[CTRL] Arabs threaten to bomb plane over in-flight food

2002-12-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
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Sunday, December 22, 2002
Arabs threaten to bomb plane over in-flight food

2 in custody after meal-requirement dispute leads to remarks about
blowing up aircraft

Posted: December 22, 2002
6:29 p.m. Eastern
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com
Two Arabs are in custody for allegedly threatening to blow up a
Royal Jordanian Airlines plane because they were unhappy with the
in-flight meal.

Reports indicate the jet, carrying 173 passengers, was forced to
make an emergency landing in the United Arab Emirates following
the threat by two men. One of the suspects is Libyan, and another is
said to be either Libyan or Jordanian.

Jordan's official news agency Petra identified the men as
Mohammad Ramadan and Abdul Naser Faraj and said both were
Libyans. It said they were transit passengers from Tripoli.

"A few minutes before landing in Abu Dhabi one of the Libyan
passengers Mohammad Ramadan said they had bombs and
planned to hijack the plane," Petra said.

"One of the passengers had an argument with a crew member over
his meal requirement and told the crew that if he had a bomb he
would blow up the aircraft," Abu Dhabi's Civil Aviation Department
said, according to Agence France-Presse.

"We received information there was a bomb on board, the plane
was taken to an isolated area and searched and nothing was found,"
airport Director Khaled al-Muhairabi told Reuters. "Two passengers
were detained and they are in custody. They are detained for issuing
a threat."

Earlier this month, two alleged operatives from the al-Qaida terrorist
network were arrested in Jordan on suspicion of killing an American
diplomat in Amman in October.

In Amman, Royal Jordanian President and CEO Samer Majali told
Reuters the incident was a prank.

"We are very relieved," he said. "We are awaiting a full report from
the Abu Dhabi authorities on the incident. Jordanian authorities will
be fully involved in the investigations as soon as is practically

The incident caused minor disruption to air traffic at the airport,
which was light due to the early hour. It comes at a time of
heightened security concerns in the Gulf region and rising tension
as the U.S. threatens military action against Iraq if it does not

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[CTRL] Is taking a psychadelic an act of sedition?

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
In a subtle sense, September 11 has had the effect of a virtual psychedelic experience, breaking up the world and reorganizing it. In this respect, says Krassner, the event was "an instant 'trip' for many who are now face to face with what to do with their lives, what their concept of God is.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Secret War on Iraq

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQPosted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 08:03 PM

 "From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable."THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQJohn PilgerTHE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "no final decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.American and British bombing of Iraq has increased by 300 per cent. Between March and November, according to Ministry of Defence replies to MPs, the RAF dropped more than 124 tonnes of bombs.From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.Under the United Nations Charter and the conventions of war and international law, the attacks amount to acts of piracy: no different, in principle, from the German Luftwaffe's bombing in Spain in the 1930s as precursor to its invasion of Europe.The bombing is a "secret war" that has seldom been news. Since 1991, and especially in the last four years, it has been unrelenting and is now deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since World War Two.The US and British governments justify it by claiming they have a UN mandate to police so-called "no-fly zones" which they declared following the Gulf War. They say these "zones", which give them control of most of Iraq's airspace, are legal and supported by UN Security Council Resolution 688.This is false. There are no references to no fly zones in any Security Council resolution. To be sure about this, I asked Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was Secretary General of the United Nations in 1992 when Resolution 688 was passed. "The issue of no fly zones was not raised and therefore not debated: not a word," he said. "They offer no legitimacy to countries sending their aircraft to attack Iraq."In 1999, Tony Blair claimed the no fly zones allowed the US and Britain to perform "a vital humanitarian task" in protecting the Kurds in the north of Iraq and the ethnic Marsh Arabs in the south. In fact, British and American aircraft have actually provided cover for neighbouring Turkey's repeated invasions of northern, Kurdish Iraq.TURKEY is critical to the American "world order". Overseeing the oilfields of the Middle East and Central Asia, it is a member of Nato and the recipient of billion of dollars' worth of American weapons and military equipment. It is also where British and American bombers are based.A long-running insurrection by Turkey's Kurdish population is regarded by Washington as a threat to the "stability" of Turkey's "democracy" that is a front for its military which is among the world's worst violators of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Turkish Kurds have been displaced and an estimated 30,000 killed. Turkey, unlike Iraq, is "our friend".In 1995 and 1997, as many as 50,000 Turkish troops, backed by tanks and fighter aircraft, occupied what the West called "Kurdish safe havens".They terrorised Kurdish villages and murdered civilians. In December 2000, they were back, committing the atrocities that the Turkish military commits with immunity against its own Kurdish population.For joining the US "coalition" against Iraq, the Turkish regime is to be rewarded with a bribe worth $6billion. Turkey's invasions are rarely reported in Britain. So great is the collusion of the Blair government that, virtually unknown to Parliament and the British public, the RAF and the Americans have, from time to time, deliberately suspended their "humanitarian" patrols to allow the Turks to get on with killing Kurds in Iraq.In March last year, RAF pilots patrolling the "no fly zone" in Kurdish Iraq publicly protested for the first time about their enforced complicity in the Turkish campaign. The pilots complained that they were frequently ordered to return to their base in Turkey to allow the Turkish air force to bomb the very people they were meant to be "protecting".Speaking on a non-attributable basis to Dr Eric Herring, a senior lecturer in politics at Bristol University and a specialist on Iraqi sanctions, the pilots said whenever the Turks wanted to attack the Kurds in Iraq, RAF patrols were recalled to base and ground crews were told to switch off their radar - so that the Turks' targets would not be visible. One British pilot reported seeing the devastation in Kurdish vil

[CTRL] The Secret War on Iraq

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQPosted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 08:03 PM

 "From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable."THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQJohn PilgerTHE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "no final decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.American and British bombing of Iraq has increased by 300 per cent. Between March and November, according to Ministry of Defence replies to MPs, the RAF dropped more than 124 tonnes of bombs.From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.Under the United Nations Charter and the conventions of war and international law, the attacks amount to acts of piracy: no different, in principle, from the German Luftwaffe's bombing in Spain in the 1930s as precursor to its invasion of Europe.The bombing is a "secret war" that has seldom been news. Since 1991, and especially in the last four years, it has been unrelenting and is now deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since World War Two.The US and British governments justify it by claiming they have a UN mandate to police so-called "no-fly zones" which they declared following the Gulf War. They say these "zones", which give them control of most of Iraq's airspace, are legal and supported by UN Security Council Resolution 688.This is false. There are no references to no fly zones in any Security Council resolution. To be sure about this, I asked Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was Secretary General of the United Nations in 1992 when Resolution 688 was passed. "The issue of no fly zones was not raised and therefore not debated: not a word," he said. "They offer no legitimacy to countries sending their aircraft to attack Iraq."In 1999, Tony Blair claimed the no fly zones allowed the US and Britain to perform "a vital humanitarian task" in protecting the Kurds in the north of Iraq and the ethnic Marsh Arabs in the south. In fact, British and American aircraft have actually provided cover for neighbouring Turkey's repeated invasions of northern, Kurdish Iraq.TURKEY is critical to the American "world order". Overseeing the oilfields of the Middle East and Central Asia, it is a member of Nato and the recipient of billion of dollars' worth of American weapons and military equipment. It is also where British and American bombers are based.A long-running insurrection by Turkey's Kurdish population is regarded by Washington as a threat to the "stability" of Turkey's "democracy" that is a front for its military which is among the world's worst violators of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Turkish Kurds have been displaced and an estimated 30,000 killed. Turkey, unlike Iraq, is "our friend".In 1995 and 1997, as many as 50,000 Turkish troops, backed by tanks and fighter aircraft, occupied what the West called "Kurdish safe havens".They terrorised Kurdish villages and murdered civilians. In December 2000, they were back, committing the atrocities that the Turkish military commits with immunity against its own Kurdish population.For joining the US "coalition" against Iraq, the Turkish regime is to be rewarded with a bribe worth $6billion. Turkey's invasions are rarely reported in Britain. So great is the collusion of the Blair government that, virtually unknown to Parliament and the British public, the RAF and the Americans have, from time to time, deliberately suspended their "humanitarian" patrols to allow the Turks to get on with killing Kurds in Iraq.In March last year, RAF pilots patrolling the "no fly zone" in Kurdish Iraq publicly protested for the first time about their enforced complicity in the Turkish campaign. The pilots complained that they were frequently ordered to return to their base in Turkey to allow the Turkish air force to bomb the very people they were meant to be "protecting".Speaking on a non-attributable basis to Dr Eric Herring, a senior lecturer in politics at Bristol University and a specialist on Iraqi sanctions, the pilots said whenever the Turks wanted to attack the Kurds in Iraq, RAF patrols were recalled to base and ground crews were told to switch off their radar - so that the Turks' targets would not be visible. One British pilot reported seeing the devastation in Kurdish vil

[CTRL] Total Information Oppression - Psy-Op list killed by Yahoo

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Mind Virus: Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed!Posted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 07:52 PM

 Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.Imagine my consternation at reading the following:This Yahoo! Account Has Been DeactivatedPlease remember that the Yahoo! Terms of Service provides that Yahoo! may terminate a User's password, account or use of the Service if Yahoo! believes (a) that a User has violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the Yahoo! Terms of Service, or (b) that a User has violated the rights of Yahoo! or other Users or parties.~~~This means the Psy-Op list at Yahoogroups is no longer functional as only the account [EMAIL PROTECTED] that is able to approve messages and subscriptions is gone. There even seems to be some attempt to prevent people from accessing the public archives at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/messages but when you get to the blank page that results by clicking on the url, you can refresh for the archives (but if you want to archive any of the info therein, I would hurry: my under_the_gun list, just last year, suddenly found itself missing some three thousand messages). Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. I consider myself to have been hit by a known Iran-Contra felon. Included in this post (scroll down) is a synopsis of why I have been targeted recently, including all the dangerous links themselves, but first a look at what got me targetted initially in 1999, the year of Jam Echelon Day and of the Battle in Seattle:I garnered governmental attention by fathering a stunt commonly known as Jam Echelon Day. Cooked up in the fall of 1999, it was a largely publicity oriented campaign designed to shed some light on a system of electronic surveillance that had gone on unchecked, indeed even unrecognized for too long. Since it is harder for someone to get information from you that you wish kept secret if you know that they are there, we dove headlong into it and by "we" I mean myself and Grant Bayley - HTML designer for the original JED website at wiretapped.net. Of course, after its launch, the world took over spreading the word. Six months or so later, Echelon was detailed on Sixty Minutes having gone from being a nutty conspiracy theory to knowledge in the public domain. It is the kind of thing that will get you on the shit list of the powerful.~ The original campaign The village voice on the event: an article based on a by-phone interview i conducted with Sarah Ferguson under the name of robert kemp~This accomplished another thing that I consider important: the spreading of some revolutionary memes or paradigms. Firstly, some people became acquainted, for the first time, with the notion that two people who were not among the "powerful" could spark a global movement. Secondly, that the campaign was taken up globally in several languages said to the world, "We can be one." Needless to say, these paradigms are the enemy of social control. We made the National Security Agency look bad and in the ensuing three years I would be subject to an insidious variety of psychological operations designed to destabilize and discredit. Various manner of confusing techniques would be used after a few months of having operatives "befriend" me in order to discover what made me tick. By getting an idea of my belief system it would become easier to undo my "uppitiness." I would be targeted for "re-education." A program designed to track down corporate critics called Cybersleuth would enable such entities to track me for such purposes. The ability to pin-point the geographical precision your detractors was used as one of the selling points in the marketing of this program. I would later read that the CIA used the term "re-education" to mean, quite literally, brainwashing.~ Cybersleuth is where the following paragraph is quoted from:Tracking so-called "perpetrators" is also part of the service, says eWatch National Product Manager Ted Skinner. That´s done by "using a variety of methods, such as following leads found in postings and Web sites, working with ISPs, involving law enforcement, conducting virtual stings and other tactics," he says. ~There is a man named James Glave that writes for Wired magazine and it was wired that first picked up our campaign. James Glave was on the Hacktivism list during all discussions of the planned event so he was in on a

[CTRL] A "New Pearl Harbor"

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

9-11: A New Pearl HarborPosted by: souljah on Dec 18, 2002 - 08:40 PM

 Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources, it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor", described as "the opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since exploited 11 September come from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were established to avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an added agenda: to justify the denial of a "peace dividend" following the cold war. The Project for the New American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of the Reagan administration with those of the current Bush regime.One of George W Bush's "thinkers" is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about "total war", I mistakenly dismissed him as mad. He recently used the term again in describing America's "war on terror". "No stages," he said. "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now."Perle is one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century, the PNAC. Other founders include Dick Cheney, now vice-president, Donald Rumsfeld, defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, I Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, William J Bennett, Reagan's education secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's ambassador to Afghanistan. These are the modern chartists of American terrorism. The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's Defences: strategy, forces and resources for a new century, was a blueprint of American aims in all but name. Two years ago it recommended an increase in arms-spending by $48bn so that Washington could "fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars". This has happened. It said the United States should develop "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons and make "star wars" a national priority. This is happening. It said that, in the event of Bush taking power, Iraq should be a target. And so it is.As for Iraq's alleged "weapons of mass destruction", these were dismissed, in so many words, as a convenient excuse, which it is. "While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification," it says, "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." How has this grand strategy been implemented? A series of articles in the Washington Post, co-authored by Bob Woodward of Watergate fame and based on long interviews with senior members of the Bush administration, reveals how 11 September was manipulated.On the morning of 12 September 2001, without any evidence of who the hijackers were, Rumsfeld demanded that the US attack Iraq. According to Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting that Iraq should be "a principal target of the first round in the war against terrorism". Iraq was temporarily spared only because Colin Powell, the secretary of state, persuaded Bush that "public opinion has to be prepared before a move against Iraq is possible". Afghanistan was chosen as the softer option. If Jonathan Steele's estimate in the Guardian is correct, some 20,000 people in Afghanistan paid the price of this debate with their lives.Time and again, 11 September is described as an "opportunity". In last April's New Yorker, the investigative reporter Nicholas Lemann wrote that Bush's most senior adviser, Condoleezza Rice, told him she had called together senior members of the National Security Council and asked them "to think about 'how do you capitalise on these opportunities'", which she compared with those of "1945 to 1947": the start of the cold war. Since 11 September, America has established bases at the gateways to all the major sources of fossil fuels, especially central Asia. The Unocal oil company is to build a pipeline across Afghanistan. Bush has scrapped the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, the war crimes provisions of the International Crim

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

More balls than a Christmas tree
In an Observer world exclusive, the Prime Minister candidly confesses that his 
government's difficulties are all not his fault
Andrew Rawnsley
Saturday December 21 2002
The Guardian

In an unprecedented appearance at the Christmas party of the National Association of 
Lifestyle Gurus, Holistic Psychics and Fresh Cut Papaya Marmalade Rubdown Therapists, 
Tony Blair came close to tears as he delivered an astonishingly candid speech about 
his recent personal difficulties.

Here, for the first time, The Observer publishes the full text of the Prime Minister's 
searing and heartfelt account of the scandals which have touched Number 10.

In view of the controversy around me at the moment, I hope you don't mind me using 
this event to say a few words. You can't have failed to notice that there have been a 
lot of allegations about me and I haven't said anything. Well, OK, I vaguely remember 
saying something about the Mittal Affair. I described it as 'garbagegate' - or was 
that the Richard Desmond donation? You know how it is: I issue the first denial that 
comes into Alastair's head.

