Re: USB3 et linux

2011-07-27 Thread moi-meme
Le Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:10:02 +0200, fabrice régnier a écrit :

 Chez moi tout est vieux.
 ça va faire plaisir à ta femme

ici tout est vieux même ma femme :-((

j'ai proposé 2 femmes de 30 ans contre une de 60 mais cela ne marche 
pas : trop cher.

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Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Nicolas Froidure


Pour me débarrasser des soucis que mon entourage rencontre avec 
Windows, je fais mine de ne connaître que Linux (je sais, c'est moche). 
Seul problème, certains m'ont demandé d'installer Linux (et donc Debian).

J'ai bien repéré Système  Préférences  Bureau à distance, mais 
la question que je me pose, c'est avec quoi je peux exploiter cette 

J'ai trouvé des ressources sur le Web pour utiliser VNC, mais je me 
dit que ce serait plus simple pour eux de ne rien avoir à installer.

Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de 
vos proches ?

D'avance merci.

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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Hinault
Le 27 juillet 2011 11:09, Nicolas Froidure a
écrit :

Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de vos
 proches ?

J'utilise SSH ou eventuellement un client NX.

Pour l'accès à travers leurs machinbox, soit je leur installes un client
openvpn connecté sur mon serveur openvpn. Soit j'ouvre simplement leur port
22 (mais c'est rare).

Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Olivier Lange
Le 27 juillet 2011 11:09, Nicolas Froidure a écrit :

    Pour me débarrasser des soucis que mon entourage rencontre avec Windows,
 je fais mine de ne connaître que Linux (je sais, c'est moche). Seul
 problème, certains m'ont demandé d'installer Linux (et donc Debian).

    J'ai bien repéré Système  Préférences  Bureau à distance, mais la
 question que je me pose, c'est avec quoi je peux exploiter cette

    J'ai trouvé des ressources sur le Web pour utiliser VNC, mais je me dit
 que ce serait plus simple pour eux de ne rien avoir à installer.

    Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de vos
 proches ?

rdesktop, et SSH. Ca me permets de tout gérer à distance, car j'ai
fait pareil... SI windows = débrouille toi ave cle magasin qui te l'a
vendu. Si Linux, pas de souci. Par contre, faut pas oublié de
configurer la box pour que tu puisse accéder à la machine ;)

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Re: USB3 et linux

2011-07-27 Thread fabrice régnier

Le 27/07/2011 09:20, moi-meme a écrit :

Le Tue, 26 Jul 2011 11:10:02 +0200, fabrice régnier a écrit :

Chez moi tout est vieux.

ça va faire plaisir à ta femme


ici tout est vieux même ma femme :-((

j'ai proposé 2 femmes de 30 ans contre une de 60 mais cela ne marche
pas : trop cher.

ouh la v!

T'es trop fort pour moi, je retourne avec ma jeune de 30 :-p


ps: gaffe, il y a quelques mois, sur cette même liste, tu te serais à 
coup sur attiré les foudres d'une certaine miluz :-p

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Discussions dans kmail

2011-07-27 Thread Stephane Ascoet
Bonjour, je suis recemment passe a KMail qui est bien sympa. J'ai regle le tri 
des messages sur activite par date, fil de discussion. Ca correspond a ce que 
je veux(comme sous Icedove/Thunderbird), sauf que quand je supprime un 
message, il passe souvent sur un autre message du fil tres eloigne dans la 
liste. Comment faire pour qu'il les parcoure dans l'ordre dans lequel ils sont 
Bien cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread fabrice régnier


Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de vos
proches ?
Teamviewer. Version gratuite pour les particuliers. Ca évite surtout de 
devoir modifier la box pour ouvrir le le port kivabien.

Par rapport à vnc, il me semble que les perfs sont au rendez-vous.

Attention c'est une techno propriétaire.


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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15182ième jour après Epoch,
Nicolas Froidure écrivait:

 Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de
 vos proches ?

Je me fais inviter à l'apéro ;)

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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:09:11 +0200,
Nicolas Froidure a écrit :

  Pour me débarrasser des soucis que mon entourage rencontre avec 
 Windows, je fais mine de ne connaître que Linux (je sais, c'est
 moche). Seul problème, certains m'ont demandé d'installer Linux (et
 donc Debian).
  J'ai bien repéré Système  Préférences  Bureau à distance,
 mais la question que je me pose, c'est avec quoi je peux exploiter
 cette possibilité.
  J'ai trouvé des ressources sur le Web pour utiliser VNC, mais je
 me dit que ce serait plus simple pour eux de ne rien avoir à
  Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian
 de vos proches ?
  D'avance merci.

Pour la prise de controle distant :

à partir des postes win32 pour accéder à linux :

-a) putty ( ssh client )
-b) client rdp

config linux:

-a) openssh server
-b) xrdp

à partir des postes linux pour accéder à win32 :

-a) rdesktop

partie win 32 :

-a) rtfm bilou-bilou doc

à partir de postes linux pour accéder à linux :

-a) ssh client
-b) rdesktop
-c) xrdp

attention :

il est possible de faire transiter le tout via un tunnel ssh pour
la partie rdp ...

documentation :


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Re: Discussions dans kmail

2011-07-27 Thread Eddy F.
Le mercredi 27 juillet 2011 à 11:18:53, Stephane Ascoet a écrit :
 Bonjour, je suis recemment passe a KMail qui est bien sympa. J'ai regle
 le tri des messages sur activite par date, fil de discussion. Ca
 correspond a ce que je veux(comme sous Icedove/Thunderbird), sauf que
 quand je supprime un message, il passe souvent sur un autre message du
 fil tres eloigne dans la liste. Comment faire pour qu'il les parcoure
 dans l'ordre dans lequel ils sont listes?


Chez moi, kmail est réglé comme suit :

Affichage - Liste des messages - Tri - Par date/heure et Les plus récents 
en haut

Affichage - Liste des messages - Agrégat - Liste de diffusion standard

et je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir le comportement que tu cites (mais je ne 
fais pas trop attention).

J'ai créé des sous-dossiers pour les listes auxquelles je suis abonné et des 
filtres pour y envoyer les messages (tri) à la réception.

Je ne supprime jamais aucun de ces messages manuellement mais utilise les 
propriétés du dossier (clic droit - Expiration) pour définir les règles 
d'effacement automatique après 10 jours des messages lus. 

Suis pas sûr que ça t'aide mais on ne sait jamais.

Eddy F

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Raquetteur SQL

2011-07-27 Thread halim djerroud
J'ai un logiciel de gestion, j'aimerais intégrer un raquetteur SQL via une
interface simple (graphique)  pour permettre au client de faire des requête
plus au moins simple (obtenir le nombre de clients, les ventes ... )  je
n'est aucune idée comme implémenter cette fonctionnalité.
quelqu'un a une idée ...
Merci d'avance


[initramfs] Rajout de driver XEN

2011-07-27 Thread Jeremy MAURO

Je souhaiterai pouvoir rajouter différents drivers XEN dans un initrd
assez générique, la génération de l'init s'effectuant en regardant les
modules actuellement charges pour ensuite les inclure. 
Étant sur un serveur sans devices XEN j'essaie donc:
[root@]:~ # modprobe xenblk
FATAL: Error inserting xen_blkfront
(/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/block/xen-blkfront.ko): No such
[root@XXX]:~ # modprobe xennet
FATAL: Error inserting xen_netfront
(/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/xen-netfront.ko): No such

Le serveur étant un squeeze, une idée pour inclure ces modules?


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Re: Raquetteur SQL

2011-07-27 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour Halim,
si tu n'as rien contre Java je ne peux que chaudement te conseiller
ceci :

J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

Le 27 juillet 2011 13:27, halim djerroud a écrit :
 J'ai un logiciel de gestion, j'aimerais intégrer un raquetteur SQL via une
 interface simple (graphique)  pour permettre au client de faire des requête
 plus au moins simple (obtenir le nombre de clients, les ventes ... )  je
 n'est aucune idée comme implémenter cette fonctionnalité.
 quelqu'un a une idée ...
 Merci d'avance


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Re: Raquetteur SQL

2011-07-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 27 Jul 2011 13:47:47 +0200,
jerome moliere a écrit :

 Bonjour Halim,
 si tu n'as rien contre Java je ne peux que chaudement te conseiller
 ceci :
 J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J
 auteur Eyrolles


est tu sur de ce qu'il recherche ?

ou serait ce un utilitaire pour crocheter (raquetteur ) un sgdb ?


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Re: Discussions dans kmail

2011-07-27 Thread Stephane Ascoet
Le mercredi 27 juillet 2011 13:03:44, Eddy F. a écrit :

 Affichage - Liste des messages - Agrégat - Liste de diffusion standard
Je vais essayer cela pendant quelques temps, on verra ce que ca donne!
Bien cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

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Support du format eml dans Evolution

2011-07-27 Thread Olivier

En passant à Squeeze, j'ai découvert Gnome et l'application Evolution.
J'utilisais auparavant Kmail qui offrait nativement la possibilité (très
pratique) de sauvegarder (ou de lire) un courriel unique sous forme de
fichier au suffixe .eml.

L'équivalent sous Evolution existe-t-il ?


Re: Discussions dans kmail

2011-07-27 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le mercredi 27 juillet 2011 à 13:03:44, Eddy F. a écrit :
 et je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir le comportement que tu
 cites (mais je ne fais pas trop attention).
 Je ne supprime jamais aucun de ces messages manuellement […]

  Justement, c’est là la différence : aller au message suivant 
avec la touche flêche droite ne pose aucun problème, quel que 
soit l’aggrégat ou le tri utilisé (au passage, on peut aussi 
créer ses propres styles pour les réutiliser facilement dans les 
différents sous-répertoires). D’ailleurs, l’aggrégat n’est pas 
non plus le coupable, c’est plutôt le tri.

  En fait, la suppression du message courant fait que KMail 
essaie de trouver le message suivant mais se plante, en général 
parce que les fils sont classés par date de premier message et 
que donc supprimer le message courant correspond à supprimer le 
premier message. Et ce message qui est premier globalement l’est 
aussi pour le fil courant, ce qui fait que le fil courant a 
maintenant un nouveau premier message, avec une nouvelle 
première date, donc peut se retrouver après un fil qui lui 
succédait auparavant (KMail réorganise évidemment à la voléee 
les messages et les fils quand on supprime un message).

