[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

Spies hide as Bank faces BCCI charges
Victims of the biggest banking fraud ever are putting UK regulators in the dock - and 
demanding security service documents.  Conal Walsh reports
Conal Walsh
Saturday January 18 2003
The Guardian

A mega-scandal much older than Enron or WorldCom is about to shake the British 
financial establishment. More than a decade after the spectacular collapse of the Bank 
of Credit and Commerce International, its creditors are finally to put the Bank of 
England in the dock.

The stakes could not be higher for the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. It was the 
financial regulator in 1991 when the BCCI crashed with £7 billion of undeclared 
debts, and has long been accused of turning a blind eye to fraud at the Middle Eastern 

Now it faces a giant lawsuit brought in London by BCCI's victims, who claim it is 
guilty of negligence amounting to 'misfeasance', or wilful misconduct. The Bank has 
fiercely denied the charge, and made every effort to get the legal action thrown out.

And no wonder. BCCI's creditors are claiming up to £1bn in damages. They are also 
breaking new ground by challenging the Bank's statutory immunity against being sued.

The Government's worries do not stop there. It will have to answer potentially 
embarrassing questions over what Ministers, civil servants and the regulator knew 
about BCCI before it crashed. The Bank's most senior officials, past and present, are 
expected to go into the witness box, and the High Court will also consider evidence 
from John Major, the former Prime Minister, as well as former Chancellors Norman 
Lamont, Nigel Lawson and Denis Healey.

Then there is the small matter of the role played by Britain's intelligence services, 
whose relationship with BCCI has long been questioned. Did MI6 use accounts at the 
secretive bank to pay sources and operatives around the world? Did BCCI channel 
Western funds to Mujahideen fighters in the Eighties - or even, as some conspiracy 
theorists have surmised, to Osama bin Laden?

All this may - or may not - come out when the trial begins in October. For now, 
though, both sides are engaged in pre-trial legal tussles over secret service 

The creditors are led by accountant Deloitte & Touche, BCCI's liquidator. They 
range from East End market traders to local councils to the state of Abu Dhabi, which 
had become BCCI's principal shareholder by 1991, and is thought to have lost £2bn.

BCCI remains the world's biggest-ever banking fraud, and the colour and complexity of 
the scam is awesome.

Press attention at the time tended to focus on such unsavoury customers as Panama's 
military leader Manuel Noriega, as well as the gilt-edged lifestyles of the bank's 
executives, many of whom remain fugitives from justice today. BCCI laundered drugs 
money, bribes and dictators' loot. But this reflected only part of an endemic culture 
of fraud, which would consume more than 90 per cent of the bank's assets.

BCCI was founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a charismatic banker and mystic from 
Pakistan. It grew rapidly, and would eventually boast offices in 70 countries and 
14,000 employees. But from the start, it had a taste for opaque finances. It was 
incorporated in two tax havens, Luxembourg and Grand Cayman, and used two sets of 
auditors, allowing it to avoid publishing meaningful consolidated accounts.

Abedi's bank was beloved of Asian and Middle Eastern expatriates, and he cherished a 
vision of the BCCI as a force for unity in the developing world. But by the late 
Seventies, its biggest borrower, the Gulf shipping group owned by Abbas Gokal, was 
heading for bankruptcy. Concerned that regulators would shut down BCCI if its 
exposures were revealed, Abedi and other executives falsified the books. BCCI secretly 
poured money into Gulf, just to make it look like a going concern capable of servicing 
its debts.

This deception lasted for 15 years, involved 750 false accounts and an estimated total 
turnover of $15bn. BCCI also created fictitious transactions to mask other 
non-performing loans, as well as hundreds of millions of pounds' worth of losses at 
its London-based treasury department. Reckless expansion into the United States and 
Europe dented profitability further. By the time it went down, BCCI was routinely 
plundering customer deposits to maintain an appearance of solvency.

It had been granted a licence to trade in the UK by the Bank of England in 1980, and 
opened dozens of outlets here, its largest branch network in any single country. 
BCCI's collapse provoked fury in the UK, as tens of thousands of depositors were left 
out of pocket.

Several protagonists, including Gulf's Gokal, were put behind bars by the Serious 
Fraud Office, and the 

[CTRL] The Peace of the Wilderness: A Balkan Blues Riff

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



UNMIK's Potemkin Villages*
Commentary on the editorial by Simon Haselock, head of UNMIK’s
information service
by Fr. Sava Janjic
January 21, 2003

Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appelant.

("They make a wilderness and call it peace," Tacitus: The Life of Gnaeus
Julius Agricola, Chapter 30)

In his editorial, published on January 10, 2003 in the Belgrade daily Blic,
Simon Haselock, the director of UNMIK’s public information service,
openly criticized the view of His Eminence Bishop Artemije of Raska and
Prizren that "little has changed" in Kosovo and openly accused the
representatives of the Kosovo Serbs of unconstructive behavior.

In his commentary, unfortunately, Mr. Haselock failed to present a single
convincing argument proving Bishop Artemije wrong. What is more, the
UNMIK information chief’s words only serve to confirm that his
comprehension of reality regrettably rests on highly subjective reports
and analyses, not on direct contact with flesh-and-blood
representatives of the Serb people whose everyday suffering and
problems are well known to Bishop Artemije as well as many well
minded internationals.


Truly, in Kosovo and Metohija much has changed for the better in the
last three years but only for Albanian community. Under UNMIK’s rule,
however, changes are only slightly or not at all reflected in Serb areas
where the 100,000 remaining Serbs are hard pressed to see any
essential improvements since the end of the war. While it is true that
many hospitals have been restored, Serbs cannot seek treatment in
them; numerous roads have been paved but Serbs lack the freedom to
travel on them; tens of thousands of houses have been renovated but
only about one hundred of them are owned by Serbs. After the war, all
mosques were repaired and many new ones built while over one
hundred Serbian churches still lie in ruins and not one has been
reconstructed; there are many new supermarkets, gas stations and
restaurants but what use are they to Serbs when only Albanians and
foreigners can safely enter them. In short, based on his first-hand
experience, the average Serb feels that UNMIK has come to help only
one community while Serbs appear fated to live as second-class citizens
on the margins of society. Are these indeed the "sterile debates" to
which Mr. Haselock refers or are they the reality, which he cannot or
does not wish to see?

Nevertheless, the greatest failure of UNMIK is that in three years it has
not managed to stop the negative development of creating an ethnically
pure and divided society where citizens are divided into the privileged
and those who lack basic human rights. This atavistic system is being
perpetrated largely due to the fact that UNMIK is simply not ready to
implement the basic provisions of Resolution 1244. The overwhelming
majority of Kosovo Serbs still lack civil freedoms and rights, as well as
free access to public institutions in urban centers: hospitals, schools and
cultural institutions. The cities and towns of Kosovo and Metohija, except
in the north of the Province, have been left almost entirely without their
Serb population. In Pristina today there are only about 250 Serbs
remaining; an equal number are in Gnjilane; in Orahovac, there are
about 450; in Prizren, 65; in Djakovica, 5; in Pec there are none, with
the exception of some 20 elderly nuns in the Pec Patriarchate. Towns
such as Urosevac, Srbica, Glogovac and Klina have already become
ethnically pure Albanian settlements. All assessments suggest that these
small Serb communities in urban centers will quickly be extinguished
unless the provisions of Resolution 1244 are implemented.

Kosovo institutions and settlements are decorated with flags of the
Republic of Albania and posters of Adem Jashari; monuments to new
heroes from "the war of national liberation" are springing up everywhere,
along with kitschy statues of Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright. At the
same time, Serb cemeteries are being transformed into public garbage
dumps and the ruins of destroyed churches are overgrown with weeds.
Everywhere signs in the Serb language have been obliterated, and towns
are being given new fangled names which have never existed before in
history. History itself is being falsified with the goal of creating a new
artificial identity in order to destroy centuries of history and cultural
development. So exactly what kind of multiethnicity and free society are
we talking about here, Mr. Haselock?


Of course, from UNMIK’s comfortable and well-protected headquarters
one cannot see the Serb ghetto in Pristina’s "YU Program" building nor
the forgotten Serb villages near Obilic where every day brings
uncertainty and Serb children live in daily fear. From his virtual reality as
a well-paid international bureaucrat, Simon Haselock does not (want to)
see the hospitals, schoo

[CTRL] Headline - Capital on alert as more fires loom

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Euphorian wants you to know about a story on www.smh.com.au

Personal Message:

Capital on alert as more fires loom

January 21 2003

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/01/21/1042911366265.html

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Weekly column: Sen. Joseph Lieberman, spammer-in-chief?

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: FC: Weekly column: Sen. Joseph Lieberman, spammer-in-
Date: 1/20/2003 8:06:11 PM


   Perspective: Hail to the...spammer-in-chief?
   By Declan McCullagh
   January 20, 2003, 4:00 AM PT

   WASHINGTON--Sen. Joseph Lieberman hopes to become the first
   president from Connecticut, the first Jewish president, and the first
   senator to win the White House since John F. Kennedy.

   Good for him. Our problem is that Lieberman also is itching to be our

   It's no joke. Within hours of announcing his plans to seek the
   Democratic nomination for the job last week, Lieberman started
   spamming around a message titled: "Beginning an Amazing Journey."
   said: "I have the strength, vision, and values to lead our nation to
   higher ground."

   To broadcast this momentous news, Lieberman used an outfit called
   Roving Software of Waltham, Mass., which sells a bulk-mail service
   called ConstantContact. Bulk mailers pay from $10 to about $2,000 a
   month for the service. Roving claims to occupy a market niche
   reminiscent of the dot-com boom, describing itself as a "pre-IPO,
   venture-backed" start-up boasting revenue growth of "more than 40
   percent per quarter in 2002."

   There's a lot of bulk e-mail, which Roving says is not spam but
   "permission-based marketing." Roving does require ConstantContact
   users to let e-mail recipients "remove themselves from your mailing
   list," but its terms of service agreement does not require that
   addresses on the list be confirmed "opt-in" in the first place. In
   other words: Roving may heed your removal request, but its
   customers don't need your permission to clog your in-box in the first

[ remainder snipped, viewable at http://news.com.com/2010-1071-
981258.html ]

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 End of forwarded message 

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Can we stop Sen. Joseph Lieberman from spamming?

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: FC: Can we stop Sen. Joseph Lieberman from spamming?
Date: 1/20/2003 8:45:12 PM

My column on Sen. Lieberman's email campaign techniques:


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:44:06 -0800
From: Doug Isenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: Weekly column: Sen. Joseph Lieberman, spammer-in-
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


 You and your Politech readers may be interested in this analysis
from the Duke Law & Technology Review: "Political E-mail: Protected
or Unwelcome Spam?,"
http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dltr/articles/2003dltr0001.html .  I
alerted just last week to the article by an editor at the review who noted
that my GigaLaw.com column on the same topic is cited in it ("Political
Spam: A Worthy Campaign Tactic?,"
http://www.gigalaw.com/articles/2002/isenberg-2002-07.html )

Doug Isenberg
Attorney at Law
Editor & Publisher, GigaLaw.com (http://www.GigaLaw.com)
Author, "The GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law" (Random House)

POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2003-01-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 A little "blowback" for entering into "entangling alliances" ... you don't always get 
the upper hand ...

 To view the entire article, go to 

 France Vows to Block  Iraq War Resolution

 By Glenn Kessler  and Colum Lynch
 UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 20 -- France suggested today it would wage a major diplomatic 
fight, including possible use of its veto power, to prevent the U.N. Security Council 
from passing a resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.

  France's opposition to a war, emphatically delivered here by Foreign Minister 
Dominique de Villepin, is a major blow for the Bush administration, which has begun 
pouring tens of thousands of troops into the Persian Gulf in preparation for a 
military conflict this spring. The administration had hoped to mark the final phase in 
its confrontation with Iraq when U.N. weapons inspectors deliver a progress report 

  But in a diplomatic version of ambush, France and other countries used a high-level 
Security Council meeting on terrorism to lay down their markers for the debate that 
will commence next week on the inspectors' report. Russia and China, which have veto 
power, and Germany, which will chair the Security Council in February, also signaled 
today they were willing to let the inspections continue for months.

  Only Britain appeared to openly support the U.S. position that Iraqi President 
Saddam Hussein has thwarted effective inspections.

  "If war is the only way to resolve this problem, we are going down a dead end," de 
Villepin told reporters. "Already we know for a fact that Iraq's weapons of mass 
destruction programs are being largely blocked, even frozen. We must do everything 
possible to strengthen this process."

 The United Nations, he said, should stay "on the path of cooperation. The other 
choice is to move forward out of impatience over a situation in Iraq to move towards 
military intervention. We believe that today nothing justifies envisaging military 

 Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, in the face of such comments, departed from his 
prepared text on terrorism and implored his colleagues to remember that the Security 
Council resolution passed unanimously Nov. 8 gave Iraq "a last chance" to meet its 
obligations. "We must not shrink from our duties and our responsibilities when the 
material comes before us next week," Powell said. He used a variation of the phrase 
"must not shrink" three more times as he addressed the council.

  During the weeks of debate on the Iraq resolution, French officials had indicated 
they were open to some sort of military intervention if Iraq did not comply. But now 
the French appear to have set much higher hurdles for support.

  Rising opposition to war, particularly in France, appears to have played a role in 
the hardening positions on the Security Council. Foreign officials are also aware of 
polls in the United States suggesting that support for a war drops dramatically if the 
Bush administration does not have U.N. approval.

 While the United Nations was debating today, U.S. military officials announced that 
the Army is sending a force of about 37,000 soldiers, spearheaded by the Texas-based 
4th Infantry Division, to the Persian Gulf region. It is the largest ground force 
identified among an estimated 125,000 U.S. troops ordered to deploy since Christmas 
Eve, the Associated Press reported.

 At the United Nations, several foreign ministers said a war in Iraq would spawn more 
terrorist acts around the globe and, in the words of Germany's Joschka Fischer, have 
"disastrous consequences for long-term regional stability."

  "Terrorism is far from being crushed," said Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. 
"We must be careful not to take unilateral steps that might threaten the unity of the 
entire [anti-]terrorism coalition. In this context we are strictly in favor of a 
political settlement of the situation revolving around Iraq."

  Powell replied: "We cannot fail to take the action that may be necessary because we 
are afraid of what others might do. We cannot be shocked into impotence because we are 
afraid of the difficult choices that are ahead of us."

  But when the foreign ministers emerged from the council debate and addressed 
reporters, it appeared that Powell's pleas had made little impact. Although  President 
Bush said last week he was "sick and tired of games and deception," Fischer said the 
inspections were a success.

  "Iraq has complied fully with all relevant resolutions and cooperated very closely 
with the U.N. team on the ground," Fischer said. "We think things are moving in the 
right direction, based on the efforts of the inspection team, and [they] should have 
all the time which is needed."

  Chinese Foreign Minister Tan

[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2003-01-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 France Vows to Block  Iraq War Resolution

 By Glenn Kessler  and Colum Lynch
 UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 20 -- France suggested today it would wage a major diplomatic 
fight, including possible use of its veto power, to prevent the U.N. Security Council 
from passing a resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.

  France's opposition to a war, emphatically delivered here by Foreign Minister 
Dominique de Villepin, is a major blow for the Bush administration, which has begun 
pouring tens of thousands of troops into the Persian Gulf in preparation for a 
military conflict this spring. The administration had hoped to mark the final phase in 
its confrontation with Iraq when U.N. weapons inspectors deliver a progress report 

  But in a diplomatic version of ambush, France and other countries used a high-level 
Security Council meeting on terrorism to lay down their markers for the debate that 
will commence next week on the inspectors' report. Russia and China, which have veto 
power, and Germany, which will chair the Security Council in February, also signaled 
today they were willing to let the inspections continue for months.

  Only Britain appeared to openly support the U.S. position that Iraqi President 
Saddam Hussein has thwarted effective inspections.

  "If war is the only way to resolve this problem, we are going down a dead end," de 
Villepin told reporters. "Already we know for a fact that Iraq's weapons of mass 
destruction programs are being largely blocked, even frozen. We must do everything 
possible to strengthen this process."

 The United Nations, he said, should stay "on the path of cooperation. The other 
choice is to move forward out of impatience over a situation in Iraq to move towards 
military intervention. We believe that today nothing justifies envisaging military 

 Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, in the face of such comments, departed from his 
prepared text on terrorism and implored his colleagues to remember that the Security 
Council resolution passed unanimously Nov. 8 gave Iraq "a last chance" to meet its 
obligations. "We must not shrink from our duties and our responsibilities when the 
material comes before us next week," Powell said. He used a variation of the phrase 
"must not shrink" three more times as he addressed the council.

  During the weeks of debate on the Iraq resolution, French officials had indicated 
they were open to some sort of military intervention if Iraq did not comply. But now 
the French appear to have set much higher hurdles for support.

  Rising opposition to war, particularly in France, appears to have played a role in 
the hardening positions on the Security Council. Foreign officials are also aware of 
polls in the United States suggesting that support for a war drops dramatically if the 
Bush administration does not have U.N. approval.

 While the United Nations was debating today, U.S. military officials announced that 
the Army is sending a force of about 37,000 soldiers, spearheaded by the Texas-based 
4th Infantry Division, to the Persian Gulf region. It is the largest ground force 
identified among an estimated 125,000 U.S. troops ordered to deploy since Christmas 
Eve, the Associated Press reported.

 At the United Nations, several foreign ministers said a war in Iraq would spawn more 
terrorist acts around the globe and, in the words of Germany's Joschka Fischer, have 
"disastrous consequences for long-term regional stability."

  "Terrorism is far from being crushed," said Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. 
"We must be careful not to take unilateral steps that might threaten the unity of the 
entire [anti-]terrorism coalition. In this context we are strictly in favor of a 
political settlement of the situation revolving around Iraq."

  Powell replied: "We cannot fail to take the action that may be necessary because we 
are afraid of what others might do. We cannot be shocked into impotence because we are 
afraid of the difficult choices that are ahead of us."

  But when the foreign ministers emerged from the council debate and addressed 
reporters, it appeared that Powell's pleas had made little impact. Although  President 
Bush said last week he was "sick and tired of games and deception," Fischer said the 
inspections were a success.

  "Iraq has complied fully with all relevant resolutions and cooperated very closely 
with the U.N. team on the ground," Fischer said. "We think things are moving in the 
right direction, based on the efforts of the inspection team, and [they] should have 
all the time which is needed."

  Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said Monday's report should be regarded as a 
"new beginning" rather than an end to inspections.

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: U.S. Army: Be all that you can be... in new 3D shoot-em-up

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: FC: U.S. Army: Be all that you can be... in new 3D shoot-
Date: 1/21/2003 12:00:53 AM


From: [deleted per request]
To: "Declan@Well. Com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Army's E-game
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:24:11 -0800


America's Army

January 15, 2003
The United States Army, with Americas Army: Operations
being heralded as one of the largest and best first person
shooter games, is proud to bring to the gaming community
the ability to rent their own servers running on state of art
high performance computing technology through
www.goamericasarmy.com. It is
with great
pride that we
bring yet another first from the United States Army in
enhancing the community and their gaming experience.

And the review:


GameZone.com - America's Army Review - PC Game

America's Army
by U.S. Army

Reviewer: Kevin ?BIFF? Giacobbi
Review Date: 10/31/2002

"Probably the best free military game out there"

We have seen some great military FPS games in the last
couple of years from many various developers.  Now the
Government has stepped up to the plate and has hit a
homerun.  AA is probably one of the most realistic army
simulation/FPS on the market.  To top it off?it's free
for the taking!

The game is designed to communicate information
about the many opportunities that the Army has to
offer; it is a 3D first person shooter that offers players
to immerse himself or herself into the world of a US
elite soldier

In Operations players progress through single player
basic training missions in preparation for online
multiplayer missions ranging from defense of the
Alaskan Pipeline against terrorism as a member
of the 172nd Infantry Brigade to training exercises
as a member of the 10th Mountain Division (light
Infantry).  Mirroring the progressive training available
to soldiers, players proceed to more advanced training
by attending a virtual representation of the Army's
Marksmanship School, Airborne School and Ranger
School.  Successful completion of each of these
schools presents players with new assignment
and adventure opportunities.

Team play is emphasized and important once you
enter the online games.  Its not just about killing the
enemy but also completing mission objectives and
watching your team mates backs.  My advice is to
play as a team and do not try and finish the level
solo.  It really is supposed to be a team game,
and there is no "I" in team.

The graphics were quite beautiful.  The maps are
not really big, in fact they are quite small, but
beautiful none the less.  Though your drill instructors
mouths did not move when they were barking at you,
the animations and the environments were top notch.
The sounds were realistic from the ringing in your ears
from close fire to superb voiceovers that usually lack
luster in other titles.  There is not a whole lot of key
commands that you have to memorize, so even the
novice game player should be able to be up and
running in no time.

Overall this seems to be a solid game, and as
the community grows and more missions become
available this should be an outstanding title for
years to come.  The best thing is it's free.
You can download it from 
or from what the press release boasts, you can
pick up CD versions from your local Army recruiter.

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[CTRL] The New "EU"

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


January 21, 2003

France and Germany dream of EU embassies around the world
>From Rory Watson in Brussels

THE European Union would have its own diplomatic corps with
embassies throughout the world under new plans to strengthen its
international image.