When I got back to Downing Street today and discovered that some of the press are 
effectively suggesting that I am responsible for all of the failures of the 
Government, I knew the time had come for me to say something in my own words.

It is not fair to Gordon, Jack, David, Clare, Robin, Derry and all the other members 
of the Cabinet whose names temporarily elude me that the entire focus of political 
debate at the moment is about me. It is particularly not fair to Gordon that he should 
escape all the blame for our collective difficulty in keeping our promises.

I know I am in a very special position. I am the Prime Minister. I have an interesting 
job, a wonderful family, a couple of nice houses, a transatlantic hotline, a nuclear 
deterrent, a fast plane whenever I need it and a swanky limo with motorcycle outriders.

But I also know I am not superman. To be frank, I really can't do anything much at all 
without Gordon's say-so.

I realise now that I should not have allowed a situation to develop over the past five 
years where Number 10 spokesmen suggested that I was superman. I take full 
responsibility for that on their behalf.

The reality of my daily life is that I am juggling a lot of balls in the air. Trying 
to be a good husband and father. Trying to be the Prime Minister at home and abroad, 
being a barrister, an aid worker, a party fundraiser, a chairman of Cabinet, a leading 
partner in Europe, a philosopher-king of the Third Way, an international statesman, a 
global peace-maker, a global warmaker, a world-class actor. So many balls! There are 
days when all I can see are spherical objects, especially when I am in the company of 
Jacques Chirac. And, sometimes, some of the balls get dropped.

Stephen Byers got dropped. Estelle Morris got dropped. Even Cherie very nearly got 

There just aren't enough hours in the day, days in the week, years in the decade, 
seconds in the minute, talents on the backbenches.

I choose my friends carelessly and Gordon Brown has been a mistrusted friend and 
support to me as I have tried to adapt to the pressures of my public role and to do 
Alastair and the country proud.

When I was just a barrister, I didn't spend much time worrying about how I looked, 
what I believed or what I said. But I found out quickly when I became leader of the 
Labour Party that I had to get my act together and Gordon has been a great help in 

When he told me that he had a new friend called deficit, it really didn't cross my 
mind that he was going to land me in the mess I am now in and, anyway, I don't think 
it's my business to choose my friend's friends.

The same is true of John Prescott. What I was told was that he had been trouble in the 
past, but he was now a reformed character. I had no idea that he had been in Jags in 
more than one country, including this country, while Britain's rail network fell 
apart. His role in the notorious Earth Summit scam came as a complete shock when it 
was finally revealed to me.

Maybe I should have asked more questions about the handling of the firefighters' 
strike, but I didn't. Even when I learned his name, I had no idea who John Prescott 
was and I didn't know the full story until a couple of weeks ago when the police 
alerted me that a newspaper was trying to set me up in a meeting with him. Even now, I 
have only met him once, for less than five minutes.

I have also been faced with allegations that I or people in Downing Street on my 
behalf telephoned the Home Office urging them to kick asylum-seekers out of the 
country. It is true that when I first decided to launch another c

[CTRL] Fwd: Christmas Message: A Bitter End for Whom?

2002-12-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

A Christmas 2002 Message:
A Bitter End for Whom?

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright 2002 by hoffman-info.com

Dear Michael: I believe the Judaic plan is to allow another "Muslim"
attack and generate enough anti-Muslim sentiment to allow not merely the
"ethnic cleansing" of Palestine, but also the elimination of the Dome of
the Rock and the rebuilding of the Temple. Get ready for the Antichrist
proper, probably endorsed by an apostate Pope. Let's keep fighting them
to the bitter end. Best wishes, A California Reader

Dear California Reader:

We will not have to fight them to the bitter end because the end that is
coming is their end. The Kabbalah teaches that ideologies like Zionism
are exceedingly volatile because they contain "Gentile elements" (the
use of only thinly disguised military force and aggression, for
example), that can devour not only Zionism but Judaism, too. On this I

The corpse-riders of the Israeli state are hastening the end for
themselves and their retainers, such as the mildly retarded George W.
Bush, who is hell-bent on infecting the world with smallpox. Smallpox is
said to have been completely eradicated. Some say that there has not
been a case of smallpox on earth for at least 25 years. However, if we
examine the small print of Mr. Bush's campaign to vaccinate millions of
medical and "emergency" personnel with smallpox, we note that the site
of the vaccination on the skin is highly contagious for ten days or
more, and that special care must be taken to cover and protect the
wound, lest the pus infect a friend, relative or spouse with the
smallpox plague.

Human nature being what it is, among millions of vaccinated workers and
soliders, one can be certain that not all will be as vigilant as
required and that they will indeed infect at least some of their own
children, friends or sex partners with smallpox. In this way a genie (or
should we say a jinn?) that has been in the bottle for a
quarter-century, will be unleashed by our president and his acolytes at
the apex of conformity.

This is but one example of what is, in this "Low Bottom Twelve" age, the
ardent pursuit of pathology and extinction on all fronts. Being in
abject subjection to Judaic and Israeli suzerainty, the American empire
will be diminished in power, treasure and influence, as part of this
zeitgeist. The imposition of a police state on the quondam "land of the
free" by the instrument of Muslim patsies playing their assigned
"terror" role, will only exacerbate the process of decline.

Bush is the helmsman for the Judaic coffin-riders and his constituency
consists in a sea of cadavers. "All those who hate Me love death," says
the God of the Bible. The Zionists execrate Yahshua (Jesus) and hence,
they love death. One of the reasons why the American people are yielding
to this phenomenon is that they have been led to believe that Zionists
possess an unprecedented brilliance and a world-historic cunning which
Gentiles are powerless to resist and which will, when the hurly-burly's
done, secure the usual "unconditional victory," after which Americans
can safely return to the national pastime of money-grubbing.

But there is an unconscious, unspoken suicidal undercurrent to the trite
formula of a prosperous and secure conclusion to the Judeo-masonic
hijacking of the American ship of state. One intuits this in the ragtime
of the militarist's drumbeat and in the head-over-heels pursuit of every
contemporary death cul


2002-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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"It costs only $100,000 to kill 2-million Americans."
--Senator Dr. Bill Frist, MD, convicted corporate felon who paid
the largest criminal fine in world history of $840-Million for
Medicare fraud (to bail his way out of jail - many of his
executives now reside in Club Fed), in addition to civil and
criminal judgements for wrongful deaths (civil homicides),
insider trading, tax fraud, bribery, and monopolistic
anti-free-trade practices while owning the world's largest
hospital chain, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), on alleged
"Hardball" with Chris Mathews (owned by convicted corporate
felons NBC, General Electric, Microsoft)

HCA To Pay $840M for Fraud Claim
Associated Press (included below)



Lott First to Resign Due to Controversy

Lott statement:

The following legal research cost many thousands of dollars to
discover, while prosecuting the $40-Billion/year Mafia-convicted
car-theft cartel (coincidentally also the nuke waste cartel) and
its business partners the municipal government run by a Skull &
Boner mayor who is alleged to be President George Bush Jr's
homoboytoy on celluloid. 

When my lawyer got 2 guns put to his head with promises to "blow
his brains out," this past president of the American Trial
Lawyers Association "coincidentally" dropped out of my "slam
dunk" class-action case... The fact that a billion Arab
contractor of the mayor "accidentally" burned down his towering
inferno attatched to our home and business (and all court files)
is also, of course, "coincidental" (just as it was accidental for
this Arab to burn 


2002-12-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Does anybody wonder why Bush was so adamant against the War Crimes
tribunals?  Gee, can't imagine what he'd be so concerned about!


The Mirror December 18, 2002


John Pilger

THE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the
Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "no final
decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have
secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an
all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.

American and British bombing of Iraq has increased by 300 per cent.
Between March and November, according to Ministry of Defence replies to
MPs, the RAF dropped more than 124 tonnes of bombs.

>From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft
and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These
are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have
fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.

Under the United Nations Charter and the conventions of war and
international law, the attacks amount to acts of piracy: no different,
in principle, from the German Luftwaffe's bombing in Spain in the 1930s
as precursor to its invasion of Europe.

The bombing is a "secret war" that has seldom been news. Since 1991, and
especially in the last four years, it has been unrelenting and is now
deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since
World War Two.

The US and British governments justify it by claiming they have a UN
mandate to police so-called "no-fly zones" which they declared following
the Gulf War. They say these "zones", which give them control of most of
Iraq's airspace, are legal and supported by UN Security Council
Resolution 688.

This is false. There are no references to no fly zones in any Security
Council resolution. To be sure about this, I asked Dr Boutros
Boutros-Ghali, who was Secretary General of the United Nations in 1992
when Resolution 688 was passed. "The issue of no fly zones was not
raised and therefore not debated: not a word," he said. "They offer no
legitimacy to countries sending their aircraft to attack Iraq."

In 1999, Tony Blair claimed the no fly zones allowed the US and Britain
to perform "a vital humanitarian task" in protecting the Kurds in the
north of Iraq and the ethnic Marsh Arabs in the south. In fact, British
and American aircraft have actually provided cover for neighbouring
Turkey's repeated invasions of northern, Kurdish Iraq.

TURKEY is critical to the American "world order". Overseeing the
oilfields of the Middle East and Central Asia, it is a member of Nato
and the recipient of billion of dollars' worth of American weapons and
military equipment. It is also where British and American bombers are

A long-running insurrection by Turkey's Kurdish population is regarded
by Washington as a threat to the "stability" of Turkey's "democracy"
that is a front for its military which is among the world's worst
violators of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Turkish Kurds have
been displaced and an estimated 30,000 killed. Turkey, unlike Iraq, is
"our friend".

In 1995 and 1997, as many as 50,000 Turkish troops, backed by tanks and
fighter aircraft, occupied what the West called "Kurdish safe havens".

They terrorised Kurdish villages and murdered civilians. In December
2000, they were back, committing the atrocities that the Turkish
military commits with immunity against its own Kurdish population.

For joining the US "coalition" against Iraq, the Turkish regime is to be
rewarded with a bribe worth $6billion. Turkey's invasions are rarely
reported in Britain. So great is the collusion of the Blair government
that, virtually unknown to Parliament and the British public, the RAF
and the Americans have, from time to time, deliberately suspended their
"humanitarian" patrols to allow the Turks to get on with killing Kurds
in Iraq.

In March last year, RAF pilots patrolling the "no fly zone" in Kurdish
Iraq publicly protested for the first time about their enforced
complicity in the Turkish campaign. The pilots complained that they were
frequently ordered to return to their base in Turkey to allow the
Turkish air force to bomb the very people they were meant to be

Speaking on a non-attributable basis to Dr Eric Herring, a senior
lecturer in politics at Bristol University and a specialist on Iraqi
sanctions, the pilots said whenever the Turks wanted to attack the Kurds
in Iraq, RAF patrols were recalled to base and ground crews were told to
switch off their radar - so that the Turks' targets would not be
visible. One British pilot reported seeing the devastation in Kurdish
villages caused by the attacks once he had resumed his patrol.

AMERICAN pilots who fly in tandem with the British, are also ordered to
turn their planes ar

Re: [CTRL] A Time War Conspiracy?

2002-12-22 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

(Warning too many numbers can damage your wealth:-)

Seriously, I need to offer up a warning because this is where tedious number
crunching has gone way over the top.

So I apologise in advance.

A Time War Conspiracy?

Alchemy of Numbers - February 1st 2003 - Ring of Fire?

Rather curiously it seems as if the 'War Makers' are obsessed with using
specific dates for their nefarious activities, and February 1st 2003 seems
like a most 'Pearl Harbor' date I can calculate.

".What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson Paris, November 13th, 1787

Once upon a time Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law at
the  Engelstock University, Bavaria, established the 'Order of the
Illuminati' to cause the destruction of all existing governments and

The 'Order of the Illuminati', the 'Enlightened Ones' the 'Light Bearers'
was formed on May 1st 1774 and two full years before official date of May
1st 1776.

Like, I suppose many secret societies, they write their signature, an
identifiable code into their date of formation, and recognized by their
membership. The Order of the Illuminati I feel did this to accompany its
mocking slogan, "Happiness for the People."

So to my suggestion for the code number of the Order of the Illuminati, the
Order which I say was responsible for the New World Order measurement cubit,
the 'French Revolutionary Meter', (from the word 'mete' a measure, a
boundary), I call the 'Rock and Roll Meter'.

In 1790, the National Assembly of France asked the French Academy of
Sciences to create a standard system of weights and measures. A commission
appointed by the academy proposed a system that was both simple and
scientific. This system became known as the metric system, and France
officially adopted it in 1795. But the French government did not require the
French people to use the new units of measurement until 1840. Thus it is
said a group of five scientists created the metric system in the 1790's.
Since then, the system has been revised several times. The official name is
Systeme International d'Unites (International System of Units), usually
known simply as SI, that was established in 1960 at the 11th General
Conference on Weights and Measures.

In the original metric system, the unit of length equaled a fraction of the
earth's circumference. This fraction was 1/10,000,000 of the distance from
the North Pole to the equator along the line of longitude France; and
Barcelona, Spain.

 In the1900s, it was becoming apparent that wavelength measurements were
among the most accurate ones in all of science and in 1907, the red line of
cadmium at 6438 angstroms was adopted as a new meter standard, however many
continued to advocate the green line at 5460 angstroms in mercury's
spectrum. In 1960, the orange line at 6058 angstroms of krypton-86 was
adopted. The wavelength was specified as 6057.802106 angstroms and so one
meter equaled: 1,650,763.73 Hz. The definition was changed once again, in
1983, when one meter is the length of path traveled by light in vacuum
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. By the way, this
definition depends on the fact that the speed of light is defined (not
measured) as exactly 299,792,458 meters per second, at 186,282.4 miles per
second. Thus the now 'polished' meter is 2.54cm to the one inch.

I repeat, that I suggest that Order of the Illuminati were behind the
implementation of the New World Order measurement system and their emphasis
being upon the meter, the measuring rod. The reason I call it the 'Rock and
Roll Meter' is because I use the expression to 'Rock' as another way of
saying 'multiplied by Pi', and 'Roll' as another way of saying, 'divided by
Pi'. Or course the usual meaning for to 'Rock and Roll' is sexual

The 1790's French commission also changed the calendar based on the number
10 like the meter, although the number 12 is kind of heaven sent so to
speak, for the number 12 increased to 1.2000e+169 x 1.2000e+169 x
1.2000e+169 and /20 the square root 5 times and cube root is 186,282.483
miles per second, the velocity of light in a vacuum. So the number 12 'makes
' light speed, a velocity that as if by magic, is self adjusting to account
for the very speed of the 'vehicle' which carries the 'torch'.

This is what happens when the 'meter' is Rock and Rolled. First I need 10
meters at 32.8083495 feet (393.70019 inches or 254.0003cm), and squared is

Thus a circle at 32.8083495 feet is 845.393sq.ft.

So to 'Rock' 845.393 is x Pi at 2,655.880438 and to 'Roll' 845.393 is /Pi at
269.096949 and all three added together is 3,770.370388 x 27 lots is
101,800.0005. Thus thanks to the multiplication by 27 different Ancient
Egyptian gods depicted on their cubit measuring rod, the reference number
for the meter is 1018. The Ancient Egyptian 20.612 inch cubit of the Pyramid

[CTRL] In the Shadow of the Bomb: Growing Up in the War Machine

2002-12-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

a MUST-READ for all Americans!

