Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda


voldria aportar el meu granet de sorra al fil ja que a finals de l'any passat em 
vaig barallar bastant amb el tema.

Jo actualment, a Debian Buster, mitjançant el meu carnet de la UPC o el meu DNIe 
i un lector de targetes, puc:

* Signar un pdf amb l'Autofirma però només amb el carnet de la UPC. Autofirma 
(1.6.5) a GNU/Linux i MacOS actualment falla amb els nous DNIe per culpa de la 
mancança del certificat de la DGP. [1]

* Amb el Libreoffice puc veure (i validar) i signar un PDF. Però tinc 
deslocalitzades les instruccions. Espero poder-les trobar aviat.

* Amb el Firefox puc entrar "a la meva salut", als ajuntaments (Terrassa i 
Barcelona) i fer gestions.

* A la puc validar pdfs, però tenen un problema amb la plataforma 
GNU/Linux que no han resolt. Tiquet obert des del gener.

* Em sobta molt la manca d'ús del millor programa per veure pdfs que tenim a 
GNU/Linux que és l'Okular. Des de que el principal desenvolupador és local i 
això ja mereixeria tenir-lo en compte, fins que la versió de gener de 2021 pot 
signar pdfs i validar-los tal com far l'Acroread (versió disponible 21.04). La 
llàstima és que no entrarà a Bullseye ja que la versió del Poppler adequada no 
va entrar.

* Si algú li interessa, tinc pendent pujar-lo a les píndoles, però aquí hi ha el 
manual que vaig fer per configurar les coses. Manca la part del libreoffice.




El 16/2/21 a les 20:55, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:

Aquesta és una de les coses que trobo que li falta al nostre Debian,
un programa per omplir i signar els documents PDF que integren

Avui dia aquests documents sembla que hi siguin per tot arreu i no
veig la forma de poder-lo fer.

El Evince (el lector que faig servir per mirar els PDF), no permet ni
tan sols la verificació de signatures, això ho he resolt amb el
autofirma, que si hi ha versió per Linux i permet signar i verificar.



Crec que amb l'Autofirma almenys ja hi ha una via consistent per a
signar i per a veure signatures. És clar que seria desitjable quelcom
més ben integrat al sistema.

L'Evince permet veure, emplenar i desar formularis, però la majoria dels
de la Generalitat de Catalunya no.
Aquest tema suposo que és tant feixuc com l'Adobe Flash ho va ser, però
amb l'agravant d'una administració que se'n diu «oberta», i sovint
dificultant l'exercici dels drets de les persones.

Jo d'aquesta tecnologia en diria una tecnologia-barrera, que aixeca nous
murs burocràtics amb els quals l'administració pública es protegeix de
nosaltres, les persones.

Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: networking.service fails

2021-02-16 Thread Reco

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 01:44:35AM +0100, Dmitry Katsubo wrote:
> root@debian:~ # systemctl status networking.service
>   Process: 691 ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a --read-environment (code=exited, 
> status=1/FAILURE)
>  Main PID: 691 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
> Any ideas where can I take a look? Thanks in advance!

Try running this:

ifdown -a --force
ifup -a -v

Last command should show you the source of the trouble.


Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
> But if you're seriously figuring out how to have, say, coexisting MTAs,
> and fold that back into the Debian project, then I would have thought
> that tweaking the Control fields is part of the deliverable.

My use-case is when the users (e.g. yours truly) have no intention of
folding it back into the Debian project because they are well-aware that
their needs are too marginal.

> In terms of this thread, I would say that emacs is user-y® (and
> appears in /etc/alternatives a lot).

Yes, but the maintainers of the `emacs` Debian package decided some
years ago that they didn't want to keep bothering with trying to support
several packages like emacs23, emacs24, and emacs25 at the same time and
just brought it all down to a single `emacs` (well, plus the `-nox` and
`-lucid` variants, which is part of the reason for the alternatives).
I fully agree with them that it's the best choice for them and for
Debian.  It's just not the best choice for me.

Stefan "who sometimes feels like what he really wants is to get
a merge of Debian, Nix, and Guix"

php-pear etc. on an Apache2 server

2021-02-16 Thread Gary Dale
I'm running Buster on my local server which, among other things, I use 
for developing web sites before copying them onto a public host. I've 
recently been getting into a little php coding because there seem to a 
lot of sample code out there for things I want to do. Usually they work 
right away when I try running them after having installed 

Right now I'm trying to get a script working that is actually fairly 
small and seems straightforward. It displays a form that allows you to 
send an e-mail with an attachment. I actually have some similar scripts 
working locally that do pretty much the same thing, but I'm trying to 
get this one to work because the host I use for one site that needs this 
type of form has broken the script I had been using (I also didn't like 
it because it seemed overly complicated and under-featured).

This script use the Pear libraries to handle the heavy lifting, which 
seems like a reasonable design decision. I installed the php-pear 
package and also php-mail-mime. Unfortunately, the script failed to 
work. It was uploading the file but failing to send the e-mail.

I was able to find the line that was failing but it puzzles me. The line is

        $message = new Mail_mime();

which should be working. I ran the (frequently recommended) php-info 
page (about mime. I'd expect that is something php handles though.

I got the script to send an e-mail by removing all the mime parts and 
just using the php mail() function. However that's not really useful. I 
need the mime bits to add the attachment.

Anyway, it looks like I need to do something more (besides restarting 
Apache2) to get php to use the php-mail-mime library but I'm not sure 
what. All the Debian information I've found just says "install the 
package php- and it will work". Can anyone help me here?

Re: FileZilla / ftp / GnuTLS error connecting to sites with Testing/Bullseye

2021-02-16 Thread Gary Dale

On 2021-02-13 03:02, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Vi, 12 feb 21, 17:00:41, Gary Dale wrote:

Which is why I think it would be useful to have way to rollback a package
when you can't fix it quickly. That way you aren't asking all the users to
do it themselves and track the bug status individually. When the maintainers
think they have a fix, it can go through the normal process...

Debian doesn't support downgrading of packages.

When dpkg installs another version of a package (typically newer) it
basically overwrites the existing version and runs the corresponding
package scripts from the to be installed version.

A newer package may introduce changes that the older package (scripts)
can't deal with. In practice it does work in many cases, except for
those where it doesn't. Fixing them would require a time machine ;)

A roll-back, especially if automatic, could introduce more issues than
it fixes.

Someone(tm) has to determine on a case by case basis whether rolling
back makes sense and the system administrator is in the best position to
do so.

In theory the package Maintainer could provide a general "hint" that
system administrators could chose to ignore (at their own risk).

Currently the infrastructure for this doesn't exist[1] and, besides, I'd
rather have Maintainers focus on fixing the newer package instead.

 Volunteer time is precious!

[1] it would need support in the Debian archive software and APT at a

Besides, there is already an arguably safer (though hackish) way to
achieve that by uploading a package with version+really.the.old.version

In this case the Maintainer can also take care to adjust the package
scripts accordingly.

Random example found on my system:

$ rmadison fonts-font-awesome
fonts-font-awesome | 4.2.0~dfsg-1  | oldoldstable | 
source, all
fonts-font-awesome | 4.7.0~dfsg-1  | oldstable| 
source, all
fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-1 | stable   | 
source, all
fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4~bpo10+1 | buster-backports | 
source, all
fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4 | testing  | 
source, all
fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4 | unstable | 
source, all

Kind regards,

I hear you, but the issue is that if I revert to a previous version, 
then I have to hold it to stop the buggy version from clobbering it 
every day. And I have to monitor the Testing version for changes to see 
when a fix is potentially available so I can remove the hold.

Not just me but every user who is experiencing the bug also has to do this.

There is a kludge for this if the buggy version didn't contain critical 
security fixes - re-release the previous version with a slightly higher 
version number than the buggy one (e.g. 3.7.0-5a). When the bug is 
(finally) fixed, give the fixed version a slightly higher number still 

Again this would only be done where it appears that fixing the bug may 
take time (it's been over a month now). If I were to do the alternative 
- pull packages from Sid - I have no real indication if they fix it or 
introduce even worse problems.

I can only assume that the reason a fix hasn't made it down through Sid 
yet is that it's not simple. My suggestion isn't to make more work for 
maintainers but rather to take the time pressure off them without 
leaving us testers to jump through hoops.

Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 19:19:52 (-0500), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> >> I can't see any reason why it should be fundamentally hard to make
> >> dpkg/apt ignore some conflict/require statements.  Maybe it would take
> >> a fair bit of changes to the existing code if we want to make it work
> >> seamlessly (or maybe not, I don't know), but if so, it's only because
> >> the code was not written with such a situation in mind.
> >
> > So now we have a system with a broken (IMHO) apt running two
> > programs fighting non-cooperatively over the same resources
> > in order to be able to flip between them and test their
> > performance. It doesn't seem like a sensible evaluation.
> The purpose of allowing installation of conflicting packages or allowing
> installation even in the absence of some dependency is so that the DDs
> don't need to care about such corner case usage patterns.
> > Who's putting in the work to actually make two MTAs coexist?
> The end users who decide to use the "ignore conflict" option.
> And they get to keep the pieces.
> > Is this productive use of their time?
> It's their (or my, in some cases) choice.
> Instead of using such an option, I've had to edit the .deb packages and
> remove the "conflict" statements and do a few other such tweaks.
> I'd been much happier taking the same risks but without having to edit
> the .debs instead telling dpkg things "ignore this dependency" "ignore
> that conflict", "pretend this package has that other name".
> [ In my case, I've been doing that so as to keep many different
>   versions of Emacs installed: by and large they don't actually
>   conflict (in terms of overwriting the same files, for example).
>   Further in the past, I'd done such things to be able to install
>   the `gnome` package even tho I wanted to exclude one of the packages
>   it depended on because it conflicted with some other package that
>   I wanted to have installed.  ]
> In all those cases, I think Debian's packagers made reasonable choices
> (e.g. I agree that Debian is overall better off with just `emacs`
> instead of `emacsNN`), they just didn't quite match my specific needs.
> It'd be work in the DPKG/APT code, yes.  But it would require no extra
> work from the people doing the packaging.

But if you're seriously figuring out how to have, say, coexisting MTAs,
and fold that back into the Debian project, then I would have thought
that tweaking the Control fields is part of the deliverable.

In terms of this thread, I would say that emacs is user-y® (and
appears in /etc/alternatives a lot).


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Wed 17 Feb 2021 at 07:49:57 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 07:47:51AM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 07:39:15AM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > > > On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > > 
> > > [...]
> > > > > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> > > > 
> > > > AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> > > > same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> > > > each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> > > > documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> > > > "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> > > > mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> > > > "default" versions.
> > > > 
> > > I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
> > > that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
> > > at the same time.
> > > Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
> > > multiple MTAs. 
> > > 
> > >
> > > $ dnf info alternatives
> > > Name : alternatives
> > > Summary  : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default 
> > > commands
> > > URL  :
> > > License  : GPLv2
> > > Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
> > > information about
> > >  : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It 
> > > is possible
> > >  : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar 
> > > functions to be
> > >  : installed on a single system at the same time.
> > > 
> > besides BSD systems also have a similar system call mailwrapper
>  called
> >

AIUI (and I'm not one to be playing these tricks), it doesn't seem to
do more than using, say,

. Debian's alternatives to create a dummy package that satisfies apt's
  dependencies, and
. installing your favoured foreign replacement in, say, /opt.

Again, I'll pass on looking for documentation on switching MTAs
using mailwrapper.


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Wed 17 Feb 2021 at 07:39:15 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > 
> [...]
> > > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> > 
> > AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> > same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> > each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> > documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> > "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> > mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> > "default" versions.
> I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
> that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
> at the same time.
> Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
> multiple MTAs. 
> $ dnf info alternatives
> Name : alternatives
> Summary  : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default commands
> URL  :
> License  : GPLv2
> Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
> information about
>  : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It is 
> possible
>  : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions 
> to be
>  : installed on a single system at the same time.