  En clair, on a une situation comme celle-ci :

  → fil-A-msg-1-date-1
 +- fil-A-msg-2-date-3
 +- fil-A-msg-3-date-5
 +- fil-A-msg-4-date-7
 +- fil-B-msg-2-date-4

les fils sont dans l’ordre de leur premier message. Maintenant, 
si on supprime le premier message, le fil A n’est plus le 
premier et tout est réorganisé :

 +- fil-B-msg-2-date-4
  → fil-A-msg-2-date-3
 +- fil-A-msg-3-date-5
 +- fil-A-msg-4-date-7

le fil B est placé en tête. Et comme on était sur le message 
fil-A-msg-1-date-1, le curseur (→) passe sur le fil-A-msg-2-
date-3 qui n’est plus le premier message global.
  C’est encore pire quand un fil fourche : les différentes 
fourches peuvent être séparées, enchevêtrées avec les autres.

  Je ne suis pas sûr qu’il y ait une solution à ce comportement, 
même en tripotant le tri, qui soit plus simple que de ne pas 
supprimer avant d’avoir lu les messages dans le bon ordre…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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ICEWM Re: quel environnement graphique choisir ?!

2011-07-27 Thread Georges
Le dimanche 24 juillet 2011 17:10:05, Gaël a écrit :
 salut à tous !
Et de même, bonjour

Bon j'en coupe un peu  
 merci pour vos réponses, ça c'est de la liste active !
 je suis étonné de n'avoir personne à me conseiller fluxbox :)

Pour icewm j'ai pas trouvé de doc récente alors je me suis fais la mienne ;-)

  icewm 1.3.7~pre2-1

Depuis  /etc/X11/icewm/  copier les fichiers menu programs toolbar  dans 
un répertoire /home/user/.icewm

*** menu: 
# ...perso 1
# Configuration du menu déroulant
# Pour un dossier :
# menu nom_dossier folder {}
# Pour un programme :
# prog nom icone programme option
# Note : plusieurs sous-dossiers
# peuvent se succeder.

Si je charge   xchat   pour comprendre menu alors apparaît dans menu 
déroulant Debian

prog XChat xchat xchat

prog Nom icone programme

*** programs:
J'ai ajouté  kate mais il faut entrer le chemin de l'icone car elle est à un 
endroit inhabituel

menu Éditeurs folder {
  progGaupol /usr/share/pixmaps/gaupol.xpm /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/gaupol
  progGedit /usr/share/pixmaps/gedit-icon.xpm /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/gedit
  progLeafPad /usr/share/pixmaps/leafpad.xpm /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/leafpad
  progNano /usr/share/nano/nano-menu.xpm /bin/sh -c x-terminal-emulator  
-T \Nano\ -e sh -c \/bin/nano\
  progXedit - /bin/sh -c xedit
  progKate /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kate.png /bin/sh -c 

*** toolbar :
J'ai ajouté  iceweasel pour tester donc :

prog Nom(Iceweasel) icone(iceweasel) programme(iceweasel)

prog  Iceweasel iceweasel iceweasel

Mais pour kate l'icone étant à un endroit particulier
prog  Kate /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kate.png /usr/bin/kate

*** preferences :

J'ai créé dans  /home/user/.icewm un fichier preferences juste pour mon image 
de fond ;-)

# .. preferences perso

Pas taper si c'est pas l'endroit ;-) Georges
Le jour où tu découvre le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peu plust'en passer ;-) 

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Kmail et lenteur

2011-07-27 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Depuis quelque temps j'ai remarqué que lors de la réception de messages par 
kmail toute activité autre que la réception était figée, (écriture d'un message 
les caractères tapés apparaissent à la fin du traitement des messages, 
impossibilité de lire un message, etc ..) On se croirait revenu à un mono 
tâche ce qui est surprenant, je pense que le problême vient de la base 
messagerie et de sa réorganisation qui doit occuper tout le CPU et les IO.
Existe t'il un moyen pour accélérer le traitement, indexation ? ou autre.
Merci pour vos conseils.

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Re: [squeeze] noyau 2.6.39. Était [quelle carte graphique pour du double écran ?]

2011-07-27 Thread JF Straeten

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 11:49:31AM +0200, Alain Rpnpif wrote:

  Qu'appelles-tu « performances bien meilleures » ?


 En résumé, pour moi, le 2.6.39 est un très bon noyau.

Ça clope avec ce que les devs de VServer semblent en dire.

Reste plus qu'à essayer ;)

Merci pour le retour.



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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread fred

Le 27/07/2011 12:47, François TOURDE a écrit :

Le 15182ième jour après Epoch,
Nicolas Froidure écrivait:


 Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de
vos proches ?

Je me fais inviter à l'apéro ;)
+1, mais parfois il y a phénomène de rétorsion, et rien n'est versé 
avant l'intervention ?

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Spamassassin apprentissage

2011-07-27 Thread Frédéric ZULIAN

Je stocke mes spams dans un répertoire que je fais apprendre ensuite à
spamassassin :
Mais depuis quelque temps, j'ai ce message d'erreur 

 sa-learn --spam --dir /home/fred/Mail/spam/cur
 defined(%hash) is deprecated at
 /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 757.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (44 message(s) examined)



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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:25:23 +0200, fred wrote:

   Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de
  vos proches ?
  Je me fais inviter à l'apéro ;)
 +1, mais parfois il y a phénomène de rétorsion, et rien n'est versé 
 avant l'intervention ?
Y'a pire: l'acompte bien salé, suivit par le paiement du capital réévalué
(café, pousse-café, rollmops)


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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread Stephane FRANCESCHETTI

Le 27/07/2011 11:09, Nicolas Froidure a écrit :

Bref, qu'utilisez-vous pour intervenir à distance sur le Debian de 
vos proches ?


J'utilise aussi Teamviewer (
L'avantage c'est qu'il n'y a rien a configurer au niveau de la box (ou 
du proxy le cas échéant).

Licence gratuite pour un usage personnel.
Autre avantage : c'est multi-plateformes (GNU/Linux, windows et mac) et 
les différentes versions sont compatibles entre elles; je m'en sers donc 
aussi pour dépanner le win$ de belle-maman sans aller la voir ;o)

Stéphane Franceschetti

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Re: Spamassassin apprentissage

2011-07-27 Thread fabrice régnier



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Re: USB3 et linux

2011-07-27 Thread moi-meme
Le Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:40:01 +0200, fabrice régnier a écrit :

 ps: gaffe, il y a quelques mois, sur cette même liste, tu te serais à
 coup sur attiré les foudres d'une certaine miluz

pour clore : je frime :
je suis comme un chien qui court après les voitures.
Le jour où il en attrape une il ne sait pas quoi en faire.

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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15182ième jour après Epoch,
fred écrivait:

 Le 27/07/2011 12:47, François TOURDE a écrit :
 Je me fais inviter à l'apéro ;)

 +1, mais parfois il y a phénomène de rétorsion, et rien n'est versé
 avant l'intervention ?

C'est mieux, en général ;) ... Ça évite pas mal d'erreurs de pas prendre
d'acompte avant ce genre d'intervention.

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Re: Administration distante

2011-07-27 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15182ième jour après Epoch,
Jean-Yves F. Barbier écrivait:

 Y'a pire: l'acompte bien salé, suivit par le paiement du capital réévalué
 (café, pousse-café, rollmops)

'tain... Rollmops après le café/pousse-café? Faut oser, non? Mais je le
note pour mes prochaines interventions :)

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[OT] Miluz, sexisme de geek, et âge vénérable [Was: USB3 et linux]

2011-07-27 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15182ième jour après Epoch,
fabrice régnier écrivait:

 ps: gaffe, il y a quelques mois, sur cette même liste, tu te serais à
 coup sur attiré les foudres d'une certaine miluz :-p

Tiens, à ce sujet, c'est bien dommage qu'elle ne soit plus là, elle
avait des contributions fréquentes et intéressantes... Tout ça à cause
de certaines difficultés à sortir des ornières de la masculinité de
l'informatique ...

ps: La mienne a 50 ans, et l'échange contre deux de 25 ne marche pas non
plus :/

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Re: Re : [squeeze] quelle carte graphique pour du double écran ?

2011-07-27 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Fri, 22 Jul 2011 01:43:18 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit:

 Je devrais d'ici peu pouvoir faire des tests avec une radeon HD5450.

J'ai essayé avec une 5450 aujourd'hui et le pilote radeon
(xserver-xorg-video-radeon). Ça fonctionne bien, c'est bien géré par xrandr
mais celui-ci n'aime pas que l'écran principal soit à droite.
Je n'ai pas eu le temps d'essayer avec les pilotes proprio.


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[testing] kernel panic lors de l'extinction

2011-07-27 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Depuis hier j'ai un kernel panic lors de l'extinction de la machine. Il
intervient il me semble après le message

will now halt.

le message que je vois est:

kernel panic - not syncing Fatal exception in interrupt

ça vous dit quelque chose ?


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Re: [initramfs] Rajout de driver XEN

2011-07-27 Thread JC
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 13:07:24 +0200
Jeremy MAURO wrote:

 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/xen-netfront.ko): No such

Pourquoi ne pas utiliser un noyau xenifié ?


BABY-SITTER : Adolescent(e)s devant se conduire comme des
adultes de façon à ce que les adultes qui sortent puissent se
comporter comme des adolescents.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread BasaBuru

No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.

Alquien me puede echar una mano??

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

BasaBuru escribió:
 No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
 localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.
 Alquien me puede echar una mano??


Yo hice una búsqueda rápida con google y esto me dijo:

find / -type f -name '*' -size +51200k

Este también puede valerte:

Esta fue la búsqueda:,or.r_gc.r_pw.fp=21e2bccb4531ee70biw=1600bih=738

 Un saludo

Un saludo


- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:
 BasaBuru escribió:
 No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
 localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.


 find / -type f -name '*' -size +51200k

No encuentro la manera de ponerle un tope, pero supongo que puedes usar
un sort al final de la linea y buscar desde los 130mb hasta los 135mb
(en orden XD).

Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread Francesc Guitart

El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 11:13 +0200, BasaBuru escribió:
 No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
 localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.
 Alquien me puede echar una mano??

No sé si hay alguna manera mejor de optimizar este proceso pero esta

find `find / -size +130M` -size -135M


Francesc Guitart

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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Francesc Guitart escribió:
 El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 11:13 +0200, BasaBuru escribió:

 No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
 localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.