NOTE:  the link after the author's name does not lead to this article.
I believe it's possible this was not published on the net, as I can find
no reference to it at the website or in a google search, but that does
NOT lessen the importance of this message!

In the Shadow of the Bomb: Growing Up in the War Machine

You raised that same hand
Which made the genocide.
Are you blind to the blood
Of the holocaust
That circulates through your hand!
--Yoko Hamada
Outcry from the Inferno

Having been born in a military hospital in the United States, my
childhood is one of intimate relationship with the weaponry of war. My
earliest memories are filled with large ships, submarines, jets and
missiles. My identity is integrally tied to tools of annihilation, and
my destiny is inseparable from their use.

The men who launch the bombs, who order the killing, who design the
destruction, are not twisted demons, but friendly family. Those who feel
the wrath of the military cannot see the intimate affection and concern
that causes their murder. This is the enduring irony of warfare: for an
empire to maintain its security, others must suffer and die. For all of
the goodness and lofty ideals an empire professes, those beyond its
borders must endure the opposite end of the sword.

Throughout my life I have awestruck and horrified at the unspeakable
immensity of the U.S. military machine. As a small boy, of course every
machine seems immense and powerful, but how many Americans have walked
around an aircraft carrier, lined with jet fighters? Stood next to a
Trident submarine, filled with the most deadly weapons ever devised? How
many of people who vote for, and pay for these weapons systems know the
overwhelming and colossal forces they are unleashing on the world?
Sadly, I must report, very few.

As a child, I moved around the “Pacific Theater of Operations,” from
military base to military base, and everywhere I went I explored the
nooks and crannies behind the machinery. These bases, and the weapons
they harbor, are in constant flux, a never-ending deployment of policing
and preparation. People have been given impressive titles and badges,
and intimidating uniforms, and they have no choice but to keep busy
arming themselves against an enemy.

Think about it for a minute: every hour of every day, at thousands of
bases across the globe, in tens of thousands of aircraft, ships and
submarines, a civilization ofwarfare is moving, burning fuel, drinking
coffee, polishing weapons, aiming themselves toward domination. It
literally boggles the mind to calculate the amount of human resources
that are being expended on this Orwellian enterprise, and the
environmental and social consequences are beyond calculation.

While attending grade-school in Japan, at the height of the Vietnam War,
I was confronted with the ghosts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This
nefarious event haunts the American culture, as surely as slavery and
the JFK assassination. As a child, I could see the wickedness of empire
and its effects on the psychology of a nation, both the perpetrator and
abused. The deep trauma due to lack of admission and apology is like a
cancer eating at the heart of our culture.

A useful tool for those who find themselves so intimately involved with
the machinery of war is to step back in history. Leap back a century or
a millennium, and then analyze the activity around you. What would the
Greek philosophers have to say, or the “Founding Fathers” of the United
States? This is also a very effective tool for generating meaningful
dialogue, and editorials such as this one. In the eyes of humankind,
what constitutes a “Crime Against Humanity?”

It is obvious that every military empire, from the Romans to the Nazis,
did not believe their actions to be criminal, but deeply patriotic. They
justified the slaughter and repression of their chosen “enemies” with
their own cultural biases, and often ideals of beauty and truth. Is
America any different? Where is our “liberty and justice for all,” in
the poverty-stricken outlands, the bomb-riddled landscapes, the victims
of land-mines, the mourning villages?

It is time to put the proper labels on U.S. military activity, in the
grand perspective of history. Hiroshima was a holocaust. The deployment
of weapons of annihilation is genocide. There is nothing noble about
incinerating people wholesale, and history will judge us just as harshly
as we do the Nazis. We are evolving as a society toward telling the
truth, no matter how brutally difficult it may be. Privilege can only
insulate us from consequences for a limited time, and this is the lesson
history provides.

My mind was deeply troubled as a child, trying to resolve such moral
issues with what I witnessed around me. As the night exploded with
warplanes taking off to deliver bombs to the jungles of Vietnam, I lay
awake wondering how sane people could justify such slaughter, when it
was obvious even to 

[CTRL] You and the Atomic Bomb by George Orwell

2002-12-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

From:  http://metamagic.org/warsucks  - lots of other interesting stuff
on the page as well, worth a visit!

This piece by George Orwell was originally published by the Tribune 19
October 1945 within months after atomic bombs were dropped over
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan by the only country ever to have used them
to kill people and destroy cities, viz., the U.S.A. Orwell had written
enough about the latter that had been remarkably stupid, but this
particular piece was exceptional for the insights it shared about the
world dispensation that lay ahead in the age of atomic weaponry. In
addition, it was clear that the groundwork for his novel, Nineteen
Eighty-four had been completed by this writing.

You and the Atomic Bomb

by George Orwell

Considering how likely we all are to be blown to pieces by it within the
next five years, the atomic bomb has not roused so much discussion as
might have been expected. The newspapers have published numerous
diagrams, not very helpful to the average man, of protons and neutrons
doing their stuff, and there has been much reiteration of the useless
statement that the bomb "ought to be put under international control."
But curiously little has been said, at any rate in print, about the
question that is of most urgent interest to all of us, namely: "How
difficult are these things to manufacture?"

Such information as we--that is, the big public--possess on this subject
has come to us in a rather indirect way, apropos of President Truman's
decision not to hand over certain secrets to the USSR. Some months ago,
when the bomb was still only a rumour, there was a widespread belief
that splitting the atom was merely a problem for the physicists, and
that when they had solved it a new and devastating weapon would be
within reach of almost everybody. (At any moment, so the rumour went,
some lonely lunatic in a laboratory might blow civilisation to
smithereens, as easily as touching off a firework.)

Had that been true, the whole trend of history would have been abruptly
altered. The distinction between great states and small states would
have been wiped out, and the power of the State over the individual
would have been greatly weakened. However, it appears from President
Truman's remarks, and various comments that have been made on them, that
the bomb is fantastically expensive and that its manufacture demands an
enormous industrial effort, such as only three or four countries in the
world are capable of making. This point is of cardinal importance,
because it may mean that the discovery of the atomic bomb, so far from
reversing history, will simply intensify the trends which have been
apparent for a dozen years past.

It is a commonplace that the history of civilisation is largely the
history of weapons. In particular, the connection between the discovery
of gunpowder and the overthrow of feudalism by the bourgeoisie has been
pointed out over and over again. And though I have no doubt exceptions
can be brought forward, I think the following rule would be found
generally true: that ages in which the dominant weapon is expensive or
difficult to make will tend to be ages of despotism, whereas when the
dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people have a chance.
Thus, for example, thanks, battleships and bombing planes are inherently
tyrannical weapons, while rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades
are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong
stronger, while a simple weapon--so long as there is no answer to
it--gives claws to the weak.

The great age of democracy and of national self-determination was the
age of the musket and the rifle. After the invention of the flintlock,
and before the invention of the percussion cap, the musket was a fairly
efficient weapon, and at the same time so simple that it could be
produced almost anywhere. Its combination of qualities made possible the
success of the American and French revolutions, and made a popular
insurrection a more serious business than it could be in our own day.
After the musket came the breech-loading rifle. This was a comparatively
complex thing, but it could still be produced in scores of countries,
and it was cheap, easily smuggled and economical of ammunition. Even the
most backward nation could always get hold of rifles from one source or
another, so that Boers, Bulgars, Abyssinians, Moroccans--even
Tibetans--could put up a fight for their independence, sometimes with
success. But thereafter every development in military technique has
favoured the State as against the individual, and the industrialised
country as against the backward one. There are fewer and fewer foci of
power. Already, in 1939, there were only five states capable of waging
war on the grand scale, and now there are only three--ultimately,
perhaps, only two. This trend has been obvious for years, and was
pointed out by a few observers even before 1914. The one thing that
might reverse it is the discov

[CTRL] Fwd: Rethinking AIDS

2002-12-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

This is an eye-opening article on the real situation with the "AIDS

Subject: Rethinking AIDS

There is a lot of subjugated information and direct dis-information re
AIDS. The story below covers some of it, and gives references for more
research. This is a mainstream story, not a 'conspiracist' one, and
up many interesting issues.

University Magazine
Volume ll, Number 4, December 2002
California State University, Long Beach


DO I HAVE HIV? The answer is more complex than you think

by Liam Scheff

When Christine Maggiore was diagnosed HIV-positive in 1992, she found
herself in a situation she never anticipated. Remaining healthy and
retesting positive, negative and indeterminate a year later put her in a

position she'd been told was impossible.

Today, Christine Maggiore is one of a growing number of citizens and
scientists who are not satisfied with the current dogma and are

UM's Liam Scheff spoke with Maggiore about her life, the controversial
science of HIV and AIDS, and the unreported good news of the declining
numbers of AIDS cases.

Liam Scheff: How did you find yourself in the position of being a critic
the established AIDS medical model?

Christine Maggiore: In 1992, I went for a regular office visit with a
doctor who insisted that everyone should take an AIDS test as a matter
social responsibility. Considering myself socially responsible, I took
test even though I didn't have any health complaints or risk factors.

I was very shocked, devastated and ashamed when the results came back
HIV-positive. I was told I had about five to seven years to live. In
to fulfill that time frame, I would have to take toxic medicines that,
while extending the little bit of life I had left, would make me very

I didn't take drugs immediately because I was also told, ironically,
that I
was too healthy, and that I had to wait to get sick before I could take
drugs. Given that advice, I felt I'd been left on my own. I started
research and devised a vitamin program that would be supportive of my
health and help prevent illness.

I became a public speaker and educator for AIDS Project Los Angeles and
L.A. Shanti. I was invited to join the founding board of Women at Risk,
of the first AIDS organizations to address the specific concerns of
diagnosed HIV-positive.

I very actively and passionately towed the mainstream party line until,
about a year later, I found a doctor who was somebody I thought I could
with a doctor I could talk to, who knew my name and whom I had respect
She recommended I take the test over again because I seemed too healthy.

First it came back indeterminate, then positive, then negative, then
positive. I was stunned.

At that point, I decided to investigate information that I'd heard about

but discounted, believing that I already knew everything about HIV and

This turned out to be the information that saved my life.

My investigation started with the writings of Dr. Peter Duesberg and led
to an impressive collection of medical and scientific data that refutes
most of our common assumptions about HIV and AIDS, and lays open a
fact-based road to health for people who've tested positive. The
information also provides important insight into what we all hear
in the mainstream media as AIDS.

LS: How does this information differ from what we're told about HIV and

CM: We're given the impression through AIDS organizations and the media
that AIDS is a disease and an ever-growing problem. This is false.

AIDS is not a single disease or a specific illness. AIDS is a collection
previously known conditions and illnesses, none of which are new or
exclusively in people who test positive, and all of which occur in
who test negative. All these conditions have well known causes and
treatments that have nothing to do with HIV.

AIDS works like a formula. If you test HIV-positive and have what's
an AIDS indicator disease such as salmonella, tuberculosis, some
pneumonia, herpes or a yeast infection, then you have AIDS. If you test
negative or don't know your HIV status, you simply have salmonella,
tuberculosis or a yeast infection.

In the United States since 1993, illness is not even required to be
diagnosed with AIDS. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention guidelines, simply being diagnosed HIV-positive and having a
one-time laboratory test that indicates a low T-cell count is enough for
automatic AIDS diagnosis, even if you've never been sick. Since 1993
than half of all people in this country diagnosed with AIDS are not

LS: You've said all you need for an AIDS diagnosis is one of the listed
AIDS conditions and a positive HIV test. What's wrong with that? What's
problem with the HIV test?

CM: Since the only thing that distinguishes salmonel

[CTRL] The Left and the corruption of language and thought

2002-12-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


The Left and the corruption
of language and thought
by Patrick Spooner

TNA News with Commentary
Saturday 24 February 2001

I have mentioned before the instantaneous reversal of parity by the
left and their docile, obedient followers (journalists and
“educationists” mainly) when the iron curtain was dropped and the
Soviet Union was, at last, revealed in its full glory. Finally the left
was forced to admit that it really was what critics of socialism had
been saying it had been for decades: a gigantic charnel house
coffin, reeking with slave labor camps and death camps, in which
the people had been kept in a state of terror, poverty, and
miserable, drab, slavery for seven decades. ( Of course the left
knew this; but, to them, the preservation of the socialist myth was
more important than the freedom and lives of 300 million people, so
they stayed absolutely silent until the revelations of 1989/90).

But when their faces were, at last, rubbed in the dried blood of tens
of millions of victims,  they immediately began referring to those who
wanted to largely abandon socialism and introduce some economic
freedom as the ‘left’, and those who wished to retain socialism as
the “right”.  Martin Gardner, the American philosopher long beloved
for his “Mathematical  Games” column in Scientific American, once
wrote a book called The Ambidextrous  Universe about left and
right, and the phenomenon of parity reversal. Perhaps he should
publish a new edition, and mention this as an example: it is certainly
as bizarre as anything else he mentioned in the book.

Another example of the abuse of language by the left which I think I
have mentioned is the  description of Pol Pot as a “capitalist”, once
the truth had finally been revealed to the left (everybody else knew
what was happening only weeks after Pol Pot seized power; it was
not leftist media darling John Pilger that revealed the truth to the
world, but the Cambodian people themselves. Millions of words of
evidence of atrocities unspeakable even by Soviet or Nazi standards
poured from the mouths of refugees, which the left chose to totally
ignore, except to accuse these tragically affected people — most of
them ordinary peasants — of being “landlords” or “gold hoarders”).

To mention another case: those on the left commonly describe
themselves as “progressive”, implying that everybody else,
especially those who believe in individual rights, are somehow
backward. However, socialism is anything but a “progressive”
philosophy; rather, it is very close to the feudalist societies of
medieval Europe. The reader is recommended to Barbara
Tuchman’s  The Distant Mirror. Here she gives a description of
feudal society and its human relationships. The parallels with a
socialist state or a modern, centrally directed, authoritarian welfare
state, are striking. The land-owning nobility were the equivalent of
the government and its bureaucrats today.

The church, supposedly pure and highly moral, but in fact
hypocritical, venal, and totally opposed to human liberty, have,
today, been replaced by the college and university: today’s
academics are the exact equivalent of the priests of feudal times.

The nobility and the church saw themselves as the protectors of the
poorest class, the serfs. These earthly and spiritual rulers were so
morally pure that, by their own lights, their whole lives were devoted
to the interests of the poor, land-bound serf. And the most reviled
and despised person in feudal society was, of course, the merchant.

He was the equivalent of today's capitalist, and the rulers absolutely
loathed him, and were constantly introducing new laws to fetter him.

The worst thing about the merchant was that he actually had
something to offer the serf besides pious words, perpetual slavery,
and massive theft. He had all kinds of goods, especially cheap
cloths, often imported, which the serf could afford, and which came
in bright hues. This last is very important to somebody who is
otherwise condemned to wearing dark, filthy rags for their whole life;
and the barons and priests, sensing  that the serf might actually start
to think about his independence and self-respect, brought in laws
forbidding the underclasses to wear any colors apart from brown
and black. The serf had to, at all times, be kept as a slave beholden
to the banquet hall and the pulpit; the reviled merchant represented
an open threat to this relationship. The merchant wanted the serf to
be free; he would then be a better customer, but the barons
“protected” the serf from such dangerous ideas as freedom and
individual rights.