I hope you won't mind if I pass on finding the difference between the
above and Debian's alternatives, ie switching MTAs. I only found


networking.service fails

2021-02-16 Thread Dmitry Katsubo
Dear Debian community,

I am puzzled with the following problem. When my Debian 10.8 starts, the unit 
"networking.service" is
marked as failed with the following reason:

root@debian:~ # systemctl status networking.service
*— networking.service - Raise network interfaces
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/networking.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2021-02-16 08:56:16 CET; 5h 
27min ago
 Docs: man:interfaces(5)
  Process: 691 ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a --read-environment (code=exited, 
 Main PID: 691 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

however network is working just fine. I looked into 
/usr/lib/systemd/system/networking.service where


and also set a big timeout for br0 in /etc/network/interfaces:

auto lo
auto eth0
auto eth1
iface lo inet loopback
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0 eth1
bridge_maxwait 60

but still the error occurs each time. Relative dmesg logs are:

Feb 16 08:56:16 debian systemd[1]: Starting Raise network interfaces...
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian ifup[691]: ifup: unknown interface eth0
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian ifup[691]: ifup: unknown interface eth1
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian ifup[691]: Waiting for br0 to get ready (MAXWAIT is 60 
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, 
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 
Feb 16 08:56:16 debian systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network interfaces.
Feb 16 08:56:16.113716 debian systemd-udevd[387]: Using default interface 
naming scheme 'v240'.
Feb 16 08:56:16.113796 debian systemd-udevd[387]: link_config: autonegotiation 
is unset or enabled, the speed and duplex are not writable.
Feb 16 08:56:16.113851 debian systemd-udevd[387]: Could not generate persistent 
MAC address for br0: No such file or directory
Feb 16 08:56:16.115750 debian kernel: bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is 
no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you 
need this
Feb 16 08:56:16.115828 debian kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
Feb 16 08:56:16.115875 debian kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state
Feb 16 08:56:16.115929 debian kernel: device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
Feb 16 08:56:16.119800 debian kernel: r8169 :02:00.0: firmware: 
direct-loading firmware rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw
Feb 16 08:56:16.120198 debian kernel: Generic PHY r8169-200:00: attached PHY 
driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=r8169-200:00, irq=IGNORE)
Feb 16 08:56:16.251795 debian kernel: br0: port 2(eth1) entered blocking state
Feb 16 08:56:16.251990 debian kernel: br0: port 2(eth1) entered disabled state
Feb 16 08:56:16.391879 debian kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
Feb 16 08:56:16.391913 debian kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
Feb 16 08:56:16.516862 debian systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Feb 16 08:56:16.539520 debian systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process 
exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 16 08:56:16.539612 debian systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with 
result 'exit-code'.
Feb 16 08:56:16.539994 debian systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network 
Feb 16 08:56:16.671750 debian kernel: br0: port 3(wlan0) entered blocking state
Feb 16 08:56:16.671808 debian kernel: br0: port 3(wlan0) entered disabled state
Feb 16 08:56:16.671844 debian kernel: device wlan0 entered promiscuous mode
Feb 16 08:56:16.671878 debian kernel: br0: port 3(wlan0) entered blocking state
Feb 16 08:56:16.671912 debian kernel: br0: port 3(wlan0) entered forwarding 
Feb 16 08:56:16.683579 debian hostapd[879]: wlan0: interface state 
Feb 16 08:56:16.683579 debian hostapd[879]: wlan0: AP-ENABLED

Any ideas where can I take a look? Thanks in advance!

With best regards,

Re: awstats, how to see in a browser?

2021-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Tuesday 16 February 2021 15:54:12 Thomas Pircher wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> >I finally got around to changing awstats.conf to look at the httpd
> > logs since the apache2 logs haven't been used in a while, but 2
> > changes in browsers has lost the localhost link to see what it is
> > spitting out.
> >
> >Does anyone recall the address to send a browser to?
> awstats does not start a web server. You can use it in 2 modes,
> depending on your configuration:
> - as a CGI script
> - as an offline HTML generator
> In either case you need a web server to serve the HTML to your
> browser. Your best chance is to check your server configuration (I'd
> start with /etc/apache2/conf-available/awstats.conf if you are using
> Apache) for the URL.
Apache2 is running, you can see it at the link in the sig.

> The installation process is described in
> /usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian.gz so if you have followed those
> instructions, then the path in the URL would be /cgi-bin/
apt/synaptic installed so I assume you mean /var/www etc
ene@coyote:/var/www/cgi-bin$ ls -R
.:  gitweb   upsset.cgiupsstats-single.html
cvsweb.cgi dhcpstatus.cgi   gitweb.cgi  test.cgi   upsimage.cgi  upsstats.cgi


> If your web server is running, then you should at least see the
> process in the output of

ss -nlpt
A new to me command but:
ss -nlpt:
State  Recv-QSend-Q   Local Address:Port   Peer Address:Port
LISTEN 0   5*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0  32*
LISTEN 0  64*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0  16*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0  64*
LISTEN 0   5*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0 128*
LISTEN 0   5  [::]:631 [::]:*
LISTEN 0 128  [::]:3142[::]:*
LISTEN 0   5  [::]:19150   [::]:*

> Thomas

Thank You.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> I can't see any reason why it should be fundamentally hard to make
>> dpkg/apt ignore some conflict/require statements.  Maybe it would take
>> a fair bit of changes to the existing code if we want to make it work
>> seamlessly (or maybe not, I don't know), but if so, it's only because
>> the code was not written with such a situation in mind.
> So now we have a system with a broken (IMHO) apt running two
> programs fighting non-cooperatively over the same resources
> in order to be able to flip between them and test their
> performance. It doesn't seem like a sensible evaluation.

The purpose of allowing installation of conflicting packages or allowing
installation even in the absence of some dependency is so that the DDs
don't need to care about such corner case usage patterns.

> Who's putting in the work to actually make two MTAs coexist?

The end users who decide to use the "ignore conflict" option.
And they get to keep the pieces.

> Is this productive use of their time?

It's their (or my, in some cases) choice.

Instead of using such an option, I've had to edit the .deb packages and
remove the "conflict" statements and do a few other such tweaks.
I'd been much happier taking the same risks but without having to edit
the .debs instead telling dpkg things "ignore this dependency" "ignore
that conflict", "pretend this package has that other name".
[ In my case, I've been doing that so as to keep many different
  versions of Emacs installed: by and large they don't actually
  conflict (in terms of overwriting the same files, for example).
  Further in the past, I'd done such things to be able to install
  the `gnome` package even tho I wanted to exclude one of the packages
  it depended on because it conflicted with some other package that
  I wanted to have installed.  ]

In all those cases, I think Debian's packagers made reasonable choices
(e.g. I agree that Debian is overall better off with just `emacs`
instead of `emacsNN`), they just didn't quite match my specific needs.

It'd be work in the DPKG/APT code, yes.  But it would require no extra
work from the people doing the packaging.


Re: Outils d'analyse de logs centralisés

2021-02-16 Thread G2PC
Quelques noms de paquets dédiés à la gestion des logs :

Le 16/02/2021 à 13:31, JUPIN Alain a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Ayant plusieurs serveur et vps à administrer, je souhaite mutualiser les
> logs sur un seul serveur.
> Alors non, je ne vais pas vous demander comment faire, çà j'ai réussi,
> avec rsyslog, c'est assez basique.
> J'ai donc un vps, qui reçoit les logs de tous mes serveurs et autres vps.
> Sur ce VPS tourne aussi une interface web qui heberge une instance de
> LogAnalyzer.
> Le problème c'est que la quantité de données assez importante rend
> l'utilisation de cet outils ... incroyablement lent et en pratique
> "impossible" !
> Du coup je suis surtout à la recherche de vos retours concernant les
> divers outils de gestion centralisée de LOGS (qui sont stockés pour
> l'heure dans une base MariaDB).
> Merci à vous par avance

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 07:47:51AM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 07:39:15AM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > > On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > 
> > [...]
> > > > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> > > 
> > > AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> > > same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> > > each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> > > documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> > > "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> > > mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> > > "default" versions.
> > > 
> > 
> > I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
> > that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
> > at the same time.
> > Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
> > multiple MTAs. 
> > 
> >
> > $ dnf info alternatives
> > Name : alternatives
> > Summary  : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default 
> > commands
> > URL  :
> > License  : GPLv2
> > Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
> > information about
> >  : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It is 
> > possible
> >  : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar 
> > functions to be
> >  : installed on a single system at the same time.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> besides BSD systems also have a similar system call mailwrapper


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 07:39:15AM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > 
> [...]
> > > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> > 
> > AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> > same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> > each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> > documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> > "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> > mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> > "default" versions.
> > 
> I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
> that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
> at the same time.
> Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
> multiple MTAs. 
> $ dnf info alternatives
> Name : alternatives
> Summary  : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default commands
> URL  :
> License  : GPLv2
> Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
> information about
>  : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It is 
> possible
>  : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions 
> to be
>  : installed on a single system at the same time.
besides BSD systems also have a similar system call mailwrapper


Re: [OT] Sector laboral - Ús de Debian/Software Lliure

2021-02-16 Thread Orestes Mas

El 16 de febrer de 2021 21:20:54 CET, Antoni Aloy Torrens 
 ha escrit:
>Contesto una mica tard, però tot i així aprofitaré per presentar-me, ja
>que fa poc m'he unit a les llistes.
>Actualment sóc estudiant a la UOC, no fa gaire he començat la carrera
>d'Enginyeria Informàtica.

>De fet, mon pare va ser qui em va introduir a aquest lliure S.O. des de
>ben petit.

Kudos al pare, doncs. La transmissió generacional ha funcionat XD.


Enviat des del meu dispositiu Android amb el K-9 Mail. Disculpeu la brevetat.

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> "default" versions.

I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
at the same time.
Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
multiple MTAs.
$ dnf info alternatives
Name : alternatives
Summary  : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default commands
URL  :
License  : GPLv2
Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
information about
 : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It is 
 : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions to 
 : installed on a single system at the same time.


Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Toni Mas Soler
Em trobo com vosaltres:
- Per a la lectura de PDFs, majoritàriament, Evince. Alternativa, lector 
integrat del Firefox.
- Per a la verificació de firmes, Autofirma.
- Per a formularis de la Generalitat, no he sabut trobar més alternativa que el 

Mal me pesi, hi ha un avantatge afegit en fer ús de l'Adobe que ni amb 
l'autofirma puc replicar: els segells de temps.

M'he interessat pel format i, la veritat, és tot un món per sí sol, això del 
PDF. Haurà de posar-se a la cua de "coses a mirar", aquella que sempre creix i 
mai es redueix. 


Toni Mas
GPG 3F42A21D84D7E950

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
En dimarts 16 de febrer de 2021 a les 20:55, Narcis Garcia 
 va escriure:

> I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> El 16/2/21 a les 19:30, Javier Silva ha escrit:

> > El mar, 16 feb 2021 a las 19:23, Josep Lladonosa
> > ( escribió:
> > 

> > > Un cop ma filla (Debianita-ubuntaire) es va trobar amb una situació tal i 
> > > com la descrius aquí amb un formulari de la Generalitat.
> > > El formulari, a mida que es va emplenant, intenta fer connexions remotes 
> > > i és el que li fallava.
> > > Finalment, va claudicar i amb la professora van emplenar-ho en un 
> > > Windows... :-/
> > 

> > Aquesta és una de les coses que trobo que li falta al nostre Debian,
> > un programa per omplir i signar els documents PDF que integren
> > formularis.
> > Avui dia aquests documents sembla que hi siguin per tot arreu i no
> > veig la forma de poder-lo fer.
> > El Evince (el lector que faig servir per mirar els PDF), no permet ni
> > tan sols la verificació de signatures, això ho he resolt amb el
> > autofirma, que si hi ha versió per Linux i permet signar i verificar.
> > Salut!
> > Javier

> Crec que amb l'Autofirma almenys ja hi ha una via consistent per a
> signar i per a veure signatures. És clar que seria desitjable quelcom
> més ben integrat al sistema.

> L'Evince permet veure, emplenar i desar formularis, però la majoria dels
> de la Generalitat de Catalunya no.
> Aquest tema suposo que és tant feixuc com l'Adobe Flash ho va ser, però
> amb l'agravant d'una administració que se'n diu «oberta», i sovint
> dificultant l'exercici dels drets de les persones.

> Jo d'aquesta tecnologia en diria una tecnologia-barrera, que aixeca nous
> murs burocràtics amb els quals l'administració pública es protegeix de
> nosaltres, les persones.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Of course not. But it'll be the only way to find out which stumbling
> blocks lie beyond the package-imposed "conflicts". And then, perhaps,
> convince the DDs That Be.

W.r.t multiple MTAs, I wouldn't bother to try and convince the DDs, at
least not without a solid use-case, which seems quite unlikely.

> I have the hunch that just making the packages co-installable is
> the more pleasant avenue...

It's more pragmatic, but it won't solve the longer-term recurring issues.


Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 14:40:33 (-0500), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> Dan Ritter [2021-02-16 11:03:14] wrote:
> > Stefan Monnier wrote: 
> >> Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
> >> and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
> >> often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the
> >> packages.
> > An MTA has to provide certain things, or else it is not an MTA.
> [...]
> Dan, you're just repeating what the rest of the thread already said.
> These are just parts of the tradeoff, and yes, this ends up strongly
> favoring the current choice.  We're in violent agreement on this.
> [2021-02-16 17:22:21] wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 09:17:13AM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> >> > Therefore, you'll find apretty advanced alternatives system
> >> > for client-y stuff in Debian (editor, MUA, what not) but
> >> > not for server-y stuff.
> >> Hmm... so that's your take on it?
> >> Maybe you're right.  I was thinking of the display manager as
> >> a counter-example (you can install lxdm, gdm, and others simultaneously
> >> even though you can only use one at a the same time), but you might
> >> argue that it's not "server-y stuff".
> > Exactly. This is user-y stuff: imagine two X servers running on behalf
> > of two users (some time ago, those were a separate hardware: remember
> > those shiny HP thingies with a whopping 6 MB of RAM and a huge monitor?
> Not sure in which way this is different from running two different SMTP
> servers on two different interfaces.
> > The start (@Kevin: still listening?) would be to unpackage a package,
> > hack the Conflicts: (& friends) fields, try to install both and watch
> > the fireworks. Then fix the issues one by one.
> FWIW, I've done such surgeries occasionally (e.g. to install old Emacs
> packages), but it's not fun.
> >> But I do think Debian's packaging system should be improved to
> >> accommodate such needs: it should be possible and easy to override
> >> conflicts so as to force-install both Postfix and Exim (for instance).
> >> [ and I don't mean it just when you install the second package, but
> >>   also during the rest of the lifetime of the system, until you remove
> >>   the override.  ]
> > ISTR there was an apt option ("force") to override such things.
> No, that option is exactly what I excluded between the square brackets
> because it only applies during the execution of the command (so you end
> up with a system in a broken state and from then on dpkg/apt will just
> keep complaining about it until you revert it), whereas what we need is
> more like a config file listing conflicts we want to keep ignoring (I've
> similarly wanted some way to list package dependencies that dpkg should
> currently ignore).
> > Of course you end with a package database in a "strange" state;
> > perhaps the database isn't prepared to contain a package set
> > which has dependency conflicts. I don't even know what a dependency
> > resolver will do in such cases. But there was at least one
> > --force-depends option (which isn't mentioned in the man page
> > these days).
> I can't see any reason why it should be fundamentally hard to make
> dpkg/apt ignore some conflict/require statements.  Maybe it would take
> a fair bit of changes to the existing code if we want to make it work
> seamlessly (or maybe not, I don't know), but if so, it's only because
> the code was not written with such a situation in mind.

So now we have a system with a broken (IMHO) apt running two
programs fighting non-cooperatively over the same resources
in order to be able to flip between them and test their
performance. It doesn't seem like a sensible evaluation.

Who's putting in the work to actually make two MTAs coexist?
Is this productive use of their time?


Re: Píndoles de DebianCat

2021-02-16 Thread Antoni Aloy Torrens

Crec que per afegir noves píndoles és més pràctic que us doneu
d'alta al salsa i ens indiqueu en aquesta llista el vostre nom
d'usuari per tal que us puguem afegir com a membres del
D'aquesta manera ja tindreu permisos per crear noves píndoles
o fer millores a les existents des del propi salsa amb el botó
del «Web IDE» o des del vostre ordinador, si ho preferiu.



Antoni Aloy Torrens

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:29:54AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> > > to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> > 
> > Why do you need this?
> For convenience when one evaluating or learning
> between multiple MTAs etc.

I don't see the sense in that. It would seem far more sensible to
install one MTA on one host, another on another, and try
interoperating them. After all, that's how they'll ultimately
be used.

> > > Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> > > multiple MTAs at the same time.
> > > There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> > > to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> > 
> > Installing and removing/purging packages has traditionally been very 
> > easy in Debian, 
> removing/purging one MTA & reinstalling another MTA in the above 
> situation is unnecessary and inconvenient.

I can't see that it's very inconvenient if you save your configuration
files before you change over.

> >such a mechanism would have limited benefits for 
> > significant added complexity.
> > 
> Is this a difficult task?

The "benefits" you have given seem trivial compared with the work in
making software, with the functionality of exim, sendmail etc, coexist.

> Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?

AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
"awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
"default" versions.


Re: editer un pdf

2021-02-16 Thread Frederic Zulian
Hmm, personnellement j'utilise libre Office. C'est pas très pratique mais
ça fait le job.

Sinon as tu essayé  des chemins de traverses : La reconnaissance de
caractères. Pour le coup tout ton fichier  pdf  est édité.

Frédéric ZULIAN

Le mar. 16 févr. 2021 à 14:01, elguero eric  a écrit :

> je remercie tous ceux qui m'ont
> conseillé, et je fais un petit retour
> d'expérience.
> j'ai essayé à peu près toutes les
> solutions:
> - acroread : me dit que le fichier n'est
> pas modifiable (commenting not allowed)
> - evince : tout ce que j'arrive à faire est
> insérer des commentaires, c'est-à-dire
> des sortes d'icônes à cliquer pour ouvrir
> une boîte avec du texte (mais je n'ai pas
> trop insisté).
> - Master PDF editor : impeccable, mais
> la version gratuite inscrit un filigrane, et
> plus on édite plus on a de filigrane.
> - okular : pas trouvé d'outil pour écrire du texte.
> - xournal : c'est celui qui a été le plus utile pour moi.
> c'est un peu délicat de caler le texte au bon endroit
> puisqu'il ne reconnaît pas les lignes du document
> (j'ai l'impression qu'il le voit comme une image raster)
> mais ça marche. Je ne suis pas certain qu'ensuite
> le document reste un pdf éditable par mes collègues
> windowsistes...
> cordialement,
> e.e.

Re: FileZilla / ftp / GnuTLS error connecting to sites with Testing/Bullseye

2021-02-16 Thread Philip Wyett
On Tue, 2021-02-16 at 16:45 -0500, Gary Dale wrote:
> On 2021-02-13 03:02, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Vi, 12 feb 21, 17:00:41, Gary Dale wrote:
> > > Which is why I think it would be useful to have way to rollback a
> > > package
> > > when you can't fix it quickly. That way you aren't asking all the
> > > users to
> > > do it themselves and track the bug status individually. When the
> > > maintainers
> > > think they have a fix, it can go through the normal process...
> > Debian doesn't support downgrading of packages.
> > 
> > When dpkg installs another version of a package (typically newer)
> > it
> > basically overwrites the existing version and runs the
> > corresponding
> > package scripts from the to be installed version.
> > 
> > A newer package may introduce changes that the older package
> > (scripts)
> > can't deal with. In practice it does work in many cases, except for
> > those where it doesn't. Fixing them would require a time machine ;)
> > 
> > A roll-back, especially if automatic, could introduce more issues
> > than
> > it fixes.
> > 
> > Someone(tm) has to determine on a case by case basis whether
> > rolling
> > back makes sense and the system administrator is in the best
> > position to
> > do so.
> > 
> > In theory the package Maintainer could provide a general "hint"
> > that
> > system administrators could chose to ignore (at their own risk).
> > 
> > Currently the infrastructure for this doesn't exist[1] and,
> > besides, I'd
> > rather have Maintainers focus on fixing the newer package instead.
> > 
> > 
> >  Volunteer time is precious!
> > 
> > 
> > [1] it would need support in the Debian archive software and APT at
> > a
> > minimum.
> > 
> > Besides, there is already an arguably safer (though hackish) way to
> > achieve that by uploading a package with
> > version+really.the.old.version
> > instead.
> > 
> > In this case the Maintainer can also take care to adjust the
> > package
> > scripts accordingly.
> > 
> > Random example found on my system:
> > 
> > $ rmadison fonts-font-awesome
> > fonts-font-awesome | 4.2.0~dfsg-1  |
> > oldoldstable | source, all
> > fonts-font-awesome | 4.7.0~dfsg-1  |
> > oldstable| source, all
> > fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-1 |
> > stable   | source, all
> > fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4~bpo10+1 | buster-
> > backports | source, all
> > fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4 |
> > testing  | source, all
> > fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4 |
> > unstable | source, all
> > 
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > Andrei
> I hear you, but the issue is that if I revert to a previous version, 
> then I have to hold it to stop the buggy version from clobbering it 
> every day. And I have to monitor the Testing version for changes to
> see 
> when a fix is potentially available so I can remove the hold.
> Not just me but every user who is experiencing the bug also has to do
> this.
> There is a kludge for this if the buggy version didn't contain
> critical 
> security fixes - re-release the previous version with a slightly
> higher 
> version number than the buggy one (e.g. 3.7.0-5a). When the bug is 
> (finally) fixed, give the fixed version a slightly higher number
> still 
> (e.g.
> Again this would only be done where it appears that fixing the bug
> may 
> take time (it's been over a month now). If I were to do the
> alternative 
> - pull packages from Sid - I have no real indication if they fix it
> or 
> introduce even worse problems.
> I can only assume that the reason a fix hasn't made it down through
> Sid 
> yet is that it's not simple. My suggestion isn't to make more work
> for 
> maintainers but rather to take the time pressure off them without 
> leaving us testers to jump through hoops.


What appears to be the fixed version is in sid (3.7.0-7). It has to
pass in sid for 10 days before migration to testing, see below link.

My testing with filezilla, shows all to be working once more, though
testing has been limited.



*** Playing the game for the games own sake. ***


Twitter: @kathenasorg

IRC: kathenas

GPG: 724AA9B52F024C8B

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: awstats, how to see in a browser?

2021-02-16 Thread Thomas Pircher

Gene Heskett wrote:

I finally got around to changing awstats.conf to look at the httpd logs
since the apache2 logs haven't been used in a while, but 2 changes in
browsers has lost the localhost link to see what it is spitting out.

Does anyone recall the address to send a browser to?

awstats does not start a web server. You can use it in 2 modes,
depending on your configuration:
- as a CGI script
- as an offline HTML generator

In either case you need a web server to serve the HTML to your browser.
Your best chance is to check your server configuration (I'd start with
/etc/apache2/conf-available/awstats.conf if you are using Apache) for
the URL.

The installation process is described in
/usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian.gz so if you have followed those
instructions, then the path in the URL would be /cgi-bin/

If your web server is running, then you should at least see the process
in the output of
# ss -nlpt


Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread tomas
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 02:40:33PM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:

> > Exactly. This is user-y stuff: imagine two X servers running on behalf
> > of two users [...]

> Not sure in which way this is different from running two different SMTP
> servers on two different interfaces.

Technically not much, granted. Perhaps I haven't made clear that I
perceive that distinction as somewhat artificial.

Organisationally, and from the POV of a multi-user system, every user
has an own X server at her disposal (be it running on the host itself,
be it running on separate hardware), whereas there's just one MTA
running on the server for all users.

> > The start (@Kevin: still listening?) would be to unpackage a package,
> > hack the Conflicts: (& friends) fields, try to install both and watch
> > the fireworks. Then fix the issues one by one.
> FWIW, I've done such surgeries occasionally (e.g. to install old Emacs
> packages), but it's not fun.

Of course not. But it'll be the only way to find out which stumbling
blocks lie beyond the package-imposed "conflicts". And then, perhaps,
convince the DDs That Be.


> No, that option is exactly what I excluded between the square brackets

Ah, got that now.

> because it only applies during the execution of the command (so you end
> up with a system in a broken state and from then on dpkg/apt will just
> keep complaining about it until you revert it), whereas what we need is
> more like a config file listing conflicts we want to keep ignoring (I've
> similarly wanted some way to list package dependencies that dpkg should
> currently ignore).

agreed. Such a system isn't the one you want to be "living on" for
a longer period.