The idea is part of the political package France and Germany presented
yesterday to the convention, under the chairmanship of Valéry Giscard
d’Estaing, the former French President, that is drawing up a
constitutional blueprint for the EU.

The bedrock of the service would be European Commission
representations already established in about 130 countries. Under the
Franco-German plan, their remit would be broadened to represent the
whole EU. They would work closely with national diplomats and be
answerable to a European Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The new post would replace the EU’s existing schizophrenic approach to
foreign policy, whereby external relations are handled jointly by Chris
Patten, who is responsible to the Commission, and Javier Solana, who
answers to EU governments. The position is intended to combine the
political authority that Señor Solana enjoys with the financial and
personnel resources under Mr Patten’s control.

Peter Hain, the Government’s representative at the convention, said
yesterday that the idea had merits, provided that the holder took
instructions from member states. “It is important to ensure Europe
speaks with a clear voice on the international stage,” he said. “If George
W. Bush wants to phone Europe, he speaks to the President of the
Council (of Europe). If Colin Powell wants to, then he dials the new
foreign representative.”

Britain also supports the Franco-German idea of EU heads of
government electing a powerful, long-term President, and Mr Hain tried
to reassure small countries that this would not lead to domination by
larger members. Mr Hain suggested that all member states should be
treated equally and have a European Commissioner. He proposed
maintaining the rotating six-month presidency for informal ministerial
meetings, allowing countries to host these on their own soil.

However, yesterday’s meeting revealed the extent of suspicion over the
idea of a new European President. Gijs de Vries, the Dutch Government
representative, said that it would lead to “confusion, acrimony and

“The future European President would be the most powerful politician in
Europe, but would not be elected by the people or accountable to a
democratic body,” he said to loud applause. Equally trenchant criticism
came from the Belgian and Greek representatives. The Franco-German
paper also calls for the election of the Commission President by the
European Parliament, wider legislative and budgetary powers for the
Parliament and a right for national parliaments to intervene if they
believe that the EU has overstepped its powers.
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[CTRL] Uncivil Servants At "Work"

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Saudi citizen victim of American witch hunt
By Barbara Ferguson, Arab News Correspondent
Published on 21 January 2003

WASHINGTON, 21 January 2003 — This story would be a nightmare,
except it’s too complicated for anyone to dream up.

Abdulraouf Batterjee, 29, is a Saudi national who was working full time,
on a legal work visa, and pursuing his master’s degree in chemical
engineering in Phoenix, Arizona. His life was uneventful here, except he
met an American woman, fell in love, and married. The woman,
Christina Wood, converted to Islam and changed her name to Malak. She
has proved worthy of the name that Abdulraouf chose for her.

Abdulraouf and Malak, 26, were just married when their troubles
began. Not between them, but between them and the American legal

Two months after terrorists’ crashed planes into the World Trade
Center, in November 2001, Abdulraouf was terminated from Circuit
Components, Inc., in Phoenix, where he worked as a process engineer.
He made semi-conductors, little microchips that keep computers from
overheating. He was told the company was downsizing employees at the

Soon after, Malak, (who spoke to Arab News from Houston, Texas,
during several lengthy telephone interviews), said they learned the head
of human resources at his former company had called the FBI and said
“she had heard from someone that someone had said Abdulraouf
owned a firearm, and was in illegal possession of it, and had allegedly
made slanderous remarks about Sept. 11.”

It is now, “for the first time,” Malak says, that the FBI enters the picture.
They interviewed him regarding Sept. 11. “It was the typical interview
that they were giving around the time.”

The FBI left, and both Abdulraouf and Malak mistakenly thought this was
the end of their troubles. It would not be the last time they would hope
so. Later that month, Malak said the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms) agents arrived at their home with search warrants, and
searched the apartment. They confiscated the firearm Abdulraouf had
legally purchased on April 17, 2001, and took pictures of “basically
everything,” including multiple magazines, including a copy of a Time
magazine tribute about Sept. 11. They also photographed paper
targets, which he had used for target practice, and which are readily
available from gun shops.

During all of this, he was handcuffed and told, “not to do anything silly”
by the ATF agents, said Malak.

Abdulraouf was taken outside the apartment while the agents conducted
“a security sweep,” to ensure no one else was there, then led him back
in his home, they left him handcuffed for the entirety of the search,
which took about 30 minutes, recalled Malak.

Following the search, agent Tallas, who headed the search, started
questioning Abdulraouf, “who had not been ‘Miranda-ized,’ (advised of
his legal rights) nor informed of his consular rights.”

Malak said this would serve in his favor, as later in federal court, his
testimony was thrown out of court by the judge because the agents had
not told Abdulraouf his rights, which they are required to do by law. “We
actually have a very fair judge for this federal case, Judge Paul
Rosenblatt,” said Malak.

Unsure as to why the agents had targeted him, Abdulraouf was told he
should legally be able to obtain this information. But Malak said they
never could find the reason. He was also told he could petition to have
his property returned to him (the agents had taken his firearm, a
Springfield 45, and bullets).

“He filled out all the paper work correctly, and didn’t hear anything back
from anyone. Life was back to normal, we didn’t think anything more
was going to come of it.”

Unfortunately, their legal nightmare was just beginning. One night,
sometime around May 20, Malak said Abdulraouf went out at about 11
p.m. to return a video. “I was tired, and wanted to go to bed, so I didn’t
go with him,” she said. Driving to the video store, Abdulraouf for was
pulled over for a traffic violation; Malak said she presumed it was for
speeding. “He likes to drive fast.”

The office took his driver’s license, went back to his police car ran a
routine check on him. The response to the officer’s query was that he
was “armed and dangerous.” Abdulraouf was arrested at gunpoint.

“We had no clue there was a warrant out for his arrest,” said Malak. “We
had absolutely no idea. I had had an interview with the INS prior to this,
and we had filed a petition for him to get his Green Card after we were
married, but nothing like this was ever brought up. “Now it turned out he
was deemed a fugitive and there was a huge investigation out on him.”

Malak said he called her about 1 a.m. Despite the late hour, she rushed
to the police station where she said she found “a police officer on duty
who was kind enough to bend the rules a bit and let me see him at that
late hour.

“After that

[CTRL] UN must force a solution on Israelis

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

UN must force a solution on Israelis, says Primakov
By Michel Cousins, Arab News Staff
Published on 21 January 2003

JEDDAH, 21 January 2003 — Russia wants the international community
to impose a settlement of
the Palestinian-Israeli issue. According to former Russian Prime Minister
Yevgeny Primakov, Moscow now believes that with the peace process
stalemated, the quartet — the United Nations, the United States, the
European Union and Russia — should work out a final solution with
moderate Arab states which the UN would then impose on the Israelis
and Palestinians.

Primakov, now president of Russia’s Chamber of Commerce & Industry
but with a close ear to President Vladimir Putin, was speaking on the
final day of the Jeddah Economic Forum.

The solution, he said, should be based on the plan worked out by
Crown Prince Abdullah, deputy premier and commander of the National
Guard: Israel must unconditionally withdraw to its pre-1967 borders; a
Palestinian state must be created; and Arab governments must
recognize Israel.

It was no good waiting for the Israelis and Palestinians to resolve the
issue themselves, the former premier told delegates to the forum. The
world wants a settlement now, in particular, because the conflict feeds
international terrorism.

There was a precedent for such action. Israel, he said, had not been
created through negotiations between Jews and Arabs. It had been
created by the will of the international community which forced Arabs to
accept it. Such action should happen again, he said. Primakov
condemned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s attack earlier in the
week on the quartet and his suggestion that the US and Israel should
alone decide the next step.

This was unacceptable to Russia, to the Arabs, even to the US, which he
said was after 9/11 no longer interested in monopolizing the role of
Mideast mediator.

As to an attack against Iraq, Primakov warned that it could redivide the
world into two blocs, as was the case during the Cold War. Echoing
Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilization theory, he feared this time the
divide would be “on the basis of religion and civilizations” — between
Islamic and non- Islamic states.

It could even break up countries themselves, he warned, such as Russia
with its 20 million Muslims and those states in Europe with growing
Muslim populations. The US, with its Muslim population, itself would not
be immune. He criticized Washington for not listening to Iraq’s Arab
neighbors. While they would be happy to see the end of Saddam
Hussein, they could not support an attack because of the “potentially
revolutionary consequences” might have for them.

Primakov, an Arabic speaker, is regarded in some quarters as
sympathetic to Iraq. He tried unsuccessfully to prevent a war between
Iraq and the Alliance of Western and Arab powers after the invasion of

On oil prices, Primakov warned that despite growing demand, the long
term trend is downward. Quite apart from new sources of energy being
developed, much more oil will be produced, he said, not least from
Russia. There is oil in the north of the country although it is yet to be
developed while in the Caspian Sea zone reserves are comparable to
those of the North Sea, even possibly to those of Saudi Arabia. The
Kingdom, he suggested, needs to invest in other areas to earn an

Copyright © 2003 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] Blueprint for Empire

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

Blueprint for a US colonial regime in Baghdad

By Peter Symonds
21 January 2003

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As US troops pour into the Middle East for an imminent invasion of Iraq,
Washington’s preparations for setting up a colonial-style regime in
Baghdad have reached an equally advanced stage. The plans
themselves are secret, but progress reports have been periodically
leaked to the American media, partly because of sharp feuding within
the Bush administration.

A detailed account appeared in the Washington Post last Friday. While
Bush has yet to give his final approval, “blueprints for Iraq’s future” have
been drawn up which “outline a broad and protracted American role in
managing the reconstruction of the country”. As the article indicated,
behind the façade of a civilian government, Washington is preparing for
a lengthy US military occupation.

“The [Bush] administration’s plans, which are nearing completion,
envision installing a civilian administration within months of a change of
government, US officials said. But the officials said that even under the
best of circumstances, US forces likely would remain at full strength in
Iraq for months after a war ended, with a continued role for thousands
of US troops there for years to come,” the newspaper explained.

Central to the colonial blueprint is firm control over Iraq’s oil, which will
be used to fund the occupation: In turn that requires the suppression of
any attempts at secession by the Shiite majority in the south and the
Kurdish minority in the north, where many of the oil fields lie. US officials
have already assured Turkish authorities, concerned at the prospect of
a Kurdish uprising, that American troops will be stationed in the key
northern cities of Mosul and Kirkuk in the event of war.

The Washington Post commented: “Among key roles for US forces would
be the preservation of Iraq’s borders against any sudden claims by
neighbours and the defence of the country’s oil fields. Oil revenue is
considered the primary source of funds for Iraq’s reconstruction, and
the proceeds of the oil trade are seen as the glue most likely to hold the
country’s communities together.”

One element of the plan—the appointment of an international civilian
administrator, possibly through the aegis of the UN—marks a shift in
recent months. Previously, the US administration had touted the idea
that one of its generals would run the Iraqi state along the lines of the
American post-war occupation of Japan and Germany. But as opposition
to the war has grown in the US and internationally, Washington has felt
the need to try to disguise its intentions.

An article in the New York Times on January 6 reported that official Arab
reaction to plans for an American military administration was
unfavourable: “[T]he Arabs wanted no American Caesar in Iraq, no
symbol of a colonial governor.” Alluding to General MacArthur’s role in
post-war Japan, a senior US official told the newspaper: “The last thing
we need is someone walking around with a corncob pipe, telling Iraqis
how to form a government.”

However the Bush administration, with or without UN assistance,
attempts to dress up its plans, the charade is a thin one. While US
officials self-righteously claim that the aim of the occupation will be to
“democratise Iraq,” the Iraqi people will have absolutely no say in the
running of the country. Any, even nominal, popular vote has been
relegated to the distant future.

Washington intends to leave largely intact the repressive government
apparatus through which Saddam Hussein has exercised his autocratic
rule. The CIA has drawn up a list of top civilian and military officials who
will be hunted down for prosecution. But, according to the New York
Times, a relatively small number of key senior officials will be removed.
Likewise, the only institutions to be eliminated will be those closely
identified with Hussein, such as the so-called revolutionary courts or the
special security organisation.

Much of the debate within the Bush administration has focussed on the
role of the Iraqi exile opposition groups, which have been carefully
nurtured with US money for more than a decade. Rightwing ideologues
such as US Defence Policy Board chairman Richard Perle and Secretary
of Defence Donald Rumsfeld had advocated the establishment of a
“democratic” Iraqi government, along the lines of Afghanistan, with a
loyal American flunkey, such as the Iraqi National Congress (INC)
chairman, Ahmad Chalabi, as nominal head.

The CIA and State Department opposed the proposal on tactical
grounds, pointing out that Chalabi and other INC figures have no
significant support inside Iraq. Some of the ex-generals vying for a role
in a post-Hussein regime are accused of carrying out wartime atrocities.
Moreover, those opposition groups with support inside Iraq—two

[CTRL] Costs of War

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

In the book I am recommending below (and probably have
recommended before ... and will again), I found an interesting quotation
attributed to Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, referred to by Winnie Churchill as
late as 1940 as a "great man":

"Fascism  ... believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual
peace ... War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy
and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage
to meet it ... It may be expected that this will be a century of authority, a
century of the Left, a century of Fascism.  For if the nineteenth century
was a century of individualism (Liberalism always signifying
individualism), it may be expected that his will be the century of
collectivism, and hence the century of the State ... For Fascism, the
growth of the Empire, that is to say, the expansion of the nation, is an
essential manifestation of the vitality, and its opposition is a sign of
decay and death."  ["The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism", in
*Fascism: An Anthology*, Nathaneal Greene, ed]

From, *The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories*, John V, Denson
(ed), 1999, 2001, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-7658-0487-5

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The President's Strange Heroes

2003-01-20 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

This article is pertinent considering today's disgusting display of blasphemous 
brown-nosing by so-called conservative PrResident G.W.Bush, who spent the day 
groveling in the dirt, worshipping and heaping praise and prayers before the Idol of 
the memory of Communist and apostate Martin Luther King, Jr..
Let's get rid of this pathetic holiday and go back to celebrating Washington and 
Jefferson's Birthdays.

The President's Strange Heroes
By Chuck Baldwin

The Covenant News ~ January 25, 2002

President George W. Bush has a propensity to lavish praise upon those who are the 
least deserving of it. This is very unfortunate, because it sends the message that 
people who break the rules and behave badly will still be honored. Furthermore, it 
tells people who try diligently to keep the rules and live honorably that there is no 
reward for doing so.

Just recently, Bush heaped acclaim and accolades upon Martin Luther King, Jr. Bush 
said King "brought much good into the world." He further said, "America is a better 
place because he (King) was here, and we will honor his name forever." Bush then 
announced that the Department of Education would establish the "Martin Luther King Jr. 
Scholars Program to promising students all across America." However, is King deserving 
of the accolades heaped upon him? The answer is "no."

King admitted to numerous adulterous affairs. Like Bill Clinton, King was a prolific 
philanderer. He spent the night before his murder with two women, and then fought with 
a third, knocking her across the bed. Obviously, the "non-violent" preacher did not 
practice what he preached!

Furthermore, a reluctant media was forced to acknowledge that King had plagiarized his 
Ph.D. thesis at Boston University. Can you imagine how the press (or even President 
Bush) would handle that story if the guilty party were anyone else?

As a minister of the Gospel, King was an apostate. Although raised in a fundamentalist 
home, he rejected the training of his youth and came to renounce the fundamental 
tenets of the Christian faith. He rejected Christ's deity, His virgin birth, and His 
physical resurrection. He also rejected the authority and inspiration of the Holy 

It is also true that the F.B.I. has a dossier on King that is a mile long. King's 
coziness with communists and Marxists is undeniable. Martin Luther King, Jr. brought 
havoc and unrest to America as few men have ever done. One look at the plight of black 
families today reveals that his legacy is one of destruction not healing. Bush's 
praise of King is hollow and hypocritical. If Bush really wants to emulate King's 
legacy, heaven help us!

Another strange hero of the president is Senator Ted Kennedy. Bush recently said to 
Kennedy, "Mr. Senator, not only are you a good senator, you're a good man." Bush also 
said, "I've come to admire him (Kennedy)." These statements are so appalling it turns 
the stomach!

To call Kennedy "a good man" borders on blasphemy! Does anyone remember the name Mary 
Jo Kopechne? She was the young campaign worker who Kennedy, after a night of drunken 
revelry, left in the back seat of his Oldsmobile Eighty Eight to slowly drown as the 
car plunged to the bottom of an estuary near Chappaquiddick Island. Any other person 
would have been charged with some form of murder and put in prison. How can President 
Bush say he "admires" such a man? I doubt that the President would feel the same way 
if the girl at the bottom of that body of water had been one of his daughters.

Furthermore, Kennedy's record in the U.S. Senate reveals that he is one of the most 
liberal senators the country has ever had. His record on abortion, gay rights, gun 
control, big government spending, etc. reeks with liberalism and socialism. Again, how 
can Bush say that Kennedy is "all right"? How can he extend presidential praise upon 
such a man?

America has produced many genuine heroes; however, King and Kennedy are not among 
them, and the President is wrong to pretend that they are.

Chuck Baldwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chuck Baldwin Live 

Can you say "G.W. Clinton" boys and girls?

-Happy Birthday, Robert E. Lee!  A REAL American hero.
How come Bush didn't even mention Robert E. Lee?
You know why.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be

[CTRL] Sling your hook

2003-01-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Sling your hook

HATE-FILLED Muslim cleric Abu Hamza is being urged to
quit the country — before Britain kicks him out.

Furious opponents, including Muslims, rounded on the
hook-handed fanatic yesterday after ricin plot suspects
were held at his mosque.
Their calls piled pressure on Home Secretary David
Blunkett, who has already ordered cops to nail the 45-
year-old Egyptian firebrand — wanted in Yemen over an
alleged terrorist bomb plot.

Seven asylum seekers were arrested in the 2am raid on
North London’s Finsbury Park mosque.  One is thought to
be a “major player” in terror group al-Qa’ida.

Police also found a stun gun and a CS gas canister.

Last night it emerged Hamza’s British citizenship could
be revoked under the new Nationality Immigration and
Asylum Act, due to become law this spring.

Hamza, who lost an eye and both hands fighting the
Russians in Afghanistan, became a citizen after wedding
Briton Valerie Fleming in 1984.

But a Home Office spokeswoman said: “The Secretary of
State may deprive a person of citizenship status if
satisfied that person has done anything seriously
prejudicial to the vital interests of the UK.”

However, she stressed any foreigner deprived of British
citizenship must have an alternative state to go to

Hamza accused cops of “Rambo” tactics after 150 swarmed
into the mosque hunting members of a gang producing
killer poison ricin.
But fellow Muslim leader Dr Mohammed Sekkoum led angry
calls for his expulsion.

Dr Sekkoum, leader of the Algerian Refugee Council,
raged: “The police should shut down the mosque and remove
Hamza and his followers from the country.” Iqbal
Sacranie, secretary general of the influential Muslim
Council of Great Britain, said: “It amazes the Muslim
community no action has been taken against a man who’s
made the utterances this man has.

“These fringe elements feed Islamaphobia.” Labour MP
Andrew Dismore, who has monitored Hamza’s activities for
more than three years, said: “It would be no loss if he
was no longer here.  There’s sufficient evidence for him
to be charged with incitement.” Anti-crime crusader
Norman Brennan added: “My message to him is simple — get

Shadow Home Secretary Oliver Letwin said: “Most people
will find it amazing that someone intent on damaging our
country has been able to carry on his malign work for so
long.” Hamza, who lives in a council house in Shepherd’s
Bush, West London, claimed cops raided the mosque where
he preaches in revenge for the killing of Manchester
detective Stephen Oake last week.

He said: “We cannot find a reason for this Rambo-like way
of attacking the mosque.

“It’s disgusting, heavy-handed and unnecessary.  “It was
not a shock.  It serves a multiple purpose.  It serves Mr
Blair and the police.
“It gives the message to the Americans and the Israelis
from the Government that they are not sleeping.” Hamza,
widely criticised for his inflammatory speeches, said the
raid backed up PM Tony Blair’s “war against UK Muslims”.

He added: “The people inside included a cleaner, a chef
and two guards.  It was a provocative act.  You are
trying to make an enemy out of nothing.” The Charity
Commission last week withdrew Hamza’s charity status —
opening the way for the Government to kick him out of the

But he said of any possible expulsion: “I don’t have a
place to go.” Hamza arrived from Egypt as a student in
1981 and boosted his income by working as a bouncer in

He wed Valerie, but divorced several years later and is
now thought to be married to an Arab woman and have
“several” children.

Security chiefs had Hamza under constant surveillance,
ready to pounce if he put a foot wrong.  But they were
hamstrung by Britain’s laws on immigrants.

An immigration service source had said: “This man is a UK
citizen so we can’t just stick him on a plane out.” Hamza
shocked Britain when he defiantly justified the attacks
in New York and Washington in September 2001.

He said: “America is a crazy superpower and what was done
was done in self-defence.” Yemen has accused him of
masterminding a plot to bomb British targets in the port
city of Aden in 1998.

Security sources claim they have evidence he sent his
son, stepson and others from his “Supporters of Sharia”
group to training camps run by the Islamic Army of Aden.