Socialist dictatorships this century are exactly the same; the laboring
classes have no hope of betterment, while all the positions of money
and power are filled by the idiot children of the ruling clique. The
expository passage in 1984 describes this feature of collectivist
societies very well. The liberation of the poor, and th

Re: [CTRL] America tore out 8000 pages

2002-12-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Nobody seems to have been able to nail down the exact number of pages in the original 
either.  Every article I've read reports a different number...

Euphorian wrote:

> >
> >America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier
> >By James Cusick and Felicity Arbuthnot
> I realise a similar article was sent by another poster.  The interesting thing 
>between the
> two is how the numbers of pages changes -- even on the same day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Live NewSpeak

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Newspeak lives

By Ernest Partridge
Co-editor of The Crisis Papers and Online Journal Contributing Writer

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the 
world-view and mental habits . . . , but to make all other modes of thought 
impossible. It
was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak
forgotten, a heretical thought - that is, a thought diverging from the principles of 
[the Party]
- should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. 
vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to 
meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other
meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was 
partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words, 
and by
stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings. . . . Newspeak was designed
not to extend but to diminish the range of thought . . .—George Orwell, "The 
Principles of
Newspeak," in the novel, 1984

December 19, 2002—Liberals who are wondering just what hit them in the past 20 years
will find much of the answer to their bewilderment in George Orwell's 1984. That 
presents an accurate description of the tactics that Right-Wing political operatives 
employed in their successful anathematizing of the once-honorific word "liberalism," 
and in
their inappropriate adoption of the word "conservative."

In the political strife of the past generation, it is the liberals who have been the 
"conservatives" as they have treated the received political vocabulary with respect and
restraint, regarding the clarity afforded by ordinary language as a necessary and 
medium of civil and reasoned political debate.

In contrast, the so-called "conservatives," unconstrained by such qualms, have treated
language as a political weapon. Because these antics have provoked little if any 
from their opponents, the Right- Wing word-meisters have utilized their semantic 
with great skill and effect, and thus have prevailed.

(Terminological note: Because the essential purpose of this analysis is to examine the 
of the terms "liberal" and "conservative" in current political rhetoric, we must use 
words with great care and circumspection. Accordingly, we will use instead, the terms 
Right" and "the Left," mindful that these words are also charged with emotive and
ideological connotations. Indeed, it seems impossible to avoid such connotations when
referring to a political faction).

The Assault on (the word) "Liberal"

The rhetoric of contemporary politics has not infected the pages of Webster's 
Dictionary, which thus defines the political sense of "liberal:" "Favoring reform or 
as in religion, education, etc.; specifically, favoring political reforms tending 
democracy and personal freedom for the individual . . ." Webster's also notes the that 
derivation of the word "liberal" is from the latin liberalis: "of or pertaining to a 

To this, we might add that modern liberals regard popularly elected government,
constrained by the rule of law, as a positive force for ensuring the welfare, equality 
rights of the citizens. Far from being "anti-conservative," this notion is enshrined 
in the
declaration of our political Independence ("to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men") and in the Preamble to our Constitution, which proclaims that 
it is
the legitimate function of governments "to form a more perfect Union, establish 
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general 
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Somehow these authentically conservative principles of liberalism have been obscured by
the word-meisters of the Right, as they have associated the word "liberal" with 
spend big government," naive ("bleeding heart") benevolence toward the unworthy (e.g.,
"welfare cheats"), and bumbling, bureaucratic interference in enlightened private

This semantic coup has been so successful that in political rhetoric "liberal" has 
become an
abusive "hot button." Just consider the recent election. In TV spot advertisements 
(now the
dominant arena of political "debate,") the word "liberal" is splashed and shouted, 
like a
witch's curse, over the name of the (generally Democratic) target candidates. 
Nancy Pelosi, "Liberal!" Barbara Boxer, "Liberal!" Paul Wellstone. No elaboration is 
of just what the word is supposed to mean. No need for that, since the cognitive 
content of
the term has long since been drained away, leaving a shell of invective. Thus the
transformed word "liberal" becomes a

Re: [CTRL] America tore out 8000 pages

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/22/02 3:36:50 AM, Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>-Caveat Lector-
>Sunday Herald - 22 December 2002
>America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier
>By James Cusick and Felicity Arbuthnot

I realise a similar article was sent by another poster.  The interesting thing between 
two is how the numbers of pages changes -- even on the same day.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family KEY WORDS: George W. Bush

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Behind the Bushes

>>>Each entry is a hot linque. A<>E<>R <<<

The first 80 years behind the Bushes
Dubya: the new generation
The Creeping Coup
The War Against Whatever
Is Bush a dry drunk?
DSL: Dubya as a second language
Bush's military record
Daddy Bush and Clinton and BCCI
The Bush League: those behind the man
Sarcasm, satire, and matters not worth responding to


Eliot Abrams
John Ashcroft
Richard Armitage
Neil Bush
Lynne Cheney
Dick Cheney
Ari Fleisher
Asa Hutchinson
Robert Mueller
John Negroponte
Paul O'Neil
Theodore OIson
John Poindexter
Colin Powell
Michael Powell
Otto Reich
Robert Reilly
John Walters


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com


>>>The legacy of JonBenet?  People as "living dolls"? A<>E<>R<<<

 To view the entire article, go to 

 Way Too Much Fantasy With That Dream House

 By Deborah Roffman
 Still seeking that perfect gift for a special young girl in your life? Well, look no 
further  than page 50 of the FAO Schwarz 2002 holiday catalogue. For a mere $45, you 
can surprise and delight her with a Lingerie Barbie.

 And what a Barbie Babe she is, decked out in her sexy black (or, if you prefer, pink) 
garters, stockings and obligatory stiletto heels. Even her PR is PG, giving the phrase 
"sex toy" a whole new level of meaning: "Barbie exudes a flirtatious attitude in her 
heavenly merry widow bustier ensemble accented with intricate lace and matching 
peekaboo peignoir."

 Oh darn, reading this too late for holiday gift giving? Not to worry. Mattel plans a 
February launch for its sixth "limited edition" Lingerie Barbie, promising she'll be 
"simply sassy in a short pearl-grey satin slip trimmed in black lace" and "thigh-high 
stockings" that "add a hint of flair."

 A middle school principal in New Hampshire first alerted me to Bimbo, uh, Lingerie 
Barbie (nickname courtesy of a seventh-grade boy who wanted to know, "What's next? 
'Playboy Barbie'?"). I've been actively assessing the Lingerie Barbie gasp factor for 
several weeks now. It's huge. Teachers and parents (even among Barbie fans) can't 
believe their ears when they hear about this one: Disgusting! How dare they! Don't 
they have little girls of their own? Where will it all end? Enough!!

 Many teens I know, and even younger children, have been equally outraged. High school 
students at one all-girls school in Tennessee where I recently spoke were moved to 
start a national letter-writing campaign to chastise Mattel for this brazen 
sexualization of children.

 And girls I know are neither the slightest bit reassured nor deterred by the 
company's "for age 14 and up" disclaimer. "Get real," said one. "No 14-year-old girl 
would be caught dead playing with a Barbie Doll, 'lingerie' or otherwise. Who do they 
think they're kidding?" Said another: "Yeah, right. Maybe they mean 14-year-old boys."

 As for Mattel, it seems to be playing peekaboo with its own LB marketing strategy. 
Says company spokeswoman Ria Freydl, "We're not marketing it to kids," and true 
enough, the "Barbie Fashion Model Collection" can be found in the more adult-oriented 
collectible section on Mattel's Web site. And yet, consider this tag line on LB #5's 
blurb: "Golden hoop earrings and high heels complete this simple but elegant ensemble, 
perfect for dress-and-play fun!"

 "Dress-and-play fun" for adult collectors? I don't think so. At least, I hope not.

 And though $45 is more than twice what a parent forks out for the average Barbie, 
it's still far more affordable (and more child friendly) than most of the other Barbie 
collectibles found in the Schwarz catalogue and those of other mainstream retailers.

 One 10-year-old in my class wasn't buying any of it. He told me last week he'd 
actually been given one of the dolls by a 5-year-old cousin who had tired of it. "She 
gives me lots of toys she doesn't want," he said. "Most of them I give to charity. But 
not this one, no way. I threw it in the river. No child should play with something 
like that. They'll get all the wrong ideas."

 Out of the mouth of babes -- real honest-to-goodness babes, not Barbie Babes. If 
10-year-olds are "getting it," maybe, just maybe, the adults out there will begin to 
see it more clearly, too.

 I had begun to wonder what it would take. During the past decade, there have been an 
unprecedented number of assaults on the whole concept of sexual boundaries (with 
Lingerie Barbie only of the more egregious examples), typically without so much as a 
peep from the adult world. Maybe we've just been too busy or too overwhelmed to 
notice, or perhaps we've become so adjusted to the ever-quickening pace of cultural 
change that the change itself is simply harder and harder to perceive.

 How else to explain the gradual appearance of "soft porn" in perfume and clothing 
advertisements? How and when did that become "okay"? And when exactly did "fashion" 
stop being about getting dressed, and start being about getting -- or increasing the 
chance that you'll soon be getting -- undressed? About the same time, I guess, that 
Victoria's Secret decided that lingerie (previously thought of as underwear or private 
wear) was "fashion," too.

 Wasn't it only a matter of time before we were treated to a prime-time Victoria's 
Secret lingerie "fashion show"? And, excuse me, but who was paying attention when the 
junior streetwalker/sex slave look became the predominant mode 

Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-22 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/22/02 11:58 AM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Brilliant editing. As I used to tell my students - every edit is an
> opinion.
> I did not 'edit' the article. It would be 'editing' if I presented the
> entire
> article with additions or omissions and offered it purportedly as the
> original. I did offer an excerpt and cited the original source for
> anyone to read for him/herself (which you apparently did using my
> cited reference). You will note that my excerpt was outlined in
> 'quotes' clearly indicating I was quoting an excerpt from the body
> of the article.

Sorry - wrong:

Inflected forms: ed·it·ed , ed·it·ing , ed·its
1 a. To prepare (written material) for publication or presentation, as by
correcting, revising, or adapting. b. To prepare an edition of for
publication: edit a collection of short stories. c. To modify or adapt so as
to make suitable or acceptable: edited her remarks for presentation to a
younger audience. 2. To supervise the publication of (a newspaper or
magazine, for example). 3. To assemble the components of (a film or
soundtrack, for example), as by cutting and splicing. 4. To eliminate;
delete: edited the best scene out.

1c would be the appropriate use here.
4 also covers it.

> Of course "the editing" does not change the facts that a 11 year old
> Palestinian girl was executed by the Israeli army - while she was
> watching the funeral procession of a teenage Palestinian boy shot by
> the Israeli Army the day before. For your information I consider the
> intentional shooting of bullets into a densely populated civilian occupied
> area as an execution.

Actually it seemed from that article unclear who did the shooting, but lets
say it was the IDF. They should be condemned for it. Brought to task. If
they did the shooting. Again, the only source I have is the article you
posted, and it was not clear on who did the shooting.

> I quoted that part of the article that was the most important - that the
> bloody oppression of the Palestinians continues notwithstanding the
> cost in lives for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

I understand that a dead Jew is less important to you than a dead Arab. That
was my point, really. That the killing of a Rabbi and attacking of his
family on the way to a wedding is less noteworthy, less horrific, to you.
They are equally horrific to me.

> Your attempt to somehow show 'moral equivilency between the
> illegal occupier and the occupied who resist violent occupation is
> disingenious and implies support for illegal occupation through the
> use of state terrorism. I assume you also find 'moral equivilancy'
> between the White S African Apartheid regime when they imprisoned
> Nelson Mandella for 20 years for his involvement in an ANC bombing
> of White S African civilians. Rather like the Americans who justified
> murdering 100,000's of American Indian men, women and children
> because some White Settlers were killed by Indian raiders for
> stealing their land.
> flw

I did not attempt to show moral equivalency, I attempted to show your
hypocrisy, and one sidedness in only quoting the parts of an article that
suit your point of view.

I abhor the violence on both sides.

As to the illegality of the state of Israel - it was given them by the
landlords at the time, and thus legal.

Moral? I certainly did not claim the high moral ground for either side, as
neither has it.

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> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Calling a rationalist an a-theist is like a soccer player 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Sabbatarian and Charles Taze the Watchtower writer/ is there a scottish rite co?

2002-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

This is a question if anyone with knowledge about the Masonic
temple-scottish rite/or any affialition? That is if anyone has the time or
cares to answer? I went to a Sabbatarian site looking up an article about
the Cult of Sol Invictus. The site explains who the Sabbatarians are. What
they actually believe is very similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am
wondering if since it is a Scottish Religious group which they explain on
the site. Since it is and Charles Taze the cultist writer of The WatchTower
Bible was a Scottish Rite Freemason. The Scottish part and the similarity's
in not believing in christmas and also the sabbatarian dont believe in the
trinity and changed the words around in their bible saying the words in
protistant bibles were changed around. Both Charles Taze and the Sabbatarian
did this same thing and teach the same. I don't know which came first
sabbatarian or Jehovah's Witness. Or if there is any connection.

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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Sukarno Re: Gaddafi's PanAfrican 'Fed'

2002-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

"The second reason was that
Sukarno proposeda far eastern bank to rival IMF and WB"
"That second reason is quite
interesting.  Any
idea on a closer time-frame on
that one?"
JFK, Indonesia, CIA & Freeport
by Lisa Pease
"things might have been very
different had Kennedy lived to implement his
plans for Indonesia...how
heavily loaded the Freeport Sulphur board was with
Rockefeller family and
think its time we held Sukarno's feet to the fire,"
said Frank Wisner, then
Deputy Director of Plans for the CIA, in 1956. By 1958,
having failed to buy the
government through the election process, the CIA was
a full-fledged operation in
Indonesia. Operation Hike, as it was called, involved the
and training of tens of
thousands of Indonesians as well as "mercenaries" to launch
in the hope of bringing down
Sukarno...Sheffield Edwards, head of the CIA's Office of
Security, enlisted the Chief
of the Los Angeles Police Department to help with a porno
movie project the CIA was
making to use against Sukarno, ostensibly showing Sukarno
in the act. Others involved
in these efforts were Robert Maheu, and Bing Crosby and his
brother...Kennedy understood
that Sukarno took aid and arms from the Soviets and the
Chinese because he needed the
help, not because he was eager to fall under communist
rule. American aid would
prevent Sukarno from becoming dependent on Communist
supplies. And Sukarno had
already put down a communist rebellion in 1948...United Nations voted to cede
West Irian fully to Indonesia, with the provision that, by 1969, the people of
West Irian would be granted an opportunity to vote whether to remain with or
secede from Indonesia. Kennedy seized the moment, issuing National Security
Action Memorandum (NSAM) 179, dated August 16, 1962:

  With the peaceful settlement of the West Irian dispute now in prospect, I
  would like to see us capitalize on the U.S. role in promoting this settlement
  to move toward a new and better relationship with Indonesia. I gather that
  with this issue resolved the Indonesians too would like to move in this
  direction and will be presenting us with numerous requests. 
To seize this opportunity, will all agencies concerned please review their
programs for Indonesia and assess what further measures might be useful. I have
in mind the possibility of expanded civic action, military aid, and economic
stabilization and development programs as well as diplomatic initiatives. 
Roger Hilsman elaborated on what Kennedy meant by civic action:
"rehabilitating canals, draining swampland to create new rice paddies, building
bridges and roads, and so on." 
Freeport and West Irian
Kennedy's aid in brokering Indonesian sovereignty over West Irian could only
have come as a blow to Freeport Sulphur's board. Freeport already had a positive
relationship with the Dutch...Kennedy persisted. He approved this particular aid
package on November 19, 1963...Sukarno noted with irony that the very day
Kennedy was assassinated, his Chief of Bodyguards was in Washington to study how
to protect a president...
In a strange, convoluted move, a group of young military leaders killed a
bunch of older, centrist leaders who, they claimed, were going to-with the help
of the CIA-stage a coup against Sukarno. But what happened in the aftermath of
this turned Indonesia into one of the bloodiest nightmares the world has ever
Ralph McGehee, a 25-year veteran of the CIA, also implicated the agency in an
article, still partially censored by the CIA, published in The Nation
(April 11, 1981): 

  To conce

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania - New Battle Lines Are Drawn

2002-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Well, it's about time.  Let the Revolution begin!!!

