David Geffen will
barely talk to me."

The former friends and colleagues now arrayed against Mr Clinton is
staggering. On Sunday, two more former allies weighed in against his pardon
of Mr Rich. Charles Schumer, the New York Democratic Senator and Hillary
Clinton's Senate colleague, said: "There's no excuse to pardon a fugitive."

Referring to Mr Clinton's New York Times article defending the pardon, he
said: "Nothing the president wrote has changed my views." Also critical was
Charles Rangel, the Representative from Harlem, who earlier in the week
welcomed Mr Clinton to the New York district where he will have offices.

Mr Rangel said it was necessary to establish "whether any criminal activity
was involved" in the pardon. One of Mr Clinton's former Cabinet members told
Time he felt "total disgust" at his former boss's behaviour.

Congressman Barney Frank, a liberal Democratic Congressman from
Massachusetts, said the Rich pardon was "just abusive", adding of the
Clintons "these are people who forgot where the line was between public
service and what was personally convenient for them".

As he sits alone in Chappaqua, while his wife toils in Washington and his
daughter finishes university, Mr Clinton does what he did throughout the
debacle surrounding Monica Lewinsky: telephones friends at all hours and asks
them to validate his endless self-justification. But even they are said to be
weary of listening.

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Re: [CTRL] joe arpaio uk tv prog

2001-02-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

the show turned out to be something akin to a promotional "meet the man"
excercise- but it did highlight the fact that he commissioned someone to
assess his methods to show some academic justification for his policies.
when the assessment showed that recidivism was incredibly high amongst
prisoners under his regime he threw it out and wouldn't accept it.
kinda scarey drug laws - this woman was asked her sentence and crime- 6
months (on the chaingang) for drug possession. how much and what drug? an
800th of a gram of maryjane LOL
another woman was in the the tents... he was swanning around telling them
that they all just had excuses for their behaviour- not reasons, blahdy
blah, then this woman says she has been covicted 32 for the same crime. he
wouldn't accept that she was back in the tents for the same crime 32 times
(prositution). he just walked away when he realised that she was right
enough- thee worst advert for his policies (which are devoid of education
his byword is that more people with guns= less crime. um, anyone know if
this is true on his "patch"?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] joe arpaio uk tv prog

> -Caveat Lector-
> Yes, he is generally known here in the States, especially in the west.
> He has become somewhat a celebrity, having been interviewed
> by many tv news shows, and is a favorite topic in the newspapers
> for feature articles.
> "c." wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > this is a tv prog on tonight in the uk on channel 5- thought it might be
> > interest to someone. i haven't heard of him before- is he well known in
> > states?
> >
> > 20:00 The Toughest Sheriff in the West
> > Documentary about the uncompromising Mayor of Arizona, Joe Arpaio. The
> > consequences of his law-and-order agenda include prisoners living in
> > acquired from Korea, generating their own electricity by pedalling
> > bikes. This year, he is up for re-election after eight uncontested years
> >
> >">
> > ==
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> > always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> > credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> >
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> > 
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> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought
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> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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