His recruits confessed in a Yemeni court to paying a
local terrorist leader £2,000 for weapons and training.

The leader, Abu Hassan, led the kidnap of 16 Western
tourists and told his gunmen to murder as many as they
could when Yemeni soldiers tried to rescue them.  Four,
including three Britons, died.
Last night a Whitehall source said: “The Home Secretary
could look at extradition.

But we’ve no treaty with Yemen and he would not be sent
there due to the harshness of the judicial system.”


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[CTRL] CNN Food Central - Resources: Home Brewing

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] clergy victim therapists,battle for brain,brain/abuse,aborig. abuse,nazi/vatican

2003-01-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Lawyers for Boston Archdiocese Subpoena Alleged Victims' Therapists - Boston  1/17/03  - "Lawyers for the Boston Archdiocese, which offered to pay for counseling for people who say they were abused by priests, have begun issuing subpoenas to the therapists to get details about the sessions.The subpoenas issued this week require therapists to answer questions under oath about the counseling, a move that has outraged alleged victims and their lawyers.  "As a moral institution, the church has touted how much it wants to take care of the victims," said Roderick MacLeish Jr., an attorney who represents more than 200 alleged victims. "Well, don't be touting your pastoral mission of how you're helping victims and then destroy the key element of treatment, which is confidentiality."" http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,75918,00.html

The Battle for Your Brain by Ronald Bailey 2/03 - "...Last May the Dana Foundation sponsored an entire conference at Stanford on "neuroethics." Conferees deliberated over issues like the moral questions raised by new brain scanning techniques, which some believe will lead to the creation of truly effective lie detectors. Participants noted that scanners might also be able to pinpoint brain abnormalities in those accused of breaking the law, thus changing our perceptions of guilt and innocence. Most nightmarishly, some worried that governments could one day use brain implants to monitor and perhaps even control citizens' behavior." http://www.reason.com/0302/fe.rb.the.shtml

Maltreatment at an early age can have enduring negative effects on a child's brain development and function the Neurobiology of Child Abuse by Martin H. Teicher "More than Three Million Allegations of Childhood Abuse and Neglect are received every year...Our findings dovetailed with a 1978 EEG study of adults who were victims of incest. The study's author, Robert W. Davies of the Yale University School of Medicine, and his team had found that 77 percent exhibited EEG abnormalities and 27 percent experienced seizures. Subsequent work by other investigators using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology has confirmed an association between early maltreatment and reductions in the size of the adult hippocampus. The amygdala may be smaller as well. In 1997 J. Douglas Bremner, then at the Yale University School of Medicine, and his colleagues compared MRI scans of 17 adult survivors of childhood physical or sexual abuse, all of whom had posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with 17 healthy subjects matched for age, sex, race, handedness, years of ed-ucation, and years of alcohol abuse. The left hippocampus of abused patients with PTSD was, on average, 12 percent smaller than the hippocampus of the healthy control subjects, but the right hippocampus was of normal size." http://www.sciamarchive.org/pdfs/1482882.pdf   

from L Moss Sharman Algoma Anglicans expected to support settlement Could contribute $725,000 towards $25M fund  By Brian Kelly  1/20/03 "Delegates attending a general meeting of the Anglican church's Algoma Diocese in Sault Ste. Marie this week are expected to endorse an Indian residential schools litigation settlement.  Part of the agreement, reached in November with the federal government, will see the establishment of a $25-million settlement fund by the Anglican Church of Canada to pay awards to victims of sexual or physical abuse in residential schoolsAn estimated 90,000-plus aboriginal children, aged six and older, attended live-in schools, such as Shingwauk Indian Residential School in the Sault, from 1930 until the last one closed in Regina in 1996.  More than 4,500 lawsuits representing at least 12,000 claimants have been launched since the federal government officially apologized in 1998 for widespread abuse. The Anglican church operated 26 of the 80 schools and has been named by more than 2,100 plaintiffs." http://www.saultstar.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentid=19997&catname=Local+News

The Real Odessa (US edition) How Peron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina By Uki Goñi "The Nazi-smuggling operation to Argentina run by Father Dragnovic from his church in Rome lies at the heart of the allegations that there was full Papal cognizance of such a network. The Croatian Confraternity of San Girolamo had a long Papal associationas American intelligence already knew, Dragnovic's work was ‘well known to the Vatican Secretariat of State'." Which saw it in an unfavorable light, but did not close it down. P. 341 - 342 Pub. Granta Books, London - New York - ISBN 1 86207 581 6
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with

[CTRL] Freaks

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

January 20, 2003
Bush, Blacks and Jews


On Wednesday, January 15, Martin Luther King's birthday, George W.
Bush ordered White House lawyers to use all their energy, resources and
experience to convince whatever members of the Supreme Court
needed such convincing that the University of Michigan should not be
permitted to factor an applicant's minority status into its admissions
calculations, and neither should the University of Michigan-or, by
extension, any other American university-have the option of ensuring
ethnic diversity in its student body. Minority ethnic status, Bush said,
shouldn't provide an academic advantage and educational institutions
shouldn't have favored slots. Educational institutions, he has several
times said, should rather offer "affirmative access," a vaporous phrase
that seems to mean everybody is free to apply to whatever institution he
or she wishes and institutions are under no obligation to do anything
about anything.

It's sort of like a white restaurant owner in Mississippi in 1960 affirming
that everyone has access to his restaurant. Everyone does, in fact, have
access, but black folks aren't going to get inside. And if any should
make a fuss about it they're going to get their ass kicked and they'll go
to the county farm for a while. But, boy, they did have their access

Affirmative access is what George W. Bush had when he got accepted by
Yale University despite mediocre prep school grades, and by Harvard
Business School despite mediocre Yale University grades. His father's
position as a very rich guy and as a Washington politician with huge
connections and power to benefit both schools, to say nothing of being
an old grad of Yale, provided Dubya's a whole lot of affirmative access.
And that affirmative access was no doubt what got him into Yale's Skull &
Bones, the same all-white-no-Jews-or-Catholics men's club to which his
father belonged. And affirmative access explains the $12 million gift his
partners in the Texas Rangers gave him, just gave him, with no rational
explanation whatsoever.

Perhaps you too could have had that kind of affirmative access at Yale
and Harvard Business School if you were son of a man powerful enough
or rich enough or old boy enough for you to fall into what those schools
call "legacy admissions"-candidates whose applications would be tossed
into the paper recycling barrel in the first round were it not for daddy's
position and power, or the fact that there was a building on campus
named for someone in the family or that right now someone in the
development office was trying to get the family to underwrite the
erection of another such building, or get some other kind of erection
going. And perhaps, for the same kind of affirmative access reasons,
your Texas business partners would one day just give you $12 million.

Dubya's foggy years

Back when a lot of Dubya's friends thought he was nothing but a whore-
mongering dope- smoking coke-sniffing falling-down drunk he may
have hung around with the kind of folks who had use for affirmative
action. But he doesn't talk about that part of his life any more, perhaps
because he doesn't remember it, or perhaps because he prefers to
pretend he doesn't remember it.

The hagiography has it that, at some wonderful non-affirmative action
point in his life, he discovered Jesus and was shortly thereafter handed
all those millions of dollars and so many swell connections by his father's
friends that he could be rich entirely on his own without depending on
anybody and he could put all those bad questions behind him. He was,
from that moment on, a self-made man. Self-made made are their own
affirmation and have no need of affirmative action.

When he was running for president, that's how he answered all
questions about the years in which he was or wasn't a whore-mongering
dope-smoking coke-sniffing falling-down drunk. Jesus separated that
Then from this Now with a sanctified wall that might as well have been
made of stone: Dubya simply refused to talk about anything the other
side of it.

And the press, with uncommon discretion, let him get away with it. The
same press that for years dogged Bill Clinton just about to death over a
real estate deal in which it turned out he or his wife made or didn't
make a few thousand bucks at most, just let Dubya get away with

Since the all-white-but-one-who-might-as-well- be-Supremes gave
him Florida, he has been, in his official household, able to brag on his
ethnic openness by pointing to such senior staff ethnic success stories as
Condoleeza Rice (a university provost when she started tutoring Dubya
on axes of evil here and abroad) and Colin Powell (a very good soldier
who keeps his mouth shut about an astonishing number of things, this
one included). Among the Supremes he seems particularly fond of
Clarence Thomas, who, um, did have a bit, quite a bit of affirmative
action throughout his 

[CTRL] Time to Brew Your Own

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Group drafts big hike in beer tax
1,271% increase would pay for alcohol treatment
The Tribune

  A fight is brewing over Oregon’s beer tax.
  A group called It’s Time for a Dime Committee is drafting a bill that
would increase the tax paid by the state’s beer producers and
distributors from $2.60 a gallon to $35.64 per gallon, a whopping
1,271 percent increase.
  The tax would increase from less than a penny per bottle to 10 cents
for distributors, says Nina Robart, a committee organizer.
  “We are asking for a substantial increase,” she concedes.
  But the beer tax hasn’t been raised since 1977 and thus remains
among the nation’s lowest. And with the state eliminating or drastically
cutting back on drug and alcohol abuse programs, it is time for the
industry to “step up,” she said.
  The committee hopes to get the proposal before the Oregon
Legislature early this session.
  “It’s not going to happen,” says Portland attorney Paul Romain, the
influential lobbyist who represents the Oregon Beer and Wine
Distributors Association and has fought dozens of similar proposals
since he began representing the association in 1983.
  Romain was instrumental in defeating a proposal in the last legislative
session that would have raised taxes on beer and wine by a nickel.
  For one thing, Romain says, legislators are not going to buy a 1,200-
percent increase in the beer tax.
  And the reason the tax hasn’t been raised is that “Oregon is a beer-
producing state, and you don’t discourage what you’re producing.”
  “We’re the single biggest producer of microbrew (beers) in the
country,” he notes.
  Proponents say they would exempt Oregon microbreweries from any
tax increase.
  Romain said that likely would be illegal. Courts have ruled that “If you
tax one, you tax everybody,” he said.
  Robart said state lawmakers might be more sympathetic to a beer tax
this time.
  “Consumption of alcohol — and particularly beer — has an impact on
the cost of social services,” said Robart, former director of the Oregon
Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking.
  “We’re talking about a lifetime of an industry never paying for the cost
of its product, the use of which is causing a fair amount of damage to
  The tax would raise $85 million a year, which would be used to pay for
alcohol prevention and treatment programs and for law enforcement
  Romain and Oregon brewers say the tax burden would fall on local
distributors, who pay excise fees when they collect beverages before
selling them to retailers and taverns at wholesale prices.
  That means, they say, that distributors such as Portland’s Columbia
Distributing and Maletis Beverage would pay the large increases, not
manufacturers such as St. Louis-based behemoth Anheuser Busch
Companies Inc.
  The price hike would be passed down by distributors to retailers, who
would pass it along to consumers, said Fred Bowman, president of
Portland Brewing Co.
  The increase proposed by Robart’s group could result in a 15-cent-
per- bottle increase for beer drinkers.
  “Ultimately, the consumer would pay the tax,” Bowman said. “It
effectively raises prices and hurts business.”
  Jim Parker, executive director of the Oregon Brewers Guild, a state
industry group, thinks the increase might even drive some distributors
out of business.
  “I don’t know anyone who thinks a 1,000-percent increase is ever a
good idea,” he said.
  Still, there may be enough support in the 2003 Legislature for a beer-
tax increase, and perhaps on wine, too, said Sen. Bill Morrisette, D-
Springfield, who sponsored last session’s nickel tax increase on beer
and wine.
  “We want to take a nonpartisan approach,” said Morrisette, who will try
to find ways to exempt the state’s small microbreweries and wineries.
  Legislators may listen because “the revenue will go to alcohol-related
programs that are being cut.”
  Support for hikes in the state’s beer and wine tax is gaining support
among other groups besides the It’s Time for a Dime Committee.
  The Governor’s Task Force on the Alcohol Beverage Industry, a 21-
member group that has been meeting since last summer, will make
recommendations next month on ways to improve Oregon’s alcohol
industry. The group includes legislators, industry representatives, law
officers and alcohol prevention and treatment programs.
  One proposal under consideration is to raise the beer tax, said
Morrisette, a task force member.
  The task force’s chairman, Beaverton Mayor Rob Drake, says he feels
“a beer tax increase would be a good idea.”
  “The fact is, the problems we’re trying to deal with are related to
drinking,” he said. “This is simply a way to have users help pay for
alcohol- related problems.”
  If the Legislature fails to pass a beer tax increase, “we’re prepared to
make it an initiative and gather signatures and put it before the people,”

[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS#46 Iraqi blood and pentagonal games

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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as part of the mailing list that you joined.
URL: http://www.bilderberg.org

As Tony Blair prepares to cross the totalitarian rubicon this PEPIS message is a bit 
busier than usual - with something to please anyone genuinely looking for hope in what 
is becoming a severely mentally ill western alliance. So mentally ill in fact that we 
have a self-harming criminal United States administration on our hands. The explosives 
used in the Bali bomb were from the U. S. military, John O'Neill got sacked for 
investigating  the WTC hijackers.

Anyway, God bless you all, dear subscribers :-)

1. The Bush family death cult echos Nazi obsession with the occult
2. Muslims warn Iraq war will bring UK terror attacks
3. Google search engine as a weapon of war
4. Move over Darling - the solution for Britain's railways
5. Freemasonic powerplay in the late eighteenth century
6. Some film and book reccommendations
7. Tony Blair's Christmas visit to Egypt
8. Iraq blitz may begin Monday 17th February?
9. Iraqi blood and Pentagon games
10. The Bush family Nazi collaboration timeline

Power Elite Public Information Service  -  http://www.messagebot.com  -  to join/leave 
Please put in a link to http://www.bilderberg.org - now funded 'til 2003.
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign for an 
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1. The Bush family death cult echos Nazi obsession with the occult

The arab world seem to know all about the Bush family's occult connections - so why 
aren't the western media, the Guardian, the BBC, the Independent, Channel 4 news and 
all the other so-called free-press networks of the west telling us about the 
gerrymandering U.S. president's family obsession with the occult? Can anyone take 
seriously Bush's claim to be a Christian? If the destruction of the twin towers can be 
beamed out live to the world on television then why heaven't we yet seen Yale campus' 
Skull and Bones initiation, which is known about well in advance?

At Skull and Bones, Bush's Secret Club Initiates Ream Gore
by Ron Rosenbaum

The Observer Mission Impossible Force met to plot strategy an hour before sunset on 
initiation night, Saturday, April 12. It is not widely known, but Tap Night, which 
occurs on Thursday, is not generally the same as initiation night. The good stuff 
happens on Saturday night, and already limos are cruising the quiet streets that 
crisscross the Yale campus, conveying initiates of other secret societies to their 
rituals. Bones initiates come on foot, knock on the massive triple-locked wooden door 
of the Tomb and are conveyed to the first stage of the ritual. But we are getting 
ahead of ourselves.

2. Muslims warn Iraq war will spark domestic racial haterd

[CTRL] Just Like Their Credibility

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Israel's War Machine, JFK's Assassination, and the Atomic Bomb

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon

Israel's War Machine, JFK's Assassination, and the Atomic Bomb: An Overivew of Michael Collins Piper's "Final Judgment" 
by Victor Thorn 
    NOTE: The information below is derived from Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment. My role is that of a reviewer, and all credit for the research must be given to Mr. Piper. I urge everyone to purchase a copy of this book. 
Final Judgment is published by The Center for Historical Review, 132 Third Street, SE, Washington, DC, 20003 


“Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people.” 
  Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997 

In March, 1992, Illinois Representative Paul Findley said in The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, “It is interesting – but not surprising – to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” 

Considering that the Mossad is quite possibly the most ruthless and efficient intelligence agency in the world, it is peculiar that they have never been scrutinized in relation to the Kennedy assassination, especially when practically every other entity in the world (short of Elvis impersonators) has been implicated. But that all changed in January, 1994 with the release of Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment. In this book, Piper says, “Israel’s Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind the scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of JFK. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity, and it had the motive to play a major frontline role in the crime of the century – and it did.” 

Their motive? Israel’s much touted Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who ruled that country from its inception in 1948 until he resigned on June 16, 1963, was so enraged at John F. Kennedy for not allowing Israel to become a nuclear power that, Collins asserts, in his final days in office he commanded the Mossad to become involved in a plot to kill America’s president. 

Ben-Gurion was so convinced that Israel’s very survival was in dire jeopardy that in one of his final letters to JFK he said, “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist, and this existence is in danger.” 

In the days leading up to Ben-Gurion’s resignation from office, he and JFK had been involved in an unpublicized, contentious debate over the possibility of Israel getting nuclear capabilities. Their disagreement eventually escalated into a full-fledged war of words that was virtually ignored in the press. Ethan Bronner wrote about this secret battle between JFK and Ben-Gurion years later in a New York Times article on October 31, 1998, calling it a “fiercely hidden subject.” In fact, the Kennedy/Ben-Gurion conversations are still classified by the United States Government. Maybe this is the case because Ben-Gurion’s rage and frustration became so intense – and his power so great within Israel – that Piper contends it was at the center of the conspiracy to kill John Kennedy. This stance is supported by New York banker Abe Feinberg, who describes the situation as such: “Ben-Gurion could be vicious, and he had such a hatred of the old man [Joe Kennedy, Sr., JFK’s father].” Ben-Gurion despised Joe Kennedy because he felt that not only was he an anti-Semite, but that he had also sided with Hitler during the 1930’s and 40’s. [We will touch upon this aspect of the story in an upcoming article entitled The CIA and Organized Crime: Two Sides of the Same Coin]. 

Anyway, Ben-Gurion was convinced that Israel needed nuclear weapons to insure its survival, while Kennedy was dead-set against it. This inability to reach an agreement caused obvious problems. One of them revolved around Kennedy’s decision that he would make America his top priority in regard to foreign policy, and not Israel! Kennedy planned to honor the 1950 Tripartite Declaration which said that the United States would retaliate against any nation in the Middle East that attacked any other country. Ben-Gurion, on the other hand, wanted the Kennedy Administration to sell them offensive weapons, particularly Hawk missiles. 

The two leaders thus engaged in a brutal letter exchange, but Kennedy wouldn’t budge. Ben-Gurion, obsessed by this issue, slipped into total paranoia, feeling that Kennedy’s obstinance was a blatant threat to the very existence of Israel as a nation. Piper writes, “Ben-Gurion had devoted a lifetime creating a Jewish State and guiding it into the world arena. And, in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, John F. Kennedy was an enemy of the Jewish people and his beloved 

[CTRL] Dutch tapping room not kosher

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Paul Wouters, Patrick Smits 

Dutch tapping room not kosher

According to anonymous sources within the Dutch intelligence community, all tapping equipment of the Dutch intelligence services and half the tapping equipment of the national police force, is insecure and is leaking information to Israel. How difficult is it to make a back-door in the Dutch Transport of Intercepted IP Traffic[1] system? 

The discussion focusses on the tapping installations for telephony and internet delivered to the government in the last few years by the Israeli company Verint[2]. 

This company was called Comverse-Infosys[3] until half a year ago, but was quickly renamed when the FBI started several investigations against it and arrested some of its employees in the US on suspicion of espionage. (See pulled FoxNews stories, Politech, Cryptome or Google). 

People within the Dutch government got worried too. Especially because they had been warned as early as 1998 about the possible back-doors in the tapping equipment. The ex-ministers of interior ("Binnenlandse Zaken"), Peper and de Vries, could not comment. The minister of Justice at the time, Korthals Altes, was asked to report to parliament in december 2001, where he stated that the security measures meet the required level and that an investigation would be started if this, after all, was not the case. No investigation followed. 

In april 2002, Kolkert, procecutor in-chief of the Court of Appeals in Den Bosch, demanded clarification in a letter sent to Stein, the state procecutor ("landelijk officier van justitie") and responsible for interception matters. Stein stated that there are no problems. 

On august 24 the project leader of the National Interception Organisation ("Landelijk Interceptie Orgaan", LIO) J.Steeg announced that he plans to check the tapping rooms for backdoors. However, when the equipmenent was bought from the Israelis, it was agreed that no one except Comverse personel was authorized to touch the systems, according to the insider of the AIVD (formerly BVD), the Dutch intelligence organisation that spoke to the EO radioprogram De Ochtenden[4]. Source code would never be available to anyone. 

Finally, on October 10th, the Council of Chiefs of Police ("raad van hoofdcommisarissen") sent a confidential letter to the vendors of tapping equipment for ISPs and telcos expressing its concern about the situation in the US. 