> I can't see any reason why it should be fundamentally hard to make
> dpkg/apt ignore some conflict/require statements.  Maybe it would take
> a fair bit of changes to the existing code if we want to make it work
> seamlessly (or maybe not, I don't know), but if so, it's only because
> the code was not written with such a situation in mind.

I'm not very much into Debian's dependency resolver; the only I
gather (from experience and from reading things, so take with a
fist of salt) is that it's less trivial than it seems.

I have the hunch that just making the packages co-installable is
the more pleasant avenue...

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Sector laboral - Ús de Debian/Software Lliure

2021-02-16 Thread Antoni Aloy Torrens

Bona tarda,

En primer lloc, perdoneu-me si aquest fil no és adient, i espero que
algú pugui comentar-ho si és el cas.

Fa temps que tinc curiositat sobre el sector on
treballem/investiguem/estudiem els integrants d'aquesta llista,
i saber si allà utilitzem o no la nostra estimada distribució,
software lliure en general o no és el cas.

Òbviament, donaré exemple i començaré jo mateix:
Sóc un (mal anomenat) científic de dades i treballo per a una
consultoria de Barcelona. Només dues persones utilitzem sistemes
operatius GNU/Linux perquè som molt tossuts, però la resta no. Sí és
cert que disposem de màquines virtuals CentOS per a temes productius.

El meu ordinador, no cal dir-ho, utilitza Debian (testing) :D
A veure si s'anima algú més a explicar el seu cas.


Joan Albert


Contesto una mica tard, però tot i així aprofitaré per presentar-me, ja que fa 
poc m'he unit a les llistes.
Actualment sóc estudiant a la UOC, no fa gaire he començat la carrera 
d'Enginyeria Informàtica.

Faré la mateixa classificació que ha fet tothom, és clar.

[A casa]

A l'ordinador portàtil empro Debian (testing) amb Cinnamon des de fa uns anys. 
Faig dual-boot amb Windows però de cada vegada empro menys el Windows.
He passat per Ubuntu i per ElementaryOS, i em quedo a Debian ja que tot em 
funciona, és fàcil de configurar i no he tengut cap incidència mai.

A l'ordinador de sobretaula empro Debian amb LXQt, ja que el maquinari és més 
antic i així em funciona també molt bé.

[A l'escola/feina]

A l'escola (batxillerat) els ordinadors anaven amb Ubuntu. Tots o gairebé tots.
Vaig fer TIC i em van ensenyar tot tipus d'eines de programari lliure (GIMP, 
Audacity, etc.) que encara li dono ús molt freqüent avui en dia.

Quan vaig fer Formació Professional, d'entre els meus companys (per desgràcia) 
era l'únic que emprava Linux. Tot i així el programari que ens ensenyaven era 
totalment lliure,
cosa que no va ser cap problema. Moltes vegades el professorat havia de passar 
bastant de temps intentant comprendre els errors del Windows dels meus 
companys, ja que també
estaven acostumats a emprar Debian o Ubuntu.

Feina laboral no n'he tinguda molta (tinc vint anys), però vaig fer pràctiques 
quan em vaig treure la FP de desenvolupament web a una empresa especialitzada 
en aquest sector.
Gairebé tots els ordinadors funcionaven amb Linux, i les poques que no 
l'empraven, anaven amb MacOS (usats pels dissenyadors web). Triaven programari 
lliure sempre que es podia.

[Amics i familiars]

En quant a família, tots els ordinadors, Raspberrys i Odroids de casa van amb 
Linux (ja sigui Ubuntu, Raspbian Stable o Debian Stable, respectivament).
De fet, mon pare va ser qui em va introduir a aquest lliure S.O. des de ben 

En quant a amics i amigues, vaig posar Debian Stable / Ubuntu a gent que sempre 
tenia moltíssims problemes amb el Windows o que el seu maquinari ja començava a 
ser antic
i no podien permetre's un ordinador nou.
Cap queixa des d'ençà, tothom molt content.

Un fil molt variat, he passat molt de gust llegint-lo.

Ens anem llegint!

Antoni Aloy Torrens

Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread IL Ka
> paul@Joy4:~$ sudo iptables -L
> [sudo] password for paul:
> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> I'm not sure if the above is Ok.

Your firewall is effectively off: It shouldn't block any traffic.

Installing openssh-server didn't help at least with the Bitvise from a
> Windows machine on the same LAN.
Check your ssh up and running: ``$ systemctl status ssh``
What about the machine's IP address and port ssh listens to? Have you
checked it?

Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread Paul Scott

On 2/16/21 11:57 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

On 2/16/21 10:50 AM, Kenneth Parker wrote:

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 11:56 AM IL Ka > wrote:

Check that
* connection is not blocked by firewall: ``sudo iptables -L``

paul@Joy4:~$ sudo iptables -L
[sudo] password for paul:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

I'm not sure if the above is Ok.

* your ssh is listening for port 22: ``ss -l -t``
* your ip address is correct: ``ip addr``

I would add:  Check if openssh-server is installed.

I guess I lost track of this reason openssh-server wasn't installed:

b1 - #948318 - openssh-server: Unable to restart sshd restart after 
upgrade to version 8.1p1-2

Is what I get when I try to install it (on sid).

I have now installed it over that bug and will see what happens.  How 
serious is that bug?

Installing openssh-server didn't help at least with the Bitvise from a 
Windows machine on the same LAN.


Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 16/2/21 a les 19:30, Javier Silva ha escrit:
> El mar, 16 feb 2021 a las 19:23, Josep Lladonosa
> () escribió:
>> Un cop ma filla (Debianita-ubuntaire) es va trobar amb una situació tal i 
>> com la descrius aquí amb un formulari de la Generalitat.
>> El formulari, a mida que es va emplenant, intenta fer connexions remotes i 
>> és el que li fallava.
>> Finalment, va claudicar i amb la professora van emplenar-ho en un Windows... 
>> :-/
> Aquesta és una de les coses que trobo que li falta al nostre Debian,
> un programa per omplir i signar els documents PDF que integren
> formularis.
> Avui dia aquests documents sembla que hi siguin per tot arreu i no
> veig la forma de poder-lo fer.
> El Evince (el lector que faig servir per mirar els PDF), no permet ni
> tan sols la verificació de signatures, això ho he resolt amb el
> autofirma, que si hi ha versió per Linux i permet signar i verificar.
> Salut!
> Javier

Crec que amb l'Autofirma almenys ja hi ha una via consistent per a
signar i per a veure signatures. És clar que seria desitjable quelcom
més ben integrat al sistema.

L'Evince permet veure, emplenar i desar formularis, però la majoria dels
de la Generalitat de Catalunya no.
Aquest tema suposo que és tant feixuc com l'Adobe Flash ho va ser, però
amb l'agravant d'una administració que se'n diu «oberta», i sovint
dificultant l'exercici dels drets de les persones.

Jo d'aquesta tecnologia en diria una tecnologia-barrera, que aixeca nous
murs burocràtics amb els quals l'administració pública es protegeix de
nosaltres, les persones.

Re: Conflicting alternatives

2021-02-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
Dan Ritter [2021-02-16 11:03:14] wrote:
> Stefan Monnier wrote: 
>> Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
>> and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
>> often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the
>> packages.
> An MTA has to provide certain things, or else it is not an MTA.

Dan, you're just repeating what the rest of the thread already said.
These are just parts of the tradeoff, and yes, this ends up strongly
favoring the current choice.  We're in violent agreement on this. [2021-02-16 17:22:21] wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 09:17:13AM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> > Therefore, you'll find apretty advanced alternatives system
>> > for client-y stuff in Debian (editor, MUA, what not) but
>> > not for server-y stuff.
>> Hmm... so that's your take on it?
>> Maybe you're right.  I was thinking of the display manager as
>> a counter-example (you can install lxdm, gdm, and others simultaneously
>> even though you can only use one at a the same time), but you might
>> argue that it's not "server-y stuff".
> Exactly. This is user-y stuff: imagine two X servers running on behalf
> of two users (some time ago, those were a separate hardware: remember
> those shiny HP thingies with a whopping 6 MB of RAM and a huge monitor?

Not sure in which way this is different from running two different SMTP
servers on two different interfaces.

> The start (@Kevin: still listening?) would be to unpackage a package,
> hack the Conflicts: (& friends) fields, try to install both and watch
> the fireworks. Then fix the issues one by one.

FWIW, I've done such surgeries occasionally (e.g. to install old Emacs
packages), but it's not fun.

>> But I do think Debian's packaging system should be improved to
>> accommodate such needs: it should be possible and easy to override
>> conflicts so as to force-install both Postfix and Exim (for instance).
>> [ and I don't mean it just when you install the second package, but
>>   also during the rest of the lifetime of the system, until you remove
>>   the override.  ]
> ISTR there was an apt option ("force") to override such things.

No, that option is exactly what I excluded between the square brackets
because it only applies during the execution of the command (so you end
up with a system in a broken state and from then on dpkg/apt will just
keep complaining about it until you revert it), whereas what we need is
more like a config file listing conflicts we want to keep ignoring (I've
similarly wanted some way to list package dependencies that dpkg should
currently ignore).

> Of course you end with a package database in a "strange" state;
> perhaps the database isn't prepared to contain a package set
> which has dependency conflicts. I don't even know what a dependency
> resolver will do in such cases. But there was at least one
> --force-depends option (which isn't mentioned in the man page
> these days).

I can't see any reason why it should be fundamentally hard to make
dpkg/apt ignore some conflict/require statements.  Maybe it would take
a fair bit of changes to the existing code if we want to make it work
seamlessly (or maybe not, I don't know), but if so, it's only because
the code was not written with such a situation in mind.


Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread Paul Scott

On 2/16/21 10:50 AM, Kenneth Parker wrote:

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 11:56 AM IL Ka > wrote:

Check that
* connection is not blocked by firewall: ``sudo iptables -L``

paul@Joy4:~$ sudo iptables -L
[sudo] password for paul:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

* your ssh is listening for port 22: ``ss -l -t``
* your ip address is correct: ``ip addr``

I would add:  Check if openssh-server is installed.

I guess I lost track of this reason openssh-server wasn't installed:

b1 - #948318 - openssh-server: Unable to restart sshd restart after 
upgrade to version 8.1p1-2

Is what I get when I try to install it (on sid).

I have now installed it over that bug and will see what happens. How 
serious is that bug?

Thank you,


Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Javier Silva
El mar, 16 feb 2021 a las 19:23, Josep Lladonosa
() escribió:
> Un cop ma filla (Debianita-ubuntaire) es va trobar amb una situació tal i com 
> la descrius aquí amb un formulari de la Generalitat.
> El formulari, a mida que es va emplenant, intenta fer connexions remotes i és 
> el que li fallava.
> Finalment, va claudicar i amb la professora van emplenar-ho en un Windows... 
> :-/

Aquesta és una de les coses que trobo que li falta al nostre Debian,
un programa per omplir i signar els documents PDF que integren

Avui dia aquests documents sembla que hi siguin per tot arreu i no
veig la forma de poder-lo fer.

El Evince (el lector que faig servir per mirar els PDF), no permet ni
tan sols la verificació de signatures, això ho he resolt amb el
autofirma, que si hi ha versió per Linux i permet signar i verificar.



Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Josep Lladonosa
Un cop ma filla (Debianita-ubuntaire) es va trobar amb una situació tal i
com la descrius aquí amb un formulari de la Generalitat.
El formulari, a mida que es va emplenant, intenta fer connexions remotes i
és el que li fallava.
Finalment, va claudicar i amb la professora van emplenar-ho en un
Windows... :-/

On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 at 19:08, Javier Silva  wrote:

> El mar, 16 feb 2021 a las 19:01, Narcis Garcia
> () escribió:
> >
> > __
> > I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
> > masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> > should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> > El 16/2/21 a les 18:33, Javier Silva ha escrit:
> > > El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 9:53, Narcis Garcia
> > > () escribió:
> > >>
> > >> Bon dia,
> > >>
> > >> Hi ha formularis PDF de la Generalitat que tenen programació empotrada
> > >> per a verificar les dades que s'hi escriuen.
> > >> Alguns d'aquests controls, per exemple, verifiquen l'existència d'una
> > >> adreça que s'hi hagi inscrit, fent una consulta per xarxa.
> > >>
> > >> Utilitzant l'Adobe Reader 9.5 per a GNU/Linux, en fer això dóna un
> > >> missatge de què hi ha un problema de connexió, i m'imagino que té a
> > >> veure amb alguna restricció, bé sigui de l'entorn operatiu o bé sigui
> a
> > >> l'aplicació.
> > >>
> > >> He revisat totes les preferències de l'aplicació i, tot i que hi ha
> > >> opcions que parlen d'això, obrir-les no resulta.
> > >>
> > >> Algú sap com resoldre-ho?
> > >>
> > >
> > > Hola Narcis,
> > >
> > > Hi ha una sèrie de formularis que estan donant problemes, no tinc clar
> > > que sigui el mateix problema que et passa a tú, però aquests
> > > formularis que et commento no es poden enviar (omplir si que es
> > > deixen) i donen un error.
> > >
> > > Ja que són uns formularis que s'han d'enviar al registre d'entrades de
> > > la generalitat, la única forma que he trobat de tramitar-los, és la
> > > següent:
> > >
> > > * Omples el formulari i emmagatzemes els canvis.
> > > * Accedeix a la plataforma EACAT
> > > * Ves al registre d'entrades i envia el PDF amb la opció corresponent.
> > >
> > > Pot ser no és el mateix cas que el teu.
> > >
> >
> > Gràcies Javier, em pots aclarir això del «EACAT» ?
> >
> Hola Narcis,
> L'EACAT [1] és una plataforma per l'administració electrònica entre
> administracions i erròniament he pensat que et referies a això (ho
> sento) al dir que anaves a presentar documentació amb formularis de la
> Generalitat.
> Si en dius el formulari que vols enviar (suposo que serà públic el
> formulari, no les dades), potser miro d'ajudar-te una mica més.
> [1]
> Salut!
> Javier


Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread mick crane

On 2021-02-16 16:49, Paul Scott wrote:

My LAN used to have 1 or two computers and/or debices and my Debian
Linux machine on it.  I used to be able to log in either on the LAN
from my wife's Windows computer or from outside the LAN with my Debian
laptop with ssh or Windows machines on which I had installed putty or

I have dynamic DNS hosted by Dyn and I use ddclient.

I currently use DHCP for my Debian machine and have also attempted to
connect with its local IP from the Windows machine on the LAN.

Now all methods fail.

I don't remember if attachments are allowed but I will attach one
example of a failure as I possible clue.

TIA for any help,

vaugely related windows' hosts file is.


Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Javier Silva
El mar, 16 feb 2021 a las 19:01, Narcis Garcia
() escribió:
> __
> I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> El 16/2/21 a les 18:33, Javier Silva ha escrit:
> > El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 9:53, Narcis Garcia
> > () escribió:
> >>
> >> Bon dia,
> >>
> >> Hi ha formularis PDF de la Generalitat que tenen programació empotrada
> >> per a verificar les dades que s'hi escriuen.
> >> Alguns d'aquests controls, per exemple, verifiquen l'existència d'una
> >> adreça que s'hi hagi inscrit, fent una consulta per xarxa.
> >>
> >> Utilitzant l'Adobe Reader 9.5 per a GNU/Linux, en fer això dóna un
> >> missatge de què hi ha un problema de connexió, i m'imagino que té a
> >> veure amb alguna restricció, bé sigui de l'entorn operatiu o bé sigui a
> >> l'aplicació.
> >>
> >> He revisat totes les preferències de l'aplicació i, tot i que hi ha
> >> opcions que parlen d'això, obrir-les no resulta.
> >>
> >> Algú sap com resoldre-ho?
> >>
> >
> > Hola Narcis,
> >
> > Hi ha una sèrie de formularis que estan donant problemes, no tinc clar
> > que sigui el mateix problema que et passa a tú, però aquests
> > formularis que et commento no es poden enviar (omplir si que es
> > deixen) i donen un error.
> >
> > Ja que són uns formularis que s'han d'enviar al registre d'entrades de
> > la generalitat, la única forma que he trobat de tramitar-los, és la
> > següent:
> >
> > * Omples el formulari i emmagatzemes els canvis.
> > * Accedeix a la plataforma EACAT
> > * Ves al registre d'entrades i envia el PDF amb la opció corresponent.
> >
> > Pot ser no és el mateix cas que el teu.
> >
> Gràcies Javier, em pots aclarir això del «EACAT» ?

Hola Narcis,

L'EACAT [1] és una plataforma per l'administració electrònica entre
administracions i erròniament he pensat que et referies a això (ho
sento) al dir que anaves a presentar documentació amb formularis de la

Si en dius el formulari que vols enviar (suposo que serà públic el
formulari, no les dades), potser miro d'ajudar-te una mica més.



Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 16/2/21 a les 18:33, Javier Silva ha escrit:
> El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 9:53, Narcis Garcia
> () escribió:
>> Bon dia,
>> Hi ha formularis PDF de la Generalitat que tenen programació empotrada
>> per a verificar les dades que s'hi escriuen.
>> Alguns d'aquests controls, per exemple, verifiquen l'existència d'una
>> adreça que s'hi hagi inscrit, fent una consulta per xarxa.
>> Utilitzant l'Adobe Reader 9.5 per a GNU/Linux, en fer això dóna un
>> missatge de què hi ha un problema de connexió, i m'imagino que té a
>> veure amb alguna restricció, bé sigui de l'entorn operatiu o bé sigui a
>> l'aplicació.
>> He revisat totes les preferències de l'aplicació i, tot i que hi ha
>> opcions que parlen d'això, obrir-les no resulta.
>> Algú sap com resoldre-ho?
> Hola Narcis,
> Hi ha una sèrie de formularis que estan donant problemes, no tinc clar
> que sigui el mateix problema que et passa a tú, però aquests
> formularis que et commento no es poden enviar (omplir si que es
> deixen) i donen un error.
> Ja que són uns formularis que s'han d'enviar al registre d'entrades de
> la generalitat, la única forma que he trobat de tramitar-los, és la
> següent:
> * Omples el formulari i emmagatzemes els canvis.
> * Accedeix a la plataforma EACAT
> * Ves al registre d'entrades i envia el PDF amb la opció corresponent.
> Pot ser no és el mateix cas que el teu.

Gràcies Javier, em pots aclarir això del «EACAT» ?

Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread Kenneth Parker
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 11:56 AM IL Ka  wrote:

> Check that
> * connection is not blocked by firewall: ``sudo iptables -L``
> * your ssh is listening for port 22: ``ss -l -t``
> * your ip address is correct: ``ip addr``

I would add:  Check if openssh-server is installed.

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 7:50 PM Paul Scott  wrote:
>> My LAN used to have 1 or two computers and/or debices and my Debian
>> Linux machine on it.  I used to be able to log in either on the LAN from
>> my wife's Windows computer or from outside the LAN with my Debian laptop
>> with ssh or Windows machines on which I had installed putty or Bitvise.
>> I have dynamic DNS hosted by Dyn and I use ddclient.
>> I currently use DHCP for my Debian machine and have also attempted to
>> connect with its local IP from the Windows machine on the LAN.
>> Now all methods fail.
>> I don't remember if attachments are allowed but I will attach one
>> example of a failure as I possible clue.
>> TIA for any help,
>> Paul
Kenneth Parker


Re: Problemes d'accés webs catalanes amb FF

2021-02-16 Thread Javier Silva
El sáb, 30 ene 2021 a las 18:48, robert marsellés
() escribió:
> Hola,
> Uso Firefox a Debian des de sempre.
> Després d'activar recentment l'opció "usar sempre HTTPS" a la configuració, 
> he observat que la majoria de les webs de l'administració catalana (GenCat, i 
> també Diputació-local) em donen errors relacionats amb aquest tema quan 
> intento accedir-hi [1, 2, 3].  Un cop selecciono "usar lloc HTTP", puc 
> accedir-hi sense problemes.
> Algun cop m'he entretingut en enviar un missatge al servei tècnic de la 
> pàgina en qüestió.  M'han donat llargues. Això si, polidament.
> A banda de dir-me, no usis aquesta opció, algú sap el motiu o pot formular 
> una hipòtesi plausible per explicar-ho?  No em refereixo al motiu tècnic, 
> intento comprendre el motiu "filosòfic" pel que tota l'Administració s'ha 
> posat d'acord en oferir llocs web HTTP enlloc de HTTPS. Em sembla 
> contradictori ja que és la mateixa administració la que m'exigeix certificats 
> per a tot (i especialment "l'Adobe" si vull obrir un dels seus formularis 
> PDF) per continuar interaccionant amb ells?
> Demano disculpes si algú pensa que no és un tema per tractar a la llista 
> però, personalment, no conec ningú més a qui posar preguntes relacionades amb 
> aquests temes.
> Salut,
> robert
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

Hola Robert,

Les webs de la Generalitat [1], Diputació de Barcelona [2] funcionen
amb normalitat i el firefox les carrega sense problemes.



Re: Validacions de formularis PDF per internet

2021-02-16 Thread Javier Silva
El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 9:53, Narcis Garcia
() escribió:
> Bon dia,
> Hi ha formularis PDF de la Generalitat que tenen programació empotrada
> per a verificar les dades que s'hi escriuen.
> Alguns d'aquests controls, per exemple, verifiquen l'existència d'una
> adreça que s'hi hagi inscrit, fent una consulta per xarxa.
> Utilitzant l'Adobe Reader 9.5 per a GNU/Linux, en fer això dóna un
> missatge de què hi ha un problema de connexió, i m'imagino que té a
> veure amb alguna restricció, bé sigui de l'entorn operatiu o bé sigui a
> l'aplicació.
> He revisat totes les preferències de l'aplicació i, tot i que hi ha
> opcions que parlen d'això, obrir-les no resulta.
> Algú sap com resoldre-ho?

Hola Narcis,

Hi ha una sèrie de formularis que estan donant problemes, no tinc clar
que sigui el mateix problema que et passa a tú, però aquests
formularis que et commento no es poden enviar (omplir si que es
deixen) i donen un error.

Ja que són uns formularis que s'han d'enviar al registre d'entrades de
la generalitat, la única forma que he trobat de tramitar-los, és la

* Omples el formulari i emmagatzemes els canvis.
* Accedeix a la plataforma EACAT
* Ves al registre d'entrades i envia el PDF amb la opció corresponent.

Pot ser no és el mateix cas que el teu.


> Gràcies.
> --
> Narcis Garcia
> __
> I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: [OT] Sector laboral - Ús de Debian/Software Lliure

2021-02-16 Thread Javier Silva
El mié, 27 ene 2021 a las 19:54, Joan Albert
() escribió:
> Bona tarda,
> En primer lloc, perdoneu-me si aquest fil no és adient, i espero que
> algú pugui comentar-ho si és el cas.
> Fa temps que tinc curiositat sobre el sector on
> treballem/investiguem/estudiem els integrants d'aquesta llista,
> i saber si allà utilitzem o no la nostra estimada distribució,
> software lliure en general o no és el cas.
> Òbviament, donaré exemple i començaré jo mateix:
> Sóc un (mal anomenat) científic de dades i treballo per a una
> consultoria de Barcelona. Només dues persones utilitzem sistemes
> operatius GNU/Linux perquè som molt tossuts, però la resta no. Sí és
> cert que disposem de màquines virtuals CentOS per a temes productius.
> El meu ordinador, no cal dir-ho, utilitza Debian (testing) :D
> A veure si s'anima algú més a explicar el seu cas.
> Salut!
> --
> Joan Albert

Hola Joan,

A casa, Debian 10 amb backports i GNOME, esperant la versió 11.

Vaig començar amb una Debian 2 crec recordar (en realitat slackware va
ser una mica abans, però no em vaig sortir), després vaig a anar a
Redhat 8/9 i a continuació a les primeres Fedora (provant pel camí,
SUSE i Mandriva), però finalment vaig abandonar tot per anar cap a
Debian 4 (etch, si no recordo malament) i encara crec que tinc els CD
per algun lloc de la Debian Woody que no he instal·lat encara (un dia

A la feina, Debian 10 amb backports a l'estació de treball i a un dels
portàtils i l'altre portàtil amb Mac M1 big sur.

A la familia hi ha Debian 10 amb backports, alguna VM amb Windows per
tasques de l'institut i alguns que no volen canviar el Windows.


Re: Conflicting alternatives (was: Debian switchable MTA mechanism)

2021-02-16 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 17:22:21 +0100


> Exactly. This is user-y stuff: imagine two X servers running on behalf
> of two users (some time ago, those were a separate hardware: remember
> those shiny HP thingies with a whopping 6 MB of RAM and a huge monitor?
> This was before HP specialised on building inkjets of [CENSORED]
> quality.

Hey, I have a Z440 (purchased cheaply on eBay). It's a very nice, high
quality machine, and it runs linux beautifully ;)


Re: identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread IL Ka
Check that
* connection is not blocked by firewall: ``sudo iptables -L``
* your ssh is listening for port 22: ``ss -l -t``
* your ip address is correct: ``ip addr``

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 7:50 PM Paul Scott  wrote:

> My LAN used to have 1 or two computers and/or debices and my Debian
> Linux machine on it.  I used to be able to log in either on the LAN from
> my wife's Windows computer or from outside the LAN with my Debian laptop
> with ssh or Windows machines on which I had installed putty or Bitvise.
> I have dynamic DNS hosted by Dyn and I use ddclient.
> I currently use DHCP for my Debian machine and have also attempted to
> connect with its local IP from the Windows machine on the LAN.
> Now all methods fail.
> I don't remember if attachments are allowed but I will attach one
> example of a failure as I possible clue.
> TIA for any help,
> Paul

identifying my LInux machine on my LAN

2021-02-16 Thread Paul Scott
My LAN used to have 1 or two computers and/or debices and my Debian 
Linux machine on it.  I used to be able to log in either on the LAN from 
my wife's Windows computer or from outside the LAN with my Debian laptop 
with ssh or Windows machines on which I had installed putty or Bitvise.

I have dynamic DNS hosted by Dyn and I use ddclient.

I currently use DHCP for my Debian machine and have also attempted to 
connect with its local IP from the Windows machine on the LAN.

Now all methods fail.

I don't remember if attachments are allowed but I will attach one 
example of a failure as I possible clue.

TIA for any help,


Re: Conflicting alternatives (was: Debian switchable MTA mechanism)

2021-02-16 Thread didar
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:03:14AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Stefan Monnier wrote: 
> > Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
> > and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
> > often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the
> > packages.
> An MTA has to provide certain things, or else it is not an MTA.
> One of those is a daemon listening on port 25.
> Another is a /usr/sbin/sendmail command that accepts new mail.
> There is no requirement that the sendmail command use
> localhost:25 to get the mail in; it's perfectly acceptable for
> it to:
> 1. Do all the work itself, or
> 2. Use a socket to hand it off to the rest of the MTA, or
> 3. Send it off to another machine somewhere, even if it's
>destiny is to come back to this box
> among other things.
> So one package has to control both the port 25 daemon and the
> sendmail command.
> Debian policy is that, whenever possible, a package providing a
> daemon should start that daemon at install time. This is,
> perhaps, one of the more controversial policies, but it is in
> effect and has been for many years.
> Therefore, installing an MTA will get you both a port 25 daemon
> and a sendmail command, and remove any previous installed
> services.
> If you keep the config directories in place, you can switch
> between MTAs and feel reasonably confident that when you do
> that, via apt install, it will be started with the configuration
> that you already set up for it last time round. The exception
> are some shared files like /etc/aliases, where you should not
> expect a restored MTA to restore that config as well. Hence my
> suggestion of etckeeper.
> If one is trying to learn different MTAs, a few days or weeks
> with each is not out of the question, and the 10-45 seconds of
> apt install to change between them is reasonable.

Talking about learning multiple MTAs - using a virtualization environment +
configuration management (ansible/chef) + apt-cache-ng works excellently.

I have been using VirtualBox VMs (under Win10) with NAT network and ansible +
subversion to learn and get dma, exim, opensmtpd as well as postfix to work for
my production requirement.

My probably inconsequential contribution to this discussion.


> -dsr-

Them as has, gets.

Re: Conflicting alternatives (was: Debian switchable MTA mechanism)

2021-02-16 Thread tomas
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 09:17:13AM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Therefore, you'll find apretty advanced alternatives system
> > for client-y stuff in Debian (editor, MUA, what not) but
> > not for server-y stuff.
> Hmm... so that's your take on it?
> Maybe you're right.  I was thinking of the display manager as
> a counter-example (you can install lxdm, gdm, and others simultaneously
> even though you can only use one at a the same time), but you might
> argue that it's not "server-y stuff".

Exactly. This is user-y stuff: imagine two X servers running on behalf
of two users (some time ago, those were a separate hardware: remember
those shiny HP thingies with a whopping 6 MB of RAM and a huge monitor?

This was before HP specialised on building inkjets of [CENSORED]

> Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
> and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
> often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the
> packages.

Absolutely. I think the "alternatives" system isn't the right approach
to this. Rather make things co-installable and co-runnable (as PostgreSQL
does with its different versions)

The start (@Kevin: still listening?) would be to unpackage a package,
hack the Conflicts: (& friends) fields, try to install both and watch
the fireworks. Then fix the issues one by one.

I don't expect a huge amount of them (server ports, common directories,
those could be even found out by package inspection).

> Also, as someone who happens to prefer Postfix to Exim (no particular
> reason: I'm just familiar with Postfix and not with Exim), I'm actually
> happy that `apt install postfix` gets me rid of Exim instead of having
> it linger uselessly.

Yep. In the normal case, this is what the overstressed admin wants :)

> But I do think Debian's packaging system should be improved to
> accommodate such needs: it should be possible and easy to override
> conflicts so as to force-install both Postfix and Exim (for instance).
> [ and I don't mean it just when you install the second package, but
>   also during the rest of the lifetime of the system, until you remove
>   the override.  ]

ISTR there was an apt option ("force") to override such things.
Of course you end with a package database in a "strange" state;
perhaps the database isn't prepared to contain a package set
which has dependency conflicts. I don't even know what a dependency
resolver will do in such cases. But there was at least one
--force-depends option (which isn't mentioned in the man page
these days).

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: missing memory and the mystery of MTRRs

2021-02-16 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Du, 14 feb 21, 12:22:25, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> > We had a power outage the other day, and when I tried to restart the
> > machine it would get past the Grub screen, then sit there forever with
> > a screen that was blank except for a blinking cursor.  It took about
> > half a dozen tries before it finally continued the boot process from
> > there.  I seem to recall that this happened last time we had a power
> > outage too.  For now I think I'll just keep my backups current, and
> > come the day it decides not to boot anymore I'll just replace it.
> Can you reproduce this by powering off and disconnecting the mains?
> You could try replacing the BIOS battery.

Indeed.  It would explain weird BIOS settings creeping in (sometimes not
visible on BIOS menus), and causing weird malfunctions.

Replacing the NVRAM battery and a full BIOS settings reset (which will
clean up the entire config nvram even if the BIOS build does not expose
some settings as menus) typically fixes these.

  Henrique Holschuh

Re: unetbootin

2021-02-16 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 01:02:49PM +0300, Semih Ozlem wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to install unetbootin from .bin file and I am getting the
> following error message:
> -
> root@debian:/media/user/hd/isos# ./unetbootin-linux64-702.bin
> Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use
> QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
> No protocol specified
> qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :0
> qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even
> though it was found.
> This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be
> initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
> Available platform plugins are: wayland, xcb.
> Aborted
> -
> Any ideas what to do?

If you're using Debian - log out of your Wayland session and restart GNOME 
explicitly using X Windows?

Otherwise: sorry, it's not a Debian thing and you'll have to go and ask the
good folk behind unetbootin

Usual suggestions about installing random software from outside Debian on a
Debian system probably still apply 

All best,

Andy C.

Re: awstats, how to see in a browser?

2021-02-16 Thread mick crane

On 2021-02-16 09:28, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

I finally got around to changing awstats.conf to look at the httpd logs
since the apache2 logs haven't been used in a while, but 2 changes in
browsers has lost the localhost link to see what it is spitting out.

Does anyone recall the address to send a browser to?

nmap to see what port is listening on ?



Re: Missing memory and the mystery of MTRRs

2021-02-16 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 13 Feb 2021, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> [This would probably be an FAQ if I knew the proper incantation...]

Well, sorta

> I realized recently that a box I've been running for a while isn't seeing
> all of its installed memory.  The BIOS screens indicate that 8GB is
> installed, but Debian (recently upgraded to Buster) only sees a bit over
> 3GB.
> cjg@dragon:~$ head -1 /proc/meminfo
> MemTotal:3331096 kB
> During boot I noticed the following message:
> [0.012080] WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory,
> losing 4800MB of RAM.

1. UPDATE THE BIOS (UEFI), really.

2. Once it is up-to-date, review BIOS settings.  You might have
something strange in there.  Check stuff like "memory window", anything
that make mentions to "hole" (PCI, memory, etc), and memory set aside
for GPUs, etc.

Maybe reset BIOS/UEFI to defaults, and change one setting at a time
until it is back the way you want it, to isolate what setting might be
causing it. -- be careful to ensure the boot stuff is correct for what
you need, though.  Copy the settings you have to paper before you reset.

Only if all else fails, you try the kernel command line switches to mess
with this :-(

> Is there some sort of HOWTO that covers this stuff?  Where do I go from
> here?

Try fixing the real problem first (whatever is making your BIOS set
these incorrectly).  Your system might become quite unpredictable
otherwise, depending on the reason these MTRRs are set like that.

  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Conflicting alternatives (was: Debian switchable MTA mechanism)

2021-02-16 Thread Dan Ritter
Stefan Monnier wrote: 
> Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
> and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
> often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the
> packages.

An MTA has to provide certain things, or else it is not an MTA.

One of those is a daemon listening on port 25.

Another is a /usr/sbin/sendmail command that accepts new mail.

There is no requirement that the sendmail command use
localhost:25 to get the mail in; it's perfectly acceptable for
it to:

1. Do all the work itself, or
2. Use a socket to hand it off to the rest of the MTA, or
3. Send it off to another machine somewhere, even if it's
   destiny is to come back to this box

among other things.

So one package has to control both the port 25 daemon and the
sendmail command.

Debian policy is that, whenever possible, a package providing a
daemon should start that daemon at install time. This is,
perhaps, one of the more controversial policies, but it is in
effect and has been for many years.

Therefore, installing an MTA will get you both a port 25 daemon
and a sendmail command, and remove any previous installed

If you keep the config directories in place, you can switch
between MTAs and feel reasonably confident that when you do
that, via apt install, it will be started with the configuration
that you already set up for it last time round. The exception
are some shared files like /etc/aliases, where you should not
expect a restored MTA to restore that config as well. Hence my
suggestion of etckeeper.

If one is trying to learn different MTAs, a few days or weeks
with each is not out of the question, and the 10-45 seconds of
apt install to change between them is reasonable.



2021-02-16 Thread Alex Muntada
Hola Narcis

> He volgut provar el ddd però es queixa de manca del fitxer
> (problema d'empaquetat?)

La web de ddd diu que cal tenir bashdb instal·lat (malauradament
veig que no està empaquetat per a debian):

Per altra banda, el ddd no té cap versió nova des de fa una pila
d'anys i el mantenidor de Debian tampoc ha anat actualitzant el
paquet recentment (ho han fet d'altres DD). Pot ser que hi hagi
coses que no hagin envellit bé i que ja no funcionin.


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada 
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Darac Marjal
On 16/02/2021 14:19, Semih Ozlem wrote:

> Just out of curiosity what is MTA short for?

Mail Transfer Agent.

Email has a whole bunch of similar acronyms to describe the various
parts of the flow of email. You compose in an MUA (Mail User Agent),
which hands it so an MSA (Mail Submission Agent - usually quite similar
to an MTA, but configured to accept messages from trusted clients),
which passes it on to the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent - SMTP is built
around the idea of passing a message from hand-to-hand to someone
nearer. A message may pass through several MTAs as it travels, and each
one may hold onto it for an arbitrary duration for scanning, batch
delivery and so on). When the mail arrives at its destination the MTA
passes the message to an MDA (Mail Delivery Agent, which has the job of
filing the message into some sort of storage). Finally, the end users
MUA will pick up the message from the storage.

> Kevin Shell>>, 16 Şub 2021 Sal,
> 11:57 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
> Hello Debian Users.
> Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install
> multiple MTAs at the same time.
> There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> -- 
> kevin

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread IL Ka
>Just out of curiosity what is MTA short for?

Mail Transfer Agent.

This is a server that must be able to:
* get email message from MUA (mail user agent)
* forward/route it to the destination (or to the right direction at least)
* As last step, MTA sends message to the MDA (mail delivery agent) that
puts message directly into the user's mailbox

Re: Outils d'analyse de logs centralisés

2021-02-16 Thread David - DCPC

Tu peux regarder un outils complet et assez simple car packagé : Graylog
(attention ya un site français mais obsolète depuis des lustres)

Après il y a la suite ELK mais plus lourde à gérer.

Et plus récemment une autre alternative se montre à base de Loki (très
récent en en développement très actif).


Le mar. 16 févr. 2021 à 13:31, JUPIN Alain  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Ayant plusieurs serveur et vps à administrer, je souhaite mutualiser les
> logs sur un seul serveur.
> Alors non, je ne vais pas vous demander comment faire, çà j'ai réussi,
> avec rsyslog, c'est assez basique.
> J'ai donc un vps, qui reçoit les logs de tous mes serveurs et autres vps.
> Sur ce VPS tourne aussi une interface web qui heberge une instance de
> LogAnalyzer.
> Le problème c'est que la quantité de données assez importante rend
> l'utilisation de cet outils ... incroyablement lent et en pratique
> "impossible" !
> Du coup je suis surtout à la recherche de vos retours concernant les
> divers outils de gestion centralisée de LOGS (qui sont stockés pour
> l'heure dans une base MariaDB).
> Merci à vous par avance
> --
> Alain JUPIN


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Semih Ozlem
Just out of curiosity what is MTA short for?

Kevin Shell , 16 Şub 2021 Sal, 11:57 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

> Hello Debian Users.
> Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install
> multiple MTAs at the same time.
> There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> --
> kevin

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread rhkramer
On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 08:33:50 AM Dan Ritter wrote:
> Kevin Shell wrote:

> > Looks like stupid to use this command to switch MTA. 邏
> Are you calling me stupid for answering your question?

I'm glad you (dsr) "called him out"!  (I was getting ready to do so, but, I 
hope, your reply has gotten the message across (to be more careful in his 
choice of words -- avoid emotionally loaded words).)

Have a good day!

Conflicting alternatives (was: Debian switchable MTA mechanism)

2021-02-16 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Therefore, you'll find apretty advanced alternatives system
> for client-y stuff in Debian (editor, MUA, what not) but
> not for server-y stuff.

Hmm... so that's your take on it?
Maybe you're right.  I was thinking of the display manager as
a counter-example (you can install lxdm, gdm, and others simultaneously
even though you can only use one at a the same time), but you might
argue that it's not "server-y stuff".

Still, there is to me no good reason not to allow installing both exim
and postfix at the same time.  I think it's just a tradeoff between how
often this could be useful and how much work it takes to tweak the

Also, as someone who happens to prefer Postfix to Exim (no particular
reason: I'm just familiar with Postfix and not with Exim), I'm actually
happy that `apt install postfix` gets me rid of Exim instead of having
it linger uselessly.

But I do think Debian's packaging system should be improved to
accommodate such needs: it should be possible and easy to override
conflicts so as to force-install both Postfix and Exim (for instance).
[ and I don't mean it just when you install the second package, but
  also during the rest of the lifetime of the system, until you remove
  the override.  ]


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Dan Ritter
Kevin Shell wrote: 
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 08:33:50AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Kevin Shell wrote: 
> > > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:39:03AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > > Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
> > > > command to move to the next one is
> > > > 
> > > > apt install MTA-NAME
> > > > 
> > > Looks like stupid to use this command to switch MTA. 邏
> > 
> > Are you calling me stupid for answering your question?
> No, you misunderstand me!
> I mean using the install command is not suitable.

> > 
> > It could be, but it isn't. Do you want to use a method that
> > works and is supported, or a method that isn't currently implemented?

^ still this.


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 08:33:50AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Kevin Shell wrote: 
> > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:39:03AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > [...]
> > > Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
> > > command to move to the next one is
> > > 
> > > apt install MTA-NAME
> > > 
> > I think the Debian's /etc/alternatives/ method could be applied to MTAs
> > or other similar packages.
> It could be, but it isn't. Do you want to use a method that
> works and is supported, or a method that isn't currently implemented?

Yes, I want a method that natively supported by the Apt packages manager.


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 08:33:50AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Kevin Shell wrote: 
> > On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:39:03AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > [...]
> > > Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
> > > command to move to the next one is
> > > 
> > > apt install MTA-NAME
> > > 
> > Looks like stupid to use this command to switch MTA. 邏
> Are you calling me stupid for answering your question?

No, you misunderstand me!
I mean using the install command is not suitable.

> > I think the Debian's /etc/alternatives/ method could be applied to MTAs
> > or other similar packages.
> It could be, but it isn't. Do you want to use a method that
> works and is supported, or a method that isn't currently implemented?
> -dsr-


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Dan Ritter
Kevin Shell wrote: 
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:39:03AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> [...]
> > Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
> > command to move to the next one is
> > 
> > apt install MTA-NAME
> > 
> Looks like stupid to use this command to switch MTA. 邏

Are you calling me stupid for answering your question?

> I think the Debian's /etc/alternatives/ method could be applied to MTAs
> or other similar packages.

It could be, but it isn't. Do you want to use a method that
works and is supported, or a method that isn't currently implemented?


Re: editer un pdf

2021-02-16 Thread elguero eric
je remercie tous ceux qui m'ont
conseillé, et je fais un petit retour

j'ai essayé à peu près toutes les

- acroread : me dit que le fichier n'est
pas modifiable (commenting not allowed)

- evince : tout ce que j'arrive à faire est
insérer des commentaires, c'est-à-dire
des sortes d'icônes à cliquer pour ouvrir
une boîte avec du texte (mais je n'ai pas
trop insisté).

- Master PDF editor : impeccable, mais
la version gratuite inscrit un filigrane, et
plus on édite plus on a de filigrane.

- okular : pas trouvé d'outil pour écrire du texte.

- xournal : c'est celui qui a été le plus utile pour moi.
c'est un peu délicat de caler le texte au bon endroit
puisqu'il ne reconnaît pas les lignes du document
(j'ai l'impression qu'il le voit comme une image raster)
mais ça marche. Je ne suis pas certain qu'ensuite
le document reste un pdf éditable par mes collègues



[Solucionado] Re: Problemas con APT después de abortar instalación de un paquete

2021-02-16 Thread Juan Gomez (Txonta)

El 15/2/21 a las 22:11, Paynalton escribió:
El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 14:12, Juan Gomez (Txonta) 
(>>) escribió:

El 15/2/21 a las 18:42, Paynalton escribió:

El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 11:12, Juan Gomez (Txonta)
(>>) escribió:

Hola Gentes.

Me veo en la obligación de escribirles pues mi sistema
ubuntu 18.04.5
no se actualiza desde que aborté una instalación de una
app de prueba
cuando pretendía instalar virtualbox.

Cuando vi que me pedía permisos para actualizar "uefi
secure boot" que necesitaba para arrancar con
servicios  thirdy party.
Ahora no tengo manera de actualizar mi sistema pues
siempre acaba por:
ejecute apt -reconfigure -a
lo que siempre me lleva a
permisos para actualizar "uefi secure boot"
cosa que quisiera evitar

¿Me pueden aconsejar algo?

Gracias y Salud

Juan Txonta    --

   

Y si pones la salida completa en paste.bin??? así sabríamos mejor
que pasa.

Ese playnalton,
Resalto esto: /UEFI Secure Boot requires additional configuration
to work with third-party drivers
/Jamás me había ocurrido
esto me hizo abortar la instalación de (nomeacuerdo cual) app para
emular vistas mobil para desarrolloweb
al parecer todo se relaciona con virtualbox
y no se que puedo hacer, no quisiera seguirle el rollo de la uefi,
no necesito virtualbox

Gracias y Salud

intenta usar (notese el espacio después de la "i"):

apt search virtualbox | grep "i "

y si aparece algo en la lista usa:

apt purge PAQUETE

Tal vez te dejaste algo instalado que tiene como dependencia a virtual 
box y por eso insiste en instalarlo.

Si lo que sospechaba. Gracias de nuevo.
Ahí estaba ese virtualbox.
Se arregló despues de varios intentos y reinicios porque abortaba el 
proceso cuando quería validar nueva contraseña para UEFI. Un poco a lo 
brutillo pero salió al final limpiamente:

   :~$ sudo apt search virtualbox | grep "i "
    WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with
   caution in scripts.

   :~$ dpkg -S virtualbox
    632 lineas de salida con referencias repetidas a
    virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-qt y virtualbox

   :~$ sudo dpkg --remove virtualbox
    dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la desinstalación de
     browseemall depende de virtualbox; sin embargo:
      El paquete `virtualbox' va a ser desinstalado.
     virtualbox-qt depende de virtualbox (=

    dpkg: error al procesar el paquete virtualbox (--remove):
     problemas de dependencias - no se desinstala
    Se encontraron errores al procesar:

   :~$ sudo apt autoremove virtualbox
 ...      virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
    0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 51 para eliminar y 15
   no actualizados.
    3 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
    Se liberarán 477 MB después de esta operación.
   :~$ sudo apt update    ...    ...    ...    OK
   :~$ sudo apt upgrade    ...    ...    ...    OK

Muchas Gracias y Mucha Salud.

Juan Gómez (Txonta)

Outils d'analyse de logs centralisés

2021-02-16 Thread JUPIN Alain

Ayant plusieurs serveur et vps à administrer, je souhaite mutualiser les
logs sur un seul serveur.
Alors non, je ne vais pas vous demander comment faire, çà j'ai réussi,
avec rsyslog, c'est assez basique.

J'ai donc un vps, qui reçoit les logs de tous mes serveurs et autres vps.
Sur ce VPS tourne aussi une interface web qui heberge une instance de

Le problème c'est que la quantité de données assez importante rend
l'utilisation de cet outils ... incroyablement lent et en pratique
"impossible" !
Du coup je suis surtout à la recherche de vos retours concernant les
divers outils de gestion centralisée de LOGS (qui sont stockés pour
l'heure dans une base MariaDB).

Merci à vous par avance


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:39:03AM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> You have an unusual use-case. 
yeah, weird use case. 邏

> > > > Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> > > > multiple MTAs at the same time.
> Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
> command to move to the next one is
> apt install MTA-NAME
Looks like stupid to use this command to switch MTA. 邏

I think the Debian's /etc/alternatives/ method could be applied to MTAs
or other similar packages.

For example, there's symlink /etc/alternatives/editor => /usr/bin/vim.basic,

Similarly the Debian packager could add
/etc/alternatives/MTA => /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail

> which shouldn't even incur any network traffic, since you have
> > Is this a difficult task?
> > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> You may be the first person to ever ask for such a thing. That
> doesn't make it difficult, it just makes it not currently a
> feature.

Yeah, I need a weird setting. 


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Dan Ritter
Kevin Shell wrote: 
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:29:54AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > Hello Debian Users.
> > > 
> > > Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> > > to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> > 
> > Why do you need this?
> > 
> For convenience when one evaluating or learning
> between multiple MTAs etc.

You have an unusual use-case. 

> > > Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> > > multiple MTAs at the same time.
> > > There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> > > to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> > 
> > Installing and removing/purging packages has traditionally been very 
> > easy in Debian, 
> removing/purging one MTA & reinstalling another MTA in the above 
> situation is unnecessary and inconvenient.

Don't purge them. Just install each of them in turn. Then the
command to move to the next one is

apt install MTA-NAME

which shouldn't even incur any network traffic, since you have
them all in /var/cache/apt/archives, and will not overwrite any
config files without reason.

(You should probably install etckeeper or a similar mechanism
for keeping track of config files.)

> >such a mechanism would have limited benefits for 
> > significant added complexity.
> > 
> Is this a difficult task?
> Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?

You may be the first person to ever ask for such a thing. That
doesn't make it difficult, it just makes it not currently a


Re: [HS] suite d'opérations arithmétiques en php

2021-02-16 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2021-02-15 19:16:02 +0100, Daniel Caillibaud wrote:
> Le 12/02/21 à 20:11, "ajh-valmer"  a écrit :
> > 
> > Entrer la suite d'opérations :  2+9*5-7
> > echo 2+9*5-7; # code PHP
> > réponse : 2+9*5-7
> > 
> > Par contre, codes à remplacer / ajouter :
> > $opar=$suiteope;
> > echo suiteope. ' = ';
> > print("");
> > echo eval("return $opar ;" );
> Il ne faut JAMAIS faire de eval sur du texte entré par un utilisateur !

Si c'est valide, gros bug de conception de PHP!

Par exemple en Perl:

$ echo 'print "OK\n"' | perl -Te 'eval '
Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch at -e line 1,  
line 1.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread tomas
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 05:48:25PM +0800, Kevin Shell wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:29:54AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > > Hello Debian Users.
> > > 
> > > Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> > > to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> > 
> > Why do you need this?
> > 
> For convenience when one evaluating or learning
> between multiple MTAs etc.

This has been a curious "cultural" experience for me, right now.

As someone deeply immersed in Debian culture (I feel *well* in
there, mind you), my first reaction was also "what for?",
exactly as the other replies in this thread went.

On the other hand, why not?

It is true that it isn't "typical Debian". Debian is deeply
rooted in the tradition of the multi-user operating system:
one sysadmin (which can be a role, or a group of people, but
is tightly coordinated and acts "as one"), and many users,
to whom you want to grant as much freedom as possible, without
giving them the means to compromise the whole system.

Think university environments in the US, some time after
last century's mid-eighties.

Therefore, you'll find apretty advanced alternatives system
for client-y stuff in Debian (editor, MUA, what not) but
not for server-y stuff.

The funny thing is how this perspective can structure an
environment to the point that those whithin don't even "see"
it anymore. This was my "aha" thing, and I thank you all
(esp. Kevin, for setting the initial question).

Kevin: Technically, this wouldn't  be a difficult thing to
do. It's basically packaging, and making sure the different
MTAs don't kill each other over resources (port 25, this
kind of thing).

Actually, where it's needed, it is done: for example, the
PostgreSQL package allows parallel installations of several
server /versions/. Why? Well, in the case of a database,
the data are much more valuable than the software (sometimes
more so than the hardware). Not allowing to gently upgrade
the server version while keeping the data might lead your
users to come to your home at night and kidnap your cat...)

You could have a look at the PostgreSQL packages for some

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kamil Jońca
Georgi Naplatanov  writes:

> On 2/16/21 10:37 AM, Kevin Shell wrote:
>> Hello Debian Users.
>> Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
>> to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
>> Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install 
>> multiple MTAs at the same time.
>> There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
>> to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> Hi Kevin.
> What is the use-case for multiple MTAs, port 25 is only one.

1. But it is possible to have multiple interfaces.
2. You may want one MTA to listen only on MAS (587) port and second on
25 port, for examples.




2021-02-16 Thread Semih Ozlem
Hi everyone,

I am trying to install unetbootin from .bin file and I am getting the
following error message:


root@debian:/media/user/hd/isos# ./unetbootin-linux64-702.bin
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use
QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
No protocol specified
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :0
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even
though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be
initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: wayland, xcb.



Any ideas what to do?

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:13:36AM +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> Hi Kevin.
> What is the use-case for multiple MTAs, port 25 is only one.
I run a VPS, for study purpose to switch between MTAs not having
to remove one to get the other, I want to keep them installed at the
same time. You can stop one and run the other, there's no conflict.

> If you want multiple MTAs then you can use some kind of virtualization
> like Docker for example.


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:29:54AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > Hello Debian Users.
> > 
> > Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> > to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> Why do you need this?

For convenience when one evaluating or learning
between multiple MTAs etc.

> > Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> > multiple MTAs at the same time.
> > There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> > to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> Installing and removing/purging packages has traditionally been very 
> easy in Debian, 

removing/purging one MTA & reinstalling another MTA in the above 
situation is unnecessary and inconvenient.

>such a mechanism would have limited benefits for 
> significant added complexity.
Is this a difficult task?
Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?


Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> Hello Debian Users.
> Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?

Why do you need this?

> Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> multiple MTAs at the same time.
> There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> to allow to choose between alternative MTA.

Installing and removing/purging packages has traditionally been very 
easy in Debian, such a mechanism would have limited benefits for 
significant added complexity.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

awstats, how to see in a browser?

2021-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
Greetings all;

I finally got around to changing awstats.conf to look at the httpd logs 
since the apache2 logs haven't been used in a while, but 2 changes in 
browsers has lost the localhost link to see what it is spitting out.

Does anyone recall the address to send a browser to?


Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: How automatic are backport package updates?

2021-02-16 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 15 feb 21, 08:20:39, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 10:47:41AM -0500, Michael Grant wrote:
> > One comment though, in the 10+ years of running Debian Testing, I have
> > to say that Testing is actually very reliable, way more reliable than
> > it's name implies!
> This can be true for many users.  It can also be catastrophically false
> for a few users.
> > I initially moved to Testing because there were some packages that I
> > needed which were not in Backports and were regularlly maintained in
> > Testing.
> To be fully clear: nothing is "maintained in testing".  That's not how
> testing works at all.  It's a mis-perception on your part.
> There is an automated software system that will copy a package from sid
> into testing when certain conditions are met.  Those conditions include:
>  1) There isn't a (hard) freeze on testing currently.
>  2) The package in unstable has no release-critical bugs.

That is, the package in unstable doesn't introduce *new* RC bugs. It 
will migrate if it still has the same RC bugs as the version in testing.

>  3) The package's dependencies are all met in testing.
>  4) The package has been in unstable for N days (the value of N varies
> based on the importance of the package and other factors).
> In the case of your package, what probably happened is the Debian
> developer who maintains that package was actively working on it, so
> it received regular uploads to unstable (sid).  Then, because the
> package's dependencies were already satisfied in testing, and likely
> did not change during the uploads to sid, the package was free to
> "trickle down" to testing N days after the upload, consistently.
> This will not always be the case.  What happens frequently in testing is
> that a gargantuan package suite (like GNOME or other desktop environment)
> will be held up by one bug, and will be stuck that way for months or
> years, even if there are uploads being made to sid.  No new versions will
> trickle down to testing until that one bug is resolved, and then suddenly
> the whole thing comes gushing down all at once.

Security fixes will also get stuck if a dependency is not ready to 

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Georgi Naplatanov
On 2/16/21 10:37 AM, Kevin Shell wrote:
> Hello Debian Users.
> Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install 
> multiple MTAs at the same time.
> There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> to allow to choose between alternative MTA.

Hi Kevin.

What is the use-case for multiple MTAs, port 25 is only one.

If you want multiple MTAs then you can use some kind of virtualization
like Docker for example.

Kind regards

Re: Serifed, variable-pitch font.

2021-02-16 Thread tomas
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 07:50:13PM -0800, wrote:
> What serifed, variable-pitch font is available to Firefox and most 
> contemporary browsers?  I want to specify a font-family in inline 
> styling.  Preferably to work in MacOS and MS Windows as well as Linux.

If all you want is a serif font and care to be portable, your best
choice will be to specify a generic "serif", like so:

  font-family: serif

You can be more specific, though. People will tell you things like
brand recognition and all that. If you have no strong reason, the
above is the friendliest, because it'll leave the rest up to the
user's preferences.

The gory details are well explained here [1].

And oh, if you end up referencing a web font out there, consider
using a free one and hosting it yourself. If you refer to one
"out there" (perhaps --GASP!-- the google), think about how you
are selling your user's data for nothing in return (to them!).



 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Resum del fil «Algú vol col·laborar en aquest projecte?»

2021-02-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
El 16/2/21 a les 7:53, Àlex ha escrit:
> Gràcies Àlex, Ernest, Leo i tothom


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Debian switchable MTA mechanism

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin Shell
Hello Debian Users.

Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?

Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install 
multiple MTAs at the same time.
There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
to allow to choose between alternative MTA.


Re: Google Summer of Code - Política

2021-02-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
Imagino que empreses com Google troben així:
- Desenvolupament de programari que els sigui útil, sense haver de
dependre de patents d'altres empreses
- Planter de desenvolupadors per a l'empresa
- Planter d'idees per als seus projectes
- Simpaties a la comunitat tècnica i estudiantil

Google aposta per un nou liberalisme de la propietat intel·lectual:
Aprofiten el Copyleft per a unes finalitats que no són la
«privatització» de les eines, sinó l'explotació de les dades.

És com que l'invent guitarra deixa de ser privatiu (doncs com més
guitarristes més música) per a passar a explotar la música que produeix.

A les valls de California el neoliberalisme ha donat un pas fona/mental:
Allò que s'explota és la persona (la seva vida) i no els instruments
a-GAFA'M fort.

Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 15/2/21 a les 10:27, Joan Albert ha escrit:
> Bones companys i companyes,
> La setmana passada vaig rebre un correu de Debian (no recordo ja quina
> llista era) explicant el Google Summer of Code d'aquest any[1].
> Personalment, no coneixia aquesta iniciativa, i no sé si seré l'únic a
> qui li incomoda. Uns dels principals motius pels que vaig triar Debian
> com a distribució és el fet de ser independent d'organitzacions i
> centrat en la comunitat (en contrast amb Ubuntu, per exemple) i del seu
> ús estricte de software lliure per defecte. Sent totalment parcial
> respecte les empreseses GAFAM (ja no utilitzo pràcticament cap servei 
> d'elles),
> desconfio de la bona voluntat que hi pugui haver en aquest SOC.
> Òbviament, Google podria organitzar-lo lliurement, però per què s'ha
> d'enfatitzar oficialment des de la web de Debian i els seus canals?
> Hi ha hagut mai una discussió al respecte?
> Segurament ja hi ha hagut aquest debat en algun moment, simplement
> m'agradaria que algú pogués donar una mica de context sobre ell.
> Moltes gràcies,
> [1] 


2021-02-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 13/2/21 a les 16:35, fadelkon ha escrit:
> El 13 de febrer de 2021 9:45:28 CET, "Xavi - eBústia"
>  ha escrit:
> Hola,
> programant scripts d'ús quotidià (bash i sh) sempre acabo generant
> un fitxer de text de sortida o per pantalla per fer el debug.
> Coneixeu alguna eina gràfica senzilla que faciliti aquesta tasca?
> Moltes gràcies
> Xavi
> Hola!
> Jo combino algunes opcions de bash que el fan més robust [1] amb el
> shellcheck [2] a vim (depèn de syntastic [3]), que t'avisa de perills o
> errors abans d'executar l'script. No conec eines gràfiques equivalents,
> però potser shellcheck té més integracions.
> La veritat és que fan els scripts més previsibles :)
> Salut!
> fdk

Tenia el shellcheck anotat en algun lloc per a utilitzar-lo algun dia.
Gràcies a què l'has esmentat m'hi he posat, i m'està ajudant a millorar
codi, tant en POSIX com en compatibilitat com en optimització.

He volgut provar el ddd però es queixa de manca del fitxer (problema d'empaquetat?)

Re: Serifed, variable-pitch font.

2021-02-16 Thread Darac Marjal
On 16/02/2021 03:50, wrote:
> What serifed, variable-pitch font is available to Firefox and most 
> contemporary browsers?  I want to specify a font-family in inline 
> styling.  Preferably to work in MacOS and MS Windows as well as Linux.

Not a definitive list, but running "fc-list | grep -i Serif" should get
you part of the way (Aside: fc-list is supposed to have a filter
language of its own, but examples are few and far between on the web, so
I couldn't work out how to do "has serifs AND is variable pitch").

If, by the phrase "most contemporary browsers" you're implying that
you're writing a web page and want to know what fonts other people might
have, then it's worth looking at the W3C's recommendations for Web Safe
Fonts .

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

NUMA nvidia -persiste

2021-02-16 Thread Charles Virot
I got 5 related errors in my log :

device :01:00.0 - failed to online memory.
device :01:00.0 - NUMA: Failed to get device file descriptor
NUMA: Failed to get device file
NUMA: Failed to get device minor number
NUMA: Failed to extract device minor number from

I'm on Buster with a laptop Dell Lattitude E6400.
Can you help me please ?

Thanks for your help !