Published on Thursday, December 19, 2002 by CommonDreams.org 
Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania - New Battle Lines Are Drawn  
by Thom Hartmann
The good citizens of Pennsylvania have done it again. 
Back in 1776, they hosted at Liberty Hall in Philadelphia a gathering of
people radicalized by the predations of the East India Company. The
world's first multinational corporation then held a virtual stranglehold
on commerce and politics in North America, and brazenly used British
troops as its enforcers. On the first week of December, 1600, when she
created the East India Company, Queen Elizabeth I became the first CEO
monarch, and by 1776 King George II was following in her footsteps with
his sizeable holdings in and open advocacy of corporate rule. 
The American colonists were offended by the idea they should be vassals
of a corporation and a kingdom that supported and profited from it.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, which explicitly
stated that humans were born into this world endowed by their Creator
with certain rights, that governments were created by humans to insure
only humans held those rights, and "That whenever any form of government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to
alter or abolish it…" 
Stating flatly that "it is their right, it is their duty," to alter
their government and thus claim their unique human rights, 56 men defied
the East India Company and the government whose army supported it by
placing their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, saying,
"with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we
mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred
Thus began America's first experiment with democracy. 
The first week of December of that same year, Thomas Paine wrote in a
pamphlet he published a few weeks later that, "Tyranny, like hell, is
not easily conquered… What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly:
it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how
to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if
so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated." 
Exactly 226 years later, another small group in Pennsylvania also met in
early December to sign a document that claimed the same right - their
duty - to alter their government in a way that would restore the
democracy the original Founders were willing to fight and die for. The
democratically elected municipal officials of Porter Township put their
signatures to an ordinance passed unanimously on December 9, 2002. It
reads, in part: 
"A corporation is a legal fiction created by the express permission of
the people…; 
"Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by the Supreme Court justices
to include corporations in the term 'persons' has long wrought havoc
with our democratic processes by endowing corporations with
constitutional privileges intended solely to protect the citizens of the
United States or natural persons within its borders; 
"This judicial bestowal of civil and political rights upon corporations
interferers with the administration of laws within Porter Township and
usurps basic human and constitutional rights exercised by the people of
Porter Township; … 
"Buttressed by these constitutional rights, corporate wealth allows
corporations to enjoy constitutional privileges to an extent beyond the
reach of most citizens; 
"Democracy means government by the people. Only citizens of Porter
Township should be able to participate in the democratic process in
Porter Township and enjoy 

Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-22 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Brilliant editing. As I used to tell my students - every edit is an

I did not 'edit' the article. It would be 'editing' if I presented the
article with additions or omissions and offered it purportedly as the
original. I did offer an excerpt and cited the original source for
anyone to read for him/herself (which you apparently did using my
cited reference). You will note that my excerpt was outlined in
'quotes' clearly indicating I was quoting an excerpt from the body
of the article.

Of course "the editing" does not change the facts that a 11 year old
Palestinian girl was executed by the Israeli army - while she was
watching the funeral procession of a teenage Palestinian boy shot by
the Israeli Army the day before. For your information I consider the
intentional shooting of bullets into a densely populated civilian occupied
area as an execution.

I quoted that part of the article that was the most important - that the
bloody oppression of the Palestinians continues notwithstanding the
cost in lives for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Your attempt to somehow show 'moral equivilency between the
illegal occupier and the occupied who resist violent occupation is
disingenious and implies support for illegal occupation through the
use of state terrorism. I assume you also find 'moral equivilancy'
between the White S African Apartheid regime when they imprisoned
Nelson Mandella for 20 years for his involvement in an ANC bombing
of White S African civilians. Rather like the Americans who justified
murdering 100,000's of American Indian men, women and children
because some White Settlers were killed by Indian raiders for
stealing their land.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: e12233

2002-12-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

This is James Traficant speaking on the bankrupt policies of the federal
government, now you know why he was setup to fall, so they could shut him

RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 1994 (House of Representatives - March
17, 1993)

Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.

Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest
reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government.

We are setting forth hopefully a blueprint for our future. There are some
who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise.

I am going to support the rule. I am not sure yet if I will support this
budget. I want to hear an awful lot more, not being a member of the
committee, and I am not going to vote for things I do not understand or do
not like, but let there be no mistake. After 12 years of Ronald Reagan and
George Bush, we are standing here.

Let me say this to the minority party. Every program that Ronald Reagan
wanted in 1981, he got. Reagan got it. There was a Republican Senate
majority and there were 70 Democrats in this House that might as well have
been Republicans, and we have the program.

The major assumption was very simple. We are going to cut taxes, put money
in the pockets of the American people, and when they spend this money our
gross national product is going to rise so great that even though we reduced
your tax liability on a percentile basis, we will balance the budget,
quoting Ronald Reagan, in 1982. It is going to take the fall of our
Congress, I think, for that to happen.

Mr. Speaker, let us give this new administration a chance. Democrats gave
Ronald Reagan a chance.

But let me give one word of caution here today. America already has race
wars, let us be honest about it. We already have gender wars, let us be
honest about it. We already have age wars, let us be honest about it.

One thing this Congress had better not get involved in and get trapped into
is a class war on money. In America, if you can not earn all that you can,
there is something wrong and there is no more a spirit of free enterprise.

I want to say this to the Members. We may talk about taxing the rich, but
the rich people have already taken their companies and their jobs out of
America. Be careful that the rich people do not take their money out of
America, because the government already raises our kids, defends our
families, educates our kids, feeds our kids, houses our kids, and the
government it doing a very poor job of it. I think mom and dad would be
better utilized there once again.

So I am going to listen to the debate. I do not know if I will vote for this

Finally, I do not know if the budget makes one damn bit of difference,
because we waive it all the time and I do not think we have ever followed
it. I think we have an excellent chairman who worked hard. If we are going
to have budget, we should follow it. If not, we once again as Members waste
both our time and the people's time.

Let me say this just in closing. Today is not the mother of all debates and
the mother of all decisions. When that tax package comes, you will have the
mother of all votes on the floor.

Let me say this, I am not for voting any more taxes on the backs of the
American people, because I believe the tax of 1990 put on right here today,
and I am very concerned about the tax package being discussed in this

I am one Democrat who believes we should stimul

[CTRL] US Now Bombing Civilians in Iraq

2002-12-22 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Casualties of an 'Undeclared War'
Civilians Killed and Injured as U.S. Airstrikes Escalate in Southern Iraq

_News From Iraq_

By Peter Baker
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, December 22, 2002; Page A01

"While the zones were established to shield Iraqis from their leader, they
have served to embitter at least some of the people, and government
officials assert that they even solidify support for Hussein. "When it gets
worse and worse, the people will be closer to the leadership," said Lt.
Gen. Hadi Abdul Reda, head of civil defense in Basra. "They make me more
eager to face the Americans."

"We hate them," said Mesa Ali, 25, a mother of two young boys who lives
across the street from the site of the Dec. 1 bombing. The blast shattered
her front window, covering her 18-month-old son with broken glass. "They
want to get the oil and make us slaves."

"It's a crime," said Ali Abid Hamid, 31, who works at a nearby cement
company and helped his cousin get to a hospital to treat a slashed throat
after the explosion. "There is no reason to bomb civilians. They want to
make problems."

It remains unclear how many civilians have actually been hurt or killed by
the recent U.S. and British bombing. Even by Iraqi reports, most targets
seem to be military facilities and government officials decline to take
journalists there.

The Dec. 1 episode, however, clearly left noncombatants dead and injured,
according to interviews with survivors, relatives, witnesses and doctors.
The U.S. military reported dropping 23 precision weapons from 13 aircraft
in southern Iraq that day in retaliation for antiaircraft fire at warplanes
patrolling the northern no-fly zone two days earlier, the first time they
had struck in the south for an incident in the north."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The soft bigotry of campus paternalism

2002-12-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Suzanne Fields
December 9, 2002

The soft bigotry of campus paternalism

George Wallace, Orval Faubus and Ross Barnett were men
before their time.  They were merely infamous Southern
governors, trying to keep their public schools
segregated.  They failed, but only because they never
got an education at Stanford, Penn or MIT.

Jim Crow is back, only he's supposed to be kinder,
gentler and mellower.  You might call him Jimmy Crow
(or in some places, Jaime Crow).  Whatever you call
him, he's the new big man on campus.  Administrators
have freshened up the label, and their dorms are not
segregated houses, but "ethnic theme houses."
Nevertheless, these are living accommodations
determined by race, the latest trend in the soft
bigotry of campus paternalism.

At Stanford, these dorms require a glossary for
identification.  Muwekma-tah-ruk is Native American,
Ujamaa is African-American and Casa Zapata is
Chicano/Latino.  The Asian-American house is called
Okada, named for the author of a book about the
treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II,
when they were sent to live in ethnic-themed
resettlement camps.

Stanford students and administrators have been mildly
embarrassed - there may be hope yet - since a civil
rights organization exposed them in a study entitled:
"The Stigma of Inclusion: Racial Paternalism/Separatism
in Higher Education." The New York Civil Rights
Coalition reports that color-coded universities
encourage a "balkanized campus environment" and that
minority students at Stanford are "indoctrinated" into
a separate track for "special treatment" that many of
them did not ask for, or expect, when they applied for

"From those who believe that theme dorms represent a
divisive form of self-segregation, to those who see
them as paternalistic attempts by universities to
improve minority students' chances of success in
college," the Stanford Daily reports, "the system has a
wide range of detractors."

Descriptions of segregated theme dorms at other
colleges could fill a primer on diversity doublespeak.
Some of the new segregationists suggest that an ethic
theme house is no different from clustering students in
dancing, music, art, language or food.  But "Chocolate
City" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a
black dorm, is not about brownies and chocolate fudge
cake, but a dorm to promote black culture, identity and
support for "our brotherhood."

The Latino Living Center at Cornell offers salsa and
meringue, which may sound like dip and lemon pie, but
they're the popular Latin dances.  In between the fancy
footwork, the Latino students discuss the future of
immigration policy and the problems of gang warfare in
the inner-city barrios.  The University of Pennsylvania
calls its segregated dorm the W.E.B.  Dubois College
House, named for the famous black sociologist, to
promote African-American culture.

There's even a hip-hop group.  One resident likes the
wide diversity based on skin color: "I was exposed to a
real mixture - to Africans, African-Americans, and
other black Americans like myself."

Stanford administrators say their multiethnic approach
has evolved since the first black theme house was
established in 1970.  Thirty years ago the purpose was
to provide an ethnic neighborhood away from the ethnic
neighborhood.  Today, the emphasis, according to Thom
Massey, assistant dean of the graduate life office, is
on the positive celebrations of African-American
culture for whites as well as blacks.

Students who like such arrangements say they choose
ethnic houses because they feel "safe" and appreciate a
comfortable support system provided by their own kind
that gives them time to adjust to the larger culture on
campus.  This sounds to those of us with long memories
like making sure some people know their place.

The New York civil-rights report finds ethnic theme
houses part of a larger disturbing "educational"
problem.  Their survey of colleges reveals a
segregationist agenda of race and ethnicity permeating
every facet of campus life - academic courses,
counseling, remedial programs and socializing, all
hiding behind clever euphemisms and pretty facades of

Ethnic houses actually encourage what they decry, by
infantilizing students, pampering them in their ethnic
insecurities, and creating a divisiveness through
racial stereotyping.  A Latino student gives away the
insidiousness of this approach, describing how he found
his blood roots at Amherst: "For me, there's more
consciousness of my background as a Latino male," he
says.  "Before I came to Amherst, I wasn't thinking
about race or class or gender or sexual orientation, I
was just thinking about people wanting to learn."

All this, says the New York Civil Rights Coalition, is
a giant step backward for the civil rights movement: "
The purpose of higher education is to remove narrow
constrictions of the mind, to extirpate prejudice, to
remove barriers to the open pursuit of kno

Re: [CTRL] Santa Claus (was: The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas)

2002-12-22 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Santa Claus (was: The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas)
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/21/02 12:14 PM, RevCOAL at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(And contrary to the braindead fundie/thumpers, paganism does NOT equate to satanism...)

Satanism is a Christian denomination. The Satan concept is part of their reality tunnel, that they keep trying to impose on people to whom it has no meaning, much like Christmas.