All of this came after questions were raised publicly in the trial against Baybasin, co-founder of the Kurd parliament in excile, about the possible leaks in the Dutch tapping room as well as manipulation of the collected evidence[4b]. Baybasin was recently sentenced to life-long imprisonment for his connections to assasinations, kidnappings and heroine transports. His lawyers called in experts to question them about the possibility that Israel had laid hands on information tapped by the Dutch. The lawyers claim that Israeli then forwarded the information to the Turkish secret service[5]. Baybasin recently told the media about the Turkish government's involvement with crime syndicates. 

c't magazine warned about the blackbox problem in its June 2001 issue[6]. Opentap[7] gave similar warnings on the hacker conference HAL2001[8] in august of 2001 and at the Chaos Computer Club (CCC)[9] in december 2001 with a presentation on lawful interception in the Netherlands[10]. Hebrew as crypto

The insiders at the AIVD and the tapping room were interviewed by the radio program of the EO[11]. According to them, the Dutch government and Comverse have a gentlemen's agreement that the Dutch government would get the Comverse systems for a very reduced price and in exchange the Israelis would get full access to all tapped information. The systems still ended up being more expensive than rejected competitors' quotes. The Comverse maintanance contract alone apparently costs more then the installation itself, according to the anonymous sources. Since the leaks seem to be disguised as maintenance, one could say that the Dutch government is actually paying the cost of foreign intelligence against the Dutch state. 

Israeli Comverse employees apparently show up in the tapping rooms on a very regular basis for maintanance, since no Dutch are allowed to touch the equipment. The radio program further stated that the maintanance is done using their own Hebrew keyboards and language. They leave the tapping rooms with filled MO-discs and no-one from the Dutch government has any idea what the Comverse people are doing. To make things yet worse, Comverse can dial-in to the tapping room equipment at all times. 

The possible criminal nature of Comverse and their overpricing are not the only problems. A comparison of the Comverse tapping records with billing records of KPN, the largest Dutch telco, shows that 20% of the calls that should be tapped, are not tapped at all. The Dutch governmen

[CTRL] Was UPI's Israeli Hit-Squad Piece A Hoax?

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, January 20, 2003

JANUARY 20. On Friday, I wrote a piece called “UPI Dives Off the High Board.” I mentioned a Richard Sale story which states that the Mossad is now ordering its people to carry out assassinations of terrorists in the US. 

An explosive charge, to say the least, since the last time I looked, the US is supposed to be a sovereign nation that does not permit some other intell service to go around murdering people on its soil. At least, that is the for-public stance. 

Anyway, a reader sent me an email stating that he had searched all the Richard Sale stories for the last year and could not come up with that one. 

I went back to www.antiwar.com, the site where I had found the Sale piece. It was now in that site’s archive, but when I clicked on the link, I got some sort of error message, not the article. 

So I went to Rense.com and found the Sale piece there. But still…is it possible that someone had forged Sale’s name and was behind a hoax article? I have not found any other mainstream press outlet that has picked up the UPI Sale story. 

I phoned UPI in Washington. I was told their computers were down, so they could not check to see whether Sale had actually authored that article. They said they would email Sale and ask him to call me. So far, I haven’t received a message from him. 

If UPI’s computers were down, this might explain why I could not get from antiwar.com to the Sale article. 

I phoned the San Diego Union Tribune, the main newspaper in my hometown. David Smith, the man who would know something about this, was not there. I left a message. 

Then I went to the site disinfo.com and found a link to Sale’s UPI story. The link took me to the piece, and there it was, under the banner of UPI, with the copyright notice and so on. So unless someone was able to hack into UPI and forge the article, the story is from Sale and is from UPI. 

Unless I hear more, the source stands: this is, in fact, a UPI piece, and it is yet further evidence that mainstream news outlets do NOT re-print controversial stories from the very wire services they subscribe to. 

If UPI gets back to me, I will ask them if they sent Sale’s piece out on the usual wire to all their client newspapers and radio and TV stations. I have to assume for now that the story did go out, because it was easy enough to find it on the Internet. 

Think about all the left and right wing people who do talk shows. Are THEY talking about this Sale assertion? Are they trying to find out what the hell is going on here? Are reporters at various government press conferences in Washington bringing up this matter and demanding answers? Not as far as I can tell. 

The Sale story appeared and sank like a stone. 

Update: David Smith of the San Diego Union returned my call and left a message. Yes, the UPI-Sale story did reach him and he deleted it. He was then told by a UPI national editor that there was a later version of the Sale piece. Apparently, Smith hasn't received it yet. 

So I emailed Smith and asked him why he deleted the piece and how the later version differs from the earlier one. 

Smith, therefore, confirms that UPI has sent the Sale story out over its wire to its clients. Of course, I hope to learn why Smith deleted it. 

More when I get it... 

UPDATE: David Smith, the foreign editor of the San Diego Union Tribune, sent me an email. He is to be complimented on actually answering a query from someone he doesn't know. But...read what he has to say: 

"I deleted the story in part because my inbox was over the limit. Another version [of the Sale piece] quoted Israeli embassy saying the US angle [ordering assassinations on YS soil] was balderdash. UPI sends us stories that we can run if we want. Sometimes UPI is ahead, sometimes it is off base. If Israel does conduct targeted killings in the US you can expect an incredible outcry. It doesn't seem logical for Israel to do it but then a lot of things that happen in the world don't seem logical. If it is true, it is sure to get out more widely and be printed in the U-T [Union Tribune] and other places..." 

Okay. So now we know the Sale story was for real and it did go out on the wire to UPI clients. 

Let's take up Smith's reply to me point by point. The idea that he deleted the piece in part because his inbox was over its limit is almost too wild for words. You delete a piece from a major wire service that says Israel is ordering assassinations on US soil? In part because your INBOX is too full? Hello? 

I mean, if it was a piece about gardening tips or sudden fog in the city, okay. But THIS? 

Smith then goes on to say that the later version of Sale's piece [which I haven't seen] quotes a denial from Israeli embassy officials. Well, of course. What would one expect the embassy sources to say? But notice that Smith isn't telling me he's going to publ

[CTRL] Florida minister: My father shot Martin Luther King Jr

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Florida minister: My father shot Martin Luther King Jr.
News-Journal wire services

JACKSONVILLE -- The FBI is looking into claims by a Gainesville-area minister that his father, not James Earl Ray, was the triggerman in the 1968 assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 

The Rev. Ronald Denton Wilson, 61, said Wednesday that his father, Henry Clay Wilson, shot King on April 4, 1968. Wilson, whose father died in 1990, said he wanted to "clear my conscience" and could no longer remain silent after 34 years. 

Wilson offered no documents, photographs or witnesses to corroborate his story. 

FBI agents from Jacksonville interviewed Wilson and his family for three hours early Wednesday to try to determine if his story was credible. "We are taking this very seriously," agent Ron Grenier said. 

FBI agent George Bolds in Memphis, Tenn., where King was assassinated, said the bureau knew nothing about Henry Clay Wilson and is not investigating any claims concerning him and the King murder. 

John Campbell, an assistant prosecutor in Memphis, handled the state's opposition to Ray's attempts to recant his guilty plea and said he had never heard of Henry Clay Wilson. Campbell said he has no doubts about Ray's guilt. 

"James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968, at 6:01 p.m.," he said. 

Ray pleaded guilty to shooting King at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, but he later recanted. He was convicted in 1969 and sentenced to 99 years in prison. He died of liver disease in 1998. 

Wilson claimed he was with his father, Henry Clay Wilson, and two other men as they plotted in March 1968 in Gainesville to kill King. The younger Wilson was 27. 

Wilson said he could not come forward while his father and the other men were alive. His father died in 1990, and the last of the men died in 1996. 

"I'm a minister and I wanted to clear my conscience," he said Wednesday. 

Wilson said he saw a rifle and $100,000 cash in a suitcase when his father and the other two men met in Gainesville. Wilson said the men were Ku Klux Klan members and killed King because they believed he was a communist. 

Wilson, pastor of New Convenant Church in Graham, north of Gainesville, said his family had been in contact with a publisher in Indiana about a possible book about his father. 

A spokeswoman for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference said Martin Luther King III, Martin Luther King Jr.'s son, had no comment. 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] International Assassination Squads

2003-01-20 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

International Assassination Squads
by Gary North
A story surfaced this week regarding Ariel Sharon’s creation of assassination squads that will be sent into allied foreign countries in search of enemies of the State of Israel. That such clandestine units operate internationally comes as no surprise. Many governments are thought to employ them. Indeed, the public accepts this fact as a way of life. But, officially, Israel has not previously acknowledged the existence of such units. The story was reported by UPI.

Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Israeli statements were confirmed by more than a half dozen former and currently serving U.S. foreign policy and intelligence officials in interviews with United Press International.

But an official at the Israeli Embassy in Washington told UPI: "That is rubbish. It is completely untrue. Israel and the United States have such a close and co-operative intelligence relationship, especially in the field of counter-terrorism, that the assertion is ludicrous."

So, the question arises, is the story true? It is the kind of politically sensitive story that a wire service would not run if it had not been checked. If anything, the story may be designed to put Muslim terrorists on notice. It gets an official disclaimer, which is enough to let the report sink into oblivion, but then, when the assassinations multiply, the targeted groups conclude that the story was true. I keep thinking of George Wallace’s slogan, "Send them a message."

Will they send back a message?


If the story is true, then the West is about to experience an escalation of terrorism. Assassinations of suspected terrorists will be blamed on anti-terror squads. But whose? It will become more difficult for President Bush to evade suspicion for such acts, whether he or a subordinate arranged the assassinations or not. His "dead or alive" statement regarding Osama bin Laden could blow back.

The problem with terrorist warfare and counter-terrorist warfare is the inability of the public to know who is responsible for any event unless someone admits it publicly, and even then no one is sure.

We see this theme on "The West Wing." At the end of last season’s show, the President of the United States authorized the assassination of a Muslim nation’s chief of security, who supposedly had planned a foiled attack on the Golden Gate Bridge. In what has become a standard shtick for the main character, President Bartlett initially resisted launching the death squad, all in the name of morality, but then he capitulated to his advisors. Bartlett initially talks ethics, but he invariably sells out to expediency before the show is over. The viewers’ challenge is to guess what reason he will use as his excuse.

What is interesting in the light of the recent story about Israeli assassination squads is that on the show, Israel has been blamed for the suspected assassination, when in fact the U.S. did it. A Muslim terrorist then retaliated by using a missile to shoot down an Israeli airliner. The advisor who recommended the assassination briefly suffered guilt from the knowledge that an Israeli friend who was on the airliner was killed because of what he had recommended to the President. But, on "The West Wing," guilt never lasts for more than a part of any episode. Politics heals everything by the next installment.


America surely appears to be preparing for an invasion of Iraq. Any invasion would violate UN’s 1974 protocol: an unprovoked attack for the purpose of replacing a foreign ruler.

Reaffirming the duty of States not to use armed force to deprive peoples of their right to self-determination, freedom and independence, or to disrupt territorial Integrity, . . .

Reaffirming also that the territory of a State shall not be violated by being the object, even temporarily, of military occupation or of other measures of force taken by another State in contravention of the Charter, and that it shall not be the object of acquisition by another State resulting from such measures or the threat thereof, 


After an invasion, the Muslim world from that point on will regard the United States as an aggressor against Islam. This nation has been regarded by Muslims as the chief accomplice of the State of Israel, but an offensive war in Iraq will change this. We will become the front-runner in the jihad sweepstakes. Now comes the UPI story.

With the appointment of Meir Dagan, the new director of Israel’s Mossad secret intelligence service, S

[CTRL] Victims of the biggest banking fraud ever

2003-01-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Spies hide as Bank faces BCCI charges
Victims of the biggest banking fraud ever are putting UK regulators
in the dock - and demanding security service documents.
Conal Walsh, The Observer
Sunday January 19, 2003

A mega-scandal much older than Enron or WorldCom is about to shake the British
financial establishment. More than a decade after the spectacular collapse of
the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, its creditors are finally to
put the Bank of England in the dock.

The stakes could not be higher for the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. It
was the financial regulator in 1991 when the BCCI crashed with £7 billion of
undeclared debts, and has long been accused of turning a blind eye to fraud
at the Middle Eastern bank.

Now it faces a giant lawsuit brought in London by BCCI's victims, who claim it
is guilty of negligence amounting to 'misfeasance', or wilful misconduct. The
Bank has fiercely denied the charge, and made every effort to get the legal
action thrown out.

And no wonder. BCCI's creditors are claiming up to £1bn in damages. They are
also breaking new ground by challenging the Bank's statutory immunity against
being sued.

The Government's worries do not stop there. It will have to answer potentially
embarrassing questions over what Ministers, civil servants and the regulator
knew about BCCI before it crashed. The Bank's most senior officials, past and
present, are expected to go into the witness box, and the High Court will also
consider evidence from John Major, the former Prime Minister, as well as former
Chancellors Norman Lamont, Nigel Lawson and Denis Healey.

Then there is the small matter of the role played by Britain's intelligence
services, whose relationship with BCCI has long been questioned. Did MI6 use
accounts at the secretive bank to pay sources and operatives around the world?
Did BCCI channel Western funds to Mujahideen fighters in the Eighties - or
even, as some conspiracy theorists have surmised, to Osama bin Laden?

All this may - or may not - come out when the trial begins in October. For now,
though, both sides are engaged in pre-trial legal tussles over secret service

The creditors are led by accountant Deloitte & Touche, BCCI's liquidator. They
range from East End market traders to local councils to the state of Abu Dhabi,
which had become BCCI's principal shareholder by 1991, and is thought to have
lost £2bn.

BCCI remains the world's biggest-ever banking fraud, and the colour and
complexity of the scam is awesome.

Press attention at the time tended to focus on such unsavoury customers as
Panama's military leader Manuel Noriega, as well as the gilt-edged lifestyles
of the bank's executives, many of whom remain fugitives from justice today.
BCCI laundered drugs money, bribes and dictators' loot. But this reflected only
part of an endemic culture of fraud, which would consume more than 90 per cent
of the bank's assets.

BCCI was founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a charismatic banker and mystic
from Pakistan. It grew rapidly, and would eventually boast offices in 70
countries and 14,000 employees. But from the start, it had a taste for opaque
finances. It was incorporated in two tax havens, Luxembourg and Grand Cayman,
and used two sets of auditors, allowing it to avoid publishing meaningful
consolidated accounts.

Abedi's bank was beloved of Asian and Middle Eastern expatriates, and he
cherished a vision of the BCCI as a force for unity in the developing world.
But by the late Seventies, its biggest borrower, the Gulf shipping group owned
by Abbas Gokal, was heading for bankruptcy. Concerned that regulators would
shut down BCCI if its exposures were revealed, Abedi and other executives
falsified the books. BCCI secretly poured money into Gulf, just to make it
look like a going concern capable of servicing its debts.

This deception lasted for 15 years, involved 750 false accounts and an
estimated total turnover of $15bn. BCCI also created fictitious transactions
to mask other non-performing loans, as well as hundreds of millions of pounds'
worth of losses at its London-based treasury department. Reckless expansion
into the United States and Europe dented profitability further. By the time
it went down, BCCI was routinely plundering customer deposits to maintain an
appearance of solvency.

It had been granted a licence to trade in the UK by the Bank of England in 1980,
and opened dozens of outlets here, its largest branch network in any single
country. BCCI's collapse provoked fury in the UK, as tens of thousands of
depositors were left out of pocket.

Several protagonists, including Gulf's Gokal, were put behind bars by the
Serious Fraud Office, and the Bank of England was castigated for its failures
of supervision by Lord Bingham, whose official inquiry into the BCCI reported
in 1992. Bingham's sentiments were forcefully echoed by a US Senate inquiry.

Despite the c

[CTRL] Warning on Iraqi Hackers and U.S. Safety (fwd)

2003-01-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Vmyths.com Virus Hysteria Alert
{17 January 2003, 01:35 CT}

The NYTimes.com home page now displays two major headlines about Iraq:
(1) "Inspectors Find Empty Warheads in an Iraqi Depot," and (2) "Iraqi
Computer Attacks Feared."  The latter story cites a classified
document from the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI

The threat of pro-Iraqi hackers "could signal a 'potential crisis' in
national security," reporter Eric Lichtblau states in his opening
paragraph. "Experts say the link between Iraq and computer hacking may
have been underestimated and poses a growing threat to United States
security," the story goes on to say.  Lichtblau quotes congressman
Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ), who declared "a cyberattack really fits
Saddam Hussein's paradigm for attacking us."

Andrews sits on the House Armed Services Committee -- but that doesn't
make him a computer security expert.  The congressman merely suffers
from False Authority Syndrome (see http://Vmyths.com/fas/fas1.cfm for

Vmyths dismisses a "possible" Iraqi cyber-attack as pure hysteria.
U.S. air-to-ground missiles will take out their entire
telecommunications infrastructure in the first hour of conflict.  We
also dismiss the idea of a cyber-war waged by a band of childish Iraqi
sympathizers.  FBI NIPC has a notorious habit of "reading tea leaves
and seeing ghosts."  Any classified document they produce should be
viewed with utmost skepticism.

FBI NIPC has been the subject of multiple Hysteria Alerts.  See
http://Vmyths.com/resource.cfm?id=26&page=1 for more details.  The
agency exists as a political & bureaucratic tool; it has always
suffered from "too many chiefs and not enough indians."  Other
agencies have used FBI NIPC as a holding pen for their "problem
children" (e.g. CIA analyst Terrill Maynard). The antivirus industry
privately views them as a farce.  FBI NIPC relies on contractors to
provide some expertise, plus they rely on security vendors who provide
expertise at no charge.  The agency has a sordid history of
plagiarizing the investigative work of others.  NIPC suffered a major
setback recently when FBI took away some important functions from them
in order to make those functions useful.

Reporter Eric Lichtblau has obtained classified documents in the past
(see http://Vmyths.com/rant.cfm?id=482&page=4 for example) filled with
computer security hysteria.  Vmyths speculates his source(s) exploit
him to further their political agendas.  We must note the fact his
NYTimes.com story highlights quotes from Michael Vatis -- the first
director of FBI NIPC who was fired (repeat: "fired") for turning the
agency into his personal PR machine.

Vmyths predicts the following:

   (A) Internet media outlets will regurgitate the NYTimes.com article
in their own stories.  We believe Eric Lichtblau will refuse to share
the classified document he obtained, and this will force other
reporters to turn to "experts" who will speculate wildly.  Hungry
security vendors (e.g. mi2g) will ride on the coattails of media-borne
hysteria.  So, too, will childish hackers who suffer from Narcissistic
Personality Disorder.

   (B) If the U.S. goes to war, Internet users will overwhelm
mainstream media websites in an effort to see video clips of smart
bombs raining down on Iraqi bridges & facilities.  This flood of
Internet users will be identical to a distributed-denial-of-service

   (C) If the U.S. goes to war, disorganized U.S. hackers will
outnumber the Iraqi cyber-sympathizers by at least 10-to-1 -- just as
they did when disorganized Chinese hackers supposedly declared a
cyber-war on America (see http://Vmyths.com/hoax.cfm?id=252&page=3 for
details).  Internet media outlets will provide little coverage of the
"other" side of the Iraqi cyber-war, for three major reasons: (1)
security fearmongers overwhelmingly live in first-world nations, (2)
disorganized sympathizers don't hire PR teams, and (3) Internet media
outlets don't send reporters to Iraq for on-the-scene coverage.

The mainstream media focuses on the physical aspects of war -- leaving
the cyber-war to Internet media outlets, who will report even the most
absurd stories under the pretense of "war coverage."  Stay calm.
Stay reasoned. And stay tuned to Vmyths.

Rob Rosenberger, editor http://Vmyths.com

Richard M. Smith (ComputerBytesMan.com) for
pointing Vmyths to the NYTimes.com website.

--- Useful links --

Remember this when virus hysteria strikes

Other "cyber-wars" raging around the world as we speak

Common cliches in the antivirus world

False Authority Syndrome

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—

[CTRL] Canadian Peace Groups Propose World Treaty Conference Banning All Space Weapons

2003-01-20 Thread Ecotoday
-Caveat Lector-
Canadian Peace Groups Propose Canada Hold World Treaty Conference Banning All Space Weapons

TORONTO - Canadian peace groups are proposing that Canada convene a Space Preservation Treaty Conference to ban all weapons in space.  Canada played a similar Treaty-championing role, when it brought 122 nations together to sign the Convention Banning Land Mines in 1997.

In a formal proposal to Canadian Foreign Minister Bill Graham, the No-Weapons-In-Space Campaign asks Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAIT) to create a special Working group "to focus on two goals: (1) to educate U.N. Member Nations about the dangers of weapons in outer space; and (2) to lead in preventing the weaponization of space by convening or facilitating an international conference to coordinate the signing and ratification of an enforceable multilateral agreement banning space- based weapons."   

The No-Weapons-In-Space Campaign now includes Canadian national peace organizations which are urging the Government of Canada to take a leading role
in banning space-based weapons: Science for Peace, Institute for Cooperation in Space, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, Canadian Peace Alliance, Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom,  Physicians for Global Survival and Project Ploughshares.  This coalition has launched a campaign to educate the public about the dangers of weapons in outer space.  

On November 30, 2002, the General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), in a formal letter to the Government of Canada, stated that "Members of the General Synod were shocked to see the evidence of U.S. military designs for space, as set out in the mission statement of the United States Space Command (USSC), Vision for 2020. Missile defence is the first step in the pursuit of the much broader intent to have USSC "dominating the space dimension of military operations, to protect U.S. interests and investment."  This mission will be sought through "integrating spaceforces into warfighting capabilities", "space-based global strike capability," and "space-based strike weapons."

"The ACC letter concluded, "In light of the General Synod's express stand, we call on the government without further delay to show the necessary leadership.  Anglicans, along with many other Canadians, have already begun signing petitions pressing for a space preservation treaty and for government initiation of an Ottawa process of the kind that led the international community to the land mines ban treaty.  General Synod has called your government to action.  We are convinced that many thoughtful Canadians will join in supporting and furthering the efforts you initiate to oppose missile defence and to seek a ban on weapons in space."

The Campaign also states, "We note, moreover, that the U.S. House of Representatives 2003 Defense Authorization Bill authorized the U.S. Department of Defense to proceed with a program of nuclear-tipped National Missile Defense missiles, including concurrent research on mini-nukes.  That such 2003 authorization was subsequently legislatively compromised for one year in Conference Committee with the U.S. Senate is an academic issue.  Under international law, there in now a rebuttable presumption that the U.S. Administration, and indeed the U.S. Congress may at any stage in the future undertake the development and deployment of mini-nukes in space, either on interceptor missiles or on space-based platforms.  There are fundamental issues of international law under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) involved in the development of such mini-nukes.  Our Campaign will forward you information and developments regarding the imminent weaponization of space on a continuing basis."

Canadian residents of the B.C. Lower Mainland and Metropolitan Toronto areas have signed Parliamentary Petitions, certified by the Clerk of the Canadian House of Commons, noting that "the use of nuclear-tipped missiles of the United States Missile Defense system over Canada may result in irreparable, long-lasting radiation damage to Canadians, and the environment of Canada, including our land mass, rivers, lakes, waters, forests, and seas, and atmosphere and upper atmosphere."  These Petitions call on Canada to hold a Space Preservation Treaty Conference banning all space weapons.

Emerging New Space Coalition

The Campaign notes that, "India and Canada, and perhaps other Member Nations are emerging in 2003 as U.N. Member Nations which are willing to break through the pattern of impasse, and take accountable and responsible steps to establish a Treaty Conference in which the U.N. Member Nations can come together to ratify an enforceable international agreement banning all space weapons."

On January 4, 2003, India's President and former missile expert A.P.J. Abdul Kalam stated,  "We must recognise the necessity for the world's space community to avoid terrestrial geo- political conflicts to be drawn into outer s

[CTRL] Novelist John le Carre slams Bush "Junta" in Iraq

2003-01-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The United States of America has gone mad
John le Carré

America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but this is
the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of
Pigs and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the Vietnam War.

The reaction to 9/11 is beyond anything Osama bin Laden could have hoped
for in his nastiest dreams. As in McCarthy times, the freedoms that have
made America the envy of the world are being systematically eroded. The
combination of compliant US media and vested corporate interests is once
more ensuring that a debate that should be ringing out in every town square
is confined to the loftier columns of the East Coast press.

The imminent war was planned years before bin Laden struck, but it was he
who made it possible. Without bin Laden, the Bush junta would still be
trying to explain such tricky matters as how it came to be elected in the
first place; Enron; its shameless favouring of the already-too-rich; its
reckless disregard for the world's poor, the ecology and a raft of
unilaterally abrogated international treaties. They might also have to be
telling us why they support Israel in its continuing disregard for UN


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What industry today uses the most touch screen technology today ?

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

People should pursue leads which they may. The truth shall rise. A very
telling fact to me is the Air Force "standing-down" allowing it to happen.
And what was the plane from NetJets doing following the Flight 93? Why was
Warren Buffet at Fort Olcutt, NE? From where the country was place under
FEMA, which has not be recinded. Nothing but unconstitutional bureacratic
flim-flam. Also, ESS, a privately held company from Omaha, NE is one of two
major players in the Election Services industry. The other Sequoia-Pacific,
has mob-ties and is now owned by an old money English company.  In playing
many options of the situation the octopus put bonesmen Bush in the White
House, psy-op castrates many's hope of voting and is "reforming" the vote to
be a more controllable factor.

Quick little test; what industry today uses the most touch screen technology
today ?

A: The Gaming industry

Something may be going on …


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 'pre-emptive war with Iraq'

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

The BBC and NPR have indicated that some sort of correspondence exists that Osama Bn Laden made some comment about the west being 'crusaders'. He made an interesting point. Remember this guy was a CIA operative, and so has some heft that should be accorded respect. meanwhile on Sept 16, 2001 he indicated he had nothing to do with the Trade Center and the hijackings and I am fairly certain that was CIA/Mossad and whomever they joint ventured with. 
I mention Osama if for the comment alone, although understand, the 'war on terrorism*' and this to 'include' Osama bn Laden, is the new cold war... you know, the current OP that the military industrial complex is using after the first cold war ended in tears for those that profit from 'cold war'. The Berlin wall came down and that 'great Satan' according to Reagan is now a 'capitalist' society good for the 'consumer', bad for the aggressive militarists and all of their operatives in the Executive Branch-Intelligence/military communities... all very 'nazi' if you understand the nature of German fascism... (Hartrich - The Fourth And Richest Reich; Reich- The Mass Psychology of Fascism) 
Osama's comment reminded me about the original Crusades, during the feudal/middle ages. To understand what is happening today, one must look at perhaps AT LEAST the last 200 years, perhaps the last 1000 years of history, however starting from the time of our Revolution when we initially liberated ourselves from the tyrannies of the Old World. These tyrannies were and sadly continue to exist: class/social - very stochastic social stratification and sectarianism, statism/commercialism in bed with the state. These exist very evidently and detrimentally in societies where the commercial powers are in bed with state leadership and are an ill of THE STATE, something our Republic was never meant to be. At the point we liberated ourselves from England and its Red Coats along with their partners here to wage war against us - the Hessian mercenaries, the King of England taxed us more onerously to pay for the French and Indian War, because the wealthy English (global with the Unilever types of that age... and the Dutch) commercial interests known as the Crown, which made its wealth significantly from imports ('free trade' when you understand what free trade really is) and opposed, actually remained untariffed on the goods the Crown and its interests imported into England from the hinterlands. These interests were in bed with King George III, who coincidentally was from what is now Germany; he even spoke German and apparently very little English. So they said they wont pay the tariff to the King and for him to get it from us, and he did. Franklin told his British contacts that if they tax us on luxuries, we don't need those and if they tax us on necessities, we will develop our own from our own resources. In time, he went to France and was able to obtain France's assistance for us to end the war earlier, which would have dragged on for years against the British. The British were so distressed the French were assisting us, they declared a surrender, even though the French entered the war for self interest and accessed the British colonies in the West Indies while they were distracted with us on the mainland. When the British wanted to sign a hasty surrender however, we could have forced more concern for the French in the treaty, however we acquiesced to the British interests and cut a deal ourselves with Britain. It made things difficult for Franklin and his allies in France, and it fueled the French Revolution, which engendered much of the French ruling class to be murdered. These had been ou

Re: [CTRL] Archives

2003-01-20 Thread RobGee
-Caveat Lector-

Thanks, Kris

> >Rob
>  Yes, I need to fix that. So much to do.
> Here is the current address:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl%40lists

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Debt Bomb

2003-01-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Barron's Online
Monday, January 20, 2003

The Debt Bomb

Only housing is keeping the fuse on America's borrowing habit from burning

BUBBLES HAVE LONG BEEN part of the financial firmament. The tulipmania in
17th-century Holland and the notorious South Sea Company stock bubble a
century later in England are lowlights of economic lore.

History is replete with numerous other examples of financial manias
followed almost ineluctably by huge price busts, down to our own era. Japan
is still paying the price of deflation and economic narcolepsy a decade
after bubbles in its stock and real-estate markets popped. Debt collapses
in Asia and South America punctuated much of the 'Nineties. The bursting of
the U.S. tech-stock bubble in early 2000 led to the vanishing of more than
$5 trillion in wealth, at least on paper. Now, many worry that a U.S.
housing bubble, lofted by four-decade lows in mortgage rates, could
explode, eviscerating consumer spending and economic growth.

Curiously, however, one reads almost nothing about what may be the biggest
bubble of them all -- the huge ballooning of total debt in the U.S. That
measure, an aggregate of the borrowings of all households, businesses and
governments (federal, state and local), zoomed up from about $4 trillion at
the beginning of 1980 to $31 trillion as of 2002's third quarter, according
to the latest available Federal Reserve flow-of-funds data.

While some observers see no cause for alarm in these figures, others fear
that this debt surge could be edging the U.S. economy toward the abyss of a
bust -- and then into a depression.

Reality Check

The 'Nineties economic boom boosted wage, profit and productivity growth,
enhancing the ability of consumers and businesses to service debt. Yet,
after-the-fact revelations about the accounting shenanigans of that period
lead to an important question: How much of the profit boom and productivity
miracle was real?

It may have been as much an artificial product of debt leverage as of true
internal growth. Credit-market debt now equals 295% of gross domestic
product, compared with 160% in 1980 and less than 150% during much of the
1960s. More ominously, debt as a percentage of GDP exceeds the previous
record reading of 264% from early in the Great Depression -- when the
aftermath of the Roaring 'Twenties borrowing binge collided with a sharp
economic contraction. And today's debt load is clearly starting to pinch
consumers and businesses: Credit-card charge-offs of bad loans exceed 7% of
total debt outstanding, compared with the previous peak around 5%, reached
in the mid-1990s, according to Standard & Poor's.

Engorged With Debt

U.S. personal bankruptcy filings in last year's third quarter jumped some
12% from the level a year earlier. And when 2002's total is in, it will
almost certainly eclipse 2001's record 1.43 million.

Meanwhile, mortgage delinquencies are soaring, particularly among less
creditworthy borrowers. In the "sub-prime" market, delinquencies have
jumped to 8.07% from just 4.50% in 1999, according to Loan Performance, a
San Francisco tracking firm. This market, which caters to people with
checkered credit histories, accounts for about 10% of the $5.8 trillion of
U.S. mortgage debt currently outstanding. Delinquencies on Federal Housing
Administration loans, which make up about 15% of the dollar amount of U.S.
mortgage debt, are at a 30-year high of 11.8%. The typical FHA borrower is
a first-time home buyer with limited funds.

Despite the big home-price jump seen in many regions, soaring mortgage debt
and drooping stock prices have severely crimped the net worth of U.S.
households. According to the latest Fed numbers, net worth at the end of
the third quarter had fallen to just 4.9 times disposable income, about 22%
below the 6.3 at the end of 1999.

The corporate debt market has seen huge defaults, too, by such formerly
investment-grade behemoths as WorldCom and Global Crossing. Defaults in the
junk-bond market -- which accounts for more than 15% of the $5 trillion
non-financial corporate-debt market -- have abated somewhat from early
fall, when the 12-month default rate spiked to over 18%. Yet even with the
high mortality rate of the weak and the lame to date, the corporate-debt
contagion hasn't run its course, warns Moody's chief economist, John
Lonski. He contends that the credit cycle can't be deemed to have turned
when 88% of his company's latest credit actions were downgrades -- worse
than the previous record, 86%, set in 1990 during the Drexel Burnham
junk-bond panic.

Slouching Toward Depression?

Ray Dalio, president and chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates
in Greenwich, Conn. -- an outfit that manages around $35 billion in
currency and hedge-fund assets -- believes there's a 30% to 40% probability
of a U.S. depression over the next two-to-five years.

Dalio notes that, during a recession, interest rates can be lowered to

[CTRL] MRC Alert: 'Peace' Marchers: 'Republicans,' 'Soccer Moms' & 'Grandparents' (fwd)

2003-01-20 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 01:29:01 -0700
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert: 'Peace' Marchers: 'Republicans,
' 'Soccer Moms' & 'Grandparents'

 ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
5:30am EST, Monday January 20, 2003 (Vol. Eight; No. 11)
  The 1,417th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

"Peace" Marchers: "Republicans," "Soccer Moms" & "Grandparents";
Whitewashing Radical Agenda of Organizers; Newspapers Ignore What
Official Speakers Said on Stage; ABC's Peace Marchers Really Pro-
Saddam; ABC News Prez: "Patriotic Duty" to Not Wear Flag Lapel Pin

 Distributed to more than 11,600 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
http://www.mediaresearch.org. CyberAlerts from this year are at:
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Subscribe/unsubscribe information, as well as a link to the
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When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at:

1) "Peace march" whitewash. Ignoring the radical agenda of
organizers, the networks painted attendees as sympathetically as
possible, stressing how they were made up of "grandparents,"
"honor students," "soccer moms" and "Republicans." CNN highlighted
an elderly Nazi survivor who wants to "stop more suffering." ABC's
description: "Black and white, Democrat and Republican, young and
old." MSNBC: "A growing number of people are speaking out against
a war with Iraq: Students, grandparents, businessmen..."

2) What the media whitewashed. The Web site for the rally
organizer, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) clearly
proclaimed the group's very radical agenda. It railed against
"Bush's criminal war" for "oil," denounced "the nuclear threat
posed by the United States" and demanded "the immediate
elimination of U.S. weapons of mass destruction" as "a people's
inspection team will call for unfettered access and a full
declaration of U.S. non-conventional weapons systems" since the
"trigger-happy George W. Bush," not Hussein, is the real threat.\

3) Too embarrassed to report what was said from the stage? A
1,500-word article in Sunday's Washington Post contained a single
nine word quote from an official speaker while a 1,000-word New
York Times article failed quote a syllable from the DC stage. A
Post reporter admired how the marchers "represented a cross-
section of the nation, from World War II to Gulf War veterans...
The Green Party brought a contingent, as did the American Indian

4) To illustrate worldwide opposition to President Bush's Iraq
policy, ABC anchor Terry Moran on Saturday night cited how
"thousands of demonstrators blocked traffic as they marched in
Syria's capital, Damascus." But, as an AP dispatch noted, those
marchers were hardly advocating peace since they shouted, "Our
beloved Saddam, strike Tel Aviv."

5) ABC News President David Westin on Friday's Nightline/Viewpoint
special defended his ban on any ABC News personnel wearing a flag
lapel pin as based on the "patriotic duty" of journalists "to try
to be independent and objective and present the facts to the
American people." Nice goal.

> 1) "Peace march" whitewash. Though Saturday's anti-war with
Iraq "peace" march in Washington, DC was organized by a far-left
group, had a bunch of zany leftist outfits as sponsors, featured
some far out rhetoric from the stage which belied the notion that
the organizers simply want a peaceful solution, and ended with a
march to the Washington Navy Yard to demand access to U.S.
"weapons of mass destruction," as if the U.S. and Iraqi possession
of them is equivalent, major media outlets, both print and
broadcast, ignored such realities which might have reduced empathy
for the cause.

(This item looks at the networks. See item #3 below for
newspaper coverage.)

Instead, the networks painted participants as sympathetically
as possible, trying to make them identifiable to viewers as people
next door, stressing how they were made up of "grandparents,"
"honor students," "teachers," "businessmen," "military veterans,"
"soccer moms" and "Republicans." Plus, CNN really turned on the
syrup by focusing on an elderly a Nazi survivor who caught "a ride

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] There's Something Happening Here

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

There's Something Happening Here
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday January 19 2003

Someone once said that convictions are tested not when things are easy, or 
when circumstances do not challenge the mettle of your beliefs. Convictions 
are tested when standing on your principles causes inconvenience and pain. 
If you are able to withstand the test with your convictions intact, you 
come away with a clearer knowledge of your own strength.

There are thousands and thousands of Americans today who can say their 
convictions passed intact through a small but significant testing. They 
came by bus, by car, by rail and by plane to the nation's capitol to shout 
down a push for war in Iraq. Citizens from as far away as Alaska and 
Oklahoma made the trek, a sacrifice of time and money that is noteworthy. 
Moreover, these people endured for an entire day temperatures that lingered 
several degrees below freezing down on the Mall.

If you think that is not a test, try it sometime. While standing and 
listening to several hours of speeches, the cold crawls through your boots 
and up your legs, turning your feet and toes into blocks of frozen wood. 
The muscle cramps begin once the skin loses feeling. Your face becomes a 
chapped mask. Speaking is painful. The skin of your hands reddens and 
cracks. Simple tasks like writing and shaking hands become a misery, even 
with gloves on. The wind is always there. At the end of it all, when your 
body has lost circulation and the pain truly becomes all-encompassing, you 
are asked to walk from the Capitol steps to the Navy Pier so you can do it 
all over again.

Anyone could have bailed when it became too uncomfortable, but I did not 
see anyone taking themselves away from the scene. The purpose behind the 
International ANSWER Coalition's rally against looming war was far to 
important to walk away from. At stake is nothing more or less than the 
future of this republic.

A war in Iraq, pursued in the unilateralist fashion the Bush administration 
is slowly being relegated to by disinterest and hostility from former 
coalition members, would leave us isolated in a time of unprecedented 
danger. A pre-emptive strike would set a precedent for other nations around 
the world, further destabilizing an already rocky global situation. 
Thousands of American troops could be killed, and tens of thousands more 
face the permanent disability from exposure to chemicals, ill-tested 
vaccines and petroleum smoke that some 28% of veterans from the last Gulf 
War currently endure.

A unilateral attack without international support would assuredly bring 
more terrorism to our shores. When those fires go out, they will have done 
more than extinguish more innocent American lives. Those fires will burn to 
ash, finally and irrevocably, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have 
seen the Bush administration's rights-restricting reaction to the first 
attack. Further attacks will motivate them to finish the job once and for all.

The war will not be fought 'over there.' It will be right here, on your 
street and mine. It will be fought with those constitutional protections so 
many of us have come to take for granted right there on the firing line.

Some have argued that the Bush administration does not truly mean to go to 
war in Iraq, that this incredible buildup has been a diplomatic tool to 
pressure Saddam Hussein into UN compliance. Done properly, this might have 
been a canny process. With this administration, however, it is a game of 
Russian Roulette with five bullets in the chamber. This is the 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Dividend Question

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/20/03 9:12:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The stock market is a sideshow.
>Center stage, gold, the dollar, debt, deflation and central
>bankers are having a brawl.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

The Dividend Question

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Monday, 20 January 2003


*** Debt Bomb, Debt Bomb...I'm your Debt Bomb...

*** $31 trillion...and growing...trade gap heads for new

*** Tech business don't look good...gold rises...closer to
capitulation...promoting religious harmony...and more!


The stock market is a sideshow.

Center stage, gold, the dollar, debt, deflation and central
bankers are having a brawl.

"Debt Bomb," headlines this week's Barron's. Instead of
cheerleading for Wall Street, the financial press is
beginning to ask questions. "Nothing to worry about? Or
prelude to disaster?" continues the headline.

We offer an answer: a disaster.

Debt is not necessarily a bad thing; a man who borrows at
5% in order to make an investment that pays 10% is no worse
off. But that is not what happened in America's consumer-
capitalist society. Individuals borrowed to increase their
consumption. And businesses borrowed in order to finance
acquisitions, stock buybacks, and mergers - usually at
absurd prices. Corporate chieftains were not interested in
the kind of capital investment that might produce real
profits over the long term; what they wanted was celebrity
status in the press, the kind of flashy results that would
impress the lumpeninvestoriat, and a higher stock price so
they could cash-out their options.

Deprived of adequate capital investment, business profits
have been declining - as a percentage of GDP - since the
'60s, with the most recent cyclical peak in '97. Imports
from overseas have been rising - with the trade gap headed
to a new record of 6% of GDP in 2003.

Not that consumption can't help build a strong economy;
American consumers have helped create one of the biggest
economic success stories in history - in China!

But now, American individuals and businesses face $31
trillion in debt - with no painless way of paying it.

That is the problem with a consumer economy. Consumers need
to be able to pay for what they buy. But as resources are
diverted from capital investment to consumption...consumers
have less real money to spend.

Of course you'll recall, dear reader, the remarkable speech
by Ben Bernanke on November 21st of last year, in which the
Fed governor offered to make our debts a little lighter by
inflating the currency and thus cheating the creditors. He
told the whole world that the planet's biggest debtor would
make sure the currency in which those debts were calibrated
continued to lose value - even if it meant resorting to the
'printing press.'

Not too surprising, then, that the holders of dollar assets
began to look for other places to keep their wealth. Since
the day of Bernanke's speech, the price of gold has risen
from $317 to $356. The euro has gone up too, from 99 cents
to $1.06. Don't be surprised to see these trends continue.

And now the latest from Eric. It is a holiday on Wall
Street today...but Eric is on the job:


Eric Fry, reporting from Wall Street...

- The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 198 points last
week to 8,586, while the Nasdaq tumbled 4.9% to 1,376. The
major averages still cling to respectable gains for the
year, although the gains are somewhat less respectable than
they were one week ago.

- The Dow and the Nasdaq are both still ahead by 3% year-
to-date. But the buoyant optimism of the New Year is fading
fast. Back on Januar

Re: [CTRL] Archives

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/20/03 9:56:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>-Caveat Lector-
>Hi All:
>What address do I use to access the archives. Nothing below the postings
>seems to work.
>Thank you
 Yes, I need to fix that. So much to do.

Here is the current address:



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [2] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Rothschild and BCCI (and Soros and Israel)

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Hi Duncan:

I've seen nothing to link Soros to Chatham House, but I don't doubt the
possibility that he has been their guest in the past.

When you say that Lord Carrington was the official head of SIS, I presume
you mean in his role as Foreign Secretary rather than head of the SIS

Anyone wishing to take a serious look at Conrad Black need only look at his
Hollinger Corp and those he has sitting on his Board of Directors,
International Advisory Board and Directors of subsidiary companies.  The
papers I have naming these are now a few years out of date (1993) but
included such notables as:

Baroness Thatchler (Honorary Senior International Advisor), Lord Carrington
(Senior Intl Advisor), Henry Kissinger (likewise), Giovanni Agnelli (member
Intl Advisory Board), Zbigniew Brzezinski (same), William Buckley Jr (same),
Sir James Goldsmith (same), Lord Hanson (same), Chaim Herzog (same), Richard
Perle (same), Lord Rothschild (same), Paul Volcker (same), Rupert Hambro
(director of subsidiary), Henry Kiswick (same), Lord King (same), Sir Evelyn
de Rothschild (same), Lord Swaythling (same).

This is a listing straight out of the Bilderberg Conferences and Trilat
memberships.  Dear old Peter Carrington, as a young Guards officer during
WWII, appears to have made a bit of a whoopsy-daisy during a significant
battle following the Allied invasion on D-day, by not prosecuting an
attack - using his tank troop - on a certain bridge that was defended by one
solitary Nazi tank.  That odd lack of action arguably resulted in the
failure of Montgomery's bold plan to capture the bridges in Holland and
enter Germany via the backdoor -- a plan so audacious that it was believed
it would end the war by Christmas 1944.

And just where did this mighty sit-down-and-do-nothing attitude occur?
Well, let's see... could it possibly be at a place called "Oosterbeck" -
famous, if for nothing else, for being the lexact geographical ocation of
the now infamous Hotel de Bilderberg, which hosted the first ever meeting of
the Bilderberg Group in 1954.

It would be even more curious if Lord Carrington ever attended a Bilderberg
Conference.  Which, of course, he did.  I wonder how he relayed the abject
inactivity of his Guards tank troop as it drew to a complete, grinding halt
on the far side of the Nijmegen bridge, just captured at an atrocious cost
by the courage of the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne.

One also wonders if it was during these monumentous events, that Peter
Carrington first met Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - formerly a German
prince who, prior to his marriage in 1937 (as I recall) was employed by NW7,
the foreign intelligence division of the Nazi's most beloved I G Farben?
Perhaps cynicism is ruling my black heart and these two only met when
Carrington attended the Bilderberg Conference of which Prince Bernhard was
the Chairman (that is until he got caught soliciting bribes in the Lockheed

However, the thing about the failure of the attack on the bridge at Arnhem,
was that it left intact Bormann's capital flight programme, Aktion Fuueland
(Operation Fireland), which was set in motion a month earlier during the
then secret meeting at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg on 10th August
1944.  Bormann needed a year to get all the Nazi assets and plunder safely
stashed away before the war ended (which by then was inevitable, by the
way).  Had the war finished by Christmas 1944 - as predicted in the event of
the success of Operation Market Garden - then all that luvely jubely such as
cash, gold, artworks and industrial patents, diamonds, morphine, more cash,
platinum, gold coins, lots more cash, pre-war securities (mo

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Rothschild and BCCI (and Soros and Israel)

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-Caveat Lector-

Hi Brian:
I don't think I am able explain things with any
clarity... other than perhaps to say that everything interconnects and
few things ever happen in isolation.  
As an example, Dr. Hartmann's CIA controller was none other
than the now disgraced former CIA officer, Edwin Wilson.  Quite a
conincidence don't you think?
Moreover, as interesting connections go, the former Director
of Rothschilds Bank AG, Zurich, one Jurg Heer, (once nicknamed the "King of
Italy") admitted having personally handed over a suitcase containing $5 million
in cash, that he later learned was for the killers of Roberto Calvi.  Heer
was arrested in the early 1990's on massive fraud charges, and was preparing to
blow the proverbial whistle on all manner of criminal activity.  However,
in early 1993, Heer disappeared.  He was later located in Thailand. 
He died in 2001 in an AIDS clinic in Zurich.
I briefly covered the Hartmann story in my SECRET GOLD TREATY
which is freely available for download at my website www.deepblacklies.co.uk  Just
browse to Part 2 and read on - especially about the story of Florio Fiorini,
who in other places, spoke of the use made of Hartmann's bank - the Banque
de Commerce et de Placements (BCP) of Geneva - for the so called "Band of
Seven" system of draining profits from the financial markets for the purposes of
political kickbacks for all the political
parties.  The BCP was later sold to "friends" of the Union Bank of
Switzerland (UBS) who, in turn, later sold it to BCCI.  Fiorini does not
make clear who the "friends" of the UBS are - as presumably insiders and
intimates know only too well.  My guess is that this was the Vatican
bank... but this is purely speculative on my part,
In any event, a friend of Fiorini was Jean Baptiste Doumeng,
who goes by the monicker of the "Red Billionaire."  So, yup, we're
back into the realm of those pesky billionaires and their club. 
Interestingly, Doumeng's son, Michael was also deeply comlplicit with
Alfred Sirvin, one of the most senior executives of Elf - the giant French oil
company -  who was accused of massive embezzlement and money laundering
(what the French more accurately call "bleaching").  Sirvin fled to the
Philippines to avoid arrest and prosecution.  Fiorini's "Band of
Seven" were active in the early 1970's through the 1980's.  The Elf (now
"TotalFinaElf") scam is contemporary.  Nothing changes.  The Elf
affair implicated both the former German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, as well as the
former French President, Francois Mitterand.  The affair extends also to
the so called "Frigates affair" concerning the sale of six Lafayette Class
frigates made by Thomson-CSF to Taiwan, which led to the resignation of
Roland Dumas, the French Foreign Minister.  Seems that Sirvin's mistress
was "employed" by Sirvin at the time the frigates deal went through amidst
whispers of "commissions."  Sirvin, who was located in Manilla and returned
to stand trial in France had this to say about his predicament:
    ``My work in this firm was mixed with
politics, and that is never good. I could hand over about a hundred names...but
it doesn't interest me,'' he said. ``If I am forced to speak, it will be at the
risk and peril of those who force me.'' 
Elf, at least in the days when it was state owned, was used as
a front for French intelligence.  The Philippines as a choice of hideout
for Sirvin is, of course, more than interesting to me, for the PI's are
inextricably tied into those massive amounts of gold and other treasure
plundered during WWII by the Nazi's and the Japanese.  The Philippines were
also a focus for the Vatican involvement in war plunder via the assistance

[CTRL] Skeptic's Annotated Bible: The King James Version presented from a skeptic's point of view.

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
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[CTRL] Of Big Oil, By Big Oil, For Big Oil

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.popmatters.com/features/021227-conspiracy.shtml";>Of Big
Oil, By Big Oil, For Big Oil: The 10 M...
Click Here: http://www.popmatters.com/features/021227-conspiracy.shtml";>Of Big Oil,
By Big Oil, For Big Oil: The 10 M...

The 10 Most Startling Speculations and "Conspiracy Theories" About September
11 and America's New War
[27 December 2002]
by Mike Ward
PopMatters Film Critic

e-mail this article

For about thirty minutes after his chief of staff told him that America was
under attack, George W. Bush continued to sit in an elementary school
classroom listening to a second-grader tell a story about a pet goat. He did
a marvelous job of looking completely unsurprised. Meanwhile, four hijacked
jumbo jets were able to fly off-course across several states without
encountering any opposition from the most powerful and responsive air force
in the world.

Less than a month later, on the pretext of pursuing terrorist mastermind
Osama bin Laden, the Bush administration began what it called a "war" on the
impoverished and already war-torn country of Afghanistan. It turns out this
assault had been in the works well before September 11 took place.

Soon after replacing the Taliban government with one more to its liking (and,
in what is surely a coincidence, resuscitating the world's most bountiful
opium fields), the administration began agitating for a similar, but even
more destructive, bombardment of the oil-rich nation of Iraq. This, although
Osama bin Laden was still at large and no link between him and Saddam Hussein
could be established.

For these reasons and hundreds of others, the year following September 11 has
seen probably the most staggering proliferation of "conspiracy theories" in
American history. Angry speculation -- focused mainly on government dirty
dealings, ulterior motives, and potential complicity in the attacks -- has
risen to a clamor that easily rivals what followed the Kennedy assassination.
Some of these suppositions are patent balderdash. But many others are
coherent and well argued, and cite disconcerting reports from the U.S.
corporate media and respected overseas news desks to support their claims.
Providing grist for the mill are such odd episodes as last year's partisan
anthrax poisonings (using U.S. army microbes) and the sniper attacks that
recently plagued Washington, DC.

Following are the ten most alarming theories about September 11, the "war on
terror," and the future of the world. Feel free to accept them as gospel,
study them as symptoms of a traumatized culture, or scoff at them as
anti-American propaganda: I'm only the messenger. Personally, though, at this
point the only person I hold above suspicion in the matter of September 11 is
that poor kid with the goat.

1. Great Game in the Caspian Sea.
Among the theories about the administration's real reasons for bombing and
occupying Afghanistan, the one with the most traction argues that Afghanistan
provides the best real estate for an oil and natural gas pipeline. Believers
say that fossil fuels in the Caspian Sea, once part of the Soviet empire, are
now up for grabs in a fierce contest between Russia and the West. To the
winner will go control of much of the energy supply for East Asia. Sources
cited in support of this idea -- which has gotten ink in England's Guardian
newspaper and the BBC, as well as offhand mention on U.S. Sunday talk shows
-- include Zbigniew Brzezinski's apology for empire, The Grand Chessboard,
and a 1998 Taliban-damning report to Congress from the oil company Unocal.
But the most telling evidence of all: now that Afghanistan is a satellite
state of the Bush administration, the pipeline is actually being built!.

2. The Afghanistan/Enron Connection.
Rumor has it that in the months before Enron's collapse, Bush, Cheney, and
the much-gossiped-about "energy task force" convened daily, high-priority
meetings to try and engineer a bailout for Bush's most generous campaign
contributor. At the peak of the Enron scandal and in the aftermath of the
attack on Afghanistan, a fascinating document surfaced in conspiracy circles
that told of a bank-breaking Enron venture: a power plant the firm had partly
built in India. Plagued with cost overruns and accusations of employee
mistreatment that led to violent labor disputes, the power plant became a
cash sinkhole that threatened to send Enron into insolvency -- unless the
plant could tap into a pipeline network to be spun off from the Caspian Sea
venture and recover some of its losses by operating on natural gas. A
detailed and intriguing read, this document explains why Dick Cheney would
sooner chug a quart of 10W-40 than surrender the minutes of those energy

3. The Magic Passport Theory.
We can now add Mohamed Atta's reality-defying passport to the Arlen Specter
Gallery of Improbable Projectiles. This incriminating item was thrown intact
from a cataclysmic fireball and miraculousl


2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friend - It is *imperative* that you read the following article from
the WHITEHOUSE.ORG web site: http://whitehouse.org/dof/defending-
israel.asp.  Don't delay.  Your patriotism is at stake!

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Re: [CTRL] Myths of Martin Luther King

2003-01-20 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Myths of Martin Luther King
> by Marcus Epstein

King earned his place in History as a Great American
in spite of his naive faith in Socialism and Statism as
the great solver of all social / economic ills.

He was a brave man who was in the right time and
place (as was most historically acclaimed 'great

He served as the catalyst to end the unconstitutional disgrace
of legalized segregation. For any Fed, state or local public
body to permit racial segregation within any publicly funded
entity was / is a travesty upon the Constitution. The right to
vote is fundamental. The right to equal access to all public
services and entities is basic.

Not to say that it also is a fundamental right for private citizens
and private business's (not receiving public funds in any way) to
discriminate to their heart's content.

The rest of the statist pap so often associated with King such as
'affirmative action', 'reparations' or racial quotas are flaws which
do not take away from his basic great act as the symbol of the
destruction of segregation. Of course his assassination added to
the mystique but unlike JFK he actually earned his place in

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[CTRL] Fwd: "The ultimate Jewish conspiracy theory"

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-Caveat Lector-
 Click here: Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | The ultimate Jewish conspiracy theory 
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[CTRL] Fwd: More Conspiracy in Texas

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-Caveat Lector-
     One party to the conspiracy is a former conservative member of the European Parliament, a Danish national now residing in Texas.

Man indicted in drug-for-arms conspiracy extradited
By: Heath Hixson, [Conroe Texas] Courier staff  January 03, 2003

A Woodlands [TX] resident accused of engineering an international drugs-for-arms conspiracy to outfit a Colombian terrorist group with $25 million in weapons is now jailed in Houston awaiting trial after being extradited to the United States.

Carlos Ali Romero Varela, a 43-year-old Colombian native who owns a home in the Village of Cochran's Crossing, was extradited Dec. 20 from Costa Rica to face federal conspiracy charges, authorities said Thursday.

Romero was arrested Nov. 5 in Costa Rica with two Colombians in connection with the alleged plot to trade drugs and cash for $25 million in Russian-made weapons to arm the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a right-wing Colombian paramilitary group.

A fourth suspect, Uwe Jensen, 66, a Denmark native who resides in Fort Bend County near Houston, also was arrested in connection with the conspiracy. He was arrested at his home Nov. 5. Jensen is a former conservative member of the Danish Parliament and the European Parliament. He was employed at Romero's Houston-based petroleum shipping tank business, Poseidon Inc.

A federal grand jury in Houston indicted the four Dec. 4 on federal charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and conspiracy to provide material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization. They could face life in federal prison if convicted.
Federal prosecutors said Romero was the key player locally in brokering the deal.
"He (Romero) was the main person here that was putting all of this together," Robert Stabe, an assistant U.S. attorney, previously said. "We would not present it to a grand jury if we did not think we had a case. We are confident in our case."
Romero faces an arraignment hearing Jan. 7 in front of U.S. Magistrate Judge Nancy Johnson, where he is only able to plead not guilty, U.S. Federal Court officials said Thursday.
Court officials said Romero's trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 11.
Jensen previously pleaded not guilty. He remains in custody awaiting trial.
The two Colombians are suspected of being members of the terrorist group and remain in custody in Costa Rica. It is unknown when they will be extradited, said Eric Wallenius, U.S. Marshal's Service spokesman in Houston.
The group, otherwise known by its Spanish name Autodefensas Unidas De Colombia, or the AUC, is listed on the State Department's foreign terrorist organizations list, which includes 34 other groups, such as militant Islamic movements al-Qaida, Hamas and Hezbollah.
The conspiracy allegedly began when Jensen introduced Romero to an undercover FBI operative in 2001. After several meetings, Romero, the FBI operative and the AUC members arranged for at least $25 million worth of cash and cocaine to be traded for the weapons, according to federal documents.
Romero was to use petroleum-shipping tanks to transport the weapons. The latest meeting was Oct. 19 in Panama.
The weapons in the deal included more than 10,000 assault rifles, nearly 400 pistols, at least eight grenade launchers, anti-aircraft missiles and more than 60 million rounds of various types of ammunition.
The federal government claims the AUC is responsible for more than 800 assassinations, 75 massacres with 507 victims and more than 200 kidnappings in the first 10 months of 2000 -- the latest government figures -- according to court records. The government also claims the AUC funds 70 percent of its operations through drug traf

[CTRL] Fwd: Pharmaceutical Companies Chrged with Global Price-Fixing

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-
Roche, Aventis and BASF face more US price-fixing claims

Sunday, Jan 19, 2003,

Roche, Aventis, BASFand more than a dozen other alleged participants in global cartels that fixed vitamin prices must face claims from non-US customers that may amount to billions of dollars, a US appeals court said.

The court revived lawsuits by Australian, Ukrainian and South American customers that had been dismissed because the purchasers didn't buy the vitamins in the US The panel said US antitrust law allows damage claims by foreign customers to deter price fixing by global conspiracies that damage US commerce.

"This is a multibillion-dollar decision in all likelihood," said Paul Gallagher, an antitrust lawyer who represented Empagran SA and Nutricion Animal SA.Roche, the world's largest vitamin producer, Aventis and three other drugmakers agreed in 1999 to pay US$1.17 billion to settle claims they fixed prices in the US$20 billion-a-year US market.

"There is likely to be as many transactions and as much volume at stake for the claims relating to the foreign plaintiffs' transactions," said Gallagher, whose clients include Australia's Brisbane Export Corp and Winddridge Pig Farm, which purchased vitamins for feed.US District Judge Thomas F. Hogan, who approved the 1999 settlement, dismissed foreign customers' claims, saying they weren't covered by US antitrust law. The appeals court disagreed.

"Disallowing suits by foreign purchasers injured by a global conspiracy because they themselves were not injured by the conspiracy's US effects runs the risk of inadequately deterring global conspiracies that harm US consumers," the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled.

Without such suits, price fixers would decide to offset losses from US damage suits by keeping profits from foreign sales, the court said. 

"The US consumer would only gain, and would not lose, by enlisting enforcement by those harmed by the foreign effects of the global conspiracy," the three-judge panel said in a 2-1 decision.

The decision is likely to be reviewed by the Supreme Court because it conflicts with other appeals courts on whether foreign plaintiffs may sue in US courts to recover damages for overseas price fixing, said Herbert Hovenkamp, an antitrust expert at the University of Iowa law school.

"This is kind of the ugly American in antitrust where we are exporting our values," Hovenkamp said. He said the ruling "puts us in the position of economic policeman for the world. We come in this body of law that says if you are unhappy with your antitrust law just use ours."

Hovenkamp questioned if Congress intended to allow such lawsuits when it passed the 1982 Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act."Congress was really concerned about protecting American businesses and American consumers," he said. "Congress has not been in the habit in recent years of giving lawsuits to foreign groups of plaintiffs for purely foreign injuries."

The DC Circuit split on the question of congressional intent. Judge Harry Edwards wrote for the majority that "Congress intended for subject matter jurisdiction to exist over the conduct of an international cartel that had an effect on domestic commerce, even if the plaintiff's claim does not arise from that domestic effect."Judge Karen Henderson dissented, saying "the more natural reading" of the law "is the narrow one adopted by the district court" and the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals.In 2001, the New Orleans-based appeals court dismissed a lawsuit by Norway's Statoil ASA to recover damages from foreign participants in a conspiracy to fix marine construction prices. The Supreme Court refuse

[CTRL] Fwd: Blair Denies War Against Iraq is About Oil

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-Caveat Lector-
 Click here: Channel NewsAsia 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Houston Prosecutor Alleges Energy Market Conspiracy

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-Caveat Lector-
Prosecutor Alleges Energy Market Conspiracy


AP Business Writer HOUSTON (AP)--A former El Paso Corp. energy trader accused of reporting fake transactions was part of a conspiracy to supply the market with fraudulent information, a prosecutor said Monday.

El Paso also said Monday that its ongoing review of trading activities has revealed more instances of inaccurate price reporting, and that people involved in those instances are no longer with the company.

Todd Geiger, 38, has been charged with one count of wire fraud and one count of reporting false trade information. He was arrested in December for allegedly reporting 48 fake natural gas trades in November 2001 to an industry newsletter, ``Inside FERC Gas Market Report.'' The newsletter uses such information submitted each month to calculate index prices for the subsequent month, and movement in index prices often affect the level of profits traders can generate. Geiger, the only El Paso trader who has been charged, has pleaded innocent. His trial is set for March 24.

``Even though he is not charged with conspiracy, we believe his actions are part of a conspiracy that goes back two years,'' Assistant U.S. Attorney John Lewis said, referring to Geiger while talking with U.S. District Judge Nancy Atlas during a pretrial conference.

Lewis said the government is accumulating evidence turned over voluntarily by El Paso and last week obtained a recording containing 140 telephone calls taped by the company of ``other traders at El Paso and Inside FERC.'' That's in addition to recordings prosecutors already received, which include an Inside FERC editor questioning Geiger's 48 trades where Geiger told the editor ``essentially that they were real,'' Lewis said Monday.  El Paso recorded the calls because companies tend to do that ``as evidence of the transactions,'' Lewis explained to Atlas.

Defense attorney George Murphy complained about Lewis' comments in open court about the possibility of a ``vast conspiracy.'' ``(Geiger) believes he's not guilty and I believe he's not guilty,'' Murphy said. Outside of court, Lewis declined to elaborate on the conspiracy he described to Atlas or comment on whether more charges are possible.
El Paso said Monday that the information recently provided to prosecutors and other agencies investigating trading practices ``indicates additional instances of inaccurate reporting'' to Inside FERC, and ``personnel engaged in these activities are no longer with the company.''

``We have previously stated that any inaccurate reporting is unacceptable and this company is determined to take whatever steps we need to ensure our operations are conducted within our high ethical standards and all legal requirements,'' said El Paso spokeswoman Norma Dunn.

Dynegy Inc., Williams Cos., CMS Energy Corp. and American Electric Power Co. also have disclosed that internal reviews found false reporting by traders.

El Paso said in November that it will exit the trading business, as are Dynegy and Aquila Inc. Geiger, a former El Paso vice president, took a leave of absence Nov. 6 and resigned Nov. 12. The next day, the company issued a statement about ``at least one incident in which it appears that inaccurate pricing information might have been provided to a trade publication.'' Murphy has said that nothing ever appeared in ``Inside FERC'' and that anything his client may have done had no effect on the price of natural gas. Lewis said while ``Inside FERC'' rejected Geiger's 48-trade submission, the government needs only to prove that Geiger reported fake trades, not whether they were published or affected the markets. Geiger is free on $250,0

[CTRL] Fwd: "Conspiracy" against Labor Party in Israel

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
   "an alleged corruption story involving the leader of the Labor Party, according to which two US-based ultra-Orthodox real estate millionaires who were convicted of laundering drug money from Columbia received preferential treatment by him."

Click here: Likud senses conspiracy: ‘Police are tailing us and tapping our phones’ 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Fwd: "The Lords of Bakersfield"

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-
   "Until recently, it was a little remembered local legend, of interest mostly to conspiracy theorists.  But in the aftermath of a Sept. 13 murder and subsequent arrests, the legend has resurfaced.    
    "Some of the facts of the Tauzer case appear similar to aspects of the Lords legend, which goes like this:
 "For more than a generation, Bakersfield was run by a cadre of men who led double lives. To the public these men were members of the community's most visible institutions, its justice system and the media.  But in reality, these men -- a sprinkling of county executives, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, even the newspaper's publisher -- were part of a loose-knit, secretive network. Some were homosexuals who preyed upon young men and boys, then used their positions of power and influence to protect one another from possible ramifications."

Click here: bakersfield.com - Local News

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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[CTRL] DOT information collection

2003-01-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: R. J. Tavel, J.D. 
To: Learning Electronically About Freedom
mailing service 
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 1:58 PM
Subject: [Lis-LEAF] DOT intends to establish a system of record
under the Privacy Act of 1974.
Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html[Federal
Register: January 15, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 10)][Notices][Page
2101-2103] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access
OF TRANSPORTATIONOffice of the SecretaryPrivacy Act of 1974:
System of RecordsAGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.ACTION:
Notice to amend a system of
DOT intends to establish a system of record under the PrivacyAct of
1974.EFFECTIVE DATE: February 24, 2003. If no comments are received,
theproposal will become effective on the above date. If comments
arereceived, the comments will be considered and, where adopted,
thedocuments will be republished with changes.FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT: Yvonne L. Coates, Department ofTransportation, Office
of the Secretary, 400 7th Street, SW.,Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-6964
(telephone), (202) 366-7024 (fax),[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Internet
address).SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Transportation
system of[[Page 2102]]records notice subject to the Privacy Act
of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), asamended, has been published in the Federal
Register and is availablefrom the above mentioned address.DOT/TSA
010Security Classification: Classified,
sensitive.System Name: Aviation Security
Screening Records.System Location: Records
are maintained at the Office of National Risk Assessment,Transportation
Security Administration (TSA), 400 7th Street, SW.,Washington, DC
20590.Categories of Individuals Covered by the
System: Individuals traveling to, from, or within
the United States (U.S.)by passenger air transportation; individuals who are
deemed to pose apossible risk to transportation or national security, a
possible riskof air piracy or terrorism, or a potential threat to airline
orpassenger safety, aviation safety, civil aviation, or
nationalsecurity.Categories of Records in the
System: Passenger Name Records (PNRs) and associated
data; reservation andmanifest information of passenger carriers and, in the
case ofindividuals who are deemed to pose a possible risk to
transportationsecurity, record categories may include: risk assessment
reports;financial and transactional data; public source
information;proprietary data; and information from law enforcement and
intelligencesources.Authority for Maintenance of the
System: 49 U.S.C. 114, 44901, and
44903.Purpose(s): The system will be used to
facilitate the conduct of an aviationsecurity-screening program, including
risk assessments to ensureaviation security.Routine Uses of Records
Maintained in the System, Including Categoriesof Users and the Purposes of
Such Uses: Information may be disclosed from this
system as follows: (1) To appropriate Federal,
State, territorial, tribal, local,international, or foreign agencies
responsible for investigating orprosecuting the violations of, or for
enforcing or implementing, astatute, rule, regulation, order, or license,
where TSA becomes awareof an indication of a violation or potential
violation of civil orcriminal law or regulation.
(2) To contractors, grantees, experts, consultants, agents andother
non-Federal employees performing or working on a contract,service, grant,
cooperative agreement, or other assignment from theFederal government for
the purpose of providing consulting, dataprocessing, clerical, or other
functions to assist TSA in any functionrelevant to the purpose of the
system. (3) To Federal, State, territorial, tribal,
and local lawenforcement and regulatory agencies--foreign, international,
anddomestic--in response to queries regarding persons who may pose a
riskto transportation or national security; a risk of air piracy
orterrorism or a threat to airline or passenger safety; or a threat
toaviation safety, civil aviation, or national
security. (4) To individuals and organizations, in
the course of enforcementefforts, to the extent necessary to elicit
information pertinent to theinvestigation, prosecution, or enforcement of
civil or criminalstatutes, rules, regulations or orders regarding persons
who may pose arisk to transportation or national security; a risk of air
piracy orterrorism or a threat to airline or passenger safety; or a threat
toaviation safety, civil aviation, or national
security. (5) To a Federal, State, or local agency,
where such agency hasrequested information relevant or necessary for the
hiring or retentionof an individual, or issuance of a security clearance,
license,contract, grant, or other benefit. 

[CTRL] pAedriatric pResidency

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Hard Hitting Publications Mainstream Won't Dare To Touch!


''Rebel without a clue''

By Paul Harris
YellowTimes.org Columnist (Canada)

(YellowTimes.org) – There is a curious dichotomy in this world. Large
numbers of people from many countries want to relocate to the United
States because it is the promised land; most of those same people
despise or fear the United States. I assume this is the same
phenomenon that makes it hard for us to turn away from the carnage of
a vehicle accident or some other tragedy despite how repulsed we are
by what we see before us. Or that allows us to keep on watching CNN as
though we actually believe them.

Since I started writing for YellowTimes.org, I have frequently touched on
issues that involve the United States; sometimes that has been blatant
criticism; sometimes it has been complimentary but with a touch of
criticism; on rare occasion, I've actually offered unreserved praise. As
you might expect, I get a lot of e-mail when I am critical of America,
especially from people in the United States. But I have also been
astounded by the number of those correspondents who have asked
about immigrating to Canada. (For any Americans who might share this
interest, let me suggest that you check out http://bantha.cjb.net/
switch/index.htm and meet one of your former citizens.)

I am not a nationalist in the "rah-rah wave the flag" sense because at a
personal level I abhor the notion that there are any borders at all on our
planet. Arbitrary lines drawn in the dirt by whomever was the toughest
guy on the block at some remote time in history has caused more
distress, death, hatred, and misery than any other human action;
religious issues might give it a good run for its money but I think I can
make a strong case that borders are the most significant cause of our
centuries of bloodshed. Despite that, I am proud of Canada as a
geographic and political entity. I think we have achieved something
pretty decent here and while it is not without monumental faults and
some mind-bogglingly stupid foibles, there aren't too many folks around
the world who don't look at us with envy, without the hatred that distorts
their envy of the United States.

Many people in Canada complain about our lack of overt patriotism and
they hold up the flag-waving- breast-beating-we-are-the-best-
people-in-the-universe bravado of the folks beyond our southern
border as the way to be. Please, spare us all from another one of those.
That blind perversion has allowed a whole range of otherwise intelligent
people to believe in some outrageous crap and to behave with a
brutality not seen almost anywhere else. I see that patriotic verve and
fever as the most dangerous force on earth; it is especially dangerous
because it engulfs the most powerful nation on earth.

Many of you may remember a saccharine song from a few decades ago
called "Only in America" which sang the praises of the "land of
opportunity." And it is true that opportunity abounds in the United
States. But for people of conscience, it comes with a hell of a price.

The United States has the best of just about everything within its own
borders. It has wealth beyond belief, resources most of the world can
only dream about, an incredible number of very intelligent and very
talented people, one of the best systems of government (well, on paper
they do, although the practice sure leaves a lot to be desired). They are
creative, inventive, compelled to succeed and to strive for excellence.
Their influence in the world is immense and therein lies the danger for
the rest of the world; this is a country with a very questionable morality.

The United States is a nation whose basic mode of living is to take what
it wants, wherever it wants it. That doesn't mean they don't pay for what
they take (usually) but often the vendor didn't want to sell and was
bullied into it. On a domestic level, they practice the fine art of "bugger
your neighbor" almost to the point of perfection and they have yet to
figure out that some very minor social benefits would go a long way
toward making the majority of their citizens a good deal happier than
evidence suggests they are. On an international scale, they are powerful
but without much conscience. Over the years, the United States has
attacked more countries than you can shake a stick at, rarely with any
substantive reason; they have interfered persistently in other nations'
affairs; and yet they have provided enormous aid and assistance to
countries in trouble, but rarely without exacting an uncomfortable price
from the recipient.

In fact, the United States is the most dangerous rogue nation history has
ever shown us. In that regard, they currently have the perfect

When I first thought of this article, I was really thinking of George Bush
himself, but as I organized the idea in my mind, I realized he is really a
metaphor for what is wrong with the Unit

[CTRL] For your attention

2003-01-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Murdoch TV channel hires Hewitt as war reporter
Matt Wells, media correspondent
Tuesday January 14 2003
The Guardian

James Hewitt, whose failed attempts to sell his love letters from Princess Diana 
earned him the "love rat" soubriquet, has been renamed the "desert rat" after being 
hired as a war correspondent.

Fox News Channel, the US network that has drawn criticism for its style of journalism, 
has signed up the former Life Guards officer to report on the conflict with Iraq. 
Hewitt has no reporting experience, but his lawyer said he would be flying out to the 
Middle East in the next few weeks.

Hewitt has become notorious for his attempts to sell the correspondence between him 
and Princess Diana, and is held in contempt by the tabloid press. But he would be 
attractive to Fox, which has become known for its personality-led style of reporting 
pioneered by the correspondent Geraldo Rivera, who carried a gun when reporting from 

While the Murdoch-owned network has been criticised by liberal commentators, it has 
overtaken CNN in the US as the most popular news channel.

There were reports yesterday that the Hewitt deal was worth £100,000, but his 
lawyer Michael Coleman said: "I'm not in a position to disclose the terms of his 
contract or the details of the negotiations." A spokeswoman for Fox declined to 
confirm or deny the story.

Hewitt was criticised last week for confirming he was prepared to sell his love 
letters from Diana. The former officer said he has already been of fered £4m for 
10 of the 64 handwritten letters composed during their five-year affair.

Hewitt, a veteran of the 1991 Gulf war, said last week he was still a reservist and 
could be ordered to serve with British forces in any new conflict. Mr Coleman said 
this was "theoretically possible but practically unlikely".

He also said he completed talks with Fox in Los Angeles last week while Hewitt took 
part in a series of interviews.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dissent in the Ranks

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

January 16-22, 2003

pretzel logic

Dissent in the Ranks

by Howard Altman

Edward Hamm does not like George Bush's war mongering, not one bit.

Attacking Iraq at this junction is not just, Hamm says. War is not
inevitable, he argues, and now is the time to stop it.

Ed Hamm is a wise man when it comes to U.S. involvement in world
affairs. But what really makes him worth listening to is that he's no
pointy-headed liberal.

Edward H. Hamm is a retired real estate investor and oil man. He's a
card- carrying Republican who's given more than half a million dollars to
GOP campaign coffers, including $1,000 to elect George Bush. Hamm
gives so much money to the party that he goes by the title of Republican

Angered that the subject of his political largess is acting so belligerently,
Republican Regent Hamm says he wants Bush to knock it off or he wants
a refund. And he's not shy about his displeasure.

On Monday, Hamm paid $170,000 for a full-page ad in The Wall Street
Journal - - titled "A Republican Dissent on Iraq" -- exhorting Bush to
back down. The ad is signed by more than two dozen people with
Republican ties nationwide, including two from Philadelphia -- John
Haas, the retired chairman of the board at Rohm & Haas, and Peter
Benoliel, chairman of the executive committee of Quaker Chemical

Poor George. First it was the North Koreans. Now his own party is giving
him grief.

So upset is Republican Regent Hamm that, to deliver his message to the
Republican president, he not only opened up his wallet -- the one that
has funneled so much to the GOP -- but he teamed up with the pointy

Hamm's original draft of the ad was massaged by the Avenging Angels,
a "progressive" advertising and communications firm whose founder,
Gene Case, began his career working with Lyndon Johnson's 1964 re-
election campaign.

According to Climaterescue.org, an environmentalist website, Case
founded the $500-million advertising agency and assisted organizations
like The Nation magazine, National Council of Churches, Nuclear
Information and Resource Service and TrueMajority, a grassroots
education and advocacy project founded by ultra-liberal ice cream
magnate Ben Cohen.

The ad Hamm paid for, which is an open letter to George Bush, states
that while "We supported the Gulf War. We accept the logic of a just war.
[Y]our war on Iraq does not pass the test. It is not a just war. The
candidate we supported in 2000 promised a more humble nation in our
dealings with the world. We gave him our votes and our campaign
contributions. That candidate was you. We feel betrayed. We want our
money back. We want our country back."

The ad goes on to question how many "young American lives will be lost
in this dubious war" and how many "innocent Iraqis will be killed and
maimed and made homeless."

And, raising an issue it seems no one in the Bush administration has
really considered, the ad states that "out of war may rise an Iraqi regime
every bit as brutish as the present one. What will you do then?"

Calling Bush's odds of success "infinitesimal," Hamm and the other ad
signers tell the president that he "cannot keep proclaiming peace while
preparing for war."

It is a very good point to make at a time when thousands of soldiers,
sailors and Marines are heading toward the Gulf.

What do the Philadelphia signers think about the President's incessant
pounding of the war drums?

Peter Benoliel, like Hamm, could not be reached for comment. John
Haas is happy to talk about why he signed Hamm's ad.

"I am not against war, just against us going in by ourselves," says Haas,
who was a Republican until switching allegiances earlier this year to vote
for Ed Rendell in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. "A unilateral
approach to this problem is the wrong way to go. It is a mistake for us to
go in ourselves and create more problems than we solve. It will infuriate
the world community, the Muslim community and create more terrorists.
If you go in with the backing of the Security Council, you are all right."

Haas, whose father helped found Rohm & Haas, says that disagreeing
with President Bush is nothing new for him.

"I did not vote for Bush," he says. "I have been a lifelong Republican, but
I was not able to go along with his politics."

Publicly, the White House says it is not blinking at Hamm, Haas or

"I don't want to comment specifically about those individuals," says White
House spokesman Scott Stanzel. "The White House is not paying any
attention to [the ad]. The president's first priority is to protect the
American people."

As for Hamm's criticisms, Stanzel says, "The use of military force is
America's last option. The president has indicated if force is necessary
to keep peace, America will act deliberately, America will act decisively
and America will prevail."

Bush is "working with the international community," Stanzel says. "This is


2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Jan 18 2003

By James Mellor

WAR in Iraq will lead to the largest ever shortfall in oil supplies, experts
warned yesterday.

The grim prediction came as world oil prices last night rocketed to a
two-year high.

A crippling strike in Venezuela, a major oil exporter, has already
drained world reserves of crude.

But there are now fears that a military conflict in Iraq would lead to
crippling oil shortages.

Steve Strongin, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, said world oil markets face
the greatest oil shortfall in history.

He added: "In terms of barrels per day the Venezuela situation is one of
the larger shocks we've ever had.

"Only the Gulf War, the Iran/Iraq war and the Arab-Israeli war in 1973
represented similar ones. A two-month interruption to Iraqi crude would
turn it into the largest ever shortfall."

The situation is already causing headaches at the White House.

Earlier this week, the US admitted oil inventories are down to their
second-lowest levels since records began in 1976.

America's minimum stockpile is 270 million barrels of crude. The
country is only 2.3 million barrels above that level - sufficient to keep
the wheels of industry in the US turning for just four hours.

President Bush has so far refused to release emergency reserves.

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutra

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sued in Civil Court

2003-01-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

 President BUSH, ASHCROFT and THOMPSON Sued in Civil Court for
Aiding and Encouraging ILLEGAL IMMIGRA [ Post 404512 ]

For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use.

President BUSH, ASHCROFT and THOMPSON Sued in Civil Court

for Aiding and Encouraging ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ( Racketeering):
Media blackout also in progress!

Announced Saturday September 7th at the 2nd National Congress of
Immigration Reform in Farmingville by Joseph Sadowski:

THE PRESIDENT of the United States of America, and other government
officials are being sued for their personal assets for $177,000,000,000
in a lawsuit filed in DC September 4th. The information on the first page
of the suit follows:

Lawsuit filed and announced at the 2nd National Congress of
Immigration Reform in Farmingville, NY by Joseph Sadowski sadowski7
@juno.com :

Against THE PRESIDENT of the United States of America, George W. Bush
and other government officials are being sued for their personal assets
in a Racketeering lawsuit for aiding, abetting and encouraging illegal

This lawsuit filed was first filed in DC September 4th. The information on
the first page of the initial suit can be viewed for verification on the
following URL and Mr. Sadowski encourages anyone to file this lawsuit in
their state.

The following DOCUMENTS FROM THIS lawsuit against BUSH, ASHCROFT
COURT: (select underscored items to view document)

1) Original filing: http://www.americanpatrol.com/BUSH/LAWSUIT-
OVER- ILLEGALS/LawsuitFiled020910.html

2) AFFIDAVIT - Request Removal of Bush as Commander and chief
http:// www.sqlife.org/lawsuit_p02.htm

http:// www.sqlife.org/lawsuit_p03.htm

4) ANNEX AFFIDAVIT - to remove Bush as Commander in Chief http://

5) ) AFFIDAVIT - Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss 16 Dec '02 http://

6) AFFIDAVIT - Defense's Enlargement of time 9 Dec '02
http://www.sqlife.org/ lawsuit_p06.htm

Also; You all may not be aware of the following fax that has begun
circulating in Arizona. (and of course RNC headquarters in DC) Here it
is: http:// www.sqlife.org/

American Border Patrol See how a new citizen's border patrol is
protecting YOUR borders because your government refuses to do its
job.American Border Patrol is NOT the Department of Justice's dithered
and disoriented Border Patrol which is prevented from enforcing
immigration law by Attorney General John Ashcroft and President Bush.

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Claims Everyone but the US is "Biased Against" Israel

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
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--- Begin Message ---
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 Click here: Ha'aretz - Article 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] 200,000 at San Francisco rally. Overhead PHOTOS by helicopter! January 18 2003 peace rally.

2003-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Feel free to pass on this message widely: 
200,000 at San Francisco rally. Overhead PHOTOS by helicopter!
Awesome overhead helicopter photos of January 18 2003 peace rally in San Francisco. http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069  orhttp://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069.php
Helicopter Pictures of SF Demoby Peter Maiden • Sunday January 19, 2003 at 05:48 AM[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
An excerpt from the top of the page:"...It was shoulder to shoulder in the Civic Center and back nearly to the foot of Market Street."
One of the photos (in thumbnail form) is on the San Francisco Indymedia homepage: http://sf.indymedia.org 
Click the thumbnail photo to go to the compilation page of all 6 photos and comments. 
The 6 photos are also posted here: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/thread.shtml?1x45328x0
Here are direct links below to the 6 photos. On the first photo one can see the curved building on the corner where people were turning on to the long march route on Market Street, I believe. See the 6th photo to see that curved building, I believe.
First photo was labeled: cityhall_26skyline.jpg, JPG image, 360x546URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhall_26skyline.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45328.jpg
Second photo was labeled: cityhall.jpg, JPG image, 539x360URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhall.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45330.jpg
3rd photo was labeled: cityhallangle.jpg, JPG image, 550x360 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/cityhallangle.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45332.jpg
4th photo was labeled: crowdspilling.jpg, JPG image, 550x360 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/crowdspilling.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45333.jpg
5th photo was labeled: marketclose.jpg, JPG image, 360x546 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/marketclose.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45334.jpg
6th photo was labeled: marketstreet.jpgd65088.jpg, JPG image, 360x544 URL: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/marketstreet.jpgd65088.jpgURL: http://boards.marihemp.com/boards/politics/media/45/45336.jpg
One of the comments added to the original page: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/1562069_comment.php#1562374
The pics prove my own numbers to me...by Jim Severdia • Sunday January 19, 2003 at 07:00 PM[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I agree with the estimates of this writer [125,000+] --as minimums. The mainstream media has it way too low... 
The march began at 12:10 PM at around 6th and Taylor--where I stationed myself to watch the procession pass--not trusting the media to come up with any real numbers. The march participants at that point stretched all the way back to the foot of Market Street--a distance of about 6300 feet--and that did not include the people in and around Justin Herman Plaza, the side streets and those who went direct to Civic Center. It is not unreasonable, given the width of Market Street to assume that, on average (the street was packed!) 15 people abreast were waiting to walk to the route. Assuming also that the loose "rows" of people were spaced about 2 feet apart, then simple arithmetic says that 15 X 3150 or 47250 people were there waiting alone to march. However, in addition to that mental number, I stood at the starting point and allowed the entire march to pass, periodically estimating the flow by me, in people per minute, to arrive at an estimate of 68,000 - 88,000 people who passed by me! The march took 2 hours and thirty minutes to pass. The first 80 minutes seemed fairly uniform, allowing me to refine my initial estimates of peopl

[CTRL] Archives

2003-01-20 Thread RobGee
-Caveat Lector-

Hi All:
What address do I use to access the archives. Nothing below the postings
seems to work.
Thank you

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Arafat says he backs new leaders in his party

2003-01-20 Thread thew
Title: Arafat says he backs new leaders in his party 
-Caveat Lector-

Arafat says he backs new leaders in his party

JERUSALEM (CNN) --On what was supposed to be the first election day for Palestinians in seven years, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Monday that he is actively pursuing new politicians within his Fatah party to take over his post.

