[CTRL] switching servers

1999-05-31 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Switching servers and may be off line for a few days.
Please send any personal mail to

Thank You and
hoping that June finds you well.
aka The Pied Piper

Any man can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a man power.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] Re: Pope Lured into Rampage Against Orthodox Church in Battle for Europe?

1999-05-31 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

North - South
Black - White
Scotland - England

Our Constitution based on Scotland's, Base this on Democracy
Take out the Constitution though
Sell it over there as the experiment of Democracy in action
don't let them see the dark areas
and they take down one of the last areas of "culture inherent"
I doubt those kids will be allowed to marry
they want a male head
while males are being fattened like Christmas geese
So that they will not realize that the male of the species
-- Ah well, they will clone any males that they want.

Pearch, Fred and Debora Mackenzie. It’s raining pesticides.
New Scientist 3 april 1999. 12 Apr. 1999
“a new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe
contains such high levels of dissolved pesticides that it would
be illegal to supply it as drinking water.”  Has Novartis’ weedkiller
Target and Monsanto’s Glyphosate herbicide round-Up on it.

Recer, Paul. Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer.
04 may 1999. 04 May 1999
Dioxin is one of the chemicals in the herbicide Agent Orange.
Refers to exposure to dioxins in the environment decreasing.
Is it?

Montague, Peter. Missing Boys. Rachel’s Environment and
Health Weekly. 16 apr. 1999
 http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r594.html   “increasing birth
defects of the penis and testicles…” “hypothesizing…linked
to exposures to hormone-disrupting chemicals including dioxin,
pesticides, lead….” “chlorophenoxy herbicides and/or fungicides,
the male proportion among children born with defects to workers
who apply pesticides was 0.735, compared to a male proportion
of 0.607 for births with defects among the general population.”

Statement from the World Wild Life Fund. 1992. 11 May 1999.
“demasculinization and feminization of male fish, birds, and
mammals: defeminization and masculinization of female fish
and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and
mammals; defeminization and masculinization of female fish
and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and

Eramus, Udo. “Fats That Heal And Fats That Kill”
Comp. Bradley, Darleen. 1999. 17 Apr. 99
 http://www.1999.com/canola/  “Rats developed fatty
degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland.
When canola oil was withdrawn from their diets, the deposits
dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs.  No
studies on humans were made before money was spent to
promote Canola oil in the USA.” “…destroys the myelin
(protective sheath) of the nerves.”“Rape seed oil is a penetrating
oil, to be used in light industry, not for human consumption.  It
contains a toxic substance.  (from encyclopedia) Even after the
processing to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a penetrating
oil.  We have found that it turns rancid very fast.  Also it leaves
a residual rancid odor on clothing.”

‘Early elephants used ‘swimming trunks’
BBC News online network   11 May 1999
 “further embryonic evidence that elephants once swam is that,
unlike other land-living mammals, they have internal testicles and
always have done.  Seals and whales also have internal testicles,
but only acquired them when their land-living ancestors took
to the seas 60m years ago.”

Lloyd Miller wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I have said this a dozen times over the last months:

  The Coup failed.but at the height of its failureTony Blair appears
  as Clinton's friend to encourage ill-considered over-reaching

 You should meditate on the internal processes of you mind that
 missed it


 BFNow there's an interesting thought...
 -Original Message-
 Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 3:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [prj] Re: Pope Lured into Rampage Against Orthodox Church in
 Battle for Europe?

 own post office, right in your home. No more tripsto buy stamps. Meter
 refills itself. Save up to 20% on postage. Try it free for 90 days. Click
 here! http://a-albionic.com/postoffice.html
 ***  END
 Lloyd Miller wrote:
  own post office, right in your home. No more tripsto buy stamps. Meter
  refills itself. Save up to 20% on postage. Try it free for 90 days. Click
  here! http://a-albionic.com/postoffice.html
  ***  END
  Lloyd Miller wrote:Illuminism was always a tool
   of the Brits to tear away at the spiritual power of Catholicism.
  BFWell, I think that the City infiltrated and controlled much of it, but
  this does make 

[CTRL] India and AIDS

1999-05-30 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

1) losing coconut oil market to vegitables oils that can be grown
   in other climates
2) is primarily vegitarian
3) protesting Terminator technology
4) would definatly see the effect of
pesticides and herbicides effect the human body
and how they effect the immune system.
5) Has highest rate of AIDS (of all countries)
6) AIDS is the break down of the immune system

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [1] Human: Or Just Another Animal?

1999-05-30 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Will be off line while I switch schools
This is the web page that I am currently
working on. I play a good tune and exterminate
propoganda well - but I could use a better exterminator
or should I say Piper.
Human: Or Just Another Animal?

There are some that worry about abortion,
and others worried about the environment.
Do we have a surplus of human beings?

The heading I fall under is survivalist!

For People that read the Bible and the saying
“Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth,
and subdue it, and have dominion over all creation.”
 Genesis 1:28
Dominion does not mean to hurt, or to destroy.
Consider; we are created in the image of the Creator,
This quote came from the book of Genesis;
Which is the book of Creation.
This would imply that Dominion would involve creation.

“But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil;
thou shall not eat of it; for in that
day that thou eatest thereof, thou shall surely die.” Genesis 2:17
Even if you do not want the apple of knowledge
you will be provided for from the land.
Implies reincarnation in the Creators image!
YET… the Creator had some big shoes
 Do you imply that you are of that league
 Or just trying to follow the theme.
My father and yours.
Yes, I do intellectualize the bible,
Expessally when I found out that many
Of the bible ‘experts’ came from the same
Area and propoganda of the Holocaust.

Those that

Chain of thought - to flesh out
3) Deer, wolf, Mountain Lion, Cannibalism
Gold, Diamonds – DNA source codes
Intergalactic Stock Market
Carbon based life form – does it have bugs in the programing
DNA source codes – where are they keeping the backup
4) Could the bible be right about when we will be checked again?
Closed System, space ship, total recycle: all waste and bodies
Acidophilus – no drugs they would make the waste biohazards.
Toxins – no plant toxins; they would kill the soil bacteria and
 Make it were the plants would not grow as well.
 The plants would not have the benificial soil bacteria
 And enzimes required for growth – this could mean that
 Plant toxins would kill the benificial bacteria in human guts
-- this along with spraying of MSG on plants,
irradiation, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides.
How long are humans suppose to last?
Weeding out

Intelligent Plant that eats bipeds
What would happen if a intellegent plant species that normally
 Ate bipeds were to visit.
 How do we prove that we are intellegent?
 It seems as if we have only gone to the intellectual limit –
of our capabilities - that our phallangies have
 Given us?
White, James. Major Operation. NY, Ballantine, 1971.
Das Kept -- Suicide Pact,
In keeping us uneducated and at the level of animals.

People Mag Cover Story “Diana’s new Life” “Topless bathing? Holistic Healing?
Aromatherapy? Anything goes as a liberated Diana struggles to find herself”
(they chose the future queen too well, and she was too nosy
if she had found out about AIDS being a falacy and
-I suspect- soviets hording heirloom seeds.  Spacestation?
Bush family substidizing soviets from holocaust
Gore and Dole
Clinton governer of Arkansaw during time of AIDS
from prison plasma
tie up new inventions to keep monopoly

3-11-96 Di-Vorce
1996 Pedifiles in Belguim - NATO
July 1997 Hong Kong
Sept 97 Diana Dies
1997 John Denver dies

The Unauthorized Bio of George Bush
 1996 Bush Sr. caught as pedifile
Rockefeller Drug Empire
Soviet Snuf films

1) Surplus
2) Created in Creators image
3) Even if you do not want the apple of knowledge you will be provided for from
the land

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] new additions - GM foods and Terminator in the highlight

1999-05-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Have We Been Sold Down The River?

1999-05-15 Thread 1lls0081

Does anyone know the date of this?


Title: Have We Been Sold Down The River?




Have We Been Sold Down The River?

- - UPDATE - -

Clinton has agreed to postpone the execution of E.O. 13083 for 90 days.
 This is not a complete victory yet! It can still be enacted unless he
issues another executive order nullnifying it. Keep the heat up!

There is a problem in our government. This
problem transcends our normal political parties. We have representatives in our
government that are allowing the Executive Branch to usurp the Constitution. Since
1933 our representatives have allowed the President of the United States to enact laws
without Legislative control. Are we being sold down the river?

In 1996 our representatives passed a law that puts
into place the National ID card. We are slowly, but surely, mirroring laws in place
in Russia and other countries that suppress individual liberties.

Recently pResident Clinton signed
Executive Order 13083 that all but removes the 10th Amendment from the Constitution.

Citizens of North Carolina, I urge you to
immediately contact our representatives
in Congress and the governor and demand
that they protest and bring this insanity to an immediate halt. 

At the end of your message state if
you can't respond by e-mail, don't bother. Quit wasting my tax dollars on
postage. If they come back with the Congressman will only reply to
constituents by regular mail then cross them off your list of people to vote

Re: [CTRL] Fw: [prj] Welcome (http://members.home.com/irishkev/oldcofc/issue1.htm)

1999-05-15 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

One of the themes is
Take the socialist system / idea
Launder it through educated countries
* Germany - (WW I  and WW II),
* America - (Skull and Bones - Aldof Coors - Ect.)
* China and Japan - (who used to honor the printed word, to an
extent that we would not nessisarily understand
Take down any idea that would lead to a constitutional republic
Sell it back to Ireland and Scotland as Democracy
have them take apart the Royal Houses -
Supposivly in the name of Democracy and Progress
Have Ireland and Scotland attack history because
it is supposivly prejudice
And you have a world un-educated in what
parts if not all of what the socialist system hides.
A me attudude that is run by a dictator / monopolies
Canabolism - Soilent Green is nothing compared to
what they seem to have in mind.
Constant consumerism, by turn over of the consumers.
I have been attempting to say that the short term profit
that they will enjoy will become a long term loss.

The US Constitution is based on Scotlands
and if they get Scotland to take out the last
of the people that have to live by
"Culture and History Inherent"
not inherited
we are lost

The Pied Piper
Having problems people,
any high level exterminators out there?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Aspartame Causes

1999-05-13 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

I am throwing this in first because this is what I am working on
If we replicate, and go into space this junk will be with us
are there a lot of seeds in space, a monopoly?
but what about the culture dish that is Earth,
and the diversity of DNA source codes,
do they have all the source codes or will the Earth
be one of the poorest planets going into a possible
intelgalactic stock market of DNA source code futures?

this is basic information about Aspartame

this link is to the No MSG site
refers to spraying aspartame on plants

this link is basic information on Aspartame
A link from the American Dietetic Association

This article says that Aspartame is a part of MSG
 Source:  Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1997 v97n7

Title:  'We think your son has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome'- a case study of
monosodium glutamate's effect on a child.
Author:  Anne Shovic, Robert D. Bart and Apryll M. Stalcup

   Abstract:  A two-year-old boy presented with signs and symptoms of
  uncontrollable seizures of multiple types mimicking that of   Lennox-Gestaut
  syndrome. It was later diagnosed as monosodium glutamate (MSG) related
  seizures following a comparison with a similarly related case wherein
  withdrawal from monosodium glutamate intake resulted to resumption of
  normal  functions. A component of MSG known as aspartame acting as
  proconvulsant was   believed to be the etiologic factor. Control of dietary
MSG is the
  effective prevention of a more drastic intervention.

   Subjects:  Glutamates - Health aspects
  Monosodium glutamate - Health aspects
  Chemicals - Adverse and side effects

  Electronic Collection:  A19792007
 RN:  A19792007

  Full Text COPYRIGHT 1997 American Dietetic Association

  Glutamate is a naturally occurring nonessential amino acid that serves as one
  of the body's excitatory neurotransmitters (1). It occurs in food as
  either a free amino acid or bound as a constituent in proteins. Although foods

  high in protein (eg, meat and dairy products) may have fairly high levels of
  bound glutamate, free glutamate in foods is thought to be more closely
  associated with adverse effects (1). Monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used

  extensively as a flavor enhancer, can be a major source of free glutamate (2).

  A US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel has declared MSG safe,
  Stating that MSG poses little health risk (3). However, Daniel Raitin, PhD,
  prepared the MSG report for the FDA stated, "Individual sensitivity to
  food is just beginning to be explored and there is no reason to believe people

  exquisitely sensitive to MSG are not out there" (4). In a report
  prepared by the Life Sciences Research Office, Federation of American
Societies for
  Experimental Biology (1), the ad hoc expert panel acknowledged that
  preexisting conditions (eg, genetic predisposition, endogenous
  anomalies in glutamate metabolism, impaired vitamin B-6 metabolism or
  might predispose persons to reactions from MSG. They concluded that it
  appeared that oral ingestion of MSG had the potential to provoke a response in
  persons with severe unstable asthma. In addition, the panel validated some of
  the work by Olney (5) that implicates MSG in the formation of lesions in
  regions of the brain that are not protected by the blood-brain barrier.
  The Institute of Food Technologists has also declared MSG to be safe for
  human consumption (6). Any concern that is mentioned appears to apply only to
  a small number of adult subjects who consumed large amounts of MSG. Very
  little information is available on the effects of MSG in
children. The following case study illustrates these effects and the unique
process that was taken by a mother and health professionals to deal
with the situation.


In the fall of 1991, the mother of D.S., a 2.5-year-old boy, noticed
that her normally healthy son was experiencing "head dropping" incidents. She
later recalled that D.S.'s head would drop suddenly, as if he had sneezed but
without the exhalation of air. Although D.S. did not seem to be affected by
the episodes, his mother noted that he began stuttering and having unexplained
tantrums. By the end of February 1992, the head-dropping episodes were
occurring almost every night and with greater intensity. D.S. was brought
to a pediatrician after head-dropping episodes 

Re: [CTRL] Aspartame Causes

1999-05-10 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Exert from
These are from a data base that I am doing for my web site.
I have seen this post shot down as a hoax, so I offer this
links in rebuttal of some that would say Aspartame is not
hazardous and support of this post. Nancy Markel was
NOT the original author, but overall the post is on track.
Another point is that Aspartame is suppose to Mimic MS
ect., I personally am not interested in something that even
   Mimics diseases such as this post describes! Please
remember that much of the research that is out there
(and that some sites cite - FDA included) saying that
 Aspartame is NOT hazardous comes from the very
company that makes Aspartame.  From these links
you wonder how anyone is capable of having nutritious
food, and think of the developing bodies and brains of
children. These will allow you to
research on your own.

Lloyd Miller wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 11:48 PM
 Subject: [afs] HEAL: Aspartame

 Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:43:51 -0800
 From: darryl avec une d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: re: aspartame
  ubject: FYI
  Subject: URGENT: World Conference Warned about
  Date:  Fri, 11 Dec 1998 22:39:00 EST
  Article written by Nancy Markle (1120197)
  I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD
  'Spoonful"'. In  the keynote address by the EPA, they announced
  that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus,
  they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant
 across the
  United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly
  When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood
  alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic
  acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the
  found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics
  sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple
  error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol
  toxicity is.
  In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding it has become almost as
  rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially Diet Coke and Diet
  Pepsi drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually
  drink three to four 12 oz. Cans of them per day, some even more. In
  of systemic lupus, which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim
 usually does
  not know that the aspartame is the culprit.  The victim continues its
  aggravating the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes
  When we get people off the aspartame, those with systemic
  lupus usually become asymptomatic. Unfortunately, we can not reverse
  this disease.  On the other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with
  Multiple Sclerosis, (when in reality, the disease is methanol
  most of the symptoms disappear. We have seen cases where their vision
  returned and even their hearing has returned. This also applies to
 cases of
  During a lecture I said "If you are using ASPARTAME
  (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.), and you suffer from fibromyalgia
  symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps,
  dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety
  slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have
  ASPARTAME DISEASE!"   People were jumping up during the lecture
  "I've got this, is it reversible?"  It is rampant. Some of the
 speakers at
  my lecture even were suffering from these symptoms. In one lecture
  by the Ambassador of Uganda, he told us that their sugar industry is
  adding aspartame! He continued by saying that one of the industry
  leader's son could no longer walk due in part by product usage!
  We have a very serious problem. Even a stranger came up to
  Dr. Espisto (one of my speakers) and myself and said, "Could you tell
 me why
  so many people seem to be coming down with MS?"  During a visit to a
  hospice, a nurse said that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet
  addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence.
  the problem. There were Congressional Hearings when aspartame was
  included in 100 different products.  Since this initial hearing,
 there have
  been two subsequent hearings, but to no avail. Nothing as been done.
  The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets. Now there
  are over 5,000 products containing this chemical, and the PATENT HAS
  EXPIRED!  At the time of 

[CTRL] MSG and Aspartate

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Will send this within the next two weeks with all the links

Carbohydrates - basically surgars, needed for muscle
Protien - needed for brain
Glutamate - part of protien, brain food, needed
MSG - seperated amino acids, in this for will excite the brain cells to death
Aspartate - a component of MSG
Aspartate - will have to find this link, but the goverment was going to use this
as a
rat poison, so evidently in this for the amino acids can not be easily

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The LightHouse Press; Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081


Title: The LightHouse Press; Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives

LightHouse Press 
A publisher dedicated
toinformation on
alternatives in lifestyle, health and nutrition. 
Contact Info  EMAIL .
Click Here to Check Out Our New Book On Finding and Eliminating Hidden Sources of Monosodium Glutamate, MSG, Glutamic Acid, Excitotoxins and other food additives from your diet! 

Toxin to be funded for mass distribution 
and use on our crops!
Please see this email from a MSG sufferer just like you!
Protect yourself by contacting NSF Today! Links follow

really need your help!

The National Science Foundation has awarded
a grant to Auxein
Corporation to help them promote
spraying MSG on crops. A
friend found the following while searching the Web for
Auxein Corporation.

please, please call 
Program Contact Kesh Narayanan 
and protest!
The Internet address where the
announcement can be found is
the content of the press release and some other
information (following) on Auxein Corp
and their dangerous product,
AuxiGro which is made up of over 30% free glutamic acid
or MSG! Check out the label that states the
ingredients - it says its highly toxic and to keep away
from animals and children! It's appalling! How can they
get away with this!?

98-42 (National Science
Foundation: Press Release 9842

Media contact: Gregory Lester (703) 306-1070 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Program contact: Kesh Narayanan (703) 306-1390 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

National Science Foundation is 
Taking Small Business Into a 
New Phase of Innovation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will award four
grants in a new pilot
program intended to bridge the gap between technology
research and
commercialization by providing incentives for Small
Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) grantees to seek partnerships with
investors. The new SBIR
Phase IIB Pilot Program supplements the already
successful SBIR effort at NSF.

SBIR has always been a catalyst for the
growth of small high-tech
businesses, said Kesh Narayanan, NSF director of
industrial innovation. We
found that the top 50 successful small business grantees
(representing about
10 percent of all Phase II grantees) have accounted for
$2.2 billion in direct
sales and created 10,000 jobs. The pilot program
will help give other small
high-tech companies the opportunity to make this sort of
impact. [and
give at least one of these pilot programs the
right to poison our food supply and, though,
creating jobs and abundance, cause a huge
increase in disease and the occurance of chronic illness;
putting millions of American AT RISK!]

NSF selected four small businesses to participate in the
pilot program based
on the intellectual merit and potential impact of their
research: Polatomic
Corporation, for a miniaturized device to measure the
properties of planetary
magnetic fields; Pericle Communications Company, for
their work to develop a
method to double the signal capacity of cellular radio
networks; New Light
Industries, for the design and application of a
holographic printer; and
Auxein Corporation, for the development of a
metabolic primer to enhance plant

SBIR is a congressionally mandated program initiated at
the NSF in 1977 to
promote the development of innovative technologies by
small science and
technology-based businesses. SBIR grants are awarded in
two phases. Projects
under Phase I are funded for a six-month feasibility
study. If the projects
are determined eligible, they may receive funding for the
principal research
effort under Phase II. After Phase II, grant recipients
are expected to pursue
commercial applications of their research without the
support of government

The Phase IIB Pilot Program allows small
businesses to continue their research
while securing the support of third-party investors. This

[CTRL] MigraineWeb - MSG

1999-05-09 Thread 1lls0081


Title: MigraineWeb













These ALWAYS contain MSG:




These OFTEN contain MSG or create
MSG during processing:






Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Hydrolyzed Protein:

(plant, vegetable, any kind)

Sodium or Calcium Caseinate
Autolyzed Yeast, Yeast Extract
Yeast Food, Yeast Nutrient
Textured Protein
Glutamic Acid
Monopotassium Glutamate




NATURAL FLAVORS, flavoring, flavors,

 Natural anything flavor.

Bouillon or Stock
Broth (chicken, beef, any kind)
Whey protein, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate.
Soy sauce, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate.
Malt Extract or Flavoring, Malted Barley
anything Protein fortified
anything Fermented
anything Ultra Pasteurized
anything Enzyme-modified












By FDA definition, all MSG is naturally occurring. Natural doesnt mean safe!  Personally, I find that my tolerance for MSG is minimal, and I must avoid almost anything containing the above names, except for the last 3 items in the OFTEN contain MSG list. You may get by with just avoiding everything on the first ALWAYS contains MSG list. However, the natural flavors heading can be very misleading and the source of much pain, because it can contain anywhere from 12 to 33 MSG -- or no MSG at all. The only way to truly know whether MSG is present, and in what amounts, is to write the manufacturer. And, since manufacturers change ingredients frequently, youd have to check with them every few months to make sure it was still OK. Its often easier just to avoid food with natural flavors .
   Soft drinks, so-called Sports Drinks, candy, chewing gum are potential sources of hidden MSG. (My daughter landed in the Emergency Room with a migraine as a result of one piece of bubble gum known as Gator Gum. Ever try to read the Ingredient Label on a piece of gum?) One-half can of Coca-Cola is enough to give some migraine sufferers a full day of misery. Most iced tea mixes and concentrates contain MSGmake sure your iced tea is brewed when dining out. 
   Reactions to MSG are dose-related, and some people react to even very small amounts. MSG-induced reactions may occur immediately after ingestion, or as much as 48 hours later. The reactions can last from hours to days, depending on the individual. However, your individual reaction will always be the same. Only the severity of the attack will increase or decrease, depending on the quantity of MSG consumed.

SOURCE BOOK: Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Health Press, Sante Fe, NM  (See Downloading  Links Page for more info.)









Home PageIs MSG Your Trigger?   Why is MSG Hidden?   List: MSG Symptoms
Eating in Restaurants   Whats New?   Tips on MSG-Free Diet   Is Hospital Food Safe?  Downloading  Links




[CTRL] MSG, Canola, Fats

1999-05-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


assult on our neurotransmitters? Canola Healthy? -

"Oils Vegetable
  and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats: Enig, Ph.D."
# http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/passwater/enig01.htm #

If you have more please send them to me, and I will add them to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] (c)1998 - Purple Pigs and Stunted Crops {long}

1999-05-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 EPA probing purple pigs and stunted crops

 A malady plagues some farms in western Montco and the mid-Atlantic
 region. More tests are planned.

 By Matt Stearns

 Deformed calves. Discolored crops. Purple pigs dying by the hundreds,
 then decomposing quickly.

 It isn't some Old Testament pestilence. It's a here-and-now mystery
 that has driven one farmer in western Montgomery County out of
 business and has others in the area scared for their own businesses --
 and for their health.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials will visit at least
 four farms today as part of a continuing effort to figure out what is
 going on, said Carrie Deitzel, an EPA community-involvement
 coordinator. Thus far, the long series of reported problems, first
 noted in the early 1990s, has confounded environmental and
 agricultural officials. The EPA did its most recent round of soil and
 water testing on the farms in January, and more tests will be run in
 the next few weeks. "The data we've got back so far do not indicate
 any kind of environmental or human health emergency out there,"
 Deitzel said. "We're looking at what needs to be done from here on

 Deitzel acknowledged that the lack of environmental danger did not
 mean the lack of an environmental problem. And the problem does not
 appear to be restricted to these parts.

 "This isn't an isolated thing," said Lynn Campbell Wingert, an EPA
 spokeswoman. "Throughout the mid-Atlantic region, farm animals are
 dying, and we don't know why. We're going to make any connection we
 can to figure out what is going on here."

 One farmer, Wayne Hallowell of Douglass Township, said there was no
 real way to know how many farms were involved locally because it was
 unlikely every farmer would be willing to cooperate with

 "A lot of farmers with something wrong won't tell anyone," Hallowell
 said. "They don't want the government coming in and shutting them
 down, or they're trying to sell their land. They're very tight-lipped
 on that." But problems there are -- enough that Tom Yarnall, a farmer
 for 30 years, finally gave up raising pigs on his Gilbertsville
 spread. Yarnall still grows some corn, but spends most of his time
 these days as a carpenter. "I had almost 1,000 pigs when this thing
 started," Yarnall said. "In the spring of '92, it all went downhill.
 We had whole litters die when they were born."

 More than 200 pigs died during a two-month period in 1993, Yarnall

 All displayed similar symptoms: turning a purplish color, with
 newborns just not growing to maturity.

 His crops also turned purple, and have been stunted for several years,
 Yarnall said. "The yields are way down," he said. "They just don't do

 The pigs' bodies decomposed in about half the normal time, Yarnall
 said. Generally, dead pigs decompose in two to seven days, depending
 on the surrounding climate and other variables, said Arlen Wilbers, a
 large-animal veterinarian at the Quakertown Veterinary Clinic who
 examined livestock at Yarnall's farm. "Whatever was in their system
 broke down their fat," Yarnall said. "They'd turn into slop."

 Kenneth Kephart, an associate professor of animal science at
 Pennsylvania State University, investigated the goings-on at Yarnall's
 farm. "We went at it from a lot of different directions, and
 unfortunately we came up with zero," Kephart said. "Whatever it was
 seemed to be pretty persistent. It's extremely rare that you can't
 find at least some evidence of what's going on." Kephart added that
 livestock management might have accounted for some of the problems.

 But Yarnall is not the only local farmer facing unexplained and
 unusual disease among his livestock.

 Merrill Mest said he had had a decade's worth at his farm, just a few
 miles from Yarnall's.

 "I've had health problems with cows," Mest said. "They just waste
 away. They don't grow right. Couldn't live, couldn't die. Kind of

 Other cows on Mest's farm have had displaced stomachs and cystic
 ovaries, he said.

 Wilbers, who is also Mest's veterinarian, said that some of the
 problems again might be chalked up to livestock management.

 "Some of the stuff kind of rings true" as being caused by external
 problems, Wilbers said. "But there's nothing I could specifically say.
 Nothing seems to crop up" as a definitive cause.

 Down the road at Hallowell's dairy farm, three deformed calves were
 born in a year and a half in the mid-1990s -- after nearly 50 years
 without any deformed calves being born on the land.

 One newborn calf weighed three times the typical birth weight. Another
 was born with both a testicle and a vagina. A third was born without a
 neck, without a tail and with reversed leg joints.

 During the same period, Hallowell said, several calves on his farm
 would not grow.

 "They more or less just deteriorated on us," he said. "If we hadn't
 gotten rid of them, they would 

[CTRL] [fwd]EPA, Industry Looks Back At Achievements Made Since '89

1999-05-06 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello All --

Do you all know about this?


EPA, Industry Looks Back At Achievements Made Since '89

  ___A decade after EPA made it's important three-volume Report to Congress
on the indoor air quality problems facing the nation, agency officials and
industry professionals will analyze where these issues stand today at the
seventh annual Indoor Environment '99 Conference  Exhibition- Solutions,
Strategies, Management.

  ___The event, which will be held April 19-21 at the Renaissance Austin
Hotel in Austin, Texas, marks the first time this year that EPA's Mary
Smith, current director of the Indoor Environments Division, will assess
the impact the 1989 report had on the nation and also what indoor air
quality programs and plans have had the biggest impact on public awareness.
Joining Smith will be Mary Ellen Fise of the Consumer Federation of
America, who has had her pulse on what consumers understand about indoor
air quality, and also Aaron Trippler, who is one of the industry's foremost
experts in federal and state legislation concerning indoor environmental

  ___The conference will also feature the general session, IAQ Training and
Certification: What You Need To Get Ahead. The session will focus on the
flood of new programs and courses being developed by industry organizations
to improve evaluation and remediation of indoor air quality problems in the
field. Panelists include Susan Smith of MidAtlantic Environmental Hygiene
Resources Center, Steve Hays of Gobbell Hays Partners, George Benda of The
Chelsea Group, and Robert Juliano of the American Association of Radon
Scientists and Technologists.

  ___Other conference highlights will include what you need to know about
black soot and candle controversy; new trends in microbial remediation; an
update of safety and containment; new research on asthma and allergies in
schools; and the 1999 Indoor Environment National Award Ceremony. There's
still time to register for the event! For information on attending the
conference, call the Indoor Environment '99 Conference Hotline at

Barb, thought a copy of this might be useful info to present a
case to the powers at be of the Sierra Club. This is an article
from an industry journal so obviously the industry is well aware
of the problem.


Nitro musks in fragrance products: an update of FDA findings.
(includes related article on self-regulation by the fragrance
Discussing the safety of musk ambrette and musk xylol in
fragranced personal-care products. Nitro musks are a series of
structurally similar, nitro-substituted, aromatic compounds that
are used as fragrance fixatives and materials in personal-care
and household products.

Cosmetics and Toiletries
June 1996 (v111 n6) Start Page: p73(4) ISSN: 0361-4387
Wisneski, Harris S.
Havery, Donald C.

Nitro musks in fragrance products: an update of FDA findings.
(includes related article on self-regulation by the fragrance

Discussing the safety of musk ambrette and musk xylol in
fragranced personal-care products
Nitro musks are a series of structurally similar,
nitro-substituted, aromatic compounds that are used as fragrance
fixatives and materials in personal-care and household products.
They impart desirable musk-like odors to consumer products .
Consumer exposure to nitro musks in fragrances are estimated to
range from 0.04 to 0.32 mg/kg of body weight/day.[3]

One musk in particular, musk ambrette (MA,
1-tertbutyl-2-methoxy-4-methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzene), was reported
to be a photosensitizer and neurotoxin.[7,14,17] This prompted
the International Fragrance Association in 1985 to recommend that
MA should no longer be used as a fragrance ingredient.
Musk xylol [MX,
1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene], also
known as musk xylene, is another nitro musk recently reported to
be carcinogenic in mice? Our article addresses these concerns and
discusses the results of surveys of commercial fragrance products
for MA and MX conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Musk Ambrette
Several years ago, published reports on MA questioned its safe
use. MA was found to absorb through rat skin at a rate of 38%[3]
and was demonstrated to cause adverse physiological effects in
laboratory animals when administered through their diet or
applied to their skin.[1,2,3,14,17] In 1985, the IFRA responded
to these studies in its Code of Practice by recommending that MA
should not be used in products coming into contact with skin.

Musk Xylol
Early laboratory studies determined that MX did not exhibit the
toxic properties observed for MA. MX, which is structurally
similar to MA, was found to be nonmutagenic[11]; it exhibited
only a weak photoallergic potential,[9] was a weak contact
sensitizer[13] and showed no neurotoxic effects.[3] However,
recent published reports, which found MX to be carcinogenic when
administered to mice through their 

[CTRL] The Pied Piper

1999-05-06 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Chemical Page
This is my site and has some good links.
aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer

1999-05-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


04:20 PM ET 05/04/99

Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer

 Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer
 AP Science Writer=
   WASHINGTON (AP) _ Chemical workers exposed to high levels of
 dioxin have a 60 percent increased chance of dying of cancer, but
 the chemical poses no added cancer risk to the general population,
 a study says.
   Kyle Steenland, co-author of the study appearing Wednesday in
 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, said the research
 suggests most people typically are not currently exposed to
 dangerous levels of dioxin and that cancer appears to result only
 among those who had extremely high and long-term exposures to the
 chemical 15 to 20 years ago.
   ``There is not a significant increase in cancers until you get
 to the upper'' exposure levels, Steenland said Tuesday in a
 telephone interview. ``This is not raising a red flag by saying
 that low level exposure is causing a lot of cancer.''
   He called the finding ``reassuring'' from a public health stand
   Steenland, a researcher with the National Institute for
 Occupational Safety and Health, said that the amount of dioxin in
 the environment is steadily declining because the products most
 commonly linked to the chemical are no longer being made.
   Dioxin was a byproduct in the manufacture of herbicides and
 pesticides that were in common use decades ago. Production of the
 chemicals halted in the mid 1980s, and the environmental
 contamination has dropped steadily since.
   However, for those who experienced high exposures, the chemical
 can persist in the body for decades.
   Dioxin is one of the chemicals in Agent Orange, the herbicide
 used by the United States to kill jungle vegetation during the
 Vietnam War. Hundreds of American troops were exposed to the
 chemical, but not at the high levels experienced by many chemical
 plant workers, said Steenland.
   Dr. Robert N. Hoover, of the National Cancer Institute, said
 that the study by Steenland and his colleagues is ``a critical
 piece of evidence'' that shows dioxin, at its present levels in the
 environment, appears to present no significant threat to general
 public health.
   ``The bad news from this study is the evidence that dioxin at
 high exposures is a'' cancer-causing chemical, said Hoover. ``The
 good news is that the low levels of exposure (now in the
 environment) are not likely to contribute much disease.''
   In the study, Steenland examined the health record of some 3,500
 chemical workers who were exposed to dioxin on the job during the
 1960s, '70s and '80s for periods of six months to 20 years.
   Among workers with the highest exposure rate there was a 60
 percent increase in cancer deaths when compared to the rate of
 cancer deaths among the general public. This increase, said
 Steenland, was seen only in those workers whose dioxin exposure was
 100 to 1,000 times higher than the background exposure of the
 general public.
   Steenland said that dioxin seemed to cause all types of cancer.
   ``The cancer elevation is not in some specific organ,'' he said.
 ``We saw it in respiratory tract cancers and in digestive tract
 cancer. It was across the board.''
   Steenland said the public health threat of dioxin is declining
 because nobody is regularly exposed to the high levels that once
 were common among chemical plant workers.
   ``Dioxin is not being added to the environment at anywhere near
 the rate it once was,'' he said. ``It is still produced by
 incinerators when they burn plastics, but it is becoming less and

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Dioxin - Defination of Higher life forms - acidophilus

1999-05-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

It appears that the word
pesticides should be changed
to penis-cides.

Does someone know the status of
the Oriental ban on tampons?  Do tampons
(this is a ficisous question)
still contain Dioxins, what about diapers?

04:20 PM ET 05/04/99
Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer

#594 (04/16/98): Missing Boys

#555 (07/17/97): Dioxin in Chicken and Eggs

"Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, and
subdue it, and have dominion over all creation."  Genesis 1:28

Do White Tailed Deer choose for survival of the fittest?
Looks like they will eat themselves out of a food supply
without predators.

Do Mountain Lions choose for survival of the fittest?
Just because the choose for survival of the strongest
does not mean that they choose for survival of the fittest?
Just because some predators like this will be cannibalistic
does not mean that they choose for survival of the fittest.
-Do Mountain Lions or other predators have control or
dominion over their environment?
Why do they have to go cannibalistic?

What separates us from animals?
Just some questions.  Before replying
White, James.  Major Operation.  Ballantine NY.  1971
How would you define a food animal from an intelligent
being after reading this?
I will not reply on a biblical standpoint.  Read the book and then
see what you want to say.
The Pied Piper

Check out other ways of raising livestock that do not
involve the use of antibiotics.  These type of ideas
have also benefited Humans.

Help - Personalize

 Search Result  Found 11 web pages for "livestock supplements"

   Web Sites
 Web Pages
Related News
Net Events

 Web Pages   (1-11 of 11)

 Kay Dee Livestock Supplements - Manufacturer of premium livestock
 minerals, protein blocks and energy tubs

 uses prohibited including using in livestock feed. A - Vegetable Oil Spray
 Adjuvants. (Spreader-stickers, surfactants and carriers). Plant oil based
 adjuvants may not contain synthetic..

 Mammalian-to-Ruminant Feed Ban - National Cattlemen's Beef Association Home
 Marketing Cattle Health Endangered Species Environment Farm Policy Federal
Lands Food
 Safety and Health Foreign Trade Property Rights Tax  Credit Reference
Policy States
 Search Beef.org Regulatory.

 CSIRO Corporate Media Release 95/80 - [Level Up] [Doc Top] [Doc End] [Next
 [Home Page] CSIRO CORPORATE MEDIA RELEASE 95/80 17 August 1995 THE
 CSIRO will present a showcase of research at this year's Ag-Quip Field Days


 Moberly / Randolph - Industries Guide - INDUSTRIES GUIDE Manufacturers,
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Distribution ]

 Moberly / Randolph - Industries Guide - INDUSTRIES GUIDE Manufacturers,
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Randolph Economic
 Development Corporation [Manufactures | Administrative Offices |
Distribution ]

 Community Data - Oskaloosa in Mahaska County, Iowa Community Data Location:

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 Today's Business - DECEMBER 1997 SECTIONS Today's Business Inside Today's
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 US EMAIL. We enjoy your comments..

 Pro Ladder's "Ladder Links" Page - Ladder Links Welcome to our "Ladder
Links" page. If
 you would 

[CTRL] Flameing OPPT articles -- I ask Dioxin connection?

1999-05-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Comments by me on selected articles appearing in:

OPPT NEWSBREAKTuesday 4 May 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library

"Frogs in the Balance [Editorials]."  Washington Times, 4 May 99,
  The WT comments on the recent Science Magazine studies
 attributing deformed frogs to parasitic infections, rather
 than "the usual suspects in cases like this: global warming,
 pesticides, ozone depletion, the Reagan tax cuts."  The
 Times describes the process of how the trematode parasites
 cause limb deformities in frogs, and concludes with comments
 on how the alarm over the deformed frogs probably
 unecessarily "diverted scarce tax dollars from more pressing
 problems to handling out bottled water and aggravated an
 anti-technology bias in some quarters of this country that
 ignores its past benefits as well as those yet to come."

==After reading what I have sent today about Dioxins
This seems to be a bit hard to believe.==


"Experimental Vaccine Cuts Ear Infections In Young Children."
Wall Street Journal, 4 May 99, A4.
  Researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center
 will present findings from their three-year study of a
 vaccine that attacks the bacteria active in childhood ear
 infections, streptococcus pneumoniae, at the Pediatric
 Academic Societies meeting in San Francisco today.  The
 '"breakthrough"', controlled study of more than 38,000
 children showed that the vaccine is not only significant in
 reducing bouts of ear infections in children but also helps
 battle antibiotic resistance, a problem often encountered
 with this particular bacterium.  The vaccine, which is being
 developed by the Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories unit of American
 Home Products Corp., will be submitted for FDA approval.

== Do we mention the fact that
Monsanto tried to buy American Home Products
and IF American Home Products realize the
possibility that Monsanto's bovine growth
hormone in milk (which requires the escalated
use of antibiotics) could be helping ear
infections to happen?==

"Arthritis-Drug Ads Won't Name Product." Wall Street Journal, 4
May 99, B13.
  Without mentioning the drug's name, a television ad campaign
 will begin tomorrow on CBS for the new arthritis drug
 Celebrex, marketed by Monsanto's G.D. Searle pharmaceuticals
 unit.  By not mentioning the products' specific name, as is
 becoming the trend in new drug advertisements, advertisers
 avoid having to mention the drug's side effects, which, in
 the case of Celebrex, include "potentially fatal bleeding
 ulcers".  Until a Celebrex-specific advertisement is
 released later this year, viewers will be be given an 800
 number to call for information.

== does anyone want to think about the fact that
one of the symptoms of aspartame poisoning is
arthritis? and that Monsanto makes a significant
amount of aspartame, held the patent till the time
expired recently.
Now this company wants to control the water supply?==

==this articles that I have done
comments on are from the EPA???  Just
trying to give views from the other side.==

* All items, unless indicated otherwise, are available at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxics Substances (OPPTS)
Chemical Library
Northeast Mall, Room B606 (Mailcode 7407)
Washington, D.C. 20460
(202) 260-3944; FAX x4659;
E-mail for comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Due to copyright restrictions, the library cannot provide
photocopies of articles.)

*Viewpoints expressed in the above articles do not necessarily
reflect EPA policy.  Mention of products does not indicate

To subscribe to OPPT Newsbreak, send the command
  subscribe OPPT-NEWSBREAK Firstname Lastname
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Also available on the World Wide Web (see banner for address)
The OPPTS Chemical Library is operated by GCI Information

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


1999-05-05 Thread 1lls0081




April 1998

Lord Justice Phillips
PO Box 163
SE99 2UZ

Submission to B.S.E. Inquiry

In 1992 myself and my family were diagnosed as suffering from Organophosphate sheep dip poisoning by blood tests carried out at Guys Hospital, London.

The fact that we all nearly died was seen as an irrelevance by Government departments.  There was no treatment offered, or indeed any acknowledgement of our predicament.  In simple terms, we were to be ignored to enable Government to cover its tracks - after all, they were responsible for licensing all veterinary products.  In the face of such stonewalling, I decided to make my own enquiries, and contacted the following establishments for information - I am extremely grateful for their help:

The World Health Organisation
The Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, USA
The University of New Jersey, USA
The Pesticide Trust
The Royal Society of Chemistry, London
The Hazards Society, London

plus many private individuals.   I am also extremely grateful to my lawyer for his support and advice.  He has copies of all the papers in my possession.

With the help of the Royal Society of Chemistry, I obtained scientific information on all the OP compounds used as sheep dips, ie Diazinon, Propetamphos, Chlorfenvinphos, Carbophenothion; and via a third party, went on to Crufomate, which he had used as a warble fly dressing.  I later explored all the OPs which had been used in the Gulf War.

What I began to find extremely worrying from this collection of information was that all OPs were cholinesterase inhibitors - the damage caused was cumulative, and research using laboratory animals showed that most were carcinogenic and also responsible for malformations in up to and including the third generation of offspring.

The destruction of the central nervous system, immune system and peripheral nervous system was also apparent with most OP compounds.

My next move was to collect as many published scientific papers as I thought were relevant.  Copies of the following are enclosed:

1.  Poisoning on the Farm by Dr Redhead, published in the Lancet in 1968.  This paper  explains the importance of the cholinesterase levels in man.  It should be borne in mind that OPs   were designed to attack the cholinesterase in insects, and will of course have the same effect on cattle.

2.  Effects of Chronic Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure on the Central NervousSystem by Richard J Korsak and Miles M Sato, published in 1977.  This paper is important   because it exposes the frontal lobe brain damage suffered by exposed victims.

3.  Environmental Trichlorfon and Cluster of Congenital Abnormalities by Andrew E  Czeizel et al, published in the Lancet in 1993.  This paper is devastating in  its content, and the fact that it has   been ignored in the UK is unbelievable.  The effect on the  foetus is beyond words.

There are many other papers in my possession, which are of course available to the Inquiry, but I hope to have painted an adequate picture of the effects of OP poisoning on the insect, human and animal species for the present.  I move on ...

As mentioned above, I received an enquiry about Crufomate.  The information on this compound, plus the sight of BSE-afflicted cattle on television, made me aware of the alarming similarities in both our situation and that of the cattle.  To put it bluntly, the human OP victims were going off their heads and off their legs!  The cattle were becoming more obvious than the shepherds (more than 900 shepherds have committed suicide since 1984).

Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 10th Edition (1973) provided quite a lot of answers where it describes the effect on cattle treated with Crufomate for warble fly.  The VMD deny knowledge of Crufomate (see letter attached) but the British Veterinary Association should still have the results of all the testing done on cattle before they gave their blessing to its usage.  I have persistently called for the testing of cholinesterase levels in cattle before and after treatment for warble fly.  This is unnecessary - it has been done, and the results should be made available to the Inquiry by the BVA as a matter of urgency.  The maternal transmission is explained in the following paper:

Reproduction and Growth of Progeny of Female Mice mated after treatment with Crufomate - author M A Khan - Research Station Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada; published in the Journal of Scientific Health in 1981.  It is interesting to observe that when the first damning scientific papers on a product are published, the chemical companies 

[CTRL] Hogging The Table - March 18, 1996 Volume 147, No. 12 - Water Rights, too.

1999-05-04 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


TIME Magazine

March 18, 1996 Volume 147, No. 12

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Corporate pig factories are supplanting traditional farms--and critics are
raising a stink about it


Colorado farmers Galen Travis and Jim Dobler have seen the future, and it
stinks. Just upwind of
their grain fields, a company called Midwest Farms, owned by hog entrepreneur
Ronald Houser,
plans to build an $80 million facility that will raise 450,000 hogs a year. From
Colorado to the
Carolinas, enterprising growers like Houser and agribusiness giants such as
Cargill and Continental
Grain are building such livestock factories to mass-produce hogs for packers
like Hormel Foods
and John Morrell.

But even job-short rural communities are squealing, fearful of environmental
problems and resentful
of yet another mechanized assault on their way of life. In Colorado, Travis and
Dobler are leading a
fight to keep Midwest out. It's not just the olfactory affront posed by tons of
reeking hog manure
that worries them. The megafarm will lap up millions of gallons of water,
threatening part of the
Oglalla Aquifer, the underground lake that provides drinking and irrigation
water to much of the
western Great Plains. The farmers are also concerned that the deep lagoons where
hog waste is
stored could seep through the dry soil and pollute the aquifer. "We don't see
any good coming of
this," Travis says. "The hogs are only going to bring trouble."

The vast livestock factories are a long way from the here-a-pig, there-a-pig
operations of traditional
hog farms. The plants turn out pigs as if they were piggy banks from football
field--length buildings,
where the animals are confined to small pens and fed, medicated and monitored
with an exacting
precision that fattens them to 265 lbs. in six months. Then it's off to
slaughterhouses, where porkers
become pork chops, spareribs and bacon.

These porkopolises are multiplying like rabbits across the U.S. The newcomers
increased their share
of the $30 billion U.S. pork industry from 7% to 17% between 1988 and 1994;
experts say the
factories will live higher on the hog by the end of next year, capturing nearly
30% of the market.

Don't expect the factory pigs to be entered in the county fair. "There's a
serious question as to
whether these facilities can still be called agriculture," argues Nancy
Thompson, staff attorney for the
Center for Rural Affairs in Walthill, Nebraska, which opposes the megafarms.
"They are more like a
commercial industry than a farm."

The march of commerce is being challenged by environmentalists and advocates of
rural values. In
North Carolina, where a population of 8.5 million hogs exceeds the state's 7.2
million people,
opposition surged last summer after a rain-swollen lagoon spilled 22 million
gal. of hog feces and
urine over the countryside. At a "Hog Summit" two weeks ago, environmental
activists made 12
recommendations to the state, including measures to reduce odors and limit the
construction of farms
near watersheds.

In Kansas, voters in 12 of the 14 counties that have put factory farms on the
ballot in recent years
have elected to keep them out. In Nebraska, a state ban on corporate farms has
sharply slowed
their growth. Elsewhere, opponents have used zoning and environmental laws to
block plans for new
farms. Residents are also seeking to shut plants now in operation. "The smells
are horrendous,"
complains Carla Smalts, an Oklahoma farm wife who has sued to prevent a pig
palace from opening
near her home. She's also helping to coordinate anti-hog farm movements in five
states. In
Colorado, where water rights are often a heated issue, Travis, Dobler and an
organization called
Alliance Conserving Tomorrow used state groundwater laws that restrict new wells
to stop Midwest
Farms from drilling on the 8,000 acres that it is acquiring for its site.

Nationally, the battle may be decided at the dinner table. Health-conscious
Americans are eating
more of "the other white meat." Thanks in part to marketing campaigns that
stress the low fat content
of pork, consumption in the U.S. has edged up, from 49 lbs. per capita to 53
lbs. during the past
nine years, even as beef consumption has fallen, from 79 lbs. per capita to 68
lbs. (Americans eat
poultry, the current king of the table, at the per-capita rate of 73 lbs. a
year.) The lofty goal of the
National Pork Producers Council is to overtake beef by the year 2000. Growing
even faster are
U.S. exports of pork, which have quadrupled, to 720 million lbs. a year over the
past eight years.

There are a few towns--hamlets, if you will--where the factories are being
welcomed. Rol Hudler,
mayor of Burlington, Colorado (pop. 3,000), smells prosperity in the 200 jobs
Midwest Farms has
promised to bring to town. "The benefits for us will be mind boggling," Hudler
says. For his part,
Midwest president 

[CTRL] Time Magazine: Lean Times on the Farm --PAGE 1-- Jan 13 1999 - Hogs

1999-05-04 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Time Magazine: Lean Times on the Farm --PAGE 1-- Jan 13 1999





























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JANUARY 11, 1999 VOL. 153 NO. 1

   Lean Times on the Farm

   If hog prices are so low, why isn't pork cheaper? Struggling farmers want help--and some answers

   It's an irony that makes Gary Muller's financial troubles that much harder to bear. If the Iowa hog farmer were to hang out at a local supermarket, he might suspect that his business was thriving as never before. After all, there's no lack of customers buying pork chops or roasts for dinner; and in spite of the Asian economic woes that devastated most American farmers in 1998, pork exports keep on growing. But while Americans pay top dollar for their hams or BLTs, Muller and the rest of America's 115,000 hog farmers may as well give their animals away (some are doing that). His 220-lb. pigs, which a little over a year ago fetched 60cents per lb., now command around 15cents per lb. When he's not selling his livestock at a loss, he's trying to rearrange his bank payments and save his century-old family farm from going under. "We're getting killed out here," he says.

The pigs, on the other hand, can't be killed fast enough--though 2 million a week are being butchered. And therein lies the problem. Hog farming, until recently the most profitable sector in agriculture, is stuck in the mud. A glut of live pigs on the market, exacerbated by a sudden drop in slaughterhouse capacity, has pushed the price of pigs down to levels not seen since the Depression. "It's a lethal mixture," says Al Tank, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council. Across the South and Midwest, farmers are losing thousands of dollars a day, drifting deeper into debt and near bankruptcy; fully 20% could be belly-up by spring. A government forecast on the hog supply last week promised little relief. "It's the most serious agricultural crisis in this century for an individual commodity," says Gilbert Hollis, a professor at the University of 

[CTRL] Corporate Farm Subsidy

1999-05-04 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Corporate Farm Subsidy

Corporate Farms causing Problems

Thanks in part to government-provided subsidies to
overproduce, hog prices are near an all-time low. The federal government's solution?
Another subsidy, with factory farms likely to be the principal beneficiaries. Vice
President Al Gore recently announced that the USDA would buy $15 million in pork in an
effort to bolster prices. And on the Hill, there's even been discussion of exporting the
pigs themselves, as breeding stock for Third World nations!This
band-aid comes too late to give much solace to the thousands of family farmers that the
factory farmers have pushed off the land. The multi-national farms, more interested in
short-term profits than long-term sustainability, produce a glut, wipe out the
competition, and then reap the benefits of a belated government subsidy to relieve the
glut. Rather than addressing the out-of-control environmental and economic problems of
industrial agriculture, the Administration offers another trip to the public trough.
Send a message to USDA Secretary Dan Glickman: Issue a MORATORIUM
on any new hog and chicken factories, start regulating the ones we've got, and support
family farms rather than factory farms.
Dan Glickman
Secretary of Agriculture
c/o Sierra Club
408 C. St., NE
Washington, DC 20002-5818
For more information on
the Corporate Farming Issue

  Read up on the Sierra Club report on CAFOs, or confined
animal feeding operations and the environmental and economic impact they are having
  Read Invasion of the Corporate Swine in
the newest issue of the Planet


[CTRL] Feed Lots - This is out of date, but might still be of intrest

1999-05-04 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


Animal Feedlots  Water Quality Forum

 Copies of the draft strategy can be
   obtained from the Internet at
   http://www.nrcs.usda.gov   or

 Second Session to be held in Eau
Claire December 3rd.  Read Details

  The U.S. Department Of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
and the U.S.
  Environmental Protection Agency are seeking public comment on their
recently released
  draft Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations. The two
agencies will hold a
  joint "listening session" on Monday, November 30, at the Sheraton Madison
Hotel, 706 John
  Nolen Drive, Madison, Wisconsin. Registration for anyone wishing to speak
begins at 12
  noon. The session starts at 12:30 and ends at 4 pm. The session is being
held to provide basic
  information about the draft strategy, to answer specific questions, to
give interested
  individuals a chance to provide feedback, and to help facilitate the
submission of written
  comments about the draft strategy.

  The goal of the Unified National Strategy is to take actions to minimize
threats to water
  quality and public health caused by animal feeding operations, while
ensuring the long-term
  sustainability of livestock production in the United States. The strategy
is part of the Clinton
  Administration's Clean Water Action Plan. "There are no two issues more
critical to
  Wisconsin than agriculture and water quality," said Pat Leavenworth, State
  for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Wisconsin.
"With this
  Strategy, we are looking for the best way to protect and improve both.We
need and want to
  hear from all sides of the issue to make this a workable, successful
effort.""Rural and urban
  runoff account for more than half of all water pollution, and runoff from
animal feeding
  operations in particular has been associated with threats to human health
and the
  environment," said David A. Ullrich, Acting EPA Regional Administrator.
"The draft
  strategy proposes steps to protect our rivers and streams from that runoff
but we want to hear
  the views of the affected public before we make a final decision."

  The session will include an overview of the draft strategy and two and a
half hours for
  comments. A sign language interpreter will be available. Copies of the
draft strategy can be
  obtained from the Internet at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov   or

  Official written comments will not be accepted at the listening session,
but addressed
  envelopes will be provided for mailing comments.

  Comments may be mailed through January 19, 1999,
  to Denise C. Coleman,
  Program Analyst,
  USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service,
  ATTN: AFO, P.O.Box 2890,
  Washington, D.C. 20013-2890,

  or e-mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This Listening Session is one of 11 held in the nation. The other
locations and dates are:

  Tulsa, OK 11/16/98
  Harrisburg, PA 11/17/98
  Ontario, CA 11/23/98
  Madison, WI 11/30/98
  Seattle, WA 12/03/98
  Des Moines, IA 12/04/98
  Chattanooga, TN 12/09/98
  Indianapolis, IN 12/10/98
  Fort Worth, TX 12/10/98
  Denver, CO 12/14/98
  Annapolis, MD 12/15/98

  For more information, contact Renae Anderson, USDA-NRCS, at
608-276-8732x227, fax
  608-276-5890 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Participants may also register to speak between 12-12:30 on the day of the
session. The
  Sheraton is located across from the Dane County Coliseum, on the John
Nolen Drive exit
  (north) of Hwy 1218. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits
  in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national
origin, gender, religion,
  age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or
family status. (Not all
  prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who
require alternative
  means for communication of program information (Braille, large print,
audiotape, etc.)
  should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To
file a
  complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
Room 326W,
  Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
20250-9410 or call
  (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and

  Second Session Held in Eau Claire

  Animal Feeding Operations Strategy - Meeting in Eau Claire A second
Listening Session on
  the Draft Animal Feeding Operations Strategy will be held in 

[CTRL] Diet and Human Degeneration: The Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease

1999-05-02 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Diet and Human Degeneration: The Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease

The Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease

Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research

Return to Diet and Degeneration Main Menu  

Vietnam: A Case on Point for Undermining of a Population

You can immediately see the effect that consumption of refined sugar has on a population, and since these effects are known, the distribution of refined sugar to a population constitutes a criminal act. In Vietnam the U.S. Government instituted a very successful program of selling the Vietnamese processed polished rice (which you can see at the supermarket) as a replacement for their whole grain rice which contains the B vitamin (thiamine) complex. Immediately the general health of the Vietnamese began to suffer, especially when they were exposed to American processed foods and soft beverages. The combination of white rice and white sugar was a lethal combination for the Vietnamese. U.S. medical officials in Vietnam in 1971 pretended to be stumped, and decided to announce that a mysterious disease was being coming rampant and a vaccine had to be found. Warnings were broadcast over radio and television and millions of leaflets were dropped. The Vietnamese government was then stuck with the bill for blood plasma and IV fluids which the U.S.Government airlifted in to "solve the problem". I remember it because I was there when this was going on.

Refined Sugar, Diabetes and Hypoglycemia

Dietary causes are not the only cause of a malfunction of body insulin production, but dietary relationships are what we will focus on here.

Government Ignores Symptoms of Sugar Consumption

From World War I to the Vietnam era, physical examinations of draftees points to a steady increase of diabetes among teenagers and the population in general. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, as well as a major contributor to disability and death from disease of the kidney and the heart. The current estimate of those with diabetes in the United States is more than twenty million people. The number of people suffering from pre-diabetic symptoms, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose, very often the precursor of full diabetes) is estimated to be over 100 million people the number is going up each day because of the criminal practices of the American food industry and the spineless government beseiged with payoffs and constant lobbying for increased profits.

US Dept of Health and Human Welfare Ignores Neurological Symptomology

According to a September 1973 letter from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (an organization that exists, like others, to ensure the exact opposite), unpublished data shows that out of 134,000 people interviewed in 1973, 66,000 (49.2%) reported the symptoms of hyperglycemia (sweating, shakiness, trembling, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, headache, weakness, and occasionally seizures and coma). According to the Journal of the American Medican Association in 1973, "the majority of people with these symptoms do not have hypoglycemia". The fact they they do not state what they have is significant, yet they cannot claim to know unless they really know what is happening and they are not telling anyone.

Since the HEW study remains unpublished the AMA can claim not to know about it, and say that the claims of widespread hypoglycemia in the United States are "not supported by medical evidence", since the HEW study reported statistical epidemiological evidence. The patients reported the evidence, not the doctors. Therefore, it is not "medical" evidence.

Diabetes and Sugar: Denmark as a Case in Point

Hippocrates never described a case of diabetes. The only country where actual statistics relating to diabetes and the consumption of sugar is Denmark. In 1880, the average Danish citizen consumed over 29 pounds of refined sugar annually. At that time, the recorded death rate from diabetes was 1.8 per 100,000. In 1911, consumption more than doubled to 82 pounds per person, and the death rate from diabetes rose to 8 per 100,000. In 1934, sugar consumption rose to 113 pounds per person and the death rate from diabetes rose to 18.9 per 100,000. Before World War II, Denmark has a higher conscumption of sugar than any other European country. It is interesting that one out of five people in Demark also have cancer. In Sweden, annual consumption per person of refined sugar rose from 12 pounds in 1880 to over 120 pounds per person in 1929. One out of six people in Sweden has cancer. The conclusion is inescapable: as refined sugar consumption increases, the incidence of fatal disease increases to match it.

Insulin Market as a Financial Windfall

The discovery of synthetically produced insulin meant that the pharmaceutical industry had another financial windfall, and the surge in refined sugar production in the United States in the 1920's ensured that the profit would 

Re: [CTRL] Arksanas State Senators Indicted

1999-04-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Check out a Utah case involving some homeschoolers that did not want
to put one of their children on Ritalin.  Was used as a springboard to
take children away from their parents and put them in the school district.
These parents - one had developed physical problems that made work
hard to find and the mother was keeping things on a shoe sting so that
she could still home school.  This case went after welfare recipients that
wanted to educate their children.  Peter Breggin (he has a web site, that
did not mention this case) was one of the witnesses against Ritalin.
Either he is not as much as a expert as he claims or there was something
else.  Could be the forces that be were just to strong.

Anyway the children were taken away, foster homes, one or two sexually
abused in the homes, I believe one of them has already committed suicide.

If someone follows on this will you please send me the update.  At one
time there was a web page supporting this family.

I also "think" that I remember mention of more social workers hired
that supported the idea of the state raising children.
The Pied Piper

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

  "Wilson, a Democrat, is considered one of the state Senate's most
 powerful members because of his 28 years in office and his skills as a power
  Another friend of Bill's, no doubt.

 Arkansas State Senator Indicted

 .c The Associated Press

 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The man considered the most powerful member of the
 Arkansas Senate was indicted Tuesday on charges that he netted $1.3 million
 through fraudulent contracts and kickbacks.

 The federal racketeering indictment named state Sen. Nick Wilson and nine
 other people on charges of mail fraud, obstruction of justice and money

 U.S. Attorney Paula Casey said the scheme involved the ``corruption of the
 Arkansas General Assembly with Wilson as the leader and primary
 decision-maker and planner.''

 The indictment alleges that Wilson benefited from a $3 million grant program
 he helped set up in 1997. The grants pay for legal work performed on behalf
 of children caught in the middle of custody cases and for attempts to enforce
 payment of child support money.

 Prosecutors alleged that Wilson submitted bills under that program for work
 he never performed, and directed attorneys to pay him kickbacks for work they

 The program was halted soon after it began, when news reports raised
 questions about its propriety.

 Bill Walmsley, an attorney for Wilson, said he expected the senator to plead

 ``Any time that you have a citizen Legislature such as Arkansas has, where
 those legislators basically make their living with work outside of their
 legislative duties, there always are fine lines,'' Walmsley said.

 Wilson, a Democrat, is considered one of the state Senate's most powerful
 members because of his 28 years in office and his skills as a power broker.

 Also indicted were state Sen. Michael R. Bearden and former senators Steve
 Bell and Michael Todd. Todd and Bell worked on the grant program legislation
 with Wilson.

 Others named in the indictment were lawyers Murrey L. Grider -- Wilson's
 former law partner -- and his son M. Joseph Grider. Two others named, Tommy
 Venters and Burton Elliott, are former directors of the state Education

 Attorneys for the others did not return calls seeking comment.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Y2K; FEMA-NORAD; DNA and Retina Scans; Military Takeover Completed!!

1999-04-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

ric carter wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 On 28 Apr 1999 06:40:04 GMT, in alt.paranet.ufo "Art Wholeflaffer

 Operation: Garden Plot Two//FEMA-NORAD//UFO Researchers To Be

 1) Alien Armageddon Centers-FACT not fiction.
 2) Complete list of U.S. Concentration Camps.
 3) Operation Garden Plot 2-Elimination of UFO Researchers and
 4) US Defense Secretary Sez the Army Will Patrol US Streets, kill
 5) No More NORAD Tours//All People to have compulsory retina scans and
 DNA tests.
 6) Military takeover of U.S. almost completed.


From what I can see part six is right on line.  Allow feelings in
Soviet Union to build up by using the current war.  When this
happens it will not be US people (military) manning those

One thing to add.  They have the US set up to be the food area
 of the world.  That is how they are justifying the idea of taking
all the land from the US people.  US farmer, vegetarian, food
scares, driving down of the price of food to put the farmer
out of business.

Take down of the Constitution.  Children required to be on
Ritalin, violet - the way of thinking results in aggression.

They are suicidal, and by allowing this - you are not riding the
wave until it crashes.  There way of thinking - death wish.
Speculated: that people like this actually want to be caught.

Speculated: battle between good and evil.
the ones that started this, that are ultimately
behind this are doing this as no more than a game.
They think that when the children are old enough to ask the
questions they are old enough to know the answers.  They
are being led to believe that there is no good in the Constitutional
way of thought, and that they (evil, Devil) are/ is winning because we
have to many faults to be able to see good.  That this experiment
of Democracy needs to be redone.

The ones that believe in the "Ultimate Truth or Consequences"
are being fed propaganda - to the effect that this is the
"Will of the American People"
it is not, and it is not what the American way of thought
or what is taught by the Constitution
is about.

It is time to play "Truth or Consequences" with the
people that own the copyright on the game.

Be prepared
to examine your soul
To do battle with angels

The dark clouds are out there
and hopefully will pass over
for the sunshine after the storm.

The Pied Piper
PS -- I am playing the song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
and trying for the fiddle of gold.  Anyone want to join?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Landmark Legal Calls for Clinton's Disbarment

1999-04-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


Tuesday April 27, 1:09 AM

  Landmark Legal Calls for Clinton's Disbarment

  In September, Landmark Legal Foundation's Mark Levin urged Paula
  Jones Judge Susan Webber Wright to hold Bill Clinton in contempt
  for lying to her court. Seven months later, she did just that.