-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, is in a final sense, a
theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

-- Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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[CTRL] Santa Claus (was: The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas)

2002-12-22 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  >3) Santa Claus only sounds like 
  Satan's claws in English. Santa Claus>however does sound like "St. 
  nickolas" if you say it fast and run 
  it>together. "Santa" only sounds like "Satan" to 
  audio-dyslexics; the brain-dead fundies who persist in equating "Santa" 
  with "Satan" forget that the term "Santa" is Latin for "saint", and if the 
  term "Santa" equates to "Satan", then there is a whole plethora of cities 
  in the southwestern US (including California) that must be causing them to 
  have apopletic fits... Okay, here's the real scoop on the 
  modern mythical icon known as "Santa Claus"... There was a 
  Roman Catholic bishop from Asia Minor born in the 4th century BC, named 
  "Nicholas", who was renowned for his good deeds towards the poor; some 
  time after his death the church made him a saint, hence "Saint 
  Nicholas". This saint's birthday was December 6th, so that 
  became the designated "Saints Day" for that particular saint; check out 
  the history of the Catholic Church, and you will see that almost every day 
  of the year has a designated saint conveniently assigned to it.  Many 
  times these saints had (or were assigned) traits corresponding to an 
  earlier pagan god whose holiday corresponded with that saint's "day", 
  sometimes many prior pagan customs were accumulated into one "saint's 
  (And contrary to the braindead 
  fundie/thumpers, paganism does NOT equate to satanism...)
  In countries where Christianity replaced 
  previous pagan religions, St. Nicholas' day -- December 6th -- was usually 
  celebrated as the beginning of the Christmas season; the actual St. 
  Nicholas never actually did anything to associate himself with Christmas, 
  it was only the fact that his birthday was at the beginning of December 
  that he became associated with the holiday. After the 
  Reformation most Protestant countries disassociated themselves from 
  Catholic saints, but the beloved figure who delived gifts to good children 
  was transformed into "Father Christmas"; but whether Catholic saint or 
  Protestant icon, St. Nicholas/Father Christmas bore little resemblence to 
  the roly poly elf in red velvet and white fur we currently associate with 
  the name "Santa Claus"... Take a look at European 
  designations, and indeed American representations up until the early 20th 
  century, and St. Nicholas/Father Christmas/Santa Claus was rarely shown 
  wearing red; rather he either is shown as a stern bishop or a stern 
  paganistic woodsman, or in the late Victorian era as a well-fed benevolent 
  businessman -- again, rarely in red, often rather in white, green, blue, 
  brown... So what was responsible for the transformation to 
  our modern icon? We need to go back to that bishop/saint 
  known as Nicholas; when Spain conquered the Netherlands St. Nicholas, 
  being amongst other things the patron saint of sailors, was adopted by the 
  Dutch to be the patron saint of their country.  And so they adopted 
  the saint's day with gusto; according to Dutch tradition, St. Nicholas 
  arrives in Holland from Spain (no North Pole legend here) on the night of 
  December 5th; St. Nicholas is always shown as a Catholic bishop in full 
  regalia, never in a red velvet suit.  St. Nicholas rides about the 
  Dutch countryside that night on a white horse dispensing treats (usually 
  candy and small toys) to good children while his servant (who was 
  originally designated his 'slave) "Black Pete" dispenses coal and twigs to 
  those who have been naughty... The Dutch never confused the 
  celebrating of St. Nicholas' day with Christmas, other than to use it as 
  the opening of the Christmas season; to this day the Dutch have a 
  month-long season, starting with St. Nicholas' day on Dec. 6th, which is 
  usually seen as a "children's holiday"; Christmas Day itself is celebrated 
  more along the lines of the American Thanksgiving, it is a day to go to 
  church and to have a big meal with family, but rarely are gifts exchanged, 
  but if they are it is done on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day, and the 
  gifts are usually small; New Year's Day is a day to visit family and 
  friends, and small gifts may be exchanged; finally the season is wrapped 
  up on Epiphany/3 Kings Day on January 6th...since this is supposedly 
  the day the Magi arrived at the stable and presented gifts to the baby 
  Jesus, this is considered a gift-giving day, and the Dutch celebrate it 
  much like we celebrate December 25th... Okay, we're working 
  our way up to the transformation of St. Nicholas into Santa 
  Claus... Remember who bought Manhattan from the Indians for 
  $24 worth of beads?  Ye

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: The Politics of Selling Tax Breaks for the Wealthiest

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Politics of Selling Tax Breaks for the Wealthiest

December 22, 2002

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is torn between what
some officials believe is good tax policy and others fear
is bad politics. At issue are tax cuts for the rich.

Many conservatives have long despised the progressive
income tax, which taxes the wealthy at a higher rate,
holding that it is unfair, unnecessarily complicated and
economically inefficient. They argue that the tax burden
falls so heavily on so few people that it is difficult to
mobilize political support for overhauling the tax system.

"It not only makes it more difficult to get people to want
to abolish the income tax, it also makes it more difficult
to give tax relief to anyone," said former Representative
Bill Archer, a Texas Republican who was chairman of the
House Ways and Means Committee until he retired from
Congress last year.

In the next few weeks, President Bush will propose a
package of tax cuts, convinced that lowering taxes is the
right tonic for whatever ails the economy. No one in the
know will say exactly what the president plans. But the
best guess is that he would eliminate or sharply reduce the
income taxes individuals pay on stock dividends, move to
2003 the upper-bracket rate reductions scheduled for 2004
and give companies more generous breaks for investments in
equipment. Mr. Bush is also expected to propose making
permanent the tax cuts enacted last year. These cuts,
including abolition of the estate tax, are scheduled to
expire in 2011.

Democrats are looking for every opportunity to portray the
president as the patron of fat cats. And they pounced on a
passage in a speech this month by R. Glenn Hubbard, the
chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers,
maintaining that "the increasing reliance on taxing
higher-income households and targeted social preferences at
lower incomes stands in the way of moving to a simpler,
flatter system."

The administration's strategy, declared Democratic
Representatives Charles B. Rangel of New York and Robert T.
Matsui of California in a letter to colleagues, is "to
raise taxes on lower- and middle-class families in order to
finance deeper tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans."

Mr. Hubbard declined last week to respond to repeated
inquiries about whether he in fact supported increasing
taxes on low- and moderate-income families. But Claire
Buchan, a White House spokeswoman, dismissed the notion
that this was the president's position.

A more senior White House official said, "It is
preposterous to think that the president would stand up and
say, `I want to put more people on the tax rolls.' "

Yet, as soon as the president's plan is unveiled,
Washington will be deluged with statistical tables, showing
that the big winners would be the richest people in the

Using data compiled by the Congressional tax staff and the
Internal Revenue Service, Citizens for Tax Justice, a
liberal research institute, found that the wealthiest 1
percent of taxpayers - those with annual incomes over
$356,000 - would receive about half the revenue the
government would lose next year if dividends went untaxed
and 45 percent of all the money from accelerating the rate
cuts. The 80 percent of households with incomes below
$73,000 a year would get less than 10 percent of the new
tax breaks.

These findings are not surprising. After all, the richest 1
percent has 18 percent of all the pretax income and pays 36
percent of all personal income taxes.

But studies like this reinforce the public perception that
the Bush administration favors the rich. A New York
Times/CBS News Poll in October showed that 55 percent of
those surveyed held this view, while only 25 percent
thought the administration treated everyone equally. It was
one of few instances where the national poll found that Mr.
Bush was seen in a negative light.

To make his tax-cut proposals more politically palatable,
people who follow administration policy closely say the
president will probably offer additional tax cuts that
would make his proposal look less lopsided in the
statistical analyses.

One possibility is another rebate like the one taxpayers
received last year, but limited to lower-income families.
Another is a temporary suspension of the Social Security
payroll tax for workers. A third is an additional tax break
for retirement savings by people with modest incomes.

Robert M. Teeter, a Republican pollster, said politicians
in his party tended to be overly anxious about how their
tax cuts benefited the wealthy. Surveys show, Mr. Teeter
said, that ordinary people are not so much jealous of the
rich as they are hopeful of reaching the point where they,
too, can get tax relief.

But officials who have worked on tax matters inside
previous Republican administrations said enormous attention
was paid to the political effect of the st

[CTRL] Review: "The Panama Deception"

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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The Panama Deception
by Susan Ryan

Cineaste v20, n1 (Wntr, 1993):43 (2 pages).

Produced by Barbara Trent, Joanne Doroshow, Nico Panigutti and David Kasper; directed 
Barbara Trent; written and edited by David Kasper; cinematography by Michael Dobo and
Masnuel Becker; narration by Elizabeth Montgomery; music by Chuck Wild.

On December 19, 1989, most Americans were glued to their televisions in disbelief as
thousands of U.S. troops prepared to attack Panama with the stated purpose of ousting 
man the media loved to hate, General Manuel Noriega. By early morning, they were
reassured that Operation "Just Cause" had achieved its goal of hitting twenty-seven 
thus making Panama safe for Americans living in that country as well as those safely at
home in front of their televisions. But the media failed to investigate many crucial 
including the fate of Panamanian citizens and a detailed explanation of the just 
cause' for
which American troops were fighting. These are the questions The Panama Deception sets
out to answer, and, in so doing, it provides a provocative, well-documented analysis 
of U.S.
relations with Panama and a devastating critique of the mainstream media and its
complicity with the official government line.

For those familiar with the findings of the report of the Independent Commission of 
see The U.S. Invasion of Panama: The Truth Behind Operation Just Cause, South End
Press, 1991), the film's exploration of the contradictions between the official 
reasons for the
invasion and the real motivations will come as no surprise, but for many The Panama
Deception will serve as a shocking illustration of the brutal face of American foreign 

During the attack, the U.S. unleashed a force of 24,000 troops equipped with highly
sophisticated weaponry and aircraft against a country with an army smaller than the New
York City Police Department. With uncanny echoes of Grenada less than a decade earlier,
this illegal invasion against a sovereign nation was made in the name of "the 
protection of
American lives" as well as the defense of the Panama Canal, the restoration of 
and the removal of Noriega and his drug trafficking operation - reasons which might 
sounded good at the White House but failed to convince anyone with a knowledge of the
history of U.S.-Panamanian relations.

As a result of the controversial 1977 Carter-Torrijos treaties, the Canal was 
scheduled to
be turned over to Panama by the year 2000. The treaty provided for the closure of all
fourteen Southern Command bases in Panama by 1999 which would make more difficult
U.S. military access to the rest of Latin America. Seen in these terms, the invasion 
a convenient justification for continued U.S. military presence in the area as well as 
rationale for the renegotiation of the treaties. From an international vantage point, 
overpowering show of force demonstrated that the U.S. retained control over its own

The Panama Deception explores these contradictions as well as the many other lies
generated to deflect criticism of the attack which violated both the U.N. and O.A.S. 
Using archival footage and interviews with a wide range of both Panamanian and American
authorities, the film puts the invasion in context by showing the troubled history of 
Canal's construction at the beginning of the century, the resulting confrontations 
over the
years between the U.S. military and Panamanians, and the problematic relationship 
the Seventies with Panama's popular leader, General Omar Torrijos. The montage of
archival images reprising the historical relationship includes several which 
foreshadow the
events of 1989. Of particular note is the televised segment of a soon- to-be-elected 
Reagan recreating the role of Teddy Roosevelt as he compares the Canal Zone to the
acquisition of Alaska in saying, "We bought it, we paid for it, and General Torrijos 
should be
told we're going to keep it."

The film also chronicles the rise and fall of Noriega as he was courted, then 
rejected, by
the American government after he became a political liability. The sequence on the U.S.
media's demonization of Noriega, including Bush's inarticulate rambling about "Mr. 
the drug-related, drug-indicted dictator of Panama" would be comical if we didn't know 
this was just the prelude to a bloody confrontation. As an interview with an ex-CIA 
reveals, the invasion was intended to "

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MotherJones.com / News / Outfront

Up in Smoke
States promised to use the tobacco settlement to fight smoking -- but some are 
the money in Big Tobacco.

Michael Scherer
November/December 2002

When tobacco companies began paying $246 billion in 1998 to offset the cost of treating
smoking-related illnesses, state officials celebrated. The money, they promised, would 
to prevent smoking, a habit responsible for 1 in every 5 American deaths. States could
finally "do the things we all want to do," declared Governor Tommy Thompson of
Wisconsin, who now serves as secretary of Health and Human Services, "and that's the
cessation of smoking, especially with our young, and the improving of health care and
education of all our citizens."

But today, few states are devoting the money to fight smoking. Instead, some are 
over the hard- won tobacco settlement to those who profit from tobacco. In North 
the nation's biggest tobacco- producing state, three-quarters of the $59 million spent 
so far
has gone to private tobacco producers. The state has paid for tobacco-curing equipment 
farmers, a new tobacco auction hall, a video to greet visitors to a state-funded 
museum, and $400,000 in plumbing for a new tobacco processing plant. Virginia gave $2
million in marketing "incentives" to a cigarette company called Star Scientific, which 
the money and then sued the state to overturn the settlement. Seven states have 
invested the settlement in stocks of the very tobacco companies they sued in the first 
Texas has devoted an estimated $3.6 million to investments in major cigarette

When states aren't returning the money to Big Tobacco, they're using it to fund all 
of projects that have nothing to do with smoking. New York spent $700,000 on new carts
and sprinklers for a public golf course. Alabama devoted millions to build factories 
Honda, Mercedes-Benz, and Lockheed Martin, and gave some of the money to public
schools to fight satanic cults. Fresno County is using settlement money from the state 
California to build a juvenile jail, and Los Angeles is devoting much of its share to 

All told, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, less than 5 
percent of
the $33 billion already paid out by the tobacco industry has gone to prevent smoking. 
four states fund antitobacco programs at the minimum levels recommended by the Centers
for Disease Control. And it's getting worse: Over the past year, states have slashed 
already meager tobacco-prevention efforts by 13 percent to help shore up budget 

"It is moral treason," says Mike Moore, the Mississippi attorney general who settled 
the first
of the tobacco lawsuits. "If you don't use the proceeds from this to impact public 
then what did we fight this fight for?"

As the economy has worsened, 13 states have cashed in all of their future settlement
payments -- nearly $3 billion -- and spent most of the money to rescue their 
budgets. This summer, Wisconsin scrapped plans to spend $25 million on an antismoking
campaign, converted its entire settlement into bonds, and then spent all the money on a
onetime fix for its general budget.

"With all due respect to Wisconsin and their political dilemma, it's outrageous," says 
Heitkamp, the former North Dakota attorney general who sued Big Tobacco. "I can't tell 
how disappointing it is for those of us who spent two years on this." Heitkamp's own 
has put water reclamation and flood- control projects before smoking prevention. With
some of the highest teen smoking rates in the nation, North Dakota has set aside $349
million of the settlement for water projects -- but spends just $2.3 million a year on
prevention, less than a third of the minimum CDC recommendation for the state.

Other states have an even worse record. Tennessee, Missouri, Michigan, and the 
District of
Columbia won't promise to spend any of their settlement money on smoking prevention,
and 14 other states have set aside minuscule amounts.

California is one of the few states that have bucked the trend, recognizing that 
programs pay for themselves in the form of lower health care costs. The state's 
tobacco-prevention program, which predates the settlement, has cut smoking rates by 50
percent since 1989. Given reduced costs for lung cancer and other tobacco-related 
California estimates that it is more than breaking even on its investment. Without such
programs, say health officials, states face a dire reality. At current rates, 6 

[CTRL] European and Pacific Stars & Stripes

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
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Sunday, December 22, 2002