"I am pushing them, and I am proud that our movement, our party Fatah, has a very big amount of people and members, and we are very proud of them," he said in an exclusive interview with CNN's Michael Holmes.

The first and only Palestinian Authority elections took place in January 1996. The Palestinian Authority was scheduled to hold elections in May 1999, according to the Oslo agreement, but the postponement of peace talks delayed the vote.

The Palestinian Authority then set a date for January 20, 2003, which also has been put off indefinitely.

Arafat said he welcomed opposition candidates, pointing out that he was not the only candidate in the last elections.

"There was another candidate -- she's a famous lady, and she took more than 10 percent; I have 87 percent," he said, referring to the late Sameeha Khalil, the leader of a charitable organization.

"You're planning to be around for a while longer though?" Holmes asked.

"This is according to God and to the wishes of our voters," Arafat said.

Arafat has been under pressure for some time to reform the Palestinian Authority or to step aside.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon refuses to resume peace negotiations with the Palestinians until Arafat is replaced. In June, President Bush -- without mentioning Arafat by name -- said the United States would support the creation of an independent Palestinian state if the Palestinian people "elect new leaders, leaders not compromised by terror."

Arafat on Monday blamed Israel for the postponement of elections, saying its forces "have to withdraw" from the Palestinian territories.

"How this can be accepted internationally?" he said. "We were ready, and everything had been declared, and we had informed the [Madrid] 'quartet' [Russia, United Nations, United States and the European Union], we had informed all the Arab countries, we had informed the United Nations, we had even ... asked from many of these countries to send, as they had done in the previous elections, observers."

Israeli troops have intermittently occupied various cities and territories in the West Bank and Gaza since the latest Palestinian intifada, or uprising, began in September 2000. Israel said the measures are necessary to prevent further attacks, and it claims the crackdown has prevented dozens of potential suicide bombers from getting into Israel.

Arafat dismissed that argument.

"Oh, suicide bombers? Does this, the suicide bombers in America ... delay your democracy also and your election in America?" he said. "You know that we are against it. Everyone knows that we are against it, and we had declared that, and we take many steps, and recently we had arrested some of them."

Arafat's Fatah movement is the mainstream faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization and is dedicated to the formation of an independent Palestinian state. Fatah's military offshoot, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, has claimed responsibility for numerous terror attacks against Israeli civilian and military targets. The U.S. State Department has designated it as a foreign terrorist organization.

Arafat said he would like to hold an election as soon as possible, saying all that was needed was at least one month for preparation and the withdrawal of Israeli troops.

He said that "the most important thing we need is to live in peace, together side by side, with the Israelis."

"This is terra santa, the holy land. The peace here is very important, not only for the Palestinians but for the whole world."

Addressing reports that he has taken millions of dollars in aid money, Arafat denied the corruption charges.

"They are saying I have billions of dollars in many banks everywhere. For your information, I am proud that I am not taking salaries, not from the PLO, not from the PA [Palestinian Authority] -- I refused," he said.

CNN Producer Sausan Ghosheh contributed to this report.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Ex-Serb President Heads to U.N. Tribunal

2003-01-20 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ex-Serb President Heads to U.N. Tribunal

January 20, 2003

Filed at 8:42 a.m. ET

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- Former Serbian President
Milan Milutinovic turned himself in to the Yugoslav war
crimes tribunal Monday, where he has vowed to fight
allegations of wrongdoing in Kosovo.

Milutinovic, charged with war crimes during a crackdown in
the southern Serbian province in 1999, took a special
flight from Belgrade to Amsterdam and was taken by car to
the U.N. detention facility in The Hague.

He was expected to appear before a judge to enter a plea
within a few days.

Though regarded as a figurehead leader, Milutinovic, 60,
was a member of the inner circle of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic.

Any testimony he might offer could prove damaging to the
former Yugoslav leader, who is facing charges of genocide
and other war crimes before the U.N. court.

On Monday, a tribunal official said on condition of
anonymity that Milosevic was recovering from the flu and
that hearings in his trial would not resume until Tuesday.
It was the fifth day hearings were called off since
proceedings resumed last week following a three-week
holiday recess. Milosevic, 61, has a weak heart and high
blood pressure.

Milutinovic, who was Serbia's president from 1997 until
last month, has denied any role in war crimes in Kosovo,
saying that during his presidency he didn't have control
over Serb-led security forces in the province.

Bajram Rexhepi, Kosovo's ethnic Albanian prime minister,
described Milutinovic's extradition as ``better late than
never.'' He insisted that reconciliation in the Balkans
would only come when all suspects facing war crimes are
brought to justice.

``Many others ... were part of that regime and system,'' he

Milutinovic's most prominent role during his presidency was
when he led a Serbian delegation during U.S.-sponsored
peace talks on Kosovo with rival ethnic Albanian leaders in
France in 1999.

The failure of those talks -- largely because of
Milutinovic's refusal to sign a peace deal -- led to 78
days of NATO airstrikes against Yugoslavia to punish the
Serb leaders for their violent crackdown in Kosovo.

After Milosevic's ouster in 2000, the pro-democracy
leadership that succeeded him kept Milutinovic as a
figurehead Serbian president and granted him immunity from
the U.N. tribunal's prosecution until his presidency
expired on Dec. 29.

Serbia's government has asked The Hague court to set
Milutinovic free pending the start of his trial because he
has agreed to surrender voluntarily and because of his poor
health. Milutinovic has had two heart surgeries in the past
few years.

Should Milutinovic be released after an initial appearance,
the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it
would guarantee that he would return for trial.

The tribunal has said it might consider the government
request, but only once Milutinovic faces initial hearings
and after he is examined by the court's doctors.

Milutinovic is among the five Serbian officials who were
jointly indicted by the U.N. tribunal in 1999 with
``command responsibility'' during the Kosovo carnage.

Milosevic, former Yugoslav army commander Gen. Dragoljub
Ojdanic and Milosevic's former aide for Kosovo, Nikola
Sainovic, are in tribunal custody. Former Serbian police
chief Vlajko Stojiljkovic committed suicide in April 2002
rather than be handed over to the tribunal.

Yugoslavia and its dominant republic, Serbia, continue to
face international criticism because several other war
crimes suspects, notably former Bosnian Serb army commander
Gen. Ratko Mladic and other former Yugoslav army officers,
have not been turned over.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] The bogey man of 'anti-Americanism'

2003-01-20 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

"The bogey man of 'anti-Americanism'"
Printed on Monday, January 20, 2003 @ 00:37:50 EST

By Matthew Riemer
YellowTimes.org Columnist (United States)

(YellowTimes.org) – The term "anti-Americanism," like its cousin "anti-
Semitism," has become the new mantra of an apologetic intelligentsia
class: It's used ritually to describe anyone or anything that does not
obediently fawn at the feet of American exceptionalism. The most
convenient and negative result of the term's preponderance is its
intentional blurring of the lines between ethnic and political

For example, to criticize American foreign policy is to be "anti-
American." And in the case of Americans themselves, to be "self-
loathing" as well. But what does the teRm "American" really mean when
used in this manner? Everything remotely "American"?

When people gather in distant countries to demonstrate for peace or in
support of their own nation's sovereignty, which is incidentally being
challenged by a hegemonic United States, it is "anti-Americanism" at
work -- not people assembling of their own free will to address specific

One can see the benefit of this usage as highly specific, political
criticisms and observations are misconstrued and transformed into broad
and sweeping, social, ethnic, and cultural statements.

So now to criticize the actions of elite politicians in Washington is to
criticize the American people and their way of life. If you have a
problem with the U.S.' policy in the Middle East, you must hate baseball
and apple pie. If you don't support war with Iraq, you must not
"appreciate your freedom." If you say the U.S. has no right to threaten
non-nuclear countries with pre-emptive nuclear war, then you must be
jealous of America's greatness. The keepers of the status quo and
enshriners of America as the holier-than-thou empire are determined to
have all such criticism deflected in this manner.

South Korea is an illustrative example that comes to mind. Following an
incident that involved the killing of two young South Korean girls by a
U.S. military jeep being driven by military personnel stationed in South
Korea, the South was accused of "anti-Americanism" for expressing
displeasure with the U.S.' handling of the incident.

Many a candle light vigil and protest have been held since in the name
of the two girls and the misrepresentation of the affair continues.
Radios can be heard blurting out "Massive anti-American demonstrations
in South Korea today." Newsprint headlines shout the same.

Such news, of an extreme sound byte nature, can be used to
sensationalize the most mundane event. The use of headlines in this way
adds to the alarmist air pervading much of corporate media today.
Whether its Fox News with their never ending scrolling bar on the bottom
of the screen displaying that day's terror warning alert system color or
sensationalist claims of rampant "anti-Americanism," the media seems
intent on frightening the American public as frequently as possible.
Security has become the buzzword for a desperately mis- educated
American public eager to cling to anything that makes them feel more
secure -- including prettified illusions of what's going on in the world
perpetuated by their local press.

Cannot any criticism of the United States ever be accepted, or even
faced, by the accused and those who apologize for them? The sentiment is
clear in the American media: The South Korean "protesters" are young,
disaffected, and jealous of the U.S.' role in the world. They have no
legitimate gripe. No one middle aged or "respected" could ever be
criticizing the U.S. for anything of substance.

This is one of the U.S.' worst attributes on the global social stage and
one of the greatest causes of the impression of Americans as arrogant
and condescending: A complete lack of respect for others' opinions and
the systematic marginalization, delegitimation, and blackballing of
those opinions.

Following the attacks of September 11th, crowds gathered to publicly and
collectively mourn the dead and listen to fiery speeches about American
pride and retribution. Were these events described as "anti- Arab" or
"anti-Muslim"? Surely not.

Americans, and more vitally the U.S. government, must learn to respect
and pay heed to what other nations and cultures attempt to articulate
through public demonstration.

[Matthew Riemer has written for years about a myriad of topics, such as:
philosophy, religion, psychology, culture, and politics. He studied
Russian language and culture for five years and traveled in the former
Soviet Union in 1990. In the midst of a larger autobiographical/cultural
work, Matthew is the Director of Operations at YellowTimes.org. He lives
in the United States.]

Matthew Riemer encourages your comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

YellowTimes.org is an international news and opinion publication.
YellowTimes.org encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted, or

[CTRL] [Fwd: ** The Psychotic Hawks of the Bush Administration are a Threat toWorld Peace]

2003-01-20 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

More and more, their true objectives and "reasonings" for this insanity are
coming out into the mainstream...

> January 21, 2003
> http://www.buzzflash.com/buzzscripts/buzz.dll/sub
> A BuzzFlash reader sent us the following exchange from CNN's "Capital
> Gang" that pretty much says it all: the Iraq Attack is about this
> administration picking a target (that just happens to have the second
> largest oil reserves) and deciding that it is going to colonize it, no
> matter what.
> If anyone has any doubts, we refer you to the revealing juxtaposition of
> headlines we posted last week as they appeared, one atop the other, on
> Yahoo news (see http://www.buzzflash.com/analysis/03/01/14_Irony.html).
> Here are the two headlines: "Time Running Out for Iraq, Bush Says" and
> "Bush Offers North Korea Incentive to Disarm"  It's mind boggling that the
> bumbling Bush Cartel still has an ounce of credibility with the media or
> with the American public.  But, let's remember that when Congress voted to
> give Bush authorization to attack Iraq, Congressional offices were
> reporting an overwhelming number of calls in opposition to a war.  And
> most polls indicate that the vast majority of Americans don't want our
> "all hat and no cattle" White House puppet invading Iraq unless it is done
> under the auspices of the U.N.
> Nonetheless, the daily farce continues with the Bush Cartel brazenly
> asserting, in its typical Orwellian fashion, that no proof of Weapons of
> Mass Destruction in Iraq is actually proof that they exist.  Meanwhile,
> instead of threatening war against North Korea, the Bush administration is
> trying to bribe a nation (one of Dim Son's axis of evil powers) to disarm
> as the country openly flaunts its development of WMD.  How can any
> rational adult accept the Bush Cartel as a legitimate government when they
> spout such nonsense as a rational basis for a foreign policy, let alone a
> war?
> Well, the following comments by Bob Novak, Bush Cartel shill and insider,
> go a long way toward reinforcing that we are dealing with a Dr.
> Strangelove administration.  According to Novak, one Bush Cartel heavy
> complained, "Well, if we don't hit in Iraq, where are we going to hit?"
> Novak asserts that the whole Iraq attack is about how the administration
> wants to show that is a bad hombre (and don't forgot the pirate's booty of
> the oil fields that comes with it).
> How can we continue to let the lunatics run the asylum?
> Novak even asserts that the Bush right wing psychotics don't want Saddam
> to go into exile because then the Bush Cartel couldn't make an example of
> Iraq by killing thousands of people, including our own soldiers.  Well,
> those were BuzzFlash's words, but here is how Novak phrased it: "But the
> last thing that the hawks inside the administration, and their friends
> outside the administration, want is a coup d'etat that would replace
> Saddam Hussein. They want a war as a manifestation of U.S. power in the
> world and as a sign that the United States is capable of changing the
> balance of power and the political map of the Middle East."
> Here's the URL for the "Capital Gang" transcript and some of the most
> chilling and foreboding quotations.
> http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0301/18/cg.00.html
> ROBERT NOVAK, CAPITAL GANG: I can't imagine that anybody would say, We're
> going to war because there are 11 empty warheads, probably left over from
> 10 years ago. These warheads are not the nuclear weapons we've been warned
> about. They travel about 12 miles.
> But this is being used as a pretext for a decision that's already been
> made at high levels of the U.S. government to change the government in
> Iraq. It has nothing to do with, boy, we're -- we are really worried about
> these little chemical warheads that's going to cause a holocaust in the
> Middle East.
> Most disturbing thing is that Secretary of State Powell, a lot of people
> were relying on to keep some sanity, played the good soldier this week and
> said that at the end of the month, there would be more evidence. If
> there's more, if there's evidence, why not put it out now?
> --
> NOVAK: That's exactly right. But the last thing that the hawks inside the
> administration, and their friends outside the administration, want is a
> coup d'etat that would replace Saddam Hussein. They want a war as a
> manifestation of U.S. power in the world and as a sign that the United
> States is capable of changing the balance of power and the political map
> of the Middle East.
> There's no question that the last thing they want is Saddam Hussein put on
> a plane and taken...
> O'BEIRNE: Bob, Bob, speaking...
> NOVAK: ... to -- taken away.
> O'BEIRNE: ... speaking, speaking for this hawk, I want to see a regime in
> Baghdad that would not be armed with weapons of mas

[CTRL] Bin Laden Sends Greetings to D.C. Protesters?

2003-01-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003
3:57 p.m. EST

Bin Laden Sends Greetings to D.C. Protesters?

A representative from a Muslim advocacy group offered greetings to tens of
thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Washington, D.C., on Saturday in the
name of the "Mujahideen," a term that has come to be closely associated with
Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror network.

Dr. Ghazi Khaksan, of the Council on American Islamic Relations, took to the podium
near the end of the rally to read a poem packed with criticism of the Bush

"Tell Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Tony Blair to stop colonizing Middle East oil
through blood and warfare," he told the crowd.
 "We're all against weapons of mass destruction.  But let's compare.  Who has them
stockpiled in the Middle East - only Israel, I declare."

Near the end of his poem, Khaksan announced, "I bring to you salaams and
greetings from the Mujahadeen at CAIR."  CAIR's spokesman Ibrahim Hooper
defended bin Laden two months ago as being no worse than the Rev. Jerry Falwell
and Pat Robertson.

Webster's Collegiate dictionary defines Mujahideen as: "person who wages jihad:
Islamic guerrilla fighters esp. in the Middle East."

In December, top al-Qaeda official Sulaiman Abu Ghaith invoked the Mujahideen to
threaten further terrorist attacks on the West.

"The Christian-Jewish alliance will not, God willing, be safe from attacks by the
mujahadeen," he warned, according to the New York Post.  "The alliance's
installations and facilities everywhere will be subject to attacks."

After his reference to the Mujahideen, Khaksan told the crowd somewhat
incongruously, "Ten million Muslims and Arab Americans, like you, are truly patriotic
and deeply care for America's welfare."

In a November interview with WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg, Hooper defended bin
Laden, saying the terrorist mastermind was no worse than Falwell and Robertson.

"They're the equivalent of our Osama bin Laden," the CAIR official charged, before
asking rhetorically, "Why did Osama bin Laden send planes into the World Trade
Center? What possible reason?  The only thing you can think of is that he wanted to
create a permanent divide between the Muslim world and the West. And that's the
same thing these guys want to do."

Asked about bin Laden's penchant for mass murder, Hooper responded, "Given the
right circumstance, [Falwell and Robertson] would do the same in the opposite

Minutes before Khaksan offered greetings from the bin Laden-connected group,
Imam Mousa Masjid Al-Islam took to the podium and called for the overthrow of the
U.S. government.

"It's revolution time, brothers and sisters.  We gotta get rid of this system," 
said.  "The people of the world [are] waiting on us," he added, warning that the
world's problems "will never be solved as long as we have these greedy murderers
and imperialists like George Bush and George Bush Jr. sitting in the White House "

Then the Imam led the crowd in an Islamic chant specifically addressed to what he
called "the 1.5 billion people in the world" who would understand its meaning.

"When I say Takbia, you say Alhaam hu Akhbar," he exhorted the protesters, who
repeated the phrase several times.   It could not be immediately learned what the
Imam's coded message to the world's Muslims meant.

Other luminaries addressing the anti-U.S. demonstration included Black Panther-
turned New York City Councilman Charles Barron, Democratic Congressman John
Conyers and presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton.


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A religion of peace:
"Muslims must... educate their children to Jihad. This is the
greatest benefit of the situation: educating the children to Jihad
and to hatred of the Jews, the Christians, and the infidels;
educating the children to Jihad and to revival of the embers of
Jihad in their souls." ~~Sheikh Majed Abd Al-Rahman Al-Firian

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Terrorism Headlines 1/20/2003 # 1

2003-01-20 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows
[San Jose Mercury News] CALIFORNIA - CHP seeking
man who transported 3
tons of explosives

[Walnut Creek Journal] CALIFORNIA - CHP finds
truck used to transport

[WOOD-TV] USA - Electronic security device to
be used by world's seaports

[The Olympian] WASHINGTON - Explosives found in
second vehicle within a

[NEWSWEEK/SNBC] USA - Exclusive: Al Qaeda At Sea
"Al Qaeda’s "navy" could be the
biggest current threat to U.S. and global

[AP] NEW JERSEY - Greyhound bus with 16 aboard
evacuated on Route 3

[FORBES] USA - US food supply seen vulnerable
to attack

[NEWSMAX] WASHINGTON DC - Bin Laden Sends Greetings
to D.C.

[NEW YORK TIMES] NEW YORK - N.Y. state may lose
anti-terrorism aid

[WKBN] OHIO - Protection Against Nuclear Radiation

U.S. Border Patrol
Agent Speaks Out 


Chickenpox Quarantines
Andrews Emergency Room for 2 Hours 

[Shreveport Times] USA - More about smallpox and
the vaccination

[WorkingForChange.com] USA - Americans sign up
to watch neighborhoods
and highways as gov't-induced climate of fear intensifies

[SurvivingTerrorism.com] USA - "120 major
U.S. cities at risk of terrorist
attacks in the next 6 months"

[ABC NEWS] ALGERIA - 3 Men Attempt to Hijack Air
Algerie Boeing 737 Airliner 

[REUTERS Alertnet] EGYPT - Egypt detains 20 suspected
Muslim militants

Letter Appears in
London-based Arabic Newspaper

[REUTERS] NORTH KOREA - U.S. Worries North Korea
Will Sell Nuclear

[Straits Times] MOSCOW - Assasination Thwarted
- Bomb for Chechen chief

[NEWS24] SOUTH AFRICA - Man with ammo arrested
at airport

[ChannelNewsAsia] PHILLIPINES - US military official
highlights need for
civilian support in anti-terror fight 

[REUTERS] LONDON - UK anti-terror police raid
mosque, make 7 arrests

[NRK/Aftenposten/Norway Post] JORDAN - Mullah
Krekar denies terrorist
activities in Jordan

[USA TODAY] IRAQ - U.S. units on hunt to track,
possibly kill Saddam 

[AP] INDIA - Bomb derails India train

[Deepika] COLUMBIA - "Colombian rebels blow
up entire village with huge

[GUARDIAN] INDIA - Russia leases nuclear bombers,
nuke submarines, to

[Straits Times] PHILLIPINES - Abu Sayyaf plot
to kill officials uncovered

[REUTERS] UNITED KINGDOM - Ricin more deadly than


[AFP] SINGAPORE - Singapore unveils crack team
to deal with biological
weapons threats