 Alquien me puede echar una mano??
 No sé si hay alguna manera mejor de optimizar este proceso pero esta
 find `find / -size +130M` -size -135M


Creo que si que funcionara, pero sin meter un find en otro find:

find /var/log/ -size +1M -size -20M buscará todos los archivos dentro de
/var/log/ que tengan entre 1 y 20 Megabytes.


Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread Francesc Guitart
El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 11:50 +0200, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:
 Hash: SHA1
 Francesc Guitart escribió:
  El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 11:13 +0200, BasaBuru escribió:
  No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me 
  localice un fichero 130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.
  Alquien me puede echar una mano??
  No sé si hay alguna manera mejor de optimizar este proceso pero esta
  find `find / -size +130M` -size -135M
   Creo que si que funcionara, pero sin meter un find en otro find:
 find /var/log/ -size +1M -size -20M buscará todos los archivos dentro de
 /var/log/ que tengan entre 1 y 20 Megabytes.
 Un saludo

Efectivamente, funciona y más fácil imposible:

find / -size +130M -size -135M


Francesc Guitart

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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread BasaBuru
On Miércoles, 27 de Julio de 2011 11:58:18 Francesc Guitart escribió:
 find / -size +130M -size -135M

Muchísimas gracias a todos por vuestra atención.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [OT] un groupware para sincronizar mi android

2011-07-27 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 26/07/11 13:33, BasaBuru escribió:


Hola BasaBuru

Ya se que el hilo está un poco viejo pero lo había visto y no había
podido responder.

Has probado con Sogo (Scalable Open Groupware)?

No, no he probado

A mi me va muy bien, es totalmente libre, solo pagas si quieres soporte
oficial pero lo mismo tienes la lista que tiene muchísima actividad. El
software es muy abierto y soporta Caldav, Cardav, y GroupDav. Tiene
soporte para iphone, android y varios smartphones con funambol.

funambol, es el mismo problema que google les entregas tus datos personales.
Caldav, Cardav y Groupdav está soportado nativamente en Sogo. Si tu 
smartphone no soporta estos protocolos puedes usar funambol y no 
necesariamente tienes que usar el servicio online de funambol, tienes la 
opción de instalar tu propio servidor de syncml que provee funambol. Yo 
en un momento estuve haciendo pruebas con sogo y funambol, instalé el 
conector de sogo para funambol y logré sincronizar un blackberry.

No he probado pero creo que Android tiene soporte nativo para Caldav y 
Cardav por lo que no tendrías problemas en conectarte directamente con Sogo.

Estoy buscando otra solución con akonai para sincronizar directamente sin
pasar por la nube. Parece que alguna hay pero hay que currarsela un poco. en
cuanto tenga (unos dias dice movistar) el galaxy mini lo rootee y le cambie el
firmware me pondre a ello. Ya te contaré como me va.

Un saludo


Un saludo también y espero tus noticias

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Re: una expresion regular con find

2011-07-27 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 27/07/11 06:13, BasaBuru escribió:


No logro (estoy muy pez con las expresiones regulares) hacer que find me
localice un fichero130Mb  y  135 Mb en el disco duro.

Alquien me puede echar una mano??

Un saludo

Un pequeño detalle para aclarar, las expresiones regulares solo actúan 
sobre cadenas de texto y no pueden determinar el tamaño de un archivo a 
menos que esté implícito en el texto. En este caso puedes usar las 
opciones de find  para buscar archivos por tamaño pero en ningún caso 
find usará expresiones regulares para encontrarlo.

Y hay que reconocerlo, pareciera ser que las expresiones regulares 
fueran de lo más irregular. Cada programa tiene su propia 
implementación, incluso las diferentes versiones de sed, awk, grep, etc. 
difieren en cómo interpretan las expresiones... regulares.


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Servicio Apache2 caido

2011-07-27 Thread Leandro Ledesma

Me encuentro con un tema bastante comun, supongo.

Mi web estuvo ayer caido desde las 20 hrs hasta las 22 hrs.

Viendo los log en /var/log/apache2/error.log, en el horario de la
caida encontre lo siguiente:

[Tue Jul 26 20:40:25 2011] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
consider raising the MaxClients setting
[Tue Jul 26 21:20:04 2011] [error] cgid daemon process died, restarting
[Tue Jul 26 22:32:26 2011] [warn] child process 31781 still did not
exit, sending a SIGTERM

[Tue Jul 26 22:32:31 2011] [error] child process 32065 still did not
exit, sending a SIGKILL

[Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [error] could not make child process 31783
exit, attempting to continue anyway

[Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
digest authentication ...
[Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: done
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20060613/' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown
on line 0
[Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
mutexes based on 400 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /tmp

Reinicie el servicio /etc/init.d/apache2 restart y todo volvio a la normalidad.

Estoy viendo el lugar correcto?, a alguien le paso?.


Leandro Ledesma
Linux Counter #499024

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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OT: Software para administración de consorcios en Debian

2011-07-27 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

Hola a todos y todas:

Perdón por el OT. ¿Alguien conoce o sabe de la existencia de algún 
software para la administración de consorcios de edificios en Debian? 
Todo lo que encuentro en Google se desvía hacia la administración de 
sistemas pero no encuentro nada sobre administración de edificios.

Nuevamente disculpas por el OT quizás alguien me pueda ayudar a buscar.

Saludos y gracias.

Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess / msn:
Usuario Linux: 486274 / Correo enviado desde GNU/Linux Mint

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Servicio Apache2 caido

2011-07-27 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 12:23 -0300, Leandro Ledesma escribió: 
 Me encuentro con un tema bastante comun, supongo.
 Mi web estuvo ayer caido desde las 20 hrs hasta las 22 hrs.
 Viendo los log en /var/log/apache2/error.log, en el horario de la
 caida encontre lo siguiente:
 [Tue Jul 26 20:40:25 2011] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
 consider raising the MaxClients setting
aparentemente estás recibiendo mas peticiones de las que tu server
Y por lo que se ve mas abajo, hay algún proceso que tarda mucho y/o se
muere solo. Y seguramente eso te hace de cuello de botella para voltear

 [Tue Jul 26 21:20:04 2011] [error] cgid daemon process died, restarting
 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:26 2011] [warn] child process 31781 still did not
 exit, sending a SIGTERM
 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:31 2011] [error] child process 32065 still did not
 exit, sending a SIGKILL
 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [error] could not make child process 31783
 exit, attempting to continue anyway
 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
 digest authentication ...
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: done
 PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
 '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown
 on line 0
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
 mutexes based on 400 max processes and 0 max threads.
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /tmp
 Reinicie el servicio /etc/init.d/apache2 restart y todo volvio a la 
 Estoy viendo el lugar correcto?, a alguien le paso?.
 Leandro Ledesma
 Linux Counter #499024

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Servicio Apache2 caido

2011-07-27 Thread Leandro Ledesma
2011/7/27 Gonzalo Rivero
 El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 12:23 -0300, Leandro Ledesma escribió:

 Me encuentro con un tema bastante comun, supongo.

 Mi web estuvo ayer caido desde las 20 hrs hasta las 22 hrs.

 Viendo los log en /var/log/apache2/error.log, en el horario de la
 caida encontre lo siguiente:

 [Tue Jul 26 20:40:25 2011] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
 consider raising the MaxClients setting

 aparentemente estás recibiendo mas peticiones de las que tu server
 Y por lo que se ve mas abajo, hay algún proceso que tarda mucho y/o se
 muere solo. Y seguramente eso te hace de cuello de botella para voltear

 [Tue Jul 26 21:20:04 2011] [error] cgid daemon process died, restarting
 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:26 2011] [warn] child process 31781 still did not
 exit, sending a SIGTERM

 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:31 2011] [error] child process 32065 still did not
 exit, sending a SIGKILL

 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [error] could not make child process 31783
 exit, attempting to continue anyway

 [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
 digest authentication ...
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: done
 PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
 '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown
 on line 0
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
 mutexes based on 400 max processes and 0 max threads.
 [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /tmp

 Reinicie el servicio /etc/init.d/apache2 restart y todo volvio a la 

 Estoy viendo el lugar correcto?, a alguien le paso?.


Exacto. Modifique la linea MaxClients a 500, en ram tengo 160gb, segun
un analitycs que tengo corriendo, en esa hora tuve una visita de 200
usuarios, no deberia pasar nada.

Supongo que el error no esta en ese lugar. Nose donde mirar.

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Re: Servicio Apache2 caido

2011-07-27 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
si estoy suscripto a la lista, basta con que contesten ahí para que vea
el mensaje

El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 12:49 -0300, Leandro Ledesma escribió: 
 2011/7/27 Gonzalo Rivero
  El mié, 27-07-2011 a las 12:23 -0300, Leandro Ledesma escribió:
  Me encuentro con un tema bastante comun, supongo.
  Mi web estuvo ayer caido desde las 20 hrs hasta las 22 hrs.
  Viendo los log en /var/log/apache2/error.log, en el horario de la
  caida encontre lo siguiente:
  [Tue Jul 26 20:40:25 2011] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
  consider raising the MaxClients setting
  aparentemente estás recibiendo mas peticiones de las que tu server
  Y por lo que se ve mas abajo, hay algún proceso que tarda mucho y/o se
  muere solo. Y seguramente eso te hace de cuello de botella para voltear
  [Tue Jul 26 21:20:04 2011] [error] cgid daemon process died, restarting
  [Tue Jul 26 22:32:26 2011] [warn] child process 31781 still did not
  exit, sending a SIGTERM
  [Tue Jul 26 22:32:31 2011] [error] child process 32065 still did not
  exit, sending a SIGKILL
  [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [error] could not make child process 31783
  exit, attempting to continue anyway
  [Tue Jul 26 22:32:32 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
  [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
  digest authentication ...
  [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] Digest: done
  PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
  '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/
  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown
  on line 0
  [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
  mutexes based on 400 max processes and 0 max threads.
  [Tue Jul 26 22:33:24 2011] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /tmp
  Reinicie el servicio /etc/init.d/apache2 restart y todo volvio a la 
  Estoy viendo el lugar correcto?, a alguien le paso?.
 Exacto. Modifique la linea MaxClients a 500, en ram tengo 160gb, segun
que afortunado, ya quisiera tener tanta ram xD

 un analitycs que tengo corriendo, en esa hora tuve una visita de 200
 usuarios, no deberia pasar nada.
 Supongo que el error no esta en ese lugar. Nose donde mirar.
seguramente NO estás sirviendo html estático (en caso de si, debería
volar con solo 200 usuarios), fijate en el access.log que se ejecutó a
esa hora (sospecho que algo en php) y empezá a buscar por ahí. 
Probablemente tengas que tocar algo en el php.ini. Tal vez haya una
consulta a base de datos que esté mal armada, algún bucle infinito, o
errores de otro tipo

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Re: OT: Software para administración de consorcios en Debian

2011-07-27 Thread José Luis Méndez G.

El 27/07/2011 17:23, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

Perdón por el OT. ¿Alguien conoce o sabe de la existencia de algún
software para la administración de consorcios de edificios en Debian?
Todo lo que encuentro en Google se desvía hacia la administración de
sistemas pero no encuentro nada sobre administración de edificios.

	Si hay algo por aquí en España se llamará administracion de fincas, 
busca con esos terminos

-- Mis direcciones activas:
-- las direcciones de arriba no admiten emails de mas de 1 mega

-- para utilizar sustituir XX por la arroba

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Problema abriendo NAT de iptables para SSH

2011-07-27 Thread Gorka Expósito

Tengo la siguiente configuración:

router - (ip interna hacia el debian-iptables)
debian-iptables - eth0 - (hacia el router) y eth2 - 
(hacia la lan de una única máquina de pruebas)
máquina-pruebas - gw

Lo que quiero es permitir justo las conexiones SSH a la máquina-pruebas desde 
internet (y que la máquina-pruebas navegue por internet, claro).

Este es el script de configuración de iptables:

#Destination NAT, envia peticiones 22 al 22 de la IP interna
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j DNAT 
#Habilito el NAT, permite a la red interna salir a internet
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -d -j MASQUERADE
# Dejo pasar los paquetes ICMP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p ICMP -j ACCEPT
# Permito conexiones al puerto 22 (SSH)
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p TCP --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
# Acepto paquetes de conexiones ya establecidas
iptables -A INPUT -p TCP -m state --state RELATED -j ACCEPT
# Rechazamos paquetes de conexiones nuevas
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state --state NEW,INVALID -j DROP
# Rechazamos paquetes de forwarding de conexiones no establecidas
#iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m state --state NEW,INVALID -j DROP
Si descomento la última línea funciona, si no lo hago no funciona.
¿Qué tengo mal? Creo que la última línea aporta seguridad. ¿Cómo puedo 
lo que busco sin perder seguridad?

Re: [OT] un groupware para sincronizar mi android

2011-07-27 Thread BasaBuru
On Miércoles, 27 de Julio de 2011 16:07:02 Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:

 Caldav, Cardav y Groupdav está soportado nativamente en Sogo. Si tu
 smartphone no soporta estos protocolos puedes usar funambol y no
 necesariamente tienes que usar el servicio online de funambol, tienes la
 opción de instalar tu propio servidor de syncml que provee funambol.

 Yo  en un momento estuve haciendo pruebas con sogo y funambol, instalé el
 conector de sogo para funambol y logré sincronizar un blackberry.

Y el enlace sogo con akonai en kde?? lo has probado?.

Por que por lo que entiendo sogo sería siplemente una pasarela para llegar 
hasta el kdepim, no?

El fastidio es que si se ha programado un plugin para que akonai conecte 
directamente con google... a que no te imaginas quien lo ha programado, 

 No he probado pero creo que Android tiene soporte nativo para Caldav y
 Cardav por lo que no tendrías problemas en conectarte directamente con

No se no me ha llegado el movil todavía, estoy a la espera esta semana o la 
que viene. Así que hasta entonces no puedo hacer pruebas.

Un saludo y gracias por la respuesta.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: OT: Software para administración de consorcios en Debian

2011-07-27 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 27/07/11 13:00, José Luis Méndez G. escribió:

El 27/07/2011 17:23, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

Perdón por el OT. ¿Alguien conoce o sabe de la existencia de algún
software para la administración de consorcios de edificios en Debian?
Todo lo que encuentro en Google se desvía hacia la administración de
sistemas pero no encuentro nada sobre administración de edificios.

Si hay algo por aquí en España se llamará administracion de 
fincas, busca con esos terminos

Estuve viendo algo pero no me sirve y lo que hay es para Güindous. 
Gracias José de todos modos.


Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess / msn:
Usuario Linux: 486274 / Correo enviado desde GNU/Linux Mint

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scp - copiar arquivo sem senha

2011-07-27 Thread caio ferreira

Estou com o seguinte problema. Possuo dois servidores, servidores
virtuais, com duas placas de rede cada um. O servidor (A) possui uma
placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
rede que responde pelo IP Já o servidor (B) possui uma
placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
rede que responde pelo IP A finalidade dessa segunda
placa de rede é que permitir a troca de arquivos entre o servidor (A)
e o servidor (B). Poderia ter utilizado as placas de rede principais
( para isso, mas o problema é que são informações que
não podem ser trocadas pela rede principal. Desta forma, queria saber
se existe alguma forma de configurar o servidor SSH de ambos os
servidores para que informações trocadas utilizando a rede não fosse necessário utilizar senha, já se for utilizar
a rede é necessário utilizar senha.

Desde já obrigado.


 .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
: :'  :
`. `'`   Debian User

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Re: scp - copiar arquivo sem senha

2011-07-27 Thread Lucas Vasconcelos
Uma saída é você deixar dois processos do sshd rodando com configurações


2011/7/27 caio ferreira


 Estou com o seguinte problema. Possuo dois servidores, servidores
 virtuais, com duas placas de rede cada um. O servidor (A) possui uma
 placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
 rede que responde pelo IP Já o servidor (B) possui uma
 placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
 rede que responde pelo IP A finalidade dessa segunda
 placa de rede é que permitir a troca de arquivos entre o servidor (A)
 e o servidor (B). Poderia ter utilizado as placas de rede principais
 ( para isso, mas o problema é que são informações que
 não podem ser trocadas pela rede principal. Desta forma, queria saber
 se existe alguma forma de configurar o servidor SSH de ambos os
 servidores para que informações trocadas utilizando a rede não fosse necessário utilizar senha, já se for utilizar
 a rede é necessário utilizar senha.

 Desde já obrigado.


  .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
 : :'  :
 `. `'`   Debian User

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Lucas Vasconcelos

Sysadmin/Network Analyst @ KEMI
Tel: (18) 3344-4005
Mobile: (18) 9162-5688

Re: scp - copiar arquivo sem senha

2011-07-27 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 27-07-2011 09:00, caio ferreira escreveu:

Estou com o seguinte problema. Possuo dois servidores, servidores
virtuais, com duas placas de rede cada um. O servidor (A) possui uma
placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
rede que responde pelo IP Já o servidor (B) possui uma
placa de rede que responde pelo IP e a segunda placa de
rede que responde pelo IP A finalidade dessa segunda
placa de rede é que permitir a troca de arquivos entre o servidor (A)
e o servidor (B). Poderia ter utilizado as placas de rede principais
( para isso, mas o problema é que são informações que
não podem ser trocadas pela rede principal. Desta forma, queria saber
se existe alguma forma de configurar o servidor SSH de ambos os
servidores para que informações trocadas utilizando a rede não fosse necessário utilizar senha, já se for utilizar
a rede é necessário utilizar senha.


Se a segunda placa de cada servidor estiverem ligadas entre 
elas, use um compartilhamento de rede, NFS ou SAMBA por exemplo, mas se 
estiverem em outra rede com mais máquinas, use o SSH com chaves de 
criptografia e então não vai precisar usar digitar senha. Quais os SOs e 
versões nos servidores?

  Junior Polegato

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Samba cups

2011-07-27 Thread Anderson Bertling
Boa tarde !

Estou com problemas com o samba para autenticar apenas um usuário no cups,
pelo que  pude ver ele loga no diretorio samba normal, mas na hora de
autenticar no cups para imprimir gera erro
e volta  nos logs :
  Share 'userX' has wide links and unix extensions enabled. These parameters
are incompatible. Wide links will be disabled for this share.
e no win da permissão negada. o estranho que os demais usuarios estão ok. ja
tentei em diversas ,

alguém sabe o que pode ser ?


Anderson Bertling

Initramfs, evitar erro

2011-07-27 Thread Fábio de Sousa
Boa tarde amigos,

Tenho algumas workstation's, em modo texto com  debian e de vez em
quando, temos alguns piques de energia e algumas delas, após o boot
apresenta o seguinte erro:

mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/703def03-3b0f-48c5-86fe-13b0d7d54499
on /root failed: Invalid argument
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn`t have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.

Enter `help` for a list of built-in commands.


Aí, no boot, param  no (initramfs)
Ai eu sempre resolvo com o fsck.
Eu sei que o correto é colocar nobreak em todas as máquinas
Mas a minha dúvida é a seguinte...existe alguma forma de
particionamento que pode evitar este tipo de erro?
Se eu particionar a /boot separada, vai ajudar?
Hoje uso o particionamento assistido do instalador:
O Aplicativo que uso nestas máquina só escreve na partição /home, mas
pelo que sei o sistema nativamente escreve na /temp e na /var
Existe algum modo do ext4 que obrigue o sistema a escrever no disco
primeiro e depois mostrar na tela? (performace não é problema no meu
Quem puder opiniar eu agradeço.

Fábio de Sousa

 °v°   Seja Livre...
/(  )\  Use Linux...
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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Dom

On 27/07/11 02:57, Paul E Condon wrote:

On 20110726_190017, Dom wrote:

The Wheezy netinst-cdrom image can certainly be used with a USB stick
(and a USB hard disk too). I've successfully used this method to
install a number of test systems recently.

I'd like to try this. Can you give some details of what you did?
1. How did you partition the hard disk?
2. Did you put a file system on the partition?  I'm thinking of
using a 100G hard disk that I already have and I'd like to save
most of it for general backup of system files. Can I do this?
Does putting a partition table on it help save some the left
over space?

3. What did you us to write the image? dd ? something else?

I simply used  dd if=netinst.iso of=/dev/sdX. The image contains a 
partition table and everything.