Troops decry budget office's plan to trim military pay hikes in 2004

Troops serving overseas reacted with heat, exasperation and occasional laissez-faire 
to the
news that bureaucrats back home want to roll back their 2004 pay raises. “I feel that
capping pay raises at 2 percent would be a step back from the progress we’ve made,” 
Tech Sgt. Michael Pena, who works in a clinic laboratory at Rhein-Main Air Base in
Germany. Pena said he believes that during the last three or four years, troops have 
progress bridging the pay gap with civilians. “Lawmakers should realize the sacrifices 
make, and taking care of military members should be a priority.” The director of the 
House Office of Management and Budget, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., recently asked the 
Department to lower the 2004 pay raise from its expected 3.7 percent to 2 percent. 
also wants future raises tied to inflation, rather than basing boosts on what 
civilians doing
comparable jobs in the private sector might make. Confidentially, military sources say 
believe the idea will die on the vine. But they also admit it would save the military 
particularly with the possibility of troop call-ups prior to a war on Iraq. In the 
end, if the
military fights the Daniels idea, President Bush may have to settle the brouhaha 
himself. In
the meantime, those serving at bases abroad reacted icily to the suggestion that saving
even billions should trump making staying in uniform more attractive. Petty Officer 2nd
Class Damon Baggs, 26, an aviation electrician’s mate stationed in Naples, Italy, said 
military makes sacrifices and deserves the bigger paycheck. He had to leave his wife 
children in Norfolk, Va., for a six-month deployment to Italy. “I put in minimum 
days, not including extra duties and collateral duties and watch-stand duties, not to 
spending time away from loved ones.” Baggs said Daniels’ proposal is upsetting, taking 
consideration that “people on Capitol Hill give themselves raises. The government 
should try
to save money, but don’t take it away from the people who’re doing the work.” The 
deficit for fiscal 2002 topped out at $159 billion. A mere year earlier, the government
instead banked a surplus of some $127 billion. “It’s a crock,” said Petty Officer 2nd 
Levi Robinson, a Naples, Italy, public works mechanic. “If it was 6 percent raise [an
adjustment] could be a little more understandable.” Robinson, with six years in the 
makes about $25,000 a year. “Mechanics in the States start out at up to $20 an hour” —
about $40,000 a year. Robinson believes the perks he receives to compensate for getting
paid less than civilians make little difference. “Like free medical coverage,” he 
said. “I only
go to the doctor a couple of times a year. … We don’t use a lot of the perks we get.”
Another sailor said the change isn’t merely a juggle of a balance sheet, but will mean 
damage to troops’ income. “It’ll hurt us,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Daniel Wells, 
also in
Naples. “We’ve had a lot of cutbacks already that are making us feel unappreciated.” An
airman in Northern Italy believed military pay is the wrong spreadsheet column to 
fight the
national debt. “I think there are a million ways you can trim the deficit,” said Sr. 
Robert Reed, stationed at Aviano Air Base, Italy. “As active as the military is right 
now, I
don’t think that makes sense.” Another believed the initial raise won’t even keep up 
prices. “I don’t think [a 2 percent raise] keeps up with the Consumer Price Index,” 
Senior Master Sgt. Stan Nowacki, stationed at Ghedi Air Base, Italy. “I definitely 
like it to
keep up with that at least.” Despite the widespread discontent, one Air Force man 
fazed by the budget news. “I haven’t really read anything about it yet,” said Airman 
Class Daniel Little, assigned to Aviano Air Base, Italy. “Either way, it’s OK with me. 
… I get
along well enough, I guess.” Soldiers deployed to Kosovo had mixed feelings about the
chance their annual pay increases would be cut. “Either way, I’d do my job,” said Army 
Heather Leetsch, a driver for high-ranking officers and visitors to Kosovo. Last year,
members of the Armed Services got a nice raise, she said, and she believed that they 
well-paid nonetheless. Army Spc. Anthony Thomas, however, said he was disappointed his
pay raise would be reduced. “This is a hard job and the pay is part of what makes it 
to do,” said Thomas, 24. “But at least we’re getting a raise. Still it should be 
more.” Staff
Sgt. Gary Rice, a National Guardsman from New Hampshire, said servicemembers,
especially those deployed in perilous places, are already paid well, thanks to 
benefits such
as danger pay. He notes that in Kosovo, you pay no income taxes, get danger pay and

[CTRL] Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There? by Nicholas Monahan

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
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Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife’s Breasts Before Throwing You in a 
at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?

by Nicholas Monahan

This morning I’ll be escorting my wife to the hospital, where the doctors will perform 
caesarean section to remove our first child. She didn’t want to do it this way – 
neither of us
did – but sometimes the Fates decide otherwise. The Fates or, in our case, government

On the morning of October 26th Mary and I entered Portland International Airport, en 
to the Las Vegas wedding of one of my best friends. Although we live in Los Angeles, 
been in Oregon working on a film, and up to that point had had nothing but praise to
shower on the city of Portland, a refreshing change of pace from our own suffocating

At the security checkpoint I was led aside for the "inspection" that’s all the rage at 
these days. My shoes were removed. I was told to take off my sweater, then to fold over
the waistband of my pants. My baseball hat, hastily jammed on my head at 5 AM, was
removed and assiduously examined ("Anything could be in here, sir," I was told, after I
asked what I could hide in a baseball hat. Yeah. Anything.) Soon I was standing on one
foot, my arms stretched out, the other leg sticking out in front of me àla a DUI test. 
I began
to get pissed off, as most normal people would. My anger increased when I realized that
the newly knighted federal employees weren’t just examining me, but my 7½ months
pregnant wife as well. I’d originally thought that I’d simply been randomly selected 
for the
more excessive than normal search. You know, Number 50 or whatever. Apparently not
though – it was both of us. These are your new threats, America: pregnant accountants
and their sleepy husbands flying to weddings.

After some more grumbling on my part they eventually finished with me and I went to
retrieve our luggage from the x-ray machine. Upon returning I found my wife sitting in 
chair, crying. Mary rarely cries, and certainly not in public. When I asked her what 
was the
matter, she tried to quell her tears and sobbed, "I’m sorry...it’s...they touched my
breasts...and..." That’s all I heard. I marched up to the woman who’d been examining 
and shouted, "What did you do to her?" Later I found out that in addition to touching 
swollen breasts – to protect the American citizenry – the employee had asked that she 
up her shirt. Not behind a screen, not off to the side – no, right there, directly in 
front of the
hundred or so passengers standing in line. And for you women who’ve been pregnant and
worn maternity pants, you know how ridiculous those things look. "I felt like a 
clown," my
wife told me later. "On display for all these people, with the cotton panel on my 
pants and
my stomach sticking out. When I sat down I just lost my composure and began to cry.
That’s when you walked up."

Of course when I say she "told me later," it’s because she wasn’t able to tell me at 
time, because as soon as I demanded to know what the federal employee had done to
make her cry, I was swarmed by Portland police officers. Instantly. Three of them, 
my arms, locking me in handcuffs, and telling me I was under arrest. Now my wife really
began to cry. As they led me away and she ran alongside, I implored her to calm down, 
think of the baby, promising her that everything would turn out all right. She faded 
into the
distance and I was shoved into an elevator, a cop holding each arm. After making me 
the corner, the head honcho told that I was under arrest and that I wouldn’t be flying 
day – that I was in fact a "menace."

It took me a while to regain my composure. I felt like I was one of those guys in The 
Archipelago who, because the proceedings all seem so unreal, doesn’t fully realize 
that he
is in fact being arrested in a public place in front of crowds of people for...for 
what? I didn’t
know what the crime was. Didn’t matter. Once upstairs, the officers made me remove my
shoes and my hat and tossed me into a cell. Yes, your airports have prison cells, just 
your amusement parks, train stations, universities, and national forests. Let freedom 

After a short time I received a visit from the arresting officer. "Mr. Monahan," he 
"Are you on drugs?"

Was this even real? "No, I’m not on drugs."

"Should you be?"

"What do you mean?"

"Should you be on any type of medication?"


"Then why’d you react that way back there?"

You see the thinking? You see what passes for reasoning among your domestic shock
troops these days? Only "whackos" get angry over seeing the woman they’ve been with for
ten years in tears because someone has touched her breasts. That kind of reaction – 
protection – it’s mind- boggling! "Mr. Monahan, are you on drugs?" His snide words rang
inside my head. This i

[CTRL] America tore out 8000 pages

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
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Sunday Herald - 22 December 2002

America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier
By James Cusick and Felicity Arbuthnot

THE United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier
on weapons, before passing on a sanitised version to the 10 non-permanent members of
the United Nations security council.

The full extent of Washington's complete control over who sees what in the crucial 
dossier calls into question the allegations made by US Secretary of State Colin Powell 
'omissions' in the document constituted a 'material breach' of the latest UN 
resolution on

Last week, Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan accepted that it was 'unfortunate' 
his organisation had allowed the US to take the only complete dossier and edit it. He
admitted 'the approach and style were wrong' and Norway, a member of the security
council, says it is being treated like a 'second-class country'.

Although Powell called the Iraqi dossier a 'catalogue of recycled information and 
omissions', the non-permanent members of the security council will have no way of 
the US claims for themselves. This will be crucial if the US and the UK go back to the
security council seeking explicit authorisation for war on Iraq if breaches of 
resolution 1441
are confirmed when the weapons inspectors -- this weekend investigating 10 sites in 
including an oil refinery south of Baghdad -- deliver their report to the UN next 

A UN source in New York said: 'The questions being asked are valid. What did the US 
out? And if weapons inspectors are supposed to be checking against the dossier's 
how can any future claim be verified. In effect the US is saying trust us, and there 
are many
who just will not.'

Current and former UN diplomats are said to be livid at what some have called the 
'theft' of
the Iraqi document by the US. Hans von Sponeck, the former assistant general secretary 
the UN and the UN's humanitarian co- ordinator in Iraq until 2000, said: 'This is an
outrageous attempt by the US to mislead.'

Although the five permanent members of the security council -- the US, the UK, France,
China and Russia -- have had access to the complete version, there was agreement that
the US be allowed to edit the dossier on the ground that its contents were 'risky' in 
terms of
security on weapons proliferation.

Yesterday, US President George W Bush announced that a planned trip to several African
countries, scheduled for January, had been cancelled. As he gave the go-ahead to double
the current 50,000 US troops deployed in the Gulf by early January, he used his weekly
radio address to say that 'the men and women in the [US] military, many of whom will
spend Christmas at posts and bases far from home' were the only thing that stood 
'Americans and grave danger'.

An equally pessimistic view of the immediate future came from the Vatican. Pope John 
II promised the Catholic church would not cease to have its voice heard and would offer
prayers 'in the face of this horizon bathed in blood'.

Despite the prayers, the US military isn't expecting peace. Yesterday, General Richard
Myers, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, was asked if US forces were ready if 
upon immediately. General Myers simply said: 'You bet.'

The language coming from Baghdad was equally gung ho. The Iraqi newspaper Babel,
owned by Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday, likened US and UK political leaders to 
Mongol conquerors of the past.

News in focus: Into the breach

News in focus: Blair keeps UN in the picture, but does he want to stop Bush or speed 

News in focus: Police swoops in Edinburgh leave paranoia in their wake

Seven Days: The Iraqi regime may be brutal, but we must overcome evil with good in the
framework of the UN

What we think: Christmas is coming, the war is getting fat

Iain MacWhirter: War Is A Suspect Package, Tony

Web report: Iraq

Copyright © 2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd. no.176088

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sunday Herald

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
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Sunday Herald - 09 June 2002

UK sells chemical weapons to the world
Breaking international law, Britain exports lethal TCPs to Iran, Sudan, Libya and 
Exclusive by Neil Mackay

BRITAIN is supplying chemical warfare technology to 26 countries including Libya, 
Israel and Iran -- which was labelled part of the 'axis of evil' by the United States.

A Sunday Herald investigation has revealed that the UK is allowing the export of the 
chemicals, which are illegal under international law and controlled under the chemical
weapons convention because they can be used in weapons of mass destruction.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), which authorised the sales, has admitted 
it does not know whether the exports will be used to create chemical weapons once they
are exported, or not.

Among the countries to which Britain is exporting 'toxic chemical precursors' (TCPs) is
Sudan. The US bombed a factory in the Sudanese capital Khartoum in 1998 with the full
support of the Blair government for allegedly producing the deadly VX nerve agent.

The UK is also exporting chemical weapons technology to countries that are not 
to the chemical weapons convention and therefore do not recognise the international ban
on chemical warfare.

Sudan and Jordan, which the UK also exports to, have signed the convention but not 
it, making the treaty virtually meaningless there. The other nations Britain exports 
TCPs to
are: Cyprus, India, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand,
Turkey, Uganda and Yemen.

TCPs are known as 'dual-use chemicals' as they can be used for harmless activities like
farming or adapted or turned into chemical weapons. The DTI admitted the sales were on-
going, but said the weapons were sold 'in the belief' that they would be used 
'benignly' in
agriculture or as detergents.

The DTI said it relied on assurances from foreign governments in the form of 'end user
undertakings' that they would not use British TCPs to make chemical weapons. A
spokesman agreed that this was in effect nothing more than a promise that could be

'We aim to minimise risk,' the spokesman said, 'but obviously it is very difficult to 
say what
happens to these things once they get to their final destinations. It is impossible to 
down 100%. It is impossible to know what happens to them in the stages that come after
they leave Britain.

Labour MP Ann Clwyd, who sits on international development, human rights and arms
export committees, is to raise the Sunday Herald investigation with the Prime Minister 
in the

She wants the Arms Export Bill, which is currently going through parliament, to be 
to give MPs the right to scrutinise and approve all weapons exports before they leave 
UK. The government has so far refused to give MPs these powers.

She said claims by the DTI that it monitored chemical sales were 'a myth' and 'did not 
up to scrutiny'. Clwyd added: 'We have no idea what happens with these chemicals when
they get to their final destination. If we are going to sell these things we have to 
be 100%
sure what happens to them when they are sold. If we can't be sure, we shouldn't sell

Clwyd accused the government of having a 'skewed morality', adding that the suspicion 
hung over the Blair government that it was 'aiding and abetting dodgy regimes in the
development of weapons of mass destruction'.

Professor Julian Perry Robinson, a chemist at the Science and Technology Research Unit 
Sussex University, said TCPs were the main constituent of chemical weapons. Robinson,
who worked on the drafting of the chemical weapons con vention and is a member of its 
National Authority Advisory Committee said reve lations about trade in TCPs were of 
public concern. He explained how one TCP, dimethyl methylphosphonate, could easily be
turned into lethal sarin nerve gas -- the same agent used by the Aum Shinrikyo cult to 
12 people on the Tokyo subway system in 1995.

Robinson said it was easy for countries buying chemicals from the UK to lie about 
their end
use, and backed calls for parliamentary scrutiny of export licences, saying: 'It is 
to say whether the current safeguards work.'

Richard Bingley, of the group Campaign Against the Arms Trade, warned that Britain was
selling chemical weapons technology to regimes that could one day turn the capabilities
Britain is giving to them back against it and its allies.

l The revelations of Britain's trade in chemical warfare follow an anti-arms trade demo
nstration outside 10 Downing Street yesterday. Prot esters were calling for a ban on
weapons sales from the UK to India and Pakistan as the two nations teeter on the brink 

Britain's Chemical Bazaar

Should the government step in to stop British fi

[CTRL] U.S. News: The president talks

2002-12-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


"" As Bush knows all too well, ordering Americans into combat is a burden that only the
commander in chief can fully understand–and it is a decision he may face in Iraq all 
soon. ""

Plain speaking
The president talks with U.S. News about plans for the new year, racism–and the 
of war


As President Bush wraps up his second year in the White House, he finds
himself juggling an armful of new crises and old problems. In recent weeks, he fired 
two chief economic advisers and replaced them with a supposedly more telegenic and
persuasive team led by Treasury Secretary- designate John Snow. He ordered the
construction of a rudimentary and controversial antimissile system to be based in 
and California. He tried to balance his calls for "compassionate conservatism" with 
support for the besieged Mississippi conservative Trent Lott, who finally withdrew 
from his
post as Senate Republican leader five days before Christmas. Most important, the 
took another step toward war by citing omissions and deceptions in Saddam Hussein's new
United Nations- required report on the status of Iraq's weapons programs.

Yet, in a revealing year-end interview with U.S. News, Bush was optimistic about the 
even as he acknowledged the daunting tasks ahead. He showed none of the cowboy
swagger and Lone Ranger impulses for which he has been caricatured. "I hope the
American people trust me," Bush said, sitting in front of an Oval Office fireplace 
with pine cones, apples, and holiday greenery. "I hope they trust me when it comes to
fighting this war on terror, and I hope they trust me when it comes to leading toward a
more compassionate tomorrow, because I'm a compassionate person. The only thing I
know to do is to speak my mind, show my heart as best I can, and to lead."

What came across most vividly was his desire not to settle for small victories in 2003 
but to
think big. In a separate interview, White House counselor Karl Rove told U.S. News: 
got to stick with trying to achieve what you set out to do in the first place. But 
leadership is
creating political capital and then expending it on behalf of big things, new big 
things that
are in keeping with your philosophical approach. Once you pass a big idea that's part 
your platform–tax cut, education reform, trade promotion authority, and so forth– you 
to go back and refresh the agenda and keep expanding it."