  If Wright's decision can be read as a bow to Landmark's earlier
  advice, then the White House better get ready to duck again.
  Because now Landmark is calling for Clinton to be disbarred in
  no uncertain terms:

  "The president has demonstrated himself to be an unethical
  lawyer and a menace and disgrace to the profession," Levin told
  the conservative weekly Human Events.

  He'd also like to see a home-state probe into alleged White
  House obstruction of the Jones case by the Arkansas Supreme
  Court's Committee on Professional Conduct, complete with the
  actual living, breathing witnesses we didn't see in the Senate
  impeachment trial.

  "The next step," says Levin, "must be a full investigation by
  the committee into Mr. Clinton's conduct, including holding
  hearings and taking testimony from Clinton, Lewinsky and perhaps
  others involved in defrauding the court and [Paula] Jones."

  Of course, even if the state Supreme Court was to take Levin's
  challenge, the odds are long that it would see things his way.
  First, the Clintons are still a powerful influence in Arkansas
  legal circles.

  And then there's this: "Arkansas judges, remember, are required
  to swear a loyalty oath to the Democratic Party." (The Wall
  Street Journal -- Dec. 15, 1993)

  That observation might not bode well for future justice in
  Arkansas, but it sure goes a long way toward explaining what's
  happened in the past.

  Sunday April 25, 10:59 PM

  New Charges Spur March for Clinton's Resignation

  With President Clinton's Senate trial acquittal two months ago,
  some expected that those still offended by White House
  criminality would take their cue from Senate Republicans and
  just go away quietly. But then, they didn't count on Internet
  journalist and political activist Andrew Amirault.

  Amirault has organized March on Washington '99. On May 1, he and
  other like-minded citizens will gather on the White House
  Ellipse to issue a renewed call for Clinton's resignation.

  But haven't we been there, done that? Not exactly, says
  Amirault, who points to a whole host of serious allegations that
  have emerged in the weeks since Clinton's acquittal.

  "I believe Juanita Broaddrick. I believe our president is a
  rapist," says Amirault, referring to Broaddrick's charge that 21
  years ago this past Sunday, then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill
  Clinton raped her. Though the Arkansas woman told her story to
  NBC during the height of Clinton's trial, the network kept the
  lid on till the coast was clear.

  And then there's the Chinese, who seem to have purchased
  extraordinary amounts of secret U.S. nuclear technology for
  modest donations to Clinton's presidential campaigns. Each
  post-impeachment week brings news of yet another espionage
  incident at our most sensitive research facilities.

  And now Kosovo, complete with an apparent stealth plan to insert
  American ground troops into the Balkans without congressional
  approval. Amirault says Clinton's Kosovo crisis is nothing but a
  calculated diversion from the China spy scandal, even at the
  risk of provoking World War III.

  March organizers have recruited an impressive speaker list for
  the May 1 event, including U.S. Rep. and impeachment trial
  manager Bob Barr, "Year of the Rat" author William Triplett,
  "Clinton Chronicles" producer Pat Matrisciana and others.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hate Crimes Bill has slid through House - Texas

1999-04-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Will someone with a link to a Texas on line newspaper please
post the article?

IN Texas 28 April 1999
This essay is in reference to a "Hate Crimes Bill" that has gone
through the Austin house with a vote of 83-61 in favor of the bill
and still must give it a final approval before sending it to the Senate.

So in another post I saw something about agression possiblally
being genetic.  Could this mean that a Constitutional Republic
is agressive.  That we rape and kill as children as well.
With Clinton as a example it seems as if this is so.

I am looking for a on line Texas newspaper so that I can post
the article.

The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CTRL Conspiracy

1999-04-27 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

AOL User wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I am new to the list.  I feel that the list is not credible mostly because of
  the volume.

We have a limit of 100 posts a day andAOL check up people take up some
of those posts!

My Main Site
My Chemical Page
That this is taken from:
 United States Code



 WARFARE PROGRAM - Chemical Testing on Civilian Populations


"list is not credible"

Well yes I guess it is pretty incredible, so go study and do something
about it.  We are well behaved and not much at C-H-A-T-T-I-N-G.
Also since the list is already on AOL, what are you trying to buy?

Just my own little conspiracy theory about being checked on.
Wonder if some of these posters - posting under the subject
"CTRL Conspiracy" posters fit it???
By the way, how much does it pay to do checks for AOL?
I could use some extra money.

The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serbs Raping All Kosovar Women

1999-04-26 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Women for Rape Sought by Serbs

 .c The Associated Press

 BRAZDA, Macedonia (AP) -- City by city and village by village, Serbs are
 hunting down young women to rape as they loot, empty and burn Kosovo's ethnic
 Albanian communities, women escaping beyond the province's borders say.

The United Nations first prosecuted rape as a separate war crime after the
1992-95 Bosnian war. In the first case to focus exclusively on rape, the
War Crimes Tribunal for former Yugoslavia sentenced a Bosnian Croat
paramilitary chief in December to 10 years in prison for failing to stop
subordinates' 1993 rape of a Bosnian Muslim woman.

How many camcorders are over there I wonder?  How many people,
expressly children are going missing?  This war sounds more like

Who is sacrificing to what Deity?  And using the fact that some
will make money on the side helping them sacrifice to that Deity?

IS this a theme that has run through one of the early ones like Baal,
one that demands human sacrifice
initiation could be a symbolic human death through the death of
and animal -- like the mysterious cattle killed in America
yet those cattle were not rustled, or using dogs.

Highlighted by cultures that have tried to put warnings in their

parts of the KKK
Shouting help, but who hears since it is not politically correct to
teach enough history for people to be able to fight.

The question is:  are they celebrating a Deity that they believe
is incarnated in a person?  Or this A group of people that represent
the Deity?

They have played with people that have tried to tie
it down to one person or group of people before.
Treat the symptoms and I believe that the snake with
many heads with begin to hurt and to show it's-self by
it's actions since they seem to have to do certain things.

They do not want the week end warrior, they want the children.

The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Tough Questions for Heterosexuals (fwd)

1999-04-24 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 00:18:04 -0500
 From: Joke of the Day [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Tough Questions for Heterosexuals

  The Original Joke of the Day   http://www.joker.org

  1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?

  2. When and how did you decide you were a heterosexual?

  3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase
 that you may grow out of?

  4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a
 neurotic fear of others of the same sex?

  5. Do you parents know you are straight? Do your friends
 and/or roomates know?

  6. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality?
 Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet?

  7. Why do heterosexuals put so much emphasis on sex?

  8. Why do heterosexuals feel compelled to introduce others
 to their lifestyle?

  9. A disproportionate majority of child molesters are
 heterosexual. Do you consider it wise to expose children to
 heterosexual teachers?

  10. Just what do men and women do in bed together?

  11. Bearing in mind the current divorce rate, why are there
  so few stable relationships between heterosexuals?

  12. Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could the
  human race survive if everyone were heterosexual?

  13. There seem to be very few happy heterosexuals.
  Techniques have been developed that might enable you to
  change if you really want to. Have you considered aversion

  14. Would you want your child to be heterosexual, knowing
  the problems they would face?

  Subscription Information

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  Please send your jokes to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tough questions for married couples:

Sex as an activity does not involve higher thinking
skills.  To base a relationship on sex,
to base life on sex, removes the innocense of life.
Look around you, would life keep going if animals
and plants were to consider homosexualism a viable
alternative?  I like to eat and how long would we have
animals and plants if this were true?

Sex may be a drive, has been termed “Sex Drive”
but it is not the vehicle for understanding since it is
only ONE of the basic drives.  So what is the
vehicle for understanding life?  Education is
what is needed to understand life.  Education
is something that has to happen from the moment
that you are born if you are to continue living.

So it seems that it does not matter if a male gets
paid or if he pays.  (Gigalo or "husband")
If he is not involved in the education of the children,
at least to the extent of continuing his own education -
read a book that you have assigned to the kids too, and
expect a book report once a month.  If he is not to be a
role model for education, consistancy, and commentment
what is he.  If I had a husband that believed it was ok to
just spread it around than -- he would not be my husband
for long.  What commentment does that show?

Since the people that worship to Baal do not
see anything as “Politically Incorrect” to deleate
knowledge from our database is to leave the
door open to Human Sacrifice.

If the base line is education.  Does just studing
history / religion one day a week for social purposes
show a respect for education?

So the question behind door number one is...
What is the difference between a male that is hetrosexual
and a male that is homosexual?
the ability to have children, without cloning, within
a viable relationship that shows respect for the way
that (higher) plants and animals replicate.
I guess so companies could be setting up clonning
as a viable alternative.  Would clonning allow us to
understand history and the way that the world normally

What is involved in having children?  What makes
us different from a lion or a eagle?
The length of our education, and how long it is till
we are sexually viable -- unless 

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, I. The American Occupation

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

I. The American Occupation

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Aug. 28, 1920).

 To know the reasons for the present political situation in Haiti, to
understand why the
 United States landed and has for five years maintained military forces in
that country,
 why some three thousand Haitian men, women, and children have been shot
down by
 American rifles and machine guns, it is necessary, among other things, to
know that the
 National City Bank of New York is very much interested in Haiti. It is
necessary to
 know that the National City Bank controls the National Bank of Haiti and is
 depository for all of the Haitian national funds that are being collected
by American
 officials, and that Mr. R. L. Farnham, vice-president of the National City
Bank, is
 virtually the representative of the State Department in matters relating to
the island
 republic. Most Americans have the opinion -- if they have any opinion at
all on the
 subject -- that the United States was forced, on purely humane grounds, to
intervene in
 the black republic because of the tragic coup d'etat which resulted in the
 and death of President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam and the execution of the
 prisoners confined at Port-au-Prince, July 27-28, 1915; and that this
government has
 been compelled to keep a military force in Haiti since that time to pacify
the country
 and maintain order.

  The fact is that for nearly a year before forcible intervention on the
part of the
 United States this government was seeking to compel Haiti to submit to
 intervention. Toward the close of 1914 the United States notified the
government of
 Haiti that it was disposed to recognize the newly-elected president,
 Davilmar, as soon as a Haitian commission would sign at Washington
 protocols" relative to a convention with the United States on the model of
 Dominican-American Convention. On December 15, 1914, the Haitian
 through its Secretary of Foreign Affairs, replied: "The Government of the
Republic of
 Haiti would consider itself lax in its duty to the United States and to
itself if it allowed
 the least doubt to exist of its irrevocable intention not to accept any
control of the
 administration of Haitian affairs by a foreign Power." On December 19, the
 States, through its legation at Port-au-Prince, replied, that in expressing
its willingness
 to do in Haiti what had been done in Santo Domingo it "was actuated
entirely by a
 disinterested desire to give assistance."

  Two months later, the Theodore government was overthrown by a
 and Vilbrun Guillaume was elected president. Immediately afterwards there
arrived at
 Port-au-Prince an American commission from Washington -- the Ford mission.
 commissioners were received at the National Palace and attempted to take up
 discussion of the convention that had been broken off in December, 1914.
 they lacked full powers and no negotiations were entered into. After
several days, the
 Ford mission sailed for the United States. But soon after, in May, the
United States
 sent to Haiti Mr. Paul Fuller, Jr., with the title Envoy Extraordinary, on
a special
 mission to apprise the Haitian government that the Guillaume administration
would not
 be recognized by the American government unless Haiti accepted and signed
 project of a convention which he was authorized to present. After examining
 project the Haitian government submitted to the American commission a
 counter-project, formulating the conditions under which it would be
possible to accept
 the assistance of the United States. To this counter-project Mr. Fuller
 certain modifications, some of which were accepted by the Haitian
government. On
 June 5, 1915, Mr. Fuller acknowledged the receipt of the Haitian
 regarding these modifications, and sailed from Port-au-Prince.

  Before any further discussion of the Fuller project between the two
 governments, political incidents in Haiti led rapidly to the events of July
27 and 28. On
 July 27 President Guillaume fled to the French Legation, and on the same
day took
 place a massacre of the political prisoners in the prison at
Port-au-Prince. On the
 morning of July 28 President Guillaume was forcibly taken from French
Legation and
 killed. On the afternoon of July 28 an American man-of-war dropped anchor
in the

[CTRL] Mark Twain on the Philippines Anti-Imperialism in the US, 1898-1935

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This site has moved, check it out if you are intrested in
why Mark Twain's writtings are really being gone after.
This man had a whole nother side that we seldom hear
aka The Pied Piper


  Boondocks, n., hinterland, remote and
  underdeveloped area. From Tagalog
  bundok, meaning mountain... more

 Anti-Imperialism in the United States
 Essays and contemporary texts, photographs and political
 cartoons introduce the organizations formed to oppose U.S.
 territorial and economic imperialism.

 Historical Graphics Gallery
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 included in this site.

 Mark Twain on the Philippines
 Twain's writings on the Philippine-American War, contemporary
 criticism, and essays about his involvement with the
 Anti-Imperialist League.

 The enduring cultural and political consequences of the
 Philippine Revolution and Philippine-American War.

 Stereoscopic Visions of War and Empire
 Interpretive archive of stereoscopic photographs of the
 Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars, world's fairs,
 and other representations of the American empire.

 "The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics
 Rudyard Kipling's classic exhortation to empire and more than
 fifty contemporary responses to the poem.

 Other Sites

 Graphic Representations
 Political cartoons of Uncle Sam, Theodore Roosevelt, and the
 American Empire, and the America First campaign launched
 during World War I.

 Mark Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings
 From the 1866 letters from Hawaii to his last writings on the
 Philippine-American War, Russia, and the Belgian Congo. Also
 includes biographical and critical studies, historical contexts,
 study guides, teaching resources, and a thorough bibliography.

  VFA: The Shape of Things to
  Analysis of the US-RP Visiting

  Forces Agreement, by Daniel B.

  Schirmer, March 1999.

  The Filipino People
  Editorials and other articles
  the magazine established in
  Washington, D.C., by
  Resident Commissioner Manuel
  Quezon, 1912-1916.

  Self-Determining Haiti
  By James Weldon Johnson, a
  report on an investigative
trip he
  made in 1920 for the NAACP.

  Poems by Katharine Lee Bates
  Forgotten anti-imperialist
  by the author of "America the

  Acts of Aggression: Policing
  "Rogue States", by Noam
  Chomsky, Ramsey Clark and
  Edward W. Said (1999).

  Drawn  Quartered: The
  History of American Political
  Cartoons, by Stephen Hess and
  Sandy Northrop (1996).

  Marx in Soho: A Play on
  History, by Howard Zinn
  more books

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 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim Zwick. All rights reserved.
 This page last modified on 4/18/99.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, II. What the United States Has Accomplished

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

  II. What the United States Has Accomplished

   By James Weldon Johnson

  The Nation 111 (Sept. 4, 1920).

 When the truth about the conquest of Haiti -- slaughter of three thousand
 practically unarmed Haitians, with the incidentally needless death of a
score of
 American boys -- begins to filter through the rigid Administration
censorship to the
 American people, the apologists will become active. Their justification of
what has
 been done will be grouped under two heads: one, the necessity, and two, the
 Under the first, much stress will be laid upon the "anarchy" which existed
in Haiti, upon
 the backwardness of the Haitians and their absolute unfitness to govern
 The pretext which caused the intervention was taken up in the first article
of this series.
 The characteristics, alleged and real, of the Haitian people will be taken
up in a
 subsequent article. Now as to results: The apologists will attempt to show
that material
 improvements in Haiti justify American intervention. Let us see what they

  Diligent inquiry reveals just three: The building of the road from
 to Cape Haitien; the enforcement of certain sanitary regulations in the
larger cities; and
 the improvement of the public hospital at Port-au-Prince. The enforcement
of certain
 sanitary regulations is not so important as it may sound, for even under
exclusive native
 rule, Haiti has been a remarkably healthy country and had never suffered
from such
 epidemics as used to sweep Cuba and the Panama Canal region. The
 moreover, were of a purely minor character -- the sort that might be issued
by a board
 of health in any American city or town -- and were in no wise fundamental,
 there was no need. The same applies to the improvement of the hospital,
long before
 the American Occupation, an effectively conducted institution but which, it
is only fair
 to say, benefitted considerably by the regulations and more up-to-date
methods of
 American army surgeons -- the best in the world. Neither of these
 however, creditable as they are, can well be put forward as a justification
for military
 domination. The building of the great highway from Port-au-Prince to Cape
Haitien is a
 monumental piece of work, but it is doubtful whether the object in building
it was to
 supply the Haitians with a great highway or to construct a military road
which would
 facilitate the transportation of troops and supplies from one end of the
island to the
 other. And this represents the sum total of the constructive accomplishment
after five
 years of American Occupation.

  Now, the highway, while doubtless the most important achievement of
the three,
 involved the most brutal of all the blunders of the Occupation. The work
was in charge
 of an officer of Marines who stands out even in that organization for his
"treat 'em
 rough" methods. He discovered the obsolete Haitian corvée and decided to
enforce it
 with the most modern Marine efficiency. The corvée, or road law, in Haiti
 that each citizen should work a certain number of days on the public roads
to keep
 them in condition, or pay a certain sum of money. In the days when this law
was in
 force the Haitian government never required the men to work the roads
except in their
 respective communities, and the number of days was usually limited to three
a year.
 But the Occupation seized men wherever it could find them, and no
 Haitian was safe from such raids, which most closely resembled the African
slave raids
 of past centuries. And slavery it was -- though temporary. By day or by
night, from the
 bosom of their families, from their little farms or while trudging
peacefully on the
 country roads, Haitians were seized and forcibly taken to toil for months
in far sections
 of the country. Those who protested or resisted were beaten into
submission. At night,
 after long hours of unremitting labor under armed taskmasters, who swiftly
 any slackening of effort with boot or rifle butt, the victims were herded
in compounds.
 Those attempting to escape were shot. Their terror-stricken families
meanwhile were
 often in total ignorance of the fate of their husbands, fathers, brothers.

  It is chiefly out of these methods that arose the need for
"pacification." Many
 men of the rural districts became panic-stricken and fled to the hills and
 Others rebelled and did likewise, preferring death to 

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, III. Government Of, By, and For the National City Bank

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

   III. Government Of, By, and For the National City

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Sept. 11, 1920).

 Former articles of this series described the Military Occupation of Haiti
and the
 crowd of civilian place holders as among the forces at work in Haiti to
maintain the
 present status in that country. But more powerful though less obvious, and
 sinister, because of its deep and varied radications, is the force
exercised by the
 National City Bank of New York. It seeks more than the mere maintenance of
 present status in Haiti; it is constantly working to bring about a
condition more suitable
 and profitable to itself. Behind the Occupation, working conjointly with
the Department
 of State, stands this great banking institution of New York and elsewhere.
The financial
 potentates allied with it are the ones who will profit by the control of
Haiti. The United
 States Marine Corps and the various office-holding "deserving Democrats,"
who help
 maintain the status quo there, are in reality working for great financial
interests in this
 country, although Uncle Sam and Haiti pay their salaries.

  Mr. Roger L. Farnham, vice-president of the National City Bank, was
 effectively instrumental in bringing about American intervention in Haiti.
With the
 administration at Washington, the word of Mr. Farnham supersedes that of
 else on the island. While Mr. Bailly-Blanchard, with the title of minister,
is its
 representative in name, Mr. Farnham is its representative in fact. His
goings and
 comings are aboard vessels of the United States Navy. His bank, the
National City,
 has been in charge of the Banque Nationale d'Haiti throughout the
Occupation.(1) Only
 a few weeks ago he was appointed receiver of the National Railroad of
 controlling practically the entire railway system in the island with
valuable territorial
 concessions in all parts.(2) The $5,000,000 sugar plant at Port-au-Prince,
it is
 commonly reported, is about to fall into his hands.

  Now, of all the various responsibilities, expressed, implied, or
assumed by the
 United States in Haiti, it would naturally be supposed that the financial
obligation would
 be foremost. Indeed, the sister republic of Santo Domingo was taken over by
 United States Navy for no other reason than failure to pay its internal
debt. But Haiti
 for over one hundred years scrupulously paid its external and internal debt
-- a fact
 worth remembering when one hears of "anarchy and disorder" in that land --
until five
 years ago when under the financial guardianship of the United States
interest on both
 the internal and, with one exception, external debt was defaulted; and this
in spite of
 the fact that specified revenues were pledged for the payment of this
interest. Apart
 from the distinct injury to the honor and reputation of the country, the
hardship on
 individuals has been great. For while the foreign debt is held particularly
in France
 which, being under great financial obligations to the United States since
the beginning of
 the war, has not been able to protest effectively, the interior debt is
held almost entirely
 by Haitian citizens. Haitian Government bonds have long been the recognized

 substantial investment for the well-to-do and middle class people,
considered as are in
 this country, United States, state, and municipal bonds. Non-payment on
 securities has placed many families in absolute want.

  What has happened to these bonds? They are being sold for a song, for
the little
 cash they will bring. Individuals closely connected with the National Bank
of Haiti are
 ready purchasers. When the new Haitian loan is floated it will, of course,
contain ample
 provisions for redeeming these old bonds at par. The profits will be more
 handsome. Not that the National Bank has not already made hay in the
sunshine of
 American Occupation. From the beginning it has been sole depositary of all
 collected in the name of the Haitian Government by the American Occupation,

 receiving in addition to the interest rate a commission on all funds
deposited. The bank
 is the sole agent in the transmission of these funds. It has also the
exclusive note-issuing
 privilege in the republic. At the same time complaint is widespread among
the Haitian
 business men that the Bank no longer as of old accommodates them with
credit and
 that its interests are now entirely in developments of its own.

[CTRL] Self-Determining Haiti, IV. The Haitian People

1999-04-23 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Edited by Jim Zwick
 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim

Self-Determining Haiti

IV. The Haitian People

   By James Weldon Johnson

 The Nation 111 (Sept. 25, 1920).

 The first sight of Port-au-Prince is perhaps most startling to the
 Latin-American traveler. Caribbean cities are of the Spanish-American type
 buildings square and squat, built generally around a court, with residences
and business
 houses scarcely interdistinguishable. Port-au-Prince is rather a city of
the French or
 Italian Riviera. Across the bay of deepest blue the purple mountains of
Gonave loom
 against the Western sky, rivaling the bay's azure depths. Back of the
business section,
 spreading around the bay's great sweep and well into the plain beyond, rise
the green
 hills with their white residences. The residential section spreads over the
slopes and
 into the mountain tiers. High up are the homes of the well-to-do, beautiful
villas set in
 green gardens relieved by the flaming crimson of the poinsettia. Despite
the imposing
 mountains a man-made edifice dominates the scene. From the center of the
city the
 great Gothic cathedral lifts its spires above the tranquil city. Well paved
and clean, the
 city prolongs the thrill of its first unfolding. Cosmopolitan yet quaint,
with an old-world
 atmosphere yet a charm of its own, one gets throughout the feeling of
 European life. In the hotels and cafes the affairs of the world are heard
discussed in
 several languages. The cuisine and service are not only excellent but
inexpensive. At
 the Café Dereix, cool and scrupulously clean, dinner from hors d’oeuvres to
 with wine, of course, recalling the famous antebellum hostelries of New
York and
 Paris, may be had for six gourdes [$1.25].

  A drive of two hours around Port-au-Prince, through the newer section
of brick
 and concrete buildings, past the cathedral erected from 1903 to 1912, along
 Champ de Mars where the new presidential palace stands, up into the Peu de
 section where the hundreds of beautiful villas and grounds of the
well-to-do are
 situated, permanently dispels any lingering question that the Haitians have
 retrograding during the 116 years of their independence.

  In the lower city, along the water's edge, around the market and in
the Rue
 Républicaine, is the "local color." The long rows of wooden shanties, the
curious little
 booths around the market, filled with jabbering venders and with scantily
clad children,
 magnificent in body, running in and out, are no less picturesque and no
more primitive,
 no humbler, yet cleaner, than similar quarters in Naples, in Lisbon, in
Marseilles, and
 more justifiable than the great slums of civilization’s centers -- London
and New York,
 which are totally without aesthetic redemption. But it is only the
modernists in history
 who are willing to look at the masses as factors in the life and
development of the
 country, and in its history. For Haitian history, like history the world
over, has for the
 last century been that of cultured and educated groups. To know Haitian
life one must
 have the privilege of being received as a guest in the houses of these
latter, and they
 live in beautiful houses. The majority have been educated in France; they
are cultured,
 brilliant conversationally, and thoroughly enjoy their social life. The
women dress well.
 Many are beautiful and all vivacious and chic. Cultivated people from any
part of the
 world would feel at home in the best Haitian society. If our guest were to
enter to the
 Cercle Bellevue, the leading club of Port-au-Prince, he would find the
 friendly atmosphere of a men's club; he would hear varying shades of
opinion on public
 questions, and could scarcely fail to be impressed by the thorough
knowledge of world
 affairs possessed by the intelligent Haitian. Nor would his encounters be
only with
 people who have culture and savoir vivre; he would meet the Haitian
intellectuals --
 poets, essayists, novelists, historians, critics. Take for example such a
writer as
 Fernand Hibbert. An English authority says of him, "His essays are worthy
of the pen
 of Anatole France or Pierre Loti." And there is Georges Sylvaine, poet and
 conférencier at the Sorbonne, where his address was received with acclaim,
author of
 books crowned by the French Academy, and an Officer of the Légion
 Hibbert and Sylvaine are only two among a dozen or more contemporary
Haitian men
 of letters whose work may be measured by world standards. Two names 

Re: [CTRL] Jones Suspected Clinton Role in Mysterious Deaths

1999-04-19 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

You do not add that guy that was head of the Branch Davidian
before K.
The one that ran for president, ended up in an institution,
and recently turned up dead!
The one that K. had the shot out with for head of the
Branch Davidian.  Could the Branch Davidian been a
holding area - as well.

Lawyers that joined that gave up their wives and children to K.
Did K. have that much control???

Consider the particular habits that some of our recent
Presidents have had.  What evidence were they getting
rid of?

Or a way to put in legislation like in some areas of the
USSR that allows a person at 14 to have legal sexual
The Pied Piper

Peter L. Sroufe wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Paula Jones feared for her life while pressing her lawsuit against President
 Clinton and thinks he may have played a role in a number of mysterious
 deaths of potential witnesses against him.

  With NewsMax.com Staff
 For the story behind the story...
 Sunday April 18, 4:10 PM
 "Waco" Explodes on HBO
 Saturday April 17, 8:57 AM

 Jones Suspected Clinton Role in Mysterious Deaths

 Paula Jones feared for her life while pressing her lawsuit against President
 Clinton and thinks he may have played a role in a number of mysterious
 deaths of potential witnesses against him.

 Jones, appearing Friday night on Fox News Channel's "Hannity  Colmes," was
 asked whether she suspected that Clinton was responsible for the deaths -- a
 list numbering, according to some, more than 50 people who were associated
 with one Clinton controversy or another. Some of the more prominent Clinton
 friends to die in the midst of scandal were Vince Foster, Ron Brown and
 James McDougal.

 Jones responded, "He may not be hands-on in doing it, but I think maybe he
 has some part in some of this stuff. Because there's just too many of them
 that have come up dead or missing that have had some kind of bond or have
 been in business or some kind of dealings with Clinton."

 Prior to the stunning comment, Sean Hannity questioned Jones about concerns
 for her own safety:

 HANNITY: Paula, you have stated in the past that you, and Linda Tripp has
 stated as well, have even feared for your life. You even went on to say that
 you want the whole world to know that you don't drive crazy, that you
 wouldn't run off the road, that you're not suicidal, that you love life, you
 love your children, and you'd never kill yourself. And you wanted to say
 that to a national audience. Why? What do you fear?

 JONES: Well, there's been a lot of people that have come up dead in
 Arkansas. And I've had a lot of people ask me, 'Aren't you scared for your
 life?' And actually, I have been. Even [Clinton attorney] Bob Bennett said a
 quote one time on CNN that his mother always used to tell him that you
 better be careful for what you ask for because you just might get it. And
 then he went on to talk about how his dog used to chase cars. And then his
 dog was dead and he has a new dog now. And I took that even as a threat.
 There were just so many things and I wanted people to know that I'm not like
 that and that if I come up strangely dead that I didn't kill myself.

 One of the "many things" Jones may have had in mind was the fate of Kathy
 Ferguson, the ex-wife of the co-defendant named in her lawsuit, Arkansas
 state Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy's friends have told reporters that she,
 too, claimed that Clinton had sexually harassed her and that she knew "Paula
 was telling the truth."

 On May 13, 1994, just five days after Jones filed suit, Ferguson was found
 shot to death in her Sherwood, Ark., apartment. Police ruled it a suicide.

 A month later, her police officer boyfriend, Bill Shelton, was also found
 dead, his body sprawled across Kathy's grave. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
 reported that Shelton died from a single gunshot wound behind the ear.
 Police again ruled suicide.



 Visit me at:
 The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:



[CTRL] Nazi Leader Biographies - Includes Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Röhm, Göring, Speer, and more...

1999-04-19 Thread 1lls0081

Will someone that is a member please send me Hitler's Bio.
I am not paying to get on a web site.
Thank You

Title: Nazi Leader Biographies - Includes Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Rhm, Gring, Speer, and more...

Nazi Leader Biographies

"Go over to the auntie on the other side of the road,
und mach hbsch dein Hitlerchen! (and perform your
'Heil Hitler-kins' like a good little girl)."


Dresden woman's comments to her little daughter in the
Autumn of 1933

Adolf Hitler

Born: April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria
Died: April 30, 1945 in Berlin, Germany
Founder and Leader of the Nazi Party
Reich Chancellor from 30 Jan. 1933, to 1945

Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

of Hitler's Life

Joseph Goebbels

Born: October 29, 1897 in Rheydt, Germany
Died: May 1, 1945 in Berlin, Germany
Reich Propaganda Leader of the NSDAP
Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda - March 13,

General Plenipotentiary for Total War - July 1944


Hermann Gring

Born: January 12, 1893 in Rosenheim, Germany
Died: October 15, 1946 in Nuremberg, Germany
Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe - March 1935 to 1945
President of the Reichstag
Prime Minister of Prussia
Prussian Minister of the Interior
Commander-in-Chief of the Prussian Police and Gestapo
Commissioner for Aviation
Plenipotentiary for the implementation of the Four Year Plan
Reich Council Chairman for National Defense - August 30, 1939

Oficially designated as Hitler's successor - September 1, 1939

Udet, Erhard Milch,

Rudolf Hess

Born: April 26,1894 in Alexandria, Egypt
Died: August 17, 1987 in Berlin, Germany
Deputy Leader of the Nazi Party - 1933
Chairman of the Central Political Commission of the NSDAP
Reich Minister without Portfolio - December 2, 1933
Member of the Secret Cabinet Council - Feb. 4, 1928

Ministerial Council for Reich Defense


Heinrich Himmler
Born: October 7, 1900 in Munich, Germany
Died:May 23, 1945 in Luneberg, Germany
Minister of the Interior from 1943 to 1945

Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of Germandom - October 1939

Heydrich, Ernst
Kaltenbrunner, Arthur
Nebe, Walter Schellenberg,
Karl Wolff,
Hans Jttner,
Dalegue, Oswald
Pohl, Dr. Ernst
Heissmeyer, Werner
Lorenz, Ulrich

Ernst Rhm

Born: November 28, 1887 in Munich, Germany
Died: June 30, 1934 in Night of Long Knives (The Blood Purge)
Chief of Staff of the SA
Reich Minister without Portfolio

Minister of the Bavarian State


Other Notables:
Bormann | Joachim
von Ribbentrop | Alfred
Rosenberg Albert
Speer | Julius

Re: [CTRL] 50 Years of Research Results in AIDS??

1999-04-18 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

So AIDS and some other things have a underling cause.  What triggers
the underling cause?  Pesticides and herbicides have been
known to show genetic damage that can go to the 2nd and 3rd
generation.  They take down the immune system and leave us
open to other things.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Homosexuals, DNA Source Code, Bush, CIA and more

1999-04-17 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Rough Outline 1

a) Year(s) Bush caught as a pedophile
b) year Marc Dutreoux “the pedophile and serial killer”
was in action (ref. 10 and 11)
c) Coors connections with  Regan, Bush, Gore, Dole or
   their families. (ref 8)
d) year(s) Clinton was governor of Arkansas – When the
plasma was sold, that had STD’s in it.
e) the fact that AIDS has not been proved to be
cause by a virus.

Canada and other countries low on plasma because
of AIDS.

Africa losing one of it’s ways of making money
(it can not sell plasma because of AIDS).

More turning to pedophilia in the belief that children do
not have AIDS, yet.

France not planting as many flowers for perfumes
and fragrances (losing land) these are being based
on petro chemicals or just chemicals instead.
Rising rate of allergies.

CIA (Bush) “connected” to getting many welfare
recipients hooked on drugs.  Convicted Felons in
prisons in the news over their receiving food stamps.
Students with rich parents receiving food stamps when
they do not need them.  In cutting these people out they
cut out many legitimate families that need food stamps.

Willie Nelson in trouble with the IRS – but could it
have been because of “Farm Aid” and the fact that
he helped the farmers – instead of just because of
back taxes.

Belgium having problems, some countries see
pedophilia as normal.  Some places in the Soviet Union
allow sex as low as 14, too.

A Ruler (King or Queen) could not control all the
subjects personally, previously.  But with Data Bases
what government needs that autonomity of the states,
or even to have banks or any kind of professional or
education.  America’s “Rulers” are promising the
world because they do not see that they will have to
deliver.  With cloning and the potential that they might
be around hundreds of years, they want complete
control.  W.W.II was a dry run on how to do it to the
USA.  Why has it been slow?  They want to undermine
the constitutional ideas completely – world wide.  To
have complete control of the world.  Many see it as
Something that  “1984” by George Orwell or “Brave
New World” Aldous Huxley, it will be more like
Germany written by Adolph Hitler and Comp.  These
people are just putting out propaganda leading you to
these ideas.

AARP one of the largest special interest groups,
think what would happen it these people were
around hundreds of years because of cloning.
We are polluting their world.  Why do they need
so many people, they would think of us as a surplus.

Take America off the gold standard, inflate the prices
so that the land has little value to agriculture, put
individual farmers out of business by creating
catastrophes, all land being paid for with loans from
banks, declare a emergency take over banks,
“government” owns all land.  Take us off animal
products because animal breeders would see the
effects of what “they” are putting out as food faster
– more generations of animals.  Fur breeders would
see it the fastest.

They have attempted to put together a psychological
climate that justifies what they are doing.

Now I say that they are insane!  Why?  If we replicate,
where will we get the source code?  Take a look
at the wilderness – it is a DNA source code.  Where
are they documenting it?  They are destroying our value.
If there were an intergalactic stock market, what would
they trade in?  Gold and Diamonds seem to be in
many meteorites, probably common in space.  How
about in DNA source codes?  If you think about the
diversity of color and body styles in Africa you can
understand why the Dye companies that became
Pharmicudical companies would want to control
that knowledge and have it where many of us do
not think of Africa on those terms.  The different
hormones, steroids, minerals, vitamins ECT that
have contributed to Africa’s diversity.

Think of Deer or any other grazing animal, they
will overgraze their territory without predators.
They are not self sustainable, they go to the limit
of the advisable food supply, and the ones that
lead them do so mainly on the basis of brute strength.
When you take out the natural predators you better
have hunters.  They are putting us on the basis of
food animals and ruling by the basis of brute strength,
by not giving us all the knowledge we need to make
informed decisions.

Getting back to that “potential” intergalactic stock market,
when the Earth can not be traded as a source of
“DNA source codes” I guess it will be traded as a
source of food animals.  Consider they have shown
that Humans are non sustainable, have been shown
to be relatively brainless but we could take care of
ourselves until harvested.  With the amount of
chemicals doing us in, it seems as if we are suppose to
bury ourselves.  If that happens and they do decrease
the world like that, and we do go on the basis of
food animals – take heart in the knowledge that
they will be the first ones culled out!  Why?  Because
they would get rid of the very breeders that 

Re: [CTRL] Ulcer ( cancer) bacteria in tapwater?

1999-04-12 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Bill Kingsbury wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


  Ulcers on tap

  by Jon Copley
  From New Scientist, 3 April 1999

The question that they neglect to address is this:  Does this bacteria have any
effect on a healthy gut?  Does it only effect those that are already sick?  Does
it only go after those that have already had their intestinal flora "temperarily"
destroyed because they have used pesticides or herbicides?  Are pesticides
and herbicides removed from our clorinated tapwater?

Let's go on to the question:  Does E-Coli exsist naturally but normally does
not effect us?  How does a female dog clean up after her puppies?  Is a
reaction to e-coli because of antibiotics?

Chemical tib bits

Main Index - bookmark it, there are no return links, at least so far.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Chapter -XXI- Omaha

1999-04-12 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley  Anton

Chapter -XXI- Omaha

On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of
in the nation's
capital. ``Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush,
screamed the
front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker ``Call Boys
Midnight Tour of
White House.''

The Times reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation
federal and District
authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and
military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen
close ties to
Washington's political elite.''

The exposeé centered on the role of one Craig Spence, a Republican
known for his
lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Spence was well connected. He celebrated
Independence Day
1988 by conducting a midnight tour of the White House in the company of two
teenage male
prostitutes among others in his party.

Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who
used the call boy
service. The Number Two in charge of personnel affairs at the White House,
was responsible
for filling all the top civil service posts in the federal bureaucracy, and
Secretary of Labor Elizabeth
Dole's chief of staff, were two individuals publicly identified as patrons
the call boy ring.

Two of the ring's call boys were allegedly KGB operatives, according to a
retired general from the
Defense Intelligence Agency interviewed by the press. But the evidence
seemed to
point to a CIA
sexual blackmail operation, instead. Spence's entire mansion was covered
hidden microphones,
two-way mirrors and video cameras, ever ready to capture the indiscretions
Washington's high,
mighty and perverse. The political criteria for proper sexual comportment
long been established
in Washington: Any kinkiness goes, so long as you don't get caught. The
proverb was
that the only way a politician could hurt his career was if he were
with a dead woman or a
live boy'' in his bed.

Months after the scandal had died down, and a few weeks before he allegedly
committed suicide,
Spence was asked who had given him the ``key'' to the White House. The
Washington Times
reported that ``Mr. Spence hinted the tours were arranged by `top level'
persons, including Donald
Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush''@s1 and later U.S.
ambassador to South

We have already had occasion to examine Don Gregg's role in Iran-Contra,
have observed his
curious performance when testifying under oath before congressional
Gregg indignantly
denied any connection to Spence, yet it is public record that Spence had
sponsored a dinner in
Gregg's honor in the spring of 1989 at Washington's posh Four Seasons Hotel

George Bush was less than pleased with the media coverage of the
charges and kept
abreast of the scandal as it mushroomed. The Washington Times reported in
article titled ``White
House Mute on Call Boy Scandal,'' that ``White House sources confirmed that
President Bush has
followed the story of the late night visit and Mr. Spence's links to a
homosexual prostitution ring
under investigation by federal authorities since they were disclosed June
29 in
the Washington
Times. But top officials will not discuss the story's substance, reportedly
among themselves.

``Press officers have rebuffed repeated requests to obtain Mr. Bush's
and decline to discuss
investigations or fall out from the disclosures.''@s2 By midsummer, the
had been buried.
The President had managed to avoid giving a single press conference where
would surely have
been asked to comment.

As the call boy ring affair dominated the cocktail gossip circuit in
another scandal,
halfway across the country in the state of Nebraska, peaked. Again this
knocked on the
President's door.

A black Republican who had been a leader in organizing minority support for
President's 1988
campaign and who proudly displayed a photo of himself and the President,
arm in
arm, in his Omaha
home, was at the center of a sex and money scandal that continues to rock
Cornhusker state.

The scandal originated with the collapse of the minority-oriented Franklin
Community Credit Union
in Omaha, directed by Lawrence E. King, Jr., a nationally influential black
Republican who sang the
national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. King
the subject of the
Nebraska Senate's investigation conducted by the specially created
Committee'' to probe
charges of embezzlement. In November 1988, King's offices were raided by
the FBI
and $40
million was discovered missing. Within weeks, the Nebraska Senate, which
initially opened the
inquiry to find out where the money had gone, 

[CTRL] Homosexuals? NOT!, Pedifiles? ?., So What Are They?

1999-04-11 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This is from back in 1996 to 1998 but the issues are still being debated.
This is towards the end of the page.


Child Pornography Investigation in Holland, July 1998

According to Reuters, the Dutch police were
investigating allegations that an international child
pornography ring exploited toddlers as young as
two and distributed their images worldwide via the
Internet. "The investigation focuses on child pornography
in all its facets--the production and
distribution of the material," a local police spokesman
told Reuters, adding that the police were not
yet in possession of the alleged pornographic material.

The Dutch inquiry follows a report by an anti
pornography group that it found thousands of
computer disks in a flat in the Dutch seaside
town of Zandvoort. The disks were loaded with
pornographic pictures of children, according to
the Dutch current affairs television program NOVA
reported. The police spokesman would give no
further details of the case pending the outcome of
the investigation. He also declined to comment
on reports that Dutch police were working with
Belgian and German authorities.

"We are waiting for the [pornographic material] to
be handed over, then it will be used in our
investigation," the police spokesman said. "All the
material...is either in the hands of the television
[program] or the [Belgian group Morkhoven]."

According to the German newspaper Berliner
Morgenpost, Morkhoven stumbled across the disks
during a search for a Berlin boy who disappeared
under mysterious circumstances in 1993 when he
was 12. The trail led Morkhoven to the Netherlands
and finally to the Zandvoort flat, the newspaper
said. The child pornography network, which Berliner
Morgenpost said stretches around the globe,
has its center in Berlin.

It was not clear how Morkhoven gained access
to the address. The property’s owner, allegedly a
member of the ring, was reportedly murdered by
another gang member early this year in Italy.

According to NOVA, the pornographic pictures
uncovered in the flat were stored on thousands of
high-density disks. Morkhoven suspects the images
were passed via the Internet to a regular group
of customers. It claims the Zandvoort operation
was part of an international network of child
pornography producers and consumers, extending
to the United States, Russia, and Israel. Dutch
anti pornography campaigners have long complained
there is insufficient regulation of the Internet
and the material it carries.

One local group, Meldpunt Kinderporno, wrote
to the Dutch government recently urging the
introduction of measures to combat child pornography
on the Web.

Finland Police seized child pornography at the
Helsinki home of a 19 year-old student

On August 28, 1996 in helsinki - Finland the
police seized two computers and nearly 350 floppy
disks at the house of a 19 year-old student. The
material showed sadistic acts involving Caucasian
and Asian children, including torture, mutilation, and
cannibalism. Police specialist Kaj Malmberg
stated that:

 "These pictures of adults having sex with children
are really hard pornography. This is
exceptioannly severe hard pornography
involving very severe abuse of children"

The unnamed student was not arrested because
of the liberal Finnish law. Possession and
distribution of hard pornography is a minor
offence with a maximum penalty of six months in jail.
Malmberg stated that:

 "It's like speeding or something."

According to the Reuters report the Finnish
police must wait until the student returns from the
university outside Helsinki to even interrogate him.
According to the police the student's computer
system can be connected to the Internet and a
distribution link has been found with Sweeden.
Malmberg said he suspects people in several
other European countries had used the system.

Merja-Maarja Turunen with the National
Research and Development Centre for Welfare and
Health stated that Finland must crack down
against such offenders.

 "It is important. It's not a minor offence. It's
obvious that somewhere along the line a
child is being molested."

The arrest of Marc Dutroux in Belgium

   See the TIME article by clicking on the image.

THE Belgian government appealed for international
co-operation to crush paedophile rings as it
sought to defuse the nation's fury over the child
sex gang responsible for the death of two small girls.
The appeal from Stefaan De Clerck, the Justice
Minister, came as detectives in Neufchateau,
continued questioning Marc Dutroux in whose
garden the bodies of Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo
were found along with that of Bernard Weinstein,
another gang member.

Despite intensive interrogation of Marc Dutroux,
there was little sign of a breakthrough in the hunt
for about a dozen missing Belgian children. They
include Ann Marchal, 19, and Eefje Lambrecks,
17, whom Dutroux allegedly admitted kidnapping

Re: [CTRL] RepubliKKKans who cheat!

1999-04-11 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

So.  Oh Well, I guess everyone does it?
If that is what you are believe, you need to
study history a bit more.
Or: There are hypycrates, and then there are Hypocrates.

 Subject: I Agree...

 This letter was written by Eric Jowers, a retired Army Officer,
 who served as public affairs officer at Fort Rucker from 1989 to 1991.
 He now lives in Ozark, Alabama.
 Dear Mr. President:
 It's not about sex.
 If it were about sex, you would be long gone.
 Just like a doctor, attorney or teacher who had
 sex with a patient, client or student half his age,
 you would have violated the ethics of your office
 and would be long gone.
 Just like a Sergeant Major of the Army, Gene McKinney,
 who though found not guilty, was forced to resign
 amid accusations of sexual abuse.

 Remember the Air Force General you wouldn't
 nominate to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
 because he freely admitted to an affair almost 15
 years before, while he and his wife were separated?
 Unlike you, he was never accused of having a
 starry-eyed office assistant my daughter's age
 perform oral sex on him while he was on the
 phone and his wife and daughter were upstairs.

 If it were about sex, you should be subjected to the
 same horrible hearings that Clarence Thomas was
 subjected to because of the accusations of Anita Hill.
 The only accusation then was that he talked dirty to her;
 he didn't even leave semen stains on her dress.
 No, it's not about sex.
 It's about character.
 It's about lying.
 It's about arrogance.
 It's about abuse of power.
 It's about dodging the draft and lying about it.
 When caught in a lie by letters you wrote,
 you concocted a story that nobody believed.
 But we excused it and looked away.

 It's about smoking dope, and lying about it.
 "I didn't inhale," you said.
 Sure, and when I was 15 and my buddies and I
 swiped a beer from an unwatched refrigerator,
 we drank from it, but we didn't swallow.
 "I broke no laws of the United States," you said.
 That's right, you smoked dope in England or Norway or
 Moscow; where you were demonstrating against the U.S.A.
 You lied, but we excused it and looked away.

 It's about you selling overnight stays in the White House to
 any foreigner or other contributor with untraceable cash.
 It's about Whitewater and Jim and Susan McDougal and
 Arkansas, Gov. Jim Guy Tucker and Vincent Foster and
 Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones and Karen Willey and
 nearly countless others.

 It's about stealing the records from Foster's office while his
 body was still warm and putting them in your bedroom and
 "not noticing them" for two years.

 It's about illegal political contributions.
 It's about you and Al Gore soliciting contributions and selling
 influence at Buddhist temples and in the same Oval Office
 where Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt led their
 countries through the dark days of wars that threatened the
 very existence of our nation.
 But we excused you and looked away.

 It's about hiding evidence from Ken Starr, refusing to testify,
 filing legal motions, coaching witnesses, obstructing justice
 and delaying Judge Starr's inquiry for months and years,
 and then complaining that it has gone on too long.
 The polls agreed.
 Thank goodness that Judge Starr didn't read the polls,
 play politics or excuse you and look away.
 He held on to the evidence like a tenacious bulldog.

 Your supporters say that you've confessed your wrong doings
 and asked for our forgiveness.
 Listen, what you said on TV the night you testified to the grand
 jury was not a confession; overwhelming evidence is not a
 confession at all.
 Not that it would make a lot of difference.
 A murderer who contritely confesses his crime is still a murderer.
 When your "confession" didn't sell, even to your friends, you
 became more forthcoming.

 Maybe someday you'll confess more, but probably not.
 You've established such a pattern of lying that we can't
 believe you anymore.
 Neither can your cabinet, the Congress or any of the leaders
 of the nations of the world.

 When a leader's actions defame and emasculate our country
 as profoundly as yours have, it's no longer a personal matter,
 as you claim.
 It's no longer a matter among you, your family and your God.

 By the way, I don't believe for a minute that Hillary was unaware of
 your sexual misadventures, abuses of power and pattern of lying.
 She has been a party to your wrong doings since Whitewater
 and Jennifer Flowers just as surely as she lied about the Rose
 law firm's billings and hid the Vincent Foster evidence in your
 bedroom for two years.
 Why? So she could share in the raw power that your office carries.
 The two of you probably lied to Chelsea, but that is a matter among
 you, your family and your God.

 Remember the sign over James Carvill's desk during the l992 campaign?

Re: [CTRL] RepubliKKKans who cheat!

1999-04-11 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Amelia Kay Edgeman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Doesn't this just mean too many of them have allowed themselves to
 become "blackmailable"?  Who knows what files exist on each  every one.
 Some deservedly, some possibly set-up.  I don't think many people on
 this list fully endorse a lot of policitians wholdheartedly.  It just
 makes me sad that even ones I used to think were honest I have learned
 weren't.  The fact that most are corrupt no longer surprises me.  It
 would appear, however, to diminish their capacity to serve and therefore
 to rectify our currentproblems.  Back to power corrupts, etc.  Vicious

White of Texas resigned as speaker of the House -- over morals.  He was receiving
royalties from a book!!

Perot rescued hostages  --  Year?

Military down sized, people started looking at America's central government to
down size.

Regan elected, Aspartame accepted, Monsanto and __ form a allegiance.
Regan 1981-1989.  In the scheme of things he wound up with "Formal" Altimers
pretty fast
after leaving the Oval Office.

George Bush 1989-1993
Would he have run again, if it had not been for Perot?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] DNA Source Code - Time Line

1999-04-09 Thread 1lls0081

I am still adding to this time line.


Title: DNA Source Code

wpadwindow = window.open("http://freecenter.digiweb.com/ad.fwad", "adwindow","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,width=530,height=115");
var NavName = navigator.appName;
var NavVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (NavName=='Netscape'){
if (NavName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
 var mssux = 1;

Could the Earth  be a DNA Source CodeIf so, Where are they documenting it?

If there are some on this Earth that believe in survival of the fitist
ADHD:  Reality and / or Myth

A Learning / Mental Disability  
Covers the inability to pay attention and full retention of knowledge.

 Black Death - leaves France with a population of 2000.

1720 innoculation for smallpox which has just hit Boston
1775-1783 the revolutionary war
1776 Declairation of Independance 
1787 Constitution
1789  9 out of 10 Americans are engaged in farming and food production
1790 Report on Public Credit - aims to expand financial reach of federalgovernment and reduce power of the states

1819 Indian Civilization Act
1821 Missouri entered Union
1831 the Trail of Tears
1845 Potato famine starts in Ireland
1835 Mexico frees slaves
1835 US citizens living in Texas vote to sucede rather than give up the "right"
1836 Republic of Texas is established
1845 Texas entered Union
1846-1848 the Mexican War
1848 abourtive revolution in Germany is the impetus for German  immigration:1.1million by 1857
1860 Lincoln elected President
1861-1865 the Civil war / War between the states has begun
Lincoln declairs a state of emergency that grants him powers that   supercede the 
Constitution or bill of rights
1861 Yale University grants the country's first Ph.D
1863 uniform currency across the United States "National BankingAct"
1864 "In God We Trust" starts appearing on US Coins
1865 Lincoln assasinated - so he does not put the Constution back into  effect.
1871 KKK? 
1874 Congress makes gold the sole U,S. monetary standard

1914-1920 WW I
1922 Mussolini in Italy
1929 the Great Depression begins
1933 Hitler rises to power in Germany
1939 WW II (Land)
1940 First jet aircraft
1941 Pearl Harbor: United States enters World War II
1941-1945 US in WW II
1941 Pearl Harbor
US enters war
1942 Manhattan (A-bomb) project is begun
1945 The United Nations is founder during Truman time
1947 Formation of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
1948 Truman elected President
1949 NATO founded

1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed
  First nonstop flight around the world
1950 Nevada Test Site (NTS) established by the AEC
  Korean conflict begins
1953 Korean armistice signed at Panmunjom   
1958 Formation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Treaty signed to ban all nuclear weapons testing
1961 Berlin wall goes up 
1961-76 Vietnam War
1962 John Glenn orbits the Earth
1962 Agent Orange is one of the chemical defoliants used on North   Vietnamese supply trails
1962 Did Monsanto have the patent on Agent Orange at this time?
1963 Kennedy assassinated
1968 Nixon officially elected
Nixon took the USA off of the gold standard
Busing / learning / Jessie Jackson
1981-93 Reagan - Bush years
1981 first AIDS cases reported
1988 Bush elected
1989 Oliver North is convicte in Iran-Contra trial
1989 2 month long Tianamen Square
1989 Berlin Wall starts to fall
EG awarded new contract to support Department of Energy's Superconducting
Super Collider project in Texas

EG and Cornell University professors form Northeast Semiconductor
Industries, Inc. to develop advanced materials for electro-optical
1990 Sadam Hussein invades Kuwait
1991 Operation Desert Storm
1991 Iraq attempts to take control of Kuwait - Persian Gulf War begins; ends in 3 months time
1991 Gulf war begins and ends within 100 hours
Rodney King beating
1991? Mensa defined learning styles as Gifted or Talented
1992 H. Ross Perot enter Presidential race
Clinton elected Pres.
1992 Rio Declaration signed by delegates from 178 countries outlining   starategies to protect the  environment and world   resources.
1996 Clinton's second term
1997 John Denver dies

Current rift between beliefs over Holocaust

Would these be two organizations that could be used in other ways?
Home School Legan Defense Fund
FEMA - Federal Emergency M A
Texas re-institutes slavary 

Coustou dies
Asnov dies  

This is my opinion from what I have read.  SIDs is another thing that antibiotics in milk, floride in water, folinin in immunizations, and chemicals in food are suspected of causeing.  Since Aspartame was approved during the Regan Administration many 

[CTRL] Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright (c)1993-8 by Robert H Zakon

1999-04-09 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright (c)1993-8 by Robert H Zakon


...Click on the W3 to return to the Entry Point

** FAQ **
Intro HTML
Craig's Stuff

Highlights from:
Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright 1993-8 
by Robert H Zakon. 

Permission is granted for use of this document in whole or in part for non commercial purposes as long as appropriate credit is given to the author/maintainer. A copy of the material the Timeline appears in is appreciated. For commercial uses, please contact the author first. The author wishes to acknowledge the Internet Society for hosting this document, and the many Net folks who have contributed suggestions and helped with the author's genealogy search. 



USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite. In response, US forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military (:amk:) 



Paul Baran, RAND: "On Distributed Communications Networks" 

• Packet-switching (PS) networks; no single outage point 


ARPA sponsors study on "cooperative network of time-sharing computers"


ACM Symposium on Operating Principles

• First design paper on ARPANET published by Lawrence G. Roberts 

• Plan presented for a packet-switching network


ARPANET commissioned by DoD for research into networking 

First Request for Comment (RFC): "Host Software" by Steve Crocker 



ALOHAnet developed by Norman Abrahamson, U of Hawaii (:sk2:)

ARPANET hosts start using Network Control Protocol (NCP). 


15 nodes (23 hosts): UCLA, SRI, UCSB, U of Utah, BBN, MIT, RAND, SDC, Harvard, Lincoln Lab, Stanford, UIU(C), CWRU, CMU, NASA/Ames 


ALOHAnet connected to the ARPANET

InterNetworking Working Group (INWG) created to address need for establishing agreed upon protocols. Chairman: Vinton Cerf. 

Ray Tomlinson of BBN invents email program to send messages across a distributed network. (:amk:) 

Telnet specification (RFC 318) 


First international connections to the ARPANET: University College of London (England) and Royal Radar Establishment (Norway)

Bob Metcalfe's Harvard PhD Thesis outlines idea for Ethernet (:amk:) 

Bob Kahn poses Internet problem, starts internetting research program at ARPA. Vinton Cerf sketches gateway architecture in March on back of envelope in hotel lobby in San Francisco (:vgc:) 

File Transfer specification (RFC 454) 


Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn publish "A Protocol for Packet Network Internetworking" which specified in detail the design of a Transmission Control Program (TCP). (:amk:) 


Elizabeth, Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an e-mail (various Net folks have e-mailed dates ranging from 1971 to 1978; 1976 was the most submitted and the only found in print) 

UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy) developed at ATT Bell Labs and distributed with UNIX one year later. 


Mail specification (RFC 733) 



DCA and ARPA establishes the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), as the protocol suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, for ARPANET. (:vgc:) 

• This leads to one of the first definitions of an "internet" as a connected set of networks, specifically those using TCP/IP, and "Internet" as connected TCP/IP internets. 

• DoD declares TCP/IP suite to be standard for DoD (:vgc:) 

External Gateway Protocol (RFC 827) specification. EGP is used for gateways between networks. 


Name server developed at U of Wisconsin, no longer requiring users to know the exact path to other systems. 

Cutover from NCP to TCP/IP (1 January) 

ARPANET split into ARPANET and MILNET; the latter became integrated with the Defense Data Network created the previous year. 

Desktop workstations come into being, many with Berkeley UNIX which includes IP networking software. 

Internet Activities Board (IAB) established, replacing ICCB 

Berkeley releases 4.2BSD incorporating TCP/IP (:mpc:) 


Domain Name Server (DNS) introduced. 

# of hosts breaks 1,000 


NSFNET created (backbone speed of 56Kbps) 

• NSF establishes 5 super-computing centers to provide high-computing power for all (JVNC@Princeton, PSC@Pittsburgh, SDSC@UCSD, NCSA@UIUC, Theory Center@Cornell). 


1000th RFC: "Request For Comments reference guide" 

# of hosts breaks 10,000 # of BITNET hosts breaks 1,000


1 November - Internet worm burrows through the Net, affecting ~6,000 of the 60,000 hosts on the Internet (:ph1:) 

DoD chooses to adopt OSI and sees use of TCP/IP as an interim. US Government OSI Profile (GOSIP) defines the set of protocols to be supported by Government purchased products (:gck:) 

NSFNET backbone upgraded to T1 (1.544Mbps) CERFnet (California Education and Research 

[CTRL] Hobbes' Internet Timeline

1999-04-09 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Hobbes' Internet Timeline

[ 1950s ]
[ 1960s ]
[ 1970s ]
[ 1980s ]
[ 1990s ]
[ Growth ]
[ FAQ ]
[ Sources ]

Hobbes' Internet Timeline v4.0
Robert H'obbes' Zakon
Internet Evangelist
The MITRE Corporation

Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright (c)1993-9 by Robert H Zakon.
Permission is granted for use of this document in whole or in part for
non-commercial purposes as long as this Copyright notice and a link to
this document, at the archive listed at the end, is included.
A copy of the material the Timeline appears in is requested.
For commercial uses, please contact the author first.
Links to this document are welcome after e-mailing the author with the
document URL where the link will appear.

The views expressed in this document are the author's and are not intended
to represent in any way The MITRE Corporation or its opinions on this subject

The author wishes to acknowledge the 
Internet Society for hosting this document, and the many Net folks
who have contributed suggestions and helped with the author's
genealogy search.


USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite.  In response,
US forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the
Department of Defense (DoD) to establish US lead in science and
technology applicable to the military (:amk:)


Leonard Kleinrock, MIT: "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" (July)
  First paper on packet-switching (PS) theory

J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark, MIT: "On-Line Man Computer Communication" (August)
  Galactic Network concept encompassing distributed social interactions

Paul Baran, RAND: "On Distributed Communications Networks" 
  Packet-switching networks; no single outage point

ARPA sponsors study on "cooperative network of time-sharing
  TX-2 at MIT Lincoln Lab and AN/FSQ-32 at System Development Corporation
  (Santa Monica, CA) are directly linked (without packet switches) via
  a dedicated 1200bps phone line; Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
  computer at ARPA later added to form "The Experimental Network"

Lawrence G. Roberts, MIT: "Towards a Cooperative Network of Time-Shared
  Computers" (October)
  First ARPANET plan

ARPANET design discussions held by Larry Roberts at ARPA IPTO PI
meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan (April)

ACM Symposium on Operating Principles in Gatlinburg, Tennessee (October)
  First design paper on ARPANET published by Larry Roberts:
"Multiple Computer Networks and Intercomputer Communication
  First meeting of the three independent packet network teams

National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Middlesex, England develops NPL
Data Network under Donald Watts Davies who coins the term packet.
The NPL network, an experiment in packet-switching, used 768kbps

PS-network presented to the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

Request for proposals for ARPANET sent out in August; responses received
in Setptember

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) awarded Network Measurement
Center contract in October

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) awarded Packet Switch contract
to build Interface Message Processors (IMPs)

US Senator Edward Kennedy sends a congratulatory telegram to BBN for
its million-dollar ARPA contract to build the "Interfaith"
Message Processor, and thanking them for their ecumenical efforts

Network Working Group (NWG), headed by Steve Crocker, loosely organized to
develop host level protocols for communication over the ARPANET. (:vgc:)

ARPANET commissioned by DoD for research into networking

  Nodes are stood up as BBN builds each IMP [Honeywell DDP-516 mini
computer with 12K of memory]; AT provides 50kbps lines

Node 1: UCLA (30 August)
  Function: Network Measurement Center
  System,OS: SDS SIGMA 7, SEX

Node 2: Stanford Research Institute (SRI) (1 October)
  Network Information Center (NIC)
  Doug Engelbart's project on "Augmentation of Human Intellect"

Node 3: University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) (1 November)
  Culler-Fried Interactive Mathematics
  IBM 360/75, OS/MVT

Node 4: University of Utah (December)
  DEC PDP-10, Tenex

First Request for Comment (RFC): "Host Software" by Steve Crocker (7 April)

RFC 4: Network Timetable

First packets sent by Charley Kline at UCLA as he tried logging
  into SRI.  The first attempt resulted in the system crashing
  as the letter G of LOGIN was entered.  (October)

Univ of Michigan, Michigan State and Wayne State Univ establish X.25-based
  Merit network for students, faculty, alumni (:sw1:)


  First report on ARPANET at AFIPS: "Computer Network 

Re: [CTRL] I support your right to hate. Blah-blah

1999-04-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This is not really meant to generate a reply.  I am just looking at different view
and I do not have time to answer!

God, Higher deity,
atheist(s) think
Possibly a cult following


do not compete against someone else, compete against yourself
There will always be someone bigger, better, or badder - eventually
So, a way of thought that keeps even the most egoistic (Lord) on
an even keel.

to bring shame on the family, or the culture -
commitment to those that have gone before
Who should you commit to?  1st generation (mother and father)
your immediate peer group
a philosophy
study history and see what the
theme is
Teach history in the schools or you might see the children
thinking that ideas like Clinton's are right.  Committing to
the immediate generation.  Well it is for them.  They never
knew MASH, Mork, Quincy.
Like these shows or not, they still shaped your view point of the world
and your morals.
Unless their parents have cable and also watch those
type of shows - what examples do these (blank pages) kids have?
Or are you going to say that education does not matter?
What are these children being programed with, Will they have
a easy time turning in mom and dad?  Who is their allegence to?
To mom and dad - To the family - To education - ?
to Bush and Clinton - that winning at all costs is the accepted way
of thought.

There is a storm rolling in
called the
Second Holocaust
are you and your children prepared - mentally
and by Who?

It is not up to thee to complete the task
But neither is it up to thee to exempt thyself from it...

 "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
  want to test a man's character, give him power."

   - Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Truth About Psychiatric Drugs - Piper

1999-04-08 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This is towards the end of the page.

 MSG this section has links and a short summary For those of you
 that might consider this weighty, I am back to doing my web page
 and will add it to my site and then (most times just) post the URL
   in the future. I need to find where the FDA has approved the
 spraying of MSG on crops, someone sent that to me months ago
   and I have upgraded since that time. Knowing this and putting
 together with the following that I am compiling you will see more
 problems, with children as well. SPECULATION: Aspartame was
  approved during the Regan administration, more things seem to
 have been added during the Bush administration, and Clinton has
 allowed even more. Instead of hearing about MSG like we used to
 do - it and more things like Canola are being approved every day.
  Let me add this for educators - would be hard to educate a child
   even with Ritalin or some other help is they are getting this in
   their food - expressly the school lunches, and when I can find
  Canola oil as a ingredient in a major brand of frozen crinkle cut
  potatoes, Yes I do believe it and MSG will be in school lunches.
   Will add this to my site and redo my site soon. They think that
  they can just watch what they eat and that this might blow over.
 That is not the case, and I am not going into dramatics. This is not
 complete, I have to take time to learn other things too - for those
 of you that are skeptical, please check these out. Will be following
   through by checking out how these things (proteins expressly)
 work through Mitochondria and Lysosomes.