4. Is there something else that I should be asking about?

Not that I'm aware of. Just install as normal. Have fun :-)

As some of my test systems are very low on memory (32MB), and can't be 
upgraded, I created a swap partition on the rest of the disk, used 
Expert mode and activated swap as soon as I could in order to complete 
the installation. This shouldn't be necessary on a more modern system.


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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 lina writes:
 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:


  $ sed -e 's/^\(\s*\w\+\s\+[^0-9[:blank:]]\+\)\([[:digit:]]\+\)/\1 \2/' \
   | sort -nk 3,3 -k1,1 \
   | sed -e 's/^\(\s*\w\+\s\+[^0-9[:blank:]]\+\)\s\([[:digit:]]\+\)/\1\2/'

  Thanks, but there is another problem here, about the first field,
  which I wish it can be consequentially (mainly keep it present
  sequential), Here is the list, a bit longer,

Somehow, I've had the -k options order reversed in the code
above.  It should've read: … | sort -n -k 1,1 -k 3,3 | …

Note that there we're sorting numerically on the first field,
too.  If that's undesirable, sort(1) is to be invoked twice,
like: … | sort -n -k 3,3 | sort -s -k 1,1 | ….


FSF associate member #7257

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tomld: fully automatic MAC configuration solution

2011-07-27 Thread Horvath Andras
Dear Members,

I'd like to announce the availability of the first beta release of my
tomld project.

This is a deamon managing fully automatic MAC configuration without any
user interaction.

(supported platforms are: Debian 6 and up, Ubuntu 10.10 and up)

My site:



You can also find a video of a quick installation:

The code is in beta status, but I'm already using and testing it in
smaller production environments. Once i have a stable version, I'll get
it into Debian as a package.

Every suggestion and feedback are welcome!


Andras Horvath

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tomld: fully automatic MAC configuration solution

2011-07-27 Thread Horvath Andras
Hash: SHA1

Dear Members,

I'd like to announce the availability of the first beta release of my
tomld project.

This is a deamon managing fully automatic MAC configuration without any
user interaction.

(supported platforms are: Debian 6 and up, Ubuntu 10.10 and up)

My site:



You can also find a video of a quick installation:

The code is in beta status, but I'm already using and testing it in
smaller production environments. Once i have a stable version, I'll get
it into Debian as a package.

Every suggestion and feedback are welcome!


Andras Horvath
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian 7 'Wheezy' to introduce multiarch support

2011-07-27 Thread Jerome BENOIT

On 27/07/11 04:16, T Elcor wrote:

--- On Tue, 7/26/11, Jerome  wrote:

I have a very naive question regarding the multiarch
will the upgrade of Debian box from Squeeze to Wheezy be
messy ? or as smooth as previous upgrades ?

In my case, the upgrade from squeeze to wheezy was rather straightforward and 
no more difficult than previous upgrades.

I am not surprised. Nevertheless the question is:
has ``multiarch'' features already reached Wheezy ?


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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
Might I recommend a plethora of free database solutions available to you?

I see this type of question quite frequently and am stunned to see such a
thing here (or on other mailing lists for platforms just a poorly suited for
such data). I'm not sure what your data is from or what it is for but I
almost guarantee you that it should be in a database. Either that or open
LibraOffice calc and do the one off data task in a few minutes and be done
with it.

Either way, there's generally a right tool for the job and I highly doubt
that bash, cut, tr, grep, sed, awk, etc are the hammers you really want to
use for this nail.
On Jul 27, 2011 1:49 AM, lina wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Ivan Shmakov
 lina writes:

First of all, a kindly reminder: there's a
newsgroup (also available via Google Groups [1], though a proper
newsreader software is recommended), with a few truly
knowledgeable folks among the subscribers, which such questions
should've been pointed to.



   I just remember the sort command, but I still don't know how to get
   the ideal one,

   after I tried the sort -n -k2 , something changed on field 2 but it's
   still a bit away from the one I need.

Unfortunately, the numeric (-n) sort cannot be performed over
the field that contains numbers prefixed with arbitrary strings.
Therefore, it's necessary to split such a field into the
separate prefix and number parts, like (assuming GNU Sed):

 $ sed -e 's/^\(\s*\w\+\s\+[^0-9[:blank:]]\+\)\([[:digit:]]\+\)/\1 \2/'
  238CHO   C10 3617   1.697   5.334   9.317
  238CHO   C11 3624   1.665   5.468   9.092
  238CHO   C 10 3617   1.697   5.334   9.317
  238CHO   C 11 3624   1.665   5.468   9.092

Then, the output may be sorted on the now-third column, and the
extra space removed.  Thus:

 $ sed -e 's/^\(\s*\w\+\s\+[^0-9[:blank:]]\+\)\([[:digit:]]\+\)/\1 \2/' \
  | sort -nk 3,3 -k1,1 \
  | sed -e


 Thanks, but there is another problem here, about the first field,

 which I wish it can be consequentially (mainly keep it present
 Here is the list, a bit longer,

 237CHOL H29 3583 3.341 1.693 9.809
 237CHOL O28 3584 3.416 1.677 9.744
 237CHOL C3 3585 3.383 1.746 9.624
 237CHOL C4 3586 3.266 1.686 9.544
 237CHOL C5 3587 3.251 1.760 9.411
 237CHOL C10 3588 3.373 1.749 9.320
 237CHOL C1 3589 3.483 1.814 9.404
 237CHOL C2 3590 3.511 1.748 9.540
 237CHOL C6 3591 3.135 1.819 9.381
 237CHOL C7 3592 3.112 1.886 9.245
 237CHOL C8 3593 3.216 1.831 9.148
 237CHOL C9 3594 3.364 1.825 9.187
 237CHOL C11 3595 3.450 1.764 9.077
 237CHOL C12 3596 3.432 1.853 8.954
 237CHOL C13 3597 3.287 1.843 8.907
 237CHOL C14 3598 3.201 1.907 9.017
 237CHOL C15 3599 3.063 1.908 8.953
 237CHOL C16 3600 3.085 1.906 8.803
 237CHOL C17 3601 3.235 1.912 8.782
 237CHOL C19 3602 3.380 1.597 9.303
 237CHOL C18 3603 3.247 1.695 8.905
 237CHOL C20 3604 3.293 1.855 8.652
 237CHOL C21 3605 3.438 1.900 8.642
 237CHOL C22 3606 3.216 1.907 8.530
 237CHOL C23 3607 3.244 1.802 8.423
 237CHOL C24 3608 3.141 1.831 8.313
 237CHOL C25 3609 3.207 1.836 8.175
 237CHOL C26 3610 3.107 1.805 8.064
 237CHOL C27 3611 3.247 1.982 8.150
 238CHOL H29 3612 1.573 5.345 9.781
 238CHOL O28 3613 1.640 5.282 9.743
 238CHOL C3 3614 1.609 5.284 9.603
 238CHOL C4 3615 1.702 5.187 9.529
 238CHOL C5 3616 1.689 5.193 9.376
 238CHOL C10 3617 1.697 5.334 9.317
 238CHOL C1 3618 1.598 5.425 9.390
 238CHOL C2 3619 1.623 5.423 9.541
 238CHOL C6 3620 1.693 5.077 9.310
 238CHOL C7 3621 1.697 5.086 9.157
 238CHOL C8 3622 1.741 5.222 9.102
 238CHOL C9 3623 1.663 5.336 9.168
 238CHOL C11 3624 1.665 5.468 9.092
 238CHOL C12 3625 1.638 5.452 8.942
 238CHOL C13 3626 1.734 5.354 8.874
 238CHOL C14 3627 1.709 5.225 8.952
 238CHOL C15 3628 1.784 5.122 8.869
 238CHOL C16 3629 1.739 5.167 8.731
 238CHOL C17 3630 1.696 5.313 8.733
 238CHOL C19 3631 1.839 5.384 9.345
 238CHOL C18 3632 1.878 5.403 8.892
 238CHOL C20 3633 1.764 5.397 8.625
 238CHOL C21 3634 1.739 5.546 8.648
 238CHOL C22 3635 1.747 5.342 8.484
 238CHOL C23 3636 1.855 5.386 8.384
 238CHOL C24 3637 1.808 5.343 8.245
 238CHOL C25 3638 1.906 5.379 8.134
 238CHOL C26 3639 1.851 5.324 8.002
 238CHOL C27 3640 1.940 5.528 8.123

 FSF associate member #7257

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 Best Regards,


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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 shawn wilson writes:


  Might I recommend a plethora of free database solutions available to
  you?  I see this type of question quite frequently and am stunned to
  see such a thing here (or on other mailing lists for platforms just a
  poorly suited for such data). I'm not sure what your data is from or
  what it is for but I almost guarantee you that it should be in a
  database. Either that or open LibraOffice calc and do the one off
  data task in a few minutes and be done with it.

While I've little to say about using a database for this case,
I'd strongly recommend /against/ using any office-like solutions
for data processing, as these are generally overweight and
rarely convenient when it comes to writing scripts.

  Either way, there's generally a right tool for the job and I highly
  doubt that bash, cut, tr, grep, sed, awk, etc are the hammers you
  really want to use for this nail.

Actually, I've seen these tools (along with, say, Gnuplot and
GNU M4) being successfully used to process various scientific
data.  (Not to mention that I've a first-hand experience with
this just as well.)

It may be not a perfect solution, but I'm quite certain it's one
of the best currently available ones.

FSF associate member #7257

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
On Jul 27, 2011 3:44 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

  shawn wilson writes:


   Might I recommend a plethora of free database solutions available to
   you?  I see this type of question quite frequently and am stunned to
   see such a thing here (or on other mailing lists for platforms just a
   poorly suited for such data). I'm not sure what your data is from or
   what it is for but I almost guarantee you that it should be in a
   database. Either that or open LibraOffice calc and do the one off
   data task in a few minutes and be done with it.

While I've little to say about using a database for this case,
I'd strongly recommend /against/ using any office-like solutions
for data processing, as these are generally overweight and
rarely convenient when it comes to writing scripts.

The point of writing a script / program is to have a reusable process. If
you don't need that, pointing and clicking your way through will generally
give you a better bang for your buck (as a perl person, I don't like
admitting this and am generally not the one pointing and clicking but am
pretty sure this is the case).

   Either way, there's generally a right tool for the job and I highly
   doubt that bash, cut, tr, grep, sed, awk, etc are the hammers you
   really want to use for this nail.