No bigotry. Lott's withdrawal as Senate leader gives the president the opportunity to 
his campaign to prove he is a different kind of Republican, without the complication of
working with a man tainted as a sometime defender of segregation. In the interview, 
was eager, for the first time, to detail his views on America's continuing racial 
divide. But
just 48 hours before Lott stepped down, Bush said Lott "shouldn't leave his position." 
president did not want to give Lott the final public shove, even while his allies were 
behind the scenes to force Lott out. "My attitude about race is that we ought to 
bigotry, all forms of bigotry," Bush said, "and I believe the American–I know the 
people are good, honorable, decent people. And occasionally the bigot has his day. I 
think Trent Lott is a bigot. I find him to be a, you know, he's a friend. . . . My job 
is to
continue to work for an America that welcomes all and that is nondiscriminatory, and I 
do that."

The controversy over whether Lott was fit to lead Senate Republicans ensures that Bush
will feel compelled to address the racial issue in his State of the Union speech in 
January. U.S. News has learned that White House aides were drafting what they called a
"healing speech" for the mid- January Africa trip that Bush canceled the day Lott 

A visibly tired Bush–who was nursing a cold–volunteered that he was shaking hands with
1,500 people a night at the seemingly endless series of White House holiday parties. He
emphasized that he didn't really mind the chore, but aides said he was looking forward 
to a
brief vacation at his ranch in Texas.

Weighing war. When he returns from that getaway, he may face the most critical decision
of his presidency: whether to go to war against Iraq. It is clear that this 
possibility is never
far from Bush's mind. He argued that his foreign policy "has got to be bold, but it's 
also got
to be understanding in that the nature of the new wars we face, in the nature of the
problems we face, understanding the sense that we've got to work with others to achieve
common objectives, and we're doing that."

"The biggest issues facing us in '03 will be continuing the war on terror," Bush said. 
"The al
Qaeda is in 40, 50, 60 countries; they're scattered around. We will have to continue to
pursue them, which means that we must continue to work hard to keep this

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

Note from Euphorian:

A taste of the "Romantic" "Commando"

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

War is the only option
A former winner of the Nobel peace prize says we must stop Saddam's killing machine

Observer special: Iraq
Elie Wiesel
Saturday December 21 2002
The Guardian

Since the unanimous resolution of the UN Security Council, the world has lived in 
anguish, anticipating an event that would profoundly affect the course of affairs in 
the Middle East.

Will a war on Iraq, which Washington and London have advocated from the beginning, 
finally take place? And if it does, will it be justified? If UN arms inspectors come 
home with nothing to report, can we trust that Saddam Hussein has truly granted them 
the freedom to do their jobs? Or is Saddam a liar, concealing chemical, biological or 
nuclear weapons capable of devastating entire regions?

These are crucial questions, as troubling as they are complex. Impossible to resolve, 
but also impossible to circumvent.

Saddam almost certainly harbours deadly arsenals. Ideally, the international 
inspectors would uncover and then destroy the weapons that are putting many other 
countries in danger, not only Israel. But what if Iraqi hiding places turn out to be 
too deep, too well   concealed? The weapons may be buried in hospital basements and 
cemeteries, and plants may be operating in presidential palaces. Do the inspectors 
have adequate tools to discover them?

Few intelligence specialists doubt that Saddam would be ready to use weapons of mass 
destruction. His mentality, his temperament and his past are well known: Killing a 
great number of human beings would not concern him. He proved that at the end of the 
1980s, when he ordered the slaughter by gas of thousands of his own citizens.

In truth, that was the time for the leaders of civilised nations to raise their voices 
and condemn Saddam in the name of the world's conscience, plainly and clearly, for 
crimes against humanity. But for purely political reasons, they did not: At the time, 
Saddam was the enemy of Iran, which was the enemy of the United States and its allies. 
So he was handled carefully - while his regime grew ever stronger.

Will Saddam hesitate before using the same murderous tactics he has already proved 
himself capable of? Will he fear international reaction? It is possible. But it is 
also possible that he will be shrewd enough to exploit the stand-off between the US 
and the UN. Then time will be on his side. And when all is said and done, he will be 
the one to decide when, against whom and where to launch his missiles bearing poison 
and death.

This is the worst scenario of all.   Because numerous lives are at stake. The lives of 
Israelis, Americans and, of course, Iraqis. Tens of thousands. Therefore one thing is 
obvious: we must do everything possible to prevent Saddam from using his weapons.

Does this mean war? Not necessarily. Since our intelligence services, which seem to be 
well informed, know where the plants in question are located (at least, I hope so), I 
am naïve enough to believe that a kind of James Bond operation would be best.

I imagine American, British and Israeli commandos, the best trained in the world, 
would one night parachute into Iraq. They would destroy all the missile bases and 
centres for weapons production and set out again at dawn, if possible, without killing 
a single Iraqi.

Am I too romantic? Why wouldn't I   be? After all, I am also a novelist. Only I must 
admit that the military professionals to whom I proposed my plan did not find it very 
realistic. And the fact that I know nothing about war strategies did not strengthen my 

So where are we going? If all the roads to peaceful resolution are closed and 
therefore any attempts at negotiation are doomed to failure, and if Saddam sends the 
inspectors back empty-handed, vanquished and ridiculed, will only war bring the 
desired solution?

I find war repugnant. All wars. I know war's monstrous aspects: blood and corpses 
everywhere, hungry refugees, devastated cities, orphans in tears and houses in ruins. 
I find no beauty in it. But it is with a heavy heart I ask this: what is to be done? 
Do we have the right not to intervene, when we know what passivity and appeasement 
will make possible?

Is President Bush's policy of intervention the best response to an imperative need? 
Yes, it is said, and I am reluctant to say anything else. Bush's goal is to prevent 
the deadliest biological or nuclear conflict in modern history.

If the US, supported by the UN Security Council, is forced to intervene, it will save 
victims who are already targeted, already menaced. And it will win. The US owes it to 
us, and owes it to future generations. As the great French writer And

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

Britain has 'no first-class university left now'
Kamal Ahmed, political editor
Saturday December 21 2002
The Guardian

The academic standards of Britain's leading universities were facing fresh scrutiny 
last night after Shirley Williams, the former Education Secretary, said there were no 
'internationally first-rate universities' left in the country.

Baroness Williams, who leads the Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Lords, said 
that gross under-funding had seriously affected the quality of research and teaching 
in the UK.

'At the bottom end there is a tail of colleges and universities that are not even 
second-rate,' she said in an interview with Prospect magazine. 'And at the top end I 
doubt whether there are any internationally first-rate universities left in Britain.'

Her comments brought condemnation from universities. Cambridge said that Williams's 
claims were 'ridiculous', while the head of Universities UK, which represents all 
universities across the country, described them as 'disappointing'.

The row will rekindle the debate on the rapid expansion of university education, which 
critics say has left too many students attempting second-rate courses that don't suit 
them academically.

Charles Clarke, the current Education Secretary, has suggested that the target to get 
50 per cent of all children into higher education is no longer a leading priority.

Williams, who was Education Secretary in the Seventies, said students would have to 
pay more towards their university education if the present funding crisis was to be 
solved. Some form of graduate tax, where students paid back their tuition fees once 
they had graduated, was the best way forward.

'How do we deal with the under-funding problem?' she said. 'We have to face the fact 
that the flow of payments from graduates will take 15 years or so to grow into a 
significant income stream. To cover that gap you need government funding.'

Williams said that upfront tuition fees were divisive and would deter students from 
poorer backgrounds.

Next month the Government will publish its long-awaited plans for funding higher 

Early indications that Downing Street favoured top-up fees, where students pay for 
courses before they start them, were quashed after a threatened revolt by Labour MPs.

The Government is now moving towards a form of deferred payment which would come into 
effect once students were earning over a certain sum.

'Obviously there is a very, very serious funding problem for universities in this 
country,' said Dr David Secher, Director of Research Services at the University of 
Cambridge. 'But to suggest that there are no internationally first-rate universities 
left in Britain is frankly ridiculous.'

Diana Warwick, chief executive of Universities UK, said: 'Though correctly identifying 
the enormous funding challenge universities are facing, it is disappointing that 
Baroness Williams sells them short.'

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Merry xmas from rep party-your doc wont see u now

2002-12-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Now the Republicans also want to reform Social Security. That means cutting
benefits while sending the new 'recipients' to fend for themselves in the
stock market while stealing their benefits to be 'converted' into general tax

Sounds like a Bushie idea to me.

Like the way JFK replaced silver money with cheap metal clad crap. The he got
us into the Vietnam War bigtime and yet he was a 'social reformer' with
socialist welfare program and other governmnet ripoffs. Now GW Bush has duped
conservatives like Nixon and then Regan.

I think it is time for a big change. (If Planet X hits or changes humanities
viewpoints, then all bet's are off, Jebby Boy...)  --SW

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To: Ameri-Advocate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:   ellis smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:IUFO: Merry xmas ffrom rep party-your doc wont see u now
Date sent:  Sat, 21 Dec 2002 23:49:01 -0800 (PST)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Medicare to Cut Payments to Doctors 4.4%

WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 — The Bush administration announced today that Medicare
payments to doctors would be cut 4.4 percent next year, after a 5.4 percent
cut this year. Federal officials predicted that doctors would, as a result,
be less willing to accept new Medicare patients.

If the cuts are not reversed, Congress and the administration will face the
wrath of two politically potent constituencies, elderly voters and doctors
who care for the elderly. But administration officials are desperately trying
to control federal health costs, which they see as a major factor that
contributes to federal budget deficits.

Doctors, outraged at the cuts, faulted both Congress and the administration
for failing to avert the cuts, which start on March 1.

Dr. Mark H. Krotowski, a family doctor in a working-class neighborhood of
Brooklyn, said: "The new cuts will force more physicians to turn away
Medicare patients. That's the reality. Doctors will not have any incentive to
accept new Medicare patients. While Medicare reimbursements are going down,
our expenses are rising 5 percent to 10 percent a year."

The Department of Health and Human Services said the cuts might "cause fewer
physicians to accept new Medicare patients" and could prompt doctors to
increase their charges to some of the 40 million Medicare beneficiaries.

Dr. José V. Angel, president of the Iowa Medical Society, said, "Elderly and
disabled patients will have to wait longer and travel farther to see

Doctors said the existing payment rates were already too low to cover the
costs of caring for the elderly.

"Physicians cannot afford to treat Medicare patients" under the new rates,
said Dr. James C. Martin, president of the American Academy of Family

Thomas A. Scully, administrator of the federal Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, said he was making the cuts reluctantly.

"The reduction in physician fee schedule rates results from a formula
specified in the Medicare law, and we believe that formula is flawed and must
be fixed," Mr. Scully said. "Although Congress considered several options for
fixing the fee schedule formula for 2003, and the House actually passed a
bill to address these issues, no final action was taken before Congress

The administration announced the cuts in issuing the Medicare doctors' fee
schedule for 2003. It specifies the amounts paid to doctors for more than
7,000 services and procedures from routine office visits to complex surgical

Next year, Medicare is widely expected to pay $45 billion to more than
750,000 doctors and other practitioners.

Mr. Scully said that if the formula accurately reflected doctors' costs, they
would receive a 1.6 percent increase next year, rather than a 4.4 percent
cut. Congress should "fix the formula," he said.

But that was not always the position of the administration. In his budget
request in February, President Bush assumed that Medicare payments to doctors
would be reduced next year and did not offer any proposal to stop the cuts.

Then in March, the administration told Congress that any infusion of new
money into Medicare should be used for prescription drug benefits, "not for
increasing payments to fee-for-service Medicare providers."

In the last few months, scores of lawmakers have called for an increase in
Medicare payments to doctors. But some members of both parties insisted that
if doctors received an increase, then Congress should also raise Medicare
payments to hospitals, nursing homes and health maintenance organizations,
and such changes would have greatly increased the cost of any legislation.

John C. Rother, policy director of AARP, said the cuts in Medicare payments
to doctors were "an unintended consequence" of the payment formula.

"Congress should correct it as soon as possible," Mr. Rother said. "We are
getting complaints that it's becoming diffic

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-22 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

Blair fury over terror warnings to the public
Security breach hits Foreign Office
Kamal Ahmed, Antony Barnett and Martin Bright
Saturday December 21 2002
The Guardian

Tony Blair has intervened to prevent the Government's war on terror policy descending 
into chaos after senior officials admitted that the public was being unnecessarily 
scared about the level of threat to Britain.

He made his move as fresh evidence revealed that Foreign Office computer systems used 
to disseminate intelligence material, have suffered a series of security breaches. 
Officials had to suspend the system for three days late last year because they were so 
concerned that it was leaking information.

As Ministers warned Downing Street and Cabinet Office officials that they were in 
danger of 'scaring the public witless' with a string of terror alerts,  The Observer 
can reveal that Alastair Campbell, the Prime Minister's Director of Communications, 
gave civil servants a dressing down over security briefings that were not cleared with 
Number 10.

The briefings led to a series of headlines suggesting that Britain was on the brink of 
a terrorist attack. Officials also said that 'sooner or later' a terrorist would get 
through and that it was time to build up a system of 'national resilience', where 
people learned to live with the terrorist threat.

One Cabinet Minister said there was a degree of 'macho posturing' over the threat of 
the terrorist attacks. 'The problem is that a lot of this is leaving the public 
concerned about what actually is going on,' the Minister said. 'If you don't have 
something concrete to say, then don't say anything.'

Blair was left 'angry and irritated', according to one source, after he felt he was 
answering questions during Prime Minister's Questions last week without a full 
knowledge of two briefings given by the Cabinet Office, in charge of British security 
issues, and the Foreign Office, on Iraq, an hour before he arrived at the House of 

At the following morning   meeting of Government staff, Campbell said that there 'was 
no point in having a strategy' for telling the public the latest details of the 
terrorist threat if departments started operating unilaterally.

Last night the Foreign Office said that it was investigating new evidence obtained by  
The Observer that highly sophisticated computer systems used to convey sensitive 
intelligence material did not work properly. A spokesman insisted: 'Our systems for 
handling classified information are among the most secure of any used by diplomatic 
services worldwide. We take any breach of security very seriously.'

A whistleblower contacted  The Observer with the evidence a few weeks after 
confidential Foreign Office documents appeared on a website which showed that a year 
before 11 September the sys tems were experiencing serious problems.

The whistleblowersaid he had decided to speak out because he was worried about the 
possibility of a threat to national security.

Last month the Foreign Office was criticised for failing to warn tourists about the 
danger of travelling to Indonesia in the run-up to the Bali bomb atrocity. Almost 200 
people, including 26 Britons, died in the massacre on the holiday island in October.

Menzies Campbell, the Liberal   Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, has studied the 
concerns raised by the whistleblower.

He is writing to Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, demanding to know whether these 
computer problems were responsible for the lack of clear travel advice in relation to 
both the bombings in Bali and in Mombasa, Kenya.

The Whitehall source claims that at the end of last year the system was shut down for 
three days after a blunder allowed hundreds of pieces of top secret material to go 

Some documents included highly clas sified information on codewords used by MI6. The 
source claims there is such a lack of trust in the system, called Aramis, that 
intelligence officers downgrade the security status of classified documents so they 
can read them on their PCs. This means that top secret material is being used on 
systems that are easy prey for hackers.

The source said: 'When MI6 wants to pass on grade A intelligence material it can do so 
quickly and efficiently. Once that information has arrived at the Foreign Office, 
however, it is anyone's guess where it goes from there.'

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically