[CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God, Part I of II

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

This two-part compendium on HAARP is posted as a research document on
electronic warfare and mind control, for the record.  You may agree with
parts of it, and diagree with others but at least it is on public record for
those who are concerned about the risk assessment of HAARP, on the ionophere,
on dimensionality, on population mind control and other impacts. Alfred Webre
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Armageddon or New Age?)


 Kent Steadman's graphics

 Upon further examination it might be possible that
 the proportions in the patterns emanating from HAARP in fact
 exhibit the Golden Ratio.

 looks like the HAARPsters have discovered the hidden sine wave
 in the Fibonacci series--those sly devils.

 When they juice up HAARP on the 23rd, we might all just see the
 everywhere-shape--expect a brilliant white light that penetrates

 (please note: the above date is in legitimate question)**

 I think HAARPster-hamster agenda is to throw up a shield around
 the planet.  Why?  I wonder (who-what) is in approach to earth?

 You will be able to see through closed eyes.

 HAARP would summon-fabricate God--now that could backfire in their


 I have mapped out this HAARP-Golden ratio thing in the
 enclosed attachment; furthermore, I have interpreted with a
 gif construction animation under the heading, "Fabricating God" at:

 Those of you who are discussing the BLUE STAR concept, consider
 that a five-pointed star is also a representation of the Golden
 Mean as is the dodecahedron, which some think is the basic
 crystaline endoskeleton of the earth and the basis for the
 earth grid concept. Might be a good research to identify
 the exact position of the HAARP array (and other sister
 installations)relative to the earth grid.
 SEE: Wondrous Geometry on Mars at:

 We are in for a wild ride!


 I enhanced to bring out the bands of energy on HAARP cam image:
 This picture was taken: 3/10/97; 3:16:52 PM Alaska Time.
 3/11/97; 12:16:52 AM UTC
 Image attached as well as posted at:

  Nice try, but you've just demonstrated "banding" (an image artifact caused
  by reducing the number of colors available to display an image). In
  addition, radio waves do not image onto photographs.

 I intentionally reduced the colors in order to give shape to the
 radiant-signature that I perceived to be there.

 According to legend and paltry few notes Tesla discovered a radiant
 energy quite separate from normal EM frequencies.  This phenomenon,
 perhaps beyond E=M, seemed to pass through, or exist beyond,
 molecular(ly)-identified structures that would normally provide
 shielding from electromagnetic fields.

 Under certain conditions the aether can be seen with the naked eye. I
 thought I saw this familiar blue etheric glow in the HAARP cam image.
 Again, I made an intentional effort to reduce the colors to in order
 augment the emanating crescent SHAPE of "radiant", not radio,
 phenomenon. Shape as expressed through geometry is a better vehicle for
 identifying radiant effect--as opposed to wave or photon theory which
 speaks for the (lesser or stepped-down toward 3D) electromagnetic

 A study of dynamic symmetry, for instance the golden ratio, would help
 to understand radiant FORM.  Please think SHAPE as opposed to frequency.
 Radiant phenomenon is neither matter nor energy--there seems to be
 something else--in times yore identified as aether.  The correct
 approach in understanding the aether would be toward the gestalt
 geometry of the universe.

 HAARP is a Tesla device, not Marconi--the clue.  When they power up
 HAARP, depending on how the device is tuned, we will see that

 Kent Steadman

 ** question of date
 At 10:47 AM 3/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
   Speaking of the HAARP turn on for the 23rd..Does this have anything
 do with Hale-Bopp approaching the earth at it's closest point around

 No. There is NO known HAARP Pturn-on planned for the 23rd. Yet more
 unsourced misinformation on this list. According to the U.S. Navy in an
 answer to my query:

 "We are conducting a science research effort currently. This test period
 will be completed at the end of this week. The next set of tests has not
 been scheduled as of now."  (I've asked for a clarification on this and
 Kent is checking some of his sources for the unofficial story.)

 A lot of people (including me) are monitoring shortwave signals from HAARP,
 so there's no way for them to transmit without our knowing it. By the way,
 in case you're interested, 

[CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God - Part II of II

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Part II of II
 Date sent:Tue, 01 Jul 1997 22:48:16 -0700
 From: "A.J. Craddock" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  HAARP - More Disturbing News

 HAARP has always had a bad smell to it, and this erudite and credible
 post raises the ugly specter of us paying for one Government Program to
 destroy another.

 One wonders what HAARP's true purpose really is?

 Tony Craddock
 Web Administrator

 To:  Jeane Manning

 I have read two of your books, "The Coming Energy Revolution," and
 "Angels Don't Play this Haarp."  Thank you for the excellent
 expositional works.  They have meant alot to me.  I found out about you
 through an old friend, Walt Rosenthal.  He encouraged me to share my
 ideas with you, so here goes the first one.

 In thinking about the HAARP project, I started thinking about what it
 means to spacecraft within that region of the ionosphere, and I mean
 normal everyday spacecraft such as the space shuttle and satellites.  It
 means very bad things.  Even if they limit themselves to increasing the
 charge particle density to only double or triple, ionospheric heating
 still means more energetic particles on average, and this will have
 catastrophic effects on certain spacecraft materials.  I have just
 completed a three year study of ionospheric interactions with the new
 International Space Station, and even though the problem is still very
 fresh in my mind, it took awhile for me to grasp what an ionospheric
 heater is really doing, then it took me even longer to analyze these
 effects and apply understand the ramifications on my recent work.

 If I understand you correctly, we could start out by saying that the
 ionosphere is comprised primarily of Atomic Oxygen.  In its natural
 state (before the invention of electricity) a fraction of this oxygen
 (and the other constituent gases) was constantly being ionized by solar
 and other radiations.  The ionized atoms would then re-combine with an
 electron (usually within milliseconds) to lose their charge.  Thus an
 equilibrium condition was reached, where depending on the level of solar
 activity, the portion of the atmospheric gases in that region settled in
 the ballpark of 0.01 - 0.1% ionized gas at any one time.  This condition
 began to change however, with the advent of hi-power transmission
 equipment and power lines.  The new technology affected both the
 ionization and re-combination processes, and resulted in localized
 effects to the ionosphere.

 Now enter spacecraft into the picture.  NASA has been fighting a war for
 a decade on the effects that Atomic Oxygen has on polymer spacecraft
 materials.  Essentially what's happening is that Atomic Oxygen is
 ramming into the weak organic chemical bonds at orbital + thermal
 velocities, and eroding away the material slowly.  This is essentially
 the same thing that will happen with the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere as well, but only if the particular spacecraft structure is
 electrically neutral.  As a detail point, the ionized atoms tend to be
 at the higher end of the gasses' energy distribution, because once they
 become ionized they become accelerated by electric forces.  Conversely,
 atoms which are ionized by deliberate application of EM fields get
 accelerated by that same EM field, hence the effect of raising
 temperature.  The ionospheric heater fits in here I now realize.  And it
 is insanity.

 Consider the effects on the new thin-film Space Station Solar Arrays.
 They do not have the property of being electrically neutral in the
 ionosphere by any means.  1,000 to 20,000 times a second, the entire EM
 field surrounding them is collapsed by the voltage regulating SSU
 (non-shunt) circuit controller, and herein lies the problem.  The copper
 circuitry is covered by 2 - 10 mil thick polymers like Kapton.  When we
 analyzed the naturally occuring effects that the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere has on the arrays in 1994, we found the following interesting
 fact.  The AC electric field present in the array circuitry switches 140
 volts at 1 khz, and couples like a capacitor to the ions through the
 Kapton dielectric.  The ions then slam the charged particles into the
 array polymers with a velocity fifty times greater than the
 orbital/thermal velocities of the non-charged gasses.  That's like 2,000
 times the energy in the collision.  The result is that these atoms now
 have enough energy to damage copper and steel.  The process is well
 known as ion sputtering.

 When we completed our analysis, the result was within an order of
 magnitude of saying that the arrays would not survive the requisite
 fifteen years.  We argued and argued and eventually NASA took
 responsibility of the problem from us.  AKA it disappeared.

 We based our analysis on the 1986 model of the ionosphere which takes no
 man-made ionospheric effects into account.  If 


2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Kent Steadman and elfrad group:


 It has come to our attention,  the HAARP project in Gakona, Alaska is
perhaps being used for much more than is publicized. Below is a letter Elfrad
received from Mr. Marshall Smith of the Teddy Speaks Foundation.  We welcome
your comments and opinions concerning this controversial subject.

SEE LETTER AT: http://elfrad.org/2000/haarp.htm

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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-24 19:31:15 EDT, you write:

 Subj: RE: [MC]  [illusions] NEW HAARP INFORMATION
 Date:  00-06-24 19:31:15 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wes Thomas)

 Marshall tells me the .9 Hz signal is significant
 because it affects the limbic system (fight/flight/
 food/reproduction). Does anyone have data on

This seems to be an extremely important finding, if true, as it would
seem to establish a framework for confirming what those analysist have
been saying about HAARP's possible effects on mind control, human behaviour,
human thinking.  Is that the case? Alfred Webre

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Political assassination of american Peter McWilliams

2000-06-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

From restore-L:

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 09:16:43 -0400
"Multiple recipients of, Friends" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Political Assassination of american Peter McWilliams

I have just sent this letter off to my representatives in the u.s.


Pat Toomey
Member of Congress
2020 Hamilton St.
June 22, 2000

RE: Political assassination of american Peter McWilliams

Dear Congressman Toomey;

I am completely disgusted with the prohibition drug policy of the
states of america. I will not and I morally cannot support or condone
this anti democratic civil war.

The direct and intentional political assassination by the federal
government of medical cannabis activist Peter McWilliams through
manipulated use of our federal judiciary is a horrific turn of events.

In case you are ill-informed and don't know who McWilliams was I
direct you to the National Review online of June 20, 2000 which this
week published an obituary about the man titled "A murder in
California". It was more than murder. This was an intentional
assassination by u.s. federal authorities to silence an american
political activist inside of america.

McWilliams was a medical cannabis political activists and a well
best selling author. He was diagnosed with AIDS and cancer. Last
week he
died while awaiting federal sentencing for growing medicinal
that was completely legal in his state of California. And for which he
had a doctors prescription. McWilliams smoked cannabis to
maintain his
appetite and thus his strength while undergoing chemotherapy.
And it
helped him to control nausea in order to keep from puking up the
medicines he was taking to stay alive.

When the Drug Enforcement Agency arrested him to stop him from
they took his computers. He was not silenced.

They charged him with cultivation of medicine that was legal in his
state. He didn't stop speaking.

Their federal judge refused to allow McWilliams to cite the legal and
democratic will of the people, California proposition 215 as his
defense. They disallowed his greater good defense for medicinal
use. Federal Judge George H. King and the u.s. prosecutors forced
into a plea agreement that stipulated that he take daily drug tests to
assure that he did not use cannabis. He was forbidden even the
use of
legal marinal. Last week, while awaiting federal sentencing for
growing medical cannabis, he choked to death on his own vomit,
too weak
to save himself. Judge King, who is not a medical doctor, had
him to not use the substance that even the Institute of Medicine of
National Academy of Science has said has these life saving

The federal government could not strip this man of the First
any other way. To silence McWilliams and to terrorize into silence
medical cannabis activists the federal government of the united
of america assassinated Peter McWilliams.

Peter McWilliams was willfully assassinated to deprive america of
First Amendment right to hear what he had to say.

I have lost all trust, faith and confidence in the government of the
united states of america. I will adamantly oppose any candidate for
federal or state office who supports america's intolerant drug
prohibition. this massive social engineering program is a complete
waste. It is destroying constitutional government in the united
It's proponents in the congress have even vetoed democracy in
Washington, D.C. to force this longest of civil wars on us.

One quarter trillion dollars since 1980 has been wasted on the
prohibition and now the enforcers of this policy are committing
assassination of americans in america to defend this policy.
did not work in 1930 and it is not working today. Not even God
enforce a prohibition against Adam and Eve yet this policy has
america the black eye of having the largest prison population in the
western world. With no end in sight.

This prohibition is not democratic. The 106st congress, (except
you and
some others I noticed), went so far as to veto and nullify
democracy in
our national capital, to uphold this intolerant policy.

I left the Democratic Party over the drug prohibition issue. Now, I
start registering american voters and I will campaign for Ralph Nader
who promises to end america's longest war, our second civil war,
drug prohibition.

Pat Rogers


P.S. As a tribute to Peter McWilliams and as an expression of
of this government and the prohibition drug policy I will not capitalize
the united states of america in any correspondence until this war is
ended and all simple drug convictions in america are pardoned and
expunged from the criminal records of america.

cc/Sen. Specter, Sen. Santorum, President Clinton, The Los

[CTRL] The smoking gun to life on Mars?

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Cosmic Comentary - http://members.tripod.com/~CosmicRose/CCC.html

 Posted By: Ski42
 Date: Wednesday, June 21 2000, at 1:48 p.m.

 While some waste time debating microbe presence in a meteorite,
 here's the real SMOKING GUN as to life on Mars. View it at
 "http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/images/M0400291.html" or click
 below. This anomaly was recently discovered in a batch of some
 27,500 new images Malin suddenly dumped on the Web as a result of
 a pressure campaign following recent NASA/JPL negative
 revelations. It is enigmatic in the extreme and of high
 strangeness. But, it is the official NASA/JPL Mars Global
 Surveyor (MGS) image posted by Malin who designed and operates
 the onboard camera systems as well as receives and processes the
 image data, so authenticity is unquestionable.

 At the above link, note that the anomaly is actually down inside
 the great crack in the lower left of the "MOC narrow-angle image
 M04-00291" strip. Click on the second box below the image strip
 titled "View full-size image, processed, in sinusoidal
 projection..." which will produce the full size image. Since it
 is full size and best quality, it will be slow to load, so
 be patient. Once loaded, scroll all the way down to the bottom
 and the anomalous structures will instantly standout. They are
 large and can't be missed.

 Note that there are actually multiple anomalous structures here.
 Most are very large but another there just visible is also
 smaller. Note that these structures are actually in excellent
 condition where other antiquity anomalies on Mars are heavily
 eroded allowing endless debate as to what they truely are,
 natural or constructs. Note their general uniformity and the
 uniform spacing of the bands or ridges. Note how one structure
 clearly attaches to another and note the shiny round terminating
 end at the junction point clearly defining it as a constructed
 hard object as opposed to a natural geological formation of some
 kind. Note how at least one or more bands/ridges span around both
 structures tying them together at the junction point clearly
 demonstrating construction technique.
 Note the apparent translucent composition of these structures and
 how entirely alien they clearly are to the geology and topography
 they are embeded in. There can be no question that these are
 constructs of some kind. But, made by what or who and for what

 Now, search around in the topography in the regions of the image
 strip above the main anomaly. Pay close attention to other minor
 crack areas. Look closely and you will see the tips of what
 appear to be several more of these same structure's tops just
 barely visible in the soil surface. Clearly, this broad area is
 networked with these things underground. Note that cracking is
 aligned with the structures just as the great crack is aligned
 with the more exposed main anomaly structures. In fact, this is
 so consistent that it appears that these structure's buried
 presence may have weakened the earth where they are located
 contributing to the cracking. By the way, this anomaly identifies
 and puts an end to the debate of what the anomaly labeled the
 "Combs" is that appeared in earlier released MGS
 images. The uniform lines in the "Combs" are no doubt the tops of
 the same bands/ridges of structures like those seen here just
 barely visible in the Martian top soil.

 This particular anomaly is the first most striking that comes
 from the new MGS data dump. There will no doubt be more to
 follow. Hoagland (Richard C.) appears to be the discoverer.
 Although he posted this find back on 6/7/2000 at his web site, it
 is tucked away sort of partially hidden among other less obvious
 finds and he's not bringing it to public attention
 in a very aggressive way at all considering the magnitude of this
 find's clear importance as to the question of life on Mars. It
 may be that he's just too busy with continuing research in this
 huge new data dump hoping to produce even more obvious

 The general public needs to see this NOW. This anomaly is
 striking and it may even be a bit shocking to some because of its
 obvious speculative implications. The good thing for the visual
 media is that the image is so clear and obviously anomalous and
 so alien to the geology surrounding it that no experts are needed
 to tell the average viewer whether it is
 something they should consider anomalous or not. It speaks for
 itself as no expert ever could and no Mars image before it ever
 could including the "Face." The average viewer is going to move
 quickly from an anomalous awareness to asking who or what made
 that thing? And, that is the whole point.

 Now Hoagland's comments at his web site at
 "http://www.enterprisemission.com/samp5.htm" where portions of
 this same image are posted, identify this area as an ancient
 seabed. If it is an ancient seabed and if these structures are as
 ancient as that old seabed despite their obvious 

[CTRL] [ENWL-eng] Deep Ecology: New Heaven New Earth Forum

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 by Sherry Stultz
 [nhneforumfcu] Review of EXOPOLITICS By Alfred Webre


 Why are we here? Why do we seem to be alone in a hostile
 universe? How can we prepare for contact with other life forms?

 Are the answers to these questions are held within the realm of
 science fiction? If you took the time to stop, feel the Earth spin,
 and begin to ponder the infinite universe outside of Earth, you may
 end up laying on your bed and gripping the sides breathlessly, like
 I have on those occasions where my human comprehension starts
 to fail me when I think about those things too much.

 The only thing is--- I really like to think about those questions, and
 so again and again I come back to this loneliness. Even as little
 girl, I instinctively knew that there was more life outside of what
 was on Earth. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder where
 the others are? No I wasn't sent to some strange New Age
 elementary school, this was after years of Vacation Bible School
 and Sunday School. I have never found that all things are unrelated
 and mutually exclusive, which is why many of the assertions made
 in EXOPOLITICS intrigued me.

 Author Alfred Webre makes the assertion that we are a part of
 highly organized universe, but due to our unfortunate propensity for
 violence we are in exile from other life forms. He weaves allegorical
 stories from the Bible to propose an idea that life here on Earth
 was planned (as per the creation theory), but something went awry
 in the process.

 We are not alone in hostile universe, but that we are alone in the
 hostile part of the universe is what Alfred contends. Not
 withstanding some rather extraordinary individuals, the bulk of the
 human species has operated under the 'eat or be eaten philosophy'
 for longer than any known periods of peacable habitation. It does
 make you wonder if we are the hostile part of the universe?

 But like many of us, Alfred can feel the paradigm shifting, and
 EXOPOLITICS encourages us to open our minds to the prospect of
 a universal society, as we slowly begin to reject a rather
 Darwinesque approach to life on Earth. Being a futurist, Alfred
 wants to plan ahead to a time in the distant future when the exile
 may be lifted. This is the crux of EXOPOLITICS.

 Whether you can accept the all the details behind this idea is
 where your mind will begin to whirl, and all for the best, since
 stimulating thoughts may be what brings us forward. I liked big
 picture though, because I do believe that when we conclude there
 is other life in the universe, it will be a defining moment for all of

 This dialogue between Sherry Stultz, moderator the of the NHNE
 Forum for a Common Understanding
 (www.nhne.com/database/dbforum.html) and Alfred Webre, author
 of EXOPOLITICS (Universebooks.com) ranges over some of the
 issues in a study of politics and government in a populated,
 organized Universe.

 NHNE Forum (Sherry Stultz):
 I guess I should mention I have had mixed training in life. I am a
 trained forest ecologist, also a certified science teacher, who
 taught astronomy for a few years, so exobiology is a great hobby of
 mine. My work as a freelance writer is varied, but the recent stuff
 would center on investigating unusual experiences and what is
 considered pseudo-science. But bigger than all of that I am an
 ardent student of human nature and history of human cultures. One
 of the greatest projects I have ever undertaken has been the Forum
 for a Common Understanding, which has been a mirror to myself
 and a great observatory of the human experience. I am explaining
 this briefly to you so you can appreciate the nature of my
 questions and also appreciate the fact that some assertions you
 make I find more than acceptable, but other people would find
 outrageous. It's all a facet of the human experience, and the
 perception we each have of our existence.

 I have not listed all the assertions that I find intriguing or acceptable,
 as a matter of brevity, but I think you should feel confident of one
 thing: your assertions, which incorporate a variety of ideologies, old
 and new, cannot be completely or wholly dismissed  because of
 the 'thinking potential' of this book. What I mean by that is that
 there are ideas that set bells ringing and the bells will be different
 for each person. This is my opinion of course, based on my on-
 going study of human beings.

 The questions I have listed are indeed quite genuine. I carefully
 noted my reactions to certain statements as I read and reread the
 text. I noted what I perceived as noncomplementary ideas or areas
 where I was called to accept something as law and the law had no
 origin. I like specifics. It's not necessary for them to follow any well-
 known socially or scientific dogmas. It's simply that the references

[CTRL] (Fwd) The Hickman Report: Exopolitics on June 24 @ 10 ET

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Author Alfred Webre  his new eBook "Exopolitics - Episode One"
 will be Jim Hickman's guest on the Hickman Report, heard at 10
 PM ET on Saturday June 24, on radio stations throughout North

 eBook: "Exopolitics: Episode One", a study of politics and
 in the Universe, can be found at Exopolitics.com.

 Thank you.

 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
 consciousness.mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

IWhat is this message talking about? Alfred
 ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert

 Subject:   ALERT!!! All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on
Orange Alert
Date:   Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:38:47 -0600
From:   spiker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 All units Republic of Texas Defense Forces placed on Orange Alert as of
 1345 hrs 22 June 2000. Numerous threats of violence/terrorism by
 "certain" elements of our society have led to this action. All units
 should take any necessary action to preserve hearth and home SHOULD the
 situation arise. Any and all terrorist actions should be reported to the
 Texas Department of Public Safety or the Texas Rangers immediately.
 Republic of Texas Defense Forces should take NO ACTION against terrorist
 activity unless said activity will result in the loss of lives. All
 Defense Forces will refrain from mobile activities for the time being.
 Further updates/orders will follow as needed.

 General Gene Ritter

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-23 01:12:11 EDT, you write:

 Catholics, in my opinion are not Christians, they follow the Virgin Mary I
 know I was brought up as one. She has just been voted in as Co Regent with
 God. So don't preach the hype, you are a product of your beliefs when young.
 I never believed Catholicism ever, no matter how many times it was rammed
 down my throat. It is possible to be an athiest even if you were
 indoctrinated year after year and this goes for other people.

Right on, Nicky.  This is a courageous and perceptive statement, and it is
The Catholic Church is a surface cult of the Virgin Mary and the Pope, and
a secret cult of Satanic forces, corporeal and incorporeal.  Pope Pius XII
was key to Hitler's rise, and key to maintaining world secrecy about the
Holocaust.  The Catholic Church is a key asset of the NWO.  We live on a
backwards planet - the Church of Christ is really the Church of the Devil,
and so on. Alfred

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[CTRL] Amnesty International: Florida Execution inhuman

2000-06-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

The Honourable Jeb Bush
The Capitol
FL 32399, USA  21 June 2000

Dear Governor

I am writing on behalf of the more than one million members of Amnesty
International worldwide to express the organization's profound concern
about events that have unfolded in Florida's lethal injection chamber
over the past 24 hours in relation to Thomas Harrison Provenzano.

Thomas Provenzano came within 11 minutes of execution on Tuesday
evening.  He was already strapped to the gurney with the lethal
injection needles inserted into his body, when the 11th US Circuit Court
of Appeals granted a stay of execution.   That stay has now been
dissolved and the state of Florida intends to repeat the same macabre
and cruel ritual again tonight.

Amnesty International in no way seeks to belittle the suffering that
Thomas Provenzano has caused his victims and their families.  However,
the organization condemns unreservedly the response of the state to this
man's crimes.  We believe that his treatment last night, regardless of
the 11th Circuit Court's motivation for its actions, was cruel, inhuman
and nothing short of a mock execution.

With respect, I ask you, how does what happened to Thomas Provenzano
last night not constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment, in violation of US obligations under the UN Convention Against
Torture, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and
other international instruments?

I remind you of Judge Bentley's obvious disquiet in having to rule,
under the "minimal" domestic standards that govern such cases, that
Thomas Provenzano was competent for execution, despite Provenzano's
belief that he is being killed because he is Jesus Christ.   Judge
Bentley said his ruling "should not be misinterpreted as a finding that
Thomas Provenzano is a normal human being without serious mental health
problems, because he most certainly is not."

We appeal to you to step back from what can only be interpreted as an
act of state-sanctioned vengeance against a man who has been diagnosed
with serious mental disorders since before his terrible crime.   We urge
you to rethink your decision to deny clemency to Thomas Provenzano, and
to offer the leadership required to stop this calculated, premeditated,

Yours sincerely

Javier Zúñiga
Program Director - America.

(source:  Amnesty International//London)

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2000-06-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-21 20:58:51 EDT, you write:

 to save the life of
 Shaka Sankofa / Gary Graham

 "Get on the Bus"
 at SHAPE Community center
 3903 Almeda (near Alabama St.)
 Gather: 8:00 a.m.
 Depart:  around 9:00
 Return:  when a stay or commutation is announced,
or after execution is carried out

 People with cars that will make the trip are also asked to bring them in
 case bus/vans fill up

 Urgent need:  medical people to assist with any heat-
  related problems (or any others that may
 First aid supplies

 Bring:  plenty of   WATER (2 gallons/person) against heat
  index expectations of 105 - 110 deg. far. Drink at
frequent intervals.  Do NOT wait until you are

food that won't spoil in the heat (Huntsville may
be closed down tight, so don't count on buying
 anything there)

packages of paper cups

sacks of fruit to share

 Volunteers (especially with demonstration experience)
 report to cool down station* for assignments at demo's

 *Cool down headquarters is at
 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
 16th Street  Avenue M
 (You are on 11th Street when you exit I-45 at exit 116),
 Avenue M will be to your right as you head east toward the death house at
 12th St.  Ave J(or the police barricades a couple of blocks before that)

 more details:  713-503-2633 (cell phone)

 Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement
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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Barbara Marx Hubbard - Plus Ascension articles

2000-06-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-20 21:10:38 EDT, you write:

 The thing is they follow
 the belief that everything is maya in the physical world so its not really
 important if people live or die, because life is an illusion anyway. Hubbard
 worked out one quarter of humanity is electing to 'transcend' 

Nicky - I co-created for a while with Barbara Marx Hubbard in the 1980s - We
met at the UniSpace conference in Vienna in 1982; and then we worked as
colleagues on a variety of projects for several years as a kind of
consciousness presence countering the Reagan years in Washington, DC.  I
actually saw a draft of her channelings early in 1982 in a loft of a mutual
friend in San Francisco.  These channelings later became the core of the Book
of CoCreation.

In various postings on the Internet,  Barbara has denied or backed away from
the 25% humanity ratio statements.  I tend to think she is right that her
statements are being taken out of context.  My understanding of the concept
of co-creation - which I derived from her writings and from helping her
develop her ideas - is that we have an interactive relationship with higher
source and higher intelligence in the Universe. This is a message that
appears in many transformational literature (See Exopolitics.com)

Some of the confusion in people's minds may be sourced from the
fundamentalist Christian "rapture" material.  For example recently of Larry
King Live the authors of the #1 Best Seller "Left Behind" argue that 25% of
the human population will be teleported into another dimension (Heaven), and
only 25% of those left on Earth will survive.  That's fundamentalist stuff.

BMH's writings are more transformational; things that would feel right at
home on armageddon or new age, surfingtheapocalypse.com and
like-minded progressive sources.

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.  Alfred :-)

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Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Va. residents petition court to push Gilmore on UFO issues

2000-06-20 Thread DIG alfred webre


 Va. residents petition court to push Gilmore on UFO issues

 Suit seeks to empanel grand jury for alien abduction investigations

 Suit seeks action on UFOs

 Journal staff writer

 They have appeared in books as little green men, in movies as
 furry Wookies and on television as physics professors. Soon,
 aliens and unidentified flying objects could become the center of
 attention at Alexandria Circuit Court.

 Seeking to end decades of "government cover-up," Alexandria
 resident Larry W.  Bryant - along with Gretchen Condon of Hampton
 and Evelyn J. Goodwin of Newport News - has filed a civil suit
 against Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore asking a court to order Gilmore
 to address the issue of UFOs and alien abduction.

 "Our demand comes in the form of an extroadinary legal remedy
 that may or may not succeed in giving victims of the so-called
 UFO/E.T. abduction phenomenon their day in court," Bryant said in
 a news release.

 No other plaintiffs could be contacted because of unlisted

 The suit, filed June 5, does not seek any money. Instead, it has
 four primary goals.

 Bryant wants a special state grand jury empaneled to investigate
 the numerous UFO sighting and abduction claims.

 He wants Gilmore to create a task force to analyze all data
 related to the "alien invasion."

 The suit seeks to have Virginia's National Guard units trained to
 handle the continuing "alien invasion," as they might prepare to
 handle a terrorist attack.

 The suit wants Virginia to grant victims of alien abductions the
 same rights that victims of other attacks, such as rape, receive.

 Because of the continuing reports of strange encounters from
 people throughout the world, Bryant said in a telephone
 interview, "there is just too much smoke to ignore."

 So far, the case has garnered very little serious attention.
 Bryant has sent numerous e-mail messages to Gilmore and the
 Virginia Attorney General Mark Earley's office, most of which
 were returned because of computer errors. He also has sent
 certified letters with copies of the suit to both offices, yet
 has not received a response, he said.

 When contacted for this story, a spokesman for Earley had no

 "Maybe they hope I'll just dry up and blow away, but that's a
 fruitless hope," Bryant said. "This is not some exercise in
 gamesmanship. This is a legitimate suit, and they should treat it
 as such."

 Bryant is well aware that filing a suit to force the government's
 hand on UFOs will look slightly crazy to some people. Because of
 the nature of the suit, he has failed to find an attorney willing
 to represent him and the other plaintiffs. Yet he said he remains
 undeterred and is convinced he has done enough homework and
 provided enough evidence to win the case.

 "The court has to take every lawsuit seriously and hear both
 sides equally,"  said Bryant, who retired from his job as a
 technical writer for the Army in 1994.

 Included in Bryant's case folder of more than 50 pages are police
 reports of abductions in surrounding areas, complete with one
 victim's drawings of the aliens. Also, Bryant cites numerous
 cases involving the governor's responsibility to protect the
 commonwealth from invasions, as well as UFO research by private
 citizens and government agencies.

 Although the suit is the first filed by Bryant, he is no stranger
 to UFO research. For 22 years, he has run the Alexandria-based
 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, an organization which has a similar
 legal battle with Arizona officials. In the Arizona case, which
 seeks to have the Defense Department release all of the documents
 it has about UFO reports, CAUS is appealing a denial of its
 Freedom of Information Act request to the Ninth Circuit Court of
 Appeals in San Francisco.

 The time is right to begin battling the UFO "cover-up" in court
 because "the climate has changed," Bryant said.

 "There is so much research to do out there," he said.

 More than anything, however, Bryant want answers to all of the
 questions the public asks. After all, he said, "what's the big

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 

[CTRL] McWilliams fire/death suspicious?

2000-06-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

restoreSun, 18 Jun 2000  Volume 1 : Number 528

In this issue:

Peter McWilliams video on website
Fwd: MOMS Peter's playful side ;-)
MN: US CA: Medical-Marijuana Advocate Peter McWilliams Dies At
Swiss move to ease cannabis law
AK: Issue's Rope,Not Dope
Libertarian Harry Brown on Peter McWilliams
CA: McWilliams Backed Medical Use of Marijuana
The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #141
FIGHT the Federal Government's War on Marijuana
thoughts on Peter and the War
McWilliams fire/death suspicious?
Re: Yes, Ann, Peter McWilliams items in press
Fw: AMMA: Peter McWilliams - Honoring with Action
Fw: Release: Peter McWilliams Death
Jacki's tribute to Peter
Marijuana "MIRACLE BUTTER" - Holistic Cure un-covered for Irritable
Bowel Syndrome
Activists Jury Leaflets Delay Trial
Re: restore V1 #525
Peter's answers from us.
Hawaii decriminalises marijuana
USA Today Opinion
Ann, more news items about Peter are flooding in


Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 13:01:31 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Peter McWilliams video on website

CRRH and HempTV is honored to announce that we now have the video of ABC
News' 20/20 on June 9, 2000 featuring Peter McWilliams up on our website in
Real Video. You may use the free Real Player to watch this 3 minute, 45
second video clip, which is ABC news reporter John Stoessel's end-of-show
segment called, "Give me a break."

The video is at:


Peter McWilliams is a martyr, killed in the line of duty by the US federal
government in its campaign of intimidation and propaganda called the War on
Drugs.  Though this best selling author lived in a state where the
sovereign, the people, voted to allow McWilliams and other ill people to
use medical marijuana, the federal government persecuted Peter, prosecuting
him in federal court for medical marijuana, and a court order denied him
the medicine he needed to live. His death is a direct result of the actions
of officials of the US federal government.

A couple days after this video aired nationwide on ABC's 20/20, McWilliams
final book and computers were destroyed in a mysterious fire at his home.
Then, 3  days later, despondent and ill, McWilliams' nausea, caused by the
regimen of other life-saving medications he was forced to take for his
illnesses, overwhelmed Peter and he died from asphyxiation.

We wonder, what or who caused the fire at Peter's home 3 days before he died?

Bless you Peter, may your life and death be a further inspiration for change.

Yours truly,
D. Paul Stanford

CRRH is working to regulate and tax the sale of cannabis to adults like
alcohol, allow doctors to prescribe cannabis through pharmacies and restore
the unregulated production of industrial hemp.

*Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp*
mail: CRRH ; P.O. Box 86741 ; Portland, OR 97286 USA
phone:  (503) 235-4606
fax:  (503) 235-0120
web: http://www.crrh.org/


Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 13:03:47 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: MOMS Peter's playful side ;-)

Mailing-List: list [EMAIL PROTECTED]; contact
Subject: MOMS Peter's playful side ;-)

A few years ago, I got an amusing, playful message from Peter. This
spontaneous exchange with Todd had tickled him and he wanted to share it
with me.

He had brought Todd a copy of High Times and told him,
"They mention you in there".

Todd took the magazine, "Let me see!"

Peter added, "You're only in there once. Your mother is mentioned 3

Todd looked up, "Huh? My mother"

Peter laughed, "It's okay, Todd, don't worry about it. Most people love
Mary more than Jesus, anyway."

Since then, when Peter was feeling well and felt like teasing, he would
not address me as 'Ann', but rather, "Mary!" Likewise, I began signing
personal emails to Peter, "love, 'mary'" His humor, though often
irreverent, maintained a gentle, playful and loving nature.

Last night I sent an outline to use as a springboard for ideas

How about helping to fill it in and start laying some plans that we can
get to work on over the coming months..

1.) Memorialize Peter and keep his work and memory alive

2.) Demand Accountability

[CTRL] Lift the sanctions and rebuild Yugoslavia

2000-06-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-Original Message-
From: john_peter maher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2000 6:01 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Lift the sanctions and rebuild Yugoslavia]

Lift the sanctions and rebuild Yugoslavia

by Renee Sams

MORE and more people are becoming alarmed about what is happening in
Kosovo  and Serbia. The "peacekeeping" Kfor forces, far from helping are
only  exacerbating the situation and sanctions against Yugoslavia are
causing a  humanitarian disaster.

On Wednesday 7 June, Alice Mahon, MP chair of the Committee for Peace
in  the Balkans, and representatives from local campaign groups around
the  country, together with Anglo-Yugoslav Medical Aid, delivered a
10,000-signature petition to the Prime Minister.

The petition called upon the government to lift the economic sanctions
and  provide financial assistance to 'fund the reconstruction of the
civilian  infrascructure of the whole of Yugoslavia.' It also wants
'urgent  humanitarian assistance on a non-discriminatory basis co the
whole of  Yugoslavia and to all refugees.

Speakers from China, France, Germany, Greece, and Sweden, attending
last  Saturday's international conference in London's Conway Hall
organised by  the Committee for Peace in the Balkans, testified to the
growing concern of  ordinary people about the situation in the Balkans.

Greetings to the conference were received from the International Action
Centre in New York expressing their support and noting that on the same
day  che Independent Tribunal on US/Nato War Crimes Against Yugoslavia,
called  by Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States,
will be  meeting in New York City.

Their message said they expected the final meeting of the Tribunal to
show  chat "US political and military leaders, and their co-conspirators
in the  Nato countries, are guilty of crimes against peace, against
humanity, and  war crimes".

Tony Benn MP, who has supported the Committee for Peace in the Balkans
from its beginning, said chat despite the growth of the campaign, which
has  packed halls at every meeting," it has been completely ignored by
the  British media".

He felt this was because what the Committee for Peace in the Balkans
had  said right at the start had all unfortunately come true. "This was
not  humanitarian in planning or in execution", he said, and "it was
aimed to  make Nato the dominant force in the Balkans with a view to
extending that  worldwide".

Playwright Harold Pinter also had no hesitation in condemning Nato for
"its policy to terrotise the civilian population". And he said, "it must
be  recognised or what it is -- a brutal malignant military machine".

Karin Wegestal, on behalf of the Swedish Committee for Solidarity with
the  Yugoslav People, spoke of the plight of Yugoslavia, a country of
about 1O  million inhabitants, which "during the last decade has
received more than  500,000 refugees from Croatia and Bosnia" -- a
burden made heavier by an  "influx of 300,000 displaced persons from

"In addition", she said, "Yugoslavia has been the subject of sanctions
from the western powers for close to ten years and its infrastructure
was  badly hurt through Nato's 78-day intense bombardment in 1999. The
result is  that today Yugoslavia is the poorest country in Europe".

She told the conference that an appeal against sanctions published in
Sweden was signed by representatives of various political parties,
former  government members, bishops, priests, scholars and writers,
athletes, and  many other people representing broad political and social
opinion, and  showed the bredth of support against Nato actions.

From Greece, Yannis Dragassakis of SYNAPISMOS (Coalition of the Left
and  Progress), former tnember of the Greek Parliament, called the
bombing of  Yugoslavia "illegal and inhuman" and had also "proved to be
a failure  militarily as well as politically".

His party also held the view chat the Nato bombing was "a violation of
international law . . . being done without a decision by the United
Nations  Security Council and in violation of the basic principles of
its Charter".

He went on to say that he did not believe the US and Nato have "the
credentials to present themselves as the standard-bearers of peace and
justice given their record of support to authoritarian regimes and
their  toleration of flagrant violations of human rights in many

Michael Gavrilovic, co-chair of the British-Serbian Alliance for Peace,
noted the growing number of people who are now posing questions about
Nato's role in the Balkans.

He reminded the audience that "Yugoslavia is a small country but it
held  out against Nato bombing for 78 days and not many countries could
hold out  that long". During those days Nato new 37,000 sorties, and
fired over  10,000 cruise missiles "in order to smash the infrastructure
of Yugoslavia".

On the platform as well, was Diana 

[CTRL] NATO Willfully Triggered An Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia

2000-06-18 Thread DIG alfred webre

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

The URL for this article is
NATO Willfully Triggered An Environmental Catastrophe In Yugoslavia

by Michel Chossudovsky (6-18-00)

Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of "The Globalization
of Poverty, Third World Network, Penang, Zed Books, London, 1997.

By using thermal images, NATO was able to identify which of the tanks were
still filled with toxic chemicals. If NATO's objective were to solely
disable the plant without the risk of "collateral" environmental damage,
they could have done it by smart bombing the equipment and machinery. Why
did they also need to hit with utmost accuracy the tanks containing noxious
liquids? The "smart bombs" were not dumb; they knew where to go. NATO had
singled out the containers, tanks and reservoirs, which still contained
toxic materials. According to the Pancevo plant director, NATO did not hit
single empty container. "This was not accidental; they chose to hit those
that were full and these chemicals spilled into the canal leading to the
The air raids on the Pancevo industrial complex located in the outskirts of
Belgrade started on April 4th 1999 and continued relentlessly until the 7th
of June. The Pancevo complex included an oil refinery facility (built with
technical support from Texaco) and a Nitrogen Processing Plant producing
fertilizer for Yugoslav agriculture. The petrochemical plant was bombed
extensively (41 bombs and 7 missile attacks). The bombed areas of the
complex were less than two hundred meters from residential buildings.

At the outset of the "humanitarian air raids -- in a well-led public
relations stunt -- NATO had reassured World opinion " that "precise
targeting" using sophisticated weaponry was intended to avoid "collateral
damage" including environmental hazards:

"We do everything we possibly can to avoid unnecessary collateral damage.
take it very seriously, work very hard at doing that, spend a lot of time
planning for the missions."1
At Pancevo, however, exactly the opposite occurred. "State of the art"
aerial surveillance and thermal detection systems were not only used to
disable and destroy Yugoslavia's petrochemical industry; they were
applied to trigger an environmental disaster.

At the beginning of the war, workers at the plant had been actively
in removing toxic materials from the site, emptying several large tanks and
containers of toxic chemicals precisely to avert the risks of "collateral
damage." They did not realize NATO was watching them through air-to-ground
surveillance systems as well as satellite images. Using thermal detection,
NATO military planners knew which of the containers had been emptied and
which remained full. How does that work? All objects including the
containers of toxic chemicals in the Pancevo plant emit infrared radiation.
A thermal imager from a spy satellite or an aircraft can detect infrared
radiation and convert its readings into a high-resolution video or snap

The thermal imager can detect temperature differentials as small as 0.1
degrees centigrade which enables it to distinguish without difficulty
between full and empty containers. The thermal images can be generated from
a device installed on the fuselage of an aircraft. NATO warplanes were
equipped with various advanced imaging systems including just such
infrared/electro-optical sensors.

Moreover, multispectral thermal imaging satellite systems routinely used
during the Gulf war were also used by NATO in Yugoslavia. Thermal satellite
images were relayed to the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in
Italy where the bombing raids weere carefully planned. U2 spy planes were
also used: In the words of a Pentagon spokesman, the U2 "snaps a picture
from very high altitude, beams it back in what we call a reach-back, to the
States where it is very quickly analyzed." And from there, "the right
targeting data" is relayed to the CAOC base in Vincenza which then "passes
[it] on to people in the cockpit". 2

NATO planners also had detailed information on the layout of the plant,
which had been built on contract with a US multinational engineering
Foster Wheeler (a firm specializing in the construction of petrochemical
polymer plants). NATO knew exactly where things were. In a cruel irony, US
investment in Yugoslavia (financed with loans from the World Bank) was
demolished by Uncle Sam. Did the pilots sitting in the cockpit know that
they were bombing a plant which was "Made in America?"

A large number of the containers had been emptied. By using thermal images,
NATO was able to identify which of the tanks were still filled with toxic
chemicals. Among these noxious liquids were containers of
ethylene-dichloride (EDC), ethylene, chlorine, chlorine-hydrogen, propylene
and vinyl chloride monomers (VCM). Well 


2000-06-17 Thread DIG alfred webre


** Forwarded Message Follows ***
From: Burt Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 16:01:43 -0700 (PDT)
Dear friends:

Just passing on a little information about a recent event at the
station from which we do our NightSearch broadcasts. This is a rare
happening in radio! I don't believe that it is Night Search itself
that brought about this bombing but, rather the controversial "truth"
programming on the station.

It is also curious that every evening at about nine thirty Tucson
time, in the middle of the NightSearch program, our phones go dead!
This causes us to scramble to reconnect with the guests, etc. We now
inform the guests as to this strange problem BEFORE we go on the air,
because it is consistent. Ask Jim Dilettoso, Cope Schellhorn, Vance
Davis and others we've had on my Tuesday night segment. The phone
company says there are no timing devices within the system that could
cause such a repeating failure of the lines, and that includes out
Internet feed. HM?  If any of you tech types can shed some
light on this problem, let me know!

We should be back up with our Net feed this coming week, the owners
are working madly to get the equipment installed. For those of you
who are interested, go to www.nightsearch.net, click on the picture
of the Memphis skyline, then at the bottom of the next page you'll
find a direct link to us saying "listen." Time: 8PM-10PM CALIFORNIA
TIME... Remember, Arizona does not recognize daylight savings time.
See info below.


--- eddie middleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: "eddie middleton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: N.S. firebombed in Tucson
 Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 06:56:44 PDT

 Dear Team,

One of the fire fighters on the scene, while dousing the
 remains of KRVL, said it sure was a shame because he was a regular
 listener to the station and thoroughly enjoyed its controversial
 Luckily the flames were confined just to the back of the building
 the radio equipment was located. Aage is also getting other
 equipment donated to him by a talk show host on another radio
 station in Tucson who now wants to pool resourses with KRVL. And
 another man while being interviewed on a nation-wide radio
 broadcast out of New Jersey after hearing the breaking news report
 about the fire bombing stated ON THE AIR that he is going to send
 equipment to Aage.
As a result of all this, the equipment at KRVL will now be very
 significantly upgraded. So, KRVL will literally be rising from its
 ashes. Though this episode did throw a scare into them, they will
 continuing on. Ron will soon be at the controls again. Only this
 time he will be wearing an asbestos vest donated by the fans of
 Night Search at the Tucson Fire Department.


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however, flames, rudeness, antagonism and immaturity will not be tolerated.

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Court Decision On UFO-Invasion

2000-06-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-15 17:59:21 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I had never known that CAUS wanted an end to secrecy because they feared
 the UFOs!


Samantha - You are right; the lead litigant is CAUS Washington DC
representative (See below).

Lawyers and lawsuits are very tricky, semantically (I say that being one ;-)).
It appears that the focus of the lawsuit are the MILAB (military) abductions
and the black ops "UFO" craft.  The complaint seems worded so as to create a
public safety argument on which a Va. Court will intervene by Writ of
Mandamus ultimately to force the Virginia Governor to force the US government
to uncover the cause of and cease MILAB abductions, and bogus UFO craft.

 In theory, this in turn becomes a way to allow testimony by those who may
have classified knowledge of the MILABs and Black ops craft to come forth in
open court or in secret testimony.  This technique has been successful in
cases involving secret CIA assassination activities, etc. Presumably CAUS is
going after a state Governor in State Court, as a tactical alternative to
going after Federal officials in Federal court.

"Our demand comes in the form of an 'extraordinary legal remedy' that
may or may not succeed in giving victims of the so-called
UFO/E.T.-abduction phenomenon their day in court," explained Larry W.
Bryant, who has chosen to serve as the lead litigant in this remedy
called "Petition for a Writ of Mandamus (and for Concomitant Injunctive
and Declaratory Relief)."  For the past 22 years he's been directing,
from his home in Alexandria, the Washington, D.C., office of the
public-interest group Citizens Against UFO Secrecy."

What drives the "invasion" model of the litigation is the requirement of
public safety.  More confusion is added because part of the evidentiary base
in theory can be the alleged "alien" abductions such as those documented by
David Jacobs ("Greys  Grasshoppers").  By calling a black ops an "invasion"
a great deal of confusion is unnecessarily interjected into the litigation.
Perhaps what CAUS may mean is that (1) the UFOs and abductions are black ops,
but (2) there is some risk of invasion by aliens if in fact the David Jacobs
scenario is true - that Greys and Grasshoppers are preparing an extinction
plan for humanity.

Too tricky for litigation? Maybe.  Virginia is a CIA-dominated state, and we
saw something of the military-intelligence nature of its Governor during the
recent Bush-McCain fight in Virginia.  Still it is good to put the puppets of
the secret state to the fire now and then.

AND creating a space for witnesses to come forward is one ultimate goal of
the litigation:

  "We petitioners hope that the case will entice numerous
UFO-coverup whistleblowers to come forward with evidence useful in
combatting the invasion's harm and threat to public safety."

Curiously, the lawsuit's `timing comes at the same time as CSETI's announced
Balck ops witness-protection program.  Are these two coordinated (we hope),
coincidental or competitive?

Clearer? Maybe, but the "Invasion" model really muddles everything and
divides constituencies unnecessarily. Let's hope clarity prevails, but how is
the Governor and the Court going to cut all these fine distinctions if they
lack Occam's razor at all?..Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Court Decision On UFO-Invasion

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre


 UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 This is rather worrying;  I don't feel these guys speak for me.
 Someone sent it to one of Paul's lists.

   P3N Special Report: Virginia Governor Sued by UFO Researchers
   Tue, 6 Jun 2000 15:53:11 EDT



 Citing Virginia Gov. James S. Gilmore's constitutional and statutory
 duty to "protect the general welfare" of the state's citizenry, a trio
 of Virginians have marched into Alexandria, Va.'s circuit court,
 demanding that Gilmore stop shirking that duty.

 "Our demand comes in the form of an 'extraordinary legal remedy' that
 may or may not succeed in giving victims of the so-called
 UFO/E.T.-abduction phenomenon their day in court," explained Larry W.
 Bryant, who has chosen to serve as the lead litigant in this remedy
 called "Petition for a Writ of Mandamus (and for Concomitant Injunctive
 and Declaratory Relief)."  For the past 22 years he's been directing,
 from his home in Alexandria, the Washington, D.C., office of the
 public-interest group Citizens Against UFO Secrecy.

 No novice in applying litigation toward exposing what government
 officials know (and when they knew it) about UFO reality -- including
 several freedom-of-information and First Amendment lawsuits at the
 federal level -- Bryant hopes that the current effort will bring at
 least seven measures of relief.  The first of these calls for the
 governor to convene "a Virginia state special grand jury, within this
 court's jurisdiction, to investigate, identify, and report upon the
 scope, impact, perpetrators, and methodology of this clandestine

 The petition relies upon several appended exhibits to document the
 nature of the current "UFO invasion," which consists of two elements:
 (1)  the invasive presence of huge, mysterious, threatening, and
 technologically alien "flying triangles"; (2)  the abduction of (with
 forced experimentation upon, and recurrent exploitation of) citizens
 from their neighborhoods, homes, and vehicles -- by perpetrators yet to
 be fully identified, apprehended, and brought to justice.  Both elements
 are explained and discussed in detail within the Internet websites of
 http://www.caus.org and http://www.ufocity.com.

 Filed on June  5, 2000, in the circuit court clerk's office as Chancery
 Case No.  000691, the petition now awaits a formal answer from the
 governor's office.  Bryant plans to submit the answer for posting upon
 the above websites.

 "Whatever the court decides in this case may affect how all Earth
 governments (and society) treat the UFO problem from here on out,"
 Bryant added.  "We petitioners hope that the case will entice numerous
 UFO-coverup whistleblowers to come forward with evidence useful in
 combatting the invasion's harm and threat to public safety."

 Contact:  Larry W. Bryant; 3518 Martha Custis Drive; Alexandria, VA  22302
 703-931-3341; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 P3N is a registered trademark of the ParaNorml News Network
 Copyright 2000 © ParaNorml News Network
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) I of II

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) is a compilation of the
week's major English-language press on environmental issues in Russia.
5 - 11 June 2000, Vol. 2, No. 23

1. Last Rites for Chernobyl
2. US, Russia in Accord on Disposal of Plutonium
3. Canada to Help Russia Remove Nuclear Waste
4. Nuclear Dump Plan for Russia
5. US, Russia to Ban Use of Nuclear Waste for Arms Plutonium
6. Pipeline Threatens Neva, Say Officials
7. Ecologists Protest after Reactor Plans Confirmed
8. Nuclear Waste Storage Project in Jeopardy
9. Norway Worried over Nuclear Safety Situation in Kola Peninsula
10. Deadly Germs From Cold War
11. Krasnoyarsk Complex Ready To Implement Plutonium Programme
12. Forest Fire Specialists Express Concern
13. Russian Caviar Threatened by Caspian Oil Find
14. Hundreds of Seals Die Off Dagestani Caspian Sea Coast

Last Rites for Chernobyl
Calgary Herald, June 6, 2000

Fourteen years after the world's worst nuclear accident, Ukraine's
President Leonid Kuchma ordered the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
closed, drawing praise from U.S. President Bill Clinton, who dispensed
$80 million US in aid to entomb the plant forever.

''This is a hopeful moment, ''Clinton said in this former Soviet
republic, the last stop in a week-long European tour. ''It is also a
moment when we remember those who suffered as a result of the accident

The April 26, 1986, accident spread radioactive material over much of
Europe. The Ukrainian government has blamed the disaster for at least
8,000 deaths, including 31 killed immediately, many more killed in the
massive cleanup operation and others who later died of cancer and
other radiation-related illnesses.

The plant will close on Dec. 15, Kuchma said. The U.S. Energy
Department said it will help find replacement sources of electricity.

Ukraine had earlier promised the G-7 group of leading industrialized
countries that it would shut the plant's sole remaining working
reactor by the end of the year if they provided financial help. But
Ukraine's government had until now delayed setting a firm date.

Still, the environmental group Greenpeace warned in a statement that
the closure target could come too late, so pressing are the safety
problems at the plant.

Earlier, in Moscow, Clinton used an address to the Duma, the lower
house of the Russian parliament, to criticize the Kremlin's crackdown
in Chechnya. And he paid a nostalgic visit to former Russian President
Boris Yeltsin at his dacha on the outskirts of Moscow.

''Yeltsin looked good,'' Clinton told reporters on his plane Air Force
One on the way to Kyiv.

''He's in good spirits, happy. He and his wife and daughter were
there. We all just had a nice visit. It was like old times.''

The money Clinton pledged will help contain radiation from the
destroyed reactor, with $2 million earmarked for improving safety at
Ukraine's other nuclear power plants. It comes atop about $200 million
the United States has already spent to improve nuclear safety in

The new money will go toward repairing a cover, or sarcophagus, which
was built not long after the disaster but now is considered unstable.
During his half-day visit, Clinton announced steps to open the door to
expanded U.S. co-operation with Ukraine's struggling space program and
a $25-million program for small and medium- sized Ukrainian

''America will stand by you as you fight for a free and prosperous
future,'' Clinton told tens of thousands of people, many waving
Ukrainian and American flags.

In Moscow, Clinton became the first U. S. president to address the
Russian parliament.

''We are not destined to be adversaries but it is not guaranteed that
we will be allies,''

Clinton told Russian legislators. His 50-minute speech drew mostly
polite applause, although several dozen sat impassively.

Ultranationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky shouted before and after
Clinton's speech and muttered audibly several times during it.
''Shame! Whom are you applauding?'' Zhirinovsky asked.

Clinton said he hoped Russia would take advantage of recent economic
growth, due largely to higher oil prices, to create a more diversified
economy. He offered U.S. support should Russia seek to join the World
Trade Organization.

Turning to the Russian crackdown in Chechnya, he said: ''I know you
disagreed with what I did in Kosovo, and you know that I disagreed
with what you did in Chechnya.''

Clinton also made yet another pitch for modifying the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to open the way for the U.S. to build a
national missile defence, something Russia continues to oppose.


Key facts about Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant

April 26, 1986: Reactor No. 4 at the Soviet-designed plant explodes
following an experiment when staff temporarily cut off the reactor's
safety system, aiming to test the unit's capacity. A series of
powerful blasts caused by overheated steam inside the reactor
completely ruins the unit, sending a huge cloud of radiation across

[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest [REDFiles] II of II

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

7 Ecologists Protest after Reactor Plans Confirmed British
Broadcasting Corporation, June 09, 2000

[Presenter] The conflict in Voronezh Region between the management of
the Novovoronezh atomic power station [AES] and local
environmentalists is growing. The environmentalists are protesting
against the construction of two new reactors. All this is happening as
the AES celebrates its 20th anniversary.

[Correspondent] On the basis of the experimental 5th reactor at the
Novovoronezh AES, a whole series of similar reactors were run in and
then put into operation at other power stations in Russia and Europe.
The Voronezh station's chief engineer, Vladimir Zarubayev, used the
occasion of its 20th anniversary to confirm rumours that two more
reactors will be built there in the next few years under the plans of
the Ministry of Atomic Energy. This has led to fresh protests by
Voronezh environmentalists.

[Unidentified environmentalist] There are two reasons behind our
protest: the project will mostly be financed by importing,
reprocessing and storing foreign radioactive waste; and there are
plans to use plutonium most actively.

[Correspondent] The decision to use weapons plutonium, which is more
dangerous than uranium, has long provoked disputes between
environmentalists and atomic scientists. On this occasion, too,
Zurabayev was categorical - when describing the plans to develop the
two new reactors - in his denial that weapons-grade plutonium will be

[Vladimir Zarubayev, Novovoronezh AES chief engineer] There are no
plans to use it at the Novovoronezh AES. We are talking of using the
traditional fuel, just as we do in the fifth reactor.

[Correspondent] As for the financing of the construction work by
importing into Russia radioactive waste, the management of the
Novovoronezh AES sees only commercial benefits in this activity.

[Zarubayev] We are talking here of normal technological processes.
They are all tried and tested. So I can see no harm happening to
Russia or the region because we agree to take 1,000 t or 2,000 t for
the corresponding fee.

[Correspondent] Ecological organizations are preparing various
protests. The environmentalists are determined to stop all atomic
construction projects in Voronezh Region.

(back to top)

8 Nuclear Waste Storage Project in Jeopardy Interfax News Agency, June
07, 2000

The project of utilizing the Lepse floating ship-factory for storage
of radioactive waste is in jeopardy, Russian Deputy Atomic Energy
Minister Valery Lebedev told a news conference on Wednesday.

Lepse is Europe's sole floating storage facility for radioactive waste
from the engines of Russian Northern Fleet submarines.

The project is one of the 10 implemented in the framework of
Russian-Norwegian cooperation in handling radioactive waste and used
fuel of nuclear-powered submarines being decommissioned and also in
cleaning installations in Northwestern Russia, Lebedev said.

The EU, Britain and France are also involved in the project. The
United States and the Netherlands are contributing to the construction
of an 80-tonne storage container.

The project costs are estimated at 73 million Norwegian kroner, of
which Norway will contribute 23 million.

The project is very important because the fuel contained in Lepse
poses a certain danger, Lebedev said.

The project has not taken off because numerous donor countries have
not signed agreements on their involvement in it. For this reason, the
Norwegian Foreign Ministry has refused to fund the development of the
work statement for the project.

For its part, Russia will not regard itself responsible for the
failure of the project. The Atomic Energy Ministry, Transport Ministry
and the Murmansk regional administration may reconsider transferring
Lepse to SevRAO.

(back to top)

9 Norway Worried over Nuclear Safety Situation in Kola Peninsula
Interfax News Agency, June 07, 2000

Norway is concerned about the nuclear safety situation in Russia's
Kola peninsula, said Espen Barth Eide, Norwegian Foreign Ministry
State Secretary and co- chairman of the Russian-Norwegian commission
on cooperation in handling radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel.

Norway is worried, above all, by the high concentration of nuclear
waste in Russian submarines that have not been decommissioned and by
the shortage of interim and provisional warehouses for used fuel and
hard radioactive waste, he said at a news conference in St. Petersburg
on Wednesday.

Norway is prepared to appropriate 105 million kroner during this
fiscal year for improvement of the nuclear safety situation, Eide
said. Most of that amount will be used to finance joint Russian-
Norwegian programs, he said.

Nearly 70 tonnes of used nuclear submarine fuel is now being stored in
Russia's Northwest and Pacific areas, Valery Lebedev, Russian deputy
atomic energy minister who attended the news conference, said in
response to an Interfax question.

The Atomic Energy Ministry is not planning to construct any 

[CTRL] Russian Visa Denied to Human Rights Activist

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Òåìà: Russian Visa Denied to Human Rights Activist
| Dear friends,
| I enclose information about the refusal by the Russian Foreign Ministry to
| issue a visa for Reverend Terasawa, a buddhist monk who has worked
| for many years to promote human rights in Russia and a peaceful settlement
| to the ongoing conflict in Chechnya. Monks from his order, Nipponzan
| Myohoji, in Moscow asked me to distribute the enclosed message with
| details. Protest letters to the Russian government, President and  Foreign
| Ministry are welcome - please see addresses below.
| Best wishes,
| Chris Hunter
| -Foreign Minister Igor Ivanova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
| Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square 32/34, Moscow, Russian Federation
| -Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, Government of the Russian Federation,
| Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya 2, Moscow, Russian Federation
| -President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin, 103132 Moscow, Russian Federation
| For the attention of:
| -all Russian and international NGOs,
| -intergovernmental organisations,
| -Russian and international mass media.
| Dangerous precedent in Russia- Reverend Junsei Terasawa, a Japanese
| monk, was recently officially denied a Russian visa by the Russian
| of Foreign Affairs. This was because of his speech against the ongoing war
| in Chechnya at the UN Commission for Human Rights in Geneva April 2000.
| Reverend Junsei Terasawa, a Japanese citizen, born in 1950, is a Buddhist
| monk and Teacher of several small communities in Moscow and other parts of
| Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia and the Caucasus. He has been periodically
| staying in Russia for almost ten years, and has received Russian visas
| dozens of times, upon the invitation of various Russian Buddhist
| organisations. Rev. Terasawa is quite well-known among the various circles
| of  society; orientalists, human rights activists, politicians, writers,
| cultural and social activists; as a distinguished Buddhist teacher,
| peacemaker and human rights advocate. He is also known for promoting
| inter-cultural  inter-religious links, and as a deeply spiritual person,
| eager and open for communication. In the 70-s and 80-s, before he came to
| Russia, he lived in Western Europe for a significant period, and became
| known there as a Buddhist activist and participant in the peace movement.
| When staying in Russia, Reverend Terasawa protested  against violence
| the very start of the first Chechen military campaign, regularly taking
| in meetings and pickets against the war, along with his disciples. He was
| also active in organising inter-religious joint prayers for peace and was
| one of the chief initiators of The March of Mothers' Compassion "For Life"
| from Moscow to Grozniy in 1995. He frequently visited the conflict zone.
| On 27 April, 2000, the Buddhist order of Nipponzan Myohoji applied for the
| invitation for further issue of the three-months' multiple Russian visa
| Mr. Junsei Terasawa. The order was registered on 02/04/1997 at the Dept.
| Justice, Moscow, ¹ 613; and at the Dept. of Consular Service, The Ministry
| of Foreign Affairs, RF, ¹ 25020. The term of the issue of the invitation
| expected expired on 18 May, 2000, but it was prolonged twice.
| Finally, on 6 June 2000, Mr. D.Zakharov, Attache at the Dept. of Consular
| Service,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, informed of an "official
| denial" in issuing a visa for Japanese citizen Mr.Terasawa Junsei. The
| official also explained that Mr. Terasawa was not marked in any of the
| penalty lists of the MFA, thus being "clean" as far as the visa regime is
| concerned. Furthermore, the invitation had already been issued on 16 May
| 2000.  Nevertheless, the invitation was retained upon the instruction of
| Federal Security Service of Russia, as the aforementioned person was on a
| certain so-called "closed list of the FSB" (FSB is the new name for the
| KGB). Thus, no official or other reasons for the denial were disclosed.
| The reasons are evident, however. The fact is that being a representative
| the NGO 'International Peace Bureau', Rev. Terasawa participated  in the
| 56-th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, held from 20 March to
| April, 2000, in Geneva. This Commission is the supreme international board
| for human rights in all countries of the world. Junsei Terasawa took
| advantage of his right to speak out, which every NGO representative
| accredited has, and made an oral statement at this Commission against the
| war in Chechnya. In that statement, as well as during talks with members
| various delegations, he spoke the truth about the facts of war crimes
| committed against the peaceful population and about clear violations of
| human rights in Chechnya since the beginning of the present-day war there.
| As a religious and spiritual person and simply a man and citizen, and for
| reasons of conscience 

[CTRL] Bush Sees Dead People: Lethal Travesties

2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

  He Sees Dead People: Bush’s Lethal

  by Joe Conason

  Grim new evidence of the death penalty’s unjust application
  has emerged in an exhaustively reported two-part series
 published June 11 and 12 in the Chicago
 Tribune, which concluded that since 1995,
 Texas authorities have "executed dozens of
 Death Row inmates whose cases were
 compromised by unreliable evidence,
 disbarred or suspended defense attorneys,
  meager defense efforts during sentencing and dubious
  psychiatric testimony."

  Yet this fresh proof that many defendants who end up on the
  Lone Star State’s crowded death row are either not guilty of a
  capital crime or didn’t receive a fair trial isn’t quite as shocking
  as it once might have been. By now, anyone paying attention
  knows that law enforcement officials have executed numerous
  citizens—mostly black and Hispanic men—whose trials and sentencing
were so
  flawed that their guilt remains in doubt.

  While Texas has executed more people than any other state, George
W. Bush’s
  domain isn’t alone in its enthusiasm for barbarous human sacrifice.
A new study
  prepared for the Senate Judiciary Committee and released the other
day showed
  that across the country, seven out of every 100 condemned inmates
  successfully appeal their sentences are found not guilty on retrial.

  What did still seem shocking, however, was the callously nonchalant
attitude of Mr.
  Bush, the man responsible for overseeing the death penalty as
governor of Texas
  during the past five-and-a-half years. The Republican presidential
nominee declined
  to be interviewed by the team of Tribune reporters who prepared the
series on
  judicial murder in Texas, but he responded later with the same
bland reassurances
  he has offered so many times before on this morbid subject.

  "I know there are some in the country who don’t care for the death
penalty, but
  I’ve said once and I’ve said a lot, that in every case, we’ve
adequately answered
  innocence or guilt," the pious governor told the Associated Press
after attending
  church on June 11. "If you’re asking me whether or not as to the
innocence or guilt
  or if people have had adequate access to the courts in Texas, I
believe they have.
  They’ve had full access to the courts. They’ve had full access to a
fair trial."

  The Tribune series is long, detailed and mildly complex, so it was
  unreasonable to expect an intelligent response from Mr. Bush, who
is notorious for
  his reluctance to read anything longer than a comic book. (At least
he didn’t repeat
  the disgusting imitation of Karla Faye Tucker’s plea for clemency
that he performed
  last year for a Talk magazine reporter.) Still, it is hard not to
wonder what Mr. Bush
  means when he talks about "a fair trial." Were the Texas courts
fair to the 43
  defendants whose lawyers were disbarred either before or after
their trials, or
  otherwise sanctioned for misconduct? Were those courts fair to the
40 defendants
  whose lawyers presented no evidence (or only one witness) during
sentencing? That
  isn’t what happens, of course, on the rare occasions when someone
of Mr. Bush’s
  wealth and social standing is facing trial for a capital crime.

  A spokesman for Mr. Bush observed sagely in an interview with The
New York
  Times that whether to put someone to death is "just a question of
the appropriate
  punishment." Appropriate punishment is indeed the question Mr. Bush
  with such apparent indifference in more than 130 cases until June
1. That was the
  day when, under the spotlight of the national media, he exercised
for the first time
  his power to grant a temporary reprieve, to an inmate named Ricky
McGinn, so that
  new evidence can be examined.

  Aside from his direct culpability in numerous cases of gross
injustice, the problem
  for Mr. Bush is that this issue again draws attention to his
deficiency in what pundits
  like to call "gravitas." He appears oddly uncomprehending of this
awesome aspect
  of his otherwise undemanding job, and remarkably ignorant of the
American ideal of
  equality under law. His breezy acceptance of a racially
discriminatory system
  threatens to blot out all those cute pictures of Mr. Bush posing
with black and
  Hispanic children.

  And as more voters learn about the lethal travesties carried out
under his regime, 


2000-06-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Vladimir F.Levchenko

The Ecological North West Line (ENWL) on INTERNET was established
in September 1997, St. Petersburg on the meeting of Russian NGO,
journalist organizations and representatives of Norway
Naturvernforbundet. 16 October 1997 is the official data for the opening
when the ENWL statute was confirmed. The TEIA server (Transboundary
Environmental Informational Agency, St. Petersburg) supports the
technical functioning of ENWL-service. The ENWL-server has several mail
lists. One of them - ENWL - is just for discussions, another - ENWL-inf -
is destined for informational messages or short ecological issues.
The server has also ENWL-talk list as well as ENWL-eng list which is only
for information in English. The official languages of ENWL, ENWL-inf and
ENWL-talk is Russian and English. As moderator for ENWL-service was
elected Dr.Sci. Vladimir Levchenko, the first editor of Russian
Ecological Net Magazine EcoNews
(see http://www.friends-partners.org/~valery/econews/).
The ENWL home page http://spb.org.ru/enwl/ or http://enwl.net.ru was
developed  by the TEIA web-masters Sergey Stafeev since 1998 and
Natalia Rybalka since 2000.

The ENWL-service realizes the following  goals: 1) to provide a forum in
which to disseminate current  information  concerning  environmental
news,  events,   and conferences; 2) to highlight the issue of sustainable
development and the advances made in this field; 3) to include writings
applicable to environmental  issues  world  wide,  such as articles on
environmental politics and evolutionary philosophy; 4) to provide the
support of environmental campaigns (letter of support etc). One example:
the ENWL subscribers participated in the singing of collective letters to
preserve the coastal nature of Finnish gulf and Russian forests. ENWL
participated actively in dessimination of information during all period
of so called "Nikitin's case" events.

At present, the discussion list of ENWL includes more them 180
participants, the informational list ENWL-inf includes more then 220
participants, ENWL-eng - more 250 subscribers, EcoNews - about 250
subscribers, all our lists include in total more 1100 subscribers. There
are NGO, journalists and individuals from Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Finland,
Sweden, Ukraine, USA and other. The informational flow through the ENWL is
quite big: for instance, it was more then 1.5 Mb of messages for the
list and about 1 Mb for the informational list during only January, 2000.
To send message to moderator use his private address [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
to get either help of server send the message with the word HELP in the
first line on the address [EMAIL PROTECTED], to subscribe send
message subscribe enwl (or subscribe enwl-eng etc) on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dr.Sci.Vladimir F.Levchenko
Institute of Evolutinary Physiology and Biochemistry
of Russian Acad.Sci., Thoreza av. 44, St.Petersburg,
194223, Russia

Phone/Fax: +7 812 5523219

Free Conference Calling with Firetalk!
Host your next egroup meeting live on Firetalk.
Click here!


P.O.Box 26, 434/3-SriJayawardenapura, Sri Lanka.


To Post a Email message-send it to;mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Telephone: (+94-1)829519 (4 lines)   Fax:(+94-1) 826607

   - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] Dalai Lama in DC: International Campaign for Tibet

2000-06-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

Hi there!

We'd like you to join the International Campaign
for Tibet (ICT) for a very special Independence
Day!  Learn more at:

This summer promises to offer the most prominent
series of events highlighting Tibet in the United
States ever!  For the first time, His Holiness the
Dalai Lama come to Washington to speak to the
American people in a free, public address on the
National Mall on Sunday, July 2nd for more than
30,000 people.  That morning, he will also preside
over the Monlam Chenmo -- or Great Prayer Festival
-- a sacred Tibetan Buddhist ceremony that is

To kick-off this exciting weekend, ICT, Students
for a Free Tibet, and the local Washington, DC
Tibetan community will stage the largest Rally 
Peace March for Tibet ever held in the U.S on
Saturday, July 1st.

March Leaders include Irish Nobel Peace Laureate
Mairead Maguire; Tibetan Parliamentary leader the
Venerable Samdhong Rinpoche; Thai Buddhist leader
and activist Sulak Sivaraska; and actor and human
rights activist Richard Gere.

We hope you can JOIN US IN WASHINGTON to see the
Dalai Lama and show your support for Tibet!

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!  Please contact
mailto:"[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Visit Volunteer
if you would like to volunteer your time for any of
the events listed below.

To see the complete schedule of events, visit our
Web site at: http://www.savetibet.org.  We've also
listed the schedule below.  Please pass this message
along to friends and colleagues you think may be


July 1, 2000

March for Tibet
11:00 a.m. Rally begins at Lafayette Park (1600
Pennsylvania Avenue just North of the White House.)
12:00 noon The March Begins
1:00 p.m. The March passes the Chinese Embassy (2300
Connecticut Avenue)

July 2, 2000

His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the National Mall
(7th Street and Constitution Avenue)
8:30 am Tibetan Buddhist Ceremony
11:00 am Free Public Address

Other events:

The Smithsonian Folklife Festival features "Tibetan
Culture Beyond the Land of Snows" on the National Mall.
June 23 - July 4, 2000

Tibetan Film Festival -- FREE!-- June 27 and June 30,
2000 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Meyer Auditorium, Freer Gallery of Art
National Mall, Washington, D.C.
June 27th: "The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet" and
"Tibet's Stolen Child" June 30th: "Windhorse"
Both nights also feature remarks by special guests
involved in making the films.

We hope to see you in Washington this Independence
Day Weekend!

International Campaign for Tibet
1825 K Street NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC  20006
Tel. 202.785.1515
Fax. 202.785.4343


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Peltier's Parole Denied Before Hearing Completed?

2000-06-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

Post Cassini Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1999
Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA

Re: http://www.BartJordan.com

June 13, 2000

1)  Leonard Peltier Defense Committee's Press Release
United States Parole Examiner Refuses to Consider New Evidence

2)  A Disregarded Letter to the Parole Board
Leonard Peltier Support Focuses on Clemency Campaign 2000

1)  Leonard Peltier Defense Committee's Press Release
United States Parole Examiner Refuses to Consider New Evidence

June 12, 2000

United States Parole Examiner Refuses to Consider New Evidence

Native American rights activist, Leonard Peltier was reviewed for parole
today during a hearing held at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in Kansas.
The Hearing was held to determine whether there is any reason why the Parole
Commission should change their 1993 decision to deny Peltier parole. Today
Peltier's representatives told the Commission that Peltier's health, serious
family needs, and his positive program achievements were all reasons for the
Commission to reconsider their denial of parole to Peltier. They also argued
that the Commission's original decision to deny parole was wrong. They said
the Commission has yet to justify their reasons for denying his release in
excess of what their guidelines recommend.

The Parole Examiner refused to read a report from Dr. Peter Basch who, after
reviewing Peltier's recent medical records, determined that problems with
Peltier's health could result in "recurrent central retinal vein occlusion,
stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure." The doctor also noted that
several of Mr. Peltier's health problems had not been treated appropriately
by prison medical staff.

Attending the parole hearing were representatives for Amnesty International,
the National Council of Churches, the National Congress of American Indians,
and the Assembly of First Nations. Legal council included attorneys Jennifer
Harbury, Carl Nadler, and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Jean Ann
Day, survivor of the Pine Ridge "reign of terror" also testified.

The Parole examiner did not respond to pleas from Amnesty International or
the National Council of Churches, and he showed no interest in the eight
parole plans offering Peltier housing and employment from various Native
Organizations and tribes.

Furthermore, the examiner refused to accept or consider the 10,000 letters
collected over the last three months from US citizens, human rights
organizations, luminaries and members of the international community
supporting Peltier's release.

Without deliberation or the consideration of any documents presented, the
parole examiner recommended that Peltier's sentence be continued until his
next full parole hearing in 2008. Those in attendance reported that the
examiner wrote the denial while the presentation was still being made.

Peltier's defense council will continue to protest the Parole Commission's
denial of parole to Peltier in federal court. Supporters will continue
efforts to gain Peltier's release through a grant of Executive Clemency.
Leonard Peltier was originally convicted for the murders of two FBI agents
on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. However, formerly withheld documents
supporting Peltier's innocence would later force the prosecution to admit
that they could not prove who actually killed the agents. Despite this,
Peltier has remained in prison for 24 years. Amnesty International considers
him to be a political prisoner who should be immediately released.

Call the White House Comments Line Today
Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044
To subscribe, send a blank message to   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

For NPR's June 12, 2000 story on Leonard for Democracy NOW!
Click: http://www.webactive.com/webactive/pacifica/demnow/
(scroll down half the page to story)


2)  A Disregarded Letter to the Parole Board
Leonard Peltier Support Focuses on Clemency Campaign 2000

The following letter was one of the thousands denied review by the Parole
Board. However, this letter by Flyby News editor, Jonathan Mark, was
published with minor revisions as a letter to the editor on June 8, 2000 in
the "Recorder" newspaper, Greenfield, Massachusetts.

The best chance to now end the unjust continued imprisonment of Leonard
Peltier is from his petition for Presidential Executive Clemency, which has
been in limbo since filed in 1993. The review for the Clemency process
usually takes six to nine months. In almost six years the Justice Department
has not responded to 

[CTRL] A secret military organization took part in the raid at Waco

2000-06-13 Thread DIG alfred webre


A secret military organization took part in the raid at Waco, Texas, and has
been training in civilian areas using live fire. It often ventures into
areas without permission from local authorities, according to a former

The Combat Applications Group is the secret organization within the Special
Operations Command operating out of several military bases.

"Presidential Decision Directive 25 is the authority given to them to operate
and to be not covered by posse comitatus. This is the Delta Force. It's also
known as the CAG (Combat Applications Group). That's a cover name for their
organization behind the fence at Ft. Bragg, (North Carolina)," explained a
former Special Forces member who spoke to WorldNetDaily on condition of

PDD 25 has been classified as top secret. All that is available to the public
is an executive summary. Details of the document will be detailed in another
article in this series.

Members of the elite Delta Force and Night Stalkers are carefully selected
screened from Special Forces and other groups in all branches of the
The CAG is primarily run by the Rangers, according to a source, who has many
years of experience with both the group, and with clandestine operations.

The Night Stalkers are actually the 160th Special Operations Aviation
Airborne. Their job is to transport Delta Force troops to an area for a
then retrieve them. They are experts at flying black-painted helicopters just
treetops in the dark of night using special night vision equipment.

Their motto is "Death waits in the dark." They wear emblems that combine
mythology and occult symbols.

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was
and Hell followed with him . . . to kill with sword and with hunger, and with
death," reads the Night Stalkers creed, taken from Revelation 6:8 in the

The Night Stalkers have a website filled with occult symbols of death, Greek
mythical symbols, and writings mocking the creation story of the Bible, among
many references to killing and death. It is no wonder why so many military
members have expressed concern over this group.

A source confirmed the Night Stalkers and Delta Force were involved in the
raid at Waco. They considered it a great opportunity for training and

Delta Force soldiers are handpicked and are trained killers. They are expert
rescuing hostages, SWAT operations and surprise raids to kill an enemy.

"Yes indeed, these are the same people that were at the back of the (Waco)
compound -- not the FBI HRT (Hostage Rescue Team). They were at the back of
the compound at Waco and were shooting the people coming out. I did see the
(special films) at SOCOM (Special Operations Command). The HRT is a clone of
them. They work very closely with the HRT," explained a knowledgeable source
who requested anonymity.

The equipment used by the FBI HRT is identical to that used by the Delta
Whenever an HRT deploys, they use the Night Stalkers to get them in and out.

The Night Stalkers and Delta Force were recently confirmed to be involved in
Operation Last Dance, conducting live-fire raids on sites in civilian areas
parts of Texas. Army public affairs officers claim the civilian sites are
because the elite forces get bored using military bases for training.

"In a manner to justify their fairly large budget, they have been performing
these exercises. Not that they just get bored. It's political empire type
Pretty vainly in some respects. In order to justify their budgets, and in
to keep them alive," said one source.

The Night Stalkers left Texas ready to plan similar exercises in some other
unsuspecting U.S. neighborhood. They left behind a storm of controversy and
frightened residents who have not stopped complaining. Some are even planning
legal action.

"They usually pay for all their damage by the way. They have a bag person
and they usually pay for all their damage with cash. You just make a claim to
and they pay you off right there on the spot," claimed the source.

City officials in Kingsville, Texas, where Operation Last Dance began,
that the Army Special Forces Command from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, has
for the destruction of one building and the heavy damage to another.

Some military sources, too, are concerned with the way the CAG has evolved,
he is very concerned about the way the group has been granted authority to do
just about anything with total immunity from the law, including the Posse
Comitatus Act.

"They will follow and do whatever the president tells them to do. In that
they are somewhat dangerous," said one source of his concerns about PDD 25.

He claims the CAG forces were used by the FBI in the raid at Waco. He said he
repulsed when he personally observed films of the raid, known as FLIRS, in

[CTRL] MC: MicroChip Implants Now Being Tested

2000-06-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

Any comments - technical, political, moral?  Alfred
  What you are about to read is quite alarming, and I know some
  will question its veracity. In that interest, I, Ronald Branson,
  have just placed a call to the phone number given below, (406)
  847-2735, to confirm the information was indeed was put out by
  "Taking Aim" and that they stand behind it. I placed this call at
  12:25 p.m. June 6, 2000 and spoke with "Mike" who made the
  affirmation and readily offered to send JAIL that publication. I
  informed Mike who I was and that this article was being place
  out.-Ronald Branson, author of JAIL
  This is the first half of an article from a publication called
  "Taking Aim." This was found in Vol. 3, No. 5 and begins on
  page 11. The telephone number for this magazine was given as
  (406) 847-2735 and their FAX number was given as
  (406) 847-2246. I have read the entire article, but was unable
  to obtain a copy of the last half (and I failed to at least "hand-
  copy" it). I first generated printed copies of this article back
  in Nov. of 1998.
  The following is an internal memorandum smuggled out of
  In past issues of "Taking Aim" we have brought to you articles,
  advertisements and other pieces of evidence that  "chip
  implantation" in people for controlling behavior is on the horizon.
  In this issue we will prove that it is not on the horizon, it is here
  NOW, in America. The chip (a solid state semi-conductor
  Integrated Circuit) is called the "2020 Neural Chip" manufactured
  by Intelli-Connection, a Security Division of IBM located in
  Armonk, New York. The following is an internal memorandum
  smuggled out of Intelli-Connection concerning the progress of the
  chip and their contracts for implanting them in unaware American
  citizens. Because of the content we will reprintit in its entirety:
  A Security Division of IBM
  1200 Progress Way
  Armonk, New York 11204
  The control of crime will be a paramount concern in the 21st
  century. We must be ready with our security products when
  the demand for them becomes popular. Our Research and
  Development Division has been in contact with the Federal
  Bureau of Prisons, the California Department of Corrections,
  the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Massachusetts
  Department of Correction to run limited trials of the 2020
  Neural Chip implant. We have established representatives
  of our interests in both managementand institutional level
  positions within these departments.
  Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on
  prisoners, but we have entered into contractual agreements with
  privatized health care professionals and specified correctional
  personnel to do limited testing of our products. We have had
  major successes in privately owned sanitariums with implant
  technology. We need, however, to expand our testing to research
  how effective the 2020 Neural Chip implant performs in those
  identified as the most aggressive in our society. Limited testing
  has produced a number of results.
  In California, several prisoners were identified as members of
  the security threat group, EME, or "Mexican Mafia." They were
  brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized
  with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge,
  Massachusetts laboratories. The implant procedure takes 60-90
  minutes depending upon the experience of the technician. We
  are working on a device which will reduce that time by as much
  as 60%. The results of implants on 8 prisoners yielded the
  following results:
  1. Implants served as surveillance monitoring devices for threat
   group activity.
  2. Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on
   correctional staff.
  3. Universal side effects in all 8 test subjects revealed that when
   the implant was set to 116 MHz all subjects became lethargic
   and slept on an average of 18-22 hours per day.
  4. All subjects refused recreation periods for up to 14 days
   during the 116 MHz test evaluation.
  5. 7 of the 8 subjects did not exercise in the cell or out of the cell
   and 5 of the 8 subjects refused showers for up to 3 days at a time.
  6. Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the
   test period and the findings are conclusive that 7 out of the 8
   subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked.
  7. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose
   and ears 48 hours after the implant due 

[CTRL] ET PsyOps: Disclosure Programming News

2000-06-13 Thread DIG alfred webre


12 June 2000

Dr. Steven M. Greer announced today that the long-awaited process to
disclose definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial
UFOs and covert government projects related to the subject has been funded
and launched.

Disclosure News Programming (DNP), an investigative reporting news
organization, has been formed to spearhead and coordinate this
disclosure over the next year. Key features of the project include:

A prolonged, sustained and coordinated multimedia global release of
definitive evidence and the testimony of top secret witnesses about
extraterrestrial intelligence, secret and compartmented government
programs and advanced technologies related to energy and propulsion systems;

An integrated strategy which includes a multi-part investigative news
special, compendia books and transcripts of government witness
testimony, an Internet site dedicated to the disclosure evidence and on-going
executive briefings for government, military, scientific, congressional,
international, and corporate leaders;

A de facto international government disclosure by virtue of the large
numbers of military, intelligence, government, corporate, scientific and
government-related institute witnesses now ready to come forward during
this integrated and sustained program;

A news conference during which top-secret witnesses disclose the full
nature of their direct knowledge concerning the subject.

Currently, over 200 top-secret witnesses have been identified in the US,
Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Russia, Italy
and other countries. It is important to note that during briefings at the
Pentagon and with senior congressional leaders and Executive Branch
staff that this civilian effort to disclose this matter has been repeatedly
green-lighted and even encouraged.

Disclosure News Programming and its related strategies are supported by
a team of senior researchers and consultants with substantial expertise in
military affairs, international affairs, national security, science,
technology and related areas.

This international team working intensely on the disclosure process has
been recently joined by one of the most senior aerospace executives in
American history - a person who has specific knowledge since the 1970s of the
planned use of Ballistic Missile Defense (the Star Wars program) to target
extraterrestrial objects in space - even though there is no evidence of
any credible threat from these craft.

It has been determined that the combination of accelerating global
environmental degradation and the dangers associated with the
weaponization of space necessitates a near-term disclosure process. The risks
of doing nothing and the benefits to humanity resulting from disclosure make
it clear that such an effort - long overdue by most accounts - is now a
global imperative.

The public is invited to assist in this project by referring credible
government and corporate witnesses who have first-hand knowledge of
these covert programs, as well as other evidence and materials, to Disclosure
News Programming (DNP).

Contact: Disclosure News Programming (DNP)
Steven M. Greer, MD
540 456 8302 (Telephone)
540 456 8303 (Fax)
Exopolitics - Alternative News for ecology, consciousness 
Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.exopolitics.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] MC: ET PsyOps: Disclosure News Programming

2000-06-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

RE: ET  PsyOps: Disclosure News Programming
Wes - Good questions, as usual. Here are some other perspectives.

  That raises some interesting questions:
1. If the military has been simulating "aliens" and "UFOs," doesn't that
make Greer (and the "ET" community) complicit (consciously or not) in
this continued disformation scheme?  

ANSWER-The more advanced ET researchers, and the community at large are well
aware that the "unexplained" UFO phenomenon appears to be a mix of
phenomena, eg 1) Black ops disinformational psyops craft, US Govt issue;
2) "Virtual", non-craft phenomena created by some intelligent source -
at least human and perhaps higher (Some say a Megaintelligence whose
goal is peripheral cuing of the human race); 3) Actual interplanetary
spacecraft. The UFO literature is a voluminous, living body of
research. Goals of the US Govt black ops: To "Mimic" popular ET images
and exert global mind control.

These opinions are expressed in published sources (See Exopolitics,
exopolitics.com), and in general conversation (See IUFO, UFOupdates
lists). Thus no complicity: WE ARE NOT SILENT NOR DUPED.

  2. How do these alleged "top secret" witnesses plan to evade national
security regulations without imprisonment? This sounds totally

ANSWER-Not outside the US. The French recently released the Cometa report,
culminating a 3 year study of the UFO phenomena, including classified
cases. It was headed up by the French head of its NASA and a high
Airforce official. Inside the US, one of the principal goals of the
movement to declassify this issue has been a special exemption from
secrecvy regulations to allow the individuals to tell their stories.
Organizations have been lobbying Congress in this specific regard.

Last but not least, as I read the news release below, the project claims
that the witnesses and evidence will relate to the issue of
Extraterrestrials AS WELL AS the issue of Military PsyOps.

So, it is all a story that is in movement. Stay tuned. Alfred Webre

  Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 20:48:03 -0700
From: "A.J. Craddock" [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Major CSETI Announcement


12 June 2000

Dr. Steven M. Greer announced today that the long-awaited process to
definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial intelligence,
and covert government projects related to the subject has been funded

Disclosure News Programming (DNP), an investigative reporting news
organization, has been formed to spearhead and coordinate this
over the next year. Key features of the project include:

A prolonged, sustained and coordinated multimedia global release of
definitive evidence and the testimony of top secret witnesses about

extraterrestrial intelligence, secret and compartmented government
and advanced technologies related to energy and propulsion systems;

An integrated strategy which includes a multi-part investigative news
special, compendia books and transcripts of government witness
testimony, an
Internet site dedicated to the disclosure evidence and on-going
briefings for government, military, scientific, congressional,
and corporate leaders;

A de facto international government disclosure by virtue of the large
numbers of military, intelligence, government, corporate, scientific and
government-related institute witnesses now ready to come forward during
integrated and sustained program;

A news conference during which top-secret witnesses disclose the full
nature of their direct knowledge concerning the subject.

Currently, over 200 top-secret witnesses have been identified in the US,
Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Russia, Italy

other countries. It is important to note that during briefings at the
Pentagon and with senior congressional leaders and Executive Branch
that this civilian effort to disclose this matter has been repeatedly
green-lighted and even encouraged.

Disclosure News Programming and its related strategies are supported by
team of senior researchers and consultants with substantial expertise in
military affairs, international affairs, national security, science,
technology and related areas.

This international team working intensely on the disclosure process has
recently joined by one of the most senior aerospace executives in
history - a person who has specific knowledge since the 1970s of the
use of Ballistic Missile Defense (the Star Wars program) to target
extraterrestrial objects in space - even though there is no evidence of
credible threat from these craft.

It has been determined that the combination of accelerating global
environmental degradation and the dangers associated with the
of space necessitates a near-term disclosure process. The risks of doing
nothing and the benefits to humanity resulting from disclosure make it

[CTRL] INFOTERRA: GW: Drastic Climate Changes Forecast

2000-06-12 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Global warming in the 21st century will likely cause drastic changes
 in the climate of the United States, including potentially severe
 droughts, increased risk of flood, mass migrations of species,
 substantial shifts in agriculture and widespread erosion of coastal
 zones, a new federal report says

 Warming of the global climate is likely to have substantial
 consequences -- for better and worse -- around the United States in
 coming decades, including bumper crops in the heartland, chronic
 erosion of coasts, summer water shortages and winter floods in the
 West and a future New York City that steams in summer like
 present-day Atlanta

 Climate Change Impacts on the United States (US Global Change
 Research Information Office)

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Appeal to the conscience of the World - NATO depleted uranium

2000-06-12 Thread DIG alfred webre

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU


Although anti-armour weapons containing depleted uranium undoubtedly
severe consequences to human health and environment, they were used in the
course of NATO military operations against FR of Yugoslavia. Additionaly, a
recent documents and articles have revealed reasons to believe that
uranium might not have only been used in anti-armour shells, but also in
larger projectiles.

I - Established facts about the use of depleted uranium

Since the beginning of hostilities, on March 24, 1999, officials of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have, on many occasions, admitted
that certain types of aircraft involved in the operation were using bullets
made of depleted uranium (DU) against armoured units of the Yugoslav

Depleted uranium is a by-product from the production of enriched fuel for
nuclear reactors and weapons, and represents one of the largest categories
of radioactive waste.[2] DU is highly toxic to humans both chemically as a
heavy metal and radiologically as an alpha-particle emitter. That is why
weapons made of this material are inhumane and have an indiscriminate
effect.[3] The use of such weapons is contrary to international law
regarding the rules and customs of war, the protection of civilian persons
in time of war and the protection of environment.[4] United Nations
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (the former
Sub-Commisssion on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities), the main subsidiary body of the United Nations Commission on
Human Rights, had condemned the use of weaponry containing DU together with
the use of other weapons of mass destruction and with indiscriminate

By firing DU bullets during the most recent bombardments, NATO also
disregarded the results of numerous expert analyses indicating that the use
of DU shells during operation the Desert Storm in Kuwait and Southern Iraq
was related to a specific illness, the so-called Gulf War Syndrome,
afflicting probably more than 90.000 allied soldiers, as well as inflicting
serious long-lasting damage to the health of the local population.[6] The
most severe reported consequences to the health of contaminated persons
the initiation of new or promotion of existing cancers, as well as changes
in the genetic material, the latter ones influencing the offspring.[7] It
appears that official institutions of the United States of America have not
seriously denied such reports.[8] Today, similar effects can be observed in
Republic of Srpska, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where DU weapons had been
used by NATO during 1995. [9]

The danger of the use of DU to human health and to the environment lies in
the fact that DU burns when piercing the target, [10] releasing
uranium-oxide, a radioactive aerosol, which contains alpha-particles. This
aerosol is light, thus able to travel by air and be carried by wind over
long distances, contaminating the air, water, agricultural areas, and,
consequently, the food-chain. A particularly dangerous threat to health
in the possibility that such particles are inhaled or ingested, in which
case they could even penetrate tissues and enter the bloodstream, directly
irradiating organs and blood. [11]

II - The possibility that a new kind of DU weapons was used in FRY

A number of recent documents and articles revealed reasons to believe that
depleted uranium might not have only been used in anti-armour shells, but
also in larger projectiles (e.g. cruise missiles or bombs).

In that case, the use of weapons containing DU, although forbidden even
against military targets, would not have been limited to Kosovo and
only, the region which was the only battlefield where NATO was trying to
neutralize Yugoslav armoured units. NATO airplanes bombed various
throughout FRY. For example, continous attacks on industrial plants,
buildings, bunkers and airports had been taking place in Belgrade.

If the weapons used to destroy buildings, industrial plants, bridges,
bunkers, airports and other structures in FRY did contain DU, then much
larger quantities of this material could have contaminated highly populated
areas and thus ???pardized the health of numerous Yugoslav citizens.

III Grounds

The above stated possibility is based on the following documents and

1. The article NATO using depleted uranium weapons, by Felicity Arbuthnot
and Darran Gardner, published on April 4, 1999, in Sunday Herald Glasgow,
Scotland: ...Both Tomahawk cruise missiles and munitions rounds used by
American Warthog bombers (A-10) contain the radioactive waste material...

2. The statement of the Russian foreign minister, Mr. Igor Ivanov, of April
8, 1999, that ...NATO is using new types 

[CTRL] ECTV: Solar Flares,CME,Solar Wind Storm-All

2000-06-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

 A Solar Flare, a CME, and a Solar Wind Storm - All In One day!...06/10/00

 The prolific flare-producing sunspot group #9026 unleashed another
 moderately strong solar flare today.  The eruption was accompanied by a
 partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME) that might be Earth-directed.  If
 so, material from the CME would arrive in the vicinity of our planet on
 June 12 or 13.  A SOHO coronagraph animation of the event shows a
 beautiful billowing CME peppered by speckles and meteor-like streaks
 resulting from energetic particles hitting the spacecraft's camera.

 Earlier in the day, as predicted, a solar wind disturbance from a CME on
 June 7 struck Earth's magnetosphere.  Active geomagnetic conditions were
 observed for about nine hours, but have since subsided.

 In addition to this now known occurrence, I have received unconfirmed
 reports that a more dangerous event has occurred.
 Last night around 8:00 PM, the sun emitted a different kind of flare than
 has been coming out in recent days.  It is a low blast, not just a wave,
 but with a magnitude of sound that can cause much more damage.

 The lower the blast, the greater the potential for a stronger impact.  We
 were told at 10:00 EDT last night that it is expected to reach earth in
 about 34 hours.  It currently has the potential to cause significant
 damage to the ionosphere.  Again, this is a working report not yet

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ECTV- US Government Sends Imminent Warning of Climate Change

2000-06-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

The debate on the ultimate causes of climate change continues. Alfred Webre
 Government Sends Imminent Warning of Climate Change...06/10/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 The US government sent out an urgent call today stating the earth changes
 we are experiencing today will only increase for sometime to come.

 I am in perfect agreement with this statement. However, it appears
 selected government officials want to attach their findings to what is
 widely known as "global warming". It is unfortunate that the meaning of
 global warming, which simply means "warming globe", has been carelessly
 (and perhaps purposefully) sold to the public to mean "human caused".

 As you know, I have written countless articles showing the cause of our
 weather phenomena is to a much greater degree caused by a very natural
 cycle of the Sun. My research suggest it is an approximate 75-25 split,
 with 75% of global warming being caused by solar cycle, and 25% caused by
 fossil fuel and other human pollutants.

 Please note, 25% is a hugh number, and we do have a large measure of
 control over this issue. I can tell you I do everything I can on a daily
 basis to remain environmentally conscience. I hope you will join me. We
 Can Make A Difference!  Having said this, I feel it important to point out
 that research suggest we would experience the extreme weather shift we see
 today "If There Were No Humans On Earth".

 Feel free to view many of the articles I have written, as well as several
 articles written by many scientist and specialist in this field of study.
 Go to our breaking news "archives" for back issues. Remember! we are all
 just kind of guessing. Follow your truth, not mine (or anyone else).

 You will note the article below sent out today, does have a sense of
 urgency. Again, I agree with most everything it says, but remember "global
 warming" simply means "warmer globe".

 Mitchell Battros

 U.S. to List Potential Radical Climate Changes...06/10/00
 By Patrick Connole

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. government agencies will unveil
 Monday the first national assessment on the potential consequences of
 climate change over the next 100 years, revealing a wide range of impacts
 if the Earth continues to warm significantly, according to a draft made
 available to Reuters on Friday.

 Cold winters in the Northeast could become a thing of the past,
 alleviating some health stresses, the nation's food supply should be safe,
 and forests may proliferate.

 But at the same time, there will be drought concerns in every region of
 the United States, maple syrup will not flow easily in New England, and
 ecosystems may disappear entirely.

 Sources with environmental organizations who helped draft the assessment
 said the project offers a slew of scenarios for how the United States will
 be affected by a projected temperature rise of 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit by
 the year 2100.

 Dr. Janine Bloomfield, an expert with the Environmental Defense
 organization in New York City, said the report is not final and will be
 open for public comment from Monday.

 ``There are specifics on the impact on ecosystems, as well as the rate and
 magnitude of climate change,'' Bloomfield said.

  Regional Differences, Overall Uncertainty

 The assessment breaks down how regions and specific sectors could be hurt
 or helped if the Earth warms at the same rate it has in recent years due
 to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It was written
 by a panel of scientists from several government agencies, academics,
 private groups, and other interested people ranging from farmers to

 According to the draft, the country must be prepared for the changes
 ahead, even if the exact impacts remain uncertain at this point.

 ``It is very likely that some aspects and impacts of climate change will
 be totally unanticipated as complex systems respond to ongoing climate
 change in unforeseeable ways,'' it says.

 Even if steps were taken in the near-term to reduce human greenhouse gas
 emissions, the report says, the level of gases already in the atmosphere
 will leave the world susceptible to climate change for the next century.

 ``Even if the world takes mitigation measures, we must still adapt to a
 changing climate,'' the draft says.

 ``Similarly, even if we take adaptation measures, future emissions will
 have to curbed to stabilize climate. Neither type of response can
 completely supplant the other.''

 An international attempt to tackle climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, has
 not been finished but it aims to reduce sharply the amount of fossil-fuel
 emissions from major industrial nations to 1990 levels by the years

  Hotter Weather, Storms

 The following are some of the key findings listed in the assessment draft,
 which sources expect to remain in place when the Global Change Research
 Program officially unveils the report next week. The report was written


Re: [CTRL] JFK Silenced Over UFO's?

2000-06-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-10 20:13:26 EDT, you write:

 President John F. Kennedy and the UFOs 

See also alleged CIA Document (disinformation?) suggesting Marilyn Monroe
death's related to secret ET information which John F. Kennedy gave her
shortly before her death.


(Copy of alleged CIA document on webpage along with great photo of Marilyn)

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-06-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

From the Millennium Group:
Dear TMG Readers,
We have just posted an update to the Mars/76P story. It appears that
there has been some type of interaction between Mars and the comet.
Due to the limitations on our ability to research the problem, we
have only adjunct evidence of an encounter between the two. However
are sure that the powers that be have plenty of information that they
are NOT sharing. Come and see what we have for you at:

We would also like to introduce you to one our new sponsors:
Health, Wealth and Happiness at:
Not only do they provide some great information on their page, but
they also have many wonderful products. Please visit them and support
them. Supporting them is supporting TMG. (Banner and button programs
are available - just ask!)

I would like to personally thank everyone that has passed along
messages concerning Chuck Shramek's death. This was personally very
difficult for me and your emails really helped. Thank you.

gary d. goodwin

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ECTV - Geomagnetic Storm and Aurora Watch Update

2000-06-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Geomagnetic Storm and Aurora Watch Update...06/09/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 It is refreshing to see the mainstream media take hold of this incredible
 unfolding that is taking place. I found a terrific web site
 to monitor aurora activity all around the world. It comes from our friends
 at NOAA:  http://sec.noaa.gov/pmap/index.html

 In addition to possible red skies in selective areas, watch for continued
 "extreme weather" in most areas of the world. Also watch for increased
 volcano activity which is most likely directly related to the current
 solar storms.

 As you know, we have been witness to a sharp increase in seismic activity.
 It is my belief the increase in seismic events may not be related to the
 sun. Researchers have been able to show a direct correlation between the
 sun, volcano's and even forest fires, but I have not found conclusive
 evidence that supports a solar-earthquake relation. I am open to the idea.
 It sure would appear there would certainly be one, but I have not found it
 yet. I know, it does appear odd. But let's not lose sight of the fact that
 there is a dramatic current escalation of quakes.

 Seismologist had been very concerned of the low seismic activity over the
 last several months. As a result, there has been a tremendous build up
 along the ring of fire (and fault lines less known). There are many in the
 field who are concerned we may see a series of large quakes continue for
 some time. Watch for more 7.0's and maybe a couple of 8's. For all our
 sake, let's hope it would occur in a no, or low, populated area.

 This may be a good time to do an inventory on your survival or emergency
 gear. Also, we are still not out of range of possible power grid outages.

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Space Weather News

 Geomagnetic disturbances are finally subsiding after an interplanetary
 shock wave struck Earth's magnetosphere around 930 UT on June 8.  The
 event triggered intense aurora over sparsely-inhabited regions of northern
 Asia and the Pacific. However, by nightfall over North America conditions
 had quieted.  There is still a chance for isolated auroral substorms that
 might be visible tonight (June 8-9) at middle latitudes.

 The next opportunity for viewing aurora borealis may arrive as soon as
 June 10, when another solar wind disturbance is expected to reach Earth.
 For more information and updates please visit http://www.spaceweather.com

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] It is time for a massive legal challenge of lethal injection - Please post

2000-06-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Problems came with 2nd needle

   After three tries, officials abandon attempts to insert a second line into
 Bennie Demps. That may have violated execution protocols.

 © St. Petersburg Times, published June 9, 2000


 TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Jeb Bush on Thursday staunchly defended the
 controversial handling of Florida's latest lethal injection, insisting state
 corrections officials performed the procedure "according to the textbook."

 "There was no botched nature to it at all," Bush said.

 But newly released details about the struggle to insert a second intravenous
 needle into three-time convicted killer Bennie Demps show state officials
 may have violated their own written execution protocol.

 That protocol says the medical technicians "shall complete" two intravenous
 lines into the condemned inmate. The governor's office says only one line
 was inserted, after technicians tried to insert a needle in at least four
 locations on Demps' body.

 In the wake of Demps' execution, other questions surfaced among death
 penalty opponents about the qualifications of the medical technicians who
 attempted to insert the needle and about the highly secretive procedure that
 has developed in the six months since the state switched its method of
 execution to lethal injection.

 Demps' final words -- a six-minute diatribe describing repeated attempts to
 insert the needle in his leg and groin -- has death row attorneys preparing
 to challenge lethal injection as cruel and unusual punishment.

 Michael Reiter is the attorney for convicted murderer Thomas Provenzano, who
 is scheduled to die June 20. Citing the state's history of botched
 executions, Reiter said: "I don't think they have the proper training. I
 don't think they have the competence and they make a mess of things."

 Demps' last request was to ask for an investigation into his execution.
 Alachua County State Attorney Rod Smith declined that request, made Thursday
 by Demps' attorney, concluding, "Mr. Demps was legally executed for a

 But Smith gave the most graphic indication yet of what happened to Demps in
 the hour before a curtain parted to allow witnesses to see him strapped to a
 gurney in the death chamber.

 In a written statement, Smith said an observer from his office described
 five punctures in Demps' body -- confirming Demps' dying claims. The marks
 were a large-bore needle mark in Demps' right groin, a small incision inside
 his right ankle and two puncture wounds in his right arm. His left arm
 showed a mark from the intravenous needle that carried the fatal drugs into
 Demps' bloodstream.

 Before dying, Demps asserted prison officials began attempts to insert
 needles at 5:40 p.m. and made a final cut in his leg at 6:20 p.m.

 Justin Sayfie, a spokesman for Bush, gave this chronology Thursday about how
 the marks and puncture wounds appeared:

 After the first intravenous needle was successfully inserted into Demps'
 left arm, officials attempted to insert a second needle into his right arm,
 his right groin and finally into his right ankle. Failing to find a vein in
 any of those three places, officials abandoned the effort and decided to use
 only one intravenous needle for the execution, Sayfie said.

 Before dying, Demps complained that the process was painful and caused him
 to bleed "profusely."

 "That's clearly torture," said Abe Bonowitz, director of the newly formed
 Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.

 C.J. Drake, spokesman for the Department of Corrections, disagreed.

 "This guy spoke for up to seven minutes so it's hard to believe this guy was
 in that much pain," he said.

 "But for the needles, it's not an invasive procedure."

 When corrections officials abandoned the attempt to insert the second
 intravenous needle, they appeared to violate their own protocol, which
 states: "The designated members of the Execution Team shall complete the
 primary and alternate IV and the heart monitor setup(s)."

 Demps was executed Wednesday for the slaying of another Florida State Prison
 inmate. He also had been convicted of killing two other people.

 Bush, visiting Tampa on Thursday, said justice was served.

 "It wasn't botched. They went according to protocol, and it worked. . . .
 There was no botched nature to it at all," the governor said. "It gives me
 no great joy, but he was not in pain. Lethal injection worked. And it was
 all done according to the textbook, so that's just the way it is."

 The department, which has presided over three botched executions in the last
 nine years, has a history of not following execution protocol. After Allen
 "Tiny" Lee Davis died in the electric chair in a bloody spectacle last year,
 an attorney for Provenzano challenged the state's use of the electric chair.

 The state Supreme Court rejected his claims, but scolded the department.


[CTRL] Grass Rights Support

2000-06-08 Thread DIG alfred webre

Posted by FoM on June 07, 2000 at 06:44:04 PT
Filmmaker Ron Mann stands up for pot
Source: Toronto Sun

Ron Mann says says he's happy the Ontario Film Review Board "has sobered up
and come to their senses" by giving the green light to his marijuana
documentary, Grass.

But the Toronto filmmaker yesterday questioned the motivation behind last
week's initial ruling that the film violated the Theatres Act by showing
animal abuse -- a few seconds about government testing showed brain-wired
chimpanzees being forced to smoke marijuana. The ruling was
reversed Monday. The movie opens June 16.

"In our society we have temperance outbreaks in which small groups of
people decide to protect others from doing things for pleasure," said Mann,
whose film
pounds home the huge cost and insane commitment to marijuana prohibition.

"I think that was the real agenda behind the censorship. It couldn't be for
what they said it was. I mean, you'd have to ban King Kong if you followed
that logic. They
abused him."

Mann, whose quirky documentaries have included Comic Book Confidential,
Twist and Poetry In Motion, said as a filmmaker "there are two basic
emotions -- to
turn people on to something like I did in Comic Book Confidential, or
anger. In this case I really hated what I learned about drug policy.

"A friend of mine in New York City got arrested during a cleanup at NYU. An
innocent kid thrown in jail for simple possession -- one of 600,000 pot
arrests last
year. Once you put a face on a number, you say, 'Man, this is really
wrong.' It's not about marijuana, but about personal freedom."

Narrated by hemp activist Woody Harrelson, whose services were offered for
free, Grass follows the criminalization of the weed from its earliest days,
as a means
of keeping tabs on Mexican immigrants in the U.S. Southwest.

The movie barrages the viewer with now-ludicrous government propaganda
(remember when pot was supposed to affect your chromosomes?) and frightening
statistics, including the fact that the U.S. in the '90s spent more than
$200 billion on investigation, conviction and incarceration of marijuana

Ignored is the equally bizarre history of drug prohibition in Canada, which
used as a template the work of Emily Murphy, whose book The Black Candle
marijuana was part of a plot by black men to enslave white women.

"I really just told the American story," Mann said. "It's the legislative
history of the U.S., because the U.S. has so much influence on drug policy
around the world. I
didn't go into what's going on in Amsterdam, or industrial hemp, or medical

"It was too much of an epic story to begin with, y'know, starting with
Harry J. Anslinger, the first U.S. drug czar who wanted to throw pot
smokers in jail and throw
away the key.

"That $200 billion does not include the social cost. Someone fails a drug
test and suddenly their whole life, all their civil liberties are taken
away. The reason I made
this film is because I don't believe marijuana smokers are criminals.
They're responsible, hard-working people, adults with families. It's the
recreational drug of choice
for a lot of people."

We mention that the timeline of his film stops at the present, without
positing the future. "People want there to be a happy ending, but there
isn't one," he said.

"On the other hand, when I hear (T.O. Police chief Julian) Fantino talk
decriminalization, I think marijuana laws could be like the Berlin Wall.
Someday, all of a
sudden it'll just fall down and we'll forget why it was there in the first

A father of four -- ages two to 9 -- Mann knows kids are often used as
debate fodder in drug-war talk. "When they grow up, if they choose to smoke
they should have the right to make that decision," he said. "What I hope is
they never get arrested for it."

By Jim Slotek, Toronto Sun
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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] INFOTERRA: War and the Environment response

2000-06-08 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-08 13:06:04 EDT, you write:

  I emphatically agree with the recently posted statement that "War has
  been perhaps the single most destructive activity our species indulges
  in" though I would probably remove the 'perhaps'. I also agree that  "one
  the pervasive and systematic obstacles to environmental protection and
  restoration is war, in all its forms" and that the environmental community
  all people of this planet should be doing more to prevent and arrest
  Several comments in a recent letter, however, stirred me to action.
  The first comment that I feel compelled to react to is that none of the
  effects of war are positive. This is a very understandable attitude, as war
  clearly has enormous negative effects both socially and environmentally.
  Nonetheless, there may be a very few potentially positive impacts of war,
  though they are obviously outweighed by the negative. One such possibly
  positive aspect of war is its effect as a method of population control.
  Overpopulation, coupled, of course, with inappropriate consumption
  is a serious environmental threat. By reducing the human population, war
  thus offer a very limited environmental benefit. There are, of course, far
  better ways of controlling population. Nonetheless, the critique of any
  activity should, I feel, be based on both cost and benefit so as to
  net cost or benefit of that activity. Population control is one possible
  limited benefit of war, though I'm sure that we all agree that war
  leads to a net cost.
  There are also a few other less significant though arguably positive
  of war for society and the environment. In some cases military research may
  (often accidentally) lead to the discovery or development of technologies
  which have a positive impact on society/environment. For example, the
  internet, which has (arguably) had a positive impact on civil society and
  proved relatively useful for environmental organizations, would likely
  have developed to its current state were it not for initial military
  and investment.
  A more complicated and less sure-footed argument is that in a few limited
  cases the destruction caused by war could change certain ecosystems in an
  environmentally desirable way. For example, if a battle were to kill of a
  disproportionately large number of exotic predators in a region it could
  potentially lead to greater biodiversity and protection of indigenous
  in that region. I have never seen any documented examples of this
  however, and realize that it is a dubious argument at best. I should also
  reiterate that I am not trying to make the argument that war offers any net
  environmental benefit.
  A second comment posted on this list that deserves a response is the
  suggestion that land mines are 'equal opportunity killers'. Again, this is
  understandable comment, with which I agree for the most part. However, it
  important to note that land mines actually target certain populations

  disproportionately. Generally, impoverished and rural communities suffer
  severely from land mine attacks. The impoverished have less access to land
  mine detection equipment, and thus cannot clear their land. A common
  by the poor is to let livestock run through the fields to set off mines.
  However, this is cruel to the livestock, costly for the farmers, and
  ineffective. Furthermore, the impoverished have a more desperate need to
  their fields and are more likely to risk farming a potentially mine laden
  area.  It is also more difficult for them to move to another area that
  be mine free.
  In many countries women are also particularly susceptible to mine attacks.
  Women often carry out tasks of subsistence agriculture, and collecting
  or firewood. All of these tasks can be very dangerous in land mine ridden
  Wildlife is also at particular risk. Unlike humans, animals are
  of land mines. They do not know to watch their step and often inhabit
  areas unlikely to be demined. The trend to drop huge numbers of mines from
  aircraft is particularly dangerous for wildlife, as these tend to infest
  unpopulated areas that animals inhabit. Thus, while land mines kill with
  impunity, certain people and creatures are undoubtedly at a greater risk.
  is perhaps also worth noting, though not relevant to my argument, that left
  over land mines leach chemicals into the ground, polluting the soil and
  poisoning plants, animals, and even humans.

  message sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] NIDS: Extraterrestrials Science

2000-06-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

 We received this note from National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS):

 "The recent Observer Newspaper article
 entitled "British UFO Secrets Revealed" has a followup.
 NIDS has just published an essay by Dr. Colin Ridyard, the central
 figure in the newspaper article, in which he lays out in detail the
 history of British MoD actions on UFO radar data. It makes for
 fascinating reading. It can be found at: http://www.nidsci.org and it
 may be worth alerting your readers to this.
 Colm A Kelleher PhD

 Reviewing the NIDS website, we found an extraordinary scientific
organization, with a forward-looking staff and some of the best scientific
contributors.  Counterbalancing several ET-skepticals on the Board of
Directors are group of collaborating extraterrestrially-curious scientists.
We would hope the ET skepticals can jettison their life-long professional
agnoticism in favour of committed scientific discovery.


 One of our favorites sections are the research papers on extraterrestrial
intelligence.  You can find it at:


 We found Alan Tough, PhD's conclusion on target:

 "4. Advanced civilizations are probably letting us develop freely, without
interference, in order to maximize the amount of information they gain; if
they interfere and control us, they will learn less
 (Kuiper and Morris, 1977). Their greatest gain from us may be sociological
and anthropological knowledge about our culture and civilization."

 And the winner of NIDS essay competition, Dr. Gregory L.` Matloff,
 Professor of Physics and Astronomy, NYU:

 "The Reenchantment of the Solar System: A Search of Local ETs."

 It is argued using a conservative approach to interstellar travel that
intelligent extraterrestrials (ET’s) may be present in
  our solar system, living in world ships that have colonized cometary or
asteroidal objects during the last billion years.
  The originating star systems for these advanced beings could be
solar-type stars that fortuitously approach our Sun
  within a light year or so at intervals of about a million years or
nearby stars that have left the main sequence,
  prompting interstellar migration. If we are indeed within such a "Dyson
Sphere" of artificial worldlets, we could detect
  their presence through astronomical means since a space habitat will
emit more infrared radiation than a like-sized
  comet or asteroid. Interestingly, several Kuiper-Belt objects have
recently been found to have an unexpected and
  substantial red excess. It is argued that, in opposition to the
assumptions of current SETI searches, the very advanced
  occupants of this possible local Dyson Sphere may have as little
interest in beaming radio signals in our direction as
  we do in communicating with termites. A research program is proposed
whereby large and small college observatories
  would routinely monitor the spectral irradiances of Near Earth and
Kuiper Belt objects while a concurrent theoretical
  effort models the spectral characteristics of various proposed space
habitats. Much of the observational work, at least,
  could be dovetailed with projects designed to detect Near-Earth Objects
(NEO’s) that might impact Earth in the future.
  Possible strategies and protocols for direct contact, requiring humans
to be the active contactees are presented to be
  considered for use if such intelligent ET’s are discovered within our
solar system. "


 Alfred Webre
 Vancouver, BC

 Exopolitics - Alternative News for ecology, consciousness 
 Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
 USA http://www.exopolitics.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
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 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory 

[CTRL] EXOPOLITICS Capetown, South Africa's 567mwCapeTalk, Friday June 9.

2000-06-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Alfred Webre, author of the new eBook EXOPOLITICS, will speak
 on Capetown, South Africa's 567mwCapeTalk, Friday June 9.

 EXOPOLITICS discloses a 1977 USA-Carter White House-
 National Science Foundation Study into extraterrestrial
 communication that was suppressed.  Author Alfred Webre was its
 Principal Investigator.  Exopolitics is the study of political and
 governmental forms in the Universe.  Exopolitics is to terrestrial
 politics and government as exobiology is to biology.Exopolitics is a
 key component of Universe ecology. The eBook EXOPOLITICS is
 available at UniverseBooks.com.

 A complementary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along
 with Nicky Molloy's review, can be found at:


 The winner of NIDS 2000 essay competition, Dr. Gregory L.` Matloff,
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, NYU, writes:

 "The Reenchantment of the Solar System: A Search of Local ETs."

 It is argued using a conservative approach to interstellar travel that
intelligent extraterrestrials (ET’s) may be present in
  our solar system, living in world ships that have colonized cometary or
asteroidal objects during the last billion years.
  The originating star systems for these advanced beings could be
solar-type stars that fortuitously approach our Sun
  within a light year or so at intervals of about a million years or
nearby stars that have left the main sequence,
  prompting interstellar migration. If we are indeed within such a "Dyson
Sphere" of artificial worldlets, we could detect
  their presence through astronomical means since a space habitat will
emit more infrared radiation than a like-sized
  comet or asteroid. Interestingly, several Kuiper-Belt objects have
recently been found to have an unexpected and
  substantial red excess. It is argued that, in opposition to the
assumptions of current SETI searches, the very advanced
  occupants of this possible local Dyson Sphere may have as little
interest in beaming radio signals in our direction as
  we do in communicating with termites. A research program is proposed
whereby large and small college observatories
  would routinely monitor the spectral irradiances of Near Earth and
Kuiper Belt objects while a concurrent theoretical
  effort models the spectral characteristics of various proposed space
habitats. Much of the observational work, at least,
  could be dovetailed with projects designed to detect Near-Earth Objects
(NEO’s) that might impact Earth in the future.
  Possible strategies and protocols for direct contact, requiring humans
to be the active contactees are presented to be
  considered for use if such intelligent ET’s are discovered within our
solar system. "


 Exopolitics - Alternative News for ecology, consciousness 
 Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
 USA http://www.exopolitics.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFOs and the Military

2000-06-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-07 08:24:51 EDT, you write:

 Let us assume for a moment that there really ARE aliens here.  What kind
of evidence is there that they have the power to destroy our Earth to a
cinder, that we are shooting at them with back engineered weaponry, and that
they are good or benevolent in any way?  Please enlighten us all with this

The person whose thoughts I was posting was considerate enough to provide us
his name and address.  Perhaps you wish to contact him with what he meant.
It is:  James Gilliland
 Self-Mastery Earth Institute
 PO Box 281, Hood River, Oregon 97031
 (509) 395-2092 http://www.cazekiel.org

If you would like further information, see my post on NIDS today.

Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC

Exopolitics - Alternative News for ecology, consciousness 
Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.exopolitics.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] INFOTERRA: War's effect on the environment: a short summary

2000-06-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

 INFOTERRA-L carried this response to ENWL's Open Letter on
 Environmental War.

  "Environmental warfare" aside, War has always been perhaps the single

  most destructive activity our species indulges itself in - destructive

  not only to the fabric of our own humanity, but also to the biosphere at

  large: when "the enemy" must be destroyed before he/she/it destroys you,

  you don't concern yourself with such trivial matters as the havoc your

  chemicals, bombs, underwater super-sonar systems, defoliants, depleted

  uranium and whatever else you can dig up, might wreak on local

  ecosystems and upon the biospere as a whole - you just do whatever it

  takes to kill, and let the "details" sort themselves out.  The direct

  and indirect effects of war upon the environment (none of them

  positive!!) include;

  1) direct destruction of biota via munitions, defoliants, fires, etc.

  2) residual effects - dangerous chemicals remaining from war (dioxins,

  depleteted uranium, heavy metals, chemical warfare agents) leftover

  mines (which kill wildlife and not just people - they are "equal

  opportunity" destroyers!), equipment, weapons dumps, ammunition

  fragments, etc.

  3) major alteration of the landscape of battlegrounds - many WW1

  battlefields are still ecological dissaster areas, compared to what they

  were previously!

  4) increased depletion of wildlife and forests, even in parks and other

  protected areas, by troops of various sorts and displaced citizens

  looking for food, shelter, firewoodmarauding armies and displaced

  populations are VERY destructive, doing whatever they see as nessessary

  for "survival".

  5) a breakdown of law and order, enabling criminals to pluder forests,

  poach whatever they like, such as elephants, bears, tigers, gorillas,

  rare birds, etc., with relative impunity.

  6) diversion of governmental resources which might have been used for

  environmental monitoring, protection, resarch and enforcement of

  environmental laws - when you are at war, protecting the habitat of

  spotted owls becomes a VERY low priority!!

  7) Massive environmental damage results from military research and the

  production of war materials: the military are concerned with weapons and

  killing - not environmental protection!!  A good example is the vast

  amount of radioactive material the former Soviet Union released into the

  local environment, as well as huge amounts of toxic chemicals poorly

  stored (an American problem also!!)

  8) distraction of attention from environmental concerns: the "general

  public" and the "media" have a limited amount of Discressional

  Attention, and also have short attention spans - in times of war and

  crisis, environmental matters tend to get put on the back burner!

  9) a general diminution or cheapening of the "value" of all life: if you

  do not value the lives of members of your own species,  then the lives

  of members of other species becomes a trivial matter.

  I submit that one of the pervasive and sytematic obstacles to

  environmental protection and restoration is war, in all its forms, and

  the activities and attitudes which accompany and result from it.

  Accordingly, the "environmental community" should be spending far more

  of its efforts in fighting attitudes that result in wars, and in

  promoting peace, as well as environmenatally responsible (and publically

  accountable!!) behavior of the military and its associated industrial

  From the Great White North,

  Ross M.
  message sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Convicted Killer Executed After 29 Years on Death Row From The Associ...

2000-06-07 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Convicted Killer Executed After 29 Years on Death Row
 By Ron Word
 Associated Press Writer

 STARKE, Fla. (AP) - A convicted killer who described himself
 as "the poster boy of the death penalty" was put to death by injection
 Wednesday for the 1976 murder of another inmate.
 After 29 years on death row, Bennie Demps was executed for
 the stabbing death of Alfred Sturgis, who was attacked in his cell by
 three inmates.

 Demps spoke for seven minutes, proclaiming his innocence
 before the execution.

 "This is not an execution, this is murder," Demps said. "I
 am an innocent man."

 During his statement, Demps also called on his lawyer,
 George Schaefer, to investigate why it took almost an hour to prepare
 him for the execution.

 Demps was strapped to a gurney beginning at 5:40 p.m. and
 the execution didn't take place until 6:40 p.m.

 Demps called the execution a "low-tech lynching by poison."

 "Governor Bush, you have done what you said you would never
 do and that's kill an innocent man," Demps said.

 Demps was officially declared dead at 6:53 p.m., 13 minutes
 after the lethal cocktail of chemicals was administered intravenously.

 The execution was scheduled for 6 p.m., but was delayed for
 a few reasons, according to Justin Sayfie, a spokesman for Gov. Jeb

 Both the U.S. Supreme Court and the 11th U.S. Circuit Court
 of Appeals in Atlanta turned down appeals Wednesday, but the paperwork
 from the Supreme Court wasn't received until 5:30 p.m., Sayfie said.

 There were also problems with the IV, Sayfie said. The
 technicians had trouble finding a vein for an alternate IV and finally
 decided to just use a primary line that was already inserted into Demps'
 left arm.

 Schaefer said he would ask State Attorney Rod Smith to
 investigate Demps' allegations that he was mistreated during the

 Schaefer said he was concerned about the delay and Demps'
 claims that he was cut in the leg and groin during attempts to find an
 alternate line and it was painful.

 The Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, on behalf
 of Pope John Paul II, sent a letter to the governor asking for clemency
 for Demps.

 Bush received the letter less than a hour before the
 execution, Sayfie said.

 The Pope has intervened in only a handful of Florida death
 penalty cases.

 The evening execution reflects a change in Florida State
 Prison execution proceedings. In the past, they usually were set for
 early mornings.

 Demps, 49, a Marine wounded in Vietnam, previously had
 escaped three dates with the electric chair. He said he now was being
 executed because he had cheated the executioner in a 1971 double murder.

 "They are trying to execute me in this case for that case,"
 Demps said in an interview Tuesday. "They want a free execution."

 Demps was served a last meal of barbecue chicken and beef,
 french fries, dinner salad, Spanish rice, rolls, cherry vanilla and
 butter pecan ice cream, a mango, banana pudding and Pepsi. He only ate
 half of the meal.

 Over his last several days, he received visits from his
 wife, Tracy Carothers Demps, of Surrey, British Columbia. She sat in a
 car outside the prison before the execution was scheduled to take place.

 Demps was first condemned for the 1971 murders of R.N.
 Brinkworth and Celia Puhlick, fatally shot in a Lake County citrus
 grove. They were inspecting land when they happened upon Demps, who had
 fled to the grove with a stolen safe.

 A year after Demps was sent to death row, the Supreme Court
 threw out capital punishment across the country. Demps was one of 97
 Florida inmates taken off death row.

 In July 1976, the nation's high court upheld Florida's new
 death law. Two months later, on Sept. 6, 1976, Sturgis was stabbed to
 death at Florida State Prison.

 The dying Sturgis told a prison guard that Demps and another
 inmate had held him down while a third inmate stabbed him.

 "They have used me as the poster boy of the death penalty,"
 Demps said Tuesday. "I am an innocent man, wrongly convicted in this
 murder, and I should be allowed to prove it."

 The Florida Supreme Court in 1981 upheld Demps' death
 sentence in Sturgis' slaying, rejecting his argument that it should be
 overturned because the other two inmates were given life sentences.
 Judges noted that the other two had no prior murder convictions.

 Demps was the third inmate executed this year, and the third
 by lethal injection. Since Florida resumed the death penalty, 46 other
 inmates have been put to death, all but this year's in the electric

 Thomas Provenzano, 50, is 

[CTRL] Green Party USA: Presidential Candidate Stephen Gaskin

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 12:56:02 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Green Party USA: Presidential Candidate Stephen Gaskin

Another Candidate for US President

.c The Associated Press


SUMMERTOWN, Tenn. (AP) - Korean War veteran. Hippie commune founder.
Published author. Drug convict.

Stephen Gaskin has accomplished much in his 65 years, but there's still one
more goal: U.S. president.

Like other political renegades, Gaskin knows his chances are slim against the
big party candidates, but the election gives him an opportunity to voice his
message for peace, social consciousness and the legalization of marijuana.

The self-described ``hippie priest and free-lance rabble-rouser'' says that
as a Green Party candidate, he offers an alternative to the other guy from
Tennessee - likely Democratic nominee Vice President Al Gore - and Gore's
rival Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Gaskin's got competition within the Green Party from consumer advocate Ralph
Nader, the party's perennial candidate, and former Dead Kennedys singer Jello
Biafra. The Greens select their candidates at a nominating convention June
24-25 in Denver.

If he loses the nomination, Gaskin says he will just take his $400 war chest
and start the Outlaw Party - a group with the same beliefs as the Green Party
but with a focus on legalizing marijuana.

``If you want to throw some seeds in your garden and grow some pot and smoke
it yourself, I don't think it's anybody else's business. And I don't think
that the Constitution thinks that it's anybody else's business,'' Gaskin says.

This is not someone who fears the question: Did you inhale?

``I didn't exhale,'' he says.

Gaskin, with his shoulder-length gray braids and tie-dyed T-shirts, envisions
a country where affluence isn't viewed as a right but a privilege that is
shared with the less fortunate.

Eliminating corporate donations and soft money to political campaigns will
restore integrity to political office, and the government should foot the
bill for the nation's health care and educate its people through junior
college, he says.

Where would the money come from?

``For a couple of B-2 bombers you could pay for all the education in the
United States,'' he says.

Gaskin was a writing instructor at San Francisco State College - now San
Francisco State University - following a two-year combat stint in Korea that
ended in 1954.

Social consciousness is the reason Gaskin withdrew from society and founded
his own community 58 miles southwest of Nashville in the rolling hills of
Middle Tennessee.

His commune - a 1,000-acre spot in Summertown called The Farm - prospered at
first but soon fell $800,000 into debt and in 1983 its leaders were forced to
start charging dues. Today, some 250 people live there and pay about $100

Gaskin went to prison in 1974 for marijuana possession. He served one year of
a three-year sentence and says he learned that ``the difference between who
went to jail and who didn't ... was politics.''

He later helped win voting rights for felons convicted in Tennessee before
1981 when he discovered that he had lost his own voting rights and appealed
to the Tennessee Supreme Court. The court struck down a 1981 law that, in
tandem with another law, denied voting rights to all felons rather than those
of specific crimes.

Gaskin has spent $800 traveling to speaking engagements and Green Party
meetings. He already is on the November ballot in a few states, including New
York and New Mexico.

When not on the campaign trail, Gaskin works on his vintage Volvos, teaches
at the commune's school and writes. He already has published 10 books on
politics and spirituality.

Gaskin's wife, Ina May, says she is proud of her husband's campaign, win or

``He shows that a little guy still can have a voice,'' she says. ``That's one
of the sad things about the country today - so many people don't have a

On the Net: Gaskin's campaign: http://www.stephen2000.org/

The Farm: http://www.thefarm.org/

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consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 

[CTRL] Florida: Execution of Bennie Demps Imminent

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Listening in while a man's fate is decided

=A9 St. Petersburg Times, published June 6, 2000=20


Bennie Demps very likely will die Wednesday night soon after the 6 =
o'clock news starts.=20

The state Supreme Court shut the door on his last appeal late Monday, =
turning down every argument, claim, technicality, document, and split =
legal hair his beleaguered lawyers could offer.=20

Demps will die for participating in the killing of another prisoner. =
This is not an act that gets ordinary people outraged, like Ted Bundy's =

Some will instead think Demps did us a favor, by saving on the upkeep of =
one Alfred Sturgis as well as himself, all in one swoop. Demps and =
another prisoner helped hold down Sturgis while another inmate stabbed =
him to death.=20

Under these circumstances Demps' execution will get as much notice as a =
shuttle liftoff. Both acts are so routine that Floridians ignore them =
except in special circumstances.=20

But Demps is also a man.=20

Because he is, listening to the 45-minute debate before the Supreme =
Court early Monday morning was a brief, intense experience in absurdity. =

The technology exists -- I employed it -- to listen to and watch the =
Supreme Court in Tallahassee from a PC on a desk in Tampa.=20

The technology exists -- the state employs it -- to make an execution as =
apparently benign an act as putting down a dog. The only difference is =
the dog is not despised.=20

The technology does not fail. But words do, when it comes to talking =
about killing a man.=20

The lawyers on Monday debated what happened in a lower appeals court, =
why an evidentiary hearing once granted was put off indefinitely, and =
what Demps' previous lawyers knew and when they knew it. Mostly the two =
sides went back and forth over a memo the defense had found from a top =
corrections official who reported that the murdered inmate, in his last =
words, named only one assailant, not Demps.=20

Explosive, the defense called it. Not worth a hill of beans, the =
prosecution said.=20

That was as lively, as real, as it got.=20

Otherwise, the lawyers and judges might as well have been debating =
whether a man had 10,000 hairs on his head, or 10,000 and one.=20

The arguments ended without a flourish, just a judge's voice trailing =
off at the microphone. Hours passed, and the court issued a 10-page =
ruling as emphatic as the slamming of a door. Being most modern people, =
wanting to educate and inform, the judges put the opinion on the Supreme =
Court Web site.=20

"The record shows that the trial court properly applied the law. ... We =
find Demps' remaining (ineffective assistance of counsel) claims and his =
petition for mandamus relief to be without merit."=20

And then, in solid capitals, the judges declared, "NO MOTION FOR =

Except for those big letters, telegraphing that somewhere a door was =
closing on Bennie Demps, the language was sanitized of all feeling.=20

This is what you do when you are doing your best to be civilized while =
discussing the most uncivilized thing, state-sanctioned killing.=20

You choke down all sentiment. You are frustrated, like Gov. Bush, at how =
long the process takes, in this case, five execution warrants and 25 =
years. You feel anger at this killing and two others for which Demps was =
sentenced to death but had the sentence commuted to life. You feel pity =
for the victims' survivors. And finally, you confront the deep =
ambivalence that arises when honorable people identify with the desire =
for revenge but still wonder if it is right to kill even the worst of =

Is it?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UFOs and the Military

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Armageddon or New Age:
 - Original Message -
 From: "James A Gilliland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 2:58 PM
 Subject: UFOs and the Military

 There is a military mindset concerning the subject of UFOs which no longer
 serves the interest of national security or the people. It is time to lay
 this mindset to rest. For centuries, we have taken our finest minds and
 employed them within the military industry, directing them to create the
 most powerful weapons of mass destruction and the most virulent biologicals
 possible. Under the leadership of the military industry, we are evolving
 into one of the most deadly civilizations known to man. We already have the
 destructive potential to destroy all life on the planet and are now playing
 with technologies that have the potential to create a black hole, destroying
 not only the Earth, but all life up to 50,000 light years away..

 Now what does this have to do with national security?

 Is this where we want to go as a civilization?

 What if one of their little experiments creates a cascade effect; a little
 virus or bacteria escapes the lab?

 The mind set is "we must have military superiority over everyone and
 everything". If we cannot have superiority, dominance and complete control
 we must must destroy it. One of the problems with this mindset is our
 weapons of mass destruction and biologicals seem to mysteriously fall into
 the hands of the so called enemy when enough money is transferred to the
 right people..

 This military mindset is the one we have allowed to engage off world
 visitors. Off world visitors with interstellar and interdimensional
 capabilities that have the weaponry to turn this planet into a cinder if so
 desired. Now don't you feel real secure knowing our government is shooting
 at them with back-engineered late model technology? Luckily our off world
 visitors are benevolent, understand primitive cultures and for the most
 part,  take the high road staying out of reach.

 To keep this multibillion dollar industry alive and in control of our
 destiny they also have to generate and maintain the mind set that these off
 world visitors are a threat and the military industry will protect us from
 that threat. I do not know about you but the only thing I have been
 threatened by is our own government. When ever someone comes up to the ranch
 I ask them what they most fear about UFOs and the standard answer is
 reprisals from the government. The second answer is contacting a gray or
 government black project which seem to go hand in hand.

 Despite all the disinformation campaigns to create fear of off world
 visitors, the main fear and distrust is of our own government.

 Here is a novel idea. What if we took all those billions of dollars and put
 them into solving the problems that plague all humanity like food shortages,
 homelessness, cleaning up and restoring the environment? What
 if we had ambassadors of peace to engage the benevolent and spiritually
 advanced ETs with the technology to provide free energy, clean up the air,
 water, and restore the environment. What if we chose peace,  joined
 the benevolent ETs in an alliance, and asked them for protection from any
 less than benevolent ETs, since thus far, back-engineering late model craft
 have made it very apparent we have air inferiority?

 This need for dominance, control, and the continued escalation of creating
 of weapons of mass destruction and more virulent biologicals does not make
 me feel very secure. I wonder how, as a nation, it makes you feel? Maybe it
 is time to choose a different path. Pass it on.

 James Gilliland
 Self-Mastery Earth Institute
 PO Box 281, Hood River, Oregon 97031
 (509) 395-2092 http://www.cazekiel.org
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Greetings! We are forwarding you the Open Letter on
Environmental War on its 1st Anniversary since May, 1999.
Today, the issue of the destruction to the biosphere
brought on by environmental war seems more relevant and
immediate than ever.

 If you would like to see this message sent
simultaneously to the signatory nations of the 1977 UN Treaty
against Environmental Modification on October 24, 2000, the
anniversary of the United Nations, please send signatures and
message of support to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!

Vladimir Levchenko, Dr.Sci.
Geri DeStefano, PhD
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd



Sat, 01 May 1999 16:14:31 +0300

EcoNews, Vancouver, BC, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
EcoNews/ENWL, St.Petersburg, [EMAIL PROTECTED])


We are concerned about the development of environmental
weapons and the impact of this insidious technology upon the
Earth and its inhabitants.

Already the environmental impacts of NATO bombing have included
increased radiation, PCB and toxic contamination of the
environment. These impacts are in contravention of international
law standards for protection of the environment.

A new generation of environmental weapons (see links below)
would create even more deadly destruction of the environment. The
1977 UN Treaty against Environmental Modification and other
standards prohibit these. These UN treaties and conventions are
not being enforced to stop environmental war. The treaties were
signed by all military nations, who continue to recklessly try and
use Sacred ecological forces as instruments of war.

We call you to act against the further development of these

We ask you to forward this Open Letter widely, and to adopt a
strong Agenda against environmental war. A full text of the Open
Letter is accessible at http://www.ecologynews.com

If you would like to sign this letter, please do so and e-mail it to
a copy of your letter to someone else.

If you receive it but do not want to sign, please simply e-mail us
the Open Letter with existing signatures. Please do not let the
letter die.

The Open Letter with gathered signatures will be forwarded every
calendar quarter to (1) United Nations Environment Programme for
their concern on environmental impacts of war (2) United Nations
Secretary General - responsible for enforcement of the 1977 Treaty
against Environmental Modification, (3) Signatory countries to the
1977 United Nations Treaty against Environmental Modification, (4)
Governments participating in the Balkans conflict, (5) Concerned
environmental organizations.

Please sign the Open Letter below.

For information, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or


Full Text of Open Letter

Dangers of Environmental War

Environmental Impacts of War

Electromagnetic pulse (emp)  World Seismicity


We have now the following signatures to this Open Letter.
Please add yours, and email to friends and associates.
with a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

1. Geri DeStefano, PhD, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2. Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Stephanie Selig, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

4. Vladimir Levchenko, Dr.Sci., St.Petersburg, Russia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5.  Lev A. Fedorov, Professor, Moscow, Russia ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6.  Desie A. Poston  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(From webtv.net!WWBUFallo Tue May  4 00:38:33 MSD 1999)

7.  Dr. Juan P. Ruiz, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ecology Department, Autonoma University, Madrid 28049, Spain
Tel. -- 3491 3978003, Fax  -- 3491 3978001

8.  "Douglas \"Commander\" Whiting" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to respond to douglas whiting, use [EMAIL PROTECTED], or

9.  Elena Polagaeva [EMAIL PROTECTED]

10. Sylvie PERROTEY - Dr Sci. - Lyon (France) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

11. Dmitri S. Rybakov, PhD, Petrozavodsk, Russia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

12. Boris I.Vdovin, Urbanism Institute, St.Petersburg,

13. Sally J. Cruz, Los Angeles, CA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

14. Dr. Shanti Devi. University of Hawaii West Hawaii. PO Box 2059,
Kealakekau, Hawaii  96750.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

15. Roberta Wise, Administrative Assistant
U. C. Berkeley Program in Genetic Counseling
570 University Hall #1190
Berkeley CA 94720-1190
(510) 642-6328 fax (510) 643-8771

16. Alissar Chaker, MSc., Beirut, Lebanon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

17. Edouard Meilakh, 

[CTRL] Rare Earth - Are we special?

2000-06-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

Are we special? Rare Earth probably most elegantly expresses the view that
intelligent life exists only on Earth, and not elsewhere in the Universe.
For an opposite view, including the Quarantine Model, see:

   Take that, Copernicus:

   By Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee.
   Springer-Verlag; 362 pages; $27.50 and œ12.50

   THANKS to the work of
   Copernicus, Galileo and
   others, the earth long ago
   lost its place at the centre of
   the universe. Instead, it is
   now known to be just one of
   several planets orbiting one
   of hundreds of millions of
   stars in one of billions of
   galaxies. On the cosmic
   scale, there is nothing
   special about our planet
   after all.

   Not so fast, say Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, a
   geologist and an astronomer respectively at the University of
   Washington. Instead, they suggest that "the continued
   marginalisation of earth and its place in the universe should
   be reassessed." They offer a powerful argument that the
   earth is, in fact, extremely unusual. That in turn implies that
   complex extraterrestrial life forms may be far rarer than
   science fiction stories and many scientists would have us

   This claim might seem at odds with recent discoveries which
   suggest (at least to those investigating such matters) that
   extraterrestrial life could be commonplace. On earth,
   "extremophile" bacteria have been discovered that are
   capable of thriving in extreme and inhospitable
   conditions such as inside scorching geothermal vents and
   even inside rocks where life was previously thought to be
   impossible. This is surely grounds for optimism that bacteria
   could also live happily in other unlikely places, such as on
   Mars or in the oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa. In addition,
   the discoveries since 1995 of dozens of planets orbiting
   nearby stars suggests that planets are abundant, so there
   should be loads of places for life to get started beyond the
   solar system.

   Mr Ward and Mr Brownlee argue, however, that while
   primitive microbial life may well exist throughout the
   universe, the more complex organisms that evolved on earth
   owe their existence to an unusual combination of factors. If
   so, the estimate of Carl Sagan, for example, of a million
   civilisations in this galaxy alone looks vastly overdone.

   It is fortuitous that the earth orbits a star that is not too
   to the centre of the galaxy (where cataclysmic events and
   dangerous radiation would prove hostile to living beings), but
   not too near the edge either (where the heavy elements
   needed to form planets are less abundant). It is lucky also
   that the sun is a solitary, stable star and the earth has a
   stable orbit around it.

   Just as fortunate is Jupiter's helpful hoovering up of many
   (though not all) potentially lethal comets and asteroids, and
   the fact that Saturn is small enough not to have ended up in a
   gravitational tussle with Jupiter that might have caused the
   loss of the solar system's other planets. Earth's chemical
   composition is also just right to allow plate-tectonic
   which is lacking on both Venus and Mars, and helps to
   maintain the climate so that it is suitable for the long-term
   presence of liquid water.

   But perhaps the most important and yet unlikely factor is the
   earth's unusually large moon, whose presence has played a
   crucial role in stabilising the planet's tilt and climate. It
   now agreed that the moon formed when the earth was
   struck by a Mars-sized body early in its history a freak
   occurrence. This suggests that any earth-like planets around
   other stars are likely to lack such a moon, and thus 

[CTRL] Bilderberg-participants, year 2000 in Belgium

2000-06-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

The usual demonology of global mind control  exploitation is in attendance
at this years' Bilderbergers - from Henry Kissinger to David Rockefeller.
The remark has been made that Bilderbergers are like "high=level employees".
Their principals are elsewhere. The question is, then: Who are the
Bilderbergers' employers?
Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
Bilderberg-participants, year 2000 in Belgium
Bilderberg Press Release extract: 3 June 2000

The 48th Bilderberg meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, 1-3 June 2000.
Among other subjects the Conference discussed US Elections, Globalisation,
New Economy, the Balkans, EU Enlargement, the European Far Right.
Approximately 100 participants from North America and Europe attended
the discussions. The meeting was private in order to encourage frank
and open discussion. etc.

Bilderberg meetings, Brussels, Belgium, 1-3 June 2000
List of Participants, 3 June 2000

Honorary Secretary General:

J. Martin Taylor, Chairman, WH Smith Group, Adviser, Goldman Sachs

Honorary Chairman:

Etienne Davignon, Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique

Agnelli, Giovanni, I, Fiat

Agnelli, Umberto, I, IFIL

Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperenza, E, Pres. Spanish Senate

Allaire, Paul, USA, Chair, Xerox

Ambrosetti, Alfredo, I, Ambrosetti Group

Andersen, Bodil Nyboe, DK, Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

Asper, Israel, CDN, Chair, CanWest

Avery, Graham, INT, Chief Adviser for Enlargement, EC

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, P, Uni, Lisbon, Impressa

Barnevik, Percy, S, Investor AB

Benschop, Dick, NL, State Secretary for European Affairs

Bernabè, Franco, I, Italian rep on Balkan reconstruction

Betz, Hans-Georg, Columbia  NY Unis.

Bildt, Carl, INT, UN (Balkans)

Black, Conrad, CDN, Chair, Telegraph Group

Bruton, John, IRL, Leader, Fine Gael

Buchanan, Robin WT, GB, Bain  Co

Clarke, Kenneth, GB, MP

Çolakoglu, Nuri, TR, NTV

Collomb, Bertrand, Lafarge

Cromme, Gerhard, D, Thyssen/Krupp

David, George A, GR, Hellenic Bottling

Deutch, John M, MIT

Diamandouros, P Nikiforos, GR, Ombudsman

Dodd, Christopher J, USA, Senator, D, Connecticut

Donilon, Thomas E, USA, FannieMae

Dyson, Esther, USA, EDventure

Fréchette, Louise, INT, UN

Fresco, Paolo, I, Fiat

Frum, David, CDN, National Post

Gouveia, Teresa Patrício, P, MP (PSD)

Graham, Donald E, USA, Washington Post

Hagel, Chuck, USA, Senator, R, Nebraska

Halberstadt, Victor, NL, Leiden Univ.

Hambro, Christian, N, Research Council of Norway

Hampel, Erich, A, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

Hutchison, Kay bailey, USA, Senator, R, Texas

Huyghebaert, Jan, B, Almanij NV

Janssen, Daniel E, B, Solvay

Johansson, Leif, S, Volvo

Johnson, James A, USA, Johnson Capital

Jordan Jr, Vernon E, USA, Lazard Frères

Kayhan, Muharrem, TR, Söktas

Kissinger, Henry A, USA, Kissinger Associates

Kopper, Hilmar, D, Deutsche Bank

Kravis, Henry R, USA, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts

Kravis, Marie-Josée, USA, Hudson Institute

Lamy, Pascal, INT, European Commissioner

Lévy-Lang, André, F, Former Chair Paribas

Lippens, Maurice, B, Fortis

Lipponen, Paavo, FIN, Prime Minister

Mathews, Jessica T, USA, Carnegie Endowment

McDonough, William J, USA, Pres. Federal Reserve Bank of NY

Montbrial, Thierry de, F, French Inst of International Relations

Moore, Mike, INT, WTO

Nass, Matthias, D, Die Zeit

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

Ollila, Jorma, FIN, Nokia

Padoa-Schioppa, tommaso, INT, ECB

Pagrotsky, Leif, S, Trade Minister

Papandreou, George A, GR, Foreign Minister

Petersson, Lars Eric, S, Skandia

Petritsch, Wolfgang, A, High Rep, Bosnia; EU negotiator Kosovo

Pury, David de, CH, de Pury Pictet Turrettini

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, DK, Liberal Party

Reiten, Eivind, N, Norsk Hydro

Richardson, Bill, USA, Energy Secretary

Riotta, Gianni, I, La Stampa

Rockefeller, David, USA, Chase Manhattan Bank

Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías, E, BSCH

Roll, Eric, GB, UBS Warburg

Ruggiero, Renato, I, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney

Scholten, Rudolf, A, Österreichische Kontrollbank

Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de, B, Former EU Perm Rep

Seidenfaden, Tøger, DK, Politiken

Solana Madariaga, Javier, INT, Sec Gen, Council of the EU

Soros, George, USA, Soros Fund Management

Steinberg, James B, USA, Dep Asst to the President for National Security

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, F, Univ. of Paris, Fomer Finance Minister

Surroi, Veton, Kosovo, Publisher, KOHA Ditore

Sutherland, Peter D, IRL, Goldman Sachs  BP Amoco

Tarullo, Daniel K, USA, Georgetowm Univ.

Thornton, John L, Goldman Sachs

Tremonti, Giulio, I, Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies

Trichet, Jean-Claude, F, Banque de France

Vasella, Daniel L, CH, Novartis

Veer, Jeroen van der, NL, Shell

Vink, Lodewijk JR de, USA, Warner Lambert

Vranitzky, Franz, A, Former Chancellor

Wallenberg, Jacob, S, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

Wolf, Martin, GB, Associated Editor/Economics Commentator

Wolfensohn, James D, World Bank

Wolff von Amerongen, Otto, Otto Wolff GmbH

Wolfowitz, Paul, USA, John Hopkins Univ.


Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-03 22:13:57 EDT, you write:

 Mr. Webre CLAIMS to have known and 'worked' with Jacques Vallee.

 I don't hear Monsieur Vallee weighing in here with his agreement.

 I'd like Mr. Webre to tell us which of Monsieur Vallee' books we should look
 in to find Monsieur Vallee acknowledging Mr. Webre's vast contributions.

 I suggest everyone read Jaques Vallee's books for themselves, especially
 "Messengers of Deception", and come to their OWN conclusions as to what
 Monsieur Vallee's conclusions are...


June - Contrary to your assertions as to Jacques' unspotted integrity, he has
been publicly accused of a major research fraud in UFOlogy, a charge he has
never refuted in the two years since he was publicly challenged.  You can
read the entire record at:



"You can
 find it at http://www.sightings.com/ufo/philahoax.htm but the
 problem is that the article that it refers to, written by
 Vallee, has now been conclusively proven to be a fraud and is
 under investigation.

 Dr. Jacques F. Vallee, scientist and world reknown UFO
 researcher, who was the model for the French scientist in the
 movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" has been the
 target of an ongoing private investigation which is now
 accusing him, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of
 Exploration, Bernhard Haisch, of promoting research fraud."

There are numerous live witnesses, senior analysts at SRI who can testify to
J VAllee and I collaborating on a UFO research project in May-Septemner,
1977.  A number of them are household names.  I had been reluctant to post
the history of J Vallee's questionable integrity, but you seem to want to
force things.  Relevance: Spiritual integrity is demanded of those in the
of higher intellegence, whether in its spiritual or physical manifestations.

In a way I am doing this for the record, not for your enlightenment, June.
I think you are probably doing the best you can.  Jacques has knowingly,
deceptively hurt many people in his life.

Alfred Webre

JV-This is for those misrepresentations in Messengers of Deception.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jeff Rense - Sightings - Week of 6/4/00

2000-06-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 6-4 thru 6-9

   (Please note Jeff's Guest schedule can
  change due to late breaking stories, etc).

SUN 6-4
   Alfred Webre: Exopolitics And The UFO Cover-Up

MON 6-5
   Douglas Phillips: Technologically Intoxicated America

TUE 6-6
   David Jacobs:  The ET Abduction Threat

WED 6-7
   Michael Lindemann:  Goodbye CNI News, Hello To...?
   Erich von Daniken:  Ancient Greeks And ETs

THU 6-8
   From England - Gordon Creighton: Editor Flying Saucer Review
   Joe Hall:  New EMF Protection Results

FRI 6-9
   Brad Steiger:  A Paranormal Evening

Live Real Audio Broadcasts  Archives: http://www.sightings.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-01 23:35:03 EDT, you write:

 I agree with Vallee's conclusions in "Messengers of Deception".

Dear June - Oh I guess I better go a read again the book that I AM IN. You
are so stuck in yourself, June, you don;t even notice that Jacques Vallee was
writing about people in this thread in the very book you mention.

Jacques was at the Institute for the Future when I was a futurist at SRI
(1977-78).  Jacques and I had many meetings and lunches discussing various
models. I thoroughly explained the context communication theory of
extraterrestrial to him, which hold that the UFO phenomena is unitary and
functions as "peripheral cuing", elevating human consciousness.  The source
of the phenomenon is extradimensional and extraterrestrial.  As I explained
it to him (he went on to collarborate with our 1977 Carter White House/ NSF
he exclaimed: "Very good. That's very much like my views."  In fact, the
context communication theory, which you can begin to read in Exopolitics
(UniverseBooks.com) is actually more advanced that Jacques' views. I swear on
a stack of virtual Bibles as to the above.



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UFO Evidence - Nessie's Page

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Nessie - Oh So you ARE the Mind Control Nessie.  Well, I covered the United
Nations Outer Space Conference in Vienna for THE GUARDIAN.  There were lots
of spacepeople there, communist and capitalist.  But just call me the
Guardian PLUS.  I think you are doing a remarkable job of documenting the
lower half of the UFO/ET phenomenon - that part of it which is composed of
artefacts of the Secret State - Mind Control and Black Ops craft.

BUT you are an unwitting tool of the Secret State, IMHO.  The secret state
has a two tier strategy.  One tier is the tier you cover - they want to
appropriate ETness, and with that gain mind control, spiritual and virtual
dominion over mankind.

Tier two involves destruction and assassination of any human forces that
support extraterrestrial intelligence, and warfare wherever possible upon ET
intelligence as it has a presence on Earth.  This latter tier is documented
by the many reports of space-based laser anti-ET weapons.  It's called,
eliminate the evidence.

My feeling - and I appeal to you as a former fellow colleague at the Guardian
that that it is vital for you to present your readership with a blanced
picture - tier one and tier two.  You may have to go into research areas you
have not covered, and expand your pictures, but you are forming reality for a
lot of people - not only that, readers of the Guardian, who tend to be taken
in by
secret state anti ET propaganda, paradoxically.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC


   Spin doctors

   Devices that could pass for UFOs have been around
for years.

   By nessie

   AS WE HAVE seen, anomalous aerial phenomena and
   unsubstantiated reports of anomalous aerial
phenomena can have an
   almost uncanny ability to induce irrational
gullibility in people. As we
   have also seen, this phenomenon has long been
noted, studied, and on
   occasion applied, the world over for centuries.

   On Halloween Night 1938, Orson Welles produced a
radio play based
   on H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds. Many Americans,
either tuning in
   late or possessing what by modern standards is an
almost quaint level
   of naïveté, believed that it was not fiction, that
invaders from Mars had
   actually landed in New Jersey and were laying
waste to all before them.
   Panic ensued. Many people fled for their lives.
Others got Old Betsy
   down from her place over the mantelpiece and
rushed out into the yard
   to have at 'em. Casualties were reported.

   This was not lost on the psychological warriors of
the world. Ten
   months later, Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph
Goebbels spoke on
   the radio. He told the German people an only
slightly less outlandish
   tale, that not Martians, but Poles had invaded.
Unlike Welles, the Nazis
   had actually prepared some faux evidence. They
were emboldened by
   the success of the Reichstag Fire, a ruse that had
swept German civil
   rights and the last of the Nazi's internal
opposition away with one blow.
   The Nazis dressed up some prisoners in Polish
uniforms, broadcast a
   violently provocative diatribe from a radio
transmitter a few miles from
   the Polish border, shot the place up, and left it
strewn with corpses.

   This stunt ultimately proved to be the single most
deadly psy op in all of
   human history (we hope). It was called Operation
Canned Meat. The
   German people, who are apparently dumb as Yanks
any day, fell for it
   hook, line, and sinker. They counterattacked clear
to the gates of
   Moscow. Casualties were reported.

   However, despite their much vaunted überbrains,
the Nazis apparently
   lacked a grasp of arithmetic sufficient to enable
them to calculate the
   odds of winning the fight they started. They bit
off way more than they
   could ever possibly chew. Once they crossed the
Soviet border their
   fate was essentially sealed. It was only a matter
of time. One thing led
   to another, and by late in the war their only hope
was some
   near-miraculous technological breakthrough on the
level of the Allies'

Re: [CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Amazing UFO/ET Eyewitness Cases Of The Last Century

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Gee, do you think the 1290 AD sighting was the NSA, the CIA, or the KGB?
Maybe the King's Secret Intelligence Agency superprojects  sitcom.
 "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
 about the universe."- Albert Einstein


 Amazing UFO/ET Eyewitness Cases Of The Last Century
 "If The Facts Don't Fit The Theory, Change The Facts"


 "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure
 about the universe."- Albert Einstein

 Flying Disks, Cattle Abductions, Alien encounters, all reported hundreds of
 years ago. Isn't it amazing how things tend to stay the same? In this
 article I have compiled reports from today, as well as in history.

 First a eyewitness report of a flying disk from 1290 AD...

 'While the abbot and monks were in the refectorium, a flat round, shining,
 silvery object (discus) flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror.'
 1290: Byland, North Yorkshire: from William of Newburghs Chronicle

 Next, early reports of a 'flying saucer' from just down the road in Texas...

 On the morning of January 22, 1878 John Martin, a farmer living six miles
 south of Denison, Texas spotted a fast moving dark object high in the
 southern sky. When it passed overhead, he saw that it was the size of a
 'large saucer' It continued on its way and was soon lost to view. In
 recounting the event, a local newspaper remarked, 'Mr. Martin is a gentleman
 of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon,
 deserves the attention of our scientists'- Dennison Daily News, Jan 25,

 More flying disks from Jacque Vallee's the Maginoia files:

 Habbebishopsheim, Germany- An American soldier saw a disk-shaped object come
 down rapidly, oscillate, and land. The site could not be found in the dark.
 The event took place 35 km northwest of the town.

 Jun. 21, 1947 Spokane, Washington- Eight disk-shaped objects the size of a
 house, were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A civilian woman stated that the
 objects fell with a dead leaf motion and landed before ten witnesses on the
 shore of the Saint Joe River, in Idaho.

 April 8, 1950, River Road near Amarillo, Texas. David, 12, and Charles, 9,
 Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill and touched it. It was the size of a
 car tire; about 30 cm high, with a rounded top that rotated and a pivot
 between the base and the top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of
 the boys later became red.

 July 29, 1952 Enid, Oklahoma. Sidney Eubank went to the Enid police station
 and told Sergeant Vern Bennell that an enormous disk had buzzed his car as
 he drove between Bison and Waukonis on Highway 81. The rush of air made the
 car leave the road while the object flew west very fast.

 March 19, 1958- Moscow, USSR. Near Moscow, a large, disk-shaped object was
 seen on the ground. It rose in a spiral motion, then took off and was lost
 to sight.

 Next, a few of the lesser know flying disk incidents that can be found in
 Project Bluebooks 701 Unknown's file...

 July 8, 1947; Muroc Air Base, California. 9:30 a.m. PDT. Witnesses: lst Lt.
 Joseph McHenry, T/Sgt Ruvolo, S/Sgt Nauman, Miss Janette Scotte. Watched for
 an unstated length of time while two disc-shaped or spherical
 objects--silver and apparently metallic--flew a wide circular pattern, and
 then one of them later flew a tighter circle.

 March 20, 1950; Stuggart, Arkansas. 9:26 p.m. Witnesses: Chicago  Southern
 Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. One 100'
 circular disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting a soft
 purple light, and a light at the top which flashed 3 times in 9 seconds,
 flew at not less than 1,000 m.p.h. It was seen for 25-35 seconds.

 April 6, 1952; Temple, Texas. 2:59 p. 50-75 grey-white discs changed
 position within formation continually, tilted in unison every 12-15 seconds
 during 3.8 minute sighting.

 Note: I spent many hours at George AFB back in the 70's nice place, for a

 May 1, 1952; George AFB, California. 10:50 a.m. Witnesses: three men on the
 arms range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-white discs about
 the diameter of a C-47's wingspan (95') flew fast, made a 90^ turn in a
 formation of three in front and two behind, and darted around, for 15-30

 As many of you know, you just don't mess with an Oklahoma Trooper...

 July 5, 1952; Norman, Oklahoma. 7:58 p.m. Witness: Oklahoma State Patrolman
 Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark discs hovered and then flew
 away, silhouetted against a dark cloud. 15 seconds.

 July 27, 1952; Wichita Falls, Texas. 8:30 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs.
 Adrian Ellis. Two disc-shaped objects, illuminated by a phosphorus 

[CTRL] Environmental list: nuclear accountability

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Forwarded invitation for nuclear accountability list:
You are all invited to join the  brand new Price-Anderson list which
will attempt to have the US nuclear industry
 held fully responsible for any and all economic damage it may happen to
inflict upon anyone/anything either here in the United States or
 anywhere else in the world. This is an INTERNATIONAL,  not just a domestic
issue. Currently and since 1957 Congress has mandated that they be
 held accountable for only a minute percentage of the
 damage. The nuclear industry constantly touts their safety, if they're so
safe why don't they want to be held responsible for any damage this
 "safe" industry may happen to inflict?
  Please spread this invitation to anyone else you think may happen to
be interested. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: price-anderson-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   In the body of the
 messsage write "Subscribe."
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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Court Ruling to Stop US Navy's LFAS Experiments - harm marine life

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

June 1, 2000

1)  Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments
2)  Feedback on GlobeNet's D.C. Actions to Help Stop Star Wars
3)  Bart Jordan on the Creten maze, Stonehenge, Lucy Lippard's Overlay
4)  Leonard Peltier's 12 June Parole Hearing
5)  FlybyNews.com


1)  Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments

The following is from Attorney Lanny Sinkin that was forwarded to Flyby News
on 28 May 2000, which was originally from an email to a listserve hosted by

Yesterday, I received word from Andrew Wetzler at the Natural Resources
Defense Council that the United States Navy officially cancelled the LWAD
00-2 Sea Test scheduled to begin this week off the east coast of the United
States. For those interested in the details of this event, I have provided
below a chronology. The cancellation of LWAD 00-2 is a remarkable victory
for those devoted to protecting marine life, especially cetaceans, from the
unwise technological decisions being made by humans in the United States
Navy. Congratulations to everyone involved in achieving this outcome.

The next major developments, as far as I know, will come from the hearing
scheduled in Honolulu before Judge Alan C. Kay on June 13 at 9:00 a.m. A
suit filed in February challenges the environmental impact statement (EIS)
process being conducted by the Navy for its low frequency active sonar
system. The central challenge is that the entire EIS process is compromised
by the fact that the Navy spent at least $350 million preparing to deploy
this system without preparing an EIS first, as required by law. The hearing
will consider the defendants' motion to dismiss the case and a motion filed
by plaintiffs' counsel seeking to reopen a 1998 LFAS case for further


Week of March 13-17 - Seventeen whales strand in Bahamas at the same time
Navy conducts tests using various active sonar devices, including high
intensity (200 dB) broadcasts. The tests are known as Littoral Warfare
Advanced Development (LWAD) Sea Tests.  The Bahamas test is LWAD 00-1. Navy
claims coincidence. Stranded whales come from at least four different
species in three families of two suborders of cetaceans, including
Balaenoptera sp., Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris, Stenella
frontalis, and Balaenoptera acutorostrata.

March 21, 2000 - Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Humane Society
of the United States (HSUS) send letter to Secretary of the Navy Danzig
demanding a suspension of such tests. Further tests are scheduled in late May.

March 22, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai'i case challenging
deployment of low frequency active sonar sends formal notice to Secretaries
of Commerce and Navy that Bahamian tests violated environmental laws,
including Endanger Species Act.

March 24 - HSUS, the nation's largest animal protection organization,
demands that the United States Navy suspend upcoming tests involving active
sonar systems.

March 31, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai`i cases sends letter to
Secretary of Commerce calling upon the Secretary to notify the Navy that
further LWAD testing without formal consultation and permits from National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) would be a criminal violation of the
Endangered Species Act.

April 5, 2000 - After less than thirty days of analysis, US Navy concludes
that testing in the Bahamas did not cause strandings and deaths of whales.
[Note: Scientists conducting 1998 studies of affects of LFAS on whales are
still analyzing the data two years later.]

April 21, 2000 - Navy issues press release again concluding that LWAD 00-2
could not be responsible for the strandings and deaths in the Bahamas. The
release does state that a U.S. fleet in the same area broadcast sonar signals
from five ships and one submarine in the time frame of the strandings. A
Navy/NMFS investigation continues.

April 24, 2000 - Navy submits Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) to NMFS
requesting concurrence in LWAD 00-2.  As was the case for LWAD 00-1, the Navy
seeks agreement based on informal consultations.  Such a process confines the
discussion to a Navy-NMFS dialogue with the public rarely becoming aware of
the project. In this case, however, the disaster in the Bahamas brought
elevated public attention brought to the LWAD testing program. NRDC secures
a copy of the OEA and makes the document available to people working on
potential litigation to stop LWAD 00-2 and others.

Late April/early May - information begins to emerge indicating that NMFS
personnel are dissatisfied with the process underway and the OEA. The Navy
provided less than thirty days in which to review the OEA, placing NMFS
personnel under pressure to simply agree. NMFS personnel are not pleased
with the late filing and concerned about what 

Re: [CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

2000-06-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-31 21:28:54 EDT, you write:

 This is fraudulent advertising.
 Cut it out.


Oh, since when has advocacy become fraudulent? And just what part of
Exopoltics is fraudulent? Quite the contrary, by Gallup poll 100 million US
adults believe estraterrestrials are visiting Earth.  They are not
fraudulent, they are exercising their right to an opinion as I.  Watch your
words, Joshua.  You are flaming people around the extraterrestrial issue just
once too often.  Many of us have paid in blood and 25 years of mind control
persecution because of our activities.  You have done nothing but denigrate
and flame.  You said you were bugging out of the issue, but you can't stop


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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-06-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-31 19:50:20 EDT, you write:

 Look, I don't doubt, and am not trying to debunk, UFOs. I've seen two of
 them, one fairly close. They exist. What I'm questioning is their ET
 origin.  Where is the forensic evidence of an ET origin for UFOs?

Nessie - You ARE a sly one, aren't you?  Well, you being our only contactee
so far, what different things do you think the UFOs are?

Alfred ;-)

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
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Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-01 Thread DIG alfred webre

Oh June - you know about Vallee.  Well, what does the eminent Jacques Vallee
have to say about UFOs? What do you think Jacque thinks about UFOs.  Please
enlighten us.  Jacques says in interview UFOs might be the manifestation of
Universe mega-intelligence (Gods). That's extraterrestrial, June.  And guess
what - YOU will never get to see a God like that up close and personal.

So why not be like Nessie, and disclose to us where you are coming from.  Do
you agree with Jacques Vallee?  Thank you. Alfred Webre

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Executions: Barry Schenk challenges George W Bush

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: Barry Scheck challenges George Bush about Ricky Todays Shows.
Please PHONE THE SHOW ALL OF YOU! I need the URL for todays show!!

 This morning arguing to prevent the possible execution of an innocent man
 Barry S. stated that if the Gov. is certain Texas does not execute the
 innocent tomorrow's planned execution must be postponed to do the test
 are now available. The prosecutor who handled the case for the state had
 two weak arguments against the test. The first being that the law does NOT
 REQUIRE these tests to be performed on mitochondrial DNA and lastly that
 an inmate wanted to try to prove innocence he should not wait til the
 eleventh hour to do so. He stated that there is an outcry for these tests
 strictly to delay justice by delaying the execution.
 Also speaking up for the testing was NBC journalist Jim Alter who made the
 point that the fact that these test had not been done was brought forward
 journalist and investigators researching the case. Also discussed was the
 lack of thorough investigations and legal representation that exists under
 current Texas Laws.
 The segment ended with Barry s., Matt Laur, and Jim Alter basically
 that if Bush does nothing, then he has been insincere in his recent
 stating he believes that "if a test can be done, it should be done!"
 This is the first time I have seen a national NEWS agency put political
 pressure on GW regarding these executions.
 Did anyone else catch this show, what was your take on it?
 sandy hines

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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Electronic Mind Control

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

Subject:Electronic Mind Control

"The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it."
- Albert Einstein

Reading this material might induce significant anxiety or
depression. Individuals with a history of heart problems,
or who are being treated for depression, may find it
advisable not to read this report.

Electronic Mind Control

"For the first time in history, one human being, from hiding, at a
distance, can control the thoughts and actions of another, by way of
undetectable hypnosis, using still-classified electronic technology.
These devices have totally disabled the world's justice systems.
Those who have them  use them without any fear of being caught or
being prosecuted. That is what this site is about."

One reason that the general public, media, and uninformed government
officials scoff at the truth of our story is that people tend to
focus on the personal testimonial aspect, and ignore the crucially
important unclassified and commercial devices which can duplicate,
right now, some of the effects we report.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects
Eleanor White, P.Eng.   April 4, 2000

Convict Chip Idea Stirs Ire
Lawyer: Gov. Eyes Inmate Implants

The Test
To gain the evidence that you wanted and feel life energy at a distance:

Aerial Mind-Control. The Threat to Civil Liberties
by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance
Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999


"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or
Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?


REMOTE VIEWING - The ESP of Espionage -

Much research is currently being done on human brain waves called
alpha waves. Now you can build your own IC controlled Brainwave
Reciever and experiment with this interesting physiological instrument.
These plans also contain information on transcendental meditation,
"Alpha State" and other information about this exciting new field!


Mind Control Resource Directory


Watch What You Think or Think What You Watch?
O.J. vs. the NWO

Technologies of Control for World Domination

Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control
from CNN's Special Assignment, about 1985


Autonomous Mindcontrol-News-Agent

A Depository of 60GCAT's Greatest Hits



MCF Victims:  Glen Nichols' Story

Voices In the Brain, By Tim Swartz

My name is Conrado Salas Cano, I graduated from the
California Institute of Technology

"HOLY SEE"  Montauk  Mind Control


McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate
by David Hoffman,  Special to ParaScope

Mind Control  Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber

Project Monarch by Ron Patton

Mind Control and Cult Information Resources

This is a collection of Material from the book "Matrix III" (The
Psocho-Social, Chemical, Biological, and Electronic Manipulation
of Human Consciousness), from Valdamar Valerian, First Edition
Printing May 1992, Copyright 1992 Valdamar Valerian.

[CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE: http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

We thank learnerone for making these URL-references available. Let the Games
begin!  Alfred
 This should silence any debunker or doubter.

 26-pg report includes Air Force pilots' accounts of "zig zagging flight
patterns," "hovering objects," "fighters scrambled," etc. from 1955.

 http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo/ufo14.pdf handwritten account of
14-minute sighting of "bluish-green concentric rings of light" written by

 Many more excellent docs from
http://www.nsa.gov/docs/efoia/released/ufo.html index page of 40+
declassified intelligence reports from NSA.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] eBook EXOPOLITICS on Dallas' KYGN-FM June 1

2000-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Alfred Webre, author of the new eBook EXOPOLITICS will be on Dallas'
KYGN-FM Russ Martin show, Thursday morning, June 1, 2000.

EXOPOLITICS discloses a 1977 USA-Carter White House- National
Science Foundation Study into extraterrestrial communication that
was suppressed.  Author Alfred Webre was its Principal Investigator.
 Exopolitics is the study of political and governmental forms in the
 Exopolitics is to terrestrial politics and government as exobiology is to
Exopolitics is a key component of Universe ecology. EXOPOLITICS is available
at UniverseBooks.com.

A complementary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along
with Nicky Molloy's review, can be found at:


The French Cometa report, recently released, concludes after three
years of scientific study that it is feasible extraterrestrials are visiting
Earth.  See The Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 27, 2000:



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-05-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

From restore-L:

Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 23:54:14 -0400
Message-ID: 222e01bfc922$5b949b40$0300a8c0@kaylee

America's Private Gulag
by Ken Silverstein
© 1997 by KenSilverstein

What is the most profitable industry in America? Weapons, oil and
computer technology all offer high rates of return, but there is
probably no sector of the economy so abloom with money as the
privately-run prison industry.

Consider the growth of the Corrections Corporation of America, the
industry leader whose stock price has climbed from $8 a share in 1992
to about $30 today and whose revenue rose by 81 percent in 1995 alone.

Investors in Wackenhut Corrections Corp. have enjoyed an average
of 18 per cent during the past five years and the
company is rated by Forbes as one of the top 200 small businesses in
country. At Esmor, another big private prison contractor,
revenues have soared from $4.6 million in 1990 to more than $25
in 1995.

Ten years ago there were just five privately-run prisons in the
housing a population of 2,000. Today nearly a score of private
firms run more than 100 prisons with about 62,000 beds. Thatâs still
less than five per cent of the total market but the industry is
expanding fast, with the number of private prison beds expected to
to 360,000 during the next decade.

The exhilaration among leaders and observers of the private prison
sector was cheerfully summed up by the headline in USA Today:
"Everybody's doing the jailhouse stock." An equally upbeat mood imbued
conference on private prisons held last December at the
Four Seasons Resort in Dallas. The brochure of the conference,
by the World Research Group, a New York-based
investment firm, called the corporate takeover of correctional
facilities the "newest trend in the area of privatizing previously
government-run programs... While arrests and convictions are steadily
the rise, profits are to be made, profits from crime. Get in
on the ground floor of this booming industry now!"

A hundred years ago private prisons were a familiar feature of
life, with disastrous consequences. Prisoners were farmed
out as slave labor. They were routinely beaten and abused, fed slop
kept in horribly overcrowded cells. Conditions were so
wretched that by the end of the nineteenth century private prisons
outlawed in most states.

During the past decade, private prisons have made a comeback. Already
states have passed legislation making it legal for private
contractors to run correctional facilities and many more states are
expected to follow suit.

The reasons for the rapid expansion include the post-1980s free-market
ideological fervor, large budget deficits for the federal and
state governments and the discovery and creation of vast new reserves
"raw materials", prisoners. The rate for most serious crimes
has been dropping or stagnant for the past 15 years, but during the
period severe repeat offender provisions and a racist
"get-tough" policy on drugs have helped push the US prison population
from 300,000 to about 1.5 million. This has produced a
corresponding boom in prison construction and costs, with the federal
government's annual expenditures in the area of $17 billion. In
California, passage of the infamous "three strikes" bill will result
the construction of an additional 20 prisons during the next few

The private prison business is most entrenched at the state level but
expanding into the federal prison system as well. Last year
Attorney General Janet Reno announced that five of seven new federal
prisons being built will be run by the private sector. Almost all
of the prisons run by private firms are low or medium security, but
companies are trying to break into the high-security field. They
have also begun taking charge of management in INS detention centers,
boot camps for juvenile offenders and substance abuse

Roughly half of the industry is controlled by the Nashville-based
Corrections Corporation of America, which runs 46 penal
institutions in 11 states. It took ten years for the company to reach
10,000 beds; it is now growing by the same number every year.

CCA's chief competitor is Wackenhut, which was founded in 1954 by
Wackenhut, a former FBI official. Over the years its
board and staff have included such veterans of the US national
state as Frank Carlucci, Bobby Ray Inman and William
Casey, as well as Jorge Mas Canosa, leader of the fanatic Cuban
National Foundation. The company also
provides security services to private corporations. It has provided
strikebreakers at the Pittston mine strike in Kentucky, hired
unlicensed investigators to ferret out whistle blowers at Alyeska, the
company that controls the Alaskan oil pipeline, and beaten
anti-nuclear demonstrators at facilities it guards 

[CTRL] MC:Mission Impossible 2 Implants

2000-05-30 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Mind Control-L:

Mission: Impossible 2 and implants

  Mission: Impossible 2 shows the IMF (CIA) injecting an agent with an
  implant transponder for tracking her location. My question: was the film
  intended to make viewers more used to the idea or for some other
  purpose? And is there any evidence of government involvement in
  controlling the film?

  As we've discussed on this list, this technology is here now. In
  "Military Involvement in UFO Abductions"
  Dr. Helmut Lammer, referencing a source, says the "smallest transponder
  has about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. The transponder's tiny
  electronic circuit is energized by the low-power radio beam sent by a
  compatible reading device."

  Cox News Service reported a step beyond that on December 27, 1999
  (http://www.stockhelp.net/star.html): a "high-tech tracking device not
  even George Orwell envisioned: a gizmo slightly smaller than a dime
  inserted under a person's skin. Palm Beach-based Applied Digital
  Solutions said that it has acquired the patent for the implant, which it
  calls the Digital Angel. People who use the transmitter -- powered by
  the carrier's muscle -- could be tracked by global positioning
  satellite, the same technology used in some luxury cars and boats."

  Unfortunately, that bit of mis(dis?)information about GPS, reproduced by
  newspapers nationwide and on numerous Web sites, tends to make
  technically knowledgeable people dismiss the whole idea. GPS satellites
  have no known tracking ability. The chip actually receives the GPS
  signal, then transmits the person's lat-long location to a receiving
  system (ground, air or satellite-based), as explained in the following:

  New Scientist . 01.06.00

  GPS implants will soon pinpoint people
  By Kurt Kleiner, New Scientist . 01.06.00
  A tracking device designed to be inserted under the skin could allow
  parents to keep tabs on their children, help courts track offenders or
  make it easy to find lost hikers. But civil liberties campaigners are
  already worried that the device might be abused.
  A prototype, dubbed the Digital Angel, is being developed by Applied
  Digital Solutions of Florida, which has licensed the technology from
  another company. "Although we're in the early developmental phase, we
  expect to come forward with applications in many different areas, from
  medical monitoring to law enforcement," says Richard Sullivan, ADS's
  chief executive.
  The device contains a miniature global positioning system (GPS)
  receiver, which uses tiny differences in timing signals from satellites
  to calculate its position on Earth. The device can broadcast this
  information to a local receiver. It gets its power from a piezoelectric
  device that converts energy from a person's normal movements into
  electricity stored in a small battery.
  The device, which will be the size of a small coin, would be implanted
  just under the skin. Most of the time it would be inactive. But a
  mechanical switch--or a timed series of muscular contractions--could
  trigger it. Even a tune would do the trick. And instead of monitoring
  GPS signals, the Digital Angel could be designed to monitor a person's
  vital signs.
  It will also be possible to trigger the device remotely using a coded
  radio signal, Sullivan says. This would be useful in the case of a lost
  child or kidnap victim. And the authorities could activate the Digital
  Angel to track down a prisoner on the run.
  Sullivan says his company will have a prototype ready by the end of
  2000. But others are sceptical because the technology for a
  piezoelectric power supply is in its infancy. "You should never say
  'never' in today's technological age. But the power management
  technology we have will not support something like this in the short
  range," says Ron Bishop, technology vice-president for SOS Wireless
  Telecommunications, a company in Irvine, California, that sells
  cellphones designed for emergency use. "I think you could make the parts
  small enough. But you're going to have to carry around a 12-volt car
  For civil liberties groups, that might be a good thing. "This kind of
  stuff has enormous potential for abuse by the authorities, or by anyone
  who can break into the information," says Emily Whitfield, a spokeswoman
  for the American Civil Liberties Union. She worries that the devices
  could become widespread, allowing governments to monitor their citizens.
  And she speculates that criminals could crack the codes needed to
  activate and use the devices, allowing them to pinpoint, say, potential
  kidnap victims.

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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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2000-05-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

It has been amazing to watch that not one of the ET-skeptical comments on
this thread has asked: what about the conspiracy to cover-up UFOs.

This Void is not surprising to those of us who have watched a quarter-century
of conspiracy, assassination, character-assassination and official cover-up
around the UFO question.

The secret conspiracy has succeeded! Conspiracy buffs may beleive multiple
theories about the Clinton impeachment, but they will not open the gates
of their minds to the UFO phenomena.

Yet the secrecy is legendary. Have you no questions?  We will begin to post
conspiracy issues around the UFO phenomena.  Maybe that is the key into the


Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-05-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

Thanks for your methodological rant.  I think you covered many, but not all
of the bases.  Now you want us to carry out a course on UFOlogy on CTRL.
Hey, I'll go for it - the conspiracy to hide the ET presence is pervasive,
global, and most deeply affects the human welfare.  Therefore it is a proper
subject for CTRL.

Understand that this is a breakthrough in itself.  That ET-skeptical
conspiracy buffs feel they have the right to call others "kooks" "nuts"
"whiners" on Internet lists because they espouse the ET hypothesis.  NO MORE.
 The day of dissing the ET presence is no more.

Before we start on an examination of the ET hypothesis, as well as
some of the published and unpublished alternatives to verified UFO sightings,
(eg not able to be explained within normal parameters) such as:
UFOs may be
1. Black project military "mimic" craft or projections
2. Virtual projections of the human subconscious or some advanced human
3. Craft or virtual projections of an extraterrestrial intelligence
4. Virtual projections of a "Mega-intelligence" that is programming Earth
5. Other_

How are we going to eliminate the HYSTERIA in this thread?


Ground Rule #2: UFOlogy takes patience.

Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-05-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

The French have spent 3 years evaluating the following evidentiary
categories.  This is all reported in their final report, made public recently.

EVIDENCE = Sworn testimony by reliable first hand witnesses. ranging from
civilian and military pilots to civilians
EVIDENCE = Videotapes and photographs of UFO craft; including up to 17
different videocameras on a UFO flyby.
EVIDENCE = Physical evidence on marks left by UFO on ground, on vehicles such
as cars, houses, buildings.
EVIDENCE = Evidence from metallic parts left by a UFO, whose crystalline
structure has been shown to be different from any substance on Earth.

The French examined 500 cases.  All of the major UFOlogy references have
cases that combine the above characteristics.  In other words, the evidence
for UFOs is overwhelming. Here are some links to cases like the above:


We have provided you with the categories of UFO evidence in published cases,
and the URLs where you can track and read individual cases.
The responsibility is yours to begin to learn.  Do you want to learn, or do
you want to defend your territory?

Speaking of evidence, there is also LEGAL EVIDENCE.  Citizen's Against UFO
Secrecy is pursuing a very suggestive legal case in US Federal court re:
UFOs. They have won some legal victories. Visit


Thus, there are two evidentiary systems addressing the reality of UFO and the
extraterrestrial hypothesis:

The Scientific Evidence in the French Cometa study
The Legal Evidence in the CAUS and other litigations

Ground rule #3:  Read, think, then ask.


Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC


Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-28 04:47:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

T hey also have not come up with a single ET, just a lot of talk.

Nessie - That is false.  UFOs game the French fighter jets, and that is an ET
craft, by the rules of best evidence. THAT IS THE CORE OF THE REPORT, NESSIE.
ARE EXTRATERRESTRIAL.   UFOs gamed my radio talk show in Jackson MISS on May
14, 2000 - coulda been ETs. Coulda been USA military mimics.  I think it was
ETs.  UFOs game with people who are ET sensitive.  ETs are playing a
"peripheral cuing" game.  UFO encounters are peripheral cues, mass psychology
enhancers.  Pentagon secret triangular UFOs are gross. ET UFOs are cool.  ETs
don't play YOUR game; ETs play THEIR game Capiche?



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-05-28 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-28 14:15:44 EDT, you write:

 No denial going on here.  Just a request for the 'evidence' that is
 claimed to exist, and which I notice YOU fail to provide, resorting instead
 to personal attack.


June, please read the evidence summarized in May 27, 2000 article:

The hard evidence in these French reports now is formally stated to most
strongly support an extraterrestrial hypothesis.  ETs are here and have been
proven so, despite the best efforts of the USA military.

What has been disconcerting in monitoring this thread is that the French
report has been provided, and yet the ET-skeptical members have had no
visible shift in attitude.  The "there are no UFOs or ETs" argument is OVER.
Only in the minds of USA mind controllers and their mind-captive population
(55% of the USA adults) do ETs and UFOs not exist.  My guess is that this
list falls out pretty much with the general population: 45% are ET sensitive;
55% are ET skeptical or no opinion.

Comprenez-vous?  Alfred

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO's Environmental War: Voices from Canada

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Janet M Eaton, PhD:

Dear All:

Further to my post of  Wednesday May 24th entitled  "Adrienne
Clarkson Honoring Gen Wesley Clark?? +  [WILPF letter]" -  I forward
three more   letters of  concern  to the Governor General of Canada
appealing to her to  reconsider her decision to award the Canadian
Meritorious Service Cross to U.S. Army NATO General Wesley Clark!!!

The following E-mail contains

1] My May 24th E-Mail with TASC protest communique + letter  from
Bruna Nota, International President,  Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom's  to the Governor General.

2] Communique from GG's office re official announcement + copy of
a  letter to the Governor General - from Daniel Harran,  Nova Scotia
peace activist and member of the NS Network for Creative Change.

3]  Letter with comprehensive rationale against the decision to
 the  Governor General of Canada from Snezana Vitorovich,  President
of  The Association of Serbian Women associated with the  Serbian
Heritage Society (SHS) Ottawa

4] Letter of concern to the Governor General from
Jan Slakov, Nova Scotian  activist  and   Secretary for the
Voice of Women in  Canada.

If you wish to add your voice of concern
Write to the Governor General,
No postage is necessary.  Address the letter to:

Her Excellency the Right Honourable AdrienneClarkson
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A1

Begin the letter Your Excellency.
Phone her office: The number is toll-free anywhere in Canada:
1-800-465-6890 In Ottawa:   (613) 993-9530
Send a fax:(613) 998-1664

For Your Information,


Subject:   Adrienne Clarkson Honoring Gen Wesley Clark?? +
  [WILPF letter]
 Date sent:Wed, 24 May 2000

The need to write the Governor General of Canada to disuede her from
awarding  General Wesley Clark with Canada's Meritorious Service Cross
 seems all the more evident given the May 22nd article in the Globe
and Mail [A13]entitled "Lessons of Kosovo -No More bunker Mentality "
written by the Director of the Centre of Strategic Research in
Moscow-Andrei Piontkovsky who concludes:

"NATO's new strategy, adopted at its 50th anniversary session in
Washington, and providing for "humanitarian intervention" beyond the
scope of its charter, proved stillborn. Kosovo was the first and last
test of its viability. This is the main lesson of the Kosovo conflict.
NATO's military experts know this, but prefer not to talk about it

And as Canadian Bruna Nota the International President of
WILPF-Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
writes so wisely in her letter , included herein,  to Her Excellency,
the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada

" The likely illegality -both in respect to national and
international law, of Canada's participation in the war, the large use
in the war of depleted uranium coated munitions, the loss of large
number of civilian lives, the almost indiscriminate destruction of
civilian infrastructures,  the ecological depredation caused. are but
a few of the consequences of this assault against a sovereign country.
 The whole premise and the justifications that were given about the
'impelling reasons' to suppress all safeguards our civilisation has
put in place before going to war, are being more and more credibly
debunked as lies."

I too will be adding my voice of concern to what is
hopefully only a rumour.

All the best,


Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 20:18:38 +0530
Subject: Adrienne Clarkson and the War Criminal

Why is Adrienne Clarkson Honouring a War Criminal?

Canada's Governor-General announced on May 19 that she will be
awarding war criminal General Wesley Clark, who commanded the NATO
slaughter during the war over Kosovo in 1999, with Canada's
Meritorious Service Cross.

Clark is responsible for ordering the thousands of air strikes which
destroyed hospitals, daycares, apartment buildings, bridges,
hydroelectric facilities, water purification systems, and all manner
of civilian infrastructure over the former Yugoslvia.

The bombing resulted in thousands of civilian deaths, despoiling of
the environment with depleted-uranium coated munitions (in essence,
fighting a nuclear war), and violated a wide range of international
laws. Far from bringing peace to the region, the bombing only made the
problems there worse.

By awarding Clark with a medal, Clarkson is applauding terror from the
skies, the fighting of nuclear wars against civilians, and the idea
that war is worthy of applause.

To protest this decision:

Write to the Governor General, No postage is necessary.  Address the
letter to: Adrienne Clarkson Governor General of Canada Rideau Hall 1
Sussex Drive Ottawa, 

[CTRL] The Phillip Schneider Investigation

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

From IUFO:
The Phillip Schneider Investigation

Phil Schneider was liquidated just prior to releasing a tell-all book.
He had a Rhyolite clearance ~ the highest ever to come out and tell
it like it is.

The "Esoteric World News" printed much about Phil Schneider a couple
years back ~ including the part about his fears that the "gumshoes"
were after him.

In May, 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered.
Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had
previously worked. This man's final acts should not go unnoticed.

Tribute to Philip Schneider

The Phillip Schneider Investigation
GO TO: http://www.ufomind.com/people/s/schneider/

   A Small Introduction

   Intro by Cynthia Drayer

   My name is Cynthia Drayer, I live in Portland, Oregon, and I am the
   ex-wife of Philip Schneider. Philip and I met in 1986, were married in
   Carson City, Nevada, and had a daughter, Marie, in 1987. We were
   divorced in 1990 and lived in separate residences. Philip lived in an

   apartment complex in Wilsonville, Oregon. On 1/17/1996 I received a
   call that Philip was dead in his apartment and apparently had died up

   to a week before his body was discovered. At the time of the removal
   of his body, his cause of death was by a stroke. When I went to the
   funeral home I had feelings of discomfort about his death. I asked to

   view the body, but due to decomposition, the funeral director
   suggested otherwise. I wanted to be sure, in my own mind,. that Philip
   had not died under "unnatural causes". For the last two years of his
   life, Philip had been on the "lecture tour" throughout the United
   States, talking out about government coverups. You name it, he was
   talking about it: Aliens (treaties and abductions), UFO's, the One
   World Government, Black Budgets, Underground Mountain Bases, CIA
   involvement in civilian murders and drugs, Stealth technology, the
   Philadelphia Experiment, Operation Crossroads (Bikini Island A-bomb
   experiments), Dulce Fire Fight, the Oklahoma bombing, the World Trade

   Center bombing, missing children, Gunderson Freight Cars, the opening
   of concentration camps and Marshal Law/UN involvement, man-made
   viruses and earthquakes, etc.etc.

   A day later, I received a call from the Clackamas County Detectives,
   that the funeral director had found "something" around Philip's neck.

   An autopsy was performed at the Multnomah County Medical Examiner's
   office (in Portland, Oregon) by Dr. Gunson, and she determined that
   Philip had committed suicide by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three
   times around his neck, and half-knotting it in front. There are
   several reasons why I believe that Philip did not commit suicide, but
   was murdered:

 1. There was no suicide note.
 2. Philip always told his friends and relatives, that if he ever
"committed suicide" you would know that he had been murdered.
 3. From a number of sources, including his taped lectures (video and
audio), and statements to his friends, and the borrowing of a 9mm
gun, Philip felt that he and his family were being threatened and
were in danger because of his lecutres.
 4. All of his lecture materials, alien metals, higher math books,
photographs of UFO's coming out of the Operation Crossroad
A-Bomb, notes for his book on the alien agenda, were missing.
(Everything else in the apartment was still there, including gold
coins, wallet with hundreds of dollars, jewelry, mineral
specimens, etc.)
 5. No coroner ever came out to his apartment after his body was
found (against Oregon Law) - and a police investigation never
took under consideration that items were missing from his
apartment - it was considered a suicide, plain and simple
 6. The medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy

but REFUSED to analyze them, saying that the county would not
"waste their money on a suicide". Although I was assured that
the samples would be kept for 12 months, when I asked for these
samples to be sent to an independent lab 11 months later they
were "missing" and presumed "destroyed".
 7. Philip had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion
in his shoulders. I believe that it was physically impossible for
Philip to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing
fingers and then wrap the hose three times with shoulders that
had limited motion. In order to end up where his body was, he had
to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his neck,
slowly and painfully strangle to death, and fallen head first
into a wheel 

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

OK - Here is what the former French heads of NASA, Air Force, etc say in
their reality-shattering 1999 Cometa report, holding that the
extraterrestrial hypothesis has significant support.  What follows is a
summary by a French scientist.  The 500 cases in the report are hard
evidence.  Ufology is for the patient, BTW.

List members engaging in this thread are at a disadvantage, because they
are victims of a covert information war by the USA government to suppress
facts of the extraterrestrial presence.  If you want to debate this issue,
become informed.  But realize that you (mainly USAers) are in a society whose
government, unlike that of France, suppresses the evidence and
assassinates people like Philip Schneider, a USAer who tied to make this
public.  USAers are only 5% of the global propulation.  The extraterrestrial
hypothesis holds the USA as the PROBLEM not the SOLUTION.  USA mind-set is
also a problem, as 5% of the global population consumes 25% of its resoures.
An extraterrestrial landing would mean the end of a war-based economy, of USA
hegemony, and a more equal world.  So USAers may be in denial or resistance.
Enjoy, and  VERIFY!  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

The French Report on UFOs and Defence : a short

   by Gildas Bourdais

It must be stressed here that this is an independant report, written by a
private association called COMETA. It is
summarized here with the approval of the authors.

To translate and publish the report itself, in part or in its integrality,
permission should be asked by writing to the
administrator of the association COMETA, Mr Michel Algrin, 25, boulevard
Saint-Germain, 75005 Paris,

On Friday 16 of July 1999 was published in France an outstanding document,
called "UFOs and Defence. What
must we be prepared for ?" ("Les OVNI et la Défense. A quoi doit-on se
préparer ?") This ninety pages report
is the result of an in depth study of UFOs, covering many aspects of the
subject, especially questions of
defence. The study was carried out during several years by an independant
group of former "auditors" at the
very serious Institute of Higher Studies for National Defence, or IHEDN
("Institut des hautes études de défense
nationale"), and of qualified experts from various fields. Before its public
release, it has been sent to French
President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, and to Prime minister Lionel

This Report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain, of the Air Force, former
Director of IHEDN, and it begins
with a preamble by André Lebeau, former President of the National Center for
Space Studies ("Centre national
d'études spatiales", CNES),the French equivalent of NASA. The group itself,
collective author of the report, is
an association of experts, many of whom are or have been auditors of IHEDN,
and it is presided over by
General Denis Letty, of the Air Force, former auditor(FA) of IHEDN. Its name
"COMETA" stands for
"Committee for in depth studies".

A non exhaustive list of members is given at the beginning, and it is
impressive enough. It includes : General
Bruno Lemoine, of the Air Force (FA of IHEDN), Admiral Marc Merlo (FA of
IHEDN). Michel Algrin, Doctor in
Political Sciences, attorney at law (FA of IHEDN), General Pierre Bescond,
engineer for armaments (FA of
IHEDN), Denis Blancher, Chief National Police superintendant at the Ministry
ot the Interior, Christian Marchal,
chief engineer of the national "corps des Mines", Research Director at the
"National Office of Aeronautical
Research" (ONERA), General Alain Orszag, Phd in physics, engineer for

The committee also expresses its gratitude to outside contributors, among
whom : Jean-Jacques Vélasco,
head of SEPRA at CNES, François Louange, President of Fleximage, specialist
of photo analysis, General
Joseph Domange, of the Air Force, general delegate of the Association of
auditors at IHEDN.

General Norlain tells in a short preface how this committee was created.
General Letty came to see him in
March 1995, when he was Director of IHEDN, to discuss his project of
committee on UFOs. Norlain assured
him of his interest and addressed him to the Association of Auditors (AA) of
IHEDN, which in turn gave him its
support. It is interesting to recall here that, twenty years ago, it was a
report of that same Association which led
to the creation of GEPAN, the first unit for UFO study, at CNES.

As a result, several members of the committee come from the Association of
Auditors of IHEDN,joined by other
experts. Most of them hold, or have held, important functions in defence,
industry, teaching, research,or various
central administrations. General Norlain expresses hope that this report will
help develop new efforts nationally,
and an indispensable international cooperation.

General Letty, as president of COMETA, points to the main theme of the
report, which is that 

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

A summary of the 1999 French Cometa report, with 500 hard cases supporting
the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Vancouver, BC
The French Report on UFOs and Defence : a short

   by Gildas Bourdais

It must be stressed here that this is an independant report, written by a
private association called COMETA. It is
summarized here with the approval of the authors.

To translate and publish the report itself, in part or in its integrality,
permission should be asked by writing to the
administrator of the association COMETA, Mr Michel Algrin, 25, boulevard
Saint-Germain, 75005 Paris,

On Friday 16 of July 1999 was published in France an outstanding document,
called "UFOs and Defence. What
must we be prepared for ?" ("Les OVNI et la Défense. A quoi doit-on se
préparer ?") This ninety pages report
is the result of an in depth study of UFOs, covering many aspects of the
subject, especially questions of
defence. The study was carried out during several years by an independant
group of former "auditors" at the
very serious Institute of Higher Studies for National Defence, or IHEDN
("Institut des hautes études de défense
nationale"), and of qualified experts from various fields. Before its public
release, it has been sent to French
President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, and to Prime minister Lionel

This Report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain, of the Air Force, former
Director of IHEDN, and it begins
with a preamble by André Lebeau, former President of the National Center for
Space Studies ("Centre national
d'études spatiales", CNES),the French equivalent of NASA. The group itself,
collective author of the report, is
an association of experts, many of whom are or have been auditors of IHEDN,
and it is presided over by
General Denis Letty, of the Air Force, former auditor(FA) of IHEDN. Its name
"COMETA" stands for
"Committee for in depth studies".

A non exhaustive list of members is given at the beginning, and it is
impressive enough. It includes : General
Bruno Lemoine, of the Air Force (FA of IHEDN), Admiral Marc Merlo (FA of
IHEDN). Michel Algrin, Doctor in
Political Sciences, attorney at law (FA of IHEDN), General Pierre Bescond,
engineer for armaments (FA of
IHEDN), Denis Blancher, Chief National Police superintendant at the Ministry
ot the Interior, Christian Marchal,
chief engineer of the national "corps des Mines", Research Director at the
"National Office of Aeronautical
Research" (ONERA), General Alain Orszag, Phd in physics, engineer for

The committee also expresses its gratitude to outside contributors, among
whom : Jean-Jacques Vélasco,
head of SEPRA at CNES, François Louange, President of Fleximage, specialist
of photo analysis, General
Joseph Domange, of the Air Force, general delegate of the Association of
auditors at IHEDN.

General Norlain tells in a short preface how this committee was created.
General Letty came to see him in
March 1995, when he was Director of IHEDN, to discuss his project of
committee on UFOs. Norlain assured
him of his interest and addressed him to the Association of Auditors (AA) of
IHEDN, which in turn gave him its
support. It is interesting to recall here that, twenty years ago, it was a
report of that same Association which led
to the creation of GEPAN, the first unit for UFO study, at CNES.

As a result, several members of the committee come from the Association of
Auditors of IHEDN,joined by other
experts. Most of them hold, or have held, important functions in defence,
industry, teaching, research,or various
central administrations. General Norlain expresses hope that this report will
help develop new efforts nationally,
and an indispensable international cooperation.

General Letty, as president of COMETA, points to the main theme of the
report, which is that the accumulation
of well documented observations compells us now to consider all hypotheses as
to the origin of UFOs,
especially extraterrestrial hypotheses.

The committee then presents the contents of the study : In a first part,
presentation of some remarkable cases,
both French and foreign ; In a second part, they describe the present
organization of research in France and
abroad, and studies made by scientists worldwide which may bring partial
explanations, in accordance with
known laws of physics. The main global explanations are then reviewed, from
secret crafts to extraterrestrial
manifestations ; In a third part, will be examined measures to be taken
regarding defence, from information of
pilots, both civilian and military, to strategic, political and religious
consequences, should the extraterrestrial
hypothesis be confirmed.

Part I : "Facts and Testimonies"

Many of the cases selected are well known by most researchers, and need only
to be mentioned here. They are

-Testimonies of French pilots. M. Giraud, pilot of 

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-27 21:13:12 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Possibly, but it is far more likely that the covert information war is
 aimed at convincing us that there IS an extraterrestrial presence by using
  reverse psychology. What could be more convincing to people who mistrust
 the government than the rumor that it was hiding something? This is a
 tried and true psy-war tactic, dating back millennia.

Nice try.your hypothesis goes against the wieght of the physical evidence
(500 cases; French report)...X-Files has made a fortune off that
hypothesisAnd there does appear to be a huge black ET-UFO-Mimic
operations by the covert USA government. I encountered two possible such
operations last week while on the air on radio talk shows in Jackson, MI and
West Hampton, MA.

Nessie, I believe you have it backwards.  The purpose of the black operations
is to attempt to mimic and hence mask authentic Universe presence here.  The
black operations are an attempt by a secret government to appropriate the
extraterrestrial presence, and hence extend its strangle hold over Earth's
resources and population.

What is the extraterrestrial presence?  I beleive it is the "Zoo hypothesis."
You can read more about this in Exopolitics, BTW.

Alfred Webre

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-27 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-27 21:43:19 EDT, you write:

 No,actually it doesn't. The " reality " of China, and the "reality " of
 ETs are NOT coequal.

 I can claim that tooth faeries are as real as lug nut. But that doesn't
 make it so.

Deal with this reality from French fighter pilots and 500 other hard
scientifically validated cases.  Let go of your scifi rhetoric and confront
the integrity, probity, and overwhelming evidence of the French military and
avante-garde.  American minds are filled with nonsense about ET, spawned
by 50 years of USA secret government mind control. Alfred Webre
A summary of the 1999 French Cometa report, with 500 hard cases supporting
the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Vancouver, BC
The French Report on UFOs and Defence : a short

   by Gildas Bourdais

It must be stressed here that this is an independant report, written by a
private association called COMETA. It is
summarized here with the approval of the authors.

To translate and publish the report itself, in part or in its integrality,
permission should be asked by writing to the
administrator of the association COMETA, Mr Michel Algrin, 25, boulevard
Saint-Germain, 75005 Paris,

On Friday 16 of July 1999 was published in France an outstanding document,
called "UFOs and Defence. What
must we be prepared for ?" ("Les OVNI et la Défense. A quoi doit-on se
préparer ?") This ninety pages report
is the result of an in depth study of UFOs, covering many aspects of the
subject, especially questions of
defence. The study was carried out during several years by an independant
group of former "auditors" at the
very serious Institute of Higher Studies for National Defence, or IHEDN
("Institut des hautes études de défense
nationale"), and of qualified experts from various fields. Before its public
release, it has been sent to French
President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, and to Prime minister Lionel

This Report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain, of the Air Force, former
Director of IHEDN, and it begins
with a preamble by André Lebeau, former President of the National Center for
Space Studies ("Centre national
d'études spatiales", CNES),the French equivalent of NASA. The group itself,
collective author of the report, is
an association of experts, many of whom are or have been auditors of IHEDN,
and it is presided over by
General Denis Letty, of the Air Force, former auditor(FA) of IHEDN. Its name
"COMETA" stands for
"Committee for in depth studies".

A non exhaustive list of members is given at the beginning, and it is
impressive enough. It includes : General
Bruno Lemoine, of the Air Force (FA of IHEDN), Admiral Marc Merlo (FA of
IHEDN). Michel Algrin, Doctor in
Political Sciences, attorney at law (FA of IHEDN), General Pierre Bescond,
engineer for armaments (FA of
IHEDN), Denis Blancher, Chief National Police superintendant at the Ministry
ot the Interior, Christian Marchal,
chief engineer of the national "corps des Mines", Research Director at the
"National Office of Aeronautical
Research" (ONERA), General Alain Orszag, Phd in physics, engineer for

The committee also expresses its gratitude to outside contributors, among
whom : Jean-Jacques Vélasco,
head of SEPRA at CNES, François Louange, President of Fleximage, specialist
of photo analysis, General
Joseph Domange, of the Air Force, general delegate of the Association of
auditors at IHEDN.

General Norlain tells in a short preface how this committee was created.
General Letty came to see him in
March 1995, when he was Director of IHEDN, to discuss his project of
committee on UFOs. Norlain assured
him of his interest and addressed him to the Association of Auditors (AA) of
IHEDN, which in turn gave him its
support. It is interesting to recall here that, twenty years ago, it was a
report of that same Association which led
to the creation of GEPAN, the first unit for UFO study, at CNES.

As a result, several members of the committee come from the Association of
Auditors of IHEDN,joined by other
experts. Most of them hold, or have held, important functions in defence,
industry, teaching, research,or various
central administrations. General Norlain expresses hope that this report will
help develop new efforts nationally,
and an indispensable international cooperation.

General Letty, as president of COMETA, points to the main theme of the
report, which is that the accumulation
of well documented observations compells us now to consider all hypotheses as
to the origin of UFOs,
especially extraterrestrial hypotheses.

The committee then presents the contents of the study : In a first part,
presentation of some remarkable cases,
both French and foreign ; In a second part, they describe the present
organization of research in France and
abroad, and studies made by scientists worldwide 


2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre



The Innocence Watch Group thanks the Bishops of Florida
for their heartfelt concern for a human life and appeals to the Florida courts
to stay the execution of Bennie Demps.

We also appeal to Jeb Bush to provide necessary time and safeguards in this
to be absolutely sure an innocent man is not executed.

History has shown us that innocent lifes have been executed in US.
The history must not repeat itself in Florida now.

From all over the world people are concerned about the possibility of
rushing into execution without necessary time to prevent a tragedy.

For information:


Dianne Abshire

Pat Hoover

Sissel Egeland


The Florida Catholic Conference
May 26, 2000

Contact: D. Michael McCarron,  PhD

(A Plea For Mercy for Bennie E. Demps)

Tallahassee  — The 1976 murder of Alfred Sturgis was a terrible crime.  His
brutalization and loss of his life arouse our deepest regrets and our
sympathy for his survivors.  Bennie Demps is scheduled to die on Wednesday
evening, May 31, for this crime.  The Bishops of Florida ask Governor Bush
to halt this execution.

Neither retribution nor deterrence justify taking a human life, even one
guilty of a terrible crime.  It is only when society cannot be protected in
any other way that the death penalty is justified.  We diminish ourselves
as a people by taking away a human life.  Every human life must be
respected, even lives who fail to show that respect for others.  Florida's
alternative law of providing life imprisonment with no opportunity for
parole allows our society to be protected, and allows for remediation of
those who have committed crimes.

Only a few do not acknowledge that our system of capital punishment is
imperfect.  We are regularly reminded of this by government appointed task
forces and commissions, new Supreme Court rules, recurring legislation and
even a special session to deal with problems of the death penalty.  Still
we do not find the affluent on death row; sometimes it happens that
co-defendants who plea bargain are even more culpable than those who end up
on death row; and, our consciences are plagued by concerns for racial
disparity and the possibility of executing an innocent person.

We join with others in calling for a moratorium on executions, but here and
now appeal to Governor Bush for clemency and a stay of the death sentence
for Bennie E. Demps.

#   #   #

The Florida Catholic Conference is an agency of the Catholic Bishops,
established in 1969.  It speaks for the Church in matters of public policy,
serves as liaison to government and the legislature, and coordinates
communications and activities between the church and secular agencies.  The
Bishops of the seven dioceses in Florida constitutes its Board of Directors.

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
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Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russia: Socio Ecological Union May 2000

2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

N 4(13)
May 2000
Published by Socio - Ecological Union
Center for Coordination and Information



 On May 17 Decree of the new Russian President Vladimir Putin has
eliminated existing environment protection system of the country. The
Decree eliminated Environmental protection committee and Federal
forest service, passing their functions to the different ministries,
mainly to the Ministry of Natural Resources.
 Joining the functions of environmental resources use and control
over this use will lead to no good. It is almost the same as to let
the fox guard chicken house. No one denies that the environment
protection system that existed in Russia needed improvement. But the
very fact of the Decree shows the tendencies of the new Government.
And these tendencies are not inspiring. The developments show that the
governmental course is based on increased resource and environment
exploitation, mega-industry and project oriented. All this, together
with attacks on independent media (on May 11, around 500 masked
Federal Security Service people attacked and searched the building of
Media-Most group. Its NTV channel is critical of the regime) and
attempts to restrict information flow, promises hard times for
environmental movement and civil society in general in Russia.
 For more information:


 In this issue we reprint two articles from the Ecostan News, with
the appeal to stop military exercises in Tajikistan nature Reserve
Tigrovaya Balka.
 On 24 March, as a result of CIS (commonwealth of independent
states) military exercises, a fire erupted in Tigrovaya Balka Nature
Reserve. It burned for three days, consumed 4637 hectares, and killed
90,000 trees and many endangered animals, such as gray monitor lizards
and pheasant. In addition, boars, hares, turtles, jerboa, and lizards
fell victim. Ministry officials documented the damage and estimate the
fire destroyed 10% of the reserve with a value of 2,270,000 Tajik
rubles. We are now trying to establish the exact cause of the fire. We
will appeal to the Procurator General to initiate felony charges as
well. However, there is evidence the fire was caused by an
air-to-surface warhead accidentally exploding in the reserve, in which
case we will be unable to pursue the matter further.

 In March, in the Karadum buffer zone of Tigrovaya Balka (one of
Central Asia's oldest, most famous nature reserves), CIS military
exercises began. Similar exercises were held in 1997 with the result
that 1000 hectares of highly biodiverse semi-tropics burned. In recent
days, three fires within the nature reserve were reported to have
resulted from the new exercises. However, the area is sealed-off now
and inaccessible to local reporters. Youth EcoCenter and the Tajik
State Forestry Concern (TajikLes) sent a letter of protest to the
government. The government responded that the reserve staff should be
prepared to provide fire fighting and similar measures during the
exercises. Concurrently, in the final days of March a group of deputy
ministers, presidential advisors, and academics gathered to discuss
Tajikistan's adherence to the Earth Charter. We beg international
stakeholders to block and refuse to acknowledge any efforts by
Tajikistan to sign, ratify, or accede to international agreements in
the face of Tajikistan's evident total disregard for those agreements
it has signed. The result of such a freeze would be to cut off the
bulk of salaries for the state bureaucrats who manage environmental
policy in Tajikistan and those UNDP, World Bank, and TACIS staff and
consultants who implement projects that they falsely claim advance
environmental reform in Tajikistan.
 Let's take a stand against environmental business that has
nothing to do with environmental protection! Realistically, we won't
be able to stop these military exercises. But we can send a message to
UNDP, World Bank, and the Kremlin, the three most influential donors
in Tajikistan. These donors' real impacts on Tajikistan are less
favorable than their self-advertising reveals.
 We, ten grassroots environmental NGOs in Tajikistan, beg other
parts of 

[CTRL] Russia: Committee on Ecology Abolished

2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

Putin Axes Ecology Committee, Leads Russia Toward Environmental Crisis

Oakland, CA - Russian President Vladimir Putin abolished Russiaôs State
Committee on Ecology last weekend, effectively doing away with the only
government agency that had any regulatory power over the environment. The move
will fold the responsibilities of the Committee into the Ministry of Natural
Resources, an  agency that has been responsible for facilitating the
of the countryôs large reserves of oil, gas, and minerals. The Russian Federal
Forest Service was also abolished, and that body will also be folded into the
Ministry of Natural Resources.

Russiaôs State Committee on Ecology was responsible for carrying out
environmental inspections and environmental impact reviews and enforcing the
countryôs environmental laws. It is unclear how these tasks will be handled by
the Ministry of Natural Resources, which has usually supported the most
environmentally destructive natural resource projects in Russia. Victor
Danilov-Danilyan, chair of the State Committee on Ecology, called the decision
an õabsurd step that does not comply with the spirit or the letter of Russian

David Gordon, director of programs at California-based Pacific Environment and
Resources Center (PERC), voiced concern over the move. õThis is the equivalent
of abolishing our own Environmental Protection Agency and handing its
responsibilities to an industry-friendly body like the Department of Energy.
The agencies have two entirely different missions, and one is needed to
watchdog the other. This is the undoing of more than a decade of attempts at
getting some checks and balances into the Russian regulatory system.æ

PERC is a non-profit organization that supports citizensô environmental groups
throughout resource-rich Siberia and the Russian Far East, where the pressure
for natural resource development has been greatly increasing. This development
is often at odds with the areaôs rich biodiversity and vast wilderness.

Russian environmental groups have expressed concern that Putinôs restructuring
will leave the country without any environmental authority and will lead to a
worsening of Russiaôs ecological crisis. Led by the Russian Center for
Ecological Policy and the Socio-Ecological Union, these groups fear that the
decision could impact Russiaôs environmental security and lead to even more
harmful environmental projects, threatening Russiansô constitutional rights to
a healthy environment.  They have asked President Putin to use this
instead to strengthen Russiaôs federal environmental authorities.

  - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest vol 2 no. 20

2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

ussian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) is a compilation of the week's
major English-language press on environmental issues in Russia.
15 - 21 May 2000, Vol. 2, No. 20

1. V. Putin Signs Decree Abolishing State Committee for Environmental
Protection (Goskomekologiia)
2. Europe's Wasted Aid
3. Russia Must Set Up National System To Keep Track of Nuclear Materials
4. Russia Draws Up Nuclear Submarine-Building Programme
5. Fires Near Chernobyl Could Pollute Atmosphere Again
6. Factory Makes Radioactive Waste Containers
7. Service Life of Russian Nuclear-powered Ice-breakers To Stretch
8. Russian, Norwegian Ministers Hold Talks on Nuclear Safety
9. Russian, Norwegian Foreign Ministers To Discuss Utilization of Russian
Nuclear Subs
10. Estonia, Russia Restoring Fishery Resources in Narva River
11. Radioactive Container Stolen in Siberia
12. U.S. Planned Nuclear Attack on Moon To Scare Soviets

1 V. Putin Signs Decree Abolishing State Committee for Environmental
Protection (Goskomekologiia) RIA OREANDA, May 19, 2000, Moscow

The President of the Russian Federation V. Putin has signed the Decree
"On the Structure of the Federal Bodies of the Executive Authority".

The press-service of the President has published the full text of the

"With the view to form the effective structure of the federal bodies
of the executive authority, according to Article 112 of the
Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal Constitutional
law "On the government of the Russian Federation," I decree:

1. To confirm the enclosed structure of the federal bodies of the
executive authority.

2. To abolish: The Ministry for the affairs of the Commonwealth of the
Independent States; the Ministry for the science and technologies; the
Ministry for Commerce; Economy Ministry; the State committee for the
problems of the North; the State committee for land policy; the State
committee for cinematography; the State committee for environmental
protection; the State committee for the problems of youth; the federal
service of the air transport of Russia; the federal Migration
department; the federal department of Russia for the currency and
export control; the Russian road agency.

3. To form: The Ministry for the economic development and commerce of
Russia having delegated to it a part of the functions of the abolished
Ministries for the affairs of CIS, Commerce, Economy, the State
committee for the problems of the North; the federal service for the
currency and export control and reformed Ministry for the physical
training, sport and tourism; the Ministry of Industry, science and
technologies having delegated to it the functions of the abolished
Ministry of science and technologies and also a part of the functions
of the abolished Ministries for Commerce and Economy; the federal
service of the land-survey having delegated to it a part of the
functions of the abolished State committee for the land policy.

4. To delegate: to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a part of the
functions of the abolished Ministry for the Affairs of CIS; to the
Ministry of culture the functions of the abolished State committee for
the cinematography; to the Ministry of Education the functions of the
abolished State committee for the problems of youth; to the Ministry
of natural resources the functions of the abolished State committee
for environmental protection and federal service of the forestry; to
the Transport Ministry the functions of the abolished federal service
of the air transport and road agency; to the Finance Ministry a part
of the functions of the abolished federal service for the currency and
export control.

5. To reform: The Ministry of the state property to the Ministry
privity having delegated to it a part of the functions of the
abolished state committee for the land policy; the Ministry of
physical training, sport and tourism to the State committee for the
physical training, sport and tourism; the Ministry for the affairs of
the federation and nationalities to the Ministry for the Affairs
Federation, national and migration policy having delegated to it a
part of the functions of the abolished federal migration service and a
part of the functions of the abolished state committee for the
problems of the North; the Agriculture and Food Ministry to the
Ministry for Agriculture; the Ministry of fuel and energy to the
Ministry of energetic. The state courier service attached to the
government of Russia to the State courier service; the federal service
for the special building attached to the government to the federal
service of the special building.

6. To determine that the Chairman of government has 5 deputies
including the deputy Chairman of the government - Minister of
Agriculture and deputy Chairman of the government - Finance Minister.

7. To determine that the co-ordination of the work of the federal
Ministers, heads of other federal bodies of the executive authority
and the control over their activity are realized by the Chairman of

[CTRL] Russia Eliminates Environmental Agency

2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

Russia Eliminates Environmental Agency
MOSCOW, Russia, May 23, 2000 (ENS) - In a move to restructure the federal
government's executive branch, President Vladimir Putin has eliminated the
state committee for environmental protection along with several others.
They were the state committees for forestry, northern regions, land policy,
cinematography, and youth policy. The committee for environmental protection
was the main government body responsible for monitoring and analyzing all
environmental sectors except those related to nuclear issues.

The decree was made public over the weekend and triggered immediate criticism
from leading environmentalists.
The environmental and forestry functions were transferred to the Ministry on
Natural Resources, which licenses development of Russia's oil, natural gas and
other mineral deposits.
Indicating that he will be subordinating environmental concerns to the
development of natural resources, President Putin Saturday completed his new
Cabinet by appointing as energy minister a relative unknown, Alexander Gavrin,
who has close ties to the country's biggest oil producer, LUKoil.
In an interview with the "Moscow Times" Monday, former committee head Viktor
Danilov-Danilyan called Putin's decree "absurd." He called for continued
independent monitoring and testing of the environmental effects of natural
resource development.
But Putin's order does not transfer the environmental experts from the former
state committee to the Ministry on Natural Resources and how the monitoring
will be conducted is still unclear.
In a statement issued last week, Greenpeace Russia called the elimination of
the environmental protection committee "a step away from the civilized
"Even the presence of a shabby State Committee for the Environment is better
than no environmental monitoring body whatsoever," said Greenpeace Russia
spokesman Alexander Shuvalov.
Vladimir Slivyak, coordinator of nuclear programs for the Moscow based
organization Ecodefense called the move, a step towards
"de-environmentalization of the state."
Working with environmental issues is not an easy task in Russia. President
Putin was director of the Russian Security Police, or FSB, in 1998 and
1999. He
is known to share their belief that environmentalists may be working against
the best interests of Russia.
Many Russian groups and individuals were accused of espionage for their work
against radioactive contamination and for nuclear safety in 1999 and 2000.
In arresting environmentalists and others, the Russian police have made wide
use of the practice of planting drugs on them, human rights activists have

  - *  ENWL (English) * 
  Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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[CTRL] Top Ten Mind Control Sites

2000-05-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

From MC-L andn Armageddon or New Age:

Researchers web sites (Mind Control -mostly)
See The specific terrorism.com sites below
mention a gov't document noting
electronic harassment.
Better than Letterman's Top ten (but not as pleasant)

Thanks for those who mentioned a few of these.
I looked and searched and put these together



   Advanced Technology

  Terrorism Research Web site messages below.

  Gov't documentation from GPO mentioned

   earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology,
   politics  consciousness. (including Mind Control)

   USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
   CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
   UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
   USA http://www.geocities.com/ecologynews/
   USA http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/ecologynews/
   Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

   Other Mind Control and resource sites


   adventures unlimited

   Leading edge International Research Group

   New Web Sites  (Barbara Hartwell, Psy-ops and mind control)
   Mirror Site:

Law Cases -
look-up and Text Decisions,
Analysis etc.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Russia: IMF (NWO) causes depression

2000-05-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

From ENWL (EcoNews St Petersburg, Russia)

Here's a message sent to me by an American friend of mine who collects
information on IMF, World Bank etc. It may be of interest to you:

The IMF has helped foster a severe depression in Russia

Russia in the 1990s has witnessed a peacetime economic contraction of
unprecedented scale. Many believe much of the blame for the social and
economic catastrophe rests with the IMF, which has had a central role in
designing and supervising Russia's economic policy since 1992.

The number of Russians in poverty has risen from 2 million to 60 million
since the IMF came to post-Communist Russia. Male life expectancy has
dropped sharply from 65 years to 57. Economic output is down by at least

The IMF's shock therapy -- sudden and intense structural adjustment --
helped bring about this disaster.

"In retrospect, its hard to see what could have been done wrong that
wasn't," Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research
told a
Congressional committee in late 1998. "First there was an immediate
de-control of prices. Given the monopoly structure of the economy, as
as the large amount of cash savings accumulated by Russian households,
inflation soared 520 percent in the first three months. Millions of
saw their savings and pensions reduced tocrumbs."

"Then the IMF and Russian policymakers compounded their mistakes,"
explained. "In order to push inflation down, the authorities slammed on
monetary and fiscal brakes, bringing about a depression. Privatization
carried out in a way that enriched a small class of people, while the
average persons income fell by about half within four years."

Meanwhile, Russia kept its economy functioning with an influx of foreign
funds, lent at astronomically high interest rates because of the strong
possibility of default. In 1998, with the Asian crisis still unfolding
with Russian default seemingly near, the IMF agreed to a $23 billion
package to Russia, seeking to maintain the rubles overvalued exchange
An initial $4.8 billion portion of the loan left the country immediately
some used to pay off foreign lenders, much of it stolen by Russian

Soon after that fiasco, the ruble collapsed -- with none of the horrible
consequences predicted.

For the IMF, the prospect of Russia deciding to continue not to repay
was extremely worrisome. To avert this problem, the Fund continued its
program, but its loans to Russia dont actually go to Russia; all IMF
disbursed to Russia is held at the IMF -- and used to pay off prior IMF
loans to Russia.

Does the IMF think it made fundamental mistakes in Russia? No. From the
IMF's perspective, the problem has been not enough IMF-style reform.
how former IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus put it in September
"[Russias economic] shortcomings represent not so much the failure of
as the effects of 70 years of central planning and the incomplete
implementation of reform policies -- itself a result of a lack of
political consensus on reform."

 The IMF Bails Out Big Banks

IMF-orchestrated bailouts of countries in financial crisis -- assistance
countries whose exchange rates are plummeting -- provide money primarily
that developing countries can pay off their foreign creditors, including
private banks.

In 1995, the IMF contributed almost $18 billion to a Clinton
bailout of the Wall Street interests which stood to lose billions with
peso devaluation in Mexico.

The same thing happened with the Asian financial crisis. U.S. banks had
approximately $20 billion in outstanding debt in South Korea alone, with
BankAmerica, Citibank, J.P. Morgan, Bankers Trust, the Bank of New York
Chase Manhattan the major banks with heavy exposure in South Korea. With
loans threatening to go bad, the IMF swooped in, pushed the government
take on the debts of failing private sector companies, and provided tens
billions of dollars to the government to pay off the debts owed to the
private lenders.

The Korean bailout was particularly noteworthy for the conditions which
accompanied it: South Korea was required to open its financial sector to
foreign investors -- meaning the banks and international financiers who
directly contributed to the financial crisis received a double benefit.
only were they bailed out, they were given the right to penetrate the
financial sector.

The IMF went on to repeat the fiasco in Russia, where its August 1998
multi-billion dollar loans immediately left the country -- some directed
foreign creditors, much of it stolen and deposited in foreign bank

There are substantial costs to these bailouts. Not only do they waste
taxpayer money, they encourage future imprudent loans by private
Knowing that they can earn high returns on risky loans without fear of
losing their money if the investments go bad, lenders and investors 

[CTRL] EXOPOLITICS on Jeff Rense's Sightings - Memorial Day 7PM PT

2000-05-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

MEMORIAL DAY - Alfred Webre author of EXOPOLITICS will be on Jeff Rense's
Sightings, May 29 @ 7:00 PM PT, on Real Audio at http://www.sightings.com or
at any time in archives at:

Sightings will discuss a suppressed 1977 Carter White House-NSF Study into
extraterrestrial communication, along with the concept of Exopolitics, or
political and governmental forms in the Universe.

A complimentary copy of Episode One of EXOPOLITICS, along with Nicky Molloy's
review, can be found at:



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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. . . WAS:Re: [CTRL] EXOPOLITICS - Book R...

2000-05-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

Try "Best Available Evidence"


The first document was delivered to the President of the USA (Bill Clinton),
the US Congress and Heads of State around the world by an interested group of
researchers, funded by et-curious Laurance Rockefeller.  About 1000 copies
exist.   You can purchase copies on the Net for a modest sum.  It is a
serious research document, which should be approached with the methodology of
science and the respect due the many lives of humans who have been
assassinated by the secret state in order to cover up an extraterrestrial
presence.  Like conspiracy research, et research is demanding and a sacred
task.  IMHO Alfred

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EXOPOLITICS - Book Review by N Molloy

2000-05-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-20 15:43:28 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 To counteract this nonsense, I suggest you read Rare Earth. This book's
 propose the theory that life on Earth is UNIQUE. This theory does not require
 outrageous leaps of fantasy because ALL CURRENT EVIDENCE SHOWS THIS TO BE THE

There really is no contradiction between Rare Earth and the Exopolitics model.
The model put forth in Rare Earth represents a best guess by the authors as
to the probablity of existence of other life bearing planets.  Exopolitics as
well represents a field theory based on the probablity that other
life-bearing planets exist besides Earth.  The two authors differ, based on
evidence.  The Rare Earth authors overlook the hard evidence of
extraterrestrial presence on Earth.  Carl Sagan would even say they are
limited!!! Exopolitics says Earth is a very rare planet in a populated
Universe, which is the more accurate view. Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EXOPOLITICS - Book Review by N Molloy

2000-05-20 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-05-20 20:43:51 EDT, you write:

 Which is? 

Try "Best Available Evidence"


The first document was delivered to the President of the USA (Bill Clinton),
the US Congress and Heads of State around the world by an interested group of
researchers, funded by et-curious Laurance Rockefeller.  About 1000 copies
exist.   You can purchase copies on the Net for a modest sum.  It is a
serious research document, which should be approached with the methodology of
science and the respect due the many lives of humans who have been
assassinated by the secret state in order to cover up an extraterrestrial
presence.  Like conspiracy research, et research is demanding and a sacred
task.  IMHO Alfred

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Defending the Dalai Lama (Ottawa Citizen)

2000-05-19 Thread DIG alfred webre

This 1998 Ottawa Citizen article is in response to a 1998 article by
columnist Christopher Hitchens, recently circulated on the Internet
(May 2000).

Alfred Webre
EcoNews Service
Vancouver, BC

1. Defending the Dalai Lama (OC)

Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, October 01, 1998

by Brian J. Given

We have become so accustomed to learning that our cultural icons, the
Presidents and Priests, have feet of clay that we are perversely
pleased when yet another role model is caught in flagrente delecto with
the alter boys or interns. It is hardly surprising, that the Dalai Lama
of Tibet should be the subject of an attempt at expose' (Behind The
Dalai Lama's Smile. (Sept. 17:A15). Unfortunately Mr. Hitchens' pique
overcomes his reason and his article is polemic more than critique.

I have conducted research, over a period of 15 years, among Tibetan
refugees and western-born Tibetan Buddhists in India and Canada. For
Tibetans the Dalai Lama is the symbolic embodiment of their nation and
for most non-Tibetans the Dalai Lama's credibility is the credibility of
the Tibetan cause itself so Hitchens ill-informed comments should be

First, he tells his readers that the Dalai Lama supported India's
nuclear tests. The Tibetan leader was responding to a journalist's
question in Madison Wisconsin on May 13. What he said was that the
tests saddened him and that he supported complete nuclear disarmament.
He did say, however, that it is undemocratic for a few nuclear powers,
in condemning India, to ask others not to indulge in actions that they
are, themselves, undertaking.

Christopher Hitchens thinks that the Dalai Lama's meeting with Shoko
Asahara, whose followers later perpetrated the Tokyo nerve gas murders,
is evidence of some sinister side of the Tibetan leader. The obvious
explanation, and the correct one, is that meetings with the Dalai Lama
are widely available. The officials who make his appointments in India
cannot conduct international investigations before granting audiences.
Ironically, Hitchens is angry that the Dalai Lama may not have been

Next the article blames the Dalai Lama for the fact that another Lama
has recognized action film hero Steven Seagal as a minor reincarnation.
The Dalai Lama is the head of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism and
Seagal was recognized as a reincarnated Lama (the Tibetan term is
"Tulku") by Penor Rinpoche, who is head of the Nyingma school. Many
Buddhists did wonder at the Rinpoche's choice of Tulkus but none think
the Dalai Lama had anything to do with it.

Hitchens raises the issue of Dorje Shugden (not Hitchens' "Dorge") and
echoes the complaints of a small group of followers of this ancient
"wrathful protector" deity. Shugden is a beatified former antagonist of
a former Dalai Lama, often worshipped for material benefit and this
controversy has quietly existed for centuries in Tibet. What has changed
is that some western followers of Shugden and a few Tibetan supporters,
with considerable resources at their disposal, have used the Dalai
Lama's advice that the worship of Shugden is harmful to argue that he is
suppressing freedom of religion. Practitioners of Dorje Shugden are
terrorized by tales of what will happen to them if they don't refrain
from receiving other religious instruction, including from the Dalai
Lama. He responded to the evidence that the followers of Shugden were
teaching religious intolerance by stating that this practice was harmful
and asking Tibetans to refrain from it. It is true that a few people
in some of the refugee communities in India were overly aggressive in
their attempts to discourage this practice which many Tibetans believe
harms the Dalai Lama, shortening his life. There were only a few
incidents and there is no reason to believe that they were part of any
centrally organized campaign. Hitchens piece echoes very closely the
text of a book published by the Dorje Shugden International Coalition as
part of their European-based campaign against the Dalai Lama. Had
Hitchens researched the issue he would have discovered that the Dalai
Lama's advice about Shugden was intended to preserve, rather than to
diminish, freedom of religion.

The article criticizes the Dalai Lama for teaching Tibetan Buddhist
doctrine on sexual misconduct. It is ethnocentric to condemn the most
important Tibetan spiritual authority for stating Tibetan Buddhist
beliefs, regarding one of the Five Precepts, when asked by a reporter.
Hitchens also berates the media for its reportage about a "mere mortal
who, at the very least, proclaims the nonsense of reincarnation..." The
ancient Buddhist doctrines on death and rebirth were not invented by the
Dalai Lama. Anyone has the right to believe or not to believe that an
incredible carpenter can be the Son of God or that our mind-continuum
takes form after form on the path to enlightenment.

Hitchens refers to a "Hollywood cult that almost exceeds the power of

[CTRL] Action Photos: Nuclear weapons environmental action

2000-05-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

News reports of an activist intervention in USA nuclear-land re USA
nuclear war strategies on Earth and in Space.  Earth First goes
nuclear, as does Nature in Los Alamos.   Alfred Webre
Please post and forward the following far and wide:

Photos from the in progress Katuah Earth First! "Stop the Bombs" Banner
Action in Knoxville can be found at:


Backround information on the need for nuclear weapons disarmament and
clean up of weapons factories can be found at the web page of our
friends at the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance:


This action is still in progress as of Monday, 5/16 11:00 am EST!  Chris
and Dane of Katuah Earth First! have spent the night with a banner
reading "STOP THE BOMBS" dangling from the Worlds Fair Tower and Globe
(aka the Sunsphere) in downtown Knoxville, TN.

Press Release Below:

Attention: News Editor


 - Photo Opportunity -

Contact: Paloma Galindo - cell phone #865-719-2750 or 865-633-8483.

Activists hang high above the ground for over 30 hours from the World's
Fair Globe with a huge banner reading "STOP THE BOMBS"!

 Two Earth First! activists have scaled the Worlds Fair Globe
(which was built as a symbol of friendship between the Nations) in
downtown Knoxville, TN.  They began their assent early Sunday morning
and deployed the banner around mid-day.  These activists are taking
action in order to bring to light the United States Government's global
hypocrisy on nuclear weapons.  The US urges other countries to disarm,
but make no real effort to do so itself.  This double standard threatens
to unravel the ground work which has been laid for nuclear disarmament.

 Nuclear Weapons "refurbishment" at Y-12, the refusal of the US
Senate to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the production of
nuclear weapons material at civilian facilities (TVA) send a clear
message to other nuclear states that America has every intention of
continuing the nuclear arms race into the next millennium.

 "The Y-12 Nuclear Plant's example of refurbishment is the
equivalent to me taking my beat up old Toyota to the mechanic and
getting a new Porsche in return. It is clearly not the same car, not the
same nuclear weapon." said Paloma Galindo of Katuah Earth First! The
United Nation's Non Proliferation Treaty Review Conference is still in
session for the next three days.  Because of US nuclear policies, the
world may lose an important opportunity to move towards disarmament.
Even US allies are upset.

Chris Irwin and Dane Kuppinger from Katuah Earth First! are hanging with
a huge banner reading "STOP THE BOMBS" and are prepared to stay up for
the remainder of the NPT review conference.

"Our species has to outgrow the suicidal course of nuclear weapons."
said Chris Irwin, a sixth generation Knoxvillian.

"Nuclear weapons work at Y-12 poisons the ground we live on, endangers
worker and community health and undermines world peace. We must Stop the
Bombs!" says Dane Kuppinger of Asheville, NC.

Katuah Earth First! is a non-violent direct action movement committed to
defending the Earth.

For more information, please contact:
Paloma Galindo - cell phone #865-719-2750 or 865-633-8483.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russian Environmental Digest vol 2 no. 19

2000-05-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Russian Environmental Digest (REDfiles) is a compilation of
the week's major English-language press on environmental issues in Russia.
8 - 14 May 2000, Vol. 2, No. 19

1. Chernobyl Revisited
2. Chernobyl-Hit Farms Should Be Closed for Decades
3. Yushchenko Pledges to Close Chernobyl Reactor by Year End
4. Putin Signs Law on Punishment for Atomic Legislation Breach
5. Station Fits New Safety Training Equipment
6. A Case Shows Russia's Quandary in Preventing Leaks of Arms Lore
7. Excessive Air Pollution Affects 200 Towns
8. Fires Destroy Forests in Siberia, Far East
9. Green Prize Lawyer's Latest Win
10. Number of Infection Cases Grows in Russia As Summer Coming
11. Outbreak of Hemorrhagic Fever Endangers Stavropol Region
12. Defence Shipyard Designs Container for Radioactive Waste

1 Chernobyl Revisited The New York Times, May 14, 2000

Fourteen years after the worst accident in the history of nuclear
power, Ukraine seems determined to shut down the lone active reactor
remaining at Chernobyl by the end of the year. The long overdue
decision will close a reactor that has experienced an unsettling
variety of minor failures and end power generation at a complex that
once contained four nuclear plants. But in other ways the Chernobyl
accident still haunts the people and lands of the former Soviet Union.
The steel and concrete shell encasing the radioactive ruins of the
destroyed reactor is leaking and must be replaced.

Reactors with similar designs to those at Chernobyl -- and
considerable safety problems -- still operate in Russia and Lithuania.
Several countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union depend
on other types of Soviet-built reactors that also fall short of
Western safety standards. These are expensive problems, requiring
money that former Soviet bloc nations do not have. The West has
provided millions in financial assistance, but it will have to
contribute more to improve nuclear safety and close dangerous

The sarcophagus that houses the No. 4 reactor at Chernobyl, the one
that exploded in April 1986, is unstable and cracked. The European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development is trying to raise $768
million to reseal the tomb temporarily and to build a new one. So far,
the United States and European nations have given only about half that
amount. When donor nations meet in Berlin this summer, they must
pledge to pay the balance.

A second need is to continue to care for those affected by the
Chernobyl disaster. The greatest problem is thyroid cancer in people
who were children at the time of the accident. Most of the 2,000
victims so far live in Belarus and are being treated with help from
the World Health Organization.

In 1992, the Group of Seven industrialized nations recommended the
closure of 25 Soviet-designed reactors, including all Chernobyl-style
power plants. These reactors -- there are 14 today -- are considered
the most dangerous. Though they have been upgraded to fix the flaws
that contributed to the Chernobyl disaster, they remain unsafe. The 43
other Soviet-design reactors in use are considered somewhat safer, but
all need more backup systems and other protective measures. The
poverty of former Soviet nations adds to the risk. At Chernobyl, for
example, maintenance is slighted and employees have often had to wait
months for their paychecks.

The desire to join the European Union has encouraged Lithuania,
Slovakia and Bulgaria to try to meet European safety standards by
scheduling early closing of their most dangerous reactors. It is no
small sacrifice for a poor nation to shut down a source of cheap
energy. Lithuania, for example, is planning to close one of its two
reactors, which together provide 75 percent of the country's power.

The industrialized nations have been talking about helping Ukraine to
close Chernobyl for years. Their aid will take the form of loans to
complete two new nuclear reactors -- a bad idea, as the reactors will
not meet Western safety standards. The safer, if costlier, choice
would be to build a coal plant and improve the energy efficiency of
existing factories. Few catastrophes have less respect for borders
than a nuclear meltdown. Unsafe reactors are an international problem,
and decommissioning requires international cooperation.

(back to top)

2 Chernobyl-Hit Farms Should Be Closed for Decades Agence France
Presse, May 10, 2000

Food-growing areas that were hit by fallout from Chernobyl should be
restricted for several more decades rather than be allowed to reopen
in the near future, a scientific team warns.

Dangerous residues of caesium 137 can linger far longer in the soil
and water than initially thought, they say.

Ukraine, much of Belarus and parts of Russia were severely
contaminated by radioactive debris that spewed into the air after
Chernobyl's No. 4 reactor exploded on April 26 1986.

The fallout also affected swaths of Scandinavia, eastern and central
Europe, sowing "hot spots" of radioactivity, depending on 

[CTRL] ECTV: Another CME Occurred 5/15/00

2000-05-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

Another CME Occurred Today...05/15/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

Space weather storm expected. Several interesting solar regions are
visible on the sun today. Three large sunspot groups are visible in the
eastern hemisphere. One produced a coronal mass ejection at 03:00 a.m. MDT
(2000 15 May 0900UT). These regions will remain visible from Earth for the
next ten days.

Still no word from NASA or NOAA as to the reason of their absent report of
the massive CME that occurred on May 12th.

Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA, USAF,
NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services  and other
observatories, universities, and institutions.

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

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[CTRL] Florida: Attempt to halt execution denied - Evidence: Not guilty!

2000-05-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

Here is the latest news concerning Bennie Demps' case.  As you can see,
he has had his stay of execution denied.  Presently, his attorney is
preparing a brief to present to the Florida Supreme Court tomorrow.

Things are not looking good, and urgent action is being requested.

Dianne Abshire


An attempt to halt execution plans for a convicted killer failed in an
Alachua County courtroom Friday.

Chief Circuit Judge Robert Cates told attorneys he was "inclined to deny"
a motion for a hearing that would delay Bennie Demps' execution. Last
month, Gov. Jeb Bush signed the inmate's death warrant.

Demps, 49, is set to die on May 31 for the September 1976 murder of
fellow inmate Alfred Sturgis at Florida State Prison near Starke. Before
his death, Sturgis told an officer that Demps and another inmate held him
down while a third inmate stabbed him.

Demps' defense argued Friday that a letter from prison officials, who
investigated Sturgis' death, did not implicate Demps in the attack. A
defense motion requested Cates to grant a hearing on the information
that would have postponed Demps' execution.

The state had argued the information was not newly discovered or

After Cates' denial, the case now heads to the Florida Supreme Court for

Earlier this year, some prosecutors had projected that Demps' execution
wouldn't be scheduled for years. Demps was sentenced to death in 1978.
Before Bush signed the recent warrant, Demps had survived 3 death
warrants by getting last-minute appeals.

Although set to die for Sturgis' death, Demps was originally condemned
for the 1971 murders of R.N. Brinkworth and Celia Puhlick. They were
fatally shot in a Lake County citrus grove. Celia Puhlick's husband,
Nicholas, was wounded in the attack.

The victims were inspecting some land for sale when they came across
Demps. He had fled into the grove with a stolen safe.

A year after being sent to Death Row, Demps was taken off after the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled against capital punishment.

In 1976, Florida's new capital punishment law was upheld. 2 months
later Sturgis was stabbed.

If Demps' execution is carried out, he will be the 3rd person to die by
lethal injection in Florida this year.

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[CTRL] ECTV- Massive CME Occurred Just Hours Ago

2000-05-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

Massive CME Occurred Just Hours Ago...05/13/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

The largest CME (coronal mass ejection) I have seen this year and it looks
like it is heading in our direction. I find this to be a stunning
coincidence to occur on the eve of Pope John Paul's visit to Fatima and
his possible revealing of the Third Secret.

If it is indeed heading our way, look for "red skies" like we have not
seen to date.

Take a look at this:

Watch for aurora borealis and severe weather just a few hours after Pope
John Paul's beatification ceremony. It will have a haunting similarity as
did happen on this very day in Portugal on May 13th 1917. "On that day,
witnesses claimed to have seen the sun dance in the sky."

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Illegal Elian: Record 151 Agents used-131 INS 20 US Marshals

2000-05-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

The American Spectator -- June 2000

Illegal Elian

Elian's case goes to court tomorrow. In this preview from our next issue,
Byron York explains how the INS twisted its own rules to snatch the boy from
his Miami family.

by Byron York

Grover Joseph Rees was stunned when he learned the number of federal agents
who participated in "Operation Reunion," the raid to seize Elian Gonzalez
from his great uncle's home in Miami. The government deployed a total of 151
people, 131 from the Immigration and Naturalization Service and 20 from the
United States Marshals. "That's more than we used to deport Joe Doherty,"
remembers Rees, who was general counsel of the INS during the last years of
the Bush administration. Doherty, an Irish Republican Army terrorist
convicted of murdering a British soldier, was arrested in New York and
deported to Belfast in 1992. Fearing the heavily armed IRA might stage an
attack to disrupt the transfer, American officials made sure they were
well-prepared for any possibility. "We took a lot of extraordinary
measures," says Rees. "As I recall, there were 20 or 30 FBI agents and one
or two INS agents." It was plenty of firepower -- but just a fraction of
what was used in the Gonzalez case.

In fact, few INS operations -- at least those targeting a single alien --
have involved the level of force used in "Operation Reunion." Last August,
for example, the INS in Los Angeles required far fewer agents to capture a
suspect named Manuel Escalante, who was accused of killing 19 people in
Mexico -- lining them up against a wall and cutting them down with automatic
weapons. Nor did the INS assign as many agents to last year's search for
Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, the "Railway Killer" wanted for eight murders, whom
the agency had once picked up and mistakenly released.

Notorious criminals aside, the simple fact that the INS spent so much time
on an individual case is highly unusual. In recent years the INS has been
stung by criticism that its enforcement work consisted mostly of raiding
farms, fast-food restaurants, and other places where undocumented aliens eke
out a living. Looking for highly publicized, high-impact busts, agents
specifically targeted places where they were likely to find large numbers of
aliens -- and spent relatively little, if any, energy on time-consuming
efforts to pick up individual immigrants. "One-on-one enforcement is
inefficient," a former INS official explains. "They want to create a
deterrent effect."

In March 1999, the INS announced a plan to de-emphasize job site raids and
border patrols in order to target criminals aliens, immigrant-smuggling
rings, and document-forging operations. According to an INS statement, the
new "Interior Enforcement Strategy" -- emphasizing the mid-section of the
country rather than its borders -- was designed to "systematically combat
illegal immigration inside the United States by attacking its causes, not
merely its symptoms." Enforcement against individual aliens sank even lower
down the priority list.

Whatever its goal, INS has been plagued by gross mismanagement. Last year
Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
reviewed the performance of 15 federal agencies and ranked INS dead last,
saying the agency can't seem to get anything done. "Evidence that INS cannot
manage its mission is overwhelming," the study's authors wrote. "New
immigrants sometimes wait years to have their citizenship applications
processed; the backlog of people seeking naturalization is nearly two
million. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants enter
the United States every year."

All of which makes the Elian Gonzalez case more than a little out of
character for the INS. The agency acted with extraordinary speed, devoting
thousands of man-hours and an extensive show of force to seize a single
alien who was not a criminal, was not brought to the U.S. by a smuggling
ring, and wasn't trying to stay by using phony papers. Why the case was so
important -- so urgent that the INS would throw its own policies and
guidelines out the window -- is a question the agency has yet to answer.

To Raid Or Not To Raid

For weeks before the April 22 raid, there was an ongoing debate inside the
Gonzalez legal team. Would the INS take drastic action? Or would it exercise
restraint and allow the legal process to take its course? Spencer Eig, the
Miami attorney who organized the legal group, tried to reassure his fellow
lawyers. "I said, 'I don't think there's going to be a nighttime raid,'" Eig
recalls. "Some of our Cuban colleagues said they thought there would be. I
attributed that to their experiences with the Castro government and thought
they were overly paranoid. I thought the U.S. government was not going to
raid an innocent family."

Eig's opinion carried particular weight because he had been, until just last
year, an experienced trial attorney for...the INS. After stints as an
adviser at 

[CTRL] Tibet-China debate to be silenced by PNTR

2000-05-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

Dear Friend of Tibet:

We need your immediate help to defeat "Permanent Normal
Trade Relations" (PNTR) for China!  PNTR would end the
annual human rights debate on China in our Congress,
which is where we have been able to spotlight China's
abuses in Tibet and urge for improvements.

The House of Representatives wants to vote on PNTR for
China the week of May 22nd-- **less than two weeks
away!**.  Corporate lobbyists, in step with the Clinton
administration, are intensifying their campaign in
support of PNTR in hopes of furthering their business
interests in China.

We are making an urgent action request to all ICT
supporters to contact your Representatives NOW!  Jump
to our Action Center here (be sure to paste the full URL
in your browser):


Please telephone your Representative's district office or
Washington, D.C. office and declare your strong opposition
to PNTR for China!

Your Representative may not know the following:

-- The annual debate in the Congress on Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) is the most important economic leverage the
Congress can choose to exert against China on many issues,
including Tibet.

-- Permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) are not required
for the U.S. to benefit from China's accession into the
World Trade Organization.  The U.S. can maintain the status
quo of annual NTR extensions for China - as long as the
status does not lapse.

Constituent calls on PNTR will be tallied up and handed to
your Representatives as he or she leaves for the House
chamber to vote the week of May 22!  A one-minute call,
short letter or an e-mail from you can make an important

Find your U.S. Representative at

You can also find current phone and address contact
information, in your local telephone directory under the
government section (blue pages) or call the Congressional
hotline at 202 - 224 - 3121.

Visit ICT's Web site for further information on PNTR,

Thank you for your help!!

P.S. Are you a member of ICT?  Visit here and join with us:

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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] MC: US GOVT PSYOPS personnel at NPR too...

2000-05-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

From MindControl-l:
  PSYOPS personnel at NPR too...

  May 11, 2000
01:52 PDT

  Apparently Army PSYOPS personnel worked at NPR as well as
  at CNN. Emperors-Clothes reports that NPR has admitted it:


  The following excerpt is from a CounterPunch article on the
  Corporation for Public Broadcasting's involvement in the
  "Pacifica board power grab":



 In the context of the changes being driven by the CPB,
 it is worth consideration that the heads of two of
 the most important entities in American public
 broadcasting both come out of the government's broadcast
 propaganda apparatus. As mentioned above, CPB President
 and CEO Robert Coonrod is a former Deputy
 Director of VOA, overseeing Radio and TV Marti. Similarly,
 recently appointed NPR CEO Kevin Klose has
 been director of the U.S. International Broadcasting
 Bureau and was president of Radio Free Europe/Radio
 Liberty from 1992 to 1997. Thus, the question of who
 controls public broadcasting and toward what end
 merits the attention of thoughtful listeners. The
 answers to such questions illuminate a view of the future
 of this important medium.


  The following link is to a FAIR article, "Why Were Government
  Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?":


  And their report on CNN's response:


  Finally, here is a FAIR web page with various articles
  about NPR:


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consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-05-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

From: commentary-L:

  What if Earth is not the only place
 in the universe where life has developed
  and evolved?
 -Life would be a lot more interesting.

 -Some people would try to control others
  by saying Earth is alone with life.

 -The existence of more than one life
 source would indicate a probability
 of virtually infinite potential habitats.

 -The forms would take on diverse and
 varied forms, would evolve, and probably
 eventually interact on one or more levels.

 -The probability of other-dimensional
 intelligences would increase.

 -The probability would increase that
 the life forms would attempt to create
 or find other habitats and spread to them.

 -The probability would be that biodiversity
 and intelligence would be broad in spectrum.

 -The probability would be that older species
 with greater intelligence and more highly
 evolved and developed civilizations than
 ours would exist.

 -The probability would be that either we
 have been developed or already discovered
 by higher intelligences.

 -The probability would be that higher intelligences
 rule the universe with higher principles.
 That would be the house that built Jack.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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