Actually, I've seen these tools (along with, say, Gnuplot and
GNU M4) being successfully used to process various scientific
data.  (Not to mention that I've a first-hand experience with
this just as well.)

It may be not a perfect solution, but I'm quite certain it's one
of the best currently available ones.

Never used m4 so can't comment specifically. However, I'd look at some of
the bio perl modules if this was the type of data I was looking at. Either
way, learning dozens of tools to manipulate lots of data is quite time
consuming, prone to failure, and quite frankly senseless. I know someone
that uses tcl to process data at the national institute of health in the us
to process medical data and someone else that uses python at the same
institution to process another type of medical data. I don't know anyone
that uses a shell to process large amounts of any data.

Re: Debian 7 'Wheezy' to introduce multiarch support

2011-07-27 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-07-27 09:24 +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:

 --- On Tue, 7/26/11, Jerome  wrote:

 In my case, the upgrade from squeeze to wheezy was rather straightforward 
 and no more difficult than previous upgrades.

 I am not surprised. Nevertheless the question is:
 has ``multiarch'' features already reached Wheezy ?

Yes and no.  Yes, because more than 100 libraries have already been
converted to the multiarch paths; this has not caused many problems so
far.  No, because dpkg does not support multiarch yet; you have to build
it from an unofficial git branch¹.

Right now there is also the problem that the /lib64 - /lib symlink
causes problems with i386 biarch packages, therefore multiarch support
in eglibc has been temporarily disabled on architectures which ship
that symlink².



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Re: fstab for usb devices in Squeeze

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 Mark Grieveson writes:

  My fstab doesn't have any entries for usb disks.  I use fluxbox and
  I use pcmanfm (a file manager) to mount/unmount usb sticks.

  That's interesting.  A while back, when I tossed out gnome and gdm in
  favour of fluxbox and startx, I likely also removed automatic mounting
  processes in my computer.  So, I had to set up stuff to manually mount
  things, which resulted in the fstab entries I used to have.  That
  having changed in Squeeze has caused some issues -- IE, it seems the
  labelling of all drives became different.

While the labelling of IDE and SATA drives could be based on
controller's port numbers, it's impractical to do so for USB
Mass Storage devices (or should I say endpoints?), as there may
be a practically unlimited number of those on a single bus.

Therefore, the “dynamic” labelling becomes a must.

Then, one cannot be certain that a particular /dev/sdX device
cannot one day turn from being a USB stick to being a newly
added HDD, which is a security issue for a multi-user host.

  Anyway, to avoid having to look up the specific UUID each time I
  insert a new device, it may be useful for me to look into setting up
  some sort of automatic mounting utility (like installing pmount,

pmount(1) isn't about automatic mounting.  Rather, it's about
delivering a restricted mount(8)-capability to the users, which
is quite similar to the ‘user’ fstab(5) option.

However, while mount(8) only allows the filesystems explicitly
listed in fstab(5) to be mounted, pmount(1) allows any block
device to be mounted to any directory, provided that, roughly:

• the block device is owned by a specific group (e. g., floppy);

• the directory is a subdirectory of /media/, and isn't already
  a mount point for a filesystem.

FSF associate member #7257

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 shawn wilson writes:
 On Jul 27, 2011 3:44 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:


  While I've little to say about using a database for this case, I'd
  strongly recommend /against/ using any office-like solutions for
  data processing, as these are generally overweight and rarely
  convenient when it comes to writing scripts.

  The point of writing a script / program is to have a reusable

Since the OP has mentioned a Shell command, I've assumed that
it's the case.


  Actually, I've seen these tools (along with, say, Gnuplot and GNU
  M4) being successfully used to process various scientific data.
  (Not to mention that I've a first-hand experience with this just as

  It may be not a perfect solution, but I'm quite certain it's one of
  the best currently available ones.

  Never used m4 so can't comment specifically.

There, it's used to prepare Gnuplot command files out of the
templates.  It's not a necessity, but it was a bit more handy to
do it that way, rather than using, say:

… \
| sed -e s/@FOO@/${FOO}/g \
| … \
| gnuplot 

  However, I'd look at some of the bio perl modules if this was the
  type of data I was looking at.  Either way, learning dozens of tools
  to manipulate lots of data is quite time consuming, prone to failure,
  and quite frankly senseless.

How it's different to learning dozens of functions documented in
perlfunc(3)?  Or even more, should CPAN modules be taken into
account?  How could it be that the Shell commands do not form a
library, or a set of, of a sort?


FSF associate member #7257

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
On Jul 27, 2011 4:28 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

  shawn wilson writes:

   However, I'd look at some of the bio perl modules if this was the
   type of data I was looking at.  Either way, learning dozens of tools
   to manipulate lots of data is quite time consuming, prone to failure,
   and quite frankly senseless.

How it's different to learning dozens of functions documented in
perlfunc(3)?  Or even more, should CPAN modules be taken into
account?  How could it be that the Shell commands do not form a
library, or a set of, of a sort?

Different commands use different switches and do the same thing (sed vs awk
vs grep for tons of uses), bash is slower. And I find it easier for bad /
different data to break a shell script (well I can technically stop most
languages from earring with try / catch which is a plus but not the point)
and verifying data in bash is a pita. Also, idk of any debug option in bash
(perl -d, gdb, etc).

However, this is not answering the op's question. So, while I started this,
I'll start a new thread if we wish to continue this (preferably with code
examples :) ). And I do hope you wish to continue this as I find the debate
fun but way OT (per op question) at this point.

Shell vs. other high-level languages

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 shawn wilson writes:
 On Jul 27, 2011 4:28 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
 shawn wilson writes:

  However, I'd look at some of the bio perl modules if this was the
  type of data I was looking at.  Either way, learning dozens of
  tools to manipulate lots of data is quite time consuming, prone to
  failure, and quite frankly senseless.

  How it's different to learning dozens of functions documented in
  perlfunc(3)?  Or even more, should CPAN modules be taken into
  account?  How could it be that the Shell commands do not form a
  library, or a set of, of a sort?

  Different commands use different switches

How it's different to different functions using different
arguments' order?

  and do the same thing (sed vs awk vs grep for tons of uses),

However, it's Perl that has “There's more than one way to do it”
as its motto.

  bash is slower.

There're, indeed, are the cases when it's observable.  There,
however, are the cases when it's not.  I would also argue that
the Shell commands implemented in a compiled language (say, C)
are somewhat more common than the Perl functions implemented
that way.

  And I find it easier for bad / different data to break a shell script
  (well I can technically stop most languages from earring with try /
  catch which is a plus but not the point) and verifying data in bash
  is a pita.

It depends more on a programmer's competence, than on the

  Also, idk of any debug option in bash (perl -d, gdb, etc).

There's the -x (xtrace) Bash option, though it isn't comparable
to, say, GDB.

And I don't remember myself ever using Perl's debugger.

  However, this is not answering the op's question.  So, while I
  started this, I'll start a new thread if we wish to continue this
  (preferably with code examples :) ).  And I do hope you wish to
  continue this as I find the debate fun but way OT (per op question)
  at this point.

Actually, I don't feel that I'm in position to advocate the use
of Shell.  Also, this discussion is OT not only per the OP's
question, but also to this very mailing list.

I've already mentioned that has a few folks
that could provide much more insight on the questions above than
I possible could.  Therefore, I'd prefer continuing the thread

FSF associate member #7257  [np. Jami Sieber — Unspoken]

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread lina
Thanks for all.

May I ask further, which is the best (systematic) way of learning the
script, based on all your experience.

Welcome any advice,

Thanks with regards,


On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 4:54 PM, shawn wilson wrote:

 On Jul 27, 2011 4:28 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

  shawn wilson writes:

   However, I'd look at some of the bio perl modules if this was the
   type of data I was looking at.  Either way, learning dozens of tools
   to manipulate lots of data is quite time consuming, prone to failure,
   and quite frankly senseless.

        How it's different to learning dozens of functions documented in
        perlfunc(3)?  Or even more, should CPAN modules be taken into
        account?  How could it be that the Shell commands do not form a
        library, or a set of, of a sort?

 Different commands use different switches and do the same thing (sed vs awk
 vs grep for tons of uses), bash is slower. And I find it easier for bad /
 different data to break a shell script (well I can technically stop most
 languages from earring with try / catch which is a plus but not the point)
 and verifying data in bash is a pita. Also, idk of any debug option in bash
 (perl -d, gdb, etc).

 However, this is not answering the op's question. So, while I started this,
 I'll start a new thread if we wish to continue this (preferably with code
 examples :) ). And I do hope you wish to continue this as I find the debate
 fun but way OT (per op question) at this point.

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
Which 'script' are you referring to?

If it is bash, I'll refer you to the 50 page monolith of a man page for that
(a must read whatever you do anyway imo)

If you're referring to something else...?

If you are in fact dealing with scientific data, I think the
bioperl.orgpage is a good starting point (though, I would :) )
On Jul 27, 2011 5:20 AM, lina wrote:

squeeze repositories question

2011-07-27 Thread Jude DaShiell
I notice the volatile repository doesn't update anymore.  Was that 
repository renamed to experimental or something else?

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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread lina
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 5:33 PM, shawn wilson wrote:
 Which 'script' are you referring to?

 If it is bash, I'll refer you to the 50 page monolith of a man page for that
 (a must read whatever you do anyway imo)

 If you're referring to something else...?
Those are something I even don't know which parts I should refer to.

 If you are in fact dealing with scientific data, I think the
 page is a good starting point (though, I would :) )

Thanks for sharing. It's great!

 On Jul 27, 2011 5:20 AM, lina wrote:

Best Regards,


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Re: which command I should use to output sequentially,

2011-07-27 Thread Ivan Shmakov
 lina writes:


  May I ask further, which is the best (systematic) way of learning the
  script, based on all your experience.

Personally, my own way of learning Shell was hardly a
“systematic” one.  However, just for the record, I've used the
GNU bash manual [1] as the primary source.  Also, Advanced
Bash-Scripting Guide [2] looks promising as an educational


FSF associate member #7257

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Re: Best practices for current Chrome/Chromium and/or Firefox/Icewasel in squeeze?

2011-07-27 Thread Dejan Ribič

Dne 27.7.2011 2:05, piše Dr. Ed Morbius:

I've recently been made aware of some of the benefits of the Chrome /
Chromium and Firefox.

Running Squeeze, the most recent Chromium release is from May 13, and
Firefox 5 isn't available either.

I'd like to manage either / both from my package repos, but be
reasonably current.

What's best practices?  Method or pointer to docs appreciated.



  I don't know about Chromium because I don't use it, but for current 
Iceweasel add the next line to sources.list

deb squeeze-backports iceweasel-release

Then you add the gpg key with the next command:

gpg --export -a 06C4AE2A | sudo apt-key add -

Then you update the APT sources, and then you do this:

sudo apt-get install  -t squeeze-backports  iceweasel

One Iceweasel 5.0 installed.



Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20110727_070255, Dom wrote:
 On 27/07/11 02:57, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20110726_190017, Dom wrote:
 The Wheezy netinst-cdrom image can certainly be used with a USB stick
 (and a USB hard disk too). I've successfully used this method to
 install a number of test systems recently.
 I'd like to try this. Can you give some details of what you did?
 1. How did you partition the hard disk?
 2. Did you put a file system on the partition?  I'm thinking of
 using a 100G hard disk that I already have and I'd like to save
 most of it for general backup of system files. Can I do this?
 Does putting a partition table on it help save some the left
 over space?
 3. What did you us to write the image? dd ? something else?
 I simply used  dd if=netinst.iso of=/dev/sdX. The image contains a
 partition table and everything.
 4. Is there something else that I should be asking about?
 Not that I'm aware of. Just install as normal. Have fun :-)
 As some of my test systems are very low on memory (32MB), and can't
 be upgraded, I created a swap partition on the rest of the disk, used
 Expert mode and activated swap as soon as I could in order to
 complete the installation. This shouldn't be necessary on a more
 modern system.

Thanks, Dom

It also works with debian-6.0.1a-i386-businesscard.iso
I have looked into putting the installer on a USB device several times 
in the past, but have always been put off by the perceived messyness
of the process, like OP. The only slightly complex issue was putting
the USB drive into the bios boot order list. This is not a complaint,
but an indication of just how trivial the process actually is. 

Was it always this easy and people writing HOWTOs just didn't know?
Or was there some feature in the debian-gnu-linux tool set that needed
a rewrite? Not really important to get an answer, but it would be nice
if all those out of date HOWTOs could somehow be hidden from view, Or
tagged with a note pointing to your email in debian lists archive.

Thanks again

Paul E Condon

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Re: Shell vs. other high-level languages

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
On Jul 27, 2011 5:17 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

  shawn wilson writes:
  On Jul 27, 2011 4:28 AM, Ivan Shmakov
  shawn wilson writes:

   However, I'd look at some of the bio perl modules if this was the
   type of data I was looking at.  Either way, learning dozens of
   tools to manipulate lots of data is quite time consuming, prone to
   failure, and quite frankly senseless.

   How it's different to learning dozens of functions documented in
   perlfunc(3)?  Or even more, should CPAN modules be taken into
   account?  How could it be that the Shell commands do not form a
   library, or a set of, of a sort?

   Different commands use different switches

How it's different to different functions using different
arguments' order?

This is a point we can debate :)
I think the point here is that most high level languages have the same
functions and same *general* data types (yes, everything in js is an object,
everything in tcl is a string, but..) and if you use a language you have
more reusable code to build off of than shell scripting.

   and do the same thing (sed vs awk vs grep for tons of uses),

However, it's Perl that has “There's more than one way to do it”
as its motto.

Yes but there's the perl way and the wrong way :)
Ok, seriously, I just don't like all of these commands that have their own
mini scripting environments. If you're going to do this, use something like
lua that was meant to be scripting inside a program. I understand these
commands are older than me but still...

   bash is slower.

There're, indeed, are the cases when it's observable.  There,
however, are the cases when it's not.  I would also argue that
the Shell commands implemented in a compiled language (say, C)
are somewhat more common than the Perl functions implemented
that way.

Umm, no.
Oh and per speed and prototyping, check out caml.

   And I find it easier for bad / different data to break a shell script
   (well I can technically stop most languages from earring with try /
   catch which is a plus but not the point) and verifying data in bash
   is a pita.

It depends more on a programmer's competence, than on the

I'm curious, how do you verify your data in bash?

   Also, idk of any debug option in bash (perl -d, gdb, etc).

There's the -x (xtrace) Bash option, though it isn't comparable
to, say, GDB.

Huh, I'll have to check that out.

And I don't remember myself ever using Perl's debugger.

I have :)
Along with Data::Dumper, Carp::* and print, that's my favorite general
purpose debugging method.
Though, I've also found a place in my heart for gdb (and I haven't started
playing with the perl modules for gdb - shame). So that probably tells more
about my sanity than anything else.

   However, this is not answering the op's question.  So, while I
   started this, I'll start a new thread if we wish to continue this
   (preferably with code examples :) ).  And I do hope you wish to
   continue this as I find the debate fun but way OT (per op question)
   at this point.

Actually, I don't feel that I'm in position to advocate the use
of Shell.  Also, this discussion is OT not only per the OP's
question, but also to this very mailing list.

I've already mentioned that has a few folks
that could provide much more insight on the questions above than
I possible could.  Therefore, I'd prefer continuing the thread

Apparently, you're right (I don't think he's gotten a solid answer here).
I'll also add irc as a good place to look for answers. Either way, if you're
only using one source for answers YDIW.

Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Brian
On Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 04:07:21 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

 Was it always this easy and people writing HOWTOs just didn't know?

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Re: Nvidia-glx is back

2011-07-27 Thread David Baron
However, all of these packages are still held back.

Apparently, these newer versions needed from the 3.0 kernels.  Why still held 

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how to add sound at login

2011-07-27 Thread abdelkader belahcene
I want a sound when I log on my debian as it is done in ubuntu or other
like the file desktop-login.ogg   in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu

or linuxmint-login.wavde Linux mint
thanks for help

Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread shawn wilson
Heh, I didn't know about the hybrid ISO... always used bootstrap. I'll
probably keep doing it this way just because. However, in a pinch, that's
pretty cool.

BTW, is there a command to see if an ISO can be dd'd to a drive like that
and work? Ie, if I download the latest puppy, or slack, or or cent, or
vyatta, or bill and Ted's most excellent linux distro ISO image, is there a
better way to find out than just testing to see?
On Jul 27, 2011 6:52 AM, Brian wrote:
 On Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 04:07:21 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

 Was it always this easy and people writing HOWTOs just didn't know?

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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Mathieu Malaterre
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Brian wrote:

This is just OP swear words amazing ! I did not know this could be possible.


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Re: Nvidia-glx is back

2011-07-27 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:14:28 +0300
David Baron wrote:

Hello David,

 However, all of these packages are still held back.

Not here, they weren't.  Others had no issues getting the nVidia drivers
up and running.  I did, but that was easily sorted.

 Apparently, these newer versions needed from the 3.0 kernels.  Why
 still held back?

In testing?  No, 3.* kernels aren't required; I'm using 2.* kernels.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
White people going to school, where they teach you to be thick
White Riot - The Clash

Description: PGP signature

Re: tomld: fully automatic MAC configuration solution

2011-07-27 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Horvath Andras wrote:
 Dear Members,

 I'd like to announce the availability of the first beta release of my
 tomld project.

 This is a deamon managing fully automatic MAC configuration without any
 user interaction.

 (supported platforms are: Debian 6 and up, Ubuntu 10.10 and up)

 My site:

This website is *REALLY* hard to read on a normal screen. Can I
suggest that you reset that font size and color not to be light gray
text on a white background.

I also really, really wish the Tomoyo project had not chosen MAC to
mean Mandatory Access Control rather than the more typical Media
Access Control or MAC address associated with Ethernet devices for
the last few decades. It was quite confusing when I read your site and
had not dealt with Tomoyo previously.

But good luck with this. Not having used Tomoyo, how does it compare
in usefulness against security threats, and abillity to completely
mess you up at an awkward moment, with SELinux?

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Re: Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread abdelkader belahcene
I haven't checked it   but I may  be installed on USB.

I installed   ubuntu and other  live distro  from usb , by using unetbootin.

So if you use inetbootin to install   the iso ( regular CD1 iso)  to usb,
then reboot from the usb   and   you can install   on hard disk thru this
usb. We must to check it.

I have installed  debian and other ubuntu  on usb hard disk, (extern HD),
and I can reboot fron the usd HD,   even the PC doesn't contain any linux
 It  is a good idea  to have a system on an extern  HD,  you canrun
linux on machine running just window$  for example, by booting from your HD.

best regards
abd bela.

Re: Installation

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 26/07/11 15:22, Peter Burnett wrote:
 I am going through the install of debian unofficial firmware - Now it is asking for 'Debian/GNU Linux
 _Squeeze_ Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110628 13:01'
 I Googled looking for this and did not find much about it. Where is
 this disk located on the Internet so that I can finish the

When you say now - are you still at the install or have you finished
the initial stage and rebooted?
From the little information you've given it sounds like you may be
referring to the same iso (that you installed from). Which is not the
latest. The version is written in .disk/info on the iso.

If you're certain it's *not* you already have:-


The Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit
that causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.
~ Bill Hicks

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Re: tomld: fully automatic MAC configuration solution

2011-07-27 Thread Horvath Andras
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 08:11:57 -0400
Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Horvath Andras wrote:
  Dear Members,
  I'd like to announce the availability of the first beta release of
  my tomld project.
  This is a deamon managing fully automatic MAC configuration without
  any user interaction.
  (supported platforms are: Debian 6 and up, Ubuntu 10.10 and up)
  My site:
 This website is *REALLY* hard to read on a normal screen. Can I
 suggest that you reset that font size and color not to be light gray
 text on a white background.
 I also really, really wish the Tomoyo project had not chosen MAC to
 mean Mandatory Access Control rather than the more typical Media
 Access Control or MAC address associated with Ethernet devices for
 the last few decades. It was quite confusing when I read your site and
 had not dealt with Tomoyo previously.
 But good luck with this. Not having used Tomoyo, how does it compare
 in usefulness against security threats, and abillity to completely
 mess you up at an awkward moment, with SELinux?


Thanks for the feedback. I'll change the text on my site and also add
more explanation about this project.

Tomoyo is not as secure as SELinux (it's written in their docs), but
way more easier to set up and use in my opinion. Because it deals with
file paths, the rules are easy to read. But i still think it's too time
consuming and hard to manage and update several thousands of rules all
the time. That's why i created my project.