 =Summary of some articles ==

 (1) MSG and Aspartame Summary done on

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) derived from Glutamic acid,
 which is an excitotoxic amino acid that has been known to excite,
 brain cells sometimes to the point of killing them. MSG is a
  neurotropic drug (neurotropic means that it effects the nervous
 system) and when it effects a person the effects may not show up
  for up to 48 hours. Glutamic acid (an amino acid), and one of its
 salts is glutamate. Glutamate is one of the substances that make up
  protein. Different proteins are made up of different amino acids.
   MSG is manufactured through a process of protein hydrolysis.
   When glutamate is separated from protein and the product has
   99% free glutamate then it is called "monosodium glutamate."
When Protein Hydrolysate has less than 99% free glutamate,
usually within the range of 8 to 40 per cent, then the product
   might have one of these names - "sodium caseinate," "calcium
   caseinate," "autolyzed yeast," "textured protein," "yeast food,"
 "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," and "hydrolyzed protein."
  Hydrolyzed Protein (itself) may be in products under names like
"flavoring" or "natural flavoring." If you are concerned about
MSG sensitivity, or would like to help the Truth in Labeling
  Campaingn, (a nonprofit corporation), write Jack Samuels, Truth
 in Labeling Campaign, P.P. Box2532, Darien, IL 60561. A
  stamped, self-addressed envelope would be apprecieated.
(2) Journal
  of the American Dietetic Association, July 1997 v97 n7 p793(2)
  "We think your son has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome'- a case study
  monosodium glutamate's effect on a child Author: Anne Shovic,
Robert D. Bart and Apryll M. Stalcup Electronic collection:
  A19792007 RN: A19792007 Glutamate a free amino acid or as a
 constituent in proteins. Aspartame - "Although most of the
  neurologic concerns associated with aspartame have centered on
phenylalanine, one of the amino acids that comprise the dipeptide,
it should be noted that aspartate, the other amino acid in the
 dipeptide, and glutamate bind to many of the same receptor sites
  in vivo, are subject to many of the same transport mechanisms,
 and undergo interconversion via aspartate aminotransferase." "It is
also interesting to note that the incidence of febril seizures in
 young children is almost five times higher in Japan, where MSG is
more commonly used as an additive, than it is in the United
   States." This report has a long list of References.
Another assult on our neurotransmitters?
Canola Healthy?

aka The Pied Piper
Contents of site

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the 

[CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


Homosexuals in the Military
OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile

 Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?
  (The Military as an Example)

Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that
homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."
By refusing to commit to someone of the
opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
about the responsibility of children, much less the
responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do
decide to break off the relationship they normally do
not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.
Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
be allowed to serve in the military?

In the military you have to trust that the person next
to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you
killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the
country. The contract that you are required to
sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment.
Being in the military, means that you are
responsible for the people you work with and that they
are responsible for you. What kind of person
do you want to depend on? Would you rather
depend on someone that is willing to take on
commitments of religion and family, or would
you rather have to depend on someone that has a
noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military,
you are signing an agreement that allows other
people to control your life. So if the people that
you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life
were to require that you have to live with a person
that doesn't seem to care about anything other
than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust
and teamwork might get lost.

Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are
concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often
the military is a large part of the first contact that
the United States will have with other cultures.
Since they often have the responsibility of dealing
with people from other cultures, they need to be
perceived as stable and responsible. If people in
the military, are perceived by other countries as
allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will
the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing
our military to help when they have problems.
The military image requires that the people of the
military be true to the most stringent standards
that their culture has. If you can not take pride
yourself and your own culture, how can you
understand the pride that someone else has in their

True homosexuals have decided what sex they
are and what life style they want to follow. True
homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always
done by those that use sex as a control feature.
These controlling personalities are really in the
closet! Because if the real truth were known,
they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
male or female of any age. These control fiends
are the type to have a physical relationship with a
single or divorce mother and also think nothing
of having a relationship with here male OR female
child. These control fiends are the ones that think
that a child (as young as six) is old enough to
decide their sexual orientation and to have a
physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They
refer to the child's parents, as people that have
a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child
from making an immediate choice. They are the
main ones that would like to see homosexuals
completely accepted since it will be harder to
question these control fiends at that time.

Some countries have been sympathetic to the
American Homosexual. Iceland has an
overwhelmingly female population - I think the
current ratio is five females births to every one male
birth, and parts of the Orient have five male
births for every female birth. This leads to same sex
dancing predominating in their clubs their clubs.
The biggest difference that these countries have,
particularly in the Orient is the family obligation
to have children. They are usually not homosexual
from choice, and they grow up knowing that they
have a commitment to their family. The American
homosexual has usually decided that they want
few, if any commitments.

Our constitution guaranties us the right to live
our lives, as we want, as long as we do not infringe
upon someone else's right. The constitution is a
commitment between this country and it's people.
The Constitution is also a commitment between
the leaders of this country and the people. This
nation was created by many different people,
and different cultures. All of these people and cultures
have a right to live in their own ways. But the
military is suppose to be reliable, trustworthy, and to

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Edward Ford wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen Him/Her display
 any responsibility for His/Her creation. Given His/Her track record, I certainly
 wouldn't want Him/Her in a foxhole next to me. Not only do I not know His/Her
 sexuality, He/She has shown no interest what so ever in the workings of mankind,
 all the way up to and including the death of his/her own son!

Is it possible to teach people to read?  I DID no say that they had or Should leave
or be kicked out!!!

 The authors bias is appalling and an insult to every person on the planet. You
 just gave it the name "homosexual".

Many Homosexuals have a level of self discipline that makes the pope look like a
goof off.  OK.  Maybe I should not go - Quite - that far, but have you seen what
it takes for a woman to get dressed up.  Think of what it takes for a cross dresser.
Many managed to look better than I did when I was in my twenties!

 If you, 1lls0081 wrote this piece, I urge you to get help. It is bigoted concepts
 like these that lead to young black men  being dragged behind cars, and young gay
 men to be murdered. Their blood is own your hands.

It is people like you that would have the blood of homosexuals on your hands.  The
ones that would kill homosexuals to make this kind of point are the ones
that want the homosexuals to run point for them.  The kind of people that
"might" read

 God help you, but then again given your logic, there's a fat chance of that. But
 in this case, I don't blame Him/Her!

Now for the regular, run of the mill person that has a same sex orientation.
They are normally not a sadist, or controlling.  Well, not any more so than a man
that has complete control of a female when he is lying on top of her.  Would
you call the missionary position - Sadistic or controlling?  That testosterone
should be good for something (up, down - you get the idea) for my view point I think
it is workable.

Some have been lead to believe that they should have been born the opposite
sex because of the fact that many animals can switch sexes.  Take a laying hen,
there have been some that have gone from a fertile hen to a fertile rooster.  Many
fish are capable of changing sex as well.  Males that produce eggs in their testes,
and think that they should have been born female.  This can be cause by

Then to the current scoop on chemicals (New 2 Nov 98)
"Concerned that endocrine disrupters were causing fetal development
 problems and adversely affecting male sperm counts, in 1996
 passed the Food Quality Protection Act and amendments to the Safe

 Drinking Water Act. In part, that legislation required EPA to
develop new
 chemical testing techniques. "
"As an example, LeBlanc points to incidents such as the discovery of
 demasculinized alligators in Florida's Lake Apopka. The
 may be caused by accidental spills or improper disposal of
chemicals and
 may not indicate an exposure problem of the general population. "

http://biology.usgs.gov/frog.html(New 17 Nov 98)
take a look at the map and think of couples that are trying to have children.
Men that wear underwear that they can put ICE in so that their testicles will
be cool enough to produce sperm.
and wonder...

World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment -
http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/(New 17 Nov 98)

"In the end we will only love what we know
and we will only protect what we love"

Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at (New 04 Nov

I like the fact that there are males on this planet.  Companies do not want to be sued

and foresee the fact that they will just clone your child IF you want one.

This current war on a small "mainly" agricultural country, that will have to take
loans from the world bank and will probably have to import food now instead
of being able to grow "possibly" (organic) food?

Are we going to hide our heads in the sand?  If this comes out the even the KKK
will lay of homosexuals, consider these chemicals are going to de - masculinate the
KKK too.  Wonder what a KKK'er sounds like in Sapporo?

Just thoughts-
Laura - ex-NCO of the United States Air Force
aka The Pied Piper

PS - Just between you and me.  I was more worried about getting raped
by a cilivian MALE then worrying about any of the females in the barracks.
Difference?  I knew I was a female and that my orientation was Heterosexual
it would have been the same as if a male had 

Re: [CTRL] Diana Info Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Guys and Gals, I think you are far out in left field.  I know that
England has been going back to Heirloom seeds for a long time,
(since at least 1990) and that some of the aristocracy
breed mice (an animal who has short generations)

How long have they been fighting Monsanto?
The  EuropaBio Propaganda?  GM foods?
The Orientals have won a law case against Novartis.
I think Diana was killed as a warning, she was photographed
with children that apparently had AIDS.  Consider:
AIDS has not been proved to even be a disease,
and Clinton was governer of Arkansa during the time
that the prison sold that plasma that the Canadian Goverment
appraintly wants to start a law suit about.  (more below)
Also what tie was she
trying to set up, - who was she killed with, what religion was he again?

That woman was getting around in a whole lot of
places that the current Royalty could not conveniently go.

Noblesse oblige can go deep~!
Then there is the motto of the British monarch, Ich dien, "I serve"
She may not have wanted to stay with Charles, that does not mean that
she divorced her lineage or beliefs!

If the monarchy, and Europe is under the attack that I believe it is
then it might have been a good place to park the kids.

Consider the attach that the USA is under from Monsanto.

this is on my chem page
about and it has mega links

then check out the official web site of the "Prince of Wales"
and consider when the royal family started protesting GM foods
AND when Clinton started backing GM foods and Monsanto?

Then ask your self one more question - Monsanto's Aspartame
approved during the Regan administration
but a lot of things happened during
"1989-1993" In other words Bush's administration
this was appreintly added in 1982



 WARFARE PROGRAM - Chemical Testing on Civilian Populations


a Pissed off,
Pied Piper

I will give you three guesses as to why I believe Diana was killed...

extra material:

Forwarded: Canadian Ruling on Kiddie Porn

Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:36:09 -0600

Canada Rules on Child Porn Case

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- A provincial judge ruled Friday that
Canada's law against possessing child pornography violates the freedom-of-
expression clause of the country's Charter of Rights.

``There is no evidence that demonstrates a significant increase in the
danger to children caused by pornography,'' ruled Duncan Shaw, a
justice of British Columbia's Supreme Court.

He said the section of the Criminal Code that outlaws possession of child
pornography is invalid because it violates charter provisions guaranteeing
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.

The case involved pornography possession charges against John Sharpe.
Police raided his home near Vancouver in April 1995, seizing compact
disks, photos and writings about child pornography.

Prosecutors argued that allowing people to possess child pornography puts
children at risk from pedophiles. But Shaw said the contention that
materials depicting illegal sex with children actually prompt people to
commit such acts was ``only assumption.''

``The intrusion into freedom of expression and the right of privacy is so
profound that it is not outweighed by the limited beneficial effects of the
prohibition,'' Shaw wrote.

The provincial attorney general, Ujjal Dosanjh, said he needed time to
study the ruling before commenting or deciding on an appeal.

However, Barry Penner, justice spokesman for the opposition Liberal Party
in the provincial legislature, said the province should appeal immediately
``to look after children ... and protect them from being abused by sexual

Canada - BloodGate

   Forwarded:  Child Prono
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:31:32 -0600

Have you ever really seen Hustler?

By Judith Reisman © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Until the current Flynt media-hype, few Americans had ever seen the
Flynt flagship publication in which he vents his barbaric brand of
graphic violence-and-sex. Who is the man who now "terrorizes"
Congress? I have really seen Flynt and his sadistic imagery and
fantasy having been charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, to direct a two-year
content analysis of Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy,
Penthouse and Hustler (1953-1984).1

Our study documented each issue of Hustler averaging 14.1 children and
pseudo-children alongside 47 images of crime and violence; 52 percent
of child photos were sexually explicit and 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: (earthclan) FWD: Terminator Seeds site with links

1999-04-04 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Voices out of the darkness!  Yet, the voices are getting louder...

aka The Pied Piper

Main URL
The propoganda systimatic through education as well.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Kosovo - Why? #1

1999-03-29 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

!--  Beginning of Information on Kosovo --
from the serbs themselves
A HREF="http://www.serbia-info.com/"Click here: Serbia Info News / Front

 A HREF="http://www.sinkers.org/kosovo-demoMar2499/"Click here: "End U.S.
War in Kosovo!", Washington DC 03.24.99/A
 Date: 3/27/99 6:25:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Activist Mailing List)
 To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Activist Mailing List)

 Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

 Kosovo Crisis

 In conducting negotiations over the future of Kosovo, the Clinton
 administration has deliberately kept both the Congress and the
 people in the dark. What follows is a detailed analysis of information
 that is available in the foreign press but has so far received little
 any attention in the US. Although the details are complicated, the
 situation is very clear:

 1) The Clinton administration is calling for a NATO/US solution to the
 Kosovo crisis because of a massacre of civilians which allegedly took
 place in the village of Racak in Kosovo.

 2) A French TV crew was present when Yugoslav police took the village
 say it was a fire-fight between Yugoslav forces and heavily-armed KLA
 fighters. Yugoslav forensic authorities have declared the massacre a
 dead KLA soldiers, they way, were redressed in civilian clothes and
 into a ditch they had dug.

 3) The forensic case has been settled by a Finnish team of physicians
 brought in by the international community. However, the Finnish team’s
 report has not been made public, even though it is now more than three
 weeks since the dead have been buried. What is in that report is
 certainly a confirmation of the Yugoslav position: a) because in
 Yugoslavia the Finns made a statement praising the high professional
 standards of the Yugoslav forensic pathologists, and b) according to
 respected German newspaper Die Welt, the report is "a hot potato" that
 will undermine the US position, and c) an independent forensics team
 Belarus came to the same conclusion as the Yugoslav doctors.

 The Kosovo crisis is one of the most complex that an American
 has ever faced. On one side are the claims (somewhat exaggerated) of
 majority rule; on the other side are the undisputed facts that Kosovo
 legally, only a region of Serbia and, historically, the very core of
 Serbian heartland. Whatever the US decides to do about Kosovo, the
 Congress and the people have a right to get the full story from the
 administration, before even considering the use of intimidation and

 Kosovo: The Real Story
 Prepared by the editors of Chronicles and The Rockford Institute

 Self-inflicted atrocities and stage-managed "massacres" have paid rich
 dividends to the Muslim side in Bosnia. In May 1992 the Sarajevo
 "Breadline Massacre"-–with TV crews mysteriously in attendance to film
 blood and guts-– facilitated the imposition of punitive sanctions
 Serbia, some of which are still in force. Indian General Satish
 UN commander at the time, stated to me (March 6, 1999) that "no UN
 in the field at the time had any doubt that the Muslims did it to
 themselves in order to get political support and sympathy."

 In February 1994 the show was repeated at Sarajevo’s Markale market,
 similar results: the Serbs were forced to withdraw heavy weapons
 Sarajevo, and were bombed. for the first time by NATO soon thereafter.
 Subsequent UN investigation concluded that the Muslims did it to
 themselves (as confirmed by Lord Owen, General Sir Michael Rose and
 others), but the report was suppressed on US insistence.

 In August 1995 the "Trznica Massacre" in Sarajevo was the opener for
 three weeks of massive American-led air strikes against the Bosnian
 facilitating a Croat-Muslim offensive that ethnically cleansed western
 Bosnia of its Serb inhabitants. No independent investigation of the
 incident – as demanded by the Serbs – was even allowed this time.

 Right now the Administration is pressuring the Serbs to accept a NATO
 force of 28,000 on their territory, including 4,000 US servicemen, as
 result of yet another stage-managed "massacre"-–in the village of
Racak in
 Kosovo--last January. That "massacre" resulted in Albright’s and
 claim that no solution is acceptable in Kosovo unless it included a
 force. By now the demand for Serbia to open its borders to some tens
 thousands of foreign soldiers, or face NATO bombing, has become an
 immutable tenet in Washington’s approach to the region. The fact that
 event which enabled the interventionists within the Administration to
 formulate such policy was entirely bogus, while largely known in
 is being actively suppressed by the US.

 The facts of the case are as follows:

 On January 16, 1999, from coast to coast US media went into a state of

[CTRL] Kosovo - Why? #2

1999-03-29 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Some one is trying to give the US a bad name.  Will there be a bogus chemical
attack on US soil next to cover up.
Bottom line - The Earth could be thought of as source code for DNA.  How are
people doing their documentation and where are they keeping it?
What it comes down to is that they are showing that a Carbon based life
form is self destructive.  They have put us on the same footing as food animals,

The mentality that has done this is psychologically self destructive and when /
we get to the stars or another culture (Intergalactic) takes over the human food

animal they (that profess to have done this for the purity of the race) will be
first to go.  Why?  They have shown themselves to be the most mindless of the
food Humans.
Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Kosovo - Why? #3

1999-03-29 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Ramblings, from someone that is wondering what the  is going on.


  U.S. attacks little Yugoslavia
  A day of infamy

All the excuses given by President Bill Clinton cannot conceal the naked truth: the
  world's biggest nuclear power, a country of some 272 million people, has
  a war against a small, mostly agricultural country of 10 million people on
the other
  side of the globe. 

"Small, Mostly Agricultural Country"?  Wonder if they were not intrested in having
GM (Genetically Modified) food and Monsanto in their country and they are being
used as a example?

A HREF="http://www.rockfordinstitute.org/"Chronicles - A Magazine of
American Culture/A
2) A French TV crew was present when Yugoslav police took the village
and say it was a fire-fight between Yugoslav forces and heavily-armed
KLA fighters. Yugoslav forensic authorities have declared the massacre a
hoax: dead KLA soldiers, they way, were redressed in civilian clothes
and piled into a ditch they had dug.

Makes me wonder who is backing the KLA?  Could it be the CIA?
Or maybe Monsanto, with Bill Clinton and Bush Sr.'s blessing.
If they can get the Libary of Congress and the Vatican taken out then
they would be able to re-write history.  How?

By showing that the Constution and the way of life that the 10 Commandments
advicate is not working.  They would not want that way of thought to surface again
would they?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Experts warn of new computer virus

1999-03-28 Thread 1lls0081


Title: Experts warn of new computer virus

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03/28/99- Updated 01:29 PM ET

Experts warn of new computer virus
PITTSBURGH (AP) - A new computer virus can allow documents to be e-mailed to other people without
warning, a potential security breach that should worry businesses and governments, an expert at Carnegie Mellon
University said Saturday. 

Related links 

 CERT information on Melissa virus 
 Microsoft patch 

The ''Melissa macro'' or W97M_Melissa virus spreads via infected e-mail and attacks computers loaded with
Microsoft's widely used Word 97 or Word 2000 programs, according to CERT - or Computer Emergency
Response Team - Carnegie Mellon's Department of Defense-funded computer security team. 
CERT first heard of the virus Friday afternoon and its members worked through the night to analyze the virus and
develop a fix, CERT manager Katherine Fithen said. 
''We're getting so many reports from across the world, that we know this is going to be a huge problem come
Monday,'' Fithen said. 
She noted that since CERT was founded 10 years ago, this is only the second time it has considered a virus
important enough to warrant a public announcement. The first, in 1994, warned of a virus that allowed computer
burglars to collect passwords. 
CERT has not determined where the Melissa virus originated. 
Fithen said she is not allowed to say whether any governmental agency has suffered a security breach as the result
of Melissa. 
Microsoft spokesman Adam Sohn said company programmers worked with CERT and manufacturers of
anti-virus programs to develop an antidote. 
If a computer user opens an infected Word-format document, the virus propagates itself by reading the user's
e-mail address book and sending an infected message to the first 50 entries, CERT said. 
The message can include the contents of any Word document that is open on the computer, Fithen said. 
Also, the virus reproduces and sends so much unwanted e-mail that the volume can overload some mail servers,
the computers that distribute e-mail. 
However, it apparently causes no direct damage to a computer's memory or programs. 
Infected documents are sent as attachments to e-mails most frequently bearing a header: ''Subject: Important
Message From'' the name of person whose computer relayed the virus. 
The body of the message says ''Here is that document you asked for ... don't show it to anyone else ;-).'' 

Go to Nationline 
Go to News front page 


Front page,

 Copyright 1999 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

[CTRL] [Fwd: B-GE: GE - Govt advice on ge contamination challenged by new independent report]

1999-03-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


EMBARGOED UNTIL: 0001hrs Tuesday 2 March 1999

Government advice on genetic contamination challenged by new independent

Evidence that pollen from genetically modified crops can cause
contamination over considerable distances has emerged in a new report.
‘The Dispersal of Maize Pollen’ by Dr Jean Emberlin, Director of the
National Pollen Research Unit (1), was commissioned by the Soil
Association to establish hard scientific data on the risks posed to the
integrity of organically grown maize and sweetcorn from
cross-pollination by genetically modified crops.

Last summer Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, refused to order the
destruction of a crop of genetically modified (GM) maize bordering a
Soil Association registered organic farm in Devon and claimed that
“there were no grounds for halting the field trials as it will not
interfere with the sweetcorn crop being grown on a nearby farm”(2). The
Soil Association regrettably had to inform the farmer that the organic
status of his sweetcorn would have to be removed if there was any
evidence of contamination from the GM maize(3,4).

The Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE), the
Government’s statutory advisors on the release of genetically engineered
crops into the environment, stated that “at a standard separation
distance of 200 metres between the organic sweetcorn and the GM maize
the likely cross-pollination frequency would result in no greater than 1
sweetcorn kernel in every 40,000 being a GM hybrid”(5). However, Dr Jean
Emberlin, having looked at all the research available, concluded that
“in conditions of moderate wind speeds the
rates of cross-pollination at 200 metres would be in the order of 1
kernel in 93.”

Evidence is cited in Dr Emberlin’s report that maize pollen is collected
by bees in notable amounts. In this way the pollen is transported
several miles from the crop plot in suitable weather conditions. In the
case of the organic farmer in Devon, ACRE failed even to consider
cross-pollination of the organic sweetcorn by bees, even though there
are several hives adjacent to the test plot.

ACRE also brushed aside concerns about freak weather conditions by
saying that ”this was generally taken into account with seed
certification standards and there was at least 200 metres from the
nearest GM maize to the organic farm”(6).

However the report states that: “Substantial evidence exists for long
range transport of considerable numbers of pollen grains….Maize pollen
remains viable under normal conditions for approximately 24 hours giving
potential for pollination by grains that had travelled many hundreds of
kilometres on the airflow….Overall it is clear that the maize pollen
spreads far beyond the 200 metres cited in several reports as being an
acceptable separation distance to prevent cross-pollination.”

This new report undermines confidence in the advice given to the
Government by ACRE who have so far given permission to trial GE crops at
over 500 sites around the country. At least 8 members of ACRE have
direct links with biotech research, and 6 members are involved with
companies that have been given permission by ACRE to conduct these
trials. The Soil Association believes that the apparent failure of ACRE
to give impartial advice on the likelihood of cross-pollination
threatens to remove choice from those who want to avoid GM

Agriculture Minister, Nick Brown, has recently stated that ”The
Government is absolutely committed to making sure that those who do not
want to eat crops that have been cross-contaminated (with GMO
ingredients), or to have their crops cross-contaminated (with GMO
pollen), have their rights in this protected as well”(7).

Food Safety Minster, Jeff Rooker, has also repeated this promise, “The
Government is about in April to double the aid to persuade farmers to
convert to organic production. We’re not going to allow that public
money to be put at risk by a cross-contamination of GM crops when they
are grown.”(8)

The Soil Association is calling on the Government to honour these
pledges and provide a response to this report with the utmost urgency in
order to avoid potential cross-pollination from GE trial plots due to be
planted in 1999.

The Soil Association believes that it is not good enough for the biotech
industry to be allowed to introduce these crops under a voluntary code
of practice that fails to take cross-pollination of organic crops into

Patrick Holden, Soil Association Director, said, “The only way that the
Government can fulfil its promise to protect organic farmers (and indeed
conventional farmers) who wish to provide a GM-free choice for consumers
is through a ban on the growing of genetically engineered maize. This
report demonstrates that farmers who are attempting to grow GM-free
crops will find it increasingly difficult to supply consumers with the
GM-free food products that they are 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Rachel #640: Chlorine Chemistry News]

1999-03-05 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 ===Electronic Edition
   ---March 4, 1999---  .
   ==   .
Environmental Research Foundation   .
   P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
   Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
   ==   .
 All back issues are available by E-mail: send E-mail to.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP in the message.   .
   Back issues are also available from http://www.rachel.org.   .
   To start your own free subscription, send E-mail to  .
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words   .


 Several new studies have implicated chlorinated chemicals in
 human disease, including breast cancer and tooth decay. Chlorine
 chemistry is clearly the premier example of humans adopting a
 new technology without thinking about the consequences.


 A recent study in Denmark reveals a relationship between breast
 cancer and the chlorinated pesticide dieldrin.[1] The
 prospective study examined blood taken in 1976 from 7712 women
 enrolled in the Copenhagen City Heart Study. In the following 17
 years, 268 of the women developed breast cancer.

 The blood samples drawn in 1976 were analyzed in 1993 for 46
 chlorinated chemicals, including 28 individual PCBs
 [polychlorinated biphenyls], and 18 other chlorinated compounds
 such as DDT, mirex, aldrin, dieldrin and others.[2] Of the
 compounds studied, only dieldrin was significantly elevated in
 the blood of women who developed breast cancer.
 Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH) was also elevated in women
 with breast cancer, compared to those without breast cancer, but
 the finding was not statistically significant.

 In Denmark, about 14% of all women (one in seven) develop breast
 cancer, and the incidence of the disease has more than doubled
 in the past 30 years.

 Most of the identified "risk factors" for breast cancer indicate
 that estrogen (female sex hormone) in a woman's blood plays an
 important role in the disease. The major known "risk factors"
 for breast cancer are early menarche (early age when the period
 begins), late menopause, not having any children, late
 conception of the first child, and hormone-replacement treatment
 after menopause. All of these factors tend to increase a woman's
 lifetime exposure to estrogens circulating in the blood.

 The Copenhagen study found that the risk of breast cancer was
 twice as high in women with the highest concentrations of
 dieldrin in their blood serum, compared to women with the lowest
 concentrations. Furthermore, a significant dose-response
 relationship was evident -- the more dieldrin in the blood, the
 greater the chance that breast cancer would develop.

 Some previous studies have implicated certain organochlorines in
 breast cancer, while other studies have shown no such
 relationship. (See REHW #571, #572, #573, #574, #575.)

 The authors of the Copenhagen study say theirs is the first to
 properly compare blood levels of organochlorine compounds
 because they adjusted completely for varying levels of serum in
 the blood of each individual. They conclude that, "These
 findings support the hypothesis that exposure to xeno-oestrogens
 may increase the risk of breast cancer."  Xeno-oestrogens are
 industrial chemicals (such as pesticides) that can mimic estrogen
 in the human body.

 The use of dieldrin in Denmark and in the U.S. was banned about
 20 years ago but, in the industrialized world, nearly everyone's
 body still contains small amounts of stored dieldrin, along with
 several hundred other industrial poisons, many of them


 For several years, U.S. and European health authorities have
 been hinting that the general public is being exposed to levels
 of dioxin that are probably causing harm in sensitive people.
 (See REHW #390, #391, #636.) Now the federal Agency for Toxic
 Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has confirmed the bad

 The term "dioxin" encompasses a family of 219 different toxic
 chlorinated chemicals, all with similar characteristics but
 different potencies.

 Because some dioxins are more toxic than others, scientists have
 established a way of comparing the toxicities and the quantities
 of various mixtures of dioxins. The technique is called TEQ, or
 toxic equivalents. The TEQ system takes into 

[CTRL] phoney groups

1999-03-04 Thread 1lls0081

Want to know whoes really doing what, or do you know a phoney group?


Title: phoney

Here is some info that I found quite interesting.

$ Phoney Do-Gooders $

Here are a few names of public
spirited sounding organizations...backed by corporate interests:

 Californians for Statewide Smoking Restrictions
 California pro-smoking initiative. Philip
 Alliance to Keep America Working.
 Anti-Union organization financed by the US
Chamber of Commerce  big
 American Council on Science and Health
 Calls enviromentalists "unscientific". Funded
by chemical manufacturers.
 Citizens For Sound Economy.
 Fights warning labels. Sponsored by tobacco
and alcohol companies.
 Coalition for Vehicular Choice
 Against pollution and fuel regulations. Funded
by auto manufacturers.
 Institute For Justice
 Anti enviromental regulation. Funded by Philip
Morris, among others.
 National Wetlands Coalition
 In favor of wetland development. Funded by
Chevron, Shell and others.
 Safe Building Alliance
 Funded by asbeston and insulation manufacturers
such as Owens Corning.
 Sea Lion Defense Fund.
 Lobbies for increased legal fishing. Funded
by Alaskan fishing industry.
 United States Council for Energy Awareness.
 Pro-nuclear. Funded by General Electric and
 Wilderness Impact Research Foundation.
 Funded by Nat'l Cattlemens Assn and other
mining, ranching, oil and gas
From Stonehenge BBS, California. Posted some time in 1995.

If you know of others,let me know. If you know of any of this
info not to be true,let me know.

the list keeps getting bigger
Environmental Groups - NOT!

In a March 25 story by Jane Fritsch in the New York Times, she pointed
out how many
environmentally-friendly sounding groups, were in fact lobbying organizations
for anti-environmental
forces. Below is a list derived from her article and other sources.
If you can add names to this list,
please e-mail her [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wildlife Society of North America - Lobby for hunters, loggers and
 American Environmental Foundation - A Florida
property rights group.
 Californians for Balanced
Wildlife Management - lobby to reinstate hunting of the
 mountain lion.
 Citizens for the Environment
- Lobby for the oil, timber, chemical and auto industries to
 deregulate the environment.
 Clean Water Industry Coalition - Anti-pollution
control lobby.
 Endangered Species Reform
Coalition - Industries against the Endangered Species Act.
 The Environmental Conservation
Organization - Lobby for property right of loggers and
 Friends of Eagle Mountain
- A Riverside, California, mining company wanting to create
 the world's largest landfill.
 National Wetlands Coalition
- Fight to end the Endangered Species Act.
 National Wilderness
Institute - wants to roll back wetlands regulation.
 Northwesterners for
More Fish - lobbying organization for the utilities, mining and
 industries against regulating dams.
 People for the West
- Corporations and landowners wanting to open public lands to mining
 and development.
 Sea Lion Defense Fund
- Alaskan pollock (major food for sea lions) fishing industry lobby.
 Wilderness Impact Research
Foundation - Lobby for logging and ranching interests in
 If you're going to help a
group with money or time, CHECK THEM OUT!

I'm working on some Canadian list also, I need help, so send me some
if you know of any,
To add a name(s) to this list contact

This Page Hosted by Geocities

[CTRL] taking a temperary Hiatus

1999-03-04 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

To all of CTRL,
After about a year of being here, I am forced to prioritize my time and mailbox.

I am into too many groups.  I can pull mail in the morning and find out that my
mail box is too full by the afternoon, and I have a good size mail box.  Will
still post - through anyone that will forward my posts, I do not think I will
have a problem there!  Will be online till tomorrow and then unsub.  Anyone that
wants to is welcome to get in touch with me privately or forward juicy tidbits
to me.  If it gets thick enough I will try to find time to get back, but
Education calls.  Will try to keep up with the Archives but do not count on it,
so please forward anything about Monsanto, Environmental, ect.

Thank You,
aka The Pied Piper
ICQ 14484977
Pow Wow "The Pied Piper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Site - http://members.xoom.com/ThePiedPiper/Intro2.htm
look for updates there, will be spending a lot more time on it in the next few
My HTML class starts on March 10, 1999

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-03-04 Thread 1lls0081



February 24, 1999

Testsmart Project to Promote Faster, Cheaper, More Humane Lab Tests

Academic, Environmental Experts Awarded Joint Grant by Vira I. Heinz Endowment

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie-Mellon University announced the launch of TestSmart, a project designed to find more efficient and humane methods of conducting preliminary toxicity screening tests on chemicals.  The four institutions will explore new testing methods that minimize the use of laboratory animals and produce reliable results faster and for less money than in the past.  The search for new testing methods will help to speed an initiative, announced last year, to gather basic information on the health and environmental effects of nearly 3,000 high-production volume industrial chemicals.   The TestSmart project is funded by a $320,000 grant from the Vira I. Heinz Endowment.  

Last October Vice President Al Gore announced a groundbreaking cooperative agreement among EDF, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) to test thousands of industrial chemicals that are used in the US in volumes of more than one million pounds each year.  The agreement to test came after separate studies by EDF, EPA and CMA all concluded that basic health effects information is not publicly available for most major industrial chemicals.  (More information on the high-production volume chemical testing initiative can be found online at: http://www.edf.org/pubs/NewsReleases/1998/Oct/b_cma.html.) 

The high-production volume chemicals will be tested over the next five years using screening methods as defined through the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's international consensus process. Some of the test procedures now call for testing on laboratory rodents, fish and insects.  The TestSmart project will explore alternative testing and evaluation techniques.  

"The search for better testing methods comes at a time when industry, government, and the environmental community have sat down together and agreed we are operating in the dark when it comes to chemical safety," said EDF senior toxicologist Ellen Silbergeld.  "Getting basic test data is a key first step in giving the public what it is entitled to -- assurance that chemicals in our economy are not causing unknown harms to our health and environment -- and we want to see this testing done in the most efficient and most humane way possible." 

"Animal-based studies are used by virtually every regulatory agency in the world to set environmental standards designed to protect human health and the environment," said Dr. Alan M. Goldberg, director of the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University.  "The HPV testing initiative offers an unprecedented opportunity to accomplish three important objectives:  expand use of alternative techniques already known to be reliable; evaluate the reliability of additional emerging techniques; and identify areas where further targeted research is needed to develop new approaches.  Although the use of laboratory rodents has long played a fundamental role in the science of toxicology – and similarly in pharmacology – emerging techniques appear to offer opportunities to significantly reduce use of animals while obtaining data that are of at least equal scientific value, and are cheaper and faster."

"A key component of the initiative will involve use of Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) analysis,"  said Dr. Herbert Rosenkranz, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health.  "Using SAR, it's possible in appropriate circumstances to extrapolate from data on the health and environmental effects of classes of chemicals to structurally related agents that have not yet been tested.  SAR is well established for certain endpoints, and we'll be evaluating its application in a wider variety of contexts."

"The project will also examine how to maximize the usefulness of the information provided by the testing program," said Dr. Lester Lave, Professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. "By examining the predictive power of alternate protocols and their subsequent impact on society's decisions, we will assess how to get the most valuable information within the prescribed time and at the least cost."

In addition, the project team will help review proposals under the voluntary testing initiative to group similar chemicals into categories.  Selected members of the categories would be tested and results interpolated to other members.  While an important mechanism for enhancing the efficiency of testing and minimizing use of test animals, proper 

[CTRL] Fluoride Manhattan Project

1999-03-04 Thread 1lls0081

Links and a new page at the end of this post

# http://www.phillynews.com/inquirer/98/Nov/18/lifestyle/FLUO18.htm #
The Fight Over Fluoride Continues

fluoride # http://www.all-natural.com/fleffect.html #
"Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides"

fluoride # http://www.sonic.net/~kryptox/fluoride.htm  #
Fluoride Issues

fluoride # http://www.garynull.com/documents/fluoridation.htm  #

fluoride #
http://www.garynull.com/Documents/NutritionMind/nutritionmind-7.htm  #

(see statement by Dr. Michael Schacter)

fluoride # http://www.cadvision.com/fluoride/index.htm  #

fluoride # http://www.fluoride-journal.com/ #
(Intl Society for Fluoride Research)

fluoride # http://www.holisticmed.com/fluoride/  #

fluoride # http://www.holisticmed.net/add/mullenix.txt  #
archives of Dr. Phyllis Mullenix' presentation related to fluoride
and neurotoxicity: related to fluoride compounds and neurotoxicity

"Study flags new formaldehyde risks"

and URL for current page

Title: Fluoride  Manhattan Project



Fluoride  the
A-Bomb Program

During the
ultra-secret Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess
the effect of fluoride on humans.

That report was classified
"secret" for reasons of "national security".

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5,
#3 (April-May 1998).

PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.

Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381

>From our web page at:

 Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson 1997

4 West 104th Street

New York, NY 10025, USA

Some 50 years after United States
authorities began adding fluoride to public water supplies to reduce
cavities in children's teeth, recently discovered declassified
government documents are shedding new light on the roots of that
still-controversial public health measure, revealing a surprising
connection between the use of fluoride and the dawning of the nuclear

Today, two-thirds of US public drinking water is fluoridated. Many
municipalities still resist the practice, disbelieving the
government's assurances of safety.

Since the days of World War II when the US prevailed by building
the world's first atomic bomb, the nation's public health leaders
have maintained that low doses of fluoride are safe for people and
good for children's teeth.

That safety verdict should now be re-examined in the light of
hundreds of once-secret WWII-era documents obtained by these
reporters [authors Griffiths and Bryson], including declassified
papers of the Manhattan Project-the ultra-secret US military program
that produced the atomic bomb.

Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according
to the documents. Massive quantities-millions of tons-were essential
for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear
weapons throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals
known, fluoride emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the
US atomic bomb program, both for workers and for nearby communities,
the documents reveal.

Other revelations include:

¥ Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low
doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists who had been
secretly ordered to provide "evidence useful in litigation" against
defence contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first
lawsuits against the American A-bomb program were not over radiation,
but over fluoride damage, the documents show.

¥ Human studies were required. Bomb program researchers played a
leading role in the design and implementation of the most extensive
US study of the health effects of fluoridating public drinking water,
conducted in Newburgh, New York, from 1945 to 1955. Then, in a
classified operation code-named "Program F", they secretly gathered
and analysed blood and tissue samples from Newburgh citizens with the
cooperation of New York State Health Department personnel.

¥ The original, secret version (obtained by these reporters) of a
study published by Program F scientists in the August 1948 Journal of
the American Dental Association1 shows that evidence of adverse
health effects from fluoride was censored by the US Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC)-considered the most powerful of Cold War
agencies-for reasons of "national security".

¥ The bomb program's fluoride safety studies were conducted at the
University of Rochester-site of one of the most notorious human
radiation experiments of the Cold War, in which unsuspecting hospital
patients were injected with toxic doses of radioactive 

Re: [CTRL] Could Noah's Flood Return (2) - The Future Could Be Now

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Truth is stranger than fiction and if you were trying to interpret a monopoly for
superstitious people - How would you define what was done to the people (like
Clinton, Bush, ect) once they had acquired their monopoly?  Think they got to keep

aka The Pied Piper

William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Clearly any reasonable person knows that "Noah's Flood" is a fiction as is the
 bible, nothing more than
 silly mythology.
 Can't we rise above superstition and deal with the real world?


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Noah's Floood #3

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Up till now it has been hard to collect tithe from the commoners.  To be able to
rule whole kingdoms.  With Computers, automation of machinery and the current
databases that is no longer true.  Why do you need servants to work the land IF
anything you want can be cloned or replicated?

Up till now the United Countries of America - Opps - The United States of
America had governors and representatives that had the best interests of their
individual states in mind.  This is no longer true and the companies that are
developing these databases and the states that are selling their information are
allowing everything to be run from a central point.  The database companies see
a future in keeping track of everyone, they do not realize that this is not
intended to be like China or any country with a lot of people.  Especially since
our current leaders can not take it with them - so with cloning and possibly
replicating - do they think they do not want to go.  Wonder how long they figure
on being around, 100, 200, 300 years?  And we are thinking about AARP being the
largest special interest group, already!

This leaves a problem for them.  If there are already to many people, what are
they going to do with us?

United States Code
Do you think they want to have all these bodies decomposing at the same time?
We might as well bury ourselves while we are at it.

So many people are thinking in terms of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" or
George Orwell's "1984" - still and all, why do they (high and mighty government
leaders) need us for more pollution.  Hey, they have finally seen a reason for
taking care of the world, since they could be around for quite a while.  It is
either that they intend on being on Earth for a long time or if they own all the
land then they can control the Earth from outer space.  This sounds like some
kind of Science Fiction theme, right?  I have been looking for (not Argenmentum)
but things that imply a break up of powers and a re-newal of the Earth's

Then again there may not be a Intergalactic Stock market.  We might just be
representatives of the different cultures that make up the Intergalactic Scene.
Could be they are using us for their own census or statistics.  How?  How long
will it take us to get it right?  Or alternatively, what pretty beads will
Clinton(s) or Bush(s) take for their share of the Earth.

With Clinton(s) or Bush(s) - way of doing things, kinda like the excommunicated
Jew called Kissinger, who thinks that you need to have a war occasionally.  With
that way of thinking, they would sell their part of the Earth for what amounts
to a pretty wheel.

Well, They keep on re-inventing the wheel, they must think that the original
wasn't made the right way.  Or else they are afraid of losing control if we were
allowed to have something else.

So what will they do?  Cut the population and re-write history.  But if we can
not see reality then how are we to figure out when we are being sold snake oil.
We better do something because that group does not seem to have enough brains
that are usable that would allow them to keep from being sold snake oil.

aka The Pied Piper

Do not think in terms of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" or George Orwell's
"1984", those are already in use in a certain format, and also being held over
our heads so we do not look any farther.  Where we need to look is for stories
like Noah's flood!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak]

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

Wednesday, 24 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


" Green' Army Bullets to Get the Lead Out." USA Today, 23
February 99, 3A.
 The Army will release an environmentally friendly "green
 bullet", made without lead, this spring.  By 2003, all
 bullets will be lead-free.  Between 300 and 400 million
 rounds of small-caliber ammunition are used each year by the
 armed forces.  Program manager, Wade Bunting, of the
 Armament Research Development and Engineering Center says
  "From an environmental standpoint, it's really important.
 We're going to be able to use this material and not be
 concerned with contaminating the soil or the ground water."'

"Suit Over Garbage Stations [Digest]." New York Times, 24
February 99, A18.
 Angry that the once-prohibited clustering of garbage
 transfer stations in New York is now permitted, groups
 representing the environment, community and the Borough of
 Brooklyn have filed suit to change the rules.  More than
 half of New York's 85 stations are located in Brooklyn's Red
 Hook, Greenpoint and Williamsburg subdivisions as well as
 the South Bronx.  Odors, noise, trucks and other irritants
 are among the complaints expressed by residents of these


"EPA's Wasteful Grants [Commentary]."  Washington Times, 24
February 99, A15.
 Deroy Murkock, an MSNBC columnist and a senior fellow with
 the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in Fairfax, [Va.],
 provides multiple examples from the Citizens Against
 Government Waste (CAGW) recently-released report "Phoney
 Philanthropy" by David E. Williams and Elizabeth L. Wright
 who explored how the EPA gave over $236 million to 839
 non-profit groups in 1995 and 1996.  He questions the
 appropriateness of some of the recipients, concluding: "The
 GOP Congress should hold oversight hearings on these and
 scores of other fishy EPA grants that CAGW has exposed.
 Then, with this nonsense clearly on the record, it can begin
 to slash EPA's budget accordingly."

"Pollution Standards For Diesel Vehicles [Letters to the
Editor]." New York Times, 24 February 99, A19.
 This letter is in disagreement with the EPA's anticipated
 approval of the use of economical diesel fuel, despite the
 public health risk from its cancer-linked product, soot.
 The author urges EPA to follow California's lead in the
 agency's development of new vehicle standards by setting
 strict emission standards and using alternative
 technologies, such as fuel-cell vehicles, that are both
 economical and nonthreatening.


"Bridgeville, Delaware [Across the USA]." USA Today, 23 February
99, 10A.
 A Carbon monoxide leak at the Interactive Marketing Services
 packaging plant sent six women to Nanticoke Memorial
 Hospital where they were treated and released.


"Science Reporting Under a Microscope [Bookshelf]." Wall Street
Journal, 24 February 99, A16.
 In his new book, "Environmental Cancer - A Political
 Disease?", authors S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman
 compare and contrast the views of scientific experts,
 environmental activists and the media regarding the risks of
 getting cancer from man-made chemicals and naturally
 occurring chemicals in our environment.  Lichter and Rothman
 demonstrate that the misinterpretation of hard science by
 activists and the media frequently results in scary reports
 that generate skepticism among readers.  Man-made pesticides
 are shown in numerous studies to cause less than 5% of
 cancers, yet articles about pesticide exposure can be
 "scare-mongering".  The authors suggest that scientific
 findings may be skewed in stories based on the reporter's
 choice of stories, words and the credibility of the
 "experts" quoted.  The book contains "many fascinating
 charts and tables".

"Former U.N. Arms Inspector Is Criticized by State Dept." New
York Times, 24 February 99, A6.
 Former U.N. Arms Inspector, Scott Ritter, is being
 criticized by the State Department for misrepresenting the
 CIA's involvement in Iraqi arms inspections by contending in
 his book "Endgame", due this spring, that the agency helped
 plan inspections.  In his book, Mr. Ritter says that CIA
 employees were placed on teams that inspected Iraq for
 chemical and biological weapons.  Mr. Ritter's lawyer,
 Matthew L. Lifflander, retorts that there is nothing in the
 book that is not already public knowledge.  The Pentagon did
 not request that Mr. 

[CTRL] [Fwd: BioSpace Breaking News and Features - 2/25/99 - GP-2730]

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

"The Human Genome Project and the Future of Biology"

This is just general information, propaganda type - sounds straight forward
though. If you are not cognizant about the genome project, it gives the basic

This could be worth the time to read.

aka The Pied Piper

T H E  B I O S P A C E   N E W S   E - C A S T  - Timothy C. Fredel

Everything Biotech - - All The Time

*We apologize if you have recently received an archive/duplicate email(s),
BioSpace's priority is to provide further upgrades in order to serve you

+++ 25-Feb-99 +

  Made possible in part by Feinstein Kean Partners, Inc.

Feinstein Kean Partners, is a communications and business
  consulting practice serving a wide variety of health care companies,
   including pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, diagnostics, medical
devices and medical service companies.


*Today's Breaking News*

BioSpace presents NASDAQ-AMEX's Serial: Webs of Interaction

Check out the first installment, part 1 of 3

"The Promise of "Systems Biology"

The first feature is called, "The Human Genome Project and the Future
of Biology" by Leroy Hood, William Gates III Professor and Chairman
of the Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington.


L e a d   S t o r i e s

  MedImmune (MEDI) And Ixsys Enter $50.0 Million Four Product
  Antibody Alliance


  FDA Advisory Committee Discusses Approval Of Glaxo
  Wellcome's (GLX) Neuraminidase Inhibitor For Influenza


  Human Clinical Trials Begin For Calypte Biomedical Corporation's
  (CALY) First Orally Ingested Interferon -- Stock Up +13.3% On
  Thursday At 10:09 AM EST


  New Phase II Data On NeXstar Pharmaceuticals's (NXTR)
  MiKasome Accepted For Presentation At International Medical
  Conference -- Stock Up +12.0% On Thursday At 10:09 AM EST


  LeukoSite (LKST) And Medarex (MEDX) Announce Expanded
  HuMAb-Mouse Licensing Agreement


  ONYX (ONXX) And Bayer Corporation (BAYG) Announce
  Development Compound In Ras Collaboration



F e a t u r e s

  Glaxo Wellcome PLC's (GLXO*L) New Flu Drug Fails To Clear FDA Panel
  On Trial Results
  (Story from The Wall Street Journal [Paid Registration Req.])
  (Story from CNN)
  (Story from MSNBC)
  (Story from Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
  (Story from Fox News)
  (Story from Philadelphia Inquirer)


  Shalala: Stem Cell Research To Proceed Despite Congressional Protest
  (Story from CNN)
  (Story from Fox News)
  (Story from Nando Net)


  Techniclone (TCLN) Grants Orphan Drug Designation To Tumour Necrosis
  Therapy For Brain Cancer
  (Story from Doctor's Guide)


  Empyrean Bioscience's Gel Promises To Block Sexual Diseases
  (Story from Arizona Republic)


  Your Next Body -- Genzyme, (GENZ) Cyberonics, (CYBX) UroMed, (URMD)
  Aviron (AVIR)  Johns Hopkins University Present The Anatomy Of
  Medicine's Newest Inventions
  (Story from Wired)


  Biotech Industry Bleak Unless CGT Reviewed
  (Story from The Age)



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the Omni Houston Hotel.

The conference showcases more than 20 of the Texas Gulf region’s leading

[CTRL] [Fwd: Food Bytes #17: Global Resistance Against Monsanto GE]

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

FOOD BYTES #17  March 2, 1999
News and Analysis on Genetic Engineering, Factory Farming,  Organics
by: Ronnie Cummins  Ben Lilliston
Campaign for Food Safety  Organic Consumers Association
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.purefood.org

Affiliated with the Center for Food Safety (Washington, D.C.)
Special Issue:

Global Resistance Mounts Against Monsanto  Genetic Engineering

Quotes of the month:

"Everybody over here hates us."

Dan Verakis, Monsanto PR spokesman in the U.K., quoted in the London
Observer 2/21/99.

"Tony,  Don't Swallow Bill's Seed."

Greenpeace banner on their delivery truck Feb. 18 in London as they dumped
four tons of US GE-tainted soybeans on the front steps of #10 Downing
Street, Prime Minister Tony Blair's official residence.

In what the Financial Times of London characterized on Feb. 23 as a "public
relations disaster for transgenic foods," global resistance to Monsanto and
genetic engineering (GE) has sharply intensified over the past 60 days. As
reported previously in Food Bytes (#13  #15 ), the international anti-GE
movement is rapidly developing into a serious threat to Monsanto and other
biotechnology titans.

The growing crisis over gene-foods has reached the point where financial
analysts are warning the Clinton administration that the European Union
will not back off on efforts to label  untested GE foods. Many believe this
controversy could spawn a major trade war within the World Trade
Organization (WTO). In Britain commentators have similarly warned Prime
Minister Tony Blair that his cozy relationship with Bill Clinton and Bill's
favorite corporation, Monsanto, could do severe damage to Blair.

It has been a rough last several months for Monsanto and the ag biotech
special interests. Here is a chronological blow by blow account:

* The Fall/Winter 1998 issue of the Union of Concerned Scientists' Gene
Exchange www.ucsusa.org warns of recent US research showing that
genetically engineered Bt crops are building up Bt toxins in the soil,
thereby damaging  the soil food web and harming beneficial insects.

* On December 15, 1998 attorneys from the Center for Food Safety, on behalf
of a broad coalition, filed a legal petition in Washington, D.C. against
the FDA to have rBGH taken off the market. The legal action received major
attention from the mass media, including a widely-viewed segment on ABC TV
national news. The CFS petition cites mounting evidence that the original
testing of rBGH was flawed. In 1990 the FDA said BGH was "safe for human
consumption." Part of its findings were based on 90-day rat feeding studies
in which they reported "no toxicologically significant changes..." Based
largely on this conclusion, FDA did not require human toxicological tests
usually required for a veterinary drug. However in April of 1998,
researchers from Health Canada, the Canadian equivalent to FDA, issued a
report which contradicted FDA's findings. Canadian researchers found
studies showing that rats were absorbing rBGH after all. In fact, between
20 and 30 percent of the rats were developing distinct immunological
reactions. Additionally, cysts formed in the thyroid of some male  rats and
infiltrated the prostate--both warning signs for potential cancer hazards.

"These are toxicologically significant changes in the rats and they should
have triggered a full human health review, including assessment of
potential carcinogenic and immunological effects," said Dr. Michael Hansen,
an expert on rBGH and a scientist with the Consumer Policy Institute, a
division of Consumers Union. According to CFS attorneys it is "unclear" how
or why these results were overlooked in the original FDA review of rBGH.
Monsanto says it submitted the studies to the FDA, while the agency says it
only saw summaries of the rat tests.

"We're going to go to the courts and say--you were lied to," said Andrew
Kimbrell, lead counsel for the CFS. "Essentially it was fraud by the agency
and fraud by Monsanto in telling the court that there were no human health
effects possible from consuming these products made with rBGH treated
milk." The EU has already banned rBGH, but this policy comes up for review
later this year. The US government has warned that they will file for
damages under the WTO if the EU continues to ban Monsanto's rBGH.

* Australian trade authorities announced on Jan. 8, the largest shipment of
canola (rapeseed) ever exported from Australia. The $16.5 million dollar
shipment is bound for oilseed crushing plants in Europe. According to
Graham Lawrence, managing director of the New South Wales Grains Board,
"Europe has moved to become a major buyer this year because Australia is
the only country to guarantee non-genetic modified canola." Canada has lost
$300-400 million in canola sales to Europe over 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 13 Lucky Tips for Activists

1999-03-03 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

The major thing in Activism is to think of the future.  What will happen?  When we go
to the stars and colonize other planets it will be a low maintenance, agricultural
society.  Think of some of Robert A. Heinlein's books example "Farmer In The Sky".  I
suspect that by having a two part
diet that we are able to assimilate new plant DNA.  Farmers, animal breeders, animal
keepers are people that are interested in having the best and healthiest animals - and
breed enough generations that they see genetic mutations faster than many other
people.  Animal cruelty or animal athletes?  Fur, cruelty or like in the time from
1950 and before when even dog and cat skins were used for fur.  I still have a
handicraft book for groups as high as the Boy Scouts that refers to dog and cat hides
being suitable for fur and skins.  Recycling.  Hunting with the hounds, the horses
called Hunters, are they overworked or Animal Athletes.  Human athletes have had
injuries too, yet like (the ice skatter) Mark Hammel enjoy their work.  So you would
say that animals can not enjoy something?

Why go against eating animals and learning about animals?  If you know how intelligent
an animal is, and that they can learn as much as a human that does not have hands or
ways to manipulate.  So how do you justify "The Powers That Be" by Anne McCaffrey and
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough has some ideas!

Who has kept it that S. America who is so rich in DNA and diversity in resorting to
raising Cattle?
They have a type of animal like a lama that is one of the best wool animals in the
world, yet the animal is being killed for meat and has had a hard time getting
started.  They have natural resources
yet those resources are being supplanted by artificial plants and animals.

Still and all our major problem (for now) is the monopolies and off shore banking,
that allow this to happen.

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: Fwd: 13 Lucky Tips for Activists
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 22:55:47 EST

 In a message dated 99-03-02 16:33:50 EST, J1mS1 writes:

   Lifestyle fascism sucks.

  A major problem with many activists is instead of
  personalizing the political, they politicize the personal.
  Finding flaws in other people's lifestyles becomes something
  of a hobby for many progressive-types, instead of
  identifying and deconstructing the institutions that are the
  source of violence against humans, animals and the
  environment. It is an easy way out of making real change
  happen by just attacking this or that consumption pattern.

  What we need to remember is that by identifying certain
  aspects of Western lifestyle, such as meat-eating, smoking,
  or not boycotting the latest trendy issue, we are forgetting
  that it is the whole damn system that is wrong. Our power is
  more than our pocketbooks alone. To make real change we need
  to organize and find things that more of us have in common,
  not alienate others because they don't conform to some
  lifestyle guidelines. Why recapitulate the authoritarian
  tactics of the Christian Right or corporate America? Let
  people decide for themselves what they can or cannot boycott
  and get off the moral soapbox.   


 Subject: Fwd: 13 Lucky Tips for Activists
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:33:50 EST

 Rather enlightening (for middle-agers, i.e.), this list!

 --- Fwd: Message: ---
 Subj:[anarchopunk] 13 Lucky Tips for Activists
 Date:   99-03-02 10:47:13 EST
 From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Carrara)

 I love it from number one, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR!!!

 13 Lucky Tips for Activists
 by Errol Schweitzer 10/98
 [ reproduce at will ]

 Inevitable Disclaimer:

   This column is not meant to offend hard-working activists who are
   devoting much of their time and energy to social and environmental
 issues. It is meant as a critique of those qualities that may keep us
  from building an actual Movement. I know of many activists that are
   guilty of the things listed below, including myself. So please don't feel
offended (which brings us to our first point...)


  Have a sense of humor.

  The world is not going to change overnight, no matter how
  hard you work. Take time out to laugh at how messed up
  things really are. Take time out to laugh at yourself and
  the incremental changes that you and others are striving so
  hard for. A good chuckle now and then keeps things in
  perspective and may actually make you feel better about the
  work you have accomplished. Making fun of yourself and other
  activists may be a form of critique, and we all know 

[CTRL] Polyneuropathy with Demylenation and Guillain-Barre Syndrome

1999-03-02 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

I do not know how this will come out but here are some relevant links and
posts.  Will be sending the updated set of links in a moment, as well.

-snip- wrote:

 It should come as no surprise, that PG funded this study that found
 Olestra containing products are completely safe. Shsh!


-snip- wrote:
  Has anyone thought - If Olestra keeps you from being able to utilize
those vitamins,
what use is there to adding them to the chips?
aka The Pied Piper

Sweet Poison  http://www.sweetpoison.com/
Canola Healthy? - http://www.1999.com/canola/

" Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused
 by in a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the
 (protective sheath )of the nerves. Canola oil is a very long chain fatty
 oil (c22). Those who will defend canola oil say that the Chinese and
 have used it for centuries with no effect, however it was in an unrefined

Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats:  An interview with Mary
Enig,   Ph.D. -
MCS  -  http://www.w3-mediator.de/mcs/index.htm
MSG  http://www.annapolis.net/members/holland/food.txt
(2) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1997 v97 n7 p793(2)
"We think your son has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome'- a case study
monosodium glutamate's effect on a child
Author:  Anne Shovic, Robert D. Bart and Apryll M. Stalcup
Electronic collection:  A19792007
RN:  A19792007

United States Code


This is from the Merck Manual:

Polyneuropathy usually begins with sensory abnormalities in the lower
extremities.  Tingling, numbness and pain.  Pain is often worse at
night and with touch or change in temperature.

The autonomic nervous system may also be involved and cause changes in
vasculautre, dry, pale skin or red, sweaty skin.  Ridged nails and
osteoporisis can result.

It can result from nutritional deficiency, environmental factors,
diabetes, alcoholism, hypothyroidism.  They suggest checking renal
function with creatinine levels, liver function, and checking for

Demylenation is the loss of the myelin sheath around a nerve.  This
sheath is made up of fat and necessary for nerve function.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is the most common form of demyelinating
polyneuropathy.  The cause is unknown, but it appears that it is
autoimmune, where the body's immune system attacks itself.  It
progresses more rapidly than most neuropathies. The symptoms are that
weakness in the legs, then the arms, is more prominent than the sensory
symptoms.  The maximum degree of weakness is reached in 2-3 weeks.
Steroids worsen the prognosis and something called plasmapheresis is
useful and helps recovery.  Patients need to be monitored for
respiratory distress.  They need to take in lots of fluids and should
have their electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium) monitored as well.Most
patients recover, but about 30% still have residual weakness after 3
years.  10% relapse.  5% die.

Organophosphate poisoning and botulism should be ruled out, since they
can be confused with GBS.

Hope this helps,

Did a quick search and pulled up this site:


Seems it is a type of or simular to Guillain-Barre Syndrome.


-Original Message-

Does anyone know anything about Polyneuropathy with
Demylenation?  What is it?  Are there any websites you're aware
of?  Does anyone have it?  A friend of mine might have it.  Sh
also referred to CIDP.  Is that the same thing?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send 

[CTRL] Could Noah's Flood Return (2) - The Future Could Be Now

1999-03-02 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Wonder about some passages - could Noah's flood return - symbolically?   Think
of how many passages of the Bible and some other religious books refer to
Monopolies and what happen when they are formed.
Why have they not happened before now?  With computers and databases some see a
way that they can have complete control.
Governmental parts:
Lincoln unpegged the Constitution - and it has never been put back in the
same form.
Kennedy killed so Nixon would take office and unpeg us from the Gold
Standard Clinton unpegging us from Morals.


"The Future - Could Be Now"
  (c) 23 Jan 99 by Laura Lee Lanning*Shipton
 Under Construction and Constant De-Spell-Bugging

Check the link between developmental fats and oils, under
2) The Impact of Outside and Chemical Influences on the Body and Brain
 Canola Healthy? - http://www.1999.com/canola/(New 17 Nov 98)
Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats:  An interview with Mary
Enig,   Ph.D. -
http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/passwater/enig01.htm(New 17 Nov 98)
realize that in The children in the USA (seem to) get most of their fats from
also check out antibiotics under #7 Health.

(new 23 Jan 99)What does this mean?  Look at what oils are at your market.
Check the labels on
your favorite foods.  Would you believe that a favorite crinkle cut, frozen
potato has Canola oil as a
ingredient?  Now knowing that fats are crucial for the body and that even the
brain has a large
percentage of fat in it, what would happen, if you were to take out all the fat
that the body is capable
of utilizing, or at least utilizing easily?  Here in the USA (it seems that) our
primary source of fat for
developing children is milk.  Since the milk has BGH which means the cattle have
required more
antibiotics - those could well be in the milk too.

What could this mean?  Someone saying that we can not attack BGH because
parents might take
their children off of milk and - IF you do that you need to have information
about the detrimental
ways that oils and fats are processed.  Just look at cottonseed oil, or even
soybean oil which is often
processed with solvents.  Where could that lead to - the farmer!  Who is trying
to own the seed for cotton, soy, and many other things?  Monsanto.  Yet,
consider what this might lead
to IF this continues at the current rate.  Will anyone trust naturally grown
food or meat?  Would we
be talked into cloning all our meat?  Cloning all our food?  Take a look at all
the things that are
already on my page, I have many more to add, I am hearing of more daily and many
more could be
under authorization - even at this date.  Yet, would they keep all these items
out of the cloned food
and meat or just find more to add.  Recently there was a go ahead to spray crops
with MSG.  I do
not know if it was implemented but would this mean that only food sprayed with
MSG would be
appealing to children?  MSG is a excitotoxin, so would the children basically go
into withdraw if they
do not get it?

Also IF we are ever able to go from cloning to replicating.  Imagine who would
control the
(cloned?) replicator material?  The Pharmaceutical companies?  What of off shore
banks, one Euro
currency, maybe one American currency?  Could this lead to a World Monopoly?
Would the
World Bank eventually end up being the only bank?  I say Viva La Difference!
Currency seems to
be converted easily enough when you buy on line.  Could it be that the
technology for replication is
already in place?  Who would know what patents are in the patent office, or what
inventions are
already being used by the Military - that will soon trickle down to the public?
Who would know?
Would people in the government know? Who would have control, Cattle Futures
anyone?  Or
should I say grain futures?  Could be there might even be a new one - anyone for
futures on "Human

Many of these things seem to be happening or continuing under the Clinton
administration, yet
would I look to Bill Clinton?  He has not been the one that has done the
research in that family!
Who would I look at, why at Hillary of course.  If the Cliftons know that this
will happen soon or
could be in the future - could you imagine what it would be like with all these
chemicals out on the
market?Mainly people sick or dying, a data base of all purchases that you
have received through
the replicate, what chemicals were add.  Recently a group of people died from
artificial blood, of
course they volunteered for the experiment?  No, they did not.  This is the type
of bills that are
passing or that are allowed to continue.

If there were an Intergalactic Stock market what would make the Earth a
commodity?  Pretty stones (Diamonds), Gold?  These items have been proved to be
somewhat common in the 

[CTRL] Mega links with political too.

1999-03-02 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Govermental parts:
Lincoln unpegged the Constitution - and it has never been put back in the
same form.
Kennedy killed so Nixon would take office and unpeg us from the Gold
Standard Clinton unpegging us from Morals.

I am putting this togeather as a data base.  The bottom line is that we
heard that something is dangerous
or causes cancer one week and then hear that it is safe the next week.  The
reasearch saying that many things
are not dangerous is coming from the very companies that have a vested
or that are producing that
product.  Example:  The FDA (currently) uses research data from Monsanto,
very company that makes
Aspartame - which has been proved to be detrimental to health.  Because of
lawsuits are hard to get going, and when you follow the trail of money
and see that Monsanto has paid some of our top officials you realize that
are (probally) taking other bribes.

This page along with my web page at
Are putting a lot of things togeather,

Connections between Clinton, Bush and many more!

Start at the end of this post
At one time CHADD (yes the NON-Profit organization) members took
major finacial "personal contributions" from the makers of Ritalin.  Since
these links "seem" to show that there is a "POSSIBLE" link between
Monsanto - Their Aspartame (seems to act the same as MSG)
HSLDF (Home School Legal Defense Fund)

Just a thought - If there were a galactic Stock market, what would we
Pretty stones (Diamonds), Gold, ?
The only thing that I can think of is culture, traditions - how we handled
problems HUMANLY - with
responsability and within our commentments.  To see ahead - if there is a
Surplus of people then it means
that our world leaders were not doing a very good job.  Or else it is their

I think that the stock on Planet Earth would be a all time low right now.
advicate doing away with
the very Diversity of plants, animals, cultures, traditions, human beings
have made us worth
something up till now.  Think these people would "probally" sell the earth
for a
necklace of pretty trinkets!
They may have money now and control but they are bankrupting the Earth if
ever do meet with other
Intergalactic Travelers.

*more links in Italics*  This is a bit more complete, and meant to
replace the last one.
These are from a data base that I am doing for my web site
-which is currently down for some reason!!!.

I have seen this post shot down as a hoax, so I offer this links in
of some that would say Aspartame is not hazardous and support of this
post.  Nancy Markel was NOT the original author, but overall the post is

on track.  Another point is that Aspartame is suppose to Mimic MS ect.,
I personally am not interested in something that even Mimics diseases
such as this post describes!  Please remember that much of the research
that is out there (and some cite - FDA included) saying that Aspartame
NOT hazardous comes from the very company that makes Aspartame.
From these links you wonder how anyone is capable of having nutritious
food, and think of the developing bodies and brains of children.  These
will allow you to research on your own.
aka The Pied Piper
my cut and paste site - I am learning HTML and the site will be redone.


sugar # http://members.bellatlantic.net/~boncom/whatseatingkids.htm #
msg, aspartame, stevia
Journalists Linda and Bill Bonvie "What's eating kids?  Maybe it's their

sugar # http://members.bellatlantic.net/~boncom/sinfullysweet.htm #
stevia Blazing Tattles Sinfully Sweet

sugar # http://members.bellatlantic.net/~boncom/firstamendment.htm #
stevia Blazing Tattles stevia

sugar # http://www.cspinet.org/sodapop/liquid_candy.htm # sugar and
"Liquid Candy How Soft Drinks are Harming Americans' Health
 Liquid Candy"

sugar # http://cnn.com/HEALTH/9812/31/health.sugar.reut/index.html #

sugar # http://trufax.org/research/f16.html #
Stevia and Natural Sweeteners Leading Edge Research "Artificial
Suppression of Natrual Stevia Leaves and the extract Stevioside"

sugar # http://trufax.org/research/f13.html #
The Effect of Sugar, Synthetic Colorings and Flavors on the Brain
Leading Edge Research The Effect of Sugar,
Synthetic Colorings and Flavors on the Brain

sugar # http://trufax.org/research/f11.html # sugar, diabetes,
Leading Edge Research The Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist
Degenerative Disease

aspartame # http://members.bellatlantic.net/~boncom/mystery.htm #

aspartame # http://www.vegsource.com/davis/sweeteners.htm  #
Aspartame and Stevia  A Tale Of Two Sweetners

aspartame # http://trufax.org/research/f18.html #
"Artificial Sweeteners:
Aspartame - NutraSweet - Benevia" Leading Edge Research "Artificial

[CTRL] Polyneuropathy with Demylenation

1999-03-02 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

 Polyneuropathy with Demylenation?
Neuropathy is the destruction of nerve cells resulting in paresis or
paralysis while demylenation is the destruction of the outer coat of the
nerve cell resulting in essentially the same thing.  Multiple scerosis is
charactorized the demylenation phenomenon.  Usually anti-mylin antibodies
are responsible for the demylenation.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-03-02 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Teo One Thousand wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 3/2/99 5:13:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 SNIP a bunch more good stuff.

   Maybe he was being "compassionate" and sharing his
  Presidential pecker with women less fortunate than his wife... he was so
  "compassionate" he even shared his member with women who didn't appreciate
  "compassion" at the time.  I'm glad he's so compassionate, because if he was
  bastard all hell would have broke loose by now.

  Bob Stokes 

 Thanks Bob, I needed that.

Just in case this was lost in a long post!
aka The Pied Piper

 Subject: I Agree...

 This letter was written by Eric Jowers, a retired Army Officer,
 who served as public affairs officer at Fort Rucker from 1989 to 1991.
 He now lives in Ozark, Alabama.
 Dear Mr. President:
 It's not about sex.
 If it were about sex, you would be long gone.
 Just like a doctor, attorney or teacher who had
 sex with a patient, client or student half his age,
 you would have violated the ethics of your office
 and would be long gone.
 Just like a Sergeant Major of the Army, Gene McKinney,
 who though found not guilty, was forced to resign
 amid accusations of sexual abuse.

 Remember the Air Force General you wouldn't
 nominate to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
 because he freely admitted to an affair almost 15
 years before, while he and his wife were separated?
 Unlike you, he was never accused of having a
 starry-eyed office assistant my daughter's age
 perform oral sex on him while he was on the
 phone and his wife and daughter were upstairs.

 If it were about sex, you should be subjected to the
 same horrible hearings that Clarence Thomas was
 subjected to because of the accusations of Anita Hill.
 The only accusation then was that he talked dirty to her;
 he didn't even leave semen stains on her dress.
 No, it's not about sex.
 It's about character.
 It's about lying.
 It's about arrogance.
 It's about abuse of power.
 It's about dodging the draft and lying about it.
 When caught in a lie by letters you wrote,
 you concocted a story that nobody believed.
 But we excused it and looked away.

 It's about smoking dope, and lying about it.
 "I didn't inhale," you said.
 Sure, and when I was 15 and my buddies and I
 swiped a beer from an unwatched refrigerator,
 we drank from it, but we didn't swallow.
 "I broke no laws of the United States," you said.
 That's right, you smoked dope in England or Norway or
 Moscow; where you were demonstrating against the U.S.A.
 You lied, but we excused it and looked away.

 It's about you selling overnight stays in the White House to
 any foreigner or other contributor with untraceable cash.
 It's about Whitewater and Jim and Susan McDougal and
 Arkansas, Gov. Jim Guy Tucker and Vincent Foster and
 Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones and Karen Willey and
 nearly countless others.

 It's about stealing the records from Foster's office while his
 body was still warm and putting them in your bedroom and
 "not noticing them" for two years.

 It's about illegal political contributions.
 It's about you and Al Gore soliciting contributions and selling
 influence at Buddhist temples and in the same Oval Office
 where Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt led their
 countries through the dark days of wars that threatened the
 very existence of our nation.
 But we excused you and looked away.

 It's about hiding evidence from Ken Starr, refusing to testify,
 filing legal motions, coaching witnesses, obstructing justice
 and delaying Judge Starr's inquiry for months and years,
 and then complaining that it has gone on too long.
 The polls agreed.
 Thank goodness that Judge Starr didn't read the polls,
 play politics or excuse you and look away.
 He held on to the evidence like a tenacious bulldog.

 Your supporters say that you've confessed your wrong doings
 and asked for our forgiveness.
 Listen, what you said on TV the night you testified to the grand
 jury was not a confession; overwhelming evidence is not a
 confession at all.
 Not that it would make a lot of difference.
 A murderer who contritely confesses his crime is still a murderer.
 When your "confession" didn't sell, even to your friends, you
 became more forthcoming.

 Maybe someday you'll confess more, but probably not.
 You've established such a pattern of lying that we can't
 believe you anymore.
 Neither can your cabinet, the Congress or any of the leaders
 of the nations of the world.

 When a leader's actions defame and emasculate our country
 as profoundly as yours have, it's no longer a personal matter,
 as you claim.
 It's no longer a matter among you, your family and your God.

 By the way, I don't believe for a minute that Hillary was unaware of
 your sexual misadventures, abuses of power and pattern of lying.
 She has been a party to your wrong doings since 

Re: [CTRL] G. Bush dirt

1999-02-28 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 from alt.politics.media
 As always, Caveat Lector.
 A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.media:96155"G. Bush dirt/A
 Subject: G. Bush dirt
 From: "Jennifer M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 6:45 AM
 Message-id: 7b90fb$323$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I just spent some time browsing the net for web sites about George Bush. Of
 particular interest to me today were the anti-Bush sites. What I found so
 far are rumors, innuendo, and petty crap, not much different than the
 anti-Clinton sites.

 So he had sex, did drugs, and drunk heavily until he was 40 (notice I didn’t
 use the word “alleged” – thanks to our conservative friends, we are now
 allowed to treat rumors as facts).

 As a liberal, I say “Bring on George! It will be fun to sit back and see how
 conservatives deal with him. For example, what will conservatives say if it
 turns out to be true that George played air guitar to a Fohgat tune during a
 party in college?? Oh my…

 Jennifer M.
 CyberGrrlz -- http://www.cybergrrlz.com
 The e-zine for girls with brains and a sense of humor
 (smarter guys will like it too)

 If you reply to me by e-mail, make sure you remove the anti-SPAM "x" at the
 end of my e-mail address

Not quite.  Some links and connections that you do not seem to have found orput
aka The Pied Piper


Was Polio Vaccine Contaiminated?
"formalin", "formaldehyde", and mercury

MEGA links from the Ottawa Citizen

@ Is AIDS really a disease?

Canadian Blood Victims File Suit

This article talks about getting rid of AIDS - and without drugs.

HIV  AIDS - Rethinking AIDS WebSite - Missing Virus Award

Coors, the RIGHT beer now
It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America

The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at

Is this real?  Gives you something to think about either way!
Clones R Us
A paper about food additives -
3) Uncover Myths in Education and Home Schooling
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the Umbrella of a Church or
Religious Group.
Refers to the HSLDF (Home School Legal Defense Fund)
* " We are talking about the actions taken by Michael Farris, Gregg Harris,
 Welch, and Brian Ray, the group which has come to be referred to as
 pillars of homeschooling." Whatever their individual or collective
their actions
 are inflicting hurt, anguish, pain, and sorrow on thousands of
homeschooling families,
 and yet we have been lead to believe that their leadership is above
question or
 comment, not subject to criticism, and beyond reproach.
 Individuals who have become increasingly associated with these
 include Chris Klicka, J. Richard Fugate, Mary Pride, Sharon Grimes,
 others. In addition, there are dozens of local and state leaders who
directly and
 indirectly provide support for the centralization of power and
control. "

   Myth 2 All Public Education is Helpful, we should live by the idea of
group - socialization
   Myth 3 Home Schoolers are not Socialized
Myth 4 Americans are Well educated
At one time CHADD (yes the NON-Profit organization) members took
major finacial "personal contributions" from the makers of Ritalin.  Since
these links "seem" to show that there is a "POSSIBLE" link between
Monsanto - Their Aspartame (seems to act the same as MSG)
Coors / Gore
HSLDF (Home School Legal Defense Fund)

Who might be watching out for CHADD now?
"A.D.D.--A DUBIOUS DIAGNOSIS?" (C) 1995 Learning Matters Inc.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of 

[CTRL] Enviromental News

1999-02-26 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

February 1999

In This Issue...

- Health Professionals Call for DDT Phase-out, Increased Attention to
- POPs Talks Focus on Implementation Needs; NGOs Remind Delegates of - POPs
 Elimination Goal
- POPS Action Alert!

- Clinton Calls for Action on Global Warming
- Clinton To Seek $4. Billion for Domestic Actions
- Climate Change May Create a More Severe El Niño
- Studies Link Pollution, Warmer Waters to Disease

- Environmental Disasters Killed 50,000 in 1998
- Chemical Industry to Give $1.28 Billion for Health Research

- Environmental Factors Implicated in Parkinson's Disease
- Interior Surface Materials in the Home Linked to Development of Bronchial
Obstruction in Young Children
- Monochloramine Disinfection Reduces Risk of Nosocomial Legionnaires'


Health Professionals Call for DDT Phase-out, Increased Attention to Malaria

At a conference in Nairobi, Kenya on January 24, more than 30 physicians
and health professionals from Africa and elsewhere endorsed a statement
calling on governments to phase out the use of the pesticide DDT in malaria
control, while taking new measures to combat the disease in other ways. DDT
is extremely persistent, bioaccumulates in food chains and human breast
milk, and is a probably human carcinogen and suspected endocrine disruptor.
Because of its potential environmental and public health effects, as well
as problems of vector resistance in some areas, the World Health
Organization has begun moving away from its long-time endorsement of DDT in
public health campaigns.

Among the recommendations of the meeting were:

*That all governments commit to the phase-out and eventual elimination
of DDT production and use;

*That malaria risk management be maintained and improved through the
development and use of safe, sustainable alternative means of vector

*That increased spending on malaria drug research, treatment, and
public health surveillance be committed during the DDT phaseout to ensure
that the health of people in malaria-endemic zones is not compromised.

 During a week of talks in Nairobi, negotiators made slow progress in
drafting a global treaty to eliminate the use, production, and emission of
certain persistent organic pollutants, or POPs. Delegates from more than
100 countries agreed to a first draft text of a treaty that would initially
restrict or eliminate twelve POPs, including pesticides, industrial
chemicals, and unintended by-products. They discussed possible mechanisms
for transferring technical and financial resources to developing countries,
where many POPs pesticides are still commonly used

What remains unclear, however, is whether the governments are truly
committed to total elimination of these substances, which now contaminate
every living thing on earth and pose a serious threat to human health and
the environment worldwide.
At this second of five expected negotiating sessions, some governments
seemed to indicate a desire to limit action to merely controlling POPs use
and release. For example, the U.S. proposed changing the "prohibit
production and use" language to "take measures to prohibit." It was
disappointing to see the U.S. take the lead in proposing weakening
language. As part of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) of
non-governmental organizations participating in the negotiations, PSR urged
negotiators not to lose sight of the long-term goal of POPs elimination.
"The U.S. is not exerting the leadership needed to get rid of these harmful
chemicals once and for all," said PSR environment director Sharon Newsome.
"The goal of the treaty must be POPs elimination. The U.S. should lead the
way in this worldwide effort to protect the public health."

POPS ALERT! The U.S. EPA has published its long-awaited "Multimedia
Strategy for Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants"
(http://www.epa.gov/pbt/pbtstrat.htm). The strategy takes EPA incrementally
in the right direction by focusing on all pollutant sources -- air, water,
and land; and it is an important step in integrating EPA programs that have
been fragmented and ineffective.  As an effort to implement zero discharge
and virtual elimination, it is worse than timid; it is actually a retreat.
The strategy abandons the goal of eliminating persistent toxic substances
in the Great Lakes and other watersheds, and fails to propose the most
effective policy tools  bans and phase-outs of chemicals needed to achieve
that goal.

The EPA is accepting public comments on its proposed strategy until
February 16.  Please write to EPA Administrator Carol Browner before this
date and urge her to develop and implement a strong PBT strategy that
includes a zero discharge goal that ends the release 

[CTRL] Fwd: Monsanto Co. -- Filing of Food Aditive Petition

1999-02-26 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

From what I understand "neotame" is worse than Aspartame.
If anyone wants all the Aspartame, Sugar and food additive links again, ask.
aka The Pied Piper

Original Message Follows
To: Activist Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Monsanto Co. -- Filing of Food Additive Petition
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:00:47 GMT

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

Monsanto Co. -- Filing of Food Additive Petition

=46ebruary 8, 1999
=46ederal Register
Volume 64, Number 25
Page 6100

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that Monsanto Co.
has filed a petition proposing that the food additive regulations be
amended to provide for the safe use of L-Phenylalanine,
N-[N-(3,3-dimethylbutyl)-L--aspartyl]-,1-methyl ester as a general use
sweetener. Monsanto proposes that this additive be identified as

Written comments on the petitioner's environmental assessment by
April 10, 1999.

Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch
(HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration,=20
5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061,
Rockville, MD 20852.

Blondell Anderson
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-206)
=46ood and Drug Administration
200 C St. SW.
Washington, DC 20204

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Could Noah's flood return? #1

1999-02-25 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Considering that some believe that there is a surplus of people on the earth and
it "seems" that they are tying up the patent office to keep new inventions off
the market that might help us with recycling and ect.  I have a question to ask!

If there were a galactic stock market - what would we trade?  Why would stock in
the earth be worth while?  Diamonds and gold are universal items.  The only
unique item the earth has is it's diversity of plants, animals, thoughts,
cultures, people.

There are some that are attempting global control, global monopolies.  They want
to control our food supply by taking away our diversity of plants, to control
people by genocide.  Could it be that in actual fact some of these technologies
can be done without all the apparatus that they currently use, that they were
done before?  That stock in Planet Earth went to an all time low before and so
someone decided to start the experiment from the beginning?  That they got rid
of people like Bush, Clinton, Gore - so on and reseeded the Earth?  It is not
the Apocalypse the we may be worrying about.

When a companies stock hits a all time low it is capable of being sold at a
cheep price.  What if the next people to buy into Earth decide to use it as a
natural food supply?  Cloning or Replicating has to be common, so how much is
natural food worth.  Considering all the chemicals, ect in the enviroment that
retard brain development - they will not have to worry about eating a thinking

Or they might just clean up the enviroment - that would include cleaning up the
way of thinking, this current mind set.

 Will be continuing this line of thought, after finals!

aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ABCNEWS.com : FDA Blamed for Bad Blood Export

1999-02-25 Thread 1lls0081


Title: ABCNEWS.com :  FDA Blamed for Bad  Blood Export






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FDA Blamed for Blood Export

Canadians Lobby U.S. for Contamination Compensation

By Pete Yost
The Associated Press
W A S H I N G T O N,  Feb. 25
  Already in court in Canada, hemophiliacs who are victims of AIDS and hepatitis are taking their campaign for compensation to the United States.

They say the U.S. government knew about infected blood plasma from state prison inmates yet failed to stop its export.

If I had asked questions 15 years ago, lives could have been saved, said Michael Galster, a former medical worker at a now-defunct Arkansas company which collected plasma from a state prison in Grady, Ark.

The plasma was sold in Canada and is suspected of having caused widespread disease among hemophiliacs who need the blood-clotting characteristics of the blood product.

Why Was It Allowed Out?

The Food and Drug Administration decided the plasma was not fit for the United States, said hemophiliac Michael McCarthy. Its unbelievable that they allowed it to be exported.

McCarthy is the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against the Canadian government for failing to safeguard that nations blood supply.

At a news conference, the Canadians said they plan to sue the FDA and the states of Arkansas and Louisiana, which allowed private companies to take blood plasma from prison inmates in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

They said they plan to question President Clinton in connection with the lawsuit about what he knew of the prison plasma program when he was Arkansas governor.

FDA Told of Infection Immediately

According to a report prepared for the Canadian government, the Arkansas company, Health Management Associates, promptly told the FDA about blood samples that had been collected from five Arkansas inmates who had previously tested positive for hepatitis.

The FDA informed the Canadian government, because some of the plasma from the company had been exported to Canada, and the company voluntarily kept off the market the plasma it still had.

FDA spokesman Lawrence Bachorik said the agency does not comment on pending or potential litigation.

The 1983 incident at the prison in Grady became an important part of the study prepared for the Canadian government on how hemophiliacs in Canada might have contracted hepatitis C.

Regarding Clinton, theres no credible suggestion of any involvement by the president when he was governor, said White House spokesman Jim Kennedy.

Any issues relating to how the state of Arkansas dealt with this matter should be referred to the relevant agencies. Any suggestion of any possible future legal actions involving the president are at this point hypothetical, and unless and until legal action is taken were not going to comment on hypothetical legal actions.

Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Canadian hemophiliacs who are victims of AIDS and hepatitis because of tainted blood are taking their campaign for compensation to the U.S. FDA, which exported the blood.

The FDA decided the plasma was not fit for the United States. Its unbelievable that they allowed it to be exported.

Michael McCarthy

Copyright 1999  ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form. Please click here for legal restrictions and terms of use applicable to this site. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the terms of use.

[CTRL] [Fwd: (Fwd) request for assistance]

1999-02-24 Thread 1lls0081

could be an intresting group

Dear Friends:

Below is a description of the Focus on the Corporation listserve. If you
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Robert Weissman
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Corp-Focus is a moderated listserve which distributes the weekly column
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Corporate Crime Reporter, and Robert Weissman, editor of Multinational
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Written with a sharp edge and occasional irreverence, Focus on the
Corporation covers:

* The double standards which excuse corporations for behavior (e.g.,
causing injury, accepting welfare) widely considered criminal or shameful
when done by individuals;
* Globalization and corporate power;
* Trends in corporate economic blackmail, political influence and
workplace organization;
* Industry-wide efforts to escape regulation, silence critics, employ new
technologies or consolidate business among a few companies;
* Specific, extreme examples of corporate abuses: destruction of
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Back columns are posted on the Multinational Monitor site
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Please post this notice on relevant lists, and accept our apologies for

Re: [CTRL] [MCS-CI] Flag Amendment Returns - Veterans Needed!

1999-02-24 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

I can see that I goofed by just forwarding that one without reading first.
Finals are this week (not an excuse - but it is a reason) and I may not get to
it till after I have my data base ready to turn in!  The responses are great.
Since I had thought that, that post was to protect the flag - I definatly do not
mind being lambasted about it!
aka The Pied Piper

Andrea Hartley  wrote:

 Could you explain why youapparantly think it is "free speech" to
 desecrate the emblam of ourj country?  Isn't that like biting the hand
 that feeds you?

And from someone else  Desecrate MY flag and I'll deck you!  Don't need a law
for that!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak Wednesday, 17 Feb 1999]

1999-02-23 Thread 1lls0081

OPPT NEWSBREAK  Wednesday, 17 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


"Polio Shots in  50s,  60s Are Linked to Cancer.  Tainted Vaccine
Given to Millions."  Washington Times, 17 February 99, A1, A18.
 A new study on the effects of SV40, a virus that came from
 dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the
 first Salk vaccines, found evidence linking the monkey virus
 to a number of human cancers, including brain tumors, bone
 cancer, and mesothelioma, a once-rare type of lung cancer
 linked primarily to exposure to asbestos.  Tens of millions
 of people who received the vaccine in the 1950s and 1960s
 are at risk of having been infected.  The study was led by
 Dr. Janet Butel of the Baylor College of Medicine in Waco,
 Texas, and is published in the _Journal of the National
 Cancer Institute_ [no citation given].

"National Parks Struggle With Use of Snowmobiles.
Environmentalists, Riders at Odds."  Washington Times, 17
February 99, A6.
 Earlier this month, the National Park Service ordered a
 12-month ban on snow machines in Denali National Park
 in Alaska to prevent snowmobiles from intruding on wildlife
 and sensitive wilderness.  The ban was praised by
 environmentalists but criticized by snowmobile enthusiasts
 and critics of federal restrictions on public lands.  Rep.
 Don Young (R-Alaska), chairman of the House Resources
 Committee, has called for an "`immediate recision'" of the
 ban.  The Bluewater Network says the exhaust from
 snowmobiles "is endangering `park wildlife, air and water
 quality, vegetation, park ecology and park users.'"

"FDA Approves New Test to Detect Lyme Disease."  Washington Post,
17 February 99, A4.
 The Food and Drug Administration has approved PreVue, a new
 test for Lyme Disease that can be done in a doctor's office,
 allowing quicker diagnosis and earlier treatment.  PreVue is
 made by Chembio Diagnostic Systems.


"Court Temporarily Bans Dumping Medical Waste."  Washington
Times, 17 February 99, C3.
 Last week, Virginia sued Waste Management Inc. after finding
 illegally dumped medical waste at the Charles City County
 landfill.  On Tuesday, County Circuit Judge Thomas B. Hoover
 issued a temporary restraining order and set a hearing for
 February 26 on the state's request for an injunction barring
 medical waste shipments by the company.  Waste Management
 could face a fine of up to $500,000 for this latest incident
 of illegal dumping.

"WWI Shell Found at Ambassador's Home [Briefly:  District]."
Washington Times, 17 February 99, C2.
 The Army Corps of Engineers found an unexploded 75mm World
 War I projectile at the Korean ambassador's home in
 Northwest Washington.  Munitions specialists continue to
 look for other weapons, including mustard gas, at the site
 of the former American University Experiment Station.

"Woman Hospitalized After Gas Stove Leak [Briefly:  Maryland]."
Washington Times, 17 February 99.
 Prince George's County fire officials found a 62-year-old
 Fort Washington woman unconscious in her home, where gas was
 leaking from her stove.  She was taken to Prince George's
 County Hospital Center and is listed in stable condition.


"Greenwich, Connecticut [Across the USA]." USA Today, 16 February
99, 6A.
 A law is being proposed by the state Dept. of Environmental
 Protection requiring that permits for sewage treatment
 plants include limits on the amount of nitrogen dumped into
 the Long Island Sound.  Less-polluting plants would be able
 to sell unused credit for dumping to facilities which do a
 lot of dumping.

"North Providence, Rhode Island [Across the USA]." USA Today, 16
February 99, 6A.
 Tests are being conducted by the U.S. Environmental
 Protection Agency in more than 200 places along the
 Woonasquatucket River to determine the extent of dioxin
 contamination.  This is EPA's largest sampling effort to

"Seattle, Washington [Across the USA]." USA Today, 16 February
99, 6A.
 The state Dept. of Ecology predicts that the Washington
 coast will begin seeing signs of oil that leaked from the
 New Carissa off Coos Bay, Oregon.  Since the freighter ran
 aground three weeks ago, much of the oil has been burned

"Casper, Wyoming [Across the USA]." USA Today, 16 February 99,
 Citizens are complaining about orange gas clouds escaping
 from the Amax Eagle Butte Coal Mine north of Gillette.
 Federal officials say the state did not respond adequately
 to complaints about toxic nitrogen 

[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak Tuesday, 16 Feb 1999]

1999-02-23 Thread 1lls0081

OPPT NEWSBREAK  Tuesday, 16 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


"Debate Over Threat From Infected Mice." New York Times, 16
February 99, A13.
 Channel Islands National Park Superintendent, Tim Setnicka,
 says that the particular strain of hantavirus carried by
 deer mice on the five-island chain off the Ventura coast,
 will not infect humans.  Although officials of the park agree,
 some experts do not.

"Power Plant Explosion Claims Another Victim [American Scene]."
Washington Times, A5.
 The natural gas explosion that occurred Feb. 1 at the Ford
 Power Plant in Dearborn, Mich. has claimed the life of a
 fourth victim, Ken Anderson, who died Sunday.  The plant
 resumed production last week.

"Wildlife Recovering from Exxon Spill." USA Today, 11 February
99, 3A.
 It has been almost 10 years since the Valdez oil spill and
 many species are showing signs of improvement at varying

"Recalculating Radon [Science Times]." New York Times, 16
February 99, D5.
 Scientists at Columbia University who irradiated thousands
 of lung-tissue cells from mice with one alpha particle each,
 found that the frequency of DNA damage is low.  The new
 study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy
 of Sciences, furthers scientific research on the hazards of
 naturally occurring radon gas inside the home.

"Green Groups Fuming Over Park Snowmobiles." USA Today, 12
February 99, 4D.
 A consortium of 60 environmental groups petitioned 5 federal
 agencies (including the Environmental Protection Agency) to
 bar snowmobiles from entering national parks.  The coalition
 referred to  "Adverse impacts to park wildlife, air and
 water quality, vegetation, park ecology and park users ."
 However, snowmobile advocates claim that the charges are
 exaggerated and not scientifically supported.

"Public Opposition Prompts Restrictions Against Jet-Powered
Personal Watercraft." USA Today, 12 February 99, 4D.
 Officials with the National Park Service expect to announce
 a final policy on Jet Ski-type watercraft. Many
 environmental groups want to ban these watercraft.


"The Forest Service's New Deal [Editorials]."  New York Times, 16
February 99, A18.
 The Times is generally supportive of the U.S. Forest
 Service's policy direction under chief Michael Dombeck.
 They describe some of the changes he has made including
 mining bans and a moratorium on road-building in National
 Forests.  The second half focuses on the ongoing
 controversies over the Tongass National Forest in Alaska,
 concluding: "But the only sure way to sustain what is left
 of these magnificent old-growth forests is for Mr. Dombeck
 to put them off limits to new roads when he unwraps his
 final plan in 18 months.  That would make a good policy even


"The Asbestos Epidemic: USA - Part 4 of 4." USA Today, 11
February 99 A.
 Although the health risk of asbestos in buildings is
 extremely low, over $50 billion has been spent in the last
 20 years to remove asbestos from buildings that are older or
 have been abandoned or remodeled.  Scientific evidence has
 not convinced the public that asbestos left alone in
 buildings is OK.


"In Ancient Ice Ages, Clues to Climate [Science Times]." New York
Times, 16 February 99, D1, D4.
 Scientists studying chemical tracers of past climates
 believe that the warm period of today could continue for
 20,000 years or more, prolonging earth's entrance into
 another ice age.  New evidence from deep-ocean sediments
 indicates that warm periods in that past lasted longer than
 scientists thought.  Scientists compare today's warm period,
 called the Holocene period or Stage 1, to a similar
 interglacial, called Stage 11, that occurred 400,000 years
 ago.   The effects of burning fossil fuels today, however,
 were not present in the past.  Green house gases are
 expected to warm the earth's temperature so that it will
 melt ice, flooding coastal areas and the tropics.

* All items, unless indicated otherwise, are available at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxicities Substances
(OPPTS) Chemical Library
Northeast Mall, Room B606 (Mailcode 7407)
Washington, D.C. 20460
(202) 260-3944; FAX x4659;
E-mail for comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Due to copyright restrictions, the library cannot provide
photocopies of articles.)

*Viewpoints expressed in the above articles do not necessarily
reflect EPA policy.  Mention of products does not 

[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak Thursday, 18 Feb 1999]

1999-02-23 Thread 1lls0081

OPPT NEWSBREAK   Thursday, 18 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


"Headcheese...[Digest]."  Washington Post, 18 February 99, E8.
 2,600 pounds of headcheese, a seasoned loaf made of the head
 meat from a calf or pig,  distributed by Ba Le Meat
 Processing  Wholesale is being recalled because it may be
 contaminated with listeria.  The packages of "`Ba Le Gio Thu
 (Headcheese)'" were produced from January 7 to February 5,
 weigh from one to eight pounds, and are marked with "`Est
 118442'" in the U.S. Department of Agriculture inspection

"FDA Ordered to Lift Ban on a Diet Supplement."  Washington Post,
18 February 99, A6.
 U.S. District Court Judge Dale Kimball ordered the Food and
 Drug Administration to lift its ban on imports of red yeast
 powder from China that contains mevinolin.  The agency
 regarded mevinolin as an unapproved drug because it is
 identical to Mevacor, a synthetic drug that is prescribed to
 lower cholesterol.  Pharmanex, which markets the powder
 under the name Cholestin, had challenged the ban.  The judge
 ruled that Cholestin "fits the definition of `dietary
 supplement.'"  The ruling could hamper the government's
 ability to regulate natural remedies under the 1994 Dietary
 Supplement Health and Education Act.

"Mexico: Halting Forest Fires [World Briefing]." New York Times,
18 February 99, A6.
 Farmers who set fire to fields in preparation for planting
 will be fined and jailed if Chiapas state's proposl becomes
 a law.  Fires destroyed 500,000 acres of rain forests last

"Shell Does Not Contain Toxic Agents [Metro:  In Brief:  The
District]."  Washington Post, 18 February 99, B3.
 Army officials said a World War I artillery shell found on
 the grounds of the residence of the Korean Ambassador does
 not contain toxic chemical agents, but they are not sure if
 the shell is an explosive artillery round or a harmless
 smoke round.  The shell was found Tuesday during a search
 for canisters of poisonous chemical agents that may have
 been buried after World War I.

"Coos Bay, Ore. [Nation in Brief:  Addenda]."  Washington Post,
18 February 99, A13.
 Nearly 70,000 gallons of fuel oil may have spilled from the
 New Carissa, the grounded tanker that may be towed about 200
 miles into the Pacific Ocean and sunk in 5,000 feet of
 water.  "The Coast Guard said the depth and cold should
 contain the viscous 135,000 gallons of fuel oil that remain
 in the bow."


"Rep. Jeffery Cohelan Dies at 84; Served 12 Years in the U.S.
House.  Calif. Democrat Was Advocate for Environment, Civil
Rights [Obituaries]."  Washington Post, 18 February 99, B6.
 Jeffery Cohelan, a liberal Democrat from California who
 served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1958 to
 1970, died February 15 in Washington.  He was 84 years old
 and had Parkinson's disease and colon-rectal cancer.  Rep.
 Cohelan co-sponsored legislation that established the
 Redwood National Park, and he co-sponsored a bill that made
 Point Reyes peninsula, north of San Francisco, part of the
 national park system.

"Anchorage [Nation in Brief:  Addenda]."  Washington Post, 18
February 99, A13.
 Joseph Hazelwood, the former captain of the Exxon Valdez,
 was ordered to begin his sentence for his role in the 1989
 oil tanker spill by picking up trash on Alaska state lands.
 He was sentenced to perform 1,000 hours of community


"Montgomery, Alabama [Across the USA]." USA Today, 17 February 99
 In an action which affects about 4,000 Alabama farms,
 regulators adopted rules requiring farmers to show that they
 are managing animal waste properly, especially hog-breeding

"Washington, DC [Across the USA]."  USA Toda, 17 February 99,
 At Anacostia River Day Pride Cleanup, volunteers picked-up
 trash along the river.  Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton plans
 to file a bill in Congress that would create a program to
 continue this pick-up.

"Lansing, Michigan [Across the USA]." USA Today, 17 February 99
 Gov. Engler has been criticized in letters from
 environmental and public health groups who are unhappy with
 his stand against federal pollution guidelines.  His office
 has offered to cut smog levels by half of that which is
 required by EPA.

"Charles City, Virginia [Across the USA]." USA Today, 17 February
99 13A.
 Waste Management, Inc. has been temporarily barred from
 transporting dangerous materials into Virginia.  The company
 is accused of illegally 

[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak Monday, 22 Feb 1999]

1999-02-23 Thread 1lls0081

OPPT NEWSBREAK  Monday, 22 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


"Bombs-to-Plowshares Program Criticized." New York Times, 22
February 99, A8.
 The GAO's study of two Energy Department programs reveals
 that American aid may have been supporting Russian
 scientists still working on projects related to nuclear,
 biological and chemical weapons.  The Energy Departments
 programs were established to employ former Soviet weapons
 scientists in peaceful, profitable work.  One of the
 programs is being criticised for being poorly supervised.
 Some changes recommended in the report are being
 implemented.  A description of the report's key findings are

"Everglades Restoration Plan Does Too Little, Experts Say." New
York Times, 22 February 99, A1, A15.
 Nearing draft completion, the Federal-state Everglades plan,
 designed to restore a natural water flow to the Everglades
 and re-establish a healthy ecosystem, is being questioned by
 ecologists who say that the project would leave the South
 Florida peninsula too dependent on a system of
 compartmentalizing levees, canals, pumps and reservoirs etc.
 rather than known-to-work natural processes for water
 distribution.  In a letter to Interior Secretary Bruce
 Babbitt, ecologists and other scientists asked that the
 plan, due in July, be submitted for scientific review.  The
 establishment of a panel to continuously evaluate the
 restoration project over the next few decades is expected.
 Water that is currently being artificially pumped into the
 Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean would be partly
 rechanneled under the plan and released as needed in the

"A Chemical-Plant Explosion Killed...[What's News]." Wall Street
Journal, 22 February 99, A1.
 Five people were killed and 14 injured on Friday as a result
 of a chemical-plant explosion in Allentown, Pa.

"Tainted Fruit Suspected In Florida Typhoid Cases [National News
Briefs]." New York Times, 22 February 99, A15.
 The FDA has warned consumers not to eat the El Sembrador
 brand of a tropical fruit called mamey or frozen juices made
 from mamey.  The fruit is showing a strong link to typhoid
 fever hospitalizations that have occurred since mid-December,
 primarily in Hispanic communities in South
 Florida.  El Sembrador's mamey, from Guatemala, was found in
 the home freezers of the victims or at restaurants where
 some ate the fruit.

"Waste Management Stirs an Analysts' Food Fight." Wall Street
Journal, 22 February 99, B5A.
 Stock market analysts are debating whether Waste Management,
 Inc. is raising prices in the New York City market.  The
 industry giant is cited for proposing a 40% price raise for
 garbage sent from New York City to its Virginia and
 Pennsylvania landfills.  The increase is expected to impact
 third-party disposers that are not under contract who use
 WMI landfills.  There hasn't been any input from WMI to
 douse the debate.

"India, Pakistan Pledge to Reduce Nuclear-War Risk." Wall Street
Journal, 22 February 99, A1. "India Leader's Pakistan Visit Ends
in Pledges to Make Peace." New York Times, 22 February 99, A4.
 Ending with a promise to warn one another in advance about
 ballistic-missile tests, the prime ministers of India and
 Pakistan closed their summit meeting.  Both countries,
 capable of launching nuclear-warhead missiles, agreed to
 take action to reduce the chance of accidental nuclear war.
 Both countries have agreed to make efforts to resolve
 conflicts about Kashmir, a divided region that has been the
 focus of two previous wars between the two countries.


"EPA Can't Win This Country's Sprawl Brawl [Op-Ed]."  Washington
Times, 22 February 99, A21.
 Jonathan H. Adler, senior director of environmental policy
 at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the author of
 "Environmentalism at the Crossroads," criticizes the
 Clinton-Gore Administration's new multibillion-dollar
 environmental agenda, which includes a $700 million subsidy
 for EPA-approved bonds for local environmental projects.  He
 favors returning control over environmental policy to state
 and local governments:  "In many instances, the best thing
 the federal government can do to enhance environmental
 protection is get out of the way--and eliminate those
 policies  and programs which subsidize or encourage
 environmental harm."

"Attack of the Killer Potato [Review  Outlook]." Wall Street
Journal, 22 February 99, A18.
 Lectin, a protein used in Britain to increase potatoes'
 resistance to 

[CTRL] [Fwd: OPPT-Newsbreak Tuesday, 23 Feb 1999]

1999-02-23 Thread 1lls0081

Some may wonder why I have posted so many of these.  I have been keeping up OPPT
since they have decided to stay on line and their information has not been as
hard hitting as it once was.  This last one has some juicy morsels in it though.

aka The Pied Piper

OPPT NEWSBREAKTuesday, 23 February 1999

Today's "Toxic News for the Net"
  Brought to you by the OPPTS Chemical Library


"Planned Parenthood Gets Anthrax Threat." New York Times, 23
February 99, A14.
 An FBI spokeswoman says that 24 occupants of a Planned
 Parenthood clinic in Kansas City, Montana were quarantined
 with no injuries today after the clinic received a letter
 containing a powdery substance the sender claimed was
 anthrax.  The substance will be tested.  A similar threat
 was received by workers at a Planned Parenthood clinic in
 Newark, Delaware today.  Last week, at least 14 letters of
 this kind were received by abortion clinics and Planned
 Parenthood centers across the nation.  The letters were
 post-marked Lexington, Ky. Tests revealed all to be hoaxes.

"PCB's in Hudson Striped Bass at Safe Levels, State Says." New
York Times, 23 February 99, A18.
 Safe-to-eat PCB levels in striped bass of the lower Hudson
 River have been found for the first time in twenty years by
 New York environmental scientists with the Environmental
 Conservation Department.  The lifting of a 23-year-old ban
 on commercial fishing may be considered by state officials.
 PCB's were legally released by General Electric factories
 until the 1977 banning.  Clean-up is expected to continue
 despite improving conditions.

"Biotechnology Treaty Stalls as U.S. and Developing Nations
Quarrel." New York Times, 23 February 99, A9.
 Talks between the U.S. and developing countries regarding
 the drafting of the Biosafety Protocol, a global
 biotechnology safety treaty that would regulate the shipment
 of genetically altered organisms between countries, are at a
 standstill over disagreements, one of which concerns whether
 exporters should receive permission from importing nations
 for shipments of agricultural commodities like genetically
 altered soy beans or wheat.  The U.S. argues that such food
 commodities need not be covered because they won't upset the
 importing country's ecological balance by introducing new
 genes to present species, the prevention of which is the
 objective of the treaty.  Developing countries argue that
 these commodities contain seeds that could escape into the
 environment.  Pharmaceuticals, organisms used in scientific
 research and products made from genetically altered
 organisms are exempted from the draft as well, raising
 criticism from developing countries.  Negotiations will end

"Smugglers' Sea Marker May Imperil Whales [Regional Briefing:
The Americas]."  Washington Times, 23 February 99, A12.
 The environmental Group of 100 has asked the Mexican
 government to investigate whether a cyanide-based chemical
 known as Natural Killer-19 which is used to make fluorescent
 marks in the water to mark drug shipment points for drug
 smuggler ships and planes, is responsible for the deaths of
 seven gray whales along the coasts of Sinaloa, Sonora, and
 Baja California Sur states.

"Refuse, Lack of Jobs Sully Cape Breton.  Economic Hopes Focus on
Cleanup."  Washington Times, 23 February 99, A12.
 A profile of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, which federal,
 provincial, and local officials have declared as "Canada's
 worst hazardous waste site."  Little attention was paid to
 the contamination from the island's steel and coal
 industries until the 1980s, when toxins were found in local
 lobsters.  Joint Action Group, the cleanup committee,
 includes government officials and community volunteers who
 are studying cleanup options.  The cleanup is expected to
 cost hundreds of millions of dollars and take many years to
 complete.  Sidebars:  maps and photos.

"Pediatric-Drug Rules Attacked in Lawsuit." Wall Street Journal,
23 February 99, B5.
 The government is being sued by two generic-drug industry
 groups, the National Pharmaceutical Alliance and the Generic
 Pharmaceutical Industry Association, who argue that the FDA
 is making much too broad an interpretation of the 1997 Food
 and Drug Administration Modernization Act which gives
 companies the right to keep generic versions of their
 product off the market for an extra six months if they
 themselves are studying the drug's effect in children.
 Generic-drug groups are finding that major pharmaceutical
 firms are extending their market exclusivity to whole lines
 of products rather than just on 

[CTRL] ABC News - Explosion

1999-02-21 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

This is not me - I am forwarded something from another list.
aka The Pied Piper

I live about 20-25 miles from where the explosion was. My husband was
and I was out. I came home only a few minutes after it happened to find
on the front porch with the dog. I thought he locked himself out. He
was outside trying to see what hit the house! He said he was sure
had to have hit the house because the house shook and the shockwave went

right through him. We went inside and a short while later we heard about
on the news. I did not notice any smells in the air today, so I am
there was no large chemical release to the surrounding area.

I looked up the chemicals that were mentioned in the article, and both
are hazardous. So why did TPTB say they were *harmless*? Shsh!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] California senators push for ban of MTBE

1999-02-21 Thread 1lls0081


 California senators push for ban of MTBE












  FEBRUARY 191999 


 California senators push for ban of MTBE   Gas additive forced closure of water supply systems   
 By Stephan Archer   1999 WorldNetDaily.com SACRAMENTO, Calif -- State senators plan to protest the use of MTBE
and to persuade Gov. Gray Davis to ban the gasoline additive that has
caused the closure of dozens of drinking water supply systems throughout
the state.

Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) was first introduced into
Californians' gas tanks in the early and mid-1990s in an effort to lower
car emissions and reduce air pollution. But since its introduction in
the state, more than 10,000 wells, lakes and reservoirs have been
polluted with the substance.

Sen. Tim Leslie, R-Tahoe City, along with his colleagues, Sen. Dick
Mountjoy, R-Arcadia, Sen. Don Perata, D-East Bay, and others will be
meeting on the south steps of the state Capitol next Tuesday to rally
for an immediate ban of MTBE. All three senators are currently carrying
legislation to make MTBE use unlawful in California.

Leslie's legislation, Senate Bill 272, says, in part, it would "make
it a misdemeanor for any person to sell gasoline containing MTBE." It
also makes the following statements about MTBE:

 MTBE is highly soluble in water and will transfer readily to
 MTBE is capable of contaminating water resources faster than any
other gasoline component and has been detected in California's drinking
water wells, groundwater, and surface water.
 It is clear that California is placing its limited water resources
at risk by using MTBE in gasoline.
 MTBE is an animal carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer in
 MTBE jeopardizes the safety and availability of California's water
supply and is clearly a public health threat.
 The cost of treating MTBE-contaminated drinking water sources in
California could have a severe impact on state funds.

Leslie's bill also states that studies have shown that no significant
air quality benefit has been found in the use of MTBE.

"A recent University of California study concluded that MTBE provides
no significant benefit to air quality yet has the potential to cause
great harm to our state's water supply," said Leslie. "Common sense
dictates that we take immediate and necessary measures to protect the
quality of our state's drinking water and the health of Californians.
MTBE must go."

The study being referred to is one the University of California was
directed to conduct after former California Gov. Pete Wilson signed into
law Mountjoy's Senate Bill 521 Oct. 8, 1997. This bill enacted the MTBE
Public Health and Environmental Protection Act of 1997.

Leslie said that next week's rally will also coincide with a public
hearing at the Sacramento Convention Center where the California
Environmental Protection Agency will hear testimony pertaining to MTBE.
The state's governor must decide whether or not to prohibit MTBE use in
California within 10 days of the public hearing. Currently, the governor
has no official position on the issue.

It is Leslie's hope that the rally and the public hearing will
encourage the governor to ban, or phase out, MTBE. If he doesn't, Leslie
and others plan to move forward with their bills to ban the substance.

"Kick MTBE out of California, and do it now!" exclaimed Leslie.

Besides California, other states -- including Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire and New York -- have proposed legislation that would ban
MTBE.  In Alaska and part of Montana, MTBE has already been banned due
to motorists' complaints of health problems including sore throats,
nausea and trouble with breathing. North Carolina also banned MTBE, but
the state's action was due to the additive's classification as a
probable carcinogen in people.

Besides being detected in the California water supply, MTBE has also
been found in 137 water supplies across New Hampshire, dozens of wells
in Connecticut and various other water supplies across the U.S. In
Texas, for example, some state and local officials are concerned that
MTBE pollution in their state's water supply may force them to shut down
some of the water wells in their state.


High cost of controversial gas additive

Why California mandated poison in your tank





   1999 Western Journalism Center   This page was last built 2/19/99; 12:45:30 PM Site scripted with UserLand Frontier  Direct 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Frankenfoods: BBC sez: Clinton pressured British head of state]

1999-02-21 Thread 1lls0081

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

Frankenfoods: BBC sez: Clinton pressured British head of state=20

The BBC is a curious organization. It has never been privatized. Since
its creation in the 1920's it has been a corporation funded by
listener license fees;  but in spite of its governmental links, it has
always claimed its editorial policies to be independent of the
govenment. [I think there was a time when Mrs. Thatcher acted to put
the BBC in its place, but it still astounds me when I see/hear the
difference in content between the BBC and the U$  National Public
Radio  in its news offerings.]

Anyway, today, in so many words the BBC accuses the Brirtish. Prime
Minister of taking a position favouring genetically manipulated food
simply because he was personally persuaded to do so by Pres. Clinton.

Apart from reading what's posted below, take a look at=20

BBC News | Food under the microscope |
Special report: Food under the microscope


This covers several topics - it looks as though it will remain
available for some time


BBC (London)Wednesday, February 17, 1999=20

GM foods: What's the hurry ?

By Environment Correspondent Alex Kirby

Science is generally a better guide than superstition, and the message
from many - though not all - scientists in the debate over genetically
modified food is that they could be an enormous benefit to humanity.

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, for
instance, "rejects the arguments of those calling for a blanket

And while English Nature, the government's wildlife adviser, wants a
moratorium for at least three years on certain sorts of GM crops, it
also rejects any suggestion of a blanket ban.

What does unite many scientists is a belief that there should be more
research, and that that will take time.


So why does the government insist on pushing ahead with GM foods
without conceding that a pause of a few years could help everyone?

The government is not in fact united. Environment Minister Michael
Meacher is noticeably more cautious than some of his colleagues.

One of the most combative is the Cabinet Office Minister, Dr Jack
Cunningham. But he is involved in a dialogue with organic groups like
the Soil Association.

He has not so far changed his mind. But it would probably make little
difference if he did.

The driving force for pushing ahead with GM technology straight away
is the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

Last year Mr Blair is reported to have had a telephone conversation
with President Clinton about GMOs.

[But an official source] "absolutely and categorically denies that
Bill Clinton has ever raised the subject of GMOs with Tony Blair".

But two  [other]sources have told BBC News Online that they believe
such a conversation did take place and that it led to the prime
minister changing his mind on GMOs.

He is now resolute in arguing that there is no need for a moratorium,
or for any other policy change.

And the government welcomes Monsanto and the other biotechnology


But there may be another reason for it refusing to change its line.

It is estimated that 60% of products on supermarket shelves already
contain GM crop products.

They may well be as safe as their supporters say they are, although
the BSE scandal should have taught politicians that "absolutely safe"
is a phrase they should never, ever use.

But if the government now conceded that a moratorium was necessary, it
would in effect be admitting that its confidence had been dented.

Politicians say the science supports them. To an extent, it does.

But the scientists are not unanimous. That is no way to restore public

And a question mark remains over the government's independence of
pressure from Washington.

   *  The Activist  *
 This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
 It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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Re: [CTRL] Reptiles, Aryans and Horror

1999-02-21 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Reptiles could do with a pineal gland - because they want its mystical
but it looks like they have been unable to integrate this organ into their
being - as it gives access to dimensions of incredible energy and spiritual
purity that would be a bit off-putting to a species hell bent on slaughter.
The Reptiles are trying to bring through the 'Old Ones' in fact as
by HP Lovecraft in 'the Dunwich Horror'.

So which one is Clinton suppose to be Pure with a "pineal gland" That does not
seem to work right since it seems that someone else has to keep bailing him out of
trouble after he has raped another female, or an idiot salvant hell bent on
aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Piper - For any network administrator

1999-02-20 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

I have a class assignment, where I am suppose to interview a Network
Administrator.  Would anyone with the qualifications care to volunteer,
aka The Pied Piper
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Please e-mail me, I have about 20

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Calling all hippies

1999-02-19 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Joseph Farah  is editor of  WorldNetDaily.com  and  executive director of
 the Western  Journalism Center,  an independent  group of  investigative

 Calling all hippies

Evidently, it's time to make war, not love. We've got a president who likes
to do both -- simultaneously. And, thus, the old allegiances, the old
slogans, the old incantations just don't work anymore.

When a saying like make love not war is used as a defination of what Clinton did -
it answers the question about why there may not be any hippies showing up.  (more

June wrote
'Hippies' were self-centered, only interested in what made them
individually 'feel good', and whose political and social awareness only
extended to what was personally comfortable, and no further...they would
rather sit around and 'think good thoughts' than put any effort into
making any substantial change in the world, especially if such change
meant THEY would have to make any sacrifices...

Hippies evolved into yuppies...


In Reply:
Self Centered am I - and as to where the hippies are 
They see the fact that black helicopters are a symptom - so they are out after the
desease!  They and others are getting tired of putting band-aids on the oweies -
and having the same cancer surface again and again.
aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Lincoln Assassination Is Pivotal Event (fwd)

1999-02-19 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Lincoln unpegged us from the Constitution and was killed before he could put it
back in force.

I think Kennedy was killed strictly to put Nixon in office.
Nixon unpegged us from the gold standard.

Clinton is unpegging us from the moral standard.

reaccuring theme -
Backers of the World Bank.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: F-GE: Guardian [London} writes about Monsanto political

1999-02-19 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: B-GE: Guardian (London) writes about Monsanto political clout

Biotech food giant wields power in Washington

John Vidal on the politics of the GM food industry

Guardian (London)Thursday February 18, 1999

While European scientists, politicians, and pressure groups furiously
debate the merits of GM foods, there is barely any discussion in the
the home of the $50-billion-a-year bio-technelogy industry.

The US government, which actively promotes the industry worldwide and
accepts millions of dollars a year from Monsanto and other companies,
maintains there is no health or environmental risk.

But the foods have been introduced with very few people being aware of
them, and Monsanto, the leading food revolution company, is widely
regarded as one of the world's most innovative, successful and

It employs 25,000 people, including 1,900 scientists, gives freely to
charities and foundations, and pays for science theme parks.

It is a hero on Wall Street where in the four years since its visionary

chief executive, Bob Shapiro, took over and started launchung its GM
products on the world market, it has seen its share price soar and its
market capitalisation grow to more than $26 billion.

The science-friendly corporate image of environmental responsibility
been built on its very close links to political parties, say Monsanto
critics. The company is one of three big funders of Clinton's
Welfare-to-Work programme, and there is a constant exchange of staff
between the government, the company and the regulatory bodies.

Its access to power isbarely questioned. Scientists are widely trusted
what is good for corporations is seen as good for everyone. A Monsanto
board member chaired Clinton's presidential campaign.

Another senior executive mapped US pesticide policy, and a third was a
Clinton aide. The company also donates heavily to both main political
parties and pays lobbyists to represent its interests at every point.

Like other corporations it quite legally gives money to congressmen who

sit on food safety and regulatory committees.

Betty Martini, of the consumer group, Mission Possible, which watches
Monsanto's activities in the US, said: 'The Food and Drug
which regulates the US food industry, is so closely linked to the
industry now that it could be desribed as their Washington branch

Monsanto executives agree that they work closely with the government
say that the regulatory system is based on sound science. 'It's tough
get anything through', says a company spokesman.

The company, with other biotech firms, paved the way for public
of GM technology up to 10 years ago by preparing 'educational'
for schools and investing heavily in science museums.

Meanwhile it and other companies were lobbying global organisations to
prohibit the worldwide labelling of GM foods. US embassies around the
world are known to lobby for the industry in most countries

But the first stirrings of revolt are now being heard. US activists are

targeting company chiefs, and the powerful Union of Concerned
is calling for more caution.

The health and environmental risks are under-appreciaed, says Dr Marion

Mellon of the UCS. 'Billions of dollars have been devoted to developing

the technology but few resources have been put into understanding its

Meanwhile unexpected environmental results in the US are worrying
and the rapidly growing healthfood and organic farming industry. This
month, 89,000 packets of organic tortilla chips had to be destroyed
being found to contain GM organisms. It is believed that they were
'contaminated' by a nearby field of GM maize.

The US requires that no GM foods be labelled, and allows biotech
to largely police themselves. After heavy lobbying, the biotech
has persuaded 14 states to pass laws to prevent the 'spreading of false

and damaging information about food'.

The heavily subsidised US food industry is thought to be worth more
$300 billion a year and its acceptance of the GM revolution is almost
complete. Fifty million acres of land was grown with GM crops, last
in the US, much of it soyabean and maize.

Acreage is expected to double within two years and grow exponentially
at least five years.

** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
in receiving the included information for research and educational
purposes. **


For instructions on joining, leaving, or otherwise using the Ban-GEF
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Genetically Modified Soybeans, Cottonseed Recommended as Safe in Australia

1999-02-18 Thread 1lls0081
 -Caveat Lector-

To anyone that has added to these - they are being forwarded as fast
as you post them!

This is from the forwarded article:

""ANZFA has found, following rigorous examination of test data, that
Ready soybeans and Ingard Cottonseed have no public health and safety
concerns," ANZFA said in a statement."

Now I "believe I" know why I am seeing so much cottonseed oil
used in things. I did not start looking until they started using
Canola oil, though.

Soybean oil often has solvents still in it from the manufacturing
process, cottonseed is not a good oil, and Canola from rapeseed will keep
your cholesterol down while it strips the myelin sheath off of your nerves.

Canola # http://www.1999.com/canola/ #
Canola Healthy?

Oils Vegetable and Animal
# http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/passwater/enig01.htm #
oils-maryenig "Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed
Foods and Trans. Fats:
 Enig, Ph.D."

 # http://www.execpc.com/~keephope/report14.html #
coconut oil and aids

>"Enig also stated: “The problems for coconut oil started four decades
ago when researchers
fed animals hydrogenated coconut oil that was purposely altered to
make it completely
devoid of any essential fatty acids...The animals fed the hydrogenated
coconut oil (as the
only fat source) naturally became essential fatty acid deficient; their
serum cholesterol
increased. Diets that cause an essential fatty acid deficiency always
produce an increase in
serum cholesterol levels as well as in increase in the atherosclerotic
indices. The same
effect has also been seen when other ...highly hydrogenated oils such
as cottonseed,
soybean or corn oils have been fed; so it is clearly a function of
the hydrogenated products,
either because the oil is essential fatty acid (EFA) deficient or because
of trans fatty

What about studies where animals were fed unprocessed coconut oil? Enig
wrote: “Hostmark et
al (1980) compared the effects of diets containing 10% coconut oil
and 10% sunflower oil
on lipoprotein distribution in male Wistar rats. Coconut oil feeding
produced significantly
lower levels (p=0.05) of pre-beta lipoproteins (VLDL) and significantly
higher (p=0.01)
alpha-lipoproteins (HDL) relative to sunflower feeding.” (Editor’s
note: HDLs are
considered the good cholesterol as they prevent deposits of LDL cholesterol
on artery walls.)
She also cited a study by Awad (1981) on Wistar rats fed a diet of
either 14% (natural) coconut
oil or 14% safflower oil. She stated:“Total tissue cholesterol accumulation
for animals on the
safflower diet was six times greater than for animals fed the [unhydrogenated]
oil..A conclusion that can be drawn from some of the animal research
is that feeding
hydrogenated coconut oil devoid of essential fatty acids(EFA)...potentiates
the formation
of atherosclerosis markers. It is of note that animals fed regular
coconut oil have less
cholesterol deposited in their livers and other parts of their bodies.”
Enig also referred to
epidemiological studies done by Kaunitz and Dayrit (1992) on coconut
eating societies who
found that “available population studies show that dietary coconut
oil does not lead to high
serum cholesterol nor to high coronary heart disease..” It is noteworthy
that hydrogenated
coconut oil was not consumed by these coconut eating societies; they
only consumed natural
coconut oil."

> It should come as no surprise, that PG funded this study
that found
> Olestra containing products are completely safe. Shsh!
> http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9902/15/olestra.test/index.html

 Has anyone thought - If Olestra keeps you from being able
to utilize
those vitamins,
what use is there to adding them to the chips?
aka The Pied Piper

Kris Millegan wrote:

Subject: Genetically Modified Soybeans, Cottonseed Recommended as Safe
Date: 17 Feb 99 16:12:37 EST
From: Robert Tatman [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kris--I've hit my limit, but found one more article that the list will
interested in...

Genetically Modified Soybeans, Cottonseed Recommended as Safe in Australia


CANBERRA (Feb. 17) XINHUA - Genetically modified soybeans and cottonseed
been recommended as safe for use in Australian foods in the first assessment
of its kind by the country's food standards body.

Food containing Roundup Ready soybeans or Ingard Cottonseed will not
need to
be labeled initially, because these products have been assessed as
"substantially equivalent" to unmodified soybeans and cottonseed, the
Australian New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) said Wednesday.

But foods containing these modified products will have to be labeled
when a
more stringent labeling standard, still being developed, comes into

"ANZFA has found, following rigorous examination of test data, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Rachel #638: Against the Grain, Part 2

1999-02-18 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

===Electronic Edition
---February 18, 1999---.
  ==   .
   Environmental Research Foundation   .
  P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD  21403  .
  Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   .
  ==   .
All back issues are available by E-mail: send E-mail to.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word HELP in the message.   .
  Back issues are also available from http://www.rachel.org.   .
  To start your own free subscription, send E-mail to  .
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words   .


The corporations that are introducing genetically modified crops
into the global ecosystem want you to think of genetic
engineering as a well-understood science similar to laparascopic
surgery. Indeed, the phrase "genetic engineering" gives the
impression that moving genes from one organism to another is as
straightforward as designing a rocket or a TV set. This is not
the case.

Basically, a plant's genome (all of its genes, taken together)
is a black box. Genetic engineering takes a gene from one black
box and forces it into a second black box (the recipient plant),
hoping that the new gene will "take." Most of the time, the
experiment fails.[1] Once in a few thousand tries, the foreign
gene embeds itself in the recipient plant's genome and the
newly-modified plant gains the desired trait. But that is all
the technicians know. They have no idea where in the receiving
plant's genome the new gene has found a home. This fundamental
ignorance, combined with the speed and scale at which modified
organisms are being released into the global ecosystem, raises a
host of questions of safety for the future of agriculture, for
the environment, and for human health.

** To begin with, genes don't necessarily control a single
trait. A gene may control several different traits in a plant.
Without careful study, plants with undesirable characteristics
may be released into the global ecosystem. And biotechnology is
not like a chemical spill that can be mopped up -- once you
release a new gene sequence into nature, your grandchildren are
going to be living with it because there's no taking it back.

** How a gene affects a plant depends upon the environment. The
same gene can have different effects, depending on the
environment in which the new plant is growing.[2] What appears
predictable and safe after a few years of observation of a small
test plot may turn out to have quite different consequences when
introduced into millions of acres of croplands in the U.S. and
elsewhere, where conditions vary widely.

** Does the new gene destabilize the entire plant genome in some
unforeseen way, leading one day to problems in that crop? Only
time will tell.

** Genes can travel to nearby, related plants on their own. This
is called gene flow. In 1996 gene flow was discovered to be much
more common that previously thought.[3]

According to SCIENCE magazine, many ecologists say it is only a
matter of time before an engineered gene makes the leap to a
weedy species, this creating a new weed or invigorating an old
one. "It will probably happen in far less than 1% of the
products," warns ecological geneticist Norm Ellstrand of the
University of California at Riverside, "but within 10 years we
will have a moderate-to-large scale ecological or economic
catastrophe, because there will be so many [genetically
modified] products being released,"[3] Ellstrand predicts. It is
worth noting that U.S. farmers already spend $4.3 billion
purchasing 628 million pounds of herbicides (active ingredients
only) to control weeds.[4,pg.32]

The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA)
recommended that all genetically modified plants should be
considered non-indigenous exotic species, with the power to
disrupt ecosystems.[4,pg.29] Non-indigenous, introduced species
have provided great benefits to humanity (most of U.S.
agriculture relies on introduced species), but we also should
learn from kudzu, purple loosestrife, the gypsy moth, the fire
ant, and the boll weevil that exotic species can be extremely
disruptive and very expensive to control (if indeed they can be
controlled at all).

** A public health disaster was narrowly averted in 1996 when a
group of researchers tried to improve soybeans by giving them a
gene from the Brazil nut.[5] The 

[CTRL] Urgent! For all the list.

1999-02-18 Thread 1lls0081
 -Caveat Lector-

The person that posted this is reliable, so please take a look.
aka The Pied Piper

I have just noticed an email on this list with an attachment called
HAPPY99.EXE. Although it is non-destructive (displays fireworks when
run), once it has been run it replicates and spreads by grabbing emails
as you send them, making copies and replacing the contents with itself.
Full details including how to remove it should you have already run
can be found at


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Biological Testing on Civilians

1999-02-18 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Has some one been able to substantiate this, or did I miss the post that
showed how to find this law?

aka The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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