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Re: tomld: fully automatic MAC configuration solution

2011-07-27 Thread John Hasler
Nico Kadel-Garcia writes:
 I also really, really wish the Tomoyo project had not chosen MAC to
 mean Mandatory Access Control...

They didn't.

 ...rather than the more typical Media Access Control or MAC address
 associated with Ethernet devices for the last few decades.

MAC has been used for Mandatory Access control for as long as it has
been used for Media Access Control.  Both go back to the early eighties.

John Hasler

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Re: VirtualBox: sharing files between the host and guest OS

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 06:26, Jason Hsu wrote:
 The little detail I missed: For some reason, you cannot use share as the 
 name of the folder.  I changed the name of the folder in the host OS from 
 share to guest, updated the mount command and the Devices-Shared Folders 
 setup, and the file sharing now works.

You can't have space in the shared folder name either.
Also, under the Shared Folder setting in VirtualBox Manager you can set
automount, which is a feature I only noticed recently.


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Sieve Dovecot Squeeze: help!

2011-07-27 Thread Andrea Ganduglia
I'm trying to enable sieve plugin into dovecot con squeeze, but
something is deeply wrong.

I'm following this:

Can someone help me? :-(

my dovecot.conf

first_valid_uid = 102 #postfix
protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s lda # lda is a shot, I tried without too
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_timestamp = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 
mail_privileged_group = mail

protocol imap {}
protocol pop3 {
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
protocol managesieve {}

protocol lda {
log_path = /var/vmail/dovecot-deliver.log
postmaster_address =
auth_socket_path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
mail_plugins = sieve #or cmusieve

plugin {
sieve_global_path = /var/vmail/globalsieverc
sieve_dir = ~/sieve
sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
sieve_global_dir = /var/vmail/sieve
sieve_maxscriptsize = 128

auth_verbose = no
auth_debug = yes
auth_debug_passwords = no

auth default {
mechanisms = cram-md5 plain login
userdb sql {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf
passdb sql {
args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf
socket listen {
master {
path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
mode = 0600
user = postfix

client {
path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
mode = 0660
user = postfix
group = postfix
dict {}
mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n

-- - Idee per il software libero

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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 06:24, Robert Holtzman wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 01:16:12PM +0200, Dirk wrote:

 i dont want to read snipped
 Re the subject line: in your case, no.
Look kids - that's evolution at work. Told you it was vertical not
horizontal. (sigh).


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: squeeze repositories question

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 20:21, Jimmy Wu wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 17:35, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 I notice the volatile repository doesn't update anymore.  Was that
 repository renamed to experimental or something else?
 As of Squeeze (6.0) volatile is replaced by squeeze-updates.  See
 this announcement:
eg:- /etc/apt/sources.list

# formerly debian-volatile
deb squeeze-updates main
contrib non-free


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 20:07, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20110727_070255, Dom wrote:
 On 27/07/11 02:57, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20110726_190017, Dom wrote:
 The Wheezy netinst-cdrom image can certainly be used with a USB
 stick (and a USB hard disk too). I've successfully used this
 method to install a number of test systems recently.
 I'd like to try this. Can you give some details of what you did? 
 1. How did you partition the hard disk? 2. Did you put a file
 system on the partition?  I'm thinking of using a 100G hard disk
 that I already have and I'd like to save most of it for general
 backup of system files. Can I do this? Does putting a partition
 table on it help save some the left over space?
 3. What did you us to write the image? dd ? something else?
 I simply used  dd if=netinst.iso of=/dev/sdX. The image contains
 a partition table and everything.
 4. Is there something else that I should be asking about?
 Not that I'm aware of. Just install as normal. Have fun :-)
 As some of my test systems are very low on memory (32MB), and
 can't be upgraded, I created a swap partition on the rest of the
 disk, used Expert mode and activated swap as soon as I could in
 order to complete the installation. This shouldn't be necessary on
 a more modern system.
 Thanks, Dom
 It also works with debian-6.0.1a-i386-businesscard.iso I have looked
 into putting the installer on a USB device several times in the past,
 but have always been put off by the perceived messyness of the
 process, like OP. The only slightly complex issue was putting the USB
 drive into the bios boot order list. This is not a complaint, but an
 indication of just how trivial the process actually is.
 Was it always this easy and people writing HOWTOs just didn't know? 
 Or was there some feature in the debian-gnu-linux tool set that
 needed a rewrite? Not really important to get an answer, but it would
 be nice if all those out of date HOWTOs could somehow be hidden from
 view, Or tagged with a note pointing to your email in debian lists
 Thanks again
The official Debian howto have always been reliable - the signal to
noise ratio on the larger web is pretty poor (monkey see, monkey copy
and paste), especially when search terms are not tuned .
eg. to search these lists:-

Also the hybrid image originally caused some problems. You'll still find
the occasional older BIOS that need to be set to zip drive to boot the
usb stick.

After installing it's neat to save the installed packages list, config
files, and a copy of /boot/grub on the usb stick. That can be backed up
somewhere for recovery and other purposes.

Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: how to add sound at login

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 21:25, abdelkader belahcene wrote:
 I want a sound when I log on my debian as it is done in ubuntu or other
 like the file desktop-login.ogg   in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu
 or linuxmint-login.wavde Linux mint
 thanks for help
What desktop are you running?

You can set a sound at the start of grub:-
/etc/default/grub - look at the last line and run update-grub afterwards.
You can install beep or aplay and use a script - or you can make use of
the system sounds in a DE.


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 21:49, shawn wilson wrote:
 Heh, I didn't know about the hybrid ISO... always used bootstrap. I'll
 probably keep doing it this way just because. However, in a pinch, that's
 pretty cool.
 BTW, is there a command to see if an ISO can be dd'd to a drive like that
 and work? Ie, if I download the latest puppy, or slack, or or cent, or
 vyatta, or bill and Ted's most excellent linux distro ISO image, is there a
 better way to find out than just testing to see?
 On Jul 27, 2011 6:52 AM, Brian wrote:
 On Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 04:07:21 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:

 Was it always this easy and people writing HOWTOs just didn't know?

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Grub can boot iso images for you (no tests required).


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: installing debian from USB... IS IT POSSIBLE?

2011-07-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/07/11 21:59, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Brian wrote:
 This is just OP swear words amazing ! I did not know this could be possible.

They breed and post comments on Youtube too.


Supreme Court says pornography is anything without artistic merit that
causes sexual thoughts, that's their definition, essentially. No
artistic merit, causes sexual thoughts. Hmm... Sounds like...every
commercial on television, doesn't it? You know, when I see those two
twins on that Doublemint commercial? I'm not thinking of gum. I am
thinking of chewing, so maybe that's the connection they're trying to make.

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Re: help to choose right printer to buy

2011-07-27 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:43:06AM +, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
 On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:13:34 -0400, Michael Checca wrote:
  Again, Brother support is horrible. I wouldn't expect them to be
  engineers, but to at least have heard of Linux and know that is a kernel
  not an OS :)
 After I made a post, I phoned Samsung support, just out of curiosity.  
 As normal, I faced up a girl from the 1st line support. Yes, she was not 
 an engineer. But she firmly new what Linux is, she was well aware of the 
 existence of different distributions, their versions, and the difference 
 between 32/64 bit environments. She even was able to locate for me 
 another printer that officially states Debian 6.01 supported. Though it 
 was in no use for me.
 The difference between Brother and Samsung customer support was 
 impressive even on this level. I might be wrong, but after such 
 experience I would expect to find the same difference on the upper as 
 Shame on Brother. I guess this takes their puppy out of my list. Not that 
 I really needed their support (except drivers) or counted on it. But I 
 get suspicious about quality of the printer itself now. This is how it 
 works. :-)

I'll just say that I've purchased quite a few Brother lasers,
and they are:

- very Linux compatible if you access them over ethernet

- very reliable -- comparable to the better years of HP

- generally inexpensive, both in the beginning and for
  consumables like toner.

- and I've never dealt with their support at all.


-- is hereby incorporated by reference.
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Routing weird IPs

2011-07-27 Thread Paulo Santos

Hello list,

We have an Asterisk PBX running on Debian with 1 NIC. We're adding a SIP 
trunk and, for that, the ISP/ITSP installed a router/gateway (I think 
that's what it is).

They've told me I needed to have configuration like this:


Plus this routes: / - - -

I also need the PBX be in the our network as well, For 
that I created an alias and now I have my interfaces like this:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

I've added the route fine:

 route add -net netmask gw

But when I try any of the other 2, I get:

 route: bogus netmask
 Usage: ...


 route: netmask doesn't match route address
 Usage: ...

I've tried with -host as well and got:

 route: netmask 001f doesn't make sense with host route
 Usage: ...

Does anyone knows what's wrong or what do they mean by those configs?

Best regards,
Paulo Santos

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Anyone seen /lib/

2011-07-27 Thread Roar Thronæs

I'm sure this lib does not originate from debian, but have anyone seen it
in their system? (Found it in one of mine)

It is loaded with

Interesting finds with nm -D
0d34 T accept
0ded T read
1188 B real_accept
1184 B real_read
 U execl
 U exit
 U fork

And with strings:

Md5sum 66be3040457da0b9b9ebe767ca6bd76f  /tmp/

I found no useful google hits for it, but I think I should have.

Is this one known, presumably by some other name?
Does anyone want it to look at?

-Roar Thronæs

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Re: cryptdisks runlevel configuration for lvm2 + encrypted swap file

2011-07-27 Thread Jean-Marc Ranger

Since no-one replied yet...

I don't have an answer, only ideas.

IIRC, scripts in only one of the rc?.d are executed on startup. Which 
one depend on the requested runlevel, default value being specified in 

Looking at my cryptdisks and cryptdisks-early scripts, they appear to be 
almost identical, both using code in /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks.functions
I haven't found a way to specify whether a disk is an early one or not. 
The only difference seems to be that when in early mode, failures 
aren't reported.

Not sure how versed you are in script programming, but my take at 
debugging this would be to add more traces in cryptdisks.functions file, 
especially in the handle_crypttab_line_start funtion, that is called for 
each line in crypttab during startup. I'd be adding lines to check

- whether /var is mounted
- whether /dev/urandom can be accesses
- function error codes

Good luck. I'm looking forward reading your explanation on what the 
issue was.

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